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Name: 20211117_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 17, 2021
2329 lines.

In this Info War segment, Alex Jones discusses automation's rise and its potential impact on society. He argues that this development threatens the American Dream and makes human workers obsolete in certain industries. Jones also addresses concerns about vaccines' potential depopulation agenda, globalist agendas, political events, and decisions happening globally. The speaker emphasizes the importance of support from his viewers in order to continue his work and fight for freedom of speech and exposes the truth about globalist agendas, pedophilia, and bioweapons.

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What people have to understand, when you look at the people that are running these organizations, like the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and you dig down a couple of layers into the kinds of evidence that we have now discovered about COVID, and the treatments for COVID, and you start to look at the reasons behind it, Which is, you know, vis-a-vis the Great Reset.
I think what people have to understand now is that this is no longer, and they're not even talking about it being a health crisis.
This is about a control mechanism in order to take over, I mean, not only the United States, but the world.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Manufacturers are embracing robots, the perfect pandemic worker.
Orders for automated machines are up 30% at manufacturers like Eastman Machine Company, as producers race to meet booming demand as economies recover, but face a skilled labor shortage and continuing virus concerns.
The demand is basically exploding, so you just need somebody to understand how to set the machine and push the button and run it.
The dagger has been raised behind the back of the American dream.
As Biden's policies stagnate the job market, the human workplace grows more obsolete.
Able-bodied and or able-minded adults tend to contribute more to society than they cost, meaning that they can afford to live off their wages and still contribute to businesses or their community at large, making the world a richer place.
But, in this post-automation world, we don't really need them to balance balance sheets, real to real estate, or generally manage general management positions.
That will all be done by machines.
What won't change is that humans still need to be fed with food and housed in homes and transported with transport.
And all of this puts a drain on finite resources.
Total and complete absolute vindication.
The United Nations is directing a planetary corporate government with a world medical ID app on your phone that is then used to track everywhere you go, what you do to charge you carbon taxes for everything you eat, everywhere you travel, and it also surveils you in live time.
Even the New York Times is like, wow, this is beyond North Korea, but we guess it's needed.
Everyone by law will have a phone and they say, if you don't want a phone, they're going to come out with chips.
This is being announced on TV.
And or they're going to biometrically scan your hand or your retina and it's going to track you in live time.
And if you don't either wear a bracelet or have a hand scan of the chip or the phone, you will be arrested and you will spend five years in a labor camp.
They're also announcing that you will, quote, do labor.
You're not going to just be in this camp and do no work.
Also, the CDC has announced its shielding program to, quote, shield children during an outbreak, to take them from their families, who aren't even sick, and put them in government camps for their safety.
The Holy Grail is getting you to hand your children over.
If you'll do that, they've spiritually won, it's over.
A radical plan to crack down on social media abuse is being considered by the federal government.
For more, Nine's Oliver Haig joins us live in Adelaide.
Oli, how will it work?
Laila, good morning.
Essentially it will work the same as a passport.
Australians forced to submit 100 points of identification like their driver's license or passport when using social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter.
Now police would have access to those social media accounts and it's all part of a crackdown on online abuse.
Now users who Could be liable for defamation suits or even criminal prosecution.
It's all part of a plan hoping to deter people from engaging in bad behavior.
Bloomberg reported that labor shortages and rising wages are pushing U.S.
business to invest in automation.
A recent Federal Reserve survey of chief financial officers found that at firms with difficulty hiring,
one third are now implementing or exploring automation to replace workers.
Executives from a range of businesses confirmed that trend.
The number of industrial robots installed in the world's factories
have more than doubled to about 3 million.
Automation has been spreading into service businesses too.
According to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, by 2025, more than half of all current workplace tasks
will be performed by machines as opposed to 29%...
We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution.
will change everything. Business models, but it will also change society. And we have to be prepared
for it. The new technologies like artificial intelligence, like drones, blockchain, can bring
many benefits for society. So we have to be prepared to make sure that we exploit those benefits.
John Bowne reporting.
Tomorrow's news.
This is all about sort of a one world order that they're moving toward.
And this is not a conspiracy theory, Alex.
This is a conspiracy.
And what we have to understand is that the big take is the United States of America.
We're in this battle between really competing ideologies, and this is no kidding.
And the competing ideologies is whether we're going to continue on as a democracy and a constitutional republic, or whether we're going to go I've become a communist country.
My father was a World War II vet and my mom, right?
Thank God that she decided to have as many kids as she did.
They handed my brothers and sisters on a silver platter a beautiful country, okay?
I am not about to take that platter that I was given and turn it over to my children and my grandchildren as a communist country.
Politically, people have to get active.
When somebody says to me or somebody says to you, around the Thanksgiving table here coming up, if you could afford the turkeys that might be on the shelves.
And they say, well, I don't do that political thing.
Politics is for whatever.
Then you know what?
You better not complain because our entire lives right now, everybody, every American, their lives are wrapped around politics right now.
If you don't think that something's changing, you don't feel the way I feel right now, you don't feel the way these 5,000 people out here feel, then something's wrong.
What we're really facing is an attack or an assault On all of our basic rights.
I mean, I think the real issue here in play is the attack on freedom of speech.
You have this incredibly failed foreign policy by the Biden administration.
You have, you know, more and more very clear evidence coming out about COVID and really the conspiracy behind COVID and some of the things that are happening with it.
I applaud you for It was one of your interviews ten years ago, probably ten years ago, may have been more than ten years ago now, where you actually were talking about these issues and you covered it for quite a while, actually, at that time.
And I think that you got a lot of bashing by others in the media and by others around the world because it was like, oh, this guy, Alex, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
And lo and behold, here we are a decade later and they have implemented this strategy, this great reset strategy.
The globalists have said in their white papers, in their own UN documents, that they want to create race-specific bioweapons and other systems to depopulate the planet.
A lot of this, from my sources, is that they're preparing to release bioweapons, claiming that they're naturally occurring.
And then use that as the cover for civil emergencies, decidable control, crackdowns on free speech.
Obama put the internet kill switch in five years ago.
And when he got confronted by Congress, he said, well, it's in case the bird flu or SARS gets out.
Just type that in.
CDC says internet kill switch is in case bird flu or SARS breaks out, and they have to control panic and direct every website in the U.S.
to one government announcement.
And we looked at every angle and believe a bioweapon release could be the thing they'd release to bring in a world government to counter a global problem, and the U.N.
has said that a global pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government.
In a powerful hour-long interview, General Flynn lays out the peaceful blueprint to save our Republic and the world.
The interview goes live on Wednesday, November 17th at high noon.
Find the interview at Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
It's Wednesday, November 17th.
The year is 2021.
And coming up, In the third hour today, we are going to air large portions of the hour-long emergency warning that General Flynn laid out for me Saturday that just blew my crew away.
And again, I don't have a bunch of yes-men around me.
I have people that tell me what they really think, and this was the most powerful thing.
It is the blueprint, and I totally agree with General Flynn, to take the country and the world back, and the fact that it's do-or-die time.
That is going to be in the third hour today.
And it will also go live at band.video, which again, you can't share that on Twitter or Facebook, but you can share its backup URL that takes you to the same place.
And it even has links to the videos itself that you're able to share.
Free World News.
.tv and please share that link.
This is going to be a very powerful interview.
We posted a little clip of it yesterday that's got 500,000 views on Bandai Video, but it needs to get 20, 30, 40, 50 million views.
Okay, you just heard a clip of where I was saying three and a half years ago that they would release a bioweapon and say it was naturally occurring.
I specifically said out of China.
I can see all the pre-programming.
These are all PR rollouts that are targeting people at a subconscious level, sort of about a 70 IQ point level.
I mean, by that, people are basically asleep.
And so it's very dumbed down.
And I mean, I said just a week and a half ago, I said Gates likes everybody to know he's in charge of the government.
And he's been somewhat Remove from the direct command of the scientific division of the New World Order, which is the most important division under the banking cartel.
And that and that he might and a more radical group within their group may even just accelerate things, including a war with China.
And so I said last week, anybody can go find the clips.
I think I said it about 10 times, at least on air.
What was it about?
How many days ago did Gates come out and say smallpox being released by terrorists is imminent in airports?
Was it nine, ten days ago?
Probably played the clip more than ten times here, so I guess we've talked about it more than ten times.
And I said, now I believe they'll hit us with smallpox.
That's just what they do.
And people will be like, logically, wow, he just said it and it just happened.
He likes to rub it in your face.
He likes to terrorize people that are awake, and then he likes to further dumb down those that are in a sleep state.
And so here it is, Yahoo News, FBI investigating vials labeled smallpox found in a lab near Philadelphia.
Just in, FBI, CDC investigating questionable vials labeled smallpox found at Merck Lab near Philadelphia.
Of course, they knew exactly what was labeled, they knew what was going on, and that's just to heighten the fear a little bit more.
And that's how I was able on 9-11, which radical Islam does exist, and that goes on, and you see the globals backing radical Islam today, or orthodox Islam.
But I said on 9-11, I said, 80% chance the next month the deep state launches a bio-attack to distract off of People looking at evidence of bombs inside the buildings and just to create more fear.
I just said that's how they operate and I think that'll happen.
Of course we now know that the Deep State mailed out the anthrax and they tried to frame several different Patsy's and finally killed the third Patsy.
So I've learned kind of the satanic algorithm they operate on.
And so when you study them long enough you know what they're going to do next.
You know what cards they have to play.
And most of the time you can even guess what they're about to play.
So this is a big deal.
And it ties in with imminent conflict with China.
China and the globalist arm that are in bed with it, that have married it, it's a league of doom, a legion of evil.
They've already couped the U.S.
They've already pretty much got control.
They don't control some of the governors and legislatures and some people in Congress, but they're making their move to sew up the takeover of the United States and the merger into the globalist system.
And so I've got an incredible report on that from Greg Reese that we're going to be airing coming up at the bottom of the hour at SunInfoWars.com with the support of big banks the CCP prepares for world domination.
And I just want to tell everybody it's time to pray to God because I'm a pretty focused person that's been getting ready for this for a long time and I'm telling you as a man and as somebody that doesn't have fear generally I can tell you that we are crossing the threshold right now to hell on earth.
So get right with God.
And I mean, there could be nuclear war within days.
I mean, it's just so sad.
We're so cursed.
And there's already a space war going on.
It's just really bad.
So and I'll try to explain it all when we come back and just so much more.
There's a good chance this could get backed off a month, a year, two years, but the Pentagon and the whole system says war with China is going to happen.
And I'm going to explain how there's different factions and how that's going to play out.
But there's a good chance it could get out of control.
We'll have a full blown nuclear war.
So I'll get right with God.
Welcome to the endgame.
Welcome to the beginning of the end of civilization and the rise of the technocracy robot hell.
Prepare to die.
Or be part of the Great Awakening and choose the truth and choose God and do the right thing no matter what happens to you.
It's that commitment that'll take us out of this.
Not many of us adults, but if we do the right thing and fight hard, our children will be protected by God.
But if we won't stand for our children, and if we'll let the enemy come at them with these bioweapons disguised as vaccines, God will remove the final hedge and all hell will be unleashed.
You know, it was Bill Gates that funded Peter Daszak and Fauci, not as the Wuhan lab, but at the University of Texas, Galveston and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and other level four bioweapons facilities for Dietrich, Maryland that created The COVID-19.
And the COVID-19 is only a weak version of other generations they have on ice and liquid nitrogen.
And it's synthetic nanotech based off of those viruses.
And they are prepared to release toxic self-replicating poisons, is what they are, that have a 99 to 100% kill rate.
And when you get it, it makes Ebola look like a walk in the park.
Blood just starts coming out of every orifice of your body and it kills you in just a matter of a day or so once you contract it.
And they're preparing with drones to fly over all the major cities in the world to spray this on you.
But first they've got to get everything locked down, they've got to get their police state in place, they've got to get the robots in place, the self-driving cars in place.
They've got to drill everybody like a Jim Jones Kool-Aid drill.
that oh, you know, progressive viruses are worse and things get worse, but it's really global warming
and you know, if we're just good and do what they say and learn to be locked down and learn to be controlled
and learn to obey and wear our masks and stay in our houses and take our shots, then we'll be safe.
So that when they really start killing everybody, you will Stockholm syndrome and just stay there and die.
So, I'm sorry to have to really just be completely honest with everybody, but, I mean, this is happening, okay?
And you have to understand that.
I don't care if you're in the military, I don't care if you're in the FBI, I don't care if you're a professor, I don't care if you're a big banker, I don't care if you're in Hollywood, you're all gonna get killed.
So, the decision's been made to kill everybody, and I've been trying to stop it, okay?
They tried to recruit my dad when he was in high school, He got out of it, okay?
But I mean, this is all extremely real, and you just better understand that it's going down, okay?
They have committed to this criminal action, and if they think they're gonna lose in the extermination operation, they'll just start a nuclear war.
The only way to stop them would be for a total mass epiphany and awakening.
Now, the good news is that's happening.
And I could go over a lot of examples of it, but we have successfully laid this out first and in the most detailed ways.
That's why we're public enemy number one.
And people now see each chapter unfolding as I said it would.
And so, I mean, I can tell you that people now are just coming out and admitting the truth themselves.
I mean, Joe Rogan last night, Came over to visit, and then we did a podcast together with Tim Pool, who's very nearby.
And, you know, Joe just said on the show, this is a cult.
This is a brainwashing cult.
This is a global group of psychotics that want total power.
And basically gave me a hug when he left.
He said, wow, you were just right about everything, basically, is what he said.
And he said that on air, too.
But Joe's legitimately very freaked out.
He should be.
Because he loves his children.
And so does Tucker Carlson and a lot of other people.
So, we've got a real shot if enough leaders understand what's happening.
But if we don't, it's all over.
Now, it was General Flynn that I first heard from.
And some other people in the military that deal with medical issues.
People in the military that deal with science.
About the simulant virus proteins.
That's really what they're spraying on people.
It's not a normally replicating virus.
They hit Texas, they hit Florida, they hit what they want.
And that Flynn interview is coming up in the third hour.
But even a year ago, when I heard that from Flynn, I was just kind of like, really?
Even I have trouble believing they're actually already doing it, and they are.
The people that run the Democratic Party, the Communist Chinese, are running around spraying this stuff into ventilation systems.
And that's directly from the highest levels of the Pentagon, just so you know.
I mean, they know what's going on, and their hands are tied.
And the globalists are poking, trying to get a civil war going, so that we'll be in a civil war while China takes over the South China Sea, and then just from there, all the dominoes fall.
So, I'm a moral person.
I'm not perfect.
I've made mistakes.
But I'm a good, true person that loves God and I love justice.
And I have a responsibility to fight this.
But I understand that they've war-gamed every aspect of this.
And you could remove the entire leadership at the top of the Pentagon and the rest of it.
They're not even running anything.
This is all technocrats now.
This is AI out of big tech.
And they've turned over, it's already turned over to AI.
And it's not going to work well.
It's, I mean, this is going to be spectacularly horrible.
And it's because crazy people have been put in charge.
I mean, why did Hitler do all the stuff he did?
And hundreds of millions got killed as a result of the chain reaction that came out of that.
Because these people like death, folks.
And the people running things are way more twisted and sick than Hitler.
I mean, Hitler was an amateur set up by British intelligence to lead the world into war.
So, I understand what they're doing.
I can see their whole plan.
And I can just tell everybody that signed on to this, you're crazy because you're gonna die.
I mean, this is, you might as well just pour gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire because it's all going up in flames.
I mean, you are destroying yourself.
And I'm not trying to demoralize people here.
I just, we have to be totally honest about how much trouble we're in.
If we've got any hope.
Because hardened military veterans and others that are the real deal can barely mentally deal with this.
So I understand it's hard to face this, okay?
But you're being hit by modern war.
This is absolutely real.
And you've already been put into a dystopia.
You're already wearing a death shroud over your face.
You're already marked for death.
And only admitting that is going to get us out of this.
And all I care about is doing the right thing in front of God.
Because I'm not scared of these people.
I've got fear.
And not in a bad way.
It's love.
Fear of removal from God.
And that's the only reason I can even face these truths and stand against these people.
Is because I am continually, millisecond to millisecond, being empowered by God.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Wednesday, November 17th transmission.
You're receiving this transmission.
You are the resistance.
I have a very important, paramount announcement to make at the start of the next segment.
And it's an announcement that involves all of you that listen and watch this broadcast, and it's a choice you have to make.
And that will be up to you, and that will be the deciding factor in much of what we do forward, because I've decided to use this as a gauge to make some decisions I've got coming up in the near future.
So look for that in the next segment.
As I said, the big General Flynn emergency alert, emergency message, peaceful battle plan to retake America and the world.
I haven't even figured out the title yet.
I need to, during the next break, finish up the title for this because it's powerful.
And it's a little under an hour long.
And then there's a whole second interview with General Flynn and a panel that we're going to be airing tomorrow.
It's coming to the InfoWar in the third hour today.
It will be posted in the third hour to Band.Video.
It's incredibly important.
But again, I want to walk a very fine line here, and a very straight line here, a very crisp point here.
If you are given over to fear, and if you are given over to a spirit of weakness, you will hear the things I talk about, and it will demoralize you further.
If you decide that you're an eternal spirit and that what really matters is what you do in your life in front of God and in front of everybody else as an example to be a leader.
And that is what this whole process and this test on this planet in the third dimension is.
And so, when I lay out the horrible scenarios that the system is testing and looking at, as if there was a gun to their head to do it, not to save the Earth, but to keep themselves in power.
I mean, how about the end of the world coming in 2030 if they don't kill 90% of us and all the rest of this garbage?
It's because they know the end of their reign's coming.
I mean, do they know something's going to arrive?
What is it?
Well, I think it's all right there in the Bible.
And if you really look at the Bible from a little bit different angle than what you've been taught by these small-minded preachers, it's very clear what it is.
And it's an exact warning, a transmission, delivered in person so that you would understand what was playing out.
God gave us free will but loves us so much, we were given the cheat sheet.
We were given the Pamphlet on how to pass the test.
And we're now here.
This is it.
It's starting right now.
It might take a year.
It might take 20.
It might take 100.
But you better believe that they're trying to force what this entity does to planets on us right now.
This has been done before, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we, this is, this is, this is, this has been repeated quite a bit.
And there are a lot of people that are scared and they decide to join it.
You know, I realize that my broadcast has driven a lot of people into the arms of the New World Order.
I know a lot of prominent people, prominent talk show hosts, who have signed on to this.
But they've signed on to try to make it a better Star Trek future, as they always say.
But it's not going to be a Star Trek Utopia, where humanity's empowered and everybody has a job that's expected of them and we're all on one big team.
Are you kidding?
You look at everything that comes out of this system, it's the opposite of that.
It's here to destroy us.
So people can rationalize all day long what this is, but you can see it, you can taste it, you can smell it, and it's death.
It's bad.
I need to get to this Gregory's piece, and there's just so much damn news.
And I want to try to stop pontificating.
Very interesting three hour long podcast with Tim Pool last night.
Joe was supposed to pop by for 30 minutes.
He was there over an hour.
And Joe is definitely super awake now.
And that's good.
And that's just going to be the choice that everybody else is going to have to make in their lives about what side you're on, ladies and gentlemen.
But it is heartening to see the most popular people with the people are awake.
But that's because we're humans.
We want freedom.
We want justice.
We're nice people.
And we all have the same enemies, folks, and it's a spiritual enemy.
And everybody's going to have to come to grips with that or you will be destroyed.
So let's go ahead and go to Have you heard of this?
Blasts in China, all within a week.
And we will come back on the other side.
Here it is.
With the support of the big banks, the CCP prepares for world domination.
Have you heard of this?
Blasts in China all within a week, 10 explosions, 10 bomb blasts in one country in less than
a week.
Between October 21st and October 27th, there were at least 10 mysterious explosions throughout
Killing at least 13 people and injuring many more.
These mysterious explosions came just weeks before Xi Jinping was anointed as a revered leader of the CCP, preparing him for next year's CCP Congress, which is scheduled for next October.
This gives Xi less than a year to make good on his commitment to absorb Taiwan into the CCP and unite all of China under communism.
And allowing this to happen would be handing the world economy over to the Communist Chinese.
The CCP deploys massive fishing fleets to illegally plunder protected areas, such as the Galapagos Islands, because they are hungry.
The CCP is undergoing a food shortage crisis, warning people to stock up on essential items, and adopting laws against food waste and binge eating.
The CCP has been buying massive amounts of farmland in Australia and the United States.
Handing over the world economy to the Communist Chinese would be national suicide for both nations, who have already been infiltrated at the highest levels of government by the CCP.
A handful of Republican senators visited Taiwan to vow U.S.
The U.S.
Secretary of State has said that the U.S.
will defend Taiwan.
And Australia's Minister for Defense has vowed to back the U.S.
and Taiwan against China.
But who currently has control over the Australian military?
Or the U.S.
The CCP's own woke American puppet, General Mark Milley, says that the U.S.
is incapable of defending itself against China's hypersonic missile tech.
Something we have all been learning about firsthand.
Many of us have read how they've done it in history.
But today, we are all witnessing in real time how the banking cartel is capable of orchestrating a world war.
As China's housing giant Evergrande defaults on billions of dollars of debt, Goldman Sachs is busy buying up these garbage assets with U.S.
taxpayer dollars.
Goldman Sachs is bailing out the CCP with U.S.
tax dollars, while the CCP is preparing to wage war against the U.S.
By hook or by crook, the ethos of the communist Chinese is what the bankers want for their world government dream.
Every individual connected to a central bank, controlled by a social credit score... Alright folks.
...and made to accept endless injections... The full report is on Bandai Video, stay with us.
I don't need to tell this amazing audience of activists that without InfoWars, the planet would be in a lot worse shape.
And it's because of you, you are InfoWars, that we have come so far together, and that we have a real fighting chance against this evil.
It'll overtake us for a while, but then we know what happens on the other side.
The big victory.
They'll win battles, but they'll lose the war.
Now, I can't reveal to all of you our strategy, and I know the enemy strategy.
And so we have ways to ensure, barring myself being put in prison, which they're trying to do around the clock, but I'm so clean that they're going to have to completely set me up, which we're prepared for.
We understand.
That's something that if it needs to happen, it's going to happen.
Or kill me.
We know they've already been trying.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I'm in God's hands.
And so I'm going to be on air as long as God wants me to be.
But I'm also going to be a good steward of that.
And I've got to really now do my most important work, which we're doing now.
And in just a few weeks, we're going to make a lot of announcements.
And then in the new year, even more.
And you've got my commitment that I'm going to be working 16 to 18 hours a day because we've been given this important office of resistance.
And my prayers have come true.
I really don't like corruption.
I don't like child molesters.
I don't like devil worshippers.
And the Holy Spirit plays to my heart really strong.
To want to fight them.
And I prayed to God that God would raise me up and help me work with others to stand up for the innocent.
And God has done that.
But I will tell you the Holy Spirit each time came to me and said and showed me what was going to happen down the road and different permutations of that.
And it will not be fun.
But I want to be Christ-like.
So, and we all need to strive to be like Christ.
And so, it's a great honor to be persecuted, and it's a great honor to be attacked, and it's a great honor to be killed, if that's what needs to happen.
It's an extreme honor.
I'm very blessed.
And I know my parents are very proud of me, and they I mean, they're very committed, they understand, and so is my whole family.
And that's the good thing about this is that I am just the most blessed person in the world to be in this position.
And my only regret is that I'm worldly, and I've gotten mad, and I've been annoying, and I've made a lot of mistakes, but my heart was right.
And I love God, and I love you.
And I'm not really worried about me.
I just want to be able to finish this race as best I can, carry out the course, And do as best I can for the children, because I have a stack of news right here where they're teaching pedophilia to our children all over the country, secretly, and it's coming out in federal documents, and where the federal government's creating a list of millions of Americans as terrorists to be arrested and rounded up.
That's congressional hearings happening right now in the Intelligence Committee, in the National Security areas, and the FBI.
And I get tears in my eyes thinking about this because we were once a really great country, we've always had problems, but we really are captured and run by evil now.
And that's a very sad thing.
I mean, we have the very worst people you can imagine run our government now.
I mean, they are, it starts with child molesters and it just gets worse from there.
And so God's in control and prophecy's being fulfilled and it's our job just to be the light in the world and to stand up to evil and to just know that Christ is going to pull us through at the end no matter what happens to these bodies.
So, with that said, I have never really pushed hard for donations.
I've done it here and there sporadically and I have sold my house and I am fully putting everything into expansion.
Show that just during this key time, we just launch everything we've got at The Globalist and just absolutely do our job.
That means traveling around the country.
That means launching more shows, making films, backing films, backing other people.
It just means really focusing and letting the Holy Spirit guide you and do the right thing.
I don't want to say I'm a proud person, but I also never took loans to start this operation.
I depended on you and your support and I appreciate it.
But we need to continue to fight these rigged court cases even though we know they're rigged.
We have to make them go through all their procedures and then what they plan to do at the end of that and the rest of it.
Because that's The right thing to do is to go forward and to defend ourselves and to show what's happening and let them lie and let them cheat and let them steal and let them engage in all their corruption with the media and the courts and the systems and all of it ganged up on us because they want to get you.
So for those that don't know what a decent legal defense costs to actually fight major Democratic Party litigators that bankrupted Remington, It's a lot of money.
And so it's very, very simple.
If you want to see InfoWars on a war footing, if you want to see us maximize what God's given us to warn as many people as we can and to save as many children and others from these poisonous blood-clotting bioweapons, and if you want us to really Be able to, in this key chapter, really fulfill what we're meant to do, then you need to support us, and I know you are.
But it's very serious, and I don't care if you have $10, or $1,000, or $1,000,000.
I know we've got all these billionaires and everybody else listening.
To donate to InfoWars at SaveInfoWars.com.
Because then I can spend the money we've got to run the operation and expand the operation, and take that money for All these trials.
They have right now six trials that they've all coordinated and prepared for this summer and fall.
Where, obviously, that's what the defaults are about, so I can't defend myself.
So they just say you're guilty, and now the jury, it's like a gladiator where he stabs them before he fights them.
Imagine having your arms and legs tied, and you're tied to a post, and then the gladiator comes out and fights you.
They would never let us actually get in front of a jury.
So that's why they've rigged all this and done all this, they're gonna have all the TV cameras there, it's gonna be all over.
I mean, we're talking five, no, no, excuse me, six trials, Four of them, the Sandy Hook garbage.
And that's okay.
Because they're sending pedophiles, you know the globalists are, into our schools.
They're teaching critical race theory.
They're destroying the nation.
They're devaluing the dollar.
We're in a war.
So this is their plan for me to try to take us off the air.
And then they just keep thinking I'd roll over or submit to them because they think I'm like them where it's all about me.
This is about the mission.
So what matters is That we be able to complete the mission.
They want to burn us up.
Millions of dollars, and that's what it takes.
A couple million dollars in today's inflationary thing is not that much.
It's like a fire suit.
And I got to go into the burning house, and I'm going to end up getting burned up in the end.
But I've got to get the children out.
That's the analogy.
And so I've got the fire suit on, and the money you give us is the fire suit.
I've already been in the house a while, okay?
And it does not feel good, okay?
But I understand there's a mission.
And we've already hauled out a bunch of the kids.
There's a lot more in there.
And I'm going to stay in the burning house, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, you're going to watch us burn down.
You're going to watch me burn up, okay?
I'm going to keep going in there and hauling kids out until I'm dead.
You understand that?
In fact, I want to keep going in the house.
That's the number one thing I want to do.
So I need you to keep me in the game, to keep me in the fight.
You understand that?
I'm literally dependent on you.
I'm like a horse that lives in a stall.
You don't feed me, you don't take care of me, I die.
And all I want to do is run.
All I want to do is fight.
All I want to do is stand up for you.
I want to fight for you.
I want to be your champion.
But I can't do it if you don't support us.
I need your prayers.
I need your word of mouth, because that's what they want to suppress, is what we're doing here.
And I need money.
Hell, I mean, the work we're doing, we should be given billions of dollars by these rich people.
But that's why they're rich.
They hold on to it.
You know, if they had a piece of coal up their rear end, they'd turn it into a diamond.
They can be buried with it all.
What I'm telling you is, is that I'm fully committed.
I'm going to spend everything I've got to stay on air as long as we can.
Because I know that's our mission to keep transmitting and fighting and putting ourselves in harm's way because we're going to lose everything anyways if we don't turn this around.
So I'm fully committed.
I'm basically a kamikaze mission.
Everybody knows that.
And I appreciate our crew and everybody else.
And I really thank you for all your prayers.
But go to SaveInfoWars.com.
It's give, send, go.
Great patriots.
I was already planning to do this.
They wouldn't let us raise money anywhere else.
You know, these are great guys.
Ran into the CEO at the Flint event.
And he said, you really should raise money for yourself.
I'm like, yeah, you're right.
And so it also supports GiveSendGo.
They're great people.
We're putting 5% towards them because it's a free service.
They need to fund themselves.
It's very important that we as Christians and patriots have a place to do this.
So ShaveInfoWars.com, please go there and donate so that we know we have the other money that we have to actually expand at this key point in the battle.
I mean, I want to really give it all to them and not be distracted with monetary issues because I don't want to fold legally.
But we've run out of money, basically.
So please go to SaveInfoWars.com.
SaveInfoWars.com, one word.
If a hurricane is smashing into the Gulf Coast and I make the prediction that it's going to cause flooding, that's not a prediction.
You know it's a hurricane, you know it's got a lot of water it's going to dump, it's going to cause flooding.
So it wasn't a prediction 20 months ago when I said the UN order to lock down the world economy is going to cause a chain reaction that's going to cause supply chain problems for years and it's going to starve tens of millions to death.
And now it all happened.
25 million extra dead, hundreds of millions on the verge of starvation, and the UN that ordered it is running around being the savior.
Listen, when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
And now the first world's becoming the third world.
So, listen to me now.
We've got the highest quality storable foods at the lowest price you're gonna find, ready to ship to you right now at 10% off until November 15th.
But after that, the prices are going up.
We cannot suppress prices anymore.
So protect yourself, get high quality storable food, so you're self-sufficient, and fund the InfoWar today at 360Win at InfoWarStore.com.
It's time to get your food.
What a time to be alive, my friends!
We're going to have such a jam-packed second hour ahead of General Flynn in the third hour.
And we have some really good news.
It's what they're supposed to do, but that hasn't been the case.
Biden ordered OSHA, if you remember last week, three days after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Yet again, the full court this time said this is outrageous constitutional power grab with a federal police force to occupy the states.
You have to get a law passed.
You have to have a constitutional amendment for martial law is what the ruling said.
I mean, that's where we are now.
People keep saying, the whole world's like Alex Jones made it.
No, I didn't make any of this.
I was studying them and their plans.
People keep thinking I'm Nostradamus.
That's what makes me mad.
Have you gone and read what Klaus Schwab says?
Have you read what the Carnegie Endowment does?
They run the damn CIA.
They want to make humans laboratory creatures.
You're already guinea pigs now.
So Biden comes out last week when they have that ruling and he says, do not listen to that, tells the federal government, ignore the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Now, even the criminals that work for him at the high levels try to follow the order, but their employees won't.
We already saw multiple rounds of resignation in the FDA and the CDC and the NIH, but they had to keep removing board members, dozens and dozens and dozens of them, and putting new lunatics on that would do this!
Like, I guess we're gonna find out what this does, give it to kids!
Hope they don't get this!
I mean, I mean, cuckoo land, folks!
It's all authoritarians seeing what they can get us to do.
playing with us like we're pawns.
So now OSHA says, uh, no, we're not going to listen to Biden, the puppet.
We're not going to enforce this.
We're staying it.
See, that's the way other talk shows would come in and say, ladies and gentlemen, OSHA has suspended Joe Biden's vaccine mandate initiative.
But I want to give everybody the backstory on that.
Now they're setting it up for the Supreme Court to say, oh, it is quite normal to force everyone to take shots.
Oh, well, we better all do it then.
Because they like the tyranny of the court, and Amy Comey Barrett is horrible.
Robert Barnes was right about that.
I mean, her and Sotomayor and all of them have been just butchering everything.
But there's big pushback, and the court's a political body, and they got a lot of family members that are dead, or half-dead, wishing they were dead.
This is a real deal, folks.
It's all about spiritual choice.
This is going to get real obvious, real fast, that bad people run things.
You think, like I told you a year ago, you think this is bad?
Wait until a year from now, wait until two years from now.
You're going to look back on 2021 like a vacation to a beautiful Caribbean destination.
And I don't say that, again, the enemy thinks you're weak.
Oh, you're all done for.
No, I think you're like me.
That when you learn you're getting screwed over, you're not going to just roll over to it.
You're going to at least speak out and say no.
And if people just do that, the whole system falls apart.
That's why they can't get half the airplanes off the ground now to fly around.
And the globalists plan to have some of that, but not as much.
And they plan to blame the collapse of society on global warming and humans, and we deserve this.
But people are figuring out that's not what this is.
So they got a big problem.
So, look, I'm loaded for bear.
I mean, I got so much just over-the-top news to cover, and I'm going to do my best not to cover it in the next hour.
We've got General Flynn interviewing the Premier in the third hour.
But OSHA suspends Joe Biden's vaccine mandate initiative.
It's on Infowars.com.
And we'll come back and talk more about that.
And then, oh, but it's OK, right?
I mean, the elites have to take the shots and they've got to do quarantine.
Oh, no, they're all exempt.
The heads of Google, a JP Morgan chief skips quarantine as he jets into Hong Kong.
We'll be right back.
Because there's a war on for your mind, body and soul.
Here we are in the year 2021 in the waning weeks.
Staring in to eternity.
That's pretty bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum.
Pretty epic.
And then we see our fellow humans obsessed with Netflix and video games and selfies to impress their friends when they have the keys to the universe in their hearts.
All of it thrown away.
All of it turned over the birthright to Satan for nothing.
So OSHA suspends Joe Biden's vaccine mandate initiative.
OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future developments in the litigation, says the agency.
Comes after Fifth Circuit ruled workplace vaccine mandate poses grave statutory and constitutional issues.
Yeah, it's just flat-out martial law.
They say it's a federal establishment of federalization of all... I mean, federalizing the state police is like martial law.
But federalizing businesses?
Insane, like they said?
Oh, all businesses of a hundred more people are federalized.
And then you wonder why the banking department nominee is a committed communist and she says, we're going to seize all your bank accounts and all your bank accounts will now be owned by the Federal Reserve.
That's what they did in Zimbabwe.
You understand it came out that she's a shoplifter and they're defending her in hearings.
I mean, this is just, this is the takedown of America through incompetence.
So China can take over the South China Sea and then Europe will be under martial law, Australia forever, so will we.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
I mean, again, it's the spirit though.
Because 99.999999999% of people are going to get totally, temporally, you don't care about the spirit, okay, physically, your flesh is going to get raped.
With these poisons and with starvation and everything else.
And they just do it because they're pretending they're part of the power structure.
They're pretending in that little mental facsimile they've built that you're in charge.
And that you're playing along with this.
You ain't playing along with shit.
You're not playing along with anything but your own destruction.
I mean, man, I read this federal ruling and I already know all this, but still, I know
You're reading courts going, well, that would be basically, violates all these amendments, and you'd have a federal police force over all businesses.
I mean, not even North Korea is that centralized.
I mean, we're being brought into a North Korea, but with a high-tech icing.
By a geriatric that craps his drawers every day, with some crazy cackling witch, with the crazy Clintons up there and the crazy Soros, and it's all these ultra-rich people up there that are channeling off-world death, and are just delusional!
They're crazy.
Have you ever been around really rich people?
Most of them are nuts.
But I mean, the really rich, powerful ones, generation after generation after generation after generation after generation, they're freaking out of control.
They're not human anymore.
Something's gone on with these people.
You know, I'm being philosophical here, because I've just got hundreds of articles here.
This is such a problem.
Yeah, I never played that yesterday.
I should really play the famous Chinese dissident.
When they questioned him on PBS a few days ago and say, isn't America, isn't Trump horrible?
Aren't the white people racist?
And he only goes, he goes, no, no, you're an authoritarian state.
You don't know it yet.
The takeover's begun.
No, no, no, no, no.
Trump and the nationalists are good.
You need to protect yourself.
He's like, you're in danger!
But see, they've grown up in a free country.
They don't know that.
They think it's funny.
Dodo birds, again on Galapagos Island, would run right up to a man with a club or a gun, and they'd watch one dodo bird killed right in front of them, and the dodo bird would just sit there while another one would whack him on the head.
Eat him for dinner.
And again, I understand The paradox where people think, well, you know, the people are dumb, so let's let them die.
They're going to kill you.
You think they're going to collapse everything and do all of this and that you're not going to be affected by that?
Are you crazy?
Yeah, here's the clip from the Chinese dissident that I meant to get to yesterday.
Go ahead and roll it.
In your book, you're describing the directives of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution that would be distributed publicly every night.
And then you write, this is your quote, they served a function similar to Donald Trump's late night tweets while in office.
They were the direct communication of a leader's thoughts to his devoted followers, enhancing the sanctity of his authority.
So, do you see Donald Trump as an authoritarian?
I... Well, I don't... You know, he... If you're an authoritarian, you have to have a system in supporting you.
You cannot just be an authoritarian by yourself.
But certainly, in the United States, with today's condition, you can easily have an authoritarian.
In many ways, you're already in the authoritarian state.
You just don't know it.
How so?
Many things happen today in the U.S.
It can be compared to the Cultural Revolution in China.
Like what?
Like people trying to be unified in certain political correctness.
That is very dangerous.
Oh, that's very dangerous.
If you go to any of these leftist meetings, or even read the WikiLeaks, they're running a Maoist plan.
And I knew China was heavily involved, but I always kind of thought of them as junior.
To the globalists, but they've taken over.
It's all out of control.
And of course, they're enslaving their own people.
And here's the guy telling you, hey, you're already in an authoritarian state.
You just don't know it.
And here's a little pampered PBS host making a million bucks a year or whatever.
She's like, why?
I go to the gym.
I got my smartphone.
I do whatever I want.
I mean, I wear a mask.
I mean, I take a shot.
I mean, well, they are talking about new lockdowns.
She just doesn't know because there's no leadership there.
And she's just stock homing out to this, and then here's a guy, a famous dissident, like, no, no, you're in trouble.
She's like, what?
It's like the dog in the famous RCA thing where it's got its head turned listening, it's like, what?
So, she'll find out once the chains are on.
Oh, she'll wish later, but see, by then she'll be totally silenced.
Hell, by then she'll probably be dead.
So, Biden comes out with a martial law announcement.
That's what this is.
A medical market.
We're not just going to lock in your house.
We're going to make you take something and they gaslight you and go, we don't know why people don't love this.
This is completely normal.
And then it starts killing a bunch of people.
So everybody gets fired or quits their job, which was part of the plan.
But they had this great plan lined out how they'd get control and depopulate us and get all the money and not to pay off the old people because they'd kill them.
But now, now Fauci and they were like, but they really hate us and no one's going along with this and they're angry at us.
So let's persecute them.
Let's arrest them.
What's the Pfizer head say?
Oh, we're getting big problems.
Yes, we need to arrest the leaders of the opposition.
I mean, hell, because we know you're killing us?
Because we won't just, like, pretend you're not murdering us?
I mean, oh my God, sorry!
Sorry we're sending psychic energy at you that we want you to go away.
I mean, sorry about that cancer you're about to get, buddy boy.
What, you just thought you'd give us cancer?
No, no, no!
You will be the one!
You will fall!
Not us!
You got into the third dimension from the higher dimension.
We came from above and throughout.
And that big secret is going to be dawning soon.
And those that have kept humanity enslaved and controlled will be banished.
That's why they seek to enslave us.
Because they will be expelled.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us as we reach the close to halfway point on this November 17, 2021 global broadcast.
OSHA suspends Joe Biden's vaccine mandate initiative.
And again, the news is like, oh, that's just a formality while the court case is going on.
No, he ordered them.
Couple days after it happened, last week, he ordered them to not follow the court ruling.
Now compare that, compare that with Trump not wanting his executive privilege violated about private meetings.
Totally protected!
Versus a judicial demand by the executive branch that we're just not even going to follow what the court
When what the court is saying is right, this is totally unconstitutional.
You judge that and what's happening. Because if a president defied, say the Supreme Court said confiscate all guns,
the president say we have a constitutional crisis, I mean you'd have to have a special session of Congress,
you'd have to do something about that because that violates the
Bill of Rights on its face the charter of the country.
But that's not what the courts are doing.
The Fifth Circuit, right beneath the Supreme Court, said, whoa, this isn't just unconstitutional, this is crazy.
But see, everything they've been doing has been crazy.
Everything they've been doing has been out of control.
Everything like, a young man's being chased while people burn down buildings by a child molester and other criminals, and they're shooting at him, and he shoots two, and kills him, and shoots another, and wounds him?
I mean, that's on its face self-defense, but they tried to turn that all around, and now they're pissed that they can't gaslight everybody, and say this guy's a terrorist.
So everything they're doing is about overthrowing our Republic.
There's a big article on InfoWars that really breaks it down.
Written House case proves establishment wants to bring back star chamber tyranny.
Let me tell you who's living under star chamber tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
It's Alex Jones.
And I'm not a victim.
I mean, I expected this fight.
I want to stay in this fight and I appreciate you keeping me in this fight.
But They're never going to let me have a jury trial in these fake defamation cases, because I didn't do the things they even said I did, and they admit they want to use this as a pretext to take everybody's free speech.
They're on MSNBC bragging, oh my God, we'll just default all the Republicans.
Our judges can just default them.
It's all desperation.
It's people barely hanging on by their fingernails to power.
And it's like a woman that's been beaten over and over again, and she's finally packed up her car, she's finally leaving, and the abuser's trying to beat her up in the parking lot, in the driveway, to make her stay.
You think she's gonna stay?
She's gone!
We're gone!
We're out of your clutches!
I mean, you people are firing on every cylinder of Satan.
With the pedophile garbage all over the news, with the attack on our children, With all of it, people are sick and tired of the New World Order.
In fact, where's my stack?
I have a stack right here of all the pedophile news and the federal documents as well.
You know, here's the problem.
I really do over-prepare last night and this morning.
And then I've got all these stacks I've looked at and read and I've got them all ready and they're all lined up and they're all prepared.
And then a bunch of other stuff breaks.
And then I just totally go off the rails here.
Reprint me on the Pedophile News.
They've got, uh, oh, just there's so much of it.
I don't know why I can't find it here in my stack.
But I'm going to find it.
It doesn't even matter.
You all know about it.
I mean, my God, they're just everywhere coming after our children.
And then the parents complain about it.
And then it came out, you know, it broke yesterday, hasn't gotten any attention.
Congress has the documents.
I've got the documents right here.
In fact, I'll show you that when we come back.
And it says they're secretly creating a database of resistors that are going to resist.
Wait for it.
That's right here.
Drag queen story time, CRT and transgender training, where children as young as five are going to be screwed up and told they're another sex.
So then when they get confused, the state can take them and have them sterilized.
I mean, can you imagine reading a science fiction book 20 years ago where that would be going on?
You'd think that would never happen.
And it's going on now.
Yeah, they found one of the articles.
I actually found them right here.
Yeah, just reprint me that.
Reprint me the mom that's all upset that they're attacking on the news.
I'll try to find her in the break.
Let me just do this right now, and I've got some clips of myself and Joe Rogan last night where Joe really wakes up.
It's pretty powerful.
That's coming up in a moment, but SaveInfoWars.com.
I'm just going to tell you in the next minute we have until break, That $2 million sounds like a lot of money.
I mean, again, back when I was making $100,000 a year, I was super happy.
Nice car, nice house.
Everything was wonderful.
Had a hot tub out back.
When you've got a lot of employees and you're fighting the Democratic Party and you're up against $2 million, it's like a quarter.
But we can go a long way on that quarter.
And we can keep this call of the truth going out with that quarter put in this phone booth.
So I need to raise two million dollars so that we can just continue to operate.
'Cause if I gotta take the funds of operations and put it towards legal,
and people go, "Well, you're just gonna lose.
"It's all rigged."
Well, exactly.
So we have to stay on air as long as possible and go through every permutation,
and I'll go in on national TV and they'll attack me and lie about me.
won't let me talk while I'm under attack, won't let me show evidence, you know, already
I'm going to go to a trial where I'm already guilty.
I mean, even the average person gets that that's ridiculous.
And this will be an example of their tyranny.
They are so mechanical, these leftist globalists, that they don't even know what it's going to do.
I mean, it won't be enjoyable for me, but I'm ready for it.
But I need really good people, and I need to just, I mean, it costs so much money just to get a transcript from a court hearing.
So, $2 million is what we need to know that I'm going to be able to fight this.
And if you want me to fight this and stay on air for a few more years, of course I'll always be heard, but they can try to diminish us, then I need you to go to the new website.
It's GiveSendGo, and I need you to donate today, ladies and gentlemen.
Make a $10, $100, $1,000 donation so that we have the other money to spend fighting the tyrants.
They're suing us to pin us down so we can't expose their agenda.
The children need our help from the deadly shots from the pedophiles.
So support us.
And that's what all this martial law and tyranny is about.
It's putting us under their thumb.
Let's talk about the war on our children.
Here I have two huge stacks just today of this.
House Republicans have obtained whistleblower documents showing that the FBI is using its counterterrorism division to investigate and add threat tags, that's secret illegal databases that Nixon got in trouble for, to parents.
And say that again.
House Republicans have obtained whistleblower documents showing that the FBI is using its counterterrorism division to investigate and add threat tags to parents contradicting Attorney General Garland's sworn testimony that no such thing was happening before Congress last week.
A lying criminal.
I mean, this is a war.
They're taking over.
They're injecting people with a bio-weapon that's already killing millions all over the world.
I mean, of course they're lying in front of Congress, while Congress just keeps pretending we're not in a war.
We're sold out to China.
They're devaluing the currency.
The borders are wide open.
They've got pedophiles making first contact with our children under pedophile story time.
It's here.
It's unbelievable.
And here's the letter.
Congress of the United States.
And they got the documents.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
Internally, how they're running this entire scam.
And then now we learned two days ago that the Attorney General Garland reached out to the National Association of School Districts and had them write the letter saying terrorists!
Oh look, the grassroots is asking for us to go out for parents.
I guess we will.
We'll have helicopters land at school board meetings with guys getting out in suits, touching their ear.
Oh, I'm getting intel.
You're a joke!
And I wish you weren't a joke.
Believe me, I wish it.
So, this is ridiculous.
And that's just one article.
It goes on from there.
I mean, they're teaching pedophilia in schools.
I've got audio, video of teachers into first and second graders.
I don't want to play this.
As an adult, I've never thought about things like this or said these things on air.
As a 47-year-old that's been around the block a few times, I am made dirty by reading what they're teaching children.
I'm like, what the hell?
I mean, I can't even get my brain around this.
And that's what the behavioral psychologists are doing.
They know what they're doing.
They are just trying to just absolutely, yeah, I mean, watching these people go,
"Oh, you just wanna be with your children.
"Oh, they're so delicious.
"Oh," I mean, yeah, the videos are just horrible.
I mean, I'm talking about salivating convicted pedophiles going, "We're coming.
"We're the Democrats.
"We're getting your children."
People are like, what the hell is this?
Well, it's what happens when we don't stand up for ourselves.
Anyways, a joint message from the Criminal Investigative Division of the Counterterrorism Division.
The Counterterrorism Division!
Why, they go up against, you know, the Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and now it's...
You don't send a security guard for a dad mad that his daughter got raped.
No, no, you arrest him and then Obama says he's a liar and nobody raped your daughter.
And of course, the person's pled guilty now.
I mean, just like, like, why would a former president endorse the rape of a woman?
Because it's about power!
It's like, well, he's black, so... Oh, as if Obama's black, he's an Arab.
Oh my God, the Arab guy says it's okay!
So it's all public about the threat tag, we just showed you the document.
And then we've got this.
I never played this yesterday, but you guys queue it up.
I got over a thousand soldiers ready to go, locked and loaded.
Black militant threatens anti-CRT parents at Texas school board meeting.
And this is the guy that runs around.
And then I didn't even cover this yesterday.
A congresswoman and an MSNBC host both said that a white supremacist At this guy's rally, shot a black person when it was another black person shooting them.
That's on record!
And they're like, I tell you, Carl Rittenhouse needs to go to jail because that white supremacist
shot us in our rally, and that was the famous rally where the black guy discharges the gun
and shoots some people.
I mean, I don't even know what to say at this point.
Because again, it's just lying, lying, lying, lying.
Because a lot of people are unconscious, this stuff works!
I've had, four times now in the last couple months, people walk up to me at the mall, at a grocery store, on the side of the street, and at a gas station.
Twice it happened in front of witnesses.
They walk over and they go, you murdered those children you bleepin'.
And they'll have their fist ready.
It's been a white male every time, like usually over 50 in every case.
And you're just like, what children did I kill?
You know the ones in Connecticut.
You're like, no, I didn't kill any kids.
Because you don't know about Adam Lanza and Sandy Hook.
You know about Alex Jones.
And that's how unconscious these people are.
They're just walking around like believing anything they're told.
Like, did you hear a white supremacist shot the black people at their gun march?
Yeah, yeah.
No, it was a black guy did it.
Doesn't matter because they're talking to people that are in a trance.
And why should evil give us the advantage of ever telling the truth?
Like me, every once in a while, I want to lie about something.
And it's just so hard to do.
I can't even do it now.
Like, I used to lie some to my wife or my mom when I was a kid, or my dad.
I mean, now I just... Cops are like, have you been drinking?
Yeah, boom, you're arrested.
People say, why did you tell me?
I just couldn't lie.
I just... Well, they don't say anything.
Because, I mean, truth is like a river.
You just can't stop it.
And I can't imagine what it's like to be these people that are the people of the lie.
That's what Satanists do.
They lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie.
Who wants to live in a world with these people?
Go and do a school board because parents of black kids, white kids, Hispanic kids, children don't want to hear that white people are the devil and that communism is good.
And here he is threatening a bunch of people.
Oh, and the FBI thinks that's wonderful.
Here it is.
I've got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go.
We're not the board.
He should talk to us.
No, you're not.
You're not.
I'm not listening to you.
If you want to talk to me, I'd be happy to talk to you, but you're not going to tell me.
You're not going to tell me.
You're not going to tell me.
You're not going to tell me.
And look at the theater.
You've got the black sheriff's deputy wearing a Darth Vader outfit because of COVID.
(crowd shouting)
And then look at the theater.
You've got the black sheriff's deputy wearing a Darth Vader outfit because of COVID.
I mean, this is clown world, ladies and gentlemen.
You got a bunch of parents don't want pedophilia and I'm sorry, Aztec prayers for human sacrifice
being taught and a black dude shows up and says, "I'll bring a thousand people in here
and take your ass out.
He doesn't represent black people.
He represents the establishment, and you better believe the feds, in my opinion, are paying him.
I bet my right arm.
Probably Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL.
I mean, just look at this.
He's there to create division, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's disgusting.
All right.
I hit some of it.
Man, I got a lot more here.
But wow.
Of course, the Justice Department directed the National Association of School Districts to say anybody protesting this is a terrorist.
This is an authoritarian takeover.
When we come back, When we come back, I've got the Joe Rogan clips from last night, which are really, really good news, and the Big Flynn interview.
And so they can kill me tomorrow.
They can put me in prison next week.
But at the end of the day, we are having a massive victory, and we've already won.
But I do want to stay in this fight a lot longer.
See, that's the paradox.
As their whole globalist system unfolds, and everything I've told you is coming happens, what are they going to do?
Well, you can't have Alex Jones around, so what do you do?
Well, you look at everything Jones has done, everything he's covered, he questions every big event, so he questions Sandy Hook, sue him for that and set Alex Jones up against children.
But then when he didn't do the things they said he did, well, you can't have a jury trial, so let's default him.
But it's too late.
I mean, just like persecuting Rittenhouse or persecuting Donald Trump or anybody, the public gets what you've done now, and so your attacks only then give us that much more support.
I mean, I've known Joe Rogan for... I met him in, like, 1998.
Started hanging out with him in 1999.
I'd say by about 2001, we were friends.
Joe hung out quite a bit.
Got to be really good friends.
15, 16, 17 years ago.
But Joe always thought I was crazy.
You know, Joe doesn't go off what other people think.
He doesn't go off what other people believe.
He's a really smart guy.
Very smart.
And he just thought my worldview was insane, and now Joe doesn't think that anymore.
Now Joe is like beginning to really wake up and saying, oh my God, it's worse than you say, Jones.
In fact, let me explain.
Joe Rogan isn't an Alex Jones acolyte.
He's worse than me now.
He's slicker.
He's better.
He's more judo about it.
I know he's Jiu-Jitsu, but it's Judo what he's doing.
And the more they mess with him, now it's a sport with him.
It's a combat sport.
And Joey's a badass.
And so now that he gets he's under attack, well, it's game over, New World Order!
See how that works?
And that's what General Flynn interview next hour is about, is realizing you're under attack, realizing it's happening, And then saying, I'm not going to roll over and die to this.
I'm going to fight this.
With economics and with information and spiritually, and if they come for you, physically.
And that is a beautiful moment when you reach that point of like, wow, they're really out to get me.
This wasn't some paranoid stuff.
This is happening.
And then you're in that moment of clarity.
And it's not just Joe that Infowars has, I mean Joe said it, the critical piece getting him to the next level and beyond.
And Tucker Carlson.
I mean, I'm like Count Dracula, man.
If you want to use a vampire analogy, I bit every damn one of these people.
And that's why the New World Order hates my ass.
Because I'm, in their view, they're really the vampires.
You understand?
They're literal vampires.
Spiritual vampires.
But see, they see everything through their lens.
I'm the big Count Dracula!
Which is true!
I mean, I am patient zero for the Big Awakening, but that's because I knew what was going on, and I've dialed into all of you.
You are Count Dracula to these people.
You got that?
I know history.
I understand destiny.
I understand what they were doing.
I thought, hey, we'll fight these people.
We'll expose them.
When they launch their operation, we'll have incredible credibility.
I'll get killed in the process, probably.
I mean, I knew way back.
I'm not stupid.
I mean, I was signing on, baby, in blood.
That meant total commitment.
I'm going to get to the Joe Rogan clips next segment, and then I'll get to the Flynn interview.
The Flynn interview just went live.
It's amazing.
It's probably our best work yet.
I mean, in-game you could say overall is more important, but this is in-game 2.0.
This is the battle plan for victory.
General Flynn issues emergency warning to Americans and the world.
And the video is now live on InfoWars.com.
In fact, that's the live show feed name.
The actual name of the video is, Global Exclusive General Michael T. Flynn lays out plan to save America and the world.
And what's crazy is, that's real!
There's fake stuff in the universe, there's real stuff in the universe.
General Flynn's real, I'm real.
As real as a heart attack.
Here it is.
Got a thousand views on Band.Video.
Just went live.
Go share it.
Go get it out.
Download it.
Take clips out.
That's the URL.
They're not censored yet.
You can get out on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else.
Email it.
Share it.
The battle plan.
The answer.
It's all there.
It's on infowars.com.
It's on freeworldnews.tv.
It's on Band.Video.
How long is this little thing we're about to play?
I forget, because it's not on my list here.
The reset war video we're about to play.
Three minutes, that's what I thought.
So, this is just a prelude of what we're launching in 15 days.
Yeah, about 15 days.
14 days.
This is a prelude to what we're about to release, and we've got even more stuff we're going to release.
So this is just one more of the things we're doing, and it's God-inspired this, and this is the keys to your mind and soul.
This is what the enemy's got that you want to get back.
That through divine Revelation, literally, we've been given to take back power.
I mean, this is hydrogen bomb stuff.
This is victory.
Big, fat V's.
Just think of that.
And it's there for you right now.
This is not on the web yet.
This has not been posted to BandOffVideo.
It will be later so you can share it.
But here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
wars.com and it's a simple sign up for an email right now so you'll get the exclusive information coming up in just a few weeks.
Here it is reset wars.com.
You know what Mark Zuckerberg's doing?
It came out more than five years ago in his own company documents, when whistleblowers
warned the world that he was trying to isolate people to be only on Facebook and to be depressed
and alone so that avatars or fake computer identities would be their only friends, thus
taking full control of the user's mind.
That's just a beta test for what's now rolling out with Facebook claiming ownership of the
metaverse and buying up hundreds of VR companies and now trying to force its users and employees
to solely live in a fantasy world controlled and orchestrated by Zuckerberg and the organizations
that he works with.
This priest class wants to lock us in our five senses here in the third dimension.
And to do that they're creating an artificial electronic prison or matrix to seduce us into giving up control of our bodies and our minds.
This is the greatest deception ever.
Evil is digging in because it knows humanity is waking up and that group consciousness is forming and that we are beginning to transcend the third dimension.
Everything that's being launched against us is an attempt to hold us in the third dimension and not just enslave us, but finally completely destroy us and absorb our energy into this system they're building.
This is beyond the satanic ritual.
This is beyond anything you've read about in science fiction.
Because this is actually happening in the real world today.
And we have discovered their secrets.
We've discovered how to stop them.
And we have put it all together in an easy to understand system that gives you the tools to not just defeat the globalists, but to transcend to the next level.
It's so important for all of you that already know this innately and have already witnessed this for yourselves to understand.
You are the leaders of the future that must go to the next level so that you and I and others working together can free the rest of humanity before they get trapped in this artificial matrix system the globalists are building.
All I'm offering is the truth.
The film The Matrix made in 1999 is not original.
Documents came out in 1990, from the late 1970s, where NASA and DARPA were developing a plan very similar to The Matrix.
And all that information is now public.
They're attempting to seduce us to give up our five senses, not just holding us in the third dimension, but actually creating an artificial slave system so that they can turn us into their programmable slaves.
Humanity are not robots, no matter how many times Ray Kurzweil and the social engineers tell us this, but they are trying to turn us into robots.
That's why in December of 2021, we are launching Reset Wars.
Find out more information at ResetWars.com.
(dramatic music)
All right, I got a big Flynn interview coming up.
It just went live at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
I hope you share the hell out of it, because let me tell you, it's the stuff of victory.
It's 1776 Part II.
It's lightning in a bottle, and that's why they just put out a smoke screen of millions of lies and propaganda and disinfo and all their crap, so that you just get so confused, you just hide in your house, because there's the answer.
General Flynn is on fire.
But let's go to some of these Joe Rogan clips I mentioned.
Let's just go ahead and start and go right through them.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and start with the top one of Joe here talking about how the left is a cult.
And as listeners, you're awake, you know that.
But I mean, look, people are waking up some of them later than others because they just couldn't believe it was true.
Here it is.
This propaganda is so dangerous not because they're just telling lies but they're attempting to control the narrative which is an attempt to control your mind and that's what's dangerous whether you're Republican or Democrat that should seriously concern you because this is what they do to control the minds of millions of people and it's allowed on a daily basis and it's like why don't No, it's encouraging.
Why don't people take issue with this that people are trying to control your mind?
It's so sad because I don't know any progressives.
I know a lot of progressives and not one of them knows that one of the victims of Kyle was a pedophile.
They all think it was an innocent black BLM protester.
Who raped a kid.
It's not like he had attractions.
Five kids.
Five kids.
And he was an underage boy during this You know, battle with him.
So it messed with people so badly.
I know so many people that have no information about the case, but have an opinion completely made up.
Wasn't the other guy, didn't he get all his charges dismissed on previous cases?
Six days before.
Six days before he had a DUI charge dropped, but he was a career criminal.
I mean, he went down for domestic abuse, prowling, trespassing, two DUIs, felony burglary, two counts of carrying a firearm while intoxicated.
Bro, this is cult shit.
Yeah, we're in a cult.
This is a cult.
Tell us, Joe.
We're in a cult.
Tell us, Joe.
Speak to us, leader.
How about the Kool-Aid tape?
Dr. Joe!
We are in a cult.
Joe, start over.
This information is not based on reality.
This is a left-wing cult, and they're pumping stuff out, and then they're confirming this belief.
They're all getting together, and they're ignoring contrary evidence.
They're ignoring any narrative that challenges their belief about what happened, and they're not looking at it realistically.
They're only looking at it like you would look at it if you're in a fucking So, that video is all over the country right now.
That was last night.
So, there's a lot of other clubs, but they're only on footwars.com.
They're everywhere.
You can go watch the three-hour podcast, Tim Pool.
Joe had to go to a comedy show at the Vulcan Gas Company, where we hang out quite a bit.
Everybody already knows that.
It's not a secret.
But, I love Tim Pool.
And I love Michael Malice, but they wouldn't, like Joe would barely talk for the hour he was there and they would not let him talk.
Joe, you think Alex Jones is the interrupter?
They were even worse, but I get it.
It's their show and there was like five, six people, I guess there were seven people in there.
And so it was a great three hour podcast, an hour with Joe Rogan.
And just Joe is being Joe now.
He's super awake.
Joe doesn't just buy into some ideology right away.
But I've been like a woodpecker for 20 plus years, putting a bug in his ear, and he doesn't need me to tell him stuff now.
In fact, most of the time, Joe tells me about stuff.
I mean, we talk a lot.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean, 10 times a day.
I mean, the point is, is that we've woken a lot of people up, and that's all you, ladies and gentlemen.
That is the listeners of this broadcast that did this.
Because you don't just think it's Joe Rogan we're talking to, we're talking You know, the Emperor of Japan is a listener.
Vladimir Putin.
And I'm not saying this to act powerful.
Why do you think the left hates us so much?
Because I get, I'm Alex from Texas, and we're just a show and everything.
But you understand, we're winning, folks.
God's real.
Jesus is real.
Praise God.
There is a global awakening happening.
At the next level.
And a lot of people that even are part of the system, they don't want to be part of this evil.
They don't want to be part of this takeover.
They don't want to be part of the Satanism.
They want freedom too!
We just have to be there and be the example against the evil and then people will join us.
But if we don't take the field, then evil wins.
Remember what Thomas Everson said, all the evil men and tyrants flourish, good men do nothing.
Okay, I know when I see victory.
I know when I see The truth, I know, not as intellectually, sure, that always lines up with it when it does, but I know in my soul, I know in my heart, in my gut, in my mind, like a burning desire for freedom, I know when we've got the sword of destiny, when we pull the sword from the stone, when destiny is confirmed,
But to pull the sword is one thing.
That's half the battle.
Then you've got to wield the sword.
And General Flynn has been through the fire, and he's not compromised, and he is a patriot.
And you see CNN freaking out.
Oh my God, he said we should have a one religion.
Nobody didn't say that like the UN says.
He said we need to be a nation under God.
He said I don't care what Christian faith, we're a Christian nation.
He didn't say force people to do it.
He said we must recognize it and make ourselves a Christian nation.
Through the people, through the collective.
That scared them so much because that's the answer.
And I can tell you as sure as the sun came up, General Flynn is the real deal.
Is he sinless?
No, neither am I. And I'm not against Trump.
Trump, I know, is a good person and means well and gets deceived.
Flynn has his own issues, so do I. But if Trump doesn't run, Flynn is going to run.
And we need to get behind him.
And he says, I'm willing to die.
I mean, he knows.
That's the type of person he'll try to assassinate.
So the full interview is up on InfoWars.com and Bandot Video.
Share the hell out of it.
This is not a spectator sport.
But whatever you do, get this out.
Global exclusive.
General Flynn lays out plan to save America and the world.
And that's what it is.
And it's a powerful interview.
So here it is.
Wow, General Flynn, thank you for taking time out while you're visiting Texas here with this giant crowd to hear you speak in San Antonio to talk to InfoWars.
Last time we talked was on January 5th at the Willard Hotel.
How about that?
A lot of things are happening and have happened.
Yes, sir.
Well, I know you've got a lot to brief the American people on the short time we have, but just from my perspective, the Great Reset and the UN, they bragged that they're using COVID as the pretext to take the world over.
And I see so many of our leaders don't talk about that, even the good ones like Senator Paul and Ted Cruz and others.
I know you've been aware of that and aware of some of the war games they've had, how they would use COVID to take over.
Can you speak from your military background just in general about the Great Reset and how important you think it is to get nationalists, Christian, conservative, populist leaders to understand Because I've seen you talk about this, that COVID is being used as a pretext for a UN takeover.
Can you speak to that?
So I think that what people have to understand when you, when you look at these, the people that are running these organizations like the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and, and you dig down a couple of layers into the, into the, uh, the kinds of evidence that we have now discovered about COVID and the treatments for COVID.
And you start to look at the reasons behind it.
Which is, you know, vis-a-vis the Great Reset.
I think what people have to understand now is that this is no longer, and they're not even talking about it being a health crisis, this is about a control mechanism in order to take over, I mean, not only the United States, but the world.
This weekend and last weekend they had, you know, as it led into the World Economic Forum, right?
So this weekend is the World Economic Forum.
It's going on right now.
And I think, I mean, I pay attention to these kinds of things and the types of agendas that they're following and the talking points that come out of them and the various topics that they talk about.
And this is all about sort of a one world order that they're moving toward.
And this is not a conspiracy theory, Alex.
This is a conspiracy.
And what we have to understand is that the big take is the United States of America.
So it's been going on for decades.
In fact, actually, I applaud you for, it was one of your interviews ten years ago, probably ten years ago, may have been more than ten years ago now, where you actually were talking about these issues and you covered it for Quite a while, actually, at that time.
And just everything we talk about here, the magnitude is off the chart.
I mean, I'm not even worthy to be bringing you information this powerful.
And I hope that you pay attention to what we cover here, minute by minute.
Because I've had chills since last night.
This just confirms everything else we've already researched.
But Rockefeller study envisions future dictatorship controlled by elite.
Millions being killed, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, the end of the family, everything that's in the other documents.
But this dovetails with all the other Rockefeller Foundation documents about the GMO food to sterilize you and the forced vaccines.
The hell we're already living in that's just going to continue to intensify until we take our governments back from these eugenics madmen.
I pray to God, I pray to my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ every night to give me the strength and the will to be able to face this horror and to give me the strength to carry on because I know why a lot of you don't want to look at this information and just want to comment on the YouTube videos or on message boards and I'm a liar.
I know why.
Because it's scary.
And if you admit this to yourself, you're not going to be able to go to the ball games anymore.
You're not going to be able to just go out and get drunk with your friends.
You're not going to be able to just, you know, go out and enjoy yourself all the time and not spend some of your energy on resisting this.
And once you face this information, once you've consciously admitted it to yourself, it will take over your life.
It should take over your life.
Well, I mean, what else?
What else could it do?
The only chance we've got of beating this scientific dictatorship, this creeping death that takes its time to incrementally enslave you, mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, the only way To defeat it is for the rank and file of this planet to realize that you have a choice to make on what your destiny is going to be.
Win, lose, or draw, you need to choose a side.
You need to spend some time this afternoon, this evening, over the weekend to close the shutters, to sit there in your easy chair, And to just sit back and think about the claims I've made here and decide on whether or not you're going to research the information we've laid out.
Because this information is too important.
I do not want you to simply sit here and listen to what I've said and then go out on message boards and say Alex Jones says they want to reduce our population.
That they are poisoning us.
And that they're incrementally increasing the amount of poisons.
And genetic manipulation is going on.
And I think that you got a lot of bashing by, you know, by others in the media and by others around the world because it was like, oh, this guy, Alex, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
And lo and behold, here we are a decade later, and they have implemented this strategy, this Great Reset strategy.
So people can go read the Great Reset book.
They can dig deep into the Into all of the aspects of the things that are coming out of these different organizations that now, you know, bringing it from the sort of the Great Reset and the worldview, bringing it into the view of the United States of America and what is happening with our administration right now.
So they're taking the COVID crisis and I call it this COVID tyranny and they are Using it to basically go after it is a total assault on our Bill of Rights top to bottom Not just our ability to be able to speak freely and have a conversation like this And what I'm telling people now is go back and look at the Bill of Rights are very simple It's a very simple document to read
Read them, and I mean read them.
You know, at the end of this show, break them out, or if you're watching this show, break them out and start reading them, because every single one of them is being threatened by this great reset.
Every single one.
And, you know, I think of people that are following what I'm doing, or what's happening in my life, and everything that's happening in yours as well, with all of this stuff with the January 6th, they call it the Insurrection, crucifixion.
Because that's what it is.
And in a way, you know, from a biblical sense, Nancy Pelosi's like the Pontius Pilate of this operation that they are doing to basically steal away all of the other aspects of what's happening across this country.
Like, you got the gun report, right?
Stay right there.
The full interview is now at BandOffVideo and Infowars.com.
Share it!
It's the truth.
It's a battle plan for victory.
Global exclusive.
General Michael T. Flynn lays out a plan to save America and the world.
Get it and share it now.
Rediscover your humanity.
Stand against evil today and touch God.
God's waiting for you, but you got to stand up.
I want to thank all of you for your support.
I want to ask you to donate to our legal fund to stay on air and give the enemy our full fight.
I want to thank all of you that have donated and supported us.
Let's go back to the exclusive General Flynn interview, and then again, the full thing has just now been posted at Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
It's up to you that it reaches tens of millions, and I know you'll take action.
Here it is.
You got the Durham report, right?
Whatever comes out of that.
The Durham investigation's ongoing.
And there's been a lot of things dropped in the recent days, recent couple of weeks about indictments from that.
And we're learning a lot more about that.
And that's another thing I want to ask you about.
Yeah, so we'll talk about that.
We'll get back to Great Reset in a moment, but that's, you know, the great tyranny, that's the generals running it on the bad guy side.
But how vindicated do you feel now that it's come out that Russiagate was indeed completely manufactured to stop you from giving Trump real advice?
Get Flynn to get Trump.
The lead FBI agent, the lead FBI agent, his name is Barnett, he did a 302, which is basically a testimonial, under oath, in October of 2020.
You can find it online.
He was the lead agent in Crossfire Hurricane and he basically said...
Get Flynn to get Trump.
That's what the whole thing was about.
And it was a total setup.
So yeah, I mean, vindicated.
I always knew, you know, where I was at with this, with this whole, that mess.
But these are things that are in the news today.
COVID is another one.
The whole idea about election security and all the, all the fraud that keeps coming out.
Let's speak to that because the Democrats were all over election integrity and security until 2020.
Now you're not supposed to talk about it.
They'll censor you if you even try to discuss that, but I thought the State Department and our own government goes around the world to grade other people's elections, but now they don't want our elections graded.
Right, at all.
So there is a great documentary that the Democrats basically put together in the 2020 timeframe to prepare for a potential loss to Trump.
And so, and every one of them, and it's all these various senators from the Democratic
side of the aisle, so to speak, that talked about how the machines, how mail-in ballots,
everything's fraudulent.
It's all fraud with fraud.
I mean, it's an incredible testimony to what we know to have been happening in our country.
And it's been happening for over 100 years.
Mail-in fraud or fraud, fraudulent activity in our elections has been happening since
around the turn of the last century.
So we're not, we're kidding ourselves by saying, oh, there's no fraud.
And all of a sudden we have a presidential election.
So what the...
To go back one step on the election, in 2016, I believe, based on what we've learned in the last nine months, ten months, that I believe that there was massive fraud conducted in the 2016 election.
They just didn't have the mail-in ballots.
So they used the machines to manipulate, but Donald Trump in that case ran, you know, they essentially ran the tables, and he outdid the algorithms, you know, this word that everybody's learned, the algorithms of these machines, and he beat the odds, and he became president, and then for four years they tried to take him out.
They tried to cut him off at the knees every single day, and that story is still being told.
And so what they decided, and I think that they decided this right after the 2016 election, they said this is never going to happen again.
We're never going to have another election that we're not going to control the outcome of.
Kick in COVID, right?
Bring in COVID.
Bring in the COVID control mechanisms.
And they're very, very smart.
They did it in a very masterful way.
I give them a lot of credit.
It's like military strategy at its finest.
And what they did was they used the COVID control mechanisms to bring in the whole mail-in ballot, right?
There's so much fraud in mail-in ballot.
Everybody has always said that.
And now they're trying to bring it in again for the midterms coming up.
Well, I mean, and I think that, I think that Two big events that just occurred politically was the Virginia elections and the New Jersey gubernatorial elections.
And I still, as I sit here today, I don't think that they have finished the counting.
I mean, Yunkin won hands down because, again, he sort of beat the odds.
And frankly, it wasn't necessarily because Yunkin's a great guy.
He is.
It wasn't because he ran a great campaign.
He did.
It was because they attacked the children of this country.
And the moms in Virginia stepped up, the moms and dads in Virginia stepped up, particularly
in places like Loudoun County and Fairfax County.
But I understand they haven't even completed the count.
They basically shut the count down in Fairfax County.
And so even if they counted, it's not going to change the outcome of Virginia.
And so what Yonke needs to do as soon as he gets into the job, he needs, day one, he needs
to go to Fairfax County and say, I want to do a complete, thorough audit of at least
that county because I guarantee there was fraud.
Then you jump to New Jersey where the individual who won the night of the election, he goes home that night, high fives, he does a big victory speech, we won, he gets up the next morning and I think it was 40,000, there was some number of votes, I think the number that sticks in my head was 40,000 from one or two counties.
Bergen County is the one that I think that I remember reading about.
And so he gets up the next morning, it's like, Sorry, you didn't win.
It's now back to Murphy.
And so, in New Jersey, for the people of New Jersey that are going to watch this, I know I saw the, I think it's Chiarelli, I think that's how he says his name.
He came out with a great statement, a public statement video, and he said, here's what we're going to do.
We're going to let this thing play out.
We're going to do another count of everything.
So, what he's going to have to do is he's going to have to fight tooth and nail because the lawfare is going to kick in.
And that's what kicked in after the 2020 election.
Oh, believe me.
I mean, we've been part of this thing and organizations that I'm supporting or behind,
we've been part of fighting back to try to make sure that all we want to do, you know,
if the outcome was that Joe Biden won fair and square, no problem.
It's like a football game or a baseball.
It's an athletic contest.
But they don't want us to go back and look at the instant replay.
And just to encapsulate that, we've got Patrick Byrne going to come in here soon and talk with us and others.
About what's currently happening, but just basic strategies looking at this traveling the country talking to all the experts doing your own research You've been very articulate.
I've seen you talk about it But what are some basic things?
The American people can do and that Congress and the states the legislatures and some of the good senators we have can do To get past the intimidation when we're told don't investigate don't call for election security don't call for election integrity What can we do to get people moving in the right direction to make sure they don't steal?
Yeah, good question.
And so first of all, courage is a decision.
Courage is not something that is in your DNA.
It might be, but at the end of the day, courage is a decision that you have to make.
And people that wouldn't normally step up in a time of crisis are the least expected type of person.
So I want people to really understand that.
All right folks, he really gets to the key parts here of identifying the globalist.
When we come back, this is so important.
If we identify the globalist, they fell and they fall.
If we never identify we're in a war, we lose.
Everything is identifying that it's a globalist cult, a power cult, a behavioral psychologist.
We admit that, we beat them.
Global exclusive!
General Michael T. Flynn lays out a plan to save America and the world at Band.Video.
The other site is SaveInfoWars.com.
Check it out and heed the call.
You've never betrayed us before.
You've always stood with us.
We know you'll do it again.
Thank you so much.
You know, this General Flynn interview is very important.
Even though it's posted right now on the site.
I've got so much news I don't want to hit on the time we have, but I'm going to air it.
And then Jason Bermas is in the fourth hour.
Old friend of mine, known him 17 years.
He's loaded for bears, they say, but look at this headline out of Reuters.
I mean, how obvious is this?
Schumer recommends Ghislaine Maxwell's judge for second circuit seat.
Well, jury selection is happening in the Ghislaine Pedophile Network suit.
The judge, Rachel Maddow's mother, I guess, is now being basically taken out of that to go be a federal judge at a higher level.
I mean, this is all just a big joke, and these people are jokes now.
There are still some judges that are decent doing their job, but more and more, they're just political hacks.
Just God help us.
That's all I can say.
I mean, look at the power trip.
Look at this dude.
All right, let's go ahead and... Don't worry, you keep acting arrogant.
God's real.
He's acting all powerful.
Big, big boy pants over there.
Let's go back to General Flynn.
Here it is.
So first of all, courage is a decision.
Courage is not something that is in your DNA.
It might be, but at the end of the day, courage is a decision that you have to make.
And people that wouldn't normally step up in a time of crisis are the least expected type of person.
So I want people to really understand that do not fear what's in front of them and think
about how you're going to demonstrate courage because it's a decision and people across
this country have to make that decision.
So I use the phrase local action has a national impact and there's great examples out there.
There's examples in Iowa.
There's examples, I just was given one from Ohio where people stepped in to the local
level and they overturned their school boards.
They overturned the town council or the mayors of their cities.
Because these were essentially socialists that were running these school boards.
I mean... I totally agree with you.
Klaus Schwab gave a three-hour speech yesterday.
I think you alluded to that talking about how the Davos Crips meet right now.
And he kept saying, we've got to go local, we've got to take over there.
Because they know that's what we're going to fight back.
The other thing is that, you know, look at your local newspaper.
Okay, look at the local newspaper and look at who owns it.
You know, is it owned by Gannett?
Is it owned by NBC?
Is it owned by USA Today?
And then you take it up a notch, a notch, and for decades, for a couple of decades, there's been a very, very big shift and an intentional move to purchase a lot of these local newspapers around the country.
And you kind of go, why is there such a lousy article in this newspaper, you know, in whatever gazette, right?
and you kind of look at it and you go, "What the heck?"
And it's because there is a concerted effort by this elite body of people that have lots of money
and they have a desire to take this country over and shift, completely do an ideological shift in this country.
So back to local.
Why has there been so much visibility about school boards and school board activity around this country?
You kind of say to yourself, where did these people come from?
Why did school boards get like this?
Part of it is, is that we have taken for granted our freedoms and we have not gotten involved.
We just sort of take it, you know, take it for granted that, Oh, you know, Alex, this guy, Alex, he's on the school board.
And you go, well, where'd Alex come from?
Well, who, and who is he?
What is his background?
And all of a sudden we're finding out that we have these, what I call democratic socialists that are on these school boards because the, The education system is the way to change the entire culture of a country.
And they brag about that.
And they brag about it.
They write about it.
They've been talking about it for decades.
This is not something that happened because of Donald Trump.
This has been going on for decades.
And people need to understand.
I agree.
I think Trump and people like you help draw out the communists.
Let's call them what they are.
Democratic Socialists is a good term, but they're really globalist communists.
And you and others have helped draw them out.
What would you call that militarily, where we're at right now as a culture, and then Tie that back in to January 6th and the attempt, the official U.S.
government policies you know since June when Biden signed it is no longer is China or Russia or radical Islam the main international or domestic threat.
Now we're told it's people that question elections and people that question lockdowns and now they've extended it.
Just came out two days ago that it was the Justice Department went to the National Association of School Boards and said We actually want you to write this letter calling for the Feds to come in.
So now we know there's a conscious move to declare people going to PTA meetings that are upset about critical race theory, or their daughter getting raped by a man in a skirt, literally being branded as terrorists.
So from a guy that ran military intelligence, a guy that was the top national security advisor who understands how this works in layman's terms, how big a deal is it To have the entire corporate media system and the Democratic Party trying to brand the American people in general as terrorists.
What does that signify?
Yeah, I mean so it basically are creating two big camps.
And the larger camp is what they're trying to identify those of us like myself, right?
We are these domestic Terrorists we're these domestic, you know, we're we're gonna whatever we're gonna, you know break out and start fighting or something Really where we are and this happened this started on the 3rd of November, you know from a military perspective the the phrase that or the the word that I would use is we're in kind of a retrograde operation
And in a retrograde operation, you are actually, you're moving backwards, you're going backwards a little bit, you still have your footing, but you're looking for weaknesses in their armor because you want to conduct a counterattack or a counteroffensive in some cases, right?
So, we're in this battle.
Between really competing ideologies, and this is no kidding, and the competing ideologies is whether we're going to continue on as a democracy and a constitutional republic or whether we're going to go become a communist country.
I mean, the other camp that you described, The, you know, the big media, the tech titans, the socialists in the political spectrum are really, you know, we really haven't said Democratic and Republican parties, right?
Because it's really not that.
It's sort of a large base of conservatives in this country who I would identify, and I would say they are on both sides of the former aisle, right?
They're both Democrats and the Republicans because... People like Manchin.
People like me, okay?
I'm a lifelong Democrat.
I'm registered as a Republican now because I just moved, but I'm a lifelong Democrat.
But I'm pro-life, I'm pro-family, I'm pro-America, I'm pro-business.
But as I watch what's happening, and to your question about my time in the military, I saw this, I certainly saw this from a foreign perspective, and I watched as I became more senior In our, in our government and in the apparatus, particularly of the intelligence community, I watched internally the kinds of things that were happening inside of our country and they were happening because there are elements outside of the country that do try to continue to influence.
The communist ideologues, the Chinese Communist Party, the Russians, I mean they are infiltrating into our country and they have been for a long time.
And what they do is they get inside of our government and they recruit and they turn people and they also Bring a lot of wealth in, in some cases.
And then you get the elite crowd from, like, out of the European Union.
Again, for your smart listeners, which you have many, pay attention to this Davos stuff, because this is not conspiracy theory.
The fact that I say it, they're going to go, oh, Flynn's a right-wing nut.
This is real stuff.
Oh, they're now declaring war on government.
These are real people, and they want total control.
COVID and the tyranny that they have us under with COVID, because COVID is a real thing.
It's a real type of sickness.
But what they're doing is all about control.
And in order to control the population, they have to get total control in order to be able to do the kinds of things that we're doing.
So where are we from a military perspective now moving forward, taking that offensive?
Wars take money to prosecute.
Takes money to win.
So I ask viewers and listeners here on the Alex Jones Show, have we not proven ourselves to be true Americans and to be fighting tyranny?
Doesn't mean we don't fall down.
Doesn't mean we're perfect.
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And so time is of the essence to continue to fight and press our case and expose what's happening.
So it's so critical to go to SaveInfoWars.com so that you will see the type of groundbreaking information that is only presented here to a mass audience.
And believe me, my whole mission is to become obsolete.
My whole mission is to not have the power and to not be under attack, but I got to get them off our back first.
And that's why God just keeps giving us all the power.
We're not looking for it.
But we need money in Satan's realm to operate.
And so I'm asking you, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar.
Render into SaveInfoWars.com the money we need to continue on the fight.
They want to force us into bankruptcy where they can shut everything down.
We're not going to let them do that.
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But I do not want to cut our production and our crew.
I want to expand it.
And I want to take the money from what we're doing and let these people win.
That's our whole plan.
So energize me.
I am true.
You will see it.
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I mean, I'm going to go all the way, folks.
I know where this road leads.
I'm not stupid.
And I'm not looking for trouble either.
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And my spirit says, you will.
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TurboForce, Back in Stock.
What else is Back in Stock?
I actually forget what's Back in Stock.
Something huge is Back in Stock.
Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste.
Yes, that's there.
And so much more.
But right now, let's go back.
There's like 20 minutes left.
I won't get to it all here before Jason Burma takes over.
But the full interview is so important.
Out of the sea of BS out there, it's such truth.
It's such a life raft for America and the world.
Please share it.
The General Flynn interview.
Here's more of it.
But what they're doing is all about control.
And in order to control the population, they have to get total control in order to be able to do the kinds of things that we're doing.
So where are we from a military perspective now moving forward, taking that offensive?
And I believe the only way that we're going to do it, because we're not going to, not everybody is a Washington D.C.
Not everybody, I like to say, not everybody is a Joan of Arc.
So what we've got to do is we've got to find these little flowers around the country.
We've got to find these brave people.
We've got to find these people that are willing to make that decision about standing up and being courageous in their local communities.
And if people don't get involved in their communities and they give up their communities, then you're going to give up this country.
And so, you know, you can't, not everybody can jump into Washington, D.C., and I'm tired of, with a lot of people.
You know, the audience, I mean, anybody that says, well, it's those, you know, it's those bastards, they're the problem, those people in Washington, D.C., the politicians, we put them there.
We put them there just like we put people on the school board on these school boards.
Well General Flynn, let me just 100% agree with you that this is not about Democrat or Republican.
This is about Americans that are loyal to the country and want to continue to live in a free market,
capitalist nation with our Bill of Rights.
Or whether we want to live under globalism that runs Hollywood and is demonizing the country
and trying to divide us to conquer us.
And you're right.
It is the Davos Group that's bragging.
Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia that has links to his own website says he wants to capture countries and cut out the general public from leadership and only have international corporate and UN stakeholders in control. These are quotes.
Imagine if you published that you wanted to capture the government,
you'd be called a wannabe dictator. Well, they're not just wannabe.
Through the Great Recess... - They gave me the Roger Stone treatment, is what they...
If I said that, I'd have 50 guys with helicopters and boats, you know, showing up to my hotel room that I'm staying. I
mean, the...
Well, exactly. They lie and say that you're saying that, but you never said anything near that. And meanwhile, Swab
is saying that.
You're right. I'm saying as a military leader, how do we identify the globalists? How do we get Congress
and people that are good patriots to realize who the enemy is? Because in the past, okay, it
was the Cold War.
Okay, in the past, it was the Nazis. We get it. We get together. We defeat them.
This is multinational corporations bragging that they've captured America.
And I can't get these senators and people to talk about it.
I've talked to them privately. They go, "Well, the public's not ready for that.
We'll be discredited."
We're in a war, not identifying who's attacking us.
Like you said earlier, you'll be attacked for identifying that Schwab says he's capturing
the planet?
So the American people right now, and I can tell you, I feel like I have a good sort of
fingertip sense of the American sentiment.
And the Republican Party, they better stand up here quickly because they are missing the
The Republican leadership, and there's very, very, very few of them that actually stand up and say something, and you kind of wonder, with everything that's going on, why don't...
As you're saying, you know, I mean, I think that these guys like Ted Cruz were here in Texas, somebody else like a like a Rand Paul.
I mean, there's a couple of others.
Those are senators.
And then you have a couple of congressmen that still are vocal about certain things.
But you you I don't hear any of them.
None of them talking about this conversation right here.
It's almost as look as they look at this and they say, this is politics as usual.
We're going to get it back in 2022.
I don't know where I need to look for your audience to look at your audience, but I'm going to tell you if you think that Nancy Pelosi is going to give up the leadership to Kevin McCarthy in 2022 after they stole the presidential election.
So that's why that's why we have to be so active.
So active at our local level and I mean get it like I met a woman I just stood a long line to get some photos taken with these great Americans and a woman comes up to me and says I just became a precinct volunteer and I gave her a big hug.
I mean that's the kind of activism and I think the numbers the numbers that I've been given from that I've seen from the Republican Party and and you know I mean, tell me I'm wrong, but I think we have somewhere near 200,000 positions that are unfilled.
There's somewhere as close to 32,000 precinct positions that are unfilled by the Republican Party.
The Democrats are masters at this.
They call them volunteers, they're paid.
There are thousands of races where Democrats run unopposed.
We use the phrase precinct captains, precinct captains.
The Democrats have precinct bosses, and they get in there and they run these precincts.
Politically, people have to get active.
When somebody says to me or somebody says to you, around the Thanksgiving table here coming up, if you could afford the turkeys that might be on the shelves, and they say, well, I don't do that political thing.
Politics is for whatever.
Then you know what?
Then you better not complain.
Because our entire lives right now, everybody, every American, their lives are wrapped around politics right now.
If you don't think that something's changing, you don't feel the way I feel right now, you don't feel the way these 5,000 people out here feel, then something's wrong.
You're not paying close enough attention.
General, you're absolutely right.
I think you say it better than anybody out there that it's about Americans and our sovereignty and controlling our destiny versus multinational corporations who have taken over the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is not even challenging them at that level.
If we just wake up America to what's really happening, this globalist takeover, then we can save the country and turn it around.
I'll tell you what, I say, what's the matter with saying America first?
That's not something from Trump.
Trump made America first.
His thing is make America first.
This is very powerful.
There's 11 minutes left.
The full interview, global exclusive.
General Michael T. Flynn lays out the plan to save America and the world.
It's up to you to carry the ball now.
and I know you will, but just share the video to your whole email list, your whole Twitter list,
your whole Facebook list.
Just get it out and say, wow, see what General Flynn said about what's happening.
You talk about insane.
I don't like to go off half-cocked.
When I was younger, I'd go with my gut.
I believed I was selling the truth, but sometimes I'd go off half-cocked,
and we all do that when we're young, and I'd be wrong, but I never did it on purpose.
But as you get older, it almost becomes the opposite problem, where you know you're right,
but you hold back 'cause you always wanna triple-check everything, and then triple-check,
and triple-check, and triple-check, and triple-check, and then you don't take action.
Let God and the Holy Spirit guide you, folks.
That's how you know you're taking action.
We come back before Jason Barmas takes over, I'm gonna hit this.
Judge Schroeder slams media's handling of Rittenhouse trial, calls it really quite frightening.
Well of course, tyranny like this is frightening, but why is that important?
Then there's this judge, and the whole Ghislaine Maxwell case, and Jeffrey Epstein and what just happened, and what that ties into this little story.
Her boot resting on my brother's thigh.
Boris Johnson's sister says he knew Ghislaine Maxwell University.
Of course he did.
A bunch of sex operatives, a bunch of intelligence operatives, all trained for the same goal.
And it's coming out.
That's why all these world leaders are pushing lockdowns and tyranny and world government and new lockdowns all over the world from Ireland to Germany to Australia and Austria.
To the United Kingdom, our number four, with myself and Jason Barbas, straight ahead, nfowars.com.
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I know all these billionaires and people.
I guess I get on the phone and beg them for money, but then they've got some condition, I'm sure.
But $2 million sounds like a lot.
In this world, hell, $2 million won't buy you probably a sandwich in a couple years, the way inflation's going.
But that's what it'll take me with six trials they've got next year.
To do basic defense of.
Basic defense.
You're like, well, it's rigged.
Why fight it?
Well, if you don't fight it now, they immediately come and shut us down.
You understand?
So I only call for your help when I really need it.
And yeah, you're spreading the articles, spreading the videos.
Now Tucker Carlson's awake and Joe Rogan and so many others.
And oh my God, Alex Jones is right.
Okay, Alex Jones is right.
But Alex Jones is fighting six lawsuits.
We got over 50 thrown out.
That costs millions and millions of dollars.
And then we did the depositions and the interviews, and we're like, when do we get to interview the people suing us?
You don't get to.
The judge said, you're deposed.
You give documents.
They don't.
We're like, well, that's illegal.
They go, we're defaulting you because it's rigged.
You're like, well, then why are you going to fight it?
Because then they can come try to shut us down.
So we have to like play out the process.
Like you've won independence.
Like why is Jones saying it's rigged?
But he's not going to fight.
But he is.
I'm in.
We're not going to make the main focus them attacking us.
We're talking about the children being forcibly injected, the worldwide lockdowns, the martial law, the implantable microchips.
That's our mission!
And so we're going to try to make the attacks we're under a very small part of what we do on air.
But if we don't talk about it and don't get the funding to fight these lies, then we'll be shut down.
So, SaveInfoWars.com.
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People that launched the fake WMDs?
We are fighting the globalist agenda.
And these Democrat-funded legal attacks are meant to take us out of that fight.
But we want to fight the child molesters.
We want to stay in the fight.
But it takes money for the infrastructure, the satellite uplinks, the servers, the crew.
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All right, Jason Burmas takes over, then Owen Schroeder.
Well, look who is back in the saddle.
Hey, everybody, Jason Burmas here, and we've got a stacked, stacked hour for you.
I'm going to circle back to what Alex Jones talked about in the first hour.
And the two things that I think he focused on that I really want to share with people
that may not be aware are 9/11 and then predictive programming behind this entire globalist agenda,
predator class agenda that wants to make humanity the very enemy, enemy of civilization and
what they have planned in the fourth industrial revolution.
But before we get there, I want to say this, SaveInfoWars.com is huge.
That's something that needs to be done.
I want to give a shout out to Alex Jones and say one of the things we're going to be talking
about later on is Earth 2100.
And this was a propaganda piece that was put out by the mainstream media that Alex and I actually discussed all the way back, I believe, in 2009.
And I think that it was during the second money bomb.
We're going to get into that in a moment.
But what we focused on in this piece was the outright showing of geoengineering when, of course, quote unquote, Chemtrails were a large topic of discussion, but now looking back at this piece and everything in this piece,
You can see the predictive programming right from the get-go.
The masks on people, the plagues, the internment camps, even the tele-learning of youth that we will later be discussing.
So, we're actually going to play clips from that.
We're going to play a lot of clips on this that are hardcore, that I want you to share with people.
And I hope that Alex considers at least doing a couple 24-hour Money Bomb broadcasts to
bring that $2 million into fruition because honestly folks, this is not cheap to do.
And you are literally battling billionaires out there and their interests.
The Washington Post for instance, who I was in contact with over the last few weeks, just
ran another hit piece, another narrative pushing piece where loose change and those that question
9/11 started the viral disinformation age.
You see, it wasn't the Washington Post and the New York Times and the mainstream media outlets that not only lied to you about 9-11, But lie to you about the War on Terror in general.
And we're going to get into that because it's actually the one year anniversary today of the faux killing of the supposed mastermind and leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Took them 20 years to say they killed him.
This was put out literally November 17th of last year.
But guess what, guys?
Eymann decided just a little over a month ago to put out a video on 9-11.
You see how we won that war on terror?
A man that was in videos with the supposed mastermind bin Laden, pre-9-11, Mission accomplished.
And then they kind of make it a back of the line story that they got him.
And then you don't hear anything about the fact the guy's putting out videos, videos on the anniversary.
And that's why I hope that especially the information we're going to get to in the beginning, okay, about Joe Biden.
When he wasn't the Poopy Pants President, when he wasn't Zombie Jay, when he was in fact Joey B Gangster Extraordinaire, even before he was Vice President, he actually met and bragged about meeting with one of the money men behind 9-11.
Now this guy is a guy named General Mahmoud Ahmed and talk about InfoWars being at the tip of the spear folks.
The very tippity tip.
The clip we're going to play right now behind me is from a film that Alex Jones produced called Fabled Enemies.
And some of the footage was actually shot by another gentleman of WeAreChange.org that Alex was sitting in with at the Tim Pool extravaganza last night.
If you haven't seen that, I would encourage you to do so.
Where Luke Rudowsky, on tape twice, talks to Joe Biden about him meeting with the money man behind 9-11.
Who we won't play this clip, but Joe Biden acknowledged was either the most powerful person in Pakistan at the time.
He led the ISI, their intelligence services, or the second most powerful person in the entire country.
OK, now Luke confronts him on this because the official narrative doesn't have Pakistani intelligence funding.
funding these people again before this he's advocating that he's meeting with a guy who wires
a hundred thousand dollars to Mohammed Adda prior to the attacks now the crazy thing is that a surrogate
okay a surrogate of this person who is Omar Said Sheikh
Okay, and he was actually convicted of the murder of Daniel Pearl.
That initial video where somebody was beheaded and we all became so afraid of the terrorists.
Oh no, the big bad terrorists are going to get us.
Think about that for a second.
That this is total and complete insanity.
All right, total and complete insanity.
He's now in a safe house.
Okay, someone who facilitated money to Mohammed Adda prior to 9-11 and was convicted of the murder of a journalist who was looking into 9-11 and started the viral video sensation of beheadings and terrorizing the people.
It's absolutely nuts.
Absolutely nuts.
But again, we act like This isn't happening.
And it is happening.
It is happening.
I want to repeat that.
It is happening.
And this whole war on terror was really aimed at the American people from the get-go once we put the Patriot Act into place.
Once you had Homeland Security in place, correct?
I mean, right now it's open that Homeland Security and the Department of Justice are going after parents who want to be involved in their children's school lives.
Through all this intelligence apparatus, we got signature reduction, folks, that still no one is talking about.
An army against the people of 60,000 that are completely unaccountable, that are in household name companies, that are both virtual, as in only online presences, right, and in real life.
There's never been a hearing.
There is no one that has talked about this on any mainstream channel whatsoever.
And when you look at other articles about it, they're basically sourcing this.
Why don't we get the source documents?
Why is it that certain media organizations get a monopoly on basically what the government will give us through an FOIA, right?
And then that information is then filtered to the people.
And that's the best we have.
And most of that time, it's filtered through the lens that the Predator class wants you to see the world.
We will be back on the flip side.
I'm gonna try to fix this audio issue.
SaveInfoWars.com is where you gotta go right now to basically help Alex Jones keep telling the truth to the people.
And we are back.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in for Alex Jones and we're still working on trying to be able to bring you guys these clips that I do have lined up.
But before we get there, I do want to revisit some of these plans that I have been discussing that are out there.
And I've seen that now Alex is openly talking about NASA and DARPA partnering in what is a very, very real and ongoing Transhumanist agenda this document by a man named Dennis Bushnell who hopefully will be able to play him in his own words is a future strategic warfare document circa 2025 that he was going around the country and presenting in 2001 pre 9-11 this is in July and when you talk about technology economic trends and the future of humankind
It literally tells you that the Bio-Nano era, again the Bio-Nano era, biological nanotechnology on a global scale, I want people to understand this, because it cannot be emphasized enough, would take place in 2020.
So let's type that in right there, and as you see, you see IT Bio-Nano here, and the triple exponential of this revolution.
Okay, and there it is.
Somehow these people knew we were going to have biological nanotechnology on a large scale.
Well, they've injected into a large portion of humanity with these shots.
And when we talk about mRNA, messenger RNA, and the vector-based technology that these shots are, According to Peter Doshi, and many others like myself, Peter Doshi, a little smarter than Jason Bermas, happens to be one of the editors over at the British Medical Journal, you know, the BMJ, no big deal.
He said, you know, if we call these things drugs, which essentially they were called all the way up till 2019, until we changed the definition, would we as easily be able to make the public acquiesce to taking Mandatory drugs.
And Moderna actually partners with DARPA, DARPA, DARPA.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Born out of post-World War II and the security state surrounding it.
I want to make that extremely clear.
DARPA, being part of the Defense Department, is allowed to lie to the public all the time.
That's what they do.
Remember, the Defense Department is exempt from telling the truth to the people.
Extremely dangerous.
Okay, so they partner with Moderna all the way back in 2013.
And I was actually, and this was going to be one of the clips I play, hopefully we'll be able to do this.
I was at a library presentation by a Dr. Katz.
Who gave this presentation on these quote-unquote vaccines, okay, the shots, and he acknowledged that these shots, and this is a talking point they're trying to play out as a positive, actually have a 30-year history.
I've been telling people this.
mRNA technology has been around since the 80s.
However, DARPA partners with Moderna to develop MRNA Therapeutics.
Notice, you're going to see in these headlines back in the day, they never call them vaccines.
It was drugs and therapeutics because they are not by the traditional stance vaccines at all.
At all.
So for $25 million, then DARPA partners with these people, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, AstraZeneca, Merck, Vertex, etc.
This is the Strategic Collaborators Advancing mRNA Research to Treat Rare Diseases and Cancer.
And notice that the Biden Administration has talked about a DARPA-like initiative to end cancer.
Oh, really?
That's how much they care about us.
Now we're getting a DARPA-like initiative to cure cancer.
Well, when you look at this again, this partnership was for Let's hopefully refresh that.
Hopefully it's still there.
Was for fighting pandemics with... Are you kidding me?
There we go.
Moderna's next $25 million DARPA grant to fight pandemics with mRNA drugs all the way back in 2013.
And here we are.
Again, Defense Department driven drugs of bio nanotechnology that has now been injected in people on a global scale.
It's right there.
It's right in front of us.
And I know that Alex Jones has been talking about these things going into food.
And he's absolutely right.
They are now announcing it.
And when you talk about this, uh, in this document, let's go through it.
Um, biomass food, it's a big deal.
And they talk about putting nanotechnology directly into your food.
Chew Chew, a flesh plant eating robot that hunts, bio-digests natural foods to live off the land.
And way back in the day, and they had to change the headline, they were talking, this was when I was at InfoWars initially, they were talking about robots on the battlefield that would literally eat the biomass, in other words, the opposing soldiers, the human beings on the thing, to what?
To what?
To work.
So think about that.
A flesh, plant-eating robot that hunts biodigest.
And this was put on paper a decade before Alex and I even covered it.
Before we even covered it.
Binary agents.
Distributed via imported products, vitamins, clothing, food.
You know what binary means, right?
Zeros and ones.
Do you get that?
I mean, it's right here in your face.
And by the way, when they talk about sustainability and sustainment, hopefully we're going to show you the clips.
These are code words for people.
He says the code word is sustainability, Dennis Bushnell.
And what it actually means is the decline in westernized standards of living.
Again, a decade.
So there it is right here.
And there's so much on this page that is worth discussing.
But they tell you it's inexpensive to put binary, zeros and ones, biological agents into our food supplies.
A GMO wasn't enough.
Monsatan wasn't enough.
Bill Gates becoming the world's largest farmer wasn't enough.
No, no, no.
And they tell you these are inexpensive things, information, internet, and psychological warfare.
So on one end, and this is often done with these people, they speak out of both ends of their mouth, right?
That's what the code words are for.
That's what the talking points are for.
That's what the PR is for, right?
For instance, when I'm at this forum last night, and hopefully we're going to show you just one small clip of an hour plus, but When you talked about fully vaccinated, they'd never volunteer the information that fully vaccinated means 14 days either after your second shot of the double jabs or your single shot and even that is suspect.
And if you get one shot and then sick or two shots and then you're hospitalized in 13 days, it's not counted.
But he'll acknowledge it when I talk to him and then he'll make up the excuse it's just because the antibody levels aren't there yet.
Is that why?
It's not because I was actually warned by the mainstream media and people like Sandra Fryhoffer that these shots would be no walk in the park and that the side effects were almost exactly like COVID in the first place.
And that Moderna had 80% side effects, no matter how minor you want to make any of them, in the trials that were acknowledged.
And this guy put up some Johnny Nonsense numbers of less than 25%.
We'll see on the flip side, hopefully with some clips.
I'm Jason Burmess, in for Alex Jones.
We are back!
I am Jason Verma sitting in for Alex Jones.
I want to remind everybody right here, right now, go to SaveInfoWars.com and give what you can because we need more voices that question these mainstream media lies, these predator class narratives that are leading us all down a very, very dangerous transhumanist path right now.
I, of course, I am kicked off of YouTube for apparently cyberbullying either Epstein, perhaps Ghislaine Maxwell, I'm not really sure.
It was an ask me anything from almost two years ago and of course all this stuff is selectively enforced and You're seeing it more and more and more.
And it began with Infowars.com and Alex Jones.
So, love him or hate him, agree with what he says, disagree with what he says.
You should agree with the right for him to say it.
For anybody to express their thoughts.
That is what we are based on in this country.
And really, truth is what humanity thrives on.
It enhances love around us.
Lies don't make friends, folks.
I can promise you that.
So unfortunately, it does not look like we're going to get to many of these clips other than to visually show you some things that I think are worth discussing.
And when I discussed Earth 2100, okay, at the beginning of my segment, and how Alex and I actually We've talked about this on one of those Money Bombs.
Alex, it's time to do a couple Money Bombs.
24-hour broadcast.
Let's do it, brother.
Let's make that two million.
We were discussing this because it was this scenario in which we have somebody born in 2009 and we're taking the world a hundred years into the future.
And of course, people are causing all these problems because of climate change and global warming.
Well, in the first literally 10 seconds of this, and we're going to play in the background without audio, New York City is under quarantine.
People are wearing blue masks, okay, and of course climate change at the end of the day.
Is the culprit of the whole thing.
Okay, so let's watch this as we go.
And for those, this is a cartoon based with New York City under quarantine, right?
The Midwest infested and they're getting us ready for that.
Plagues, there's the blue masks.
It happened and I survived it.
We have to change our ways in a race against time.
And you know who's featured in this thing?
Anthony Fauci.
Eric Schmidt of Google, Van Jones, who took a hundred million dollars recently from Bezos.
I'm just going to pause it right there.
A hundred million dollars from Bezos.
James Woolsey of the CIA.
These are the talking heads.
And I'm going to try to fast forward so we can get to some of these people.
But you see, oh, look, the viruses.
And they always talk about natural viruses.
They never talk about their bio warfare programs.
There's Van Jones right here.
And the thing is, this is all predictive programming, but it's not for a hundred years from now.
It's actually extremely accelerated, probably more like on a 20-year pace, because they want you to be on some kind of a social credit score, because otherwise we won't be able to save the planet.
Oh, we need to acquiesce to all this.
All right?
Oh, gas shortages!
And they do these fake little news segments along with it.
So it's a cartoon telling you about gas shortages, geoengineering, how your standard of living
gets worse and worse and you live in smaller and smaller areas throughout all this.
And it's all because we're bad as humans.
This is the main point of this fourth industrial revolution to make it so uncomfortable for you.
Through automation, through a UBI nation, through you no longer having a sense
You're so drugged up from every shot they mandate.
You're so brainwashed from every broadcast they put out, from every social media superstar that you will acquiesce to the virtual era.
There's our friend John Podesta, by the way.
John Podesta, big player in this one.
He's lovely.
Everybody loves John.
Hey, Skippy?
Hey, Skipperino?
I mean, this was one of the biggest pieces of propaganda.
I actually did a watch along with it.
I'm saying, I mean, we're not even halfway through this thing.
How this was preparing us again to believe for some reason human beings are evil.
All right.
And what I wanted to do is I wanted to play this clip of one of their very own transhumanists here in fact the transhumanist Ray Kurzweil discussing how overpopulation is a complete myth and yet it is what Ted Turner says we got too many people doing too many things that's why we have climate change all right and in this discussion he discusses how 95 percent
Of the usable land is not used by humans.
And he's discussing it in the sense, I believe, that he's talking to one of the heads of the IMF, the International Monetary Funds.
And he basically explains that through the 2020s and into the 2030s, renewables and virtual technology, again, we don't know when we hit the virtual age, but the virtual age they want for humanity and the virtual age that would empower humanity are two totally different things.
They're totally different things.
When Kurzweil talks about it, he talks about it, I think, rather naively, that this five-sense virtual reality that we're all eventually going to experience, if we survive, right?
If we survive all these catastrophes, will allow us to interact with one another as if we're in the same room with one another.
And Dennis Bushnell of NASA, in the clip I wanted to play from there, actually says that the Brits, at the time of 2010, have already achieved this.
Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but I have VR headsets, and I can tell you how far the technology has come on a commercial-based level.
I can also tell you that it's really not that much farther than what was around via, like, theme parks in the 90s, right?
I remember being at Busch Gardens, and you got into this little headset, and it was like, whoa, yeah, the polygons are better, but the idea is still almost the same, and that's because Darpa and other black programs develop this technology over five to ten years, sometimes takes maybe 15 years to actually produce it, and then they inventory it for 30 to 40 years, openly, openly.
So Kurzweil, again, one of the main proponents of transhumanism, wants us to merge with machines, tells you overpopulation is a myth.
Elon Musk, who I am no fan of, who is basically, in my opinion, a front for the military-industrial complex.
People need to understand that Mr. Musk, what is he really doing?
Well, he's got big old Pentagon contracts, delivering cargo around the world in one hour, with his rockets.
Okay, why do you think that they just went past Lockheed Martin, one of the biggest defense contractors of all time, in valuation?
Because we're now hitting the next level where things like Project Artemis that are going to the moon, well, are they sending people to the moon?
More than likely not.
More than likely, they're going to send our nice little robot friends.
We have the Valkyrie robot that we covered on my program earlier in the week.
Of course, the Atlas robot that if you've been watching this program on InfoWars.com or Band.Video or FreeWorld.TV, you've seen them running around.
And that's just publicly what we have there.
So even Bushnell admits when we get to something like Mars, well, we'll send the robots to Mars.
They're going to take all the data, then will virtually take that data, and you as a human being, you're not really going to Mars.
Remember, they're hyping it up with people like William Shatner and Branson going to quote-unquote space when they're 50 or 60,000 feet up.
And even the Inspiration4 rocket was only in low Earth orbit.
All things that have been achieved in the 60s, in the 60s and beyond, publicly, what we know about.
You know, and by the way, space exploration and NASA?
NASA is only 20% invested in that.
You know that?
The other 80% has to do with things like climate change and sustainability.
Look into NOAA and so many other aspects of this.
Folks, we're gonna be back on the other side talking about transhumanism, talking about DARPA, talking about NASA, talking about the future of humanity if we don't step up to the plate right now and fight back.
Go check out SaveInfoWars.com to be a very big part of that.
And we are back.
I am Jason Burma sitting in for Alex Jones.
I want to thank everybody for joining me on this broadcast where we are exploring the documentation of this fourth industrial revolution that we see happening now in real time from over two decades ago.
And going back into this document, I cannot emphasize enough on the same page, Where they talk about binary biologics via imported vitamins, clothing, etc.
And the food supply, as in all of the food supplies, as in globally, that they actually put underneath terror bio, e.g.
alpha toxin, aflatoxin, I'm sorry.
So in other words, they talk about biologics being used as a force of terrorism.
Biological warfare is a real thing.
It was discussed by the Project for a New American Century in their Rebuilding Defenses document, you know, the same one that called for that new Pearl Harbor we saw, right?
Where they said we could use race-specific bio-weapons.
And meanwhile, we have to pretend, as a society, you know, as the mainstream media tells us, that biological warfare doesn't exist.
Despite in this country just before the COVID 1984 nightmare kicked off, we had actual officials in our government asking about Plum Island, okay?
Asking about Lyme's disease and whether or not the Pentagon had purposely, let me repeat this, purposely distributed that amongst the people.
Big question to ask.
Can't believe you did it.
But it is a question that needs to be asked because it is a very large reality that these things have happened.
And when we talk about DARPA, for instance, we have to also acknowledge that they have used nanotechnology to biologically change insects.
And we have been warned that they could strike with biological warfare through the genetically modified insects that they release.
Now, I know it's great that Bill Gates wants to save us all and he wants to fight malaria.
By letting GMO mosquitoes go in this country and it's already been deployed in Florida and Texas.
Once you allow this to happen, you open the door for massive, massive biological warfare programs against the people that they will try to mask as not biological warfare but natural as they did with this COVID-1984 nightmare despite the fact you had prominent papers out there saying hey this thing was clearly made in the lab and it looks like certain aspects of HIV have been inserted into them.
You know it was just lukeman a year A man who won the Nobel Prize for HIV in 2008 that also pointed this out.
Yet last night when I'm talking to this guy and I wanted to play this clip oh so bad.
You can watch the whole thing over at my Rockfin account.
That's R-O-K-F-I-N dot com.
Make a free account.
Go follow me over there.
That's where the vast majority of my material is as I've been banned on mainstream platforms.
But you look at this guy and he's still saying it's natural.
He's still saying it's natural.
He says that the flu actually disappeared because of COVID mitigation efforts.
That was what I was going to ask him.
And that it just didn't work against COVID.
And he acknowledged that Scientific American and the World Health Organization said for the first time in human history that the flu disappeared.
Do you believe that?
Let's just take into Shoddy McShots that are considered quote-unquote vaccines for the flu.
Now, if you looked at 2019 influenza and the numbers there, influenza A, the vaccine, they said their own numbers was about 50% effective.
Okay, from keeping you from getting the flu.
All right, and then influenza B, which also happened to be H1N1 that year, Alright, remember old H1N1?
It was only about 33% effective against that.
So overall ratio, you had less than a 50% effectiveness from the flu vaccine itself.
And that's by their own numbers, whether they're cooked or not, that's what they're putting out there.
Now you're telling me we could have mitigated the flu altogether for the first time without them?
Way, way, way more effective!
And one of the things that he discussed Was apparently the official numbers of children last year that died from COVID was, um, below 90, I think it was 80 something.
And the cases of children was something like 8,300.
Now I pointed out, and you can go watch it, that in 2017, 2018, we had 172 children in this country die from the flu.
Now, that's when I brought up that the flu disappeared.
Now, if the flu disappears, And kids, less than half of that number, died this year as opposed to 2017-18.
It would suggest to me that there would absolutely be no reason to give them any type of shot, even though he advocated for it, but not making it mandatory.
Heard that song and dance before.
I've heard that, but he's like, well, you know, certain situations we might get there.
And of course he advocated that mandatory shots are A-OK, and they are lawful, and they are historical.
No, they're unconstitutional, and they're completely insane.
And you may have made that case for a quote-unquote smallpox vaccine back in the day, but again, as Peter Doshi and others have pointed out, these are mRNA and vector-based shots.
Therapeutics, drugs, they in no manner, no manner, resemble what?
Traditional vaccinations.
That's because they wanted to rush in their bio nano era.
And you look at that future strategic warfare document, they are right on point.
When I say they, I'm talking about the bureaucrats in power like Dennis Bushnell that curate this stuff.
Okay, I'm talking about the people at Google like Eric Schmidt, that were basically funded by In-Q-Tel, the CIA wing, and now, and now, in league with the government, openly, and when I say the government, you know, those good people at NASA, only 20% space exploration folks, working on quantum supremacy, which they say they achieved over two years ago now, not a lot of headlines there, not a private company in my opinion, okay?
Over two years ago, achieving quantum supremacy in artificial intelligence.
That is not a company.
All right.
And you say, well, it's kind of like that's just a military contract.
No, they have the largest search engine in the world.
OK, Google.
They have the largest operating system in the world.
Android slash Chrome.
You see the Android on Chromebooks, on all these phones, it's everywhere.
They have the largest video platform in the world that is actively censoring information
based on what the World Health Organization and this vehicle of destruction, the United Nations, says.
Because the United Nations is just a vehicle for the predator class.
It's not the end goal.
It's the face of global governance.
It's what's allowed these things to happen.
People used to call it a paper tiger.
Oh, it's not a government organization, Jason.
It'll never change our lives.
It literally institutes what they say is factually correct and at the same time are being caught Again and again.
Oh, that's the wrong one.
In sex scandals with children.
With children.
2018 to 2020 just happened.
The EU pulled funding because of it.
Won't hear a whisper about a corrupt global organization involved in the rape of children being the authoritative source on what you can and cannot say on the internet.
It's all here.
So guys, let's wrap up this last couple minutes by saying that freedom of speech is important.
It's important that I was able to come on this broadcast and talk about 9-11 in a true sense.
that it is an international intelligence operation with role players here within our continuity
of government program and beyond.
With Pakistan, with Saudi Arabia, with Israel.
It's all in Fabled Enemies.
It's laid out right before you.
You can watch it free anywhere.
In fact, I would encourage people to go out, get the documentaries that I've done.
They're absolutely free.
And three out of the four were produced here at InfoWars.com.
The fourth shade the motion picture.
I know that he carried for some time and Alex Jones is actually in it.
But Loose Change, Final Cut, Fabled Enemies, Invisible Empire, A New World Order to find in Shade the Motion Picture, they're all free.
Right here, right now, in playlist sections.
Grab them, put them on BAM.video.
Tell people about these films and continue to support Alex Jones because the new project, COVID Land, Still hasn't even had Part 2 drop yet.
Part 1 was so powerful.
Paul Wittenberger did such a great job of bringing professionalism Okay, to a very, very dark subject that the mainstream media will not touch.
So I want to say it again, without your help, InfoWars.com will not be around.
SaveInfoWars.com is where you got to be.
Alex Jones, get on it.
Let's start doing these 24-hour money bombs.
Let's drop them on the weekends, my friend.
I think that's how we get it done.
We get it done with you folks out there sharing this information.
With others.
I love you guys.
It's time to become the great resistance to this great reset agenda.
If a hurricane is smashing into the Gulf Coast and I make the prediction that it's going to cause flooding, that's not a prediction.
You know it's a hurricane, you know it's got a lot of water it's going to dump, it's going to cause flooding.
So it wasn't a prediction 20 months ago when I said the UN order to lock down the world economy is going to cause a chain reaction that's going to cause supply chain problems for years, that's going to starve tens of millions to death.
And now it all happened. 25 million extra dead, hundreds of millions on the verge of starvation,
and the UN that ordered it is running around being the savior.
Listen, when the first world collapses, the third world dies. And now the first world is
becoming the third world. So listen to me now. We've got the highest quality storable foods,
the lowest price you're going to find, ready to ship to you right now at 10% off until November
15th. But after that, the prices are going up.
We cannot suppress prices anymore.
So protect yourself, get high quality storable food, so you're self-sufficient, and fund the InfoWars today at 360Win at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's time to get your food.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is the War Room with Owen Schroeder.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You know, I hear you, Alex, talking about InfoWarsStore.com, right?
It is so important that people buy from your store and from other, you know, small businesses.
That is so critical.
And it might not sound like a big deal.
It's a very big deal.
When you look at these tech companies like Amazon and what they are doing in the marketplace, we have empowered them.
And this is actually sickens me a little bit.
That we empower these giant tech corporations by giving them our money, and then they turn around and bludgeon our lives, rob our children of their futures.
You know that I've been a homeschooling parent my entire life, right?
I have five kids.
My oldest is 21, but I homeschooled them their whole lives.
Had nothing to do with COVID, obviously.
It was long before that.
I've been telling people for a long time, the system's corrupt, get your kids out of it, right?
And so then we watch these big companies that we pump money into just destroy our families and destroy everything around us and we keep giving them our money and that's crazy to me.
So another way that you can, if you want to do something, is stop and opt out of these systems that fund and finance the very people who hate you.
Stop giving money to people who hate you.
Well, by the way, what you're saying is Beyond revolutionary, it's the key to how we save our civilization and save ourselves.
We have to build our own infrastructure, our own networks, and communications is first and foremost.
That's why listeners are supporting what you're doing, supporting what we're doing, just spreading the word, just praying for us, but also buying the products, supporting the sponsors.
This is a war.
That's what they're trying to not just de-platform us, but de-bank us and take our credit cards away
because they understand they've got to silence focal points like Infowars and like what you're
doing with sovereign media.
Introducing 50percentoff.com, an exclusive new outlet with survival, preparedness,
fitness, tech, and so much more at the best prices you'll find on the internet.
And on top of that, they help fund the InfoWar, and you will find InfoWars live products and other InfoWars products at 50% Off.com.
And the way this works is, They're patriots.
I've known the owner for 15 years.
He runs a lot of other big sites.
He heard me on air a few months ago talking about the fact that we have trouble having enough capital to buy enough product into the future.
And so we run out of things, especially with the supply chain breakdowns.
He said, listen, I'll go in.
I'll give you the money to buy extra product.
Then you simply supply it to us and when you're sold out or you're not discounting it, we'll offer it at 50% off.
And that's the products you're going to find.
Like DNA Force Plus right now is only 25% off at InfoWareStore.com.
It's 50% off at 50%off.com.
Same thing with a bunch of our other products like Brain Force Ultra that is sold out at InfoWareStore.com.
It's 50% off right now at 50%off.com.
It's really going to help us, helps us diversify.
And so much more.
So get these great products and support the InfoWar while at the same time saving a lot of money at 50percentoff.com.
And you won't just find select InfoWars products at 50percentoff.com.
You'll also find hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of amazing best-selling products massively discounted as well.
Because that's what they do.
They scour the internet, they find the very best deals on the hottest items, and they make deals with the manufacturers and distributors and bring them to you with a huge discount.
But bottom line, this is a super win-win.
It lets InfoWars diversify, it lets us reach out to more people, and it gets our products in front of other folks that aren't aware of InfoWars or the show or reminds them of the show.
So get amazing products at huge discounts at 50percentoff.com and help support the InfoWar.