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Name: 20211123_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2021
2541 lines.

Alex Jones advocates for a real bipartisan investigation into January 6th, criticizing the current committee as a "kangaroo court." He believes the deep state orchestrated events and is unwilling to testify behind closed doors. He supports InfoWars in protecting free speech and warns against the globalist agenda.

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You talk about mind control.
You talk about propaganda.
I remember seven, eight years ago in Germany, in France, when Islamists would run over sometimes hundreds of people with cars, killing 80 plus in one event in France, if you remember.
And the media would say, truck attack.
And we make jokes about it, but it's not funny.
Now in America, CNN, MSNBC, I've got the articles right here, are calling it a car accident, a truck attack, an SUV attack.
These are the headlines.
You've seen them.
And now we've got Democrats saying that the attack at the Christmas parade is karma for written House acquittal.
And of course, it's a weird, crazy white woman.
I'm not trying to put white people down.
I'm just saying, this is a bunch of leftist people engaged in black magic, basically, who want power.
And most of them are white, trying to get power out of making us all kill each other.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of the racist-ass black people and the weirdo white people pulling their strings.
Because they're gonna get everybody killed, basically.
This is so... And while the Chi-Coms brag, covered this earlier, in their newspapers how they're financing Hollywood to create racial division to bring America down.
And then we're all screwed, the whole ship goes up.
It's unbelievable!
It's so obvious!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021.
I know a lot of you are tuned in today thinking I'm going to be talking a lot about the January 6th witch hunt committee subpoenaing myself and how they're drooling on national TV hoping I get arrested for something.
It's all part of their globalist communist purge.
And I'm going to cover some of that with Roger Stone in hour number two, but that's not our top stories.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's the fact the globalists are gearing up to launch new bioweapon attacks on us and are establishing UN-run martial law worldwide, as we told you they would 20-plus months ago when they launched this attack.
And they've got all these other distractions and diversions going to cover up the Ghislaine Maxwell pedophile ring story.
We'll be breaking down next segment as well.
Paul Watson also joins us at the bottom of the hour.
This is a big broadcast today.
Here is a key Gregory's report.
But an important timeline of events published by Cory Diggs shows us how the same foundations, corporations, and NGOs responsible for COVID-19 have been very busy with smallpox.
Since June of 2001, when the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Johns Hopkins, and ANSWER, who was awarded the majority of money for Operation Warp Speed, simulated a smallpox attack on U.S.
citizens named Dark Winter.
We're about to go into a dark winter.
A dark winter.
And begin preparing for a smallpox attack.
In September of 2007, the FDA licensed a new modern smallpox vaccine made by Sanofi Pasteur.
In 2014, six vials of smallpox are found in a cardboard box at the NIH and transferred to the CDC.
Months later, the first antiviral drug used to treat smallpox was created, funded by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust.
On October 6, 2017, Emergent BioSolutions, responsible for a vaccine that injured over 300,000 soldiers, acquired the smallpox vaccine contract from Sanofi-Passour.
In July of 2018, the FDA approves a drug to treat smallpox made by Siga Technologies, who signs a contract to maintain a stockpile of 1.7 million doses of their antiviral drug.
September 3rd, 2019, Emergent BioSolutions is awarded $2 billion to deliver their smallpox vaccine into the national stockpile.
Weeks later, one of only two labs in the world known to store live samples of the variola virus that causes smallpox suffers an explosion.
And the FDA approves a vaccine to prevent both smallpox and monkeypox.
In March of 2021, Merck secures over $300 million from the Biden administration and the Bill Gates Foundation to convert, upgrade, and equip their facilities.
In June of 2021, the FDA approves the antiviral treatment for smallpox, which was funded by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust in 2014.
In July, Oxford University assists CIGA in expanding use of their monkeypox drugs into the Central African Republic.
On Halloween, Joe Biden signs an executive order to exercise authority over the national defense stockpile.
Weeks later, Bill Gates warns governments of a smallpox terror attack.
Seven days after that, several vials of smallpox are incidentally discovered at the Merck facility in Pennsylvania.
The very next day, a rare case of monkeypox is discovered in Maryland.
What else are we not listening to that we need to take action on now?
Well, the...
The idea of a bioterrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario because there, a pathogen with a high death rate would be picked.
Now the good news is, most of the work we're going to do to be ready for Pandemic 2, I call this Pandemic 1.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reis.
InfoWars.com Tomorrow's news.
It's Tuesday, November 23rd.
InfoWars Because there's a war on.
Or your mind?
Well, I am being persecuted along with Owen Schroyer and James O'Keefe and so many other individuals because I'm a loyal American and because I stand against this globalist takeover.
They will not be successful.
They can't be.
Too many children and others will die under the chemical biological attack we're now under.
The European Union, led by Germany, is now saying the next move will be forced injection with the COVID-19 genetically engineered bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine at the hands of the military and police.
That will trigger a bloody civil war, which has been the plan.
They want an excuse to go around and start killing people en masse.
They're triggering a civil war worldwide.
How did I know 21 months ago, and literally put out hundreds of reports and segments on these shows, hundreds, saying that by the winter of 2021, you'll have them going around starting to do mass arrests of unvaccinated and taking them to camps?
Because it was in the United Nations documents and even the CDC documents, because they follow the UN orders.
They call it the Shield Project.
Now it's happening in Europe, it's happening in Australia, and it's happening in Canada.
It's happening.
That's a stack right here.
German government says prepare for forced inoculations.
No one will be allowed.
It's not like we're going to lock you in your house if you don't take it.
We're coming to give it to you.
And the military started arresting and taking people out of their homes that haven't taken the injections.
That's coming up.
The Ghislaine Maxwell trial confirming the Clintons went to the island when they said they didn't and were involved in the trafficking of children.
It's all coming out.
That's why they're trying to distract us with all the rest of the garbage.
That's going to be broken down.
Paul Watson's going to join us to cover a host of issues at the bottom of the hour.
Then, Roger Stone.
That's dour.
Because he's also been subpoenaed by this witch hunt, and what that really signifies, and they're hoping to try to claim that if we testify we say something not true, and so they can then indict us, not for leading an insurrection, but for supposedly lying to Congress.
That's their plan.
Will I plead the Fifth Amendment?
We'll talk about it next hour.
It's all coming up today.
And then in the third and fourth hour, we're going to take you into the Matrix with the keys of how to defeat it with Reset Wars.
The first big, in-depth look.
You do not want to miss the third and fourth hour.
Most powerful info ever.
But here's something I shot this morning, where I'm calling for a new January 6th investigation.
Tomorrow's news, today.
It's time for the truth to come out.
It's time for the American people to demand a real January 6th investigation.
Because, if you look into what really happened that day, It was a deep state operation that almost triggered an extremely violent event at the Capitol.
The terrible events of that day, as bad as they were, were microscopic compared to what the deep state was actually planning.
And that's why they're fighting so hard to run this fake committee, this kangaroo court.
That's why they are making so much noise.
About the general public being terrorists the American people not being trustworthy and moms at PTA meetings Being the number one terror threat is because they know the truth about January 6 comes out which is coming out Thanks to Tucker Carlson and others their entire deep state is going down because just like Russiagate January 6 was their operation The January 6th Witch Hunt Committee makes Joe McCarthy blush from his grave.
It is a complete and absolute fishing expedition trying to demonize populist Americans that want our country to be sovereign and want to put our nation first.
It is 21st century mass persecution.
Now, as you've probably seen on the news, it was the top story yesterday, not the man that ran over 40-plus people killing five because they were white, in Wisconsin.
No, ladies and gentlemen, the story was Alex Jones and Roger Stone subpoenaed by the January 6th committee.
Here's the problem with that.
They will claim I lie about something to the committee, which isn't even true.
I wouldn't lie.
And then they will have the FBI and the Justice Department indict me for lying to Congress.
I'm not stupid.
So, they've been asking why other people weren't?
I'm 47 years old, don't have any felonies, any of those issues, I'm a good person, a family man, and I don't intend on spending the rest of my life in prison.
No, sir.
that have an axe to grind and have been bragging everywhere they want to put me in prison.
I'm 47 years old, don't have any felonies, any of those issues, I'm a good person, a
family man, and I don't intend on spending the rest of my life in prison.
No sir.
Don't want to have that happen.
And so, I don't want to testify before them because they will lie and say that I lied.
Here's the other problem, though.
I want a January 6th investigation.
I want to know why the National Guard were refused a President Trump when he asked for him on record, and then later the head of the National Guard in D.C.
lied and said that Trump hadn't asked or that he couldn't supply him, and just last week admitted that Trump indeed did ask for him and was refused.
I want to know why half the Capitol Police were sent for, quote, traffic control by D.C.
that controls them that day, and the Capitol had half the police they had.
I want to know who ordered the stand down of the police and let the people in the building.
I want to know about the FBI infiltrating groups and the federal documents that have come out that indeed they did have informants inside.
And they brought the same FBI agent from Michigan who set up the false flag against Governor Whitmer to run the operations on January 6th.
I want a real investigation, but this isn't a real investigation.
They have a few hand-picked Republicans like Liz Cheney and others that are horrible neocons, and they are basically setting up a show trial here.
So, I'm on air, weekdays.
11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at Infowars.com.
We're still on the air in many ways bigger than ever.
Telling the truth, laying out the documents, covering what's really happening.
And I really do want to testify to Congress.
And so if they let me testify live in front of the cameras, or depose me on C-SPAN, I will probably do it.
That way they can't twist what I said later.
But I've seen what they've done to other people and there's no way I'm going to go behind closed doors with Schiff and all these other crazy people and swallows well the Chinese agent and let them sit there and claim that I've done something wrong or claim that I lied to Congress.
I want an investigation of them.
The evidence is overwhelming.
The deep state that controls them and ran the fake Russiagate operation also provocateured January 6th.
I want to know why the groups I was working with, with Ali Alexander, on record had the permit On the edge of the Capitol by the Supreme Court, where Trump thought he was going, where I told the crowds, don't go in the building, go over here, let's be peaceful.
They know all this and they can't stand it, ladies and gentlemen.
So this country is in an emergency.
They never want us to have a real election in 11 months.
They want to set up this tyranny, they want to brand their opposition as terrorist, they want to have a political purge, and it's wrong.
So I want a real January 6th investigation that's bipartisan, and I would be happy to testify before that under oath.
But I'm not a fool, I'm not an idiot, and I'm not about to be set up by the political, globalist criminals in Congress, the Democrats, that have sold this nation out to China.
This whole thing is about distracting from Biden, The stolen election, the gas prices that have doubled, the incredible inflation, the borders collapsing, the pedophile rings running around all over the country, and this whole New World Order agenda selling our country out.
You people are traitors, you signed onto the wrong team, America's awake to you, so good luck trying to put the Patriot leadership in prison.
We're going to peacefully have a velvet revolution in this country of ideology and of culture, and we're already winning, and your New World Order is destined to fail.
Your Great Reset, Well, I got really fired up yesterday when I learned that the witch hunt McCarthy 2.0 was after me.
the people. Your great reset will be defeated by the great awakening. Infowars.com, Bandod
Video, Freeworldnews.tv is the front lines of the human fight for liberty.
Well, I got really fired up yesterday when I learned that the witch hunt McCarthy 2.0
was after me. I mean, I knew that was coming. And there's subpoenas coming in and all the
rest of it, because we'd already had the FBI and Justice Department, all of them, subpoenaing
us and sending us letters and just dealing with it with the lawyers and the amount of
money it costs to have them just dig through everything so you certify we don't have what
And people say, oh, well, just it's a bunch of BS.
Don't comply.
Well, then they SWAT team you.
So let it be known we're not holding anything back.
Don't have an excuse to come here with 40 dudes and guns.
They know that.
That's why they let Owen turn himself in, because we're not looking for a fight with the FBI.
If they want to destroy the country and destroy their children's future, we're going to try to politically stop them.
Because we believe getting in a physical fight with them is what the globalists want.
Because we're good Americans, we're...
Understanding that discretion is the greater part of valor, but the deep state with the poison shots and the rest of it is really pushing towards the physical confrontation because they're losing the political war for hearts and minds.
We're winning big time.
This is a football game.
We're in the fourth quarter and we're like 60 points ahead, okay?
Only hope they've got is that our team starts biting and hitting and stabbing the other team so that our team gets disqualified.
They've lost.
They know that.
Their house of cards is coming down.
And I'm not the type of person that sits up here like some propagandist and tells you we're winning when we're not.
I've been on there 28 years.
And the first 22 or so, I told you we were losing.
The tide began to turn, though, about eight years ago, and in the hearts and minds, we're winning.
And I can tell you, the average person that works in the federal government, whether they're in the military or in the federal agencies, is not a bad person.
In fact, they're more awake, on average, I've found, than the general public, because they've seen the corruption.
What do they do?
Get out so the bad guys can be put in?
It's a very small group at the top that is executing all this and a very large group of corrupt Justice Department lawyers.
But the federal marshals and even the average FBI agent, they're not our enemy.
I don't say that to kiss their ass.
I say that because we don't want to be lured into a civil war, which is what China wants.
I've got so many incredible articles here today.
So much.
And I sit here, before I go live on air, after hours and hours and hours and hours of research yesterday evening and today.
I was up working at 1 a.m.
last night because this is important stuff.
And I was up at 5.30 studying until my younger daughter got up at 7 o'clock and I made her breakfast.
I had to take an hour out.
Hash browns, bacon, eggs, bagels with cream cheese.
We'd just pig out every morning.
I had a great time with my four-year-old daughter.
Because that's where I just recharge.
I spent an hour with her just eating and playing in the backyard.
It was like an eon of just delight compared to all this evil.
But that's what I fight for.
That's who I fight for.
And if I need to die for her, if I need to get put in prison or killed, Cards on the table, baby.
Chips on the board.
Everything in.
Everything in.
And it's not even a question when you get to that point.
The fact that they're coming after our children.
So, all over the world they're announcing under globalist control that they're going to start injecting newborn babies with the deadly shots that erase their immunity and just destroy them for life.
It's on record.
So people ask, as a 47-year-old man, It's been around the world and seen a lot of stuff.
I've been through a lot of pain, which made me stronger, by the way.
All that pain, in hindsight now, was the best part of my life.
Didn't enjoy it at the time, but it made me better.
I would be the biggest coward piece of crap ever if I didn't stand up for children who don't have anybody to stand up for them.
So I'm going to tell you all, you're on the right side of history.
Everybody knows it.
They can see it.
They can feel it.
They can analytically Documented all for themselves and we know we're in a time of great evil trying to grab everything it can and take it down with it.
So let me just give you a gestalt of the news.
There is a Breitbart article that I read this morning.
I don't have the full article.
You guys print it for me because I didn't print all the pages for some reason.
I've got a Breitbart article that is the most important article of the day.
And if you're a new listener, That just tuned in this week or today, you're like, well, wait, you said Rittenhouse is a diversion.
Well, he's important for the Second Amendment.
He's important for self-defense.
He's a great young man.
But compared to them coming after hundreds of millions of children with poison shots, his pain is a drop of blood compared to an ocean of blood.
But how China and the Democrats have responded in lockstep together is a Rosetta Stone through which, a keyhole through which you can see their whole agenda.
This is the most important article of the day.
Because you understand this, you understand everything, so let me hit it right now.
China, in thousands of articles a week, is saying, America's done, America's over, America's so racially divided that we will burn up and be over.
And they're telling investors that, and they're telling other governments that, and they're screaming that from the rooftops and the mountaintops and the hilltops and the valleys.
And who is China?
They're where the globalists have invested, they're where Hollywood's invested, they're where the New World Order has set up their new system.
And China owns four of the six big production houses, that if you go look at who owns the movie houses that fund all this black-on-white violence movies and whites are the devil shows and all these TV shows and programs, it's the communist Chinese regime Which is the most homogeneous group of people in the world.
And I'm not against the Chinese that, on average, they just want to be with Chinese.
Okay, that's what you're comfortable with.
It's who your mama and daddy was.
It's your culture.
I get it.
You're not bad because most of you decide you want to stay who you are.
They don't like the Koreans.
They don't like the Japanese.
They don't like the Russians.
They like Chinese.
They're the oldest culture in the world.
And they get that their strength is the fact that they are unified.
So they're financing with the left and paying billions a week, billions a week.
There's thousands of programs every year that whites are the devil, kill them, get them.
And the weak-minded buy into that to divide the country.
That's all it is.
And China brags.
They say America's over.
They will be destroyed in a race war within the next year because that's their plan.
China can't launch nuclear missiles at us.
We get in a war with them and destroy them.
But they can release a bioweapon with the China files, Bill Gates and the globalists, and the puppet President Biden they put in.
So, this is the takedown of America and the end of the country.
So, all the Justice Department lawyers and all the FBI and all of you can pretend this and say if you get Trump and get Alex Jones and, you know, get Owen Schroer and get James O'Keefe, And if you get us all, wow, you'll be a real boy finally!
You'll be in charge of the new America!
They always get rid of the traitors that help bring down the country.
They never leave you in place.
In fact, I know after you guys have brought the country down, I'll be approached one last time to join the globalists.
I know that.
I'm just going to say, no, I want to leave the country.
If we lose it all, it'll probably just kill me on the spot.
But I know how this works.
I know how the real elite operate, okay?
You guys don't.
You kiss the ass of the group taking the country down, and you're fools.
You're the idiots that lower the drawbridge for the Huns to come in at midnight, and the first thing the Huns do after they capture the city is arrest you and slit your throat.
You think the Huns, you think the Globalists, you think the New World Order respects people that lower drawbridges on their own people?
You are the curse!
You are the plague, as Cicero said 2,000 plus years ago.
So this article, we'll cover it later, we've got a bunch of big guests on, but this is everything.
Our enemy's bragging how they're financing all this race crap!
And I'm not stupid, I'm not going to play into it.
But it's getting rough, man.
I'm telling you, white folks are getting beat up, stabbed and attacked everywhere.
And the system is there trying to bring this country down, and it's so sad.
We need to rally together against the globalists and restore the republic if we have any sense left in us.
It is a real honor to be in the crosshairs of the most evil people on Earth.
My flesh doesn't like it, but my spirit loves it.
Because I intend to go into harm's way.
I intend to take on the evil.
I intend to challenge the corrupt power structure because I don't want to be energetically, spiritually aligned with them in any way.
And that means I need to be in absolute opposition to them and I am in opposition to everything the Globalist and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates stand for.
Paul Joseph Watson joins us because he has been really doing an excellent job over at summit.news.
And also at Infowars.com and Newswars.com laying out so much here dealing with what happened in Wisconsin at this attack a few days ago that killed five people, injured more than 40, some of them in critical condition, including children as young as four and five years old.
Literally blood all over the streets, gallons and gallons of it everywhere.
They said it looked like a slaughterhouse.
They washed it away as quickly as possible.
And the news said he was being chased by police.
It was their fault.
And that was totally made up and not true, says the Black Lives Matter leftist police chief.
He was let out of jail, obviously, by a Soros Finance DA that is a leader in letting armed criminals and others out.
And I want to read the whole rap sheet of this black supremacist terrorist, but it's long.
Child trafficking, sex assaults, choking, attacking, trying to run people over.
I mean, he's a regular jihadi.
And he believed he was going out, now the evidence has come out, to attack and kill evil whites that were having a horrible celebration parade they've been having for over 100 years.
So Paul Watson joins us.
To talk about this and to expand on it, there's also a recent Liverpool bombing at a hospital by a Christian convert who was a jihadi.
So Paul Joseph Watson joins us to talk about this incredible level of not just attempts at race war and social division, not just here but in Europe as well, the same globals run everything.
But all the looting and attacks and massive crime exploding everywhere, like Klaus Schwab said, they're going to undermine civilization and collapse it.
We're here now.
So I just want to cover these topics.
I want you to hit them, Paul.
I want to also do 35,000 foot view before you leave us in about 30 minutes.
Paul Joseph Watson, what's your view on all this?
Well, with the attack in Wisconsin, Alex, you had the narrative being set in the immediate aftermath of the incident by the media, saying that this driver, this massacre driver, was fleeing a crime scene.
He'd been involved in some kind of knife fight and he was fleeing the scene of a crime.
If you're trying to evade police attention, Alex, because you've just been involved in a crime and you're trying to get away, What's the one thing you wouldn't do?
You wouldn't drive directly into the main street in the town where the Christmas parade is happening.
The most public place possible, if you're trying to evade police attention, and mow down 50 people, including children.
Not a very good way of keeping out of the eye of the police, is it?
I mean, Paul, you're right, but now they confirm he ran over barricades, he had all the side streets, he was not being followed by police.
It's all a lie.
Yeah, but they're still reporting that he was fleeing a crime scene.
They're not even asking what the motive was.
You've got an arrest video of him today, which has been released by NBC.
They cut out about two minutes of the video where the police go and arrest him.
We don't know what happened there.
And then, of course, we have his statements.
We have his Facebook profile posts.
We have his YouTube videos, which are all deleted within two hours of the incident, of course, hiding the evidence, which show, as he said, He was a black supremacist.
He posted violent threats against white people.
He told people to go out and randomly, physically, violently assault white people.
He was doing rap songs on his SoundCloud account about George Floyd and Eric Garner.
He was amplifying BLM rhetoric at every possible opportunity.
He was posting about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and saying how angry he was about this.
Just a coincidence, Alex, that someone mows down 50 people in Wisconsin, and he's a black supremacist, two days after the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.
Can you ask the question?
Well, it's also a coincidence that in England and Europe and all over, they had to put up these freedom barricades everywhere because of all the jihadis running over folks with vehicles.
But the news spins it and says it's actually the vehicles, you know, bus attack, truck attack.
Yeah, they say dissolve the borders, well now in London we've got borders on our bridges because about three of them have been used as vectors for massacres by jihadists.
And another one happened the other week which we're going to talk about.
There's the arrest video that you're watching by the way.
So yeah, imagine if you had a white supremacist, you go on his Facebook page, it's full of confederate flags, it's full of violent threats against black people.
Two days later, He's angry about the verdicts of a trial.
He goes out and mows down 50 mainly black people.
Do you think the media would make the connection that maybe the motive is that he hates black people and that he's a race supremacist?
They would be all over it.
This would be the top story in America for a month.
And they've basically forgotten it already.
They've brushed it under the carpet.
The police chief who went on a Black Lives Matter march in June 2020 made his officers kneel to Black Lives Matter.
He's brushed it under the carpet and basically that's it.
And it's absolutely incredible that they get away with this by saying that he was fleeing the police.
The police even said he wasn't fleeing them.
Why would you go and mow down 50 people if you're trying to evade police attention?
The narrative Doesn't hold together.
it makes no sense whatsoever.
And we've now still as you said, right before I went live, I was in the control room and
we got TVs there and you can see them still saying, "Oh, we don't know why it happened.
It's a mystery.
It's such a tragedy."
For TV viewers, roll the footage from up top a building.
I mean, he clearly is like, driving over person after person after person like a Frogger video
And then they're saying this is all an accident.
Yeah, you had an eyewitness who said he'd been going down the middle of the road.
He swerved and headed downtown.
So they said he could have gone down the side of the road where there weren't people.
There are numerous roads that he could have turned off that he could have gone down to avoid the public parade, as he's apparently trying to evade police attention.
He mows down 45 of them, including a dance troupe of grannies, a dance troupe of kids, you've still got 10 kids in the ICU, Alex.
I agree, but let's compare that to there's a Black Lives Matter rally that just happened to like 5 people, 10 people, and then somebody's car barely bumps them.
That's on the national news.
Oh my God, a white person just attacked BLM with no proof.
They may have even staged it.
We don't even know.
This could be Jussie Smollett, but this is now being put on the news as a huge racial attack when there's not even any proof, but the other one's an accident and no big deal.
Precisely, and they said the Kyle Rittenhouse incident was a racial attack, where he legally defended himself.
Well, they said he shot three black people on MSNBC.
The Independent literally put on their front page that he killed three black people.
So they told you for 14 months that Rittenhouse had murdered BLM protesters, or even in some cases they said black people.
Meanwhile, this literal black supremacist who hates white people runs over 45, 50 white people.
He's angry about the Rittenhouse verdict.
And it's, oh no, he was just fleeing the scene of a crime!
It makes absolutely no sense, given his profile.
And then you look at the New York Times, for example, Alex, the day after this happened, they put it on page 22 of the newspaper.
Can you imagine if a white supremacist, again, had barreled through a Black Lives Matter parade in an SUV, killed five people, potentially more, injured 45 people, Would that be on page 22 of the... Well, remember when the psycho went and shot poor innocent black people in South Carolina at the church?
That was horrible.
We were against it.
The media said all whites were guilty.
No, that was one crazy person.
The point is, admit it's a bad person, whether they're black, white, whatever.
This is crazy.
Yeah, Dylan Roof, they had his entire motive laid out within 12 hours of the attack.
This guy apparently is just saying nothing, and it's going to have disappeared by the end of the week.
By the way, Wikipedia changed their description of the incident from the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack.
Now they're calling it the Waukesha Christmas Parade car crash.
It was just a car crash, Alex.
Maybe an accident.
Oh, well, you saw Schumer say, oh, we're going to build better roads.
The racist roads caused this.
I'm not joking.
You saw that.
We'll come right back and talk about a similar case in the UK of a hospital getting bombed by an admitted jihadi.
And the news is saying he's a Christian.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the media is the enemy.
It's owned by mega banks that are destroying our countries that want to get rid of the middle class.
You talk about mind control.
You talk about propaganda.
I remember seven or eight years ago in Germany and France, when Islamists would run over sometimes hundreds of people with cars, killing 80 plus in one event in France, if you remember.
And the media would say, truck attack.
And we make jokes about it, but it's not funny.
Now in America, CNN, MSNBC, I've got the articles right here, are calling it a car accident, a truck attack, an SUV attack.
These are the headlines.
You've seen them.
And Now we've got Democrats saying that the attack at the Christmas parade is karma for written House acquittal.
And of course, it's a weird, crazy white woman.
I'm not trying to put white people down.
I'm just saying, this is a bunch of leftist people engaged in black magic, basically, who want power.
And most of them are white, trying to get power out of making us all kill each other.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of the racist-ass black people and the weirdo white people pulling their strings.
Because they're gonna get everybody killed, basically.
This is so... And while the Chi-Coms brag, covered this earlier, in their newspapers how they're financing Hollywood to create racial division to bring America down.
And then we're all screwed, the whole ship goes under.
It's unbelievable!
It's so obvious!
Paul, going back to you here.
You've been all over this.
I mean, you produced so many reports on this.
You've written so many articles on it.
There's another example that's got Baum in the hospital, and then the media calls him a Christian.
I mean, this is... So they go further now.
It's not just cover up that it's Islamics.
They then frame Christians who statistically are the most peaceful people in the world.
Paul Watson of Summit.News.
Yeah, this was an incident that happened last Sunday on Remembrance Day during the parade.
Where this individual got into a taxi with a suicide bomb.
He planned to blow himself up.
Thankfully, the taxi driver, who should get the highest honour, the highest medal available, I don't think he has yet, he'll probably end up like the Millwall supporter during the London Bridge attacks who challenged the terrorists and was later demonised as a domestic extremist.
In fact, let's remind people of the Lion of London Bridge, what he fought like 10 dudes who stabbed him dozens of times and still kicked their ass and saved people.
I mean, tell people about that guy.
We forget about the Lion of London Bridge.
Well, yeah, they ran onto the London Bridge, started mowing people down, jumped out of the car, started stabbing people.
This guy is challenging them, he's attacking them, and he's later put on a government watch list because he criticised Islam too much and was too vehement in his opinion.
He was made to go take classes!
He was made to go take classes!
Yeah, he was being made to take re-education classes.
The literal hero in stopping the jihadist attack was put on a government watch list.
This case in Liverpool last Sunday.
So he gets in a taxi with this suicide bomb.
The taxi driver knows something's up with him.
He's fidgeting around with wires.
There's smoke emanating from his backpack.
The taxi driver drives him to where he wants to go, which is outside a women's hospital in Liverpool.
Now, we don't know whether He planned to attack the hospital or a Remembrance Day parade that was taking place just a stone's throw away.
By the way, the Remembrance Day parade started at a cathedral.
So apparently this Christian convert wants to bomb a Christian cathedral because that makes perfect sense.
So thankfully, he ends up just blowing himself up.
No one else was seriously injured.
The taxi driver survived.
Then the media comes out and says, He was a Christian convert.
Well, we know that they lie because his asylum claim was rejected in 2014.
They go to the cathedral and pretend to become Christian converts, so then their asylum application is more likely to be accepted.
The fact is, while he was constructing this bomb, he was seen attending a mosque every single day during Ramadan.
The week before the attack, he was seen praying in this mosque with fellow Muslims, and yet this lie that he was a Christian convert, he wasn't a Christian convert, he was a fake convert, was still being repeated by the BBC days after this attempted attack happened.
So Paul, I mean, at this level, they might as well just say Daryl Brooks was a white supremacist.
In Wisconsin, in Waukesha, that ran over 50 black people.
I mean, that's the level of this identity theft disinfo.
And I'm not trying to even blame any group.
I'm just saying they cover up when one group does it, and then lie about Rittenhouse and say he shot three black people.
Not true.
It's just next level.
This is brainwashing.
It's so insane, but they never get in trouble for it.
There is the white supremacist that ran over 50 black people.
No, their reaction today, the Daily Beast in particular, is they're now going after Tim Pool and Andy Ngo, saying that they're bad for posting screenshots of this guy's Facebook account, where he's like, yes, let's go out and violently attack white people.
This guy ran over another white person.
I'm glad you raised that point.
They're now claiming that they're internet trolls who made it up.
No, that's really his Facebook and Twitter.
That's really his Instagram.
That's really who he is, but they can't handle it.
And again, if the tables were turned, if a white guy was posting Confederate flags, hatred of BLM and calling for people to go out and violently attack black people, that would be a pretty big part of the story on CNN, wouldn't it?
But it's not, it's brushed under the carpet.
This Liverpool attacker...
He entered the UK in 2014.
His asylum claim was rejected in 2015.
He was still in the country six years later, despite his asylum claim being rejected.
No one knows who he was.
He came from Iraq.
Whether he was radicalized, he obviously was radicalized.
So he remained in the country for six years.
Imam al-Swilmeen, and they say he was a devout Muslim.
You've got links to this in your article at summit.news.
He was at mosque repeatedly every week.
And again, he's another refugee.
How many times do we have to have refugees turn into terrorists before we have proper border controls, Alex?
The Manchester Arena bomber, who blew himself up, killed a bunch of kids at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017.
A refugee from Libya, literally rescued by the Royal Navy, by the UK government, brought into the country.
That's how he repays us, by blowing up a bunch of kids.
You had the Paris massacre terrorists, exploited the refugee wave, pretended to be Syrian, that's how they got into Europe, that's how they killed dozens of people.
Oh I love how they always call 25-30 year old men children too, and in Germany and France even put them in middle schools with little kids they then rape.
And this is all a sick leftist joke.
Yeah they literally have 45-year-old men coming in on buses to the UK and say they're children.
They did tests of their teeth, even in Sweden, and found that they were 40, 50 years old, but we were called racist for pointing out that they're not children.
And you had it with the beheading of the schoolteacher in France, Samuel Paty.
Again, a refugee brought in by the government ends up killing somebody in France.
You had the beheading in Nice, same story, a Chechen refugee.
There have been innumerable Mass casualty terror attacks carried out across Europe by people either pretending to be refugees, getting into the country on the carpet of the refugee wave,
And you have a situation in the UK, Alex, where we've had over 20,000 boat migrants come in.
This year alone, turns out the government has only deported out of 20,000 just this year, five of them.
And you've seen the videos.
They got off the boats, whether it's in the UK, in Spain, wherever, and just run off into the nearest town.
Nobody knows who the hell they are, and in many cases they've gone on to blow themselves up.
I live, I live backed up to woods and houses and apartments.
And my son wants us to be armed now when we hike down there.
There's almost no one around.
There are Haitians living and running around the woods behind my house.
And this is in West Austin, which is a nice area.
This is all over the damn world now, all over the Western world.
And it's only just begun.
How crazy is this going to get?
I know you live in London.
You're planning to move out soon.
You were telling me off air, it's like uninhabitable now.
You can't even go out.
It's getting worse and this government promised to reduce immigration to drastically lower levels.
It's completely failed to do so.
The only good thing that's come out of this is that now Nigel Farage is saying he's going to get back into politics and he is the only real opposition in this country because we have a fake Labour Party opposition which wants even more open borders.
So that's the only good thing that's come out of it.
But then again you had the media reaction after the attempted Liverpool suicide bombing.
Within 48 hours, Sky News, one of the top broadcasters in the UK, 48 hours after a jihadist tried to blow up a hospital, their top headline on their website was about some Pakistani cricket players being called mean words by other cricket players 15 years ago.
That was seen as a more important controversy, someone being called a mean word 15 years ago, than a literal suicide bomber trying to blow up a hospital or trying to blow up a World War II, World War I memorial just a stone's throw away from where his bomb went off.
So again, it's about letting them into the country, and then it's about the media cover-up that happens in the immediate aftermath, and that's precisely what you've seen again.
With this SUV attack, this black supremacist in Wisconsin, and it's only going to continue.
Exactly, which is all an exercise by the intelligence agencies and the ruling class over the media to see if they can successfully cover up vaccine damages, vaccine deaths, secret operations, crimes committed by the invaders.
All of it is a plan.
Paul, do five more minutes with us ahead of Roger Stone joining us with exclusive information on the subpoenas he and I received for the January 6th kangaroo court coming up.
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The year is 2021.
The date is Tuesday, November 23rd.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Honored to be here.
Paul Watson, big picture.
Obviously, we've got the WikiLeaks, we've got the documents, we've got Klaus Schwab's public statements.
The powerful elites of the world are devaluing currencies to use the money to buy up all the infrastructure.
Their rearguard action is social conflict, divide and conquer, that so many empires have used for control.
But it doesn't seem like it's going well for them, so it seems like we're going into a very dangerous, insane time.
What would you call this time we're living in, and what do you expect them to do in the next 11 months ahead of the midterms?
Because they know they're about to be repudiated, and the globalists are about to lose control of their main command base.
How do you think they're going to strike back?
I think they're going to intensify the complete demonization of the unvaccinated, Alex, to the point where you had the Australian minister the other day, and you probably played the clip already yesterday, where he's literally saying with like raging bug eyes, which is the common denominator which all these people have, Quote, if you give a green light, give comfort to, support anybody who argues against the vaccine, you're an anti-vaxxer.
That's the kind of rhetoric that George W. Bush said when he said you're either with us or with the terrorists.
The next stage is to literally dehumanise, demonise the unvaccinated as terrorists.
And that's precisely what's happening.
The left pretends to care about oppressed minorities, The preeminent oppressed minority today is the unvaccinated.
They're dehumanised by the media.
That's the guy I was talking about right there.
They're dehumanised by the media and violently persecuted by the state.
We're told this lie that we have a pandemic of the unvaccinated, Alex.
The numbers you look out of the UK today, you look at the numbers of people in hospital, Covid hospitalisations in the UK.
67% of Covid hospitalisations in the UK are vaccinated people.
It's even higher when you look at adults.
71% of Covid hospitalisations are vaccinated.
So it's not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
It's a complete lie and yet they continue to claim that because they need to dehumanise, denigrate the unvaccinated so that they can release the wrath of the state in terms of violent persecution against the unvaccinated,
use them as the scapegoat and abuse them, use them as the example, as a warning to intimidate other
But again, as you said, it's not really working, because even in places like Holland, like Denmark,
you have large numbers of the population that remain unvaccinated, despite this massive tyranny and these threats against them.
And Paul, I want to ask you what comes next in the two minutes we have left and do an hour later in the week or next week, please with us.
I respect your view on this.
You're dead on target.
You've got German government putting out numbers in the UK government that people are twice as likely to die if they've had the shot.
They say they don't know why.
And then now you're more likely to get sick if you've had the vaccine.
I mean, even Fauci's having to admit that now.
So how the hell are they going to get away with this?
This just seems like they've shot themselves in the foot here.
But in the UK, they're actually trying to lobby the government to not release the statistics because they're being cited by the unvaxxed extremists.
For example, Alex, this is reported today.
From official government data, the rates of COVID infection per 100,000 are now higher among the VACs than the UNVACs.
We have Gibraltar cancelling official Christmas events.
Their entire adult population is vaccinated.
They've got a COVID spike.
Ireland, 94% adult population vaccinated.
They've got a COVID spike.
So the entire case for this, the entire case for vaccine passports, which by the way are now banning people who can prove they don't have the virus, they're removing that option entirely.
Their entire case for it has been demolished and the only way they can intensify it and step it up is by increasing the intimidation, increasing the threats, as we've seen in Austria, by now literally threatening to put people in prison for four years if they don't take the vaccine and that's the way it's going.
Paul, you do the best job breaking it down over at Summit.News and also at InfoWars, but you're absolutely right, and now Germany is saying, oh, we may just force-inoculate everybody, not just lock you in your house.
I mean, this is here, tyranny's not coming, it's here.
Watson, thank you so much, and have a great Thanksgiving.
I know you don't really celebrate in the UK, but I'm gonna be here eating bugs like Bill Gates said, okay?
Okay, thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate, or meditate, On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways and now as 2021 prepares to end and 2022
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It is more important than ever that you realize how important you are, that you be more active than you've ever been.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are a member of the TSA.
This is Alice Jones.
How are we supposed to get there with the way that we're living today?
You talk lots about God, freedom comes from the car But that's not what this bitch wants, not what I want at
all, I want Money, power, and glory
I want money and all your power, all your glory Hallelujah, I wanna take you for what you got
Hallelujah, I wanna take you for what you got Money, power, and glory
I want money and all your power, all your glory Hallelujah, I wanna take you for what you got
Hallelujah, I'm gonna take you for what you got [Music]
McCarthyism on steroids.
The year 2021.
Every major populist nationalist leader has been subpoenaed or indicted or even convicted and then pardoned by President Trump.
We have the global exclusive Roger Stone, longtime political confidant of the 45th president and of course we know the real winner.
That evidence is overwhelming now.
Joining us to discuss the subpoena by the United States House Select Committee on the January 6th attack, which again is the progeny of Joseph McCarthy and has gone even further.
McCarthy didn't put hundreds of people in solitary confinement.
Or 9, 10, 11 months without even being able to have a trial.
This is incredible.
So, Roger Stone is here to give us his exclusive take on being subpoenaed along with myself.
The top story in the United States, hell, in Japan and Germany, it was all over the world yesterday, wasn't a radical black supremacist who said on Twitter and Instagram he was going to, you know, attack whites or only cowards were standing down.
Whites seem to be attacked is the Rittenhouse verdict.
No, no, it wasn't 40-something people run over, five of them killed, little kids run over.
It wasn't that.
It was Roger Stone and Alex Jones are evil, and the January 6th committee's on their tail.
And now we've gotten the subpoena.
All these questions about who have we talked to, what have we done, did we ever talk to a three percenter, did we ever... We want every document under the sign!
And of course, if you don't comply right, you go to jail!
Unless you plead the fifth.
And then Mark Randazza, my Chief Legal Counsel on all the flotilla Democratic Party civil suits, is riding shotgun with us for the hour.
But let's first go to Roger Stone exclusively to give us his first video statement.
On where he stands and what's really going on.
Roger, I'm actually proud to be here with you being targets of these people because we're pro-America.
We're not in trouble because we're bad.
We're in trouble because we won't back down to evil and we stand for freedom.
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
This is my first national statement on any medium right here at InfoWars, just as in the hours after I was framed and charged in the Mueller witch hunt.
It was InfoWars where I did my very first interview to lay out the truth of that epic struggle.
And now, Alex, whether you like it or not, You're connected to me at the hip for the rest of your life.
We're kind of like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
And here's the thing, neither one of us did anything wrong.
This is a politically motivated witch hunt.
Let's call it Witch Hunt 2.0.
I've been disparaged and smeared as the promoter of an attack on the American Capitol on January 6th, despite the fact that I wasn't there.
Any assertion, claim, or implication to the contrary is categorically false.
There is no evidence or any witness who can honestly come forward and say otherwise.
Dustin Stockton, I don't know who that is.
Jennifer Lawrence, don't know them.
Taylor Budovich, don't know who that is.
So this is the same ongoing effort we've seen previously, where you criminalize constitutionally protected political activity.
You know, the reason I love America is because I love free speech and the Constitution.
And the Constitution guarantees us the right to freely assemble, to petition our government, and to speak freely on the issues of the day.
Any activity that I engaged in on January 5th Or six, for that matter, was constitutionally protected free speech.
I know nothing about unlawful activities at the Capitol.
Full stop.
There is nothing to turn over.
There is nothing to testify against.
It's a witch hunt.
And let me finally add, the chairman of the committee has filed a civil suit against Donald Trump and therefore has proven that he is not an unbiased or honest arbiter.
This gives McCarthy a bad name.
McCarthy was a good guy comparing to these smear artists.
I totally agree, Roger, and we need to focus on that again, that the head of the committee has sued Trump And is going after him on a host of issues, including January 6th.
How can he then be the judge over this whole political fiasco?
But let me ask you the big question.
Obviously, I'm not nailing you down here, but I intend to currently go with the fifth.
Not that I have anything to hide, but I saw how they Set you up in the whole Russiagate fraud and hoax.
And how I was here when you were trying to get Assange on.
He wouldn't give us the time of day.
We were all bummed out about it.
And they said, oh, you were secretly running Assange and all this.
I knew it was a lie because I was there.
I saw them convict you in a kangaroo court.
So that got my attention.
I thought it was a joke back when it was happening.
I said, don't worry, Roger.
You've done nothing wrong.
No, you were right.
You said it was serious.
And so I don't want to be Roger Stoned right now in this.
And that's why our forebears fought the British Crown and defeated them for the Fifth Amendment.
And I think that's where I'm going here, because these guys have no honor.
No matter what I give them or what I say, they're going to say it's a lie.
So why not just Fifth Amendment?
Well, that's absolutely true.
Look, we know the House Democrats reclassified information with impunity.
They illegally, in my case, consorted with the special prosecutor.
There's no integrity in this process.
It's not an honest, unbiased conduct.
It's not that I've done anything wrong.
I'm not going to decide what I'm going to do today because there is a drop-dead date on the subpoena of December 17th, I believe, other than to say We have a member of the House Intelligence Committee who was sleeping with a Chinese spy.
Now, he has access to national security secrets as a member of the committee.
His office was penetrated by an employee who was working for that Russian spy, but they want to investigate Donald Trump and Roger Stone.
This is an absurdity.
We have become clickbait.
I mean, that's really what this is about.
I have nothing to do with this.
I know nothing about it.
I'm many things, Alex, but I'm not stupid.
Whoever would think that trespassing at the Capitol or menacing lawmakers, even though nobody was armed, would benefit Donald Trump politically is either an idiot or an amateur.
Why would we blow our feet off?
It's a nice way of saying, why would we put our dicks in a garbage disposal?
It's so ridiculous that we'd have a motive for this.
Well, in my place, it would take a very large garbage disposal.
With me, we'll take a pencil sharpener.
I'm not going there.
It's actually gigantic, alright.
That's going to be the headline.
This is long.
Hold on.
That's all satire, folks.
That's going to be the headline.
We'll be right back with Mark Raddazzo, my chief legal counsel, here with us with Roger Stone.
You gotta go to the jokes there, you know, Dick Cheney stuff.
So, the former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, disgraced.
We have the video.
We'll play it next segment.
I watched it this morning and I forgot about it.
And then I'm telling Roger, hey, what do you want to cover next?
He goes, I want to talk about Andrew McCabe saying that Roger Stone is at the center, along with Alex Jones, of this whole giant plan to attack the Capitol.
Now, this is an even bigger hoax than the Russia game.
And so I forgot about that.
That's a pretty big deal to have this guy out there claiming this fraud again.
Not that we're Russian agents, but we're at the center of the plan to attack the Capitol.
So they're really telling us where they're going, Roger.
That's laughable bullshit is what it is.
I mean, let's be very clear.
I wasn't on the Ellipse.
I didn't march to the Capitol.
I wasn't at the Capitol.
I never left the grounds of my hotel on January 6th.
And I know nothing about any illegal activities on the Capitol or anywhere around the Capitol or in Washington, D.C.
that day.
Andrew McCabe, however, is at the White House Center of the Russian collusion hoax.
And in fact, on the day that I was convicted in a kangaroo style court, you know, a Soviet show trial in Washington, D.C., the prosecutor in my case announced that Andrew McCabe would not be prosecuted for lying to the FBI about the Russian collusion hoax.
This is bizarro world.
The world is upside down.
What's the point?
Alex, it's just more lawfare.
Grind you down with legal fees, drag your name through the mud.
Oh, I gotta admit, a lot of these pictures of you and I together look pretty damn cool.
Well, yeah, they're saying, like, next thing we've got to do is kill Batman, like we're villains.
No, we're like Batman fighting the villains.
Roger, we got Mark Rondazzo here.
He's got a lot of points and questions to ask.
He's read the subpoena.
He says it's beyond McCarthy.
I want to get his take on that, but...
Isn't this about distracting from the inflation, the record gas prices, the Federal Reserve saying, eat tofu, not turkey, that's a real headline, and the imploding borders, and just all the crazy corruption of the Democratic Party?
Well, that's part of it.
But the other part of it, frankly, is just the bloodlust against me because I was pardoned and the bloodlust against you because you supported me in my epic fight for freedom.
So these guys hate us because, as Plato said, no one is as hated as the truth teller.
They'd like to shut Infowars down.
They'd like to just close you down so you can stop broadcasting the truth.
This is epically debilitating, as you know financially.
All of these civil suits, and I still face six more faceless, unsubstantiated, groundless, but tremendously sensationalized civil suits, and now I have to defend myself legally in this proceeding.
And we're going to talk about that before you leave, but this...
We are seen as like, go back to the Roman standards, like the standard of a legion.
If they can capture that, that'll demoralize us.
And I'm not trying to brag, but it's true.
The left sees Donald Trump as the big standard, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, other big standards.
They're really trying to seize us.
Mark Randazzo, you said you got into legal stuff reading about McCarthy, now you're here.
Yeah, you know, I'm an old school liberal and I haven't burst into flames as I've been here.
You know, and what that means is I believe in freedom of expression for everybody.
In fact, especially for people I disagree with, not just for people I agree with.
And, you know, when I started studying McCarthyism when I was in journalism school back at UMass, I remember looking at that and thinking, boy, you know, why weren't more people courageous enough to stand up and say, I hate communism, but I hate the deprivation of civil liberties more.
And I thought, boy, you know, it's a shame I wasn't alive back then.
Well, I tell you, I shouldn't have wished that I would have the ability to be in a fight like that, because here I am.
You know, right now, I think that this is the closest thing to, and in fact, it improves upon, if you can use that word, it improves upon how McCarthy did things.
We have the same exact thing going on.
We have the press marshaled against people.
We have the government marshaled against people.
And why?
Because you have the audacity to be political dissidents.
Now the only thing different between the populist right right now and the communists back then is at least the populist right here has a lot of public support.
The communists at the time had, if anything, a tiny sliver of support because we knew better.
We knew better as a country.
We knew that that was going to lead us to Stalinism or lead us to Maoism.
You know, but here, you actually had a populist movement that grew up in alternative media when you had a mainstream corporate press.
I tell you, I used to say it acts like Pravda for the left, but I think that's actually an inapt comparison.
It's probably more of an obscure comparison to Radio Mille Collines in Rwanda before the genocide.
I mean, I see the way that these people talk about you, talk about Roger, talk about anybody who might agree with you, and it is a concerted effort to dehumanize you and to drag you down so that we have no dissent in this country.
And damn it, competition is what built America.
Competition in the capital systems, competition in industry, competition in creativity, competition in everything, including the marketplace of ideas.
That is why we have a First Amendment.
And when you want to go in there and shut down one of the carts in the marketplace of ideas, you are no longer acting in good faith as an American.
And shame on this committee for how it's acting.
Well, amen to that.
And because multinational corporations are taking over, where do we go next, Roger?
Because when we talk about the Fifth Amendment, not that we've done anything wrong, but why should we have to pay a bunch of lawyers that dig through everything and then just have them say we lied?
The only answer is, hey, Fifth Amendment, I think.
Well, look, I haven't decided what I'm going to do about this subpoena.
I won't decide.
It has a return date, I believe, of December 17th.
I'll decide between now and then.
But this is an effort at distraction.
Congressman Adam Schiff told us that he had seen substantial evidence of Russian collusion.
He's never produced a thing.
Eric Swalwell's office was penetrated by a Chinese communist spy he was sleeping with.
Jerry Nadler goes crazy about non-existent DOJ interference in my case, but now he wants the DOJ to interfere in the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.
These people are hypocrites, and this is an effort to distract from their own lies and their own crimes.
You're absolutely right.
In fact, next segment for TV viewers, radio listeners can imagine, and they're lucky they don't have to look at it.
I mean, you look at the penguin, Nadler, and you look at Pelosi, and you look at Swalwell, they're a legion of morons.
These are ridiculous people perched on top of America's back that have sold us out to China.
They should be very easy to get rid of politically.
Well, look, the real question is in 2022, will we have a fair, honest, transparent election?
If we do, these people are toast.
I mean, gas prices are heading to $8 a gallon before it's over.
You're going to see far, far more deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 vaccination as they attempt to make it mandatory, compulsory.
You have us being pushed around around the world by the Chinese, by the North Koreans again.
The Russians are masked on the borders of Crimea.
Because Joe Biden exudes weakness and our adversaries can see that.
You were around, Alex.
Do you remember any food shortages under President Donald J. Trump?
Did we have high gas prices under Donald J. Trump?
Were we having to beg gasoline from the Russians and the Saudis?
So they want to distract from the horrific conditions in America under this incompetent and probably illegitimately elected president.
I totally agree with you.
This is a ruling class, out of control, collapsing, rotting, dying, and they're projecting their own death fears onto us, trying to bring America with us into their death spiral.
We're sorry they're all physically dying, but they all will be dead soon.
We'll be right back.
Alright, welcome back.
Roger Stone, Roger Shogun with this Global Exclusive.
And Mark Randazza is a top First Amendment lawyer and more, but during the little short break, I said, why do you think they're doing this?
He just did this two-minute rant to me that was absolutely on target and amazing.
Can you repeat, I know it's hard to repeat, genius again on cue, but repeat what you just said during the break.
In 2008, I actually donated to and volunteered on the Obama campaign.
And we laughed at the fact that the Republicans didn't really understand the internet at that point.
And, you know, we just looked at the Internet as digital Massachusetts.
There was no point in putting much effort into it because the Republicans weren't even going to show up.
Well, in 2016, in those intervening eight years, a lot of people on the right learned how to use the Internet.
And then all of a sudden, this alternative media is what came into play.
People who weren't in the mainstream corporate press.
That mainstream corporate press has acted hand-in-hand with the Democratic Party for decades.
So, you know, Democrats watched their own news feed, their own Pravda, and all that got regurgitated back to them was, what a joke the Trump campaign was, what a joke people like you were, what a joke all it was, and they didn't, they just weren't prepared for it.
They were as shocked as anybody was the next morning when they woke up and they saw that Trump had won.
And I think they looked at that and they swore they'd never be caught like that again.
Now what a real American would do at that point is say, how did we lose in the marketplace of ideas?
How do we retool our arguments?
How do we get to connect with the American people, these people who are patriotic, who believe in America, who believe in the Constitution?
But instead, they looked to the other direction, and they decided that they were going to try to win the marketplace of ideas by shutting down the opposing store in that marketplace.
They went the classic purge authoritarian model.
Yeah, just come out, shut down opposing media, and you notice that first they started with people that it was easy to start with.
You know, they tested the waters with Milo, and then they kept moving along, and they kept hitting other people, and as one by one... Well, you say it, they demonized me particularly so that And Roger Stone and I got banned.
People wouldn't stand for us.
And then every domino fell.
So we'll talk about the way to counter that.
One by one.
I want to get your take on how we counter that in a moment.
But Roger, responding to what Ramdaza just said, you're right.
What you said is so important before break.
I cannot stress this enough.
This is all a distraction from the Ghislaine Maxwell pedophile trial.
This is all a distraction from the open borders.
This is all a distraction from the dollar devaluation and Biden dumping the strategic oil reserve on the market and oil prices didn't really go down.
So speak to that and where do they go when they're crashing and burning and national polls have 67% of people, even in fake polls, hating him.
It's probably 80%.
I've never seen such a cratering here as a long-term political hand.
What do you read the tea leaves?
Well, first of all, let me say I have the highest possible regard for Mark Grandazzo as a man of integrity and as a great lawyer.
In fact, if you read M. Staten's book, Blacklisted by History, which Ann Coulter called the second greatest book after the Bible, it makes a pretty good case that there was communist subversion in America in the 1950s.
Now, it's McCarthy's tactics we don't like, and in this case, these are the tactics of McCarthy.
The tactics of smear, the tactics of vilification, and that's exactly the point.
We have become clickbait.
We're being attacked because it just makes the left drool.
The reason my wife was attacked outside our home last Christmas by some left-wing lunatic, the reason that there's so much hatred, I mean literally a tsunami of hate on Twitter against me, against Alex Jones, against Owen Schroyer, is because we are cutting through the BS to tell people the truth.
There is a disproportionate amount of red Chinese influence in our government today.
We have an authoritarian and politicized Department of Justice in which the FBI breaks into the home of journalists like James O'Keefe to try to determine who their sources are.
This is to have a chilling effect On every other journalist in America.
You know, those guys at the New York Times and the Washington Post who may be chortling, you better be very careful because they may be next.
Freedom of the press is out the window.
In fact, their answer to being challenged on any intellectual basis is censorship.
Yeah, is deplatforming.
Is in fact outright cancellation.
And then is trying to put you in prison like they're doing to you and I over and over again.
I mean, let's not forget you got pardoned.
And again, I like Roger.
Roger's a really smart, funny guy to hang out with.
Great insights.
Always very careful about being accurate.
People always say he's this big villain liar.
I remember saying, you want a job at M4's.
I'm not trying to act tough like, oh, he wanted a job, but he did obviously want to get paid.
You know, he's a capitalist.
And I'm like, listen, I love you as a show, I love you as a guest, but I want Julian Assange and I want this and that.
And then if you can get big guests for the show, I will pay you the nice sum you want.
And he goes, I'll get on it.
I'm talking to this Randy Credico and they tell me it's big.
So I already knew that Roger told the truth to Congress.
I knew he didn't have a contact with Assange.
I was there.
And then I watched them convict him of something he didn't do.
Because I was laughing at Roger before.
I thought it was a... I mean, he used to get mad at me.
He said, listen, Sirius, you need to watch out.
And he was right.
So now I listen to Roger.
But that's why I take this very serious this time, even though we're totally innocent.
Because these people are crazy.
Well, look, on November 3rd, 2020, only because BuzzFeed brought a lawsuit, Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice were forced to release the last remaining long-hidden redactions in their secret report, in which they admitted that there was, quote, no factual evidence.
Tying me to Russian collusion, WikiLeaks collaboration, or the phishing and publication of John Podesta's highly embarrassing emails.
So what then was my motive to lie?
What was I lying about?
Any misstatement I made before Congress was irrelevant, immaterial, hid no underlying crime.
Now we see Dr. Anthony Fauci lies his ass off before Congress.
Rand Paul does a spectacular job of nailing him.
But when will he be charged?
When will 29 FBI agents storm his home at 6 o'clock in the morning and march his wife out of the house in her nightgown?
So let me ask you this question then, Mark Rondazzo.
Why do intelligent people with high IQs, and I'm not bragging, but we're obviously not low IQ here.
I think we're all above 100.
I think it's fair to say.
Why do we get chivalry?
Like, let's not break rules.
Let's have agreed upon.
Let's not do dirty things.
Not because we're just wimps, but because we know it'll be done to our family.
Why are they breaking all the rules, doing all this, not knowing it's going to summon their own destruction?
I just think they don't think a few moves ahead, Roger.
Well, except I think you have to recognize the single greatest trait they have is arrogance.
They're extraordinarily arrogant.
Uh, and that permeated the Mueller investigation.
It permeated, uh, the special counsel's office.
It permeates today, the Biden Justice Department.
They are the law.
Uh, and that means that they cut corners.
Look, I'm being sued by the Biden department.
I mean, look at these guys in the video talking about us.
I mean, they look like, look at the arrogance of both, all of them.
I mean, look at these people.
You wouldn't have these people over for dinner.
You wouldn't, they all look like.
They look like super villains.
They're radiating evil.
Well, you can always tell when they're lying.
You see?
Their lips are moving.
That's the comment.
I know that's McCabe right there.
I know the bimbo in the middle.
But who is the guy that looks like Dr. Evil over here?
I don't know.
He looks brain dead to me.
He looks like an arrogant son of a bitch to me.
Yeah, no, he attacked me a couple weeks ago.
I can't even remember his name.
But right now, I don't want to boost his name ID and give him more followers.
You know, this is this whole thing is an absurdity.
So yesterday I thought about it.
You know what?
The House January 6th committee, been there, done that.
I've got the t-shirt.
It says, Roger Stone did nothing wrong.
Alex, the greatest single problem here, as you know, is the enormous expense.
Look what you're going through in the Sandy Hook case.
Look what I'm going through fighting this.
My coffers are empty.
My legal defense fund is bailed.
Hold on, hold on.
We're going to both do a big plug to support us, because you're right.
I want to explain this to the listeners.
I already sold my nice house.
It was an investment to fund this operation.
I love my little house.
I'm not complaining.
I got my Dodge car, my F-150.
I'm a happy gambler.
They can't... I don't care about money, but money keeps us in the war.
Like, if you've got an army, you gotta feed them, you gotta keep them clothed, you gotta sharpen their swords.
And so, yes, InfoWarsStore.com.
Buy the great products.
Get them.
But, Roger, when we come back, we're gonna do a big, fat, juicy plug for you because, yes, You are such a prize to them that I get like when they're going to get you, I go myself.
So it's had the reverse psychology of me going from liking you to loving you because I get it.
You know?
Rick Linklater's a nice guy, and he called me up 20-something years ago, put me in the first movie I was in, and then put me in another, and then I got a bunch of movie offers after that, and I had no thrill seeing myself on the big screen.
I don't care about being on the national news, I don't care about meeting powerful, rich people, but I love being in the Zeitgeist, fighting tyranny, and knowing all of these listeners, and all these great people, and folks that stand against tyranny.
That, to me, is exciting, and you are the real rock stars in my life.
I mean, I like, I love Ted Nugent's music.
He's got some of the best music out there, but the fact that he's been fighting them since the 70s and is a trailblazer, I admire him.
It's not about the great guitar he plays.
It's about how he stands up for what's right.
Now let's talk about Andrew McCabe.
He's won back full FBI pension after being fired under Trump, The Hill reports, and all his legal bills paid.
Well, I never got my legal bills paid.
The Democratic Party, the same folks that bankrupted Remington, filed six Sandy Hook suits.
We're down to four of them right now, and we got two others we're dealing with.
That's the level.
People say, well, you know, I'm like a baby bird begging for money here.
Yeah, folks, we're the tip of the spear.
If you want us to keep fighting, If you want us to stand up, I mean, we are the champions of freedom.
And I'm not up here like some arrogant son of a bitch going, because that's bad luck.
Oh man, I'm your champion.
I'm the big daddy.
No, I'm not the big daddy.
I'm somebody that couldn't bow to their evil and wouldn't go away and understood they were evil and that had to be resisted.
So that's why I want you to spread the word about us.
I want you to pray for us.
I want you to support us at Infowarshore.com.
I want you to support Roger Stone.
Everybody in America should be wearing a Roger Stone did nothing wrong shirt.
By the way, he's got new t-shirt designers that were always great, but I'm jealous.
The new one he's got from Big Daddy Distributors, Big Daddy Unlimited, a big gun company in Florida.
I want those, but we're going to talk about those in a moment because we got to stay on air.
You got to show your colors loud and proud.
And let me tell you, wearing an Infowars shirt, a Roger Stone shirt, you can't be more avant-garde.
You can't be more Americana.
You can't be more populist.
You can't be more rebel.
You can't be more outlaw.
I mean, they called Willie Nelson and William Jennings, who I love, outlaw country because they moved to Austin instead of Nashville and sang like they wanted to.
We're taking on the new world order, folks, and we need your support.
But here is what Roger Stone was talking about.
McCabe, the disgraced former deputy director that lied to Trump, lied to Congress, everything up there talking about us being his enemies.
So the good news is if this big, powerful man is up late at night wanting to put us in prison, that shows he's not as powerful as this criminal claims.
And yeah, I call him a criminal.
Here it is.
Well, out front now, Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI and Ellie Honig,
who was an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District here in New York.
Director McCabe, both Alex Jones and Roger Stone, of course, were in Washington on the
day of the insurrection the day before.
They were both incredibly vocal proponents of pushing the big lie about the election,
rigged hoax, all of that.
They have longstanding ties to Steve Bannon, who is the one who convinced Trump to come
back to Washington for January 6th.
So how central to this could they be?
Well, Erin, I think they could be right at the red-hot center of it.
And I think we've, you know, the committee has kind of telegraphed what they're thinking with each round of subpoenas that we see coming out.
And for my money, what seems clear is they are focused intently not on Specifically the mayhem of the insurrection on January 6th, but on the days leading up to January 6th.
They are trying to get to who was at the center of planning this activity, how was it funded, where were those communication networks, who was involved, who was talking to who, and how does this potentially get back to the White House.
And of course, the ultimate question, was the violence part of the plan?
And I think these subpoenas are a great way of closing down the loop on those questions and really getting to the center of it.
Right, right.
I can't listen anymore to this.
Roger, only two folks can respond to this in the world, you and I. Were we the big, hot, juicy, red center?
That was a pink center, but...
No, actually, Andrew McCabe is the white-hot center of the Russian collusion hoax.
He's the one who knows the Steele dossier is a fraud, but allows it to be used the rationale for an illegal investigation.
Then she says, I'm a close associate of Steve Bannon's.
What planet does she live on?
Steve testified against me at my trial, falsely perjured himself to help... Yeah, I've asked you, even though I know he did that, to just drop it.
You attach him like a piranha on the show.
They all know that.
I mean, your feud is famous.
Well, it's not some minor political scuffle.
They were trying to give me 7 to 9, and he was trying to help them.
So you can see how I might be somewhat upset about that.
That's not the point here today.
The point is she's a damn liar and knows it.
Well, that is exactly true.
There's one other guy here that has to be mentioned, and that is Owen Schroyer.
You can go to GiveSendGo.com right now.
We're only $2,000 short of raising a quarter of a million dollars for his legal defense.
He's done nothing whatsoever wrong.
From what I can see, and I've read his indictment, it's a fraud.
Owen Schroyer deserves your support, because he too is a truth teller, and he too is being smeared and disparaged and vilified when he did nothing illegal.
Absolutely, and InfoWars will continue to deliver support and we appreciate that.
But Roger, let's talk about you because your wife's got stage 4 cancer.
Boy, she gets better.
They beat her up outside at your apartment where you live.
They celebrate they took your house away.
And you're that standard they're trying to seize.
I love the new t-shirt designs.
Where do people find all these new great Roger Stone t-shirts and support what you're doing?
Well, they can go to RogerStoneStore.com.
They can go to StoneColdTruth.com in the store.
But most importantly, I need people to go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
By law, those funds can only be used for my legal defense.
I need lawyers, new lawyers, because I'm not going to roll over to the deep state and I will never plead to something that I didn't do.
As you know, I was pressured to bear false witness against the President.
I could have gotten off the hook by doing that.
I refused.
Because Michael Cohen, I am not.
And by the way, they want to make examples of us, destroy us, to intimidate anybody else that might stand up.
That's why we don't just want to survive, we want to thrive.
That's why if you want to save America, you should support Roger Stone, you support Infowars, you should do it right now.
Mark Rondazza comments on what we're seeing with Andrew McKay, the disgraced former deputy director that lied to Congress, up there trying to say that we're the hot red center of this.
Look, I just don't see it.
And we're reds like communists, too.
I mean, look, I've seen you guys say things that were politically incendiary, say things that are politically dissenting, and that's the point of America, dammit!
You know, I remember, I don't know how many people have seen this movie, but there was a movie that came out during the Bush administration that was supposed to be an oblique attack on its excesses, and I think it had some excesses as well.
Good night and good luck.
It was about the McCarthy era.
It was about Edward R. Murrow.
But you know, you can watch that and that is a parable that fits any political excess.
And if you watch that, watch that now and watch it and look at what they're doing now.
It's way worse than McCarthy.
You know what I don't agree with?
I respectfully disagree with both of you.
This is supposed to be a distraction.
I don't think it is.
I think it's the main event.
I think they want a civil war, but they want it in a very elegant way.
They want it against unarmed opponents.
They want it against the indefensible.
They want to limit the people who are willing to stand up to them to a tiny, small group, and then eliminate them.
And then all the people who are sort of right in the middle or somewhat... No, no, I agree with you that they want to...
scare them. It's a psychological operation. In June, Biden said the new terror threat isn't
Islam or anything, it's American citizens that protest and soccer moms. And so yeah, you're
right. You're right. I actually agree with you. They're trying to kick off a war against the
American people. An American president saying the greatest threat is other Americans. If you've got
other Americans that aren't in favor of the government, the government's not doing its job
the right way. It's a government of the people. Yes. For the people. And you know what?
By the people!
What we have to do, you know, one thing I hear from a lot of people that agree with you, a lot of people come up to me and they say, hey, you know, don't tell anybody this, but I think Alex is right.
I'm like, why are you saying it that way?
Say it loud.
If you believe, if you agree with Alex, say it loud.
If you don't agree with him, say it loud.
Don't be cowed by, you know, I just don't want to get in any trouble because that kind of silence is what's causing this because At least half this country doesn't believe that this is how the country should be governed.
You know, I think that they are acting in a way that they think that they might have the ability to make that final coup de grace, that final move, and they're acting without honor.
Oh, there's no doubt.
This is an authoritarian takeover.
Great points, Mark Randazzo.
Yeah, and it's terrifying, you know, and frankly, look, I represent So many different people from so many different walks of life and so many places in that marketplace of ideas.
And I don't care what they have to say.
In fact, the more I disagree with somebody, the more I'm happy to represent them.
And, you know, I want to tell you just a tale of something happy.
Stay there, we've got to come back.
50 more minutes with Mark Rondazza and, of course, the great Roger Stone.
And then we've got Jake Ducey coming in here.
I've got all the CIA mind control documents, stuff we've never covered.
Literal, the most powerful stuff we've ever covered on freeing your mind is coming up in the last hour and 45 minutes.
And it all ties into Reset Wars and ResetWars.com.
But Roger Stone and Mark Rondazza, one of the top First Amendment lawyers in the country, Straight ahead, we're going to put bookends on this thing, and he'll tell his happy story.
Stay with us.
But Roger, again, where do they donate?
All right.
So we have a corrupt, out-of-control political system that's sold out American power in the last 40 years of China.
One-sided deals.
I'd be all about doing trade deals.
We'd build everybody up.
That's not how it worked, because they had an axe to grind politically, wanting to de-industrialize the nation for political control.
How do I know?
It's in Zbigniew Brzezinski's books, the bastard wrote.
Burn in hell, you and your daughter.
And people say, oh God, Alex is so mean.
They literally destroyed the industrial base of the country so they could control us and put us on welfare.
I hate these people.
I don't want to kill them, and I don't want to wish any violence against them, but I'm not putting up with them.
Mark Rondazzo, a First Amendment lawyer, here with us.
You've read the subpoena, you've gone over it, and we'll come back to Roger in a moment, but you said you had a happy story to tell.
I do.
I represent, like I was saying before the break, I represent people all across the political spectrum.
I'll have one person that hates the other one that I'm representing at the same time, and I represent a group of very conservative Christians called Church Militant.
I also happen to represent the Satanic Temple.
And Church Militant was trying to have a rally in Baltimore.
But Baltimore is currently under what I call woke rule.
And Baltimore tried to ban them from being there.
And we fought them.
We fought them all the way to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
And I am proud to say that we won.
But when we got up to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, you know who came in to file an amicus brief on the Christian side?
A satanic temple.
So when you've got satanists coming up saying, hey, we want to stand up for the principles of people that we hate, we disagree with them so fundamentally.
Sure, I've listened to the epitome, because I've been honest and I've brought up the fact that you've done that.
If you don't support everybody's free speech, it doesn't exist.
That's how I look at it.
It's like the Second Amendment.
I don't care whether you're a Christian or whether you are an agnostic or a devil, or you have a right to a gun, you have a right to use it on me.
Unless I attacked you.
So I agree with that.
I mean, do you agree to free will?
Because God agrees with free will.
I believe so.
Look, when somebody asked me, you know, how can you represent these people?
Where is the line which you wouldn't represent?
They are a group of losers.
I've seen them on TV.
And let me tell you where the line is for whose speech I would stand up to.
I don't have one.
There is no way, because if you have one, then you don't believe in free speech.
What you believe in is your tribe, and you just use free speech as an attack.
Good point.
Roger Stern, where is all this going?
Let me tell you some more of this story, what's great about it.
Here's the star-spangled, flying sparks of it.
They came in, they helped those Christians win the right to have their rally.
Then they had their rally.
And then the Satanists showed up to protest against that rally.
Some of the Christians got a little upset, and I said, hold on.
And I explained to them, these people fought for your right to be here, too.
They said, well, why are they protesting against us?
And I said, because that is what America is all about.
Sure, they were all about the freedom.
And most Satanists are really libertarians trying to address something that's not cool.
And everybody was peaceful.
Heck, even Antifa showed up to protest against it, and they did so peacefully.
Sure, we need to rediscover those American values.
What do you make of that amazing story, Ron?
Well, what bothers me Alex is, and I'm not allowed to get into the specifics of the subpoena, but essentially what they're trying to do is take constitutionally protected political activities and somehow criminalize them.
Yes, I did urge people to go to a rally to support President Donald Trump.
Yes, I did question the extraordinary number of irregularities.
in anomalies in the 2020 election results. I have an absolute constitutional right to do so,
but they want to criminalize what heretofore has been constitutionally protected political
activity. And that's the slippery slope. One day it's James O'Keefe's home that they are raiding.
The next day, who knows?
Anybody who's a journalist should realize the chilling effect that this has.
They're trying to suppress truth.
They're trying to suppress the free press.
They're trying to suppress free speech.
Everything I did January 5th proves nothing about January 6th.
Yeah, I spoke at a rally that was actually sponsored by Women for Trump.
Oh, that was sponsored by the Three Percenters.
You know what, Alex?
I never heard of the Three Percenters before this.
I was about to say, they're asking me about all contacts.
I mean, I've seen like patches that say three percent.
I know that means like three percent fought the Revolutionary War.
Three Percenters are motorcycle gangs?
That's it.
Are you now?
Let's talk about that when we come back.
That's the point you read the subpoena you brought up.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
And look at these new headlines.
The January 6th committee comes for Roger Stone and Alex Jones.
They're coming for us.
They're coming for America.
I don't know how all this is going to end, but if you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!
Boy, they hate that.
They put that in the subpoenas.
They attack it.
Obviously, when I say you want to fight a political, cultural fight, or like a football game, or two corporations, or Ford versus Ferrari, if I was going to say, come armed, take over the Capitol, that would have been the plan.
We would have done it.
We would have taken it back from the communists, but we didn't do that.
So the globalists are trying to say we're violent and have to be shut down.
All right, those last 10 minutes with the legendary Roger Stone and Mark Randazzo, First Amendment lawyer, prominent First Amendment lawyer.
Closing points, the 10 minutes we have, Roger, what else is on your radar screen?
I know you want to talk about Rittenhouse, this attack up in, with the suicide killer.
I mean, he didn't suicide, but he killed so many people.
What else is on your radar screen?
You know, it's amazing now.
So you have Black Lives Matter activists saying now they're furious because they have to worry about getting shot when they go out to kill somebody.
This is an outrageous thing.
What's great about the Rittenhouse verdict is it proves that the system can still work.
That the fundamental judicial system set up by our founding fathers really can work.
God bless him.
But that goes to the larger point, Alex, and that is, I'm only here by the grace of God.
I'm only here because I reaffirmed my commitment to Jesus Christ.
I'm only here because I confessed that I was a sinner and I got right with Christ.
Because they were going to frame me and hang me after gagging me in a Soviet-style show trial.
So God is good.
God has the protection of this nation.
We do know how this comes out.
You know why?
We read the Bible.
That's why.
We know that good can Triumphs in the end.
That's why.
We just don't know how it happens.
You want to make God laugh?
Tell him you have a plan.
He has a plan for this nation.
It's on our money.
In God we trust.
Of course they want to take that off too.
Oh yeah, General Flynn said, I don't care what religion you are, you gotta believe in God.
We need to believe in God to save the country.
And they spun it and said we want a state-run religion.
He didn't say that!
General Flynn is one of the greatest men of this century.
He's a man of destiny.
He's a man of the Constitution.
He's a man of Bible.
Then I pick up the media and they say, oh no, he belongs to a satanic cult.
He's a Roman Catholic.
By the way, he's also pro-life.
There's an ABC story that they keep recycling constantly where he says it's decided law.
Well, guess what, folks?
As of today, it is decided law.
Doesn't mean we like it that way.
Doesn't mean we weren't going to work to change that.
They manipulate and lie about everything.
Randazzo, you had a point to make.
I mean what what the reason that they are against that the reason they are against him expressing that and the reason I think it's it's great for you to have strong families and even you know I'm not a very religious person but I think it is a great thing when people are because you should always have Another loyalty.
What they want is you to have your only loyalty be to the state.
Dissolve your loyalty to your church, dissolve your loyalty to your family, and eliminate that so that all you are is a subject of a state.
And then, if they can erode the resistance in some other, you know, in the opposition party, and then what they wind up is a one-party state where you have but one loyalty.
That was the whole point of Marx's The Religion is the Opiate of the People.
Yeah, sure, it distracts people from bad things, but isn't that a good thing?
Isn't it good that you have faith in something larger than your government, larger than your community?
Well, that's it.
It makes the states not the top thing.
You reach out, you have larger ideas.
And psychologically, it shows people that pray and believe in God have to live longer, get over illnesses.
I mean, it's reaching out to the infinite.
I mean, look, I don't care what you believe in.
I would fight for your right to believe in anything.
But it should have something you can believe in, or even if you want to give that up voluntarily, give that up voluntarily.
But you have a right to that.
Absolutely. I had a question when it came out and nobody answered it.
I forget what it was.
But Roger, what do you expect the authoritarians to do next?
They're trying to intimidate everybody.
They're trying to raid and ensue and indict and charge and just go after everybody that's a prominent American.
I see this wearing thin, but they don't seem to want to stop.
They're in their own bubbles.
What do they do next?
I think they're trying to engender violence.
You see, we're opposed to violence.
We believe in the democratic system.
For 40 years, I've worked in elections.
That's how we bring change.
But if our elections are not fair, free, and transparent, if If no judicial body or legislative body or regulatory body will examine the elections, it's like a pressure cooker.
They would like us to fire the first shot.
They'd like us to throw the first punch.
But we're not going to do that because that's what they want.
They used the January 6th routine, which I frankly think is a false flag operation.
There's an enormous amount of evidence that this was engendered by the FBI.
Even the New York Times admits that there were FBI informants riddled throughout the protesters.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to trespass and amend this lawmakers doesn't understand America.
Roger, let me ask you this. I wrote this down. I forgot to ask you. I'm glad you raised this.
I put out a video this morning that's going viral at Bandai Video.
I said, listen, I don't know if I'm going to come to this committee because it's a kangaroo
committee with a bunch of neocons and Democrats on it who've lied about me in the past and people
connected to the Russiagate hoax. But if it was a real congressional committee with fair Republicans
and Democrats on each side, I would come because I want a real investigation.
Trump asked for National Guard.
Didn't do it.
They sent away half the Capitol Police that day to do traffic control.
They ended up standing down.
They weighed people in.
I want to know all that because clearly they were trying to set us up that day.
I want an investigation of the Secret Service.
I'm not saying they're all bad, but about who wanted me to be at the front.
I'm not stupid now.
In hindsight, they were trying to set us up, as you've said.
I want a new January 6th investigation that's bipartisan and real.
Does Roger Stone call for that?
I totally agree with that.
Alex, I was right after the president spoke, as I have said previously, in my hotel room at the Willard.
And by the way, if there was a war room of some type at the Willard, I don't know about it.
I wasn't in it.
I was certainly not with Steve Bannon or with Mayor Giuliani.
I know nothing whatsoever about it.
But just because I was staying in that hotel, you get lumped in.
This is the ABC News technique of guilt by association.
Oh, here's a picture of Roger Stone with one of the Proud Boys out in front of his hotel.
Yeah, so what?
What does that prove?
Well, that's pure McCarthyism again to say, well, there was one communist at the bank of a hundred employees, so you must be.
Look, I've never joined, and I'm not a big joiner, but you know, just seeing them try to target you saying, well, are you now or have you ever been a member of, I want to join whatever that sentence is.
I don't care what it is, because Roger was absolutely right.
Earlier he said, I was inspired by what he said, he said he had a right to do this, a right to say what he wanted to say about the election, a right to organize, a right to assemble, and that is what's under attack.
And you know what?
When you use that analogy, you talk about being under attack, I want both of you to realize something, and that is the saying that, you know, you always get the most flack when you're directly over the target.
You two are over the target right now, gentlemen.
Well, you said it, and we can't get into the depositions and things, but hey, we're going to win these Sandy Hook cases.
And I said they're going to default, that's why.
And that's why they can't give us a real jury trial, because what they're saying isn't true.
Look, I'm not going to comment on any of your existing cases except to say that I have faith things are going to work out.
I really do.
And it looks dark, but you know what?
You've been up my ass looking at everything.
Is most of what they say true?
Alex, you are the most lied about person in America.
I will say that.
Roger might be the silver medalist, you guys are competing for that, but I just know about you and I know that anytime I'm talking to anybody who doesn't know you, it is lies.
And, you know, I just, things that they say that you say, you didn't say.
When they say, well, you're just reading from biased news, well, what about you?
You know, I hear people who want to talk about you.
There's no pre-planning, we're just, you're covering our opinion.
This is the most chaotic thing I've ever, you know, I talk to people.
It's like we're at a barbershop.
Yeah, I come on set here and I'm like, I have had more planned conversations take place around a campfire with a bunch of people drinking beers and smashing bottles.
So, no, this is, this is...
This is from the minds.
Roger, one more time, how do folks support a real warrior, a real Trojan, a real 300
to fight against tyranny?
Look, I need help at stonedefensefund.com to fight these subpoenas, to fight the various
harassment, baseless, meritless lawsuits against us.
The coffers are bare, folks.
I'll never quit.
I will always fight, but I can't do it without your help.
You'll never give up, but you could give out like an old horse, and me too, because we're both old horses in this fight, and it's made us stronger.
But folks, we need support.
We're your champions.
Infowarsstore.com, SaveInfowars.com.
And one more time, Roger, where?
God bless you, Alex, and thanks for your support, and God bless America.
And so much is happening.
Join us.
Go ahead.
Let me give you one thing, too.
You know, a lot of people... We're out of time.
We're out of time.
Come back tomorrow.
Come back tomorrow.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new USSA.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you so much for joining us on this live November 23rd Tuesday transmission.
This show This broadcast, this transmission, this human expression of freedom was not supposed to be on air right now.
We're supposed to already be off air.
We're supposed to roll over like everybody else, the globalists, enslaved and dumbed down and killed.
But that's not been happening.
Well, a good friend of mine, Jake Ducey's here, and he is a very well-known bestselling author and also does so many other great works out there.
He's really helped me in my research and with everything we're doing with the launch of the next level of the InfoWar, which is ResetWars.com, because we were simpatico, because I helped wake him up decades ago, and his dad's a big fan, and the rest of it.
And so we're now here, but before we do the next hour and a half, because we cover so much incredible stuff, I mean, you get exclusives on every front, you get cutting edge, you get tomorrow's news today, Because we want you to know what's going on.
The enemy knows what's going on.
They just want to keep you in the dark and enslave you.
I'm not interested in farms of slaves that I can fly over and laugh at you because I feel big.
You not being empowered makes me feel like crap.
You understand how that works?
So I want to see you fly like a birdie because I'm connected to you and you're connected to me and I have children in this world.
That are going to live with your children.
And I have ancestors that lived with your ancestors.
You got it?
I'm an individual.
I'm my own soul.
But I'm connected to you.
And when stuff happens to you, it hurts me.
You understand?
I'm not a Satanist.
I'm the opposite.
I'm not all about me.
I'm not all about how I've got power over people.
I want you to have power!
You understand that?
That's what I want.
Unlimited consciousness.
And the enemy knows we have that fire in our hands.
And Jake Ducey's here.
Let's talk about it.
But to understand the good, you've got to understand the bad.
And in Reset Wars, we cover the good.
Something I don't spend enough time on.
And the keys to resisting this and decoding it.
But to understand the good, You must understand the bad.
And so today, we're going to look at the bad.
It is covered some in the six plus hour transmission that's coming out in early December.
But I wanted to just get Jake here to talk about this so that you'd understand some of the research that went into this.
I mean, most people don't sit around and read 800 pages of declassified MKUltra files.
I read them decades ago.
He just recently read them again.
He just recently, the last few days, went back over them.
And I want you to understand that when you see Reset Wars, you think, well, this is just, never heard this in church, never heard this on the news, because they don't want you to know this, because then they can't enslave you.
But when you read the CIA documents, and then you see what we're doing, you'll understand this is the opposite.
This is how they did it.
Now, there is one little evil shadow to this, but that's the problem with knowledge.
It's good and evil.
It's free will.
Could somebody take this knowledge and use it to enslave people?
Yeah, they already have.
So justice be done by the heavens fall.
They want to talk about the knowledge of good and evil.
Well, the good don't know about the evil.
So now we're here exposing how they operate and what's going on.
So spend five minutes before we go to break and come back and go to the main meat of this.
Current admissions, what's going on, the actual documents, and then what's coming next with Jake Ducey from ResetWars.com.
Yeah, what I say What I wanna say is we're all a part of this massive MKUltra experiment that is society and I've had the honor to actually go through six times and watch Alex's brand new course that's coming out here real soon.
If you are a fan of Alex, if you're a fan of InfoWars, this is the next level because the way that The Great Reset officially is accomplished is by trapping us into subconscious patterns, convincing us we're just these little bodies and using everyday mind control weapons that they have Alex breaks down an 11-step process, exactly how to break out of that.
So everyone, open up another browser, go to resetwars.com right now.
That's resetwars.com right now.
Sign up for the early bird list because everyone knows Alex has always been at the head of their list of persecution.
But here's the thing, just learning all the news isn't how we're going to be able to change it.
How we're going to be able to change it is when we finally de-pattern ourselves, we learn how the mind control works, we erase it, and then we tap in to that real spiritual power that they don't want us to know about.
So it's ResetWars.com, and that's the real power, right?
That's what they don't want us to know.
And we address it from their perspective, which is actually real.
They understand there's the real us that we were born with, that God gave us our soul.
They create a facsimile and then erase the real us, but the real us is still there.
They erase the real us template for interfacing with the universe.
We're going to show the CIA documents coming up.
So how do we rediscover that person inside of us?
Well, first we have to recognize that they already know all about this, right?
And that's what, they actually use the term de-patterning in their CIA documents.
They use that word in the MKUltra experiments.
Describe what that means, we'll cover it next segment, but it means erasing the real you.
Erasing the real you.
And that's the way this whole control system works.
In Reset Wars, you talk about the emotional control grid.
We exist on three planes.
We exist on the physical, the mental, emotional, and the spiritual.
The emotional control grid is all the craziness happening in the world, lock us into fear, lock us into anchor, lock us into our lower consciousness, our lower emotions, and that's the simulation, right?
Zuckerberg's creating the metaverse, but we're already in a simulation.
And that's how the whole control system works.
And that's what fascinated me about your work is once I went into the declassified documents, what struck me more than anything was, wow, we live in a simulation.
All of reality is controlled through subconscious patterning.
They already know this.
And I thought to myself, well, what happens?
If I literally reprogram my entire mind, if I literally program everything, I erase all the viruses and reset words you like in the mind to an operating system.
The programs, the viruses, it's the fake identity.
And that's why I'm so excited about it because... And then we get CIA documents and they admit that, that they know we have an innate, from our ancestors, our spirit, who we are.
They try to create this facsimile and then they try to erase who we were, but they didn't really erase it.
They create a false thing that we then follow.
This is what Christ talks about, about being born again, because we're already in Christ, we already were real before.
We fell, we got programmed, now we're born again, we come out of it.
And think about what's interesting, that quote in the Bible is, to not be conformed by the pattern of the world.
They use the same word in the MKUltra documents.
Don't be conformed by the pattern of the world.
What's the pattern of the world?
It's the entire mind control system that they use predictive programming and unconscious hypnosis to control us, to be transformed.
I don't want to come back, but I want to explain to everybody something.
Big leftist yesterday, when I did a little piece on this, put a clip, said, look at Jones, a con man.
He says he knows God and has the secret.
Obviously, we all have the secret or connection to God.
Obviously, M4 is the tip of the spear.
We're not playing games.
Listen, leftist, you're cut off from God.
You don't get it.
I am connected to God.
To me, this is real.
They sit there and act like, oh, look, Jones is telling his listeners he's got a connection to God, blah, blah, blah.
No, it's real.
It really will change the universe if people know it and understand it.
And that's why your bosses are so scared, because they're not like you, some brainwashed minion.
They're aware of this and using this against us, and we're here to set the captives free with Jesus Christ's power.
And that's the entire way throughout history the control system has always operated.
That's why they hid certain books of the Bible.
That's why the Vatican has underground libraries.
The way tyranny always controls people Is cutting them off from their higher spiritual faculties, convince them they're just a body, even though your body is just a rental car that houses your soul.
I'm here in Austin right now.
I use a rental car.
It's not my car.
I'm just using it.
Your body is just a rental car.
The whole goal is to cut it off.
I'm a huge fan of Alex, have been for many years, and I know you are too.
Go to ResetWars.com right now and sign up.
This is going to be the most powerful thing they've ever created.
It's all over.
They're freaking out all over Instagram and Twitter and the news.
And we love that.
You're not going to stop us, Satan.
We'll be right back.
Going back four, five, six months ago and going back two months ago, we were working on this film project, Reset Wars.
I told Jake Ducey, who's very successful in his own right, best-selling author and researcher, motivational speaker, that they're going to come after us for this.
And now you see they are really worried about this because We're explaining what the enemy knows and that you don't see on any TV channels, in any newspapers anywhere.
David Icke is the only other person that conceptualizes it, but we go into the actual nuts and bolts and then show you in the CIA's own admissions that they're aware of this and then the Bible literally Being quoted by the CIA and how they control people.
So, Jake, I want to hit all these articles and documents, everything.
We've got over an hour, 20 minutes coming up.
But I want you to have the floor here again to talk about how big this is.
And again, no one raised this.
I always raise.
A converse side, or the flip side, or the parallax view, in that, yeah, if you teach somebody how to use a gun, they might kill somebody one day, or you teach somebody how to drive a car, they might run over somebody one day.
This is all done on goodwill, free will, happiness to empower, because good people don't know about this.
The evil people know about this, they use it for control.
So we're showing you how you're controlled.
We're showing you the magic trick right now.
But yes, we leave it to the Holy Spirit to guide you because this is the real, not technology, but this is the real keys to how it all works.
So Jake Doocy, please continue.
Yeah, I mean, that's why, why did they...
Hate Jesus so much.
Why do they hate all these individuals that truly break free so much?
And it's because they're teaching people how to actually break free of the entire control system that is perpetuated off of us, literally thinking we are just a body.
And when we think we're just a body, they have all this advanced weaponry, which we're going to talk about.
Electromagnetic field manipulation on how to influence the brain and the emotions.
But the most fascinating part really pops in to MKUltra.
And there's a document in the declassified MKUltra that after I got to watch Alex film his Reset Wars course, I was reading back through these documents, and I showed him this document, and it's from Dr. Cameron's notes, and- Ewan Cameron.
And it's about a woman who's been asleep for 16 days because they have her on drugs.
They have her with subliminals, all these control systems going on.
And part of the note says she is sleeping well.
She is disoriented as to time only and is probably in her second stage of de-patterning.
And I was like, wow.
You're, you know, you'll see a lot of people cover MKUltra, even the mainstream, New York Times, all these places.
But what do they say?
The headlines are, horrific use, government overreach, scary stuff.
But the question is never asked, why are they doing it?
And they're doing it because they realize the mind is literally a computer operating system.
We live in a simulation that's controlled through unconscious consciousness.
And they figured out how to manipulate and control it.
And in the same way, the only way that we're going to win is to de-pattern ourselves.
And I used to think I was awake when I would listen to you.
And then I realized, well, I'm an MKUltra patient.
I know what's happening, I know about the New World Order, but I'm controlled in my business, in my success, in my finances, in my happiness.
By the way, you're not just saying that.
The globalists brag they're externalizing mind control.
That's what the media is.
We are under MKUltra attack.
And the entire system is perpetuated off of one simple phrase.
I love to say it.
It says, brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.
Brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.
And that's the entire de-patterning system.
And in Extreme Examples, Dr. Cameron actually says in one of the documents, they say, That Cameron believed that breaking down a patient's mind was akin to a childlike state that would allow him to work from a clean slate whereby he could then program the patients.
His term was psychic driving de-patterning.
Psychic driving de-patterning, which meant playing recorded messages to patients For up to 20 hours, whether they were asleep or whether they were awake, and in extreme examples, this woman, Esther Schreier, was so, quote, completely de-patterned, she was mute and had trouble swallowing.
Literally, they erased her mind so much.
I'll give them some background real quick.
Back before they took over History Channel, 20-something years ago, they would admit all this, show the documents, do three-hour documentaries on it.
But I went and looked at the National Archives, it's all there, it wasn't made up.
He kidnapped over 10,000 children in the U.S.
and Canada, and other programs used CPS to get them, and would keep people asleep sometimes for months with LSD, PCP.
They had video goggles.
You think that's new?
They had earphones, programming them, creating, quote, the ultimate Assassin.
And so the stuff they released in 77 with the Church Committee, with MKUltra, was only a small part of this.
And again, this is 40, 50, 60, 70 years ago.
This is 40, 50, 60, 70 years ago.
Imagine what they're doing now.
Imagine what they're doing now, and I think the most amazing part of the whole thing is
we now know, and this is why I'm so excited about Reset Wars.
I might say, "Everybody, literally go right now, "open a browser, go to ResetWars.com," because
Throughout history, the way tyranny always wins is to stop us from spiritual awakening.
As long as they trap us in the third dimension, they make us live in an animalistic state of consciousness, believe we're just our physical bodies attached to this little tiny spectrum of visible light, then they win.
But as soon as people start to actually wake up, not just wake up to, hey, pharmaceutical corruption, hey, financial corruption, but actually wake up to who they really are, then the whole game's over.
Because that's what Bill Gates, that's what Klaus Schwab, they all fear people spiritually awakening.
And that's why they want to target children so young to screw up their normal trajectory towards reaching Christ and the connection to the infinite.
And the point I was going to make earlier, and I always get one thought and it jumps to the next, is Dr. Ewing Cameron Was the head of MKUltra.
That's declassified.
Who was his adjunct, his aide-de-camp, his number two?
Jolion West, who was Tim McVeigh's psychologist when he was on death row.
And who was Theodore Kaczynski's psychologist.
By the way, later we'll show you LA Times saying that.
Theodore Kaczynski, McVeigh, all mind control.
They had all been deeply grabbed for years, disappeared, family didn't see them, put in bays, put in pods like the Matrix, and programmed.
And Alex, even the Vegas shooter, who knows if it's true, but he claims that his mind was erased and hacked, and he has text messages that he sent to his wife claiming, who knows if it's true, claiming that they were able to erase his mind, and we're going to get to some of those declassified documents.
We know who's the government of And the reason that that's so significant is because when we are going through more of these, they call them non-lethal energy weapons.
They say, they admit, the Pentagon admits that they can use microwaves and electromagnetic frequencies to literally control someone's brain and change their emotions.
And we're going to show you the patents, we're going to show you the news articles, U.S.
News & World Report, 20, 30 years ago.
And when you read the patents, it's 5G.
5G is a mind control system.
And I think the whole thing ultimately shows us one simple thing.
The way that we win is when we realize who we really are.
We are not bodies.
This is a rental car that I have, that you have.
We're spiritual beings in a physical body.
And when we do that, that's when we get, in the Course, you talk about inspiration, being inspired.
And that's when we tap into that type of place.
Tell them what that means in Latin.
Inspiration means in spirit.
When we're in spirit, whereas Jesus said we are in this world but not of it.
So the whole control system, Alex uses the term, it's called the emotional control grid in the Course.
Emotional control grid, you define it, I watch the Course like six times now, you define it as a mental and emotional plane that they trap you into your emotions, they trap you into your nervous system, so you think you are of this world.
So being inspired is being connected to spirit.
It's when we realize we aren't powerless.
If you're a doctor, you can go start your own private practice.
If you're a teacher, you can go start a new education system.
If you're a broadcaster like Alex, you can become one of the most powerful broadcasters in the world.
Alex started in a closet.
In a closet!
And when we're inspired, they don't want us to ask, how can God speak through me right now?
Oh, I told you it was led by God.
It wasn't me.
I was a channel.
And when we let go of our mind and our attachment to ourself, that's how we win.
And the whole control system is keeping us in our emotions.
And if we get stuck in our emotions... It's trying to give our mind to them in a lower state instead of giving it up to God.
Because you're going to give it up.
You're going to serve somebody like Bob Dylan says.
You're going to give it to God or the devil?
Give it to the metaverse.
Give it to Mark Zuckerberg.
Give it to the financial systems you believe you can't make any money... Or are you going to give it to God that made you?
Give it to God, ladies and gentlemen, and God will do it.
There's no doubt.
And God is, now that we're under this total attack that's coming for the children, God is unlocking the weapons.
We weren't even given this technology until they made the move against the children in the last few months.
That's when we all had this giant awakening.
I'm just gonna say it, this is very close to what the devil did in the Garden of Eden.
What we're doing on there right now.
And I just got to be honest with listeners.
That's what this is.
But it's the other way back.
You see, they already did it to us before to forget who we were.
Now we got to wake up to that fact.
I'll tell you that story again.
This is like the snake coming down the tree, talking to Eve and talking to Adam.
We were perfect because we were following God's pattern.
And then a new pattern was put in.
But it feels dirty to even go back to that moment to be there at the tree and to say, hey, you want to get rid of this pattern, you could have God's pattern.
But that's what this is.
You got to serve somebody.
My whole will, everything I am, is about being straight with you.
That's why they say Alex Jones is never wrong.
No, I'm right about 97% of the time.
Sometimes I get Distorted or get sped up or get something wrong or see it wrong and later I tell you I'm wrong.
I'm wrong.
I'm wrong.
I'm wrong But I mean you're right 97% of the time, you know, what's going on, you know, you've no comment You don't you already innately don't need the news to tell you you and knowing your spirit Your spirits so old so powerful so real made by God man You were built by the most amazing things ever been you were you rolled off the assembly line by smoking hot And we're here simply trying to get everybody to realize we can fight all the enemy's attacks, we can fight all the racism and all the sexism and all the stuff they spew in the name of stopping it, or we can just reach up to the divine and grasp what was already given to us.
We're giving the false apple of, I'll tell you about the universe, just do this with me over here, instead of like, no, you gotta reach up even higher, and God's hand is reaching down.
So let's start, we got a whole other hour coming up, Jake Ducey here, but let's start getting into the documents and the facts here, but the point is, we're not, all the churches and all the systems, the Islamics, the mainline Christians, all the big systems, Hollywood, all of it, is about going through them.
And they know you're already looking, but they want you to try to... Jesus was like, no more temples, no more priests.
We're in the middle of the night at 3 a.m.
I read that when I was a kid.
I said, what does that mean?
It's Sunday school.
That's when I get the transmissions at 3 a.m.
I wake up at 3 a.m.
That's when I always get the big, whatever reason.
I mean, even the yogi, Ava Vedix, all those people tell you that it's 3 a.m., whatever goes on then.
This is about your relationship with God who created the infinite.
I'm going to stop ranting.
The point is, this is what they don't want.
This is what they don't want you to understand.
And it's not something we have that we're giving to you.
This is something we want you to realize is already there that will end Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates the moment you begin down that real path.
Yeah, well the reason that I think Reset War is going to be so powerful and why I think they're really going to be mad when it's out is because you even think about the race baiting, everything that happens, all the division, it's perpetuated off of one simple idea and that's to convince us that we're just our bodies.
There wasn't, it wasn't that long ago if you asked me who I was, I would have said, my name's Jake Ducey, I'm six foot three, this is, I have blue eyes, this is how long my hair is, this is who I am.
But this is just a rental car.
It's, it's a fingernail to who I really am.
And how empowering is it once you realize that?
It's incredibly empowering.
And, and here's what's something that's so interesting.
I sent you this text the other day on my YouTube channel.
Someone left a comment and they said, uh, As a black man, I don't know how this blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy's videos popped up, but I don't want to watch you because legacy media has told me, because you're white, you're a racist, you're evil, you're the devil.
But while I'm listening to your video right now, I have this deep fear That actually, we all come from the same source, and they've been lying to me!
He knows!
He was waking up to it!
He doesn't need you!
We're just saying, look at the light!
Exactly, and that's why I said, tyranny only works if you convince people that they're just a body, and that you make them subconsciously, habitually, conform to the patterns of this world, and that's why I love... Go back to the Bible, pull up the verse, I forget what it is, it's like, don't conform to the pattern of the world.
It's be not conformed by the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
And in the course, you talk about transform.
Trans is beyond and form meaning the physical world.
That's why they create a counterfeit of trans.
Take chemicals, cut your penis off.
Transformation is this energy.
Absolutely, and how does this whole control system work?
And this is why ResetWars is so powerful, and that's why everyone needs to open up a web browser, go to ResetWars.com and sign up, because we have this all in government documents, and we now know through new neuroscience that shows us how this whole thing works.
Every time you have an emotion, you activate cells in your brain.
Through Hebb's Law, which is a term in neuroscience that says that cells that fire together, wire together.
Every time you have an emotion, you activate cells that build a neurological connection.
They're programming your brain.
Yeah, and they know it!
Here's a document from the U.S.
Army College of War, and they say, quote, the mind has no innate firewall to protect itself from electromagnetic weapons.
What's an electromagnetic weapon?
Well, what's anything?
This is just an electromagnetic field.
There's no such thing as matter in your course.
They described this in the Pentagon documents from the 60s and 70s.
That we are these energy creatures they're controlling.
They say it.
We're going to show all this.
And they have all the, I mean there's hundreds and thousands, I mean it's kind of freaky.
Non-lethal electromagnetic weapons.
All these things.
So you think, what are you?
Well, it looks like I stop right here and Alex stops right here.
But you and I are a field of energy.
My field...
Don't step out right there in our field's joint.
Everything is just a field.
And Max Planck, the father of quantum physics, you quote him in your course, he says, as a man who's devoted, he won the Nobel Prize in 1913, he says, as a man who's devoted his entire life to the most clear-headed science in the world, the study of atoms, I can tell you this much.
There's no matter as such.
So the electromagnetic weapons are important because what are we?
We're an electromagnetic field of energy.
And the key is its observation, which is the quantum physics.
Other than microwaves that'll physically kill you.
If you're aware of the attack, you can defeat it.
But you've got to, because your will controls the field.
Not some stupid machine firing it.
And that's why I love to say that we're all MKUltra patient.
Once we realize this, it is our responsibility to deprogram, depattern ourselves.
Just going and yelling and protesting isn't going to change it.
We all have to change ourselves.
And so it says, in these sections of the Army documents, they talk about how the mind has no firewall, right?
One of the things China As is a firewall on their internet, and it's something that we don't have, that Robert Spalding who wrote The Stealth War about China and the US talks about, and he talks about how we don't have a firewall, so we're susceptible to cyber attacks, but we don't have a firewall on our own minds!
And once we realize that, and we realize they've got all these low-frequency radiation waves, electromagnetic weapons, and that can influence the brain and the mind, they say it.
The old head of DARPA says that they figured out how to use electromagnetic weapons to, quote, induce the brain to release behavioral-regulating chemicals.
And they described the frequency they were using in the 70s, and it's 5G.
And that's the 70s, right?
Yeah, imagine folks, I mean, this is, they're literally putting my, I've got the Baltimore Sun article in the stack here, we'll cover it next hour, where they were saying in the 90s, oh, cell towers are going to also calm the public like Prozac.
I mean, that's what I'm saying is this is happening.
And that's why it's so important that we all take a breath, realize we're not a body, Because you can feel the energy all the time.
If you just go, is there life in my hands?
And don't ask your mind as a yes or no question, but bring your attention to your hand.
Can I feel the energy?
Can I feel the life in my hands?
That's the moment I really woke up, right?
I was watching Endgame, I was doing all these things, and I was a freshman in college, and I was listening to an audiobook, and the guy said, is there life in your hands?
Can you feel the energy in your hands?
And it was the first time I ever separated from my mind.
Yeah, your brain connects and goes, my brain's in control of this, and there's something beyond my mind that's in control of it.
That's when you actually stand up.
Yeah, we aren't our thoughts.
We aren't our thoughts, we aren't our body.
And we're in control of it, just like a computer operating system.
That's what I love about the Reset Wars course, because you go step by step, and you liken the mind.
We're in a simulation, and you liken the mind to a computer operating system.
They have installed the operating system and the viruses into our computer.
It's happened for so long that we believed all the emotions and all the thoughts.
We've memorized the pattern through our nervous system.
So we think it's who we are.
We think we aren't confident.
We think we aren't as powerful as Elon Musk, as Mark Zuckerberg.
There's so many people that look up to Alex Jones and they want to be powerful and make a difference in the world like Alex Jones, but they think Alex is somehow more powerful.
We all have to wake up to the fact that we are connected to this divine power and through inspiration we can transform our mind.
We can think and feel greater than our environment.
That's how we access new ideas.
That's how we change the world.
We must come out of the world and then get into spirit and then take over the world.
In this world, but not other, right?
And that's why it's so cool.
It's like Alex Jones put together, reverse-engineered all their secret studies.
I'm telling you, this is weaponized mind control, but to free people.
This is the keys to MKUltra.
This is the keys to MKUltra, and all these other documents that they're using, they want you to feel alone, and if you do... Hold on, let's start the fourth hour.
We'll cover all the documents straight ahead.
All right, some stations do not pick up this first five minutes.
We're going to hit the full breakdown coming up here in about six minutes.
But Jake Ducey's here with us.
This is, yeah, don't let them mold your mind.
Take control of your mind.
Be aware of how they manipulate your mind.
You'll become stronger.
Don't go to some psychologist or psychiatrist in the system telling you you're a failure, you're weak, it's over, they got pills for you.
Give me a break, ladies and gentlemen.
Transcend it all, don't be a victim.
But I got a compilation of Fauci flip-flopping statements and comments on masks.
And then Dr. Robert Malone, the future of global totalitarianism is here.
This is so incredibly powerful, these two clips that go together.
So I hope that you share this information right now.
Jake Ducey is our guest.
We're going to come right back on the other side of this break and lay it all out today.
And believe me, I don't, you know, I don't tell you stuff that's BS.
We're not about hoaxes.
We're about reality.
So stay with us.
Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater.
Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better.
Masks are protective, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.
There has not been any indication that putting a mask on and wearing a mask mask for a considerable period of time has any deleterious
effects there are unintended consequences people keep fiddling with the mask
and they keep touching their face and can you get some schmutz sort of
staying inside there of course you do not need to wear a mask indoors if in fact
you've been Good that you're vaccinated, but in a situation where you have people indoors, particularly crowded, you should wear a mask.
So even if you are vaccinated, you should wear a mask.
If in fact you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, you are protected, and you do not need to wear a mask outdoors or indoors.
When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks.
You know, if you look at children outside, particularly when they're with the family, walking down the street, playing a game or what have you, don't have to wear a mask.
The pediatric, the Academy of Pediatric actually makes that recommendation that children should be wearing masks from two years old.
And you're asking now, if your child is a member of your household, can you walk outdoors with your child without a mask?
According to that chart, the answer is yes.
But the child can't, not to beat it to death?
Yes, yes.
Because now the CDC says, I mean, I think I've got this right.
One mask is better than zero masks.
Two masks is better than one mask.
But you don't have to have double masks.
Is that right?
I mean, you know, it became clear that cloth coverings that you didn't have to buy in a store that you
could make yourself were adequate and then you want it to fit better. So one of
the ways you could do it if you would like to is put a cloth mask over which
actually here and here and here where you could get leakage in is much better
Are you a double masker Dr. Fauci? You look like you are.
In terms of the virus and you know the virus is is really seems increasingly to
be a platform in the jab for advancing other agendas including political
I like to say, and please quote me on this, the future of global totalitarianism is here.
It's just not evenly distributed.
What we're seeing in Canada, Australia, Austria now is the most egregious example, sounds like we may be seeing it in Germany soon, is the Deployment of a totalitarian approach to this whole thing, and it is amazingly coordinated.
We could, you know, that's another half an hour discussion about how this is happening.
But what I think we're seeing with the governments like Austria is the symptom of what Mathias, Professor Mathias Desmet is talking about more and more, and many of us find a lot of traction in his thoughts.
It's called mass formation psychosis.
Basically, it's the madness of crowds would be a simple way to put it.
And a lot of these governments have been overtaken by this form of psychosis or hypnosis.
They believe that these vaccines are effective.
They're clearly not.
They are impervious to data.
Just in the same way that we're seeing our own government impervious to actual facts.
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All right, Reset Wars with Jake Ducey.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let's start getting into all these documents, the history, the controlling, what they admit they're doing, how they're trying to erase our personalities.
They were beta testing in the 50s, 60s, 70s.
The last time it was declassified was 77.
We can see it now all on a mass scale.
And I've got a bunch of articles where they admit they're currently doing it to us.
So shouldn't people be aware of what's currently being done to them?
Yeah, this one's fascinating.
This one is from Richard Cesaro.
He's the deputy director, was the deputy director of the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects, DARPA.
This is an actual quote.
He says, quote, in our experiments, we did some remarkable things, and there was no question in my mind that you can get into the brain with microwaves.
If you really make the breakthrough, you've got something better than any bomb ever built.
Because when you finally come down the line, you're talking about controlling people's minds.
So that's their argument.
Put in the 5G, so no one riots, so no one's bad, but their depopulation is doing it.
It'd be bad enough if good guys put this in, but these are bad guys that put this in.
And that's how the whole entire control system continues to perpetuate itself.
And that's why everything is designed to trap us into the, as you talk about in the course, the emotional control grid, the emotional control grid.
When we were, I was laughing when we were watching that clip of the masks, because I was thinking even masks are another example of trapping you into your physical body.
It's another anchor that brings you back into lower emotions.
You're afraid of dying, even though you can't die because everything's energy and energy is never created or destroyed.
It's only transferred to different states.
First law of thermodynamics.
Yeah, so you can't die, but the whole system has to get you into the emotion of fear.
So the mask just traps you back into the matrix, into the third dimension.
So you think you're just a little physical body.
You've got to be a symbol of that you're a prisoner.
Simple that you're a prisoner.
And it's just another example of moving you back into the matrix.
And that's why I think they're going to be so mad when they find out that you broke everything down step by step by step in Reset Wars because this whole thing isn't just off of us waking up because so many people that are awake still think we're powerless.
They still think we can't win.
They're still debt slaves.
That's a key point you make.
No, no.
We're awake.
We're powerful.
And that's what has to happen.
We have to realize that we are powerful.
And that's how the entire game operates.
And that's why ResetWars is so powerful.
You got it coming out the beginning of December.
Everybody go to ResetWars.com.
Sign up right now.
ResetWars.com and sign up right now for the early bird list because look, they've got all these.
They say DARPA.
Uh, quote, the aim of the program is to remotely disrupt political dissonance and extremism by employing transcranial magnetic stimulation in tandem with sophisticated propaganda based on this technology.
And then you read it, it's 5G basically.
Yeah, so think about that.
Think about what the metaverse probably actually has, right?
Zuckerberg wants to duct tape this mask onto your head and 24 hours a day we stay in it and we only break out of it to eat some crooked protein, ground up crooked protein powder or something like that.
And that's the way this whole, it's just to get into our brainwave state.
That's why all of this is so powerful, because at the end of the day, it brings us back to what?
It brings us back to brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.
And by the way, they just typed in what you said from a 1970s document.
There was mainstream news, the army doing it to the troops.
And they used to cover it.
Yeah, all of these things have like New York Times, Associated Press.
Yeah, like even 10, 20 years ago, they'd cover it.
Now they don't.
Yeah, now they don't cover it at all, but you can still find the old documents.
Well, see, that metaphysically, that was their fine print.
It's kind of like when you're going to demolish a house or take over, you publish it in the paper you're doing it.
They kind of tell you.
They tell you 20 years before, then they do it.
And that's what's so powerful about all this, because all you did is find the entire playbook of how reality is created.
I mean, we haven't even touched on quantum physics.
We know everything... We'll do that in the last segment of this hour, but let's look at some of these overhead shot, please, guys.
Here's a small smattering of these.
Here's one in Telegraph.
Use of fear-to-control behavior in COVID crisis was totalitarian, scientists admit.
Government mind-control systems were used, including classified systems, to ensure compliance.
Wonder what that was.
The next app, Outbreak.
Why we're not ready.
Medical and psychological emergency units.
Lockdown is the world's biggest psychological experiment and we will pay the price.
The biggest psychological experiment in history is running now, Scientific American.
They admit, like you're an animal, they're doing this in their own publications.
And it goes on and on and on.
How they're running these operations and how they prepared it and how they admit it.
The CIA secret quest for mind control, torture, LSD and a Poisoner in chief.
I've only started to get into all this, Jake.
And again, the entire thing is to convince you that you are your thoughts and that you are your body.
Because they can use electromagnetic warfare to control your thoughts, to control your emotions, and thus control your body.
And that's why I say we're all a part of a massive MKUltra experiment called society.
We think of all these horrific things that they did to people, but they're using all these same technologies in order to control us.
And what really changed my life wasn't just waking up to what you've been talking about in Endgame for so many years.
What changed my life was when I said, well, how am I hypnotized?
And I realized I was controlled financially.
It controlled my career.
I didn't think I could become that successful.
I didn't think I was a, I could, I could achieve a lot.
I thought I couldn't be happy because there was all these bad things happening in the world.
And that's how this whole, if, if consciousness creates reality, which it does, and we know from the Zerber effect, That consciousness influenced reality down to the subatomic level, and that 95% of our life is subconscious.
It's a habitual pattern plan.
They're programming us as engines of builders.
We're like spiritual nanotech, that if they can program us, they can use us as slaves to build their new system.
So these demons, these creatures, whatever they are, are trying to enslave us to be their slaves, building whatever it is they want.
Instead, God's saying, no, break free, be your own individual.
And the funny thing is that actually we are the ones ultimately creating our own enslavement unconsciously.
They're just using all this warfare in order to influence our consciousness, but we're unaware that it's taking place, so we unconsciously accept the viruses in the operating system, and then they run our operations.
This is a false reality.
We've got to step into our office as sentient conscious beings, made in the image of God with free will, and then do what we want.
We have to stop submitting the outside stimuli and that's what Reset Wars exposes is they've got their reset to stop us from awakening.
This is the real reset.
And imagine if everybody realizes that.
Imagine if the nurse that's in the medical system that's fed up with it but thinks she's powerless realizes she can create her own private practice and it can eventually become the biggest private practice in Texas.
Imagine if the English teacher realizes that she can create one of the most powerful schools in California and you just start going down the line.
you realize the broadcaster that wants to be like Alex Jones and Owen can actually tap in to the same
Spiritual energy that's moving through all of us and they can utilize that to become incredibly powerful to become
the next We're not gonna get upset. They're successful because they're
freeing us They're creating a wider ocean in which our spirit swims
and the only way that we're ever gonna win this the only way the great
Reset is defeated is by exactly that That's what consciousness that God gave us is
It's art.
God created us with free will to be able to create new ideas, create new systems, create new frontiers, and experience consciousness in the only way.
First, Einstein said, God does not play at dice.
Then he said, no, I'm wrong.
God's real.
God only plays at dice.
God's playing dice constantly because only creating free will is new when you're omnipresent.
What else is new when you're omnipresent?
Creating new free will creatures.
There's a quote by Iris Murdoch.
She says, we live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion, and the great task in life is to find reality.
What is real?
Well, what is real is that consciousness creates reality.
These people don't have any control over us.
They're actually at a lower level of consciousness.
And why are we following these Democratic and Republican politicians like Nadler?
I mean, these people are- ResetWars.com.
End of the night.
Take a journey to the bright midnight.
Or kill the children.
We've got ABC News reporting.
I said last week, I said now that Fauci says we're going to inject newborns, they're claiming there's outbreaks of newborns.
They're all dying.
It's very easy to predict.
Sure as the sun came up this morning.
COVID-19 live updates ABC News.
Pediatric COVID cases rise for third week.
Babies need shots.
I've got the articles right here from all over the world where people that take the shots are double likely to die.
Why do you think, Jake?
This is great research.
We'll get back into the mind control and how to counter it.
They just want to kill so many people now.
I guess they just figure, statistically, there's a giant awakening.
Just kill them.
But if we kill them with the military, they'll rise up and defeat us.
We've got to do it through medicine.
Well, I mean, even Bezos had that really bizarre speech the other day or quote the other day when he was talking about how they're going to turn Earth into a nature preserve and everyone's going to live in space.
I mean, they realize they don't really need most people, right?
And that's what this is all about.
And when we go into all these documents, it can be a little scary, right?
It's like, oh, my gosh, they have all these like psychological warfare weapons they're using on us.
But I want to say that's why Alex put together Reset Wars.
You're conscious of their operation as game owner.
Like what does G.I.
Joe say?
Knowing is half the battle.
Knowing is half the battle.
And so when you go to Reset Wars, this is exactly what Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, this is exactly what they don't want us to know.
And that's why the world's getting crazier because they're trying to move us back into the Matrix to stop the spiritual awakening.
So, Alex put a step-by-step guide to show you exactly how they use the warfare, how to break out of it, how to de-pattern, reprogram your mind, connect on your own, not through Alex, but connect on your own, to God, to spirit, to your higher purpose.
Look, I've been a fan of Alex for a long time.
I think this is better than even Endgame, the greatest work he ever did, because this is the final step.
This is the final step for everyone to wake up.
So, please, go to ResetWars.com and sign up right now.
You were telling me recently, about maybe 10-12 years ago, you were going to write a book with some big author.
When the publishing houses and CNN and everybody found out, they tried to shut your book down.
And so what we figured out is one, now you've got something even more powerful.
This is step-by-step for you to find out how to break free from the physical and emotional planes, how to break free from the lack of purpose, how to break free from your financial health limitations.
I want to cover that next segment with the quantum physics that they know of the observer effect.
This is not like BS.
This is scientifically backed up we're about to cover.
Notice we've given the Globals a big run for their money because I was subconsciously already using all this.
And as a fan of your work for so long...
The whole full circle is one, step one was you woke everybody up to the New World Order, right?
And step number two is you woke everybody up to the Great Reset.
Step number three is now we're waking people up to who they really are and giving reverse engineering the playbook of mind control.
First, you got to realize you're under attack.
You got to realize what the agenda is.
Then you realize who you are to fix it.
That's how a fight is.
Somebody comes up and for no reason, you're like, okay, I'm just getting ahead.
Okay, I'm going to fight this.
I'm going to win.
I'm going to fight.
And then that's it.
And that's why we're saying, go right now, sign up to ResetWars.com, get on the early bird list, because once Mark Zuckerberg sees this, he's kicking Metaverse into high gear.
He's going to be like, we must get Metaverse set up to trap people into lower dimensions.
Notice it all happens at the same time.
We've been planning this for six months.
The Reset Wars is the answer to the Metaverse.
Quite literally.
Because the metaverse, all it is is a simulation within a simulation.
We're already in a simulation.
People go, the zombie apocalypse is coming!
The zombie apocalypse is already here, and guess what?
I'm a zombie, you're a zombie, you're a zombie.
We're all zombies because subconscious programming controls 95% of our life, and most of us have been controlled by other people.
So, all they're doing with the metaverse is creating another layer of a simulation within the simulation.
And they know we know that, says the big hit movie's free guy.
He's the finally guy that gets it.
But they know we have that hunger, so they want to think the system will give us that.
And to further entrap us into our emotions.
So this is like the real free guy.
I mean, if people are looking for free guy, how to break your player out of the metaverse.
Then that's what Reset Wars is.
And I told Alex, you know, Alex just wants to do his show.
In an ideal world, Alex wouldn't promote anything and he would just do his show.
But I said, Alex, Reset Wars, this course is literally going to be the thing where people are going to walk up to you and cry and they're going to be like, this changed my life.
I quit drinking.
I broke out of my debt.
You've already shown it to a bunch of people and have had huge success.
I've had friends quit drinking from it.
I've had a friend that's been watching you for 15 years saying he's watched thousands of episodes and it was literally the most powerful thing that he'd ever seen you put together.
Because you never, you know all this stuff, but you've never put it together in a way.
Let me sit down for months and write it all down.
We've been meeting after meeting after meeting to write this out.
You made me do it.
I appreciate that.
And so I wanted to come on today just in honor of that, because look, I was telling Alex, I'm like, Info Wars is tomorrow's news today, but Reset Wars is tomorrow's wisdom today.
This is historically What tyrants always try to stop everybody from finding out.
So you better believe that when they actually find out that they put Reset Wars together, there's a good chance that they're going to try to shut it down.
They're going to try to shut the website down.
That's why you got to go right now and sign up at ResetWars.com.
Alex has it coming out in early December.
It's going to be massive.
And then here's the exciting thing.
We're all energy, we're all electromagnetic fields, we're all connected to higher consciousness, and we all tap into a collective unconsciousness.
Once you wake up, and you show how to break out of debt slavery... It's the 100th monkey effect!
It's the 100th monkey effect!
And so, what happens is, when you go, well, how do you have such a great life?
How'd you do X, Y, and Z?
That's why they're so panicked!
We don't want to use this knowledge to enslave you, we want to use this knowledge to empower you, because we're selfish, we want to rise with you.
These globalists are mentally ill, they want to suppress you, So they're on top of a singing ship.
No, we want to be on top of a rocket with you.
And it's the only, we are not going to win by just yelling about in front of a, in front of a building and telling everyone to wake up.
No, no, the Pilgrims had to leave the Netherlands, they had to build a new country.
We've got to build the new thing and this is it.
And once everybody realizes, one by one, we go, oh my gosh, consciousness creates reality.
I've been programmed to believe I'm not that smart.
I can't make money.
I'm not that good at this.
I've been programmed through an emotional pattern that's been memorized in my brain and nervous system that I have a tendency towards depression.
Once we break out of that entire software system and re-engineer it, That's when it's game over.
That's when the entire control system falls.
We have confidence in you folks. We believe in empowering you.
Now let's go back six months ago. You interviewed me. I really liked you.
I already knew who you were. A lot of my family were listeners and fans.
You were pitching me on a history course maybe just to get me to do a little bit of research.
maybe to do or a cryptocurrency course or political course.
And I said, no, I want to do spirit wars, mind wars.
And I'm not taking credit away from you.
But the once we decided on that topic, you have been such an inspiration
and more than half of what we put together.
So Jake, great job.
But it's just crazy that we had to argue about making the spirit wars, mind wars.
And I was like, no, that's the first chapter.
And now don't you see that's the key?
Folks, I got to officially argue with Alex Jones.
Who gets to say that?
No, but reset was.
I'm not that smart.
The point is, the point is, is that we talked about a lot of things to help people.
Let me say this, Alex.
We got a lot of great, but if you don't get your mind free, you're done.
Let me say this.
So you call it Reset Wars.
Go to the website right now and sign up.
Please go to the website and sign up.
I'll tell you, this is the most powerful thing because this is Mind Wars and Spirit Wars.
Because The Great Reset is about a psychological and spiritual war.
Psychological to brainwash you, spiritual to convince you you're a physical body, cut you off from God.
Reset Wars is a step-by-step playbook to find out and it's coming soon.
So we see the whole corporate media telling us we're ugly, we're depressed, we're failed, we're fallen, we're racist.
We're here telling you, you're amazing, made in the image of God.
And you've got to simply realize the programming and transcend it.
So yeah, we're hammering the hell out of it, because under pressure, the great answers come.
And I've knew all this my whole life, but never really consciously took it in.
So that's why Jake is so excited about this and hammering reset wars, because We were there six months ago thinking, how do we really help people?
How do we do something positive?
He's a big positive guy.
So he interviewed me and I said, hey, we ought to do something positive.
He went out to dinner.
His dad came and visited some of his crew.
I went on his show and I was like, you know, I really like what you do.
I'm a fan of your work.
A lot of my family are fans.
What do we do that's positive?
They're like, well, let's do financial or let's do... And we settled on Mental reset wars, spiritual reset wars, because that's the beginning of it all.
And then we went, yeah, we have the same understanding.
It was like, it was meant to happen.
God was doing it and now here we are.
Got a bunch of these documents to go over and a bunch of the evidence where they talk about how you got your real self, how they program your subconscious to wall off your real self and create a new subconscious.
They call that de-pattering.
These are MKUltra documents.
I mean, this, because we finished the course, and you're like, wait a minute, this is everything we independently were saying, because they already know.
You can give it whatever name you want or label it, but every school of thought is just looking at what's actually going on and giving it its term.
Yeah, I mean, none of this system operates, none of this slave system operates unless they keep people patterned.
You can't have a debt-based monetary system where 80-something percent of people live their entire life in credit card debt.
Unless you keep people from thinking they can ever wake up.
Unless you keep people from realizing that they're actually more powerful.
That just like anything else... I remember when I was 16 years old and had my first couple jobs, I would get credit cards every month.
As soon as I got credit and didn't want debt, never get them sent.
They were like catching me early.
And it's not just that, it's every single area is designed to make us think we're just these little bodies and we're not capable of that much and they control everything and Unless all of us realize that we have access to these higher levels of awareness.
And as you talk about in the Reset Wars course, there's a term Alex uses in the course.
It's called your emotional control grid.
And the emotional control grid is when they literally trap us into a false identity.
We attach to it through our nervous system over and over, so we memorize our own thoughts and feelings for so long, we think it's who we really are, we think our personality... And that's what the patterning is cutting us from our original program to the new program.
And they are, you know, in the deep patterning in this MKUltra document, they talk about how they have people asleep for weeks on end, and they're just filling them with millions of suggestions from affirmations, subliminals, putting them into hypnotic states.
And then they can later, that's the joke like in the movies, like...
Code name Cobra Belly and you go out and kill somebody that's because that was real they were programming them with a term finally to wake up once that happened and do what they're told.
Exactly and once we realize we are all a part of MKUltra on a social level whether it's Fluoride in the water, whether it's the algorithms, whether it's keeping us in a fear state, every single thing is designed to put us in a hypnotic state, and that's why I say brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.
That's right.
So be aware of the programming, be aware of the systems, be calm about it, and trust God to guide you out of it, and then just realize that this stuff exists, and that's how you transcend it, and that's really what Reset War We'll go through examples and the history of it and how to do it.
When Alex was filming this, Alex doesn't like to promote stuff, but I just think that Reset War is the greatest thing he ever did.
But one of the things that I found was really interesting and why I'm saying like, you guys, your lives going to be changed literally by Reset Wars.
You've never heard Alex talk like this.
Go open, open a new tab right now.
Go to ResetWars.com and sign up right now.
Literally right now.
Because you're going to find some amazing stuff in there.
I had no idea that you were a kid starting your career.
Now Alex Jones, obviously one of the most powerful broadcasters in the world.
I had no idea you started in a closet.
I had no idea that repeatedly the rug got pulled over you over and over and over again.
And it just shows that if you understand the power of consciousness and you live from an inner vision, you can not only change your personal reality,
but you might be able to change the world.
There was never any, 'cause I was in line with God, no matter what they threw in front,
I would just get stronger and power through it.
It would take a while, but it was inexorable.
It wasn't gonna stop.
And talk about-- - It was destiny.
Talk about, because once you realize these systems that Alex breaks down in Reset Wars,
you're gonna find yourself, there's a quote by Patanjali, and he says, "Once you're inspired by some great purpose,
"some extraordinary bond, all your barriers "break their limitations, and you find yourself
"to be a more powerful person than you ever imagined."
Let me break that down.
It's like people think lightning comes from the ground up or the sky down.
It's actually ground up.
It's an electrical connection.
Once you have will and you reach out towards God, God's free will, God doesn't strike you with a lightning of awakening without you reaching up.
But once you start doing it, it starts happening.
What I'm saying is once you reach out past what CNN tells you to do and forget them and their, you know, Jim Acosta and all that and Barack Obama and all these people, once you reach out of the universe to God, God's going to answer.
And not just Barack Obama or CNN.
Think about the idea of this Newtonian model of physics that we're still so attached to.
This Newtonian model of physics is everything is physical in the universe and energy is this unextrainable side phenomena.
Max Planck already showed us, he won the Nobel Prize studying atoms and he said there's no matter as such.
Matter jumps back and forth under spectrometers into another dimension and back.
It disappears and comes back.
It fluxes.
And that's why if people realize the secrets of quantum physics and how to harness the power of consciousness, we already know the observer effect shows us that subatomic particles are sometimes particles and sometimes they're waves.
They're energy that moves into another dimension.
And what's everything?
It's made up of the same energy.
So your bank account is an observer effect.
Once thousands of people realize this and they all break out of debt servitude,
once thousands of people realize that they could change the health system,
you can build private practices, you can change the education system, the tech system,
once people start using the power of consciousness to experiment on this reality and go,
All of energy is affected, all of reality is affected by subatomic particles, that consciousness creates reality.
I can de-pattern myself from the world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
and then I can use the power of consciousness to do thought experiments to start to recreate my life.
And I think that's the next step that they don't want us to know.
They don't want us to start to test the power of consciousness and say,
can I create this new business, this new movement?
Can I change the education system?
Can I get out of debt and create my business bigger and better than ever before?
And that's why I'm pounding the table saying, go to ResetWars.com right now.
This is the key.
If people go get Reset Wars when it comes out in just a few weeks, if they research it, if they put it into function, it will change the world.
Because this is what the globals are aware of, but they're using it against you instead of you knowing how it really works.
It's incredible.
So, real quick here, Alex, as we come to the end of this segment, First of all, if you haven't yet, like I said, open up your browser and do this.
You honestly will thank me later.
You're right, Jake.
We have to hype this up because this really is the key.
People need to go to ResetWars.com, put in your email so you get hit with the notifications first, the videos, the reports, everything when it comes out.
Because if we don't make a big deal about this, nobody's going to care.
This is a big deal.
This is a serious weapon.
Why they want to arrest us, why they want to put us in prison, because they don't want you out of the prison.
And they think, well, we'll just threaten you with jail if you don't shut up.
Well, we're not shutting up.
We're not going to join you, Globalist.
We're going to stand against you.
Because, look, I've got a daughter.
She's 16, 17 months old.
I'm concerned about what everything's happening to.
But just finding out the secrets of the pharmaceutical industry isn't going to save us.
The next step to actually defeat the Great Reset is we have to realize we are energetic, spiritual beings in a physical body.
There's no such thing as death.
We're the imagination of ourselves.
We're already in a simulation, but we control that reality.
And that's exactly what Reset Wars is showing.
It's very simple.
We are no longer NPCs.
We are real players as Christ intended us to be.
All right.
Go to ResetWars.com right now.
Sign up.
You know, folks, I could have sold out to the globalists.
I could have done so many deals with them to push their propaganda and made money.
But you hear me foaming at the mouth promoting reset wars.
It's because I know if you actually listen and watch and see what's in that, you've seen a prelude here today.
This is the secrets of how it all works.
And it's just really true that like David Icke yesterday explained, we're like Russian dolls where There's our larger 12th Dimension Consciousness, 11th Dimension, 10th Dimension, 9th Dimension, 8th Dimension, 7th Dimension, 6th Dimension, right down to where we are.
And they're trying to suck us into a false silicon division.
It's like a subset of the 3rd Dimension.
I mean, their whole thing is about, oh, no, no, don't see that, don't be involved.
And then I read white papers where they're admitting it because they don't want humanity to get out of their control.
I'm sorry.
I want you out of control.
And so Satan is attacking our free will.
Christ said you must be born again.
And you must be aware of how you operate and who you really are.
And that you are eternal and connected to God to be born again.
And so that's what Reset Wars is all about.
And everything I've done is about freeing humanity.
Everything I've done is about fighting tyrants.
Everything I've done is about standing against them.
But we only got like 10 minutes left.
Here with Jake Doocy here and so I want to continue here with some of these articles because there's so many and this one's fascinating Alex.
So this is about beamed energy to affect human behavior and it says quote.
While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects.
That makes me heat the brain up.
And electromagnetic field effects.
Remember, we are all just an electromagnetic field.
All those documents you have on that are mainline declassified say they manipulate our electrical field.
That's what it's saying right here, that this is a non-lethal energy weapon to directing and interrogating mental function using externally applied fields within the possibility of revolutionary capability to defend.
And it goes on, it says, by using very low frequency electromagnetic radiation, the waves way below radio frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum, they found they could induce the brain to release Behavior regulating chemicals, which is what you were talking about earlier, subduing the crowds with electromagnetic fields, and they could put people into a stupor.
And it goes on to say that many of the non-lethal weapons under consideration utilize infrared sound and electromagnetic energy, including lasers, microwave, or radio frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brainwave frequency.
Welcome to the 5G world.
It's not about controlling robots.
That's a side issue.
It's about controlling us.
But if you're conscious in their own documents and are aware of it, it can actually make you get even more upset and outside their control.
You want to submit to this or go along with it's a question?
And that's why this whole battle of the Great Reset is ultimately a battle of consciousness.
And that's why Alex said, look, if we're going to do the first part of Reset Wars, it needs to be mind wars and spirit wars.
Because this is a mind war and a spirit war.
It's an attack on your mind, which is what these are all about.
But you agree now, right?
Because you've done a great job helping me research this.
Like, that was the best course to do first.
And I think it's the only... Look, I was depressed for a while looking at everything that's happening, especially having a baby and saying, we're screwed.
And to be honest, I'm more optimistic than I ever was.
I agree.
It forced us.
I was the same way.
We're all together.
Everyone's being forced into the answer.
Because the left's like, oh, Jones claims right while we take over.
He's been given the answer.
Yeah, that's how it works.
And it's like, these people are such gaslighters.
This is declassified documents.
They talk about de-patterning somebody's mind to the extent where they were literally putting a new operating system into people's minds.
They talk about electromagnetic frequency energy waves to influence- Man, we're saying what you said!
God made us.
We have free will.
You're allowed to mind control yourself.
You own your body.
You own your soul.
You have free will.
Mind control yourself before somebody else does.
Is that your quote?
Yeah, brainwash yourself.
I want a t-shirt that says that.
Mind control yourself before somebody else does.
That's true!
Use your freaking free will before they do this!
My God, that is...
Jake, that is so powerful.
I said, brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you.
And I thought I was, like, awake.
And then I realized, while I knew all this stuff about the new world order... Wasn't it crazy that we started doing research for this?
And then it was like, was it going to be on, like, a financial thing?
Or like a survival video?
It turned into this.
Well, that was the Holy Spirit.
Yeah, because, look, the reason I'm so optimistic now is because this is the secret.
It's not a coincidence that the metaverse came out, like, right when we were about to publish this stuff.
They don't want you to be renewed by the transforming of your mind.
You're not in his artificial reality, you make reality.
We're already in a simulation.
Once we understand, this is the most fascinating stuff of all, once we understand, we create reality, they do not control us.
But the whole way this works is through predictive programming and unconscious collective hypnosis.
Give us to surrender our free will, get us to feel helpless, and if subatomic particles that create all reality are influenced by consciousness, we are creating our own enslavement by saying, we're screwed, we can't do it, Klaus Schwab's controlling us.
So that's why I'm saying, open up your browser.
Don't just give Klaus Schwab the power.
Open up your browser to God and say, God, I want help surviving this.
And not just surviving, but thriving during this.
Well this one's crazy right here, and I was going to say open up your browser and go to ResetWars.com, but open up your browser and go to, God, it might even be better, but check this one out.
This is US Patent number 5159703, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, dated October 27, 1992.
silent subliminal presentation system dated October 27, 1992.
Quote, "A silent communication system in which non-oral carriers in the very low or very
high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum..."
And it goes on to say that all of this is for the inducement into the brain, typically through loudspeakers, earphones, on and on and on.
What is this designed to do?
It's literally designed, it says right here, Using supercomputers to analyze human emotional EEG patterns.
They're replicating human brainwave patterns so they can get direct access into the human electrical field by mirroring the same exact electromagnetic frequency patterns of the human brain.
That's why, even if you think you know what's going on, you watch InfoWars every day, we are still under mind control, and this is why I'm beating at the drum.
To open your web browser, go to ResetWars.com, sign up right now, because this is how we win.
Well, this is literally how people break free and we're gonna do this on air. We're gonna break it down everywhere
But that's what this is and they admit with the fluctuations the music the concerts
It's all a test try to put you in transit. It feels really good
We're putting you in a trance, but folks it is total control
You know, you're supposed to leave today and fly back to your family on Thanksgiving. We didn't get to the documents
Jake Well, we have so many of them. I mean it's it take us 15
I mean, this is the admissions of what's crazy is they're in the news admitting it. Yeah, go
Do you think they metaphysically admit they're doing all this to everybody? Um, I
think that there's something weird with
Black magic in that they leave the clues the same thing they did with event 201, right?
It's like they published Event 201, Bill Gates goes on now and he says, beware of the next smallpox.
And or maybe it's their own stupidity and it's God making sure that it's a rule.
You have to publish when you're going to demolish a building or take property.
You got to publish it in the newspaper.
It's a galactic rule.
They've got to tell you what they're about to do.
But the funny thing is, all it takes, they didn't think Alex would ever stop and put something like this together.
They're just trying to attack them so much.
They thought they'd attack us to keep us all balanced from where we were already going.
They just made us get there quicker.
And they didn't, I mean, this is what... The reason I bring back to whose idea it was isn't about your idea or my idea.
We were literally doing other stuff and this just came out.
It just, it was there.
And that's why I feel so inspired.
If you're watching this right now and you don't feel that optimistic, you feel angry, you feel afraid, you feel doubtful that we're going to win, just remember who you are.
You're a spiritual being in a physical body.
Your body is a rental car.
It's literally a rental car for your soul.
Energy's never created or destroyed, and when all of us start to wake up,
and you go to resetwars.com right now, open up your browser and sign up,
and we start being renewed by the transforming of our mind, we will realize we create reality,
they do not control us, and they cannot win.
That's why we called it Reset Wars, because this is the war, and we are gonna win,
because this is a battle of consciousness.
Bill Gates, these individuals are very low-level creatures of consciousness.
They're totally disconnected from their spiritual self, and that's why the whole psychological warfare is to trap you back into the emotional control grid, which is a term that Alex coined in the course, the emotional control grid.
But the thing they fear most, Is that we invite God, we invite spirit into our lives.
That's right.
And we access our higher power.
Jake Ducey.
We're going to be breaking it all down a lot more in the future.
I was going to release it December 7th.
They're trying to shut us down.
When should we release this?
What do you think?
We got this coming out very, very, very soon.
I'm just as big of a fan of InfoWars and Alex as you are.
I have to say, this is the greatest thing he's ever created.
It's coming sooner than you think.
Open up your browser.
Show Alex right now how much you care about this.
Folks, whatever you do, share this information.
War Room coming up.
Being the tip of the spear means I have a responsibility to never waver or back down, even though personally, It means I pay a great price.
At the end of the day, God hates cowards, and so I refuse to bow in the face of the new world order.
That said, I am like a man in a raging, dangerous storm at sea.
And you, the supporters, the listeners, the people that pray for us, that spread the word, and that financially keep us on air, are like the boat or the raft I'm on.
That's why when you call in thanking me, I always say, whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're all in this together.
Sure, thank me, but I'm thanking you.
Now more than ever, as we are in late November 2021, going into the final month of 2021, it is so important to understand that the credibility of American patriots, the credibility of American Nationalists and America Firsters has never been higher.
People know we're right about the New World Order.
They know we're right about the Great Reset and Build Back Better and the whole globalist program.
And so now is the time.
Yes, it's upsetting.
It's frightening unless you reach out and call for God to give you comfort, but it's supposed to be upsetting.
It's supposed to be frightening to get us moving.
And so I'm fighting, I'm sure you've noticed, harder than ever, producing more films and having more interviews and doing more live shows and doing more live events because I understand this is the most critical time ever.
So please, please listen to me and Understand how amazing you are and how you've changed the world and how important you are you may feel small But you're not the fact that you just support in force that that that's huge and obviously you're doing a lot more In your life every day reaching out waking people up so in the minute.
I have left here to talk to you I just want to ask you for myself and my children and for your own future and your family's own future to realize that The Infowars is true blue.
We're the real deal and I know you are as well.
So I humbly thank you for your past support and I ask you for more support now than ever.
You can go to SaveInfowars.com and make a donation.
And instead of when we sell a product, we make 20, 30, 40% on it.
That's still great.
We make 95% of your donation so we can fund our operations.
And I can allot the money coming in towards being on air, towards making films, towards fighting the New World Order and breaking critical stuff.
that's bringing tyrants to their knees instead of spending all our money on legal fees.
So I cannot continue at the level we're at right now with these attacks. We're gonna have to cut
back, which the enemy wants, if we don't get some major support. We have six trials coming up. The
Democrats are funding and running against us and we've got to put on strong defenses.
So I cannot stress to you how important it is to go to SaveInfoWars.com and make a $10, a $50, a $100, a $1,000 donation so that we can allocate the other funds towards staying on the air.
America is under attack and the voices of freedom are under attack.
Out of all the different voices that are under attack, InfoWars is under more attack than any other voice because we're over the target.
So thank you for keeping us on the air over the years.
Thank you for your investment in time and energy and prayer for operations.
And I'm just asking you now to redouble your efforts to share our articles and videos and information like never before.
And to also support us at InfoWarsTore.com, getting great products that really help you and your family at the same time and to support the InfoWar and or to make a straight donation at SaveInfoWars.com.
Thank you and God bless.