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Name: 20220119_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 19, 2022
2317 lines.

The article discusses the potential dangers of 5G technology interfering with aircraft instruments, leading to flight cancellations or older model jets being used. Critics argue that this poses a risk to safety and is being ignored by the establishment. The text also warns about corporate interests ignoring warnings in similar situations like the Deepwater Horizon explosion. It ends with a call for action to support InfoWars Store and resist attempts to shut down independent media.

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I don't know why the chief scientist of the World Health Organization came out 25 months ago and told the truth that vaccines don't work and are maiming people and killing them and that their mainline UN doctors are refusing to give the shots.
And that no real testing's done.
I can surmise that she has a soul and wanted to warn people, or I can surmise that their chief scientist doesn't want to go to prison when all this comes out.
So she's hedging her bets.
But whatever she's doing, we don't need to know the motive.
We know she's the chief scientist at the United Nations telling you vaccines don't work, telling you they're not doing testing, and telling you not to give them to children.
And she wasn't just talking about these mRNA garbage.
She was saying, these vaccine programs, where big pharma comes and tells us to do, we don't get any testing, we don't get data, they just say do it, and our doctors are refusing to do this.
Because it's, of course inoculation's a real science.
Of course you can get immunity from things.
Of course vaccines can be a great technology.
But the globalists are depopulationists, and they're hijacking it, and they are putting Trojan horses in it.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
But even Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's.
Where are we now as we reflect on this day?
Well I think that we are where we must renew the battle and the fight to preserve what Dr. King and his generation gave us and that was voting rights State legislatures all around the country that are controlled by Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people from voting.
Who are they trying to keep from voting?
Black people, brown people, college students, people who live on tribal reservations.
Trying to keep those folks from voting because they might vote Democratic.
As expected, the self-righteous left has desecrated Martin Luther King Jr.
Day, using the remembrance of a man to brainwash the gullible masses into voting for the depraved Democrats' federalization of elections, which would eliminate voter ID and use taxpayer dollars to fund their campaign commercials.
Nothing less is at stake than our democracy.
This is about suppressing the vote.
It's about nullifying the elections, which Dr. King talked about that day.
If you really truly want to honor Dr. King, don't dishonor him by using a congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy.
He has a monument on the mall along with Abraham Lincoln.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all of them with tears in their eyes.
For the departure from our democracy that is happening right now.
This is part of the big plan to control what happens in America, I believe, what happens in America.
If you take those voting rights away, people are going to be so angry, but there'll be nothing they can do about it because we're in charge.
Next thing comes, the women, we're going to take your rights away, just like we're taking X, Y, and Z, because there'll be nothing you can do.
This country, seemingly, or many people in it, seemingly want To be manipulated.
Oh, I was going to say to destroy it.
They are, you know, censoring journalists.
That will happen here.
That will happen here.
I think if the Republicans are back in power, you can see that they're intractable right now.
You cannot reason with these people.
They are shameless.
Meanwhile, newly inaugurated New York City Mayor Eric Adams declined to use his veto power on a bill that would allow 800,000 non-citizens to vote in New York City, tossing the Constitution that MLK honored into the dustbin of history.
I think it's imperative that people who are in a local municipality have the right to decide who's going to govern them.
And what do you say to all the people who went through the process, the difficult process of becoming an American citizen?
I say to them, keep doing it.
You know, membership has its privileges.
While the FBI treated Martin Luther King as a terrorist, yet getting brutally ratioed for tweeting out support for MLK while simultaneously focusing solely on white supremacy as the only terror threat in the United States.
And it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, but we're continuing to work to find motive, and we will continue on that path.
And as mainstream media hemorrhages viewership for ignoring truths like these, the double standards have become so repugnant.
that a recent Gallup poll revealed that Americans of every political affiliation
are abandoning the sociopaths of the self-serving totalitarian Democratic Party in droves.
I feel that we are in the midst of the most critical period in our nation,
and the economic problem is probably the most serious problem confronting the Negro community.
And I might say the most serious problem confronting poor people generally,
and I don't want to be narrow about this, talking only about the black poor in our country,
because I must be concerned about Puerto Ricans who are poor,
Mexican-Americans, American Indians, and Appalachian whites.
And we are confronting a major depression in the poor community.
MLK was a Boston personalist.
He would have wanted us all to realize that we are not insignificant specks of dust in the vast universe, because it is impossible for the entire universe to exist without a person experiencing it.
Furthermore, the Democratic Party, the World Economic Forum, Davos Bilderberg and the bloodlines
of the Illuminati are not the masters of that universe.
Tomorrow's news, today.
At this pivotal moment, I see several priorities for the global agenda.
We must continue to fight against the global pandemic.
We must revitalize the global economy and accelerate its transition to net zero.
We must preserve biodiversity by deploying nature-based solutions.
And we must narrow the gap between the rich and the poor to achieve a more sustainable global economy.
With these goals in mind, it is my distinct honor and great privilege to introduce his
Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, to open the Davos Agenda
It's Wednesday, January 19, 2022, and it's another edition of InfoWars.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Well, we passed the Rubicon a long time ago of the globalist cutting the bottom out of civilization, and the collapse is now moving faster and faster by the day.
Interstate travel is going to be cut off if you don't have your vaccine passport.
This is what you're now seeing happen in Europe and Australia.
Canada is now beginning to move to establish a dictatorship, as Trudeau said he would do several years ago, announcing that no one can buy or sell without the injections and the tracker systems and the phones, and that no U.S.
trucks can come into Canada unless you take at least four shots a year.
Four shots that erase your immune system and turn you into a factory producing spike protein that can then infect others with nanotech.
That's why there's so much illness now.
We have incredible numbers out of the National Television Bureau of Australia.
Their biggest channel.
And I've got a bunch of other articles where with a straight face, They say half of the hospitalizations, more than half of the hospitalizations in ICU are the vaccinated.
Now I want to be clear, that's not half of the people that have COVID that are hospitalized have been vaccinated.
Half of the total patients have been vaccinated.
Which is what all the numbers show out of Canada, the US, and Europe.
It is the injected that gets sick.
Almost everybody I know that's gotten deathly ill took the damn vaccine.
And then when they take it, it sheds, which Pfizer admits, and gets you sick.
People around you.
They turn our own bodies into viral, synthetic viral suicide bombs.
This is so incredible.
That is just...
One of the articles, ladies and gentlemen, that I have today.
One of them.
It gets even more powerful.
Let's put the live show headline up if we can for viewers.
The head of the UN vaccine program has come out and said, do not give these children the COVID shots.
There's no evidence it helps them and mounting evidence it hurts them.
Now is she covering her ass because she knows what's coming down?
Adam Salazar wrote a big article yesterday that went viral on InfoWars.com after the show ended that we're going to play coming up next segment where a doctor tells the patient, don't give this shot to your children, it's going to be pulled soon.
I'm going to say that again.
We have the head of the United Nations WHO Worldwide Vaccine Program saying, do not give any more COVID shots to children.
We have the European Union Commission, Medical Commission saying, do not give any more COVID shots to children and stop it.
We have the FDA scientist and we have the CDC scientist in the middle of last year being forced to resign because
they couldn't get them to pass giving 12 and ups teenagers the shots.
Now it's five and ups.
And they have the new board members on TV saying, well, we don't know what this is going to do.
We just got to give it to the kids.
And he starts laughing.
But they do know what it would do.
The CDC documents from October of 2020, now 14, 15 months ago, They say all the things that were going to happen.
Myocarditis, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes.
This is a planned operation.
Let that sink in that the ruling globalist controllers knowingly did all of this and knew it would happen and have now done it.
And the majority of people in Israel And the majority of people in the UK and the majority of people in Spain in the hospitals who are sick and dying of COVID have been quote double or triple jab, but it gets worse.
In Australia, more than half the total ICU patients, counting other people there with heart attacks, strokes and everything else, half of them have been vaxxed.
I mean, you think about those numbers.
That means it's massively boosted the number of people that are getting ill.
And we have insurance company actuaries.
We have that big global study done by the big university up in Canada last week in 144 countries.
And what does it say?
That there is a doubling worldwide on average In the number of people dying and it's all correlated back to the injections.
The John Hopkins numbers show the same thing.
Take the shot, get sick and die.
And I know people personally that have taken it in my family to rebel and good friends of mine that just didn't believe me.
And they are not the same people.
They are not as smart as they were.
They look unhealthy.
They've lost a lot of weight.
And it makes me cry.
To even look at them.
This is it.
I mean, we're living in a world where we're just being murdered.
And then those that haven't taken the shots, they get super sick as well.
I know so many people who have almost died or died from this garbage.
And I remember telling Dr. Peter McCullough, who's very smart, and he's like, oh, if you've got immunity to COVID, you'll be able to Not get any other variants.
And I said to him months ago, I said, Doc, that's not true.
From all my research, it's a synthetic bioweapon that's been released.
And, you know, behind the scenes, he obviously knows that.
And watch, there'll be new variants that get people sick as well, because they're not variants, they're new viruses they already have on the shelf.
And now you see that.
This is a biological weapon attack.
Now, we have the head of the U.N.
vaccine program, who in December Of 2020.
Did a two-day conference in Switzerland at the WHO headquarters.
And we went through the two days of video, 16 hours of conferences.
And she said, vaccines don't work.
We don't test them.
We're just told by Big Pharma that sponsors us to do it.
And our front lines gotten wobbly.
And our doctors know these shots are killing people around the world.
And then they had all these other scientists up there agreeing.
Why were they covering their ass then?
Because they knew what was about to come.
And they wanted it on record that they had warned people.
How do you think Wolfgang Wudark, head advisor to the EU, went public?
And I'm not saying he was involved, but he was warning people.
He wasn't like running it like the UN.
He was opposing it.
How do you think Michael Yedon, former head of Pfizer's science division, went public?
A virologist.
Why do you think Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, went public?
They know what this is.
They know.
And they knew.
And what they said would happen, happened.
They've been heroes.
But, ladies and gentlemen...
Now the head of the UN program came out and she said, don't give children shots anymore.
Because they finally, it's so evil, they know it's a depopulation weapon, but they're like, God, I'm going to kill kids?
That's a little too far for her and for Tony Montana and even for most people in the mafia.
But all the rest of you going along with this, you are now the murderers of children.
You're aiding and abetting the killing of them and you will be held accountable.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, here we are broadcasting worldwide in what could be the final days of our republic.
And the ushering in of a long worldwide scientific biomedical tyranny run by the most vicious behavioral psychologists the world has ever seen.
What we are witnessing is going to make the Soviet and Nazi and Communist Chinese excesses look like a cakewalk.
Please, if you can, put up the live show feed headline for today.
I want people to read that headline again and let that sink in.
Wednesday live, head of UN Vax program warns against injecting children as GOP lawmakers demand answers to FBI's, excuse me, to FDA's troubling attack on kids.
Read that again.
Wednesday Live.
Head of UN Vax Program warns against injecting children as GOP lawmakers demand answers to FDA's troubling attack on kids.
Then we go on.
Meanwhile in Australia, over half the people in hospital ICUs have been vaccinated against, have been vaxxed with Merck's COVID-19 bioweapon.
I'll read that again.
Meanwhile in Australia, over half the people in hospital ICUs have been vaxxed with Merck's COVID-19 bioweapon.
Also, Dr. Darren Beatty of Revolver News will break new January 6th false flag information
to discuss the Democratic Party's announcement that they will be seeking the indictment of Trump
to stop him from running for office in 2024. Boy, doesn't that just say a lot there.
And Psaki came out at a press conference, we'll play that coming up the last segment of this hour,
and she defended Biden saying that the American people are terrorist enemies.
Just a couple days before, she and Paul Begala said, it's not the fault of the Democrats, it's the Democratic constituents are bad, not the leaders.
So Democrat constituents, they're just bad people, but the Republicans are terrorists.
Well, they're really letting you know what they think about you.
What a nice group of people.
Dems plot to prosecute Trump over January 6th to prevent him from running in 2024.
And guys, this article printed, but just get me a printer friendly because it cut off a bunch of the quotes.
I want to read them on air.
Thank you.
We're going to do that in the last segment of this hour.
And then it goes into Psaki again saying that she stands by everything he said when he labeled millions of Americans domestic enemies.
So that's where we are.
Very, very dark times to say the least.
And our only hope before they fully get the technocracy and the robots in charge, because they'll follow orders, is to get back to God, to repent, And then to really take stock of the situation and then to do what the chief scientist of the World Health Organization did.
I'm sorry, she's not just the head of their vaccine program, she's the head of their entire global program.
She's actually the director.
Kind of like Dr. Michael Yedom was the head of scientists at Pfizer, that's what she is.
But she's actually the head of their actual science division.
Then you have the WHO political head above her.
So she's the number two person at the WHO.
And she's telling you, in a press conference, that you don't want to give children any more of these shots because there's no evidence it helps them and a lot of evidence it does hurt them.
Because we already knew it erases your immune system.
And then when they get sicker and sicker, they just change the PCR test they're still using to call the new illness you get, COVID.
And then you need more shots.
And meanwhile, while she's saying this, the head of the WHO, her boss, Tedris came out.
I got the video here.
We'll get to that next segment.
And he said, oh, sorry, four shots don't work.
You're going to need more shots.
But he said, that's probably not the best thing.
We'll just reformulate and then give you four of the new one.
COVID booster shots diminish immune system.
Red Pill TV.
Excellent report.
You really need to get it from InfoWars and share it if you want to save people's lives.
But you can't share InfoWars on most platforms, but you can share the video linked in it from FutureNews.News.
That's the new URL that they're not blocking.
They'll be blocking it soon.
I'm sure we'll give you a new one.
That's how the game works.
You won't let them stop you.
We're an info war.
You are the muscles and the mind and the guts and the brains and the will and the bones and the vision.
You are everything.
When you take action, we win.
When you don't, we fail.
So fight, fight, fight peacefully with the truth like your lives depend on it.
And realize, most importantly, that you can be delusional and pretend like you're in the power structure.
And that you're going to get away with this, but you're not.
Even if the globalists succeed in wiping out the general public, you will be wiped out as well.
That's historical, that's common sense, that's the way this works.
Please turn back now.
Please find your soul again.
I'm talking to people in the government, people in the corporations, people at the United Nations.
I don't know why the chief scientist of the World Health Organization came out 25 months ago and told the truth that vaccines don't work and are maiming people and killing them and that their mainline UN doctors are refusing to give the shots.
And that no real testing's done.
I can surmise that she has a soul and wanted to warn people, or I can surmise that their chief scientist doesn't want to go to prison when all this comes out.
So she's hedging her bets.
But whatever she's doing, we don't need to know the motive.
We know she's the chief scientist at the United Nations telling you vaccines don't work, telling you they're not doing testing, and telling you not to give them to children.
And she wasn't just talking about these mRNA garbage.
She was saying, these vaccine programs, where big pharma comes and tells us to do, we don't get any testing, we don't get data, they just say do it, and our doctors are refusing to do this.
Because it's, of course, inoculation's a real science.
Of course you can get immunity from things.
Of course vaccines can be a great technology.
But the globalists are depopulationists, and they're hijacking it, and they are putting Trojan horses in it.
So I don't know, What Dr. Soumya Swaminathani is doing this for.
But I just know she's the chief scientist there and everything she's saying is true.
And I know that when she did that two-day conference back in December of 2019, It's 2019, not 2020.
Time's flying.
That she looked like she was in front of a firing squad.
And when you see these politicians and these world leaders pushing the mandates and the crap, they know what they're doing is criminal.
Boris Johnson said there's going to be an overthrow of the government if this continues in the UK.
Well, yeah!
You people are overthrowing us!
You're starving us!
You're cutting our supplies off and making us take dangerous shots!
If there's a bad disease out there and it's a real vaccine and it works, I'll take it every day!
But this isn't a vaccine!
This is a gene therapy bioweapon, weakening our immune system for the next attack.
It's a binary weapon!
The list of incredibly prominent scientists of every discipline, from pathologist to virologist to epidemiologist to oncologist, To MDs, to research scientists that have come out and said that they're seeing doubling, tripling deaths, 20 times the cancers, massive neurological disorders, off-the-chart increases in heart attacks.
And then I've got articles like this coming out every few hours with new scientists.
And I looked them up and they're just huge, huge, huge individuals.
MIT scientist says COVID vaccine could trigger neurodegenerative diseases, warns parents against vaccinating children.
Big article by Don Salazar.
Update, shock video.
Doctor tells patient not to take vaccines because they'll soon be pulled.
That's the kind of stuff on InfoWars.com.
And that's what the system is battling around the clock right now to silence and to shut down.
So it's such an insane time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely over the top.
But just imagine, and let this sink in, when the head of Pfizer admitted That two shots to three shots basically has almost no protection, if any.
That's a quote.
He said, if any.
And you try to share that on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
There's a big articles about it.
They block it.
That is the level of Big Tech's merger with Big Pharma, raping our rights, raping our health, assaulting us, totally violating the Nuremberg Code.
While they cover their ass and put now in the inserts they won't show you that it can cause heart attacks, blood clots, and all those other forms of death and cancer, and then the UN head scientist says don't give it to kids, and the EU government says don't give it to kids, but all the leaders in France and Germany are, and the same thing here!
They go, oh don't take it, fine print!
And that's so they don't go to prison when all this happens.
And every day there's more top athletes take the shot and instantly have heart attacks.
So ladies and gentlemen, this is above my pay grade and it's above everybody's pay grade.
This is demonic worldwide attack.
This is the most insane event in human history that we know of.
There might have been some crazier stuff we don't know about before the history books,
but this is incredible.
And it's the multinational corporations running the governments doing this.
That's why you can't overthrow a government and fix this.
You have to overthrow the lies in your mind.
You have to overthrow the lies in other people's minds.
You have to stop complying.
Not complying is the revolution.
And then stop the election fraud peacefully and get control of our governments and then start prosecuting.
And these people will fall like dominoes.
But until you realize that all these big corporations are working together...
They're gonna try to turn the power off, cause riots, you name it.
Once you realize they're attacking you and they're working together, then it all makes sense, and then you can disregard everything they say.
But if you don't understand it's a full-spectrum attack, they're gonna keep this health emergency going forever.
It's the permanent emergency.
Now, this is the Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization, Dr. Soumya Swam.
Said there is no evidence, right now, that healthy children or adolescents need boosters.
No evidence at all.
And that's their way, but then they go deeper, just like the EU saying it can cause problems, it can hurt them.
And then the fine print they admit, myocarditis and a raised immune system.
Here's what she had to say.
So this question of the boosters is also something that we've been looking at very closely.
And again, we've always said that we will follow the science.
And what the science is telling us now, when we look across the different vaccines that are being used around the world, because if you remember, there are three aspects that can affect immunity.
One is the person and their own status.
The older you are, the more, you know, underlying conditions you have, or if you're on immunosuppressive drugs, then your immune system may be weak.
And so you may need additional help to boost that immune response.
So it's the biological factors.
The second, of course, is the variant.
And we've seen with starting from the beginning, the ancestral stain, different variants have had different levels of immune escape.
And with Omicron, we know that it has the highest levels of immune escape or immune evasion that we've seen.
across all of the variants so far.
Beta and Gamma also had that.
And then the third variable, of course, is the vaccine itself.
And there are differences between the different vaccines in how high the antibody response is, how long the protective immunity lasts, and so on.
But again, the good thing is that across all of the vaccines, high levels of protection against severe disease.
That's the outcome we're most interested in, protection against death.
Against Omicron, many of the vaccines have shown a reduction in efficacy against infection.
And that's why we see a lot of breakthrough infections, but these are mostly not resulting in severe disease.
So that's a positive.
There is some waning, which occurs over a period of time.
And we've seen that there's a slight drop in the protection, again, mostly against infection, but also a little bit against the severe disease.
And we need more of those studies.
We need to follow this out.
And that is why we've said putting all of this together.
The aim is to protect the most vulnerable, to protect those at highest risk of severe disease and dying.
Those are our elderly populations, the immunocompromised, people with underlying conditions, but also healthcare workers.
Because if a lot of healthcare workers get infected, as we see now, they can be out sick and we don't want them getting severely ill.
So to reserve boosters, For that population, there's no evidence right now that healthy children or healthy adolescents need boosters.
No evidence at all.
So This is why the SAGE, which is our technical expert body that makes policy recommendations, has been meeting and will continue to meet, will meet later this week to consider the specific question of how should countries think about giving boosters to their populations with a view to protecting people, with a view to reducing deaths.
And then, of course, we're looking ahead to the next generation of vaccines that perhaps will block infection.
More efficiently than the vaccines we have today.
And then we can think about... Oh, I can't listen to any more of this.
So, what we've got here is... Oh, it does wane a little.
No, it completely wanes.
After six months, you have no immunity.
That's why they say you have to have it again.
And then, oh, we need to not look at giving it to kids.
You know, we don't have any evidence that helps them because it hurts them.
And that's what the actual literature and the facts show.
Look at this headline here out of Bloomberg.
MRNA boosters don't block Omicron, South African study shows.
We already knew that.
Remember, oh, you got to take boosters.
Omicron, new lockdowns.
They knew this.
They're just calling the common cold COVID now because the common cold is illegal and everybody has a common cold, so everybody can be the enemy.
And that's the pretext for the World Social Credit score.
And finally people get it's a world social credit score.
Finally Fox News had experts on going, this is a world social credit score, but it's already here!
GOP lawmakers demand answers to FDA's troubling COVID booster approval process for children.
That's out of town hall, that's all over the news, because they had to make the different bodies resign over and over again until they finally got boards that would come after the children.
And I know people in my own circle, they're like, well, we can't wait till we can give our three-year-old this so they won't ever get it or so life can go back to normal.
It doesn't go back to normal.
It's a trap.
It's an endless emergency.
You've been conned.
You've been lied to.
But instead of admitting you've been conned and lied to, you keep doubling and tripling down on your ignorance.
You know, I'll hit the Marshall Law news and the Dems plot to prosecute Trump over January 6th to prevent him running again, and that big breaking news at the start of the next hour.
Because I need to continue and come back with the rest of the COVID takeover news.
Because it's just insane, and I've got to move as quickly as possible.
When we return, News.com.au.
The high number of vaccinated people in intensive care in Australia may appear concerning, but it actually shows the jab is working.
And then, of course, it shows the opposite.
Unbelievable gaslighting on that front and so much more.
And schools are now torturing students who are uninjected and literally discriminating against them.
This is how tyranny works.
All right, so here we are, ladies and gentlemen, with a U.N.
world government takeover.
We have a new video out.
debit cards being given to U.S.-bound migrants, U.N.-funded invaders.
Again, this whole thing, COVID-19, the open borders, the collapse of the third world, they use the COVID-19 lockdown to starve tens of millions to death, shut down all their businesses and farms, make them migrate here.
This is nothing but modern warfare.
It's how it's all being carried out.
And Trump did actually stop that.
But as soon as Biden got back in, he let the U.N.
program continue yet again with U.S.
taxpayer money from UAID.
That then goes to the U.N.
And there it is, ladies and gentlemen.
So they know exactly what they are doing.
Now, continuing, here is the news of Australia.
The high number of vaccinated people in intensive care in NSW may appear concerning.
That actually shows the jab is working.
Yeah, they say, yeah, it's respiratory problems and blood clots and heart attacks, but that's not related to the jab, and it's not normal for that number of people to be there, and they are having record hospitalizations, but it's okay.
Tim Cook's gay.
So, there you go.
They explain why half the people in intensive care in New South Wales are vaccinated.
It shows the jab's working, that's right, and men can have babies.
COVID-19 daily updates in New South Wales, Australia reveal most recent COVID deaths were vaccinated citizens.
The majority of the COVID deaths were also the vaccinated.
Oh, but they tell you, first it totally protected you, then it gives you some protection, now they say no protection, but you're just supposed to forget that.
And then of course this is back out in the news with new numbers confirming it.
Analysts of CDC data confirms massive 40% spike in deaths amongst 18 to 49 year olds
over the past year.
Still unexplained.
That's what the big insurance company owner said two weeks ago.
was they're seeing a 40% increase in all the countries where people are taking these vaccines,
a 40% increase in death.
And that's past last year before they started the vaccines.
So all these trendies on Twitter and Instagram, I see it all over the place without even looking.
Alex Jones said we'd all be dead within one year.
Well, I'm still, I'm still happy.
I didn't say you'd all be dead in one year.
I said all the top scientists are saying that this killed most of the rats in the studies within six months.
And their life expectancy is a little bit shorter, a lot shorter than ours, their lifespan.
So the experts guesstimated that you might die in two, three years on average.
We don't know.
But what we do know is this is happening.
I'm going to say this again.
A 40% increase in a group that is one of the longest lived areas or sections.
Working age 18 to 49.
The actuary out of the insurance company was 18 to 64.
But it's showing the same numbers 18 to 49 in that more limited demographic.
An analyst of the CDC data that was recently released to the Epoch Times shows that there has been an alarming increase in deaths among 18- to 49-year-olds in the United States over the past year.
But what's most concerning is the majority of the deaths were reportedly unrelated to COVID-19.
Of course not, see?
It's not COVID.
It's unrelated.
Well, you had a heart attack.
Well, you had a blood clot.
Well, you had a brain clot.
Oh, your lungs turned into bloody pulp.
You've got cancer all of a sudden.
We just don't know why everybody's dying.
I mean, Bill Gates said he wants to depopulate you and your family, but now he wants you to take a shot so you live a long time.
Very important article from GatewayPundit.com.
I'm going to have it linked in the live show feed today so you can find it easily at InfoWars.com and share it.
deaths in this age group, which are traditionally the highest or the healthiest,
deaths in this age group, which are traditionally the healthiest working age Americans,
skyrocketed by more than 40 percent from October 2020 to 2021, compared to the same period in 2018-2019,
which was pre-COVID according to the analysts of death certificate data from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, by the Epoch Times.
Just 42% of the excess deaths included COVID-19 on the death certificate as the cause, as contributing factor.
It is not clear if the number includes vaccine deaths, because they don't count it as that.
They count a vaccine death as a COVID death.
The new data almost exactly mirrors what the head of one of the United States' largest insurance companies put a whistle on earlier this month.
Highest death rate in history.
Indiana Life Insurance CEO says deaths are up by a whopping 40 percent among people age 18 to 64
in 2021 over a only a fraction were COVID deaths.
When broke down state by state the spike in deaths among 18 to 49 year olds
is even more than 40 percent in some places.
The most dramatic increases is in the South, the Midwest, and the West Coast.
Meanwhile, the Northeastern states generally saw much milder spikes per ET analyst.
Texas, for example, saw 18 to 49 age jump by a whopping 61%, which was the second highest increase in the country.
And just 41% of those excess deaths were attributed to COVID.
And it goes on and gets even worse.
So yeah, I'm in a bad mood covering all this, folks.
We're seeing massive death increases since the shots started.
And here's the video of the head of the WHO saying the shots and boosters don't work, so we need a new updated vaccine.
I'm not going to subject you to having to listen to his little slimy mouth talk.
But it is certainly, completely, and absolutely a nightmarish situation we're in.
And then, that's only a small portion of that news, but I'm going to come back in a little while and get into the police takeover that of course accompanies all of this.
But Katie, bar the door.
I want to get to this video though.
There wasn't enough information.
And it's a lot more coming up now.
because they'll soon be pulled. See the full video on InfoWars.com.
Here is the video.
Any questions?
Yes, sorry, just to make sure, so you think I shouldn't have any more vaccines then?
If you ask me, this would be my advice.
Okay, and is that just because you don't think anyone should have that vaccine at a young age, or is that because you, medically, I shouldn't have it because of my health?
Because medically, medically, I mean there is very much, as I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped.
This is information that should really come up.
You won't hear it on TV for a while probably because Oh, it's a long story, but, um, yeah.
So, very soon we'll stop all of these vaccines.
People don't know, but, um, they are not, yeah.
All right.
Thank you so much.
You're very welcome.
And should I be worried about my head at all?
Just leave it?
No, I don't think so.
No, I really don't think you should be worried about your head, no.
Thank you.
But any, any, you know, any sweat, fever, pain, lamps don't, lamps, uh, That don't get better.
Yeah, or more to come up or pain in the legs or swelling.
And you probably, if you lost your TP, your TP might probably say, yes, get a wax, yes, because, you know, information does come, but it's very difficult when, you know, I mean, it's not available everywhere.
Sorry, could I just ask you, so my sister's actually due to go and get her booster tomorrow.
She's only 22, so should I say... No.
Please, no.
Absolutely not.
She does not need it.
Please, no.
All right, I'll tell her.
Thank you.
And that's in the UK, and almost all the medical doctors I've talked to have been saying that for a year, because they already saw the numbers in England that were a few months ahead of us.
The main body in the UK that's regulated by law that it's in control said eight months ago, only about five, six months into the UK injections, stop it now.
They yellow carded it.
And the federal government of the UK said, no.
They said, nope, we're gonna give it to kids.
So folks, you can Machiavelli.
Look at all the angles of this.
People say, oh, they just wanted money.
They didn't know.
No, Bill Gates ran this.
They knew damn well what they did.
This is going to destroy civilization and the governments are going to get blamed.
And Klaus Schwab thinks everybody is so dumb.
When we have bloody revolutions caused by this, he'll come in.
And buy everything for pennies on the dollar.
That's in the IMF World Bank documents.
That's in the plans.
Greg Powell's first exposed in 2002.
By the way, Greg Powell's was getting quoted by Tucker Carlson two nights ago about all this.
I want Greg Powell's on ASAP if he'll come on.
He's a big liberal, but a good liberal.
And he's dead on about this stuff.
And so it's a plan to cause unrest and violence.
Do not be part of it.
That is the opposite of what we need.
We'll be right back with our number two.
We got so much news and a huge guest.
Stay with us.
Well, they gave it to me about 45 minutes ago on the stack, and I was so busy I didn't look at the breaking news.
But I said earlier, Boris Johnson says there's about to be an overthrow of the UK government, because they've got spy systems with AI watching everybody, and the computer tells them, all right, they're getting ready to burn the country down.
And they don't want too intense of a breakdown.
They want a controlled breakdown.
So they're going to now back off and then reapply.
Watch, they'll reapply the martial law again.
I know how the enemy operates.
I don't need their AI.
God gave me AI.
You've got it, too.
But Boris Johnson has announced an end to everything!
But watch.
It'll still be all the restrictions.
They'll call that an end of everything.
This is how PSYOPs work.
It's how gaslighting works.
What did the stewardess say to the man that pulled the mask down to have a drink of water?
He said, this doesn't make sense.
This is all just theater.
She goes, it doesn't need to make sense.
It's about you suspending your Common sense.
So we just got the video.
It's two minutes long.
We're going to play it next segment of Boris Johnson saying he's totally suspending everything.
And we're going to post the articles and video right now on the live show feed and on to InfoWars.com.
But you heard the UK doctor and I'm talking about is behind the scenes are being told the same thing that they're going to pull these vaccines.
But you think, well, that's a victory.
Well, it's in the SPARS 2023-2028 document that this would indeed happen.
This was done to devastate society and devastate the trust of people, and to create so much mental illness after two plus years of this, in the left wearing masks, wanting shots, that they're not going to care they're being abused, and they're going to demand more of this, and then get pissed at those of us that don't want it.
Paul Joseph Watson laid out the prelude to all of this, and I want to go ahead and play a little bit of what he had to say, but I don't want to take a victory away from us.
They're going to press, press, press, press, press until they know we're going to resist and win, then they back off.
They're going to press, press, press, and then back off.
But don't look for Canada and Australia to back off.
I think they've got their people where they want them.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson, and we'll come back on the other side and lay all this out.
This is good news, and it shows overall we're winning.
But we've got to understand now, they're going to put the pressure on, remove the pressure.
Here it is.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being warned that he must ditch all rules on face masks or face an even bigger Tory rebellion.
Mandatory mask rules for venues like cinemas and shops were reintroduced off the back of warnings about Omicron, causing 6,000 deaths per day.
That didn't happen.
It nowhere near happened.
Because the bedwetting alarmists that advise our government are always wrong.
And in fact, countries like Wales and Scotland, which introduced even stricter face mask measures, Recorded higher cases!
All corona restrictions brought into fight Omicron legally end on January 26th.
The government has indicated that it will scrap most of them, including Covid vaccine passports and work from home advice.
But some reports suggest they could be quietly planning to keep face mask rules.
The government's own investigation admitted that the evidence for the efficacy of face masks stopping the spread of Covid-19 in schools is quote, not conclusive.
As University of Oxford professor Jim Naismith pointed out, when England dropped its face mask rule in July, cases dropped.
Scotland kept their face mask rules and cases spiked higher.
Unless he chooses to completely override the democratic process, Boris needs a new vote in Parliament to keep the face mask mandates.
And although he can rely on Labour's ever loyal opposition, he faces another humiliating three-figure backlash from Tory rebels.
One senior Conservative MP warned that the government would be, quote, mad to pursue an extension of mask rules and predicted it would provoke a rebellion of more than 100 backbenchers.
He added that keeping such rules in place would be doing the bidding of the same technocrats whose predictions on Omicron Were massively inaccurate.
Tory MP Bob Blackman, who sits on the 1922 committee executive, said, quote, You said that during a visit to a supermarket in his Harrow East constituency last week, half of the shoppers and none of the staff were wearing face coverings.
The prevarication on mask rules is yet another indication that they're trying to keep face covering mandates in place on a rolling permanent basis.
Primarily as a psychological tool of population control to keep people in an anxiety-ridden state of emergency.
It must not be allowed to happen.
Tory rebels must make it immediately clear to Boris that along with the odious vaccine passports, face masks have to go.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're into hour number two and we have huge breaking news that we predicted yesterday.
Boris Johnson has announced an end to all COVID restrictions.
And then when he actually announced it, it's not an end, just like he did eight months ago.
Put the pressure on, release part of the pressure, but not as much As you did the time before, then over time, they're tightening you down, tightening you down, tightening you down, but you feel like you're actually getting your freedoms back by submitting.
That's right.
Oh, Boris Johnson just said you don't have to do it, but the cities and the left are going to keep it enforced.
You see how it works?
It's a formula of fraud.
And if you don't get the formula, you will continue to be under its control.
So, UK Prime Minister lifts most COVID-19 restrictions.
No masks.
And they're going to start letting businesses open.
Oh, but they do want you to have your Vax Pass.
If not now, then when?
UK prepares to end lockdown, mask mandates, business closures.
And they say they've ended them all.
But really, it's already been adopted by most, being rolled out.
They were about to bring in Plan B, total lockdown again, but the government on the left and right came together and said, this is killing our own families, it's killing our own children, we know it's not working, we've all taken the shots and we're sicker than ever, what the hell?
Just like the head scientist of the UN said, oh, we shouldn't give children these shots, there's no evidence they help them, because they know it actually hurts them.
And now Congress.
The Republicans have said, hey, you fired a bunch of the FDA and CDC board members last year because they wouldn't approve this for kids.
They said it wouldn't help and would hurt them.
We're going to have an investigation.
That's why next segment I'll get into how the deep states can respond.
Their response is, we're going to indict Trump.
That's what the Democrats committee said.
They said, we're political.
We don't want him to run again.
And so we've been told by the Justice Department that Merrick Garland will indict Trump and everybody else that supports him at the top.
And we're living in like Venezuela or something here.
And if I thought Trump was still hardcore and that Trump was going to stand up against all the swamp and wasn't pushing these poisonous shots that I told him would be his undoing, then I would be willing to back Trump and try to get him back into office.
But it's not because I'm scared of the deep state.
It's not because I'm scared of the committee or the Justice Department or any of that, that I'm not saying that I'm not going to go to bat for Trump.
It's because I don't have confidence in him.
I'll talk more about it coming up.
And I don't hate Trump, and he's still done a lot of good, and I hope he gets good Republicans elected.
But more and more, that's not what he's doing.
It's just that this country can't go into a civil war over Trump.
We're already going into one over these deadly shots, which Biden says, in his terrorism perspective, it's white supremacy to not take your shots in the protest.
What the hell does that have to do with it?
The majority of folks, the highest per capita, won't take the shot are black people, because they've already been through poison vaccines in this country.
Heard of Tuskegee?
It's asinine.
So first you're a racist if you won't take the shot, and then now you're a terrorist.
So it's all one big agenda with Psaki saying, yeah, he 100% stands by his belief that Republicans are terrorists and domestic enemies.
And I've got the incredible article with the Democrat chairperson and others saying, we're going to arrest Trump.
Well, let me just get out of the way of that little move.
That's going to blow up in their face so bad.
Look how horrible Biden's been for the Democratic Party.
Biden is extinct in the Democratic Party, and they know that.
That's why they're going ahead with all this insanity.
Pelosi and Schumer are going to start a war and try to march the hundred and something thousand Justice Department employees off with the U.S.
military against the American people?
Well, I don't support any of that, or either side, and I want to be like Switzerland, which means neutral, because the Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, behavioral psychologists have set up this civil war, and they want this civil war, and you don't beat them by getting violent on either side.
But the Democrats are too stupid, and they actually think they're in charge, and they're being set up to make this horrible move.
And Napoleon would say, do not interrupt your enemy when they're about to destroy themselves.
They're not our enemy.
They're puppet idiots.
Yes, I hate them.
Yes, I can't stand them.
Yes, they're disgusting.
Yes, I hope they go to prison.
But we don't want this giant explosive confrontation right when the world's waking up to the poison shots, right when populism's exploding.
This is bigger than America.
It's about humanity.
Because again, we get in a shooting war with these people, that's what they want, because that will plunge the economy.
And then Klaus Schwab's going to do that, and they're going to turn the power off and say it's a cyber attack.
That's all laid out, it's all pre-programmed.
You're going to be in the dark if they go ahead with this.
I'm going to be with solar panels in a trailer house in the woods.
But I'm just telling you, ladies and gentlemen, that this is serious.
I had Olly Alexander on, who's a non-violent smart guy being sued under the KKK Act by the Democratic Party.
I'm not joking.
A black guy being sued as a KKK for having peaceful demonstrations in D.C.
And he's like, Alex, I still have a right to rebel under the Declaration of Independence.
Because, you know, it's fun to sound, you know, like you're ready to go.
And I'm sure he is.
And I'm not putting Olly down.
Yes, you have a right to rebel when you think it's the right time and that's all you can do.
I'm not debating that we don't have a right to go after this corrupt system.
It's the wrong move.
Anybody can see that.
And Ali wasn't calling for that.
But still, we cannot have there be any perception that we just secretly want this to happen.
Because I don't secretly want it to happen.
I don't publicly want it to happen.
I desperately have nightmares about this and want it to stop.
I'm having more anxiety and I'm more upset than I've ever been.
And my gut is always accurate, okay?
Maybe it's the war with Russia coming up, or maybe, I don't know, but I am just on pins and needles and I know you are too.
Anyways, here's Boris Johnson claiming that they're ending all restrictions, which they're not, but at least it's a psychological victory.
They've been forced to do this because the opposition's building to defeat them, so now they're going to back off for now because the public's waking up.
So this is overall a victory if you understand they're going to try this crap again.
Here it is.
This morning, the Cabinet concluded that because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public have responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A in England and allow Plan B regulations to expire.
As a result, from the start of Thursday next week, mandatory certification will end.
Organisations can, of course, choose to use the NHS Covid pass voluntarily, but we will end the compulsory use of Covid status certification in England.
From now on, the government is no longer asking people to work from home.
And people should now speak to their employers about arrangements for returning to the office.
and having looked at the data carefully, the Cabinet concluded that once regulations lapse,
the Government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere.
Mr Speaker...
Mr Speaker, from tomorrow we will no longer require face masks in classrooms
and the Department for Education will shortly remove national guidance on their use in communal areas.
In the country at large, we will continue to suggest the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces, particularly when you come into contact with people you don't normally meet, but we will trust the judgement of the British people.
And no longer criminalize anyone who chooses not to wear one.
The government will also ease restrictions further on visits to care homes.
And my right honourable friend, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care will set out plans in... Okay, so they're relieving the pressure now partially because they know it was going to trigger a total political realignment and rebellion.
Which again, now you've got to push, push, push, push, push all the way through and start bringing the ministers to justice that lied and put out fake numbers and keep exposing that the shot doesn't work other than poisoning you.
And we need to use this as an example in Australia and Canada and here and in Europe.
People say, why do you care about them?
Because it's the same New World Order coming after all the countries.
I saw this Australian guy on Joe Rogan's show going, you don't tell us Aussies what to do, we don't like it.
It's like saying, don't fight Hitler, because you're not German.
What the hell does that mean?
This is a global attack!
And an attack on Australia, or an attack on Germany, is an attack on all of us!
Them today, us tomorrow!
Anybody telling me that they're bored, is nuts.
This is an orchestrated planetary corporate designed slow motion collapse to consolidate power control and force depopulation.
Now there is incredibly positive news unfolding that I talked about some yesterday but I cannot speak about it enough and Dr. Darren Beattie will not just be joining us in the next hour for the full hour to talk about the latest January 6th biggest developments yet, the biggest yet, He's also going to discuss Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and major geopolitical realignments that have already taken place and already happened, and why George Soros says Xi Jinping is the most dangerous man in the world.
I by no means endorse Xi Jinping.
I'm simply pointing out there's a very complex double-triple game going here, and China is
paying people now to have three children instead of only letting you have one.
They are breaking with the globalists.
They're not doing the carbon taxes.
They're not following any of what the new world order wants.
And that's what always happens in these evil alliances, like in World War I, World War
You see different groups are aligned, and suddenly they flip on each other, like Stalin
So, incredibly dangerous time, though.
I mean, I don't think I need to tell you, with the Russia situation, they say the worst in the history of our conflict with Russia, except for maybe the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
We have just never seen anything like this before and so I'd say those prayers a couple extra times a day.
I know I'm saying mine because I love my children and I just really am praying for peace with Russia and China and everybody else and I'm really praying for peace here in America because the globalists have got their bunkers and Klaus Schwab says, angry world, more war, collapsing currencies, civil unrest will bring in the Great Reset.
No thank you, Klaus Schwab.
No thank you.
So that's coming up.
But let me do this right now because I didn't do this last hour and this is something that's really a win-win and something that's very important.
I want listeners to understand something.
I could get a synthetic multivitamin or a synthetic vitamin C compound That either does almost no good for you or does nothing or hurts you depending on your physiology and what type of synthetic vitamin this is.
You can get a multivitamin that is certified daily allowances and the vitamins cost about the same as the bottle.
I could get you a bottle of multivitamins for about $3 packaged and I could sell them to you for $30 and make a ton of money and we'd be able to fund ourselves to do that.
I don't do that.
We go out to the top facilities in the country, and we say, what is the very highest quality whole food vitamin, meaning it has to come from actual food, it's organic, and it's concentrated, so it takes a ton of food to get it all down to this base level, and the processes of extracting those vitamins out, then they've got to measure it, get it tested, prove it, I mean, it's a totally different world.
Whereas, I mean, we've got products where there's $40 a product in them.
Things like DNA Force Plus.
I mean, that's the highest quality PQQ and CoQ10.
And big juicy doses with a bunch of other stuff.
I mean, because I'm not going to sell you this and then just make money and do that.
I'm going to sell you something that I take.
Now, can you find whole food vitamins and minerals and other systems that are as good as ours?
Yes, there are a lot of great brands out there.
And whatever you do, get them.
But with us, you get a great price for the quality you're getting, and it funds the info war.
You're not going to get that anywhere else.
And so, a couple years ago, we could get our multivitamins in any time we wanted them.
It's been four or five months since we've had these in.
I guess longer.
I cut ads yesterday saying four months.
Did I correct him in again?
Hey boss, it's been eight months.
I'm like, oh, whatever.
I'm not changing the ads.
So, it's been eight months.
I said four months in the ads.
You'll see the ads start airing tomorrow.
I shot them last night, but eight months since we've had this, and it was not as big a shipment.
We now tell the companies, okay, when you get enough to do a limited run, do it.
So instead of doing a run of 20,000 bottles, we did a smaller run of 10,000 bottles, because that's all we can get with the supply chain breakdowns and not cut quality.
I could get synthetic vitamins and minerals and everything all day long, no problem, from the U.S., from Mexico, from China, from India, all day long.
And then we test them with third parties and it's crap.
We're not going to do that.
You have my commitment, on my children, on my soul, that we're bringing you the very best products we can at the best price.
Everybody already knows that.
I'm just encouraging all of you, ladies and gentlemen, that you need to get these products and you need to take them.
Because if you don't have the building blocks and the basic defenses for your immune system, you don't have a prayer, in my view.
And that's not my opinion.
I mean, if you don't have water, you die in five, six days.
Don't have food, you die in about a month.
Don't have oxygen, you die in five minutes.
Well, if you don't have essential vitamins and minerals, you just get sickly in about four or five months and you die.
And most disease out there is people deficient in vitamins and minerals and other trace elements.
Folks used to always wonder out in East Texas why all these old black women would outlive their husbands.
They'd live to about 105 and their husband would die at 50.
Well, their husbands, and so do the white guys, they did this too, but my grandma would actually go get it sometimes from the black ladies.
They would go into creek bottoms, because they learned this in Africa and had been passed on, and dig out certain clays, and they would eat the clay.
Well, I mean, so do the deer, so do the cows, so do squirrels.
And they would taste it and smell it because it had minerals in it and trace elements.
That's what clay is, is dirt and dust and mud mixed with living things over the years, over centuries to form clay.
That's what clay is.
And those women lived a hundred years of age on average.
My dad used to take me and visit them, women that had been his, you know, nannies and stuff.
But the point is, is that they were old women when they were his nanny.
Because they ate dirt, ladies and gentlemen.
And they had the minerals, and they had the trace elements.
So, now they know, oh, there's all these fancy clay tablets, and people take living clay, and it's like a thousand dollars a bottle, and oh, the Hollywood, this is the best living clay.
Because now they know what the wives knew, what the wivetails knew, now everybody knows.
And so, yeah, the men were always making fun of wivetails, whether it was white men or black men.
And the men are all sitting there dying, laughing at the women eating dirt.
But you see the deer eatin' the dirt.
You see the wolves eatin' the dirt.
You see the coyotes eatin' the dirt.
You see the chickens eatin' the dirt.
You see the dog eatin' the dirt.
But dirt that the olfactory nerve picks up and knows has the minerals in it.
So I'm sure the left will have a big heyday where there's a, Alex Jones says eat dirt!
Yeah, yeah, like there's salt licks.
Certain rocks have salt.
You'll see deer licking the salt.
You put salt blocks out for your cows.
This is all just common sense, folks.
And it's why you need these products at InfoWarsTour.com.
Because these are light years better than the clay that the old black women were eating that had the vitamins in it.
Or had the minerals in it, not the vitamins.
Actually had some vitamins because it's got some living matter in it.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and get your products today.
They are both 40% off.
They've been out of stock for a long time.
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The Linus Pauling style formula, what he called for, was a very large dose of Vitamin C. Over 1000% your daily allowance.
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It's all there.
And then the multivitamin mineral from Whole Foods, not the Whole Foods Company, it's from Whole Foods.
That is also 40% off.
Stay with us.
When I grow up, I want to take humanity to the next level.
I want to help defeat the New World Order.
I want to interface with God.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
All right.
Glad to be here.
Love humanity.
Love you.
What a fight.
What a time to be alive right now.
A lot of horrible news.
A lot of really good news.
What an insane time to be alive.
That's all I can say.
We got Dr. Darren Beattie joining us coming up in the next hour and I really do need to get to some of these video clips concerning the wheels coming off of the whole COVID-19 takeover plan.
Now again, they war-gamed in the Rockefeller and Carnegie Endowment and UN documents to execute all of this.
They put that headline back up.
It's not the crew's fault.
It's how the show works.
They just throw articles and videos up, and then I saw it and forgot what I was saying.
Justices Gorsuch and Sotomayor joined forces to rebuke NPR's fake news mask fight hit piece.
Well, that's good!
Because the media just makes up whatever it wants.
People need to challenge that.
They need to say no to it.
But going back to what I was saying, The globalists, in their different documents, we've covered here at Nauseam, because unlike mainstream media, we say something we'll actually show you where they said it, like the SPARS document, 2023-2028, Go Rid of Yourself, or Operation Lockstep.
They say, once people figure out the shot doesn't protect them and it starts killing them, we'll just fire some of the agency heads and blame the government people.
And then there'll be a loss in confidence and civilization will accelerate its collapse.
I mean, who?
People keep asking how I know all this.
These freaking psychos write all this stuff.
But they call it a battle plan or a futurist analysis or of different possibilities.
And it's not possibilities.
It's what they're doing.
If I was planning to rob a string of banks, which that's hypothetical, I don't do that.
It'll be, Jones says he's robbing banks.
It'll be on CNN tomorrow.
I would say I was writing a novel about how I was going to rob a bank.
And it wouldn't matter if I got caught with it.
It didn't matter if it was very similar to the actual bank that had been robbed.
I would just say that's a similarity.
But it's not a similarity.
And we've learned when different governments launch terror attacks to compartmentalize those false flag events from the rest of their personnel.
They will run a drill of the exact same thing happening so that the people involved in the attack can all coordinate with a battle plan, but if they get caught, they say, oh, this is just a drill on 9-11 that they were doing on 9-10 and 9-11, 2001, of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center.
And all these big drills and NORAD drills that day, and the Pentagon cancelling a trip of the Pentagon Brass.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
The Pentagon cancelled it the week before.
Look it up.
To the World Trade Center.
Just a little fact that I forgot.
They were going to have the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the towers when the plane went in there.
They weren't even involved, folks.
They planned Flight 93.
It was supposed to go into the Capitol.
We even know the Air Force generals that refused the orders to stand down and ordered two Sidewinder A-9 missiles.
It's even in the FAA records that they're, permission to fire, permission to fire, aim nine, aim nine, and they blow the plane up because it had been hijacked by remote control, nerve gas had been released killing everybody on board, that's why they created the whole let's roll phone calls and all that, none of that happened.
They nerve-gassed the plane, took it over with drone control, they're gonna fly it into the US Capitol.
But the Air Force said screw it and the Pentagon figured it out too.
I'm not defending the Pentagon, but the Pentagon said no to Peter Daszak and Bill Gates' plan to release COVID-19 in 2017 and 2018 in China.
They still did it.
The Pentagon was like, what's going on here?
No, I don't think we're going to that conference in New York.
We're supposed to be at the UN on September 10th, and we're supposed to go to the World
Trade Center and visit Wall Street on September 11th.
I mean, you can really see where all this was going.
Because if you think the Deep State almost took over on 9-11 and launched all those wars, can you imagine if a large passenger jet had flown right into the dome of the Capitol and that image of American power, it's a beautiful building, and of Western freedom being, I know it's a whorehouse now, but it's still a beautiful building, okay?
We're a great country.
It's our building.
Just because a bunch of criminals took it over doesn't mean, you know, it's theirs.
Can you imagine the dome smashed and destroyed from a large passenger jet T-boating it?
It'd cut that dome right off there.
And we'd be under martial law today.
But just like January 6th, that the feds provocateured and hyped up their people and manipulated useful idiots to go in, and they had a thousand plus FBI, paramilitary all surrounding it, and let it happen, and then there I was trying to stop it, and I've been asked, like, why'd you try to stop it?
The media sends us messages and we see the emails, why don't you, you did try to stop it, Jones, but why are you so, so pretentious?
You know, here in Texas we have a law, failure to render aid.
And it's also there for police.
And Texas isn't perfect.
You see articles all the time in places like Tennessee and Texas and Arkansas where there'll be cops serving a search warrant on a drug den.
And the drug dealer starts shooting the cops.
And then a bunch of citizens come out with their guns and shoot the criminals.
Do the cops turn around and say, you're a little bit uppity here, son.
I mean, what are you doing when I'm getting shot at helping me?
In Texas, if you see a car wreck and people are hurt and you don't pull over and help them, that's a felony.
And it should be.
I expect you to help me when I'm getting hurt.
It's un-American and I'm not some damn hero!
You know, I've told the story a hundred times.
I remember Rex was only a year and a half old.
We went to a La Madeline.
It's like a French restaurant.
It's not fancy.
It's like in between fast food and whatever.
And we were done eating and I went to the bathroom and I come out and this woman, blue on the table, And I go, how long has this been going on?
About a minute?
And they're all like parrots saying, call 9-1-1, call 9-1-1, call 9-1-1.
And I finally just go, the police, she'll be dead by then.
So I push the people out of the way, do the Heimlich, big ol' piece of bread comes out.
And they're all looking at me, and they go, oh, you're a hero.
And the lady goes, did he hurt her?
Because she's a big ol' fat lady, he had to pick her up.
I kind of felt a rib break when I was doing it, so I was like, let's go, let's go, because the nanny state will burn you for helping somebody.
But still I did it.
We were having a rally.
We had a permit.
We got there.
It was a disaster.
I felt terrible.
It wasn't my responsibility, but it would become my responsibility if I didn't try to get up there and stop people going in there.
And the left, on NPR, about a month ago said, Jones really launched the attack, and then he got up there to act like, once it was too late, that he didn't know.
Well, it wasn't too late.
It was an hour later, the red flare went up, and Ashley Babbitt died!
And I had military guys with me, you know, I hire professionals, police officers, and they go, red flare means somebody's been killed, we gotta get out of here.
But I tried.
And I failed.
But at least I tried.
At least I tried.
At least I tried.
Because when I grew up, my dad saw somebody, to the point of getting annoying, with a flat tire, he pulled over to help him.
I see somebody with a flat tire, I just keep going.
I'm an angel here.
Because half the time you get mugged doing that now.
But you can see the breakdown of society.
But people in like DC think I'm a space alien trying to stop bad stuff.
And that's why society's falling apart, folks.
All right, I got this huge news when we come back.
Massive news from MIT.
It's so damn important.
And Tucker Carlson and so much more.
It's a real honor to be here with you as we enter the real crucible A heart of the New World Order.
We're now deep into it, my friends.
It's just going to get rougher from here, but we're going to make it through it.
That's God's promise.
All right, I've got a bunch of clips for this segment.
Tucker Carlson, again, is one of the only people on national news saying what's happening.
It's a great reset.
The Holy Grail is the global vaccine passport now being implemented all over the planet and in blue cities.
And if our government lets this take over, they're insane, because this is how you control the world, is a UN corporate, Klaus Schwab-controlled consortium that Xi Jinping built the technology for.
On record!
An international consortium with the Chinese government, and the UN runs this.
Trump was worried about Huawei?
This is far worse.
I mean, even if the government wants to dominate, it just wants power.
It ain't the Russians controlling Ukraine and getting their own gas sold to Europe that's gonna bring down their Anglo-American New World Order.
It's gonna be stuff like a World ID controlled by the globalists.
Here it is.
These people are aware of the fact that our constitutional rights are being set aside without an end date and that we're heading towards a new system, a tyrannical regime of mass surveillance and control.
And this is not just a hunch.
This is all part of a bigger plan.
This is something people who are watching right now can actually go and look up.
What's very important for the American audience to know is that we've had this digital COVID pass in place in Europe, which is basically like a QR code on your phone that grants you access to everyday life, like to bars, restaurants, etc.
It's completely bind to your Vax.
Status and this is all part of a European project issued by the European Commission that is basically surrounded around this idea of a European digital identity.
So this will not stay just linked to your vaccination status.
This will encompass taxes, this will encompass your medical records apart from your vaccination status, your bank information.
So basically, we already have a system in place right now that is very close, or at least reminds us of the beginning phases of a social credit system.
We are literally turning into China.
We are literally turning into China.
And this has all been public for several years.
It's the battle plan we've been telling you.
And finally, Congress is talking a little bit about it.
And finally, Tucker Carlson is talking about it some, which is great.
And I'm trying to get Joe Rogan to get his mind wrapped around it.
We were at dinner a while back, and I just kept explaining to him that it's all the cash flow society.
It's all the social credit score.
It's all, this is everything.
Because I don't want to be the number one talk show host.
I don't care that I'm the first to talk about this stuff.
I just want to beat it.
Because we're literally being enslaved together.
And I just sit here wondering why this is not the top news story.
By the way, we have a clip of the Australian Health Chief.
Saying you must take your boosters.
It's effective against Omicron.
They have a bunch of studies from around the world, including South Africa, that it actually makes you catch Omicron.
In fact, type that in, guys.
Study shows you vaccinated catch Omicron easier.
But she's saying it protects you.
She's a freaking liar, man!
But let's go to the next clip.
I talked about this some last few days, but here's Australia running national ads.
Telling you, and for the parts that don't have audio, I'll read the text for radio listeners, but this is a TV ad and informational about how you've got to have this vaccine passport and it says it's a social credit score up at the top of it.
So, it ain't coming, it's here.
Here it is.
This video will show you how to set up your digital identity with myGovID.
First, you need to download the MyGov ID app onto your Android or Apple device.
Look for this icon within your app store to make sure you download the right app.
Also, have your identity documents ready and allow yourself enough time to set up your MyGov ID account.
The process can take some time and you need to have this done correctly before you can set up your ServiceWA app.
Hey, pause.
You're literally getting set up with the mark of the beast with total control.
It shows the social credit score in a minute.
This is the Australian government doing this and it's all based on the approved UN program from six months ago and runs off the app that the Chinese Communist created.
MyGov ID app and start setting up your digital identity.
You can also choose to secure your login using your device's security features,
such as a fingerprint scan or face ID.
Now you have a MyGov ID with a basic identity strength.
And pause again.
Your basic identity strength.
Oh, it's a social credit score.
How strong are you?
Remember in the Black Mirror episode, which was based on what they were already setting up, it was a certain score up to a few thousand, and it was like a pie.
This is your strength.
I mean, you want to be strong, don't you?
Well, what you purchase, what you do is all watched.
You're being surveilled.
Isn't that great?
Totally illegal.
And it's all based on you have your shot, you submit, and now you do other good things, and your strength level goes up.
It's like a video game, you see?
Submitting to the system, like that patent Bill Gates has.
Where your every movement's tracked by AI microchips in you, and if you work like a robot and follow every order, then you get to get food at night.
Why would anyone induct themselves into a slave system of this level?
Where you're literally hyperventilating, but if you don't act exactly like you're supposed to, your social credit score goes down.
This is what they're doing.
This is what the left thinks cute and funny.
And they get paid as social engineers and influencers to push this.
Let's continue with the Australian news.
Access the Service WA app, you are required to verify at least two Australian identity documents to achieve a standard identity strength.
This video shows how to import your COVID-19 digital certificate by signing into myGov and giving permission to share it with the Service WA app.
Share access of your digital certificate by opening up your app, clicking the certificate icon on the home screen.
Pause again.
Remember the key to all this is, is tracking you in live time.
You're opting in and now Australia's already announced you must carry your phone with you to leave your house or you're arrested.
It's your little digital police state minder.
Import through your myGov account.
When you are happy to proceed, tap I agree.
Check that the details of the certificate are correct before you tap Save Certificate.
You will notice there are security features on this certificate helping you prove its authenticity, including a live clock timer, a shimmering coat of arms which moves as you move the phone, Oh, it's so real.
Oh, it's directly from the Globalist.
Oh, it's real.
That's enough.
Shut it down.
Same people that launched the whole attack are now behind this.
What a group of monsters.
They all need to go to prison.
And they will.
They're going to keep pushing this and pushing this and putting people in camps.
And mainstream news in the U.S.
says, arrest everyone.
London Telegraph, arrest everyone.
Put them in camps.
They pushed all the way up to camps, camps, camps.
Make you take the vaccine.
Make you have the app.
And in countries where you say no, like the U.S.
and the U.K., OK, we're going to stop for now.
But where they submit, it's just all the way.
Submission is death.
Resistance is victory.
Resistance equals life.
Submission equals death.
When you're on a mission to Mars, and they're setting it up, and you're on for a year with no gravity, the strongest man or woman will lose about half their muscles and more than half their heart strength.
The strongest person.
Gravity makes us strong.
It doesn't make us weak.
Pressure makes us strong, not weak.
But when you have no pressure, When you submit, you are destroyed.
Resistance is life.
Submission is death.
Islam says you must submit to the will of God, but it's not the will of God.
It's the will of the Imams.
And I will not submit to Klaus Schwab.
I will not submit to the Imams.
I will not submit to the Catholic Church or the fake Protestant leaders or any of these people.
I will submit to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and that's it.
Alright folks, let's go to this quick MIT clip.
MIT scientist says COVID vaccine could trigger neurological diseases on Fox News.
A well-respected MIT scientist recently gave a presentation warning of the possible long-term side effects of the COVID vaccines.
Here it is.
She wrote, through the prion-like action of the spike protein, we will likely see an alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases.
With increasing prevalence among younger and younger populations.
Joining me now is Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Dr. Seneff, this is absolutely terrifying to a layperson to hear, as this push for vaccines and boosters and new boosters and multiple boosters for our younger population continue.
What do we need to know?
I first of all think it's outrageous to be giving vaccines to young people because they don't have a risk of a very, very low risk of dying from COVID.
So they don't get a benefit.
potential harm from these vaccines.
It just doesn't make any sense.
And certainly repeated boosters is just going to be very devastating, I think, in the long term.
And it's just -- I've done a lot of research, and I really am beginning to understand exactly how the process takes
place, and it's very disturbing.
Now, the neurodegenerative aspect of this that you specifically highlight from your research,
explain that if you can in layman's terms.
Yes, I'll try to and of course the science is never easy, but it's quite fascinating what happens
The vaccine gets injected into the arm, the muscle cells get very upset.
They bring in a whole bunch of troops.
The immune cells come in, take up the vaccine themselves.
They take up the nanoparticles.
They start making spike protein.
The particles basically get your cells to produce lots and lots of spike protein in a hurry.
Spike is the most toxic part of the virus.
And these immune cells then rush into the lymph system, rush to the spleen, many of them end up in the spleen,
which is where you want them to be to produce the antibodies, that's the goal.
So they've designed it, and they're very happy to see that they end up in the spleen,
making lots of spike protein, and then invoking an immune response
that produces antibodies by the B cells.
But the problem is that those germinal centers in the spleen are really the center place where Parkinson's disease develops and probably many other neurodegenerative diseases.
Remember, the head of the U.N.
program came out and said, don't take the shot.
Okay, so wheels are coming off.
Joshua in Texas.
Joshua, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Right on, man.
You guys talk about the New World Order a lot, and my dad was the first to expose it.
I had been banned from Band Dog Video.
First of all, I wrote down that Randall Wilhite, Alex Jones' lawyer, went on record saying that Alex is a showman and just playing a character.
Second time I got banned, I said that Mark Randazza is a lawyer for the Church of Satan and now your First Amendment lawyer.
Next time I got banned is that I proved that you guys sell your products on Amazon, giving Jeff Bezos a cut of your profit.
They say you guys have to sign non-disclosure agreements.
All the employees.
So Alex actually bans your free speech.
One hour later... Josh the Troll!
You can't get Patriot Points on Amazon!
Hey, Josh the Troll, I have 5,000 Patriot Points!
How many do you have, Josh the Troll?
Josh the Troll!
You need some garba-chill!
Josh the Troll!
Alright, we got huge news, not just on January 6th, but on G.G.
Ping and his three-child policy and so much more with a really smart guy, Dr. Darren Beattie, coming up next segment.
But I wanted to hit this right now.
And I want to just briefly say this before I play this clip.
Good people see authority, at least in my experience, as like, well, they must have a plan.
They must have thought it through.
They've got to have some good inclination or they wouldn't do this.
Psychos and madmen and megalomaniacs can't stop power grabbing because they are missing something inside.
Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, the list goes on and on.
And so we look at it logically, keep trying to put logic on why they would do all this.
Why would Bill Gates do all this?
Why would they launch all this?
Because they're psychotics.
Because it's the desire they have.
It's like you hear about sometimes a pit bull just eats somebody's baby.
Most pit bulls I know are nice, but statistically there's a small percentage that are crazy.
And that's what this is.
So I've got Dr. Carrie Grant, because most of these globalists don't like carrying this out.
They're just ordered to.
She really enjoys it.
She said, it's never ending.
You're going to take all the shots.
You're never going to stop us.
And they had a major, even AP reported this, major South African study came out yesterday saying you get more a chance of getting Omicron if you've had the vaccine.
Not just that Omicron, or not just the vaccine isn't effective, you've got more of a chance.
And so the rats are leaving the sinking ship, but here she is in a video lying to people saying, no, no, you've got to have it for this, but here it is.
Israel finds fourth vaccine does not effective versus Omicron.
Early Omicron breakthroughs show mRNA vaccines weakness.
And it goes on and on and on.
Pfizer CEO says two-covid vaccine aren't enough for Omicron.
He says, may be worthless.
Fourth dose, Israel says, MSNBC, not good enough.
So, this is an endless fraud.
This is a scam.
And it all relies on us not having a memory.
And remembering two years ago or a year ago.
Or just submitting through the false social contract and believing it's for our good.
And to get out of this, let's just be tough.
Let's just get it done.
That's how a normal society works.
You don't get through this by submitting to Hitler.
When you submit to Hitler, life gets worse.
When you give up more rights, the noose tightens around your neck until it's too late because you're hanging and you're dead.
Here's Dr. Kerry Grant, Australian health operative, admits people are dying that have been vaccinated.
In fact, the majority of the dying are the vaccinated.
Here it is.
Up with the team.
Further on, why is it so many vaccinated people are dying?
So, vaccinations work really well, but they can't protect everyone and that's why you
need multiple layers of protection and that's why we advise people to take care around vulnerable
We ask people to take those additional precautions.
So we will, tragically, still see deaths in individuals that are vaccinated.
But that doesn't mean... The vaccines are so good at protection, particularly the third dose.
We know that that third dose of vaccination is critical for Omicron in increasing the level of protection.
But the vaccines we have available are safe and effective.
And of the 36 people, 33 were vaccinated against COVID.
Generally, they had had two doses.
Three people were not vaccinated.
Of the three people who died under 65, one was vaccinated against COVID and had two doses, and two people were not vaccinated.
All three of those under 65 had serious underlying health conditions.
And of the older people, Only a handful, four, had had their boosters.
So can I just echo the Premier's comments and I know this will be echoed by Miss Pearce in her presentation about the vaccination.
There needs to be a sense of urgency in embracing the booster.
Embracing the booster.
Embracing your line.
No lady, you need to be in prison.
Well, a lot of incredible developments taking place and now even Mitch McConnell talked about it a week ago.
Senator Paul's talked about it.
Tucker Carlson's all over it.
The Democratic Party is running on January 6th.
And they're saying questioning open borders, questioning election fraud, questioning lockdowns, questioning forced inoculations is white supremacy and white supremacy is terror.
That's in the whole June announcement that there's domestic terrorists everywhere and the new direction isn't Islamic terror.
It's not China.
It's not Russia.
It's not Mexican drug cartels.
It is Trump supporters.
and I got a clip I'm going to play in a moment of Psaki, stands by everything he said when he labeled millions
of Americans domestic enemies.
So I was there over a year ago in DC.
It was a nightmare.
It was a stand down by the feds, a bare minimum.
It was terrible.
I tried to stop it.
But then a year later, to see the million people that showed up all being told they should go
to jail with the Democrats, and to see everything they're doing being based on that is a big concern.
So here is that clip of Jen Psaki defending what Mitch McConnell was talking about when Biden said the Republicans are domestic enemies.
I want to pivot back to voting rights, particularly the president's speech last week.
I wonder if you can talk a little bit about how it came together, but also I wonder if you'll respond to some of the criticism about it, that it was too aggressive or divisive, and that some of the rhetoric that he used wasn't conducive to getting folks who are opposed on board.
Well, sorry, which piece did you want me to start with?
Whichever one is best for you.
Well, I would say first that, you know, the president delivered a powerful speech about the protection of people's fundamental rights in this country, which is their right to vote, their right to vote for anyone they choose, whether it is him or someone else.
It was not a partisan speech.
It was intended to lay out for the public exactly what's at stake and lay out for elected officials.
What's at stake.
And he stands by everything he said in that speech.
And then I've got the quotes.
I'm going to go to our guests, but you've got the January 6th committee saying, not a deliberative body, saying the head of the committee suing Trump, saying he premeditated January 6th.
They're giving it all the Justice Department, their twisted info, saying we are going to prosecute Trump to keep him from running.
A purely political statement, unprecedented.
I mean, they talk about if you're going to shoot at the king, you got to hit him.
I mean, this is like third world stuff.
Read the full transcript at Infowars.com.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson report.
He's a political science professor, advised President Trump, helped him write speeches and work on what's happening.
And Darren Beatty has revolver.news.
And we're not going to spend whole hour on this because he wants to get into China and I
really want to hear what his information on this next big story is. But first
the new developments here and the confirmation that the entire deep
state Democratic Party apparatchik is running on January 6th. What does that
signify and where do you think this is going? Well it signifies what we
should basically already know which is that the narrative behind January 6th,
the narrative purpose of January 6th is crucial to the regime and the agenda it
wants to put forward.
Obviously, part of that agenda is just silencing and clipping its political opposition in the sense of people who might run against them.
But it's actually much more broad than that.
It's about labeling anyone who might vote for politicians who would run against them as de facto domestic terrorists and marshalling the full weight and force Of America's national security power to crush their political enemy.
That's ultimately why this January 6 issue is so important.
And it's why it's so important to get to the truth of what really happened on January 6 and not the false narrative being promoted to serve this larger and deeply, deeply dangerous agenda.
Well, that's right, because a lot of my listeners, not the majority, but a big minority, is like, we know you didn't launch the attack.
We know they provocateured.
Shut up, we know.
It's not about our listeners knowing.
It's about their betting the farm on staging something big in the next 293 days to brand the Republican Party as terrorist.
I've got quotes of Biden saying there may not be a Republican Party by 2024.
Their wish is to saddle the Republican and populist movement as terrorist and white supremacist.
I mean, this is the big issue for me.
Right, exactly.
And, you know, January 6 is a major inflection point and it's an intensification point in the promotion of this narrative and this agenda.
But the stage has been set for quite some time.
Really, the stage has been set ever since 2015, 2016, when the national security apparatus began its operations to undermine and overthrow really the Donald Trump presidency, which you saw throughout the Russiagate issue.
And basically killing, killing multiple birds with one stone because the particular faction within the national security community that was most actuated against Trump also happened to have an obsession with Russia.
So you kill two birds with one stone by imputing the kind of national security imperative related to the alleged threat of Russia domestically to the populist threat represented by Donald Trump.
And so what you see in January 6th is an evolution of this strategy to kind of marshal the national security imprimatur domestically for political purposes.
That is the most important thing said on this show in years.
Doctor, that is so key.
That we have a deep state faction that didn't just want to overthrow Trump, now it's got to overthrow that populist base.
Now it's got to declare war on that American resistance and outlaw the very soul of the nation.
And, you know, I said on another video cast on the Tim Pool Show, which you've been on, they're talking about debanking and Mike Lindell being debanked.
And I said, look, this is the domestic analog of what the United States government does overseas to alleged foreign adversaries, economic sanctions, debanking and financial censorship domestically.
Is simply the analog of economic sanctions, which we use as a tool of foreign policy.
I think a lot comes together when you understand that Trump and populism and the broader movement that he represented and the energies that he stirred up, the kind of amorphous energies that he stirred up.
The national security community considered that as a threat in the same way that they consider Threats in Russia and China and other pockets of geopolitics that threaten the geopolitical dominance of the American regime.
Dr. Beatty, how do we derail this?
You're a smart guy, by obviously not being violent, not getting caught in their traps, but what else do we do?
I guess we get major thought leaders, thank God Mitch McConnell gets it now, which shows you how serious this is, that the labeling of all opposition as terrorists and as domestic enemies is a real crime by this regime.
I mean, this is dictator-type stuff.
This hasn't happened in America, really, ever.
It's not compatible with the type of society that these people pretend that America is, but hasn't been for a long time, if it ever was.
Once you, it's one thing, it's bad enough to simply call anything you don't disagree, you don't like, you know, racist or sexist, which, you know, is still, you know, a tried and true trope that the regime uses.
And that uses the kind of social stigma of those terms to shut people up.
But it's another level to bring something into the purview of national security, because once you say something is a national security threat, it's no longer a political disagreement, even an intense and really intensely acrimonious political disagreement that exists within a normal, deliberative democratic sphere.
Once something is a national security threat, all bets are off.
It's it's just the end of the conversation, the literal sense that it's the end of free speech.
And that's why I think this turn toward.
Labeling everything that the regime doesn't like, not only as racist, conspiracy theory, sexist, the usual words, but now they're national security threats.
And I think we've really kind of, uh, crossed the threshold with this into territory that is, uh, really sub-democratic and, uh, is a very, very dangerous new chapter in our nation's history.
And that's not your opinion, that's a fact.
I mean, this is a declaration of war by the bureaucracy and elements of it against the people, when they can't even win a war in a third world nation.
This is madness.
The only way to win this game, I think, is not to play.
How do we do that?
We'll be right back.
Darren Beatty, professor, former advisor to President Trump, revolver.news, we're going to get into China, totally other geopolitical subjects next segment, has been at the tip of the spear Exposing January 6 and the fact that Democrats are running on that.
But I see Biden's incredible weakness and everyone making jokes about it is not a positive thing.
I don't want his agenda to pass, but the just incredible arrogance by Psaki and him and all of it.
It's very, very disconcerting, the incompetence and just all of it.
And their belief that they can hang their hat on calling all their opposition terrorists.
This has horrible political instincts.
I don't want to have a war with them.
I don't want to have martial law.
I don't want to have a big conflict.
But it just has disaster written all over it.
So, Dr. Beatty, where do you think this is all going?
And again, what can we do to stop it?
Well, I mean, I think it's going precisely in the direction that we've been talking about.
The Department of Homeland Security, for instance, even before January 6, the head of it at the time said, we are basically repurposing our institution from the war on terror to the war against the number one national security threat in the United States, which is, quote unquote, white supremacy.
and various other bureaucracies in our national security apparatus that are sort of looking for a new home.
And the aftermath of the war on terror, that sort of that failed chapter in our nation's history, sort of closed with
the disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan.
And so these institutions need to justify new budgets and what better way to do so than to participate, become active participants in this full consolidation of the American regime as an ideological woke state.
And the imperative of the woke state of the globalist American empire is to render anything that challenges that ideology and the power structure that it sustains As a national security threat.
So I think that's something that's sort of baked into the cake.
I don't think Biden is particularly, you know, driving that.
I don't really think he's driving anything.
He's sort of along for the ride and at times.
And so I don't really think Biden himself can change the direction on that or anything else.
That's just kind of baked into the cake.
And of course, you have the GOP.
The political aspect of this is that just as the regime is attempting to consolidate more and more power along those lines domestically, it's losing more credibility overseas.
And so it's becoming more and more of a kind of dystopian, authoritarian type regime here, and just hemorrhaging our moral authority abroad, hemorrhaging our Stature geopolitically overseas from Afghanistan and now to Russia and other nations very rightly so are looking to America as an example of precisely what not to do if you want to be a serious and ultimately successful nation in the 21st century.
Perfectly said.
And look, I'm Mr. Conspiracy Theorist.
I try to project intelligence onto things sometimes that aren't intelligence.
We know there's powerful groups trying to be intelligent, but putting in Biden who can barely talk, having arrogant Psaki up there, I get the systems like, oh, let's just discredit nation states.
Let's make people look bad, but this is just off the rails.
Do you think the Biden administration knows how much trouble they're in?
Not just here, but as you said, internationally?
I mean, this is a joke.
And I'm not laughing because I love America.
To see our president be a puppet, to see arrogant, crazy SJWs running press conferences, this is like a hallucination.
Well, it's really a question of the time scale on which these entities are really thinking about things.
I think in the short term, what this amounts to for the regime
is a consolidation and intensification of power domestically.
It's an attempt to consolidate this new form of the American regime as an ideological state that
embraces wokeness, which is not a precisely defined term, but it works, that embraces wokeness more or less in a way
that functions like in China embracing the CCP.
If you're a--
A business enterprise in the United States or any other kind of institution at the highest level, if you don't embrace or play ball with wokeness, you cannot exist.
Similarly in China, if you don't play ball with the party, you cannot exist.
It's the same thing.
It's just a different institution with sort of different agenda.
It's a political litmus test or a pledge of allegiance to it.
And so I think in the short term, it could make sense for the elements surrounding Biden.
But I think as the United States completes its transformation into the globalist American empire and this ideological woke state that we're talking about, It really does sacrifice his position geopolitically.
We've published a piece that I think is really important and provocative at Revolver News that basically dispels this wishful thinking myth of quote unquote, go woke, go broke.
That is not true domestically.
And in fact, if you're not woke, you cannot play at the highest level in the United States.
But there is a lot of truth to that.
In the broader geopolitical sense that as the United States becomes a woke ideological state, it is hemorrhaging its capital in a geopolitical context.
And that I think is a huge story in the relative rise of China.
and some other geopolitical entities and the relative decline of the United States in the 21st century.
And that's so important, Darren Beattie, here with us, because this is it.
America's real power was the Renaissance and freedom and a real open society, an example of the world.
But if they can't get America to entrench itself and be authoritarian, then it loses all its real power.
And then we're just 340 million people. We're not that shining city on the hill.
And so that's really the trick. We're in a little mermaid.
I think that that's what's going on.
And I mean, it's not the only factor.
saying now you'll be a human, you'll be able to get your boyfriend,
but really her voice was her soul, it was her power, and the minute you give up that voice,
the minute you join the evil, now you're just another country, now you have no power.
Exactly, I think that's what's going on, and I mean it's not the only factor,
it's not like, I think wokeness in many ways is a symptom of underlying problems in the American regime,
maybe even more so than it's a cause, but in a way there's interactions effects
such that now it's both.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and talk about that again into China, because that's where you've got new news breaking on that.
And Revolver.News is going to be really focusing on that.
I think that's really smart to do, because Xi Jinping and Putin not going along with the New World Order, that is the biggest political movement in decades and needs to be looked at.
And we'll talk about it so much more.
And how do we move away from Biden?
Is there any way what happens in 2022 and beyond 2024?
It's all coming up with Professor Darren Beattie of Revolver.News.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.
All right, former Trump advisor, professor, political science Duke University, went on to serve again in the Trump White House, speechwriter, policy aide, revolver.news at Darren J. Beatty.
Dr. Beatty's here with us.
So this is an endorsement of Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping.
It's a real politic.
analysis like you're looking at a risk board about who's got the power, who's up and coming, who's declining.
And the globalists have parlayed American power into China and other places, give themselves incredible wealth.
And they have a real chip on their shoulder against American Christianity or Western ideals. The left doesn't
like that.
But that was a real power base. So they've debased it.
But how do you quantify then looking at the rise of China and Russia getting out of the Western control
and where this is all going? Because it's a big, big deal.
And whereas the left wants to kind of come and dominate the political elite, the American people, if they just left us alone, we'd be fine.
They could still be in charge.
We're the easier enemy to beat.
Instead, they're starting a fight with China.
They're starting a fight with Russia.
And Xi Jinping is shifting from being a leftist colony to be exploited to being an independent nation,
not defending what he does or any of that.
But we could go over it, saying, have three children instead
of having one child, saying, we want masculine men.
We reject what America does, even though China then funds Hollywood spewing the exact same message.
So there's a lot there to unpack.
Dr. Beattie, you're gonna be back home with us soon to really lay this out.
You're gonna be reporting at Revolver, you told me a few nights ago, on this in depth.
And I agree with the direction you're going in, because really, it's a big deal about what's happening in China, what's happening in Russia, and why are they, at least on the surface, breaking with the globalist system?
What does that signify?
Well, it signifies a lot of things.
And I think, you know, the issue is Very complicated and really doesn't really come through at the retail level in the way that people talk about China and Russia in everyday discourse.
But I think I guess the most important place to start with China is to look at the various factions within the American power structure and their relationship to China.
In a nutshell, what's happened is it is true that the American elite, the American ruling class over the past several decades basically sold out to China.
Which by the way, is not ultimately China's fault.
Do we blame China or do we blame the elites that sold out to China?
This was a very important, very simple point that Trump made repeatedly.
It's not China's fault that our leaders are stupid and corrupt and weak and short-sighted.
And basically whores and they hoard them.
They hoard out the country to China for short term gain.
And there's no question about that.
And that is shameful.
And we're sort of paying the price for that now.
But I think you see a shift in sort of strategy and incentives across the board within the American power structure.
During the time that we were selling out to China, China was not perceived as a great threat.
It was perceived really as a country that once it achieved a certain level of material prosperity, it would, of course, embrace Democratic liberalism, which means it would basically admit itself to the condition of vassalage to the United States.
And they would have their male children's penises removed as a liberal ritual.
And China said the opposite.
That would be the extension of their material prosperity and their economic integration into the global system and so forth.
It's basically a version, a permutation of the same end of history thinking that got Russia all wrong, which is another important story.
But the case with China was they gained the material prosperity and the entities that sold out to China got rich in the short term.
But then China became a formidable force, such that China became a formidable force just at the same time that There wasn't really, there was diminishing returns on the sellout to China.
There's only so much arbitrage you can do before you get diminishing returns in that respect.
And so gradually over time, I think we crossed this threshold where the selling out to China, you could get less and less bang for your buck, less and less milk out of that teat.
And at the same time, China transformed from this just kind of third world, second world sort of Um, sweatshop that will, you know, build, you know, plastic stuff to sell here to a real geopolitical force.
And somewhere along those lines, the calculus changed from, okay, China is a place that we can sell out to increase the spoils of the rulers of the American regime to China is now a threat because it is a competitor for the spoils globally.
And I think that inflection point has been crossed probably several years ago.
The military industrial complex faction of the American regime is all in on this new cold war with China.
Corporate America is, if not all in, they're mostly in.
And that's because, again, the diminishing returns from arbitraging to China have kicked in.
And also these corporations realize the threat to their existence from continuous and severe intellectual property theft from China, which sort of pushes them over to the military industrial complex side.
This faction of the American ruling class that's always been most favorable to China is, of course, the financial industry and Wall Street, which is still, I would say, on the whole favorably disposed to China, but now they don't
have the corporate faction and the military industrial faction on board. And in light
of 2008, Wall Street actually suffered a pretty profound decline in prestige and
importance relative to the other factions of the American regime's ruling class. And so,
considered as a whole, with the different factions of the ruling class, now you basically have an
alignment that more or less weights toward An aggressive and antagonistic competitive posture with China.
And I think that really accounts for the new rhetoric that you're seeing across the board that seems to propel us into a Cold War 2.0 with China.
And just as that's happening, just as this transformation that I was talking about of American regime transforming into a full ideological woke state, you see China looking at The condition of the United States and saying this is no longer an example of what we should copy.
It's an example of precisely what we should avoid.
And you see China aggressively rejecting wokeness and China's rejecting quite smartly the vehicles through which woke the woke virus is transmuted.
And one of the chief vehicles for that is big tech.
And China has made the very wise decision to ban Google and ban American big tech generally.
And Doug, that's a really key point you make.
He gave a speech like a year ago, early last year, that was picked up by the Chinese press where he said, look at how they banned Donald Trump on Twitter.
Look, they're the enemy.
He said literally, it's these corporations.
That's not saying Xi Jinping's good, but he understands the real power is these corporations and the technocracy.
And that's why George Soros now calls him the most evil man on earth, because George Soros is in the middle of that.
Right, and George Soros is somebody who's a fascinating figure, and for all of his faults, you know, I think the most formidable force now in the West is mediocrity, and so I have to at least give George Soros credit for being sort of a legacy dinosaur who genuinely is a talented and remarkable figure.
No, no, no, I agree.
He is definitely not mediocrity.
Soros basically invented a certain model of translating financial means into political power and influence through the construction of various NGOs that are integrated with the government, that are integrated with his financial contacts.
He is a key instrument and key innovator in leveraging the color revolution model of exercising political influence.
And of course, one of the vectors for that model in the digital age is American Big Tech, the use of various tech platforms to gin up these mobs that become the vectors of the Colorado Valley.
All right, Dr. Beattie, stay there.
I want to come back and talk about where you see this going next, because the battle lines are all drawn.
Who are the major players?
We'll be back.
All right, Professor Darren J. Beattie is here with us, Revolver.News.
This is the first of a lot of big discussions about China and what's happening really in the world, but Xi Jinping is broke and said, we're having three kids, we're not going to have sissies on TV, we're not going to teach transgenderism, we're rejecting everything that the West is doing.
That has really upset the power structure.
So, Doc, let me ask you this.
We have the Anglo-American establishment, the US kind of England, But that's all set up.
NATO, the EU kind of has its own thing, but those two are incestuous.
You've got Russia as the wild card.
You've then got China.
And then, of course, we have Latin America and Africa and other countries in Asia like Japan.
They're kind of, you know, just in the orbit of the general superpowers.
But clearly, by bad leadership, America is disintegrating because our own ruling class doesn't want us to be independent because they want to control us.
So how does the Davos group that acts like it's everybody's friend, but it's really I see as a corporate specter-like group that tries to use the chaos to get more power and control, and we've seen the big corporations that support the Davos group increase their wealth 99% under the lockdowns.
I think it's pretty clear out of all these power structures, it's the multinational opportunistic corporations that are the biggest enemy.
What do you think?
Well, I don't know.
I think there's a lot of enemies to go around.
I don't know if I would say the corporate power sector is the worst of the enemies.
I think the military industrial sector, which of course overlaps, there's a lot of overlap between these networks and these sectors and although the
sectors have different interests and different Multinationals have different interests for instance
certain Multinationals are going to be more favorable to China
relative to others that now Have basically sure so how would you did how would you
divide up the world and who's winning the geopolitical game right now?
Well, I think it depends on our unit of analysis.
If the unit of analysis is sort of nation state or even more broadly sort of the civilizational model that like Sam Huntington used, whether it's the United States or the West, I think definitely the United States and West are in relative decline geopolitically.
And China is not.
I think China is ascendant.
Does that mean that China doesn't have any systemic problems?
Does it mean that China will ultimately come out to be the clear victor and leader in the 21st century?
I think that's yet to be determined, but I certainly think it's fair to say all things considered that China is ascendant and the globalist American empire geopolitically is in decline.
Um, and I think there's one sort of intangible factor that is really important and that is the psychology of the nation.
I think what I gathered most from talking to, um, uh, Chinese individuals of, of various social stratas, there's really a dominant psychology of ascendancy in China, which I think counts for a lot.
In the United States, right after our great victory in World War II, there was a similar psychology of ascendancy that sustained the baby boom generation and so forth.
And I agree, that was around Americana and real American liberal values, which isn't liberal today.
In China, it's an ethno-state.
I mean, let's just say it, this is an ethnic state.
Right, it's an ethnic state and so in many ways it just doesn't fit into the kind of vocabulary that we use to demonize them.
Even on the right we say, oh these are just a bunch of communists.
We use the same terms to demonize China as we do to demonize Antifa.
But when you actually look at, you know, ideologically and functionally what these Antifa is functionally the paramilitary force for the American regime, which is this woke ideological state, and China is anything but.
It is anything but woke, and in some ways I would even go so far as to say it is anything but ideological.
I think at this stage China is marked more than anything by a kind of ruthless pragmatism that informs all of their grand strategy.
And that's why now realizes family and men and powerful structures as power.
And that's got to really freak the left out as they want to sabotage the whole world
with this anti-human garbage and China is now moving and Russia's moving against it as well.
That's got to really freak out the Hollywood elite.
And look, there are many ways to be anti-human.
I think China is anti-human in some profound ways, but it's not woke.
It hasn't embraced that particular... It's not attacking it at the human base of ending families.
Not in the way that is dominant in the West, for sure.
And I think, you know, in line with the psychology of ascendancy that I think predominates in China, at least at the Kind of elite levels or the levels where it matters.
Um, there really is a underlying seriousness.
Uh, she is a serious leader in the way that no Western leader really is.
There's this, China is a, it has deep flaws, you know, certainly morally, but also just functionally it has systemic problems, but is a serious country.
And I think it's no longer justified to say that the United States is a serious country.
And that it has serious leaders.
There's a certain kind of clownishness that characterizes the political process.
How do you see the crazy kleptocratic, neurotic, schizophrenic leaders of the West that hate their own power base, how do you see them countering China now and also Russia?
Well, I don't really.
At this stage, like in the full analysis, I just don't see Um, the globalist American empire out-competing China.
What empire turns its coal off and its oil and gas off?
I mean, Russia and China are, we're increasing natural gas, we're increasing fossil fuel, we have unlimited supplies of coal.
Again, like, what elite cuts its own power off?
Like, the elite running things here, like, are saying, we're not open for business.
But while we cut off our own power to our own people, we're going to tell you what to do.
Here's the bind that the American regime's ruling elite are in right now.
And that is that in order to set America on a footing that could actually be competitive with China, this would presuppose such profound changes within the United States that it would threaten The position of America's ruling elite.
And so the ruling elite, if they want to outcompete China, they basically have to jeopardize their own status as the ruling elite, which they won't do.
And because of that sort of Strategic dynamic, I simply don't see those changes happening on a timescale that would allow us to outcompete China.
Because I agree, they need 1950 America 2.0 that was doing civil rights and was feeling invincible and was expanding and innovating.
If they brought back 1776, red, white, and blue, NASA, America, everybody's starving for it.
We would explode.
The world would know we were open for business.
We would be dominant, but the globalists just can't let anybody have any power under them.
That's exactly the case, and that's why things don't look good at all in terms of their prognosis for the 21st century.
But you never know.
You can never count true America out, and that's why I'm fighting for it, and that's why you're fighting for it.
The future is not yet written in that regard, so... Is there any way to get the leftist globalists to not cut their nose off to spite their face?
Is there any way to get them to knock it off and just go with prosperity, go with success, get back to our biological mission instead of playing God?
I don't think there's any easy solution for that.
I think the Glorious American Empire might have to sustain fairly profound humiliations that would force a fundamental reconsideration of a course correction that could set us on a real footing for the 21st century.
How about a deal with China and Russia and everybody just to work together in giant projects and go to space?
I mean, that would be a lot better than all this, wouldn't it?
That would be, that would be interesting.
Yeah, the space program is, that's a whole separate discussion and a whole separate host of humiliations for the United States, our kind of space prospects.
We'll come back soon.
Let's have more geopolitical discussions with Dr. Darren J. Meany.
He's actually a smart guy, knows what he's talking about at revolver.news.
Thank you so much, Doc.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right, folks.
We got another guest host coming up here in the fourth hour.
Jason Burmas is extremely smart.
Good friend of mine.
Look forward to that.
And I got a few things to say in the next final segment.
But we're talking about real issues here, folks.
There is a evil force working against humanity and against all of us, whether you're Russian, Chinese or American.
And we better come together and say no to it and build a pro-human future.
We'll be right back.
Texas is about to get hit like much of the southeast with huge ice storms tomorrow.
And luckily, thanks to your support, we got a big-ass generator and a backup, so we'll try to stay on air.
It was rough about 11 and a half months ago in February of last year, as you remember.
So we're here hunkered down.
It's like 70 degrees outside.
It'll probably be 20 degrees by tomorrow, but we're going to be tracking all that.
But what an interview we just did.
What an interview.
What a breakdown.
These globalists that have hijacked and run America don't even see America's power as part of their power.
Like, I've got an incredible horse that's beautiful and healthy and amazing.
I don't think, well, that horse has got bigger muscles than me.
I think that's my horse.
But they don't even want to be the people riding the horse.
They want to kill the horse because they're jealous of it.
So here's this article.
From prison threats to fines, how the world is turning up the heat on the unvaccinated.
London Telegraph.
Articles everywhere.
It's time to arrest the people that don't take the shot that doesn't work.
And I've seen so many videos the last few weeks of kids out in the freezing rain because they won't take the shot.
And kids that won't wear their masks, you know, being locked up or being put outside in the freezing cold.
That's what you do at prison camps.
That's a violation of the Nuremberg Code again.
And the Geneva Convention.
New West Charter School, LA, caught abusing young, activated girls, uninjected girls, denied chairs, forced to sit outside on pavement, not allowed to use restrooms because they hadn't taken their shots.
It's all Big Pharma wanting to rape these little girls with poison injections that'll destroy their ovaries and destroy their future.
Get out of the schools.
Who cares?
There's no government.
There's no future anyways.
There won't be colleges in the future under this.
They'll be, do you know how to fix a carburetor?
Do you know how to grow crops?
Do you know how to raise a child?
Do you know how to suture a wound?
Do you know how to pull a tooth?
And all the major industries in the West are being destroyed.
All the major systems of thought.
This is the post-industrial world.
You ever wanted to know what it looks like?
This is it.
Here's some video of the girls kept outside, segregated, because they haven't taken the poison shot in complete violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Dr. Mingala is very proud.
Hello, my name is Ellen Ahum, and I'm a student at New West Charter School, and I'm here with five other girls.
Four of them are freshmen, one is a junior, and I'm a sophomore.
And we're being threatened to be suspended because we don't have the COVID-19 vaccine, and we're being refused of the right to attend school.
We feel segregated and discriminated.
And we're being closed off by this caution tape-like thing.
We're being segregated from the rest of the school.
And for radio listeners, you can't see the police walking around.
It's all funny to them.
I mean, this is... Folks, this isn't like a one on a tyranny scale.
It's like a ten.
And they're just wholesale pushing it as hard as they can.
And now the UN announced, hey, sorry, four shots ain't enough.
In fact, it's unlimited.
It's six to ten shots a year.
Bill Gates said almost two years ago it would be Seven to ten shots a year.
He told his shareholders, he said, it's a permanent business.
They're going to be so sick.
You see, this isn't like all the other compliance you do in society.
Because before, most compliance was about a social contract.
It was kind of a leftover system where maybe it was Hit or miss, but most of the social contract was really about having a civilization.
These people are destroying civilization.
That's why all over the US-Canadian border, there are thousands of trucks, videos on Infowars.com, backed up, because if you don't have the shot, you don't go across the border.
And just like the longshoremen have walked off the coast on the west side of the country.
It's all locked down.
It's all shut down.
And then when you don't get your food and your medicine, oh, it's the fault of them truckers.
So don't worry.
In the future, after the breakdown of human society, we got robot trucks.
They're safe.
They'll get the goods through.
And the federal government just sent an emergency order to legalize teenagers driving 18-wheelers on icy roads since the adults aren't stupid and won't take the shots.
Humans are coming together everywhere and fighting.
Humans understand the threat against our system.
We're battling back, and we here at InfoWars are the front line.
You are the front line, and I salute you all.
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Get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion now and support the InfoWar 360 Hey everybody, Jason Burmess here, and that was the first time that I watched the video of those girls being segregated in schools, and it hits home.
I just picked my niece up from school.
Luckily there is no mask mandate there, but first time I actually had to be in the hall, and people were getting ready to go.
I just picked her up a little bit early.
And there's still 10-20% of the people and the kids in masks just through this CNN syndrome.
And what am I talking about?
What is CNN syndrome?
We're going to be talking about that.
We're going to be talking about another school instance where children are being taught how to be slaves as dogs come in randomly and sniff for COVID.
All of this is not only promoted by CNN, but brought to you by the good people at GAVI.
We're going to show you all of that where they will be perpetually trained.
to feel like they are grotesque they are infected and is really the beginning of legitimizing the shielding process and this is happening in Salem Massachusetts but this NASA document that lays it all out again This is pre-911, July 2001, exploit CNN syndrome.
What is CNN syndrome?
Well, anybody can look into it.
It's a little hard to find now that, you know, they censor everything.
But it was a term used after the Gulf War had been brought to us live on CNN, really the only 24-hour news network at the time, when you had a limited amount of media and there was still kind of a news cycle going on.
And look what they say under this.
Capture, torture Americans in living color on primetime.
We've been there on a daily basis, but you could take it back to just post 9-11 and look at the beheading videos, especially that first one with Daniel Pearl, where the man who was prosecuted and convicted of that, who Bare minimum, triple agent is currently in the safe house in Britain.
That guy.
Facilitated $100,000 to Adda through General Mahmood Ahmed just before the 9-11 attacks.
That guy.
And then it tells you about the terror attacks coming to the continental United States.
Binary bio.
What did we all just get hit with?
A bioweapon.
You better believe it.
Critical infrastructure takedowns and serious psychological warfare exploiting that collateral damage.
All those bodies.
Think about that.
As we watch this.
And this again, this is all promoted by CNN right here.
Oh, they can't look.
There's not a negative word to say about this.
This is Hunter.
Now I want you to think about that.
There's a little death skull there, you know.
She's a warrior. See, she's got the little skull.
She's got the little Punisher skull on there, but it's all cute.
The kids love the dog. The dog loves them.
As they sit in a mask.
Hunter received training to recognize the scent of the coronavirus.
If she smells it, she will give a signal and then get a toy.
Now I want you to think about that.
There's a little death skull there, you know.
At the same time, all this is happening.
Are we really sniffing out COVID-19 with all its variants and mutations?
Or are we talking about the common cold here and its variants?
Or the flu and its variants?
How valid is this?
Well, don't worry, okay?
The good people at GAVI Literally a foundation created by Bill and Melinda Gates.
Of course it can!
It's all promoted.
They're getting you ready.
Anybody can go.
It's on their own website.
Scent of Disease.
Okay, this is coming.
And it's not just the schools.
They like the schools because they have the captive audience and they can torture the kids and get them accustomed to this day after day, year after year.
But they're doing it in random areas there.
In city halls and other establishments as well.
Nothing found in this second grade gym class at the LG Norris Elementary School in Norton, Massachusetts.
So she goes on to play with some of the children.
But then, Hunter is brought into the school library.
Good girl!
And while first graders have music class on the other side of the library, Hunter abruptly sits down.
A signal that... We do have some odor, presence of COVID odor, on this bookshelf.
She just, um, she actually just, just sat.
See, and it's so dangerous that he like goes over to where the COVID odor is unprotected and touches it while his mask is under his nose.
All of this theater, this is psychosis.
This is Stockholm Syndrome on a mass level.
It gets worse to what they're going to do now because you're not sick.
You haven't tested positive for anything.
You might've been in that area.
Good girl.
So what I'll do is I'll praise her, good girl, let her wait it out a little bit, kind of dial it in, try to narrow it down.
We know COVID-19 primarily spreads through the air and Hunter is searching there too.
An odor is almost like a cone.
If you can picture a cone, the source of the odor is strong at the base, like it was on the bookshelf.
And then the odor goes out into a cone.
This is Duke.
He's Hunter's partner in the Canine COVID Patrol.
This is the school cafeteria.
He stops abruptly and sits too.
He just found something.
And then, two minutes later... What did he find here?
Same thing?
So what happens after Duke and Hunter make their discoveries?
We notify parents in terms of if we have information that a student is specific in that seat, we want parents to have that right to make a decision about do they want to test and save the student, do they want to pull the student, or just keep an eye out for symptoms.
Let's just stop right there.
Your child has tested positive for nothing.
For nothing at all.
Okay, and at first they're going to make it cute about a decision, but soon it won't be a decision.
That's in the CDC documents, that if you've simply been exposed to somebody, right, and that's why the Supreme Court ruling is atrocious and disgusting, right, because we have to protect all these people.
We won't give them the actual treatments that work, that we know work, that Dana White went off on about this week, and props to Dana White for doing that.
You know, we won't talk about the monoclonal antibodies.
We won't talk about inhaled budesonide.
We won't talk about ivermectin.
No, no, no, no, no.
And we won't talk about them early, for sure.
But shots that they've continually lied to us about, and that'll be coming up in the next segment, the progression of the Pfizer lie.
You're gonna see it.
From March of last year, okay, all the way to this coming March, where they're promising their fourth shot.
Already promising it.
And it doesn't matter how many of these shots you take, all this is going on.
In fact, they're going to tell you that.
They're like, whoa.
And you know, the CNN guy is going to make sure what if people don't want to wear masks because we have the COVID dogs.
What if they don't want to take shots?
If we have the COVID dogs.
Oh, don't worry.
This is just another part of the authoritarian takeover and getting you used to being a slave, especially your children.
In addition, after the detector dog makes a hit, the areas are disinfected.
Did that remind you of those China videos?
See, you're bad, you're disgusting, you're infected.
Don't worry, we can fix it through transhumanism.
That's all coming too.
The now regular visits of these dogs to Bristol County schools, police stations, city halls, and other locations is a result of research done at Florida International University.
Kenneth Furton is the provost there, and a scholar in forensic chemistry.
You know, I'm just gonna skip over that nightmare of a human being that just promotes this on behalf of Big Pharma, okay?
And bring you to this, gentlemen, because here's the big concern again.
What happens if they don't want to take the shots because of this?
You know, those shots that are so safe and effective.
Are you concerned that parents here and other people here will say, ah, we don't need to mask up all the time, we don't need vaccines, we don't need a test, we have the dogs?
This is not to replace what CDC and DPH are telling people in the communities about.
What to do.
That's a whole part of the science and what they believe is a preventative measure.
So this is a way for us to enhance that in a very direct way and be proactive to prevent more people from getting sick.
But they should continue to do what CDC is recommending.
See, we're just going to enhance everything.
That's what we're going to do.
We're going to enhance it.
That is the CNN syndrome we just talked about.
That is exploiting this 24 hour media cycle that has obviously gone well beyond What it used to be in the 90s and even what it grew into via 9-11 because that's when it really exploded.
That's when they took TV off the air for weeks.
For weeks and just played 24 hour news.
This is psychological warfare.
It's real.
Info Wars has been fighting the battle for a very long time.
Go give a donation over to SaveInfoWars.com right now and support Alex Jones and this operation.
We are back.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in for Alex Jones in the fourth hour.
And now we're going to move into how this big lie works and evolved and how Alex and I discussed exactly why they chose a coronavirus because they knew it was a problem that could never ever be fixed.
And back in December of last year, not just a couple months ago, obviously, we had a discussion about this, and we highlighted the fact that they know the mutations are going to be there.
They've already told us it would be a minimum of three to five shots, and people like Bill Gates, what, they boasted that it would be at least a biannual thing.
And we're seeing more and more of that come into fruition.
So let's talk about how the lie works.
Now, MSNBC, I would argue, is an extension of that CNN syndrome, especially when you have somebody like Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of the man behind the Grand Chess Board itself, the acolyte of Rockefeller and globalism.
Basically, I mean, if you don't understand how some of these things came into being, for instance, the Trilateral Commission Okay, was formed by Brzezinski on a plane with David Rockefeller.
It's in their own documents.
Anybody can go look this up.
We could type it in right now if you like.
All right.
And basically, Rockefeller was upset that the Bilderberg Group was not being receptive to Japanese and Asian interests.
And he wanted to bring them in another way.
And that's essentially how the Trilateral Commission began to be formed through Brzezinski.
Well, his daughter, Mika, has held that family legacy of being a mouthpiece for establishment propaganda at the behest of globalism.
And what we're about to watch right now I want everybody to see this, where it's from.
This is March of last year, of 2021, and this is Mr. Pfizer.
And he kind of tells you that they're going to get you to do this through human engineering, literally comes out of his mouth, because they can't help But tell the truth as they lie to you.
To tell you what the real plan is happening.
And even Mika will bring up, oh we know there are going to be mutations and variants.
And don't worry, he assures you these things are very safe and very effective.
And they use a language that is very Bernaysian indeed.
Just out this morning from Pfizer is a report that confirms the vaccine's effectiveness in fighting the coronavirus.
Joining us now is the chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla.
Albert, it is great to see you, as always, and congratulations!
This is up there as one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time, so I guess the first question is, how did you do it?
One of the greatest scientific achievements of all time.
And in this, he's already going to tell you one of the truths.
That the mechanisms were already in place.
MRNA, quote-unquote drugs or therapeutics, have been around for decades and they were defense department developed.
Of course he's not going to volunteer that part of the story.
I don't think I did it.
I think it was a whole group of brilliant scientists that did it.
But there were some lessons learned of how we all were able to do it.
I think the first one is that luck never comes to the unprepared.
I felt the organisation was preparing to rise to the occasion or something like that.
The second is that thinking big can make the impossible possible.
Many times we were in front of this cannot be done, and many times we said it must be done.
And the third, and actually more important than everything I think, the lesson learned is the power of the science.
And I would say also the power of human ingenuity, in particular when you liberate, I mean it is happening in private sector setting.
So take human engineering in the private sector setting.
Think about that.
Human engineering.
In other words, getting people prepared that they're going to have to take this, that there are going to be mandates, that they're safe and effective.
Everything you saw preparing in Event 201 for that hybrid techno-fascism that also included what?
This guy was always talking about the dangerous conspiracy theories too.
So I'm very happy that we were able to do it.
So now I have to ask, what are some of the hurdles that you foresee ahead?
Because I guess part of being able to make a vaccine successful is to make sure it gets to everybody who needs it before different strains of the coronavirus take over or different parts of the world don't have it.
What do you see as the hurdles ahead in terms of getting the world in order as it pertains to the coronavirus?
And what are some of the concerns you might have about these second, third, and fourth strains of the coronavirus?
See, I just want to point this out.
She totally mentions there are other strains.
Guys, there were strains after strains and mutations all over the place.
It's a great question.
the place. It's a coronavirus. It's going to constantly mutate.
Again, the framing of all this is setting you up for the multitude of never-ending
authoritarian shots you're going to be taking.
It's a great question. I would say that the first hurdle and most important was to be able to
discover and develop a vaccine and that we are already there. The second hurdle was to be able
to scale up manufacturing so that everybody can receive it in the world as quickly as possible.
And to that I think we did pretty well.
The amounts that we are manufacturing right now are going up and up, so I believe pretty soon that will not be any obstacle anymore.
And as President Biden said, for example, in the U.S.
by May likely there will be enough dose manufactured to vaccinate everyone.
So that will not be the issue.
I think then it is the issue of the machine that is vaccinating the people.
That has to do with greater coordination between the state and the local government and with the measures that can improve these capabilities.
And again, I believe that in the recent month or so, there has been such an incredible improvement.
All the indexes and the metrics are indicating that we are doing a great job on that.
So also that will not It will probably not be an issue, I think, pretty soon.
And then I think the remaining will be that I still believe that there will be some of our citizens that will be skeptical about the vaccine.
So I would try to focus on them right now, try to explain them the safety and the efficacy of the vaccine, try to explain them the consequences of not getting a vaccine shot for them and, unfortunately, for humanity.
So, again, they invert reality.
The consequences for humanity if you don't take the shot.
Think about that.
All of it.
And they knew, right out of the gates, there were going to be people fighting back against this.
So, again, remember, this is March of last year.
When we come back on the other side, here's where they start to admit things.
Oh, it starts to drop after six months to 84%.
Guys, this is in July?
Okay, this is in July, six months ago.
Alright, we're still another week and a half out from when he said this.
What did he say only two weeks ago?
Very limited protection, if at all.
Not 84%, but we're gonna get into all of it on the other side.
I am Jason Burmess, sitting in for Alex Jones in the fourth hour.
Remember to go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Get yourself a copy of COVID Land 2.
And if you haven't seen one, get yourself a copy of that as well.
Hold screenings, show people the information they need.
And we are back.
I'm Jason Burmess sitting in in the fourth hour.
You just saw The CEO of Pfizer telling you you were costing humanity and had consequences for them!
Because you wouldn't take their shots of hate and lies.
So we move from MSNBC, okay, into July.
Okay, remember that was March of 2021 into July, where now they have headlines like this.
I just want to read this before we actually go over the video because it's ridiculous, man.
It's ridiculous!
The efficacy of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine steadily declines to about 84% after six months.
And efficacy of what?
They told you it was going to keep you out of the hospital.
It was going to keep you from getting very ill in a virus that didn't do that to 99% of the people that got it anyway.
They were testing against 1%.
They cooked the numbers every single way they could.
Remember, fully vaccinated wasn't until at least 15 days after your second shot or your one shot of J&J.
But we're talking Pfizer here.
The vaccine's initial studies showed it protected people 100% of the time.
Imagination land!
against hospitalization.
Total lies from the very get-go.
But that falls now to 90s to the mid-80s after six months.
So again, watch how this is framed.
Watch her literally feign over this guy and the lies to get you ready and prepared for the boosty.
Don't worry, we're going to have a boosty for you.
Chairman Albert Bourla to talk about all of this and more.
Albert, thanks for being with us.
I want to start with some of the data you mentioned on the call about seeing the immunity wane after six months with the COVID vaccine.
I think you mentioned that it not only wanes against disease in general, but also against severe disease.
So once you start to get six to eight months out, the protection against hospitalization starts to go down into the 90%, even the 80% range.
You see how they soften the blow?
It goes down just like 16%.
And then again, six months after this, he'll basically says it may not offer any protection at all.
Is that what you're seeing and is that the basis for your conversations with the U.S.
government and others about a need for a booster?
Thank you.
No, the basis is this data plus many other endpoints, because these are important decisions that all the regulatory and health authorities of the world, they want to have a holistic view.
There is a waning of the efficacy, as you notice.
We just printed today the data from our main study that was from the original virus, not the Delta variant.
The first two months was 97%, the second two months was 90% approximately and the four to six months was approximately 84%.
We have seen also data from Israel, but there is a way the waning of immunity and that starts impacting
what used to be 100% against hospitalization.
Now, in the six months period, it's becoming low 90s,
mid to high 80s.
Total lies.
I mean, beyond lies right there.
But see how they soften the blow for you?
You know, and then they say, oh, so that means like seven, eight months,
maybe it'll be down to 70, 80%.
No, we're six months later.
You know, he's introducing the idea of new variants.
Oh, Delta's here, Omicron's not here yet.
And in the same instance, he's gonna get you ready for that initial boosty.
But the good news is that we are very, very confident A third dose, a booster, will take up the immune response to levels that will be enough to protect against the Delta variant.
I mean, look at these numbers!
They're promising you five times antibodies against Delta, alright, than the second dose.
And 11 times boost in antibodies in older people.
He's allowed to put this up and not go to prison.
Okay, because it's just we believe, or they could, or this study shows, and the science evolves, and here comes the boost.
Don't worry, here she is.
And now, we're going to move on to just a couple weeks ago.
Again, less than six months.
Remember, they promised you six months, it was going on to 84%.
No, it's a zero percent.
And we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any.
Limited protection if any.
Can we go back one?
Let me hear that again.
So now two shots is just limited.
It's not 84%?
And we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection if any.
The three doses with a booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths.
So again, now we're not even giving numbers.
Reasonable protection against hospitalization and death.
That's the new evolving science.
It gets worse.
You know, again, he's priming you for a fourth shot they're telling you is coming this March.
and get a test I think very good.
And less protection against infection.
Now, we are working on a new version for vaccine, the 1.1, let me put it that way.
But we'll cover Omicron as well.
And of course, we are waiting to have the final results.
The vaccine will be ready in March.
So the 1.1 is not even a 2.0.
The fourth shot you're going to take in this country isn't the 2.0.
It's the 1.1.
What does that tell you?
Well, it should alarm you.
You should be thinking to yourself, that doesn't seem normal.
These are forever shots.
That these slavery passes that they are associating with them are no longer saying that fully vaccinated is just two shots.
They're getting ready for a booster, and a booster, and a booster, and anything they want to put on that thing.
If you acquiesce to QR codes and slave passes, it might be over for you.
You might want to fight back.
If you're allowing your children to wear masks and be tortured all the time while dogs are coming in to sniff for COVID, and you're not outraged, you're not pulling them from the schools, you're not trying to get on national television, you're not going to your local meetings and saying, look, guys, we need to stop this right now.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
So here's the hospitalizations in Alabama because everything was so safe and effective.
This is from this week.
Now in East Alabama, an anomaly at Anniston's Regional Medical Center.
Not an anomaly.
There are more COVID-19 inpatients who are vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated.
ABC 3340's Aaron Wise had some questions of health officers.
So Aaron, explain to us what's going on.
They always have to explain.
Well, Pam, numbers don't lie, but they do have to be interpreted correctly here.
Everything has to be interpreted now!
Okay, and by the way, the interpretation isn't a good one.
Wait till they tell you the numbers.
and Aniston, they do have 15 vaccinated patients and two partially vaccinated patients with 14 unvaccinated patients.
A nurse here at R.M.C.
tells me that of those vaccinated, only a few are boosted, and the ones that are boosted have underlying health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, or are immunocompromised.
So I want to just say this again, alright?
15 people in there, a few, they don't even want to give you the numbers, so that's 3 or more have taken 3 of these shots.
That are supposed to, remember, this guy told you in July, in older people, it was going to boost antibodies 11 times!
And you've got the majority in the hospital.
The majority.
That's 15 and you don't even count the two partial.
That's more than the 14.
So does it do anything?
Can you prove any efficacy?
I don't think you can.
I think you can prove that these people are liars.
So, let's wrap it up what they're trying to explain how this has happened.
The Alabama Department of Public Health says vaccines work.
Statewide numbers show 64% of those in hospitals right now are unvaccinated.
So statewide they're still admitting.
To 36% taking these shots.
But don't worry, the expert's going to come on and tell you everything is A-OK.
I'm not going to puke in my mouth and listen to that trash.
In fact, when we come back, we're going to show you a story of hope.
We're going to show you medical professionals standing up and speaking out against this techno-fascist Take over this great reset agenda.
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Final segment of the fourth hour.
I am Jason Burmess.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I want to thank the InfoWars crew and Alex Jones for giving me this opportunity every so often to come to you people and show you some stories that maybe you haven't seen in the mainstream and haven't been Focused on enough.
That's why we talk about signature reduction, the secret military program that violates posse comitatus and has already been mobilized via this war on terror for over a decade against the American people.
The fusion centers were there.
The camps were built.
The drills have been and continue to be run.
These are important issues and the issues that are so important Continue to be censored by big tech.
So if you do want to see more of my stuff before we get to this video of very, very brave healthcare workers and nurses that need to start standing up even more in my opinion, not just these women, but everybody around the country, go check out Rockfin.
We know there's going to be a big turnout over in D.C.
on Sunday.
People like McCullough and Malone will be speaking out against the mandates there.
And if you want to be a part of the program right now, you can go over to my Twitter.
And at the top pinned post, you can actually leave a video question, let's keep it under 30 seconds or so, where you can have me comment on an article or a news story or get a different opinion in there and be part of the show.
So you go over to Twitter, you go figure that out.
It's a way to interact and become part of the InfoWarrior program.
Let's get to it.
This woman is spot on right here.
And then of all the people that have recently been admitted with COVID, how many of those people are fully vaccinated?
How many of your fully vaccinated employees are having breakthrough cases?
And of 2,879 patients that have died in your hospitals, how many of them were refused early treatment?
Financially, we have a lot of questions.
In 2019, Methodist Hospital reported over $4 billion in assets.
This was before COVID.
Let's see what they've done since COVID.
How much have your executives profited from the COVID windfall?
Do you have any financial relationships with the vaccine companies?
Do you?
How much are you making from the vaccines?
How much have you been rewarded by giving Remdesivir?
And what have your complications been from giving Remdesivir?
Because they have not responded to my request for information, I decided to take legal action
against Methodists.
I want to make this clear.
I'm not seeking any financial gains from this or personal gain.
I am simply seeking the truth, which we all deserve.
All of us.
All of us.
And we need more people like her to step up.
And unfortunately, we have to wage lawfare against these people.
We have to shine the light of their dark ties.
We have to let people know, okay, that it's Gavi that's pushing slavery on your children via random COVID checks by a dog.
You're always guilty.
You're always dirty.
You can be part of that shielding process where we put you into a nice little facility like Djokovic got.
And that's reality right now.
And that's why I continue, continue to point out that this collaboration has been going on a long time.
This is Moderna's own website.
With advancing mRNA research, you are taking literal Defense Department technology.
A Defense Department that never told you the truth.
About 9-11, that never told you the truth about the war in Iraq, that continues to lie to you about what's going on in Yemen.
A Defense Department that wants freedom of speech brought to its knees by making an example out of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
One that has enabled a Department of Deutschland Security Okay?
Homeland Security has always been a disgrace in this country.
A complete and total disgrace.
To be mobilized against soccer moms who don't want their kids tortured and indoctrinated.
We're here.
We're here.
You got Merrick Garland up there talking about how he's going to go after everybody he wants that was at the Capitol or criminally culpable otherwise.
What does that mean?
We are the enemy.
We have been the enemy.
And that is why I continue and have to continue to highlight that they are actively, actively, actively Committing treason against the American populace openly through their military industrial complex, through their secret undercover army of signature reduction right here, through their Trojan horse civilian systems, okay, with partnerships from Google to NASA, where they achieve quantum supremacy in AI.
And they're able to classify an inventory technology for 40 plus years.
You think I'm kidding?
Again, the document that keeps on giving inputs and new procurement decisions.
They take about 15 years to produce.
We'll keep them in inventory for 40 plus.
That's the reality.
That's how they knew in this document that the bio nano era Who's going to begin when?
In 2020.
And they want you in that metaverse, that virtual universe, but they don't know when and they're not sure how once it gets to this tipping point when their transhumanist teeth begin to show.
That's the reality.
So we have to go back to our instincts as human beings and realize That these people are people.
They can be exposed.
They can be punished for their crimes.
Their agendas can be stopped.
You can be a human being.
You can raise other human beings.
You can reach out to liberals and conservatives and Republicans and Democrats.
To people in China and South America and Canada and Australia and all across the world.
And say this is the battle for humanity and they put it on paper.
This is a reality we have to come together against.
And in my final minutes here, I am appalled to see what has happened in this country and what continues to happen and how life-saving medication has not only been restricted from people, but literal death Death has been injected to some.
And at the very least, it is Defense Department technology that worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that worked with AstraZeneca, and worked with DARPA over almost a decade ago.
And you have those DARPA leaks from Project Veritas.
The mainstream media doesn't want to touch.
And even when they might have a wince or a glimpse into it, they don't want to get into the fact that, hey, it wasn't just China.
It says other labs in the United States.
Hey, they were doing this.
Hey, they also knew that Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Interferon worked in April of 2020.
No lockdowns necessary.
No mask mandates necessary.
We didn't need Andrew Capo Cuomo to come out on behalf of the globalists, which he did.
Okay, I want to repeat that, which he did for a Build Back Better plan all the way back On April 17th?
Wasn't Kamala Harris?
Wasn't Joe Biden in this country?
This guy gave a whole Build Back Better presentation.
Let's see if it's actually in the article.
It might be.
Let's see if we got it here.
Build Back Better presentation.
Here we... We went through Hurricane Sandy.
We didn't build back what it was.
You build back better than before.
You take that moment.
You learn that lesson and you improve society.
It gets worse from there.
He invoked 9-11.
Look, you can see it right there.
We've played it on the program.
Does Capo Cuomo get even really investigated?
For policies that led him to be a serial killer in that country.
They make it about grab ass.
And maybe he said or did something inappropriate once.
No criminal charges there either.
He and his brother were ultimately protected by this system.
Not really outed.
Not really burned.
A limited burn at best.
I am Jason Burmess.
All my documentary films are free.
Loose Change, Final Cut, Fabled Enemies, Invisible Empire, A New World Order, Define, all produced by InfoWars, and of course, Shade the Motion Picture.
I want you to reach into those pockets, I want you to watch those movies for free, and then go to SaveInfoWars.com, make that donation, or InfoWars.store.com, grab those DVDs, grab those supplements, and I need you to share this information with others, because ultimately, folks, it is not about left or right, it is always about right and wrong, and we need to love one another and come together as the great resistance.
We were the first to tell you about the coming global government that would use a biomedical police state for total control over the population to carry out forced sterilization and then mass extermination.
We were the first on a mass scale to raise the alarm about the new world order system we're now living in.
We've gone from beta In the UN World Government Corporate Fascist State to operational now.
And they are accelerating quickly.
And they intend on record by the year 2030 to have at least 80% world depopulation.
That's only 8 years away.
And you ask yourself, how will they do that?
Well, we have major world study reports out by prestigious universities in Canada, the US and the UK.
All confirming massive record death rates around the world.
And major insurance companies are confirming a 40% increase in the death rate.
This is the biggest in history.
Even bigger than during World War II, when over 60 million people died, total.
That there is a 40% increase in the death rate of working-age men and women in Western countries, where the vaccines are being given, between 18 and 64.
Ladies and gentlemen, I knew it was coming.
I knew it was on their drawing boards.
It was in their Operation Lockstep.
We all knew about the Georgia Guidestones.
We all knew about Bill Gates and David Rockefeller and their eugenics meetings calling for depopulation.
But that's one thing to know they were setting it up and beta testing in the third world, which was terrible.
Now they're doing it.
And that's why InfoWars is beyond the tip of the spear.
And if you don't support us, and if you don't pray for us, we're going to be shut down very, very soon.
But just understand this.
I'm basically on a suicide mission.
That doesn't mean I'm going to commit suicide.
In fact, if they kill me and they say it's suicide, that's a lie.
Suicide mission, for those that don't know, is a term used in military parlance in the last hundred years when you have a 50% chance or more of dying on the mission you're going on.
And I can tell you, I am on a suicide mission.
It's bad, ladies and gentlemen.
They're trying to criminally indict me.
They are doing dirty tricks behind the scenes that are incredible.
They are doing industrial-level espionage trying to shut us down right now because Infowars is now going from being credible to being ultra-credible with the mainline intelligentsia of the world.
We are living in times that we were born for.
And so when I tell you that we're having the biggest effect we've ever had, despite all the censorship and attacks, that's not me here bragging.
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So we bring in millions and millions and millions of dollars a quarter.
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And I'm not complaining or bitching.
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High quality products like Vitamin Mineral Fusion and X2 and Ultimate Bone Broth and our Ultimate Turmeric Formula Bodies are the highest end you're going to find and are so good for your immune system and your body and it funds our operation so it's a 360 win.
So we're going into the big finale right now in 2022.
This is going to decide decades of the future of humanity and InfoWars is right at the tip of that spear.
So thanks for keeping us there.
And just remember, you've made such a huge investment in us over the years, buying the products and spreading the word, that all of that could be in vain now if you don't help push this fight to the next level.
And we're all in this together.
So thank you so much for your support.
Info at WarStore.com.
God bless and good luck.
Hey, Info Warriors!
If you're like me, you've been a long-time listener of this program, and you're fed up with everything going on in the world.
Inside you, like me, a fire is burning.
Something needs to change.
And yet, we feel helpless.
Almost like we're stuck inside a system that someone else created for us.
It's time for us to break free from that system.
Reset Wars is a game changer.
You start to see yourself more as part of the solution instead of just as a victim.
So much of the stuff we look at today is low vibration, low energy, and makes us depressed and therefore we manifest this negative reality out there.
When they feel their lie cheat steal plan to enslave and rob the people, there is an awakening.
Reset Wars has helped me to navigate And to pinpoint and lock onto the deep-rooted psychological tactics that were being used against me.
And now I'm not scared anymore.
I have to say I was blown away.
I feel so much better every day listening to it.
To Alex, thank you very much for putting the course together.
You're absolutely right.
We are reflections of God.
We are emanations of that.
And we can use that God energy to do really anything we want to do in this life.
Romans Chapter 12, Paul talks about how we're transformed by the renewing of our mind.
And that's a process.
Most of our thoughts and actions are subconscious.
Most people go through their day and don't think about many things.
You can drive along a long journey and not even remember half the trip.
In this process, we need to have a concerted, active effort, physically and mentally, to reprogram that subconscious mind.
That's what this series is about.
He's resetting our mind because there's a war on for our mind.
He's exactly right.
And he's become a great voice in our generation and in this new Great Awakening.
And I encourage everybody out there, if you haven't gone there yet, go to ResetWars.com.
That's where your journey begins.