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Name: 20211208_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 8, 2021
2423 lines.

The speaker posits that instead of being in a revolution like America's founding fathers, we are now defending our Republic against a corporate takeover by global elites. He has created 1776coin.com to raise funds for resistance and has minted one-ounce silver coins with images symbolizing victory over tyranny and freedom. Each coin is part of a limited run of 10,000 units and comes with exclusive content from the speaker.

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And the thing about telling people that, oh, we might just sneak attack you with our submarines and our cruise missiles and our tactical weapons if you keep putting troops on your border.
I mean, what would we do if Russia said, we might just sneak attack you and then had submarines 12 miles off our coast driving back and forth?
How would you like that?
But see, to the lawyers that run everything, Corrupt, stupid, dumb lawyers.
They're so used to bravado and their little fancy shoes and their little three-piece suits and swaggering around with their gold watches and everyone pulling out their chairs and the military saluting them that they really think they can win a nuclear war with Russia when there is no winner.
The only way to win is not to play the game.
And they're the bad guys, and they're the aggressors, and they're evil, and our country is cancer.
Our country has spiritual, cultural cancer.
My God.
I mean, the religion of the Democrats is publicly pedophilia now.
I mean, do you want to hear a U.S.
Senator say, like he's a tough guy on Fox News, a Republican?
Well, we'll just strike them first with nuclear weapons!
Hey, how about we lock your crazy ass up, you frickin' lunatic?
I mean, look at this guy.
He'll show everybody how tough he is on Russia!
I'll nuke them Russians first!
I'm General Jack T. Ripper!
I'm Curtis LeMay, born again!
I'm L.L.
Levenson, born again!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Anyone who has seen a congressional hearing has heard the Fifth Amendment speech.
Taking the Fifth, the government must present witnesses and evidence to prove the crime and cannot force someone to testify against themselves.
To be totally clear, in your case, are you charged with or even accused of a crime?
No, and there's absolutely no evidence that had any connection or communications with anybody who is charged with crimes.
This is, you know, we've got a Fourth Amendment for one very clear reason.
The English used to issue what was called General Warrants and Writs of Assistant that would authorize British officers to just, you know, go wherever they wanted to look for evidence of crime.
This is the modern high-tech version of a General Warrant.
They can't prove anything.
There's no probable cause.
There's no linkage to any criminal activity that has occurred for Hundreds of people on these subpoena lists that were sent to Verizon and AT&T and probably every other phone company in the country.
There's no evidence at all, but they want to track Americans' thinking.
They want to know who your contacts are.
They want to know who you are communicating with about election integrity.
And going back from before even the election occurred.
So, you know, going after your core First Amendment rights to engage in political inquiry and discussion.
I mean, this is scary.
It's First Amendment.
It's Fourth Amendment.
It's Fifth Amendment, as you talked about Jeff Clark.
Benny Thompson wants to presume people guilty, rather than presume innocence, as our Constitution requires.
But if he's saying, OK, I'll come, but I'll plead the Fifth, then in some instances, that says you're part and parcel guilty to what occurred.
Congressman Bennie Thompson, chairman of the January 6th investigation.
Mr. Clark last night indicated that he intends to invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, apparently because he believes testimony about his interactions with President Trump would tend to incriminate him and thus may subject him to criminal prosecution.
Republican turncoat Liz Cheney recently announced that weeks of January 6 hearings are coming.
President Trump continues to make the same false claims about a stolen election with which he has misled millions of Americans.
These are the same claims he knows provoked violence in the past.
He has recently suggested that he wants to debate members of this committee.
This committee's investigation into the violent assault on our Capitol on January 6th is not a game.
When this committee convenes hearings, witnesses will be called to testify under oath.
Any communications Mr. Trump has with this committee will be under oath.
And if he persists in lying then, he will be accountable under the laws of this great nation and subject to criminal penalties for every false word he speaks.
As the establishment attempts to milk the events of that grim day to protect and embellish their power as election 2022 approaches.
But the establishment has questions they need to answer.
For instance, Will they be ignoring a recently uncovered document from the Department of Justice that said it is objectively unreasonable to conclude that President Trump could authorize citizens to interfere with the Electoral College proceedings?
Not to mention, where is the evidence of an online conspiracy of planned mass insurrection?
And why have so many people remained imprisoned in inhumane conditions?
And of course, why has January 6th been repeatedly deemed an insurrection when no one has been charged with insurrection?
Perhaps the people who truly belong in prison are the ones behind the hearing itself.
Now you don't have to love Donald Trump to find all of this sickening and scary.
Do you really want to live in a country where Nancy Pelosi and Benny Thompson, crazed partisans, with no interest whatsoever in the United States Constitution, can seize your bank records, your text messages, your diary, simply because they don't like who you voted for in the last election?
John Bowne reporting.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, December 8th,
2021 transmission that could be our last at any moment for so many reasons.
The globalists like to pre-program what they're going to do, and they said the next big move won't just be new variants they're going to release or more people dying from the poison death shots.
that erase your immune system, give you cancer, and start growing prion crystals throughout your tissues of your body.
They said what's coming next, Klaus Schwab and others have, along with the Carnegie Endowment and the Rockefeller
Foundation that run the globalist system, that an imminent cyber attack is coming that will erase all
your bank accounts and all your money.
But don't worry, they're going to have a new global digital currency to save you with.
But it is a social credit score, so if you don't behave right with your carbon footprint and your social behavior, you will be zeroed out.
Put in a forced labor camp because they say oh you at first we let the homeless run wild do whatever they want build up this culture But in the near future you'll be in a forced labor camp that's on the CDC's own website You're like wow CDC's saying some wild stuff.
I'm kind of like they're gonna nationalize all real estate But you're not going to really get free apartments or houses.
You're going to be in a commune.
You'll no longer live in a house or an apartment by yourself.
You'll live in a commune, says the UN, on big posters at the entrance when I was there just six months ago.
So we are living in just absolutely insane times right now.
Here's the big news.
We have NATO.
We have Biden.
We have Biden's surrogates, we have the neocons, and we have U.S.
senators, both Democrats and Republicans, threatening, quote, nuclear strike on Russia.
That's right, they say if Russia brings troops into eastern Ukraine, that's as Russian as Massachusetts or New York is American, that's the oldest part of Russia, is actually eastern Ukraine's where Russia started.
And where Russia's had a bunch of giant wars over that area.
So if they send any troops in when NATO is set to absorb the country into themselves, both East and West Ukraine, that they will use nuclear weapons preemptively on the Russians.
So this is the out-of-control, delusional, psychotic brinksmanship of the criminals that have hijacked and run our country.
And they've created this attitude of Russia-phobia as a litmus test to support total tyranny.
And that's why they launched the whole Russiagate hoax, was not just to pin Trump down and persecute with the last witch hunt McCarthyite committee they had, but to also demonize anyone that doesn't want war with Russia.
Or attack anyone that is not basically aligned with this evil.
So, that's how world wars start.
We're at the same political, cultural, spiritual, economic climate the world was in on the eve of World War I in 1914.
And we're in the same geopolitical type economic, cultural, spiritual position we were in right before World War II, except now there are more than 50,000 nuclear weapons conservatively on the planet.
And a nuclear war is the least of our problems.
Most of those detonate a half mile, a mile up, and just destroy real estate and kill humans.
It's when the nuclear reactors go offline and start melting down, and we've got 400-plus Chernobyls to look forward to.
And the globalists won't be safe in their little bunkers from themselves.
So that's where we are.
While the January 6th Committee is busy trying to frame and set people up and send folks to prison, and trying to establish martial law, permanent martial law, through the auspices of the event that they tried to provocateur, it didn't get as bad as they wanted it to.
It was a misfire, a dud.
Still terrible.
And just everything speaks of failure.
Everything speaks of collapse.
Everything speaks of just horrible, inbred, lazy, stupid, arrogant lawyers all in there convincing themselves they're in control and they've got all the power.
And that's exactly when you get worse.
And so you've got the IMF saying imminent global financial collapse.
They've never talked like that.
That means they're obviously trying to trigger that.
And oh, imminent cyber attack.
Oh, and imminent war with Russia.
So I guess China can then swoop in to Taiwan, Hong Kong.
They already got Hong Kong.
The South China Sea, they're saying they own part of Vietnam now.
they're saying that the northern Vietnam, they're saying they own the Philippines,
that they've been just tens of thousands of square miles of ocean,
they're saying is theirs, they're just gone completely crazy.
And they've appointed him dictator for life, Xi Jinping, and we've got fawning globalists all over the world,
not just in Canada, but in European Union leaders, fawning over Xi Jinping, fetishizing him,
and oh, we're going to show him we can be dictators too.
Thank you.
And the forced inoculations start February 1st all over Europe, not just Germany, not just Austria.
They're set to announce it.
They said last week the unelected head of the European Union, Of the commission set up in 56 and the Treaty of Rome just says, hey, we're going to start forced inoculation.
And then there's new videos of young people, old people, crying women being drug away to jail because they were caught outside without a vaccine passport.
But don't worry, we told you a couple weeks ago an Omicron popped up.
Don't worry, Pfizer will tell you the third shot protects you from Omicron, even though the study says it completely erases your immune system.
We don't know yet, but it looks like permanently.
Permanently turns off your white blood cells, gives you the equivalent of HIV.
This is a different mechanism.
HIV attacks the T lymphocytes that are the generals that train the killer T's.
So it's first a T-lymphocyte goes up and checks and devours the virus, the bacteria, or the substance, and then it decides what to do.
It's the brain bug, and then it goes and then gives the orders to the white blood cells that are coming out of the bone marrow, and then all, you know, hanging out in the lymph nodes, the little military bases, to then go out and start slaughtering.
Well, guess what?
By your third shot, Israeli Studies, bye-bye, bye-bye.
A large portion of people have no immune system after that, but on average you have one-sixth of your previous white blood cells.
And it doesn't kill them, it's so liberal, it just turns them off.
How loving!
So, the globalist faction running America and the West, Is getting rid of the once free nation, so that there's no freedom around the world people long after, so they think the hope's all gone, so the great technocracy can then take over, and it's also busy trying to start a giant war.
Isn't that just sweet?
Isn't that wonderful?
So when we come back, I've got the video, U.S.
Senator won't rule out nuclear strike against Russia.
Isn't that just sweet?
And I've got stacks of articles with them threatening and already moving nuclear weapons up to the Russian border.
And the Russians are like, OK, you're taking over a country that's 90 percent Russia in the east, about 30 percent Russian in the west.
And you say you're going to take our gas pipelines and our facilities and our military bases with NATO troops.
We're going to stop that.
And their answer is, we'll just nuke you then.
And so I predict the Russians are going to roll in.
They're already there.
They're going to roll in.
And there's a good chance the psychotic, crazy people that love Satan and love death, fun enough to be killing us with the shots and the bioweapon they release, they're going to go ahead and just launch tactical nuclear weapons at the Russians.
And then the Russians are going to respond by destroying NATO forces.
And then about 15 minutes into that, the ICBMs get launched, the submarines pop up,
and the cruise missiles get fired.
And so, hey, it was a good run while we had it, right?
We love Satan, right?
We love abortion.
Well, guess what?
You all get ready to die.
All you tough guys in the FBI, too.
Just kiss your asses goodbye.
If you remember, I told you about a month ago that I had talked to some folks
that are at the highest levels of industry and science in the world.
And that they were told that war with Russia and China is going to be kicking
off in January of 2020.
Now that may somehow come off the table, but this isn't just The officers, the military, are being told to get ready for war, so they psychologically prepare themselves.
This is real preparations, and the most powerful people in the world, most of them, have run to places like Australia and New Zealand and Kauai, Hawaii of all places, even though that's a giant nuclear strike point by Russia and China, because it's the main anti-missile defense system.
In the Pacific for the United States, also has a huge nuclear weapons base there and intercontinental ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, you name it, are in Kauai.
But for whatever reason, that's where Zuckerberg lives.
But particularly up at the edge of the Timberline, right before you go into the Arctic Circle, There are large compounds built where folks have private runways and you need to have a helicopter to go over a hundred miles just to get to the nearest small town.
And I can assure you that the globalists are not running to their armored redoubts around the world, their fortresses, just because they feel like a little solitude.
So there's a very serious chance that we're going to have a new giant war that kills most of us.
And that's why they don't care that it's coming out that most of the people that have taken the vaccine are going to develop spongiform encephalopathy-type disorders, heart attacks, cancer, you name it, because it does turn off your DNA replication system, cuts the double helix, which is the most damaging type of DNA damage.
I mean, it's a death sentence.
For most people.
I mean, so you wonder, my God, how are they going to kill, you know, 70, 80% of people that took this?
How they get away with it?
Because that's just in case you crawl in a hole and survive.
You understand?
They want you to die later from that.
It's going to be fire.
Currently, we're on course to die in thermonuclear war.
And that's just where we are.
And you ask yourself, why would the globalists do something like this?
Well, because they love to kill people because they're devil worshippers, that's why.
Why does Jerry Sandusky build his house next to a playground and, you know, grab kids out of the back of it and rape them inside his house?
Because he likes to do that.
Why does Jeffrey Dahmer do that?
Why do these people do this?
Because they like it.
They like it.
They like to kill people.
So, it doesn't matter if you're an FBI agent, as I said earlier, or a school teacher, or whoever you are in this system, your future's gone.
It's over.
And people are in Stockholm Syndrome.
They cannot believe that This is actually happening.
You know, I hung out with Joe Rogan last night for a long time.
I spent a lot of time with him and Ron White.
It was really funny.
I've known him for a while as well, but I spent a lot of time last night talking.
And he's really awake now, as is evident by all of his podcasts.
Now it's exploded and gotten even more popular.
We had a lot of discussions about that, a lot of it inside baseball.
But Joe's completely awake now.
He's basically Alex Jones on steroids.
But he's so optimistic about things, he thinks that people are going to wake up and turn this around.
And I hope Joe Rogan's right.
I just want everybody to get right with God, because there's a good chance we're all going to be dead very soon.
I mean, I've got the videos here, I've got stacks of articles here with NATO and world leaders and U.S.
Senators threatening preemptive strike.
That isn't like when your local radio show you like to listen to gets preempted.
On Saturday night, because there's a college football game broadcast on, or on a Monday night, because there's a baseball game on.
Oh, my normal show's preempted by the game.
No, no, no.
Preemptive strike, I'm sure the listeners know, means a sneak attack.
And the thing about telling people that, oh, we might just sneak attack you with our submarines and our cruise missiles and our tactical weapons, if you keep putting troops on your border, I mean, what would we do if Russia said, we might just sneak attack you, and then had submarines 12 miles off our coast driving back and forth?
How would you like that?
But see, to the lawyers that run everything...
Corrupt, stupid, dumb lawyers.
They're so used to bravado and their little fancy shoes and their little three-piece suits and swaggering around with their gold watches and everyone pulling out their chairs and the military saluting them that they really think they can win a nuclear war with Russia when there is no winner.
The only way to win is not to play the game.
And they're the bad guys, and they're the aggressors, and they're evil, and our country is cancer.
Our country has spiritual, cultural cancer.
My God.
I mean, the religion of the Democrats is publicly pedophilia now.
I mean, do you want to hear a U.S.
Senator say, like he's a tough guy on Fox News, a Republican?
Well, we'll just strike them first with nuclear weapons!
Hey, how about we lock your crazy ass up, you frickin' lunatic?
I mean, look at this guy.
He'll show everybody how tough he is on Russia!
I'll nuke them Russians first!
I'm General Jack T. Ripper!
I'm Curtis LeMay, born again!
I'm L.L.
Levenson, born again!
And how did L.L.
Lemonsir tell Kennedy he wanted to start a nuclear war with Russia?
Oh, blow up our own military bases.
Shoot up people at shopping malls and blame it on the Russians.
Kennedy fired him.
And of course, they then fired him.
Oh, sonny boy, you gonna fire us?
We gonna put a bullet in your ass.
Bust a couple of caps in your head.
You know, Putin pays people to have children.
Biden says don't have children.
Oh, Elon Musk says have children.
That's really how you can judge somebody?
Are they for life or are they against it?
Well, these people love death.
And I got a little proposition for Bill Gates and all you guys.
If you love death so much, how about you show us how it's done, and you kill yourselves?
Seriously, because I don't want to die, and I don't like death, and I like my family, and I like the general public, you know?
I'm a nice guy, and I don't want wars, and I don't want to start fights, but I'll start a fight with you because you're trying to kill everybody, you lunatics!
You damn maniac scum!
What the hell's your problem?
We should be developing with Russia.
Working with them.
They've got resources.
They've got people.
We should be industrializing the whole planet, going to space.
We should be building giant space stations with Russia.
Not at war with them.
The same leftists that took over Russia over a hundred years ago are the ones that have taken us over today.
Russia already had the disease we've got.
And now that disease wants to claw back at Russia and destroy it because it's become a Christian nation again.
And that's not propaganda.
That's true!
What did Putin say last few months?
He said, we need God, we need Jesus, we're spiritually sick.
And America is spiritually sick and needs God.
That's like a person giving you water in the desert.
No person that is of the devil would say such a thing.
We are of the devil.
We are run by bad people and needs to stop.
So very calmly, very nonchalantly, I've got a stack of news and quotes and videos here.
With world leaders, US leaders, European leaders, the head of NATO, two days ago, I read the quote here on air, said, Russia, we've got 30 countries ready to fight you, will defeat you, and laughed at the Russians.
I mean, even if you had a big, overwhelming force, doesn't matter, they got nuclear weapons too, but it's comical, and then you go look up who's saying it, and they're not even a former military officer.
It'd be like if I showed up in like a top jiu-jitsu gym, or a Golden Gloves boxing thing or something, and said, I'm gonna kick everybody's ass here, and then I'm not even a boxer.
You're gonna get your ass kicked!
But they're so delusional that we'll preemptively nuke Russia!
We'll do whatever we want and they say it on TV!
And Neil Cavuto nods and acts tough!
You're not tough!
You're a piece of filth!
And you're dangerous!
Gonna blow everything up, you maniacs!
I have children!
So just because you damn teleprompter reading lawyer filth!
Think it's all cute and funny?
It's not!
Stop killing us!
Stop wrecking everything!
Stop crapping all over us!
Because you've got to dominate the world!
You've got a right to run everybody's country!
No you don't, you little monster!
And the sickest part is watching Republicans fall all over themselves and jump over each other.
Oh, I want war with Russia!
I'm not with Russia!
I want to nuke them!
Again, if you want to kill yourself, go do it, Senator.
Go in your garage, close the doors, turn the car on, put on your favorite music, and get ready to pass out and die.
I don't want you to die.
I don't want anybody to die.
But the entire system at the top is a bunch of damn, maniac, crazy people.
Why did Hitler start attacking everybody?
And then when he starts losing, he turns and goes, here, let me just attack the Russians.
That's a great idea.
And then the Russians killed at least 15 million of the 22 million Germans that died.
22 million Germans out of 70 million.
That's close to a third of the Germans no longer living.
You know how many Russians died?
Twenty million.
That's in their recent memory.
Not even a million Americans died in World War II, and it was still a big deal.
My dad's older cousin went down on a supply ship in the North Atlantic, shot by a German U-boat torpedo.
Both my grandfathers almost died, Purple Hearts, in Army Air Corps combat.
And now we sit here as the bad guys trying to start a war with Russia, ladies and gentlemen.
But I know how it works.
It's like the old gunslinger stories that are fictionalized by Hollywood, but there's a lot of true, real stories of it.
Whoever a well-known sheriff was or a known gunslinger, No matter how far they tried to ride off the middle of nowhere and live in the middle of nowhere, somebody come looking for them, hearing, well I hear they say you're the fastest man.
In the West, come out here and we're going to have a duel.
That really happened.
They'd say, no, no, no.
I don't want to have a shootout with you, please.
You're the fastest draw in the West.
And that's what's going on with Russia.
And the same thing with Afghanistan.
Nobody's ever conquered Afghanistan because they're tribal units and fight with each other constantly.
You can't conquer cavemen.
You'd have to kill every Afghan in Afghanistan to conquer them.
Well, the Russians, there's way more of them with way more weapons and higher IQs.
So, let's go start a fight with a bunch of really rough, tough people with high IQs.
That's a really great idea.
Who have a whole history of constantly being under attack.
That is just a wonderful, wonderful, horrible idea.
But that's how it works.
Notice the left.
Who do they attack?
Christians, conservatives, strong people.
They want to dumb down the language, dumb down the science.
They don't like strong people.
The New World Order doesn't like good people.
That's why Russia's under attack.
That's why Europe's under attack.
That's why Christians are under attack.
Because we're strong and we're smart.
And the ruling class of true racists up at the top, who hate everybody, talk about Nazis, they make the Nazis look like good guys, they're beyond the Nazis, want total domination over everyone.
And so now we're in a Mexican standoff with the Russians, and the West has already had a civil war and overthrown the Ukrainian government, and is now trying to take eastern Ukraine from the Russians, and we're just sitting here watching it happen.
I'll play the clip next segment.
US Senator won't rule out nuclear strike against Russia.
Preempt a strike.
Imagine that headline.
If Putin said, I won't rule out a sneak attack on America.
When you say, and by the way, it's U.S.
policy, going back to George W. Bush, and it's continued by Obama, that the United States reserves the right for a first strike.
More crazy town behavior.
Why would you tell somebody, hey, to your neighbor, if you see me, I might shoot you, okay?
So I'm going to shoot first.
Your neighbor's going to start carrying a gun.
Your neighbor's going to start, and if you look like you're going to do something, your neighbor's going to shoot you.
So we're telling our neighbor, hey, because Alaska's right there with Russia, hey, we might nuke you just out of the blue, OK?
So sleep good at night, you little rooskies, OK?
We're the good guys.
We're the liberals.
We teach five-year-olds how to give blowjobs in public schools and how to, you know, do things I can't even mention on air because we're the good guys.
No, ladies and gentlemen, they're not the good guys or the bad guys, and they're not America.
Just like if you eat some poison, your body throws it up.
We need to reject the globalists, reject their wars, reject their pedophilia, reject their Satanism, reject it all.
Let's just go to the clip now.
Because wait till I give you the COVID news.
Oh, it gets more insane.
You know, yesterday I got so busy, I didn't even go to my COVID stack with reports all over the world where they started giving five-year-olds and up the shots.
They're dying.
They're dying.
You didn't know?
Vietnam province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch after 120 children hospitalized.
And who's going to get the blame when all this comes out?
Donald Trump and America.
You see how this has all been planned?
And the globalists are going to bring down Russia and America at the same time.
And who's left standing?
Oh, the CHICOM New World Order favorite son, Xi Jinping, who's worshipped by the CHICOM because he's got the full globalist backing.
Yeah, we're all being set up here.
And you know, I'd like to think people in the CIA and the FBI, even if you sold the country out and you were hired because you hate America and you love being bullies, I would think you'd have enough common sense and survival mechanism in you to understand that selling out the New World Order is not good for your bottom line or your children's future.
Oh, but I forgot, most of you don't have children.
You don't care, you think it's funny, you think it's cute.
You think it's cute to have a senile pedophile as the president?
You think it's cute to have wide open borders?
You think it's cute to have human trafficking everywhere?
You think it's cute to see everybody getting sick and dying from these shots?
Because it makes you feel powerful that you're all in on it and part of it.
Oh, it's for the earth.
No, you're sickos!
And I'm not saying everybody that works in corporate America is bad, everybody that works for the government is bad.
I'm talking about the people at the top that are in on this thing and think that they're the winners.
No, you're not the winners, you're the losers.
You're the dumbasses that threw away our Christian nation, that threw away our prosperity, that threw away our security, that threw away our...
Soft power and our moral superiority because we were morally superior.
And now you have taken over and you have crapped away our birthright and our destiny and you have crapped all over everybody.
So congratulations!
You just poisoned the greatest company that ever existed.
You just burn down the castle you damn demons.
They're saying world economic collapse is coming, war, everything.
And now you know how they injected everybody with poison.
Because things will be so collapsed and so out of control during the war, they'll blame it on something else.
You can see what's going down.
All over the country, all over the world, symbols of God and symbols of Western culture, like the tannin bomb, which is a beautiful, Germanic piece of culture, are being burned up and being destroyed.
And at Fox Studios in New York, their Christmas tree got attacked by an arsonist.
And, of course, they're taking down Teddy Roosevelt's statue.
A few months ago, I showed you that at the Metropolitan Museum.
A beautiful statue.
You know, he did a lot of reforms for Native Americans and a lot of reforms for black Americans.
And so it's an image of him, the soldier on the horse from San Juan Hill and the Spanish-American War.
And with him marching is a proud Native American and a proud black man, formerly a slave, now free.
But because he's above them, well, he's bad.
You can't show a white person in an elevated position.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
I mean, if you've got a boxing statue and it's Muhammad Ali above somebody else, it just says he's the champ.
But again, that's the idea.
He was a major reformer, but they can steal his identity and who he was as an exercise of their power.
Thousands of churches a year are burned in Europe, including Notre Dame.
Now they're turning it into a leftist SJW facility.
Festooned with LGBT garbage.
And again, it's not about me even hating people that are LGBT.
It's about the political movement that controls that.
Saying we'll decide what's in a church.
The Muslims burn it down, government comes in with funding to fix it, but now we conquer and capture your church, just like Muslims in Constantinople captured the great beautiful blue church, and today it's the biggest mosque in the world, and the Muslims take credit for building it, which they didn't.
Let's talk about some real history right now, then I'll get into all the economic news, the COVID news, the nuclear war news, and Have some sanity here prevailing so that all the tough guy lawyers in Congress that want to have a nuclear war and are pushing for it and trying to show off how tough they are on CNN and Fox News can get some pushback.
Because the Russians are saying, we won't go into Ukraine, just don't take it over.
We have more interest there than you.
Don't do what Hitler did.
Don't take Ukraine.
It's 90% Russian in the East.
Stop it.
Don't take over our military bases.
And they're saying, we'll just nuke you.
I'm going to play the clip coming up.
Let me tell you about something very exciting.
You know, we can't just give up on life, and I'm going to cover this next hour, documents that prove their plan is to do that.
Just because they're doing all these horrible things, and turning loose all the criminals, and dissolving the borders, and devaluing the currency, and trying to inject us with all this poison, that's because the globalists are losing control of humanity.
That's because there's populism rising worldwide.
This is their counter-strike.
So their counter-strike against humanity, against our revolution, against their tyranny, Can be supercharged by what they're doing if we point out they're the bad guys and if we actually resist instead of just becoming demoralized because we're hit from so many sides that we give up.
That's their admitted plan.
And Greg Reese has filed a new report that is only four and a half minutes long that I'll air next hour.
It's a Bandot video that is just he just gets better and better.
And he shows psychological warfare manuals.
And when you hear this, you're like, oh, my God, that's what they're doing.
The video is titled This Is How We Win.
And I'm going to send it to Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Debal Sanaro and a bunch of others, and I never do this.
I'm going to tell them, please get this out.
You remember last year I sent Joe the clip of Bill Gates admitting that 80 plus percent of people that took his vaccine got sick in their trials.
He put it out, it got 10 million views.
I'm going to see if Joe will put this out because me and Joe had a nice long meeting last night about how to win.
And he let me in on a lot of his strategies that are Off the record until it comes to fruition, because I've learned to not, you know, talk about what Joe's up to.
But you remember a year and a half ago, I said, Joe Rogan's about to take the gloves off, about to take on the whole new world order, and he's about to really fight them.
And he called up and he goes, man, come on.
I didn't mean for that to get out.
And I said, OK, I'll walk it back.
But I wasn't lying to you.
And now you see what's going on.
So and the whole system's pissed.
They don't know what to do.
They're pulling their hair out.
And we're not just woken up Joe Rogan.
And it's not about bragging.
It's about recognizing and having Thanksgiving and celebrating what you did as listeners and activists, spreading the articles and the videos.
We are the fight.
We are the very blood of the resistance.
We are the guts.
We're the sinew.
We're the fist.
We're the mind.
We're the brains.
We're the soul.
We're everything.
So I salute you.
Now, I want to explain something here.
This is not an investment.
This is not something that you get so that it goes up in value, even though it probably will.
This is something you invest in for your speech, and for your freedom, and for your future, so that you have a memento for your curio cabinet.
I think we all have those.
I know I do in my office and my house.
With things from our life.
That blue ribbon that you got when you won the swimming championship.
That trophy when you won the boxing match.
That ring that your girlfriend gave you in ninth grade.
All that type of stuff is so precious.
Well, it's just a memento of our lives and our great experience together.
So, I'll tell you, I don't want to lay any of these people off.
I don't want to shut this operation down.
That's why I sold my house, which I didn't like my big fancy house, but I did it as an investment to try to raise money and get around inflation and be able to fund things.
And it's a real pleasure to now expend that money in the next year so that all these bad guys and all these corrupt groups think they're going to get all this money from Alex Jones.
They're not going to get anything because I'm going to have nothing.
Soon on air, I'm going to be selling my paintings, which aren't even that expensive or fancy, but I'm going to be selling everything I've got.
I want to be Christ-like.
I want to have nothing soon, because that's when I'm strongest.
Because I've got you, and I've got God, and I've got will, and that's everything in the universe.
And so, this is such a precious time to be alive, but I want to keep this crew employed.
I want to hire an East Coast and West Coast reporter, so I can have Ghislaine Maxwell coverage right now, or whatever's going on.
And it takes money and it takes capital.
You saw the internet outages yesterday.
We had double server farms and out offshore stuff.
That's why we're able to keep up some of the sites yesterday.
There was big nationwide outages.
It takes a lot of money to do this.
And so, we can do an overhead shot of this.
About, what, eight, nine months ago, I had an idea to start putting out some of the original art of InfoWars and some of the concepts that I came up with, some of the art I did.
And I said, you know, listeners just want a memento.
And something personal from me and a thanks.
So I said, hey, we need to raise money.
$100 for a little postcard with silver print on it.
And I think it is a good artwork and design and concept and people got it's not that.
Oh, what's the value of this?
The value is keeping us on the air and the value is that connection and that memory that you help keep the tip of the spear white hot in the fight.
And I thought, wow, people paid $100 for this when we put out a couple hundred, but they snapped them up in one day.
And I thought, we need funds into the future.
We need to do a lot of important stuff.
We need to launch a lot of incredible stuff that I'm not going to announce yet to you, but believe me, January is going to be amazing.
But we need funds, because I'm happily burning through everything I've got to launch this, but then I need the next fuel cell, the next missile propellant to fire the next weapon at the enemy.
And so I thought, you know what we're going to do?
We're going to come up with a silver coin struck and minted here in America that is my concept and design of King George the Dragon Slayer.
Now why is King George so important?
You know it's over a thousand year old legend.
It goes back over a thousand years and now they found cave paintings of it that may be five thousand years old but the point is Is that it's an archetype of a dragon that came to a town.
It's the founding myth of England, which is the founding myth of America.
That's where we come from.
That's our ethos.
And the dragon demanded all of their farm animals.
And after they'd eaten all the animals, the story is, the more you give into tyranny, the worse things get.
It then demanded the children.
And The night George came along and slayed the dragon and married the king's wife, and that's how England started.
That's the Arthurian legend 2.0.
But it's even older than the story of Arthur.
And then George Washington is the second political archetypal reincarnation of that.
I'm not saying literal reincarnation, but the archetypal incarnation of that.
So there's only 10,000 of these coins.
and they again have a large markup on them so we can fund our operation.
It's a fundraiser.
They're $129 and these are historic and you become a founding member when you get 'em
at 1776coin.com.
And everyone that goes and gets the coin and gives us your email will then get
a lot of amazing, independent, original productions only to you and all sorts of other benefits
unless there's a nuclear war and we get shut down.
But if we keep operating in the future, we will be founding members of new systems we launch
that'll be more powerful than InfoWars.
So these will probably sell out in a week, maybe sooner.
1776coin.com, we need the funds to operate.
We're firing the bat signal.
This is a great memento of history.
Become a founding member.
I have a question to ask you.
Why would you spend your money this Christmas season to buy gifts for friends and family and loved ones, with the establishment, with the big corporations that are dedicated to waging war on all of our freedoms and suppressing us and forcing medical tyranny on us?
I've never backed down to tyranny.
We've had incredible successes fighting them, thanks to your support.
But now, as 2021 comes to a close, I want to encourage you now more than ever to support the truth.
And you do that at InfoWarsTore.com.
Storewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points running right now.
Huge deals on Vitamin Mineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus, Lung Cleanse, and Turbo Force.
And these are really amazing high quality products that also fund the Info War.
The only way you fail is not taking action.
All right, coming up, I'm going to play the clip of a U.S.
Senator saying we'll do a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia.
All the latest COVID news, special guest in studio and more coming up on this Wednesday, December 8th, worldwide transmission.
All right, so I want to just finish talking about this coin because it's very exciting.
I don't know myself or the crew, and I would imagine a lot of you.
So I thought of a way to try to fund our operation and have people have a memento of our appreciation of your support.
So we came up with this postcard.
And we did two different types, two different runs.
One was the first run was 100 as a test, the next was 250.
And it's the silver print and a little message for myself.
And again, that sold out in a day.
So I was thinking, well, let's do 10,000 coins.
1776coin.com or you can find it on Infowarsstore.com.
And let's make it about fighting against pedophilia.
Let's make it about fighting against the sacrifice of children.
And the first thing popped in my head was George the Dragon Slayer.
And again, it's a perfect archetype.
The dragon eats children.
The dragon's a vampire.
The dragon wants to hurt our future, wants to steal our future.
And that's what the dragon's doing now with the poison shots and the pedophile,
the drag queen story times and all the rest of it.
And so this is a coin when you get it that, you know, with the fancy box and the special,
you know, engraving, printing, it's of the finest quality.
These coins cost us about $36 a piece, packaged.
I know silver, you know, in ounces, $24.
And I had somebody ask me here at the office, they go, oh, is this an investment?
I said, yeah, in freedom.
There's a big markup because you're investing in InfoWars to keep us on air.
Because the cost of not fighting back is going to be a thousand times worse.
Plus, everybody wants something like this.
They historically have.
This is something you can give your grandchildren.
There's a lot of silver coins out there, but there's not a silver coin put out by Alex Jones.
And I can tell you, all glory goes to God, but we have had the biggest effect.
It's incredible now.
With world leaders and all the top people resisting, and they tell me, they say, you're the one.
You're the one that woke me up.
Our whole saga, our whole fight, people hearing what I said, not believing it, and then seeing it come true, the vision, literally, that God gave me.
It wasn't like I was seeing God and angels there, it was just like a download.
Over 20 years ago, sitting in a Waterloo Draft House, little restaurant after my late night radio show, eating a chicken fried steak and drinking a beer, And it was just like the whole future was laid out like, you're going to wake the people up.
You'll be the person that develops the resistance that then the leaders come out of to stop this.
And do you want this mission because you were going to be attacked and then finally destroyed, but it's for the children.
And I literally just felt the sorrow of the children, their pain.
And I said, yes, I sign on.
And literally God said, now I'm going to start shaping you.
Now I'm going to put you in the fire and prepare you for what you're going to do in the future.
And I'm just like, I remember being like dizzy and only had like one beer.
I wasn't drunk.
And I'm like stumbling out.
I got in my car and it was like so heavy.
I'm like, whoa.
So I'm by myself in that restaurant.
Almost nobody's in there.
And I'm eating my chicken fried steak and I'm just like, what?
Are you delusional?
You're going to raise up the army that defeats this?
You're going to be the guy that gets the new leaders that actually win the fight?
And I'm sharing with you this right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's the same thing with this coin.
It just hits me that this is so special.
There's only 10,000 of these.
And I see you're getting them as a vote of confidence of whether you want to stand with what we're doing right now.
So this is something everybody needs.
Let me show TV viewers.
Again, beautiful, navy blue box, the collectible coin inside, sealed.
Take it out if you want.
And I'm going to carry one in my pocket always.
And it's going to be a very special 10,000 people that got the founding member coin.
And again, this will be used to fund a system To stay on air as long as I'm alive or not in prison, and really even beyond that.
I don't want to tell everybody everything, I don't want to get into what we're doing, but we are just maximum, maximum energy right now.
1776coin.com, please be part of history with me.
Get the coin now, and I want to thank you all for your support.
All right, we'll come back with what we're fighting against, the system now pushing nuclear war.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today on 1776coin.com.
Hell, it might sell out in one day.
And here is the Republican from Mississippi, the Senator, Roger Wicker, showing off how tough he is, that if Russia doesn't turn over their historic homeland, it'd be like the U.S.
turning over to Russia, Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, that we will preemptively attack them with nuclear weapons.
Talk about criminal behavior.
Here it is.
Well, military action could mean that we stand off with our ships in the Black Sea and we rain destruction on Russian military capability.
It could mean that.
It could mean that we participate.
And I would not rule that out.
I would not rule out American troops on the ground.
Do you know, we don't rule out first-use nuclear.
And then Neil Cavuto acts tough and sticks his jaw.
Tough Cavuto.
Cavuto's so tough.
You know, I guarantee I could tear Cavuto's head off of his body, but I don't want to.
And I'm really concerned about nuclear war, but see, it's the fact that he's such a punk and such a pussy.
that he thinks it's fun to have a nuclear war.
I'm so sick of these damn people, man.
And this senator is just everything that's wrong with this country.
He's up there shooting his mouth off about how we'll rain down destruction on the Russians.
We'll use first strike nukes on them.
Hey, dumbass!
They got submarines off our coast with nuclear weapons.
One submarine could wipe out every major U.S.
Hey, dumbass!
But no, no, no, no, no, no.
He's just on Fox News.
He's so big and bad.
Can you imagine Neil Cavuto?
When a 500 megaton bomb detonates above New York City, and then his big, fat, bloated little pervert body, I'm not saying he's a pervert, he just looks like one.
I mean, if anybody at Fox News is a pedophile, I would say it's him.
I'm not saying he's one, I'm saying if I was going to cast somebody to be a pedophile in a movie, like where two guys drive around in a white truck kidnapping kids or a white van, it'd be him and Brian Stelter.
It's kind of dumb and dumber, pedo and pedo.
They would just drive around raping freedom.
Sorry, I'm just joking.
Anyways, you have that sack of garbage and that dangerous senator up there talking about, we'll just rain down destruction on the Russians.
Yeah, that's great.
Maybe you'll stick your tallywhacker in a light socket too next, huh?
And it's going to be these type of people that destroy the country and destroy the world.
And I'm being too mean to Cavuto.
He's just a cowardly nobody.
He's probably not a pervert.
He doesn't look like Ron Stelter.
That's not fair.
He looks... I'm just being mean.
Stelter does look like a pedophile.
I don't think Cavuto does.
But I mean, listen, look, I can't help but be mean to these people.
They're trying to destroy the freaking planet.
And so I do hate them.
I do hate men that act tough, but I guarantee in a fight they're gonna start begging for their mommy when you start breaking their fingers.
And I'm just sick of it.
I just can't handle it anymore.
All these pampered, weak, candy-ass men strutting around wanting wars, thumping their chest, acting like they're tough and they're cool, and boy, they're going to show the Russians, because they know the system hates Russia and will pat them on the head as they move all of us closer to destruction, which Satan is working around the clock to blow the planet up.
Yeah, the United States has been sending anti-tank missiles and 80 tons of ammunition to Ukraine.
So we're already in a war with Russia over there right now.
And are the Russians trying to export communism to Ukraine?
Are the Russians trying to export pedophilia to Ukraine?
Are the Russians trying to export open borders and globalism?
Oh, no, no, no!
The Russians are against all that now, and the people running us are the very same grandchildren of the globalists that took over Russia in 1917, on record!
And so when you see Hollywood and Rob Reiner hating Russia, And calling for war constantly.
That's because they hate Christians.
That's because they owned Russia for 80 plus years and got to rape it and abuse it and kill tens of millions of people and the Russians have finally crawled out of that spider's nest.
The Russians have finally halfway gotten out of the web.
They're still halfway tied up with a sword with a big spider.
They're hacking at the spider.
The spider's like, trying to eat them.
And the same spider already has us tied up back here at home.
Rob Reiner wants war with Russia.
Because it's Christian.
He hates Christians.
He wants to dominate Christians.
He wants to enslave them.
It makes him feel big and powerful.
He wants you locked up with your family while he runs your life, while he shuts your church.
I mean, that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And so the Russians have got one arm free from the spider.
And we're completely tied up by it.
You know, we call on God to protect us.
God would literally take those bonds off of us, take those webs off.
But that hasn't happened yet, ladies and gentlemen, because we're not crying out to God yet.
So things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
So instead of happy snowflakes raining down this Christmas, will there be a nuclear war?
I hope not.
But it's this type of behavior and this type of activity that leads to that every single time in history.
Over and over and over again.
So I ask you again.
How many of our symbols have to be destroyed?
How many of our churches have to be burned?
How many Christmas events have to be attacked by vehicles driven by Islamists until we stand up and tell the New World Order that we will not comply with the damn thing it says and that we simply universally realize that they have positioned themselves as the authority and as the moral
Benchmark or North Star and they're not they are not the lighthouse out on the promontory in the rough sea They are the disease.
They are the cancer.
They are the enemy Now Gregory's has knocked it out of the park yet again each time.
I think he's done his most powerful report he does one that tops it or is almost there and He did a new video called.
This is how we win and Just went live a few hours ago, about two hours ago, it's got 45,000 views.
It needs 50 million views.
And I guarantee you, we have millions of listeners right now.
If all of you got it, share it on your email, your text message, your friends, we would win.
I mean, don't people want to know about the psychological warfare being used to control you?
I mean, I know it's fun to hear Trump call Millie a dumb effer, and it's fun to hear about Jesse Smollett and his ridiculous trial, and what a liar he is.
But that really is like cotton candy.
Gives you a little bit of energy but gives you a headache later you can't live on it.
The meat and potatoes.
The Brussels sprouts.
Grandma's beets.
The carrots.
All the stuff that nourishes us is knowing the real truth of what's going on.
And that's the New World Order and their agenda against humanity.
And that's what all this poison and garbage flows out of.
So I can cover all the classic right-wing topics all day and do it better than any of them.
But all of that's window dressing to what's really going on at the heart of the matter.
And it's psychological warfare.
If I did a video on Smollett being a moron, it'd get a million views.
We already know Smollett staged it.
We already know he's a lying fraud.
Okay, it's interesting to see the ridiculous, delusional crap he's putting out.
But at the same time, that's the shiny thing over here when they're trying to start nuclear war.
They're devaluing our currency.
They're dissolving our borders.
And children all over getting sick and dying from the shots.
We've got to do something for the children or it's on us.
I already told you, I already killed some of my children in abortion.
I repented of it 30 plus years ago.
But I'm telling you, we can't let this happen again or God is going to make us burn in hell.
So we look at history.
And we see times where just really evil, horrible people take over and just do terrible things and start murdering everybody.
And we ask, why do they do that?
Because they're evil.
That's what they like to do, and we are lined up for the biggest spasm of evil, the biggest orgy of death the planet's ever seen.
And I don't know what the public's going to do when this starts to dawn on them.
I want to play this Greg Rees report, This Is How We Win, is the title of it.
It's posted at Bandot Video and Infowars.com.
It's very important.
And when you see all the demoralization and you see the attempts to make everybody depressed, and you wonder why this is going on and why this is happening, that's all an admitted part of the operation.
And if you're aware of the operation, and simply say no to it, then it all goes away and it all ends.
But if you keep playing along with it, now they're trying to put us all into this agitated state, which I'm in right now, they win.
Here it is.
And professor of clinical psychology, Matthias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism, has done an excellent job of explaining how we got here and how we win.
In dictatorships, obedience comes from a basic fear of the dictator.
But with totalitarianism, the people are hypnotized into obedience.
In psychological terms, this mass hypnosis is known as mass formation.
And totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population.
A mass formation requires four conditions for it to take root.
The masses must feel alone and isolated, and their lives must feel pointless and meaningless.
These conditions have been growing for years with social media, mobile devices, and four years of massive division experienced during the Trump administration that made people on all sides feel more isolated.
The masses then must experience constant free-floating anxiety, and they must experience free-floating frustration and aggression.
This simply means there is no discernible source for the anxiety or aggression.
And so the person begins to irrationally crave a remedy, no matter how absurd or destructive it may be.
And these conditions were met in 2020 with the COVID lockdowns and the BLM riots.
They are now ripe for hypnosis.
And once they accept the experimental vaccines, they feel solidarity, which validates the whole thing for them, no matter how senseless.
They are now changed, no longer rational.
They become more intolerant and cruel.
So how do we win?
Studies have shown that about 25% of the population cannot be hypnotized and about 10% are highly susceptible to hypnosis.
And Professor Desmet simplifies this even more for us.
He says that 30% of people are now deeply hypnotized and have irrationally accepted the experimental shots as their solution.
40% are not yet hypnotized, but will ultimately go along with the herd.
And the rest of us are seeing things clearly.
What the enemy is trying to do is extremely dangerous.
Because if the masses ever awaken from their spell, they will demand justice.
And so stress must constantly be maintained upon the masses until the mass formation is complete.
We are the voice of dissent.
And while we may not have much influence over the hypnotized 30%, we must definitely have sway over the 40% who will go along with the herd.
We need to become the herd.
Whether you think this all happened by accident or conspiracy, whether your reasons are based on religion or personal health, our voice of dissent must become one.
It must grow, and it must never end.
We must spread the seeds of doubt to everyone.
At the gas station, at the grocery store, at work, at home, with the neighbors.
They are desperately trying to provoke a civil war or a violent revolution because they can control that.
Violence will not break people out of the hypnosis.
It will only push more people into it.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.
Telling the truth to everyone you meet will save humanity.
So keep doing it.
You can shove your vaccine mandates up your arse!
You can shove your vaccine mandates up your arse!
You can shove your vaccine mandates!
Shove your vaccine mandates!
Shove your vaccine mandates up your arse!
And again folks, we're in a war. People paint cuss words on their army tanks and airplanes.
That's what we're doing here.
It's powerful.
You need to get it out there.
And you can shove your bioweapon into your own veins, New World Order.
You can burn in hell.
All right, this is how we win.
That's the name of the video.
And I get really upset.
I apologize.
Just this nuclear war stuff, I really got upset.
But I'm going to get calmed down and come back.
In the first half of the year, Pfizer made $66 billion.
Well, the third quarter just came in.
$24 billion in just general revenue in just that quarter.
With a deadly product they're making the public take.
What a time to be alive.
What a world to be living in.
We've got some very special guests coming up next hour in studio, two great ladies who are on the front lines fighting the poison vaccine mandates, fighting all the garbage.
Look forward to them being here with us.
But let's go over these headlines that have gotten me really angry, because I've gotten control of my anger most of the time.
I spun out last hour and this hour, and I've been a little bit grumpy on air and off air, and I apologize for it.
But at the end of the day, you really have to just Get your mind around the fact that when NATO says, we got 30 countries and we're ready to take out Russia, and the U.S.
government's talking about, we'll use preemptive strikes on you, because that's U.S.
government policy.
We'll nuke you.
We'll attack you first.
That's supposed to make you get upset.
You get upset for a reason.
So that you stop what's going on.
I mean, if you were sitting in your backyard and a wolf jumped over the fence and grabbed your three-year-old and was dragging it away to eat it, you'd suddenly get a lot of energy and really be aggressive.
Even the average person that doesn't, you know, think about fighting will put up a fight to save their child.
There are cases of, you know, mountain lions grabbing little kids and women grabbing them and poking their eyes out and, you know, attacking them and pulling the lion off of them.
Because that's in us, folks, and so I'm not going to apologize in general for being really upset, but at the same time we've all got to stay focused because they want us to get upset and they want us to get violent instead of us intellectually and spiritually fixing this because the general public isn't ready for violence yet and would be misdirected.
The globalists deserve Nuremberg 2 to be tried, to be convicted, and to be executed.
And I want that to be done through a process, not because of vengeance, because it's justice, and because these globalists need to know they're not going to get away with this in the future.
But we're coming down to the wire right now, ladies and gentlemen, on the fake cyber attack, on the new wars, on the new variants, on the economic collapse.
It's all right here.
It's all happening.
And again, I don't say that To scare you.
I've been out riding around on my ski boat when I had time years ago to go out.
I never go on the boat anymore, basically.
I need to just get rid of it.
Got an old ski boat.
May have been on it once in the last year.
Used to go out on it like every couple weeks.
And a few times I'd be driving along, busy talking to someone on the phone, and my dad goes out with us a lot.
He'd be like, hey, that's a buoy right there.
Hey, you're getting near the land.
And I look over and go, whoa, yeah, almost.
Thanks for telling me, Dad.
I'm going 50 miles an hour here, going down the lake to some restaurant or whatever, or some swimming hole or some fishing hole or, you know, weightboarding or whatever.
And when my dad says, hey, you're about to run into that dock over there, he's not being a fear monger.
He's like, hey, you're getting a little close to the dock over there.
And I can't tell you, at least twice, he's kept me from wrecking the boat.
And I'm not a reckless driver, but you get distracted with kids, people in the boat, stuff's going on, you need other people out looking for things.
Now imagine if he said, hey, you're getting a little close to that dock, and I had a couple seconds to, you know, cleanly get out of its way, very smoothly, but if I had to wait another five seconds, I don't know that I got out of the way of that dock, or of a boat another time that came out of nowhere.
So what would my dad have done if a couple seconds in to, hey, watch out for that dock, if I just ignored him, he'd grab the wheel.
He'd grab the wheel.
Now would that be a violent thing for him to do?
know it would be something to stop violence of the kinetic energy of wrecking that boat.
I remember a story once, Rex was about, I guess he was five years old, my son.
And we had a birthday party on Lake Austin that was one of those World War II ducks.
It was really just a landing vehicle.
But all around the country, people got them and refurbished them and used them.
And, you know, it goes in the river, it goes in the lake, and it comes out, you drive around.
And it was his birthday, so the boat captain... I'm not tattling on Rex, this is a true story, though.
And you never know what kids do.
He's a great, great, great son.
And like, perfect when he was little.
I mean, ridiculously good.
But for whatever reason in his head, when he gets into the boat, and gets into the controls, and goes, hey, you want to drive?
He slams down the accelerator, the throttle, and won't stop.
And we're on a river, he turns it, and we're going towards the land!
And He said stop it was grabbing Rex, but Rex was pretty big at
five and he wouldn't stop.
So he starts grabbing at the throttle and I'm sitting there frozen. What's my son doing?
He just kind of thought it was a video game or something. I don't know.
And the captain slaps him in the back of the head and he lets go and gets up.
And the guy captain looked at me and I'm like, yeah, thank you for slapping him in the back of
the head because for whatever reason he did that. Well, what do we do to these senators that want to
to preemptively attack Russia with nuclear war.
I'm not going to slap them in the back of the head.
I don't want violence.
They're the ones that are going to run us onto the land, except running onto the land is not that bad of a wreck compared to a nuclear war.
So there is my allegory and my parable.
And then now let's look at the news that's got me so upset.
I mean, just the IMF saying we're going to have a global financial collapse anytime is huge.
The devaluation of currency is massive.
All these different globalists threatening to preemptively nuke Russia and trying to start a war is just, it's just, it's fantastical.
But everything's fantastical because good people let evil people take over and evil people have a desire to do really bad things.
Governor Lightfoot, Is blaming, there's video of this, we'll play it in the next segment, is blaming retailers for increased crime and looting in the city.
And you're like, why would she do that?
Because it's about gaslighting you.
It's about, she has behavioral psychologists that tell her what to say.
She goes, I'm allowed to get my hair cut.
I'm important.
You aren't important.
Just like they say, don't look at the sunset.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
People say, man, that's outrageous.
Well, they're just getting you used to it.
The Prime Minister of New Zealand and now European Union leaders have said, oh the lockdowns are never stopping, the masks are permanent, and you'll get shots every few months for the rest of your life.
And by the way, we're still not going to let you out of your house most of the time.
An app on your phone will tell you when you can go outside your house for the earth, the carbon.
And they hired again a bunch of women Because we're genetically not used to women being dictators and running everything.
So archetypally, we see all these women in positions of power, and they're all telling us these horrible things, but it's like, well, it's a woman, and she's smiling at me while she tells me I'm a prisoner.
That's why the CIA used women as the main torturers and interrogators, because they found when a man would torture a man, he'd buck up and be tough and stand up against him, and would actually harden himself.
But when a woman came in, And started torturing him.
They'd roll over very quickly.
And that's all this is.
These aren't women.
These are demons, ladies and gentlemen.
And a lot of them are men masquerading as women.
Like Big Mike.
And the rest of it.
I mean, yes, yes.
Obviously those... So, we know what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm going to go to break and I'm going to come back in all this news.
And I'll give you that Lightfoot video I mentioned.
You know, wow, videos are finally coming out after 10 months, 11 months, January 6 prisoners, some of which were nonviolent, still in solitary confinement.
I mean, this is just total, absolute torture.
And Joe Rogan has come out and exposed the fact that the Lincoln Project 2.0 group They always wear the same little uniform.
He's out there running around, fair mongering, and there's a great graphic that says, in case of falling poll numbers, break the glass, and it's a bunch of Tiki Torch guys.
And I was sued in Virginia, still am being sued, for saying some of these guys are feds, which it's now turned out they are.
But that's what the Democrats do.
They don't want the truth about their dirty activity out there.
And that's okay.
The fact that I'm being attacked by these people means I'm over the target.
We'll be right back.
Here we are.
Still on air for now, but the shadows are getting long and the night, the long dark night of tyranny is approaching.
All right, let's just go over some of these headlines right now.
Zero Hedge article, Vietnam province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch after 120 children hospitalized.
The Vietnamese province of Phan Hao has suspended the use of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine batch after 120 students were hospitalized following their inoculation, which they've changed the definition of.
It's not a vaccine.
The VN Express reports since November 30th, the central province has been vaccinating children 15 to 17 with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
However, over 120 of the children were admitted.
To hospitals after exhibiting symptoms like nausea, high fever, or breathing difficulties, the Provincial Center for Disease Control CDC said.
And that's just a fraction of those that got sick, obviously.
And it's the same thing we know as the FDA documents that they are suppressing.
They don't have as much fancy medicine as we do.
Oh, you're having trouble breathing?
How's your heart doing?
You like that microcarditis?
Here's another one.
This is good news.
We're going to be talking about this with our guests coming up next hour.
They've successfully blocked much of the tyranny in Michigan.
Judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contractors nationwide.
Big article by Jamie White on InfoWars.com.
A federal judge in Georgia blocked Joe Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contractors, making another devastating blow to his COVID tyranny agenda.
They've had full appeals courts shoot him down as well.
But they don't care.
They just move forward With color of law.
But oh, the investors love the Pfizer stock.
Investing in the death of humanity and the erasure of our immune systems.
Meanwhile, Yahoo News reports, Michigan doctor begs for more help as state tops COVID-19 hospitalization peak.
All these heavily injected states have the highest rates of COVID and COVID illness and COVID
death and they now admit, oh, you're more likely to get sick or be hospitalized or die if
you've had the shot. But don't worry, Omicron's here. Take the third shot. It'll protect you from
that. Just like they told us a year ago, the shots would protect you from COVID. It's all lies.
Oh, oh, the vaccines don't work on Delta.
Oh, they don't work on Omicron.
They don't work, except they do, to erase your immune system and start growing protein crystals in your body.
So all over the news, ABC, NBC, NPR, it's everywhere.
Oh, the hospitals are actually full.
This time they are.
And it's fully vaccinated in Germany, in England, in Scotland, in Ireland, in Canada.
It's just, it must be Omicron.
Yes, that's it.
It's not the shot.
The answer is you need more of this.
You need more injections.
New York hospitals fire 100 unvaccinated employees who claimed religious exemption.
There's video of that.
There's video of the New Zealand Prime Minister saying, there's not going to be an end point to this vaccination program.
She goes on to say, it's permanent.
We always told you.
Because that's when people are like, well, we'll just hold out.
She goes, actually, it's permanent.
Oh, it was always going to be permanent.
It is permanent.
It's the Great Reset.
I've got articles here out of the LA Times.
Glad I didn't get to it yesterday.
It's somewhere in my stack.
Maybe it's in the stack.
Where they go, this is wonderful, let's build back better.
Thank God all these firefighters have been fired and police.
They obviously were bad people.
See, it's a litmus test.
Let us put something experimental and deadly in your body.
Or... You're fired and ostracized, and next you're taken to camps.
Like it's now happening in Germany.
We have video of it, maybe I should play it in a minute.
And in Australia, and in Austria.
Oh, and the UK's set to announce mandatory shots.
See how it works?
NEA board member says unvaccinated with religious exemptions deserve to die.
A member of the board of directors of the National Education Association posted a message on Facebook that denounced unvaccinated individuals, yet now they really are Joseph Mengele, saying deny health care to people that don't take the shot.
Of course, you're going to need that health care really bad once you take it.
Here's another one.
This is happening all over the Western world.
This is a designed criminal operation.
I've seen hundreds of articles about this in the U.S., in the West, in the East, in the South, in the Midwest, everywhere.
Leftist schools are injecting young children and not telling the parents, and telling them, don't tell your parents.
It just starts that sick, evil relationship, just like pedophilia, with your children.
California mother says son was enticed into vaccination with pizza without her consent.
The school admits it!
NBC News.
Reports UK government could mandate vax passes this week in snap decision.
Oh, we promise we won't.
Oh, snap decision.
See, it's all psychological warfare.
New Zealand Prime Minister.
There's not going to be an end point.
There's the article I mentioned earlier.
Oh, this one's really sick.
Explosion in new heart conditions explained as post-pandemic stress disorder.
So it's psychological that you're having blood clots and heart attacks and your legs are getting sawed off and you're having strokes, even though the insert says it can do it to you.
No, no, it's psychological.
That's why you died of a heart attack.
Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder in the UK.
That's right, you're all having heart attacks.
Not because the insert says it can give you a heart attack.
First it was blank for almost a year, but now they... No, no, don't look at that!
The American Heart Association tries to put it up on their Twitter account.
That's not allowed either.
No, no, no, no.
We're putting the warning on it, but nobody gets to look at it.
And then...
When you have your heart attack or die, well, it's completely normal.
You had an anxiety attack.
Oh, your 10-year-old had a heart attack and died?
It was an anxiety attack.
Yeah, it's pretty normal for children to have heart attacks.
I saw it on the side of a bus the other day.
It was on TV.
It's like, heart attacks are completely normal for children.
It's post-pandemic stress disorder.
Oh, all right.
TV show mysteriously deletes poll after vast majority oppose mandatory vaccination.
Good Morning Britain is like a Good Morning America with Omicron cases doubling every two days.
Is it time to make vaccines mandatory?
Look at that stilted poll, you know, with a leading question.
Yes, said 11.
No, said 89.
Well, they're all just terrorists.
I mean, they're the bad people.
Another really chilling video.
Watch Canadian mom forced into isolation center with two daughters.
And it goes on and on.
Man kills family, self, for fear of arrest over fake COVID pass.
Highest yearly increase of alcohol death in the UK on record during 2020 lockdowns.
All the liquor stores stayed open, the churches were closed.
Norwegian COVID expert says Omicron can provide best scenario for natural immunity.
We already have that.
And it goes on and on and on.
Bodies pile up under Fauci.
Undertaker hits the red alert.
Another very important report.
Australian football player diagnosed with pancreatitis.
Which they admit it can cause pancreatitis after receiving first Pfizer shot.
Team doctor quits and slams league's forced jab policy.
Now one of the things it says it can do is cause the shutdown of your pancreas.
A lot of these vaccines can do it.
So they give kids shots for measles, mumps, rubella.
A lot of times they have pancreatitis and their pancreas shuts down.
They don't tell you, hey, it may kick back on in a month.
They go, no, it's going insulin right away.
Your child's now a type one diabetic and they're not.
I have two close friends who had daughters.
Pancreas is erased.
And they don't even know about it.
I said, did you give them a vaccine?
Yeah, she had a vaccine a month before.
Other guy, yeah, she had a vaccine.
How do you know that?
And I said, oh, that's what causes pancreatitis most of the time.
And then they tell you it's genetic.
No, they shut it off.
Like if I shoot you with a gun, it's not genetic that you died of a gunshot wound.
It's the gun that did it.
We're going to go to break.
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We'll be right back.
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The only way you fail is not taking action.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the end for war and say I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but you want to fight!
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The journey to freedom starts at ResetWars.com.
Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a front man, a behavioral psychologist, mad scientist, that have been developing a project for total human control since the 1950s.
The Internet was designed and was first named the Intergalactic Computer Communications System.
And it would be designed to then track and control every move and every action of humans on Earth, monitored by AI computers and camera software systems, as well as different types of microwave relays.
They developed the plan in the late 50s, they declassified it in the early 60s, came out of ARPA that then became DARPA.
And when you see the entire project, that's what our phones are, is supercomputers that are handheld that then tie in the larger computer networks.
And in their own words, they admit that the plan is to be able to control us in lifetime by giving us stimuli and directives and orders through a social credit score to then basically make us biological androids or robots.
But to do that, they've got to get us to start giving up on our human biology.
Women don't have babies vaginally half the time.
Many women don't give their babies milk.
Babies are raised in cribs.
Lowers their IQs.
Disconnects them from humans.
Makes them more sociopathic.
More robotic.
The entire project's aim...
Is to make life so ugly, so horrible, to put us in environments so disgusting that we reject the third dimension and beg to have a chip put on our brains, a wire plugged into our grey matter, VR goggles on our heads.
And again, the message is, oh, this world's so ugly and horrible, this is your blanket, this is your pacifier, this is going to comfort you, not your mother, not your father.
But this artificial bag, this artificial universe, we're going to throw over your head.
And that's what you do when you capture enemy soldiers and you want to demoralize them.
You put a bag over their head for a couple days, you tie them up, you confine them in small spaces, and then now they've been broken down.
They're ready to follow your orders.
You're now under their control.
This is all tactics that cults use.
And the globalist mad scientist cult is the biggest and most powerful of them all.
And they want to make human beings a commodity.
They want to force us into the metaverse.
Make us go to court via Zoom.
Make people go to school via online, quote, learning.
And then, oh, sorry, this class is only VR.
We're not going to offer it in Zoom or in FaceTime or in Skype.
This is all admitted, and then once you're in the metaverse, you can also be surveilled, you can also be bombarded, you can also be manipulated, and you can also be cut off from the metaverse via the social credit score system if you don't behave and act the way they want you to.
You're literally putting yourself in an artificial environment that they control, and through the optic nerves, plugging your brain into the internet.
VR goggles are a plug for your brain.
Google glasses are a plug for your brain.
All of this takes you into their system and puts a false reality over your eyes so they can begin to bring you out of the third dimension.
Because the third dimension is the launch point to the wider universe.
They want to take you out of God's cathedral and this incredible interface with higher consciousness and the infinite and divine and bring you into a silicon cage, a system they've created.
They tell you that carbon is evil.
They tell you that all carbon life forms are bad.
They tell you they want to cut trees down now to save the earth from carbon.
When sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and oxygen are the four things that create life on this planet, the carbon cycle.
They tell us that we're going to be silicon gods.
They tell us we're going to merge the machines.
And only by giving up our humanity do we transcend.
When we're already here at the jump point of transcendence, the third dimension, they're trying to cut us off before we launch.
Not to other planets, but interdimensional.
Next level.
Once we make that transition, interstellar travel will be like something a baby is fascinated with or knows how to do.
We'll be back with two ladies really taking action against the tyrants and having massive victory.
If you want to win, stay with us.
Okay, so a few weeks ago I asked my producer to get these ladies on and I didn't know they'd be in studio today.
That's amazing.
I didn't remember too that I've known Kristen Megan for years.
She worked with Gary Franci, helped produce films.
She's been a frequent guest years ago with Darren McBrain when he would host shows.
I'd love it if Darren would host shows again.
He's like my son.
He doesn't want to be on air anymore.
And for whatever reason, Darren, I know you're watching, he works here.
But Kristen Megan's here, Tammy Clark.
These ladies have amazing backgrounds, huge bios.
They're leading the fight federally and at the state level and have already had big victories against the unconstitutional OSHA mandate of Biden.
And just today, another judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contractors.
So let's start with Kristen Megan and reintroduce her to the audience and then Tammy Clark.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and the amazing success you've had.
It's not about tooting horns, it's about talking about how powerful the grassroots is and how
powerful it is when women, particularly in men, get involved and engaged.
Yeah, so I've worked in the field of occupational and environmental toxicology for almost 20
years and nine years of that was on active duty in the Air Force and I've been on the
show before blowing a whistle on geoengineering.
Basically, my job is I've, for 12 of those 20 years, I've trained in pandemic preparedness planning and response.
The government completely ignored my profession.
I've managed the respiratory protection program in healthcare and other industries for over 76,000 people, and I've tested well over 10,000 masks and respirators.
So I'm a subject matter expert on controlling health hazards.
My primary field is industrial hygiene.
A lot of people don't know what we are, but we are not dentists.
So yeah, I've been in a lot of documentary films.
My colleague and I have been traveling around the country on our own dime just helping people fight this because we know what's happening in this country is wrong, it's egregious, and it's not what we've trained for for almost 20 years.
And also, Ed, you've been in, both of you ladies, on a bunch of super viral videos testifying to legislatures.
Tammy, tell us about you.
Well, I work in the fields of occupational and environmental health and safety, just like Kristen.
We are both OSHA-credentialed, court-approved subject matter experts, and I basically have owned my own consulting firm as an occupational and environmental health and safety professional for the last nearly 20 years.
So that's why I became an accidental activist and stood up and blew the whistle on federal OSHA.
Kristen and I actually connected through all of this.
We found each other just because we were both standing up and blowing the whistle.
Letting people know what the federal government is doing is totally illegal.
OSHA is guilty of revisionism, violating their own standards.
And so we connected and became very loud whistleblowers.
We have since testified in front of many state legislative bodies and in court cases helping to stop these mandates.
Talk about some of your successes, because that's a blueprint for others.
Well, first, we were here maybe just over a year ago.
We were in your capital.
We met Senator Bob Hall, and we helped attorneys and legislators in your state basically be able to fight these upcoming mandates.
We also helped pass two bills in North Dakota, which would basically make it illegal to mandate masks at a government level, and also another bill to stop the discrimination for the unvaccinated versus vaccinated.
Tammy, I'll pass it back to you.
We've had a lot of successes, and it really just opens up our eyes to see how we're burning our candle at both ends, just like you, Alex.
And it's just great to know that if we can get one person to keep their job, one person to win their custody case, and one person to not commit suicide, then everything we have done has been completely worth it.
And you've been doing that.
We're having a lot of victories.
As negative as I get on air, this is the globalist's big move.
This is their whole attack, and it's not going well.
They admit it isn't.
Yeah, and let's talk about the victories that we've had in Michigan.
Because Governor Whitmer tried to do last year what Governor Kate Brown actually did in Oregon by creating an Oregon OSHA permanent standard.
Now in Michigan last year Governor Whitmer tried to do the same thing.
Kristen and I both live in Michigan.
We recognize the illegality of that.
We weaponize the people.
We mobilize the people and arm them with the information to stand up.
I like that term though.
I want to weaponize the people.
That's what we're calling it, right?
Radical measures.
So we gave people the information that, you know, you can't just, any individual state
cannot just decide to start their own OSHA program if there is no federal program or
create a new standard if there is no federal standard.
So we actually gave people the information, the phone numbers, the emails.
They called into MyOSHA and within 48 hours, MyOSHA had retracted that proposed permanent
COVID standard.
Now, Governor Kate Brown in Oregon was not challenged and she actually did that.
And right now what we're seeing happening in Oregon is totally illegal because there
is no federal standard.
So for OSHA to create a permanent COVID standard, Oregon OSHA is illegal and it should be shut
down and it should be challenged in court.
Yeah, and there's a lot of fights we're still doing, so we put together a peer-reviewed, I know white papers aren't usually peer-reviewed, but we had it peer-reviewed by a lot of people, engineers, certified industrial hygienists, public health professionals, doctors, looked at this white paper that we did.
And we basically let the people know, because we, our phones are just going off constantly, everyone wants us to save them and we can't.
So we wanted to give everyone a guide to say, this is why it's illegal, this is why vaccines are not a control, because OSHA controls health hazards.
It's not a control method.
all the illegalities, how to fight, depending if it's a school, a job.
So we put this out.
And again, just to interrupt, that's key because so much fraud, almost all big industrial level
fraud is controller fraud.
It's the CEO or it's the main accountant or it's the medical system.
OSHA and all the regulators are in charge.
They've all been bought off by Big Pharma, and that's how they're doing this.
And then they're silencing anybody, including the American Heart Association, that comes out and says the insert says it can make you have myocarditis.
They go, you're not authorized to speak.
Since when?
Private citizens should be able to speak, even if we're wrong sometimes.
But now the American Heart Association?
I mean, this is crazy.
What you're saying is, it's the very watchdog group supposed to protect us are the ones betraying us.
Exactly, and that is very, very worrisome.
It's no different than when I was in the military.
I knew we had the Inspector General we could turn to, to unveil corruption and investigate.
And when those agencies that are designed to protect the worker are the ones actually oppressing and harming the workers, we have a massive problem.
And I just want to give a shout out to my friend, Congressman Thomas Massey, because he's the only one who's been standing up about this very vocally on social media and in DC.
He's amazing.
Yeah, he's my hero.
Talk about what he's doing.
Yeah, so he has been, well he's actively suing Pelosi right now for her mass mandate and docking his pay, but he's the one that was initially calling out how OSHA did not have the statutory authority to push any sort of mandate coming from the executive branch.
And he was working on a bill to help fight the mandates for the military because I personally am vaccine injured from active duty from the Gardasil shot and I know what it's like to live under a mandate and I have that choice.
Wow, the military made you take Gardasil.
Yeah, round one.
I had a stroke in my 20s, yes.
Oh, I remember we had you on about it, good God.
Man, I tell you, keep going, sorry.
Yeah, so it's just, he is just upholding his oath.
It's sad when you can count on your hand how many people in D.C.
are actually doing what we sent them there to do.
But what they're afraid of is the Green and Boeber and all these new people.
They're scared of us getting more in because over time we're winning.
That's why they're trying to shut everything down right now.
Yes, but Alex, having us here today, I don't want to sit here and like pat you back, but it is a huge deal.
You have such a giant platform and I work in media.
I'm a media correspondent.
I have so many connections.
We are actually told we are not allowed to go on even Newsmax, OAN, all these places.
I'm actively suing Delta Airlines right now and I can't even get on to talk about my case.
We've had events canceled because our names are tied.
They won't allow you to sell tickets to those platforms because we're spreading medical Well, this is the global social credit score.
This is the model of how they electronically, through the technocracy, suppress people.
So whoever's suppressed, we've got to rally behind them.
Yeah, so it's really important, and that's why I appreciate you having us on here today.
No, no, I appreciate you.
So tell us, how do people find your URLs?
Because the key is folks to get back to URLs and away from these big censorship electronic gulags that Matt Dredge called them.
Yeah, so Tammy and I work with Stand Up Michigan and I'll let her explain because they just created a whole new platform for everyone to go to to fight the censorship.
StandupMichigan.com, tell us about that.
Correct, so we're actually just in the process right now of creating a whole new website, API-based, and it is going to be an interactive site so that people can go, they can get resources and information.
This white paper, this article, this peer-reviewed article that Kristen and I wrote, It is available at StandUpMichigan.com for $1.
It's a dollar a download, but this is how we finish this right now at the local level in the workplace.
Because we have been very successful in the federal courts, on the federal, the national, and the state levels, but people don't necessarily realize how successful because of the noise.
The Democrats right now, or I should say the liberal progressive left, they are so busy running around and talking as if this is still going on that we wrote this because the successes that we've had at the national and state level, people now need to take this information and go finish this in their workplaces.
We can turn this around now if our listeners in all 50 states take action.
And once we take back America, we're going to take back Australia and Germany and the UK 1776 worldwide.
Tammy Clark's here with us with StandupMichigan.com and Kristen Megan with StandupMichigan.com.
And so, get into this white paper and why it's so important and why we see the courts defeating them, the successes you've had.
Because they're just violating the law.
They're violating everything on its face.
And you guys are both toxicology certified experts that deal with toxic waste, that deal with safety at businesses, that know what masks are really doing.
And that's why they're so scared of you and trying to silence you.
You're having amazing success at the federal and state level.
So Tammy, go over this document.
OSHA regulations, rules, and mandate madness.
Yes, so this document actually is very, very current.
We start right out on page one, talking about the Fifth Circuit Court on November 5th, and then on November 6th, the ruling that shut this down.
So on page two, we get into the educational components of this.
Why is it?
Kristen and I have been telling you for a year now.
Folks, don't be afraid to stand up.
This is totally illegal, and it will shake out in the courts.
So right on page two, we talked about OSHA's authority and their scope.
So what is the regulatory rulemaking process and why did we know the federal courts were going to rule the way they did?
Well, because number one, the executive branch, which is the President of the United States, does not have the authority to regulate or to tell a new regulatory agency or any regulatory agency, go make me a new rule because I want one.
Or go implement a standard because I want one.
So basically what... Those agencies have to be enshrined in law, created by law, and then operating under law.
Yeah, exactly.
So the president had no statutory authority to tell OSHA or CMS or any regulatory agency to go implement a new standard because this is how I'm going to weaponize you.
So it's classically authoritarian.
And so the OSHA Act of 1970 provides very clear parameters about how regulations can be promulgated, and OSHA answers to Congress.
They do not answer to the President.
So we knew when the President started promulgating this in the beginning, don't worry about it, this is going to get shut down because it's illegal in its promulgation, therefore none of the mandates will hold water.
And this is exactly how the courts have ruled all the way along.
So now that the president has been very successful in weaponizing corporate attorneys and business owners to do this anyway, this is why this paper was written.
And we've got to get it into the hands of the people out there to shut it down in their workplaces.
And so we go through everything.
The rulemaking process.
How is it promulgated?
How is it enforced all the way down?
So this gives an onerous manual or a blueprint to legislators, judges and others to plainly
see how they're being lied to and how this is a fraud.
Globalism is a corporate revolution against nation states and against voters.
Klaus Schwab on his own Wikipedia page, they link to stuff he says where he goes, "We're
going to capture the weak republics, the weak democracies.
We don't want the people in charge.
We the corporations are in charge."
And that's what this whole globalist system is, is they work with executives and then
they work through the corporate system of enforcing lockdowns, checkpoints, internet
IDs, vaccine passports through the corporate will.
That's what this is, is corporate dictatorship.
That's absolutely right.
And we've been exposing that.
We've been talking about this for a year.
We've been telling people, we know this is scary, but just because you're hearing this does not make it true.
It's going to shake out in the courts, so don't be afraid to stand up.
But we've been really busy.
This is why we started traveling and testifying in front of state legislative bodies, because even a lot of legislators we found don't understand this whole process.
How is a law made versus how is a regulation made or a standard promulgated?
And so we've been very busy educating and empowering and we've been able to shut this down on a lot of states and the state level.
So you're teaching the ABCs of the president's not a dictator.
Yes, exactly.
So it's been very successful.
And now that we've gotten this stopped on the national level and even within some of the states, we've got to get the people taking this information to their businesses, to their employers, to their HR departments and their corporate attorneys and saying, for you to tell us to do this is totally illegal because there is no standard.
There's no OSHA standard.
There's no CMS rule.
There is no, now even just today we got the ruling or yesterday, there is no federal contractor rule.
It's all illegally promulgated.
So what are you doing?
Yeah, and we have been feeding attorneys behind the scenes.
We've been feeding attorneys information because even though they're environmental health and safety lawyers, they've never fought anything like this.
Because we're the people managing these programs in the workplace, we knew So OSHA has standards.
Everyone knows you can look up standards.
But what people may not know, if they're not in our field, is they have letters of interpretation.
And we, in finding all the angles to fight this with the attorneys, found multiple letters of interpretation where state senators and other businesses had asked in the past, during the first SARS outbreak, during the flu, H1N1 period, They clarified.
OSHA says we cannot mandate vaccines.
So it's just ignored.
This stuff is ignored.
But you can walk into court and say, here's OSHA saying they don't have the jurisdiction.
It's not like you're saying it's them.
Nope, they're saying it.
And that's the thing.
Even when we were fighting the mass mandates around the country, it's so common sense that, I mean, it was so insane that it was pushed on a mass scale because we know Masks have no way of stopping an aerosol.
Like we study the movement of air.
That's our job.
It's so exciting.
Aerosols are not stopped.
They don't seal and we created a greater hazard and that is the violation of the ethics of our profession.
In fact, some of the studies I've seen is the touching of the mask and all the it makes it worse.
I spoke at a school board meeting and this pediatrician went in front of me and she's talking about because she's a pediatrician masks don't harm children and I'm just like chewing my cheek and this woman just takes her mask off and she just rubs it all over the podium.
This video is literally like a diaper.
This video went viral.
It wasn't my best work.
I was pretty angry but I went up there and demanded wipes to wipe down the thing and I shamed her on that podium because I'm not a mean-spirited person but you are misusing your credentials.
You're not in your lane and you're guilty of malpractice trying to invade yourself into my profession when I train doctors.
So what is the truth about masks?
They don't stop in aerosol.
Masks are only designed to stop droplets, blood, and splatter.
And if people are saying, well, why do healthcare workers wear them in hospitals?
They fall under something that we implement called ASHRAE standards.
They're HVAC standards, engineering standards, to lift hazards out of the breathing zone.
Like, it's very cold in here right now.
That helps.
Um, and aerosols can stay suspended in the air for days.
And the problem with masks that we know is one, they, is it safe?
That's what we say when we select something.
Is it safe?
No, they're not safe.
They do restrict oxygen up to 20% and pre-COVID.
I was about to say, lowering oxygen even 20% on average is a huge neurological attack.
So the worst part of all this is part of my profession of almost 20 years is fielding exemptions for respirators in the workplace.
And what we had to do was have employees fill out questionnaires and things like history of lung cancer, PTSD, claustrophobia, sinus issues, bronchitis.
Not everybody can wear like a firefighter respirator.
I've tried one time hanging out with some firefighters.
It's very claustrophobic.
Yeah, and that's part of the reason I'm suing Delta is I used to be able to fly in Delta without a mask and they literally told me that my disability no longer mattered, I'm a disabled veteran, and that as long as I had arms and I had ears and I didn't have Down syndrome, I can wear a mask.
And now they're trying to make babies wear them.
Absolutely insane because we work with a lot of doctors and a friend of ours, Dr. Larry Pilevsky, pointed out through neurological studies that this repetitive oxygen deprivation for children is delaying frontal lobe development.
Now, I'm not a doctor, but I follow the science.
I listen to people.
Well, exactly.
Oh, don't say you're not a doctor.
It's in the damn literature.
Yeah, I can access the same books that they can, Alex.
But now even when medical doctors try to come out and point this out, they get shut down.
They get shut down because the system cannot win unless we are silenced.
That's why Tammy Clark is here with StandUpMichigan.com.
Chris and Megan, we're going to come back and get more into this document on the other side.
And then Paul Joseph Watson hosts the fourth hour of the day.
And these ladies are going to be back on with The Powerhouse, Owen Schroyer, The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, weekdays at InfoWars.com.
Well I tell you, it is so exciting to be with Tammy Clark of StandupMichigan.com and Kristen Megan who's been on the show many times years ago and she's back again.
She was a big military whistleblower and you guys are both certifiers of toxicology in OSHA and you're just simply saying everything's thrown out the window in OSHA's own admissions.
But if you actually go back to three years ago, a year before they released this stuff, Fauci's on TV, on C-SPAN, with all these federal agency heads, NIH, CDC, FDA, Health and Human Services, and they say, we need a virus out of China to just totally screw everything up so we can wipe out all the checks and balances and have a revolution to, quote, blow up the existing system.
And so that's really what we're witnessing.
This is just A revolution.
That's what a revolution is.
We always think of revolutions like the people.
No, most revolutions are elite revolutions against the population.
That's called tyranny.
And so we're under the revolution.
We're not revolutionaries, at least I'm not.
I'm trying to restore the republic.
How do you ladies see yourselves?
Well, first I kind of have to go back to what you said about just basically the government being a bunch of sociopaths.
We'll just summarize.
You have to remember that when this was, you know, talking about gain of function and everything, the government kind of being behind this.
You know that there's something bigger at hand here because we're not just saying like masks don't work, that these vaccines aren't efficacious.
We had a way to control all of this and we didn't do it.
And something in our profession, and it's in this article, is the hierarchy of controls.
And engineering controls.
And cheap?
We put ourselves into bigger debt by printing the money and giving people STEMI so they can go buy TVs and shoes, instead of giving people money to buy devices in their home called dilution and destruction technologies.
There's a brand called the iWave Air.
I don't profit off recommending that, but it's the most lab tested.
It'll kill 96% of mold, bacteria, and viruses in the home.
Is it an ozone machine?
Yes, it uses an ionization.
And we could have put this in schools.
Prisons are installing it now.
We could have actually created the jobs.
The government could have actually created jobs by training more HVAC technicians to install this, getting people in our profession to go out and actually, because we always have to verify confidence in controls.
So like if I tell you to put capture ventilation in while you're doing something, I have to come back and air sample.
Well sure, like the fancier new dental offices and medical things have those systems and have the ventilation programs that do that.
Yeah, so it's that simple.
And even in grocery stores, all they had to do, not shut down, was increase the air exchanges to lift the aerosols out of the breathing zone and just continue to cycle the air.
Here's an example, I'm a member at the range here in Austin, a great shooting range and they've got the normal area in the VIP
level and they give me a discount at the VIP level but the whole place you can feel it has an
air suction system so you're not getting the particulates in the lead and you can see outside the
big pipes that pull it into a machine but literally you're in there and the air is clean because
it's stuck in the airhub.
Yeah and that's an engineering control and it's very inexpensive and that's how we were screaming
from the rooftops this isn't about health and safety because if masks work I'd be donating my
own money to help get people in masks but we needed that hierarchy of controls and if we decided we
couldn't control this hazard through engineering we would have needed to give everyone personal
protective equipment but again we're talking about the infection fatality rate.
What do you make all these videos with folks showing vaping that the masks don't work?
Yeah, so when we're talking about aerosols and particulates, people always get confused.
And one of my mentors, Steven Petty, he's like one of the highest credentialed people in our field.
He always calls the aerosols the little guys.
And you have to remember that the government is conflating the words.
So air, you know, like when you're by a window and you can see dust, you can't see aerosol.
You cannot see...
COVID-19 in the air.
And when you can't see something like that, the, I believe it is one micron size of COVID is 40, 40,000 times smaller than the area and the diameter of a human hair.
So if I were to take my hair and put it through the front of a mask, it'd go right through.
Exactly, so let me ask you this then, what is the right, like some have compared it to a cyclone fence throwing a BB through it, or some say flying a plane between 10 football fields, what's the real size of the virus versus how big the spaces are in the mass?
Like I said, it's 40,000 times smaller than the area and diameter of a human hair.
So the hair will go through, and it's 40,000, it's a joke.
Well, Alex, that's just the front.
But let's think about the masks don't seal.
I have one in my pocket just because I like to wipe with them, you know?
So the masks, they don't seal on the side.
So if you look at anyone wearing a mask like this and they look down, you can see right into their mask.
Sure, it's a joke.
And when you get more than... I saw studies that it shoots up, actually.
It might spread more.
That's exactly it.
When we say this creates a greater hazard, we're not just talking about to the person.
Normally, you'd be shooting it down, but this shoots it up.
It increased the spread, Alex.
It increased the spread because when you understand the movement of air and let's say you cough into a mask and you have that buildup of that condensation, what happens is you project those aerosols even further.
You know, it's like taking a garden hose and you kind of put your thumb over and it sprays out.
As soon as you cough into a mask, you're supposed to remove it.
You're not even actually supposed to cough into a mask, but you have to change it out.
And when people don't and they wear those all week long, that condensation builds up and when you try to breathe or you cough, you're pushing it out further.
You're pushing it out further and Then people take their masks off.
So it allows it to grow, it allows it to coagulate.
It allows more of the water or the liquid to condensate.
And what's even worse is when people take off their masks, they should dispose of them.
Instead, they put them in the purse and then they shake them.
And it's like friables bestest.
So it's literally like using the same piece of toilet paper over and over again.
Yeah, and I don't mean to sound crass, but as gross as I know masks are, it'd be like me just taking a panty liner, Alex, and setting it right here, you'd cringe.
That's what I see when people put their masks on tables.
I was about to say, the mouth is even dirtier than other parts of the body, isn't it?
I mean, the dirtiest part of your body, it's like this diaper.
Speaking of diapers, we pass aerosols when we use the restroom, or pass gas.
So, are we going to put masks on our fannies?
That was the big joke, exactly.
How are you going to do that?
Yeah, so the government could have put toilet seats on public toilets.
They needed to get the hand dryers out of there because, again, it re-aerosolizes it in the bathrooms.
Instead, they actually took out the paper towels to be green.
And then they went ahead and just put more air dryers in.
They created the greater hazard.
I can't even... I can talk to you... Well, why is it that the cities that had all the controls and wear the masks have the highest levels of COVID?
Because masks increase the spread.
It causes self and cross-contamination.
Tammy, what about, I mean, other angles of this that people don't know about?
Well, for one thing, the government knows this.
We know the government knows this because they've trained us.
And that's why they now have a problem on their hands because we refuse to shut up and sit down.
This is why we wrote this paper.
And you guys can see, you can just see the colors here, you see way down here on the bottom where it says red PPE.
I'll show the TV viewers.
There you go.
We put this together to educate you guys because the government violated their own hierarchy of safety and controls.
What Kristen was talking about, you can see there on the top where it says elimination.
We start with elimination because if we can physically remove the hazard, great.
With some things like toxic chemicals, we could do that.
Or we could substitute it for something less hazardous.
With COVID, we can't do that.
So we could have stopped right there at engineering controls, but what did our government do?
Skipped right down to the last level of control, which is always the least effective.
And in fact, masks are not even considered PPE.
They're not even on the hierarchy.
So our government skipped over all known protocols that are legally required.
This has been put in place.
Since the 1950s that we always traditionally and historically follow.
In addition, what they did was they took all of the professionals in our career field, the multidisciplinary approach to pandemic response, and they completely abandoned that.
So the only two people we were listening to were Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx.
And that's a problem because neither of them Are qualified to speak on pandemic preparedness, planning, or response, protective factors, PPE, respiratory protection, or anything like that.
So why would we be listening to somebody who has flip-flopped 10 times in his recommendations?
And you can tell.
First, we don't wear a mask.
Masks do nothing to control the spread.
Then, well, you might want to wear a mask.
It might make you feel better.
Then, well, we probably should wear a mask.
Well, now we should wear two, maybe three masks.
I mean it's crazy.
Obviously they're not credentialed to speak on any of this.
And I think it's important to point out because a lot of the nurses and doctors who are on the side of their politics instead of actual science is that masks are viewed as, the argument is of course it's not PPE, it's source control.
But it's not source control because you're not controlling the sorts which is aerosols.
But Alex, one thing that we haven't addressed that is so important and I feel like it is the most misunderstood.
Is when in July, I believe, OSHA came out and said they're no longer going to enforce the record-keeping aspect of injury and illnesses and death associated with the vaccines.
And people thought, well, it's going to be mandated and then you get it and you can't sue your employer.
Yes, you can.
All it does when you take away the record-keeping requirement of a vaccine is it means that OSHA will not come in and look for that information to inspect.
It's no longer inspection criteria.
So we see the cover-up is being baked into the cake.
We'll come right back in the final segment of the Saturday.
We'll hold them over a little bit the next hour.
And then Paul Joseph Watson takes over from the United Kingdom.
Tomorrow's news today, 1776coin.com.
All right, folks.
Alex Jones here.
And I really appreciate our guest Tammy Clark and Christian Megan of StandupMichigan.com being here with us, the tip of the spear.
They were already scheduled to talk about this, but they're in the film, COVID Land Part 2, that actually comes out today.
I mean, you can start ordering the DVDs today.
That way, you've got a hard copy, you can share it, you can get it out to folks.
And every order of COVID Land Part 2, The Mask, these ladies are in, by the way, just worked synergistically today that you're here, gets a free copy of Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and the Order of Death.
My two films about Bohemian Grove, to get around the censors, to have the hard copy, you're authorized to make copies, get it out to folks, share it, re-upload it.
You understand these globalists and why they're so evil and why they're doing all this?
This is their mode of human sacrifice, is these injections.
It's all in Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
You understand the Georgia Guidestones, you understand it all?
This is my two seminal films, one made 21 years ago, and another made 15 years ago, 16 years ago, The Order of Death, both on one DVD.
Get it free with Covenland, the movie, at infowarestore.com.
And you can also get the film at standupmichigan.com.
They have Covenland 2 there, now goes on sale today, and I've been so busy.
I should have been doing weeks of preparation to promote this, because we produced it, and I've just been so in the war that I've not talked about it.
And just because listeners already know about all this?
Your friends and family don't.
COVID-land 1 is amazing.
The mask is even more powerful.
And then it goes into endgame scenarios, and I'm interviewing others in the next three pieces that come out.
Yeah, it's just kind of funny because I believe this film started getting, this docuseries was starting like earlier in the year when we filmed and just so much more information has come out.
But it's kind of weird to see the narrative of how the one time Fauci was right saying that masks do not stop.
But what I like is a lot of this stuff's been memory hold.
So you watch part one and now watch part two, it's even more powerful than part one.
You forget all this stuff.
It's a very important historical record.
What's even worse is we've been traveling since we've met, and we lose track of time because we're like, what year did this happen?
I mean, two weeks, we're going on two years.
So it's not even just that, it's bringing back memories.
It seems like way longer ago than it should have been.
Well, the worst part, about 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
And now we're entering year three?
And that's why this has to be shut down.
And we need to shut this down at the business level at this point.
And one of the things that I've been so frustrated... Yeah, you got interrupted for the break.
What were you about to say?
Corporate attorneys.
Corporate attorneys.
Corporate attorneys have driven me absolutely crazy over this past year because this... Well, they're the ones putting us in the nanny state.
Well, no.
I mean, now, when I look at all of this, and I've had many clients as a consultant, and I've had to look at their attorneys and say, what in the world are you doing?
Why are you directing my clients to do something that they absolutely should not be doing?
They should not be following these mandates that are not even legal.
They're not legally promulgated.
They're proposed at this point.
They're not even actual standards.
But they're so busy, they're risk-averse.
And so they're so busy getting people together, because this is what's coming, so you need to follow this.
Like, we don't have diving boards, we don't have deep pools, we don't have playgrounds, we don't have children.
Something might happen to them.
Oh, get rid of your boat dock.
Somebody might get hurt on it.
Don't live, don't live.
It's lawyers, lawyers, lawyers.
And then they bring in global dictators that give us poison shots all because they've been given liability protection.
Right and one thing I just want to quickly add before we went to the break I was talking about the whole OSHA record keeping and I wanted to clarify if you are mandated to get this vaccine and you have if there's an injury illness or death above first aid to include fainting you can sue your employer.
This lack of record-keeping, the lack of auditing this topic in your workplace did not take liability away from the employer.
Now, OSHA never finds liability when it comes to that, but you have private civil and tort claims tied to workers' compensation.
And that is a fact because I used to be an expert witness on those cases involving harm from the flu shots.
And all this information is actually in this article, because we needed to arm and educate all of you, so you can be prepared to take this information to your HR departments, educate your HR department, who's getting all of their talking points from their corporate attorneys, and shut this down.
What you say is so important.
I've had to say it so many times, and I haven't made it properly.
This is all lawyers running this.
And they're just told by the bar and the board, do this.
They're a cult.
That's right.
And this is, it is so crazy because really, if you stop and think about it, what's the best group of people to shut this down in America?
The attorneys that know this is illegal.
So why are they the ones leading the charge, telling you to go do it?
What they should be doing is going to every single one of their business clients, telling them all, hey, what's coming down from the federal government is totally illegal.
So we're going to fight this on your behalf.
I saw you guys a year ago, six months ago, and legislator speaking, we played your clips.
But now, I mean, all the federal courts are saying no.
How is the system going to strike back against that?
Because you have been vindicated, you've been validated, you have been given victory.
Well, that's why we wrote this article and we took the time to have it very peer-reviewed.
It is legally defensible.
There is no arguing with this article, and this is why we want every single one of you to go to StandUpMichigan.com, enter your information on the pop-up box on the homepage.
It's a dollar.
You can download it.
But you need this information because now only we the people can finish this.
It's been finished at the federal level.
It's been finished with the states.
Okay, other than Oregon.
It's been perfected.
Yes, and now it's up to we the people to take it and be very loud and disruptive.
And I'm telling you guys, radical times call for radical measures.
It is time for a revolution.
People tell me how great I am.
I actually feel dirty that I'm not doing more with our killing children now with this crap.
I mean, I don't feel like some badass.
I feel like I'm doing the bare minimum where I can not be completely in shame in front of God.
Well, that's what we're saying, is like, where is everyone else in our career field?
There's what, maybe 10 of us?
And we work for ourselves, so no one can fire us.
But there's a lot of other people doing it behind the scenes.
But one thing that's so important, we saw earlier on the show, you bringing up all these hospital systems asking for help.
Well, we, I don't know if you've been following what's going on in our state, but I can tell you It is.
We are not dealing with the amount of cases that you're seeing, and it's not that they're understaffed.
I mean, a lot of people know this is because of Manning, but it's so incredibly illegal.
One thing you have to understand about what's happening is I'm cross-credentialed in public health.
And we learn in public health, propaganda.
Shove it down your throat.
Wear your mask, wear your mask, wear your mask, taxation stuff, wear your mask.
And people do.
And that's why in this we're kind of repetitive on saying there's no authority, there's no authority, because you have to play their game.
So the one thing they did right was that propaganda.
Propaganda expert warns of global psy-op.
Here's mainstream news.
Government scientific advisors admit they use totalitarian fear tactics to control people during pandemic.
This is even BBC Leningradian.
I mean, they are admitting that they are using brainwashing techniques on the public with COVID-19.
Propaganda in the art of exploiting the pandemic.
I mean this is mainstream news.
Well and just to give an example so I worked for a company I legally can't even name but they had to deal with a lot of arc flashes and in the propaganda aspect of public health and health and safety you don't just give the science like that just falls on deaf ears but like for example if I was telling you Alex you have to wear this so you don't catch on fire you would be more impacted if I brought in a burn victim who didn't wear their proper protection you'd be like You know, and that's what they're doing.
That's why they're not showing you, oh, the micron particulate size of the aerosols.
They're not getting in the nitty gritty with you.
Because it's all just basic BS.
Exactly, and they'll never even give it in numbers out because they know they're a fraud.
But the propaganda is so thick, it's the only thing they're actually doing right.
They are pushing such strong propaganda.
And that's why it's so ironic when they said, if you don't do this or that, you're going to kill your grandma.
Why putting people positive in nursing homes?
So it's all guilt.
And now they're like, oh, the vaccine doesn't work.
But don't worry, we have a new booster, which the numbers show erases your immune system more.
And it's more than just the boosters.
The amount of women that are impacted by these, the miscarriages, everything.
I mean, the narrative by the government is that, oh, VAERS, the database is self-reporting.
Well, how do products get taken off the market?
They get taken off the market from self-reporting.
If I call my doctor, I think I hurt myself.
We don't listen to people that like, oh, you took this pill, your baby's deformed.
Then they learn it's bad.
Or I drank this milk, I got sick.
Oh, it's got salmonella or whatever.
Yeah, make sure you spray your DDT.
Ladies, let's do one more segment coming up.
But Tammy, what else should people be aware of?
One of the things that I want to educate people about is how you can take this information and shut it down in your own state.
We told you how you can get this document and take it into your own workplaces.
But you also, if your state allows citizen-led petition initiatives, you can do what we did in Michigan.
And look, we were dealing with one of the worst tyrants out there in this whole pandemic.
And we the people got together, Stand Up Michigan, helped to mobilize the people in a citizen-led petition initiative, and we took away her power.
We would be locked down under lock and key right now if it wasn't for what the people did through citizen-led petition initiatives.
By the way, we should have started the interview with that.
Let's go to break one more segment.
I want to just, because later we'll archive this at Mando Video, I want you, Tammy, to speak about that up front.
Because we talk about all these ladies having a lot of success.
They're credited with the big success in Michigan that was the crown jewel of taking down the whole Midwest from Michigan down with this crap show.
Don't forget.
It's exactly what I thought.
Listers are great.
We need your support.
It's an amazing historical piece of history, and everybody that gets the coin, if we stay on air.
If we're not, we'll just be gone.
We'll get exclusive content and more.
They'll be sold out at current sales rates in three days.
So, thank you for the support.
I bet on you, and you did it again.
Thank you.
Very exciting stuff.
You guys are going to be at a big conference in Dallas this weekend.
I had asked to go.
I was at the one in San Antonio three weeks ago with General Flynn.
But I'm supposed to sit here with lawyers all day and respond to these congressional subpoenas, which I have exclusive news I haven't broken.
I got more subpoenas last night.
So I mean, I mean, it's it's and there's nothing to hide, but you're like you.
If you don't give them everything and dig through it, you go to jail.
So it's very fun here.
But I asked for this.
Here we are.
Tammy Clark, you were going to finish up with, for people up front, because I want to put this later when we archive it at Band.Video, how you guys stopped the demon witch, the Gorgon.
Talk about Medusa.
She lives.
Governor Whitmer.
Yes, so our legislature is Republican-led, but of course we have Governor Whitmer.
We call him the evil trifecta of Benson, Secretary of State Nessel, our Attorney General, and Whitmer.
And so when you have this trifecta of power, it's pretty darn impossible to get anything done.
And our legislature really didn't want to rock the boat, and they just were basically saying, you know, we can't do anything because she'll just veto everything.
And so we thought, well, if nobody's going to do anything, we partnered with the Unlock Michigan campaign.
It's an actual campaign.
We partnered with them because we have so many people, so many followers.
Really, we've got the followers.
We have 60,000 petition circulators.
And we made history, I think not just in Michigan, but in the United States, by getting all of these petitions signed that basically limited her powers in the event of an emergency, a true emergency, to 28 days.
And beyond that, she had to go get the approval from the legislature.
So you took the dictatorial power away from her and now we don't hear about her anymore?
Yes, and she's been very quiet for a long time.
But what she did was she pivoted and she just started using the health department.
So right now we're in the middle of Unlock 2 and we're going after the health department to limit their powers to 28 days as well.
And we'll get it done.
You can absolutely, you know, being a veteran, I took an oath three times, you can administratively overturn this tyranny.
You know, I'm not for the initiation of violence.
I believe in self-defense.
This is a threat to our livelihood, our future, our monetary system, our health.
We're coming after our children now.
That's what gets me.
I have to censor myself.
I was in the grocery store and saw a woman praising her child with candy for their great mask wearing.
This child was maybe 18 months.
Holy hell.
Serious brain damage.
Serious abuse.
I tell people, I say, that causes brain damage.
I don't care.
I'll do it.
It's worse than that.
It lowers immune function.
It lowers immune function because it's impeding your proper gaseous exchanges.
So when we breathe in and we breathe out, when you cover your face naturally, we breathe faster.
We increase our heart rate.
And that hemoglobin is delayed in transporting oxygen to all the vital organs.
And the most insane thing that I heard, I told you we work on custody cases, was there was a boy, I'll try to be as vague as possible so I don't violate anything, an individual who needs a kidney transplant and one parent is fighting for the child to wear an N95 respirator.
And I can tell you, as someone who helped field exemptions, if you had any sort of organ replacement or transplant, I mean, or you had any sort of kidney stones or malfunctions or you're on dialysis, anything, you never would be approved to our respirator by an occupational health doc, because it impedes the oxygen getting to us.
This is very spiritual, though.
They take away God, they take away freedom, they take away everything that's real, and then now it's like, we got a shot, we got a mask.
It's their sacrament, it's their blanket, it's their God.
Very true.
You know, and now these useless masks have just become like pacifiers.
It reminds me of all the little blankies that children carried around.
It's symbolic and it's control.
And they've been very successful through this psychological warfare campaign.
Well, and they've tried to divide us all the time, whether it's race, religion, views, and just this whole... But you ladies are taking action and so are our great listeners, and so I don't give people Yes, and we really have to go on the offense.
Right now, we are winning on every level.
it's terrible, but it's not going like the Globeless win. I mean, we're winning at many levels.
Yes, and we really have to get, we have to go on the offense. Right now, we have, we are winning on every level
and now the information that we have provided, we have to stand
taller and speak louder because...
No, I agree. I look at Fauci and the Pfizer guy, they're scared. They should be.
We need to go on the offense and finish this.
Because they're going to counter-strike us, folks.
We've got to, like, just press the accelerator down and just say, you want to play chicken?
I'm not turning this car off.
We're going 100%.
And the Knight Rider's going to go in the ditch.
Tammy Clark, StandupMichigan.com.
Chris and Megan, you ladies are amazing.
Please come see us again and give us an update in a week or so via Skype.
Thank you so much.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today, COVIDland Part 2, now available.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just InfoWars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
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I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
Well, you know, I always bet on the listeners.
I really, really appreciate you guys.
And we are in the crucible right now.
We're in the crazy town.
And if we don't get your support, we'll be shut down.
If we get your support, we'll win together.
And so we have Covidland 2, The Mask that's now out.
Get a free copy of The Order of Death and Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Two films on one DVD, so three films at Infowarshort.com.
And you know, Howard Stern made a big joke about me and Gene Simmons and how I'm attacking Gene Simmons for forced inoculations and I'm a big plugger and so is Gene Simmons.
Yeah, I got to finance and build our own infrastructure and literal underground bases with servers now to even stay on air.
I'm not made a big deal about it.
We could be off the air very easily.
But, because of your support, we're not going to be.
God is in charge.
So, we have this new coin.
Comes in a great little blue presidential package.
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So we're very, very proud of this coin, and you can get it right now.
It will sell out, ladies and gentlemen, in the next three days at current sales rates, which is exactly what I was planning.
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But there's only 10,000 of this coin.
It's got the American eagle, the bald eagle, standing on top of the world with 7076.
And it says, we are true, we will resist, we are the resistance, and then on the other side in Latin it says, thus to tyrants, sic semper tyrannis, thus to tyrants, with George Washington killing the dragon.
George Washington, the archetype of the founder of England, of course the founder of America, it's the way God works, things repeat, and so we appreciate George Washington.
We appreciate God giving us George Washington and his sacrifices.
So, we call on that providence again, And so this is a collectible coin, and anybody that gets the coin, and who gives us the email, we're gonna send you exclusive content, exclusive information.
Can't tell you about it yet.
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Thus, to tyrants always, Always resisting, always true, always committed, thanks to you!
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1776coin.com, 1776coin.com, or 888-253-3139.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over from Summit.News.
The government has chosen to announce yet more restrictions on
the day it came out that they had flagrantly violated their own restrictions by hosting
now up to four parties in the centres of government at their own private residences.
Last Christmas, when the rest of the population was locked down according to their rules, couldn't see their loved ones, couldn't see their family, their relatives, and had to cancel Christmas entirely, while they were up jollying it up, drinking, getting drunk, having a good time, while we were all isolated, atomised in our own homes.
They've chosen the day after that came out, To announce a whole raft of new restrictions that are going to cripple the economy, cripple the service hospitality industry, atomise people, drive further wedges, further division throughout the population.
And yes, now the subject of mandatory vaccines being introduced in Europe, Austria, Germany.
Now it's going to be put up for a vote.
In fact, it's already passed in Austria.
They've got until February to get one.
If they don't get one, it's compounding fines.
If they don't pay the fines, they go to prison.
Again, don't worry, you're not going to get jabbed.
You're not going to get held down by government agents and jabbed in the arm.
You're just going to get held down and taken to prison by government agents if you don't pay the bill.
Absolutely incredible that it's escalated to this level, all based on the Omicron strain of coronavirus, which has killed zero people on the entire frigging planet.
They've been fear-mongering about it for the past two weeks.
We tried to amplify the voices out of South Africa, who were saying it's mild, only young people are affected by it, they're having sniffles, they're having coughs, they're having colds, they're recovering really quickly.
Hasn't had a massive impact on hospitalisations.
Many experts in fact saying that it could be a good thing, because if you reduce the potency, the lethality of coronavirus, Expose the vast of the population to it then it acts as a kind of natural vaccine without you having to get the jab, which has mysteriously caused 300,000 major heart problems in young healthy people in the United Kingdom.
Oh, but they've got an explanation for that and I'm going to get into that later.
There you see the headline though.
Vast majority of Brits want government that made a mockery of lockdown to impose more lockdown rules on them.
This has all happened in the vacuum Of any kind of credence or credibility from this government, caught in a Christmas party last year when everyone else was locked down, just in the past five minutes before I went on air, there are two more Christmas parties being revealed, one hosted by his new wife, Johnson's,
That did the exact same thing.
They made a mockery out of the lockdown rules.
Now they're imposing more lockdown rules on us.
And you know what?
According to the polls, if you believe these polls, the vast majority of the British public have said yes.
You may not even adhere to your own rules.
You may make an absolute farce out of them.
But if you want to go ahead and impose more on us, then that's just fine and dandy.
A Comrades poll found 69% support vaccine passports.
Well, they've got them now!
Vaccine passports for nightclubs, vaccine passports for large events.
Despite the fact that the government's own investigation into vaccine passports showed they had no impact whatsoever on stopping the spread of the virus.
Doesn't matter, go ahead and impose them anyway.
Same in Northern Ireland, same in Wales, same in Spain.
All three of those governments conducted huge studies into the efficacy of vaccine passport schemes.
They all found they did nothing, or in fact made the spread worse.
They all imposed them anyway.
It's not about public health at this point.
It's about mass unquestioning obeyance.
So even though there's all this anger at the government for having these Christmas parties when we were all locked down, There's all this anger at the government for flouting their own rules, for completely demolishing any trust or credibility that they deserve.
74% of the British public, again if you believe these polls, support working from home, which of course has devastating effects on the economy.
And this is the ridiculousness of these policies.
They're now telling people that from Monday they have to work from home, or at least it's strong guidance that if you can work from home then you should work from home.
And mark my words, many people will because as we know working from home is basically a free meal ticket to do next to nothing.
A lot of lazy people like to take advantage of being at home, being paid to be at home and do next to nothing.
They're telling people to work from home, and yet they're telling people that they can also, they've graciously given us permission, to go to Christmas parties.
So you can go to work Christmas parties with your colleagues, but you can't go in to work with them on a Monday morning.
Makes perfect sense.
Again, they've imposed vaccine passports.
They've imposed more mask mandates for cinemas, theatres, but said you don't need to wear a mask When you go to a restaurant or a pub.
Makes no sense whatsoever.
What's the solution to that from the lockdown advocates?
Well, we need more masks everywhere.
Again, the same people who have been lobbying for lockdown for the past, what is it now, 19, 20 months.
When the government imposes more lockdown rules, abuses their power to an even greater degree, They don't oppose it.
The Opposition Labour Party is going to vote for it.
They all love it.
It's battered wives syndrome writ large.
We'll be back on the other side to talk about it more.
Now go away.
So again, the same people who are furious today about the government, about Boris Johnson hosting numerous Christmas parties that violated lockdown rules when the rest of the country was told to stay at home last year.
They're the same people who have been lobbying for that same government to impose more lockdown rules on them for the past year, and today that's precisely what they did.
Let's set the table here with this video, Boris Johnson imposes more restrictions.
I'll come back and talk about it after, but here is the clip.
So the UK government got caught once again violating their own rules by hosting a Christmas party when the rest of the population was locked down and then laughing about it.
I've just seen reports on Twitter that there was a Downing Street Christmas party on Friday night.
Do you recognise those reports?
I went home.
Hold on, hold on.
Would the Prime Minister condone having a Christmas party?
What's the answer?
I don't know.
I think it was the party.
It was cheese and wine.
Just to be clear, it's not.
Was cheese and wine alright?
It was a business meeting.
There were at least three of these Christmas parties while everyone else was told to cancel their Christmas.
So now the government will respond to being caught violating the restrictions they imposed.
By imposing more restrictions.
As a distraction from them violating their own restrictions.
But here's the kicker.
The same people who are furious at Boris and the government for violating lockdown rules, will gleefully comply when Boris and the government locks them down again.
They'll get more angry if the government doesn't lock them down.
They're more angry at the government having a festive piss-up than 700,000 missed cancer screenings, the massive untold economic damage, the devastating mental health impact, the unprecedented assault on basic freedoms, all because of lockdown.
They're not really bothered about any of that because they supported lockdown.
The same people irate at the government for abusing their power.
Want to give the government more power to abuse?
How does that make any frigging sense whatsoever?
Those angry at Boris and the government for violating the restrictions and then laughing about it, will happily present their vaccine passports and dutifully obey all new restrictions when Boris tells them to.
This is Twilight Zone level madness.
Many of those lobbying for Boris to go will want him replaced with someone even more draconian.
Lock me down harder, Daddy!
Make everyone wear 10 face masks at all times by law!
They're clearly moving to this Plan B crap to cover up the fact they got caught.
And now many of you will just immediately cave once again.
Or will this actually serve as a rallying point for both left and right to finally come together and wake up?
They're about to impose vaccine passports which haven't worked anywhere in the world, which their own study said don't work, to fight a variant which has killed precisely nobody in the entire friggin world.
The government His own investigation found vaccine passports not only don't work, they could make the spread of the virus worse.
So they're just going to impose them on us anyway.
Studies in Northern Ireland, Wales, Spain, all found vaccine passports don't work, yet they impose them anyway.
France, which has had strict mask mandates and vaccine passports in place for months, just hit its highest Covid case level since April.
Then you have Starmer and Labour, who are incensed at Boris for making a mockery of lockdown rules.
While preparing to vote with the government on imposing more lockdown rules.
Your party rubber stamped everything he's done.
And if and when there's a vote on vaccine passports, you'll rubber stamp that too.
It's a joke.
At what point do you stop listening to people who brazenly lie about everything?
Do the opposite of what they order you to do and then laugh in your face about it?
At what point do you say enough is enough?
Well, and since that video came out, Keir Starmer and the so-called Opposition Party Labour have confirmed that even though they've literally called for government members to resign over breaking lockdown rules, they will vote for and support that same government to impose more lockdown rules, including vaccine passports, which don't work.
And we had the article back in October, leaked government report finds vaccine passports could actually increase spread of COVID.
Leaked government reports found vaccine passports could actually exacerbate the spread of Covid because they would encourage people to visit smaller, more poorly ventilated venues.
They ignored their own report to impose them anyway.
Spanish investigation finds vaccine passports have no impact on infection rates.
This was Spain's inter-regional Covid committee.
Which found that the scheme does not reduce levels of transmission.
Guess what?
Spain went ahead and introduced vaccine passports, even though their own government found that they don't work.
This is not about public health.
This is about mass compliance.
Boris Johnson today talking about how we need to have a national conversation on mandatory vaccines.
This is the one holdout that we as a free country thought we'd never get near.
We'd never be like Austria.
We'd never be like Germany because we have a sense, an ancestral sense of freedom and liberty against tyranny.
No, now he said, headline Boris hints at mandatory vaccinations in anti-vax crackdown and says we can't keep going indefinitely with restrictions.
Their own vaccines don't even work properly.
You've got the head of Pfizer today and other heads of vaccine corporations saying they're going to need three more boosters on top of the three jabs that haven't already worked to fight this deadly Omicron variant which hasn't killed anyone.
They're talking about booster vaccines every six months.
Who's going to be vaccinated and unvaccinated at that point?
Is it going to come to the point where you need to get a monthly jab to be considered vaccinated?
Look at how they're trying to socially re-engineer the public amongst all this.
TV show mysteriously deletes poll after vast majority oppose mandatory vaccination.
This show, Good Morning Britain, has been one of the primary vehicles for pushing lockdown and mask mandates for the past 20 months plus.
So they put a poll up asking the public With Omicron cases doubling every two days.
Oh my God, how scary.
It's literally killed no one.
Is it time to make vaccines mandatory?
Now before they deleted it, 89% said yes.
You kind of think that if that had been the other way round, they wouldn't have deleted the poll.
The poll was going viral.
It had over 41,000 votes.
This is just a ...microcosm of how they mass-manipulate the public.
Of course, that show was hosted by Piers Morgan, one of the most aggressive lobbyists for lockdown and mask mandates that you've ever seen.
He, of course, violated them on a regular basis.
The show also featured Dr Hilary Jones, someone who, at the start of the pandemic, warned that face masks could make the spread of the virus worse, before he got the memo and did a complete 180, just like Dr Anthony Fauci and others.
France hits new record in daily Covid cases.
If only they'd have had stringent mask mandates and vaccine passport schemes in place for the past six months.
Maybe that wouldn't have... Oh no, they did have that and it happened anyway.
France has reported 59,000 new Covid cases over the past 24 hours, which is the highest number since April.
The National Agency for Public Health said hospitalisations have also been on the rise.
So those police officers going around casing cafes and restaurants, going up and bothering people who were even sat outside at cafes demanding their medical papers back earlier in the summer, that didn't stop new Covid cases, isn't that interesting?
Meanwhile, MP who claims she feels unsafe around maskless is pictured partying maskless.
This was MP Zahra Sultana, yes that's her real name, who complained about being unsafe in the Chamber, that's the House of Commons, and yet two days ago on her own Twitter account she was surrounded by thousands of people not wearing face coverings at the Mobo Awards, but she's scared of being close to anyone who isn't wearing one in the Houses of Parliament.
We'll be back.
Now the Telegraph reporting on another one of them, but refusing to divulge the names of the people who attended these Christmas parties.
And as I've tweeted, the elephant in the living room is not just the government members who are at these parties who imposed all these lockdown restrictions on us while violating them flagrantly on a regular basis.
Which, by the way, so did the people who created the models behind the lockdown, the esteemed scientists like Professor Pantsdown, Neil Ferguson himself, of course, during the first lockdown, travelling back and forth across London to shag his married mistress.
Same thing with the former health secretary, Chris Hancock.
They were at these parties.
Obviously, the elephant in the living room is the fact that many of the journalists who lobbied for lockdown, who obsequiously Amplified government narratives, government talking points to justify the lockdown.
They were also at these lockdown violating Christmas parties.
So for them to claim the moral high ground as if they're exposing this story, when they're literally burying the names of the journalists who were there to protect their bodies, that's something which is not being discussed enough.
But again, They got caught violating their own lockdown rules, which they already did, by the way, time and time before.
But now, specifically at Christmas, hosting parties while everyone else can't see their grandma.
I couldn't see my parents last year.
They couldn't even get into the country.
Everyone else is in this situation.
They're hosting these parties.
And then the day after that comes out, that's the day they choose to announce more lockdown restrictions on the British public.
Ten days ago they came out and said, we're going to introduce more mask mandates, we're going to turn up the heat on this, we're going to do travel bans.
But we don't know the effect that Omicron is going to have, and we won't know anything about it really, in a concrete fashion, for three weeks.
That's what they said ten days ago.
So they said, we won't even know anything of substance for three weeks, we'll come back, we'll revisit it in three weeks, we may even remove the restrictions.
So why haven't you waited three weeks?
Why have you waited ten days and done it the day after this scandal comes out?
We know why, as a distraction.
But then why, of all these lockdown fanatics who have been dutifully obeying the rules for the past 20 months, as the polls show, they're just going to continue doing it?
As I've said before, if the government told them to wear adult diapers because there was a crapping disease go around, they would dutifully do it.
If Boris Johnson got up on stage in an adult diaper and said, I'm wearing this adult diaper, I'll never take it off, I'm going to be the example.
Then the next day he was pictured whipping it off, like Trump whipped off his mask during that famous moment.
They'd all support the adult diaper restrictions anyway.
What is it in the psychology of these people?
Battered wives syndrome writ large.
It's absolutely incredible.
Then we have this Omicron variant which has killed nobody.
It's the old cliche, oh it's just a bad cold.
Those are literally the symptoms.
The hospitalisations in the UK are down on October.
The case numbers are steady.
The government said it would concentrate on hospitalisations as the primary figure for deciding on lockdown measures.
They've gone down and they've turned the heat up on the measures.
Makes absolutely no sense from a public health perspective.
Makes total sense from a mass compliance and corruption perspective.
So why are the people on the left continuing to go along with it?
The Labour Party, the opposition have said, we're going to continue to vote with the government on everything they say, despite the fact that they don't follow their own friggin' rules.
Professor says COP26 climate change summit could have been Omicron super spreader event.
So you remember the technocrats flew in on their hundreds of private jets in early November to lecture us all about how we couldn't have family holidays on commercial airliners two times a year.
Yeah, I remember that.
Well, it turns out that that may have seeded an Omicron super spreader event in Scotland.
Because they met there in Glasgow at the start of November when they think this variant was already spreading.
Scotland has detected a large number of cases of it for the size of their country and their population.
And now they're saying that literally these technocrats who flew in on their private jets to ...manage to confab on how they could exploit fears over climate change to elicit more control over our lives.
We're actually responsible for spreading a variant of coronavirus that is now being exploited to elicit more control over our lives.
Isn't that ironic in the words of Alanis Morissette?
You saw them during the COP26 confab.
Of course, they wore their masks for the photo ops.
They whipped them off immediately when the photo op ended.
You had videos, which I've embedded in this article, of Angela Merkel getting out of a taxi outside with a mask on, walking inside the building, taking her mask off when she's inside the building to embrace the host of the confidence of the conference.
You see this clip right now.
She wears the mask outside, takes it off, fiddles with it, then gives this guy a fist bump!
It's complete theatre.
Now they're saying these technocrats, these elitists, were potentially responsible for this being a super-spreader event, which now they exploit to impose more rules on us.
Norwegian Covid experts say Omicron could provide best scenario of natural immunity.
They're saying that because it's not as lethal as the previous variants that it's probably the best case scenario that everyone get it and that reduces the deadliness of coronavirus as a whole despite the fact that it's quote very transmissible which is what the government is using again as an excuse to lock us down.
Covid experts in Norway say Omicron variant being highly transmissible but milder would prove to be the best scenario because it would boost natural immunity and bring the end of the pandemic closer.
Bring the end of the pandemic closer?
We don't want that.
We've got billions more in profits for Pfizer and Moderna.
We don't want that to end.
Come on.
That's a cash cow.
So this is the country's state epidemiologist Frode Fallen saying that this is actually a good thing.
Hasn't killed anyone.
It's very mild.
The more people who get it, that reduces the potency of COVID-19 itself.
It's not going to have a big impact on hospitalizations.
It's probably a good thing.
He wasn't listened to, of course, when the government imposed its latest measures.
Healthcare chief in South Africa says Omicron may signal the end of COVID-19.
Oh my God, the horror!
The CEO of South Africa's largest private healthcare network says the Omicron variant is so mild that it may signal the end of COVID-19.
What's the solution to that?
More vaccine passports, more lockdown measures, more mask mandates.
This is Richard Friedland, who said there's no need to panic and that it might actually be a good thing.
Then you had Vladimir Putin, who came and said the Omicron variant may be a live COVID vaccine.
This is out of the Telegraph.
Vladimir Putin has compared Omicron to a live vaccine, downplaying the potential risks posed by the variant which has now lapped the globe.
He said, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
They say it's not that virulent.
Some specialists even call it a live vaccine.
So again, it's very mild.
Nobody in the entire world has died from it.
The hospitalizations are not proving to be a problem.
What's the solution?
More lockdown restrictions and more mandates.
Meanwhile, in the UK, we just had the highest yearly increase of alcohol deaths on record during 2020.
The government came out and said, oh, we don't know if it has anything to do with lockdown.
Gee, I wonder if it does.
Figures released today by the Office of National Statistics show there were 8,974 deaths from alcohol-specific causes, which is an 18.6% increase compared with 2019.
6% increase compared with 2019. That represents the biggest jump on record
that they have ever seen. And again, everything to do with lockdown, everything to do with people being isolated,
mental health illnesses, devastating impact on people's general well-being.
Those are the consequences and now we get people still lobbying for more of that catastrophe.
We got a few final videos here which I want to get to and let's get to the first one because of course in many European countries, in many American states and cities, you've still got this Absurd mask mandate where you have to wear the mask for the 10-yard walk from the restaurant door to the table and for the 10-yard walk from the table to the bathroom and back.
Of course, you don't have to wear it while you're seated.
Now, instead of realising that that whole process is a complete clown world pantomime in the first place, The mask zealots have come up with a solution for that, which means that now you'll basically have to wear your mask either in between bites of food, or better than that, now they're literally saying that by law you should be forced not to talk to each other while at a bar or a restaurant.
Yes, they're actually proposing this now.
Here is the clip.
Maskers demand you stop talking.
Let's roll it.
There's a new talking point doing the rounds amongst mask zealots on Twitter.
It goes something like this... Sorry, what?
But seriously, not content with everyone being smothered with face nappies in public, they want to go one step further.
They're now openly calling for a rule, or a law, That bans talking while eating!
Now this isn't the Babylon Bee.
This narrative was born out of their struggle to respond to a perfectly sensible argument that's been made over and over again.
Why do we have to wear a mask for the 10-yard walk from the restaurant door to the table and the table to the bathroom?
Only to sit there maskless for two hours in between?
It makes no frigging sense whatsoever.
But instead of acknowledging that fact, their response is to call for even more authoritarianism.
Yeah, really.
where they're now seriously proposing that people be forced to stay silent and not talk while they're eating.
Yeah, really.
Denise Dewald, medical doctor.
You can't eat with a mask on while at work, but if you take your mask off to eat, don't talk!
You can eat without talking.
Talking creates way more aerosols than quiet breathing.
Schools should have silent lunches or send the kids outside to eat.
You can eat without talking.
Shut up, peasant!
Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care, Oxford.
I think the key behavioural change we need is silence!
While unmasked for eating, drinking, since it's vocalising that releases virus.
What was that, Clep?
Did you just vocalise?
Can you imagine them trying to enforce this rule in pubs?
These people are off the friggin' reservation and they're being handed power over our lives.
This is the kind of control freak mindset that inhabits their brains.
To the extent that they literally want a law that forbids people from talking to each other in bars and restaurants.
Bear in mind that in the name of stopping the spread of the virus, health authorities in Australia and New Zealand already told the public not to talk to each other.
Don't talk to your neighbours.
Don't start up a conversation.
How long before state-mandated silence actually becomes the law?
But to be honest, I don't think laws that ban speaking would go far enough.
Isn't it time for some kind of permanently surgically affixed face covering that can only be removed during certain hours with government permission?
One hour for breakfast, one hour for lunch, one hour for dinner.
It could monitor if you vocalize and dock you social credit score points if you dare speak out of turn.
I don't want to give them ideas, but given the sheer deluge of draconian crap that these technocrats keep coming up with, it's not even outside the realm of possibility.
Yep, there you have it.
They're literally now...
These are medical doctors on Twitter, by the way.
These aren't just random people.
They actually want the government to pass a law that says you can't talk to someone in a bar or restaurant.
This is the power that we've given to these cretins in our society.
Speaking of cretins, New Zealand Prime Minister, there's not going to be an end point to this vaccination programme.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, with her crap-eating grin, has candidly revealed that there's not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination programme.
We have the clip of her saying this, and here it is.
Let's go to the clip.
So long as there's people who are eligible who haven't been vaccinated, we've got work to do.
You know, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied so long as there's someone who is eligible and hasn't been.
And that's why I've said this, there's not going to be an end point to this vaccination programme.
Obviously, we're rolling out boosters now, so we've got another wave of people that we need to make sure that we're protecting again.
So those who were vaccinated six months ago, we really need them to come back or we need to go to them.
There you have it.
There's never going to be an end to it.
And that's quite convenient for the likes of Pfizer and Moderna, isn't it?
Which is why the Pfizer CEO has come out and said he's worried Omicron might open door for more mutant strains.
And in fact, I read earlier today, they've already discovered another variant.
It's the sister variant of Omicron.
So they've already got the current lockdown in place, the new restrictions that have been imposed today.
Now they've got yet another variant lined up for after that.
And according to the Pfizer CEO, according to others, that may take three more booster shots just to fight the one variant Omicron on top of your existing three booster shots.
Sky News reports boosters will probably be needed for years to come as they rake in record hundreds of billions in profits.
Interesting conflict of interest.
It was funny how Trevor Noah raised that conflict of interest a few days ago on The Daily Show.
Trevor Noah questions impartiality of Moderna CEO, who's calling for a new vaccine for every single variant, by the way.
The response to that from Trevor Noah's own fans was to call him a dangerous anti-vaxxer.
Yeah, bar's been lowered quite a bit, hasn't it?
Meanwhile, on the subject of vaccines, explosion in new heart conditions explained as post-pandemic stress disorder.
Case closed on that then.
Experts in the UK have said that an explosion in heart illnesses in younger patients, which just miraculously emerged over the past few months, is explained by a new condition called post-pandemic stress disorder.
Right, so younger people have been having their Plot shots over the past three months.
They suddenly start developing all these weird, bizarre heart problems.
But no, that's not to blame.
What's to blame is lockdown.
There hasn't been a full lockdown in the UK since about eight months ago.
But it's nothing to do with the vaccines, don't worry.
They've investigated it.
London Evening Standard quotes Tahir Hussain, who says he's seen a big increase in thrombotic-related vascular conditions, especially in younger patients.
And graciously, they explain that it's nothing to do with the shot and it's nothing to worry about.
Case closed on that.
Meanwhile, remember that Colbert vaccine song?
Well, there's something even more cringey.
We're going to go to this clip now.
This is Ariana Grande And Jimmy Fallon, who have come up with an even more cringeworthy song to try and brainwash people into getting booster shots.
And it's so cringeworthy that just to make this kind of thing stop, I'm considering getting vaccinated.
Here's the clip.
Remember that vaccine bit on Stephen Colbert's show?
[Vaccine theme]
You thought absolutely nothing could beat that level of weapons-grade cringe, right?
Well, this runs it pretty close.
Y'all know what time it is.
It's time to get those boosters.
It was a mess Christmas.
We stayed in the house.
We covered our nose and covered our mouth.
But it's Christmas time.
We'll be in line for a bus stop.
Stop it!
Stop it, please!
I beg you!
No, they didn't release a new series of Black Mirror.
This is real life.
Do these people have the ability to keep respawning new souls to sell to Satan or what?
Listen, every man has his breaking point.
And this is mine.
It wasn't the threats, the intimidation, the revocation of basic freedoms that coerced my compliance.
It was the sheer dread of having to watch something like this ever again.
I give in.
You win.
I'll take the vaccine.
Only joking!
Get stuffed!
I mean, if they come out with too many more of them, I mean, there's a certain red line which just cannot be crossed any further.
Incredible stuff.
Some good news, incredibly!
Doctor banned for questioning efficacy of masks wins High Court case!
This is Dr. Samuel White in the UK, who was slapped with an 18-month ban by the General Medical Council after he told the truth about masks, which is the same truth that Dr. Hilary Jones and Dr. Anthony Fauci were saying at the start of the pandemic, that they do nothing and in fact could make the spread of the virus worse.
He also criticised the lies surrounding the NHS and government's response to the pandemic, which he said was so vast he could no longer stomach them.
And of course he committed the ultimate sin of remarking, quote, masks do nothing.
For that he was given a social media ban by the General Medical Council, basically made into a pariah.
But he contested his case at the highest court in the United Kingdom, Royal Courts of Justice, and he was found to have been completely correct.
They ruled in his favour.
on the basis of free speech and said he was free to engage in medical scientific and political debate
and discussion regarding issues such as masks. So that is in fact a good thing to celebrate,
maybe that will cause more GPs, more medical professionals to come out and tell the truth.
I'm going to wrap it up for now though, coming up next, War Room with Owen Troyer, Summit.News, don't go away.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm going to shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
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