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Name: 20211227_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 27, 2021
2589 lines.

"Alex Jones discusses the opioid crisis caused by Big Pharma and criticizes media for not covering it. He promotes InfoWarsStore.com products and encourages staying informed on globalism, human trafficking, pedophilia, and COVID-19 conspiracy theories. Jones talks about corruption in Hollywood and mainstream media and urges support for his show. He promotes various products with discounts to fight against tyranny and discusses the dangers of COVID passports and contact tracers."

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Watch the American Journal weekday mornings 8 to 11 central at band.video.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We're returning you now to your regularly scheduled program.
We're live Monday, December 27th, 2021.
Tomorrow's news, today.
The policies of the left have matured enough to bite the hand that feeds them.
Recently, two Democrats who supported defunding the police in Philadelphia and Chicago were both carjacked just hours apart from each other.
Democratic Congresswoman Mary Scanlon was robbed at gunpoint.
In Philadelphia's FDR Park, just 16 hours after Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford and her husband were also carjacked in a suburb 20 minutes outside of Chicago, the situation speaks for itself.
Police here say three men in masks jumped out of that Durango and demanded Senator Lightford's Mercedes.
Multiple shots were fired.
I begged them not to shoot us.
And I begged them not to shoot my husband, not to shoot me.
I told them to take whatever they want.
You know, they took everything off me that I had that, you know, of value.
And I offered the car.
I just wanted my life.
I wanted my husband life.
And the big story on Action News tonight is the gunpoint robbery of Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon.
She was not injured, but her vehicle, her purse, her cell phone and other items were all taken.
And late tonight, a big break in the investigation, authorities located the stolen vehicle.
I don't care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci, or a Macy's, or a Nike,
because that makes sure that that person eats.
That makes sure that that person has clothes.
Many major corporations hurled themselves down the BLM flight of stairs in a show of stupefied solidarity to brand the Marxist ruse as the next great civil rights movement in America.
But what they got in return was an institutionalized, militarized, Soros beast of a Marxist army of Democrat pawns ripping the throat out of America.
I believe the organization stood for exactly what the name implies.
Black lives do matter.
However, after a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families.
And they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis.
This is what I gotta say to the people who are destroying things.
If you really feel like you have to take an opportunity, like if you're going to be opportunistic, something is wrong with you.
When you say that we've seen an increase in crime over the course of the pandemic, there are a range of reasons for that.
Would you consider one of the reasons in the range prosecutors who are cutting people who are accused of many criminal offenses loose too quickly?
Again, I am not, as I wasn't yesterday, going to give an assessment for every motivation or reason for crime in different communities across the country.
What I've noted, which you see in data, is that there has been an increase in crime since the start of the pandemic.
I will let others assess what the reason for that increase in crime is.
There are people who are going to take those packages sometimes.
It's going to happen.
And it's a crime.
And we're going to prosecute it, but we want to do it in a way that's compassionate.
We've cost the city a lot of money.
We've exposed someone to the sexual assault that occurs in jails, to the contagious diseases that are transmitted in jails.
As the Soros flash mobs morph into squads of organized economic hitmen unwittingly aiding in the controlled collapse of the economy.
Amazon supports the protests, right?
Amazon supports the protests.
Citibank's CEO.
The people with the most accumulated capital in America are also on the side of this protest.
Because in my view, they use identity politics and racial politics.
They want to split the country along those lines.
Was there another reason why Amazon would support this protest?
This is kind of the death of retail.
I mean this is one of the final nails in the coffin of retail.
When you think about investing your money in a brick-and-mortar store with a glass window.
In a recent letter, those companies begged Congress to end the smash and grab epidemic,
plaguing their outlets, writing, "Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell,
and Leader McCarthy, leading retailers are concerned about the growing impact organized
retail crime is having on the communities we proudly serve, which is why we strongly support
the bipartisan and bicameral integrity, notification, and fairness in online retail
marketplaces for consumers act." Finally, the corporations have spoken,
but is anyone really listening? John Bowne reporting.
Stay with us.
We are over the target and we are under globalist attack.
We are under political attack.
We're under cultural attack.
We're under economic attack.
We're under spiritual attack.
Because we are approaching the bullseye directly over the target.
The approach towards this moment in time has not been easy.
But thanks to all of you and your support, we are here reaching more people than ever, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to explain a lot of really important things about the globalist philosophy today.
Because if you understand their philosophy, you know how to beat them and you know how to stop them.
Now, I know that undoubtedly there are hundreds of news agencies, normally dozens tuned in to any five minutes of the show, but there are hundreds, perhaps even thousands, tuned in right now to hear Alex Jones on air respond to my wife's arrest on Christmas Eve for domestic violence and resisting arrest.
I'm sure they're all tuned in for so many reasons.
It helps break up the image of men and women together.
It helped become the number one story over Christmas as a symbol of families falling apart.
There was an attack on an independent populist broadcaster who's seen by the establishment as a symbol of the people.
Just like Let's Go Brandon is a symbol of the people not going along with the propaganda.
So they're demonizing and attacking it.
Anything that is accentuating and promoting populism.
And I'll give them what they want, coming up at the start of the next hour.
I will tell you what happened, because I'm a very private person, but if I don't say what actually happened, they will then project whatever lies they want onto it, and on Instagram, on Twitter, on YouTube, on a bunch of places, I got sent tons of the links, and they're just incredible, prominent people, Saying, man, I'm glad she beat him up.
He really deserves to die.
Man, this is wonderful.
Boy, look how pathetic his family is.
The left, when they can't kill babies before they're born, want to infanticide them later now.
And of course, want to castrate them, want to sexually mutilate them under the name of transgenderism.
And then they want to destroy family culture, you name it, because on average they're completely alone.
None of them even got the police report, which isn't out yet.
None of them actually tried to find out what actually happened.
They don't know my wife had had surgery a week and a half before.
They don't know that she'd gone off one medication and gone on to another.
They don't know she blacked out.
They don't know it had nothing to do with me and she was hurting herself and running around the yard all crazy and attacking trees, myself, the police.
No, it's all about Alex Jones deserved to be beat up.
And then making a big joke about somebody that had a chemical imbalance after they had a very painful surgery a week and a half ago, or a week and a half from then.
So, I will go ahead and tell people exactly what happened so that it is on record, so they can't misrepresent exactly what unfolded.
Because I've seen the media just do all sorts of twisting, all sorts of editing of reality, and by the time the truth actually comes out later, Well, they've moved on to their next big line.
We all know how they operate.
We all know what goes on.
I'll just say this.
Our biggest problem in America is Big Pharma.
Our biggest problem in America is Big Pharma.
And most people I know that have problems in their lives, it's from Big Pharma.
I mean, a lot of people I know that die, go in to have just a knee surgery or a back surgery, and flesh-eating bacteria or an infection kill them.
I mean, I've got like, it's gotta be 30 friends or more that I've known over the years that just die of a regular surgery.
And so again, I'm just blessed that she didn't get an infection and die.
I'm just blessed that my children haven't been, I guess one of them has, the one that lives with their mother, but my other three haven't been injected with all this Pfizer garbage.
And so, you know, that's just where we are.
But I said I'll talk about it.
I'll talk about it next hour and give the specifics of what happened.
But I actually feel sorry for the left and these people that have been so atomized and so isolated that they just revel in attacking things and revel in being nasty and revel in lying.
And that's why people don't believe a word they say or a word that they basically write is because they have such a long history of just engaging in such bizarre behavior.
But I want to be clear.
I don't want to lower myself to their level.
And over the years, I've lowered myself to the level of the left many times.
And so when I'm sitting here telling you about your problems in the left, I've got my own problems, and I don't see myself as right-wing.
I'm a populist.
I'm a pro-human.
I believe in humanity.
I believe in men and women and children.
I believe in our future.
I believe we have an amazing destiny if we realize that destiny and reach out for it and really try to connect to God.
But if we don't, we have a very, very hellish future in store for us.
And now let me move to the big issue here.
I'll get to that later.
I already knew the information I'm going to cover Coming up at the bottom of the hour.
I already knew this information.
But this weekend, I happened to start doing some more research on Jeffrey Epstein and his genetic engineer cloning labs, and why they were telling women they wanted to come have them be artificially inseminated at these different facilities in the Caribbean, And in New Mexico and in Northern Canada and Costa Rica.
And so I did some more research and it just blew me away.
This is literal vampirism.
And when I cover it.
It is just going to blow you away because this is all hiding in plain view.
And I've talked about it some, but we've never put all the pieces together.
You know, actually, there's some more stuff I want to print.
There's some more video clips I want to get together.
We'll do it at the bottom of the next hour.
Bottom of the next hour, because I want to hit this other news first, play all these clips.
So that's at the bottom of the next hour.
And then I just want to ask the left, who are on the payroll of these people, is this really who you want to be involved in?
It's hiding in plain view that Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Nygaard, they didn't just do stuff to other people's children.
Wait until we cover this.
And ladies and gentlemen, it's in major newspapers.
It's not even hidden.
And so, I was obviously up Friday night and Saturday night and couldn't sleep, so I wasn't able to even get my wife out of jail because of the issues with the police.
They were deciding what they were going to do.
Because that's what Big Pharma does.
It takes a small 140-pound woman who could knock over two police and have a third one subdue her.
It was bad.
So I was up.
I was up those two days and I just started researching this.
I spent at least five hours on this and I just, it's unbelievable.
What they admittedly do to their own children.
Their own little children.
I mean, it's just, people tune into this show and they think I exaggerate and years later they see it's actually going on.
Hey, by the way guys, I know it's in my stack but I got it mixed in here.
There were a bunch of new articles admitting animal human monkeys.
Hybrids and then saying it's no big deal.
Just get used to it.
I think I saw that the stack but there was one particular one I didn't see in the stack where that was out this weekend going big deal We're crossing humans with monkeys get over it And I'm gonna explain why they're doing that Coming up.
I mean this puts all the pieces together here ladies and gentlemen, I Mean, I'll go ahead and give you a hint You can make a clone of yourself You can make it one one thousandth monkey, and basically it's a clone of you.
And then you can actually raise it, keep it alive, and drink its blood.
Keep it in a dungeon.
And you're drinking your clone's blood.
I'm sorry, it's all coming up.
Let's just say the most degenerate stuff you could ever imagine is going on, and people like Nygaard and Epstein kept these facilities for Bill Gates and others to visit.
So of course Bill Gates wants to murder you and your family.
He's a frickin' vampire.
Stay with us.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
Waging war on corruption.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Okay, so let's do it.
Let's talk big picture, and then I want to drill into all the martial law, COVID rollouts happening, not just around the world, but here in the United States.
Very serious situation.
As they signal imminent announcements of banning interstate travel for those that have not been injected with the deadly poisons, which is just another level of martial law.
That's all coming up.
But the good news is there is a major awakening.
In fact, I forgot to send this to my producer, so I'd have the article.
A very well-known talk show host sent this to me this morning and said, wow, this is exactly what you've been saying.
It's all admitted now.
And I just...
Texted him back and said, it's not me that is knowing all this.
This is all Klaus Schwab.
This is all the UN.
This is all the globalists that are doing this.
And so here's the headline.
The central bankers long COVID.
An incurable condition.
And then it goes through their quotes and all of their admissions that this is a plan to bankrupt the world economy and bring in a great reset.
You're like, yeah, Alex, we know that.
You've been talking about it for long before they released COVID.
I know.
And Greg Reese last March put out a video saying this is gonna be a financial reset.
But this article out of Philosophical Salon is a review of a big book coming out, The Central Banker's Long COVID, an Incurable Condition.
Sheep spend their entire lives being afraid of the wolf, but in the end are eaten by the shepherd.
Popular proverb.
And it's an excerpt of a new book coming out that I read the article this morning.
It's a very long article, but it is excellent and I suggest everybody read it.
It's dead on.
And a lot of listeners will be like, why are you making this your main story when there's so much to cover?
We all know this.
I know you know it.
Please understand that and I love you.
You have to get this out to other people because just now I'm getting All the big talk show hosts, I mean, a lot of them, the biggest names, you name them, are calling me and texting me saying, wow, the COVID was released by the same group to shut down their competition in the economy and bring in global tracking passports and carbon taxes, social credit scores.
And they're doing all of this to shut down all their competition and then bring in a post-industrial world.
Look at these quotes.
This is what you've been saying for 20 years.
And I'm like, amazing.
I'm really glad you discovered that.
For yourself.
Because that's the thing, folks.
You got to kind of experience something for yourself and kind of discover it yourself.
It's kind of hard, I guess, to learn it from Alex Jones.
Maybe I'm not the best communicator.
Maybe I'm just good at researching things.
And then finally people find the research.
But this is the big enchilada.
And it deals with the third industrial revolution, now the fourth industrial revolution.
It's a very well-written article.
But the reason I raise that is, everything else we're looking at is a piece of that.
It's the driver in the driver's seat.
And it's running the gas pedal, and the brake pedals, and the blinker, and the steering wheel, and the air conditioning, and the windows, and the sunroof, and it's making sure there's gas in the car.
I mean, we should talk about who rules the earth.
And we name those names.
We talk about the most powerful, rich families, and we talk about BlackRock, and we talk about Vanguard, and the private less than 20 families that own it, and how they are openly bragging that they're setting up a post-industrial world and announcing they're going to shut down all the regular farming and ranching and infrastructure to fully and completely domesticate humanity.
And that's their plan.
And then once they hold you hostage and once all your regular businesses are bankrupted, they'll say, okay, now you've got to be on a universal basic income tied to your world vaccine pass that is your social credit score.
That is your carbon pass.
And again, I know listeners, I say this every day, you're like, we already know this.
Most of you learned it yourselves.
I didn't even tell you.
You've known about this for decades.
The scheme was finally developed in the eighties by Enron.
And that's actually why Enron became so powerful is They came up with scams that they actually sold to other power trading companies with fake computer programs, fake books, fake everything.
So when auditors come in, they have whole fake computer systems, whole fake books, whole fake everything with graphs and everything.
Oh, yeah, you can see how it all runs.
And in some cases, they were stealing up to $3 billion.
And this is in the 90s.
3 billion a day from Californians.
That's like 10 billion a day.
That's how I knew what the winter scam was this last February, 10-11 months ago.
I went and checked the state regulations with the feds, and the feds said you cannot turn the power output up carbon rules.
And so Texas couldn't crank up their power plants, their coal power plants, and make them produce more.
They weren't even allowed to up their natural gas, so we shut down.
That's a fact!
And they have articles about Jones claims falsely, PolitiFact, that the Feds wouldn't let him turn it on.
And then they don't even show where I'm wrong.
So, that's the world we're in.
Of course they want to bankrupt all the brick and mortar stores and are putting in DAs that let criminals rob, rape, and kill.
Of course they're bankrupting the border.
Of course they're imploding the border.
Of course they're destroying the dollar.
Of course they're putting us all into debt.
Of course they're purging and demoralizing the military and telling military men to wear red high heels.
That's to get out of the military and put their people in.
It's a scientific behavioral psychology purge of all the institutions.
And have the institutions tell you that a vaccine is safe when it's not a vaccine and gives you blood clots and gives you myocarditis and gives you brain aneurysms and gives you cancer and gives you sterility.
Because they think you're so stupid that when it all comes out, you're going to think the U.S.
government did it and not Globalist, Great Reset, Build Back Better, Davos alumni, who literally have been going for 40 plus years to lavish private jet flown, prostitutes, millions of dollars paid to them, everything.
People right out of college, by the tens of thousands from all over the Western world, are taken By a James Bond villain who works for Henry Kissinger and a private corporate intelligence agency overlay with MI6 and CIA on the periphery.
They're not even part of this club.
The directors and people are, but that's it.
And so the Carnegie Endowment basically set up Kissinger and the Rockefeller Foundation was part of that.
And this is their takeover.
And they run the sex rings, and they run the pedophile rings, and they run it all.
And by the way, the pedophile rings are the first level.
Mass underground facilities, mass human experimentation, mad scientists, absolute nightmare hell, secret black site death camps, just maximum evil.
Babies being kept alive after they're born, being put in a box, being shipped by a facility.
They literally go on a tram underground and are never seen again.
The lucky ones are killed.
I can tell you that.
And so, worse nightmares than you could ever imagine.
And this group built its command bases all over the world.
Now it's busy taking over everything else.
It's metastasizing.
It's absorbing everything.
It controls the universities.
It controls the corporate media.
It controls the Democratic Party and the leftist parties in the world.
And it's intimidated the Christian and conservative and populist parties into submission.
And now it's preparing to absorb everything, including you and your family.
So you think Fauci torturing dogs to death with flesh-eating bugs is bad?
If you think Fauci, over 10,000 mainly black children, In the Northeast, New Jersey, New York, and other areas like Maryland.
Healthy children being taken from their mothers, single parents, because daddy might come fight back, and having medical experiments done on them until they died.
Some escaped and were brought back, eight-year-olds and others that could fight back, and were killed with chemotherapy drugs.
They didn't have cancer.
Ports put into their chest to force deliver it into their body.
If you think that's evil, folks, that's what he got away with in the 80s and 90s.
It was even in the New York Times.
And he was rewarded with his job now.
So you hear me saying all this horrible stuff about them, wait till the bottom of the next hour.
You know what?
At 12.15 I'll start, because I've got a special report to play that deals with it, and a lot of evidence.
It'll take me a couple of segments.
Then I'm going to open the phones up for first-time callers on any issue you want to cover, anything you want to break down.
Let me do this right now.
Let me get into the big COVID news and how that ties into these criminals' takeover.
Remember, the worst part about 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
But don't worry, that two years is almost over, and the really bad part's coming after that.
Separately, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air.
I want to thank you all for your prayers.
That's really the most important thing.
And I want to thank you for being part of the fight and spreading the word about the different articles and videos and information that you think is most informative at Bandod Video and Infowars.com.
And I want to just thank you all for your financial support.
You're getting great products you need at the same time and really standing up for the globalists in their attempt to shut us down.
There really is an organization or group that you could fund that is doing more behind the scenes and in public.
When it comes to influencing people towards the truth, and really waking them up and giving them big picture understanding.
With the grassroots, we've changed the world together, and with some of the most important people in the world, including presidents, and prime ministers, and intelligence agency heads, and top podcasters, and top cable TV news hosts.
We've done that together.
And so, things are bad, the devil's coming after me, pulling out all the stops, But I expect that because we are now really over the target.
We're not just in the edge of the target as I've been for a long time.
This has been a long journey.
We're now directly over the bullseye.
We're entering the fulcrum.
We're entering the crucible.
We're entering the ninth circle.
And we put all our faith and trust in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
So please understand that we're going to have the Christmas sale until New Year's.
A bunch of stuff is already sold out.
A bunch of other best-selling products are about to sell out, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus.
We'll go back to regular price tomorrow.
We've got Procigar, 50% off.
Somerville Vitality, Female Vitality, 50% off.
It's about to go 25% off, so it'll be a long time until we get more, and folks will still want to order it.
There's a lot of great products at InfoWarsTore.com that you can get up to 60% off on right now.
Brain Force Plus, back in stock, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, back in stock, 50% off.
Patriot Blend Immune Support Coffee, two different types, $2 off.
Sorry, discounted so much.
Knockout Sleep Formula, 50% off.
Hair and Beard Support, 60% off.
Covid Land 2, The Mask, excellent film exposing this evil, how the mask is a fraud, and get a copy of The Order of Death and Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove on a separate DVD, absolutely free.
Great to have that in your library so they can't censor it.
1776 founding member coins, those sold out.
Alexa Pure, back in stock, $30 off.
Great water filtration system.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 40% off.
Prostagard, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
All-new Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste with Ionine and Tea Tree Oil and so much more.
It's concentrated.
It's discounted.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Back in stock.
95% cuminoid.
So good for your immune system and inflammation.
And an incredible antioxidant.
Highest strength you can find out there.
That's 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, as I said, selling out.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Formula.
Even stronger than Knockout, in my view.
I'm not knocking Knockout, it's excellent as well.
50% off.
Super Metal Vitality, Super Female Vitality.
50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off.
And that keeps us on the air.
I want to thank you all for your continued patronage.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm gonna spend the next two segments on this, and I got a bunch of clips.
And it's bad.
It's real bad.
We've got more prestigious studies out confirming massive heart attack increases.
We're talking hundreds of times What normal rates are in babies?
Because in many countries around the world, they are making people give children down to age two the deadly Pfizer shots and Moderna.
And my God, it was all designed by Fauci and Gates.
They just told the vaccine makers what to make.
Moderna is the same thing.
It's just three times stronger.
I know we've had a lot of deaths from folks taking Moderna.
We'll get to that in a moment.
From what we've seen, if you cross a J&J shot with Moderna or Pfizer, you're... I mean, it's like Russian roulette.
I mean, you've got a very good chance.
We're talking one in six or so having a serious adverse reaction.
First shot, it's one in a thousand for most people, but it's really supposed to be long-term attacks.
Second shot, less than one in a hundred.
Take three shots, I mean, you might as well just load a revolver, spin it with one bullet, and pull it up to your head.
I mean, don't do that, folks.
It's an analogy.
Here it is.
A third of Brits think the pandemic will never end.
Well, yeah, because now they're saying a regular cold is this.
That's what Omicron is.
New York smashes yet another COVID record.
49,708 new cases in a day.
Yeah, because you got to be tested to go anywhere.
One in seven tests is now coming back positive because they've now changed the test to count the common cold.
So it's the most vaccinated city in the U.S.
They stay inside, they eat all their GMO, and they're the sickest people, just like in Israel.
Meanwhile, very powerful RedState article everybody should read.
Media whines about new study finding Omicron hard to distinguish from common cold, and isn't even as powerful as the common cold.
And then it's got all the crazy quotes by Biden and Fauci, and it's a long article, you gotta go watch it.
There's a bunch of clips, too.
Saying it's horrible.
Fauci says it looks like people already have immunity naturally from it and it's really not hurting anybody.
That's why it's so dangerous.
And almost everybody's got it.
We've got to shut it down for everybody else gets it.
Because they know this is creating herd immunity even to what they released.
Even their man-made virus is now basically mutated into nothing.
And they're in total panic mode.
But they know there's a bunch of deaths happening from people that took the vaccine, so they're trying to use those deaths to blame it on Omicron, but people are actually researching the science.
Must read article.
I could spend an hour on this one alone.
Fauci says it's raging through the world.
Yeah, like colds do during the winter because people aren't getting enough vitamin D. Video.
Fauci says he supports vaccine mandate for domestic air travel.
That's the holy grail of tyranny.
And then they can expand it out to everywhere.
But already, dozens and dozens of leftist major cities, hundreds and hundreds of towns, thousands of towns, more than 20 states have different levels of checkpoints and vaccine passports.
And oh, you know, even your five-year-old can't come into the Walmart or into the YMCA or anywhere unless they've got their proof.
And of course, what do unvaccinated and vaccinated people have in common?
For COVID-19.
You're never fully vaccinated.
So, continuing.
Fauci warns Omicron variant raging through the world.
Like the wind, raging.
We better give up all our rights.
But what's really raging through the world is this.
Four young soccer stars from four different countries die this week after suffering sudden heart attacks after massive heart swelling after they took the shots.
All over the world, they take the shots, they die, because they've got to travel to the EU, so they've got to have all the shots.
Dead, dead, double dead.
We'll come back and read some of their names.
Oh, look at this!
49-year-old New York Times editor dies of heart attack one day after boasting about getting booster shot.
He took the J&J and bragged about it, and then the day he died, he said, oh, today I took the Moderna shot, and he was dead of a heart attack in his sleep that night with no existing heart problems, his wife said.
There you go.
It'll give you superpowers.
It'll send you to another dimension.
It'll take you out of the third dimension.
It'll kill you.
Protests erupting around the world of massive deaths after the shot.
Stay with us.
We'll tell you about those straight ahead.
The genie is out of the bottle.
Humanity is awake and on the march.
And we are the tip of the spear.
We are the info war.
When I say that, I mean you who is listening.
I just got big chills up my spine because the Holy Spirit is angry about what the globalists are doing to the children.
And during the break, I was reviewing more of the little black children Fauci brutally tortured to death.
And it just hits me so hard that people can't deal with this because it's so sick and over the top.
And that's why they win.
I told you a decade ago they keep babies alive at medical facilities and it came out this year that they deliver babies to major universities who are aborted at eight to nine months and partial birth abortion with their hearts still beating.
That's in the federal documents.
It's in the damn university's emails!
An ambulance drives up, the baby is in a container that you can't see through, and it's delivered to these damn ghouls!
And if we don't do something about these people, it's on us.
That doesn't mean we go off half-cocked or something.
We have to expose these monsters.
I mean, there's actual photos of the kids they murdered.
Because some of them, the parents did fight back, so they got through four-year releases, photos of little kids chained down, little black kids, with all these damn tubes in them, murdering them, who were totally healthy.
And I don't say that to patronize.
Oh look, I'm liberal.
I care about the black kids.
I care about every one of the children.
But 80 plus percent were black.
Because they could get away with it in those poor neighborhoods.
You know where else they did it?
Appalachian whites.
Same damn thing.
On welfare for generations.
It makes me sick.
I don't care if it's a white kid or a black kid.
They need to stop murdering these children.
And I'm telling you, the globalists signed on to all this.
The people involved in all this.
They're gonna pay, for God, for what they've done.
Oh, God.
Excuse me.
Yeah, that photo's nothing.
Wait till we actually show you the real photos of the kids they murdered.
I mean, little kids.
Two-year-olds, three-year-olds, four-year-olds.
That smug, look at that smug maggot Fauci.
God, oh, I hate him so much.
I can't look at it.
Just get it off screen for a minute, okay?
I can't look at it.
Because it makes me feel like a piece of filth.
We can't stop this.
Makes me feel like a loser!
And I don't like feeling like a loser.
And I don't know why so many other people don't care.
You're losing your souls, people.
Let me continue, because I got kids they're killing in the stack today.
Let me just reread you these headlines.
So I just read you.
Four top soccer players died in the last week.
Three the week before, three the week before, four the week before.
I've got all the numbers right here.
Wikipedia even runs a big page on it.
And then the New York Times editor, the Asia editor, takes the second shot, brags, and has a giant heart attack
and dies that night.
And they don't denounce these soccer players are dying, they just have the Reuters fact check run by Pfizer.
Pfizer runs Reuters.
The CEO of Pfizer.
His deputy is the CEO of Reuters.
So, continuing.
Oh, look at this.
There's video of this on Infowars.com.
They're pissed.
They got a lot of dead loved ones.
You know, the Koreans are very smart, nice people, but they're like Germans.
They tend to follow orders.
In fact, they say there's only one group follows orders better than Germans, and that's Koreans.
And you see what it gets them with North Korea and Nazi Germany and all the rest of it.
But once they get pissed, they're pissed.
And boy, are they pissed, because they're dead loved ones.
Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea.
They've had thousands of children die.
Oh, they've been doing it all there.
They do whatever they're supposed to.
They're the most vaccinated country in the world.
They have the highest autism rate, by the way, too.
Oh, by the way, the Amish don't have autism.
Oh, they don't even really get COVID either.
You can look it up.
No COVID deaths.
Protesters gathered in Busan on Sunday after a similar rally was held in Seoul on Christmas Day.
Aggrieved demonstrators held up large Portraits of deceased family members like those typically displayed at funerals in South Korea and testified at how their loved one died soon after being vaccinated against COVID-19.
And don't worry, they want them to take their fourth shot soon like Israel.
Dozens of funeral portraits were displayed at Saturday's demonstration at the government complex in Seoul.
Protesters called the government to identify the cause of the adverse reactions.
More than 1,000 have died in the government's own reports from the shots.
And it goes on.
Oh, but it's OK.
It's OK, because Donald Trump says it works and nobody got hurt and it's safe.
And people are like, I love the left because they show you how they think all on Instagram, Twitter, national news.
I mean, they've had national news.
I'm not going to play all these clips because it would just waste your time.
But well, Alex Jones is turning on Trump.
He'll soon admit that Trump ordered him to attack.
Because he's scared of jail.
That's why he turned against Trump.
No, I turned against Trump because now he's doubling down on the vaccines.
You know, for a while, he's like, well, you shouldn't take the booster and kids don't need them.
And man, Pfizer sure wants to make a bunch of money off of that.
And I don't think you should be made to take it.
And I'm like, well, he's going the right direction when he got conned into this, I believe.
But now he's like, no, nobody's been hurt.
It's wonderful.
It's great.
Everybody needs it.
You should take your boosters.
When he said the boosters were a scam six months ago in a bunch of interviews.
Three months ago, he said it again.
So, see, let me explain something to the left who just follow orders and get paid or get patted on the head or just want to be part of the globalist takeover and feel like you're part of the elite when you're not.
I don't do stuff because I sit there and I calculate what it's going to do.
If I'm pissed off at Trump, I tell you I'm pissed off at Trump.
If I'm pissed off at a family member, I tell them I'm pissed off.
If I'm pissed off at a crew member, I tell them I'm pissed off.
They tell me that too.
I tell them if I love them, if I'm happy with them or not.
I mean, listen, I'm just telling you, it shows you the sickness of the left, folks, that everywhere, oh, Jones is doing this to distance himself because he's getting ready to report on Trump.
I didn't talk to Trump on January 6th or before that for a long time.
He didn't coordinate us to go there.
Let me explain something to the left.
When you're Michael Cohen and you run tattling on Trump, they put you in prison, dumbasses.
Groveling to the system doesn't keep you out of trouble.
It makes the sharks come.
I'm attacking Trump, not in some Machiavelli 3D chess crap.
I'm attacking Trump.
Sick of this earpiece, man.
I don't know why.
It gets tight and it gets loose.
Drives me crazy.
Excuse me.
But again, it's not about me.
It's about I'm trying to teach leftists something.
How to not be sociopathic losers.
How to do what's right.
Yes, I can sit back and analyze Machiavellian actions.
I know how the globalists operate.
But I don't do things like that.
I don't operate on a level of what's going to happen when I attack Trump.
No, no, finally, here's the scales.
Okay, Trump's doing all this good stuff against the globalists, he starts to do some bad stuff, he gets stolen out of office, that makes me like him more, but then, since he's been out of office, he starts sliding worse, and now the scale went where Trump is now in the negative zone, and I open up on him politically.
Let me show you why I'm pissed at Trump.
I'm pissed at Trump about this.
Investigation has been launched that a three-year-old girl dies from cardiac arrest one day after receiving COVID-19 Pfizer shot in Argentina.
I'm pissed for that little sweetheart who had a whole life ahead of her and who's a little angel who died in excruciating pain like a fish out of water.
That's why I choose her over Trump.
And because I cared about Trump, and was persecuted for supporting Trump, it makes it ten times worse.
Because I know Podesta's evil, and I know Hillary's evil, and I know Obama's evil, and I know Fauci's evil, and I know Bill Gates is evil, and I know they're all evil.
But Trump did a lot of good, and I believed in him, and so the fact that he's done this makes it personal.
It makes it hurt!
Oh, nobody's been hurt, he told Candace Owens from the shot.
And it's great!
And everybody needs their booster shots!
And, oh, it's totally effective!
None of that's true!
It's all lies!
That little girl!
I went and checked the foreign news!
She's dead with a bunch of others!
She's real, Trump!
And your warp speed killed her!
Now, before, you were just ignorant and got calm and gave you the benefit of the doubt.
But maybe you weren't ignorant the whole time.
Maybe you've been the ultimate head fake.
And, and, and... Donald Trump?
God's going to punish you if you don't turn back now.
Let me just, I'll prophesy it right now.
I'm telling you, I know it.
Everybody knows it.
Donald Trump will never, never get out of this unless he turns to God and repents.
And he needs to stand up and admit he was lied to.
And if he doesn't, well, Trump will be destroyed politically.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm taking on Trump because it's the hard thing to do, not because it's the easy thing to do.
We'll be right back.
All right, I want to air part of a TV program I was on 12-plus years ago.
Hard to believe time has flown that fast with Jesse Ventura, where we made predictions about everything that's unfolding right now.
And then I'm going to come back and get into what really happened over the Christmas holiday with my family, because I want to get the record straight and not what the media just lies about.
And then I'm going to hit the really big news on what the globalists have been up to in their underground laboratories and more with their child trafficking rings.
So the rest of the story is coming up.
But here's part of that Jesse Ventura show.
Jesse Ventura's conspiracy investigators have tracked down the deadly secret behind the elite group that tries to rule the world.
When the population gets too big to handle, the solution is cut it down.
Now one of those sources has summoned the governor.
Alex Jones says he knows how they plan to depopulate.
Alex, you sounded urgent.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their foresty population agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to.
Dr. Rima Labo.
But she doesn't live inside the United States because she's so concerned about all the police state developments that are taking place.
But if you can get her to come up here and talk to you, she's a medical doctor, she's treated heads of states, and she really understands what's happening on the inside.
Dr. Lebeau, how are you?
I'm fine.
Thank you, Governor.
Governor Jesse Ventura.
Thanks for coming.
Now, you've left the United States of America.
Yes, sir, I have.
I do not feel safe living in the United States.
Do you want to come in and sit down?
No, sir.
I'd rather not.
You'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit if you have to?
As soon as you and I finish?
I'm leaving the country again.
Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
Are you talking to me now about the current swine flu?
I am.
Now, what is it about these vaccinations?
You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Doctor, the response is going to be, you're crazy.
How can you say this stuff?
I show them the documentation.
No, this is pretty shocking.
This process has already been ongoing.
To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene.
Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.
If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalene, but then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body.
What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening?
It looks like Gulf War Syndrome.
It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized.
This is in these shots they're going to give us?
It's in some of them, but the U.S.
government has a trick up their sleeve.
Which is?
They will induce a pandemic using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus.
That means that if I take it, I can infect you.
You're going to get the flu.
Everybody around us is going to get the flu.
Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic.
All right, my friends.
Here we are.
I do not have enjoyment talking about my private family problems, but I've always said here on air that I don't have a perfect family life, and that I'm not a perfect person, and that I'm just like you.
All the issues you go through, I have the same issues.
In some cases, maybe even more.
And I try to, you know, be the best person I can in my life, and when I do things that are wrong, I admit to it.
And what I've done wrong is not practice what I preach sometimes because I get so busy.
And just as we preach something, that doesn't mean we always practice it like we should, but we know it's the right thing to do.
And so since the media is misrepresenting what happened that became the number one trending news story on Saturday and Sunday, and it's still on the top trending.
I've never been number one and number two on Twitter.
People are calling me about it.
I haven't looked at it.
I wasn't following it.
But Sunday morning, I got some calls, a lot of calls.
People said, have you seen your trending number one on Yahoo, number one on Google, number one on Reddit, number one on Twitter?
The stuff right here.
And number two, that was never before seen.
Alex Jones slams Donald Trump over COVID vaccine and emergency Christmas warning.
Now I was happy about that report that Rob Dew and I put together actually on Friday afternoon.
We were doing a rebroadcast that day, but I was actually up here working to do that emergency message for Christmas to Trump.
And so I'm happy to be trending number two with that, but I'm not happy to be trending number one with the media promoting that to demonize my populist movement, to demonize populism, to demonize the family, to demonize men and women, and to make it the number one story, not just here, it was in Europe, it was one of the top stories, of Alex Jones' wife arrested for domestic violence.
The Associated Press called me on Christmas Day at about noon, And they said, what happened?
And I said, it was a medication mix-up.
And I said, please give us privacy.
And to AP's credit, I mean, they did just quote me.
But the left just said, hey, Alex Jones' wife beat him up.
And then they celebrated it and said it was a wonderful thing and that, you know, too bad I didn't end up dead.
I'm going to show you those tweets and those quotes here in a moment.
And, you know, why doesn't she marry Rand Paul's neighbor and stuff like that?
And the point is, if a conservative or a Christian did that, which they shouldn't do that, they would be sued, they'd be shut down, they would be taken off Twitter, they'd be taken off Instagram.
But when the left does it, it's cute and it's funny and they're allowed to do it.
I mean, I made tweets with 20,000, 30,000 retweets that people sent me.
And I'm going to just show you the tweets because I can't get into all the Instagrams and the Reddits.
I mean, it's just too much to look at.
But I did look at a lot of it because It's so shocking to see how horrible these people are, because they, oh, they're against family violence, and oh, they don't like bad things happening, but they really do.
You know, people ask why I didn't talk about Alec Baldwin.
I never talked about him.
Never really responded.
I just said if story doesn't add up, but I said I'm gonna wait till the facts come out, because I'm not getting off on the tragedy that happened at that event, at their set, and I don't think Alec Baldwin tried to shoot that woman.
Why the hell would you do that?
It's like, why would I try to attack the Capitol and destroy our movement and go to jail?
Obviously, I didn't want to attack the Capitol.
Obviously, Alec Baldwin did not want to shoot the director and the camera operator, or whoever it was he shot.
So, I'm a very private person, but just so the record's straight, I'll tell you what went on.
And when I say it's my fault, I was getting divorced, going back eight years ago, did quite a bit of dating, met my wife, really liked her, dated her throughout the divorce, got her pregnant five years ago, got married, and then they say, oh, are you depressed after birth?
Here's your psychologist, and without her telling me, she went on psychotropics.
They just tell women to do that.
She did it.
Starts having mood swings, problems.
I'm like, what the hell's going on here?
She starts changing medications up, okay?
When we have problems after this happens.
Totally wonderful relationship until this happens.
Again, it's a big farm in the system.
And I blame myself for not being home more, not stopping this, not dealing with it.
Because we'll go months and months with no problem.
And then, oh, my psychologists are, you know, they said, try this with that.
And I'm like, but you've got two psychologists now.
Have you talked to them about your taking these three things?
And then she had surgery a week and a half before Christmas Eve.
Now it's about two weeks.
And it was a painful surgery.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Private stuff.
But this is for the media just making up the story they want.
And so she had run out of the painkiller she was on.
People get cranky when that happens.
And she's on these other pills that God knows what they do, that she was given by medical doctors.
And you didn't even know who she was!
Walking into walls, falling down, jumping around, attacking me, attacking others.
And this goes on for about 45 minutes.
This woman I love, and I call the police saying, hey, she's had a bad interaction, blah, blah, blah.
You know, she's already punched me probably 30 times.
And people say, oh, where's the bruises?
I mean, folks, I'm not bragging, but I've been hitting the head with steel pipes and stuff.
I've been blessed.
She hit me a lot in the back of the head, top of the head.
There were some bruises, but I mean, I'm tough, okay?
And the point is, is that I ignored all that until some of the more crazy stuff happened.
And then she was running around the yard, just completely out of her mind.
And the police got there, and she knocked two big deputies over.
Then they subdued her.
Another one, they hogtied her.
And that's what happened.
And I'm not telling this story just to counter the Alex Jones got beat up with his wife.
They're always going to do that.
They're going to have bumper stickers.
I love it.
Funny, huh?
You guys are sick.
Actually, I don't love it.
But it just shows how sick you are.
This is about Big Pharma and every mass shooter basically being on it.
And every time, I heard about a guy a few years ago in Walmart in Austin, just starts shooting random people.
And he took Xanax and drank a six-pack of beer.
He was in a freaking clown world!
He was a video game head that played shoot-'em-up games all day, drank a six-pack of beer, took Xanax, and thought he was in a video game.
That guy's in prison right now.
And he should be in prison probably, but these drugs are out of control.
That's the issue.
I don't care if you're black, white, gay, straight, old, young, whoever you are.
Most of the problems I know about in the world are the big pharma drugs.
And going back over the years, now the last four years, Since she got on this stuff, I'm always like, get off of it.
You're happy when you get off of it.
And she's like, well, they say the problem isn't this, it's I'm on the wrong thing.
And then you get the weird effects of this drug and then the weird effects of that drug.
And it's everybody's dealt with it who's got family.
Hell, half the public's on some type of this crap.
And all I know is, is that that's the issue here is suicide mass murder pills.
That's what I called them on Piers Morgan back in 2013.
That's what they are.
And it says on the insert, it can make you act like a total psychotic.
And that's what happened.
And these things might help some people, okay?
They have very toxic effects on the inserts.
Like cancer and you name it.
I mean, these are serious chemicals in the hallucinogenic family.
And a lot of folks are going to have a great experience on acid.
Some people are going to jump off a roof.
And so, It's the same thing here, and that's what happened.
So everybody wants to sit there and make a huge, big, nasty thing out of this.
And oh my God, look, Alex Jones is a loser.
Families are losers.
Everything's falling apart.
And you know what?
You're right.
America and the world's falling apart.
We kill our unborn babies.
We've got all these secret military labs and all this illegal stuff going on.
We're a fallen group.
I'm fallen.
I've got problems.
And I've never sat up here and told you that I've got a perfect life.
But you know what?
I got four great children, I've had great adventures, and I'd do it all over again, because I'm living.
And I'm not just going to hide in some apartment by myself and die, because I'm scared to go out and live.
And so I'm in the arena, and that's the way it is, and I love my family, and I love everybody else, but that's what really went down.
You know what, I'll get to the big GMO, genetic engineering news, the biggest ever, at the bottom of the hour, but I want to read to you some of the Twitter stuff, and some of the news, celebrating family violence, how wonderful it is.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
So let me finish up with my personal issues the media is lying about.
So I'm going to get the truth on the record here.
The Travis County Police Department were just like five platinum stars.
The professionalism, what they put up with was just amazing.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And again, my life was wonderful.
Until my wife goes in a month after she has a baby and they say, are you feeling a little depressed, a little down?
Why don't you go get this prescription?
And that's when the roller coaster started.
And I talked to so many people, the same story happens.
And that's the system.
That's what Big Pharma does.
And I'm not saying Big Pharma doesn't have a lot of products that actually work and are great, like antibiotics and things.
I'm just saying everybody knows that the worst problems you know of are these damn pills.
And the companies that put them out knowing they're addictive and knowing they take control of your lives, it's out of control!
So, I blame myself for letting this go on.
And I finally may have to take off a few weeks just to go absolutely be there and make sure everything gets smoothed out and that she goes to some type of rehab or something to get off the prescription drugs because this is my family.
And this is what we're bombarded with, and this is what goes on.
And then to see the news, literally the top story, thousands of articles everywhere, and people laughing and giggling, and just projecting the fake story they wanted that she, oh, Jones got beat up because his wife hates him.
No, she was in a complete psychotic break.
Didn't know who she was.
Doesn't remember any of it.
You think a small woman can normally tackle two large police officers?
I mean she'd, "Brr, brr," and they'd all fall over with them.
I mean, this was out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's not funny.
It's not funny what happens to me.
It's not funny what happens to you.
It's not funny when there's children involved at the house.
And that's why I had to call the police.
Because back in old tribal days, if she'd eaten the wrong vine or done the wrong thing,
everybody would just take her and tie her down for the night or whatever in the tribe.
You can't do that.
You get arrested for that.
And I'm being sarcastic.
But the point is, is that I had to call the police because that's the way it works.
I don't like to.
I know the area I live in, Travis County Police, I talk to them all the time at the gas station and stuff.
They're nice people.
And they're really professionals.
And they're, you know, really deserve a lot of credit for de-escalating the situation.
She's just lucky.
She's lucky they had a lot of restraint.
And again, they understood she was out of her mind.
If it was conscious and she was a bad guy trying to hurt him, they'd have really been a lot different.
But they understood she was out of her mind.
And she wasn't out of her mind till she took these drugs that the system gave her.
And that's what this is about.
It isn't about me.
It isn't about Alex Jones.
It's not about my politics.
It's about Big Pharma is wrecking our world and taking over and now making us take experimental injections linked to all these deaths and heart attacks and infertility on record and saying that they're going to make us do this to buy and sell and have jobs?
It's out of control!
Big Pharma is the tip of the globalist spear.
So let me hit this.
It ties in.
Look at these headlines.
Inmates seek help as law allows trans women to share spaces in California prisons and rape and impregnate women.
And the headline is, two women have baby in prison.
That's the system attacking the family and attacking women and attacking gender.
USA swimming official quits after trans swimmer competing against women.
Biological male winning all of the championships.
Now all these new men are coming into boxing, MMA, weightlifting, Swimming, this is all just part of the sick takeover.
It's not against men that want to be women.
Nothing to do with it.
This is about the lie of the scientific system to make us take a shot that isn't a vaccine that doesn't protect us.
That's about making us say that a man with genitals, male genitals, can have a baby.
No, they can't.
I mean, look at this shot right here, and then I'll hit the tweets.
This is a thing going viral.
Says vaccinated can spread COVID.
A year ago they said it was a hoax.
Now it's true.
Vaccinated or susceptible to new variants and reinfection.
A year ago the media said it was a hoax.
I told you it was true.
Now it's true.
COVID vaccines can cause blood clots and other serious side effects.
A year ago it was a hoax.
Now it's true.
Third and fourth shot was a hoax a year ago.
I told you it was coming.
Now it's true.
New shots every year and a half.
Or half a year.
Was a hoax a year ago?
Now it's the truth.
Yeah, try 7 a year to 10 a year.
Shots for young children.
Was a hoax last year?
Was never going to happen?
Now it's the truth.
Remember, Biden said it would never be compulsory?
That was a hoax.
Now it's the truth.
Total segregation of society.
Was a hoax?
Now it's true.
Camp for the unvaccinated.
Was a hoax?
Now it's true.
Unvaccinated able to work.
Was a hoax?
Now it's true.
Harder access to medical care for unvaccinated.
Was a hoax?
Now it's true.
Secret contracts between Pfizer and the government.
Was a hoax?
Now it's true.
It wasn't a hoax back then and isn't a hoax now.
We were just well-researched.
We knew what we were talking about.
But let's get to the left, celebrating what they hear is family violence.
Alex Jones' wife arrested for resisting arrest and assaulting him.
Cops asked her, were you assaulted?
She assaults them.
They believe it.
I mean, you know, that's what's going on here.
Out of her mind, what woman charges three police and actually tackles two of them?
I mean, it's ridiculous, folks.
And so I've got cameras at my house.
I've got video of it.
It's pretty riveting, but I'm not going to release it to the media.
So you can just sit there and wish you had it.
You're not getting it.
But because you lied about what was going on, I'll just tell you my private stuff right there and see how you like it.
But let's look at what the scum did.
I'm kind of impressed with it right now.
It's not a good thing that happened, but my goodness.
I mean, we're talking about a huge story here.
The biggest on Christmas 2021.
I wouldn't have imagined that.
Thanks, Big Pharma.
Here's some of the tweets.
I'm surprised Alex Jones doesn't get his ass kicked every day.
To be clear, Rand Paul had the SH-T kicked out of him by his neighbor, Alex Jones by his wife,
Madison Cawthorn by a tree.
Did I get that right?
Making jokes about a guy paralyzed in a car wreck.
I guess I'm not for equality and feminism because I don't believe Alex Jones' wife should be arrested for beating his ass.
Alex Jones' wife and Rand Paul's neighbor should hook up.
Jewish space laser.
Mr. Neuberger says, Hillary Clinton should bail out Alex Jones' wife, and Joe Biden's should pardon her.
This was the number one story.
Millions of tweets, okay?
If I were married to Alex Jones, I'd get arrested too.
And it goes on from there.
So, that's what happens when somebody has a chemical imbalance after surgery, and the medication they had mixes together, and they literally go to cuckoo world, cloud cuckoo, These people turn it into something else.
They're fantasy land about family violence and a man being beaten up by a woman.
I don't know.
I saw her take on the cops.
She probably can't beat me up.
But the point is that ladies and gentlemen, it's Big Pharma at the end of the day is number one to blame.
And then I'm the man of the household.
I should have stopped this.
I'm number two when it comes down to that.
And we're trying to get her help.
And just pray for us, folks.
I'm done talking about it.
But that's what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
And, you know, it's just one hell of a time to be alive in this world.
All right, we'll talk about the real criminals that the big corporate media are defending and covering up for.
We're going to go to the bottom of the rabbit hole with Jeffrey Epstein and his best buddy, Ann Fauci, in Laboratories Murdering Black Children.
So much coming up with Peter Nygaard straight ahead.
You better get ready for this.
Alright, I've covered a lot of really sick evil stuff here on air in the hope that we'll expose it and people will rally against it and stop it.
In a lot of cases we've been successful.
It was more than two decades ago that I exposed the pedophile islands in the Caribbean and it was more than 14 years ago that I exposed Jeffrey Epstein as being one of the person running pedophile rings and we're on record for that, we've gotten credit for that.
But back then when I talked about it, I had gotten that information from Ted Gunderson, who'd been the FBI head in Southern California, and who was dialed in to a lot of really informative people.
And when I first knew Ted Gunderson, 27, 28 years ago, I respected him.
He was a very interesting and very charismatic, very amazing man.
But you're having dinner with, you know, this former FBI guy, and he's telling you this wild stuff, and you're finding it hard to believe.
But everything I already knew about, he was saying accurately.
That was a big history buff.
But then large parts of it, I didn't know what he was talking about.
And they're in Northern California and they worship a big owl and they found this dead girl they'd raped there and
Polyclost and all this stuff and it all turned out to be true
It all turned out to be true ladies and gentlemen Thank you.
And so, here we are all these years later, and this is the sickest thing I've ever covered.
And in preparation for this in the last couple days, my brain just exploded with all the other data points that we've researched.
And so, there's no way to do this justice.
And just understand this.
Anything I tell you, word for word, write down everything I say, and then you can go look up each piece of this for yourself, and you'll go down a rabbit hole yourself.
And here's what's really sick.
Almost all of this is in mainstream news, but hidden in the bottom of an article like it's no big deal.
Because they're just getting you conditioned to it.
I'm not here to get you to condition just to accept this.
Like I was told again by a top globalist one time, I'm going to tell the whole story again for the thousandth time, but Alex, we think you're actually helping us because you're just conditioning people as this comes out.
And so they'll be desensitized once it all emerges.
But see, now they want me shut down because they realize, no, the people aren't as dumb as they thought.
Because you may have the mass of people that are dumb.
There's always going to be a minority of people of every race, color and creed who see what's going on and who don't want to go along.
And so I'm not talking to the majority here.
I'm talking to people that actually care.
So let me air a John Bowne report.
We'll first roll some of the footage of Nygaard police.
This is footage shot by Nygaard himself with underage girls in this plane as young as 16 and 15 years old flying them to a medical facility In the Bahamas.
He doesn't want to just have sex with these underage women.
Coming up, we'll tell you what's really going on.
See, these girls, these young ladies, these children in some cases, they think they're just going to a party and get some money and get a fancy purse.
Look how young those girls are.
No, they're being harvested.
And by the way, that's in mainstream news that we'll show you coming up.
As many segments as it takes, we're going to cover it.
But what's interesting, as you understand, is these guys are just setting up hobby shops of what they've already been let into at the big corporate underground facilities.
I mean, Epstein and Nygaard had their own giant sprawling labs where they would get women pregnant and bring the babies to term and the babies would disappear.
And that's in the news.
In some cases they wouldn't.
Nygaard would have his own child killed and then all the juice sucked out of its body, its blood.
And injected into his veins.
His own child.
See, it's one thing to kill other people's kid as a vampire.
He would do it to his own.
And that's in the news.
And that's why everybody wanted to hang out with Nygaard.
Because that's the religion.
Here is the John Bowne Report Elite Child Sex Trafficking Ring.
Warners Explosive will come back and go down the rabbit hole.
Viewer discretion is advised.
How many CNN employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Anything screwed in by CNN employees is under investigation.
In just the past week or two, two separate CNN producers have been accused of child molestation.
One of them was a man called John Griffin.
He was just indicted by a federal grand jury for attempting to, quote, induce minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity.
Griffin used to work for Chris Cuomo.
He bragged about working shoulder-to-shoulder with him.
We'll leave it there.
Then just days after that story, Project Veritas exposed another creep at CNN.
They published graphic text messages and a video of a CNN producer, apparently a CNN producer, fantasizing about molesting a child.
Project Veritas said the producer also allegedly sought explicit photographs of that child.
And so it goes.
The nauseating CNN story uncovered by Project Veritas opens up the visibility of a larger child trafficking ring that has been clumsily revealing itself due to its own vile arrogance.
He's asked for nudes of mom and daughter several times.
He's asked for nude pictures of your 15-year-old daughter?
Yep, going back to Jeffrey Epstein with the human trafficking and how long it went before
it was actually exposed.
And then you have John Griffin.
That's human trafficking also.
That mother brought those children there.
Again, the bottom line is to save this girl.
I tried going to the police.
It didn't work.
I don't know if it's because, you know, my history has tainted it, or if it's because of who he is.
And that's what makes him mad, is that these people with power seem to get away with it.
The Epstein scandal has focused the spotlight on alternate pieces of the international sex trafficking industry due to a tidal wave of whistleblowers and victims coming forward.
Very compelling testimony this morning from Jeffrey Epstein's pilot, Larry Visowsky.
He went into great detail about how Epstein and Maxwell used his planes to fly all across the country and indeed the world.
And one of the key points that he identified is that he identified specific victims.
Victims that have either publicly come forward previously or indeed one victim who plans, we expect to hear from in this case.
Maxwell ran this household, really.
She did the hiring and firing, and she seemed to pull a lot of the strings, even at one point directing employees to complete tasks in a 58-page booklet that she put together.
So we're getting more of a narrative of exactly how this operation ran, this sex trafficking operation.
As the parallels to Epstein are unavoidable in the twisted saga of Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygaard.
The American FBI is now investigating what happened behind the front gates of Peter Nygaard's estate here in the Bahamas.
Were there multiple acts of rape, as alleged?
Was there an underage sex trafficking ring?
For now, this is as far as we can get.
At least on foot.
For decades in Winnipeg, Peter Nygaard was untouchable.
Ten women have launched a class action lawsuit against Canadian clothing manufacturer Peter Nygaard.
Under investigation for rape.
A number of women claim they were victims of what they call a sex trafficking ring.
For decades, Nygaard has seemed unusually well insulated against such allegations.
But now, 125 women have joined that American civil suit.
He's been indicted in the Southern District of New York on multiple charges of sex trafficking, minors, and racketeering.
Slowly but surely, the elite's industrialized, perverse, acquired tastes feeding on children and teenagers will reach a turning point as their straw house built on a system of blackmail in exchange for power begins to burn like wildfire.
John Bowne reporting.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
That report is Elite Child Sex Trafficking Ring Awareness Explodes.
The rest of the story, straight ahead.
It's a lot worse.
It's a lot worse than what you just learned.
Okay, I want everybody to listen to me very carefully, and I say that extremely respectfully.
But I want you to listen to me very, very carefully.
We've cracked the code.
We understand the globalist mindset.
We understand their cult.
We understand their agenda.
If you've got a corrupt ruling class that is waging war against prosperity, against your health, against your very life, you better learn who your enemy is.
Because what do good generals do?
What do top generals do?
What do the greatest generals do?
They learn their enemy.
They get inside their enemy's heads.
So they've gotten inside our heads real good.
They've turned us against each other over what color we are, over what sex we are.
They've absolutely de-industrialized us.
They've taken us off the farms.
They've domesticated us.
They've dumbed us down.
They've confused us.
They've got us where they want us.
Well, why don't we talk about who they are?
Now, I literally have a stack of more than 50 articles and clips here, and if I have to go the rest of the show doing this, I am going to cover it all.
Let's put up on screen, anybody can type this in, billionaire club meets in secret to discuss overpopulation.
13 years ago, and then again about 10 years ago, they tried to go public, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Peter Nygaard, all of them are in the same group, and say there's too many people, let's depopulate everyone, and they had articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, guys just typing in, billionaire club meets in secret, To discuss overpopulation.
Yeah, there's one of the headlines, Wall Street Journal.
And you read, who's there?
Well, who's there?
Well, it's Warren Buffett, it's Peter Nygaard, it's Jeffrey Epstein, it's... Bill Gates.
And Oprah Winfrey's famous for what she likes her and, uh... That disgraced Hollywood mogul who's in prison right now for raping all the different women.
Harvey Weinstein.
And so, that's what these people do.
That's what they're into, is getting the best and brightest and most beautiful and sucking their essence out.
But that's only one level of the spiritual vampirism.
Getting a beautiful young man or a beautiful young woman to give themselves to you for a little bit of money and a little bit of fame to sell themselves is the entry door into vampirism, into the spiritual Succubus, we're talking about.
At the bottom of it, isn't just killing children, it's keeping them alive and torturing them over long periods of times.
They call them art pieces.
If you can torture a child for 20 years, that's, you know, they go to dungeons and they admire people that have been held there for decades and are being tortured in all these different ways.
And just the attack on their soul, the destruction of their dignity, This to them is a great work of art, but they found new perversions and levels not even good enough.
They would have women get pregnant, pay them huge amounts of money, so that they could murder their baby.
And I'm going to show you mainstream news admitting this in a moment.
That's what's incredible is, this is hiding in plain view, but let's show people Oprah Winfrey.
Here she is at Peter Nygaard's Island, very close to Jeffrey Epstein's islands.
And here she is, just some video of her.
They're doing her Oprah show from Peter Nygaard's place.
And we've got Peter Nygaard with Obama and all the rest of them at his island.
But let's just say Obama isn't into the girls.
I don't care if it's a boy or a girl.
They're underage.
You don't get near them.
Who wants to anyways?
Good Lord.
So, it's the same story, different island, that you've heard over and over again.
There is... There it is.
But young women and underage girls and children being kidnapped and taken there in some cases, that's to get the businessmen there to have sex with underage girls to then compromise them and blackmail them, just like they did with Epstein.
These were two competing scumbags.
That's all they're doing.
And of course, then what do we know about the facility?
He was flying in up to a hundred women a week for stem cell harvesting.
Yeah, there's Oprah with John of God, who reportedly had sex with little children.
I mean, anywhere there's children, Oprah Winfrey is there.
With all these disgusting mothers that bring their children there so that people can pay to have sex with them.
I mean, what a sick thing.
Oprah Winfrey's depopulation scheme dashes presidential hubs.
Oh, too bad.
Oh, yeah.
She's the token black lady there, ladies and gentlemen.
But let's be deadly clear.
These people are well beyond racist.
They want to kill everybody.
They see a beautiful black woman, a beautiful white woman.
They see a beautiful Asian woman.
They see a beautiful Asian child.
They want to rape innocence.
They want to rape beauty.
They want to steal.
And Nygaard in these interviews says, I want to live forever.
I want the energy of women.
That's publicly.
Oh, I love young women.
I want their energy.
And then, He has them go to laboratories where they have babies they then hand over to him and no one knows where they went.
Except now it's coming out in court and all his witnesses are coming out and videos being released that he would
Have the blood and the cells drained of his own child and have it injected into him
a true vampire [BLANK_AUDIO]
Now, I've already laid all this out.
I'm going to start showing you the evidence.
I mean, if you're a TV viewer, you see me showing the Wall Street Journal, I show you the Oprah stuff.
If you're a radio listener, I know the show's even more crazy.
People are like, is this real?
If radio listeners are listening on hundreds of stations, they're like, what?
You're saying, yeah, we're showing it to you.
We're not making this up.
And yeah, Prince Andrew's involved.
It's all the same people, folks.
Why do you think all these CNN producers are trying to set up a bunch of young women with their daughters, as young as seven years old, to have sex with them at CNN?
Because that's how you get in the club!
You don't get in the club... I mean, let me just tell you.
You don't understand.
Harvey Weinstein, this came out in court, does not want to give the energy to a young woman of love and passion and caring about her and, and, and, and, no, no, no, no, no, where you give them energy and they give you energy.
He doesn't want that.
That, that's God's energy, men and women together, loving each other, to have a child, to build a system.
That's holy.
Harvey Weinstein would make women get in the shower, and if there's children near, get them away.
And he said, "You want that $10 million contract?
Suck my hemorrhoids."
Worship my fat.
And women would start vomiting, right?
But they want $10 million, and you're like, well, let those young women.
Oh, really?
Some were as young as 16 years old.
They get off a bus in Los Angeles, now they're in a hotel room with a fat, disgusting blob, and that's all you've only heard about.
It gets much worse.
Jeffrey Epstein, again, is a pimp.
Harvey Weinstein is a pimp.
Nygaard is a pimp.
The people that do it, and yes, Weinstein does have a vagina.
They're showing court sketches of this.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up, folks.
The point is, is that these are Renfields.
Remember, Dracula's living under the castle.
You don't ever see him.
When you see him, you're dying.
He comes in when he kills.
But you got Harvey Weinstein, you got Jeffrey Epstein, you got Peter Nygaard, you got the Renfields, the delivery boys!
The delivery boys!
Selfish, monstrous pigs!
At every level, how do they sap energy?
How do they screw young people?
When they don't even know the secret of eternal life.
Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, your soul forever.
And the sign of real goodness is that you die fast.
You get old quick.
You pour it all out.
The left's always like, look at this Hollywood star that's 47.
They look much better than Alex Jones.
Yeah, I'm in war.
I'm scarred.
I'm not trying to live forever in this body.
I'm fully committed to this.
I'm not a person pouring skin cream on me made out of aborted fetuses.
I'd rather die than do that.
So you look at me and they go, Oh, look at him.
He doesn't look young.
My soul is young.
And all the wear and tear on me is a sign of my striving against this, and taking on the pressure, and taking on the hate, and taking on the pain, and holding it on my back, because that's what a man does.
Not all about the finest meals, and the sexiest women, and all the empty people, and all this crap means nothing.
Spiritual unity is what you need with God.
Spiritual fulfillment's what you need.
So we're gonna go to break.
And I'm going to come back and show you Nygaard admitting that he sucks his children dry and injects them into himself.
Think about that.
And I'm going to show you the video.
I'm going to show you the documents.
I'm going to show you all of it coming up.
You want to know how real vampires operate?
They get women pregnant.
Take the babies.
Suck all their juices out and inject it in their filthy bodies.
Okay, we're back.
And a lot of our radio stations do not pick up this first five minutes, so I don't want to hit the rest of the story until we get there.
But I want to tie all of this together.
In fact, guys, get the head of the WHO from last week saying they're admitting they're killing children.
Get that clip ready for me next segment, please.
Thank you.
I want to show that clip again because it ties into this.
If you understand this, you understand everything.
And I was thinking during that little short two minute break, what is the most important point out of all of this?
And there's a lot of points and it hit me and then just like boom, the deepest thoughts just go back beneath that ocean of subconscious and I'm just looking for that thought to pop back out so I can really lay out here today.
Why this is so important.
You see, you want to play a board game with a little kid, or watch a TV show, or go for a hike, or paint, or giggle and laugh with them, and you just feel the future of the universe in them.
These people want to steal that.
And the fact that those of us that don't want to hurt children have a blind side to this is not excusable.
I will tell you that we're going to continue to be cursed and destroyed.
We're going to continue to lose everything we've got if we don't start fighting evil.
I can't tell you how many people I know personally that know what's going on.
And they look at me and they say, Alex, you're bringing down huge attacks on us.
Why don't you stop?
Why are you grandstanding?
This is dangerous.
And I love how, no, no, no, no, I'm not grandstanding.
It's family.
I'm not grandstanding.
What am I supposed to do?
Just roll over to this?
Well, I mean, you know, because there's that desire to just not be part of it.
There's that desire to like, well, don't engage it.
Like engaging it is a form of being part of it.
I mean, if you engage this evil and kind of go along with it halfway and don't fully expose it, I guess you could say you're with it.
But I'm not with this at all.
It hates me.
If there's a pedophile vampire energy, I'm the opposite.
I'm over here.
I want to give everything I've got.
Because when I do, I just, I mean, here's the thing.
I never was into vampire stuff.
I don't understand it.
I hate it.
It stinks.
I politically and culturally and metaphysically understand it, but I don't get it.
I totally get being the champion in fighting evil and standing up for the innocents because that makes me high as a kite and that's where I want to be.
Some people say, oh, we really appreciate you fighting these horrible demons.
You're like, I don't even have a choice.
I mean, are you kidding me?
Like I get a chance to fight the Satan worshippers?
I get a chance to take on people hurting children?
You're telling me I'm a hero for doing that?
That's why we're in so much trouble.
Because people think it's heroic to take on scum.
Oh, that was the big thought.
That was it.
Oh, that was it.
That was it.
In case I forget, I'm just going to say it now, but I'm going to elaborate.
I don't have to break.
These people are scum.
You look at Peter Nygaard and Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein and the Prince of England, that piece of filth.
And all of them, and you look at these people, these babies, these satanic succubus, and then you're like, oh, we can't beat them.
Well, then I'm done, okay?
I'm done.
Because here's the deal, there's nothing wrong with going out to some nice place and having a good time with your wife and children, but you better spend most of your time trying to help people.
But these guys don't help anybody.
They tell you all day how they're gonna help people, and how they're good, and how they care about you, and how they're strong, but they don't, folks, they don't do anything except bad stuff.
And they're in a club where they're into how selfish they are.
And it's like, oh, Prince Philip's like, and George H.W.
Bush, oh, you've got laboratories where you insanguinate your children's blood and inject it in yourself?
We like that.
You're our kind of guy.
I'm a hero for not being part of this?
No, I'm not.
No, I'm not.
I'm simply swimming up for the air, baby.
I want out of this stuff.
I don't want to be anywhere near these people.
It's so simple.
Stay with us.
So let's start in 2015 with Peter Nygaard.
Think of him as an even more successful Jeffrey Epstein you never heard about.
Who's organizing orgies with underage girls, boys if you want them.
And that's just the entry door.
He's got a whole Disney World jungle adventure.
200 plus square, thousand square foot of buildings they're saying.
They're in the Bahamas and you can go there.
And they're just jets landing with 16 year old girls.
And that's just the beginning.
Oh, but they do tell you.
Hey, we want to work with you now, Mr. Businessman.
You know, you just had sex with a 16-year-old girl, but we're going to work with you.
It's okay.
Talked to Democrats today when they sent us child porn in the email that we never opened.
They said, oh, we found the child porn, but we want to work with you now.
I said, oh, watch my show in about an hour.
You'll see how I'm going to work with you.
Good luck, you scum, you trash, you filth.
I'm not grinding my teeth.
It's okay.
So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
So let's go through some of these headlines.
I'm going to show you this monster.
But here's the most important thing I've said.
When you look at a Prince Philip or a Prince Charles or the Queen of England, it's all the pomp, it's all the circumstance to convince you that this person is all-powerful and should rule you because they're wearing a ridiculous outfit.
You know, a red military outfit.
I mean, if you saw a hillbilly from East Texas wearing that, you'd laugh at him and say, look at that idiot in a British royal military outfit.
Or if you saw a rapper wearing some type of royal outfit, you'd go, look at that dumbass.
At least that's what I do.
But the biggest dumbass is the Queen of England.
I mean, her whole family is into using people and humans being scum and organizing a psychopathic, sycophantic organization around them.
They're as British as Tokyo.
And so when you look at the trash that is Bill Gates, and that is Peter Nygaard, and that is Jeffrey Epstein, they're
all hanging out together.
They're all together constantly.
Who knew The Hunger was a real movie until you saw Prince Philip a week before he died?
So, doesn't look too powerful now.
He looks pretty freaking scared.
He knows where he's going.
Bye bye, butterfly.
So, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
You see, I don't revel over children enslaved in dungeons.
I revel over them paying.
And I repent of that.
But God just tells me that's part of the plan.
God made me this way.
See, I don't revel over some child chained down, they're drinking their blood.
I revel over the destruction of these people.
And we will break them so well together with God's coming.
I'm sorry, let me... I'm digressing as we get over the direct target right now.
To drop our psychic payload.
All of these demons think they're invincible.
All of these demons think they're God.
All of these demons are laughing to the last minute, but they are the losers!
The Oprah Winfrey's, the Bill Gates, the Prince Phillips, the Prince Charles, the Klaus Schwab's, the Bill Clinton's.
They think their attack on humanity goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and they're never going to get defeated, but that's not true.
They're being defeated right now, and that's their whole Great Reset, and that's their attempt to depopulate you, and that's their attempt to silence you.
It's because they know they're going down.
So let's look at these headlines.
Elite child sex trafficking ring awareness explodes.
Big report on Bandai Video.
Oh look, a defiance of these tough guys.
Where are both these tough guys right now?
This one's indictable.
The witness is coming forward with sex slavery and him drinking baby blood.
And this one, well, we know where he is.
South of heaven.
Oh, but let's talk about the real killing.
We can talk about sex-opades and sex slaves and pedophile wonderlands and all the rest of it.
When Michael Jackson is the victim of it and probably involved in it, too.
But, oh, HBO and everybody, they tell you about that to protect those that abuse Michael Jackson and the real Neverland, you see.
Look at those people, the top pedophiles.
Flashback, Fauci's NIH-funded experiments on AIDS orphans in New York City, including forcibly giving them toxic drugs till they die.
That's a real photo of a four-year-old black boy they took a year to kill.
Isn't it liberal?
Here's another one, guinea pigs.
Fauci's legacy of cruel experiments on children.
And now let's move into where I was talking about.
Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygaard watches a 17-year-old dance on a stripper pole in his private jet before he relaxes in his orgy cabin with a girl as his videographer comes forward with new footage ahead of his sex trafficking trial.
This is just now coming out.
And this is stuff he videotapes.
Jeffrey Epstein hoped to seed human race with DNA.
New York Times.
Remember I told you he was into eugenics before anybody else broke it?
Because I have the sources.
Shocking photos!
Fashion mogul Pierre Narga vorts with bikini-clad companions.
Underage girls.
On and on and on.
An ugly, evil, old vampire trying to suck off youth.
And here's this beautiful fiancé.
That he tried to pressure other women to have a baby so they could drink his blood together.
That's the headline.
Peter Nygaard wanted girlfriends to have abortions to use fetuses for age-defying stem research and had a whole laboratory on the island growing fetuses and babies for him to suck dry and inject into himself so he could live forever.
And of course the women finally found God and rejected him.
Yeah, you think the women are happy with this maggot?
You'd be more happy in a shack on the side of the highway, woman, than with this demon.
Canadian fashion mogul, Peter Nygaard, puts his faith in stem cell science.
The Globe and Mail.
This is from 2014.
We're going to come back for a break.
Hell, it's only a two-minute clip.
Let's go to it now.
But I want to show you, the stuff I just showed you, he's bragging about in earlier interviews.
And it turned out he had women by the thousands flying in to get pregnant so he would get the babies to kill them and eat them.
This isn't some horror movie.
This is reality.
Here it is.
Younger at heart than those half his age.
That man is Peter Nygaard.
And according to this video posted on YouTube, the 70-year-old fashion designer claims to have discovered the fountain of youth.
Look at my before and after pictures.
I come from anti-aging to reverse aging.
He goes on to explain the science behind those claims.
I've been on stem cell therapy now four times a year for the past three years.
Stem cells can be turned into just about any kind of cell, which means potentially they could be used to repair damage caused by disease.
But in Canada, it's illegal to clone them.
Nygaard moved from Winnipeg to the Bahamas several years ago.
He launched a biotech company in 2009, hired four scientists specializing in stem cell technology, and lobbied the Bahamian government to create legislation to further his research.
He now says his doctors have made a scientific breakthrough, successfully changing his skin cells into embryonic stem cells, essentially turning back his biological clock.
This is huge.
This is a game changer.
This could eliminate all disease.
This perhaps is immortality.
But this University of Manitoba ethics professor who's been studying stem cell research since scientists cloned Dolly the sheep in the late 1990s says Nygaard's claims are unfounded.
There is no magic stem cell cocktail that you can drink or inject into your arm that will make you younger or healthier or that will help you to live longer.
Arthur Schaeffer says while the technology isn't there yet, there's still an ongoing debate as the science could also be used to enhance physical and mental traits in only the people who could afford it.
The use of stem cell technology to create supermen and wonder women has many people feeling very uneasy.
But Schaeffer admits, if nothing else, Nygaard's video will further the debate on the issue until science catches up.
I want to live forever or die trying.
Alright, when we come back, what's really going on, the women have gone forward.
They were having babies and he was killing them and taking their blood.
What's really going on here is very, very sad and very, very sick.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You've got the Jeffrey Epstein's, the Peter Nygaard's, running around setting up their own Human body part harvesting, sanguination or draining facilities of babies.
And you've got all these beautiful models and amazing people, some of them of age, some of them underage, being lured there.
And then at the end of the day, they're like, hey, we don't really want to have sex with you.
We want your baby.
And that's because the royalty of the planet and others are very picky.
They want to see the supermodel whose baby they just killed, and they're going to pay a million bucks for a blood transfusion or a stem cell injection from that child.
That's what's going on.
That's why when you have a child, the hospital goes, would you like to donate your placenta to help other children?
That thing's being whisked off and sold for thousands of dollars.
I mean, I'm in a mainline medical facility getting tested, and they're like, hey, would you like to pay $2,000 for the placenta stuff of a child?
I'm like, I don't even know that came from a placenta.
No, no, no thanks.
I'll just follow God's path and do that.
I don't need to start farming humans here.
I might be part of it.
I remember more than 15 years ago talking to a local billionaire I'm friends with, and they're like, Alex, I tell you, it's great.
I'm feeling so good.
You just go.
It helps kids get their college funds up, their parents sign on, they're like 13 on average.
You get their blood, the young blood, so good.
And I came on air and I said, years ago, 15 years ago, hey, they're selling young people's blood.
And then later, five years later, it was on the news.
I mean, I don't lie about any of this, folks.
People actually say, would you stop telling the truth?
Shut up, Jones!
What the hell are you telling everything about yourself?
My only superpower is telling the truth, folks.
That's all I got.
So I just tell you everything that's going on, that's the way it is.
So, here's the most important thing, and I said this earlier, these globalists are very predictable.
They're very pathetic.
They're very narcissistic.
They're very, they want to be women.
You look at Peter Nygaard, all dressed like a woman in flamboyant outfits, and you know, his hair all combed, trying to be around young women.
All of it is about taking control of everything, and the whole development of humans.
And getting people signed on to his sick world.
So as sick as Peter Nygaard is, and as disgusting as he is, he's like the first boss in a video game.
They get a lot worse as you go up the chain.
And that's what I want everybody to get today.
The Jeffrey Epsteins, the Peter Nygaards, Even the Hillary Clintons.
They're just mid-level pimps.
Vote for Winfrey's.
For what's going on above them.
And at the real industrial scale, look at this right here.
It's 10,000 plus little black angels that Fauci in the early 90s took Healthy and took to facilities and murdered.
In some cases took a year to kill him, giving him chemotherapy.
You look at Fauci, you say that's an evil son of a bitch that's looking at him, isn't he?
But then when you know what he actually does, of course he created the virus at the lab.
Of course he released it.
Of course he runs a vaccine killing all our babies now.
Because that's how Satan works.
When we metaphysically did put Fauci in prison in the 90s, came out in the mid-90s, and he had killed more than 10,000 black children and thousands of white children in the Appalachians, no one did anything and that was the green light for him to go operational against everybody now.
That's how this Satanism works.
Look at these photos.
Little dead, dying children, Fauci murders.
And you think about Twitter and Facebook and YouTube defending and protecting all of this for their little pathetic paychecks.
That's why Jeffrey Epstein hoped to seed human race with DNA.
All these women at a Caribbean medical facility, not just on Little St.
John's, that's the diversion.
He was on other islands.
Huge hospitals full of women getting impregnated.
They were told, with Jeffrey Epstein, to create a master race.
But really, they were just producing Fetuses.
To be sucked dry by these vampires.
You go buy a can of Coca-Cola, they go and pay for a baby that's delivered live, and they sit there, Bill Gates watches as it's drained in front of him.
He's the man.
He's the alpha.
He takes it in his arm.
Does he look alpha to you?
Does he look like he's got the spirit of God?
Does that guy look like he's alive to you?
You want some baby blood?
I say it's a curse.
I don't say it's some kind of big empowering thing.
So here's the big news.
We got these people's number.
We know what they're doing to our children.
We know who they are, and they're a bunch of old, hunchbacked, crazy-looking, old, weird white men with Oprah Winfrey as their distraction, with all their weird hair sticking out and hair going out of their ears and stumbling around about how they're God and how they get our baby blood and all them, and now they hit us with a virus and they own the media and they told us take it, and now they're going to lock us in our houses if we don't do what they say.
From the Mayor of New York, to the Governor of California, to the President of the United States, they're all sellouts to Satan and loser scum.
And God's just waiting for us to say no to these people.
And to finally stop bowing down.
Because Newsom and all these people are losers!
They'll be destroyed in the end!
It's our children that go on forever.
And if we don't stand up for them now, and take all the attacks, and take the demonization, and if we don't get some licks, and if we don't die for these children, our soul's gonna go floating up there to the next dimension, and go into that big white throne room, and go floating right up to the big guy, and say, I wanna be with you, and God's gonna say, I don't know, cowards.
And with that, you're gonna be spending eternity with Anthony Fauci.
And who wants to spend eternity?
I mean, put it back on there.
The arrogance of that murderer.
The arrogance of that criminal.
I mean, look at the psychotic glee in his eyes, knowing he's carrying out depopulation.
Knowing he has the will to do it.
And believing he bet on the real side of history.
And that he's invincible.
No Fauci, you're not invincible and God is going to break you into a thousand pieces.
God's going to take you in his hand and he's going to slowly over an eternity just close that fist until you know the meaning of the pain you gave these children because that's justice.
And then you're gonna be dumped into the furnace of eternity.
So we know their program.
Obviously, rich, inbred, crazy people.
They believe they can live forever.
And they're looking for technologies.
And they're looking for labs.
And what's coming out of the government lab?
We're not getting told.
We don't know what they do down there.
Well, let's start our own labs.
We got these scientists.
So you buy the head of the Harvard deal.
And you buy this guy.
And you buy that.
You set up a facility.
And you do it all.
And you tell your girlfriend, hey, can I have your baby?
As if that's going to turn her on.
Can I have your baby to inject our baby into myself?
She leaves you.
Because see, she instinctively knows that she's going to die, but the beauty of living forever is her children and their children.
That's the holy grail.
But you pissed all over that, you loser.
All right, folks, we're back live.
I've confirmed it's real.
We're going to have it next segment.
Joe Biden is beginning to throw in the towel, and I've seen some signs of this, saying that the feds can't stop COVID.
So I'll give you my best analysis next segment on that.
But let me let me just say this right now.
I've tried to do a good job today.
And I powered through all this without crying.
That's why sometimes I make jokes and laugh and stuff.
That's because I'm actually in a lot of pain.
That's a defense mechanism.
And I repent of it.
But it's a tick I've got.
When something really upsets me, I gotta laugh about it.
Or it makes me either get really upset or really violent.
And there's no globalists right here to kill, right?
Or strangle.
So we don't want to do that anyways because they want us to get into violence.
We're spiritually winning.
People are waking up.
We need to control ourselves.
But believe me, for those of you out there who are angry and don't know when we're supposed to take action, I'm with you, okay?
All right?
Now, that said, I'm going to state this again.
I've said this about six or seven times today.
I'm going to say it again.
When you look at a sack of degenerate, pathetic, nerd, Satan-filled garbage, like Bill Gates, or Peter Nygaard, or Jeffrey Epstein, or any of these people, as a man, you say, that is a degenerate pedophile.
That is an enemy of my women and children.
You've got an instinct to build civilizations.
You've got an instinct to grow crops, and to launch rockets, and to have solar panels, and to break the secrets of the universe.
You're built by God!
You're incredible!
I know who you are!
I can feel your will!
And we are so close right now to realizing the next level of our development, and we're gonna throw these people off.
But first you gotta realize, when you see Hollywood promoting something, it's the enemy.
When you see mainstream media saying something's good, it's bad.
This ain't rocket science.
You can intellectually break down or mathematically or culturally or anthropologically why it's bad.
But just as a rule, the system promotes it, we don't want it.
We will break these people with God's help.
They are broken.
They are scared.
They are intimidated.
They will fall.
They're the ones running around to elite compounds where they go get infusions of dead babies and clones.
And then, oh, it's like, what's sicker?
Oh, well, I got a woman pregnant.
We kill the baby and we share the cells together.
That's perfect Satanism.
You know, Epstein and Nygaard both did it.
It's been admitted.
Nygaard admitted it.
Imagine you have sex with a woman, you get her pregnant, which is a major act of splicing your entire genetic history and hers together for a new creature that literally then is given a soul by God upon inception.
Interdimensional gate opens, new creature is installed.
As the avatar in this new person.
And then you suck it dry and you and your dumbass girlfriend lay down with doctors and inject the crushed baby.
They put it in a machine and crush it.
A huge hydraulic lift.
And crush out the juice of your progeny and then inject that into your veins in an act of greed and hatred.
And by the way, the evil just gets worse from there.
I mean, I know some of the stuff these people are up to, and it just doesn't even... I mean, it's just... They don't want to submit to God's plan.
God gives them free will, but God's plan's beautiful.
I mean, I try to follow God's plan, and I can't stay on it.
I'm, like, upset.
I can't, like, oh, please!
Don't want to be on the path!
Please tell me!
No, no!
I don't want to be with them!
No, no, gosh!
Oh, no, gosh!
I can see what's going on, but imagine these people, like, no!
Whatever I can do to be not on this path, I want that!
And Satan goes, alright!
Have sex with a supermodel.
Have her grow a baby for nine months.
Abort it.
And while it sits there, we'll crush it in a hydraulic lift and you will both take its essence into you.
And then Peter Nygaard wonders why every woman he tried this with is coming out ran.
A lot of them got pregnant were like waiting like, I kind of want my baby.
I mean, you're gross and everything, but I want to kill it.
Like, I mean, imagine it's all sick.
Because if you kill your baby, knowingly, it's bad, but to do it so you live forever, you're living forever through it.
And the child goes out and has a life and has love.
And the journey continues of our genetics and our composite Instincts, our spirit, that's only one level of our journey together.
You kill the journey so you can try to live longer in some dude that wears dresses and combs his hair and goes around about a bunch of empty supermodels?
That's what they go get, leaderless supermodel young women that ran off into Hollywood and got caught in the spider's web and then notice they're like, hey, we want to have sex with you, but that's only the opening.
They only have sex to get the woman under control.
We want your baby.
We want to drink your baby's blood.
In fact, we don't want to put it in our gut.
We want to put it in our vein.
We want to put your baby in a hydraulic press and crush it down to a millimeter and drink his blood.
And then you learn.
That there's a spirit in these people for thousands of years in Egypt and in Greece and in Japan and all over Africa they said there were certain crazy people that went nuts and would demand children, demand their blood, demand sacrifice.
And that's who these people are.
And now they've got doctors to do it.
Well, oh, what's going on at the laboratory at Zorro Ranch in New Mexico?
What's going on over in the laboratory at St.
John's, Little St.
What's going on over at the Bahamas things with Peter Nygaard?
And that's all it is, is good old-fashioned kill your kids.
I mean, at least Satan back in Babylon and Tyre They just had women bring their babies up to a big burning fire and throw it crying onto a big slab of burning steel.
Of iron.
And the baby would pop and spurt and blob and pop off the back and the priest would gobble its molten flesh.
Just like they went to a steakhouse.
At least those mothers knew when they were marching up there.
That was a child.
That was a sacrifice.
And think of these cult leaders.
They've got women bringing their one-year-old male child to be burned and murdered for them.
And then in modern society, we call it abortion.
In modern society, we call it trendy.
But it's so some weird, creepy old man Can get a bunch of young women lined up so you can send brochures to all these billionaire tech people about, oh, we've got the latest cool thing for you right now.
How about your own child?
How about you come have sex with a woman when she's an estrus?
And you get her pregnant, a young, beautiful woman, and then you get to drain your child.
And those billionaires go, God, that's the best thing I've heard of.
I've already killed a lot of kids.
I've already drank a lot of blood.
We already killed a lot of little kidnapped third world kids, but we already did medical experiments.
Oh, I already got let down this underground base.
I got to kill five kids.
I got to drink their blood.
It was so amazing.
I get to kill my own child.
Your own child.
You're going to drink their blood.
And they're like, Oh, that's so liberal.
Oh God.
That's so trendy.
Oh my gosh.
I get to drink my own child's blood.
So remember, you're letting some Peter Nygaard, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Jeffrey Epstein joke.
Arrogant, full of themselves demon.
So proud when you see Epstein.
He's always so proud of himself.
How selfish he is.
And they all go, you're so selfish.
We just murdered a bunch of kids down in the basement with a battle axe.
He's like, I know, isn't it great?
Because they're so selfish and they just do it forever and it gets better and better and better and better and more fun and we're dominant and we're raping the children and we're murdering our future and we're LIBERAL!
And that's who rules over you.
But the good news is the beginning of their fall has started, and that's why they've launched the Great Reset.
That's why they're launching all this.
Epstein's dead.
His girlfriend's in prison, and their whole house of cards, the Queen of England's house of cards, is coming down.
And they know it.
All right, the final conclusion ahead of Gerald Cilente, straight ahead on this Monday, December 27th, 2021 transmission.
The globalists came for war?
They got it!
All right, Gerald Cilente is going to take over here in about 13-14 minutes from now.
But I'm telling you, the chink in the armor of the globalist dragon is that it's a bunch of old, inbred, crazy, pervert men Who don't want to just have sex with women and underage girls and boys, which is horrible, but they also are obsessed with cloning and DNA and being mad scientists.
And the good news is their programs are falling apart everywhere.
Fauci, Judy Woodruff, Tom Brokaw, they're That's a eugenics meeting they were at more than 15 years ago.
Bill Gates Sr.
Barbara Walters.
They're all just in on it.
David Rockefeller.
And it's disgusting.
They're playing God as if they're better than you.
Certainly I can look at poor masses of people and look at problems and say, well it might be better if we waved a magic wand, but is that my job to kill them?
Plus, I don't have an affinity for having sex with children.
It's the worst people that have a desire to kill everybody.
And because you don't have an affinity for that, you're not in their club.
Why do you think they've come out in all these newscasts and said, okay, the vaccine's killing children, we shouldn't give it to them.
Get the WHO clip ready, guys.
They admit what they're doing, but then pose as a savior for the very thing they're doing.
And they do it over and over again.
So it's all about maximum selfishness.
And imagining a group or organization that celebrates that it's evil, and celebrates that it's selfish, and celebrates that it's bad, but that they all don't screw each other is the rule.
But globalism does screw each other, and that's why they bemoan in the Council on Foreign Relations reports that their operations are not working.
It's because they're supposed to have a tiny group of technocrats, a few thousand of them, that screw us, and then they'll all be the gods of the future.
But see, they can't stop screwing each other.
I don't mean physically.
I mean cheating each other.
So here's the clip.
WHO head admits vaccines being used to kill children.
And he's now confirmed the clip?
He's putting in his little proviso, his little fine print, that he knows what's going on.
So if it's going to be used, it's better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe disease and death, rather than, as we see, some countries are using to give boosters to kill children, which is not right.
And he got asked about it and said, I said what I meant.
They're being used to kill children.
And the average person's like, what is, what, he just, they're throwing it in your face.
In fact, I forgot to play it Friday.
If you guys can't find it, it's my fault.
Can you guys pull up Justin Trudeau, the Canadian dictator?
He's gotten there by fraud.
Remember he said, yes, we're assaulting Your basic liberties.
We're getting rid of your basic freedoms.
Yes, it's true.
Remember two years ago, he said, I want to be a Chinese dictator.
I like dictatorship.
And the women were like, oh, this is powerful.
Yeah, here's the clip.
Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights, and the charter says that wrong, we're still going to go ahead and do with it.
It's basically a loophole that allows a majority to override fundamental rights of a minority.
So, we'll play that again in a moment.
That is the most powerful statement since the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence says a majority cannot override a minority.
Like, if America was majority black, The majority of blacks can't say we're going to kill or enslave the minority whites.
Or the majority's white, you can't say we're going to enslave or kill the minority black.
He just said, and by the way, he's defended it in the news since it broke last week, that no, no, no, no, no.
We're a democracy.
So if 51% elect him, which didn't happen, it was fraud, we're going to make you take five, six shots a year and you've got to do what we say.
So he's very proud of that.
Play it again.
Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights, and the Charter says that's wrong, we're still going to go ahead and do with it.
It's basically a loophole that allows a majority to override fundamental rights of a minority.
So regardless of the fact that we're attacking your fundamental rights, we're gonna go ahead and do it.
These aren't edited videos, folks.
Look it up.
They don't have Snopes saying we're lying.
This isn't video editing.
This is real.
This is him saying, we're gonna go ahead and do it.
And once we can track The unvaccinated, we can track the vaccinated.
Oh, but AP says it's taken out of context.
Oh, that's right.
Yeah, okay, there's vaccine passports, and there's checkpoints, and yeah, they're teaching critical race theory in school, but it's taken out of context.
And yeah, inflation's high, but it's taken out of context.
And yeah, the border's wide open, it's taken out of context.
And yeah, drag queen story time's happening at your school with pedophiles.
It's taken out of context.
It's taken out of context.
It's taken out of context.
No, it's not taken out of context.
CNN medical analyst, former head of Planned Parenthood.
She can't kill you in the room, she'll kill you outside of it.
CNN medical analyst demands Biden further restrict the activities of the unvaccinated.
And what type of grid controls where you can go and what you can do?
run by people that took over 10,000 little black children who were totally healthy and murdered them with
Joe's still in the position to take over.
If I don't plug, we're not going to be on the air in six months.
And people ask me, I get all these calls, like last week I said, hey, if we don't get a lot of purchases and a lot of people supporting us, we won't be able to operate the level we are in six months.
People go, I got all these calls, like even vendors that we already are prepaid.
Are you going under?
I'm like, um, it's like saying if I don't drink water today, in a week or two, I'll be dead.
Or if I don't put gas in my car when I'm driving from Austin to, say, Dallas, I might run out of gas.
It's not saying we ran out of gas.
It's saying, hey, I'm on a quarter tank and I gotta get to Dallas.
I'm gonna run out of gas at Waco.
See what I mean?
It's not a lie.
It's not saying we're going under today.
It's not.
It's saying If you let your 14-year-old smoke crack in your backyard, they'll probably end up in jail or dead soon.
It's not like, oh, they're dead.
It's like, we better stop this.
And so, yeah.
I'm in the red.
I'm in the black.
I'm in the red.
I'm in the black.
I got all this stuff going on, and I'm not bitching.
I love this fight.
But if I didn't have to spend half my time scrounging up money, and I'm not complaining at you, you've been amazing, we'd do a lot better.
But that's how God wants us to stay hungry.
I get it.
It's God's plan.
I'm not going to bet you about it.
But yeah, we need you to go to MFulwarestore.com.
We need you to get Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
We need you to get Turbo Force.
We need you to get our great high-quality coffee.
We need you to get it all.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, about to sell out still.
Massively discounted, 40% off.
Prostagard, about to sell out, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off, about to sell out.
All new Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste with no additives.
It's a concentrate with the tea tree oil and the iodine and more.
It's discounted.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 40% off.
It's discounted.
DNA Force Plus, it's 40% off.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Super Metal Vitality, Female Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off.
That's all the stuff about to sell out.
This is the last few days of this sale.
I take advantage of it and fund this operation.
We need your help.
We really appreciate you.
You're the only reason we're still on air and we love you.
Rainforest Plus, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off.
Patriot Blend Coffee, $2 off.
It's already discounted so low we can't go lower.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
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It's an incredible vitamin mineral formula for the immune system.
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Alexa Pure Pro Water Filtration System, 30% off, $30 off.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And we got shortwave radios, and we got air filtration, we got storable food, we got books, we got films.
The point is, is that The most important point in our fight over the years is happening now.
And I'm not going to stop.
I'm going to keep going until I win or drop dead.
But I'm just telling you.
You want us to keep fighting?
You are the InfoWar.
And I thank you and I salute you.
And I go to InfoWarStore.com right now.
Sign up for AutoShip.
Get an additional 10% off your next order.
Patreon points.
You name it.
We're back live.
I said I'd take calls today.
I didn't.
I'm going to come back tomorrow and take basically two, three hours of calls.
I promise you we're going to do it.
I want to take your calls.
I love your calls.
But I want to play this very important report here.
Fauci, Joe Biden, Dr. Walensky, and Bill Gates ensure you that vaccines will stop transmission.
And now they don't want this seen.
They want this censored.
They want this blocked.
They're even censoring clips on Twitter and Instagram of Fauci saying this.
So that's coming up here in just a few minutes.
But separately, I want to repeat what I said about 10 times last hour and a half.
I'm going to say it one more time.
When you look at Peter Nygaard, when you look at Jeffrey Epstein, when you look at Bill Gates, when you look at Oprah Winfrey, when you look at Bill Clinton, they're a bunch of perverts who want to rape people.
But they're the low-level Satanists.
The higher levels just want to kill.
And so you see the Harvey Weinsteins as the front people of this.
Do you think, okay, that's as bad as it gets?
No, that's the leading edge.
It gets worse from there.
You look at a Prince Charles, you look at a Prince Philip, you look at a Jimmy Savelle, look them up together.
They ain't raping kids, folks.
They're ice picking them.
And because that's the logical thing of steal a future, steal a life, take it for yourself, show Satan you're selfish, that's who they are.
And so all of you that serve the big mainstream media and all of you that play your games and think you're getting ahead of the system, you're getting ahead of the system because you're selling your own soul out.
And every time you think you're getting ahead by bowing down and going along, you're giving up.
Imagine you're a pile of gold coins, gold and silver coins.
That's more of your soul going away.
Instead of building your treasure up in heaven, you're lowering it down.
You're not winning.
You're not winning going along with Peter Nygaard and Bill Gates and all this scum.
So please keep us on the air.
Please take these clips, cut them up, get them out every way you want.
Please buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com that enlighten and empower and help you and make you healthier.
Get your vitamin and mineral fusion, get your DNA force, get your lung cleanse.
Get it all at InfoWarsTore.com and whatever you do, support those local AM and FM stations.
And support other broadcasters that are telling the truth.
I know the War Room's coming up after Gerald Cilente today at 3 p.m.
Central in about 57 minutes from now.
But here's this little report of them literally getting caught in their own lies and we'll come back with Gerald Cilente.
There's been over a 20 to 1 return.
If you had put that money into an S&P 500 and reinvested the dividends, you'd come up with something like $17 billion, but you think it's $200 billion.
Here, yeah.
You're okay.
You're not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
These vaccines are highly, highly effective.
Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick.
They're really, really good against variants.
Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.
Get your first shot and when you're due for your second, get your second shot.
Our key goal is to stop the transmission, to get the immunity levels up so that you get almost no, almost no, Uh, infection going on whatsoever.
When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.
If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you're not going to die.
If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.
Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing.
But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission.
You know, we didn't have vaccines that block transmission.
We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmissions.
We need a new way of doing the vaccine.
The level of virus in the nasopharynx of a person who's vaccinated and infected is the same level as the level of virus in the nasopharynx of an unvaccinated person.
Reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.
And if you look at Israel, which has always been a month to a month and a half Ahead of us, they are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalizations and to some extent death.
A booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.
The plan is for every adult to get a booster shot.
Clearly one of the best investments I've ever been involved in.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and boy oh boy, what Alex Jones and the crew are doing, boy, you can't find anywhere else.
And the way he came out against Trump, and Trump pumping his vaccine, you know, bravo.
And you know, I've been a fan of it since the beginning.
Again, Operation Warp Speed.
Trump, I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines.
All are very, very good.
Came up with three of them in less than nine months.
You didn't come up with crap, alright?
So stop your BSing.
You came up with nothing.
It's not like you made it happen.
You stole our money and gave it to the drug dealers.
Oh yeah, that all those senators and congressmen and the others are invested in.
I came up with.
You came up with a lot of BS.
Three vaccines.
All very, very good.
All very, very crappy.
Oh, oh, don't believe me because you won't believe any crap that doesn't shoot out of your mouth.
UK agency Pfizer booster ability to prevent symptomatic COVID rains within 10 weeks.
Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Hey, didn't Alex just show all those freaks out there that Lewinsky, that Fauci, F-U Fauci?
Oh, remember it had a 95% efficacy rate.
That's right.
Go back to December a year ago.
A 99% efficacy rate.
Oh, look, that wasn't a conspiracy theory that I just said.
New data from UK.
And what does it say here?
If Pfizer boosts, this drops about 45% efficacy by 10 weeks.
Oh, notably, most symptomatic Omicron cases are mild.
Oh, yeah?
Then why are they scaring the hell out of us?
Every day!
Oh, talking about scaring the hell out of you!
Fauci the fraud!
As RFK Jr.' 's book shows,
Says to cancel New Year's Eve parties as millions struggle for normalcy nearly two years into the pandemic.
And it's not a pandemic.
They changed the definition of it to make it a scaredemic.
Amid young adults, mental health crisis, Fauci says to stay away from normalcy of New Year's Eve.
Parties not this year quote top White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci said today on the Cartoon News Network that Yeah, CNN, the Cartoon News Network, with that little freaky boys.
Yeah, the Don Lemon crap.
The Don, little Donny Lemon, little Donny Lemon, and little Innocent Cooper.
Yeah, yeah, who is shooting off their mouths saying, oh, the people don't want the vaccines.
They're Trump supporters.
Oh, hey, wait a minute.
What did Trump just say?
Oh, the Operation Warp Speed?
Anyway, Fauci said on the Cartoon News Network today that Americans should cancel their New Year's Eve parties due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus variant.
Oh, wait a minute.
I just just read over here where.
Oh, wait here.
This is from Bloomberg.
So this can't be a conspiracy theory?
Hey, because Bloomberg said it!
Yeah, Bolt S. Bloomberg!
The little clown over there that used to be, uh, the mayor in New York that ran for president.
That blew away almost a billion bucks.
And he got nowhere to get the Democratic nomination.
Yeah, that Bloomberg.
The billionaires that give back crap to society!
Yeah, those billionaires!
South Africans contracting COVID-19 and the current fourth wave of infection are 80% less likely to be hospitalized if they catch the Omicron variant compared with other strains according to a new study released by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases.
Wait a minute.
I don't understand.
Does it make sense?
Oh, and by the way, very Africa, the whole continent, very, very, very low vaccination rates and among the lowest COVID deaths and cases in the world.
Oh, and by the way, if the The virus was so deadly, why are all those homeless in San Francisco filling the streets up?
We should be filling the hospitals up.
Or down here in New York.
Yeah, Times Square.
The neon lights ain't shining on Broadway, but the homeless is out there, yep.
How come the hospitals are not filled up with homeless?
The variant is so deadly, and the virus is so deadly.
Please tell me why.
Oh, maybe B.S.
Biden could crap it out.
No, no, Fauci, the fraud.
He got an answer for you.
No, Walensky.
Oh, I know.
Yeah, who's that guy?
Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola.
Yo, Rachel Levine.
Yeah, the guy that's the top health minister of the United States.
Yeah, got more chins than Chinatown.
Yeah, that clown.
How come the homeless aren't filling up the hospitals if the virus is so deadly?
Oh, we're not going to answer that, Solenti.
Here he is, Lola.
What he's saying behind the mask?
Oh, I'll tell you what he's saying behind the mask.
I'm full of crap.
I'm just throwing out a lot of crap.
I'm a health minister.
Here, these are the masks.
These are the masks that everybody wears.
Oh, yeah.
And here's the box.
Here's the box with the mask.
The box with the mask says, ba ba ba ba ba ba,
ah, these masks help
protect against certain particles, contaminants, but
do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease
or infection.
There you go.
There you go.
But anyway, Fauci's shooting off his mouth.
I would stay away from New Year's, he told them.
I've been telling people consistently that if you're vaccinated and boosted, and you have a family setting, In the home, with family and relatives, it's okay to gather.
Oh, but wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Hey, Fauci fraud!
Hey, all you freaks out there on CNN!
All you cartoon news characters!
How about that ship?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You know, the Norwegian cruise liner.
Yeah, we didn't have 47 people that were tested positive For the virus and the ship had a 98% vaccination rate and the only ones that weren't vaccinated were kids under 12 years old.
This thing is a fraud right in front of everybody's eyes.
And this is why you need to stay tuned to InfoWars.
Yeah, Alex, when he came out on Trump.
There you go.
Passengers tested positive for COVID on fully vaxxed Royal Caribbean.
Royal bunch of crap!
Oh, royal.
By the way, calling people royalties and noblemen, those are the curse words.
What royal?
You're a royal piece of crap.
Oh, you're better than me.
We don't do pee or poo.
No, no, we're royal.
Royal crapsters.
And this thing is a royal fraud.
We're going to be back.
Stay tuned.
Very important information coming up.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I was talking about the little lying frauds and how moronic America has become when you have to listen to comedians and celebrities and cartoonists telling you what's best for you to take the jab.
This is from Yahoo.
Just got this right now.
Jeff Lewis says he and others got COVID at Super Spreader Holiday Party.
Holiday Party.
Are you spreading out or whatever, anyway?
The former Flipping Out star.
Flipping Out star.
What am I, six years old?
A flipping out star!
Go flip your middle finger up your you-know-what, star!
A little jerk playing somebody else!
Anyway, he contracted breakthrough cases of the virus during a super spreader holiday
party he threw with 30 of his employees and friends December 21st.
Multiple of Lewis attendees also tested positive following the event.
Quote, Thursday is when everyone started testing positive, Lewis said.
A third of us got it.
And we have also people with symptoms who haven't been tested yet.
Quote, I don't regret it, by the way, Lewis added of the event.
Which was held at Real Housewives of Miami alum Leah Black's Los Angeles home.
This was an epic party.
Oh, an epic party!
Oh, it was worth it!
It was an epic party!
You ready?
It was so worth almost dying for.
What a little jerk!
People are saying we're reckless and stupid.
No, we're not.
F. And there's a three blank letters with an E-R-S at the end.
We were all vaccinated.
And we had a nurse there testing all of us before we even went in the door.
Did you take your vax up to you-know-what?
Maybe that's what you should've done!
Yeah, you would've liked that!
It would've worked perfectly!
Because it didn't work when you got to Jeb and you're wrong.
Yeah, because that's all that's coming out of your mouth is actor crap!
Let's get this straight, Junior!
You're the little clowns out there, the celebrities, like that Gooney Clooney, and all the rest of you throwing out your crap to tell everybody to get vaccinated.
The Kimmel's and the other crap heads, go get vaccinated.
Now you're saying here, We were all vaccinated and we had a nurse there testing all of us before we opened the door.
Hey, maybe he opened up the other door and it came in, you know?
Oh, yeah, you know what I mean.
Oh, no, no.
Like the door that comes when you go into a restaurant and you have to wear a mask, as everybody's all masked up here in New York.
But then when you sit down, you can take the mask off.
Because the virus doesn't come in when you're sitting at a table.
That's what you all should have done.
When you had that epic party.
When you had the epic party.
You should have all been sitting down.
And the virus wouldn't, doesn't hit you at table length.
Just like in the airplane.
You could eat and drink without the mask on.
But when you stop eating and drinking on the airplane, even though you're surrounded with people everywhere, in this little tube, put the mask on.
Because the virus knows when you're not eating and drinking.
This thing is a total fraud.
The facts are there.
And it's the fraudsters that are selling the lies.
The little coward fraudster, Fraudsters are selling the lies.
By the next day, I was in pretty bad shape.
My fever went up to 103.8.
I was able to get it down to 102.
And it soared to 104.5.
Which is insane.
I think you're going to wake up tomorrow, and I'm going to be dead.
But wait a minute!
Hey, Crap Face!
Or Crap Head, I should say.
Or Crap Stern.
You said over here that it was so worth almost dying for.
The party.
The epic party.
These are the clowns in control.
These are the clowns in control.
The Fauci's, the frauds, again.
And the Trump.
They came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines, all were very, very good.
Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
According to this jerk off over there, this jerk off over there in California, everybody was vaccinated.
So it couldn't have been very, very good.
And they were all tested.
And he came up with three of them in less than nine months.
Operation Warp Speed.
Maybe you gotta be warped to get it.
And it was supposed to take 5 to 12 years.
End of story.
Oh, he was on with Bill O'Reilly.
I was on with Bill O'Reilly once.
He started becoming very arrogant with me, and I wouldn't suck up and bend down like the other gutless clowns did, and that was the last time.
Slobbly little O'Reilly never had me back!
Anyway, going back, it was supposed to take five to twelve years.
Five to twelve years.
Why does it take five to twelve years to test the efficacy and the side effects?
Because you can't test it like that.
Oh, I just was reading before I just jumped on, you know, I didn't get the whole story of a young girl in Argentina just died after getting the shot.
Oh, that guy, the reporter for The New York Times, read the story yesterday that he died as well.
Young guy died.
Oh, yeah.
He got the shot.
Bragged about it?
No, no, those are conspiracy theories.
Everybody's fine.
Trump says so.
It was supposed to take 5 to 12 years.
I'm not anti-vax.
I'm anti-stupid.
We'll be back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And check out again that cover of the Trends Journal.
Happy New Year!
Put it back up there if you can.
There we go.
Look at it.
Another Anthony Frieda work of art.
Inspired by Liliana.
Happy New Year.
That's the only way you get the happy, and look what it does to the New Year.
And that's what's going on.
Yahoo News.
COVID-19 Omicron in Ontario.
Top doctor says to prepare for the worst as variants spreads in fully vaccinated people.
Oh, yeah.
Fully vaccinated people, right?
It's like that little actor Lewis, lowlife Lewis with all his Epic event!
Everybody fully vaccinated.
How about what's going on in all the colleges that are requiring boosters in New York?
Cornell, NYU, Columbia.
What do they got?
99% vaccinated.
Vaccination rate in Cornell, and you put like NYU, The Columbia and Cornell together, it's like 98% vaccination rate.
But again, it's not a conspiracy theory because... Top Doctor says a Top Doctor.
What do you mean Top Doctor?
Some little piece of crap that sucked his way into the political system.
He's not a Top Doctor.
He's a Bureau Crap.
He's a Bureau Crap.
That's who they are.
That's who the people that are these public health officials.
They're usually low-life jerks.
They can't get a job in the real world.
Suck into the political system so they get a job.
Anyway, we're seeing Omicron quickly becoming the dominant strain in Ontario.
Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, While there is still some uncertainty around the virulence of Omicron, we have good evidence that it is more transmissible than Delta.
And it's spreading amongst fully vaccinated individuals.
All right.
The fear that they're spreading.
This is the front page of today's business section of the Wall Street Journal.
Omicron variant is expected to dent global economy in early 2022.
Economists have lowered growth forecasts, citing disruption.
The latest COVID-19 surge.
The latest COVID-19 surge.
Causes less severe COVID.
Major South African study concludes as I noted earlier.
But yet the fear is spreading.
So what's going on in the equity markets?
Well, here's another one.
Wall Street turns pessimistic on 2022.
Oh, Fed's tighter policy on rates.
Expected to put brakes on stock rally after outside gains.
And as we are speaking now, the markets are up again.
Oh, how many?
How many flights were canceled?
In the United States and overseas over the weekend?
Oh, depending on numbers, you're looking at 6,000, you know.
Oh, oh, oh.
And the cruise ships?
Oh, you want to get on them?
I'm afraid to go there.
Don't have a New Year's.
How are the markets going up?
The markets are up over 200 points as we're speaking now and the reason is 279 points.
79 points.
Because there's optimism that the virus isn't destroying
the equities.
So on one end you have the equities going up while they're saying on Wall Street that the virus isn't that deadly to the economy.
Yet you read Omicron variant is expected to dent global economy.
And that's out of the Wall Street Journal today.
And then you go and you read, here you go, year three.
Life in soft lock.
Then you look at CNBC.
stock indexes rose Monday as markets reopened after the Christmas holiday and investors assessed the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.
The S&P 500 in an intraday record.
For the first time in more than three months, in a month rather, the Dow Jones was up over 315 points when I typed this out, or printed it out, and the NASDAQ was up 1.3%.
Looking for the Santa rally.
Wait, wait, Santa's came to town, he's gone.
Oh, and by the way, we also said that there would not be a shortage of products.
And that supply chain disruption that they've been selling would have no effect Of any significance at all at Christmas.
So what they did by spreading that fear is people rushed out to go buy things because they wouldn't be thought they would be able to get them.
You go into the stores, they're packed with stuff.
So yeah, there was a Christmas sale in the sense that sales went up, but how much of that accounts for higher prices of inflation?
We don't know yet.
Just more money was spent, but was more product bought?
Not when inflation goes up.
We are not, we do not expect Omicron to impact the growth outlook in any significant way.
But rather, it is likely to accelerate the end of the pandemic.
Morgan's, whoever the guy is, DuBraco-Lacus-Bujus.
Set in a note Monday.
Wait a minute.
Everybody's saying, the Fauci's saying to stay home.
The guy up in Ontario, the worst is yet to come.
One after another.
And now the market's saying it's going to, everything's going to be alright.
Again, holiday sales rose the fastest pace in 17 years.
Oh, but wait a minute.
Isn't inflation up the most since 1982?
Almost 40 years?
And when you look at the real number, now it's not 6.8%, it's more like 15%, according to John Williams' shadow stats, because the rapidly prices of housing that go up, that's not in there.
Oh, price of steak went up?
No, it didn't.
Because now people are eating hamburgers.
So there's no inflation there.
They're making this crap up.
What does it mean?
Where are the markets going?
What's next?
Stay tuned.
Because oil prices also went up very nicely today.
And gold's hanging in there.
And as we had forecast, Bitcoin is where it should be.
So where's it going?
Stay tuned and remember, support InfoWars.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And listen, it's Christmas time.
I know they try to take the spirit out of it.
But again, retail sales went up.
So show your Christmas spirit, your holiday spirit, and support InfoWars because they have some great Christmas super sale.
And you're really going to want to take advantage of it.
They got up to 60% off plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
Take a look at some of the products.
Remember, it's Christmas time.
So, and it's very important because you have to defend the celebration of the holiday and support the InfoWars crew.
And they got some crew.
While getting the gifts you need, For yourself, and you give them to your loved ones, and you're getting them at rock bottom prices.
So instead of getting your family members, you know, the same gifts you get all year, you know, why not give them gear, preparation and supplies or supplements that they really want and they could use.
And InfoWars powerhouse formulas are up to 60% off, like I said, and the savings, they don't stop there.
And they give you also free shipping.
Store wide and double Patriot points on all purchases.
So shop now and get some of these really, really great savings on incredible products.
They got Brain Force Plus, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, it's back in stock by the way, 50% off.
Patriot Blend and Immune Support Blend Coffee, back in stock, two bucks off.
Knockout Sleep Support, 50% off.
Hair and beard support, 60% off.
Alexa Pure Pro, that's back in stock, 30% off.
And then we've got the fan favorite products, and they're flying off the shelves, so you've got to get these before they're gone.
The Vitamin Mineral Fusion, that's 40% off.
Prostagard, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
And the all-new Super Corral Whitening Toothpaste, it's only 9.95.
And you got BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 40% off.
DNA Force, plus 40% off.
And my favorite, Super Male Vitality.
And they got the Female Vitality, too.
BODY's, they got that.
One great product after another.
50% off.
Living Defense Plus, and you could use that now.
And that's 50% off.
Lung cleanse, 50% off.
So look, don't support these stupid, ugly big box stores and these big tech stores.
You sort of Google things going way up and Amazon, all them.
Take your support where it counts and support the InfoWars crew in the fight against tyranny by getting these great products for less.
So, do what you can.
Put your money where your heart is.
Again, we also have the 60% off.
Keep the truth alive.
So, moving on.
We got talking about the markets before.
It's very important to see what oil prices are going.
Oil prices were down almost 17 bucks.
Just a few weeks ago.
Now they're down 10 bucks from their high.
They spiked up sharply today.
Over 3%.
So they're saying there's going to be more demand.
Here's my forecast.
The COVID war will be over by springtime.
It's destroying too many businesses.
And it's global.
Again, the morons, they kept saying, oh, they're doing this for Trump.
They want to get Trump out of here.
Nothing to do with Trump.
It's the drug dealers who are in charge.
You want to go to Austria, maybe you like it over there better.
No jab, $4,000 fine.
How about Greece?
Yeah, you go get that Greece job.
The Greece job, jab.
You don't get that, you get fined.
I think it's like $100 a month or something.
And now you go to restaurants at different places.
Gotta show proof of a booster shot.
And in New York, if you get caught with a fake passport, a year in jail.
That's right.
EPA panel member, we're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine Is until we start giving it goes back to that moronic Trump quote before usually takes five to 12 years.
But hey, I made it happen quicker.
So going back to the markets.
It's it's showing where it's going.
It's a gambler's game.
You have you have the S&P up What is it?
Up like 26% this year.
Last year was up, I think, 12, 14%.
How could the markets keep going up when all these things are locked down?
And again, the protests going on in Germany, protests going on in Austria, in Italy, in the UK, in Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic.
It's bigger than Trump.
It's the drug dealers.
And Dr. Joseph Mercola really nailed it on his last one, by the way.
Biggest drug that ever made money.
What is it?
37 billion bucks for Pfizer.
And again, we wrote about it in the Trends Journal.
We've been keeping up with this from the beginning.
And by the way, here's Dr. Mercola's book.
It's excellent.
And also Ronnie Cummins.
It's The truth about COVID-19, exposing the Great Reset, lockdowns, vaccine passports, and the new normal.
This is a very brave man.
He's a real doctor.
And he's paid for it, like Alex has and others, by speaking out and getting banned.
And I had the good honor of meeting him at Mark Morse's event in Miami.
So when you read the facts, and again, we're putting out a magazine like you don't get anywhere else, the Trends Journal.
Do we get everything right?
No, you don't get everything right because you don't know how they're going to rig the game.
Interest rates, one of the reasons they're saying that there's fear in the markets is that the Fed's going to raise interest rates next year.
Are you going to raise interest rates?
Let's go with the fake inflation rate of 6.8%.
You have The Fed rate at near zero.
Wait a minute, the rate is near zero and your inflation is at 6.8%?
You actually have negative interest rates.
So even if they go up a bit, compared to inflation, they're going nowhere but down.
They're going to keep juicing this.
But what are going to be the implications?
On the home ownership level, if sales are going to go down because prices are going up so high, but I don't see a real estate crash coming.
However, on the commercial sector is going to be a new story.
Working from home is going to become part of life, particularly in the metaverse world.
And also, by the way, we came out With our top trends for 2022 that you're not going to want to miss.
All the media is talking about is what happened last year.
Only the Trends Journal tells you what's ahead, what it means, and what to do.
And also, the church, the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace, and Justice, we are providing religious vaccine exemptions for anyone That would like to become a member of the church.
And they're working great.
Because it's about your religion.
It's about the First Amendment.
It's about your rights.
FreedomPeaceJustice.com FreedomPeaceJustice.com That's in the yard over here.
One of my buildings on the most historic four corners in America, Crown and John Street.
So FreedomPeaceJustice.com If you want to get a religious vaccine exemption.
And we're doing everything we can.
That's my belief.
In the church.
Freedom, peace and justice.
Again, you get fined in New York for having a fake vaccine card.
But what JPMorgan Chase and all the banksters get caught for fraud and they get a free ride, they get a slap on the wrist.
Nobody goes to jail.
So listen, see you next week.
And remember, Do what you can to support InfoWars.
It's up to you to keep the truth alive.
I'm cutting this announcement on the morning of Friday, December 17th, 2021.
We have launched ResetWars and it's been very, very successful and we're getting extremely positive reviews.
But we've also gotten quite a few complaints that we only ran The 25% off sale for the first three days and so I've decided to extend it through to Christmas Day and then the sale will stop.
Now this is a very important course and it's the distillation of my knowledge of how the globalists are engaged in mass mind control through The different systems that we see in our culture, but also because they're aware of spiritual laws of nature that have now been proven out and documented in quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
And so it really is groundbreaking.
If you actually watch it and take notes and then think about it and then pray about it, I know it will be a game changer in your life because it's been a game changer for me.
Everything I do Is about telling the truth and really breaking the globalist stranglehold they have on humanity's mind.
Because if I'm going to be free, you've got to be free.
And I have learned a lot in the last 28 years of being on air in my fight against these people that has brought me now to this point.
So it is an absolute must-see course.
It is 25% off through Christmas day.
So you can get it for yourself, your friends, your family, and others.
And also it gives InfoWars and you and your family and the whole world the gift of keeping InfoWars on the air.
It is so critical that InfoWars stay on the air.
I can't stress that enough.
And when you see people like George Strait charging thousands of dollars for tickets and you see thousands of dollars for NFL tickets, people don't look at that and say, man, they shouldn't be charging thousands of dollars for a George Strait ticket or thousands of dollars for an NFL ticket.
That's your choice to go do that.
Now I do like to go see George Strait.
I don't really like to go watch the NFL games.
I did that plenty growing up in Dallas.
But I don't put people down that decide to spend their money that way.
And the reason Reset Wars costs several hundred dollars is because we want people to realize it's valuable.
We want people to pay for it so that they understand that this is something that really is educational and informative.
That isn't just going to help them.
It's also going to help others by again Keeping Info Wars on the air.
So it's very, very simple.
We're going to get shut down.
I'd say in about a year if we don't get massive funding in here.
We're having to build our own server farms, our own infrastructures.
It's cost us a lot of money to do it.
And it's basically almost done.
It's coming online next week.
We know they're going to try to shut down communications before the midterms.
That's only 10 months away.
They've got new lockdowns coming in.
And so we have to capitalize and build up our war chest.
And so you get an amazing course that's groundbreaking.
Nobody else has this information except the CIA and they use it against you.
And it also keeps the broadcast on the air.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to thank all of you that became members of Reset Wars.
I hope you show it to your friends and family.
And I want to encourage those of you out there that have not seen Reset Wars and who have not gone and gotten the course to go do it because it really is powerful.
If you will watch it several times, really absorb it.
This information is just totally game-changing.
So it's 25% off through Christmas.
Thank you all for your support.
If you haven't gotten your membership at ResetWars.com, please do today because we're going to add so much more in the near future as well.
This course is just the beginning.
We're going to have a lot of other stuff we launch.
It's going to be very, very inexpensive and at cost at ResetWars.com as well.
So thank you.