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Name: 20220208_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 8, 2022
2556 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the current tensions between Russia and NATO nations, promotes his product X3, and urges listeners to prepare for serious times ahead by purchasing high-quality, storable food. Joel Skousen discusses various topics, including evidence of vote manipulation during the 2020 election, false flags, and ways to support InfoWars. Owen Ferguson discusses a document that shows Homeland Security's job is to shut up the American people, equating free speech with terrorism. Wayne Allen Root claims that he spoke to former U.S. President Donald Trump and they discussed an unnamed businessman who imports COVID-19 antigen tests from China. Root also covers his interview with Trump where they talked about the Great Reset and the idea that the global elite wants to use the pandemic as an opportunity to overwhelm the American economy and ultimately control the world through a socialist system. A podcast host promotes Faraday cages, triiodine supplements, and encourages listeners to visit InfoWarsStore.com for compliant made-in-America products.

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End-of-the-world alert!
End-of-civilization-as-we-know-it alert!
Vladimir Putin officially threatens to use nuclear weapons against Europe if NATO continues takeover of Ukraine.
In an official press conference, Putin threw down the gauntlet, warning the West if NATO invokes Article 5 and absorbs Ukraine into NATO, within a blink of an eye, he said, the West will see a massive military response.
Then he says NATO has the force to crush Russia, With conventional weapons, and he will use nuclear weapons, and then he will strike Western Europe.
Now, let me break down the timetable on this, if this starts.
When the Russians get overwhelmed by the NATO forces arrayed against them, and all that heavy weapons, and high-tech weapons, Putin is saying that they're going to use tactical nuclear weapons in theater against those forces.
That'll happen within about 10 minutes.
At that point, the orders will go out, and cruise missiles all over Europe, hypersonic, will be fired at Russian military bases.
Once the Russians make the decision to use tacticals, they'll have all their submarines surfacing, their cruise missiles ready, their ICBMs ready, and the minute they detect with their radar and satellites Western missile launches, they will have a total commitment release of their weapons.
Their submarines will come up off our coast, they will vaporize Manhattan, Los Angeles, all of the Russian cities will be vaporized as well.
Western Europe will be vaporized.
Where I live in Austin, Texas, we'll have MIRV-tipped missiles open, coming back into the atmosphere, launching dozens of warheads at military targets all over Central Texas.
Most of us will just get knocked down and maybe the roof came in on you, but when you come outside, you'll be breathing all that delicious radiation.
And of course, the power won't be coming back on for years if you're lucky.
So that's where we are.
And we're an evil, decadent, satanic society.
And I guess it's time to die.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a maximum red alert.
Vladimir Putin has officially threatened worldwide thermal nuclear war.
If NATO continues their invasion.
Red alert.
Maximum alert.
Tune in now.
Spread the word.
The most banned network in the world.
The globalists have wanted nuclear war for a long time.
Their launch of COVID-19 was just the beginning.
They're waging war against the entire planet itself and humanity.
It's Tuesday, February 8th, 2022.
And this is the most important broadcast we've ever done.
Tell everyone you know, tune in now.
We must trigger a chain reaction awakening and avert what the globalists are calling World War 4.
This is their plan to drive Russia into conflict with the United States.
In the capital city of Ottawa, thousands of truckers and others have clogged the city streets for more than 10 days.
Ottawa's mayor has now declared a state of emergency.
I'm outlining three steps that I believe Doug Ford should be taking right now, urgently.
I think that we need to declare a provincial state of emergency.
This is how serious the situation is.
The wheels are absolutely coming off of everything they're doing.
John Hopkins, which is a very diverse scientific group, and is the The mission of the Pandemic Emergency Board is to provide recommendations to deal with the major global challenges arising in response to an unfolding pandemic.
The board is comprised of highly experienced leaders from business, public health, and civil society.
We could be looking at double the number of cases in one week and 16 times as many in a month if we are not able to stop the spread.
There are pockets and significant pockets of the country where vaccines aren't happening because of those, you know, the anti-vaxxers or whatever you want to call them, who have made significant headway in trying to convince parents they shouldn't vaccinate children.
Do you get mad about it?
I push forward.
I wouldn't say I get angry, but I'm really impatient that we're not moving as fast as I'd like.
subsequent lies and fraud is now covering its ass by the very working
group that was heavily involved with Bill Gates planning all this coming out
a 60-plus page report saying lockdowns are a fraud and have killed more people
than the virus and that the economic destruction of it is going to starve
hundreds of millions of people to death which is true Reuters has come out and endorsed ivermectin and its incredible antiviral properties.
Covering your little dirty asses, aren't you?
The head of Reuters on the board of Pfizer and its quarterback, the censorship.
Jeff Zucker, the America-hating Hatchet Man for this country has now resigned and they always use the fall on the sword excuse.
Jeff Zucker's departure was shocking to the staff of CNN.
that was inappropriate with somebody that worked there.
The big crime is men and women having sex and God forbid any children come along.
It wasn't lying, it wasn't infiltrating groups, it wasn't overseeing the persecution of millions of people
that CNN would covertly and overtly target and have deplatformed.
Jeff Zucker's departure was shocking to the staff of CNN.
But the people who say we're lacking journalism, that we've become an all talk channel,
That we've run off and we're all opinions all the time?
That Jeff Zucker led us astray?
Those people aren't watching CNN.
They're not watching CNN.
They're watching complaints about CNN on other channels that don't know what they're talking about.
Joe Rogan's irresponsible!
He took horse maggot medicine the other day!
Now tell me, sir, and don't tell me anything other than this, should there be a war?
Yes, there should be a war!
Interview's done!
I'd like to see you do that, Joe Rogan!
Which sounds great, but not all opinions are created equal.
The crime's not defunding the police.
The crime's not opening up the violent people out of the prisons and having five-fold homicide and carjacking numbers explode in blue cities, a doubling nationwide on average.
The wheels are coming off.
The House of Cards is collapsing.
The New World Order is in deep, deep, deep, deep trouble.
They knew their system was going down.
You better know these people aren't going to give up.
And they're going to stage false flags and blame it on people.
And they're going to go blow up and shoot up black churches.
And they're going to start war with Russia.
And they're going to try to gut our economy as fast as they can because they know they're going down and they want to take us down with them.
Here we are on the edge of thermonuclear war.
When I saw this quote this morning, In the Daily Mail, I had trouble believing it so I went and searched some of the quotes and found it nowhere else in the Western news.
So then our crew spent some time and found it in Russian and we checked it and had it translated and indeed we found a version that has subtitles where Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has threatened nuclear war and said within the blinking of an eye He says, you won't have time to blink your eye if NATO continues its Article 5 takeover, I've got the quotes right here in the video, of Ukraine in this proxy war, we're going to basically stop you.
He's been very clear.
And that's what the troops are there for.
He has no intention of invading if they don't take over the country, which the West already has a lot of troops and weapons, and there's been a long time six-year proxy war going on in the East.
Which is almost 100% Russian.
So the headlines are all about Russia makes a fool of Macron by denying that Putin agreed to deal.
But that's not what the headline really should state.
Infowars got the headline right when we took the quote and posted it.
Vladimir Putin warns a nuclear war could break out if Ukraine joins NATO.
You don't have to believe me though.
You can hear it directly from Putin.
I'm, again, going to put this on screen.
It's got subtitles for TV viewers.
But for radio listeners, we're going to start and stop it so that everybody can really get an idea of what's unfolding here, because this is a big deal.
This isn't invading some Middle Eastern country that doesn't have high-tech weapons.
This isn't the regular globalist operations.
This is potentially end-of-the-world-type stuff that is unfolding right now.
So let's go ahead and roll that video of Putin.
Take the cube down for me a second, Rita, please.
I've been saying it, but I very much want you to finally hear me
and deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online.
I would like you to hear me, and deliver it to your readers and users on the Internet.
Do you understand or not that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means,
the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war?
in conflict with Russia.
Of course, NATO and Russia potentials are incomparable.
We understand.
NATO organization and Russia are not compatible. We understand.
We understand it.
But we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear states.
And by some modern components, it even outperforms many.
There will be no winners.
I'm going to pause there.
There will be no winners.
So he just threatened to use their hypersonic cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.
And of course, the United States has even stuff more advanced than secret.
But the point is, is that it doesn't matter.
It's nuclear weapons.
And they've got Russian suicide soldiers with suitcase nukes already in Europe and all over the place.
Doesn't matter if space-based systems shoot down the Russian ballistic missiles or submarine launch missiles.
It doesn't matter.
The nukes are all over the place.
Make no mistake.
Make no mistake.
And the United States has suicide troops as well all over the place.
So this is not a good situation.
And they're collectively bringing us all towards suicide.
Let's go back to Putin.
But we also understand...
And by some modern components, it even outperforms many.
There will be no winners.
and you will be pulled into this conflict against your will.
We won't even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article 5 collective defense of NATO members.
But your President Macron, of course, doesn't want this.
Mr. President, of course, doesn't want this.
And I don't want it.
And I don't want it, which is why he is here, touring with me for six straight hours.
This is torturing me for six straight hours trying to get him to not go to war.
So, there you have it.
Let's go ahead since I ran through that.
I want to stress this once again.
I said it, but I'd like you to hear me, after all, and to convey it to your readers, viewers and users on the Internet.
I would like you to hear me out and to convey this message to your readers and users on the Internet.
Do you understand that if Ukraine joins NATO and returns Crimea by military means,
European countries will automatically be drawn into a military conflict with Russia?
Of course.
Of course, the potential of the United Nations and Russia is indisputable.
We understand.
We also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers.
In some aspects, even today, it is ahead of many.
There will be no winners.
And you will be drawn into this conflict, in addition to your will.
So does Putin look cocky when he gets up there?
the example of the Rome Treaty.
The President, of course, doesn't want to develop it.
And I don't want to.
And I don't want to.
That's why he's here and he's been torturing me for six hours in a row.
So does Putin look cocky when he gets up there? No.
He just comes up, matter of fact, like he's somebody in front of a firing squad
and says, "You've already started a war in Ukraine.
You've already moved your troops in.
You're already bringing in heavy weapons.
And if you accelerate your attacks on eastern Russia, I mean on eastern Ukraine,
we're going to move military against that.
And we're in the blink of an eye.
Europe's gonna be drug into a nuclear war.
Now what did I tell you back in October to show you who is behind this, the globalists?
That high level sources in the Pentagon and at the highest levels of industry said that they have been told by late January through February is the battle plan time when they believe war is going to start because NATO is going to openly accelerate the conflict and expand into Ukraine.
And I said that back then and here you are.
And these are high-level folks who don't like what's happening.
Because they'd rather have businesses and, you know, build a future and have families.
But for the globalists, it's all about world domination.
So that's where we are in 2022 on February 8th.
And the globalist propagandists have set it up.
Where if they continue to attack the Russians, and the Russians show footage of how they're being attacked, and as the campaigns escalate, then they will say, oh, it's a fake movie, oh, Russia attacks itself.
That tells you all you need to know.
Now, Joel Skousen is a really good geopolitical analyst, and he has his own views of Russia, and a lot of what he has said has turned out to be true.
Remember when on my show, 20 years ago, predicting that by around this time, In the early 2020s and the mid 2020s, we would see the West pushing China and Russia into war.
And now you see that happening.
You see Xi Jinping and Putin being brought together.
So this isn't about whose side you're on, folks.
It's about not wanting to have a nuclear war.
And you just saw the president of the second largest nuclear power in the world threaten nuclear war.
End of the world alert!
End of civilization as we know it alert!
Vladimir Putin officially threatens to use nuclear weapons against Europe if NATO continues takeover of Ukraine.
In an official press conference, Putin threw down the gauntlet, warning the West if NATO invokes Article 5 and absorbs Ukraine into NATO, within a blink of an eye, he said, the West will see a massive military response.
Then he says NATO has the force to crush Russia with conventional weapons and he will use nuclear weapons and that he will strike Western Europe.
Now, let me break down the timetable on this, if this starts.
When the Russians get overwhelmed by the NATO forces arrayed against them and all that heavy weapons and high-tech weapons, Putin is saying that they're going to use tactical nuclear weapons in theater against those forces.
That'll happen within about 10 minutes.
At that point, the orders will go out.
and cruise missiles all over Europe, hypersonic, will be fired at Russian military bases.
Once the Russians make the decision to use tacticals, they'll have all their submarines
surfacing, their cruise missiles ready, their ICBMs ready, and the minute they detect with
their radar and satellites, Western missile launches, they will have a total commitment
release of their weapons.
Their submarines will come up off our coast, they will vaporize Manhattan, Los Angeles, all of the Russian cities will be vaporized as well.
Western Europe will be vaporized.
Where I live in Austin, Texas, we'll have MIRV-tipped missiles open, coming back into the atmosphere, launching dozens of warheads at military targets all over Central Texas.
Most of us will just get knocked down and maybe the roof cave in on you but when you come outside you'll be breathing all that delicious radiation and of course the power won't be coming back on for years if you're lucky.
So that's where we are and we're an evil decadent satanic society and I guess it's time to die.
I mean really.
And that's the level of brinksmanship that's going on right now.
So in the time it takes you to load your children in the car and drive to the school five miles away, and then drive to your work 15 minutes away, and then go walk into your office and sit down at your computer, in 25 minutes, the world as we know it will be over once this starts.
We won't hear about it for five, 10 minutes, if I was live on air when it went down.
I would not have time to get in my car and go get my four-year-old daughter Before the mushroom clouds start.
Before the shockwaves hit.
Before the airburst hydrogen bombs detonated 2,000 feet in the air.
And there goes your Netflix!
And you ask, why does this happen?
Because the type of psychotics that get in control over history Want global domination, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, what do you think all those destroyers and missile cruisers are doing driving around in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and the North Sea and all the rest of it?
They're all carrying nuclear weapons.
They're all carrying cruise missiles that fly along at 50 feet above the waterline and then detonate above their targets.
And that's where we are.
We're on Russia's doorstep.
The West started the proxy war there.
And if the Russians were pure communists and satanists like Hollywood was, again, back when the Hollywood-type crowd ran Russia, then I would be saying, oh, well, nuclear war is something I don't want to have, but the Russians are a threat.
We're in a greater threat of war Russia today because it's more of a Christian nation and breaking with the globalist power structure.
And so that's why Hollywood and the left hate Russia so much because for 80 plus years they could do whatever they wanted to Russia.
It was their little playground.
And the left, all the wealthy leftists from the Clintons to Bernie Sanders, they all went to Russia.
For their honeymoons and visits, where they could go see a land where atheism and Satanism reigned, and where the people could be dominated by a horrible, evil megastate.
But now, because Putin doesn't follow their orders, they are so upset because he stands in the way of their New World Order.
And just as Joel Skousen said on my show 20 years ago, that the West would provoke and start fights with China and Russia in the future, And with feign weakness here, to trick China and Russia into a joint nuclear strike on the West, which is meant to knock out the original political system, and out of that comes a fascist system in the West, which will then have a war with Russia and China, which will be won, and then you'll have your worldwide New World Order system in place via that conflict.
And I remember telling Skousen, well, the Chinese are on the globalist payroll.
I mean, they're being built up.
He's like, well, they're going to double-cross them.
Sometime by 2023, 2024, 2025 is when I project this will happen.
And he is a real researcher and a real historian, of course, a Marine Corps officer and a naval aviator.
Smart guy.
And I said, man, we got to get him on today.
And he's not a Russophile.
He doesn't like Putin.
He calls it a predator state.
He doesn't like Xi Jinping.
Neither do I. But Xi Jinping is saying we're not going to cut our son's penises off.
Like the kids are taught in school here.
He says, we're not going to have sissy men on TV.
We're not going to, we're not going to have abortions anymore.
We're going to pay people to have kids.
Same thing Putin's doing.
So I judge a tree by its fruits.
They understand that they want to have big, powerful systems that are dominant.
And you don't do that with what America's doing.
So the globalists are attacking us.
They're attacking the Russians.
They're attacking the Chinese.
They're attacking everybody.
So we're going to come back and I'm going to shift gears and all of the other huge news, but this is a big, big, big deal.
Separately, I went to the grocery store yesterday, and it was almost empty of orange juice and
of milk and of butter and of lettuce and of just everything.
And Texas is a breadbasket compared to other parts of the country.
Texas is like California.
We have massive system.
We have tropical areas down on the border.
We have it all.
Third largest producer in the U.S. of citrus is South Texas.
And the fact that the store shelves look like a hurricane is about to hit and people cleaned
Tells you something.
In the Northeast, it's on the local news.
They've been basically bare for months and months.
And it's because farmers and people can't produce with the COVID shutdowns and lockdowns and the supply chains are broken down.
And so everybody thinks it's fun to slack and fun to not go to work and fun to just kind of stand around all day and talk, even if you do go to work.
That's how civilization collapses.
That's what happened in Venezuela and Cuba.
Because the communists take everything you produce, so why should you produce?
So people stop producing.
Well, with the globalists, they just don't let you produce, and they also devalue your currency, so that people that run businesses that supply the supply chain, they can't make ends meet anymore.
Because if you raise the prices, people can't pay for it, but then you can't get the money to run your operation.
So we're going into a depression, we're going into an economic collapse, we're going into hyperinflation, we're going into war, we're going into cyber attacks, we're going into staged terror attacks, we're going into hell.
So just get ready and get right with Jesus.
So it's really hard for me to cover any other news than this, but I'm going to be going
into it in great detail in the third hour of the Alex Jones show today with Joel Skousen.
But Vladimir Putin did say that if NATO continues their takeover of Ukraine, which is going
on, that they're going to militarily move against it and that they expect that when
NATO forces attack Russian forces, they're going to use nuclear weapons on them.
And he said we're going to bring Europe into it.
And it's just unbelievable.
I'll be recapping some of that next hour and then going into it in depth in the third hour
today ahead of Wayne Allyn Root in the fourth hour.
And then I've got a really big announcement to make.
It's some really important information that I'm going to get to at the bottom of the next hour.
And it's so surreal to tell people this stuff.
But I need listeners to know the inside stuff going on.
So when you hear me say, hey, we're fighting to stay on air, you realize that's not a bluff.
That's not something we're just saying.
We've had the establishment literally say, we want unconditional surrender of you, and we want you to basically turn against everything you stand for and everything you've done, or we're not going to stop.
And we're going to shut you down.
Because the goal of all these fraudulent lawsuits and these rigged courts, and they are totally rigged.
I mean, it's like living in Nazi Germany.
I mean, look around, all the stuff we see here.
Or old Soviet Russia.
He's just completely rigged.
And the whole exercise of this has not been about getting money from us.
It's been about finding out how we operate and how we run and shutting us down.
And that's now completely out in the open.
And so Ted Anderson is going to be joining us, the owner of the GCN Radio Network, that is one of the providers that puts us out on satellite, to tell you some of the stuff that's been going on the last few years behind the scenes you didn't know about.
And this is the tip of the iceberg, folks.
This is a war.
I want to hit some news right now that dovetails with what's happening behind the scenes to us.
And I want you to understand what's happened.
They've weaponized the courts, they've weaponized all the different government bureaucracies and agencies, and they've weaponized the university students, and now even some high school students, into what you'd call a Soviet-style or Maoist-style spy grid.
With fake companies and infiltrators and everything.
And I've been up here trying to explain to you, this is a total war.
What just broke in Politico?
And they're very proud of it, like it's a good thing.
You've heard how they're setting up capital police units all over the country.
And with billions, two million dollars in funding.
And you ask, how do they do that?
It's not constitutional.
Congress now creates its own executive agency, separate from the executive power of the presidency.
That is operating now in all 50 states with $2 billion and sets up fake construction companies and home repair companies, that's what spies do, to get into your houses.
Of course.
And this is what I've had to enjoy.
It's not the Capitol Police.
I haven't had any issues with them yet.
It's the other weaponized universities.
The CIA through Georgetown University.
Literally has sicked an army of over 10,000 Muslims that they brought in over the last few decades, run through the school and given degrees, and had intelligence badges enter after us.
Brigades of Muslims!
I mean, they've got their secret armies.
They're ready.
And they are targeting and preparing.
They've got They've got a list of judges.
They've got a list of good police captains.
They've got all our numbers, folks.
We're in a lot more trouble than you know, okay?
A lot more trouble than you know.
And they, like a military, have said, surrender and, you know, set things supposedly off the record that I don't think it's protected because I believe it's criminal.
But we'll see.
But they've certainly been off a lot more than they can shoot.
But this is a real takeover.
This country has bad cancer.
This country has criminal authoritarianism.
And the FBI is not going to do a damn thing about it.
In fact, it's heavily involved in it.
So this is just a criminal group working with multinational corporations, muscling in, using classic intelligence agency infiltration, disruption, espionage tactics against America.
That's what cutting off the pipelines are.
That's what imploding the borders are.
That's what demoralizing the children are.
That's what defunding the police is.
This is what you do when you're taking a country down.
And they want their people in before the big cyber attack they're going to launch.
They want their people in before they launch big wars.
And all of this is so they can emerge after the big war in control.
We're a cursed nation now.
We've lost the blessing of God.
Let's just be honest about it.
And The vast majority of people serving this system believe they're about to get this wonderful paycheck and positions of power in this new North America, Venezuela-style system.
And of course, that's not what they're going to get.
The group that always brings this thing to power is then the group that's actually put in prison or killed.
Very, very sad, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'll cover this next segment.
Oh, the Inspector General opens an investigation into spying allegations against Capitol Police running around setting up fake companies around the country and infiltrating and spying on members of Congress.
So we're going to come back and cover all of that in the next segment, but That's how this works, ladies and gentlemen, and that's where we are.
We're going to go to break, come back with all of that, and we're going to have the latest with a special guest who's there with a convoy of truckers who's a reporter and a former Special Forces officer.
Who has sources inside the military and police.
And he said this weeks ago and now it's confirmed that they're planning to use the military Tiananmen Square style with riot police coming up in the next 48 hours against the peaceful convoy there that's trying to end the blockade of the COVID lockdowns.
So they're blockade busters.
They're not a blockade as Trudeau is saying.
Everything Trudeau says is they're cutting off our medicine and our food.
They're destroying our economy.
That's what they've done for two years and now they don't like honking.
That's coming up.
But separately, here's a report out of the UK where it's even worse than it is here, but it's now starting here.
Not its inflation, but the scarcity that comes with it.
The people who go and shop at that Tesco, they rely on their petrol, they rely on their food, they rely on a lot of hardware goods for around the house and things as well.
And these rises we're talking about right across the board.
Yeah, absolutely, Eamon.
Yeah, sorry to be the bearer of bad news on a Monday morning, but when the chairman of Tesco says something, it really matters because it's Britain's biggest supermarket and it employs around 300,000 people, making it Britain's biggest private sector employer.
Now, John Allen has said the worst is yet to come in an interview yesterday with the BBC.
He said that heating or eating Troubles them.
He also pushed back at Jack Munro, the food poverty campaigner's claim that the basic goods in supermarkets, the basic staples like rice and pasta, are rising faster than inflation.
He says that he can't speak for other supermarkets, but at Tesco, food inflation has remained at around 1% for the past three months.
Food inflation, according to the British Retail Consortium, for all supermarkets, currently running at around about 2.7%.
That's up 0.3% That's enough.
Total BS.
So the stores are empty, the prices are going up, but there's no inflation.
But the worst is yet to come, but everything's okay.
That's called double-think, that's called mind control.
And it's happening all over the world right now.
And the third world's starving to death.
They're being organized by the UN to flood the United States.
But we've got high-quality, storable food ready to ship to you right now at the lowest price you're going to find anywhere for quality food.
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The 25% off deal is unprecedented, haven't done it in four years, and it ends on February 13th.
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Again, you remember two years ago, I started telling you over and over again, you need to get storable food because of inflation.
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That's one of the best ways to do it, is storable food if you know you're going into an inflationary period.
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It is a no-brainer to do that at preparewithalex.com.
But I'm just thinking back to how dead-on we've been about all this, and how I wish this wasn't the case.
Now, here's a great example of how the media dials things back.
When it's having to report on something the establishment has done.
Look at this Daily Mail headline, and almost no one else picked this up.
Russia makes a fool of Macron by denying that Putin agreed on Ukraine deal despite claims.
But that's not the article.
You read deeper, he threatens nuclear war in a blink of an eye if NATO continues its invasion.
And I played the video earlier.
The video is posted on InfoWars.com in the live show feed, right underneath my feed.
Now imagine, that's how they do this, is it should be, Putin threatens nuclear war in the blink of an eye if NATO continues the invasion of Ukraine.
That's what he said.
I played it twice earlier.
You just tuned in.
But instead it's, oh, he made a fool of Macron.
When he did say, I give you a deal.
Stop invading, stop sitting in heavy arms, and we will back down as well.
But you are escalating on our border.
Now, there it is, cut and dry.
The average American doesn't even know what Putin wants, because this is not on the news.
I searched it before the show and during a break a few minutes ago.
It's nowhere!
Except buried a Daily Mail article and all over the Russian news.
And he told the press conference with hundreds of news agencies, please get this out everywhere.
I keep warning you.
I keep telling you, but you won't report it.
We're going to use nuclear weapons.
If you overwhelm our forces.
Which is standard military procedure.
And we've got U.S.
Senators bipartisanly threatening nuclear sneak attacks on Russia.
So that's why Putin's now saying, okay.
We don't want this fight, he says, but you're asking for it.
And I know you've got more weapons than we do, but we can't be pushed around.
And it's not on our news, because we have controlled news in this country.
And you know, if Joe Rogan comes out, in a couple days, if I send this to him, or if he finds out about it, and tells tens of millions of people, they'll call him a Russian agent, just because he doesn't want to die, or start a war.
And you'll be called a Russian agent, or I'll be called a Russian agent.
It's ridiculous.
How about an agent of sanity?
Now here's a perfect example of that.
You see how that's a whitewash headline?
And at least the Daily Mail reported on it.
Look at this Politico article.
Capital Police examined background social media feeds of some who meet with lawmakers.
You read the article, it says, yeah, they also get in plain clothes and spy on people.
But now the documents are coming out being released by Congress and the investigation of the Inspector General, Inspector themselves, of the Capitol Police.
And when you read what's in this, it's unbelievable.
They went into members of Congress's offices at night, like the plumbers, like Nixon did, having G. Gordon Liddy and others break into the psychiatrist of the Democrat candidate to find out about him for dirt.
Not right, not good, Nixon had to leave office.
This is the Capitol Police breaking in people's offices, posing as Capitol Repair Officers, or Capitol Repair Technicians, and photographing and stealing material.
And this is what they've gotten the university students to do.
I mean, the left is recruited.
You think Antifa is the only folks out breaking into things?
The ADL got caught in the 80s breaking into police departments and stealing their files on people.
And now they just run the police.
So here we are.
Congresswoman Troy Neils says the Capitol Police Intelligence Division investigated my office illegally and one of my staffers caught them in the act.
On November 20th, 2021, Capitol Police entered my office without my knowledge and photographed confidential legislative products protected by speech and debate clause enshrined in the Constitution, Article 1, Section 6.
Two days later, on Monday, November 22nd, Thanksgiving week, three intelligence officers attempted to enter my office while the House was in recess.
Upon discovering a member of my staff, special agent dressed like construction workers began to question him as to his contents of a photograph taken illegally two days earlier.
Yep, secret police, folks.
With $2 billion of funding from Pelosi.
You think they're going to give up power in 273 days?
No, they're not.
They're not.
And we can't let them trick us into violent confrontations.
Everybody hates them.
Everybody knows they're evil.
Everybody knows the government's run by pedophiles.
The Democrats are satanic.
Everybody knows it now.
Basically everybody.
There's a total collapse in confidence in these people.
All they can do now is violence and war and depression.
And so, we just let everybody know they're the ones behind that, too!
And their own families will then turn against them.
Their own society.
They want to shun us, we're going to shun them, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not going to give them the war they want, though.
They know they're a power structure that has maybe 10% support.
They know it's over for them.
And all they've got left is to overturn it.
But it gets better.
You heard how they're setting up offices around the country?
In the documents, even political reports on, they set up fake offices, fake construction
workers, fake companies.
Just days before the USCP officer entered the congressperson's office and took the picture
of the whiteboard.
He said his staff used to brainstorm and catalog legislative ideas.
The Washington Post ran a story about a federal government contractor in rural Texas who defrauded the United States by supplying Chinese-made body armor instead of body armor manufactured in the United States.
From his home in rural Texas, a would-be defense contractor spun a web of fake companies and testing reports to pass the Chinese-made body armor onto American equipment that met rigorous standards.
The Washington Post wrote on November 2001, Tanner Jackson, 32, pled guilty Tuesday in Alexandria federal court to one of the wire fraud felony, punishable 20 years in prison.
According to Nels, who previously served as the sheriff of Fort Bend County, Texas, his office white board specifically called out faulty Chinese body armor.
In fact, the Washington Post article was a key catalyst spurring Nels to consider dropping legislation, banning the procurement of Chinese body armor.
But why were the Capitol Police there wanting to know about that?
Well, they go on.
They found patterns of the Chinese-run Democrats.
I mean, most of the top Democrats are Chinese, double-agent spies on record, wanting to try to stop any legislation that exposes the Chinese infiltration.
So you see how this just gets worse and worse and worse?
It also gets into all the other things that they basically stole and took.
And it's just absolutely insane.
And there's a lot more of this going on as they set these offices up around the country.
Not just California, not just Florida.
Georgia, Texas, you name it.
And we had Marjorie Taylor Greene on last week and I talked to her a day after she sent us exclusive stuff.
She said people break in, they break things, they threaten them, they attack their signage at their office in Georgia and the Capitol Police are in the building with her now in Georgia and they know who's doing it and do nothing.
Well of course not, it's mostly peaceful.
Hell, if somebody burned down our office, the Vice President might bail them out of jail.
Because this is a communist takeover, folks.
This is a classic Marxist-Leninist communist takeover, funded by big banks offshore, the same ones that toppled Russia, the same ones that toppled China, and put their own communist control system in to exploit the people, is now being set up here.
We are just absolutely devastated right now.
At least the FBI has come out and said, okay, well, there is a giant Chinese communist threat.
They've infiltrated everything.
Worst in U.S.
Red alert.
Red alert.
And maybe that's why the Democrats are panicking.
Maybe they think something is going to happen to them.
But all I can tell you is, this country is totally infiltrated and overrun.
What we need is a mass awakening to it, not a conflict where they manipulate us into a fight with each other.
That is the last thing we want.
We need to expose it with the light of truth and spotlight the cockroaches, like Ted Nugent says.
I'm going to start the next hour.
We've got so much coming up.
Please remember that we got a bunch of sales that end today.
I said last week to end the multivitamin and the zinc vitamin C deal because it was about to sell out, and I wanted to sell it at full price for a while to bring in money, but they never got rid of the sale.
I'm not mad at them, but it is going to end today.
It is going to end.
That's 40% off on those.
The new sale is X3 triiodine.
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So again, X3, back in stock.
50% off for a limited time.
Alright, a former Special Forces officer and a great reporter and patriot we've had on many times over the years is in Ottawa and he's joining us in this segment.
He's got police and military sources that they are preparing to basically attack, like Tiananmen Square 2.0, the peaceful demonstrators that are simply wanting their country to get out from under the lock of martial law.
They're getting ready to turn the cell phones off, basically jam the communications, turn off the cell service, to be technical, not physically turn the phones off.
That's coming up next segment.
Then Ted Anderson, the owner of the GCN Radio Network, is going to give you the big inside scoop on plans to try to completely take us off the air.
And it's time for me to start telling folks what's going on here, so I'm not crying wolf.
But I wanted to take a few minutes out to talk about something that all of you can do
and that I can do to win this fight against the tyrants.
And that's get the word out.
We've all seen that saying on the internet, nobody knows who said it, but
if the situation was hopeless, the propaganda would not be necessary.
They can't get away with the Great Reset, and these wars, and the devaluation of the currencies, and the open borders, and the sexualization of our children, and the human-animal cloning, and all of these terrible, horrible things.
They can't get away with that if we have speech, and we can show we're the majority, and we can point out what they're doing is wrong.
Now, I know that's very elementary.
You're like, yeah, tell us something we don't know.
Well, I see quotes like this on Instagram, on YouTube, on Twitter, every time I'm on it.
And every day I go out in public, every time in a shopping mall or a store or anywhere, if you guys do overhead shot, I'll show this.
Every time people walk up to me and they say things just like this.
This is on Twitter.
Is he back on YouTube?
What platform is he on?
I took my four-year-old daughter and my 17-year-old daughter to Kalahari Indoor Water Park this weekend for a day and a half, and I probably had, no exaggeration, 200 people come up to me and say they were listeners.
In the video game arcade, the bowling alley, and the water park.
And about half of them said, man, I used to be a huge fan.
Where do I find you?
Are you back on the air?
And I look at them, and I don't want to be mean to them, because they're not stupid, they're just not thinking, because they're so trained at YouTube, and Instagram, and Facebook, that they don't even remember things like InfoWars.com, or, you know, DrudgeReport.com, that they're still websites.
We have our own video production, audio production, research, reporters, millions and millions and millions of people.
We conservatively reach three to four million a day with the radio show that's live, and then millions and millions every day at Man.Video.
And if those millions went out and talked to people at a level that they could really get through their head that, you know, that censored InfoWars, the guy they don't want you to hear, the guy that's been proven right about almost everything?
He's still on the air on his own website.
It's forbidden.
It's InfoWars.com.
You're not really able to share it online.
They block it.
But you can go there and you can word of mouth tell people about InfoWars.com.
And I love people in the comments under this fellow.
This is just one example of it.
I see it all the time.
Saying, yeah, he's at Band.Video, he's at Getter, he's at Rumble, he's at Gab, and he's all right there.
But notice, InfoWarsRedAlerts, who's a fan, had to put spaces, because Twitter won't let you post those evil banned words.
InfoWars.com, Band.Video.
You're not even allowed to put those URLs in, so we create new URLs, like FutureNews.News.
They're already putting warnings on that on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.
Okay, fine.
But you can right now share futurenews.news.
Because the truth is being suppressed and because it's the antidote like an antibiotic to a bad strep infection.
You need to get it into your body, ladies and gentlemen, or vitamin D for your immunity before you get sick.
Infowars is the vitamin D and the zinc and the hydroxychloroquine and the ivermectin and the sunshine of liberty.
And you can carry the ball.
Only you can.
So just, I know you know where we're at.
You found us.
You're here.
But the public's like, where's Alex Jones?
Where's Alex Jones?
You got to tell him he's still on the air.
At Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
You can't share those URLs most places.
So you gotta tell them word of mouth and then tell them to tell others, creating what?
the chain reaction.
That is the eerie sound of the dreaded terrorist honking.
Now, I could play you the city councils, the national government, the would-be dictator who says he wants to be a dictator, Trudeau, denouncing them, saying they're terrorists, saying they're illegal, but you've probably already seen it.
And listening and watching Trudeau is a little more than I can stomach today.
But it's incredible.
And they're like, how dare them blockade us?
How dare them try to keep us from going out and try to bankrupt us and try to make us stay in our homes when that's what they've been doing for two years to the Canadians.
Through their nanny state garbage with the coronavirus they cooked up and they released on us.
Through the Davos group, through Klaus Schwab and his acolyte, his sworn servant that he brags that he owns.
Klaus Schwab brags he owns.
So joining us is Jeremy McKenzie, and he is joining us here on air.
He's also a popular podcaster.
He's joining us to talk about the latest incredible developments and, you know, we could air a little four-minute video he put out last night that went viral about his police and military sources about the military crackdown that's about to happen.
But instead he can just repeat that here for us now and give us some updates.
There's been big developments since then.
He's seeing all of the troops and military, some in plain clothes, some not, moving into the area.
Massive harassment.
Arresting and beating up old people that honk their horns, there's video of that.
I mean, this is Tiananmen Square starting to unfold, ladies and gentlemen.
The key is to not be violent, like Mahatma Gandhi, following the example of Christ, or Martin Luther King Jr.
And I'm just telling you, this is the time that they're going to destroy themselves doing this.
And so, he who shoots first, loses.
Same thing's happening in Australia, in Europe, everywhere, people are taking action.
Jeremy McKenzie at RagingDissident.com joins us.
Thank you so much, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
Thanks so much.
Thanks for having me back.
Okay, so yeah, like as you were saying, it does appear, so there's supposed to be some negotiations happening with the organizers today.
Right now, an hour ago, I haven't heard anything back from these guys.
I'm waiting to see how that took place.
They're expecting to meet with a delegation or some kind of representative from the federal government.
The mayor of Ottawa is basically at his wit's end from what I've heard, that he wants to settle one way or another.
So that's what they're hoping for.
I haven't heard anything back.
It was fed to me from certain people inside the apparatus that there is a scenario on the table for mass arrests.
They're busing in hundreds of federal police riot cops from the Public Order Unit, I guess it's called, the POU.
I wasn't a cop.
I'm learning as I go here.
They're staging now and planning for this around the clock.
Apparently, they're not very happy that I leaked that out there.
They're cranky about that, but I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry.
I forget to tell people.
And you know spirits are high people are holding the line here. There's more
You know reinforcements if you will coming every day. It's families. It's truckers. It's farmers. It's blue-collar
Canadians. There's kids down there There's bouncy castles. There's free food the homeless have
never been more better fed in their lives Crime has actually gone down in the city and people that I
know that live here say it's never been more pleasant to live in
Ottawa as it is right now and and unfortunately you know the honking will continue until freedom improves. That's
just how it is Well expanding on that for those that don't know recap what
the City Council what the central government What they're all saying
I mean, they're calling people terrorists, they're calling them insurrectionists, they're saying racists are attacking and beating people.
None of it's true.
Of course, they never show the evidence.
It's just unbelievable.
Yeah, the federal government's been doing this.
They've been fomenting hatred and division in the country for years now, and it's really ramped up the couple of months.
And since this, you know, we've had BLM protests, we've had, you know, indigenous people's protests, and this kind of thing.
They never had any issue with any of that.
They're blocking pipelines, they were doing all kinds of stuff, trying to derail trains.
But now everyone's a terrorist, because coincidentally it doesn't...
You know, a fit with the government's plans of their narrative, I suppose.
And yeah, they were calling us, you know, terrorists, insurrectionists.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah, that video there you're playing is a joke.
You know, they're like, look at these violent truckers, you know.
And yeah, they have no intention of negotiating with these people.
It doesn't seem like.
I'm concerned it may be a trap of some kind.
They're busting in a lot of cops.
They're preparing to break this up by force that's allegedly that's coming straight from the top of the government.
That they want this gone.
And no one, as of yet, has even tried to speak to these people.
There's been no crimes committed.
No one, like hardly, I don't know if there's even been any arrests.
Nothing like this is going on.
Everything they're reporting is lopsided and incorrect, factually incorrect.
And they're posting hoaxes.
One of the guys from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network tried to use a flyer that was posted in Miami That's a beautiful quote by Scholz and Eatson.
What do you expect to happen?
and say that it was here in Ottawa.
Like blatantly, demonstrably untrue, and yet they still do it.
They lie.
That's what the left does.
It's the Solzhenitsyn quote.
They're lying. We know they're lying.
They know that we know that they're lying.
We know that they know that we know that they're lying, and yet they still lie.
That's a beautiful quote by Solzhenitsyn.
What do you expect to happen?
Because this isn't just your sources in the police that are telling you this.
Trudeau's on TV saying this will not be tolerated.
Their views are not tolerable.
They're not acceptable views, is the quote.
You have the City Council with the police, you know, in these virtual meetings, saying, you will get out there, you will stop them, they are terrorists.
They're using the word terrorist, and they're, I know, seizing people's gas cans, they're not letting people gas up their vehicles, they're calling it material support.
Well, that's a term you use for supporting terrorists.
Yeah, and the good people that we do still have in law enforcement are starting to kind of break ranks now, and they're disgusted by this, that they're seeing what they're seeing these police officers do.
It's completely out of line, it's completely insane.
Yeah, they're using intimidation tactics, like this raid, you know, you've got the footage there.
There was guys with, you know, like M4s, there was a guy with a tear gas grenade launcher, they're all dressed, you know, like show of force, right?
It was a tense situation, there was families there, there was kids there, he was nervous, you know, it wasn't a good time, apparently.
There's no need for this.
It's completely insane.
All they want is to be spoken to.
They're saying they want all these crazy demands.
They're trying to take over the country.
They want the mandates gone.
They want the vaccine passports gone.
They want the testing.
Get rid of all of it.
the demands are. Stop the fake PCR test, stop trying to put an experimental shot
in us, and we don't want vaccine passports. We don't want the mark of the
beast. We don't want this. I mean these are valiant good people saying don't
discriminate against me because I don't want to take your big pharma product
that your prime minister has already bought out to 2026 and is
saying that he owns your body. Yeah and you had some footage there from Cootes
Alberta near the the Montana Alberta border.
There's a huge situation going on there as well.
People have come out in support.
This is a national movement.
This is a grassroots movement.
It's happening all over the country, and it's a beautiful thing to see people come together like this and unite, ironically, above all of their differences together, in opposition of this authoritarian government.
I couldn't be prouder of these people for what they're doing and it's just again, it's disgusting to see how they're treating this and apparently all options are on the table still.
Even just this morning you had a liberal, I've been saying this for a little while, they're going to start jumping ship.
One of the liberal MPs, I don't recall his name off the top of my head right now, but he's come out and condemned the Prime Minister and what they're doing.
And the Republican or the, excuse me, the Tory or Conservative leader up there, I know because he was going along with the lockdowns and the forced shots, his party made him step down, correct?
Yes, he was a completely weak, feckless, you know, pointless, you know, leader.
I wouldn't even use the term.
He's been ousted now.
We've got another guy that's gonna, you know, try and get in there.
I don't know if it's political opportunism or what's going on there, but the fact remains that this is a people's movement.
This is a grassroots thing.
It's pretty decentralized and these guys are not going anywhere.
They have no intention of going anywhere because they have nowhere to go back to.
If this doesn't succeed, they lose everything.
They lose their jobs.
They lose their businesses.
They can't go home.
They're removing the wheels off of the trucks so they can't be towed anywhere.
it's a it is another trolling the police because they're they're stealing jerrycans guys are
going around with empty uh... empty fuel cans with uh...
you know writing on it says not gas you know and they're trying to take it people arrest
people for carrying gas around uh... it's it's just desperation at this point and that
there's no moves the left of the that the state has it isn't gonna make this worse and by
the way in that crowd of a hundred thousand people that fluctuates in size really wanted to
burn down the city they could have been the people really want to take over we can we're not
the criminals we're not the left running around burning everything down and shooting
police but if they i want to come back and talk about this if they do start attacking
people they fight back then snipers shoot citizens that's the way these dictatorships always
fall trudeau is gonna i guess get the dictator fate he keeps looking for you know after ten days
he's emerged from hiding uh...
and now some of his own protective detail in the royal mount of police have been resigning
saying he's a tyrant So, you talk about moral courage, these people there, these truckers are the tip of the human spear worldwide, and it's causing a chain reaction, and we salute them.
From Canada, from Ottawa, the capital up there, beautiful area, and it is even more beautiful, the masses of people that are there, on the ground, peacefully honking, And letting their voices be heard and saying, we don't want to be locked down, we don't want medical IDs, we don't want forced injections, we don't want to wear masks, we don't want to be locked in our houses under the Great Reset's martial law.
You have the nastiest of all the world leader puppets, Trudeau, admitting he is a minion of Klaus Schwab and follows the Great Reset and Build Back Better.
And that this is good that there's a lockdown to cut our carbon, and that he's introducing everyone to the new way of life.
This is a damn cult!
And then you have Schwab bragging that Tudor is the greatest example.
We have almost his whole cabinet under our control.
We have half the world cabinets under our control.
He brags on his own site, Klaus Schwab, head of the Bilderberg Group, that they control all these cabinets.
So this is insane.
This is a new type of warfare.
So Jeremy McKenzie from RagingDissident.com You also told my producer, I don't know if you want to get into this on air, but you've actually been followed around, stalked, a lot of crazy stuff going on.
It's now in the news what you talked about last night.
They're talking about cutting the cell stuff downtown.
If the police move, and they're talking about using the military as well, how do you expect this to unfold and what are your sources telling you?
There is a lot of great guys downtown.
They're wearing their medals and stuff.
Thanks to those guys for showing up.
That is part of the plan.
That's what they're hearing.
That's what the guys are saying.
They're right next door to where these plans are being talked about.
They would cut cell service.
I would encourage anybody, you know, your phone is your greatest weapon and your greatest defense.
You know, film everything.
You're not going to be able to live stream anything, probably, you know, if they jam everything.
Film as much as you can and try and get that out so the world sees what happens and that's really the M.O.
Nobody here is going to be violent.
Nobody wants violence.
We're showing and demonstrating to the world, you know, how good the people of this country really are.
I've never seen this kind of, you know, this level of unity and compassion for each other.
I don't know how many people I've hugged in the last few days.
It's insane!
And, you know, if they want to do this, you know, I've always said, you know, force a tyrant to act like one.
And if they want to send riot cops in here in full gear and tear gas a bunch of families and kids and lock people up for what?
Wanting their lives back?
For wanting to not have their jobs and their careers destroyed and want to be able to see their dying relatives in hospitals and not be robbed of the dignity of going to their own funerals and this kind of thing?
Is that really what these people want to do?
The whole world's watching.
They've got no moves left.
They can give the people what they want, and like I said, they want the mandates gone, the testing, the passports, but more than that, they're here petitioning on behalf of every single person, all the first responders, all of the police, nurses, doctors, anyone that's been let go as a result of these mandates.
They want their jobs back.
Those are the demands, and they're not unreasonable.
Other countries have already, you know, dropped all of this.
Many other countries have dropped this stuff because they know it's ridiculous.
The writing's on the wall here.
And these guys, you know, probably because they are so personally invested in this scheme, this campaign, whatever it is you want to call it, they're very reluctant to let it go.
And it's, you know, they're malignant narcissists that are backed into a corner.
So that's the worrying part, is how far are they willing to push this?
And I'm going to hope and, you know, hope to God that...
You know the better angels of our nature as they say that when push comes to shove and they order if they order these cops to go in there because they see us and we talk to them every day on the street and they know it's ridiculous they know there's they said they've never seen a protest you know as peaceful and as wonderful as this is you want to send these guys in there I'm gonna hope that you know maybe some of them maybe a lot of them maybe they just refuse to do it I hear you, brother.
And listen, I'm not mad at you or mad at anybody.
I'm really pissed off about China and Russia and Putin threatening to nuke and nuclear war.
So I'm actually really on edge about that and just mad at everything and really pissed about what's happening there.
I think my stress level's gone to another level here.
I'm having trouble not blowing up.
That's why I had to take off some time last week and a few weeks ago, because I'm just so pissed off and I'm trying to not get angry.
How are you guys staying so friendly and peaceful?
Because watching crap like this would make me get really mad.
We have been for years and you know what, it was looking pretty dark there for a while,
but the images and stuff you're seeing, to see so many people come, I get emotional.
It's hard to even talk about it.
I bought a Canadian flag back there for the first time in years.
And to see this, to see the country come back to life, I've compared it to like, you have a dying man
or a brother on the battlefield who's got no heartbeat and you're trying to do everything to save him.
And that's the question I wanted to ask you 'cause you brought this up years ago
when you were on the show talking about tyranny in Canada, that as a veteran, you had some parallels
and how upsetting it was to go, supposedly fight for freedom overseas,
but then come back to your own country and see this happening.
What's your take on that?
Yeah, well now we're the bad guys, I said.
We're the criminals now, because we believe in nationalism.
We believe in our people and our culture and our history and they're trying to take all of that away.
They're axing people like Don Cherry for sticking up for veterans on Veterans Day.
This kind of thing.
It's so sad, but now, like that guy who's dying on the field, you defib him and his heart comes back and he comes back to life.
And all of a sudden, you're back in the game.
You're seeing these people from all over the country.
There's blockades everywhere.
Demonstrations in cities all over the country.
So, again, this isn't just Ottawa.
The Windsor, the bridge there between Detroit and Ontario, there's a situation going on down there.
Everything they do is only going to dig their own grave.
Everyone is watching this and they know, they can see, there's 10,000 cell phones downtown taking pictures and video, getting it out to the world.
The truth is out there.
Everyone that cares to look is going to see it.
They know there's no There's no Nazis down there.
There was one guy with a Nazi flag, you know, who took the picture of this guy at the Chateau, you know, the hotel there, one of the most expensive ones downtown.
The guy that took that photo was Trudeau's personal photographer.
It was literally a literal false flag.
And if they talked about that, CBC ran with that for two solid days.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows this is nonsense.
The mainstream media is being booed and chased out of places.
And they're like, oh, we're just trying to do our job.
Are you?
Because most of the people I know don't have jobs anymore because of people like you.
So I have no empathy for these people in the media.
Well, Terry McKenzie, I really appreciate the great work you're doing.
You do your own great show, RagingDissident.com.
I mean, if it's a plan on the table, do you have any percentage idea on if they're going to go in or when?
I would guess, so negotiations were supposed to take place this afternoon.
Again, one of the organizers got back to me.
He hasn't heard anything back yet.
If that fails or nothing goes, I could guess potentially tonight, tomorrow night, I would guess they would probably move in late in the evening, early morning maybe when there's, you know, middle of the week, there's less amount of people here.
They want this done before the weekend because more and more people keep showing up on the weekends.
People work, you know.
and they want to come and be here.
All right, well listen, Jeremy McKenzie, RagingDissonant.com, I love you and I'm sorry I blew up, nothing
to do with you, I'm on edge here, I'm going to have to take a few days off again, no I'm
Talking about going crazy here, it's pretty nuts.
God bless you brother.
We'll be back with Ted Anderson.
You want to hear about the new world order?
You're about to learn about it.
Okay, so let me take you to the very front lines of censorship and de-platforming and
de-banking and really similar things to what we've seen in the Soviet and Nazi regimes
where they first take away people's ability to have banks and then businesses and then
they kick you out of your homes and put you in ghettos, then they put you in forced labor
camps and then when they're done with you they put you in a death camp.
And that's not just the Nazis that did that.
This has been done all over the world.
And with censorship and silencing, then comes arrest and imprisonment.
And that's where we are.
So you've seen the infiltration of the NRA when the NRA put TV shows on and was producing movies and ads and getting hardcore and getting political and really doing a great job, thanks to Ted Nugent and others, really cracking the whip in the last 10 years.
Until about 10 years ago, the NRA was not as hardcore as it should be, but it got really hardcore and really good.
And the IRS came after them.
Leticia James came after them, working for Soros, and they're criminally going after them now.
And they attack you in jurisdictions where they own it, like New York.
So the NRA, they're like, why are they in New York?
Well, they've been there since the end of the Civil War.
When it was founded to train black people how to own and have guns to protect themselves in the South.
On record.
That's why the left calls it the KKK, because it's the opposite.
The NRA has been bankrupted.
The NRA basically pulled back its fangs and is now not being political and is a shadow of itself because of the infiltration, everything else.
I know the inside baseball.
They don't want it all out, but it was bad.
Same things happened to us.
We're a smaller organization.
They had trouble, but they get infiltrators in.
The infiltrators then lie about what's going on in your operation.
They then sue you, the Democratic Party, same law firm that sued Remington into bankruptcy.
They then sue you.
And then that data and that information they get, when the judges order you to give them everything that has nothing to do with what they're suing you about, well, then they have a blueprint of what your operation is.
And even when they discover that you don't have all this money, they don't care.
They want, quote, unconditional surrender.
They want us off the air.
They want us to come out against America in the Second Amendment.
Of course, we're not going to do that.
But I see listeners commenting on InfoWars sometimes and on Banned.Videos, I care about what you say.
And people ask me in the street, hey, is it true you got hundreds of millions of dollars?
Or, you know, I'm like, no, that's not true.
I got like $400,000 in the bank and I sold my nice house to fund the operation because that was an investment to double my money in the last three years, buying a nice expensive house, knowing the Austin market.
I did that so that I could then use that money to fight.
And it meant nothing to me to sell my house to fight the tyrants.
That's what I did it for.
But the point is, people need to know, and I'm going to start in the days and weeks ahead to reveal this stuff to you, because we've got incredibly damning stuff of what's really happened.
Now, and we'll probably have to move Joel Skousen back 10 minutes to the next hour.
He'll understand, because I got Ted on a little late.
I've got to cover this.
And it's the reason last segment I got a little mad, not at the guest.
I was just already so pissed about this, thinking about it in my mind, that I just snapped and I apologize for that.
Because it isn't Alex Jones that's angry because Alex Jones is under attack.
I'm a fighter.
I expect this.
It's knowing that we're this far down the rat hole, this country is in this big of trouble, literally two minutes from midnight, thermonuclear with Russia, and at every other level, that just makes me have a rage that I pray to Jesus multiple times a day to give me peace and love to not blow up.
That's why I've been preaching more love and more peace than ever, because it's what we need here, folks.
I'm preaching to myself, not you.
I'm sure some of you have the same problem.
So, what you're about to hear is only one small part of this, and we're not going to release all of it yet.
But Ted Anderson, I want him to just spend some time on who he is, what he's done.
He was a sponsor of mine in 1997.
A year later, he started the GCN Radio Network.
Because he was already financing a bunch of shows.
He already had a production thing, producing his own shows, were very popular on AM, FM and shortwave and satellite.
He said, why don't I just start a network?
When I got censored and kicked off my local radio station, he'd already set up his network.
A few years before, I was getting it ready and I was already doing another show on it every day.
Nine years ago, ten years ago, when the gold market was way down and Ted couldn't pay me anymore, I parted ways with Ted, but instead, you can still carry my show and syndicate at the stations.
I'll syndicate myself.
Two-thirds of my stations are with us and about 90-something are with him.
And we're still friends, but he couldn't, you know, pay me anymore, so I had to go out and, you know, try to syndicate my show more and try to get money in.
He gets sued four years ago by the Sandy Hook Democrat lawyers.
And he has nothing to do what I said on air or did.
And I was already off his network.
He was only a satellite provider, but they don't care about that.
And now we know now they want the network itself.
And people say, well, keep fighting.
Well, it takes money to fight them.
Plus, Ted will have the floor here, but I just want to get this out now.
Ted has been running this network with 700 plus affiliates and over 100 shows on it.
But with talk radio, and the implosion in the media, and the economy, for a couple of years it's been losing money.
But because it's a pet project he started, and because he's got other companies he can advertise on it, he keeps it propped up, even though he's losing hundreds of thousands a year, and that number's going up.
Well, he can't defend a lawsuit against these people, and so they say, that's fine, just give us your whole network, we want you to surrender.
Thinking that would take me off the air, which it would be a crippling blow.
But that's what this is all about, folks.
This isn't just about shutting down our speech and misrepresenting what we said and connecting themselves to us to always say that I got famous off them when I didn't, and they're literally using me to continue their anti-gun agenda.
That is the lawyers and the media.
And so imagine Ted Anderson has all these shows, liberal, conservative, libertarian, veterinary shows, car shows, gardening shows, third largest syndicator in the country, but he's not a big megacorporation.
And his network's gone from making millions and millions of dollars a year profit to losing money, but he keeps it up there and keeps it running with the board ops, the engineers, the insurance and all the people.
And then they come to him and Ted hadn't even told me this for a while, but then he just said, you know what?
Screw this.
I'm not going to shut down.
Quite frankly, Ted was planning to slowly shut down GCN, but because they're trying to shut him down and because they're trying to silence those other hosts, He was going to give them time, you know, if he had to down the road, I know, to move other places.
Now Ted's going to try to make GCM bigger than ever and stronger than ever, going to fight all the way through the end.
And so he's here with us today, ladies and gentlemen, to talk about that.
And I appreciate him holding while I was saying this, but I'm going to put this out on air right now.
Let's put the URLs up, please.
Ted's already spent three hundred plus thousand dollars battling these people.
Now to go to trial and fight him, it's going to cost him a half million dollars.
He's already losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to fund this and keep it on air.
And he's risking them getting judgments on him, even though he's totally innocent, if this happens.
But he's an American.
Because of the First Amendment, he believes in it.
He's going to do it.
But he needs your help.
Because after all these years and all the stuff, Ted is not a rich man.
So save GCN.
Well, it's SaveGCN.com.
It's also SaveGCNLive.com.
And go there and make a donation, ladies and gentlemen, because Ted needs to stay on air.
And we don't want him to shut down.
He needs to be able to stay on air.
And I think once he gets all his other shows to plug that URL, and once he gets them to go and support it,
that he'll actually get millions of dollars he needs to update his equipment and expand things
and keep GCN going into the future.
'Cause with the internet kill switches and all this, all we've got, ladies and gentlemen,
is AM and FM talk radio.
And AM was obsolete in the '70s and '80s, but when there was no conservative radio
and Rush Limbaugh came on, all those AM stations suddenly had great value.
And so just like DVDs are coming back because of the censorship,
we need to keep the AM and FM stations going, we need to support them as well,
donate to them as well, and donate to the networks that have so many great shows on
So Ted Anderson, for three segments, will have the floor when we come back, but I want you to go to GiveCinGo.com, and we'll put that URL back up there, SaveGCN.com, SaveGCN.com, one word, and go make a donation.
Because Ted came to me and he said, You know, I need $300,000, $500,000, depending on what happens to go through this trial and all this.
He says, you know, I'm already losing a lot of money.
Do you want to, you know, try to help me or what do you think I should do?
And I said, Ted, by all means, do not turn the network over to these people so they can take all these people off the air and do this.
Let's fight them.
And he said, OK.
Uh, so he needs to raise that money.
That's how serious this is, is the gun grabbers also on our First Amendment and are literally trying to take radio networks off the air, and it's collateral damage to them if there's liberal shows on there as well.
They want total power, total control to silence the American people.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, America is in a fight.
The Western world is in a fight against multinational Corporations that want to take over our lives and control everything we can see and what we can do.
They want to control our bodies and put things in us.
And at the very front lines of that fight, the very literal tip of the spear against the globalists is Infowars.
And we are their number one enemy because we understand their plans and because whether it's Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or you name it, people really listen to us now and they understand that we know what we're talking about.
We've been vindicated.
We've been proven right.
I'm going to give you the floor here for the next 10 minutes, I'm not going to interrupt you, to talk about GCN, what's happened, what's going on, what these Democrat groups are doing, and what their real goal is.
It's not the justice they claim for families or children, for us questioning public events.
I mean, hell, now the AP questions whether Russia is really going to launch a false flag.
I question everything.
But really, it's about taking everybody's free speech and all these shows.
How many listeners you've got?
How many affiliates?
Third largest radio network in the United States.
And all of this.
Ted, so I'm not going to interrupt you, so don't pause.
You've got 10 minutes, Ted.
All right, well, thanks, Alex, and I appreciate you having me out, and certainly for the help with the Genesis Communications Network.
And I've got to say that the relationship that you and I have built over the years has been second to none.
It's just amazing how much pressure that can be put on any kind of talk radio platform or anything that makes a difference nowadays.
Right now, cancel culture is taking control of the point.
I mean, people were applauding when they took you off of YouTube, Alex.
And now all of a sudden, they're taking everybody off of YouTube and they're sinking their own ship.
Even Facebook had to change their name because They are losing their audiences and people are going, you know, away from that particular type of platform.
The Genesis Communications Network happens to be a target as well.
I mean, these people that have come in and created these platforms are like new kids to the block.
And they think that they can go on and just kick people off and expect that the audience is going to continue to stay with them.
So here we have a situation where you have this attorney group who actually The father of one of the attorneys is actually a senator.
And there's a political movement to try to push away, I mean, you know, the right to have a gun, the right to be able to speak freely.
I mean, this, this is the very core of what the United States has been built on.
And here we are watching censorship from a position of, you know, just canceling out complete radio shows like yours.
Uh, and, uh, it, it, I find it completely interesting that they come in and they try to attack you by bringing you into a court, making you pay continued, you know, litigation costs until they just drain you dry.
And then all of a sudden you're forced to shut out of the business.
Like you said, it's like, they're looking for a full and complete surrender.
They don't want to have.
Uh, platforms like yours.
They don't want to have platforms like the Genesis Communications Network out there talking on a free level without fear to be able to say, hey, if I mention that, you know, that the Second Amendment counts and you can't have my guns, these people come after you.
You know, that's probably why you're seeing the NRA backing off at this point in time.
They're afraid to address these issues, to come right straight out and start talking about this stuff.
It's like one of the few platforms that are out there right now is the Alex Jones InfoWars radio show.
You know, Joe Rogan is another one.
You know, to have Spotify have to consider whether or not they're going to have Neil Young or Joe Rogan.
This shouldn't happen.
We should be able to have free and free-flowing information platforms.
That's the way that it's supposed to work.
That's why the United States was set up.
We don't get sent to the gulags for trying to speak about non-narrative political messages.
Uh, just the whole coronavirus and the vaccines and the face masking and everything that has been going on makes, makes you wonder, you know, you all these truckers up in Canada that are protesting and all that stuff put together just creates this, um, environment where it's more dangerous to be able to speak than it is just to be able to do anything, you know?
So if you don't have the support from the listeners, actually, you know, coming in and helping with platforms
like this one, and you're a radio show, I just don't know how in the world that we're
ever going to be able to survive this.
And let's be clear, Ted, tell people again, because I want the exact numbers, I don't
want to get it wrong, how long GCN has been around, how many affiliates you've got, and
the fact that you've been running it for a couple years at a loss, because there's so
much media out there, obviously talk radio has been in trouble, and it's such a precious
thing to support.
Give people the numbers of how big GCN is and how diverse the shows are, because I remember
when I got censored with the number one show in Austin, you came and hired me and supported
me and launched us into syndication and did an incredible job.
I mean, so much of this revolution against tyranny, you get the credit for it, Ted, and
And then, I know, since gold plunged ten years ago, and other things, you have just been pumping all your money in to keep GCN on.
That's why we're here explaining this, that they are trying to take it over and are saying, just give us the network, we'll drop the suits against you, because they've now seen everything you're doing right now, know your finances, they now know you don't have a bunch of money, and they're saying, hey, just, you know, shut down and we'll drop our lawsuit against you, which is just absolutely amazing that this is going on.
These people have no shame.
Well, first of all, I mean, like we said, we started out with the, you know, you were over at, what was it, KJFK?
I believe it was.
And we started out with a shortwave radio station and a couple of AM and FM radio stations and built it into something huge.
Genesis Communications Network right now has about 760 AM and FM radio stations across the United States with over 2,000 affiliate agreements.
And we produce hundreds of radio shows.
And you would think that the people would look at that kind of thing and go, wait a minute, this is just a broad spectrum of everybody's ideas.
We're not trying to tell anyone what they have to say or what they have to do in order to have a platform on Genesis Communications Network.
We're here to provide the signal to the radio stations and create a platform that people can rely on.
And let's expand on that.
They have defaulted us, even though you're a separate person, a separate company, even
though we gave them everything they asked for so we don't get a real trial.
We're guilty.
Now the jury decides how guilty.
That's what's happening in America with you, with a very diverse radio network.
And of course, what they wanted to find wasn't there.
There wasn't some plan to talk about Sandy Hook.
There wasn't any money made off of it.
We barely ever talked about it.
You never did.
And I was already basically separated from you right around that time when that even
went down because we had business disagreements.
And that's on record.
So imagine that, Ted.
I said I wouldn't interrupt, but I can't help it.
Imagine that, that this is actually going on in America.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, they plan on getting judgments too big to pay or too big
to appeal because we can't get a bond for it or whatever because they know we don't
have that much money, and then shut this place down with the constables, and they want to
shut Ted down at the same time.
They know we're on 300 affiliates.
They know I'm on a bunch of cable and TV affiliates.
They are so pissed, ladies and gentlemen, that we are reaching people and people are
So you folks, this is your fight.
You cannot let them take GC and down.
Ted could face a big judgment in these rigged courts, but he doesn't care.
As long as he has the money to fight it, he's ready to go right through it, but he is literally
running out of money.
So save GCN, one word, S-A-V-E-G-C-N.com.
That's give, send, go.
And listen, when they took the $11 million away from the truckers at the big establishment
Yeah, GoFundMe.
When they took it away at GoFundMe, now all those folks are going over to GiveSendGo because we and others told them to.
GiveSendGo's servers are overweight.
They're trying to expand.
Everything's working fine, but it's a little bit slow because of the truckers, and that's great.
People moving to GiveSendGo.
This is the only place we've got is Give Sin Go.
We're even allowed to give us money.
All the other places won't let you give to Christian or conservative or nationalist causes.
So, SaveGCN.com.
Go there, please.
About $2,000 has now been raised during this.
Ted needs at least $300,000 to fight the next leg of this through trial, and he's rolling the dice, even though he could get judgments against him, not backing down, not turning this important radio network over to the globalists.
So, go there now.
It's S-A-V-E-G-C-N dot com.
And listen, I could donate money to Ted's Defense, and I'll do it if I have to, but I'm running out of money.
That's why we have SaveInfoWars.com.
We'll put that URL on screen.
SaveInfoWars.com that also takes you to Give Sin Go, where you can donate there.
We've raised $360,000 on there.
They did it to bankrupt us.
We've got three trials coming up this summer, starting actually in March.
Let's see, March, April.
No, no, it's April, May, and March.
No, no, I'm kidding.
The point is, I'm going too fast here.
Starting in April, May, and then June, three trials, three different Sandy Hook people suing me in Austin to maximize the effect, the news coverage, the power to bankrupt us, and then the big thing up in Connecticut with the Democrats and Senator Blumenthal run.
I mean, this is literally what they're doing to silence you.
They've got to get through us.
So support us now.
Well, the quickening's here.
I just received information in the last 10 minutes that we knew was coming, but Man, this is all coming down the wire.
After Ted leaves us, I'm going to bring this up with Joel Skousen, but it's official.
And I was reading the document.
Biden DHS declares terrorism threat due to false and misleading narratives and conspiracy theories.
They go on in the document to say unsanctioned speech is terrorism.
They actually say that.
Sanctioned means authorized by the government.
Remember what Trudeau said last week?
He said, these protesters hold unacceptable views and are terrorists.
This is the global... I mean, I'm just... I mean, it's even sinking into me how dire the straits are.
Hopefully we back them off.
Hopefully we stop them peacefully.
But all I can tell you is they use lawsuits against us to get the intel on how we operate to then target everybody we're involved with to take us down.
And all we need is money.
And I know I come to you constantly and I have people on trying to save starving Christians and I have other groups on.
That's what we're doing here.
It takes money to fight this war.
And I want Ted to stay there and he's going to run ads for the rest of his great network and the other shows and his other shows need to get out there and say, hey, support our network.
And you know, support GCN.
So go to SaveGCN.com.
That goes to Give Sim Go.
Great Christian Patriots.
We can donate.
Let's hit refresh on that, guys, on that page, please.
We can show people the new numbers.
And donate today, ladies and gentlemen, at SaveGCN.
Yeah, it's now almost Three and a half thousand dollars.
So thank you all for your support.
And also go to SaveInfoWars.com because believe me, folks, it takes millions of dollars to fight this war toe to toe with the Democrats and the deep state and George Soros.
And we're doing it.
You want us to do it.
We're doing it.
You say we appreciate what we're doing.
Well, we've got to keep InfoWars on the air and I'm not about to watch them just celebrate.
And take over GCN.
I mean, they might do it in a year, two years, whatever.
We're fighting all the way to the end while other people build other infrastructure, separate from us.
But that's the answer.
Think you'll get OAN?
Other people are building three new networks.
You think you'll get us?
But we need time, ladies and gentlemen.
And so that's what money is all about.
That lets us have that shield while we're doing our broadcasts and they're attacking trying to take us down.
You keep us on air.
You are the outreach.
Go to SaveInfoWars.com and donate now.
We need the support.
And go to SaveGCN.com as well.
Do not wait.
Alright, Ted Anderson, please continue.
Well, I mean, first of all, Alex, we'll take your prayers as well, but it does take money in order to fight a lawsuit.
Just to take a lawsuit as simple as the one that we have right here in front of Genesis, I'm being quoted about $300,000 just to get to the end of the lawsuit.
If you lose the lawsuit, then you also have to pay whatever the settlement is at the very end as well.
So it does take money.
And the people who are sitting here making sure that this broadcast is actually on air, looks right, it's on the right satellite services, it's being played on the right radio stations, and everything is being cued properly, that takes people.
And it takes paychecks.
And these people walk home and they have children, families, so on and so forth, that they have to support as well.
So yeah, it does take money.
And we've never have asked for money before from our listeners.
However, at this point in time, it is critical, critical that you get involved.
Not only go to SaveInfoWars.com, but also go to SaveGCMLive.com.
And I understand if you don't have any money, give us a prayer, do something, get involved, because this is the InfoWar.
And quite frankly, if we don't do something, free speech will be gone.
And after it's gone, Then when you speak up, I mean, if you're in Russia right now, you say something against Putin, you're thinking about, am I going to go to the Gulag?
Am I going to be a free person?
We don't want that to happen here in the United States.
We want to be able to speak freely, speak our minds, and not be told that if we say the wrong words, We're going to have to go to prison.
You're right Ted, this is America's darkest hour and if they're able to silence us in this darkness, they're going to win.
But the listeners understand that.
We'll be right back to talk about this more on this huge news.
We knew it was coming, but wow.
Well, the Democratic Party through their operatives have told us they want total surrender.
They want us to not support the Second Amendment.
They want us to just stand down and roll over to them, and they'll stop suing us in their red courts.
Well, in the words of John Paul Jones, the founder of the U.S.
Navy, when a British ship twice their size said surrender, he said, I've only begun to fight.
And of course he won.
It does sicken me, though, that America has this much political rot, and these people are that authoritarian.
And I've openly gone to my original radio network that still syndicates the show.
I syndicate two-thirds of it, they syndicate the other third, they carry it, because I didn't want to fully leave GCN right around ten years ago.
Because I liked Ted, and Ted stood up for me when the First Amendment issues, and when I got fired from a local station for free speech, and for what I was saying.
And now they've come to him and said, we want your network, we want it all, period.
They sued him along with me.
They're not suing our radio stations.
They can't do that.
That's not even in the law.
So the stations are fine.
But they want the syndicator.
Well, he wasn't technically the syndicator then.
He was a carrier.
But it doesn't matter.
It's part of the next level of debanking, deplatforming, harassment.
And so people are saying, oh really?
Oh my God!
I mean, part of me wants to just not fight this stuff and shut down, so people actually know how real this was.
And then we'd be flooded with support to start something completely new.
But I'm not going to give up with this great crew and do all this.
I mean, part of me wants to just go, you know, lie on a beach while the world burns.
But we can't do that because we were built for this moment.
We were made for this.
Everything we talked about is happening.
DHS just came out.
Huge article on Infowars.com.
I'll cover it when Ted leaves.
Saying, quote, unsanctioned speech is causing terror and needs to be banned.
That's DHS, like I told you last June, but now it's official, declaring free speech terrorism.
Saying, we're going to have terror attacks as people are questioning open borders, election fraud, and lockdowns.
It now says it in the official bulletin.
Says unsanctioned.
You've got to have sanctioned speech.
And they've got a bill where only approved media is allowed on major platforms.
A law to ban unapproved stuff.
The Democrats are trying to pass it in the House.
It's sponsored by Pelosi.
That's North Korea!
So folks, we are overdone for a peaceful revolution in this country.
We are cooked right now.
This is insane.
And Ted Anderson After spending $300,000, $400,000, $500,000 the last four years being signed onto this lawsuit with us, he gets defaulted, even though he has his own lawyer, gave them all the stuff they wanted.
They just count us all as one.
You didn't give us anything.
Not true.
Then they use all the contacts and info they got to then try to take us down.
And they come to Ted and they say, turn over your old network to us with all those shows and the 700 plus affiliates, and we'll just leave you alone.
Well, what are you going to do with the network?
This is total surrender.
Just surrender it right now.
And so Ted said, well, he told me, like I said, he was planning already to maybe phase out because of talk radio in decline and he's losing money, but he can also get some sponsors for his own products.
He's on the fence.
And now this.
And Ted wants to fight.
And so, folks, he needs you to fight with him.
This is so important.
We need to see explosive giving at SaveGCN.com.
He needs at least $300,000 just through this one trial he's facing in Connecticut.
And then he faces the judgment.
He's willing to face that.
He just needs the money for the fight.
So he's a warrior for free speech.
I wouldn't have been syndicated.
Alex Jones wouldn't have had the success I've had if it wasn't for Ted Anderson.
And I appreciate him being a fighter.
So savegcn.com.
And saveinfowars.com.
Go there.
Make a donation.
It takes millions to fight these people.
And if folks would just give us big donations, if people would just support us, if they just step up and support us now, I wouldn't spend 30-40% of my time trying to get money, and plugging, and messing the show up, having to ask for help.
But we won't be here if we don't do this.
So, buy products at InfoWareStore.com.
Get your Scorable Food 25% off from us right now at Preparadox.com.
But the biggest thing we need is, with food we're making, with this discount, normally it's 30%, 25%, 20%.
So yeah, millions of dollars come in, but it's hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Fun things.
Doesn't do it.
Same thing with supplements, okay?
You know, we make 50% or whatever on average.
Other people market up way more.
T-shirts, you know, we might make $5 on them.
But with this, you go give, you donate.
We give 5%.
They don't even ask for it.
Give, send, go, so awesome.
Ask for nothing.
But you can, we opt in to support them, an independent group that now the truckers are using for 5%.
And so they've gotten 5% of the $700,000 we've raised.
Half of that was for Owen's defense, which it cost that to go to DC and have a criminal trial and face all that.
That's about what it costs.
He's got the money he needs now.
But what about Infowars?
It takes us millions at save Infowars to do this.
That's why our goal is $2 million.
We've raised 19% of what we need.
This is a war, people!
Ted Anderson, we got five minutes left.
I really appreciate you.
Just again, you said great things earlier.
Other comments you'd like to impart to folks?
Well, first of all, just think, if you raise $9 million in this Trucker thing, and the global elite come in and they say, hey, you've got to shut this down.
And they shut it down.
And these people were going to keep the money for themselves.
Thank God they were down in Florida.
It seemed like the Santas gave them the money.
That's right.
GoFundMe said, we're keeping the money for leftist groups, until the Santas said that's criminal.
I mean, that's how criminal the left is.
Yeah, I know.
So what?
So they're going to come in, and they're going to take the money, and they're going to keep it for themselves?
I mean, that's what cancel culture is all about.
That's why you have to support the Infowars.
That's why you have to go to this SaveGCN.com and make your donation.
I mean, this is an expensive fight.
It takes money to go to court.
You have to have attorneys.
You have to go in.
And you have to do the depositions.
And you have all these things that are happening.
And by the time you hit the end, it costs a lot of money.
Not to mention the fact you have to have employees in order just to keep the whole show on air.
So yeah, without a question, if you can do that now at this point in time, go to SaveInfoWars.com.
That's SaveInfoWars.com.
Make a donation.
And if you can do it, go to SaveGCNLive.com and do it as well.
We'll take your prayers.
We need your donations.
We need to fight this fight.
If we don't fight, they're going to roll over us like steamrollers.
Why would you want us to Absolutely, and that's why InfoWars has built its own satellite links, its own servers, its own infrastructure.
shut down by cancel culture anyways.
We're now the model of how to survive under these attacks.
And now, I mean, look at all the depositions.
It's radio networks, satellites.
Who is your satellite provider?
Who are you on?
And it's all about targeting.
Just like in Empire Strikes Back, when they get, they go, target, shield generator, maximum firepower.
And that's what they want is to literally take us off air.
They admit it.
And it's a military operation for them.
They are conquering America right now.
Yeah, and without a question, if something isn't done at this point, there won't be hope for free speech in the future, as far as I'm concerned.
You can't go to YouTube and post a video unless you follow their rules.
You can't go to Facebook and post a posting unless you follow the rules.
I mean, you do have to have your own servers, you have to have your own platforms, and both you and I have done that to start with.
These guys weren't even available for us to use their platforms.
When YouTube came out and you were able to post videos, it wasn't too long before they threw you off the air and that audience was not even able to find you.
Thank God you have the services that you have now.
The servers and everything you need.
But that takes engineering.
It takes staff.
That's right.
George Soros and Bloomberg, on record, have ordered us to be taken off the air.
And they've got armies of mercenaries trying to do it.
And we don't have George Soros or Bloomberg or Senator Blumenthal.
We have you, listeners.
So thank you so much for your support.
SaveGCN.com or SaveInfoWars, ladies and gentlemen.
And that is how you support us because this is a major, major fight.
I want to thank Brad Stuckey and all the folks that we see doing it.
You are the tip of the spear and you are in this fight.
This isn't just talk radio.
This is entertainment.
This is hardcore battling with the globalist, with the new world order.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much.
We'll get an update from you next week.
And I really appreciate you standing up for us.
I guess I've been what?
I've been working with you 26 years.
How long is it?
Oh, gosh.
It's been, yeah, about 26 years.
What a wonderful 26 years, too.
Great fight, I gotta tell you.
Hey, we changed the world already with our listeners helping us.
We did it together.
Thank you.
Save at GCN.com.
Ted's not backing down.
He's rolling the dice.
He may get a big judgment on him.
He just wants to be able to fight and tell the truth.
He did nothing wrong but be an American.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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All right, folks.
Joel Skousen, the editor over at World Affairs Brief, is with us, and I really appreciate him coming on today.
This has gotten almost no coverage in the Western media.
We already played this several times in the first hour, but if Skousen wants, we can reread this on air.
But my interpretation of it is what it says.
He said, if NATO declares Article 5 and basically takes in Ukraine, then we're going to invade.
And then if NATO overwhelms us, we're going to use nuclear weapons.
And that's what he said.
Very, very chilling.
And we went and found the video.
I didn't just believe the Daily Mail when I saw it.
I went and actually found the video of Putin indeed saying that.
And then you look at the backdrop of this, a bunch of other news broke today that just is staggering on its own.
This is just an acceleration of events that I'll get to later in the hour with Joel Skousen of worldaffairsbrief.com.
And again, I'm not going to go over his whole bio, but he was a Marine Corps officer and a naval aviator.
But more importantly, an engineer and the top secure home builder and also, of course, his family goes way back at the very start of discovering the globalist conspiracy with Cleon Skousen, who you can say is like basically the first guy to basically crack the code.
And so he's here with us now.
Joel Skousen, thank you for joining us.
What in the world's really going on with this Russia situation?
Well, Alex, There's a lot of posturing going on, especially by Putin and that particular statement.
He knows that the United States is not going to invade.
Biden has already said it's off the table.
There are going to be no troops coming into Ukraine.
When it's attacked, they're going to let it fall.
They're going to wring their hands.
They're going to do sanctions.
But I doubt if he's even going to be able to stop the pipeline, the gas pipeline coming in from Russia, because the Germans are wedded to it and there's simply no way to handle their future gas needs.
I'm still don't believe that this is going to lead to nuclear war because the U.S.
will not go to war with Russia over Ukraine.
And that's good news, but on the other side, I remember you, at least 20 years ago,
with your long-term strategic research, that's really borne out to be true,
that the West would feign weakness and also have provocations with China and Russia
to drive them together to do a joint attack on the United States, which will be used
to wipe out the political opposition here and have the underground deep state emerge
with its weapons and then form the fascist world government.
And I remember you predicting right around 2022, 2023, 2025.
I know years later you moved it up a little to 2026, 2027.
I know years later you moved it up a little, 2026, 2027, but my goodness, nobody, I'm not
just praising you here, you're the only guy that did it.
You laid out the scenario we're seeing now, but now you're saying it's not as bad, or what's happening?
No, I'm not saying it's not as bad.
I'm just saying that in my military analysis, Russia and China aren't quite ready yet.
And, you know, they're just beginning to field their hypersonic weapons, and that's going to take a few more years to get it.
They're still building their Blue Water Navy, which they have to do to control a global government that they intend to do so after they strike the West.
But the reason I was able to key into the globalist plan is because the Presidential Decision Directive 60 signed in 1997.
I started writing the World Affairs Brief in the year 2000.
But I went on the Art Bell Show and exposed that, where it instructs our military forces to absorb a nuclear first strike, and then to retaliate afterwards.
This got General Butch Neal to say, retaliate with what?
You know, you got half of our submarines available.
And why half?
Because in that same year, Clinton instructed by executive order, 50% of our submarines have to be imported any one time.
And he clearly said, To make the Soviets understand that we are not a threat, we are going to make ourselves more vulnerable.
I mean, that's the kind of mentality that the globalists had during the Clinton administration.
So they're trying to lure Russia and China into a sneak attack?
Not only lure, but they've been building these two enemies.
I mean, during the Nixon administration, we gave the Russians the miniature ball-bearing technology so they could MIRV their missiles.
They couldn't do multiple independent missile or warheads before because they couldn't do the
miniature gyros that are required to do the targeting.
And Henry Kissinger told Nixon, "This isn't strategic.
We can give it to the Russians."
Just like we gave them the plans to the nuclear weapons that they couldn't steal from the
Manhattan Project, we gave them the first shipment of enriched uranium.
We brought China to power.
We've allowed them to steal.
We allowed them to have access to use aircraft and top secret military plans during the Clinton administration, so they could steal things and they've been stealing things ever since.
Now, what I'm just saying is the threat is not diminished.
I'm just saying, I don't think Ukraine is going to be a trigger event for World War III.
Putin is clearly going to try to reconstitute the Soviet Union by taking back Starting with Ukraine, the former Soviet states, and Ukraine has been the subject of a lot of puppets.
Timoshenko was a puppet, Poroshenko, Yanukovych, all of these prime ministers were puppets of Putin.
The only one that isn't is a puppet of another oligarch is Zelensky, the current president.
And that's why he's primed to take over Ukraine now, to put it under the You know, the growing Soviet ages.
Remember, the Soviet Union faked their own collapse in 1990.
They gave orders to, you know, let the wall come down, to let the riots go forward.
They even gave orders for the communist dictators to step down.
Ceausescu of Romania was the only one who refused, and he and his wife were killed.
Well, that's right.
It's come out that 100% they staged that.
Why is Biden fleeing out of Afghanistan and doing such a bad job?
Why is he acting so weak?
How does that help the globals to have such a embarrassing puppet in there?
What does that do?
Well, in the first place, Afghanistan was essentially turned over to the Chinese.
This is part of allowing the Chinese to make inroads and also to threaten Russia from its southern border.
I mean, China is in control now of Afghanistan, including the essential minerals that are there, the oil and gas fields, and a lot of military equipment that we left behind.
So it's It's a little bit difficult.
I mean, as a military analyst to say, you know, why would you close down Bagram Air Force Base before you'd ever evacuated everyone?
It's just insane to do that.
They clearly wanted to have a, you know, and Biden wouldn't know any difference if the military told him, you know, let's go ahead and pull out this way.
He doesn't know anything about military strategy.
And so he wouldn't protest this, but it's the globalist military leaders that did this to us.
And I think the secret plan behind it was to give more territory to China, which they already control Pakistan next door.
And they've already into Iran.
They're the primary supplier of Iran.
So they've got the underbelly of Russia surrounded.
Now, they aren't enemies right now.
They're in temporary alliance to take down the West.
But believe me, they're going to go after Russia eventually.
And this positions China To be able to pressure Russia during the next or the outcome of the World War III, which they intend to succeed at.
Exactly, and then China's making alliances with the Islamists, which they'll use in the Russian underbelly.
We'll be right back with Joel Scalzin at WorldAffairsBrief.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Visit and share those links.
Stay with us.
So, I've been accurate, no exaggeration, on the big issues about 95% of the time.
Joel Scalzin, I'd say, has been right about 98% of the time.
But he thought we were going to have war with North Korea, and it didn't happen.
And I was glad he was wrong about that, but it came very close.
I know folks that were actually involved at high level and mid-level, and they were told it was go as well.
And those same people in the military now I talk to say they've been told, and I talked about this back six months ago, that by February we would see major escalations in Ukraine, because they were already getting ready back then.
So I hope Joel Skousen is right when he says he doesn't think that there's about to be some type of escalation of the conflict or a war.
But when I see Putin saying, please listen to me, the media won't listen to me, you need to quote what I'm saying, and he says, yes, NATO can defeat us, but we have nuclear weapons, and by the time you can blink your eye, this is basically what he says, I'm paraphrasing it, that you'll be in a nuclear war.
We're a nuclear power.
So what is the point of that statement then, Joel?
It sounds very desperate.
No, it's to ensure that Biden won't go back on his pledge to not put US troops in Ukraine.
It's to up the threat to a nuclear threat.
But there's a couple of indications that what Putin said was absolutely wrong.
In the first place, NATO cannot defeat Russia in a conventional war.
I'm going to publish in next week's World Affairs Brief on Friday, an article by Scott Ritter, a very good military analyst from Europe that he's actually American, but He's done a lot of analysis over there and he points out very, very clearly how Russian conventional forces are far superior to US now in terms of both tanks and especially artillery.
And aren't they more cohesive as well?
That's right.
And they're up to our level in ECM.
That's why they won't use their S-400 in Syria.
They don't want us to get the radar signatures from their S-400 systems, etc.
But here's what It's interesting.
Let me just correct one thing.
I haven't yet predicted war with Korea.
What I've said is that that will be the trigger event for World War III, and that still holds.
And the reason I say that is because we've got 47,000 troops there.
South Korea's got about 53,000.
By the way, I wasn't trying to put you down.
I just, you were thinking before Trump got that so-called peace deal that it was, that And I agree with you that they were planning an attack.
Trump had given the order, but North Korea partially backed down.
But I mean, remember, back at the time, you were thinking they were going to go ahead and do it.
I don't recall that, Alex, because I never believed that Trump was actually going to use the military option.
It was only a paper threat.
Well, I'm wrong.
I apologize.
OK, well, you got a perfect record then.
So what do you think happens next?
He never did go through with that.
But there is a threat related to North Korea that's coming up with the Taiwan situation with China.
North Korea has said that if the U.S.
intervenes militarily to stop China from taking Taiwan, that they will attack either South Korea or U.S.
forces as a deterrent.
So in other words, Pyongyang, Kim Jong-un has linked U.S.
intervention to stop China from attacking Taiwan with a Attack on South Korea, and that could trigger World War Three, because you see, we would have to use tactical nuclear weapons to stop the overwhelming force that North Korea has in the South.
They've got 60,000 artillery tubes pointed at Seoul.
They've got, you know, a whole bevy of missiles that they could throw at us.
Now the Air Force isn't much to talk about, but their missile forces are far superior to South Korea.
They could even hit Guam.
They could even hit US aircraft carriers steaming towards Taiwan.
So this is a much more dangerous threat than the paper threat of Putin.
And I recognize that Putin's threat was a paper threat when he talked about, you may be able to defeat us
conventionally by NATO, and that just isn't true at all.
NATO's a very weak conventional force.
So what's gonna happen here is that, first of all, I don't think the US--
can effectively defeat China if it decides to take Taiwan.
With the missiles that they have in stock there on the coast opposite Taiwan, they could obliterate Taiwan's military forces in about a day.
And then with their invasion forces, they could probably take Taiwan within a week.
And so It would take the US two to three days to steam into that area to have an effective force, even though the airplanes could reach that sooner.
So I don't think it's going to happen.
And I think these two threats, Alex, by Putin about mentioning the nuclear possibility, and of South Korea, which we really fear, Because it is a real wild card.
By them both threatening to intervene if the U.S.
takes military action against either Russia or China, I think that's meant to simply ensure that we don't intervene.
Because it's coming.
What do you make of this China-Russia alliance?
I mean, you said that that alliance really won't hold.
We know, going back forever, Russia and China got a lot of enmity between each other.
Well, that's right.
And it's still there.
And China really is afraid of, I'm sorry, Russia is really afraid of China now.
They know that they're bigger, stronger.
They aren't as technologically advanced as Russia.
And, you know, I was really shocked at Mike Flynn's discussion with Tucker Carlson when he talked about Russia being a paper tiger.
He's been drinking the Kool-Aid that the globalists have been feeding them and the National War College things, but Russia is anything but a paper tiger, either conventional or nuclear-wise.
They've got a lot more missiles than China.
They've got 15 warheads.
So what do you make of Putin's pro-Christian talk?
Well, first of all, let me answer the Putin question.
and then Xi Jinping three-child policy now, and saying no sissy man on TV.
Why do you think they're breaking?
Oh, that's a big question, why I wanted you on.
George Soros coming out and really doubling down, and now the FBI doubling down on China.
They denied China was a threat before.
Why are they admitting it now?
Well, first of all, let me answer the Putin question.
This is meant to deceive, this is a major propaganda effort to deceive conservatives
in the United States into thinking that Putin is our savior.
And I get emails all the time about Putin is against the new world order.
Well, sure he's against the new world order.
And he's been exposing at least partially the globalists in their support of ISIS in
Syria, etc. by bombing those convoys.
But the whole thing about Putin building churches and the support of Christianity is a total fraud.
How many Americans would think that Clinton or Obama going to the National Cathedral and mentioning God was real?
None of us would believe that.
And yet when Putin, who is an atheist, who has never been religious, starts to make waves, I mean, you've got to remember that during the The Soviet days, the communists control all of the orthodox churches.
They control all of the top hierarchy of the orthodox churches.
So when Putin goes to Jerusalem and bows down to shrines of Jesus, you think that's all fake?
It's all fake.
It's all fake.
I mean, you've got to remember, the Soviets are masters of deceit.
I mean, let's wake up people.
This, the communism never fell.
They never lost their atheism.
They're going to return to be as ruthless.
I've even had a subscriber say, well, why doesn't Ukraine just give in?
It's not so bad living under Russia today.
And I said, well, boy, you ought to read the books I've read about what happens when Russia returns.
And there's, they're even talking about prison camps for dissidents.
If you want to be one of those prisoners, you know, you just go along with a better read than dead type scenario.
But, you know, it's very unfortunate what's going on there.
And Ukraine is very divided because there are the Russians in the eastern portion of Ukraine that are pro-Russia.
And they've drunk the Kool-Aid too.
They don't realize that the Soviet Union never really fell.
They didn't even realize that it was a phony coup in 2014 during the Maidan Revolution.
That it was Yanukovych that told the Berkut, the secret, the riot police to stay in their barracks and let the protesters win.
I mean, how many times?
That's like Barack Obama or the deep state letting Trump supporters walk through the White House and opening the doors.
Of course, they did in large and not prosecuting.
Well, I know this and I'm not saying you're wrong.
And I think a lot of what you're saying is true.
But Hollywood literally hates Rob Reiner, all of Putin.
They literally hate at least his Christian rhetoric.
And he is paying people to have kids.
And that's a break with the Western elites.
I mean, I think at least on the surface, we're seeing that.
Yeah, but he's persecuting all of the Protestant churches.
Seventh-day Adventists, Latter-day Saints, and others are just being persecuted and closed down.
So, he's not a Christian.
He's doing this to play to his own people.
Well, let's shift gears to domestic when we come back.
All right, final segment with Joel Skousen.
I'm going to host a little bit in the next hour with Wayne Allyn Root, who just interviewed Trump today, and he invited me on to host with him.
He's got some big news.
Who knows what he brought to Trump.
He's the one who's been challenging Trump to have an intervention to stop pushing this so-called vaccine that's really a poisonous gene therapy.
But going back to the editor at worldaffairsbrief.com, Joel Skousen.
Joel, the minutes we have left, the seven, eight minutes we have left, What do you make of the midterms?
What do you make of Homeland Security coming out with a new report saying that unsanctioned news is creating terror?
I mean, this reads like a joke, it's so authoritarian.
And I've got the bulletin right here saying the main terror threat is right-wingers and those that question the election.
What do you make of this?
What do you think happens the next 273 days out of this midterm?
Well, Alex, before I answer that, I want to make sure we get to the Reiner Fulmich announcements this week.
But in terms of the election, it's very important to understand that even though if there were fair elections, it would be an absolute slaughter for the Democrats in the midterm elections and in 2024 if they keep Joe Biden as president.
And Kamala Harris is the same thing.
Nobody likes her or trusts her.
She's a giggling idiot.
There is still voter fraud and that's why they continue to push this scenario.
Anyone who says there's a vote fraud is a domestic terrorist.
And they're painting the picture because that's exactly what's going to happen.
There hasn't been any significant changes because we still have computer voting.
And even though the Democrats did an awful lot of ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing in the box, etc.
They've still got the secret weapon, which has never been fully exposed by any of the books on this, is with vote fraud.
They can split votes, they can switch votes, they can make votes disappear.
Like the Edison data clearly showed, which Trump did not use, which Giuliani did not use to go before.
It was the only evidence we had quantitatively of the vote fraud, but nobody used it.
It was just an incredibly sad story.
So what's coming next?
I mean, with the branding of the American people as terrorists requesting elections, this is officially being done.
I see false flags in the cards.
Yeah, that's very possible.
And that's why, you know, we've been predicting that they're going to sabotage the Canadian truckers convoy.
We could see sabotage of that in the Washington, D.C.
convoy, the Australian convoy.
Thank goodness the truckers are really standing up.
You know, you have to have it pretty bad for Americans to go to the streets and protest.
And we have, they just haven't been awake.
It's been very bad in Canada.
And that's what's enlivened the Canadians.
And it's been very, very bad in Australia.
And it's very bad in Austria, and in Germany and France.
And that's why with the vaccine passports, but we haven't really had those things rigidly enforced.
And so Americans are relatively asleep.
But I'm afraid that The establishment is very much concerned about the power of the truckers.
You know, you've got a huge, multi-thousand pound rig that if you take the keys out of it, you can't even tow it away.
And you park them bumper to bumper and you just can't move that kind of stuff.
It's a real effective blockade of commerce, as you're seeing on the photos right now.
But I personally think that Even with voter fraud, we're going to pick up seats in the House and we'll retain control of the Senate.
But it won't be the complete slaughter that it would be if there were no vote fraud.
And of course, they are going to make it very sophisticated and get prepared to make sure that we don't win the presidency again in 2024.
What else should we be watching out for?
Well, I want to take a few minutes to talk about the Reiner Fulmich supposed grand jury investigation that was on the television.
He did all the right things in his presentation.
He talked about the pre-planned pandemic, the dark winter, the event 201.
I just gave a speech in Utah where I talked about the actual 10 war gamings that there were and the false pandemics.
There were 13 false pandemics including the 1976 virus to Brazil.
He mentions some of that.
He talks about banning all the effective treatments so that they could justify putting forth an emergency Authorization for a vaccine, which you can't do if there's any effective treatment.
That's why they had to ban ivervectin and hydroxychloroquine.
He talks about vaccine damage.
And last of half of his opening statement, he has the most complete list of experts and witnesses and doctors, everyone that we've covered, you know, not only in the World Affairs Brief, but you've interviewed, they're all there plus more.
But there's one problem.
This is not before a grand jury.
This is not before a grand jury.
He has not filed suit.
He isn't going to be filing.
These witnesses are not appearing before a grand jury.
And I'm extremely disappointed.
I've been waiting for over a year for him to fulfill his promise to file suit in the U.S.
And first of all, here's the evidence.
First of all, you don't talk like he talks to a grand jury.
It's also private.
There's no filming of a grand jury.
And so these cameras are not allowed in a real grand jury.
He has never announced where he's filing this, where the grand jury is.
The grand jury is a U.S.
legal system only, not in Europe.
And he hasn't filed suit in any legal thing that I've been able to find out.
In addition, he talks about the putative defendants like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci.
That means the ones that we assume will be defendants.
He talks about the public indicting.
You see, if you're giving this to the public and he talks about us and we and this, and you never talk that way before a grand jury.
If you're giving an open statement to a grand jury, you talk about the evidence that you will prove by the factual witnesses.
And you can't prove the general... Sure, well, Joe, let me throw this out, because I covered this Saturday and Sunday this weekend, aired large excerpts, thought the info we put out was spot on, like you said.
I gathered that they were doing a People's Grand Jury, just like you have the 198 ways the Pentagon talks about civil disobedience, nonviolent revolution, as a way to put this on to then show grand juries and other bodies the blueprint for victory.
I think I saw some statements out of them.
Are you saying that you saw areas where it wasn't being clear, or what's happening?
Well, the entire internet is alive with the false misimpression that he's actually filed suit and is sitting before a real grand jury.
And I want to make sure people understand that isn't true.
Oh, I got it.
People have been calling me saying, hey, did you see the grand jury?
And I said, no, they don't even have those in Europe.
He's doing it.
I guess that's the fine print as the model for other grand juries to then take action.
Yeah, but you can't do that.
In other words, what I'm saying is it's not a model.
There never will be a grand jury in the first place.
You should be filing a civil suit where you don't need a grand jury.
Grand juries are very heavily controlled by prosecutors.
They're just common citizens and they are like yes men to the prosecutors.
And it's very difficult to get a grand jury to really discuss the conspiratorial evidence.
And you've got to have conspiratorial proof.
Which none of that opening statement required proof.
We all know it's true, but there's no way to prove it.
You don't have NSA transcripts of collusion between Fauci and the vaccine manufacturers and the lie.
You can't prove they're lying, et cetera.
Then you have expert against expert.
This would be a very difficult case, except for the civil damages for vaccines, which would be fairly easy, but he's not doing that.
That's what concerns me.
But I agree, the topics he covered was amazing.
I mean, it's certainly informationally good.
And so it's going to be beneficial, although it's a long watch.
It's going to be hours and hours of testimony, which a lot of people like myself don't even have the time to dedicate to watch those things.
Well, we're watching, and we've got crew on it.
We're putting excerpts on Bandai Video.
Joel Skousen, always informative.
People can go there and I guess they can click on a button and send you an email or how do people get a free copy of it?
On the left hand side you can see on the screen it says request a sample in red.
Just click on that and you'll get the current brief that's right out there now.
All right.
Thank you so much.
Right there on the left hand side.
Request a sample.
Thank you, Joe.
You're welcome.
All right, folks.
Wayne Allyn Roode's got some big news.
He was going to be hosted the fourth hour, but he wants me to be on with him for some reason.
I'm sure it's an important reason, so I'm going to be on the first segment, a long segment, with him coming up.
So six after next hour for all of our radio affiliates, everybody else.
And listen, I don't want to be the baby bird that's ever always asking for support, but we got our own network, our own infrastructure, our own satellites, our own servers.
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What we were born for right now.
So please support InfowarsStore.com All right.
Wayne Allyn Root was on a few weeks ago with his intervention call for President Trump on the deadly vaccines.
And that had a huge effect and got to Trump's ears.
And Trump came out and started criticizing the forced inoculations and the rest of it and the booster shots.
So we'll see what his new news is.
He just talked to Trump, I guess, today.
It hasn't aired yet.
That's coming up next segment.
But I got to tell you, this new document, I guarantee you, Owen Schwartz will be covering this in an hour when The War Room starts at 3 p.m.
And I read the whole thing now during these breaks and man is this amazing.
It says unsanctioned information is causing terrorism and openly attacks the First Amendment and says Homeland Security's job is to shut up the American people.
Equating free speech with terrorism.
Because they are planning, they're not planning, they've already done it in June of last year, to declare all opposition to lockdowns and forced inoculations and open borders and election fraud as terrorism.
They define that as white supremism.
They define white supremism as terrorism.
It doesn't need to make sense.
It isn't logic.
That's how the system is dividing things as it screws over the American people.
And the people of the world just absolutely insane to have this going on.
And here it is.
Biden DHS declares terrorism threat due to false and misleading narratives and conspiracy theories online.
Deep state working tirelessly to criminalize free speech as cover narrative collapses and freedom convoys spring up across the world.
Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security, DHS, declared a heightened terrorism threat due to several factors, including an online environment filled with false, misleading narratives and conspiracy theories.
These are quotes.
In other words, any speech or opinions of which DHS doesn't approve is now a terrorism threat.
Read the tyrannical DHS National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin for yourself.
Released last night, the United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false and misleading narratives.
Of course, they tell you what's real and what's not.
Like the State Department tells you, you know, that the Russians are going to stage a false flag.
And conspiracy theories and other forms of mis, dis, and mal information, MDM.
Including and or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.
Domestic threat actors!
Oh my goodness!
That free speech, you're part of that domestic threat actor.
These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction.
What's the left doing?
To sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions.
What's the whole Black Lives Matter Antifa doing?
Listen to this.
This is exactly what they're doing.
Total, total, total Inversion.
Total, complete projection.
These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence, mass casualty attacks and or acts of targeted violence conducted by lone wolf offenders or lone offenders, a small group acting in the furtherance of ideological beliefs and or personal grievances.
So when somebody does something bad and then says they're part of a group, you're all to blame.
Classic authoritarianism.
While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unprecedented ability, who's writing this, and complexity of the threat environment.
Number one, the proliferation of false and misleading narratives that sow discord or undermine public trust in government institutions.
Not allowed to do that.
The government doing bad things didn't discredit itself.
You did it.
Two, continued calls for violence directed at U.S.
critical infrastructure.
That's the left cutting off pipelines and burning everything down and saying, you know, get rid of gas engines.
Soft targets, mass gatherings, oh my gosh, faith-based institutions that they shut down during the lockdowns, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques.
Institutions of higher education, racial and religious minorities, groups, facilities, and personals, including law enforcement and the military.
Well, the globalists are purging the military with deadly shots.
The media, The perceived ideological opponents and calls for foreign terrorist organizations attacks the United States.
And then it goes on to say, we're going to get to all of it, man, this is just insane.
And the worst part is, unapproved, unsanctioned narratives.
They got a bill introduced to only let approved globalist media be on social media, period.
Everything else barred by law.
Yep, that's North Korea.
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Destroy that brain fog today and secure your bottle of BrainForce Ultra before it is completely sold out at m4store.com.
RootForAmerica.com, that's his website.
This is the Alex Jones Show fourth hour.
Wayne Allen Root.
I won't do his whole background in media or the best-selling books he sold or syndicated radio show.
People can find all that at RootForAmerica.com, Alex Jones, with the attacked and censored InfoWars.com.
But he just finished an interview with Trump that hasn't even aired yet.
He's got breaking news on that because unlike a lot of other talk show hosts, Wayne Allen Root has been holding his feet to the fire in a loving way.
With his intervention about the poison vaccines and more.
But he's here with a lot of big announcements and information in the fourth hour.
So Wayne Allyn Root, thanks for being here.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Man, it is a crazy world brother.
It's just seeing it all come true is just crazy.
A lot of terrible things happening.
But look, I try and stay positive because if you don't try and stay positive, you'll want to kill yourself.
I agree.
So I think it's important we keep everybody uplifted because we're going to have to fight.
It's going to be a war and we got to stay positive and motivated.
And when elections are rigged, The way the last one was rigged, I don't know anyone could have any faith that the next one won't be rigged.
So just winning at the voting booth or the electoral box isn't enough anymore.
You can see the way they're attacking us that, you know, they're coming at us from a thousand directions.
They're all communists.
They want to destroy us, censor us, ban us, take us off the air.
It's a communist Takeover of the United States.
I call that since January of 2021.
The minute Biden put his hand on the Bible and signed in, I said, this is the start of a communist takeover of the United States.
And by the way, Wayne, you're not just saying that as words.
This is really happening.
I mean, this is really happening.
And by the way, the thing that I bring to the battle, Alex, besides the fact that I grew up in a very rough neighborhood, you know, I mentioned this on your show before, I was a little runty Jewish kid in an all-Italian rough neighborhood, surrounded by an all-black town, went to an all-black middle school, all-black high school, had a fight, learned how to fight to survive.
And I bring that combativeness to the conservative fight, because we are led by weaklings.
And cowards, people like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, they're horrible!
They don't know how to fight!
So I bring that, and number two, this kid from Malverde, New York, on the Bronx borderline, me, I managed to graduate valedictorian in my class and get accepted at Columbia University, where I attended with my classmate, Barack Hussein Obama.
And I bring my understanding of these Ivy League communists who are in charge of America now and what their plan is.
Because I saw it from day one for four years as a college student at Columbia.
I saw it all.
I understood what they wanted to do.
Destroy America.
And mostly it was based on their hatred for white people, even though they were all white.
They're all white liberals who hated white people.
They hated their parents.
It's a psychological dysfunction.
They're all self-hating and they've now brought that to government and they're trying to destroy us because they're so embarrassed and guilty at being born white.
I'm excited to be here and hear what you have to break down because your last big Trump interview was massive.
You actually, you know, doing your intervention was a great idea.
It got picked up everywhere.
Let's try to take over. I'm excited to be here and hear what you have to break down
because your last big Trump interview was massive. You actually, you know, doing your
intervention was a great idea. It got picked up everywhere.
What's the big news of the next Trump interview and when's that going to drop? Well, first
of all, it'll air this afternoon.
My TV version of it will take 48 hours.
It's being edited now, so tomorrow or the day after.
But the radio version is at 3 o'clock West Coast time, 6 o'clock East on the Wayne Allyn Root Show.
We're on unfiltered.
USA Radio.
You can find it at usaradio.com.
Well, give us a first look, Ab.
I'm told he said some important things.
Yeah, I took a few notes, Alex.
I jogged a few down.
Obviously, we talked about the rigged election, but I got off that topic really fast because we all know the election was rigged, and I think people are sick of hearing it.
It's totally true, but people want to hear what are we going to do moving forward, and I said that to President Trump.
We know the sky is blue.
We know they stole the election.
We know you're really still president, but what are we going to do about it?
But we gotta move forward.
So, I also talked about getting rid of Mitch McConnell.
I think that's news.
I was bold enough to say that the Canadian truckers are our heroes.
And I asked Trump, I said, you think they're heroes, right?
You love them, right?
He said, yes.
I said, they have toppled They're leader for Conservatives in Parliament in Canada.
They threw him out because he was too wishy-washy.
He was like an American rhino, like Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell.
We need to throw out Mitch McConnell.
Trump, of course, didn't answer, yes, I want to throw out Mitch McConnell.
But he just, I can't even remember the exact way he put it.
He made it clear that there's a lot of bad people running the Republican Party.
He wouldn't say out loud, I'm going to throw out Mitch McConnell.
And that's not his job, obviously.
It's our job.
We've got to get rid of Mitch McConnell.
We've got to convince all the people that get elected in 2022, November, that every Republican that gets in, when we take over the Senate and the House, we've got to overthrow and throw out all the bums who are too weak, too cowardly, and don't think like you and me and your listeners and my listeners and my viewers and your viewers and Donald Trump.
Um, I mentioned him being Speaker of the House, which I was the first guy in the country to ever bring that idea up, that he'd be Speaker of the House.
And a lot of people give me credit, all the media, every time they talk about it, they say, Wayne Root asked him about it.
But they say Steve Bannon is the one who first brought it up.
Not true.
Steve Bannon brought it up in February of 2021.
I wrote about it in my nationally syndicated column in January of 2021.
And I said, Trump should become Speaker of the House and lead and open and lead the investigations, criminal investigations against Biden for everything he's about to do that we know will destroy this country.
And so I asked Trump whether he would be willing to be Speaker of the House.
I put my foot on his neck again and said, will you be willing to be Speaker of the House?
And he didn't say no, which is very interesting.
He didn't say no.
He said, well, I hope we don't need that.
We shouldn't need that.
But he wouldn't say no.
That's a really good move because he could easily win a House seat anywhere he wants to do it.
And then they would vote him in as the Speaker.
That would be amazing.
No, but you don't need to win a House seat.
Anybody could be Speaker of the House.
After we win, after the Republicans control the House, you can name, you can vote in, first of all you can nominate anyone you want.
No, but I knew that too.
I read your article back when it came out, but I mean, at the same time, he could just run for the Senate or run for the House.
I know the Senate's different than the House for Speaker, but that would be, imagine Senator Trump.
That's a great leapfrog back into the White House.
But it's clear to me he doesn't want to do that, so I'd rather make it easy for him now.
All you have to do instead of running is be nominated for Speaker of the House, and if the new House elects you, that's it!
But have they ever had a Speaker of the House that didn't come out of the House?
I don't believe so, but that doesn't mean... Hey, did you ever think they'd elect Donald Trump President?
Anything can happen in this world.
If you have enough momentum, anything can happen.
If you elect enough... No, I agree, I agree.
You're about to take over here in a few minutes, but what else did you ask him?
I'm intrigued.
Um, I did a big one here.
I went out on a limb.
I said that a fan of my show is a businessman who imports antigen COVID tests from directly from the manufacturer in China.
So he knows the exact cost of the kits.
And he knows what Biden just bought, how many he bought and the price he paid.
And he said, Wayne, Biden overpaid by 800 million dollars.
And I said to President Trump, you know a crime is involved.
You know that was a deal.
Yeah, so Obama got in trouble for Carlos Slim making money off the Obama phones, but this is a great way to catch Biden overpaying massively to the Chai comms.
Probably, I bet that same company probably bought some of Hunter's paintings.
Right, so you know that there was a finder's fee of $50-$100 million involved with that deal.
And I said, maybe it wasn't Biden.
Maybe it was Hunter.
Maybe it wasn't Hunter.
Maybe it was a member of your administration, Mr. Biden.
But we all know somebody took a kickback for an $800 million- Because they can't help themselves.
That's why you do such a great job, Wayne, is you're always ferreting this out.
You're going to tell us more of what you talked to Trump about straight ahead.
What else are you going to cover?
I'm going to cover what I learned at Columbia, how you overcome the United States, overwhelm the American economy with cloward pivot and destroy America once and for all.
I learned it in class at Columbia and it's happening right now in front of our very eyes.
That's right.
They admit this is cloud and ribbon.
That's what the Great Reset is.
And on our ashes, they have build back better.
Wayne Allen Root is on fire as usual.
Find out more.
He'll be airing a couple of hours of this big Trump interview.
He takes over the balance the next 45 minutes.
And then Owen Troyer today on the attacked, punished InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, Wayne Allen Root.
Welcome back to the show.
I am hosting, guest hosting for this last hour of the Alex Jones Show, hour number four.
Thank you for everything you do, Alex, and thank you for inviting me on the show.
It's an honor.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Originally born and raised in New York, which is why I'm the biggest fan in the world of Donald Trump.
I'm a proud New York Jewish Republican businessman who produces reality shows and is married to one of the most gorgeous women in the world.
Sound familiar?
Me and Trump are like the same person.
And so I'm a big fan of President Trump and I just I got through interviewing him on my national radio show, although we did hire a camera crew to come in and tape it as well to turn it into a basically a TV interview.
But Trump and I go back a long way.
I was the opening speaker in seven Trump events, seven Trump rallies in Las Vegas,
six of them while he was running for President of the United States in 2015 and '16.
And then one of them, his very first rally in Vegas as President of the United States.
I'm very proud that Secret Service called me and said, "You've been chosen to be the opening speaker
"by President Trump himself, "and we'd like to set up the arrangements.
"The advance men need to call you and arrange it."
And I became the opening speaker for that event as well.
So I go back a ways with Trump.
I just got married November, and we're honeymooning in March at Mar-a-Lago.
And we are just proud as could be to be in President Trump's home for a honeymoon.
Who gets to say that?
So I'm a big fan of President Trump, but I'm also...
Even though I agree with him on 99% of every issue and think he was, oh, there's me.
They have me on the screen giving a speech for Trump.
Even though I agree with him on 99% of every issue and everything he ever did, I disagree with him on one issue, which is vaccines.
And I'm probably the first guy in America, along with Alex Jones, to just warn people about this issue.
I'm as anti this COVID vaccine as anyone's ever been.
Let me make sure you understand, I'm not anti-vaccine.
As a kid, I had every vaccine.
Polio, smallpox, I don't know, name it.
Whatever you get.
Diphtheria, I don't know.
You name it, I had it.
And I'm fine, right?
I lived a wonderful life.
But I'm not anti-vaccine.
I'm anti-this vaccine.
I knew from day one.
Don't ask me why.
I just am a gut instinct guy.
And my gut instinct from day one was, while Donald Trump was bragging about it and saying how great it was, I felt alarm bells were going off.
Being from Vegas, I felt neon signs were blinking in bright red.
Don't take this vaccine.
Don't listen to the government.
Government lies about everything.
What did one of my other heroes, Ronald Reagan, say?
The nine worst words in the English language, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
And that's what this this entire incident of this vaccine, this whole scenario is, is like right out of Reagan's saying, I'm for the government and I'm here to help.
Don't ever listen.
Those are the nine worst words.
This was what happened.
Trump trusted government.
He trusted Fauci.
He trusted Birx.
He trusted all the doctors and all the scientists and the CDC.
And that was a giant mistake because they don't have your best interests in mind.
I believe they're all bribed and it was all about money.
Some people say, including Alex, I believe that it's about depopulation and that could very well be.
But I don't get into that because I don't know anything about that.
I'm not around when Bill Gates talks about depopulation or Klaus Schwab.
I'm not there.
So I don't know about that.
I won't discuss that.
I know that this is about money and has been from day one about money and power and also taking the election away from President Trump to make sure he wasn't reelected and jamming in Mail-in ballots by the millions with no voter ID and ballot harvesting by the millions.
Nobody ever checked the drop boxes and steal the election.
It was all of that.
This is how they rigged and stole the election with COVID.
But more importantly, they all knew they'd get rich off COVID, off the vaccines, off stock in the vaccine manufacturers, off stock in the big pharma companies, off stock on the masks.
This is how everybody got rich in Washington, D.C.
And President Trump missed that.
That's the first and only thing he's ever missed.
He's brilliant.
He's wonderful.
I want him back as president.
I think he's great.
But he just didn't understand one thing ever.
He's always ahead of the ballgame.
Everyone else is playing chess while he's playing... is playing checkers while he's playing chess.
But he missed that everybody was in on the scam.
That everybody was going to get rich off the vaccines if they killed all other options like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
Because you can't get FDA's approval for an experimental vaccine for emergency use if there's any other therapeutic that does the job.
And Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin we now know through literally dozens if not hundreds of studies all around the world.
They do the job so effectively.
And so brilliantly, so wonderfully, so magically, so miraculously.
And you add that with vitamin C in particular, intravenous vitamin C, you add that to vitamin D3, you add that to zinc, and you add that to a Z-Pak antibiotic.
And that's the answer for how we did not ever need to have hundreds of thousands of deaths from COVID.
These poor people, these poor people never had to die.
So it really is mass murder because they not only made sure that the vaccines made them billions
while the vaccines did work and the vaccines did harm to your immune system,
but they also made sure nobody believed in ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and they made sure nobody could get
hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
They bad mouth it to the point where doctors wouldn't prescribe it for fear of losing their licenses
and pharmacies would not fill the prescription even if a doctor did prescribe it
for fear of losing their license and therefore hundreds of thousands of people died
who never had to die, never had to die.
I don't know what other way you could describe it.
Somebody's got to be brought to justice for the mass murder.
But I know one thing.
President Trump had the best interests of America in mind.
He thought he was saving millions of lives and he thought he was bringing a great drug slash vaccine to market because he heard that from the medical experts who he had to trust and believe because he knows business better than anyone in the world.
But he doesn't know medicine.
He's not a doctor.
So I think, you know, that's the one thing he was ever fooled on.
And it's a biggie, but I got him to admit in my interview today that he's very much against the vaccine mandate, very much against the mandate.
And I told him, I heard an interview where he said, once he's reelected, the very first thing he'll do is finish building the wall.
And I said, you got to promise me you'll do two things at the same time, finish building the wall and kill the vaccine mandate.
And his response was, I will, but it's going to be long gone by that time.
2024 is three years from now.
The vaccine mandate will be long gone.
Well, I don't know about that.
I don't know if it'll be long gone.
I just want to make sure it's on the forefront of his mind.
You've got to kill the vaccine mandate.
Those who want to take it, take it.
God bless you.
Good luck.
You're going to need it because my opinion is you're going to destroy your immune system and you could wind up dead or disabled or damaged for the rest of your life.
But if you want to take it, take it.
But nobody can be forced to take the vaccine.
So hopefully long before 2024, as Trump said to me in our interview that will air this afternoon, as I said to Alex, if you want to hear the interview.
Just go to my radio show, either online or literally on your car phone.
Check out Wade Allen Root's radio show on USA Radio Network.
Or online, go to usaradio.com at 6 o'clock Eastern, 5 o'clock Central, 3 o'clock Pacific, and click on Listen Live Now.
You'll hear my interview for about 45 minutes with President Trump.
It's my third interview in the last nine months.
I'm very proud of that.
He loves coming on with me because he knows we're great friends.
We appreciate each other.
So check it out at my website root4america.com.
I'll have the TV version within 48 hours up on root4america.com and I'll give it to Alex Jones as well to put it on InfoWars so you'll get to see it either there or at root4america.com.
They're telling me we're going out in about 10 seconds.
I've got two more segments with you.
I've got so much more to tell you about my interview with Trump.
And about what Democrats and liberals and communists are actually doing to the United States of America.
Alright, Wayne Root live with you, guest hosting for Alex Jones.
Great, great, great man.
And always an honor to be on his show.
Thank you, Alex, for educating the American people and empowering the American people
and keeping a lot of people alive and safe at a time where it seems like a lot of people want us dead.
It sure seems like it.
I have some different theories that may be to present you that maybe others don't have.
Let me start with a little self-promotion because my latest book is
"The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book."
And you can get it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
And it's been a number one book in America several times since it came out in, when did it come out?
I think September last fall.
But the point of the book is...
It's got a listing in the back.
There's a hundred or so companies listed in the back where I give you the names, the phone number, the email address, the social media accounts, every single way to contact CEOs of 120 companies Can I say this on the air?
Crap on conservatives.
We make them rich and they treat us like garbage and they're ruining America and they're caving to the woke mob and they're treating us like garbage and disregarding what we say while we buy most of their goods.
So I went out and did a lot of research and hired a team of telemarketers to contact all of them and I got their name, their phone number, their email, every way to contact them that nobody ever had before and it's in the book.
So it's an amazing resource guide.
The reason I bring it up is the Canadian truckers.
My book is it makes the case that we got a boycott and we got to disrupt and we got to protest and we got to strike against all the powers that be.
We got to act like Dr. Martin Luther King taught the black people of America in the 1960s,
that we've got to use the power we've got and the money that we spend to destroy all of our enemies
before they destroy us.
And it worked fantastically for Martin Luther King and black Americans.
He did a great job.
And of course he goes down as a legend and a hero and an icon.
And we have Martin Luther King Day in the United States of America.
And he gets celebrated right up there with who?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison.
It's amazing.
He's got his own American holiday.
Well, guess what?
It's time for conservatives to emulate Martin Luther King.
And so the greatest example of what I'm talking about is this Canadian trucker strike
or this Canadian trucker boycott or this Canadian trucker convoy
and this Canadian trucker blockade.
They are so fantastic.
And they're inspiring others around the world to do the same.
New Zealand joins Canada and Finland.
And a trucker convoy in New Zealand blocks Parliament and demands an end to vaccines and mask mandates.
That was the whole point of my book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book, is if you're going to get rid of vaccines and vaccine mandates and mask mandates and lockdowns, we're going to have to take over the country and block the roads and block the roads to Washington, D.C.
and the government and block the roads to the Super Bowl.
That's what they should be doing this Sunday.
There should be a trucker convoy that blockades the Super Bowl.
And if they can't or won't do that, and I wrote that column this weekend for my Naturally Synecdoche column, if they can't or won't do what our neighbors are doing in Canada, then what they should do is drive in a convoy of 500,000 American truckers right into Washington, D.C.
and surround Washington and lock it down.
If you won't lock down the Super Bowl, which have gotten you the most press in the world, And I love the Super Bowl despite the NFL players being morons and social justice fools who don't know what they're doing and supporting communist organizations and spitting in our faces and kneeling for the flag.
I've loved football since I was a little boy.
So I've loved football for 50 years and I loved Roger Staubach when I was a kid growing up and that gave me my love of NFL football and the Dallas Cowboys and I just can't beat that and I won't stop it.
I love it.
I love betting on football, and those who don't know, I'm one of the biggest betting guys in the world.
The media, before I ever got into politics, called me the king of Vegas sports gambling and America's odds maker.
That's what I did before I got into politics.
I was the number one odds maker and sports prognosticator in America.
I was the network odds maker for CNBC, then known as Financial News Network.
And so I give out picks.
Who's going to win against the point spread on American college and pro football games?
And it's a very big business for me.
As a matter of fact, let me mention that website.
Vegaswinners.com is my website.
I'll have my Super Bowl pick there that literally hundreds or thousands of Americans will click, point and click and buy my Super Bowl pick.
It'll be up as of next few days.
So go there every day and you'll see it may come up on Thursday, may come up on Friday.
And you'll well, we know it'll come up on Friday for Sunday's game.
So it may come up a little early tomorrow or Thursday.
I'm just very close to making that final pick.
It's famous all over the country.
I've won 27 out of 37 Super Bowls in my 37-year career as the top sports prognosticator in America and odds maker in America.
Vegaswinners.com is my sports website and that's where my pick will be.
But my point is, even though I'm a big bettor and I love the Super Bowl, I think that the truckers should blockade the Super Bowl to make a statement.
And I think they should blockade Las Vegas to make a statement just for a few hours.
I don't want to destroy Las Vegas.
I don't want to destroy the Super Bowl.
But you'd make a statement if you just did it like all day Saturday before the big game.
Maybe don't do it on Sunday.
Do it on Saturday and make a statement that the national news media has to cover.
But then get in a convoy and go to Washington, D.C.
and really blockade permanently, I mean indefinitely, Washington, D.C.
You know, every day that Congress is closed, we'll save money.
It's good for the taxpayers.
Every day Congress can't open their mouth and hot air can't come out is money that we've all saved.
So I hope they blockade Washington, D.C.
the same way that the Canadian truckers, our brothers up north, have blockaded Ottawa, which is their version of Washington, D.C.
It's the capital of Canada, Ottawa.
And they've blockaded it.
There's the photos on the screen.
They are so heroic in what they're doing.
And it's going to end badly.
Because the police are already arresting truckers.
They're already stealing their gas.
So that's freezing outside at night.
It's probably 20 below zero.
And they've got no heat because they have no gas anymore.
Because they took away their gas tanks.
So it's going to end soon.
It can't go on because they freeze to death, I guess.
And there's going to be arrests and God forbid there could even be violence.
I pray and hope not because if there is, then there's going to be a revolution in Canada.
And that's what would happen in America.
If you ever touch one of the truckers and hurt them or shoot them, I think you'd literally instigate a revolution in the United States of America.
And that's why we need a trucker convoy.
See, the truckers have so much more power.
Than anybody ever understood.
Out of all the groups in America, truckers might have more power than anyone except policemen.
If tomorrow every policeman went on strike, we'd have Mad Max outside.
We'd have the Purge outside.
Everybody would get shot, robbed and killed in the United States of America in a matter of minutes if they heard the police run strike.
So that's how important police are.
Well, truckers are as important as cops.
And you go, how could that be?
They're just a bunch of truckers.
No, they're not.
They're heroes.
They transport all the goods to the supermarkets and to the restaurants and to the furniture stores and to everything we buy.
If you buy China, you know, for your for your kitchen table, you got You gotta buy it, a trucker brought it.
If you, it doesn't matter what you buy.
If you love sports, you buy footballs and baseballs at a sporting goods store, a trucker brought it.
If you love barbecuing, a trucker brought the meat and a trucker brought the barbecue to Walmart
or to Costco before you bought it.
All those stores would be empty without the truckers.
So all you liberal, elitist morons out there that think, oh, those truckers are low class, they're losers, I don't care about them, they're unvaccinated, arrest them, fire them!
You're gonna starve to death.
There will be no goods on any shelves in America without the truckers.
You will starve to death.
Every elitist liberal's life is in the hands of those dirty, unvaccinated truckers.
You realize I'm saying that in quotations the way a liberal would say it.
I love The truckers.
I call them my mother truckers.
You know, there's nothing greater in this world than a mother trucker who loves Trump and who supports freedom and who's against the vaccine mandates.
I love you guys.
You're my heroes.
But liberals think of them as dirty, diseased, low class truckers.
Without those truckers, all of you and all of your children will starve to death and America will cease to exist in a week.
Or less, and we turn it to Mad Max, even with the police.
So you better love your mother truckers.
And I hope that what they're doing in Canada inspires American truckers to do the same thing, except instead of 57,000 18-wheelers, in America we'll have a million 18-wheelers, or 750,000, or in worst case, 500,000 18-wheelers that take over Washington, D.C.
18 wheels or 750,000 or a worst case 500,000 18 wheelers that take over Washington DC and
every blue Democrat state capital.
All right, Wayne Elleroot back from my last segment.
It always goes so fast on Alex Jones Show.
For me, Wayne Allyn Root is guest host.
It's ridiculous.
This is, I think, the fourth time that I've either guest hosted or been on for an hour with Alex.
And each time I threatened that I was going to talk about Cloward Piven at Columbia University, and I ran out of time and never discussed it.
It's going to take a whole hour for me to go through Cloward Piven.
So that should inspire all my friends at Alex Jones to get Wayne Rood back for an hour just to go over Cloward Piven that I learned at Columbia alongside my classmate, that communist son of a you-know-what, Barack Obama, who I think was sent to destroy this country and did it very slowly and very gradually when he was president for eight years because he didn't want to be known as the guy who totally tipped over the economy and destroyed America.
But now it's his third term.
Obama's the president.
Biden is not the president, in case you don't know that.
Biden is a brain-dead puppet who doesn't know what day it is, what his name is, who his wife is.
Jill probably changes his diapers in the White House basement and feeds him baby food and then puts him to bed and gives him his blankie.
Biden doesn't know who the hell he is or where he is.
Obama is the president, as sure as I'm standing here.
Obama is using Biden as the front guy.
Obama is the ventriloquist, and Biden is the dummy.
And Biden moves his mouth, and Obama's ideas come out of his mouth.
That's the way it works, right?
Move the mouth for the dummy, and Obama's the one who's the ventriloquist in the background.
This is the third term, make no mistake about it.
Third term of Barack Hussein Obama.
And this time he can act as radical as he wants and destroy America quickly because A, he's got a front dummy Biden who will take all the blame so Obama won't go down in history as the first and only black president who also destroyed America.
He's very careful about his image.
Biden will go down in history as an old white man who destroyed America.
You know, America will exist, but will it exist as a communist nation?
So he's got to act fast.
You know, I'm thrilled at the idea of Trump being president again in 2024, elected in 2025, taking over.
But is America going to even exist by 2025?
That's a very fair question.
You know, America will exist, but will it exist as a communist nation?
Will we all be banned and terminated and imprisoned?
in and in re-education camp and our guns taken away and the borders open.
So instead of 330 million Americans, there's 530 million Americans and 200
million new foreigners from all over the world that swamp us and destroy us.
These are all fair questions.
I don't know if we're going to be around by 2024 for Trump to get reelected or
2025 for Trump to be sworn in and serve.
That's why Obama's moving quickly now.
Let me mention again, the Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book.
It's my new book, my latest book.
I've got another one coming out soon, the Great Patriot Boycott book, but that's not out yet.
That'll be the list of the 100 plus best corporations in America that conservatives should buy from because they love us and they're on our side and they're patriots.
But this is the Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book.
And these are the companies that are against us.
And I make it easy for you to call them and attack them, just like the Canadian Blockade and the Canadian trucker convoy, my mother truckers, they're using my philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, which is civil disobedience and strikes and boycotts and intimidation, right?
That's what they're doing.
Blockades can win us the battle to end the vaccine mandates.
And the mask mandates and the lockdowns and everything else these crazy people are trying.
Let me read you just a couple things that came out in the last week that I wrote about in my most recent column that prove, in my opinion, that the vaccine is a disaster and a fraud and the biggest scam in world history and really just a money-making opportunity for Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma to all become billionaires.
It's a get-rich-quick scheme.
That's what this is.
Is there depopulation involved?
People like Gates and Klaus Schwab?
Undoubtedly, I'm sure there's some of that involved.
Some of the crazy people at the top may believe in things like that, but I wasn't there when the plan was hatched.
I don't know.
What I know is it's a get-rich-quick scheme.
So, first of all, it's worthless.
More Israelis have been vaccinated percentage-wise than pretty much any nation on the planet Earth.
Israel bought into this thing.
This is science, folks.
Nothing about this that's misleading.
This is the very definition of science.
Looking at facts.
See, Israel was the first nation in the world to jab all its citizens, and they're the most jabbed nation in the world.
And at this point, Israel has jabbed one jab, two jabs, three jabs, four jabs, and headed for number five, the second booster.
And right now, at this moment, Israel has more people sick per capita than any other nation in the world.
More people are sick with COVID in Israel than any nation in the world per capita.
How do you explain that if the vaccine works?
How do you explain that about a little bit more than one half of 1% of everyone in Israel is getting sick with COVID every day?
One half of 1% of the entire population of Israel, you heard me right, gets sick every day with COVID.
And at this moment in time, more people are sick with COVID than at the height of spring 2020 when COVID first came out and there was no vaccine.
How do you explain that?
But the way that I think Dr. Fauci would explain it is he'd say, well, Wayne, okay, we said you couldn't get COVID if you got the vaccine, and that was wrong.
And we said you wouldn't have to wear a mask anymore if you got the vaccine, and that was wrong, right?
And we said you couldn't spread COVID if you got the vaccine, and that's wrong.
But I will tell you what's right.
At least you don't get severe illness with the COVID vaccine.
You will not get bad COVID.
You will not be hospitalized.
You will not die.
We're preventing that.
Well, Dr. Fauci, you're a liar and a fraud and ergo, you're a mass murderer because you've lied about everything.
It's all a scam.
It's a get rich quick scheme.
And so Israel leads the world in COVID death.
Yes, the most vaccinated nation in the world leads the world in COVID death rate per capita.
Again, Israel is a much smaller country than America or China or Russia or Mexico or India.
But based on its size per capita, more people are dying in Israel than India or China or America or Russia or UK or any other nation in the world.
So if they're the most vaccinated nation in the world, and they have the most people with COVID in the world, and they have the most people hospitalized in the world, and that 80% of the hospitalized are vaccinated, by the way, in Israel, and they have the most people dead in the world, what exactly is the vaccine accomplished?
And do germs change when they fly over a border?
So if I have stats from every country in the world.
UK, Scotland, Germany, Spain, Israel.
They all show the same thing.
Almost everybody sick is vaccinated with COVID.
Almost everybody hospitalized with COVID is vaccinated.
Almost everybody who's dying of COVID is vaccinated.
If that's the case, how come in America they keep claiming that it's all unvaccinated people in the hospital?
And the answer is they changed the definition in America of what vaccinated means.
Are you aware of this?
Put me back on the screen, boys and girls, at Alex Jones.
I want people to look in my eyes as I explain this story to them.
So get me back up there.
There we go.
So here's the definition in America as determined by Fauci and the CDC of what unvaccinated means.
They know that the very moment you get the vaccine for the next 14 days is when it's the death period.
You're either going to get COVID and die or get COVID and be seriously ill or you're going to die from the vaccine or you're going to get very ill from the vaccine during a 14 day period right after you get vaccinated.
So guess what their definition of vaccinated versus unvaccinated is?
For 14 days after you get the second vaccine, you count as unvaccinated.
That's how they're able to say everybody dying, everybody sick is unvaccinated.
While in Israel, they're all vaccinated and they're sick and they're dying.
And in Germany, they're vaccinated, they're sick and they're dying.
And in England, they're vaccinated and they're sick and they're dying.
How do you explain only in America does the germ act differently?
Because the definition is, for a month after your first vaccine, you count as unvaccinated.
And if you died during that month, you died unvaccinated.
If you're hospitalized, you're hospitalized unvaccinated.
If you get COVID...
Even if it's mild.
They say you were unvaccinated when you got COVID.
Then after the second vaccine, 14-day window where you're unvaccinated.
And then I'm guessing after the booster, the third shot, it's another 14 days where they count you as unvaccinated.
That's what I've been guessing.
And I think I guessed right.
Because guess what?
In other countries around the world, I just found out that's exactly what they do.
In Canada, in Germany, in Israel, even after the booster, you count as unvaccinated.
So if you die after the first shot for a month, if you die after the second shot for two weeks, if you die after the booster for two weeks, at those very moments where they know the die-off will happen, they count you as unvaccinated, which is how this is a pandemic of the vaccinated death.
But they're calling it a pandemic of the unvaccinated because they count all of the vaccinated people as unvaccinated.
That's the scam.
Everybody's getting rich, but you and me, everybody's getting sick.
Thank God, hopefully not you and me, because we understand the scam.
I hear in my ear, my time is up.
Please get me back quickly because I wanted to take a whole hour and tell you about Cloward Piven and how what I learned at Columbia is exactly what's happening in America today.
It's a communist takeover of the United States.
It's a takedown of the American economy.
It's the destruction of capitalism.
Wayne Allen Root, RootForAmerica.com and VegasWinners.com.
God bless you.
I bought this from a museum.
It wasn't that expensive, a couple thousand dollars.
But the paleontologists that curated it and mined this out of North Africa estimate that this is 30 million years old.
These are fish that lived their lives and floated down on the bottom and died.
Now whether they died 10,000 years ago or 30 million years ago, like the scientists say, regardless, they were living little creatures that had a life.
Went through the different paces.
But what about humans?
We can envision all this incredible art.
A photo of my daughter, a painting I did, a painting my older daughter did, a painting my uncle did who's been long dead when he was eight years old.
Another painting my older daughter did.
A painting my young daughter did.
All of this is precious because it's consciousness.
And it's things we're interfacing with.
And the globalists don't want us to have any consciousness except ideas they pour into our brains.
That's what the surveillance and the censorship is all about.
And they're doing everything they can now to silence us and shut us down because they know I'm a populist.
They know I believe in you.
I believe in myself.
I believe in humanity.
So that's why as we hurdle Into the year 2022.
Hell, today is February 2nd, 2022.
Two, two, two, two.
How would you say it, Rob?
Two, two, two, two, two.
Yeah, two, two, two, two, two.
Here we are together, ladies and gentlemen.
And just look at this, my grandmother.
50-something years ago, hell, my mom's 70-something, 60-something years ago, my mom was a little girl.
She watched her mother Knit that little hedgehog together.
And here's one of my great daughters.
My middle daughter with my younger daughter.
This is just so magic.
This is what life's about.
It's about this great experience that we have together.
Here's a little painting I did years ago, probably 20 years ago now, of the Japanese wave.
Here's a little art piece my four-year-old daughter did and here's something I did.
The point is this is all what life's about is our experiences and our love together and these
tyrants are trying to shut that down and we can't let them and we can't let them shut MFORC down.
And so now I tell the listeners and viewers we need your support more than ever and everything
we promote everything we sell empowers you as well.
It's a 360 win.
So please, word of mouth, spread the word.
Please pray for us and please go to InfoWarshaw.com right now and get the great supplements, the great t-shirts, the great products that keep us on air because I don't want the globals to be successful.
I don't want them to shut us down.
I don't want them to silence me or you or anybody else.
I know we're going to win.
And InfoWars has come so far together.
And I don't think our fight has ended.
But if it does end, I understand I've had a big, successful role here.
But regardless, whatever you do, I want you to keep on fighting and never stop and never surrender.
God bless and good luck.
It is the good halogen.
The UN admits 2 billion plus people have cognitive disabilities on the face of the earth today.
That's over 20% because they have had iodine deficiencies.
Now we've got two different great iodine products.
We've got X2.
It's amazing.
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And it's been sold out for a while.
We finally got X3 back in, that is the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, and then two other types, because some studies show it helps with the absorption of the pure iodine.
So it's apples and oranges.
Both formulas are excellent.
People constantly ask me, including on the street, what's better, X2 or X3?
Apples and oranges.
It's like, do you like iceberg lettuce or do you like spinach?
I mean, it's two different things.
It's like a tomato versus a potato.
Bottom line, your body needs iodine.
And the globalists are bombarding all of us with bad halogens.
Fluoride, bromine, chloride.
all of those systems that block fertility, block our electrochemical cells, block our immune system.
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