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Name: 20220114_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2022
2581 lines.

Alex Jones discusses his candidacy for governor of Illinois while emphasizing free speech in a censored world. He also covers Oath Keepers' alleged federal agent infiltration and the escalating rhetoric from politicians warning of civil war and mass arrests for unvaccinated individuals. In a separate podcast, Owen Schroeder interviews a Member of Parliament who questions Dutch Prime Minister Rutte about his relationship with Klaus Schwab and the "COVID-19: The Great Reset" book. The MP accuses Rutte of lying and points out contradictions in statements made by Rutte and Health Minister Hugo de Jonge. A 2020 letter from Rutte praising Schwab's contributions to global governance is also mentioned. Meanwhile, InfoWars offers discounted supplements on their store.

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Put the U.S.
under martial law.
The federal government has been completely captured by agents of the Great Reset, by agents of the Bilderberg Group.
And now they're making their biomedical move to sterilize, poison, and kill large swaths of the population.
And of course, those of us in opposition to this are going to be hunted down and killed.
And the people helping carry all this out will be destroyed as well by their masters, not by us.
This is judgment.
This is doomsday for freedom.
Unless we get a reprieve like Nineveh, unless we wake up to this nightmare and decide to not be evil anymore, and to face the fact that they tell us all day the white people are bad, or the black people are bad, or the Christians are bad, or this group's bad, that group's bad, but never the Democrats.
They tell us the veterans are bad, the police are bad, but never the people at the top, right?
They're the good guys, right?
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Friday.
The year is 2022.
We are in the last hours of our Republic, unless we awaken now.
Tomorrow's news today.
If you ignore all the huffing and puffing on TV and just look at the video evidence, it's been clear for a while now that the Department of Justice probably had some role in the events of January 6th.
It's obvious.
After hearings on Capitol Hill today, it became even clearer.
Watch Senator Ted Cruz of Texas ask an FBI official called Jill Sanborn point-blank whether the FBI was involved.
How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?
Sir, I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't go into the specifics of sources and methods.
Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th?
Yes or no?
Sir, I can't answer that.
Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th?
I can't answer that, sir.
Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6th?
Sir, I can't answer that.
Did you hear that?
Cruz asked, quote, did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th?
That's what he asked.
And the obvious answer is, are you kidding?
Come on now.
Of course the FBI isn't secretly committing crimes of violence.
That's insane.
We're a federal law enforcement agency.
We're not the Tauntaun Makut.
Next question, please.
That's what Jill Sanborn should have said, but that is not what she said.
Instead, she replied, quote, I can't answer that.
But of course Jill Sanborn can answer that, and she should be forced to answer that immediately.
No sources or methods would be revealed.
Just answer the question.
Did they participate in violence or not?
Why is that hard?
Tells you a lot.
At another point, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas asked the Assistant Attorney General Matt Olson about Ray Epps.
Epps is the man you've seen in multiple videos encouraging the crowd to storm the Capitol, but somehow has never been charged himself.
Here's that exchange.
Okay, so this is, it gets back to what I meant earlier about asking if you're prepared for this hearing.
You're the Assistant Attorney General for National Security.
You run the National Security Division.
The department has said that these January 6th prosecutions are one of their highest priorities.
This is a man who was on the most wanted page for six months.
Do you really, do you really expect us to believe that you've never heard of the name Ray Epps, you don't know anything about him?
I simply don't have any information at all, Senator, about that individual.
In other words, they really expect you to believe that.
Quote, I simply don't have any information at all on that individual.
So the DOJ knows nothing about Ray Epps, the guy on the most wanted list.
That's absurdly false.
And as if to underscore how absurdly false it is, within a short time, Democrats on the January 6th committee released a statement claiming that actually they'd already interviewed Ray Epps and anyone who still has questions about his behavior on January 5th or 6th is a dangerous conspiracy theorist.
Quote, Mr. Epps informed us, the committee said in a statement today, that he was not working with, employed by, or acting in the direction of any law enforcement agency on January 5th or 6th, or at any other time, and that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, end quote.
Looks like case closed.
We can forget about Ray Epps and move on.
Sorry we asked.
Oh, but wait a second.
When exactly and under what circumstances did the committee talk to Ray Epps?
Supposedly, this interview was conducted in secret last November.
If that is true, we don't know that it is, but let's say it is, then why did the committee wait months to tell us today in a tweet?
When the committee got its hands on Mark Meadows' text messages, we seem to remember they leaked those to the media within hours.
And by the way, was this Ray Epps interview conducted under oath?
Did Democrats subpoena his electronic communications as they did with Meadows and so many others?
Will the information Epps revealed to the committee be available to the many January 6th defendants who are now awaiting trial?
Can their lawyers see a transcript of this interview?
Can we see a transcript of this interview?
If not, why not?
And while we're at it, here's something else that's confusing.
Epps is a long-time right-wing activist.
As you know, he urged... Alright, folks.
We'll be right back.
Of course, he doesn't work for the feds.
He works for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
You know, I could cover these hundreds of incredible reports, and I will, today.
But we need to get that 35,000 foot view and talk about what's really happening.
America has been captured by very evil multinational corporate crime syndicate run out of the Bilderberg Group and its public arm, the Dabos Group.
And they are not intending to allow the population of the planet to continue on as it is, to say the least.
And depopulation is what's being carried out through covert means through the so-called vaccine program.
And that's now coming out and mounting.
And then you ask the logical question, how did the technocracy engage in this mass murder that's now unfolding with these slow kill, soft kill weapons?
How will they get away with that?
And the answer is further destabilization.
So horrible that you forget the last major insult to the human ecosystem.
So we are being treated as a disease, as a cancer to be cut out.
And the big lie is people working for the system believe that they are positioning themselves with the winning team and that they are going to be taken care of because they are going to execute this operation.
When you read deeper into leaked documents out of the Dabos Group and Bilderberg Group that we and others got at great danger to ourselves, I should add, a lot of people actually died with this information.
You will then discover that they plan to implode all the Western governments and then even have show trials of the bureaucracies that are going to engage in the initiation of the civil war that has already begun and not just here but other parts of the world.
So all the ministers in Australia and ministers in the Netherlands and the UK and the US that are doing all of this Really believe their position, because they went to the Davos Group School, they went to the Bilderberg School, that they have a school, and that they're on the winning team.
But if you actually read some of the deeper stuff that they're not given, no, they're going to all be wiped out as well.
So I have prepared myself, and I know what this means for me.
We are the tip of the spear.
The number one organization that exposed all this, and I have a sense of satisfaction, and I have a sense of being able to look myself in the mirror, and a sense of that I'm starting to measure up to my ancestors that were pretty amazing people, and that I didn't join these scum.
But that means I will be set up and put in prison or killed very soon.
And let's just get down to being honest about this with you, okay?
I don't tell you this to be dramatic, we're at the end of the road here, okay?
It's 298 days out from the election.
They're never going to let us have a free or fair one again.
And they're going to devalue the dollar.
They're going to gut the country.
And you just need to get right with God and realize we're being judged for abortion.
I also want to say that I am not offensively, as I've told you, going to be involved in any type of military operations.
You're going to obviously hear that when they stage terror attacks.
They're already blaming myself and Rush Limbaugh posthumously, in his case, for the January 6th fiasco and a provocative false flag extravaganza.
And so I just, I have to really just get down to brass tacks with you and say this is the end of the line.
And hey, those babies didn't get any protection when they got chopped up in the womb or had acid sprayed on them.
So let's just realize that we're being judged.
And we deserve what we get.
And so do I.
And the people carrying out the evil, they are just instruments of the system that themselves will be absolutely destroyed.
It's very, very sad for everybody.
But this is what happens when you become a decadent satanic society.
Speaking of that, I've got three articles today that really illustrate the little secret ingredient, secret flavor that's not secret anymore of Satanism in this whole thing.
This is a mainstream news article.
Well, we have it linked here.
It's on ABC News is reporting it with a straight face.
So is NBC News.
It's all over the news.
You've seen it.
Probably seen it.
Parents horrified as school host Satan Club for children.
So, parents in Illinois were shocked to discover that their children's school
Approved an event for children organized by the Satanic Temple.
The event titled, Satan Club, held at the Jane Addams Elementary School, vowed to introduce children to a scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious worldview.
And when you see these Satanists, and I've seen their film they put out that got all the praise for Hollywood, I mean, you talk about losers.
What my dad calls glow-in-the-dark people.
I don't care if they're black or white.
They've got like green colored skin and they're translucent.
And they don't look too happy, do they?
These are the slaves of the slaves.
These are the... They're not even cockroaches of the spiritual world.
They're just losers that turned into the energy, put into the energy of Satan.
And never felt anything like it in their lives.
Never had a connection to God.
And just never knew what hit them.
I mean, basically they're not even human anymore.
They're just demons.
They're not basically demons.
They are demons.
And they've never even imagined what they could have had if they would have had communion with the real God.
But that's again a great failure of ours, isn't it?
So here we are.
So we have that little tidbit for you.
And then we have another Tucker Carlson clip I'm going to play.
Because he's just knocking it out of the park every day.
Last night.
And he just has a way of doing things.
It's confirmed now that the Justice Department through the White House went to the Broward County School in Florida and went to the one up in Virginia and a bunch of other schools now we're learning, not just one, and said, send letters in to the National Education Association, the National Association of School Districts, all of them, send letters in that you're scared of the parents and they're terrorists and they're bad.
And give us some bad examples of them.
And then we're going to call in the Justice Department to come in and have the FBI land in helicopters, in the case of Virginia, and walk in with earpieces and stare at the parents.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
And you're like, why are they doing that?
Well, because the enemy is the parents.
The system wants the children.
Every authoritarian state comes in and takes over the children.
Every single authoritarian state does this throughout history.
And it's their prize.
And it's not just because authoritarians want to brainwash the next generation.
They spiritually want the children because they are energetically draining them in all the different things.
The pedophilia and the abuse and the brainwashing and manipulating them through trauma-based systems to join evil because they believe evil will make them strong.
It's about their souls.
And that's where we are.
So, of course the Justice Department planned the rollout.
I mean, you know, they tried to go to Waco.
They could have arrested Koresh in town at any time.
He had a business in town.
Jogged off the property.
He was a marathon runner, basically, every day.
But they didn't want that.
They wanted to go shoot up the building and burn up the kids and, you know, do all the rest of it to start their war on cults.
By picking a weird group that was, you know, did need to be investigated by CPS, I think, and did need to have, you know, but you don't come burn them down for that.
No, no, no.
They picked that.
They admitted in documents and video to get funding and to start a war with the American people.
So pick a group that's weird and that we don't agree with and has got problems.
And then once you don't stand up for them, well, nobody's going to stand up for you.
And so you saw that.
And then now they've moved on from A splinter group of the Seventh-Day Adventists apocalyptically living out on the plains of North Central Texas.
And now they've moved on to, oh, you don't like drag queen story time?
You don't like Satan time?
You don't like the local high priest, Satan, coming to your school and teaching how Jesus is not real?
And the devil's not real?
Remember, the devil's biggest trick is telling the kids the devil ain't real.
That's why I'm here talking to you about how there's no God and you're all alone with me.
Because you dial into God, now you can go through anything they're going to throw at you.
They don't want you to know you got that spiritual antenna that you're with the Holy Spirit anytime you ask it in.
But you deny it and you persecute children.
God will close the door and remove the Holy Spirit and damn you while you're alive.
And once the door is closed, I felt the door closing when I was about 17 and Oh, thank God.
Right as it almost closed, I just got the channel.
And that's everything to me.
That's the most important thing.
You want that connection to God.
We're gonna come back and talk more about the Satanist.
And how your children are basically the gas for their engines.
Your children are everything to them.
Destroying your children.
So, the mission has been carried out.
My operations against the globalists have been executed.
And now, it's time to take it like a man.
But know this, evildoers.
God will punish you.
And God's real.
And you will stare into God's face when you are damned to hell forever.
Not me.
I'm going to the next level.
All right, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to air it next segment because it's so true.
And it's in the news.
It's not Tucker Carlson's opinion that the Justice Department Went around to the different, not just in Virginia, all over, and told them, tell us the public are terrorists, and called them terrorists in the letters.
I mean, if you ever wanted to know how evil this government is, and that it's run by very sick people that want your children, that's their mission.
These Pied Pipers.
That's what they're doing.
And when you look at who they are, Jeffrey Epstein.
The Clintons.
Your children are the currency.
Now I killed my children, and I say that, I'm ashamed of that, but I'm proud of the fact I'll be honest with you.
And as I said, they weren't people, but God touched my heart and said, I've got a mission for you and you're going to carry this out and you will be reprieved.
But if you don't, the door is shut.
And I want to encourage people that have served the dark side or been evil or had a experience with the dark side to understand that if you can still feel any connection of guilt or any connection to God, you can still be saved.
Before we cover all this temporal news that's happening in the world, you got to understand you are an eternal being of light that is energized by God's spirit and God's creation around you.
It's like I put an iPhone on a little invisible charging station.
You can't see it, but it's beaming it in.
That's the analogy.
But Satan is going to send his transmission and his wavelength to you, whether you want the transmission or not.
God is not going to hit you with the real transmission, the master transmission, the prime transmission, unless you're open for that transmission.
And sin, going against God's program, blocks that.
It's like a Faraday cage, but still part of it gets through.
And then as you cut away the sin, the bad you're doing, and get aligned with that energy coming to you, even if it's a tiny beam of the Holy Spirit that makes it through, within that is the seed of God's larger plan.
You can take that and then plant it in yourself, and it grows and gets bigger, and then it becomes more and more and just expands.
Like an explosion.
And it's that explosion that the Satanists hate.
It's that explosion of our will and our psychic energy and our connection to God that they don't like.
They want that transmission cut off.
That's what the higher orders of the satanic system want.
And this is completely energetic.
This whole thing is about energy.
And you don't just think some old oil in the ground can create energy.
You don't just think the sun up in the sky can create energy.
Because as amazing as the sun is, it's not alive.
It's an ongoing giant thermonuclear explosion.
But you can contemplate that in the entire universe.
And you can contemplate God.
And you can interface with God.
You can commune with God.
And be lifted up by God.
In that worship.
And they don't want you to have any contact with that.
They don't want you to have any connection to that.
They don't want you to know that's there.
They want you in the darkness.
In fact, I was telling them, come in with one song.
Come in with, uh, I'm Gonna Live Forever by the High Woman.
We should play that song when we come back.
Don't let the darkness take them.
Don't let them be forsaken.
Just lead them safely to the light.
When this whole world's blown asunder, and all the stars fall from the sky, know there is someone who really loves you.
We'll live forever, you and I. I'm gonna live forever.
I'm gonna cross that river.
I'm going to reach tomorrow now.
Yeah, let's go ahead and play the song right now.
Go ahead and play it now.
You're gonna wanna hold me just like I always told you I'm gonna live forever I'm gonna cross that river I'm gonna catch tomorrow now You're gonna wanna hold me just like I always told you You're gonna miss me when I'm gone Nobody here will ever find me But I will always be around
Just like the songs I leave behind me I'm gonna live forever now
You fathers and you mothers Be good to one another
Please try to raise your children right Don't let the darkness take 'em
Don't make 'em feel forsaken Just lead 'em safely to the light
When this whole world is blown asunder And all the stars fall from the sky
Remember someone really loved you I'm going to live forever.
I'm going to cross that river.
I'm going to catch tomorrow now.
I'm going to live forever.
I'm going to cross that river.
I'm gonna get you tomorrow now I'm gonna live forever
Biden has officially put the U.S.
I'm gonna catch tomorrow now.
Friday emergency broadcast.
Biden has officially put the U.S. under martial law.
The federal government has been completely captured by agents of the Great Reset,
by agents of the Bilderberg Group.
And now they're making their biomedical move to sterilize, poison, and kill large swaths of the population.
And of course, those of us in opposition to this are going to be hunted down and killed.
And the people helping carry all this out will be destroyed as well by their masters, not by us.
This is judgment.
This is doomsday for freedom.
Unless we get a reprieve like Nineveh.
Unless we wake up to this nightmare and decide to not be evil anymore, and to face the fact that they tell us all day the white people are bad, or the black people are bad, or the Christians are bad, or this group's bad, that group's bad, but never the Democrats.
They tell us the veterans are bad, the police are bad, but never the people at the top, right?
They're the good guys, right?
Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
One of the crew gave me an amazing, amazing Ephesians Bible quote.
So true.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light.
For whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore, he says, awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.
Powerful truth.
Inspired by the big guy.
Not Donald Trump, the big guy.
So, I want to show TV viewers this.
Maybe we can put it on screen in there.
Look at this logo.
This is happening all over the country.
So, convicted pedophiles coming and having your five-year-old sit on their lap, sometimes unannounced in places like Denver.
That's not bad enough, but zoom in on this or maybe put it up from InfoWars so you can see.
There it is.
The Satanic Temple Afterschool Satan Club.
And it's a friendly, happy little Satan.
And it's even got the messed up, lazy eye like the head of it.
He's going to teach you how to be avant-garde, and he's going to teach you God doesn't exist.
That Satanism is not really about hurting children.
They just want to have a relationship with children.
Let me read to you from Ephesians again.
I'm going to play the Tucker Carlson clip next segment.
The fruitless works of darkness.
You know, I mean, the truth is there's side effects and problems, but they've been testing for 20 years, mRNA stuff.
And I mean, it like cures cancer and stuff.
Problem is 3, 4, 5% of the time it liquefies your liver.
They don't, they're not really sure why, but your body just goes, what the hell is this?
But yeah, no, they've got the fountain of youth.
But if you drink from the wrong cup, just like in, uh, The third installment of Indiana Jones that was so cheesy, but you pick the wrong cup, it gives you death.
I mean, this is godlike power, and they don't know how it works.
That's why they want to test it all on us.
This isn't just vaccines you're being given.
You're being tracked.
You're being traced.
It's what's done.
With your name and number, and at big injection facilities run by the military and by big giant groups that really aren't even private companies like Walmart and others.
Because you're being put in a database, you're being given specific injections.
You're being tracked, you're being given all sorts of mutagens.
And by the way, this came out in, what was it, Lithuania last week.
They had their chief medical officer of the country And then some of the adjuncts came out as well, and they said, listen, we've gotten the batches these come in, we're supposed to put it in a computer, and one is saline, one is the vaccine's bad enough, and one says mutagenic.
They're giving you mutant shots to see what it does!
And we know with Pfizer, it's...
Immortal cell line stuff.
And if you don't know what immortal cell lines are, it's super cancer.
Like Superman isn't real.
Krypton's not real.
But this is real.
You can put immortal cell lines in a Petri dish and come back five years later, it's still alive with no food.
You got to burn it to kill it.
It's basically a vampire.
And they'll divide forever.
They never die.
The telomeres don't ever go away.
And they claim they found five people worldwide that had this, but it's more than that.
That's why they take blood at birth from babies.
And, oh, we're sending it for a blood test to make sure your child doesn't have a deficiency in vitamin K. We first broke it from a nurse at the big research facility at San Antonio.
What's the name of the facility?
Fort Sam Houston.
And she gave us the documents.
It broke.
There were a bunch of lawsuits that came out in the news after that in Texas and Minnesota that They were doing all of this, and that they were keeping the baby's blood in a Pentagon database, and doing all sorts of other stuff.
But the point is, that's incredibly valuable.
Because they get those blood samples, because it could be white people, Hispanics, blacks, anybody can have this, but it's like, it's one of the rarest things in the universe.
And then they get those cells and they go culture them at a giant Manhattan Project level thing.
You know, this has got to be a hundred times bigger than Manhattan Project.
I mean, just this project of testing all the blood of all the babies born is just gigantic.
And they go and they test it and they see, did we get another immortal?
And this isn't a Netflix show, folks.
This is real immortal cells.
I went and had a full genetic background done, and I don't have any immortal cells, but I've got 100% capacity mitochondria, which is 1 in 50 million, they estimate.
That's why I'm always hot.
That's why I can be in freezing cold, doesn't really make me cold.
I have 100% functioning mitochondria.
But then I have another mutation that blocks the absorption of energy.
So I have maximum energy and then can't absorb energy.
But whatever I get has maximum energy.
What you can see in the physical manifestation of my body, of my earth suit, of what I do.
Everything is an example of extreme energy.
That's the cells.
Not just this whole body.
This whole body is my cells.
And this whole thing is an engine.
Designed for surviving in almost zero energy environments.
And folks, all of you have spectacular things about you.
These aren't diseases.
These aren't bad things in your DNA.
You are the components of all of us cellularly in a composite hive colony creature that has independent free will but is one colony.
We are one colony.
And we all have gifts in our genetics that can manifest in toxic environments to kill us early.
But you take out the toxin, yeah, you're predisposed to lung cancer.
And if you get around things that trigger that, you get lung cancer quicker.
But it doesn't mean, it's like some people are predisposed to be able to lift more weight or kick more ass or...
Be sweeter or be whatever.
It's all genetic.
And it's all the code God gave you through all your ancestors.
So we can sit here and talk about the New World Order and the Satanists and all day.
They're jokes, ladies and gentlemen.
And they don't have any connection to download any of these big truths.
And they're just pissed off that they're not part of the party.
So they want to blow it all up and kill it because they're inferior.
That's why they always tell you you're inferior, and you're failed, and you're a genetic monster, and you're this, and you're that, because they are angry that for whatever reason, they pulled the shortest straw.
They're mad at God for, look what you did to me!
Look what you made!
Hey, sorry!
For whatever reason, that's part of God's plan, and that's why you are a glow-in-the-dark Satanist.
And I don't even hate you.
I just want away from you.
Whatever spiritual decisions you made, whatever your ancestors did, whatever it is about you, you ate the cheese.
You went to the mousetrap of Satan, and you decided to get up there on the platform, and thought you were a winner, and you got CLACK!
Your neck broken, and now as you're sitting there with your neck broken, Satan comes in and says, help me kill other baby mice, and I'll fix your neck.
And you go, sure, fix my neck.
But you don't really fix your neck, does it?
Your head's all cockeyed, you're like walking around crapping on yourself.
I mean, you're not really who you were, were you?
And so these are the mysteries of God, and it's the one argument the Satanists have is, which I don't agree with, why would a God do stuff like this?
Well, because God's lonely.
I mean, what else can God do but create new entities that have free will?
And, you know, I've got four children.
They're great.
They do some bad things.
I get pissed at them.
And none of my children have turned to Satan, thank the Lord.
But I had them.
I had children knowing they could turn to Satan.
I had children knowing I'm giving them death.
Giving them life is giving them death.
When you have a child, you kill a child.
You are bringing in somebody.
That's a big ritual, isn't it?
And these Satanists want you just to decide, oh, that's crap.
None of that matters.
Just be into yourself as if that's going to build a good world.
Some self-centered idiot running around in a black outfit trying to act powerful.
You Satanists have no idea about power.
If you ever even saw the edge of God, you'd never come back.
But you're not meant to see it.
That's why you will not cross the river.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're gonna be white hot forever.
Total completion.
We're gonna be white hot forever.
White hot forever.
All right, I went into preacher mode, because that's what I do.
I go where my brain's at, my soul's at.
But next hour, I am going to not go into preacher mode.
I'm going to go into analyst mode about where we are.
But I don't think you really need me to tell you what's about to go down, do you?
It's the best of times, the worst of times, as they said in the tale of two cities.
Because there's a global awakening, because we're rejecting the Satanists, because we're rejecting their tyranny, They are going to stage terror attacks all over the world, not just here, and they're going to blame it on anti-vax opposition.
And they're going to also stage attacks on the government, on people that have occupied the government to make themselves victims, and claim that supporters of President Trump have done it, to then demonize and shut down Trump so he doesn't run again.
And that's the plan.
What freaks me out is this.
I've been reading the federal filings that the FBI and the Justice Department put in in these cases of the 700 plus people in jail.
And personally, with Owen Schroer, I was there, I know what happened.
And what they said about him is just, I mean, it's like a comic book.
It's an act of fiction.
And again, it's not just about Owen or me.
It's about Why would you criminally file in court stuff that is easily disproven?
And the answer is they want us to know.
We own the judges and we own everything and I mean, General Carlson had a guest on, who again, was a commander in the Navy, so some oath keeper sent him a text once, saying, hey commander, how you doing?
So they claimed he was there with a boat to attack and cross the Potomac, and he wasn't on the Potomac, didn't have a boat, wasn't in the Capitol, it doesn't matter, and he goes to them and says, hey, I wasn't even there, and they go, we don't care, we're doubling down.
They're not just doing it because they were proven wrong, and now they're going to double down, they did it on purpose.
If they can kill kids with poison shots and have people go along with that, if they can set up 70-year-old disabled veterans who did nothing and lie to courts, I mean, they say in the federal filings against Owen, we've shown them on air, that Owen entered and attacked the Capitol.
And that Owen does not work for InfoWars, and that Owen was not with us in our security.
Because he argued back in his filing, hey, please drop this, Judge.
I didn't go in the Capitol, and I was with Alex Jones, and I was with his security people, and I work for InfoWars, and here's video of me trying to get people to outside to not go in the building.
Something the police wouldn't even do.
They're just standing there.
They're going in!
And they filed and said, Owen Schroyer is a liar.
They said he's guilty of perjury.
He went in the Capitol, and he does not work for Infowars.
It says this!
And he was not with Alex Jones that day.
He's on hours of footage, and we gave them the... We gave the court his exhibits, the cameras that our security wore.
The body cams.
And the judge just goes, well, you are the government, so I'm just going to believe this.
The charges go forward.
We're like, it's not true.
The judge goes, I'm not looking.
It's the government.
That is a message, ladies and gentlemen, that we will do anything we want to you and there's nothing you're going to do about it.
Hey, message received!
And you're having pedophile time at the schools and Satan hour now, too!
We, we, we, oh, we definitely get it!
And why are they doing this?
Because they're behavioral psychologists that never get in trouble, that have got away with anything, and they sit around and they go, how do we make them blow stuff up?
How do we make them rebel?
How do we make them go crazy?
Well, let's have Satan time now at school.
They won't do drag queen story time.
How about Satan time?
Or how about we totally implode the border?
It just goes on and on, trying to get us to uprise, because that will collapse the country.
And this is a multinational plan to end America and the Western world as we know it because everybody aspired to be a Westerner and to have a house and a car and to go to college and to be free and the Christian ethos and love everybody, true liberalism.
That's all got to go under the New World Order.
That's why they have sold in Target.
I heard about this last year but went and I was in Target, went to the book, it was there.
They had a bunch of pedophile books and a bunch of how to summon demons and how to kill your parents and they don't do what you want.
This is just how to scramble children's brains and that's sold in Target!
Targeting 6 to 10 year olds, how to summon demons.
I'll tell you how to summon a demon, turn on the television, look at Nancy Pelosi.
So, this is it ladies and gentlemen, this is the big one.
And I'll get to it at the start of the next hour, this Tucker Carlson piece, which he illustrates so well.
But it's on record that the Justice Department, he focuses on one school district, but the Justice Department sent out letters all over, and the White House did, saying, oh, tell us they're terrorists.
We want you to call them terrorists.
Because, you know, the Justice Department doesn't want to come out itself and say, hey, our new enemies, parents that don't want Satan hour or pedophile hour or critical race theory, whites are inherently evil, just garbage.
Beyond garbage, I mean the worst stuff!
And then, we want you to call for the FBI to go after the school boards.
You think that just sounds like a way to turn people against them?
If we'll accept drag queen pedophile story time, and if we'll accept Satan time, and conjuring demons with the local Satan priest comes with your children, if you'll accept all of this, then you'll accept the power being turned off, you'll accept the inflation, you'll accept it all.
Because if they can get you to go against God and go against children, everything else follows.
They just need you to go against God.
And then they've got you.
You know, the allegory of Pinocchio, and he's not really a real boy.
It's an allegory of humans.
Like, we could be with God.
We could be next level.
We are creating the image of God.
We can literally ascend and be with God.
But we're wooden right now.
We're here in the third dimension.
Love built us, you know, Geppetto and, you know, the cat and all the rest of them.
They want a son.
They want a brother.
They want a friend.
And so it's true.
You don't just have children by having children.
You have children by loving all children and helping all children.
And so Pinocchio goes and gets picked up by thugs and they run a scam on him and then he gets sold into slavery.
With the local gypsy, you know, there of the wooden boy that could dance.
And then he gets away again and the same scammers show up, the same cool delinquent kids.
And they go, hey, let's go out here and break bottles and play pool and gamble and fight, you know, an allegory of street thuggery and gangs.
And then you turn into a jackass, a slave, to be put on a ship and to be sold to a coal mine.
And what are they telling you in Disney?
It's the state.
It's the system that wants you to be a criminal.
They want you to go out and not be legitimate and build your own family and system.
They want to set you up looking for father figures by taking your mothers away when you're little.
Taking your fathers away when you're little.
And having the TV and the culture raise you, so you're looking at that father figure, and the father figure's like, yeah, come on in!
Let's have fun!
Let's break things!
Let's steal!
Let's learn how to rob!
Let's be criminals!
And now, your humanity's over.
You're turning into an animal, and you're loaded on a slave ship to be taken to an offshore coal mine.
So, a film from 70 years ago, Is the allegory of everything we're dealing with now.
And now, the literal Satanists are in your school in their clown outfits.
Hit the clown.
I'm here.
The kid's totally creeped out and scared.
Look at him.
Learning to be touched and having first event horizon with something this dangerous.
Because if we couldn't kill you before you were born, now we're going to fetishize ruining who you are now that you live here.
And then inducting you into this satanic slavery.
Then go to the part in Pinocchio where they turn into donkeys.
So, that's what this all is.
And you know, it's fitting, the Democrats are the party of the donkeys.
You know, I saw a t-shirt just today at a gas station, and it said, you know, I've not seen the Democrats this angry, it's Abe Lincoln saying it, since we took their slaves away.
I mean, seriously folks, they want slaves.
And children make good slaves.
It's very, very simple.
We'll be right back with our number two, InfoWars.com.
Share that link.
Joshua in Texas.
Joshua, you're on the InfoWars War Room.
Go ahead.
Right on, man.
You guys talk about the New World Order a lot, and my dad was the first to expose it.
I have been banned from banned.video.
First of all, I wrote down, That Randall Wilhite, Alex Jones' lawyer, went on record saying that Alex is a showman and just playing a character.
The second time I got banned, I said that Mark Randazza is a lawyer for the Church of Satan and now your First Amendment lawyer.
Next time I got banned is that I proved that you guys sell your products on Amazon, giving Jeff Bezos a cut of your profit.
They say you guys have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
All the employees.
So Alex actually bans your free speech.
You can't get Patriot Points on Amazon!
Hey, Dr. Troll, I have 5,000 Patriot Points!
How many do you have, Josh the Troll?
Josh the Troll!
You need some garba-chill!
Josh the Troll!
So you want to know why Bill Gates is so happy?
He's one of the biggest eugenicists in history, folks.
I think it's a fair estimate to say he has tens of billions worldwide for eugenics.
He's probably got more megadeaths under his belt than Adolf A. Louis Hitler.
I don't think he has Mao championed yet.
But he'll get there.
It's hard for me to imagine that there are hundreds of thousands of people conservatively, sociologists
and psychologists and criminologists predict [BLANK_AUDIO]
bare minimum in the world hundreds of thousands probably more that enjoy
kidnapping little children and torturing them to death for weeks and killing them
that is hard for me to imagine that there are people who enjoy torturing
innocent people to death But just because that is 180 degrees alien from what most of us believe in, in what most of us love, in what most of us like, in what most of our tastes are, nevertheless, those individuals are amongst us.
And there's different debates on it.
Different psychological reports have been done on it.
Some quackery, some quite accurate.
Some estimates have as many as two psychopaths for every hundred people.
Most of the studies show, on average, about one psychopath per every hundred people.
And guess how many sociopaths there are for every hundred?
Some gauges have 20% Being sociopaths.
That is, they don't enjoy killing you, they just don't care if you die.
See, a psychopath enjoys it and enjoys the power trip of it.
And so what you had is psychopaths, high functioning psychopaths...
In command of legions of sociopaths.
The psychopaths also command legions of people that like to be enslaved and people that like to serve psychopaths.
The whip-me-beat-me types.
In fact, many of their most dangerous operatives are the chicken neck ghoul variety that I so love.
And then of course they have the sadistic sadist.
They have armies of them.
And they operate, the virus of tyranny operates best in a fat and decadent, spoiled environment.
And boy, isn't America the epitome of that?
Fat, dumb, and happy.
It's like rotten, stagnant water that you've pumped a thousand gallons of fresh sewage into.
Oh, it's already full of bacteria and filth, but it's going to become pure cess sludge.
Pure detritus.
Liquid E. coli.
Liquid death.
Only the New World Order would come up with an artificial sweetener that rots holes in your brains, kills your cells in mash, attacks every organ, attacks your pancreas, and is the defecation of genetically engineered E. coli bacteria.
Only the New World Order would come up with that.
Alright, that's just a few minutes from a clip that's now at Bandot Video.
Alex Jones exposes Bill Gates as the psycho depopulation king.
We're gonna come back and get to unbelievable news.
I told you this yesterday and it's happened.
The Democrats, Biden has now announced the plan to end the Republican Party officially.
Told you!
Here we are ladies and gentlemen.
Biden says he has no idea.
We got the clip.
He has no idea if there will be a Republican Party in 2024.
What was in yesterday's show headline, the sub-headline?
Democrats plan to outlaw the Republican Party before 2024.
And you're like, how do they do that?
Well, they've announced the CIA and the Pentagon, and it's all official, are going to take on Trump supporters and Republicans.
And even Mitch McConnell came out two days ago and said, I've never heard of a president saying the opposition party are terrorists.
What did I just say?
The end of American Republicans here, Dems announce new terrorism plan that outlaws all opposition, creates one party state.
That's today's headline.
I didn't know he said this last night.
I just learned about this.
Oh, that is yesterday's headline.
So this is before he said it.
The end of the American Republicans here, Dems announce new terrorism plan that outlaws all opposition, creates one party state.
And I went on to say on the show, as you heard a bunch, that they're going to ban The Republican Party by saying it's a terror party.
That's what Mr. McConnell talked about.
We need to get the men and women of this country that don't want to live in total slavery to understand that this is the takeover.
The Democrats know they've lost control.
They know they don't control blue states.
Those are really Republican states.
And again, I'm not saying Republicans are perfect.
Just the Democrats are the party of the end of the nation.
And so they've lost!
It's over for them.
I use the Terminator analogy.
1980s movie, great plot, great movie.
James Cameron, who's a depopulationist globalist, by the way, but that's a side issue.
What does he say?
What do you write in Terminator?
Skynet's lost.
Humans have taken back over and blown up the central command of the machines.
Their only chance was to send back a Terminator to kill the leader of the resistance, John Connor, in the past.
And that's literally where they're at right now.
No one wants the New World Order.
No one wants Bill Gates.
No one wants Klaus Schwab.
Nobody wants David Rockefeller's program.
Nobody wants drag queen story time.
Nobody wants Satan time.
They're now having schools across the country.
No one wants this.
We don't like it.
We don't like 5G, we don't like GMO, we don't like the New World Order.
And so their answer is, oh really?
We'll just start a civil war that we run ourselves and blow everything up and turn the power off.
Oh, the cyber terrorists are about to turn everybody's power off and within a month most people will die.
Oh gee, better let us run things.
I mean, they've got a gun to our head.
We're like a battered woman trying to leave the house.
He's got a knife to us.
Don't you leave, I'll slit your throat!
See how that works for you.
And this is always the threat continuum and the force continuum of corrupt establishments.
They always take over with surveillance and authoritarianism and payoffs and then that doesn't work so they start oppressing and they start killing people and they start doing all... and it gets worse and worse and finally they just go, just kill everybody!
Just kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them!
And that's what Zbigniew Brzezinski said a couple years before he died in a CFR meeting he did in Canada.
He said on TV, he said, it's cheaper just to kill everybody than convince them anymore and we should do that.
And now they're doing it.
He had Memorandum 200 back in the White House with Henry Kissinger.
He continued Memorandum 200.
State Department Memorandum 200.
Just, by the way, anything I say, you just look up, you know.
But I'd save all these documents, you know, in the future, which is now, they're basically taking everything down we cover.
So you can't go look it up for yourself.
So they got an eye on you, not because you got something to hide, but because they don't want to compete with you.
They don't want to look at you.
They want you dead.
That makes them feel good.
More poisoned children, more deaths, more everything horrible.
Dystopia is what they want because they're unhappy evil Satanists.
They joined the wrong team and then everything that comes out of them is an extrapolation of that.
So here's Tucker Carlson last night.
We'll play part of it now, part of it coming up in Man Cow.
It's running for Governor of Illinois.
He's going to pop in.
We have an Oath Keeper that got out of Oath Keepers right before January 6th because he saw troubling signs of what was going on and the federal provocateur stuff that was happening.
I'm not saying Stuart Rhodes is a Fed, but clearly Feds infiltrated and there was a lot of manipulation going on.
So we've got a lot of big info on that coming up next hour and so much more today here.
But let's go ahead and go to the war on our children.
And then I've got a big list of things here dealing with the new announcement of the domestic war on the American people.
Like, people are like, whoa, the Cold War, you know, the Soviets are bad, but this is kind of a dangerous buildup of military-industrial complex to counter them.
It could be used against us.
That was 1961 in January.
Outgoing president, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
And now, here we are.
60 plus years later, 61 years later, and it happened.
Oh wow, really?
Yeah, just like third world countries, you get a big giant bureaucracy and intelligence agency, they don't just take over, they don't just want money, they get on power trips.
And remember, a bunch of them are Satanists.
and pedophiles.
'Cause if you wanna be a pedophile, you gotta hire IQ, you go join things like that,
where the institution isn't gonna wanna get caught doing that, and it's gonna cover it up.
And as soon as they cover it up, well now they create a safe space for the criminals,
and they start hollowing things out, and they start taking over,
to the point now where again, they file court stuff against my co-host, Owen Schroeder,
saying he attacked inside the Capitol, doesn't work for Infowars.
They told the federal judge, he's lying, your honor.
He wasn't with Alex Jones trying to stop it.
He doesn't work there.
Those weren't his security.
No, he's a liar.
Well, they know that judge is in their pocket, obviously.
I mean, because you can go look that up and see it's a lie.
We had his exhibits, the video.
Again, this isn't about Owen or Alex Jones.
I mean, sure, they're coming after us because we're trying to defend everybody.
We're warriors.
We're up front.
We're just being men.
We're like throwbacks.
We're like men stood up to evil.
Like, whoa, this is bad.
I'm supposed to do something here.
And that's why we're virile.
Everybody can see it because that's what humans are.
The stuff they've been doing to the water didn't completely work on us.
Think about that.
And let that sink in, that they will put in federal filings, people that, they're even putting people in filings that weren't even in D.C.
They're putting people in filings, they said, out of boats attacking the Potomac, and they don't even have a boat and weren't in the, they don't care.
You're like, well that's sloppy.
No, it's not sloppy.
They say, let's commit major crimes.
Let's get these judges to sign on to stuff that's total lies, and we'll have them really corrupt.
Just like, let's inject children with gene therapies that give them cancer and heart attacks, and then, instead, they've learned the average person will cover up, like, God, my kid had a heart attack.
Well, I'm not gonna admit I did this.
Oh, oh, I just, my kid had a heart attack.
It's not from a shot, or, oh, oh, yeah, um... You see how they work?
I mean, they've got this all figured out, except when you sell out your own species.
And when you screw everybody else, it's like taking a dump in the pool.
Pissing in the pool is bad enough, okay?
But, imagine if you went to a public pool, and people didn't just decide to piss in it.
So they gotta put way more chlorine in, and then it burns your eyes, and there's ammonia in there, and you're basically bathing in a urinal.
And people started crapping in it.
Well, one person craps, you get out of the pool.
And that's what the New World Order is.
They're all in the pool crapping, pretending like They're doing it to us.
The FBI's like... And Nancy Pelosi's like... I mean, seriously.
And then they're like, I don't know who did that.
There's like crap floating everywhere, and it stinks, and they've ruined everything, and it's horrible.
And then we're like lifeguards going, don't crap in the pool.
They go, arrest that terrorist.
That's a terrorist.
They don't... No one's crapping in the pool.
And that's the gaslighting.
They got new articles out going, okay, the Pentagon is PSYOPing you.
We did do mass formation psychosis.
For your own good.
Okay, fine, it's real.
Last week it wasn't real, but it's real now.
Look at these articles.
It's real.
It's good.
Why don't you like it?
I mean, Financial Times of London, PSYOPs are a crucial weapon in the war against disinformation.
Thank God major military units are creating fear in the public for their own good.
But if you say they're doing that, it doesn't exist.
Now you live in Doublethink World.
Now you're living in Winston Smith's 1984.
Does anybody want to live in this?
They're pooping in the pool.
All right, the full report here on the Alex Jones Show is on InfoWars.com.
It's about 14 minutes long, but I'm going to air in this little nine-minute segment a lot of it.
We now know that the White House and Justice Department didn't just in Virginia, as Tucker covers, but other places, went out and said, hey, call them terrorists and ask us to counter the terrorist parents that don't want pedophiles teaching their kids or critical race theory that's basically like Hitler, but from the other perspective.
With white people teaching that whites are inherently evil.
I mean, this is just the nastiest stuff you do to destroy a country.
This is the takedown of the nation.
And he laid it all out last night and how it's all tied to the terrorism and branding Americans as the enemy.
And the martial law that Biden's really already put us under with the vaccine mandates and recording everybody that hasn't taken the shot.
That's in a secret database.
I mean, this is all camps being built for those that haven't taken the shots.
This is the imploding empire Looking at its citizens and saying, we can't loot third world countries anymore.
We'll just loot them.
Here's Tucker Carlson.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson.
Tonight, there was a lot going on right around the time of the last presidential inauguration.
So you may have missed that on his very first day as president, Joe Biden ordered federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to prepare a review of how the administration should fight terrorism.
By last June, that report was complete.
It concluded, That after more than 20 years, Islamic terror is no longer the greatest threat to this country.
Instead, the agencies declared that domestic political extremism is, quote, the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.
That's a very stark assessment.
So you have to ask, who exactly are these terrorists who threaten us so urgently?
And they're not who you might expect.
The report did not even mention the BLM riots, the deadly BLM riots that had just taken place.
There wasn't a word about Antifa.
There was nothing about the gunmen who murdered 800 Americans in the city of Chicago last year, many of them children.
No, they weren't there.
Instead, the Biden administration declared that the quote, most lethal elements of today's domestic terror threat are political conservatives.
They're people who disagree with Joe Biden.
Now that report was released almost exactly six months ago, six months ago this Friday.
It received relatively little attention and hasn't since.
And no major news organization even asked the most obvious question.
These terrorists who threaten us, where are they?
If Trump voters are really the most, quote, lethal threat that our country faces today, where are all the people they've killed?
That's not an easy question to answer.
Just look at the numbers, which are fairly tidily kept.
Take a look at all the Americans who died by violence over the past 12 months, and there are many thousands and thousands of Americans.
I'm going to ask a simple question.
How many of them were killed by right-wingers for political reasons?
Not many.
Or since we're talking about threats here, pose the question another way.
Are you more in danger walking through a neighborhood that votes 90% Democrat or a neighborhood that votes 90% Republican?
Come on.
This claim is ridiculous.
On its face.
There is no substantial right-wing terror threat in this country.
Certainly not in relative terms.
There just isn't.
And no one's shown there is.
The White House knows this, of course.
They can read the numbers as well as anyone else can.
So they're working hard to create the illusion of that threat.
Much hangs on their ability to do that.
You may remember the story this fall about a group called the National School Boards Association, which sent a letter to the feds asking the DOJ to take a look at parents who don't like their kids' curriculums.
The Justice Department responded immediately to the letter, talking about customer service.
Days later, the Attorney General announced the FBI would investigate moms who dared to complain at school board meetings as potential terrorists.
Many people were shocked by this story, but we just learned it's worse even than we thought it was.
A new Freedom of Information Act request has revealed that the National School Boards Association asked the feds to investigate parents because the feds asked them to ask the feds to investigate parents.
See how that works?
Apparently, the Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, told school board administrators to write their letter to the White House.
The White House then used that letter as a pretext to begin a crackdown on parents.
See how that works?
The snake eating its tail.
When you don't have enough domestic terrorists to justify a political purge, then you just go ahead and create them.
And that's exactly what they've been doing.
This week, the campaign against this new American Al Qaeda entered a new and very ominous phase.
Again, little noticed by the national media.
This Tuesday, two days ago, the DOJ announced the creation of a new domestic terrorism unit.
What will it do?
Well, it will target, quote, anti-authority ideologues.
Anti-authority ideologues.
Now, keep in mind, this country was founded by people who are anti-authority ideologues.
We face an elevated threat from domestic violent extremists.
the idea of opposing authority, so it doesn't get too big and take over your life,
into our founding documents.
These ideas are central to the American idea. In fact, they are the American idea.
But in this administration, they are now crimes.
Here's Matt Olson, the Assistant Attorney General, explaining.
We face an elevated threat from domestic violent extremists.
That is, individuals in the United States who seek to commit violent criminal acts
in furtherance of domestic, social, or political goals.
Domestic violent extremists are often motivated by a mix of ideologies and personal grievances.
We've seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.
I've decided to establish a domestic terrorism unit to augment our existing approach.
This group of dedicated attorneys will focus on the domestic terrorism threat.
Who's the threat to the country?
That guy is the threat to the country, and the people working for him and those propping him up, and the people spreading the core lie here, which is that American citizens who distrust the government or don't like its policies are terrorists.
Just today on MSNBC, Jason Johnson, one of its contributors, described the entire Republican Party as a terrorist organization.
So you can see where this is going.
Again, and we're quoting now, this is the Assistant Attorney General, we have seen a growing threat from those who subscribe to anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.
Is that threat growing?
Is it true?
Let's see here.
That threat is being used to justify the creation of this agency.
But it's not rooted in reality.
27 years ago, back in 1995, you'll remember, 168 people were murdered in the Oklahoma City bombing.
Another 700 were injured.
Now, the investigation into what happened that day involved nearly 30,000 interviews.
Investigators gathered 7,000 pounds of evidence.
We could go on.
It was an enormous investigation.
Attorney General Merrick Garland, by the way, was part of it at the time.
Here's the point.
Despite the size of that investigation, no one Suggested, even hinted, that we might need to create a new domestic terror division within the DOJ to handle the problem.
The whole thing was handled by FBI field offices, as things like this had been for many decades.
The FBI field offices did their jobs.
The man accused of doing it got the death penalty, and you may have noticed it didn't happen again.
And then Joe Biden became president.
And the number of so-called domestic terror investigations more than doubled.
So the question is, what exactly are they investigating if there's no substantial death toll from these terrorists in our midst?
What exactly are the Feds looking into?
Well, they're taking a close look at crimes like the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
A plot that helped her political fortunes considerably.
What did it consist of?
Well, that conspiracy in the end turned out to have more FBI agents and informants involved than would-be kidnappers.
The guy the Feds said were running it turned out to be homeless.
He was living in the basement of a vacuum repair shop.
His friends called him Captain Autism.
And they called him that for a reason.
He wasn't the ringleader of anything.
He couldn't have been.
The whole thing was ridiculous.
But it stoked the storyline that was politically expedient, and so the media uncritically promoted it again and again, as if it were real.
The media's job, by the way, to remind you is to push back against government statements to find out if they're actually true.
Another famous Chicagoan wants to take him on.
Longtime radio host Eric Mancow Muller, Peaceful Warrior, is with us now.
You're serious about this?
First of all, I gotta talk about the hair.
Your hair.
It's so big!
It doesn't work on a campaign commercial.
Okay, you're serious about this?
I am serious.
I have decided I want to be the captain of the Titanic.
Sign me up.
So you're running as a Republican.
We've got to get basics here.
Well, I'm running as an Independent.
You're running as an Independent.
I went to the Republican Party.
That's a whole other story.
I mean, that's a whole other show.
So you're running as an Independent.
Does that mean there's a primary that you've got to go through?
I don't know.
But, you know, Republican... It might be something you should figure out.
No, but this, look, this guy Griffin is running is a Democrat.
He's going to be the frontrunner, probably.
Ken Griffin, the billionaire, he's going to fund a Republican to take on Pritzker.
Well, the guy's not a Republican.
But hold on, so you're running as an independent... The point is, you buy your way in, brother.
You buy your way in.
You're running as an independent.
Is the ballot going to say, like, Mancow, or is it going to be Eric Mancow Mueller?
Because you can't have a nickname on that.
You know, uh, you can?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, Eric Mankell-Muller, good friend of mine now for, gosh, it's gotta be, I've been on this show for like 20 years.
We've been friends for at least 15.
He's come and visited me, we've hung out quite a bit.
And I wonder if Roger Stone is lurking in the background involved with this, because you'd make a great Illinois governor to go in there as a populist, and really to, you know, bring people together from the left and right to save that state, and boy does it need to be saved.
So you are officially running for governor of Illinois?
Alex, I am.
Can you hear me now?
I can hear you, sir.
Please, tell us what's going on.
It's interesting, you know, you talk about the sound.
As soon as I announced I was running for governor, there's all kinds of workers around the house.
I'm not even kidding.
No, I believe you.
Believe me, I know.
They had to work on the wires around my house yesterday.
The next morning after I announced.
Pure coincidence.
Alex, the real story that I've said on every show, that maybe you'll pick up on, or maybe they don't want to pick up on it, is that, you know, I went to the Republicans, and maybe it's my gut, maybe it's... maybe I'm wrong.
But it seemed very clear to me you have the name recognition.
But, you know, this guy, Jim Oberweiss, he's a local guy.
He gave us millions.
It was all about money.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Are you there?
I am here, Mankal.
Hit us and hit us hard.
We love it.
Yeah, no, I mean, it's just, and they go, oh, uh-huh.
And I did the number one show here yesterday, Alex.
And I said, look, I want school choice.
I want to end the mandates.
I want to cut the gas tax in half.
We have 25 cents a gallon gas tax.
I mean, school choice, cut the gas tax, cut property tax.
I pay $45,000 a year in property tax.
And I went through this long, you know, end Sanctuary City.
I went through this long list and the liberal reporter goes, well, you're not saying anything.
That's just gibberish.
That's right.
You're giving them real policies that are very popular and they won't even basically quote you because they're just going to say it's not real.
Say that again?
They never actually meet us on the level playing field and have a debate.
They always just act like they don't understand what we're saying.
You know, Alex, I always go into these things like John Wayne and Noel Coward hanging out.
I always feel like I can hang out and talk and that there's common ground.
You know, I'm like a hobbit, you know, looking for the shire, looking for Middle Earth, looking for middle ground.
And it is like the commies have the blinders on, man.
Get the shot.
Step in line.
Your business will be destroyed.
We had a car dealer here, one of the biggest, Joe Perillo, who, you know, his place got destroyed.
And they said, well, you should have had more security.
And he said, security?
You want to defund the cops.
They want to defund the cops.
I defend the cops.
They want to defund the cops.
And, you know, of course, when you get robbed, it's your fault.
I was about to add, I noticed Lightfoot said, I tried to get you on a month ago, but you couldn't come on.
Lightfoot, for those who don't know, you're insane.
Admiral Ackbar, leader, saying that it's the business' fault they're being robbed, and they want to defund the police, and they don't want you to have a gun to defend yourselves.
I mean, these are some really bad people.
I was engaged to a woman that ran the Monterey Bay Rape Crisis Center.
And I'll never forget going to court with her, you know, these women we were trying to help.
And, uh, they would, you know, the other side would say, why did you wear sexy underwear?
Why did you wear a sexy, uh, sexy outfit?
I mean, if you didn't want to be raped.
Yeah, like, why do you got a jewelry store, she said, if you don't want to get robbed?
Yeah, I mean, this is, uh, look, brother, we are, you know, we used to joke about Prison Planet.
I mean, oh, God, it was so funny when Alex Jones said Prison Planet.
And, um, you know, I ribbed you about it.
And by God, if I'm not living in, I don't know if I'm living on a prison planet, but I'm living in a prison state right now.
We were under house arrest for two years.
Who knew a governor could do that?
So I want to become governor, mancalforgovernor.com.
And, and I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to leave you alone.
I'm not going to put you under house arrest.
Your kids are going to go back to school.
That's what America's about is just leave us alone.
Yeah, and it's such a foreign concept.
Look at this, look at this genius.
Alex, I want to tell you something that you're well versed in, okay?
So... So, uh... Alex, can you hear me?
Mangel, yes, I can hear you.
I'm having all kinds of stuff happen that I haven't had happen.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
I mean, I'm not saying it's you, but I'm saying it's you.
Those are very... I like the glasses.
Yeah, well, I look a little tired, so I put less than Alex.
No, no, no.
Take the glasses off.
We want to see your eyes.
You do not look tired.
You look very good.
And we've got to go to break, but you're going to have to stay an extra segment now, because this one's been decent.
You always have rates up the same, but I want you to... I want the man-cow I see on your show.
Whenever you come on my show, you're a little bit pensive, you're a little bit... I want us to see Governor Mancow in his first day in office when we come back, and what you're going to do, because you could easily get elected.
You're very popular, you've had the number one show for a long time in Illinois, and so we're going to... Yes, we love your eyes.
All right, this is a very gay moment right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Tomorrow's News Today, Eric Mankow Muller is our guest.
Is Roger Stone behind his run for governor?
That is a question we're all asking.
Stay with us.
The answer to 1984 is Mankow for governor in Illinois!
Joining us from the once great state of Illinois, and I'm not bashing the state, the whole country's falling apart, is Mancow.
Can you turn things around from the Rebel Alliance leader you have attacking your main city, Admiral Ackbar?
Mancow, tell us what you'll do as governor and give us your views on January 6th, the ongoing lockdowns, Joe Biden, this entire insane asylum we now live in.
Well, you said I was pensive and that kind of irritated me.
Because I've never been pensive.
That's not a word that's ever been used.
I know.
That's why I used it to antagonize.
I'm antagonizing you.
We had a thousand people murdered here last year.
One thousand murdered.
I own a restaurant here.
I've had a Ford car dealership.
I know about business.
And I'm going to, look, brother, doing the radio show, and I say you're my brother because we've been radio brothers for 20 years.
But look, I know the best of the best.
I interviewed all these politicians.
I know they're all full of shit.
They don't do anything they say they're going to do.
What I'm telling you is, I'm going to leave you alone.
I should call the party the do-nothing party.
You're a good man from rural Missouri.
Everybody I've met from Missouri are good folks.
Well, I think so.
I think so.
The heartland, God-fearing people.
But you know, brother, the tall boots.
They were put in to pay for the roads 100 years ago, 50 years ago.
I mean, everything is built on the line.
We got red light cameras everywhere.
We're told you can turn right on red, but then you get a red light camera ticket.
And I'm going to stop all this.
And we have the money.
We're just being ripped off.
So I haven't... Well, that's right.
I've been told by top people they use high taxes as social engineering to keep you down.
They're not doing all these taxes just so they get money.
They're doing it to shut things down.
Yeah, you know, we've talked about the secret highway that I was on.
Look, brother, I tell you, it's the different side of the same coin.
We have a fake fight going on.
And I know this isn't news to you, but I don't think people understand.
It's like the Generals versus the Globetrotters.
No matter what happens, We get screwed.
The people get screwed.
And I'm sick of it.
Look, look, look, look at my kids' hat.
Look what they were reading.
Uh, yeah.
That's required reading in my kids' school.
Oh, it's so wonderful being here.
So wonderful being in Illinois.
You can't go downtown.
You can't do anything.
People are terrified to go outside.
You have to have papers to get into a restaurant.
I mean, this is real Gestapo shit.
And remember, we're not just on TV.
The biggest audience is on radio, over 300 affiliates.
We don't like to brag, it makes the enemy get upset, but over 300 right now.
And even though talk radio is a shadow of its former self, still a huge audience.
For those that don't know, the book that's required reading at your son's school is Two Boys Kissing.
Listen, I'm sorry I said a curse word.
I thought it was you and I doing the old internet show where I could finally... No, we can delay it out, but hey, I wasn't bringing that up to let you know you're on radio.
We delay it, it's fine.
Speaking of Illinois, in Chicago... That's the language of hell.
I don't allow anyone to blaspheme around me.
And I know Alex, you're being attacked.
And look, when you step up and you decide to take a stand for good, And you stand up, but you're going to get attacked.
So you just pray for the Sacred Heart of Christ to look after you.
And I pray, and I hope the audience will pray for me as well, that I have a shield of protection and a hedge of protection around my family.
Let me ask you this.
What about the Satanic Temple?
Not just Drag Queen Storytime.
now at Illinois schools in Chicago the elementary students are going to get
school-sponsored Satan visits.
I mean why we don't rise up and tear that down I
You know, I'll join in.
I mean, this is... When are we going to say enough is enough?
Wow, look at that.
That can't be real.
No, that's sold at Target.
Let's Summon Demons, for ages 6 to 10.
They're recommended, and they are teaching now in the Chicago schools, Satan time.
Well, brother, I was at Borders Books.
I love bookstores.
I'm old-fashioned.
I love old record stores as well.
And they had a whole section for kids about how to summon demons.
And you know, Alex, you and I haven't talked about this, but Epstein and all this stuff and the Clintons and all of it, that island and the involvement with the children.
See, I don't think it's a sexual thing.
I've always thought it was, you know, you create a rift.
You know enough about this stuff.
You create a rift in a human being, you create a tear in their soul through trauma, and then it allows the demonic in.
So, you have to invite this stuff in.
We are protected by God.
You have to allow this stuff in.
You summon a demon, you've got it.
You want a demon, you're gonna get it.
You want evil?
Oh man, you're gonna get it.
Believe me, I know.
Just, it's so crazy, too.
It's all here.
It's all happening.
Alex, I ribbed ya.
I teased ya for years.
We had great fun over the years.
Tell the truth.
I'll tell you what I think.
I'll tell you what I think about you.
You wanna know?
I'm all ears, man-cow.
I was friends with Rush Limbaugh.
We grew up in this, you know, we evolved in the same swamp there in the middle of America.
And what the commies couldn't get, because they don't have it, stupid people don't have a sense of humor.
They couldn't get a sense of humor.
What I've always told people is, you don't understand, Jones is, look, he's got to entertain you for hours.
He has a sense of humor.
I think some people don't understand that you have a sense of humor.
I want to say that.
To hang out with you is a lot of laughs.
I don't think people think that hanging out with Alex Jones would be a lot of laughs.
I don't know what they think.
I don't care.
But you have a great sense of humor.
But I would bet at this point, you wish you were wrong.
Oh, exactly.
I don't feel vindicated, even though we are.
I feel just, I'm in a nightmare.
I mean, we're here.
I wish, I actually feel guilty.
And I can't stop, I feel like I didn't do enough, man.
Cal, how do you feel?
Because you say, oh Alex, you were a trollblazer.
You were covering all the big New World Order topics.
You know what's going on.
You've been in a lot of big movies and TV shows.
You know everybody.
And you saw what's going on in Hollywood.
I was on your show 20 years ago.
You were covering the same stuff.
So what is it like to now be inside the real takeover?
I mean, I'll ask you the same question back.
Alex, people cannot even begin to imagine what you and I have gone through.
You and I have talked about the, you know, the operations on, you know, just from my radio station.
And it may have been 20 years ago, they were telling people as they were arresting him, I'm an American, the Constitution, I have rights, training people, how they're getting rid of our cops here in Chicago to get in a national police force.
Obama talked about this.
They don't want local cops that will give a hoot about you.
The slavery that's coming.
The I.D.
that's coming.
I'm talking to you on my phone, but you're not going to be able to buy or sell.
Now, you and I have read the last chapter of the Bible.
We know how it ends.
We know that God wins and good wins.
But boy, do we have to, we have to go through hell to get there.
Literal hell.
And the other thing is, the other thing I want to say to you, yeah, yes, yes, I agree with you.
And here's what you don't get.
I bet you thought, and I sure thought, everything I said happened.
Everything I said was going to happen, happened.
And do you think one person would say, wow, you called it.
You were right.
You were right.
Do you think one person, all those callers, I started in 1984.
Do you think any of those callers have called up and said, I was wrong.
No, they stick with it.
Well, yeah, like, just like the vaccine doesn't work and it makes people sick and then they say we're bad, that they're sick because we didn't take it.
There's not even any logic there, but they just double down deeper into it.
I got, uh, I did a big time interview yesterday.
I got attacked, you know, uh, the science, the science.
And, uh, the guy said, uh, are you vaccinated?
I said, well, wait a minute.
Are you vaccinated?
He goes, yes.
I said, what if I'm not vaccinated?
He said, well, I wouldn't feel safe.
I said, wait, wait, wait.
So that's, that's a great vaccine you got.
If I'm not vaccinated, you wouldn't want, no, he said, and I'd have you escorted out of the building.
Wait a minute.
That's not, that's some kind of great vaccine.
And everybody I know that's gotten the boosters has gotten sick.
Uh, it's, it's, you know, you know... I have a family member that didn't listen to me.
...about how the people that, that they're saying died of COVID had four other illnesses.
Uh, one percent, I don't, I don't, I don't need to, you know all this, but, you know, just, just to say it again for the one millionth time, what is it, one percent?
Uh, may, it may, one percent it may have been COVID.
Your kids have a better chance of drowning than they do of getting hurt from COVID.
Uh, and, and the numbers are minuscule.
Our kids are living in these cinder block prisons getting brainwashed about how great
communism is, how bad their skin color is.
Well, man, Cal, here's the key point.
Do five more minutes with us and come back again sooner.
Come down in the studio.
We'd love to fly you and your wife down here.
We should go visit Roger Seney, he's hanging out with him for two weeks.
But we come back and we'll do five more minutes with you because I want to talk about, you're
not doing this as a publicity stunt.
I know some of the behind the scenes stuff, you probably know that, I know.
You are really intending to do this gubernatorial run and that's why they got your phones tapped,
And what's going on there?
Because, folks, they have digital taps, but that's at the AT&T, NSA level.
When the local mob taps you, they go out to your control pole and hook it up and they
can get into the smart meter and they just set it to grab all your communications.
That's how the taps work now.
So, of course, they got him tapped.
They tapped Jesse Ventura's phone.
That got confirmed when he ran for governor.
All right, in closing, Eric Mancow-Muller running for governor of Illinois.
This is not a publicity stunt, is it?
And he also had some Roger Stone comments there.
Mancow, anything else you'd like to add?
Great to have you here with us.
No, this is not a stunt.
Of course, you know, they chuckle.
They chuckle at me.
They chuckle at you.
And, boy, then everything comes true.
People are leaving.
People are afraid to come here.
I talk to people all over the world.
We're going to change all that.
We're going to make it a destination once again.
You know, Alex, it occurred to me that you were kind of like John the Baptist to Tucker Carlson.
Well, I mean, my job has been to try to wake up other people.
I figured other men and women would see this and fight back.
I think we've both kind of been doing that.
Yeah, these are perilous times.
Brother, I'm just telling you, and I know you've been going through it for years, and everyone listening and watching has gone through it, but the amount of, you know, you want to do something satanic, you want to do something X-rated, no problem.
You put up a joke about Fauci or Jeffrey Epstein, and oh my God!
It's the end of the world to the internet.
This is really frightful times.
So I hope more people stand up or we're going to be living in We're going to be living in communism.
A prison planet.
I agree.
So when is the gubernatorial election for folks that don't know in Illinois?
Say that again?
When is the gubernatorial date?
This November?
Brother, I'm telling you, at the minute I announced there were workers all around my house messing with the wires outside.
No, no, I hear you.
Mancow, when is the governor's race this year in November?
Yes, I remember you well.
I've known you for 20 years.
Oh, this is hilarious.
We gotta get your ass in studio.
You haven't been out in Austin a long time.
And I should come up and see you there.
The Illinois Governor's race is this year, correct?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, look, I'll see you there.
I'll see you there.
Yes, absolutely.
Peck your ass with a feather.
Particularly nice weather.
Yes, I hear you.
Alright, yeah, obviously we got major problems.
But hey, that's technology, you gotta work it out.
Alright, well Mancow, good luck with the run.
Watch the website again.
How do people find you running for governor?
mancalforgovernor.com and Alex, they've come after me a few times for being friends with you and I stand strong.
Not all of our friends are perfect.
You've probably been embarrassed by me a few times too.
But I love you and I pray for you and I wish you good luck with everything.
God bless.
Just in closing, now that your audio is back, you can hear me.
How is Roger?
You just spent two weeks with Roger Stone.
He's a character, isn't he?
You know, I just told you I didn't want to talk about that.
Because you guys... You know, Roger... No, no, I gotta tell you because Roger and I joke about this.
Alex, don't say this.
And then of course you jump on.
You have no filter.
You have no filter.
I love it about you.
Yes, I went down to Florida to taste some freedom.
I was trying to find our current governor, Governor Pugsley.
Dinsdale, Dinsdale!
And I did a great video where I was looking for him around Mar-a-Lago and all the other places that our governor likes to hang out.
And yeah, I did see Roger Stone and Kirsten Davis and Karen Turk, who you should have on your show, and Lisa Loomer, and all kinds of local folks.
And we just, we just, an old friend of yours, I can't remember his name.
Anyway, I just had a great time smoking cigars, hanging out with the Cuban community in Florida.
Brother, you want to talk about patriots.
By the way, Mancow, you said you didn't want to get into was Roger involved in your campaign.
You shoot videos with him.
Everybody knows you've been in Florida.
So I don't give up sources.
That's not what happened here.
No, no, no.
Alex, Alex, the reason I didn't want to talk about it is he's not my campaign manager.
And I am running for governor.
And then, oh, he met with Stone.
Oh, and now I got it.
I was just asking, how's Roger and his wife doing?
Holy hell.
No, but I'm just telling you my reality living here in the prison state of Illinois.
Now, and they don't have to print the truth, now he's my campaign manager.
I met with him for two weeks.
Hey listen, great interview.
What is that little creature on the top shelf that is brown with little yellow arms?
What is that creature up there?
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All right, we have a Oath Keeper whistleblower joining us.
And by whistleblower, they're blowing the whistle on what they saw, what concerned them, what was going on.
We know feds were involved in provocateuring the event.
We know Oath Keepers is just full of great veterans of the military and current police that do follow their oaths.
And I never thought Stuart Rhodes Was the Fed.
I even told people here privately, I'm like, well obviously the Fed's infiltrated January 6th, we know who they are, they got caught, a bunch of them.
But I said, you know, I didn't hear Stewart saying he was going to, you know, try to engage in an attempt to trigger a civil war.
But if you read the indictment that I've got right here, we're going to cover this more coming up with a special guest who was in Oath Keepers and got out right before this all went down because he saw some disturbing things.
This is crazy.
Now, I saw a mix-up about Owen out of whole cloth.
So, this is Stephen King-level fiction, if it's not true.
This is unbelievable.
And so, if there was an element of citizens doing this, and it wasn't just the Feds running all of the behavior, then I'll say it.
I'm not like the Feds.
I don't lie on purpose.
I make mistakes, but I'm not up here Trying to have a civil war with the federal government.
I'm not trying to be the leader and play army in the backyard.
But it's not just Stuart Rhodes of this indictment that's right that's playing army.
It's the federal government and these agencies are really trying to start a civil war.
So here's what I want to say.
I want to get the other news.
I'm not saying that Stuart Rhodes Was actually trying to overthrow what they saw as illegitimate government because I can't believe anything these people say or do.
But if we do find out it's true, it's wrong, what happened?
That said, I have a giant stack of news right here from yesterday and today.
Five inches tall.
Biden and General Milley and Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters and just Hillary Clinton, I mean all of them, saying we're in a civil war, we're going to have to arrest millions of people and put them in camps, and we got to lock up all the unvaccinated too, and they're just trying to get the idea that they can just start arresting everybody because they know they are about to plunge the economy and bring in this whole globalist system.
So this is going to screw over everybody.
And imagine if people wouldn't have followed Lenin's orders in the first days of the Soviet Union.
Or if people wouldn't have followed Hitler's orders in Nazi Germany early on.
And so, I'm not going to be tricked into just being an enemy of everybody in corporations, everybody in the government.
They're people like us.
And they're compartmentalized, though.
The good people are on the bottom.
The people who follow orders are in the middle.
And the people that are really bad news are at the top now.
And so this is a big deal.
And they are publicly branding the American people as terrorists and setting up new agencies to deal with the American threat.
And when your own government turns inward and says the public's the main threat, you know you're in a banana republic.
And then I've got all the articles.
Mainstream news going, yeah, the Pentagon scared you and used mass psychology, which is the same thing as mass hysteria, which is the same thing as mass formation psychosis.
But we're still going to try to ban Joe Rogan because he talked about it.
I covered that in the first hour.
Mainline news headlines.
Financial Times of London, Washington Post.
We're brainwashing you.
But, you know.
It's good for you.
And if you say it exists, It doesn't exist.
Now, the average person brought up to conform, when their brain swallows that, it begins to create the node or like the toehold on which the psychosis grows.
You can use psychology terms all day, but let's just say mental illness, delusions, this comes out of things like that.
Yeah, of course we're scaring you with Pentagon technology and lying to you, but it's for your own good.
And plus, oh, but no one's lying to you to create mass psychosis.
But we are.
But it's good.
But it doesn't happen.
But it's good.
So see, they're trying to tell you, just accept it as good.
But if it isn't good, I'm going to be mean to you.
So just say 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And next week I'll tell you it equals seven.
And tomorrow I'll tell you it equals four.
And the next day I'll tell you it equals zero.
You're not going to have any analytic thoughts in your little head.
You're just going to receive what I say like you're a pass-through circuit.
You're not a sentient being with consciousness.
You're not a sentient being with free will.
You are somebody that we are going to just sit here and program.
And how's that feel?
Well, I don't want to be programmed.
Nobody's programming you.
But you just said you're going to program me.
Well, if you accept the programming, it exists and it's good.
If you say it is bad, it doesn't exist.
And they're doing that out in the open, like, oh, the vaccine totally works.
That's why it doesn't work.
You got to have more.
And also those that don't take are the reason you're sick.
All that is flying in the face of logic.
And you say, well, why do they do it?
Why do they file all these things?
I've read dozens of these indictments and gone and checked the cases.
It's literal.
Like, you read it and you're like, huh, what, what?
Like, you know it's not true.
Owen Schroer, winning the Capitol, beat people up.
Owen Schroer does not work in Infowars.
Owen Schroer was not with Alex Jones on January 6th when Alex Jones tried to stop the riot.
It says that!
And you're like, he's with us!
They're bullhorning people trying to stop them!
He's with me the whole time!
And they file in front of a judge, and then imagine if you're in front of the judge like, Owen, how do you even sit there with a straight face, with some weird weirdo in a black outfit, sitting there, when you've given them the video files, and they go, I'm not going to look at those, I'm just going to rely on the state.
They said that.
And our lawyers really attacked, they're like, this is a lie, we have all these lies, we have all, none of this is true, he works at Imperial Wars.
The judge goes, no he doesn't.
Your trial goes forward years in prison for attacking the Capitol.
I mean, so like when you're faced with that level of gaslighting, what are they trying to do?
I'll tell you what they're trying to do.
It's big, powerful, rich families that are inbred and crazy that are just giving orders to people that run things to do this.
And it's going to explode.
It's going to just, it's already happening.
Everything's breaking down.
The supply chain's breaking down.
Everything's going to hell.
And it's all because people don't have morals.
If the average person said no to this, if these judges looked at these things and said this isn't true, you're lying, you're in trouble, the FBI and the Justice Department wouldn't do it.
And you look at these FBI agents and these Justice Department people and, like, you want to think of America as strong and upright people and you want to believe in things, and you look at them, they're like little oily lawyers, and like, oh, yeah, and like, because I've been around these people, and you're like, what the hell?
This is the opposite of, like, imagine G-Men, you know, on TV in the 1960s or something, because they are the opposite, folks.
Those G-Men weren't perfect.
Everything political's got problems.
These are really bad people.
And they know that, and there's the shame of who they are, and the shame of how they lie.
But if they just go ahead and lie, they'll get promoted up the chain.
Oh, but if you don't lie, well, you'll just be fired, or you'll be... It's a nightmare.
And it's all about a system for the devil to train us to sell ourselves out, we believe, to get ahead.
But you don't get ahead.
By serving these people.
Oh, what?
You get a bigger house maybe for a while, and then your kid dies of fentanyl?
I mean, seriously, I read about these globalists, and I read about their lives.
The richest ones have the worst lives.
Like, you look at top globalists, almost all their kids commit suicide.
That's why globalists have stopped having children.
Almost every EU leader, I think one EU leader out of 35 countries has kids.
It's a cult.
Because if you have kids, you actually care about the future.
But like the DuPonts and all of them, like almost all their kids end up in mental institutions or committing suicide.
Because they have sold out their country and their people and everybody else and they're just these demonic, hateful, ravenous animals that want to dominate and control and access to your children.
That's the one thing Alexander Soros wants is access to your children.
And if I gotta go to prison or get killed to expose him, I'll do it.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
It is now mainstream news and confirmed that the Justice Department and the White House have sent letters out to the school board saying we want you to ask for FBI assistance and that's how they generated the letter in Virginia and others saying terrorists are here, we want you to arrest the parents, we think people protesting us is illegal.
Is the Justice Department wants to open up a front Not with the Russians, not with the Chinese, not with radical Islam, not with the open borders and human traffickers.
They work with them, but with parents, because their main target is the children.
I mean, that's really an evil occupied government.
But again, all of that's done to discredit the government and discredit our institutions.
That's not the U.S.
That's hijackers that have taken the country over.
If somebody hijacks an airplane and pulls a gun out and takes over the cockpit, And makes the pilot take off his uniform and the hijacker pokes it on.
That's not American Airlines pilot.
That's a hijacker.
So I'm not even defending institutions that are horrible, they're out of control, but the globalists want to fully destroy them because then they're going to bring in real tyranny on their ashes.
And if you think our institutions and our police and stuff have problems now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
And they hire a bunch of followers to get into their system That think they're winning and look at a one-dimensional goal, but if they extrapolate it out, it's the total collapse of society.
Now, I'm not here to bash Stuart Rhodes.
I've known Stuart 12, 13 years since he founded Oath Keepers.
He was a lawyer, worked for Ron Paul's congressional office, and was a great guy we would have on.
And I told people when they were saying, folks think he's a Fed, I said, I just really don't think Stuart's a Fed.
And I didn't hear Stuart or anybody say they wanted to overthrow stuff on January 6th, because he'd been around some in D.C.
We saw him some.
And I read last night and this morning twice the 40-something page indictment of he and 10 others.
And I don't know if this is true.
I know Tucker Carlson had one of the indicted people on who is very credible, who's a retired Navy commander, disabled.
And he didn't have a boat.
He's not in these messages.
It's not true.
And he says they just make it up and put fake stuff in here.
Now, I wouldn't believe that because that's reckless and crazy, except they did it to Owen Schroer.
And I looked at other cases where you're reading something that isn't just partly a lie, the whole thing's a lie.
And it doesn't... Try to explain this to the government.
You scare me, but not in the way you think.
Like, I really care about my children, and the country, and the world, and the future.
You people are nuts.
I mean, the Nazis just went and grabbed people and killed them.
You guys literally go before judges and publish stuff that none of it's true.
And that's why we don't believe anything you say.
So why do you, like, who gives these orders?
Like, oh, you're going to be promoted because you're going to go say, oh, and Troyer attacked people inside the Capitol.
So we're going to go to our guests.
He'll be with us a little bit at the next hour.
And then Norm Pattis is going to come in here to hit a bunch of the other news that's taking place.
This is serious stuff, and when the FBI comes and visits you, and they give you an anti-terrorism card, and they tell you your organization's under investigation as a terrorist group, I mean, it's just, it's like, you want to laugh at it, but it's not funny.
And it's the end of this country.
And people say, oh, Alex, how are you taking it?
Um, like the people that try to go to school boards?
And they protest critical race theory?
I mean, can you imagine something more evil and antithetical to the Christian ethos and what America is based on?
Than to say white people are inherently bad?
And then to teach five-year-olds and up they're bad because of their skin color?
That destroys people's self-confidence!
That hurts them!
And what?
Because some white people did something mean to black people before this person's guilty?
Because somebody looks like me a hundred years ago and did something, then I'm in trouble?
That is so evil, folks.
But that isn't being run by black people.
They get a few black racists up there pushing it.
It's run by the social engineers.
It's run by the bad guys to turn us against each other.
They're like, well, what do we do now?
Just take white people's health care away and tell them black folks are better than them and that they're inherently bad.
But I love Americans of every race, color, and creed.
They see right through this.
And that's why the Justice Department's panicking.
Because they're not a justice department, they're social engineers that have hijacked it and gotten control of it, that are literally... Remember first, oh we're not teaching that, oh really, here's the syllabus.
Teaching children, oh the devil doesn't exist, God doesn't exist, but you have original sin because of your color.
You know in the Quran, it says that blacks committed sin or whatever in their lines, they deserve to be slaves.
And then whites picked that up in the transatlantic slave trade 500 years ago from the Arabic slave trade.
It's on record.
He said, well, we'll say they're the from ham and that it was a cursed line.
That's black people, ham.
Like a Middle Eastern group.
The point is, is that is that that stuff all comes from there.
And so you take something about original sin, saying black people have the mark of Cain on them from A twisted interpretation of the Bible, and because that was done 600 years ago, you now do that to people today?
Five-year-old children?
And of course, it's come out, we'll go to break, come back to our guest.
I appreciate being there.
He's taking care of a sick family member right now, so he's on the phone.
We really appreciate John D. Shirley coming on.
We'll have a little bit in the next hour, as I said, but I wanted to just fill you in on the level of this evil.
So people ask me, Alex, how are you taking it?
Well, we're being destroyed.
We're on fire.
They poured gasoline on us.
But when I look at how I'm under attack, I look at the House, and it's on fire.
I look at my country, it's on fire.
The world's on fire.
We're all under this attack.
I'm just somebody trying to fight this.
So, John D. Shirley, let me introduce him, we'll go to break, come back to him.
Spent 20 years with the Houston Police Department before retiring, and later being appointed and then re-elected as the Constable of Hood County, Texas Precinct 2.
While a Houston PD, he spent half his career as a full-time investigator, culminating with an assignment as a sergeant in the Financial Crimes Unit.
He's a certified rescue diver, private pilot, and holds a certified fraud examiner certification.
He was a founding member of Oath Keepers in 2009, and eventually was asked to be part of the board of directors a few years later.
He resigned in November 2020, shortly after the election.
YouTube, forward slash, Rumble, Facebook, The Blue Shark Show.
The BlueSharkShow.com is how you find him.
The BlueSharkShow.com.
And I appreciate him holding.
We'll come back and talk to him about his concerns.
And really an honest retrospective on Stuart Rhodes.
Because I didn't know what was being planned.
And again, I wish I could rely on the Justice Department.
But I've seen their lies.
So they're capable.
I don't know if any of this is true.
We need to be really retrospective here, and we know the Feds were there, we know provocateurs were there, we know Antifa was there, but there were a minority of people out of a million that did want to overthrow things and were pissed.
And at a certain point in 1776, you've got an illegitimate government, I see that, but you don't take a government back with that type of activity, and I'm totally against it.
And it's just terrible.
And if what they say about Stuart Rose is even half true, I'm personally really pissed off because he could have got a lot of people killed, a lot more people killed, and could have got me killed, the whole country, in a lot worse situation.
Because if things have gone off the way Stewart wanted to in this indictment, if it's true, that he wanted a big bloody civil war to be triggered there, then there might be millions dead right now.
So this is a big problem, folks.
We'll be right back.
Here on TV Reviewer, you're seeing footage out of North Texas, a suburb of Dallas, Little Elm, Where Stuart Rhodes was staying at a friend's house and was raided by the FBI and the Justice Department.
But no arrest of Ray Epps.
And they had the case ready against Rhodes.
That's clear whether it's accurate or not.
But we know that Ray Epps and Congress and all that coming out about the FBI is why they've gone after him now.
That said, I wear my Arnold sleeve.
Everything I do in my own life, I just talk about it here on air.
The good things I've done, the bad things I've done.
And I know I'm under FBI investigation for terrorism and sedition and everything else.
Total crap.
The only thing I'm guilty of is being naive and walking into a trap.
On January 6th, but I wanted to get John D. Shirley.
I know who he is.
He has the bluesharkshow.com.
Again, a retired police officer from here in Texas, and he's got a family member that's fighting for their life right now, so we appreciate him joining us from the hospital.
I'm just putting that in there because this is important.
That's why he's here.
And he resigned from Oath Keepers right before January 6th for the reasons he laid out in an email that I'll show you right here.
But he can give his own testimony because he's somebody that's been an oath keeper since the beginning and is a guy in good standing with the community and has a great record about what he thinks of this indictment and how much of it could be true.
Because again, this is Stephen King level writing if it's fake.
And so that's why I wish the government was not this criminal.
I mean, I wish they weren't criminal.
I wish I could read an indictment and at least believe maybe part of it's true.
But if it is true, we're going to admit That it wasn't totally federally provocateur and that this was wrong.
Because I don't want a civil war, folks.
They're trying to start one.
It's the last thing we want.
And I'll be damned, as they say, if I'm going to get set up as somebody wanting this.
Because killing a bunch of military and police and them killing a bunch of us is not how we fix this country.
We have to politically wake up, spiritually wake up.
I'm going to stop ranting.
John D. Shirley, thank you so much for spending time with us.
And just start wherever you'd like.
We've got a lot of points here about his history in the Oath Keepers.
Stewart in Texas, 2019-2020.
Events leading up to the first D.C.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I reached out to your team because this is a story that needs to be told, and I don't have the whole story.
I wasn't there January 6th.
resignation. So thanks for joining us, sir. Thanks for having me, Alex. I reached out
to you to your team because I this is a story that needs to be told and I don't
have the whole story. I wasn't there January 6th. I was at home and I was
part of some events after the election before January 6th that led me to resign
from the organization.
And in order for me to get the start of that, I want to go back to the first DC rally after the election.
I was asked to come to DC to help assist with some of the security planning or security of some important people that were going to be going through the rally.
And I remember you there.
I think I shook your hand, right?
Yes, sir.
Yes, you did.
And if you remember, Alex, when we left the Freedom Plaza that day, Walking toward the Supreme Court block, Stuart Rose was nowhere to be found.
Do you remember that?
I remember saying to Tim Entenloh, my head security guy, and I'm not a paranoid person, but I'm like, man, Stuart's acting creepy.
Why is he never around?
OK, so we got through that rally and it went great.
I mean, as far as we got you through the event and the other dignitaries, there was no problems.
It was a great America celebrating event.
OK, but I left there.
With some concerns.
And this was a giant rally that had 300, 400,000 people, a sea of people, us and the Supreme Court, totally peaceful.
Alex, I want to tell you, there were some D.C.
police officers who were involved with your security details, some retired ones, who were at the Million Man March back when it was done.
And they told us, point blank, there's just as many people at that first D.C.
rally as there was at the Million Man March.
OK, so it was a very large event.
But following that event, I had some concerns.
That the organization that I was part of for almost 10 years at that point, something wasn't right, okay?
So I left DC questioning if the organization really existed, anything more than really as an online presence in any real way at that point.
I was asked to be part of the Atlanta rally like a week later.
I arrived along with an associate of mine from prior in my career that I trusted and actually has more training and more experience than I did.
And I brought him in because I wanted a fresh pair of eyes that wasn't deeply involved in Oath Keepers, hadn't been involved, and would be an independent voice, you know, to listen to maybe confirm or help me explain the things that didn't make sense to me that went on in DC.
The night before the Atlanta rally, I had a discussion with Stuart, and he told me, you're the on-ground guy in charge, which after seeing what happened in DC, to me meant nothing because there was no organization there, okay?
So, when he told me that, I said, that's fine, but I want the person that I trust to be my number two guy, because he's going to be actually part of my security detail.
And Stuart and I for the first time actually had a pretty open, open, loud, not loud, open disagreement because he wanted his friend Whip, which is person number 10 and all the federal stuff.
He was named by Mother Jones in an article as Mike Simmons.
I don't know his real name, but what I can tell you is he was not part of the Oath Keepers organization until sometime in early late 2019 or early 2020.
early 2020. When I got to Atlanta, Stuart made it known that WIP was a VP of the organization.
Now, I have an issue with this because as a member of the Board of Directors Vote Keepers, I was never asked to vote to approve some new vice president, but I wasn't too surprised when I heard it because the organization's organizational structure had crumbled somewhat in the last few years of the organization's
Sure, and we got 30 minutes to the next hour and I know you got a lot to talk about and
I know you want to go off what you know, but just gut level stuff.
Because I knew Stuart, you know, 12 years ago he seemed pretty normal.
A few times he'd come around though, he seemed very apocalyptic, crazed.
When I would see him, he never really came over and talked to us much.
He was always at the edge of things in rallies around the country, like acting very strange.
And I remember saying, like, you think he's gone crazy or is he a fed or, I mean,
What do you think happened to him? Bad influences?
What do you think is going on?
My personal opinion is Stuart didn't seem to be a very strong and very... He's very good with rhetoric.
He's a guy that he's got a pretty amazing mind, but sometimes he gets locked in his mind.
So his organizational skills to run an organization were lacking.
I'm afraid there were rogue elements that got involved in Oath Keepers sometime a year, year and a half before what happened on January 6th and started pulling the organization in the wrong direction.
In my story, Explains why I resigned and I think gives a nod to that things were going really wrong.
Let me ask you this.
Let me ask your opinion because you're a long-term veteran police officer and Oath Keepers from the very start.
What are you real because I read this indictment and I mean it's it's it's true.
It's horrible.
The problem is they lie so much.
I don't know if any of it's true and then you took a Carlson had a guest on who's been reindicted and you and enlisted in this and they didn't have a boat.
They weren't planning an attack that guy wasn't even in the Capitol.
So so and I believe him because I've seen the lies.
So what do you think is really going on here?
Well, I my gut tells me that did the the left the cabal needed A change in narrative.
And I think they planned on indicting Stewart and I guess the other guys at some point, but I actually believe that they're trying to do a narrative shift because post January 6th, their narrative is collapsing when it comes to January 6th.
Then you have the Supreme Court knocking down the majority of the OSHA mandate for the vaccine.
They needed desperately a change in narrative.
And so I think they threw out this, what I think is a pretty embarrassing looking indictment.
Um, I've, I've, I've written, uh, you know, statements and supportive indictments during my career, and they always have detail, specific detail.
This, this document lacks any specific detail to show any kind of underlying crime.
So I think it's extremely weak.
It's absolutely a political prosecution.
Whether Stuart Rhodes is compromised to some level, I don't know.
But I believe that the events of the first DC rally and the events of the Atlanta rally, when I can get to the details, will show you That there was reason to be concerned, and when I resigned the way I did, and I did it publicly, I posted it on my social media that I was breaking with the organization, I did it because I saw things that didn't make sense and I wasn't going to be involved.
No, and I remember, I've seen you and heard you for years, I remember when you did it, it was a big deal.
We'll be right back, stay with us, John D. Shirley.
We are back, and boy is the devil coming after us, folks, but that's okay.
We know who wins in the end.
John D. Shirley.
He's a retired police officer, been an Oath Keeper for more than 10 years, and he resigned right before January 6th, and put a public letter out.
I remember Stewart complaining about it, because I just happened to see the gossip out there.
And I remember, surely he's a good guy, and done a great job, and it was about, let's follow our oath, and let's de-escalate, and let's work with the police, and let's have civil defense, and let's come together.
They had a good mission.
I didn't believe Stewart was fed.
But did he get infiltrated?
Did he get... He definitely changed.
He got more aggressive when he was here a few times as a guest, even before January 6th and after.
And like, what are you gonna do when the war starts?
You just gonna sit around and talk?
And I'm like, uh...
Who am I going to attach to it?
I remember, like, here in the studio during breaks, like, yes, Stuart, I'm on the military.
What am I going to do?
This is a political thing.
This is a cultural thing.
This is a spiritual thing.
And then I, he's like, oh, I guess you're right.
And then, boom, this goes along.
You've got the Feds.
You've got Ray Epps.
You've got the Antifa.
You've got them all provocateuring there.
And then you've got Stuart believing there was about to be an overthrow of the government, believing there was about to be this big defeat.
I guess if you believe this indictment, Was he being lied to by Q people?
Was he delusional?
Or is this whole federal indictment a lie?
Let's go back to John D. Shirley right now, who was one of the founders and board members of O'Keepers, who resigned shortly before this all happened last year to give us his continued take.
Please continue.
Thanks, Alex.
Before I go back to what I was telling you about before and the story I have, very important distinction.
You know, I've known Stuart for 10 years, and in our communication, you know, Before the DC rally ever increased and I want to tell you he is no fan of Donald Trump Very very plainly.
I want you to understand.
I don't know if y'all had those kind of discussions in between yourselves But I'm telling you Stewart was not a fan of Donald Trump.
No other people have told me that he didn't basically No, he hid that from me Okay.
Well, I'm telling you I had I had several Pretty long discussions with him about... I just know this.
When I first knew him 12 years ago, he isn't that creepy.
The last few times he was around, I said, man, that guy's creepy.
He would just kind of look at me like... I don't know how to describe it.
Like I was a glass of ice water in the Sahara Desert.
He was just kind of... I saw a crazed thing with him.
Is that what you're getting at?
Well, you know, I didn't see that.
I didn't see that part.
I'm just saying that You know, the organization changed near the end, and I'm going to tell you why.
I'm going to go back to my story now, if that's okay.
The night before the Atlanta rally, I had a heated discussion with Stewart.
It got pretty heated about leadership and control of what was going to go on the next day.
The next day when the rally actually occurred, there was no leadership because I wouldn't acquiesce to him and he wouldn't acquiesce to me.
So my team was just in plain clothes, just watching the crowd, making sure that Antifa stayed in their place and the Patriots stayed in their place.
Just monitoring what was going on.
The police in Atlanta did a fantastic job of keeping the crowds apart.
They had them separated with physical barriers and had plenty of staff out there.
When the rally was over, because nothing happened during the rally, when the rally was over,
they sent Antifa one way and they sent the Patriots another way.
Well, me and my team having experience and training, we pretty much knew where a flash
point was going to be if there was going to be a flash point where the two groups would
come together. So we walked two or three blocks to where that was, just the three of us, and
within a short amount of time, Antifa appeared around a corner about a block away walking toward us.
Now, very important to understand, I can't speak for Antifa all over the country, but I can speak for the people who were in, who were claiming to be part of Antifa in Atlanta, is it was a complete LARP.
And when I say it's a complete LARP, the average age of the Antifa member that showed up to the Atlanta rally was probably about 17.
There were some that looked to be as young as 14.
Um, they had a couple of older handlers that were probably in their 40s or 50s that weren't even dressed like them, but were obviously controlling, controlling the Antifa movement.
There were two people with, with rifles in the Antifa crowd and several had, um, pocket knives or knives visible on their quote unquote uniforms.
Now their uniforms were basically black with a paintball gear as their protection.
So they looked scary and their shields that they carried were actually made of plastic.
drums that they cut up and painted black.
Okay, so it was a LARP, but they had guns.
So they passed us and started giving trouble to one of the Trump supporters
and we stopped it from happening.
We didn't even talk to them.
We just guided the man away.
And I guess they saw that we looked like serious people and they left us alone.
Okay, for two hours, we followed Antifa around downtown Atlanta, harassing people,
sometimes yelling at us.
My team would stay a block to a block and a half behind them,
not talking to them, not engaging them at all.
We're just watching what's going on in case they cause trouble.
After about two hours, they congregated in an area that was near where we started.
When we got there, they were on one side of the street about 150 feet away.
We were across the street on the other side.
A drunk man, And the reason I know he was drunk, and my team knew he was drunk, is we saw him that morning at about 8.30 before the rally, drinking in the parking lot where everyone was parking for the rally.
And you could smell it on him when you walked past him, okay?
This same man that I saw earlier that day appeared basically out of nowhere and was approaching Antifa with his shirt off, screaming and yelling at them, obscenities trying to incite them.
Two of the Antifa guys, the two with the rifles, walked toward him, And at some point in this, in the first encounter, one of them racked, racked a shotgun.
One of them had a shotgun and racked the shotgun, the Antifa guy.
So, we had what looked to appear to be a violent situation about to start.
Now, fortunately, the drunk guy, I guess, decided it was probably a bad idea at that point, turned around and went back the other direction, disappeared around the corner.
Five minutes later, he reappeared.
He re-engaged Antifa, screaming and yelling.
Cursing them, obscenities, trying to engage them, trying to make them become violent.
My team and I were just sitting across the street watching what was going on.
Again, he retreated around the corner.
A few minutes later, he appeared again.
Except this time, he walked across the street and walked behind my team, within five feet of us, screaming over our backs toward Antifa, antagonizing Antifa.
Now, I don't remember for sure if we said anything to him, but shortly after that... The point is, there's a lot of dirty tricks going on.
Keep going.
Okay, yes.
Okay, so he was behind us trying to incite them, and then he left.
And people broke up, and we, at that point, were pretty tired.
We went back to the quote-unquote command post, which was really just a panel van where they were handing out water and snacks.
And it hit myself and my team at about the same time.
When this guy was disappearing around the corner, each time, he was going right where the parking lot was, where the command post, where the Oath Keepers were set up.
Every time.
Now, you are not doing that.
So, give us your real, we're not going to try and attack Stewart here, but we want to know,
is he like a super deep state Tim McVeigh guy that got set up by the deep state?
Or is he his own crazy operative?
Or is he being set up and is he totally innocent?
What do you really think about Stewart?
As we now know, he went back with Ray Epps to the founding of this.
this and that Ray Epps was involved at the very beginning.
And Ray Epps is obviously being protected, obviously working for probably the Southern
Property Law Center, fits the M.O.
I mean, what do you think is going on?
Well, important distinction, Alex, I don't remember ever hearing the name Ray Epps before
the news of January 6th.
I understand because he only goes back to the founding of Boat Keepers.
I know you were there as well, but he only was there at the very start.
And I never heard of it.
So, what I think happened, I actually believe that Rogue Elements got involved with Oath Keepers sometime before January 6th.
Six months, a year, you know, I suspect that person... And maybe he was weak-minded, they gave him money, they beefed up his ego, he didn't know... Person number 10, who was identified by Mother Jones as Mike Simmons, I'm very suspicious of.
He appeared late in the evolution of Oath Keepers, and shortly after that is when I started noticing things that bugged me, and shortly after that is when I resigned because of, I believe, that my team was being set up at the Atlanta rally.
I think somebody who was at that command post that day wanted a violent confrontation involving an elected and outspoken I totally agree with you.
I started seeing Stewart really change, what, about two years ago?
It was a year to two years, and once again, I'm not throwing stones at Stewart.
There was probably 15 guys around that command post.
And I'll hear you, but when you read this indictment, they have no credibility.
I gotta hand it to whoever, if this is made up, this is some really sophisticated BS.
Alex, they've wanted to indict Stewart actively since the Bundy Ranch incident, which I did not attend, by the way.
Prior to the 1st December rally, my contribution to Oath Keepers was mainly, I was very involved in the very beginning, getting it off the ground, and I served on the board of directors.
John, that's where I wanted to go next.
Tell us about Oath Keepers and its history for all these new people that don't know what it really is, because I know it was a bunch of retired and current police and military good people wanting to promote Constitution.
The answer.
To 1984 is 1776.
Now look, there's a big debate on should we have a revolution or not, and I'll just be honest with you.
I'm not scared of prison or dying, because I've committed to this fight, but I am scared of leading people into destruction.
And I've learned enough in my life that people who think they know how stuff's going to go down haven't been around the block.
I'll talk about that some at the start of the next segment when some stations join us, I'm not scared to fight the New World Order.
I'm scared to fight them the way they want me to and then we lose everything because they want a physical fight.
There's no doubt about that because we're intellectually beating them.
It doesn't mean I'm going to take people physically attacking me and not fight back, but I'm just saying, why do we want to give our enemies what they want?
Stuart was going in that direction.
Are these indictments real?
We don't know.
John D. Shirley was a founding member of Oath Keepers, and he's now a retired police officer from Houston, and he's got the bluesharkshow.com that you should check out, but this is a shorter segment, longer segment coming up, but just continue on with why you got into Oath Keepers and what Oath Keepers did then versus now.
All right, sounds good.
Alex, before I go there, I want to say that after the event that happened in Atlanta, and I honestly believe my team was attempted to be set up, and thankfully Thankfully, I think happened because I don't want it.
I didn't want violence then.
I don't want violence now.
But the important thing is within 24 hours, I resigned from the organization because I was at that point convinced that something was seriously wrong, that the organization was going rogue or somebody was.
Yeah, let's be clear.
They were sending in a provocateur from the Oathkeeper encampment to mess with an Oathkeeper That's right.
Absolutely right.
that was doing Intel gathering, clearly they were trying to play you
in some type of thing they were ginning up.
And you didn't know who did it from Oath Keepers, you're just not an idiot, you could see the setup.
That's right, absolutely right.
And can you imagine the headline, Alex, had a cop and two other guys,
a cop and an elected official, and two other experienced, trained,
former government employees get into a fire fight with a bunch of 14 to 16 year olds.
What would that look like?
You'd have killed them all and then you'd have been mass murderers on the news.
Okay, so that's what happened in Atlanta and that's why I resigned the next day.
And I can't point the finger directly at Stuart Rhodes.
I can point the finger that the organization under his leadership At the very end, it got really scary.
Scary to me enough to where I threw away 10 years of association with the organization in 24 hours after that experience.
So, a lot went on at the very end.
But let's go back to the beginning.
Oath Keepers was established sometime in 2009.
I can't even tell you when, okay?
But it actually got its start on the Free Republic forums, and a bunch of former police officers and soldiers said, you know what?
We're really concerned about the soldiers And the police officer not paying attention to their oaths of office.
There are very specific things that they swear an oath to and it sure seems like they're forgetting that and they're doing the bidding of evil politicians.
And so it was born sometime after 2009 and that's when I got involved with the organization.
And I actually started the first Oath Keepers Facebook group way back before I even got permission.
I had to ask forgiveness after I created it because I was not affiliated with the organization.
So, I've been involved from the beginning, and from the very beginning, the organization was meant to be almost 100% a teaching organization.
Our whole goal was just to remind police officers, remind soldiers, why it is you swear your oath of office, and who you swear that oath of office to.
It's to the Constitution, it's to the people, it's not to rulers, it's not to political parties, it's not to their bosses and the police department, it's not to their generals.
They're swearing an oath to the Constitution to protect and defend the people, basically.
They're the people's protectors, and that's what Oath Keepers was designed to do.
So, if you take a look and see what it was envisioned as, and what it was established as, versus what the picture that is being painted on January 6th, I don't recognize What happened on January 6th, as being Oath Keeper.
All right, stay right there, John D. Shirley.
Let's come back and talk more about this.
But it's the perfect sign-off, if it was run by the Southern Poverty Law Center or some group like it, hypothetically, from the beginning.
To have a big, legitimate, open, come together, have peace, have justice, rediscover America, civil defense, and then turn it into an instrument to trigger a new civil war, so you can demonize your opposition.
All right, John D. Shirley.
He's a retired police officer and he was one of the founding members of Oath Keepers.
He resigned shortly before January 6th because he thought what he saw was some of the Oath Keeper operatives trying to set up a fight between them and Antifa.
And thought, this is really creepy, this is crazy.
So for some stations that just joined us, recap what you think's happened and where this is going.
Because obviously we know that there was this Ray Ebsky, we know the feds were involved, we know Andy was dressed up like Trump supporters, we know they ordered the stand down of the Capitol Police, we get they're branding Americans as terrorists, doing this big power grab rollout, but at the same time we need to also warn people That if you think you're joining a militia or something, you need to know a lot of the time it's going to be federal and globalist organizations doing that to control the opposition to be able to then stage events and blame you for them.
And anybody in a militia or any group that goes, oh, don't listen to Jones, he's just anti-militia or he's anti-oathkeeper.
No, I'm not.
I'm all about citizens being armed and having civil defense and protecting ourselves and having communities of the people.
I'm saying that scares the system, and that's their end run around the Second Amendment, is to create or infiltrate paramilitary organizations to then set them up for crimes the deep state commits.
And now the whole push, the re-election campaign of Joe Biden, Is that Americans are about to stage terror attacks, and that Americans are evil, and that white people are bad, and police are bad, and everything, and we've got to have martial law to stop them.
So this is their big push, and it looks like Stewart fell right in their trap.
We pray for him.
He's in jail right now.
We don't know what the Justice Department is saying is true, so right now we're in a nebulous area, but we're talking to one of the founders who was there and saw a very dangerous direction.
So please continue, Mr. Shirley.
Alright, quick recap for those that didn't catch it before the break.
I had serious concerns after the first DC rally shortly after the election.
I had concerns about the Oath Keepers organization and stuff that was going on internally.
In the Atlanta rally about a week and a half later, I had other serious concerns culminating with what I believe was an attempted, created violent confrontation between Antifa and my security team.
I resigned the next day.
So that brings us back to where I talked at the top of the founding.
The Oath Keepers was founded as one thing, a teaching organization, and on January 6th, I don't recognize the organization that they're calling Oath Keepers, what went on on January 6th.
I believe that there were people that infiltrated and either tripped Stuart, got leverage on Stuart, or something.
And the person that has the most smoke, and I'm not accusing him of anything, Is the person that's identified as person 10 and all the investigation who is known as whip and the reason I'm suspicious of whip is he was not a member of Oath Keepers to my knowledge before late 2019 or 2020 and then when I showed up in DC for the first DC rally.
Stuart was referring to him as a VP of the organization, and I never voted for him, and I was on the board of directors, and I never heard he was made a VP.
So you have a guy from nowhere who goes by Whip.
Nobody even knew his real name.
He wouldn't tell anybody his full name.
And if you remember, when he finally showed up at the first DC rally to the area where we were trying to help the dignitaries get through the first DC rally, he showed up and he was dressed In dark clothing with a dark backpack and a face mask covering the entire lower half of his face with a cap pulled down over his entire forehead.
That's how he was dressed when he was supposedly representing Oath Keepers at the first DC rally right after the election.
So I think there's smoke all around him.
I don't know who he is.
I don't even know what his real name is.
But I know that Stewart was calling him a VP and I know that he was At the DC First Rally, he was at Atlanta when my team got set up, and he was also at January 6th, and he has yet to be indicted.
So you're talking about somebody that could be the real next Ray Epps, basically?
In fact, I'm actually more suspicious of person number 10 than I am about Ray Epps.
Well, tell us more about him.
About person number 10?
All I know is it was floated to me in late 2019 or early 2020 that Stewart knew this guy.
He went by whip and he was a former police officer who apparently was railroaded out of... He's a black male, by the way.
Not that it matters, but I just want you to know.
He was a police officer that apparently was involved... Oh yeah, he's been at my office with Stewart.
He was apparently involved in a bad shooting, supposedly, that was really legit.
And Stewart was said to be part of the organization.
That was early 2019, I'm sorry, late 2019, early 2020.
Okay, I have no idea anything about him.
No, no, no, that guy gave me the, that's when I told people,
"I don't want Stewart Rosen to show anymore, "I don't want him around here."
'Cause Stewart was acting all jacked up, and this guy was like, really acting aggressive.
And really, I don't know how to describe it, but it's like really, really jacked up,
and like, (grunts)
also looking at me aggressively.
And I'm not like somebody who just makes up stuff.
Someone's looking at me like they don't like me, and like, 'cause the left does that.
When they get around me, they get really crazy.
And that's what he was doing.
He was like, "Oh."
I know, and this whip, person number 10, Was it all three locations?
And Stewart was pushing him to be my number two guy in Atlanta when we were going to be set up.
You know, was that an attempt?
So where's all the wit these days?
What's he up to?
He's not indicted is all I know.
Yeah, that's him.
I met him.
He's been to the office.
So that's my suspicion.
That's my suspicion.
Stewart's involvement with any of that?
I have no idea.
I have no idea.
In fact, I look at my role going forward with this is really just to be kind of oral history about what occurred before Oath Keepers went rogue and what occurred that led up to me resigning because I believe that was in the mix when I resigned.
Something was going on, I sensed it, then what happened at the Atlanta rally was the nail in the coffin and I got out because I felt it was going rogue and it went rogue.
Now, how it went rogue, whether Stewart was actively involved in it going rogue, I don't know.
But it was going rogue, and I feel that my story is just a piece of a puzzle.
And so hopefully somebody else out there, with more of the pieces of the puzzle, they can bring their stories out, so maybe one day we'll actually know what really happened.
Well, absolutely.
And, you know, we've all been around former soldiers and people that have been through a lot and think they're tough and are kind of crazed and into it.
But the guy you talk about, we can put that picture back up on screen.
That's him.
I was at the office.
I remember saying to the crew, I said, no more Stuart Rhodes.
This is like, I don't know, a year ago, whatever it was, more than a year.
It was before January.
I was just like, I could pick up, you know, the criminal energy.
It was just like, this is not good.
And it had a really bad feeling.
You know what I mean?
I do.
I know what you mean.
I mean, I was around him twice.
Once in the first DC Rally, and at the Atlanta Rally.
And when I saw what happened, and my team getting set up, and then I think back, he wanted his guy, Stewart, wanted his guy, Whip, to be my number two when that confrontation took place.
Because I'm afraid there were somebody at some level was planning for a violent confrontation that day, and it was going to be a flashpoint for something bigger.
And it disgusts me, it angers me, and really questions everything about my association with Stuart Rhodes from the very beginning.
But you, as a personal opinion, feel like this guy could be the handler?
Well, I got the heebie-jeebies from him.
Well, I think you're well-served, sir.
Well, yes sir, to you.
So where do you see this going now?
Well, if I know Stewart, which maybe I do, maybe I don't, I don't expect him to plead.
Well, that's why I told people I didn't think Stewart was a Fed.
I mean, I told national people this off-record.
I'm like, no, he really believes this stuff.
Oh, but see, here's a silver lining.
If Stewart, if, okay, big if, if Stewart is a Fed, And they've now charged him.
That means they're done with it.
So I'm actually more concerned about an Epstein situation going forward with Stuart Rhodes than anything else at this point.
I agree.
If he really is a double agent, which I don't think, they're going to kill him.
He's more of a useful idiot.
And I don't mean that meanly.
You know what I'm saying?
That's actually probably the best description of Stuart Rhodes that I've ever heard anyone say, Alex.
He's a romantic.
That's absolutely right.
He'd ask me, like, aren't you ready?
He would never get technical the last few times, like, and that guy was there, the black guy, like, look at me, like, aren't you ready?
Aren't you a man?
I'm like, what's going on?
You know, but nothing was ever discovered.
I'm like, what the fuck?
No, I don't know.
I want peace.
Let me explain this.
The left, the big money, the globalists are engaged in a high tech psychological war that's going physical.
They want to make it physical because they're losing.
And because their old lies didn't work, they didn't give up, they tripled.
And quadrupled down.
And so when you see federal filings against Owens saying he doesn't work for Infowars, we want sanctions, we want perjury charges, he doesn't work with Alex Jones, he didn't have security on January 6th, he didn't try to stop the invasion of the Capitol, it's all on video he did!
But they're betting that the juries are so dumb and the judges are so corrupt they can do it.
It's the same thing with the Sandy Hook stuff.
Barely ever talked about it.
Not even who I am.
And then the stuff they put in the news, it's like totally twisted lies.
None of it's even real.
But that's not the sign of a winning group.
That's the sign of losers.
And so it's up to us that know the truth and love justice to hold the line like our ancestors and not back down to this.
And for those of you that keep us on air and support us, you are so amazing.
Let's go back to John D. Shirley, retired police officer, one of the founding members of Oath Keepers, talking about what he saw.
And they probably fed Stewart's ego.
He probably had some type of psychosis.
If you ask me personally, I don't know this, but where he changed, I believe he was this messianic figure that would trigger the second American Civil War.
He got walked by feds as one of the groups, along with Q followers and Antifa dressed up like Trump supporters to break into the Capitol.
They arrested Enrique Tarrio, the head of Proud Boys, because he wasn't going to support an attack.
They slipped their federal agent in there, we know that.
And so this was very well played, using psychology.
That's where we are now.
The question is, was Rhodes working for them?
I don't think so.
I think he was set up.
But the bottom line is, everything is January 6th now, as the New York Times said in that headline.
Every day is January 6th.
They're betting everything they're doing, their censorship, their lockdowns, their tyranny, their control on leveraging January 6th out as we're all terrorists and that's
why it's good to see the Republicans in Congress and the leader of the
Republicans in the Senate saying they're branding the Republicans as terrorists, they're
trying to ban our party, this is outrageous. They finally get it John D.
Shirley. So I want to get your final in the six minutes we have left. Any other
points you'd like to make?
Well I think if you listen to my story about the Antifa event in Atlanta, I
told you that I thought that Antifa Atlanta or the people they had there for
that rally was like a LARP.
And maybe the right way to look at it is what's being overlaid with Oath Keepers on January 6th, what's being overlaid with the name and brand Oath Keepers on January 6th, is actually also a LARP.
Whatever happened, whatever the organization was prior to January 6th, It was turned into something else on January 6th.
If, indeed, anything what they said in the farcical, in my opinion, indictment, if any of that's actually true.
Well, I totally agree with you.
And, you know, it's insane that I didn't even ask who that guy was.
I met him and he was here with a woman and then that guy.
I just, my alarms went completely off of that fella.
Here's the real question.
Where do we go from here, Alex?
Because I actually believe that the reason the Oath Keepers was set up is still just as relevant today, actually more so, than it was in 2009.
Now, I'm not advocating that someone else needs to step up and take the reins of Oath Keepers and charge forward.
No, I agree.
We shouldn't demonize the main mission of Oath Keepers.
It was a great idea.
And peace officers, more than even in 2009, need to pull out their constitutions and read it.
And take the scales off their eyes and make sure they're doing the will of the people.
Well, Hitler knew his main enemy was the military and police.
That's Operation Valkyrie.
So, exactly.
They know the real Achilles heel they have is the military and police following their oath.
And so that's why it was so key for them to infiltrate or whatever they did with the Oath Keepers.
And one of the reasons why Stuart knew the government was so distrusting of Oath Keepers is because We always projected, and we said, and we always believe, that for every one dues-paying oath-keeper, there's probably 10 or 20 peace officers and soldiers that know about us, and know that what we say is true, and that are actually really members.
So, you know, the important thing is the message.
The message gets out, and it's very widespread, and that's what the government fears, because they can't control it.
Well, yeah, my gut is Stuart got desperate.
His wife divorced him.
He fell apart.
He almost lost everything.
And then he just suddenly, oh, here's this money.
Here's these guys.
They're going to help you.
And they knew how to psychologically manipulate him.
And the rest is history.
Well, when he and I were talking in 2019 and 2020, he was just this side of homeless.
And I'm not saying that to be mean.
I'm saying it because it helps explain maybe his situation.
Yeah, Stewart is a good man and a romantic.
And you can see his perspective, a globalist takeover, a stolen election, hey, let's be George Washington.
But we're not in 1776, that doesn't work now.
And he got set up by these people.
I think that's really the best analysis we've got.
That's why I told my crew off record, I said, no, Stewart's not a Fed.
Stewart's a romantic being set up by Feds.
And we now know what happened.
And I want to be really clear.
Resigned the organization on November 24th, 2020 at no time on or before that date had anybody in the organization that I was aware of or involved with the organization in any way had said anything about taking on the government on January 6th.
There was no talk, nothing I heard.
So if it was happening, it was happening behind the scenes of behind the scenes.
Or it was happening among the Fed handlers and just waiting to roll it out.
I don't know.
But there was no talk of it.
That would have been a ridiculous notion had someone brought that up in my presence.
Well, yeah, attacking the Capitol is the last thing you do in an insurrection.
I mean, it was a PR victory for the enemy.
If what they laid out in this indictment, Alex, is true, well then honestly, Stuart Rhodes deserves to be found not guilty by reason of insanity.
Because if that was his plan, if that was his plan, that's insanity.
It's prima facie insanity.
You can read their indictment and say, if they're being honest and true in this, Stuart's nuts.
Nuts to the point where he's not responsible for it.
I mean, you talk about it.
This is crazy.
All right.
All right.
Well, John D. Shirley, please come on our other shows, give us updates, reach out to us.
And thank you so much for coming on and God bless you.
Thank you for having me, Alex.
People need to check out the Blue Shark Show.
That's doing a local version of Alex Jones, taking to task your local crooks.
The Blue Shark Show on YouTube.
And yeah, well, I mean, I've seen your show before.
You cover national stuff, too, right?
Well, I'm actually, they cover what some of the goings-on of the office.
That's beautiful, yeah.
We do it with information, not with violence.
Alright, thank you John D. Shirley.
the local the local swamp in Hood County. So if people want to know how you how
you drive the swamp out of your county go look at the Blue Shark Show. They'll
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and not even name them on your show. But they know who they are so everybody
check out Blue Shark Show. That's how you take a look. That's beautiful yeah we do it
with information not with violence. All right thank you John D. Shirley thank you.
All right I got some final news to hit before Rowan Schroeder takes over and he's
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Well, I don't say this to get you to marvel at me.
In fact, I tell you, we're in a lot of trouble because I'm about the best we got.
It's really true.
And I've learned about the dark side of the New World Order.
I've learned about their dirty tricks.
I've learned about that gun kicks as hard as it shoots, as they say in Texas.
That old Wisconsin saying, they shot at me and missed.
They SH-T'd me and hit.
You know, I've got some really big news to cover.
That I meant to cover yesterday, but it's so important.
I just, man, I should make a big deal about this.
I shouldn't just put this out.
You know what I mean?
Because if we just put this out, it has no effect.
I'm going to play this next clip to start the next segment.
The Dutch Prime Minister Confronted by one of the members of Parliament about, hey, you heard of Klaus Schwab?
Oh, no, I don't know who he is.
Heard of his book, Great Reset?
No, what's that?
Oh, well, you wrote the foreword to it.
Oh, you were saying 9-11 didn't happen.
I mean, this is actual video of one of Klaus Schwab's agents who went to his Bilderberg graduation school Telling someone, gaslighting them, I don't respect you.
It doesn't exist.
He's like, he wrote the forward to his book.
Everybody starts laughing in the room because they are all in on it, folks.
Total dishonor.
So listen, I've already, you know, the bigger the show, the shows have been giant.
We have an extra couple million viewers a day, thanks to all you spreading the links and the interest in the show, to like 3 million, because everybody exaggerates numbers, but we don't exaggerate.
We've got 3 million people on Threshold Radio a day tuning in on average, and we've got over 2 million tuning in on our streams and things that have been banned on video, but it's been double that the last few weeks.
I really respect the 7, 8, 9, 10 million people tuned in.
I love every damn one of you.
I mean, I mean that.
I just want you to have a great life and a great future, and I'm fighting hard for you.
But I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not doing it for you, man.
I'm doing it because I hate these people.
I just, I'm like a dog wants to, you wonder why a dog wants to chase a squirrel?
He don't know why, I just want to do it.
So don't think I'm doing this because I'm some hero.
These people are garbage.
And all I got is, I want to stop them so damn bad, I'll do anything to do it.
Anything that doesn't hurt innocent people.
If it hurts me, I'll do it.
And man, I've already seen our effect.
It has been together what we've done has changed the world.
And it's been so incredible.
But I don't sit there and feel good when I watch the Justice Department file a case against Owen and lie about him.
I don't feel good like, oh, I get to be the high and mighty person.
I'm going to go on air and say how the FBI and the Justice Department are bad.
That makes me feel better than them, that I'm bigger than them.
No, it makes me go, how the hell do they find this many evil people?
I mean, maybe we are an evil species.
So I'll hit this big news fight back against the great reset.
Now our politicians are owned and bought by this criminal syndicate next segment.
But look at this article.
You just heard last week that I got $156 million in the bank.
Wish I did.
Ain't that much now.
$156 million 20 years ago is about $5 million.
That's how devalued stuff is.
But I don't have a million dollars personally in my bank account.
We tried to file sanctions because we have a protective order to protect our banking info and all our information.
And it's signed, it's in the court, and they don't care.
They just leaked it all to the news.
So we, twisted by the way, so we go, we try to have a hearing, and the judge goes, I'm not going to hear that, I'm going to sanction you again.
I'm a Democrat Party Yale person, and you're a bad American, so I'm going to do this to you.
We're like, okay.
And now it's not $156 million I'm worth.
It's $6.2 million I'm worth.
And they even count debt I owe to a bank as money.
And then they say, it gets better, oh, oh, you have inventory.
And that's what they've told us.
They said, hey, you could pay $10 million to the Sandy Hook people for questioning media lies or media reports.
And we're like, we don't have $10 million.
They go, well, you got product?
And see, that's how it works.
I've got to buy product six months a year out now.
Used to, it was three months out, to have product to sell.
So I'm always at the point of like, we're always on the edge of being shut down.
So I'm like, do I spend the money we've got to buy product and hope we'll be here?
Or do I not?
They're like, well, you got millions of dollars of product there.
You got a warehouse with water filters and storable food and supplements and t-shirts.
And they're like, why don't you just give that to us?
And we literally approach them and go, do you have any basic, like, five-year-old math skills?
If we're making 30, 40 percent And we've got these bills to pay, even if we wanted to pay you people, but notice, notice, you're not stupid, right, audience?
You know this.
You heard everywhere, we didn't give them anything!
We never gave them a document, but they've got every banking document, they've got everything about us, because I knew they were doing this, I'm like, here it is, and then they go, he didn't give us anything, we got all your banking records, we got everything on you right now, we're gonna destroy you.
It, like, none of it even matches up with reality.
And so, I bring in lawyers and I say, I want... People blame my lawyers.
Most of the time it's not their fault.
They're like, they go, your honor, we'd like to file a complaint that you did a protective order and I was supposed to release these documents, plus they released them incorrectly, and they're like, oh no!
That's not what's happening!
You get more sanctions!
Ha ha ha ha!
And again, I don't sit there and go, poor me!
I'm under attack!
Now I'm not some seven-year-old kidnapped in Mexico and took across the Texas border to be gang-raped by up to 100 dudes a day.
And the FBI knows about that.
It's on record.
No, no.
I'm not a little kid getting gang-raped.
I'm doing awesome.
I'm big.
I'm strong.
Hell, I'm built for this.
I actually kind of like it.
But I'll tell you this, it pisses me off because we're trying to protect the children and this is the crap we do.
So I just pray in the name of Jesus.
That God bring justice on these people because it is so sick to watch the total inversion of reality and it's so filthy.
Oh look, I'm not worth 156 million.
That was last week.
Now it's 6.2.
So they're getting it down and they go, Jones's private bank account has 400,000 like I told you.
Which ain't that much in a fight like this.
So, and they're like, but he's got a couple million in inventory, and why his equipment we think's worth four million, he got six million dollars!
We want the six million dollars for our jury, because you questioned us!
That doesn't make me feel sick for myself.
It makes me feel sick for America.
Because I've got my integrity, and I've got the fact that I mean, you know, as a man, I can't help it.
In a fight, I kick like a mule, I bite like a crocodile.
I mean, I'm a man.
I mean, a lot of guys beat my ass, but they're going to know they were in a fight.
And I'm just telling you, everything I am is on the line for this country.
And I get to watch a rigged system rape and screw and lie and say Owen Schroeder attacked the Capitol in federal filings, the FBI, and that he doesn't work here?
It's the same thing here.
Lies and fraud and corruption is just the veins of these people.
It's everything they are.
But you know, God's real and they're going to pay for what they've done from God, not from us.
But I haven't plugged in this whole three plus hours, three hours and 42 minutes I've been on air and I've not plugged the products.
But yeah, I need your help.
I need money.
The great part about this is when it's all said and done, I'm not going to have nothing.
These leeches ain't going to get nothing.
It all goes to the fight.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's the final segment of the Alex Jones Show on January 14, 2022.
And my flesh is exhausted, but my spirit has never been stronger.
All right, so there was major damage control this week dealing with this.
The Dutch Prime Minister is a graduate of Klaus Schwab's Bilderberg School.
You can look it up for yourself, don't believe me.
And he wrote one of the quotes for the Dutch version.
Yeah, they are together giving each other awards on screen.
Great job, I haven't even seen this.
So here they are giving each other awards.
And then, when one of the members of Parliament confronts him for the lockdowns and the tyranny and what they're doing, he says, oh, I don't know who Klaus Schwab is.
I don't know who the Bilderberg Group is.
I don't know about the Great Reset.
And the member of Parliament, who's a great patriot, let me get him on the show, speaking German, which is Dutch, a Dutch derivation of German, he says, he catches him, he goes, oh, you know who Klaus Schwab is in his book?
No, don't know about that.
I'm just like his butt buddy and write forwards to his book and give him awards and get awards from him and a graduate of his school.
It's like asking Roger Stahlbach, do you know about the Dallas Cowboys?
Oh, I don't know anything.
It's like asking the current quarterback of the Buccaneers, do you know anything about the New England Patriots?
And he's like, no, I know nothing about the New England Patriots.
Or asking Terry Bradshaw, do you know about the Pittsburgh Steelers?
And Terry Bradshaw says, what are the Pittsburgh Steelers?
Are they stealing something?
No, they make steel.
They pour steel.
So again, that's the disrespect of the enemy, that they never respond to you in any way.
Yeah, they give each other awards.
Yeah, they write forwards to their books.
Yeah, he's the Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
Yeah, he's confronted.
And he tells his constituents, I don't know who he is.
He should be removed from office now.
He shut their economy down.
He put them under martial law to train to be slaves, where he sits there smiling about the criminal operation they've launched.
And it's that arrogant, jerk attitude at the Justice Department and at the UN and everywhere that's killing us!
So I will try my best, though they talk fast, to read the subtitles for radio listeners, but you can find the video.
But look, oh, fact check!
World Economic Forum letters show 51st annual meeting invites.
And the letter, you can read it yourself, say, you have done well, continue lockdowns, we are the dominating planet, soon we'll be in full control.
People are like, oh my god, look at these letters!
Like, oh, well, they don't really mean that, I mean, you know, everything's fine!
Invites the Davos Show, direct collusion between the WEF, World Economic Forum, and the Dutch government.
And so, finally the Dutch Back it up.
These guys talk fast.
I think I talk fast.
One of these globalists is Mr. Klaus Schwab.
I'm at the stop it and start it so I can read this to you, but it's incredible here it is
The boss open back it up Guys talk fast. They got talk fast one of these globalist
is mr.. Klaus Schwab continue. It's the head Klaus Schwab founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg
He wrote a book with the catchy title, COVID-19 Great Reset.
That's all true.
He wrote a book with the catchy title "COVID-19, The Great Reset".
That's all true.
My question to the PM is, how does he judge the content of this book?
I do not know this book.
He wrote the frickin' forward!
Who's the current Dallas Cowboys quarterback?
I mean, I don't even follow it.
That was Tony Romo before.
Who's the new guy?
The point is, this is like literally... I just can't believe the gaslighting.
I'm gonna stop doing the football analogies.
I haven't watched football anymore.
Let's start this over.
He's written the forward to the book for the Dutch version.
That comes out.
He gets awards from him.
He doesn't know who he is.
Let's continue.
I do not know this book, but I would like to advise Mr. Van Meijen not to look too much into conspiracy theories.
I also watch those fascinating YouTube videos.
They explain how 9-11 didn't happen.
No, he said the state worked with the Muslims.
Or that it happened in a different way.
They are nicely put together, but most of the time it's just what it is, a conspiracy theory.
That's what it is, a conspiracy theory.
It surprises me that the first question I asked of Mr. Root since I have been sworn in as a member of parliament.
[Speaking Dutch]
Thank you very much, but it surprises me that my question was answered with a lie.
[Speaking Dutch]
I have a letter dated November 26, 2020 from Mr. Root to Mr.
Klaus Schwab, who he doesn't know.
In which he thanks Mr. Schwab for sending him the book.
In which he thanks Mr. Schwab for sending him the book.
And he calls it a hopeful analysis for a better future.
Could Mr. Rutten dig into his memory?
Could Mr. Rutten dig into his memory?
It's less than half a year ago.
I do not know how long your memories remain active.
But you can probably dig this up somewhere.
So please answer my first question again, but this time with honesty.
Honest, please.
Well, the honest answer is that that...
Well, the honest answer is that it is a letter out of pointlessness.
...a letter in which you...
Because, unfortunately, you cannot read all books that you get sent in.
Unfortunately, not all books you get sent in from KAF or KAF can be read, but...
Back it up.
So not pointless as I misread that.
He said it's a answer of politeness.
Obviously, I can't read all books.
Oh, but you wrote a foreword and you give awards to each other and your best buddies.
Dunk, dunk, dunk, Michael Jordan.
Well, the honest answer is that it's a letter out of politeness.
Because unfortunately you cannot read all books that get sent in.
Hit pause.
So 30... a minute before, he doesn't know who Klaus Schwab is, he doesn't know about the book, he doesn't know about the letter, but now he knows all why he did this.
But you want to send a thank you letter to those who sent a book?
So Mr. Root...
That he didn't lie to me, but he lied to Mr. Klaus Schwab.
Mr. Schwab.
I have another question Mr. Schwab pleads in his book for resetting our world.
He wants to replace our parliamentary democracy with a global technocracy.
parliamentary democracy to be replaced by a global technocracy.
He pleads for the end of private property.
He pleads for the end of private property.
And apparently Mr. Root is not even aware that he called this a hopeful analysis for a better future.
How is it possible that Mr. Rutte values a book that has neo-communist messages?
that he has called this a hopeful message for a better future.
How is it possible that Mr. Rutte values a book that has neo-communist message?
How is it possible that Mr. Rutte values a book that has neo-communist message?
While he did not even read the book.
Thank you, Mr. President.
So there you go.
That young man is awesome.
And that's, I mean, just look at these people.
No one stands up to these scums.
He looks like Mr. America, all cool, arrogant and so, I don't know who Klaus Schwab is!
I'd just write books with him and hang out with him and get awards with him.
I don't know, like screw you, man!
I mean, okay, own your judges, own your system, run your scam.
Do it.
We're done with you.
We want out of this world with you.
We don't want to be run by you.
We don't want to be around you.
And I've done three hours and 57 minutes of airtime today.
And when I get my most fired up, I don't ever remember to do this, but we extended the sales.
I don't have a new sale.
Vitamin Roll Fusion 50% off, actually 50% off.
We'll run through Sunday.
If you don't find us, we'll be shut down soon.
I mean, I'm not bitching.
I'm not mad at you.
You don't want to be here no more.
I'm sick of looking at these people.
But Infowarsstore.com, Infowarsstore.com, keep us on air.
And I really appreciate you.
The War Room with Owen Schroyer, Darren Bede is coming up with huge false flag news today.
He also said war is politics by another means.
They're interchangeable.
We are in a war.
There is a global corporate takeover, the Great Reset, happening worldwide.
And Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and the UN admit this is their takeover.
They brag that they had this Davos school for 40 years that trained almost every one of these so-called leaders from Canada to New Zealand, from the UK to Germany under Klaus Schwab and Henry Kissinger's control.
And now they're launching their world government to collapse society to then carry out State Department memorandum 200 for forced depopulation.
And that's why InfoWars is under such incredible attack.
Because we actually identify who the globalists are and go after them.
Donald Trump knows who they are.
Senator Rand Paul knows who they are.
Senator Josh Hawley knows who they are.
Ted Cruz knows who they are.
But they won't dare go after them because they know when you do that, the system destroys you.
Well, you know what?
I stepped up to the plate.
And you stepped up to the plate supporting Infowars over the years.
So we're here fighting and identifying them to make it safe for other men to finally take action and save our republic and save our world.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you know InfoWars is not going to give up or give in.
And your support over the years is the only reason why we're still on air.
And quite frankly, it's a miracle.
I think in the new World Order timeline, they really did not expect us to still be on air.
And that's why they're pulling out all the stops right now to try to destroy us.
You see about 25% probably of the attacks against us.
Maybe, now that some of it's getting more public, it's closer to 50.
But still, just the tip of the iceberg.
But you in the audience keeping us on air has been a miracle.
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