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Name: 20220211_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2022
2510 lines.

The speaker discusses Joe Biden's statement regarding Ukraine and Russia, believing that the U.S. is provoking a conflict and expressing concern about a potential world war situation. He also highlights ongoing protests against COVID-19 restrictions and mandates, emphasizing the importance of solidarity among citizens and calling out Satan's minions for manipulation and harm towards children.

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You can officially mark your calendars as February 11, 2022, as the date that the COVID biomedical power grab, Great Reset Tyranny, officially collapsed.
Now, they're still going to try to enforce and implement it, but if you had to pick a point to which the House of Cards began falling, really from day one, they launched it two plus years ago, Because their own documents, their own arrogance, and a lot of good scientists and researchers that weren't going to let them get away with it.
So the house of cards, right at the time they launched this lie, began to wobble and collapse, but it's been in slow motion free fall since then.
But now it is a pile of cards on the table.
Now it's up to us to prosecute the criminals that have carried out this psychological warfare operation and this biological warfare operation to bring in their world government transhumanist revolution.
Now, they haven't given up.
In fact, now the footage we've got today is so staggering and there's so many clips.
I woke up at 3 a.m.
in the morning and went to my desk computer and just did research and I sent these clips to the crew.
We're going to be playing them.
At least some of them are so many.
And they're like, it's horrible.
They're triggering a rebellion worldwide and our system is coming down and they're not listening to us.
And this is a real revolution.
We've got to silence them.
And then they have the deputy DHS head come out and say that we need to physically attack the truckers.
Slash the tires, arrest the drivers.
Harvard professor, CNN analyst, and former deputy head of Homeland Security calls for violence against Freedom Convoy.
As if this woman knows how to even screw in a light bulb, much less you want to start killing people, lady.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid.
I just want to say they gave me Regeneron.
We have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready.
And if you're in the hospital and you're feeling really bad, we're going to work it so that you get them and you're going to get them free.
And especially if you're a senior, we're gonna get...
[Cat meows]
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Is there no one who can tell them don't do this?
So the cause of death is officially the COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.
Myocarditis is how I ruled it.
And then the manner of death was ruled as natural.
So the vaccine caused that, caused the heart to go into failure, caused an infection in the heart.
So it makes it, means that it's just of a natural cause.
But if it wasn't for the vaccine, he wouldn't have, you know, he wouldn't, more than likely wouldn't be passed away right now.
Pfizer quietly released an email to their shareholders warning them of bad clinical trial news coming out that they believe is going to hurt the forced injection program.
Now, we already knew they suppressed the bad clinical data, which is a huge felony crime.
We have the whistleblowers, the documents.
We already know that the British Medical Journal four months ago came out and said, this is one of the greatest crimes ever.
You will discredit vaccines for generations.
You need to pull it.
But did you ever see that on the news?
You try to share that on Instagram or Twitter, your ass is banned.
Think of the people that work at Twitter and Facebook committing those crimes to black that out.
That's why you see all these folks abandoning ship over there at Facebook, and they should be.
Because if you stay part of this now, folks, you are definitely guilty.
Maybe you didn't know before if you were an executive at Facebook or Twitter.
You do now.
People over at Google, and they're just doubling down with the cover-ups, but not Pfizer,
because in their corporate religion of evil, they've gotta tell the owners what's really happening.
So they just made their 90 plus billion dollars the last year of nightmare-force medical tyranny,
and now they release, you can read the whole thing on InfoWars.com, that's hard news,
directly to their shareholders saying, quote, "Pfizer quietly adds language warning
"that unfavorable preclinical or clinical or safety data may impact business.
Oh, you mean because for the last year you've been trying to suppress since day one the clinical data in the UK going back 18 months ago and the clinical data here going back 13 months ago and there's all these hundreds of lawsuits in two different federal courts and then the appellate court have ordered them to release the documents and they said no!
And the court said release 500 pages.
The 500 pages were the first couple weeks in the U.S.
A couple thousand deaths directly confirmed, not in VAERS, by the doctors, by Pfizer.
Tens of thousands of miscarriages, tens of thousands of heart attacks.
So the CDC knew In October of 2020, months before anybody got injected in the U.S., that it's going to cause blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, because the top virologist and the top epidemiologist and the top vaccine experts in the world said, we've tried the spike protein before in rat studies and guinea pig studies and mice studies and primate studies, and it kills the majority of them with blood clots and heart attacks and cancer very quickly.
Now, humans are tough.
We can take on a lot more poison than most animals.
That's the little secret about us, is we're pretty badass.
But we are being hit and hit incredibly hard, ladies and gentlemen.
And they all think it's funny.
These psycho, death cult murderers.
I mean, there's a reason the New Zealand Prime Minister looks like a psychotic vampire.
She's a Davos graduate and literally wants humanity population she admits publicly.
So she wants you to die, but she wants you to live, take this shot.
Well, when someone like Bill Gates tells you he wants to depopulate the planet,
and when she says she wants to depopulate the planet, and attends those events, and now she wants to lock you
down and put something in your body, folks, it ain't 2+2, it just is.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
I'm sick.
Just let me sick.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouted into telephones of men with guns.
It will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutton.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submissiveness.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who would it be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can officially mark your calendars as February 11, 2022,
as the date that the COVID biomedical power grab, Great Reset Tyranny, officially collapsed.
Now, they're still going to try to enforce and implement it, but if you had to pick a point to which the House of Cards began falling, really from day one, they launched it two plus years ago, Because their own documents, their own arrogance, and a lot of good scientists and researchers that weren't going to let them get away with it.
So the house of cards, right at the time they launched this lie, began to wobble and collapse, but it's been in slow motion free fall since then.
But now it is a pile of cards on the table.
Now it's up to us to prosecute the criminals that have carried out this psychological warfare operation and this biological warfare operation to bring in their world government transhumanist revolution.
Now, they haven't given up.
In fact, now the footage we've got today is so staggering and there's so many clips.
I woke up at 3 a.m.
in the morning and went to my desk computer and just did research and I sent these clips to the crew.
We're going to be playing them.
At least some of them are so many.
And they're like, it's horrible.
They're triggering a rebellion worldwide and our system is coming down and they're not listening to us.
And this is a real revolution.
We've got to silence them.
And then they have the deputy DHS head come out and say that we need to physically attack the truckers.
Slash the tires, arrest the drivers, Harvard professor, CNN analyst, and former deputy head of Homeland Security calls for violence against Freedom Convoy.
As if this woman knows how to even screw in a light bulb, much less you want to start killing people, lady.
This is just the desperate, out of control, behavioral psychologist system That thinks it owns us, and has just terrorized the living hell out of everybody for two years, and they've now admitted, oh hey, this is going to be permanent.
And people are like, no, we don't want this.
And her answer is, you need to go to prison, you're a terrorist.
And I've got it on CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, even Fox has guests on.
Saying people protesting are terrorists.
They need to all be arrested.
They're all evil.
They're all racist.
They're all, and none of it is true.
And then I've got this clip coming up next segment.
CNN is panicking that failing to crush the Ottawa convoy for freedom will spark a worldwide rebellion of angry people with industrial machinery.
Well, that's the thing, sweetheart.
For those of you that don't know about war, that think you just want to take our guns
so we won't ever physically overthrow you, sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart.
With a hammer, I can get all the guns I ever want.
With a car, I can get all the guns I ever want.
What matters is knowing how to use one.
And with a can of gasoline, I can burn down five large buildings with you inside of it.
But you see, here's the thing, sweetheart.
I'm not gonna be dumping chlorine gas down the air conditioning chutes in trendy liberal areas.
It's you people that have engaged in the terrorism.
It's you people that have devalued the currency, butchered the borders, tried to sexualize our children, and done all of this bombardment with big pharma against us, and the fentanyl being shipped in, and the demoralization.
You have been at war with us on record.
And then you try to project onto people That we're violent when you're the ones fantasizing.
The Biden administration, by the way, came out, I've got the article and said, Trudeau needs to use federal force to crack down on his insurrection.
Children jumping on bouncy houses for day 11 now, or is it day 12?
Crime rate almost zero now in Ottawa.
Think about that.
And they're calling it insurrectionist, terrorist, guilty of treason.
That is the statements everywhere.
But of course, it's the ruling corrupt establishment that stole the world through Ponzi schemes that would make Bernie Madoff blush.
And then they wanted to soften us up And feminized men and all the rest of it so that we would not resist their takeover.
And now they're surprised that people understand they want violence, understand they think they can beat us if they trick us into violence.
And so we're not being violent.
We're politically, culturally, peacefully, with very light civil disobedience.
Blocking bridges is light stuff.
And that's what Martin Luther King would do.
Mahatma Gandhi would do.
And you're going to try to call that violent, and you're going to try to claim the supply chain's breaking down, not because of the two years of lockdowns in the third world, where we get our supplies from mainly, but because of a couple weeks of truckers saying, hey, you attacked us with a blockade.
We're going to hit you right back with a damn blockade to show you we got the power.
Because you want to make us put in our bodies what you want, or we can't travel or have a job.
And that's really the big news here, folks.
I cannot express enough to you how incredible this moment is, but the enemy will strike back.
We'll talk about that in the next hour.
I don't know about the positive things today here.
All across the world, from Asia to the Middle East, to Africa, to Europe, Russia, North America, Central America, South America, everywhere, except the usual suspects, God bless them, Are totally removing the restrictions, because they know it built a crescendo, a crest of resistance in law enforcement, in the military, in the bureaucracy, in the systems, in the courts, everywhere to say no, because the average person now realizes this is destroying their own future.
Going along with this, even if you work with the system, and even if you're a bad person, you don't want to live in a dystopia, do you?
People now know the new world order stinks.
So we have dramatic footage of little elementary students, little first graders celebrating when they're finally released as little prisoners from the mask.
I'll explain Stockholm Syndrome and why it's so serious.
I can get into all this, but Israel to scrap COVID Greenpass.
Just scrapping it.
They're all scrapping everything.
Now they're going to try to bring it back later, but this beta test failed so far.
In phase one.
Problem is it's a soft kill weapon.
Wait till that comes out.
Is that eerie, powerful, transcendent sound.
Transcendent sound.
Now being heard in globalist controlled capitals around the world.
As truckers and farmers and average citizens converge.
We say we have solidarity with each other.
We know about the Great Reset.
We know about Build Back Better.
We know you're bankrupting us to put us under your control.
We know about Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
And all over the world Not just the restrictions are being taken off, but more and more top scientists, more and more government insiders, more and more whistleblowers, literally hundreds a day, I can't even keep track of it, are coming out saying we were all lied to, it's a fraud, the government suppressed treatments, Big Pharma has bought off the media, this is a criminal takeover.
And then, all over the United States and Europe, children are being told they don't have to wear the horrible little mask anymore.
Here's amazing footage.
You don't have to wear masks anymore!
And the teacher says, you don't have to wear masks anymore.
And it goes on and on, the celebration.
Poor little humans.
Breathing in up to 30% less oxygen.
Destroying their developmental systems.
Causing brain damage.
Lowering IQs.
Starting tomorrow, we don't have to wear masks anymore!
Starting tomorrow.
But again, you know it's wrong.
You know it's evil.
You know it doesn't protect them.
But why are you even celebrating, as a teacher, that you went along with this so long?
This is in Las Vegas.
These children have just been abused by psychological warfare, behavioral psychologists, the greatest human experiment ever, total Nuremberg violation, and they're, yay, after years of this, finally we're not going to have to do it anymore.
It should be, how did we ever get here?
This should never happen again.
But they know how we act.
They know we'll just brush ourselves off for being run over and hobble on down the road, but we can't.
We must bring to justice legally and lawfully The criminal justice system and every other legal means necessary.
The globalists that carry the shadow their fingerprints aren't just on it. They're on record running the entire
attack Starting tomorrow we don't have to wear masks anymore
*Screaming* Is anybody excited?
*Screaming* (screams)
The biomedical tyranny trying to turn our little darlings into mentally ill hypochondriacs while injecting them with And trying to fill them full of deadly poisons that are made out of the HIV virus that attack every organ in the body and turn off your white blood cells so you get cancer and every other disease and die.
Oh, and that's the bad news.
I have a stack of mainstream news here admitting record heart attacks, blood clots, myocarditis, and of course cancer, and of course deaths, and It doesn't matter.
Suddenly the Smithsonian and science and physician's world are saying it's incredible news!
What's in the Pfizer and Moderna shot, the graphene oxide, creates a perfect biomedical sensor and now they're going to be able to read everybody.
They say with machines it's a byproduct of what you took.
You're tracked now!
Oh, it's in the news!
Yeah, they just announced, oh, by the way, we've now put circuitry into you.
Just a couple molecules thick.
A couple atoms thick, actually.
And it's mainstream news.
Graphene biosensor will drive new innovations in brain-controlled robots.
Oh, and it's the exact type of graphene oxide that's been injected into you and it's just a funny byproduct now that people that have had the shot can now have certain new types of medical diagnostics.
And those that don't will just inject you with it and now you can.
Oh, and they're coming out.
I forgot to cover the session.
It was in the stack.
Reprint it for me, guys, gals.
Oh, they just found out.
That they've got a new MRNA shot coming out to stop myocarditis and heart damage.
Oh, you take another shot because of the new epidemic of heart problems, including in young people?
Well, now they've got a shot for that.
Oh, and it's Pfizer.
Just so happens to have it ready.
Man, that's just really interesting, isn't it?
We're not supposed to put two and two together here.
Like Bill Gates running a giant global project to spray aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and other deadly isotopes in the air, which now has poisoned most of the soils, and they have now GMO plants that he owns and Monsanto owns that are coming to market that will grow in aluminum dioxide and barium salt?
Isn't that just sweet?
Thank goodness for Bill Gates.
He's such a nice, nice, nice, nice man.
Yeah, there's the Columbus Dispatch.
Oh, the technology used in mRNA could offer vaccines for people with heart problems.
That's just so sweet.
All right.
Let me do this.
Let me, let me break down why this is such a big victory.
They always intended to back off at a certain point to drive and drive and drive and drive and drive and drive.
But they thought they would get basically the whole world to adopt.
The vaccine passport system, the Davos Group ran ads last year saying that China developed it and we're adopting it worldwide and you will buy and sell with it and when you purchase airline tickets it'll deduct it off of your vaccine passport.
Most of you notice on your Droid or iPhone or other smart device that you go in your apps now and it's just on there that you've got your digital pass software.
But they intended to get it fully in place in their own words and they thought that a lot more people would just submit and they thought when they censored folks that everybody else would just self-censor because they would want to be criticized or knocked off social media.
But instead people just stopped caring and went out and built their own systems and went out and migrated to new systems.
We're in a real fight with evil.
I mean, they thought they would have had us.
They hit the panic button.
As you know, two years ago, the Financial Times said, two plus years ago, about 26 months ago, they said our New World Order is over.
All over the world, populace are taking over.
They're aware of us.
They know how we're operating because they just write the stuff on the paper like we're animals and can't read it.
And barring a giant war or maybe a deadly virus or some huge event to bring the earth together, our New World Order is dead.
Our project's dead.
And I told you back in 2019, I said, folks, they're going to launch a virus.
They're going to launch a war.
They're going to launch cyber attacks.
They're going to launch financial collapses.
I don't know which one they're going to do or if they'll do some or all, but I've read all their white papers, at least all the ones I get my hands on, and they've signaled they're doing this.
And they did it.
And now we are two plus years into their attack.
And they are ceasing their attack and retreating right now because they know they overdid it.
This is a big, big moment.
Now, the problem is the soft kill.
But I'm going to explain how that's an even bigger problem for them now.
Wait till I break this down.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this February 11, 2022 broadcast.
All over the world, the biomedical worldwide tyranny of the COVID power grab is collapsing.
The corporate global governance assault is falling apart.
But in the former penal colony of Australia, And the globalist-controlled system of Canada, and of course the birthplace of Hitler, the beautiful nation of Austria, all with their authoritarian past, are launching full-scale tyranny.
Please put the Bloomberg headline on screen.
The province of Ontario has declared martial law.
Ontario declares state of emergency over blocked US bridge Says $100,000 fine and prison sentences if you protest.
And of course they're going to try to expand that into other areas.
That is the terrorism of the globalists.
That's like Tiananmen Square.
We're going to attack you, we're going to arrest you if you try to blockade things.
But when they blockade everybody, You know, the worst part about the 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
You know what happens.
And that's what Biden is in the news telling Trudeau yesterday to do.
To quote, use federal force to crush your insurrection because you don't want to be made to take experimental shots.
You don't want to be made to make your kids wear a mask.
You don't want to be made to stay in your house when they say.
You don't want to be tracked by a phone app by Big Brother.
You're a bad person.
And that dovetails with the former deputy head of Homeland Security coming out on CNN and saying, slash the tires, also on Twitter.
But you got to love this quote because it's oxymoronic.
Slash the tires, arrest the drivers.
Harvard professor and CNN analyst calls for violence against Freedom Convoy.
But if you slash the tires, Then you can't move the trucks.
But she doesn't seem to understand that.
Harvard, she's just a Harvard professor, CNN analyst, former Obama administration Undersecretary of Homeland Security, Juliette Kayyem, has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have a mast on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.
The Ambassador Bridge links 28% of annual trade movement between the U.S.
and Canada, she tweeted.
Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers and move the trucks.
And in that order.
The convoy protest applauded by right-wing media as a freedom protest is an economic and security issue now.
The Ambassador Bridge Link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between the U.S.
and Canada.
Slash the tires, empty the gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks.
No, it would be arrest the drivers, move the trucks.
That doesn't sound violent enough to you, because you don't know anything about violence.
You just know how to run your ugly piehole.
Don't you, sweetheart?
Flash the tires.
Empty the gas tanks.
And arrest the drivers.
Look at that woman!
Every one of them looks like some demon out of a freak show, like if Rob Zombie was gonna make a new House of a Thousand Corpses, he wouldn't need any makeup, he wouldn't need anything!
He'd just hire the cast of CNN!
Her, and Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates, and all of them!
And you ask, why are there- why- oh my God, look at her!
These are real photos that she puts out about herself!
Because she's in charge.
She'll do whatever she's told.
She's Homeland Security.
Slash the tires.
Empty the gas tanks.
Arrest the drivers and then move the trucks.
How about get an inflatable raft when your ship's sinking and then stab holes in it so you sink.
I mean, it's just moronic, but they want a war.
They want to burn down the police stations, and then when a few hundred people get waved into the Capitol on January 6th, they call it worse than 9-11!
As bad as Pearl Harbor!
You go, that doesn't make sense, it's asinine.
That's their whole point, is their confidence.
They're in charge, they've stolen control, they've got election fraud, they believe they're invincible, they're in their own cocoons at Yale, and Harvard, and all the rest of it, and they don't know the whole world's turned against them.
But they're starting to figure it out.
Let's play this absolutely insane headline here.
This is protesters want all COVID measures mandates lifted.
And listen how unaware they are, how they have no self-awareness of how they're talking about people.
And it's terrible and it's spreading.
And they're not doing what we say.
And the minute people push back, they go, oh, all the restrictions are off.
All the restrictions are off.
All the restrictions are off.
Because these aren't even soldiers, folks.
Soldiers in old-fashioned systems that would take over that were authoritarian just wanted the land and the power and the women and they usually wanted to make things better.
Though there'd be problems.
This isn't some dictatorship that just wants to be in charge of a big prosperous system.
They want to mess with everybody and make everybody as miserable as they are.
But when Black Lives Matter loots CNN, there was almost no coverage.
When Democrats storm capitals and attack people, that's okay.
When they storm CNN, they storm the Capitol of Lies.
They know who the enemies are.
I'm not saying storm CNN.
They've already destroyed themselves.
Don't interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves.
So here's part of the CNN analyst up there with this weird Atlantic accent.
Oh my gosh, Buffy, what are we going to do?
I don't know.
It sounds like they're not doing what we say.
We call them names and it doesn't work anymore.
We have no one watching us.
There's thousands of us that work here, but no one tunes in!
What do we do?
Just arrest everyone and make them stay in their houses to watch us!
Here it is.
So we think Canadians generally, and maybe the international community as well, is looking at this and we're just scratching our heads and wondering why we really haven't had a more fast solution.
Because in failing to act, quite frankly, I think this movement has spread within Canada and also now might be spreading internationally.
Yeah, and we want to talk about that, because the longer they stay, the more they do inspire others across the globe.
We know that there have been similar demonstrations in New Zealand and across Europe, tapping into the anti-vaccine sentiment, pandemic fatigue, and also inciting this civil disobedience.
And now the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security says trucker convoys like these could soon disrupt the Super Bowl in the United States.
Oh no!
And of course the State of the Union and other big events.
How bad do you think this could get and how do you stop this?
Well, honestly, I never expected it to get really to this point.
I mean, I was well aware of who was organizing this event, but if you had told me this would spark off a worldwide rebellion of angry people with industrial machinery, I would not have believed that three weeks.
Well, thank God we all know about the bill that passed last year for kill switches in all the vehicles to control us.
Folks, it's a technocracy.
It's a total takeover.
And these women work at the collapsing CNN, but they believe if it's got the big old name, it must be what's powerful.
Doesn't have viewers.
Doesn't have respect.
Most untrusted name in media.
And now you see the Z team.
You now see the bottom of the barrel who they're throwing up there.
To lie to everybody, and to just sit there and try to gaslight people.
I mean, can you imagine the 100,000 people that watch the average show on CNN tuning into this?
You put us under siege.
You enslaved us.
Now, I didn't get to the main point this segment, I will, about the soft kill, and why the globalists have really got a big problem on their hands.
You see, they needed to be able to have a total takeover by now, censor everybody, clamp down, and have new lockdowns in.
So that in the future, when everybody starts dying, which is already happening, they can cover it up.
Instead, they've lost control of the whole narrative, and people now know what they've done.
So as the deaths mount, it's inevitable, the globalists will pay.
So this is a big, big, big deal, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Friday broadcast.
And I said last Saturday, I wasn't coming to a Saturday show, but I had a family issue come up.
We're going to be here for three hours tomorrow from 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
is when we're going to do the show.
And I think I'm going to do tape to air, though.
Or I may do part of it tape, part of it live, take calls and watch what's happening in Canada.
We've got some big guests on the Russia situation and some of those big developments.
Biden just came out and said this is a war.
This is a world war.
He says we're in a war, a world war.
And it's a war against the people.
But now reading the emergency declaration, In Ontario, and Ontario is the province that the capital Ottawa is in, they are saying $100,000 Canadian dollars, penalties include fines up to $100,000 and a year in jail.
And they're saying that's for the Ambassador Bridge, but it could also apply To the Capitol.
The Ontario Premier called the situation a pivotal moment for our nation, with the eyes of the world, now watching Canadian leaders.
And all the tyrants everywhere need aid and comfort.
And so you've got one brother that was the leader in one of those areas, who was the famous crackhead.
And now you've got the other brother that is making this martial law announcement.
So we're going to be playing both those clips coming up at the start of the next hour, and we're going to open the phones up today.
I'm going to go ahead and just cancel the guests we've got.
They're great guests.
We're going to move the guests aside, and we're going to take calls in the second and third hour into the fourth hour today, and then Jay Dyer is going to be joining us.
And I want to talk first, when we open the phones up for the first round of callers, to truckers in Canada and people there on the bridge or people there at the Capitol.
And obviously we'll leave the lines open for Australians and folks in France and Belgium
and people in New Zealand.
It's the truckers leading the fight here, who during the whole COVID lockdown still
kept driving, had to stay in their trucks, couldn't use the bathroom, you know, literally
couldn't go inside facilities and had to go through all this hellish stuff.
And now they got to take shots to be able to have their job.
And it's always more, more, more.
You got to take more and more shots.
You've got to comply more, more, more.
So this really is martial law that they have declared.
And they're saying that, you know, Black Lives Matter, blocking roads or burning buildings
That's mostly peaceful.
But when you are peaceful, well, now you're bad because they're the ones that lock people down.
You don't lock the globalists down.
You don't show them your power.
You're supposed to do what the establishment says.
This is such a big deal.
Ontario declares state of emergency over blockade of U.S.
That's a good question.
Here it is.
So let me be as clear as I can.
There will be consequences for these actions.
And they will be severe.
We've already started by going after the money funding the illegal occupation.
Yesterday, an Ontario court granted our request to freeze the funds from Give Send Go for the convoy.
The OPP has also provided additional resources to Ottawa Police Services and Windsor Police Services to satisfy their recent requests for operational support.
And more needs to be done.
We're strengthening the tools and the powers of our police forces to resolve this situation and restore order.
Let me be clear.
The government does not direct our police forces.
But we do set the laws.
Today, I'm using my authority as Premier of Ontario to declare a state of emergency in our province.
And I will convene Cabinet to use legal authorities to urgently enact orders that will make crystal clear it is illegal and punishable to block and impede the movement of goods, people, and services along critical infrastructure.
Stop it.
Back it up ten seconds.
So does his civil emergency, his martial law, does that affect when they locked everybody down for two years or still arrest preachers at their churches, but the topless bars in Walmart are open?
No, no, no.
That doesn't apply when you're running a blockade on us.
And now you want to put something in their body and track everywhere they go, Doug Ford, you and your drug addict crackhead brother, former mayor of Toronto.
These are horrible scumbags.
These are the Hitlers of our day.
Look at this guy.
Here's the crackhead brother.
That's the type of trash the New World Order puts in charge.
Oh, your brother's a crackhead monster?
He'll be the mayor.
You'll be the governor.
And that's who these people are.
They'll do whatever Klaus Schwab says.
What Klaus Schwab brags, he owns Trudeau, and he owns Ford, and he owns them all.
Are you hearing this?
But you're all going to be locked up forever anyways if you don't say no.
You can't live on your knees, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's continue with this monster.
That will make crystal clear it is illegal and punishable to block and impede the movement of goods, people, and services along critical infrastructure.
Pause again.
If you understand that UN admitted, it was accurate numbers, we looked it up.
I'm just trusting them.
Within six months of the lockdown, a year and a half ago, an extra 287 million people went from near starvation
to endangered of starvation, in starvation mode.
An extra 40 million, and those are old numbers now, it was 25 million the first year.
That's made it 40 extra million people starved to death in the last two years.
40 million dead people.
You murdered them, Doug Ford.
Just as sure as your crackhead brother murdered himself.
And this is the type of scum the establishment puts in charge.
Because when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
And you wear your mask, all you virtue signaling people that you're good and you're great and you're following this plan to collapse society.
It's beyond shame on you.
You people are a curse on humanity.
protecting international border crossings, 400 series highways, airports, ports, bridges,
and railways. It will also include protecting the safe and essential movement of ambulatory
and medical services.
They're pausing public transit. That's key because they're going to say any roads blocked
even around the capital are blocking ambulances and so you're going to get thrown in jail.
So we've now moved to the Tiananmen Square mode of this where jail time, physical attack,
all of it. They're doing it and it's an example to the world, yes, like China was in 1989.
Mr. Ford.
Or should I say, Herr Fuhrer.
Tyranny's here, it's biomedical, it's how the New World Order said they'd do it in Operation Lockstep, and it's here.
We've got so much next hour.
I'm going to get to more of this.
A lot of big, fast-moving developments.
Of course, the War Room today, oh, it'll be covering this until 6 p.m.
But we'll stay up here tonight if they start attacking folks.
But that's what we were told by our law enforcement sources and military sources and guests we had on on Tuesday, was that by Friday, they were going to declare an emergency, if you remember.
and they were going to start moving in, they'll probably attack them
in the early morning hours, I would say, of Saturday evening, Sunday morning.
If I had to guess the tactics. They'll provocateur some as well.
I imagine they'll car bomb, a small car bomb, knowing the Canadians, they won't
blow up a daycare center and blame it on people.
That's a little too much for their cops, but they'll... the real amount of police are going to detonate a car bomb or something and say they did it.
Yeah, that's coming next.
So, of course, they may not do it because I just said what I would do if I was there.
I mean, I'm in their heads.
It's what I do.
It's what I do here.
That's not from a source.
That's just how they always operate before they launch a major operation.
It's a false flag.
That's what bad guys do.
OK, we're going to go to break.
Please don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, that I did not get in the last two sessions what I said I would, the key to the soft kill, and the key of why they're in so much trouble and why they can't give up now, and why things are going to get so crazy.
That's coming up.
Your call's also next hour.
I'll give the number out when we come back.
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Martial law has been declared in Ontario.
That is the province where the capital is.
The riot police and terrorists will be moving in soon against the men, women, and children.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the new world order.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Neil Young is a tool of the cult of the left.
What kind of an ass*** writes a song called Keep On Rockin' in the free world and proceeds to become the loathsome antithesis of the song?
Comfortably numb is uncomfortably dumb and Neil Young's the poster child for that.
I mean, rockin' in the free world but he wants to censor people?
Hey, Neil!
Choose one!
You can't do both, ya dirtbag!
But there is more to Neil Young's sociopathic behavior deeming Joe Rogan's exploration of COVID vaccine truth as misinformation than meets the eye.
This is about political warfare and information warfare, full stop, and all of this chatter That many have have bought into that this is about culture wars or it's about vaccines.
No, it's not.
It's about power and money.
You know, it's about Spotify's market cap dropping.
So fascinating point is that the major owner of Spotify, the top owner of Spotify, is also the top owner of Moderna.
Richer and more powerful than ever, underpinned by its influence networks, the pharmaceutical industry stands unchallenged in its ability to dictate government health policies.
Neil Young sold 50% of his publishing to Hypnosis Songs Fund, worth a reported $150 million.
Hypnosis merged with Blackstone, an investment management fund with $600 billion in assets.
Blackstone is taking a big gamble on RNA technology and life sciences, rivaling Pfizer and Moderna.
In a word, Neil Young is a sellout, who is now imploring the employees at Spotify to quit
over Joe Rogan's successful platform combating New World Order propaganda.
In a blog post, he calls out the CEO saying, quote, to the workers at Spotify, I say, Daniel Eck is your big problem, not Joe Rogan.
Eck pulls the strings.
Get out of that place before it eats up your soul.
A self-serving ploy that ultimately satiates Young's legendary massive ego.
Well, I admit I'm out of ideas for what to do about Joe Rogan.
But Young is merely a pawn for a Goliath woke industrial complex.
He is what I call the king of the woke industrial complex.
As you said, he is the CEO of the world's largest asset manager.
And what they do is they cause companies to bend the knee to woke orthodoxy because BlackRock says that we won't invest in your company unless you abide by these progressive standards.
Or we'll dock the pay of a CEO or fire a CEO who refuses to bend the knee to woke orthodoxy.
But here's the rub, Tucker.
It is not their money.
That $10 trillion doesn't belong to BlackRock.
Say what you will about George Soros, at least it's his money.
In this case, it is money that belongs to you, to everyday Americans in this country whose blood would boil if they actually knew the way their own money was being used to force a progressive social orthodoxy back David Crosby once described Neil Young as probably the most self-centered, self-obsessed, selfish person I know.
that everyday Americans wake up to learning how their own money is being used as a weapon
to advance values that they would find repugnant if they actually knew what was going on.
David Crosby once described Neil Young as probably the most self-centered, self-obsessed,
selfish person I know. And as more boomer rock stars sell out to the New World Order,
will any of them actually take the time to listen to the crucial, documented, urgent warnings from
experts before they decide to dismiss this information as misinformation?
But the fact that Fauci was one of the leading scientists when it comes to AIDS, the links between this HIV 19, this sub-19 sequence, This 19 length sequence of RNA in that virus, in coronavirus, matches a patent that Moderna has since 2018 for a HIV vaccine.
That just can't be a coincidence.
It's impossible.
Like, it's scientifically impossible.
And it's not a coincidence that he ran the program of gain-of-function, that he lied about it, and he's a depopulationist.
I mean, he's caught red-handed.
This is insane.
John Bowne reporting.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're taking your calls from the convoys, from the truckers, and more when we come back.
Stay with us.
I'll give the toll-free number out exclusively for the truckers.
We'll be right back.
That's the word I'd use.
That's the term.
Well, I was born for this, and I know you were as well.
You were born to face this time and overcome it.
Evil has not just been given full control.
Evil is here so that we can be tested.
Here we are.
I have had a chance to read the Declaration of Emergency by the globalist New World Order alumnus of Klaus Schwab over the state, the province of Ontario, Canada, that Ottawa, the capital, geographically resides in, and it's martial law.
$100,000 fine, a year in prison, and the way it's sold is, oh, if you block a bridge, but it actually says, if you block any road, that an ambulance might be trying to go down.
So you block the road, ambulance can't go down it, you're going to go to jail.
And then they'll attack with vicious riot police, the men, women, and children, and send the message that this is now North Korea.
This is now Communist China in 1989.
Your right to make a political statement does not outweigh the right of hundreds of thousands of workers to earn their living.
The total projection of the globalists and their minion, Premier Doug Ford.
We've been under siege for two years.
40 million extra people starved to death in the last two years.
They cooked up the weapon.
They released it.
Big Pharma openly signed secret deals with our governments.
They don't even let us know what's in it.
And now the death numbers are mounting.
Ladies and gentlemen, if they hold fast, in fact, get that Ricardo Bozzi clip ready for next segment.
I want to start it with the last video that Greg Reese did on him in Australia.
Because what he says about the truckers and the million people now or so that have descended on the capital there, Canberra, and I've got the articles and videos right here, it's incredible, getting almost no coverage.
What he says to them in his message is the same message we should follow here in the U.S.
and Canada and everywhere else.
And that is do not be violent.
And he predicts it's going to end with paramilitary police shooting a couple of protesters, which is always done to see if that will disperse the crowd.
And a lot of times it triggers a violent civil war.
And most of the time ends in the overthrow of the government.
Now you ask yourself, why would the globalists be doing this?
Because they want to say a civil war brought down the Western world, not their fiat currency, and then force us onto the new digital global currency that the IMF and World Bank and UN now have ready.
So there you go.
Australian lawmakers fear escalation of Cambria protests.
Influenced by Canadian truckers.
It's so horrible.
They're the worst people ever.
I mean, they're not attacking police with hatchets.
They're not burning down homeless shelters or police stations or federal buildings.
They're just insurrectionist, treasonous, traitor criminals.
Those are all quotes.
All over the news.
You don't need me to play the clips.
You've seen it.
Oh, Germany and Austria and Canada and Australia and New Zealand, they're saying, we're going to never end these lockdowns.
We're going to give you four or five shots a year and we're going to track everywhere you go.
And they've announced in Australia and in Europe, they're going to call you on your phone with a digital robot, an AI calls, makes you answer, it face scans you and marks your geolocation to make sure you didn't leave your house.
It makes you have your cell phone.
It makes you check in with the warden.
We're all being inducted into the police state.
Yeah, there's now videos coming out all over Ontario starting last night.
The police come to your door and they said, we saw you on Facebook say you're going to peacefully protest.
We just want you to know you are being watched.
And she says, so the police now watch people, but it's a cute, nice little young lady.
She's a nanny stater, and you know, she'd oversee you at the guillotine if she needed to, they said.
I mean, it's to keep the children safe, right?
For Bill Gates.
And she comes to the door, and the lady says, she's like a Stepford Wife robot, the female cop is.
And she just, well, hell, I mean, don't hear it from me.
Hear it from her, where she just goes, yeah, we want you to know we're watching you.
Oh, isn't that sweet?
Here it is.
Sorry, since you're at my home, can I just get your name and your badge number, please?
I have a card here.
It's Erica Ingram.
Thank you.
And this is just some information about peaceful protests.
That's all it is.
Okay, so you saw something on my Facebook?
No, on the Facebook group.
And decided... By the way, pause.
The lady then also talks about it in further videos and articles.
She's telling her, here's the rules on peaceful protest, and we're watching if you violate this, you're arrested.
So they're just there going, hey, we know you're a dissident.
The party's watching you.
This is what's done in every other authoritarian country.
This is bread and butter of tyranny.
This is tyranny 101.
This is thoroughbred oppression.
And it's a nice little cute face to let you know.
Okay, and decided to come to my personal residence to give me information about peaceful protest?
Okay, so are the Peterborough Police, no you're with OPP.
Are you guys now monitoring people's Facebook pages or Facebook groups to who comments as to what their Oh, okay.
updates are or what they're doing or within the group?
Because of the protests happening province-wide, yes we have been
monitoring the protests. Okay.
So there's a protest coming up, I'm simply providing you with information
about a peaceful protest and now I'm leaving. Oh, okay.
That is all. So the Ontario Provincial Police are watching what people are
doing on Facebook in I wonder how much Adderall she's on.
And you guys are now doing service calls to give people information about peaceful protest.
It's just a proactive measure to make sure you understand your rights about peaceful protesting.
I have a copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, so I'm well within that and very understanding of that.
I appreciate that.
I'm hoping that you guys aren't going to waste our tax dollars continuing to do this to everybody, but now it's nice to know that we're being watched.
Do you have any questions?
My cell phone number is on the card.
Thank you.
And what they do is they screen people now that will follow any damn order they're given.
Oh, I forgot.
Now the Ottawa police chief says they're going to start taking people's children because it's child abuse to have them at a protest.
I mean, look, the endgame is our children.
They're never going to stop.
These are bad people.
Multinational corporations, behavioral psychologists have come up with a takeover plan.
It's all in the WikiLeaks.
And here we are.
All right.
Chris and Mike were on hold at the end of the day yesterday.
And when I ended my part of the broadcast, so I promised to call them back and we did and I appreciate them answering.
So we're going to go to break and come back and talk to Chris and Mike.
Chris is in Atlanta and Mike's on the other side of the US in California.
So we're going to talk to them and then I'm going to open the phones up, which I'm doing now for truckers.
In Canada, or US truckers that have been in Canada, your views on forced inoculation, your views on the civil emergency, and where you see all this going and what's happening.
And I said we weren't going to have guests on today, but we should get Ezra Levant on, maybe the last 10 minutes of the show or something, to give us an update from Rebel Media.
Separately, I said I'd get to this, but a bunch of big news broke.
I will briefly hit it when we come back.
And that's the soft kill aspect of this and why the globalists are in so much trouble.
And the fact that they're unable to carry out their full oppression, it's going to backfire on them 10 times worse.
That's why they're going to push and push and push and not give up, even though it's destroying them.
But you know what cities and what sectors and what states and what nations are fully under globalist control by the behavior you see, where they admit we're being an example for the rest of the world to stay locked down.
We have to crush these people in worldwide solidarity with what?
The UN, Global, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset, which Trudeau and all of them have pledged allegiance to.
That's the outside force.
And we're just starting to get Congress and governors and talk show hosts to get this.
And the faster we get, that we weren't attacked by Russia.
We weren't really attacked by China, though it's part of it.
We were attacked by multinational corporations that are more powerful than all these countries.
And they're out of control.
We were attacked by BlackRock.
And thanks to Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, they're not talking about it.
People are getting it in a big, big way.
And people are realizing that their stocks and investments are being used against them.
And so that's going to cause the democratization of that and the move away from BlackRock and others.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
We could war game this.
We'll go through every angle of it.
And I'll do that as we broadcast here and take your calls on the Alex Jones Show on this Friday edition.
But people had to stand up.
People had to say no.
This is the first time farmers and truckers and others Have had strikes.
Every time they try to raise fuel taxes or rip people off in France, the farmers and truckers go crazy and they stand up because they're the actual working class that's left that actually understands that they're having their way of life destroyed and being enslaved.
They don't want to live in the globalist ghettos.
And now they want to put something in your body and monitor and track where you go and what you do that we know demonstrably makes you ill and doesn't protect you.
And violates every basic right people have.
And so now, for what, 12, 13 days, they've peacefully been in the Capitol.
And now it's spurred huge convoys in Europe, and in the United States that are starting, and of course in New Zealand and Australia.
And the left is all over TV.
I played to clips last hour.
Governor Whitmer, that witch, you know.
Famously staging attacks on herself with the FBI to keep everything locked down.
She's calling it horrible and evil and terroristic.
I would expect if she opened up her actual house, she'd find flying monkeys or something.
And this woman is literally a witch.
And they're tyrants.
And they're trying to train you to be a slave.
And they believe they have the will to do it.
And they believe you're going to follow it.
They're trying to extinguish basic freedoms.
Now they've declared a civil emergency.
Now they're saying they're going to give anybody that blocks the road huge fines and prison time.
Well, they do the same thing in China.
They do the same thing in Soviet Russia.
You people started this.
You people did this.
You people put the world under siege.
And now as you see Your tyranny.
Worldwide collapse.
They're announcing in Israel and all over, oh, all the restrictions are going to be gotten rid of.
But only until the crowds dissipate and they're going to bring them right back.
These demonstrations need to be calling for the arrest of Klaus Schwab and the arrest of his alumni that have been caught following his orders.
And that's in all their email and how they're getting orders.
It's come out.
We need to be calling for criminal investigations of Bill Gates and all the rest of these people.
We have all the evidence for the gain of function in Fauci.
We need to be on the offense legally and lawfully and culturally and financially, getting back in their faces instead of them censoring and debanking and bullying us.
And now Ford declared martial law and seized the $11 million at GoFundMe.
The fund me first said, we're going to keep it and give it to Black Lives Matter.
The arrogance.
So attorney generals in the US, like DeSantis and others said, and governors like DeSantis said, and Ken Paxson, the attorney general here in Texas said, we're going to criminally come after you.
But now they've got a government shield to steal and keep the money.
And Doug Ford's going to keep it for himself.
That's the added enjoyment that these criminal monsters engage in, because they're breaking your will.
They know your will's not breaking.
That's why they look so upset and so scared.
Because it's their satanic religion to break your will to get to your children.
But despite all their criminal actions to inject our children, more people are waking up more than ever.
And despite all their criminal actions, the children all over the world are having the masks taken off.
And the carbon dioxide poisoning ending.
Yeah, play it over again.
This is in Las Vegas, Nevada, first graders.
Starting tomorrow, we don't have to wear masks anymore!
And that makes them so mad, because they want to abort those children before they were born.
But if they can't, they want to abuse them and chemically castrate them.
And I've got big articles.
Connecticut Public School District asked 8th graders to share their sexual desires in an assignment, including a bunch of perverted pedo stuff.
And they describe it all as what types of pizza toppings do you like, which is the FBI manual on how pedophiles have code words using pizza toppings and things to cover what they're doing.
And then in so many of the big articles out there talking about sexualization of children, it shows the classrooms and there's all these pizzas and signs about pizzas and everything.
It's so sick how they Pavlovianly associate sex with children with pizzas.
And then they go and find a few areas where it's not going on to say, oh, nothing's happening there.
Oh, there's nobody raping children at Infowars.
So that means it's not happening anywhere in the world.
Oh, there's no Martians, you know, out in that trash can in the back, but maybe they might be on Mars.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, that's how the psychological warfare operates.
We're gonna go to Chris and Mike, but here's the toll-free number and I'll get to you quickly.
For folks in Ontario, folks in Canada, particularly truckers there in Ottawa or there on the bridge going over from Detroit, the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX, again, 877-789-0, 877-789-2539, or country
code 01-877-789-0.
Now let me finish that point, and I promise we'll go to your calls next segment.
But getting back to what I was talking about earlier, big picture.
This is such an incredible time.
It's so mentally exhausting.
I know you're exhausted as well.
This is just so crazy.
And by exhausted, it's so incredible.
I'm so awake.
My brain is moving so fast, it's exhausting.
Like, what's going to happen?
How are they going to try to trigger violence?
And then it's in Homeland Security plans.
And Biden announced again on Monday that being a lockdown protester is terrorism, and advised Trudeau to crack down using anti-terror laws.
I mean, this is all as high a level tyranny as you get with their rolling out.
Like, moonshine is 99% alcohol.
So they say it's 198% proof.
200% is pure alcohol.
Well, if you were using the alcohol scale, what they're announcing and trying to do is 200%.
I mean, it's as bad as it gets.
They haven't gotten there, but that's their goal.
They're at about 150 proof tyranny right now.
I mean, coming into your body with dangerous shots, locking you down, making your kids wear gags over their faces, this is crazy.
So, as the news comes out that it's causing massive death, massive blood clots, massive illnesses, and erases your immune system, and gives you vaccine-acquired autoimmune disorder, scientists are even calling it that now, including the discoverer of HIV, Nobel Prize winner, As the full horror comes out, they already intended to have endless martial law and total lockdowns in, and total media control by now.
But they didn't get their full takeover, like Austria has gotten to that point.
So has Australia, basically.
They're in deep trouble.
They're the new North Koreans.
But everywhere else, the people are bucking and not going along with it, and their own bureaucrats aren't following it.
The UN even admits that.
And so, what are they going to do as the death numbers mount from the shots, and the autoimmune stuff kicks in, they were supposed to have a total clampdown in place.
Instead, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are going to go to prison.
Because they have to go to prison.
Yeah, this is footage of them beating up and stomping and punching a woman in the face in New Zealand.
Because in New Zealand, you're not allowed to protest.
Because they're such a wonderful, free, open, good country.
No, their Prime Minister is a graduate of Klaus Schwab and openly hails him.
But uninjected, you can't leave your houses.
Chris, Mike, Jay, Thomas, your calls are just a few minutes away.
Hey, I'm not trying to be mean here to the listeners.
I love you to death.
And normally when we open the phones up, it's just a free-for-all.
But when I specifically want to talk to a group of people in a different Geographic area or particular group that are on the ground seeing something we need everybody not to be calling in Because the call screener We don't normally screen calls other than where you're calling from you have a good phone line but he does screen calls when I want it on a particular topic or particular region and so we're unable to get the truckers to get through because the phone lines are all matched out and
with people that are not truckers in Canada or truckers in the US or truckers in Australia.
Truckers period that are taking part of this or your view on it.
And I want to get your quick take on the situation because a civil emergency has been announced by the evil globalist Doug Ford over Ontario where the capital resides, not just the bridge from Detroit in there.
And they're talking about a year in prison, $100,000 fines for, quote, blocking roads, not just bridges and the rest of this, if you read the fine print of it.
So very draconian.
That means they're going to be moving against everybody now.
And as an example, the world, he says, of tyranny and that their lockdowns will never end.
They're building the new civilization.
A forced inoculation, Nuremberg co-destruction, and the biomedical takeover of our very bodies.
You thought GMO foods were dangerous, how about your GMO bodies?
That's what this is.
It's a globalist revolution, in the words of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Peter Daszak, Fauci, and others.
So the number for truck drivers or private citizens that are part of the demonstrations or who've witnessed it to give us your take is 877-789-2539.
Now I want to say one more thing.
We're going to Chris and Mike and then Clayton and Jay and everybody.
We need to be praying for the truckers and the men, women, and children and the private citizens driving their cars and everything else.
These are great people.
That understood enough was enough and have peacefully gone with their vehicles to let themselves be seen and heard and let the world know the time for submission is over.
And it's a beautiful thing, and it's a wonderful thing, and it's a powerful thing.
And guys, don't let me forget this time.
We're going to come into the next segment with the Gregory's Report with Ricardo Bossi, okay?
Really want that to happen.
Thank you.
So, they want us to just go away and submit and be slaves.
We're not going to do it.
And they want us now that they're gonna partially take the restrictions off to go to sleep and accept that so they can just accelerate them after we go back to sleep.
The fight of the Australians, the fight of the Canadians, the fight of the Kiwis, the fight of the Austrians and the Germans, where the forced inoculations are beginning, are our fights.
It's the same global government attacking them that's attacking us.
So normally, you know, there's something going on, it's bad, and one African country's killing the other, it's bad, Or you know, one Middle Eastern country or one European country, but do we get involved?
Probably not.
It's still sad, but it's not our place, generally.
You could argue.
Maybe we should get involved.
But when you're facing a global government implementing this thing worldwide, beating up women and children, killing people, People committing suicide, mass, cutting resources off, starving the third world.
We have a right and a duty and a responsibility to say no to this and to stand against this.
Because this is the government flexing their muscles for secret arrest and tracking systems and banning protests and all this evil stuff that we all know is what authoritarian countries do is being introduced to us as a good thing now.
Ahead of the worldwide financial collapse that they want to blame on COVID that they themselves released.
When you have supply chains breaking down, it's not COVID, it's the hysteria and the lockdowns.
When you have the global depression coming and the new casual society, they did it.
They're not the saviors giving you something to make it better.
The system they're bringing you into gets progressively worse.
It's build back better.
Build on your bones and your ashes, their technocracy, their transhumanist hell.
All right, let's go to your phone calls.
We got some truckers here.
We got Jay is a trucker.
Clayton's a trucker.
What do you got?
Christine was at the protest.
Scott in Canada is a trucker.
I'll get to all of you.
But first, Chris and Mike, who are not truckers, but I held them over from yesterday.
We called them back.
Thank you, Chris.
And Atlanta, and then we'll go to Mike as well.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for calling back.
I'll make this quick.
With the world awakening, I think it's important that we rise to the momentum right now, take advantage of this moment.
And I have an idea that's something everybody can do, that every listener can do.
I think it'd be powerful and effective For us to, uh, you know, hang banners over highways.
Imagine a giant banner in Houston or LA or Atlanta that says, Alex Jones is right.
Infowars.com or We Stand With The Truckers.
Arrest Fauci.
Brother, I'm so glad you called to elaborate on this.
Yes, now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall, or to put a sign up on your barn, or to put a sticker on your car, or banner hangs over highways, and it will be a chain reaction.
Beautifully said.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, Alex Jones is running a new cohort at Bell Farm.
Arrest Fauci.
Arrest Klaus Schwab.
The vaccine is poison.
There's tons of things.
I say just keep it short.
Keep it concise.
No, I agree.
Arrest Fauci.
Arrest Bill Gates.
The COVID vax is poison.
And also, I think it might be a good idea, I mean, you know, I did, I volunteered with Ron Paul in 2008 and it was really effective.
But, you know, we used swim jams, flyers, we did banner hangs.
Maybe on InfoWars you could have printable PDFs where people could print it out.
Stick these things in a Walmart parking lot and every car in the parking lot.
There's ways that we could all be involved and we could all be effective.
So, that's what I'm calling about.
Brother, that's why I love taking calls and why I should take more calls and why very soon we're going to start at least two nights a week and once on the weekend, on top of the Sunday show, a commercial-free podcast that's live so everybody can call in and we'll just hear from all of you amazing people.
God bless you, Chris, in Atlanta.
I really, really appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
All right, let's go now to Mike in California, then we'll go to all the truckers.
Mike in California, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex, and California is where I'm calling from.
I appreciate that the intro that you gave at the very beginning of the show, you know, how the COVID narrative and tyranny is today marks the day that it collapses.
And I have two scholarly articles that I wrote and I sent to you guys as show tips.
I sent it to Kit month ago when you were looking for writers.
I just sent it again to you guys Wednesday at 7 27 p.m.
your time so you guys can look that up now points I want to make I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain-of-function research and I've fully explained it all in in my review and no you're right they're creating mutated new life-forms and releasing chimeric weapons Yes, yes.
And now if you read the actual 2014 legislation, the U.S.
government gain-of-function deliberative process and research funding pause on selected gain-of-function research involving influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses.
It does nothing about SARS-like viruses, and it's a research funding pause.
It's not a stop.
It's not a prohibition.
It's when you come to a four-way intersection, there's the stop sign.
You stop, you look both ways, and then you proceed.
And so it's also, it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function.
But they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research, along with the metagenomics and genomics.
I have the paper titled right here.
It's the Guidance for Industry.
You guys can pull this up.
Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for Infectious Disease Indications.
You know, Rand and others, you know, maybe Fauci was right.
They don't quite know what they're talking about, calling it gain of function.
You know, that's why he didn't perjure himself.
That's why he hasn't been arrested.
You know, so we really need to start using... Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do.
But in the main definition, it's still a gain of function.
They're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
But that's a great point.
I'm going to put you on hold, brother.
I'm going to put you in touch with one of our writers to check out your articles, and we'll check it out, and if it's got good links and info in it, we will post them on InfoWars.com.
Thank you, Mike.
We love you.
Please give his info to Ben.
The great Kit does not live in Austin anymore, though he still works with us, so it's a great job.
But we'll get back with you.
would you think, sir?
serve the people, then the government would have nothing to fear from the people.
But it is clear that now the government fees us.
After years of persistent abuse of the Constitution, during which time they have betrayed, robbed, injured and killed the Australian people, we have had enough.
And we are not alone.
Internationally, the people are rising up peacefully against the unlawful and criminal excesses of those whom they have elected.
Millions of good and decent men and women around the world have decided that this war for the world must end.
And they know it will end when enough of us stand up and declare, in one voice, no more.
Here in Australia, the people are gathering in the nation's capital, Canberra, in order to communicate their intent that the Governor-General should meet his constitutional responsibility by dissolving the Parliament and appointing a new Executive Council in order to prepare for free and fair elections.
In the long journey from barbarism to civilisation, days such as these are rare.
Seminal days, when a people bands together, putting aside their petty differences in order to secure their lives and their liberty.
In other words, to earn their rights to their sovereign nationhood.
Now is the time to play your part in the liberation of Australia.
Now is the time to stand alongside your fellow Australians and resist the tyranny.
Now is the time to ensure your children and grandchildren are free.
You are here because generations ago your ancestors sacrificed all for you.
It is now time to pay that debt forward.
Now, nothing else matters.
This is not about politics.
This is a non-political event.
This is about our very lives and our very future.
You must drop everything and get to Canberra as soon as you can.
Some have made their way from far afield as Adelaide, Melbourne and Rockhampton.
What's your excuse?
And they plan to stay until we win.
Remain calm regardless of the force used against you.
They will provoke a reaction which ultimately will see the use of police snipers opening fire.
This is a reality.
Regardless of the force used against you, you must, we must, remain calm in order to win.
Fly, drive, walk if you must, but we need an army of millions in Canberra to win this war.
And we will win if you attend.
Pack up as much food and water as you can.
The people already there are sharing and cooperating as never before.
If you can't find accommodation, sleep in your car.
We must come together now.
This is our time.
We the people.
Do it for your family and do it for the future of Australia.
I'm Ricardo Bozzi.
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
We are fighting a UN corporate BlackRock attack.
This is the Great Awakening.
We will win.
All right, I really appreciate the truckers I've been holding for 20 minutes.
The whole next hour is your calls.
We're gonna go to, in this order, Scott in Canada, then Empire Haulers in Wyoming, Christine in Canada, Clayton in Canada, Jay in Ohio, Sean in Florida, Josh in Canada.
Okay, I'm gonna go to you.
The order received.
Scott is a trucker on being at the protest in Canada.
Scott, thanks for calling.
Hi, are you there?
Yes, sir, I am.
Tell us what you've witnessed and what you think about the civil emergency and martial law being declared.
It's a total sham.
They are panicking.
Everything you see in the media is live.
All these police videos you see are very small, minor, not large operations going on.
I've been in Ottawa since the start.
When we showed up to the protest, it was unbelievable.
So much emotion.
So many supporters.
It's literally one big giant party of good time.
In my opinion, this is all failing.
They're losing their grip.
If they come and shut us down by force, They're only going to lose faster, in my opinion.
I totally agree.
We just have to understand, we could crush the police and military quite easily.
You know, idiots like Swallowswell says they just use nukes on us.
I don't even know how the military or this works.
Plus, the military is probably more awake on average than anybody.
They've had massive numbers of police resigning.
We've got to understand, now these criminal governments have to be routed out, because they're doing this as a process to purge the good police.
You understand this is a process, but I agree, this is blown up in their face, their great reset is not going well.
What do you predict for Canada, Scott?
I predict we're going to win.
The mass majority of police down there were dancing, having a good time, supporting everything.
In my opinion, I don't think they're going to find enough cops to crush this down.
Well, I forgot.
Last Friday, the police chief said that police that show solidarity could, quote, be fined or fired.
That's right.
So they've been having to threaten the police to not get along with everybody.
Oh, exactly, exactly.
And the cops come up and be nice and say, we support you, this and that, and they pretend to do their job, but they're not.
Also, did you notice the police are exempt from the injections?
What does that say about them?
They're awake.
Yep, exactly.
Exactly, they are, yes, for sure.
They should not be following illegal orders.
So, our sources we've had on, who are there in Ottawa, in the military and law enforcement, say they've been told days ago, get ready for riot police to attack.
Then now the riot police are supposedly massing.
Do you think Trudeau's dumb enough to pull a Kent State in Canada?
I think he is dumb enough, but I truly think That they don't have, they don't have the numbers.
They want to stop us what happened last Saturday.
Last Saturday I sat in my pickup truck in downtown Kent Street, blocking off that street.
There were so many people And so many people flooding downtown that it was overwhelming for me and that we were there for a week.
It is, if they want to stop, they do not want that to happen again, if that makes sense.
Well that's the beautiful thing, because correct me if I'm wrong, thousands of trucks show up, do a few days, do a week, go back to their business, back to their life, but more just replace them, and it's all just happening naturally and totally freaking out the establishment.
Yes, like what I'm doing right now, me and my brother.
My brother's been there the whole time.
I've been there during the weekends and not nighttime, but I drive truck during the day, so I have to go and work.
Um, but...
In my opinion, they can't even shut it down even if they tried.
Because we'll just go home and come back in a week or come back in the next weekend.
Well, you know why they want kill switches in all the cars, which they've now done, is in the future they're just going to have AI kill your car.
That's why we've got to stop them getting us on the AI global social credit score, the basis of which is the vaccine passport.
That's why this is so key.
Well, brother, thank you for calling and thank you for everything and be safe.
We're praying for all you guys and gals and let them know Everybody around the world's praying for you, and we appreciate you standing up for our freedom.
Thanks Alex, and we're not going to back down.
Thank you.
You know, Christians and conservatives and hard workers mind their business so much that I don't get in Oklahomans' business, I don't get in New Yorkers' business.
We see what happens in California, and we wish it wasn't happening, but when you're dealing with the New World Order, folks, it's a global, corporate, big pharma, UN takeover.
So if they're enslaving the Canadians, they're in your house as well.
This is the same damn enemy.
Like if aliens attacked and aliens blew up Moscow or Durban, South Africa, you'd be just as pissed as if they blew up Dallas, Texas, wouldn't you?
Because those are freaking aliens attacking us.
Well, Klaus Schwab and the New World Order think they're going to transcend and be aliens with AI.
That's what Elon Musk has met with him.
He's warned about that.
But they're on record saying that.
So think of them as like aliens, folks, that are attacking and taking over other cities and countries.
We're next!
We're next!
People ask me, like, Australians send us letters, handwritten ones, we get called.
Wow, you're so nice, you care about us.
Well, you're damn right I care about you!
Frickin' Klaus Schwab took your country over, he's trying to take mine over!
I got children!
So, it's very important for everybody to get this through your head.
I'm not doing this because I'm a hero.
I'm not doing this because then people think, well, that's just what heroes do.
It's called self-preservation.
You know, if I see somebody on fire, I'm going to try to put them out.
Because that's what I want people to put me out.
I'm going to go back to calls.
We're going to break for two minutes and come back with Kristen, that Empire Haulers, and everybody else straight ahead.
Also, They want to shut everybody down.
There's not many outlets that will tell the hardcore truth, and we're the most hardcore out there, and everybody knows it.
By the grace of God, we've stayed on air this long, but under the Democratic Party attacks and all the behind-the-scenes debanking and deplatforming and everything, we are mashed out on our war chest, and it is causing me massive problems just to keep this on the air.
Much less be able to expand in the face of this.
I'd love to have reporters out covering all this, but we just don't have the funds for them to travel.
They're all here.
We sent them out on a limited basis.
Because we had to build our own infrastructure, our own bandwidth, our own uplinks, our own everything.
I'm not complaining.
I expected to get attacked.
I knew they'd come after us because we're the tip of the spear.
I just need you to keep me in the game.
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crashing to the lies and disinformation.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Taking your phone calls right now.
Let's go to Christine in Canada.
She was at the protest yesterday.
She's going to give us her report and got more info now from truckers.
Christine, thanks for calling.
Tell us what you're witnessing.
Hi Alex, I'm a long-time listener, first-time caller.
We were there yesterday afternoon.
Just want to let everyone know that the protest is extremely peaceful and the police are very nice.
They make eye contact, they're smiling.
I mean, you could see the smile, you know, beneath the mask because they're wearing masks.
But everything is very, very calm.
There's food for everyone.
What they're reporting is that, you know, they're stopping cars from passing or emergency services.
That's not true.
Police have blocked off certain roads.
Yesterday we had ambulance and fire trucks passing on one of the major roads and there was no blockage, not at all.
And that's important because Ford's saying, we've got live feeds by the way on screen for TV viewers right now at Infowars.com forward slash show.
They're saying they're going to charge people under the Emergency Act $100,000 a year in prison if they quote block roads.
Please continue.
Yeah, so they're not blocking roads.
They're complying with everything.
There's no more honking.
I was there yesterday, no honking.
They're singing the National Anthem instead every hour.
Well, that's going to upset the leftists even more.
I mean, these are globalists.
Well, they're trying to instigate some kind of response, but the more they're doing that, the more love is being sent to the politicians and the police.
So it's not working.
It's probably frustrating the mayor, Jim Watson, which, by the way, spoke at the World Economic Forum, so he's part of the globalists.
Right now at 2 o'clock, Justin Trudeau is actually giving a conference, just to let you know.
I don't know what he's going to be saying, but we'll be watching that.
Wow, thank you.
You're such a wonderful person, sharing your great voice and all the concern and love in it.
It's very, very beautiful.
Anything else, Kristen?
Just to let you know, they're very organized, you know, there's a lot of disinfo.
So people just need to watch, go on YouTube, there are live feeds coming out of there, people walking, talking to people.
That's where you're going to get the real news.
And there's in particular Viva Fry, who actually has a co-host.
Oh, I know him.
He's a lawyer.
I've been on his show.
Oh, get him on immediately, guys.
I said we're taking calls.
We are, but get Viva Frye on, the Canadian-French lawyer.
That's a really great idea.
We need to do that.
Thank you so much, Christine.
Anything else?
I hope she's gone.
All right.
I don't want to cut Empire haulers off.
Some stations join us during the six seconds.
Oh, yeah, we've got his live feed right now, so we can just Maybe go to him a little bit when we come back.
Let's just go to him right now.
now you guys pipe the audio in well we'll see about that a little bit later
but again we're gonna come back go to Empire hauler Andy Josh Sean J and
And again, if you are a trucker or one of the protesters or on the bridge going across from the U.S.
into Canada by Detroit, we would love to hear from you at 877.
Look, I know this all sounds crazy, and it all sounds out of control.
It is.
The New World Order built this for decades.
They made their move.
We're in the middle of it, and they're not succeeding right now.
They hurt us.
They got a lot of power.
They did a lot of terrible things.
They need to be punished for it.
But they are scared, and they should be, because they just couldn't help their little murderous selves.
They cooked up that deadly virus, and they released it, and they had all the fear-mongering.
They tried to block all the treatments, and they have just tried to swallow up our world, ladies and gentlemen.
They've tried to destroy our freedoms.
But together, this is going to backfire on them, like it always does, if good men and women do the right thing.
Thomas Jefferson was once asked, what is needed to stop tyrants?
And he said, all the tyrants need is that good men and women do nothing.
Well, good men and women are doing something, and we salute them all.
The truckers, everybody else, you're beautiful, you're amazing, and we're praying for them.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
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All right, let's go right back to your phone calls.
I really, really appreciate all you tuning in today, and I love you.
It's an amazing time to be alive.
The best people are involved in freedom.
You know, I just want to say this, because I was thinking about how much I hate Washington, D.C., and how much I hate New York.
I don't mean the people of New York.
is actually a really cool town, too, with all the museums and all the big buildings.
In fact, it's really a neat town.
I hate the establishment that lives there.
I hate the elites of New York.
I hate Hollywood.
I hate the British royalty.
I hate all of it.
I love the people.
But there was a time, 20 years ago, when Hollywood put me in some movies without me even asking.
And it wasn't really Hollywood.
Rick Linklater's a great guy.
But they tried to get me in other big films.
Some other ones did.
And it was a sellout operation, basically, part of it.
But I didn't do it.
And back then, I would have kind of liked to be in movies.
Some big movies.
Some more big movies.
I didn't really care, and I didn't really pursue it.
But now, it makes me physically nauseous to even imagine that sick culture of fake nobodies.
And I just thank God I'm not with all those people that are basically already living in tombs.
They're like mummies.
And I just thank my lucky stars that I'm amongst the living.
That I'm amongst the people.
And I just love you all.
And seeing this attack on humanity makes me love humanity.
More than ever.
And to see the children in that public school in Las Vegas, the teacher tells them you can take your mask off and to see them cheering and to see how excited they got.
And just to know we're on the right side, those masks didn't protect them.
It was all a symbol of fear and control and that this cult He's made up of the very worst people that want to try to break our will and dominate.
This is sick.
So here's the sound they hate.
The children taking their mask off and being so happy.
Like under Stockholm Syndrome, they sat there quietly and didn't complain.
And we're told they were all in danger.
And they were put under this mind control.
But now the truth is shining through.
Here's this beautiful video and audio.
Starting tomorrow we don't have to wear masks anymore!
They abuse those children so horribly.
But you know the sickening lining of this silver cloud?
You know, a big dark cloud will have a silver lining with the suns behind it, but this is a beautiful, beautiful cloud of liberty with a poison lining.
You shouldn't be, woo!
We submitted for years and did this and it was dumb and it was a lie!
It's a symbol of the con game!
Now we don't have to be slaves anymore!
I don't blame the children, I love them, but those damn teachers!
My wife's cousin, really nice lady, she's got five children, and they had been going to this church for multi-generations and had a big school there.
And so when the schools reopened last year, They said, yeah, they're all going to wear masks, and they're all going to take the shots, they're all going to whatever, even though it wasn't for kids yet.
And they just said, screw you, and about a third of the school or more left, and within a month, those parents got together, rented a nice facility, no, no, bought a nice facility that happened to be across the street, it wasn't on purpose, it was that was available, and are having a great school there now.
The answer is exodus.
The answer is not complying.
The answer is saying, no, I'm not owned by you, you don't own my body.
Empire Haulers in Wyoming wants to talk about the Trucker Convoy.
I'm told big ones are forming to go into D.C.
We salute you all.
What's your view on this?
Well, I just had a little vision.
You brought up the movie a second ago.
I had a little vision of In Brave Harlem, they came out and it was William Wallace and the Irish.
They went to skirmish and then they stopped and they all shook hands.
Well, that little vision is the way I feel everybody that's in this convoy and protesting, whether you're on that side of the bridge, this side of the bridge.
If we reached out to our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors that are the police, that are Uh, National Guard, that are RCMP's.
Hold on, let me stop you.
I'll give you all the time you need because you're so on target.
In that great movie Braveheart, based on, you know, true events that happened.
In the movie, the British King, he's not really a British King, the Norman King, he hires an Irish army to come attack the Scots.
So the Irish take the money, show up, and then join the Scots, which really happened, to fight the British.
So that's a true story.
And that's what you're expecting when the convoys meet, and more and more the police, like the Irish, they're paid by the crown, but they're going to end up joining the people is what you're saying.
Yeah, well, I'd say that's what we should do.
So now before it happens, it's the time for everybody to reach out to their fellow brother and neighbor and human being and make that happen.
That's the way it should go.
And actually, I'm a Guthrie.
We fought, we traced our family history.
We fought on the side of William Wallace for freedom back then.
So I have it in my blood to feel this way.
But I think the time before Whatever the Prime Minister or the Premier or whatever, before anything happens, reach out and make the connection now before there's any negativity, any lives lost, any hatred.
It's the time to bridge that gap now because those people, you know they all feel the same way.
Well that's beautifully said, but I want to be clear.
They started this war.
They killed 40 million people with starvation.
They caused millions to commit suicide or die in drug overdoses.
We're peacefully doing this.
So if they false flag or do a car bomb or shoot some cops, we know we didn't do it.
And we're not buying into it.
We're not apologizing for whatever happens.
Because they started this.
And whatever happens, no more apologies.
Not by me, by Joe Rogan, by nobody.
I pledge to you, no more apologies.
I'm with you, brother.
I appreciate you and God bless you, my friend.
And you know, Joe came out.
I didn't know I was in a secret show he invited me to Sunday night.
And it was it was in Hollywood Reporter and stuff.
That was a secret comedy show.
He did. He did another one Tuesday night and said, you know, he told you what I said on Monday, he said to everybody, he
said, I am not apologizing to the big corporations.
They're by the ones who take me off the air just because they're jealous.
I'm apologizing for using the N-word, because if you watch that edited tape,
it's hurtful the way they edited it.
And I'm saying if people think I was doing that to be mean, I apologize.
I didn't do that to hurt people.
That is not an apology. That is a clarification.
To say, hey, I watched that, it was a horrible tape, the way they edited it.
And so if that hurt your feelings, I'm sorry.
If you're legitimately, your feelings are hurt.
Because I mean, you do watch it, it's a little exorbitant, you know, three minutes of the N-word over and over again.
Because I don't like words to hurt a class of people.
I mean, I grew up where, I never heard in East Texas, which is the South, people use the N-word.
Because we're Christians, and anybody that uses that's trashy, and is trying to put somebody down to feel bigger about yourself.
Well, I'm not trying to put down common people, whether they be black or white.
But then when it becomes a weaponized word, people need to take it back and use it, and that just happened with a big UFC fighter, a black UFC fighter, and he said, you know, Joe Rogan's my N-word, and I'm sick of this crap, because he understands they're using it to divide people, and to control people, and it's a load of crap!
If somebody legitimately comes up and says you're a such and such, well screw them!
I've been called plenty of times by racist black people.
Crackerhead and all this other stuff, and I mean, I started laughing!
What, you got some racist black person?
I'm supposed to, because they're calling me a name, I'm supposed to get all pissed off about that?
I don't know, I always just grew up that name calling didn't matter to me.
I mean, I remember being like, going to public school the first few years, then I went to private school a few years, I remember coming back, in like sixth grade to public school and some of the flunky
kids were like making fun of my shirt it was like pink and green kind of plaid shirt my mom had
given me i forget the name we call it where it's pink and orange and red squares and and it's
like a summertime or spring shirt they're what look at his look at his weenie look at his wimpy shirt
and i remember thinking my mom got I like this shirt.
I'm not embarrassed and laughing at them.
And they started laughing too.
But I mean, I guess that's just how I am.
I don't mind being attacked because it doesn't mean anything to me.
But at the same time, Joe is simply saying, if something hurts your feelings, that's OK.
I'm sorry that this hurt you, but he's not sorry for what he said.
All right.
There's not much on my show that can preempt awesome truck drivers and activists Facing jail time and the huge fines to stand up for all of our medical rights.
But I'll have to get to you next segment.
This trumps it.
Nuclear war trumps it.
It's kind of like the highest part of the deck is nuclear war.
That's like the ace of spades.
And then below that, you've got, I guess, the the ace of clubs, is it?
So we're going to get to all the callers that are holding Jay in Ohio.
And Josh in Canada.
And Seth and Andy and Clayton and David in the order that they're received.
But I've got to go ahead and hit this.
This was already in my stack, but now there's been new developments.
So here we are.
Joe Biden already said, quote, in an interview today, that aired today, that's a world war.
And Biden tells America to leave Ukraine, shoots down reports of evacuation and says, we're in a war with Russia.
And that's pretty sensational, but he has a lot of trouble talking.
And so I thought, well, you know.
But now they've made it official.
The State Department.
Jake Sullivan.
Boy, I tell you about the lies that guy's told on every front about Russiagate and about Afghanistan.
Russia could choose in very short order to commence a major military action against Ukraine.
He goes on to say within 48 hours.
Now remember, two weeks ago, they said Russia's going to attack Eminent.
And then Bloomberg announced a week later that Russia had indeed invaded.
It was not true.
Now, if you put this together with all the other pieces that would take an hour to go through, I'm just going to give you the answer from my view, rather than rattle off all why I think that, because it would take the whole show, what we've got left.
But here's one big slice of the equation of why we know this and why this is so bad.
And so horrible.
And even has me having an anxiety attack right now, because I love my children, I love peace, I love justice, and if you think they're just going to let us beat them on this whole lockdown thing and go away, you're crazy.
They're going to start a damn war.
I just cannot believe we're this cursed.
My God.
Oh, my God.
These people make me sick.
Obviously, ladies and gentlemen, when they say Russia is going to attack itself in a false flag, with the history and all the background we know, that means the globalists are going to attack the Russians, and when the Russians show footage they were attacked, the media is going to say it didn't happen.
That's the new gaslighting, upside-down world we've seen from these people.
That's the only reason you'd say Russia's going to stage a false flag and start a war.
When Russia's been 100% clear and under Putin, he's been very clear about the things he wants.
You can agree with or disagree, but Putin's a straight shooter when it comes to detente, to international relations.
He says what he wants very cut and dry.
We do not want Ukraine to join NATO.
We want you to stop putting troops and high-tech, A-class weapons into that theater.
And the State Department responded by shipping in hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles, hundreds of anti-tank missiles just last month.
So, here's more statements.
officials anticipate a horribly bloody campaign that begins with two days of aerial bombardment with electronic warfare followed by an invasion with the possible goal of regime change.
Now, Putin has told the Russians they're not going in, but that the U.S.
and NATO are massing troops on their border, in Poland, in other areas, and in Ukraine.
So they have to put troops on their border, because the globalists are massing troops.
They're the aggressor.
Russia already controls the pipelines that they built coming in.
They've already got the Black Sea.
They don't need the rest of Ukraine.
They don't want it.
They've got plenty of land.
Their real strategic aims are clear.
Economic development of Russia.
No more Soviet Empire.
And so the magnitude of this is just stunning.
But look at everything else.
Devaluations of currencies, civil emergencies, lockdowns, forced inoculations.
You're in the New World Order now.
You know that old Johnny Cash song?
That guy's trying to find it.
It's in the computer.
He's in the jailhouse now.
You're in the jailhouse now.
Well, you're in the New World Order now, and so am I. And what did I tell you back in November, October, even before that?
Hell, that was in August.
I was sitting there.
I'm not going to get into the whole story, but I was told by multiple high level sources, as high level as it gets in the military and in corporate world, I mean, the top, That they were told January, February, all-out war with Russia.
Because all the big guys get pre-positioned.
You think Congress is involved in insider trading?
They get stuff, you know, way later, okay?
So, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And, you know, I hope Joel Scouse is right.
I hope nothing happens here.
But imagine the Russians get attacked, and then it's just the default they're lying.
No, no, you attacked yourself.
We should not just believe the Russians.
We should want to see proof.
We should have international observers there.
Oh, but Biden's telling everybody to get out of there.
That's right.
They don't want observers there.
So let's just play Jake Sullivan from the State Department first and then we'll just go right into Biden with Lester Holt.
Here it is.
I want to be crystal clear, though.
We are not saying that a decision has been taken, a final decision has been taken by President Putin.
What we are saying is that we have a sufficient level of concern based on what we are seeing on the ground.
And what our intelligence analysts have picked up, that we are sending this clear message.
And it remains a message that we have now been sending for some time.
And it is, yes, it is an urgent message because we are in an urgent situation.
Just to clarify, so you now believe that Russia has all the forces it needs to mount a full-scale invasion of Ukraine?
What I'm saying is that Russia has all the forces it needs to conduct a major military action.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by, quote, full-scale invasion, but Russia could choose, in very short order, to commence a major military action against Ukraine.
And I asked about the tense standoff with Russia over Ukraine.
What are your plans toward American citizens who are in Ukraine and might be there during an invasion?
What scenarios would you put American troops to rescue and get Americans out?
They're not.
That's a world war.
When Americans and Russians start shooting at one another, we're in a very different world than we've ever been in.
Not even on behalf of simply evacuating Americans?
No, how do you do that?
How do you even find them?
This is not like, I'm hoping that if in fact he's foolish enough to go in, he's smart enough not to in fact do anything that would negatively impact on American citizens.
Have you told him that?
You've told him that Americans will be a line that they can't cross?
Well, I didn't have to tell him that.
I've spoken about that.
He knows that.
And, you know, it's a little bit... Look, that's why... What I've asked is American citizens should leave.
Should leave now.
We're dealing with one of the largest armies in the world.
This is a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly.
They really want war.
And they're gonna launch a false flag.
You're in the new world order now!
You're in a nuclear war now!
We'll be right back with your phone call.
flag. You're in the new world order now. You're in a nuclear war now. We'll be right back
with your phone call. Stay with us.
Allied vehicles, paramilitary and French military to suppress their people for the
first time since the Nazi occupation in 1940 are now occupying the nation ahead of the
truckers who simply want their country back from the biomedical tyranny of the new world
All over the world it is the truckers, yet again, hard-working men and women Saying no, that scare the corrupt globalists so much.
And let's talk to some of those amazing truckers right now.
Holding the longest would be Jay in Ohio, a trucker on the COVID madness.
Go ahead, Jay.
Good afternoon, sir.
Yes, sir.
Shout out to a friend of mine.
Oh, my wife, Renee, Charlie, and Jamal.
A couple woke people to your program.
And I walk around with my Info Wars gear on all the time and wherever I go I feel a little less alone because people recognize it.
And I speak with a lot of people.
I'm up in Ohio and I was in a lounge with another driver and we were listening to your show.
He didn't know where you were and he hadn't heard.
He's 74.
He's from California and he said that he'd been hit twice with that shot.
And he's got a slight cough.
I'm not saying that it's from the spike proteins there or whatever.
And I've known people that have died from taking that shot, including a dispatcher that works where I work.
But the groceries that I bought from your program, make sure people know to buy it with the meat and the chicken.
Otherwise, they get the one without the meat and the chicken.
But it's all good.
I've eaten it on the truck and it's pretty good.
Well, yeah, that's the great part about this horrible food we sell.
It's for the price.
You're not going to get better.
It's what I have for my family.
And we routinely take it camping or wherever and just eat it as regular food.
When the power was out for over a week last year here at the office, we just put out big hot plates and just cooked it here with gas.
It's pretty good.
There's a lot of things I could talk about.
I really enjoyed listening to Kyle, the brother there of Trudeau.
I've been listening to you for a long time.
I don't get through to you very often, but I speak to Harrison and Owen occasionally.
A friend of mine, David, just came out of Canada.
He's a Tanker Yanker.
He said he didn't really have too much trouble coming out of there.
Sounds like there's a lot of respect up there.
People aren't really stopping you if you want to get going.
Which is good.
We're hearing a bunch of tyranny from the politicians, but they all got paid off by Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
But the cops themselves realize this is their future being destroyed as well.
God bless you, Jay.
Beautiful call.
Beautiful things you're doing.
Thank you for the support.
We wouldn't be here without you.
You're changing the world.
Let's go to Josh in Canada.
Josh, you're on the air.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I'm from Ottawa.
I've been at the protests these last few weeks, and, you know, seeing that video you showed with the kids, you know, really inspired me, because at the end of the day, this is who we are doing it for.
This is why, you know, I go to these protests.
It's for the kids.
So, yeah, that was just an awesome video.
Yeah, the protests have been absolutely beautiful.
I've even seen a few InfoWars flags there, too.
So, you know, people love you here, Alex.
They love watching your program, so just know that people are listening.
What do you make of the claims?
We appreciate you and we love you guys.
What do you make of the claims where these tyrants are going to try to put people in jail and that you're blocking ambulances and all this bull?
You know what?
I honestly don't care at all, you know.
We gotta be fearless in this time right now, you know.
We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, you know.
I don't fear at all.
If I get arrested on Saturday, so be it.
I'm doing this for freedom at the end of the day, so I don't care at all.
You're right, and everybody's been calling in with that quote.
I want to make a t-shirt that says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I want that on the back.
And then, and then, and then, Ephesians and above it, you know, join theresistanceinfowars.com, because this is a spiritual fight, and none of this makes sense until you realize that the people serving this are literally demonically inspired.
You look at Governor Whitmer of Michigan, she looks like a frickin' jack-o'-lantern.
She doesn't just act like one.
You can look at her and see that is a demon.
Anything else, Josh?
Yeah, you know, the truckers are heroes.
Thank you, absolutely.
Christ is everything, folks.
It's real.
They hate God.
They hate Jesus.
That's how you know it's real.
All over the world, throughout history, they hate Christians.
And who's going to oppose their Mark of the Beast world government?
And there's two and a half million of us.
We are going to go through this.
We're going to have a toe-to-toe battle with Satan's minions.
It says, off-world, programming people, inter-dimensionally.
You can't see it.
You can't see hardly anything of the full spectrum of reality.
And they're here, folks.
There's God that made the universe.
There's God's angels, God's servants.
And then there's the bad guys.
That's what we're dealing with, folks.
And they want to hurt people.
They see you as an enemy.
They're an enemy military that has to interdimensionally get you to kill yourself or hurt yourself or chop your child's genitals off.
Like, who would come up with that?
Well, read the Bible.
That's demons.
I mean, they want to hurt our boys and girls.
It's all about hurting our children because they see that.
They have that rage because there's a potential in a child to do anything.
To build a whole new universe.
I mean, we're made in the image of God, and they see that, and they're like, oh my gosh, we don't like something made in the image of the Creator, we're not this powerful, but we're older, and we have knowledge, so we're gonna manipulate and twist this person, this spirit, into joining us.
It's the ultimate sick joke.
We gotta lead our children to the light, folks, and away from the darkness.
Let's come in with the high women, I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna cross that river, I'm gonna All right, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Who's been home the longest here?
That would be Andy in Maine, a trucker, right up there by Canada, on the convoy drivers, and calling on company drivers.
Tell us what that means.
Okay, well, hey, Alex.
I know what a company driver is.
That's a bigger company.
Well, actually, what you have are, you have owner-operators.
Those are people who own their trucks and pretty much have their freedom to go where they want.
Most of your convoy drivers for these protests are going to be owner-operators.
But the majority of the drivers that we have out there are company drivers, which means that they drive for another company.
They're freelancers who are employees of large trucking companies.
And they just don't have the freedom to go out and, you know, they don't have their own truck.
They don't have the freedom to go to a protest or go to a convoy because, you know, they work for somebody.
But my suggestion is I actually put up a Facebook page called Honk Your Freedom.
And what I'm suggesting is that all company drivers, and for that matter, even car drivers, at 8 o'clock in the morning, at noon, at 8 o'clock at night, wherever you are in the world at those times, Lay on your horn for straight 10 seconds in support of the convoy drivers.
Because I know, I for one, I'm a company driver and I don't have the option to take off with somebody else's truck and drive in a convoy.
So I can do that.
And 10 seconds for an air horn is a long time.
When you're doing it, it really, you're like, oh my gosh, these 10 seconds are a long 10 seconds.
If we can get all the truck drivers out there who are our company drivers who do support this and car drivers just if you support this cause at eight o'clock in the morning at noon at an eight o'clock at night if you're on the road just lay on your horn for straight 10 seconds and show your support for these convoys.
We can call at 812-888 and I totally agree with you just to show our power and our solidarity and also
make a banner if you're a truck driver and stop by an overpass where it's good, hang the banner up
and leave.
And when you come back in a few days from your hall you can take it back down if it's still up.
All of these things are having a massive effect of solidarity
to let others know that they're not alone.
Beautifully said, Andy. Thank you so much and God bless you.
She will be right back.
I appreciate Sheila Gunn-Raid joining us.
We'll get back to your calls next hour.
She is the chief reporter at the amazing Rebel News.
Her primary focus are government accountability, civil liberties, and religious freedoms.
She's on Twitter at SheilaGunnReid or RebelNews.com and she's been on with us several times before.
I watch her work every week.
Sheila, thanks for coming on during this epic moment.
Who would have thought Canada criticized for being almost in a Coma under the two years of tyranny is now the focus of the world with martial law declared.
Who would have thought that at the beginning of this that Canadians, passive Kind go along to get along Canadians would be inspiring the world in our resistance to tyranny the convoy that started now over two weeks ago here in Canada has inspired convoys not only all across our own country but across the world as far away as Australia
People are being inspired by this working class uprising here in Canada where they are telling our moral and intellectual superiors, no, it's actually us that makes the world go around and not you.
And I think that's really why the elites are mad at this trucker uprising.
Wow, so what do you expect to happen next and how is this affecting Trudeau?
I know that the conservative party just had their leader removed as they were going along with it.
I know that some of his own caucus in Trudeau's party are now turning against him.
What's happening?
Yeah, so within Trudeau's caucus, we are starting to see it fracture this week.
There are three MPs, so members of Parliament from within Trudeau's own party, who have come out against the government's handling of the lockdown.
That is the first crack we've really ever seen on this issue from within Trudeau's government.
Everybody has been falling in line all along.
As you rightly pointed out, Aaron O'Toole, the Conservative Party leader,
the truckers, basically the trucker uprising and his lack of support for it,
forced his own party to toss him out.
The truckers are receiving a lot of support from the now emboldened Conservative establishment.
These truckers are sort of extra political.
They don't exist within a political party.
Really, the political sentiment now in Canada is people who want to be left alone and people who won't leave them alone.
And this is crossing party lines.
When you go to these protests, these convoys, these are people from all walks of life that are coming up, pouring out.
On to the highways to greet the truckers.
The truckers themselves, you know, they're blue-collar people, but sometimes blue-collar people vote for the pro-union party.
In Canada, that's the NDP.
But they've been abandoned by that socialist party.
This is a cross-partisan movement for freedom.
Now, I'm not sure if it's going to affect Justin Trudeau in a way that he might step down.
But it is going to, I think, get cross-border trucking mandates lifted.
And that is going to come from the United States.
Because right now, as we're speaking, the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor is also being Windsor On the Canadian side, Detroit on the American side for our American friends watching.
That's being blockaded by truckers and their supporters.
And that is catastrophic for the economy right now.
That's a quarter of all cross-border trade goes through that one bridge every single year.
It's being blocked by truckers.
And instead of doing what Justin Trudeau did and pick an open fight with truckers and call them names, racist, misogynist, sexist, homophobe, you name it, Justin Trudeau's long list of things he maligns his enemies with, Biden To his credit, and I can't believe I'm saying this, he seems more in control of his faculties than Justin Trudeau.
He didn't pick a fight with the truckers.
He said everybody's got a right to free expression and peaceful protest.
So I think Biden is hoping this doesn't come for me too.
But if Biden rolls back the cross-border trucking vaccine mandate, Trudeau will have no choice but to do it.
So Canadian truckers might free American truckers, which will ultimately free Canadian truckers in the end.
It's all just a big cascade of things happening.
Well, exactly.
I see the clips on CNN and they go, if we don't stop them in Canada, this will spread.
They're just so tone-deaf and un-self-aware.
But just to get it straight, because I've been up there a few times, but I always get names backwards.
Ontario's the state or the province, and the Premier is Doug Ford.
We followed him with his civil emergency he announced, state of emergency.
And then Ottawa's the capital that's within that state, and that's where the emergency's been declared.
The state of emergency has been declared in all of the province of Ontario because they're dealing with the border problem at Windsor and the, as the politicians are calling it, the ongoing occupation of truckers in the capital of the country, Ottawa.
That's like our DC.
The truckers descended there, 100,000 truckers and their supporters.
We're approaching two weeks now.
And what I find to be interesting here is, and here's my question, To you, everything Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau and all of them say about, they've got us under siege.
They're not letting us leave our houses, which is even true.
They're hurting the economy.
That's what they've just done to everybody for two years.
So it's perfect projection in my view.
What do you say to that?
That's exactly what it is.
You know, I listened to this Doug Ford press conference today, and he is saying the most tone-deaf, out-of-touch things.
It's like he thinks all of us are hard of remembering.
He said in that press conference that no one should obstruct people from coming and going into their own country.
Yeah, we know.
That's why the truckers are out protesting the cross-border vaccine mandate, because they are being obstructed based on medical status.
From doing their job going across the border, but the politicians seem to forget that they have just been subject to two weeks to flatten the curve in Ottawa.
And, you know, as they say, first it was two weeks and then they needed a month and then they needed a month.
Well, maybe that's what the truckers need to.
I've been asking the questions, but you're the reporter on the ground.
What would you call this historically?
And what do you expect to happen now that the civil emergency has been announced?
I think this is the single largest civil rights movement to ever occur.
In Canada.
This is the single largest protest that's ever occurred in Canada.
It has forced several provinces all of a sudden, overnight, to drop their vaccine passports and roll back restrictions and put a timeline in place to drop their mask mandates.
It has cost the Conservative Party, someone who wanted to be the next Prime Minister, it is fracturing the Liberal Party of Canada.
I think, though, however, We are going to see because, oh, look at that, the Democracy Fund is a, by the way, that sign that you're seeing there, registered Canadian charity that is providing free legal advice and help, legal help to the truckers that are currently being ticketed in Ottawa by the police there.
But I think with the declared state of emergency, that gives the government more powers to act.
And I am concerned that we will see some very heavy-handed police enforcement happening already.
We're seeing stuff that violates the basic fundamental tenets of people protesting and how you're supposed to protect their human rights when they protest.
For example, in Ottawa, the police have declared that the truckers are committing public mischief.
And so if you deliver gas, diesel, fuel, food, water to the truckers, you are an accomplice to mischief.
That's right.
They're calling it material support.
That's a terrorism term.
So you're providing material support to people already committing mischief.
They're not ticketing the truckers for mischief.
They're only ticketing the people who are bringing the diesel to the truckers to stay warm.
And I don't know if you know anything about Canadian winters, but that was minus 15 degrees Celsius.
It's pretty cold.
It's pretty cold for Ottawa.
And they were depriving the truckers of the ability to keep their trucks running.
That violates the Geneva Convention of Prisoners.
It does.
And another thing, too, there are kids in some of these trucks.
These are truckers.
These are trucking families.
They bring their kids with them to the show.
Hold on, Sheila.
Gunn-Reid, stay there.
Chief Reporter for Rebel News.
We'll do five more minutes to get to your calls, folks.
Stay with us.
Thanks for being here, Sheila.
We're not just seeing civil emergency martial law declared in Ontario, where the capital resides in that province.
Canadian radio host forced off air dangerous pro-convoy anti-COVID Passport Speech, Total Control, Z95.3, I know that's a big station, I've been on it before as a guest, got kicked off of there.
Host Kid Carson, we should try to get him on because he dared support the people and didn't want vaccine passports, which is of course the total internal tracking grid.
Finishing up with Sheila Gunn-Reed, I really appreciate her coming on from Rebel News, find her at rebelnews.com.
Where do you see all this ending and what are other points you'd like to add that people need to know?
You know, I think that if the Americans move to drop their cross-border vaccine mandate, it will liberate Canadian truckers from that.
That will free us.
But I think as long as the truckers have the resolve to do what they do, and they have the support of the Canadian public, which by and large they do, Then things are going to change in Canadian provinces, some of them faster than others.
In Alberta, Saskatchewan, even Ontario, where they declared a civil emergency today, they are also bringing in a timeline to end their coronavirus restrictions.
So the truckers are truly saving Canada from tyranny.
And as long as they are able to stay there and do what they're doing, and as long as they have the support of the Canadian
public, things will continue to change and get more free.
Well, I got to tell you, the whole world's looking at Canada and just as many predicted, it's now mushroomed
around the world.
We're seeing the desperate politicians say, shut them down.
We have the former deputy head of Homeland Security, CNN host, saying, slash the tires, arrest the drivers, take the gas, and then move the trucks.
As if you can move the trucks once you've slashed the tires and taken the gas.
I mean, I love all these people that have never been in the military, or probably never had a fist fight, Leftists commanding the police to go out and start a war.
I just love it because they don't know what they're talking about.
Yeah, I mean, that's really, I think the overarching thing in all of this protest is that it is the working class against the elite who have no idea how things work.
This lady thinks that everybody has a commercial driver's license and they can just steal a big rig.
Is that what she thinks?
Of course she does, because she's from the avocado and toast class, and she thinks she's much better than the coverall class of people currently setting the country free.
We've also seen people who are normally not engaged in civil disobedience, the leave me alone type of people, they are joining this protest.
For example, in Southern Alberta, the province where I'm in, there's been a border blockade between Alberta and Montana now ongoing a week.
And at first it started with the truckers protesting the vaccine mandate.
And then the farmers came.
And they brought all of their equipment.
And now there are hundreds of people down there at the border site.
But also, next door, sort of up the road, because police are blocking people now from coming into the The protest site initially they were even blocking people from bringing in again food, water, fuel, and medicine.
But they're corralling supporters up the road in another town and that town is quickly becoming one of the largest towns in southern Alberta because There are thousands and thousands of people in town supporting the truckers.
They just can't get there to support them.
Things are changing.
And the people who normally don't get engaged in this sort of stuff are willing to put everything on the line.
The government is saying we could come and seize your equipment for some of these farmers.
That's a million dollar piece of equipment the government could confiscate.
But freedom to them is so much more important.
Well, absolutely.
There's not enough tow trucks in the whole city to get those out in a month, which is what, again, as you said, the avocado toast ruling class doesn't get.
Sheila Gunnreid, thank you so much for spending time with us, and please join me tomorrow on my special Saturday show or the Sunday show and you and Ezra for updates as this unfolds.
But it sounds to me like the police want a side with the actual working class and not with the elite champagne avocado toast class.
You know, we've had a lot of police and even some military today speak out against this.
People who are willing to walk off their jobs and say, this is not what I signed up for.
I signed up to protect the civil liberties of Canadians and not become the enforcement arm of the biomedical police state in Ottawa.
Sheila, thank you so much and we really appreciate you.
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I want to be infinity clear with all of you.
I could put a trillion different data points into this, and we could talk all day about those points, but just know this.
We're winning.
Things aren't going well for the globalists.
They had some contingency plans, and they kind of had it baked into the cake that we'd resist, but they are crapping their bitches right now.
Now, don't get all confident on me yet, because you know they got a bunch of tricks up their sleeves.
But as long as we know what their tricks are, cyber blackouts, wars, new viruses, currency collapses, Race wars, as long as we know what dirty tricks they got up their sleeve, as long as we have solidarity as people together for our basic human rights, they can piss up a rope.
And I knew this instinctively, and it wasn't me, it was God working through me.
Thirty years ago, when I was battling to get on air and just had this instinct, and it wasn't to be a movie star, it wasn't to be cool, I just knew this was all going down.
And I could see it, and I just had a feeling, and I intellectually knew a lot about the New World Order and things, but I had no idea just how epic it would get.
And here we are.
And now I can look back and I can see God did every bit of this on the side of good.
And the devil did every bit of it on the other side.
And God and the devil are just as real as night and day, ladies and gentlemen.
But there's not just the archetype of the devil and the archetype of God.
There's really the God, the Supreme Being that made all this, obviously, and the bad guy.
And there's a chief bad guy, and he's got a lot of other things, that motley crew, that goes along with his plan.
And his plan is not God's plan.
In fact, if you know God's plan?
Free will, and empowerment, and beauty, and health, and regeneration, and honor, and just goodness, and discovery, and creation.
Just so good.
Everything that's good.
Total satisfaction.
Just unbelievable.
To be in the presence of God.
I've only had a few times, conscious and unconscious, sleeping to be able to actually be in God's presence.
It's unbelievable.
It's unbelievably satisfying.
Because the Holy Spirit's just kind of catching a little ray, like God's aura.
But to be in God's real presence is like, you just want to get on the ground and lay down.
Because it's so intense you can't even handle it.
And it's like, oh, I'm totally complete.
Oh, it's, you know, and I'm trying to describe that feeling of completion.
It's not like you're in ecstasy.
It's not like you even want more or want less.
You're like, oh, this goes on forever.
This is eternity.
This is timelessness.
Oh, I can know everything now.
Anything you want to know, you can know it, but you don't even want to know it.
You just want to go, oh God, I love you.
And there's just that, that, that total completion.
Can you imagine the people that had the opportunity to be with that and decided to break with it?
Satan saw that as slavery.
Satan could build whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted, know whatever he wanted, but he wasn't God.
Can't be God.
Isn't God.
And so Satan said, I'm going to burn this down.
God said, go ahead and try.
Oh, by the way, I'm creating all these new entities that have free will just like I did.
Little tiny versions of myself.
Go ahead and have at them.
Let's see if you can even beat my babies.
And then there comes the argument, is God the greatest sadist that ever existed?
God is lonely.
God wanted communion with us, and so God did this thing.
And I agree with God, and I am thankful for God for the choice of consciousness, and I understand all the pain that comes with it, but I appreciate it, and I totally understand it.
But God is perfect, and in the perfect thought decided to do this, but the Satanists will always argue, why does your God allow death?
Why does your God allow pain?
Why does your God allow all this?
Why is your God?
Because we got free will, that's why.
And you can't be given the keys to the universe until you've been tested here on Earth.
You're not going to be given all that power until you've proven that you're willing to get hurt for doing the right thing.
Nothing good is given for free.
Hey, how are you Alex?
this phone calls and I apologize making you hold. Who's been holding the longest?
I've been preaching here today. Clayton in Canada, we love you. You're a trucker.
Concerns over the protest. Tell us sir, please. Hey, how are you Alex? I'm alright brother.
So my concern is right now in order to get you know off my job in a way I might
actually be stopped by like the blockades looking for people trying to
blockade if you know what I mean. Yeah you're saying there's checkpoints
looking for people trying to blockade.
So that's a concern.
Well, describe what these checkpoints are like for us.
Unfortunately, I haven't hit it yet.
I've just heard about people saying, you know, you might have issues getting where you need to go because it's kind of on multiple sides.
But I do have a 240-character speech that might satisfy the Hollywood Warrior speeches you guys were talking about.
Yeah, go ahead.
Read it to us.
I'll get there.
First, X2, X3, Super Male Vitality, Mineral Fusion, Ultra B12 Plus, Brain Force, Bone Broth, even some of the older stuff like the MycoZX and Oxy Powder.
I don't really hear you guys talking about it anymore.
All are really great products.
I can't seem to order your food in Canada though.
I'm not sure what's going on there.
I'm sure it's a bank thing, you know.
Um, but anyway, uh, sounds like they might have the Stingray systems in Ottawa right now.
I don't know if you've heard anything about that.
Yeah, the Stingray scoop up and steal all the cell phone data.
Yeah, so there's that.
Um, but yeah, let this, uh, let this movement, uh, flood their intel hubs.
Uh, this is a speech, I guess, 240 character speech.
Anyway, in moments when the collective conscious takes a moment to reflect what the steps will bear, what the next steps will be, in this moment I ask citizens of Earth to take up a singular cause We all know we've been abused.
With one voice, I ask you to say no, never again, let the Great Reckoning commence.
This is the Great Reckoning, brother, and we really appreciate all the truckers standing up.
Who would have thought it would be Canada that everybody had written off that would end up being the genesis point of the resistance?
Have you ever been in a fight, in a hockey game with a Canadian?
No, I know, and I love that meme.
Imagine when the people that just want to be left alone get involved.
Thank you so much, and God bless you, Clayton.
David in Detroit.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Just wanted to say thank you for everything you and your crew do.
You guys are amazing.
I'm a local truck driver over here in Detroit.
And it's been really fascinating what's going on in Canada right now, and the bridge is in fact completely shut down.
Just drove by a couple hours ago.
On the U.S.
side, they got barricades and police everywhere.
You're not even getting close to that bridge.
Well, as a trucker, as an American, right there at the epicenter of this, what's your view?
You know, I think it's so important for humans to have the freedom of choice, and I think it's absolutely atrocious What these governments and globalists are trying to do to us as a population to try and control us.
And, uh, you know, I'm, I'm a young guy and it's been really interesting growing up with all this technology and stuff.
And they keep trying to convince us to just, you know, get plugged in, get plugged in with the program.
And, you know, I gotta say becoming a truck driver has been the most freeing experience for me in my entire life.
And, You know, driving through the country and seeing this incredible creation that God has given us the opportunity to wake up to every day is just mind-boggling.
I really hope and pray for all the Canadians out there that they just peacefully keep up the good fight and don't give up.
That's a beautiful thing you just said, David.
You're right.
This is a very, very important moment in history and it all is about good versus evil and It's just amazing that these globalists think they own us.
They think we're supposed to just roll over into our graves and let them inherit the future.
But I'm telling Klaus Schwab and the rest of them, that's not going to happen, my friend.
No, heck no.
And it is we the people who must stand together to fight this tyranny.
We the people united can never be defeated.
David, thank you so much.
All right, I'm going to hand the baton to Jason Burma who's taking over, but I promise every caller is going to come back and talk to the Pope in Canada, a Canadian trucker, and then the next host takes over.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you so much for joining us.
We'll do a special show tomorrow.
It's going to be taped to air, but it's going to be several big guests.
You're not going to want to miss it on the Saturday.
Special transmission.
I got one more caller, the Pope I want to hit, and then Jason Burma.
So I appreciate co-hosting.
He's about to take over.
He always has a lot of amazing things to go over.
And it's just this.
Our hopes and dreams are all embodied by these truckers, not just in Canada, but all over the world that are standing up and doing the right thing and going against the system.
Because they give courage to other people that feel all alone and don't know that other people feel the way they do.
And that's why you see this program worldwide falling apart and faltering.
And from as far away as Singapore, to Israel, to blue cities all over the U.S.
and Democrat-run states, all saying no more masks on children, no more forced inoculations, no more vaccine passports, because they know it's Backfired on them.
Now, they're going to back off and then bring it back again.
But for now, things are not going the way they wanted them to.
So this is a very epic moment.
And we've got to, though, reconstitute who we are.
We've got to rebuild our infrastructures.
We've got to know that we're waking up to the fight we're in.
But this was just one battle that we're barely winning.
The war is going to get much more serious.
It's like a video game.
The next levels get more intense.
We get stronger, too.
And the more we wake up, the more we don't care anymore, and the more we don't have any fear.
We care about our children and our future, but we don't care about what the globalists say about us or do to us, the stronger we get.
God doesn't give you anything you can't handle.
Now I'm going to tell you though, you're going to be incrementally challenged now, and if you step up...
You're going to be one of the people that helps take down the New World Order.
This broadcast is the tip of the spear.
So I need your support, plus I've got great products you need.
Sale's going to end Monday, night at like midnight.
We've got to end it.
It's 25% off, high quality, storable food, ready to ship to you right now.
And it's great food at a low price.
Infowarrestore.com, preparewithalex.com.
We've got all the other great t-shirts and books and films, a bunch of new t-shirts with great designs came in, like the presidential emojis are one of my favorites.
It's got all 46 presidents on there.
You can guess that Biden's a clown, of course.
We have the Come and Make Me shirt as well.
The Wake Up America coffee, the X3, 50% off.
It's all at Infowarstore.com.
Jason Burmish takes over in T-minus two minutes.
But right now, I wanted... Yeah, there's the emoji shirt.
It's really awesome.
Go ahead and click on it.
Yes, I can see a bigger version.
And you see Obama there, the 44th president.
You see Trump, 45.
And then you see the clown president.
They're all there.
Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, George Washington.
They're all there.
I already saw a design kind of like this.
I think it made a better design.
I kind of improvised it and updated it.
But the Pope, the Pope in Canada.
Welcome, and I appreciate you holding.
Good to talk to you.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I just wanted to say happy birthday first and foremost.
And the other thing I wanted to ask you is, so how much do you think of this trucker convoy became a distraction?
Because I'm starting to think they wanted this to be like a weekend protest and it got out of hand, they lost control.
I'm thinking they might just try to use them as patsies, give them a little bit of a win, only to clamp down tighter.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on that.
Well, certainly you can war game it out and see.
They can provocateur.
They can do a bombing and blame it on them.
But I think the truckers are real.
I know they are.
I know the globalists aren't all powerful when we exercise our will.
And I see the globalists looking very, very upset.
And so I think from Australia to the U.S.
to Canada to Europe, the Belgian farmers with their tractors pushing the armored vehicles out of the way, that's real.
And when push comes to shove, the military and police are deciding to join with the people.
So Viva Vendetta is a fiction movie, but it's based on the Romanian Ceausescu event and a composite of others where the military already killed a bunch of citizens, millions showed up at the palace, and when they marched on the palace, the military didn't shoot them.
And then an hour, couple hours later, Chilchesto and his wife were facing a firing squad.
And so that's really where Viva ended.
Listen, I don't want Trudeau to face a firing squad.
I don't want Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates.
I want them in prison.
And I want it all to come out in court.
I want Nuremberg 2.0.
So, yeah, they did this attack with the virus and the lockdowns because their whole program was in trouble.
They didn't do it out of strength.
They did it out of weakness.
I appreciate your call, Pope.
All right.
Tomorrow, I'm not sure with the crew, I'm coming up here at like 11 a.m.
We got three big guests tomorrow.
One of them's really amazing.
They're all amazing.
One's really cool.
Whenever we're done taping it, it'll be posted to Band Off Video.
People love the Saturday shows.
That's coming up tomorrow.
I would guess it'll probably be out about 5 or 6 o'clock tomorrow because it's so big.
There's so many guests and so much stuff.
Jason Burmiss, thanks for being here.
Sorry I stole some of your time.
We love you, Jason.
Please take over.
Thank you sir and hopefully this broadcast is going to be a compliment to the previous three plus hours.
We're going to be talking about other people standing up and what I think people really need to understand about this Canadian model is roughly 38 million people live in Canada.
Just 38 million.
In New York alone Where you have a comparative slave state, minus the gulags they would love to have in place with their shielding methods, legislation in place to do so.
And remember, still torturing children, still mandating masks on kids and in city buildings.
You have people standing up and taking over bridges.
You wouldn't know that by the mainstream media.
And again, New York has 20 million people in that state, around 10 million in New York City.
and Long Island. So I want to play this clip, another quick triumph of people standing up
against these authoritarian measures. Here it is right here.
You won't see it in the national media and if you did, they'd probably classify it as a white
supremacist protest.
Through the rain unfurling the American flag to claim their right.
Go back to the mandate. Go back to the mandate.
Bringing traffic to a standstill on the Brooklyn Bridge.
I mean, look at that woman right there, who's clearly a white supremacist, speaking out against the digital key to slavery pass.
Wow, she's terrible.
Let's cancel her.
A few hundred people marching from Brooklyn to City Hall protesting the city's vaccine mandate, terminating those who have not complied with getting the shot by February 11th.
The city's saying this is a small percentage of city workers.
Mayor Adams told us in a statement, more than 90% of employees are fully vaccinated, and that number is increasing every day.
And remember, fully vaccinated has moved to up to date, alright?
And their 90% number, even if it's correct, even if you gave them the benefit of the doubt, doesn't mean they want a slavery pass every time they want to go to McDonald's, or they want to exclude their loved ones Who decided against taking DARPA bioweapon injections.
Wow, that's crazy stuff.
From day one of my administration, I've said we will follow the science and that's exactly what we will continue to do.
They don't feel that, I'm essential.
Paul Schweit is a New York City firefighter and a member of Bravest for Choice.
He says taxpayers should be worried if 5% of the FDNY is terminated because firehouses are operating on overtime.
We show up no matter the call.
We show up regardless of your health status or what the call is for.
We're there to serve the community and try and save a life.
Thousands of city workers who have not shown proof of their COVID vaccination or on leave without pay were sent separation notices last week.
And they're trying to induce these authoritarian measures.
They already lost in the state Supreme Court weeks ago on the mask mandates.
We need to push harder.
You need to support InfoWars.com.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now.
We are back, this is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, and before we get into some of the stories out there, such as Homeland Security changing their language to include not just mis- and disinformation, but mal-information, as well, and the CIA admitting water is wet, The sun shines light and cows produce milk saying they have been collecting data on U.S.
No kidding.
None of those are revelations.
We're going to show you how this leviathan of a military industrial complex has been tracking, tracing, and databasing U.S.
citizens since at least the 90s on a massive, massive level.
But before we get there, I got one more really feel-good story that no one else seems to be covering, but I'm gonna cover it here.
I watched the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, and quite frankly, I was a little sick to my stomach, alright?
It was high, high production value.
You had lasers and you had holograms and you had people, you know, dancing in unison as everybody came down.
But in the opening ceremony, every single person involved, Xi Jinping included, the audience included, all had the mark of slavery.
I want you to think about that for a moment.
And as each team went down the runway, including the United States, including even Canada, they all wore the mark of slavery, bending the knee, physical specimens at the height, at the height of athleticism, and honestly, very mentally strong people to get there.
Well, one person, one young lady, A 21-year-old skier from Iran, and I hate, I don't even want to try, her last name is Ahmadi, I believe it's Atifa, okay?
She refused to bend the knee!
One person!
I think there's, again, three Iranians that are actually even competing.
She's one of three.
All right.
Think about being a woman in her country.
Everybody talks about the axes of evil and oppression and the culture that's built.
She refused.
She made everybody see that radiant smile as she should because she worked so damn hard to get there.
And again, in the face of global tyranny and slavery, she said, no, not going to happen.
And I commend that on a massive level.
Moving on.
This just came out.
Anybody can go and get the PDF.
This was on the 7th.
And a lot of people are highlighting this line right here, which does need to be highlighted because it's the number one thing when they're talking about this summary of a terrorism threat in the U.S.
And they talk about the proliferation of false or misleading narratives which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S.
government institutions.
But really, what we need to focus on is this first sentence, because that's where it goes from just misinformation
or disinformation, false information and conspiracy theories, right?
All right?
False or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, but malinformation.
What is malinformation?
Well, obviously, malinformation is something that you could contest doesn't really exist
other than it is harmful to the narrative.
In other words, it can be a hundred percent truthful.
Okay, and one of the things that was featured in the Spars pandemic document right here was such a thing and the control of these narratives and even the society's Including echo chambers, but then the one they like the most first of all let's read this through social media these individuals can find both Practical information and a sense of community in other words right information correct information Okay, but they won't focus on what we want them to Okay, and that's a problem.
They'd rather have a Where is it?
We got to scroll down just a little bit further.
I think this is a big document.
They would rather have the UN model.
And again, we're all under this.
There it is.
UN Security Council.
That's the one they want right there.
Yes, diverse and integrated in a melting pot.
And to really, you know, put it out there again, that they have been Uh, tracking, tracing, and databasing us.
They've been deep diving on us for years and years and years.
I'm going to play a clip from the Infowars.com produced documentary.
And by the way, you should go get COVID Land 2 The Mask right now.
You want to support that broadcast?
Uh, you want to support the whole operation and independent filmmaking?
You need to go get that picture.
Paul Wittenberger has done a great job so far with that series.
However, you look at this, and this was produced all the way back in 2010.
We're going to be talking about a program that was outed via Hepting versus AT&T.
So it should come as no surprise that they have been tracking, tracing, and databasing our lives for years.
Many people are aware that the Bush administration engaged in warrantless wiretaps on American citizens.
What they don't understand is that it's come out in court that all the major telecommunications companies have been secretly storing every piece of data received from our phones and our computers and handing them over to the National Security Agency.
You heard about the government secretly listening in on phone conversations without a warrant?
But there is evidence that your email is also being tapped.
The government has been This is just a small part of the picture.
as part of its terrorist surveillance program.
That program has been criticized as illegal because it's missing an important ingredient, search warrants.
Several years ago, Klein says he came to suspect that AT&T had installed secret computer gear
designed to spy on Internet traffic at the request of the National Security Agency.
This is just a small part of the picture.
As AT&T was not the only company involved and emails were not the only issue.
The NSA was installing Norris Insight systems which are capable of monitoring billions of bits of
Internet traffic per second.
It was also able to monitor any calls trafficked through its system, all websites visited, all instant messaging, and separate types of transaction records.
So again, when that revelation came out from Edward Snowden, just understand InfoWars beat him to the punch quite a bit.
It continues, okay?
And then we'll get into, this gets into the CIA and other agencies and MIAC and why DHS putting that memo out.
DHS shouldn't exist.
Deutschland Security shouldn't exist.
The secret room at AT&T contains gear which enables the government to look at every individual message on the internet and analyze exactly what people are doing.
Here's another document.
It mentions a company called Narus.
Narus makes computer software that can swallow and analyze 10 gigabytes of information every second.
That means it could go through all the information in all the books in the Library of Congress in a little over 15 minutes.
The documents Klein and others were able to produce were then censored by the NSA.
Bankston isn't allowed to talk about the documents in detail.
The government has since had them sealed.
But he says what is in there boggles the mind.
I want you to think about that right now.
They actually had to reclassify documents.
Try finding information on this case.
Okay, Mark Klein wasn't the only one that blew the whistle.
Okay, and even the documentation that had been out there, they said, no, no, no.
We got to take that back.
We got to re-restrict.
One of the big revelations from Snowden that I think is important is the fact that he came across documentation that was not only blacked out, right, but it was a completely other document.
In other words, your declassified or partially classified version was completely fraudulent.
That should alarm you.
We are talking about a substantial portion of all the communications traffic in the United States.
The policies have been shielded by the Obama administration and continue to this day.
Attorney General Holder has publicly stated lawsuits be thrown out of court.
And after several attempts, Klein and other cases were thrown out as well.
Once again citing the national security of what used to be a constitutional republic, not a massive corrupt slave state.
Living in the New World Order.
So, you know, there's Mark Dice and he's talking about the New World Order also does great stuff.
On the other side, we're going to play just a small portion of that.
We're going to show you how blockchain technology is literally being promoted by the World Economic Forum to enslave people, not empower you through decentralization.
We're not in imagination land.
We're coming back.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma sitting in and you need to support InfoWars.com by going to InfoWarsStore.com right now, getting the supplements or getting some of the great motion pictures they provide so you can wake people up.
Here's the deal.
We're going to play a little bit more of this segment showing you different types of reports, how they've demonized patriots in the past, how the CIA C.I.A.
revelation is just an extension of that.
We're going to talk a little bit about signature reduction.
Again, the military has already ignored Posi Comitatus.
This whole thing is part of what was built post-World War II with Born Classified and tons of compartmentalization and then using front
corporations, okay, and companies to do the bidding of the predator class.
So let's get back to this clip and I want to show people again it's not just the CIA,
it's not just DHS, it's MIAC, the NSA, it's all of it.
The new world order that is currently being built revolves around creating a global technopoly
ruled by the elite in which they dominate and control a severely reduced populace which
they treat as their pets.
In the New World Order, the people are the enemy.
Internal documents released in March of 2009 reveal that the Department of Homeland Security is targeting citizens who discussed the New World Order.
People with a Christian identity or sovereign citizens who argue that the government has gotten away from the intent of the Constitution and are strong states' rights advocates.
People who are anti-immigration stating extremists will argue that immigrants are taking the jobs of U.S.
citizens during times of high unemployment and without paying taxes.
People who oppose the Federal Reserve Banking System.
People who display constitutional party or libertarian material.
People who support Ron Paul.
And those who have bumper stickers containing anti-government rhetoric.
This document is one of literally thousands that make everyone a possible terrorist.
And there it is, the CIA and the New World Order Intelligence Challenges through 2015.
Okay, that's a document, again, from February of 2000.
That's a document, again, from February of 2000.
So, Alex talked earlier today about how they want a kill switch in your car.
Sounds crazy!
They never use that!
Well, guess what?
They just used it.
And yeah, it's against a bad guy that probably murdered his parents.
Okay, I don't know enough about the case to speak about it.
Not too much, but they just logged in and remotely disabled his SUV and they arrested him right there on the street.
There it is, right there.
Now I want you to think about that.
Now sure, we want the bad guys, we want the murderers, but look what's going on globally.
Look what's going on in Canada right now where they're openly saying these people are white supremacists.
They're doing the same in this country.
Do you want any authoritarian figure to have that type of control or remote access to your movement?
I certainly don't.
I think that's a bad idea.
Call me kooky.
And right now what we're going to do is we're going to show the World Economic Forum, again, using a technology, because again, remote access and that type of thing, that can be utilized for good as well.
But the blockchain and DeFi, sure you can empower yourself, but they want to use the blockchain to put you in a refugee camp and impose a biometric slavery grid on you.
We'll just lower that.
The refugee camp runs the blockchain.
A lot of children.
See, I rather see children smiling and being happy.
I coached my niece's soccer game, or not soccer, volleyball game last night.
A lot of smiling kids.
Don't want to see them in refugee camps and tents.
But hey, they're going to be able to shop through a UN program without physical money.
That's great.
This is why you want the video portion.
Hey, look, the same thing they use in Afghanistan to take your biometric IRIS scan, we're going to use it in this World Economic Forum program because we love you.
There it is, right there.
It connects you right to your little account because you want to be in a line like a bunch of slaves and refugees after we devastate your country.
And it can store your digital identity, your paperwork, your passports, your exam certificates, your financial histories, you know, after we destroy your countries in conflict.
All right, we won't say it's us.
But it's gonna be us.
Jason, is that malinformation?
Is that misinformation?
Meanwhile, while they won't tell you that Putin is legitimately threatening nuclear war in the blink of an eye with Europe and saying back off United States, what are they saying instead?
They're saying he's gonna be the cyberattacker in Europe.
Okay, he's gonna be the cyberattacker In the United States!
I'm seeing more and more of that rhetoric globally.
All right?
It's not just in Ukraine.
They are saying Ukraine, but they're saying Europe and the United States.
So if blackouts come, it's the Russians.
They've done it all.
They're the ultimate evil.
It's absolutely, astonishingly ridiculous.
But that's the narrative they want to portray.
Meanwhile, You know, we talk about this technology, whether it's going to empower or enslave us.
There's a reason they don't care about these human beings.
Number one, they want to get rid of those truckers.
They want 5G running what?
Automated trucks, driverless trucks.
They want robots on the border.
Okay, why do you think?
They're letting everything run amok.
Why do you think they don't want law enforcement and military personnel that won't bend the knee?
Homeland security, again, Deutschland security, something that should have never existed.
We're going to put them in charge of robot dogs on the border?
Yeah, that's a great idea.
Although never be turned against American citizens.
And by the way, they show you somebody with a remote control.
The technology is so far along.
They already have it automated.
They already have programs those things can run, even publicly, right?
It doesn't need a remote control at all.
And they will do what they are programmed to do.
People should be extremely alarmed about all of this, and yet they're not.
Another example of the good old blockchain and cryptocurrency being used to not really empower humanity, in my opinion, but enslave them, is the use of, say, Cardano In artificial intelligence, via global healthcare, you're looking at Grace, the sister robot to Sophia.
And remember Dennis Bushnell, head of NASA, the guy behind that document that I constantly go to, the future strategic warfare document, that some people haven't accepted as a reality.
The one that talks about CNN syndrome, the bio-nano era coming in 2020, that one?
Yeah, he bragged that they thought, first of all he said, There are no jobs in which the robots cannot do.
I want to repeat that.
Just none.
All right.
But even more chilling is the fact that he said, we thought we needed them in the nursing homes.
And this is in 2011 at the Bluetech Forum.
Thought we needed them in the nursing homes.
We put the robots in.
The people liked them better instead.
And there it is.
And believe me, they used Grace and other robots like her during the COVID 1984 nightmare globally.
Now, I want to take this last couple minutes to kind of reflect back at home and on false saviors.
Peter Thiel has announced that he is leaving the board at Facebook and he is getting behind two candidates that I am constantly seeing on Fox News and being portrayed as people that are going to help us and not hurt us.
I am not convinced.
Think what Facebook has done with censorship?
Over the last several years and really since its inception.
And remember, Peter Thiel was the technology advisor to Trump.
And they're portraying this in the media, by the way, that he's leaving Meta, which it now is Facebook, right?
To pursue the Trump agenda.
Is that the case?
And look, JD Vance, he says the right thing.
Here he is, he's leaving.
And the other gentleman, he says the right things on television too, right?
I don't trust Peter Thiel, and neither should you.
Peter Thiel is, again, someone not only connected to Palantir and a plethora of other technology companies that are set up to enslave humanity, not empower it, but while companies like Facebook restrict speech, okay, and censor real voices, Peter Thiel wants to meet in backroom meetings via the Bilderberg meeting, where he is a member Of the board, okay?
One of the actual board members, the guys that go every single year.
And he wants private conversations with Predator-class billionaires and their minions.
Yeah, not cool.
So guys, again, I'm Jason Bermas.
You can find me over at rockfin.com slash Jason Bermas.
We're also on Podbean!
We got audio versions of these things, and I want to thank Alex Jones for giving me the opportunity to share these stories with you, because it's not about left or right.
It's always about right and wrong, and Infowars.com is on the right side of history, and that's not a political thing.
Alright, are they perfect?
Do we need them?
Yes, yes, and yes.
So go to infowarrestore.com and support them in any way you can.
I am Jason Burmess.
Thanks again.
I bought this from a museum.
It wasn't that expensive, a couple thousand dollars.
But the paleontologists that curated it and mined this out of North Africa estimate that this is 30 million years old.
These are fish that lived their lives and floated down on the bottom and died.
Now whether they died 10,000 years ago or 30 million years ago, like the scientists say, regardless, they were living little creatures that had a life.
Went through the different paces.
But what about humans?
We can envision all this incredible art.
A photo of my daughter, a painting I did, a painting my older daughter did, a painting my uncle did who's been long dead when he was eight years old.
Another painting my older daughter did.
A painting my young daughter did.
All of this is precious because it's consciousness.
And it's things we're interfacing with.
And the globalists don't want us to have any consciousness except ideas they pour into our brains.
That's what the surveillance and the censorship is all about.
And they're doing everything they can now to silence us and shut us down because they know I'm a populist.
They know I believe in you.
I believe in myself.
I believe in humanity.
So that's why as we hurdle Into the year 2022.
Hell, today is February 2nd, 2022.
Two, two, two, two.
How would you say it, Rob?
Two, two, two, two, two.
Yeah, two, two, two, two, two.
Here we are together, ladies and gentlemen, and just look at this.
You know, my grandmother, 50-something years ago, hell, my mom's 70-something, 60-something years ago, my mom was a little girl.
She watched her mother Knit that little hedgehog together and here's one of my great daughters.
My middle daughter with my younger daughter.
This is just so magic.
This is what life's about.
It's about this great experience that we have together.
Here's a little painting I did years ago, probably 20 years ago now, of the Japanese wave.
Here's a little art piece my four-year-old daughter did, and here's something I did.
The point is, this is all what life's about.
It's our experiences and our love together.
And these tyrants are trying to shut that down, and we can't let them.
And we can't let them shut M. Fort Worth down.
And so now, I tell the listeners and viewers, we need your support more than ever.
And everything we promote, everything we sell, empowers you as well.
It's a 360 win.
So please, word of mouth, spread the word.
Please pray for us and please go to InfoWarshaw.com right now and get the great supplements, the great t-shirts, the great products that keep us on air because I don't want the globals to be successful.
I don't want them to shut us down.
I don't want them to silence me or you or anybody else.
I know we're going to win.
And InfoWars has come so far together.
And I don't think our fight has ended.
But if it does end, I understand I've had a big successful roll here.
But regardless, whatever you do, I want you to keep on fighting and never stop and never surrender.
God bless and good luck.
God bless.
It is the good halogen.
The UN admits 2 billion plus people have cognitive disabilities on the face of the earth today.
That's over 20% because they have had iodine deficiencies.
Now we've got two different great iodine products.
We've got X2, it's amazing.
Pure deep earth crystal atomic iodine.
And it's been sold out for a while.
We finally got X3 back in, that is the deep earth crystal iodine, and then two other types, because some studies show it helps with the absorption of the pure iodine.
So it's apples and oranges.
Both formulas are excellent.
People constantly ask me, including on the street, what's better, X2 or X3?
Apples and oranges.
It's like, do you like iceberg lettuce or do you like spinach?
I mean, it's two different things.
Or it's like, A tomato versus a potato.
Bottom line, your body needs iodine.
And the globalists are bombarding all of us with bad halogens.
Fluoride, bromine, chloride.
All of those systems that block fertility, block our electrochemical cells, block our immune system.
So just on the immune system front, so many people have deficiencies in iodine.
So X X3 is back in stock for being sold out for four months at 50% off.
So for your libido, your stamina, your energy, everything, try X3 today.
And for all the fans of it, while it's back in stock, please get yours and keep InfoWars on the air.
X3, now back in stock exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
Nobody else has got this triiodine.
That's why it's X3 exclusively, 50% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
And your purchase funds the InfoWarm.