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Name: 20211108_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 8, 2021
2365 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, the influence of large corporations on media and politics is discussed, along with Dr. Z

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Governor Newsom has been missing for 11 plus days, almost 12 days.
He canceled a big climate conference in Europe.
He canceled a bunch of other big events.
And after four or five days, people started asking, where is he?
And now, 11 days later, a lot of calls are being made.
And I can tell you, people that consider themselves friends with Newsom, but who are now secretly red-pilled, was one of the terms used.
Think that it's because he took the booster shot.
We know he took it.
He took it on TV.
At least we know he said he did.
So again, right now it looks like Newsom, from the sources, is extremely ill in his house.
Not the governor's mansion.
He stays in another private home.
So we've got all that information.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Trump approved Republican Glenn Youngkin's closing message to Virginia voters
has almost singularly focused on weaponizing race, stoking hysteria over the coded boogeyman
of critical race theory, which is not currently taught in any Virginia public school.
I think that the real ominous thing is that critical race theory Which isn't real.
Critical race theory is 100% being used within our public schools to educate our children.
The Department of Education website, your website, the deoe.virginia.gov is filled with plenty of information about CRT.
Quote, all members of society have been socialized to participate in racist systems.
White people benefit from the racist, racist regardless of intentions.
This is from the author Robert DeAngelo's book titled White Fragility, and this is part of the curriculum that our teachers are required to go through for their licenses.
There are many more resources like this on your website.
Within the last year, I was told in one of my so-called equity trainings that white, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools, and that, quote, this has to change.
Now, two new friends are teaming up with Elmo and his pals on Sesame Street to teach children a different set of important skills, the ABCs of racial literacy.
After the crushing defeat in the Blue Stronghold of Virginia and the questionable narrow victory by Governor Phil Murphy in Woke, New Jersey, not only did the Democrats lose the narrative pertaining to America's children, the progressive Democrats' obsession with racial re-education now sits rotting in the noonday sun and needs to be once
and for all revisited and obliterated because it's obvious that Americans have had enough of
being lectured over an annoying ideology that is relatively non-existent.
People are sick of disagreeing and having somebody else, when you have government officials in there,
especially being called, you know, crazy or racist or fascist.
They are tired of it.
Just because you disagree with somebody does not mean that you should be labeled a bad person.
This country was founded on the right to disagree.
But that didn't stop the arrogant left from doubling down.
That's the fundamental problem for these parents and this anti-CRT movement.
They don't like the way whiteness is being portrayed in these new, more inclusive lessons.
This wasn't about those pocketbook issues.
This was about how white kids feel talking about what black kids go through.
This is about the fact that a good chunk of voters out there are okay with white supremacy.
They want white supremacy by ventriloquist effect.
There is a black mouth moving, but a white idea through the running on the runway of the tongue of a figure who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.
I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show.
Let's see if she's woman enough to do that.
She talks about white supremacy.
Does she know that I ran against a white supremacist?
What the race-baiting demagogue lapdogs for the powerful don't realize is it's not that people don't accept you because of your race.
People don't accept you because you are all assholes.
Today, I want to talk to you more about the political nature of time.
For if time had a race, it would be white.
White people own time.
I think that white people are committed to being villains in the aggregate, right?
The real sort of issue here, and you know, I've heard people sort of say it, is one, I think that white people viscerally fear.
It's not that white people don't know, right, what they have done.
They know.
They fear that there is no other way to be human but the way in which they are human.
They say stuff like, you know, it's just human nature.
If y'all had all of this power, you would have done the same thing, right?
And it's like, no, that's what white humans did.
White human beings thought there's a world here and we own it.
Prior to them, Black and brown people have been sailing across oceans interacting with each other for centuries without total subjugation, domination, and colonialism.
The thing I want to say to you is we gotta take these mother fuckers out.
Perhaps the Democrats should focus more on asshole rights if they want to connect with their dwindling base.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Monday, November 8th.
The year is 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we have just incredible breaking news on so many fronts.
But the main leading edge of the globalist takeover is the COVID-19 world government, world ID, bio slash chemical nanotech attack that humanity is under.
So let me just lay these headlines on you.
Then we're going to drill through each one of them.
Biden's Surgeon General went on national TV yesterday and said, we're going to come after all businesses and all people next with the mandate, and we're going to inject children down to age two.
It's all been announced, ladies and gentlemen.
That's while all over the world these shots are being banned.
CBS News reports Sweden halts use of Moderna's COVID vaccine in under 30s.
Top skin diver in the world diagnosed with microcarditis and other heart diseases.
He had a perfect heart, according to his cardiologist, before and after the Pfizer shot.
And they said this is, quote, quite common.
Get used to it.
That's actually been announced by the French news that it's just no big deal.
Now just get used to it.
An enemy that must hide in the shadows to survive.
But there is always a money trail, and money is their only real power.
So to find the real enemy, we must follow the money.
In the documentary, Monopoly, Who Owns the World, Tim Gehlen does an excellent job of doing this.
While there appears to be hundreds of independent companies producing food, they are practically all owned by the same small group of companies.
These companies are controlled by their top shareholders, financial institutions such as Berkshire Hathaway, Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street.
This is also who owns Silicon Valley, Big Tech, the Airline Industry, the Steel Industry, Agriculture, the Textile and Clothing Industry, both the Oil and Solar Panel Industry, Tobacco, Alcohol, Pharmaceutical, Electronics, and Banking.
Just about everything in today's modern world is owned and controlled by these same financial institutions.
Who are also invested in each other, forming a pyramid of financial power topped by BlackRock and Vanguard.
BlackRock loans money to the Federal Reserve Bank, advises them, and developed their software system.
BlackRock itself is owned by Vanguard, and Vanguard, sitting on top of the world pyramid, keeps its shareholders private.
But we know that the majority of wealth has been accumulated by inheritance and monopoly.
And the same few families have owned most of the world for generations.
Families such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Morgan, and Bush.
Operating through non-profit foundations, these unelected families are able to rule over the world like kings.
This is the way it has always been, whether it be via pharaoh, royalty, papal supremacy, dictator, or investment banker.
Mankind has always been managed by the rich and powerful.
Freedom is a dream yet to be fully realized in this world.
After the American Revolution, our forefathers gave us the tools to realize this dream of self-governance in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Tools that will be stripped away unless mankind decides to stand and face their enemy.
Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector.
With trillions at his disposal, far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world's leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reis.
Alright folks, we're back live and if I'm unable to control my temper today, I'm going
to go to rebroadcast here.
Okay, so I'm a normal person, though, and world government is poisoning everyone by design and coming after our children and announcing that all businesses are going to have to take the poison shots.
You knew that was coming, and I get mad.
I get angry, and then everything frustrates me, and I don't want to be here talking about this.
I want to stop these people.
I mean, this is modern warfare.
Let me fix this.
This is modern warfare that society and this world is going through.
And it's not just normal to sit up here and talk about it.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I see footage of Mar-a-Lago and the white tie dinners and everybody running around like a bunch of debutantes, a bunch of retarded parrots, you know, getting off on, oh, we're the Republicans.
Oh, we're next to Trump.
It's all just more Hollywood crap.
We're not going to beat these people with the type of candy-ass, sick Republicans we've got that just want power.
They may not be out to get people, but they just want to be in charge.
They don't want to stop George Soros.
They don't want to stop Bill Gates.
You know, at least Bill Gates is committed to something.
He's organized.
He's focused on killing you and your family.
I just...
I'm not trying to be dramatic here, ladies and gentlemen.
It's just...
Do you understand that they know it gives you heart attacks and major cardiovascular problems with a large percentage of people and they're doing it as a test to take over?
This is war.
We are under globalist attack.
And I just can't believe it.
I just can't believe it anymore.
You know, there's a lot of good news.
There's a lot of people that are quote, red pills.
I've talked to a lot of prominent people, a lot of former liberals who believe that liberalism was actually a good thing and didn't know it was a corporate system of control, modern leftist garbage.
And so that's all really positive news information as well.
So I'm going to go to break here and try to get control of myself and come back and start the show over today and I apologize to Well, there's some TV and radio stations out there for me getting mad and going off air at the start.
It's just that, you know, it's just too incredible.
I mean, we're living in a frickin' nightmare, man.
People gotta wake up and face it or we have no hope, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely no hope.
All right, stay with us.
We'll be right back on the other side and we'll get into the declaration of war by these people that they're now carrying out against us.
Stay with us.
November 8th.
Monday, November 8th, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and let's just launch right into this news and information right now.
Well, Governor Newsom has been missing at least 11 days.
At the end of the day, it'll be 12 days.
12 days ago, he publicly took the, quote, booster shot on television.
And unlike a lot of the other politicians, he actually took it.
And he is a long-distance biker and runner.
He's well-known for being formerly into endurance sports.
Those are the type of people that have the worst effects.
We had Dr. McCullough, a heart surgeon in studio.
He's also a leading research scientist, Friday.
And he said, it's the third round that statistically you're going to see massive myocarditis and heart attacks.
So, I didn't cover this last week because he'd only been gone six, seven, eight, nine days.
And then I talked to some very well-connected people in Hollywood, and then I talked to some other folks that I called, and I said, what have you heard about Newsom?
And they said, well, we know people that know him, and they say he's really sick in his home, not the Governor's Mansion, he has another home in Sacramento, and a lot of doctors and people have been there.
So then I made some calls into law enforcement, And folks that are in the military that are connected to the governor's protective task force in detail that's in the state police.
And they said, well, no comment, but the rumors are true.
And he is very, very sick at his home.
But they said the last information they had was four days ago.
They're trying to keep it very, very quiet, obviously.
So, um, With the whole backdrop and what we know these shots do and the fact that I have this from two different Hollywood sources.
But that's indeed what they've been told.
And now from law enforcement sources.
I think it's the vast preponderance of evidence is on the side of it being a real report.
What we do know is real 100% is Newsom has been gone 11 days.
And so that is an exclusive here on air.
I obviously know a lot of people.
And I was contacted a few days ago and asked, why aren't you covering this?
And I said, well, I don't have any hard proof.
They said, well, we're told this.
And then I made some more phone calls and then I got contacted again this morning.
By a well-known individual in the media.
I'll leave it at that.
They said, hey, what do you know about this?
And I said, I've just been told from some Hollywood sources that some of this is going on and some others.
He said, yeah, that's exactly what he's been told.
It's serious that he's in his house.
And then I went ahead and made some phone calls and was told, yeah, that's exactly what we're told.
He certainly doesn't come out of his house.
And they've had a lot of medical personnel there.
And the word is, because they don't know, And hell, maybe he's dead.
I'm not saying he's dead.
He just doesn't come out of the house.
This is not his actual bodyguards, but people that are connected to that in the state police.
Just like in any state, it's the state police have a special group that guards the governor.
Now, if it was Governor Abbott missing for 11 days, we've got sources directly in, you know, all over.
A bunch of our listeners are there, the highest and lowest levels of that administration.
I mean, I can tell you the inside baseball that goes on with Abbott, but I don't intend to.
Mainly, he works like 14, 15 hours a day and overall thinks he's doing a good job.
I don't think he's an evil person, but he definitely listens to the media too much.
But we know all about what's going on with the screaming matches at the governor's mansion And all the arguments with the Lieutenant Governor and all the rest of them that have been going on now for over a year and a half over the COVID issues.
And finally Abbott started listening.
So he's kind of moving back into good graces of some of the better Republicans we've got in the state.
But that's a side issue.
This Newsome thing is from two different Hollywood entertainment sources very high up.
And these are people that know Newsome.
These are people that have, you know, had private dinners with Newsome.
And so five, six days into this, he was supposed to go to a bunch of big events, a bunch of things he was scheduled to do.
He's just gone.
Now, he's been known to disappear for three, four days before and go to Hawaii, surfing and stuff.
He kind of has a screw you deal going on.
And he may be doing like Kim Jong-un did last year, when he was gone for like six months, no one knew where he was.
And maybe he'll pop back up and it's all a big joke on us.
He's really in Hawaii.
Maybe he planted this as disinformation to find out who in his circle is talking.
That's could be it too.
I don't know.
But yeah, Governor Newsom canceled his trip to the UN Climate Conference last week.
A whole bunch of other stuff.
So what I've been told again by people in the state police is that he doesn't come out of the house and there's medical personnel there and that's four days old.
That's the last info they got.
That would be on Thursday or Friday.
But remember, I told you that Biden's security detail, when he goes on the road, said that he's defecating his pants on September 10th for sure, and they think it happened on September 11th.
He crapped his pants in New Jersey, they think he did it again on 9-11.
These are serious people that really risk their jobs in prosecution to tell us this, okay?
I mean, we might get raided by the FBI just for knowing this.
This is not a game, okay?
It's like Project Veritas has been raided, and now James O'Keefe on Saturday by the FBI.
This is not a game.
I tried to talk to James.
We usually talk quite a bit.
And he just sent me his statement from Friday, the video statement, and said he can't talk.
So people are asking what I know about that.
All I know is James sent me a link back.
I said, how do I help?
We know you did nothing wrong.
They now confirmed the diary with her talking about her dad screwing her and taking showers with her and all this other horrible stuff is real.
I mean, this is just so crazy.
So that's confirmed.
I'm surprised they rated people.
I mean, I know because I remember being there at the time when this was all going on, when people were calling around trying to get folks to run with the diary, that he wasn't running with it and people were criticizing.
James O'Keefe, privately and publicly, because he wouldn't go with the diary.
Well, she wouldn't respond.
He couldn't confirm it.
Now they confirm the diary was, quote, stolen, and they think James O'Keefe has something to do with it.
He had nothing to do with it.
And I'm not saying National File did anything wrong either.
That's journalists' right to get information like this as long as they didn't steal it themselves.
But National File broke this.
Everybody knows that.
So this is just them trying to target, again, people they really fear, Project Veritas.
So I'm going to say it again.
We'll come back with all the other news.
Governor Newsom has been missing for 11 plus days, almost 12 days.
He canceled a big climate conference in Europe.
He canceled a bunch of other big events.
And after four or five days, people started asking, where is he?
And now, 11 days later, a lot of calls are being made.
And I can tell you, people that consider themselves friends with Newsom, but who are now secretly red-pilled, was one of the terms used.
Think that it's because he took the booster shot.
We know he took it.
He took it on TV.
At least we know he said he did.
So again, right now it looks like Newsom, from the sources, is extremely ill in his house.
Not the governor's mansion.
He stays in another private home.
So we've got all that information.
And I got a bunch of other people dying and having heart attacks and myocarditis.
Young people, healthy people, prominent people, famous people.
I mean, you just can't make this stuff up.
You cannot make this stuff up.
And then look at this.
Sweden halts use of Moderna COVID vaccine in under 30s because of massive problems with hearts.
CBS News.
But it doesn't matter.
The Surgeon General says they're going to come after all businesses below 100 more.
So that's coming up with the video clip of that when we come back.
But yeah.
Newsome, though, could have done disinfo, could be in Hawaii or something.
And he can just come out and laugh at everybody.
He is a psychopathic liar.
So anything's possible.
And I don't wish death upon anybody.
I don't want anybody to attack Newsom.
But I'll say this, if he dies and that wakes a bunch of people up, that's the Lord working right there.
Okay, we've got the Surgeon General saying, oh, hey, actually our next step is going to be injecting forcibly everybody that works at a company with 100 or less employees.
That's always the plan.
Just keep tightening the rope around our necks.
Tighter and tighter and tighter.
We're getting to that in a moment, but I have a little correction to make.
I was going from memory and articles I'd read, because some news had said that Newsom had taken Pfizer, and that he'd gotten the booster.
Well, now we actually have a press release out from the state of California.
So, Governor Newsom has been missing 11 plus days.
And from entertainment sources, Hollywood sources, but also law enforcement sources, they've confirmed that they've been told that, indeed, he is in his private home in Sacramento, not the governor's mansion, extremely ill.
Now, that could be disinfo he planted.
He could be in Hawaii surfing.
He's done stuff like this before, where he disappears for four or five days.
But he missed the big climate conference and so much more.
And so here is the actual press release put out by the state of California about what Newsom actually took.
Get this.
This is a press release.
At Oakland Health Clinic, Governor Newsom receives Moderna booster, encourages eligible Californians to get their COVID booster to keep immunity strong.
It says, following the FDA's emergency use authorization approval for COVID-19 booster dose, Governor Gavin Newsom today, that was the 27th of October, received a Moderna vaccine booster at an Asia Health Services clinic in Oakland, California's Chinatown, encouraging eligible Californians to get their booster and keep immunity strong, especially as we enter the winter months.
It's imperative that we all keep our immunity strong in preparation for the winter cold and flu, now COVID season.
Oh, it's no longer flu and cold, it's now the COVID season.
Especially for those at increased risk, said Governor Newsom, who received his initial single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in April 2021, when his age group became eligible.
He mixed the experimental injections, which most experts agree is even more deadly, because they all make your body create the spike protein, That's in the virus normally that causes most of the toxic and viral effects.
So there you go.
He's now been missing 11 days.
And he was mixing the experimental injections.
The J&J shot, the AstraZeneca shot, the Pfizer shot, the Moderna shot.
All of them have been completely banned or partially banned in over 160 countries.
In fact, I have news concerning that.
Right now, in my stack, today, Sweden halts use of Moderna's COVID vaccine in under 30s because of serious problems like myocarditis, heart attacks, and more.
And here's another example of that.
Florian Dagory, the world's top static free driver, is diagnosed with myocarditis after taking Pfizer Vax, may end his career.
And there's a press release out from him that he suddenly couldn't dive deep at all.
He had a faster heart rate.
These free divers have one of the slowest heart rates out there, down to like 30 beats a minute.
And so, He went in and saw his cardiologist and they said, oh, it's quite normal.
But the Pfizer shot that myocarditis, it'll probably go away in a few weeks.
It didn't go away.
It's gotten worse.
When you develop myocarditis like this, the NIH says between 23 and 56% of the time, you die within three to 10 years.
We showed you that press release last week.
I'm going to say that again.
Depending on the age group, this is what they put out, you can figure out what they mean by it.
But those that develop even, not mild, but they said moderate myocarditis,
have a 23 to 56% chance of dying within three to 10 years.
And I had Dr. McCullough in studio, who's a cardiologist, and I asked him about that,
and he said, "Listen, they now call it, "they have a FDA, American Medical Association,
"CDC term," and he gave the term on air, it's a big fancy Latin term,
"for myocarditis caused by this vaccine."
It has an official known name that is now in the medical literature that's not debated.
So gone are the days for this guy swimming around with the whale sharks and going down over a thousand feet without any gear.
Now he's a super man.
Tell the kids on these TV ads, he'll be a superhero.
I guess being dead is kind of being a superhero.
Casper the Friendly Ghost is kind of a superhero.
He can walk through walls.
Casper the Friendly Ghost, friendliest ghost you know.
Florian Daguerre is a French free diver now based in Thailand, known for holding his breath for 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and is currently the world's top holder.
The free diver noticed his heart rate was high, higher than normal, and his breath holding capability, we can't even talk suddenly, his breath hold capabilities went down significantly after he took the vaccine.
Ten days after taking the vaccine, he went to see a cardiologist and was told that it was a common side effect of the Pfizer vaccine.
It will just pass.
Forty days passed and still no progress.
He went to see another cardiologist.
He got diagnosed with myocarditis and trivial mitral regugation.
Will somebody look up what trivial mitral Regurgitation is?
I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right, but just, can we look up what other wonderful, wonderful little goody-goody that is?
Lots of prizes, you know, like Oprah's like, you get a car, you get a car, you get a car, it's like, you get myocarditis, you get a heart attack, you get a blood clot, you die, you have a stroke, you get paralyzed, you get Guillain-Barré's, you get narcolepsy, you get epilepsy, you get fired because you didn't take the shot!
It is called mitral, got a bunch of names, mitral insufficiency or mitral incompetence is a common, is a condition in which your heart mitral valve doesn't close tightly.
Oh my gosh, leaking blood into your arteries.
Oh my gosh.
So, oh problem with your heart valves, how wonderful!
And it flows backwards into your heart.
The mitral valve Regurgitation is significant.
Blood can't flow through your heart or the rest of your body is sufficiently making you feel tired and out of breath.
Oh my goodness!
Heart valve shutdown.
Well, that's always fun.
You get a heart valve.
You get blood regurgitated back into your heart.
You get a stroke.
I mean, these are fabulous prizes!
I guess Governor Newsom's got some prizes now.
He won't tell us what prizes he got.
Maybe he's got his heart valves failing.
That's quite a prize.
FinFIN did that too for people.
It got recalled, but not this.
You get a heart valve collapse.
You get a stroke.
You get a heart attack.
You get heart swelling.
You get death.
You get a dead kid.
You get a dead mom.
You get a dead brother.
You get a dead grandma.
Death, death, liberal and cool.
Everybody loves it, oh yeah.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
So sick.
I'll tell you who definitely ain't taking these shots and that's old Billy Gates.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I'm not happy about all this, but I'm gonna get too angry and blow up and go off air if I just stay angry.
So instead, I love it.
Oh, all these trendies trusting the system, going along with it, just lining up and getting that poison death shot, getting sent off to Valhalla.
Hey, you gotta do it to the children, might as well give as many adults dead as possible.
After all, these people are so stupid, maybe Klaus Schwab's right!
I mean, if they're so dumb as to go along with this and wear a mask all day and buy into the lies, then let them all die!
In fact, thank you, Bill Gates.
Thank you, Klaus Schwab.
Thank you, Ted Turner.
Thank you, David Rockefeller.
Thank you, Henry Kissinger.
Thank you.
You taught me you were right.
These people deserve to die.
And you know what?
Their dumb children deserve to die as well.
Just everybody take your shots.
Do it.
I think Bill Gates is right.
If you just tuned in about 10 minutes ago and you heard me saying, hey, Bill Gates, great job.
Ted Turner, great job.
I was being satirical.
I wasn't being serious.
But at a certain point, you've got to ask yourself, if you're tuned in here to the Alex Jones Show, you're obviously awake, or in the process of it, hopefully, that they're carrying out this planetary depopulation.
A bunch of depopulationists are the ones running the UN World Government, Big Pharma, forced injection takeover.
And it's causing massive heart attacks and myocarditis around the world to where all these countries have now stopped giving it.
The Moderna and Pfizer shots, as well as Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and others, because they all create spike protein in the body, which then causes blood clots, eats holes and capillaries.
And that's what they knew in animal studies of similar vaccines decades ago.
We've covered that.
So, they're doing this, and if the public doesn't figure that out, and then gives it to their children, and then you've got Prime Ministers and Premiers of major countries and states on TV going, we don't know why our hospitals are so full, everybody's double-vaxxed in Israel, in Australia.
I mean, I've played those clips.
Israel and Australia have the highest rates of hospitals filled with people.
And it goes the same for European countries.
The most vaccinated European country has the highest rates of people filling the hospitals.
That's Ireland.
I showed the numbers.
I played a local newscast or national newscast out of Ireland.
They're like, we don't know why everybody's so sick.
And while the hospitals are filled, we're at 90% inoculation, the highest in Europe.
Dr. Zev Zelenko He's going to be joining us coming up in the next hour to cover the waterfront.
Talk about where he sees all this going, and I've got a lot to hit, so you'll definitely want to stay with us for that.
You'll definitely want to.
Take the live feed from freeworldnews.tv of the show or infowars.com forward slash show and share it with people and say, hey, learn what's really going on, because every person you reach is somebody else we might save.
And then hopefully they'll share the link with others.
And that causes, again, that chain reaction, that critical mass that the New World Order fears, like vampires fear the sun at noon.
So here it is, Biden's Surgeon General Doesn't rule out extending vaccine mandates to businesses with fewer than 100 employees.
And look, this is all just 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Remember I said they'll get it down to five-year-olds saying it's now legal, even though it's experimental.
And then they'll say now it's mandated for five-year-olds and up.
And now it's happened.
Then once they say it's 100 employees or up, next it's going to be below 100 employees.
And now it's happening.
Well, it's unconstitutional to do that on so many fronts, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has put a stay on it, and we're going to see that move forward.
But you can't have a bunch of corporations getting together with the government and lobbying to make their employees do something that's racketeering.
And you can't have the federal government overriding the states that don't want vaccine mandates and telling them to do it.
That violates the Tenth Amendment.
But the Ninth Amendment is violated as well.
I mean, this is just outrageous.
And yes, they've got a couple of court rulings from 110, 120 years ago saying that you can give anybody forced inoculations.
The same courts ruled you could sterilize poor people.
Those rulings have never been overturned.
But there are a lot of bad things on the books that aren't followed because people know it's BS.
So, they're really trying to start a civil war with this.
Well, just think about it'd be better to lose your job and better to be homeless than to be dead.
But it's beyond that.
They have sanctuary cities all over the country.
It's over a thousand now where illegal aliens who've committed crimes are left alone by the mayors and by the communist district attorneys.
Part of breaking the country down.
Well, we can have cities and places where Biden bans guns that say, we're sanctuary cities, we don't ban guns.
And we can say the same thing.
We have sanctuary towns and cities where we don't have vaccine passports, and we don't have QR codes, and we don't make people be little digital slaves.
And that's going to be the whole future is people saying no to the globalists.
Because the central banks control the currencies, and they're trying to dictate control.
That's why they're giving these orders now to put things in our bodies that make us sick and sterilize us, because they made the decision to depopulate us.
And that's official.
And the public is so childlike, they can't believe that's happening.
They think, oh, that's conspiracy stuff, even though it's all been announced.
But people are going to figure out very quickly how dystopic this is.
But the globalists hope they've already been maimed, already been made ill, already been colonized by spike proteins that are very similar to mad cow crystals that cause spongiform encephalopathy.
Once I get a scientific word in my head, I remember how to say it.
All these other new ones, I tell you, I'm not the best at until I figure out how you say it right.
Like hydrofluorosilicic acid.
That's the real name for electrophile.
Fluoride, they put in your water that's so deadly.
Sounds scary, doesn't it?
It is, but that's what they do.
But how scary something sounds is not important.
It's what it actually does that's important.
Hydrogen monoxide, again, sounds scary.
That's the name for water.
You need water to live.
It's good for you.
I know you know that.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the opposite of that.
It's pure death.
So here is Biden's Surgeon General doesn't rule out, our little medical dictator, doesn't rule out extending vaccine mandate to businesses with fewer than 100 employees.
Here it is.
And Dr. Murthy, if the law survives legal challenges, will the administration be extending the mandate to smaller employers with fewer than 100 employees?
Well, Martha, certainly nothing is off the table at this moment, but the focus right now is on implementing the current rule that OSHA put out.
And finally, let me just emphasize that these rules actually work.
What we've seen in a report... Shut up.
It doesn't work.
We have record-level COVID cases, which are false positive anyways.
The people in the hospital have COVID from the injection.
It does the same thing.
It creates the spike protein.
It's just worse.
And all the evidence of Israel and other countries that have done boosters show it's deadly.
And mixing them is insane.
Look what Governor Newsom did.
Oh my gosh, okay.
Again, the news today got me so mad, and I've got more Bill Gates stuff, and I've got Biden on Friday made fun of Americans in the supply chain.
And now he's done it again, saying you're too stupid to understand it, and then he just started babbling incoherently.
None of it made any sense.
Here's a quote.
Joe Biden explains that higher consumer prices, quote, people, supplies, or materials that end up being on our kitchen table or in our, our, our fam, or our life, guess what?
They're clothes, those plants.
I'm playing that next hour.
That is not a joke.
That really happened.
And then he goes on to say, you don't know about supply chain.
And then the Deputy Press Secretary says there is no supply chain problem.
And people quitting over not wanting to take the deadly shot or being fired, it has no effect.
Even though the National Association of Manufacturers and all of them say it's the vaccine mandate causing people to be fired and quit that's causing a lot of the problems.
And then the COVID lockdowns the last year and a half, plus around the world.
But she just sits up there and says, that's not the case.
Gaslighting everybody.
Why does anybody listen to a damn thing they say?
They're nothing but a rearguard action of mega banks, looting and destroying the country.
Biden doesn't run anything.
Fauci doesn't run anything.
It's been predetermined by the globalists, and they're just mouthpieces.
I mean, Fauci's been a fellow traveler.
He's been involved in the planning and stuff, but he's not given the orders.
When it comes to Biden, he ain't running jack squat.
We're going to go to break.
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Hour number two with Dr. Zelenko coming up.
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All right, Dr. Zev Zelenko has got so much to cover and it's going to be live here on air.
All that information coming up in just a few minutes.
But first, here's two important videos back to back.
One with Dr. McCullough and one with another great lady, a lawyer that's fighting tyranny.
The last time humans launched a plan like this to conduct experimental medical protocols on vulnerable populations was in Joseph Mengele's direction.
He was an MD known as the Angel of Death.
And he was part of the SS and in 1943 he was assigned to Auschwitz where he saw an opportunity to conduct gene research, quote, focused primarily on children with no regard for the health or safety of the victims.
This is off the internet, you can Google it.
You know what else is gene research?
Experimental COVID vaccines with the trans gene inside of it.
If you don't believe me, go pull the EUA application for the J&J shot.
I come from a long line of Eastern Europeans, Hungarians, and Romanian groups.
Groups that fled the persecution of the Red Terror communist death squads in the early 1900s, and those of us who didn't make it to America ended up facing the Nazi death squads in the lesser-known Holocaust that was the Romani Holocaust.
There is a reason my daughter is named Katia.
Her Romani great-grandmother was Katarina Choma, and I, for one, have not forgotten the lessons of our history.
The Third Reich did not end with experiments on children, nor when those children died.
The Third Reich ended in 1946, when we put the doctors who committed these human experiments on trial in Nuremberg, and then we put them to death.
It ended with the adoption of the Nuremberg Code, so we would never repeat the sins of history.
And it states, and I quote, the voluntary consent of this human subject is absolutely essential.
Dr. Chow and Dr. Maharish, you are hereby on notice.
Last week, you appear to have knowingly hatched a plan to sidestep and or violate international, federal, and state law, not just the Nuremberg Informed Consent Language, but also the Black Letter Law, the EUA, as well as California state law, which punishes, and I quote, The willful failure to obtain a subject's informed consent by imprisonment in county jail for one year, or the imposition of a $50,000 fine, or both!
Through the planned insertion of experimental gene-altering protocols onto the very children, you were elected and charged with protecting, and tonight we are asking the Board of Education for an immediate letter of censure to these individuals, and if they don't resign, for an immediate notice of termination, and that letter also needs to go to the professional boards because they have no business being in these positions.
So help me God, the people of Orange County will hold this policy to account.
Second major analysis, Ron Kostoff et al., published in Toxicology Reports, the title of the paper, Why are we vaccinating children for COVID-19?
His analysis dealt with mortality.
And across every age group, an individual who took the vaccine, more prominently in the older age groups, was more likely to die after the vaccine.
Then actually take your chances with COVID and ultimately die of COVID.
These two important trait of analysis were both again presented and heard by the FDA on two occasions.
Now I've been on national TV, I'm a frequent contributor to Fox and I've told America on multiple occasions, I think our federal agencies are running about nine months behind on interpreting the data.
Most of what's coming out and most of what we're sharing with you is late-breaking information, information in pre-print format.
I'm an editor of a major journal.
I deal with this every day.
I can tell you from the time we fully form a manuscript to the time it gets through all of its adjudication and publication can be up to two years, believe it or not.
We don't have two years of time.
We don't have two weeks of time.
We are responding to brief reports, preprints.
We're rapidly integrating information in order to best apply our skills to helping the population get through this difficult time.
This is a time for expert analysis.
This is a time for teamwork.
We need multiple individuals from multiple different specialties coming together.
America should be seeing teams of doctors on TV.
Giving advice, working together.
We've had White House Task Force 1, White House Task Force 2, and we pretty much have seen little or none of them.
We have one person on TV where we see that person's picture in the frame, and I said it probably the most inflammatory thing I've said on Fox News is we have a medical dictator that we're looking at on TV.
That's right, we have a medical dictator.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Well, I can't think of a better person to get on than Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko, the pioneer that helped develop some of the first treatments that have undoubtedly saved not just hundreds of thousands of Americans, but millions worldwide.
Every prominent scientist or doctor I get on always thanks Dr. Zelenko, and he doesn't want the thanks, but people need to understand he's a trailblazer, and he's been accurate, and he's been right, so we should listen to him.
And he joins us for the balance of the hour here.
The reason I wanted to get him on was in the last few weeks, I have run into so many prominent scientists, so many prominent doctors, some of which are in studio with us.
People can put two and two together.
And they say, Zelenko's absolutely right.
You're absolutely right.
It's premeditated.
And they start telling me all this stuff.
And I'm talking about former heads of U.S.
intelligence agencies.
I'm talking about Governors.
I'm talking about top national talk show hosts.
I mean, this is who I talk to.
And they're all, oh, you're absolutely right.
It's all premeditated.
And they go off on a bunch of stuff that I already know about and some things I don't know about.
So that's good news that the intelligentsia is already as far along as Dr. Zelenko or myself or maybe further.
Because these people all have their own understandings, their own research and life, their own experiences.
You know, so we're all made in God's image, but we all have different talents.
So it's not about who knew this first and who said this first.
It's about The fact that we are saying it's premeditated and on purpose, it's part of the Great Reset.
You've got this big Catholic Bishop coming out for a year saying it too.
He's saying it, we're talking about him some.
But we need to get more people to address this because you can debate all day about the heart attacks, the myocarditis, look at the numbers, but when people understand it's premeditated, Then they can begin to understand why it's being done.
If not, people go, well, why would the medical system want to hurt me?
And so I really think before we go over the nuts and bolts, the new developments and all of it with Dr. Zelenko, we should just ask him if he gets the angle I'm hitting on right here and what he thinks about it and how we get, because I know if I'm hearing this from everybody, then he's hearing it probably even more because he was on the show four or five months ago and the first time.
And Dr. Zelenko said to the world, He said, hey, I know a prominent doctor that treats Hollywood and Google executives and others, and he's treated hundreds of them.
They're Democrats, a lot of them, and they know that Hydroxychloroquine and they know that Ivermectin works, but they then try to suppress the public getting it.
That's evil.
Well, since then, Joe Rogan's doctor went public and said the exact same thing and that he treated hundreds of people.
So that's where I'm going here is that we need more people to go public that have the caliber of credentials like Dr. Zelenko.
I think it's important to point out this is premeditated.
Hi Alex, thanks so much for having me.
Not only are you right, but this is the worst crime in the history of humanity.
Thank you so much for coming on with us, my friend.
Do you think I'm right that this is a central point?
Hi, Alex.
Thanks so much for having me.
Not only are you right, but this is the worst crime in the history of humanity.
And there's so much evidence available now proving the fact that this is premeditated
first-degree murder and genocide.
For example, the FDA had an internal presentation in October of 2020.
Keep in mind that's two months before the vaccine rollout.
And they, on slide 16 of their presentation, explained and showed all the side effects of these vaccines.
Now, if you look at the VAERS database where innocent Americans had reported the adverse events, there's a 100% correlation between what the American public has experienced and what the FDA presented internally to its own scientists.
So, whenever there's a 100% correlation, that's right, whenever there's a 100% correlation between something that was supposedly predicted, obviously it was known two months at least, at least two months before This was deployed on the American public.
So that is premeditated.
This is my charge.
Premeditated first degree murder and genocide of at least 700,000 Americans.
Absolutely, sir.
So please continue to lay that indictment out, which, as you said, is prima facie.
This is all out in the open.
Well, look, COVID, you know, when this started, I had to reverse engineer, essentially, And it is a conspiracy.
I'm a conspiracy realist lately, I've been calling myself.
Not a theorist, because if it's true, it's not a theory.
I'm a conspiracy realist.
And the way I came about understanding what really is going on was by putting the puzzle pieces together.
When I saw a life-saving medication being suppressed by the FDA, which in my opinion is the enemy of the people, and the NIH Refusing to make recommendations about pre-hospital treatment and encouraging delay in treatment and having patients get hospitalized and only then treated once they have catastrophic lung damage.
When access to lifesaving medication was being suppressed by Governor Cuomo and other people like that.
When prominent voices of doctors who World experts, let's say, who invented the mRNA vaccine technology, like Dr. Robert Malone, was de-platformed from every social media platform.
He's only the world expert in the vaccine.
And then when I saw the side effects of these vaccines and their numbers being actively suppressed, From the American public, then you had to take a step back and kind of assess what is really going on.
How is it that children who have a near 100% chance of recovery, statistically, according to the CDC, from COVID-19, actually accurately, it's 99.998% without treatment.
9.998% without treatment.
So how is it that children who have no risk from this virus are being exposed to something
that has in the most conservative estimates, according to the government itself, killed 17,000 people?
The whistleblower, who says it's out by a factor of five, is closer to 80,000 people by now.
And according to anyone who understands statistics, and we know the The VAERS system only reports a fraction of what actually happens.
The number is probably in the hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Why would I expose children to something that has, according to Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president of Pfizer, he said publicly that for every one child that would die from COVID, a hundred would die from the vaccine.
And actually the numbers statistically are working out to be much worse.
I believe it's 172 to 1 kill ratio.
So what could be the rationale for exposing children where there's no medical necessity to something that is so lethal?
Not for their health.
And now if you see the advertising, they're using Sesame Street.
And Sanjay Gupta on Sesame Street to convince parents and kids to take this.
Or when they have these videos trying to brainwash children that now you're a superhero if you took the vaccine.
What are they, insane?
So this is a coordinated... The vaccine is a weapon of eugenics.
It's a weapon of mass murder.
It's a weapon that kills a certain percentage immediately, another percentage over time, either by increased risk of cancer, increased risk of autoimmune diseases.
And it definitely affects fertility.
And by the way, the onus to say that it does not affect fertility lies with the government and with the vaccine industry.
is safe and there have been no long-term studies but the reason why I say that
it affects fertility because the leaked bio distribution study from Pfizer that
came out from Japan showed that the number one organ in which which is
affected by these vaccines is the ovaries of children.
Absolutely and it looks like then death is just a side effect or microcarditis
But they want to sterilize this so bad, they've gone ahead and launched this.
This is just unbelievable.
We're living in, as you said, it's hard to believe this is bigger than the Soviets, bigger than Hitler, but if they continue to get away with this, the numbers are going to be bigger than Hitler.
That's hard to believe, Doctor.
It's my call to the American public.
We must take out our children from the public school system en masse.
We need to reject the government's attempt to slaughter our children.
Yes, sir.
Stay there.
Let's come back and start over there.
Dr. Zelenko is our guest.
Stay with us.
Make no mistake.
We are living in incredible times.
History is here.
We are living under the Great Reset.
We are living under the rollout of a medical worldwide tyranny, a depopulation plan, and you've got Medical doctors, you've got Catholic bishops, you've got scientists, you've got Nobel Prize winners coming out saying this appears to be deliberate depopulation.
We have Dr. Yidan, the former chief scientist at Pfizer, saying that 16 months ago.
He said if they roll out this vaccine, what I've seen, it's going to cause ADE, it's going to cause blood clots, and it's going to make people sicker that take it.
I mean, so we have a who's who saying this?
We have Dr. Zelenko, who was the first doctor to come out and say, this has got to be deliberate.
Well, now we've been living it for almost a year here, over a year in the UK.
A lot of countries have banned these death shots.
That's the term he coined.
Because of the massive heart attacks and other problems.
Now we learn it's causing heart valves to collapse.
That's in mainstream news.
So Dr. Zelenko, you were getting into standing up and how we fight this.
Because I have a four-year-old daughter.
I have a 13-year-old daughter.
I have a 17-year-old daughter and a 19-year-old son.
And I'm not a violent person.
I don't want to go out and have a fight.
I don't want to go out and attack people.
But I'm not going to do that right now.
But as a father and as a person, I'm feeling guilty that I'm not doing enough to stop this.
My wife's like, you're working 18 hours a day, how are you doing this?
What's going on?
And I just feel driven to stop this.
So you were talking about how we can try to stop this.
Please lay it out for us.
First of all, I'm very optimistic.
Capability of the human race to expand and overcome this tyranny.
It just requires consciousness.
Illuminated consciousness.
It requires awareness of what is going on.
And when you're aware, we can then band together in civil disobedience,
hopefully non-violently, and resist policies of eugenics, policies of genocide, policies of infanticide, and so on.
And the way to do it is the following.
First, remember there's a God in the world, and he is the one that is giving you life,
and that your security and fortitude comes from him.
And you should turn to the creator, your creator, to withstand this incessant fear porn that is being pumped
through the media.
And in my opinion, you should actually stop listening to the media, because all it does is create a cognitive dissonance and create mass psychosis.
So by staying away from poisonous treachery, And resisting.
Basically, I'm calling for as many people as possible to take the children out of the public school system.
The WHO just came out with one of the most horrific statements I've ever heard in my life,
that just the presence of a child in school implies informed consent and therefore the
school has the power to vaccinate your children without you being informed.
Just because you did not stop your children from going to school is enough now, according to the WHO, to vaccinate your children against your will.
Take out your kids out of these slaughterhouses.
Homeschool your children.
Get together with like-minded parents.
And you can recreate it, probably in a much safer and a much more ethical, moral environment.
Educate your children to be prepared for the war ahead.
Because we are in a war.
This is World War III.
This is the sociopathic, corrupt oligarchs and governments.
Warring against God-consciousness.
They want to enslave humanity.
You know, there's a patent.
Everyone knows this patent, but I'd like to read it again.
It's a patent number, U.S.
Patent 11107588.
It is a patent that describes 50 pages of nanotechnology engineering of what already exists in these vaccines that enables The measurement of your internal physiological data, like your temperature and heart rate, let's say, and then transmit that with your location to a third party.
What we're witnessing, and then Microsoft owns another patent that links biometric data to the ability to use cryptocurrency.
In other words, this is the mark of the beast, according to the Christian faith.
This is the ability to, your ability to do commerce, your ability in the future to be able to feed your family will be dependent on your enslavement to a matrix or grid where your, not only your location will be known all the time, 24-7.
But also your internal temperament, because if I can measure your temperature and your heart rate, I can then test you, I can show you images, I can give you information and see how you react, like a light detector test.
And think about tyrants in control of that information, how they could vet whether or not your Support of the regime or not.
In other words, we're dealing with real Stalin, Hitler, on steroids, with weapons of mass destruction.
And the only reason why it's happening is we're letting it happen.
People are walking into the execution chamber, willingly, lifting up their arm, getting the lethal injection, saying thank you, leaving, and going to die.
Some right away, some over time, some their lineage due to infertility, and whoever passed ...passes this, uh, several waves of assault on humanity, will then be linked to a grid where their location and temperament will be known.
This is not science fiction.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
There are patents.
Go look at them.
Study their information.
If you want to debate about my, uh, interpretation of the information, that's one thing.
But if you outright reject what I'm saying, you're just an idiot.
You just don't want to deal with reality.
Yes, sir.
Well, let me put this on screen for TV viewers.
For radio listeners, I'll read it out.
A few weeks ago, I broke a bunch of Davos Group press releases where they said, under a UN plan, now they're going to put nanotech in all our food to, quote, keep it uncontaminated with all sorts of trace elements and even radioactive isotopes.
And now the USDA, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, has come out And it's saying that, quote, nanotechnology can be used in food production to enhance taste, color, food, texture, and consistency on a variety of foods.
Printed foods.
This is what Bill Gates is investing hundreds of billions of in.
This is what BlackRock and all of them are doing.
This is their transhumanist revolution in their own words.
They're actually in the Debo's group, press releases out two weeks ago saying, the future is not human.
That's the quote.
These are...
Um, this war started in the Garden of Eden, and it, uh, escalated, um, I'd like to share the Cain and Abel story.
Everyone knows about it, but, you know, they both brought offerings, and God took, uh, Abel's offering, but not Cain's.
Cain got, uh, all upset.
God asked him, why are you upset?
Improve yourself, meaning take personal responsibility, and I will accept your offering as well.
And what did Cain do?
He killed the competition.
He killed his brother.
This is human history in a nutshell.
That's Bill Gates.
That's the sociopaths.
responsibility and ownership of whatever needs to be fixed, growing and reaching
your fullest potential, it's much easier to step on the heads of others and
destroy those that are making you feel inadequate. That's Bill Gates.
That's the sociopaths. They have an absolute hatred for the human race.
They have absolute hatred for God.
They have absolute hatred for the fact that we're made in the image of God.
I totally agree, Dr. Zelenko.
Stay right there.
Let's come back and talk about how we fight back against this and why you're optimistic.
By the way, as most folks know, Dr. Zelenko, Vladimir Zelenko, pioneered with his own research, going back 20 months ago now, hydroxychloroquine And then a bunch of other things that the system tried to suppress that we now know with the ivermectin and other things the system is trying to now put into pill form but not the entire molecular
Structure of it, so that's a question I've got for him.
What is it like to be attacked and demonized and now see Merck and Pfizer coming out with their own pills that have a lot of the same molecular structure as things that he first figured out were working?
I think he can answer that question now if he would like, but then I'd like him to continue on on why he's optimistic because I do see this waking people up At a level never before seen.
But then I see them going after our children.
I see the big powerful corporations with so much money and control the media and they just don't quit.
Then I ask myself, what can we do to stop them?
And I agree with what Dr. Zelenko said.
It's all in the Bible, folks, what to do.
Come out of the system.
We obviously live under this tyranny, but that's not the real America.
This is a globalist corporate coup.
So we have to pull our children out.
We have to form new communities.
We have to network.
We have to be grassroots.
This whole thing is about making us depressed, making us dependent, demoralizing us, and instead, as Dr. Zelenko said, we've got to reach up to God, open ourselves up and ask God for guidance, and not let them get us down, but then move forward and inform others.
Dr. Zelenko, can you continue to speak to that?
Yeah, I feel that we're in the endgame of creation.
That we're on the verge of a messianic transformation.
And the reason why I say that is that this Goliath of evil which has taken root is really naturally almost impossible to overcome.
We need divine Uh, intervention.
And divine intervention, in my opinion, and the opinion of many spiritual people that understand spirituality, isn't free.
It comes through sacrifice.
It comes through God-consciousness, collective God-consciousness.
And it's irrelevant to me that the religion at this point what's relevant is that people recognize that there's a creator that he makes us every second from nothing and that we can derive fortitude and strength and resolve our fears through being connected to him.
If a person is connected to the source of the infinite, that which transcends even the
infinite, then putrid maggots like the globalists, let's say, are completely ineffective and
Now, I'm not naïve to say that people are not going to die.
If you look at it biblically speaking, only 20% of the Jews left Egypt and then 80% decided
to stay, like Stockholm Syndrome, in Egypt and died there.
And then in the desert, the generation of the desert, another 50% died.
So only 1 out of 10 actually was able to leave Egypt, or a slave mentality, and make it to Israel, which is the freedom, or freedom thinking.
The transition from being a slave to a free thinking person was only 10% of people were able to accomplish that.
And I'm not naive to say that we're going to have better statistics now.
I hope we do.
And since every human being has free choice, it is possible that every single human being will choose God consciousness and resist at all costs this tyranny, but the reality is that At least in my practice and dealing with people.
I don't see more than 10% Surviving this carnage now.
I hope the reason why I do these interviews is that I believe that every human being deserves the opportunity to have the true information and Equality of opportunity when it comes to information.
Every human being deserves the true narrative.
And then, every human being is obligated to make a choice which camp you want to belong to.
Do you want to belong to God Consciousness or to the slave codependency cult of corrupt governments and oligarchs and the golden calf of this vaccine?
And the choice is yours.
That's why I'm so optimistic.
I'm optimistic that God, who has free choice, gives human beings this divine gift of choice.
And we could choose to go away from bad, like King David says, and do good, and then we will live.
Go away from bad, do not take the poison dead shot.
Do not give in to isolation from the people you love.
Do not submit to fear.
You don't have to die.
Take your kids out of harm's way.
Wake up!
The power is within your hands.
To survive this, and to help others, and to spread, we need an elevated level of human consciousness.
To realize what is really going on.
This is, this is, it's not a cliché, this is good versus evil, evil versus good.
Just realize that we're on the verge of a transformative event, and I hope more of us will end up under the canopy of the cities of refuge and not the continents of tyranny.
This country was built on Judeo-Christian values, Ten Commandments.
Adhere to those principles.
Don't have other gods.
Don't serve Bill Gates.
Don't believe in Bill Gates or the American government, which is the enemy of the people.
I never thought I would say that.
I left communist Russia when I was four years old, leaving tyranny, leaving communism, and moving to America with my family, thinking that this would be a land of liberty.
And in reality, what's happened is we moved to a worse Russia.
Wake up, people!
For the sake of your children, at least!
Look, in holy societies, in normal, decent societies, parents will sacrifice for the sake of their own children.
They will sacrifice that their children will have a better life, both materially and spiritually.
In pagan societies, the adults sacrifice their children.
What are we doing?
We're bringing our children onto the altar of this poison death shot that has a 172 to 1 kill ratio, statistically?
What are you, nuts?
What are you, slaughtering your own children?
Stop it!
You don't have to give in!
This is World War III.
204 countries are being attacked for the same globalist And I'm a globalist also, by the way.
And I do believe in the Great Reset, and I think we need to build back better.
But let me redefine the terms.
God is the King of Kings.
He's the true globalist leader.
And we need a Great Reset away from paganism and idol worship and child sacrifice to live in God-consciousness.
And then we'll build back better a society that is permeated with mutual respect and the perception of divinity in every human being.
Dr. Zelenko, you really are a maverick and a trailblazer, and I spiritually feel what you're talking about.
I've also intellectually studied it, and every culture goes into this time of evil where they start child sacrifice, and that's paganism, and every culture at one time or another was involved in it.
And now, as you said, you know, going back to the Bible and the Jews and Christianity and all of it, we're trying to get past that, and it really is God versus the devil.
It really is team freedom versus team demon.
And we see the dysfunctional destruction of this, but people that serve evil, they just keep doubling down.
They keep hoping each time, if they just submit better to the evil, that things will get better.
But it gets wilder and crazier and more satanic and more destructive.
I want to come back and ask you the time frame because I really respect your views on this.
You're a maverick trailblazer.
That's what we need on how you see this unfolding and rolling out and what you think individuals can do.
But I totally agree.
It's time to get out of the big cities.
It's time to get around people that know the truth.
It's time to stop worrying about all the showboating and the fancy garbage of the system and to really get right with God and get ready because this is The Crossroads.
And this has just begun.
You can see the rollout.
You got Bill Gates up there bragging, saying, oh, terrorists are about to release smallpox and we need total medical surveillance and checkpoints everywhere.
And of course, they're going to do it.
COVID and this rollout is just the training wheels for the big real move.
And you're going to wish later, folks, you got ready ahead of this.
God help us.
This is going to be One incredible time, but as Dr. Zelenko said, it's the test, and it's going to make us admit God's real, and then reach out to God.
And then, what matters is, our soul gets saved.
And he's right.
It's about a group consciousness, and they fear that consciousness.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalists want to depopulate the planet.
They want it for themselves.
They want to take control of humanity.
They believe that we're overpopulated.
They've said this.
And this entire worldwide COVID-19 hysteria is the establishing of their world government and of the system that they are going to use to totally control every aspect of our lives and end the age of humans, in their own words, and begin the age of transhumans.
But God has given us our minds and our gifts to stand against this.
And God's given us a lot of great tools that are in the environment That make up our bodies and that our bodies operate off of.
And that's why they try to make us as unhealthy as possible.
They try to take control of the food supply.
Bill Gates is obsessed with that.
And that's why they try to ridicule people that go out and say, I'm going to take the right vitamins and minerals and other known herbal compounds that supercharge our immune systems.
Dr. Zelenko pioneered, now over 20 months ago, With his thousands of patients, what was actually working?
Necessity is the mother and father of invention.
And so I noticed that he had these amazing products out there for adults and for children.
We reached out to him a few months ago and he said, absolutely, we'll be a sponsor of the show.
So we really appreciate that.
It's symbiotic, helps you get quality products that make you healthier, boost your immune system, supports the broadcast, supports free speech.
ZStackLife.com forward slash Alex and then that supports the broadcast.
In the last 20 months have taught us anything.
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You cannot rely on the government and Big Pharma.
That's where ZStack comes in.
ZStack is a specifically designed supplement that includes zinc, querciquin, vitamin C and vitamin D formulated by Dr.
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A good strong dose of high-quality zinc, quercetin, which again they're saying does the same thing as hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C and D. Important to have this especially in The fall and winter months.
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at ZStackLife.com/Alex.
Dr. Zelenko, obviously I want to talk about big picture and the human awakening and why evil is so upset,
but just a minute or two if you could on how you formulated ZStack.
Yeah, so I have to send the ghoul Cuomo, I call him the ghoul, killed 20,000 nursing home residents,
a bouquet of flowers because when I was in the first week of April of 2020, I had developed a strategy
that was really working with my patients based on hydroxychloroquine.
Cuomo made an executive order and blocked access of hydroxychloroquine to my patients.
So I had a medication, a medical approach, but patients couldn't get it.
So I had to innovate again, and on the NIH server of all places, I discovered that there's a substance called quercetin, which works in the same mechanism as hydroxychloroquine, which basically delivers zinc into the cell, and zinc is the main component.
It's the bullet that prevents the virus from replicating.
But the zinc can't get in.
You know, it's like having a bullet without a gun.
It's useless.
Zinc could not get inside the cell.
So hydroxychloroquine was the gun that delivered the zinc into the cell.
But then, talk about gun control, Cuomo took away access to the zinc ionophore, the zinc delivery system.
So I discovered there's something called quercetin.
Honestly, I didn't know what it was.
When I googled it, I saw it was over the counter.
It's a derivative of apple peels, essentially.
And so I realized what I discovered, I discovered the cure to tyranny.
Because now I can say, Alex, go to the vitamin shop.
Screw the government, you know.
There are two reasons why people die.
The moronic doctor who delays treatment and lets lung complications develop, or the tyrannical government that blocks access to life-saving medication.
So now I can say, Alex, go to the vitamin shop, buy over-the-counter quercetin and zinc and CND, use it in the right dosing, which I open-sourced all that information.
And what happened was that people could not put the puzzle together for several reasons.
One, they couldn't source everything in the right dosing, and they just found it difficult.
There's so many options of vitamin C and vitamin D in one person.
People could not put the puzzle together.
So I was asked to make it simpler for people.
People get confused, and then you go, well, do I take the Corsiquin or the D or the C or the Zinc?
No, you've got to have it all synergistically together.
And that's what you did with the Z-Stack.
Yeah, and I wasn't even looking to monetize things.
I just wanted to make it easier for people to have access in the right time frame.
It's just so important when I keep on telling people, you must initiate antiviral treatment within the first few days of symptoms.
That's when all the data has shown an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death.
Even Pfizer itself is admitting right now.
If you use their oral antiviral drug, apparently, within the first few days of symptoms, you can reduce hospitalization and death.
And that was my next question.
I want to get that in there.
What is it like for you to see, when you just did this with thousands of patients, desperately, like old-fashioned doctors used to do, finding what worked, until you did, what is it like now to see Merck and Pfizer It's not about me.
I have to say, I have to share kind of a weird thought with you.
some of the same systems, according to other doctors I've had in here crediting you,
that hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and ivermectin do?
Look, it's not about me.
I have to say, I have to share kind of a weird thought with you.
I thank God for giving me terminal cancer.
And the reason why I say that is that the first time in my life, I've been sensitized
to how precious time is, and how insignificant we are, and how it's important to use the time that we're given.
You know, some people live 50 years, some people live 100 years.
It's irrelevant.
They're both finite.
But during this finite period of time, we have the ability to connect to the infinite and basically earn for ourselves an eternal life with the Creator.
So, I'm glad that Public awareness is increasing about early intervention.
Early intervention, that's the key.
So yes, I believe Pfizer and Merck are putrid maggots that have literally caused the death of millions of people by their coercion and suppression and cooperation with the globalists to suppress life-saving medication.
But at this point, it's not about justice as much as it is spreading awareness to save as many people as possible.
We'll come to justice later, but... So yeah, part of me is infuriated that that which was obvious to me 20 months ago was common sense.
I mean, you don't have to be a genius to know that the sooner you intervene in a disease process, the better the outcome.
That's been the history of medicine.
You know, we treat cancer when it's in one place.
We don't wait until it spreads all over.
We don't let the whole house come on fire.
We put it out, what's in the kitchen, right?
So why would COVID-19 be any different?
And the answer is because it was never about the treatment of COVID-19.
It was about maintaining the fear narrative in order to motivate 7 billion people to get poisoned.
Doctor, let me just expand on it because it's very touching.
I mean, I knew that you'd gotten diagnosed with cancer again when you were on with us a month ago.
I didn't know that you learned that it's terminal, and I'm not facing that at this time.
But I do face this level of evil, and I'm resigned to whatever God's plan is there.
I'll do it.
I know I'm an eternal being.
I'm connected to God.
I feel that level of completion.
And I think what you're saying is it's given you clarity and total focus about the infinite and about your life's already been incredibly valuable, but now towards the end of it, you have saved tens of millions of people, obviously, in the aggregate now, and that's really what matters.
Look, life is a terminal disease.
We all begin to die from the moment we're born.
We just don't realize it.
We live in a delusional state, thinking that we're immortal.
The reality is, every single human being should thank God for every single nanosecond of their own existence, and use it wisely and properly, because you don't know if you're going to wake up tomorrow.
No one knows.
So I don't worry about when I'm going to die.
I worry about how I'm going to live.
And with the time that God gives me, I would like to share with as many people the fact that we're made in God's image, you deserve to be loved because of that, and that's it.
There's no need for anything else except the fact that you're a divine being.
Your life has sanctity, it needs to be preserved, and we need to resist any tyranny that tries to quash the sanctity of your life.
You're right, they're trying to suppress.
I know you've got to go, but we've got to go to break for two minutes.
We can come back with five more just to finish up, if you can, I understand.
Just to talk about...
Because you hit on something important here.
They're really trying to suppress us and make us depressed.
That came out of big tech documents that all the big tech companies want to make us depressed and make us feel like there's no God.
It's like spiritual.
It really is.
They want to suppress us and take us with them.
Why are they doing this?
We're going to come back with final comments of Dr. Zelenko, who is particularly on fire today, that we're very sad to hear he has terminal cancer.
That's just his body.
His soul, like yours, is very real.
So guard your soul.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well, Dr. Zelenko just shared with us he has terminal cancer, but he said he feels like that just makes his mission that much stronger.
He said some powerful things to me during the last two-minute break.
So please, Dr. Zelenko, repeat what you said to me live to this audience of millions.
Yeah, so I said I thank God for giving me cancer and what I mean by that is that it's opened up my consciousness and made me realize how valuable and precious my life is and how every second is a divine gift and that really no one knows how long they're going to live.
You know, I have this kind of saying that life is a terminal disease.
Because we begin to die from the day we're born.
So it's not that important how long we live, it's much more important what we do with the time, how we live, and what we do with the time that we're given.
And it's imperative that we make good choices, that we turn away from false gods and accept the yoke of the true one God.
And that is the solution to this turning.
You see, the evil has dug in.
They have nowhere to go.
They know that if divine consciousness is spread through humanity, then that will be their end.
Just like a little light kills all the darkness.
So, they are going to do everything possible to maintain control.
And the way they do that is through mass psychosis.
If anyone has ever studied psychological warfare, you'd understand that prolonged anxiety Fear, together with human isolation, causes the human soul and spirit to decompensate and become psychotic and become so paralyzed with fear that it completely, the mind doesn't matter anymore and people gravitate to anything, any false god that will alleviate that fear.
In this particular case, it's a false vaccine, a false promise of this vaccine.
So the reality is that do not give in to the isolation, do not give in to the fear, do not let the tactics to take your consciousness away from the divine and make you codependent on a cult.
You are absolutely right, and we've even gotten their internal documents where they admit that's their plan.
How are so many of these so-called elites doing this?
I guess they go against God, they have a little bit of temporary power, thumbing their nose at God, but they're the biggest fools of all.
I call them God's toilet paper.
Because they enable us to have free choice.
And the choices are real.
And in this particular case, our choice is to stay away from them, And to gravitate towards.
You want to know where good is?
Anywhere where you'll find inspiration and freeing the soul to connect to the Creator without any codependency and learn how to fly like a free, like a birdie and connect to God without anyone else helping you.
And the cult is exactly the opposite.
They will connect you to them.
For your psychological reassurance and for, supposedly, your continued existence.
And that's a real cult.
So, I plead with humanity, I plead with the American public, do not sacrifice your children.
Take your children out of harm's way.
The government is the enemy of the people, it's the enemy of your children.
Take them out of harm's way.
They don't need to die.
Dr. Zelenko, thank you so much, and just God bless you, and you're right, we are creatures made by God.
We're going to be together in eternity, and that's why we've got to choose God, because the evil people are going to be their own system.
We're going to be with God, and that's really why they hate us.
ZStackLife.com forward slash Alex.
People need to protect themselves and their family.
Thank you so much, sir, and I look forward to speaking to you again.
Hold on as long as you can.
I know you've accepted this, and so have I, but we really appreciate you, sir.
God bless you.
God bless America.
Thank you, Dr. Zelenko.
Well, that's probably the most powerful interview we've ever done, and we've done quite a few.
That guy is definitely over the target.
He knows what he's doing.
And that's because he's got the spirit, folks.
That's what this is.
We are coming together.
The evil ones know it.
There is a mass consciousness.
They're trying to superimpose mass insanity over that in a false system they create.
So that they can suppress us and cut us off from God.
We must not let them do that.
And we must not let them damage and enslave our children because God will punish us and will destroy us if we do that.
We must stand against this evil.
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Wow, coming off that Zelenko interview, that is just empowering.
And I've been having the same things happen to my consciousness in the last year or two.
I've told you, I've shared that with you on air.
And I've had some spiritual experiences that are next level.
I mean, we're talking next level.
And I got to tell you, that's why the enemy is so upset.
God's spirit, God's energy is really coming into the third dimension right now.
This isn't mumbo jumbo.
Everything the New World Order does is to suppress that and cut that off.
Because once we hit the next level and the next level, think of us like a rocket.
Once we go into our third stage, we're out of this world.
The New World Order is not going to have any power over us.
We're going to look back on this as a sick joke, ladies and gentlemen, and just be sad for all those that we lost, who chose evil.
I got so much to hit, I'm probably going to host some into the fourth hour with Celente.
Biden has shut down over a thousand Major spurs of pipelines.
Over 50 major pipelines.
He shut down the Keystone, obviously, right when it was completed.
Took a decade to build it.
$14 million.
And he just announced that they're going to, well, he already announced they're going to shut it down, and then he didn't.
The governor of Michigan announced it for the Democratic Party, and then she didn't have the power because it's a treaty.
And so now Biden's going to shut down the main pipeline out of Canada that supplies Michigan, Illinois, and a bunch of other states with refined gasoline and gas.
I mean, this is just next level.
I mean, literally, they had the Department of Energy head on TV this weekend saying, I meant to play it yesterday, but the headline was on Infowars.com, get ready for power.
Shortages and blackouts and skyrocketing gas prices for fuel and natural gas.
I mean, they're literally destroying the country and stepping on its neck.
All of this is to shut it down.
So I've got that.
Jason Burmess is an old friend of mine.
He was one of the producers and researchers on the Loose Change Trilogy.
And he's made some other very, very informative documentary films.
And he's also a talk show host.
He calls himself a talking head.
And he's on ROKFIN.com forward slash Jason Bermas and Twitter at Jason Bermas.
And he joins us to cover transhumanism, all these insane developments, the announcements of world government.
Look, I've known you What, 18 years?
I mean, I forgot.
I've known Paul Watson 20.
I think I've known you like 17, 18 years.
I forget.
But my Lord, Jason Mermis, what is it like for you to be, and all of us, to be vindicated?
And basically almost everybody I know is red-pilled now, but we're just in this insane period.
What would you call this time we're in, and what would you call The vindication.
It's not about patting ourselves on the back.
It's surreal.
Like, we're all vindicated, but the evil just moves forward of its own inertia.
Jason Burmas.
Well, first of all, unfortunately, I'm not as surprised as I should be.
However, the acceleration, obviously, in the last 18 to 24 months has been over the top.
But if you're asking me where we're living in, I'll tell you, we're living in the post-truth world, right?
This is what the Bilderberg Group actually focused on.
Three years ago.
And we don't know if they had a meeting in 2021.
We know they did not have a meeting, Alex, in 2020.
But that's when you had this new repackaged New World Order Great Reset.
That we have to become the great resistance to.
You know, your previous guest hit so many points and this is really about saving humanity at the end of the day, Alex.
It is a transhumanist movement and they are utilizing all their tools, all the predator class tools of the media military industrial complex against us, the people, the global populace.
You know, I'm glad you'd raised that article from three years ago, CNBC.
The Bilderberg Group, remember when we were covering it 15, 20 years ago, it didn't exist.
Now it's like, oh, the Bilderberg Group, the secret elite is going to save you from disinformation.
They're going to censor everybody because they love you.
And now they've got their great reset to kill all of us.
I mean, this is insane.
They've got worse than that, Alex.
Openly, you know, I was going back to conversations that we had well over a decade ago about Homeland Security, these fusion centers that they had created, the MIAC report, and how really this infrastructure had been built against the American people.
It had nothing to do with overseas other than our dominance in Eurasia and basically setting up more of our military-industrial complex throughout the world.
And today, this article behind me, Alex, is almost six months old, and it talks about a program called Signature Reduction.
And if I could just read the first paragraph, it blows my mind that no one has really covered this at length.
They admit That they have some 60,000 people now belong to a secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profiles, all part of a broad program called signature reduction.
The force, more than 10 times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic And these people have utilized really the DARPA technology that has been rolled out again throughout the globe in the last 18 to 24 months.
sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household
names and companies. And these people have utilized really the DARPA
technology that has been rolled out again throughout the globe in the last
18 to 24 months. That's what these shots are.
I'm glad you raised that because they've had stay-behind networks and secret army units for 200 plus years in this
I had some family that was in that.
But this isn't your grandpa's army or your great-uncle's army or your uncle's army.
This is UN leftist trained, that this isn't the regular military that are in positions everywhere, and part of it's InfraGard, that interfaces with the FBI.
But yes, that's the type of people that were provocateuring on January 6th.
That's who's infiltrating the militias, trying to get them to do violence.
And these are leftist political operatives, even above the CIA and the Army, that are basically sheep-dipped out of these agencies that are operating.
And I can tell you, Burmese, I think the number's a lot higher than 60,000.
Well, I would agree with that.
But again, those are probably the units, again, that give them the plausible deniability.
Just to illustrate the type of technology that they're getting, and when I say it's DARPA tech, there is no doubt, what you're going to look at behind me, it looks like a hand.
Unfortunately, it's not a hand.
It's actually a glove that fits over your hand, can have any biometric fingerprint on it, and emits human oils, Alex.
How many people have given up their DNA to databases?
How many people have given up their biometric data by putting their phone on?
I mean, this is reality right now.
They've utilized this.
As far as I know, nobody has the documents other than Newsweek.
I'd love to get my hands on them to see how extensive this really goes.
What you're getting to, and this all goes into AbleDanger and all those other programs and things that go back and all these other events.
There's a whole transhumanist revolution taking place through corporations, and we're really in the year 2050 right now, technology wise.
There's all these advanced technologies that aren't distributed to the public yet, and now all these corporate and governmental spy agencies are involved, forcing this takeover of society, and the forced inoculation is the vanguard of that attack.
Well, I would agree with a lot of that.
For instance, when we talk about Alex, NASA.
NASA is largely a front for the military-industrial complex.
For instance, you know, it was years ago that Google, which to me is not a private company, the idea that you have the number one search engine in the world, the number one video platform in the world, the number one operating system in the world, Android, okay?
as not a technopoetic point of view.
Eric Schmidt and Google's what, 20-something years old?
It's totally run by the Deep State on record, actually.
It's not even debatable.
It's not, and Eric Schmidt is the author of The New Digital Age from 2013,
reshaping the future of people, nations, and businesses, where he was calling for the type of censorship,
especially against WikiLeaks, many, many years before what we're seeing today.
And at the same time that his company, of course, is achieving quantum supremacy with NASA.
You know, it's not about going to the moon or Mars.
It's about artificial intelligence, automation, and really the bringing in of this transhumanist fourth industrial revolution.
Well, Eric Schmidt's creating Dragonfly, the censored version of Google, basically.
And he's on the National Security Council.
Stay there, stay there, Jason Burmess.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Alright, the argument is if you don't study nanotech and if you don't study mind control and if you don't roll it out and dominate it, somebody else is going to do that.
And so you've got to be more evil than the evil to protect the good, but that's really the lie.
So when you see the sexualization of children, And you see the destruction of families, and you see pedophile story time.
That's all coming out of the big banks, the big think tanks, the big tax-free foundations, down through all the different government agencies, including the military.
And that's why you see social engineering in the military, to turn it into a woke, transhumanist system.
And so you see testing experimental vaccines that, quote, change people's brains in the military.
Now they're saying, oh, shots for depressed teens that really go in and eat parts of the brain.
This is a very brave new nightmare world, and it's rolling out right now in our face.
Jason Burmas is an investigative journalist and filmmaker.
He has a real knack for going through all the incredible stories that got kind of lost in the shuffle and bringing it all together.
So you're getting at something big here, Jason.
Please continue.
Well, Alex, when I talk about NASA, there is this document out there that, you know, I had probably seen back in the day, but when I read it during this COVID-1984 nightmare and where we were going, I was kind of just blown away.
And the reason I was blown away is this is a future strategic issues warfare document.
And you say to yourself, well, why is NASA doing this?
Well, it's in conjunction with DARPA and all these other agencies, obviously within the military industrial complex.
We'll scroll down and show you that in a moment.
But what caught me was this was from July of 2001.
It was a presentation that Dennis Bushnell, who's the chief scientist today at NASA, he's been there really generationally.
Um, and it calls for population sustainability.
But what was really crazy to me is that it told us that in 2020, the bio nano era was coming here.
And it doesn't know how long this lasts.
But the next is virtual.
And when you start going through this document, you find out that they're talking about population sustainability.
I have this man on video about 10 years ago at a forum talking about how population control, they may institute it, it will change everything.
He calls it Malthus 101.
And when you talk about these shots for behaviors, we could get to the idea of brain chips.
He talks about at that point over a decade ago, Alex, this man says over 10,000 people had taken these brain chips.
And let me show you where we are today because they're talking about them for depression and commercialization.
But the reality of this thing is that it's very disturbing to me.
You look at this woman here.
She's having her brain chip Not refitted, but just kind of checked on and she says she's doing well.
She's doing so well Excuse me that she's out in a garden by herself with a mask on and she's heavily overweight This is helping with her depression.
So now it's being commercialized and they're acting like this is a new technology No, they've had this for decades and this is something that I know you and I have discussed and in the document I mean, it's been classified that on mental institutions they were putting wires into people's heads in the 50s, chips in their brains by the 70s.
And they talk about how they basically hold on to these technologies for 20 to 30 years.
It takes them about a decade, okay, to get these things going.
Again, this is officially NASA saying We're going to put nanobots in all the food into your body.
It's now being announced by the USDA last week.
They're going to spray nanobots in our food, same stuff that's in the vaccines.
It'll take our bodies over and take our brains over.
That's a Davos Group press release two weeks ago.
I played the clip two weeks ago.
And then after that, once they take us over, then they're going to plug us in and make us be in a virtual world.
They talk about these tanks they're going to insert us into that actually our energy will then power the sustainability.
People go, oh that's the Matrix, no?
That's a 1977 document leaked in the year 2000 by the Federation of American Scientists.
This is the plan for the Matrix.
Is that where you're going, Jason?
I'm saying, you know, whether they tell you you can upload your consciousness or not, that same man Bushnell over a decade ago talks about how they're building the cerebral cortex in silicone.
They're having incredible success in basically uploading consciousness.
And for instance, you know, this is the head of NASA in another interview.
He talks about how human beings won't really be going to Mars.
We're going to send the robots there.
And they're already talking about on this Artemis mission that they're going to send some version of the Atlas robot on that mission.
We already have the DARPA dogs everywhere.
They're here to protect us from COVID.
We've also got Grace the robot.
That's a whole other thing.
But you and I, Alex, we'll just go there virtually.
You know, we'll virtually visit there.
And that's how the fraud works, because you never really go anywhere.
This is a prison, a false dimension they're creating to imprison us in.
That's the metaverse that Zuckerberg's talking about.
And that's the big question mark for them, because the next thing is virtual.
That's where they want to get us at.
And that's why they did the lockdowns, is to force us into Zoom, into Skype, and then it's already being forced.
The new generation is learning about it.
That's why Zuckerberg's putting everything into it and buying up all the VR companies.
Well, again, I'm so glad you said that.
Let's see if we can bring this part of it.
So this is a document, again, pre-9-11, folks.
And in it, this is what they want for their little revolution.
Tele-shopping, tele-entertainment, tele-travel, tele-education, which has been huge.
That's what Bill Gates was given in New York.
You know, Eric Schmidt was given the smart- Tele-medicine, tele-commerce, tele-politics, tele-socialization.
You don't get to see people anymore.
You're a prisoner!
How much of that took place again in the last 18 months?
This document is stunning.
This man talks about not only population control, but genomically changing the DNA of human beings.
If people doubt that the bio-nano era started, Moderna and a $25 million drop partnered with DARPA on mRNA.
The other partners in all of this were AstraZeneca, Bill & Melinda Gates, all the players, Merck, okay?
And they were going to fight pandemics.
This is from 2013.
They know what this technology is going to do, Alex.
I'm sure you're aware of that.
We've discussed this at length.
But at the very end of the day, it also helps bring in their systems of slavery digitally through all of these apps and the surveillance state.
Again, they are... Exactly.
Making you in this doesn't just make you a prisoner.
It makes you be under surveillance.
And that's why during the whole, quote, fake pandemic, all the big companies had apps they made employees take that watched and listened to them in real time.
So now they're just admitting the surveillance.
And really, one of the craziest things about this, Alex, is that the people that are directing this, right, the ones we're supposed to be listening to, the authoritative sources, if you will, the ones that will get us censored on YouTube, Google, major platforms, taken off of Amazon servers, you know, I know that, you know, I'm not a big fan of Elon Musk by any means, and we can get into that in a moment, but he called them out For their old, uh, I believe it was 2014-2015 sex scandal.
Well, folks, while they're running the information on the pandemic from 2018 to 2020, they just had an even larger child sex scandal.
Well, no, you'll just say it's a sex scandal, of course, but you scroll down and they're talking to girls as young as to, as believed to be 13, Alex.
And the EU has actually pulled funds from the W.H.L.
over this sex abuse scandal.
Guess what?
Crickets here.
Because the U.N.' 's not really in charge.
They're just a vehicle, a mouthpiece, the authoritative source for the existence of this global government.
That's right.
The U.N.
is just where they get all the governments together and act like it's a consensus.
Jason Berman, stay there.
They are building a nightmare prison.
And it's a kill grid is what it is.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Here's everything you got to know.
This is all anti-human.
It's all extremely evil.
The mainline transhumanists say they're going to transcend humanity and merge the machines.
And then again, this quote, the future will not be human.
So this is all done in increments, but now it's accelerating.
Now the snowball is going down the hill very, very fast.
It's getting bigger.
And when you look at the type of weirdos, this NASA head that Jason was talking about, Not just the horribly evil, creepy things he says and does, and how they're going to put nanotech in us, and how they're going to take over our lives, and how they're going to sterilize us, and how they're going to reduce our population.
He looks like a space alien crossed with a child molester.
Like Jason was saying, these people are just absolutely out of control.
And I'm not saying that guy's a child molester.
I'm just saying if I was going to You know, be a Hollywood producer and I was going to cast somebody as a space alien that, like, grabs kids and sucks their brains out or something with a big straw.
It'd be this guy.
And then you read what he's saying of what they want and what they're doing.
All of them are just a collection of demons.
You've got Team Freedom and Team Demon.
So, Jason, continuing here, everything they're deploying is about enslavement and death and destruction.
This isn't the future they're rolling out.
It's the end of humanity in their own words.
Well, exactly.
And when we talk about that post-truth world, think about that.
The United Nations has been able to actively suppress people talking about treatments that work, such as Budesonide, Alex.
Here's the Oxford study.
I know you've had Dr. Bartlett on the program.
Of course, Ivermectin, the enigmatic, multifaceted wonder drug that continues to surprise and exceed expectation.
Journal of Antibiotics, again, this is pre-2019, 2020, before everything was being suppressed.
They're telling you, across the board, they don't know why there's a rise in Heart attacks and blocked arteries.
It's a mystery after they told you again the flu disappeared for the first time in human history from both the southern and northern hemisphere and if you disagree with that...
You're censored.
This is the medicalization, as you've talked about, of society.
And they don't mind that they're just going to lay all these people off.
Because one of the other things that Bushnell says in one of the clips I have, is he basically says in a 15 to 20 year time period, there is nothing, and not from now, I'm talking about then, so we're about 5-10 years away, there's nothing these robots can't do to replace us.
What humans will do in the future is not clear.
And he said, you know, we thought that we needed a robot or human touch in the nursing homes, okay?
Well, he found out, no, they had it in Japan and the patients liked them a lot more.
And now they're rolling out Grace the Robot.
This is from Hanson Robotics that actually I covered back in the day because they were in Austin, Texas, Alex, and they had all sorts of creepy robotics programs going on then.
And of course, they brought you Sophia.
And now they've partnered with Cardano, one of the more popular altcoins out there in the blockchain, to bring you something that has programming to treat you just like that dog.
That dog is being utilized right now in Hawaii in homeless encampments to test people's temperature from seven feet away to keep people safe from COVID.
And again, it's all rolled out.
And in fact, Al Gore says BlackRock said last week that all the new billionaires are saying are going to be produced that they fund off of biomedical surveillance and carbon surveillance.
So again, Davos, three weeks ago, we played it like 10 times, released a new promo video, like the one they released a few years ago, saying, you'll own nothing and have nothing and drones will do all your work, because they're making you obsolete.
But they came out and said, this is the world IB, world social credit score, world carbon score, and that airlines are already rolling it out.
So yes, when people think, oh, I'll just stay home and watch Netflix, this isn't a revolution of laborers learning not to have a job.
You're being made obsolete so that companies have to bring the robots in to replace you.
It's a diabolical plan, Jason.
And it's right in front of us.
You talked about, for instance, The nanotags.
Well, we talked about smart dust many years ago.
Again, in this document.
Let me read this.
Nanotags placed on everything, everywhere.
Identification and status info.
We don't even have to go into the co-opted insects.
Yes, DARPA has had varying levels of insects that they have altered, but their main thing that was, basically scientists said, whoa, was they were using bio-nanotech to have them carry viruses.
And that's really what the H1N1 vaccine was 10 years ago.
But I'm sure you've seen it.
USDA, Burmese, this just came out a while ago.
They're going to spray it on our food.
They've announced it's so good for us.
Well, what do you expect when you let a company, for instance, like Bayer, Alex, right?
Bayer partners with Monsantin.
Now, Bill Gates, a heavy investor in Monsanto.
Prior to that, I want to remind people That Bayer knowingly sold and injected people, many of whom were children, okay, with live HIV virus in their HIV medication... And hepatitis.
Or I'm sorry, it wasn't hepatitis, it was... No, it was HIV and hepatitis in the Factor VIII blood scandal.
Yes, absolutely.
And it came out that they did it on purpose.
They were quoted as saying, oh, who cares?
Let's just kill these hemophiliacs.
So again, let's explain, though.
He quotes Malthus and others in the NASA document, as you were saying.
They go back to Plato 2,300 years ago.
They believe it's been their mission ever since to kill all of us.
You're right.
Actually, you know, I put that in shade of the motion picture that you go all the way back to Roman times and the oligarchs there thought it was overpopulated.
So in the document, he doesn't talk about Malthus one-on-one, but in this presentation behind me, there's not a lot on this guy, but he talks about it very, very readily, and it goes in conjunction with many of the things presented in that document.
What I was saying is that is all that's Malthus one-on-one is my point.
And for those that don't know, Malthusianism is what is a life worth?
And what do you think your life is worth to some scumbag billionaire or scumbag member of a generational bloodline that's been in control for hundreds if not thousands of years?
The only thing you're worth is what can they extract for you before they kill you.
Or will you serve them?
Will you bend the knee?
Will you go along with their key to slavery pass in New York City?
Will you get boosters three through five?
Will you double down and get the flu shot on top of that this year?
Will you scold your neighbor for not wearing a mask?
Will you enslave your child?
Will you inject your child with bio-nanotech that the Defense Department is putting out?
Because they've been so honest with us, Alex.
Well, Jason, I mean, I've had top scientists on, I know you covered on your own show.
The Pfizer and Moderna shots are synthetic nanotech, and it makes your body create the spike protein that causes the COVID illness.
And the statistics are, I had Dr. McCullough in here last week, the studies are out.
It's what's making people sick, whether it's Israel or whether it is Ireland, the places with the highest vaccination rate have the highest hospitalization and death rates.
They can't hide this anymore.
It's crazy.
They're killing us out in the open, Jason.
You know, I played that Waterford, Ireland clip and that's out of Sky News and it's almost unbelievable to me that people can either ignore that or watch that and think that they could line up their child.
Non-compliance is now the great resistance is now.
This is for your very human soul, no matter what you believe in.
If you believe in it, and just like the gentleman before me talked about, Okay, if you believe in any creator at this point, if you think human beings are important, now is the time to rise up because all of this is moving in the direction of carbon, as you know, Alex.
And really, when you talked about, you know, the sexualization of children and all this confusion, it's really about the idea that you can transcend the trans movement, your human body.
That's why you have the non-binaries and so many others, because they want you in this virtual verse.
They want you to think That this body is not only temporary, but you don't have an eternal soul.
We can take your consciousness, and we can make you into... Well, you only get an eternal soul by giving up your body.
They say you have to do that for some reason, and uploading it to the system that then saves the Earth from carbon.
The non-carbon base is good.
The carbon is bad.
You know, the Earth's based on carbon.
We need plants.
We need humans.
We need animals.
But at the end of the day, it's not about saving animals, as the average leftist environmentalist thinks.
The transhumanists say, this is about transcending our bodies.
And, you know, even a guy like Ray Kurzweil who talks about this singularity.
There's another clip I have where he's discussing how overpopulation is a myth.
He says... Let's come back and talk about that.
Stay with us.
Now, let's talk about Travis Scott and Astroworld with Jason Mermis.
We'll go a little bit in the next hour and then Gerald Cilente is going to take over.
People wanted my take on this since Saturday.
And I wanted to sit back and actually study it and look at it first.
And I'm not saying that Dre is a bad person.
I'm not saying that Travis Scott is a bad person.
But the production of Hollywood, the whole system is all very, very occultic.
And the push to take ayahuasca and LSD and hallucinogens and to mainline all these drugs that statistically do help people some of the time, but in mass, at concerts, taking it routinely, is how they got control of big tech.
And how they created the big tech cult of the last 30 years was taking these very drugs.
Now they're going to externalize this transhumanist cult out there.
They want the public totally drugged, out of their minds, mesmerized, To then accept the virtual concerts where you'll take the drugs and go in and then experience all of this.
This is how they want to get people, like any cult, that's what control freaks always want, absolutely controlled.
Let me show you some of these images.
Overhead shot, please.
Astro World Festival security guard said he was pricked in the neck, injected before passing out.
Houston police chief say, and a lot of other credible people say, They were being injected with something.
This is, in my view, a mass mind control drill.
That's what the police chief is saying.
We've got so much of that video of what was unfolding.
But here's some of the images as the crowd surges forward.
A lot of folks having heart attacks and being crushed.
What, 13 dead now, over 400 injured.
It's the image of a huge portal with basically demons coming out of it with these big hands around it,
lunging towards the crowd.
And then you have the main quote star, Scott, going out on like a promontory,
going out on like a cherry picker, above the crowd singing and staring down at the death
and then singing in a very basically happy voice about it all.
Absolutely satanic.
And that's the type of energy that these people engage in when they do these rituals.
Now they want to externalize that onto the rest of the world.
So, yes, you could have said that this was just a bunch of people, a bunch of people breaking in, folks running towards the stage.
Stampedes happen all the time.
Yes, that's part of it.
But the whole backdrop is a Hieronymus Bosch paintings from 300 plus years ago.
This reminds me of a volcano.
Many people said, yes, when you sacrifice the virgins and people as young as 14 died.
Right before the panic broke out, the portal opened.
And look, here's a Hieronymus Bosch painting.
Guys, pull up Hieronymus Bosch and how long ago he actually lived in Europe.
With the image of hell and the demons, the people marching in and out of the mouths and the burning fires.
That's what they're recreating.
With all of this.
If you do an overhead shot, I can show the TV viewers this, please.
But again, that's the concert.
That's what's going on.
You can say, oh, well, they're just reenacting what an artist did.
Yeah, with burning fires and death and hell, all of it a recreation of hell.
And Jack Posobiec tweeted this out with an image of me the last time I was on.
Joe Rogan basically talking about all of this same information.
So, first, ASHRAWorld lawsuit land, Travis Scott and Drake are named as defendants.
Eight dead after crowd surge at Travis Scott's ASHRAWorld festival.
Now it's 13.
So a real tragedy, but...
Humans always want to have pyramids and fires and people dying and images of death.
There's a dark force in every culture always pushing us towards this final end when societies are in a period of collapse.
And the globalists are trying to accelerate the period of collapse so they can control the collapse, they believe, and exit safely on the other side.
That's what mid-level acolytes of the Illuminati are told.
It's really much worse than that.
It's been this group actually orchestrating this birth and death cycle over and over again for my research.
Jason Burmus.
Well, when you talk about the occult and especially the entertainment industry, for instance, you go to the recent, I don't know if it was this last Super Bowl, it may have been, it was the weekend's performance where you literally had digital fallen angels coming down to sing in a choir and the whole thing not only had an occult tone but that transhumanist tone Where they were changing their face.
Jay Dyer and I actually did a large breakdown.
I know he co-hosts or sometimes hosts the show here.
It seems repetitive.
We've seen it time and time again, Alex.
And it was one of those things that I didn't understand until I saw your footage from the Bohemian Grove.
And quite frankly, since then, I have eight of their ten annals now.
I have some of the earliest publications.
I actually have the biography.
Of a man named George Bromley, they called him Uncle Bromley, who brought many of these occultic rituals from overseas, from China actually.
If you look at his book, man I'm going to forget the name, but it's basically an owl boat.
So he brought the owl there as basically their new deity, right?
The predator that sees in the dark.
The one they sacrifice to every single year, Dull Care, which is their consciousness for how they behaved the prior year.
And I know you're playing this right now, but you see all of their faces are covered.
And again, prior to this, you literally had digital fallen angels.
And the lead character is the one that is shining in the light, right?
It's always about the light coming down.
And all of his associates dressed in, you know, basically red and black satanic garb.
And let's go further talking about this.
They believe they need blood to get power from their God.
Their God won't give them power unless they hurt children.
So let's go back to the 2012 Olympics in London, England, which went on for days with images of Grim Reapers coming down and killing children in their hospital beds, and with nurses injecting them with a vaccine, and then the Grim Reaper comes and kills them.
Telling us what they were planning.
It was already in Operation Lockstep two years before that.
And then they just show, again, Grim Reapers coming down with demons and grabbing and killing the children and the nurses delivering the children to them.
And I told you then, they even had up in the sky the image of viruses that look like the COVID virus.
They're telling you about the mass ritual because that's called lesser magic.
They have to galactically, a universal rule of the universe, tell you what they're going to do before they do it.
They have to post it in public as a form of an of implied consent
You know Madonna as well She did a performance prior to the pandemic about all of us not making it into the future, where you had, again, a very, very large occult ritual going on in front of you, and all of these people wearing masks throughout the performance.
And he lands with red eyes and is wearing like a plastic garb and that's taken off.
It's all like the medical workers.
They're powerful.
They're in the cult.
They're in the group.
They're the priests.
So the medical workers, Lucifer descends, the medical workers become the saviors, and the medical worker goes out and they enslave the crowd that are wearing masks and then they basically die.
So it's like, we're coming down, we're taking you over, and we're killing you.
Liberal, liberal, liberal, isn't it fun?
There she is, dressed as Baphomet.
And again, this performance takes on a life of its own.
It talks about how, you know, again, some of us aren't going to make it into the future, Alex.
And you've been talking about population control for a very, very long time.
But it's been in our face, right?
The Good Guys Club.
Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Ted Turner!
They're gonna save us, Alex!
And, you know, you had those news clips as superheroes.
But, again, who gets to decide who lives and dies?
What is population control?
Again, when Dennis Bushnell talks about it, he talks about code words like Sustainability.
And when he talks about, for instance, productivity, that means the further automization of society.
Klaus Schwab and the gang are not playing around when they tell you they want chips in everything.
We illustrated it from that document.
Nano tags in everything.
It's now being announced they're spraying the chips on the food.
It's not coming.
It's here.
Stay there.
Let's talk more about this and where you see it going with Jason Bermas then.
Gerald Solente is going to be taking over.
Please don't forget.
If people don't support us, we'll be taken off the air.
The enemy's so pissed they haven't taken us off yet.
They're trying around the clock.
We have plans and operations to be able to defeat the globalist, but we need your support.
Plus we've got great products you need.
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wars powered by the people our number four straight ahead look at this
headline from CNN there's a battle between democracy and authoritarianism and
democracies losing when they're the ones bragging they're bringing in
authoritarian world government
There's the headline.
Absolutely crazy.
So, makes the head spin.
My phone's not loading for some reason, my little globalist tracker.
You can go to the front page of CNN, it says that.
You can pull the actual headline up.
Jason, we really appreciate you and the great job you're doing.
I want to invite you back more often, because I know you do a great job on your own show, and you do a great job here, showing people a lot of documents.
And proof, obviously a lot of our stations are radio, but for TV viewers, they got a chance to see basically everything you talked about.
You showed them.
This has been a pretty powerful hour.
What else do you want to impart to the viewers and listeners?
Well, you know, let me plug your supplements for a second, Alex.
For instance, the guy we've been talking about a lot, Dennis Bushnell.
All these people will tell you, oh, supplements don't work.
They try to get you away from the vitamins, just like they don't want you to have red meat.
And again, Bill Gates and others like him, they're going to give you synthetic food.
The bugs are going to be okay.
Well, guys like Bushnell, if you actually go to his NASA profile, I know you had that one picture pulled up.
But if you scroll down, he's known for taking handfuls of supplements every day.
And Ray Kurzweil, for instance, he's a guy, Alex, that also is known... Oh, they all gobble superfoods and supplements and eat red meat, because they know red meat massively boosts your brain's cognitive operation.
They also gobble eggs all day.
That's literally what your brain operates off of, is cholesterol.
But notice they say, oh, don't have cholesterol.
They give you drugs that literally eat your brain.
And, you know, Huxley and others wrote about this, right?
And now we're living in this society where people have wanted that instant gratification.
They've bought into that a pill is going to make everything better, that the government can take care of them.
Unfortunately, that's not reality.
They've been bombarded.
With just major propaganda.
So, you know, at one point you have to say to yourself, look, you can't blame all these people.
You know, I heard you earlier.
You know, at least Bill Gates and these guys have a goal.
It is a demon's goal, Alex.
You know that spending my time at InfoWars, I was never a religious guy.
But, you know, as things have moved forward, there is no doubt to me that this is not only A human battle and a battle for our species, but like Eisenhower warned us, a spiritual battle as well.
And to embrace that darkness at the behest of supposed immortality and the domination, the enslavement and the extermination of your very own species, I don't know if there is anything that could be more grotesque and more evil and more worth Fighting against our brothers, our sisters, our mothers, our fathers, our families, our friends are all at stake right now.
And as you know, a lot of us aren't going to make it out there, right?
Even H.G.
Wells said on the altar of this new world order, many beautiful people will die.
Well, if that's what it takes, I don't care because I refuse to live in a dystopic nightmare where I am no longer a human being.
And some authoritarian who's basically a generational predator class member gets to monitor my very essence.
Not going to happen, Alex.
Well, that's right.
You do a few more minutes with us and then we're going to have Joe Celente take over.
But that was beautifully said, Jason.
And as you accepted this is a spiritual battle, did your discernment and understanding not expand massively?
You know, Alex, Obviously, I know that you have kids.
You know, I take care of my nieces.
My brother has now had three children.
And if you can't look...
You know the babies the kids in your family and know and just know that there is something special about us that again transcends everything they tell us in these you know dark Darwinian evolution theories these people are social Darwinists right Alex they think that they can just take over it's survival of the fittest if you fall for it whatever that's on you but then you find out again as we just showed you The early devil worshipper, child molesters, you don't even get in the club unless you rape children, bare minimum.
Now it's kill children, the Olympics show, we're gonna kill your children, the medical system, and now they're doing it.
Mass child sacrifice has now begun, publicly.
Alright, Jason Bermas, you've always done a great job, I've known you, is it 17 or 18 years?
How long have I known you, Jason?
You know, I think that we did our first radio together all the way back in 2005, but we met in 2006 at Chicago at that very first 9-11 Truth get-together where so many others that have gone on to do great things were there.
You know, my buddy Luke Radowski, Gary Franchi was there.
I believe that's where I met Richard Andrew Grove.
Really pioneers of alternative media that have stuck it out.
And, you know, I remember sitting down, like it was yesterday, Alex, first time I meet the guy, we're sitting there, we're having drinks, and, you know, people are coming to talk to Alex Jones, and someone I think either gave you a, I'm pretty sure it was a $100 bill, and you just ripped it right in half.
And you gave it back to the guy, I don't want your money.
And you know, from there, Alex, it's been a wild ride, right?
Look, 9-11 is that catalyzing event that kind of brought me into the fray.
And no matter where I was in my personal life or where society thought I was, I had to do something.
And I can only hope.
That, again, after this almost two-year COVID-19-84 nightmare that we are currently still under globally, it can be that awakening for other people.
Because I'm not special, man.
You know, I'm, you know, a beauty school dropout that, you know, got involved with a documentary film that tried to tell the truth about 9-11.
And somehow... It's called being a barber when you're a guy, Jason, on a beauty school dropout.
Hey, seriously though, I remember that now.
And I felt rude, but I'm not... I do need money to fund my operation.
It was the way the guy went, here's $100 if you'll talk to me.
And then I tore it up.
I think I bought the guy drinks and dinner or something.
My point was is that I didn't need him to give me $100 to talk to me.
That was the point.
I wasn't like a vending machine.
No, yes.
No, listen, it wasn't anything malicious at all, folks.
It was just, again, one of those moments.
And, again, we were trying to warn people about Homeland Security.
We were trying to tell people, you're the terrorist.
And now it's evolved to the point where Parents at school board meetings are under DOJ investigation.
Did I ever think it was going to get to that point?
Jason, look at these headlines.
Look at this.
Biden administration stockpiling millions of records on U.S.
gun owners amid new crackdown on firearms.
Internal ATF documents feel concerned.
Biden building massive illegal database of American gun owners.
When I went to buy a couple of hunting shotguns a few weeks ago at Cabela's, They go, it's a new thing.
It flashed up and asked me if I was a straw purchaser.
Asked me a bunch of names of Joneses I didn't know.
And again, that's how these databases say you might be guilty now.
And that's exactly how this works.
It's all the social credit score.
Here's another one.
Biden crusade against domestic extremism spurs thousands of FBI probes.
Fears of police state.
Fears of the police state?
They raided James O'Keefe on Saturday.
For not publishing a diary somebody sent in that they confirm is the president's youngest daughter talking about him having sex with her.
Your comment on that, Jason?
It's wild. Again, you know, what's happened to Julian Assange right now, the fact that
the only discussion is whether or not that he would be killing himself in prison is why
he's not being extradited. The man's committed no crimes.
You know, he exposed...
They dropped the charges of raping the two sex operatives.
Yeah, absolutely.
That never went to court at all.
They admitted that those women made, you know, malicious and false claims against him.
Look, Assange... Oh, don't forget, and one of them worked for the CIA.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, if you look at that whole debacle, it is shameful.
Again, that's one of the many stains.
It's so obvious.
When I've been to, like, Trump Hotel or other D.C.
hotels, I'll be sitting down there just getting a drink back when I was still drinking, and, like, two women will walk over, because they always do it in teams, and they'll say, hey, let's go up to your hotel room and have sex.
And I've done this in front of the crew, and I go, you think I'm going to let you put me in prison like Julian Assange?
Plus, you ain't that good looking, and I'm married.
So, I don't need to have sex with sex operatives.
And they look like somebody just... I mean, it's so obvious, these CIA sex ops.
I mean, you women can just burn in hell.
That's happened to me a lot.
Anyways, go ahead.
Well, you look at Assange, right?
Even, you know, in the Ecuadorian embassy during all these times and tribulations, WikiLeaks are the ones that put out those OPCW documents that confirm that no chemical attack happened in Douma, and even, you know, the internal UN investigators knew this, and their report had been compromised.
That's why you need WikiLeaks.
That's why you need Project Veritas.
You know, Project Veritas, for instance, Has one of the right-hand men of Zuckerberg, Mr. Metaverse, talking about how this is eugenics.
This is eugenics.
And eugenics is basically the gospel for these people.
They can redress it and they can call it something else.
Yes, everything assaulting us, the entire future, everything is this.
Their future is death.
Our future is life.
That's why I'm full of words at the tip of the spear.
And I'm so glad to see the giant awakening.
And Jason, you're an OG.
I mean, you've been what?
16, 17, 18 years fighting tyranny.
Let's have you back again soon.
Jason Burmiss.
Anybody can search into his name.
God bless you and be safe, buddy.
Thank you.
Well, it's now out in the open that the New World Order is destroying America, but there is a Great Awakening happening.
But if InfoWars isn't on the air, if they're able to shut us down, that's going to be a big victory for the enemy.
And so you need to understand, we need your support to be able to really take it to the globalist at the end of 2021 and 2022.
So first off, thanks for all your previous support.
And I want to encourage you to take advantage of Black Friday comes early that we've been launching for about the last nine years.
Every single year, and it's a very popular sale.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, and up to 60% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
So, from the end of October for two weeks into November, we're running Black Friday comes early, storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, and just a bunch of huge deals.
Brain Force Plus, the nootropic, back in stock, 50% off.
Ultra 12, super high quality vitamin B12 under the tongue, 60% off.
And it just goes on and on.
That's with free shipping, double Patriot points, ultimate bone broths back.
That's discounted with also free shipping.
Find it all at InfoWarsTore.com.
Gerald Cilente is about to take over right now.
Whatever you do, tell your friends, your family, your neighbors about InfoWars, about News Wars, about Bandai Video, about Gerald Cilente, and about what he's about to say right now.
That's how we override the censors.
It's how we reach new people.
It's how we save folks.
And you know what they say.
If the situation was hopeless, the propaganda would not be necessary.
And now taking over is the top trends forecaster, Gerald Celente.
And I want to thank Alex and everybody for all that they do.
And as he said, you know, we're in the fight for our lives.
This is unprecedented.
They're robbing us of our freedom right in front of our faces.
And it's not only the United States.
Remember when the COVID war broke out?
They were saying, oh, they're doing this to get rid of Trump.
Get rid of Trump.
They locked down Italy.
Yeah, now they're showing the numbers of deaths in Italy, you know, compared to what they really said they were.
COVID debts warrant.
And how about a place like Australia for a loss of freedom?
Now, this is global and it's demonic.
And it began in China.
And the Chinese way, you must obey.
And that's what we've become.
We used to make fun of them.
We're wearing these idiotic masks.
Of course, when you read the directions on the box, it says right here that these masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection, but you, the plantation workers of Slavelandia, must wear them.
I want to get on to some economic issues here because this is very big what's going on right now.
Last week, as you know, the Federal Reserve said they were going to cut back on the tapering.
Tapering means quantitative easing, where they're buying up $120 billion a month of corporate and government bonds.
The definition of fascism, according to Mussolini, is the merger of state and corporate powers.
Here's a cat that knew a little thing about fascism.
And that's what we have now.
It's fascism.
This is all for the corporations.
The corporations are totally in charge.
There is no government.
It's the bankster gang.
The drug dealers and morons and imbeciles called Big Pharma, Big Tech, little boys with little cojones, and the military-industrial complex.
Totally taken over.
You mean Boeing?
You mean all these big defense contractors?
Isn't that a nice word?
Defense contract?
So it's the merger of state and corporate powers going back to Powell, the little boy Fed bankster, saying they're cutting back on bond buying.
When I went to college with Economics 101 in graduate school, they never taught me about a thing called quantitative easing or zero and negative interest rate policy.
They made this crap up because they're a bunch of crapsters.
They're banksters.
So yeah, they're cutting back $15 billion a month out of $120 billion, but still buying up all that fake money and putting more fake money out there.
So now they're cutting back on bond buying because I want to go into the markets and what's going on.
And they said they're not going to raise interest rates right away, which I thought they would have.
And same thing in the UK.
Last Thursday, 62% of the bets were that they were going to raise interest rates and they didn't.
And they have inflation running over 5%.
So inflation is going to keep going.
That's the bottom line.
So the new trend is GSB.
Gold, silver and Bitcoin.
They're going to keep going up.
As long as they keep pumping all this cheap money in.
This is from today's Wall Street Journal.
Global economic recovery is facing big tests.
They go on to say that global economic recovery coming back last year's deep contraction is approaching a delicate juncture as policy makers And executives grapple with the bumpy transition from the post-pandemic reopening to the more normalized pace of growth.
This is profanity.
You mean slimeball politicians who get paid off by the corporation?
What are you kidding me or what?
They're dealing.
They pay them off to do what they're told.
Central banks in the United States and elsewhere are trying to chart a path that will curb inflation, but will not choke off growth.
As they navigate the process of weakening economies off the extraordinary measures, you ready?
Including rock-bottom interest rates and enormous bond-buying programs.
The surge in U.S.
consumer demand over the past years, turbocharged by trillions of dollars in stimulus, Has ricocheted outward and caused disruptions to global supply chains that are now worsening and might stretch into 2022, executives say.
Yes, global supply chains, that is part of the problem.
The big issue here that they keep overlooking is the Federal Reserve in a country near you pumping in all of this cheap money and giving that money to people and people spending it and that's what's driving up inflation.
Are the supply chain problems real?
Supply chains?
Another article in the Wall Street Journal last Tuesday.
CEOs rethink global production playbook.
Some are moving workers and production facilities closer to home and relocating plants closer to suppliers.
No kidding!
How about a self-sustaining economy?
How about these low-life pieces of garbage scum crap murderers like Bill Clinton and others with NAFTA, And bringing China into the World Trade Organization.
And there she is, our Treasury Secretary.
Facha Bruta yelling, yep.
How about these criminals that took our production away from us and brought it overseas and now you can work for $11.50 an hour and you don't have to work in a factory.
You can work at Dollar General, which never existed before.
There he is.
A little nothing of a slime ball.
Yep, murdered people like crazy over there in Iraq.
You know, Madeleine, not all that bright, the UN ambassador at the time, with Leslie Stahl, and asking if Bill Clinton's... Take a picture of him, look at him then, and look at him now.
His sanctions on Iraq that killed over 500,000 Iraqi children.
She said, yes, it was worth the price.
But anyway, The way we solve this is a self-sustaining economy.
We have all the natural and human resources we need.
We don't have to buy our stuff from Vietnam, from China.
Yeah, look at her.
Madeline Hall, not that bright.
I was on the QE2 with her.
I was the keynote speaker.
She was the one before me.
It's a whole story going back.
But anyway, she looked like the Queen of Tarts.
She had a red thing on.
What an arrogant, arrogant, arrogant freak.
Took about 15 minutes to introduce her.
Born in Czechoslovakia, her father was this, her mother was that.
She went to this school and that school.
Otters and this and that, that and this, this and that.
And then the next day they interviewed me.
And I was the next keynote speaker.
And I said, thank you very much for that introduction.
You know, Gerald Cilenti, the author of Trends 2000, Trend Tracking, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Here's on all the major shows.
I said, it's a very nice introduction.
I said, but what I, but after hearing that introduction from Madeleine Albright last night, I felt like I was shortchanged.
Then I said, and what you also didn't mention was that, uh, I graduated.
I didn't, I didn't graduate PS 76 in the Bronx with audience, but anyway, going back to the economy.
G S B gold, silver, and Bitcoin.
Those to me are the big ones now and in the future.
Yes, the prices of gold and silver are going to go down when they raise interest rates.
They also want to keep gold prices down because when gold prices spike, they know how bad things are.
And the criminal organization called JPMorgan Chase was caught Rigging rigging the precious metals market to a fine $900 million in 2019 so that they're trying to keep it down.
It's going to come back when.
They raise interest rates and the economy goes down because we're going to go into an economic bust, the likes we've never heard of before.
And to show you their arrogance and incompetence, this is also a quote from Jerome Powell in the Wall Street Journal about inflation.
It's very, very difficult to forecast and not easy to set policy.
Inflation is coming higher than expected.
And bottlenecks have been more persistent and more relevant.
We see that they're now on track to persist well into next year.
That's, that was not expected by us, nor by other US macro forecasters.
That's a total lie.
In every Trends Journal issue, in nearly a year, we've been warning about inflation, and then as the bottleneck process started to build up, writing about it continually.
They don't know what they're doing.
And if they do know what they're doing, they're lying, because they know when interest rates go up, this economy goes down.
So remember, we're going to be back.
Support InfoWars.
We have important information for you.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And like Alex said, you know, these products are great for you.
And not only being great for you, they're helping support InfoWars.
And we're in the fight for our lives.
I can't imagine what's going on in this world.
You know, I'm going to be 75 years old this month.
And I'm saying to myself, boy, I'm glad I'm not a young guy.
I would hate to grow up now.
This isn't my kind of life.
They sucked the joy and beauty out of life.
It's gone.
It's gone.
And InfoWars is fighting to bring it back.
And they have great products that could help you.
As Alex mentioned before, and I'm going to mention it again, you know, this Black Friday is coming early.
And you gotta watch out with that name, Black Friday.
You know, that's discriminatory.
You know why they call it Black Friday?
Because in the retail business, the numbers went into the black rather than the red when the holiday shopping began.
So that's why they called it Black Friday.
And it is coming early.
Got 10% off all storable foods plus free shipping and double Patriot points.
So the globalists that we all know, they haven't just crept out of the showers, they're right in front of our faces and they're openly trying to destabilize the whole planet.
So in my opinion and others, now is the most crucial time to stock up on storable foods.
You better prepare, prevail, to prosper and get ready for the next big crisis because it's coming around the block.
Because they call them leftists, and they're not the leftists of my day, but they're commie fascists.
I've already shown they're not holding anything back.
And in response to these people that are sabotaging our humanity, the team over at My Patriot Supply has agreed to allow InfoWars to offer its customers 10% off On all storable foods, but this deal is not going to last long and it can't.
This is only available for a limited time and you're only going to get it exclusively at Infowarsstores.com and it had been years since they'd raised the price of storable foods, but you see that inflation going up and something we have now have had to do twice just in the last year as a result of this coup that they've done.
And that's why it's important that you take advantage of the savings on InfoWars high quality storable food before they're forced to raise the pricing yet again.
So your decision can mean save time and saving money later.
And also helping to save your life because this is important stuff.
And again, inflation is real.
They lied about it.
Powell's been saying inflation wasn't going to go up and they haven't raised, hardly raised the prices at InfoWards.
And then it became from temporary to transitory.
And now they're admitting it keeps going up and yet they haven't raised interest rates because they know that when they raise interest rates, this economy goes down.
It's been artificially inflated with all this cheap money.
And Gregory Manarino has a great article in this week's Trends Journal that'll be out tomorrow night.
On what to expect in the markets, and he's been dead on with them.
And really way, way ahead of the trends on it.
So the reality is that they're going to keep this cheap money again.
Current events form future trends.
And what I do each day is a trend forecaster.
I read the news, underline the salient points and see what's going on.
So when you say there's going to be a slowdown, And when they raise interest rates, it's going to get worse.
This is from today's Wall Street Journal.
Economists predict modest booths to growth.
And they talk about the infrastructure package.
And it's not going to do much at all.
And it's not an infrastructure package.
It's only 550 billion dollars of that trillion plus has gone to the infrastructure and not even to the real infrastructure.
Because it's going into airports and power facilities as well, and broadband.
The roads are a mess.
I was just down in New York City yesterday, drove back, and the roads are, it's a pothole, steel all over the place, one town after another, one town after another.
550 billion dollars over 10 years.
What's the military budget?
What was it?
$7 billion?
No, excuse me, $788 billion in a dump and chump change into the infrastructure.
So going back to the economy.
Oil prices were down, now they're back up.
They're hitting back to $84 a barrel.
Copper prices are going up.
Wheat prices, one after another.
We're going to see more inflation.
They're going to have to raise interest rates.
GSB, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin.
They had an election over here in New York.
This guy Adams won.
You know what he wants to do?
He wants to make New York City the crypto capital of the world.
That's right.
He wants to teach the schools crypto.
He wants schools to be teaching about crypto.
It's not going away.
It will only go away when the government prohibits it.
They're going to prohibit it when the coins go digital.
Because they're not going to want competition then.
But we're years away from that.
But they could change it like that.
And they will, I believe, when the economy crashes.
Because they'll blame it on things like that, just like they did When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president in 1933 and called in all the gold.
Did it like that.
They'll do it like that.
But I don't see that coming right now.
And then you see the other things going on again, the current events form future trends.
Marketers add NFTs to toolbox.
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company rolled out an augmented reality treasure hunt.
Last week targeting football fans, the latest company to use non-fungible tokens as the way to reach potential customers with a new medium.
You heard about the metaverse that, um, Zuckerberg is talking about.
It's real.
This is the, the industrial revolution began in the early 1800s.
The Luddites fought it.
Because it took the craftsmanship away from the individual person.
And now, they're doing it again.
They're taking the beauty out of life.
They're digitizing it.
It's not real anymore.
So, going back to these digital coins, this is the future.
The Luddites had it right.
Look what used to happen when I was a young guy.
You know, they had that rally over there where those people died listening to rap.
Used to be people like Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Duke Ellington.
When American music was, jazz was hot.
Great rock and roll, rhythm and blues.
And now down to nothing.
Synthesized crap.
And that's where all this is going.
Synthesized crap.
And that's why we have to unite.
You know, people ask me, Gerald, what could change this?
You know what could change it?
A renaissance.
And that's what I believe we need.
We need to bring back what made this country the land of opportunity that they've stolen away from us.
And the way you could do that is by joining together.
And info wars, As part of that team.
And as you know, I started the church, the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
And we're also offering members of the congregation medical vaccine exemptions.
And they're the top of the top.
And the comments we're getting, everybody loves them.
We'll be right back.
Support InfoWars.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, you're going to see inflation keep moving, and you don't have to listen to me.
Again, listen to the facts.
And that's what we do with the Trends Journal.
The truth in trends, we only put the facts and the data.
And that's why you need to support InfoWars, because they're putting out the truth and the information that they're stealing from us, and only selling us propaganda.
So, Global food prices surge as inflation spreads.
All right?
So you want to get these products now.
That's only according to the Wall Street Journal this past weekend.
Rising food prices are causing increasing hardship across a swath of the developed world and the developing world.
So you want to get these products Well, the prices are still where they're at, because they're going to keep moving higher.
There's a lot of implications to this rising inflation, and I'm going to get to them.
Firms expect supply woes to linger.
Again, not making this stuff up.
You see all the underlining things?
Those are the salient points of the articles.
That's what we concentrate on, the truth in trends.
We look at current events forming future trends.
So then you keep looking at these numbers.
Wheat price rally signals food inflation.
You been to the store lately?
Emerging markets miss out on 2020 equity rally enjoyed by developed world.
This is from Financial Times.
So the emerging markets.
They're hurting now.
And it's going to get much worse as inflation goes higher.
Again, making connections between different fields.
What's out of the news is, hey, you see what's going on with that coup over there in Sudan?
Oh, what's a Sudan?
Is that like a Yemen?
I don't know what that is.
Oh, those are those countries over there where wars are being... Oh, and in Yemen, the war that brought to you by Obama in Saudi Arabia?
That's only about 10 million people are in starvation.
Yeah, that one, but we won't talk about that.
You know, all the people dying of COVID.
Anyway, rebels advanced toward Ethiopian capital.
Again, we were writing about this Ethiopian war that was launched back last year, about a week ago last year, early November, by the new prime minister, It was a Nobel piece of crap prize winner like Obama, the murderer that destroyed Libya and got that guy Gaddafi out of there and turned the richest country in Africa into one of the poorest.
And I'm putting all the trends together.
What else does this mean?
Well, Ethiopia is the second largest country in Africa.
There's a civil war going on, launched by a piece of crap prize president Because the Tigrayans, he said, had an election and they weren't supposed to because of COVID mandates.
That was his excuse.
The Tigrayans were in charge and they were a minority.
Again, I'm not taking sides here.
But they were a minority of the population in Ethiopia and they ran the joint for a couple of decades.
Refugee crisis like we've never seen before.
Put the pieces together.
I'm telling you what's going on with inflation.
You read the articles coming from the Financial Times telling you about the emerging markets submerging.
Interest rates are going up in other countries.
What does that mean?
You're going to start seeing, it's out of the news again.
Oh, the migrant crisis, the refugee crisis in America is over?
It's not in the news anymore.
And what happened, I'm going back to Ethiopia, excuse me, Libya, because Libya, when Gaddafi, before he was killed, he warned the Europeans, you take me out, you're going to have a refugee crisis like you can't believe.
He was prohibiting the people from coming out of Africa and getting out into Libya and going across.
And when they killed him, poof, poof.
And then there's the other wars that Obama started and supported in Syria.
Oh, they only have 5 million refugees.
It used to be a great tourist destination.
So putting all the trends together, this thing's going to get very ugly, very quick.
Another thing, going back to the cryptos.
K-pop, that's that big South Korean, it's, you know, they're the superstars over there.
And they're partnering with their biggest crypto exchange.
And they're operating to sell a non-fungible token related to the band.
So I'm telling you, go back to the metaverse.
This is all connected.
It's only going to get worse unless we have a renaissance to change this.
You know, here's that other article I was telling you about.
New York Mayor-elect Eric Adams announced plans to take his first three paychecks in Bitcoin, saying that he would make his city the center of cryptocurrency industry.
It's not going away.
And the banks, banks, yeah, it's one after another.
One after another.
You know, they had that big climate change meeting, and of course they just said it was a lot of baloney, which of course it was.
Again, not taking sides on it, but it was baloney.
And then they had a big rally of some 40,000, 100,000 it says.
The Climate Exchange Demonstration Friday in Glasgow.
Organizers were hoping to attract up to 100,000 people on Saturday's event.
I don't know how many they got, but they had a lot.
How come I didn't see the cops beating up these people?
The COVID cops, where were they?
What hypocrisy!
You saw what they did in Germany in Lipsitz last week.
They're beating up people everywhere.
But they didn't beat them up over there.
In Italy, in Trieste.
Beating the people up.
But it's okay for these people to protest like it is for Black Lives Matter.
And I remember when Black Lives Matter were protesting in 2020.
They were doing it right here in Kingston and nobody bothered them.
And then when I had the 4th of July rally, how dare I?
I was criticized in the news.
How could I do this threatening people's lives?
Yep, there you go.
Look at these guys beating up old people, women.
Look at them.
Look at them.
But it's okay to have climate change marches.
That's alright.
I want to show you how bad things are getting and why we have to change it.
This is from today's Wall Street Journal.
Look at the crap that you pay for.
What does this thing cost?
Five dollars.
Five dollars for this thing.
The Trends Journal?
It's two dollars a week for a hundred and something pages.
With information you don't get anywhere else.
Don't be that awkward.
Don't be that awkward colleague.
As people go back to the office, they find the rules and boundaries have changed.
Here's a guide to the new workplace etiquette.
Before it was an automatic to reach someone's hand when meeting, or grabbing a seat next to a co-worker in a conference room.
Says, Dana Brownlee, founder of Professionalism Matters.
Are your relationships the same?
Are they somehow different?
After not seeing the people for so long, he asks Heather Young, or Val, or whatever her name is, the management, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They go on to say, saying hi.
Don't assume someone wants to hug you or even give you a handshake, says Daniel Post.
Comfortable social distance?
They're making this crap up.
Wearing a mask?
Let's get this straight.
If you're wearing a mask, you're safe.
Why are you forcing me to wear a mask?
If you're vaccinated, you're safe.
Why are you telling... Hey, look at this.
Look at this stupid story in the Wall Street Journal.
Five dollars.
Five dollars an issue to read this stupid crap.
Look at this.
It's a cartoon!
It's a cartoon!
And that's how low the people have sunk into cartoon land.
You're vaccinated, you're safe.
Why bother me?
You're wearing a mask, you're safe.
Why bother me?
We must unite.
United we stand, divided we fall.
They got great InfoWars products that you need to get to not only help yourself, but to help InfoWars.
And if you want to read history before it happens, there's no magazine like the Trends Journal.
And if you want a vaccine exemption, a religious one, nothing like the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
Become a member, get your vaccination exemption.
Thank you for tuning in.
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So get amazing products at huge discounts at 50percentoff.com and help support the InfoWar.
I am a worldly person, meaning I like going to ball games.
I like going to concerts.
I like going to play golf.
I like going out to dinner.
I like the metropolitan life.
I like everything that comes with this.
But see, I have the survival instinct.
That is to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities, get the hell out of major metropolitan areas.
Because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods?
Just time to go get a piece of property in the woods?
Just get off grid?
Just get the emergency food supplies?
Just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me, that's still probably the majority part of me, says no, no, no, no, no.
Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere that would ever notion that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
That's the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you in the audience are facing as well.
But you can at least have some comfort if you have the emergency food supplies.
And so we have the best ones at Infowarsstore.com.
Ultimate Bone Broth is back and better than ever and 20% off plus free shipping and double Patriot points for our new sale.
After years of being off the shelves, we're bringing back one of the biggest fan favorite formulas ever and it's now been reformulated and is even stronger.
It's Ultimate Bone Broth Plus.
It's got concentrated high quality chicken broth protein, turmeric root that's so amazing, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, goji berry, alfalfa herb powder.
Then it's got added magnesium and potassium for electrolytes.
It's got real organic cocoa bean powder with natural chocolate flavor and a touch of sea salt.
It even tastes better than the last formula and what it does for your body is simply amazing.
Again, it has that cutting edge Chicken broth, protein, isolate powder for better flavor and dissolvability.
You're gonna love this and what it does for your joints, what it does for your body, what it does for your bones.
It's simply amazing and it helps fund the InfoWar.
This is really the best bone broth out there, so get yours at InfoWarStore.com today!
It's hard to believe that we're already closing out the month of October in the year 2021.
It seems just like a week ago that we were in October 2020 and we were launching that very popular yearly sale we've been doing well now for nine years this year and that's Black Friday comes early.
So at the end of October, for about two weeks in November, every year we have the biggest sales of the year.
Probably even bigger than they are in Christmas usually.
In fact, undoubtedly, because we just put all the sales in at one time.
We have store-wide free shipping, we have double Patriot points, and here's the new sales.
We're very excited.
Brain Force Plus sold out for eight months, now back of stock 50% off.
Ultimate Bone Broth Plus.
That's been gone for years.
It's reformulated even stronger, even better.
It's back in stock with turmeric in it and so much more.
So that's back in stock.
That's 20% off with free shipping.
Don't pay for your points.
Ultra 12.
Highest quality vitamin B12 under the tongue.
That's 60% off.
We do that maybe once every year and a half or so.
That's huge.
Alpha Power.
Back in stock.
40% off.
Back in stock.
50% off.
Hair and Beard Support Formula, 50% off.
Living Defense Plus, 50% off.
Pure Turmeric Extract Bodies, 40% off.
Activated Charcoal and Toothpaste and Mouthwash, 50% off.
That's huge.
And All Storable Foods, 10% off.
Last time we're doing that this year, and they're about to have a price increase.
So at InfoWareStore.com, All Storable Food, 10% off, and it's ready to ship to you right now.
It's not like some other groups that just take your money and don't have the food.
We got the food ready to ship.
High quality right now.
That's 10% off.
Only got a couple weeks to get that in.
And it's the last chance for coffee at 2021 pricing because the prices have just exploded for us.
It's the Wake of America coffee.
Last chance to get it at the incredibly low prices as well.
Many more products up to 60% off.
Double patriot points and free shipping.
Take advantage of it and support the InfoWars.