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Name: 20220130_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 30, 2022
1158 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including his belief in the power of the human body and mind. He promotes products such as Super Male Vitality and Brain Force Plus, which he claims can help improve physical and cognitive performance. Additionally, he encourages listeners to stock up on storable food and other essentials in preparation for potential future crises. Throughout the show, Jones addresses various political issues and leaders who he believes are working against the will of the people and God's plan. He expresses support for those fighting against these forces, particularly truck drivers blocking roads in protest of government mandates.

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[Outro Music]
All right, my friends.
The more epic the time, the more I need to just slow down and find that quiet, still place, the most high that King David wrote about in the Psalms.
We can officially say that the New World Order is in full retreat.
And is in total collapse and crisis.
That's why they're trying to collapse the world economy so they can pose as the saviors and distract us from the crimes they've committed.
If they're unable to fully crash it while posing as saviors, they have to crash it, smother it, and pose as saviors at the same time.
If they're unable to pull that off, it's over for them.
It doesn't mean there won't be new corrupt groups and new attacks and new permutations, but This major satanic Luciferian wave, this eugenics-based transhumanist system, can and will be defeated if we are vigilant.
You know, it's just wild to see Elon Musk, whether you trust him or not, Coming out against the New World Order, coming out against the four shots, coming out in favor of the worldwide trucker protest emanating at its heart from the capital of Canada, Ottawa.
The Occupy Ottawa operation, peacefully now unfolding.
And to see him coming out saying, they're trying to depopulate us, we don't want robots to take over, we need to have more children.
And then, of course, I know the inside baseball that he's telling people that he knows here in Austin that he is awake and doesn't like the New World Order.
I didn't know if I trusted that a couple years ago.
This is some of the things he's been pushing that I don't see as too freedom-oriented like the NeuroLink.
And then I see him and Joe Rogan Instagramming out there at his little command base outside Austin with Jordan Peterson.
It's just amazing to know That the awakening to the whole globalist program is so mainstream now that it's the hottest thing in pop culture.
You know, I'm not really going to get into all this, and it doesn't actually inflate my ego.
It just is an example of what you should know and what's going on.
But let's just say this.
The biggest, hottest movie stars right now are in a big collaborative Coming up with a Alex Jones movie.
And who knows if that'll get made, but that's what's going on.
People that are household names.
And then we also criticized quite a bit for going to the Davos group.
And I only tell you that story so you get an idea of how hot freedom is.
But see, for us, the trailblazers way out at the tip of the spear, and that means this audience of activists as well, we have taken the heat, we have taken the pain, we have taken the censorship and the lawsuits and the dirty tricks, but we've persevered thanks to God working through you.
So I don't feel bitter to see people now across the political spectrum, including Bill Maher, coming out against the New World Order, coming out against censorship, coming out against the left.
Because that's what winning looks like.
It's very, very frustrating, I know, for a lot of people that are gunsmiths and former special operations operatives from some of the most elite units there are in the Army and other groups.
And they see the super-pop nature of guns, and they see how it's a bunch of LARPing and a bunch of former leftists getting into it now, and they don't have dedication or they haven't paid their dues.
And I explain to these guys, hey, this is what winning looks like.
You want to get the general dumbed-down mass of domesticated people on board with us?
Once they come on board with us, they're going to have a lot of problems still.
We're going to have to walk them through this.
Taking the world back is not an elitist operation.
And I understand I'm not calling the military people wannabe elites.
To them it's just frustrating because they've paid so much and been through so much and they see a bunch of people coming on board now that the hard work's been done.
But that's the way it always is.
You should celebrate that.
Not be mad about it.
I celebrate Tucker Carlson waking up and Joe Rogan and now Elon Musk and everybody else.
And of course now The next phase and things are really going to get crazy.
Stay with us.
(upbeat music)
Let's put on the screen for TV viewers so I can read it to radio listeners.
Today's live show headline.
Because it really says it all.
And if we're going to beat the globalists, we need to understand what we're up against and what we're fighting.
The entire Hollywood globalist New World Order project is falling apart.
It's an absolute wreck.
And to force it on us, they are going to have to pull out all the stops And accelerate to where they wanted to be in 10 years now and take the gloves off with us.
And that's only going to backfire that much faster.
But they will continue to double down and double down and double down until we have a giant war and total depression and billions dead.
And that's what most analysts believe is a very good possibility.
Put that headline back up, thank you.
I want to read to folks.
Sunday Live.
The globalist, Hollywood, pedophile axis of evil is collapsing.
And they want to take us with them.
The New World Order, social engineers, are desperately trying to start wars, crash economies, and create civil unrest in a desperate attempt to smokescreen their crimes.
Tune in and spread this Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show as we chronicle the epic awakening of humanity and the coming globalist instigated crises That humanity must and will overcome together.
And that's where we are.
So let me make the big announcement here.
And I've been making this announcement a lot, but I want to make it very, very, very clear to everyone.
Including Klaus Schwab, including Prince Charles, including Queen Elizabeth of Gotha, including the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and all of the out-of-control, psychotic, satanic so-called elites.
You have failed, you are failing, and you will continue to fail.
And your outrageous attempt to take over the biological processes of humans and turn us into factory-produced, corporate-owned creatures will fail.
And your thinly veiled excuse of bettering the race to create the uber mention we know is yet another level of
And that's why you see an exodus from the New World Order, and I can list all the names here, but now Bill Maher,
Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, everybody else you could name now, understands that you have corporate junkies that are giving
their talking points, like the Young Turks and others, who are hated and have
almost no viewers, and are a joke, and are gaslighting people.
Thank you.
But it doesn't matter where you are in the world, everybody is breaking with them.
CNN has 100,000 viewers on average.
This Sunday show will have over 3 million people that watch and listen to it, conservatively.
They have 100,000.
Their top show's 800,000.
Joe Rogan's biggest podcast have 100 million views, his smallest 11 million.
They're a joke.
They're over.
And they could take Alex Jones off the air.
And they could take Joe Rogan off the air.
People are so hungry for the truth, whoever stands up and tells it will immediately become huge and giant.
And they'll never be able to whack that mole and keep people down when they're looking for the truth.
And not even somebody to tell them what to think, like the globalists do, but telling people what they already know and they already see and validating things they've experienced.
And having that sense of community based on truth and discovery and exploration together.
So, we're not out of the woods.
And as they say in Pulp Fiction, the wolf says, let's not start celebrating yet here.
But, we're definitely not on our heels anymore, and we're leaning forward into this, and there is an exponential awakening curve.
I mean, I'm not going to get into off-the-record things and conversations with people, but Hollywood is completely collapsing, and there is giant rebellions within it of people wanting to completely break with it.
And that's happening.
And that's a bellwether of the globalist cult and their mindset and their fangs of the cobra that they're trying to inject into us and poison.
And the fact that the very venom Packets, the very venom pouches of this satanic order is being defanged and rotting out of its head right now.
It's a very, very beautiful thing.
So there is an exodus away from globalism.
There is an exodus away from satanism.
There is an exodus away from pure, unadulterated hedonism.
There is a real desire to rediscover God and family and decency and honor and hard work.
And the lockdowns, and the attempted laziness, and the attempted global social credit score, all of this is an attempt to break our back, break our will, and many people are succumbing to it.
And the floods of fentanyl, killing millions and millions of people, all of this is chemical attacks, and the biological attack of COVID-19, and the more intense attack of the deadly gene therapy injections.
This is all very serious attacks by the so-called ruling class, because they're failing.
And this doesn't mean that they're not going to launch even bigger attacks.
But you notice every time they double down, every time they try to bully us, every time they try to censor us, every time, if we don't back down and we don't give up and we fight back and improvise and overcome, we get stronger, they get weaker.
And every day, we're out here in this jungle of reality, fighting for truth and justice, and being made to rely on the Holy Spirit and God's direction.
We get closer to God while they get further away.
And they're more lost than ever.
And we don't celebrate that.
But at the same time, understand, our enemies are a joke.
You know, I saw this clip a couple weeks ago, and I meant to play it.
And then I was surfing around today in my email, and somebody sent it to me, and I want to play Eleanor Holmes, ancient member of the Democratic Party, who Pelosi's seriously considering as the person to be the chairwoman of the Transportation Committee.
We have to have the Department of Energy saying they, quote, want to bankrupt oil and gas and coal, and that they've doubled gas prices to make you learn to get off of it.
But here's this lady.
Pulling up at the Capitol, running into two cars.
Her assistants there could back it out and park it correctly, but they don't even care.
So she does double hit and run.
We'll play the video.
Let's start rolling it.
They do a double hit and run, and then they just leave.
They just walk off because they're royalty.
They don't care.
This is Izzou in control of the nuclear weapons.
This is who thinks they're a god.
This is who wants to censor you and put you in a FEMA camp.
This is who wants to arrest the quote un-inoculated and put us in forced labor camps.
The majority of Democrats support that in a national Rasmussen poll.
These people Pelosi and Biden and this woman are emblematic of the collapsing system that they control.
They're collapsing, not us.
If we don't decide to just crawl in a grave with them politically and let them con us that we're collapsing, that we're over, if we realize we're separate from them, we're Americans of every race, color, and creed that love justice and freedom, if we understand that and transcend them, then it's their destruction, not ours.
And all we gotta do is not engage them and not fight with them and they're gonna burn themselves out.
Here's the video.
Eleanor Holmes Norton is struggling to park her car right now.
And she has hit that red car next to her repeatedly.
And we're taking pictures.
And we don't think they're gonna do anything about it.
And if she parks like that, she should not be a member of Congress anymore.
Is she gonna park like that?
It looks like it It's a giant parking spot.
You could park a huge, largest Ford pickup or Dodge pickup there is in there.
You could park a frickin' dump truck in the parking spot and she's ramming her Prius or whatever it is into these cars.
And then they just get up and just wander off.
Who gives a damn?
And again, this is how they wreck your cities.
It's how they wreck your life.
It's how they defund the police while they've got bodyguards.
And this is our enemy.
This is the parasites that have taken the country over.
And they have nothing to do now except get a civil war going so they hope they can have the military have a civil war with us.
No, we are not going to play their game.
They are politically dead.
They want to take us with them and we're not going to let them do it.
When we come back, I've got Bill Maher.
Wait till you hear this.
Humanity has an instinct for freedom and a thirst for justice and honor and life and beauty and building.
And yes, humanity is rapidly absorbing the truth of our peril.
But will it be fast enough?
Will it be intense enough to hold off the planned extermination of at least 80% of our people within eight years?
I don't just make idle statements.
As you know, my friends, certain death awaits 80% of the world's population if we don't reverse the enemy's operations now.
The Bible tells us it will be reversed, but the man of sin will have his year of power, and one-fourth of Earth will be killed.
That process has already begun.
Get right with God now.
Choose wisely, because this is a stepping stone into eternity.
So, the social engineers are pulling out all the stops to divide us on race and sex and region and weaponizing.
And they are pulling down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson everywhere.
And the articles are just flooding in.
Clemson University admissions counselor claims Republican applicants are part of an oppressive group.
And if you're a Republican, you'll not be allowed in the college.
Congress has put up with all the censorship and the debanking and things never done in the history of this country.
Things done by Hitler in the first five, six years of his reign of terror before he started arresting everybody.
This has been done all over the world, over and over again.
It follows in the steps.
And now the left's everywhere calling for my arrest, and Trump's arrest, and his whole family's arrest, and Bongino's arrest, and Tucker Carlson's arrest, and they come to our houses and threaten us, and they send out grand jury subpoenas to us.
Not just on January 6th.
While the left talks about the right wing and how we're about to enslave them all, Well, they're not even the left wing.
They are the corporate mouthpieces pretending that they are the resistance when they are the establishment by every yardstick, by every measurement.
So why is Bill Maher coming out and saying the woke people in this country are the most dangerous thing to it and they're full of crap?
Because he's a comedian that travels around the country, and he even tells people, in the blue cities, nobody wants to wear the mask or take the shots.
In the blue cities, everybody's sick of the left.
And the black people are sick of it.
The brown people are sick of it.
Everybody's sick of it who's got a brain.
Yeah, there's some young, dumb people and some old, dumb people.
There's people out there that still buy into Hollywood, buy into what Prince Harry says about censoring Joe Rogan.
How asinine to have some Royal twit telling Americans what we can hear and see.
I think we had a war about that 240-something years ago, right?
So, you look at Maher and you say, hey, screw him, he's been a big leftist.
Hey, folks, this is what winning looks like.
Yeah, they got a bunch of leftists out buying guns, learning how to use them.
And then suddenly they become populists and conservatives.
That's what happens.
And yeah, a lot of the left are now running to us saying, hey, we want to be populist.
We want to be into freedom, too.
And we have to say to them, if this isn't just a gimmick, because you know that there's been a pendulum swing, that's fine, because we want you to defect to Overdose.
We're not like the left that has a perfect orthodoxy where you've got to follow our every little word and how we say it's done.
We just want you to promote free speech and private property and an open, truly free society that celebrates human victory and competition.
And yeah, we don't like ganging up and killing unborn babies.
But we're not going to judge you if you've been part of that, done that in the past, because you were deceived.
We want you to get the understanding of a pro-human future and celebrate our unborn.
I don't tell you this because I'm proud of it, I tell you because I'm ashamed of it, but it needs to be out there, that I've paid for quite a few abortions when I was young.
And that's why I was saved again.
When I was about 10 years old, I was first at my Holy Ghost experience, and then I became wicked and bad and got disconnected from God, and then literally God hit me like a bolt of lightning and said, You have got to stop killing your children or you are going to be cut off from me completely.
And I didn't commit the ultimate sin.
I didn't reject the Holy Spirit.
That major conviction.
And then that's when the whole world opened up and the plan was laid out before me.
Because God said, let me let you show you what it feels like to have my spirit removed.
And God began to remove his spirit from me.
That hand that had been on my shoulder.
And around me, that energy field, my whole life, those guardian angels were now stepping back and saying, you kill your children, you're going to be separated from me forever unless you stop it!
And I literally then experienced that, and over the next few months, literally saw my mission, and what I was supposed to do, and how I was going to go wake people up, and then trigger this giant awakening of all these other people, and how that was what I had to carry out all the way to the end, unto death, if that is what God wants me to do.
And I had to shine onto that, so the Holy Spirit would not leave me.
And that's a true story, folks.
That really happened.
That's real.
And God doesn't give you things you can't handle all at one time.
I wondered all these things in my life was just God testing me with more weight and more stress and more attacks and more persecution and more dirty tricks.
So I would learn all of this so that I would someday begin to become a master.
Not a master yet.
That doesn't happen until you die.
But literally, ladies and gentlemen, I can now see God's plan in its fullness and how powerful it is.
So let's celebrate that people are coming over to our side.
Because believe me, they're doing it under major globalist attack, but because they have a hunger for it, let's not be mad at them because they want to stand next to the fire of truth.
Let's invite them in and then show them.
Because we're all sinners.
We've all fallen short.
Here's what Bill Maher had to say.
And finally, new rule, it's depressing enough.
Having just had a birthday and being 66, please don't ask me to start doing grown-up things like run for president.
A few weeks ago, Fox News' Dana Perino, a former Bush press secretary, suggested that the Democrats should recruit me to run for president, which is kind of special because it means that in the space of 20 years, Bush press secretaries have gone from telling me I need to watch what I say They need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and this is not a time for remarks like that.
There never is.
They've gone from that to wondering if I should run for president!
It'll be interesting to see if Bill Maher is recruited to run for the presidency.
Now, some people think this means I've changed.
I assure you, I have not.
I am still the same unmarried, childless, pot-smoking libertine I always was.
I have many flaws, but you can't accuse me of maturing.
[laughter and applause]
Let's get this straight.
It's not me who's changed.
It's the left.
Who is now made up of a small contingent who've gone mental, and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it.
But I will.
That's why I'm a hero at Fox these days.
Which shows just how much liberals have their head up their ass.
Because if they really thought about it, they would have made me a hero on their media.
But that can't happen in this ridiculous new era of mind-numbing partisanship, where if I keep it real about the nonsense in the Democratic Party, it makes me an instant hero to Republicans.
The same thing happened in reverse to Darth Vader's daughter, Liz Cheney.
Who is now a hero to liberals, simply because she recognizes Biden did not steal the last election.
What a sad commentary on our politics, where simply acknowledging reality is now seen as a profile in courage.
People sometimes say to me, you didn't used to make fun of the left as much.
Yeah, because they didn't give me so much to work with.
The oath of office I took was to comedy.
(audience laughing)
And if you do goofy shit wherever you are on the spectrum, I'm going to make fun of you because that's where the gold is.
And the fact that they are laughing at it should tell you something.
it rings true.
When normal people read that San Francisco has basically legalized
shoplifting, they think Democrats have gone nuts.
They think, you know, that Ted Cruz guy seems like a real stiff.
But at least he believes in the concept of shopping with money.
It's not my fault that the party of FDR and JFK is turning into the party of
LOL and WTF.
Members of Congress tweeting things like, cancel rent, cancel mortgage, and no more policing or incarceration.
Declaring that capitalism is slavery.
Canceling Lincoln and Dr. Seuss.
Teaching children they're oppressors and math is racist.
Making Mr. Potato Head gender neutral.
And now an emoji for pregnant men.
I'm not making it up.
California just passed a law requiring large retailers to have a non-gendered toy section.
A non-gendered toy section?
Isn't Ken enough?
[laughter and applause]
We need a law for that?
Do you have to inject yourselves into everything?
From where you can throw a frisbee to who can braid hair?
This is why so many people, by the way, were triggered by COVID policies.
They were already sick of rules.
Regulation should be a good issue for Democrats.
It's certainly one they're associated with.
And I think the average voter would agree that banks and chemical plants and drug companies need watching.
Telling a company, you can't dump the waste from your hog farm straight into the water supply.
We're mostly all for that.
But Democrats have become a parody of themselves.
Just making rules to make rules.
Because it makes you feel like you're a better person.
Making sure that everything bad never happens again.
Which you can never fully do.
It just makes everyone else's life a drag.
The Biden infrastructure bill has a provision that requires all new cars to install an alert system that goes off when you leave a baby in the back seat, which is something done only by crackheads and people who sadly, yes, do it on purpose.
And after every one of us winds up bearing the cost for cars to install this alarm, you know who's going to ignore it?
crackheads and people who do it on purpose.
A censor light is not going to fix this problem and Democrats no longer possess
the common sense to understand that not every problem in the world can be fixed with a regulation.
But don't tell that to the advocacy groups who also want every future car in America to only start when the driver blows into a breathalyzer.
Oh great, my other car is a Karen.
Well, you know, it's also not safe to drive when you're crying.
Should we make a car that follows your texts and stops the engine when you're dumped?
Racism is bad.
How about a car that won't start unless you play a message about tolerance from George Takei?
Regular viewers of this program may recall my long battle to get solar power hooked up at my house.
It involved this shed, which had to be built to house this solar battery.
Yes, that battery needed a house to live in.
And not just any house.
One that had to follow the specifications of this chart.
That's a real chart of the steps we had to go through to get this thing turned on.
Democrats have to stop thinking that what the voters dream about is to be hassled.
If you buy a shed at Costco, it comes with this warning.
Warning, this product can expose you to wood dust.
Wood dust.
No kidding.
Which is known to the state of California to cause cancer.
That's right, California thinks you're going to snort your shed.
I don't want to blow Pinocchio, I just want to put the lawnmower away.
(audience laughing)
Alright, I want to read some Bible verses here on air.
And I don't read these verses because I'm some high and mighty perfect preacher that's lived some really clean life.
Now I, I know the devil.
I've been down on his level.
To quote Keith Whitley.
Psalms 139-14, I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
You can read other translations of that.
There's other places where it says that.
But what is fearfully made?
Well, we're God-fearing because of God's awesome power and being in that presence.
But you're made in the image of God, made by that God, and made with free will.
As the seed of the universe put in you by that God.
And that's fearfully made.
When God made you, there was fear all around that because of the potential for you to serve evil and good.
Because you can comprehend the universe, you can invent amazing things, you can create whole nations and armies and starfleets and anything you want!
So the angels are just swarming around when your soul is being formed by God.
Fearful of it!
Satan jealous of your covenant with God.
Your power!
Because God took a part of himself and made you just like the rib and the archetype of Adam was taken to make Eve.
So that there would be Congress between us and God.
That interface.
And that's what they don't want you to know.
That you are created by the infinite divine spirit.
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
There's a couple more.
Romans 12 too.
And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God?
You are imperfect, but you can jack in to the perfection.
And then be perfected at the next level.
Romans 12 3, For I say though that grace is given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according to God hath dealt to every
man the measure of faith.
Don't think of yourself as invincible and all-powerful and good.
And don't think of yourself as ugly and horrible and a failure.
The devil will tell you about those things.
Think of you as the potential of the universe and beyond given to you by the Master Creator.
All of that potential For what you were created to be, laid out before you.
And that's the great truth.
And so, we look at the miserable Harvey Weinsteins.
And we look at the pathetic Justin Trudeau.
And we look at the buffoonish Boris Johnsons.
And we look at the ridiculous Macrons.
And all of these people went against God's plan because the God of this world, the liar, gives them petty power.
But they're hated by the people.
They're always destroyed in the end.
They're losers!
And so when you look at them, don't even hate them and give them that power.
Think about how you love your children, and your family, and the culture, and goodness, and justice, and you do what you do exposing them, not because you hate them, but because you love the people that you're standing up for.
And in that office, you move way closer to God, who is that North Star, to deliver us from this.
Because we better be praying to be delivered from this.
And we better be supporting and praising and appreciating and praying for the people in California and New York.
And Michigan, and Canada, and the UK, and Australia, and Europe, truck drivers that can't even pay their bills, truck drivers that haven't seen their kids in two weeks, truck drivers who might get fired, but they're still there blocking those roads and shutting things down to show the world people power.
Not the globalists locking us in our houses to bankrupt us and control us, but us showing the globalists that we don't buy what they're saying and doing, and that we stand against them.
Non-violently with the truth while they try to normalize Klaus Schwab on TV.
All over!
World TV, U.S.
TV, U.S.
cable, C-SPAN.
Bragging that they've captured and penetrated our governments.
Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia page linked to his own website says he is capturing our countries and he brags that he's captured more than 70 nations now under his control.
He does that so his followers and agents feel emboldened and feel powerful as he announces that he rules us.
The capture of democratic structures and institutions.
We have penetrated and have now control half, more than half of the world cabinets.
More than half the world's cabinets, the people running governments, he brags on television that he rules us!
Look, I'm, of all my background and ancestry, I'm probably more German than anything else.
So I love German culture and love Germans, my great family that are German, Texans.
But I mean, what's up with Germans thinking they rule the world and run everything, right?
I mean, Klaus Schwab's grandfather literally was a top arms producer for the Nazis.
Like, dude!
Burn in hell, man!
Get the hell off our back!
Who died and made you God?
And all your Hollywood trash, and all the Macron's, and all the Trudeau's, and all the Merkel's, and all the Australian leader, the New Zealand leader, all work for you, and we know it, and we reject you!
And we say no to you, and we tell you, That you will be brought to justice for your violations of the Nuremberg Code and common sense and everything that's good and decent.
You mass-murdering, society-destroying, lockdown-running murderer.
The lockdown now, the UN had mentioned, I agree with their numbers, 40 million in the last two years have starved to death on top of the other 25 million that starve to death every year, and almost doubling in the last two years of people starving to death Begging for food, no jobs, lockdown because the IMF and World Bank controls their African nations, and their Asian nations, and their Latin American nations, and then the UNS refugee camps to organize military-age men and ship them up here to invade the United States.
On record.
It's unbelievable.
All right, I got a lot of news to hit.
We got so much to cover here and so much to go over.
I'm just going to say this because if we don't get funding, we won't be here.
And I'm not bitching.
I'm not complaining.
I just we have to stay on air.
We have to stay in attack formation.
We have to keep getting the truth out.
And with all the fights we've got, our own infrastructure, our own bandwidth, our own uplinks, all of it's extremely expensive.
I need money like I need oxygen.
Plus, I have great products you need at Infoworkstore.com.
So ending tomorrow evening.
Brain Force Plus, the amazing Nootropic, 40% off, goes off sale.
Our Vitamin C, 1100% daily with the zinc and the rose hips, so good for your immune system beyond the famous Linus Pauling prescription you won the Nobel Prize for.
It's 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com and a whole food, not Whole Foods the company, it's a whole food vitamin, meaning it's not synthetic, it's from actual foods concentrated.
Very high end at a very low price.
40% off.
You really need this.
It's at InfoWarsTore.com and the sale ends tomorrow.
And haven't done this in four years, but they're doing it just for us.
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We'll be back.
Get ready for the news straight ahead.
And so it's trying to create a global crisis it controls to consolidate and keep power.
Very, very simple.
And they brag about that.
It's all out there.
What I'm talking about here is not my opinion.
So if you're a new listener, go check it out for yourself.
We're not giving you anything here that's speculative.
So here's what's going on.
I have really weighed Trump and I've looked at everything he's done, trying to bring American jobs back, stopping most of the fentanyl coming in, defending the borders, deescalating wars around the world.
Trump's a good person overall, that means well.
He made a big mistake with warp speed and the rest of it and thinks that that's his thing to hang his hat on.
That's his legacy.
And so he's doubled down there.
But I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
That said, they have a constellation of prosecutors, both federal and state, from New York to Illinois to California.
To many other areas that have indicted the people around Trump.
Other billionaires, you name it.
I mean, there's been hundreds of indictments.
And the system is doing that to try to force Trump into mobilizing aggressive political grassroots power so that the globalists can make their takeover and their censorship and their authoritarianism And there's surveillance about Trump as if he's the representative of the resistance, instead of it just being simply, hey, I'm liberal, I'm conservative, I'm old, I'm young, I'm whatever.
I don't want a surveillance state.
I don't want in the infrastructure legislation that passed, kill switches in all the cars coming out in three years and breathalyzers and tracker systems.
I mean, that shouldn't be a partisan issue.
They admit now that the World Vaccine ID is a global social credit score based in China where political dissidents can't leave their house and they use the COVID thing selectively as the excuse.
Got a bunch of articles on that today.
So we got to thread the needle on this.
But when you see Axios articles like this one, coups are making a comeback around the world.
What they don't tell you is we had a coup against the people and against populism.
Fourteen months ago.
And it was the 2020 election.
And the idea that we can't question elections, the idea that we couldn't challenge all those incredible anomalies and issues is insane.
Remember, Pelosi said we're not going to accept him winning, even if the Electoral College says he's the president, we're going to have our own inauguration and say Biden is.
Remember that?
Oh, but as soon as Trump Just tried to have a 10-day investigation in the Senate, which is constitutional.
They're now calling that illegal, and the January 6th Commission is asking the Justice Department to arrest people in Trump's orbit for challenging an election and saying, we don't believe it's accurate.
When if a third world country does one-tenth of the of the hanky-panky and the chicanery and all of the skullduggery that went on during That November, December, January fiasco, it would not be a certified election.
The UN would say it wasn't a free and fair election.
The United States State Department would say that.
But they don't because it's here.
They've lost the people.
They've lost not just the Midwest, they've lost everybody.
California isn't really blue.
It's red.
And all these places are, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, But you've got to have huge super majorities to overpower the election fraud and all the dead people in the voting rolls and the illegals voting in Texas and in Florida.
The Democrats went for a decapitating level political event to decapitate the Republican Party by even stealing Texas and Florida, but they ran out of dead people and people that had moved out of state on the voter rolls and they hit that wall and they failed.
So that's what's happening here, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, Trump should not be indicted.
His family should not be harassed.
You have the New York DA that says he won't even respond to armed robberies.
He said that last week.
He said, I'm not going to even, unless somebody gets hurt, we don't respond.
So you can put a gun to somebody's head and say, give me that money.
Give me your purse.
And as long as you don't pistol whip them or shoot them, you don't get in trouble.
And then you got Democrats making jokes and attacking the police because two cops just got killed and making fun of their funerals.
I have the articles.
These are America-hating people.
They instinctively hate our institutions so much because they want to wreck it all.
Are our institutions perfect?
Hell no.
But there are institutions, and the new world order desperately wants those institutions that are local under their control.
So we got all this talk about coups are making a comeback, and I'm going to play this clip.
Trump says, they're trying to put me in jail.
Trump calls for biggest protest ever if racist prosecutors do anything illegal.
And it's all literally installed.
Jordan Soros, Letitia James, the attorney general in New York, the New York prosecutor, all of them ran on putting Trump in jail.
I mean, these are non-impartial people, so absolutely, you can't, I mean, George Soros has gotten over a thousand DAs in just the last two years elected.
A thousand!
He's got over 20 Attorney Generals that he literally calls and his son, Alexander, tells them what to do, on record!
If I called up a DA that I paid to get in office, and told them what to do, the FBI would raid me and should, because that's corruption.
That's bribery.
You can give to people's political campaigns that you can't direct them to do.
Why would George Soros want rampant crime and five times the carjackings and triple the murders?
Because he hates you!
He wants to level the country to consolidate the control.
He's overthrown over 20 countries and destroyed their pensions and destroyed their currencies.
He's a monster!
And you look at the Young Turks and all of them.
Celebrating him and saying Alex Jones is the worst person in the world because he says George Soros was a Nazi collaborator.
He said it on 60 Minutes.
He said it on NPR.
Anybody can find those clips.
But it doesn't matter.
These are fawning leftists that just love the money because they're not even leftists.
They're corporate whores.
They're liars.
And they signed their soul on to this guy?
Who loves the carjackings and murders and killing?
Mainly of brown people?
Who thinks that's funny?
To demoralize you?
And then now we've got the former president, who did have the election stolen, up there literally so desperate now, he's not backing down at least to him on the surface, saying, be ready to demonstrate if they try to arrest me.
And people say, well they're not going to try that.
Yes they are, because they want to push us into confrontation.
They want to push us into crisis on the streets, because they've already lost.
And so people say, "Well, Jones, you're not being very manly.
Why don't you want to go ahead and take the left on?"
I'll explain this next hour.
Because it's multinational, it's international.
It's about destroying the currency and the infrastructure.
And so discretion is the greater part of valor.
We have to peacefully, and with civil disobedience, shut down this system and expose it, because the globalist system is collapsing our system.
We don't collapse our system to get them, we collapse their system by identifying them and not complying.
I'll explain more of that in the next hour, but here's Trump really saying some desperate stuff.
If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta, and elsewhere, because our country and our elections are corrupt.
They're corrupt.
Well, you know, I criticized him on the deadly vaccines, but when it comes to huevos and it comes to doubling down and it comes to saying we're going to stand up, he's done it.
But it's got to be peaceful and we got to stop provocateurs.
And here's the problem.
Biden is in control of the federal police and the military.
And he's in control of the police in D.C.
And they're going to do the same thing again, walk us into a trap, we get five million people there, and then they have a hundred cops at the Capitol, and then the left breaks in and some useful idiots go along with the going in, and then they freaking kick off a cyber attack and say we launched it and turned the damn lights out.
Because that's what they want to do.
I'm not going to sit here and play soldier or armchair quarterback.
I'm just telling you, we're going into some insane times with 282 days out from the midterm elections, which are going to be a massive landslide of populist patriot candidates taking over the Republican Party.
And a lot of people in the Democratic Party are now starting to run against this insanity.
So the globalists aren't going to let us get there without staging major events.
As General Flynn warned on the show Friday, the globalists are getting ready to stage false flags and create a new January 6th.
Straight ahead.
Everybody you know, tune in now!
Australia and Canada are now the front lines.
Big news on that next segment.
But here's the latest Gregory's report.
Men and women of the Australian Defence Force, both serving and retired,
volunteers or National Service men and women, veterans all,
We are at a point in history without precedent.
A war for the world.
Now many of you know that truly malevolent forces have been attacking and undermining our nation for longer than most of us have lived.
They, our adversaries, have executed their monstrous plans against innocent men, women and children.
They fight with a pre-biblical barbarity, without decency and without constraint.
They fight without courage and without compassion.
Their war against the people is undeclared total war.
It has been a traitor's war, a dirty war, a coward's war.
We know only too well that unless we halt and then reverse this unrelenting attack on every aspect of our lives, we will lose everything we love.
And enter a period of civilizational darkness more depraved than any period in human history.
We must act.
However, this is not a call to arms.
Our soulless adversaries and their mindless enablers would like nothing better than for a shot to be fired.
Because to do so would legitimise in the minds of many subnambulant Australians further unconstitutional and unlawful constraints on our rights, to our lives, our liberty and our property.
We will not give them that excuse.
We know we never fight on ground of the enemy's choosing.
We must fight, but in doing so we must win the people.
At every opportunity, we must stand with the people, unarmed but in uniform.
Our weapon?
Pure courage.
We took an oath to serve our nation, and what is our nation if not the people?
By our presence in uniform alongside and with the people, we are sending a powerful, unambiguous and galvanising message that in this war for the world, we the people are united and invincible.
We must demonstrate the pure courage born of love of family and love of country, that beats in the heart of every soldier, sailor and airman.
Because what is courage but love in action?
And if you love someone or something enough, you will do what must be done, regardless of the cost to you.
Perhaps we will lose our property.
If so, what of it?
We can always acquire more.
Perhaps we will lose our liberty.
If so, what of it?
We can eventually be set free.
Perhaps we'll lose our lives.
If so, what of it?
There are destinies much worse than death.
These sentiments are too much for most to understand, much less accept.
And that is all the more reason for us, for you, to stand with the people.
Now you might be challenged to explain why you chose such a course of action.
The answer is simple.
You'll be doing what military law, civilian law, and just plain common decency require and demand.
You are disobeying the unlawful commands given by the admirals, generals and air marshals of the Australian Defence Force to participate in the genocide of the Australian people.
They are guilty and you will be innocent.
The oath to serve your country as a soldier did not include a contract for the normal luxuries and comforts enjoyed within our society.
On the contrary, it implied hardship, loyalty and devotion to duty regardless of rank.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Australian Defence Force, it is time for you to serve not the admirals, not the generals, and not the air marshals, but to endure hardship, show loyalty, and do your duty for your country and your people.
And remember that in the words of GK Chesterton, we fight not because we hate what is in front of us, but because we love what is behind us.
I'm Ricardo Bose, National Leader of Australia 1.
Thank you.
And that's the former head of Australian Army Special Forces, and he needs to be the next Prime Minister of Australia.
All right, I want to take you all up above the mountains, the 35,000 foot view and beyond.
And when I tell you what I see, you don't have to believe Alexander Emmerich Jones.
You will be given the places to look and see it for yourself.
You see, I'm not seeing for you.
I'm simply taking you up to the mountain and asking you to see it for yourself.
I could sit here and talk about all this incredible news and I will next segment.
But what's really hiding in plain view?
Because if you understand this, you'll understand everything, as I've said many times.
There are certain issues, there are certain things that if people understand it, they'll understand everything.
If you can grasp this, you can grasp it all.
But it is multifaceted.
It is complex.
But once you grasp it, it's incredibly simple.
Remember that Rasmussen poll three weeks ago?
48% of Democrats said they want to put people in camps that don't take the vaccine.
50 plus percent said take people's children away if they don't give it to them.
It's not even approved in little children.
Yeah, there's the headline.
Democrat voters support harsh measures against the unvaccinated.
Now, think about that.
So very powerful polls, big sampling group, very scientific.
In the next segment, I've got one of the little teleprompter reading Democrats up there talking about how they're all in fear of Republican martial law and Republicans coming to put them in camps.
Total projection, which is their new talking point.
Just like Pfizer and Bill Gates and Trudeau and all of them are saying this week, last week, love!
Take the Pfizer shots and don't question side effects.
Be tough and do it for love.
What, love of money?
Love of depopulation?
Love of power?
Love of death?
As Christ said, all those that hate me love death.
So we got that big backdrop there.
Just remember that.
And then let's add this one thing to it.
Because there are at least a dozen Manhattan Project level operations that are on record going on.
Human animal cloning projects, secret space programs, human cyborg programs.
The list goes on and on.
But what's the big one that's hiding in plain view?
What's the big one?
It's geoengineering.
In 1992, a group of scientists won a Nobel Prize for a plan to spray aluminum dioxide and barium salts and also radioactive isotopes, because they form really big Nuclei form clouds into the atmosphere at 30 to 35,000 feet to form a shield to block solar radiation to stop global warming.
Really, it's just an excuse and a cover for weather modification and geoengineering and terraforming on the planet.
And the chemicals they spray on record have made the soils of the world where this is being done, mainly in the northern hemisphere, ungrowable.
That's why the plants are dying, the trees are dying, the bees are dying.
Oh, I mean, you know the number one supplier of honey in the world now is Cuba.
They don't let the chemtrails happen in Cuba.
So there's spring aluminum that then gets, oh, but don't worry, Monsanto's got over 200 seeds already patented that can grow in aluminum.
See, and that's old news, folks.
We need to get Dane Whittington back on the show.
Real trailblazer.
But here's the point.
Just like It's on record that there's a law to put a kill switch and a tracker chip in all the new cars that Biden just passed last year.
You tell the average person that, you know, at church, they roll their eyes, even though it's the law.
And even though it's on record that 5G causes massive cancer, they just say, so what?
But now Bill Gates has come out again.
And imagine if they said the Russians wanted to do this, or imagine if they said Trump wanted to do this.
Everybody would say no, but oh, because it's Bill Gates who says he literally wants to depopulate you.
Well then, oh my God, you said you want to have death panels and kill all people?
Well, I really want you to, quote, release a chemical cloud on the world.
He also has a plan to block out the sun.
Now, remember, these are all projects going on.
Department of Energy, last time we got documents, they're spending $5 billion a year to add barium salts and aluminum dioxide and radioactive isotopes to kerosene jet fuel that is then aerosolized under patents through the jet engines.
Yes, we know there's condensation trails.
Yes, we know ice crystals form.
And I watched them when I was a kid, and before 1992 when it all started, when Operation 94, They would fly and it was cold weather, it would form crystals and they would dissipate.
They don't dissipate now, they get bigger and bigger and form cloud banks.
And the governments of the world have a treaty at the UN and they admit they're doing it!
And then when I get up here and say, hey, we should have a debate about this, they go, oh, that doesn't exist.
It's kind of like Soros and Reuters bragging four years ago, hey, I get State Department money to pay for billions of dollars of debit cards to ship illegal aliens into the U.S.
We cover it, the news says it doesn't exist.
It's the same thing.
So they'll tell you, hey, we're geoengineering, we're controlling the weather, it's for your own good, it's a wonderful thing, we're spraying the stuff, and then mainline scientists go, that's killing the soil.
It's killing the trees.
Let's go.
We're not doing that.
It doesn't exist.
Hey, you just had a big conference on C-SPAN.
You said the CIA director admitted it.
They're like, no, we didn't.
They're like, yeah, we did.
Oh, really?
Fact checkers say it doesn't exist.
And then the fact checker group is NewsGuard, owned by Microsoft.
So, they're up there saying, we're going to sterilize your sons, we're going to have drag queen story time, we're going to open the borders, we're going to devalue currency, build back better, five plus trillion dollars, and then they say, oh, a Nobel Prize winner says, this won't cause inflation.
And then Psaki tells you there is no inflation.
So, again, Do you think the only secret program that's not even secret is the geoengineering weather modification?
And again, I want to explain something.
If you really read the globalist writings that are public, they say they've not made contact with aliens.
They say they are going to become an alien species that is a transcendent, that then is distributed into all living things as a dust.
And they said that 20 years ago.
They made the Johnny Depp movie, Transcendence, about that.
Now, whether they're going to be able to carry this out or not, the point is, these crazy people are doing this.
And for the crime of talking about what they're doing, and I'll show the clips next segment, I've got to be taken off the air.
and de-platformed and sued and debanked and arrested because they don't want you to wake
up and go, "Hey, the NFL game doesn't matter." Even though it's fun to watch, I get it.
Or the baseball game doesn't matter or whatever because we're going to lose all of that if we
don't start studying not Tom Brady's NFL scores, but what's actually going on and what's happening.
Because here's the new headline out of CNBC.
This Bill Gates funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming.
Oh, it's a Bill Gates funded chemical cloud!
And it's sprayed through the jet fuel that they add barium salts and aluminum dioxide into the air to save us!
Oh my gosh!
It's exactly what I said 20 plus years ago!
Because we had the patents then, we had the whistleblowers then, we had them all then, and it gets worse.
I knew an engineer, I actually knew two engineers, that told me in the mid-1990s, I thought they were crazy, even though they were very wealthy people and successful, that Doppler radar, being funded by the feds to be put in, was designed to resonate with these sprays and actually ionize the atmosphere.
They doubly classified that, too.
It is.
You wonder, why we got this nice Doppler radar here in town?
Well, yeah, because it doubles as a weather modification control system.
We'll talk about it when we come back.
(upbeat music)
We tell you 25 years ago about geoengineering and weather control and the Doppler radar systems and the chemtrails and they added the jet fuel and even satellites that can manipulate and control weather.
And they tell you it doesn't exist because they don't want the small little people talking about that.
You're supposed to watch your hip-hop and your rock and roll and your Hollywood crap.
And while you sleep, the globalists destroy your future.
Here's Sky TV talking about China publicly admitting they have Doppler radar on the ground directed by satellites to manipulate the quote, rivers in the sky.
That's what the jet stream is.
Here it is.
If there's one thing the Chinese Communists believe in, it's absolute control over all aspects of life, including apparently the weather.
Yes, apparently China is developing a high-tech satellite-based weather control system called River in the Sky that will allow it to move water vapour Through man-made corridors in the sky.
This is in addition to their cloud seeding programs that involve shooting missiles filled with salt and minerals
into the sky, based on an original idea by Kate Bush.
Okay, folks, so they make jokes about all this.
The point is, they don't want you discussing what's happening at the big adult table.
Like at Thanksgiving, little kids are over at the card table, and the adults are over here.
And see, I'm like a kid that came over to the adult table.
Hey, they're talking about killing us over here.
They're talking about world government.
They're like, oh no, you go back over to the kid table.
No, I'm not going back over to the kid table.
No, thank you.
Infowars is at the adult table and I just want to get all of the people out there to realize you can go dial into what they're doing because they think you're so stupid.
They just talk about it right in front of you like you're a moron.
And I mean, are they right?
Do you deserve to die?
Do you deserve to be sterilized and 5G fried and all this?
So this is getting into all the Chinese weather modification.
So now Bill Gates, who wants to depopulate and who wants world government, And he wants all these things.
It's all over the news, with chemical clouds, sprayed out of jet engines, mixed with the fuel, exactly what we told you it was in the documents, to save you from the global warming, of course.
And that's their cover.
So let's play a clip here of John Brennan, before he left the CIA, six years ago, before Trump got in, admitting all this.
Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
Now, what's really going on?
could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with
higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to
transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive.
The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI
program would cost about 10 billion dollars yearly. Now what's really going
on? There were a lot of wars that happened with the Greeks and later the
Romans and when an enemy really gave the Greeks or the Romans a problem, they
would get at great expense a bunch of sea salt and they would salt the fields
so no one could grow food.
The Huns and the Mongols would catapult black plague rotting bodies over the Great Wall of China to give them diseases on the other side.
So, you know, everything we do now is just more sophisticated of what already happened before.
And that's what they're doing right now.
Is their geoengineering, they're doing all this, they're manipulating, and they're playing God, and they don't want you to even have a discussion or a debate about what they're up to.
I mean, we showed you Department of Energy documents decades ago, how they're doing it, what's going on.
So did you just catch what I said?
The Romans, in their fight with Hannibal, they finally beat him.
And if you go back and look, they went and salted the earth of some of the groups they defeated.
Look up, salting the earth.
And so now they don't put salt in the soil so you can't grow stuff, they spray aluminum in it.
As a cover project, for everybody at the Department of Energy with the Liberals, global warming's real, it's a secret project, other countries won't let us do it because of the UN Treaty 1979, so we're going to keep it secret and save the Earth.
They're like, yeah, we like Star Trek, yeah, yeah, we don't tell the public, the media's got to make fun of anybody that talks about it, because, you know, we don't want the public getting involved, this is too important.
And then all you little Star Trek, NASA people and Department of Energy people don't go, what is spraying hundreds of thousands of tons of barium salts and aluminum dioxide and radioactive isotopes mixed with jet fuel out?
What does that do when it settles to the ground?
Oh, oh, oh, that's why on average, the aluminum level in the United States is eight times what it was before The early 1990s.
And starting in the 90s, there's films on this.
It just, oh, suddenly there's all this aluminum, and now your oak trees are dying.
And now your crops aren't growing.
How liberal!
How loving!
How trendy!
And the insects are dying.
And the birds are dying.
And everything's dying.
You know, we've got a ranch we've had since the 1820s in East Texas.
And when I was a child, there were I mean, some of them ten feet around, look like the Hobbit.
And I go there now, and they're all dead.
Almost all.
Or they're barely alive with just a few leaves on them.
These mighty oaks.
And that monster is spraying them with insecticide and herbicides.
And just loving it.
And he's bought all the farmland up, and now he's got the money.
He's the owner of Monsanto, part of it.
He's rolling out plants that grow in aluminum.
What a jerk!
But it's okay, he's liberal!
And Tim Cook's gay, so what does it matter if he runs death camps in China?
I mean, he wears a turtleneck.
He's gay.
I mean, it's alright, right?
You're superior.
Kill me.
I love you.
I mean, it's like, can we grow up and say no to these people?
Can we not go along with our own annihilation and destruction by these mad scientists?
Look, spend half your time watching football and half your time learning how they're killing you.
Give me half your time.
And I think suddenly you're not going to care about Tom Brady anymore.
And I'm not against Tom Brady and Rogers and all of them, because they seem like patriots.
But, okay, they're coming out against the vaccine and masks.
Hey guys, how about you come out against it all?
Because we don't have much time left.
They are killing the soil of the planet.
Aluminum doesn't just give you Alzheimer's.
A very small amount of nano-sized aluminum kills The bacteria and the life in the soil.
They're murdering the earth, but they're the environmentalists, so it's liberal.
They're doing it to save you from the sun, while they kill the earth.
He's prepared for war.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
You ignore this information at your peril.
There's NBC News reporting the chemtrails that don't exist.
So be it!
So, when I look at Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes drooling and hoping for the prospect of my arrest for January 6th,
when they know the federal government stood down, they knew there was a thousand federal commandos there that watched
what happened and watched me try to stop people going in the building and
watched the police stand down.
When I sit there and see that, I don't get mad at Rachel Maddow.
And Chris Hayes and the rest of those people, when I see those clips, I realize they're just paid for mercenary cannon fodder being paid by Big Pharma and by the power structure on record.
I mean, you look at leftist programs, even the smaller podcasts and YouTube channels, and they are just flooded with BlackRock and with Vanguard and with JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs.
And Raytheon and weapons makers, I mean, they are, they are working for the man.
And, you know, you see people smart enough that are already their own person, like a Bill Maher trying to get away from it, or a Joe Rogan getting away from it, or a Tucker Carlson getting away from it.
But then you see the real cannon fodder of this, and it makes you sad.
And so, I get sent, without even looking, no matter if it's a desktop or my phone, Young Turks, a bunch of other shows, and I even delete my history just so I get a fresh thing, and it's still the same stuff.
And I look at it and I watch it, and so this morning, I'm sitting there in the bathtub at like 6 a.m., drinking a coffee.
And I got an iPad, and I'm sitting there, and it's just feeding me this.
So I watched a couple videos, and it was like, the Build Back Better is paid for, and $5 trillion of spending doesn't create inflation, because it's paid for.
I mean, like, 2 plus 2 equals 5,000.
I mean, we're talking cuckoo land.
And then I see another clip.
I click on that.
And of course, you can see all these hosts saying the same thing in the same order, like all the nightly news things, you know, sponsored by Pfizer.
And it's, oh, we're taking calls.
Of course, leftists can't actually take live calls.
They can't control that.
They might actually get confronted.
They can't have that.
So they take calls to an answering machine.
And then on the answering machine, they play the clip.
And it's like, I'm so afraid.
The right-wingers are going to put us in camps.
They're going to have a dictatorship.
What do we do?
It's like, well, we're fighting hard.
Maybe we'll keep them from putting us in camps.
The left works for the big corporations.
The left is censoring everybody.
The left is saying arrest their opposition.
The left is now in the news saying Republicans shouldn't be able to go to college because they're part of a hate group.
They're pulling down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
And so I saw this clip, and I didn't watch this guy when he had my ex-wife on.
I didn't see the news feeding it.
I didn't watch it when he normally talks about me, because that's not interesting.
But I have, because it's in my feed, watched it, and you hear these talking points, and you hear the projection.
You know, the Republicans are going to put us in camps.
The Republicans are going to create a dictatorship.
And you know what?
Yeah, the rhino, neocon Republicans that actually run the Democratic Party and watch all those wars killing millions of people, they actually do.
Want that!
I mean, the Atlantic Monthly, all these people, they do want to arrest their opposition.
So yeah, the Republicans, like the organizations that are anti-Alex Jones, anti-free speech, there are a bunch of those people, like the Lincoln Project.
But no, he's talking specifically about Trump people, specifically about people like us.
I mean, you never see the left criticizing their leaders.
I criticize Trump all the time.
I've got big problems with him.
But you hear this, and it's such a murder of the truth.
It's such an inversion of reality that it makes your head spin.
And they sit there pathetically wanting to be leaders, trying to win the establishment bootlicker award.
and pushed by the system and the whole system controlling and bullying and dominating and
other YouTubers, "Oh, no one's going to try to make you take a shot." Now six months later,
"Well, of course you've got to take the shot." It's just incredible to watch them sign on to this
and to look at the bottom of the barrel because even Brian Williams knew to finally give up.
Had no ratings.
Everyone hated him.
Everybody remembered he was a liar about being shot down in a helicopter.
But see, these people are like 10 rows down from Brian Williams.
And they're never going to give up.
Because they're all hoping for that slot with the 200,000 viewers on MSNBC.
They're all hoping to be a real boy.
If they could just censor right, and just twist right, and just follow the talking points just right, maybe they could be somebody.
And so they want to demoralize us, they want to break our will, and they're not breaking our will the way they think, but how pathetic and sad they are does hurt me.
It really does.
I mean, I would think they couldn't get anybody to carry this evil out at this point.
I saw another clip he did, like I mentioned, and I sort of watched like three or four of them, where he's like, it's ridiculous why the Build Back Better program is all paid for, and trillions of spending doesn't create inflation, and it's just like, yeah, pouring gasoline on yourself and lighting it on fire doesn't do it either.
I mean, it's just pathetic!
That money he's getting won't be worth anything once this program gets in place.
So people like Pac-Man, who thinks he's gobbling through our freedoms and winning, he's destroying his own future.
He's pretending he's an intellectual.
He's pretending he's here to save everybody.
He's pretending he's fighting the man and people that want to create a dictatorship, when we have a corporate, big tech, censorship, surveillance, dictatorship in place now debanking millions of people and announcing it wants a civil war and all this crap.
Just the betrayal of humanity, the patheticness of it, is just so sad.
Here it is.
Hi, David, I just heard you say on the stream that if the United States becomes a full-blown dictatorship by 2024, you will be leaving the country.
So I've been thinking about this a lot myself, and is it too late?
By the way, stop this.
Back it up to the first.
I want to put the whole two and a half minute clip.
We'll go to break and come back with this.
He admits it's a voicemail, but he sits there and has a conversation with it, because again, they won't have anybody live.
So even that's a deception.
It's like looking at pure deception, it's bizarre.
Start it over.
Start it over.
Oh, you cut the front part off.
No, no, no.
I want the front part.
I want where, I want the front part where he's like up there.
Okay, here's our voice line, here's how you call, and then we censor and decide what we want.
I mean, it's all just like these weird, weak people seeking power and seeking control.
And, oh, there's a dictatorship.
Oh, God, we better flee to another country.
There's a dictatorship.
They had a Rasmussen poll and a bunch of others where 48% of Democrats want to put unvaccinated in camps.
China is putting people that don't submit to them in camps.
You people are in a biomedical tyranny!
But again, that's what betas do.
They follow.
And they're scared, and they know the system's corrupt, and they know it's scary, and they go, well, I'm just going to sell out to the system and make excuses, because I want to be a winner.
It's like in 300, where the hunchback goes out and sells them out, because he wants to be a general.
But you're not really a general.
You're a joke.
And it's just, it's so mind-blowing.
We're going to go to break.
Please remember, you piss off the leftists, you piss off the globalists, and you stop them and their evil operations when you take the live feeds from the Vanguard of Liberty, InfoWars.com forward slash show, and FreeWorldNews.TV, and FutureNews.News, that's the new link to promote, and of course Band.Video, and you share those articles and those videos.
It pisses the left off to no end that we exist to call out their gaslighting because they want full gaslighting power over everyone to tell them up is down and down is up and that men can have babies and that women, you know, and all this crap.
They're cultists.
They're Kool-Aid masters.
They want control of your mind because they got left in their crib when they were little, and mommy didn't come back all day, and they crapped in their diapers.
And they have small, shriveled brains.
I'm not being mean.
That's why they project their hate on us, because they hate themselves.
We love them.
Even though their mommies didn't take care of them.
So now, we look at the spirit of Judas Iscariot.
Betraying themselves, betraying humanity, serving Soros, serving Schwab, serving Biden, serving Fauci.
Then I've got some more news I want to hit here.
So this is just a snapshot of the bizarreness of acting like a tape call is a call and then nodding with it and talking to it because you're so scared to actually talk to people and give them the power of being live.
That's what the left always claims.
Jones has fake callers.
Jones has fake reviews.
Because they're fake.
Because they rig everything.
Because they're so scared they've got to control it all.
And then to hear, because we can show you the Rasmussen Poll, nobody wants to put you in a camp that's a Democrat.
Nobody wants to arrest you.
Nobody wants to have political prisoners.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That's the Republicans that support Trump, who are the ragtag group trying to get back control of the country.
But could we get martial law to Republicans?
Could that party be just as bad with neocons running it?
But the neocons are allied with the Democrats.
They're the ones pushing all this on record.
Here it is.
We have a voicemail number.
That number is 2192DavidP.
Here's a voicemail I received with a very practical question about if it came time to leave the country, would you still be able to leave the country?
It's a very good question.
Hi, David, I just heard you say on the stream that if the United States becomes a full blown dictatorship by 2024, you will be leaving the country.
So I've been thinking about this a lot myself.
And is it too late?
If you wait until it's a full-blown dictatorship, will you even be able to leave the country?
If you're that concerned about it happening, should you be making plans to leave before it goes full-blown
Yeah, this is a fair question, which is...
All right, pause.
Back it up five seconds.
I'm not going to edit this.
I want you to hear it in its congruency.
They admit, and I've played the clips from the Davos group, the UN, all of it,
that it's a world ID where you won't be able to travel or leave your house,
quote, one half foot, if you don't have the vaccine passport.
And I have a whole stack of articles I'll show you about that.
And they're saying that Republicans are the ones that passed the law to put kill switches in all the cars, which is now law.
The Republicans are horrible, weak, pathetic, cowardly folks on average.
I don't like them.
But they're not the people in the driver's seat like the Democrats.
And imagine, though, this fear porn.
The Trump supporters are going to have a dictatorship.
Are you kidding?
George Soros has got almost every district attorney and attorney general under his control.
And you sit there and act like you're not the establishment.
That is a lie on its face.
continue with this garbage.
This is a fair question, which is like if things completely changed overnight in the US and all of a sudden
no one was allowed to leave, the plan of saying I will stay if and until it gets really bad
doesn't work because if it got so bad you wouldn't be allowed to leave. I don't...
You know what, when we talk about the Canadian political scientists who said the US
could be- Yeah, back it up five seconds.
No, exactly.
No, no.
Let's say it.
You've got the media.
You've got the universities.
You've got the military.
You've got the banks.
You've got Hollywood.
And you're like, hey, don't worry.
You don't need to leave.
We're raping America really good.
We got drag queen story time going on, okay?
We got devaluation of the dollar.
We got Cloward and Pivot.
We're gutting this bitch.
We're revolutionaries.
We're alpha males.
We're going to screw this country like a tad Billy Goat.
That's a little translation.
The exhilaration of joining with evil, the exhilaration of joining with the UN, the exhilaration of joining with Klaus Schwab, the exhilaration of you're a team player.
You get lots of money now.
Let's continue.
could be a dictatorship by 2030 or whatever else the case may be.
I believe that it would be a continued slow slide in that direction.
And I am counting on the...
More projection, that's what they're doing to us.
...that I would have time to get out if such a time came.
Now, if it's so slow that the frog doesn't realize it's getting burned, right?
Total protection.
Would I know when it's time to leave?
These are all fair questions, but I don't think it would be like an overnight, no more questions.
So they're doing this to us, classical corporate takeover, censorship, debanking, arrest, tyranny, collapsing, and then he's talking about them as victims.
Talk about, talk about a fantasy, talk about a simulation.
He's in his own, but he knows it's not a simulation.
He loves this.
For his little groveling followers that actually drink this Kool-Aid.
Let's continue.
But maybe some people in the audience have a different perspective.
On the bonus show today, we will talk about the 5G... Oh, that's enough.
Oh, the bonus show where you want to make money, but everybody else that makes money to fund themselves is bad.
If I was telling my children who not to be, it's that guy.
I mean, he's a disgrace.
And I don't say that like, God, I feel good about myself.
No, he makes me feel pathetic.
Look at those eyes, man.
That dude is gone, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank your lucky stars every day you're not Dave Pakman.
Look at that. That is a fricking predator right there.
Who thinks he's smarter than you, thinks he's better than you, and he's gonna beat you, he thinks.
No, Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, they're all smarter than you, big man.
Because you know, they've played both sides, but now they know who's going to win.
You're on the wrong side of history.
And I'm so sorry for what's going to happen to you by your own decisions.
But he's an archetype, a sample out of the fetid latrine or cesspool that is the system Is that's the vanguard, that's the stay-behind network, that's the scorched earth leavings they've got as the globalists back off to armored fortresses and dig into their underground bases, literally.
You think the people that have the underground bases call up people like Pac-Man?
Pac-Man never talked to the New World Order.
Pac-Man never got tried to get hired by the Kissinger Group.
Because Pac-Man's a loser.
He's a sellout.
He's not a real man.
He's not a knight at the round table.
He didn't actually have a real discussion with the power structure he worships.
See, I said no to the evil power structure.
Not because I was a hero, but because I had God.
I had a connection to the infinite.
I knew this was a failure.
This was not good.
I didn't join with God and justice because I was a good person.
I did it because I had discernment and wanted to be with God.
Mr. Pac-Man is not with God.
And he is everything you don't want to be.
Alright, I'm done talking about him.
I got a clip here I want to play that is important.
Listen to this.
The Canadian broadcasting company, state-run, controlled by Trudeau, says that without any evidence, the Russians are in control of the trucker convoy.
You know, they don't want to take forced injections of an mRNA experimental shot.
They don't want to stay locked up in their houses until they can't have their neighbors over.
They don't want to live under martial law.
So, because they want freedom, the Russians are in control.
That's right.
Because, see, the globalists know their weaknesses.
They're a foreign multinational corporate takeover.
It's like, well, we're a foreign takeover.
What do we do?
Well, Jones is trying to expose Klaus Schwab at the UN takeover.
People could galvanize against us.
We'll just say it's the Russians.
Because we're all Chinese agents on the globalist side, you know what they're saying.
So let's just say we're Russians.
Because the Russians don't have their act together.
We can bully them again.
And that's it.
So here's...
The CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting System Company, telling you, the Russians!
That's right, when you stand out in the cold and you drive your truck and do all this, you didn't do that yourself!
The Russians were in control of your mind!
Here it is.
Given Canada's support of Ukraine in this current crisis with Russia, I don't know if it's far-fetched to ask, but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows, but perhaps even instigating it from the outset.
Well, again, I'm going to defer to our partners in the public safety, the trained officials and experts in that area.
So that's like saying little green men from Mars could be doing it, or maybe unicorns are doing it, or maybe witches on brooms.
I mean, give me a break.
The Russians have the biggest country in the world.
They can't even run their own country.
They're under globalist attack.
But they're not giving in to the New World Order and the Hollywood pedophiles, and that's why the system's pissed.
So let me just warn everybody that serves this evil system.
The pedophile rings are getting exposed, your programs are going down, and nothing on Earth's gonna stop that.
Just know that.
I'm gonna end this transmission.
Who's hosting Saturday Night Live tonight, guys?
Owen, Owen the Cuck Destroyer Schroyer, It's going to cover Canadian truckers and the latest developments, world-rejecting globalism, and your phone calls for two hours straight with Sunday Live that exists in defiance of the New World Order.
Remember, we're not funded by Soros or Google.
We're funded by you.
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To Alex, thank you very much for putting the course together.
You're absolutely right.
We are reflections of God.
We are emanations of that.
And we can use that God energy to do really anything we want to do in this life.
Romans Chapter 12, Paul talks about how we're transformed by the renewing of our mind.
And that's a process.
Most of our thoughts and actions are subconscious.
Most people go through their day and don't think about many things.
You can drive along a long journey and not even remember half the trip.
In this process, we need to have a concerted, active effort, physically and mentally, to reprogram that subconscious mind.
That's what this series is about.
He's resetting our mind because there's a war on for our mind.
He's exactly right.
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And I encourage everybody out there, if you haven't gone there yet, go to ResetWars.com.
That's where your journey begins.
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