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Name: 20211116_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 16, 2021
2567 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones discusses potential major events or wars due to threats from China and Russia. He emphasizes the importance of fighting against transhumanists and singularitarians who control information and manipulate humans through measures like Covid jabs and sperm count declines. Jones promotes products from InfoWars and encourages listeners to resist a dystopian future while highlighting martial law being implemented across many countries as part of a plan for a World ID and Social Credit score. He also discusses his legal battle with Sandy Hook plaintiffs and criticizes the propaganda being used against him and InfoWars as satanic in nature, warning about the globalist agenda involving a one-world government and the Mark of the Beast.

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Are you ready for the climate lockdowns?
Remember that back in February?
All over the leftist media, London Guardian, you name it.
Oh, climate lockdowns would be so good for the Earth.
Should the climate movement embrace sabotage?
Another headline.
The New Yorker.
Yeah, blow stuff up!
Shut off pipelines!
And now here it is.
India is announcing climate lockdowns.
What government doesn't want?
The power to tell you when you can be on the street and when you can't.
Oh, the Indians didn't want to accept a national ID card?
Well, guess what?
As soon as they did, now you're under martial law.
Because governments want that power to snap their fingers and walk out and have their motorcades drive wherever they want or do whatever they want.
They want that power.
Lockdown to combat air pollution.
New Delhi prepares to ban non-essential travel and close Offices due to toxic smog, even though India torpedoed COP26 coal deal.
But don't worry, India and China aren't going to follow it.
Mexico isn't, but we are.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, climate crisis will reshape finance.
They'll only give money to themselves.
World needs equivalent of pandemic lockdown.
Technocrats want mandatory carbon credit cards to control every facet of your life.
Infowars, back in September, now officially announced.
And it goes on and on.
Oh, cut down trees, says CNN.
Oh, but meanwhile, this is in Reuters today, China rebuffs UK criticism over coal move after climate summit.
China rebuffs UK criticism over coal move after climate summit.
Oh yeah, they're not going to do cut anything, only we are.
And then Xi Jinping gave old, old crazy man, old Skeletor a spanking yesterday in their virtual summit.
We'll tell you about that when we come back.
Then the whole Rittenhouse situation and so much more.
This is the tip of the spear.
This is the battle for human destiny.
This is InfoWars.
I'm Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you want to fight, you want
to fight."
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The transhumanists, the singularitarians, believe that this is the end of history that
we're approaching and that they are in full control of humanity's mind and soul and genetics
and developmental future.
The current, quote, COVID jabs connect into this very much, seriously much.
So does transgenderism.
And this explosion of focus upon it in recent times where it came out of nowhere and suddenly everywhere.
The sperm counts that are plummeting catastrophically around the world come into this.
And you put it all together and what is going on, and I've been writing about this for a long time, ...is that what you might call human 1.0, the biological human that we know, is in the process of being replaced, unless we intervene, by human 2.0, which is a much more synthetic version of human, very much concerned with connecting the human brain, the human body, to artificial intelligence, so artificial intelligence becomes the human mind.
Up to this point, they've had to control the mass population by control of perception through control of information and suppression of other information.
But with the plan to connect the human brain to AI, the perceptions of humans are planned to come direct.
No manipulation of information necessary because you'll get your opinions direct.
And so you've got two things going on at the same time, which you would have in the situation I've just described.
And the reason they're attacking the men and attacking the women and transgender is everything is because the human 2.0 is not meant to procreate.
The species is meant to be, in the words of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World in 1932, decanted technologically.
And basically produced in a laboratory setting.
And the technology that he described in Brave New World in 1932 is now being developed.
It's now being produced and played out.
So you don't need men and women anymore in this Brave New World of what I call the global cult that's behind all this.
And this transgender explosion is not actually about transgender.
The vast majority of people in that movement will think it's about them.
They'll think it's about transgender.
It's not. And the key activists driving this will know that it's not about transgender.
It's about no gender, the no gender human, the human 2.0.
And they just want to be able to mold the brains of the people to accept this nightmare
future and to not resist it.
Well, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to resist it.
A lie doesn't become truth.
Wrong doesn't become right.
Evil doesn't become good.
Just because it's accepted by a majority.
And it's not been accepted by a majority.
Wrong has not been accepted.
Federal Court of Appeals temporarily blocks Biden's vaccine mandate.
I was going to title the show, The Permanent Emergency.
The term permanent emergency is very important Understand the rest of your life because fighting the Great Reset and the permanent emergency is the rest of your life.
It's the number one thing governing you on this planet and your body and your health and your future and your money
And your right to live your life as you see fit because the good times ladies and gentlemen are gone
All right folks It's Tuesday, November 16, 2021, and we have got another incredible transmission lined up for you.
And it all kicks off in T-minus 60 seconds.
A bunch of surprise guests.
It's just all over the top.
every second is precious.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news, today.
Well to say there's a quickening happening on this planet is an understatement.
Thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday, November 16th, worldwide broadcast.
Martial law is being rolled out across the planet.
They never Eased off in Australia, they only kept intensifying.
That was a beta test.
In Europe, they claimed they were going to back off the martial law, but they actually are accelerating that and announcing that if you want to be able to leave your house or have a job or travel in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in Canada, you have to have the injections.
And it's the same thing now in blue cities like New York, and of course, states like California.
There's a London Guardian headline, number 10, plans booster jab require for people to obtain COVID pass.
And Boris Johnson will play that clip here in a moment, just came out yesterday and said, things aren't going to be too easy on you if you don't do it.
Same thing they're saying in Australia.
It's all A incredibly evil unified tyranny.
With a world ID, the world social credit score, but more than that, I've got the reports right here, more than 200 prominent soccer players in the European leagues have had heart attacks and microcarditis, and quite a few have died.
Same thing for tennis players, same thing for hockey players over here.
This is a real crisis.
We've not seen those same statistics.
We've seen an uptick, but nothing like it in the United States.
And I've talked to a lot of professional athletes off record, both in MMA and the NFL.
And I can tell you that their doctors are not giving it to them.
They're just saying they've had it.
And It's better to speak out and say no to it than do that, because later they're going to have vaccine blood tests, which they're already rolling out, to try to force you and make sure you've done it.
But yes, over a 60 times increase in pro sports adverse events since vaccines rolled out.
An investigative journalist and billion dollar company tech guru, Steve Kirsch, will be joining us to talk about Some of those incredible numbers in the third hour today.
Tim Pool's going to be on with us on Thursday now, but I'm going to be on with Tim Pool tonight for probably three or four hours on his show with some other Austin Surprise guests.
I'll just leave that up to you to guess, but it'll be a big internet event tonight at around seven o'clock central, so look for that.
But let me tell you what's really huge and got me having butterflies right now.
And I don't get butterflies a lot.
I'm having really big ones today.
I think a big war is about to start.
Something big is about to go down.
My spidey sense has never been this strong.
It's like on fire right now.
Talk about chills.
Talk about Man, that is some energy right there.
There's some big stuff.
You know, China's threatening war with the United States.
The CIA says Russia's preparing to invade Ukraine, which I don't believe a word they say, but who knows.
Putin's saying that we need to fight a global satanic takeover.
I mean, we are living in the twilight zone right now.
But what?
He's going to be airing tomorrow on the broadcast and will also then be posted to band.video and freeworldnews.tv is General Flynn and the interview I did with him Saturday.
That is the essence of victory.
If you want a battle plan to defeat the New World Order, this is it.
So, That's coming up tomorrow, but next segment, we'll play a little clip from the hour plus long interview.
And there's a second interview with him as well with Patrick Byrne and Joe Flynn.
And so look for that on Thursday.
Every day we're on air is extremely precious.
Every day we're still on air, I do not take for granted.
The power structure wants us off air, period.
And they've given orders to their minions to carry that out.
But whatever happens to us, we are not victims.
We knowingly knew we were going into and we stood up to this new world order.
And when everybody else runs for cover, Info Wars is going to be going straight into the fight.
Wherever the main fight for liberty is happening, wherever the innocent are being persecuted, wherever children are being killed and poisoned, you can bet we're going to be there fighting for them.
Because that's what our soul and spirit commands us to do with extreme pleasure.
I mean, I'm high as a kite fighting Satan.
I mean, I would not be anywhere else.
The more I fight tyranny, the more I face down evil, the more I don't back down.
Just the more the universe opens up to just things I could never even imagine.
And it's a massive brain boost, ladies and gentlemen.
An expansion of the soul, like Gnarls Barkley talks about.
Going crazy, but he's really not going crazy, and just there's so much space.
It's just... Top of your head blows off, and...
It's just so amazing to be in the quiet place of the Most High, but it's somewhere I really want to stay.
I get frustrated, I get mad, I get angry that the evil is getting away with so much, but at the same time, it's all part of God's plan.
You just got to turn over to God and trust in God, and then God is just an incredible, impregnable fortress.
I'm going to stop talking about that.
We're going to come back with the General Flynn clip, and then we've got Boris Johnson declaring Unlimited shots.
There'll just be new shots every few months.
You'll just put in your body whatever the government says.
You have no personal rights.
Fauci's come out and said that as well.
I mean, this is just the stuff of science fiction nightmares.
And then the death numbers are just exploding in mainline reports from the CDC and FDA.
They admit the massive heart attack increases.
And so I just am blown away.
We're going to try to judicially get to every bit of this we can today.
And so much more.
We're going to show you images of martial law in Europe that are pretty bone-chilling.
Coming up next segment as well, we got a lot on the economy, a lot on Rittenhouse, a lot on leftist groups actually threatening to attack school boards if they don't keep critical race theory in.
But of course, the Justice Department doesn't have a word to say about that.
That's all coming up and so much more.
Separately, I have something extremely exciting to announce.
Remember our best-selling Tooth whitening toothpaste that people loved so much.
Well, it's back reformulated and even better, even more concentrated.
So it's like the equivalent of two tubes.
Dr. Jones Naturals Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste.
It was formerly known as Super Silver, but it's now known as Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste.
And because the media was lying and saying that we claimed we had a COVID cure because it had some silver in it.
We just removed the silver.
Still amazing.
Extremely high quality.
People loved it for its whitening properties.
And so it's the same toothpaste, but it never really had fillers in it.
But it had some things in it that weren't as good as what we augmented it with.
So Super Coral.
Whitening toothpaste now in stock at InfoWarStore.com, and it doesn't have any of the fillers or any of the garbage, and it's got all these essential oils, and it really is incredible.
People loved it.
We haven't had it for over a year, and now it is back.
Super Silver is now Super Coral.
Fluoride-free at InfoWarStore.com, or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And while you're at it, get some of the amazing Activated charcoal toothpaste with essential oils and mouthwash and no fillers.
Incredible high quality.
Works amazingly well.
Both of them are synergistic.
And we have the It's Time to Get Prepared Now Mega Sale that we're launching through Black Friday.
This will run for about a week and a half.
Or while supplies last.
The InfoWars Mega Blowout Sale.
The InfoWars Store 2021 Mega Blowout Sale has arrived.
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
I knew too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Yeah, possibly.
All right, here we are in the fight, in the fray, at the tip of the spear.
Going in through and beyond.
Gonna be an adventure.
Just make sure you're not on the wrong side of history.
That's part of the song right here.
Who do you think you are?
You think you're in control Ha ha!
Go ahead and try to play God, Globo.
Let's see how far that gets you.
I think you're crazy.
In fact, I know you're crazy.
And not the good crazy.
When I was young, I always wanted to be those people out out there on the edge fighting tyranny.
And I'll remember.
I want to be like them.
And now we've got all these prominent people.
All these prominent people now are coming out.
Are realizing there's nothing left to lose but fight tyranny.
We are being destroyed because we're not standing against evil.
All right, let's go ahead, my friends, and go to this very important little short clip.
That's from just the intro of the hour-long interview with General Flynn that we shot Saturday in San Antonio.
It's in one of the little green rooms off where he was speaking to a crowd of 5,000 people.
And we're also on Thursday, got some other interviews I did and a speech I gave.
That's going to be on Thursday and it's very powerful as well with Patrick Berg.
But this is the interview that really, if people listen to it, will change the world.
This is the battle plan of victory here.
And Flynn just gets stronger and stronger as he goes.
This is extremely presidential stuff.
Here it is.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The InfoWars.
The Tomorrow's news.
This is all about sort of a one world order that they're moving toward.
And this is not a conspiracy theory, Alex.
This is a conspiracy.
And what we have to understand is that the big take is the United States of America.
We're in this battle between really competing ideologies, and this is no kidding.
And the competing ideologies is whether we're going to continue on as a democracy and a constitutional republic, or whether we're going to go I've become a communist country.
My father was a World War II vet and my mom, right?
Thank God that she decided to have as many kids as she did.
They handed my brothers and sisters on a silver platter a beautiful country, okay?
I am not about to take that platter that I was given and turn it over to my children and my grandchildren as a communist country.
Politically, people have to get active.
When somebody says to me or somebody says to you, around the Thanksgiving table here coming up, if you could afford the turkeys that might be on the shelves.
And they say, well, I don't do that political thing.
Politics is for whatever.
Then you know what?
Then you better not complain because our entire lives right now, everybody, every American, their lives are wrapped around politics right now.
If you don't think that something's changing, you don't feel the way I feel right now, you don't feel the way these 5,000 people out here feel, then something's wrong.
What we're really facing is an attack or an assault on all of our basic rights.
I mean, I think the real issue here in play is the attack on freedom of speech.
You have this incredibly failed foreign policy by the Biden administration.
You have, you know, more and more very clear evidence coming out about COVID.
And really the conspiracy behind COVID and some of the things that are happening with it.
I applaud you for, it was one of your interviews 10 years ago, probably 10 years ago, may have been more than 10 years ago now, where you actually were talking about these issues and you covered it for quite a while actually at that time.
And I think that you got a lot of bashing by, you know, by others in the media and by others around the world, because it was like, oh, this guy, Alex, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
And lo and behold, here we are a decade later, and they have implemented this strategy, this great reset strategy.
The globalists have said in their white papers, in their own UN documents, That they want to create race-specific bioweapons and other systems to depopulate the planet.
A lot of this, from my sources, is that they're preparing to release bioweapons, claim that they're naturally occurring, and then use that as the cover for civil emergency societal control, crackdowns on free speech.
Obama put the internet kill switch in five years ago, and when he got confronted by Congress, he said, well, it's in case the bird flu or SARS gets out.
Just type that in.
CDC says internet kill switch is in case bird flu or SARS breaks out, and they have to control panic and direct every website in the U.S.
to one government announcement.
And we looked at every angle and believe a bioweapon release could be the thing they'd release to bring in a world government to counter a global problem, and the U.N.
has said that a global pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen, and we're going to go to break in two minutes.
We got some long segments coming up, and I'm going to lay out the next phase of their takeover, which is now here.
Lockdown 2.
And they're not going to call it a lockdown, but that's what it is.
Where if you don't have your injections, whatever the new injection handed down by Pfizer is to the UN, you will be locked up in your house to go bankrupt, and then you'll be taken to a camp.
We have footage of this actually happening in Austria, in Australia.
I know the two sound the same, but it's actually happening in both countries.
And taking people away to camps.
We have the footage of all this and more coming up next segment.
And Boris Johnson announcing the UK is now going to implement it as well.
And I have the London Guardian bragging about how wonderful it's all going to be.
So, living in denial is only going to let this take place.
And so many people go, well, Jones, I'll just take a third, fourth, fifth, sixth shot.
We're talking about seven to ten a year.
And of course, we submit to that will be one a day or one an hour.
I mean, they're going to do this till you just get used to getting injections that make you sterile and die.
But the evidence is one shot super bad.
Two is incredibly horrible.
Three is just a stratospheric problems.
And they're just normalizing it incremental.
It's like putting a frog in the pot, turn the heat up slowly.
That's exactly what they're doing.
And they think we don't have a memory?
They think we don't have common sense?
It's really a big test.
This is a Darwinistic IQ test.
If you don't... I mean, hell, this woman was bragging to my wife yesterday how she's gonna take her 7 and 10 year old to get vaccinated.
Yesterday she was playing tennis with her and she didn't even warn the lady.
She said, well, it's just Darwinistic.
She wants to kill her kids.
And I said, honey, that's terrible.
She said, look, she knows who I am.
She knows who you are.
She shot her mouth off before.
She was just rubbing it in.
So she wants to brain damage her kids.
It's up to her.
I don't think she has a right to hurt her children, but that's where we are.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And we are back.
We have returned on this live November 16th, Tuesday transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
In the thick of the fight.
To stand against the globalists and to energize the people to stand up and not be enslaved.
And our mission is going well.
You know a lot of people look at the Republic and they see all the problems and the left trying to destroy it and bankrupt it.
And we think, hey our country isn't so free.
But then, when you start to look around the world, and you see how much more horrible those places are.
I mean, most Africa's still locked down.
Most of Latin America's still locked down.
Most of the Caribbean's still partially locked down.
Most of Asia's still locked down.
Those governments are authoritarian-run.
They used this excuse.
They jumped on board with the UN.
They're doing it.
And now you see, out of all the world, what Brazil is quasi-free, and the globalists are moving against them, And America's quasi-free and they're moving against us.
And you see that the Republican Party isn't totally on board with the New World Order.
And so we don't just throw all our support behind the Republican Party.
We expose the Democratic Party as an outside globalist group destroying the nation.
And the Republican Party, made up of neocons, is also allied with that, with the populists that are in the Republican Party that Trump rode into power on.
Trump does not control those people.
Trump is not the boss of those people.
Trump rode to power on that populist movement that myself and many of you and Ron Paul and Rand Paul paved the way for.
Now Trump is able to energize the grassroots Republicans and almost everybody out of 150 something races he's endorsed, he's only lost two.
So I like Trump.
I know Trump means well.
I know Trump is at many levels fighting hard and the globalists hated his guts because he actually tried to be the president.
But it is also a issue with the fact that he's pigheaded.
And then once he signed on to this poison vaccine, he will not admit he's wrong.
And we've had Robert F. Kennedy talk about it.
Some of the senators have talked about the trap that's been laid.
I want to play those clips here in a moment.
Where once you've committed as a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher or a business owner to forcing this garbage on people or even a parent, a sign of weakness and a sign of a slave class is that they don't admit to their mistakes.
Like the left runs all these headlines all over the news every time I tell the story.
I've been telling on air for 28 years.
Some of my first access TV shows 28 years ago, I explained to people that I was a Christian, but that I wasn't a Bible thumper, and I wasn't judging people.
And I explained how the left would control Women and men that had taken part in abortions by saying, you're a sinner, you're going to hell, you killed a baby, and so they go, no, it's not a baby, screw you, and then they commit and harden their hearts instead of, hey, God will forgive you, you got set up, you got lied to, that was a human life, you know your heart deep down, you know it's true, just ask God for forgiveness, the Holy Spirit will come into you, and you'll be freed of this weight of what you were involved in.
I know, I paid for quite a few abortions, and it literally cursed me, and I said, I just saw God's face and was repenting, not even about the abortions, just the darkness I was in, and God, literally the Holy Spirit said, you need to say you're sorry to those children you killed, and you need to get on your knees, and you need to ask forgiveness, and I did, and that was taken away from me, and then God said, now here's your mission.
I was like 17 years old, and it hit me like a, now, I got rid of that, that curse on you, now you're gonna go to work, and I was like, whoa, whoa, I just got struck by lightning.
And that's what happened.
They go, oh, he's a hypocrite.
He's against abortion.
And he admits he's done it.
Well, it's like saying you committed a murder, which I did.
I'm a murderer.
I mean, I didn't just beat my children.
I didn't just cut my children up in pieces.
I pounded a few skulls in.
And the issue is, is that I've repented of that.
And then God said, well, there's going to be a price to pay.
So I expect to be fed through a meat grinder.
Well, that's what my children, my little children, I got them chopped up, vacuum cleaned it up, sold for body parts.
I'm a sinner.
I repent.
I'm a bad person.
I'm a killer.
But I'll tell you something, God forgave me.
And that's what this is all about.
So I digress.
Once they get you to go out and push the shots in all this garbage, the people are going to go into Stockholm Syndrome when they figure out what they did.
I mean, I see the articles everywhere.
This talk show host had a heart attack at 35.
This soccer player had a heart attack at 37.
This football player had a heart attack at 24.
but they still are proud they took the shot and they plan on taking more shots.
Stacks of prominent dead people every day.
I can't even read all their names out on air.
A 66 times increase.
In microcarditis and heart attacks in young people, and I have in the stack today, FDA.gov admissions by their panels saying they've got to put stronger warnings out.
So wait, you tell us there's a strong warning for heart attack and then make us take it?
It's like you see on the package?
This can make you have a heart attack or heart swelling or mess up your heart valves.
It can be really dangerous.
It's up to you whether you want to take it or not.
But if you don't, we're gonna make you homeless!
So, I know how sin works, and I know how once you've committed, the devil puts pressure on you and uses the fact that you have a conscience against you to manipulate and control you, instead of just going to God and God will wipe it out, ladies and gentlemen.
Doesn't mean you're perfect, but those weights are gone.
You use the analogy of the Christmas story where His old boss has got all these giant chains and balls on him, all the bad things he did that he's got to carry on his back for eternity.
You can feel that weight when you've committed really big crimes and sins.
You need to get rid of it.
It's a long way back from hell.
You don't want to cross that line.
Quote Glenn Danzig.
It's a long way back from hell.
You don't wanna cross that line.
Cross that line!
And so, it is a long way back from hell.
And I've been there and I'm back.
Thanks to God.
Thanks to Jesus Christ.
And they hate that because they know it's real.
They know this is all real, ladies and gentlemen.
And they know that they want to take you with them for eternity and absolutely dominate you.
They want you to shine on, to eat your 15 minutes of fame with Satan, and you think you're invincible, and you think you're insulated, and you think you're protected.
Just like these black-rubbed tyrants, who think because the corporate media worships them and helps them to be deceptive, that they're on the winning team.
They're on the losing team!
So when I come back, I'll get to the incredible martial law in Australia and Spain and Austria now being announced in the UK.
And then I'm going to play Senator Johnson explaining what I just explained, but a little bit quicker and better, I guess.
And also the prime minister, the fake patriot, the Trojan horse, he was always a leftist.
We knew that.
He came in to destroy Brexit and bring the UK to its knees.
Boris Johnson making those announcements.
That's on the other side.
We have a huge sale going right now, and InfoWars wants to massively expand in the face of all the attacks, so your financial support is not just key, it's critical.
Plus, these are great products.
We have, it's time to get prepared, sale.
The InfoWars 2021 Mega Blowout Sale is here.
Get prepared now.
Mega Blowout 2021 Sale.
TurboForce, sold out for months and months and months.
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All t-shirts and apparel, at cost.
Super Metal Vitality, Super Metal Vitality, 50% off.
And it all funds the Infowar, and it's all amazing products.
And, oh, did I forget we have the new toothpaste in, the super whitening toothpaste.
We'll be right back.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen, on this incredible November 16th Tuesday transmission.
All right, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Talk about tyranny.
You knew it was coming, but this is a worldwide planetary program of lies, of deceit.
Oh, just 15 days to flatten the curve.
Oh, a few months wearing a mask.
A few more months keeping things locked down, and then you notice the lockdown never ends, except 40-something states that the Democrats don't fully control.
It's only 10 states that are still under the tyranny.
But hundreds of cities, almost every city is under their control.
That's the UN plan.
Number 10, that's the Prime Minister's office in the UK plans booster jab requirement for people to obtain their COVID pass.
It's breaking today in the London Guardian.
And the way the PSY opers work is as soon as he came out and gave a speech yesterday and said that, When people said they were against it on Twitter, I noticed, I said, let me click the comments and see what it says.
The bots and the operatives were saying, he's not making you, this isn't tyranny.
And then the next day they announce it.
So they gaslight you even while they do it.
Oh no, nobody's taking your rides.
Nobody's going to make you have a passport to buy and sell.
And then boom, they do it.
It's like, oh, we're going to have a passport to buy and sell.
Oh, we're not going to have a passport to buy and sell.
Oh, the passport goes into effect November 1st.
Oh, now we're not going to do it November 1st.
Oh, now it's going to actually come in at the new year.
Oh, we're not going to have a vaccine passport to have any shots.
We're just going to make you take the boosters as well.
Remember just six months ago?
Okay, there's major opposition.
We're thinking about not doing the COVID passport.
And then, okay, we're going to do it.
Okay, we're not going to do it.
Okay, we're going to do it.
Okay, we're not going to do it.
That's just to wear you out the decision process, psychological tactic until you finally just accept it because you expect it to happen.
They're trying to wear you out.
Just like they're like, hey, you didn't hurt your child with a shot, or you didn't hurt yourself, just be in denial!
Hey, you didn't abort your child, that's not murder!
Even though deep down you know it is.
Welcome to the one-year anniversary of our two-week lockdown.
Yeah, that meme's almost a year old.
And soon it'll be the second anniversary of the lockdown.
Which in Australia, they're now announcing it's permanent, the same thing in Europe.
Beating people with billy clubs over their heads in Spain, Germany, and Austria, if they're outside or in a grocery store, and don't have their phone, just go, oh, I've got my vax pass.
Oh, yes, sir.
Oh, good.
I mean, and then they just gaslight everybody.
Oh, it's normal to do this.
This is completely for your safety, when they're the ones that cooked it up in a lab, made the virus, and then created a vaccine that creates what the virus does.
And then who would expect something that evil, you see?
So the average person goes, well, they must mean well.
I mean, they're not, oh, I'm having a heart attack, but it's not that bad.
So here is Boris Johnson with his just unbelievable announcement.
Boosters, it's very clear that getting three jabs, getting your booster will become an important fact and it will make life easier for you in all sorts of ways and we will have to adjust our concept of what constitutes a full vaccination to take account of that and I think that is increasingly obvious.
You'll have to have them!
And of course, my wife is a devil worshipper on record, and a sex mistress.
I'm not compromised at all.
Of course, he's not going to be taking any boosters himself.
You're going to be taking boosters!
Now, let's go to the latest clip of the man on fire, Robert F. Kennedy, explaining, Junior, Explaining, because you know, he used to be kind of anti-gun, but I've seen his speeches around his articles.
Now he's like, he's like Naomi Wolf said on Fox News six months ago or five months ago with Tucker Carlson.
He said, I used to not get the Second Amendment.
Like, why do you really need that?
But now I get it.
The government's evil and tyrannical.
I need to protect myself.
See, real liberals now go, wait, you want to take over the police and make them political.
Commissars, wait, you, you, you, you.
You actually want crime in the streets.
You actually want me to not be able to defend myself.
That's really evil.
You want to be the only ones with the guns?
Oh, oh, now I get it.
Now I understand.
They're breaking the social contract.
And so I need guns more than ever.
Here's Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
finally getting it.
And that's exactly what I was telling my head of security yesterday is, they couldn't get the guns, so they got everything else.
There was no lobby for the First Amendment, no lobby for the right to travel, none of that.
And it's all going out the window, folks.
I mean, thousands of years people fought.
To get the freedoms we have enshrined and defended and it's just being flushed down the toilet like some big beautiful palace that was built and then the gremlins just doused it in gasoline and lit it on fire.
Here he is.
That's why we had the revolution, so that we could criticize the government.
And yet, and we put that first, and yet it's gone.
Then they go after property rights.
They close a million businesses without due process or just compensation.
That's a violation of the Constitution.
It was just a doctor who has never treated a COVID patient, saying one week masks don't work, And a month later, everybody putting them on and not citing one study to justify that change.
It was government by diktat.
And so during that first year, we literally got rid of every amendment to the Constitution except the Second Amendment.
It's the only one that's left.
And, you know, what I tell people is, you know, we have to, we have to love our freedom more than we fear a germ.
We have to.
And I would even remind people that even if this was the deadly disease that they say it is, there's worse things than death.
And there was a whole generation, and that may sound cold and people get mad at me for saying it, but we're lucky that there was a whole generation of Americans in 1776 who said it would be better to die ...than to not have these rights written down.
And they gave us that.
They gave us that gift of that Bill of Rights.
And in one year, at the bidding of a doctor, because he's telling us, you know, you need to do this to save them, and orchestrated fear and, you know, all of the weird stuff they did with the numbers, which is not what public health is supposed to be doing.
In one year, all of those rights have been taken away from us.
On fire!
Now let's go to Senator Johnson laying out how they trick you into committing the crime against yourself and your family, and then you won't admit to yourself that you've been conned.
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
President Biden won't admit he's wrong when he says that this is a pandemic on the in vax, that if you get the vaccine, all's gonna be well.
The heads of these agencies will never admit they were wrong.
My colleagues who voted for the vaccines, who have done videos encouraging everybody to get vaccinated, which by the way, that might be the right advice for certain people.
They don't want to admit they're wrong.
Doctors, physicians who have recommended to patients to get the vaccine, don't want to admit that their recommendation might have caused a severe harm.
It's understandable.
I understand that human tendency.
But that doesn't overcome the basic humanity of acknowledging reality and doing everything we can as a society.
Those of us that voted for Operation Warp Speed, those of us that encouraged vaccination, we have to admit there's a side effect here.
And it's changed people's lives forever.
So again, I'm begging anybody watching this today or via video, let these stories be seen.
We're going to come back and play the rest of this, but see Ron Johnson's a really smart guy, but he's also nice.
And he's here talking about Trump, really.
Again, Trump, I don't think, wanted to kill all these people or be set up like this, but the globalists knew when they put this out, and knew it was going to kill a bunch of people and make a bunch, that then they get everybody in the system on board with the cover-up, and once you've done that, it's just like pedophiles in the Catholic Church, or in the Boy Scouts, or at Penn State.
Once you get the system, people that aren't raping kids, to still kind of cover it up for the good of the school, well, it's not the good of the school, then they fully take over.
That's how corruption works.
You gotta just say, no!
I'm not part of it, and I'm not gonna go along with it, and I'm gonna fight it.
That's the path to liberty.
That's the path to success.
That's the path to God.
The path to the devil, and failure, and everything horrible is compromising.
No more compromises!
No more!
We'll be back with hour number two!
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Alright, I'm going to launch into the worldwide martial law that has been announced.
The global carbon tax announcements and a bunch of key intel on China and the meeting with the puppet president yesterday.
It's all coming up next segment.
Owen Schroer is coming up as well.
I've just got so much.
I've got a bunch of Rittenhouse news.
I've got a bunch of martial law garbage they're trying to push.
But first, here's a key report on the race war they're trying to stoke.
If you are receiving this transmission, We've learned that critical race theory is now endemic through America's Fortune 100 companies.
I have documents from now more than 33 companies where they're training their employees in intersectionality, telling white employees that they're actually internalized white supremacists, and then telling employees of color, racial minorities, that they suffer from internalized racial inferiority, that they're filled with self-loathing and rage and hatred.
That they're incapable of seizing opportunity.
It's really an all-around bad deal for everyone.
The only people it's good for are the executives.
They get to get a pat on the back.
They get to be lauded in the media for being pioneers of social justice.
While they're denigrating their hourly wage employees as white supremacists and hapless human beings.
It's a scandal and they have to stop.
Jeff Zucker wrote this, or the CEO, his boss at AT&T that says, quote, white people are the problem.
Re-educate them in re-education programs.
Being white genetically is evil.
These are the folks telling you that they're protecting you from white supremacists when they're just trying to brand any opposition to foreign corporations, looting the country, devaluing the dollar, locking us in our houses, starving the third world to death.
Well, if that's white supremacist, I mean, that's what I see as supremacist.
It's not white supremacist.
It's a bunch of megacorporations engaging in depopulation.
Why did President Biden suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse on trial in Kenosha is a white supremacist?
So Peter, what I'm not going to speak to right now is anything about an ongoing trial, nor the President's past comments.
What I can reiterate for you is the President's view that we shouldn't have, broadly speaking, vigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons.
We shouldn't have opportunists corrupting peaceful protests by rioting and burning down the communities they claim to represent anywhere in the country.
As you know, Closing arguments in this particular case, which I'm not speaking to.
I'm just making broad comments about his own view.
There's an ongoing trial.
We're awaiting a verdict.
Beyond that, I'm not going to speak to any individuals or this case.
But the president has spoken to it already.
And his mom now, Kyle Rittenhouse's mom, came out saying that the president defamed her son.
And she claims that when the president suggested her son is a white supremacist, he was doing that to win votes.
Is that what happened?
I just have nothing more to speak to in ongoing case.
Tucker Carlson is releasing his big blockbuster movie on Monday.
While the kids have been calling for a sequel to Dune, Tucker thought they said loon, as in crazy as a loon.
As in crazy and a loon.
Oh, you're gonna call us conspiracy theorists and crazy and white supremacists.
No facts, no evidence, no proof.
Just loon attacks, conspiracy theorists, white supremacists.
I've got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go.
We're not the board.
Yeah, I'm going to bring my soldier with me next time.
I will.
Lots of money.
Lots of money.
I'm ready to get it.
Lots of money?
Did you just prank me?
But Jim Acosta, again, is the mouth of AT&T, the mouth of one of the most evil corporations out there that seeks to divide us while they engage in all their different crimes.
That's the owners of CNN.
So here's Jim Acosta, while AT&T is funding Black Lives Matter, racial division, whites are inherently bad, CRT, hardcore curriculum, to their own employees.
Saying, Tucker's insane, none of this exists, and there's no establishment move to divide America.
There's no establishment move to Declare the American people as terrorists.
That's in the official executive order signed in June by the puppet president.
You gotta stop being naive, ladies and gentlemen.
We've all been there.
You gotta admit how much trouble we're in.
We gotta recognize who our enemies are.
And stop listening to them.
Stop even debating them.
And we are back live now into hour number two on this Tuesday, November 16th transmission that so many powerful corrupt forces are working around the clock to silence.
But thanks to you and your word of mouth, your prayer, and your visiting InfoWarsTore.com and supporting us and getting great products.
At the same time, InfoWars is, quite frankly, stronger than we've ever been in many ways.
People pay more attention now.
They know we're not making stuff up.
They understand we're under attack.
And it's just a real blessing and an honor to be here.
So I thank the listeners for keeping us on the air.
And of course, I thank the big guy upstairs for putting us in this position, because it's all God.
But God is working through you.
And so I salute you and I thank you.
Okay, we knew this day was coming.
We knew it was going to happen because we had Operation Lockstep, and we had SPARS 2023, 2025, and we had all their different in-game documents.
And we knew that they were going to have a viral scare for Disease X. The UN said this three years ago.
Rockefeller Foundation said it 12 years ago.
That they would bring out the virus, they would scare everybody, they would train everybody to be locked down.
They'd bring out a vaccine passport that would then be tied to a global travel passport.
And an internal passport that would have a carbon tax attached to it.
That was in the documents 12 years ago.
Right around that same time, China started developing its social credit score in InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That now redirects to InfoWars.
At the time, at the time, We're the first to report on all of this.
And that's not, again, us up here saying, "Oh, aren't we special?"
No, it's saying, "We've done the research.
We've been the tip of the spear.
That's why the enemy is so upset.
That's why they want to solve fear."
I mean, can you imagine them panicking three years ago when I was finally banned on Twitter,
six months after I was banned everywhere else, and there were videos of millions of you saying,
"I believe they're about to release a deadly virus to create fear and then have lockdowns
and bring in a global ID out of the system."
Here's the documents.
What do you think they thought when they saw that?
They said, get him off now.
Shut him up.
How the hell does he know all this?
Well, you guys brag about it.
Now, we've moved into a whole new area in the last 20-something months of this rollout of fear.
And now what they're doing is they are saying that we need lockdowns permanently all the time.
And we're going to give you a great opportunity to be allowed out of your house sometimes.
Now, you heard what I just did right there.
I mean, if you walked into a used car lot where you thought they might be scammers, you don't know this is good guys, you just want to get a good deal, you just want to be able to check the cars, you don't want to be lied to, and a guy comes over with a, you know, child molester mustache or whatever, wearing a tropical shirt and starts obviously giving you a bunch of phlegm phlegm, you're going to walk off the lot.
And you'd expect him, if he was a politician or somebody like Fauci, to say something like this.
Hey, we're going to save the earth.
It's really wonderful.
We're going to give you an opportunity to sometimes be able to leave your house and maybe even travel sometimes.
If you're really good and behave yourself the right way and go along with our agenda, you'll have a little bit of freedom.
I mean, that on its face is gaslighting to the next level, because it's actually Stockholm syndrome in people.
Where an authority figure is telling you obviously something horrible, but you've been trained to just be delusional and accept it because you don't want to admit something bad's happening to you.
It's why statistically women are 10, 20, 30 times depending on the study more likely to get in a van.
With a man that pulls out a knife or a gun and says, get in.
Most men will just run or fight because they know.
It's scarier to get in that van.
It's not because the men have a bunch of courage.
It's because they're not naive genetically.
Men are more programmed to fight and actually look through the options.
Women are programmed by their genetics, on average, to try to get along with everybody and try to make people ease back a little bit.
So, okay, sir, don't hurt me.
everything's okay, and then she ends up in a basement tortured for two weeks before she's killed.
And that's what Stockholm Syndrome is, ladies and gentlemen.
They get you to induct yourself into it.
And again, women and children are way more likely to go into Stockholm Syndrome,
and maybe that's a survival attribute.
Maybe it's best sometimes.
I mean, that's why the Romans and every other ancient empire
where they would take over an area would kill men above the age of 10 or 11,
and they would keep the women and girls because the women and girls would self-enforce
on each other and just instantly convert within a few days to make their children survive.
I mean, even if a woman just saw her husband of 20 years cut up and tortured to death, she's going to give those Roman centurions the best blowjob of their life that evening so that they don't kill her children.
I'm sorry to have to talk like that, but this is where real men need to come in and go, hey, women, you're under Stockholm Syndrome.
Stop wearing the mask.
Stop going along with your captors.
This is BS.
You see, there's good men that are sheepdogs that want to protect people and build civilization, and there's oppressors and bad men that want to dominate and enslave you.
Now, the Romans didn't do that to their own people, on average.
They just did it to groups they saw as beneath them, that they could conquer.
That was the survival of the fittest rule.
That's what they saw in nature.
The globalists go way further than Romans or the Aztecs or anybody else that did similar things.
They don't even want any strong people, period, because they don't even want any fellow humans out there.
They want to make the whole species like dumb animals so they can have their way with us and toy around with us and use us for body parts.
So that's where the whole world is.
That's where all of this is right now.
And you can be a chump, and you can be a schmuck, and you can be a mark, and you can be a sucker, and you can be a fool, and you can be delusional, and you can lie to yourself all day long as long as you want.
But bowing down to this is how you get hurt real bad and end up with nothing and dead.
This is real evil, the worst the world's ever seen, and people better snap out of their trance and get that or it's over.
So what am I getting at here?
Here's headlines, we got video of this.
Austrian police randomly check the vaccination status of shoppers after lockdown of unvaccinated.
Not allowed outside your house if you haven't had the shots.
We always knew that's where it was going.
It's now happening in Australia.
It's now happening in Spain.
And now the UK just announced the same thing.
Boris Johnson's like, you're not gonna be too comfortable if you don't just keep taking the boosters.
A couple months ago, we're not gonna have vaccine passports.
Now, oh, actually, I take more shots.
You're going to have it and then some.
Now, we knew where this was going, didn't we?
Are you ready for the climate lockdowns?
Remember that back in February?
All over the leftist media, London Guardian, you name it.
Oh, climate lockdowns would be so good for the Earth.
Should the climate movement embrace sabotage?
Another headline.
The New Yorker.
Yeah, blow stuff up.
Shut off pipelines!
And now here it is.
India is announcing climate lockdowns.
What government doesn't want the power to tell you when you can be on the street and when you can't?
Oh, the Indians didn't want to accept a national ID card?
Well, guess what?
As soon as they did, now you're under martial law.
Because governments want that power to snap their fingers and walk out and have their motorcades drive wherever they want or do whatever they want.
They want that power.
Lockdown to combat air pollution.
New Delhi prepares to ban non-essential travel and close offices due to toxic smog, even though India torpedoed COP26 coal deal.
But don't worry, India and China aren't going to follow it.
Mexico isn't, but we are.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink.
Climate crisis will reshape finance.
They'll only give money to themselves.
World needs equivalent of pandemic lockdown.
Technocrats want mandatory carbon credit cards to control every facet of your life.
Infowars back in September, now officially announced.
And it goes on and on.
Oh, cut down trees, says CNN.
Oh, but meanwhile, this is in Reuters today.
China rebuffs UK criticism over coal move after climate summit.
China rebuffs UK criticism over coal move after climate summit.
Oh yeah, they're not going to cut anything, only we are.
And then Xi Jinping gave old, old crazy man, old Skeletor a spanking yesterday in their virtual summit.
We'll tell you about that when we come back.
And the whole Rittenhouse situation and so much more.
This is the tip of the spear.
This is the battle for human destiny.
This is InfoWars.
I'm Alex Jones.
Global government by private corporations working with client politicians in different nation states are establishing a planetary one world government based on the leading cutting edge or the tip of the spear going into our body politic being the COVID-19 hysteria.
The basis of it is then the COVID-19 vaccine passport, and upon that, the global carbon tax, the travel pass, the social credit score, all rolled into one.
That's official from them.
I mean, Klaus Schwab, six years ago, was on national French TV and said all that in an hour-long interview.
We played large excerpts.
We're going to bring in the world ID using a scarab virus.
You're going to have a microchip in you after you have a smartphone pass for a few years.
We're going to control everything you do.
We're going to take your body over with nanobots.
And then other members of the Davos Group, top ones, we played clips on national Israeli TV, on national German TV.
Just saying, we are taking you over.
We're going to put nanobots in all the food.
They're going to migrate to your brain.
And you're just going to be forced to merge with us.
And then the USDA announced last week, two weeks after the Davos Group announced, governments will now put nanobots in your food for your safety.
And then the USDA said, we're going to put nanobots in your food.
And you're like, I mean, first it's we're going to give you an experimental shot that gives you blood clots.
Then they're going to, oh, we're going to add blood, a heart attack drug to it for children.
Oh, now we're just going to put nanobots in your food.
So that's the thing.
This is a lawless, giant attack.
And while Senator Paul and Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and a few of the half-decent people we got are still discussing the Wuhan lab, and oh, how Fauci lied, and all this stuff, and discussing how Russiagate, how they're not Russian agents, which we already know, while they're talking about last year's news, five years ago's news, The New World Order is just racing over all of us in a Blitzkrieg attack.
And it's my job, before they cut off all the communications, after a staged cyber attack, or a real war they're about to start, to get as many people as informed so they know what's going on.
It's kind of like you're out in the ocean, you're getting a riptide, you feel it sucking you under, get a breath, and then don't fight it once it pulls you under.
Statistically, it's going to pop you back out in 30 seconds, a minute or two.
Just hold your breath, relax, don't fight.
You're going to pop right back out, but I'm not saying don't fight them physically.
They do this.
It's an analogy.
They just, Oh gosh, I'm going to fight this.
Pop me out in five seconds.
That wasn't too bad.
Let's be able to flail around in it, panic and get the water down their throat.
Now I'm just here.
Tell everybody, get your deep breath, get your deep breath.
It's your deep breath.
I mean, they may launch a nuclear attack and say that the Russians did it.
I mean, they want us dead.
They want us out of the way.
They've made the decision.
And the fact that they rolled ahead with this bio attack means they could do anything.
And that's really why the Senators aren't fighting them.
The Senators have got their emergency exit plans during martial law.
They've got their underground base cards.
And of course, once they get them in those bases, they're going to kill them all.
The whole COG system.
So this is just the end of everything.
And so everybody else can rearrange deck chairs in the Titanic and everybody else can, you know, pretend like, oh, the liberals are just out of control or no.
This is unified planetary world government cutting off the food supply, destroying the currencies, murdering the third world, and who survives?
Flooding us to collapse the first world, with the globalists posing as saviors at each leg of the attack that they launch.
And that's it!
That's it, ladies and gentlemen.
So, just get ready for it.
I mean, I've tried to stop this, I've tried to back this off, And I think there could be still a miracle that we could get leadership that could stand up and speak out and address the New World Order and address the globalists and have an open discussion about this.
But, oh, the New York Times might say something bad about a senator if they talk about Great Reset and New World Order, because only Klaus Schwab and Henry Kissinger and people are allowed to tell us about the world government.
Only Prince Charles can say we're going to have a world government and a military operation to put the planet under martial law and depopulate people.
They're only allowed up on mountaintops, like James Bond villains, to say it.
But the New York Times tells you you're not allowed to talk about it.
Soros can pose for NBC News and the Associated Press saying he takes State Department money and gives thousands of dollars to illegal aliens invading out of the Middle East and Africa into Europe.
And the same thing funding people to come to Central America and come into North America.
But if Lou Dobbs has on judicial watch showing the documents, well, he gets threatened with being fired.
You're not allowed to talk about that.
It's the same thing, like, we're not allowed to talk about Klaus Schwab announcing they're gonna microchip us, and we'll own nothing, and we'll have nothing, and a one-world religion, and how pedophilia is gonna be legalized.
That's all what they're saying.
But we're just supposed to sit here and pretend that's not going on, so I can tune in I can hear Senator Johnson going, a lot of people are having heart attacks and dying.
I wish Joe Biden and people would have a soul and a heart and realize there's really bad side effects.
Why don't you care?
Well, because Senator Johnson, they were put in there because they like it, buddy boy.
They're in on it, you see.
You see how that works?
This is a plan all over the world, systematic, being rolled out.
And we've got Tucker Carlson eating around the edges, starting to go there.
And we have General Flynn hitting the nail on the head.
We've got Alex Jones.
And we got a few other people that are prominent that are letting everybody know we're in a war.
James O'Keefe is exposing the COVID takeover, and that's when they came after him right away.
It's not over that diary.
It's to stop those Pfizer investigations.
And you can bet your life on that.
So, people tell me, like I've said, oh man, you got a lot of courage fighting these people.
I've got courage.
Like in those movies where they get trapped in a room and the water's coming in and I'm trying to figure out a getaway out.
I got courage trying to get out of this.
The way we get out of this is admitting it and waking up to it and getting together and having some will, some survival instinct.
I'll explain this again.
I don't have any courage.
What I have is survival instinct.
That's what you need.
Just like General Flynn says, courage is a decision.
Well, yeah, deciding that you're going to survive.
And that means surviving my family.
That means my culture.
That means humanity.
People come and go.
Humanity's forever if we make it so.
And so I am 100% ready to die, go to prison, whatever it takes to stand up for my family.
And that means the human family.
And that's why you see Robert Kennedy Jr.
saying, This really comes down to being ready to give our lives up against this tyranny.
We've got real tyranny.
I mean, he didn't used to talk like that, but this is the place we are.
This is where they've taken us.
This is what we're living.
I mean, they're killing millions of people with this shot right now.
We're watching them.
This isn't a movie where some evil government does it.
This is The real world, folks, you're living in the depopulation operation.
Bill Gates and Prince Philip and Prince Charles and Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey and all them and Klaus Schwab didn't meet all these years at depopulation summits talking about how they wanted to kill you and your family because they were just doing that for no reason.
They've been plotting and planning this and now they've announced climate lockdowns.
Oh, I didn't get to China and Biden.
We'll do that when we come back.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, on this November 16th, Tuesday transmission.
We have a very special guest.
He's an inventor and scientist and started multiple billion dollar companies.
Steve Kirsch has really been leading the fight, exposing the fraud of the COVID shots.
And now he's got evidence that well, I've got the articles right here.
So the British news over 60 times increase in pro sports adverse events since vaccines rolled out.
And we're also going to be looking at the fact that he says he has proof that indeed Governor Newsom did get Guillain-Barré from the injection and that there's photographic and video evidence and I've actually looked at it.
It's clear.
So that's coming up.
It'll be popping in next hour.
Ellen Schroer will be co-hosting with me.
We're going to talk about the War on Liberty and just how serious it is and what's coming next in the fourth hour.
And then, like I said, I was going to have Tim Poole on today.
He's going to be on Thursday instead.
And Mike Cernovich is going to be here Thursday.
It's in Wednesday.
And a lot more this week.
And tonight, I'm going to leave it as a surprise, but there'll be some other interesting podcasters that we're going to be co-hosting with.
Here in Austin, just look for that.
It'll be linked up on InfoWars.com by seven o'clock central this evening.
That should be informative.
And that's definitely why the old dinosaur media is so jealous and trying to take us off the air.
They just can't stand the fact that we were supposed to be the example of a populace being crushed and destroyed.
And instead, in many ways, we've just gotten stronger thanks to God's good graces and people spreading the word.
Now, Let's talk about Biden's two plus hour long summit with Xi Jinping, the declared dictator of communist China, built up and empowered in one way trade deals in the last really 60 years, but it's accelerated in the last 30 years by the United States.
So there is Xi Jinping.
And I love how they set up the camera shots where Biden's got the communist Chinese flag beside him.
That's just perfect, isn't it?
You've got Xi with the American flag over behind him.
What a joke.
But you know what the big takeaway from this is?
There's a lot of takeaways, but one of them is a total puppet and runs absolutely nothing and is a front man and a pedophile.
And as a degenerate evil family and sold the country out to Russia and China.
And the other one is the actual dictator for life of the most populous country in the world and even runs the global social credit score program and got his Chinese government run QR code program adopted by the UN and adopted by the Demos group rolled out worldwide one month ago and the UK and Canada and Australia are adopting it.
While Australia shoots its mouth off about how, oh, they're at war with China and they're going to stand up to China.
Yeah, right.
They're totally in bed with it.
And so Xi made a bunch of threats, a bunch of red line statements about war.
Biden groveled.
Just pathetic.
Biden's only good at groping children and, you know, calling the FBI and SWAT teams on moms that don't like pedophile drag queen story time.
Or a man in a dress raping a little girl in the bathroom.
Oh, by the way, remember Obama said that was all fake?
I'm gonna get to that next segment.
Obama said nobody in the New York Times said nobody raped a girl in Loudoun County.
Certainly a man didn't.
They said now they're saying a woman with a penis raped her.
Yeah, seriously, that's all just gaslighting by this cult.
Oh, what do you hate?
Women with ding-dongs?
Give me a break.
This is about... I don't hate anybody for what they look like or who they are, but I do hate people for their deeds.
So I don't care if it'd be a woman with a steel bar or a man with a penis.
You don't rape women.
And now it's all confirmed.
Pled guilty.
Pled guilty to raping her, going in a unisex bathroom and raping her anally and vaginally.
And now you know why Daddy was mad.
When the school denied it even happened, when it turns out in their internal emails, they knew and made the decision a week before to cover it up!
He shows up going, you maniacs!
You raped my daughter!
They go, first off, sir, he's a girl.
Second off, arrest him.
And Obama goes out, we got the video, and says, oh, it's culture war, that didn't happen, and the New York Times is like, yeah!
So I'm the devil for questioning a mass shooting and every other big event, because most of them are fake.
Or provocateured.
Jesse Smollett, WMDs in Iraq, babies in incubators, make it go on for hours.
Gulf of Tonkin.
The Roe v. Wade baby never died.
But I'm the devil, I gotta be taking all the hair off, you know, all this, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But oh, oh, the New York Times can say, oh, no, no, no, the father just made it up.
Got the articles right here.
Hell, I just said we should investigate these mass shootings and these events.
And it turns out the police stood down in Florida at the Parkland shooting.
And I got real students on that said that that kid was running around for years saying he's going to shoot everybody and they did nothing.
And he was part of this minority program where you're allowed to commit crimes and never go to jail.
Remember that?
So CNN said I had actors on and they weren't students at the school.
They were real!
So CNN says real kids are actors, and then they say that I'm saying kids are actors.
But I didn't say that about Parkland.
And David Hawk runs around saying that.
The people from the Aurora shooting say that I said nobody was killed there.
They go around the news saying they do.
I never said that.
I said the guy's dad ran a mind control project, petted it up, the man-human-brain interface for NASA, super secret, and that he told people, the Denver Post reported, he was under mind control.
I don't know if he really was or not.
I know the Unabomber was under CIA mind control.
That's admitted.
The LA Times.
Did you even know that?
But that's how this works.
Every time there's a mass shooting, oh, Jones denied it!
Nope, no, I didn't.
So that's the way this craziness works, but here is, I said I'd do it next segment, but I'm already getting to it.
Let's get back to Xi Jinping.
So Biden's respectful 3.5 hour, I'm sorry, I said 2 plus hour virtual summit with Xi focuses on managing strategic risk like Taiwan.
And then Xi made a bunch of threats about using military action if the US tried to defend Taiwan or If our ships go to the waters, which they're now claiming the entire South China Sea all the way down to Vietnam and Indonesia.
Chinese dictator Xi Jinping threatens Biden during meeting.
Biden fails to make any breakthroughs because he's a puppet.
I mean, look at that photo.
Tells you everything you need to know.
And notice, whether it's the New York Times or CBS News, they all cropped it to not show an American flag.
Now we look at that and go, look what a commie he is, look what a traitor he is, but you know that every photo is him with just that flag.
And why do they do that?
Because they're now gonna get ready to get rid of him.
He's served his usefulness.
Now they're like, oh, we gotta have Kamala and Buddha Judge.
Hey, Buddha Judge had a baby.
His husband laid in the hospital bed, thought you were so dumb, put on hospital scrubs and lay in a bed.
Look, we had a baby!
All part of the brainwashing.
It's some kid they got from somebody else.
Oh, here we are with our multi-month-old baby.
We just had it.
You know, men have babies.
All about the gaslighting, all about the mind control, all about the control.
Oh, it's okay if Biden steps down because Buttigieg is gay.
Oh my gosh, but does he have that on his resume?
Oh my gosh.
I mean, can I be vice president?
I tell you what, I'm gay too, folks.
I need to be vice president now.
You know, like Tim Cook used to run death camps.
Worst in the world.
On record.
Worst factories in the world.
Suicide nets.
Forced abortion.
16-18 hour work days.
Forced drugging of the slaves.
People living in containers.
But it's alright.
Tim Cook is what?
What's the answer?
And he wears a black turtleneck!
By the way, when we put up joke memes on the screen, they probably have a fact check.
St. Jones claimed Buddha Judge's baby was a grand dragon.
It's called a joke!
I mean, hell, the Democrats support selling baby body parts.
Maybe Buttigieg will chop his baby up and sell the parts.
I hope he doesn't, but I mean, as long as he keeps the baby comfortable, it's okay, like Governor of Virginia said, right?
I mean, after all, babies aren't human, right?
Let's take a look now.
At the incredible deception that we've been witnessing with the Rittenhouse trial.
The lies, the attempts to get witnesses to engage in perjury, all of it has come out, all of it has been on display of what a George Soros funded worm will do.
But just imagine if you had judges cut from the same piece of rotten cloth that this prosecutor in the Rittenhouse case Ish.
You would have what's happening to me in Texas and in Connecticut.
Total, complete lies.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this now, but I read the ruling last night by the Connecticut judge.
Says we gave them no bank records, that they weren't real.
I'm lying, huh?
You didn't prove that.
It's not true.
It's incredible.
Says we wouldn't give them Google Analytics.
I'm going to talk about it, but let me explain something.
Google Analytics is like Google, but the back end of it.
We never even use it.
I mean, we barely ever even looked at it.
Back when we had Google AdSense on stuff.
But we did go look up when they said, how much money did you make off Sandy Hook?
We found the articles, it's 300-something bucks.
When we had Google Ads on the site.
We're like, okay, 300 bucks.
That's not true!
Your whole empire's built on it!
The news said it!
We're like, okay, I guess access to the Google password?
Well, the contract with Google says you can't do that.
No, we don't want that.
Why don't you pay Google $300,000 for a license to give us full access to Google Analytics?
Because we never had that.
We had the free version.
We're like, uh, no.
Okay, you're defaulted.
I mean, that's what goes on with these people.
And I mean, imagine it's some maniac judge can't find her You know what, with both hands probably.
Just, I mean, I can't tell if they're like super evil or super dumb or probably both.
But, I'm going to stop ranting about this.
Owen's here, going to be here in the fourth hour.
We're going to get into a whole bunch of stuff, not just that.
But, Owen Schroyer was defaulted in Texas by this same judge that tried to block the Texas abortion law and all the rest of it, even though she had no standing to do it.
She's been overturned by the Supreme Court a bunch in the state.
Owen never got subpoenaed, never got deposed.
Never got contacted.
He's a separate suit, but added to this.
And they defaulted him.
Imagine, you never get a subpoena, never get a contact, and then they just default you.
That's total judicial misconduct.
It's judicial crimes, in my view.
And they just think it's funny.
The newspapers think it's funny.
It's all funny.
It's like that AP article three years ago saying, Jones just lost a lawsuit for the book he wrote, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
We call up AP, they go, sewage.
Have a law firm send them a letter, they go, go ahead.
We didn't write the book, we're not in the book.
Doesn't matter, because they ran it everywhere that I lost.
I lost.
I lost.
That's why people walk up to me on the street.
Happened right in front of my security guys a few months ago in Florida.
And say, I hate your guts, you murdered those children.
I go, what children?
You know the ones in Connecticut.
You support killing them.
Nobody knows Adam Lanza's name, it's all me.
That's mind control.
And sure, those people really don't count, they're like zombies, don't believe it, but those are the folks taking the shots, those are the ones buying into the propaganda.
Those are the ones that, you know, don't support free speech or your Second Amendment or anything!
And so, I mean, I've not just talked to my law firms, I've talked to a bunch of big ones nationwide, and they go, yeah, we've never seen that.
We've never seen people be sued when you didn't say their names in Texas.
And the Texas Supreme Court said, yeah, we don't care.
The law says you got to say the names.
The suit goes forward.
Because the Republican establishment wants to get me, folks.
It's not just the Democrats.
The Republicans just want a pendulum to swing and they get back in.
They don't want Donald Trump type Republicans or Rand Paul types that are the populist movement, they, and I'm not saying the whole Supreme Court, but that's what's going on.
They're just a bunch of political operatives, on average, who want to stay safe.
Well, you don't stay safe when the whole country's being taken over and things are falling apart with this.
But that's why we've been maneuvered into this position.
And I've got the clips coming up in the fourth hour on MSNBC, you name it, London Independent, you name it, saying, We are going to now shut down Fox News and Newsmax and OAN using the precedent we're going to set in the Alex Jones case.
Because no matter what you give the judges, they're going to say default and then you don't get a jury trial on whether you're guilty or not, you get a jury trial on how much money you owe.
So this is their plan, ladies and gentlemen.
The New York Times can get up there and say the father's lying.
Nobody touched his daughter.
It's made up.
Even though they knew there was an arrest and all the rest of it.
And then he reportedly raped somebody else in another school.
Now it's all confirmed.
He's pled guilty.
Pled to it.
They can come out knowingly in lie.
That's clear defamation right there.
But still, what's the damages?
But see, the courts will know.
Oh, that's the New York Times.
Oh, they can premeditatedly do that.
But Alex Jones Questions, public events.
That's not allowed because he's not the New York Times.
So here's some more examples of this.
MSNBC airs written House prosecution closing arguments, but not the defense.
And Google and Twitter and Facebook and others delete accounts showing any of the defense.
That was all over the news.
YouTube just got rid of the like comments.
Hit them!
Because Biden was 99% negative and Alex Jones was 97% positive.
Literally, 97% positive votes all over YouTube, everywhere.
Some videos have 400,000 comments and it's 97.6% Alex Jones.
Biden is 99% anti-Biden.
They don't like that.
Some videos have 400,000 comments and it's 97.6% Alex Jones.
Biden is 99% anti-Biden.
They don't like that.
They don't like you being able to express reality.
It continues.
Saki refuses to answer questions.
Why did Biden suggest Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist?
Oh, yeah.
Rittenhouse jury has begun their deliberations.
Here it is.
YouTube creator slams company's removal of dislike button as stupid move.
Well, it's not.
I mean, it's an authoritarian move.
Can't let the average slaves have speech.
And you know, people are calling Bannon a grandstander and stuff because all he could have just pled the fifth.
You know, he's got a lot of courage facing years in prison for this fake garbage.
And I know he didn't do anything wrong on January 6th.
Nobody wanted violence.
And I know the left provocateur did so.
I think him taking the bull by the horns and getting in the fiery furnace takes a lot of will.
And so I've been critical of Bannon on some things and Roger Stone stuff.
But I mean, he's under attack.
His show does a lot of good work.
And so, you know, I think that's the strategy, not backing down.
You know, on the Sandy Hook thing, a bunch of them reached out to me.
It was on the news.
They said, just stop saying our children didn't die.
It's before they ever sued me.
And I said, yeah, I could see how mass shootings happen.
I never really made a big, you know, my big thing about it.
I'm not the Sandy Hook guy.
And I said, OK, I'm sorry.
I think your children died.
Sued me immediately.
Sued me immediately.
Oh, my God, you admit you lied, you see?
And then use that to deplatform me and then run around and say I was still talking about them.
Even though they have attached themselves to me and are riding on our coattails to promote gun control, that that is the gun control groups.
And everybody sees that and knows that.
So just keep beating the dead horse and keep beating the critical race theory and keep saying we're all white supremacists.
Left, just keep doing what you're doing because it's not working.
And if those of us up front are willing to take the pain and just be stalwarts and step into the champion boots, we're going to win this fight.
But they think we'll just target their leaders, so they have no leaders.
So we need to support the leaders in the fight against tyranny.
And so I would support Roger Stone.
I'd support Bannon.
I'd support Trump.
I'd support us.
I'd support, really, Infowars is the most hardcore and the most hated.
Tucker Carlson's great.
I would support him as well.
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Isolate, contain and control, and then abuse. Isolate, then contain and control,
then abuse or kill. That's been the model of oppressors and tyrants and cults
since human history began to be recorded over 7,000 years ago.
And now here we are today with the Davos Group, representing the most powerful corporations on earth, the most powerful families, including royalty, literally saying they're setting up a world government to depopulate us.
Literally teaching children that they are non-essential and that they can't have running water or electricity.
That's what Obama went to Africa Six years ago before he left office and told them on record, these are the greatest oppressors the world has ever seen.
They don't care about the environment.
When you read deeper into their documents, they're basically mad scientists or transhumanists that believe they're going to transcend carbon-based life and overwrite the entire planet.
This is delusions of grandeur.
All of the top Davos high priests are called high priests.
And they say that they are transcending humanity and that they're going to basically absorb us in that transformation.
The lockdowns, the vaccine passports are all the global social credit score world tracking system they've now announced a month ago.
I told you decades ago this was coming because it was in their documents.
Now it's not theoretical.
It's gone from beta to operational and it doesn't matter whether you're a conservative, it doesn't matter whether you're a liberal, a Christian, a Buddhist, an atheist.
This is a scientific dictatorship taking over and targeting you and you need to get out of the prison of the mind that you've let them build for you, out of the constructs and break free and transcend and get back to your human roots and use your basic instincts in you With your intellect to decide that you are not going to be a slave of this and you're taking control of your destiny.
Coming in December, I'm going to release the most powerful information ever, not just from Alex Jones, but period, when it comes to transcending tyranny.
You'll find more information at BandOfVideo and InfoWars.com.
If you are watching this transmission, never forget, you are the hope of the universe.
You are the seed of the universe.
You are the resistance.
Steve Kirsch will join us again to get to the bottom of what's really happening with these deadly COVID shots that's coming up so much on that front.
And speaking of that, I mentioned this earlier, I only played part of it as we went to break.
I want to play what Senator Ron Johnson had to say about people being in denial.
Who bought into this and are now doubling down.
He's talking about Biden.
He's talking about Trump as well.
And this is really losing Trump a lot of support.
And America is awake and is getting pissed.
So here is what Senator Johnson had to say.
President Biden won't admit he's wrong when he says that this is a pandemic coming in vax.
That if you get the vaccine, all is going to be well.
The heads of these agencies will never admit they were wrong.
My colleagues who voted for the vaccines, who have done videos encouraging everybody to get vaccinated, which by the way, that might be the right advice for certain people.
They don't want to admit they're wrong.
Doctors, physicians who have recommended to patients to get the vaccine, don't want to admit that their recommendation might have caused a severe harm.
It's understandable.
I understand that human tendency.
But that doesn't overcome the basic humanity of acknowledging reality and doing everything we can as a society.
Those of us that voted for Operation Warp Speed, those of us that encouraged vaccination, we have to admit there's a side effect here.
And it's changed people's lives forever.
So again, I'm begging anybody watching this today or via video, let these stories be seen, let these stories be heard, let them be believed so that as a society, we can do the right thing.
We can acknowledge it, we can put even just a fraction of the time and effort and resources as we've put into the shutdowns and the mask mandates and the vaccine mandates and the vaccine development.
And the administration of it.
If we just take a fraction of that and apply it to research and treatment.
And by the way, a vaccine injury fund that actually compensates those who did what everybody asked them to do.
For themselves, for the good of their neighbors, for the good of society.
The least we can do with the trillions of dollars we've already allocated and spent.
The least we can do.
Is acknowledge their pain, help them recover, and compensate them for their injuries.
Well, that's right.
Back in the mid-80s, they passed the Vaccine Damage Fund that's paid out billions and billions of dollars.
But, oh, because this is experimental, it's not covered, so, oh, nobody that's gotten sick or hurt or died, there's no compensation.
And so now we're having this discussion.
It's like giving somebody a Band-Aid after you shoot them.
They're not going to admit that.
They're going to just keep steamrolling with the global ID and the carbon tax and the social credit score tied to the vaccine passport and just keep rolling forward.
And the same thing you see in the UK and the same thing you see in Australia, the same thing you see in places like Austria, where they're saying it's Checkpoints and you can't go outside if you don't have your vaccines.
And then of course, it's boosters and more and more and more.
That's really a dystopic nightmare science fiction hell.
And that's really where we are.
You can say, oh, they meant well, or oh, they didn't mean well.
It was all a big plan.
Well, it all was a plan in Operation Lockstep.
But yeah, a lot of people mid-level are going along with it.
It doesn't matter.
At the end of the day, this is a very dystopic thing that's happening.
And it's about the population.
All right, we're going to go to our guest for the next 45 minutes or so.
And then I got a bunch of news I'm going to hit in that last segment of the hour that Owen Schroer is coming in studio to cover the waterfront with me.
And we've got so much to hit there that's important.
But Steve Kirsch is our guest when we come back.
Over a 60X increase in sports, pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out.
And he's written a big article saying, we got some of the video too, I think I need to tell the crew about that, of showing his face looking like it is somewhat paralyzed and different with Governor Newsom.
And where he was missing for 13 days.
We'll be right back with Steve Kersh on the other side.
Demonized for a reason.
Because the truth lives there.
Stay with us.
Now the Kyle Rittenhouse thing's got everybody glued to it.
And I know we get high ratings and we just, you know, carried the trial.
But we really didn't.
Because, yes, our right to self-defense is important.
And yes, Kyle's a great guy.
And yes, they lied about him.
And the truth's coming out.
But if you look at worldwide martial law, and the carbon taxes, and India announcing carbon lockdowns, and now the West is saying it, and if you look at England announcing forced inoculations basically, or you can't buy or sell or leave your house, and they just joined Austria and saying they're going to now announce that, that to me is the big enchilada.
I don't know about you.
I've got a whole stack of news here with FDA and CDC documents admitting a massive increase in mycocarditis in young people, particularly boys.
So I wanted to talk about that first with Steve Kirsten.
Coming up, we've got some of the videos of Newsom and his face looking partially paralyzed as sources had said, but that usually goes away in about two weeks.
And also that his children aren't vaccinated.
Steve Kersh has written about that as well on his Substack account.
But I wanted to hit just all this cardiac news and information coming out first.
But yeah, that photo there, you can really see that that looks, he does look paralyzed.
It is different.
He has the dimple on the other side, not on that side.
Really dramatic.
Or maybe he had some plastic surgery mishap.
Point is, he was gone two weeks and something happened.
Steve Karsh is a philanthropist and executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and also the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
He's the inventor of the optical mouse and one of the first internet search engines, InfoSeek.
Remember using that.
He has founded seven high-tech companies, two with multi-billion dollar market caps.
Steve is currently focused on safe and effective ways to end the pandemic.
He received his B.S., M.S.
in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 1980.
He has been featured in 60 Minutes for his work on funding fluvoxamine.
I think I'm saying that right.
One of the first repurposed drugs to be shown in phase three clinical trials has significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization and death from COVID.
steamkirsch.substack.com and Twitter at stkirsch K-I-R-S-C-H and on Gab at stkirsch.
All right, Steve, great to have you back.
Powerful interview a few weeks ago.
So much to get into.
I know you've got a lot to cover, but humor me and dive into these amazing numbers we see coming out in these FDA panel meetings where they're admitting it, but it's getting almost no coverage.
Well, you know, these people are just rubber stamps for these risk-benefit analyses, which are just awful.
You know, we show that Toby Rogers was so disgusted, he decided to do his own risk-benefit analysis, Dr. Toby Rogers.
And he's an expert on risk-benefit analysis.
He thought that Pfizer risk-benefit analysis was one of the shoddiest pieces of work that he has ever seen in his career.
So he decided to do the risk-benefit analysis that should have been done.
He discovered that we'll kill 117 kids to save one life.
In his calculation.
And his sub-stack was read by over 20,000 people.
And everybody was complimenting him on the great job that he did.
And nobody was pointing out any errors.
So these FDA panels, they don't know what's going on.
They basically have to rubber stamp it or they're going to be kicked off the panel.
And I have an admission of that from one of the panel members who basically said that.
I mean, he didn't say it to me.
To someone who is a very, very trusted source, close friend of his, who relayed that to me.
It explains why these people are voting for it.
They basically don't want to get kicked off the committee.
So, you know, this is just a terrible, you know, the number needed to vaccinate for kids is close to, it's over 600,000.
It's one of the largest, if not the largest, number needed to vaccinate in history.
And of course, when you're using a vaccine that's 800 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine, You know, it's just a complete disaster in terms of the numbers for the FDA committee.
I mean, and to top it off, the myocarditis.
These people who are on the committee actually believe that there are fewer cases of myocarditis this year than last year because they think that the number of cases of myocarditis is actually lower with the vaccine and the risk is lower if you get vaccinated.
Then if you just get called it, it's completely backwards.
I mean, I've gotten messages from people saying it's a hundred times worse now than it was before.
I mean, The people who are on these committees, they're not living in the same world we're in.
And in fact, the risk of myocarditis, for example, if you calculate it out using the numbers from VAERS and using the CDC methodology for calculating the underreporting factor, which is 41, You get one in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 that will end up with myocarditis.
And what we don't know is what's going to happen in a year from now.
We don't know if 20% of those boys will be dead.
We don't know whether it's 10%.
We don't know whether it's 5%.
We'll know in a year.
And we'll know in five years whether the rate normally for viral myocarditis is 40 to 50% die after five years.
We won't know that for five years.
We'll find out.
We're in the biggest experiment ever.
And what's tragic is that already 25% of the kids 5 to 11 have been vaccinated.
So they've done a great job of convincing parents that this thing is safe and effective.
And, you know, it's hardly the case.
You look at theirs, there are over 4,000 symptoms, which are elevated by a factor of 10 or more versus any previous vaccine in the last five years.
So, that's pretty troubling and nobody wants to explain or even talk about that at all.
I mean, this is a complete disaster.
These vaccines should not be given to anyone under any circumstances, any age, any comorbidity.
The evidence just doesn't support that and nobody seems to want to debate me on this.
I have tried to debate anyone in the medical community.
who any, you know, because they accuse me of spreading misinformation, but nobody wants to
debate me. That's the best way to silence me is to debate me. Nobody, nobody in mainstream academia,
nobody in the CDC, nobody in the FDA, they all want to just ignore everything I'm saying because
they don't want to confront what's going on. Steve Kirsch is our guest. Steve, I mean,
you're obviously a hardworking guy, a successful person that saw a problem and has been out trying
to inform people I know for over a year. And Now we see more and more people waking up and saying, yeah, we're not taking this.
Now they're wanting people to take booster shots.
According to the medical doctors and research scientists I've interviewed, they're saying that we're going to see even bigger problems with the booster shots.
We've already seen that in places like Israel.
Now they're trying to say, oh, we have to have a vaccine passport in the UK that says you've had your boosters as well.
I mean, it seems like The big pharma is just in a crazy frenzy to dominate the population, but I see this leading to really their total vilification.
I saw one FDA board member a few months ago saying, in a quote, of course, they got off the board, saying, you're going to destroy belief and the credibility of vaccines for generations.
I mean, if you actually wanted to destroy medicine, you'd act like this.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
But it's not just in vaccines.
People are not going to believe their doctors anymore.
That's what's going to come out of this.
They're not going to believe the doctors.
They're not going to believe anything that Congress says.
They're not going to believe anything that the mainstream media says.
And they're not going to believe any of the three-letter agencies, the FDA, the CDC, and the NIH.
That's what's going to come out of this.
And, you know, it's happening now.
I mean, people are seeing sports personalities, you know, people on the field.
You can't hide that stuff.
They're basically dropping dead at a rate that's 60 times higher than previous rates.
You can't explain that.
I mean, people try to say, oh, well, it's cannabis use.
Or it's 5G.
See, all these explanations are all hand-waving explanations because that's all they've got.
They don't have any data to support their theory.
These athletes are dying at a 60 times higher rate than before.
Guess what VAERS shows?
Veer shows that cardiac events are up 450 times normal.
I was about to say, I know you're the statistician, but I've seen numbers that it's higher than 60% increases in all this weirdness.
60 times.
60 times.
60 times, 60 times, that's 6,000 percent, 64, 6400 percent.
So that's 64 times normal.
Steve, let's walk through all this and talk about your big story on the governor, because I mean, once I saw it, you can see the photos.
He's clearly looks like people that have the Bell's palsy.
We'll be right back.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, one of the most articulate, well-researched people out there exposing this new COVID world we live in.
Is with us, Steve Kirsch.
You can find him on Substack at stevekirsch.substack.com.
And we can get into Newsom now if you want, or any of the other huge breaking things, you know, surrounding COVID.
Most of my listeners understand this is important, and they say, hey, we want more news about all the things that are happening, because they see this is the biggest thing of our time.
Everything else is basically a subderivative of that.
This is how the corporations are getting the power.
It's how big pharma's taking over.
It's how they're establishing world IDs.
It's how they're bulldozing our entire bill of rights and constitution.
As Robert Kennedy Jr. said, "All that's left now seems to be the second amendment."
And he's not alluding towards violence.
It's just that basically everything's getting bulldozed.
What else is front and center for you and your research?
And then I wanna get into your article, Gavin Newsom is lying about his vaccine injury.
And here's how I will prove it to you.
Very powerful article, you convince me.
Yeah, well, I'm happy to jump into the Gavin thing, but let me just start with,
people shouldn't believe anything that I say.
They shouldn't believe anything you say or anything that's on CNN.
They should check out this stuff for themselves, directly, right?
Don't believe us.
Check out the facts.
And so I have an analysis that was done on the Vera system.
That's the definitive database on adverse events.
There's an analysis on my Substack.
People should check out that analysis and run their own queries and verify for themselves that what I'm saying matches reality.
And, you know, the neurological events, the cardiovascular events, the female reproductive system events, I mean, those were way at the top of the charts.
I mean, these are elevated by over 8,000 times normal for female reproductive problems.
After taking these vaccines.
It's something the CDC just doesn't tell you about but it's right there and you can do the various queries to verify this yourself.
So, all this information is in plain sight, but they basically don't want you to look at it, they don't want you to check it out, and they'll come up with excuses for why you shouldn't look at the definitive database that's used by the CDC and the FDA for spawning safety signals.
But it's all there, it's all laid out, the analysis is all done for you on my Substack, and you can also read the comments.
There and you'll see that the commenters aren't disputing anything that I've written.
So I think that's important to check this, all this stuff out for yourself.
So there's another thing that I posted today, another article that I posted today on something that came out on Aaron's series, Substack.
Which was a woman, Deborah Conrad.
She's a medical healthcare worker at a hospital.
And she wanted her hospital to track the number of patients who were admitted, whether they were vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Just on admissions, not on COVID.
Test at all and just on.
Have you been vaccinated or haven't you been vaccinated?
Not have you been vaccinated 2 year 2 weeks ago, but just have you been vaccinated or not been vaccinated and what they found was 90% of the hospital admissions were from people who had been vaccinated in an area where it's less than 50% vaccination rate.
Now the only possible way.
That that can happen mathematically.
You know, there's no way around this.
It's mathematical certainty.
That that means that people who have been vaccinated are nine times more likely To be hospitalized for a reason than people who are unvaccinated.
And Steve, I want you to stop because this is so huge.
We've got plenty of time.
We're going to do some next segment.
Tell us the headlines.
We can find it again.
This is huge.
I didn't know this.
This is amazing information.
It's what we've seen anecdotally and seen out of the British Medical Journal.
I mean, we know this is going on, but these numbers are just over the top.
Tell us where we find this.
It's on my sub stack right now.
It's the most recent article that I published on my sub stack.
Everyone missed this one.
Vaccinated people are up to 9x more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated people.
Please continue.
And, you know, I kind of missed it, too.
When I read it, I said, wow, this just shows that what they're saying is not true about because they're they're they're focused on a vaccinated person is being vaccinated only two weeks after they've had their vaccine.
Well, that's when all the injuries happen.
So if you actually just look at hospital admissions, which this hospital did, because most hospitals don't track these numbers.
That's the thing.
Most hospitals don't track the numbers.
So Deborah was able to get her hospital to actually track the numbers.
And they found out that 90% of the admissions were vaccinated.
And so the only mathematically possible way to explain this Is that if you get the vaccine, you're going to be nine times more likely to be hospitalized after getting the vaccine, you know, for some period of time.
Well, I'm looking at your article now and you've got links to the articles, the hospital, all of it.
And is that what we're also seeing even in NPR and Associated Press in Australia and the US and Canada and Europe?
They're like, the hospitals are at record capacity, but this time it's true.
It's not like last year when they were lying.
And then you check the hospitals, go yeah, they don't have COVID, but it's COVID-like.
And they're having heart attacks and blood clots and ADE type stuff.
Yeah, there's an example right there.
So that really right there proves something massive is going on.
And like you said, they're trying to spin it and say, oh, it must be marijuana.
Well, everybody's been smoking the same amount of marijuana for a while.
Or 5G has been going in for a while.
So yeah, clearly they're trying to distract off onto that.
Yeah, exactly.
It's all a distraction.
You know, it's like how they distract people for getting the COVID vaccines.
The distraction is, well, it will reduce your death rate by 90% if you get COVID.
That was the original promise.
We found out that's not quite true.
In fact, the Pfizer's own six month study showed it could only reduce it, your chance of death by 50%.
And it would only save one life in 22,000.
And which means when you inject 220 million people, you're only going to save 10,000 lives.
That's a drop in the bucket.
So, you know, in terms of the effectiveness, but you see, they're not pointing out that, hey, There's this other people, there are other people who actually died from all-cause mortality from different things like carniac arrest.
And they didn't point this out in the abstract.
This hand, you know, it's like a magician.
Pay attention to the 90% who, you know, who the risk reduction was only 50% in terms of the mortality benefit.
But they didn't show that that other hand in the abstract, it never mentioned that 20 people who got the vaccine died compared to 14 people who got the placebo.
So that's incredible.
And six people.
What about the issue as well that there I mean, there's just so much to get into.
It makes my head spin.
How long do you think they can continue to suppress this information?
That's a really good question.
That's a really good question.
I don't know the answer to that.
I think, you know, people get this gradually and they start to wake up.
They see their friends who are vaccine injured.
They get a booster shot and they're paralyzed.
And so it happens and people then start to believe it more and more as they see reality, as they see their friends.
It's, once they see their friends affected by this, this is what changes people.
Or when they get a shot, the reason that 20% of the people don't come back for their second shot, you know, 15 to 20% don't come back for their second shot, is because they had a bad reaction to their first shot.
It's not because they don't know how to schedule the second shot.
And by the way, Bill Gates admitted that before they even rolled the shot out.
He said 80% in their trials were getting sick.
We'll be right back.
Since Steve Kirsch was on with us a little over a week ago, We have seen both Bill Gates and Fauci, both deeply in bed together on their medical tyranny rollout, admit that, oh, this so-called vaccine really isn't a vaccine.
It doesn't stop you getting sick or transmission.
That's that's pretty amazing.
It's like buying a boat.
They go, oh, by the way, it's got 20 holes in it after you buy it.
Oh, this boat's great.
Works wonderful.
And you put the water, it sinks.
That's called fraud.
And so they both come out and say, but don't worry, you need boosters.
That'll fix you.
But they're admitting, though, that the more you take the shots, the more it wanes and the more you don't have an immune system.
So we'll talk about that in a moment.
But here's these incredible admissions that I've been censored for and medical doctors have been censored for and people have been persecuted for when this was known pretty much instantly in Britain when they rolled this stuff out.
So here are the two perpetrators admitting it.
Economic damage, the deaths, it's been completely horrific.
And I would expect that will lead the R&D budgets to be focused on things we didn't have today.
You know, we didn't have vaccines that block transmission.
We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmissions.
We need a new way of doing the vaccine.
Point number three, we are seeing something that is really interesting and I'd like to get a little bit more unpacking of it with you in a bit.
And that is we're starting to see waning immunity against infection.
And waning immunity in the beginning aspect against hospitalization.
And if you look at Israel, which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak, in their vaccine response, and in every other element of the outbreak, they are seeing a waning of immunity, not only against infection, But against hospitalizations and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups.
It isn't just the elderly.
So if one looks back at this, one can say, do you know, it isn't as if a booster is a bonus, but a booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.
So he's following an exact script.
We're just six months behind Australia and the UK on this.
Now it's going to be, you've got to take the booster.
So they don't get in trouble for all the fraud or their product not working.
Now you've just got to take more.
I've never heard of a product where our product doesn't work.
So the answer is more, but then the studies show that makes it worse.
Give us the facts here, Steve Kirsch.
Well, yeah, I mean, they're doubling down on something that doesn't work.
You know, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Maybe I should just leave it there.
No, no, I totally agree.
Yeah, and so, you know, there are now three studies that have shown that the PCR results for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are the same.
So if you look at these, they're almost like Rorschach tests.
They're little plots of where people fall on the PCR for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
And you know what?
You'll never believe it.
The charts are exactly the same.
You can't tell the difference.
Now, what's really interesting is the biostatisticians say, well, that's because of this.
Well, that's because of this.
It's really working, but that's because of this.
But, you know, the thing is that if you have a hypothesis that says that the vaccines don't work at all, those charts would be exactly what you'd expect to see.
They conform to the hypothesis 100%.
You don't have to make any excuses.
The hypothesis that says the vaccines are ineffective, the data just aligns with that hypothesis 100%.
No questions asked.
Three separate studies show the same thing.
So we have a vaccine which doesn't work and which is harmful.
So what do we do?
We keep telling people the problem is that you need more of it.
It's the most insane thing.
And people are lapping it up.
Like, I mean, they're believing everything that they hear.
They're totally believing that it didn't work on the first two, so it's going to work on the third one.
There's no evidence, folks.
I mean, sorry, the emperor has no clothes here.
There is no evidence.
Look what happened in Israel after the third booster.
rates went through the roof.
I mean, this is, we are crazy, I mean.
How do you look at the data on this?
'Cause I'm not as technical as you, I just read all these articles and studies
where people six months after the Pfizer shot, especially to take the booster,
they then get negative immunity, meaning before the shot they had better immunity
than after they had it six months later.
That doesn't sound like a very good product to me.
Yeah, if you look on the exposed I mean it sounds like heroin dealers or something.
They did some really nice graphs showing vaccine efficacy waning.
So you get the vaccine, it appears to work for just a little while, and then it goes
down to zero, and then it goes negative, which means you're more likely to be infected if
you get the vaccine.
Now the CDC...
I mean, it sounds like heroin dealers or something.
Where do we find those graphs, sir?
Oh, on...
I'm going to have to post it on my sub stack.
So I'll do that just to make it easy for people.
I'll post it after this interview.
I mean, I know you do a great job with your research.
So, yeah, I mean, I'd love to be able to show people just that all in one place.
I'm happy to hold on to the next segment, because by then we'll have it up there.
Let's start getting into Newsom.
You've written a big article about that saying Newsom's lying about his vaccine injury.
And here you can prove it.
Yeah, so look, I've got 17 different sources.
There's 17 different pieces of evidence, and they're all consistent with the hypothesis that Gavin Newsom is vaccine injured.
17 different pieces of evidence from about over 10 different sources, independent sources.
And so I'm now at the stage where I'm willing to risk some money.
To prove a point.
So I'm willing to, I'm now willing to risk, as of yesterday, I just put out an offer to say, Gavin, I'm willing to bet you a million dollars that you're a liar.
So I'm risking a million dollars.
You don't have to believe me at all in my analysis in what the evidence showed.
All you have to believe is that there's some millionaire who is willing to risk a million dollars that he's right.
So he probably thinks he's right.
And I can guarantee you, Gavin Newsom is not going to take my bet.
No way.
I'm offering him a million dollars.
All he has to do is give me a piece of paper that lists all the doctors that he talked to for the purposes of discussing vaccine injury from the time that he got vaccinated to 21 days later.
I don't want to know anything else.
That's it.
Just the list of doctors.
On that piece of paper is the permission that he grants to those doctors and he orders those doctors to discuss with me any conversations relating to vaccine injury.
Now, if Gavin Newsom is telling the truth, he'll give me a blank sheet of paper and I will give him a check for a million dollars.
Now, to me, that's a deal that most people shouldn't refuse.
He's revealing nothing about any of his personal medical information.
The piece of paper is blank, and he gets a check for a million dollars.
And you've got, you're a well-known, you know, tech guy.
You've got plenty of money.
So, what's stopping him?
Well, what's stopping him is he's not telling the truth.
And that's why he won't accept my bet, because if he's telling the truth, he's going to hand me a piece of paper that is not blank.
And if the piece of paper isn't blank, you know immediately that he lied to people.
Look, he got vaccinated because he actually thought.
You know, a lot of people think that these politicians get saline shots.
Gavin Newsom got the real thing.
He actually believes that the vaccines are helpful.
Now he knows they're not because he could see it himself.
And I noticed you pointed out his children aren't.
I remember seeing articles admitting his children weren't.
Let's come back and talk about that and show some of the photos and videos.
And then our guests will give us some final comments.
Then I'm going to shift into a bunch of news.
And Owen Schroer is coming in studio.
I'm Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com, the most embattled Attacked a lot about sight in the world, stay with us.
Let's play a clip from Pfizer CEO Ebola, ought to be Ebola, saying we need to criminalize people questioning us and disinfo.
And there's dark forces out there, you know, that need to be dealt with.
When we know the science and the facts, they put a drug on the market, not even a vaccine, That wears off in a few months and then you have lower immunity after.
I mean, that sounds horrible.
Sounds like Oxycontin or something.
And now here he is last week on the Atlantic Council getting really desperate.
Here it is.
There was some fake news during this period of time about the vaccines, you know, all sorts of conspiracy theories.
How did you deal with that?
And how did you navigate that?
And where do you feel the primary source of this sort of fake news was?
How damaging was this to us?
I'm afraid it was quite a lot damaging.
And there was, particularly with us, we were targeted By a lot of, let's say, dark organizations that you don't really know the ownership, you suspect that there are some countries behind.
We were getting a lot of briefings from CIA, from FBI about attacks that may happen to us, cyber attacks I mean, but also about the spread of misinformation.
You know, there are two groups of people, right?
There are the people that they are vaccinated, there are people that they are skeptical about the vaccination, and both of them are afraid.
Those that they are getting the vaccine, they are afraid of the disease, and they believe that because people are not getting vaccinated, they are increasing the risk to them.
They are increasing the exposure.
So, they are, let's say, mad with them that they don't get the vaccine.
Those that they don't get the vaccine, they're afraid of the vaccine.
And they are mad with the people that are pressing them to get it.
Those I understand.
They are very good people.
They are decent people.
But they have a fear.
And I understand it.
And they don't want to take chances.
But there is a very small part of professionals which they circulate on purpose
misinformation so that they will mislead those that they have concerns.
Those people are criminals.
They're not bad people, they're criminals because they literally costed millions of
And should be treated as criminals as well, those who have done that?
No, treated as criminals as well, says Mr. Atlantic.
So they've lied to us all along.
We have the facts.
The wheels are coming off.
And now in the UK, they're trying to pass a law to arrest people that question the shots.
So I think they're far from giving up here.
What do you think, Steve?
Well, you know, it's interesting because I don't fall into either camp that he talked about, because I actually got the vaccine because I believed what they were telling me.
And it wasn't until a month after I got my second shot that I found that my friends were either dead, some of my friends were dead, or they were permanently disabled.
So I'm not in either camp.
I got the vaccine.
But now, the evidence is clear.
I wrote an article on my Substack, unassailable proof that the CDC, that the COVID vaccines are the most deadly vaccines in human history.
Unassailable proof.
And so what I do is I go through the VAERS data and I say, hey, look, you don't have to believe me about the underreporting factor of 41.
If we just have an underreporting factor of one, which nobody would disagree with, it's still the most dangerous vaccine.
It's the most deadly vaccine in human history.
Even if you have the most ludicrous assumptions on the Uh, on the parameters.
So it goes from really bad and the worst ever.
It's more deadly than smallpox.
Well, I'll start over.
I didn't mean to interrupt you.
Resay that.
Yeah, it's even if you took like people say, oh, the underreporting factor of errors.
It's not 41.
It's got to be less than that.
And I say, fine, take one, use one.
Nobody disagrees with that, that one is super conservative.
Even if you have the most super conservative assumption of one, then it's still 36 times more deadly than smallpox, which is a vaccine that Paul Offit has said is Unacceptably, has unacceptably high death risk that it would never be used in the United States.
So this is at least 36 times worse.
And if you believe the facts, it's over 800 times more deadly than the deadliest vaccine in human history.
So that was just one point.
The other point that I raised is I have a neurologist who wants to remain Anonymous for right now because she's afraid that if her identity was revealed that she would get her license revoked and they would come after her for revealing the truth.
But the truth is she has 20,000 patients.
2,000 of them are vaccine injured.
And so I said, well, you've been in practice.
She's been in practice for 11 years.
I said, well, so how does this compare with the other 11 years you've been in practice?
You've got all sorts of vaccines that people have taken over 11 years.
Zero cases.
And now she's got 2,000 cases.
She had zero over 11 years, and now it's 2,000.
So you can't say that this is over-reporting in VAERS.
I've got another doctor, 29 years in practice.
He only has 750 patients or so.
But he now has over 25 reports in terms of adverse reactions.
Zero in 29 years.
Now 25 reports.
And Steve, as you know, there's a lot of doctors and a lot of doctors that own biopsy labs for cancer.
And they're saying they're seeing massive increases in all these different types of cancer.
And the D-dimer test, massive increases in blood clots.
And the hospitals are full of all these vaccinated people.
The UK goes, well, double vax don't have super colds.
They're dying.
I mean, there's no way they're going to be able to cover this up.
Yeah, there's there's a paper and I'll post it to my sub stack and that the vaccine damages the DNA and the DNA damage is to areas which would suppress cancer.
And so this is why we're seeing some people reporting like a 10 times uptick in cancer and also cancers that were under control before They got the vaccine, are now out of control.
And we're seeing this with shingles, especially.
People who've had shingles, you're seeing shingles outbreaks come back and they're coming back with a vengeance.
All right, Steve Kirsch, we got to get you back on.
Amazing job.
God bless you, stevekirsch.substack.com.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, boy.
Hi, Owen Schreuer is coming up.
My lawyer is going to be on as well, Norm Pattis.
No one's ever seen what's happened to us be done before.
It's total lies and it's next level.
And so we're going to be looking at that.
It's not about us whining or complaining.
It's about understanding what this country's up against so we understand what we're facing.
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We'll be right back with Owen Schroer in hour number four.
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I am so busy.
I'm not complaining.
I just stand with stuff that's going on.
Launching new operations, films, documentaries, networks, systems.
And I'll be up here until, you know, 10 o'clock tonight.
Not complaining.
My daughter and family has no...
Yeah, I have older children too, but yeah, the four-year-old, you think like that, the little one, it's like everything, my daughter, my four-year-old, I've got to do this for her.
That's just instinctive, but I need to see her, but I need to be up until 10 tonight working, big stuff happening.
I tried to cut an ad live on air because I don't have time to do it after the show, and then I messed it up.
So I'm going to recut a four-minute plug right now, and then Owen Swir comes in here with a bunch of breaking news right now, but here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen, you probably remember Last year, Leticia James and the Democratic Party and a bunch of other groups were attacking us and demonizing us and claiming that we had a COVID cure.
We were never saying that.
We did not say that.
And it wasn't true.
But they wouldn't stop saying it.
And so we pulled our best-selling toothpaste.
That had been sold long before the whole COVID hysteria began, that was whitening toothpaste that had some colloidal silver in it that my dad had designed.
It was very, very popular.
It was amazing.
But they wouldn't stop saying that I was selling it as some type of COVID cure, so we pulled it off the market.
Now, over a year later, we have the same toothpaste, but without the silver, and it's even better, ladies and gentlemen.
It's more concentrated.
It's even a better formula.
So Super Silver is now Dr. Jones Naturals Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste with Natural Whitening with Coral Calcium.
You can go to InfoWarsTore.com and read all about the ingredients and all about how it works and what it does.
It's for your teeth and your gums and for your breath.
And it's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
And so is our Concentrated activated charcoal toothpaste and essential oil mouthwash that are amazing and they're 50% off together and we're running this sale through
End of the month of November.
So it's going to run for a couple of weeks or while supplies last.
We now have storewide free shipping and double Patriot points for all the products at InfoWarStore.com.
It is the time to get prepared 2021 mega blowout sale at InfoWarStore.com.
And we have the new Super Coral toothpaste available.
It's even better than the last one and it's Concentrated, so it lasts a lot longer.
It's very, very strong.
Again, my dad is a retired dentist, oral surgeon.
It is amazing he put it together.
It took a long time to reformulate it, a long time to do it.
Could have just easily pulled the silver out of the old one, but we decided to make it even better.
So if you loved the toothpaste before, you're absolutely going to love this toothpaste.
And we have the activated charcoal toothpaste at InfoWarsTore.com.
They are 50% off together.
25% off when you get them individually, and you can find the best combo deals at drjonesnaturals.com.
We've got great deals at infowarestore.com, but drjonesnaturals.com has some of the best deals, so take advantage of that.
Again, we have the all-new Super Coral Whitening Toothpaste.
It's finally arrived at InfoWarsTore.com, now with free shipping and double Patriot points.
The team over at Dr. Jones Naturals has done it again.
They have secured a new line of fluoride-free toothpaste.
It's loaded with natural ingredients shown to freshen your breath,
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Stop damaging your teeth with risky whitening products that are full of toxic synthetic garbage.
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But TurboForce now back in stock.
Bodies back in stock.
All of it available at InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news today.
This is all about sort of a one world order that they're moving toward.
And this is not a conspiracy theory, Alex.
This is a conspiracy.
And what we have to understand is that the big take is the United States of America.
We're in this battle between really competing ideologies, and this is no kidding.
And the competing ideologies is whether we're going to continue on as a democracy and a constitutional republic, or whether we're going to go I've become a communist country.
My father was a World War II vet and my mom, right?
Thank God that she decided to have as many kids as she did.
They handed my brothers and sisters on a silver platter a beautiful country, okay?
I am not about to take that platter that I was given and turn it over to my children and my grandchildren as a communist country.
Politically, people have to get active.
When somebody says to me or somebody says to you, around the Thanksgiving table here coming up, if you could afford the turkeys that might be on the shelves.
And they say, well, I don't do that political thing.
Politics is for whatever.
Then you know what?
Then you better not complain because our entire lives right now, everybody, every American, their lives are wrapped around politics right now.
If you don't think that something's changing, you don't feel the way I feel right now, you don't feel the way these 5,000 people out here feel, then something's wrong.
What we're really facing is an attack or an assault on all of our basic rights.
I mean, I think the real issue here in play is the attack on freedom of speech.
You have this incredibly failed foreign policy by the Biden administration.
You have, you know, more and more very clear evidence coming out about COVID.
And really the conspiracy behind COVID and some of the things that are happening with it.
I applaud you for, it was one of your interviews 10 years ago, probably 10 years ago, may have been more than 10 years ago now, where you actually were talking about these issues and you covered it for quite a while actually at that time.
And I think that you got a lot of bashing by, you know, by others in the media and by others around the world because it was like, oh, this guy, Alex Jones, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
And lo and behold, here we are a decade later, and they have implemented this strategy, this great reset strategy.
The globalists have said in their white papers, in their own UN documents, That they want to create race-specific bioweapons and other systems to depopulate the planet.
A lot of this, from my sources, is that they're preparing to release bioweapons, claim that they're naturally occurring, and then use that as the cover for civil emergency societal control, crackdowns on free speech.
Obama put the internet kill switch in five years ago, and when he got confronted by Congress, he said, well, it's in case the bird flu or SARS gets out.
Just type that in.
CDC says internet kill switch is in case bird flu or SARS breaks out, and they have to control panic and direct every website in the U.S.
to one government announcement.
And we looked at every angle and believe a bioweapon release could be the thing they'd release to bring in a world government to counter a global problem, and the U.N.
has said that a global pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government.
Don't let the globalists take InfoWars out of the game.
They're fighting hard to do it.
They're fighting hard to arrest and demonize everybody.
The man sitting next to me is facing multiple years in prison for peacefully being at the U.S.
Capitol with me on January 6th.
And I talked to his lawyer, he's a famous criminal lawyer, yesterday about Owen.
He didn't know this, but he's joining us at the bottom of the hour.
His lawyer, because Owen really can't talk about it, but his lawyer can.
They put a filing in showing that Owen was with us, with security, that we tried to stop the riot.
And the FBI put in there that that's not true, and that we were attacking the building, basically, and that Owen wasn't even with us, and that the police told us to go away.
None of that's even true.
They're putting federal filings in with videos linked as evidence that show the opposite of what they say.
This has reached cuckoo-level insane.
Nobody's ever seen government act like this.
So people ask, how are you handling it, Jones?
Default judgments, trying to shut you down, all this stuff.
I'm lucky I'm not indicted like Roger Stone or Steve Bannon or Owen Schroer.
Because let me tell you something, folks.
When they go after you in D.C., it's rigged.
At least it's been in the past.
So this is very dangerous times.
And it's not about us.
It's about all of us.
America is under attack.
And we've had it so good and so easy so long.
We gotta ask ourselves, are we even half as good as our grandparents or great-grandparents?
And I get the boomers have been just as bad as us in a lot of ways.
But, you know, I'm a Gen X-er, and I just, I will not sit here and watch tyranny run around and just tear the country in a thousand pieces.
You saw that General Flynn clip, that's just the intro of the hour-long interview I did that is the stuff of victory.
Believe me, the people in the room, like 10 people in the room, including some folks who work for me, that I don't hire them to be yes-men, they were like, that's the most powerful thing we've ever seen you do.
That's the deal.
I don't hire a bunch of yes-men around here.
That's not what I want.
I want people to tell me what they really think.
The folks told me, okay, that's the antidote to what's happening right now.
So you want a blueprint for victory?
Tomorrow it goes up at noon.
We're going to air it here tomorrow with General Flynn.
I got butterflies over what's coming up.
I mean, you know, tonight I'll be on the biggest podcaster in the world, you know, on somebody else's show.
That's great.
I'm excited about that.
But he doesn't one-tenth as big as this, because this you get to see a full plan that I know will work, that is simpatico with what I understand, and also know how dangerous it is.
I mean, you want to see some flipping out?
Wait till this interview goes out.
But that's where I want to be, you see.
I want to be in the game.
I love the John Paul Jones quote, the founder of the Navy.
you know, 240 something years ago, where he said, "I only want the fastest ships
"to go directly into action," in his commission.
And he did it around the world.
He was also in the British Navy and the Russian Navy and a bunch of other stuff.
He died in the Russian Navy, but he wanted to fight.
He said, "I want to go in on the fastest ships, "only into harm's way, only into combat.
"I'm not looking for physical combat, "but I want to be hitting the hard subjects.
"I want to be having the enemy on my tail, "'cause that means I'm exposing them
"and I'm doing the right thing."
Owen Schroer, so much to cover, "Written House,"
the Loudoun County bathroom rapist pleads guilty.
I mean, it's, wow, vindication upon vindication.
This is getting crazy.
Well, ultimately what you just said there, Alex, is why InfoWars needs to still be on air.
Because we do talk about the subjects nobody else will talk about.
Most people that are on mainstream news, even the fake lefties, they talk about the same subjects we talk about in the same manner that we talk about them.
They may have a different ideology or a different approach to them, but they talk about the same stuff.
They know all this is going on.
They may say, hey, it's good America's falling, or hey, humanity needs to be depopulated.
That may be their approach to these subjects, but we actually talk about them.
We don't hide or approach these things with kid gloves like you see on so many other media outlets.
That's why it's so key to keep InfoWars on air.
But honestly, it's hard to even believe any of this is real, Alex.
I mean, I...
You read the filing, I know you don't want to get into it, your lawyer will, but I mean, it's a frickin' lie end to end.
This is like, let's say, I mean, you've got your bank account statement, and you're following your bank account statement, and you notice that there's somebody making withdrawals and it's not you.
And it's just $200, $300, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $15,000.
You're just like, okay.
$300, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $15,000.
You're just like, okay.
So you call the bank, you're saying, hey, somebody's making withdrawals here.
They're not me.
These are fraudulent withdrawals.
And they just say, no, it's you.
Those are your withdrawals.
There's nothing you can do about it.
And you're just sitting in this moment.
It's like, what?
How is this even real?
He gave them all the bank accounts in the civil cases, even though no one has ever done that, and the Google Analytics.
And they said, you've given us nothing.
And then the judges signed orders lying.
I mean, we're talking criminal.
In my view, it's all criminal.
It's all criminal.
What's amazing is that throughout history, when you're living history, most people don't realize that they're living history.
It's just their day-to-day life, whether it's a relaxing life or a hard life.
It's just that's them just experiencing consciousness.
I'm glad you said that.
I meant to lead the show with that, and I can't find the stack.
Guys, print me the article, the Fox News article about the Chinese dissident was on PBS.
They go, aren't you worried about Trump and the fascism?
He goes, no, no, you're under a communist takeover right now with Biden.
You just don't know it.
That's how this works.
Yeah, the PBS host tries to set him up to bash Trump, and he says, no, Trump's not the authoritarian, it's other factors.
We have to understand that we're in a historical moment right now, and every decision and every action that gets made right now is going to be a turning point in history, either for world freedom and world prosperity or world enslavement and global oppression.
I mean, that's it.
Every decision, every move, every factor.
This is game time.
This is the crossroads when the whole next future thing is set, and the globalists know that.
Owen Schroeder, stay right there.
We'll play that clip from China.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour, and in 40 minutes, Owen Schroer will take over for three hours with The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m., and then tonight, 7 o'clock Central, we'll post the little surprise up at InfoWars.com, and I'll just leave it at that.
I mean...
There'll be a podcaster who has the initials J and R with Tim Pool and myself.
So look for that this evening, seven o'clock central time.
And I'm just going to stop right there.
Oh, and you brought up the key point that I meant to start the whole show with.
In fact, this morning when I saw this, I meant to make it the top show headline today.
But instead I didn't.
In fact, can you guys pull up the top show headline?
I forget what we named the show today.
I was in a hurry and a bunch of stuff was going on.
That people need to recognize when you're already living in a dictatorship.
There it is.
Globalists accelerate plan for worldwide corporate fascism while China threatens war.
Okay, we covered that.
That's kind of the big thing right now, I think.
But really what you said is the key.
How do you encapsulate that?
Like, history's happening now.
This is a globalist attack now.
That's what General Flynn's interview is about tomorrow, is that recognize this is history.
This is it, folks.
And if we don't identify who the enemies are, we have no hope of winning.
If we identify them, they're easy to beat.
If you study history, there's always key points, timelines, dates, events that end up being the threads of history.
They end up, you know, being the course of human history.
And you can take an example of...
What way is humanity going to go on planet Earth?
Is it going to go the way of human freedom and free speech?
Or is it going to go the way of bigger government, global government and oppression and everything else that comes with it?
And you take each event and you understand that each event has a little in the pot about which way humanity is going to go.
So take Infowars.
If the corrupt establishment Can remove InfoWars, take Alex Jones' voice, take Owen Schroeder's voice, take your voice, if they can do that, that will be a major turning point in history that will go down in history books and it'll say, that was a huge victory for the regime, that was a huge victory for the evil global establishment.
And your co-host got indicted, you've been indicted, they're trying to get me, they're doing default judgments, I mean, we're over the target.
Well, and it's hard for a lot of people to comprehend this that are on the outside looking in.
That's not a knock on people.
That's just natural.
That's just how humanity is when you're in your own consciousness and you're experiencing things.
It's hard to really fully relate or understand the complexities of these issues.
But it's like, it's not a coincidence that you've seen what they've done to Donald Trump and Roger Stone and Steve Bannon and Alex Jones and Owen Schroeder and so many others.
That's not a coincidence.
This is by design.
This is a corporate world fascistic government that is going after what it views as its biggest obstacles in conquering the world.
There's a reason why free speech is number one on the amendments list.
Because it's ideas that can change the world.
And that's the reason it's the main thing under attack by these people.
And so they understand that this will be a big key marking victory for them.
If they can successfully defeat free speech, whether it's Alex Jones or Andrew Breitbart or anybody else out there, or Gateway Pundit or all the other great people, if they can eliminate free speech and set that precedent, like they did with you years ago on social media, Well, assess the precedent.
In fact, it's funny you say that.
I've got a stack of news.
We'll play it next segment with your lawyer, Norm Pattis, where the Democrats are licking their lips saying, we're going to have the Alex Jones rule to take all the populist offline with judges where they just default you and you never get a trial.
I mean, this is the end of juries, folks.
Guilty until proven guilty.
You have Jennifer Rubin going on MSNBC saying that time for Republicans and Trump supporters just not even be treated like people.
I mean, that's literally what they said about the Jews before, in the late 1930s, before they, you know, everybody knows what happened.
Yeah, but George Soros is a liberal.
He'll never let that happen.
Oh, he was a Nazi collaborator.
So imagine that.
The left is now saying that conservatives, Republicans, Trump voters shouldn't even be treated as people.
So what are they going to say next?
You don't have any rights?
I mean, so that's what I'm saying is each, each little moment, each little event on a timeline Well, Fauci already came out and said, you don't have individual rights.
A few weeks ago, he said, you need to get over your rights.
Now he says, you don't have them.
Screw your freedom.
I got a video right here.
Screw your freedom.
And think about it.
That doesn't even rate playing now, him coming out and saying, A, the vaccine doesn't work, and B, you don't have any personal bodily freedom.
He says, you don't have personal freedom.
And it's not even- It's clip number one.
Barely even news.
You know what, let's play clip number one since we mentioned this.
Here's clip number one, a new Fauci declaration of war.
Here's clip one.
One of the things that to me was most difficult to accept is that we put together a good plan for how we were going to try and dampen down the spread of infection early on.
Thinking that that was accepted by everybody and then the next day the president saying free Michigan, free Virginia.
I didn't quite understand what the purpose of that was except to put This misplaced perception about people's individual right to make a decision that supersedes the societal safety.
That, to me, is one of the things that I think went awry in all of this.
Did you ever raise that with President Trump?
You know, I didn't have the opportunity to raise it.
I was sort of like shocked, and then I didn't speak to him for some time after that, but it was at that point That I realized that I would have to just get out there myself.
That's enough.
I love Ted Koppel.
He ran from the Nazis too and now brought it here, just like George Soros.
Thanks a lot, jerks.
And then they tell us we're Nazis when they're the people recreating it.
And it's just so frustrating.
It doesn't work.
It's a poison shot.
It's all a fraud.
It's killing people, you little maggots.
And they'll never be able to cover that up, no matter how many people they censor, Owen.
What's interesting is, they're so bold now that they'll go on television and say, screw your freedom, or you don't have freedom, or you don't have the personal choice.
I mean, they just come out and say it.
So we've already crossed the threshold of them kind of poking and prodding and seeing what they can get away with.
They now have an accepted strategy.
Yeah, Schwarzenegger and Stern have both said, F your freedom, those are quotes.
So, I mean, their strategy now is, okay, we've got Americans, in this case, in enough of a trance that we can literally just come out and say, you're not free anymore, you don't have rights, we're locking down your government, we're hitting you with an experimental vaccine, and just shut up and take it.
I mean, there's barely even an uprising.
I mean, I can show protests, there are protests happening nationwide in this country, maybe a thousand people there, a thousand people here, and so that's good, people are rising up, but it shouldn't even It should be tens of thousands, it should be hundreds of thousands, it should be millions.
The fact that I'm still dealing with that maggot, that rat bastard, Anthony Fauci, is ridiculous.
We should have been done with him in the 80s!
Can you believe, yeah, when he suppressed good-age drugs and gave people the ones that killed him, can you believe they've now admitted that it doesn't work, so the answers take more, even on the study show it makes it worse?
I mean, they're literally going, have more poison, here it is!
Well, we have to constantly...
It's like, as the world gets crazier, how do we kind of reimagine what we're going to do on air to keep up with the craziness?
I mean, it's almost to a point where I just want to put on a full-blown clown outfit and just read the news like it's real.
Like, yeah, oh, Kyle Rittenhouse, he has no right to self-defense.
No, he acted wrong.
He was not being attacked.
And Alex Jones is guilty.
He didn't get a jury trial, but a judge says he's guilty.
Yeah, oh, and the Democrats.
Honk, honk, honk.
The Democrats are peaceful, it's the Republicans that are calling for riots in the streets!
And stratophiles are good!
Oh, so I mean, it's like, is that the level?
I mean, do we have to go into full-blown ironic humor to wake more people up now, using comedy?
Well, the thing is, the average person's in a trance.
But that doesn't mean the globalists just get to kill them.
Joe Rogan took horse dewormer!
Don't take the horse dewormer, folks!
It's the deadliest virus of all time, but don't take the horse dewormer!
Stay there.
We'll be right back with more.
Well, I got to tell you, Owen, we are definitely in insane times.
And Norm Pattis is a famous criminal lawyer, famous First Amendment lawyer, and a lot more.
And he represents you in your criminal case facing years in prison for peacefully being at the Capitol.
On January 6th with me, and there's a new filing that's just incredible.
There's just total lies, that you weren't with us, and the police told you to go, and then it's all on video, and then the videos they list show the opposite.
I mean, it's next level.
And I know I was talking to Norm last night about it, he was just like, yeah, he's represented murderers, you know, and people, he's a famous lawyer, and that they get better shape than us, because this is so political, ladies and gentlemen.
But we're not here to whine about Owen, and now trying to put him in prison.
We're here to talk about a general.
He also represents a bunch of people in the successful cases so far.
Some have been successful, some not.
Trying to fight the unconstitutional vaccine mandate that we now see the Fifth Circuit saying this is wildly unconstitutional what Biden has tried to do.
So Norm Pattis is right in the middle of some of those national cases and this case.
We also have him on with the default judgment in Connecticut.
A lot of folks want me to talk about this, but I mean, I said four months ago they're going to default us in Texas and Connecticut.
They can't let us get to trial with a jury, because what's being said is not true.
And so I'm the bad guy, they're the good guys, even though that's not true.
They've got lined up TV stations, HBO, they're going to have, literally it's going to be as big as the Rittenhouse thing.
And they've got like, there are four of them, there's a bunch of lawsuits.
So they want to have trial after trial after trial after trial, and just have it always on the news.
And then people ask me, why won't you stop talking about Sandy Hook?
I hardly ever talk about it.
I hardly ever did talk about it.
And because there wasn't evidence anywhere that we profited from Sandy Hook or had a marketing plan.
We don't have a marketing plan about the news we cover.
Then they just said, well, we don't believe that.
So you're defaulted.
So I wanted to tackle that first with Norm, and then talk about some of the January 6th stuff in general, because I have a lot of media tuned in, a lot of them calling me, and I'm not a lawyer.
So they're like, well, let me talk to your lawyer then.
I mean, you're really saying you did give them the bank records, which they shouldn't even have asked for, and you really did give them the Google Analytics.
Yeah, I mean, yes, yes, even though they shouldn't be asking for that.
It should be about what I said on air, but they had a theory That we scheme for hours before and go, oh, this will be a big lie to tell to make money.
So after all their depositions and all, by the way, we've never deposed anybody in the Texas case.
In fact, they're probably going to say, we're not allowed to.
Oh, oh, no, no, no.
You get deposed for years and hundreds of thousands of documents, but oh, you don't, you don't get to talk to the other side.
And then you're defaulted and you go to a jury that's told you're guilty.
Not guilty until proven guilty.
Just you're guilty.
Forget guilty until proven innocent or innocent until proven guilty.
You're now guilty until proven guilty and they're even on MSNBC saying this is the Alex Jones rule.
Soon we'll take everyone off the air we don't like.
So the New York Times can say the father was lying, his daughter wasn't raped in Loudoun County, which the guy's now pled guilty.
Oh, the courts, oh that's free speech in the New York Times.
But if Alex Jones questions some things, well then you're just not allowed to do it.
Norm Patus, good to have you on.
I know you're a busy guy.
You want to just go through each of these things I just put out, starting with the default?
Default judgment is deeply depressing and shocking, but expect it.
I mean, in my view, it was the strategy, the grand strategy of the plaintiff lawyers, at least since I got involved in the case back in March of 2019, to seek a default.
And, you know, I wondered why.
You know, their primary lawyer, Chris Maddy, a former U.S.
attorney, talks about their pursuit of justice and wanting a jury to hear the case, but yet they showed an almost desperate desire to keep a jury from hearing the entire case, and hence a largely pretextual effort to get a default.
The pity of it is they found a judge in the form of Barbara Bellis, who was willing to buy into their theory.
But here's the fact.
You've provided at least 80,000 to 100,000 documents, if not more.
I've lost track.
Many of your employees, including Owen, have sat for depositions which were wide-ranging and broad in scope.
We have begun the process of deposing all of the plaintiffs.
I am barred by a court order from talking about what I learned in the depositions of the plaintiffs.
court order that the plaintiff's lawyers have enforced stringently, such that when I made
reference to what occurred in a deposition in a public pleading, they moved for sanctions
against me, and the judge held that that was one of the reasons why you should be defaulted.
That's a decision I made, not a decision you made, and I don't think it did violate the
order, but Judge Bellis ruled otherwise, and that's what appellate courts are for.
So again, why was that held against you?
In terms of Google Analytics, we provided them to the other side the very day that the
judge sanctioned you for a rant on the air involving whoever had sent an open child porn
to you.
Then, thereafter, we took the position that discovery closed.
The judge faults the lawyers for not certifying that and giving it to the other defendants at a time when we took the position discovery was closed.
Again, another claim that one of the other lawyers representing you was too aggressive with a witness in a deposition, as though that were your responsibility.
That's ridiculous.
As to financial documents, you brought in an independent CPA to assist with identification of documents.
Those documents were provided to somebody who was deposed.
That person is not a managerial person.
It's a bookkeeper.
The court referred to that as a managerial person.
Furthermore, they concluded that we hadn't provided the very documents that our accountant said was responsive to the pleadings, was responsive to the request.
And when the other side complained, the court just decided not to believe our CPA.
There was no evidentiary hearing, no opportunity for us to be heard, to present our point of view, to present our reasons for relying on our CPA of choice.
So you, I had the impression as I watched the run, and now she's attacking.
She attacked me previously.
She referred me to grievance authorities for a decision I made in taking an affidavit of you.
I took that case to trial and won.
Unsatisfied with that, she demanded that I provide her with a written copy of the decision.
She's now attacked another one of your lawyers and there'll be a hearing.
I believe in December where his law license is at issue.
So we have filed a motion to recuse her, that is to ask her to step off the case because it appears to us that she is no longer impartial.
That in effect she's joined the plaintiff's team and we've lost confidence in her.
She ruled on her own.
Oh no, I'm not going to recuse myself.
I'm not even entitled to a hearing.
So last Friday night we filed an appeal, an emergency appeal, in the state Supreme Court asking them to hear this.
I don't know whether they will.
Odds are they won't.
And Norm, you're great giving everybody what's happening in point-blank range, but what about the 35,000-foot view?
Owen was sued in Texas by the Sandy Hook crew, and he was defaulted, though he was never subpoenaed or ever deposed in Texas.
That's unprecedented.
They never asked for anything, and then he gets defaulted, and he's guilty, too.
I mean, I've talked to a bunch of lawyers, including you.
Is that not next-level?
Yeah, it is next level.
And I'd like to correct your vocabulary.
You haven't been found guilty of anything.
You've been defaulted, which means they have their liability.
Certain themes will now be deemed to have been proven, but the Sandy Hook family still have to prove damages.
And I do not want to come close to violating a court order and have to defend my law license again, and I'm not going to attack Judge Bellis personally, but I will say this much.
In my opinion, there is no question in my mind that this litigation is intended to put you out of business, has been permitted to become a wholesale broadside attack on InfoWars and everything it stands for, and furthermore, I'll assert and hope that we get to trial on this issue, the plaintiffs do not Stay right there Norm.
coherent theory of damages and as a matter of law No jury should be permitted to hear based on what I've
heard and I can't tell you what it is I can't even tell you what I've heard under these court
orders because you know the the plant the Sandy Hook plaintiffs are given
Privileged treatment in this case. They're right there Norm.
Here's the bottom line. They've been defaming me The whole thing's been inaccurate.
And now when it comes down to juries, and it comes down to me being able to put on evidence, they can't have that.
So now the First Amendment and all the other Bill of Rights has to go out the window, all because some big billionaires got behind in finance lawsuits against Alex Jones.
And then we've got clips when we come back of MSNBC, where they're bragging, saying, now we'll get all the other nationalists.
We're going to use this system of default to shut everybody down.
Final segment in the Alex Jones Show for November 16th, 2021.
But the war room with Owen Schroer is coming up.
He'll probably need to get Norm back on, but he's got a lot to say.
Norm, shifting gears out of Alex Jones here and Owen and the default of Owen.
I want to get into his criminal cases, January 6th in general, and the forced inoculations and vaccine databases and all of it.
But In a sports metaphor, because you used to do sports radio, that's what you first did, Owen.
I was asking you if this was the right metaphor and you agreed.
It'd be like if you were in a football team, say a linebacker, and you hadn't had any...
Fouls or any flags thrown on you in the first few quarters, and then your team's winning and you just made a really good play, and then the referee just says, ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.
You go, what did I do?
They go, we're not going to tell you.
Again, you can argue Alex Jones.
They can put their little lies down.
You know, oh, Jones didn't give us this, didn't give us that.
This is fake.
That's fake without any proof.
I mean, it's all my children.
We didn't do anything they say.
It's incredible.
And it doesn't make me feel like a victim.
It freaks me out that these people are this I mean, this is like, this is like highway robber stuff.
This is like serious fraud stuff, judicial misconduct, whatever you want to call it.
But they're all just Trump deranged.
Oh, the people protesting us at the, at the, at the schools are terrorists.
Now it turns out the Justice Department was directing it and threat tagging people, parents, as terrorists.
I mean, but then Black Lives Matter comes in and says, I'll kill everybody and a thousand troops ready to murder you.
Oh, that's good, that's good.
No, he recently hawked, I forget the guy's name, hawked something.
Then he said if they do stop and frisk in New York again, which it looks like the mayor, Eric Adams, former police officer, is going to implement with street closed cops, he says that there will be bloodshed now.
So, but he's not a threat, but a mom saying, I don't want pedophiles teaching my kids, she's bad.
So, Sean, what is the analogy here in football or baseball or basketball?
Because you, they never subpoenaed you, they never, in Texas, they did in New York.
They're suing you in Texas and just default, you never communicated with you, never asked you for anything, you're not even human.
Yeah, like I'm sitting on the bench of a football team, I'm sitting on the bench and there's a game going on and I'm just not playing, and then all of a sudden the ref gets on the mic and he just says, my number's 15, he just says, number 15 is ejected from the ballgame!
And I'm just standing on the bench like, what?
I haven't even been on the field.
Certainly this is a mistake.
I'm not even playing.
I haven't even been on the field.
I was just getting my teammate a water over here.
What do you mean?
What do you mean I'm ejected?
Yeah, ejected.
Or, you know, or the better yet... And you find $100,000.
And suspended five games.
And if you keep talking, we'll make it $200,000.
Yeah, yeah.
But, oh, I mean, or you could go with this one, too.
It's Tom Brady's one.
We laugh at this, but this is really happening.
Gallows humor at this point.
It's like, okay, Tom Brady won the Super Bowl last year.
Nope, nope, the Chiefs win by default.
We default, and the Chiefs win.
It doesn't matter that they win.
And you're like, we saw the Chiefs stabbing other players with daggers.
You know, where's the footage?
We're not showing it to you.
They did this.
Yeah, and we know that you gave him the daggers, too.
You did that.
So, yeah, it's your fault, and we just, by default, the Chiefs win.
So, you know, to most people, this is a spectator.
Tom Brady threw a hand grenade at him in the last quarter.
Where's the video of that?
Well, we don't need to show it to you.
He blew their legs off.
I didn't see any of it.
It's one thing, because a lot of people are just observers of this, and I'm not knocking people, they're just, they're not under the attack that you're under, that we're under here, but when you're actually living this, and you know you're being lied about constantly, It's hilarious!
It really is a weird thing, it's like, because it's a moment of like, oh my gosh, this is the state of the world, to then a moment of humor of just how, wow, this is the state of the world?
Because they're all real serious, they're all real serious about it.
Why don't you know?
We're very honorable!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
They're desperate, though.
The whole thing's coming down.
Norm Patus, sorry.
Hey, it's good to have you here, Norm.
Norm, segwaying into Owen, what do you think of that federal filing in response to your filing saying Owen wasn't with us and police told Owen to leave?
I mean, none of it's on the video.
They even cite this is next level.
What do you say there?
I say we're going to have to have a trial.
The evidence, as I understand it, is Owen was there to exercise his right to petition for redress of grievance, to assemble with others, both guaranteed under the First Amendment, that barriers had been removed as the crowd reacted and appeared to be verging toward violence.
You, Alex, used a megaphone to encourage them not to give people what they wanted, not to act up, to remain peaceful.
Owen stood in a location that he was directed to stand at and given permission to stand as you exhorted people to remain peaceful.
That's what the evidence will show at trial.
How the government has come up with information that is contrary to that, I guess we're going to have to have a trial.
We're going to challenge its authenticity.
We're going to challenge when it was created.
And we're going to show the evidence we have.
Now, question.
In D.C., are we going to find a jury that will be honest enough to follow the facts and acquit Owen?
Well, I'm going to look for one, and I'm going to do my level best to find one.
But you know, the whole January 6th thing, I heard you guys talking about Newsom, Hawk Newsom.
That's the name, Owen, that you were reaching for.
Let's talk about Newsom and contrast him to Kyle Rittenhouse.
Hawk Newsome said on CNN when cities were burning, if we don't get what we want, there's going to be more violence.
That's not a threat, that's just hypothetical.
And nobody blinked an eye.
We had mostly peaceful protests as we watched cities burn on the air.
Kyle Rittenhouse went out, some people physically attacked him, putting him at imminent risk of danger and the perception of death, and he shot in self-defense.
And people want him strung up immediately, and there's a threat of future violence if he's not convicted.
This country has gone off of its rocker when Hawk Newsome can exhort people, not so subtly, to violence, to burn a city down, and threaten to do so again if he doesn't get what he wants.
And a young man shoots to kill to defend himself from somebody armed with a gun or with a physical object, aka the skateboard, to clock him in the head.
There's just something wrong with this country.
And I stand with you.
I stand with Owen.
I represent you two proudly and without excuse.
In the foxhole that has become America, I want to be in it with Infowars, not with the politically righteous, not with the woke, who are attacking values that I regard as fundamental.
So Owen's going to have his jury trial.
I don't think there's a way to take a jury trial away yet in the United States.
You will have a jury trial of some sort in full wars as to the civil action.
We've not yet begun to fight seriously on that issue and there's a lot of fight left in us.
I hope your listeners will rally behind you, because from my perspective, in the trenches of the American criminal and civil justice system, there is a war going on for the American soul.
There is an emerging police state.
There is a threat to liberties that are fundamental in our country, and they're being stripped away One ruling at a time and people seem afraid to speak out and I don't understand it.
I listened to a prior guest of yours today while I was online and he talked about protests and there only being a thousand and he asked, do we need to resort to ironic humor, vicious humor?
You know, to educate people.
Maybe we do.
I mean, I still am naive enough to believe in the rule of law.
I'm still determined enough to take the legal doctrines that I can identify and the tools that I've been trained to use and have used for 30 years and I will walk into any courtroom that will let me in to defiantly proclaim that I believe you have the right to free Speak freely, that Owen had the right to petition for the redress of grievances, that January 6th was far less a threat to what this country stands for than what went on throughout most of the summer of 2020, and that people who pretend to say otherwise have an agenda to transform this country into a place I do not want to live.
So, you know, keep up the good work, guys, and thank you so much for the honor and privilege of representing you.
Well, you bet, Norm.
But, I mean, you're also fighting a bunch of cases.
What do you make of the, on the vaccine front, the Fifth Circuit really slapping down the obviously unconstitutional mandates of Biden?
Just 60 seconds on that.
The political issue, one of the most political issues of the next 10 years will be the development of what I call a national police power.
And so we see it rolled out in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
And Biden overreached with his vaccine mandate.
There is no national federal police power.
We've been challenging various state applications of it throughout the country with mixed results, as I heard you say before.
Win some, lose some.
But this issue will be before the U.S.
Supreme Court within this next year or the following year.
And that is the extent to which the central government at the federal level has the ability to declare minimal conditions consistent with the public health.
And we politically need to let them know we're not going to stand for this.
Absolutely, because if they win on COVID-19, which is the easy case, then that same body of law is going to be used for guns, it's going to be used to attack so-called systemic racism, it's going to be used on behalf of climate change, and the parody you do of Dr. Fauci and others wanting us to have the chips in our teeth and the vaccine passports and do everything that we can for righteousness' sake, that will come true.
And the thing that's terrifying to me about it is, We're going to be giving other mortals, who are every bit as fallible as us, the ability to tell us how to live.
That's right, and in closing Norm, I have the Democratic Party, MSNBC, CNN, London Guardian, they're all bragging, oh it's the Alex Jones rule, we're going to get rid of everybody's free speech using this Alex Jones case.
So, they're licking their lips with this garbage they're doing to us, but I got news for them.
They're not taking us off the air, they're not shutting me up.
And we need the listeners to buy the products and spread the word and make us stronger in this fight, because our fight is everybody's fight.
Norm Pattis, pattislaw.com.
Thank you so much.
Owen, get suited up.
You're about to take over in the War Room.
We've got the new trailer for the Big Flint interview.
I thought you were saying it was going to air at the start of your show.
So everybody, radio stations, pick up The War Room and The Destroyer or find it at bandodvideoinfowars.com/show.
If a hurricane is smashing into the Gulf Coast and I make the prediction that it's going
to cause flooding, that's not a prediction.
You know it's a hurricane, you know it's got a lot of water it's going to dump, it's going to cause flooding.
So it wasn't a prediction 20 months ago when I said the UN order to lock down the world economy is going to cause a chain reaction that's going to cause supply chain problems for years, that's going to starve tens of millions to death.
And now it all happened.
25 million extra dead, hundreds of millions on the verge of starvation, and the UN that ordered it is running around being the savior.
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It's time to get your food.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is the War Room with Owen Schroeder.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You know, I hear you, Alex, talking about InfoWarsStore.com, right?
It is so important that people buy from your store and from other, you know, small businesses.
That is so critical.
And it might not sound like a big deal.
It's a very big deal.
When you look at these tech companies like Amazon and what they are doing in the marketplace, we have empowered them.
And this is actually sickens me a little bit.
That we empower these giant tech corporations by giving them our money, and then they turn around and bludgeon our lives, rob our children of their futures.
You know that I've been a homeschooling parent my entire life, right?
I have five kids.
My oldest is 21, but I homeschooled them their whole lives.
Had nothing to do with COVID, obviously.
It was long before that.
I've been telling people for a long time, the system's corrupt.
Get your kids out of it, right?
And so then we watch these big companies that we pump money into just destroy our families and destroy everything around us and we keep giving them our money and that's crazy to me.
So another way that you can, if you want to do something, is stop and opt out of these systems that fund and finance the very people who hate you.
Stop giving money to people who hate you.
Well, by the way, what you're saying is Beyond revolutionary, it's the key to how we save our civilization and save ourselves.
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