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Name: 20211207_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 7, 2021
2335 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses the Covid vaccine mandates and side effects, criticizing comparison to Nazi doctor Mengele. He raises concerns over government control and urges people to fight back against tyranny. Jones also talks about his channel being removed by YouTube, Google's military ties, self-sufficiency, and fighting the Great Reset. He promotes his supplements and encourages viewers to follow him on Twitter and support him on Rokfin.

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Okay, so I am about 30 minutes behind in the news I wanted to cover because I was dealing with breaking down the fact that InfoWars.com is down and the millions of people that visited today are unable to find it.
And our phones are ringing off the hook and we're getting all these emails saying how we found the show.
Well, Band.Video or local AM and FM stations across the country who also restream.
And then we fire up from our radio and TV satellites.
We even have the uplinks here.
That way they have trouble cutting our internet off to the satellites.
So we've tried to build everything to be as hard to kill as possible when it comes to sending out our signal.
But the most important thing that gets our signal out, that gets your signal out, is you.
Taking the show, recording it, saving it on hard drives, archiving it.
If we don't stop this globalist takeover, the resistance goes on, but it'll be underground.
And this could be my last broadcast.
Next week could be.
Next month.
As we accelerate towards the midterms.
336 days out.
So we've got to really be real with everybody.
You can find today's write-up at newswars.com.
Tuesday's emergency broadcast.
IMF warns of imminent Global financial collapse, Russia threatens to invade Ukraine, while Australian Prime Minister denounces Infowars.
And every bit of that's true.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn't represent science to them.
He represents Josef Mengele.
Dr. Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps.
And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this.
Because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies.
The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen in the cold light of day, i.e.
the truth.
and people see that there's no justification for what is being done.
Man, wow. Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo, the truth goddess, Laura Logan.
You want to see the opposite of the amazing Laura Logan?
Listen, I couldn't believe my ears when I first heard her comparing Anthony Fauci to Joseph Mengele.
She's no longer relevant.
She's moved to the margins and she's adopted this playbook that Donald Trump used and now Lauren Boebert and people on the far right use of being super transgressive to get attention to themselves.
Well, Chris, I think the responses with so many people throughout the country and the world ...are responding to that absolutely preposterous and disgusting comparison that she made.
It's an insult to all of the people who suffered and died under the Nazi regime in the concentration camps.
I mean, it's unconscionable.
So, you basically said, this is going to be like, well, it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, there's two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated, you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so, yep.
People who have been vaccinated will want to know that they're around other vaccinated people.
They'll want to know that they're in a safe environment.
It is a way that we can give confidence to those who are going back into hospitality or events.
What pleasure to be together again and to design the future.
We are here to develop the great narrative, the story for the future.
In order to shape the future, you have first to imagine the future, you have to design the future, and then you have to execute.
Here, I think the next two days, we will look how we Imagine how we decide, how we execute the great narratives, how we define the story of our world for the future.
And there he is with corporate and governmental world leaders all together.
It's their job to take control of our bodies.
Boy, that's not rape, is it?
To take over every cell in our body and inject our children with Cancer-causing systems that literally turn off their white blood cells?
No, no, no, no.
It's beyond rape.
It's murder.
Slow, systematic death.
As of today, we're going to announce a first-in-the-nation measure.
Our health commissioner will announce a vaccine mandate for private sector employers across the board.
All private sector employers in New York City will be covered by this vaccine mandate as of December 27th.
We're going to have some other measures as well to really focus on maximizing vaccination quickly so we can get ahead of Omicron and all the other challenges we're facing right now with COVID.
Because we've become so passive, we've let these evil people take control.
They took control of the banks.
They bought everything up through fiat money.
They're devaluing our currencies now.
They are at war with us.
And they just sit there with a straight face through Big Pharma, release this weapon, control the censorship.
Rolling it all out and packaging it in political correctness, making all the CEOs basically non-white.
So if you criticize Twitter censoring, oh, you're against Indians.
They've got it all figured out.
That's what's crazy.
It's on record.
People that take the Moderna or Pfizer shots are twice as likely to die in major German and British government reports.
Similar numbers out of the U.S.
They just, oh yeah, it's true, you're twice as likely to die, we don't know why.
Yeah, heart attacks in football players, soccer players is up 66 times.
Any previous record.
Probably just a coincidence, no big deal.
Go ahead and take your shots.
About 10 minutes ago, I was sitting in my office writing the headline for today's broadcast that's being posted as we speak.
On Infowars.com, and I just wrote the headline, as truthful as reality is, I just sat back for a moment and I said, wow, what a crazy time to be alive.
What a crazy time to be on this planet.
You'll see the headline in a few minutes when it goes up, because I shot it over to one of the editors and writers to officially post it and add some links to it.
But Russia is officially threatening to invade Ukraine and we also have major medical whistleblowers reporting a 14 times at least increase in deaths from heart attacks, strokes and blood clots since the inoculations began and the Australian Prime Minister has called out my broadcast and said
That he decries me and the guest I had on, a member of their parliament, that said, we've seen the tyranny that happened under Hitler, and it's happening again around the world.
And they went, oh my God, you're comparing it to the Holocaust, oh no, you're anti-Semitic.
None of that has any basis in reality.
It's like them calling Larry Elder a white supremacist because he is a popular black Republican lawyer who would have made a great governor of California, but clear election fraud.
Stop that.
So, this is just an incredible time to be alive.
And we see what an incredible tyranny that we're living under.
And the important realization is it's only going to get worse until we wake up to it and say no.
So let me just read a few headlines for you now and then we come back next segment.
I'm going to play one of the whistleblowers, a very prominent funeral home undertaker who Looks at the bodies and takes the bodies in and in many cases they have the coroner has to come by and sign off on their findings.
And he said he's been doing it 14 years himself and he's seen more heart attacks, more strokes, more blood clots in the last year since the shot started than he's ever seen in 14 years cutting open bodies every single day.
You know, it's funny, when I saw that number, I have a memory and I remember the head of the National German Pathologist Organization.
Pathologists are those that study cause of death.
They're coroners.
And he said, six months ago, That in just the first six months in Germany of the shots, they were seeing on average 20-fold increases in heart attacks and blood clots and strokes.
And also blood clots in the lungs.
And we get similar numbers from around the world.
We also have numbers of 66 times.
That's times.
Not percents.
66 times.
66 one-hundredths.
Increase in soccer players in Western countries where they take the shots, having heart attacks and many of them dying.
I mean, you see it all over the news.
But what's the bigger takeaway from this major British undertaker?
Funeral home director and owner.
He comes out and says, I've been bringing this since it started to The state and federal government.
I've been bringing it to the coroners.
They admit they're seeing it, but they say you're not supposed to talk about it.
Remember what all those different heads of universities came out and said in the last year?
Oh, we're seeing massive increases in heart attacks.
But we're told by the deans of the schools, by the school presidents, the chancellors, depending on what school you're talking about, don't do this or we'll get all our science funding cut off.
So they know this.
We all know this.
And it's just more confirmation every single day.
There's another thing about having a memory.
I remember a year ago, starting about a year ago, exactly in early December, right through until January 5th, Trump requesting 10,000 National Guard To be in D.C.
over the election.
I mean, he wanted him before January 6th, the date was announced, because he said he was worried about all the demonstrations and things happening, and Antifa had attacked folks in late November, if you remember.
There had been stabbings and shootings, and his supporters were being attacked.
I was there when it happened.
We'd show up by the hundreds of thousands, and Antifa would wait until nightfall and then attack people in parking garages and on the streets.
And so I remember CNN.
I remember Fox News reporting Trump requested of the DC government that controls the National Guard, unless there's an emergency declared, 10,000 troops, and they told them, no, it has the wrong optics.
So that was the default order.
of the state government.
activates like a state, but the mayor is like the governor, and they decide what happens with the police, the D.C.
police, the Capitol police, the National Guard, unless the president overrides it.
So Trump didn't override it, and I remember that on the news, and making a big deal about it.
And I sure as hell went and looked this morning, Google's suppressing it, but we found the articles, where Trump asked for it in December and was refused repeatedly.
Now, why is that so important?
Well, because yesterday they had a colonel come out and say that the D.C.
generals, including Michael Flynn's brother, he's got several brothers that are generals, that Flynn's brother refused the troops, no, No, it was refused by the D.C.
Constabulary, and that was on the news at the time.
But they think we're so dumb now that they're trying to say Trump secretly ordered the military to stand down.
And Trump wanted all this to happen.
This is the rewriting of history ahead of the January 6th committee and the show trial hearings they're about to have that they think I and others are going to be front and center pawns in.
And as Liz Cheney has said, then they're going to say we lied no matter what we say.
Of course I'll tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God.
And then they'll put me in jail for five years per count for lying to Congress, five to seven years per count.
And they admit on NPR and NBC and MSNBC and CNN, that's their plan.
And they go, oh, but you can't declare the fifth.
We'll hold you in contempt if you do that too.
So people say, well, Jones, just go testify.
You have nothing to hide.
Of course I have nothing to hide.
I want to know what really happened on January 6th.
I want a real investigation.
But they don't have any real Republicans.
They don't have Jim Jordan.
They don't have Devin Nunes.
They don't have Steve Scalise on that board, on that committee.
They got Liz Cheney.
And they had the chairman of the committee on TV last week saying, oh, it's very interesting that they're saying they're going to declare the 5th.
Talking about me and Roger Stone and others.
Well, that just shows they're guilty.
We'll put them in jail for that.
I mean, he's suing Trump for saying he ran the January 6th attack.
And he's the judge, because the legislature is activated and acting like a judiciary.
So the judge in the case is suing the president and saying that we're not allowed to have the 5th.
I mean, this is North Korea stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
So, another incredible example of what we're talking about.
And then headlines like this, RoboBank.
The IMF warning of economic collapse should get headlines.
Yeah, they warned of economic collapse days ago.
We mentioned it, it's got no coverage.
Now there's a lot more news on that front.
Coming up.
Today and how it ties into Evergrande and the Chinese housing market and so much more.
So we got that to cover.
And that's just three of the stacks here.
I've got about 10 more stacks and guests and so much more.
But believe me, you don't want to miss today's broadcast.
And remember.
The propaganda wouldn't be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
When you take the links to our show or tell people about the local radio stations or share articles or videos, it changes the world.
So I salute you, and I tell you, keep it up, because this is an info war.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to hit massive news here in just a moment.
But there are a lot of big national and international internet outages happening today with major providers.
And one of our big major providers is down nationwide right now.
So InfoWars.com is down.
You'll notice NewsWars.com and Band.Video are up.
And that's because they're on another infrastructure.
And that's why we're building and preparing more sites that are offshore and underground right now to stay on air during the midterms.
You know what?
I'm going to talk about this right now.
You know, I've told listeners that we need to raise a lot of money.
I've tried to explain this to everybody.
When you get the platform, you don't get to save everything on YouTube.
You don't get to save everything on Twitter or Facebook.
You don't get to go live off your phone through their billion-dollar infrastructure.
Trillion-dollar infrastructure in some cases.
You put it all together with Google, it's a trillion-plus investment over time.
Same thing with Apple.
Same thing with Instagram owned by Facebook.
So we've invested Well, if I say $50 million, that's a low number since the deplatforming.
That's why I've been up here plugging and trying to sell products and trying to raise money.
And trying to sell you great products, so you want to reorder them again, because we need all that money to fund things during this critical time.
That's why I just sold my house, which I bought a bigger, nicer house, because I didn't trust the banks, and I knew that there was inflation, so I bought the house three years ago as an investment, fixed it up, sold it for twice what I bought it for, almost.
And then I'm just throwing it all into InfoWars, because this is the historic takeover.
This is the big moment.
This is the big fight.
I'm all in.
And all of you need to get all in.
I want to explain something.
The dollar has been devalued 25% in the last year.
That's even on the Treasury's own website, because it's all actuaried out for bank loans and things like that.
25% in one year of the dollar has been devalued.
50% now.
A few months ago it was 40%.
50% of the dollars ever printed in 240 years has been printed in the last 10 months.
11 months.
I'm gonna say that again.
50 plus percent.
It's at 51 last time I checked.
They're burning it all down right now.
We're crashing right now.
We're in the car wreck right now.
The house is burning down right now.
I don't say that to demoralize you.
I say it so you know what's going on.
So, what am I getting at here?
[ Silence ]
Well, I'm getting at the fact that we need to have a larger discussion about all this information.
Robobank, the IMF warning of economic collapse.
They come out two days ago and warned of a global economic collapse.
And it's not on any of the news channels.
And believe me, the IMF has never talked about global collapse.
They've talked about collapse in countries they want to take control of.
That's exactly what's happening here.
But the point is the fact that they're announcing it now is a huge deal.
You know, really, we should be talking about this full time.
But notice they've got the COVID rollout, the forced inoculation rollout, and the cutting off of the police funding and infrastructure rollout, and the releasing of prisoners, violent prisoners.
That's all to create hysteria and degradation and a breakdown of society.
So when things go down, they can blame it on the latest cop shooting of an unarmed black man.
And then that will be in the history books of why the dollar went belly up and the republic crashed, when really we'd all been positioned and prepared for it.
And that's not my opinion.
That's the globalist plan.
So we know from our own research and also sources, just as I told you a year ago, over a year ago, I said, as soon as they steal the election from Trump with mail-in ballots, they will then move in to their next phase.
And that's where we are right now.
And it's the same thing over and over again.
And what was the next thing?
Massive censorship.
I said within a few days of him having the election stolen, I said within a few days of November 3rd, he will be totally kicked off all the platforms.
This was all designed to silence him.
And his biggest failure will be that he didn't take action.
And I begged Trump on air and through private connections, Through Roger Stone, to take action against the censorship now.
We even gave him ways to do it and he did not do it.
he listened to Jared Kushner, who is in bed with big tech
and was basically a double agent the entire time.
And so what's gonna happen?
You don't tune in to hear what happened a year and a half ago, right?
Or 13, 14 months ago.
You all heard me say it.
You saw us write articles.
You saw us do videos.
You saw us have guests on.
You saw us beg and plead.
I'm now here telling you what's about to happen next in the next 10 months.
We have 10 and a half months.
We have 336 days for the 2022 midterm election that is a referendum globally on whether their election fraud and their coup and their destruction of the dollar and the annihilation of the borders and the race war prepping and all the pedophilia being promoted and the oil prices and energy prices being exploded.
It's a referendum on whether or not they're going to cement their dictatorship over us and their control and new lockdowns and nightmares and mass arrest and staged terror attacks to be blamed on the resistance.
We're now going off the edge of the cliff.
If you think things are bad now, this was just a prelude.
This was just a taste.
This was the leading edge of the storm.
It's a globalist, communist, New World Order storm.
Not our storm, their storm.
And so here we are.
They're going to stage terror attacks and blame it on us.
They're going to continue to devalue the dollar.
They're going to continue to generate and promote massive crime exploding.
And they are going to censor and take down all of the American people's communications.
Zero Hedge, Infowars.
The only thing left will be a few Republican vestigial organizations that have shown they're never Trumpers, that at key points that they will do what they're told.
And those outfits, and you know the names, are the ones force-fed by big tech and all the algorithms to be at the very top.
Those individuals will be the only ones left when this main takeover takes place.
And then they will be protected at least somewhat into the future to be the loyal opposition of the globalists and pose as the populist movement.
And I hope that those people aren't totally sold out to Satan.
And I hope they wake up and get on the right side of God consciousness that Dr. Zelenko talks about.
But that's where we are.
Glenn Beck has now announced and aligned himself, not just publicly but privately, with the resistance.
So has Tucker Carlson.
So has Joe Rogan.
I'd really like to see Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire get on the right side of history.
But that's between them and God.
Ben Shapiro says he believes in God and is God-fearing.
Well then there's no way he can't be with us then if he believes in God.
We worship the same God, don't we Mr. Shapiro?
Or do you just wear the trappings of your faith as a cover?
I'm not judging.
I'm asking.
All right, folks, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right.
So there are a lot of massive Internet outages taking place across the United States.
Infowars.com is down.
But because we have Band.video and Newswars.com on different servers and different infrastructures, they're up.
So is band.video.
And if you're a new listener and want to share, you just go to band.video, that's the word band, and then .video, or freeworldnews.tv takes you to the very same system.
It's just a URL that's not as censored or blocked as much, freeworldnews.tv.
You can click on the upper left-hand corner and pull down the Alex Jones Show.
And you click on that.
Box over there on the left-hand side that comes up first and you will see the live show feed daily and then an archive Underneath that.
Will you guys click on the Alex Jones Show for me?
Thanks Just right up there.
You see it?
Yeah, oh, it's yeah, it's getting a lot of traffic so it's loading very slowly.
So the reason I point all this out is We literally have paid and worked and built servers in another continent And we've also done deals and paid to have a server system built in a very strategic location on its own backbone underground.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And we have put millions of dollars in to keeping ourselves up.
Can't you imagine, as a viewer and a listener, that InfoWars gets attacked a lot?
Can't you imagine hackers that work for the globalists come after us?
Can't you imagine we're not just de-platformed from these major sites, but major infrastructure won't let us on it as well?
Whether it's banking, or credit cards, or servers, or software, all of it had to be done from the ground up.
We had to build it all.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
So what we see 336 days out from the upcoming key midterms is a great beta test of what we are actually going to be facing when they steal the next election, when they declare martial law, when they stage the terror attacks and blame the anti-vaxxers and the people that question the election and those that question Trump.
When they try to bring in the real martial law that they've got prepared.
They are definitely trying to set this up and trying to do it.
And so that's why all of you need to save all the backup URLs to whatever show or whatever program it is you get.
Because you need to know the backups to get the shows and the information are the most important to you to share with others.
Or people that have shows Or places of information or websites.
Basically, Citizen Paul Revere nodes of truth need to be building backups as well.
You know, we're still on 100,000 watt shortwave that goes all over the world.
WWCR still have a lot of listeners on there.
They pick up four hours of the daytime show, three hours of the nighttime show.
And we pay $11,000 a month to have that happen.
Even though I can tell you $11,000 in revenue has not come back from it, that's okay.
I raise money not to live in mansions, not to, you know, be the biggest fancy pants around.
Doesn't mean I don't like a few nice things.
But my main mission is fighting the globalists.
Taking them on.
And your support and your financial support is what makes all of that possible.
And so many times it's info wars and info wars alone.
That breaks a story or finds a story that's not getting enough attention or enough coverage, and then we're able to push it over the top to the next level.
And it's you that have done that.
So I just want to spend a few minutes here encouraging you all to help keep InfoWars on the air, because we need a lot of capital to finish the... I mean, we've got more than 15 projects going.
Reset Wars is one of the big ones.
It launches next Monday on the 13th.
I pushed it back because of all the stuff that's going on.
And then there are a bunch of other big projects that we're working with partners on that are going to launch in the middle of January right now.
I don't want to push them back, but, you know, we've got a lot going on.
And these congressional subpoenas and the rest of it, if you make one misstep, they set you up as the new president.
So I've gotten distracted by that and just all the rest of it.
But that's okay.
That's what wars are like.
I stepped into this field.
I asked for this.
I'm not complaining.
I just want to win the fight.
And that means I need your prayers.
I need your word of mouth.
And I need you to buy products that you already need that are excellent at InfoWarsTore.com.
But I got to tell you.
We are building our own separate infrastructure that is almost ready to be fired up.
And it's already been tested.
And of course, the thing about an infrastructure is you don't want just one backup.
And I'm not gonna tell our enemies how many backups we've got, but we're like shark teeth.
We have got a lot of backups going because when they launch a new war, when they start mass arrest, when they make their big move, If we can even pop up for a few hours during that and get information out, that will go super viral and change the whole war.
Because you see, if you think people are listening now, if you think suddenly all these big Daily Wire hosts are saying I'm right, and all these big, you know, Joe Rogan's saying I'm right, and Tucker Carlson, that isn't about my ego, I'm just seen as a symbol of populism, a symbol of the people, a symbol of the resistance.
And I make mistakes and I'm not perfect, but I am true.
I am real.
I am with you.
I'm totally committed.
Everybody knows it.
You can feel it at a spiritual level.
You see the track record, you know it.
We are together.
We are connected.
I am you, you and me.
We are in this fight.
We are aligned with God.
No matter what damn color our skin is, it's about where our heart and soul is.
And so the enemy's done their best to shut us down and break our will and take us off the air, but because of Providence, And your support, we've stayed on air, despite incredible behind-the-scenes struggles and gymnastics.
Talk about 3D chess, I don't know if Trump's been playing it, we've been playing it.
And so, just understand that this is one hell of a time to be alive, and this next 336 days, and the aftermath of that, so I'd say the next 400 days or so, Remember I said 79 days of hell will ensue.
They're going to have the mail-in ballots.
They're going to call it a red mirage.
They're going to steal the election.
They're going to cut Trump off.
They're going to then consolidate power and roll out against us ahead of the midterms to cement their control.
And now you're living it.
Now you've spent a year watching it all happen.
You know the next move.
The enemy, I know, is very, very upset in these Democratic Party-funded lawsuits against us.
They don't ask about what I supposedly said questioning an event.
It's not about the defamation.
It's about, what are your satellites?
How do you get to radio and TV stations?
Give us the name of the satellites.
Give us the name of the receivers.
Give us the names of the stations.
They don't... It's all getting a blueprint to take us off the air when the system makes its big move.
Some people say, man, Jones, that's scary.
How are you handling?
How am I handling it?
You're in the same crosshairs.
They're coming after everybody.
I had four children because I knew I had to bet on humanity and bet on the future.
Even though I knew what was coming, I had them.
I'm all in.
I know you're all in, but I'm telling you.
Everybody's freaking out right now that InfoWars.com's down.
Well, we have NewsWars.com.
We have Band.Video.
And yeah, it's sluggish.
We're trying, as hard as we can, to take millions of dollars, and as judiciously as possible, get the infrastructures in, in Europe, in the United States, and in other parts of the world, I'll leave it at that, to stay up.
And we're even having developed plans, if the United States completely falls, to escape, and to be the resistance outside the fallen republic.
And for the first time ever, we've had to start looking at those scenarios.
Just because there's no point being totally cut off and watching the ship go down.
I'm gonna stay here to the last possible minute.
But then, like Krypton collapsing, we're gonna have to blast off.
All right?
So, just get ready, get with God, get yourself straight with Jesus.
Because you've got world government taking over, that once it takes over, it's gonna inject you with soft kill weapons that bare minimum sterilize you, and in the actuarial tables, take many years off your life.
So, I'm sorry that it came to this.
We tried to stop it getting to this point.
We tried our hardest, but now at least we're not going to be caught flat-footed in the next phase of the enemy takeover.
So, BandDot video or the Alex Jones section.
Find the live feed and share it while you still can.
Please stay with us.
Okay, so I am about 30 minutes behind in the news I wanted to cover because I was dealing with breaking down the fact that InfoWars.com is down and the millions of people that visited today are unable to Find it, and our phones are ringing off the hook, and we're getting all these emails saying, how do we find the show?
Well, band.video or local AM and FM stations across the country, who also restream.
And then we fire up from our radio and TV satellites, we even have the uplinks here, that way they have trouble cutting our internet off, to the satellites.
So we've tried to build everything to be as hard to kill as possible.
When it comes to sending out our signal.
But the most important thing that gets our signal out, that gets your signal out, is you.
Taking the show, recording it, saving it on hard drives, archiving it.
If we don't stop this globalist takeover, the resistance goes on, but it'll be underground.
And this could be my last broadcast.
Next week could be.
Next month.
As we accelerate towards the midterms, 336 days out.
So we've got to really be real with everybody.
You can find today's write-up at newswars.com.
Tuesday's emergency broadcast.
IMF warns of imminent global financial collapse.
Russia threatens to invade Ukraine while Australian Prime Minister denounces Infowars.
And every bit of that's true.
The IMF officially warned of a global collapse.
Russia said if you bring NATO troops into Ukraine and say it's part of Europe, we will invade.
Because half of it's always been part of Russia.
Russia's culture was started there.
I'm not defending the Russians.
It'd be like if China said they were taking the East Coast or something.
It's just ridiculous.
So that's happening.
Yeah, Biden warns Putin.
Ukraine threat mounts war?
Ask Drudge.
And so that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And just the inflation story alone is end of the world stuff.
And we could talk for days about what that's going to look like, how bad it's going to be.
There's no way putting the genie back in the bottle.
The only question is, when does it all just totally turn loose?
When does the crap completely hit the fan?
Because it's already begun to go into the blades.
And then The news from all over the world of how these poison injections are killing people en masse, and how governments are on record covering it up, all confirmed.
It's just staggering.
What does the term staggering mean?
Like, you learn news and you start staggering.
And I've gotten calls about, you know, Your grandfather just died.
You stagger.
You kind of get dizzy.
You've got to sit down because it's the emotion of all those connections and fishing and hiking and having fun and campfires and they're gone and you've got to, whoa, I've got to sit down.
There are people who say, hey, you might want to sit down for this.
That's because a lot of people get like staggered.
And I will literally sit down in the morning and look at all this and sometimes I get dizzy.
Sometimes I'm driving down the road to work, thinking about all this, and I almost gotta pull over.
A few times I have.
Not had a beer, nothing.
I just gotta pull over at a gas station and just...
[breathes heavily]
And I'm somebody that's ready for this.
And then I think about all the communist and devil worshippers.
They're planning to just have us sign all our rights over to them during this crisis.
They'll promise to fix everything if we just give them power.
That's the same thing they've done in hundreds of countries.
And the minute we do that, it's all over.
And you ask, why do they want power?
Why do they want to wreck everything?
Because they don't like nice neighborhoods and happy people.
They don't like people doing well.
They don't like well-ordered societies.
They like Dumbing everybody down and wrecking society and then ruling
over it and having power over the filth There's a real battle between good and evil happening right
now And good has the upper hand.
Good was beginning to win five years ago around the world.
People were waking up to globalism.
The new operating system of renaissance was being re-injected into society.
The old operating system of tyranny wants power and wants to hold onto that power so it made its move.
And now here we are.
336 days out from the next election that is a referendum on everything.
And they're like, oh my gosh, we've never seen these mainline Gallup polls have Republicans 11 points ahead in every district.
Oh my gosh, it'll be a total rout, a total realignment.
The Democrats are over.
It's the end of them.
You know, if those fake polls show 11 points, it's really 30 points.
Of course everybody's against this.
But the majority of people aren't talking to friends, family, and neighbors and strangers, so they can still be gaslit.
Even though maybe 10% of the public goes along with this fraud, they will still sit there and go along with the fraud, the 90%, because They have been demoralized.
They've had their will broken.
And we cannot allow this to happen.
We cannot get to that point.
Obviously, they're not going to inject somebody with a clotting agent, bare minimum, that causes massive chain reaction in your blood, with every cell in your body that replicates creating a poison virus spike, a spike protein, We asked, how are they going to get away with releasing this bioweapon and killing hundreds of millions of people?
Everybody's going to learn it's the vaccine.
By the time we learn, we'll be in a financial collapse caused by the lockdowns and caused by the firings of people that wouldn't take the shot and caused by the universal basic income, you know, don't go to work garbage.
And then the wars that would come with that, the globals would then start wars during that crisis, so you're hit from so many sides, you then unify under the globalist control because they start a war with Russia or China.
And you can just see then the dollar collapsing and what comes out of that, and then it's all blamed on the war, it's all blamed on the race war, it's all blamed on the false flag attack, it's all blamed on the virus.
And the only way to stop that is to have a giant epiphany.
A chain reaction awakening out of the trance, out of the lie, out of the fraud, and to realize whether you're old or young, whether you got brown skin or white skin, whether you're a Christian or whether you're a Buddhist, you better understand the New World Order doesn't like you, and it's coming after you, and it's evil.
And giving in to it only makes things worse.
And you better understand that the end of the good times is here.
All the games are over now.
You got hardcore globalist world dominators that want a world technocracy AI controlled system to carry out your orderly extermination because they think you're stupid and dumb and pathetic and don't have any use.
And if you sit there and take it, you don't have a use.
But I got news for Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and the rest of them.
I'm not just useful, I'm better than you.
Because I understand what you're doing to these people that aren't as smart as you is wrong, because you're missing spiritual smarts.
And a Down Syndrome 20-year-old person that works at a Walmart and loves their dog and carries out their trash and talks to their neighbors and loves Jesus is a trillion times better than you that have all the mathematical and political understanding to control people.
And so I'm with the 20-year-old Down Syndrome human.
Who's got a soul, even though their body suit they were given had problems.
They were given a malfunctioning suit.
I'm with them.
I want to be with them, not with you.
I'll be with the widows and the orphans and the mentally retarded children.
I'm not going to be with you up on your little palace on the hill, pretending you're God on your big giant stages.
And I'm honored and I'm blessed to be with the widows and orphans and the children.
I do not want to be with all you pretending you're God, because I'm telling you, You're not going to have to wait, Klaus Schwab, until you die to be brought down to the level you deserve to be at.
You're going to pay now.
So you keep pretending you're all-powerful.
You keep pretending you're God.
I'm here to tell you you're not.
I've seen where you're going, and I don't want to be there.
So whatever pain I got to go through to not be with you, I'm ready for it.
I'll take my licks, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll take my licks, I'll take my blows, I'll take what I gotta take.
I'm not looking forward to carrying my cross, but I'm gonna do it, because I'm not with you!
And everybody just better get to their heads.
The only thing that matters is saying to God, I'm not with these people.
God, please help me, protect me, and please show me what I should do.
And then God will do the rest.
We just gotta pray that prayer to Jesus, and that dimension will open up, and God is gonna give you what you need.
But I gotta tell you, ladies and gentlemen, this is it.
Alright, I'm gonna come back with the news out of the UK of a at least 14 times increase in heart attacks and deaths and the government suppressing it.
Giant news breaking.
It was Joe Rogan this morning sent me the report and I looked and looked, nobody was covering it.
He just found it.
I'm going to show this to you coming up next hour.
Please remember, I said it yesterday was the last day.
Today is the last.
Maybe not even tomorrow.
I don't know.
I'm too busy to come up with new specials.
We're almost sold out of everything and can't even hardly have money to buy new products in the future.
So whatever.
Get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
Storewide free shipping, apparel's being sold at cost, vitamin refusions so good for your body
and your immune system, DNA Force Plus is incredible, it's 40% off, they're both 40% off,
those sales have gotta end, 'cause the products are selling out,
but I've just been so busy with all the news, I haven't done it.
And Infowarsstore.com is up, it's up, it's on other servers.
So you can go there and buy the products, and so is Vandot Video.
Hour number two straight ahead, thanks for keeping us on air.
I have a question to ask you.
Why would you spend your money this Christmas season to buy gifts for friends and family and loved ones,
with the establishment, with the big corporations, that are dedicated to waging war on all of our freedoms,
and suppressing us and forcing medical tyranny on us?
I've never backed down to tyranny.
And we've had incredible successes fighting them, thanks to your support.
But now, as 2021 comes to a close, I want to encourage you now more than ever To support the truth.
And you do that at InfowarsStore.com.
Storewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points running right now.
Huge deals on Vitamin Mineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus, Lung Cleanse, and Turbo Force.
And these are really amazing high quality products that also fund the Info War.
The only way you fail is not taking action.
I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes.
I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services and it is the 6th of December 2021.
So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, Stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths.
These are well documented by the local coroners.
These are well documented, you know, across the country.
Nobody seems to be concerned by the alarming rise in them, you know.
I used to see a blood clot very, very rarely.
And now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea.
I've written to the Chief Coroner of England.
He isn't concerned.
I've had no response for weeks and weeks and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested.
The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up.
So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago and it's been eating away at their immune system and now they're struggling to fight off things like the common cold.
These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia Guidestones and other places what would happen.
These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more.
But if you do as many families did, you get vaccinated and boosted, you use testing judiciously before you gather, you gather in well-ventilated spaces and use masks whenever you can in public indoor spaces, your risk can be quite low and your holidays can be quite fulfilling.
That's what so many families experienced this past Thanksgiving.
Look, this is how we put health and safety first.
By ensuring that there is a vaccine mandate that reaches everyone universally in the private sector.
A lot of folks in the private sector have said to me they believe in vaccination, but they're not quite sure how they can do it themselves.
Well, we're going to do it.
Masks will be required in all public outdoor settings where physical distancing is not possible.
The emergency mask mandate rule in Oregon is something that OSHA adopted in late 2020, and it is temporary.
And with that, it's set to expire next week on May 4th.
With the nuances of state law, OSHA's not actually allowed to extend temporary rules.
That's not how it works.
They can either let the temporary rule expire, or they can make it permanent.
I know you're following the data, but are there some assumptions you can now make about Omicron in terms of its potential to do greater harm?
Right now in South Africa there was very little Delta as the Omicron was increasing.
Here we actually have more Delta, but it may very well be that Omicron is able to out-compete Delta.
It's all predestined to happen because we're not conscious and we don't really stand up for what's right.
And so when you don't stand up against evil, it always makes a move.
The globalists are predators.
So anybody who spins lies and threatens and all that theater that goes on with some of the investigations and the congressional committees and the Rand Pauls and all that other nonsense, that's noise, Margaret.
That's noise.
I know what my job is.
Senator Cruz told the Attorney General you should be prosecuted.
I'd have to laugh at that.
I should be prosecuted.
What happened on January 6th, Senator?
As if that's his get-out-of-jail-free card that Ted Cruz, legally and lawfully, was trying to have a 10-day Senate investigation that's in the Constitution of that election, something Democrats had had four years before.
As if, oh, Ted Cruz now is a January 6th conspirator, when it was the deep state that helped provocateur some of the crowd, a very small percentage of the crowd, into the building.
So they're really hanging their hat Behind the scenes on the January 6th committee to brand Americans as terrorists ahead of the midterms so they can stage some terror attacks and blame it on us.
Make no mistake, that's in the cards.
We told you.
New variant, lockdowns, hysteria, as a distraction from their criminal activities and the inflation, and then also staged terror attacks to be blamed on the Liberty Movement, and that's coming next.
This is all highly scripted.
These old dogs don't learn new tricks.
[sound of explosion]
[sound of car driving away]
So John O'Looney owns a major funeral home in the UK.
And since the experimental injections began, exactly what the FDA documents predicted last year has
Massive increases in heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, bleeding out.
And he's gone, like the head of the German Pathology Union, you know, that's the coroner's union, To the state and federal government and said, what's happening here?
And normally, if an undertaker, who's by the way, has to get the medical examiners, the coroners, it's the same thing under common law in the UK as it is here, it's where it comes from, to come certify, they're telling him, the coroners, yeah, this person died of the shot.
Yeah, this person died.
I mean, they say on the inserts they can do it.
And he's seen at least 14 times increase.
He's seen more death from this in the last year than he saw in all his previous years.
Remember all those different medical doctors we played clips of?
That several of them own big biopsy clinics?
That look at biopsies of cancer from all people's bodies?
And what did they say?
Two different ones!
They've seen over a 20 times increase in cancers.
That's the same thing that the German scientist and the head of the union, the doctor, the head of the pathology union said.
And they now admit it.
They admit it in the fine print, but when the American Heart Association last week points it out, says, hey, you should know this can increase heart attacks, especially in young people.
Oh my God, you're not allowed to, you're not, it's true, but you're not the WHO, so you're not allowed to talk about it.
The level of gaslighting, the level of control we've already put up with is just insane.
It's like all these senators that have been censored for giving their views on what's going on.
They go, well, you're not the UN, you can't talk.
We're blocking your congressional speech.
And Congress takes it.
And that's why we see the green light for more and more control.
So the article's up on InfoWars.com.
John Bounds got a new report on it as well that we're also going to put on screen for TV viewers to share.
But Undertaker exposes COVID vaccine death cover-up.
Undertaker exposes cover-up of Surge in Blood Clot deaths and here is the video.
You can find it at Bandod Video and NewsWars.com.
InfoWars is down right now.
Get it.
Share it.
The enemy doesn't want this scene.
So just a quick update from me.
For those of you who don't know me, my name's John.
I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes.
I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services.
And a quick search online for that will find me and verify who I am.
So many of you will know me.
So I'll just give you an update as to where we are.
This time and it is the 6th of December 2021.
So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths.
These are well documented by the local coroners.
These are well documented You know, across the country.
Nobody seems to be concerned by the alarming rise in them, you know?
I used to see a blood clot very, very rarely, and now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea.
I've written to the Chief Commander of England, he isn't concerned.
I've had no response for weeks and weeks, and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested.
There you go, this is the guy who's supposed to be protecting us from harm.
So, we're seeing those deaths.
The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now, as their immune systems finally give up. So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight
months ago and it's been eating away at their immune system and now they're struggling to
fight off things like the common cold. So we're in winter and as you'll be aware there are
colds and flus about in this time of the year. These people can't fight it off and the
government are very quick to label it Omnicron, a new variant, you know, and they are
sick but they're sick with basic things like the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated
and if you think about it logically, much like, for example, a cancer patient. So
when you get a cancer patient and they're on chemotherapy, it decimates their immune
system and one of the things That they have to be extremely careful of is because they've got no immune system, a basic common cold or a flu can kill them.
And this is what we're seeing now in these jab recipients across up and down the country.
They're becoming extremely ill, really, really ill.
And the saddest thing is, is they're actually convinced that if they'd have had the jab, it would have lessened that illness.
So, for example, I've got a couple of friends, I've known them for a long time, very intelligent guy.
Logical thinker.
Him and his wife are both in jabs.
She's had one.
He's had both.
He's bitterly desperate now.
He's desperate to get the booster because he feels so terribly ill.
He thinks that will make him feel better.
You know, what do you say to these people?
Because they just won't believe it.
They feel terribly ill.
His wife is saying how she's desperate now.
She's had one jab.
Wishes she'd had the second.
She's desperate to get the second.
Can't get booked up quick enough.
I tried to explain, this is what is killing you.
This is killing you.
It's damaging your immune system.
All you've got is a common cold and I said to him, look, I will come over, I'll bring you whatever you need.
I will kiss you on the lips because I'm in no danger of falling sick because I have an immune system that's protecting me as a guy who hasn't been jabbed.
These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia Guidestones and other places what would happen.
These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more.
I really don't know what else I can say.
So that's, you know, we're nearly 12 months in now from when the first jabs went into people, so their immune systems will be falling apart now.
That's the reality and that's what I'm seeing.
You know, neighbours getting sick and ill and having Amazon deliveries because they have to isolate, they can't get out because their immune systems are falling over and it's winter and it's cold season and they can't cope with the cold anymore.
In the same way, a cancer patient with a decimated immune system can't.
I really, um, I wish I knew the answer.
You know, what can I do, what can I do to convince people what is actually happening to them?
You know, um, I really don't know.
I really don't know, but I'm seeing it.
I know it's happening.
This is when I went for the meeting in September to Westminster, um, The scientists there said exactly what was happening.
Lo and behold, this is what's happening.
These people are getting sick and dying, as I've said all along.
Now is the time I'm starting to wait for the phone calls to come in from family and friends.
It's frightening, isn't it?
I do wonder if these people will fall over and die still thinking it's COVID and blaming anti-vaxxers.
You know, oh, you're a terrible danger if it wasn't for you!
You know?
You know, what can you say?
What can you say?
All I can do, you know, you can lead a horse to war, you can't make it drink.
And I've told these people what would happen to them.
Okay, he still goes on from there.
It's extremely powerful.
Now remember what Dr. Yidan, Michael Yidan, the former head of Pfizer, chief scientist, said before any shots began last year.
He said it's going to cause massive ADE where a regular cold is going to kill you.
And it's going to cause blood clots and heart attacks.
Because the Holy Grail is creating a vaccine for the common cold.
It's been tried thousands of times and every time it creates a nightmare.
So when they chose this, they chose the worst possible cold virus that had been mutated to be even worse to make it as bad as possible.
Everything they did was pure evil.
And of course it's not Omicron, as he said, that's doing this.
We always said they'll claim it's a new variant.
I said over a year ago, when everybody starts dying in the winter of 2021.
So we've been hit with a bio-attack by the corrupt criminals that have hijacked our governments, and they're literally killing us because we won't submit to them.
They've made the decision, they can't make us join them, so they're going to kill us.
So this is it.
You're under bio-attack.
And I can't believe so many idiots are working with the system that wants to kill them.
And now we know for a fact what all the chief scientists and top scientists told us a year ago, a year and a half ago, almost two years ago.
They said, we've looked at this shot.
They're saying they're going to roll out.
It's going to cause massive autoimmune problems, massive heart attacks, massive blood clots.
And if you go back to all those reports back in December of last year, that Dr. Yidan and Dr. Woodard, who's the chief head of the board of the EU Science Advisory System, put out.
Exactly what they said came true.
And then I have the Australian Prime Minister, fake conservative, come out and attack me for having a Member of Parliament on saying this is parallel to Nazi Germany.
Yeah, the medical tyranny, the Nuremberg Code violations.
Next segment I'm going to play the German Member of the EU Parliament saying exactly what I'm saying.
That history is now repeating itself, and let the Prime Minister of Australia know that.
But that should give us hope that that dog... I don't want to insult our canine friends, but that monster, fake evangelical Christian devil, is so upset that we had a prominent member of Parliament on, from the Liberal Party, to say that the Emperor has no clothes, that there's an elephant in the room.
That's coming up next segment because it is a big, big deal.
And then my memory was not wrong about a year ago and about 11 months ago, but started a year ago, started right around this time last year, 12 months ago.
My memory remembered Trump being refused at Democrats on the news saying, you're a fascist.
We're not going to put troops on the streets of DC to protect.
I've told my crew to try to find the clips.
They haven't found the clips, but they found the articles.
And now they're trying to spin it with some colonel that Trump secretly didn't want the military to be called out because he thought his constituents taking over the Capitol would make him look good and somehow legitimize him staying in office.
That's preposterous.
But you all remember that Trump tried to get the National Guard out there and they wouldn't let him.
But you know what?
I actually pulled the articles up from the time.
Oh, you're not gonna get troops, Trump, you fascist.
Remember when he tried to call troops out to stop all the looting and burning of churches in D.C.
and Black Lives Matter, and Millie marched with him once, and Millie then apologized for even the military being seen in public?
That was all them telling him he couldn't use the military.
Yeah, there's CBS News.
Trump, print that for me.
Trump demanded 10,000 active duty troops deploy the streets of the Oval Office meeting.
And that was in June!
And he did it again, and I even have the directives.
But the D.C.
mayor is in control like a governor, and if the mayor doesn't want something, it's not called out, which is good.
I mean, I get if a governor, the mayor in the case of D.C., doesn't want the federal government putting troops on the streets.
They have that power to say no unless the president overrides it.
He didn't override it.
So... Yeah, print me that article too.
I forgot about that one.
Pelosi's fault.
Speaker Pelosi told Sergeant Arms to deny National Guard due to optics.
That was on the news at the time.
Fascist Trump wants 10,000 troops.
You're not getting them, you Nazi!
Trump wants the troops to take over the Capitol.
Remember that?
He wants them for martial law.
He's planning a coup.
He's planning a military dictatorship.
Remember all that?
I guess I'm already covering this.
I said I'd do it next segment.
Or the next segment.
Sorry, I gotta respond to the Australian Prime Minister attacking me.
By name.
And that's a good thing, because I want criminals like him not liking me.
I want them to know the world's awake to them.
I want the world to rally to Australia's aid, and Germany's aid, and others that are under this takeover, because Australia today, America, and where I live in Texas tomorrow!
This is a global, evil, shy combat, corporate takeover.
Show, what's the saying?
Nobody knows who first said it, but it's been out for over a decade.
The propaganda wouldn't be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They wouldn't be doing all this and trying to shut us up if they weren't on thin, thin, thin ice, baby.
And they're not the only people on the planet.
They're not the only people that can build infrastructure and raise money and take action.
We've done it.
You've done it.
You bet on yourself when you bet on InfoWars.
You bet on the future.
You decided to not roll over in a ditch and just give in to the globalists.
So I'll say it again.
I need as much capital as we can get in this operation to expand.
Hell, I'm thinking about getting on a plane and going up to the Ghislaine Maxwell event, because I don't even have the reporters to do it yet.
I'm trying to hire a couple more right now.
We've got so much we want to do, and we fought the globalists to a stalemate right now.
So we can't, just because everything's so horrible, pull back because the world looks so dismal and let them demoralize us.
We've got to expand in this horrible moment.
We've got to get more aggressive in this horrible moment.
We've got to work harder.
And do more broadcasts, and speak out, and fight tyranny now more than ever.
Because this is the time in history, and this is when it's all going down.
We extended it one day, today's got to be the last day, because we're running out of the products.
All the apparel is at cost at Infowarestore.com.
So you get a great shirt, you get to spread the word, and wear your colors loud and proud in the Infowar, and support the transmission.
Storewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points, up to 60% off best-selling products.
50% off Prostagard, back in stock.
40% off Vitamin Mineral Fusion for your immune system and your whole body.
Amazing product, everybody loves it.
Let's try it.
50% off Super Mel's Refilmol Vitality.
Big discounts on down-and-out sleep aid.
Lung cleanse.
40% off on Turbo Force.
10-hour clean energy.
And the list goes on and on.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
95% humanoid.
Nobody's got anything even near that.
The other leading competitor is 70-something percent.
It's 40% off in the powder and the liquid.
All at infowarstore.com.
And the Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste with the tea tree oil that's so antibacterial and good for your body, and the iodine, and then the coral calcium.
Everything in there.
It's the same as the silver formula.
It just doesn't have the silver in it.
And we have the other products there, like the Activated Charcoal Concentrate Toothpaste.
And a new product that just came out that I love.
We had a design of this shirt like 10 years ago, and stopped making it for some reason.
And then I saw Jake Newsy wearing one just like it that I knew was a knockoff of an original design we put off,
which was fine.
So I said, "Bring back that classic, "the ring of the 13 stars with the made in 1776."
Will you click on the shirt and make it bigger for me?
Made in 1776, right in the center, and then the American flag on the right arm.
That shirt is in gray, dark gray and black with Infowars.com on the back.
And it's selling at cost at Infowarsstore.com.
And that is one of the best looking shirts out there.
In fact, now that they've arrived, I got to get a few and so I can wear them on air.
That's how you keep us on air.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
So the Prime Minister of Australia, Australia came out and attacked a Member of Parliament who was on our show last week.
George Christensen.
They are very, very, very upset with him coming on and making parallels to the lockdowns and the tyranny of how tyranny grew in Nazi Germany and when it led to the Third Reich.
And so now the Prime Minister has come out and Attacked over that.
We'll show you that quote in the article for the London Guardian here in just a moment.
But first, here is that Member of Parliament, Christina Anderson, of the European Union Parliament from Germany, saying exactly what the Member of Parliament said from Australia.
And she was directly speaking, because she's retweeted our information we know, His SOS that he issued last week on this show.
They're afraid of international connections and solidarity between Germany and Australia and the United States and Canada and Mexico and Brazil and South Africa and Libya and Iraq and Russia and Japan and Tunisia and Indonesia and New Zealand.
But think about how weak these criminals are.
The London Guardian, they had the headline earlier, I showed it to you.
Oh, Prime Minister responds to terrible statements of George Christensen.
Think about how weak they are that they are forced to get to that point and do things like that.
The propaganda would not be necessary in the situation.
Was hopeless.
Why doesn't everybody grab this video?
They'll probably delete it off Twitter, but that's where it came from.
Member of Parliament Christina Anderson sends a message to the world.
That's the name of the video.
I'll have it reposted on the live show feed at NewsWars.com.
Because you can't go to InfoWars.com.
It's down with huge internet outages.
If you go to newswars.com, I'll have her message posted there and then you can send it to the whole Parliament of Australia and the whole Parliament of New Zealand, because that's where they're really targeting folks that are on an island.
We will fight.
German MEP declares solidarity with Australians battling COVID tyranny.
There it is at newswars.com.
When InfoWars is down, go to newswars.com or freeworldnews.tv.
And we'll post that little video of her right there so you can send it to the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Conservative Christian, that lets them create an internet ID and lock people in their houses and says the shots are permanent and don't talk to your neighbors or don't look at the sun and COVID FEMA camps as he shepherds everyone into total tyranny.
But gives himself and his family waivers to do whatever they want.
He now says, oh, it's terrible.
I've got his quotes right here.
Oh, it's just absolutely terrible.
He says, I denounce the comments in the strongest possible terms.
The Holocaust was an evil abomination.
Respect for the victims requires that it never be referenced in such a trivial and insensitive manner.
Well, Joseph Mingala would deny medical care to people he didn't like.
Joseph Mingala would force people to take injections.
And I've got Australia right here.
Queensland Health confirms organ transplant recipients need to be vaccinated for COVID or will be allowed to die.
That sounds pretty damn Nazi to me, Mr. Prime Minister.
Well, let's hear from a German about it, since you tell us we're not allowed to talk about it, even though my grandfathers fought Hitler, and what you're recreating, you monstrous pig demon, here it is.
This message goes out to the people in Australia.
My name is Christine Anderson.
I'm a member of European Parliament and I'm answering your SOS call.
I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime which tramples on human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law.
I'm imploring all of you around the world who still think your governments are looking out for your best interest.
At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys.
The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants.
Do you not realize that this vaccine does not protect you from COVID?
It does, however, protect you from governmental oppression.
For now, that is.
But don't think for even a second that this is not going to change tomorrow.
I'm a German, and we once asked our grandparents how they could have just stood by in silence, allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about.
Anyone could have known.
All I had to do was open their eyes and take a look.
The vast majority chose not to.
So, what will you tell your grandchildren?
Will you tell them you didn't know?
Will you tell them you were just following orders?
You need to understand.
It isn't about breaking the fourth wave.
It is all about breaking people.
Australia does not need a no COVID strategy.
What Australia needs is a no oppression strategy.
So I stand in support with your fight for freedom and democracy.
We need to stop our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes.
We need to do it now.
We need to stand up now.
Well, that's exactly what MP Christensen said.
And the response was, you're anti-Semitic.
Oh, we better bow down and let you put us in camps then.
Don't call us anti-Semitic.
There's a new report, bodies pile up as coroner.
It's Red Alert, just went live on Bandot Video.
It's so powerful.
I'm just going to air the first few minutes of it, where a well-known coroner, a well-known undertaker, talks about what the coroners and others know, but what they're covering up in the UK alone.
And then I ask the evil, fake front man that squats on top of Australia and claims he's against communist China, but is creating the same tyranny there.
I asked him how this isn't like what Hitler did, you monster.
Here it is.
For those of you who don't know me, my name's John.
I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes.
I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services and it is the 6th of December 2021.
So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to
heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis,
embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths.
These are well documented by the local coroners.
These are well documented across the country.
Nobody seems to be concerned by the alarming rise in them.
I used to see a blood clot very, very rarely and now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea.
I've written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn't concerned.
I've had no response for weeks and weeks and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested.
The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now, as their immune systems finally give up.
So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago.
Alright, let's stop right there.
The report's titled, Bodies Pile Up As Coroner Hits Red Alert.
We had to build our own system.
We had to spend millions of dollars to set it up and now pay what the man went.
So we could fight these murderers.
So don't let them win.
Go to Bandot Video.
Go to the John Bowne section.
Get that report and share it.
I'd tell you to go to Infowars.com, but it's down.
This is an information war.
These murderers think they're going to get away with it.
They're not going to get away with it because you and I together are going to stop them.
Every color, every race is the human race.
They're attacking our red blood.
Let's stop them.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, December 7th, worldwide transmission.
All right.
Everybody knows that I have been extremely critical of Trump and Operation Warp Speed and the fact that we now know this is not a vaccine and that it's actually killing people and maiming them and erasing their immune systems and causing blood clots and ADE en masse.
But that doesn't mean that Trump is Somebody that we don't need to defend when the globalists make up lies about it.
I know Trump's a good person.
I also know he's very, very selfish and very, very pig-headed.
He doesn't want to admit that Fauci conned him and sold him on this garbage.
Same thing with Rand Paul.
He's a medical doctor.
He's even worse!
And I'm not hateful of Paul.
I really love Rand Paul.
is not coming out against the shot itself.
He's going, "Oh, learned immunity, natural immunity is much better."
No, the shot erases your immunity after six months and makes you deathly ill.
That's the facts, Paul, and you know it.
And I'm not hateful of Paul.
I really love Rand Paul.
I love Trump.
But why do I got to risk my life and do everything and watch them sit on the sidelines?
And I don't even care about risking my life at the end of the day.
I know we could win if these men acted like men.
And went all the way.
You don't slay the dragon in a half-assed attack.
You don't win the football game going at 50%.
You win the game going at 10,000%.
Anybody that's ever gone at 10,000% knows that's a very special place.
And that's where we need to get these people going right now.
The globalists think we lack will.
They think we're pathetic.
They think we're hit with something this evil, this over-the-top, this satanic, that we just will be overwhelmed by it and won't be able to deal with it and we'll just roll over.
And if we do that, then we're dead.
I don't know about you, but I'm not doing it.
And I've already seen what we've done together.
You amplifying the broadcast and everything we do, inspiring people.
I've seen God working through us.
I've witnessed the power of it.
You have no idea.
Folks, it's not just Joe Rogan, and it's not just Candace Owens, and it's not just Tucker Carlson.
It's the Russians.
It's the African leaders.
It's Japanese presidents and vice presidents or listeners.
I've talked to some of these people privately on the telephone.
Don't just talk to Trump.
It's not about, oh, I'm famous, I'm cool.
No, I'm saying the signal is strong.
Bolsonaro's son, that's a member of the Congress, his first son, number one son, said, you woke me and my father up 20 years ago, 15 years ago.
Come to Brazil, interview my father.
At CPAC, it's on video.
Same thing happened with Nigel Farage on the show many years ago before he got too cool for school, which is fine.
Yeah, half the support for UKIP is from you.
When we knock on doors, half the people know about UKIP from you.
We helped get Brexit, get it all in.
Didn't mean they wouldn't try to run a scam and do all that later.
Got a lot of vaccine news coming up next hour, like Oklahoma sues Biden administration.
Over illegal vaccine mandates.
That's coming up.
But the point is, I'm not bragging here.
I'm letting you know that truth is a powerful weapon.
We've drawn the sword Excalibur from the stone together.
We did this together.
I don't say that to pat you on the head.
I mean, you did this.
With me, we did this.
We did this.
We already hurt these people really bad.
And as Archbishop Iago said a few days ago, I don't care if you're Catholic, Baptist, whatever, God's real.
He said, if you're fighting evil purely because you love God and love the children, God will protect you.
And it's true.
I have experienced God's power, which is very humbling.
I don't sit up and say, hey, I got God's power.
But I do have God's power.
And so do you.
But I don't have the power.
God gave me the power.
It's not me.
It's God.
And I've noticed everything they throw against us, if I just take it and trust in God, turns back like a boomerang against them.
And I've just got to take it and it's not fun, but then I watch God fire back.
Because God is a counter-puncher.
God doesn't punch, God counter-punches.
And God watches what happens to us and our children and does not like it, and is looking for men and women that are going to stand up and heed the call to be part of His army to take the planet back and then beyond.
But this is all a big test and it's real.
All right, let me just get to this right now.
I could belabor this, but I want to be short and sweet about it.
Any of you can go read this for yourselves.
You can look this up for yourselves.
And any of you that were paying attention 12 months ago and 11 months ago and 10 months ago, remember this and you can pull it all up.
Trump in June, after Black Lives Matter burned a bunch of stuff down and looted a bunch of stores and burned down part of a church right by the White House, said we need 10,000 troops on standby for the election.
And the Democrats said, you're a fascist, horrible demon, you can't have them.
Then two weeks before, January 6th, when he was officially on board, he knew a lot of folks were coming.
He said to the District of Columbia, I'd like you, because the mayor is the governor there, basically, to call out the National Guard.
They said, no, we're not going to let you use the military in a coup.
Remember all that?
Trump planning a coup in December of last year, 12 months ago.
You can put all the articles on screen, yeah.
CBS News, you name it.
Now, all these months later, as they got their January commission coming up, they're worried about this.
So this colonel comes out and says, oh, the two generals, they just follow orders.
The two generals said it's political bad optics.
We're not going to release the military.
That was the orders of D.C.
That's actually in the quotes on CNN, ABC News, all of it.
But now they know that's going to come out.
They go, well, how do we spend this?
We'll just say Trump blocked the military from being called out that day.
Trump wasn't in control of the National Hill Police, the Capitol Police, which they're now the National Police.
Trump wasn't in control of any of that.
isn't in control of that.
And they sent half of the normal way to do traffic control that day.
And then, when the calls came out by the Capitol Police to ask for the military to be called out, we were waiting at the nearby armory, they were told no by the Sergeant of Arms.
And I have all the articles right here, I'll show them to you.
So, this isn't about a defense of Trump, it's about a defense of truth.
Trump didn't want the overrun of the Capitol.
Trump wanted to see huge masses of people, and to show there was an election fraud, and to see the Capitol filled, and to say we want a 10-day investigation of the Senate.
Which is what he was calling for, and I was calling for.
So we don't have the motive, obviously.
It made us look like idiots, blew our feet off, a big coup they had against us, and our free speech, and questioning elections.
The big part about crime is having a motive.
Trump knew that they had a stage set up over at the Ellipse.
He knew then there was another stage over at Lot A in between the Supreme Court and the Capitol.
All that was there, but he was set up by his own bureaucrats who knew what was happening.
We don't know who they are, but they're the ones that came out with the Secret Service and said, yes, lead the march.
They're the ones that called Roger Stone on the phone, this is on record, and said, come lead the march.
He said, no, I got a bad feeling.
I'm not part of this.
Because a million people out there standing around is a scary thing.
You can feel the power of it.
Lead that with a bullhorn?
It's like saying lead a thousand Bulls in an arena by the nose with a red cape.
They're going to run you over.
So this was a setup and the managers and the bureaucrats ordered a stand down.
And here's the headlines.
Trump demanded 10,000 active duty troops deploy the streets in heated Oval Office meeting was told no.
That's CBS News.
Pelosi's fault.
Speaker Pelosi told Sergeant of Arms to deny National Guard and Capitol Police for optics.
Gateway Pundit, New York Times.
Congress Sergeant in Arms faces scrutiny after siege.
He ordered the stand down, not Trump.
Trump said do something.
New York Times.
Trump says he told the Pentagon 10,000 National Guard troops would be needed for January 6th but was ignored.
And it turns out he told the truth.
Mayor refused any federal law enforcement help prior to protests.
Town Hall.
Fear about optics may have contributed to capital security failure.
Vanity Fair, January 11th.
They all know.
They all said it.
But now they've got this colonel coming out saying, oh, Trump did it and General Flynn did it and Alex Jones did it.
It was their big plan to have them stand down.
Hey, dumbasses, if we were trying a military coup, we'd have had guns.
And then your military wouldn't have kicked people out of the Capitol.
But we still look like criminals and it would be horrible.
I'm not for that.
I mean, just the idea that we had an insurrection without guns is preposterous.
They wouldn't have taken the Capitol over. We'd have taken all the TV and radio stations over.
And the Internet, like you've already done, you foreign Chicom agents.
I have a question to ask you. Why would you spend your money this Christmas season
to buy gifts for friends and family and loved ones with the establishment, with the big corporations
that are dedicated to waging war on all of our freedoms and suppressing us enforcing medical
tyranny on us?
I've never backed down to tyranny.
We've had incredible successes fighting them, thanks to your support.
But now, as 2021 comes to a close, I want to encourage you now more than ever to support the truth.
And you do that at InfoWarsTore.com.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points running right now, huge deals on
vitamin mineral fusion, DNA force plus, lung cleanse, and turbo force. And these
are really amazing high quality products that also fund the InfoWar. The only way
you fail is not taking action.
The social engineers try to create thousands of false ideologies and
false studies and systems that then claim that they're the map makers of the
mind and they control how civilization operates.
But the truth is, we are multi-dimensional beings.
We are created by God.
We are eternal.
And in their own documents, they actually admit that and know that.
And so they're trying to create a system to not just keep us from higher dimensions, but actually take us even out of the third dimension.
And that's what the metaverse is.
So I cut a very important report on this subject.
We're gonna play it, then come back and get to a bunch of other huge breaking news.
Please stay with us.
The journey to freedom starts at ResetWars.com.
Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a front man, a behavioral psychologist, mad scientist,
that have been developing a project for total human control since the 1950s.
The internet was designed and was first named the Intergalactic Computer Communications System.
And it would be designed to then track and control every move and every action of humans on Earth, monitored by AI computers and camera software systems, as well as different types of microwave relays.
They developed the plan in the late 50s, they declassified it in the early 60s, came out of ARPA that then became DARPA.
And when you see the entire project, that's what our phones are, is supercomputers that are handheld that then tie in the larger computer networks.
And in their own words, they admit that the plan is to be able to control us in lifetime by giving us stimuli and directives and orders through a social credit score to then basically make us biological androids or robots.
But to do that, they've got to get us to start giving up on our human biology.
Women don't have babies vaginally half the time.
Many women don't give their babies milk.
Babies are raised in cribs.
Lowers their IQs.
Disconnects them from humans.
Makes them more sociopathic, more robotic.
The entire project's aim...
Is to make life so ugly, so horrible, to put us in environments so disgusting that we reject the third dimension and beg to have a chip put on our brains, a wire plugged into our gray matter, VR goggles on our heads.
Again, the message is, oh, this world is so ugly and horrible, this is your blanket, this is your pacifier, this is going to comfort you, not your mother, not your father, but this artificial Bag this artificial universe we're gonna throw over your
head And that's what you do when you capture enemy soldiers and
you want to demoralize them you put a bag over their head for a couple
Days you tie them up you can find them in small spaces and then now they've been broken down
They're ready to follow your orders. You're now under their control
This is all tactics that cults use And the globalist mad scientist cult is the biggest and most powerful of them all.
And they want to make human beings a commodity.
They want to force us into the metaverse.
Make us go to court via Zoom.
Make people go to school via online, quote, learning.
And then, oh, sorry, this class is only VR.
We're not going to offer it in Zoom or in FaceTime or in Skype.
This is all admitted, and then once you're in the metaverse, you can also be surveilled, you can also be bombarded, you can also be manipulated, and you can also be cut off from the metaverse via the social credit score system if you don't behave and act the way they want you to.
You're literally putting yourself in an artificial environment that they control, and through the optic nerves, plugging your brain into the internet.
VR goggles are a plug for your brain.
Google glasses are a plug for your brain.
All of this takes you into their system and puts a false reality over your eyes so they can begin to bring you out of the third dimension.
Because the third dimension is the launch point to the wider universe.
They want to take you out of God's cathedral and this incredible interface with higher consciousness and the infinite and divine and bring you into a silicon cage, a system they've created.
They tell you that carbon is evil.
They tell you that all carbon life forms are bad.
They tell you they want to cut trees down now to save the Earth from carbon.
When sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and oxygen are the four things that create life on this planet, the carbon cycle.
They tell us that we're going to be silicon gods.
They tell us we're going to merge the machines.
And then only by giving up our humanity do we transcend.
When we're already here at the jump point of transcendence, the third dimension, they're trying to cut us off before we launch.
Not to other planets, but interdimensional.
Next level.
Once we make that transition, interstellar travel will be like something a baby is fascinated with or knows how to do.
Reset Wars drops on the 13th next Monday.
It's been an honor to be with all of you.
It's been an honor to fight the globalists for so many years.
And we could be here still in a year, but I don't know, every day could be our last.
If you look at the news we're about to cover as we start the third hour, this is what the great reset is giving us.
The wages of sin are death.
This is what the great reset has to offer.
All the treaties being broken, all the deals being broken, globalist corporate aggression, playing countries off against each other, all these rich, powerful, trillionaire companies think that they are on the sidelines and safe from the crises that they are the authors of.
That's why it's very important with civil disobedience To let these globalist robber barons know that they will be held accountable for the death and destruction they've already created.
And that once we've peacefully taken back control of our countries, they are going to be brought to justice.
But they already know that.
That's why they're committed to defeating us.
That's why this is what we call a death battle.
And once you figure out you're in a death battle, You find your real strength and stop worrying about dying and start worrying about winning.
Start worrying about taking it to them.
I'm not a Russophile.
Never been to Russia.
I've read a lot of information about it.
Seems like a very amazing, biggest country in the world.
Interesting people.
The Russians I've personally met have been really nice, serious people that I really like.
But I know the history of Ukraine.
I know the history of Russia, the basic history.
And I know that it is the West that are the aggressors there.
So they'll call me a Russian agent for that.
Well, so be it.
I mean, I'm an agent of truth.
And if the Russians were trying to annex the original 13 colonies, that's basically what Ukraine is, I would be against the Russians.
And I'd say it's time for war with the Russians.
But the Russians aren't No, they just signed over California and Alaska to us.
We've taken Russian territory, not the other way.
And if the Russians tried to take Alaska, I'd say, we gotta go to war.
But they're not trying to take Alaska.
No, Russia has just enjoyed, and I say that as a joke, 70, 80 plus years of globalist
re-engineering, social brainwashing, re-education.
And so you can debate Ukraine all day, but why don't we talk about the facts?
Half of Ukraine has always been part of Russia and has been Orthodox.
The other half, since a thousand years ago, before Russia existed, has been Catholic.
And the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church go back to 2,000 years ago in Christ.
They can debate and argue all day who's the oldest.
But the only fissure is Is Western Ukraine Russian or not?
And Russia said, we'll just take half the country and split it.
But 95% of Eastern Ukraine wants to go with the Russians.
It's Western Ukraine that again, wanted to go with Europe.
In World War II, Western Ukraine saw the Nazis as liberators.
And they are more Nordic, they're more Aryan, they're more Northern European, they're more Germanic.
And they sided with Hitler.
The other side sided with the Russians because they're more Slavic.
The point is, is that it's not the United States business to be there.
Just like it's not Vladimir Putin's business to be annexing Maine down to North Carolina.
And so it's true.
CNN said last week, very rare to hear them tell the truth, they said Russia's preparing to invade Ukraine.
It's actually true.
Putin came out.
The foreign minister came out yesterday.
I've got the articles.
I just believe the articles.
I went and checked the Russian news.
And they said, listen, you're about to take over all of Ukraine and say it's under NATO and put NATO troops and NATO planes and NATO tanks and NATO nuclear weapons in Russia.
Because that's what Eastern Ukraine is, and our infrastructure that we've spent trillions of dollars on, and that is our gas lines into Europe, you're not going to do it.
So, if you try to move troops in, and declare NATO is in control of it, we're going to take over our interests.
And that's what's happening.
And then you add that to all the geopolitical stuff with China, and you add that to what's happened to our economy, this is a nightmare situation.
And Russia, I can guarantee you, is not going to blink 100%.
And when the psychotics running NATO, a bunch of child molesting devil worshippers, I mean, they are, the NATO is the new world order.
And I'm not attacking NATO because it's anti-Russian.
It's just as bad as, it's what the mix of the Nazis and the robber barons and just, it had the great reset earlier with their Marshall Plan, running a bunch of countries for decades.
I mean, these are really bad people.
Like Mao Zedong was bad, or Lenin was bad.
These people make them blush.
Yeah, there they are.
So they're starting a fight with Russia now to cut off Russian energy.
It's not like they're in Iraq blowing up a bunch of people that don't have high-tech weapons.
They're now trying to start a fight with a nuclear power, while China basically controls our government and has overrun our nation.
So this is just psychotic, ladies and gentlemen.
And you can say, well, don't let Putin, you know, ship his gas into Europe.
That gives Russia power.
Who cares if people make money and sell stuff?
That's how we ought to fix the whole world, be free market.
Like Trump said to Kim Jong-un, hey, how about we build hotels all along your coast and casinos or whatever, just end all this craziness.
And the Russians are like, yeah, yeah, we want to do business.
We just want to do business.
We just want to be wealthy.
Can we work with you?
They're like, no, you get war.
It's the same thing over and over and over again by these globalists.
So, here's the quotes from Putin.
Putin to Biden, finalize Ukraine or we will.
Either the U.S.
and NATO provide us with legal guarantees, it's a quote, that Ukraine will never join NATO or become a base for weapons that can threaten Russia or we will go in and guarantee it ourselves.
That's very, very, very simple, isn't it?
Anybody should be able to understand that.
At the Kremlin last week, Putin drew his red line.
The threat of our western borders, this is a quote, is rising.
As we have said multiple times, in our dialogue with the United States and its allies, we
will insist on developing concrete arrangements prohibiting any further eastward expansion,
which was the agreement they made in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Of NATO and the placement there of weapons systems in the immediate vicinity of Russian
territory, the United States is breaking the deals that were signed back then.
That comes close to an ultimatum, and NATO, Secretary General, backhanded the President
of Russia for issuing it.
It's only Ukraine and 30 NATO allies that decide when Ukraine is ready to join.
See that threat?
Oh, with 30 of us.
Russia has no vote.
See, you're nobody.
Russia has no say, like what American people are told too, right?
You have no speech on the Internet.
Russia has no say and Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence trying to control their neighbors
And it goes on from there We should have spent probably... I mean, look at our toddling...
Brain-dead president, as you know who he is.
This is all the stuff of disaster.
And Russia has all those weapons, and we're wrong to be doing this, and we're hijacked by globalists that are dissolving our borders, and collapsing our country as well.
We should have solidarity with Russia, and solidarity with South Africa that wants to be free, and anybody else.
Mexico, Brazil.
Let's just trade together.
Let's love each other.
Let's have cultural exchange.
Let's have art together.
Let's build things together instead of this.
But no, No, just like Napoleon and Hitler, evil empires go to die in Russia.
And it's happening yet again.
And I know this, none of my family, if I had anything to say, are going to be drafted for some long war with the Russians started by these globalist cocksuckers.
All right?
Sorry for my French.
We'll be right back with a special guest.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, David Icke told me about this documentary film that Jackie Devoy, an investigative journalist, is working on that's about to come out from Iconic.com, A Good Death.
That's what eugenics translates to.
Here's a little clip from the upcoming film, and we'll talk to investigative journalists about the admissions, even mainstream news admits, that they were killing old people, not giving them medical care, under the COVID auspices.
Here it is.
A good death needs three things.
It needs equipment, it needs medication, and it needs the staff to administer it.
I realised something was wrong when I found out last year that my dad had a DNR put in place when he was in his care home.
So in terms of equipment, a few quick questions.
Do you have enough syringe drivers in the NHS to deliver medications to keep people comfortable when they're passing away?
I found this quite alarming and thought it would make a really interesting news story.
I contacted 28 editors.
They decided not to run the story.
They never explained why.
He was awake at the time.
The syringe drug is to deliver medication, particularly things like midazolam and morphine.
He was awake at the time, but upon going in that room, he was sedated with midazolam and
given morphine.
(upbeat music)
I never woke up.
T-34 is a cocktail of medication drip feeding under the skin.
And now I know that was given to kill her as quickly as possible.
The end of life is really the most crucial time in your life.
Madazlam weaponizes this end-of-life so-called care.
So you're saying voluntary euthanasia is assisted dying?
And euthanasia is... Where can that happen without the patient's consent though?
It's happening all over the country every single day of the year.
I spoke to her and I said, you're right, darling.
She said, get me out.
Get a wheelchair and get me out of this hospital now.
She said they're trying to kill me.
She was crying, begging for help.
All medication stopped.
No nutrition.
I said, how do you feel on a one to ten?
She said, I don't know.
I've got to keep my wits about me because I'm dealing with these silly people.
These stories needed to be heard.
And I realised they'd be better captured on film than on paper.
Do you have any precautions put in place to make sure we have enough of those medications to be delivered?
Yes, right now we do.
Alright, David Icke has a channel at Band.Video.
He has several channels, so the Iconic channel.
And this is what's going on.
A Good Death, a look at euthanasia in the care industry, premieres December 5th on Iconic.
It's now out.
When I get home tonight, I'm gonna watch the film before I go out to dinner with Joe Rogan.
Not name-dropping, it's just everybody's waking up.
But I'm gonna try to get home today to actually watch this because this needs to get out.
Ladies and gentlemen, Jackie Devoy is an investigative journalist who's worked with some of the biggest UK papers for years.
Last year she uncovered the do not resuscitate orders for being placed on the elderly in care homes and hospitals that led her to undercover the use of a drug called Madazolam, if I'm pronouncing that right, which uses, uh, to be used in the lethal injection in the United States of, quote, people on death row.
This is euthanasia, a culling of the elderly and vulnerable.
A new Iconic produced film, A Good Death, highlights the family's stories affected by this and also the story itself.
There's something similar going on in the U.S.
with a drug called Remdesivir.
A good film at Band.Video at Iconic.com.
So, Jackie DeVoy, thank you so much for joining us.
We'll have you here for the rest of the hour.
Wow, what a journey being suppressed as a journalist and now making this amazing film.
I can't wait to watch.
Yeah, it has been quite a journey actually.
It started last year when my dad was in a care home and I found out that he had a DNR put on him, which I thought was quite strange because nobody had actually requested that.
So I asked them to remove it and they said no, they wouldn't do that and it wasn't up to me.
And for folks that don't know, that's a do not resuscitate.
Some people call it a DNAR.
You can call it either.
Do not attempt resuscitation.
And so I just thought, well, this is interesting, because a lot of people don't know about this.
So maybe I'll write it up as an article.
So I got one of the mainstream papers very interested in it, and they said they'd run it.
So I wrote it, and they said they didn't want to run it, but they wouldn't say why.
I was out on a different site and it went viral and lots of people were contacting me about it and then I went and chatted to David on one of his podcasts on David Icke and after that other people got in touch with me and one man in particular had a story about how his relative was killed in hospital and If I hadn't known what I knew at that point, I would have thought he was crazy because, you know, people don't get killed in hospital and people find that really hard to believe even now, even after hearing about it.
But I met up with him and then me and him went over to see David Icke and then David put out a podcast about it.
By then, hundreds of other people had been in touch as well, telling the same story over and over with alarming similarities.
I had to believe them and they were totally convincing.
So I thought I'm going to send this out to all the mainstream editors that I know and some that I don't know.
And someone's going to run this story because it's massive.
It's like people are being killed off in hospital, especially the elderly people, but some of them weren't even that old.
The morning after I sent out all the emails, I woke up thinking, why did I do that?
My inbox is going to be absolutely overloaded.
So there wasn't a single reply.
A few days later, I got a couple of replies saying, I'm on holiday, or I'll pass this on to someone else.
And then a few weeks after that, I got two news editors wanting to talk to me.
We had meetings.
About three or four hours each, the meetings.
They said they would definitely run the story, that it would be front page news, it's massive.
And then they just went completely quiet over the next few days to the next few weeks.
And the most important part is they were gearing up ahead of time with a euthanasia lethal injection drug to wipe out all these old people and then pay bonuses to the medical facilities that got rid of them.
The exact same plan carried out in every Western country, even using basically the same numbers.
Just the organization of it.
Anybody can look at it and see it's murder, but then the organization of it There's never been such pre-planned murder, period.
I mean, Joseph Mingala must be blushing right now.
Yeah, the protocol comes from the top, obviously, you know, from the men in suits.
But when the pandemic started, they started using this protocol for people going into hospital with what looked like breathlessness or what they thought was COVID.
And they would use the midazolam and morphine mixture to treat This illness.
Which with that drug you just mentioned causes people to have trouble breathing.
We're going to come back after a few minutes here and talk about all of this straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
Find the trailer for the film at Band.Video.
Stay with us.
We've also got all these coroners and undertakers and scientists coming out pointing out what's happening.
But Jackie Devoy is a well-known investigative journalist.
Iconic.com is where you find the new film, A Good Death.
And she just tried to get the story out about how they were killing all these old people and giving them Drugs that were known to make you not be able to breathe using lethal injection as what you gave somebody when you intubated them.
Well, that's just lethal injection.
But you see, if you get the medical system to sign on that, now it's corrupt.
Now it'll do anything you want.
It'll do anything you say.
I want to get next segment in about 10, 15 minutes why they're doing this, but right now,
just your journey and this film and the people in it, just from the trailer I've seen, it's so powerful,
and then I personally researched all the information.
I mean, I know what you're saying's true.
It's just crazy to know governments and corporations know this and aren't just going along with it,
but designed it.
So Jackie, where do you want to go next talking about this?
Yeah, what you were saying earlier about the use of this combination of drugs.
Number one, they shouldn't be used together anyway.
That's a known fact, a known medical fact.
And secondly, why would you use drugs that suppress the respiratory system for a respiratory disease?
And also, these drugs were generally administered in hospital via a syringe driver, which is a pump mechanism, which is usually attached to the patient's arm or leg, and it slowly pumps the concoction of drugs into their body over a period of time.
Some people have a very immediate reaction to it and could die straight away.
It's been known that if they're injected with a too high a dose, then they could just have a fatal reaction immediately.
And other people can last a few days.
The average time is 29 hours from when the syringe driver is first put in place.
So they can't argue that doing this is any kind of treatment.
It's not a treatment, and it's definitely not a cure.
There's only one outcome, as I say, in the documentary.
If you do that to someone, and it's going to stop their breathing, the breaths get taken down slower and slower over a period of time.
So you might get down to like three breaths in a minute before it stops, you know, before you stop breathing, and then that's it.
So how they can say this is some kind of treatment for COVID, I don't know.
They can administer up to 60 milligrams in a 24-hour period of midazolam and I think
it's 30 milligrams of morphine, which is a huge dose.
They use these drugs for executions in some states in America.
And it's been known that some big burly men from death row have died with just 10 milligrams.
So Dennis McGuire in 2014, I think it was.
So why do you think the left or the deep state is so obsessed with assisted suicide and now they're trying to force suicide depopulation?
Switzerland just approved assisted suicide pods.
That pump in nitrogen to suck oxygen out and choke you to death and kill you in about one minute.
I mean, why are they wanting to kill everybody?
What's going on here?
Well, the only possible reason is that, well, they obviously want to get rid of people.
So you can talk about depopulation because there's always been stories about that.
Although a lot of people dismiss that as conspiracy stuff.
But the real reason is money.
If you were Like, someone in charge, and your task was to save money.
The first thing you would do, we've got a big benefits system in this country, you know, the elderly get pensions, and a lot, sorry I'm distracted by your video there, that is bizarre, what is that?
What's an execution pod being promoted everywhere as the next liberal, they say save the earth, kill yourself now, and it kills you in 60 seconds.
Well, you see, there's a suicide cult going on, even if you look at the attitudes of young people.
I mean, I've got four children and it ranged from 22 to 32.
So I do talk to their friends and I know a lot of people of that age.
And there's this different sort of attitude to the older generation's attitude.
Well, we're kind of Especially with this jab, you know, a lot of young people are thinking, well, you know, if it kills us, it kills us.
And if all my friends are going to be dead, well, I might as well be dead too.
And then you've got the music kind of promoting this, you know, with the likes of Billie Eilish and stuff, you know.
The death cult is promoting this.
It's beautiful.
It's the end of humanity.
It's for the Earth.
Let's all die so Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles can sit up there with all the money and power.
I mean, this is hardcore behavioral psychology, but if we're aware of it, it doesn't work.
We need to say, no, we love life.
We want to build a better planet.
We want to build new planets.
We love God.
We don't sign over our authority.
We don't advocate our birthright.
We say, no, we have a right to live.
And if Prince Charles and Leonardo DiCaprio and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, if there's too many people, they can go kill themselves today.
I don't want to kill them, not calling for killing them, but instead of killing babies and innocent old people, how about they kill themselves?
Yeah, I mean, like I said, it is being promoted for young people as an option, as a life choice, which is a bit ironic.
But yeah, it's absolutely terrifying when you think about it.
And all these elderly people, I mean, amazing amounts of money are being saved.
If you kill off someone at 70 instead of allowing them to live to 90 in this country, you could save, you know, up to about half a million pounds in pensions on that person.
And think about the lockdown.
Oh, you're non-essential.
The idea we have unlimited currency, the idea that, oh, you're not working because you retired.
We're going to kill you.
It's so satanic.
It is.
It's like they're saying anything to offer.
They're redundant, which isn't the case, obviously.
Yeah, it seems to be happening mainly in hospitals, then in care homes, and it has been known to happen in people's own homes as well.
So it's quite shocking.
So what was it like when, as an investigative journalist very well known that writes for major papers, you start seeing this, you confirm it's going on, you confirm it's a lethal injection drug, and you try to get it published.
What was that moment like when all of, denied the publishing, what was that moment like?
I honestly thought it would be snapped up because it was such a huge story, especially as I said, I've got lots of people who will speak to you, like case studies, I've got all the evidence you need, I've got Matt Hancock and Luke Evans, I've got a video of them talking about it, I've got House of Commons documents, I've got all the medical documents that you might need, you know, with all the proof of all the doses and the protocols, and I was met by I said for the first few days, and then excuses, and then a couple of meetings, and then silence again.
And start over.
Your Skype broke up.
You were saying you were met with complete silence.
Yeah, I was met with complete silence initially and then, like I said, I eventually had a couple of meetings and then silence again.
Just about a month ago, while I was in the middle of doing the documentary, I just had an urge to email all those editors again to tell them that it's now six months down the line and they still haven't published anything on it and that they've got blood on their hands because in that six months, Thousands more elderly people have died because of this.
By the way, I totally agree with you.
I mean, it's not like we're vindictive.
We want to be healthier than they are.
The people that know about this and went along with it, the blood's on their hands now.
You've now murdered people, you little monsters.
Yeah, I spoke to several editors who just didn't seem to understand what I was saying.
They were saying, well, what's the problem?
This happens all the time in hospital, you know, people who are ill and old.
Yeah, giving somebody a drug when they're sick with COVID that makes their lungs turn off is not helping them feel good.
It's murdering them.
We're going to go to break, come back and talk about this.
It's so sick.
It's like Governor Northam in Virginia going, well, we keep babies alive before we harvest their organs, but we keep them comfortable.
So I guess if Hitler would have just said, hey, I'm keeping the Jews comfortable, it wouldn't be okay.
We didn't know it wouldn't be okay.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with a final segment with our guest.
And then we've got another big host coming up in the fourth hour today in Defiance of Tyranny.
Tomorrow's news today.
Infowars is down with major Internet outages.
So we have Band.video and Newswars.com.
Stay with us.
Automation is here.
The robots are taking over.
And the tiny, inbred, incredibly selfish ruling class that isn't even one-tenth of one-hundredth of a percent.
Less than a hundred people.
Has decided to get rid of you.
And folks, they've got unlimited fake money they made up.
I mean, I told you this 15 years ago and people thought maybe Jones is bragging, but I wasn't.
I got authors to work for the Kissinger Group.
I got offered Fox TV shows.
I got offered everything.
And I didn't sell out.
Because I know you can't sell out to death.
So I know how real the New World Order is.
I know how real their system is.
And it's a future where you don't exist.
Humanity is about standing up and innovating and bringing others that aren't as smart as us along.
Not about killing the poor people or the people that aren't that smart.
But that's what the globalists are building.
Jackie Devoy is an investigative journalist, a big part.
And at the key, well, really the impetus in the film, a good death, which is what euthanasia translates to.
In the 10 minutes we've got left, I know you've got a lot to say.
What else do you want to add to the viewers and listeners of what they need to know about what you've done and about this film?
Because I haven't seen the film yet, I've watched the trailer, but I can tell you, if this information gets out, it's over for the globalists.
But if it doesn't, we're dead.
Yeah, well, a very important thing is that a lot of the people I spoke to, especially the editors on the papers, seemed to think it was a bit of a non-story, because as they told me, it happens all the time in hospitals in particular, that people's death And isn't that a normal thing to do?
And isn't it the right thing to do if someone's, you know, 100 years old and dying in agony?
And why not, you know, put them out of their misery, so to speak?
It's like a mercy killing.
But the problem is that it's illegal.
And people don't seem to realize this because it's murder, involuntary euthanasia.
Whatever you want to call it, it's illegal and it is actually murder.
So what they're doing might be morally right in their own minds, but the person who actually administers the drug is a murderer and they're killing people.
And the other thing you mentioned, you mentioned God and religion.
We got a Catholic priest to speak.
on the documentary towards the end, because what happens when you administer these drugs to kill people, you're not only stealing their lives, but you're stealing one of the most parts of their existence, which is that lead up to death,
where people need to be able to take stock of their lives and
think about what's happened and how their life has been.
Exactly, you need to be conscious in your last days of death.
For those that are blessed enough to go through that process of seeing with family, they remember everything,
they have these epiphanies, they are so connected to God, and they also tell you family
And there's also a psychic spiritual event that happens with family that are in the area that
There's, in my experience, a passing on of knowledge that happens that's beyond just verbal.
It's definitely an important download.
Yeah, unless you die of a horrible accident or a murder, which is what this is, you don't have a chance to do that.
But in a normal passing, everyone I've spoken to, all the people I've spoken to who've lost a loved one in this terrible, terrible way, they've all said the same thing.
It's unnatural, it's not normal.
Yes, death is an incredibly powerful ritual, second only to birth.
And then third, of course, is the act of the of the Congress, man and woman coming together.
That is, again, a truly magic act.
And so it is family around the deathbed that someone's blessed enough to have that death, which most do, that is extremely transcendent.
Yeah, and I think as well it was important to get it into film format because if you read about it in the paper, even if you see photos of the people, it doesn't kind of have the same effect as if you actually see it on film.
And so I've said to anyone who's doubted what I'm doing or doubted the truth of these stories, just watch the documentary.
And once you see these people's faces, You know they're not acting, and you know this is the truth, and when you hear their stories, it's heartbreaking.
But there were so many things common in each of their stories, such as the behaviour and the reactions of the medics, you know, the doctors and nurses who Not all, a large percentage of them, they said they were
cold, they were robotic, they were even cruel sometimes, which is something that is quite
bizarre and seems relatively new and recent, although we have the doctors who've been
murderers in the past and we hear of cruel nurses, but it seems to be more prevalent now than
Well I was about to say, we all know about Joseph Mengele.
We all know about how tyranny uses medical systems for its takeover.
And that's really what this is.
This is corporations and very corrupt CEOs that feel no Recourse.
I mean, they feel like nobody is going to come after them.
They feel no repercussions.
And so they are attempting this attack on humanity.
And it's absolutely disgusting.
And it's just it's just incredible to be living during a time of this happening.
We will defeat these monsters.
And in the end, we'll all be very, very ashamed we ever let this happen.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's terrible what's going on.
It makes you wonder whether they're actively employing psychopaths to work in these industries.
Like I've always said, if you're a paedophile, you'll be attracted to jobs working with children.
If you're a power-hungry psychopath who likes the idea of playing God, then you'll be attracted to jobs in hospitals as doctors and nurses.
Like I said, though, obviously not all doctors and nurses are like this.
But a percentage of them are.
And I think a lot of the nurses, for example, just follow the orders of the doctors.
And the doctors have admitted, a lot of them, that they're just following the protocol that they've been given.
People say to me, why don't the doctors and nurses speak out?
Well, they do.
They speak out and they get silenced.
They speak out and they lose their livelihoods.
I was about to say, a UK doctor that came out a year ago saying the massacre fraud finally got reinstated.
Doctors that said the vaccines are hurting people, they're getting fired.
I mean, there's a real reign of terror here against good people.
Yeah, and, you know, it shouldn't, I mean, your job shouldn't be that important, you know, when it comes to morals and speaking out on the truth.
But, you know, that's easier said than done for some people, you know, who've got young children to support and mortgages to pay, you know.
It terrifies them, the thought of losing all that, and that's understandable.
And then you get people, you get the nurses who actually They have no idea that what they're doing is wrong.
They genuinely think they're helping these people.
They genuinely think by putting a syringe driver on their arms and legs and drugs into their body, that that is helping them not have a horrible death.
But what they don't realize is a midazolam death is not a good death.
It's a bad death.
It's a really horrible death.
It paralyzes you.
It feels like your brain is burning.
It feels like you're drowning, but you can't tell anyone.
Yeah, so they're giving their victims a paralyzation drug while they slowly kill you.
I mean, this is all a giant ritual of power by corporations.
It's so sick.
And it's all run by that monster Klaus Schwab.
Jackie Devoy, are you aware of Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset and the larger agenda?
Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The bomb villain.
Yeah, he's something else.
I just want him brought to justice in Nuremberg, too.
That's strange.
Where have all these people come from all of a sudden?
I hadn't heard of him before.
Even in our own government in the UK, at the start of the so-called pandemic last year, all these people suddenly appeared.
The health secretary, Matt Hancock, where did he come from?
He studied economics at university and suddenly they put him in charge of the health of every single person in Britain.
And what a pig's ear he's made of it as well.
So it's like all these people suddenly crawled out of the woodwork.
They must have been chosen specially, but where did they come from?
And where were they before?
It's like they're almost playing a part, like they're all actors or something, playing a role.
This is what you've got to do, and here's how you'll do it.
And then once they've done what they're supposed to do, like Matt Hancock, they'll orchestrate some sort of ridiculous story to get rid of them, like they did with him, saying he had an affair with that woman standing behind him, which was just clearly orchestrated and mad.
And he was later seen on holiday with his wife and kids.
So, you know, it didn't upset anyone that much.
And then he's just disappeared because he knew that people were, like, baying for his blood, basically.
Well, that's even in the SPARS 2023 document.
They'll have fake ministers that then resign so the globalists don't get to blame.
It's all been very well laid out.
You've got great discernment.
Jackie Devoy, thank you so much.
People can find the new film, A Good Death, also at Band.video.
Thank you so much for your work, and it's up to the listeners now to decide whether all these murdered people will be avenged.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, thank you for having me, Alex.
Thank you.
You can find the premiere of it at Iconic.com, and you can find it at Band.video.
All right.
We got Jason Bermas, who's always incredibly informative, about to take over in the fourth hour.
I got a few final announcements to make next segment.
Stay with us.
All right, Jason Bermas is about to take over in the next 55 minutes, in five minutes.
But I want to spend some time talking about the reality of the world.
I want to show TV viewers something right now.
Here's a photo out of the Israeli news two weeks ago of a young boy being held down by the doctor and nurses being injected while they put VR goggles over his head as if it's a blanket giving him protection from what they're doing.
Oh, you're in another reality.
You're in another universe while we give you this shot linked to massive heart attacks, cancer, and so much more.
This is the same time that Switzerland approves a cystic suicide capsule that kills you in less than 60 seconds.
They're creating a world so ugly, so horrible, cutting your resources off to say you're not essential, so you accept being suicided by this system.
Don't go along with it, ladies and gentlemen.
Say no to it.
And separately realize that InfoWars Really is the front line of the fight against all this.
And so whatever you do, really let it burn into your consciousness.
Really let it get into your cells.
Just sit back and meditate about it for a moment and ask yourself, you think things are going to get better under this attack or worse?
You know the answer.
Things are about to get a lot worse.
And so use every day, while there's still some semblance of freedom, while InfoWars is still on the air and other organizations are still on the air, and get the articles and the videos and the information, whatever you think is the most important, whatever touches your intellect, your heart, your soul, your mind, and get that out.
Because it really is you taking action that's going to change the world.
You know, coming up today at 6 o'clock, Candace Owens, The Daily Wire, I'm gonna be on with her.
I'm glad they're not censoring anymore.
I'm glad they're not scared of me anymore.
But I'm sad that things have gotten so bad in the world that a couple months ago I'm up at Glenn Beck's office and he gives me a painting and basically says, man, you know, we thought you were crazy, but this is really going on.
Same thing with Tucker Carlson, same thing with Joe Rogan.
And as fun as it is to be friends with Joe Rogan for 20 plus years and we're hanging out tonight, I don't care about that.
I care about children and old people in the future and changing all of this.
But the good news is we have the Joe Rogans and the Tucker Carlsons.
We have the people that are popular with the people awake.
And so we've got to organize and say to the Klaus Schwab's and say to the JP Morgan Chase's and the Goldman Sachs that we're not going along with this anymore and we say no to your lockdowns, no to your Great Reset, no to your whole fraud.
Because it's not enough to just say that, okay, you know, the COVID shot doesn't work or natural immunity is better.
We've got to expose it erases your immunity and actually kills you.
And the final equation, I just ask listeners to go to BandOnVideo, because InfoWars.com is down right now, to go to NewsWars.com, it's on other servers, and to share the links to the live show, because the enemies of freedom are working around the clock to suppress these broadcasts and to suppress these shows, and that means they know it's the antidote to what they're doing.
So I cannot stress that enough, I cannot Hammer that enough that it's you that are the answer to the tyranny.
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It's all there at InfoWarsTore.com.
All right, I'm going to end my part of the transmission.
For the next 55 minutes, Jason Burmess, great researcher, talk show host, is going to be taking over.
One of the co-producers on Loose Change.
And then Owen Schroer at 55 minutes.
Punches into the matrix in the third dimension with the war room.
The rest is up to you.
We're here fighting.
If you join us and take action, we'll win.
If you don't, we're all dead.
I have a question to ask you.
Why would you spend your money this Christmas season to buy gifts for friends and family and loved ones with the establishment, with the big corporations that are dedicated to waging war on all of our freedoms?
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The only way you fail is not taking action.
Hey everybody, Jason Burmess here, hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, and I've got a ton of different clips and news articles going over the very, very real connection of Google, NASA, DARPA, And the military-industrial complex.
And we're going to focus on that today because I'm so sick of hearing that Google or YouTube, which it owns, is a private company.
No, it is a Trojan horse civilian system, a part of the signature reduction program that nobody talks about.
But we're going to talk about it and expose it here.
And there's a special vendetta today, folks.
I've been on YouTube the last 14 plus years, had a channel since 2007, and obviously in recent times have struggled to keep my channel on the air through complete selective enforcement.
And then, last night, after doing my weekly Mixed Martial Mindset show with MMA legend John Fitch, I dared to play a clip where we showed a headline from an authoritative source named Forbes, and we're going to actually show you some Forbes articles today, outside of this one, a news story actually that I saw Alex Jones cover last week, and I could not believe That not only the headlines had been completely inverted, you know that inversion of reality we always talk about, but that the URL that was still there said the exact same thing as the original headline.
To start it off, again, we've got a lot of clips.
Eric Schmidt, we're going to talk about you and Dragonfly, brother.
We're going to talk about you and NASA.
We're coming for you.
The New Digital Age.
It's all happening today.
Ray Kurzweil.
We're going to be talking about that.
We're going to try to fit in some musk.
But let's kick it off with what dare not be said, apparently, on YouTube, because this Got me in trouble for medical misinformation.
Now the last three, see here's my YouTube channel.
We're gonna do it in real time.
You see how everything's gone?
Oh, it's all gone.
If I hit it, we're gonna do it.
Why not?
Just goodbye.
Oh, there it is.
She's gone.
So, you know, the last three strikes have been completely arbitrary.
The first one was medical misinformation for doing a video about Spike Lee backing down and re-editing his 9-11 program, by the way, to take out any notion of the architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth.
Sam Tripoli happened to be on this panel and he mentioned the fake Ivermectin story.
You know the one about people not getting treatment?
Uh, that had gunshot wounds because people were using ivermectin.
That one, totally fake.
Didn't matter, they still gave me the strike.
Then, recently, I got a cyberbullying strike for a Epstein AMA, where I took on Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and basically debunked the QAnon sense.
How did I cyberbully anyone?
No idea.
But this is what they supposedly hit me for medical misinformation for.
So let's play this one, folks.
We're also going to show you Orwell in live time.
In fact, a little preview for everybody of Orwell in live time is when you put this in.
Let's see this.
This was the original headline.
I don't even want to read it on the air because we're going to have to go into this in the uncensored portion of the program, but the boop boop It changes your DNA a tiny bit, but that's a good thing.
And then you see underneath it says, boop boops don't alter your DNA.
They help choose cells to strengthen your immune response.
Now here's the funniest part of that.
For anybody that's got the high def and is watching this on a screen, we're going to actually bring up the article.
And the funny thing is that, did it exit out?
Of course it exited out.
Why wouldn't it?
We have to go back one?
Is it right here?
So if you look at the URL, see the headline?
This is the actual URL.
But if you look at the URL up at the top, and again you really have to see it, it says Yes, the boop-boop changes your DNA a tiny bit.
They didn't even change the URL of the headline.
It still says that.
But again, they changed the headline, as you can see, and we're just supposed to accept it.
You know, 2 plus 2 equals 5.
We've always been at war with Eurasia.
And there it is!
So that's why we've been banned.
So that's why I was going to focus a little bit on the metaverse and Facebook, and I was going to talk about Sean Parker, the guy who created Napster that turned into Spotify, being recruited by the CIA, being very involved with Facebook.
Facebook was going to get a place.
I'd watched the UFC over the weekend, and you're constantly now seeing Facebook promoting Oculus with what, NASA?
Oh, you're going on the ISS?
You're going to the Moon!
And you're going to Mars!
That's not what NASA is.
We're going to dispel those myths right now.
So, let's start off with the Google-NASA partnership all the way back in 2005.
There's Eric!
There's Mr. National Security Commission on AI Eric.
Okay, once again, If they don't create these through the Defense Department and then, you know, seed fund them through the CIA, right?
In-Q-Tel and others.
They gain control of them at some point.
So you can speculate all you want on, you know, how Google was really created.
They openly partner with NASA.
And we've been playing clips of Mr. Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell.
In another clip, maybe we'll get to sometime down the line, he talks about how NASA only has 20% to do with space exploration.
And then you start reading books by a woman named Annie Jacobson that I cannot recommend enough.
Okay, Annie Jacobson must read.
She does a book called Area 51 and as you read that and you find out what all these black programs at least the very few declassified documents and interviews she's able to conduct because when she gets into it these people still have tons of secrets okay some of these people were implying for jobs at NASA all right and that book Made her write another one called Operation Paperclip.
You know, the program to bring the Nazis into the U.S.
She wrote that in 2013.
All of this information is extremely dense.
She's a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
She should have won the award many times over.
Because in case you didn't know, guys, everybody wants to talk about Nuremberg 2.0.
Our Nuremberg 1.0 sucked.
22 Nazis on scene, 23 in total.
No, no, no.
The major Nazis were part of these programs, okay?
And as of the time that she wrote this very insightful book, and I encourage people to check it out because what we're talking about, departments of health and hygiene, You know, you've got to look into Dow Chemical and others.
I promise you that.
All right?
600 million.
That's not a typo.
It's not 600,000.
600 million documents regarding Operation Paperclip still classified.
And you think you're getting the truth about JFK?
We don't know the truth about post-World War II!
We need to get that through our heads.
But I can tell you this, the future's a joke to these people.
They've got stories out there that we're going to get rid of plastic by giving you Salmon Sperm Cups!
All the wonders of technology have brought us there, folks.
That's the reality.
That's what they're selling you on.
Now, I think it's important right now to talk about a thing called the post-truth world, because it was discussed in 2018 at Bilderberg, okay?
And there's a co-author here, With Mr. Schmidt.
His name is Jared Cohen.
CFR guy.
And just happens to be at that 2018 Bilderberg meeting.
We're gonna play that just short clip of him arriving.
I think it's by We Are Change Rotterdam.
Thank you for getting that.
I mean, Eric's there.
He's part of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.
NASA, Bilderberg, DARPA, the World Economic Forum.
We're going to play you clips there.
It's all involved in this very real transhumanist New World Order agenda, repackaged in a great reset fantasy that you and I must become the great resistance to.
And I want to remind people, To donate to SaveInfoWars.com right now, because Alex needs a lot more of your financial help to continue to bring broadcasts like this one to the people around the globe as YouTube censors more and more independent voices like mine.
So we will see you on the flip side, showing you Jared Cohen, Eric Schmidt, and many others, Ray Kurzweil on the way.
Let's break it down and expose the truth.
We are back and we're going hard in on Google and their association with the military-industrial complex.
We'll get into how not only are they an arm of our military-industrial complex, but it's really international.
We'll talk about the Dragonfly search engine that was developed for China secretly From the employees, how some employees at Google have quit and protested over the fact that they're part of their drone programs all the way back in 2018.
Folks, that's because they realized those drone programs are really aimed at the entire global populace, including us.
And as we talked about in the first segment, I have been censored by YouTube.
They have taken my channel of 14 years because the World Health Organization apparently disagrees with what I just said.
All of it's fake.
But let's remind everybody that That as the World Health Organization directs global policies on not only health, but censorship, they're embroiled in their biggest sex scandal ever from the Congo in a 2018 to 2020 mission, and they make it into a sex scandal.
Let's just read this paragraph.
The youngest of the alleged victims identified in the report only as Joliane and believed to be 13.
Believed to be 13 now?
Or then?
Or even younger?
These are the people that are the authoritative sources.
stopped on a roadside in the town of Mangina where she was selling phone cards in April 2019,
offered to give her a ride home, took her back to a hotel and raped her. These are the people
that are the authoritative sources. So if you want to help me out, you can do so by just
going over to Twitter. Don't even have to give me a follow.
And basically letting team at YouTube know by giving the retweets and supporting me.
I'm trying to amplify this as much as possible because it's all selective enforcement, right?
It's all the court of public opinion, and these people know that.
They absolutely know that, and that's why guys like Eric Schmidt We'll sit there in public and slam the NSA over outrageous data center snoopy and privacy.
Yeah, right.
Just like they were.
Don't be evil.
Now, at the same time, you know, he's again a steering member on the Bilderberg Group.
This is 2018.
This is his partner that wrote this book that I was discussing earlier, showed you.
This is the other cover for it, The New Digital Age.
Oh, the nice little robot hand with your children's hands!
That's great!
Yeah, okay.
And you don't get that this is about transhumanism yet?
You don't understand that's the plan?
Well, we're going to get into how this transcends the United States and gets into other areas, right?
Not very publicized.
2018, a dozen Google employees quit over military drone project.
And, you know, this is around the same time that the scandal of them doing these horrible, horrible search engine tools that were, you know, censoring in China.
Now we're tasting it.
Now we have that internet censorship, right?
Look, I mean, again, just to find that Forbes article that we led with that still has, yes, the vaccine changes your DNA a tiny bit, but that's a good thing, is very difficult by standards via Google.
All right, so now we are really living in that post-truth world, thanks in part, in large part, to this guy, Eric Schmidt.
And he actually gets put on the spot about Dragonfly and their practices, because at the same time he's, again, criticizing the NSA, he's double-speaking here and talking about transparency that really doesn't exist, and this journalist actually calls him out on.
You started with that clear moral imperative, didn't you?
But when you look at Google now, you have to admit you've arguably failed to change that company culture.
You've had employees on the streets right around the world, Singapore, San Francisco, London, Tokyo, unprecedented series of walkouts and protests at the company's treatment of women.
It's your own employees telling you what you're getting wrong.
We would argue that that's our culture at work.
Google is famously empowering of its employees and we want to hear from them.
These are cases where the employees collectively felt very strongly about the decisions that the company had made.
There's a way of hearing from your employees and there's a way of a very public statement which suggests they have to tell the world because their own company is not listening.
But transparency is a virtue.
And the fact of the matter is that if we had tried to suppress this stuff, it would have come out anyway.
It's much better to encourage people to express their opinions.
Well, if you think that transparency is a virtue, then why did your employees find out from a New York Times investigation what you were doing in China, a search engine that would be censored?
Well, because this is the post-truth world, and everything I'm feeding you are PR Bernaysian talking points that are really the inversion of the reality that's going on.
Right, Eric?
That they found out from reading the newspaper.
I wasn't involved in those decisions, but I can tell you that certainly the people who were building all these products knew about it.
And in any case, the company is not pursuing those products at this moment, according to our new CEO, Sundar.
According to our new CEO, Sundar.
Let's just pass the buck.
Let's act like that's not a reality.
We live in the post-truth world.
So I want to get into Some of the other things that NASA partnered with.
Okay, and that's going to bring us to this transhumanism aspect.
Right now, we're 3D modeling robotic muscles and printing them.
That's now.
That's happening.
Alex showed you at the end of the program the Mesmer robot.
I was actually going to show clips of that as well.
Last night's program that was taken down by YouTube actually went into large detail on how far this has come.
And at the end of the day, while they're doing this, we need to point out that Google is very, very much a part of trying to end death, to defy aging.
Calico, back in 2013, I believe it was, hired Ray Kurzweil, the singularity guy.
Alright, and who knows, maybe Kurzweil is naive.
I've got him on camera talking about souped-up viruses and the possibility of bioweapons, but then he gets into how they've never been released before, which if you take a close look at, even our own government, people I believe in the Senate, were ready to look into the fact that Lyme's disease may have been caused by a leak or a purposeful distribution of the Pentagon via Plum Island.
All right, so the idea that biowarfare hasn't existed even before COVID-1984 I think is beyond naive.
But they bring Kurzweil in and he is the guy that's basically the fountain of youth.
We're going to figure out with Google.
How people are going to live forever.
We're going to work with the Defense Department on AI and quantum computing.
And we're going to achieve quantum supremacy all the way back in 2019.
This sounds like a private company to you?
This sounds like a private company to you, when everybody knows that this type of warfare, AI warfare, is supremacy.
No, I think that we're talking about Trojan horse civilian systems, and I think that they are there to subvert, deceive, and disseminate viruses, and use other tools against us.
It says SciWar right on the bottom of this NASA document from 2001, pre-911, folks.
We gotta wake up.
We gotta get going.
And you can do so by getting these great InfoWars products before the holidays and supporting this broadcast and others like it via InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
We are back.
I am Jason Bermas sitting in for Alex Jones in the fourth hour.
And we've been talking NASA.
We've been talking Google.
We just talked Ray Kurzweil, really the guy who introduced the idea of not only the singularity, but wrote a book called The Age of Spiritual Machines.
And I don't only bring him up because he works for Google and he's in their stopping aging and basically immortality division.
I bring him up because he's actually admitted that overpopulation is a myth.
All right?
And there are so many people in positions of power that want to trick you into believing that your carbon footprint is everything.
You're ooey-gooey.
You need to restrict your lifestyle.
We need carbon credits, a social credit score.
You need to eat printed food and drink out of salmon semen cups.
A. Klaus Nutschwab?
You know, I mean, the Nutschwab Literally said not everybody can be a robot publisher, really?
And then you have Bushnell, the head of NASA, a division that really is involved more in warfare, psychological and otherwise, right?
The Star Wars program was all about militarizing space.
They're going to try to tell you that it didn't work.
Well, Robert Bowman was interviewed by InfoWars many times over the years, and he said otherwise, didn't he?
And if you believe it didn't work and that rocket technology is all we have, that's 60s and 70s technology.
I mean, it started World War II really in the 40s.
Grow up!
We need to grow up!
All right?
And Kurzweil, I don't know whether, again, he's being naive or he's being truthful here, is talking about, this is like a three minute clip, not only how there really will be enough energy for everybody with these new technologies in the 2020s, but that we are not overpopulated and we've only taken up about 5% of the usable land.
And I don't think it's part of this clip, because I had to clip some of it, but he's talking to one of these people that run the International Monetary Fund, because they basically said that resources are limited, they're on the World Economic Forum plan of total domination of our very human souls.
So let's play this right now by Kurzweil.
But it's kind of a strange world where we can do things that have to do with information, but otherwise the world is still the old world of scarcity.
All of that's going to change as we go through the 2020s.
And here I have an example of energy.
So we're applying supercomputing to coming up with new materials, both for energy storage and collection of solar energy.
As a result, the costs, both of producing solar energy and storing it, are coming down quite dramatically.
As a result, we see exponential growth in the usage of solar and other renewables.
It's doubling every two years.
Total renewables is now about 6%.
At two years each, before 2030, we'll be able to provide all of our energy needs, ultimately at very low cost, using completely renewable energy.
No, let me stop that.
The people that run this planet, the Predator class, do not want that information out.
The truth is that if they wanted to build the infrastructure and empower humanity instead of control and enslave it, this would have already happened.
All right.
But do you think they want cheap or free energy for you?
No, no, no.
They're always talking about limited resources.
Too many people.
And Kurzweil's laying it out for you right here.
I mean, 2030 is not that far away.
And yet, their agenda is Agenda 2030.
Agenda 21.
I presented this recently to the Prime Minister of Israel, who actually was in my class at the Sloan School in the 1970s.
He said, Ray, do we have enough sunlight to do this with, to double what at that time was seven more times?
And I said, yes, when we double seven more times and are meeting 100% of our energy needs from solar, we'll be using one part in 10,000 of the sunlight that falls on the Earth.
One part in 10,000 when we've met all of our energy needs.
So this is another example how we will use the economics and the profound deflation rate of information technology Uh, that's now attending nominally information products to, uh, nominally, uh, physical products like energy and food and clothing and housing.
Finally then she said, okay, There's one resource that's not an information technology, which you can't grow this way, which is land.
We're very crowded together.
That's not going to grow exponentially.
And I said, actually, we're not crowded together.
Try taking a train trip anywhere in the world and you'll see 95% of the usable land is not used.
So we've decided, artificially, to cram ourselves together.
And let me just stop it here, because we're going to continue to play it.
I have another clip of Elon Musk.
I'm not sure we're going to be able to get it in this broadcast.
I'm not a fan of Elon Musk.
In many regards, Elon Musk, to me, is a front man for DARPA.
For instance, in case you didn't know, you know, first of all, Musk came out this week and said that SpaceX could basically go bankrupt because of a certain type of rocket technology they're trying to use.
And I'm thinking to myself, well, don't you want some of that sweet, sweet DARPA money?
Blackjack went up with Starlink.
Okay, it's almost indistinguishable.
They're military version of these satellites.
But even these guys tell a portion of that truth.
So Ray's telling you, you know, I think it's something like a must say something like you could go up in the sky and drop a bowling ball anywhere and the chances of you hitting a human being would be absolutely minuscule.
But the fact of the matter is they're trying to what?
They're trying to hide this stuff, hide the fact that Google really isn't a private company, and that, you know, when they talked about partnering with NASA on that quantum supremacy that they achieved, let me read you something that should be important, because we talked about World War II earlier, okay?
What will the shift mean?
In many ways, the Google-NASA partnership represents a new Manhattan Project.
But instead of the aim being a nuclear explosion, the goal is to simulate the human brain, a feat that Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil, who we're playing right now, believes will be completed before the end of the next decade.
Okay, so again, before the end of this one, this is 2013.
Do you get it?
They're going in.
This is the transhumanist agenda.
They're selling it to you with all the bells and whistles of awesome, free energy, non-overpopulation when you talk to Ray.
But then they want to regulate everything and talk about climate lockdowns and how climate change is making new viruses and they're not coming out of bio labs, right?
So let's continue with Ray Kurzweil where he sits here and again breaks it down that we are not crowded together and there are enough resources.
Cities was a very early invention so that we could work and play together.
Ultimately, we'll be able to overcome that by spreading out.
We're already doing that.
My work group with Google is all over the world.
We're able to work together.
It's not exactly as good yet.
As being together, but ultimately when virtual reality and augmented reality becomes highly realistic, which it will by the end of the 2020s, we'll be able to work and play together just like we're physically together, and we'll be able to live anywhere we want and use all of that 95% of the usable land that's currently not used.
95% of the usable land that is currently not used.
And again, laid out in this document, this Future Strategic Warfare document, are the eras of humankind.
And remember, no pixie dust, folks.
The Borgs, Bots, and Humans welcome you to 2025 AD.
After 2020, when the bio-nano era starts, okay, And again, what is this technology they are injecting into people right now?
It is bio-nanotech from DARPA that partnered with Moderna, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and AstraZeneca.
We've shown it on the program.
What's after that?
They don't know how long this lasts, but they want that virtual world and when they say virtual they mean it holographic immersive okay they want a holodeck like experience vr multi-sensory that's what they're going for they want you to disconnect
from this world.
Your humanity, your spirituality and connection to the entire human race is at stake right now.
Go to SaveInfoWars.com and donate.
We are back.
I am Jason Bermas sitting in for Alex Jones.
In the fourth hour, we are talking about the fourth industrial revolution.
NASA Google, Trojan horse, civilian systems, virtual reality, and beyond.
And just to give you guys an idea of how far along we are, this document in 2001 wanted to revolutionize society with telecommuting, teleshopping, teleentertainment, teletravel, education, medicine, commerce, politics, and of course, socialization.
Being the key.
All have come to fruition.
Everything in this document has become factual over the last two decades.
And we talk about NASA technology, and again, the vast majority of it being outside of the realm of space exploration, right?
We're going to Mars!
We're not going to Mars, all right?
In fact, in another clip I can't play, Bushnell tells you that the robots are going to Mars, and you aren't.
Instead, what we have is the World Economic Forum telling us how great this whole deal is, right?
And asks you, what do you like from the pandemic, huh?
Like, we love it here, so what can we keep forever?
Because it's the forever pandemic.
So we'll play without music because the music is really annoying and I'll read it.
This is how it's going to shape us for the long term.
All right, we're going to reimagine offices, right?
Just like they reimagined education and they're shifting towards home offices and work just like that telecommuting, right?
Oh, there's just client showrooms and research labs and everybody's going to have QR codes everywhere.
Oh, that's great.
And there's going to be hand sanitizer.
The 15 minute space.
They don't want you in a car.
All right.
Neighborhood hubs.
Oh, they're going to replace some of the perks, right?
Everything's going to be in these little condensed areas because you're not going to live in a home anymore or in the suburbs.
Everything's going to be a 15 minute commute.
From your city-like lifestyle.
Cloud markets.
Yeah, that's great.
So basically, cloud markets are just simply the restaurants that were shut down and just went to full service.
You couldn't actually eat there.
And they want to make that the normal as they work more and more of these people.
Like you're in your house with a mask!
Oh, you could be identified by your heartbeat?
So you have a mask on and facial recognition systems aren't that great and they're even worse with a mask?
That's okay.
NASA has provided us with technology, okay, that just locks onto your heartbeat.
It's just as unique.
Thank you, NASA.
Wow, with a heartbeat using a laser.
You guys rock!
And you notice I talked about that digital technology and the way your kids learn?
Look, this document tells you they want web-based everything.
We're gonna bring that up next.
Web-based everything.
The entire populace of our nation.
You know, slave children.
No real interactions.
And again, you think that's kooky.
That's crazy.
Let's put it in there.
Let's just type web-based.
All right, this comes up five times in here.
I believe it was that this one was pretty scary.
Motivational learner web-based asynchronous distance learning.
Cross out the allows.
Only method.
Only method.
Huh, only?
By 2025, 40% of private and 50% of public colleges and universities are expected to close due to web-based competition.
It's more than just Phoenix, guys.
Universal, inexpensive, web-based education.
Right there.
And by the way, if you notice this, because this is to counter bioweapons, right?
And other type of warfare?
They also say all source Intel Fusion AI analysis.
That's why we hit hard on AI.
Because all of this is part of that broad signature reduction program we've been talking about.
All of it.
Unaccountable, never been a hearing, they call it an art form.
What type of national security program, what type of military operation is an art form you ask?
One that is completely accountable and being used against the domestic populace on a regular basis, a daily basis, an hourly A moment-by-moment basis via all sorts of tools, in-person and out, virtual and otherwise, bought accounts and smiles at companies.
That's the reality.
And they have technology, again, that's been driven by who?
Oh yeah, DARPA.
I can't go to it enough because it almost seems like something out of a science fiction movie that this would even be admitted to, but you're not looking at a hand.
You're looking at a hand glove, alright, that creates fake identities for clandestine travelers and it can put any biometric fingerprint on it and it's skin tight and it emits human oils on top of it, right?
It's so great that these good people at DARPA love us so much that they've also developed a microchip that can detect COVID-1984, right?
It's so great that DARPA has been toying with insect DNA that could, I don't know, create new dangerous bioweapons.
And, you know, just for the viewers that may have doubted me that Moderna made strategic collaboration in advancing mRNA research to treat rare diseases and cancer with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with AstraZeneca, you can check it out.
And in the reality, you know, there's 25... Oh, did they take it down?
Have I been highlighting it too much?
Oh, can't highlight that on the Alex Jones Show.
See, we're going to show you, remember we started the program with Orwellian censorship?
We're on Chrome browser right now.
They've actually taken this down, but why don't we just go to archive.org and show everybody what it was, because we can do it live.
This is where we're at, folks, that they're actively taking down the fact that their partnership was online.
Look at all those screenshots!
So let's go to the last screenshot right here, November 23rd, 2021.
We're clamping down on it.
Hopefully we're going to get there.
And what you're going to see is DARPA Awards, Moderna, Therapeutics, a grant for up to $25 million to develop messenger RNA therapeutics.
Remember, they're not vaccines back then.
They don't meet the definition of a vaccine all the way up until 2019 when they had to change the definition of a vaccine.
And it's just so funny that, wow, they took it off their own website, huh?
But that's okay, because we know that it was actually to fight pandemics with mRNA drugs.
And then they said this bio-nano era was going to start in 2020 and they start injecting the populace.
Yeah, no global plot there.
I'm kooky.
And we talk about, you know, brain chips.
Dennis Bushnell, the guy behind that document, talked about how over 10,000 brain chips had put in people.
Elon Musk heading that, right?
Isn't that great?
He's the guy on that one.
And at the same time, You've got people that have already been fitted with a lot of these chips, right?
It's the new thing, that we're gonna get brain chips, and we're gonna solve depression.
And they're acting like, again, they wanna help you, and that this is new technology.
It's not.
Man, am I not gonna be able to bring up that last one?
Here it is, right here.
Oh, no, that's not it.
See, one down, I didn't get it.
I didn't get my one.
I was so hoping, I thought I had that up there, but it looks like...
I'm doomed.
Guys, we've got 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
Here's the deal.
I may or may not get my YouTube channel back.
You guys, go follow me on Twitter.
Go retweet the video.
I will be on ROKFIN.
It is a platform that has empowered me with free speech.
Instead of trying to enslave people, Through false narratives.
And they have never, ever, ever restricted any of my speech.
So go make the free account.
Rockfin.com slash Jason Burmess is a great way to support me.
But remember to support broadcasts like this one.
Without Alex Jones, okay, would we have films out there like Fabled Enemies, like Endgame, like Shade the Motion Picture, which he's in?
I mean, we really have to look at this stuff and say, this is vital information.
If people understood what really happened on 9-11, if they understood that this New World Order is a real thing that has been talked about for generations now, they watch Invisible Empire.
Well, then we have a fighting chance.
So all the documentary films are free.
You have to, I think, go to Rockfin or Odyssey for them now because YouTube's taken it all away.
Maybe I gotta get that banned out video channel.
It's a lot of work to re-upload all this stuff, but again, that's another great outlet.
Alex has done a great job with that.
So, I'm gonna say it again.
Without InfoWars.com, we would not have the amount of information that is reality-based out to the public.
So, SaveInfoWars.com is the place to be to support Alex Jones.
Let's push him into a couple 24-hour broadcasts.
Come on, Jonesy.
I know you hear me.
Let's do some 24-hour money bombs.
We'll get you that $2,000,000.
And really guys, that $2,000,000 is just going to be a minuscule amount in what we're going to need to fight this leviathan of a great reset agenda.
I love you guys.
It is not about left or right.
It is about becoming the great resistance to that agenda.
We'll see you on the flip.
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Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
Alright, I've been trying to get these guys on for a few months,
and I'm really glad that Eric Tallman can come on the broadcast,
because I've gotten hundreds of questions on the street, and just tons of emails and calls here to the office saying,
"Tell us about satellite phones."
Well, this isn't something that just the military has anymore and the cost has gone way down on them.
And they've got compact models.
Can't get tracked, can't get traced, can't get controlled, can take regular cell phone calls or landline calls, but then as long as you can see the sky, call anybody you want.
In this day and age, it's crazy not to have them.
And so they've got two different models.
It's one of the best deals you're going to find out there.
So Eric Tallman, thanks for coming on with us today.
And hopefully we can share some information and education about Satellite for all the listeners out there, so people can be more well prepared in kind of these trying times that we're going through these days.
We've all lived through hurricanes, ice storms, fires, all kinds of stuff where we've had to adapt and help people respond faster, so all that experience we have, everyone gets to leverage, pretty much.
Really quick, there's two major networks in the world.
You've got Iridium, And you got MRSAT.
Iridium's a U.S.
company and MRSAT's a U.K.
They're both great companies.
My favorite tends to be the MRSAT.
It's a little bit less expensive.
It's a solid phone.
But if I get into places where there's a lot of mountains or I'm up above 39 degrees north, I've found that sometimes the Iridium just works a little bit better at those high latitudes.
The Iridium phone that we have, it's available.
There's a 12-month plan and a 24-month plan.
Both of them include the phone for free.
Folks can also call you 941-955-1020 and ask for the Alex Jones Special.
That's 941-955-1020 and ask for the Alex Jones Special.