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Name: 20211214_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 14, 2021
2575 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as international conflict, Julian Assange, and the International Criminal Consortium. He also talks about the root of global issues like COVID-19 hysteria, lockdowns, war with Russia, and the Great Reset. The speaker claims that globalists are controlling the world's wealth and consolidating it for depopulation through plans such as "the great reset" and "build back better". They mention how various leaders of different countries are being influenced by these globalists who act like a worldwide group of billionaires who release weapons or viruses for political control. The video promotes ResetWars.com, a course that provides critical information to unlock people from the Matrix, and encourages listeners to support Owen Schroer's Super Male Vitality and Brain Force Plus products for natural energy and strength enhancement. Hillary Clinton introduces herself as the instructor of Reset Wars and talks about transformation, consciousness, and Max Planck's quantum physics discovery. The video concludes with a message that if you are receiving this transmission, you are part of the resistance.

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The Reset Wars have begun.
Years of research and work is now available at ResetWars.com.
InfoWars' greatest achievement is now available to the public at ResetWars.com.
The Reset Wars have begun.
If you go to the full show headline on Infowars.com, there's some very important information there.
World War III, question mark.
Biden reveals plan to attack Russia.
Got this right here in my hand.
As Germany blocks Putin's Nord Stream gas pipeline.
Global exclusive, top researchers have identified the secret corporate intelligence agency that launched COVID-19 While commanding the Great Reset to conquer the world.
Meanwhile, humanity is awakening.
Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro have both come out and condemned Big Pharma's bioweapon vaccine saying it's all a power grab and not about protecting us.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you want to fight, you want
to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
While China's arsenal of hypersonic weapons becomes more of an international threat as
China's troops amass on the waters outside of Taiwan and the Atlantic coast of Africa.
Some observers have described a nightmare scenario where President Putin invades Ukraine and also simultaneously President Xi uses force to reunify Taiwan with China.
Is the U.S.
prepared to deal with such a scenario?
The United States is going to take every action that we can take from the point of view of both deterrence and diplomacy to make sure that the Taiwan scenario you just described never happens.
But if the Biden administration can't even wind down the nearly 20 year occupation of Afghanistan without military deaths and abandonment, Wouldn't the real nightmare scenario be an inevitable Biden bungling of world war?
And while corporatic senators make reckless, veiled threats like these... What does military action mean, Senator?
I would not rule out American troops on the ground.
We don't, do you know, we don't rule out first use nuclear action.
It is times like these that the skills of Julian Assange are vital to leveling the playing field for a populace
continuously kept in the dark by the planners of the pandemic, the Great Reset, and the gradual infiltration of
Chinese communism undermining Western civilization.
Including two Reuters employees.
Yeah, two Reuters employees, two young children were wounded.
There were between 18 and 26 people killed altogether.
And releasing this caused widespread outrage.
What was the key element of this that actually caused the outrage, do you think?
I don't know.
I guess people can see the gross disparity in force.
you have guys walking in a relaxed way down the street and then an Apache helicopter sitting
up at a one kilometer firing 30mm cannon shells on everyone looking for any excuse to do so
and killing people, rescuing the wounded and there was two journalists involved who clearly
weren't insurgents because that's their full time job.
Instead, Julian Assange, the 50 year old founder of Wikileaks, faces extradition from Britain
to the United States after the US government government won an appeal in London's High Court, reportedly causing Julian Assange to suffer a stroke.
He didn't hack anybody's computers.
He's a journalist.
He reprinted facts that were deeply embarrassing to our political class, the Democratic National Committee, and to, above all, the foreign policy establishment, which has an awful lot to be embarrassed of.
And for doing that, the New York Times has done things like that for a hundred years, no problem.
Julian Assange does it.
Well, he's been incarcerated for almost a decade since the summer of 2012.
The Biden administration has criminalized telling the truth with this indictment.
And it's even worse than that, actually.
They've criminalized knowing of our classified information.
Why is getting your brother more important than bringing, say, murderers to justice?
People who run our democracies now would like to rule them.
You know, with impunity.
They don't want people to know what's been done in their name.
They want to keep secrets.
They don't want the public to be informed, basically.
I think that's why.
They're making an example out of Julian.
They're saying to people, if you tell the truth about our secrets, if you tell the truth about the security state or anything really, this is what's going to happen to you.
You're going to be locked in a prison for the rest of your life.
Your reputation will be destroyed.
You'll be taken away from your family.
If your brother is extradited to the United States, do you think he'll survive?
If he gets extradited, he will most likely die.
Assange was a weapon of the First Amendment, wrestling the documents that forced transparency from a secretive military and political industrial complex, hiding earth-shattering revelations that affect all of humanity and the future of the Republic.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Tuesday, December 14th.
The year is 2021 as we plunge into the year 2022.
The United States government, hijacked and controlled by the kleptocratic, psychotic globalist, is now laying out battle plans to attack Russia if Russia defends any of its interests in eastern Ukraine.
That is incredible news we're going to be getting to.
Germany has now blocked something that Biden didn't even try to block, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline out of Russia into Western Europe.
Germany has blocked it.
And so you can see war written all over this.
European gas prices at record high as Germany blocks Nord Stream 2.
Ladies and gentlemen, just like our pipelines are being cut off as well, the West is being set up to go bankrupt and collapse.
That is the great reset so they can collapse civilization and build back better.
And that's really our top story today.
Is what's behind the COVID-19 hysteria and the lockdowns and the global IDs?
What's behind war with Russia?
What's behind installing the communist Chinese and letting them take over the world?
What's behind all the pedophilia and all the Hollywood corruption?
What's the fountain of it?
Where does it all come from?
What's the root of it?
And it is the International Criminal Consortium, made up of megabanks, intelligence agencies, and subsidiary corporations, That after World War II, got the different power brokers together of the world through the Bilderberg Group in the 1954 in Oosterbeek, Holland, and what had been the OSS and then CIA created the organization.
We have their corporate minutes that were smuggled out by patriots since the 70s and 80s, who had access to intelligence files in one case, the U.S.
Senators Archivist released this information.
Then I was covering Bilderberg Group in D.C.
when they were meeting in Chantilly in Virginia, outside D.C.
But now, 15 years ago, and another archivist showed up and gave me hundreds of pages of secret documents that investigative journalists then used to blow Bilderberg Group wide open.
And from that point on, ladies and gentlemen, they could not hide it anymore.
So we've tracked the Bilderberg Group to Eastern Europe, and to Turkey, and to Germany, and to the UK, and to Canada, and to the United States.
I've tracked them all over the Western world where they meet, and that's in my film Endgame.
But the reason that this is so incredibly important is that we've now discovered how the networks work and operate right into local government.
And now that they're emerging to not just control the money and wealth of the earth, but to actually destroy everybody else's wealth and consolidate it for depopulation, which was their main goal in more documents that leaked, they are now externalizing the method and the hierarchy and admitting that this is their program.
And you hear their slogans, the Great Reset and Build Back Better.
So whether it's your local school with drag queen story time, or your state government saying we're not worried about having debts anymore, we want to abolish the police, they say we're going to build back better while they destroy everything.
Build back better, whether it's the corrupt leaders of Australia, or New Zealand, or Canada, or Germany, or the UK, or the US, when you hear them say build back better, that'd be like a James Bond movie, or Spectre.
Buys off all the major politicians of the world and releases a virus for political control and power to take over and establish itself as the world government.
You're like, well, that's actually what's happening.
Well, Ian Fleming was in OSS at the highest levels.
He then was the deputy head of the MI6 out of the OSS.
And he wrote more than 15 books on different plans and things that they batted around for their future operations.
That's why there's a global group of billionaires that release a bioweapon to kill everybody on Earth while they're on a space station.
That's why there's movies where they buy up all the water to cut the water supply off to bankrupt third world countries and then take control of them.
That's why they have the latest movie where there's a bioweapon released that's tailored to only kill the person that gets it.
All of that is real stuff that they throw in your face.
So when you think about Spectre and the guy with the cat, that's Klaus Schwab.
Because it was people in his family and other families that act and behave exactly the same that the former deputy head of MI6 knew personally.
Ian Fleming went to Bilderberg group meetings on record.
Came out long after his death.
He was at these.
So Rand Paul and Donald Trump and all these people that could be our leaders won't even address what we're up against.
Won't even address that we're in a war and who they are.
Yes, Trump got us out of the UN to a great extent, UNESCO and the rest of it.
Good job.
Obama put us, Obama 2.0, Biden, I think of him as Obama, it is Obama, put us right back in.
And so if we don't address who they are and how they're operating, we don't have any hope of stopping these people.
So at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to go over the latest developments because a whole bunch of information came together.
And then right as I was already planning to cover this today, actually yesterday, and I got too busy and didn't do it.
Greg Reese sends me his latest report that is on this exact subject on the exact subgroup I was going to hit yesterday.
So the Lord works in mysterious ways.
A lot of times I get up here and I make hours of preparation for the show, and then those are the worst broadcasts sometimes.
Not saying yesterday was a bad show, but I just get so upset by the time I'm on air, looking at it, that I just am unable to cover it.
And that happened yesterday.
I mean, I legitimately just, my brain turns off.
Well, my brain's not turned off today.
It's very focused right now.
So, bottom of the hour, I'm going to play Greg Reese's latest report.
If you scroll down there, you can see it.
Dealing with this.
And I called him this morning and I said, I want you to do a longer report on the whole enchilada.
And he's going to be doing that.
The banking cartel's school for Judas goats.
And I mean, you understand the Bilderberg group trained Gavin Newsom.
The Bilderberg Group trained Kamala Harris.
The Bilderberg Group trained Boris Johnson.
The Bilderberg Group trained Angela Merkel.
The Bilderberg Group trained the new Chancellor of Germany.
On record!
Oh, and guess what?
They trained Leonardo DiCaprio.
And they trained almost all the top Hollywood stars.
Tom Hanks, all of them, spend months a year Not in Davos in Switzerland on a mountaintop, but with these people.
You think Scientologists are a mafia group out there operating?
They're like a grain of sand, if you have a bad, totally bad view of them, compared to these people.
These people are the Himalayan mountains compared to a grain of sand.
This is the real group.
And of course, Rand Paul knows that.
Of course, Ted Cruz knows that.
Of course, they all know that.
They know if you talk about these people, you get destroyed.
That's what they're trying to make an example out of me.
But we're here making it safe for everybody to talk about it.
We're here making it safe for Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan and everybody else.
And it's starting to happen.
And Elon Musk has been signaling again that he's not with this group.
He wants to lead the new elite that's pro-human.
If that's actually the truth, then I'm all behind that.
But I've said to Elon, I'm gonna leave it at that.
Message to Elon that he needs to come out and really show us who he is, and we've seen some dramatic action in the last month.
But I'm not saying he's a savior, but he's come out against these people saying they're dangerous, saying they're mind-controlling us, and saying we shouldn't be forced to take inoculations, and we shouldn't be forced into this world government, and that the governments are devaluing the currencies and consolidating power and waging war against us, and that we've got to come together for a pro-human future and have more children and innovate.
Well, that's what a Tree that's good says, Christ said, you judge a tree by its fruits.
And Elon Musk has 95% good fruit.
The part about brain chips?
Well, he says if you want them, he doesn't want you to have to take them.
So I get his point.
But still, he said, watch out for those that worship AI gods, which is the globalist says they want to kill you.
That's true.
So out of this whole crop of globalists, Elon Musk is the best of them.
Or he's the most sophisticated, and is actually the head of them.
But we'll find out soon enough, won't we?
We are living in the future.
We are living in the year 2021.
Stay with us.
The Reset Wars have begun.
Years of research and work is now available at ResetWars.com.
InfoWars' greatest achievement is now available to the public at ResetWars.com.
The Reset Wars have begun.
If you go to the full show headline on InfoWars.com, there's some very important
information there.
World War III, question mark.
Biden reveals plan to attack Russia.
Got this right here in my hand.
As Germany blocks Putin's Nord Stream gas pipeline.
Global exclusive top researchers have identified the secret corporate intelligence agency that launched COVID-19 while commanding the Great Reset to conquer the world.
Meanwhile, humanity is awakening.
Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro have both come out and condemned Big Pharma's bioweapon vaccine, saying it's all a power grab and not about protecting us.
Ben Shapiro's been pro-vax, pro-COVID-19 BS, but now all of his listeners have turned against him, so he's being forced by the force of will, your will, to be a good person, or to do the right thing.
Elon Musk has not been forced to that position, and early on said he wouldn't take the injection if he was you.
And that it looked like it would attack your immune system, which it does.
So I'm not in a Elon Musk worship fest.
I just, when I see somebody at this level doing the right thing, a lot of what he says irrevocably damages the globalist.
You've got to give it credit.
And Joe hangs out with him all the time.
They're big buddies.
I'm going to leave it at that.
But they go to each other's houses and all the rest of it.
And he tells me Elon is awake.
I mean, it took a lot to get Joe over to being fully awake to the new world order he is now.
And I had dinner with him twice last week.
And he's just completely awake.
I mean, because Joe's as smart as I am or smarter.
That's why he's so good at so many different disciplines.
And now that he isn't naive anymore, now that he sees it, you can't unsee it.
So I'm going to make this announcement right here.
And this is not, again, to thump my chest.
This is not to spike the football.
This is to let you know how much danger I'm in.
And that I really do need your prayer and support now more than ever.
I am seen by the globalists, and I knew this four or five years ago, and I knew even a decade ago that they saw me as the leader of the populist resistance worldwide, because they could track all the different movements around the world, and from Brazil to the UK to Germany to Japan.
I mean, I started to really get their attention when I had the Japanese Vice President on about 9-11 and stuff like that.
And that's why the Kissinger Group tried to hire me and the rest of it.
And the Kissinger Group is, the Bilderberg Group is, Klaus Schwab is, is them.
I mean, it's what they do.
They recruit their opposition.
I said no.
And they basically said, so you choose the way of pain.
And I... It doesn't sound funny to me to be owned by these people and be part of this evil agenda and then pretend I'm an elitist and then go to these conferences with them and be part of their evil.
What, because I won't get prosecuted because I can have sex with hookers all day or screw little kids?
No thank you.
But let me just as a testament to our 28 years of fighting together, many of you have been listening over 25 years, I am seen as the leader.
And that's why they're after us.
And whereas you're humble, and I'm humble, and we don't think of ourselves in that type of light, you don't think of yourself as the tip of the spear, you are.
And just your support of this broadcast alone, and everything else you do.
And they see American opposition to the New World Order as their only opposition around the world.
As bad as America is, that old Bill of Rights and Constitution are old Americans' sensibilities.
We're the freest country in the world of an industrialized nation from the COVID BS.
We have the best defenses against the Great Reset.
And out of that resistance, this little ship is the flagship.
This ragtag operation is the best we've got to offer.
But it's true, it's populist, and it has God on its side.
And that's why this David is winning battles against the Goliath.
But that's why we need your prayer and your support.
That's why we need to thank the local stations that pick up the show.
You do, in my view.
And we have to thank God for the position we've been put in.
I'm very honored to be here.
I'm very honored to be persecuted.
It's not fun.
And God always keeps us right on the edge to keep us humble, but then always provides the last minute like the widows might.
But I just knew this morning I had to come in here and tell you this.
I've known this for a while, but I think we have to recognize it and know it.
The globalists have seen inflow wars.
I'm just a focal point of that.
This is a whole family.
You're not just the outside of it, you're the heart of it.
You're the guts of it, the blood of it, the brains of it, the eyes of it, the will of it.
You are the progenitor power of it to wake up more people.
So, you want to use that analogy, you are the genitals of it.
You are the entire thing.
You understand that?
You are it.
You are it.
And they know.
And they fear this community we have, ladies and gentlemen.
They fear the power we have as their evil tries to take over.
They know we're their opposition.
They know of old we'd be challenging them.
And we're here.
And so, we've been put in this position as the leaders of the resistance.
And I am seen as the leader, worldwide, of the populist resistance to their takeover.
In my whole life, I couldn't imagine that, that I'd be in the position of the evil one, this fallen entity, seeing Alex Jones as the tip of the spear and as the archetypal example of the humans it wants to kill, steal, and destroy.
And that's all God working through me and you supporting us and God working through you.
But let's not lie about this.
Let's not because it needs to be said.
It would be a lie if I continued in the name of humbleness to not tell you what I've known for years.
And I think a lot of you already recognize that.
People recognize that everywhere.
But we're together.
And being on top of the spear means I'm not stupid.
I know there's very low chances I'm going to make it out of this.
That's okay.
I'd die a thousand times to be here with you right now and what we're going into is they literally inject our children with a system that turns off their white blood cells and gives them the equivalent of AIDS.
I mean, of course we better stand up against these people.
Of course we better resist with everything we've got.
What type of family do we come from?
Would your grandparents appreciate you not fighting back?
Would your great-grandparents?
Would your parents?
This is our chance to do the right thing, our chance to shine in front of God and country and the world.
So I'm going to come back into the globalists and who our enemy is and what we're up against and what their plan is and how to stop them.
But I think it's most important for all of you, you could be living in Africa, you could be living in South America, you could be living in Japan or Russia or the United States or anywhere, Mexico.
If you love justice and freedom and you see through this and you know what's going on, we are all interconnected spiritually.
We are brothers and sisters forever.
And we are all part of this body of humanity that wants a future and loves our children, and are not going to bow to the satanic system that's making its move, that it's prepared for hundreds of years.
Really thousands, but hundreds they've been preparing this same group out of the British Empire.
It's not the British people, it's the folks that run the British Empire.
And now they're making their big move In the year 2020, 2021, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
And they believe, they say, that at least 80 to 90% of us, they give different numbers, will be dead within eight years.
Well, I've got a prediction to make.
And I don't even care about killing these people.
I just want them to get out of our way.
I'm not going to launch any attacks on them offensively.
But I've got a prediction to be made that in 2030, their New World Order is basically gone and wiped out and collapsed, and that they're going to be the ones that aren't going to be on this planet.
So, they've attacked us, they've started the war, we've tried to get out of it, but they're not going to let us.
The Bible is now being fulfilled, ladies and gentlemen.
You are living in the beginning of the end times.
Satan gets his hour of power, and then it's over.
So, here we are at the final twilight Days of 2021 plunging in 2022, the year where the globalists are really going to sink their teeth into us and set up the permanent lockdowns, the forced inoculations, the martial law.
It's all being announced across the world by the same group.
So doesn't everybody ask, why does the leader of the UK, the leader of Australia, the leader of the US, the leader of Germany, the leader of France, the leader of New Zealand, the leaders of more than 100 countries, All get up in lockstep and say, the Great Reset.
Build back better.
We need carbon taxes.
We need carbon lockdowns.
We need the same phone apps run by the UN and the Davos Group to tell us where we can go, what we do.
We need carbon taxes.
We need social credit score.
We need drag queen story time from Perth, Australia to New York City, New York.
It's all this group.
If you watch the Davos Group, And you read their writings, Klaus Schwab gets up and says, we must teach the children to be gay, so they do not have anymore children.
They say it all.
It's not that I hate somebody that's, quote, gay.
I'm trying to explain to people that they're pushing this for depopulation.
Everything they do is about control, from electric cars to the windmills.
It's not about energy and a future.
It's about sabotaging the industrial world and ending it in their own words.
You're not going to elect them and get free health care and free tuition and free everything.
You get nothing once they get control.
And now you see Biden's come out and says, oh, I promised everybody all these free student loans and everything.
Sorry, you don't get that.
Of course, that was all coming.
So here's a cover of a magazine.
Hard to believe this is eight, nine years ago, this is nine years ago, 2013.
And who is it?
It's Eric Schmidt of Google as the Mater D, or the butler, serving the planet up on a silver platter to Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, Vernon Jordan, and a bunch of other Bilderberg Group members.
Elite plan global takeover.
Welcome to Bilderberg.
And then we predict they're going to use a virus to take control of the planet.
Because we got their internal documents.
Might have been some important information.
People ask, how do I know all this stuff?
I didn't print up a million of these and hand them out for free in a bunch of major cities like Austin and D.C.
and spend that money I had that I could have, you know, put in my children's fund or whatever.
I didn't do that because I was playing tiddlywinks.
I did it because I knew it was coming.
These people aren't playing games.
Here's another headline.
Rand Paul warns COVID mandates are about conditioning the American individual to submit to government.
Top Catholic cardinal, head of the Vatican court.
Came out in an incredible interview and said it's a world government that's planning to make us all slaves with global IDs and the mark of the beast and it's all run by Klaus Schwab and it controls much of the Vatican.
I mean, you talk about we want to see insiders go public.
This guy is the most powerful cardinal in Europe, the head cardinal in Germany, and the head of the Vatican court.
And everything he says is word to word what I say.
Not because he's following what I say, because it's true.
And this guy might be a little bit worried about his immortal soul.
Because if you don't stand up against this, I mean, you are signed up with the old devil.
We're gonna come play some of that next segment.
Senior Cardinal warns elites ushering in total control surveillance state through COVID.
Gotta read the article on InfoWars.com.
Gotta read the transcript.
Gotta see the video.
It's in German.
There's another one from Mises Institute.
Raiding the World Bank.
Exposing a fondness for dictators.
And it goes into how they want dictatorship in their own words.
And who is the IMF and World Bank?
The private banking families.
Less than 10 families.
And they don't like you running around on the earth.
They don't like you.
They want you off the earth.
They think they own it through fraud.
California, the story yesterday, tells the public in official letters, we won't tell you where 300 billion dollars are.
This is why they're so arrogant.
This is why they're so criminal.
And now they're going to give you shots that erase your immune system where you die from a common cold.
Then they tell you, oh, the unvaccinated got you sick.
The Communist Chinese head spokesperson said, the era in which the U.S.
acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy, human rights is over, citing The police state citing what the CIA has done.
But the globalists did this on purpose to maneuver us into this position.
IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system.
That's going to be their next big move.
China banking assets at 52 trillion, growing by 40 trillion since 2008.
This is what hyper MMT looks like.
I'll explain that when we come back.
But if you want to understand how this group controls people, look right here.
Chris Cuomo and his head producer arrested for training little girls how to be sex operatives to serve the quote elite.
That's what this is.
He was sex training with their mothers.
He was just a Jeffrey Epstein mini-me.
You don't even get in this club as I've told you, unless you're a part of this.
And they've all got that look on their eyes.
If you look really close, those eyes look scared, don't they?
Because they know they signed on and they're scared.
They signed on to evil and lost everything in their lives.
And now they're slaves.
Now they've got to go out and commit all these horrible crimes against humanity, like knowingly killing 20 plus thousand people and locking their families out so they couldn't see them in New York nursing homes, so $53,000 could be cut up amongst Cuomo and his family.
and the globalists. They all followed orders of Klaus Schwab to do it.
They did it all over the world, but why are they being burned?
I'll talk more about that coming up.
It's an example to their minions that if they don't follow orders,
this is what's going to happen.
They don't let people get into positions of power at that level
in those blue states unless they are beyond evil.
If you look at the new governor, not just her evil actions, not just all her police state actions, not just her new
lockdowns and trying to keep people from being able to see their
families and nursing homes and all the rest of it.
We're saying that she's Jesus and you're her disciples.
You just look at her and you go, that's an evil damn woman right there.
It's like you look at Brian Stelter and you go, that's an evil son of a bitch.
Now we've got a longer segment, the longest segment of the hour is coming up.
I'm going to come back and get into, though, victory.
Because I can talk about how they operate and how they work all day, but I mean, it's a fact That until about 14 years ago, really 12 years ago, the media, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, they would get up on television and in the newspaper and say, there is no Bilderberg Group.
It doesn't exist.
Alex Jones and Jim Tucker are insane.
And Daniel Estilin are insane.
New York Times article saying Jones was in Virginia at the Chantilly Hotel complex, believing there was a meeting, and just imagining men in suits and dark glasses and earpieces.
Have it all on videos, Bilderberg, they were there.
Caught the King of Spain coming in, all of it.
Got 35mm photos of it all here, you're looking at it right here.
We got photos in Europe, we got photos in the US, in Canada, we've been everywhere.
We even got photos of their name tags!
These are photos we got that you're seeing on TV screen right now.
There's the Queen of the Netherlands.
Those are photos we took.
That's photos from our film.
Took that at, one of my crew took that at 250 yards of long lens.
Wolftonson, former head of the World Bank.
And the list goes on and on and on and on.
And imagine the media being so evil, they tell you this group doesn't even exist.
Well, I'm going to explain to you when we come back how they run their minions, how they control their operations, who their alumni are, and how we stop them.
We're going to break, come back with that.
Please don't forget.
Their operation is the Great Reset.
Our operation to respond is Reset Wars.
We're going to truly reset ourselves to defeat their false reset, and we break down the secrets they don't want you to know.
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They're the clowns.
All right, let me do this.
Let me cut right to the chase.
Hiding in plain view, and I've known this.
We've written articles about it.
I've made films about it.
I've explained it.
But it's hiding in plain view, and I forget that stuff we covered 20 years ago, or 10 years ago, or 5 years ago needs to be covered again.
Especially since the Bilderberg Group, and that's the main consortium, has launched its attack through its public spokesperson arm, the Dabos Group, that it uses to recruit sub-puppet organizations that it controls.
The best description of it is a private, corporate, combine, That uses governmental intelligence agency warfare tactics of infiltration, espionage, sex ops, you name it, for control.
And that's what Jeffrey Epstein was a part of, with thousands of girls at a time, underage, corrupting men.
How do you take over a whole society?
How do people go against their own best interest?
You set them up and you blackmail them.
That's why most of the girls Epstein got weren't 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old.
They were 15 but looked like they were 20.
So they could set these men up and blackmail them and control them.
That's how they get control of the blue cities.
So when you see a blue city, that's an area they've gotten control of.
And now you look at Europe and you look at much of Africa and Asia and Latin America.
It's all been taken over by them.
And their party is the Build Back Better Great Reset Party.
And they tell you, we're with the Build Back Better.
We're with the Great Reset.
And they tell you, everything's about to be free.
Your health care, your tuition, your transportation, your home.
Yeah, because you're going to be starving to death.
You're going to have nothing.
You're going to be free to sleep on the street until you get a disease and die.
Well, they're going to Build Back Better, alright.
And people don't ask, where's this Build Back Better come from?
Where's The Republican leadership, who I think Ted Cruz is a good person, I know Rand Paul is a good person, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, they all seem like good men.
Devin Nunes is going to work for Trump, running his social network.
Jim Jordan, okay guys, can we even say the name of the team we're fighting?
Can we even talk about who's running all this?
Can we even discuss them?
But again, It's like when Fiona Hill, who brought in all the globalists into Trump's administration, we exposed her in 2017, all hell broke loose, all the lawsuits started, all the attacks, because we were exposing their takeover, and they were trying to derail what Trump did, and they successfully did it.
We almost beat them, just because we actually researched.
We're not heroes.
We don't want to be slaves.
And she came out and said, Alex Jones to Congress.
She said, Alex Jones lied.
I don't know what a globalist is.
And she goes, I'm not a socialist.
I'm not even a liberal.
Fiona Hill was the head of George Soros' foundation for nine years.
Not just on the board, she headed it up.
Fiona Hill is the chief writer at TheGlobalist.com.
So again, that's like saying the Dallas Cowboys don't have a silver baby blue helmet with a navy blue star.
The Cowboys aren't based in Dallas either.
and Texas, hidden base in Texas. The level of lies is just stratospheric. So I've been on air 28 years
and I got woken up by General Benton K. Parton, former head of Air Force Weapons Development,
who ran the secret space program, HAARP and everything else.
I think he's a pretty good source. And Ted Gunderson, who was tapped to be the FBI
director, but he was too conservative.
Former head of the LA division of the FBI.
Good guy.
Great guy.
And I'll tell you, when I was 20 years old and heard him talking like this at events I went and saw him speak at, right as I was getting on air, but he helped get me on air by encouraging me, I thought, this guy really seems crazy.
But a lot of what he's telling me, my family's told me, and I've read in history books, so I know a lot of what he's saying is true, and I can't disprove any of it.
And now, decades later, every damn thing he told me was true.
He was dead-on a real American.
So let me tell you something.
I am so blessed, and it was God doing this, that I grew up with an uncle who'd been an Iran-Contra.
And that they tried to recruit my dad and their whole eugenics operation.
He got recruited for a while but got out of it.
And then I got to run into General Partin and all those people.
And I got to learn from the best patriots in America how things were really operating and what was really going on.
And now here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and it is a global private corporate crime syndicate.
Oh my gosh, I didn't go to the Gregory's Report yet.
I think there's still time.
Go to the Gregory's Report on this.
this heritage.
Like millions of us must be feeling worldwide, economist Ernest Wolff believes a hidden alliance
of political and corporate leaders are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of crashing
their economies and making way for a global digital currency.
Wolff has been researching the history of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and has found a very fundamental piece of their criminal puzzle.
The Young Global Leader School, established and managed by Klaus Schwab.
The World Economic Forum, originally called the European Management Forum, brought together 31 nations at its very first meeting in 1971.
And is currently funded by a thousand multinational corporations.
Klaus Schwab hadn't really accomplished much in economics.
His father made weapons for the Nazis, and he trained under Henry Kissinger at the Harvard Business School, which is where he was likely tapped to be the face of the World Economic Forum.
In 1992, Schwab established the Global Leaders for Tomorrow School, which was re-established as the Young Global Leaders in 2004.
Attendees must officially apply for admission and be selected.
Alumni of the school's very first class include Angela Merkel, Nicholas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair.
Other attendees include Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.
So long as there's people who are eligible who haven't been vaccinated, we've got work to do.
You know, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied so long as there's someone who is eligible and hasn't been.
And that's why I've said this, there's not going to be an end point to this vaccination program.
President of France, Emmanuel Macron.
Governor of California Gavin Newsom.
That's why we recognize our responsibility to do more and that's what we are announcing here today.
A statewide requirement for in-person instruction for all of our children to add to a well-established list That currently includes 10 vaccinations and well-established rules and regulations that have been advanced by the legislature for decades to add to that list the vaccination.
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.
Other attendees of the young global leaders include Virgin's Richard Branson, the Clinton Foundation's Chelsea Clinton, and Black Rock's Larry Fink.
Approximately 1,300 global leaders have attended this school from North America, Asia, Africa, and South America.
Most of whom are all pushing the same criminal hoax, the lockdowns, and the deadly experimental jabs.
These are the foot soldiers bringing about the angry world that Klaus Schwab talked about.
I don't know how it will play out in November, but what we know is that we will end up with many more unemployed, and particularly also people in the grey economy, which are not counted for, who lose their jobs.
So we will see Definitely a lot of anger already now, but probably increase by the end of the year.
Because this crisis will be with us until we really have found a remedy.
So we have to prepare for a more angry world.
So that his masters can bring about their one world government system.
And in 2012, Klaus Schwab began the Global Shapers Community, which has groomed an army of 10,000 young people to be the next group of saboteurs around the world, currently holding meetings in 400 cities worldwide.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
And again, that's the British Royal Round Table Group model that became our CFR.
This is another model of it out of the Bilderberg Group.
This is the most powerful elite group of them.
And you can see all the master criminals they've got in place.
They also train and control the major pedophile rings, all of it.
And they're now saying unlimited shots forever.
You'll never be properly vaccinated until you're dead.
They are a eugenicist death cult.
They are the people that the Nazis wish they were.
After decades of intense research, Our quest to discover the key to breaking the globalist bonds is now live.
The Reset Wars have begun.
Start your journey at ResetWars.com today.
Ladies and gentlemen, Reset Wars is now live.
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Mind Wars, Spirit Wars now.
Game-changing, most powerful info I've ever released.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very, very special guest that's going to be joining us coming up in the next segment to deal with COVID-19 and everything that has been unfolding since then.
But I wanted to spend a few minutes here in this segment speaking to you about what I'm going to cover in the third hour today.
And that deals with the January 6th committee and what's happening there and how they're trying to act like Republican Congress people sending text messages to Trump saying, ask the people to stop attacking the building.
CNN, ABC News, NBC News, they're all saying this is proof that Trump ordered an attack on the Capitol.
No, most people were following him on Twitter.
He had 80 million plus Twitter followers.
And so people were telling him once it started, he was speaking when it started.
It was going on for an hour while he spoke.
They started it right while he was speaking, so they could claim, they had provocateurs there we now know, that he didn't try to help.
As soon as he gets off, drives to the White House, a few minutes away, he's getting the phone calls, and he then put out tweets saying, be peaceful, leave the building, don't be there.
But they're acting like because His son Don Jr.
and a bunch of Republican congressmen and others were telling his chief of staff, hey, tell the president, tell people, get out of the building.
This is really going to hurt everything we've done.
We want a 10-day investigation by the Senate.
We had the votes.
This is horrible!
Which again, ladies and gentlemen, is the motive.
You don't have a motive when you're about to have a 10-day investigation by the Senate to go attack the Capitol and make yourself look bad.
So they're trying to spin this right now.
They're trying to spin all of this right now as if it's proof.
So that's what they do with every piece of information they get.
Oh my gosh, there's text messages on Mark Meadows, the chief of staff's phone that they got, that he gave them, where the Republicans are trying to stop everything.
And then they turn that around and act like, oh, see, it's proof that Trump was in command, because why would you ask him to stop it if he wasn't in command?
That's ridiculous.
It's like calling the fire department to come put a fire out.
They didn't start the fire, but you call the fire department.
Who had a better chance to electronically tell the 600 people out of a million that were foolish enough to go inside to turn back?
Only Donald Trump had that megaphone.
And it took him 30 minutes From the time he was asked to do it.
He definitely wanted to watch it.
Wanted to know what was happening.
A little bit of a slow response.
I'll give you that.
But that's it.
Obviously he wouldn't blow his feet off.
Obviously he wouldn't want this.
This destroyed Trump at that level.
It totally hurt him.
So I'll be talking about that some more.
Because I've gotten these subpoenas.
Not subpoena.
It's three subpoenas now.
From the House Committee on Un-American Activities Part 2.
I know that whatever I turn over, I turn stuff over to them, will be twisted and misrepresented.
Now, I got there and within five minutes of me being there and seeing flashbangs and attacks and smoke and people climbing on the Capitol and going in, I was on top of a big pallet of chairs that hadn't been unfolded yet.
I was up on a big pallet, the highest place I could find, saying, get down, stop, come down.
And that was the five minutes it took me to get through the crowd of hundreds of thousands, up closer to the Capitol, And then our guys are trying to get cell service going.
What's going on?
Well, they say they breached the Capitol.
That might... Get off!
Get out of there!
Don't do it!
Don't be part of this!
NPR is running pieces.
So is the New York Times saying that I was cowardly there, commanding people to break in.
They're still doing that, despite the video, because they don't care, because they're criminal organizations working with the Great Reset and Klaus Schwab to bring down this country.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special surprise guest coming up next segment.
You'll definitely want to stay with us.
We'll be right back in full wars dot com.
Well, I really appreciate our next guest because out of the hundreds of amazing doctors
and scientists that we've interviewed, she is right up there in the top three or so,
probably number one, and she's so prodigiously successful at waking people up and traveling around
and doing interviews on top of the hard work she does.
Dr. Lee Merritt, I'm not gonna go over her whole medical doctor background,
but we really appreciate her coming on the broadcast today to go over what's happening,
themedicalrebel.com, and there are so many big developments, obviously.
Biden officials warn COVID explosion imminent.
That's the same PR by the Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, around the world.
New lockdowns coming in January, I'm told, by my FEMA and military connections.
COVID is a deadly pandemic.
It killed science, logic, evidence, space medicine, and common sense, says Dr. Eli David.
WHO warns of COVID tsunami before Christmas.
California brings back statewide mask mandate in all indoor spaces after COVID cases skyrocket.
Or is it really cases of people that have had the shot that are sick?
We now know that.
You're safe if you have the shot.
We'll need to get COVID-19 vaccine boosters forever.
That's in the Globe and Mail, and that's in CNN, and that's in Today.com, NBC, it's just everywhere.
Now it's forever!
The worst part of the first 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
Aussie Prime Minister compares the vaccinated to sheep?
Calls them good sheep.
Elon Musk says, I am against forcing people to be vaccinated.
Not something we should do in America.
Infowars has the article.
Elon Musk, person of the year, radicalized by lockdowns.
Maybe somebody else.
Reports, FDA accused of colluding with USPS to stop and destroy packages of ivermectin mailed to patients.
That's now confirmed.
Criminal beyond Nuremberg crimes.
Unvaccinated people shouldn't reproduce, declares Winterfest announcer.
Build Back Better, a game changer for early childhood education.
Got some news on that.
UK government refuses to reveal details about first Omicron death.
It goes on and on and on.
But Dr. Leigh Merritt joins us to cover a host of issues.
She's going to give us a preview of those and then dive right into them.
Doctor, thank you so much for coming back with us.
Thanks for having me.
It's probably been six months since you were on, seems like a million years so much has happened, but also five seconds ago at the same time.
Where do you want to start first?
I don't know.
We're living in such a theater of the absurd.
It's a target-rich environment, you know?
I mean, you know, your point about ivermectin.
Keep in mind, the FDA has told the Postal Service to interdict ivermectin at the border, destroy the packages.
This is a drug that the WHO has on its list of most essential drugs.
Are you kidding me?
And it's clearly one of the largest studies or the largest study I think was just published from Brazil, 220,000 adults and it decreased, ivermectin decreased the risk of going down with this by I think death and going to hospital by 50%.
So it just goes on and on.
I mean there's lots of people that don't think there's peer-reviewed studies, there's peer-reviewed studies, there's unpeer-reviewed studies.
It's everywhere.
I wish the USPS would try to stop the fentanyl killing millions of people, but I guess they're not going to do that.
A totally safe drug, they're not going to let evil Americans order that from outside countries, even if a doctor prescribes it.
And I told somebody jokingly, but it's actually kind of true because they can't get it anywhere else.
It's hard to order it from overseas pharmacies.
I've been contacted by one of them and they said all of their packages have been stopped.
They can't bring them in.
So this is confirmed multiple ways.
But, you know, we think of mules bringing cocaine across the border.
Now you can bring ivermectin and probably make a fortune.
Isn't that sad?
That is.
I mean, that's a great example, Doc.
And please continue.
Well, I was going to say, it doesn't stop here.
I was just speaking in Ohio.
In the great state of Ohio, doctors cannot prescribe azithromycin and doxycycline without worrying about somebody looking at their license.
So they don't give more than one or two days for people.
I said to a doctor there, I said, Are you telling me we can't treat acne anymore with doxycycline or azithromycin for a sinus infection?
Are you kidding me?
And that's where they've gone.
So it isn't about the drug.
It's about they don't want us to save people, apparently.
I can't come up with another reason.
Why would you prohibit drugs that we've used literally for 60 years?
Because suddenly they've been shown to be useful for this.
Well, that's right.
I mean, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates said they want to depopulate us.
And it doesn't matter what all the science shows.
It doesn't matter what the facts show.
This is about these corporations, through big tech and through the media and through agencies of government, having total control.
So, Doc, slow down and repeat that.
That's big news.
And I know I've seen that in the news, confirming what you're saying, that some areas of the United States are now trying to block basic antibiotics for people that have lung infections.
I mean, this is beyond criminal.
Right, and in Ohio it was azithromycin and doxycycline.
Now, we've used doxycycline for a lot of things, so it's a very safe drug and it's been used for, like dermatology used it.
I took it multiple times for acne rosacea in my life.
Come on, this isn't controversial, but There's a hold on it.
Now, I will say this for people out there going to pharmacies.
This is the reason to use independent pharmacies.
The good news about independent pharmacies, where the government's not getting too involved, they still will give out ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and these things, but you go to one of the chains and they've been told from on high not to prescribe it, even in states like mine, where I practice, where there's no prohibition on using ivermectin.
So, time to support your local pharmacies.
That's a big deal right now.
And again, it's Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and the U.N.
Whenever medical doctors or U.S.
Senators, who are medical doctors like Rand Paul, try to give a speech about natural immunity being 27 times better than this Pfizer shot, they censor him on Google and YouTube and the Senate just puts up with that.
I mean, imagine the level of this control of telling doctors what they can prescribe and telling Senators what they can say.
Yeah, I mean the censorship isn't science and so we need to realize that.
I've started reading more about the Tavistock than about medicine these days because what we're dealing with is a huge mass mind control propaganda outbreak.
We're not really dealing with a viral outbreak.
It's taking us down.
We've been under the impression that we could speak freely about medicine for a long time but it turns out it hasn't been true for a long time.
The notion I'll just point out that one of the couple things got us here.
One was Obamacare which made it so difficult for private physicians to act You know as independent physicians that because of all the regulation that they sold out to hospitals.
So now when it was 70 and before that 70 some percent of doctors were independent.
Now they all work for hospitals and the hospitals are controlled.
But the other thing that we've been victim of is this idea that the only thing to listen to we've taught all the new new medical students and everybody.
The only thing we can listen to is a 30 year double blind peer reviewed study.
You know, peer review is the Politburo attached to medicine and science.
You have three or five people on the top of some journal.
I have my own experience with this in my profession.
And they decide whether or not something gets published or not.
Now, admittedly, there should be some kind of screening for some quality of, you know, language or whatever.
But when you have a few people that decides on the basis of, for example, I had at one time I had a publication that was submitted and the response I got from one of the reviewers was, Everyone knows you can't do this.
It was about a surgical procedure, but I thought that was a funny review after I spent a lot of time and money and energy putting together a very quality paper.
Everyone knows you can't do this.
If you don't follow the narrative, then the peer reviewers don't publish.
And the narrative can be controlled by funding the peer reviewers.
That's pretty easy.
You know, look at what Pfizer, you've probably seen that video, that all these news reports funded by Pfizer, you know, brought to you by Pfizer.
It's just on and on.
That's a total conflict of interest on its face, but they just ignore that.
Now, Dr. Merritt, stay there.
We're going to come back in the next segment.
And speaking of them manipulating reviews and studies, We now know that Pfizer did indeed do that, and they tried to block, and now they want 75 years until it gets released.
But the first group of that, or tranche, came out, and it was confirming everything you and others warned about over a year ago.
We'll be right back with Dr. Lee Merritt.
Stay with us.
All right, Dr. Lee Merritt is our guest here, and I really appreciate you coming on the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, December 14th broadcast.
And it reminded me of why I think she's one of the most articulate, best people we've got out there fighting this tyranny is, she goes to the big picture.
And I wanted to get the nuts and bolts of where we are and what's coming next and Omicron and the rest of it.
But you talked about Tavistock Institute, for those who don't know, MI6 connected behavioral psychology outfit, and the fact that they admit they hired militaries around the world with the Tavistock Institute to engage in fear mongering and even use terms like brainwashing.
This isn't our opinion.
This is MKUltra stuff on the mass scale.
And so you're a medical doctor.
Speaking about that, what is the big picture?
And is it the way to beat this, not to argue every point of their lies and every new variant, but to argue the fact of they're using this for their global government takeover, the Build Back Better Great Reset?
I think so.
You can get down in the weeds and get lost.
And I think the point here is, I mean, just looking at these variants, the guy without being prejudiced and confused by an inadequate medical or scientific education that we were all given, you just look at this and you say, Is this really crazy?
I mean, come on, can they make up?
This sounds like a made-up story.
We've got all these countries that are highly vaccinated, that are having the highest rate of outbreak.
On the other hand, the lowest countries, like they come out with a news story saying, South Africa, surprisingly low number of cases, even though they only have 6% of people vaccinated or something like that.
I mean, The average guy would make the conclusion that if more vaccination means more disease, then maybe we should stop vaccinating.
That the vaccine may be causing the disease.
But no, we have to come out with variants.
I mean, it's just too obvious.
You can't make this stuff up.
They've thought this out.
I will tell you the other thing I looked at.
I looked at the 1918 history of the pandemic back then.
And you know, there were really four things that happened then, and most people don't realize this.
I was never taught this in medical school, that they could not prove transmission of influenza.
You know, we've had all this stuff come out now that just makes it, you realize that there's, I'm not saying there's nothing there.
There's something that's killing people, but there is a huge psychological operation that's driving a kind of overlay over that.
And even when you look at what's killing people, we don't know a lot about it.
We've been told not to do autopsies.
There are very few autopsies out there.
I pulled all the autopsies I could find since last year, and there were 74 from around the world of COVID deaths.
And you know, they're telling us we have a horrible virus that's giving us this viral pneumonia and we're dying, right?
Guess what the one diagnosis is I didn't find in any of those autopsies?
Viral pneumonia!
You would think it would be there.
No, but the one thing that is there is microvascular clotting in everyone.
So something is happening.
We've been prohibited from scientifically evaluating it.
We've been prohibited from treating it correctly.
We've been censored.
I mean, does that sound like a nation or a medical system that really wants to help us figure this out and treat people?
Oh, I should have meant they're killing people with protocols that they don't change in the ICU.
That's right.
They know sending sick people to nursing homes kills.
They know putting people on intubators and not giving them any type of treatment kills them.
And they still are doing it now as we prepare to enter year three.
And listen to what Michael Yeadon just said about the midazolam.
In his mind, the midazolam, and I can't check all the things he has at his... But it's on record it makes you where you can't breathe.
It's an assisted suicide drug.
Right, the midazolam, and his point was they stockpiled it before 2020 and then they strategically released it and started using it at a time to boost the death numbers.
That's right, this is a giant, so what you're getting at is it's what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates want, depopulation.
And this is their rollout.
The murder of Western medicine, the murder of logic, the murder of free speech, getting all their millions in place, purging the military and police and hospitals of people that will ask questions before they roll out something far deadlier.
That's, if I war game it, that's the main scenario I see, doctor.
It's fear that's driving people to do things they would not do in a normal situation.
I mean, look, most people would have researched this vaccine that was experimental.
When the word experimental came out, it should have been a red flag.
Oh, maybe I should wait and not be the first person on the block to get this.
But that isn't what happened.
People that I respect that are smart, intelligent people that would have looked at Carfax before buying a used car, ran out and got a vaccine that's never been, with a new technology, never really made it through animal testing, completely unknown elements in the vaccine, even your doctors don't know what's in it because they don't have to tell us under emergency use authorization, and they went out and got this.
And here's the point that I've been making to people about this vaccine.
What we call a vaccine.
I shouldn't even use that term because a vaccine by law, by technical terms, is supposed to decrease transmission.
Okay, they've agreed this doesn't need to decrease transmission.
It just may, in the EUA, it may decrease symptoms a bit.
Well, that's a therapeutic agent.
That's not able to be mandated in any real, I mean, that would be like mandating a blood pressure medicine rather than another one.
You can't do that.
And so they've mislabeled things.
They've lied to us about these things.
And at the end of time, people went out and they were so afraid by all the confusion and the isolation, everything happening, that they took this vaccine without really knowing much about it.
And now we have numbers coming out that, as some of us predicted, are not good numbers.
Well, that's what I was about to say.
We're having massive more numbers of deaths.
The hospitals this year are actually full.
They weren't last year.
And they admit in the German and British news, they don't even hide it, that you're twice as likely to be in the hospital or die if you've had the shot.
And their answer is more shots, even though they don't protect you.
I mean, this is crazy.
It's again, you know, if people weren't afraid, I think they would look at this more realistically.
But they're being afraid.
And part of it is, of course, the nonstop propaganda on television that doesn't tell you and the mainstream media that doesn't tell you the truth about this.
So is it this really an IQ test?
The globalists claim they want to get rid of dumb people.
I don't agree with doing that.
But this really is Darwin Awards here.
Well, some of the smartest people I know ran out and got this.
I mean, it's hard to believe, but they- Sure understand, they go under Stockholm Syndrome.
Plus, the children don't deserve this.
The children don't deserve it.
Yeah, and that's the point about the Tavistock Institute and Mass Mind Control.
This is a scientific study.
They know how to do this.
They know how to push our buttons and make normal people not be acting normally.
I really think that's a major component here.
The other thing I always worry about is that as we're looking one direction, what are they doing the other direction?
That's the other thing.
And that's the reason I wanted to get you on in a longer segment that's coming up.
It's starting now, Doctor.
You're a smart lady, big picture.
What are you expecting them to pull next?
Well, I think they're already pulling it.
I'm starting to see people that are younger people that are getting sick with something.
And, but if you look at the, at what we know about, for example, electromagnetic frequency toxicity, it's indistinguishable from COVID, from what they call COVID.
The idea is we don't have an isolate of the virus.
We're being told there's a virus.
We're being told it's airborne.
We're being told a lot of things that are not proven.
But we do know something about electromagnetic frequency and the history behind the pandemic of 1918, various flu pandemics in the past.
That's right.
We know when new type of radiations are released, it's that at first our bodies aren't used to it.
Plagues are connected to that.
And now you're talking about major studies when we come back that just broke this week.
Major studies by prestigious groups confirming That 5G radiation is causing symptoms identical to COVID-19.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
This is proven.
Stay with us.
See her great writings and amazing interviews and videos there.
And supporter of TheMedicalRebel.com, Dr. Lee Merritt, is our guest.
And I wanted to hit here the fact that I produced this film.
Part 2 is out.
It's a five-part series.
Very highly produced.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., you name it, everybody's in it.
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Going back to Dr. Lee Merritt, got interrupted By the break and you were getting into the Tavistock Institute and the mind control and then there's a Gregg Reese report that I'll put on screen that has the different medical studies that came out years ago about 5G before COVID came out and then currently in the new ones that it indeed pushes oxygen out of the blood and causes other effects.
Scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbated COVID.
That just broke and you were going there, doctor.
Please continue.
Well, yeah, we know how this works.
I mean, it's not that we haven't looked at the science.
What happens is, when you're in an electromagnetic field, your metabolism depends on your being able to have an electron transport chain in your mitochondria.
The mitochondria are the little parts of your cells that there are like your furnaces there
would produce power from from food and When you disrupt that electron chain ever so slightly you
disrupt your ability to optimize Optimally metabolize food and that's essentially what
happens if you're toxic from radiofrequency radiation non ionizing radiation now, it's interesting that
when you go back to And I have my family is filled with electrical engineers,
and they they all think I'm a little nuts because they're working in the macro environment
But it's true that we're dealing with micro currents and nano, you know, very, very small currents that are going through that are causing this.
It's not, it doesn't take a lot.
In 1918, it's very interesting.
I mentioned earlier, they never proved transmission of the of flu.
They tried, I mean, they did even things like taking, and I apologize the term snot, but that's not a technical medical term, but you know what it is, the goobers from your nose and your lungs, and they put it into healthy people, they couldn't get them sick.
They also literally spun that stuff down, tried to purify it, essentially make it so if there were a small particle in there, it'd be concentrated, and injected it into volunteers, and they didn't get the flu.
Horses came down with this, but they couldn't be They couldn't transmit it from horse to horse.
So what was going on?
Well, it's interesting that we call it the Spanish flu.
Why do we do that?
Because it didn't start in Spain.
It started in Fort Riley, Kansas.
And what was happening there?
Well, we were training a group of army guys to go overseas, and among those were telegraphers, the people that are learning to do Morse code.
And it was the first time that humans were really around Interrupted electrical signals, alternating currents.
And what happened is even before that, we called it telegrapher's disease.
Telegram operators, as soon as the lines went up, started getting sick.
Not necessarily dying, but they were getting sick around the world.
And so in 1918, four things came together.
We had the telegraphers being trained in Fort Riley, Kansas.
It's the first time that we gave our military a battery of vaccines before they went overseas.
We had a drug that was being given inappropriately, it was called aspirin, and Bayer and aspirin had lost their patent and were convincing doctors through the AMA to use it whenever there was a fever.
We have a lot of these memory books from 1918 that show doctors just pushing handfuls of aspirin into these young recruits that were sick with the so-called flu.
Ultimately, we sent out a pathologist, William Welch, from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, who did autopsies on these people in 1918, and what he found was bloody lungs, that they were bleeding into their lungs.
Again, inflammation and aspirin overdose explains some of this.
A lot of people died, but it's interesting who it was, and then when it went overseas, think what we also did.
We also vaccinated our overseas people, and we took over the telegram And Dr. Merrick, let me just back up what you're saying, because I've been studying this long before this even happened, and I know you have, and this is mainline medical research.
What you're saying isn't like something Kooks came up with, and here's the difference.
They argue, well, the sun is this giant electromagnetic microwave, but it comes up gradually, it goes down gradually, and it's based on when we go to bed, when we get up, we've got to have it in our skin to live, and yeah, it gives us cancer, actually, in the end.
So we need it to live, but it also kills us.
It's what makes the plants grow.
We're in a high level of electromagnetic radiation.
of what I've read from the studies is, I've done this with ants, with birds, and with plants,
with just the regular cell towers that are, again, are the longer wavelengths,
and of course up close are really deadly, just like the small ones.
It's not debatable.
You can type in 5G and cancer, and you've got Wired Magazine articles five years ago
with prestigious scientists saying, yeah, massive increase in cancer.
It's that it's flicking on and off.
It's constantly oscillating, and so your body, at a level,
is electrochemically giving itself orders.
It also gets influx from the universe, so there's more crimes and stuff with the moon,
so we're getting a more electromagnetic radiation at night we're not used to,
and so it's the constant.
Billions of changes an hour.
All these different fields.
All of this then causing issues inside the cells.
Then you add a new pathogen to that and it can cause all sorts of strange mutations.
That's my layperson's read.
Is that accurate?
I think that's pretty close.
Canon's Law of the Body, we learned in medical school, it says the body responds to rate of change.
So if something is gentle and it starts slowly, you can adapt to it to some degree.
But you're right, when it keeps flicking on and off, it's hard.
And that's what happened when you bring up the sun.
You know, most people don't realize that before the telegram lines were laid, we didn't have seasonal influenza.
Influenza was something that had a worldwide outburst.
Nobody knew what it was from, but they knew that periodically, back into the 1500s and 1700s, boom, there'd be an outbreak all around the world, and then it would be absent for decades.
And then it would happen again.
And it turned out, a very smart astronomer, I think from Winnipeg, looked back at this and said, it correlates with sunspot activity.
So do wars!
So do wars!
I mean, even Bain Capital, Goldman Sachs, they're all obsessed with sunspots in their own literature.
They know this is real.
Yeah, so there's a lot of things happening here, and so I don't believe it's all psychological operation.
I personally think, even the mainstream media has come to the belief that the spike protein was manipulated.
It's genetic material taken from nature, taken into labs, manipulated to harm people.
So, by definition, that's a bioweapon.
Now, keep in mind, if that's a bioweapon, when your body produces the same spike protein, having been given this RNA or DNA vaccine, it's also a bioweapon.
No, I totally agree, Dr. Merritt.
So, what do you think they're really doing?
Because, obviously, multiple injections was always pre-planned.
They admit it, so now they say it's permanent.
You were on the show years ago saying that was going to come.
This is clearly a plan now.
We now know that.
Where's the plan go?
I think it goes, I think the 5G is part of the endgame.
I really do.
I think that they're distracting us with everything else.
And quite frankly, I feel confident that we are going to master the disease process.
Right now, we could be saving a lot more people if people would put things in their homes like nebulizers, pulse oximeters, stock up on ivermectin that they won't let us do, stock up on these things.
We could probably solve 90% of this or more.
We always are going to have disease among humans.
You're trying to stop us fixing the problem.
problem while we're so concentrated on this what else is going on I can't prove
this there mean that what else is going on they're putting the 5g and they're
collapsing the borders the destroying the dollar they're getting ready for the
cyber attack yeah activating this And I've heard, you know, a friend of mine who's a researcher was sent some video from China that claimed that the Chinese, it's a leak apparently.
I've got it on my telegram.
She's got it on hers, Lin Fen.
It's Chinese talking about how their goal is to vaccinate all our military.
And then they won.
No, that's right.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
Dr. Lee merits our guests and I've got to do a commercial free podcast soon with her so she can really roll and go through all this.
You know, I got Dr.
Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan, and they're saying that's going to be his biggest interview yet.
It may even break records that I set and that Elon Musk set to be the number one podcast he's ever done.
It's over 20 million people just on one platform so far, 40 million total as of last night.
So that's very exciting news.
And Joe Rogan kept asking him, why are they doing this?
And Dr. McCullough doesn't want to go that extra mile.
I get it.
He's a doctor.
He's been an FDA scientist.
He doesn't want to speculate.
This is political at the end of the day.
It's about a takeover.
It's about depopulation.
So, Dr. Lee Merritt, I want to thank you so much for being here with us today.
I've got a few more questions for you.
And again, please come back on a commercial-free show, because an hour is then uninterrupted.
But what else do you want to impart to the listeners and viewers of this show?
Well, you know, J. Edgar Hoover one time said that the individual's handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists.
That's part of what's happening here, the biggest lie we've ever been involved with.
And it's engendering fear, and fear is the That's what's going to take us down.
So, I think there are really four things we need to do to get out of this.
The first thing is people need to turn off their TV and movies because it's used for predictive programming and outright propaganda.
It really is.
I mean, you cannot look at the numbers scientifically and then look at what they're telling you and make any sense of it.
And everybody needs to get into this fight now because first of all, purpose in life is a great antidote to fear.
But next, the second point is, is that when 5G is fully implemented, if that really is the point, it's a directed energy weapon.
That's what it was designed for.
And we're going to have to take this on.
We can't just sit by because it will, it will come into our homes.
And by the way, we found a bunch of CIA documents.
We covered my reset wars piece.
Where they were admitting decades ago they were going to put up towers for mind control to control the populace.
Of course, that's the logical extension of control freak bureaucrats and mad scientists given unlimited power.
Yeah, I mean, you know, this was, 5G was used for a directive energy weapon and it was a denial of access weapon in places like Iraq.
You turn on 5G, you turn up the off power, you hit the right frequency, and it resonates with everybody's hair follicles.
So it makes you feel like you're completely on fire.
Oh, that's the next thing.
Everybody's talking about their hair falling out in the 5G areas.
Yeah, I don't know what to make of that.
That's been a problem.
I think what happens is it can be from being just from being sick can do it.
But I agree with you that there's a lot of suspicious things.
Another one, pink urine, believe it or not.
That's one of the things it turns out people that are more sensitive to electrical magnetic frequency toxicity have a defect in
their porphyrin manufacturing, what makes hemoglobin.
And one of the ways it shows up is you have pink urine sometimes.
So people are going to get sick.
And by the way, shows like Better Call Saul and the rest of it make fun of people that
talk about this, but you can type in cell phone towers or 5G cancer and get prestigious
reports going back decades.
What we're talking about is not debatable.
The fact is what is in your cell phone is the same thing in a microwave oven.
The difference is a microwave oven is shielded.
That's why they tell you to be careful when you've got pacemakers.
And what are they telling you with the new iPhone?
Be careful if you don't buy one if you have a new pacemaker.
Yeah, neurosurgeons know about this.
You know who controls you when you know whom you cannot criticize.
And the telecommunications industry has the same indemnity from lawsuit that the vaccine industry does.
And that's the point.
You know, I've been in medicine for 45 years.
I've actually been instrumental in taking a drug off the market that was not a good drug.
And when Vioxx came out, after three weeks, I recognized it wasn't a good drug.
It took the FDA three years to take it off.
But when I started speaking against Vioxx, nobody said, oh, that's one of those crazy COX-2 inhibitor, you know, non blah, blah, blah.
No, but you don't like one vaccine and suddenly you're an anti-vaxxer.
And, you know, you're a tinfoil hat if you speak against 5G.
I think that we see a pattern here.
The answer is not to argue the science.
The answer is to demonize the people speaking out.
And this one, everybody better wake up to, because it's not by accident that this is happening altogether, I think.
It should tell you something.
I think it's in Haifa, Israel, that the, wherever Technion is, I think it's Haifa, but they've Gotten the Wi-Fi out of their schools.
Why did they do that?
Because they realized, just what you were showing on that graph, that children's body mass makes them more susceptible to damage from Wi-Fi.
And so they hardwired their schools.
I read that and I went home and told my husband we had a hardwired house.
You know, I had my house totally hardwired.
And then, you know, you catch family members hiding wireless transmitters doing it.
I mean, we have the answer.
It's called wiring things like in a gun.
A gun has a tube.
You fire it one place.
You don't have it where it explodes in all directions.
We need directed energy, not directed energy at us.
And I hope my husband who's an IT guy is listening to this, because I had the same issue.
Family members hide these.
And I went around.
Unfortunately, the 5G, you cannot test with meters at this point.
But you can test the lesser cellular frequencies.
And it turned out that, you know, when you go around, I kept saying, there's got to be something under my chair where my office is.
And I found it was a router that we had stashed.
Oh, listen, when my ex-wife was divorcing me, I had to live in a condo for a while.
It was this big high-rise.
And I'm not a person that's paranoid.
I'm not a person that has trouble sleeping.
And I couldn't sleep in this room.
So when I slept in another room, I could.
And I've always slept good.
And I finally realized there was a giant wireless router in the closet right behind the bed.
Turned that sucker off.
Had them hardwired.
Slept great for the two years I lived there.
But I mean, if something's messing my sleep up, I know something's going on.
And it's because it's flicking on and off.
And it's sending a charge through my brain.
And yeah, it's a lot weaker than a microwave or whatever.
But the point is, it doesn't matter.
My brain picks up a new wave coming through.
And that's what's happening.
Yeah, and I've been treating people this last year with ivermectin and the various different things for presumed COVID that we don't completely have our heads wrapped around what it is, but it kind of died out in the summer.
But before even the cold weather hit, it came back and suddenly I was getting calls and I finally asked somebody, I said, Because this person did have pink hair, and I said, do you think there's 5G that's gone around by your area?
Because I'm getting a lot of calls in that area, and that's exactly, that had happened.
And it had actually, we had been sick in the office.
Well, it's the same thing in Wuhan.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but in Wuhan, all the main places it broke out was where the 5G was instituted.
And in that hospital where Dr. Lee died, it had been completely 5G Wi-Fi'd.
That and Lombardy, I understand, and also New York City.
Now, they're not the only cities, but apparently it's a pretty good match.
I'm just... The problem with 5G, too, that people need to understand is, it's not like 2G and 3G, it's 4G.
It makes it sound like there's just a continuum, now we just... No, it's totally new technology, super small, high-powered wavelength.
And it's intermittent, like you said.
We live in a little cloud of 2G or 3G or 4G.
That was okay to a certain degree.
It was somewhat harmful, but we were able to adapt to it.
But when you have something like this that comes in bursts all the time, it's hard for the body to adapt.
All right.
Well, Dr. Merritt, incredible job.
Will you promise, I know a lot's going on, but the next few months, let's do a commercial free hour interview.
You can send a whole list of things.
We'll get into them all.
Dr. Lee Merritt.
And is the best place for people to find the great work you're doing at themedicalrebel.com?
And I've got, I've got a how to, what you should do right now to protect yourself and your family.
All right.
30 seconds on this though.
Are you optimistic about the future?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, besides the fact that we're humans, we have a connection to God, and we're also Americans.
Americans don't give up.
We're not going to give over our land.
We're not going to give over our freedoms.
I don't see that happening.
This is a real war.
We realize it's a war we win, we don't, we die.
Dr. Merritt, thank you so much.
Have a great Christmas.
Thank you, you too.
All right, folks, amazing interview, amazing lady.
I have got so much to cover next hour on the January 6th committee on inflation, on Elon
Musk, on China, and this key article out of Zero Edge that is so smart now it ties into
the Bilderberg Group that runs Davos that is running this whole thing.
But separately, you know, a lot of people are signing up for Reset Wars and we're getting a lot of great feedback from the thousands of people that have signed up for the course.
And it's a great course and it's game-changing stuff and it funds us launching whole new operations, whole new systems.
Soon on the air, I'm going to lay out people that are going to the course, what else is going to be added to the site.
But it's going to be independent shows, special guests, master classes, you know, so much at ResetWars.com.
And you've got until tomorrow night, 1159 p.m., to get 25% off on the course at ResetWars.com.
And again, folks, if people would have listened to me, 25 years ago, we would have stopped it.
You are listening.
But I'm telling you, this is so game-changing, and people will just understand, this is real.
This is how they control us.
This is, if people actually embrace this, research this, and use it, we will defeat them quickly.
I got a feeling this is going to get a lot worse when people finally dig this up and use it, but one way or another, this will be a game-changer.
ResetWars.com, and it also keeps us on the air.
I want to thank you for your support.
Go to Reset Wars and sign up right now.
2022 is the year of the tiger.
The communist Chinese haven't thrown away all of the ancient mysticism and folklore of China and they really go off of these archetypal years and they believe the best years to launch a war or to launch a new endeavor are the dragon and the tiger.
But the dragon in their lore can be seen as turning against you and though it gives you great power in that year to launch a war, sometimes the dragon can be a trickster.
But the tiger is never a trickster and is the second most powerful creature on the Chinese zodiac.
And their leaders really believe in this stuff.
Well, it just so happens that I'm year of the tiger next year as well, and that's my sign.
So maybe there is something to it, but probably not.
Regardless, in their minds there is.
And it's all about what your mind believes.
It's all about the confines we put over our minds that limit us.
And so that's why superstitions like what year your zodiac are so important even to world leaders Hitler was obsessed with stuff like that Napoleon Julius Caesar and so many others because by believing in the stars it allows them to actually believe in themselves and this goes into the false constructs and mind control So this is the Year of the Tiger 2022 that we're going into, and I want everybody to get the latest information on how we're fighting back and how we're breaking our conditioning together at ResetWars.com.
Reset Wars is now live.
The course is now available.
Thousands of people have signed up.
We're getting rave reviews back, and there's 25% off running right now for just a few more days.
So we're about to leave 2021 and go to 2022, the year of the tiger and reset wars.com.
If people grasp the information in the reset wars, two courses that are together
right now, spirit wars, mind wars, it'll change the whole paradigm.
But if people realized the Bilderberg Group was a private corporate mafia intelligence agency that took control of most major governments, and we even have all the documents, we'd change things too.
But people just Here this show and they just think, oh, that guy's got a Texas twang.
I've seen a lot of I love folks from New York and the East Coast are great people.
A lot of them are really awake.
A lot of people aren't awake down here in Texas, but they say, I didn't listen to that guy because he had a Texas accent.
How about I speak to you in an English accent then?
In fact, next segment, I will.
Next segment I'll talk about the Bilderberg Group and the organizations they set up, and how they're establishing a world government in ways I believe we can stop them, because we must stop them together.
Only realizing a criminal organization is attacking us, only realizing they are out to literally depopulate us, not just conquer us, will give us the tools we need to not just survive, but to thrive on our planet today.
And so I will no longer ever again speak with my normal Texas accent.
I will now speak with this accent that gives me a 50 point IQ boost to 200 points.
Yes, my friends, it's the new Alex Jones!
Can you imagine if I actually start speaking in this accent all the time?
For months on end, what the media will do will be a major news issue and will become... Actually, the question is, do I have the strength to start conducting all future broadcasts in this voice?
I can walk!
That's a German accent.
It's so hard to do a British accent.
Oh my God, help me.
Oh, I got so much news to cover.
Whiskey bottles, brand new cars, oak tree in my way.
I am so sick of these murdering globalists.
Let me tell you what I'm really sick of.
The general public that stays in their damn trance while they're having their whole future destroyed by this whole globalist operation.
We've proven we're the horse to bet on in the fight.
We've proven we've got the zeitgeist.
And I'm telling you, you want the zeitgeist of the zeitgeist of the zeitgeist of the zeitgeist.
You want the creme de la creme, the creme of the creme of the creme of the creme of the creme.
It's at ResetWars.com.
Not just the course of super-powerful information, your funding of us will take us to the next level together.
ResetWars.com is live.
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Tuesday, December 14th, worldwide broadcast.
Well, Gregg Reese always releases really powerful information at Band-Op Video in the Gregg Reese section, but he put out a video today Dealing with the training and the development of the Bilderberg, DeBose Group, New World Orders, Judas Coats.
And it goes and shows how they go recruit all the major leaders for decades and then fund them and put them in office.
The banking cartels school for Judas Coats.
We wanted to be free and break their trance?
They put us under and we get a billion views, but instead we'll probably get a half million.
Okay, we'll keep fighting uphill, even though we have the keys To the criminal mafia.
You know, if you go back to the early 1950s, LaCosta Nostra had reportedly blackmailed the head of the FBI and others.
But regardless of whether that was true, Congress would not say that organized crime existed.
It didn't exist.
There was no organized group out there organizing crimes.
Until finally the FBI was able to record a bunch of mafia dons in Vermont Meeting at a ski lodge together in one big hall while drinking cognac and eating their steaks.
And that was really just the FBI mafia getting big for its britches and stepping up and standing up to one of the other organized crime syndicates that it thought had gotten a little uppity or a little big for its britches.
But there were hearings in the 40s and 50s where J. Edgar Hoover, you can look this up, would get up there and say, There is no such thing as La Cosa Nostra, or our thing, or the Mafia.
Now, you don't think members of Congress didn't know it was real, they were getting paid off and were part of it.
You don't think the Senate didn't know, you don't think the President didn't know, you don't think they... No, no, no.
They like to use those operations to commit crimes they want it done.
They were the real mafia above it, just like Mario Puzo's The Godfather, which is a composite of true stories.
Says, you know, I was hoping, Michael, someday it'd be you that pulled the strings.
Senator Callion, President Callion.
Like, we'll get there, Pop.
See, the mafia wasn't the real mafia.
They wanted to get to the real mafia in the Senate, in the presidency.
We'll get there, Pop.
We'll get there.
Well, let me tell you, Jeffrey Epstein got there.
It's a bunch of pedophile devil worshippers.
You don't want to get there.
They tried to make me a made man of their system.
Not just no thank you, let the door hit you on the ass.
My soul has already been made by Jesus Christ.
That's who I'm with.
That's my Don in the sky.
That's my boss.
He gives the orders, I follow them and don't question it.
Again, the idea that, and I'm not knocking the Italian Mafia or saying they weren't organized and make a bunch of money.
They got very organized and started challenging the British royalty, globalist, Anglo-Saxon Jewish Mafia.
Every time I talk about this, people freak out.
Oh, he's being anti-Semitic, the ADL says.
The ADL was founded by the Jewish Mafia.
Jews are great people, Italians are great people, Germans are great people, but they've got mafias.
And that's what the ADL is, is the Jewish mob.
And so what a great trick they did in telling us that only Italians have organized crime, that only Italians organize organizations and groups, and then had Hollywood tell us all that Italians are criminals, and next they told us blacks were criminals.
And then black folks saw that and thought, hell, these guys are making money doing great in all these movies, I should become a gangster.
That was all directed in the 70s and 80s and 90s by Hollywood.
And the crime rate in the black community went from lower than in the white community to the highest ever seen in the United States.
A black person, a white, a black male is 10 to 20, depending on the area, times likely to commit a crime than any other group.
They flipped those numbers.
With their mind control, with their brainwashing, with their programming.
That's the same thing.
The Mafia and the Criminals is the National Education Association.
The Mafia and the Criminals is the CIA.
The Mafia and the Criminals is the Democratic Party.
The Mafia and the Criminals are the DeBose Group, and the Bilderberg Group, and the British Royal Family, and the New World Order.
They're the Mafia.
And these aren't mafias that are just trying to sell you some booze or some drugs, that's bad enough.
They're mafias that want to set you up.
And what do they do in The Godfather 2, based on real stories that happened out in Nevada?
The composites.
Where they change the names.
So only the guilty are protected.
The senator won't do the deal to give the gaming license to Michael Carleone.
So what does he do?
Well, they wait until he gets drunk and is banging a hooker, and they kill the hooker.
That's when you know Michael isn't his dad.
Because Don Corleone wouldn't kill a woman to set somebody up.
But Michael will.
That's why Michael's in charge.
And that's the whole message is that's how you go up the hierarchy.
Now Michael Corleone orders a woman killed and put in a bed with the scumbag senator so he wins.
He shows that senator.
Next he's got to kill his brother.
See how very sophisticated Mario Puzo's writing.
The books are way better than the movies.
They're composites of real stuff.
Now you gotta kill your brother.
Oh, you killed some innocent woman?
Next it's your brother.
And then your wife kills your son.
You kill an innocent whore.
Now you gotta kill your brother.
And your wife kills your son.
See how it works?
That's writing.
That's sophistication.
Who reads Mario Puzo and gets all the points?
Almost nobody.
But you just got it from me.
That's why I can read it dozens of times.
Because it's so powerful.
So, I've just done a long rant about the Italian Mafia, and how they were chosen for destruction just because they kind of gave the establishment a little run for their money.
Oh, you're getting uppity?
Oh, you black people run your own businesses, run your own shopping malls, your own banks?
How about we ship some cocaine into your neighborhood?
And who are these predators?
Who are the people that are doing it?
Who are the ones shipping fentanyl in to kill us all now?
It's this guy, right here.
It's these people.
They think it's all funny.
They think it's all cute, because they don't follow any rules.
They'll kill the hooker to set you up.
They'll kill their brother if he gets in the way.
And none of them even have kids anymore, because they don't even believe in that, so you don't have any leverage on them.
They're like, oh, you're going to kill my kid?
I killed my kid.
I decided not to have him.
I'm the winner!
I'm more evil than anybody!
So Don Corleone dies in his backyard with his grandson in a tomato farm, having fun.
You die alone with Satan.
That's the message.
And that's where I come from.
I'm not part of you pedophiles.
I'm not part of your crap.
I'm not using all your dark energy and all your twisted stuff that you think killing innocent people and killing women and children is tough.
No, that's not tough!
That's what losers do!
That's what pieces of crap do!
That's what you do!
And at the end of the day, it's gonna be you swinging from a rope.
It's gonna be you begging for mommy, because there are a lot of people on this planet that aren't sold out to your Satanism, and who know that it's God's mission for us to defeat you.
Alright, I said I hit the big news on this front, and I didn't yet in this segment, because I'm out of control.
And as much as I hate coming on here on air, because I don't rob banks, and I don't run whorehouses, and I don't get my money from Klaus Schwab, or Bill Gates, or Warren Buffett, or Charlie Munger, or any of these devils, I get it from you, and I need money to keep this operation going, and when has there ever been a horse you bet on gave you this much results?
And I'm not even sitting here bragging.
I'm nervous as hell, you know, going into my thousandth stretch of the fight here.
I've never been stronger, but I need dollar signs to run this platform in the face of incredible attacks, which we expect.
And the minute we're supposed to be defeated, we will be.
But God working through you will support us.
So go.
To ResetWars.com, sign up for the course.
My God, you could go to college for 20 years and not learn this information and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Hillary Clinton's got her own stupid master course.
We'll talk about the bottom of the hour where she overall charges more money and she teaches you how to be a communist victim bootlicker.
We're showing you how to unlock your true potential and your real power.
So ResetWars.com, ResetWars, ResetWars.com is now live.
It's alive!
And when you're a member, so much more associated with it is going to be launched from the funding this helps bring in.
What we're going to do, so...
Donate to your future.
Donate to your mind.
Donate to your soul.
Donate to the understanding and the breaking of their will.
Make that free will decision to go there and support us and support yourself and get the course.
The two courses for one price at ResetWars.com.
There's links on InfoWars.com.
But it's ResetWars.com.
25% off tomorrow at midnight.
It ends.
I don't bring any hyper BS, ladies and gentlemen.
I bring you the truth.
And this is the most powerful thing we've done yet.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Like millions of us must be feeling worldwide, economist Ernest Wolff believes a hidden alliance
of political and corporate leaders are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of crashing
their economies and making way for a global digital currency.
Wolf has been researching the history of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, and has found a very fundamental piece of their criminal puzzle.
The Young Global Leader School, established and managed by Klaus Schwab.
The World Economic Forum, originally called the European Management Forum, brought together 31 nations at its very first meeting in 1971, and is currently funded by a thousand multinational corporations.
Klaus Schwab hadn't really accomplished much in economics.
His father made weapons for the Nazis, and he trained under Henry Kissinger at the Harvard Business School, which is where he was likely tapped to be the face of the World Economic Forum.
In 1992, Schwab established the Global Leaders for Tomorrow School, which was re-established as the Young Global Leaders in 2004.
Attendees must officially apply for admission and be selected.
Alumni of the school's very first class include Angela Merkel, Nicholas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair.
Other attendees include Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.
So long as there's people who are eligible who haven't been vaccinated, we've got work to do.
You know, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied so long as there's someone who is eligible and hasn't been.
And that's why I've said this, there's not going to be an end point to this vaccination program.
President of France, Emmanuel Macron.
Governor of California Gavin Newsom.
That's why we recognize our responsibility to do more and that's what we are announcing here today.
A statewide requirement for in-person instruction for all of our children to add to a well-established list That currently includes 10 vaccinations and well-established rules and regulations that have been advanced by the legislature for decades to add to that list the vaccination.
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.
Other attendees of the young global leaders include Virgin's Richard Branson, the Clinton Foundation's Chelsea Clinton, and Black Rock's Larry Fink.
Approximately 1,300 global leaders have attended the school from North America, Asia, Africa, and South America, most of whom are all pushing the same criminal hoax, the lockdowns, and the deadly experimental jabs.
These are the foot soldiers bringing about the angry world that Klaus Schwab talked about.
I don't know how it will play out in November, but what we know is that we will end up with many more unemployed, and particularly also people in the grey economy, which are not counted for, who lose their jobs.
So we will see Definitely a lot of anger already now, but probably increased by the end of the year.
Because this crisis will be with us until we really have found a remedy.
So we have to prepare for a more angry world.
So that his masters can bring about their one world government system.
And in 2012, Klaus Schwab began the Global Shapers Community, which has groomed an army of 10,000 young people to be the next group of saboteurs around the world, currently holding meetings in 400 cities worldwide.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
You know, I don't normally air a report twice during the same show, but this one is so important.
The Banking Cartel School for Judas Codes at Bandod Video.
Please send it to your whole email list.
Please send it to your text messages.
Send it to all your friends and family.
Please, re-air it.
Put it out wherever you want.
The point is, everything we do is free to air.
Just get it out.
This is the real mafia.
This is the real criminal group.
And they are artificially shutting off the industry, shutting off the society, because the capitalist system Who produced so much wealth and power, it produced a big population.
Well, they said they don't want a big population.
You can say, well, maybe there are too many people.
They've programmed you to say that, whether it's true or not.
We are overpopulated in some areas of the technologies we have, but we can deal with that in different ways.
This is not honest, and this is run by really evil people who use pedophilia for control.
So anybody that is raping and killing children at a high level, It's not supposed to run anything.
Or at a low level.
What I'm saying is, they're at a high level doing this.
At a very sophisticated level.
Because their religion is about giving up their humanity and giving up their empathy.
They believe that's strength.
Oh, but they've got to be protected.
They've got to be pampered.
They're important.
No, I say you're not important.
You're all going to end up like Jeffrey Epstein.
Just a bunch of gross, weird men acting tough.
It's disgusting.
Brian Skelter's disgusting.
Chris Cuomo's disgusting.
Hillary Clinton's disgusting.
I mean, again, I've shown this a thousand times.
Hillary Clinton, out of college, after the Watergate Committee, asked for a job in Little Rock, Arkansas, working for the Dixie Mafia, and they had so many cases of them raping little girls and committing crimes, that she asked for the worst jobs for the Mafia.
When I say Dixie Mafia, that was their territory, but it was mafia from all over the United States, as far north as Delaware and New York City and Boston and the Midwest, Illinois, Nevada, Dallas.
And they would all go to Little Rock and High Springs.
And this is on record.
And she was 25 years old working for these people.
If you want your daughter to really get accelerated into the New World Order, that's how you do it.
And her first cases were kidnappers of little girls.
I've interviewed some of those women.
I've sat there with them having lunch with their broken, smashed faces, smashed in by the men.
They could never have babies because they raped them so hard with a mop handle that their uterus fell out on the ground.
And Hillary made, there's articles about it on screen, made jokes about it.
You're like, well, that's the most horrible thing I can imagine.
That's how you become a made man in the New World Order, is you grab a 10-year-old girl off a bicycle, and you rape her for two days in a drunken stupor in some rich guy's cabin, and then you rape her out with a mop handle.
Because you're in charge, and you are the best person, and you're going to ruin a young woman's life.
You're going to satanically take everything you've got from him because you are Hillary Clinton, the pig, whose father was the number two mafia chief under Mayor Daley.
Oh, but I'm sorry, his name is Daley.
There's no mafia with a last name like Daley.
I'm sorry if it had been like Luigi.
Then it would have been okay, but it doesn't exist.
That's right.
Like the pedophilia doesn't exist.
Like drag queen story time doesn't exist.
Like Mario Cuomo's sons doesn't exist at CNN.
Chris Cuomo with the pedophile rings that are out.
No, it does all exist.
These are monsters.
These are scum.
And it's us or them.
Alright, we got big news straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
I need you to sign up at InfoWars.com for ResetWars.com.
I need you.
To take your mind to the next level to defeat the globalists.
I need you to purchase this to also fund the Info Wars, the 360 win.
And it's at ResetWars.com.
We're about to lay out for the first time exclusively what's in the course here in a moment.
But first.
2022 is the year of the tiger.
The Communist Chinese haven't thrown away all of the ancient mysticism and folklore of China, and they really go off of these archetypal years.
And they believe the best years to launch a war, or to launch a new endeavor, are the dragon and the tiger.
But the dragon in their lore can be seen as turning against you, and though it gives you great power in that year to launch a war, sometimes the dragon can be a trickster.
But the tiger is never a trickster, and is the second most powerful Creature on the Chinese Zodiac, and their leaders really believe in this stuff.
Well, it just so happens that I'm here at the Tiger next year as well, and that's my sign.
So maybe there is something to it, but probably not.
Regardless, in their minds there is.
And it's all about what your mind believes.
It's all about the confines we put over our minds that limit us.
And so that's why superstitions like what year your zodiac are so important even to world leaders.
Hitler was obsessed with stuff like that.
Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and so many others.
Because by believing in the stars, it allows them to actually believe in themselves.
And this goes into the false constructs and mind control.
So this is the Year of the Tiger 2022 that we're going into, and I want everybody to get the latest information on how we're fighting back and how we're breaking our condition together at ResetWars.com.
Reset Wars is now live.
The course is now available.
Thousands of people have signed up.
We're getting rave reviews back, and there's 25% off running right now for just a few more days.
So we're about to leave 2021 and go to 2022, the year of the tiger and reset wars.com.
The world is changing.
History is happening now.
The Great Reset is a corporate assault on humanity.
A total consolidation over every aspect of our lives.
But we have the answer to respond to the Great Reset.
It's called Reset Wars.
And it is the combined knowledge of my 28 years on air.
Understanding how the New World Order operates and how to stop them.
Now is the time to be part of history.
If you wait six months or a year to get involved, the situation is going to be a lot worse than it is now.
We have a narrow window to really take on the globalists during their attempt to take over the planet.
They've launched their main offensive.
Once they get their cashless society tracker system in place, it's going to be very hard to get out from under their thumb.
But humanity is waking up all over the world, and there are millions of people every day protesting against the COVID-19 U.N.
takeover, which is, again, the main fear weapon of the Great Reset in their own words.
Klaus Schwab, the head of the Davos Group, who's launched this program, says that you will have to have a microchip under your skin to buy and sell soon as part of your vaccine passport.
This isn't tyranny that's coming.
It's here.
And Reset Wars enables you to not let them demoralize you or break your will.
People ask why my will is so strong.
Well, it's this information that's allowed me to stand against them.
It's this information that God put in all of us that is our shield, our armor, our sword against this fraud.
So I want to invite you all now to be part of history.
And to join me at ResetWars.com.
ResetWars is now live, ladies and gentlemen.
As we prepare to go into the year 2022, such a critical year in these midterm elections.
Now, more than ever, you have to realize the innate power you have.
When you also go to ResetWars.com and sign up for the course, you'll learn about a whole new system that we're building that only members will have access to.
So this is the gateway to a wider world and literally to connecting to the divine and beyond.
It is ResetWars.com.
The course is now live.
History is now happening.
You also fund the M4 when you do this, so it's a 360 win.
Thank you all for your past support, and join me now at ResetWars.com.
This information is critical, and if people actually research it, discover how real it is, and then teach others, This is the secret weapon to break out of their matrix-like system.
Secondarily, InfoWars needs funding.
We're launching some major new projects in the near future, in just a few months.
We've got all these globalist attacks happening right now.
2022 is the year they're trying to sew up the new world order and take everybody down.
So I need a lot of capital.
And so, the price of the course will go to keep us on air.
So I want to thank you all for your past support.
I want to encourage you all now to realize how far we've come together and what we've been through together.
And we don't want all that work to just be thrown away to the side right at the point of its culmination and our greatest victories.
So thank you all for your support.
Please continue to visit InfoWarsTore.com for all the great products, books, films, t-shirts, you name it.
All of that also helps fund the operation, but makes your life more enriched and better.
And become members again at ResetWars.com.
Again, we're not funded by George Soros and the Globalist.
Please support our local AM and FM stations and TV stations as well.
And in one part of me feels guilty just marketing, marketing, marketing, but we built our own independent system.
We've built like servers that are now underground, that are now just been fired up.
So when they tried to take us down, we were able to boot up.
We've had to do so much more.
I can't tell you.
We had to build everything ourselves.
It cost more than $50 million the last four years with de-platforming.
Everything we had.
And then I was out of money, so I started putting my house on sale six months ago.
Finally sold it right when I needed the money.
So sold my house.
And I'm just totally in because we're supposed to stay on air in 2022, the year of the tiger.
I mean, it's on.
So, thank you, and I appreciate you, and I just want you to keep us on air.
Now, if you just went and bought the course and funded us, that's a great thing you did, but this is the most game-changing info where I'm actually calm and go over it and all the documents.
So, I asked Jake Ducey, who helped me put this together for ResetWars.com, and I'll be hosting in the next hour, I'll host some with him.
This is a long report he wrote up.
I said, will you please, because he's good at writing and gets it together and I'm not.
Will you go through all my crazy notes in the film and the classes?
It's really a six hour plus documentary.
And give people a prelude of actually what's in there.
So I'll try to shut up right now and have you go through this.
Yeah, well first of all, before I do that, I just want to thank you for being committed to the long term to put together something like Reset Wars.
I know many of your audience sincerely appreciates it and it's an all new part of what you're doing.
I got a bunch of Instagram messages and emails of people saying, hey, I just went through everything and I just want to say thanks for encouraging Alex to do something like that.
Oh yeah, the reviews are great and that's what matters to me is what you think.
So I know this is powerful.
I know this is the key.
But did I present it correctly?
And so like having fire, you know, and then nobody knows what fire is yet.
You're like trying to give people the next level.
And I'm sorry to say this is like as important as our discovery and harnessing of fire.
And I'm like sitting here saying, hey, we got this thing, and I just, folks, I'm not a BS-er, I just hope you listen to us.
Yeah, and, you know, obviously, InfoWars needs the funding, it's an important, but this is one of the best things we did in a minute.
We'll get into some awesome bonuses for people that buy before 11.59 p.m.
for the 25% off.
They're going to include the opportunity to submit a video testimony and Alex potentially flying you out in studio for you to share your story in person tomorrow.
11.59 p.m.
There's going to be one of those bonuses if you sign up right now.
Another one if you sign up right now.
In the next segment, I'm going to be reading off.
Alex will join here in there, reading off your name.
You know what?
I'm going to fly five people out.
Five people out?
All right.
No, no, no.
The people that sign up at the first of this, it's already available now.
We're going to fly five people out here.
We're going to do a special.
I'm already, I'm going to launch a whole thing off of this, okay?
Probably need the funding as well, folks.
We're going to do whole new game-changing, direct private stuff that they can't stop.
So, I'm going to get into those bonuses.
That's five times better than I thought.
Literally, he's going to fly out five people.
You submit a video testimony.
You buy the course right now.
You move through it.
You submit a video testimony.
We'll pick the winners.
He'll fly you out.
You share your story live in the studio, sitting right here with Alex.
If you buy right now, we're also going to read off names in the next segment.
And the last one is if you buy before 11.59, he's going to do a private Zoom Q&A directly with the members that sign up before 11.59, answering your Yeah, we're going to go to break, but let's come back.
People want to know what's in the course.
Yeah, I got it all here.
It's one thing to have MKUltra documents.
We know how to take what they're saying in the documents that's coded and decode it, literally.
Again, people, I don't BS, okay?
God strike me down if I am.
I want you to know this is the tools.
If you actually research this and incorporate this and learn this, You're either going to go completely crazy, or you're going to become completely enlightened.
And it is kind of, I have a little guilt even releasing this, because the globalists don't want you to have this information.
Yeah, we know that for a fact.
So in the next segment, last night I went through the entire course again for Alex to break down exactly what's in it.
We'll break down all the content.
It's about 10-15 pages.
Show you exactly what's in it.
Alex will fly you out.
We'll run it back.
Stay with us.
So if, thanks to the grace of God, We hadn't had such great effects and been the Zeitgeist so many times.
I wouldn't expect you to believe me, but I'm always faithful.
I'm always true.
And I know that if you take the information in Reset Wars and grasp it and really listen to it and really research it, because in the six plus hours, you could spend a year going into each little piece of it, literally, if you spent all day.
But if you actually grasp it, it's the most valuable thing in the world, better than an eight-year education.
In my view.
And it's at ResetWars.com right now.
25% off until tomorrow at midnight.
But Jake, let's get into it.
People want to know what's in the course.
Go over just a quick snapshot of it.
So last night I was up until 2, 3 a.m.
I went back through the whole course for Alex.
He asked me to break down everything and just go straight so you know what you're getting.
So we got Chapter 1 is the Mind Wars and Spirit Wars.
Because the Reset Wars course, Alex actually decided to make it two courses in one.
So you're buying actually two courses, the Mind Wars and the Spirit Wars.
So, chapter one, you're going to learn how the war on your mind is being waged and discover the five simple tricks you can use to protect yourself and your family.
This is all practical here.
So, part number two, learn how the war on your soul is being waged and the 11 biblical secrets to build a personal connection to God.
Last part, chapter one.
You'll discover three exercises you can easily do on a daily basis to raise your consciousness and protect yourself from the toxic negativity the mass media machine throws at you every day.
Now, one of my favorite chapters is chapter two.
Alex called this one Beyond the Great Reset.
So, as I was going back through everything last night, My note says, discover what the Great Reset is really about.
Hint, it has nothing to do with one world government.
It's even more sinister.
And if you do not learn, you cannot protect yourself and your family.
This is really what Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg don't want you to know.
Then, Alex goes into the nature of reality in Chapter 3.
So Chapter 3 is about uncovering the truth about the quantum physics, the science of consciousness, and the true nature of reality.
And Jake, for me, this is my favorite chapter.
I agree.
And I really like Chapter 8 or 9 when you get into God.
Well, we close it all out there.
Yeah, exactly.
So you're going to learn how to apply, this is huge here, you're going to learn how to apply Nobel Prize winning physicist and mathematician's discoveries in order to create your own reality.
Learn the hidden teachings of Albert Einstein and how to use them to master your consciousness.
You're going to see the scientific proof behind your connection to God and what the elite do to ruin this bond for you every single day.
And that's why this whole course is practical about protecting yourself, your friends, your family.
Then last... This is what Daughters of Lincoln talks about God consciousness.
You have it.
We're simply pointing out exercises to get there.
Yep, exactly.
To reconnect.
It's there.
God's knocking.
You gotta open the door.
Yeah, this is all practical.
This is not theory.
This is set up in such an empowering way.
This is a super weapon for goodness, folks.
Believe me, they're freaking out over this right now.
Next from Chapter 3, you're going to practice 5 daily exercises to raise your consciousness by using Nobel Prize-winning scientists' little-known discoveries.
Then in Chapter 4, Alex will go into the mind control.
And you're going to discover the secret history of mind control and how to know when it's being used in controlling your life subconsciously.
You're going to find out the number one technique to break mind control that is sabotaging your health, happiness, and personal finances.
And when you learn this, you can be happier, healthier, make more money.
You're going to learn exactly what the CIA and military is doing with advanced weaponry and how to block it from entering your mind.
Because you are the advanced weaponry.
I'm going to keep going through this.
That's what they're so scared of, folks.
We're designed for something really big next level.
I mean, we're like badass.
And that's what they don't care.
The globals don't want to go next level.
They're like, no, hold it all here.
Keep them under control.
God, they're so powerful.
All that is about that.
And it sounds like a sales pitch when I say Vice News tried to shut this down in advance.
This is why they are.
So, I'm going to keep moving through this, but not only are you getting all this amazing stuff, if you sign up before 1159, you're going to get five people.
You submit a video testimony of everything you learned in the course.
Alex is going to personally pick five winners, fly you out here.
You're going to sit right here, go live with Alex.
You want a hotel?
We're actually going to build a whole new facility from this, a whole college basically.
We're going to have the studio audiences, everything.
If you support it, if you build it, we will take it to the next level together.
Now I won't take it to the next level, you will take it to the next level with me.
But I need you to reach out and do this now.
And you only have the opportunity to fly out, get put up, all that type of stuff if you buy before 11.59 on Wednesday.
It's also 25% off.
You also get the opportunity for a private Zoom Q&A directly with Alex.
Which we're going to start doing routinely.
You get to ask your questions directly to Alex, all of this, but it's only if you join now.
Now, let's keep going.
Chapter 5, and this is ResetWars.com, ResetWars.com.
So, Chapter 5, Breaking Your Conditioning.
You're going to learn exactly who you really are and how to reprogram your mind by using modern science that the globalists don't want you to know about.
You're gonna practice the top techniques and exercises to shift your identity.
Alex calls it a fake identity in the course, to change your personal reality.
And here's the big thing, erase childhood trauma.
Alex talks about a term I'd never heard before.
It's called trauma-based mind control.
So he takes you through a series of exercises to erase childhood trauma that's stopping us
from, as he said, tapping into that superpower.
You're also going to learn Alex Jones' personal techniques that he used to reprogram his mind and become the number one radio personality in the world, which I learned as he was filming this course.
He started in his own closet.
And how you can use these mental exercises to create your own reality.
Chapter six, we have reprogramming your self construct.
So you're going to discover the number one limiting belief systems that the globalists have programmed into you and how to erase them forever.
Alex is going to share his own personal story.
You're going to learn things you never heard about Alex before.
Then identity and reprogram three unconscious viruses that were installed into your mind's operating system in childhood.
Learn Alex Top technique for achieving your goals in life.
You're going to find out how early childhood programming is affecting you as an adult.
How to change that instantly.
Now, this is a pretty cool, and in a minute we'll share what's... Forgiveness is key.
I say each one's my favorite.
They're all my favorite.
This is the real superpower.
Because when you hate somebody, they get a connection to you.
You need to just love them like Christ said, and it heaps coals of fire on them.
We're not wanting to hurt them, but as soon as you don't want to hurt them, it does.
And that's why, like, I'm standing up here and maybe you watched yesterday and you're like, oh, they're promoting hard.
Really, this is... Yeah, because we want you to have this.
I mean, we want to win.
And this isn't just... It's like I'm hammering Rand Paul to go after the Bilderberg Group and Davos.
I mean, yeah, I want to win.
Yeah, it's true.
And here's the thing.
This isn't just like some random thing.
This really is Alex like you've never seen him and this is a really important thing.
It's very important that you get this and we just wanted to reward you with fast action bonuses such as the opportunity to get flown out, Alex calling your name out on live if you buy right now, those types of things.
That's going to happen next hour and we're also again 25% off tomorrow night.
So, forgiveness is chapter 7.
This one's a really cool chapter because you're going to find out how to let go of unconscious negative emotions that are keeping you anxious.
What they did to you is what they did.
By hating them, you're giving them power.
You don't get weak forgiving them.
Turning loose of this makes you stronger.
Yeah, and you're watching this, you know what's happening in the world, right?
And it's very easy when you know what's happening in the world.
That's why we're on race war and sex war.
We're angry about it, we're upset about it, and rightfully so, but that's what traps us in the emotional control grid, which is the term Alex coined in the course about trapping you in the mental and emotional plane, and that's how they keep the matrix going.
So he shows how to break out of that.
You're going to learn Alex's literal, his personal story of how he overcame his hatred of the globalists and learned to forgive them so it would not destroy his life with anger anymore.
You're going to practice simple exercises of forgiveness that will instantly make you happier and heal your personal relationships.
Learn how to take your anger and stress and transmute that energy into creativity so you can change your life and defeat the Great Reset.
This is important.
It's about the transmutation of energy.
Energy's never created or destroyed earlier in the course.
That's what he says, we make you angry, we control you.
Anger's fine when you're in control of it.
They don't direct your anger.
And this is why this is so powerful.
He says, we will prepare for angry world.
But what Alex has done is broken down these very top level Nobel Prize winning physicists and mathematicians to use these laws of the universe, energies never created or destroyed, to take that energy of anger, transmute it, turn it into creativity for creative solutions, ideas so we can defeat them.
And it doesn't happen immediately.
It logarithmically doubles the more your will's involved, and the more you're alive in connection with others that agree with you, then it accelerates.
When we come back from a break, I'm going to get into persistence, courage, God, spirituality.
Alex even has a series of prayers that are incredibly powerful.
We're going to break all of this down, how to find your purpose.
And so it's ResetWars.com.
We're hitting with everything we've got.
I mean, I'm literally putting my guts out on the table, like, how did I do this?
What do I understand?
What is my metaphysical view?
This is something outside of anything anybody else says.
This is the truth.
Jake Ducey's here with me.
He helped me produce Reset Wars, now available for the first time.
The cutting edge of what InfoWars is doing.
The leading edge, the leading edge.
So Jake, you got up to Chapter 8.
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, so this is another one of my favorite chapters.
Like I said, at this point I probably went through the course 10 times.
I went through the entire course.
I was up until 2, 3 a.m.
putting this together.
So I went through it again last night.
So if you're watching this and you haven't bought yet, you know, maybe you heard us talk about it a lot now and you're like, ah, promoting it a lot.
But this really is one of the greatest things I think that Alex has ever put together.
Folks, everything we've done has been game-changing.
You've got to get this.
It supports us, which is a winning move, and it's really powerful.
It'll get you focused on stuff you already know innately.
That's all we're doing is countering all the Satanism, all the brainwashing, all the lies, and reminding you who you are.
I know who you are, because I'm like you.
So we got chapter 8 is on the theme here is persistence, courage, and motivation.
So you're going to learn the top techniques that Alex Jones uses to motivate himself so that you can find more persistence and motivation in your life because that's what we need.
Everyone's got to get motivated.
Everyone's got to be able to tap into that same place that Alex, that Owen, that the Info Wars crew has been able to do to take on this system.
Just the info here is worth the course.
No, this is a powerful section.
You're going to also hear some hilarious untold stories from Alex Jones' career about how he was able to tap into the power of persistence.
Stories I never knew that I was literally bursting out laughing while we were putting the outline together.
They're just hilarious.
We spent months just preparing to shoot this.
Yeah, this is some powerful stuff.
So we got, you're gonna practice three exercises that will instantly help you overcome your deepest fears, achieve more success, and find the courage to save America and the world from this tyranny that we're facing.
And it's not like we're just saying that.
We're already almost there.
We're almost there.
With the Lister support, you did the same thing.
We're there, folks.
We're almost at the top of the mountain.
And that's why I said yesterday when I was live, I said, look, if 50,000 people go through this course in the next 12, 15 days, we're going to see some drastic shifts in the world.
This is things that you can do, I can do that.
When you know this, you don't even do anything.
Stuff starts changing.
Our brains are so damn powerful.
And so we've got chapter nine.
And not only that, but you trigger the hundredth monkey syndrome in humans and That's what this is.
This is really the 100th Monkey Project.
And if you don't know what that is, that's when the 100th Monkey is once they get everyone clicking on the same unconscious frequency, it starts to make that massive shift in the world.
So then we've got Chapter 9, which is on, this is probably my second favorite chapter other than Nature of Reality at the beginning.
So this is on God, spirituality, and Alex has a bunch of prayers that are really powerful.
You're going to get access to Alex's top seven spiritual prayers that he uses to connect to God, to renew his mind and spirit instantly, that you can do in your own home to protect your friends, your family, and to tap into the Holy Spirit.
So, you're going to learn the secret.
And literally, I can be depressed, under attack, horrible things, just open up to God and realize it's all just...
Remade again.
So we got, learn the secrets of the biblical teachings that the New World Order keeps hidden from mainstream churches.
That one's a very good one.
So we got, learn how to surrender to God and how to actually ask God to help you find your purpose in life.
By the way, I'm in when I said all the chapters are powerful.
My favorite is Surrendering to God.
Chapter 9 is Surrendering to God.
Yeah, this one's pretty good.
That's actually it, folks.
It's all the surrender, because God isn't going to, like Satan, manipulate you and possess you.
God wants you to open the door, but you've got to then surrender.
The moment you surrender, it all changes.
So we have, Learn the New World Order Secrets About Science, God, and Jesus Christ.
This one will really change your life.
This is what they keep hidden.
This is why Vice News attacked this before it came out.
Last but not least from Chapter 9 is, Learn the Number One Hidden Teachings of Jesus That Explain the Nature of Reality.
And what's really happening in the world right now.
We're going to come back in 60 seconds and finish up with Chapter 10, 11, and 12.
And there's some bonuses as well.
I'm telling you, folks, we spilt our guts out on this one.
Join us there.
The enemy hopes you don't.
This is the most important education you'll ever be part of.
Give yourself six, seven hours of research and you'll be next level.
What's this music?
It's a frequency.
Just people with some drums, snapping and whistling.
You think about fishing with your dad.
Everything's relaxed.
Everything's cool.
Everybody loves each other.
Here we are with Jake Ducey, great researcher, bestselling author, who was like, man, all this stuff you talk about, I've noticed these things you break down.
He came to me and he said, we should do a thing on crypto.
We should do a thing on world history.
We should do a thing.
And I said, how about we do a thing on spirit wars, mind wars?
What was crazy, he goes, yeah, like you talked about things he's been listening for over a decade, him and his dad, longer than a decade, 15 years or so.
And so it was a match made in heaven.
Here we are.
And thank God, because I'm bad at getting stuff organized and actually doing it.
Yeah, in a nice, uniform, well-spoken way.
You've helped me.
I would give you half the credit for this course.
No, seriously, and a lot of your great research went into this, but we're finishing up with these 12 chapters.
There's 10 chapters, a few extra things, but let's finish up with what is in Mind Wars, Spirit Wars at ResetWars.com.
Yeah, so as you guys know, I'm just, I'm trying to, this would, I could take six, eight hours just to go through everything.
So I'm just trying to summarize it the best you can.
So there's, you know, there's no sales pitch.
You know exactly what's in this.
As you can tell, there's some powerful stuff.
And now we're moving on to chapter 10, which is finding your purpose.
And it starts with, discover exactly how to find your purpose in life with practical exercises to help you.
And I really challenge Alex when we're putting this together sometimes to, you know, a disagreement here or there to make every single mini-section as practical and applicable as humanly possible.
So you're not just sharing theories.
I always just use stuff for the seat of my pants.
We re-shot a lot of this three or four times.
Yeah, and not just that, this isn't just theory.
You're getting dozens and dozens and dozens of very specific things he never talks about on air.
Exercises, techniques, tools that he does, that he doesn't talk about on air.
There's a whole set... Well, it's all organic, and we're codifying how I organically was doing this.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's why I say, And why I'm up here telling you how powerful this is and why this is so important.
Because you're powerful.
And that's how we win.
This is really how we win.
First you recognize you're powerful because God made you.
Then you recognize God's plan.
You decide whether you're going to join that mission.
Then you surrender.
And that's how we're going to win this thing.
And believe me, if you're depressed, if you're stressed, if you're anxious.
That's why it's called surrender.
Because we've got our own plans.
We get it.
We don't want to be with the devil worshipers.
We surrender.
We surrender to God.
Because we're going to surrender to Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates.
Wouldn't you rather surrender to what created all this?
And then you find out that God has something bigger in store.
I mean, I never thought I'd be sitting here when I was a freshman in college watching Alex in my dorm room.
I never thought I'd be sitting here and helping tell you about this amazing new project he has.
So if you sign up before 1159 p.m., you're going to be entered You submit a video testimony.
Go through this whole course.
Submit a video testimony.
Everything you learn.
Five people.
But you have to do it before Wednesday, 1159.
He's going to fly five people out, put you in a hotel.
You're going to be sitting in this seat.
Share your story, your personal transformation, your message to the world.
Other bonuses.
Private exclusive.
Fuzzy and four.
Yeah, it's a great deal.
But tell them what else is in it.
So we got finding your purpose.
We went over part one.
Part two is find out what your future looks like and how to discover what God wants for you in life.
Yes, there's actually a technique you'll learn in Reset Wars that will help you connect to God to find your purpose.
And as a side note before I hit the rest of these is one of the things that I probably learn most just from watching you record this and being around you and talking through a lot of it is your commitment to free will.
And that God has these big plans for you, but it's a God of free will.
And unless you step into this bigger vision for your life, and unless you watching this do, we can't win.
And it's not like God gives you a program to follow.
The Satanists have an exact program.
If you submit to them, you're ordered under AI to do this exact thing.
No, God goes, here's all this you can do.
But you must do it in this spectrum.
This is my will.
And then you have all this freedom.
Satanists, it's one little path.
But with God, it's just follow the program.
You can do whatever you want in this area.
And once you step into that, it gets stronger and like, it becomes a joke.
Like, why isn't everybody following God?
It's what it's what Dr. Zelenko calls God consciousness.
He's like, this isn't about being Jewish or Christian because I love Jesus.
I love Christians.
He gets it.
It's God.
I love Jews.
I love a Buddhist.
I love everybody.
We love God.
We must transcend with God consciousness.
Yeah, and there's a section earlier which made me think about,
you talk about godlessness, consciousness, and that's why they're trying to push us
just into an identification--
They want us dialed into the metaverse and their limited system and their control.
No, there's a transmission that's from God.
We just want you to get, but see, the priest class doesn't want you to get in that.
They're like, "Oh no, don't get that transmission.
"Go with us, go with us."
We're like telling you the magician's trick.
We're giving you the cheat sheet to the course, folks.
'Cause God gave us free will, but God cheated 'cause he loves us so much
and gave us the manual with Jesus Christ and Revelation and Daniel and Ezekiel and Genesis.
And we've been given the cheat sheet.
God's like, I love you, you've got free will, but just like, you know, when you're taking your kid to drive for the first time or they get their driver's license, you just go, I trust you, here's the owner's manual.
And God gave us the owner's manual, folks.
God did that.
And this is how we win, when all of us step into that, when all of us find our purpose, and we find out how really powerful we are, that's how we fight back, that's how you make sense of everything that's happening, that's how you find your place in this battle.
Once you get the Holy Spirit, which you don't get at some dirty church, most of them are controlled.
The devil controls those, he knows you're looking for it, he wants to block you.
Once you just connect to God, then it all makes sense.
Then it's like, oh my God, where was this before?
Yep, and that's how we tap into it.
That's why they say those that serve the devil are lost.
Because they are lost!
Sorry, finish the other sub-point.
No, this is why I'm so optimistic right now, and this is why I'm just, you know,
I'm unabashedly telling you, you gotta sign up for this right now.
So, next we've got, you're gonna learn Alex Jones' top five techniques to harness the power of your
imagination and the power of consciousness, i.e. the observer effect,
so that you can make mountains move, and they shall.
You're gonna practice the number one technique and method to protect yourself, your family,
from the collapse of America.
And that's what this entire course is about.
Is getting your mind and soul ready.
Because look, all they're doing right now is bombarding us with all this crap to keep us,
that's the psychological warfare component, and that's why this course is,
Reset Wars is two courses in one.
You're buying two courses for this.
You're getting the Mind Wars and the Spirit Wars.
And that's why they're trying to disconnect us from our spirit.
I was literally having dreams about this and was physically upset about this, because whenever I'm not doing what I'm supposed to, I get upset, but I figure it out.
I'm like, I've got to expose the AI takeover.
I've got to expose how they're trying to block us off from God.
I've got to expose we have the Holy Spirit.
I was like, how do I do this?
I've been like, I need to launch a church.
I need to create some religious manifesto, Christian manifesto.
And then along you come going, let's do a cryptocurrency deal.
I go, no, I want spirit wars.
And then you're like, absolutely.
Well, let's look at it.
It was all meant to happen.
This was meant to happen, Jake.
Oh yeah, no, it absolutely was.
And that's what I mean.
You have no idea what God has planned for you, how you're supposed to protect your family, where you're supposed to step into, and how you're supposed to join.
Because you've got to realize that advanced intelligence, the omnipresence is waiting, but it doesn't rape you like Satanist.
It needs you to open up.
And that's the free will.
And that's why we're saying, when you join this course and move through it, things start happening in your life because you step into the next dimension of It's not even what I'm saying, and it's important what I say.
It's you and the mindset of this.
Yep, it's the free will component of stepping to the next level, and that's how we win.
That's the shift in consciousness.
That's what they're trying to block.
ResetWars.com, go there.
Hey, who cares if we're 25% off right now?
You should all join.
We've proven ourselves together.
You've built InfoWars, you've supported us, and now the enemy's trying to shut us down.
Finally, I hope God gets me to the point where I'm not always begging and begging and begging you to support us, where I'm barely kept on air.
I'm not bitching.
I don't know why in God's plan God does that, but I just want to keep my crew employed.
They're not even getting this Christmas, my enemies will be happy to hear this, but I'll say it, a Christmas bonus because there's no money right now in the accounts.
So, our most important work is happening going into 2022 right now.
We need your financial support.
It's a great thing to get.
Plus, it's the most powerful info I've ever had.
It's at ResetWars.com right now.
And on top of that, even if you aren't quite sure yet, look, it's a 100% money back guarantee.
This is the most important way to fund InfoWars because it's not going to get shut down by the supply chains.
Then not to mention, I'll get into more of these bonuses that we're going to be offering here.
How would somebody not bet on something that's defeating the New World Order?
Jake, you're going to take over right now.
I appreciate all the viewers and listeners.
Look, if you love what we're doing, you support us, go to ResetWars.com, take the course.
I mean, I don't have Jordan Soros behind me.
I've got you.
And I'm willing to fight to the death, but I need you.
Go and sign up right now.
Jake Ducey takes over, and then Owen Schroeder in 45 minutes.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Jake Ducey here in honor of the now availability of Alex's brand new online course that is Reset Wars.
You can find it at resetwars.com.
I feel very privileged that I've had the opportunity to probably now watch this.
I can't even tell you how many times I've got to watch it now.
Watch it again all last night up until 2, 3 a.m.
If you joined us in the last segment, I broke down.
No BS.
Many of the main ideas that are happening in this course and in a moment I'm going to be breaking down some of just some of my personal favorites.
And make this so you know exactly what's going on.
I want to thank you for listening here and I want to thank you for supporting InfoWars and I want to thank you if you joined ResetWars.
And now before I get into some of my favorite sections, let's say first here, you guys see all, there's news everywhere, right?
And what they're trying to do is overwhelm you so much with everything that's happening that it traps us in lower dimensions of consciousness.
It traps us into our minds.
They're just going to keep feeding us Another, another thing, another thing, another thing.
That's the psychological warfare that they're enacting on us right now.
It's to disorient us, it's to trap us in lower states of consciousness, and this is why Reset Wars is so important, because it's about breaking out of it.
It's about identifying with your true self, and it's about finding that creativity, that strength, that motivation, in order to not only defeat the Great Reset, but to protect your family, and to protect your children, and to protect yourself in a way that you never imagined.
Before I get into any of that, let me just tell you a couple of the bonuses that Alex is going to be putting together.
If you purchase now before 11 59 p.m.
Pacific Time on Wednesday.
Now these are pretty I mean these in and of itself are pretty amazing and so let's go pull it up on screen here.
Let's go with first.
This is pretty awesome.
So this is a never before offered free bonus only when you sign up right now.
So Let's break this down.
So this is a fast action bonus for anyone that joins Reset Wars before 11.59 p.m.
Pacific Wednesday.
This is a bonus group Q&A call on Zoom with Alex Jones for 90 minutes, two hours.
He's going to personally answer your questions.
Personally answer.
You submit them.
He answers the questions.
It's only it's private.
It's only for Reset Wars people that sign up before 11.59 p.m.
Pacific Time.
Now, A lot of people were saying, Alex, you shouldn't do this.
You got a lot going on.
You were on your show four hours.
You got your subpoenas, all this type of stuff like that.
And if you do, you should charge, you know, it's private one-on-one personal dynamic with Alex.
You should charge a bunch of money if you're going to, you know, you don't have much time.
He's doing this for free.
There's no additional cost to this.
So if you sign up right now, you get access to that in early 2022.
In addition to that, there's some other pretty cool bonuses.
So, um, Now, here's one of them.
If you sign up before 11.59 p.m.
Wednesday, if you sign up right now, go through the course, submit your video testimony, submit what you thought about it, submit how it changed your life, how it made you think, new inspirational ideas to defeat the globalists, the new world order, ideas for your personal life, protect your friends, your family.
You submit that video.
Alex is going to pick, personally, five winners.
He's going to fly you out here to Austin.
He's going to put you up in a hotel.
He's going to put you on air with him where you can share your message to the world.
You can share your personal transformation story and everything that's on your mind.
He's literally going to do, I said, he's the one that thought of it.
And then he said, I'll do one.
And then when we were on air just a minute ago, he said, no, I'm going to do five of them.
So this is a pretty amazing opportunity and something that's probably in and of itself worth the money.
Now here's the last one, and we're going to have to get to a lot of this coming here tomorrow.
And if you sign up right now, I'm going to pull out a list.
of the new customers signing up, and we're gonna read your name off.
Your first name, we'll save your last name, just the first initial of it to protect your privacy, where in the world you're coming from.
And myself, Alex, we will personally thank you for that.
Most of that will be coming tomorrow because we're heading down to the end of the hour here.
So, I wanna encourage you to sign up right now, ResetWars.com.
You also get 25% off if you sign up before 11.59 p.m.
Pacific time.
And one of the other things, just, you guys, you're all big fans of InfoWars, we all are.
One of the other things that's so important about this is because we all know that what's what's this all about?
They have to collapse America by shutting down small businesses.
70, 80 percent of people are employed by small businesses.
We all know all the data on how the amount of deaths increase per one percentage of unemployment.
Robert F. Kennedy talks about this a lot in his new book on Anthony Fauci when he's dissecting the emotional and societal costs of lockdowns.
Now, their goal is to shut down small businesses.
We all know their goal is to shut down Alex Jones.
We all know that their goal is to shut down InfoWars.
How do they do that?
Shut down the supply chains.
If there's a cyber attack, if they shut down the supply chains any worse than they already are, guess what happens?
We cannot continue to fund InfoWars.
So, in advance of any potential of something like that happening, what we've done is put together and pivot with a digital product that's available that is totally bulletproof.
And that's why this is so important.
Get something out of my car keys.
Keep going.
So, that's why this is so important.
Not to mention, if you sign up right now, Alex is going to give you his car for free!
Just joking.
And so...
Let's get into a little bit of, and I want to thank you for sticking with me here.
My name is Jake, and I'm here in honor.
If you're just joining for Reset Wars, you've probably heard us talking about it a lot.
Maybe you've seen it a lot, and you're like, oh, now I've seen this thing so much.
And it's 100% money back guarantee.
I want to encourage you to join.
Do it for your friends.
Do it for your family.
Protect your family.
That's what this is about.
And this is how we win.
You know, simultaneous.
We didn't even get into it.
Might be over here.
Yeah, Hillary Clinton lost her master class yesterday.
George Bush's is coming up next.
We have all the documents here on theirs, which is, well, maybe I'll get into it in the next segment here.
So Hillary Clinton's master class, which is, she's going to teach you the power of resilience, even though she spent the last however many years complaining about why she lost the election.
None of it's about resilience.
But let's go through.
Let's compare Hillary Clinton's master class to Alex Jones's.
Number one is meet your instructor.
Number two is discover your mission, which is probably about how you set up a non-profit foundation so you can take political foreign adversaries' money.
The next is Hillary's framework for hard work.
Oh, that's got to be good.
She probably knows a lot about that.
Number four, organizing a busy life, which is probably, you need a bunch of servants and they'll do everything for you.
All you need to do is accept a bunch of money from foreign governments, pay a bunch of servants, then everything's done.
Next is prepare for public speaking.
Oh man, guys, you're going to learn how to get a $500,000 20-minute speech from Goldman Sachs.
Next is studying persuasive speakers.
Look, guys, it's Russia.
They did it.
It's Russia.
Next is maximizing your strengths and learning to pivot.
She might need to re-read her own course.
Next is the fundamentals of negotiation.
You don't do what I want, I kill you.
We all know about the Clinton bodies.
That's probably what they're going to teach you there.
Next is navigating and the compromise and trade-offs.
Taking criticism seriously, not personally.
Next is ambition and sexism, which is probably, I didn't win the election because America is sexist, it's okay, I'll be resilient anyways.
And then next is overcoming setbacks.
So now compare that, and this woman, they're charging a lot of money for these things.
Alex's course is a drop in the bucket.
And you can see how powerful this is.
I'll go back through everything in a minute.
I went through all the chapters, everything that's in there.
It's ResetWars.com.
Go ahead up, sign up right now.
You might be one of the lucky ones that submits their video testimony, because most people won't end up submitting their video testimony.
You'll probably win just by submitting.
He'll fly you out here.
You'll be sitting right here.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Alex Jones.
No, I'm Jake Ducey and I'm filling in for Alex here on the fourth hour and we are here in honor of Alex's brand new training.
Reset Wars.
You know, everything that they put together is about defeating this New World Order and defeating this system.
This is the playbook to do so.
And probably the most important thing Alex has ever put together.
We've been talking about it.
I want to thank you for joining here.
That's ResetWars.com.
It is officially available now.
We're talking a bit about the bonuses.
We'll get into them a little bit in just a moment.
One of them, if you purchase right now, includes the opportunity to be flown out for five people directly to Austin, your flight covered, your hotel covered, and sit right next to Alex, talk about your story and your message to the world.
So an incredible opportunity for those that sign up right now.
That opportunity is only available for those that sign up right now.
In addition to that, we have a never-before-offered bonus.
Alex is literally going to answer your questions in a personal setting, live, a live private call only to people that sign up right now before Wednesday.
He's going to answer your questions, he's going to talk to you directly, share things he can't share on air for many obvious reasons, and he's going to answer your personal questions as well.
He's got a lot going on.
We were saying, I'm not sure if you should do that Alex.
You've got a lot going on or you should charge a bunch of money for it.
He said, let's just do it for free.
Let's just make sure everyone knows they're getting way more than their money worth for Reset Wars.
And let's encourage them to go through this.
So you can win that flight out there.
All you gotta do, join Reset Wars right now, go through the course right now, record a video on your phone or whatnot, submit your video testimony of what you learned and your message, and we're gonna pick a few winners as well.
So, I thought, let's get into a little bit of what, in addition to that 25% off until tomorrow.
Let's get into a little bit of my personal favorite parts.
If you're joining us for the first time, I just spent the last while going through the entire chapters.
We went through Hillary's master class, which Alex didn't even cover.
So, we just went through Hillary's master class.
Oh yeah, I forgot.
We have some extra parts.
Exclusive, the would-be victory speech.
She's going to read her speech that she would have given if she did win the presidency.
So let's compare this going back through what you got included in Alex's.
So chapter one is Mind Wars, Spirit Wars.
This is actually two courses in one.
Reset Wars is, there's two standalone courses, Mind Wars and Spirit Wars.
They're both included.
So here's why I love this section.
And why I love that it's Mind Wars and Spirit Wars is because in the course, Alex likens the mind to a computer operating system.
And like it simplifies the whole thing that in the same way that once you code an operating system of a computer, it works habitually just like your subconscious mind.
Alex breaks down, high psychologists know 95% of your entire life is subconscious.
Now, the empowering part of that is Alex breaks this whole down into mind wars in that we've been installed with viruses in our operating systems from the New World Order.
And he breaks down how to actually erase those viruses from your operating system and write a new software script.
Now the crazy thing about that is if everyone has that Elon Musk tweet handy, there's a tweet from Elon Musk.
Alex and I were talking on November 29th.
We did a live show just talking a little bit about some of our favorite topics on psychology and mind control and how this whole thing works.
And so if you guys got it behind the scenes there, Elon Musk's tweet, we pulled it up yesterday.
So Alex and I were on air on the 29th, and this, as you can see in the bottom there, this tweet's from the 30th.
So on the 29th, Alex and I were breaking down a couple hundred declassified CIA documents.
One of them was from the Pentagon, or from DARPA, from the head of DARPA, if you could keep that up for one more moment, the head of DARPA was from Richard Cicero.
And as you see right there on the second line, Elon says the overarching problem is we need better mental firewalls from the information constantly coming at us.
That's a very weird word to use if you weren't watching Alex Jones.
Because Richard Ceziro, in this declassified document that we show, the day before his tweet came out, was about how The DARPA realized, the Pentagon's Advanced Research and Weaponry realized that the human mind doesn't have a firewall.
Like China has their firewall and their internet and we don't.
Well your mind doesn't have a firewall.
So they've learned how to manipulate it with non-lethal energy weapons, how to manipulate it with hypnosis, how to manipulate it with what Alex calls trauma-based mind control.
and how to install viruses into your operating system.
So Elon tweets that the next day, and then he ends it with,
the most important thing is to find out who wrote your software.
And I saw that tweet and I immediately texted Alex and I said, this is kind of weird
because we just published this yesterday.
He's literally asking the questions we've said online directly from the course.
Who wrote the software running in your head?
Are you sure you actually want it there?
Well, this course shows you who wrote the software, what it is, how to rewrite it, how to put new software in, and how to put mental firewalls up.
So that they can't access it.
That's what this whole thing's about.
So it made me think, I mean, I don't personally know Elon Musk, so I have no idea, but it made me think that he's not only watching the show, but that he's going through the same documents and research that we went through for hundreds of hours to put Reset Wars together, and why I'm telling you you need to sign up right now, and why I'm telling you that this information is so important.
Because that's the question.
And it's a question they don't want us to ask is, who wrote the software That is your operating system.
Because we like to think that we did it.
You know?
Oh yeah, I did it.
Yeah, but 95% of our life is subconscious and up until the time we're six years old, the brainwave state that we're in is akin to hypnosis.
So we're in a hypnotic state.
And all of that programming has went directly into your subconscious.
And so what happens if we rewrite that operating system?
What happens if 50,000 people right now Join Reset Wars, move through this course, and rewrite their operating system.
It's over!
We win!
And that's why I'm not giving in to the fear anymore.
That's why I'm not giving in to this idea that we're not going to win.
What can we do about it?
Oh my gosh, we can win!
But we have to build mental firewalls and we have to start finding out what our operating system is and rewriting it.
And Alex breaks down exactly how to do that in the Reset Wars course.
Even if you haven't purchased it yet, do it for somebody else then.
Do this for your wife, do this for your husband, do this for your children, do this for your grandchildren.
Because it's the hundredth monkey effect, it's the collective unconsciousness.
If you do it and you make that shift because everything's an energy field, other people pick that up.
And that's how we get that hundredth monkey effect and those drastic shifts in the world.
That's one of my favorite parts as we kind of, as I kind of discuss and we wrap up here on some of my most important or some of my most favorite parts.
Another one that I absolutely love is beyond the Great Reset, which is Chapter 2.
And I said this earlier, but as I was, Alex asked me to put together This big, big, huge document here and go back through the whole course.
So I was up till 2, 3 a.m.
putting this whole back thing together and just kind of putting a summary together for you.
So you know exactly what's in it.
No sales, no marketing.
You know what's in it and you know why you need to buy it.
And so I said, discover what the Great Reset is really about.
Hint, it has nothing to do with a one world government.
It's even more sinister.
And if you do not learn, you cannot protect yourself and your family.
This is what Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg do not want you to know.
Chapter 3 is about the nature of reality.
So Alex breaks down How quantum physics works, how the observer effect works, how consciousness affects subatomic particles, how you can use it to change your personal reality, how he used it to, which I didn't know before watching this course be filmed, I didn't know that he started as a little kid recording in his closet to become one of the most powerful people in the world.
But he breaks down how he was able to use the observer effect to do that.
And I know a lot of you listening You want to be a big broadcaster, reach and inspire millions of people and defeat the New World Order, or you want to be a top real estate agent in your area, or you want to build this big new movement to change the education system, build private practice medical systems, whatever it is that you do, music, you want to be great at it.
Not just so you can be great, but so you can inspire more people, have more financial resources to change the world.
Alex breaks down how to use the power of consciousness to do that.
That alone is very powerful.
It's ResetWars.com.
Go ahead, sign up to it right now.
Go to ResetWars.com right now.
25% off and all of those amazing bonuses.
All right.
Another beautiful day.
Put a smile on your face.
We're about to win.
And there's a lot to be excited about and there's a lot to be optimistic about.
They don't want you to feel that way because they want to trap us in what Alex calls the emotional control grid in his course Reset Wars, which you'll learn all about.
But first, I want to apologize because we had that, which is my bad, we had people getting really excited about the last bonus, and I forgot to mention an email address.
You'll see it right there, ResetWarsAtInfoWars.com.
One of the bonuses is Alex is going to fly out five people, only if you buy right now.
This ends tomorrow.
He's going to fly you out to Austin.
You're going to sit right next to him.
You're going to get to communicate your message to millions of people all over the world.
You're going to get to share your personal transformation story.
All you've got to do, buy Reset Wars right now.
You get 25% off.
There's a bunch of other awesome bonuses.
But this one particularly is, buy it.
Consume the content right now.
Move through all of these amazing exercises, which we've discussed at great length.
Record a video to submit what you learned, your testimony, the exercises, what you went through.
The best ones, the most powerful ones, Alex is going to personally pick five people on your video.
And he's going to fly you out, put you up in a hotel.
You're not going to sit with five other people.
You're going to be one-on-one with Alex right up here.
Pretty awesome.
And so that's Reset Wars.
At Infowars.com, that's where you will submit that.
Buy the course, move through it, record that video, submit that.
So there's some other awesome bonuses.
I mentioned them.
I don't wanna beat a dead horse with them, but real quick is the one we just mentioned.
Number two is buy right now.
I'm gonna pull a customer list of everyone that buys in the next few minutes.
I'm gonna put that customer list together and Alex and I are gonna read your names together on air tomorrow.
This one is pretty amazing.
If you buy before 11.59 p.m.
Pacific Time Wednesday, you get your 25% off, but also private group Q&A call with Alex.
You get to literally submit your own questions.
He's going to, in a totally personal dynamic, talk to you directly, answer your questions directly, share things he can't share on air, personal things, things going on in the world, things he's hearing from his sources that he can't talk about on air.
It's a private exclusive.
It's just going to be for the people that purchase within the next, whatever that is, 24 hours or so.
You're going to get that for free at the beginning of 2022.
So a lot of awesome, awesome things that are coming your way very soon.
So let's dive in a little bit to some of my other favorite parts.
So learn how to apply Nobel Prize winning physicists and mathematicians discoveries in order to create your own reality.
Learn the hidden teachings of Albert Einstein and how to use them to master the power of consciousness.
So, you're going to see scientific proof behind your connection to God and what the elite do to ruin this bond.
And, you're going to learn five daily exercises and practices to raise your consciousness by using Nobel Prize winning scientists' little known discoveries.
Now, one of my favorite parts Is later in the course where Alex really dives deeply into his connection to God, there's a series of actual prayers that you can utilize that are incredibly powerful.
Prayers on everything from forgiveness, on clarity in life, on God sending you sign.
Very powerful stuff that's included in here.
And so there were some people asking, well what is this all about?
And so today I wanted to take that time to, if you've been listening, to move through all of this I covered in depth.
Now compare that to our good old friend Hillary Clinton's course.
Hillary Clinton reads her would-be 2016 presidential victory speech in her new mastery class on resilience.
Well, if America wasn't so sexist, I would have won.
And if it wasn't so sexist, here would have been my speech that I didn't write anyways.
You know, I paid my speech writers.
Goldman Sachs paid my speech writers $500,000 and I had them read it.
Then you're going to learn about sexism.
After you learn about sexism, then you're going to learn about the power of manipulation.
After you learn that, then what you're going to learn is negotiation.
And we're going to teach you how to basically get people to do what they want or add them to the Clinton body bag.
And it just basically goes on and on and on and on.
What's hilarious is they announced this pretty shortly after.
You know, obviously Alex Jones lives in Hillary Clinton's head, and they announced this pretty shortly after Alex started saying, hey, I've got this online course, I've got this online training coming.
It's almost like they're just trying to fill everyone with a bunch of crap to distract from everything that's really happening.
So you can meet your trainer, you can meet your instructor, it's Hillary.
She's Woman of the Year, all these great things.
Now compare that to, imagine if you got to sit down with Alex for 24 hours, you had to ask him any questions, understand how Alex ticks, understand everything that's happening in the world, and break it down in a cohesive and organized fashion.
That's what Reset Wars is all about.
So that's ResetWars.com.
And I want to take a minute here, and I just want to talk a little bit about some optimistic stuff as we're coming to the end of the day here.
You know, there's a lot of crap happening in the world, and the whole goal is to overwhelm us with this crap to move us into lower dimensions of consciousness.
Because the way that they win is to disconnect us to, one, inspiration.
What is inspiration?
Alex breaks down in the Course, inspiration is in spirit.
It's when you're in alignment with God.
It's when you're in alignment with the Holy Spirit.
It's when you're connected to your higher self.
So their whole goal is to get us uninspired, to disconnect us from spirit, to trap us into lower dimensions of fear, to keep our nervous system constantly in a fight or flight where it's like the nervous system is just always in a state of flux.
That's what they need to have happen and that's why Vice News attacked Reset Wars before it even came out, which shows you how afraid that they were of it.
In addition to that, we had one of our software systems get nixed right before this came out without getting into too much more detail.
So they knew this was coming out.
And then the other thing in addition I didn't even talk about is, we do not know how long Reset Wars will be available.
When you buy it, you get access to it.
If they shut the sites down, they shut down InfoWars, which obviously they're trying to do, you're going to have this no matter what and you're going to rest assured knowing that you have it.
Now let's talk a little bit about some things to be excited about.
Let's talk about a little bit of some things to be grateful for.
Number one is people are waking up en masse.
The whole way the media system and the algorithms are designed is to make us feel alone.
It's important to recognize that.
You are not alone.
There are a lot of people waking up every single solitary day.
Number two is, I'm thankful to God and I'm thankful that we all have a bigger plan in our life than we ever could imagine.
And when we find the courage and we find the strength and we find the motivation to pursue it, We have literally no idea where our life will lead.
I mean, Alex had no idea he was going to be some kid recording in a closet to become this guy, you know, reaching millions of people every single day and targeted by, you know, all these entities and agencies all around the world because they want to shut him down.
You don't know.
You have no idea.
You can't even imagine what you're really capable of when you step into this place.
And that's why Alex put together Reset Wars, because Alex is fighting the fight.
He's tired.
He's got a lot going on.
He's getting attacked in every which direction.
He said, we need to create more leaders.
And that's what this is about.
And so if you feel a connection to Alex, if you feel a connection to InfoWars, If you're thankful for what they're doing, what they're putting out, you're watching it every day, one of the best ways you could return, because people say, I just want to thank you, Alex.
I just want to thank you.
One of the best ways you could thank Alex is to not only just buy Reset Wars and support them financially, but is to move through the course and move through the exercises, submit your video testimony, and apply this into your life.
That's how he said, he told me, that he could rest assured knowing that his work is going to the next level.
Because he realizes that if we're really going to win this thing, we have to have these shifts in consciousness.
We have to have these transformations.
In the course, Alex talks about trans-form-ation.
Trans meaning beyond, and form meaning the physical world, and ation is the process of.
So, transformation.
And a lot of times when we look at what's happening in the world, we think we're stuck in this little physical realm called the Matrix.
Well, taking the red pill is realizing that reality is malleable.
Reality is made up of a bunch of energy and subatomic particles, and energy is never created or destroyed.
And due to the power of consciousness, due to our own free will, we can start to change reality.
We can start to recreate reality.
Which is another thing to be excited about.
Ask ourselves, why did Max Planck, which Alex talks a lot about Max Planck in his course, how did Max Planck win the Nobel Prize in 1913 for quantum physics, breaking all of this down, but it's not taught in schools?
It's because they need to hide this information about the power of consciousness, trap us into our physical selves, get us to believe we're just physical bodies, because if they do, then They can officially run a tyranny system.
But if people wake up to the power that they have, they're inspired by some great purpose, as Patanjali says, some extraordinary bonds, all their barriers break their limitations, they find themselves a more powerful person than they ever imagined.
This is why they're trying to stop it.
This is what schools should be teaching, this is what everything should be teaching, and this is what you're going to learn in the Reset Wars course.
Show Alex your support right now.
It's a 100% money-back guarantee.
You have literally nothing to lose.
You have all of those amazing bonuses, the chance to get flown out, get your hotel covered, sit with Alex personally.
You have private one-on-one or private group calls with Alex, opportunity to submit your questions and have him answering.
It's ResetWars.com.
If you do this before 1159 p.m.
Pacific Time, it's ResetWars.com.
Go ahead and sign up right now and we want to thank you for joining today.
Learn how the social engineers use a three-step process to totally enslave us.
In Reset Wars Part 1 and 2, we expose the tools, the systems, that the planetary social engineers use to keep humanity in a trance.
And we break down how to successfully break free of it and empower yourself and others around you.
Begin your journey to true freedom today at ResetWars.com.
If you were teleported back in time 250 years ago, would you have taken part in the American Revolution?
Well, I'm asking you that same question today.
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Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
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