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Name: 20211221_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2021
2694 lines.

In a recent InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses his disappointment in Trump for supporting COVID-19 vaccines despite adverse effects, and encourages listeners to support independent media and American businesses. Jones mentions Ali Alexander testifying before the January 6th Witch Hunt Committee about provocateurs during the Capitol riots, and questions ties of a committee member to Chinese intelligence agencies. He also promotes various products available on his website and thanks listeners for their support. In another segment of InfoWars, Ali Alexander discusses his experience providing evidence to Congress about provocateurs during the January 6th Capitol riots, emphasizing that some individuals incited the crowd and coordinated their actions but were not included in the FBI's list of suspects. He questions why these individuals were not on the radar and urges listeners to support his efforts in exposing the truth about the Capitol riots. The broadcast also discusses the ongoing efforts to control and suppress Americans, with concerns being raised over the potential conflict of interest on the January 6th committee due to its alleged ties to China. The Fourth Amendment is violated by the committee's demands for extensive data from witnesses, even those who have not been criminally accused. Jones emphasizes the importance of protecting privacy in today's world where hackers, corporations, big tech, and government entities are stealing people's data and promotes InfoWarsStore.com for its products that can help protect one's privacy.

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The Winter Solstice is here, the longest night of the year, the shortest day.
And that's today's headline.
America enters its longest night as globalist target patriots in the military say any Gadsden flags, any discussion of election fraud, you as a citizen aren't allowed to have any political views unless it's SJW.
This is the takedown And takeover of our country.
Ali Alexander is going to be exclusively joining us in studio.
He sat for eight hours in front of the Kangaroo January 6th committee.
He went in there with an open heart, very friendly, very nice.
Gave them all the documents.
Spent almost everything he had on a top lawyer to go over everything.
And they treated him like garbage.
And he's pissed.
And I only got a second hand from Roger Stone to talk to him.
You'll be getting it first hand here in studio.
In just a moment.
It's not that I don't trust Ollie.
He's in that green room right there.
It's just that the way the committee is so criminal, so evil, that I will not talk to him on the phone, and I will not be in a room alone with him, so that they can't lie about us.
That's how serious this is, okay?
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What a day, what a time to be alive.
What a new year that we are about to be plunged into.
Thank you so much for joining us here today.
I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air because I'm a real person and I need to learn self-control.
I've gotten better about it over the years, but I am so upset with Trump and the betrayal That it just makes the top of my head blow off.
I get so angry.
In fact, just thinking about it right now, I'm getting pissed.
In the gut, you know what I mean?
A sick, burning feeling of disgust.
In fact, I don't want to go back to that feeling again.
to get this started happening again.
Because you see, I get in here for hours before the show.
And I scan over hundreds of articles, I read dozens of articles, I watch dozens of video clips, I take phone calls, I read government documents, I read pieces of legislation, I read lawsuits.
And I'm sitting here looking at the British Medical Journal, saying there's no doubt the Pfizer and Moderna shots, as well as the J&J and AstraZeneca, all cause massive increases in heart attacks and myocarditis, as well as arrhythmias.
I know people personally took it and got serious heart problems from it.
And then I sit there and I see Trump sit up there and laugh and say it works great, it's wonderful, everybody should get it and all the rest of that crap that makes me physically ill.
But I'm going to move on from Trump.
That's why I got so upset yesterday because we've invested so much in Trump and he has so much promise and he could really be a champion and a leader we need.
But for whatever reason, he's decided to hang around with that loser.
Bill O'Reilly, and when you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.
I'm done talking about it.
I'm going to move on.
But speaking of the COVID news, every day we're on air is a blessing because they're trying to take us off air.
They're trying to shut you up, trying to shut us all up.
They're closing the door on freedom.
Every day I'm on air, it gets worse.
I mean, I've got in my stack mainstream news going, yeah, Yeah, about one out of a hundred people took the Pfizer shot, had a heart attack, and a bunch of them died.
One out of a hundred?
Good Lord!
That's... I've got the Lancet Journal, the British Medical Journal, right here.
I'm gonna show it to you.
And this nightmare doesn't end.
That's one article.
One article in this stack.
Right here.
So... I'm gonna do my best to be... to not...
Flip out today and just try to calmly read you these stories and go over these because, you know, it's one thing if adults want to be cowardly and go get shots and have heart attacks and die.
At a certain point, I'm kind of at a sick level, glad the Democrats are all killing themselves.
But, you know, a lot of them mean well as well.
And so I shouldn't have that evil thought.
I repent of it, God.
But I'm being honest about that.
I have a lot of friends that are Democrats that mean well, that are just like caught in its mind control and can't admit they're wrong.
And I get it.
They look at Trump's problems and think, well, this must be the answer.
No, your side's much worse.
But I really want to just empathize, thereby be Christlike, because that's the spirit we need to not let this destroy us, because we don't want to turn into who they are.
We want to be Christlike, especially with Christmas here.
It's a few days away.
All right.
Just wait till we come back in 60 seconds.
I'm just going to hit it all.
It's just over the top.
Wait to hear about the latest phase of the purge in the U.S.
One of the Jan 6th committee members is a CHICOM agent.
All right, let me tell you what's coming up today, and then we're going to hit it all.
Ali Alexander, who went and testified for eight hours to the House January 6th Witch Hunt Committee.
We'll be in studio in the second hour.
And within two days of the Gateway Pundit article with the reporter we had on Saturday, Jacob Ingalls, breaking it on our show Saturday, just to get him proud of us being in the atmosphere with the Gateway Pundit, Jan's sixth member has business ties to China and the Chinese Communist Intelligence Agencies.
She's announced that she's not running for Congress two days after this came out.
Be talking about that.
So that's who you get to go in a room with.
And you literally get to see the enemies of America.
Daughters of famous war criminals, you name it.
A true legion of evil.
Not looking for the truth, but trying to set you up with perjury traps to send you to prison.
That's coming up a second hour as well.
And Ali went in and told them everything.
The truth.
He'd say, no, none of us planned any violence.
We had a permit.
We were there to be peaceful.
And they'd say, so you admit here under oath that you launched attacks, that you were the commander of the attack.
And he was like, what?
Because there's no honor amongst these people.
They're here executing the takedown of the country.
They have zero honor.
In fact, they have negative honor.
And as soon as people get that through their heads, the sooner we start saving this country.
Of course they're destroying the currency.
Of course they're destroying the military.
Of course they're destroying the borders.
Of course a bunch of the producers at CNN don't just want to have sex, or do have sex, with little boys and girls.
they are recruiting them as sex ops for other men.
Jeffrey Epstein was just one elf in...
In the Satanic New World Order's workshop.
These are criminals we're dealing with.
These are people who are gone.
You look at Elizabeth Warren's eyes.
You look at Adam Schiff's eyes.
They're gone, folks.
Lights are on, but nobody's home.
Like old Clint Black used to say.
The lights are on, but nobody's home.
We've got a case of real evil making its move on us.
And as we enter 2022, it's making its move against Infowars because we are one of the final dominoes that hasn't fallen for them, that hasn't rolled over like Trump's doing with the vaccines and the rest of it.
And I will be faithful to the end.
I'm not going to back down.
But I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, we could give out.
That's why I'll just say right up here at the first of the broadcast, we have several million dollars of shortfalls to fund this operation.
You know, you read about and you see stories about hundreds of leftist online publications that would have 30, 40, 50 employees with budgets of 20, 30, 40 million dollars going bankrupt because they can't make money.
But that's what it costs, ladies and gentlemen, when you go out and you license the photos and license all the stuff and have the lawyers and have the crew and have to pay for your own infrastructure.
They don't have to pay for all that infrastructure.
We do.
And we do it for less money than they do.
But, you know, we've got to sell 50 plus million dollars worth of merchandise every year.
To be able to then have enough money left over from the, quote, profit of that to feed it into the system.
And you've made such massive investments in InfoWars and your time, your energy, your support, your prayers in the decades past that this is like a nine month due baby and the baby's going to be born next week.
And then you just decide to have an abortion.
And I'm not guilting you, I'm saying, to myself included, because stuff's gotten rough, publicly and privately.
They're really making their move on me.
You know, they've told me, you're going to stop or you're going to go to prison.
We'll set you up one way or another.
Well, I mean, you're already killing kids, you're already destroying society, so am I going to just run and hide?
So that many years from now, I can be laying in my bed in a totally enslaved system, wishing I'd have been a real man at the time of the challenge?
No, I'm not backing down right now.
One of my friends said, who works with us and is being persecuted along with us, said, in for a penny, in for a pound, ladies and gentlemen.
You got to have the dishonorable evil people over here?
Well, that's not who we are.
If anything, I fight too hard sometimes and get upset and get really angry and it's not a good thing for anybody, including my own health.
So I am asking for your prayers, I am asking for your financial support, and I am asking for your word of mouth because you are the resistance.
God always keeps it that way.
We're always just bringing enough money, just bringing enough money, just bringing enough money.
And then now, every time we get back in the black, we're right back in the red.
And just going into this critical time, when they've been so close to completely shutting us down, and us not even being able to, you know, take your orders at Inflowrestore.com, now is the time, while you can, it's really on my heart, my intellect, but also my spirit, that we need to have a war chest.
We need to have extra money, not just enough.
In the position of having to actually cut pay or lay people off when we need every person we've got here.
There's a real sense of urgency in Infowars.
But there's a real sense of urgency everywhere.
Either people are awake and know how much trouble society is in, or they're more lackadaisical, more drowned in entertainment, more living in fantasy land and under a great delusion that is now upon the world.
So do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTore.com and get the supplements like Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
It's going to sell out in a week.
Won't have more in for a while.
We're still at 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, selling out very quickly.
That sell's got to end today.
Ultimate Krill Oil, highest rating of Krill Oil.
It's beyond fish oil.
It's just incredible.
It's discounted.
All those products are at InfoWarsTore.com.
In fact, let me just tell you what we got.
There's a bunch of stuff that's about to sell out.
VitaMineral Fusion, selling out, 40% off.
Prostagard, selling out, 50% off.
TurboForce, selling out, 40% off.
All New Super Charcoal Whitening Toothpaste, discounted.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 95% Humanoids, 95% Humanoid, 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, 40% off.
DownOut Liquid Sleep Support, amazing, 50% off.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Lung cleanse, 50% off.
At infowarestore.com.
Brain Force Plus, back in stock, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, back in stock, 50% off.
Patriot Blend Coffee, discounted $2.
It's already so inexpensive, super high quality.
Knockout Sleep Support, 50% off.
Hair and Beard Support, which is really a multivitamin mineral that's really strong.
That's what we should have called it.
We should have called it Hair and Beard.
COVID Land for $19.95, and then get two of my films free on the same DVD.
1776, founding member coin is sold out.
Alexa Pure, back in stock, $30 off.
And I wish I'd have made $20,000 of those coins, but it's a limited edition.
We're not.
It was $10,000 coins.
Because that took us from being $3 million behind to being $2 million behind.
And I'm not bitching.
I'm just saying we've got to keep InfoWars on the air.
We can't back down.
We've got a bunch of projects that are almost done and almost complete.
The baby is nine months.
It's about to be born.
Next level, 110% next year.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.
I want to ask you to continue to invest in InfoWars, the winning horse in the fight for liberty.
Go there now.
All right, this is what I'm going to do.
Next segment, I'm going to hit the most out-of-control, world government, forced microchipping, forced injections to buy and sell, planetary UN dictatorship news.
That is this stack right here.
And some good news, things like the Japanese government tells citizens don't discriminate against the unvaccinated.
What a world we live in.
Almost none of the Japanese are dumb enough to take the shots.
They know what's going on.
But let's hit this first.
This is what's really important to understand where we're going.
Without even looking last night and this morning, I ran across more than 10 op-ed articles being promoted All over the internet, from Yahoo News to Twitter to Instagram, the Boston Globe, you name it, calling for an end to the First Amendment and the Second Amendment.
Now you dovetail that with the Pentagon's new guidelines saying that if you like something they call extremist, including the OK sign or the Gadsden flag, Which they just took out of the military a few years ago.
It's the first U.S.
flag even before Betsy Ross made the first American flag.
And then, oh, just a few years later, oh, guess what?
We'll court-martial you if you click on something.
Oh, and the ADL runs computer programs watching everyone on Twitter and Facebook And tracking who they are and now has databases to report on our military.
I mean, this is the secret police.
This is a criminal takeover.
That's in the news right here.
In fact, I went to cover that yesterday.
I had it in my stack.
Hey, John, you're the one that gave it to me.
We give it to them because they put it on screen.
The ADL bragging.
You know, the ADL's Twitter account.
They show how they track everybody.
What you're doing, where you're visiting, what you're reading, they're watching you because they're the good guys!
So this is an article out of the Tampa News paper.
Law professor rewrites the First and Second Amendment, which doesn't include freedom of the press or the right to bear arms.
This is Kendall Tights, writing this.
A law professor argued in Boston Globe Op-Ed that the First and Second Amendments should be rewritten to change how it defines the freedom of the press and the right to bear arms.
And of course, could you guess?
It isn't keeping the rights or expanding them, it's getting rid of them.
Mary Anne Franks.
Anne Frank!
I wonder why Mary... I wonder if Anne Franks is named after Anne Frank.
Anne Frank got killed by an authoritarian government.
Mary Anne Franks, a professor At University of Miami School of Law and author of The Cult of the Constitution, our deadly devotion to guns and free speech.
That's a real book.
That's a real headline.
So, you know, the Nazis weren't for free speech or the citizens owning guns either.
So, I mean, will Marianne Frank seek out a time machine to teleport herself back 80 years to the height of the Nazi era?
Marianne Franks, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law and the author of, quote, The Cult of the Constitution.
Well, the left's the cult of pedophiles and bankruptcy and feces and heroin needles.
The cult of the Constitution, our deadly devotion to guns and free speech, wrote an op-ed in the Boston Globe arguing that the Constitution has competing interpretations that inspire religious-like fervor, leading to irrational results.
So you want to Fire the police, have your own private security if you're a professor or a city council person.
That's how it works all over the country.
And then, I can't have a gun in my house or my business to protect myself.
Oh, I figured out how that works.
You people want to destroy civilization.
Frank's book argued that the Constitution is in the service of white male supremacy.
Oh yeah, the Bill of Rights and Constitution is in the service of white male supremacy.
So this woman's a race baiter, using race to control people.
A horrible monster.
The Second Amendment is a conservative fetish, and the First Amendment is a liberal fetish.
Well, not anymore.
That is less obvious, but no less influential.
Yeah, that evil First Amendment, according to the description of the work written by Stanford University Press.
The First and Second Amendment tend to be interpreted in aggressively individualistic ways, can't have those, that ignore the reality of conflict among competing rights.
Oh, a bunch of UN talk.
Let's continue.
Now, moving on from that, I'm not going to read the rest of it.
Pentagon issues new rules to stop rise of extremism in the military.
I went and read the new rules, and it says liking something, and it's not like They like, say, the KKK, so they call them in and say, what are you doing?
Still, you shouldn't be surveilling the troops.
Still, you shouldn't be having the ADL scan everybody and put them in databases and have AI report back.
Still, you shouldn't be doing that.
But OK, no, no, it's not like you liked an Al-Qaeda video saying we're going to behead people.
And you've got to be asked, why did you do that?
It's still dangerous to have that surveillance.
No, no, no.
It's stuff like the Gadsden flag or President Trump or questioning election fraud or questioning forced inoculations.
It's the same stuff that's in the terrorism official directive of President Biden the puppet from June that says questioning vaccines, questioning lockdowns, questioning election fraud, questioning open borders is terrorist and that the Pentagon and military and CIA must degrade and disrupt.
When the Green Berets bust into some place and kill somebody, that's called disrupting and degrading something.
I mean, literal military assassination terms.
Hit squad terms for you.
And now, it's the open purge of the military 2.0.
You thought critical race theory was bad.
You thought all the gender BS was bad.
You thought all that was bad.
No, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Because the military is Where people sign over some of their rights and quote, defense of the country.
That's being abused by the occupiers of our nation to destroy our military.
To totally shut it down.
This has all been planned.
Meanwhile, doing Satan's work, Pentagon orders company to stop making faith-based dog tags.
The Pentagon, for the commissaries and PX's had it where people could order their own Christian custom dog tags with their number so they could have John 3 16 or Isaiah 4 17 but no they said that's hateful including saying courage in Christ not allowed you can't physically have under your clothing something about God what a satanic group running our military the Pentagon recently ordered shields
of strength to stop making faith-based dog tags.
The company has been making the tags for 20 years, but the Pentagon got one complaint in order for the company to stop making the faith-based dog tags.
It's not a woke Pentagon that came to bullies.
They're running the whole thing.
Oh, but there's other censorship.
Twitter censors account that alleged another CNN pedophile scandal, which is ongoing.
Yeah, that's who these people are.
So that's just some of the attack on free speech while they silence us, while they roll out deadly injections against all of us, no matter what color we are.
We got that huge news, the biggest yet on the COVID takeover.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
Now is the time.
To take action now is the time to be peacefully in the streets.
Now is the time to have your voices raised and warn the public that what the children are being given is very dangerous and does not protect them from COVID and is linked directly to massive heart attacks, blood clots and death.
We're going to hit a bunch of that news here right now.
But we really are dealing with authoritarians that are just out in the open gaslighting the population.
And so all we've got to do is point out that it's wrong and the people will join us.
We will win the fight.
But that's why the censorship is so massive and that's why they've incrementally basically shut down almost everyone.
Where there are no real prominent voices left, even talk radio is censoring conservatives that question election fraud or question the so-called vaccines.
And that's why independent networks like Infowars are beyond critical.
What we're witnessing is a scientific plan to turn our free societies into oppressive scientific dictatorships.
In fact, I was trying to think of a headline this morning for the live show and I never went and even did it just because I don't have words to come up with something epic enough.
We are now living in the post-free world.
We are now about to go into year three of a worldwide UN-run corporate technocracy.
And I don't say that to scare people.
I say it because that's where we are.
I have a close family member who was never really anorexic in their life.
And then just not paying attention or for whatever reason, they're very happy and very nice.
They just stopped eating the last year.
And they lost 50 pounds.
They were never big.
And then they started basically having dementia-like symptoms.
And I got in their face about it and started making them take vitamins and minerals and making them eat for just a month, going to their house three times a day in some cases, and making them eat.
Now they look 20 years younger and are running around having a great time.
That's what I'm telling you, with the TVs and the iPads, and there are studies that show this, but it's putting people into a trance.
And the chemicals in the food and the water.
To where not just people close to me, but everybody's seeing it, and the statistics showing it, people that are aware of it become irritated by it and become angry about it.
But that's a minority of people.
Everybody else, even if they still are a patriot at heart and still they love God, they are being slowly mesmerized into a sleep state where they're going into a type of coma-like state that they've got to be gotten out of.
And I know you're all witnessing it as well.
And we see it statistically with young people where, it doesn't matter if they're black or white or Hispanic or Asian, the IQs in the Western world are 20-30 points what they were just a generation ago.
South Korea, the US, you name it.
What was that movie?
It was a really good movie and it was based on a TV show that I never really watched until after I saw the movie and then I went and bought the DVD set and thought it was pretty good for a low-budget science fiction TV show.
The TV show is Firefly.
What was the movie?
And in the movie, no one knows why 30 years before, suddenly these crazy psycho people show up who just fly around in space murdering and killing and are basically like satanic demons.
And they finally find out where they came from, that the government was doing a test.
It's a big leftist, socialist, globalist, galactic empire.
And they find out that they put Prozac into the atmosphere, basically.
A high-tech Prozac that ended war, ended violence, ended everything, but then basically made 99% of people just go into a coma and die.
But the 1% turned into psychotic killers.
And you know, You know, that's all Carnegie Endowment.
I mean, that was their plan.
All of this has been laid out since the 20s, where they created the theoretical systems they're now building.
And they even theorized, not in that movie, I know where they got it from, with some of the top globalist thinkers from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, like Bertrand Russell, is that The majority will die and just turn off and be slowly killed, but that a small percentage will become these super wild men who are immune to it and who will have high intellects but will also be basically psychotic killers.
You may have heard of that allegory before with H.G.
Wells and the Morlocks and the Eloys.
Where the Morlocks are conscious and have 200 IQs, but they're like vampires, and they feed on the Eloi that live in the light in the Garden of Eden on the surface.
Because ignorance is bliss.
And so that's really what Firefly, and then I guess what they made the movie into, Serenity, is the archetype.
And that's really true.
Like, I'm a Morlock, even though I don't want to be a Morlock.
I mean, I'm like Bill Gates.
I'm like Klaus Schwab.
I know how it all works.
I understand all of it, except I don't like killing the Eloi.
It's true.
I am a brutal killing machine if I need to be.
I'm not even proud of that.
And I understand, and I see them like, I see the general public as lemmings, and I want to wake them up, but you know, I just want to ask the actual Morlocks, because I'm not saying I'm as bad as they are, but I'm a fallen creature.
I mean, I see what they see.
Don't you understand you can escape that through Christ, but they don't know that, and they don't want to know that, and they want to just continue on.
So that's why you see that in the Vincent Price movie, The Last Man on Earth.
And you see it again in the remake of Omega Man, and you see it again in the remake of that original film into I Am Legend.
And it's saying to the world, the universe, can a scientist decide to not give us the injection that turns us into psychotic killers?
Which is the apple, or the falling from grace.
And now they're trying to give us a shot not to actually Lift us up and empower us, but right up front they're
giving us a poison to take control of us.
And so this is the real Illuminati secrets ladies and gentlemen.
I mean this is what's really going on and the public's gonna want to go outside the
The public's going to want to have their freedoms again.
They're going to be told it's the uninjected, the unvaccinated that are the reason you can't do that.
Even though the facts and science show it's the opposite, they'll just repeat the word science over and over and over again, and you can't help them.
And so leftists that are very, very weak and very, very alone, most of them have, you know, fetal alcohol syndrome and, you know, serious brain damage and didn't get breastfed.
The low-level minions, the kind of Renfields of the left, they actually kind of know this and think if they can be liars and they can be psychotic and they can prove themselves to the Morlocks, to the Draculas, that they can become a Dracula.
And that's what Renfield's wanting.
He's wanting Dracula to bite him, but Dracula won't do it.
And so you see it in Bram Stoker, and you see it in H.G.
Wells, and you see it everywhere.
And they're telling you what's going on spiritually.
We don't need to become Morlocks.
We need to become Christ-like.
We need Jesus.
And that's what's in Omega Man.
He finally finds his blood's got the cure because he had the antibodies.
He's trying to save him.
And they said, dude, we don't want to be saved.
And they kill him and hang him up on a cross.
But the people he's already trained go and they get the blood, and they go and ride off into the hills and into the woods to build their new society with the blood of Christ.
I mean, it's telling you right there, you need Jesus.
You're not going to find Jesus in these churches.
They're controlled.
Of course Satan gets control of the churches and puts their system up front.
And we're not saying Charlton Heston's Jesus.
We're saying they'll have some crazy fake Christian Pharisee Bible thumper say that.
It's the archetype.
It's they're telling you.
Hollywood puts those images out because they know you know deep down they're real.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The winter solstice is here.
The longest night of the year.
The shortest day.
And that's today's headline.
America enters its longest night as globalist target patriots in the military say any Gadsden flags, any discussion of election fraud, you as a citizen aren't allowed to have any political views unless it's SJW.
This is the takedown.
...and takeover of our country.
Ali Alexander is going to be exclusively joining us in studio.
He sat for eight hours in front of the Kangaroo January 6th Committee.
He went in there with an open heart, very friendly, very nice.
Gave them all the documents.
Spent almost everything he had on a top lawyer to go over everything.
And they treated him like garbage.
And he's pissed.
And I only got a second hand from Roger Stone to talk to him.
You'll be getting it first hand here in studio.
In just a moment.
It's not that I don't trust Ollie.
He's in that green room right there.
It's just that the way the committee is so criminal, so evil, that I will not talk to him on the phone, and I will not be in a room alone with him, so that they can't lie about us.
That's how serious this is, okay?
That's how out of control this is.
But he'll be here in studio for you, and we really appreciate it.
That's coming up at 6 after next hour.
So, 15 minutes away.
And he'll probably go on to the fourth hour with us or third hour with us as well.
He's here in Texas and again breaking his silence and we're very very glad he's a fellow Texan that he's gonna be here with us.
I just went into my whole parable of the Morlock versus the Eloy and that's how the globalists see everything.
Predator and prey.
And how I'm trying to get people in the mode who are prey to stop acting like prey.
And that's why we sell a coffee cup That I designed that on one side shows a wolf chasing a sheep around Infowars, and on the other side a big mean sheepdog chasing the wolf.
And you want to be the sheepdog.
You don't want to be the wolf.
You don't want to be the sheep.
You want to be the sheepdog.
And that's what it is to be Christlike, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not claiming I'm Christlike.
I just know what Christlike is.
All right, let's go ahead and get into this stack of news that after Ollie leaves us in the middle of the third hour, I'm going to go into more detail on because it's just incredible.
This is why they're silencing.
This is why they're censoring.
This is why the ADL has like government contracts to surveil the American people and report back on us in live time.
I mean, this is just crazy.
Democrats urge health officials to require vaccination or negative tests for domestic flights.
Biden's set to make announcements today and the word is that's along those lines.
Unbelievable tyranny.
Medical ID, that's the basis of the world.
Social credit score ID, carbon tax.
And here they are a few months ahead of us in the EU.
EU sets binding nine-month validity of vaccinations for COVID-19 travel.
Says you have to have four shots to be able to travel.
And they say they're going to start upping the number.
The European Commission today adopted rules that will make the European Union COVID-19 certificate valid for travel nine months after the completion of the primary vaccination schedule.
And remember when they did the Steele deal in 56?
You can go read the treaty.
Just about, oh, the Steele collective Agree not to have tariffs and to let our steel travel within a 10-member country block.
Now it's a 30-member block.
And now it's an unelected steel cooperative that has an unelected chairman that two weeks ago said forced inoculations and now it's begun.
They're getting ready for February to force it door-to-door.
Old women being drug out of grocery stores and taken to jail because they didn't have a COVID pass.
Those are the videos.
So many of them I can't even play them all here on air.
Think about that, and just overnight now, boom, that's where you are.
Wow, talk about frightening.
We used to say, hey, America's not that free.
Why are you putting down, you know, other countries?
Well, yeah, we're the best house in a bad neighborhood.
Now we're learning how special America was.
So continuing, EU sets binding nine-month validity of vaccinations for COVID-19 travel, but it says other countries inside are making them stiffer, and the EU is encouraging that.
Bill would give New York governor authority to indefinitely, that means forever, detain cases or suspected cases of any contagious disease.
Oh, where'd Bob go?
Oh, well, he was coughing.
They have senators in Australia that criticize the government.
They come grab them at their house.
They're holding them three weeks later saying, you're not sick, but you made a phone call out and criticized us for keeping you longer as punishment.
We're just like, oh yeah, they set up camps.
Yeah, people go there that criticize what we do.
It's no big deal.
And now I told you it's here.
Told you it was coming.
Told you a year ago it would be announced by this winner.
Because it's in the CDC documents about the shielding in place rule.
Oh, but look, Queen Elizabeth, who's been triple jabbed, we're told.
Yeah, right.
And monkeys fly.
Queen Elizabeth cancels Christmas 95-year-old Queen will celebrate at Windsor Castle as COVID-19 Omicron variant spreads across the UK.
So, oh, she has to hide out and you've all got to wear masks because you took the shots, but oh, sorry, they don't protect you.
Here's the big one you've got to read.
We're linking to it in the live show feed of InfoWars.com.
It's in the Daily Mail.
It's even in other foreign newspapers.
The Daily Beast, of course, thinks it's wonderful.
But the Gateway Pundit is reporting on it.
Oxford studies shocker!
1 in 100 vaccinated individuals were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia during the study period, which is more than 10,000 times the average for death or heart problems.
1 in 100 vaccinated individuals!
Were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia during study period.
Nothing like your heart not working anymore and going into spasms.
It's really bad.
I got family that's got it.
Most of you do as well.
Pretty horrible, huh?
Pretty horrible.
Including little children now having it.
There it is.
Nature Medicine.
Risk of microcarditis, pancreatitis.
That'll give you type 1 diabetes.
And cardiac.
Heart attacks associated with COVID-19 vaccine, SARS-CoV-2 injection.
Oh, but what do the cardiologists say?
Oh, well, they're fired.
The chief of cardiology and medical director of heart vascular care of Doylestown in PA was fired for refusing.
He had COVID, was tested, and has robust antibodies.
15 years with the hospital.
Exemptions were denied.
No comment from the hospital.
He's suing.
But hey, don't listen to a cardiac doctor.
What do you think he, like, knows about hearts or something?
What, are we going to start asking Troy Eggman about being a quarterback?
I mean, what an idiot.
Or how about Tom Brady?
I mean, what?
What are you going to ask Tom Brady about being a quarterback?
You want to talk to a cardiologist about all the heart attacks he sees?
Just shut up and die.
World's most prestigious medical journal roasts Facebook over inaccurate, incompetent, and irresponsible fact check.
So even the British Medical Journal is now moving away knowing that the whole ship of Big Pharma is coming down, or we're going to go down with it, and they went and listed the fact that Pfizer covered up the adverse reactions, and they say it is causing major heart attacks and problems, and that it's on the insert now it does it.
Remember what Facebook And Twitter and Instagram owned by Facebook said just last month, about a month ago, they said, oh, you're not allowed.
Oh, no, no.
You're not allowed to say that the vaccinated can still spread COVID, even though they're more likely, actually.
But it's true, it's all admitted.
I mean, big corporations bought off the media, bought off the Internet, bought off big tech, and they're just raping the living hell out of us.
Every few hours I see articles about little kids dying, young people dying.
They even admit in a lot of cases it kills them.
They just don't care.
I mean, this is all an exercise in mass death.
You gotta go read this article out of Zero Hedge.
It's also on Infowars.com.
World's most prestigious medical journal roasts Facebook.
Australia, excuse me, Austria, so is Australia, sorry, hiring people to hunt down vaccine refusers, yes.
Oh, there's no jobs now during the new lockdown, but we have a government job to spy on people.
A very important article out of Newsweek, of all places, how Fauci fooled America.
What folks are really turning against him.
Biden plans to distribute 500 million tests as Omicron variant overwhelms most vaccinated states.
As usual, where's the mass of hospitalizations?
Where's the mass of death?
In the triple-jabbed, highest-vaxxed areas.
And who's dying at record rates?
The double-vaxxed, the triple-vaxxed.
Israel has even higher death rates.
They're up to their fifth shot.
From bad to worse.
This really gets interesting.
Another French nuclear reactor cuts output due to strike.
So they're going to have blackouts in France now because they fired the nuclear tech workers.
That's your great reset.
That'll give Klaus Schwab a post-industrial world.
As the reactors all over Europe begin to get cut back or shut down.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Man, we're talking trendy and liberal!
That'll be really good for the Earth to have a bunch of Chernobyls, especially after the survivable nuclear war Biden's talking about with Russia.
Oh yeah, even if anybody survives, thousands and thousands, this is not just 500 reactors, there's thousands.
Let me get a little newsflash.
Thousands of reactors will start melting down, and then it's kiss everybody goodbye forever.
A reactor's a lot worse than a nuke.
A nuke's clean, comparatively.
It detonates and expends its energy.
Reactor's the opposite.
It's dirty!
All right.
Hey, by the way, 25% off on Reset Wars.
I want to thank you all for your support.
It's an amazing course.
25% off on Reset Wars at ResetWars.com until Christmas Day.
Time to take your Frankenstein shot that erases your immune system, gives you heart attacks and cancer.
Yeah, it works real good.
By the way, I've been reading the writings for years.
I'm not a Catholic, but this guy gave services in town in Austin.
I'd definitely go listen to it.
I'd be a Catholic if all the archbishops sounded like this.
Everything that Carlo Maria Vigano says is just 100% on target, from my view.
And he explains that there is a global alliance of people empowered by Christ and the Holy Spirit transcending the third dimension.
That is battling Satan's takeover of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates' New World Order, and that this is the beginning of the end of days.
And I can't disagree with him.
And the head of the Greek Orthodox Church is saying the same thing.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Eastern Church, is saying that as well.
Now, obviously, this Cardinal, just like the big top German Cardinal, who's actually the head of the Vatican Court, came out and said exactly what this Cardinal is saying last week.
This is a world government depopulation takeover.
This is Satan's main move.
Now, can they say, hey, the Pope's a captured globalist that got in here?
But regardless, have you ever thought about the Vatican before, or Catholics before?
Catholics, they were great people.
The point is, obviously there's been a lot of wickedness in high places everywhere.
These guys are actually, sounds like Alex Jones, because they're seeing the same thing.
So whether you're Tucker Carlson, or whether you're Joe Rogan, or whether you're Alex Jones, or whether you are Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano, Or the top German Cardinal.
I mean, you better decide what sides you're on, because you sign on to this, baby, you're cut off from God.
You don't need the Pope to say you're going to be excommunicated.
You don't need some preacher to tell you God's cutting you off.
I can tell you that you sign on to this, and he's saying that, too.
You are going to be cut off.
Now, if you take the shot because you didn't know, or you give it to your kid because you didn't know, that's one thing.
But if you get into this whole This whole spirit, this whole operation, this whole thing, you are cut off from God because this is taking over your DNA.
This is turning off people's white blood cells on record.
This is giving people heart attacks and mass.
One out of a hundred people that took the vaccine, according to British Medical Journal in the UK, died of a heart attack.
Or myocarditis, heart swelling.
I mean, this is, you heard about the Nazis, you heard about the communists, you heard about Genghis Khan, you heard about all these other people, you know about North Korea.
This is happening in live time, but none of us are used to it coming from a needle.
There was that meme a few months ago, I said was the most important yet, that said the history and development and evolution of warfare.
And one was a stone, And then it was a spear.
And then it was an arrow.
And then it was a bullet.
And then it was a missile.
And then it was a hypodermic needle.
And so I don't care if you're a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Catholic, a Protestant, black, white, old, young, polka-dotted.
You better decide which side you're on.
But I'm telling you, this message from the Archbishop is just dead on.
He said, we're an alliance of humanity against Satan.
He goes, it doesn't matter who you are.
If you know this is going on, that's the Holy Spirit working through you.
You need to stand against this now in an alliance of anti-globalism.
You know, I registered the name years ago.
We haven't launched it yet, but I wanted to launch the anti-globalist alliance of pro-humans.
I have a bunch of names.
A pro-human union, a pro-human alliance.
We got a bunch of URLs.
But I mean, that's what it is.
Is a pro-human alliance.
That's why they're dividing us on race and all this stuff right now.
And then we get attacked on race, we gotta respond to it.
And again, they suck you into it.
It doesn't mean everybody's got beefs against each other.
Of course we do.
We all got problems with our own families, our bosses, our employees, whatever.
The point is, we can set all that aside later and kill each other if we want to.
The globalists are attacking us now.
It'd be like if a rhinoceros was running over you and killing your family and you're like fighting with your neighbor over how high his grass is or something.
It's stupid!
Alright, we're gonna go to break.
And, Ali Alexander, interrogated for eight hours by the January 6th Anti-American Chi-Com Committee, will be in studio to tell you about this.
And this thing is important, because it's not just about us and January 6th.
They're going to relaunch all that in the next 322 days.
322 days. Stay with us.
Tomorrow's News Today.
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Now the committee has decided to shut down one of the most popular journalists on the right, Alex Jones.
Yes, journalist.
Jones is often mocked for his flamboyance, but the truth is he has been a far better guide to reality in recent years.
In other words, a far better journalist than, say, NBC News national security correspondent Ken Delanian or Margaret Brennan of CBS.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
And if Jones sat down with Tony Fauci, he would ask him real questions, just as journalists are supposed to do.
He wouldn't just slobber all over him.
But Alex Jones makes fun of Joe Biden, so the January 6th committee is threatening him with prison.
Now the irony here, and there are many layers of irony here, but the main one is that Alex Jones isn't simply innocent of inciting crime on January 6th.
Alex Jones actively worked to prevent crimes from taking place on January 6th.
We're not running interference for Alex Jones, and we're not guessing about it.
We happen to know this for a fact, because we looked into it in some detail for Patriot Purge.
It's our three-part documentary series on Fox Nation.
Here are the facts.
[Sounds of a storm]
So the Republican Party, I just want them to hear this message.
Look at this crowd.
We are the people that you must represent.
January the 6th was all about, it was just about making sure that if you called yourself a conservative, that you stood with the conservative movement.
And unfortunately, it spiraled out of control.
We coordinated with the U.S.
Capitol Police.
Nearly every day, a lot of people don't know that Stop the Steal actually had a permit on the Capitol grounds.
So not the Capitol itself, and not the Capitol Plaza.
The Capitol grounds, Law 8, we had a permit.
So let's just imagine this.
20,000 to 50,000 people inside the President's Park.
We're sitting there at the very front.
I'm dead center of the President, front row.
A Trump campaign staffer walks up to me and says, you know, Ali, there are people leaving the overflow.
And there are already tens of thousands of people at the U.S.
With your presence and the presence of Alex Jones, why don't you guys walk down Pennsylvania, gather people together.
We're coming for creatures!
And then position them for your rally on Lot 8.
I wasn't at the Capitol when it descended into chaos.
And that's only by God's grace, because I was scheduled to be there.
Secret Service let us out at a point where we would have been there when the first punch was thrown.
And that's strange.
The only reason that we weren't there is because we stopped and gave an impromptu speech.
I get a text from the campaign that you should get there and de-escalate because things are not going well.
So, we started to approach the side of the Capitol, where no protests had happened in November, no protests had happened in December.
All I thought was, I need to get them to the other side, and I need to get them to Lot 8.
Let's march around to the other side!
And all we are equipped with are megaphones.
Let's fight the police and give the system what they want!
Maybe a thousand people are listening to us.
Come off the stands!
And 75,000 to 100,000 people there in front of us.
And it was a very helpless feeling.
Ladies and gents, have a conversation with the police.
We're going to make that a story.
So the trail of that documentary got a lot of attention.
If you haven't seen the documentary itself, we think that you should.
It's called Patriot Purge.
We think it is the most comprehensive, the most honest, the most fact-based account of what actually happened on January 6th and what has happened on the basis of January 6th that has been made.
We're really proud of it.
You can start streaming Fox Nation, by the way, by going to TuckerCarlson.com.
For two more days, you get 90 days free.
All right, Ali Alexander is here, ladies and gentlemen, and since we were both under criminal investigation by the Globalist Controlled Justice Department and this kangaroo court situation, we have not really talked, except a few text messages, since, I guess, February or so of this year.
Not anything wrong.
We understand the groups we're dealing with and how they try to set you up.
Well, this is the only man so far That has been in the lion's den as he called it.
I guess Roger Stone said he talked to you and told him that.
For eight hours and to tell you what happened.
But this is why it's so important.
They are trying to murder the First Amendment.
They are trying to destroy the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment.
And you have law professors in the news saying, abolish the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, First, Second Amendment, covered it last hour.
Retired generals urge Pentagon to declare martial law to stop a civil war in the midterms or 2024.
You've seen the headlines and the January 6th committee promising to put everybody in jail when the head of the committee is suing Trump.
How are you a judge, basically, who's suing someone and then you're still over a committee
dealing with it?
Total conflict of interest.
So he's riding a shotgun with us, 30 minutes to the next hour.
Ali Alexander here in Austin, Texas.
AliAlexander.org on telegram at Ali Alexander.
A-L-I Alexander.
Well, Ali, it's great to have you here with us.
And we've been through a lot.
It's been a crazy time.
So I'll try to shut up and let you roll with this because this is a big interview.
But clearly, this is bigger than Alex Jones, bigger than Ali Alexander, bigger than Roger Stone, bigger than Trump.
This is about them now phrasing the whole war on terror, not on Russia, not on China, not on Islamists, not on the Mexican mafia.
Not on the collapsing borders, but on us, in the news, saying that we're terrorist leaders and referring to it in the committee as a terror investigation.
So, Mr. Alexander?
Well, Alex, first I want to say, I missed you.
You know, I missed you, buddy.
I mean, I think that we did great work on behalf of our country in 2020.
It was entirely peaceful.
I had never heard you, you know, in private or public, advocate for violence.
And that's something I told the committee.
They wanted me to speculate on your mood and all kinds of other things.
But what people need to understand is that there is a war, in fact, going on on the Bill of Rights.
Alex is exactly right.
The First Amendment and the Fourth Amendment will be determined in the next few months to be true or false.
Either congressional subpoenas can be wide ranging.
And unlimited in scope, or we have a fourth amendment.
And I think that's why I'm suing the committee, you're suing the committee, General Flynn just came out, he's suing the committee, Mark Meadows is suing the committee, four Trump campaign officials are suing the committee, a great lawyer, John Eastman, is suing the committee.
And all we're saying is, we get that you have a job to do, but you can't rifle through all of our phone records and all of our tweets and all of our Facebook posts and our private communications.
You and I, Alex, Have decided to take the advice of our lawyers and basically not talk until I was deposed.
And that's infringed on our First Amendment rights.
You and I have a First Amendment right to come to the American public, to come to the Infowars audience, and talk about whatever the hell we want to talk about.
But you and I haven't been able to do that.
So they have infringed on our First Amendment, and all we're asking the courts for is relief on the Fourth Amendment.
You can't have an unlimited subpoena To wrap up millions of Americans and say, well, who's talking to who about Stop the Seal or Republican activity or Patriot activity?
And the ADL now admits on Twitter they're monitoring all conservatives and what sites we visit.
I mean, this is getting dangerous.
It's very, very dangerous.
I mean, you've got to imagine, who's watching this interview right now?
The entire leftist industrial complex.
They get paid to monitor us.
And then this is what's crazy, Alex.
And again, you know, Alex hasn't asked me, what did you tell the committee?
What you guys are hearing live right here on Infowars.com is kind of my first characterization of what happened in that committee room, but I was actually surprised by some of the left-wing Blue Anon conspiracy theories that made it all the way up to the committee!
And they were like, well, blah blah blah blah blah, and I'm like...
No, that's obviously fake.
I'm famous for not doing this, but I'm going to give you the floor when we come back for the rest of the show, if you want.
I want you to, because exactly, we do everything out in the light of day.
We didn't do something hidden.
We didn't scheme.
We haven't talked.
No prep with your producers or you or anybody.
Just live.
All the text messages you told me this weekend, I'm ready to come on.
I said, when?
You said Tuesday at noon.
I said, come on.
That's 100% of the coordination and yet they want, see look, they want a nexus, is what my lawyers call it, between the people who were violent, unjustified violent, or vandalism, and then you and me and the activists.
So that they can connect it to a Trump staffer and then Trump.
Folks, Trump will be subpoenaed by this committee, breaking news.
Trump will entirely be subpoenaed by this committee.
Oh yeah, I can tell you what they asked Roger Stone about me, that ties to it, they said that.
Yeah, it's scary.
They said, tell us about your secret meeting, Senator Roger, with the President planning all this with Jones.
I didn't meet with the President.
They asked me that too.
Were you in the Oval Office on this date?
And I said, no.
We're going to talk about it.
Stay there.
I want to be clear, absolutely clear with listeners.
As I've told you, they're using January 6th to turn the military and the CIA against the American people.
That's now all over the news.
And to steamroll all of our basic freedoms and our liberties.
They now admit it.
So General Flynn filed a suit against us today.
Ollie Alexander filed one a few days ago.
I filed one yesterday.
Roger Stone filed one last week.
People ask, man, these guys like to blow money.
We're fighting for all of our rights and our liberties.
We're journalists.
They're demanding all our records, all our everything to a political committee, which we'll get to in a few minutes.
Tied directly to the Communist Chinese.
And as soon as this broke in the Gateway Pundit a few days ago, she's now basically resigning and not running for Congress again.
So, Ali Alexander, you're on fire.
You've got a ton to talk about.
I don't want to interrupt you because I heard from Roger that talked to you some of the crazy things that went on.
You also delivered to them evidence of the provocateurs on January 6th.
This is going to be the first look inside of January 6th.
What would you call this committee?
And then you've got the floor.
Well, you know, some people have called it the Star Chamber, but it essentially is a committee to weaken the Republican wave in 2022, which we shouldn't even characterize as a Republican wave.
It's an anti-Democrat Party wave, an anti-Communist Marxist wave, an anti-mandatory vaccine wave.
They're looking to weaken the Republican wave that's coming in 2022.
But based off of everything I heard in that committee, this is to stop Trump from even having the option of running in 2024.
Look, I don't know who I'm going to support in 2024.
But I'll tell you what, this committee is hell-bent on taking out you, taking out me, taking out Roger, taking out a whole host of normie Trump staffers, the ones that were willing to, you know, put up the stage and the sound equipment for the Ellipse event, entirely a peaceful event.
And they're like, we don't want this guy to run again and we're going to railroad these people and put them in jail.
So, you know, my prediction is very sad.
My prediction is that you're going to see two to three people at minimum go to jail.
Uh, you're going to, they're going to want to perp walk Donald Trump.
I don't think that they'll go that far, but they will subpoena a former president of the United States.
They've already eliminated executive privilege.
They've already eliminated that.
And a lot of people... That's a big separation of powers for 250 years, gone.
And, and you know, I, one lawyer, I forgot who it was, put it, put it, put it like this, is that if executive privilege does not apply Post office, then the chilling effect is that during office you won't use it.
So they've totally eliminated that.
And you're a journalist.
Tucker Carlson nailed it.
You're a journalist.
Any work that you and I did together, look, you did your speeches, I did my speeches.
You know, we kind of coordinated on logistics a little bit, security a little bit.
But you did journalism while I was organizing.
And then after we left the Capitol, you know, I booked a person on your show or something like that.
To go after journalists because they're conservative is absolutely abhorrent.
The committee is so wide-ranging.
It's a purge.
It's an absolute purge.
They're asking an independent photojournalist who isn't even right-wing for her photographs of the Proud Boys.
It's entirely insane.
When I was in there, I was just surprised.
It was like dealing with left-wing Twitter.
No, I wasn't in the Oval Office.
No, I didn't call into the Oval Office.
Trump isn't paying me secretly on the side in some bank account.
What are you talking about?
Well, as Roger described, going under, there's these giant TVs.
They're not in there, but Schiff and Cheney, they're all these big TVs.
Like a science fiction movie.
And then, like, what Roger said you told him is, you're like, no, I didn't plan an attack.
No one did that I knew.
So you're admitting you attacked the Capitol.
Yeah, so look.
Well, take your time.
We've got plenty of time.
Yeah, it's a little bit exciting.
One, you know, this is my buddy and I'm here for the first time, you know, able to talk with him.
This is insane.
I'm going to be in Mordor soon.
They're summoning me there.
You're going to be in this room.
I want to hear about this.
So you walk in.
And it's like this U-shaped room, there's no committee members, okay?
And so what you'll notice first is that we're in a propaganda war, we're in an info war.
Because 100% of what you see in media, you see a photograph from the only public hearing
that they've ever had.
They've had one public hearing.
And that's when the members showed up.
I'm going to get in so much trouble for saying this, but I go in there and it's this U-shaped
There's four lawyers, each with a different specialty.
I mean, sharks, killers.
I really respect their intellect.
They were only blinded by hate.
They got to the 10-yard line sometimes with me, and then they would just, boom, bat shit crazy.
And then I'm sitting on the other side with my lawyers.
We start taking out binders full of evidence that we've provided them, including Antifa evidence, and they start laughing at us.
I mean, minute one, it was hostile.
Then they say, we already have your opening statement.
We saw that it made the New York Times.
I said, well, that's not my opening statement, because I just got mine an hour ago.
So it was completely hostile.
And then boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And Alex, what you just said is absolutely true.
So I did debate.
I was a champion debater.
You know, beat 5,000 people in the country my senior year.
Did student congress, mock trial, did the whole youth and government program in YMCA.
And then, you know, I've trained candidates in debate.
So, but I gotta say, if I didn't, I would have pled the fifth.
Because what they would do is ask you a question, you'd give them an answer, they would say whatever they wanted to say, and then say, right?
And they were testing your verbal IQ, they were testing your memory, because if you repeat the wrong answer to them, that's perjury.
And so it's a perjury test.
One wrong answer as they fast talk you and you're done.
Yeah, and so eight hours, no meals.
You can't eat, okay?
They got a little snack bar that you can buy expensive stuff.
So I had beef jerky, a little thing of cheese, and some apple juice.
But they ran me down and down and down.
They put the press in the room to harass me.
So you got Daily Beast filming me going to the bathroom, and then posts on Twitter, Ollie's lawyer forgot to zip up his zipper.
I mean, it was a circus, and I said, Alex Jones, myself, Roger Stone, have all supported any independent investigation into January 6th.
Because we do want to get to the truth of the matter.
There's some weird stuff that went on, both with government, with left-wing, and yes, some right-wing stupid people who did some stupid silly things.
I don't know if they were malicious.
There were some definite boneheads.
Yeah, there were some boneheads!
And so, the Senate, multiple committees in the Senate have investigated January 6th.
Multiple committees in the House have investigated January 6th.
This select committee or unselect committee is not the only one investigating it.
You and I have been targets of the FBI, the DHS, the DOJ, and all kinds of other things.
And I don't even want to... And again, they want to frame America and frame us for a premeditated attack with Trump to literally suspend elections and declare martial law.
For those who don't know, they're all over the news saying generals want troops on the streets to stop martial law.
No, no, that's martial law.
Isn't that ironic?
I mean, they're entirely projecting onto us what we want.
And it's like, you know, I mean, at one point, it was like, well, why did you and Alex go to the Capitol?
We had an event to speak to.
Well, why did you engage the crowd?
To pull innocent bystanders away from the tear gas, away from the conflict.
Don't go in the Capitol!
Yeah, I mean, and I'm like, I said, you know, what Alex did, he was a hero.
And they're like, You know, I mean, they asked me some other questions.
I don't know if I should go into it.
Maybe I will, but, but, you know, they asked me some other questions, like, to speculate.
And I gotta tell you, when you're before these people, I don't need to speculate.
Alex's words... Yeah, don't, don't speculate.
Yeah, you know, I'm like, they're like, well, why didn't you correct Alex?
I said, I had tear gas in my eye.
You know, your cops shot me with tear gas and I wasn't even in an unpermitted zone.
You know, so it was just, it was a wild day.
Go to the permitted zone.
And so as we're doing it and we're cooperating with, that's what they hate.
I'm telling you, God's favor was on us.
We had your crew, your security bubble, which guided me, you and Owen, and we were subject to that security bubble.
And then we had the camera crew.
If a hundred percent of our actions And really, the only thing I think we've ever coordinated on is one of the first and only conversations we had after January 6th is we got to get a lot of that footage out there so that people don't accuse me and you of having done something.
And it exonerates us.
It entirely exonerates us.
And before we got the footage out, the Wall Street Journal said Jones cowardly ordered the attack and out of range of rubber bullets.
Yeah, yeah.
They had to retract that.
Now, I was going to break the news today, but we're going to do it tomorrow about A member of the committee, not the member that turns out to be connected to the Communist Chinese intelligence agencies, that two days after this broke this weekend, has now said she's not going to run, is basically resigning.
No, another committee member has been caught in incredible behavior.
What if I told you a committee member was directly involved in the assault on the Capitol and funding it and directing it?
Yes, that's breaking tomorrow if we're still on air then.
Ali Alexander, you are on fire, my friend.
You filed a suit against him, so did General Flynn, so have I, so have Roger.
We're fighting back for our rights, for all Americans' rights.
We shot a minute and a half video during the break that was, you were really explaining, you really codified what's happening and how they're branding the American people as terrorists and what this committee is really about.
Please repeat that.
You know, a lot of, look, you know, I don't know if I should say this, but a couple months ago, I was like, OK, cool, a committee.
OK, no Republicans are going to participate in it.
You know, I'll cooperate if I'm asked to.
And I was the third.
I've been the only person subpoenaed on their own day.
I'm the only person before this entire committee who's like, OK, stop.
The seal has its own day.
Everybody else was glopped together with groups of people that they're trying to associate with.
And I said, OK, well, I'm willing to cooperate, whatever.
And out of the gate, they didn't ask me for voluntary testimony.
They didn't ask me for evidence.
They just were like, here are two or here are here are three subpoenas.
So I'm also the only individual that I know who has three subpoenas.
OK, so they subpoena me in my personal capacity, documents in my personal capacity, then stop the seal documents.
I haven't announced this yet, but I have three as well.
Okay, well, like, you know, we're gonna have a dick-measuring contest in this Texas area.
No, we're not doing that.
Since you mentioned it, we've got three as well.
No, and so, well, that makes sense.
And see, you know, what people need to know is that if Alex has three and they're targeting his personal capacity and his media agency, where's the ACLU?
Where's CNN?
Where's ABC and CBS?
But what this is really about is I've called some publishers and I said, This is a full assault on 2022.
Why is Biden and Bolden with these mandates?
Why is the governor of New York and the governor of California okay with basically spreading the virus?
Because this is their backup plan.
They aren't going to just run on January 6th in the midterms.
They are seeking to take us out so we can't even run against them on the narrative, which is how they've effectively lynched me online.
They have this video where they're like, Ali refused to denounce violence.
I never refused to denounce violence.
They also show us in Georgia months before, claiming that's the Senate Capitol.
Yeah, breaking news!
Ali is going to sue, and you might have to bleep me, I'm going to sue that ginger ass, Kathy Griffin, for alleging that me and Alex Jones were plotting to storm the Capitol in the Georgia State Capitol.
Ali, you don't have to censor ginger ass.
Okay, yeah, well, I didn't know if ass was appropriate or not, but, you know, a lot of people took my silence as, oh, Ali's secretly working with the Democrats, or, oh, Ali's a coward.
I was under threat.
I had to get my legal situation... You had all your media taken away.
Yeah, all of it.
And I could not combat the tidal wave.
Maybe I should have been coming on Infowars.
But, you know, what I had to do was build this legal team, and I'm going to go broke.
Next year I'll be bankrupt.
I'll be just like Roger Shum, but guess what?
That's okay, because I'm going to launch a Jericho missile of defamation suits.
I'm going to launch.
I'm suing the committee.
I got some other lawsuits that I'm about to announce.
There are some conspiracy, some left-wing conspiracy theories about me, you, Nick Fuentes, and Rod Stone.
I'm suing that asshole in Florida.
So January is going to be a big month for me.
You know, I'm not accepting money.
You're not going down without a fight.
I'm not going down without a fight.
We did nothing wrong.
In fact, Alex, I'm going to say this.
We save lives.
You and I save lives.
And my lawyers- Yeah, we're not trying to say we're heroes, but we did our job.
My lawyers say we're heroes.
The cops sat there with their thumbs up their rear ends.
We actually tried to stop it.
If the cops want to sue me, how about I sue them for violating my civil rights?
Not only did they not have the barricades, not only did they not provide protection for Lot 8 permit, they didn't issue a disbursement order.
So, we were doing the job of cops!
I'm like, get on your, I know you've got PA systems, get on them!
Leave now, leave now!
No one did that!
One armored vehicle, which they had a bunch, could have made everybody leave!
These are right-wingers, they do what the police say!
Yeah, and what was very strange about it was that there was music playing.
I'll never forget, once we got permission to go in... Oh, the left did that to blur us!
As soon as we got permission, they went, turn the music on!
This was military!
It was, it was.
I think there's a gentleman, well now I'm forgetting the name, but anyway.
Hey, start over.
We're into the whole next hour or two.
Earlier I shot a video about what really happened January 6th.
This is about 2022, Alex.
This is about 2022.
This is the A game.
Tell them right now.
Okay, so you know I've done campaigns and superf... I'm not like some random political activist.
You know, I've had 15 years in this industry.
What this looks like to me is to be a frame-up job.
They want the referendum in 2022 to not be about COVID, not to be about the mandatory vaccines, but instead to say this violent rhetoric is mainstreaming the Republican Party.
Kevin McCarthy and Trump are endorsing it.
And who do they have side helping them now?
Mitch McConnell.
This is a coup.
This is a coup against the First Amendment.
There should be no right-wing media.
This is a coup against the Fourth Amendment.
There should be no private communications between right-wing activists.
And this is fundamentally a coup against the Fifth Amendment, where you and Roger are going to plead the Fifth, and that's your constitutional right, and they're still going to try to indict you.
And so, and I don't think that they'll be successful at that at all, but this is a coup.
And so, then they have these generals come out and say, well, these guys actually want an insurrection when they're the ones proposing it.
They're the ones proposing martial law.
They're the ones who want an insurrection against the First Amendment and political activity and seeking redress.
I'm talking really fast, but I'm just so shocked that they're just jamming it.
It's like we're watching the sausage be made, and they're like, look, we've demoralized Alex, we've demoralized Ali, we've demoralized Roger.
Not so much those two.
I was depressed for eight months.
And then they said, but these guys aren't talking.
And so we're coming out of the woodwork as patriots.
And Archbishop Vigano said and said, there's a super group of patriots and believers that are going to take on the deep state.
You called them the anti-globalist alliance.
Yep, the deep state and the deep church, he wrote.
I'm proud to be in that with you.
Yeah, exactly.
And so I'm not giving up.
So look.
Say that again.
Deep state, deep church.
It's the deep state and the deep church.
Archbishop Vigano actually spoke at our Jericho rally that we had in December.
He's amazing.
Everything he writes is true.
Yeah, he should be Pope.
But look, he's in exile in hiding because this Jesuit Pope doesn't like him.
Imagine how great the Catholic Church would be with him as Pope.
And you know, I'm so proud that he has supported our movement.
Talk about what he says, it's all dead on.
He says this is a battle plan, it's a takeover, you gotta wake up, you gotta take action now.
Whether it's banking, or the Fortune 500 companies, or it's media, or it's politics, or it's the church, there's a group of powerful people who have infiltrated all good institutions, that's why they infiltrate them.
We've talked about this before, the Great Inversion is what I've called it.
Dr. Taylor Marshall calls it an infiltration.
But what evil seeks to do is what the devil did to Eve, okay?
What the devil did to Job.
What, you know, the devil did with all those other, you know, archangels.
You know, it's like, hey, we can do this better, and they can't.
And so the Jesuits have actually done this inside of the Catholic Church.
And, you know, a lot of evangelicals, they hate the whole Catholic Church, but they need to realize there must be something good about that sacrament that evil wants to infiltrate it.
In this aim, that Trump is surrounded by all these serpents that ill-advise him.
What is there good about Trump that evil seeks to corrupt him?
And you and I have had our fair share of people trying to psy-op us.
And so, look, 2022, it's not 2024, it's 2022.
I agree.
The generals are saying 2024.
No, no, no.
Because they want to make it about Trump.
No, it's now.
They want to block the will of the people.
Yeah, they want mail-in ballots, unlimited, universal.
They want drop-off boxes, martial law, so that the Democrats who have more data than Republicans have.
Where's the RNC?
Where's the RNC?
So, imagine this.
We're all under martial law.
We're all told that, you know, there's a new, you know, Transformers, you know, Megabot, uh, uh, uh, uh, what's, what's Megatron, you know, Decepticon, you know, virus.
Nobody go out, do everything by mail.
The Democrats temper the Republican wave, Mitch McConnell is happy, and then look, 2024 is about to start, and we can't start the campaign, whether it's Trump, DeSantis, or anybody else.
So that's it.
They know we're waking up.
They know we're waking up and saying no.
They're making their move now.
This is the wrap-up smear to free elections.
There are no free elections if they get away with this in 2022.
They're making it illegal to question elections.
They're saying, we're not worried about radical Islam, we're not worried about China, we're worried about people questioning elections, and if you do it, the Green Berets are coming.
They have told our military service men and women, and unfortunately there's great patriots who have gotten out of the military.
I've talked to some of these people.
Hold on!
Ali Alexander is our guest inside the January 6th witch hunt.
Stay with us.
Well, Trump says he's doing a press conference at 2.30 Central today.
We'll be covering it live here on air.
Ali Alexander is a political activist, a pro-American populist.
I was there with him.
I saw we were going to have a peaceful rally.
He had a permit.
Before Trump even began speaking, there were groups attacking police.
We didn't know that.
We were there.
We got told by the Secret Service to go there.
And you talk about that.
We're not claiming the Secret Service did this on purpose, but we are asking the question.
Why did they call Roger at his hotel and say, come lead it?
Why did they tell us, come lead it, and they opened up the gate and had us lead it?
Were they being told by somebody that there was a setup?
Because you make that point in Tucker Carlson's documentary.
Yeah, I mean, look, you know, whether it was, and we know that this is also a spiritual war.
And so, actually, let me preface this with this.
What the Biden administration wants, and I say this with all due respect, and I know that there are some patriots inside of the FBI. But what the top people at the FBI want, what the
political appointees want in the Biden administration is us to be fearful to associate with one
another. And when you think about this, isn't this the same thing that they want in the coronavirus
panic? They don't want people to have mass together, have church together.
And so in a lot of ways, what people need to, you know, and this is a very sore subject because there's a lot of people hurting and when you out this information to the public, the left loves it.
But what a lot of people need to know is that a lot of us organizers have not talked in a year.
People that I went from talking to every hour, I haven't talked to in a year, and there's a lot of despair.
It's a spiritual attack.
So what I want to say is that, as I tell this story with Alex and Roger, is we don't know if someone did it or something did it, but Alex and I were escorted out of the perimeter in such a time that, had we not stopped at the restroom, had we not regrouped with staff and the security team because we needed to remain safe, and had we not stopped at Freedom Plaza, Alex Jones and Ollie Alexander would have been there when Ray Epps and the other agitators, I believe, in my opinion, coordinate those first punches.
And had Alex and I arrived there without cameramen, Alex Jones would be in jail without bail right now.
Ollie Alexander would be in jail without bail right now.
That's not an exaggeration.
We know from witnesses that as soon as Trump began speaking, they got on their radios and said, attack, attack.
And then as soon as we started marching, they went, OK, prepare.
And they were waiting at a certain point.
It was all precision done.
And I'm about to break news on Alex's air here in a couple of minutes.
We're going to actually show a gentleman with an earpiece who is on the east side.
Prior to Alex and I getting there, and they stormed the East.
And we found the earpiece in his ear, folks.
We found the earpiece in his ear.
And you gave this to this committee?
I gave this to the committee, so we could... But let me say this.
It is strange.
Roger commented on this, and I thought, this might be lost on a lot of people.
Well, I guess Roger was going to kind of still go to the Capitol until the Secret Service called.
He thought, Secret Service doesn't escort people around.
No, and you have to understand this.
Roger has done a lot of political campaigns and I've done a lot of political campaigns.
We've been around a lot of Republican nominees and then presidents.
You have to understand, every office that's independent can become a little political.
The FBI can become a little political.
The DOJ can become a little political.
The only institution in all of America that does not become political is Secret Service.
In so much as when President Trump was President-elect and he came to Louisiana and I was VIP there and oh my gosh, collusion.
He tried to hand Secret Service his coat, and they refused to grab it.
When he was President-elect, and this is his detail, that he'd had since he was the nominee.
And so he'd won the election, rightfully so.
You know, how about an election denier, Hillary Clinton?
But look at this, they wouldn't even hand his coat.
So you have to understand, when Roger Stone says that Secret Service does not do political chores, We're not talking colloquially.
We're talking, this has been a policy of the Secret Service, absent of like letting JFK shoot some needles.
I was hearing this from the organizers and people that I saw walk along the stage with Trump.
I'm like, really?
I'm going to lead the march?
And then they open the gate, the Secret Service waves me through.
Before, and I'm like, okay, man.
And again, it might not be... So who's the Judas?
Well, I don't know.
Well, you know, I do know this.
Had Alex Jones spoke, had Ali Alexander spoke, had Scott Pressler spoke, had Brandon Schraka spoke, CJ Pearson spoke, Roger Stone spoke, we were all going to mention Lot 8, Lot 8, Lot 8.
We know, and I'm just going to say this, that the Women for America First In coordination with Trump advisor Katrina Pearson.
And with Liz Cheney about to come out tomorrow.
Folks, there's a connection between the permit holders of the Ellipse and Liz Cheney and I hope Alex breaks that part of the story tomorrow.
We're gonna break it.
Oh yeah, it's gonna be big folks.
So you have to understand, look, and then who's running to the committee saying, subpoena my information, subpoena my information?
All the consultants for Women for America First.
So, the Trump advisors... So, I'm not, you know, again, a couple of Trump advisors, not all of them, but a couple, served Trump and said, you don't want to be associated with Stop the Steal, you don't want to be associated with people you've endorsed, you want to be associated with these pigs.
You know, and I'm talking about their size.
I'm not, you know, they're not in law enforcement or anything.
And those people sabotaged the rally!
So look, I think that, and I don't want to suggest that they're responsible for it.
And you've got the daughter of this famous war criminal.
Literally, we now know.
We know.
We have the permits.
We know.
We'll break it tomorrow.
Liz Cheney ran the attack on the Capitol.
Oh, sorry!
I'm sorry.
And here's another thing that we've raised.
Can you believe how bold she is?
And she's on the committee.
Gaslighting 101.
I can't even believe it.
It's weird.
We got the permits as well.
So let's have the team bring up some of the agitators.
These are exclusive photos that we're about to show you of agitators.
I mean, Dick Cheney's daughter, of course!
The friggin' turd of Satan!
Look at this.
She was born out of Cheney's rear end.
So I want to show the pictures of the ginger.
This is the big exclusive stuff.
Tell people what this is.
Okay, so Peter Duke is a photographer out of Los Angeles.
He's an amazing photographer.
Amazing photographer.
We employed his services at Stop the Steal.
Now, Peter, again, it was so disorganized that Peter actually left the Ellipse prior to you and me.
So, he, again, by God's grace, stumbles onto the east side near the Capitol, and he's like, what's going on here?
Peter watched the whole thing.
He caught People breaking the barricades, people bird-dogging the police, he caught the groups of people that were working together, and then he caught these two gentlemen on top of the armored car who flagged the crowd into storming the Capitol on the East Side.
Breaking news!
The East Side agitators... Okay, so this gentleman grabbing it ends up working with another gentleman to distract the police while they take apart the barricades.
Again, I didn't find this out until late January.
And Peter's like, I got some photographs.
I'm like, I don't have time for photographs.
I'm being hunted by Antifa.
I'm in the mountains of Colorado right now.
And he's like, no, you need to see these photos.
And I said, oh, my God.
I get on the phone with my lawyer.
I said, hand this over to the FBI right now.
Alex, none of these people have been arrested.
None of these people have appeared on the FBI website.
These are all college professors and Democrats.
Yeah, and you know, or whatever, like when we, again, let's go back to the guys on the armored cars.
In particular, this gentleman who's a Milano gentleman wearing a desert scarf and the ginger beard.
Okay, and I want to walk you through.
Okay, so these two gentlemen.
These two gentlemen do not skip leg day.
They do not skip leg day.
They are wearing these knuckled gloves.
They have backpacks, meaning they never came to the Ellipse Rally.
They never had any intention of going to our Lot 8 Peaceful Rally, which never occurred.
This flag that he has?
It's a MAGA flag, sure.
It's the only one in the crowd.
I've had people review 10,000 photos.
This is the only flag.
This is clearly what I believe to be a signal.
Now, we're going to keep going through these photos.
I'm going to tell you this.
Antifa employs a tactic called Black Block.
You're familiar with that?
They always have someone called, you know, they have a, they have a red team, a black team, but they always have someone who's the yellow.
They're the medic.
If you zoom into that backpack, you'll see the medical scissors.
You'll see that he's put.
And he's put Trump.
He's put Trump paraphernalia over his back.
So look at it.
Those are medical scissors!
Those are used to cut zip ties and bandages!
That lanyard is fake!
That lanyard isn't associated with Me or You or the Ellipse or Lot 8!
It's entirely fake!
And he has over this... He's covering over...
His insignia!
This is bigger than what Revolver broke.
This is bigger!
This is bigger!
I literally, I begged the Wall Street Journal to publish this.
I begged the committee to cover this.
They refused to ask me one question about this.
Why are these men subpoenaed?
Because we know they're under command of Dick Cheney.
And I gave it to him.
I gave it to him.
And by the way... It's not the Democrats, folks.
It's the neocons.
It's George W. Bush.
It's Dick Cheney.
They're in command right now.
There are their men, right there, bringing down America.
Look at him.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us with Ali Alexander.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Yes, sir.
Ali Alexander is our guest.
Some stations don't carry this first five minutes.
So I want him to recap where he was leaving off.
In six minutes, we come back and join some stations.
But Ali, let's get into You decided, because the lawyers are all saying, let's not talk to each other, but we've done nothing wrong.
And you had the courage to go and actually talk to the committee.
I know they're a group of criminals.
So I refuse to do it.
Oh, you're scared to do it.
No, I mean, they'll twist anything you say.
So what has this process been like for you?
I haven't worked all year, you know, and it was kind of hard to decide how personal I
was going to get with this, but I had a conversation.
I'm doing the same thing.
I mean, I'm spending all my money.
I'll be bankrupt next year too, but it's a Christlike, it feels good in a way.
It does.
You're not putting everything in, you're like 100%.
Yeah, four weeks ago, I finally realized I can't afford all of these bills at the rate
that I'm spending.
And but I was like, if I don't do this in a different way, then we will never know.
So like Meadows is doing it his way.
Bannon's doing it his way.
You and Roger are doing it your way.
I was like, I have to carve out my own lane so that we know that we did everything we could to protect freedom.
And that if one of us gets the blueprint, it can apply to the left wing and the right wing for freedom.
But we've got to be faithful.
We've got to run the race.
We've got to be faithful.
We are commanded to finish the race.
That's the only way you know that you have the Holy Spirit inside of you.
And so I said, look, I started this mess, I'm going to end this mess with my chin up, with my dignity.
And I haven't done any fundraisers, and I need to, but I'm accepting prayers.
We're not going to let you do it.
Yeah, I mean, I'm really deplatformed and you know, which I appreciate you sharing the air with me.
So look, the process is grueling.
It became my full-time job to find documents that don't exist and do exist for the committee.
And I'm prepping my lawyers in a very quick amount of time.
Then there was a spiritual attack.
One of my lawyers has a heart attack and goes to the hospital, literal hospital, three or four days.
Another one of my lawyers, my long-term lawyer, gets COVID.
Okay, and not like COVID, down and out COVID.
So I have three lawyers that I can't afford, and one of them is... By the way, down-and-out COVID ain't no joke.
I've had the flu and I've had it cold.
This thing's like a mule kicking your ass.
And I'm just like, and these guys, one's trying to work from his hospital bed, the other one has an IV in his home, in his vein, and he's communicating, and we're doing everything we can, and the committee is like, we're gonna send you to jail.
We're gonna send you to jail.
We don't believe you're cooperating.
They accused me of a crime.
Okay, that's when I thought of pleading the fifth.
They said, we believe that Ali Alexander has either destroyed or withheld evidence because we saw this in a Tucker Carlson documentary.
I never had possession of any of that stuff!
And they're like, oh, okay, our fault.
And I'm like, you just accused me of a crime, of a federal felony.
Well, that thing doesn't have no chivalry.
How would they like to be?
I would never treat them like this.
I would never treat anyone like this.
If I had all the power, I wouldn't do this to these people.
It's the worst experience of my life.
It's the single worst eight hours of my life, okay?
I've gone to jail for 59 days before.
I have horrible mug shots if you go to Google Images.
I mean, it's James Brown and then some.
And you know, I've had some bad moments in my life, okay?
I got sued by a pedophile and had to, like, confront him in court.
So, I've been through the wringer.
This was the most intellectually challenging thing I've ever done.
Because it's like really smart people and you can't believe this evil.
You're like, dude, you're lying.
It's like, why are you lying about me?
They have your bank account.
They have your tits.
Because they're part of the power, you see.
Yeah, it's a Gestapo tactic, and I don't know if I was brave or courageous, or maybe I'm stupid, you know?
Maybe I did trip myself up and I will end up in jail.
But I was like, I know that the committee is being fed lies on top of lying itself.
If I don't put the truth in the record, then they can play ignorance in 10 years and 20 years, which, by the way, we'll be heroes then, okay?
We will be heroes for fighting for the left and the right.
That's it though.
They are literally demonizing and typecasting anybody that is conservative or Christian as a terrorist.
We've got to fight these people politically.
We can't roll over.
They asked me to defend 1776.
Oh, hold on.
Stay there.
I've got to hear this when we come back.
Some stations join us and I want you to get back into the photos you were showing.
The crew did a great job going through those.
We're going to show what the committee was given, evidence of more provocateurs.
Exclusive, here.
With Ali Alexander, and folks, you need to support him.
Ali, how do we support what you're doing?
You can't.
Just pray for me for now, you know.
Telegram Ali Alexander.
All right, we'll be right back.
Ali Alexander, A-L-I Alexander.
You can also find him at alialexander.org.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well, we got the Muhammad Ali of politics, Ali Alexander here with us.
Some of the other stories up on InfoWars.com.
Big Brother doesn't want you to see.
Video, Tucker Carlson covers the pedo outbreak at CNN and Klaus Schwab openly calls for world government force microchipping.
You name it.
That is an incredible video.
The Great Reset, still a conspiracy.
And finally, Somebody found the video because I used to go out and protest the KKK and the Nazis like probably 30-40 times.
They were threatening to kill me and then we got threatened.
The state police said you might stop us.
They got a plan to kill you.
That was like 15 years ago.
They finally found the HD footage.
And it's finally out.
That's at Infowars.com.
New footage of Alex Jones protesting the KKK discovered.
And a bunch of other footage of me protesting.
And it's not like, oh look, I'm an angel.
I'm protesting the KKK and the Nazis.
The point is, that's all I ever did.
Because I know they're part of a globalist deep state operation.
That brings us to January 6th.
So, Ollie, you got cut off.
A lot of people are tuned in right now.
A lot.
Huge audience right now.
You're the only guy that actually went to the Lions Den and didn't Well, again, the photographer who took these pictures, Peter Duke, is a great photographer.
disingenuous as you just said so get back into these photos and what you
witness and just everything you want to cover. Well again and this is we've only
like the photographer who took these pictures Peter Duke is a great
photographer he's been working for decades and decades inside of Hollywood
Exit Hollywood said hey someone needs to capture the right more fairly okay
Okay, and he has a book eventually coming out.
We've licensed these photos for InfoWars.com exclusively.
So in my email it was like, you can only use this on InfoWars.
And so we're breaking this exclusive.
These are photographs I made my lawyers provide the committee.
I begged for them to ask me questions about this.
because I'm a professional event organizer and grassroots mobilizer.
They could ask me based off my expert testimony, well, how do you think this happened?
Or what do you think happened?
Or how could we make the Capitol safer?
I didn't get one question about how, what recommendations would you have for us, Ali,
to make the Capitol building safer?
You really believe that Congressman Gosar and Ted Cruz sought to put their colleagues in jeopardy
or themselves in jeopardy?
Are you insane?
Which destroyed what we wanted was a 10-day investigation.
That's what we wanted.
We had the opposite motive of this, but who are these guys?
Yeah, so these guys, look.
These are Ray Epps 2.0.
I believe so.
They weren't on the FBI website.
They are seen inciting the crowd, okay?
And I say that understanding the law, okay?
You don't get the media or the Democrats who understand the law.
Bradenburg versus Ohio.
There must be an imminent threat after you verbally incite someone.
These guys literally are the ones who told people to storm the east side.
This is the senate side.
Magnet doors are closed.
And who came through the west side and opened those east doors?
And these guys were coordinating.
Now, I don't know if the crew can find this, but we should have a zoom in of the the ginger's
And guess what?
I've had these photos since January and February, handed it over to law enforcement, tried to get some other news outlets to cover it.
No one would cover it.
I didn't give it to Alex.
But, you know, because again, we weren't talking, but I was like, I was in disbelief, Alex, because I was like, this is evidence.
And then when we were reviewing it four weeks ago, we said, we never saw the earpiece in this guy's ear until now.
And, uh, you know, that was very, very telling.
Show me more of the photos.
Ollie will recognize which one it is.
Yeah, yeah.
And so, you know, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's very troubling.
Yeah, let's keep going through these, because eventually he takes down, he takes off his gloves.
I mean, I've studied, you know, I've studied these more than I'd like to.
Why do all of these guys have GoPros?
Because they were capturing photos of patriots that got caught in the chaos.
And so, you know, fake lanyard, fake credential, GoPro, Trump insignia that's fake, and an earpiece.
You tell me what that is.
And I think it's like my ex.
And they've got the scissors and all of it.
And so they've got the medical scissors so that they can cut out a zip ties or put bandages around each other.
I mean, there was A PSYOP, a military grade PSYOP on January 6th, and that's not a conspiracy theory.
That is a criminal conspiracy that is factually based.
And you're hearing it right here on Infowars.com.
It's an exclusive.
Why weren't these guys ever on the FBI website?
At least with Ray Epps.
They put him on the FBI website, Darren Beatty's doing great work, and then took him off and they've never arrested him.
These guys never even made the FBI website!
You know?
So, no facial recognition.
Oh, here's another... Oh, let's go back.
You're there in front of the committee.
What are they doing when you're giving them all this?
Well, we gave this to them.
The document production is ahead of your testimony.
So we gave this to them and earmarked and said, Ali would like to be asked about this.
Never came up.
And when I brought up agitators, eye rolls.
When I brought up Antifa, eye rolls.
As I understand it, other witnesses brought up Antifa and eye rolls.
Here's something people need to understand.
Alex Jones and Olly Alexander were the least aware people in the country of what was going on.
We weren't at the Ellipse, where they're getting a steady stream of tweets.
We weren't watching it on our TV, where they were getting footage.
We weren't Nancy Pelosi, who's in charge of capital security.
Alex Jones and I were literally the two most blind people in the country.
Okay, this is where they catch my photographer taking their picture.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Let's keep going through it.
There's some great photos.
These guys are texting people and coordinating with people.
And not all of them.
They end up pulling other people onto the truck.
So there are innocent people on the truck.
But they, you know, again, my photographer can swear to an athlete.
TV viewers are seeing this.
Radio listeners aren't.
Oh, yeah.
We should always remember we're also radio.
So describe for people, again, why this is so important.
This is important because it validates Alex, it validates what a gentleman told us.
After you and I left the East Capitol Stairs at the police behest... The fellow said, I watched them all get ready.
They all got an order and they all went in.
A gentleman told us that and said, I watched them dressed in black.
Those aren't our people, Alex.
He's a military guy.
He goes, I just watched them all stack up, get ready, and they were all coordinated.
Do you have that on BAM.TV?
I don't know, but you basically got the first interview of anyone who said, I was an eyewitness That people were here, but then other people were here.
No one saw any counter protesters unless they were changing gear.
But that brings us to the next point.
What is Liz Cheney going to do when it comes out she was financing?
the capital attack that breaks tomorrow. What are they going to do as Jan 6th committee member
has business ties to China and Chinese communist intelligence and then days after this breaks
she announces she's resigning. I mean what are they going to do? She's on the committee,
it's a person connected to Chinese intelligence. Look the chairman Benny Thompson who's the only
democrat out of Mississippi, poorest district I believe in the entire country and he served
there for decades. He has called people like me Uncle Tom.
He's basically called us the N-word.
He called Clarence Thomas that.
Justice Clarence Thomas that.
He does not like black Republicans.
He is racially prejudiced against black Republicans.
Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, I've campaigned against.
I've campaigned against.
So the only two Democrat-appointed Republicans I've campaigned against.
There's a conflict of interest all over this thing, Alex.
And when you break the news about Liz Cheney tomorrow, people are going to say, half this committee, one, they're supposed to legally have 13 members of the committee.
They only have nine and half of them are compromised by China or the deep state or through campaigns that we've opposed them on.
Or getting the permits.
Or getting the permits.
So I gotta tell you, Alex, you know, they thought they had us pinned down.
And and what we're doing is we're saying we will cooperate where the law requires.
And we will invoke our constitutional right.
Well, let's just be clear now.
Liz Cheney had all the permits around so we can get the main ones.
We had to get one way on the back.
She totally got caught.
Sorry, breaking tomorrow.
Oh, Alex.
I think, I think America's not ready for what you're about to present tomorrow.
I was supposed to do it yesterday, but I was, I was supposed to get it ready yesterday for today, but we got behind.
It's so insane.
It's insane.
And it's occupying all of our life and all of our money.
You brought them up, the reason I told you, it's the Kramers.
Yep, it is the Kramers.
And, and guess what?
Their consultants verified this.
They told the media and they told the committee this.
So this is, you know, stuff that we're recording.
I haven't talked to you since you came live.
You know about this?
I know that their consultant revealed the 2019 capital permit and then the inside the capital.
It's ongoing.
Liz Cheney.
I didn't find out about this until six days ago.
Oh, okay.
So, again, it's occupied.
You can't make this up.
It's a full-time job to try to keep up with this story arc that you and I have been wrapped up in.
But guess what?
We're going to swing.
Wait until it comes out what Liz Cheney did.
She's on the committee?
Yeah, we'll be right back with Ali Alexander.
Stay with us.
The Pentagon's got to stop us.
I mean, it's everywhere.
They got to root us out from the military and root us out from the school boards, root us out from government, root us out from media.
You know, bullcrap.
You know, the FBI has a threat tag associated with you, me, and anybody else who they consider associated with January 6th.
Mind you, January 6th is a date.
January 6th was overwhelmingly peaceful and then we're being lumped in with people who again some aren't bad
people Some are and let's talk about this the January 6th defendants.
They are rotting away in an American gulag That's since wind is like walking through velvet robes when
the police let you and mean that like 10 months later. You're still in jail
It's probably the single worst thing to have Happen in our country. Look I'm a descendant of American
slaves and I got to tell you this is
worse than anything I've seen in American history If you get trumped up on a misdemeanor charge, and you are in, you are in confinement, pre-trial, and the judge says, well admit your guilt, say you're sorry, and I'll consider bailing you out.
And by the way, that's in the news.
They go, oh we let this person go, they said America's bad.
Yeah, it's a re-education.
It's like in North Vietnam, when our pilots would be shot down.
I mean, it's that bad.
Yeah, oh, you know, when it's John McCain and the Viet Cong doing it, it's bad.
When it's the American government on its own citizens, it's good.
This is not due process.
This is not the great tradition of Anglo common law.
This is entirely why our country was founded.
We were like, we don't want general warrants.
We want due process.
And you can't lock someone up before a jury of their peers finds them guilty.
We've done away with all of that.
And these people, not only that, but they're in solitary confinement.
So some people say, this whole thing is so regressive.
They're like, Ali, how are you getting through this?
You know, they've done you the worst.
And I said, you know, selfishly, knowing that it does get worse.
No, no, they wanted you and they wanted us both.
They thought they were going to set us up.
We, Alex, whoever told the Secret Service to lead Roger to the front and have us there wanted to blame us and thought we'd be dumb and like, yeah, let's attack the Capitol.
But you have to admit, we watched that there was an energy To what was going on that pulled a lot of people in.
Now, thankfully, you and I never, you know, were caught up in that, but it was almost like we were magnetically pulled towards that.
And so when a lot of patriots tell me that, they're like, Ali, I was just, I was, I was compelled to get closer.
I'm like, I felt that compelling too.
But when I look on the, and this is what I told the committee, Alex and I are rounding the bout.
And we watched this scene that looks like CGI.
I thought somebody had hijacked my glasses.
People are climbing the walls.
Like Spider-Man!
There's gas hitting his little faces.
What are we watching?
World War Z?
But my number one concern, and this is when you and I got very protective of that crowd, is watching human beings climb on that scaffolding, knowing that that could have toppled and killed them.
And so you and I ran, and we got on wet metal chairs.
We almost slipped.
We have security holding our belt buckles.
Those are just pallets of chairs, like six feet high.
That's why we're standing on these rocking chairs, like, stop, stop, and no one can hear us.
We saved lives that day, and it took me, my lawyers eventually, when they reviewed all the evidence, they're like, are you aware that you and Alex Jones actually saved lives, and Owen Schroeder?
You guys saved lives.
You didn't have a neutral position.
You didn't have just a position of de-escalating and doing the police job.
You saved lives.
He said, you probably saved 5,000 people, and imagine if a percentage of those... Well, a lot of people called in.
They were going to keep going in.
The doors were open.
They didn't know what had happened.
No one knew better.
They could have had thousands in jail.
And guess what?
Thanks to Darren Beatty's work, and Tucker Carlson's work, and the work of Julie Kelly, for the first time in my life, I'm seeing these signs that say area closed.
Alex, when you and I approached the West Side, not only did we not see signs, we didn't see fencing, we never saw a pile of fencing.
So someone strategically took down the fencing, piled it up, and then moved the pile itself.
Yeah, there weren't even knocked down fences.
Breaking news!
No one has ever actually, because Alex and I have never talked, We've no one's actually heard our account of the events.
Everyone assumes, oh, Ali and Alex have a pipe in a CNN.
They should have known it was violent.
They should have known this was Trump supporters or whatever.
It's like.
We walked into a melee in which there are bystanders, there are people caught up in it, there were agitators, there were journalists, there was us, there were security teams, Owen, Alex, and Ali were in a security bubble.
Let's be clear, when Ray Ebbs breaks through, Trump is still speaking, we haven't left yet.
We haven't left yet!
We haven't even left yet!
Some reporter asked me on background, it's the only two reporters I've talked to on background, only two, out of the 500 that have reached out to me, and they said, What do you think went wrong in the walk over from the Ellipse to the Capitol?
I said nothing!
What are you talking about?
Have you read the intelligence reports?
7 a.m.
the police say this is going to be a problem at the Capitol.
And I'm like, okay.
They're calling for help early.
They're not bad.
They're unmanned on purpose.
They're unmanned.
And so it wasn't bad people, but it later becomes a problem.
Bad leadership.
And so there are serious failures of police, of intelligence, and Speaker Pelosi, who's tasked with this.
She ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to stand down, we now know.
Multiple times.
Multiple times.
God, it's so obvious.
It's so obvious.
That's what I was wondering when you were going to testify, because I know you brought this up to him.
How do they think they're going to have a fiasco where we don't expose that they're involved in this?
Like, they're accusing us!
Private depositions!
That's why they're doing it behind closed doors, Alex!
They can take it all out of context.
No one's going to watch Infowars.
No one's going to watch Infowars.
No one's going to listen to Julie Kelly.
No one's going to listen to Darren Beattie.
But guess what, folks?
We're uniting the conservative and the patriot and the believer movements again.
This was what they feared about what we did during Stop the Steal, the peaceful Stop the Steal movement.
They're saying, we're going to unite everyone.
And while part of the right hasn't wanted to touch January 6th, I will go to my dying breath making sure the truth of January 6th is known, and that due process rights are fought for, so that when history looks back, they judge these despots, these demonic Democrat despots for what they are, and that's tyrants.
They are tyrants.
I agree with the Republicans, and Trump's got a press conference in an hour, we'll cover it.
If we just expose it like we've done, you've done, they would run.
They know Republicans won't even challenge it.
When obviously they were there provocateuring, they got caught.
Yeah, I mean you really got to wonder some of the 3D chess that's going on.
You got to praise Tucker Carlson.
Without Tucker Carlson, Julie Kelly, and Darren Beattie, we wouldn't be in the position, I wouldn't have been in the position to even speak.
And so, you know, none of us asked him for that favor.
I mean, Alex, I was in an eighth month depression.
Breaking news, Ali Alexander sought professional help.
I was so full of despair.
That I didn't realize how deep it was.
And then, 10, 11 weeks ago, God brought me out of that, because of a particular situation, and my protector instincts kicked in, and I said, I will go down righteously.
Look, Jesus did it right before the Sanhedrin, and didn't testify.
Socrates did it right, and didn't testify before that Roman mob.
But I was like, I'm coming in with the truth, and this will be on the record, and if you take me down and I go to jail, so be it.
Like, God's gonna be done.
Alright, stay there, Ollie.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
So, I told everybody, I said this January 6th thing, they're branding it as all Americans are terrorists, all veterans are terrorists, gun owners are terrorists, people that protest lockdowns are terrorists, people that question elections are terrorists, and now they've got this fiasco committee with the wheels coming off.
With one member being a Tricom agent resigning, Liz Cheney being involved in attacks on the Capitol, we'll be breaking tomorrow.
All of this, Ali Alexander is with us right now.
Again, it's bigger than Alex Jones, it's bigger than Ali Alexander.
It's not about us saying, oh, it's bigger than us to act like we don't care about ourselves.
Of course we care about ourselves.
People have to get, this is a big move to demonize the American people ahead of the midterms in 322 days.
It's absolutely true, and I'm holding Alex Jones' lawsuit right here.
It's very, very well written, and everyone needs to just take a moment to read it.
Especially the Fourth Amendment, because it applies to you.
Now, here's a little history lesson.
The British Crown had what was called General Warrants.
They were a fishing expedition, so they were authorized by the government to pick a target and then search for any type of crime.
They're illegal.
They've always been illegal inside of America.
And in our Bill of Rights, we have the Fourth Amendment that says, well, you can't be, you know, doing all this stuff.
Unreasonable searches and seizures.
Well, this committee has said, we're not subject to the executive branch rules, so ours can be more wide-ranging.
And the court has ruled that congressional subpoenas can be broader.
This, in some cases, is asking for 19 months from some witnesses of activity.
None of us have been criminally accused, Alex.
That's worth pointing out.
So all of us are private citizens who haven't been criminally accused, and then some of them are people who didn't even attend the rally, and they're saying, we want all your AT&T data, we want all your Verizon data, your IP address.
The length of the sessions of your calls.
Who pinged your cell phone?
And they're looking for anything.
You see what Meadows gives them.
It wasn't enough.
And the point is that They act like when people are calling up saying, stop this, as if Trump was in full command.
They're saying, no, help, stop it.
Yeah, Trump was definitely not in full command.
You know, as I can testify, the Trump campaign fell apart.
The RNC fell apart, which is why he created Stop the Steal.
Well, by the end, he had no supporters.
He had no staff.
No staff.
He was decapitated.
So tell us more about the eight hours inside the lion's den, what was happening.
Like I said, it was traumatic.
I mean, I'm having to relive events that I've gone to clergy for and I've gone to therapy for.
I'm having to face all these tactics, right?
They're not searching for the truth.
It's not a factual inquiry.
Uh, into what information I might uniquely have, it's confronting me!
You know, Ali in Arizona on December 19th, you said this at this time, you were standing with this and this person, and then on this date you said this and this, and didn't you want to foment a violent revolution at the end of the... blah blah blah!
And that's literally the last question they asked me, it was like 10 pull quotes and timestamps, and I almost came out of my chair, I was so offended.
I'm like, I'm offended that you think I would want an unarmed insurrection.
I'm not dumb.
I'm just not dumb.
We're planning to take over the Capitol with no guns?
Yeah, with Grandma and Grandpa at the Capitol.
I'm saying, not being ready for their setup, we stepped on our...
Dick Cheney. Yeah. So the idea that we did this on purpose is just preposterous.
It's preposterous. And who could have known we had two rallies in D.C. that were entirely peaceful.
That's why we were caught. Yeah, because it was the last thing it was like,
we're going to get defeated. We'll we'll take a moral stance.
We'll have a list of rhino Republicans to primary.
We'll show we have a huge crowd.
Huge crowd.
The biggest crowd Trump's ever had, by the way.
OK, huge honor for us.
And by the way, we were like, we're going to recreate the Tea Party movement, but bigger.
And that's why the establishment Republicans are in on this, because they don't want their incumbents to be primary.
They're like, well, if a Republican wave is coming, we want to be full of incumbents.
So who is the biggest beneficiary?
Of subverting Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, you know, and all of these conservative members of Congress, and then ruining Lot 8 never happened.
So let me tell the press this.
I'm going to sue your asses off.
If you say that the Stop the Steal rally descended into chaos or morphed into a riot, that is factually false.
The Lot 8 event at one o'clock never happened.
It never happened.
Okay, this is a matter of fact and it's about to be adjudicated in court.
By the way, if you want to sue somebody, it's the NPR.
They're like, "Jones and Alexander secretly led the groups.
They knew there was no event.
They cowardly ordered the attack."
You haven't seen these NPR?
No, I haven't.
Oh my God.
They've got reports where they just, it's as bad as Adam Schiff where he reads the fake
transcript of Trump.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, it's crazy, man.
What's funny is Adam Schiff is using the same tactics that he used against Roger and Trump in this select committee hearing where he manufactures Jim Jordan's text messages to Mark Meadows.
Artificially, yeah.
It's a copy and paste.
And hasn't Nancy Pelosi talked about this?
She said, it's a wrap-up smear.
We lie, we do this, and then we wrap it up and package it to the press, and you guys repeat it.
I mean, their playbook is out there in the open, but this time they're playing for keeps, Alex.
That's the thing.
She's so senile.
She said that.
I forgot.
Repeat that.
It's called the wrap-up smear.
She had a press conference in which she was so drunk, and this is an open secret in Capitol Hill.
She drinks vodka all day long.
And takes Adderall.
Yeah, and takes Adderall.
And there's nothing wrong with that, except for she does these press conferences drunk.
And at one point she says, well, they'll accuse us of this, we'll accuse them of this, we wrap it up and give it to the press and you guys say whatever you want.
I mean, she called it a wrap-up smear.
You know?
You know, maybe Google's blocked this, but this was a very, like, famous moment from two or three years ago in which, uh, she told us the playbook.
And they're using that same playbook here.
And that's why they're surprised.
They're like, oh, he's a witness.
We cowered him.
We'll use him against Roger and Alex.
And then I'm like, no, I'm going to sue you.
On top of testifying, I'm going to sue you.
Well, they act like we have something to hide.
We have nothing.
We obviously didn't want an attack on the Capitol.
I mean, it's like idiots.
It's unfortunate what happened, but you said this in your commercial break.
We were called to this moment.
God called this weird group of gladflies, or as Archbishop Vigano says, you know, these people are going to take on the deep church and the deep state, this union of globalists that control everything.
And I'm someone who didn't believe this, Alex.
I'm someone who's like, I'm never going to go on Infowars.
And then, you know, I finally come on.
It was when Roseanne Barr was accused of racism, which, you know, was preposterous.
That was the first time I ever came on your show.
And I was like, why?
Because I want to fight with the truth tellers.
You know, I don't have time for my Republican colleagues.
I have time for the truth tellers.
And so I was like, there's no time to be depressed anymore, Ali, because they literally want to shut down elections and blame us for it.
You know?
It's crazy.
What do you think happens to the Q Shaman and them?
Is there still in jail 11 months later?
Yeah, it breaks my heart because look, if people committed wrongdoing first, the government should have the evidence.
In a lot of cases they don't, so that they're keeping them in jail longer.
And in the Constitution you're guaranteed a fast and speedy trial.
And the reason, because again, the King's Crown used to do this.
The second thing Is that you're guaranteed a defense.
Well, how can you have a defense when Nancy Pelosi won't release the 14,000 hours that are outside of court?
And that's really what's exposing them.
They won't release the raw footage.
And thank God, by a miracle, we have a judge who finally said, you have to release some of the tunnel footage where you guys killed a woman.
And maybe I'll come back on.
We'll talk about that.
Final segment.
I had a Paul Joseph Watson taking over, and then you're going to be back in the war room today.
Yeah, back in the war room with Orrin Troyer.
He's been criminally charged with attacking the Capitol and breaching it, and they say of the charges, he was not with Alex Jones.
That's bullcrap.
We were all in the same security bubble, because what we saw was like, there's leftists, and then there's other people on the right who are caught up in this.
But we were concerned about our safety, and in a lot of ways we were victims from the civil authority collapsing.
You know?
And if anything, we were just naive about how we get out of control.
We were super naive.
But I continue to pray for those J6 defendants caught in the D.C.
There's still 44 of them who haven't been granted bail.
And we all ought to pray for them because they have a hell of a lot worse.
They've been like knocking their eyes out and torturing them.
It's bad.
It's very bad.
Ali Alexander is our guest.
Stay with us.
So we are monitoring the puppet Joe Biden's press conference that started about four minutes ago.
He said we should all wear a mask indoors.
He showed without a mask.
It's totally insane.
We're going to monitor this as it unfolds and break down the latest for you here on the live InfoWars feed.
But Ali Alexander, getting back to January 6th, again, bigger than Ali Alexander, bigger than Alex Jones, I thought when Tucker Carlson and others exposed it, the Democrats provocateured it, that they would back off.
They haven't.
And so you've got the Pentagon announcing all Americans are terrorists, anybody that's a conservative is the enemy.
You can't overstate how draconian and dangerous this is.
It's the last segment we've got with you, just recapping and where you see this going and what you witnessed in the eight hours of the committee.
This is only the beginning.
If we thought that January 6th was an American dream that turned into an American nightmare, Where the left was going to let us get away with a moral defeat or our dignity.
Folks, I'm here to tell you as someone who suffered a lot of it, that we're about half done at best.
The Democrats are going to trot out a former president of the United States in a historic attempt to bait and switch a civil war that we oppose.
They're going to use the military to frame military service men and service women as extremists that they then jail.
They're going to jail one or two of us witnesses and keep us in your prayers.
And essentially what you're watching is a coup d'etat.
Act two of three acts at shutting down free and fair elections in America.
That's what all this is about.
This is about making universal mail-in ballots permanent, drop-off boxes permanent, and that anyone who scrutinizes and says, hey, the states make the laws, saying you can't say that anymore.
And, you know, folks, it's surreal.
If you wrote this in a fiction book or a script, no one would believe it.
And so what they're doing is they're gaslighting, they're inverting, and they're attacking us spiritually, politically, mentally, and now in some cases, very physically.
So this is the dark winter.
We all thought that was going to be last winter.
This is the dark winter that Joe Biden, Dementia Joe Biden, remember the only phrase he could absolutely remember was dark winter?
How bizarre.
Here we are in the dark winter.
That's right, they've been preparing us from the beginning.
Ali Alexander, where do you think this is going?
Like I said, I think it's the end of elections.
The committee report, I already know, okay, it was leaked to me.
Ali, a huge section of the committee report is actually going to focus on your language and say that either Trump disowns you and disavows you or he endorsed you.
And they say if they can loop it twice, they'll loop it twice.
And this lie that the White House was worried about Ali Alexander and worried about Alex Jones and worried about Rod Stone, I know that the committee has evidence that that's entirely a fake story planted by political opportunists on the right.
So that's already debunked, but... That'll be the Kramers.
Yeah, unfortunately it is.
And I've told people, I've told reporters, if the Kramers and their agents of division and sophistry, if they lie to the committee, that's perjury.
And I plan to recommend them to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.
There will be a stop the steal criminal referral.
And against these people.
So I had nothing to hide.
You know, I have rights that are worth protecting.
But, you know, I really respect what you and you are doing and Rogers doing, you know, journalists are doing to protect the First Amendment for everybody else.
For those who don't get this is the tip of the spear of their takeover of the American people's rights and freedoms and literally branding us as the new terror threat.
So, of course, we followed suit.
To protect our records.
Not that they need to hide, but they don't just get to run around and do this.
Well, that's what I find entertaining about mine.
Look, let's say I lose my lawsuit, and I'm not going to because it's a really well-written lawsuit.
It argues that the Fourth Amendment is abolished if a court doesn't limit the scope of these general warrants, these illegal general warrants.
And we essentially say, even if you get all these phone records, they don't expose anything.
So that's why I knew I had to sue, because I was like, okay, if you get my phone records, I really kind of won't care in as much as it acknowledges I have no more constitutional rights.
But there's nothing in my phone records that contradict my testimony and my document production.
So you can't catch me on anything.
And that's why I'm like, I'm going to court.
And that's why I was glad to see you as a journalist go to court and why I'm glad to see General Flynn.
General Flynn did not organize, did not speak, did not participate.
So why are you seizing his records?
So, you know, People really have to appreciate how psychopathic this is.
If Joseph McCarthy, and there's some things I agree with with Joseph McCarthy, okay?
There wasn't a red scare, there was a red reality in America that had infiltrated institutions, and has still infiltrated institutions in America.
But his tactics were un-American, okay?
And in the House, he was in the Senate, the House had something called the Un-American Activities Committee, and that was un-American, okay?
What they're doing now exceeds the power of the 9-11 Commission.
Anything Joseph McCarthy did, anything that the Un-American... Oh, there's no doubt.
And the left loves it.
They just, all over Twitter, all over Facebook, oh, arrest them.
Oh, we can't wait.
Arrest me for what?
Arrest Alex for what?
I'm not exaggerating here.
This is a factual statement.
This isn't my opinion.
There has never been a more powerful legislative committee in all of America's history than this Jan 6th Select Committee which was tasked with investigating a capital attack and instead is investigating the free speech lawful assembly And citizens seeking redress from their government prior to January 6th.
Sometimes going back to April 2020!
April 2020!
With people who didn't participate in anything!
Wake up, folks!
The war is here, and we're not fighting it with guns.
We're fighting with information, with the truth, waking up people, and some people are saying, uh, we're a little uneasy about this.
There's a liberal group called POGO that wrote the committee a letter and said, we think you might be exceeding your powers over there on the left.
The New York Times said, what are you doing with committees?
This is dangerous.
It's super dangerous, it's super chilling, but this is the dark winter.
Folks, be prepared for the gaslighting like you've never seen.
It's the military.
It's the vaccine.
It's the variant.
It's Jan 6.
It's a forefront attack on speech and rights.
It's a bunch of corporate interests that want full control of the country.
And they've bought off politicians.
They're just seeing what they'll do, because the politicians are the ones that'll get destroyed.
They don't feel like they're being held accountable.
Apple and Google and Facebook and... You know, I'm glad you brought that up.
You know, sometimes people, they ask me two things when I interview with Alex Jones.
They said...
You guys, when you guys get going, you guys marry the spiritual and the political and people really like seeing us together.
And then they're like, why does Alex let you talk?
He doesn't let his other guests talk.
And I'm like, I have such great respect for this man.
And what he just pointed out, I thought a lot of people missed, but Alex just said it, right?
And that's, well, now I just forgot what you just said that I was about to compliment.
But what people need to realize is, remind me what you just said.
I don't remember.
It's okay.
The point is, is that we're here and They don't want people to know that this is the main takeover, this is the main assault.
I mean, this is branding everyone that questions the power structure as terrorists.
It's really simple.
Yeah, it is that simple.
And, you know, we're just called to a unique time.
And that's really bugging me that I can't remember what you just said.
Guys, what was I saying?
I love the crew.
They have their own lively discussions in there.
It's all over the world.
We ought to put cameras in there.
We'll figure it out.
It's got to be a more highly rated show.
Oh, yeah.
With cameras in the control room, all the talking going on in there.
Yeah, I think they'd be forced to work a little.
No, this is a really, really great crew.
Oh, they're awesome.
But we'll find an exclusive and we'll put it on Infowars.com.
But it was something I actually pointed out to my lawyers, the point that you just made, and it was lost on everyone.
And I was like, you know, this is the point that you really need to focus on.
Here we are, folks, and everybody's involved in this.
This is not about us.
This is about whether we have a Bill of Rights or not.
Oh, here we go.
Here we go.
There's a monopolistic control.
And I told someone, I said, look, Joe Biden made a deal with the devil.
He thinks he's going to get the better end of that deal, folks.
The corporate interests, they're perfectly fine burning down Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
So that's what you just pointed out.
I was really grateful for that because I've not heard anyone else point that out other than me.
They were like, Ali, how are they going to get away with this?
I said, study the French Revolution.
The guillotine was used against the aristocracy before it was used, before the people invented
the guillotine.
Klaus Schwab says we're creating a revolution.
They're going to sit back while we burn.
It's a demonic sacrifice.
So Joe Biden's in on it and he thinks he's going to get the proper end on it.
So when you see this violent revolution foment that they call right wing, it's not going
to actually be right wing.
It's going to be a fake right-wing.
And what they will say is, well, now you guys have your pound of flesh.
Can we go back to normal?
And what we will notice is that the corporate oligarchs have a monopoly on everything still.
Notice that that never changes.
I'm worried about the right wing backlash to all this.
It's entirely fake.
I mean, you know, just look at look at some of this.
I don't even want to talk about it.
But in D.C.
a couple of days before my hearing, they got people chanting a phrase that the committee is investigating me for.
I'm like, OK, this is clearly a psyop.
This is clearly a psyop.
So it's all bullcrap.
No, I'm calling it victory or death.
You know, the Travis letter, you know.
Hold on.
We'll be back in two minutes.
Final comments with Ali Alexander.
Ali Alexander was telling me during the break he expects to hear from the January 6th witch hunt shycom committee.
Look, they don't want me to...
Come out and talk about anything.
It's not against the law.
They didn't inform me that I couldn't talk about anything.
And still, I'm respecting the process.
Notice, I'm not talking about necessarily, you know, pull quotes or the content, but the look and the feel, because the American people deserve this, including people on the left.
Again, I support an independent investigation into January 6th, because what you're going to find is there's some bad actors on both sides.
But, you know, the idea that you're going to beef up capital security by repealing the First Amendment, which by the way is a Hillary Clinton plan after Citizens United.
Look that up.
You know, it's preposterous.
The idea that the FBI, you know, the pipe bombs.
Why aren't we investigating the pipe bombs?
Those pipe bombs were sent there.
To attack us and our crowd, and yet it's being phrased as, we plant the pipe bombs.
And so it's like, oh wow, well it's funny because when there's a pipe bomb, that gave the FBI jurisdiction over the Capitol.
So why can't we know who the FBI was employing in the crowd?
Well the good news is nobody's buying it.
I want to give you, there's only like a few hundred of these left, we saved back, well I think those are the ones that got them.
We're able to survive into next year, there's going to be special stuff for folks that are members.
Founding member George Washington slaying the dragon, coined for Olly Alexander.
Oh my!
Surprise gift!
It is Christmas, huh?
So I appreciate you.
Oh, look at that.
It's good.
There's only 10,000 of those.
We appreciate you.
We got three minutes left.
Closing comments.
Olly Alexander before Paul Joseph Watson, the true mastermind of January 6, takes over.
I'm joking.
It's a joke.
Go ahead.
No, I think it's really great to be here with you.
I've missed, you know, the camaraderie and the friendship, you know, that we've built.
There's certainly not just a chilling effect on our First Amendment rights, but they eliminated parts of our First Amendment rights.
And when I'm asked by people of Australia and people of the United Kingdom and people of Canada, moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas who are fighting Tyranny in their countries.
When will the US protest?
When you guys protest, it will bring legitimacy to our protests.
I said, you have to understand we're operating in a different paradigm.
January 6th was not about Trump.
It wasn't about Alex Raleigh.
It was about enforcing The variant, mandatory vaccine, dystopian lockdown.
They knew that they need to go back and lock down.
It was about demonizing opposition.
And the First Amendment, you know, lawyers will tell you it gives you three rights.
I say it gives you four rights.
And they eliminated those.
So right now the best organizers are deplatformed.
Everyone's full of fear as the FBI tackles parents in PTA meetings.
And then you got a threat tag where you can't fly, you can't travel, you can't make money.
And leftist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, are online tracking what sites you visit and letting you know they're watching you.
I mean, wow, that's the real threat.
There was a government-level hack.
Against the domain registrar that I use, so they can get my credit card number, my address, and all the domains that I owed, and then hand that to the committee.
Is the FBI investigating them?
A government-level hack!
It's an elite revolution against the people.
It's the big corporations and the elites against the people, posing like they're an anti-establishment, and I believe these bullies will be defeated.
Andrew Breitbart, the late Andrew Breitbart, a friend of mine, was ahead of his time.
Big government, big education, big media.
It's about the bigs.
It's about a monopoly that they want on power, control over our body, over our mind and our spirit.
And we've got to resist this now.
And so that's why, oh, Ali came out of hiding.
Ali is ready for the final round.
2022 is the final round of whether man will be free or man will be a slave.
And so I'm just glad to be here with you.
I'm glad that we got some exclusive of the agitators.
Let's see the media ignore this.
I gave this to the committee.
They didn't have one question.
We've offered it to the FBI.
Maybe we've given it to them.
And why aren't people tracking down these agitators that stormed the east side of the Capitol?
Why isn't Ray Epps being brought in?
Yeah, this is a hocus pocus.
How do folks find you?
On Telegram.
Telegram, Telegram, Telegram.
It's an app on your phone.
Ali Alexander for updates.
I'm not really updating my website, alialexander.org or stopthesteal.us, but I will.
You know, it's about taking care of other people, getting these lawsuits, but the fight begins in January.
The push back.
The peaceful, dignified push back.
All right, Ali Alexander, amazing.
Thanks for coming in.
Really appreciate you.
Thank you, brother.
Thank you.
All right, Paul Watson takes over now.
It's bad breaking news.
And it's the fact that Bill Gates has had to cancel his Christmas holiday plans because of Omicron.
He tweets, as of about an hour ago, just when it seemed like life would return to normal.
Yeah, as if he wants that.
We could be entering the worst part of the pandemic.
Omicron will hit home for all of us.
Close friends of mine now have it, and I've cancelled most of my holiday plans.
The world's smallest violin plays.
He says, Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history.
It will soon be in every country in the world.
The big unknown is how sick Omicron makes you.
Well, no, that's not a big unknown, because we've got a massive test case, a major country that was infected with Omicron, what, over six weeks ago now, that we can look at, that we can extrapolate data from, to prove in triplicate How sick Omicron makes you?
And in the case of South Africa, the answer is not very.
Now, you're going to go through this in America over the course of the next few weeks.
We've had it slightly earlier because this variant entered the United Kingdom earlier and spread further than it has in the United States.
And of course, all the usual suspects, the ardent lockdown freaks, the hysterics, the alarmists, Seized upon it from the very beginning to try to start the drumbeat for yet another lockdown.
The same people who were proven spectacularly wrong during the first lockdown.
The same people in the United Kingdom who were proven spectacularly wrong when they said that lifting the restrictions back in July would cause 6,000, in fact 7,000 hospitalizations a day.
It never happened.
We never went over 1,000.
Those same people Are making the same doomsday predictions once again, and they're already being proven wrong, which I'm going to get onto in a second in the context of the UK and London.
But Bill Gates is trying to, again, whip up the drumbeat for another lockdown, for more restrictions in America, more mask mandates.
And yet we have a test case in the form of South Africa, which proves that Omicron is, as some experts have said, Nature's natural organic vaccine and could actually be a good thing in the fact that it's far less severe than Delta.
Covid-19 hospitalizations in Omicron epicenter South Africa fall by 25%.
This is over the course of the last week.
They've dropped by 25%, once again indicating that the variant is milder than previous strains.
This is according to the country's National Institute for Communicable Diseases.
The number of people in hospitals suffering from the virus in South Africa has sunk to 5,600.
No, don't say that.
We want it to be this big, mean, bad monster that will kowtow everyone into complying even further and rolling on this never-ending pandemic into a third year.
But the stats just aren't backing it up.
Omicron is not living up to the hype.
And all the freaks, all the triple maskers, are very perturbed about that fact.
The seven-day rolling average for new infections in Gauteng province, which is where Johannesburg is located, also fell by more than 10,000.
It's just not living up to the hype.
And yet Bill Gates is out there saying, we don't know.
You don't know how severe it is.
Yes, we do.
It's already peaked in London, in the UK.
It's starting to decline.
You see the headline there again, out of South Africa.
The officials there, the health authorities, who have told their population to go out and celebrate Christmas without fear, I've also advised the government, the health officials advising the government, to stop track and trace, stop quarantining Omicron contacts, because most don't experience any symptoms whatsoever.
It's mild.
We have another headline here.
Covid cases continue, that's total Covid cases, including all their scariants, continue to fall significantly in South Africa.
They peaked on December 15th at 26,976.
Every single day after that, they have fallen and they continue to fall.
We see in the early sense a similar scenario unfolding in London, in the UK.
And this video highlights some of those key points, which is why Boris Johnson today has had to reject The alarmists, the lockdown zealots, they were trying to drumbeat him into announcing another lockdown, another cancelled Christmas.
And even Boris Johnson has found the cojones to say no to them, at least for now, because of all the data that we've had for the past month now showing that this is mild, this could actually be a good thing.
Here is the video.
Omicron fails to live up to expectations.
Let's roll that clip and I'll come back and talk about it more after the clip.
Here it is.
Omicron continues to be another massive letdown for those hoping to exploit it to lobby for another UK lockdown.
The government said we'd be at 2 million new corona cases every day by Christmas.
We're four days out from Christmas.
The number today was around 90,000.
And that was lower than yesterday.
Boris says Omicron cases are surging.
But Paul Hunt, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, says Omicron infections in the UK have already peaked.
Boris says a tsunami of cases is coming.
Yet Covid cases in South Africa peaked on December 15th and have dropped every day since.
They tell us Omicron will overwhelm NHS hospitals.
Yet in South Africa, the epicentre of the Omicron outbreak, hospitalisations have dropped by 25% over the last week.
ICU emissions are 79% lower than the previous peak, again suggesting that Omicron is far milder.
In Gauteng province, reported infections have been falling rapidly over the past week.
Danish data shows that people with Omicron are both less likely to be hospitalized than those with other variants, and released from hospital much more quickly.
They tell us London is being overwhelmed by Omicron.
The growth in new cases per day of Omicron in London has crashed.
They tell us hospitals in London are stretched to the limit.
From this amount of increase in hospitalisations?
Up to 40% of new Covid admissions in London are only diagnosed after arriving with another ailment.
The UK's test positivity rate is not any higher than it was in October.
The ONS says Covid related deaths are at their lowest level since October.
All this and Boris Johnson is still probably about to impose a two-week circuit breaker which will completely cripple the already devastated hospitality industry and ruin countless more livelihoods.
The government is still not factoring in the horrendous damage their restrictions and lockdowns have on society.
After 22 months of this?
Oh, it'll just be for two weeks though, honestly.
Yeah, you said that two years ago.
Circuit Breaker is just another euphemism for lockdown.
But why?
Is he actually reading any of this data?
Read the frigging data!
Data that once again proves the hysterical alarmist modelers have got it wrong yet again, just as they did on every previous occasion.
Now, bear in mind that a few days ago here in the UK, As of Saturday, this is a headline out of the Guardian, UK scientists bringing curbs now or face up to 2 million daily COVID infections as Omicron spreads.
They told us there'd be 2 million new daily cases every single day of COVID by Christmas Day, which is in four days time, and they were still saying this four days ago.
The official COVID case number for today, even with all their inflated numbers and inflated testing, and you know, within 28 days of Testing for it is 90,000 is lower than it was yesterday.
It peaked six days ago and almost every day it's gone down.
There are going to be 2 million new COVID cases a day by Christmas.
Nowhere near that.
They lied again.
They tried to drumbeat us into lockdown based off the back of completely erroneous models that have been proven spectacularly wrong time and time again in the past.
And thankfully for once Boris hasn't bought it, at least for now.
Another Guardian headline says, "New Year too late for extra Covid rules in England.
Scientists reacted to dismay with Boris Johnson's decision not to impose fresh restrictions."
It goes on to say, "The rate of growth in infection rates may already have plateaued or fallen by
then." Like that's a bad thing that the rates have plateaued or fallen.
That shows you exactly the true agenda.
They wanted to get the lockdown in before the rates fell anyway, which they were going to do anyway, which all the data out of South Africa, a mild illness, low hospitalisation, suggested was going to happen.
That's happening.
Lockdown zealots are in the mud.
They're crying into their beer tonight.
We'll talk about it on the other side.
Now, of course, Bill Gates isn't going to cancel his holiday.
It's a giant ruse.
He owns private jets.
He's the biggest owner of farmland in the United States.
He undoubtedly owns private islands where he can just fly his own staff out there on a whim and have a holiday away from the rest of the humanity that he clearly hates.
This is A PR stunt, it's a public relations campaign to sow fear and dread in Americans at the height of the holiday season, to try and convince them that Omicron is dastardly, something to fear, something to justify further restrictions, mask mandates, lockdowns by the Biden administration.
When all the data from South Africa, which has been going through this for six weeks, And all the early data from the UK and London, which has been going through this for about a month now, shows that it's not deadly.
It's nothing to be afraid of.
The symptoms are mild.
The symptoms are literally cold symptoms.
We have a professor here who's actually telling the truth, which probably Bill Gates should read.
It says Omicron numbers may have peaked and lockdown might not be necessary.
This is in the UK!
Paul Hunter, Professor of Medicine at the University of East Anglia, said that rapid increase in COVID cases appeared to be slowing and that there was no need for a lockdown if that was shown to be true.
He said measures such as social distancing and lockdowns never ultimately prevent infection unless eradication is a possibility.
Again, they just kicked the can down the road.
In Scotland, by the way, they've announced today that if you go to a nightclub, You have to remain two metres distant from anyone else in a nightclub.
Good luck with that.
I saw an image earlier today, in fact my brother sent it to me, where there's a gym with a squash court and it says because of Covid-19 you're not allowed to touch the walls on a squash court.
Have you actually played squash?
Pretty difficult to not touch the walls.
So people are still freaking out over this.
Full-bore total paranoia.
And yet it's just not bearing out their alarmism.
The other thing that's happening in the UK is that everybody has flu in the cold, especially in London.
Colds and flu still exist!
I know the government told you that they completely eradicated them last year, but yes, colds and flu do actually still exist in London.
So there's this nasty cold or flu bug going around.
Everyone's got it.
Everyone's freaking out, thinking they've got Omicron and they're going to die.
Because they've been brainwashed into supine cowards by the mass media.
And so the test numbers are going parabolic.
25% increase in testing for COVID in the UK over the past week or 10 days.
But then when you look at the tests that are positive, the percentage of tests that are positive, as the Daily Skeptic did in this headline, Omicron is not surging, Boris.
There's a tonne more testing and infections are already peaking.
Again, the spike is an artefact of mass testing.
The percentage of positive tests for Covid has slightly gone up.
Nowhere near the level that they claim necessitates a panic.
So people have got the cold, they've got the flu, they feel ill.
They think they've got Omicron.
They're all freaking out.
People are wearing masks outside.
I've seen triple masks outside.
In the UK generally, people didn't wear masks outside.
It was like maybe one in 20 people.
Now it's about 25%.
So again, the public is terribly, terribly brainwashed.
But it's the flu.
It's a cold.
My parents are triple jabbed.
Triple jabbed?
They don't listen to me.
But when they got their booster shot, they also got the flu shot in the other arm at the same time.
Imagine that.
Double shots.
So they got the flu shot about two weeks ago.
They come and visit me.
I catch this flu bug, cold bug.
Then they get it, even though they literally had the flu vaccine a few weeks ago, because it works so well.
Keep taking the shots.
We also have a situation where the UK government reacted to this dastardly, deadly Omicron outbreak, which they say killed 12 people who died with it, who probably had like 16 comorbidities and were 84 years old.
12 people.
They reacted to it by telling the public to go out and attend mass gatherings in the form
of massive queues of hundreds and thousands of people outside of football stadiums, outside
of hospitals, outside of vaccine injection centers.
So the government's response to Omicron was not even to tell people to stay home.
It was to tell them to gather in large groups in relatively close proximity so they could
queue up and get the booster shot.
We were told the vaccine, the booster shot, doesn't really fully protect you against Omicron.
And then we were told a few days later the solution to Omicron was to get the booster
shot because that, of course, makes perfect sense.
Meanwhile, Zero Edge reports some good Omicron news.
Symptoms remain extremely mild.
UK cases peaking.
Oh no, don't say that!
With the mainstream media scrambling to keep the fear factor over the Omicron factor pegged to the max.
With much of Europe in the process of locking down.
Oh yeah, Europe's basically freaked out once again.
They've cancelled football matches in Scotland.
They're saying sports teams won't even be able to play in front of spectators.
New lockdowns in Holland, Portugal and all these other countries.
Again, in response to a variant which is no worse than the common cold, according to all the experts in South Africa.
Noting that Omicron has spread like wildfire in London though, which in turn has made the UK the country with the most cases per million people, a DB strategist asked how does this compare to what was seen in the South African province of Gauteng?
And again, if you look at the graph here, It lags behind by about 10 days, but the peak in cases is following the exact same trend line as it did in South Africa, and it's already starting to come down in London, in the UK, as it did in South Africa.
And again, I haven't got Covid, don't worry, I took a test, it's just the flu.
So all the experts, or at least the ones that don't get amplified by the mainstream media, say this is nothing to worry about, it was nothing to worry about in South Africa.
Bill Gates has cancelled his holiday, He's actually still going on holiday.
It's a complete ruse.
It's to terrify Americans into locking down, into wearing masks when they meet their own family members for Christmas dinner, into taking tests before they meet their own family members before Christmas dinner, and then being denied Access to their own relatives' houses before Christmas dinner.
It's all being done to drum up more fear, more division, more discord.
Don't believe any of it.
South Africa, and indeed now the UK in its early stages, has proven that it's alarmist, fear-mongering BS.
Gonna go on to talk about the vaccine itself now.
Because there was a former rep, if I can pull up the article here, it was California Democratic Rep Katie Hill says she's tested positive for Covid at 8 months pregnant despite being fully vaccinated and boosted.
Fully masked.
Fully vaccinated.
Covid positive.
Oh, but we can't say that anymore.
Twitter's new rules, their new terms of service say you can't say on Twitter that the vaccinated can still spread Covid.
How many stories do we have every day of celebrities who are triple vaccinated, COVID positive?
We had Senator Elizabeth Warren the other day, fully masked, triple vaccinated, COVID positive.
Well now, former rep Katie Hill says she has COVID while Eamonn's pregnant, despite being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster.
She made the announcement on Twitter, said she's not suffering from severe symptoms, but again, Should she be allowed to make that announcement on Twitter, given that Twitter's new terms of service literally say that you can't say the vaccinator can still spread COVID?
Maybe she's lying, maybe she's spreading medical misinformation, maybe she's giving out false information from a COVID test, I don't know.
But Twitter says that's not possible, so I guess it's not possible.
We'll be back, Summit.News.
Well one of the Plan B restrictions that they introduced a couple of weeks ago here in the UK based off of
absolutely nothing was of course Covid passports for events such as sporting
events at sports stadiums, nightclubs, music events and other events such as that.
Of course, planning long-term to expand that to other venues if we don't get it defeated, if we don't get it kicked out quickly.
Well, now the French Health Minister has acknowledged that vaccine passports Far from their primary purpose being to stop the spread of the virus, which of course is a complete misnomer because Twitter is wrong.
The vaccinated can and indeed do spread the virus.
He says they're in fact a quote disguised vaccine mandate.
This is the French Minister of Health who has admitted the vaccine passports are a disguised form of mandatory vaccines despite President Macron Claiming vaccine mandates will not be compulsory.
Well, they'll just ruin your life.
They'll crush your livelihood.
They'll eliminate your relationships, your ability to go out and meet other people, even long-term your ability to buy food, as we've seen in New Brunswick in Canada and in Queensland in Australia.
They're now literally giving the power to the supermarkets to ban the unvaccinated from being able to get in and feed themselves.
Very tolerant.
In comments reported by French broadcaster Le Chan Info, Oliver Veran revealed that the primary purpose of the country's Covid pass scheme was to force the unvaccinated to cave in.
He said, quote, the Vax Pass is a disguised form of vaccination obligation, but it's more effective.
And again, in France, they've said they're going to eliminate the option for a negative test.
So the option to provide a negative test proving that you don't have COVID before entering a venue will be eliminated, ensuring therefore that only the vaccinated who can still transmit the virus, catch the virus, will be allowed into the venue.
So if you can literally prove on the spot that you don't have the virus, you're not allowed in.
He says preventing people from going to bars, restaurants, places that receive the public if they're not vaccinated is more effective than fining them 100 euros.
When caught in the street.
In other words, making life miserable for the unvaccinated is the best way of forcing them to get vaccinated.
He admitted it.
Very candid comment.
Meanwhile, airline CEO calls for the unvaccinated idiots to be ostracized from society.
This is the CEO of Ryanair, Michael O'Leary, who, by the way, is a Bilderberg member.
He's part of the club, part of Davos, part of the Global Elite, part of the Great Reset.
He's declared that anyone who remains unvaccinated should be completely cut off from society, including not being allowed to travel, go to the supermarket to get food, or the pharmacy to get medicine.
If you're not vaccinated, you shouldn't be allowed in the hospital, you shouldn't be allowed to fly, you shouldn't be allowed on the London Underground, you shouldn't be allowed in the local supermarket or your pharmacy either.
I guess you could just die!
He says you could sit at home and, you know, get your deliveries of medicines and food.
Oh, how gracious of him!
But you should not, you know, go to work or go on public transport unless you have a vaccine certificate because, I mean, they work so well.
They work so well.
As we know, Twitter told us, Twitter told us, that the vaccinated can't spread the virus even though there's literally countless examples of it on an hour-by-hour basis.
The Japanese government, meanwhile, has taken a very different approach.
It's told its citizens, quote, don't discriminate against the unvaccinated.
Despite numerous major countries making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory, the Japanese government has told its citizens don't discriminate against the unvaxxed.
This was posted on the website for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, where it appealed to employers as well not to discriminate, not to force vaccination on their staff.
The Prime Minister's website also contains a similar statement.
Meanwhile in Austria, they're hiring people the government is about to pay people to quote hunt down vaccine refusers.
The burden for enforcing the fines on unjabbed Austrians, which is By the way, about €4,000 rising to €8,000.
They double it every single time.
They're not going to cart you off to a vaccination gulag to forcibly inject you, but if you don't pay the fines, which no person who earns a reasonable amount of income can possibly pay, they will forcibly cart you off to prison.
So I guess that's fine.
The city of Linz, which is home to 200,000 inhabitants, has a relatively low vaccination rate of 63%.
So now the government there has responded by saying they'll hire an army of inspectors, whose job it will be to check on whether those who do not get vaccinated really pay for it.
And in this job advertisement, it said that one of the requirements would be for these vaccine refuse Nick Hunters to be able to work a lot of overtime.
Let's go to this clip though now, because in Sweden there's a new microchip which conveniently stores your Covid-19 vaccination status.
And I'm sure that this won't be used for the rollout of a complete dystopia, the likes of which would make Orwell roll in his grave.
Let's go to the clip.
Here it is.
There's a new implantable microchip that's so convenient it can store your COVID-19 vaccination data.
In Sweden, increasing numbers of people have implanted microchips with proof of their vaccination into their hands since the nation announced new COVID restrictions.
When scanned, all of a person's information about their vaccination status is shown on a reader or phone.
No, this isn't a promo for a new series of Black Mirror.
It's a very real product created by Swedish company Epicenter.
The clip shows the company's chief distribution officer waving his implanted arm over a smartphone, which then displays his vaccination status.
And if you think Billions of people around the world won't gleefully sign up for this.
Having been suitably terrified at the prospect of some god-awful new threat, then you must have been living under a rock for the past 18 months.
It's not as if any of this is even hidden anymore.
Great reset pioneer and 21st century Doctor Strange love, Klaus Schwab himself, wrote about all this in his own book, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves.
Today's external devices, from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets, will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.
And don't forget, some governments are now giving supermarkets the power to ban the unvaccinated.
No jab, no food.
And maybe in a few years, no microchip, no food.
The leader of UK's implant firm Biotech, Stephen Northam, believes implants are going to be mainstream in the next decade.
Quote, in 10 to 15 years, microchip humans will be an everyday occurrence.
Remember those crazy old-time conspiracy theorists who used to bang on about revelations?
The mark of the beast not being allowed to buy or sell without taking it.
Remember how everyone laughed at their alarmist paranoia for decades on end?
Well, it's not so funny now, is it?
There you have it.
And of course, with the cashless society, which has advanced in no greater place than Sweden, everything increasingly is being done by QR codes.
Maybe if they just disallow your right to use a QR code to use a smartphone to have a bank account, then that will be tied into that as well.
As the cashless society grows, the microchip becomes the only form of payment accepted.
And again, the old-timers were right.
It is literally the mark of the beast.
Meanwhile, Xpro calls for investigation into footballers suffering heart problems, another thing that apparently doesn't exist.
This is former England footballer Matt Letizia who has called for an investigation into the spate of sportsmen and athletes collapsing with sudden heart problems, asserting he's not an anti-vaxxer and just wants more information.
And they wonder!
Every single day I see stories, oh, only 86% of Premier League footballers in the UK have been vaccinated.
There are so many footballers who are not getting vaccinated.
They're so selfish.
Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that every single week now, we see multiple young, fit, healthy athletes, peak physical condition, know what they want to put in the body.
They've made a mistake in putting something in their body there.
But their peak physical condition, their top athletes playing at the top of their game, and yet they're just mysteriously suddenly collapsing everywhere with heart problems, with breathing problems.
Three more in the past week, as we point out in this article.
You see one of them there.
So Letizia has come out and said, quote, it's been very concerning for me watching the sport I love and played for 17 years.
In all that time that I played, I never once saw any footballer lead the pitch because of heart issues.
This is a very rare phenomenon, for it was up until last year.
Now it's very common.
Gee, I wonder why.
We'll be back to submit our news.
I want to get to a couple of final videos here in the last segment, and we have one about the Great Reset, of course.
This has been percolating for about two years now, since the start of the pandemic.
Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, all the top technocrats and globalists repeatedly calling for the Covid-19 panic to be exploited to create the Great Reset.
The media coming back and saying it's a conspiracy theory, it doesn't exist, or it does a kind of exist, but if you say it's a bad thing then suddenly it doesn't exist.
Here is the Great Reset still a conspiracy.
There are new documents that have come out in the past couple of days once again proving that this is very real and the World Economic Forum works hand-in-hand with national governments to make sure they're pushing the consensus for the creation of a Great Reset.
Here's the video.
According to the New York Times, a baseless conspiracy theory.
That proclamation was made after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this.
The pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges.
And on the very same day that the World Economic Forum celebrated the Great Reset as a way to build future resilience to global risks.
And the day before John Kerry said the Great Reset was needed to stop the rise of populism.
So if you suggest the Great Reset is a bad thing, it's a conspiracy theory and doesn't exist.
But if you champion the Great Reset as a good thing, Suddenly it does exist, and it's the best thing ever.
New letters have been made public after a Freedom of Information Act request in the Netherlands.
Sent to members of the Dutch government by the World Economic Forum, inviting them to last year's Davos.
So let us state, the discussions will focus on shaping policies for the post-COVID-19
era under the theme of the Great Reset.
Your contributions to the work of the Great Reset will be especially critical at the annual meeting.
Your participation in the deliberations in Davos could also ensure that the Netherlands takes a large role in shaping the future of the global trading system.
The Forum will work with your staff to ensure that your participation becomes a major force in shaping the Great Reset.
The discussions will focus on shaping policies for the post-COVID-19 era under the theme of the Great Reset.
Your contribution to the work of The Great Reset will be especially critical at the annual meeting.
The Forum will work with your staff to ensure that your participation becomes a major force in shaping The Great Reset.
That's a lot of Great Resets for it to just be, as the New York Times claimed, A baseless conspiracy theory.
As soon as the topic started trending, Twitter panicked and called in the fact-checkers.
Trending in the United Kingdom, the Great Reset.
The Great Reset is a sustainability plan pitched in response to the pandemic by the World Economic Forum.
The plan, designed to reduce inequality, aims to revamp all aspects of global societies and economies, from education, climate policies, to social contracts and working conditions, according to Reuters and BBC.
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Yeah, a few things they missed there.
The very architect of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, has called for risk assessment brain scans before you're allowed to travel, implantable chips that read people's thoughts, minority report style pre-crime programs, and of course the overarching agenda encapsulated by the Great Reset, which is based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favour of a greater centralised technocratic control which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, you owning nothing and being happy about it, the accelerated automation of jobs, and the complete evisceration of civil liberties.
Much of this agenda is discussed in Klaus Schwab's books, one of which is literally called COVID-19 The Great Reset.
But I guess those all just contain baseless conspiracy theories and don't exist either.
Well there you have it and another thing that of course we know doesn't exist is Covid-19 vaccine side effects.
Telegraph reports Covid vaccines linked to disrupted menstrual cycles in young women Norwegian study finds.
This is something that I was being told right at the start last year that this was happening.
Coronavirus vaccines are linked to slightly, slightly, just slightly, disrupted menstrual cycles in young women, especially heavier periods, according to a Norwegian study.
Researchers at Norwegian Institute of Public Health asked 6,000 women aged between 18 and 30 about their menstrual cycles and bleeding patterns.
Before and after receiving a COVID-19 jab, they found that 37.8% reported a disorder with their menstrual cycle.
Hardly small fry numbers, is it?
Another unfortunate side effect of the vaccine is that it kills some people.
Zero Hedge reports death of 26-year-old New Zealand man linked to Pfizer vaccine.
Surely not.
Just when Pfizer and Moderna were pumping out fodder about the Omicron variant alongside obviously optimistic data about the efficacy of their vaccines, which of course now you're going to need 200 of, the word has come out of New Zealand.
Authorities there have linked death of 26-year-old man to the vaccine.
Going to move on though now because I've got one more video I want to come to, which is Twitch actually enforcing their terms of service fairly against streamers on the left, as they've been doing against streamers on the right, as YouTube, Twitter, etc.
have been censoring and banning people on the right for, what, the past six, seven years now.
They finally enforced their own terms of service against left-wing streamers.
This clip talks about it.
Here it is.
Widespread shock as a social media platform actually enforces its own rules against leftists without giving them unfair exemptions.
Amazon-owned Twitch has permanently banned Vouch and given Hasan Piker a one-week suspension for repeatedly using the C-word slur.
Twitch includes the C-word in their harmful slurs or symbols list.
Piker argued that the word was acceptable to use because there's no historical or contemporary oppression against whites.
That is aside from the very contemporary fact that anti-white vitriol is prevalent at every level of society, from corporate media to social media, where Twitter literally hosts spaces called Why Do White People Exist, from Hollywood's enforced diversity to the exaltation of the browning of America and the feverish celebration of the demographic decline of white people.
To the fact that anti-white brainwashing literally riddles the education system in the form of CRT.
That's why everyone's so shocked that Twitch took any action.
Because the only contemporary acceptable form of racism, the kind that in 99% of circumstances won't get you banned off any major platform, is that directed against white people.
Do I think people should be banned from streaming because they said an offensive word?
But I'm not going to defend Piker and Vouch, two people who have repeatedly called for others to be deplatformed, when they get deplatformed.
No, I have zero sympathy.
Just like I didn't care when Navarra Media got banned for about five minutes.
Despite a deluge of cringe conservatives rushing to their defence and helping them get reinstated, they're by coming to the aid of the very same people who lobby for them to be silenced on a regular basis.
Bausch celebrated when Molyneux got banned.
He called for Stephen Crowder to be banned.
Piker also lobbied Jack Dorsey to ban Candice Owens.
And they'll both behave exactly the same whenever they ban me.
I mean, come on, if I so much as even started an account on Twitch, they'd ban me before I was even able to make one broadcast.
Vouch will probably just get reinstated by the end of the week anyway, that's what normally happens.
And I'm sure Piker missing out on a whole week's worth of superchats won't really put much of a dent in his multi-million dollar mansion-buying bank account.
It seems despite both their fanatical vehemence in amplifying regime narratives, to the point where Vouch now literally defends the morality of global CIA interventionism like some kind of Bush-era neocon, the regime is now ready to dispense with them anyway.
Why the need to rely on left-wing live streamers to socially re-engineer the kids when they're now doing it at the high school level anyway?
But again, No sympathy.
If you spend years helping giant corporations establish a power monopoly on who's allowed to engage in free speech, don't come crying to me when those same behemoths you helped empower decide to turn the lights out on you.
Now I'm going to get to a final news story here, because again it's another example of how political correctness isn't just being nice to people, it literally kills This is a story out of the UK.
Great-grandparents of a baby girl murdered by a lesbian couple warned social services, but were told that they were racist and homophobic.
This was a 16-month-old toddler called Star Hobson, who was violently abused by this lesbian couple, one of whom was a gypsy.
They swung her around by the legs, they hit her in the face.
During one social service visit, the kid, the toddler, even walked into a sofa because it was still disorientated from being abused.
Again, being raised by a 20-year-old and a 28-year-old lesbian couple.
Daily Mail reports social workers investigating the couple who killed the baby.
They even declared a referral to them as malicious.
Five different sets of people complained about how this couple was abusing this baby.
The grandparents of the baby specifically complained.
And what did the social services come back with?
Well, they ignored a total of five separate warnings from different people before labelling the great-grandparents who complained homophobic and racist.
Because apparently, if you're lesbians or if you're gypsies, you can just abuse and murder kids and get away with it without any intervention whatsoever.
Meanwhile, we've had stories before where Adoption couples who have got exemplary records but, for example, they support UKIP, they voted for a right-wing party once in their history, literally get the kids snatched away at the first available opportunity despite treating them very well.
Meanwhile, this lesbian couple, because they were gay, because they were gypsies, abuse was ignored, grandparents were called racist.
That's gonna wrap it up, so not news.
*crunch* *crunch*
*crunch* *crunch*
*crunch* *crunch*
*crunch* *crunch*
*magical music* Ho ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
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