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Name: 20220113_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 13, 2022
2514 lines.

The speaker talks about how those in power use events to their advantage, such as the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots. They question why the Department of Justice has different standards for those who commit violence. The speaker also discusses Dr. Fauci's funding of gain-of-function research and his denial under oath. Additionally, they talk about military exercises in rural North Carolina where soldiers are battling seasoned freedom fighters. They warn about the government deeming Americans as domestic terrorists while posing as protectors. The segment discusses a document titled D-POP, which proposes using technology to extend life expectancy while mandating implantable chips. The speaker argues that this agenda promotes a satanic mimic plan of God's plan and pushes people towards a beast system. They emphasize the importance of health supplements and urge viewers to recognize the threat of globalism and join the resistance against the New World Order.

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And it's all public.
You don't need Alex Jones to tell you what's coming anymore.
Like a Mack truck, it just hit us.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Those aren't words, folks.
That's what this is.
We are being conquered.
We are being usurped.
And it's not like it's the Romans taking us over, and most of the time they were better than the group they were taking over.
Being taken over by the Romans was a plus in many areas.
This is not being taken over by nice people.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Dimms announced new terrorism plan.
That's a quote.
It's the terrorism plan.
It's not like your 401k or not like your vacation plan.
No, this is the plan where you're the enemy from ever on.
That's what all the surveillance grids were for and all of it.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Dimms announced new terrorism plan.
That outlaws all opposition creates one party state.
Now, if you're a TV viewer, you can see the stacks I have here.
These giant five-inch tall stack right here and others are their admissions on every point.
The current FBI head, the former deputy director, all of them saying, quote, all Republicans are terrorists.
All Trump supporters are terrorists.
And they've announced the new unit, the new nationwide group, that's going to watch you, and going to control you, and going to teach you that white people are bad.
This is some sick, evil stuff.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It has been known since the dawn of civilization that a tyrant will always find a pretext for their tyranny.
January 6th insurrection.
I know where I stand.
I will not yield.
I will not flinch.
I will defend the right to vote.
Our democracy against all enemies, foreign and, yes, domestic.
And so it goes in 2022 as an unyielding portion of the bureaucracy of the federal government of the United States, poisoned by visions of globalist totalitarian grandeur, fueled by the 109-year inhabitants of a foreign central banking cartel, will utilize their one-sided characterization of the staged events of January 6th to propel their quest for unlimited power.
During 2020, Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots all across the country.
There were over 700 police officers injured by Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots.
How many people have been charged with crimes of violence concerning those riots all across the country?
I don't have information on how many, I would say, you know, hundreds of people have been charged.
You would say, but you don't know.
You know, when we asked you why the Biden Department of Justice has such wildly disparate standards, we asked you, why is it that you won't target the rioters and terrorists who firebomb cities across this country?
The answer we got from the Department of Justice was shameful.
On October 22nd, you came back and said, quote, The department is dedicated investigative and prosecutorial resources commensurate with the significance of these events.
By significance, I guess it means the political benefit to the Biden White House.
Whether it's unconstitutional vaccine mandates and lockdowns resulting from gain-of-function research engineered by the seemingly untouchable Nuremberg Code violations of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Fauci, you previously told this committee under oath that NIH and NAIAD have never funded gain-of-function research with the EcoHealth Alliance.
However, a report from the Department of Defense, Inspector General, released yesterday states that EcoHealth Alliance opposed DARPA in 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses.
This proposal named Project Diffuse, D-E-F-U-S-E, was rejected by DARPA because the project didn't address the current research's potential to violate the Gain-of-Function moratorium.
Why did you tell the committee that your agency has never funded Gain-of-Function research?
Why did your agency award this grant despite it being rejected by DARPA due to its concerns about violating the moratorium that was in place?
And finally, Will you commit today to release all records fully unredacted by the end of this week so Congress and the American people can know the truth about NIH's role and the origins of COVID-19?
You are totally incorrect!
Well, we look forward to reviewing it.
What a moron.
Or the current war games being played out in rural North Carolina, where a realistic guerrilla war will be fought across two dozen North Carolina counties in the coming weeks, with young soldiers battling seasoned freedom fighters, according to the U.S.
Army, as the Charlotte Observer reported, known as Robin Sage.
The exercises serve as a final test for special forces qualification course training.
The setting is characterized by armed conflict, forcing the students to solve problems in a real-world setting.
These military members act as realistic opposing forces and guerrilla freedom fighters, also known as the Pineland Resistance Movement.
To add realism to the exercise, Civilian volunteers throughout the state act as role players.
Participation by these volunteers is crucial to the success of this training,
and past trainees attest to the realism they add to the exercise.
"I seen that woman out there, man, they were beating the hell out of her!"
We now have a federal government deeming Americans demanding a redress of their grievances as domestic
Meanwhile, haphazardly attempting to pose as the saviors to protect the American people and its country club of career politicians, gaming the system from an informed patriotic majority,
when everyone knows deep down in their gut that we must inevitably save ourselves from the unrelenting
tyranny of a republic hijacked by a power-crazed sociopathic elitist
establishment drugged by institutionalized Marxism
and dominated by foreign control.
it's thursday, january 13th, 2022 InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
You're a librarian, Mr. Wordsworth!
You're a dealer in books and two-cent fines and pamphlets and clothes stacks and the musty insides of a language factory that spews out meaningless words on an assembly line.
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind, like a vacuum that you make believe has an existence by scribbling index numbers on little cards.
I don't care.
I tell you, I don't care.
I'm a human being.
I exist.
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives!
Even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins with printer's ink!
The narcotics that you call literature!
The Bible!
Essays of all kind!
All of it!
An opiate!
To make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream!
and the state has no use for your kind.
You waste our time, Mr. Wordsworth, and you're not worth the waste.
Instruct him.
Romney Wordsworth, step back to await the finding of this board.
Yes, sir.
How do you find, ladies and gentlemen?
I concur.
Romney Wordsworth, step forward.
The board finds you obsolete.
If I told you ten years ago that white people would be denied medical care
because of the color of their skin, you would think I was a liar.
Though I did tell you that was coming.
And if I told you 25 years ago the U.N.
would use a virus scare to bring in world government and world IDs, tracking us via smartphones and implantable microchips, you'd say I was crazy.
But it was in the documents that's now come true.
I didn't just make that up.
It was in their own admissions.
If I told you that they were going to create part animal, part human clones in pigs, sheep, cows, and apes to grow human organs inside of them for transplant, You'd say I was crazy, though it was already happening before I was ever on the air 28 years ago.
And it's in the news today.
In a first, man receives a heart from a genetically altered pig that was part human.
New York Times.
The point is, is that they don't want us to discuss the things they're doing and building when they're in beta.
They want Us to learn about it when it's in its full rollout so they can stampede us and set the precedent.
You truly will get the future news.
Tomorrow's news today here because it's really not tomorrow's news.
It's already going on.
It's already being set up now.
I've been very upset the last three weeks.
And I've tried my best and I've prayed about it to not get angry.
And, you know, the biggest thing is the attacks personally on us are so over the top and so crazy that as a man, it's almost like I don't even want to address it or talk about it.
And I know I should intellectually, but there's just something about me doesn't want to air all this horrible stuff, though you're definitely going to want to know.
And it's incredibly newsworthy.
And for some reason, probably because I know it gives them intel on where they're heading and where they're having an effect, I just, my subconscious won't let me tell you the stuff that's going on.
But at a certain point, you just gotta go ahead and just spill your guts.
But I think the best way for me to explain all this to you is to cover it in the general news about what's happening to you.
Because what's happening to you is happening to me.
I just am deeper down the rabbit hole than most of you have gone.
Some of you have gone further down and I really feel for you.
But I signed on for this.
I wanted to fight evil.
I wanted to stand up against corruption.
And so I'm actually extremely blessed and more alive than I've ever been.
I'm so alive right now.
It's unbelievable.
It's very intense to be somewhat aligned with God.
I'll just say this more than most people.
I'm very aligned compared to the average human with God.
That doesn't mean I'm perfect or great or something.
No, I mean, I'm just dialed in.
And it's painful as hell.
But there is a There is an exhilaration in it at the same time, and I think C.S.
Lewis, who's an incredible mind, right up there with Carl Jung, you name it, because I've actually, you know, read their books.
I don't just say I know this intellectual, that intellectual, but you compare what these guys wrote to even other folks like Plato, that was an amazing mind, or Nietzsche, who was an amazing mind, or Thomas Jefferson, who was incredible, or good old Benjamin Franklin, who distilled just common good knowledge down in an amazing way, when he wasn't.
Doing some of the bad things he did.
All of this, ladies and gentlemen, is just incredible.
So I've tried to figure out how I'm going to cover this.
I've tried to think of ways to bring this out to you.
And just really let it sink in that everything we cover is not separate issues.
It's all integrated in to an attack on you and your family.
An attack from which you are supposed to die.
But be sucked dry and worship your killers while they slowly do it.
This is a religious event happening.
This is a spiritual ritual taking place against you of the most sophisticated ever seen on this planet from Satan now.
The instrumentality that man has developed has allowed it to come to this level.
The integration of the human soul with the machine interface and it is a Shadow of a shadow of a shadow to God's power.
But nevertheless, we are facing the greatest challenge in our entire species history.
So, you see the folders right here?
Your TV viewer, you see these right here?
You know what all this is right here?
This is the declaration of war by a criminal group that has hijacked our nation and the world of exactly what they're going to do to you and me and everybody else.
How they've got the camps built, everything.
And again, it's been the training wheels we've witnessed.
With COVID, that's the smoke screen for lockdowns and checkpoints and doing what you're told, the military at the hospitals, and all of this is just to behaviorally get you ready with the ambient background for what's about to go down.
You're being conditioned, you're being softened up.
And the purge is going on in the government and the military and the medical system right now.
Who will do these horrible things?
Who will follow these horrible orders?
Who will check their common sense at the door to get a piece of the globalist money?
To kill granny or whatever the case is.
Believing they're part of the winning team when they're not part of the winning team.
And that's really my number one message to the people working for the system.
Who are compartmentalized and don't want to know the big picture.
You just want to do the little job and move on.
Because you're told taking care of your family is your number one mission.
And that's what a good person does.
And that's true in a 1950s system.
But we've left that completely.
This is a system where if you don't put skin in the game, and you don't resist, and you don't put it on the line, you'll lose everything.
Because you can't adapt to your own destruction.
People ask, how did the Jews and others in Nazi Germany, when Hitler came in in 1933 and then of course fell in 1945, how did they stay there as they were debanked, deplatformed, not allowed to have businesses, put in ghettos, sent to death camps?
Why did they do that?
Because it was done by increment, by behavioral psychologists.
And what Hitler did was child's play compared to what these guys are doing now.
And so, You cannot adapt to your own destruction by increments.
You must overcome this by understanding the scientific attack you're under, measuring it, and realizing your non-compliance now would easily defeat this.
But the longer it does its rollout, the harder and harder it'll be to defeat it.
This is a life-and-death situation.
Stay with us, we got big news straight ahead.
The planets have aligned politically, culturally, spiritually, eternally.
And evil is making its big play for planet Earth right now, foretold more than 2,000 years ago by the Revelator.
And now, here we are.
Next segment, I'm going to cover what today's show headline is.
And it's all public.
You don't need Alex Jones to tell you what's coming anymore.
Like a Mack truck, it just hit us.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Those aren't words, folks.
That's what this is.
We are being conquered.
We are being usurped.
And it's not like it's the Romans taking us over, and most of the time they were better than the group they were taking over.
Being taken over by the Romans was a plus in many areas.
This is not being taken over by nice people.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Dems announce new Terrorism plan.
That's a quote.
It's the terrorism plan.
It's not like your 401k or not like your vacation plan.
No, this is the plan where you're the enemy from ever on.
That's what all the surveillance grids were for and all of it.
The end of the American Republic is here.
Dimms announced a new terrorism plan that outlaws all opposition, creates one party state.
Now, if you're a TV viewer, These giant, 5-inch tall stack right here and others are their admissions on every point.
The current FBI head, the former deputy director, all of them saying, quote, all Republicans are terrorists.
All Trump supporters are terrorists.
And they've announced the new unit, the new nationwide group that's going to watch you and going to control you and going to teach you that white people are bad.
This is some sick, evil stuff.
That's coming up next segment.
But since I mentioned this, I noticed under a hashtag, Alex Jones is right.
This quote by C.S.
This is from the Screwtape Letters.
Doesn't say it on the page, but I know it is.
I read the book twice, at least twice.
Technically, I read it twice and listened to it on book on tape.
But here is C.S.
Lewis quotes.
Son, he said, you cannot in your present state understand eternity.
That is what mortals misunderstand.
They say of some temporal suffering, no future bliss can make up for it.
Not knowing that heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even the agony into glory.
And of some sinful pleasure they say, let me have but this and I'll take the consequences.
Little dreaming how damnation will spread back and back into the past and contaminate the pleasure of the sin.
Both processes begin even before death.
The good man past begins to change So that his forgiven sins and remembered sorrows take on the quality of heaven.
The bad man's past already conforms to his badness and is filled only with dreariness.
And that is why the blessed will say, we have never lived anywhere except in heaven.
And the lost, we have always been in hell, and both speak the truth.
That's C.S.
Lewis in The Great Divorce, but he also said similar things in The Screwtape Letters.
Now, I have already experienced this.
Everything horrible that's happened to me, within five to ten years, turns into the most spectacular victory.
So now I understand God's plan, as C.S.
Lewis talks about it here, because C.S.
Lewis was a wise man experiencing it himself.
That all of this torture always delivers the huge victory.
And that's why I seek the pain.
I seek the war.
I seek the fight.
I seek the attack.
Because the people lounging around thinking they're winning, the people playing along with the system and cashing the Pfizer and Democrat Party paychecks.
I know what the seed they're casting grows into, and I'll tell you, I'm a coward.
People, oh, you've got such courage, you're so amazing.
The hell I'm not!
I just have knowledge.
I know serving evil is horrible and is bad, and spiritually I recoil from it because I understand it.
And I know the things of God.
It doesn't mean I'm a good person.
I've fallen, but I know I've fallen.
And I know I want to get back up where we were before we were separated from God, and that process is going to happen.
Because, you know, man has his prisons here on Earth.
God has his prisons.
And when you realize that Earth is a prison planet, then you understand everything here.
So you think you're just here on the planet, and this is all... It's a little bit more than just a test, you see.
This is a prison.
This planet is purgatory.
And if you fail probation, you're cut off from God.
This is a place where God and the devil contend.
Because God's like, I'm going to give you one last chance.
You're now in a body conscious on this planet.
We'll see what you accept, what you what you go towards.
But I'm going to warn you one more time, I'm cutting you off.
And then you're separate from God.
And that's hell.
We are in purgatory.
Purgatory is real.
We are trapped in purgatory, awaiting the hour of reprisal, and the time slips away.
So yeah, you little devil worshippers are gonna have your victory over Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, the domestic terrorist.
Alex Jones, the evil one.
Alex Jones, the bad man, which of course I'm not.
So point your fingers, like Tony Montana says, it says, say goodnight to the bad man.
But I'm not the bad man.
I'm the guy here trying to get you to join me to get out of this together.
But alas, you're not going to listen.
And I know some of you aren't.
So you will pay and not by my hand.
I just want away from you.
And God has promised that if we go through this, he will separate us from you.
And so, just as everybody exits California and New York to flee the left, imagine that spiritual, energetic release of being away from them forever, and you pass the point of no return, and they're gone.
They don't exist anymore.
You have total completion, total peace with God.
You had to have the test.
You had free will.
You did some bad things.
Not in a past life here.
We don't know yet.
I've actually seen it.
I'm not going to tell you at this point.
You're not supposed to know this.
But the point is, is that we are here to be tested and to pay for what we've already done.
We're in prison.
And I'm like a trustee.
I'm like, I'll do whatever you say.
Just get me the hell out of here.
And that's the big truth.
I wish all of you would join me.
I don't know if you will, but I'm telling you, you're in for a lot of trouble.
Because if you think this planet's bad, if you think purgatory's bad, you ain't seen hell and I have.
I got a good look at it.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
The power of our source is God.
And it's eternal.
And all these attacks on it will fail.
All right, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And look, most of what I'm going to say is already all over the news.
It's known, but it really hit me in the last few weeks for a lot of reasons that are just so fantastical to actually be living this.
Like, again, I remember reading Globalist Plans about social credit scores 20 years ago and how they would Say, oh, we're going to not let racists have health care.
We're not going to let smokers have health care, or drinkers, or people that eat too much fat.
And we'll have smartphones that track what everybody does.
And this will build this utopia.
And of course, you know it's a total nightmare.
It's going to build a hell on earth.
Because the globalists never follow even their own rules, much less who set them up as God.
Gosh, there's so many angles to this.
There's so many angles to this.
You know, I've thought about how I'm going to cover this and how I'm going to get into this a lot because this is so important.
And then when I just get here to the point of talking about it, it's like such a big deal that talking about it almost lessens it.
Because this isn't just talk.
This isn't just something we're talking about that's about to happen, like, oh, we're about to have a hurricane hit.
Or, oh, it's about to be, you know, wintertime.
Or, oh, it's about to be summertime.
This is a end of civilization attack and event, and they're running around saying it openly to sell people that are going to buy into it.
And then when you say, I don't want it, they go, it doesn't exist in the same moment.
There's a profound video I'll play next hour that I got sent by a good friend of mine this morning.
And it gives such context to three weeks ago, letters through FOIA requests, they have similar systems in Europe, came out in the Netherlands, where their leader of their parliament is getting orders from Klaus Schwab.
And it turns out he wrote the foreword to the Dutch version of it and promotes it.
So a member of parliament, just a few days ago, confronts him and tells the leader of the government, "Hey,
have you heard of the Great Reset and Klaus Schwab?"
And the guy says, I've never heard of that.
And they go, funny, you're a graduate of his school.
You wrote the foreword to his book.
And he goes, oh, you don't believe 9-11 happened.
Well, those of us that question 9-11 believe it happened.
We're questioning how that was prior knowledge.
But see, he plays that game.
He goes, oh really?
I had the letter from you with Klaus Schwab directing you to carry out the shutdown of the government.
We're at reset.
And he goes, oh no, that's just a letter to me asking me to read his book.
And the guy is lying.
And Reuters, that's controlled by Pfizer, is telling you it doesn't exist.
And there he is, in your face, lying to you.
It's incredible footage.
And nobody's picked it up yet.
I sent it to Paul Watson a few hours ago.
I don't know who he wrote about it.
Did Paul write about it?
I love Paul to death, but stories I send him he writes about are the biggest ones.
And then he just writes like 10 articles a day, and he like half the time won't write stuff I send him.
That's how controlling I am, and I'm in control of jack crap.
That's kind of how I want to be.
I mean, I just, people that do stuff for us, work with us, we just kind of let them do what they want.
Because we believe in them already and the work they do and then just kind of turn them loose.
See, because I believe in free will.
I'm not like Satan trying to run every aspect of your life and watching what you're doing.
and see because I got my own stuff going on.
So I'm gonna try again next segment.
This is not me ear-building suspense.
How do you go on air with millions, there's a couple million people listening conservatively right now.
That's like 20, 100,000 person football fields, conservatively, are listening every hour, just on talk radio.
So, because most talk show hosts exaggerate their audience, I like to just say what we know absolutely is listening, not even counting internet streams or later stuff or band out video, you know, that's millions overall each day.
But right now on talk radio, there's over 2 million people listening to me.
I don't say like, man, I'm this big guy, I'm a big guy, I got 2 million people.
Well, look at these football fields of people!
20 football fields of 100,000 people!
I'm Alex Jones, I got a big audience, you need to listen to me!
No, it's the opposite.
I walk up to this giant audience, humongous, just endless crowds of people listening and watching right now, and I don't choke up because the audience is so big.
I choke up because it's so bad that if I don't come up with words to describe just how damn evil this is, I'm lying to you.
People always, oh, Jones exaggerates.
Notice you don't hear that anymore.
That was always the thing for 20 years.
Oh, he exaggerates.
The last five, six, seven, you don't hear that anymore, do you?
Because I'm not exaggerating.
The truth is, it's a lot worse than I even could imagine.
And now, we had a good eyeball on it before.
And we had a good estimation of like, okay, it's really bad.
It's really selfish.
It's really out of control.
It's really satanic.
But now that we're in the net, I mean, we ain't just thinking about it.
We're not looking at it through binoculars now.
We're in a net on its back and we're smelling it.
And the bugs that are living on it are crawling on to us now.
You know what I mean?
Like, we're in the belly of the beast.
And we're about to be back in the New World Order rat hole.
Can you imagine what's down the hole it's about to take us down?
Because as bad as it is being captured by this thing, it ain't got us home for dinner yet.
We're like the fast food in the car, sitting there in the passenger seat, and they're kind of reaching in and getting a fry here and there on the way home, but they ain't cracked open the burger yet, baby.
And the burger is going to town on our kids.
Are you going to sit there while they do this to our children?
The answer is no.
I'll go to break.
God help me.
And I'm going to come back and try my best.
But we need a little fanfare for the end of the Republic.
We need a little bit of Dun-da-da-dun, da-da-da-dun, da-da-da-dun, because people
need to get, you're not in Kansas anymore. This isn't a normal time to be alive. And you're going to get hurt real
bad. You think all the bad stuff has happened? Defunding police, the power being off, triple the crime, your dollar
devalued, can't buy enough food. You think that's bad? You ain't seen nothing yet, sweetheart. We are under globalist,
modern, scientific attack.
Store shelves are half empty across the nation.
Medicine's running out.
And Klaus Schwab said, they're going to become angry and accept our Great Reset.
We will give them universal income as soon as they break.
We will have them soon.
I mean, he gives freaking speeches declaring how he put us under siege to destroy us!
And then all these idiots sit there getting their Pfizer and their Democrat money, corporate money, Republican and Democrats saying, oh, nothing's everything's fine.
Everything's OK.
Oh, no, there's no problem when they're going to be totally destroyed.
And that's my most important message.
Is that you people that serve this pretend like you're on the winning team, you pretend like you're going to be OK when civilization collapses, the left on the average are the most domesticated, weak people there are.
I've got the will to sit here with lopper shears and just cut my fingers off in front of you if I wanted to, with blood spraying everywhere.
I wouldn't do that, but I've got the will to do it.
These people don't have any will.
They don't know how to skin a buck, run a trot line, or beat somebody's brains out.
You don't know what you've done!
You don't know what you've summoned!
You don't know what you have unleashed!
And you sit there and pretend like you're in charge because you're working for the globalist technocrats who are above you running this country down.
You're destroying American institutions.
You're destroying confidence.
You are killing our country!
And you think you're just conquering it to run it.
You are detonating it!
Now, I have stacks of incredible news, each article more insane than the next.
Like the announcement, the Biden administration has been illegally keeping a list of unquote vaccinated people and putting it in a database that they're now announcing they may come door-to-door and forcibly inject you.
That's mainstream news.
Just like denying white people monoclonal antibodies is mainstream news.
This is so incredible, the time that we're living in right now.
And so when I tell you that the Patriot Act is being used against members of Congress and against President Trump and against the press, one of the most sacrosanct groups that you're not supposed to have the intelligence agencies looking at, they're not supposed to even operate domestically.
But if your member Psaki, two days after Biden was in office, She said, oh, we're going to have a new terrorism division and we're going to go after the domestic terrorist.
The domestic terrorist, the white people, are the number one enemy.
These are real quotes.
Everybody laughed at that, knowing it was BS, but it's not funny.
Because they're actually going that direction.
And Ted Cruz knows the whole new regime isn't about hunting Al Qaeda or fighting the Chinese or any of that.
It's about going up against the American people.
That's why he tried to position himself a few weeks ago in that camp, but now there's a backlash.
And even Mitch McConnell comes out and says, well, we don't want to see the American people and Republicans called terrorists by the president.
I mean, imagine the president calling half the population, roughly, terrorists.
That's pretty outrageous.
But see, they've conditioned you to basically accept anything.
So here's the big announcement.
We'll get more into it in the next hour.
We'll put the headline up for everybody.
But the live show feed today.
But here's the big announcement.
The Democrats are the main group working with the EU, the big central banks, the communist Chinese, the globalists.
They're the ones dissolving the borders.
They're the ones that want world government.
They're the ones that are the main drivers of it.
And half the Republicans are in bed with them as well, so they're not perfect.
They've got a lot of problems.
So that's what's going on.
That's what's unfolding.
That's what's happening.
And this isn't the U.S.
government just saying it wants to have war with China.
This isn't like, "Hey, I don't want to go to war with Iraq."
This is our government hijacked by globalists Announcing that its main enemy is its people, and I've been telling you before January 6th, but now intensely, that they are rolling this out as their response to the election in 299 days, and their response to everything, the Great Reset, all of it, they literally are preparing in their own words, martial law, and Politico, and the Washington Post, and the New York Times, and Atlantic Monthly, and all of them are saying, we are in a civil war,
We'd get in the lockdowns if you just took a shot.
We'd get in the lockdowns if you just opened the borders.
We'd get in the lockdowns if you just submitted us.
So we're literally captured by a criminal multinational group of manager middlemen that have sold us out to multinational corporations and China that are now saying because we want our own country that we are terrorists.
So how do you do a drum roll for something that big?
And here's the deal.
I haven't gotten to the stack yet.
And here's the big plot twist for you.
It's not just hidden in plain view.
FBI agents coming to our homes, giving us their cards that they're in a terrorism investigation.
I've shown you those on air.
But to then learn and confirm from sources months ago That they have a Patriot Act terrorism investigation going, of not just me, but Congress!
So imagine, everybody warned about the Patriot Act being used against citizens.
It's being used against Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McCarthy, and Alex Jones.
And they, FBI agents, come to our houses and give us their cards, saying you're under terrorism investigation for January 6th.
Do you know what that means?
Do you know what that entails?
Do you understand?
The left will celebrate it because they're sycophantically on the payroll of this takeover, but now Mitch McConnell has to come out and say, whoa, Biden, you're saying Republicans are a domestic enemy?
What are you doing?
Well, put the show headline back up, please.
What are we saying here?
What are we breaking here?
We're only pointing out the elephant in the room.
It's like standing in Malibu on the edge of the coast is saying there's the Pacific Ocean.
It's there, it's prima facie.
This is the end of the American Republic.
The Dems are announcing the new terrorism plan, close quote, that outlines all opposition, that outlaws all opposition and creates a one-party state just like Venezuela.
So you hear about Venezuela, and you hear about Nazi Germany, and you hear about Soviet Russia, and you hear about North Korea, and you hear about China, and you hear about this, and you hear about that, and almost every country's run by this, and then you don't think it ain't coming here?
It's here.
And not by elites that want to run a big, rich, powerful country and have a middle class.
No, they hate middle classes.
They hate Wealthy, independent people, they want total power.
They're the worst, most arrogant, sickening, twisted, most of them pedophiles you could imagine.
And they've had unlimited money as they devalue the dollar.
Trillions to buy off all the opposition who thinks they're winning because their bank accounts are filling up.
Ted Cruz thinks he's winning.
They all think they're winning because their bank accounts are filling up right now.
It's all being filled up with devalued currency, and they'll be left holding the bag.
Yeah, they'll have more money than the starving people down the hill, but their security, and their future, and their future tax base, and everything is gone.
And I haven't even, as this hour draws to a close, in four minutes, hit all this.
And I haven't even sat here, and I haven't even told you the rest of the story.
Because they think we're idiots.
But we're not idiots.
You see, I'm not telling you about what's happening to me to put myself in the story.
I need to give you the on the ground view, and then I need to give you Through the other levels, all the way up to the global, geopolitical, strategic view.
Because once you get that, you'll be seeing how they see, and then you'll realize these people are assholes.
These people are jerks.
They can have incredible power, everything, humans, but they want control of human destiny.
They don't want freedom.
They don't want to ride a wave of beauty and strength and honor in the Renaissance.
They want to ride a rat hole down into hell.
And so let me state it very simply.
The Democrats represent a consortium of criminal groups.
They want to break America, break our back, consolidate it, and create a one-party state where a Mike Pence is allowed to be in government, but basically nobody else is.
You've got a little 10-15% Republican Party that's let around on a leash.
And even Mitch McConnell, for all his corruption, wants to be the big swingin' Johnson.
See, let's play the Mitch McConnell clip.
So even Mitch McConnell is like, whoa, this is unbelievably dangerous.
Yeah, they're trying to outlaw the Republican Party, evil turtle!
Here it is.
Play the clip.
Yesterday, that very same man delivered a deliberately divisive speech that was designed to pull our country further apart.
Twelve months ago, this president said we should see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors.
Yesterday, he called millions of Americans his domestic enemies.
Twelve months ago, the president called on Americans to join forces.
Stop the shouting.
Lower the temperature.
But yesterday, he shouted that if you disagree with him, you're George Wallace.
George Wallace.
If you don't pass the laws he wants, you're Bull Connor.
And if you oppose giving Democrats untrammeled one-party control of the country, well, you're Jefferson Davis.
Twelve months ago, this president said disagreement Must not lead to disunion.
Ah, but yesterday he invoked the bloody disunion of the Civil War.
The Civil War!
To demonize Americans who disagree with him.
He compared, listen to this, a bipartisan majority of Senators to literal traitors.
How profoundly, profoundly Unpresidential.
Okay, so let's stop there.
We got more coming up.
Listen, it's done.
They're gonna stage the terror attacks.
They're gonna blame us.
They're gonna arrest the leadership.
I'll tell you about it next hour.
We have the inside baseball.
This is the biggest news ever.
Joshua in Texas.
Joshua, you're on the Infowars War Room.
Go ahead.
Right on, man.
You guys talk about the New World Order a lot, and my dad was the first to expose it.
I have been banned from Banned.Video.
First of all, I wrote down that Randall Wilhite, Alex Jones' lawyer, went on record saying that Alex is a showman and just playing a character.
Second time I got banned, I said that Mark Randazza is a lawyer for the Church of Satan and now your First Amendment lawyer.
Next time I got banned is that I proved that you guys sell your products on Amazon, giving Jeff Bezos a cut of your profit.
They say you guys have to sign non-disclosure agreements.
All the employees.
So Alex actually bans your free speech.
One hour later... Josh the Troll!
You can't get Patriot Points on Amazon!
Hey Josh the Troll, I have 5,000 Patriot Points!
How many do you have, Josh the Troll?
Josh the Troll!
You need some garba-chill!
(upbeat music)
When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety
in a sense that things don't make sense, we can't understand it, and then their attention
gets focused by a leader or a series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis,
they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
Mass psychosis, also known as group mind, mob mentality, or herd mentality.
Before modern civilization, we lived in herds, and in order to survive in the herd, we conformed to the herd.
This is where mass psychosis all stems from.
The most popular examples of explaining mass psychosis are typically angry mobs and violent riots.
But these are merely the end results.
Mass psychosis begins when the individual mind starts to identify as a member of a group based on any unifying factor.
The unifying factor doesn't even need to make sense.
For many people, the feeling of unity is enough.
Our ego mind innately craves acceptance and by default will instinctively conform to whatever group it perceives to be the majority.
In order to successfully conform to the group, the individual must put aside personal intuition and follow the guidance of the group.
This makes a person highly controllable, and spiritually stifles the individual, which causes them to crave group acceptance even more.
Man's disposition for mass psychosis has been written about for millennia, most notably in ancient scripture and philosophy.
And we all experience this as human beings, whether we reflect upon it or not.
Plato argued that due to the nature of group mind, democracy always leads to tyranny and subjugation.
His concern was the lack of good leadership, and philosophized on ways of solving this.
In 1895, Gustav Le Bon published The Crowd, wherein he explains the key processes for cultivating mass psychosis.
Anonymity, contagion, and suggestibility.
This work is known to have influenced world leaders, businesses, and tyrants, of which the ethics has been written about for decades.
And yet, AP and Reuters outrageously claim that mass psychosis does not exist, when it is in fact the corporate media apparatus to which they belong that makes this all possible.
Waging psychological warfare against a group of the population who believes the media would never lie to them.
This is why the term mass psychosis is arguably a better term than group mind or mob mentality.
A change in the field of consciousness occurs.
A devolution from divine inspiration into primitive hierarchy, which has no place in a civilized society.
And yet, here we are.
Without mass psychosis, today's leaders would have no power.
Just like advertising, everything about politics is about cultivating mass psychosis.
Whereas the individual pursuit of happiness has inevitably led to beauty and innovation, creating and controlling groups of people, which has been the biggest power play on earth for all of recorded history, almost always leads to death and destruction.
The science and study of mass psychosis could be used to enlighten humanity by educating the individual about the power and potential of the human mind.
But today, the very same corrupt media being used by wealthy elites to divide and enslave us says there is no such thing as mass psychosis.
Mass psychosis is humanity's burden to outgrow.
It is why we accept the lesser of two evils.
Many of us are well aware of the frailty of man and the civilized world.
The great psychologist Carl Jung's warning to the world was that the individual must come face to face with their own shadow.
In order to accomplish this, one must liberate themselves from the collective.
And until enough of us do, Society will continue to be led by tyrants and ignorant mobs.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Here we are on Thursday, January 13th, 2022.
And again, I am very blessed and honored to be here with you today.
And I have had lawyers and other people basically ask me not to get into this.
And in respect to them, I went around them so they wouldn't be involved, and reverse engineered, but I already knew.
I guess you'd call that a parallel construction if you were in the Justice Department.
And I don't need to even tell you what's personally happened to us, because I have it all reverse engineered right here, and these stacks I'm about to cover, but this is really bad news.
This is like 50 mile an hour winds in Northern California and a big fire coming, and in an hour your town's gonna burn down.
Get what you got, get what you care about, get out, get on the highway and drive south.
This is not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not happy up here telling you this, okay?
And believe me, I'm in this with you up to my eyeballs.
I'm in this, you know, deeper than probably anybody out there, other than like Trump, who they hate.
But who does understand his real power.
So this ties into all that as well.
But also why did Trump trigger them so bad?
So here's where we are.
What was it?
Eight months ago, the FBI came.
And Sam Montoya was not here at the office.
And then they later SWAT teaming with like 20 something officers at his house, a guy with no criminal record, because he was there as a journalist videotaping what happened inside the Capitol.
And then you all know, I guess it was four months ago, Owen Schroyer got arrested and indicted for attacking the Capitol.
He never went to the Capitol.
And they said a lot of lies about him.
Even when we countered it in court, they're like, you don't work for him, Fulwarsh.
They said you didn't have security with you.
You didn't try to stop what happened.
It's all on the video.
That they even quote to show him attacking the Capitol.
The video they use to show him attacking the Capitol is video of him trying to stop the attack on the Capitol.
And that's what I'm saying is this is next level lying like on purpose.
To just, I guess, train judges to go along with whatever the government tells them.
I don't know.
But nobody's ever seen lies like this.
And in the cards they brought to Owen, and the cards they brought to Sam, it says FBI counterterrorism.
And you know they said it was a counterterrorism investigation, and you know the FBI director said the main terror threats are the American people and white people.
Imagine, black people are the number one terror threat.
That'd be wrong and not true and terrible, but white people are?
And let's deny them the monoclonal antibodies while we're at it.
What an incredible crime they're committing.
And I mean, I don't want to be enemies with McCabe.
I don't want to be enemies with Wray.
I don't want to be enemies of these people.
They are enemies of this country.
While they declare us the domestic enemy.
We're like just sitting here wanting to keep America.
They're like, no, you're a terrorist.
And then they come out in speeches, Wray, McCabe, Biden, all of them, and say, The number one threat is the American people and its populace, and those that question elections, and Republicans, and we've sworn an oath to fight the domestic enemy, and then every publication, basically, in the country, including the local newspaper, says, this weekend, we are in a civil war, and the death's about to begin.
Now, obviously, we can extrapolate out one more step here.
They're going to stage the events to make the announcement of the new Homeland Security's domestic Praetorian Guard, their new Gestapo, their SS.
I mean, you can, this isn't even connect the dots anymore.
This isn't even 2 plus 2 equals 4.
This is just, there it is.
And why are they doing this?
Because politically, they are a globalist group that oversaw the sell-out of the country.
They are bankrupted.
Everyone's voting against them.
Their cities are collapsing.
No one wants to follow them.
Blacks, Hispanics, you name it, are leaving them in record numbers.
And so, it's simple.
What do you do when you're losing a card game, if you're like these people?
You overturn the table so that no one knows really how many chips somebody had, how many cards somebody had.
Table's overturned.
I was winning when this game ended.
And you're like, wait a minute.
We had more chips.
We were winning.
Prove it.
The table's overturned.
So, we're witnessing the overturning of the tables.
And then I'll just give you the rest of the story.
We started getting calls in the last month from vendors and from software companies, you know, going, hey, so are you going to get arrested in the terrorism investigation?
Because the FBI is telling us that, you know, that asking us about you and saying you're a terrorist, which is all just what they can do outside of law, what they can do outside of the courts is just having the FBI visit somebody.
So imagine in my life, I'm sitting here now with my lawyers and people talking to the congressional committees that are just a sideshow of what the Justice Department's doing, telling them that I'm a domestic terrorist and they want to charge me with material support of terrorists.
The Patriot Act.
For organizing all those rallies around the country and the peaceful ones in DC that led up to January 6th, where they hijacked our event.
I mean, we're as innocent as the driven snow when it comes to wanting to attack the Capitol.
Why the hell would I want to screw up us trying to investigate an election peacefully and go to prison?
It's like, do you have a motive to climb into a wood chipper?
But that's where this is.
And so, yeah.
That's what's going on.
They're in the news, they're telling everybody they're under terrorist investigation, and then you've got this weird peanut gallery of CNN, MSNBC, and all the YouTubers and Facebookers praising and saying, arrest them, kill them, torture them, they attacked our Capitol, when the only real conspiracy Was the FBI and the leftists there provocateur-ing a crowd of a million people, and tricking a few hundred to attack police, and then tricking a few hundred more to go into the Capitol?
So, we can talk about info wars, and what the Attorney General said last week, in fact, get that clip, about how, you know, this is never gonna end, and we're coming after the American people, and it doesn't even matter if you didn't know You supported somebody on January 6th.
Talk about a wide net.
I mean, he's not just saying people who go to PTA meetings because they don't want pedophile drag queen story time, or CRT taught that white kids are inherently evil and bad.
If you don't want your five-year-old taught they're bad because they're white.
Well, Justin Garland, Justice Garland, he wanted to be the Supreme Court guy.
He didn't.
So I had a little Freudian slip there.
Their wannabe Justice Garland, Garrett Garland, whatever the hell his name is, the Attorney General, He is now in this position, sitting there, telling us that we're all terrorists, and telling us that questioning him is terrorism, and telling us that a civil war is coming, and telling us that we can't question future elections, because they're getting ready to steal the next election, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what's happening with the Attorney General and all the rest of these people is they're just like in a third world country up there announcing that the people are the enemy and that they're going to be going after the people.
And that's why I asked myself, why isn't Congress responding to this?
Don't the Republican Party people get your party's about to be outlawed.
You're in a purge.
You're in an authoritarian nation ending event.
And as mad as I am at the cowardly Republicans who finally are starting to get it, imagine the general public that think because they get boosted on Twitter or Instagram because they attack freedom, that they're part of a winning group devaluing the dollar, destroying the Bill of Rights and Constitution in due process, and saying there's going to be a military, that's in the news right here, overhead shot right here, a military confrontation with American gun owners.
You don't need to be the smartest person in the room or the sharpest knife in the drawer to know what that is.
That isn't the military killing Americans.
That's America destroying itself and destroying the social contract and the great reset of the collapse of civilization.
How could you get America to destroy itself?
Convince it to commit suicide with a civil war run by the CIA and the left, now doing it.
And all because their pedophile ring's coming down.
We're in a very historic moment, ladies and gentlemen.
So, multinational globalist forces that have sold this country out staged January 6th and set us up.
And they are openly investigating yours truly and my crew, not with just congressional subpoenas, but with the FBI Counterterrorism Task Force that's now officially launched, that I told you months ago was already in play, announced by the Attorney General yesterday, To basically find the evidence they need to put us in prison.
And that's not going to work.
It's a fraud.
People know that.
Unless they stage terror attacks.
And that's what you need to understand.
And the current Attorney General, working with Eric Holder, who was the Deputy Attorney General at the time, ran the Oklahoma City attack from our research.
With the Southern Property Law Center out of Elohim City.
And so you can look for them to do the same thing again.
And I can tell you, we get the chatter from all these mainline groups that mean well.
Oath keepers and proud boys that, oh, we're going to North Carolina to train for the revolution.
Be a man, Alex.
Be part of it.
I'm like, you're being set up.
That's a federal globalist operation.
Wouldn't be part of it.
And they even do it in Arizona and North Carolina, where they have the military bases.
Because again, I'm not against our military, but I'm against our military infiltrating these groups.
And I've been doing this 28 years.
I had special forces infiltrate us and try to get us to carry out terror attacks over 25 years ago, repeatedly.
And I finally got physical with one of them, was trying to set fires in Florida when I was covering a military drill.
And I just told him, I said, listen, I'm going to have to physically attack you if you do it.
They finally left us alone.
But that's the stuff we've been going through here.
This is real, folks.
This isn't a game.
It's not Netflix.
It's not a video game.
And I know you know that, but your children don't.
People born into the computers and the TVs that are immersed, they don't think a Netflix show or a video game is different than this, the real world.
And when I tell you I caught feds setting fires with gasoline and literally tackled the guy to stop him, I got witnesses, we did it.
They're trying to blame us.
When I tell you they tried to get us to blow up buildings and we stopped them and exposed them and that happened.
I mean, this is not my first rodeo, folks.
And I realized God was putting me through his own college The last 28 years for what we're entering now.
So I would have experienced this stuff because nothing teaches you like experience.
Nothing teaches you like actually doing it yourself.
So we've got some big news that's going to break next segment.
I'm still going to analyze this and get a little bit more before I announce it, even though it looks like it's confirmed, but it fits in with the theme of the show today.
And again, just imagine you laugh at one level.
I know I do.
Oh, the FBI Counterterrorism Domestic Task Force literally has boardrooms with me on big screen TVs, we know from sources.
It's in the news now, so I can talk about it.
And they've got me up here as a kingpin and then lines down to other groups and all this stuff, when I can't even hardly get lunch if I want it.
I'm not bitching.
I can barely balance my checkbook.
I do a good job on air and I cover the news, but the idea that I'm like Don Corleone up here on the mountain...
And I've got, I'm running the whole show.
I tell you I'm running the show, is that I'm American that loves freedom, that's promoting it, and I got millions of listeners that'll promote the show.
That's what I got is these badass listeners.
And I've got a decent brain.
But no, I don't have some master control over some big domestic terror group, but that doesn't matter.
Let me just boil this down, and I should probably just repeat this for the next couple hours on air.
Even though I tend to open the phones up and take calls.
The deep state has lost the hearts and minds.
The Democratic Party is dead.
There's a total political realignment that already took place six years ago.
They don't know what to do.
And so they want to create an environment of martial law based off a false civil war to try to then come in and not relinquish control.
And that works in third world countries and that's worked a lot throughout history.
And it worked in Nazi Germany, and so it may work.
You're asking, why would they do something so outlandish with masks on little children and deadly shots that erase your immune system?
This is them keeping us in the box.
Hey, you're going to be so sick from these shots if you're lucky.
You're just sick.
You're not going to be able to oppose us now.
This is war.
I mean, this is Not planes flying over, dropping 2,000-pound bombs, or tanks rolling up and shooting at you.
This is globalist psyop, behavioral psychology, attacking you.
And I get it's a nightmare.
And I get it's terrible.
And I've got family that is super smart and been around the block, and they're just now getting to where they're like, whoa, this really is a takeover.
So I'm not judging any of you.
We were having trouble dealing with this.
I am too.
But we've got thousands of articles from the Financial Times of London, the Associated Press bragging, oh, we're using military psyops to create mass psychosis for your safety so you take the shot.
But that's a lie too.
And then you go, hey, you're running psyops with psychological warfare.
They go, we got a banjo Rogan.
I mean, we gotta ban Alex Jones!
I mean, we gotta ban Dr. Malone!
I mean, they claim they're psyops!
And that's all they got.
And imagine a culture and a society based on that.
Because most societies are based on BS and lies.
It's why they don't have any success.
The West.
Christian society had the most problems, but the most success.
Because we were actually trying to find out who we were, and shake the system up.
And so we've had an incredible renaissance, and the system wants to get rid of all of that.
Because it doesn't let them play God.
It doesn't let them run you like a robot.
It doesn't let them control.
So here's the big takeaway.
I'm not even going to hit the stacks of news.
I'll hit these next segments and the breaking news.
Criminal corporate interests engaged in a criminal, illegal, hijacking, hostile takeover of the government and our systems.
And they've stolen all the money, and instead of going to jail for the Ponzi schemes, they just plan on poisoning and sterilizing us and getting rid of us.
And I kind of get their plan, like, oh, let's demolish the old garage and put a pool in back here, except I'm not a garage.
I'm not here to be demolished because you just, oh, I don't like these ugly neighborhoods, and I don't like those kids, those, you know.
Here's the thing.
You want to kill me, you're going to have to fight me.
See how that works, Klaus Schwab?
You don't just do a little Jedi mind trick over here and convince me to go crawl over in a ditch and die.
You want war?
You got it.
And Klaus Schwab's like, join us.
You're with us.
You see it.
We need you.
You people give me creepy feelings.
I'd rather get killed or put in prison than hang around with you jerks on top of a mountain congratulating each other on how powerful you are when I can feel zero Holy Spirit around you.
If I have to go to prison or I have to die, I'll have the Holy Spirit full power.
That's the drug I'm on.
So, good luck.
I got God.
I got Jesus.
I don't need your crap.
But yeah.
There's the big takeaway, folks.
Infowars officially under terrorism investigation of the Patriot Act of aiding, giving substantial aid to the terrorists or whatever, for trying to organize peaceful marches in America.
That's where your country is in 2022.
Okay, this just broke 20 minutes ago.
From phone calls we got.
Now it's in the New York Times.
So we're gonna go ahead and go with it.
It doesn't mean it's happened for sure, but 99% chance it has.
And we have the lawyer that was on the phone with Stuart Rose when he got raided by the FBI, reportedly.
Joining us next hour and Ali Alexander as well Then attorney Norm Pettus was also here on the same subject
of the takeover of America via the National Security State Patriot Act
Which we always knew would be used against the American people. It is the Patriot Act
Domestic terrorism is to attack Donald Trump's base. That's why they rhyme
domestic terrorism Donald Trump DT Both keepers leader arrested in January 6
Negation Stuart Rhodes a leader and founder of the far-right oath keeper militia far beyond far-right
It's a constitutional group.
I think it's a great group.
Was arrested on Thursday in connection with the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
His lawyer said The lawyer, Jonathan Mosley, who's joining us next hour, said he was not yet aware of the charges Mr. Rhodes was facing, adding the FBI agents took him into custody in just the last hour.
The arrest of Mr. Rhodes was a major step forward in the sprawling investigation of the Capitol attack.
And again, I've never said Stuart Rhodes was a Fed.
I've known Stuart Rhodes 13, 14 years.
Clearly, Feds could infiltrate a big group like Oath Keepers, and he would get pissed if you said that.
But I mean, that goes on.
So that's where we had some friction.
But I've never said that Stuart did that.
I was wondering why he hadn't been arrested.
But it doesn't matter.
He's a distraction from Ray Apps, folks.
He's been arrested.
Because it came out in Congress, and Ted Cruz talked about it, and now the head of the January 6th Committee, the head lawyer, was in Twitter.
In fact, Owen had it last night and asked the crew for it, and then they said, Owen's got it, and I never got it.
Can I have it?
The head of the Jan 6th Committee lawyer said, oh, well, Ray Epps didn't go in the building.
Well, why is Owen Schroer charged then?
This is all about Ray Epps, folks.
All about Ray Epps to distract on the Stuart Rhodes over Ray Epps.
Because I've told my crew, I said, I just can't believe Stuart's a Fed.
I think they're setting him up for something at the end or whatever.
But I don't think he wanted an attack on the Capitol.
He didn't tell me that.
I saw him there, you know, the day before or whatever.
But who knows?
I mean, all I know is I'm not a Fed.
And all I know is I didn't want to attack on the Capitol.
But the arrest of Mitchell Rhodes was a major step forward in the sprawling investigation of the Capitol attack.
Mr. Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper who went on to earn a lottery from Yale, has been under investigation for his role on January 6th since at least last spring when, against the advice of his lawyer, he sat down with the FBI agents for an interview in Texas.
He was at the Capitol on January 6th communicating by cell phone with a chat app with members of his team, many of whom went into the building before there's any evidence that he entered the Capitol.
But there's no evidence he entered the Capitol.
The Oath Keepers, along with the Proud Boys, have emerged as the most prominent far-right extremists to have taken part in the assault on the Capitol.
Prosecutors have collected reams of evidence against them, including encrypted cell phone chats and recordings of online meetings.
They have charged its members not only with forcing their way into the building in a military-style attack, but also with stationing an armed quick response force at a hotel in Virginia to be ready to rush into Washington if needed.
And it just goes on from there.
What a circus.
What a tragedy, ladies and gentlemen.
I just always found it hard to believe that Stewart was a Fed.
But Ray Epps definitely has.
I mean, he's definitely being protected.
And so Stewart's been arrested because the Ray Epps heat got too hot.
If you want my analysis, that's what's going on.
And it's the same thing with... I mean, here's Stewart.
I interrogated Stewart on air months and months ago about stuff, and he got so pissed at me It was a taped show.
I just decided most shows aren't taped, like nine to five percent, but we taped the show on Saturday.
He got so mad at me even asking questions that I just didn't even air it because it made him look guilty as hell.
And I was just like, wow, why are you flipping out?
Because I wasn't I don't think Stewart's a fag, but I'm like trying to understand stuff and asking real questions here.
And he flipped out on me.
And was like, I'll kick this person's ass.
I'll kick that person's ass.
And I'm like, listen, dude, I don't think you're fed.
This is what they're saying.
Let me ask you.
And I get being falsely accused of things.
It'll make you so mad.
You start cussing.
I'm the same way.
There were a bunch of Oath Keepers there that day that thought they were under secret command of Trump for the accused stuff that went in the building.
And I don't think Stuart was part of that.
You can easily have people join a huge group like that with tens of thousands of members and infiltrate it.
So I just didn't get why he didn't just say that was wrong and say it was improper.
He was like, well, it's a good thing.
This government's bad.
Remember up front he was saying that.
I'm like, oh no, it's not a good thing.
So I'm not going to speak ill of somebody who's been SWAT teamed and arrested by the feds today.
I really, I never censor guests, but I've had a few guests on.
I say never, almost never.
And I'm like, listen, We can talk about the Feds on January 6th, and that's clearly going on, but I'm not going to get into Stuart Rhodes, because I just, I can't believe it.
I think he's a true believer that's been set up this whole time.
I had to go with my gut, and that's why he's been arrested, not Ray Epps.
So we should support Stuart, and worry about Stuart, and really be concerned here, because Stuart's a very smart guy, but he's also extremely romantic.
He's a romantic.
And for folks that don't know, they're new listeners maybe, or public school educated like myself, a romantic doesn't just mean like men and women kissing each other.
Romantics are into romantic stories and fighting and sacrificing yourself.
I'm a romantic.
But I'm also a realist romantic.
In that I'm not going to let my romance with humanity and my romance with being a hero not let me get my full potential.
I'm not going to be played.
And I warned Stuart over and over again, That he was infiltrated years ago.
And I get it, he's one guy trying to run a big organization.
I can't even hardly run my own office.
But see, this is why we're all have that touch.
Because God is my witness.
And I've done this a few times, people have seen it on air, but this time I didn't do it.
I intended to come on this show today and say, I don't think Stuart Rose is fed.
I think he's been misguided.
I'm just really worried about Stuart Rhodes.
I woke up at like three in the morning last night.
I had a dream about Stuart Rhodes last night.
God is my witness before God on my children.
And I had a dream about Stuart, you know, these dreams were all foggy,
but he was key and I wanted to love him and he wasn't bad and I'd been wrong,
even though I hadn't said it on air and I need to reach out to Stuart and get him on air,
but Stuart's a jerk and arrogant and he'll think you're just manipulating him
and he's paranoid, but that I need you to reach out to Stuart.
And here we are.
The sixth sense is real, folks.
We're all connected to the universe and God.
We're all psychic.
And so I'm done talking about Stewart.
But you notice I started the whole show with the headline, the Democrats want to outlaw their political opposition.
The Democrats want to outlaw the Republican Party.
The Democrats are running on domestic terror.
So if they're running on domestic terror, Are they gonna give me the domestic terror?
It's like when you hear on the radio, monster trucks are coming next month on the 15th to the Coliseum.
Be there for the Undertaker and the Jawbreaker and the Dominator and the Mighty Volcano!
And you know, you go look, the tickets are available, you go.
When you see a big rollout, Of the domestic terrorists coming, the white people are terrorists, they're gonna kill you, blah, blah.
That's the cover for them stealing the election and imploding the dollar and finishing their takeover.
It's not smart to know that.
It's all pre-programmed, it's happening now, and even Mitch McConnell, who I've been begging on air, Old man, they're gonna get rid of you, evil turtle.
They're about to take over with a multinational deal.
Don't you bluebloods get they're not gonna leave you in the old power structure?
This is a foreign takeover.
Stand up, you dumbass!
And finally, he's doing it!
Because it's going down, folks!
It's going down!
It's going down!
By the way, I never had a dream about Stuart Rhodes.
I had one last night.
Woke up at 3 a.m.
Went back to sleep.
More Stuart Rhodes dreams.
I mean, this is some big stuff going on, folks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We know that Tim McVeigh had been recruited, he believed, into Delta Force.
And that he was then assigned to the Southern Poverty Law Center operations.
When they wanted to blow up a federal building full of children with a daycare, he said no.
So they drugged him and set him up that day.
That's a whole other story.
I learned about it from the former head of Air Force Weapons Development who fought it and it all turned out to be deadly accurate.
Like he and great FBI agent Ted Gunnarsson had told me back in 1995 when it happened.
And it was the current Attorney General that helped oversee that whole operation.
So I don't think Stuart Rhodes is a Tim McVeigh.
And even though it was crazy he hadn't been arrested and crazy he hadn't been indicted, and clearly Ray Epps is being supported by the FBI and was there provocateuring, that didn't prove Stuart Rhodes was.
And now Stuart Rhodes has been arrested by the FBI, and I said earlier, because Ray Epps thing in the congressional hearings and Senator Cruz and it trending on Twitter and the great Tucker Carlson talking about it has now come out.
And what did I start the whole show about an hour and a half before this broke?
Put the live show feed up, please.
I said, the end of the American Republic is here, Dems announce a new terrorism plan, that's in quotes, that outlaws all opposition, creates one party state, and literally says you don't even have to materially, that's a quote by Merrick Garland, last week, on the 5th of January, you don't even, I've watched it like 8 times, it's so incredible, I'm sure the lawyers, they go, yeah, this is insane.
He goes, you don't even have to know you supported somebody that protested.
Protesting is terrorism now and supporting it is terror.
We'll put you in jail for terror.
This is so huge.
So we're like, hey, there's no conspiracy charges.
We didn't conspire to attack the Capitol.
We wanted a big protest like all our others to show that we didn't buy the election.
They don't care, because they're going right to the Patriot Act.
And I can't tell you all the sources, but the last three weeks I've been really pissed.
Not because I myself am worried, I physically get sick that our country's this pathetic.
And yeah, I can announce here that they have opened terrorism investigations under the Patriot Act with a terrorism task force going back at least eight months that they now made public and official yesterday on me!
They've got my phones tapped, they're reading everything like I'm literally Osama Bin Laden, folks.
And of course, all they're getting is me like, let me pay that power bill.
Can I have a, can you order me some food?
Hey, I gotta get, you know, there's a broken pipe in the backyard.
It doesn't matter to them, though, because it circumvents the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and they want to make the whole new election in 299 days about domestic terror, and you can bet they're going to provocateur crazies.
That's my view.
Ali Alexander is a well-known political activist and somebody that was legally and lawfully
challenging the election.
And he's the only person that's had the huevos to march into that committee and give them
politically in a nonviolent way both barrels.
And he's here to respond right now.
He also got the lawyer for Stewart Rhoades that was interviewing Stewart Rhoades joining
He'll ride shotgun.
Some of the next guy are with us.
But we haven't talked until you're on right now.
You just sent me a text.
You're on right now.
You told us about this before.
It broke in the news about 20 minutes before.
What is your view of just all of this?
Because obviously the Stuart Rhodes thing is big, but then the Declaration and even Mitch McConnell saying, don't say your political opposition is all terrorists.
I think the Republican Party finally gets the Democrats' one-on-one party state.
What do you think, Ollie?
Well, I was on the phone last night with a couple of political consultants out of D.C.
and they told me, Ali, we hear you loud and clear.
It's affected everybody now.
You are right.
This is going to engulf the entire Republican Party.
We're ready to fight back.
So I think that in the next couple of weeks, especially next week, we should look for a new offense.
Uh, from some of the more conservative members of Congress.
I think that even... By the way, I'm going to interrupt you and then give you the floor and I'm going to shut up.
But let's just say how huge it is because you were definitely jacked in and hooked in.
But we have the leader of the Republican Senate, the minority leader, saying this is an authoritarian takeover.
They're trying to cause a civil war.
We've got to stop it.
So now it's out in the open.
Thank God Republicans finally get it.
And you're saying you're talking to a lot of high powered people.
They get it.
This is wonderful news.
Ali, tell us more.
Multiple members of Congress are going to be suing Nancy Pelosi and the J6 committee.
I'm already suing them.
You're already suing them.
I was on your show just a few weeks ago, and we said, we prophetically said, This is going to engulf the entire Republican Party before the spring of next year.
You and I talked that this was an elections takeover before the Jay- Well, you said that.
You just reminded me.
That was too- We got to get that clip.
You said, mark my words, by the spring, this will engulf the Republican Party.
They're going to define them as a terrorist group, and it happened.
And it happened.
This is an entire elections takeover and a lot of people don't understand what I'm seeing, the messaging that I'm talking about.
Look, you have rhino Republicans, like the National Review, telling Mitch McConnell that he needs to compromise with Democrats on the Electoral Count Act.
The Electoral Count Act This is just about stopping future protests that you and I peacefully conducted.
This is basically an anti-Alex Jones bill, an anti-Stop the Steal bill, an anti-Ollie Alexander bill.
But here's the problem!
If Mitch McConnell compromises with that, Chuck Schumer is going to put the Freedom to Vote Act with Nancy Pelosi just passed today.
This is an entire coup.
This is why Joe Biden was in Georgia.
This is why Kamala Harris was in Georgia.
There's a total takeover going on right now.
And what it requires is them to entangle all the Republicans.
in the J6 committee while they pass what they call a voting rights bill. It will permanently
federalize elections and there will not be free and fair elections in America ever again.
That's right. In fact, Schumer even says it's terrorism and white supremacy to not let people
vote with IDs, but you got to have an ID for a five-year-old to go to McDonald's.
Exactly. And think about this. They said because of J6 and the domestic terror problem,
the increase of domestic terror, we have to pass the electoral count act, but also stick
to John Lewis Advancement Voting Rights Advancement Act and the freedom to vote.
So the bottom line is they know there's a political realignment, they know they've lost, and just like Venezuela, they're going, no, we're going to do a dictatorship instead.
Bingo, bingo.
And so, to talk lightly about Stuart Rhoades' arrest, you know, I wanted you to be the one that broke the news.
One of my attorneys, I have four, was on the phone with Stuart Rhoades while he was getting arrested on a case not related to mine.
And look, there's a lot of questions that I think that Stuart Rhoades needs to answer before the American public.
But every American is presumed innocent, okay?
Absolutely presumed innocent.
And my question for the FBI is, is this raid from pressure from congressional Democrats to
elaborate on conspiracy charges, to paint the entire Republican Party as a conspiratorial, seditious,
you know, paramilitary, which we're absolutely not.
We're not even capable of effectively communicating.
Well, exactly.
Again, there's a branding of the Republicans as terrorists.
They've already put up with censorship, open borders, everything.
Will these idiots pull it up with this or will they finally wake up?
Right, and so, you know, while there's a temptation on some of the right to just throw Stuart Rhodes, you know, down the barrel, and then there's a temptation to act as a reactionary.
My gut tells me Stuart's innocent, it always has.
I think he's a romantic.
We know Ray Epps is the guy.
Yeah, I mean, and that's another good question, is why is the J6 committee so hell-bent on clearing Ray Epps' name when he's the only one on camera caught violating the law?
And then why does this announcement follow?
Remember, Bannon was never supposed to be prosecuted by the DOJ.
That's a pressure, a legal pressure from Joe Biden on Merrick Garland.
So is Merrick Garland again caving to protect Ray Epps.
And then to take down Sue Roach.
I don't know!
And again, people are like, who cares about January 6th old news?
This is the whole next election.
299 days out.
They're betting everything on this.
This is their whole push.
This is everything now.
This is everything.
And a lot of people thought that you and I were centering ourselves, you know, with the 2022 elections.
No, folks.
The New York Times told us this in their occult plain sight trick.
They said every day is January 6th, whether we like it or not, Patriot.
We are going to have to answer.
Do we have due process rights in this country for the criminally accused?
Are we allowed to protest and seek redress from our government?
Wally, I know you know this, but I'm just revealing it now, and I've got documents.
You know you and I are under official counterterrorism.
They have green berets watching us, like we're literally Al-Qaeda members.
I know that we have FBI threat tags that are unique to us, and, you know, I consider it a badge of honor.
You know, this is an illegitimate government, and yet I haven't called for violence, you haven't called for violence.
We're the last people that want it!
It's the left that needs it.
We're winning politically.
We're winning spiritually.
We want peace.
We don't want war.
They do.
Not us.
We're on record.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
All right, stay there.
He did call me 20 minutes before it broke.
It's his lawyer that was talking to Stewart when this happened that broke this, Ollie Alexander.
Ollie, you're so censored.
Real fast, how do people find you and support you?
Telegram, Ali Alexander, and I'm excited that you're going to talk to my lawyer.
I'm going to go jump on the phone with a member of Congress.
We're going to fight back really hard.
Can't wait to be back on the show, Alex.
All right.
God bless you.
We'll be right back with his lawyer.
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Well, we talk about tomorrow's news today, but sometimes it's next hour's news today.
We broke here, thanks to Ali Alexander.
Stuart Rhodes has been arrested and indicted for January 6th.
And from what I've seen on the videos, he didn't attack the building.
He didn't tell people to attack it.
I think he's innocent.
Though I had questions for him because he had a lot of feds around him, like Ray Epps in the past.
But notice Ray Epps still hasn't been indicted, ladies and gentlemen.
Leader of the Oath Keepers and 10 other individuals indicted in federal court for seditious conspiracy and other offenses related to the U.S.
Capitol breach.
Now notice today, our whole show is about the branding of the American people as terrorists ahead of the elections in 299 days.
That's the whole show.
And I told you, I'm under domestic terrorism investigation With the Pentagon, not just the FBI and the Army.
Isn't that cute?
They know damn well what I do.
They know I literally am Mr. Goody Two Shoes.
Don't even speed my car.
They've got everything surveilled because they know who I'm talking to on the phone.
That's really why they're upset is because I have a lot of connections and my connections get stronger by the day as everything I warned of comes true.
You guys are making me powerful.
I don't want to be this powerful.
I want you to go away and stop it and you can still run the U.S.
and be all rich.
But no, you gotta run everybody's lives, don't you?
You're the Mafia.
You're the control freaks.
You're the thugs.
So we're going to go to break and some stations join us and we have the lawyer working with Ali Alexander who was on the phone.
We just got on with us and I really appreciate him coming on.
He was on the phone with Stuart Rhodes.
I guess was there when it happened.
We're going to be talking about that coming up in the next segment, but I've done Two hours and two minutes of radio and I'm not plugged once today.
And I got to tell you, I was almost going to talk about this because I'm not very Machiavellian.
And there's a lot of reasons not to tell you what's going on.
But do you know why I knew about the anti-terrorism investigation?
The FBI has been visiting our vendors and companies we work with to get a shutdown.
They've been messing with us.
They've been subpoenaing and they've been doing it all.
And telling them it's a terrorism investigation and telling them not to talk to me.
Down to software we use.
So I'm being literally gang raped by the FBI and I would just I know you love the Chi-Coms, the New World Order, and you're so tough and everything.
Look, just, you're insane!
You're bad!
You're not good!
I mean, at least the ones doing this.
I don't blame all the FBI agents.
And that's not some ass-kissing thing.
I've known some good FBI agents in my life.
Really, some of the best people I knew were FBI agents.
When I was a little kid, I knew some that came over to the house.
You know, Ted Gunnarsson was a great guy.
I want to believe you're not the worst people on Earth with your, you know, short hair and clean cut and a bunch of jerks.
that serve evil, but you're really doing a bad job keeping up your appearances.
And so that's it.
And you know, here's the deal.
I know the whole New World Order plan.
It's designed to discredit the government.
And it doesn't mean I love that government or I accept everything it does or I think it's totally legitimate, but it's my government.
And see, I'm sophisticated enough to know this whole process is to discredit the government and collapse civilization.
And aren't you people smart enough?
Oh, I get it, though.
You were groomed and picked because you follow orders and you'll do the work.
You're like a mule that hauls iron ore out of a mine.
You work hard, you do your job, you follow orders.
Well, then, just fine.
Go from us in peace.
And forget we were ever your countrymen.
And crouch down and kiss the hand that feeds you, as one of our founders said.
But as for us, we're not going the direction you've gone.
We're still good people.
All right, Jonathan Mosley is a lawyer who broke the news, now being reported in the New York Times and CNN, that the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers was arrested, along with 10 others that have been indicted, and we have the indictment right here in our hands.
So, Jonathan, thank you for giving us this exclusive today, and please tell us exactly what was happening and what unfolded.
Hi, it's John Mosley.
I hope you can hear me, and I wish we had time to do a proper video, but this is breaking here, and yeah, I was actually on the phone with Stuart Rhodes about something else related, and everybody's calling me, so I hope it doesn't screw up my phone connection with you.
No, you're doing a great job, brother.
Tell us what happened.
All right, so, actually, Stuart Rose was slated to appear before the Select Committee today, which, because of COVID, they're making it remotely.
And yesterday, we got a postponement to a specific date in three weeks, which, to my surprise, means the Selective Committee didn't know, you know, about this.
Although, you know, in all of this, I don't know who to trust.
I don't assume anything.
No, that's fine, sir.
Just give us all the data.
Tell us everything.
Alright, so this morning, well actually about 12-20, I was on the phone with Stuart Rhodes talking about his appearance before the Select Committee and he got a phone call from the FBI saying they were outside and he needed to come out and be arrested.
And Stuart Rhodes connected us in by conference call and I was able to confirm in talking to the FBI Special Agent and the things that he was being arrested, we had a DS late, make sure to give him some time to get dressed and
worry about everybody else in the house.
They did not tell us at that time what he was being arrested for.
And I was just trying to make sure everything remained peaceful and calm and nothing get
So I was on the phone for about 10 minutes while they were arresting him, trying to herd
everybody out of the house that was there, which means that I assume that they are searching
the house, probably still doing it now.
Um, going through all of his documents and records and seeing what might be there.
And I'm also very concerned he gets a good Texas lawyer so his bail hearing is not done poorly.
Um, because if he, if his, the way the D.C.
court is handling this, if the initial bail hearing is not done perfectly, they don't get out.
They don't get another chance.
So, right now I'm worried about him going into the, into the, Well, the problem is that public defenders are not necessarily bad, but they don't know all the facts.
They don't have all the evidence.
What's the proper way to handle it, Counselor?
The problem is that public defenders are not necessarily bad, but they don't know all the
They don't have all the evidence.
So it has to be done, you have to have an attorney who really knows what evidence to
A lot of times the evidence is not put into the bail hearing because the lawyer, yeah, at first doesn't know everything, doesn't know, doesn't know you, doesn't know what you did, what you didn't do.
And then you try to come back later and provide additional information to the court.
And the D.C.
court is saying, oh, you could have, you could have done that the first time, so we're not going to listen to it.
So everything that you know, every document you have, every bit of evidence that you're not a threat, what really happened, like your wonderful video of what you did at the Capitol trying to defuse it, you know, that has to go in the first time.
Because if it doesn't go in the first bail hearing, they're not going to listen to it, which is wrong, but that's the way they're treating it.
So everybody's being, all these people who are in bail, in detention, can't get out of bail, largely because their first bail hearing was done Superficially.
You know, slapdash.
And not with full information.
So, at least... Well, I'm impressed you care about Stewart and getting him out quickly, but tell us why you were talking to Stewart, what was going on, what else you know, please.
Well, of course, nobody knows, you know, who's going on with what, why Ray Epps hasn't been indicted.
Everyone's saying that Stuart Rhodes, you know, why hasn't he been indicted?
I've been looking at the press release, and I do think this is more to respond to the questions about why he hasn't been indicted, so they went ahead and indicted him.
Yeah, I don't see anything new here.
I'm very familiar.
I represent Kellyanne.
Yeah, I think this is all about Ray Epps being one of the top stories in the country for the last week.
Because again, I don't see Stuart Rhodes running around saying attack the Capitol.
I see Ray Epps saying it.
So this only raises more questions.
And I think this is sort of, you know, I think this is bread and circuses to distract from those difficult questions.
Let me just say this.
I mean, this is in the news now, but we've been contacted.
We know.
I'm under terrorism investigation, literally under the Patriot Act.
I completely agree.
members of Congress are. I mean, I think that's why Senator McConnell is so upset
saying, "Don't declare Congress your enemy." I mean, this is... and then you've got the
Attorney General saying this is just like the Civil War, where Lincoln
arrested members of Congress. I mean, this is crazy.
I completely agree. It's just... it is very scary. And the committee, like the Selective
Committee, as I call it, is pure politics.
They're not interested in what they're supposed to be looking at.
And they're criminalizing political disagreements to a degree that I've never, ever seen.
Well, Judge Jonathan Mosley, please start over because I interrupt a lot.
You're on the phone with Stewart today, I guess about a matter for your client.
I'm not sure if he can tell us why.
You're on the phone and you're there when he gets raided.
Yep, I was talking about whether he's going to object to the select committee, whether he's going to plead the fifth, whether he's going to try to narrow it.
And in the middle of that, he gets a phone call.
He said, wait, I have to take this call.
And then he passed me in and the FBI special agent was outside his door.
I'm sure not alone, but I talked to the special agent and they said, you need to come out and be arrested with your hands up.
And, uh, we, you know, we talked a bit about he needs to get dressed and things like that.
And, and I told them, please don't handcuff and abuse the other people in the house.
They're not, you know, they're not being arrested.
So please just let them clear the area because they've abused other people like that in the past.
And so we got arrested and we'll find out.
Well, then the news release from the Justice Department came out almost simultaneously with that.
So, it's all very political, I think.
Well, it's absolutely political, and I'm going to ask the question again.
Why isn't Ray Epps arrested?
There's no good reason for it.
Even if he was just being a dumb, you know, a flash the way Stuart Wright wondered, he's still on tape
telling people to go into the Capitol.
So there's no one else who would be the leader of the Seditious Conspiracy but him.
So there is no good... I cannot imagine any innocent explanation for him not being...
and I don't want to wish anybody to get arrested, but you know, please understand me, but in terms
of the government's behavior it just stinks to hide.
Oh yeah, Owen Schroyer was arrested for being with us and trying to stop the riot and the incursion of the Capitol, the breach of the Capitol, not an insurrection, but it was a riot and a breach, it was wrong, and it got provocateured obviously, but some people went along with it, so let's be honest.
He literally is facing years in prison, and they say in the federal filing, Owen's lying.
He doesn't work for Infowars.
That security wasn't with him.
He was just tagging along.
Why would feds tell lies like that in the federal filing?
It's just, it's mind-blowing.
Well, the indictments are full of lies.
And I want to, if I have just like, you know, 90 seconds... Yeah, yeah, tell people.
The government has known since May and March that in their FBI interviews, which they finally released, that every part of this is a lie.
Not only do they know from the Oath Keepers' interviews, various Oath Keepers' interviews with the FBI, that none of this is true, but they have known it since March to May of last year.
Everything that they just indicted these people for, I have proof that everything in that news release is not just a lie, but the government knows that it's a lie.
They've known it for most of a year.
And they keep going.
I mean, I've got the documents.
It's not my opinion.
I've got the documents.
Oh, no, no, no.
They say in federal documents, when no one tried to dismiss his case, that he broke in the Capitol, never went in the physical Capitol, that he doesn't work for me, that he's perjuring himself, and that the security wasn't with him.
It's all on video that security works for him.
He was with us.
I mean, it's like saying the sky isn't blue.
No, everything, people should understand, you know, people, you talk to some of the people and you say, well they weren't the violent one, then you talk to another group, well they're not the, either, I mean, basically nobody is guilty except a few numb skulls who beat up on- That's right, you've got a million people in D.C., you've got hundreds of thousands show up, the police are understaffed, a few operatives help break through, some knucklehead idiots, hooligans, help break through, it's terrible what happened, but we as Americans didn't do this because this crowd got out of control.
Yeah, and almost nobody is guilty of what they try to say the whole crowd is guilty of.
John Mosley dot com.
That's his website.
Now I already had Norm Pattis, famous criminal and constitutional lawyer, joining us this hour.
We push him back a little, he understands.
He's coming in the next segment because all this is breaking.
We've got Jay Dyer, does an incredible job, hosts the fourth hour.
I'm going to take a little bit of his time to finish up all the other news because it's massive.
The leader of the Netherlands got confronted for being an agent of Klaus Schwab, denied it, then they produced the fact that he wrote the foreword for Klaus Schwab's book.
I mean, they just lie, ladies and gentlemen, it's what they do.
So, that's all coming up at the start of the next hour.
But notice, we're tomorrow's news today, or next hour's news today, we're in the zeitgeist.
Full show headline, Democratic Party overthrowing the Republic, Branding and listing all opposition as terrorists.
You don't have to have old Alejandro Jones tell you that anymore, do you?
You can go see them doing it.
They are a lost party.
They work for foreign interest.
They sold the nation out.
They're trying to establish a Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea style deal because it's all they got.
They want to hold on to power.
They've gotten away with it.
So why not do it?
And they're not even thinking about how this will destroy the U.S.
standing worldwide or how it'll just annihilate the nation.
But that's why it's a group above them launching all this discredit the country.
I don't want to be enemies with the Justice Department.
I'm not kissing their ass, I'm serious.
I don't want to be enemies with the FBI.
I don't want to be enemies with the military.
No, I understand they're made up of people just like us, but the leadership is marching all of us into a conflict that will destroy our futures.
And I don't think anybody can deny that Biden and the Great Reset and the COVID BS and all of this is bad.
I mean, my God, Joe Rogan was a mainline liberal.
The system got so bad, he woke up.
Same thing with Tucker Carlson.
Join Joe Rogan.
Join Alex Jones.
Join Tucker Carlson.
Join everybody else that just wants to have a good future for our children and stop all this.
We don't need conquest anymore.
We don't need one party running stuff.
I don't want to run your life.
We got plenty of resources.
We can do anything.
And that's why they're scared.
Because they know the end of their hegemony is coming down.
We need people running things that don't want to run things.
All right, going back to John Mosley, the lawyer who was on the phone with Stuart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers.
He and 10 others indicted.
Tell us what they're indicted for.
I know it just came out and where you think this is all going and any other key points.
John, we really appreciate you.
Yeah, they have been indicted with seditious conspiracy.
And I remember everybody saying, you know, well, if there is a sedition, why hasn't any been indicted?
And then low and bold, they say, OK.
Oh, John, I got to stop you and I'll give you the next segment.
This lawyer coming in to join you.
Oh, my God, it just hit me.
Am I wrong to say this is finally the first sedition or conspiracy charge?
So, so Garland promised last week there'd be sedition charges.
Here it is.
And everybody's been, you know, they've been protesting that thing.
There was no insurrection, except on November 3rd.
And there is no coup, except what's happening in the Select Committee.
And then so they say, okay, fine, we'll, you know, we'll cover up that public relations, not legal problem, but that public relations problem by indicting them for seditious conspiracy.
And what I read What's coming out as a you know, trying to scan as I was on hold They have no additional facts
They brought in two more defendants, Stuart Rhodes, the head and founder of the Oath Keepers, one of them.
But there's nothing new except they're just changing the name to Seditious Conspiracy.
And everything that they're naming as facts, they already know is untrue.
And I have the documents to prove it.
So there's nothing really new here except the public relations.
In my opinion.
Well, so I started the broadcast three hours ago, two and a half hours ago, saying they're going to launch their war on terror on the American people.
It's imminent.
They're going to move into sedition, conspiracy and terror.
And now it's here.
I sadly said so.
And too many people have heard you and others warn and say, you know, all that could never happen.
And it's happening.
And to put this in context about the seditious conspiracy, I think everyone should see your video from the Capitol trying to de-escalate things.
I think that is the most amazing video of you trying to get things calmed down.
By the way, I think your security staff got them to make a phone call to the U.S.
Capitol Police back at the headquarters.
We did.
We have gotten other phone calls in discovery.
We haven't gotten that one.
The prosecution has not released that phone call.
John, I should point out, you're representing some of the folks, right?
You're exposing this.
Well, I guess.
Spend a few minutes telling people what you're doing.
I should have said this up front.
Thanks for being a better journalist than me.
Explain what your position is and why you're in the middle of this.
Well, I represent Oathkeeper Kelly Meggs, who came up from Florida.
I'm actually helping with a lot of the group of defendants.
The defendants' attorneys are actually talking to each other quite effectively and getting better, and so I'm getting the discovery, the stuff that they're not releasing publicly.
They're giving some of it to us, but we can't share it unless we fight for it.
We're getting ready for trial on April 19th, a four-week trial, and it's just a gigantic amount of work.
wanted Stuart Rhodes to testify and he was willing. He said, "Yeah, the guys are
innocent. I've told the FBI, you know, that none of this is true." And then he asked me
to help him with a select committee and that's why I was on the phone with him.
So yeah, I am in the middle of it and because of that I've seen most of the
documents in the discovery and I know that the U.S.
Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia knows that they're lying.
And one of the lead prosecutors, I'm kind of hoping he's going to wake up one day and say, I'm the guy putting people on boxcars, and look in the mirror and say, I'm not going to do this anymore.
That's my hope.
Wow, John Mosley, M-O-S-E-L-E-Y, johnmosley.com.
We got a few minutes to break, but please come back with Norm Patus,
who's another lawyer like yourself.
I wanna get his ideas and take on this.
But I came here to folks to tell you some of the stuff.
Some of it, nobody's telling me not to tell you this, but I know what the media's gonna do, whatever they do,
but they literally have counter-terrorism teams following me around, okay?
They literally, they've done, it's ridiculous.
But I'm not that important, I'm not stupid.
They are just training the military and everybody.
It's in the news right here.
Army to conduct guerrilla warfare exercise, training troops and overthrowing illegitimate government.
And then they're training to, quote, take on the Patriots.
I mean, this is insane.
I know I'm not a terrorist.
I know I don't want violence.
And they literally have the FBI branding me as this.
This shows us how much trouble our country's in, John.
Well, and Alex, you have the video to prove it.
And when you say, well, that doesn't apply to me, everybody's in the same boat in the sense, like, none of these allegations are true.
You say, well, I know that's not true of me.
But you go talk to the other people, and you find out it's not true of them either.
The whole thing is just a gigantic big lie.
It's the Reichstag fire, really.
Well, they knew crowd control.
They knew of a million people show up and you don't have crowd control.
They had 80 cops total in the capital, usually 300.
And then a few provocateurs started a fight, the cops fought back, people got pissed and fought them like idiots, and then people broke through and now they want to put us in prison for this?
And you'll note that the fight towards the Metropolitan Police Department.
John, you're an expert on this.
You're representing a lot of the folks.
We've got Norm Pattis as well.
We'll talk about it all on the other side.
Stay with us.
Don't hang up, John.
John Mosley, lawyer, last talk with Stuart Rose was he was SWAT teamed by the FBI.
He's with us now.
He represents quite a few of the people on January 6th.
So does Norm Pattis, my lawyer.
And he was already coming on this hour to talk about martial law, the police state, how much should we tell you.
Because the FBI sure as hell ain't hiding it when they march around.
We want to talk to you about the terrorist activities, Alex Jones.
You think about terrorism?
And people are like, oh God, you're in trouble.
We better run away from that.
It's meant to mark all protest as terrorist.
And protesting is not terroristic.
As you said this morning, we talked about 7 a.m., Norm.
And it is so frustrating.
This is like the McCarthy stuff on steroids or PCP.
I mean, this is just the whole world's freaking out, by the way, right now about this.
They're like, what the hell's going on in America?
White people don't get medical care and they're all terrorists.
And anybody that protests is a terrorist.
I mean, Norm, what do you make of this?
I'm surprised you didn't play the Doors' This is the End.
It feels that way to me.
It's a new McCarthyism.
You know, the seditious conspiracy charge shocks me.
I pulled the statute when I heard about it.
I had a few minutes.
And, you know, lawyers think in terms of elements.
What in the hell can the government be thinking?
They've always been calling an insurrection a sedition.
Finally, a charge!
Well, here is what they appear to be thinking.
Two or more people agreed to hinder or delay the execution of a law of the United States.
That is every protester who appears at a public meeting.
You don't want Congress to sign a resolution to attack Iraq.
You're trying to hinder a law.
So, lawyers, constitutional lawyers like Mr. Mosley, like myself, we are aware of what a doctrine called the Overbreadth Doctrine.
When a doctrine impinges speech, chills speech, and is so broad in its impact that it gives a prosecutor to pick and choose who to prosecute, people of ordinary sensibilities do not know what is or isn't prohibited.
What's more, with respect to First Amendment rights, fundamental rights to freedom of association, fundamental rights to petition for redress of grievances, these prosecutions are obscene.
And I'm sure that each of these lawyers will file a motion to dismiss.
I'm less confident that the courts will do the right thing.
It may be that we'll have to wait for appellate court decisions, but I think this is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.
I watched last night for the first time Merrick Garland's speech about January 5th or 6th.
I thought he was unhinged.
I thought he'd been given a raw deal when he wasn't set for the United States Supreme Court and thought they at least ought to have voted up or down on him.
But when I watched him quaking in his loafers in rage, I thought there's something wrong with the man and there's something wrong with the country.
He also said five police died.
But here's what he said about the law.
What he said about the law is whether if you contributed knowingly or unknowingly to events that led to violence, you are a co-conspirator.
That's simply wrong.
You are not a co-conspirator in a crime unless you engage self-consciously, deliberately, for unlawful purpose with another and agree with another.
So isn't that only in the Patriot Act, which I agree is unconstitutional?
The giving material support to terrorists which we always do abuse against citizens.
Isn't that the only way you could say you unknowingly contributed?
It appears to be, and that statute is currently written, I checked it this morning, applies to foreign terroristic organizations as registered with the states.
Yeah, they gotta be registered.
But here's what scared me last night, Alex.
Last June, as you pointed out to me last night when you woke me up with a phone call, and I don't mean I was asleep, literally, but I wasn't paying attention.
I mean, Garland stood up and said, you know, we're gonna create a domestic terrorism unit.
And if you're protesting too much about the government, you're a terrorist.
Well, count me in among the terrorist, America, and you know where I live.
Because I am protesting what you've done here.
What you have said, by your actions today, is that petitioning for redress of grievance, doing what we did with respect to King George at the time of the founding, makes me, and every American who does anything other than bend and spread, a criminal.
If that's the case, then we're all criminals.
But my response to Garland is, no, sir.
You are the criminal.
And here is why.
It is not a crime to protest.
It is not, even if somebody else pays for me to go to the protest, unless I joined in an agreement.
What was the exact quote this morning?
I butchered it.
You said, protesting is not terrorism, it's Americanism or something.
Yeah, well I can't remember either.
I'd just gotten up.
But I mean, protesting is the American way.
We were not born to bend and spread.
Yeah, we want to affect laws.
We want to challenge stuff.
Our government was designed to be inefficient.
This is why the response... Well, you'll be with us in the next hour.
You're making a lot of great points.
Let's go back to John here.
The lawyer who helped break all this news was there.
Jonathan Mosley.
Thank you so much, John.
Well, you know, John sounded like he... It sounded like he was a fantastic lawyer.
It sounded like Rhodes is in good hands with him.
Yeah, call him back, guys.
And that he is aware of elements to the defense, but I think this is the great lie on the American people.
I mean, for Kamala Harris to stand up in front of the nation and say, January 6th was like, you know, September 11th was like Pearl Harbor.
No, it wasn't.
January 6th was like 1776.
It was like Lexington.
It was like Concord.
Stolen election or not, when the people wake up And let me just add this point.
appear at a public place and demand answers, Congress ought not to react by investigating
the people.
They ought to look in their own henhouse and say, "What are we doing wrong that so many
people are pissed off?"
And let me just add this point.
Kamala Harris raised $2 million in one day for people that burned down federal buildings.
And again, I don't want to burn down federal buildings.
Those are my buildings.
She literally raised $2 million, material support, for hundreds of people arrested in Seattle and Portland burning down buildings and brags about it when she was a candidate for president.
Under Merrick Garland's speech.
Well you know me, seriously, that is terrorism.
If I'm financing people burning buildings down, that's terror.
I didn't do that.
Why am I under investigation?
And why is she the Vice President?
Because you're on the wrong side of the aisle.
Those who have power want to keep it, and apparently they'll keep it at any cost.
But if I had power, I wouldn't want to burn down housing projects, and burn down federal buildings, and attack federal police with hatchets.
The hypocrisy of this is that people are picking sides.
And what they're saying is if we like the violence, if we like the cause for which you are engaged in violence, you're peacefully protesting.
If we don't, and you're peacefully protesting, you're violent.
That's right.
Jonathan Mosley, you're back with us.
We want a little bit more with you.
Other key points about representing January 6th folks or anything you'd like to add, sir, we really appreciate you joining us.
What he suggested, the difficult thing is that all of those things have been tried and
the judges in this case are acting very unusually and are denying motions that I think in any
other case, or bill in particular, is to dismiss would be routine.
The judges in this case will listen very carefully and attentively and then rule against us.
So everything that a normal litigator would think, "Well, this is ridiculous," the judges
are protecting these indictments.
And I find that very worrisome.
So they're going to a great extreme.
John, what do you think's behind that?
Just because it is a fraud?
Because I read, like, like, Norman, you filed that deal.
And hold over, sir.
Don't hang up if you've got the time.
I want to talk about this with you.
Like they said, Owen doesn't work here.
Owen wasn't with us.
Owen wasn't with our security.
He perjured himself.
He works here.
That was his security.
These are bald-faced lies that go against the very video.
I mean, why would the feds lie like that, John?
I think they can't go against the political leaders.
They can't go against the crowd.
And I think that the days when we could trust the FBI or the U.S.
Attorneys are long gone because they're populated by people from our decaying society.
These things are prosecutorial misconduct.
Think back to Senator Ted Stevens.
I mean, someone somehow replaced Judge Emmett Sullivan, because 12 years ago, he was furious at the government for lying about Ted Stevens, and the whole thing got thrown out.
Now, fast forward 10 years and nobody wants to hear it.
I mean, these things should be dismissed for so many reasons.
We have tried.
We're going to be filing a new motion to dismiss.
But lying to the grand jury, you know, not an indifference of opinion or, you know, they didn't tell them everything.
I mean, flat out lying to the grand jury should get the cases dismissed.
But it's not happening with these cases.
Jonathan Mosley, I know that Warren Pettis has a couple questions.
We can hold five more minutes.
I got just a few more questions for you on the other side, okay?
All right.
Thank you.
And he was there when Stuart Rhodes got arrested just two hours ago.
It's exclusive at Infowars.com, the details of it.
And again, I told people, I said, I don't think Stuart's a fed.
I think he's being set up.
I think we're seeing right now that that's happened.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Jonathan Mosley.
He is our guest.
He's right on the front lines of the new McCartyism 2.0.
The purge of the American people.
The declaration of the main threat being the population of CONUS.
You are making a huge point.
We'll go right back to our guest, Warren Pattis, constitutional lawyer, also representing a lot of January 6 folks, including Owen Schroer, facing years in prison for being outside the Capitol peacefully trying to stop the event.
Norm, how big a deal is it in law?
Because we were saying, will they do conspiracy?
Will they do terrorism?
No, they've done sedition.
Tell us what this means.
Well, you know, I mean, basically it's an attempt to criminalize ordinary behavior and it waters down the conspiracy requirement to almost meaningless dimensions.
If, in fact, agreeing to go to a protest and agreeing to stand outside to try to delay Congress from doing something or a federal agency from doing something or trying to hinder them from doing something, that expression of protest is now considered, under this precedent, seditious conspiracy.
So this is the ultimate chilling effect.
government declares protesting terrorism.
It's consistent with what Garland said last week, and he must have had this in mind and know it was coming.
That was the foreshadowing.
We're not done yet, and we mean to strike out.
And those who engaged in acts of violence in his language, whether knowingly or not, supported by others, are going to be guilty of federal offenses.
So just because they were there and others broke in, they're guilty.
Wow, that's dangerous.
And they face up to 20 years in prison.
I mean, realistically, no one will pull that kind of time.
But it's a serious felony with catastrophic consequences, and it will have a chilling effect.
Well, they killed a cop or burned down a building.
They'd get bailed out by Kamala Harris.
Well, that's probably true, or if you burn down Kenosha, I mean, I guess you get a monument named after you.
But if you go to Congress and say... Well, the car did that, not the guy.
Well, yeah, okay, blame the car.
I mean, you know, in medieval law, we used to have in-rem proceedings against the instrumentality of a crime.
You beat somebody with a stick, the person got punished, but so did the stick.
Let's go back to the lawyer that was there when Stewart got grabbed today.
John, thank you so much for your time.
You've got a lot to say.
What else do you want to impart to this audience of millions?
Well, I think, like I said, people need to remember the prosecution against Ted Stevens.
How a whistleblower came forward and said that the FBI and the DOJ were withholding information and altering documents.
And the DOJ has learned nothing from this.
They need to have a long talk with Mike Nyfong, a prosecutor who lost his bar license because the Duke lacrosse player thing. This is, you know, I'm
looking at the thing, what people need to know is there are no new facts that I can
see. This is just a public relations spin and for the reasons said, those are
good examples. I don't see how they can, well, everything about
this is being treated differently than any normal case and this is what is baffling
a lot of people.
It's like none of this stuff would be allowed in a normal case.
It would be dismissed.
It would just be thrown out of court, and yet nobody wants to do that.
Some of the statutes are being used in ways that have never been used before, and there are lots of reasons why that's Well, I agree.
I mean, this is a corporate, not even leftist, it's not liberal, it's just through the Democratic Party, a corporate judicial legislative conspiracy against freedom.
go up against the narrative.
Well I agree, I mean this is a corporate, not even leftist, it's not liberal, it's a
southern democratic party, a corporate judicial legislative conspiracy against freedom.
Norm, is that an accurate statement or what do you call it?
I don't know if it's all of that.
All I know is it scares the hell out of me when my government can make it up as it goes along and if they don't like the content of my speech they can throw me in prison.
But I mean it's the courts with part of the legislative system.
And part of the executive system just attacking people.
Well, I mean, and I take Jonathan's point well.
I mean, he's on the ground in D.C.
there in a way that I'm not.
I get in and out of there intermittently.
You're seeing courts behave in ways they haven't before.
When you take vague language to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, and you now say a protester who waved, hollered, screamed... I mean, that means if you protested against prohibition, Or against suffrage, you would be bad.
I mean, this is outrageous.
It's outrageous and it's terrifying.
And it's going to have an effect.
And you know, the timing, you know, as Mr. Is it fair to say this is an attempt to outlaw a protest?
It's an attempt to chill protests.
I don't think they can out-and-out ban it, but I think a person about ready to hop in their car and go to D.C.
will now think twice for fear that they stand next to the wrong person at the wrong time and get on crosshair side, on the crosshair side of care plan.
This is very un-American.
In closing, John, what do you think happens to Stuart Rhodes now facing 20 years in prison for walking around outside the Capitol?
I think if he doesn't get a very good lawyer like this afternoon, he's going to remain in custody for a long time.
And if I'm worried about a D.C.
jury, if he gets a fair jury, he's going to be out.
He's going to be found not guilty and have a fat malicious prosecution lawsuit.
John, what's your, what are the likelihood, I mean, is there any way to get these up on an interlocutory appeal and get a judge to look at these, an appellate court judge to look at it?
We're working on that.
We believe it has to be done after trial, but everybody's working on that.
We're talking to each other and we need to try to get the most I mean, harm is presumed in a 1983 case involving a First Amendment violation, and it ought to be presumed here if it's an improvident prosecution.
And there should be a sort of enhanced Frank v. Delaware sort of way to attack this, and it's worth a try.
God bless you.
I wish you all the luck in the world.
Well, we've been trying to pry out documents to build a case for a whole bunch of different motions, including a motion to get dismissed because of the grand jury.
But they have been making it very difficult for us to get documents.
We're spending months just trying to get, you know, well, basically they're hiding a needle in a haystack.
Well, yeah, they're beginning... And they'd never be permitted to do that in a civil case.
Well, they're building this constellation of FEMA camps and arrests and solitary confinement and disappearing and out-of-block lawyers and out-of-block judges.
They're just building the beginning of their martial law takeover.
And I wouldn't have believed, you know, the problem is everybody believes that too late.
Like, oh, that's over the top.
Unfortunately, sadly, it's not.
Well, they're betting the farm on saying anybody that's a Republican or a populist is a terrorist.
Mitch McConnell came out and quoted Biden saying that.
So, I mean, we're here, folks.
Well, I mean, you know, the narrative now is the following.
If you complain about something and you happen to be white, you're a white nationalist or you're a white supremacist.
I'm neither.
I happen to be a white misanthrope.
I don't trust anybody, much less the government.
Sure, they're trying to change the subject of a multinational criminal takeover into black and white.
Most people see through it, and that's what's so scary is, this globalist takeover is not going well, but they keep doubling down.
John, thank you so much.
Please join us again tomorrow with any updates, and I'm glad to learn about you.
You're at johnmosley.com, M-O-S-E-L-E-Y.com.
John, thank you so much, and God bless you.
Thank you, likewise.
Thank you.
I mean, this is Twilight Zone, Norm.
We are sitting here watching the death of our due process.
Well, we are and we aren't.
There is a bit of good news, and I don't know if you want to talk about it now, but the Supreme Court just put on ice part of Biden's COVID mandate within the last 15 minutes.
Yeah, that just broke.
Let's cover that next segment.
In fact, guys, get all the news on it.
Supreme Court blocks Biden COVID vaccine mandate for businesses, allows health care workers rule.
That's coming next segment for the Drugs Report Supreme Court Blocks the Vaccine Mandate.
So yes, there's some good news.
We got two minutes to break, Norm.
What do you make of all this?
I mean, look.
Just this moment we're in, we're like, literally, you know the behind-the-scenes.
People either wake up now or they never wake up.
I talked to somebody, a former federal prosecutor, this morning after talking to you, and I said, what the fuck is going on in D.C.?
What are you hearing?
He said, nobody is paying attention.
I said, well, did you watch InfoWars yesterday?
He said, yes.
I said, keep watching.
He said, keep it up.
You've got to tell the story.
The press is not reporting this.
And so I think people who are listening to your show have to wake up and start talking about it, and start talking about it to one another, and start talking about it to their elected officials.
I mean, can, you know, can, you know, go to Washington D.C.
and wave a flag.
Am I a criminal?
Am I a criminal?
Excuse me, Congressman, can I talk to you?
Does this make me a criminal?
I mean, we were born out of revolt, and our government is designed to be... There are various bedrocks being assaulted.
Yeah, absolutely.
Absolutely, at a time when we're ordered to stay in the house, and to wear masks, and to avoid public places, and to work from home.
You know, look at what happened in the summer of 2020.
We were all locked up in our houses, scared to death, while the city's burned.
Yeah, you're locked in your house while the communists burn everything.
It's crazy.
And here's the thing.
I don't want a war with the military or the FBI.
I don't want to fight you.
But you're working for globalists that are robbing us.
I mean, you guys are starting this.
That's all I'm saying.
Well, you may not want a war, but you're being given one.
That's a good quote.
You may not want a war, but you're being given one.
No, I agree.
And I don't think my enemies are valuable enough for me to give my life up to fight them.
Are we criminals for saying that?
Leave us alone, you damn people!
John Locke talked about the appeal to heaven, and he said, you know, if your government becomes oppressive, you can appeal to heaven, but be damn sure you won.
And that's the problem with fighting the FBI.
You showed that video here yesterday of those guys training in what looked like an industrial parking lot against domestic resistance.
Are they going to come breaking your door down because we're in here mouthing off about them?
It's an open question.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Alright, Norm Pattis, really smart guy, riding shotgun with us.
Jay Dyer, another smart guy about to take over in about 15 minutes.
But yeah, as bad as things are with the deep state branding all Americans terrorists that don't submit to lockdowns and forced inoculations and open borders and anybody that questions his election as a terrorist, you think you're going to be safe running a white flag up to that folks?
No, you're not going to be safe running a white flag up.
So you're not looking for a fight, but you know what?
People come around looking for them.
It came to the right place, didn't it?
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
So Norm, get into this huge Supreme Court ruling.
Well, apparently the divided court, it may have been a 6-3 or a 5-3 ruling with a recusal.
It's not clear to me based on what I'm seeing coming in as we speak.
But with three dissenting votes, the court held that the vaccine mandate for employers could not go into effect. They granted a preliminary injunction
while the issue is fully briefed. So the issue hasn't finally been decided
but a majority of justices held or concluded that there was a substantial
likelihood of success and in the success of the... So far they just blocked it.
Right, and they did and they signaled the following which is a fundamental concern of
federalism and that is that OSHA, this was to take place through a health
and safety regulation in the so-called administrative state, the headless
fourth branch of government.
Biden tried to craft an OSHA regulation that would give to the federal government a power that traditionally belongs to the state, the police power, the power to regulate health education.
He even claimed the CDC could seize all housing!
That's martial law!
It certainly is, but in this case, the courts had suspicions that this was a federal overreach of powers that traditionally belonged to the state, and that you could not use a state administrative regulatory power to defeat federalism.
So this is as fundamental a ruling as a ruling in the Bill of Rights.
There are two levels of protection that protect an American from its government.
There is the Bill of Rights that poses limits on state and federal government, and I like to call those sort of horizontal limits.
Those are the threshold.
Nobody can cross that.
But there are a vertical set of protections as well, and this is federalism, where powers are divided between the federal and state government.
Joe Biden has tried to assert a federal police power, and the Supreme Court said, whoa!
That is a fundamental change in the nature of law that governs us not so fast, Joe.
And so now there'll be further argument on it.
Three of the court's liberals, Sotomayor, Kagan, and I don't recall the third, voted against suspending the rule and would have let Biden go.
It's a total power grab.
If you don't think Supreme Court justices matter, ask yourself today why three justices were prepared to amend the Constitution themselves with a ruling.
So explain to me, like I'm five years old as the kind of man, what does this mean then?
So they're saying right now there's a stay while they decide?
Yes, that's exactly right.
So the parties thought, our firm filed an amicus brief on behalf... I should have said, hey, he's in this case in the Supreme Court!
Well, in the case, we filed an amicus brief for the Freedom Alliance, a group based out of Connecticut.
You filed a lot of lawsuits against forced vaccines.
Well, we have.
I mean, our view is that the people have a right to decide for themselves and that the government doesn't have a right to cram it down.
So we're very active in the religious exemption area.
But what it means, Alex, is that there's a case or controversy before the court challenging the constitutionality of assertion of federal power.
Because there are questions, substantial questions, about whether that suit will succeed, and there would be irreparable harm if the action weren't stayed, the court said, fine, we're putting the brakes on.
There's something happening here.
What it is ain't exactly clear.
We need more briefs.
We need more time.
But in the meantime, hands off the structure of federalism.
So this is actually a very good ruling by the Supreme Court.
One would hope we'd get a similar good ruling with respect to the seditious conspiracy cases
that arose today.
That may take some time.
But regardless, our republic is under the biggest assault, I think, in its 245-year
You know, you read, I read, I mentioned a book yesterday, the Marsh book on the new
Civil War, and he's a Canadian author.
He went so far as to say, look, we need a constitutional convention in the United States
because the Constitution doesn't work.
It's too inefficient. I think as global pressures with respect to
the climate, with respect to population movement, with respect to big data, with respect to artificial
intelligence, these collectivizing forces are requiring in many people's
minds a better response than federalism can yield.
So yes, we are under attack. You'll call it globalism. I'll call it centralizing pressures.
The bottom line is our way of life is under assault.
All right.
I'm going to leave this very simple and very plain.
We've had a hotter than hell broadcast again, and history's happening, and I barely plug, and if I don't do it, we don't sell enough product.
It doesn't just fund our operation.
We've got to buy more product out in the future because we don't run off sponsors.
90% of what we do is from a sales info or store.com.
And so I've got to look at money and budget out.
To be able to buy product out in the future.
And if this ever happens, I'm going to tell you, okay guys, we've got to shut down and implode in six months, a year.
This is the last time we're going to get these products.
We're not reordering them.
I'll actually have extra money because I'm not going to be reordering the product that's cost 30, 40, 50% of what we're selling it at, depending on the sales price.
So I'm not bitching, I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying, America is in its last days if we don't turn this around.
We need money to fight this enemy.
One day left to get a Vitamin Mineral Fusion at 50% off.
X2 is 50% off.
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It's all there.
And listen.
I get it.
The leaves fall off in autumn and sometimes stuff shuts down.
I love this crew.
I love we've been in the same building 15 years.
I've been on air 28 years, but if you guys decide not to support us and you've already done so much, that's what God wants.
And I'll be happy to, you know, go away, but they're going to blow a bunch of federal buildings and declare martial law and turn your power off and send forced inoculators to your house and rape your wife and children.
I mean, I don't just say that as a, it's not a joke.
We've done our best here.
And the good news is, my best work was done 20 years ago, or 5 years ago, laying landmines in people's minds before when this came.
So right now it's all gravy.
And we're having a huge effect right now, but we already did our work in the past, so people would know what was coming.
So, I want you to keep us in the game, but it's up to you.
If you want us in the game, go to InfoWareStore.com, get products you need to make your life better.
If you don't, kill me.
Shut me down.
You'll never see me again.
All right, that's how it works.
Norm Pettis, in closing, big Supreme Court blockage of Biden's OSHA vax mandate, claiming this agency with an emergency ruling of its own can make people take shots.
That's kind of a common sense thing, but it's a big deal.
But that's not the war being won.
That's a battle being won.
You're heavily involved in these cases, got a bunch of lawsuits for forced vaccine from the Supreme Court.
You did an amicus brief for those who just joined us on this case.
Tell us what that means.
The amicus priest means we just appeared as a friend to the court.
We have religious objectors to vaccination in our client base, many of our clients.
And they asked us to make their voices heard in front of the Connecticut Supreme Court.
And what we said is, look, we don't want, there's a Bill of Rights.
We have a right to make our choices for ourselves.
And let's consider one of the central ironies of our time.
If you want to realize just how twisted life has become, consider the following.
There's a doctrine in the law called substantive due process.
And that's where you go in the law to vindicate a right that's not enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution.
What are the rights that substantive due process yields?
Well, presumably the right to abort.
It's a right of questionable constitutional vintage.
But yet, when we claim bodily autonomy against being vaccinated, we're told, oh no, no, no.
Yeah, you can kill your baby, it's your body, but we gotta let Pfizer stick its metal penis in you.
In Casey v. Planned Parenthood, the fundamental abortion case, then-Justice Anthony Kennedy said the following, that we should each be free to enact or live our own fundamental conception of meaning in the universe.
There has been a core, traditional, fundamental conception of meaning in Western civilization for two millennia.
That is the relationship between man and God.
And when the state tries to interfere with that relationship, my clients, and frankly I, believe there's something fundamentally out of whack.
Re-read St.
There's a city of God, a city of man.
What is sin?
Sin is love of the wrong thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we live in an era where we love the wrong thing.
We are the pots saying to the potter, why makest us thus, let us remake ourselves.
And the result is the public place is becoming a place of open warfare.
Exactly, we gotta start love and freedom again.
Open warfare.
So how do we love the right thing again, Norm?
I think we cherish conceptions of excellence.
I think the churches matter.
I think traditional religious and philosophic doctrine matter.
I taught briefly at Columbia years ago and I always used to take great pride in the words
etched over Lowell Memorial Library.
Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Cicero.
I studied those works and I thought, you know, I'll never be in their league, but they can teach me something.
I was on the campus not long ago and saw that they had a banner above those names of contemporary authors, many of whom I didn't hear or didn't know about.
So I looked up most of them and they were all contemporary, you know, people far to the left cherishing identity.
It's literally the left overriding It's an exercise of power.
It's not a coming together of beautiful ideas.
It's an exercise by small brains.
Alex, the bottom is falling out of pluralism.
And when it falls out, that hollow sound you hear, that thud, is Merrick Garland calling you a terrorist for protesting.
We've lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong, better from worse, in our flight from excellence, in our flight from standards.
Can you believe he says that?
If you protest, you're a terrorist.
I mean, it's like, it's cartoonish.
I think you should run a new line of bumper stickers.
I am a terrorist.
And when we all become terrorists, we'll just have to challenge them.
Who are you going to take today?
Your mom?
But didn't we all warn the Patriot Act?
I know you did at the time.
I did too.
The Patriot Act will be used against us.
Now they're doing it.
I remember sitting in the car the night the Patriot Act was announced, however many years ago, and saying to my then-law partner John Williams in New Haven, this is the darkest day in American history.
And I continue to believe it is.
And was.
And now they're openly saying it's for people.
Oh, you tried to influence government?
That's illegal.
That's what's in this new indictment of Stuart Rhodes.
Here's the foundation for what Garland laid last week.
The Material Assistance to Terrorist Act prohibits an American citizen from contributing to a foreign terrorist registered by the State Department.
By creating a separate domestic terrorism unit within the Justice Department, we are one statutory amendment away from making that statute read, you are guilty if you finance a domestic terrorist group as defined by the Justice Department.
That's all it would take to amend that statute.
And I believe the way the law is being applied today, in this seditious conspiracy prosecution, is a prelude.
It's trying to teach us... Aren't they through precedent trying to legislate?
Well, that's what they always do.
Yeah, hell yeah.
And that's not the way it's supposed to be.
I mean, that's why we say of due process, you've got to provide notice to people about what is and isn't prohibited.
Usually it comes in the form of statute.
Sometimes it comes in the form of practice.
Your guest earlier from D.C.
I forgot his name.
I'm horrible with names.
No, the fellow that was on moments ago, the lawyer.
He makes a great point, and that is that the judges in D.C.
are not doing what they usually do.
John Mosley.
John Mosley's been in the courts in D.C., and what he's seeing is what he told us.
Judges are making new rules.
I sat with a member of your staff yesterday who talked about changing conceptions of what's reasonable.
And that's exactly right.
Look at the Fourth Amendment.
People like to think that the Constitution is written in granite and that there are absolute guarantees on what can and can't happen.
There aren't.
The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.
What's reasonable?
Whatever the courts say it is.
Well, let's talk about this in closing before the great J.D.R.
takes over.
This is not signs of power from the power structure.
This is not signs that they're in charge.
This is signs of a dying, corrupt elite that are out of control, which I don't want to have a fight with.
I don't want to have a good or darn wrong battle of the gods with them.
I want them to just go away and retire.
We've got our own problems, but this is really how wars start, and they need to just stop.
Alex, you may not want the fight, but the fight found you.
I mean, I get that.
All I'm telling them is, what they're doing is not a sign of strength.
Strength, everybody wants to follow anyways.
Strength is in the streets, and strength is in the American people.
That's why we were able to mobilize and win the Second World War and recover from a deposition.
If we're going to be at war with ourselves or with elites seeking to conscript our institutions, we need to stand up, fight back, and stand up.
No, no, and I agree.
They've taken the sleeping giant as weakness.
Now Klaus Schwab and Bill Clinton and Bill Gates has woken us up.
And now they're like, oh, they're awake, let's declare them terrorists and have the FBI attack us?
That's not a good mission for the FBI.
And I don't wish any harm on the FBI, but that is not a very good submission.
I have a confession to make.
I didn't know who Klaus Schwab was until I heard you talking about him yesterday.
I ordered one of his books last night.
I'll be happy to talk to you about what I think of The Great Reset.
Well, I never got to that, but when I start the show tomorrow, we're still on air, he got his minion who he controls got confronted in Parliament in the Netherlands.
And got blown away.
Well, you know, who are these people that they think they own the earth and its products, including us?
They're not people I know, and they're not people I've consented to be governed by.
They're arrogant bastards.
All right.
Jay Dyer takes over in four minutes on the other side.
Norm Pettis, great job.
Great job of the crew.
Let's pray for Stuart Rhodes, now in federal custody, along with 10 others, SWAT team today, for the crime of sedition.
The left is going to cream itself.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
As you know, we have, in my segments, covered many global elites' documents, books, white papers, and I love to go to the documents themselves because it really demonstrates and proves The factual objective reality of these strategies and plans that have been in the works for decades and even going back to the Royal Society 100 years ago.
And today the discussion is no different.
We want to go into the recently declassified or leaked or allowed to be public on purpose document about human argument augmentation.
And this is a joint project between the UK Minister of Defense and the German government all about transhumanism.
They don't use the word transhumanism.
They use the word human augmentation because that's a better selling point.
It's a better pitch point.
It's kind of a PR term.
And so this document goes into discussing what it will be like and how things will change by 2050.
What are the expectations that we're going to see in the next 30 years?
And by 2050, that's a key time that we've seen a key year in a lot of these global elite writings because they have it in decades, 20, 30 year increments.
So in the next 10 years they have the designs as we've seen for a massive 80% reduction in the population and by 2050 is the basically the key year for when they want the total technocratic global brain system in place and this document is one of the many documents to kind of prepare government leaders and you know this is for kind of the upper CEO corporate class and government class that Read these debriefs and these boring papers that the public doesn't read.
But these papers are important because they tell us everything.
And they tell us ahead of time in the white papers what is coming in the next 10, 20, and 30 years.
They're so crucial.
They're so important.
And they almost always In some way, pretty much get things right.
Now sometimes there's a multitude of documents or strategies that are used for one single big event like we've seen in the last couple years.
We saw Crimson Contagion.
We saw Dark Winter.
We saw Klaydex.
We saw Spars.
We saw Event 201.
We saw all of those kind of coalescing into giving us various angles on what happened in the last couple years.
And this document is no different except that it's focusing on What's to come in the next 20 or 30 years?
So if we paid attention to the white papers in the last 20 years, going all the way back to Klaidex, the anthrax experiments, or excuse me, the anthrax continuity of government plans at the time of 9-11, which were part of the 9-11 false flag event.
We want to pay attention to these kinds of white papers which come out.
That are describing the next few decades.
As we've seen when I mentioned this document in the past, we didn't go into a lot of depth into it, but we mentioned it in passing, that it begins by discussing humans as platforms.
In other words, internet technology type platforms.
Humans as walking routers.
Humans as walking modems.
And how they can be used as receivers and transmitters of information and signals.
And it speaks of the previous research that comes out of MKUltra that I covered in many talks that is the super soldier stuff.
Now there's a lot of baloney out there and disinformation about super soldiers and People think it's like something out of a movie, but really the human experimentation is what led into what we call the super soldier type of stuff, and that's really just human augmentation.
That's can we put brain chips in the soldiers?
Can we dose them with various pharmaceuticals and enhance their neuro capacities?
All of that is in this document, and this document basically shows that What was done in MKUltra with the implantation of electrodes and all that kind of stuff is really just the predecessor to where they want to take the transhumanism now.
That's what I've been saying for a long time.
So it notes as well, using a lot of Klaus speak, he uses the stakeholder speak.
It says that the future stakeholders and the international elites that will be putting money into these kinds of programs will have to deal with a lot of the hurdles that are in the way for getting this kind of stuff through and selling the public on it.
So this document is fascinating in terms of how it sells it, the sales pitches
that it has. Of course, we have the standard stuff of, well, troops get their arms and legs
blown off. And we all know that if we just accept transhumanism, then we can heal all the
soldiers, right? All of these really low IQ, just really stupid sales pitches. At the same time as the
document admits things like eugenics, things like depopulation, things like we got to kill granny
to have more jobs.
I'm not joking.
That's at the end of this document.
And it points out that the more that we convince the public of those kinds of things, that you'll be better off when you're on this kind of universal basic income, when you're on this system where carbon is tracked and traced so that you don't use up all the resources.
The document notes that that's when they will be better prepared to get people to accept all of these ideas.
And it notes at the very beginning that governments will have to basically decide that these kinds of technologies are inevitable.
And because they're inevitable, they will have to mandate it.
The argument being that we can't let rogue people, rogue actors, rogue individuals out there that are going to nanotech, biochip people to give people an unfair advantage.
Well, we'll just let the government have control.
Of these invasive technologies, and they're called invasive technologies, because then they will keep us safe from the rogue actors that might accidentally let loose something, right?
Now, who could believe such a baloney level of argumentation, such a bad argument, from the very people who say that they want most people to die, all right?
So they want most people to die, but don't worry if you let us control the rollout and the mandate.
It actually uses the word mandate for microchipping.
And nanotech, right?
We're not talking about microchips from 50 years ago, although this document does mention the present-day usage of RFID microchips.
It says that that's kind of old school.
In the future, it's going to be nanotech, nanoblood, smart blood, etc.
That will be the new way to do it.
And the governments will mandate this.
And get this, the logic that they use is that You are no longer an individual with individual rights
and individual decision-making processes because you are a part of a collective.
And we've seen the last 100 years of global elite documents, especially going back to things like
Fridoff-Copper's "Turning Point," which I've covered, especially going back to Arthur Kessler's
"Ghost in the Machine," which I've covered.
A big part of the argumentation of those books, Aldous Huxley's books as well,
is that the problem for modernity will be the individual and the notion that the individual has rights
that supersede or cannot be trounced upon by the collective.
All these documents say that.
And the argument is, they say, the bad argument, the fallacy is that, well, because you can now make decisions as an individual which hurt everyone.
In other words, what we've seen in the last two years.
You no longer have the previous rights that you had, medical rights, free speech rights, because your very breathing can actually infect, intoxify, and kill everyone else.
So you see now, under the PECS, all the CUFID nonsense, they will have the argumentation and the bases to argue that individuals can no longer have the rights that they've had for the last 100 years, 200, 500 years or whatever because of the fact that individuals now are walking basically biowarfare agents, right?
Because you can just mutate and produce anything.
This is all nonsense.
It's all baloney.
It's all made up.
It's a selling.
It's a sales pitch for a long-term transhumanist goal.
And this document says that the transhumanist goal is to lock everybody into a global brain.
So if you survive the next 10 years, then you're going to be locked into the global brain.
That's that's the end goal.
And this document goes wild.
It goes into stabbies.
It goes into biotech.
It goes into genetically modified humans.
It goes into everything that is supposedly non made up.
Conspiracy temple hat stuff.
All admitted and real.
Don't go anywhere.
Stay where you are.
This is Jay Dyer hosting the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're covering the official UK Ministry of Defense and German government document about
human augmentation and the plans for the next 30 years up to 2050.
The document goes on to say that this age is known as the information age and we'll
be giving way to the next age, the next aeon, which is covered in Klaus's books, which we've
covered many times here on the fourth hour and on my channel, many, many videos.
The fourth industrial revolution, the next age is the biotech age.
And the fascinating thing about the biotech age is that they note that the human body
itself will be the focus because it will be the new security state.
In other words, the human body itself will become the platform for either putting out the message and being integrated into the global brain system, or it will be a rogue virus itself, you see.
All of this virus stuff is about making the human body and humans as individuals viruses.
That's why it fits so well into the green climate depopulation agenda.
The documents actually say this and so it points out that in the coming biotech age, anybody not integrated into the global brain system will have to be seen as one of these sort of rogue virus agents themselves because they become the potential for either being What the NATO Cognitive Warfare document calls a threat, or what this document calls a health threat, because they're not integrated into the system.
And we can already see that with what they're doing with the vaccine passwords, with the stabbies, all of this stuff in the last two years is preparing us for this as the next 20 years.
This is the next phase, is to bring in this stuff.
And it says, the document says, we've already seen this by the fact that the Air Force, for example, is already beginning to move to a completely unmanned aerial vehicles.
The AI is now replacing the soldiers and whatnot in the Air Force and in the military.
And in the future, what's done in the military is really just a test bed for what they then roll out on the society.
The future will be about human brain interfaces and how, if you do not go along with the system, you will be locked out of the system.
So the system will all be based in this Borg hive mind, right?
Think of Borg.
Think of Star Trek, right?
That's what they really want to do, okay?
They say that anything that's disruptive technology will have to be controlled by the system because again of the possibility for rogue agents or individual actors being able to use this technology and that the rise of the machines is inevitable and the future will be one where Battles are fought through psycho-cyber warfare.
Psycho-cyber warfare.
It's not really about the battlefield anymore.
It's all going to be the online cyber battle.
And I did a whole talk, if you remember, on Cyber Polygon, where I went through the whole exercise and we looked at how we were already being set up for the next pandemic, which Klaus says will be a cyber pandemic that will dwarf what we saw with the COVID.
The document goes on to say that warfare, R&D, and warfare is key to figuring out the technologies, using warfare as an experiment, as a science lab, basically, world as a laboratory, to then figure out the ways to put that onto the domestic population.
This is always what warfare is about in terms of the modern world, is figuring out and tweaking and testing things that are then put upon the domestic population, because it's the same power structure that has pretty much run the Western world for the last hundred years.
And they have the same Malthusian, dystopian, technocratic view and attitude that we are seeing unfolding before our eyes.
It's in all of their books.
And it notes on page 22 that this is an elite plan.
The elites will be putting a lot of money into this and they will be fostering and funding Synthetic biology.
We saw Klaus talk about synthetic biology.
I will get inside of you.
We will change you.
We will get in you.
And I know that some of you probably find Klaus very attractive.
You probably want to be intimate with him in that way, but I don't.
I do not want to be intimate.
I don't want Klaus in me.
I don't think he's that hot.
Elites and body modification and even plastic surgery have paved the way for the future of human augmentation and bodily modification.
So body mod, and I'm not knocking people to get tattoos or whatever they want to do.
The point is that from an overall vantage point, that was all part of prepping people to accept technological modifications to their body.
As hip, as cool, and all this kind of stuff.
And it's not about any of that, right?
You may have had your own private personal motives for body mods and all this kind of stuff, but the long-term goal is to condition people to accept the chips.
And it doesn't have to be an actual microchip.
It can be nanotech.
It can be all the, it could be what's in the stabbies now.
We don't even know, right?
But another key thing I noticed in this document was that one thing that the document says will be needed for the next few decades to bring this system into place fully will be the collection of mass data.
Big data.
How does big data play a role?
Well, big data plays a role because the mass info allows for them to figure out how to tweak the system, what works and what doesn't work, and to basically experiment on everybody in the world.
The world as laboratory.
That's a famous book.
Pointing out the scientism attitude of using and collecting information in all of these arenas and all these domains to come up with the best way to steer and control the system.
So mastering the human genome is part of that older Pentagon plan, mastering the human domain.
If you remember that was, I think that was Air Force documents that came out some years ago around the time of Jade Helm.
They said, oh yes, we do have all these plans and we call it mastering the human domain.
Just like they have owning the weather 2025 Air Force document, right?
Just like they have plans to make the entire Air Force drones and AI.
Mastering human full-spectrum dominance.
Full spectrum is everything, including your biology.
And that's why Klaus says that's sort of the last frontier, the final frontier.
Remember that movie, Inner Space?
Was it Martin Short?
Little bitty tiny Martin Short inside your body.
Little bitty tiny Klaus Schwab.
That was a little tiny Klaus, right?
We will change your biology.
We will change this.
You will be changed into a nanotech creature.
That was a little tiny Klaus, right?
The normal Klaus would have a more bearish tone.
We will change your biology from the inside out.
So AI total tracking is necessary not just to keep up with everything in real time and
to know what you're up to and to, you know, put you into the database, but to take all
of the data to figure out in what way they can claim that you are using too many resources.
And it even mentions the wearables and how the wearables like the Fitbit and all this kind of stuff and the cell phones and all of that.
Cell phones are basically wearables anyway, right?
We always have them.
So the point is that that data is used to figure out ways to run the giant carbon scam that's coming, right?
The lockdowns, all that stuff was about, oh, we need climate lockdowns, you see.
And so this is all just a selling point, a sales pitch to say, People who don't go along are the cause of all of the problems, right?
They're the ones that are making everyone sick.
They're the ones that are using too many resources.
And so the document literally says that if you don't go along, that the people that aren't genetically modified, that aren't fixed, when they don't fix the DNA, as we just heard the CEOs and executives of various pharmaceutical companies saying in the last few weeks and even going back a few years, that they would blow up the existing system to enact this new system.
The GMO genetic human modification creatures that they want to produce, well it says that these will become either weaponized human beings that are genetically modified or the fixed people.
So they can do both.
And it even warns of that, that this could all be weaponized.
I mean, page 29 is amazing because it actually sounds like the very thing that's been going on in the last two years.
They don't talk about Anything to do with, you know, the big pharmaceutical companies per se, but they mentioned the CRISPR editing.
They mentioned the possibility of genetic modification of humans, changing the human genome through these technologies.
And that when these gene therapies are unleashed, it could have positive or negative consequences.
That's page 29.
And we just have to collect all the data to see which works, which things works and which don't.
And then we'll know how to fix everything.
That's the very thing that, who was it, the Pfizer CEO was saying, like two days ago, the Alex just played the clip.
Oh, now that the immune systems are gone, now we'll fix it with the next booster, right?
The next stabby.
Then it goes on to talk about the fact that we will eventually have this embedded in our brains.
And so all of what's happening now is, again, remember, to get us to this point, to sell people on the automation, on the toxic nature of humans in general, supposedly, how everybody needs to go away, and then we need to have all this stuck into our bodies to fix us.
It's all about fixing us.
Don't go anywhere.
This is Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jay's Analysis.
If you'd like to read about the topics that I'm discussing that I wrote about five, six, ten years ago, you can get my two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2, at my website, signed copies in the shop.
Those have collectively about a thousand, almost five-star reviews across Amazon and various platforms.
Those books have proven to be quite prophetic, especially given the fact that many films kind of prepared us for the world that we're entering.
And we learn, we come to find out that no, actually, science fiction has had a key role, especially Hollywood, in preparing us for the world that these psychos want to bring to reality.
Now, we were talking about brain control, mind control, and how this document goes into the history of electroshock, neurostimulation, how a lot of the MKUltra research literally went directly into human augmentation, human search, MKDelta projects related to Basically, seeing how they could fix man.
And the idea that we need to fix man is based on the notion that man is really just a bag of molecules, right?
He's just a meat sack.
But he's a meat sack that could be turned into basically a walking modem or router, potentially.
And because he gives off signals, brain signals, brain waves, and he's a sort of electromagnetic being, that means that humans could be tweaked to become part of a big organism hive mind, or they can be depopulated if they don't go along.
And so, I'm just amazed that the document mentions on page 33 that this technology could either be positive or it can be weaponized.
Now, remember, it even says that pharmaceutical corporations have played a key role in this because they were the ones that developed a lot of the brain-altering technology through chemical studies, through entheogens, and through LSD.
So, the studies and the pharmaceutical companies, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, have developed things like LSD.
That was a key way to study and see how the psyche of man would adapt to and react to various chemicals and that's why it ties into putting the electrodes into the brain experimentation with the microchips back again 50-60 years ago and now it has become the idea that in the near future they're going to literally have human brain computer brain interfaces that will allow for the for the transmission and download of data that's two-way And it even mentions that, oh, you know, like an Iron Man, right?
Remember an Iron Man?
How he's got an exoskeleton and he can fly around.
It's so cool.
And it's, they literally try to sell it like it's some kind of Marvel movie, right?
There you see the guy in the middle there, like, like a Transformer or something, right?
And then it goes on to talk about how the metaverse and virtual reality will play into this because there's going to be a linked technology.
What are linked technologies?
Link technologies are what they call NBIC, which is nanotech, biotech, infotech,
and cognitive science.
All of these three together, four together, NBIC, will all link together.
And remember at the end of Klaus's book, what did he say in the last section
of "Worth Industrial Revolution?"
He says that the Skynet technology that's up in the sky with the satellites will link to the humans on the ground
who are chipped and/or nanotech, and they will link to the Internet of Things,
Everything will be basically sprayed with some kind of nanotech so that everything is tracked and traced in real time.
And it's going to be a lot of fun because you also have your little metaverse coom pod where you can put the goggles on or you can lay in your pod and you know just blast your mind on porn all day.
So you're going to love it because you get a basic income if you do that you see.
But oh you should also if you want all that you're going to have to get sterilized you see.
And then it goes on amazingly to discuss the moral obligation that the governments have to do this.
And it says look everything's evolving.
And morals evolve.
And since everything evolves, laws evolve.
And so you're just going to have to adapt to the fact that it's an obligation to morally, genetically mutate humans.
And the reasoning is, just like in the Cold War, when they had the reasoning about, well, the Soviets are going to do it.
So we're going to do everything nefarious because we know the Soviets will, and they'll have the advantage.
It's the same stupid fallacy where they say, if the government, if the global government
doesn't augment and chip everyone, then nefarious individual actors are going to do it.
I mean, it's just that ridiculous, right?
And so they say, we have a moral obligation to do it.
Now, the document doesn't talk about morals or explain why or what the justification for morals are,
because remember, in the last, I don't know, 50, 60, 100 years in the world of academia,
almost the entire world has promoted from the scholastic academic realm, the notion of moral
There are no morals.
No obligations.
It's all relative, bro.
It's all a social construct, dude.
What's true for you is true for you, man.
You can't bind me to anything.
Even though that statement itself is an attempt to bind people to a moral obligation that you have to submit to relativism.
In the same way, this document says, oh, but now there's an ethical obligation.
Why is there an ethical obligation?
If everything's relative, everything's evolving.
There's no such thing as obligations when things are evolving.
Well, that's because they use double-think.
If you've read Orwell, you know what double-think is.
That's a contradiction at a fundamental level.
And it says, moral obligations are such that now governments will have the mandate and necessity to microchip and to alter and to GMO humans, to mutate them into Franken-humans, because if they don't, other people will, and it's just the way it is.
Get used to it.
We've evolved.
By the way, it's all premised on everything just evolving.
If everything is constantly evolving, Then the idea that everything is evolving is also evolving.
And that's self-reputing.
You see how silly that is?
But in other words, I'm just pointing out the document is based on the older Malthusian eugenics ideas.
It's based on dysgenics ideas.
And it even says on page 47, we're going to have to just get away from the notion of family and kinfolk.
So there's no obligation to family and kinfolk.
That's what the document says right there.
We're going to have to get away from this idea.
But there is an obligation to submit to the global government who has the moral obligation to chip you.
I mean this is all just contradictions.
Just nonsense.
And it goes on to say that there will be international legal problems.
There are going to be legalities involved in this because presently 40 some nations forbid human cloning and human genetic modification even though now the U.S.
is beginning to cave on these experiments, right?
Uh, there was what, just this year, the legislation passed about cloning.
And then it notes, well, look, they're going to have to, the people that will pass this stuff off will have to appeal to the way it works in the military.
And since a lot of this stuff goes on the military, and because laws evolve, well, we're just going to have to do it.
And it says that the way to do this is to convince Ethics boards and people who object to these things, that they need to default to the experts.
That's literally what it says, page 54.
Just convince them to listen to the law experts.
Who are the experts?
Oh, it's just whoever repeats what the self-appointed experts say.
That's what an expert is.
Got nothing to do with science, nothing to do with actual ethics, nothing to do with objective truth.
It's just what experts decree, just arbitrarily, ad hoc.
And the document actually says, they're just going to pass the experts and then the experts will convince the ethics boards and all these people to just do the new updated thing.
Oh, now it is okay to do this.
Now we can mandate this.
So in other words, the last two years of forcibly doing the stabbies is just to prepare for in the next 10 years or 20 years, forcibly doing the microchips.
You have to.
It's part of what's necessary.
We have to do it to save and fix man.
It even says on page 58 that it's got an amazing section of honesty.
Well, it might even be an elite overclass that gets all this technology and uses it in a nefarious way.
Who knows?
We don't know.
And then it makes the most shocking claim, which is that because this life extension technology might get out to the public, what we're going to have to do is cut it off.
And we're going to have to have some kind of way, it doesn't say death panels, but it basically is intimating that because it says that when the youth in the next two decades realize that people living longer is using up the resources and putting a stress on the social system and on the medical system, they'll be much more amenable, perhaps, to something like death panels.
So, you know, kill granny and you'll have more jobs, right?
Remember that quote?
We're not supposed to talk about the death panels.
That's not a conversation we're supposed to have.
Well, that's literally on page 59.
Just convince the younger people that they get more stuff or get more junk about killing my grandma.
That's what it says, right?
Kill Granny, get more jobs, get more stuff.
So then it says that the implantable chips are already being used and the implantable chips will eventually become a global mandate.
The life sciences are now part of the security state.
You no longer have a right to your individual person and medical freedom, because that is what is the main barrier to the D-POP agenda.
The whole thing is just about D-POP, and not just getting rid of most people, but then moving on to the technology that the elites think that they will have in order to become super soldiers, super humans.
That's what this document says.
The whole document is about that.
And it's about how to sell it, and I'm coming to the end here, but it even goes into how to promote this and discuss this in the various sectors and areas of society.
How to get religions to promote transhumanist ideas, how to get education, how to get government, how to get geopolitics, all of these arenas to promote this idea, because this is ultimately that satanic mimic plan of God's plan.
To sell everybody on this beast system.
So if you want documented, objective proof, you need to look no further than this document, which says that that's what's coming in the next 20 to 30 years, a global microchipped population.
This is Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
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