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Name: 20220121_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 21, 2022
2201 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as vaccinations, child poverty, upcoming election, potential conflict with Russia over Ukraine, and misinformation. He criticizes the government's handling of issues and promotes InfoWars products. The podcast also addresses the COVID-19 situation around the world, including mandates in different states and countries, lockdowns, masking of children, and Kamala Harris laughing at the Biden administration's failure to shut down the virus. The host criticizes the Australian government for approving a vaccine mandate for adults and Quebec's reintroduction of curfews affecting vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals alike. They promote InfoWars products such as vitamin C, zinc supplements, organic whole food multivitamin, and emergency food supplies at discounted prices. The Infowars online store also sells Knockout, an organic sleep aid supplement at a 40% discount and promotes satellite phone deals.

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You think pushing Russia into the arms of China is going to be a good idea, as the U.S.
is weakening on the world stage?
Nobody takes the U.S.
seriously right now.
Joe Biden is our illegitimate, daughtering, perverted, corrupt president.
We send drag queens into schools to read to kids, pedophile drag queens into schools to read to kids.
We have racial division, left and right, being promoted by our media and our politicians.
I mean, I can go on and on and on.
Countries don't take us seriously.
We're a joke.
Russia looks at the U.S.
as weak.
China looks at the U.S.
as weak.
And we've become weak!
Look at what we've done to the kids!
Look at who we have in the White House!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
After a year with only one press conference to his credit, while previous presidents had dozens by now,
and a damning report on Biden spending a quarter of his presidential time in Delaware,
Biden mumbled through a nearly two-hour press conference.
Did everything get right?
And by the way, the idea whether we... anyway.
That was as monotonous as it was a chock full of fantastical misinformation.
We're going to stick with our vaccination efforts because vaccinations work.
So get vaccinated, please.
And get your booster.
There's no evidence right now that healthy children or healthy adolescents need boosters.
No evidence at all.
There's no evidence right now that healthy children or healthy adolescents need boosters.
No evidence at all.
Child poverty dropped by nearly 40%, the biggest drop ever in American history.
And for the first time in a long time, this country's working people actually got a raise.
Actually got a raise.
People, the bottom 40 percent, saw their income go up the most of all the categories.
Do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will
be legitimate?
Well, it all depends on, uh...
Whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election.
I'm not saying it's going to be legit.
The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these These reforms passed.
Biden's total disdain and neglect for the American people and their economic and national security was just as evident as the laser focus of the oncoming proxy war with Russia.
Russia will be held accountable.
If it invades, and it depends on what it does.
It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, etc.
A potential mass casualty event that Biden's handlers are stoking rather than diminishing in order to create a major distraction for the rest of Biden's doomed presidency and its failing globalist agenda.
Russia is already working actively to create a pretext For a potential invasion.
For a move on Ukraine.
In fact, we have information that they've prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct what we call a false flag operation.
When I would talk about false flags 20 years ago, the media said that doesn't exist.
Well, it got declassified by WikiLeaks that the Army teaches Green Beret Captains and up how to stage false flags.
So I can assure you that in all of military history, staging stuff to blame your enemy is the bread and the butter when you want to force multiply a bunch of people.
In real time, Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, just sent out this tweet.
We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations.
Just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones, I say this as the president of a great power.
Uh, the President has conveyed directly to President Putin, if there is a movement of any military troops across the border, that is an invasion.
Uh, if they go in, that is an invasion and there will be severe economic consequences.
Russia was founded in Ukraine and in Eastern Ukraine and They see it being taken, and their main pipelines into Europe being taken, and it's very strategic.
The Russians came from Ukraine.
It's the house they were born in, and they're being told it's not theirs, that it belongs to Joe Biden's son?
The groundwork's being laid, and you can see the pre-signs of a false flag, and yeah, they're telling you now that we're already at war with Russia.
And within the middle of this month, the middle of next month, it's going to start and Putin's going in.
Because they know they're not going to stop.
They're expanding NATO.
They're expanding color revolutions all over the place.
They've got operatives all over the former Soviet Union.
And you're going to see an attempted overthrow of the Russian government very, very soon.
The Russians put their nuclear subs on alert.
They announced the world three weeks ago, they launched them and they've got them all around the U.S. coastlines.
We're like, well, we got more than them. We'll kill them better.
Yeah, great. They've only got 20,000 warheads and we've got 50,000 warheads.
This is wonderful. Let's kill everybody.
After the fog cleared, Biden's attempt to address the American people with two hours of lies, bluster and
arrogance only served to reveal that we were much better off when the
out of touch zombie president known as Joe Biden was hiding in his basement.
John Bowne reporting.
And you can find that report at Band.Video.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor to be here with you on this Friday, January 21st, 2022, filling in for Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
We may be hearing from Alex at some point in time during the broadcast.
But I got the call to come in and host today, maybe about an hour and a half ago, and I'm already doing all my prep work for the War Room that I host, 3 to 6 p.m., pretty much as soon as I'm off air.
So, I mean, even by the morning time, I've already got an idea of what I'm going to be covering on the War Room, and what the news is and everything, and then obviously as the day goes on, things change.
I sat down today at the Alex Jones desk and I was going through all of Alex's news, and I mean, we are just living in the most insane times to be alive and conscious on this planet.
I mean, it's hard to fathom that the entire planet, because of technology and communication, is shrinking us now.
It's hard to imagine that an entire planet has ever been in such a state of complete lunacy, nonsensical, illogical behavior.
And I kind of step back from it and disassociate with it, and I suggest you do too for this exercise that I want to do here before we get into the news because I'm watching the news last night, and I've got all the monitors in front of me, and on one of the monitors, it's Nancy Pelosi looking like a soul-sucked ghoul.
On another monitor, it's Joe Biden looking like a soul-sucked ghoul.
On another monitor, it's Chuck Schumer looking like a soul-sucked ghoul.
And then on the other monitor, it's Jen Psaki looking like a soul-sucked ghoul.
And it just kind of hit me.
I mean, if you draw yourself back, you really have to admire... I mean, if this was actually a movie, you know, maybe this is all just the Truman Show or something.
If this was all just a movie, you got to hand it to the directors and the casting agents, because, I mean, The evildoers of this planet and the evildoers of this country, I mean, they are just cast to perfection.
It's really incredible, isn't it?
George Soros looks like a soul-sucked ghoul.
It's just, it's really unbelievable.
And you're like, you're watching this movie and you're like, okay, that's the bad guy.
That's the bad guy.
You're like, oh yeah, that's definitely the bad guy.
Wow, this movie's really good.
They did a great job scripting this.
They did a great job casting this.
Yeah, that guy, Pennywise Stelter, man, he just, whew.
Yeah, he looks like the kind of guy you'd never trust.
Yeah, these phony, lying, crooked politicians, man, whoever scripted them, they deserve an award.
But then you look at Kamala Harris cackling the American psycho Gavin Newsom.
Plastic-faced freak Gretchen Whitmer.
Pencil-necked dork Adam Schiff.
Crooked-nosed, weak-kneed, chicken-necked Merrick Garland.
Penguin Jerry Nadler.
Oh Jerry!
Jerry, there's a pretty good chance that Jerry Nadler and Joe Biden have both crapped their britches in the calendar year 2022.
So that's what I'm saying is it's really just incredible.
But then you look at the fallen around us that fall for their lies and buy into all of it.
Are they part of the script?
Are they part of the movie?
Are they actually duped?
Do they eventually come around?
And there was that clip that went viral of a young girl on Good Morning Britain.
You may have seen it, I don't know, it might even be on my video list.
And she's on the news program and they're talking about what it's been like to be a student during all the COVID insanity and the mass mandates and the vaccine mandates.
And she just starts breaking down and crying on television, like, why did you do this to us?
Why did you do this to us?
This was so bad for us.
This was so evil.
We'll never get it back.
We'll never recover.
You've ruined our lives.
And anybody would have seen that coming.
Everybody would have seen that coming.
Everybody saw this coming.
But then there were the people that went along with it.
Then there were the people that enacted it.
Then there were the people that celebrated it.
Then there were the people that rubbed their hands together, smirking and grinning, thinking about how much more power and money they were gonna have.
Yeah, there it is.
The government has ruined our lives.
British student blasts COVID abuse.
But see, that's really what it all comes down to.
God, that damn government.
Why is it always governments Why is it always governments that are enacting such evil and doing such evil things and torturing people and ruining people's lives and harassing people and then it's crooks and freaks like Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi that we're putting up with?
And then they look at an Alex Jones, or an Owen Schroer, or an InfoWars, or this audience, and they just seethe.
They seethe that we're on air.
They seethe that we would dare tell the truth about them.
And so they send their goons after us, and they send their censors after us, and they think, wow!
Why aren't they scared of us?
With all the intimidation and threats and shutdowns and censorship and debunking and everything we've done to try to ruin their lives and torture them and put them in misery, why don't they stop?
Why do they keep telling the truth about us?
Because you're damn demons!
You have no power!
You always hear... I mean, again, talk about a soul-sucked demon, Maxine Waters.
You always hear Maxine Waters with her big mouth, fish, bass mouth.
I speak truth to power!
I speak truth to power!
Truth to power!
I speak truth to power!
With my husband making hundreds of millions of dollars because of secret bank deals that I cut.
By the way, go out there and harass Trump supporters.
There's a domestic terrorist!
No, no, no, no, no!
When the Democrats call for violence, when the Democrats enact violence, promote violence, bail out rioters, they're heroes!
364 days of the year, the Democrats are pro-riot.
Can you guess which day they're not?
364 days of the year the Democrats are anti-police.
Can you guess which day they're not?
So you really gotta give it to the script writers, you really gotta give it to the casting agents, you really gotta give it to the screenplay and the dialogue because, wow, I mean seriously, you nailed it.
And maybe that's kind of God and Satan maybe kind of working together, like, yeah, Satan's like, yeah, I'm going to recruit the most ugly, diabolical demon people I can have.
Of course I am.
I want them to look ugly and fallen like me.
And we don't like beauty and we don't like humans and we certainly don't want to see their smiles.
So we're going to cover those faces up and make them breathe their own carbon emissions.
But you know what?
Here's what I'm starting to see.
I'm starting to see people waking up to all of it.
I'm starting to see people lashing out against it.
I'm starting to see people start to understand what's going on.
Because they really bought the lie.
You know, 15 days to slow the spread, or get the vaccine and we'll be back to normal, or just wear the mask for a short period of time, or just do this, or just do that.
And now, but people are finally realizing, okay.
I was lied to the whole time about COVID.
I was lied to the whole time about masks.
I was lied to a whole time about lockdowns.
People are now realizing they were lied to about Biden.
I was lied to about Biden.
I was lied to about the 2020 election.
So the entire house of cards the globalists have built to collapse on us is collapsing.
But we're running out right now.
We're abandoning ship of this.
And it's going to collapse on them, but it's not going to be pretty in the process.
I'm going to get into some of this news.
We got guests coming up today as well.
I plan on taking calls.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in.
You know, I'm encouraged when I go on to Band.Video and I see dozens of new channels with new contributors doing great work.
I'm encouraged when I see people out on the streets rallying and protesting against the mandates peacefully from New York to California, from Texas to Michigan, and I'm extremely relieved, or I don't even know what the word would be, when I'm out and I'm talking to somebody that talks just like me and understands what's going on just like me but has never even heard of InfoWars.
That means people are waking up.
That means they're getting this information elsewhere, which is a good thing because we're censored everywhere.
But if the information still gets out, that's all that matters.
And so people are getting it.
Biden is a complete failure.
The press conference on Wednesday was just absolutely pathetic.
They can't hide it anymore.
All the people following Biden are just ugly, spiritually, soul-sucked.
Doesn't even matter what they physically look like.
You can just look it into their eyes.
They're just, they're not there.
There's an anti-human spirit behind those eyes.
Jen Psaki, a perfect example.
But what would you expect?
Someone to go up on a podium and lie for two hours every day to Protect a corrupt American political regime?
Yeah, I mean, you gotta have an anti-human spirit to do that.
That's not... People that like humans and truth and justice and freedom and liberty?
Yeah, you're not going to... No, you can't have somebody like that be your press secretary if you're Joe Biden.
Oh, this is hilarious.
Saki says Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine by Lockheed Martin.
Oh, by stock!
That's them telling you, by stock, we're gonna try to foment a war, or we're gonna fearmonger over a war.
But here's the thing, Biden's not gonna do anything.
Here's what you need to really look out for.
Guys, when do the Beijing Olympics start?
It's pretty soon, I think.
I think it may even be within a month, maybe?
China's not going to move into Taiwan before the Olympics, or do if they have any plans for Hong Kong.
It's not going to happen before the Olympics.
And I don't think Russia would make a move before the Olympics either.
And they've built up troops and stuff on borders before, and it's led to nothing.
So there's just a lot of fear porn in the media.
There's a lot of Lockheed Martin propaganda wanting you to buy stock, and their stockholders wanting you to buy stock to boost their stock so they can make more gobs of money.
But Biden's not going to do anything.
Ukraine has blackmail on him.
Russia has blackmail on him.
Our military leaders are Milley and Austin.
I mean, you might as well have a turd sandwich.
So it's all posturing.
It's all puffing out the chest.
And hey, I've got polls today and it's a good thing.
Americans don't want to intervene in Russia.
Americans don't want to intervene in Ukraine.
They don't want anything to do with that.
Yeah, we're sick of foreign wars.
We're sick of burying, not even burying, we're sick of losing our treasure and blood on foreign entanglements that do nothing for our country.
So yeah, I don't want anything to do with Russia.
Oh, but Biden has got to be tough.
I'll stand against Russia, the Russian boogeyman.
And you see commentators, liberal commentators say, Tucker Carlson has gone completely, he's a, he's a Russia-phile, he loves Putin, he, how is this possible?
Russia, the boogeyman, the worst thing ever, oh my gosh!
It's like, oh, oh, because I don't want to sit here with some sort of 1980s, Cold War, foreign policy or, or view of Russia?
That's ridiculous.
You think pushing Russia into the arms of China is going to be a good idea as the U.S.
is weakening on the world stage?
Nobody takes the U.S.
seriously right now.
Joe Biden is our illegitimate, doddering, perverted, corrupt president.
We send drag queens into schools to read to kids, pedophile drag queens into schools to read to kids.
We have racial division left and right being promoted by our media and our politicians.
I mean, I can go on and on and on.
Countries don't take us seriously.
We're a joke.
Russia looks at the U.S.
as weak.
China looks at the U.S.
as weak.
And we've become weak!
Look at what we've done to the kids!
Look at who we have in the White House!
But let me just stop right there, because I'm just waxing here, and I need to get to this news, and I want to play this video.
Here's the video I was talking about.
Where the British student is on Good Morning Britain and she starts crying saying that everybody that was imposing COVID mandates and COVID lockdowns and all this stuff has ruined our lives.
Of course, that was the whole point.
They wanted to ruin your lives.
These are sick people.
These are psychotic, demonic people that went along with all of this and promoted it and celebrated it.
And see how gleeful they were as they did it?
They watch this little girl cry on the news and that makes them feel good inside, like, I just ruined her life.
So here she is, the video's gone viral.
A young British student says they ruined our lives because of COVID.
Obviously this comes as a brilliant bit of happiness for me.
I don't actually think I can stop smiling when I'm talking.
It's about time.
Obviously, you just said earlier, the one that makes me the happiest is the face masks in schools.
There was zero evidence for those face masks to be in schools.
There have been studies that show that because of the types of face masks that we, because I'm going to say we, because I was in schools when all of these policies were enacted, the face masks that we would have, are not medical grade
face masks, therefore they would make no difference to transmission.
But what I found out when I was in the classroom, and most commentators have never been allowed to speak on this
because they quite frankly didn't experience it, so you can hear it from me the first.
There were teachers that were sitting there that would, you know, be yelling at the poor Year 7s about their face masks
more than they would be teaching them.
Those shy kids that would sit at the back of the class that would never speak, it was a massive barrier to them to impact their learning.
They were already terrified, didn't want to speak out, and now they've got another barrier to engaging their learning.
Communication problems were impossible.
I'm going to be honest with you, most of the time when we were in school we took them off because we couldn't hear each other.
He couldn't hear us, we couldn't hear them.
You're in schools to learn, and the damage that they have done to my generation has been unbelievable.
Like, I sat there in August... The damage what's done?
That they've done to the rest of our lives, to our education.
I sat there in August and literally watched my future crumble in front of my eyes.
And why?
Well, they cancelled my exams, so I got my exams cancelled once, went back and thought, no, you know what, this is not on, I'm not getting screwed over by the algorithm, I'm better than this.
Got there, they cancelled them again, and I thought, Nothing I can do anymore, so I...
This makes me so angry.
It literally ruined our lives.
And nobody spoke about it at all.
And the commentators, they had union reps come on and say, this is what the school should have put in place.
And they didn't care about what this did to us.
And this is the first time I've ever spoken about it on TV because I knew that I'd cry about it.
But I literally watched and felt like my entire life was falling apart.
Because of what this government did to young people and nobody cares.
Not one person has cared about children in this pandemic.
They think, oh, let's throw... Why are we putting masks on them when people can go to football stadiums and they can go to theatres and play?
Nadim Zahawi's sitting there at the Teaching Awards with no mask and yet we're disrespecting kids.
This pandemic will finish the damage this has done for us is forever.
You know, I am proud of this audience, I am proud of this crew, and I'm just proud today because you know what?
We stood against this evil from day one.
We stood against this evil and we called out this evil since day one and we have been vindicated yet again.
You know, the world wants America to be strong and prosperous.
It's the globalists that don't because then they can't exist in a free market system.
Or a republic.
It will reject their poison.
So the free market must be crushed.
The republic must be crushed in order for the New World Order to take over and the One World Government to be cemented into place.
But Putin and Xi see the US as weak.
They see strategically how their two countries being allied would work to empower both of them, and the American media is so pathetic that they don't even see what's going on.
They're so high on the fumes of their own flatulence that they can't even see what's going on, and that they're a joke.
And they really feel Strong and powerful because they forced Biden into us and and They got Trump out of there and that makes them feel good, and they don't even care they're Cutting off their nose to spite their face But I'm gonna stop right there.
I'm gonna get some of this news some of these video clips We have Ezra Ezra Levant coming up from rebel news in Canada in 30 minutes as well but Every time I talk to somebody who's in the trucking industry, or every time I talk to somebody who has some sort of role in the supply chain, they tell me the same thing.
They say, Yeah, you've seen the empty shelves.
You've seen the consumer price index.
This is just beginning.
They're not relinquishing.
They're lying when they're saying they're getting more people to the California ports.
They're lying when they're saying they're working, you know, long days.
They're stopping people from working long days.
They're stopping truckers from working long days.
A lot of people are still trying to do COVID mandates.
Now, I hope that it stops, and I hope we can get our economy humming again, but With the Democrats and Biden in the White House, it's not looking good.
This is economic sabotage.
So, people are starting to think about emergency food supplies when they go to the grocery store and see empty shelves.
And that's why we've decided to take 10% off all emergency food right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
10% off all emergency food supplies right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
So, we've got all kinds of different options.
As far as supply is concerned, there's three months, six months, a year, two years.
There's protein kits, and breakfast kits, and vegetable kits, and all these other different kits you can buy.
All of it is 10% off right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
You know, I hope it's something that, you know, you never have to use, right?
You buy emergency food, you say, alright, I've got this insurance, I hope I never need it.
But boy oh boy, you'd much rather be in that situation than the other, which is, mm, I wish I had emergency food right now, because by then it will be too late.
10% off store-wide at InfoWarsTore.com, all emergency food supplies.
All right, let's start looking at some of this news.
But let me kind of start it off with this, and we'll have to come back to this with Ezra, but this is Justin Trudeau in clip one here, guys, because what do leftists or liberals or anybody do when they're losing an argument?
What is the lowest common denominator?
Well, it's the insult, it's the attack, it's the, you're a racist, you're a homophobe, you're a this, you're a that, because they've lost the intellectual argument They've lost the philosophical argument, they have no logic, so they just go to name-calling, and, oh, you don't want the vaccine mandates?
Well, you're a racist now, don't you see?
That's how it works.
Here's Justin Trudeau, I guess, making that his public messaging now, is anybody that doesn't want a vaccine is a racist.
We all know people who are a little bit hesitant.
We will continue to try to convince them, but there are also people who are fiercely against vaccination.
They are extremists.
We don't believe in science.
They're misogynists and racist.
It's a small group that muscles in.
We have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country.
Do we tolerate these people?
Do we say, hey, most of the Quebeckies are 80% vaccinated?
We want to come back to do things like we are doing.
It's not those people, the vaccinated, who are blocking it.
We want to come back to do things like we are doing.
It's not those people, the vaccinated, who are blocking it.
It's the unvaccinated.
So there you go.
There's your tyrant Trudeau, who wants to be like Xi Jinping,
where in Canada they run propaganda where kids brag about they'll call on mommy
or call on daddy if they don't take the vaccine.
And they have live studio audiences, and the show host says, what will you do if you see that mommy won't take the vaccine?
And the kid says, I will call the police!
And then they say, good job!
And the crowd cheers.
Good little Nazi!
Hitler would be proud!
The Hitler Youth!
But now it's official policy for Justin Trudeau, if you don't take the vaccine, you're a terrorist, you're a racist, you're a misogynist, and it's your fault we can't get back to normal.
Now who would actually fall for that BS?
Only the dumbest people in any civilization would ever fall for such BS.
They shut down the economy, they put in all the mandates, and then they say, it's this person that's causing the lockdown, it's this person that's doing the mandates, it's this person that's ruining things.
No, it's you!
It's like I always see, it's the way the American media covers it.
Because of the pandemic, because of COVID, this, that, the other thing.
No, that's all because of the government.
A virus didn't shut down schools.
A virus didn't make me wear a mask.
A pandemic didn't shut down the economy.
The government did.
The government did.
The government did all of this.
Not a virus.
But you'll still hear the news coverage.
COVID shuts down schools.
COVID makes you wear masks.
The pandemic has done this.
No, it was all the government that did it.
And then you have the idiots that believe it, and you have the idiots that report it.
And I've been putting this off, and so I'm glad it's on the desk here today.
I'm glad that we're covering it at InfoWars and it's on the National File and other places with the tweets.
Peter Daszak worked for CIA.
EcoHealth Alliance is a CIA front organization.
Claims Dr. Andrew Huff, EcoHealth Alliance Associate Vice President Dr. Andrew Huff, recently claimed that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, who conducted gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, told him he was working for the Central Intelligence Agencies.
And it was last week That Dr. Andrew Huff went on his Twitter account and said that he believed Peter Daszak was working for the CIA and that EcoHealth Alliance was a CIA front and that Daszak would brag about this.
And you know, you kind of see Peter Daszak at these Events where he talks about the gain-of-function research and he talks about making a bat virus more contagious and everything else that they do the spillover research and you can tell you know He's kind of a useful idiot type Probably not you know a blood-lusting eugenicist but just kind of a useful idiot who's smart enough to do research like this, but dumb enough not to see how it's being used for evil and
So he thinks he's a big deal, like, oh wow, like, I'm working with Fauci, I'm doing gain-of-function, like, this is cool, we're in China working with the Chinese military, wow!
And then he's on the phone with CIA and he goes and tells Dr. Huff, like, yeah, oh, the CIA wants to talk to me now too, the CIA wants to do work, and it's like, wow, you're that dumb that you fell for all that and thought you were doing a good thing, but apparently he did and now he's just saying all of it.
So is Peter Daszak going to be called to testify in front of a congressional committee or anybody under oath about gain-of-function research that he bragged about in the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
And then maybe also give him an ask, did you ever have any contact with the CIA?
Because a former partner of yours, Dr. Andrew Huff, Says you claimed to.
But I'm sure our government is not concerned about that.
Our Congress isn't concerned about that.
They've got to find a way to make sure people can vote without a photo ID or without even being a citizen.
Democrats are filibustering.
And then on the other side of the Capitol building, motioning to remove the filibuster.
Or how sickening is our Justice Department that is using its full force to go after U.S.
citizens while terrorists literally come into this country and hold people hostage and kill people and you've got mad scientists running around creating viruses in labs that escape or are released intentionally And our Justice Department is too busy trying to find a veteran who waved an American flag on January 6th.
And our media is more concerned with that, too.
Meanwhile, you just had record crime rates in dozens of metropolitan cities in the United States, all run by Democrats.
Twelve of them broke homicide records.
Not interested in that.
No, we gotta stop those parents from having a say in what their children are taught in schools.
We're gonna go after them.
We're gonna call them terrorists.
And we gotta stop those flag-waving American patriot Trump supporters, too.
They're getting a little uppity, you know, with their free speech.
We gotta stop that.
So will Peter Daszak ever have to answer, why were you bragging about gain-of-function research with COVID-19 in a Wuhan Institute of Virology lab with the Chinese Communist military?
And why were you bragging to your partner Dr. Huff about being a CIA front?
Will Daszak ever have to answer those questions?
Will the American media ever ask those questions?
Boy oh boy, we're really seeing some tyranny, aren't we?
New York Police Department arrests nine-year-old girl and five others for entering Museum of Natural History without Vax Passport.
But don't worry, you can't go in unless you show your papers!
Show me your papers!
And when you get in there, You won't be able to see the statue of Teddy Roosevelt because that got removed because, you know, he's a white guy.
And we can't have white guys in the American History Museum.
That's, huh, not whitey.
Slowly but surely.
Now, here's a former partner of Bill Gates, virologist Dr. Green Vandenbosch.
And here he is in clip 11.
Covid vaccines are growing, new variants inside vaxxed bodies, claims Gates-backed doctor.
Let's go to that clip right now, clip 11.
It's at risk of inducing autoimmune responses, autoimmunity in children.
That's why I'm saying never ever use a vaccine that cannot block transmission when you are on the battlefield.
If you have a vaccine that cannot Prevent the transmission.
You cannot control this pandemic.
The virus will escape.
You cannot win this.
It's impossible.
So in other words, with this mass vaccination, you're doing exactly the opposite.
You are generating a breeding ground for even more infectious variants to replicate.
Scientifically, there is no rational whatsoever to vaccinate children.
Now he has been saying that, he has been saying this for over a year guys, you can go ahead
and pull it down.
Dr. Green Vandenbosch, or Gert Vandenbosch has been saying that for over a year.
We've been saying that for over a year.
We've had other doctors on who have said that for over a year.
And we're at a point now where probably 90% of vaccinated people have gotten COVID at
least once.
Maybe even 100%.
Everybody I know that's been vaccinated has gotten sick with COVID.
So, that's their wake-up call.
That the vaccine didn't work and they were lied to.
But then there's the follow-up to that.
Which is, you know what?
I want to get back to normal.
I don't want to live in fear anymore.
I don't want to live in fear of government tyranny with the mandates, and I don't want to live in fear over a virus that I've now caught twice and I'm perfectly fine.
And so, it's going both ways.
Some governments are pushing harder with the mandates, others are relinquishing.
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, proof of vaccine requirement starts today.
MDH announces new app to provide proof of vaccine.
And it's a 40-day mandate.
Restaurants, bars, other places that serve food and drinks in Minneapolis and St.
Paul will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative test within 72 hours.
Even though the tests don't work.
You were lied to about all of it.
But hey, you know what?
We told the truth.
And I'm proud of us for telling the truth.
And now everybody's waking up to the lies that they've been told.
And, you know, whether they like InfoWars or hate InfoWars or agree with our politics, it really doesn't matter.
We're the ones that are telling the truth.
We're the ones that have been spot on about COVID and the vaccines.
And so now they realize, yeah, you know what?
I may have thought those InfoWars guys were kooks and maybe I didn't really like Trump and they kind of Did, but boy, they were right about that vaccine.
They were right about COVID.
Maybe we should start listening to them more often.
Federal court issues nationwide pause on Biden's federal employee vaccine mandate.
And actually, I think it was the Supreme Court today, they did something with the vaccine
Basically, it's just totally failing.
It's just at every level, Biden's vaccine mandate is taking the L.
But then you have Democrat local government saying, no, we're still going to do the mandates, like in California or Minnesota.
Or look at Virginia, where Yunkin bans mandates.
This is just, it's just the weirdest thing.
We're banning mandates now.
You could just get rid of the mandate, but they're banning mandates.
Well, yeah, I mean, I guess you have to ban mandates, because, you know, you never know when a Democrat's gonna come in and mandate something next.
So, Yunkin bans the mask mandate, bans vaccine mandates, and then you had, like, seven Virginia school districts run by Democrats say, we don't care if the law says we can't make kids wear a mask, we're gonna do it anyway.
And then you see the sick, disgusting footage of teachers, I've seen this twice, at least, A student isn't wearing the mask properly.
One time I think the child had like a learning disability.
I mean that's how evil these liberal teachers are.
And the kid's not wearing his mask properly and so she goes and grabs him and literally duct tapes it to his face.
I mean that person should be fired immediately and probably institutionalized.
Parents outraged over photo of teacher taping mask to child's face.
Who do you think she votes for?
Where do you think her political ideology lies?
Fired and institutionalized immediately.
But we don't live in the same country.
So she's back in the classroom torturing students again today, I'm sure.
Kamala Harris laughs when asked why Biden administration has failed to shut down the virus.
Yeah, remember Biden promised he'd shut down the virus.
He also promised he'd cure cancer.
Remember that one?
Biden promised he'd cure cancer.
The media isn't even holding his feet to the fire on that one.
He can't cure cancer.
He can't even stop a virus from spreading.
Not that he could anyway.
Not that we expected him to.
But oh, Kamala Harris just cackles and laughs because she's a clown, she's a joker, she can't answer any real questions.
I mean, seriously, in the history of this country, there has never been a bigger clown act, a bigger clown show, a bigger embarrassment, a bigger failure, a bigger joke than Biden-Harris.
Joe Biden is a big joke, a big New World Order joke, forced upon us to show us as a physical representation to the world That you're dead, you're dying, you have corrupt old leadership.
It's over for you.
You're a joke.
And then there's Harris, who's just a clueless bimbo.
So it's just, the whole thing is just a joke.
I'm ready for the joke to end.
I don't know about you.
But hey, the Czech Republic apparently is more free than the US, as they have abandoned all COVID mandates.
It looks like a science fiction dystopian film.
But it's the real world, little girls playing with baby dolls, putting their face masks on.
I mean, you realize how much of a joke it is when Alex purchased this Little Buddies face mask.
I don't know where he got it, but it's a Little Buddies.
It's for your kid to wear a face mask.
Oh, look, it's fun!
It's got a little animal!
I mean, it's just, you know, it's like a triple-layered thing.
There's no way you can even breathe through this thing.
It's like suffocating your child with a pillow.
But it's your little buddy!
It's your face mask!
And then the kids think that that's normal, so then they play with baby dolls, putting face masks on their baby dolls.
Now they're gonna grow up thinking to torture their newborns.
And then on the back of your little buddy, It says, do not sleep in little buddy's mask.
Oh, I wonder why.
And it says, if you have difficulty breathing while wearing your little buddy, remove it immediately.
Oh, yes.
And then it's got like, even, even more so.
So the whole thing is already like a pillow or a stuffed animal to suffocate your child with.
But then you can even, look, they have a little added layer here if you want to shove another face mask into there.
Oh, yeah.
And then, oh, you got, yeah, your child just fainted.
But don't worry, it didn't get COVID.
I mean, what, what is this planet doing?
Oh yeah, the aliens have already came and went, folks.
They wanted nothing to do with us.
Australia approves COVID vaccine mandate for adults.
They think they have 75% vaccination rate right now amongst adults.
I guess they want a hundred.
Good medical fascism over there.
So, the mandates keep getting worse in the prison colony known as Australia.
Meanwhile, EU Parliament members call for freedom, end of COVID lockdown, censorship and discrimination.
So you're really starting to get the picture now.
It's kind of like at the beginning of Donald Trump running for office, where it was really obvious, OK, who's going to lie?
Who's going to be real?
Who's going to tell the truth about Trump?
Who's going to do what they're told and say what they're told to say about Trump?
You're kind of reaching that level with COVID.
So you still had some true believers, oh COVID, oh vaccines, all this stuff.
No, the true believers are now realizing they were lied to.
The true believers are now realizing that they were fooled.
And all these vaccinated people are getting sick.
It's like there's an Italian MEP, I don't have time to play this clip, but we can play it later, who's asking, he's like, I don't understand.
We vaccinated the country, we got 90% of people vaccinated, and we've got more COVID than ever.
What's going on?
The vaccines destroy your immune system, make you more likely to get COVID, and cause variants!
Just like all the health experts, doctors, and virologists that we've talked to in the last two years said it would, because that's the science.
That's the science.
Now, back to the U.S.
Overall COVID cases plunged by one-third in the U.S.
over the last 24 hours.
You know what I think this is about?
Because, folks, they still send out the notifications.
Our local government here in Austin still tells us the hospitals are overwhelmed.
Every week the hospitals are at 100% capacity, and every week now it's 200, 500%, 1,000% capacity.
My God, they're falling off the roofs.
They're falling off the rafters.
They're climbing up the windows to get to the hospitals in Austin.
It's crazy, is what they want you to believe.
Of course, they're all empty.
They always have been.
But the reason why I think these cases are going down is because people are just done playing.
They've already tested positive once, twice, three times.
They've already gotten one, two, three vaccines and they're still getting sick.
They're not dying from COVID.
Their friends aren't dying from COVID.
But they are getting vaccine side effects.
They are still getting COVID.
So I think this is just finally people done, people are finally just done playing COVID.
They're just, they're done.
Overall COVID cases plunge by one-third in U.S.
in 24 hours because people are done playing.
Ezra Levant from the Rebel News on the other side.
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Well, we have seen some terrifying stuff coming out of Nazi Germany.
I mean, excuse me, Trudeau's Canada.
Really scary stuff.
And we played the Trudeau clip where if you don't get a vaccine, you're a racist.
We played the clip where you have young kids.
Who are taught to call the police on their parents if they don't take a vaccine.
It's really disturbing.
Ezra Levant is with us from rebelnews.com up there stationed in Canada.
Ezra, give us the update as things are looking more dystopic whenever Trudeau talks or you see these wild psychotic leftists going on the media and just brainwashing their children.
What about the people though? I feel like people aren't buying this.
I feel like Canadians are sick of this.
What is kind of the balancing act right now in Canada with the tyrannical, corrupt leadership of Trudeau
and then the people that want to be free?
Well, I think there's a real divide.
It's, you know, a statistician would call it a bimodal distribution.
You have a group of people, you could call them contrarians, dissidents, skeptics, whatever you want to call them, that is more adamant and more resolved than ever.
But you have on the other side a group of Canadians who are obedient, passive, and scared.
And I think that Trudeau is emphasizing this polarization and division.
He's taken opinion polls and he believes that the group of Canadians who are obedient and passive is larger than the other group.
So he's decided to cast his lot in with them.
And as with any authoritarian, he needs a good scapegoat for things not going well.
As with any blue state governor, when things don't go the way they're supposed to, you need a scapegoat.
Trudeau is now blaming the unvaccinated.
He does interviews where he says, should we even tolerate them?
Should they even have rights?
He's already answered that question.
In Canada, it is illegal to board an airplane if you're not vaxxed.
It is illegal to board a train If you're not vaxxed.
It's illegal to board a ship if you're not vaxxed.
This is the second largest country in the world.
And these are public transit systems, correct?
Public and private.
So you cannot get on Air Canada if you are not vaxxed.
So like I say, this is the second largest country in the world.
You can't get around Canada.
You know, you could, you know, just stay in your neighborhood, but to stop anyone traveling Foreign or domestic.
It truly is so harsh, I think Americans would be shocked to know of it.
But that's not all.
The province of Quebec, which is where Trudeau himself is from, brought back its curfew.
They just lifted it again, but for the second time they had their curfew.
A curfew.
That's what children are subjected to by parents.
But this curfew was whether you were sick or healthy, whether you were vaccinated or not, Uh, treating innocent people like criminals.
And that's the crazy thing.
Is, I mentioned that group of Canadians who were passive and obedient.
The folks who brag about being triple-masked or whatever.
They're still being punished too.
They were still subject to the curfew in Quebec.
In Ontario, where things are locked down in various degrees.
So even if you're compliant, that doesn't buy your freedom.
It just shows what you're willing to put up with.
Now, let's talk about the truckers that are protesting the vaccine mandate.
They have been blocking traffic to and from the US-Mexico border.
And, you know, I've seen a lot of the videos, I'm sure you have too, where the truckers are warning like, hey, look.
We don't want to do this.
We don't want to see the supply chain shut down.
But this is a warning that you're not going to have food on your shelves.
You're not going to have supplies.
You're not going to be able to get anything.
Hospital equipment.
We're shutting it down because of this tyrannical mandate.
I stand with them.
I think they're doing the right thing.
But what is the current status on that?
Has there been any effort by Trudeau to stop the mandates to get the supply chains back up and rolling?
Well, it was very strange because he backtracked for one day.
And then he doubled down again.
Let me say two things.
I mentioned how Canada is so large a country.
That's obviously true.
We're also the most northern country when you look at us, you know, the geography here.
So where do we get our fruits and vegetables?
Where do we get a lot of our food, especially during the wintertime?
There are wheat fields in Canada and there are ranchers.
But a lot of it comes from the United States.
A lot of it by truck.
And so, you know, you got a cold country where you can't grow a lot of things in the winter, and you're gonna crack down on truckers?
And let me just throw this at you.
You know, if you want to make the case for someone working in a long-term care home or seniors home getting vaxxed, I may disagree with you, but I can understand why you're focused on those old folks' homes.
But other than someone who works in a lighthouse, I can't think of anyone who is more isolated, remote, than a long-distance trucker.
They're in the cab by themselves or maybe with their wife sometimes.
They drive together.
They often sleep in their own cab.
They fill up for gas on their own.
Like it really is a reclusive, isolated life.
And to insist that someone who's basically in their own box all day be jabbed for the
privilege of bringing you fruit and vegetables is purely punitive.
There is no science behind it.
There's no epidemiology.
There's no public health behind it.
It is purely about showing who's boss.
But as you can see, those truckers, maybe they've got a little bit of the dissident spirit in them.
And so far, this is the strongest protest in Canada yet.
And we salute them.
They're doing the right thing.
And really, it's the Canadian people that need to be now looking at Trudeau saying, hey, stop these mandates.
We want food on our shelves.
But you know, getting back to Trudeau, What is with this guy?
I mean, he's like a shell of a man.
He has the smiling face as he brings in the most dystopian tyranny that Canada's ever seen.
He says, oh, I locked down the government.
I shut things down, but I'm going to blame the unvaccinated.
And by the way, they're also racist and misogynist.
He says it all with a smile, but there's like, who is the man behind the Trudeau mask?
Who runs Trudeau?
How does this guy function on a daily basis?
He seems to be a nothing, but smiles as he brings tyranny to Canada.
Well, there's something sociopathic about him, and let me explain what I mean by that.
He dresses in blackface.
You know what I mean by that.
He gets shoe polish or whatever, makes his face black.
Literally multiple times.
So many times that when a reporter asked him, he said, you know, can you narrow it down to like the closest ten?
How many times have you done that?
that he said it was so many times he lost track. He did it in three different decades.
He actually has a kit, like a, you know, sometimes you might have like a trunk with old Halloween
costumes. He has like a kit, a blackface kit, and he would break it out.
That was his move.
And he did that in three decades of his life.
As a teenager, in his twenties, and in his thirties.
So this was not some one-off gaffe.
This was like if you had a special trick.
If you knew how to juggle.
Or if you were a great, I don't know, whistler or something.
This was his party trick.
So the guy who does blackface so many times, he can't even count, is saying you're racist.
If you don't get vaxxed.
Trudeau admitted to sexually assaulting a young woman named Rose Knight in Creston, British Columbia.
He apologized to her and said, Oh, I'm sorry, she experienced it differently.
Yeah, she called it.
She said he groped her.
That's sexual assault.
So you got a male feminist Who gropes and sexually assaults a woman saying if you're anti-vax, you are misogynist.
You got a serial blackface clown saying if you are opposed to the vax, you're racist.
It's that leftist move of projecting everything he does on you.
So he's the tyrant, but he'll call you tyrannical.
He's the one who's abridging civil liberties, but he'll say you're the one endangering democracy.
He really has figured it out, and it's no surprise that he, like his father, Pierre Trudeau, 30, 40 years ago, Says that authoritarian regimes are his role model.
I don't know if you know this, but when Trudeau was first running to be Prime Minister, he was asked an unscripted question.
He was asked, what country do you most admire?
And I don't think he was ready for that, so he answered honestly.
He said China.
Ezra Levant, we got to go to a break.
We'll be right back.
You know, I don't really think about it too much because I don't live in Canada, but really, It was highlighted perfectly by Ezra Levant in the last segment.
The, I don't even know what you would call it, I mean it's beyond irony, it's beyond hypocrisy, it's just, it's complete inverse reality, where Justin Trudeau, and again, you know, hey look, I'm not the one complaining when Jimmy Kimmel wears blackface, or Ralph Northam dresses up as a Ku Klux Klan guy with a guy in blackface, or, that's the left's deal, that's the left's bag.
Everything's racist, you can't do blackface and all this stuff, but their people do it and it's fine.
But so, Trudeau, famous for doing blackface, as you said he has a blackface kit, and then he says if you don't get a vaccine you're a racist, and then you were talking about the little girl that Trudeau had the groping incident with, was that the same girl that he had the, I think it was a 2.2 million dollar settlement with?
With an NDA?
Not to talk about that relationship?
Is that the same girl or is that a different girl?
No, I don't know the veracity of that NDA story.
I'm talking about Rose Knight.
She was a reporter in the town of Creston, British Columbia, and he groped her at some festival, and she wrote about it the next day, including his half-apology, where he said, oh, sorry, if you were a reporter, if I knew you were a reporter, I wouldn't have done that to you.
Trudeau was later asked about that in the House of Commons, in the foyer of the House of Commons, and he said, well, she just experienced it differently.
So he didn't deny it.
In fact, he made, I'm not even going to call it an apology, he said, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have done that to you if I knew you were a reporter.
Her name was Rose Knight.
and that was in Creston, BC. He didn't pay her any money for that.
But I think Justin Trudeau, you have to look at where he comes from.
His father was a great fan of Castro, would visit all the time.
His father went to the Soviet Union. His father said Siberia is the future.
He said that to his kids.
His father went to Communist China.
He went there on personal trips.
It was like Bernie Sanders going to Moscow on his honeymoon.
But Trudeau Sr.
did that in China and the Soviet Union.
And so Justin Trudeau is the same way.
There's no tyranny.
There's no dictatorship he doesn't love.
And when he said, as I mentioned just before the break, that he was asked, what's your country you most admire?
He said, China.
But he didn't say, like, I, there's things I love about China.
I like the food.
I like the history, the culture.
I find the language interesting.
There's a lot of, the archaeology.
There's a lot of very admirable things about China.
The one thing that's so awful about it is the dictatorship.
But Trudeau literally said he admired, quote, their basic dictatorship, unquote, because it allowed them to move on a dime without democracy, without consultations.
So the one thing that is so odious about China, the Communist Party dictatorship, is the one thing he singled out to admire.
He doesn't admire it for its history, its language, its culture, its art, its, you know, any of that.
He admires it because it's a tyranny.
So is it a surprise that this guy is running Canada in an unfree way?
And the problem is, it's not just Trudeau.
We have 10 provinces.
Each one of them is enforcing Mandates 2.
Each of these provinces and the federal government has an official opposition.
Every opposition party is in support of the lockdowns too.
So in the name of fairness, Owen, I can't put this all on Justin Trudeau's head.
The curfew I mentioned in Quebec wasn't Trudeau's.
It was the provincial government.
The lockdowns in my province of Ontario wasn't Trudeau.
It was the so-called conservative government here.
There is no Ron DeSantis of Canada.
There is no Florida, Texas, South Dakota in Canada.
All ten provinces have a form of lockdown.
All ten provinces have mask rules.
And there is no single opposition leader in this country.
Not one.
In any of the provinces or the federal government.
Not one.
Well, that's really sad, and you know, I didn't intend to make the whole thing about Trudeau.
I just find it hilarious, the hypocrisy of it all, just the madness of it all.
And, you know, it seems to me, too, that Trudeau has probably never experienced the real world a day in his life.
He was probably pampered growing up, flew around the world to these communist countries.
All he saw was the riches.
All he saw was the fabulous wealth and the castles and the kingdoms.
So, yeah, he probably thought, oh, wow, this is great.
Never really getting to experience the real world, and now he thinks, oh, I'll just do mandates, I'm a hero for it.
But let's step back from Jadrow for a second, because I know you've seen this video where you have French children with their parents, like, bragging about it, and then a live studio audience cheering them on, saying, I will turn in my father, I will turn in my mother, I will turn in my brother if they don't take the vaccine, if they don't adhere to strict mandates.
I mean, that is straight out of the Hitler youth.
I mean, literally out of the playbook.
What's your response to that?
Yeah, you call them French, they're French Canadians, so they're Quebecers.
As you know, Canada is about 75% English speaking, or a little bit more than that.
But Quebec, which has 8.5 million citizens, so it's about the same size as Virginia population-wise,
Quebec is majority French speaking.
So although they speak French and everything's in French, they are in Canada, just north
of New York, frankly.
And you can see in that video you're playing on the screen right now, that routinely Quebec
TV shows have these kids.
And you know, I mean a kid will say anything, they're kids.
told to say or taught to say so it's not like they have some prophetic wisdom like a miracle child who has some like these are just repeaters like they're they're not yeah I mean even a teenager can have their own thoughts but you're talking to kids who are eight nine ten years old they're just repeating what their parents said so yeah I'll give you a lollipop I'll give you candy say the mask is good wear the mask Yeah, so you have grown-up journalists who ask these children of tender years, what should we do with the unvaxxed?
And the language is shocking.
stunning TV like it's gripping television to see smiling beautiful
children say you know cut them off cut them off from society arrest them take
them away it's it's like that old movie children of the corn there's something
terrifying a lot of horror movies have children who become demonic because it's
so contrary to type like children are lovable they're pure they're they're in
In that Eden time, that Garden of Eden before the fall, like they're...
They are not yet tarnished by grown-up thoughts.
So when you have this little angel, this little cherub, say, throw them in jail!
It's almost demonic, it's like the child is possessed.
It's riveting TV, but it's super gross that their parents have inculcated them with that fear and that terror.
It's super gross that journalists are interviewing them as if they're a source of wisdom.
And it's super gross Millions of Quebecers seem to agree.
And to me, it's political indoctrination.
I mean, politics is nasty.
Politics is vicious.
I mean, it's like, you want to keep that above your children, at least until they can maybe start to formulate some politics of their own or get a job or something.
But no, it's like, let's politically indoctrinate our children before they can even think for themselves.
Well, I mean, that's the oldest trick in the book.
I mean, Every tyrant knows that.
In the Soviet Union, you had the young pioneers.
In Nazi Germany, they had the Hitlerjugend, the Hitler Youth.
Let me tell you a very quick story about... Well, I see we're almost out of time.
Yeah, let's do this, Ezra.
Why don't you just hold that thought, hold that thought to the break, and then we'll pick it right back up with this story, and that way you can have more time to tell it on the other side.
I'm sure it's going to be a great one.
Ezra Levant with us.
RebelNews.com, just a great source in Canada for truth and information.
And we're glad he's with us here today.
And remember folks, InfoWarsStore.com, you shopping there makes all this possible so we can get the great guests like Ezra on.
Ezra Levant with us.
Ezra, you were about to tell a story before we had to go to that break.
Go ahead and tell that story now.
I'll tell it, but you know what?
Given your audience, I bet you most of your viewers know the story, but permit me, for those who don't, in the former Soviet Union, they had only one youth organization.
It wasn't the Boy Scouts, it wasn't like, it was called the Young Pioneers.
And it was a communist youth league.
And every young pioneer had to wear a little lapel pin right here that had a face of a child on it.
Well, who was that?
Was it Lenin?
Was it Stalin?
The face was of a young Ukrainian boy named Pavel Mirozov.
I don't know if you know the story.
And he was given the title Informant Number One.
Who was he?
What did he inform?
Well, he overheard his own parents, who were farmers, they were called kulaks by the Soviets, who said they didn't want to be collectivized into a communist farm, as Stalin was doing.
That was the Holodomor, the man-made famine and genocide that Stalin perpetrated against Ukrainian farmers and others, too.
So this young boy, Pavel, overheard his parents disagree with Stalin.
And he was indoctrinated by the Soviets, by school, by whatever.
So according to legend, and what I mean by that is this is the official story that the young pioneers taught all the kids, Pavel Morozov turned in his own parents to the secret police.
And for that act of loyalty to the Communist Party, putting the Communist Party ahead of his own flesh and blood, turning in his own parents to the state, that was the ultimate expression of what being a young pioneer was.
And every young person in the Soviet Union who joined their version of the Boy Scouts, young pioneers, wore a little button.
With a picture of Pavel Morozov's face in it.
Imagine what they were teaching.
There, yeah.
It's on the screen right now.
Teaching you, that as a child, your allegiance is not to God, not to church, not to your family, not to the parents who gave you life, but to the Soviet Communist Party.
And imagine parents seeing their child come home with that.
In the house, and I tell you this because the Hitlerjugend was the same way, the Hitler Youth, the young pioneers in the Soviet Union, and now you have these children being weaponized against dissenters, against their own parents.
It is the lowest of the low.
It is the most tyrannical.
It's designed to destroy families.
It's horrific.
And you know, in that same vein, because by the way, evil dictators know that Obviously, children disobey their parents and that sometimes, you know, feel very negatively towards their parents.
They don't mean it when they say they hate you, but, you know, it happens.
And so they go, let's take advantage of that.
We'll get that window of opportunity.
They'll turn in their parents.
They'll feel great about it.
And then we'll have no dissent.
But, you know, in kind of a different vein there, I don't know if you saw the clip, we played it earlier, of the young girl on British A British news show, Good Morning Britain, where she starts crying, talking about how all the COVID mandates and school shutdowns and everything has ruined her life, and she starts crying.
And I'm sitting here thinking about this, and I don't have kids.
I'm not sure if you have kids or not.
I know you're married, but I was hearing some other news show host talk about this, saying how, and I've heard this before, a lot of these leaders that join the World Economic Forum, or specifically in Europe, they don't have kids.
And so it's like they don't really care about the future.
They don't really care about the world they're leaving for their kids because they don't have any kids, where the people that do have kids and see the world that they're leaving for them, seeing all the tyranny, seeing the world government, seeing the expansion of government powers, I mean, just all of it, they fret, they get scared, they don't want that to be the future for their kids, so they stand up, they resist it, whereas it's the people with no children that seem to be ushering that in, I mean, what do you make of how evil it is to create this planet for future generations, a planet of tyranny, a planet of medical fascism, a planet of a one-world massive government that runs their lives?
I mean, certainly anybody that has children wouldn't want that.
You know, it's interesting you say that.
I'm just thinking.
I think Angela Merkel, who for the longest time was the German Chancellor, I don't think she had kids.
I think her predecessor, Gerhard Schrader, I don't think he had kids.
I don't think Emmanuel Macron has kids.
He himself was a child when he was groomed by his teacher.
I don't know if you know the story of who he was.
It was his schoolteacher who was married and young Emmanuel was a homewrecker.
Very odd.
So there is, it is quite something when people with no real stake in the future have plans for your own kids.
I saw just the other day an ad for MSNBC in your country where some pundits said we have to treat children as Not owned by one family, but owned by the village, and we all have to... Yeah, that's Melissa Harris Perry.
Yeah, right there.
That's exactly right.
And that's really in sync with what we're hearing from teachers unions across America.
Parents don't have the rights.
Parents don't have the right to know what's going on.
Parents don't get to choose what kids learn.
I think it is part of the same thing.
I did see that clip of Sophie Corcoran on GB News, and Kids have been weaponized and kids have been punished.
It is not normal to wear a mask all day.
I don't know if you remember in 2020 when you had all these nurses and doctors take selfies of how their face was sort of bruised from wearing tight goggles or a mask all day.
Or like the mask breakouts.
Yeah, they had like breakouts of like acne and stuff all over.
And you're imposing that on children who have a negligible risk from the virus at all, who, by the way, you know, these kids drop the mask on the floor, they have the mask when they're eating.
Like, the mask is not a hygienic thing unless you're quite meticulous about it.
These kids aren't kids.
Swap them, play with them, throw them around.
It's theater, but it's also, I regard the mask as a kind of political flag.
It's sort of in the same way that a hijab is a political flag of Islamism, a mask is a flag of lockdownism.
It's a statement of who you are, what team you're on.
And if you wear a mask, especially if you're vaxxed already, I mean, there's levels of mask purity.
Are you double-masked or triple-masked?
Are you wearing an N95?
And it's the same thing when I'm triple-vaxxed and you're just a dirty double-vaxxer.
I think it's all this new Puritanism and it's all, what tribe are you with?
Now, what we've learned in the UK and many other countries is they don't mean it.
The ruling class takes off the mask as soon as the camera's off.
The ruling class breaks social distancing and has parties and runs around as they like.
Trudeau is vicious when passing laws in Canada, but he jet-sets and meets with whomever he wants mask-free for photo ops.
So they don't mean it, but there's a phrase I keep saying I like it.
It's not the hypocrisy of our rulers.
Of course they're hypocrites.
It's the hierarchy.
They want you to know that they're above the law.
They're a different class than you.
You're a rule follower.
They're a rule maker.
They don't follow the rules.
It's like Leona Helmsley, the old New York heiress who said, you know, taxes are for the little people.
Masks are for the little people.
You know, no travel is for the little people.
The same with climate change.
You have Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio on private jets and yachts telling you to have a smaller carbon footprint.
I think the net effect of the pandemic for the last two years is to show that that kind of climate hypocrisy and climate hierarchy is in every institution in America and Canada across the West.
I mean, I hate to say it, but I think trust even in doctors has got to be at an all-time low.
Because the good doctors are silenced out of fear, because the bad doctors will suspend them or demonize them.
It's all true.
It's Ezra Levant.
It's rebelnews.com.
Ezra, we thank you so much for joining us today.
Your time and, you know, our thoughts and prayers are with Canada that some leader steps up to free you guys from this medical tyranny.
Well, thanks very much for your time and for having me.
Good luck.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, I will get into some of the other news.
I don't know how much it matters now, but we do have some more results from vote audits from 2020 in Wisconsin, and well, they show what we knew all along.
Well, the story is at InfoWars.com, shared by the Epoch Times.
Researcher calls out censorship after journal pulls COVID-19 vaccine adverse events analysis.
And so I thought, you know, why don't I bring that old chart back out, which is just the bar graph of the vaccine adverse reaction U.S.
government reporting website.
And that's vaccine deaths, and that number is actually probably from October or November.
In fact, you know what guys?
Here, let me just come back to that.
Because I drove around with this in, I guess it was actually maybe the summer?
We drove around in the truck.
With some other InfoWarriors and my crew, with four of those signs showing the people, the bar graph of the vaccine deaths, but it's over 20,000 now, but let me just step back because none of this would even be possible without InfoWarStore.com.
We wouldn't be able to go around with the crew, make these signs in the armored truck and do all this great work if it wasn't for your support at InfoWarStore.com.
Now, a couple months ago, because we saw that it was needed In the supplement market, we launched two new supplements at InfoWarsTore.com, and that was Vitamin Z plus Zinc with Rosehips.
And that was our own version of a whole food multivitamin.
That we launched at Infowarestore.com.
Now, for obvious reasons, we chose these supplements to launch new a couple months ago.
We all know the great benefits of vitamin C plus zinc, and whole food multivitamins are just one of the most popular things in the supplement market right now.
We launched these a few months ago, and they sold out almost immediately.
Almost immediately.
And so we said, okay, this product is going to be a winner big time.
Let's come out with it again, but let's get a bigger order and let's relabel it and have a really clean, professional-looking label.
And so that's what we've done.
It's InfoWars Life Whole Food Multivitamin, Vitamin C plus Zinc with Rosehips.
Back in stock at InfowarsStore.com.
We made a larger order this time because of how quickly it sold out last time, but it could still sell out quick.
It's 40% off at InfowarsStore.com, and I've taken multivitamins forever, but the vitamin C plus zinc supplement straight up, great idea by our crew here at InfowarsStore.com, and it's 40% off.
40% off.
At InfoWarsStore.com.
We hope you will take advantage of that.
Now, getting back to my point.
In fact, I need to do something here, guys.
So, uh... Do we have a... I'll use this pink highlighter.
Unless... Does somebody have a red marker or something back there?
Because I want to do something, because this VAERS report, in fact if you've got like a walking mic too, come and bring in a walking mic.
So guys, let me give you like 30 seconds or a minute to find if you have a red marker or a walking mic, because I want to do something with this graph that I have here.
They don't want you to know about the vaccines killing people.
They don't want you to see the anomalies of vaccine-related deaths since the COVID-19 vaccine, so they censor it everywhere.
Researcher calls out censorship after journal pulls COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions.
Jessica Rose didn't ask for any of this.
She started to analyze data on adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccines simply as an exercise to master a new piece of software, but she couldn't ignore what she saw and decided to publish the results of her analysis.
The next thing she knew, she was in a bizarro world where her findings were censored and pulled from research journals.
So let me do this now, guys.
And if we don't have a walking mic, that's fine.
I'll just scream and the mic can probably pick me up.
Because I want to go correct this graph.
This graph was made in the summer when I went out with my crew in the armored truck around Austin, Texas showing this graph, which is already unreal.
Because you never had a thousand deaths in any single year reported to the VAERS website the number to close out Last year, on adverse reaction deaths, on the VAERS website, was 21,000.
So you could say, oh, well, if it's 21,000 out of 200 million, is that really so bad?
Well, do you want to be one of the 21,000?
Do you want one of your friends to be one of the 21,000?
And 21,000 compared to every other year of less than 1,000 is pretty shocking.
So guys, let me just...
Let me just correct this graph as we finally close out the year.
So hold on.
So here we go.
This is an old graph.
It needs updating.
Because this number, to close out the year, is all the way, actually, it's actually way up here off the charts.
But we'll just do this.
We'll just do this.
We'll just fix the grass because it's 21,000 dead from the vaccine, and we'll just do this for it.
So here's your updated graph.
They don't want you to see this.
Fauci doesn't want you to see this.
The FDA, the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, Big Pharma, the Democrats, Biden, they don't want you to see this.
So they don't report it.
They censor people that do.
And I just think, I just thought you might want to know, you might want to know, as they push these mandates, you might want to know that more than 21,000 vaccine deaths were reported to the VAERS website in the year 2021.
And you can download the Excel spreadsheet.
I've done it myself.
You can download the Excel spreadsheet and it's every time you scroll for days, COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine.
And it's just, just scroll for hours down the Excel spreadsheet.
Because it's not just the deaths.
This chart is the deaths, but it's the everything.
It's the heart attacks.
It's the myocarditis.
It's the pericarditis.
It's the Guillain-Barre syndrome.
It's the seizures.
It's everything.
And researchers just go out there, not even really knowing what they're going to find, and they just take the data from the Vaccine Adverse Reaction website, and they just take it and plug it into a program To that just takes raw data and then puts it into graphs and more consumable numbers and information.
And she says like this graph, she says, wow, look at all the adverse reactions to this vaccine.
This is crazy.
I'm going to publish this.
And so she publishes it.
And then the journal where it was published says, we're not going to publish that.
People can't know about the vaccine adverse reactions.
People can't know about the vaccine deaths.
So, you can still take the vaccine, be my guest, but I just thought you might want this information before you do.
And you know what?
Let's go ahead and give the left what they want.
I'm actually fake news because I wrote on this graph of vaccine deaths from the year 2021 that it was only 21,000.
I'm fake news.
It was actually 21,700.
So I shouldn't shortchange the other 700 that died from the vaccine.
How wrong of me, how rude of me.
Their lives mattered too.
So it was actually 21,700 and I think 54 was the final number.
And they estimate conservatively that they get 10% of adverse reactions.
So, really you're looking at, if that's true, you're looking at 200,000 people dead from the vaccine.
Which you wouldn't even know, because they would just say, oh it's a heart attack, oh it's this, oh it's that, oh it's COVID, when no, it's really the vaccine, we're just not realizing it or admitting it yet.
But you know, the whole thing is collapsing now, and Because we're in the information age, I don't think they're going to be able to just brush this under the rug like they did with the swine flu vaccine.
Most people that were around during the swine flu vaccine debacle, with all the lawsuits and stuff that followed, most people still don't really remember that as a major phenomenon or a major news story, and that's because you didn't have the information Available and accessible like you do now.
Plus they didn't have the mandates or near the fear-mongering over the swine flu like they did with COVID.
So they're not going to be able to brush this under the rug.
And now that we're over a year into the vaccine and two years into COVID, people are finally saying, okay, enough is enough.
I didn't die yet.
I've had COVID three times.
I've had two vaccines.
It didn't make a difference.
I'm done playing COVID.
So people are finally done playing COVID.
But see, the government isn't done playing tyranny.
New World Order isn't done playing conquer your ass.
Alright, let's go to this Italian EMP, Francesca Donato.
Asking the obvious question for anybody who's being fair and honest right now.
If the vaccines work, why don't the vaccines work?
If the vaccines work, how come the most vaccinated country on earth, Israel, has the most COVID cases?
If the vaccines work, how come everybody that's vaccinated is getting COVID and in the hospital?
And so here she is in clip 16.
So my questions today are the questions that people are asking.
Why are so many people being hospitalized and die in spite of the 90% of Italians being fully vaccinated?
Why the Italian Health Institute has not been publishing monthly reports Since September 2021, why people injured by the vaccines don't receive any assistance from the public health service and why no compensation is recognized to people who lost their relatives
Because of vaccines.
This is the copy of the answer by the Ministry of Health to a man, a Sicilian citizen, who just presented a compensation claim that has been rejected, saying that the action is inadmissible for the reason that vaccines are not mandatory.
The fact is that vaccines are mandatory because of express mandates and because of the vaccine passports that have been introduced lately and that forbid people to work, to have a salary, if they don't obey to this order.
So, why?
Why transparency is not guaranteed to all of us?
And by the way, the document she holds up is just fully redacted.
You know, there's one thing, I'm going to try to boil down in two minutes what the full truth is about COVID.
And there's one element that we don't know quite yet.
And I don't know if we'll ever know.
And let me start with that.
We don't know what kind of biological weapons The Chinese military has, the U.S.
military has, Fauci has, Dasik has, whatever.
We don't know what kind of biological weapons that they have or plans or are building.
We know some of them.
We know China was building race-based biospecific weapons.
But we really don't know what the applicable power and destruction of those could be.
So that's really the only thing that we don't know yet.
But we pretty much know entirely what went down that caused COVID.
They made a virus in a lab and they made it as contagious as they possibly could so that it would spread as fast as possible.
They then used the media to build up the fear, build up the hype, talk about it, put you in fear, which was then used to bring in the mandates and the medical tyranny and everything else.
And there were no, zero flu cases in the year 2020.
It was all COVID.
Anybody that had a sniffle, anybody that had a broken toe, anybody that had an earache, all COVID.
So they jacked up the numbers to get the numbers to do the media fear mongering and do the propaganda.
Get the economic sabotage so that they can have a crashing economy that they would claim that they would fix.
And then get the vaccine panic so that they can get the vaccine in place that they can test on humans with the mRNA technology which destroys your immune system.
So now we're in the phase where it doesn't matter whether it's a virus made in a lab or a normal flu virus or cold virus, you took the vaccine or two or three, you have no immune system now, so now people are actually getting sick because their immune system was destroyed with the vaccine.
And so that's where we're at right now.
That's why the vaccinated are getting sick, their immune system was destroyed, and the globalists made a contagious virus in a lab as contagious as possible.
But if you have natural immunity, you're okay.
But if you have the vaccine, you have no immunity.
So we know that that's how it all went down.
We know the goals.
We know who benefited.
But the question is, what other bioweapons do they have that might be worse?
Joshua in Texas.
Joshua, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Right on, man.
You guys talk about the New World Order a lot, and my dad was the first to expose it.
I have been banned from Banned.Video.
First of all, I wrote down that Randall Wilhite, Alex Jones' lawyer, went on record saying that Alex is a showman and just playing a character.
Second time I got banned.
I said that Mark Randazza is a lawyer for the Church of Satan and now your First Amendment lawyer.
Next time I got banned is that I proved that you guys sell your products on Amazon.
I've given Jeff Bezos a cut of your profit.
They say you guys have to sign non-disclosure agreements.
All the employees.
So Alex actually bans your free speech.
Josh the Troll!
You can't get Patriot Points on Amazon!
Hey Josh the Troll, I have 5,000 Patriot Points!
How many do you have, Josh the Troll?
Josh the Troll!
You need some garba-chill!
Josh the Troll!
I see what you see.
I see what you've been covering.
I see what everybody's seen and asking myself, what the hell is going on?
I mean, look like a third world country, these images, the drone images that were on the nightly news day in and day out.
And just mark my words, this is not one-off.
This is organized theft.
These are organized gangs of people.
That's Gavin Newsom saying his state looks like a third world country.
In reference to the massive train cargo heists that have been going on, and then the aftermath of just all the trash left behind, the empty boxes, the goods that they didn't want, just train yards, train tracks, this covered trash for miles.
But how ironic is that?
Oh, the Democrat governor of California, I don't know what's going on!
I don't understand.
It looks like a third world country.
Yeah, have you been to any Democrat run city lately?
They all look like third world countries.
That's because of what Democrat policy does.
That's what Democrats do.
Every city where Democrats have gotten their dirty little hooks into for decades is now third world country status, record homicide rates, Whether it's St.
Louis or Los Angeles or Baltimore or New York or Chicago, everywhere, half a century of Democrat rule has brought those cities to its knees with the violent crime and the third world country appearance and status.
And what's the common factor?
Democrat party rule.
So yeah, to see Gavin Newsom saying, oh, I don't know what's going on here!
How does my state look like a third world country?
Boy, oh boy!
Golly gee willikers, I just don't, I can't understand it!
Well let's go check on every other major Democrat run city.
And it all looks the same.
It all has the same crime problems.
But then, but then see, he gets Excoriated by the media in California, not because of the rampant crime, not because of the train heist with the defund the police movement by the Democrats, no, because he dared say gangs.
Oh my gosh.
Governor Gavin Newsom apologized for saying organized gangs behind train lootings.
They're organized groups of folks.
Because you're not allowed to say anything negative about a black person.
So if you see a black person and you say he's in a gang, oh, that's racist.
So you got to say folks or youths or Asians.
I don't know.
What else might they say to just avoid saying anything bad about a black person?
You might as well just call them white.
I mean, they already do.
They say it's white supremacy.
It's the number one threat to this country.
You can look at the crime statistics.
It says the exact opposite, but no matter.
Why don't we just call black people white?
Or would that be too much of an insult?
So, oh, oh, I'm sorry.
We've got videos of gangs running into jewelry stores and department stores and malls and convenience stores and train cargos.
But I'm sorry that I said the word gang.
I apologize.
It's youths.
It's folks.
Total joke.
Total clown world.
And yeah.
They arrested another suspect in one of these dozens of murders and homicides that's been happening in California.
Chilling moment, masked suspect, masked suspect in fatal stabbing of UCLA student walks into 7-Eleven to buy a vape pen just 30 minutes after stabbing a woman to death.
Nonchalantly walks into a gas station to buy a vape pen.
Folks, this is... This is just demonic stuff, man.
This is just humanity being ripped from our souls.
And, uh, it's not a coincidence that you see this type of activity in Democrat-run cities.
But, oh, the mayor's too afraid to say the word gangs because one of the thefts, one of the thieves might be black, so he can't say gangs.
Instead, he's gonna say folks.
That just, it's just better that way.
But man, oh man, could you imagine if they had footage of white people doing all this stuff that they claim they're doing, and they actually had it?
Oh, you wouldn't hear the end of it.
See, I don't even want to make it a race thing, because I understand that it's a socioeconomic thing, and that it only is happening in Democrat-run cities.
So yeah, if you see this video, Even if you're colorblind and you can't see the color of these individuals' skin, you know what's happening here.
It's mass theft.
It's organized mass theft.
But don't say gang, though.
Or you're a racist.
So, but here's what goes on.
Here's what goes on here.
You want to know why Democrat-run cities are so corrupt and out of control?
Because Democrats are corrupt.
Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm violated a stock disclosure law nine times last year.
And by the way, this lady was already known to be corrupt before she even got in the Biden administration.
Then she gets in and violates the law nine times!
Don't worry, she won't be subpoenaed, she won't be indicted, she won't be questioned by the media, she won't lose her job.
She's a Democrat.
She's above the law.
Senior FBI official caught abusing authority.
Lies to Inspector General.
Corrupt DOJ declines to criminally prosecute.
Yeah, because he works for Biden and the Democrats, going after their political opposition.
They got to keep him in the field.
You don't take them off the field.
They're going after Americans.
I don't care how corrupt they are.
You keep them on the field, says the Biden DOJ.
The loving liberal left in Antifa that doesn't exist.
TPUSA event at Dartmouth College focusing on Antifa terrorism shut down due to bomb threat.
Yes, Antifa and their bomb threats.
I remember, I've been to three or four different events where Antifa did bomb threats.
Two of them got cancelled.
This was in 2016 and 2017.
Oh, but Threatening events with a bomb is not terrorist activity.
Threatening political events with a bomb is not terrorist activity.
In fact, it doesn't even exist!
It's just an ideology, says Merrick Garland.
There's no such thing as Antifa.
You walk outside, there's 500 black block of Antifa with billy clubs and bear mace and fireworks, beating police officers, beating innocent civilians, smashing windows, smashing cars, burning at will.
Oh, there's no Antifa, that doesn't exist!
It's the white supremacist Christian that you need to be worried about, and then you go look at a white supremacist Christian, as they say, and it's like, Hi!
It's like, I love God, I love America, I love freedom, how are you?
You hungry?
You thirsty?
You need anything?
I love you!
It's like, oh yeah, that's the terrorist!
And then you go look at a radical left-winger, whether it's Antifa, or any of these other radicals, and say, yeah, just burn down this country!
F America!
Death to America!
Burn that building!
Loot that building!
Shut it all down!
And it's like, oh, that doesn't exist!
They're not terrorists!
Oh yeah, and then there's this.
I'll tell you, man, the Biden family is so corrupt, it's unreal.
GOP Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, they had a hearing on this.
Secret Service hid names and information on Hunter Biden overseas travel.
That's Secret Service, folks, protecting the Bidens again!
Remember Hunter Biden ditched a gun in a garbage can?
Secret Service covered for him there.
Remember Hunter Biden with all the hookers and the hotels and the drug deals and Secret Service covering from them
I remember Hunter Biden on drug vendors where he was so bombed out of his mind
They thought he was dead in hotel rooms Secret Service had to go and make sure he was alive
Yeah that Hunter Biden who's now selling art quote-unquote for millions of dollars
Steps onto the field number one selling artists out of the gates and
Secret Service is protecting what Hunter Biden is doing there. They're there
Redacting all of his overseas activity.
Is Hunter Biden even in the Biden administration?
I thought he was just selling art.
Why is Secret Service involved in this?
And then there's Pelosi, who's made hundreds of millions of dollars.
As a senator, somehow made hundreds of millions of dollars.
Is it insider trading?
Oh, but now she says, as she's clearly on her way out, well, I guess we could stop congressmen and women from doing insider trading after she's already made off with her hundreds of millions.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex.
And I will be hosting the War Room today, 3 to 6 p.m.
I'm planning on taking a lot of calls on the War Room today, on this Friday.
Also going to be joined by Laura Loomer, because as James O'Keefe from Project Veritas says, past is prologue.
Do you remember what Laura Loomer was doing in 2015 and 2016?
I do, I haven't forgotten.
When she infiltrated the Democrat Party and discovered that Bob Kramer and Aaron Black were running operations to start riots at Trump events?
Sounds familiar?
So I'll be discussing that with Laura Loomer later on today in the War Room and taking calls.
But I got a bunch of news yet to get to here on the Alex Jones Show.
Let's start over here.
And Paul Joseph Watson hosting the fourth hour, by the way, today.
Let's start over here.
This has all come out in the last 24 hours, maybe the last couple days actually with OAN's coverage, but here's the Gateway Pundit headline with the receipts.
Elections expert reveals over 550,000 registered voters in Wisconsin have a registration date of January 1st, 1918.
So let's see here.
1918, you would be what, 103 or so?
102, 103 in the 2020 election cycle?
103 or so, 102, 103 in the 2020 election cycle?
You think that you had 500,000 over 100 years old voting in Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election?
Maybe that's where Biden got his 300,000 boost at the buzzer to win the game.
I mean, folks, this is like, what happened in Wisconsin, what happened in Michigan, what happened in Pennsylvania, what happened in Georgia, would be like... If you're in a basketball game, and you're down by 20 points, with two seconds left, You're down by 20 points, 80 points to 60 points, and you're losing with two seconds left, and you shoot the ball at the buzzer from half-court and make it, and then 21 points go on the board.
And you win the game 81 to 80.
Well, that's not possible.
There's no 21-point shot in basketball.
You can't score 21 points in two seconds.
That's impossible.
Well, Biden did it!
Biden made the 21-pointer at the buzzer to win the basketball game.
And then it'd be like the media, it'd be like if the sports media took it seriously and the sports world took it seriously like, in unbelievable fashion, basketball Biden makes 21-pointer at the buzzer to win the championship!
And then there'd be people and sports commentators that say, wait a second, there's no 21-point shot.
You can't score 21 points on one shot.
Oh, censor that.
That's misinformation.
You're not allowed to talk about that.
Biden hit the 21 pointer.
Biden won the game.
But that's not even what the story is about.
That's just old news.
They're just doing these audits and they're just finding all the anomalies, finding out how the cheat was in.
Eric Investigation, Part 2.
The largest U.S.
counties removed only zero to two ineligible voters from their voter rolls in the last four years.
So they act like they clean up these voter rolls, they don't.
They keep hundreds of thousands of dead or moved voters in the rolls, and they probably even have a database of it somewhere.
And then they'd probably use those names and it'd be a lot easier to do it with a mail-in ballot.
Because remember?
You had all the mail-in ballots without a signature, all the mail-in ballots without a crease, meaning it was never mailed.
And they were probably, you know, Confederate war generals and, you know, people that fought in World War I, voting for Biden.
Yeah, you know, uh, I was, I was so upset because My grandma and my grandpa voted for Joe Biden and I was so upset that I was screaming at them for hours.
And then finally they kicked me out of the graveyard.
So it's just ridiculous.
And then you have OAN reporting on it as well.
Christina Bob, 211,000 in the middle of the night, 80% for Biden.
So again, it's these ridiculous splits.
It's these impossible numbers.
The Democrats overwhelmed the vote with illegal mail-in votes.
It's clear that's what they did.
They brought them in in the middle of the night.
They needed to figure out how many votes they had to win.
They then went to places like Atlanta.
And they would, they would run the same ballots three or four times or run the same stacks of ballots because they knew they would find areas where they knew that Biden would win in those areas.
So let's say you're in Atlanta and Biden gets 60% of the vote in Atlanta, but you run the same 60% You get a larger margin of victory.
So you just run the same ballots over and over and over again until you reach the margin of victory you need in that district to then put him over the top for the rest of the state.
They did it in Philadelphia.
They did it in Detroit.
They did it in Atlanta.
They got caught every single one.
And they got away with it.
And they got away with it, ladies and gentlemen.
And now we're sitting here With the corrupt, inept, perverted Joe Biden, who, again, just had such an embarrassing press conference the other day, they can't cover it up.
They're trying.
Biden was asked about the Putin situation, and he says, what a stupid question.
Stupid question.
As you're puffing out your chest to Russia, puffing out your chest to Ukraine, both of which countries have massive blackmail on you, No, you're stupid.
You're a corrupt old codger that doesn't even know what's going on.
But you know what, he has somewhat idea, because that's why he says things like, oh, I'm not supposed to do this, or oh, I can't say that, or oh, you know, what am I supposed to do next, or oh, just tell me what to do, I don't know where I'm at.
I mean, he's letting the American people know he's not running anything.
He's the front man for the fall of America.
Fake news media outraged after Newsmax reporter James Rosen asks Joe Biden about his cognitive decline.
And then in response to that question, Joe Biden slurs his words, stutters and stammers, says words that don't even exist, and then just falls off the ledge and doesn't even answer the question.
Just intellectually falls off the ledge and starts blabbering about something else entirely.
Just like he did with half the questions.
And then they go on air, they say, oh my gosh, Biden was astounding.
Biden was incredible.
He talks for over an hour.
He's unbelievable.
How does he do it?
Be like if Jeffrey Toobin dropped Trouser on air and took a big fat steaming dump on the desk and they said, wow, look at that beautiful feces.
Look at Toobin now.
Oh, he's touching himself now too.
Wow, so magnificent.
It's Biden's speech all over again.
Boy, the liberals and media just can't stop lying.
And they got caught lying about Sotomayor and Gorsuch.
In a mask squabble, Gorsuch, Sotomayor, and others came out and said, no, there was never any fighting over masks on the Supreme Court bench.
Nobody ever demanded masks were worn.
Never happened.
And then NPR doubles down and said, well, they lied to us then!
So who knows what's going on, but all the Supreme Court justices that commented said, nope, never happened.
NPR lied about that.
And then you saw some of the reporting on Trump and DeSantis fighting.
Well, Trump was on Hannity last night, and he said that that's totally fake news.
So, it's just, the left can't stop lying, and when their lies are exposed on other issues, they just start lying about other things.
They just look for other lies that they can tell.
Some of them don't even realize they're lying, they're just stupid.
But others know exactly what they're doing.
And you know, in that spirit, I noticed something the other day, and Rogan is kind of hinting at this now, but he hasn't fully hit the zeitgeist yet, but on his podcast the other day he said, Joe Rogan details how anyone who doesn't identify as far left is now labeled alt-right.
And so he's close to the zeitgeist.
But as he said many times in the show, he doesn't want to be a political influencer, he doesn't want to be a political leader, he just wants to do his podcast and his UFC stuff.
So that's okay if he doesn't understand the modern political issue as much, but he's close to full zeitgeist here.
What happens is, Democrats or liberals who tell the truth, Get labeled as far-right.
It's not alt-right.
Alt-right was a term made up by Hillary Clinton to demonize Trump supporters that, instead of embracing, it was kind of a rejection, and then it was used to demonize.
But alt-right is not even something that's used anymore.
It's now far-right.
So, Kirsten Sinema doesn't want to get rid of the filibuster, they say she's far right.
Joe Manchin doesn't want to sign on to Build Back Better, they say he's far right.
Joe Rogan just tells the truth about COVID and Ivermectin, they say he's far right.
So what it is, is that Democrats who don't go along with the cult, and liberals that tell the truth, get labeled as far right.
Now how ironic is that?
How rich is that?
You're a liberal, you tell the truth, you're far right.
You're a democrat, you don't go along with the cult, you're far right.
So what are they really admitting when they say that?
What are they really admitting?
Moving on here.
I would burn $100 bills before I sent her a penny.
Liz Cheney is so desperate she's begging for donations in the middle of Missouri.
Yeah, Wyoming isn't giving her anything.
Wyoming doesn't like her, which is where she's supposed to be running.
So she's sending out text messages and begging for money in Missouri.
You know, I get these too, and here's one of the responses.
I like to respond to these sometimes too.
It's kind of funny.
I'm Wes from Lebanon, Missouri.
It's a central Missouri town.
In the sticks.
Just wanted to let you know I have received a donation letter from Liz Cheney.
I can't believe that Liz would send a real conservative from flyover country Missouri this.
I would burn a hundred dollars before I sent her a penny.
She must be desperate.
Just wanted to let you know she's doing this.
Thanks, Wes.
Yeah, I mean, I get these texts from Democrats and I always kind of like to troll them in the text thread and eventually they kind of, they don't know what to say.
New poll.
Vast majority of Americans oppose U.S.
military action in Ukraine.
And you know, there's groups like Young Americans for Liberty and others that have always been against wars, and they go to CPAC, and they'll do exercises at CPAC with, you know, Republican voters.
And, you know, Republicans have been anti-war now really post-Bush.
You know, they got behind the wars with Bush because it was Bush, and because of 9-11.
But then, when we saw no real fruits of it, and it was just more dead bodies, more blood, more treasure into the sands, and then Obama expanding it, then Republicans kind of became anti-war, and liberals were just kind of left not really knowing what to think, because their leader, their idol Obama, expanded all the Bush wars that he promised he would end.
So they didn't really know where to stand.
Now they like war!
Now they want war with Russia, now they want war with Syria.
And it's Republicans that are now the anti-war side.
So it really is amazing, because you can't really, the Democrats love to say, oh, there was a point in time in history where it just changed.
Yeah, I mean, because they'll admit, they can't deny that the Democrat Party was an offshoot of the KKK.
Free black men in America ran as Republicans and started the Republican Party.
All the first black men in Congress were Republicans because black men helped start the Republican Party as the anti-slavery party, which then became the party of Lincoln and ending slavery.
Democrats don't want you to know that history and so they'll just say, oh no, no, no, no.
First they'll deny it, then you'll show them all the historical evidence, then they'll say, well, that doesn't matter because they change.
Just magically, just some point in time, magically there was a polar shift in the political cortex and now Republicans are racist and Democrats love black people.
It just magically happened overnight.
No, what happened was Lyndon Baines Johnson Went to the Democrat Party, took control of the narrative and the media messaging, and he said, I'll have, I'll have Negroes voting Democrat for 50 years.
So then they, that's when they started their propaganda, that's when they started getting black men out of their homes, and giving black women government money to destroy the family, get them used to living on the government dole.
But no, it's the Democrat Party of the KKK.
Everybody knows it.
But I'm getting lost now.
But there has been a political shift and you can see it.
It was in the Obama years when the liberal left Democrats became pro-war.
And conservative Republicans became anti-war.
Now, there's still the neocons, obviously.
There's still the Lindsey Grahams.
There's still the neocons that are never going to balk at a war.
There's no war that they wouldn't send someone else to die in, because they're going to make a bunch of money with their stock holdings.
So yeah, they're scum.
They're total scum in the Republican Party, too.
But nowadays, the average Republican voter is anti-war.
And the average Democrat voter doesn't really know where to stand on the issue because Obama expanded the wars, and when Trump was trying to stop the wars, they became pro-war.
So that's an actual time in U.S.
political history where you can say, there was a political shift, there was a polar shift, and here's how it happened, here's why, here's the time.
The Democrats can't point any of that out when they decided they weren't the party of racism in the KKK and it became the Republican Party.
They just decided they were going to start pointing the finger one day.
After Lyndon Baines Johnson, the assassination of JFK, and that's when they decided we're going to start targeting black America.
We're not going to tell them we hate them anymore.
We're not going to be segregationists anymore.
We're going to tell them how much we love them.
Then we're going to destroy their family, destroy their communities, introduce drugs into their communities, and then have them voting Democrat for the next 50 years.
That's what actually happened with the Democrat Party.
But so I say this because Biden wants to puff up his chest, and you see liberal Democrats saying, that's right, Biden's tough.
We'll stand up to Russia.
We won't let Russia go into Ukraine.
We're tough.
They have no idea where Ukraine is on the map.
They have no idea who the president of Ukraine is.
They have no idea of the history.
They're clueless morons.
They're liberals.
But they were against Trump ending the wars, so now they have to be pro-war.
They wanted war in Syria, they want war with Russia and Ukraine, and they're gonna get behind their cult leader Biden if he does that, which he won't.
But now, if you took a poll, I would be interested to see, in fact, it may even be in this result here from the Trafligar Group, is I wonder if you had a split between Republicans and Democrats Who would vote for war in Russia, and who wouldn't?
But overall, it seems nobody wants war in Russia.
According to this poll, it was only 15% want an actual physical intervention by US troops in Russia and Ukraine.
So, the military-industrial complex being fueled and funneled by the American people is over.
We've woken up to the game.
We're done with it.
Alright, I'm about to do a news blitz to finish up the Alex Jones Show for today.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over, and then I'll be hosting the War Room after that with a bunch of news, phone calls, and my guest Laura Loomer.
But it's worth mentioning, because I don't know if you'll see it in the media, the March for Life, which happens every year, is happening today.
Sadly, I had to miss last year's because I was rotting away in a jail cell, you know, because of political persecution.
I think I've been to maybe four or five of them, or six now.
I was supposed to be at the one last year, but they had me in a jail cell, so I couldn't make it.
It is going on today, and so we give a big salute to all the great Americans, which is mostly young Americans, actually, that make it to this thing.
I remember I used to go back in high school every year, and I'd give the old liberal baby murderers the what-for back then.
Made the front pages a couple times, actually.
Me and my friends did, because we'd get right in the face of those liberal baby murderers.
So it's just great to see this happening today.
Always millions of people taking to the streets of D.C.
every year, the March for Life, because we like life.
We do.
We do.
We just like life.
We think new life is a good thing.
And we think that babies deserve to be born.
And it's ironic, I noticed that all the people that advocate for abortion have all been born.
It's an odd thing, isn't it?
So, uh, yes, and then you had the Patriot Front out there today, which people are alleging are feds.
It's, you know what, there's probably just innocent people that don't know what's going on that are in there, and then there's probably feds leading it, because there's just, there's too many clues.
Nobody knows anybody in it.
Nobody knows any of the leaders of it.
They always seem to have a planned rollout of these events.
They're all wearing a uniform.
They randomly show up when there's cameras, and then they have, like, well-produced, scripted videos ready to go immediately upon it as well, so... But that's not even the point.
The point is, millions are in D.C.
today marching for life.
And the media won't cover it.
Because the American media hates life, and they want to see babies killed before they can enjoy this creation.
That was meant for us, but of course they want to destroy that creation too, so why would they want to bring in new life that could potentially defeat them?
Because that's what they really look at it.
It's like a lion eating its cub because it's afraid it could take over the pack.
The globalists don't want any newborns, any new kids, any new babies, any new people, because they're afraid that they could overthrow them somehow, some way.
Because they're weak.
They're weak people.
All right.
And remember, folks, everything we do here is brought to you by you shopping at InfowarsStore.com.
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It's your support there at Infowarsstore.com that makes everything we do here possible.
All right, let me do this news blitz before Paul Joseph Watson takes over and then I'll
be back hosting the war room.
Pipeline Company threatening to cut off natural gas service to five Texas power plants.
So I'm going to try to break this down, but it's really just a complete mess.
So you remember last year when you had the freeze out in Texas?
You had these power companies wanting to charge 10 times, 30 times, 300 times what your bill would have been, but that was illegal and so they didn't end up doing it.
Now they're saying, look, we have back pay, we're broke, we're not going to send you the natural gas, you're not paying your bills.
And again, this is all because of Green New Deal, Paris Climate Accord, Green New Energy bullcrap, where in Texas they cap our energy use, and then if there's a massive freeze and we need more energy, well, it's not there because it's been capped because of, you know, Green New Deals, and Paris Climate Accords, and treaties, and it destroys our energy sector.
And so now gas companies are threatening to shut off the gas Because of horrible deals that have been signed by Republicans and Democrats to make the energy grid more green and more sustainable, meaning you won't get heat when it's 20 degrees out and freezing outside and snowing.
Because, you know, climate change.
So we'll see if that goes anywhere.
More young adults developing gastrointestinal cancers and doctors don't know why.
We have no idea!
I'm sure it's not the GMO foods and all the crap in the diets and not getting the microbiome that you need.
No, I'm sure there's nothing to see there.
It's not our diets at all.
Just nobody knows what's going on.
The IRS will force facial recognition scans on users this summer.
Oh, how loving.
The Internal Revenue Service of the United States will require people to submit a facial scan through a third-party provider.
To make payments or file taxes online, the system raises obvious privacy concerns.
So yeah, you want to get your money, You want to get your money, you better turn in your personal information and facial recognition data to the government.
So loving, so liberal.
No, it's tyrannical is what it is.
Former Border Patrol Chief, Biden invites more than 3 million border crossers to the U.S.
You know, I don't know what the final numbers were for illegal border crossings in the last calendar year.
I'm guessing it had to be over a million.
Um, maybe it was three million and that's what this guy is referring to.
Yeah, that's what it is.
Three million illegal border crossings last year.
Three million.
And you know where they're going, don't ya?
They're going right into major Democrat cities.
To vote for Democrats, and then you know what the Democrats do, right?
I mean, I've broken this down, but I'll do it again.
They bring in massive voter blocks of illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands, they put them in Democrat-run cities, in areas, and then they splinter off with gerrymandering, they splinter off that area Each different district gets a little bit of a splinter, a little bit of that section, that's going to vote Democrat so they can overwhelm every voting district and there's no more Republican districts, meaning no more Republican DAs, sheriffs, judges, and all these other local, you know, government positions.
All Democrats, because they bring in voter blocks of hundreds of thousands, splinter them all off with gerrymandering.
So that, you know, 50,000 bleed into each district to overwhelm the vote, and then Democrats take full control of your cities, and then you get rampant crime, rampant homicide, rampant homelessness, rampant poverty, and then your governor, Newsom, says, I don't know what's happening here!
My state looks like a third world country!
Well, I just told you how and why.
But he knows that.
And I'll tell you, this is a wild one.
And I don't think we're really ever going to know fully what happened here, but I'll tell you, I think the Democrats are really going full Gestapo, and it's really unbelievable.
Now, we know about this with the January 6th stuff.
We know they've gone full Stasi, full Gestapo with the January 6th stuff.
But what happened with this raid of a Texas Democrat who spoke out against Biden and his open border policy, and then gets raided by the feds?
And they say, oh, well, this was just a bribery probe that we were looking into.
Folks, give me a break.
The DOJ and the FBI doesn't give a damn about political crimes and bribery.
They turn the other way on that every time, unless they're told to care.
So how is it that the Democrat in Texas, who is critical of Biden's open border policy, Has the Department of Justice raided his home, and guess who's there when it happens?
All of the news cameras, right there to document it, just like Gestapo thug intimidation tactics.
I'm telling you, man, I think they've just gone full Gestapo at this point.
They're full totalitarian thugs of the Democrat Party in the Department of Justice.
And it's just sad to see this happen.
Because, hey, I'm all about ending political corruption, but please, let's not sit here and act like some lone Texas Democrat that's against open borders is the big fish to fry with all the political corruption.
How about Maxine Waters and her hundreds of millions?
How about Nancy Pelosi and her hundreds of millions?
You're going to go raid them and see if there's any bribery or inside trading?
Of course not!
But you go after the Democrat that's critical of Biden?
You make an example of it?
You make sure the cameras are out there?
Thug intimidation tactics.
Woke University of Rhode Island revokes General Michael Flynn's honorary degree.
General Flynn responds in exclusive statement to the Gateway Pundit.
Yes, you're not in the cult.
Well, you're not in the cult.
Microsoft is bigger than Google, Amazon, and Facebook, but now lawmakers treat it like an ally in antitrust battles.
Yeah, all the major corporations are all huge Democrat donors, and they donate to Republicans too.
This is how they never get, this is how they get tax exempt, this is how they never get investigated.
They pay off the politicians, but that's pretty obvious, isn't it?
Federal Reserve is taking the next step towards possibly launching a digital dollar.
Folks, the digital dollar is already a thing.
They just want to write new rules and regulations to make it more tyrannical with the social credit system.
And then new news on Biden's economy.
More records for Biden's economy.
Not the good kind of records, the bad ones.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
I'll see you on the War Room.
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Liberals now are all over the news.
They're the newest, biggest group buying guns saying, I'm preparing for civil war with the right-wingers.
Thank God you just joined us and didn't know it.
The Second Amendment is for a tyrannical government.
That is, your body is raging!
If you won't stand up against tyranny, you'll only be a slave.
If you're sad and bullied, they will push you around and make you their slave.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Stand up and tell the New World Order, you can take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!
But we are looking at you good and evil, right and wrong.
The people above you that are inviting you into their New World Order, they're slaves.
They've sold out to it.
They're blind or they're cowards.
You don't want to be part of them.
Like Patrick Henry said, forget you are our brethren.
Go from us in peace.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.
Let your chains sit lightly upon you.
And for me, give me liberty or give me death!
(crowd cheering)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Ex head of respiratory research at Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, and researchers, including Craig Pardecouper,
have sourced VAERS data on vaccine death and injury in the US.
A database of over 700,000 adverse reactions caused by the Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen vaccines.
These vaccines have been deployed in different batches, officially referred to as LOTS.
This has allowed Yeadon's team to back-engineer Big Pharma's COVID-19 vaccine deployment agenda in the U.S.
All their information is published at howbadismybatch.com and howbad.info.
And what we learn is quite telling.
About 0.5% of all the different batches are highly toxic, resulting in hospitalization, disability, and death within days or weeks of injection.
Other batches cause minimal adverse reactions and most appear to be harmless placebos.
When plotting on a timeline, we can see that these three companies have been working together to quietly monitor the lethal effectiveness of specific deadly batches.
While one company is deploying a lethal batch, the other two deploy harmless ones, creating the scientific environment to perform dose range finding, or the maximum tolerated dose for each specific batch.
The timeline shows that each lethal batch deployment is preceded and followed by a quiet period, allowing them time to establish their baseline before the next deadly batch is deployed.
Private leaked documents from the CDC show a list of expiry dates and only certain lots are included.
The very same lots found to be highly toxic in part of Cooper's database.
Which makes sense.
There would be no reason to list expiration dates for saline placebo.
Only the deadly ones.
This mode of deployment allows governments the ability to direct deadly batches into specific populations, such as red states.
Analysis of the number of dying per 100,000 vaccinated in 50 states shows us that the overwhelming majority of vaccine deaths are happening in red states.
Some red states are experiencing 11 times more vaccine deaths than other states.
On average, red states are experiencing twice the amount of vaccine death and injuries than blue states.
After ruling out other possibilities, Parda-Cooper concluded that this can only be due to the fact that red states received at least twice as much of the lethal batches than blue states did.
Among several other crimes, they are tipping the scales of the democratic process by killing people who voted against the New World Order's woke, build back better, great reset.
While at the same time, endlessly flooding the borders with unvaccinated foreigners.
And it's happening right now.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reis.
We're alive It is the Summit News Hour and during this hour I'm going to cover, wait for it, an avalanche, a deluge of good news!
Yes, that's probably the first time I've ever said that in the history of this show.
But a lot of good stuff's been happening recently.
I'm going to play a video later on in the show where the elite at Davos or at the World Economic Forum conference Or in a blind panic that they're not being trusted by the general public anymore.
Gee, I wonder why.
We'll go on to explain why.
But we've had a lot of good developments.
Czech Republic today reversing their vaccine mandate.
Similar situation could be about to happen in Germany, where they've had the most widespread protests in the country's history.
They could be about to do a U-turn on the mandatory vaccine.
The mandatory vaccine in the UK with NHS nurses looks like it's going to be, again, reversed.
We've got a new federal judge order stopping the Biden administration from getting that federal vaccine mandate in place, with the previous one having already been defeated, of course, in the Supreme Court.
Restrictions being lifted in England, Ireland, all these other European countries.
We've got the state of the Democratic Party, which is absolutely pathetic.
They're so desperate for a candidate in 2024, there's even talk of Hillary Clinton making a comeback.
Just shows you the paucity of candidates that they've got.
You have Biden's poll numbers, record new low.
You have his car crash public statements and press conferences, which continue to entertain on a regular basis.
And you have polls which show Americans have a 10% trust rating in the mainstream media when it comes to coronavirus information.
An absolute ton of good news.
Let's get into it in more detail.
Second segment, I'm going to play one of my latest videos which gets into the reaction to the lifting of restrictions in the UK.
The general tumbling and crumbling of the lockdown narrative with the rats now fleeing the sinking ship pretending that they were anti-lockdown all along.
They're going to be brought to account and that's why it's imperative to keep that argument in primary focus even after if and when all the restrictions get lifted, to constantly draw back on the fact that lockdown has caused massive devastation for massive numbers of people while it's been the biggest wealth transfer for the rich, for the elite in human history.
Do not abandon that narrative because that stops them from bringing back in the restrictions When the next promised pandemic that Bill Gates is gleefully now announcing comes into play.
We'll start with this though.
Czech Republic abandons plan to mandate Covid vaccines.
They just elected a new government there.
And that new government has rolled back the previous policy saying that it would quote deepen fissures in society.
They're the first major government in Europe to actually acknowledge that that's what vaccine segregation, vaccine passports and vaccine mandates do.
Under the former government, adults aged 60 plus, healthcare workers, firefighters, police officers, medical students would all have been subjected to the mandate from March, but the new Prime Minister has ditched it, said it's going to create too much division.
And this was, of course, partly in response to massive protests in Prague over recent weeks.
Similar situation in Germany where a major German newspaper, the broadsheet Die Welt, is reporting that the German government is concerned, seriously concerned, about massive anti-Covid restriction protests.
Which are the most widespread in the country's history.
They have not stopped.
Of course, Germany, another government preparing for a parliamentary debate next week about introducing a mandatory vaccination, even as their neighbouring country, Czech Republic, abandons it.
Even as the drumbeat of resistance in Austria, another country that is trying to introduce it, builds.
Well, now the influential German broadsheet DEVELP reveals that on the same day protests in Germany took place in over 1,000 different locations across the country.
Says the government is concerned about the decentralized actions, with one source labeling the immensity of the demonstrations, quote, depressing.
The technocrats really not very happy at the moment.
They're being routed.
The report says, quote, never before in the history of the Federal Republic have there been demonstrations that are more widespread than in the last few weeks, with the government counting 1,046 separate protests involving around 188,000 participants.
Of course, this resentment was partly driven by the vaccine mandate that they're trying to get through.
It was also partly driven by the demonization of the unvaccinated.
A few weeks ago, you had the Mayor of Hamburg come out and falsely claim that the unvaccinated represented 95% of COVID cases.
The Sene investigated that.
The actual number was 14.3%.
They were actually underrepresented, just as they lie in the media in the UK and say 90% of COVID hospitalizations are vaccinated people.
Complete baloney!
And that Entice the German people to lose a lot of trust in their federal and health authorities.
Massive protest.
German government very concerned about it.
Big debate next week on the mandatory vaccine.
Looks like there's a chance that might get rolled back too.
iNews reports Covid vaccine mandate for NHS staff could be paused by government over fears 70,000 workers would be sacked.
Like they didn't know that already.
So that's being rolled back.
We have headlines in the media.
Now admitting what we've been talking about for two years, which is that massive difference between people who are in hospital with, and as a result of, Omicron or Covid-19 in general.
Telegraph headlines have scrapped the unreliable daily Covid data updates, which of course were used to create the drumbeat of fear-mongering for lockdown restrictions for the past two years, before people become addicted to them, say experts.
And this article in its first paragraph says, quote, Covid data updates on the government's online dashboard are becoming increasingly unreliable, as it emerged up to 70% of coronavirus patients in hospital were primarily being treated for other problems.
So 70% of that daily Covid case figure, which the mask freaks, which the lockdown zealots point to on a regular basis, say, look at the cases, they're rising!
There's that, uh, Wojak meme of the two guys and one of them's pointing in the background, freaking out.
The, uh, the Wojak, uh, smiley face, the open mouth smiley face Wojak.
That's been the case for the past two years.
Oh my God, look at the cases!
Now Omicron's proven that to be completely unreliable.
70% of COVID cases in the UK are people with other health problems.
That's, of course, been a stat all along.
It's hovered around those levels.
But it was never part of the mainstream media narrative.
In America, Zero Hedge reports Texas judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees nationwide.
Biden White House takes another big fat L while President Biden was occupied Friday trying to take credit for a new factory.
The federal judge in Texas was issuing an injunction to put the second major piece of Biden's vaccine mandate on ice.
Every single thing he tries to do, he falls flat on his face, then gives a ridiculous press conference about it, which he stutters and stammers through and can't get through a sentence because he's in obvious cognitive decline.
Democrats are desperate, they can't get any of their agenda through, and now a federal court in Texas has issued an injunction against Biden's jab mandate for federal workers, the other part of his administration's attempt to force vaccines on reluctant Americans.
They are now abandoning that agenda entirely.
Meanwhile, we had this headline last week.
poll finds only 10% of Americans trust media on COVID, 30% trust Fauci, only 15.5% trust
President Biden when he talks about coronavirus. This was a survey conducted last week by News
Nation Decision Desk HQ. It asked participants when it comes to information about COVID-19,
which of the following sources would you say you trust?
Select all that apply.
Only 10.2% selected the news media.
So in other words, almost 90% of the American public do not trust the mainstream legacy media when it comes to pointing out information about coronavirus.
Only 15.5% trusts Biden.
Less than half trust federal health authorities like the CDC and the FDA.
The majority do trust their own doctor, but the vast majority of 70% do not trust Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Another headline here, Democrats moving away from lockdown restrictions over fears of being crushed politically.
It's a losing gambit in the upcoming run to the 2022 midterms.
They're abandoning it.
Biden's having to abandon his vaccine mandates.
Countries across Europe are having to do the same.
Finally, a deluge of good news.
Summit.News will be back.
We are back, and we're going to go straight to this video, because we had an announcement a couple of days ago here in England, where they're going to lift all the restrictions, including mask mandates.
It pissed off all the right people.
And as I point out in this video, which is going to take us out into the next segment, while the pandemic itself might not be over, while the technocrats may want to continue it, for many, the coronavirus grift is indeed done.
Here is the video.
Let's roll it.
Mild symptoms and widespread natural immunity.
In England, the rules are being lifted and the masks are coming off.
The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere.
The entire lockdown narrative is crumbling, as the same media that aggressively lobbied for it desperately attempt to fool people that they questioned it all along.
And while it may only be the beginning of the end, The Corona grift will soon be over.
But like little Japanese Imperial soldiers still fighting World War II after their country had surrendered, some people just refused to let it go.
Taking away all restrictions suddenly, despite the data, is too much too soon.
Right now we have so many people in hospital, so many on ventilators.
The number of people on ventilators is the lowest since July.
And figures from the Office for National Statistics show that total deaths in England and Wales are 7.8% below the five-year average.
Such a high case load of COVID.
Yeah, more than half of those cases are people in hospital with COVID.
Not from it!
People won't be able to get their operations in hospital.
They won't be able to get treatment for strokes, for heart disease, for cancer.
No, they weren't able to get treatment in the first place because of lockdown.
Remember, the same thing that you vehemently supported.
Dr. Hillary really doesn't have good form.
So, you know, those people who haven't been vaccinated, we'd really love you to think again and be vaccinated because 90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated right now.
That's a really figure that we have to really concentrate on.
90% of people in hospital have not been vaccinated.
Probably not a figure that we should have concentrated on.
Given that it was completely wrong, the actual figure was 36%.
Welcome to Ofcom to issue an official warning after the show received 4,000 complaints.
Nice grift though, mate.
Two years solid of primetime TV appearances gonna make anyone miss that cash cow when the party inevitably comes to an end.
Wait a minute, weren't you the same guy who said this about masks before you got the memo?
There's still very little evidence that this is very useful at all.
Some people say it's actually worse because you're touching your face more often.
And the quality of the mask, if the quality of the mask means that the mask quickly gets wet because it's a paper mask, it's probably worse than having no mask at all.
Cloth masks, really, very little benefit.
Three months later... Going to make it obligatory for people to wear masks on public transport makes no sense not to do that in public spaces, public areas where people can't socially distance.
Who's pushing medical misinformation now?
The best way to stay safe from Covid in England?
Don't ditch the mask!
Boris Johnson's easing of restrictions is in stark contrast to what other countries are doing to control Omicron.
Here's a corona case graph.
Of those other countries, virtually all of which had stricter mask mandates than England for much longer.
Yeah, the masks worked really well over there, didn't they?
Hashtag wearamask was trending on Twitter yesterday.
Alarmist bedwetters devastated that they can no longer impose their pedantic hypochondria on others.
Sorry, what?
Take the mask off, mate.
The activist crusade of harassing other people at supermarket checkouts is about to become redundant.
The wear a mask hashtag is like prisoners refusing to leave the camp when the gods have quit, left the gate open and
gone home.
*unintelligable* Sorry, what?
*unintelligable* Take the mask off, mate. Can't hear a word you're saying.
*unintelligable* Get out of my f***ing face, weirdo.
Wearing a face mask makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, study finds.
Ugly people hiding half of their face will make them more attractive.
By default.
Sadiq Khan says masks will remain mandatory on the London Underground.
As a, quote, condition of carriage.
The Underground carries about 2 million passengers a day.
And before it became law, about half of those didn't bother wearing a mask anyway.
So good luck enforcing your poncy condition of carriage.
The worst thing about all these illicit Downing Street parties is that they will make Covid sceptics and anti-lockdowners feel vindicated in their suspicions that the virus was never that dangerous, or why would the people running the country all be ignoring the rules so brazenly?
Right, because Given how serious it was, who'd be so callous as to ignore the rules so brazenly?
Who'd screech at everyone to wear a mask while not wearing one themselves?
Well, this is awkward, but Piers, I accept your apology.
Let's check in on France.
Mandatory mask rules since July last year.
Vaccine passports up the wazoo.
Rules so pedantic they banned drinking while standing up in cafes and bars.
464,000 new cases recorded in a single day.
There hasn't been a Gallic cell phone of this proportion since the inventor of the guillotine was executed by a guillotine.
Let's check in on Israel.
Even more enthusiasm for mask mandates and vaccine passports than for occupying Palestinian territories.
And what happened?
They just broke the global daily record for corona cases.
Guess they just didn't wear enough masks.
Let's check in on Canada.
Oh, oui!
Do you have a vaccine? Yes, we both have one dose. Do you agree with mandatory vaccination? Yes. Yes? Wow! It looks
like I drilled them, Julie! What should we do with people who don't want to get vaccinated? We should call the police.
If they don't have their vaccine, it can put a lot of people in danger.
So, like the government is doing right now, we have to cut them off, little by little, until they get vaccinated.
Anyway, we have future politicians next to us.
Thank you!
Future politician?
More like future Covid camp guard.
Although send her to Australia, they'll probably make her supreme leader for life.
Fact checkers say mass formation psychosis isn't happening.
Despite British government behavioural scientists admitting that that's exactly what they did.
Oh yeah, and those vaccine side effects?
All in your head.
Then we told them that most of the vaccine side effects were actually caused by the nocebo effect.
Ra ha ha ha ha ha.
But why is anyone bothered about vaccine side effects?
The media told me they were actually a good thing!
The media also tells me that morbid obesity is the future of fitness.
Let's check in on the media.
CNN to create team dedicated to covering misinformation.
Marlborough to create team dedicated to covering health benefits of cigarettes.
But some major international newspapers are apologising for their hysterical coverage and their failure to hold authorities to account.
The rats are fleeing the sinking ship that is the lockdown narrative.
Sky News, our daily case is now meaningless.
Why do we live with flu?
Is media ignoring vaccine side effects?
Oh, now you're asking these questions.
The only question you asked at government press briefings for the past two years is, why aren't we locking down harder?
And now, only as we near the end, are you asking these questions.
Sky News once more, highlighting the important distinction of people who died with and from COVID.
Where were you two fucking years ago?
You don't suddenly get to pretend that you're speaking truth to power, when for the past 24 months you've been begging the power to abuse their powers even more.
For the lion's share of the decade so far, you've behaved like dutiful members of the lockdown politburo, like Nazi collaborators in France on VE Day.
No, I was always in the French Resistance, honest!
The same media class grifting off all the lockdown heartache stories to score cheap points against the Tories.
Missed cancer screenings, loved ones dying alone in hospital.
Funerals via a live web stream.
When they all vehemently lobbied for lockdown, for harsher lockdown measures than the Tories even imposed!
We are live, and as I was explaining in the video that you heard before the break, basically there's a ton of good news.
The restrictions are being lifted in England, these vaccine mandates in numerous European countries, and of course Biden's attempt to get it through federally in America, are all falling flat on their face.
The technocrats are definitely on the ropes!
Does that mean that they're not going to try and bring back in the restrictions at a later date, off the back of a newly discovered variant or some new pandemic that Bill Gates promised would happen soon, a couple of days ago?
No, it doesn't.
But we have this counter-argument which says, All the restrictions are being lifted.
We're going back to normal.
We're not really going back to normal, but the restrictions are being lifted.
So all the people who said that this was a power grab by powerful technocrats were wrong.
They were wrong to be so alarmist, warning about where this would lead.
No, that's not their argument.
The argument is these technocrats, even if they reach for 100% of this new centralization of power, this modification, this deformation of society, Even if they only reach for 100% of it, knowing that they're going to get 25% of it, they're still 25% further down the road.
But they're not 100% further down the road because of the mass resistance that we've seen, especially in countries like Germany and the Czech Republic in recent weeks.
And that's where the argument lies at this moment.
You have to discredit the entire lockdown narrative.
You have to point out that the lockdown, as many experts have said, will cause more deaths in the long term than the virus itself.
You have to discredit lockdown as an immediate, knee-jerk response to pandemics, which was basically the default position anyway for response to pandemics before coronavirus.
You don't lock down millions of healthy people, you protect the vulnerable people, you allow the healthy people to go out their lives, you allow the economy to remain active, you don't punish people who are healthy, you don't put small businesses out of business, while of course we've witnessed the biggest wealth transfer between the elite, from the elite, in human history.
So that is the narrative now, and you've seen reports in the media where they're now acknowledging that yes, Cases with and from Omicron, there's a very special designation that you need to make between the two, a distinction that needs to be made.
They're now all admitting that, as if they didn't lobby for these restrictions, based on that entirely false premise that all the coronavirus cases, especially the ones in hospital, were in hospital because of COVID, not because of other comorbidities, other serious diseases, and they just happened to have COVID.
Or indeed catch COVID in hospital, which we've seen many times.
So the war for the narrative, the rhetoric war, now remains with discrediting lockdown, discrediting these restrictions, these mask mandates, as a condition, as a knee-jerk reaction to any future variants or pandemics.
And I think we are winning that rhetoric war, at least as it stands at the moment.
Then you have the vaccine, of course, Headline here out of Hart, this is Health Advisory and Recovery Team.
Huge press release that they put out today or yesterday.
Headline, Health Professionals Call for Urgent Investigation into Deaths in Young Males.
This is a surge in deaths of young males between the ages of 15 and 19 years old since May of 2021 in the United Kingdom.
Members of Hart, the Health Advisory and Recovery Team, I've joined with other senior academics and health professionals to call for an immediate investigation into the increasing death rate amongst 15 to 19 year old males since May of this year.
It points to a High Court ruling on Thursday 13th of January during which the Office for National Statistics confirmed that there's been a significant rise in the death rate for adolescent males over the last eight months compared to the same period of 2015 to 19.
They point out there's been at least 65 extra deaths in this age group in England and Wales.
Though the figure may be higher due to reporting delays.
And during that same time frame, there were only two deaths in that age group from Covid.
So these extra deaths aren't from Covid!
They're from something else.
Gee, I wonder what that could be?
They go on to state, quote, The concern is that this time period coincides with the rollout of vaccinations to this age group who are known to be at an increased risk of myocarditis, heart inflammation, especially after the second dose of the vaccine.
They're calling for an investigation on that because the ONS basically dismissed it and said that more data is needed when they've already noticed this pattern.
It's already documented.
DailySkeptic.org has responded to that with a headline that says, Sajid Javid must halt child Covid vaccination immediately and investigate the cause of the spike in child deaths.
Again, it points to this report by the Heart Advisory and Recovery Team.
Says in recent months a trend has been noted in England and Wales.
All cause mortality data.
Which has rung alarm bells.
Young males aged 15 to 19 have shown a rising death rate compared to the five-year average 2015 to 19.
They're calling for an investigation.
The government's trying to dismiss it.
Another thing that they're trying to dismiss, and the New York Times had a big hit piece about this a couple of days ago, is the increasing rate of healthy, vital footballers at peak physical condition in the United Kingdom, and indeed across Europe, suddenly collapsing in training, suddenly collapsing in the middle of matches with breathing difficulties and heart problems.
Headline here out of the Daily Mail.
Christian Eriksen and Sergio Aguero's on-field heart problems have fuelled suspicion of COVID vaccines in Premier League players, with encouragement from Matt Letizia and Trevor Sinclair, who are former professional footballers, say club medics with around 100 stars still refusing the jab.
So they're really upset about the fact that there's still a significant, albeit minor, percentage of Premier League footballers in the UK, Who are not getting the vaccine because they keep seeing their colleagues mysteriously collapse on the field with heart problems and breathing difficulties.
Not only amongst footballers, we've seen numerous games stopped because of problems in the stands with fans undergoing similar circumstances, having to be removed from stadiums because they collapse, they can't breathe, they're having heart problems.
So the New York Times basically came out with a hit piece and said, We don't need to investigate why these sudden spate of heart problems is happening, which, by the way, experts said a couple of months ago is, quote, just a coincidence.
They literally said that.
No, they blamed the former professional footballers like Matt Letizia for calling for an investigation into this very issue, because apparently they're the problem for calling for an investigation into it, not the fact that it's happening on an increased basis.
All across the continent of Europe and in the United Kingdom.
Numerous cases that we've focused on many times.
Again, football's peak physical condition.
Many of them who have had the Covid vaccine, some who haven't, collapsing in the middle of the pitch.
Apparently though, Omicron, they've found a new side effect from Omicron, from Covid-19, and that coincidentally is myocarditis.
How convenient Daily Skeptic reports triple-jabbed over-30s have higher infection rates than the unvaccinated.
Again, this goes back to the myth constantly promulgated by the legacy media that the unvaccinated are completely dominating hospitalisations, serious Covid cases, people on ventilators.
This is from the UK HSA, the official statistic, government statistics, as to triple vaccinated and unvaccinated.
And you'll see from the graph Which is derived directly from those statistics that when you get to the age of 30 to 39, triple vaccinated have higher Covid infection rates than the unvaccinated.
And that trend continues right along the demographics up until age 80 plus, where the triple jabbed with their boosters are more likely to spread the disease than the unvaccinated, according to the UK government's own statistics.
Information Liberation Report's Science Mac In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause long COVID-like symptoms.
Science Magazine reported Thursday that coronavirus vaccines may cause long COVID-like symptoms, though they insist it's only in rare cases.
John Travis, Managing Editor for News at Science, shared the article on Twitter while noting how delicate their reporting had to be.
So again, they're finally having to Gently dribble this out in the mainstream media so they can't be accused of covering it up or dismissing it.
But it is coming out, finally, after people have been pushing for months and months for it to do so.
Now it's finally emerging.
Gonna come back in the next segment though and talk about even more good news with global elitists at World Economic Forum conferences in a blind panic about how they are not trusted.
We'll be back.
Before the end of the show I want to talk about, can you believe it, yeah more good news as it pertains to the political situation in the United States as we approach the midterms and indeed the presidential election in 2024.
But of course the esteemed fact checkers at Reuters came out a couple of days ago and said there's absolutely no evidence that powerful technocrats who work for the World Economic Forum Or exploiting the pandemic to centralise further power, indeed to enrich themselves with more power, because powerful technocrats would never do that, would they?
Of course, Reuters itself is engaged in a paid partnership, being directly funded in one sense by the World Economic Forum, to fact-check the World Economic Forum.
Yeah, not very reliable, not very balanced viewpoint when you consider that those two organisations literally have a paid partnership with each other.
But there was an interesting comment which has gone viral on Twitter today from a recent World Economic Forum summit where one of the speakers was asked, what's the biggest stumbling block to the globalists realizing their great reset agenda in the aftermath of the pandemic?
And this clip explains what was said and why it's important.
Let's go to the clip.
World Economic Forum founder and world's number one Doctor Strange love impersonator, Klaus Schwab, asked his fellow globalists a question during a recent summit about the stumbling blocks that are preventing their beneficent, all-loving, great reset agenda from coming to fruition, which fact-checkers have graciously reassured us has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a secret plan by powerful technocrats to make themselves more powerful.
And what What possible reason could we have to doubt their sincerity?
But answering Schwab's question, this was the response from one of the panellists.
At Davos a few years ago, the Edelman survey showed us That the good news is the elite across the world trust each other more and more.
So we can come together and design and do beautiful things together.
The bad news is that in every single country they were polling, the majority of people trusted that elite less.
So, we can leave but... That's Neri Woods, Professor of Global Economic Governance at the University of Oxford.
The comments were actually made at the World Economic Forum's Great Narrative Conference back in November.
Although the clip you just saw is going viral on Twitter right now.
The majority of people trusted that elite less.
Ordinary people not trusting the elite?
Oh no!
How dreadful!
How could that possibly be?
Could it have anything to do with the fact that the ultra-rich elite used the pandemic to enact the biggest wealth transfer in history?
Widening wealth inequality to levels never seen before.
As they raked in vast profits while small businesses went bust.
In the UK alone, lockdown pushed 900,000 people into poverty while the rich got 54% richer.
Could it have anything to do with elitists in countries across the world brazenly flouting the very same lockdown restrictions that they demanded be imposed on everyone else?
Creating a new servant class of mask-wearing mutes while they parted it up totally maskless.
Could it have anything to do with the elite buying remote luxury properties?
In some cases, entire islands.
To further distance themselves from the general public while we were told we weren't allowed to leave our tiny houses and apartments.
Could it have anything to do with the elite pressuring big tech to smear, silence and de-platform prominent people who question the corona narrative?
Could it have anything to do with elitists laboriously lecturing us about our living standards, energy consumption and travel habits after having arrived to do so on fleets of CO2 spewing private jets?
Could it have anything to do with those who ask such questions being belittled, demonised and treated like trash?
Also, referring to yourselves as the elite... sounds pretty weird.
Sounds like something a creepy aristocratic bad guy in an old Bond movie would say.
And maybe, just maybe, that's why people don't trust you.
It's a big club, and you ain't in it.
There you have it.
I want to go to this final report now, because we haven't got that long left.
I briefly touched upon the subject in that video.
Big tech censorship.
Well now, in yet another example of good news, the esteemed Royal Society has come out and said that yes, online censorship doesn't work.
It only makes individuals distrust authorities even more!
Let's go to that video.
Here it is.
A major new report finds that online censorship is self-defeating and only causes individuals to distrust authorities even more.
Well I could have told you that, but it's a pretty big deal that the Royal Society is now saying the same thing.
Given that it's an organ of the establishment itself.
The Financial Times reports, "After investigating the sources and impact of online misinformation,
the Royal Society concluded that removing false claims and offending accounts would do little to
limit their harmful effects. Instead, bans could drive disinformation to harder-to-address corners
of the internet and exacerbate feelings of distrust in authorities." In the context of
information relating to corona jabs and the pandemic, the report concludes, "Clamping down
on claims outside the consensus may seem desirable, but it can hamper the scientific process."
It can also help facilitate actual cover-ups, like the lab leak theory, once dismissed and censored, now embraced as a plausible likelihood.
Frank Kelly, mathematics professor at the University of Cambridge, who chaired the Royal Society study, said that banning users and content from mainstream platforms Only makes it harder to engage with people who believe in such, quote, misinformation.
The report added that controversial content shouldn't be banned, it should be challenged.
A concept I've heard about somewhere before.
What's it called?
You can't remember... Oh yeah, free speech!
Quote, we need new strategies to ensure high quality information can compete in the online attention economy, said Gina Neff, Professor of Technology and Society at the University of Oxford and co-author of the report.
The report also confirmed that fear-mongering over social media networks entrenching echo chambers and filter bubbles has been exaggerated.
Outside of the report, it also remains clear that news networks, which when it comes to information about Corona, have a trust level of about 10%.
Demonising the likes of Joe Rogan for having esteemed doctors on his show doesn't harm Joe Rogan.
But because the media as an institution is so thoroughly discredited, It only makes millions more people want to listen to Rogan's show.
Of course, the more cynical observer would assert that online censorship isn't driven by a benevolent motivation to reduce harmful misinformation, but by the very malevolent motivation to bury the truth, and to un-person-specific individuals who challenge the status quo as a warning to others.
It's abundantly clear that mass online censorship isn't about building a healthier, more informed society.
It's about the malignant march to creating a society where everybody thinks the same.
There you have it.
Let's turn to America now, though, because, again, more good news.
You had Biden's car crash press conference the other day, where he struggled to get a sentence out.
Uh, you know, two-minute monologues where he barely makes a single point.
Well now Andrew Yang says Biden won't run in 2024.
He says large DNC donors are expressing increasing unease.
Citing sources within the Democratic Party, Andrew Yang says it's now unlikely Joe Biden will run for president in 2024.
Donors are sitting back waiting for a better candidate to emerge.
Who will that better candidate be?
Well, there's a paucity of available options, isn't there, given that Hillary Clinton is now apparently considering once again throwing her hat back into the ring.
Shows you what a poor selection of people they've got to replace Biden if he doesn't make it to 2024, which he can't even make it to the midterms at this point without stumbling and stuttering throughout a press conference, so Seems to be the case that he ain't going to have the lasting stamina to make it to 2024.
Yang said donors were trying to figure out who to coalesce around as a new candidate in 2024.
He also revealed he's heard from at least a couple of people who are considering mounting a challenge.
Also predicted a third party candidate may throw his hat in the ring also.
Meanwhile, support for Republican Party rises to highest level since 1995.
Does that mean the answer lies with the Republican Party with everything?
No, but it just shows you how unpopular the Democrats have become in one short year.
A new poll finds support for Republicans has risen to its highest since 95, enjoying a 9% boost since the start of 2021.
That is absolutely huge!
Goes on to say that Just 15.5% of Americans trust Biden when it comes to information about COVID, while of course his inability to stop runaway inflation in the United States has eviscerated support for his administration, with the latest poll of course showing his approval rating down at record lows.
Meanwhile, speaking of elections, there's a presidential election in France coming up in April.
Breitbart reports French populist Marine Le Pen reaches record popularity in poll National rally leader and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has achieved a record level of popularity in a new poll while French President Emmanuel Macron has seen a decline.
Of course, you've got Eric Zemmour, the fearsome French intellectual, also likely to run in that presidential election.
The only outcome that could help Macron is, of course, the fact that that vote amongst the populist right-wing is going to be split between Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.
But his poll numbers are slipping, increasing protests in France against Covid restrictions.
As we've seen in Prague, in Germany, A massive amount of good news, the restrictions being dropped, the mandates being rolled back.
A deluge of good news!
Excellent to hear.
We were the first to tell you about the coming global government that would use a biomedical police state for total control over the population to carry out forced sterilization and then mass extermination.
We were the first on a mass scale to raise the alarm about the new world order system we're now living in.
We've gone from beta in the UN world government corporate fascist state to operational now.
And they are accelerating quickly.
And they intend on record by the year 2030 to have at least 80% world depopulation.
That's only eight years away. And you ask yourself, how will they do
that? Well, we have major world study reports out by prestigious universities in Canada, the US
and the UK, all confirming massive record death rates around the world.
And major insurance companies are confirming a 40% increase in the death rate.
This is the biggest in history.
Even bigger than during World War II, when over 60 million people died, total.
That there is a 40% increase in the death rate of working-age men and women in Western countries, where the vaccines are being given, between 18 and 64.
Ladies and gentlemen, I knew it was coming.
I knew it was on their drawing boards, it was in their Operation Lockstep.
We all knew about the Georgia Guidestones.
We all knew about Bill Gates and David Rockefeller and their eugenics meetings calling for depopulation.
But that's one thing to know they were setting it up and beta testing in the third world, which was terrible.
Now they're doing it.
And that's why InfoWars is beyond the tip of the spear.
And if you don't support us and if you don't pray for us, we're going to be shot down very, very soon.
But just understand this.
I'm basically on a suicide mission.
That doesn't mean I'm going to commit suicide.
In fact, if they kill me and they say it's suicide, that's a lie.
Suicide mission, for those that don't know, is a term used in military parlance in the last hundred years when you have a 50% chance or more of dying on the mission you're going on.
And I can tell you, I am on a suicide mission.
It's bad, ladies and gentlemen.
They're trying to criminally indict me.
They are doing dirty tricks behind the scenes that are incredible.
They are doing industrial-level espionage trying to shut us down right now because Infowars is now going from being credible to being ultra-credible with the mainline intelligentsia of the world.
We are living in times that we were born for.
And so when I tell you that we're having the biggest effect we've ever had, despite all the censorship and attacks, that's not me here bragging.
That's saying we are in desperate, dangerous territory facing the main enemy head-on.
So we bring in millions and millions and millions of dollars a quarter.
But we also spend millions of dollars on bandwidth and infrastructure a quarter.
And we spend millions of dollars on payroll.
And I'm not complaining or bitching, I'm just simply saying, we are one of the main organizations and groups in the fight against the New World Order.
And we're really waking up the intelligentsia of the planet thanks to you and your support.
So I'm asking you now, more than ever, to go to Infowarstore.com today and to get the supplements, to get a t-shirt, to get the books, to get the films, and to share them with others.
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High quality products like Vitamin Mineral Fusion and X2 and Ultimate Bone Broth and our Ultimate Turmeric Formula Bodies are the highest end you're going to find and are so good for your immune system and your body and it funds our operation so it's a 360 win.
So we're going into the big finale right now in 2022.
This is going to decide decades of the future for humanity and InfoWars is right at the tip of that spear.
So thanks for keeping us there.
And just remember, you've made such a huge investment in us over the years, buying the products and spreading the word, that all of that could be in vain now if you don't help push this fight to the next level.
And we're all in this together.
So thank you so much for your support.
Info at WarStore.com.
God bless and good luck.
Hey N4 Warriors!
If you're like me, you've been a long time listener of this program.
You're fed up with everything going on in the world.
Inside you, like me, a fire is burning.
Something needs to change.
And yet, we feel helpless.
Almost like we're stuck inside a system that someone else created for us.
It's time for us to break free from that system.
Reset Wars is a game changer.
You start to see yourself more as part of the solution instead of just as a victim.
So much of the stuff we look at today is low vibration, low energy, and makes us depressed and therefore we manifest this negative reality out there.
When they feel their lie-cheat-steal plan to enslave and rob the people, there is an awakening.
Reset Wars has helped me to navigate And to pinpoint and lock on to the deep-rooted psychological tactics that were being used against me.
And now I'm not scared anymore.
I have to say I was blown away.
I feel so much better every day listening to it.
To Alex, thank you very much for putting the course together.
You're absolutely right.
We are reflections of God.
We are emanations of that.
And we can use that God energy to do really anything we want to do in this life.
Romans Chapter 12, Paul talks about how we're transformed by the renewing of our mind.
And that's a process.
Most of our thoughts and actions are subconscious.
Most people go through their day and don't think about many things.
You can drive along a long journey and not even remember half the trip.
In this process, we need to have a concerted, active effort, physically and mentally, to reprogram that subconscious mind.
That's what this series is about.
Is resetting our mind.
Because there's a war on for our mind.
He's exactly right.
And he's become a great voice in our generation and in this new Great Awakening.
And I encourage everybody out there, if you haven't gone there yet, go to ResetWars.com.
That's where your journey begins.