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Name: 20211222_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2021
2521 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones talks about his fundraising campaign for InfoWars, Elon Musk's support for free speech, globalist forces, products offered by InfoWars, developments in the January 6th committee investigation, China's involvement with American technology, a new nanoparticle vaccine, and conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19 vaccines. He also discusses attempts to control humanity through making them sick and depopulating them, and the collapse of industrial society.

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He knows which way the wind's blowing.
He understands the New World Order's destined to fail.
And I can see Musk now looks healthier and better and more radiant than he's ever looked in these interviews because he's feeling good about what he's doing right now.
There's not just evil in the universe, folks.
There's a real desire for freedom and human development and human excellence, and Musk wants that.
Doesn't mean he's perfect, but the fact that Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, all these thought leaders, are anti-New World Order and coming out against the forced vaccines, or taking vaccines, period, or the New World Order, or the open borders, or the wokeness, is incredible.
Now, I said I'd hit it at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to play the clips, all of it.
There's the show's headline today, Elon Musk positioning himself to stop the Great Reset and take down the New World Order.
Make no mistake, he's positioning himself for that.
He sees where Trump failed.
Trump could have done it, but Trump failed.
And so, Musk is beyond Trump 2.0.
Now, does that mean we're out of the woods and everything's perfect?
No, I'll talk about it at the bottom.
Of the hour, but Elon Musk says, Wokeness is one of the greatest threats to civilization.
He goes on to say of Pocahontas, if you could die of irony, she would be dead.
Musk slams Liz Warren and woke culture in epic Babylon Bee interview.
The old Babylon Bee put out an article yesterday saying, Alex Jones should be the head of the CDC.
He's been more accurate than the CDC.
So, we're in a fight here, but We're winning hearts and minds fast.
And not just at the grassroots, which is key, but at the top of the pyramid.
Because, I mean, we're at the point of killing kids en masse and poisoning people and erasing their immune systems.
I mean, the genocide is going on.
The starvation of the third world's happening now.
And I'm going to tell you, are you going to sign on to that?
Like the Pope's done?
Or are you going to be like the big top German cardinal that came out and said this is a satanic, new world order, depopulation, end of humanity plan, you must resist them.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on this December 22nd, Wednesday.
And I've absolutely got to cover all the news today.
The CIA has come out officially and said we're already in a civil war, and that it's going to go hot before the midterms, and that they have to have the Pentagon and the military arrest and imprison millions, and that they have to have a Stalin or Lenin-level purge against 150 million people, you name it.
I mean, we're talking hardcore criminal announcements.
And then they use a bunch of false flag examples, like the Governor Whitmer attempted kidnapping.
If the FBI was running, that's come out, that was totally fake.
As the pretext for this, building towards the midterm in 321 days.
They do not plan to let us get there.
Now, Bill Gates is a master eugenics depopulation general.
He's come out with a cryptic announcement to his forces that they're going to win their war against humanity and said record numbers of deaths are imminent from the quote new mutations that means they're getting ready to release more deadly bio weapons on us he says the worst part is yet to come so does his top lieutenant Anthony the sickle Fauci so we have all of that insane information I mean they're making their move
But the good news is, the good news is that humanity is waking up on so many levels.
And there are a lot of people in the power structure that don't want to be part of the population and collapse.
And I told you a year and a half ago that Joe Rogan was going to go pure hardcore against the New World Order.
And he did.
People didn't believe me.
And you saw him go from in the middle of the road to where he is now.
He's chosen to fight the globalists and he realizes it's all real.
And I told you a lot of other prominent people are going to go hardcore because I talked to them.
And I'll leave it at that.
And I told you about six months ago that Elon Musk tested the waters about four years ago coming out against the globalists, but nobody backed him when he did it.
But now he's getting ready to do it again.
I told you six months ago, get ready.
And now he's come out and done that.
He basically said pedophile rings run the government, run CNN.
He came out and said, wokeness is a mind virus.
They load onto you, destroy you and control you and turn you into a bully and part of their authoritarian takeover.
He came out and said, you should have more children or society will collapse.
He came out and said all that.
He's also a super libertarian.
He said, yeah, and also if you voluntarily want wires in your head, people are going to start getting them, including himself.
So he's all into You controlling your own evolution, which obviously has its major pitfalls, and I'm not endorsing it.
But I know people that know Musk well, and I'll leave it at that.
And when I had Jack Dorsey unofficially reach out to me one time, I just rebuffed it as, oh, he just wants to co-op me.
No, that wasn't true.
And it's been the same thing.
There's a lot of stuff I haven't been able to reveal right now.
But the reason the left and the media are trying to demonize me everywhere and attack me and desperately doing default judgments and all this is they've got all the phones tapped.
I mean, they know.
And they've got all their jealous globalist controllers just dialed in listening to Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson and then listening to our conversations and all the rest of it.
And they know what's going on.
And they're totally jealous that we're the new renaissance.
And they're totally jealous and upset that humanity's breaking with their New World Order, and that they're not going to be able to destroy all the children the way they want.
And so, it's on, ladies and gentlemen.
It's absolutely going down.
And everybody better decide which side of this fight you're going to be on.
All the martial law, all the forced inoculations, all the fear-mongering, all the Great Reset, Build Back Better garbage is nothing but New World Order corporate siege against you and your family.
And the moment you wake up to the Great Reset and the New World Order and the Build Back Better agenda and say no to it, is the sooner you start coming up for air.
You will figure it out at one point or another.
Or you will die.
If we can, can we put the full show headline up on screen for TV viewers?
We have so much good news here, a lot of it from yesterday I didn't get to, and a lot of it from today, that is just spectacularly good.
And we're going to cover it at the bottom of the hour.
I mean, I've been told, and I'm going to leave it at that, that Elon Musk is completely awake and wants to take down the New World Order.
And I was told that watch the next six months, you'll see it happen.
Now he's doing exactly what he said he would do.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
Same thing with Joe Rogan.
And it is some of my most sincere enjoyment and sense of satisfaction in victory that this broadcast has been the imminent Probe, firing the truth out that basically helped trigger the red pill awakening in so many of these key people.
And that's all because of you keeping us on the air and the amazing work you've done as listeners and viewers.
You deserve the credit for staying in the fight.
And now they're making their big depopulation move and they're killing people en masse and a lot of folks are dying and they're going to die.
But at least we've got a real fight and chance, and the awakening's here.
The Great Reset is the response to the Great Awakening.
So the good news is at the bottom of the hour.
Elon Musk comes out against the pedophile rings, the depopulation agenda, everything.
You can say, well, he's not perfect, or maybe he's, you know, this or that.
It doesn't matter, the fact that he's doing that.
So maybe he's just an opportunist.
He knows which way the wind's blowing.
He understands the New World Order is destined to fail.
And I can see Musk now looks healthier and better and more radiant than he's ever looked in these interviews because he's feeling good about what he's doing right now.
There's not just evil in the universe, folks.
There's a real desire for freedom and human development and human excellence, and Musk wants that.
Doesn't mean he's perfect, but the fact that Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, all these thought leaders, are anti-New World Order and coming out against the forced vaccines, or taking vaccines, period, or the New World Order, or the open borders, or the wokeness, is incredible.
Now, I said I'd hit at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to play the clips, all of it.
There's the show's headline today, Elon Musk positioning himself to stop the Great Reset and take down the New World Order.
Make no mistake, he's positioning himself for that.
He sees where Trump failed.
Trump could have done it, but Trump failed.
And so, Musk is beyond Trump 2.0.
Now, does that mean we're out of the woods and everything's perfect?
No, I'll talk about it at the bottom.
of the hour, but Elon Musk says, Wokeness is one of the greatest threats to civilization.
He goes on to say of Pocahontas, if you could die of irony, she would be dead.
Musk slams Liz Warren and woke culture in epic Babylon Bee interview.
The old Babylon Bee put out an article yesterday saying Alex Jones should be the head of the CDC.
He's been more accurate than the CDC.
So, we're in a fight here, but We're winning hearts and minds fast.
And not just at the grassroots, which is key, but at the top of the pyramid.
Because, I mean, we're at the point of killing kids en masse and poisoning people and erasing their immune systems.
I mean, the genocide is going on.
The starvation of the third world's happening now.
And I'm going to tell you, are you going to sign on to that?
Like the Pope's done?
Or are you going to be like the big top German Cardinal that came out and said, this is a satanic New World Order depopulation, end of humanity plan, you must resist them.
He's on the Vatican Court, the head of it.
You've got one of the top Italian bishops coming out and saying word for word the same thing.
You're going to have to decide, folks, which side you're on.
It doesn't matter If you're a humanist scientist like Elon Musk, or a Catholic Cardinal, or a Jewish doctor like Dr. Zelenko, we're all brothers and sisters under God, with God-consciousness.
We are conscious of God, we are communing with God, we are interfaced with God, and that's what Reset Wars is all about.
Notice Musk, coming up, says they load false viruses on your mind.
He didn't just talk about it in a tweet now, and you've got to get those viruses off, and wokeness is one of their main viruses.
We specifically call wokeness and political correctness one of the main viruses in reset wars.
This is the first real attempt, folks, beyond self-help, beyond a lot of great things that are out there to give you confidence, teach you tricks, teach you systems, teach you habits.
Those are all wonderful.
This is how the globalists see your brain, how they're programming it, and how you can become aware of it.
And you know, some people might watch this and go crazy.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
This is big technology.
This is human technology God made.
This is how you really work, ladies and gentlemen, with very simple exercises to become aware of how they program you, how they control you, and you're going to get those programs put on you.
You're going to have to kick them back off all the time.
This is a process, but this is powerful.
Reset Wars.
ResetWars.com and it supports the broadcast.
It's 25% off through Christmas, and we're building a whole infrastructure From this and intend to again have products that are very, very
Inexpensive, but just like anything getting founded, it costs more up front to get the infrastructure in and to build this basically online educational system.
So I want to thank all of you that are really becoming founders, just like with the Founders Coin, helping keep us on air and helping us build new things and helping us launch new systems.
Because we're not going to just sit here at one level during this critical battle.
We're going to 2022.
We're going all out.
You've got a commitment from me, 16 hours to 18 hours a day.
A whole bunch of new stuff in the New Year getting launched, haven't announced it yet, but we are just on fire thanks to all of you and all of us together.
This is symbiotic.
So ResetWars.com, if you're not a member, if you didn't go get the two courses, six plus hours, Mind Wars, Spirit Wars, you absolutely need to get it and show it to your friends and family.
You got your login, you'll be able to watch it 100 times, 200 times, 300 times, share it with your family.
Just go to ResetWars.com and Become a founding member today.
Get the first two courses at ResetWars.com.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, let me just reset here.
We're still about three minutes out from break and just tell you, I got to cover the bad news when we come back.
And there's some really good news we're going to have for you in the third hour that you also are going to want to hear.
They just convicted the head of the Harvard Biology Department that was an expert at putting nanotech in vaccines.
He was caught with suitcases of cash from the Communist Chinese government and he tried to spin it and act like it was no big deal but he just got convicted in two and a half hours by a jury.
So there's still some justice Going on, and this sends a massive chill to the left.
They got this one known Chai Com agent, literal Chai Com agent, Swallows Wells, another one, but he's not on the committee now.
Shifts, obviously, a Chai Com agent, but this woman's a direct Chai Com agent, and she's on the committee.
She's announced that she is going to leave Congress, not run again, and the word is she may be resigning at any moment.
So, as bad as things look on the surface, and as much as they persecute those of us that stick our heads up, Somebody's got to do that to draw the enemy attack so people can see how real this is.
And I'm very happy to be the lure to get them out in the open.
And I'm willing to die for this.
I'm willing to go to prison.
I don't want to, believe me.
But I've got a lot of sunsets I want to watch, a lot of things I want to do.
But I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll do whatever it takes because we have to.
God's watching.
I'll do whatever the Holy Spirit tells me to do to win.
And that means going to the fire.
But I need you to carry us through the fire.
I need you to hold my arms up, ladies and gentlemen.
I need you to be there because I can't do it without you.
I'm asking you to help me do this.
I want to do this.
I'm a winner.
I'm not a loser.
Even when I get destroyed, I chose this.
It's a real winner move.
But I want to do it really strong and really hardcore and just really go all the way and not falter or waver at any level spiritually.
I'll physically waver.
I'll make mistakes.
I'll fall down.
But my spirit is going to just shine through and just be a sword politically shoved right into the globalist heart.
I want to be that weapon.
I want to be shot directly into their heart.
I want to see them fall.
I want to be the children's champion.
You are the children's champion.
We are God's champions on this planet, and we will prevail.
Let me give you the really horrible bad news.
The Predators have made their move.
We're under a 21st century Big Pharma military attack.
And I've got the articles right here where the CIA, the leftist arm of it, has now joined with The puppet administration just said that they're preparing for the mass roundup of the American people.
And you'll see some parallels with the whole COVID rollout.
That's the cover to normalize people coming to your houses and disappearing you.
That's the cover story.
Because they know Americans will rightfully stand up against that and mobilize.
And again, why are they doing all of this?
Big new developments coming up.
Why are they doing all this?
Because they're losing the hearts and minds.
You go back to use a Hollywood parable or analogy to the original Terminator back in the 80s.
Excellent film.
Skynet's already lost.
Their main system's already been blown up and captured.
The human resistance is won.
Unless they can send back a Terminator to kill the mother of the leader of the future resistance.
We're basically in a situation like that, okay?
Because they've lost already.
The devil's lost already.
All they can do is try to start a giant war now to shift everybody away from the political, spiritual Great Reset, the Reset War, into their Great Reset that's a worldwide design collapse.
That's what's happening.
So I've got that incredible stack right here.
In fact, I'll have to hit Good news, last segment of the hour.
It's the longest segment anyways.
This will take the rest of the segment in the next.
Oh, and then Greg Reese has done a lengthy report on the 100-year conspiracy to destroy America, his best work yet.
It just keeps getting better and better.
It's a lengthy 10-minute report.
We're going to air that last segment of the next hour, but it is live now at band.video.
So definitely look for that.
It ties all the different pieces together and he is truly a game changer.
Just went live 30 minutes ago, already got 23,000 views.
100 years of conspiracy to destroy American freedom.
But let's hit the really bad news up front for you.
And Mike Adams will be in the third hour talking about this as well.
Not just the CHICOM agent just got convicted.
The head of the Harvard Biology Department developing nanotech to be added to vaccines, of course.
Key Domino to fall.
Bill Gates is up there bragging and smiling on TV.
We have the clip that, oh, the record deaths are coming!
It's smiling and giggling.
That psychotic murderer can't help it.
And all of his surrogates are out doing it.
Fauci's reading off the same sheet of paper.
Soon as it comes out of Gates's mouth, because he pays all the bills with taxpayer money laundered through him.
As soon as that happens, boom, they all start regurgitating it on every channel.
He spent billions on buying the media off in the last decade, and tens of billions, again, of tax-free money in his criminal foundation to buy up all the major health heads of the world.
30-plus nations have gotten wise and kicked his ass out.
But you can't ever calculate the bravado or the arrogance, the hubris, the chutzpah of somebody like Gates, he just can't help but try to dominate you and rape you with his bioweapon.
And so now this, this destroyer, the destroyer, the Joseph Mingala personified on steroids, Joseph Mingala squared.
I mean, Joseph Mingala, if he was a rock, would weigh about a pound in his murders and criminal activity.
Bill Gates is the size of a mountain.
If you quantified his evil, and the actual death he's sown, and the destruction.
And again, you can say some of these people are dumbed down, they're starving, they'll go ahead and kill him.
Well, hey, he likes it.
You understand that?
He enjoys his job.
And he wants to get the smart people too.
He's bad.
God doesn't like him.
So let's continue.
2021 on track to surpass last year as nation's deadliest.
In fact, it's going to be twice as many dead people of COVID mainly vaccinated.
See, Gates knows you're going to die of ADE.
In fact, cue it up.
I never played it this week when it went viral again from last year.
Get the Fauci ready.
Him telling National News last year he's worried about antibody dependency enhancement, which kills the majority of people that get it.
From these vaccines, because almost all the cold vaccines they were trying to make, ever wonder why there wasn't one?
Because what a cold virus is, is so common in your body, your body starts attacking itself forever.
Until you die.
It's a whole spectrum of things, but they knew what this was going to do.
And so now the hospitals are full.
In Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in the United States, in Canada, all the places the most injected.
The Africans run from it.
They've got a very low rate, the lowest rate in the world, because they're not stupid.
They've already enjoyed the UN's injections.
There it is.
Him with Zuckerberg.
Fauci admits COVID vaccine could actually make people worse.
And so now, we made the prediction last year.
Mike Adams and I and other doctors and scientists and researchers we had on the show.
And of course it came true of ADE and microcarditis and heart attacks and strokes.
But now, oh, it's the Omicron!
Even though people really look at Omicron, I mean, it exists.
They go, it's like a light cold.
This isn't, oh no, it's really deadly.
That's why you're all going to be dying soon.
Oh, and they say the worst is yet to come.
And it's going to get so incredibly bad.
And just, it's the end of your world.
And then do we ask, wow, we took all your shots and now it's worse?
Oh, it's the unvaccinated.
They did it.
Even though statistics show the opposite.
Over twice as likely to get hospitalized or die if you're vaccinated because it's not a vaccine.
And then the little cult member, the little garden gnome.
He says, check to see if your families have the shot.
Don't have them at your house.
What a cult leader.
And they haven't taken the poison shot.
Isolating us, destroying families, sticking his little filthy murderous nose and everything.
Oh, the CEO of Bayer has got a video out coming up where he brags that we got everybody to accept gene therapy and our gene revolution will now take over.
We use COVID to do it.
And we got Fauci three years ago saying it, bragging before they released it that they were about to, quote, blow up the system with a new virus out of China and bring in a total control.
Those are quotes.
Criminals, masterminds, supervillains love to do what?
What do they love to do?
They love to run their mouths!
They love to brag about the crimes they committed!
2021 on track to surpass last year as nation's deadliest AP.
Bill Gates predicts the worst part of the pandemic is coming.
Isn't that just, he gets so happy in the video.
Government admits vaccines proving ineffective against COVID.
Oh, Biden faces tough task of rallying exhausted Americans against Omicron threat.
Oh, it's just totally made up that that's what's doing it.
It's the injected Americans.
And he wants you to be afraid and not go outside and let things collapse.
So they can get you more into debt, and you're exhausted!
Exhausted from the fear, no!
You're not exhausted, you're on to them.
And I've got them coming around your houses next, when we come back, the bad news.
Yeah, you gotta know the good news, but you gotta know the bad news.
You wanna know all of it, don't you?
Don't wanna stick our heads in the sand, we're not doing that.
We're not ostriches, we're eagles.
We're eagles there, that's where you are right now.
Stay with us.
I tell you, I wouldn't call it pride, I would just call it victory.
I think about the listeners and supporters, this great crew, and how embattled we are, and how far we've come, and how great and real God is.
I just have a really good feeling of being close to God right now, and a really good feeling of being close to you, and I mean that.
I can feel your strength and your goodness.
Every race, color, and creed, all one race, the human race, under God, and I salute you all.
I just can't help it, I gotta salute you again.
All over the world, humanity waking up and saying, hell no to the New World Order, and hell no to the chains and the bonds of the worldwide cashless society system they're bringing in.
So let's hit the bad news right now.
So you know what you're up against, so we know what we're up against.
So I told you 20 plus months ago, not because I'm smart, I know who's in charge, I know they're bad, I know how to read with their white papers.
And Dr. Ryan, the head of the U.N.
Emergency Global Response Force, who sets the policies for all this crap, said, we're going to have quarantine centers all over the world.
We're going to randomly grab people and take them away.
We're going to take healthy people in a shielding process and take children from their parents and keep them in facilities so they're safe.
I mean, just kidnapping children.
I can play the videos.
I can then show you whether you're in Luxembourg or whether you're in Germany or whether you are in England or Canada or the U.S.
The CDCs of those governments, their health authorities, then put it on their websites.
They're building it and getting it ready.
So I know it's coming here.
16, 17 months ago, it was on the CDC website.
You can pull it up yourself right now.
They pull it up all the time.
I talk about it.
So this is such a nightmare.
And then when I read from the CDC and the UN is exactly what the CIA is saying that I'll cover coming up.
Or they say there literally will be a civil war.
There's three phases.
We're already in the end of phase two.
Phase three is about to begin.
Hot civil war.
Trump supporters and Alex Jones supporters are going to blow everything up, they say.
And we're going to have to go arrest them and stop them as terrorists and have the U.S.
military kill them.
And the CIA is going to have to torture them.
I mean, people are crazy.
You're starting a war with 200 million Americans that are armed?
You crazy people?
These CIA people at the leftist arm of it, they're working for the globalist combine that don't want America to be dominant in the future.
So this is how you destroy a country from within, is triggering a civil war.
And their whole goal is that civil war.
I'll be covering that in a moment.
But look at this video.
de Blasio offers New Yorkers $100 per person for a vaccination team.
To be allowed into your homes.
Now that's the cover, just like gun buybacks are the cover.
First they're voluntary, then they're mandatory.
It's been done all over the world.
From Scotland, to Ireland, to the UK, which is those countries together, to Canada, to Australia, everywhere.
You know about it.
Spain, Italy, the list goes on and on.
De Blasio offers New Yorkers $100 per person For a vaccination team to be allowed into their homes.
You don't want me to play the clip.
You don't want to hear from him.
You know how disgusting he is.
New York bill would allow governor to detain anyone considered to be a public health threat indefinitely.
And they're now in Australia grabbing members of the government, including senators, that criticize the lockdowns and saying, oh, we know you don't have it.
The test says you don't, but you've got to go stay.
For 15 days in the facility, and if you complain, you stay longer.
They now admit it's a prison.
But how are you going to roll out a roundup?
How are you going to roll out people coming to your houses?
How are you going to roll out the contact tracers?
You do it, again, under the cover of a virus and a public health emergency.
That's the plan!
New York bill would allow a governor to detain anyone considered to be a public health threat indefinitely.
It's in the legislation.
I mean, even our InfoWars headline isn't hardcore enough, folks.
It's indefinitely.
And that leads us to the rest of the bad news.
Trump says he's very appreciative and surprised Biden thanked the previous administration for helping make the COVID vaccine available to the public.
Anybody who ever wondered if Trump could be a double agent or compromise, because all the criminal investigations against him, I mean, here's a lot of evidence pointing towards that anecdotally.
Or maybe he really is just proud of his poison he got approved so fast, so won't admit he's wrong.
But regardless, it doesn't work.
The way they say it does, it does make you sick, does give you a myocarditis and heart attacks and heart swelling and ADE.
And so here's Trump running around Now propping up Biden, and Biden's propping him up, showing you how desperate the establishment is that they've had to have Trump come out when he knows his constituents hate this, when he gets booed everywhere for doing it around the country, and then he trots out with Bill O'Reilly and tries to convince you to take more of this snake poison.
Absolutely Incredible.
Here is a young lady that's got millions of views just on Twitter alone since she came out and pointed out.
We don't know her name, but we'd love to.
We'd love to get her on.
But it's certainly making the rounds out there.
She's wearing a Let's Go Brandon hat.
Here she is with her little message to Trump and people that blindly support Trump.
Alright guys, I know this is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, and it truly does pain me to say it, but fuck Donald Trump.
He is now trying to say that by us doubting the jab, that we're playing right into their hands.
All we care about is exposing and knowing the truth.
And he's going to sit here and continuously lie to us to push this bullshit narrative and the product that he wants to take full credit for.
Do you guys not see the problem with this?
I mean, if he truly cared about saving whatever's left of this country, and if he truly cared about you, then he should be more concerned about exposing...
The overwhelming number of adverse reactions and deaths from the jab.
But no, he continues to rally people up and deceive people into thinking that this is somehow good!
Not to mention he's now claiming that he got the booster, which I don't know if that's true or not, but regardless, why is he still touting this product that's killing people?
I don't care if you're left or right.
These are wings of the same evil bird, and we have to remember that the whole goal is depopulation by shooting you up with their experimental poison.
And a lot of you are probably going to say, oh, well, I don't care what he does, because this is about medical freedom, as long as we have the choice.
He's not even giving you the choice!
If you go to his hotel in New York, you have to show proof of papers.
So how can you continue to blindly defend this man?
I don't get it.
Make it make sense, please.
Trump do some great things while in office?
Was I a supporter?
I was a huge one.
But there is no denying that what he is doing is evil.
And if we continue to just support someone that does not have our best interest, then that makes us no better than the left.
We have to be willing to come out and state when there's a problem, and I personally think that there is a huge problem.
So it's time to stop trusting the plan.
It's time to wake the fuck up, because nobody is coming to save you, and this is 100% on us.
Well, I tell you, she could look like a horse and I would think she's got a beautiful soul.
But you add the two things that she's a very beautiful woman and has a beautiful intellect.
Good job to the parents of that young lady.
I bet she's 25 years old and I'd like to see her run for local office and in a few years be a U.S.
That's presidential material right there.
All I can say is, I like what I'm seeing.
Man, compare her to a liberal woke woman.
Compare that, that's a woman who's alive on fire!
All right, I haven't scratched the surface of the poison injection news, but we're just going to hit all this coming up with Mike Adams in the third hour and the huge news on the Chinese spy that just got convicted yesterday and the committee member who's a known on the payroll of the Chinese government.
On the January 6th operation.
I also have that Liz Cheney news I talked about yesterday.
I was being sarcastic when I said she financed Jan 6th, but she did finance capital attacks.
Did you know that?
We're going to show you that.
Remember that during the first impeachment?
Got a whole file on that.
That's coming up today as well.
And so much more, ladies and gentlemen.
But the good news The good news we're going to cover when we come back, and then we'll give you the rest of the news.
Because the good news is good, but the bad news is the enemy is going to strike back.
You didn't ask to be born now.
An incredible moment for humans in our development, but you were.
And now, you're not going to have a choice.
You will face your destiny.
And you will make a choice.
You have no choice.
You must make a choice to join with Satan or with God.
Choose wisely, my friends, because your immortal soul is on the line.
The decision of where your energy resonates, where it resides for eternity is being decided now.
You've been given the gift of consciousness, immortality, Free will.
But you are new.
You can interface with the ancient.
And even believe that your spirit's timeless.
But you are new.
But you come from the timeless.
So you are timeless.
You are eternity.
Turn back in on itself for infinity.
So here's the good news.
All over the world, people are speaking out and saying Alex Jones was right in public places, in different ways to get the word out as a symbol of resisting the globalists and letting them know that the person you demonize the most, the person you try to shut down, the person you try to destroy, we understand that's a symbol of us, the populists, the pro-human movement, and we are lifting up Alex Jones.
I personally really don't want to be destroyed, and I like that, and thank you, but it's a lot bigger than me About seven and a half billion times, because that's how many of us there are on this big third dimensional test.
And so I've, I've been a very cynical person.
And I'm somebody that didn't take victory in my hands a long time ago, because I tried to dial back how successful we've been.
But I got reached out to by a lot of people going back 20 years ago.
And some of them were trying to compromise me and get me to join with the globalist.
And so I got starting about 12 years ago, 13 years ago, about 2010, where I just would not respond.
I mean, I don't care who calls me, who wants me to go hang out with them.
I'm not trying to brag.
This is what goes on.
It didn't matter if it was I'm not going to name names.
Just you name it.
Top of rock and roll.
Top of this.
Top of movies.
The top, okay?
You think, well, what's the top of rock and roll?
I mean, it's pretty obvious.
The top, okay?
I mean, there's only a couple bands up there.
The Beatles are pretty big.
Leave it at that.
So that's the type of stuff going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And so I just totally walled it off and ignored it.
When Jack Dorsey reached out four years ago and said, I really don't want to de-platform you.
I really believe, you know, that we need free speech.
And I, I literally, through the contacts, people that are, did not reach back out when he had people call me.
Prominent people, three of them actually called me over about six months and said, Hey, Jack really wants to talk to you.
Would you do it off record?
And I'm like, screw that.
He's new world order.
I'm not doing it.
Because that's just the mode I get in is no, I'm no more talking to the establishment.
No more.
I don't even care about talking to Trump.
Trump would call me.
I'm going to try to act rock and roll, which is true.
Like, hey man, I don't want to hear how great I am.
Okay, dude?
You need to call my wife up and tell me how great I am.
You're just patting me on the head.
I want you to go after the globalists.
I want you to shut down the Russiagate thing.
I want you to come out against the New World Order.
And he didn't do all we wanted, but that's why I still was like, well, Trump must be good.
But the whole New World Order system is about seducing everybody over to it.
So I said, well, They're just trying to seduce me over.
I'm not going to talk to any of them.
But now I know in hindsight that that was not the case.
If you're somebody trying to get out of the Matrix, who do you reach out to?
Well, that's now become Joe Rogan, which is great.
He's the one every day talking to famous people about the New World Order and the globalists and their big plan and the vaccines and what's happening.
And now he talks to people every day.
Prominent people want to talk to Joe.
He's like their counselor or something.
And that's a wonderful thing.
And that's what's going on.
And so we're in a very, very magic time right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And now you see Jack Dorsey out in Wall Street Journal articles, planning to launch new websites and new things that are pro-free speech.
Because isn't that the future?
Isn't that the only future?
I mean, don't you think tyranny is going to fail?
Don't you think Facebook and Google and Apple and all this heart on the ADL And that Martian ambassador, the head of it?
I mean, do you really think that's going to win?
And so that's where I get into the positive news of Elon Musk coming out and saying, well, I don't want to, you know, couldn't work at CNN, couldn't go on CNN.
I'm not a pedophile.
And oh, you know, wokeness is a virus they load on your brain to control you.
How do you get the virus off?
And what's Elon telling you?
How do you get the virus off?
How do you get the virus off?
Right at the time we're launching, how do you get the virus off?
But he went on Joe a month after I was on a few years ago and said, yeah, it's interdimensional.
It's interdimensional operation.
Interdimensional war.
People know this, but they're looking for the inflection point to break in and make the move against the globalists.
And maybe Musk is a total opportunist and just knows the old system's going down.
He'd like to position himself for the resistance.
I don't care either way.
As long as we have a pro-human future, that's what I'm looking for.
That's a very exciting point, ladies and gentlemen.
And you, the listeners and viewers of this show, you are the focal point of that awakening.
And you are recognized by the power structure as the main resistance against their anti-human operations.
So I don't tell you that to pump you up.
I don't tell you that to massage your ego.
I tell you that because you're soldiers in a mind war, in a spirit war, who we absolutely have to have realize you are in a fight.
And you are the resistance, and you are the leadership, and you've already done an incredible job.
So start thinking about what else it is you can do to change the world.
We've got some great examples at the start of the next hour.
But the system knows you're awake.
They're making their move.
They're getting the gulags set up to try to shut all the food and water off and make you go bow down and brainwash you to go back into control.
It's not going to happen.
Nothing against the Russians.
Great, smart, tough, badass people.
But they've been under the czars for 500 years and had no basic freedom.
When the communists took over, they didn't know what hit them.
That's not going to work here.
Don't take our decadence and all the rest of it as weakness.
Take that as us being asleep.
This country, the globalists are starting a fight with King Kong.
And I don't want the physical fight.
Again, we're winning the spiritual and intellectual and mathematical cultural fight.
But they're not going to let us do that without a fight.
They're going to start a physical fight, and everything's being lined up and prepared for that the next 300 days.
They'll launch it before the election.
I'd give it 300 days before mass terror attacks, you name it.
And it's going to be blamed on me, and we're going to be off the air, folks.
They're going to take us off the air.
But it doesn't matter, you've already got the transmission, you know what went down, and you understand who did it, and you understand that it's gonna be love and mass awakening, and just, oh, you take out Alex Jones, a thousand more rise up who understand what's happening to educate others, and they're gonna lose!
It's gonna be game over!
I'm ranting here, so I haven't even gotten into all these clips yet, but here it is.
If you could die of irony, she would be dead, must slam Liz Warren's woke culture in epic Babylon B interview.
Elon Musk says he's not perverted enough to be on CNN.
Talks about pedophiles.
Elon Musk says the woke mind virus is arguably one of the biggest threats in modern civilization.
At its heart, wokeness is, this is a perfect quote.
I mean, this is like so true, I couldn't say it this good.
At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful.
It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.
That is a perfect quote.
Wow, who's this new Elon Musk?
Oh, I heard he was coming.
I didn't know it was gonna be true.
I mean, I'm still gonna judge a tree by its fruits, but I like the direction we're going here.
Have more children.
Say no to the New World Order.
Transgenderism targeting children's wrong.
Globalism is evil.
The vaccines aren't safe.
All of it's true.
And it's coming out of Elon Musk's mouth.
Elon Musk says Metaverse isn't compelling.
Web 3.0, it says it's mostly marketing.
Which is totally true.
Oh, and then the woke Matrix screenwriters complain about the phrase, red pill being kidnapped by right-wingers.
By right-wingers?
We're not right-wingers, we're just pro-humans.
You guys work for the establishment over there at the Matrix.
And I know Keanu knows that.
Keanu's been a listener of this show before I ever even met him and was a consultant on Scandid Arkley.
Not bragging, it just shows how far we've come.
Keanu Reeves was buying my films in 2002.
Told me!
Said, hey, will you sign these for me?
Him and Winona Ryder.
It's crazy.
And again, that shows the power of this broadcast all these years later, and the power of what all of you have done.
So thank you for what you've done, because you put us, all of us together, in the position to fight back against these tyrants.
But learn about the mind virus.
Learn how to get the mind viruses out of you.
Nobody's put it together like this in any way.
It's at ResetWars.com.
It funds the operation.
It's critical.
I want to thank you for your support.
And it's available at ResetWars.com.
25% off until the end of Christmas, coming up in about four days.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, we got big developments on the January 6th committee that I want to explain to everybody.
It's a lot bigger than just trying to put Alex Jones and Donald Trump and Ali Alexander and Roger Stone and General Flynn in jail.
Mark Meadows.
It's about branding us as terrorists and launching a bunch of big terror attacks in the next nine months, ten months, to bring us into full martial law.
We'll talk about that at the bottom of the hour.
There's been some new developments.
Ali Alexander is going to pop in.
And I got two files here.
So much.
I've got to go back over to the breaks because I need to research it again.
There's so much.
About Liz Cheney funding an insurrection at the Capitol previously as a dry run before January 6th.
This is not getting any attention.
We're going to be breaking that coming up with Ali Alexander.
And then Greg Reese.
I'm going to air his powerful report in the last segment.
So we'll have Mike Adams on for four segments, not five.
The last segment of the last hour, because it really needs to get seen.
And I rarely even tell Greg Reese what I want.
He's just really smart and on to everything and doing stuff.
And I said, Hey, I saw your earlier report that covered part of this.
Why don't you cover it all?
So I just talked to him about like two minutes.
He said, Oh, I totally got it.
And he just knocked it out of the park with this new report about the hundred year conspiracy to bring down the Republic.
So the rest of the world collapses because as bad as America is, you now see the rest of the world's lockdown and even worse tyranny.
We are the new Atlantis.
The video is on Infowars.com.
It's on Bandot Video.
Exclusive report.
100 years of conspiracy to destroy American freedom.
If you want to beat the new world order, it needs 50 million views.
It's going to get a million views.
People go, oh, a million views on your own platform, great.
I don't care about me getting views.
I care about stopping them.
And only you can stop them.
You have the power, not me.
You, the audience, are activists.
You are the people in the arena.
Here's someone, Tucker Carlson, exposing the pedo rings and more.
In just the past week or two, two separate CNN producers have been accused of child molestation.
One of them was a man called John Griffin.
He was just indicted by a federal grand jury for attempting to, quote, induce minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity.
We're not going to get into details.
They're horrifying.
He's been fired.
Griffin used to work for Chris Cuomo.
He bragged about working shoulder-to-shoulder with him.
We'll leave it there.
Then just days after that story, Project Veritas exposed another creep at CNN.
They published graphic text messages and a video of a CNN producer, apparently a CNN producer, fantasizing about molesting a child.
Project Veritas said the producer also allegedly sought explicit photographs of that child.
So we called over to CNN to ask, is this one of your employees?
We have the name, we're not going to air it, because none of this has gone to trial.
But does he still work there?
They didn't get back to us.
But this seems like a real story.
So to put it into context, as of today, there are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have died of the so-called Omicron variant that's supposed to be so deadly.
Now, that seems like news to us.
You'd think CNN would be covering it.
Like, what the hell?
How many companies can say that?
But that's not what they're covering.
If you were watching the Unix show over the weekend, you learned that it's actually Fox News that suffered a week of, quote, embarrassing headlines.
Paging Dr. Freud!
We point out lots of examples of transference.
That's when you take the things, the sins you've committed, and accuse others of them.
Nothing better than this example.
So if you're a normal person flying commercially, you don't go 10 seconds without a mask before you're scolded by a flight attendant.
By the way, that says they bark advertisements for credit cards over the PA system.
When did that start happening?
You're like a captive in some kind of credit card ad?
But none of this applies to you if you're Maxine Waters, because you make the rules, you don't obey them.
You can be a super spreader all you want.
Maxine Waters just spotted maskless on a United flight from Dulles to LA, where she lives in a rich, very pale neighborhood.
According to the Daily Wire, which got the picture, flight attendants only asked Waters to put on her mask after they were alerted by a tipster.
So she could go barefaced for a full hour and even took a maskless nap.
Boy, If there's a definition of luxury in commercial air travel, a maskless nap is it.
Can you imagine being allowed to breathe while you nap on a plane?
You notice that Maxine Waters was not physically dragged off the plane, charged with a federal felony, permanently banned from flying.
Folks, we're going to break.
We'll be back.
The Big News is 60 seconds out.
Here we are in the twilight of 2021, December 22nd on this Wednesday edition.
Winter solstice is over.
The darkest day of the year has passed.
As we dive into the next 365-day orbit around our sun.
What an amazing universe we live in.
And as soon as we realize that the Maxine Waters and the Bill Clintons and the Hillary Clintons and the George Soros's are not in charge, that we're in charge, the better.
So I got into Elon Musk's show at the end of the last hour, and the fact that, again, I was told by a lot of prominent people, including people very close to Elon Musk, I mean, it's hard to get any closer, that, no, he's awake, he knows what's going on, he wants a pro-human future, he doesn't want to exterminate the population, he wants people to have more children, he wants space colonies, but he wants us to have the right to be cyborgs if we want to, but we're not going to make anybody.
Which I don't particularly even like him saying that, but it's true, if you're into freedom, you can do that.
And then now, I told you six months ago, I said reportedly Mutz is going to come out and do all this stuff against the AI, the takeover, the forced injections, the destruction of the family, the depopulation agenda.
And now he's come out against all of it.
And it's getting more intense the last month.
It's like every day.
I'm not the only one that's taking notice of it.
Everybody has.
So this is a big day and he did a interview with the Babylon Bee who are great folks.
They've really defended me being under attack quite a bit.
They had an article they retweeted yesterday making the joke that I should be the new CDC director because I've been more accurate than Fauci, which is true.
But they had Elon Musk on and this morning Just part of the clip was 45 minutes.
It was 45 minutes I didn't have.
I had a lot of work to do, but I did watch and listen to almost all of it.
And really, I considered coming in here today and just playing the whole thing.
I could have filled three, four hours with play a clip, make a comment.
I mean, it's hard to find fault with what he said, any of it.
Does that mean I'm endorsing Elon Musk?
In fact, I've got friends and family text messaging me three times already.
Hey, here you are with one of your videos criticizing Elon Musk six months ago with Gregg Reese.
Well, we don't run a cult here.
We're not like CNN that says, here's our view, white people are bad, go out and report it.
Or here's our view, free speech is bad, go out and report it.
Here's our view, pedophilia is good, go out and report it.
I hire people that I think are smart and are intelligent and are informative and do their research, and then I basically let them do whatever they want.
Then if we start having problems, which doesn't happen very often, then I come and say something.
Elon, you know, deserves to be roasted here.
Elon deserves people to investigate him.
He's the richest man in the world.
And we need to know about that.
So Greg Rees is important.
He's got some pertinent things in him.
But when I see somebody doing good things, I'm going to talk about it.
Because Greg's probably where I was five, ten years ago, where I didn't trust anybody in the establishment.
That's probably smart.
But see, we've reached a point where people realize this is real depopulation.
This is real world government.
This is the end of open free societies.
This is a frickin' nightmare.
And rich people that are smart enough to say, I'm not going to be very secure in a world where there's no checks and balances, they might start rethinking what they've signed on to.
You know, Saul of Tarsus was a guy that went around a Pharisee of the Sanhedrin of the Jewish High Court who went around persecuting followers of Christ and killing them.
And God hit him with a download and knocked him off his horse and he wasn't the same, was he?
Now I'm not even saying Elon Musk was as bad as Saul of Tarsus.
But we have to understand that God works in mysterious ways and he rises up leaders and he takes down leaders.
And sometimes people have the anointing Sometimes they don't.
And that's just the way this works.
So I'm not endorsing Elon Musk.
I'm not saying, Oh, my gosh, I was just told this was all going to happen a year ago, actually, over 14 months ago.
And then again, six months ago.
Like, Hey, are you watching him?
Are you CNC?
He's gonna do this.
And then there it is.
And so it's a very exciting thing.
Will he be the next Tucker Carlson, the next Joe Rogan, or will he take it even higher than that?
Because he tried to come out against the Globalists four years ago, and they almost destroyed his company.
So then he kind of pulled back in, and now he's back even more hardcore.
So you judge a tree by its fruits.
You judge a restaurant by how good the food is.
You judge a band by the music they play, not by what they look like.
And so all I'm saying is we're on the edge of something big.
And the fact that Elon Musk is anti-Globalist at this point, even if it's all A let on by him?
What does that signify?
The globalists are weak.
People are questioning whether we're going to take this plunge into permanent lockdown and mass extermination.
I mean, let's hope that people can defect from the system and join us and win.
Let's not think we're losers and can't do that together.
So let's play clip four and five.
This is Elon Musk says the woke mind virus is arguably one of the biggest threats To modern civilization, I totally agree.
Elon Musk says he's not perverted enough, a.k.a.
a pedophile, to go on CNN.
Here it is.
I was wondering if you could decipher this tweet of yours for me, because I'm not a programmer.
You wrote, Traceroute woke underscore mind underscore virus.
What does that mean?
Okay, so Traceroute is a networking command to, so if you want to If you were to figure out a path to a particular server or domain, you'd say Traceroute, or in Windows, TracerT.
That would show you the path to a particular source server, either an IP address or domain name.
And it would show you basically all the hops that it goes through.
And the latency between each each hop.
And so... I know some of those words.
So Traceroute would be like, where did it come from?
Where did the virus come from?
What is its origin?
So did this work?
Did this command work?
You could read the comments.
Read the comments and see.
It is a prevalent mind virus and I'm arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.
I'm not exactly holding a gun to your head for this podcast.
You could be on CNN right now.
A real news organization.
I'm just throwing it out there.
I don't know.
John Lennon's a real news organization.
I'm just throwing it out there.
Unfortunately, I just haven't, you know, I guess, what was it you said, the requirement for being a CNN,
a job at CNN is over.
Yeah, are you a pervert?
I'm not perverted enough.
Is that a big pedophile fan?
So he goes on to attack the power structure and say they're corrupt
and say it's collapsing and say basically they're dead already.
Those are some of the quotes, but the reason this is important is, again, it shows what the people want.
Success, prosperity, pro-human, a connection to God, being nice people.
And Elon Musk gets that, so it's very exciting.
The full interview is posted in an article about it on InfoWars.com.
But let's play another clip.
Here's Steve Bannon coming out and talking about transhumanism and how everything is transhumanism.
And if you want to understand what you're up against, this is a transhumanist revolution.
Then I've got that head of Bayer admitting that when we come back and a Great patriot in San Antonio who just blew it out of the water a few days ago and the clip has now since gone viral.
But here is Steve Bannon talking about the key of understanding transhumanism.
Let's take Alex Jones for a second.
You know, Alex Jones, people say this, that, the other thing.
I just take one topic.
If you go back and look at what Alex Jones has said about transhumanism, Alex Jones has been ahead of the curve of this thing for what, for 10 years?
Alex Jones was talking about the topics we talked about tonight.
Ten years ago.
Which, when the history of this age is written, people are going to focus, I think, on that, right?
And see who the first guys to call it out.
And one of them was Alex Jones, and Alex Jones is banned everywhere.
Maybe for other activities.
My point is that some of his stuff It's amazing to hear Steve Bannon and Elon Musk put it better than I can.
But that's why it's a human collective.
We all have different talents.
So here's the CEO of Bayer.
has been very strong on some of the most important issues facing our world today.
It's amazing to hear Steve Bannon and Elon Musk put it better than I can, but
that's why it's a human collective. We all have different talents. So here's the
CEO of Bayer. You might remember Bayer got caught in the 2000s for 30 years
knowingly adding HIV and hepatitis.
They knew it was in there to their factor VIII that killed millions of people from hepatitis and HIV.
And when it came out in their internal corporate documents, they recorded this in Australia and in France, because they had the head of the Australian mayor and the head of the French mayor talking.
And they said, yeah, we've already infected a couple million, but so what?
We need to get rid of hemophiliacs anyways.
Wow, what a sick, filthy, rich person attitude.
But when you look at what's been in control of the medical system the last 150 years, that's why we're here.
That's why the Nazi Party wasn't the fount of this, wasn't the progenitor, they weren't the founders.
But they took it really far because Under the medical system, it was their right to do whatever they wanted to, because they were the medical gods.
They were on the power trip.
Everyone kissed their ass.
Everyone said they knew the secrets of the body.
Everyone bowed down to them.
So then they look at the body politic, and they look at the whole world, and they say, we've got to save the Earth from the infestation of humans.
We've got to cull them!
And you know, there is a paradox here.
If you're aware of all this, and you know what's going on, and you decide to be lazy and not stand up against it, Don't you, in a way, deserve to die yourself?
But see, the children don't deserve to be injected.
They don't deserve to die.
They haven't come of age yet.
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, I'd say it's coming of age.
But they arrest developments, and now it's more like sixteen or seventeen.
But the old days in the United States, under common law, and under European common law, and under Jewish common law, thirteen was an adult.
You had to work as a child.
You had to go out and do adult things.
Thirteen's an adult.
I agree with that.
I was an adult at about eleven.
Didn't mean I acted like an adult, but I mean, I behave like an adult.
I develop very, very early.
But the point is, is that, is that this is a major attack.
And here he is admitting, oh, this COVID thing's been great.
This let us have a revolution of mRNA to just force everyone to accept gene therapy.
And they say it in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of speeches.
The biggest is 2019.
Three hour long C-SPAN event with Fauci and others.
And they're up there bragging, we're going to release a virus out of China, we're going to blow up the old system, we're going to force it, everybody's just going to accept it.
We'll be able to instantly get approved, whatever we want, on them.
And the first thing they roll out is something that gives you blood clots and all these serious problems.
Here's the CEO of Bayer, one of the most satanic companies on earth, literally ran the Nazi medical system, telling you that you're now his slave.
Ultimately, the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy.
I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?
We would have probably had a 95% refusal rate.
I think this pandemic has also opened many people's eyes to innovation in a way that was maybe not possible before.
And so he's the president of one of Bayer's divisions.
So let's continue here.
Let's go to a clip of a father, a man, Hernando Arce, speaking in San Antonio about the ongoing year two of the mask and the tyranny.
Here it is.
If you're breaking federal law, did you know that?
Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
Board members and for someone, it's my first time in this building.
It's a beautiful building.
I don't want to know what we paid for this tax otherwise.
You know, we got so much to be thankful for.
For the record, my name is Hernando RC with an H. I'm a resident here of San Antonio.
I don't have children.
I don't have grandchildren.
But I'm here in terms of seeing what's happening, and I wanted to speak up.
So thank you for the privilege of talking.
To get back to this, we're being blessed with so many things.
Look at this beautiful building.
And, you know, we live in San Antonio, Texas, one of the greatest states in the country.
And I don't understand why you guys don't want to get back to normal.
You know, you think wearing the mask is going to work, it's not.
We're not the virus.
The virus is Anthony Fauci.
Yes, sir.
The virus is CDC, which you get your guidelines from.
But when was the last time Fauci treated a patient?
40, 50 years ago maybe?
So of course they paid off by big pharma.
So we'd like to get back to normal.
You're making it difficult for us to get back to normal.
The hospitals are not overwhelmed with deaths.
You know that for our patients, and you would know that because you would put on the news.
The media, which is paid for by Big Pharma.
The media is the virus.
Big Pharma is the virus.
So, for the record, it is against federal law Federal Law 21 U.S.
Code 360BB3.
Let me repeat that.
Federal Statutory Law 21 U.S.
Code 360BBB-30 states we have to have informed consent and an option to refuse any emergency use device, including a mask.
You're breaking federal law.
Did you know that?
Probably not, right?
Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
Peter McCullough was right.
You know who Peter McCullough is?
He's a Dallas doctor.
He's one of the most respected doctors in the world when it comes to this type of viruses.
He was right.
Vladimir Zelensky, out of New York State, a Hasidic Jew, Came up with therapies.
That's what gets me.
We're here over a virus that has a 99.997% survival rate for children.
Can I repeat that?
99.997% survival rate for children.
But you continue to make these poor kids wear a mask.
To me, that's child abuse.
Show me one randomized controlled trial showing that any absolute risk reduction in the effectiveness These are all theories that these professional doctors that are paid off by who?
By their mom!
Is paying for their, you know, trials.
So, they're all in bed together, guys.
Yeah, yeah.
So, we gotta really wake the hell up.
So, we can have the AT&T Stadium full with basketball players and fans, but you make these kids wear masks.
Don't you see the disrespect there for the kids?
Thank you.
Hernando Arce, knocking it out of the park, he should be the next mayor of San Antonio, and after that he should be the governor.
We need the people.
But you've got the stupid city council members, the school board members, in their little masks, in their little elf hats, oh it's all cute, it's a permanent emergency, they're the good guys, they're going to take your rights away, and then now we learn it's roundups, it's secret arrests, it's forced injections all over the world, it's a UN takeover, it's pure evil and we've got to reject it now.
All right, I told you I would cover the main threat, and I'm going to cover it when we come back.
And this is so big that it actually makes me angry, because I cover so much hardcore stuff that when you're already covering really serious stuff, people can kind of get lost in translation when you're hitting the really key stuff.
Do you understand the Biden-controlled CIA is publicly announcing that we're in a civil war?
The CIA says we're in a civil war, they're purging the military, and they're saying they're going to put us in camps.
And they say terror attacks are coming, that we're going to launch them.
Yeah, print me that article.
So many of them.
Hundreds of them.
There's thousands of them.
My God, they're everywhere.
Literally thousands.
I said 100.
I'm like, wait, it's way more than 100.
They are branding everything for what they're about to do.
They're scripting it all, where they stage the terror attacks.
It's coming in the next 321 days.
Get ready.
I always knew in my gut, in my spirit, that my mission was to lay the groundwork and the foundation for the real resistance.
And in 28 years of living that understanding, that vision, I have seen God at work and I have seen you at work and God at work through you.
And I, again, thank you all for the amazing things you've done.
So let's hit this news right now.
I've been harping on this since January 26th, when Biden started having press conferences with Jen Psaki.
And they said in those press conferences, We're going to use the Pentagon and the CIA against the American people.
The American people are terrorists, and anybody supporting Trump or questioning the election is a criminal that we want to degrade and disrupt.
And those are military terms for shutting you down, sanctions against you, and killing you.
And then in June, four or five months later, They come out with a national strategy for countering domestic terrorism.
You can go read it for yourself, and it says questioning elections, questioning lockdowns, questioning open borders is terrorism, and you will be hit by the U.S.
I mean, just treason, their own admissions, their own Confession.
Right here.
And people, I guess, didn't listen to me when I covered this probably 500 times.
I've covered it two or three times a day since then.
Maybe you didn't go read it and see that I wasn't making that up, but it's in there.
Well, now you don't have to read it in there.
You can see them externalizing it as they get ready to go operational.
You know, they'll have war plans to attack some country or war plans to do this or that, but that's all internal.
But once they get ready to hit the country or hit the group, then you see it on the news, they're getting you ready for it.
Well, now they're getting us all ready for that, aren't they?
It's so cute.
So it's in thousands of publications, thousands.
Three retired generals the military must prepare now for 2024 insurrection by putting troops on the streets and going after domestic groups.
listed as backsliding democracy for the first time in a report by a European think tank.
Oh, we're not a democracy, if you question dictatorship.
Retired generals warn of lethal chaos in the U.S.
military after a 2024 vote.
They're really talking about the midterms.
America is closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe.
CIA advisor says.
And it goes on from there.
How close is the U.S.
to civil war?
Closer than you think.
Study says.
Oh, it's a study.
And who's the study?
The CIA.
Finally talking about its new target.
We're going to Ali Alexander here in a moment.
The American people.
That's the scandal.
That's the martial law.
That's the outrage.
Like forced inoculations.
Like vaccine passports.
Like carbon taxes.
Like social credit scores.
It's all here.
It's all UN run.
It's happening.
And right at the moment as the UN coup, Great Reset, Build Back Better takes place, they level their finger at us and say, here it is.
All over the news.
CIA researcher, how Civil War starts shows we're closer than one would think.
Why we're, and there's three phases, we're entering the third phase and we've got to use the military against the conservatives and the Christians.
Oh, the CIA has a task force.
Oh, the news is all messaging about their new war.
It's not the failed Afghan or Iraq war, Russia or China.
It's not the South China Sea.
It's us!
Oh, they've got a CIA task force.
And look, a woman runs it.
Oh, look, here's the women we're facing.
Oh, they're all ready for battle.
Some are actually men saying that they're women.
Look, they're ready to prove themselves finally against the patriarchy.
They're ready for their war.
And here's the CIA tweeting that they've got a task force.
Alex Jones and Ali Alexander and Donald Trump tried to do a coup, which they actually provocateured.
Oh, we're going to stop them.
How civil war starts.
The answers round up and arrest everybody before it begins when they're the ones launching the martial law and all of it.
You see, San Diego political scientist warns of a second civil war after Capitol riot.
They've got to lock everybody down now.
Ali Alexander was on yesterday for two hours, went viral, it's all over the news.
CNN, Fox News, everywhere.
He wanted to respond to some of the attacks.
But he's a really smart political scientist in his own right.
And political strategist, Republican strategist.
Clearly, we talked about it yesterday, but now it's out in the open.
They don't intend for us to have a midterm in 321 days.
They know the political realignment already happened.
They know they already lost.
They want to start a civil war and blame it on us.
How the hell do we stop this?
And we'll do next segment on the lies about you and I and others in the Jan 6th Committee, which I get, folks, is ancient history.
We didn't, you know, move on.
No, no, no.
This is the branding as all their opposition is domestic terrorist in the actual Jan 6th Committee.
Olly Alexander, thank you so much.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
What do you want to tackle first?
I want to get into this.
I mean, this is a big deal.
It's unbelievable.
The media freaked out.
You and I show up together, surprise, in studio, and then boom, the Daily Beast calls me.
Boom, Yahoo calls me.
There's clips of us fist bumping all over the internet, and they're saying, you know, this is collusion.
They're coordinating their testimony.
Alex and I did everything in the public.
That's all we did.
We did everything in the public.
And they're like, Olly Alexander and Alex Jones say that Trump will be subpoenaed.
If anything, we just gave the guy a heads up.
We can't let Americans talk!
You see these dirty Americans talking?
Free association?
Get back in lockdown!
Yeah, yeah.
You know, but it's really sad, Alex, right?
Is not only are these media institutions that just, you know, work for corporate America suppressing our First Amendment, but here you and I are, and we filed lawsuits to protect the Fourth Amendment.
Like, imagine if Kevin McCarthy has a select committee investigating Black Lives Matter.
If mine and yours lawsuits are successful, then we will have protected the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment, away from a Republican fishing expedition Into the riots, arsonists, Black Lives Matter.
So, you know, really, CNN just had us, you know, blaring headline breaking news and has your shot and my shot and General Flynn all in this, you know, you know, all these people are colluding to block phone records.
What are the phone records hiding?
So, you know, today you and I are breaking news on CNN just an hour ago, and I'm just like, give it up, people.
We don't have any records that would prove that we worked with Nancy Pelosi to compromise the Capitol security.
That's right.
That was Pelosi did that.
Well, the thing is, the committee is a constituted right.
It doesn't have the five Republicans are supposed to have under law.
It's a fraud.
It's a total fraud.
And you know, you had a hit piece against lawyer John Easterman, who is one of the principal constitutional scholars in the country.
And you could disagree with him or agree with him on what you believe Mike Pence's powers were on January 6th.
I happen to agree with him, but there's great conservatives who disagree with him.
But they, RawStory.com, which is just this liberal trash rag that's not even up there with Salon, and Salon's not even up there with, you know, the trash can.
But they ran a piece saying the judges plan on throwing out the Eastman suit, and this is bad news for Alex Jones and Polly Alexander and General Flynn and Lawyer Cleter Mitchell and all these other people who are suing, again, to protect the Fourth Amendment, to protect the Fourth Amendment.
Either congressional subpoenas are general warrants, which America has never had, or you have to limit it to the scope of the relevant authorizing resolution, which is... That's right.
This is a massive, out-of-control power grab, and that's why we're standing up.
Not to hide something, but to protect our rights, to say, no, you don't have a right to do this to me.
Well, you not only don't have a right to do it to me, you don't only have not a right to do it to Alex Jones, but they want information on anyone who's called us, anyone who's text messaged us.
And just like the NSA, I mean, imagine giving Nancy Pelosi NSA powers.
She's just going to pull a string and pull a string and pull a string.
And this is against the Constitution.
We had a Supreme Court case, NAACP versus Alabama, that said it is unlawful for the government to seek Political membership!
You're either with the eugenicist medical tyrants, or you're with the people.
You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists.
Ali Alexander is with us in this segment, and hopefully in the next, and Mike Adams joins us in the huge, huge breaking news on so many fronts.
But Ali, you went, unlike other people, and said, I have nothing to hide.
You went and gave them eight hours of testimony and you said it was, yesterday you broke it all down, I won't repeat it, but it was all disingenuous, it was attacks, it was ridiculous, it was Star Chamber, and then now seeing this huge flotilla of lawsuits back against them to defend our rights and our freedoms, where do you expect this to go?
Because clearly now, January 6th is everything to the establishment.
They're going to frame all oppositionist terrorists All opposition as needing to be targeted and they're saying the CIA controlled by Biden says we're in a civil war.
Why would the military and the CIA leadership?
Think they could win a war against the American people by branding us as the bad guys and starting a fight?
Well, because their bosses wanted to bring down the country.
It's a war they're going to lose.
But in the collapse of the U.S., the chi-coms, the EU, the globalists win.
The British rulers that are pissed 250 years later that we left, they've always wanted to bring down America, and that's where we're at.
So how do we, in my view, A, do you agree with what I just said, and B, how do we stop this?
You know, the War Games movie back in 1983 had a great point, the computer did.
It's a strange game.
The only way to win is not to play.
Do you agree with those statements A and B?
How do we not play?
Yeah, I think you're exactly right, and I think that's what a lot of people are missing.
This is why I've said, you know, we don't need to become reactionaries or neo-reactionaries.
We need to be responsive.
And I think that that was kind of, I talked about it on your show, that's what Jesus Christ and his followers brought to Western civilization.
You know, Western civilization prior to Jesus Christ and Christendom is essentially this wild concoction that sometimes works but most of the time doesn't.
And what Christendom does is it tames Western civilization and then it tames the barbarians of Europe.
And so it was this magic potion that says, you know, there's this concept called Christian liberty.
Where you can have a sovereign, but each man has rights, each woman has rights, and the sovereign owes it to God to take care of the people.
In much the same way, America was founded on the duty that the government has an obligation to the people and is constituted by the people.
So, we can't afford a civil war.
We can't afford to become domestic terrorists.
We can't afford to engage in this physical violence or this satanism that will collapse the country.
And you've just nailed it.
They don't want to win.
They want a total collapse of free society and Christian Western civilization.
And let me interrupt because you're so on target.
You're on fire right now.
We're going to put the clip of this up front.
We put this video out, not just a live show.
It's so obvious, the cloward and piven, the fentanyl, the devaluing, the attacking the nation.
We need to defend the nation and hold it up, including blue cities, and try to reach out to Democrats lovingly.
And even if they're going to reject it, we need to be Christ-like and try to do that.
How do we do that?
Yeah, I think that we do it by we tell the truth.
There is a massive wave of deplatforming coming.
We ain't seen nothing yet.
They took me off.
They took General Flynn off.
They took you off a whole year or two prior to taking us off.
I've been totally so deplatformed that I've not raised any money for my legal defense fund.
I've not, you know, gone out there and done rallies and everyone's like, why, why, why?
And that's why I was like, okay, when I come back, I'm coming back on Infowars.com, which is why I think the media is freaking out.
They're like, these guys aren't supposed to associate with one another.
They bring together patriots and believers.
And that's the only two groups, frankly, that you need to win.
So what we need to do is we need to share these clips ahead of the deplatforming.
Be very prophetic in your words.
Tell people there is There's a purge coming from within the military.
There's a purge coming within Fortune 500 companies.
There's a purge coming where one day you're not going to be able to type into your Safari, Apple-based browser, InfoWars.com.
And so we got to spread all that information right now because when your friends watch the collapse, right, and there's bread lines, And there's food shortages and, you know, the currency's all whack.
And then they introduce to us a worldwide currency.
They're going to say, who was my friend who was ahead of the curve?
And it's going to be patriots and it's going to be believers.
And how did we know this?
Well, because, you know, John outed their plan in the book of Revelation.
You know, so John, you know, through revelation of God outed their plan.
And guess what?
These freaks are following that plan.
So we know that it's not just like a vision, a random vision from a Jewish man or a Christian man.
They're following that exact playbook.
And this is why COVID and January 6th are linked.
And this is why I said it on your show exclusively yesterday.
Look it up, folks.
Don't believe me.
You won't even hear it at Fox News.
House Resolution 503 gives the Jan 6th Select Committee powers to govern over COVID, what they call misinformation.
Folks, We're about to be de-platformed like never before in the next three months.
I agree, because we're 321 days out from this critical midterm election.
They're going to launch this early.
They're going to use a mass shooting or a terror attack to claim, oh, Gab, or oh, Parler, or Rumble.
Yeah, Telegram, InfoWars.
I mean, they're already pre-programming.
You can see it.
They're about to silence us ahead of their real takeover.
And you and I talked about this yesterday.
A lot of people look at the Jan Six Committee and say, this is a clown show.
But look at it this way.
If I'm predictably programming the audience, you know, and haven't we noticed these weird, you know, oh, there's a pickup truck in DC, let's shut down the whole city.
Oh, there's this, there's this, there's this.
What if they're planning a tragedy in February or March that justifies and backdates the Jan 6th Committee?
Folks, they know something we don't know.
So we got to pray against this.
We have to share information that seems prophetic in nature so that other people know who they can trust.
You got to stock up on supplies.
I hate to say that.
I hate all of this.
And we've got to be willing to cast votes in this 2022 election because what they want is a tragedy.
Then they want to censor speech.
Then they want to censor electioneering activity as perfectly legal and peaceful.
And then they want universal mail-in ballots in 2022 and drop-off boxes in 50 states.
Where we can't audit the election, there's no chain of custody, it's not legal, and we have a constitutional crisis where the right doesn't believe it and the left is okay with cheating.
And folks, you know, we're watching the total collapse.
Their own base is turning against them.
They've made an apartheid state in New York against black people, in Chicago against black people, against poor people.
And by the way, I want to commend black Americans for being the most uninjected group because it doesn't protect you and it's poisonous on record.
That's some smart folks right there.
Yeah, you know, like Christians, they know that we've been targeted by global powers and government powers before.
And so it's like, hell no.
Why would I want to be chained?
Why does the left always claim they love brown people and black people, but they always try to kill them?
I don't get it.
Like, I don't want to kill people that are brown.
It's the white soccer mom.
Catering to the black vote has nothing to do with the black vote and everything you're doing with white liberal women.
I told somebody this on the phone two weeks ago because they were like, Ali, I don't think that we need to do all this.
I said, no, no, no, you don't understand.
This is about the white woman, the moderate in Fulton County, Orange County.
This is how you flip moderate Republican seats to the Democrat.
So this has nothing to do with black people.
And a lot of my Republican colleagues don't even get this, but there are more whites in the black vote than there are blacks in the black vote.
And so, you know, I've done comprehensive studies on this before, but people need to realize like CNN talking about racism affects more white women.
And even more white, moderate Republican women than it does black people.
Black people don't put racism even in their top three.
Yeah, what you're saying is they guilt white women into being saviors.
They're not actually helping black people.
They're signing on to the globalist agenda.
Yeah, the same Karens that call the police anytime a black person enters their neighborhood, ironically, goes to the ballot box and on state elections they'll vote Republican and on federal elections they'll vote Democrat.
All right, Ollie, I want to bring up what we talked about briefly yesterday, when Liz Cheney actually did the permits for a group that actually invaded the Capitol on a previous date.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
Then Mike Adams is going to be joining us with, again, massive news.
Coming up, we'll cover this with Olly Alexander here in just a few minutes.
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All right, listen, I'm going to break some news on Liz Cheney, but I got to get all the clips ready.
I got to get it prepared.
It's really a big story, and I'm not going to do it half-ass here.
So we're not going to do it right now with Ali Alexander, but we'll do it at some later date, maybe.
But that would take consciousness, so it may not happen.
Ali, where do you see this big picture going and what do you think we can do to counter it right now while we're still not under full martial law and the true internet kill switch they're getting ready to put in place?
We have to safeguard ourselves.
So this is almost like we have to build those levees.
You know, we have to take care of ourselves before we can be in a position to give charity to our neighbors.
So fortify yourselves.
And I mean that in the mind, body, and the spirit.
You want to be drinking water.
You want to be reading.
And you also want to have, you know, food supplies and all kinds of other things that make sure that you can survive a dark winter.
You know, whether it's weeks at a time or a couple months at a time.
You know, I'm not saying you got to build a bunker.
I'm just saying that you want to be prepared for you and yours.
And you want to be in a position to give charity to others because they want to crash folks.
You can see it.
There's a bubble in the market.
This was one of the criticisms I had of the Trump administration.
He would make the stock market and the economy synonymous with each other.
And, you know, that was fine, except for he was allowing the global elites to control the frame of his argument in his reelection.
So what happened in 2020 when they did the COVID thing?
They said, well, the Americans know that Trump is like Ronald Reagan and is speaking of light to the economy, but can he handle a pandemic economy?
And that's what they did.
And so I think the second thing that we have to be prepared for is that crash.
And when that crash comes, you have to decide like, well, if I need to exit my home, what's my exit route?
If I need to take care of the vulnerable in my neighborhood, who are the people that need the most help?
You know, identify threats.
Who might be Antifa aligned?
Or who might be deep state aligned so that I can be on the watch out, you know, for them in a self-defense posture.
And so I think that we need to be very prepared that 2020 was unprecedented.
2021 was even more unprecedented.
Folks, 2022 is going to be the roller coaster from hell, but we don't have to let that be the destination.
But we might have to walk through hell in order to come back to earth and go to heaven.
And we just have to be prepared for that.
They do not want free and fair elections.
That's what Stop the Steal was all about, and also my lawyers will kill me if I don't plug my GiveSendGo link.
Alex, so many of your viewers reached out to me on Telegram, and they were like, you need to ask for help, Ollie.
So I set up GiveSendGo.com slash Ollie Alexander, and if people want to help me out, they can help me out.
I know that they can help you out by going to the InfoWars store, but our lawsuits We're either going to win and we'll know that we have a couple months left or Alex, our lawsuits are going to get dismissed and there's no fourth amendment.
So I think the Alex Jones, Olly Alexander lawsuits that seek to limit the phone records that this committee can take are really the litmus test to say, okay, do we have 12 months left or do we have three months left?
And that's what I would be watching if I was a viewer.
I totally agree.
And people want folks in a fight.
People want.
People to take action.
Well, we're in the arena.
We love the listeners.
We're not bitching at you.
We're saying support us, and they have been, but this is the fight.
And that's why it's so important to spread the word about the broadcast, to share the clips, and to support people.
But yeah, it's not cheap.
People are like, oh, look, Jones has got all these judgments against him.
Oh, he's being sued.
Oh, he's under attack.
We're all under attack.
And yeah, it takes money to sue these people back, because they're trying to rape us!
I mean, we're supposed to give up?
This is a fight!
And so when you support us and buy the products at InfoWarsTour.com, that keeps us in the fight.
We really appreciate you all.
Ollie, how do folks donate to what you're doing, too?
You're a very important fight.
Yeah, GiveSendGo.com.
This is a Christian fundraising site.
Thank God for that.
They're awesome people, yeah.
GiveSendGo.com forward slash Ollie Alexander.
And do I have a minute to plug like, look, Alex, people asked me, they said, you know, why would you associate with Alex?
I said, do you realize that a third of every Stop the Seal rally was InfoWarriors?
I'm not kidding.
They don't just listen.
They showed up.
The RNC raised over $250 million off of my back.
All right.
This is a big chink in the globalist armor.
This is a keyhole.
You can look through and get a very big picture of what's happening on the other side.
I totally agree with NaturalNews.com's analysis of this and what Mike Adams has been saying.
I've been following this case very, very closely in the last year and a half.
Harvard's Charles Lieber arrested for treason with Communist China.
Remember that story?
Harvard professor exposes vaccine passports as scientific Nonsense.
What did he say there?
In a Boston court, a superstar of science falls to earth.
It all ties together.
He admitted to suitcases of cash, that's in court, that he was bringing back from China.
He's a nanotech specialist, the global expert in putting nanotech in shots.
That's all in the court!
And so you can criticize the FBI and the Justice Department and the system, but the Jan 6th woman, that's a known Chi-Com agent, she said she's not running, set to resign.
You've got Dianne Feinstein, Chinese agent, that's coming out, she's not running again.
You've got all of this coming out, so this is a big, big deal.
It ties into Huawei, it ties into 5G, it ties into nanotech, because his specialty Is Nanotech Catalyst in the blood?
So a year ago he's arrested for treason and now he's convicted yesterday and it's not getting a lot of coverage.
To connect all these dots is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
Mike, thanks for coming on.
Wow, where to start?
Well, thank you, Alex, for having me on.
A lot of bombshells on this story just this morning, so I'm going to be bringing to you things that haven't been, I think, covered anywhere else.
And this is going to rock people's world here today.
And by the way, I've never asked you for this before, Alex, but I'd love to have an hour on your show this weekend, Saturday or Sunday.
Come in, lay this whole thing out, start to finish.
So please give that consideration, because this story goes... Sure, absolutely.
If I get the crew in, they'll do it.
But I'll try to shut up in the next 45 minutes we have, or maybe we'll just hijack the next hour and kick the guest host off.
But let's get into it right now, Mike.
Okay, alright, here we go.
So, we can just barely scratch the surface here.
So as you said yesterday, Dr. Charles Lieber was found guilty on six counts.
And he was prosecuted by the DOJ.
He was charged along with two Chinese nationals.
And he was charged, I think it was last year he was charged.
But the first Chinese national turned out to be a female posing as a researcher And she was actually a lieutenant in the People's Liberation Army under Communist China.
The second person, 30-year-old Zhao Zhongzheng, a Chinese national, this was the one who was caught trying to smuggle biological samples of MERS and SARS viruses out of the Boston Logan Airport.
And there are ties to Boston University as well as Harvard, both of which say they fully cooperated with the DOJ in this, but Dr. Charles Lieber worked with Harvard for many, many years, got $15 million in grant money from the NIH, Uh, some of that directed by Fauci and did work for the DoD.
So, the setup for this story is that he was then, as you said, he was paid by Communist China over $1.5 million plus $50,000 a month.
In order to transfer his technology to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Yes, this links right into Wuhan, right into the bioweapons development, and Charles Lieber's specialty was nanowires research.
Specifically, if you go through his patents, we're talking about nanowires that interface with biological cells.
So, I'm going to read for you, and again, he was just convicted yesterday, Now, this story is breaking huge.
Don't forget, Harvard has ties to Jeffrey Epstein as well, so this goes very, very deep.
The patents of Dr. Charles Lieber include controlled synthesis of monolithically integrated graphene structures, scaffolds comprising nanoelectric components for cells, tissues, and other applications, Nanoscale wires and so on.
I mean, it's a long list.
This man is a genius.
It all matches with what's in the so-called COVID shots.
I mean, this is the mastermind, yeah.
You got it.
So the big story, and this is layer upon layer, the DOD and the NIH gave money to Dr. Charles Lieber at Harvard to work for essentially two decades to develop this exotic nanowire technology that can interface with human biology The technology includes mesh systems that actually latch onto nerve system cells.
It can penetrate cell membranes of cell walls, and it can actually deliver payloads of genetic material, or it can kill cells with a thermal murder, you could say, just cooking cells to death.
And it can also deliver payloads of other nanowires.
And the big kicker here, and this is where people like David Icke actually turn out to be correct on this point, the big kicker is that these payloads Can be activated through external electromagnetic fields, which can be transmitted by 5G cell towers.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's a conspiracy fact.
And by the way, when you sent me this last night, I didn't know he'd been convicted.
I've been following it.
It had just broken.
But I went and read mainline news that he's a nanotech, graphite, cell wire, top global expert, dealing with how to use electromagnetics to interface with humans.
I mean, this is incredible.
There's another chapter of this that we will get into here today that's just mind-blowing because of what the US Army has just announced with its universal vaccine using ferritin nanoparticle technology, Alex.
This is, I believe, an extension of Dr. Charles Lieber's work into nanoparticles and interfacing with human neurology.
But I went through, I could hardly sleep last night, I went through his patents, I went through his research.
I went through some other research that talks about activating these systems.
And Charles Lieber is a super genius.
And his father, it turns out, his father worked in rocketry and telemetry, satellite tracking systems and radar systems for the DoD.
If you go look into his father, Robert L. Lieber, He was even awarded the David Sarnoff Achievement Award in Engineering in 1962.
This is a family of genius-level scientists, and they were working on exotic technology that was cutting-edge military tech.
So Lieber, of course, then sold this to China, or transferred it to China, got caught, got prosecuted, and now We have to deal with the fact that this technology's nanowire systems can be impregnated into people through both COVID swabs and COVID needle injections or potentially so-called vaccines.
I'm not saying every vaccine contains this.
But it can be miniaturized and put into vaccine needles because these are carbon nanotubes at the nanoscale that can carry payloads and they can be delivered into needles.
So Alex, that's kind of the overview of this story right now.
There's a lot to get into.
Well, there is.
We'll lay it all out with Mike Adams coming up after this break.
But the bigger question is, why'd they bust him, Mike?
We got 40 seconds to break, but why?
Well, we are hoping there are some elements of White Hats that are still operating.
And that's why, because this is the keystone right here.
Charles Lieber is, I believe, the keystone.
And as he has fallen, it's going to unravel this astonishing attack on humanity that goes through the military, goes through history, goes to the 1918 Spanish flu, and the flu vaccines given at the U.S.
Army military base, I think it was in Kansas, that set off that pandemic.
We'll get into all that.
Later on in the show here.
Alright, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, Alex Jones of FreeWorldNews.tv.
That's the URL that isn't censored.
FreeWorldNews.tv, stay with us.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams of Natural News.
So, I'm going to be not careful about this, but let's just say judicious because I don't know.
But it was less than a year ago, back when all this broke in January, I guess 11 months ago, 11 and a half months ago, that through a precarious connection, I was connected to Dr. Lieberman.
And I saw this break, and I talked about it.
And then I got some contacts saying, you better stay away from this.
And I've had those threats before.
And the reason I talk about it on air was I didn't know what that meant or what's this Lieberman thing?
So the power structure is very afraid of this story.
And then Mike Adams, you mentioned the Pentagon.
They've announced this Omnivax that it's going to fix the common cold, but no one can ever make a vaccine that did that.
But then it's not really a vaccine.
So this is a Huge moment in human history.
Please continue, Mike Adams.
Well, I'm glad you mentioned what you just said there.
And, you know, I've been getting major red flags about the danger of this story as well.
And I did not cover this until Dr. Lieber was found guilty.
And that happened yesterday, on the winter solstice, by the way.
So, as of yesterday, we can now rather openly talk about this is a DOJ prosecution.
The facts of the case are clear.
Dr. Lieber signed a contract to get $50,000 a month from China via the Thousand Talents Program, which is one of the ways that China infiltrates universities and scientists and research programs across the United States.
The communists have infiltrated, as you well know, elements of the Pentagon, the media, big tech, universities, science establishment, and so on.
But I think now, now that he's been found guilty, this is no longer in the realm of just speculation.
He's been found guilty on all six charges.
Now, I do want to say for the record that this man, Dr. Charles Lieber, is a brilliant scientist.
His father was a brilliant scientist, and his father appears to have worked for the interests of the United States and
Also, dr. Charles Lieber was getting grant money from the DOD and the NIH and they believed he was working for the
United States trying to allow the the America to stay up to speed on the
bioengineering and Neuralink style interface systems that are part of China's
aggressive weapons development Which includes what China's building is Borg systems
So they're doing genetically engineered humans and human ape hybrids
combined with control electronic interface systems that use these nanowires so
Illinois drones Absolutely, yeah.
Borgs, like hulking Borg soldiers that are remotely controlled by the Chinese generals and other leaders in the field, who basically like they're playing a video game.
They say, this platoon, you go there and attack these people, and they actually control their brains, their hormones, their neurology, and their genetically engineered, you know, Freaks of human nature in a sense, and this is some weird Frankenstein science that China's involved with.
So what the DoD was trying to do, in my assessment, is get America up to speed on the technology, but America would not go that route.
You know, even the Pentagon, as evil as some of the leaders are, inside the Pentagon, they are not doing, they're not trying to build, you know, ape-human hybrid super soldiers.
And I'm telling you, our new viewers, this is made up.
China, 25 years ago, was selling cows that are part human that create human milk.
That was on their TV show.
So, folks, we're in the future.
This is way advanced.
The Chinese do anything and everything.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
So, for whatever reason, Dr. Charles Lieber decided to take money from China and, in effect, then work with Chinese agents.
Well, he admitted to bringing back suitcases of cash, because there was already a globalist deal with China to sell us out.
Why was he doing that?
I mean, we don't know.
No, we don't know, but I suspect that China was propping him up, giving him a lot of recognition that he wasn't getting at Harvard.
I mean, he's a brilliant man, socially isolated, coming up with next-level technology in the world, and he wasn't being recognized to the extent that probably he thought he deserved.
If Chapel Hill and Obama made the deal to transfer it, they controlled the Chinese at
a certain level.
It's almost like they set him up as the transfer, you know, like the Americans that got caught
transferring atomic weapons to the Russians.
I mean, it kind of seems like a repeat of that.
Yeah, you're exactly right, because I think what they're doing now that he's been found
guilty, I think they're going to ease off on his sentencing and say, now you're going
to work for us exclusively.
So, see, when you're the U.S.
military, you can't just throw a brilliant, genius, scientific mind like Dr. Charles Lieber behind bars and let him rot.
For 10 or 20 or 30 years?
No, no.
You take that brilliant person and you say, now you're working for us as part of your sentence.
And I think that's what's going to happen next.
That's my speculation.
But I think that's what they'll do.
So once again, Dr. Lieber will be working for the Pentagon and the DOD.
But the question is, how deeply has the Pentagon now been infiltrated to destroy the United States military with vaccines?
I was about to say, there's no doubt, if you want to destroy the US military, they're doing a perfect job.
Well, exactly, and this brings us to the new, this just hit the air here yesterday and today.
DefenseOne.com did an exclusive interview with Walter Reed, a scientist.
The Walter Reed news spike ferritin nanoparticle.
This is being touted as a universal COVID-19 vaccine.
And they say it's going to work against everything now and in the future.
Well, a ferritin nanoparticle, this is a synthetic nanoparticle that mimics elements of human blood.
So, ferritin is a human blood protein that carries iron, hence the name of it, ferro, meaning iron.
So, this is an extension, I believe, of Dr. Lieber's research and technology that was done under the DoD.
Absolutely, he was a pioneer of this.
This is crazy.
So I guess they want him shut down when this all rolls out.
Yeah, you got it.
You got it.
But see, they want to use his research, but then not have him able to speak.
And now, and this is, I'm going to call this, this is a conspiracy that is coming true.
But I believe that just like in 1918, the Spanish flu was actually set off By the military giving vaccines to people in Fort Riley, Kansas.
So a military base in Kansas.
They're going to do the same thing with this universal vaccine.
This is actually, in my opinion, a universal death shot.
That's going to be given to the soldiers.
And by the way, I totally agree.
For those that don't know, it'll create a Marix-like event when you give someone a general super injection that stops all coronaviruses or all cold viruses.
It's going to cause just mutations all hell on earth.
It'll create some super virus that is immune.
You're exactly right.
And I've been critical of Trump lately, and you have as well.
Never forget, folks, Trump said Operation Warp Speed is going to use the military to distribute and deploy the vaccine efficiently and quickly.
And I think that's exactly what's coming.
Well, let's talk about Trump, because, again, I want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I don't hate Trump.
But he's like, he's saying Biden's great, Biden's saying he's great.
Why is he doing this?
I mean, do they have something on him?
What's going on?
We'll talk to Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com when we come back.
This is an incredibly powerful hour.
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Because I know this, we're powered by God and the Holy Spirit.
We're powered by you supporting us, and we're not backing down.
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So, humans, tune into this show.
To try to navigate what's happening in the universe and the world.
And that's why I'm here.
I don't have all the answers.
I'm really trying to find the truth.
And so we can have big, large discussions about the wide spectrum of what's going on, but we know this.
There is a global group of people that want full control of you and want to isolate you and want to make you sick and want to kill you.
They want to depopulate you.
That's the main mission.
But before they kill you, they want to take control of your mind.
They want to bind your will to them and then cut you off from the third dimension and your potential.
And so I don't know what's going on with this top Harvard professor, the head of their biology department and all his nanotech and everything, but that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to wire us up and put things in us that they can control with 5G in their own patents, in Bill Gates's own Admissions.
So you ask me what's exactly going on?
I'll give you the answer right now.
You can talk about the whole satanic system, it's planned, but what's going on with humans?
They're being bought, they're being paid, they're being brought into the system.
They just want to be successful because they don't get the full picture of what's going on.
And so that's what I'm really trying to be able to think about is It is your heart and your soul and mind that has the value, not all the crap.
If you've got your heart and soul and mind together, you'll have all the trinkets and things you can create anything you want.
We're amazing entities.
But I know this.
They're going after this professor because he was working in the areas that they're rolling out against us.
And so we should then look at every angle of this To understand what's going on.
Mike Adams, that's my view on this.
People are asking me, what's the answer?
It's the Atlantean moment.
Did Atlantis exist 3,000 plus years ago, like, or 6,000 years ago, like Plato said?
I don't know.
But are we building a point where our technology is so powerful we destroy ourselves?
So did Atlantis exist before?
Was John on the Isle of Patmos right before?
About Revelation?
They certainly were psychic, or connected to God, or whatever you want to call it.
They saw what was coming in the future, and they claimed it had happened before in the past.
So, where are we right now?
All I know is, is that there is a moment when our technology becomes God-like.
We're not God, but we have God-like technology, and there's a race by corporations and governments to achieve that, and I don't see the FBI busting this head of the Harvard Biology Department, As a way to stop him being a Chinese agent.
I think it was more of a jealousy thing of, you're not going to share our secrets with them.
What does Mike Adams think?
Please continue.
Well, you're right about the transhumanism quest that's underway, and it is an anti-God, anti-human quest to transcend this world and for people to become gods, or think that they will become gods themselves.
Of course, it's all deception, it's all rooted in Satanism, and technology is the deception.
It's the siren song of power, that if you just embed this technology into your system, Then you will become like gods now think about Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse system right now You have to wear a set of VR goggles or augmented reality Goggles in the future not too distant with this nanowire interface technology They'll be able to inject you with
nanowire mesh systems that will latch on to your optic nerve and will latch on to your
auditory processing neurology and so on.
You won't even need goggles, Alex.
Everything that you look at will be augmented reality and at that point, Zuckerberg and
whoever controls that system will have absolute control over your perceptions, your reality,
your moods, your hormones, your reactions.
They will be able to literally read your inner verbalized thoughts and make a transcript of the words that you are thinking.
So it's actually a system of absolute hell.
And what Charles Lieber is doing, in my opinion, just as the atomic scientists who worked towards the atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, you know, they're brilliant minds thinking they're working for humanity, but in actuality, the corrupt governments of the world and the globalists take that technology and they twist it in order to enslave and destroy humankind and cause pain and suffering and death.
So that's my overview for your question there.
I think that is an amazing answer, Mike Adams.
So, where do you see all this going?
Because I want to be like, rah, rah, they arrested a Chinese agent, but really, what's behind it?
Well, I do think there are still what I call white hat elements inside the DOJ and some good people still within the FBI and in the intelligence community.
Certainly, certain branches of military intelligence are still good people working on behalf of America.
But there are also, as you well know, extremely evil elements they seem to be dominating.
The FBI right now, or dominating under Garland, the DOJ right now, which is just going crazy trying to prosecute people like yourself and Roger Stone and others.
So this internal war is still taking place.
But they know that something much bigger is coming.
And I want to point to that right now.
And it's the fact And Trump fought against this, by the way.
It's the fact that Huawei, the communist Chinese company that makes the 5G circuitry, the network control boards, the broadcast antennas, which are arrayed antenna systems, Those have been installed worldwide in 5G towers.
And China has backdoors into those systems, which means China can control the broadcast.
They can actually flip a switch and have backdoor control in order to broadcast whatever they want to broadcast.
And think about this in the context of people being wired up with CNTs, carbon nanotubes, payload delivery systems that have been put into them.
Now, to his credit, Trump blocked Huawei.
And try to stop that from happening.
And Trump tried to distance us from this Chinese tech.
And to answer your question that you ended with last segment, I don't know why Trump is still pro-vaccine.
And it's incredibly frustrating.
And I am being critical of Trump on this point as well.
But, Trump knows that China is trying to destroy America, and he knows that everything is at stake right now.
So, I don't know what it's going to take, Alex, to get Trump to wake up about these vaccines, but these vaccines are murder weapons.
Well, I'll tell you what my brain comes up with.
Mike, 99% of what I do is just off the facts, off what's happening, but 1% is what I see.
I think they've told Trump, this is pure speculation, They've got a spike protein weapon that creates total HIV, total AIDS, accelerated death, not five years but months.
As bad as this vaccine is, we've got to give it to them so the body can fight the spike protein.
It's some story like that.
Because they know it's dangerous.
They know it's not working.
They're like, take it, take it, take it.
The world ends in eight years, as AOC says.
They've really programmed them where they've got to do this.
They're being given some cover story where Trump legitimately is like, you need to take it.
You need to take it.
You need to.
I mean, it comes off as real, even though we know the science, it's not.
So, I mean, I think there's something going on like that.
There is a theory out there, and I interviewed Dr. Paul Cottrell about this very point, and he says that the DoD had actually put out this first wave of vaccines as defenses against the coming assault.
by China like we haven't even yet been hit with the real wave I mean this is a theory but that these vaccines kind of went wrong and they didn't do proper testing they rushed it which was part of Trump's fault because he pushed them to do it in nine months instead of what he says five to twelve years so things went kind of wrong but that their intention was to defend America against a global bioweapons launch that was about to be put out there by China so that's that's one interpretation of all this Alex and like you I don't have all the answers either but What we are seeing, the facts that we see, you know, gosh, the patents, the money from China that went to Dr. Lieber, the DOJ prosecution, the history of the DOD, even Dr. Judy Mikovits talking about how the DOD developed this cesspool of different pathogens and then somehow that made its way to China at the Wuhan Institute and so on.
These are all facts.
But it's up to you to decide what it all means.
I totally agree, and I'm not defending Communist China.
I think it's the biggest threat in the world, but it is like a setup, like, oh, here it is, China, and you blame China.
I mean, like, why did China even accept this?
Because I know Daszak went to the Pentagon in 2017 and said, oh, nanotech, oh, we're going to give it to you, spray it in caves.
The Pentagon's like, no way, that's World War III.
Well, then why did the Chinese do it?
We'll be right back with Mike Adams.
Stay with us.
And you won't get what you're after until you're born again.
Till the day I die.
Mike Adams, naturalnews.com, really smart guy.
Clearly, humanity is up to a crossroads, and most generations don't live during a crossroads.
The Renaissance, 500 years ago, was a crossroads.
Christ, 2,000 years ago, a crossroads.
Genesis, 6,000 years ago, a crossroads.
We're at a crossroads.
We're all very blessed, I think, to live in this time.
Disagree if you will.
I respect your view.
We're in a very magical time right now, and people should just realize that and understand it.
What else do you expect to come out?
What else do you expect to take place, Mike Adams?
Well, for 2022, I'm expecting a series of engineered Black Swan events, you know, false flag events.
We've talked about them before.
You've covered it extensively with your other guests.
But for example, the false flag cyber warfare attack on the financial infrastructure in
order to create a bank freezing and panic chaos in the streets.
Remember, they have to create more crises, especially before the election, well before
the election.
They can't allow this election to take place in an open and fair manner.
And even though there are efforts underway to add security elements to the ballots.
I interviewed Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers yesterday talking about this.
They want to put serial numbers on the ballots.
We should have serial numbers on every ballot in America.
I mean, there are serial numbers on the dollars in your pocket.
A $1 bill has a serial number, but a ballot doesn't.
That's crazy.
So there are efforts underway by Republican legislatures across the country to try to secure the elections, and that's why the Democrats have to stop these elections, and they will do it at all costs.
More bioweapons, false flag attacks, financial...
I was about to say, why would Germany vote to shut down the Nord Stream 2 that would have fixed their problems?
war with Russia, things are heating up there with Russia, the energy.
You know Europe is in an energy crisis right now that's just off the charts.
I was about to say, why would Germany vote to shut down the Nord Stream 2 that would have fixed their problems?
That looks like an act of war.
Well, yeah, those are the German bureaucrats trying to mass murder their own people
and make them either freeze to death due to the lack of energy
or starve to death due to the lack of natural gas making fertilizer for the farms for the crops of 2022.
So, you know, in Germany right now, today, you can make a choice as a nation.
You can either freeze to death or starve to death because you don't have energy.
And by the way, you predicted two years ago at Natural News about the fertilizer lockdown.
Yeah, yeah.
It's a whole other story, Alex.
That's bombshell as well, you know, because fossil fuels and hydrocarbons... Bottom line, the industrial society has been collapsed on purpose.
The question is, Mike, how bad is the collapse going to be?
There's like 100 floors of civilization.
Does it collapse 10 floors, 30 floors, 50 floors?
I mean, how bad is this?
It's worse than anything that I've realized until the last two weeks, Alex.
It's going to collapse beyond even what the collapsers intended.
I think that they're losing control.
No, I agree.
I've noticed they're suddenly trying to back off a little.
I think they kind of overcooked the goose.
This is the thing.
I mean, look, the minute the Federal Reserve stops quantitative easing, if they start this tapering and they raise interest rates, they're going to crush the markets.
I mean, the markets have essentially been collapsed for years.
It's only been propped up by quantitative easing and money.
Explain zombie, what that means.
Well, a zombie market or a zombie corporation is a corporation that loses money but continues to function because of the new influx of revenues of people buying its stocks or investments.
So, a zombie bank is a bank that's always losing money and needs these cash infusions to function.
We're living in a zombie economy.
And the zombie economy... A zombie planet!
A zombie planet!
Yeah, seriously.
In many different ways.
Not to mention the fact that these vaccines are causing personality changes in people.
I mean, serious personality changes.
Oh my God, Mike.
Oh my God, you bring that up.
We have studies.
I have so many people I know that aren't the same now they took it.
Well, let me mention this.
They don't have drives anymore.
They're not the same person.
No, because, look, this technology that we're talking about here is, I know, folks, it sounds like a science fiction movie.
This is all real stuff.
I can read you the patent numbers here.
You just go look up the patents at the USPTO for Charles Lieber.
Seriously, go look up the patents.
This stuff's not human.
I mean, really, we're not speculating.
You're a scientist, and as a researcher, this stuff is beyond, this doesn't make sense.
Well, if the version of me three years ago could hear the version of me speaking today, he wouldn't believe it.
But today, I'm here telling you, yes, there's no question there's been an off-world, non-terrestrial technology transfer to the human race.
And I believe that happened with the transistor in 1947, and it has happened since.
Bell Labs, yeah, that just came out of nowhere.
Bell Labs.
But then what happens is then the human governments, they then find brilliant scientists like Charles Lieber to augment that technology that otherwise would not have been, you know, ever discovered.
It's kind of like, remember Terminator 2, where, who was it, Miles Dyson?
He was explaining, like, how did you build the Terminator?
How did you make this AI cyborg?
Well, we found this, they handed us this microchip!
Which, you know, was sent from the future in Terminator 1, right?
So the microchip set them off on these whole new directions, and that's how they were able to build AI systems.
That is not that far from the truth of what has happened.
We're living in a sci-fi dystopian novel.
There's no doubt.
Why are the globalists so obsessed with depopulation?
It's not about saving the Earth.
I believe that human pressure will force us to a new evolution of scientific development, and they don't want that to happen.
Well, a couple of things.
I believe that, number one, they need to monopolize the available resources that are remaining on planet Earth, such as rare earth minerals, fossil water systems, and so on, in order to build Planetary defense systems and planetary, you know, space travel systems because they want to colonize other planets and in their own minds they know that Earth is very vulnerable.
A lot of rumors about, you know, Planet X and asteroids and so on.
They want humanity to exist on multiple planets.
Now, what's interesting is just in the last two weeks, major announcement, water on Mars.
Almost nobody talked about it.
They found a massive amount.
Well, yeah, but I mean liquid water on Mars.
So we're talking about, and NASA has a helicopter flying around on Mars.
And they brag about it all the time.
I think it's called Scout.
And you can't fly a helicopter when you have no atmosphere.
So NASA has lied to us for decades.
Even the 1976 Viking Lander had a mass spectrometer.
And that's exactly what the ancients said, is that Mars has an atmosphere.
Mars has an atmosphere.
Otherwise, you couldn't fly a helicopter.
It's basic physics.
Mars has an atmosphere.
Otherwise, you couldn't have liquid water on Mars.
They're on the news going, look at our helicopter.
You can't do it without an atmosphere of at least, what, half ours?
0.6% of our atmosphere.
Actually, less than 1% of Earth's atmosphere at sea level.
That's what NASA says Mars has.
That's absurd!
If the atmospheric pressure were 0.6%, frozen water would sublimate into vapor.
It would pass through two phases.
That's what I'm saying.
What is the amount you need for a helicopter to fly then?
Well, think about on Earth, you can't fly a helicopter above, I mean, you can't go 30,000 feet.
Yeah, I mean, you can't even go that high on Earth.
And that still has a little, what, like 25%?
I don't know the exact numbers.
But at 0.6%, you can't fly a helicopter at all.
So we've been lied to.
Don't forget, microbial life was discovered on Mars in 1976.
That was Viking, right?
That was the Viking lander.
And they had the proof.
And it was, who was the science fiction guy?
Billions and billions of that guy?
He called the scientists and said, congratulations, the greatest discovery in the history of science.
You've proven there's life on Mars.
And then NASA buried it.
And ever since, we've been told that Mars is inhospitable.
That was Carl Sagan.
Carl Sagan, exactly.
So, Alex, we've been living in a matrix.
We've been living in an artificial world with artificial history, artificial science, this entire time.
And only now is humanity beginning to awaken, and that's why they're trying to mass murder us, because we're on the verge of destroying the old system, or making it obsolete, and unleashing the true potential of humanity, which is way beyond anything we've ever lived in before.
Mike Adams, amazing.
Do a couple more segments with him if you can.
And then, because he wanted some time to get into this Harvard situation, how big that is.
And then Jason Burmiss is going to take over.
And then I'll be back tomorrow, Thursday live.
I'm going to take off Friday and Saturday to be with my family.
But we will be back tomorrow.
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Hour number four, straight ahead.
We're the smart people I know.
And I wanted to talk about the election and the martial law and all the preparation for that and the CIA coming out and saying, oh, there's gonna be a big civil war.
But before we hit that, just big picture, Mike Adams, Where do you see humanity and the universe and the world right now in the scheme of things?
Because I just want listeners to realize your rent, your car, your wife, your husband, that's all important.
But compared to your consciousness and just being aware of the incredible position you're in, to me, it seems like that's victory if we're just aware of our destiny.
But in your view, what is humanity's destiny, Mike Adams?
Well, I believe, first of all, none of us are going to recognize the world we once knew within a few more years.
So by the end of 2025, I think our minds are going to be completely blown about where we are.
But I have a positive outlook in the long term.
We're going to go through a very, very dark time.
I believe the globalists will succeed in killing now an estimated 2 billion human beings.
But I don't think they'll succeed in killing the roughly 7.5 billion That they want to kill.
I think that there is a great sorting out that's happening right now.
People are being forced to choose a side.
And on one side is God, creation, life.
On the other side is the devil, destruction, suffering, lies, deception, all of that.
And what's amazing about this time, that's kind of a gift in a twisted way, is that people can't sit on the fence right now.
So there is this great cosmic sorting out taking place.
And where this is headed, I believe, is a world, it's going to be, like you said, the hypodermic needle is the weapon system.
So there's a world war via a needle.
That's taking place.
This is going to be combined with economic collapse, with additional bioweapons that are released, and on top of that... And it's so perfect we have to buy in and agree to it.
It's always back to free will.
Well, see, this is the ultimate satanic trap, is to make you sign that contract with the devil so that you have consented to your own destruction and the destruction of your soul.
That's right.
You're marked first for death.
You must mark yourself.
So we see with the angel of death, the story of Moses, and the judgment of Egypt, they put blood on the door to say, no, no, we want it to pass.
You put the mark on yourself, you want to be destroyed.
Well, that's right.
And you remember, God spared those who put the mark on the door, passed them over, right?
And so we have to now stand up and say no to these injections.
This is why I'm so frustrated with Trump trying to encourage people to take the vaccines.
I believe these vaccines are the mark of Satan in your tissues, that if you agree to these vaccines, you are mortgaging your soul.
Now maybe... Well, let's just say it. They admit it. It's genetic. It's genetic congress.
It's you're having a genetic... Beyond your mother and father that came together,
you're now having a congress with this genetic material.
You're having sex with it. It's a sex magic. Well, right. And there are transhumanism elements in
it, such as the transfection phenomenon that happens. And, you know, we...
I've been on your show even talking about the spike protein invading the cell nuclei and then causing a disabling of the NHEJ chromosomal repair.
They said it almost two years ago, 20 months ago, and now they admit it goes in and turns off your DNA's repair.
This is literally a Congress with death.
This is a death ritual, a sex ritual.
The people that take this are having sex with death.
Yeah, and it's a genetic-level dismantling of your human biology.
It's kind of like, remember the old Tron movie?
It was like you were being de-res'd.
You were being disassembled at the biological level.
And that's exactly what this is.
It's a disassembly of human biology.
And, you know, when Biden says, hey, it's going to be the winter of death unless you take the vaccine, he's right about the winter of death, but it's if you've taken the vaccine.
That's what we're already seeing now, and it's only going to get a lot worse in the months and years ahead.
Well, let's talk about that, because you're right.
Bill Gates and Fauci said, oh, the deaths are about to be worse than ever.
What an admission that their vaccine didn't work.
Back in 60 seconds, final segment with Mike Adams.
Then Jason Bermas takes over.
Then the war room coming up in 55 minutes with Owen Schroeder.
We're fighting as hard as we can.
All right, in closing with Mike Adams here.
Mike, what do you think we individually can do right now in this space and time to get ourselves ready for this huge change, this huge metamorphosis that's taking place?
Well, we have to unplug from the Borg control system.
We have to unplug from the Matrix, and it's very seductive to go into it and to become part of it because of all the so-called benefits.
And, you know, mark of the beast, it's coming.
They're going to crash the fiat currency systems around the world, and they're going to put in place electronic You know, financial system.
And you will be ostracized from society if you refuse to participate in that.
And, you know, cars that will monitor you and everything.
But we have to say no to that.
That's the only way we save our bodies and our souls and survive all of this.
But Alex, let me bring in something else that's really relevant here.
I texted this to you the other day.
Remember the story about IBM and Samsung announcing this new breakthrough microchip technology?
They're able to do vertical stacking of transistors now on the Z-axis.
Explain how... I meant to get to this.
Explain how huge this is.
Start over.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Vertical stacking.
Not at all.
Hey, it's your show.
You can interrupt me any time you want, but the IBM Samsung announcement...
New vertical stacking so they can put microchips in 3D spaces now along the z-axis, and it has an 85% reduction in power consumption, which means an 85% reduction in heat.
That means they don't have to deal with as much heat dissipation.
The bottom line is the... Massive revolution in technology.
This is, this is Skynet.
Okay, I'm just going to call it Skynet.
That's my opinion.
IBM doesn't call it that.
For me, this is, this is Skynet because what this means is they can have Pico scale.
Now, pico scale is just underneath nano scale.
IBM already has technology to build transistors at 2 nanometers.
2 nanometers.
They're about to go, according to my sources, to 800 picometers.
Okay, so that's 0.8 nanometers.
At the 800 picometer scale, combined with Dr. Charles Lieber's research, patents, method and systems for scaffolds comprising nano-electronic components, controlled growth of nano-scale wires.
These are patent titles I'm reading.
Nano-scale sensors for intracellular and other applications.
Intracellular circuitry at the nano and pico scale.
Once you do that and you have the low power requirement, you can drive These AI microchip systems embedded in human biology using the available electricity from the human body.
They've turned you into a literal copper top.
And that's the overall simplification in 1999, 23 years ago, of the matrix.
We become the copper top.
But this is literally wiring our bodies with a system where we re-power the surveillance grid that's part of our body.
The final revolution.
Makes perfect sense.
And again, it sounds like sci-fi, but it's all real.
There's a company out there, InBrain Technologies.
InBrain Technologies.
Got 17 million VC funding, I think, earlier this year or last year.
And they're using nanowire integration systems with human neurology as, quote, treatments for dementia and Alzheimer's.
And they monitor your neurological behavior Then they use external AI computing systems, and when your brain hits certain flags of behavior, then they push impulses back through that nanowire mesh system in order to control your brain and stop a seizure or stop dementia or whatever their treatment is supposed to be.
Well, it's not difficult to understand what that technology can be used for.
Which is, you know, to stop people from being angry, let's say.
Maybe there'll be mandatory nanomesh installation systems in all newborns, for example, or all adults at some point.
And you have to have the system, and then the government, or whoever's in charge, just sends out broadcasts, you know, be calm, be nice, or another broadcast, Go kill yourself!
You know, that kind of thing, right?
So we are now living in the sci-fi future, and what they can do with this is extremely dangerous, and we know that these governments are trying to kill us anyway.
They're all about depopulation, so you gotta say no to this stuff, or it will destroy you.
Bottom line, they're a bunch of mad scientists, but if we don't conform, and if we're aware of it, their plan doesn't work.
Only us being Chattel material, like components they use, lets us be part of this.
But saying we have free will stops it, Mike, doesn't it?
Well, exactly.
And instead of worshiping technology, we need to worship Jesus Christ.
We need to worship God.
We need to read the Bible instead of reading, you know, tech blogs all day.
I mean, even you and I, Alex, we probably need more time away from all the screens and all the cameras and everything, because the real world is what anchors you back to your humanity.
Being in the woods, being on the farm, but you and I, we're conscious, which is an example.
Once you're conscious, it gives you a lot of power over it.
People that aren't conscious, it dominates them.
We know, I'm not speaking for him, but I know this, I jack in, I hate it, I feel it, but I just do it.
But yeah, it feels dirty and I hate it.
Imagine the average person that doesn't know how to unjack from this.
I feel exactly the same way.
I actually, I don't want to be doing what I'm doing right now, covering all this news.
I'm just trying to sound the warning for humanity.
The average leftist wants to be on air.
They want to be seen.
You and I, as I know, I see you, I understand.
We're jacking into this dirt just to warn people.
We're not doing this because we like it.
We want to be away in the farm by ourselves with our family, close to God, the moon, the sun, and life.
But we're jacking in to warn people just like in the Matrix they jacked in.
It's some kind of a twisted burden that God has given us for whatever reason that we feel compelled to warn other people even at the risk of our own safety.
A lot of people don't feel that way.
They think we're weak because we care about people.
They think that's dumb.
You know, if there's a fire in a building, you know, a typical person is, like, first for the exits and running over elderly or whatever.
And, you know, you and I would be, like, screaming, head for the exits!
You know, we'd open the door, help people through, and we might burn up in the fire as a result.
But it's just our nature.
I don't know why.
But it's our instinct to build civilization.
Like, you're supposed to help people.
I guess so.
Yeah, exactly.
You're supposed to help out your fellow human beings, brothers and sisters across the entire human race.
Because I'm not going to be there when my daughter or my son or my wife needs help.
I want to be an example so other people help them when they need it.
Don't these Satanists get that?
That's why they're so blind.
I guess none of them have children.
It's all inside.
Well, they're betting on, they think that greed and power are more powerful than empathy and compassion.
And in some people, that's true.
But thankfully, not in everybody.
You know, we are still human beings.
We still have empathy.
That so-called natural circuitry in our brains is very real, and it's a gift from God.
It's part of consciousness, free will, creativity, the divinity that we are.
And of course, we also...
Every power I've got flows from empathy.
That's the connection in the universe.
And these Satanists think it's a weakness.
No, it's a strength, Mike, like you said.
Well, yeah, and this is what may ultimately save us with God's blessing.
Again, I think we win in the end.
But I think we go through a tremendous amount of suffering in the meantime.
And civilization, you will not recognize it a few years from now.
And remember, you even sent me the video.
Back in 2010, you and I predicted publicly they're going to have quarantine camps, forced vaccinations.
And at that time, people thought that was crazy.
You know, we're a decade ahead.
It's not hard to see where this is going.
Take this seriously, folks.
It's real.
I totally agree.
Powerful hour plus.
Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
God bless you, brother.
Be safe.
God bless you, Alex.
Have a great Christmas.
You too.
All right.
Jason Burmess is about to take over.
Yeah, we're so close to the end, folks.
We're so close now.
Which is the beginning.
And we're going to decide right now the future of humanity.
And there's a lot of children And a lot of innocent people that can't fight, who aren't men, who aren't women, who aren't grown-up, who are counting on us.
So I know I can count on you folks.
I know I can count on this crew.
I know we can beat this enemy.
We're not perfect, but we love God, we love justice.
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All right.
Stay with us.
Hey everybody, Jason Burmess here.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
I wish I had more of an upbeat program to give you.
Now originally, I was going to enter with Build Back Better and The Great Reset because right now, Twitter's got a nice new, you know, it's cute, a fact check on The Great Reset.
Apparently the BBC and The Guardian have confirmed that it is The World Economic Forum's response to recovering from the coronavirus.
And unfortunately, a lot of that's Johnny nonsense.
Because what we're going to show you during this segment is Andrew Capo Cuomo, the guy they got rid of via a sex pest, when all, all of his policies drove up deaths, Isolated people destroyed economies on behalf of the Build Back Better agenda, which he announced openly, and we'll play for you, April 17th, 2020.
And a lot of people focused recently on Charlamagne Tha God and Kamala Harris having a spat on who was the president.
But they didn't focus on her outright lying, saying that the Build Back Better plan was her and Joe Biden's plan.
They came up with it.
So we're going to get there, but because all of this is really about transhumanism, and Mike Adams just did a very, very good job of telling you about Lieber, I was unaware that he had now been convicted.
Because this was a story that I was covering all the way back in February of 2020, I believe.
Pre-coronavirus restrictions in the United States, but you could begin to see them coming.
You all of a sudden saw shelves in big cities like when I visited D.C.
becoming empty.
You saw the hype train of mandates and lockdowns coming.
And the story was really interesting because there wasn't a lot about it other than this nanotech Well, I want to point out and start now with the fact that we have plenty of documentation that this is a reality today.
Today, this is a RAND security document.
Brain Computer Interfaces.
Alright, and you know what's so lovely about it?
The good people at the FDA, which we should all be trusting, are involved in this.
Now again, this is a 2020 document.
We have REALLY focused on this NASA document from 2001 pre-911 because When Mike Adams talks about the Borgs that they're creating in China, I'm sorry, but we've been creating these people since the post-World War II security state and born classified.
Let me just marginalize this for a second.
And again, we were going to begin here, but I think it's really important to understand that we were doing human experimentations Through the Department of Energy that go well beyond even what we know about in radiation.
And when we talk about classifications and building up the continuity of government program, right?
The shadow government that didn't exist for so long into what it is today.
Well, we use something else in Oculus.
It's called the National Programs Office.
See what you can find out about that.
Pretty tough.
I did a movie, I put it in there, but you can see right here it was to ensure continuity of government in the event of a national disaster.
Boy, we've been in a national disaster for some time now, right?
So when we look at the human brain interfaces here, the BCIs as they call them, again, DARPA's fingerprints are all over this with the FDA, alright?
So as you can see, they give you the abbreviations there, but I want to put it right here.
A key effort in the fueling of most of these topics has been the brain research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative and the National Institutes of Health.
Oh, the NIH!
You see how all of this is really about medicalization and transhumanism?
We've given more power to the FDA, the NIH.
They're telling you DARPA, this is over a year ago now, is going to have a chip that not only detects COVID and other viruses, but cures them all!
But cures them all!
It's all here.
This effort is broadly aimed at revolutionizing and understanding the human brain.
Now, in this, they talk about invasive and non-invasive technologies.
So, it's not that far away from reality, if not a reality already, that injections could literally rewire your brain because they can already use magnetic fields to communicate with them.
All right, we're going to show you that technology here.
That's already real.
It's been a reality, a declassified reality, for well over a decade.
Well over.
That you can actually control things like drones, folks.
You know what?
Why not bring that right back up there?
Control things like drones.
See if I have that right up here.
Man, that one might be tough.
We'll continue with the document, because I think that the magnetic fields thing is very important.
But you can see the Food and Drug Administration and the Intelligence Advanced Research Project Agency, IARPA, DARPA, they're all here.
And I'm sorry, we may get to the clip, I don't know if we'll get that far, but I do have a clip of Musk talking about overpopulation.
Problem is, he's in bed with DARPA!
The guy is in bed with DARPA, period.
We need to stop acting otherwise, because that's who he is.
He launched, okay, the military version of Starlink, Blackjack, with SpaceX.
Rocket technology is very old.
And he's cut deals with NASA, just like Google cut deals with NASA.
That's a big deal.
And they talk about the risk of bankruptcy, not if he keeps doing deals with these people, that's the whole point.
And again, this is, you know, I see Jimmy Dore now covering this.
You know, in April of this year now, seven, eight months ago, they were talking about the chip that can detect COVID, and they were pushing a chip back then.
This technology, this stuff we talked about, Invisible Empire, the grain of rice technology, they were injecting families post 9-11 On the Today Show with that technology.
All right, obviously it wasn't detecting COVID-19, but it was storing all your information.
And now you have Ruppley and the South China Post basically normalizing that.
And by the way, that Swedish company, that's a company I've been talking about for two, three years now because they've already gotten so many of the Swedish people to take it.
It's very trendy and hip, right?
But now we have it being advertised where?
That's Albany, New York.
CBS affiliates.
They've taken the Key to Slavery pass.
They've taken the QR codes.
Their authoritarian dictator, who literally replaced another authoritarian dictator, Andrew Capo Cuomo, is going full board on it.
Full board.
They're not messing around.
They've got the mask mandate.
It doesn't matter that health departments don't want to be involved in this anymore.
They're starting to see the facade.
Andrew Capo Cuomo sold the state out to be reimagined with education via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Did a nice little Zoom with them.
Reimagined with Smart Cities with Eric Schmidt.
Did a nice little Zoom with them.
Reimagined with Michael Bloomberg on contact tracing, who are going to be the enforcers.
Okay, they're the ones that are going to start handing out the tickets.
They're going to ease you on into it, right?
Did a nice little Zoom call with him, too.
So, we're going to show you, you know, the Build Back Better plan from April of 2020 via Andrew Capo Cuomo and talk about so much more.
I want to remind people it is the holiday season.
Now is the time to saveinfowars.com and donate over there.
Make sure they're around for the new year.
And we are back.
I'm Jason Burmess, sitting in the fourth hour on the Alex Jones Show, and we are about to get into the quote-unquote great reset and build back better.
This is not a parody.
This is not from the Babylon Bee, who seems to be doing more real journalism.
Then, you know, those traditional networks which are out there doing the bidding of the very predator class that they're talking about.
This is the new World Economic Forum proposal for post-COVID economic recovery.
Oh, it's Reuters and the BBC, not the Garden.
Thank you so much, Twitter.
Thank you for letting me know that because I thought the Build Back Better plan was really Kamala Harris.
That's what she said.
So has everybody focused about her temper tantrum?
Right here about snapping that she's the vice president and Joe Biden's the president.
He's clearly a zombie puppet that does not, you know, decides nothing.
None of his policy is his, period.
And we're going to get into it right now.
Now I want to show here's Kamala Harris talking about Build Back Better and how it's her idea, everybody.
Now, I know you wanted to speak on the Build Back Better plan, too, but, uh, you know, it seems like, once again, Senator Joe Manchin is stopping progress on that.
Yeah, like, like this guy has any idea what that plan is.
That it's total slavery, that it's repackaged New World Order globalism to make regular citizens feel like they need to be subservient to an authoritarian government.
Well, look, Build Back Better is something that the President and I care deeply about.
It was, you know, it was our original idea.
It's almost like a bad comedy show every time she says that.
It's her original idea.
So, first thing I want to do is while I was looking into Cuomo and the Build Back Better theme, because look, we have a ton of different video compilations where you've got Trudeau, you've got Charles, right?
You've got a broad spectrum of of bootlicking, loser, predator class minions talking about Build Back Better.
But it was in February of 2020, the first time they kind of put it on paper before COVID had even gone here, where if you look here, you had the Build Back Better assessment report.
Okay, and then what we're really gonna get into is when Cuomo on the 17th We're gonna play that clip and we're gonna play a lot of it because he invokes 9-11 He's almost bragging that he knows everything's gonna change.
Remember we're a month deep nationally on this thing and he knows Because he was their front man.
He was the guy that was out and out promoting this thing, talking about reimagining before that slogan was even making its rounds.
So let's get into that right now.
Is we go from today to tomorrow, but we talk about the new normal.
This also has to be an opportunity.
Where after this horrendous period that we have gone through on every level, after the exorbitant cost of this, the personal pain of this, the death of this, this has to be one of those moments in time when we look back where we say, society transformed.
He is outwardly bragging in April of 2020, while bringing the better tomorrow, already using the reimagined rhetoric.
And he'll use the phrase, build back better.
He'll invoke 9-11 too.
Don't worry about it.
And be like, look at all the things we got done after 9-11.
We can get all those things that we wanted and everyone said we couldn't done now.
He, I mean, this, this is his coming out party for evil.
It was a learning and growth and transformational period where growth and evolution was accelerated.
Yes, society took a terrible blow, but it became a moment of reflection where all sorts of new reforms and innovations happened.
All sorts of new control.
I mean, are we happy about the national security state that was emboldened and rebuilt after 9-11?
Are you happy that we have signature reduction where they talk about a guy named James Darby who's sending out hundreds of false identities across the board on a daily basis working for some consultant agency?
That's totally outside of law.
With all of DARPA tech to literally evade, what?
Facial recognition.
Everything they say we need.
We need.
They don't need it.
It's all right here.
They're totally unaccountable.
Signature reduction.
Are we happy about that?
Was that innovation, Mr. Capo Cuomo?
I would say that was the de-evolution of our civil rights and now it's coming home to roost with the DHS being sicked on the American people openly.
That's what we have to do with this period when they look back at it.
So our goal is not let's get up and turn the machine back on and keep going the way we were.
How do you make the changes now that you've been talking about in some cases for years, by the way?
Oh, we've been talking about this for years.
And remember, they will shift this virus into, quote unquote, climate change and carbon credits.
Mark my words.
But you never had the political will to do it, or it was too hard, or it was too difficult.
We talk about environmental changes that we're going to make, but we never really do it.
We talk about issues of income inequality, but we never really get there.
You know, we talk about changes to our public transit system, but it's too hard, it's too controversial.
All right, well now you have an opportunity in this window.
To really make changes and reforms and improve things in a way you haven't.
And by the way, if you went through this, and you went through this pain and aggravation and suffering, and you didn't learn?
Well, then shame on us.
Oh, shame on us if we didn't take advantage of everything they just said.
Think about that.
Did he mention the virus once on the reform of what they were going to do?
No, he mentioned the environment.
He mentioned transportation.
He mentioned equality.
And how awesome has the equality been in New York City since this when violent crime has tripled?
In there.
And this new mayor they got coming in for de Blasio, he ain't good, folks.
He ain't your friend.
He's all about this authoritarianism, just like this guy was.
Then shame on us.
Because there are so many lessons to learn.
And then you come back better than you were.
Oh, better.
New York took a terrible beating.
This nation took a terrible beating.
We learned from it.
We grew.
We're better.
9-11 transformed the country.
Now, notice he's saying all these negative things we're about to talk about were good things as they transformed the country after 9-11.
The Capo laid it right out for you.
If I told you before 9-11 you were going to take off your shoes when you went to an airport before you could get on an airplane, and they were going to go through every bag and every... You would say, I'm never doing that.
9-11 said this is a different world.
Look at all the security measures we now have post 9-11 that we would have never envisioned.
We went through Hurricane Sandy.
We didn't build back what was.
You build back better than before.
Oh, we build back better than before.
Okay, and he talks about reimagining all of this.
He talks about, you know, he actually lies and says that, oh, we didn't need the facilities for people, right?
We didn't need the Javits Center.
We didn't need the ship.
No, because you had a policy of not treating people early or at all, and instead putting them back in nursing homes to infect people.
And then they got rid of you via a sex test.
And then somehow they had the foresight To get rid of your brother, who we already knew was helping you via these sex pest investigations, not Andrew Capo Cuomo serial killer policy, you know, investigations.
Not those, right?
And he gets out of CNN just before his lead producer is involved in a pedophilia scandal where he's grooming young girls to be on tape, sometimes via their mother.
Got out on that one.
So weird.
So we're going to come back, we're going to talk about this real transhumanist agenda, and we're going to show you that this has been in the works for some time.
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We are back!
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in.
We are talking transhumanism, the Great Reset, building back better, and of course DARPA's role in all of this.
And when you look at this RAND document, I want to focus in right now on the term magnetic.
Okay, because they have both invasive and non-invasive programs.
If you look up here, when they speak of invasive, they mean surgical.
Okay, that's what it means.
But, when you look down here, it says another DARPA program, the Next Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology Program, involves a non-invasive system capable of reading from and writing to multiple points in the brain at once.
Okay, and the natural extension of that is using EEG waves, right, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
This is not science fiction.
This is happening now.
Okay, and that is why I am extremely, extremely apprehensive of What? Endorsing someone like Elon Musk.
Although we are going to show you where he tells the truth, right?
We don't endorse lies, alright?
That's what we don't do.
And we don't point out, you know, just the negatives of someone when, yes, they are talking about some positive
What you're actually looking at there is yet another book called The Great Reset, right?
That's their Twitter fact-check plan to save us all, the World Economic Forum.
That's from July of 2020.
Published July of 2020.
So again, all of this is outwardly there.
One of the big excuses they say they need to regulate your life is because what?
You're a carbon criminal!
You're a carbon criminal!
It's absolutely ridiculous jackassery.
And there is more than enough energy on the planet.
There's more than enough room on the planet.
We played Kurzweil last time.
Mr. Transhumanist.
Mr. Singularity, right?
Talking about how 95% of the usable land and energy is unused.
We haven't harnessed one ten thousandth of what we can from the sun.
All right.
So here's Musk admitting that, yeah, population control and implosion is actually a bad thing.
And maybe AI is, you know, the most dangerous, but that could be dangerous, too.
Well, AI is certainly one of the biggest risks.
It could be the biggest risk.
I think we need to watch out about population collapse.
This is somewhat counterintuitive to most people.
They think that, well, there's so many humans, maybe too many humans, but that's just because they live in a city.
If you're in an aircraft and you look down, if you dropped a cannonball, how often would you hit a person?
Basically never.
In fact, there's stuff falling in from space all the time.
Natural meteorites, old rocket stages, all the time.
But nobody worries about it, because the actual... In fact, there's a cool website called WaitButWhy, and this guy Tim Urban, he actually just did the math, and all humans on Earth could fit in the city of New York.
on one floor, they don't even need the upper floors.
So that's actually, the cross section of humans as seen from Earth is extremely tiny,
basically vanishingly small, almost nothing.
So we need to watch out about population collapse.
Low birth rates I think is a big risk.
And remember, this is pre-COVID 1984.
I think that's either 2018 or 2019.
And I agree with him!
I agree with him!
But then why are you pumping the invasive technology via Neuralink?
That's what I want to know.
What, do we just have to join this thing, Elon?
I mean, I don't believe that.
And remember, aside from, oh, we're going to help people with Alzheimer's, right?
Oh, that's very noble.
And we're going to help people that are para and quadriplegics.
Again, very noble.
We're going to use brain implants to treat your severe depression.
All right, and that's where you get into yet another interesting avenue of this document we're going to show you.
But as you can see here, this woman's obviously very well-adjusted.
She's taken the brain chips that they're now trying to commercialize.
This has obviously helped with her severe depression as she's alone in the sun in a mask.
Alone in the sun in a mask, heavily obese.
I'm sure she's extremely happy.
I'm sure that this thing is helping.
Well, if you look at, again, magnetic stimulation right here, and residents they talk about soldier use and they say at a more complex level the technology could provide insights into the emotional state of a soldier okay that might provide red flags as to whether and when the soldier might break psychologically when the soldier might have a psychotic tendency or perhaps when a soldier is shooting to miss
Alright, and they talk about the use of functional magnetic resonances.
Alright, imagining to identify the falsehoods and the ability to detect whether the subject is concealing information.
So, beyond a truth serum, and they even talk about controlling these soldiers, their actual movements and actions.
Again, through what?
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
We live in a time when all of the technology I just discussed is openly out there.
And we've only seen a very small fraction of it that has been produced.
And if this COVID-1984 nightmare has taught any of you nothing, let it be this, that there is a consortium of predator class individuals that go well beyond, okay, left or right, Republican or Democrat, USA or even China, China, China.
That's how this consortium works.
That's how we know.
We know with this Wuhan laboratory leak.
That's not the case.
No, no, no.
It's not the case that it was leaked.
It's not the case that the Wuhan lab was the only one doing it.
And it wasn't just the Chinese, was it?
No, we know the NIH.
People like Fauci.
And then other people like Collins, who was protecting the narrative, grotesquely, censoring anybody that was outside of their little narrative.
But it's okay.
Francis Collins sits up there with a guitar and plays you about poof the magic virus.
And then on his way out, he sings you somewhere past the pandemic.
It's funny.
He looks unassuming physically, right?
He's a nerd.
He could never do anything bad.
And that's the massive psychosis that they've created.
And they create different levels of it.
Am I endorsing China?
Do I not think that China has a military program for super soldiers and chimeras?
Of course they do.
But what technology is that based on?
Post-World War 2 tech.
I encourage everybody to check out Annie Jacobson's work.
In fact, that's a great thing to give for Christmas.
If you got somebody who's interested in this stuff, give them some audiobooks.
Mail that information out.
I hope that Jones ends up getting her on because, boy, her stuff on DARPA, okay, on Area 51, on Operation Paperclip, on the biometrics they used via the war on Terra, It's, it's bar none.
So in these last couple of minutes, I do want to be positive.
I know a lot of you out there, um, have felt ultra negative effects
of this COVID-19 84 nightmare.
But when I see somebody like Anthony Fauci up there now telling you to disinvite
family and friends based on their vaccination status.
I'm going to tell you to invite strangers into your home, friends of friends that have felt ostracized and try to gather and hug them and love them and still celebrate with your family members that have and haven't had these shots and still try to open these conversations that are very, very real.
And don't let them divide us this holiday.
Let love win.
Let love win.
I'm looking forward to the next few days.
I hope you guys are too, and I hope you find it in your hearts to support Alex Jones and InfoWars.com in this very, very dark time.
If you can, please go to SaveInfoWars.com and just make the donation.
I get it.
They have InfoWarsStore.com.
They've got a lot of great products.
I'm not saying don't shop there, but seriously, if there's anybody that's earned it and gone to bat for free speech in a very, very dark and Orwellian time, it would be Alex Jones and InfoWars.com.
So, once again, I want to say thank you guys for joining me.
You can follow me at Jason Burmess.
Still battling YouTube, still don't have my channel back, but you can go to rockfin.com, R-O-K-F-I-N.com, slash Jason Burmess.
You can follow me there, you can support me there, and that's where all of my reports are.
Free of censorship and we need more platforms like that one and more platforms like InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
So, happy holidays and Merry Christmas.
I love you guys, and I will see you on the flip side.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
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Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
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Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help Frank!
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