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Name: 20211110_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 10, 2021
2477 lines.

Pfizer has secretly added a heart attack drug called tromethamine to its COVID vaccines for children aged five to 11. The drug is not listed as a buffer and is a dangerous blood thinner, causing various side effects including allergic reactions and tissue damage. Pfizer changed the vaccine formulation using tromethamine instead of phosphate-buffered saline used in previous formulations. Despite bans in several countries due to blood clots and heart attacks caused by their COVID vaccines, Pfizer continues to push for children's vaccinations.

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Wednesday live.
Globalism is the disease.
Everything else is a symptom.
And that's true.
I mean, they run the show.
They've got the power.
They stole control of the banks.
They control the issuance of currency and credit.
And they don't need to fix anything.
They don't need to try to make everything work well, because they are organizing the collapse of civilization to get rid of us and hand themselves all the power and the future destiny of our species, which they say they're going to end and that we're a failed species.
They talk like an enemy alien race.
I don't know if they're aliens, but they sure as hell might as well be aliens.
They're saying they're about to end us and this new species is going to rise of silicon.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
(dramatic music)
Resident Joe Biden is a foul stench of a human being.
Not only has the puppet-in-chief of the free world reportedly defecated on himself on numerous occasions, his raucous flatulence has become an epic global embarrassment.
Cut critical healthcare programs, or stop work on roads and bridges.
So, what does a human cost?
No one batted an eye when eight women alleged that Biden either touched them inappropriately or violated their personal space in ways that made them uncomfortable.
I hear what they're saying.
I understand it.
And I'll be much more mindful, but I'll always believe governing, quite frankly.
About connecting.
About connecting with people.
While Tara Reade's recount of Biden's sexual assault would have blindsided any political legacy.
She says in 1993, Mr. Vice President, that you pinned her against the wall and reached under her clothing and penetrated her with your fingers.
Would you please go on the record with the American people?
Did you sexually assault Tara Reade?
No, it is not true.
I'm saying unequivocally.
It never, never happened.
And it didn't.
It never happened.
So we were alone in this corridor, and he said my name.
And then the next thing I knew, he pushed me.
And up against the wall, he kind of pushed, moved towards, moved his body towards me.
And then he used his knee to separate my legs.
He said, he said, I want to fuck you.
And he was whispering in my ear and he was kissing me and I was trying to get away from him.
And then when I pulled away, he had taken his hands and put them down my skirt and Taken one hand and penetrated me with his fingers.
But we now live in an era of total mind control where Biden can get away with anything.
Even the allegations of molesting his own daughter.
A year ago, a diary of Ashley Biden surfaced and was confirmed as authentic by the New York Times and the FBI.
In it, Ashley describes drug abuse and affairs as well as inappropriate showers with her father, Joe Biden.
She also asks herself the question, Have I been abused?
And replies with, I think so.
When you look at these photographs that are disgusting and horrible, the Chinese have every single one of them.
The Chinese have every single one of them, probably 10 times more.
Because what the Chinese government has been doing, and a country was totally undefended against this, is setting Biden up.
Putting him in a position where he's totally compromised.
They've now given him so much money, he's totally compromised.
They now have pictures of his son doing things that, uh...
Doing things that I can't describe, some of which are illegal.
Apparently this dark family secret isn't just relegated to Joe, as was evident in text messages from Hunter Biden over alleged family child abuse.
The FBI and the U.S.
Department of Justice for the Southern District of New York City will now cover it all up.
I woke up to a pre-dawn raid, banging on my door.
I went to the door to answer the door, and there were 10 FBI agents with a battering ram white blinding lights, they turned me around, handcuffed me,
and threw me against the hallway.
I was partially clothed in front of my neighbors.
They confiscated my phone, they raided my apartment.
On my phone were many of my reporter's notes, a lot of my sources unrelated to this story,
and a lot of confidential donor information to our news organization.
The search warrant has misprisoned of a felony, accessory after the fact,
and transporting material across state lines as the basis for raiding the home of a journalist
and seizing his work papers and journalist's notes.
But journalists everywhere have to rise up because we broke no laws here.
They could do it to me, they'll do it to anybody.
More recently, when Donald Trump's tax returns were stolen, did the DOJ and the FBI go barging through the doors of journalists at the New York Times?
of course they didn't.
John Bowne reporting.
Healthy society is built upon the balance between competition and cooperation.
Where cooperation is often simply not harming each other.
Today's laws, based on Christian ideology, compel us to restrain our animal selves.
Satanism is the opposition to this balance.
It seeks to destroy Christian ideology so that the law is written by the ruthless.
Because ruthlessness is their only advantage.
In a healthy society, those who seek to feed off of others are forced into hiding.
But today, they are hiding no more.
After decades of it being injected into pop culture media, We are becoming all too familiar with the satanic rituals these miscreants love to celebrate.
Whatever actually happened at Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival, it was clearly designed as a satanic ritual.
There are different names of gods who demand human sacrifice.
But Moloch has been the most popular.
And we can see the obvious depiction at Astroworld, where people could symbolically volunteer to ritually sacrifice themselves into the mouth of Moloch.
But the real symbolism can be seen on stage.
The spiraling portal, with non-human entities and flames emerging from it.
The same ritual we've seen at the Gothard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony in 2016, where a portal was opened and demonic entities were unleashed.
The same ritual made famous by Aleister Crowley.
The birth of the Antichrist.
The Amalantra working.
The cross being fed into the portal of hell.
In other words, the death and destruction of humanity as we know it.
The cull.
Eight people died and dozens were rushed to the hospital.
With at least 11 suffering from heart attacks.
Victims as young as nine years old.
Videos show several people having seizures.
A security guard claims that someone stuck him with a syringe, and rumors have resulted that people were drugged.
But isn't it more likely, given that these are the same reactions we have been seeing from the experimental jabs, that they are one and the same?
Statistically speaking, if you get enough of the vaxxed in one place, injuries like this will occur.
The entire world has become rife with human sacrifice.
And these rituals are likely meant to give themselves the illusion of legitimacy.
But they are merely the rotten parasites in an otherwise humane world.
The real concern is that their anti-human culture is going mainstream.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reis.
It's at band.video and freeworldnews.tv.
Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice at Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival.
A very important report that needs to go viral.
Okay, wow.
Listen, I could get sucked into the whole Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
And I've been following it and it's incredibly evil what's happening.
We have learned that the prosecutors, according to four witnesses now, told them to lie on police reports and more because this was a political hit job.
And now we have James O'Keefe speaking on Sean Hannity, Monday night, but it just started getting picked up yesterday and I had a chance to watch it.
10 FBI agents raiding, they grab all his notes, all his information, two of his phones
with donor information, all his journalistic material, total violation of the First Amendment.
So, it's very, very painful for.
To see the country go from being corrupt and out of control to the Democratic Party from the top down being a legion of lying criminals.
People ask, how do I take it when the courts engage in behavior that would make Again, a third-world dictatorship blush, and I explain, hey, it's happened to everybody.
This is a movement of tyranny.
This is a movement of abject total corruption.
They have decided to do it.
And so I've got clip after clip of the prosecution's witnesses, when they get on stand, like something out of a Perry Mason TV episode, and saying, I was told a lie, I've been threatened that I need a lie, but I'm not gonna lie.
I mean, I've never in all my years of watching court stuff, and I've been into it since I was a little kid, I know most of you have as well, on court TV, all of it, never seen four witnesses in two days put on the stand by the prosecutor say, the prosecutor told me to lie!
Pointing at him!
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, In my Sandy Hook cases, they literally get up on the stand, the judges do, from the bench and they just say things that have no representation to reality.
It's the same thing and you're sitting there watching it and they think it's funny. They're enjoying it.
It's like they've been given a permission slip from the devil.
To just do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want.
And it's just a wall of lies.
The media, the lawyers, the judges, the system.
In Rittenhouse, they got a judge that's actually following the law, and it sounds sane.
And now even the Young Turks have come out and said, okay, we've been watching the Rittenhouse trial, and it looks like he was defending himself, and we were wrong.
Because they know they're about to get massive egg on their face.
But there have been a lot of famous cases where you hear about prosecutors and they know that somebody's innocent and they know who actually did it and they don't care.
A lot of sick, sick evil people become prosecutors, but a lot of sick evil people also just are Democrats in general.
I mean, there are some bad Republicans too, don't get me wrong, but they're usually just cowards or stupid.
With Democrats, it's next level.
Yeah, the headlines are all on InfoWars.com and Gateway Pundits have got it.
And it just goes on from there.
It's simply incredible.
Here's some of the headlines I was just actually talking about right here.
Written House trial witnesses, prosecutors ask him to change his statement to police.
Those are the video clips we have.
But you know what?
Not covering Written House today.
Not going to do it.
Not going to go to any more of it.
I'm done talking about it.
And you know why?
Because as important as this is, we know the system's corrupt, we know it's out of control.
This is a great illustration of that.
But you have to understand the reason they don't care.
Because they are waging war on us.
The globalists have greenlit the shutting off of our energy, the collapsing of our borders, the demoralization of our children.
Microsoft and Apple fund Drag Queen Storytime nationwide and worldwide in Western Europe with convicted pedophiles going into schools to literally start preparing your children in their own words, grooming them in their own words.
I mean, this is at city council meetings.
We're here to groom your children!
We're coming for them!
You won't stop us!
Remember the San Francisco Choir was like, we will groom your children, they belong to us, ha ha ha, we're coming for them.
I mean, it's a satanic, world government, corporate-backed takeover, overthrowing the Christian ethos and replacing it with paganism, which is human sacrifice and death and barbarism.
It is the Jacobin-French Revolution 2.0.
We'll be right back.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and I am not bringing out All of this crazy information to demoralize you or to depress you.
I'm doing it because I think you're like me.
I think you want to know about the problems so you can do something about it.
I will say this, though.
We now have a lot of government documents, a lot of corporate documents admitting that all the big tech, Hollywood, Facebook is designed to make you afraid, depressed, and alone.
And these people really are committed To just absolutely cold-bloodedly destroying civilization and killing the vast majority of the population.
And they are re-establishing paganism.
They're bringing in neo-paganism.
Where the ritualistic bloodsport murder of fellow humans is The national or global pastime.
And that's done to destroy your conscience so that when your neighbors are being drug away, you're going to think it's funny.
And when you're getting drug away, they're going to think it's funny.
The veneer of civilization is basically gone.
And I'm just here to let everybody know that this is all strategically being directed.
Here's the headline for the show today, and I think it's very, very important.
Wednesday Live.
Globalism is the disease, everything else is a symptom.
And that's totally true.
So, Kyle Rittenhouse is a great young man, and I've had his mother on, and I've supported him.
And Kyle Rittenhouse has done an incredible job, and he's on the stand right now.
And now you've had four of the witnesses come out yesterday and today and say that they were told to lie and that they did lie because of threats.
I've got the clips right here on my clipboard.
But if we just focus in on that like a soap opera, we lose the answer to why it's happening.
See, what's happening to Rittenhouse is a symptom of the disease.
And the disease is the new world order, is globalism, and it's taking over the world.
They already did this in Europe.
Soros and others got their prosecutors in.
And if you defend yourself in England, I remember reading this 30 years ago when I was first starting to get into politics and things, covering it on there 28 years ago, where you'd hear about farmer robbed three times, pushed Gypsy assailant through the window after the gypsy tried to stab him.
And the man is going to serve 20 years in prison for defending himself.
Stuff like that.
And you think, man, that'll never come to America.
And then it does.
I mean, hell, they try to charge cops that shoot back at people that are shooting at them.
And so you look at that, and you look at Rittenhouse out there trying to help people, and he's being shot at by a convicted child rapist, and a bunch of other criminals are chasing him, and then they're all over the news lying about Rittenhouse despite the fact all the video came out, and finally when they're on the stand...
And swear their oath before God, they say, oh, the prosecutor right there, he told me to lie.
I did chase Rittenhouse with a gun.
I mean, that is dramatic information.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
You want to go see that.
But do you know what is in my stack today?
From the West Coast to the East Coast, from the South to the North, from Michigan to Louisiana, From Florida to California, I have articles of schools being closed.
Elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.
And do you know why they're closed?
They tell you in the local news.
We were already understaffed because a lot of people have been fired because they wouldn't have a shot.
But now we're shut down because so many people that took Their vaccines, Pfizer is the main one, are sicker in the hospital.
That's on ABC News in local towns.
That's on NBC News.
But you'll never see it on the national news.
Oh, you'll see fake stories about, you know, ivermectin, tens of thousands poisoned, thousands dying, hospitals around the block, total lies, all fake, not one person in the hospital.
But I have a stack of articles around the country.
There's one of them, ABC News 12 out of Michigan.
Saginaw, is that right?
Township school closes Monday because of staffing shortages will reopen Tuesday.
And when you read down, it says they're closed because so many people are sick from the shot.
It's not even in the frickin' headline!
Some districts have had to close entirely because of outbreaks of the virus, while others only partially.
And then you read, a large number of staff members had negative reactions to the COVID booster they received over the weekend.
There's actually a press release by the school district about multiple schools having to close because a large percentage, quote, in fact, guys, it's in a Don Salazar's article from yesterday, but I forgot to tell you, will you print me the actual letter that's on Facebook from the school?
If it's even still up there, they'll probably take it down.
So, so, so that's just one town.
I could spend the whole next hour on the hundreds of teachers sick.
Yeah, there's the letter.
From the injection.
Let's read that to radio listeners.
A large number, a large number, a large L-A-R-G-E, as in large number, of our staff had negative reactions to the COVID booster shot given at a clinic over the weekend, resulting in absences today.
As you may be aware, there's already a substantial teacher staff shortage throughout the state of Michigan because of the four shots, further complicating the availability to cover these absences.
Please note, we notified parents as quickly as we could yesterday.
Thank you for understanding.
And now they want your five-year-olds to take it.
The Pfizer and Moderna shot have been banned collectively in over 150 countries.
We've written articles about it with links.
This got banned in a third European country than Moderna did today.
In under 30s.
Because of a substantive increase in cardiovascular problems, heart attacks, you name it.
And what does the CEO of Pfizer, our medical dictator, he's the model of the future.
Nabos Group said years ago, we will have corporate CEOs directing the planet.
He's on an Atlantic Council program with some globalist stooge.
The Atlantic Council is like the brain of the country, of Obama and the whole Stay Behind Network.
I mean, our enemies, that's them.
They're directing the forced inoculations, drag queen story time, open borders, everything.
He's got some weird Thurston Howell mummy.
I noticed you have a problem with the fake news.
I've been talking to the CIA and FBI.
We'll be dealing with these dark forces.
Everyone will take their shots and their boosters.
I understand why they don't want to take it, but they will.
I mean, it's all a world government, world ID takeover.
Out of the gates, they're killing us.
And they just sit there saying, we're criminals and that we will be dealt with.
Oh, we know you're dealing with the children.
You're dealing with all the people dying.
Oh, we know you're evil.
We know you got your act together and run the governments.
Believe us.
Oh, I've got a bunch of other public figures having massive heart attacks.
I have a shot in my little stack today.
Remember, this is all just today's stack.
So the head of Pfizer has declared war on you and your family, and he says he's coming after you.
Well, we already know he's coming after us.
Hell, he's Hitler 2.0.
Stay with us.
And we are back live, my friends.
So, let me just do this this way, and then I'm going to go to the clips.
And I said I wasn't going to cover the Rittenhouse thing.
I can't help myself.
I just saw a clip during the break of the judge screaming at the prosecutor, basically.
I mean, this is just blowing up in these criminals' faces.
But they can't help it.
And yes, I think the prosecutor's a criminal.
We have all these witnesses saying he told them to lie on police reports and on the stand.
But he won't get any trouble.
He'll probably get a job at the DNC.
Hell, they'll probably make him the next Attorney General.
You know what?
We got a bunch of these clips.
It's ongoing right now.
It's still on the stand.
Next hour, we'll play a bunch of these clips.
I can't help myself.
We're going to do that.
So we've got the highlights for you as it is ongoing.
It's just such a spectacle.
And look, I knew they were corrupt.
I knew the system was out of control.
But they have gotten so much worse now.
I mean, it is crazy.
In the last five years, I'm not exaggerating when I say I've seen thousands of articles about me personally, that in many cases, nothing in them is true.
You see, we see a story and we think, okay, maybe they're twisting, maybe they're spinning, maybe they're lying a little here, a little there.
No, they put out articles that none of it's true.
They just assault you with a wall of fraud.
And then they want to trick you to re-engage with them and debate and discuss it.
It's mental illness.
That's how they force you into their negative worldview, by always putting out false charges, by always lying, by always obfuscating.
I mean, think about this.
We've had Fauci, and we've had the head of the CDC, the head of the NIH, the head of the FDA, the head of Pfizer, Bill Gates, The puppet president, the vice president, we've seen them all say, we don't just need to censor people that put out vaccine disinformation, we want them arrested.
And now they're one inch in England, in the UK and Australia, Actually, Australia already did it.
To pass laws to arrest you if you just criticize lockdowns.
And they've declared it's the number one terror threat in America is people that don't want new lockdowns or forced inoculations.
They're literally saying you're a terrorist if we can't put an experimental shot in you that's been hurting and killing a bunch of people.
I mean, we're not moving towards a nightmare science fiction dystopia.
Baby, we're in it.
We're in it.
I mean, these are really evil people taking a shot at us.
And then, what is disinformation?
Oh, that the shot doesn't protect you or can make you sick.
All real.
That it destroys your immunity.
All confirmed.
That it's not a vaccine.
It's a gene therapy.
And then the very people, like the CDC head said a month ago, the vaccine doesn't protect you, so you gotta take a booster.
That doesn't even make sense.
Well, now she says again, it's 100%.
It 100% protects you.
100%, it 100% protects you.
Total lie.
She went on, along with the Surgeon General, it's like a Muppet in a space captain outfit,
saying natural immunity's no good.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, the lying out of these people and the flip-flopping
would make an Olympic gymnast blush.
Mary Lou Retton has nothing on these people.
Inner prime.
The backflips, the side flips, it's just, but again, that's their mental illness.
They want you to engage with them and they're fraud.
And the question is, how do you transcend them?
How do we just move on and go, "Okay, we know you're criminals, we know you're liars."
When there are the prosecutors, the judges, the mayors, the politicians, the FBI agents,
the bureaucrats, the Hollywood people, all of it.
So I go back.
I can read you all these articles, play all these incredible clips for 10 hours, but none of it matters if you don't get this.
Wednesday Live.
That's the show title today.
I always put an article up.
I'm letting you know what the main thrust is.
Wednesday Live.
Globalism is the disease.
Everything else is a symptom.
And that's true.
I mean, they run the show.
They've got the power.
They stole control of the banks.
They control the issuance of currency and credit.
And they don't need to fix anything.
They don't need to try to make everything work well, because they are organizing the collapse of civilization to get rid of us and hand themselves all the power and the future destiny of our species, which they say they're going to end and that we're a failed species.
They talk like an enemy alien race.
I don't know if they're aliens, but they sure as hell might as well be aliens.
They're saying they're about to end us and this new species is going to rise of silicon.
Their religion is killing humanity.
Their religion is saying we're ugly and bad when we're the opposite.
We are made by the divine.
So let me do this.
I'm going to calm down and get focused.
It's just going over the snooze every day.
It is hard for me to be able to cover it, but I know it's hard for you to tune in and want to know the truth.
I understand.
It's a struggle to fight this, but you know what?
I'm going to say something very important here.
That's because God's in us, and God is angry and upset about this.
You are blessed, and I am blessed that we are so upset and so frustrated and so disgusted by this evil, and that we have a burning desire to stop it.
That's because we are aligned with God.
Imperfect and sinners as we are, we are aligned with God and this is a normal state.
When you've got this level of evil going on, you're damn right we're supposed to be upset.
We're not supposed to be comfortable.
And believe me, I'm good at being comfortable.
I like hiking, I like sports, I like golf, I like to play golf, I like to go out on boats, and I like to lay out and drink beer, and I like to stargaze, and I like to have sex, and all the rest of that stuff.
But I can tell you this, I don't even give a damn about any of that.
Because I understand this is when the evil's making its move on us now, ladies and gentlemen.
It is hammering us.
It is attacking us.
We are in a war.
And everyone needs to get the fact that this is a war.
This is a war! This is a war! This is a war!
On humanity!
And it's good old-fashioned evil.
We have been tolerant, we have allowed evil to grow, and so it is blooming, and it is taking over, and it wants to kill everybody.
You know what's at the bottom of the rabbit hole with the New World Order?
Destruction of our children.
I mean, what you saw at that little satanic event definitely was in Houston over the weekend is just a small taste of what's coming.
Because the show just goes on.
The ritual just goes on.
They don't care you're dying.
They don't care you're being trampled.
And now it turns out the literature, the plan, the police plan, the security plan of get ready for dead people.
They're going to be Smurfs.
And then the poster is Smurfs, living humans going through a door and now they're dead.
And Hieronymus Bosch, you walk into the mouth being devoured by Moloch, into hell and the portals and the angel of fire.
It's a spirit.
It's a program.
It's an operating system.
And you can download it.
You can take it on.
You can become possessed.
You can seethe with demonic energy.
But always there is blood involved.
Always there is death involved.
Because that's what these entities demand.
Interspace, interdimensional, alien attack.
Working through our mind that is in every dimension.
We're not just trapped in the third dimension.
And the entire thing is about luring us into this metaverse.
What do you think going to outside at night and you're there in the crowd and everything is now these huge stages in lights and portals?
That is VR.
You are being transported in your mind interdimensionally to another place, to a gate, to an opening.
All right, I'm going to calm down.
Folks, I haven't even scratched the surface.
I've got a stack of news across the country.
Michigan, one article about a bunch of schools closed because the teachers are so sick from the shots.
And you're like, hey, that's dangerous.
We should do something.
Shut up.
I'm the CEO of Pfizer and I've got the FBI and CIA coming after you.
You're the bad guy.
Well, I mean, what do we have to lose?
They're coming after our children.
They think we're just going to sit there while they maim and kill our children.
You won't get what you're after, because you haven't opened up your third eye.
Well, you need Jesus, son.
I know what comes on the other side of death.
I've seen it.
I have transcended these devil worshippers, thanks to God.
And they know it.
And they know you can transcend.
Doesn't mean you're a god.
Doesn't mean you're not still affected by it.
But you understand it, and you are free from it.
You are complete.
All right, let's get into it right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me just show you some headlines.
I'm going to play this chilling video.
Again, I'm going to recap this again.
Hundreds of articles, dozens of incredible clips, all of it.
This is the most important thing, in my view, for Congress, for governors, for you, for other leaders around the world.
Globalism is the disease.
Everything else is a symptom of that disease.
Now here are the articles that are so life-saving.
You know, take this, show this to your school district.
Hell, they're going to have the same reports themselves.
We're all under attack.
We can just pretend like, oh, you're the school board.
You're immune from this.
No, you're going to die too.
Oh, you're an FBI agent.
You're immune from all this corruption.
In my experience, people that serve evil are in more danger and have more bad stuff happen to them than people that go up against it.
A lot of people join Abel out of fear.
They find out it's real, they go, whoa, let me bow down to it.
That may work for a while, but they always end up eating you.
And I mean that figuratively.
Look at this headline by Adon Salazar last night.
This needs to be retweeted, this needs to be everywhere.
Last night I saw this article, and then I went and looked on Facebook, Twitter, everywhere, just nowhere.
Not even our article, just no one even knows about it.
School shuts down after large number of staff suffer adverse reactions from COVID booster jab.
Then when I actually went and checked in Michigan, it's a bunch of school districts are saying the same thing on their websites, but no one's picking it up.
It got picked up one place in Michigan, ABC News 12, and they bury it in the article that the large portion, a large group got sick, and then other schools got sick.
How huge is that?
Yeah, that's bigger than Rittenhouse.
He's a good young man.
He's a hero.
I support him.
They're trying to rig his trial.
It's blowing up in their face.
But it's like somebody walks up and stabs you and you're bleeding to death and we all focus on a drop of blood on the ground.
How about who just stabbed us and who's about to stab us again?
How about we fight for our lives against the big attack, not the drop of blood on the ground.
And I said that about myself.
People are like, oh Alex, how are you handling being attacked?
How are you handling?
Listen, they're coming after our children, poison shots.
I'm not worried about me.
I get hundreds of calls a week from national media, international media.
You know, oh, please interview us.
Oh, we want you in this documentary, that number.
Oh, and I'm like, do you understand this is a civilization collapsing weapon they've launched?
Do you have children?
Do you understand how much danger you're in?
Look at this headline.
A large number of our staff had negative reactions to the COVID booster shot.
It's the booster.
It's worse the more they give you.
At a clinic over the weekend, resulting in absences today.
As you may be aware, there is already a substantive teacher staff shortage throughout the state of Michigan, further complicating the availability to cover those absences.
Please note, We notified parents as quickly as we could.
Thank you for your understanding.
Saginaw Township.
And then I got a whole stack right here of other places it's happened.
And you know we're only hearing about a fraction of them.
Because it's vaccine disinfo if you talk about how you got sick or died.
Facebook and Twitter and all of them just ban people's husbands, wives, mothers, fathers that complain about getting sick or dying.
Oh, you can't do that.
You had a heart attack?
We're deleting you off Instagram.
Yes, your doctor came out and said it was the best shot and you're not a liar, but you're not allowed to do that.
Just the criminal, willful censorship while they're killing us, telling us we can't talk about it.
And then having that monster, that Pfizer CEO, that veterinarian that sees us all as animals come out and say, I understand so sweetly.
Those of you that are genuinely scared, but there's some bad people that misled you.
And the CIA and FBI are going to get these dark forces.
Dark forces, Pfizer.
You've paid the biggest fines in history for knowingly putting drugs out that you knew were killing people.
You're a eugenics monster, part of the New World Order.
The entire agenda is to take over.
The Atlantic Council that you popped up on to attack us is literally one of the main Brain centers of the entire globalist operation.
And like, where did they dig up the Atlantic accent, you know, 10th generational preacher, Richie Rich thug, you know, to sit there and interview him all foppish like, oh, I have a problem with your fake news, your lordship.
Yes, when I talk to the FBI and CIA, we'll be dealing with them soon.
But I love the people that are scared.
I understand you're scared.
It's because evil people lied to you.
The shot is good.
It's good for you, and it works quite well, and you will have boosters now.
Oh, let's go further.
Fully vaccinated choir concert ends in substantial COVID-19 outbreak because they're sloughing it.
That's in the Pfizer own report.
People who spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines are criminals, says Pfizer's CEO.
I say, buying off the governments, buying off the health departments of the Western world, and then forcing an experimental shot on people, and then suppressing the fact that it's killing people, and maiming them, and when we complain about it, saying you want us arrested, is the talk of real thugs, real James Bond villains.
And now they're banning people from Grocery stores in Germany and outdoor markets, it's all a takeover.
A vaccine pass for the carbon pass, in their own words.
And it goes on and on and on.
I've got so much I want to hit on this front.
But here is Albert Beaulieu.
Here he is at the Atlantic Council, where one of these other lizards, and I mean that figuratively, Is sitting there, one of the crocodiles is sitting there, and this is a good sign.
They're so desperate, they're coming out of their holes.
By the way, even on controlled Twitter, 90% of the people, guys, print me some of the comments.
I was reading this morning, 90% of the comments, thousands are, you're evil, we know you're bad.
We know, I mean, they understand, and putting up statistics and numbers and facts that they can't even deal with from their own reports.
He said, only listen to admit top science certified.
When the real science actually shows they're killing us.
And now they put out this ridiculous meme.
Look at this.
Pfizer's attempt at winning the meme war backfires disastrously.
We'll be talking about that coming up.
But let's just go to this declaration of war against humanity from Pfizer's CEO.
There was some fake news during this period of time about the vaccines, all sorts of conspiracy theories.
How did you deal with that?
And how did you navigate that?
And where do you feel the primary source of this sort of fake news was?
How damaging was this to us?
I'm afraid it was quite a lot damaging.
And there was, particularly with us, we were targeted By a lot of, let's say, dark organizations that you don't really know the ownership, you suspect that there are some countries behind.
We were getting a lot of briefings from CIA, from FBI about attacks that may happen to us, cyber attacks I mean, but also about the spread of misinformation.
You know, there are two groups of people, right?
There are the people that they are vaccinated, there are people that are skeptical about the vaccination, and both of them are afraid.
Those that they are getting the vaccine, they are afraid of the disease, and they believe that because people are not getting vaccinated, they are increasing the risk to them.
They are increasing the exposure.
So, they are, let's say, mad with them that they don't get the vaccine.
Those that they don't get the vaccine, they're afraid of the vaccine.
And they are mad with the people that are pressing them to get it.
And... There is... Those I understand.
They are very good people.
They are decent people.
But they have a fear, and I understand it.
And they don't want to take chances.
But there is a very small part Of professionals which they circulate on purpose misinformation so that they will mislead those that they have contract.
All right, and then, and then they go on to never show any evidence.
I've watched the whole program.
No evidence of our fraud.
No evidence of how we're lying.
You're lying.
You brought out an experimental shot.
It's not even approved until 2026, but they're all over the news saying it was approved by the FDA and they had to get a bunch of people off the board of the FDA and the CDC to finally get them to vote to do it and said, quote, we're going to do this to find out what it does to children.
Oh, that's Judas Priest music.
Oh, guess what?
The band took the shots and a couple of them are fighting for their lives.
One of them had 10-hour open-heart surgery two days after.
We'll be right back with hour number two.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
It's now becoming accepted knowledge, accepted fact, that global government run by private corporations is taking over the United States and other formerly sovereign nations.
They're being destroyed.
All the checks and balances are being annihilated.
Our borders are being destroyed.
Our currency is being destroyed.
And the American people have been listed as terrorists by the rogue federal government.
InfoWars is going to continue to fight on, and there is a big awakening happening.
We have a good chance of beating these people.
But we're not going to be able to stay on air unless you support us, and you've been doing it.
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All right, here's what's going to happen.
John Bounds filed a very important report that if we could show it to just a billion people in the Western world, we would turn this all around.
But that's why the globalists work around the clock to try to stop us.
We've got a bunch of Rittenhouse clips.
Just a massive number of these and just incredible stuff that's happened.
It's too important.
It illustrates how corrupt the Democratic Party and the left is when the prosecutor has had four witnesses say that he told them to lie.
Lie to police, lie on police reports, lie in the court.
It's just insane.
But it's par for the course.
So we got that.
But first, here is Jon Bowne's latest report about the evolution of war.
It's at VanDawgVideo.
Please share it.
I suffered a life-altering reaction to my COVID vaccine on November 4th, 2020, almost a year ago to this date.
I suffered a cascade of neurological systems that persisted for months.
And while my life has improved, I still feel like I'm being electrocuted 24-7.
The evolution of war.
First it was a stone.
Then it was a spear.
Then it was an arrow.
Then it was a bullet.
Then it was a missile.
And then it was an injector.
Because it's a weapon that you don't even know is targeting you.
It's rolled out under the auspices of your health and your safety, but it's a lie.
This is the most important graphic because if people don't figure this out and have an epiphany and a great awakening about this, the globalists are going to be able to sterilize us and depopulate us with this program.
It'll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic task force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call germ games, where you practice.
You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports?
You know, how would the world respond to that?
You know, that there's naturally caused epidemics and bioterrorism caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experience today.
Now they have all these mystery colds where you don't have COVID but people that are double vaxxed it seems.
The London Telegraph said a few weeks ago, it's funny the statistics show the double vaxxed are the ones getting the
mystery cold.
They call it the super cold.
It's a mystery cold.
The super cold is a mystery cold.
And it's killing people.
They can't breathe.
It's giving them the worst diseases like heart attacks and blood clots and strokes and aneurysms.
We don't know what's going on.
Here's some of those headlines.
Dealing with rock, spear, arrow, bullet, missile, and now the Bill Gates UN depopulation weapon.
We also face a new threat that the next epidemic has a good chance of originating on a computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus or a contagious and highly deadly strain of flu.
Here's another one.
vaccines weaken immune system even after COVID recovery, according to UK data, gets rid of
basically your whole immune system.
Now they bragged about that a year ago, but now it's the British government's own surveillance
report right there linked to it.
Here's another one.
Sweden suspends Moderna shot indefinitely after Vax patients develop crippling heart
The wheels are coming off.
Moderna is the one that Gates is mainly behind.
And a new patent proposes digital surveillance to vaccine of people based on social credit
score and it's also implantable chips.
We have to bring this epidemic to the to an end primarily by getting the vaccine out in large numbers to the entire world and we have to make sure that we're ready because there will be another pandemic and there's so many lessons about How we weren't prepared, how we should have handled things differently, and you know, when that's clearly in our mind, those investments need to be made.
What does it signify that now the world knows that Fauci did indeed lie to Congress and is the author of the COVID-19 and cooked it up and clearly released it and then was the guy to run the program and cover it up?
Of course, you wouldn't do something and release something like this unless you thought you controlled the investigation and the PR and the news.
and had big tech there to censor and silence everybody, while you rolled out the virus that killed people,
but then more importantly gave them a so-called vaccine that removed their immune system
and caused a myriad of different diseases and problems, so it was hard to pinpoint exactly what you'd done.
Schools around the United States, but also in Europe, are closing, public and private,
because so many of the teachers and staff are deathly ill after taking the Moderna and Pfizer shots.
And now they're making them take booster shots.
And the symptoms of bad vaccine reactions are just exploding right now.
And what's incredible is they put press releases out saying, sorry, a large portion of our teachers got seriously ill.
Some are in the hospital.
And by the time it hits local news, well, Yeah, COVID's a big problem.
That's why the schools are closed.
Oh, and the shots made some people sick.
When really, it's teachers quitting because they already had a bad reaction to the first round, are scared of the second round, and then some are forced to take a third round, and it's almost killing them.
Isn't that interesting?
But we've got the CEO of Pfizer.
Saying he wants people arrested.
And they've got a law they passed in Australia to do just that.
They're trying to pass one in England.
Canada's saying the same stuff.
Hell, we have a Canadian health minister saying we can't ever end the lockdown.
People might meet outside and talk and get unauthorized information.
That's a quote!
Oh, and by the way, don't look at the sunset.
And don't talk to your neighbor.
Remember, that's all real.
Just like Drag Queen Storytime.
Convicted pedophiles going and saying we're grooming your children.
They belong to us.
And then when the CDC says, "Oh, you can get a shot,"
everybody goes, "It's mandated!"
The leftist cities in Michigan, in California, in Florida.
People think Florida's free.
Hell, the Democrats run most of the big cities.
And they're like, you know what?
If they say take nine shots, you're taking them.
Australia, health minister's like, you're going to start taking shots every two months.
This is a new world order.
And she all looks like a crazy witch.
And Israel, oh, you took your green pass, you took your little phone, digital passport ID, your social credit score, and now Israel goes, oh, sorry, the third shot's not enough, we want a fourth or a fifth.
But Pfizer's head tells us how it ends when we all take multiple shots a year and have IDs that are tracked everywhere and tested to go anyplace under their medical tyranny.
And once they get the chains on us, they never come off.
So that's why this is a war on humanity, a war on our borders, a war on our currency, a war on our industry, a war on our pipelines, a war on everything.
Only Europe, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, the UK are under this.
We are targeted.
Our pipelines are turned off.
Our oil fields are shut off.
Our electrical grids are shut down.
Our crops are ordered to shut down.
Under their plan, they're going to ban organic farming, saying it's toxic.
I'm not joking.
They said they're going to cut trees down to barium to get rid of carbon.
I've got stacks of that coming up.
But look at this.
Surgeon General issues toolkit asking Americans not to share misleading memes about COVID.
And the toolkit's now been adopted by big tech.
So if you say natural immunity is better than the vaccine, which they now admit gives you negative immunity, well, then you get banned because he said so.
It doesn't matter if it's not true on its face.
He's wearing a space captain outfit.
He is wearing something where he can be on the set of Battlestar Galactica.
Anything they say is false, inaccurate, or misleading.
And they have their fact-checkers they control say it's not true.
Oh, but Matthew McConaughey, who I've never disliked McConaughey, but when he came out to take the vaccine, I hate him.
I hate him.
And well, maybe I don't hate him as much.
Matthew McConaughey says he's against vaccine mandates for children and refuses to give the approved shot to his three children ages 13, 11, and 8.
Yeah, I mean, how far are you going to let him push you, folks?
You know, Eric Clapton almost died after his family and managers pressured him to take one Pfizer shot almost killed him.
Well, guess what?
Judas Priest, a few weeks ago, was bragging, popular rock band, was bragging about how they all took the shot and made everybody take the shot.
And now I've got reports that two of them are sick.
One of them almost died.
Let me show you those reports right here.
Ian Hill says all members of Judas Priest have been vaccinated.
We're about as protected as we'll ever get, really.
The new Pfizer report says you get a negative, negative immune system.
Not 1% better, negative 6% within six months.
Oh, but you know Ian Hill, he's pretty smart, right?
Ian Hill of Judas Priest.
How's he doing?
How's he doing right now?
Well, Judas Priest Richie Faulkner reportedly had a heart attack on stage, underwent 10-hour open-heart surgery.
Now they say because of other illnesses and problems, obviously they're not Turing.
A heart attack?
Well, that's always good.
You get a heart attack, you get cancer, you get a stroke, you get blood clots, you get sterilized!
Ha ha, you die!
Ha ha ha ha!
Some heads are gonna roll!
Some heads are gonna roll, roll.
Keep bowing down to the God of this world and see how far that gets you, Judas Priest.
Meanwhile, New York City fire truck availability down to 55 percent.
Manpower shortages due to vaccine mandates.
Yep, people quitting or being fired.
Incredibly important information.
You know, this stack right here is incredible.
Because the Surgeon General says we're not allowed to question anything they say, though they're flip-flopping every few days.
It's official, out of fortune.
Vaccinated people don't transmit COVID 100%, she says, the head of the CDC.
A few months later, oh, you're totally unprotected.
You're just as likely.
Oh, and by the way, twice as likely to die or get sick.
It's not protecting you.
And of course, Traspiego and others report massive increases in heart attacks in footballers
and soccer players around the world in Western countries that take the injection.
I've got a bunch of news here.
One of the things I've got here on the stack I'm looking for, I thought I had it closer
to the top, is a photo shot of the newspaper in Utah where they are promoting to everyone
that this is a social credit score and a carbon tax via your driver's license that will be
on your phone now and operate as your COVID pass.
So it's now Florida's announcing it.
I wonder if DeSantis will stop it.
And so is Utah.
And AP spends it.
Oh, it doesn't track your vaccine data and dietary preferences.
Oh, really?
That's what the state said it does.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Nobody wants a digital ID.
Remember a year and a half ago, they're going to have a digital ID on your phone and track where you go.
Well, Jones is insane.
Nobody's doing that, even though it was already being announced.
Yeah, there it is.
What are digital driver's licenses?
Digital driver's licenses are vaccine records.
Yeah, you guys found it.
Scroll down, and then it says social credit score, taxes, travel records, credit card score, health records.
It's so wonderful.
Yeah, keep scrolling up, guys, if you can.
Or just... That's as far as it goes?
Okay, well, I have... It says credit score on there.
Yeah, you guys, I love you guys so much, but you open your mics most of the time, I can't understand a word you're saying.
So, um... Yeah, I'm not talking about credit score.
It says, there it is at the bottom, social credit score.
Social credit score.
But on the actual printout from the state, it says social credit score.
Social credit score.
That is such big, giant, huge news.
There it is.
Thank you very much, guys.
Social credit scoring.
That's put out by the state with a QR code in local newspapers and magazines.
The terrorist department of the state of Utah is saying we're going to sign you up for a social credit score so you can be punished for not being a good little globalist.
All right, I'm going to settle down and not get mad.
This is really getting to me, though.
We're going to come back and I'm going to get into the Rittenhouse nish, which is just, I mean, this is actually a court where the judge isn't a criminal, which is a rarity these days in my experience.
And so he's totally freaking out as The prosecutors engage in classically criminal behavior.
Now that four witnesses have shed, they were ordered to lie by prosecutors.
On the stand!
I mean, talk about wheels coming off.
This thing just blew up in their stinking George Soros faces.
I wonder if Judas Priest is gonna come out with a new album called Injector.
Take the juice of Satan's reign!
Prepare to die in the flame!
I'm up here in space.
I'm looking down on you.
I'm looking down on you.
My needles trace everything you do.
There is no true escape.
I mean, I like Judas Priest.
It's the original heavy metal.
But they're obviously not very Christian.
I am perpetual!
I keep the country free!
And now you die!
But, oh, these are old rock and roll guys, ladies and gentlemen.
Surely that's just why he had the heart attack.
Oh, another article.
They're popping out every few minutes.
This is in the CBC National Media of Canada.
And what does it say?
John Cardiologist, he's a young man, an inspiring spirit, dies suddenly.
And he took his booster shot and bye-bye, heart attack, in his sleep.
A prominent New Brunswick cardiologist has died, leaving behind a large gap in the system and the community, colleagues say.
Dr. Saurabh Luntmandil, Decided more than 20 years ago in the New Brunswick Heart Center, 40-something years old, and the care of patients suffering from heart disease, said a statement from the staff of the New Brunswick Heart Center.
It is a profound sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague, friend, and father, partner, and inspiring spirit, the statement says.
He died Monday in his sleep at the St.
John's home.
Said Gene Francis Le Gray.
They had the cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Center.
He was 52.
His family and friends and colleagues were shocked at the news of his death.
But then you can go and research and learn that he bragged about getting his booster shot.
Isn't that just interesting?
So I guess he got it worse than the Schools that have had to close in Michigan and other states because so many teachers got sick after the shot.
At least they're still alive.
But hey, the hospital offers condolences to the friends, family, and colleagues.
Hey, but he kept his job!
He took the shot!
Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
So Judas Priest says they've all had the shot, so they're all now protected.
Even though it doesn't protect you, and then boom, massive heart attack.
Okay, I'm gonna stop right there.
I need to hit the Rittenhouse stuff, which is very important as it illustrates the corruption of the Democratic Party and their prosecutors.
The prosecutor is a big Soros leftist, actually financed by Soros, as usual.
And we have a bunch of clips.
Should I play?
All four clips of people saying that the prosecutor ordered them to lie or they lied?
Or should we just get to Rittenhouse's testimony?
Got all that right here.
But in the interest of time, I want to be able to really cover this properly.
It'll take at least two segments.
We'll go to it next segment.
Let me hit this right now.
Oh, by the way, that's just a small portion of the mass death and illness and studies and everything coming out about the injections.
It's totally crazy.
So later we'll be getting to more of that.
But let me just do this right now.
Let me tell you about a really important stack I've got here, and that's inflation and how it's exploding.
And again, this is not rocket science.
This is economics.
And when they did the Great Reset, it was designed to collapse industrial society and permanently destroy food chain.
And I came into receipt about a week ago of incredible documents from the United Nations
that are on the UN website that's bigger than Operation Lockstep,
bigger than SPARS 2023, bigger than Event 201.
And when I learned this stuff a week ago, I said, "I'm not just gonna go on air
"and just talk about this."
Because if I do, no one will care.
It'll just get lost out there.
No one has covered this.
No one has broken this.
No one knows this.
I already knew some of this.
We've covered some of it.
But I didn't, I wasn't aware of it.
How bad it was.
So I've got to decide whether I want to do a special Saturday transmission on this.
And I think I'm going to do that.
Though I have promised.
My four-year-old daughter that I was going to take her fishing before it gets too cold again.
So maybe I'm just not going to do it Saturday, but you know, this is so criminal compared to everything you've seen.
It's even worse.
It's like twice as worse.
They brag how they're going to shut the economy off using the fear of a virus, and that once the supply chain breaks down, there's not enough food, that the whole world food supply will collapse, and the UN will then take over as the savior with the World Food Council.
Remember that 11-year-ago video they show children in England?
The cartoons where it talks about the future, and your cell phone tells you where you can go, what you can do, and the World Food Council controls the food, and you never get meat anymore?
It's an actual document.
Hundreds of pages, each page.
It would be weeks of air time.
I mean, it's just a declaration of savage war.
But they're already rolled out poison shots that create blood clots and kill you slowly.
The lucky ones die quickly.
I mean, this is it.
All right, I'm going to go to break.
Separately, folks, I'm not complaining, but if you don't buy the products that don't support us, they're going to be able to shut us down.
I can't get into strategies and plans and all the rest of it, but you see the attacks everywhere.
We need to stay on air and actually expand and work with a lot of other great folks to do some major, big things in the near future, some major moves.
But I have to spin, I'm not complaining.
Third of my time scrounging around looking for money and then another 20% of the time dealing with all the globalist attacks and all their operations and the FBI grand juries they've got open and this freaking capital stuff and the lawsuits and all of it.
They're trying to keep me distracted.
I'm not letting them do that.
But you really help me not get distracted when you just buy the products.
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We'll be right back, stay with us.
Rittenhouse is on the stand.
It's riveting television on OAN and other great places.
You can find it there if you want.
We're monitoring it and getting clips.
We're going to go to some of those right now.
But his testimony and the fact they were confident enough to put him on the stand for me is not the big issue.
He's a very well-spoken, polite young man, very accurate.
And they're trying to demonize him and attack him right now.
It's not working.
The judges really chewed into the fraudulent criminal prosecution at least five times I've got here in front of me.
We're going to get to a few of those.
But remember, these are Soros prosecutors.
Those are known leftists.
That went out and did this.
And I've got a bunch of articles and a bunch of examples of these.
We're just going to go to a couple right now.
Here's one of the headlines.
Written House trial witness says prosecutors asked him to change his statement to police.
Got another one here where another one of the witnesses said he was asked to lie.
He says this on the stand.
And then I've got another one here.
Jacob Marshall lies on behalf of the prosecution and talks about why he did it.
I mean, this is just mind-blowing.
So let's go to the clip here of Nathan DeBrahman, or whatever his name is.
Here it is.
I don't know the date off the top of my head, but I was called down to the district attorney's office.
I met with Mr. Binger and... I don't remember his name.
The individual who's...
I was called into a room, sat at a table, handed my police statement, got to read over my police statement, and then I was asked if I would like to add anything to the police statement, and I said I would not.
Mr. Binger pulled out a cell phone and showed me a video and also a photo Which was actually one photo that I brought today and asked me to, if I knew who a gentleman was in that photo.
And I said, I did not.
And he asked me to, he said, this is Joshua Zeminsky.
He, Mr. Binger also has a case with him and I am subpoenaed for that case also.
And He says, well, that's who that is.
He put the phone down, he picked the phone back up and says, who is this?
And I confusingly said, like, Joshua Zivinsky.
And he's like, would you like to add that to your statement?
And I just felt I didn't want to change my statement.
And as a result, what did you do?
I hired an attorney.
And that's Mr. Rose?
And nothing further?
Mr. DeBruin, you said there was a lot of tension in the room when you met with me and Mr. Binger and Ms.
Is it fair to say that you were very nervous?
Yeah, absolutely.
And we did have you read over your statement, right?
And we asked if you knew anything beyond that statement.
We didn't ask you to change it.
Yes, you did.
Tell me if this is fair.
It says, I just talked to Gage Grossgrey.
Oh, here we go.
Two, his only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag.
He didn't say that to you?
He never said that to me.
You just posted something about your friend?
Your roommate?
That was a lie?
I did.
Given the circumstances and all the threats I've received on the internet, I've never been put in a position like that.
Addresses of ours are posted.
You know, my mother was getting inboxed.
And he goes on to say he was threatened, so that's why he did it.
And it just goes on and on.
And that's why this is a black hole even getting into it.
But let's go to some of the clips here.
Let's play a clip 6.
The judge in the Rittenhouse trial shouts down the prosecutor, tells him, don't get brazen with me.
I mean, there's a whole bunch of these.
Here it is.
Now, I've admitted that kind of evidence in other trials when it's been appropriate.
I didn't admit it in this case because, to me, what I've heard in this trial, and by the way, Mr. Richards absolutely correctly points out that just hours ago, I said I had heard nothing in this trial to change any of my rulings.
That was before the witness testimony, Your Honor.
Pardon me?
That was before the witness testimony.
Don't get brazen with me.
You knew very well You know very well that an attorney can't go into these types of areas when the judge has already ruled without asking outside the presence of the jury to do so.
So don't give me that.
That's number one.
Number two, this is propensity evidence.
I said at the time that I made my ruling, and I'll repeat again now for you, I see no similarity.
Between talking about wishing you had your AR gun, which you don't have, so that you could take fire rounds at these thought to be shoplifters.
And the incidents in these cases, which are not, there's nothing in your case that suggests the defendant was lying in wait to shoot at somebody.
Or reflecting upon the shooting for a vast amount of time.
Every one of the incidents involves matters that involve seconds in time.
So I don't, I commented at the time, I don't see the similarity, and I don't see the similarity now.
If it's not similar, that's the whole rule.
So basically, the prosecution's cheating and putting out things that aren't true, that the judge has already told them not to say, and they just keep doing it.
But you see, when you got a bad judge, they let them do that.
And so we're really getting to see just how corrupt this all is out in the open for everybody.
Remember, the national media, for a year now, won't let you show people images of the men pointing guns or gun flashes at Rittenhouse.
They just don't allow that.
Oh, and I've got other articles on that subject.
Facebook is not showing search results for Kyle Rittenhouse.
You just can't look it up.
Because it's not going the way they want.
When you go to Google or you go to YouTube, for years it's the same results, just pinned to the top.
That's not a search engine.
They just pin Sandy Hook at the top to make me the Sandy Hook guy and to claim my whole career is about Sandy Hook and I won't stop talking about Sandy Hook.
So they can attach themselves to me.
Every time Alex Jones gets talked about, we hear about a school shooting they get to bring back up to go after gun owners.
And now they're trying to use this to get Court rulings that you don't have a free speech in this country.
And Democrats have gone on MSNBC and said, soon we'll shut everyone down with the new Alex Jones rule once the appeals courts, you know, let us silence him.
And they're going to create that new jurisprudence law, basically, judicial tyranny for everybody's speech, and they're bragging how they're doing it to me first.
Just like I told you five years ago with the deplatforming, four years ago, I said they're coming after everybody.
You'll be next, and you are.
Facebook ban on supportive comments regarding Kyle Rittenhouse warns and wears thin as trial continues.
Yes, Facebook's ban on supportive comments regarding Kyle Rittenhouse wears thin as trial continues.
And YouTube just banned downvotes for any Biden video.
They're not even hiding it.
It's total AI manipulation of reality.
This isn't censorship.
This is control of what you can type and what you can do in live time.
Not like they come along later and take it down or just ban a person or a group.
They are watching and surveilling everyone in live time and not letting you comment and say something pro-Kyle Rittenhouse on your own accounts because they're not your accounts.
Their digital re-education metaverse systems for behavioral psychologists to train you to submit to them.
And boy, did people submit.
Very little defense of me by other libertarians or conservatives or nationalists when I first got deplatformed because they thought it was just Alex Jones.
But then they learned Noah's about them as well.
But by then, they'd already censored most people off.
So we didn't have that critical mass power if people would have stood up at the time.
But now we can stand up.
The vaccine passports and the digital AI surveillance and that grid that's going in.
Now's the time to stop it.
Not once it's already in place.
Then it's an uphill battle.
We can stop it easily now.
We can beat these people.
We don't have a choice.
If we submit, it means death.
The globalists have been making the preparations for this takeover for more than 100 years.
Now the scientific dictatorship of the eugenics transhumanist death cult has launched their main attack.
Next hour, I'm going to cover the plan to collapse the economy, what it's going to look like and how the very people that have imploded it are going to pose as our saviors.
Now the only way out of it is exposing them.
It's going to be a very, very dark winter.
Contrived power outages and more.
I'm going to hit that at the start of the next hour.
Very important information.
But first, let's get back to the whole Rittenhouse situation here.
And again, I can't really do justice to this.
It's like a soap opera.
You watch it, you get ingratiated, and it's incredible to see how slimy the leftist prosecutors are and to see how Obstinate they are, because they believe they're actually good guys.
They're all white males, but they think white males are bad.
I've got a stack of news we'll get to next hour on that.
And really, it's just their pretext to gang up on people and to bully them, just like the tens of thousands of rioters that were burning down people's apartment complexes, including Section 8 apartment complex.
Including car dealerships of blue-collar owners, little car dealerships, burning down grocery stores, shooting people, and a young man goes out there as a medic to try to help, and then a mob led by a child molester mistakes him for somebody else that just stood up to him, and so they chase him down the road trying to kill him, shooting at him, and he defends himself?
And then the whole media system gangs up.
You got bullies on the ground burning everything, shooting, killing.
You've got the corporate media saying it's mostly peaceful.
Whoever said a demonstration's peaceful, plomo.
You've got the then vice presidential candidate herself giving tens of thousands of dollars and raising millions to bail out people that had firebombed federal buildings.
And then the very feds And the very state prosecutors demonize and attack Kyle Rittenhouse because those thugs burning down buildings, those thugs out raping and killing, they're the ground troops for the New World Order that are supposed to scare America into submission!
We're supposed to see society collapse and then in comes Klaus Schwab with the angry world and he offers the guaranteed basic income and a new golden age.
We all just submit to them and they'll make it all better.
That's their stated plan.
I think we're so stupid that they're going to roll out all this control and roll out all the collapse and order the world shut down and cause massive starvation and then we don't know they did it.
And then you see a judge who is old school doing a great job conducting a real trial and saying, no, you're not going to call armed men running around with criminal records, shooting at people, victims.
They were chasing him.
They were attacking him.
You're not going to use your damn labels here.
And they just don't know what to do.
But they're going to work that much harder to get all their judges in place.
Here in Austin, Texas, Jordan Soros has spent as much money as he's spent in New York City.
Tens of millions a month.
He's got the district attorneys, the county attorneys, he's getting the judges elected, and they literally let armed robbers out of jail in Austin the day after they shoot people.
And you saw up in Fort Worth where the young black man shot three people, and they just let him go that afternoon because he was black, and said, oh, well, he's been bullied, which it wasn't even true.
In Austin, Texas, the police do not Stop criminals.
They don't stop crack dealers.
They don't stop anything anymore.
They respond, maybe, because they were massively, budget was cut, and if they proactively respond to crime, they are prosecuted by the district attorney who says he's a communist in Zoom meetings and calls people in meetings that are, people can see them now because they're on Zoom meetings, comrades.
And he looks and acts like he's got about a 75 IQ.
Another thing about these communists, man, they are dumber than a box of rocks.
And people say, why do you live in Austin?
Well, my family's been here since the 1820s on my mom's side, 1830s on my dad's side.
And, you know, my family's been here since it was called Waterloo.
Had a lot of ancestors here.
Ancestors that founded Waco, Temple.
Ancestors that literally were there working for President Johnson, that started the rebellion and brought in the original people.
And I mean, so yeah, this is my state.
This is where I live.
But yes, yes, I don't have the money to move our headquarters.
I want to leave Austin.
You're right.
It's the trendy new L.A.
It's the best thing in the world.
It's the greatest thing.
But I have to pull out of its jurisdiction.
I have to get away from it.
because George Soros and Big Tech rule the town that I live in.
One apartment complex this year, in 10 months, has had 78 shootings.
This morning, I was on a part of the Greenbelt that has no one on it.
I've probably been hiking down there 10 years.
I've probably seen 15 people while I've been on this part of the Greenbelt that nobody knows about.
I'm down there today with my son, Rex, hiking with his Doberman.
And I don't know if they were Somali or Ethiopian.
But, you know, different African tribes have a different look.
They were definitely East African, Northeast Africans, just are in the woods, just going through it.
I mean, looked at us all wild-eyed and ran off in the woods.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, there's literally people running around in the woods in Austin that are in places that there's no roads in between neighborhoods living in the woods.
I mean, that's how collapsed it is.
And they've collapsed Africa.
They've collapsed Latin America.
They don't let people work or have jobs.
They're starving to death.
And then George Soros gives them a $3,000 debit card to fly here.
And then they don't know what to do.
A lot of them get picked up by Democrats or get used in sweatshops or whatever.
Others are just, they're just in the woods.
Where do you think the millions of people coming out of the Caribbean are coming from?
But I heard these guys talking.
They weren't talking Creole or Spanish or French.
They weren't Caribbean.
They were speaking African.
Just in the woods!
Middle of nowhere!
A couple years ago, I was down the Heichenbach Trail and saw Guatemalans with tin cans and string catching fish and cooking them on a fire.
And listen, here's the deal.
I'm not even against those poor people, but do you understand that there's 350 million people in America, and there's 7 plus million outside of here, and the UN's bringing them in here now?
I've got all these Rittenhouse clips, but what is the point?
We'll come back, play a few of them, and then I'm gonna get into this other news, but hell, let's just start getting into the stuff right now, I guess.
Here's the state prosecutor tries to insinuate that Carl Rittenhouse bought a gun so he could imitate what he saw in video games.
Here it is.
Isn't one of the things people do in these video games try and kill everyone else with your guns?
Yeah, it's a video game.
It's just a video game.
It's not real life.
You need to account for this.
Your Honor, I don't want to, I don't want to jury here.
He's commenting on my client's right to remain silent.
No, Your Honor.
I'm making the point that after hearing everything in the case, now he's tailoring his story to what has already been introduced.
The problem is, this is a grave constitutional violation for you to talk about the defendant's silence.
And that is, and you're right, you're right on the, you're right on the borderline.
And you may You may be over, but it better stop.
This is... I can't think of the case, the initial case on it, but it's, this is not permitted.
Alright, uh... He knows he can't go into this, and he's asking the questions.
I ask the court to strongly admonish him, and the next time it happens, I'll be asking for a mistrial with prejudice.
Look how arrogant the leftist Soros, literal finance by Soros lawyer is.
Put him back on screen.
Look at him in his little fancy dandy suit and everything.
These are the people that say you need to starve to death.
These are the people that want to put stuff in your body.
These are the people that don't want you to have a gun to defend yourself so his little buddies can burn cities down.
And we keep putting up with that cocky peacock that that frickin' Nazi collaborator put in Kenosha so he could defecate all over good people.
And so a horde of pedophiles and scum can try to kill a good American.
Because they're a pack of trash!
They're a pack of garbage!
They're a pack of filth!
And they're our enemies?
I can't look at him.
Just look at him.
He knows he's a piece of garbage.
We'll start the next hour.
We've got a ton of news.
The plan to cut off all our energy coming up next.
That's right.
Eric Clapton barely survived the Pfizer shot.
But the Pfizer CEO says you better shut your mouth or he'll sic the CIA and FBI on ya!
Freedom came my way one day!
For what I don't know, Bill Gates wants to kill us.
Here he comes.
Oh, they kill it before it grows.
Yeah, I shot the sheriff.
But I didn't shoot the deputy.
If I'm guilty, I will pay.
But I didn't.
All right, let's get back to these clips.
Let's play Rittenhouse.
We got the judge chewing them out, but here's Kyle starting to break down in tears on the stand as he recounts being cornered by Kaminsky and Rosenbaum.
Here it is.
And I stepped I stepped towards the Duramax and as I'm stepping forward, I believe his name is now Joshua Zeminski, he steps towards me with a pistol in his hand and as I'm
As I'm walking towards to put out the fire, I drop the fire extinguisher and I take a step back.
When you step back from Mr. Zeminski, what's your plan?
My plan is to get out of that situation and go back north down Sheridan Road to where the car source lot number two was.
Were you able to go in a northerly direction?
I wasn't.
Describe what happened.
I, once I take that step back, I look over my shoulder and Mr. Rosenbaum, Mr. Rosenbaum was now running from my right side and I was cornered from in front of me with Mr. Zeminski >> There were.
Being stopped by a pedophile.
People right there.
That's what I.
prosecutors have had a pedophile got killed.
Make no mistake.
That's their God.
Boy rapers are who they worship.
So you see the emotional breakdown there of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse on trial for shooting three people.
Two of them died during protests after a police shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
He killed a boy raper, that's not allowed.
So you see the emotional breakdown there of 18 year old Kyle Rittenhouse on trial for
shooting three people, two of them died during protests after a police shooting in Kenosha,
It was August 25th, 2020 and we have been following this.
We got up to clip three.
Here's the judge in the Rittenhouse trial that's not happy with the prosecution, with the George Soros rat pack.
Here it is.
...provoke a mistrial on this matter.
He knows he can't go into this, and he's asking the questions.
I ask the court to strongly admonish him, and the next time it happens, I'll be asking for a mistrial with prejudice.
He's an experienced attorney, and he knows better.
First of all, Your Honor, this was the subject of a motion.
I'm well aware of that.
And the court left the door open.
For me, not for you!
My understanding is... You should have come and asked!
For reconsideration, you did on the one motion, and in fact I granted your motion for reconsideration.
That was not a motion.
Excuse me.
I did, I granted.
We did not move for reconsideration.
That was their motion.
We have not filed any motions to reconsider in this case.
That was their motion for reconsideration, which I denied.
But I said, I denied it, or I indicated a bias towards denial is what I did.
Held it open with a bias towards denial.
So this is a disaster for that scumbag Jared Soros.
Why would you think that that made it okay for him to say that?
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with the big news.
They're planning to cut your power off.
We'll see if the Republicans will stop them.
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Isolate, contain and control, and then abuse.
Isolate, then contain and control, then abuse or kill.
That's been the model of oppressors and tyrants and cults since human history began to be recorded over 7,000 years ago.
And now here we are today with the Davos Group representing the most powerful corporations on earth, the most powerful families, including royalty, literally saying they're setting up a world government to depopulate us.
Literally teaching children that they are non-essential and that they can't have running water or electricity.
That's what Obama went to Africa Six years ago before he left office and told them on record, these are the greatest oppressors the world has ever seen.
They don't care about the environment.
When you read deeper into their documents, they're basically mad scientists or transhumanists that believe they're going to transcend carbon-based life and overwrite the entire planet.
This is delusions of grandeur.
All of the top Davos high priests are called high priests.
And they say that they are transcending humanity and that they're going to basically absorb us in that transformation.
The lockdowns, the vaccine passports are all the global social credit score world tracking system they've now announced a month ago.
I told you decades ago this was coming because it was in their documents.
Now it's not theoretical.
It's gone from beta to operational and it doesn't matter whether you're a conservative, doesn't matter whether you're a liberal, a Christian, a Buddhist, an atheist.
This is a scientific dictatorship taking over and targeting you and you need to get out of the prison of the mind that you let them build for you, out of the constructs and break free and transcend and get back your human roots and use your basic instincts in you With your intellect to decide that you are not going to be a slave of this and you're taking control of your destiny.
Coming in December, I'm going to release the most powerful information ever, not just from Alex Jones, but period, when it comes to transcending tyranny.
You'll find more information at BandopVideo and InfoWars.com.
If you are watching this transmission, never forget, you are the hope of the universe.
You are the seed of the universe.
You are the resistance.
I know Merle Haggard was from Oklahoma, which is North Texas around here.
But I remember growing up with all the grandpas and great grandmas and all those people are dead now.
And they weren't trying to sound and talk like that.
That's what they sounded like.
Like, I have this raspy, you know, blown-out voice, and I talk fast because I grew up in the modern world.
But none of them talked fast.
They just all had such pretty voices, like Merle Haggard.
And they're all gone.
They were all really funny, too.
They were good, good people.
I can't imagine them seeing a world like this today and what they'd think of it.
This country did used to be really great.
But now it's it's been poisoned by the New World Order.
I know it's our job to try to save it, but we've got to reach out to God because only God can make that happen.
All right, you talk about walking on the fighting side.
When I was given this about a week ago or more than a week ago now by Rob Doob, And I read it one time and I said, listen, we got to do a special broadcast about this because then millions will pay attention.
Millions are tuned in, but then millions will say, hey, this is important.
I might want to tell somebody about this.
And then I was scanning back over this earlier and it made me think of so many things I need to get to add to this.
Because if I only show you part of this.
I will be Basically just doing them a favor because let me describe how this works.
They do these different global drills and it's like see-through overlays like you'd have in the old-fashioned schools with the projector on the wall where you put down questions and then there's blank spots you put down later another and it's got the answers there.
It's like coded but very lightly coded.
Like maybe one word out of 50 is missing.
Here's an example.
We really need to take over the system and cut off the resources so that there's a smaller population.
And now we're going to carry it, and they leave the word, out, out.
I mean, that's an oversimplification, but when you look at the different UN documents, they all tell you 99% of what they're going to do.
I mean, they state it.
And then when you read other documents, you go, oh my God, that one fits exactly in with this one.
And then they've got footnotes mentioning the other document.
So this is a big, long-term, strategic plan that we warned everybody about, that we told everybody about, that's now here.
I mean, I remember I made the Obama deception.
Over 12 years ago.
It came out right when he first got elected.
And we say, here's the UN plan to bring in a world carbon tax and only let you have meat a few times a year.
And it's from the plan.
And people are like, come on, Alex, that's never going to happen.
And then, of course, now they're on TV everywhere saying, do it.
They have a plan to shut down every part of the US economy until you're totally dependent on them Living in a 200 square foot building, getting half the calories you need, no vitamins and minerals, filled with deadly shots to get self-driving 18-wheelers that'll make deliveries of synthetic foodstuffs to you that are designed to poison you.
This is a reclamation program to absorb us and kill us and phase us out.
And so I've got the UN document right here.
And it's such a paradox that if I tell you the name of the document, then no one will care.
But if I say I'm not gonna do it like Q does and make it esoteric, well then everyone will want to know what's in the folder.
That's weird.
See, I don't operate like that.
I just tell you straight up what's going on.
Instead of all this creeping around business.
But this is a declaration of war against humanity.
And I really need to do a good job bringing it down.
In fact, maybe I won't do an emergency broadcast.
Maybe I'll just do like a 10-minute report on it and just boil it down.
But I don't know how you cover this in just 10 minutes.
I mean, every page is a freaking criminal admission of total genocide.
And then I can show you all of the articles in the news promoting each bit of this, and
now it's being implemented.
You know, folks, they're not just trying to censor us because they want to get Donald Trump out of office or because they, you know, want control.
They want to kill you.
And they've war-gamed the whole plan out how to incrementally cut off all the resources while they pose as the savior,
and while they get more power through each phase of the takeover.
And then I sit here, governing this, and it's just...
It's so amazing to be under attack in a war that's declared and we've got all the documents.
I mean, have you read Klaus Schwab's book?
I've read four of his damn books.
Every book he's written.
You'll own nothing, you'll have nothing.
We're gonna get rid of the family unit.
We're gonna sterilize everybody.
We're gonna put microchips in you to buy and sell using the threat of a virus.
And then he's on TV saying all this as well!
They're devaluing the currency.
They're collapsing the borders.
They've already shut off most of the power plants in the United States, where we have no redundancy, and now they're saying, get ready for a dark winter.
Oh, and I love how I just threw Klaus Schwab's book, The Great Reset, COVID-19, Great Reset, on the ground, and I'd forgotten it's got a bunch of Zimbabwe notes in it.
You know, $100 trillion, $10 trillion notes, that by the end of their inflation, you would need $10 trillion just to get a loaf of bread.
$100 trillion to stay in a hotel.
That brings us to the big subject when we come back.
I'll hit it all, all the inflation announcements, everything and what it means, but it's all... Remember the UN at a World Food Summit in Beijing Was it like 1993?
I can't remember the exact date.
You can pull it up.
That's what I want to dig up and get all the past stuff on this to give you the current stuff when I do the report.
And the head of the UN Food Program said, we're going to use food as a weapon to bring in global government.
I mean, they've told you, but here's the plan.
All war gamed out to collapse the world food supply, and now they've done it with the global lockdowns that are still ongoing in the third world.
And then they're the saviors and the U.N.
takes over.
I mean, every aspect of food production run by the U.N., not just the medical system and the U.N.
telling you publicly what you can talk about concerning COVID-19 or the so-called vaccine.
I mean, you just wake up and you're under corporate world government run by the U.N.
But here is the name of the document, one of the documents that no one's talked about.
This is a war game just like lockstep of how they'll take over.
Food chain reaction, a global food security game.
And they describe how it's going to collapse, what they're going to do during that, how the UN will take control using it, and really it's a war game battle plan of the takeover of society.
So I don't care about breaking this.
And really nobody else, except a few obscure shows I want to get on and give credit to, have even known about this.
And of course, we've seen all the policies in the real world, and we've seen the statements and all that, but this all explains how they do it years ago, and now they're doing it in live time.
Speaking of live time, when we come back on the other side, I am going to go right into The war that America's under and the Democratic Party cutting our energy off right now as we speak.
Stay with us.
All right.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
What did I say at the start of the broadcast today?
Globalism is the disease.
Everything else bad happening is a symptom of that.
So let's talk about inflation.
Let's talk about our energy being cut off.
Let's talk about where that's taking us and why.
The private run-for-profit Federal Reserve and other companies it controls, like BlackRock, are doing this.
Well, here's an example.
Here is, going back more than a decade ago, Zimbabwe Reserve Bank with $10 trillion and $100 trillion banknotes.
Now, why did the dictator do that?
Well, because over time, he could issue money to himself and buy up real things.
But over time, because he overprinted money, it became worthless.
It became not even worth the paper it's written on.
And so the private central banks of the world have been rapidly devaluing currencies while they buy up all the real infrastructure.
Then they leave us holding the devalued dollar and the inflation.
You know, there's footage out of Zimbabwe with wheelbarrows, just like happened in Weimar, Germany in the 20s.
Early 30s.
Happening yet again.
So, let's just go over some headlines that tie into this, then I'll go back into them.
Millionaire with many homes calls for you to pay a lot of money and make major sacrifices to save the planet.
And he's at one foot above sea level at Martha's Vineyard, which he said would be flooded over a decade ago, but it didn't.
All lies.
That's Obama.
CPI preview.
Brace for the highest number In decades of inflation.
Here's another one.
food banks struggle to feed hungry amid surging prices, Associated Press.
consumer prices soared 6.2% in the past year, most since 1990.
And that's click numbers that they heavily manipulate.
And I won't go into how they do that, but most of you know.
They change what's in the index.
They play a bunch of games.
Biden starts to freak out about soaring inflation, orders Economic Council to reduce energy costs, and I'm not joking, by shutting down more pipelines.
They already shut down the Keystone that took over a decade to build, $14 billion, and now they're shutting down thousands of other support lines and other major pipelines, thousands, hundreds of big ones, thousands of spurs, ending all new oil and gas drilling permits, and it gets worse.
One of the main lines out of Canada that supplies oil, gasoline, and natural gas to Michigan that then refines it and sends it all over the Midwest, particularly Illinois.
It, ladies and gentlemen, is to be closed.
Biden draws criticism over possible plan to shut down oil pipeline as winter approaches MSN.
Now he said he was going to do it.
Biden shutting down Pipeline 5 could send gas prices surging.
But don't worry, he's gonna fix it.
That's why they've already doubled.
He's on the job.
It's his job to shut the country down.
How shutting down a key pipeline could worsen Biden's fuel crisis?
Think so?
It's like, here, if I put a bag over your head or strangle you, you might die.
I have incredible information.
If I run over you with a truck, it might hurt you.
Biden might close Michigan pipeline, White House admits after calling report bogus.
That's what they always do, it's psych warfare.
But it gets better.
We have a clip of this.
Let's cue it up.
Biden comptroller nominee, who's a communist, on oil and gas industry.
We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.
We're talking about bankrupting America.
You see India and Mexico and China and 160 plus other countries don't make any climate cuts.
It's not about the climate.
They're allowed to operate because the global authority control them.
It's the first world they're capturing under an embargo, under siege, under war.
Joe Biden's nominee for comptroller of the currency.
Said the quiet part out loud during a seminar earlier this year, admitting that the oil, coal, and gas industries must go bankrupt to implement their Green New Deal agenda.
This is just communists cutting off the infrastructure, and I have trouble pronouncing her name.
It's Solly Amarova.
So, here is the communist Solyansky Cloward and Piven operative doing damn well what she's doing.
Something foreign countries couldn't do.
Something foreign navies couldn't block our goods coming in.
But now our own system, that's run by globalists, is literally destroying the country's currency, its name worldwide, dissolving its borders, cutting off the energy, and they're saying, massive power outages this winter.
Get ready for it again, because the feds don't let the states go above a certain amount of coal use.
And they're shutting down the final plants as we speak.
So Texas, this year, remember in February, said, we got a big blizzard coming, we need permission to up our power.
You could be arrested if you don't get authorization.
And the feds said, no.
You are not allowed to up your power because the earth all made up crap.
And you saw the power go out.
It's all an exercise of will and control over us.
And now a record arctic blast is coming and the feds are saying again to Texas and other states, you can't up your power.
An act of war.
This isn't an accident.
He approves a Russian pipeline, says no to an American pipeline that's already built.
So here is this monstrous communist.
Here it is.
For certain troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning.
And here what I'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry.
A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt.
In short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?
Yeah, it's really about getting rid of all the small players.
You know BP's the main funder of all this, along with Saudi Arabia.
Oh, why is that?
Because they're global and they ain't shutting crap down.
But in the United States, we were the number one energy producer in the world because we have what?
Small companies.
Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of small oil companies and gas companies.
Probably a third of my family in Texas has worked in wildcatting and for big companies, small companies.
I mean, that's why I know about the business.
And so I understand it.
And so it's the big multinational companies that want to shut it all down.
And you've got a dirty little communist who came to America so she can re-enact communism.
She's admitted Marx is Leninist, Maoist.
And she's just so excited about, she decides who goes bankrupt.
She decides who doesn't exist.
She decides who goes away.
She decides.
She decides.
And this is how this world works, ladies and gentlemen.
She'll starve you to death in a minute.
Just like the kulaks in Russia.
Because she wants that power and control.
And Klaus Schwab says, We will cut off their food, we will control them, and they will accept the Great Reset.
They think the public's so stupid that when the lights go off this winter that Biden won't get the blame.
But even if he gets the blame, he'll go away.
He's the puppet, you see.
He'll go away.
Meanwhile, when we come back, they say they're going to cut our power off and take your cars to save you from racism.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen.
Not just the racist roads, but racist trees.
And there's more.
Now, it doesn't make sense that that's, you know, it's meant to be mentally ill.
And you think that's crazy.
Well, you grew up in a half sane world.
Your children are being taught in almost all the public schools and many private schools literally that they're bad because they're white or literally they're owed something and a victim because they're black.
But don't worry, the big mega corporations, they're going to save you.
They're taking all your real rights and replacing them with made up crap.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to hit the key right now.
And again, I don't feel worthy to be bringing you this information.
I can't believe how out in the open it is, how they admit it's what they're doing, how they admit it's meant to consolidate and totally take control for megacorporations and meant to starve billions of people to death.
And then they're going to use the people fleeing the starvation to then take us over in replacement migration.
I mean, this is total war by the managerial class against the people at the behest of the psychotic ruling.
You know that big COP26 global climate conference they just had in Europe?
With the 400 private jets that flew to it?
Where Obama gave a speech about how you shouldn't be allowed to even have heating in your house, but he's got seven houses and everything.
I mean, it's just a sick joke.
A group of diesel gas generators are hidden from public view behind screens at the hashtag COP26 climate conference.
Why did they use wind or solar to power the event?
They're only going to cut your power off, folks.
Big article on InfoWars.com from ZeroHedge.com.
A severe blast of Arctic cold could impact U.S.
next week.
Weather observer Electroverse is forecasting a severe blast of Arctic air to encompass parts of the U.S.
lower 48 beginning late next week.
And of course, they're pointing out that we need the feds to up the amount of energy we can use.
But have you heard the governor of Texas and others go and complain and even point out that the feds wouldn't up the amount of power that the generators could do?
And why is that there?
And why is Texas under this greenhouse gas carbon crap?
Not a word.
It's because he's been given huge awards and huge amounts of money from the windmill, boondoggle, scam operations of T. Boone Pickens.
Here's another one.
Buddha judge is right, says the London Independent.
America's roads are racist.
Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson are pretending to misunderstand.
American Medical Association pushes pro-critical race theory materials in health equity guide, and they gaslight you and say it doesn't exist when you don't want it.
DOG launches probe into racist sewage.
I'm not joking.
RT reports the U.S.
Department of Justice has launched our first ever environmental justice investigation, looking into companies on behalf of black residents in rural Loudoun County, Alabama, about the disparate impact on waste disposal.
Sanitation is a basic human right, and no one in the United States should be exposed to the risk of illness and other serious harm because of inadequate access to safe and effective sewage management.
As they try to shut off our infrastructure, as the Feds pass laws to put all these high-tech scrubbers on the water systems, but then add deadly toxins in on top of it, bankrupting these systems that break, then if there's any sewage overflow or problems, well, the Feds will just indict somebody.
It's all part of weighing the system down till it breaks.
And then here is the UN putting out a report on how they're going to use the credit cards to force you, it's already begun, to pay carbon taxes.
Our understanding of the impact of reshaping all commercial activity on Earth.
The economy provides leading impact data services for individual corporations to help educate, engage, and reduce environmental impact.
Lifestyle impact.
Transaction impact, corporate impact, product impact, surveillance of what you buy and what you do to begin the taxing of it via its carbon system.
Go read it from the UN right here.
It's all being rolled out.
Oh, surveillance and Big Brother's never been so sexy as it is now.
Here's another one.
Africa to become a testing ground For TrustStamp vaccine record and payment system.
It's the TrustStamp digital app, which will soon be a chip.
This is all being reported with all your biometric data in it, and they're rolling it out on poor people first, ladies and gentlemen.
Africa becomes the first testing ground for TrustStamp vaccine record and payment system.
And Utah has announced it here.
ID2020 and the Partners Launch Program provide digital ID with vaccines.
Oh my goodness!
Mastercard joins Blockchain Digital Identity Alliance.
ID2020 to begin the carbon tax.
Personal carbon allowance revisited.
Nature Journal of Sustainability.
It's all in here.
Welcome to the CO2 monitoring credit card that cuts you off at your carbon max.
Personal carbon allowances.
Oh, the global methane pledge to tax humans for your methane.
And cows, even though it's part of the atmosphere and a good gas.
No, no, no, no, no.
Everything carbon's bad.
This is from the UN and from Biden signing the Global Methane Pledge.
And here's all the countries that signed it.
But notice they're not going to follow it.
It's only going to be Western countries that insert large tubes up the rear ends of cows to collect the methane and then pump it back into mine shafts.
Because it's so deadly when animals producing methane has always been part of the atmosphere and is needed on the earth to actually trap heat on the earth so we don't have a new ice age.
But by listing that, they're able to come out with everything.
And then here it is, the Global Methane Pledge on the UN's website.
Where you can learn about how evil this is and how they're going to stop that evil gas that comes out of insects, humans, fish, everything.
It's just so evil.
But oh, what's good is silicon.
It's wonderful.
Biden unveils new rules to curb methane, a potent greenhouse gas from oil and gas operations.
And your farm, Washington Post.
Yes, can't allow it.
Oh, but the big companies, they'll still operate.
They'll pay the tax to themselves, to one of their subsidiaries, and then everybody else gets shut down.
See how it works?
Joint US-EU press release on global methane pledge.
to sharply cut methane pollution that threatens the climate and the public health.
Oh, yes.
There's too many of us.
You want to kill us, but this will save us.
EPA's proposal to reduce climate and health-harming pollution from the oil and natural gas industry.
But I'm now moving against carbon dioxide and methane.
Those evil plants can't get that evil carbon dioxide they need.
No, no, no.
And it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
And of course, what's the great reset do?
Oh, all these folks that want to take a poison shot?
Now you know why the shot's so toxic, 'cause they could have just set up a World ID
with a placebo, but they wanted to hurt a bunch of folks, so smart people all get fired or quit their jobs,
and everything breaks down again as well.
Here's an example, New York City fire truck availability down to 55% manpower shortages due to vaccine mandate.
New York firefighters, and now up to half of major utility worker groups are being fired
because they won't take the shot.
And so now when the ice comes and the regular storms and there's power outages, you'll be in the dark two or three times longer.
Just getting used to that.
After all, what's Biden's new comptroller nominee say?
We want you to go bankrupt.
That's a quote.
Because then we can dictate total control.
Oh, but here's the clip of Obama.
Obama, owner of giant Martha's Vineyard and six other houses.
There is one thing that should transcend our day-to-day politics, and that's climate change.
Yes, just, you know, we are all gonna die if we don't let you run our lives.
And they just distract everyone with racism investigations, while the global lockdowns killed 25 million extra people, and counting most of them Africans.
But, oh, it doesn't matter because the corporations all have black spokespersons.
That's what matters.
The black folks are doing really great, ladies and gentlemen.
They've got corporate spokespersons.
They're now being used as literal camouflage for the New World Order.
Every commercial, every ad, every corporate spokesperson.
So that, oh, if you don't like what AT&T is doing, spying on you, or if you don't like the deadly fighter shot, well, I mean, look, we got a black spokesperson.
Nancy Pelosi blasted for failing to wear a mask while attending a lavish wedding.
Well, I mean, she's a supreme leader.
All right, we got a bunch of other news here on a fat, comfortable military is a woke military.
Also, Navy SEALs file a lawsuit.
And we've got a bunch of other breaking news.
I've got some more information on the Astro freakout devil event as well and more straight ahead.
And then Mike Adams has got big news he's breaking in the fourth hour, only 15 minutes away.
Look at this breaking news on InfoWars.com.
Biden admin surgeon general attacks Matthew McConaughey for not vaccinating his children.
We'll get to that in a moment.
Very important.
But first, If you see this article, you ask yourself, well, why does it matter?
Why is it a news story in the alternative media?
Well, I'll tell you why.
It's because it is a black basketball player, female player, punching a white player because, quote, her mother told her to because she was mad that her team was losing.
Bad sportsman-like conduct.
My point is, is that we've had white players hit black players and black players hit white players.
This type of bad stuff goes on.
The fact is, though, the liberal media If a white person had cold cocked a black person, it would be racial attack.
Top news story all over the news.
Hell, there's videos out there where like a little white kid will hit a black kid.
It's national news.
But when it's the other way around, it doesn't become national news.
So that's why the Internet is pointing all of this out.
But again, Attacks on whites was 10 to 1 black on white.
Now it's close to 20 to 1 in many cities because a lot of black folks have been taught whites are inherently Nazis and evil.
They deserve to be attacked.
Now most black people aren't like that, but the left promoting this and saying it's a good thing and saying George Floyd and all these people are heroes has legitimized a lot of racial attacks on white people.
And you see critical race theory put out by even AT&T saying whites are inherently bad.
I've also seen a trend, without even looking for it, on the internet, on Instagram, on Twitter, on YouTube, on Jimmy Kimmel, on Trevor Noah, on all these shows, John Oliver, that, oh, look at the poor babies!
They don't like being held now for nine months, many of them in solitary confinement, up to 30 plus hours at a time.
And Kimmel makes fun of the guy going, wow, he says he was holding solitary confinement for 30 hours a day.
He doesn't even know there's 24.
No, it's in the court that sometimes they're held up to two days without being allowed out of the cell for even one hour.
That's solitary confinement.
That's maximum security prison stuff.
For some of the people didn't even hit anybody.
And it turns out a lot of the stuff we heard was lies, and they're there promoting the police state like it's the best thing they've ever seen.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, again, had a very short clip of this, and it was on the news.
They were attacking it.
Here it is.
They saw me and they just started yelling and cheering and clapping and crying and looking in their eyes was like looking at people who thought that they were forgotten and they had lost hope.
Now let's talk about what's really going on.
Remember AOC went down to the border and said children were drinking out of toilets and it was an empty facility and it wasn't a toilet.
It's a toilet system with a sink and a water fountain at the top.
It has three different water systems.
Congress people go around the world to see if countries are abusing folks.
And they go tour things.
They've not been let in for months.
They've never been let in to get an actual tour and actually meet with the people or see their conditions.
Again, another sign of serious North Korea-style control.
But to see these attacks is just so dangerous.
And the left loves Julian Assange being In solitary confinement for many years and basically totally mentally ill and dying with his teeth all falling out.
They love the SWAT teaming of James O'Keefe and the destruction of journalism.
They love it.
They're authoritarians.
They've teamed up with the establishment to loot the country.
And they think they'll be part of the ruling class when the nation completely collapses.
The country is at war.
We're on our last legs.
We're being destroyed.
I don't say that to Demoralize you?
I say it so that Congress and legislatures and the better senators we have will stand up and be leaders and say, this is wrong.
This is out of control.
This is classical tyranny.
This has got to stop.
And instead, they make these type of jokes.
I mean, this is everywhere.
This is from Twitter.
The bad guys of the January 6th have changed their tune.
On one side they've got like a rabid attack dog that says, Proud Boys before and during January 6th insurrection.
And then next to it, Proud Boys crying and begging for leniency after January 6th.
Here's another one.
No, they were crying for mom and it shows a guy.
F your feelings.
Wearing a MAGA outfit, now he's behind bars saying, this isn't fair, I want my mom!
All dehumanized.
Many of them don't even have trial dates.
Held nine months in solitary confinement.
And then meanwhile, convicted child molesters running around shooting at people and burning things down.
They worship them.
Oh, they're a child molester!
Oh, they're good!
Carl Rittenhouse is bad!
George Soros loves the child molesters.
It's just totally sick.
But this is their takeover, and them rubbing our noses in it, and getting us used to collapsing borders, and getting us used to the dollar not buying as much, and getting us used to the power going off, and getting us used to weird creepy dudes in clown outfits for drag queen pedophile story time coming, and just, and white people are racist, and America sucks, and we're getting rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, no borders, no walls, and he was ill.
All of it to demoralize you.
So the answer is to go out and not be demoralized.
The answer is to support independent media.
The answer is to pray for an awakening.
The answer is to call on the talk radio and go speak at the State House and to demonstrate and to rally and to go to your church and demand they cover real issues and to say no to their poison death shots and let them know that we've got God and we've got our love of country and that we're not going to submit to them and that we understand they want to break our will and instead we're going to take the challenge and stand up like I've been doing And work even harder and more and more intense to fight these monsters and never submit to them and never back down.
And I gotta tell you, in this battle, they're losing and that's why they're panicking and throwing everything they've got at us right now.
I know you guys brought me the Matthew McConaughey article in, but I just don't see where it was put on the right.
All right, here it is.
No, I don't have it.
It's fine.
I can read it off my phone.
That is Biden admin surgeon general attacks.
And that is team girl basketball.
Just I'll read off the phone.
No problem.
I'm not mad.
I mean, I know you brought it into me.
I just, you know, it's not here.
I mean, I have problems sometimes.
I get so many articles out here on my desk that stuff just moves around.
I can't find it.
I can read it off my phone.
A little level of tracker system.
No problem.
It is a very important John Bowne report up on InfoWars.com that really says it all.
Yeah, I'll just keep going to the next hour.
Reprint it for me, guys.
Thanks a lot.
Appreciate that.
Reprint it for me.
I know you brought it in.
I know you brought it in for me, but I don't have it now, so it just isn't working out.
Oh, God.
Boy, there's so much news here, too.
Let me do this or we won't be on the air.
This is what the system really hopes that you don't tune into and that you don't take action with.
And it's this information.
We need funds to continue to keep this broadcast on air.
And we can't do it without you.
And we've also got great products that you really, really need for you and your family.
So I'm just going to ask the listeners to think about the broadcast and think about what it means to the fight against these tyrants so that we can continue to stay on air at the same time you get great products.
So, we have the Black Friday sale.
Just go ahead and bring it to me.
Here, I'll come get it.
No problem.
Thanks a lot.
Anyways, back to what I was saying.
So, anyways, back to what I was saying.
We can't stay on air, and we can't operate, and we can't fight these tyrants, unless we're on air.
And everything the enemy's doing is trying to shut down the pro-human resistance.
And so, all I'm asking you to do is take the best articles, and the best videos, and the best information, and to hand share it with everyone you know, and to text message it, and to send it out on your email, and that's how we circumvent these monsters, and you've been doing a great job.
But we've got to then tell those that you give the information to, that they need to get it out to other people as well.
And that's what this comes down to.
So again, double Patriot points, throw-out free shipping, 60% off Ultra 12, Ultimate Bone Broth back in stock after two years being out, Rainforce Plus is back in stock, the Great Nootropic, 60% off.
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We are sold out of BrainForce Ultra that is super fast acting, super strong, amazing nootropic
and what it does to the mind, the clarity is incredible.
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One word, spelled out, 50percentoff.com.
And it's 50% off along with DNA Force Plus.
It's 40% off at InfoWareStore.com.
It's 50% off at 50%off.com.
So I thank you and I appreciate you.
All right, I'll cover the Matthew McConaughey news.
It's really important when we come back, then Mike Adams is ready to take over in hour number four.
Stay with us.
All right, folks, final segment I'm hosting.
Really appreciate all the listeners and affiliates and also the crew.
I seem like I'm throwing fits in here.
It has nothing to do with the crew.
At a certain point, I just get too pissed off reading this stuff all day.
And people say like, man, you could be really entertaining on other people's podcasts and stuff.
Why aren't you like that on your own show?
Everything's wonderful.
Go take the shots.
Go to Disney World, man.
Let's go get drunk.
We're being murdered.
They're cutting our fricking energy off.
There's gonna be giant power outages and tons of deaths across the country this winter.
Mark my words.
And I had to watch weirdo rich communists on TV giggling and laughing about it.
And I saw the article popped up on InfoWars.
I'm like, bring me the McConaughey story.
Bring it.
I didn't know that they had.
It had a different headline.
It was another article.
So I just saw the Surgeon General on the front, didn't know it was the article.
I apologize to the crew for throwing fits.
And that's why I may just have to take a few days off.
I just, I just, it's hard to watch these people killing us.
It's really sick.
Mike Adams is about to take over.
He always has amazing breaking news.
I know he's got a lot coming out of Natural News.
I look forward to that.
I'll be listening as soon as he takes over here and then Owen Sawyer's at 3 p.m.
Matthew McConaughey says he is against vaccine mandates for children and refuses to give approved shot to his children ages 13, 11, and 8.
Well, now Biden admin Surgeon General attacks Matthew McConaughey for not vaccinating his children.
And of course, when that erases their immune system, this monster, this piece of garbage, this filth!
I can't even look at this guy, this liar!
We'll want you to take more and more of their crap!
And then this piece of garbage, Albert Bolrulla, the head of Pfizer, Says the CIA will come get us if we don't let him kill us.
The damn monsters.
I mean, we're living in live time.
So tired of these people.
I'm sick of them.
I'm tired of them attacking us, jabbing our children with poisons over and over again, killing us, giving us heart disease, murdering us, poisoning us, and laughing about it over and over again.
Well, they violently attack us.
He runs around, look at him, and says, oh, the terrorists are about to attack.
Oh my gosh, you're attacking us.
You're the terrorist.
You're the Extinction Rebellion, death cult, 12 monkey murderer.
You are, you're the monster, you're the killer, you're the scum.
You're the threat.
It's all your fault.
You and Bill Gates and all the rest of you.
You push too far.
You thought you could do this?
You thought you'd get away with this?
You will pay for what you've done.
But the last thing we want is this murdering sack of garbage to have anybody shooting or bomb their facilities.
They're gonna do that to themselves.
You know that's the next move.
But we need to assassinate their character and we need to destroy them and we need to politically Non-violently, burn them to the ground!
Because they're coming for our children, they've got a model to erase our immune systems, and then give us shot after shot after shot until we die!
And we're not gonna put up with it!
And we're not gonna accept their declaration of war against us, these lying criminals!
President Biden's U.S.
Surgeon General lectured popular actor and political Texas gubernatorial candidate Matthew McConaughey during a segment with CNN on Tuesday.
You know about this.
After the vaccinated film star said that he wants more information, oh, you're not allowed to do that, before deciding whether or not to vaccinate his three children, the establishment felt the need to counter his statement.
Hey, what about all the schools getting shut down around the country from vaccine reactions, or the heart attacks, or the deaths?
Again, John Bowne's got the report up there and it's true.
The future of warfare is a hypodermic needle.
It went from stones, to spears, to arrows, to bullets, to missiles, to the syringe, the hypodermic needle.
I want everybody to get in war mode and call everybody you know and tell them tune in right now to Mike Adams.
Because I'm not everybody's cup of tea.
But we got a lot of great guests and a lot of great hosts and a lot of great people here at InfoWars and we're fighting hard and we're not going down without a fight!
So I want you now to tell everybody you know, tune into this show!
Well, it's now out in the open that the New World Order is destroying America,
but there is a Great Awakening happening. But if InfoWars isn't on the air, if they're able to
shut us down, that's going to be a big victory for the enemy. And so you need to understand,
we need your support to be able to really take it to the globalist at the end of 2021, end of 2022.
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Find it all at InfoWareStore.com.
All right, welcome to the fourth hour today, folks.
Mike Adams here.
And the show that you just listened to with Alex laying out the full assault on humanity and the energy shortages, the food shortages, the engineered biowarfare, the attacks on children, all of that, I'm sorry to say today, that was the good news.
What you're about to hear in this hour is the true bad news on a planetary scale.
There is a decarbonization, terraforming operation underway right now.
It sounds like science fiction.
It's like something ripped right out of the movie called Oblivion, starring Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman.
And it is happening right now.
And today, on this broadcast, I'm going to show you the links, I'm going to show you the map, I'm going to show you... Oh, I mean, the crew will be able to pull up press releases to talk about how they are shutting down Earth's atmosphere and taking away the molecules of life.
Which is carbon dioxide.
And the element of life, which is carbon.
And you are made of carbon.
We are all carbon-based life.
The plants are carbon.
The animals are carbon.
The atmosphere has carbon in it.
Not much.
But what's left there, they're trying to remove it.
And they're now Going to build mega machines, which are terraforming machines.
Almost like something out of Aliens 2.
Remember that movie?
Where they were visiting a planet and they had giant terraforming operation factories there to alter the atmosphere?
That is being constructed in Iowa.
And Illinois and some other nearby states.
It's about five states that this project is now in the beginning stages of being constructed.
They're using eminent domain to seize farmland in order to build these atmosphere carbon dioxide sucking machines to kill the planet.
Now, understand...
That carbon dioxide is the molecule that allows plants to grow.
So if you want to have a green planet, you need more CO2.
You need CO2 for forests.
You need carbon dioxide for food crops.
You need carbon for human beings.
And let me give you the keywords here so the crew can pull this up of what's actually going on.
Search for Heartland Greenway.
That's part of this operation.
In fact, I think the website is heartlandgreenway.com.
And then we're going to bring up a pipeline that I mentioned to the crew during the break from the hawkeye.com, okay?
So this is a project that's being pushed as a green project to save the planet.
And as you can see, they say they're building the future.
They show crops and corn crops, and it looks like it's green, looks like it's going to grow food.
But the actual project is about installing mega machines, massive machine operations that will suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, depriving food crops of that carbon, and then it will turn that carbon dioxide into liquid CO2.
And using these pipelines that cross South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, as you can see, and a lot of Iowa, they will pipe this liquid carbon dioxide into Illinois.
And there they will sequester it.
They will push it probably underground.
I'm not sure what their sequestration technology is yet, but it's probably going to be stored underground where they will deprive the world's plants and trees and crops from being able to access this carbon dioxide.
And this is an existing technology.
They're rolling it out.
And even Ice Age Farmer has covered this as well in a shocking video that's probably worth checking out.
This is, they're going to pull the carbon out of the air, and they're stealing farmers' land now using eminent domain in order to build this pipeline.
Now, it's not a pipeline of oil, obviously.
It's a pipeline to steal carbon dioxide.
Now, at the same time, the Biden regime is shutting down the oil pipelines, the energy pipelines.
And we're going to talk today even about fertilizer, and how fertilizer is made using hydrocarbons, using something called the Haber process, which was invented many, many years ago, I mean decades, generations ago, by I think it was a German scientist named Haber, H-A-B-E-R.
We're going to talk about that and you're going to understand the chemistry of why Biden is shutting down
fossil fuels and the hydrocarbon pipelines while building pipelines to rip the molecule of life, which is carbon
dioxide, out of the atmosphere and hide it away underground.
And at the same time, then, on a spiritual level, they are unleashing from the underworld these demonic entities. This
is what you saw with Astroworld. This is the demonic infestation of many, many active human beings, or former human beings,
I should say, who are demonically possessed.
They are unleashing Satanism through Netflix and Hollywood and movies.
They're trying to take over the world with these bizarre satanic rituals.
And many people believe that the spike protein injection of 5 to 11 year olds is, in fact, some kind of mass demonic death ritual, a blood ritual involving children.
So what's really happening in our world is they're unleashing from the underworld, and to say it again, unleashing from the underworld the demonic entities while they're sucking the life molecules out of our atmosphere and pushing those underground.
So what should have been kept underground in the depths of literal hell is being unleashed, and at the same time what should be freely circulating in the atmosphere is being hidden away underground to deprive Okay, so that's the cosmic interpretation of what's happening here.
And I know Alex describes it as something that would be undertaken by even extraterrestrials, theoretically speaking.
We're not saying that's actually what it is, but if there were aliens trying to kill our planet, this seems to be one of the most effective ways they would do it.
Some people believe it's more of a demonic, extra-dimensional attack on humanity, and then other people believe it's just evil, greed-driven globalists seeking depopulation.
Whatever narrative that you choose to believe, among those three, or pick your own, the point is they're all congruent.
They all involve the same thing, which is a massive global death cult.
And this death cult is attacking our atmosphere, it's attacking our food supply, it's attacking our energy supply, it's attacking our psychology with psychological operations and journo-terrorism carried out by the mainstream media largely.
And they're attacking our biology with spike protein biological weapons, and releasing other bioweapons with many more aggressive bioweapons yet to come.
Still, probably this year, and if not this year, early next year.
So it's a multifaceted, multidimensional attack on humanity.
Planet Earth has been targeted, and the goal is to carry out planetary-scale ethnic cleansing to eliminate humanity.
from planet Earth in order to prepare Earth for a post-human future.
So that's exactly where we are at right now.
And then for the rest of the hour here today, I'm going to give you a lot more details of how this plan is being carried out and how the Green Movement is used as a camouflage, a cover, to hide the actual genocide that's taking place right now.
I'm also going to share with you some chemistry.
Like I said, we're going to go through the Haber process, but also The chemistry of what's in the air, which is nitrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide and a few other minor noble gases like argon and so on, but mostly it's oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
That's not in the correct order.
It's actually nitrogen is the largest and then oxygen and then at a much smaller amount of carbon dioxide.
These three Uh, molecules, like O2 and CO2.
These molecules are absolutely necessary for human civilization to continue to exist.
And what a lot of people don't know, I don't think anybody else has presented this information, nitrogen is under attack.
By shutting down the hydrocarbon fossil fuels that are used to make fertilizer.
So we're going to talk about the engineered fertilizer shortages, how they're trapping nitrogen in the atmosphere to deny access to nitrogen by plant roots in the crop fields.
We're going to talk about how they're shutting down oxygen, and then how they are stealing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which is a reverse terraforming operation.
And by reverse terraforming, I mean normally terraforming is to give life to a planet.
In this case, they're taking life away from this planet.
So it's a reverse terraforming war on a cosmic scale to target planet Earth.
We're going to come back after this short break.
We're going to talk about the chemistry.
We're going to talk about the fertilizer shutdown.
We're going to talk about the fossil fuel shutdown.
And how they are trying to starve out and destroy every last shred of human civilization and even erase history to leave no trace that humanity ever set foot on planet Earth.
So that's where we are.
We'll be right back after this coming break.
I'm Mike Adams here on InfoWars.com.
Tell everybody to tune in.
What you're about to hear is truly Earth-shattering information.
We'll be right back.
Alright, Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm from, of course, naturalnews.com and I'm a food scientist.
Today we're going to talk about some science.
I'm going to give you a crash course very quickly so you'll understand hydrocarbons, fertilizer, atmospheric chemistry, nitrogen fixing, photosynthesis, and the Haber process.
How about that?
A little biology and chemistry 101.
So here's why this is critical, because when you understand what makes life possible on this planet, Then you understand how it is being attacked by the globalists and the anti-humanists or whoever they are.
They are extremely evil, and they know what's necessary for life to persist on this planet.
So, first things first.
If we look at what's in the atmosphere, it's primarily nitrogen, about 79% or so.
Then oxygen, roughly about 20%.
I mean, these are rough numbers.
Then there's carbon dioxide, which is a little bit above 400 parts per million, which is a very, very tiny percentage of the concentration.
of the total atmosphere, and then the rest of that is argon and other minor gases and so on.
Now, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are absolutely necessary to sustain life on the planet as we know it today.
So let's start with the big one, nitrogen.
Nitrogen's free in the air.
But plants need it in order to grow, to feed the world.
Right now, across planet Earth, there are about 3.8 billion people who are dependent on nitrogen fixing to provide nitrogen as fertilizer, to feed plants, to grow the food that feeds those 3.8 billion people.
If you shut down the process of converting nitrogen in the air into fertilizer, Then you kill 3.8 billion people, you understand, which is about 50%, little under 50% of the world.
What is necessary in order to convert nitrogen into, well, ammonia, which is a nitrogen-fixing molecule that's a precursor to most of the fertilizers that are used to grow plants.
What's necessary to do that?
The answer is hydrocarbons.
So hydrocarbons from fossil fuels.
If you have hydrocarbons from methane, from natural gas, from other types of fossil-based fuels, then there is a direct process of pulling nitrogen out of the air and creating fertilizer to grow food.
That process is called the Haber process.
And it was created I don't know how long ago, over a hundred years ago, I think.
The Haber process requires big machines, because it has to be done at, I think, 200 or 250 times atmospheric pressure.
It has to be done at very high temperatures.
Once you have your machinery built, you feed in, basically, fossil fuels, and then it pulls nitrogen out of the air for free.
And it creates ammonia, NH3.
N is nitrogen, H is hydrogen from the hydrocarbons.
This process feeds the world.
It's the most important chemical equation probably for human civilization.
That's why you should be familiar with it.
That's why we're covering it here.
Again, it's very simple.
Nitrogen plus hydrocarbons from fossil fuel makes fertilizer that grows food.
You can't do this directly from solar, or from wind, or even from nuclear energy.
You can't just take electricity and combine it with nitrogen and make ammonia.
It doesn't work!
The chemistry does not work!
If you convert all fossil fuel systems into so-called green energy systems, Then you starve half the world, literally, because you don't have the means to pursue this Haber process equation that actually produces the food.
So understand, I know I'm repeating myself, but when Biden is cutting off the pipelines...
You know, I think the Line 5 pipeline that comes from Canada into Michigan is the latest target.
But there are other pipelines.
When Biden shuts down fossil fuels across America, when he shuts down oil drilling and oil transportation and trucking and shipping and all these things that are necessary to move hydrocarbons, Across the continental United States and even to import and export hydrocarbons from our ports.
When Biden does that, it's not just a war on America.
It's a war on science.
It's a war on food.
It's a war on the Haber process that feeds half the world literally.
And I haven't heard anybody explaining it that succinctly, and this is critical to understand.
He will starve us by shutting down fossil fuels, and that is the plan.
Believe me, they have scientists who understand this.
They know how simple it is.
The vulnerability.
You shut down hydrocarbons, you shut down food.
Alright, so that's nitrogen.
And fertilizer plants right now are being shut down in the UK.
There's a fertilizer company called CF Industries that operates a big plant in Louisiana.
They had to shut down after the most recent storm.
I think they're up and running right now, but the distribution is having problems.
There are fertilizer production facilities around the world that are being shut down, even in Australia.
It's all part of the same plan to starve us to death and to cut off fossil fuels, and also to raise the prices of fertilizer.
And there are farmers across Europe who can't even order fertilizer right now because it's gone.
It's not even being produced.
They shut down because those other companies in Europe have said on the record that it's no longer economically feasible to produce the fertilizer because the fossil fuel prices are so high.
Because Europe tried to shut down fossil fuels and go over to a green economy.
It's a suicide pact to do that, of course, folks.
It's a death cult.
A green death cult.
And they will go to the grave believing in their green energy solutions as they starve to death and their children starve to death.
And they'll think, oh, the solution must be shut down more fossil fuels and jab their children with more spike proteins and release more bioweapons on the world to depopulate the world and so on.
They are death cultists, okay?
Every last one of them, and the globalists that are pushing this.
But if we understand basic chemistry and science, then we can push back against this, and we can protect planet Earth from the lunatics that are trying to turn it into a frozen ice ball.
We'll get to that.
You take CO2 out of the atmosphere, you turn Earth into a frozen ice ball like the Hoth planet from Empire Strikes Back.
No food, no crops, no life.
If you lack CO2, your planet's done.
Alright, and you want proof of that?
Pull this up, guys.
Search for terraforming Mars, NASA, CO2.
You're going to bring up articles, because I've reviewed them all, that talk about the way to bring life back to Mars, to terraform Mars, is to unleash a massive amount of CO2.
CO2 is the gas that can give Mars a thicker atmosphere, a warmer planet, a more lush planet, where water can exist at atmospheric pressure without, of course, us sublimating into a vapor immediately.
If you want liquid water, if you want rivers and streams and oceans, and you want crops, and you want life on a planet, you gotta release a massive amount of CO2.
Everybody at NASA knows that.
All the scientists know this.
This is basic science, folks.
This is high school science, really, that I'm talking about.
But these lunatic leftists are trying to kill all of us by saying CO2 is a bad molecule.
It's... I call it the God molecule.
It's the molecule of life.
Not just for Earth, but the molecule of life for every planet that we could possibly ever discover in the cosmos.
If it's going to have life on it, it's going to have CO2 in the atmosphere.
Because that's what provides the carbon, and it provides the atmospheric density, and the pressure, and the warmth, which creates the humidity.
It allows the oceans to evaporate water, and then the clouds to drop the water on the land, and that's how you have forests, and fields, and food crops, and rivers, and streams, and fish, and everything that makes a society.
Sustainable civilization is at stake here, and they're killing it one molecule at a time right now So this continues stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break with more Chemistry more science more about human civilization how we stay alive during this cosmic assault on humanity.
I'm Mike Adams We'll be right back after this break All right, thank you for continuing with me here today.
We're doing a chemistry lesson that reveals how the globalists are destroying humanity right now, meticulously, and they're attacking the science of human civilization and what keeps us sustainable.
So we've covered the Haber process, which is how hydrocarbons are combined with nitrogen from the air in order to produce ammonia fertilizers that produce the food crops that feed 3.8 billion people about half the world.
All right, now we're going to talk about photosynthesis.
So photosynthesis is the process of course which by plants produce energy by taking inputs which are carbon dioxide also out of the atmosphere and then water through their roots and then sunlight energy as well so ultraviolet radiation plus carbon dioxide plus water H2O then Results in the photosynthesis process.
Plants use this then to build everything that they need to live.
Leaves, stems, seeds, fruits, roots, everything.
More importantly, plants, not just food crops, but all plants, trees and so on, they also synthesize the molecules they need in order to survive.
So plants make their own antibiotics.
Did you know that?
Did you know that if a plant didn't make antibiotics that microbes of the soil would just eat all the plant roots?
Instantly, or very quickly.
So plants have to make all of their own so-called pharmaceuticals.
Of course it's not Big Pharma, it's Mother Nature and God.
And plants use the elements that came from those inputs that I just mentioned.
So you have carbon dioxide, gives them carbon and oxygen.
And then water gives them hydrogen and oxygen.
And out of just the three elements, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they can make almost everything they need.
Not totally everything, but almost everything.
For example, did you know that vitamin C Is made out of only three elements.
The three I just mentioned.
Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
And that's it.
Did you know that most of your hormones in your body are made out of just those three?
For example, progesterone, the hormone that allows a woman's body to grow another human being and give birth to a living human baby.
Hopefully you can keep it safe, you know, from the left-wing abortionists.
But if you want a living human baby, you've got to have progesterone.
Progesterone is made out of what?
Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
For those of you consuming or growing cannabis, what are CBD molecules made of?
The cannabinoids.
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
That's it.
There's nothing else in there.
Plants rearrange the elements in order to create molecules that are functional.
And carbon is the center of this process.
Now, of course, there are other molecules that will use other elements, like, for example, in your blood you have iron, and in plants you have magnesium, and so on.
You know, occasionally you'll have these other elements that are part of more complex molecules, but the basic element of life is carbon.
Now, there's so much carbon moving around our world.
It's in the air, it's in the plants, it's in you and I. And at the atomic level, carbon atoms are so widespread and they're so shared, you can almost think of the world as a river of carbon that's going in and out of people's bodies as they are born and they die.
And it is a scientific fact that right now, at this very moment, You have in your body carbon atoms that were once in the body of Jesus Christ himself.
That is a scientific fact.
The body of Christ is literally in you right now because carbon is, again, a river of elements that moves throughout the food web, throughout the web of life, throughout the atmosphere, throughout our planet.
It is the key of civilization.
So when the globalists say they are declaring war on carbon, they're declaring war on life.
If there were an element that you could call the God element, it would be carbon.
Carbon-based life.
And so, every time they say they have to decarbonize, they're saying they have to eliminate life on our planet.
And carbon dioxide is the molecule in the atmosphere that provides the carbon to the plants.
And then the plants are eaten by animals.
And then both plants and animals are eaten by humans.
So your body, when you were a child developing in your mother's womb, and it's only mothers, not fathers, okay?
Dave Chappelle is correct about that.
Everybody has a mom.
Everybody was born from a mother, period.
Now, the carbon that was used to make your body came from the air.
Through the plants, through this photosynthesis process that I'm talking about, through the carbon cycle, you are made of elements from air.
Understand that?
All of us are.
And now they're attacking the air.
They're attacking the carbon in the air.
They're saying that they have to wage a war on carbon and they have to remove the carbon from the atmosphere.
It's the ultimate cosmic attack on life on planet Earth.
It's an attack that is being run in parallel with the food shortages and the energy shortages and the bioweapons and everything else that you're aware of.
But carbon is the key element that makes us, that keeps us alive and makes our civilization sustainable.
And if we don't have it, we are gone.
Now, we've covered nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
And by the way, if we had more carbon dioxide, the world would be greener.
Carbon dioxide has risen very slowly over the last generation or so.
You could say 40 or 50 years or maybe even 100 years.
Very slowly.
And it's crept up over 400 parts per million.
NASA has satellite imagery showing that the higher the carbon dioxide level gets, the more green the planet becomes.
There is a greening effect taking place.
Areas that were once deserts are able to grow some food.
Areas that were once arid, barren fields are able to grow forests.
And the forests that have previously existed are becoming more lush.
And in fact, there's research out there that talks about the flowers in the rainforests, the orchids and all kinds of other flowers that are used by pollinators around the world.
Those forests are becoming more green because of more CO2 in the atmosphere.
If we want a green planet, the true green movement should be about releasing carbon dioxide.
Filling the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide, we would have more food, we would have more flowers, we would have more pollinators, we would have more life.
It's so simple.
Once you understand the basic chemistry, it's absolutely simple.
Carbon dioxide is the molecule of life, and carbon is the element of God, the God element.
You know how in physics they're always saying they're searching for the God particle?
Well, we already have a God element.
It's carbon.
And we are carbon-based life forms.
Now, what about oxygen, you might ask?
Well, oxygen, typically appearing in the form of O2, right?
Which is just two oxygen atoms that are bound together in a gaseous form at normal atmospheric pressure.
O2 is released, of course, by plants and trees as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
So, carbon dioxide and sunlight is necessary for plants to produce the oxygen that you and I breathe.
Without photosynthesis, oxygen levels plummet around the world and we all asphyxiate.
We die from being unable to breathe.
And how do they shut down photosynthesis?
They attack sunlight and they attack carbon dioxide.
Two things.
How are they attacking sunlight?
Stratospheric aerosol injection.
Releasing pollutants into the atmosphere.
It's a Bill Gates project.
They already have all the plans.
They're ready to do this.
They want to block the sun.
They want to dim the sun and block photosynthesis and shut off the food supply, resulting in less oxygen being produced.
Not only on land, but also in the oceans.
Don't forget that photosynthesis takes place In the shallow depths of the oceans, which of course covers the majority of Earth's surface.
So you have the seagrasses and the seaweeds and all the different sea life that is green, that is photosynthesis in the ocean.
It's producing oxygen as well.
And when you dim the sun, you shut down photosynthesis in the oceans and on land as well.
They are terraforming planet Earth.
This is the big upshot.
They're terraforming the planet to make it colder, to make it frozen, to have lower levels of oxygen concentration, lower levels of CO2 concentration, and to make the sun dimmer.
In other words, they're trying to make planet Earth resemble some other planet that would be much farther away from the sun.
In its orbit.
A planet that isn't Earth.
A planet that isn't even Mars.
A planet that's more distant from the Sun.
A cold, dim, lifeless planet.
That's what they're trying to turn Earth into right now.
And they've announced the machinery is being installed in Iowa in order to make this happen.
It's here.
Oblivion is here.
This is no longer science fiction.
This is science fact.
We'll be back to wrap this up after this short break.
Mike Adams here on InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Alright, we're going to wrap up this Very interesting chemistry lesson here about sustainable life on Earth in this final segment today, and I want to thank you for sticking with me on this.
First, I got a comment on Aaron Rodgers, and the whole world owes Aaron Rodgers an apology, because you know the CDC changed its definition of a vaccine in order to allow emergency use authorization for the non-vaccine vaccine, which is, of course, the mRNA injections.
They are not vaccines by the traditional definition.
So the CDC changed its definition.
To say that a vaccine is now anything that helps prevent disease, basically.
That's it.
That's what's on their website, or some very close version of that.
So, according to the CDC's own definition, Aaron Rodgers could have taken vitamin D and described it as a vaccine.
And that's not what he did.
I'm not claiming that's what he did.
But anything that prevents disease can be labeled a vaccine, according to the CDC.
So Aaron Rodgers is absolutely correct.
And by the way, you can go out and you can eat raw honey that's made from local flowers, right?
The pollen is local.
So the honeybees went out locally and got it all.
And if you eat that raw honey, it introduces your immune system to that pollen, and it's a vaccine.
A food-based vaccine that Mother Nature creates, you see.
So yes, if you eat raw honey that's made locally, you can say you've been vaccinated against the pollens.
The pollen proteins and pollen in the air and so on.
You actually have taken a vaccine.
And in the history of medicine, where did vaccines come from originally?
Cow pox.
So early doctors would go find cows with cow pox disease and they would harvest the pus from the pustules and they would take that and they would rub it into little wounds in children and adults.
I know it sounds pretty crazy, but that's what they did.
That was the earliest form of vaccination.
And then the people that were rubbed with that cow pox, they would be sick for a few days and then their immune system would respond and they would recover and then they were vaccinated against cow pox slash small pox, okay?
So all of those qualify as vaccines.
Vaccine doesn't have to come out of a needle.
The entire mainstream media are nothing but liars.
They know they're lying.
They are totally dishonest.
They are scientifically and medically ignorant.
They don't know anything about vaccinations.
Aaron Rodgers knows much more than they do, and he is correct, and they all owe him an apology.
That's my take on it.
And by the way, speaking of apologies, you know, the world owes, well, the media owes Kyle Rittenhouse an apology.
That young man did nothing but defend himself against violent attackers.
Violent attackers that were trying to shoot him.
And you'll notice that Kyle Rittenhouse did not engage in indiscriminate shooting of everybody standing around.
In fact, he withheld his own actions as a last resort against violent attackers who were trying to murder him, trying to kill him.
One with a pistol aimed right at him, it seems like less than five feet away or something very close like that.
Kyle Rittenhouse...
Only use his rifle as a last-ditch effort to save his own life against an aggressive violent attacker and The fact that he is being prosecuted is a grave injustice and it really demonstrates to the entire world that our Justice our so-called justice system is so broken It is so unfair that right now, no one who is pro-Second Amendment, or pro-First Amendment, or pro-Trump, or pro-Christianity, no conservative can expect a fair trial under this so-called system of justice today.
Meanwhile, left-wing terrorists and lunatics and violent attackers are just set free, no charges for them.
So yes, we have a two-tiered justice system.
The world owes Kyle Rittenhouse an apology.
And I would not be surprised if the judge in that trial...
dismisses this case with prejudice in fact and and I believe he should and he may be heading in that direction we'll have to wait and see but Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent and every rational reasonable person would have done the same thing in his situation he tried to flee they came after him they tried to kill him he shot in self-defense in order to save his own life end of story clear self-defense case so so Rittenhouse we are with you And we know that you are innocent and we know that the nation will pray for you and pray for this trial to be dismissed against you.
Alright, now getting back to our science lesson, and I could never have imagined years ago that I would be teaching chemistry here on InfoWars.com, but these are the times in which we live, right?
You never know what we're going to end up doing on any particular day.
Now, of course, we've covered the fertilizer, we've covered photosynthesis, we've covered nitrogen fixing, checking my notes here, we've covered, oh yes, oxygen levels and carbon dioxide.
And what you need to understand now Is that the food shortages are baked in.
They've already shut down fertilizer production around the world.
They've shut down the pipelines.
They've shut down logistics and supply chain operations.
So the crop harvests of 2022 and beyond are already catastrophic.
They will not be able to grow the food in 2022 that they grew in 2021.
Not even close.
Not in Europe.
Not in North America.
Not in China?
Not in Australia?
So the starvation, the food scarcity, or as the media likes to call it, food insecurity, hey, it's people starving, okay?
It's already set.
It's already coming.
And anybody who's not getting prepared with extra, not just stored food, but the ability to grow food, if you're not getting prepared, You know, you're insane.
You're out of the loop.
Starvation is going to be a global phenomenon in 2022, and it's going to persist for as long as they have a stranglehold on the fossil fuels, for all the reasons I just mentioned.
Wind and solar cannot replace it.
Cannot replace it.
And if you think about what they're really doing, By shutting down the food supply, they're targeting the 3.8 billion people that depend on that.
And those are mostly in developing nations.
So a lot of third world nations, those people will starve very quickly if the food supply drops by even 20%.
Mass starvation in many areas of the world.
But food scarcity doesn't affect first world nations as strongly because people have more disposable income and they can typically spend more money because of the food inflation.
They can still buy more food even if it cuts into a higher and higher percentage of their disposable income.
So what weapon do they have to kill people in first world nations?
Spike protein injections.
So there are two weapons being wielded against humanity right now.
Again, first world weapon is the vaccines, depopulation, and infertility and cancer rates and autoimmune disorders for the next ten years and so on.
Third world depopulation is going to be food scarcity, mass famine, starvation, because of the cutting off of fertilizers.
Because of the cutting off of fossil fuels.
So you see, that's it.
3.8 billion people are at risk because of food scarcity.
Another roughly 4 billion people are at risk because of the vaccines.
And if we get through the next decade without them killing off 2 billion, 3 billion, 4 billion people, I'll be... I will praise God for intervening and saving us.
Because the target of what they're trying to do in depopulation is in the billions.
And they have the mechanisms already in play right now.
It's already happening.
And where Alex is absolutely right about all of this is that the Senate is not doing enough, the governors aren't doing enough, there are lone voices out there like Rand Paul trying to wake people up to what's going on, but he can't carry the whole burden by himself.
There are a few other senators who are trying to raise the alarm, but it's just not enough.
The mass peaceful protests that we need in America, they're gaining steam, but we need tens of millions of people in the streets peacefully, non-violently, but raising their voices and saying enough is enough.
We have to stop this mass genocide against humanity.
We have to stop the vaccine mandates.
We have to stop the shutting down of fossil fuels.
We have to stop the food scarcity, the mass firing of first First responders, police officers, sheriff's deputies, and so on.
We have to do all of that, or we lose society.
And then we have, you know, we have Nancy Pelosi up there, just in case you're wondering who's in charge, it's not just Joe Biden with his cognitive decline.
We have Nancy Pelosi up there answering media questions in a drunken stupor, screaming about birdbaths, and what was it, privileged scrub, whatever that is, nobody knows what she's talking about.
She's a lunatic!
The people in charge are lunatics!
They don't know any of... All they want to do is destroy.
They have no knowledge to help humanity, and if we don't turn this around, we will lose human civilization.
Do you understand?
We will lose this civilization, and the planet will be ethnically cleansed, or species cleansing.
Humanity will be gone, and it will be a post-human future if we don't turn this around right now.
The whole planet is at stake.
The future of humanity is at stake.
That's the view that we have to have.
So, support InfoWars.com.
Keep watching the show.
Keep sharing the news.
Check out my website if you want, NaturalNews.com.
We're all in this together.
Those of us who are on Team Humanity, we're fighting against forces of evil, and we have God on our side.
Thank God, and thank you for watching.
Thanks for watching.
Take care.
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It's 50% off at 50%off.com.
Same thing with a bunch of our other products like Brain Force Ultra that is sold out at InfoWareStore.com.
It's 50% off right now at 50%off.com.
It's really going to help us, helps us diversify and so much more.
So get these great products and support the InfoWar while at the same time saving a lot of money at 50percentoff.com.
And you won't just find select InfoWars products at 50percentoff.com.
You'll also find hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of amazing best-selling products massively discounted as well because that's what they do.
They scour the internet, they find the very best deals on the hottest items and they make deals with the manufacturers and
distributors and bring them to you with a huge discount. But bottom line, this is a super win-win. It lets
InfoWars diversify. It lets us reach out to more people and it gets our products in front of other
folks that aren't aware of InfoWars or the show or reminds them of the show. So get amazing
products at huge discounts at 50percentoff.com and help support the InfoWar. I am a worldly person,
meaning I like going to ball games.
I like going to concerts.
I like going to play golf.
I like going out to dinner.
I like the metropolitan life.
I like everything that comes with this.
But see, I have the survival instinct That is to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities.
Get the hell out of major metropolitan areas.
Because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods?
Just time to go get a piece of property in the woods?
Just get off-grid?
Just get the emergency food supplies?
Just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me, that's still probably the majority part of me, says no, no, no, no, no.
Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere that ever notion that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
That's the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you in the audience are facing as well.
But you can at least have some comfort if you have the emergency food supplies.
And so we have the best ones at Infowarsstore.com.
Ultimate Bone Broth is back and better than ever and 20% off plus free shipping and double Patreon points for our new sale.
After years of being off the shelves, we're bringing back one of the biggest fan favorite formulas ever and it's now been reformulated and is even stronger.
It's Ultimate Bone Broth Plus.
It's got concentrated high-quality chicken broth protein, turmeric root that's so amazing, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, goji berry, alfalfa herb powder.
Then it's got added magnesium and potassium for electrolytes.
It's got real organic cocoa bean powder with natural chocolate flavor and a touch of sea salt.
It even tastes better than the last formula.
And what it does for your body is simply amazing.
Again, it has that cutting edge.
Chicken broth, protein, isolate powder for better flavor and dissolvability.
You're gonna love this and what it does for your joints, what it does for your body, what it does for your bones.
It's simply amazing and it helps fund the InfoWar.
This is really the best bone broth out there, so get yours at InfoWarStore.com today!
It's hard to believe that we're already closing out the month of October in the year 2021.
It seems just like a week ago that we were in October 2020 and we were launching that very popular yearly sale we've been doing well now for nine years this year and that's Black Friday comes early.
So at the end of October, for about two weeks in November, every year we have the biggest sales of the year.
Probably even bigger than they are in Christmas usually.
In fact, undoubtedly, because we just put all the sales in at one time.
We have store-wide free shipping, we have double Patriot points, and here's the new sales.
We're very excited.
Brain Force Plus sold out for eight months, now back in stock 50% off.
Ultimate Bone Broth Plus.
That's been gone for years.
It's reformulated, even stronger, even better.
It's back in stock with turmeric in it and so much more.
So that's back in stock.
That's 20% off with free shipping to Old Patriot Points.
Ultra 12, highest quality vitamin B12 under the tongue.
That's 60% off.
We do that maybe once every year and a half or so.
That's huge.
Alpha Power, back in stock, 40% off.
Knockout, back in stock, 50% off.
Hair and Beard Support Formula, 50% off.
Living Defense Plus, 50% off.
Pure Turmeric Extract Bodies, 40% off.
Activated Charcoal and Toothpaste and Mouthwash, 50% off.
That's huge.
And All Storable Foods, 10% off.
Last time we're doing that this year, and they're about to have a price increase.
So at InfoWareStore.com, All storable food, 10% off, and it's ready to ship to you right now.
It's not like some other groups that just take your money and don't have the food.
We got the food ready to ship, high quality right now.
That's 10% off, only got a couple weeks to get that in.
And it's the last chance for coffee at 2021 pricing because the prices have just exploded for us.
It's the Wake of America coffee, last chance to get it at the incredibly low prices as well.
Many more products up to 60% off, infowarestore.com.
Double Patriot Points and free shipping.
Take advantage of it and support the InfoWar.