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Name: 20220118_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 18, 2022
2450 lines.

Alex Jones of InfoWars presents an anti-vaccination perspective, claiming that vaccines are ineffective and dangerous. He warns his audience about alleged depopulation plans by global elites and accuses governments and international organizations of promoting medical tyranny. Jones encourages listeners to be self-sufficient and fight back against these measures. In various podcasts, he and guests discuss topics such as freedom, civil disobedience, elections, potential financial destruction faced by InfoWars, whistleblowers, and H.G. Wells' role in propaganda and Marxism.

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What is a globalist?
My 17-year-old daughter asked me, and the best answer is, a globalist is a member of the global corporate combine that is attempting to establish an authoritarian world government whose eventual aim of world government is to be able to carry out a transhumanist revolution that results in the death of the vast majority of the world population, and out of that cataclysm, a new super race.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Do we blame the anti-vax movement for that?
Well, yes.
Some are calling for penalties like higher healthcare premiums, even jail time.
These anti-vaxxers, they're crazy.
They're wearing tinfoil hats.
These outbreaks are due to the anti-vaccine movement.
The footage you're seeing is real.
It's happening in Germany, it's happening in China, and it's happening in Australia.
Police with six-foot sticks patrolling the streets in Germany, making sure you stay six feet apart.
It's not enough that you took all the three or four shots and are sick.
It's not enough that you've got a vaccine tracker passport they now admit is logging all your movements to the authoritarian state.
Now you've got to be used to government contact with the general public that aren't criminals.
You're being trained to be a prisoner.
From the moment you're born, little children are being indoctrinated into this.
This is the bio-medical takeover.
The main way we predicted they would launch their New World Order operation.
I've exposed this for more than 20 years because the enemy has salivated over it.
They have given constant speeches and written white papers and books on this plan.
That's how we know what they're going to do.
But paradoxically, even the politicians and leaders that supposedly oppose this, like Senator Paul and others, eat around the edges of it and just try to dunk on Fauci.
Oh, look, they now admit masks don't work.
I'm dunking.
Oh, they now admit...
But without ever explaining, that was always part of the plan.
So the UN has now announced, and we knew this was the next phase, we told you this 22 months ago, that first they would roll out the first shot, then the second shot, then the booster, and then that doesn't work, there's another booster.
And then they said in Australia, last week, and at the UN this week, okay, It's a permanent program.
We've got to give you new shots all the time for the mutations of COVID-19, which they now test for the common cold.
So they're outlawing you being allowed to have a common cold.
And of course, the so-called vaccine makes your body create a toxic spike protein.
And so they can then slowly depopulate you.
And once they've arrested you and put you in one of their camps, They can then give you special batches that are mutagenic and you'll die of cancer within just three to six months.
And this is how they take you away.
It's how they kill you.
It's how the people killing you don't really know they're even part of a depopulation plan.
All they know is they go along with the first phase.
They don't get the shot that kills them.
They get the special lot.
And so they go along with it.
It's about worshipping the biomedical state.
Putting up the image of nurses and doctors that get into the fear as gods.
Gods saving the earth through depopulation.
And this is all the Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, David Rockefeller, Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
Davos Group operation.
And I have all the admissions, all the statements, so many videos, so many statements, so many admissions that, yeah, we're colonizing your body with nanochips, you can't stop us.
The head of Pfizer, the chief futurist of the Davos Group, Klaus Schwab, I mean, they're all over the place saying this is the end of society as you know it.
And you notice it's not a good place they're taking us to.
Massive censorship, total control, and now hundreds of articles today In the US, in Australia, everywhere, in the UK, look at these headlines.
London Telegraph, from prison threats to fines, how the world, you mean the globalists, is turning up the heat on the unvaccinated, you mean on the people.
Because you're always unvaccinated.
What is an unvaccinated and vaccinated person have in common?
You're never fully vaccinated.
And they're announcing the camps here in the United States.
It's unbelievable.
And everyone pretending that they're part of the system going along with this are the biggest fools of all.
Your compliance is bringing hell upon us all.
Well, it's very simple, Pete, right?
You just have to look at Africa.
They didn't have the death rates from COVID that were predicted.
And what is happening over time is that the entire response to COVID and everything that we were told about it from the beginning is being exposed and it's falling apart.
The lies are coming apart.
And really now there's no justification for putting people out of their jobs or forcing vaccine mandates for a disease that ultimately is very treatable It's cheap to treat, medicines are available all over the world, and it has death rates that compare very much to seasonal flu.
And so in that moment, what you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn't represent science to them.
He represents Joseph Mengele.
Dr. Joseph Memgle, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps.
And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from COVID,
what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties,
the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies.
The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen
in the cold light of day, i.e. the truth.
And people see that there's no justification for what is being done.
So as they're being exposed and the control is slipping away,
lo and behold, another variant surfaces.
And nobody should be surprised by that, because there will be more variants
until the end of time.
(upbeat music)
There will be more variants to the end of time because this is an authoritarian world government
depopulation takeover, where the most sacrosanct property you have, your body,
now belongs to the state.
And all over the world, old ladies and children are being arrested for being outside without their COVID passports.
That are now official and permanent, all run by the United Nations and its private counterpart, the public arm of the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum, or the Davos Group.
So, people ask me, Alex, what is it like to be totally vindicated?
And to see all the main leadership of the pro-human fight waking up and fighting back, and that's very positive.
But it's also very, very sad because folks think this is bad.
I know what the next phases are, and we won't be on air, and most of us will be dead.
And so I just want everybody that works for the system to remember that.
I'm not the one that's going to kill you.
I'm not the one that's going to have a revolution with you.
I'm not the one... No, no.
You've killed yourself going along with this.
By increments, following orders, and doing this.
This is a design-controlled collapse of civilization.
I want to explain something to everybody.
A lot of people from my Saturday show and my Sunday show, I saw in the comments, not a lot of, not the majority, but a hefty minority were like, oh, Jones is calling for peace.
Jones is calling for not being violent.
Jones is calling for not overthrowing the government because he's scared and because he's selling out.
No, that's not why I'm doing this.
It's because the globalists want conflict, they want a civil war, because they're losing intellectually.
That's why they've launched the medical, biomedical tyranny system as their only smokescreen, their only hope of stopping us from taking the planet back.
And so, strategically, the worst thing to do.
Plus, do you think that the Justice Department and the FBI actually run the country?
Do you think Congress really does?
Do you think President Biden does?
Do you think the governors do?
And the answer is no.
You know, I don't like Xi Jinping, but early last year, he gave a speech in a hotel to the security agencies and heads of the Communist Party in China, several thousand people.
And he said in that meeting, there's even been New York Times and Wall Street Journal articles about it, and I actually went and found the Chinese People's Daily, and then the full text was in another one of the party's groups, but it translates to the truth, the party's truth.
And I read his whole speech in English, it was a long speech, and he said, the number one threat to our communist program is The megacorporations.
And he goes ahead and says, yeah, sure, they helped get us into power, and they've been using us and our people, but they're the enemy.
And they want to depopulate, and they want to enslave, and they want to deindustrialize.
And when they're done taking down the West using our labor and our people, they're going to take us down.
We need to decouple from them.
And he said, I'm announcing incentives to have three children.
We're no longer going to kill the second born.
And in fact, we're going to incentivize more than three children.
We're not going with the globalist depopulation plan.
Incredible speech!
Same thing with Bolsonaro, and he's not a communist, he's the opposite, but I don't care if you're a communist or a populist like Bolsonaro, you need to choose life and a pro-human future, because if you choose the New World Order depopulation plan, You choose tens of billions dead, because not just those living, but into the future they'll be calling numbers, and it will cause wars, and it will cause total destabilization, it will cause complete collapse, and there's no way the Rockefeller-Carnegie endowment plan carried out by the Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, is going to work.
Because human nature just doesn't operate like that.
They think with smartphones and AI grid and social credit scores they'll be able to enforce it, but it's not going to do that.
And it's designed to collapse society, but I'm saying it's going to create and is creating an uncontrolled collapse.
Yes, China is banning men not seen as masculine from television.
They put homosexuals in work camps.
I'm not saying that's a good thing.
They are promoting having three or more children now.
They've broken with the New World Order.
And so what did Soros come out and say?
Soros said Xi Jinping is the new Hitler.
Well, he certainly killed a lot of people, and as I would say, in the same category, but he's a Hitler, doesn't like you.
Plus, you actually work for Hitler, buddy boy.
So see, that's the big seismic shift.
That's the levels I'm thinking about.
I'm thinking about Africa.
I'm thinking about Eurasia.
I'm thinking about South America, Central America, North America.
I'm thinking about the real global players and what they're actually doing.
And then, all this mindlessness with the militias.
Always being trained by the FBI provocateurs in their midst, and the Defense Department provocateurs in their midst, and the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL provocateurs in their midst, that, oh, attack a federal building, oh, go shoot up a synagogue, that'll stop the establishment.
Oh, yeah!
We're dealing with human cloning, human-animal splicing, publicly going on everywhere.
We're dealing with a world off the rails.
I've always talked about the big picture and the million-foot view, but understand that the globalists held Russia captured for 80-something years and had a depopulation plan there, and the Russians have finally struggled out of it.
It doesn't mean they're perfect.
They've got their own problems, their own authoritarianism.
But that's what you fall back into when you're under that type of outside attack.
That's a normal function of survival.
I'm not defending it.
The Chinese have been a project of the New World Order since their own revolution in the 40s that was aided by the CIA.
And so the fact that Russia says, we'll pay you to have more children and we don't want sissy men on TV, and China has adopted that, shows they've chosen life.
And I can tell you, at the highest levels of the Communist Party in China, They listen to this show.
And at the highest levels of the Russian government, they listen to my show.
At the highest levels of the Brazilian government, they listen to this show.
And Tucker Carlson listens.
And Joe Rogan listens.
And anybody that's smart listens.
And that's not me up here bragging.
I'm telling you it's because I have the best handle on what's going on for actually researching the academic level papers and then integrating it into a world unified field theory.
And if people don't decide to choose life, And it's just peace.
We're all dead.
And so I'm just, you know, never gonna commit suicide and love life, but I'm just making preparations and really feeling guilty every day that I'm even here instead of in an extremely rural area.
Around just a few people I can trust and just praying every day and trying to grow crops and getting close to God.
Because you're going to see a massive exodus in the coming future to the countryside.
And then the cities are going to collapse.
Everybody's going to run.
And it's going to be war.
Total war, folks.
So everybody better just get ready.
I am not anybody's enemy.
I don't want this to happen.
I told you it was coming.
It's here.
And the globalists are just pawns of Satan.
The only enemy I have is Satan, and I can't defeat Satan, but Jesus Christ, who's in me, can.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The globalists didn't just create fentanyl at MIT and then have the communist Chinese produce it and ship it into the country to kill millions.
They didn't just work overtime through Wall Street to de-industrialize and sell off all the major industry in the Midwest and other areas of the country.
They didn't just promote and push systems to collapse the family.
They're now coming at us with the poisons and injections that erase your immune system, give you cancer, and major heart problems.
Because they're killing you.
Because it's a war.
Because they've taken over through the financial system and don't need us anymore, and they're bringing computers and robots online to serve them.
The outer members of this globalist death cult believe they're going to kill 90% of the public.
Now members of the cult, and I've met and talked to some of the top people, understand they are slated for destruction as well.
You understand, I have met with top scientists.
I have met with top people in Hollywood.
I've met with top people in the government.
I've met with top people that have been part of this, but don't want to be part of it and don't know what to do.
And I've told them, I don't know what they can do.
Because if you've been part of this group and you speak out, they have a directive to kill them.
These people are risking their lives even to talk to me.
So there's not much time left, okay?
This isn't a game.
This isn't a game.
Everybody needs to get extremely focused and crystal clear on what you're dealing with, and that's the only way out of this.
And the globalists are going to make their run at depopulating everybody.
They're going to make their run.
The Bible says they'll fail.
But a fourth of the Earth's humans will be killed.
That sounds like a low estimate, but I'm sure it's true.
And people ask, am I trying to scare you?
You hear these stories where wildfires, there's 50 mile an hour winds, and wildfires are traveling a couple miles an hour.
And you get the emergency call, get out of your house now, the fires are 10 minutes away.
If you don't get out in 10 minutes, you barbecue in your house and die.
You're like, well, how do we get out of this?
We have a giant awakening to the program and how horrible it is and what it is and what the enemy is.
The UN, the Davos Group, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation that runs the CIA publicly.
They're in full command.
And if you look at their ministers and their top people, they look completely scared.
When you see the CIA director, the former head of the Carnegie Endowment, he looks like he is in front of a firing squad, because he's being ordered to do this.
Do you think they like the moment we're actually at?
General Stubblebine told me when he was in meetings with these people in the 80s, when he was the head of the Army, and the Army was trying to talk him out of this stuff, that the people there were government leaders, presidents, prime ministers, and they were scared.
His wife, on record, treated heads of state, they told her the same thing, in the 2000s.
That's how she told Jesse Ventura on his show what was coming.
And how they'd use lockdowns and the shots and all this.
This is a damn plan, people!
You understand this?
And even heads of state, even queens, We're like, I just don't feel good about it.
It's terrible to get rid of everyone.
It's going to be such a calamity.
But if we don't, the carrying capacity we reach, there'll be giant wars.
So if we don't trigger this now, it won't be controlled.
But I just feel terrible about it.
Don't you?
The great culling?
And they write books talking about it now and saying, but the people that say they love it and enjoy it in Wall Street Journal, it's going to be, there's going to be no humans soon.
It's so great.
We're obsolete.
Viruses are going to kill us.
Yeah, viruses you made.
They tell you, it's your fault.
Global warming caused super viruses to come, and now you're gonna die.
No, you made them in a lab, and COVID-19 is just the first salvo.
So even heads of state are not running things.
And they are scared, and they should be scared.
Through a school that my son was going to when he was five, For a couple of years.
I got to know some top scientists that were very well off and very well run out to the Texas Hill Country from Maryland where they'd live doing work in these groups and they were just completely freaked out and scared because that was in the late 2000 and 2010.
That's right when Rima Labo was sharing the plan because they did a test then in 2009-2010 and said we're launching operations in 2011.
What you saw launched in 2000, they said, all right, prepare everyone.
And they went and had their meetings and got their orders.
You put your cell phones up, you go in to a Faraday cage, you get your directive.
And it's a global directive group.
They don't have a name for it.
And they go in and they're telling them, all right, we're launching operations in six months.
Get your family, get yourself ready and be ready to report to these stations.
We'll have a cure for you, but not for others.
And we're going to go ahead and launch airborne Ebola.
Remember right around that same time, the head of the Biology department at UT, Bianca, said on the news, he said, soon I'll be dead, my whole family, but we love it, it's for the earth, airborne Ebola will be released imminently.
That was 2007.
He said within three years, because he was in a deeper cell of it.
On his own UT website he says, I love Lucifer, he's dressed in druid robes, and he wants you to die.
Completely out of his mind.
But that's, oh, he's the head of the UT Biology Department.
And the head of the UT Botany Department basically told my dad the same thing in the 1960s.
Tried to recruit him.
So, this is a death cult.
And they told him that they were going to launch it in 2009, 2010.
Labo and Stubblebine ran to Costa Rica because they were told by their sources it was imminent.
But that was a drill to test and see If their people were going to go along with it.
Labo and Stubblebine had since gotten out of it, but they were told by their sources and by heads of state.
So these are the real discussions they have.
I mean, you know the Pentagon has on-the-record plans.
If there is a war and things collapse and there's a hundred thousand survivors, say, coming from Chicago after it gets nuked, a year after, towards Cheyenne Mountain to dig out the alternate government that they've got weapons and things to kill those people before they quote take out the seat of government.
They're not going to help people on the surface when this all goes down.
So I'm just telling you prepare to die and I don't want you to commit suicide.
You need to spend your energy and time warning people and getting them ready.
And that's the only hope.
That's why it's not going to be 90%.
You believe the Bible?
They're only going to kill... a quarter.
During that period of mass killing.
There's a build-up to it.
So, I mean, I'm telling you what's going on.
I mean, I didn't just get up here on air and say all this just to say it's scary and put myself in the crosshairs of the government.
This is out of my hands now.
I tried to stop the being launched.
We're out of beta.
They pull the trigger.
We're in it.
The collapse has begun.
And I love you and I care about you all.
And I'm so sorry.
I could have worked harder.
I could have done a better job.
I'm serious.
I have failed you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm serious.
Oh, my God.
I mean, that is just this is so horrible.
And all the liberals that left us that don't give a damn about anything, they're laughing and the owners of a major basketball team just says, I don't care if China has death camps.
I start laughing.
I mean, it's the soullessness.
Does this idiot think he's going to be safe when all this is going on if he doesn't care about tens of millions of people, three million of them, that have already been basically murdered?
He thinks it's funny because he's a selfish monster.
It's the name of the game.
We'll play that when we come back and then I've got the war with Russia that they say is going to start any time from tomorrow to the middle of next month.
The Pentagon believes the war officially starts in the next month.
So Laura Logan has been dropped by her talent agency for pointing out that Anthony Fauci is basically the angel of death.
That's exactly what they're doing with these deadly shots.
And she says they may take her off Fox for telling the truth.
So here she is talking about the reality of what's happening.
I'm going to play the clip again first.
And then I want to play for you another one of these billionaires making his money off the slavery in China and off the NBA being a big popular thing in China, saying China does nothing wrong.
And that's just like USA Today saying pedophilia is good and we should abolish the family.
You say, why are they saying all this?
Because it's their coming out.
They've been exposed.
We were close to kicking them out.
We almost defeated globalism five, six years ago around the world.
It was in trouble.
And so now they're just saying, yeah, we are authoritarians.
Yeah, we don't care.
Yeah, we got private security, but you're not going to have police and you're not going to have your own guns.
But while you're at it, watch the NBA, while this collapse happens.
Tech CEO, NBA co-owner, nobody cares about what's happening to the Uyghurs in China.
Up to 5 million of them in camps, millions killed over the years, mass executions just because they're Muslims.
And they're not radical Muslims that are attacking the government.
But because China wants that area for living space, Lebensraum.
There's Laura Logan, famous reporter, husband, high-level CIA.
She's trying to join humanity.
I didn't even know she was at the event I was at a few months ago in San Antonio.
Missed her just by minutes.
But she's obviously red-pilled.
And she knows we're in trouble.
And she doesn't want things to go to black pill, where there's no hope.
But we're going from red pill to black pill.
But that's okay, because we're going to have to finally call out to God to save us, and to intervene, and God will show us.
That's how it works.
So get your soul pointed at God, at Jesus Christ, and do it fast.
And I'm telling myself that every millisecond.
So here's Laura Logan, what they don't want you to hear, said over a month ago.
Gonna get her taken off television, but that's okay, because she's now on the right side of history.
Here it is.
Well, it's very simple, Pete, right?
You just have to look at Africa.
They didn't have the death rates from COVID that were predicted.
And what is happening over time is that the entire response to COVID and everything that we were told about it from the beginning is being exposed and it's falling apart.
The lies are coming apart.
And really now there's no justification for putting people out of their jobs or forcing vaccine mandates for a disease that ultimately is very treatable.
It's cheap to treat.
Medicines are available all over the world, and it has death rates that compare very much to seasonal flu.
And so in that moment, what you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn't represent science to them.
He represents Joseph Mengele, Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps.
And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies.
The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease ...is now being seen in the cold light of day, i.e.
the truth.
And people see that there's no justification for what is being done.
So as they're being exposed and the control is slipping away, lo and behold, another variant surfaces.
And nobody should be surprised by that, because there will be more variants until the end of time.
We'll never be free of them.
And next hour, I'm going to go through over 30 articles, mainstream saying it's wonderful.
We're finally going to arrest people that don't take the shot and take their children and forcibly inject them.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, London Telegraph.
You see, suddenly we're not partway into the New World Order.
We are deep.
Deep, deep.
Just suddenly, oh, yeah, Australia's going to start taking the children.
They're already going to arrest old ladies outside walking their dog.
Oh, the police are out with six foot poles to keep people apart in the streets.
I mean, this is real harassment by the state, by the system, using the pretext that They're protecting you from a virus their boss has cooked up and released for control and all these useful idiots don't understand morals or common sense so they're all the nanny state taking your rights away to keep you safe but Australia has the highest numbers of illnesses and deaths ever supposedly and of course it's the vaccinated they admit that account for 90% of the sick and dying their answer is more shots Australia suffers deadliest day of pandemic as Omicron drives up hospital cases that's all coming up
But first, let's go to this really sickening evil owner of the Warriors saying, Genocide is not happening, says CCP isn't a dictatorship, and that the U.S.
is, quote, no better.
Well, we're becoming no better with our leadership, you're right, because of people like you that have no morals, you little demon, preaching to us and not care.
So see, oh yeah, they got death camps, so what?
We're building them too here.
Oh, all right, see, that's globalism.
Discredit America, bring down our rights, our freedoms, our basic liberties, and then say, oh, it's all bad, just get rid of it.
In fact, liberty was the vice.
So here's a well-known basketball player, I'm telling you a very hard, ugly truth.
countering this BS last night.
We're glad he was.
So the Golden State Warriors issued a statement that read this way.
Mr. Polyepithia does not speak on behalf of our franchise.
And of course, the billionaire himself issued a statement saying, well, my family came from a country with mean people.
And by the way, the United States has human rights abuses too.
Even more repulsive than you would ever imagine.
Of course, the Golden State Warriors didn't even mention the Uyghurs in their statement.
You wouldn't want to upset China.
Say the word Taiwan.
We dare you!
Enos Cantor Freedom knows a lot about how this all works.
He plays for the Boston Celtics.
He recently became an American citizen.
He's very proud of that.
It's the second time he's joined us, and we're glad he's here.
Mr. Freedom, thank you very much for coming on tonight.
So, to hear someone say it... Oh, I like your shirt.
To hear someone say that as clearly as this owner just did, like, I don't care if they're murdered by the government of China.
How do you feel when you see that?
I remember we had a game today at 1230 and my manager texted me this video right before the game.
And first of all, I couldn't believe it.
I was very angry, very disgusted and very disappointed.
And you know, his comments were so...
I was like, I couldn't focus on the game because of his comments.
I mean, you look at the Uyghur people, what's happened to the Uyghurs is one of the worst human rights abuses in the world today and there is a genocide happening while we are talking right now.
And him going out there and saying, I could care less, is a shame and it is disgusting.
I mean, so you just became an American citizen to see the most privileged, the richest people in our society, some of them anyway, just say out loud, like, I don't care about anybody but myself making money, having power over this country.
I mean, that must be kind of discouraging, as someone who just got here.
You know, the funny thing is, this guy owns a company called, actually I have it right here, called Social Capital, where they pretend to care about social values, and this is a virtue signal, and I have all those recordings here with me.
He pretends to care about the others, but the only thing he cares about is money and promoting the CCP propaganda.
And it makes me sick how he's using social justice to make money for a forex company.
And I want to ask him one question.
You know, one question.
If your mother, if your daughter, if your sister was in those concentration camps and getting tortured and getting raped every day, would you still think about money?
Would you still remain silent?
So, I want them to answer that question.
Yeah, I mean, greed is a sin.
People used to say that out loud.
No one ever says that out loud now, but you obviously understand it.
And I'm so glad you said that, and I'm so glad you're in this country.
The system only lets you become this rich and powerful in almost all cases unless you're totally evil and corrupt.
That's why the middle class and the independently wealthy out there have to pour your money and energy into fighting this, or you're going to lose everything.
I mean, it's now down to the wire.
And people inside the Chinese government leaked hours and hours of footage of them being loaded on trains, taken and executed, bags over their heads, thousands a day.
And they don't work properly in the slave camps for Apple.
And it's like, well, hey, it's all right if Tim Cook says it's fine.
I mean, Tim Cook's gay.
I mean, he can run death camps.
I mean, come on.
I mean, he's allowed to.
Death camps.
So that's where this is all going, ladies and gentlemen, and it's very, very frightening.
And if we let this happen to them, it's going to happen to all of us.
All right, they're trying to start World War III with Russia.
The Pentagon says it's imminent.
We'll cover that when we come back.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Trying to make the scene.
Star Spangled Banner.
Blood is in the wind.
Time hustles those who wait to die.
Sweet soul sister.
Ain't gonna be no more souls around here.
This takeover is successful.
Everybody used to seeing people disappearing and being taken away.
Or walking down the street without their mask on or without their vaccine passport.
You don't want the government to put this experimental shot in you that's killed so many?
You're going to prison, baby.
Doesn't matter where you are in the world.
It's all run by the Carnegie Endowment.
They finally made their move.
You can pretend all day you're going to be alright going along with the system.
But you're not going to be.
And you're going to find out faster and faster how dead on I am.
100% certain because I got all the documents.
All right, let's get into it right now.
There's so much news.
It's just incredible.
Next hour.
And then we have Ali Alexander joining us in the third hour and so much more today.
Paul Joseph Watson will host the fourth hour.
head of Owen Schroer in the war room.
There is already a proxy war that's been going on for approximately three years,
a little bit longer than that, but physically as US military
military advises Ukrainian troops battling what's known as Little Green Men.
And the Little Green Men are Russian troops.
Or Spitznets.
Now, I have that from sources, but it's also well known, and it's been in the newspapers on both sides.
It's an overt war that was covert.
And the Russians grabbed Ukraine that is the seat of the founding of Russia almost a thousand years ago.
And so it would basically be like during World War I and World War II and we went back and forth.
But there's been periods of time where Ukraine has been in the hands of Europe and as those empires battled.
But Eastern Ukraine is undoubtedly The founding place of Russia, and what is Russian culture and systems today, and the main Russian culture that dominates the rest of the largest country in the world, is in the West.
And then that's the European arm of the culture that's Russian.
But the first modernization was about a thousand years ago, when several individuals, was named Slavoslav, the wise, I always butchered, Slavic words, I apologize, but he set up the modern reading and writing and things in Russia.
Russia had been a Viking stronghold.
There were some Viking castles and Viking systems that were based there, but they then picked up from the wise what their system was.
And I'm not going to go into a long history thing on it.
I've just read over it.
It's fascinating stuff.
What they're trying to do right now is take over, historically, what has been part of Russia since its founding.
Now, you can argue that Western Ukraine, you know, World War II, Western Ukraine was with the Nazis, and they're blond-haired, blue-eyed, and more German.
But the point is, is that Russia was founded in Ukraine, and in Eastern Ukraine, and they see it being taken, and their main pipelines into Europe being taken, and it's very strategic, so you don't need to be a Russophile to say that it's Russia's prerogative to defend that, and Russia has said they will, and here is the former four-star general, main Fox News military analyst, Jack Keane, on with Larry Kudlow, I'm not going to play the whole thing, the full thing's on Infowars.com.
Saying, oh yeah, Biden's right, the Russians are going to launch a false flag, it's already begun, and attack their own forces, and they're going to invade, and they're going to take eastern Ukraine, I don't think they'll take the whole thing, and now Britain's putting troops in, NATO's putting troops in, and then discuss maybe going ahead and just attacking the Russian troops with NATO.
Well, if you talk about communist or evil, Russia is not doing a vaccine passport.
Russia is not doing forced inoculation.
Russia said no to all this.
And I'm not saying Russia is a wonderful place or, you know, run by perfect saints, but Russia is more American than America is in blue cities.
And Russia is more European than Europe is now.
So, that's the reality of what's going on, not some bull.
So here's General Keene, he's all tough, he's conservative.
While he agrees with Biden, there's going to be a false flag.
Imagine, when I would talk about false flags 20 years ago, the media said that doesn't exist.
Well, it got declassified by WikiLeaks that the Army teaches Green Beret captains and up how to stage false flags.
So I can assure you that in all of military history, staging stuff to blame your enemy is the bread and the butter when you want to force multiply a bunch of people.
And there's a lot of evil stuff that's going on.
And all major governments do it.
And I have no doubt that the Russians will probably blow up one of their own bases and sacrifice a few hundred troops or something to say Ukraine did it.
But they don't need to because Ukraine is attacking and the U.S.
is attacking.
So what they're saying is, oh, we're going to attack.
We're sending troops in.
We already got troops there attacking Russians.
And if the Russians fight back, Well, it's a false flag.
And he says we need to pin the rose on them now and explain that it's only them that will attack their forces, even though Western forces and NATO are already attacking Russians.
Russians have been dying.
Westerners have been dying.
It's all being classified.
And why is this so important?
Because everything Biden's doing is about a false flag here in the next 294 days ahead of the midterms.
The whole thing's set.
They're preparing it.
So I agree with General Keene that governments do prepare false flags.
You see the signs.
You see the propaganda.
You see the preparation that Putin's getting for his people to go to war.
Now, will he stage a false flag?
I don't think he needs that.
The Russians are sick of this and know it's their country, basically.
Their birthplace.
Not just their country.
Their ethos.
Origin story.
You know, Superman came from Krypton.
Americans came from New York and Virginia.
The Russians came from Ukraine.
That's their nest.
It's the house they were born in.
And they're being told it's not theirs, that it belongs to Joe Biden's son?
And so, here we are.
But the fact that Keene has to admit that the groundwork's being laid, and you can see the pre-signs of a false flag, well, that's how it works.
That's how I knew before 9-11 they were about to do it.
That's how I know all this, because you see the pre-programming first.
And yeah, they're telling you now that we're already at war with Russia.
And within the middle of this month, the middle of next month, it's going to start, and Putin's going in.
Because they know they're not going to stop.
They're expanding NATO.
They're expanding color revolutions all over the place.
They've got operatives all over the former Soviet Union.
And you're going to see an attempted overthrow of the Russian government very, very soon.
And the Russians put their nuclear subs on alert?
They announced the world three weeks ago, they launched them, and they've got them all around the U.S.
We're like, well, we've got more than them!
We'll kill them better!
Yeah, great!
They've only got 20,000 warheads, and we've got 50,000 warheads!
This is wonderful!
Let's kill everybody!
And then, the best part about a nuclear war is the nuclear power plants are going to go down, even if they're not hit.
And then, when they go down, they melt down, and they're thousands of times worse than a hydrogen bomb.
Because a hydrogen bomb dissipates almost all its radiation.
Nuclear reactors don't.
Let's use a gross analogy.
A hydrogen bomb blows up and burns up your city, has a little bit of fallout, but it's the equivalent of passing gas with radiation.
A major reactor melting down and blowing up is the equivalent of a major city sewage treatment plant blowing up.
That's how much more crap there is, okay?
And this is untenable, unlivable, suicide, insane asylum, crazy town, but that's where we are!
Because there is a demonic, evil force that wants to destroy life on planet, and wants us to decapitate our children's genitals, wants us to turn our little boys into girls, wants us to do all this, and Russia and China are saying no!
And they've got their own problems!
But they are not flowing the satanic energy quite like our leaders.
I'll start the next hour with what General Keane had to say, but...
Let's just play the first minute now, because this is amazing.
Here it is.
I'm particularly interested, and I guess disturbed, to get your take on it, this talk about a false flag operation, that suddenly the White House is saying mid-January to mid-February, and oil markets around the world are now seizing up, so you're up about 10 or 12 bucks just in the last few days.
What do you make of it, General Keene?
Well, I believe it, to be sure.
Do you?
The administration is releasing classified information that they have, and I think they're doing absolutely the right thing here.
All right, like I said, we're going to come back in the next hour with all this.
So see how everything I told you about all these years is now out in the open.
And it's not about I'm right.
I focus on the actual leaders and what they're doing, not on, oh, CNN, ABC News, and all the crap they feed you.
But now we've gotten to the point where it's finally the endgame, World War IV, all of it.
And it's just insane, because the bad guys are running our country.
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Others wouldn't stand for that.
The cross was the solution.
And he rose again.
Wise men follow him.
Wise men.
All across the world, from the U.S.
to Canada, from Australia to Germany, people are being arrested in stores because they're not wearing masks or they're caught not having their vaccine passport.
The tyranny is here.
And it's only going to get worse until we say no.
First, here's a key report.
we are witnessing the end of America question mark.
America has been captured by very evil multinational corporate crime syndicate
run out of the Bilderberg group and its public arm the DeVos group.
They are not intending to allow the population of the planet to continue on as it is, to say the least.
And depopulation is what's been carried out through covert means through the so-called vaccine program, and that's now coming out and mounting.
And then you ask the logical question, how did the technocracy engage in this mass murder that's now unfolding with these slow-kill, soft-kill weapons?
How will they get away with that?
And the answer is further destabilization.
So horrible that you forget the last major insult to the human ecosystem.
So we are being treated as a disease, as a cancer to be cut out.
And the big lie is people working for the system believe that they are positioning themselves with the winning team and that they are going to be taken care of because they are going to execute this operation.
When you read deeper into leaked documents out of the Davos Group and Bilderberg Group that we and others got at great danger to ourselves, You will then discover that they plan to implode all the Western governments and then even have show trials of the bureaucracies that are going to engage in the initiation of the civil war that has already begun and not just here but other parts of the world.
So all the ministers in Australia and ministers in the Netherlands and the UK and the US that are doing all of this Really believe their position, because they went to the Davos Group School, they went to the Bilderberg School, they have a school, and that they're on the winning team.
But if you actually read some of the deeper stuff that they're not giving, no, they're gonna all be wiped out as well.
And I have a sense of being able to look myself in the mirror, and a sense of that I'm starting to measure up to my ancestors that were pretty amazing people, and that I didn't join these scum.
But that means I will be set up and put in prison or killed very soon.
And let's just get down to being honest about this with you, okay?
I'll tell you this, be dramatic.
We're at the end of the road here, okay?
It's 298 days out from the election.
They're never going to let us have a free or fair one again.
And they're going to devalue the dollar.
They're going to gut the country.
And you just need to get right with God and realize we're being judged for abortion.
I also want to say that I am not offensively, as I've told you, going to be involved in any type of military operations.
You're going to obviously hear that when they stage terror attacks.
They're already blaming myself and Rush Limbaugh posthumously, in his case, for the January 6th fiasco and the provocateur false flag extravaganza.
We're supposed to be horrified by the protesters.
Meanwhile, four years of a coup launched in the Oval Office of Barack Obama To overturn the election results of 2016 and not a single word of concern about the potential damage to our Constitution.
There's a reason 75 million people voted for Trump.
There's a reason that when he made that trip down the escalator on June 5th of 2015, there was a reason that he had majority support in the Republican Party.
And that is the people that voted for Trump know exactly what the left has been doing to our country.
It's nothing to do with race.
It has nothing to do with white supremacy.
Nothing to do with white this or that.
It has to do with the left destroying Western civilization.
And so I just, I have to really just get down to brass tacks with you and say this is the end of the line.
So a lot of people seem to think that if you storm the US Capitol and act like an idiot, That you're going to defeat the New World Order.
Not a lot of people.
We had a million people there in DC.
And when Trump said go to the Capitol, there was already 100 plus thousand marching there.
About 200 plus thousand got there.
And out of that, a few hundred attacked police.
The police basically were ordered to stand down.
A thousand plus armed FBI watched, we now know, from the buildings around it.
Let the attack take place.
Let people break in.
And then had the police wave in the crowd, knowing the crowd didn't know that they would then be charged for going in and walking between the velvet ropes.
True criminal activity.
A true false flag against America by opening the door.
By putting your baby, say, in a pit of alligators.
You didn't eat the baby.
You didn't physically kill the baby.
But you knew the alligators were going to get hungry when that baby was crying and make a noise and come over and eat it.
And that's what they did, bare minimum, was stand down on 9-11.
And stand down with cities burned across this country in the summer of 2000.
And stand down when the fentanyl was getting shipped in.
And follow their illegal orders, stand down when over a thousand armed FBI, including 300 plus HRT, highly trained commandos, the very best of our military, gets into that program.
And they just stood there while a couple hundred thugs, mainly Antifa and others, broke through and went in.
Now, why am I making such a big deal about that?
I'll cover it next segment.
But Biden has officially had his minions say that it is the fault of his constituents that the tyranny isn't working properly.
That's what you really see from the most corrupt regimes.
That clip's coming up.
But I have this whole stack of new news here, where they're declaring the American people terrorists and saying they got to round up all the conservatives, while there's headlines about round up the unvaccinated and put them in camps and take their children away.
The majority of Democrats in a Rasmussen poll want to put, 48%, and because if you add the 15% of Republicans, it's a large portion of people, want to put the uninjected in camps.
See, it's not camps coming, it's camps that are here.
And what's the backdrop of the camps?
The global financial crisis, global hyperinflation beginning, stagflation, signs everywhere, a depression in the economy while at the same time there's not enough goods and services, and massive price increases.
China threatening to take Hong Kong and Taiwan, already moving into the Philippines, moving into Vietnam, grabbing islands in Vietnam, grabbing islands in the Philippines.
War's already begun.
And of all the factions, we have the worst people running our country, because they hate us more than the Chinese or the Russians!
And you have the backdrop then of General Keene, four-star General, top Fox military analyst, telling the truth that False flags are a real thing, they really happen, and you see the signs of them, and that most major wars start with a false flag.
World War I started with one, with the Crown Prince of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire being killed.
World War II started with false flags, look it up.
Operation Glywods, Operation Hemler.
These are real things I'm saying, I don't just mutter stuff here.
And it's all lining up the same way again.
But then there's the globalist corporations posing as the good guys above running the biomedical attack on everybody while they get ready to distract us with this attack.
So Saki came out.
In fact, let's play the Saki clip.
I never got to this today, but I want to play it.
Let's play the Saki clip first.
We'll play the General King clip next.
But she says, we have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.
Now, I don't believe a word comes out of her mouth, but If you think the Russians won't stage a false flag to get their people fully behind a war, if they think they're about to go into World War 4, and they've got their nuke subs ready to, yeah, I think Putin probably would kill a couple of his troops.
I think even the troops in the main military will probably know what happened.
It's called a sacrifice.
And if you're going to kill people in a pawn sacrifice like this, That's classic, going back thousands of years, where they would piss their troops off by sending a small contingent out as a probe, knowing they'd be wiped out, just to watch their troops get killed.
They would piss their armies off.
That's how men used to be.
Nowadays, men saw their men getting killed, they'd piss themselves.
In the old days, all over the world, you saw your buddies getting killed, you got into a rage.
So this is how war is done, folks.
Let's just grow up and admit it.
But the fact that Shabbat Russia probably is getting ready to stage something, but regardless, it's the globalists that move their forces in first.
And when Russian troops get attacked, regardless, they're going to say it wasn't an attack.
So it could be a false flag, it could be a false flag, but how big is it that they're admitting false flags in the tool shed Let's say you got a big tractor and a little tractor and a small tiller.
They're getting the big tractor out.
This is for big war.
This isn't getting the little hand tiller out.
This isn't getting the little paring knife out.
They're getting the big butcher knife out.
All because of the chutzpah and bravado of the globalists.
They just can't stop pushing.
They can't stop grabbing.
Because they gotta have their world government.
They gotta have their depopulation.
They can't have Russians taking a different vaccine than us and we all die and the Russians live.
This is a plan to kill almost everybody.
This is a new world order!
Gotta make room for Psaki and Obama and Lord Rothschild.
They're the anointed ones.
They're in the sick freak club with Macron.
Gotta make room for the CIA director who's running all this.
Here it is.
We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.
The operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces.
Our information also indicates that Russian influence actors are already starting to fabricate Ukrainian provocations in state and social media to justify a Russian intervention and sow divisions in Ukraine.
I'm particularly interested, and I guess disturbed, to get your take on it, this talk about a false flag operation, that suddenly the White House is saying mid-January to mid-February, and oil markets around the world are now seizing up, so you're up about 10 or 12 bucks just in the last few days.
What do you make of it, General Keene?
Well, I believe it, to be sure.
Do you?
The administration is releasing classified information that they have and I think they're doing absolutely the right thing here.
Because we've seen this pattern before.
This is the phase of the operation where Putin attempts to justify why he's going in with military forces.
And certainly he's going to create unrest.
Back down to ten seconds.
This is the phase of the operation where they're going to create the false flag.
Just like Biden's announcing imminent white supremacist attacks and it's all Alex Jones' fault.
In hundreds of papers, Jones is going to cause a bloody revolution.
It's all his fault.
So when they blow stuff up or let some lunatic do something, I get the blame.
And who is Alex Jones a symbol of?
The American people.
I'm the deplorable.
I'm not trying to, like, hey, I'm big!
I'm the target!
I'm telling you, this is all being done for a reason.
They're laying all the predicate, all the foundation, all the things.
And I'm just saying, I'm not playing.
I'm not for any violence.
I'm not for any of this.
I don't want the globalists to stabilize our country and start a war.
I don't want war with Russia.
I just want to have a human future.
I want to love everybody.
I want people to learn how these tricks work so that we stop falling for them.
I am not going to be your puppet.
I'm not like these other people that love being the demon in the news and love being attacked and play along with it.
I don't want to be in this garbage.
I want it to stop.
I don't want to be a fancy person in D.C.
I don't want to be a big politico.
I don't want to be in L.A.
or New York.
I don't want to be around you people.
I want to just have a future.
And that's why I've been fighting you.
You, General Keene, are going to destroy the planet.
You, Kudlow, are going to destroy the planet with all your tough, macho stuff about Russia.
If Russia was in Mexico trying to announce that they were going to take half of Texas, I'd say we've got to have a war.
They're not in there.
It's the globalists conquering our country with foreigners.
It's the globalists breaking our country down.
It's the globalists destroying our dollar.
It's the globalists coming after our children, General Keene.
Let's finish up with a little bit of the clip.
Because we've seen this pattern before.
This is the phase of the operation where Putin attempts to justify why he's going in with military forces.
And certainly he's going to create unrest, greater unrest, in eastern Ukraine to justify the movement of forces as he's beginning.
Okay, so let's go back to what really happened six years ago.
The West went in with Proxy Gribbs and George Soros.
They declassified it.
Soros bragged on Fareed Zarkaria that they put $5 billion of State Department money in to overthrow the government and cause a civil war.
So the West causes a civil war, and six years later, it's the Russians' fault.
We've got to have war with them.
I'm sending out an SOS, my friends, for humanity to come together and realize we're about to repeat history in a very bad way with massive war.
I know for a long time the average American hasn't had to fight in a war or hasn't been part of something where you're burying a lot of your family members really since Vietnam or World War II in large numbers.
There's still been a lot of sacrifice, not trying to make a lot of that, but this is major war stuff.
And when you've got the Fox News general up there, analyst, old cold world, cold war dinosaur.
Couldn't say that for some reason.
a Cold War dinosaur, lusting after a new war and saying that the troops have to go in there
and we're about to have a big conflict with Russia.
This is just the stuff that total and complete destruction is made of.
And when I look at everything else that's happening and I look at the leadership the
globalists have put here in the United States to discredit the United States while they
wage war against Russia, while they wage war against China, while they wage war against
African countries.
The globalists are at war with everyone.
They're the main power group.
They're the corporate allied wolf packs.
They are the new world order infrastructure.
What is a globalist?
My 17 year old daughter asked me.
And the best answer is, a globalist is a member of the global corporate combine that is attempting to establish an authoritarian world government whose The eventual aim of world government is to be able to carry out a transhumanist revolution that results in the death of the vast majority of the world population, and out of that cataclysm, a new super race.
There, there's your definition.
I hope somebody takes that and puts it to print and gets it out there, because that's a very accurate, quick, two-line analysis of what we're dealing with.
What you're told globalism is, is kumbaya and everybody loves each other.
No, that's Christ vision.
That's Christendom.
It's stabilized areas and incredible things, even though it was only partially implemented.
The other system is predatory and destructive.
And if there were only 20 globalists left in a room after we've all been killed, they would then set about killing each other.
There's only room for one conscious entity in their system.
Not their wives, not their children, none of it.
Only them.
Because their religion is about one thing, and that is selfishness.
Or the self.
Being alone.
Everything must be mine, me, me, me, me.
Like the seagulls in Finding Nemo.
Except they'll do anything to get what they want and they won't stop.
So you've got to discover their programs, you've got to discover their operations, you've got to become aware of what they're doing, and you've got to decide whether or not you're going to comply, which greases the skids for their operation.
I mean, the globalists call themselves globalists for 60 years.
And then we expose their plans, and the New York Times says it's a Nazi term.
No, the Nazi term is cutting off people's power, saying they're going to de-industrialize, saying they're going to depopulate, saying they're going to force experimental drugs on you, saying they're going to track and trace everywhere you go and what you do, saying they're going to lock people up in camps.
Just now my phone's blowing up today.
We covered it last week.
But just now my phone's blowing up.
Did you see the national Rasmussen in-depth national poll of tens of thousands of people where the majority of Democrats want to take the children away from people that don't take all the shots and put them in camps?
Yeah, I saw that.
We covered it on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday.
And we've got the poll right here.
I've actually got the Rasmussen poll itself.
It's here in my stack.
Again, that's just the normalization.
All the news channels, hey, we've got to arrest all the anti-vaxxers.
And I told you that it started in Spain, and it started in Germany, and it started in Australia and New Zealand a year ago.
And I said by 2022, it'll be coming to America.
And now it is.
Now it's here.
So next segment I'm going to go over all of that in great detail.
I didn't plug last hour so I'm going to do it right now because there's a paradox here.
As bad as all this news is, If we don't get healthy, and if we don't get focused, and if we don't get into leadership positions, this thing is certainly going to win.
And as adults, we can't just give up and say, screw it, I'm going to go fishing and get drunk.
Let the devil have the earth.
The children don't deserve that, and God will count us amongst the evil ones if we know about this and don't take action.
In fact, God says many times in the Holy Scripture that if you know about evil and don't serve it, but also don't serve good, you're the worst.
You are the very... God hates people that do evil by design and know what they're doing.
But people that know about the evil and decide to just sit there on the sideline?
Well, God hates cowards.
You're even worse than people at a Black Sabbath drinking a baby's blood while it screams for mommy.
Because you know that's going on, but you're too scared of that to do anything about it.
You're too scared to try to stop it.
So, God is going to put you in a very special place with other cowards like you.
And I wouldn't want to experience eternity in a void with you people.
So, it is extremely important.
I remember a good friend of mine, big Hollywood producer, what a smart guy.
He once said to me, Alex, you're a mess.
This is like in 2009.
Uh, you don't care about yourself.
You just do whatever.
Like I said, yeah, because it's all going to go down.
The depopulation is going to happen soon because the globals are doing their drill then telling all their people what's about to happen.
And I got that info from a lot of very credible sources.
So I thought it was imminent in just a couple of years.
And he said, listen, you don't know how history is going to go.
You don't know if all this is going to happen the way they think it is.
You're letting them win by not taking care of yourself, which I still am not perfect, but I try.
If I hadn't started pulling up then and exercising and taking supplements and things, I probably wouldn't even be here today because of the stress load I've taken on.
We have to be in the best position.
We have to be the healthiest we can be.
We have to have the vitamins and the minerals and the nutrients that our immune systems crave and must have.
Or we're aiding the enemy in killing ourselves and letting them win.
So it's not just don't be a coward and kill yourself.
It's don't quietly, by being neglectful of yourself, kill yourself.
And I'm telling myself that.
I've got to take some time off.
I've got to exercise.
I've got to remember to take the supplements or it doesn't do any good.
So we had to end the vitamin-mineral fusion sale, because there's like 100 canisters left this morning when I checked.
More should come in in a few months.
Survival Shield X2 will sell out at current sales rates in the next five days.
I'm going to keep it up for sale for about three more days.
More comes in in a few months.
It's amazing.
The Deep Earth Crystal Iodine boosts your immune system, all electrochemical activity in the body.
It's essential.
Last chance.
New Year's sale.
Only just a few days left.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off.
Brain Force Ultra, only 500 bottles this morning left, 20% off.
Gonna limit his shipment in.
We told him, run as much as you can.
Because they can't do the full shipments because the supply chain breakdowns.
Whenever they get enough for just a couple thousand bottles, they do it.
Rainforce Ultra is incredible.
Clean, focused, energy next level.
It's very fast.
Alpha Power, limited supply, 50% off.
That's the equivalent of powdered version of Supermill Vitality.
Very strong.
Lung Cleanse, 40% off.
Pure Turmeric Liquid Extract, 50% off.
It's incredible.
Very high.
Cuminoid level.
Winter Sun Plus is back in.
I haven't cut the ads or put it back up.
But you'll be able to start getting it tomorrow.
It'll be 50% off as our new big sale.
But the X2 is going to go off sale in a couple days.
Rainforce Ultra is going to probably sell out today.
It's all available at InfoWarsStore.com.
And your purchase makes everything we do possible.
So I want to thank you for keeping us in attack formation.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
All right.
I went through the stacks they gave me today.
They printed off, probably, let's not exaggerate, 200 articles.
And I found four articles in the stacks, without even searching for it, of psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, you name it, mainly medical doctors, being grabbed in Canada alone And put in mental institutions because they exposed massive increases in stillbirths, massive increases in heart attacks, which are true!
And then how my brain works is, I'm reading this and I get mad, and I start thinking about all the ones I didn't cover yesterday and the day before, and I start thinking about, I've seen at least 20 different cases of this, and you know you only hear about one out of a hundred or so.
In Australia, in Europe, in Germany.
And then I remember doctors, they come and grab.
Remember the doctor that was doing a live stream on Facebook?
A medical doctor, very prestigious, about how the vaccine was killing people.
And then the cops came and grabbed him.
He's dead.
He was just found dead, thrown out on the street.
See, there's only one level now to go up on the stove.
We're up at like a 9.
It goes to 10.
Level 10 is grabbing everybody and killing us.
They're already building the camps.
They're in the camps.
I mean, Djokovic, they say, yeah, come to Australia.
You got natural immunity?
We'll show you.
Oh, the National Medical Board gave you a pass?
Well, our homeland security doesn't.
You're locked for a week and a half in a flea hotel in a cage.
Oh, you can come out now.
Oh, sorry, got to leave now.
And now all these governments are banning him to show him.
Well, how about all of the Stars band together and say, we're taking a one-year hiatus.
Oh, you know, they'll get together sometimes in football or baseball and have a strike over money.
How about your freedom?
How about your health?
How about a strike in the NFL?
How about a strike in the big international soccer divisions where you've had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people have heart attacks, more than a hundred die?
Don't you know how to band together?
Instead it's like, oh Djokovic is a loser.
More countries are banning him.
Nanny nanny boo boo.
Djokovic is smart.
The NFL players are smart.
Aaron Rodgers.
Tom Brady's smart.
Tom Brady isn't wearing a mask last year or this year.
He knows it's BS.
And he knows to stand up.
And so they should use their celebrity for good.
And that makes you then actually admire them.
My wife's a big tennis fan.
She loves Djokovic.
She loves it all.
The only reason I don't even know who he is is because I don't have time to watch sports.
But now I actually want to know about Novak Djokovic.
Now I admire him.
Now I'm going to watch him.
But see, you're not allowed to.
Because he is his own person.
He isn't a good little slave.
He has to pay.
He has to be punished.
And when you submit and take the second, third, fourth, fifth shot, the UN came out and said, actually the shots are unlimited, we've got to give you shots now every couple months forever.
We have to tweak them and put new things in you.
Oh, it's not just an experimental thing with no background, now it's just whatever the new thing is, of course!
That's why, three months ago, the FDA, so did the European Union Agency, said, you know, unlimited nanotech, any type you like, in the food.
plastic, metals, biological, just anything we want, we're gonna spray it on your food.
And then you have all the studies on what the nanotech does destroying you.
They're killing us!
They took all the checks and balances off, all the protections off, and they're coming after us.
And so this is the fight everybody's got to decide.
But meanwhile, what is Biden doing?
Biden-Harris 2024.
We don't have bad leaders.
We have bad followers.
That's actually not a joke.
Like, it doesn't make sense.
Well, one guy was on a plane taking sips of his drink in between, and so they threw him off.
He said, this doesn't make sense.
Masks don't work anyways.
And the flight attendant said, the stewardess said, it doesn't need to make sense.
I have that clip too today.
See, she gets it.
They torture Winston, Joe, and he says, Winston, how many fingers am I holding up?
And he goes, I don't know how many.
And O'Brien's holding up 40.
He goes, exactly, how many?
He goes, whatever you tell me.
And O'Brien says 10, and he sees 10.
He says he sees 2, he sees 2.
Whatever O'Brien says, the fingers just blur and become what he wants.
And that's where they want to get you, where you can't even think.
Like, hey, if the vaccine doesn't work, why am I supposed to take more?
Or, like, if it worked, why are the unvaccinated endangering me?
And this is classic Manchurian Candidate shycom torture techniques.
Or Stalinistic torture techniques.
I mean, this is Stalin-era stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, and look, hi, Jane.
They've already introduced, officially this week, we'll show it next segment, in Australia, the social credit score tied to your vaccine, and it's got driver's license, birth certificate, Australian visa, Australian passport, and hygiene, your strength is basic, but if she gives to the right groups and has her son castrated...
As she joins the Church of Satan, I'm not joking, she's going to be full power and she's going to get everything cheaper and better.
But the people that don't have it, they're not allowed to leave their house.
And then once their house gets repossessed, they're going to a work camp.
The Australians have said, I can't really do a good Australian accent, but it's like, you will not be able to, that's more of a British accent, you will not be able to just sit around though.
You're going to a camp, you're going to work.
And the media's like, they're lucky to go to a camp and have to work.
I say we kill them!
We're suddenly in total 1984.
But there are pockets around the world, like Florida, areas of Texas, South Dakota, where people are still sane, and the system knows we won't put up with it.
Because enough of us just say, screw it, I'm not doing it.
But oh, you can't get on a plane now.
Oh, can't get a train.
Oh, your child can't go to school.
Oh, you don't get the... As they put in that global social credit score, MyGovID.
Canada's rolling theirs out too.
And they say they're going to fine you if you don't accept it and take it.
So if you don't take a cell phone tracking everything you do, the EU, the French government, they're all announcing, it's all official.
It's here.
It ain't coming no more.
It's not old Alex Jones telling you it's coming.
It's here now.
I hear the train a-comin', it's rollin' round the bend, and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when, I'm stuck in Folsom Prison, and time keeps a-draggin' on.
And the robots are rolling out on the streets all over the world.
Literally in Singapore going, I am here to see your papers.
Exhibit your vaccine passport for a stand now.
And then, unscanned, unscanned, a siren literally pops up on the top of the robot and police come.
You do not have your vaccine passport.
Stand by for arrest.
And it's the Daleks from Doctor Who, remember?
The science fiction folks even predict it, but it's got an American flag on it.
And the scientists are doing it.
And the law enforcement professionals are going to save us with the robots.
Man, it's soy boy time, baby!
They show you the robot with the beauty of a human eye and say, psychological warfare, look, human faces.
Blip, robot.
Oh, yeah.
Isn't it nice?
And it's not that these robots in and of themselves are a bad thing.
It's that the globalists will then control all of this.
And whoever did that ad, if you're a radio listener, you can't see it, but I put a TV ad up for police robots.
And it's like the space shuttle and American flags and robots with American flags on them.
It's like, it's American, I'm taking it!
I want one of them robots!
But anytime the globalists want, they can just cut in and take over the little robot.
And now you're living in a real maximum overdrive.
And Soy Boy right in the middle.
Oh, it's soy time!
It's robot time.
I always say it won't be long now.
Well, you can put a knife in it, folks.
You can put a fork in it.
I'd say about January 18, 2022.
The New World Order ain't arriving.
It's here.
And it just hit us like a Mack truck.
Get ready.
Phase 2 is mass extermination.
Stay with us.
In a moment, we're going to play clips in Canada and in Germany where they're telling you you're going to be taxed, you're going to be punished if you don't have your vaccine passed.
The first clip I'm going to play when we get to that is the Australian government minister admitting that they accessed 80 plus percent of the public's phones, and in Germany they admit that they're using it to arrest people.
So if a crime's committed, they can check all the phones around and then go question all those people.
And again, you say, well, that's good, it'll stop criminals.
They're not trying to do that.
They're setting the precedent for total control, saying you can't leave your house if you don't put in your body what they want to put in there.
That's clip 10.
That's Quebec announces significant tax for unvaccinated.
And we got clips out of Germany where they're going to the next level and arresting people who again are outside without phones.
Same thing in Australia.
Same thing now coming to the US.
And then it's publicly announced they're going to put people in camps that haven't taken the vaccine under emergency orders by Democrat governors in New York and Washington State.
And Brian Stelter says it doesn't exist, because it's his job to deny they're doing it until it's already in place, and then they overrun you and grab you and your family.
The Holy Grail is being able to take you away without due process, and that's where we are.
That's the Holy Grail of these criminals.
But here's Democrat strategist Paul Begala, so when you know it's coming out of his mouth, that's from the Clintons, that's from Obama, saying that It is the fault of Biden constituents that his agenda is failing.
Here it is.
Did President Biden put more effort into getting infrastructure passed, for example?
Well, he got infrastructure passed and that's a good thing because success can breed success.
He is putting the full force of the presidency behind it.
I think the problem for the Democrats right now is not that they have bad leaders.
They're bad followers.
And then we have the full clip on InfoWars.com where he goes on and explains that his followers aren't smart.
They don't know they're getting a great thing.
The doubling of gas prices, the massive inflation, the borders wide open, the garbage and homeless everywhere, the fentanyl, the overdosing.
They just don't know how good they've got it.
And in Canada, they are announcing a significant tax We're the unvaccinated.
Then we'll play the clip of people actually fighting back.
Truckers are blocking highways.
But again, that just, at the end of the day, it's good resistance, but the globalists want things to break down.
They know you're going to fight back and it's going to break down.
That's the next phase of this.
But I'm not saying you don't submit.
You just understand that that's part of the larger plan as well and expose their plan.
You don't just fight pieces or heads of the Hydra.
You got to politically get to the root of it.
Here it is.
Announcing that we are currently working on a health contribution that will be charged to all adults in Quebec who refuse vaccination.
Now obviously those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons will be excluded, but we think this is where we're at now.
So people who refuse vaccination cause a burden on the staff, a financial burden, a significant burden for the majority of Quebecers.
So it's not true that this 10% of the population will Come and hinder the 90% of the population.
So we are looking at amounts.
We want the amount to be significant and it's going to be a new health contribution that will be required.
And we're currently looking with the Minister of Finance how we're going to apply that.
But all adults in Quebec who don't accept, over the next few weeks, to at least get their first dose, well, they'll get a bill to pay because there are consequences on our healthcare system and it's not up to the whole of the Quebec population to pay for that.
That's how they get you in the collectivist trap.
That bear trap in slow motion, closing on your leg.
But meanwhile, the people taking the shots are the most sick.
Meanwhile, the people submitting to all this are in the worst shape.
And their answer is, you're sick because they didn't take it.
The murder of logic.
True idiocracy.
So, just take your first dose and then we'll let you leave your house.
We won't fine you.
And then of course, turns out all over the world, from Australia to the US, governments keep a database of the UNVACs, because I'll assure you, when they finally force you to take it, you're getting something really special.
You're not going to get just a regular mutagen, you're going to get a real death shot.
And if you get in a civil war with them, they like that even better.
They'll just kill the cops and military.
They see them as dumb animals.
So they've actuaried this whole thing out.
Unless you have a full awakening to the whole deal, you have no hope.
The average person, the average man I know knows all about football, all about baseball.
They know about the family histories of the players, and all this crap doesn't matter.
But you don't know about Klaus Schwab and the Carnegie Endowment.
You don't know about the CIA.
You don't know about the New World Order.
You don't know about the Great Reset.
You don't know about Operations Lockstep.
and you're gonna die then.
Here's another clip of the health minister admitting the government, the press conference, that they have spied
on you 80 plus percent of the population of Canada.
Again, they're letting you know, we illegally spied on you, we did this, all the phones.
Almost two years ago, it was in February of two years ago, 23 months ago, that Bill Gates and all of them said, the Davos Group said, That you're going to take unlimited shots.
And they said that they were going to make you have these IDs and all these things to do this.
And they said that it was never going to end.
And they said that they were going to watch you in live time and Google and Apple announced it.
Oh, and a rare partnership was the same group.
We're going to put a secret app on everybody's phone that we jointly run to track where you are at all times for your safety for COVID, when that is the travel pass to be able to live your life and go anywhere.
And now Australia, oh, I forgot to get to it.
We'll hit that at the start of the next hour, has rolled out their new official system.
That's exactly what Klaus Schwab put out via Xi Jinping in China.
That has, at the very top of it, your social credit score.
And it begins with your first shot with You've Got Basic.
But when you get all the shots they want and you don't complain and you behave yourself and you do what they say, it goes up!
And then like coupons, women love coupons, if you kill yourself very slowly, you get all sorts of goodies.
Like free coffee and free hamburgers, and you're allowed to go outside sometimes.
It tells you when, because it's part of the carbon thing.
It's got a carbon section.
Oh, I told you that'd be on there.
It's now official.
Oh, look, you're being good.
You're behaving.
It's all there.
The new global ID.
And look at that.
When you behave yourself, it goes up.
When you make good purchases that are good for the earth and good for you, it goes up.
And when you send your children for sterilization or brainwashing, it goes up.
When you go to drag queen story time, it goes up.
When you go to Satan hour, it goes up.
When you're for open borders and keep your mouth shut, it goes up.
It's so liberal.
It's so, so good.
Oh my goodness.
Look, it tells you all about it.
Just, it's all here.
And where's the Santas?
You're not really talking about it.
He's fighting the agenda, but not addressing the root of it.
Where's Rand Paul?
Fighting the agenda some, but not the root of it.
Where's Trump?
Basically doing nothing to fight it.
And they all know full damn well, but they know, you go up against this, they come after you.
They're coming after you anyways!
Go ahead and go to part of the clip out of Canada with the spying on you.
The Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed media reports just before Christmas that it had secretly accessed location data for 33 million mobile devices to monitor the movement of Canadians during COVID-19.
That number represents roughly 87% of the population who were spied on without any knowledge that the government was accessing their data.
No one knew that PHAC was collecting their data and for what purpose.
So, why was it done in secret?
Who authorized it?
And who was this shared with?
So, why was it done in secret?
Who authorized it?
And who was this shared with?
Second, the request for proposal to continue this program appeared on December 17th, 2021, the day after Parliament adjourned for the holidays and is set to expire January 21st, 2022, 10 days before Parliament is set to return, conveniently leaving... Conveniently so they can bring it back.
Yeah, so good on that minister exposing it.
But again, this is nothing to do with viruses.
It's about control in a cashless society and the mark of the beast system they call the social credit score.
It ain't coming.
It's here.
And remember, the very group that created the virus and released it are the ones covering up all of that right now as well.
What crazy person would comply with any of this?
It's up to us that aren't asleep to warn those that are asleep.
Wake up!
Hour number three straight ahead.
Joshua in Texas.
Joshua, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Right on, man.
You guys talk about the New World Order a lot, and my dad was the first to expose it.
I had been banned from Band Dog Video.
First of all, I wrote down that Randall Wilhite, Alex Jones' lawyer, went on record saying that Alex is a showman and just playing a character.
The second time I got banned, I said that Mark Randazza is a lawyer for the Church of Satan and now your First Amendment lawyer.
Next time I got banned is that I proved that you guys sell your products on Amazon, giving Jeff Bezos a cut of your profit.
They say you guys have to sign non-disclosure agreements.
All the employees.
So Alex actually bans your free speech.
Josh the Troll!
You can't get Patriot Points on Amazon!
Hey Josh the Troll, I have 5,000 Patriot Points!
How many do you have, Josh the Troll?
Josh the Troll!
You need some garba-chill!
Josh the Troll!
All right, Ali Alexander with huge news is set to join us.
Joe Rogan interviewed General McMaster and asked him about January 6th.
He had something very characteristically ridiculous and mindless to say.
That's coming up next segment as well.
Why is January 6th so important?
Because the power structure is betting the farm on running against Republicans and populists and anti-vaxxers and anti-lockdown, anti-market-the-beast people on this.
So you can bet they're preparing a false flag.
And now with the government admitting false flags are a real thing, they're going to have a real problem trying to poo-poo that.
But here is the report on the food supply illegally having nanotech added to it.
The FDA has allowed nanoparticles into the food supply under the generally recognized
as safe provision because they claim that they are no more dangerous than their larger
Titanium is generally safe, therefore nanotitanium must be safe.
But they also admit that known materials can exhibit new or altered physiochemical properties at nanoscale dimensions, including unknown safety hazards that they will continue to monitor for.
In other words, the human trials for consumable nanotechnology is currently happening in the public without their knowledge.
Nanoparticles can be absorbed into our immune defense system and into our bloodstream.
And just like the FDA admits, materials at the nanoscale can cause unknown changes in a person's biological system.
Animal studies have proven that nanoparticles are changing the way our bodies absorb certain minerals, such as iron.
FDA chemist Timothy Duncan wrote that nanotechnology in the food supply is being held back because the food supply industry is afraid of public backlash, and argues that nanotechnology will somehow make food healthier.
The FDA is far more concerned with pushing more of these experimental nanoparticles into the food supply than they are with safety.
Like they said about giving the dangerous experimental vaccines to your kids.
We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.
At least 20 products are adding laboratory-made nanoparticles into the ingredients, and they are getting ready to coat bananas in new nanotech.
But companies are not required to disclose nano-sized ingredients, so we don't know how prevalent it is.
Along with being a proponent of population reduction, forced vaccinations, and genetically modified foods, Bill Gates is also the biggest private farm owner in America.
Does anyone doubt for a second that Bill Gates is allowing this dangerous nanotech the FDA is pushing for into America's food supply?
In related news, 10 out of the 19 states in which Bill Gates owns farmland, along with at least another 10, have recently made it legal to dispose of human bodies into the municipal water supply, allowing human remains to be added into biosolid sourced fertilizer.
It's called alkaline hydrolysis and is referred to in pop culture as being very, very green.
Spiritual leaders have strongly objected to alkaline hydrolysis because they say it is disrespectful to the human body, the vessel of a divine soul.
And it's understandable why they say this.
In alkaline hydrolysis, the human body is liquefied with lye and poured down the sewer to mix in with the community's excrement.
And if that weren't bad enough, this bio-sludge is then collected from municipal water treatment plants and used as so-called fertilizer on factory farms.
The official excuse is that it saves the government money for expensive toxic waste disposal.
Meanwhile, we are all being sold food that has been grown with a toxic bio-sludge made up of human remains and excrement, which is then loaded with new and strange nanotechnology.
Interestingly, the dystopian movie Soylent Green took place in 2022.
They're making our food out of people.
Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.
You gotta tell them.
You gotta tell them.
Promise, Tiger.
I promise.
I'll tell the exchange.
You tell everybody.
Listen to me, Hatcher.
You gotta tell them Soylent Green is people!
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
You gotta tell them the World ID has now officially been rolled out, why aren't Republicans opposing it?
Well, Ali Alexander has for a long time been a very successful Republican analyst and journalist and muckraker, and he's also organized a lot of events across the country.
And he was heavily involved, really spearheading Peaceful demonstrations across the United States, and I was at many of them, going into capitals peacefully, not having one incident in Georgia or any other areas.
We had a bunch of big rallies that we co-organized up in D.C.
in the lead up, and we wanted to attend a constitutional investigation of what happened on January 6th.
And our listeners have called me, they've told me, they have said, Alex, we know you didn't attack the Capitol, we know it was mainly provocateured.
There were some idiots, obviously.
We've never denied that.
But people walking through velvet ropes don't deserve to be in solitary confinement for a year.
Come on.
And so people ask me, why are you making such a big deal about it now?
And it's because We have Biden-Harris running on it and saying there's imminent terror attacks from the Tea Party and from Trump supporters, and articles saying Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.
They're saying this posthumously in this case.
After he's dead, are you responsible for a civil war?
No, no, no!
The last thing I want is what they call a civil war, the American people having some type of battle with the military and the FBI.
How does that beat Klaus Schwab and the New World Order?
I'm not planning attacks, by the way, on Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, but I mean, you know, I mean, if I'm in a war, I'll go up against who I'm actually fighting.
And Gates has got a thousand evil people behind him.
It's like shark teeth.
You take out Bill Gates, more roll forward.
We don't beat this with violence.
So I don't just poo-poo violence out of one side of my mouth like the left does after I call for it.
That's what they do.
Burn, kill, attack the police.
I'm up for that.
Give Black Lives Matter what it wants or we're going to burn down New York.
No, I don't believe in that.
So the reason we're hammering this is, Ali agrees with me, he's a smart political brain, one of the smartest out there, that this is what they're moving towards.
So I want to talk about how do I make sure my broadcast is a place To really make sure that as many of our people as we can don't get sucked up in this and they're inning.
Tricks that he can think of are ideas to just somehow derail where this is going, because Biden's approval rating is really below 30 percent, lowest in U.S.
history for any president in modern times.
Their whole agenda is falling apart.
Paul Begala is now, Democrats are now blaming their constituents.
He says, we don't have bad leaders, we have bad followers.
I mean, when you hear that, you're in North Korea.
This is very dystopian, and the answer is lower the temperature.
Klaus Schwab wants to raise the temperature.
Yes, I was raising the temperature, because Democrats were, if you see people out, attack them.
Go out and burn things down.
I'm like, no, we don't want that.
Let's show everybody, though, that Biden can't get 100 people in a school gymnasium, but we can get a million.
And we did get a million.
That was about Martin Luther King.
Hey, we got hundreds of thousands that want racial peace.
Wasn't about Martin Luther King, wasn't an insurrectionist.
Neither were we.
But our event was so big, there was negligence, there was a stand down by the feds, bare minimum.
They wouldn't let Trump have the National Guard.
The FBI, HRT groups sat and watched it all happen.
That's a fact now.
I've got the articles right here.
So deciphering all of this, we're talking about where we go forward from here, what the Stuart Rhodes thing means.
I mean, if that's a revolution, if that's an insurrection, They say in the indictment, push past police, ran around with zip ties looking for Pelosi.
I mean, I'm sorry, the guys that did that, if they really did that, sound like Laurel and Hardy.
They think guys with zip ties are going to bring down the U.S.
But nevertheless, doesn't sound good.
Okay, if it's true, they go to jail.
But to act like that is all a master plan and that my pillow guy and Donald Trump were giving orders through General Flynn to us on my children is a 100% lie and the opposite of what we wanted, a peaceful 10-day investigation that we never had at the court level.
Would have happened.
And we failed, and it blew up in our face.
But I'll say this as Teddy Roosevelt said, at least we, Olly Alexander, myself and others, and the million peaceful folks that showed up there, are in the damn arena.
Because you're never going to have a problem if you're not in the arena.
But yes, we are in the arena.
And so we need your prayers, your support.
Olly, I've been ranting.
It's good to have you here.
You can go anywhere you want with this, but this is a crazy time to be alive right now.
It is, Alex, and thanks for having me.
You know, I was recently in Arizona at the Trump rally connecting with people that we touch.
We touch many lives, especially in Arizona.
That's really ground zero for the election integrity movement.
It should be Georgia, but Arizona is where they have the cojones.
And so, you know, we're fighting an internal Republican civil war, a political civil war, a civil civil war.
And so it was really great to connect.
But you're absolutely right.
Alex, when we were on the trail, as I say, you know, very frustrated veterans would occasionally walk up to me and they would say some comments in frustration that many would find inappropriate.
But, you know, me being an empath, you being an empath, Felt that their intention wasn't violence, but frustration, desperation.
They didn't have the means to launch a rebellion or a revolution or the heart, you know, the evil heart, the hardened heart to launch some type of lone wolf attack.
But occasionally when we would hear these comments, one thing I would say is that we need to lean away from politics and towards faith.
And I would say St.
Thomas Aquinas reminds us That prudence is a virtue.
So even if we have an illegitimate government, which I believe we have, and I'm not backing down from saying that, the government wants me to stop saying that, I'm going to keep saying it.
No, no, amen.
This thing, they stole it, it's illegitimate, but in a way it's hurting them, everybody knows they stole it, that's why they want to have a violence system to turn the subject over to us.
No, no, you just sit there and everybody hates you, and the Democratic Party is extincting itself right now, if we can just stay patient, Not be violent, let them punch us in the nose like Martin Luther King did, Jr.
We're going to win.
You're exactly right.
And so what we always said is about our movement, it's our job to run the ball down the field, but the touchdown will ultimately be God's.
And so what it means to be prudent is that even if there's a legitimate, there's legitimate tyranny out there, and I believe that there is, it would be imprudent To go out there and attack.
So, anybody who was cosplaying or LARPing or actually planning to attack the government was, I think, outside of God's will.
You know, and I said that a week prior when people who weren't associated with our movement invaded the Oregon State Capitol.
And in Atlanta, people tried to get you to do it, and you said, no way, you're an idiot.
And then the media tried to explain, that was you saying, not yet.
I mean, they just spent everything.
So Alex, you know, I'm very proud of our prudent leadership.
I'm not going to cave to the government and stop calling Biden illegitimate.
And I'm not going to cave to the reactionaries who are otherwise good people who say, no, no, no, you and Alex need to lead this.
You need to own this.
No, we're going to do it the right way.
And the Bible says the path is narrow and it is narrow, my friend.
So we must keep fighting for elections, keep fighting for our civil rights.
Fight for the due process of political prisoners and denounce those who are outside of God's will, outside of prudent leadership.
And I think that that's the only path forward, Alex.
It's a very narrow path.
And you and I are spending, I'm told, thousands of dollars in legal bills because we are men in the arena.
And, you know, thank God He chose us to be in it.
Well, I mean, I'm just very thankful for listeners keeping us in the position we're in, but do you agree with me?
Obviously, they're trying to set up a false flag.
I mean, clearly, they said the Russians want a false flag to go into Ukraine.
Well, I mean, the left is just betting everything there's going to be terror attacks before the midterms.
Yes, yes, 100% confirmed.
It wasn't just you and me guessing this three weeks ago, four weeks ago, and now everyone's talking about it.
I'm now hearing that from sources inside of DC.
And so I'm going out of my way to document things.
And I got to tell you folks, not only is the best yet to come, but we have not begun to fight back and investigate What really happened in January 6th.
The federal government has more fingerprints on this than you or I even realized, Alex, and more sources are coming forward.
We need whistleblowers to come forward because what has been done is against the consent of the government.
That's right.
We've already got more people like Ray Epps being caught by citizen journalists that were there, obviously FBI operatives.
And, you know, the deep state, this is not the 1990s where they can blow up a federal building and get away with it.
And they have not gotten away with it.
I mean, I've got listeners and prominent people I know mad at me that I'm even admitting some idiot patriots thought this was a revolution, too, and obviously went in.
No, let's be honest.
But the main stand down and the main provocateuring was the feds, and they're going to get the blame for it.
We'll be right back.
Look, I'm completely honest about history.
I'm not a Russophile.
The Russians might stage an attack on their own troops to go into Ukraine.
That's what you do when you start a war.
I mean, most governments do it.
The question is, how many people will they kill?
Or will the globalists attack them, and when the Russians fight back, call it a false flag?
That's a big deal.
But it doesn't take a political guru Or a political rocket scientist to know that they don't have wall-to-wall January 6th brainwashing that imminent terror attacks are coming.
And they're going to have to do this with the election or do that with the election.
Everybody they're fighting is white supremacist and all Republicans are terrorists.
And Mitch McConnell doesn't come out last week and say, whoa, you're calling all your opposition domestic enemies?
This is dangerous.
Finally, I think Ali Alexander, one of the main organizers of Stop the Steal, The Republicans are getting, and I've got the quotes right here, that Biden and the Democrats want to quasi-outlaw the Republican Party.
Because calling us racist hasn't worked.
So now they're just going to move into, like they said, the FBI said last week, the deputy head of the Justice Department said, no, no, no, we're not worried about Al Qaeda.
We're not worried about, no, no, we're worried about Trump supporters with no real evidence.
So this is a big deal.
That's why I keep harping on it.
What do you think?
It's the perfect convergence of evil.
And that's what we saw, you know, with all of, with all of these astrological signs, astronomical signs, all of this occult stuff that was happening in 2020.
We didn't really, I didn't really understand what it meant, but what it meant was a signal for the global elites to launch their reframing of peaceful citizens.
This is the end of liberty, right?
That era is over.
For our technocrats.
What they want is they want free citizens to be surveilled 24-7.
And they think that that is freedom because we will get more material good and less metaphysical good.
But we are here to rage against the machine and say, no, we won't go.
We won't go.
And we will be civilly disobedient.
We will peacefully protest.
And I gotta tell you, Alex, you know, I believe in the right of revolution.
Maybe, you know, maybe you don't want me to say this, maybe no one wants me to say it.
No, no, no, go ahead and say it.
I believe in the Declaration of Independence.
We have a right to overthrow a corrupt government.
I'm saying at this point, they want to have a physical fight because we're intellectually winning.
Right, and that's what, I wrote this, okay, on members.alialexander.org, if the team wants to bring up my July 4th post.
I reaffirmed my commitment to the Declaration of Independence.
Even though I'm being prosecuted, essentially, for saying the word 1776.
And the committee asked me, why did you say 1776?
Because that's when we declared our spiritual, metaphysical, and written Declaration of Independence.
You're declaring your sovereignty.
You're declaring the birth of the country.
You're declaring the moment that the life began.
And that scares them.
Well, that means they're not Americans.
And it was the king that invaded America.
It wasn't Americans that went to England looking for a fight.
And so I tell my government, I declare my independence.
Stop the steal.
1776 and November 3rd was stolen.
And I'm not going to kowtow and bow down.
But I'm also not going to encourage a violent rebellion or revolution that would be doomed to fail and set back.
Set back.
Our liberties from around the world.
So Alex, I just think it's so important that people listen to you.
Listen to me, frankly, too, and follow this prudent, wise leadership.
This is why you see so many people, you know, turning to their faith because the Republican Party has failed.
But you're right.
And to observe that Mitch McConnell and the rest of these hacks are realizing they're not coming for Alex Jones and Ali Alexander.
They're coming for the whole kid in Caboodle.
Believers, patriots, Southerners.
You know, Jehovah's Witnesses, they're coming for everybody, okay?
And to this end, on Spectator, on the American Spectator, spectator.org, my article, my op-ed is number one, it's been number one for eight days running, where I excoriated Mitch McConnell.
I said, don't you compromise with them on what's called the Electoral Count Act, Which is really the anti-Alex Jones, Ali Alexander Peaceful Protest Act.
The Electoral Count Act says no more electoral college objections ever again in the future.
We say over our dead bodies.
And so the Democrats are trying to put In fake voting rights bills that federalize our election.
So I told Mitch McConnell because he started compromising with them because he was listening to the National Review, a rhino outlet.
I said, don't compromise.
Then he got burnt and then you saw his positive comments.
So Republicans, believers, everyone needs to wake up.
They're coming for all of us.
They don't want free and fair elections this year.
They're all in.
They can't run on Afghanistan.
They can't run on inflation.
They can't run on COVID.
They can't run on the response to COVID.
They are running on Alex Jones.
They are running on Ali Alexander.
And they want us to answer for the most foolish actions of people who have nothing to do with us.
And I'm just telling them, I'm not going to shut up.
I'm not going away.
And I'm not going to cooperate with the false narrative.
And by the way, we're not trying to act like we're big league here.
It's very scary in the big leagues.
We got some calls from high-level Justice Department and high-level CIA in the last
48 hours.
And I do talk to the Justice Department and the CIA, people that are good in there.
And they said, "Oh yeah, that's what you just said.
They're running on January 6th and that we're dead on."
And I'm like, "Well, we can't tell you anything, but you're dead on and watch out.
We're saying prayers for you."
So yeah, it's a really creepy feeling.
I've never had more wings of death flapping around above me feeling, but I knew this was
always coming to this, that here we are wanting peace, here we are wanting justice, and they
literally want to then set some horrible new mass shooting or bombing, I don't know what
it's going to be, and they're going to blame us, Ollie.
And I just don't know what we do to not just protect our own butts, but to tell conservatives and Christians and others, don't be violent, watch your rhetoric, and also know, obviously, patriots aren't going to do this, and violence isn't the answer.
You're exactly right, folks.
This is not a game.
This is not a holographic simulation.
We're not LARPers and this isn't cosplay.
Your freedoms are at stake.
Your freedoms are at stake.
If Owen Schroeder goes down, you lose freedom.
If Alex Jones goes down, you lose freedom.
If Ali Alexander goes down, or they outlaw the phrase, stop the steal, or ban links to InfoWars.com, Your freedoms go away.
The freedoms of Black Lives Matter goes away.
The freedoms of left-wing anarchists go away.
So, we're in this all together, which means we can't have violence.
We can't have something that separates us from our neighbor.
And so, you know, I'm sad that Barack Obama ruined the phrase, I am my brother's keeper, but that's something I've always believed.
You know, as a Christian, I have an obligation to the stranger.
I have an obligation to the stranger, okay?
Now, these economic, you know, objectivist libertarians might not believe that, but I'm a Christian and I believe that.
And so, and Alex, that's why you and I ran to the Capitol when we saw civil disorder.
We were like, okay, we need to go save lives.
What if that scaffolding falls and kills people?
So, you know, I think, Alex, it's just important for us to walk in the light, for us to walk in the word of Jesus Christ, to be prudent.
And remember, Jesus, who preached peace and didn't become that militant leader that the Sanhedrin wanted him to become, still was whipping people out of the temple.
And it's just very nuanced and we've got to be very prudent and very wise about it.
You can use the word prudent.
Prudent doesn't mean wimp.
It means you've got to really be smart and think things through.
And if the enemy wants violence, it's because they're losing.
Let's not give it to them.
There are times when a giant army is invading.
There's no choice.
That's a clear attack.
Your people know what's going on.
You fight.
But when the enemy is hidden, you don't play into a game to attack the enemy, and then he poses as if he's the people.
We've got to educate people first, and then try to fix things peacefully, and then if there's a war, there's a war.
We've got to do everything we can in God's eyes, peacefully, and then if we have to fight, God will be on our side.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, the news on InfoWars.com right now is just incredible.
I don't even know how to describe the stuff.
No vacs, no food, NYPD tickets, wheelchair-bound woman with cerebral palsy and arrest 11 others for trying to get a store to buy food.
MIT scientist says COVID vaccine could trigger neurodegenerative diseases, warns parents against vaccinating children.
Corporate media attacks Justice Gorsuch, who's one of the few good things Trump did, dealing with courts for not wearing a mask.
He's got the CEO, NBA co-owners of a major Team saying he doesn't care about death camps, U.S.
Army guerrilla warfare exercise to target freedom fighters.
That's just some of the stuff on Infowars.com.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Going back to Ali Alexander, again, I want to be a trillion percent clear with the listeners.
I don't sit up here And cover stories just because I'm in them.
There's a lot of stories we're in I'm not covering.
The fact that we're right at the center of January 6th, the fact that the system you turn on the TV only talks about that, I mean, more than anything else.
It's a distraction from inflation, a distraction from people losing their jobs, a distraction from the fentanyl deaths, a distraction from the open borders or imminent war with Russia.
I mean, you've got NATO saying we're on the verge of war, and instead we're hearing about, oh, the Trump supporters, the million, they all wanted to attack the Capitol.
It's insanity.
And I think, Ollie, it shows some real mental illness by America's ruling.
Class that stole their way into power is that they're blaming all their illegitimacy on us not wanting to be
ruled by idiots and blaming their own constituents, I mean
Very rarely in history your your your historian as well.
You're sharp guy. I talked to you a lot What do you make of the Democrats now?
Not just not just Paul Begala, but Jen Psaki and others saying our followers don't know how great they've got it
It's your fault. I mean, what do you make of just the current political lay of the land?
Well, the first observation I want to make is that yet you and I are both lovers of history
that yet you and I are both lovers of history.
We both have acted as publishers for respective news gathering and dissemination organizations, and we're activists.
Sometimes we're in this capacity, other times we're in that capacity.
And so you and I have both made statements of analyses where we've observed America appears to be approaching a civil war.
Now, the Democrats in the media try to use that against us, saying we're stoking a civil war, even though we say we are opposed to one.
But it's an observation worth noting.
And you can see that these Democrat operatives, who are fully aware of their turnout games, of their rigging on the lawful side elections, and the illegal rigging that also goes on, Peter Navarro talks about how there's illegal theft and there's legal theft.
And he's right in that.
In that they are so, they know they've so lost the middle, they so have lost the neutral person that they need to market to, that their base is caving.
And they know in marketing, you got to first get your customer back.
And so that they've lost their customer means that they're going to increasingly be desperate.
And because Democrat operatives are very different than Republican operatives, in Democrat circles, the comms and political people help make national security decisions.
Okay, this is scary as hell.
And so Psaki and the rest of these fools are hoping in their comms department for another 9-11.
You have the White House comms department hoping and praying Or another 9-11.
These people are godless.
They don't believe that there's any consequences in the hereafter for something like that.
Jesus reminds us that murder begins in the heart.
That adultery begins in the eyes.
So you and I, we're not only like, not only will we not do that, we're not even allowed to think that way.
Well, plus I don't even want, I desperately want the opposite.
Not even because I'm a perfect person.
That's what the evil wants.
They want the violence.
Psaki and others are dreaming of war with Russia.
They're not even smart enough like George W. Bush to go attack a third world nation with no nukes.
No, let's go attack the second most powerful country and most sophisticated That's a wonderful idea if you want a war as a distraction, honey.
Do like Ronald Reagan and make a Grenada or something.
What is your problem?
They're insane.
And they're godless.
And this is why we have had great Christian philosophers say, the spirit is not contrary to reason.
When the two are present, they're God is.
And so, you know, we're painted as the anti-Enlightenment folks, when we are the pro-reason folks.
And so we have to remember... Well, that's it, Ollie.
We are the classical liberals.
They are the opposite of liberalism.
We are flaming liberals.
We want freedom and openness and low taxes and empowerment.
That's liberal.
Liberals let the common people have guns.
Liberals let common people raise their kids.
Liberals let common people have land.
Liberals let the common people travel.
Nobody had that until 500 years ago.
And then that experiment grew, and the globalists are at war with that, because they don't want the third world aspiring to that and saying, we want that.
That's why America's got to be repudiated and taken down.
Well, I wasn't trying to define yourself.
What would you define yourself as?
A classical Christian?
Well, I don't know anymore.
I mean, I thought I was a conservative, but now I'm more nationalist.
I'm a classical liberal. But there's a lot of things like I'm actually okay with higher taxes
now. I wasn't, but now I'm like if we can take care of...
Well I wasn't trying to define yourself.
What would you define yourself as? Classical Christian?
Well I don't know anymore. I mean I thought I was a conservative but now I'm more nationalist.
But I'll tell you this, my identity is in Christ and my identity is my love for my
Okay, that my black neighbors feel like they're mistreated by the police.
Okay, let's solve that.
That my white neighbors are being targeted by the media in Hollywood with this anti-white hate.
Or they need to get in line for treatment in the back of the bus, in the back of the line for treatment of COVID.
That needs to be solved.
And so I just, you know, I'm a true lover.
I'm a true lover.
But I'm also someone who believes that love comes in the form of correction and rebuke and truth, hard truth.
So, I know it's complicated for the left and the godless not to understand what we're saying, but you're very right that we are people who advocate the classical liberation of power from the state, that it may be federated locally to the people and managed there, and that some rights need to go to the state, and some rights need to go to the federal government, but as many rights as we can get to the people, Who have a common interest, as Cicero wrote, that makes a republic.
So you and I knew that if they stole the election and it was illegitimate, they wouldn't be able to manage it because they were getting fake signals.
They were interpreting noise as signals.
So when they trot out, you know, voter ideas is voter suppression.
And the polls say that a majority of black Support voter ID.
You and I know that that is a recipe for division and debate and not for solutions and unity.
And so I got to tell you, Alex, we're in a weird point in history.
And I watched your broadcast this weekend where you're like, I think I need to take a break.
That's good.
You know, Jesus meditated.
John the Baptist meditated.
There are often times when, and again, we don't want to be stuck in the middle of this, but we're sure as hell not going to go down without a legal fight.
And that's why, you know, I need the support of people at GibsonGo.com slash Ali Alexander.
I know that you need the support of the people.
It's hard to get a lawyer in these cases, but we're fighting back, and I just think that the listeners need to fight back in the right way, the legislative way, the legal way, the political way, the civil way, and we don't need... They want to break up our country.
They want left versus right, when we know it's up versus down, and we want to appeal to heaven so that it intervenes and we overcome this darkness.
I totally agree.
Let's do one more segment and get into the federal commando teams that were there and how the media just hopes that goes away.
And then Joe Rogan talking to McMaster on the other side.
But give out your donation page.
I know they've almost financially destroyed you.
We come to the audience for support.
We appreciate the audience.
But if folks want to help you because you didn't roll over to the committee, you told the truth about everything.
You've been one of the only people that had the courage to do it, even though they could now try to set you up in perjury traps.
Yeah, I appreciate the opportunity to plug, Alex.
It's givesendgo.com slash Ali Alexander.
None of this money goes to my bank account.
None of this money goes to me.
It all gets routed through one of my attorneys who is leading three other attorneys.
I've had to have four attorneys, criminal law, constitutional law, and then two other attorneys.
I'm suing Nancy Pelosi, I'm suing the committee, I'm suing Liz Cheney, because I refuse to die for them, okay?
I refuse to go down for them.
I refuse to denounce my side for them.
We need to speak truth to power, so I appreciate any of the listeners.
You bet.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay right there.
We are in the twilight zone.
Just in the last week, I've seen two Olympic runners, one a sprinter, one the champion marathoner, Both have microcarditis and now having to look at retiring.
Olympic sprinter announces pericarditis, heart swelling, heart infection, diagnosis on Facebook following booster jab.
They made her take the Moderna, and of course she got sick, but then when they made her take the Pfizer on top, now she's got serious heart problems.
Young, beautiful woman.
Read the whole article at InfoWars.com.
Killing ourselves to be able to even go outside and have a job.
All right, let's get back into January 6th with Ali Alexander because, again, I'm sick of it.
It's old news.
We know it was provocateur-ed, most of it.
Some useful idiots went in.
Most people are totally non-violent.
They were patriots.
They shouldn't be in trouble.
But they are selling their whole system on this.
There was an article back on January 3rd.
Exclusive secret commandos with shoot-to-kill authority were at the Capitol.
Over a thousand of them.
They didn't stop the first few hundred that broke through the almost undefended Capitol.
And then we've got McMaster over here on Joe Rogan a few days ago, just finally got out to InfoWars.
McMaster says he can't fathom FBI using Asian provocateurs.
That's like saying, he can't fathom a duck quacking, or he can't fathom a wolf howling, or he can't fathom a rooster crowing.
I mean, it's just such a well-known documented thing.
Here is part of the Ridiculous Exchange.
Did you see Ted Cruz question that woman, I don't remember her name, she's from the FBI, and he asked her about agent provocateurs at January 6th, and whether or not they engaged in any activity there, and she said she could not answer that, and whether or not they engaged in encouraging violence, and she could not answer that.
Like, did you see that?
I didn't see it, but I mean, I would be surprised if there weren't, right?
Now, the thing is, why do they do that?
Why would the FBI engage in that?
Oh, the FBI wouldn't.
That's what they were talking about, agent provocateurs.
Not from us, I wouldn't say.
Now, I would say there might be FBI agents who infiltrate organizations that have a violent agenda, right?
We want them to do that.
But I thought you were talking about the Russians.
I think what the Russians are trying to do is... But if the FBI agents were involved in January 6th, Joe, that doesn't sound right to me.
I mean, I don't know.
What doesn't sound right?
Agent provocateurs?
Yeah, agent provocateurs from the government.
I mean, I can't imagine they would do that.
Well, why wouldn't she just say no?
I don't know.
You want to see it?
Yeah, I'll take a look at it.
Let's take a look at it.
What is the guy's name?
Ray Epps?
The guy that everyone keeps discussing?
Because there's a guy who is encouraging people to go into the Capitol.
He was a guy that was in multiple videos and some people thought he was a Fed immediately and other people were listening to him, but this guy was trying to encourage people to Go into the Capitol building.
Here, let's play this, just so you can hear Ted Cruz.
I want to turn to the FBI.
Okay, and then McMaster says he knows nothing about it.
But in McMaster's case, nothing against tank commanders.
He was never in anything in intelligence.
He was a tank commander.
Armored wars with the Soviets.
So he's like, oh, I don't believe in any of that.
I mean, Trump hired some real morons.
And we know McMaster was one of the biggest that totally let the Soros folks running.
But he's got a problem.
I would have said, hey McMaster, Saki says there's such a thing as false flags.
Do you know what a false flag is?
McMaster's so dumb, reportedly drinks about 14 bottles of wine a day, he probably wouldn't even know.
Let's play Saki.
Here she is.
We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.
The operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces.
Our information also indicates that Russian influence actors are already starting to fabricate Ukrainian provocations in state and social media to justify a Russian intervention and sow divisions in Ukraine.
Ollie, this is a big deal, I tell ya.
I think McMaster might actually be dumb enough to believe what he was saying.
What do you think?
He might be dumb enough, but let's just note, he didn't say no either.
He didn't say no either.
And what often happens, just so we're all clear, there are great patriots inside of our national security state.
Let me say that again.
There are great patriots all across this country that work for the FBI that are in field offices all across this country and they catch creditors, they stop human trafficking, they find counterfeit dollars and stuff and work with Secret Service on that and do all kinds of other stuff.
Sometimes the DC office asks these field offices to participate and political roundups that they may not want to do.
Okay, and that's why it's so important that whistleblowers within our government reach out to
to counsel and get themselves legally protected and give truthful information about what was going on that day
and preparations of that day to those of us who are being targeted by our governments
because it's not just our rights, it's everybody's rights are up for grabs.
Well, that's right. Just a few whistleblowers can bring down this whole corrupt thing,
not to bring down the system, but to bring down the criminal networks that are in the government.
To bring down the satanic overlay of the system of "we the people," right?
Because the government is supposed to be made up of We The People, and they're not supposed to do stuff without our consent.
What we see from the vaccines to the election, it's all without our consent.
We are being raped, Alex.
We are being raped, we are being gang-raped by a global gang, you know, cabal.
Yes, the FBI monitors extremist groups.
I support that.
to say though is that what often happens is yes the FBI monitors extremist groups. I support that
but then the FBI infiltrates said extremist groups.
And when the extremist groups aren't extreme enough, and the FBI already has sunk costs, what often happens is moral hazard.
Well, that's a great example of what we saw months before January 6th in Michigan with Whitmer.
That was FBI informants literally leading the group of dummies into that, and that's all come out.
And the Bundy Ranch.
And so what often happens is that, is that actually when it's not an FBI agent and it's an FBI informant, They're basically lawless.
And then they incentivize because they want to get paid by the FBI.
So when Henry McMaster doesn't want the public to research, Is how do these systems actually incentivize corrupt behavior?
And that's what went on January 6th.
I know that for a fact now, Alex.
I know it wasn't a theory now.
I know it for a fact.
I've got a name, and I know that you're doing some investigations too, and you know, my counsel will be talking to your counsel soon about that.
But like, you know, this is This is, I'm going to go ahead and tell you, this is bullshit.
This is bullshit, okay?
And that you and I were being set up to walk into a firing squad, violates my civil rights as a black man, as an American man, it violates your civil rights as a free speech advocate, as a first amendment activist, as a publisher, a news publisher.
You know, the government is going to need to not just neutralize its opinion.
We are owed an apology.
Okay, from the federal government.
Well, that's right.
The Deep State was mad that we got a million people there to show that Biden didn't have support and to have a legal march.
So they provocateured, they stood down knowing crazies would be there, and a mix of crazies and provocateurs then attacked the Capitol of a maximum 500 people that were actually doing bad stuff out of a million.
And then they used that to demonize us all and announce that the CIA is going to have domestic offices and that the main mission is crushing Trump supporters.
I mean, that's just ridiculous.
Talk about Biting off more than they can chew.
They bit off more than they can chew.
They need the consent of the people.
And I refuse to be a premise for the preamble for Patriot Act 2.0.
I refuse.
I will not go.
I'm applauding the work of Tucker Carlson.
I'm applauding the work of Julie Kelly.
I'm applauding the work of Darren Beattie.
I don't agree with everything that they've concluded.
But certainly, where there's smoke, there's fire.
And they can't stop InfoWars from investigating Alex.
Your show is great, but the folks that are also writing articles at Infowars.com are so essential.
And the other talk show hosts and all the reports.
Oh, it's amazing stuff.
It's such a precious place.
All right, Ali Alexander, thank you so much.
Where do people find you?
I know you've been purged from the internet like us.
Where do folks find your posts and things?
Yeah, so GibsonGo.com slash Oli Alexander.
That's to help out the Legal Defense Fund.
We're pursuing Nancy Pelosi.
I'm also under Telegram under the same name, Oli Alexander.
I'm on Gitter, Oli Alexander.
I like Gab.
It's a free speech platform.
I'm just Oli.
Which is what I used to be on Twitter.
Everybody knew me.
250,000 people knew me as just Ali on Twitter.
But I'm that on Gab.
And I'm also Ali on Parler.
So, I've been blessed from the beginning.
All right, Ali, we're out of time.
Thank you.
We'll talk soon.
All right, Jay Dyer is actually doing today, right?
Because Paul's moving to Friday.
All right, Jay Dyers, thank you, Ollie.
Jay Dyers is about to take over.
I got a few final things I want to hit here in this little short five minutes that's coming up.
Please don't forget, the Vitamineral Fusion has had to go off sales.
It's basically sold out.
But X2 is still 50% off.
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is a thing. Adults, children, everybody needs it. Infowarsstore.com and it keeps us on the air and a bunch of new sales will
launch tomorrow.
But the New Year's sale ends today and some of the stuff's already sold out, so it's been taken off the list.
But Ultimate Bone Broth, Ultimate Liquid Turmeric and so much more, massively discounted.
Well, I started the broadcast today talking about how Russia and China have broken with the globalists and said,
"We are not going to depopulate our people."
We're not going along with the Great Reset.
We can put that headline back on screen if we can.
And I didn't know that right as we were going live and posting that, Elon Musk had also put out a tweet.
We should be much more worried about population collapse.
Let me explain the equation.
Prager University, about a decade ago, did the best little video, four minute, we gotta find that, Prager University on, maybe eight years ago, Prager University on population collapse.
But if you've got a father and a mother, okay, and they only have, on average, 1.3 children in the Western world, The way civilization's set up in all the actuaries, you get a collapse.
You need...
2.1 or 2.2 depending on the study, just to keep civilization going.
They need to have 2.1 children.
People go, well how do you have 2.1?
That's on average out of the mass of millions of people.
Or say 350 million in America, they've got to have 2.1, 2.2 children to not have society collapse.
But instead we have COVID-19 and the death panels and we just, what do we do?
We just euthanize them at retirement age.
And then we also just have robots take over because we don't have enough human population to continue with the infrastructure.
Plus the humans aren't being trained how to work things or build things or grow things anymore.
And so we're being made obsolete through the educational system, which the Carnegie and Rockefeller endowments said is and was their plan.
So that's really where we are, and that's why everything that's done, I call it alien.
I don't know if aliens run it.
I'm just saying, everything is done to hurt our genetics, to hurt our bodies, to hurt our minds, to hurt our intellects.
I mean, look at this article.
I should have led the show with this because it's such... In fact, I will tomorrow, unless there's a war started or something, but...
It's not just a Newsweek or Newsmax article, it's all over the news.
Major U.S.
airline CEOs warn 5G could ground some planes, wreak havoc.
5G is so powerful it just knocks off all the gauges.
You see those gauges, they pick up that powerful beam.
And they say on landing, they've already studied it, it's so strong it'll just black out the planes when they're at 3,000, 4,000 feet coming in.
And the answer of the system is, so what?
So even though it's going to crash the planes and shut down society, the system doesn't care because it's a weapon.
And they can turn up the 5G and totally block the transmissions and totally block the planes.
And the 5G, you can't see it because your eyeball isn't designed to see it, but it's the most powerful transmitters on Earth.
Doesn't go too far, but where it goes, it blocks out everything.
So you've got avionics and you've got other radar and systems trying to send out and get data back, but the 5G bathes the aircraft in so much radiation that it's a jammer.
But remember, you complain about 5G, oh, you're a kook, it's no problem, even though four years ago, Wired Magazine said, major study, 5G causes cancer.
But you don't see them reporting that now, because the 5G companies come in and just buy things up.
This is a post-human world.
They're putting all these different systems in to kill us.
And because we're being killed by so many different things at the same time, it's hard to go put your finger on what did it, and that's called a cocktail system.
It's beyond a binary weapon where they give you one poison and they eat you with another later.
Where my knowledge ends is past the documents and research, but as someone that can easily put two plus two together, it's not a human force running this rodeo.
And there are people that comply with it because then they can conform to the matrix of it, but they're just pretending.
I mean, Klaus Schwab sitting around like the James Bond villain and pretending like he runs everything is a joke.
All right, Jay Dyer is a great author and researcher and expert on the New World Order.
Always informative.
He's doing Paul's slot today.
Paul Watson will be hosting Friday in the fourth hour.
And then, in 55 minutes, Owen, the Cut Destroyer Shoyer, takes over from our embattled compound in Austin, Texas.
Jay Dyer takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Today, I'm going to be covering a text, as you know, that is one of the global elite texts.
We always cover in this final hour some key document that is 100% absolute proof of everything that you hear on this network.
On a routine basis, and we do that because it's not just something that we try to prove to people.
It's also something that helps us understand how long these plans have been in the work and exactly how intricate and detailed this plan for a global technocratic government is, which is now coming into play.
I want to look at the 1940 book, which is not very long.
It's a relatively short book, but it's put out by one of the most famous authors of all time.
You've probably not heard of this book, although I guarantee you you've heard of most of his other texts.
That is the book, The New World Order, by H.G.
If you don't know, of course, H.G.
Wells is one of the most famous propagandists in history.
Wells was a war propagandist.
He drew up posters for World War I and he basically provided all kinds of propaganda to the Royal Society in his day for the British Imperial, his British Imperial masters to run their Imperial propaganda.
And so he was kind of the father of this, even before somebody like Bernays.
Really, it was in the modern world, it was really H.G.
Wells that pioneered propaganda.
And I think you guys know what he did most famously was science fiction.
And so everybody has probably seen War of the Worlds.
You might have even read it.
You've probably heard of his books, The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, War in the Air, Shape of things to come, which predicted World War II, for example.
It was only a couple years off, which shows, by the way, that World War II was planned.
The point is that what we have with H.G.
Wells is somebody who was amazingly candid in his non-fiction and also a master propagandist in his fiction.
And I don't think that H.G.
Wells was a good guy.
Wells was a high-level Freemason, an avowed Marxist, and a man who wanted to, in his own words, completely end the family and to bring in a global socialist technocratic world order.
But one thing that's interesting about H.G.
Wells is that he wasn't, strictly speaking, your average kind of Marxist.
He didn't believe that classical Marxism would be the means by which the technocratic global order would come into reality.
Wells believed that it would require the infrastructure and engine and power of monopoly capitalism that would build the infrastructure And then the technocratic corporate elite would use that infrastructure that was built by global capitalism, monopoly capitalism, to hijack it and then make it the technocratic top-down order.
So it would be run by a technocratic scientific elite and then everything else would be a top-down collectivism with the people on the top basically immune to any of the laws and rules underneath it.
And so, in the truest sense, you could say that H.G.
Wells was an Illuminist.
He really did believe in the Illuminati plan in the truest sense of a communistic, socialistic, technocratic order that was not anti-fascist or anti-capitalist.
You might say, but every Marxist is anti-capitalist, isn't he?
Actually, that's not the case.
Do you know that Marx himself did not believe that capitalism was inherently evil?
He thought it was a necessary stage on the phase of world history to the final utopia.
Marx's end goal of history is actually libertarian.
He believes that the state will wither away, and then you will have this basically scientific, you know, utopian world, the Star Trek world, run by computers and technocratic elite.
And HG Wells had the exact same vision, because in my view, really, the British Empire was kind of headed by these forward-seeking, forward-thinking technocrats.
And so the British Empire had a big role in fostering both socialism, communism, democracy, fascism, all of these different 20th century systems that played into those wars.
You can read Royal Society thinkers that talk about all those systems as experiments.
Bertrand Russell calls Bolshevism a grand, amazing experiment.
Initially early on he said Stalin is a great thing.
This is great to have Stalinism.
We need this top-down technocratic control and really what we find in HG Wells is the same type of language and the same type of approbation.
Now they might have disagreed with certain elements of National Socialism.
They might disagree with certain elements of Stalinism and critical theory Marxism and
so forth.
But ultimately, remember, the end game of every New World Order proponent, and that's
the title of this book, The New World Order, that's where it comes from, written in 1940.
And this is not his first book, okay?
He had another book that he wrote very similar to this many years earlier, 1928, called The
Open Conspiracy.
What are we to do with our lives now that we are in the technocratic age?
But I wanted to go to this one because it's just so obvious that this is an open admission of international technocratic elites bringing in a global government.
Wells begins the book by saying that, you know, when we look at World War II, when we look at what the National Socialists are up to, and this was written right in 1940, so this is prior to World War II, he says that it's really not a problem in terms of top-down control systems.
He says if we think about a dictator like Hitler, he says it's not Hitler himself that is the problem, it is the nation-state, firewalls to global governments, and individuals that are the problem.
And so H.G.
Wells was very much a proponent of the idea that there is no individual right.
You don't have a right as an individual unless it is given to you, it is doled out to you by the state.
So he did not believe, obviously, as a kind of an atheist.
I wouldn't say he was an outright atheist because he has another lesser-known book about religion that he Speaks of God, the Invisible King, whom he says is a Luciferian type of character.
He believes in a Luciferian God.
Literally, that's what he says in the book.
So I think he was a Luciferian, and in his sense, he either believed in an absolute satanic view of Lucifer.
I mean, ultimately, I think Lucifer is a satanic thing, but what would H.G.
Wells say?
Well, he would probably say, oh, it just represents science and Promethean man, you know, overthrowing, you know, any kind of God or tyranny outside of his own mind.
And then he goes on to say that really the reason the world is in crisis, the Global Elite writers always talk about the crisis, the reason that we're going into this global world, war at this time, which is right before World War II, is that we still have nation states and we still have individual rights.
So he's pinning the blame for World War II and World War I on the idea of there being nations Of there being firewalls and protective structures against global government on the liberties of individuals, the liberties and rights of people themselves directly from God.
He says it's time to have a debate because a new age is coming in as a result of the crises of the global wars.
And remember when we read through Dr. Carol Quigley's massive tome, Tragedy and Hope, 1,300 pages I've lectured through and eight lectures the entire work, we saw that Quigley admits as an apologist of the system, as a defender of the system, That the two World Wars and the Cold War of the last century were essentially engineered by the power elite, the Anglo-American establishment he calls it, to bring in the world government.
It was planned out, it was strategized, and a lot of people think, nah, it's just hard to believe that.
I can't believe that this is planned out.
100, 200 years ago.
It's just hard for me to believe.
Well, that's why we're looking back at these books from 1940, from 1928, right?
To see that what's coming about right now, what you read in Klaus, was written in 1928, in 1940, by these people.
There's a perfect continuity of ideology, of praxis, between H.G.
Wells and Klaus Schwab.
And I don't even know if Klaus Schwab has read these books.
Perhaps he's read these books.
But does it even matter if the plan is exactly the same, if they're working for the same structures that are admittedly for over 100 plus years in the Western publications and academic journals and whatnot, admitting to this plan to bring in This government.
Now, one of the things you might not have known that Marxists and especially HG Wells pioneered was the idea of the Green Movement, the idea that humans are the problem and that we are wasting the planet and its resources through having too many people, having offspring.
This is something that the Royal Society and the Malthusians and especially HG Wells was a big fan of enacting these mass reductions in population, which we'll look at here in a minute.
That's what he says right away.
The very first thing that we have to deal with is massive reduction of population.
Now there you go, you see, and soiled green is made from people!
There is Charlton Heston telling you right there in that HG Wells dystopian type worldview, in all this fiction, telling you what's going on.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We were talking about how HG Wells was the early proponent of the green movement.
And how this would be the means by which we could bring in this technocratic global government that even decades before the Club of Rome had put out their book, The First Global Revolution, H.G.
Wells was writing books saying, as the mouthpiece of the Royal Society and the elite power, Malthusian power structure of the Anglo-American establishment, that most of the planet would have to go away.
There's no other way to save the planet than to kill everybody.
He says that we will have to have complete control of biology.
This is what he says on page 24 of the book.
Complete collective control of economic and biological life is absolutely necessary to bring in this global government.
He says if we don't do that, then what we're going to have is a perpetual war, perpetual chaos.
And so, in other words, in classic sort of H.G.
Wells, excuse me, in classic 1984 fashion, in order to save everybody, we must kill everybody.
Wells says that politics and political federation as we've known so far in Western civilization is basically worthless.
It will not bring global peace apart from a real profound social revolution.
He says that the communists in Russia, that is the Bolshevik Russian Revolution, We're very much extremist.
But get this, he says that their revolution towards world collectivism was not extreme enough.
It did not go far enough.
The future final revolution, he says, must go way farther and become much more heroic in its designs to massively depopulate the world.
He says that it is important to promote class warfare in the next chapter, although class warfare isn't really the end goal, because ultimately this is going to be the destruction of the wealth, or new wealth, to put it into this technocratic system where there is no upward mobility and no wealth at all.
There will be, he says, the movement from class hate into a rise of police state because the dialectical structure, the tensions that are engineered on the basis of class hate back in his day, now of course it's identity, politics, racial division, which is fostered by these technocrats on purpose to actually bring in this police state and ultimately this technocratic state.
He goes on to say that On page 33, that Lenin and Stalin were great revolutionaries.
The work that they did was phenomenal.
However, none of these people went far enough.
He says that he got to meet with Lenin back in the day, in the 1920s, and he said he seemed very nice and he seemed very pleasant.
And he, like Bertrand Russell, supports that revolution.
But class warfare is just simply not enough.
A lot of the Marxists, the classical Marxists, the revolutionaries of that day, he says, they totally miss and understand the long-term goal of technocracy.
They totally miss the fact that this is not about you bettering, supposedly, your paycheck, right?
A revolution of the workers or whatever.
He says this is a revolution that's about technocracy and complete control of biology.
What did Klaus Schwab say multiple times?
We will get inside your body.
We will control and change your biology.
I covered last week the technocratic document, the transhumanist Ministry of Defense human augmentation document, which says synthetic biology will mean the changing of your biology to make you into a human platform.
You're going to be a walking router, a walking modem.
That's all you are.
You're going to receive the signals of the system and emit the signals of the system.
Welles goes on to say that there's nothing wrong with Stalin.
Stalin's a great guy.
He says that really the way to understand the world is to understand it as a zoo.
The world is like a human zoo.
Nation states, these are like different sections of the zoo.
There's nations over here.
Oh, that's the elephant exhibit, right?
When you keep them in their cages, you keep them in their little animal farm or in their zoo or in their lab.
He says these are all fine analogies for actually understanding the technocratic view of the world order.
The technocrat looks at the world and says, I am elite and special because I have my lab coat and because I got my magical science juice beakers bubbling behind me and that makes me great and special because I went to the university and was brainwashed and I have a actually midway level IQ so actually I'm part of the elite and because I'm a psychopath and I want to kill everybody, I'm elite.
And H.G.
Wells says that's who runs the New World Order, scientific technocrats, and they view the world like a farm, like a zoo, and like a lab.
Yeah, exactly.
Mr. Fauci, exactly.
He says that the first thing that we're going to have to do is indoctrinate the youth.
These technocratic individuals always know to corrupt the youth.
Because they, again, are themselves essentially control freaks, and they know that the best way to do this is to infect the youth with toxic ideologies, infect them with the idea that population is itself the problem, don't have kids, don't have offspring, live in your pod, etc.
All of that is what was said a hundred years ago.
And he even says that we're going to have to divide people into generations and give them different attitudes to set them off against other generations, right?
Millennials, Zennials, all this kind of stuff.
He says that this will lead to the decline of the West.
Wait a minute.
Why would the elite want the decline of the West?
Because they don't care about the West.
They don't care about prosperity.
They don't want prosperity.
I don't understand.
People can't understand that there's a class of individuals at the top, the technocratic elite, They do not want to simply make money.
They don't care about making money.
They have the control of the Fed printing press.
They don't need money.
They want something much grander than that, which is control of all life.
Control of biology.
That's what H.G.
Wells just said in this book, almost a hundred years ago, eighty years ago.
Wells says that once we capture the minds of the youth, like the Maoist youth revolutions, We can just steer the youth as we want and who can fail to see that that is what has happened at a much more sophisticated scientific level today, that the youth are steered and controlled into adopting basically the most self-destructive and nihilistic philosophies and beliefs.
Wells says that whether you look at FDR in the US or whether you look at Stalin in Russia, in that day he says that the creation of the welfare state, the creation of the Stalinist state, All of these things, he says, are perfectly in line with what I want to see as a technocrat.
Now, that doesn't mean everything in those systems went perfectly according to what H.G.
Wells wanted, but he says that these are experiments and models that are perfectly enacting the kinds of things that I want to see on the way towards the final revolution.
What is the final revolution?
We know that this is talked about in Aldous Huxley's essay, which is the introduction to Brave New World.
We know that this is talked about in Bertrand Russell's writings.
Well, he says that the real meaning of this is that all of the revolutions of the last several centuries, we think about the French Revolution, we think about the Republican and Democratic revolutions of the 1800s that overthrew the monarchies, we think about even the American Revolution, according to H.G.
Wells, right?
Even the Bolshevik Revolution.
All the revolutions, he says, are one revolution.
Now, I'm not saying they're literally identical, but they're one revolution towards the same goal.
And he says that that one goal is the technocratic, internationalist, global, elite world order.
And he says that, again, the Bolsheviks didn't do enough, they didn't kill enough people, because to bring this in is going to require killing everybody, almost.
Literally, he says, most people are going to have to die.
And all of his compatriots said the same thing.
Bertrand Russell says the same thing.
Huxley says the same thing.
All the Huxleys, all the brothers, they all said this.
And most people are going to have to die because most people are not fit to go into the scientific future order.
When we come back, we're going to see what he says is the number one thing in the way.
Don't go anywhere.
This is InfoWars.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
I'm Jason Alstis, and we're working our way through the New World Order by H.G.
And we were talking about the technocracy being planned a long time ago, and Wells noting that a couple of the things that were standing in the way are The notions of liberties, the notion of individual rights that don't become essentially malleable or created by the state, something that you have inherently by divine right, by being made in the image of God, Wells says that that needs to go away.
And he talks about the fact that it doesn't really matter whether the collectivism that we bring in is something from a Bolshevik, socialist, or communist model because ultimately says these all can
give way to The end goal of technocracy and he says whatever works is
really the best system Whatever works to bring in technocracy to bring in the top-down
control So this is why we can begin to see that things like the
Cold War While they were definitely real on the ground with
different Eastern Western spies and doing all this kind of stuff people like hg
Wells at the top were cheering on the Communist Marxist Revolution.
People who are the most famous proponents of the ideas of the elite Western establishment
have always supported communism and Marxism.
The wealthiest people in the West funded, supported, and fostered communism and Marxism
pretty consistently in the 20th century.
So the point is that it doesn't matter whether it's monopoly capitalism or whether it's socialist
Both of those systems are atheistic, materialistic systems fostered and funded by these people.
And H.G.
Wells is the mouthpiece of the wealthiest, most powerful people in the West of the 20th century.
And just like David Rockefeller, some 50, 60 years later after this, they both can say, I love Marxism.
I love socialism.
I love technocracy.
I love fascism, they say.
They don't have a problem with any of those systems because just like Mr. Green in the James Bond Quantum of Solace, the villain there, Mr. Green says, I don't care whether you're a nationalist, whether you're a socialist, whether you're a Marxist, whether you're a communist, as long as you can get things done and bring about my consolidation of power, I support you.
He says, we as a secret international specter group will work with any of those people to achieve our ends.
So Marx goes on to say that The problem that stands in the way of this world government, this technocratic order, is Christianity.
Isn't it funny that they always pick that religion?
Like, why is that the religion that is the one that is the most problematic for this satanic, demonic system?
And he calls it Luciferian.
Make no joke about it.
In the book, God the Invisible King, which is not the Christian God, it's this other secret deity that he worships in his lodge, he says that the real deity is Lucifer.
And what's in the way of this progress of killing everybody and bringing in this global technocratic order is the idea that individuals have rights and we can't just kill everybody.
Then he goes into talking about more things that were kind of applicable to his time like the New Deal and how the New Deal was part of the Marxist-Socialist plan.
He then says that Things like the creation of the European Union will be instrumental to the integration of all the continents into their own continental unions.
And that's just a step on the way to the long goal of the Technocratic Global Federation.
He goes on to say that the bringing into this new world order will be something beyond the League of Nations.
So he talks about how the League of Nations in his day, this is created as a result of World War I, he says the League of Nations totally failed because they didn't have the power to enforce the technocratic global order.
He says that in the future, and this is prior to the creation of the United Nations, he basically predicts the creation of the United Nations.
He says that the next thing that will come about, hopefully it will be able to create the worldwide collective.
The worldwide collective.
Yeah, that's his words.
He says that we have to bring in collectivism.
He says that the notion of traditional religion, the notion of any of these ideas that don't
bring about the French revolutionary collectivist idea are anathema.
They have to be destroyed.
They are the enemy.
He mentions the French revolutionaries as a model.
He says they were the true radicals.
Bolsheviks didn't even go far enough.
The French revolutionaries went far enough.
Of course, they, through the Committee of Public Safety, would behead tens of thousands of people in the French Revolution.
But hey, that's what you gotta do to bring in the New World Order and save the planet.
I'm just trying to... Do you understand that this is... This is not some random sci-fi writer.
This is not some fringe lunatic.
This is the most important propagandist of the 20th century.
More important than Edward Bernays.
Everybody and almost everybody in the world has probably, to most people in the world, probably heard of some science fiction novel that H.G.
Wells wrote.
And H.G.
Wells is so famous and so popular, he's known as the father of science fiction.
Him and Jules Verne.
How many people have watched the movie World of Worlds?
Spielberg's World of Worlds, right?
How many people have watched Anything, just anything to do with sci-fi, you can't escape H.G.
And what H.G.
Wells figured out was that he could condition way more people through fiction than he could through these boring global fact books, right?
These propaganda books that were just factual.
Nobody's going to read this, right?
That's why nobody knows that H.G.
Wells wrote this book.
You don't read this in college.
When you go to college, nobody reads H.G.
Wells' plans.
Nobody reads Carol Quigley.
So when I was doing my graduate work, when I was studying these topics in grad school, I went to my decent-sized university, we had a pretty good graduate school program for research, and I went into the basement of the library, because I was working as a research assistant, and I was like, you know, I'm curious, I want to see, because we have a copy of Tragedy and Hope, I noticed it was on the, you know, the database, Card file or whatever.
And so I went down the basement and I found it and I noticed that one person, one professor in 20-30 years since the book had been there, had checked it out.
So the average university setting, okay, they don't know that this is the way the world works.
Even high-level university professors.
I would talk to my professors about this.
I would bring, I would take Treasure and Hope to class.
I would bring these books up.
I would bring these books into class and bring them up.
They never read these things.
So what I'm getting at is that to understand the things that we're talking about today, I'm not trying to toot my own horn or say that I'm awesome or anything.
I'm just saying that it's a fact that you got to get up to like the Brzezinski level of people, the Kissinger level, the Jacques Attali level, before you meet people and talk to people who have read this swath of information.
Yeah, you gotta read a Brzezinski, because Brzezinski, he writes and talks about these kinds of books.
You know, Brzezinski cites Anthony Sutton in between two ages?
So he was reading these other books and reading these geopolitical tones.
But even most professors don't read this stuff.
They don't know that.
Most professors, just like politicians, are trapped in some low-level dialectic of, I'm a liberal, I'm a conservative.
They don't know anything about this stuff.
They don't know what the Royal Society talks about.
They don't know.
They haven't read.
You might have a philosophy professor.
He's read Bertrand Russell.
Okay, but what did he read from Bertrand Russell?
He read the history of philosophy.
He didn't read Bertrand Russell's scientific outlook, the impact of science on society.
He doesn't know about the history of Malthusian eugenics or any of that stuff.
And I know because I went and I argued and debated with all the professors of the university and none of them knew about this stuff.
Maybe one had heard of this stuff.
So I'm just trying to stress to you that You could go find these books and look and see yourself.
Even if you don't want to read them, you don't have time, you can go see that these books exist.
They are the case.
I'm not making them up.
They are real.
They do exist, you see.
I didn't just pull this out of my butt.
They're real books.
And they show you that they're telling you that this is a hundred year plan.
So when you deny this stuff, or when you don't want to believe this stuff, you don't want to face reality, it's only hurting you.
It's not hurting, you're not getting back at me, you're not getting back at other people, the evil anti-vaxxers, all this kind of stuff.
You're not hurting them, it's only hurting you.
And this guy says, you need to die.
90-95% of people need to die.
Because they're not going to go into the future.
It's a cult, it's a death cult.
It really is.
So H.G.
Wells goes on to say that Marxism is not good enough.
Marxism is not going to get us there.
All we got to do, and he talks about how dumb the Marxists are, right?
So even he understood that your average Marxist, your average professor, they're idiots.
They don't know.
They're unrealistic.
So what's the real plan, and why is Marxism not really useful?
We'll find out when we come back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Moving through the H.G.
Wells' New World Order book, this plan, this propaganda piece from 1940 about how to instantiate, how to bring about, how to revolutionize the world as a strategy to create a global technocratic world government.
He says that the youth will have to keep at their praxis of revolution and he says eventually if we keep at this, if we do really well, He says that the USA will be transformed from what it is presently to a Fabian Socialist power.
And if you don't know, the Fabian Socialist model, of course, is the slow, the turtle model of how to bring in socialism.
Rather than a top-down boot tyranny right away, this is a more subtle, technocratic model of manipulating people through wars, through many, many decades to accept long-term goals that people can't accept right away.
What better example than the last two years to see how emergencies, faux-emergencies, made-up-invented-emerge, crises, crisis, crisis, crisis, scares the crap out of everybody and they go along out of fear.
That's exactly what HG Wells is talking about, except he's saying that it's key to destroy the United States from within, through subversion, Not with classical Marxism, but with gradual implementation of socialist, technocratic, get-everybody-on-the-dole strategies, liberalism, atheism, the destruction of the existing order to bring in the new order.
And he says that all that's needed to do this is to keep fomenting tension, division, strife, chaos, attack the traditional structures, Get rid of the existing religious ideas of God and so forth.
And even to the point of abolishing notions like the death penalty.
You might say, well, he's just a peace-loving pacifist.
No, he's not.
This is a guy who says everybody needs to die.
Do you think that he wants to abolish the death penalty because he is a peace-loving hippie?
He wants to get rid of the death penalty because it's a social engineering warfare strategy that emaciates a society.
I'm not saying the death penalty isn't abused or that it's not, in some cases, done unfairly or wrong.
Of course!
But we don't operate on the basis of the fact that sometimes something is abused, that we get rid of it, right?
Does sometimes a husband beat his wife?
Oh, I guess we need to get rid of all husbands and all fathers because one guy has abused somebody.
No, that's ridiculous.
That's the inverted, weird, creepo logic of liberalism, right?
The victim status gets to dictate everything, which is completely irrational, on the basis of the fact that sometimes there's an abuse.
And obviously that doesn't work.
You can't make the anomaly the norm or the abuse the norm.
Because all that does is revolutionize and destroy the structures of society.
And that's a strategy.
So people don't understand that warfare is very sophisticated, especially in the 20th century.
And it extends beyond things like fun with swords and knives and tanks.
Warfare is economic.
It's social.
It's cultural.
It's political.
It's linguistic.
War on language, war on truth, war on meaning, war on life.
All these areas, war on biology, are part of the world in which we inhabit now, where everything is under the purview of being weaponized and turned into a weapon.
Gender is now weaponized, right?
Not gender itself, but what they're doing with this made-up nonsense, which is all part of what he says, you see.
It's all part of a strategy.
Not of Russia, not of some other country, but of the technocratic elite who want to manipulate, just like they did in the World Wars of the last century and just like they did in the Cold War, a new war between the U.S.
and Eurasia.
Have you read 1984?
1984 is all about fake, made-up villains and manipulated wars that might not even be real.
Okay, now I'm not saying there's not a real threat of the global elites bringing about a war with Russia or China.
They do want that, because they're crazy.
They're impelled by a demonic power and force, which they're subservient to.
The same force that he talks about, that he calls Lucifer.
Wells goes on to say that the goal is internationalism, and internationalism requires a revolution in three key areas.
One of those is the social realm.
To promote the eradication of the idea of an individual or the individual having meaning, the individual having any power on his own.
So disempower and atomize, he says.
There's socialization.
And he says that another key area, this is back in again in the 40s, so not everything then is relevant now, but you can see that what he what he talked about then was actually pretty successful in the succeeding decades.
He says the number two area would have to be law.
Revolutionize law, the notion of rights, common law, all this kind of stuff.
You get eventually the promotion of things like legal positivism.
The destruction of courts and law was key according to H.G.
Then he says education and knowledge have to be destroyed.
Knowledge itself, he says, has to be destroyed.
And if you read the socialists who were actually the progenitors of American education, John Dewey, Horace Mann, they say the exact same thing as H.G.
They say that we got to get rid of this idea of reading, writing, arithmetic, and that education has the goal of giving people the ability to learn.
Teaching individuals how to learn for themselves.
That's what education used to be.
You're not going there to learn a bunch of facts that you repeat.
You're learning how to better learn yourself.
That's what research, that's what education was supposed to be.
That's classical education.
H. U. L. says that education must undergo a revolution such that the universities and the schools become centers of indoctrination and brainwashing.
Well, I wonder if that's happened.
It has, if you don't know.
He says that what we're going to bring then is a completely quantified and rational world order, and that's what technocracy is.
That is, I mean, it sounds good on paper.
Well, don't you want to be reasonable?
Wouldn't you want to be governed by rational principles?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean what you think it means.
It means whatever they say.
It means it's rational to kill everybody.
That's their view, you see.
So what is rational is what the scientism devotees say is rational.
That's it.
It doesn't actually mean submitting to... Yeah, exactly.
That's what they think is rational.
Then he goes on to talk about how fear will be key to bringing this in.
Fear of the threats and dangers of fabled enemies will bring in the collectivization.
If we can damage the idea of individual rights, of individual nations, of individuals, of firewalls, of families enough, then we can bring in the technocratic world order.
And that's why H.G.
Wells says that one of the number one things on the chopping block that has to go is the family.
Because what is the family but the promulgation of fascism and hierarchy, according to him?
I'm not joking, that's what these people say.
The idea of a father, as a father figure, has to be destroyed, and they do it through the implementation of the oppression narrative.
That the existence of a father is a fascist, oppressive narrative, thus the power of feminism.
And H.G.
Wells was a big, big, big feminist.
He was 100% pro-feminist, just like Plato.
Whom he was a big fan of.
If you didn't know that, yes, Plato was an archetypal feminist.
And so he says that we'll have to utilize the strategies and techniques of the Fabian socialist technocratic strategies to eventually erode the West and erode the USA and erode what it is to be man.
The idea of man has to change.
Man can't be Man in the abstract or a metaphysical religious idea of man or what man is.
Because if God exists, right, then we know that man has meaning by virtue of the worldview where you're a theist, where God exists, you're made in the image of God.
So the moral law, right, comes from God, comes from being made in the image of God, so there's right and wrong on that basis, in that worldview.
But H.G.
Wall says that we're going to have to not just get rid of the idea of God, but get rid of the idea of what man is.
Changing images of man.
Another global elite white paper written exactly in conformity with this document.
The Stanford Research document written by another one of the top elites, Wallace Harmon, Changing Images of Man.
If we can change and engineer man to see man as the enemy, to see rights as his problem, to see the environment and the existence of the population being the problem, then we will win because man will turn on man.
Man will depopulate man.
Right now, at this time, yes, he even talked about, as Bertrand Russell did, maybe we just need more world wars or gigantic bio-warfare to go on.
He says we need a new plague or some kind of bio-release.
Yes, Bertrand Russell actually says that we need an impact on society.
He says we need another giant death, black death, or bio-release to massively reduce the population.
So, what you're seeing today, what they're doing now, was talked about a hundred years ago, again.
At the end of the book, he says countless will die to bring in this new world order, but he says it's sad, unfortunately, that we have to do that.
I'm so sorry, but we have to do it.
There's no other way to bring in the utopia.
And he sells it as a utopia.
He says it's going to be Star Trek.
You're going to be flying around.
Well, you won't, but they will be flying around in spaceships.
And isn't it better to die for something than nothing?
We were the first to tell you about the coming global government that would use a biomedical police state for total control over the population to carry out forced sterilization and then mass extermination.
We were the first on a mass scale to raise the alarm about the new world order system we're now living in.
We've gone from beta In the UN World Government Corporate Fascist State to operational now.
And they are accelerating quickly.
And they intend on record by the year 2030 to have at least 80% world depopulation.
That's only 8 years away.
And you ask yourself, how will they do that?
Well, we have major world study reports out by prestigious universities in Canada, the US and the UK.
All confirming massive record death rates around the world.
And major insurance companies are confirming a 40% increase in the death rate.
This is the biggest in history.
Even bigger than during World War II, when over 60 million people died, total.
That there is a 40% increase in the death rate of working-age men and women in Western countries, where the vaccines are being given, between 18 and 64.
Ladies and gentlemen, I knew it was coming.
I knew it was on their drawing boards.
It was in their Operation Lockstep.
We all knew about the Georgia Guidestones.
We all knew about Bill Gates and David Rockefeller and their eugenics meetings calling for depopulation.
But that's one thing to know they were setting it up and beta testing in the third world, which was terrible.
Now they're doing it.
And that's why InfoWars is beyond the tip of the spear.
And if you don't support us, and if you don't pray for us, we're going to be shut down very, very soon.
But just understand this.
I'm basically on a suicide mission.
That doesn't mean I'm going to commit suicide.
In fact, if they kill me and they say it's suicide, that's a lie.
Suicide mission, for those that don't know, is a term used in military parlance in the last hundred years when you have a 50% chance or more of dying on the mission you're going on.
And I can tell you, I am on a suicide mission.
It's bad, ladies and gentlemen.
They're trying to criminally indict me.
They are doing dirty tricks behind the scenes that are incredible.
They are doing industrial-level espionage trying to shut us down right now because Infowars is now going from being credible to being ultra-credible with the mainline intelligentsia of the world.
We are living in times that we were born for.
And so when I tell you that we're having the biggest effect we've ever had, despite all the censorship and attacks, that's not me here bragging.
That's saying we are in desperate, dangerous territory facing the main enemy head-on.
So we bring in millions and millions and millions of dollars a quarter.
But we also spend millions of dollars on bandwidth and infrastructure a quarter.
And we spend millions of dollars on payroll.
And I'm not complaining or bitching.
I'm just simply saying we are one of the main organizations and groups in the fight against the New World Order.
And we're really waking up the intelligentsia of the planet thanks to you and your support.
So I'm asking you now more than ever to go to InfoWarsTore.com today and to get the supplements, to get a t-shirt, to get the books, to get the films, and to share them with others.
And it's a 360 win.
High quality products like Vitamin Mineral Fusion and X2 and Ultimate Bone Broth and our Ultimate Turmeric Formula Bodies are the highest end you're going to find and are so good for your immune system and your body and it funds our operation.
So it's a 360 win.
So we're going into the big finale right now in 2022.
This is going to decide decades of the future of humanity and InfoWars is right at the tip of that spear.
So thanks for keeping us there.
And just remember, you've made such a huge investment in us over the years, buying the products and spreading the word, that all of that could be in vain now if you don't help push this fight to the next level.
And we're all in this together.
So thank you so much for your support.
Info at WarStore.com.
God bless and good luck.
Hey NFO Warriors!
If you're like me, you've been a long time listener of this program.
You're fed up with everything going on in the world.
Inside you, like me, a fire is burning.
Something needs to change.
And yet, we feel helpless.
Almost like we're stuck inside a system that someone else created for us.
It's time for us to break free from that system.
Reset Wars is a game changer.
You start to see yourself more as part of the solution instead of just as a victim.
So much of the stuff we look at today is low vibration, low energy, and makes us depressed and therefore we manifest this negative reality out there.
When they feel their lie-cheat-steal plan to enslave and rob the people, there is an awakening.
Reset Wars has helped me to navigate And to pinpoint and lock onto the deep-rooted psychological tactics that were being used against me.
And now I'm not scared anymore.
I have to say I was blown away.
I feel so much better every day listening to it.
To Alex, thank you very much for putting the course together.
You're absolutely right.
We are reflections of God.
We are emanations of that.
And we can use that God energy to do really anything we want to do in this life.
Romans Chapter 12, Paul talks about how we're transformed by the renewing of our mind.
And that's a process.
Most of our thoughts and actions are subconscious.
Most people go through their day and don't think about many things.
You can drive along a long journey and not even remember half the trip.
In this process, we need to have a concerted, active effort, physically and mentally, to reprogram that subconscious mind.
That's what this series is about.
Is resetting our mind.
Because there's a war on for our mind.
He's exactly right.
And he's become a great voice in our generation and in this new Great Awakening.
And I encourage everybody out there, if you haven't gone there yet, go to ResetWars.com.
That's where your journey begins.