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Name: 20211102_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 2, 2021
2598 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various news topics such as the UN's involvement in child sex trafficking, Elon Musk criticizing the UN, manipulation of propaganda through media, global supply chain issues, and the connection between the Great Reset and the carbon tax. The speaker also highlights Putin's recent speech, Prince Charles' admission of a war on humanity, and Yuval Noah Harari's advocacy for a global government to regulate technocracy and artificial intelligence. Additionally, there are discussions about the dangers of cancel culture, reverse racism, the need for prayer and global awakening, and the importance of reasonable conservatism as a foundation for political course. The broadcast also mentions whistleblowers exposing falsified data in Pfizer vaccine trials, the CDC's changing definition of 'vaccine', and concerns over lower levels of neutralizing antibodies in Pfizer recipients.

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I got some homework for all of you.
Every day we post some of the most important information under my live show feed.
And there it is.
The United Nations Climate Agenda is nothing less than a global depopulation program.
A transhumanist cult hell-bent on reducing the human population of Earth to 500 million has been preparing for 70 years to launch the final war against the free people of Earth.
That's totally true!
And that's in their own words, too.
Global government.
Announced on 60 Minutes.
Carry out transhumanism against you and your family.
Giving up your humanity.
Sounds pretty damn alien, doesn't it?
So whether they are aliens or not, or influenced by aliens, they are becoming aliens.
In their own words.
They're colonizing us with their nanotech.
But God's spirit will overdrive it all, will fry it all out.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Whenever a government claims to have the people's interest at heart, you need to think again.
In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people.
What makes any of us think that it is different now?
If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything, then certainly this.
Never take anything any government tells you at face value.
Always question everything any government does or does not do.
Always look for ulterior motives and always ask, qui bono?
Who benefits?
And in an age where this pandemic has made so painfully clear that no nation can wall itself off from borderless threats, we know that none of us can escape the worst that yet to come if we fail to seize this moment.
But ladies and gentlemen, within the growing catastrophe, I believe there's an incredible opportunity.
Not just for the United States, but for all of us.
We're standing at an inflection point in world history.
We have the ability to invest in ourselves.
Uninhabitable hell.
Climate change and disease threatens millions.
UN warns.
An uninhabitable hell for millions of people.
That's what the planet is becoming due to the lack of action on climate change.
That's according to a strongly worded United Nations report.
There is no doubt the problem is getting worse and effective measures have to be put in place.
At this incredibly important Glasgow scenario where everyone's going to save the planet, Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia don't show up.
They just didn't show up!
That is how little that the bad guys and some of the marginal bad guys in the world think of the world now and what they must do, because you're right, there is no American presidency.
This goes back to, you know, the World Bank can give them interest-free loans.
Belt and Road Initiative.
China, as we know, is one of the number one polluters in the world.
I think the number one.
I would say number one.
I think with Belt and Road Initiative in Africa, they're firing coal power plants up, you know, every week.
And it says right here that, oh my God, this is like 2019.
We're all going to be dead soon.
Super viruses will emerge because it's going to get too hot.
This is from Reuters.
America and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and the UK were marked for death because of the Christian ethos and our background and our historical opposition to the New World Order.
They took us over because of our power to take over the world.
Now they want to get rid of who helped them take over the world.
So, um, and they're telling you that, you know, the cataclysms here, the end of the world's here.
They mean the end of the world for us.
High up in the Tibetan mountains, scientists have labored to drill into some of the oldest and most pristine ice on Earth for years, and in doing so, brought back ice core samples that date back thousands and thousands of years.
Two of these samples predate the earliest known human civilization by a whopping 11,000 years.
Investigating the two eye scores, scientists found 33 different groups of viruses, with hundreds of individual members of each.
Of these groups of viruses though, the greatest discovery was the fact that a whopping 28 of them were completely unknown to scientists until now.
CRISPR is a section of DNA that genetic scientists can edit.
And when combined with a protein called Cas9, the new and edited DNA can be replaced in living cells to modify any behavior or physical features of that individual.
If extremists mastered CRISPR, there's no reason why they couldn't use it to edit the RNA or DNA of a deadly virus to tweak it to their own evil desires.
They could, for example, take Ebola and remove all visible symptoms, increase its average incubation period from 10 days to 30, and it could be adjusted to significantly ramp up its infectiousness and killing power.
Essentially, this third party, whether it be a terrorist cell or enemy state, during a world war could design and create the so-called perfect virus.
Do you understand that?
They have produced a virus that kills 80% of people, and they admit they've got it, and it's in mainstream news that Fauci got it, and has it at the damn lab!
He's holding us hostage!
Do you understand that?
So when they hit you with a bioweapon, and they tell you it naturally came out of a cave in China, or a wet market, you believe it.
They're all pre-programming you.
When the bioweapon comes, it was because you were bad.
If there was ever any doubt about where the world was going, and the fact that psychotic tyrants are in control of the planet right now, Today you will see all of that evidence.
It's Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And legislation is in the UK Parliament and is set to pass to arrest people and give them two years in prison for the first offense of criticizing the vaccines that aren't vaccines in any way.
That is true tyranny.
They have similar legislation In Australia introduced, but they're saying they may just do it by executive power.
And they had a press conference in New Zealand, this is all UN run, where a reporter brought up, well, why aren't the vaccines working in Israel?
Why do they have the highest infection rate?
They're the highest vaccinated rate in the world for any populous nation.
She threw a fit and said, we're ending this press conference now.
You gave an unauthorized question.
They've already scripted All the different questions for each other.
Isn't that amazing?
Isn't that incredible?
And then we've got a member of the Australian military saying they're training to confiscate people out of their homes and take them to emergency centers.
They don't take the inoculation and we have premiers of three states Already saying that's the plan in the last few months.
And people see this video and they go, well, is this officer telling the truth?
That the military is preparing to take you away?
And of course he is.
It's all admitted.
But when we see a citizen say it, we're programmed to think, oh, that must not be true.
This is such incredible evil, ladies and gentlemen.
Wayne Allen Root is a very successful CEO, bestselling author, number one New York Times bestseller, I think three, four times.
Really good friends with Trump.
And he did a really powerful interview with Trump yesterday afternoon and put Trump on the hot seat about a couple of issues.
So, I mean, I like Trump overall, but I think he should be put on the hot seat about the vaccines and cloward and pivot and what the Democrats are doing.
Because when you educate Trump, he tends to listen if it makes sense to him.
And he is a very powerful spokesperson for freedom.
So I don't want to alienate Trump just hating him because he got suckered by these poison shots.
It's still a big problem.
But I would like to see him get back on the right path.
So, I already wanted to root on.
About his big article he wrote about the truth about COVID and how it's a failure, the COVID vaccine.
Of course, it was designed to be a failure.
But he wrote a really good, strong article for Town Hall, and I was wanting him on about that.
And he's like, hey, I got Trump on today.
I'll come on tomorrow and talk about it.
So that's coming up.
We'll play some excerpts of that.
We've got some really interesting excerpts of part one of Tucker Carlson's three-part series, The Plot Against the People.
How the Feds provocateured the events of January 6th that's got the system so upset and so crazy.
And then we've got just all the other incredible COVID news.
I mean, no wonder they want to make it illegal to question it all over the world.
Study J&J vaccine recipients 3.5 times more likely to develop potentially fatal blood clot in the brain.
And it goes on from there.
Barcelona soccer star who pushed COVID vax on kids collapses on field with giant heart swelling after taking a second shot.
Americans receive J&J jab more likely to develop rare blood clots.
New study finds a major scientific study from the Journal of JAMA.
Mom's Twitter timeline shows transformation from pro-vax, pro-informed consent after her son now has a giant swollen heart.
No more sports for you, you may die.
People in the UK, again I mention this, who post false information.
That's whatever the UN says about vaccines should be jailed for two years.
Wow, where'd your free speech go?
The ADL is behind it all.
Cheryl Atkinson is reporting.
That in the United States, the Feds are saying workers that don't want to take the injections will be sent for re-education, followed by disciplinary measures.
And here's that excellent article we posted yesterday that I'm going to have reposted onto the live show feed today.
That's what I just told the New York Times about the complete failure and disaster of the COVID-19 vaccine.
We should just read this whole article.
On air, because it's a short article, but very powerful.
And basically, Newt Gingrich has come out with a similar article, how Fauci fooled America with the COVID vaccine and with everything he said about COVID.
And then a really illustrative video about the mass Stockholm syndrome that this woman's under.
And now she's put her child under it.
Her child's not been allowed outside the house for almost two years.
And not until the vaccine is available will she be allowed to go outside again or talk to friends.
Now that's abuse.
But it's state-sponsored, state-sanctioned abuse.
So this woman is doing what they say and what they've pushed while her daughter is, you know, inside, not getting vitamin D, all of this.
And she's so excited that she'll get the shot soon.
I guess she's like seven years old, eight years old.
It's got the number here.
And that she'll be allowed to go out again as soon as she gets her shot.
And she loves her mother for this.
So she loves the person enslaving her.
And the mother loves the state that's enslaving her.
So but the mother feels powerful, being that whole chain of command.
And then of course, the Pfizer shot is now 3% effective after six months.
That's even with their fake numbers, never effective.
The J&J less than 3%.
Same thing.
Moderna's like still 9% effective, they say.
These are all made up numbers.
And then of course it makes you where you could have ADE and die from an autoimmune response.
There's another one.
Ireland, the most vaccinated nation in the European Union, with 91% vaccination rate, now has the highest number of COVID patients in hospitals in seven months and the highest number of deaths too.
German companies creating segregated cantinas for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
What a world!
And I've also got a really creepy CNN piece where a woman is divorcing her husband because he warned her that the shot might hurt her.
And just for warning her, she's divorcing him and basically marrying Pfizer.
And then Putin came out and said that we need Jesus in America and that the occult has taken over.
And that the West is sick and under the control of Satan.
I never played that about three weeks ago or so when he said it.
I just read the headline.
He's come out in a new speech a few days ago.
It's only six minutes long, but he does talk quickly.
So as fast as I can read it in English, I'll hit pause some.
But he says that the left and wokeness is creating crimes against humanity.
And is designed to destroy civilization, and that the communist did the same thing in his country, and that he's against it, and that the Bolsheviks were evil, and the same people running the Bolsheviks today are running the destruction of America.
Nobody talks like that that's bad.
That's actually what's going on.
Putin recognizes it.
He became an acolyte of Alexander Sholts and Nitsin secretly when he was in the KGB.
That's now only coming out, and Sholts and Nitsin gave Putin the green light A decade before he died after meeting with him for sometimes up to two days straight in private.
So I think he got him to sat him down and said it's time to stop betraying the Russian people.
Time to kick these globalist Bolsheviks out that all come out of New York City and London.
So that's the reality ladies and gentlemen.
The Bolsheviks are a curse on all of us and a curse to all peoples.
I don't care if you're European.
I don't care if you're African.
I don't care if you're Asian.
I don't care if you're Latin American.
I don't care if you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim.
The Bolsheviks are nothing but the Jacobin 2.0, the Illuminati.
And they believe they have a divine right to rule over us and enslave us, that we are their chattel.
And if we act like it and behave like it, we kind of deserve what we get.
So you notice I'm kind of relaxed today.
I'm very zenned out because the news is so incredible.
Did a lot of preparation for today's show.
And I'm going to be very judicious about this and get every bit of this information I can.
When we come back, though, the military training for forced inoculations and mass roundups in Australia.
That means it's coming here next.
And in New Zealand, shutting down a press conference where they're confronted with the real numbers about the vaccines actually making you sick and die.
It's all coming up on the other side.
This is a listener and viewer participation sport.
So get off the bench and tell folks to tune in now, wherever you're listening, and tell folks about Band.Video, InfoWars.com, and FreeWorldNews.TV.
We'll be back.
Welcome back to this live November 2nd, Tuesday transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
So the type of stories I like are ones that are really educational and informative and transformative, because if you understand how it's a weak spot in the globalist armor, you can exploit it, and others can exploit it.
So under globalism, under the Great Reset, you have an iron grip at press conferences for prime ministers and presidents and then regional governors, premiers and others.
And so now whenever somebody asks an unauthorized question that hasn't already been scripted, that agency is then banned from future events and If someone's able to slip in and get a question in, that person is taken out in many cases in handcuffs.
This happened to me once at a press conference when I asked George W. Bush an unauthorized question about his father and the CFR and the Communist Chinese plan that the Globalists set up to sell out the country.
You want to see it, just type into search engine, Alex Jones arrested for asking George W. Bush a question.
So they've been trying to get this set up for a long time, but a reporter An independent reporter, not part of the quote, accredited media, the controlled state-run media, said, well, what about Israel, where they've got highest death rates, highest illness rates, highest hospitalization rates amongst the so-called vaccinated?
Why isn't it working?
But we've all got to take it.
And the press conference was abruptly shut down.
Here it is.
What I'd say is that we're all actually completely on the same page when it comes to driving vaccinations and making sure that we're doing everything that we can to reach people that we need to.
This is an issue of... This is an issue... Sir, I'm going to ask... I'm going to answer the questions of the accredited media.
Sir, I will shut down the press conference if you do not cease.
Sorry, to our accredited members of the gallery here, we might move to an inside venue.
Unfortunately, we've got someone who's disrupting your press conference today, so we might reconvene.
Thank you.
Can we use the facility here?
Do you know whether or not it's open?
And they put all the little masks on the symbol of their ongoing cult.
Yeah, let's go inside and hold it there.
How arrogant she is.
A little disgusting criminal.
Heavily on the payroll of the globalist.
So this is global corporations censoring everybody, blocking real treatments for normal diseases, claiming people that have died of other things have died of COVID, and then ending press conferences if somebody raises real facts.
She says you're not accredited media.
By the way, that's three month, four month old news that it's 39% effective in an Israeli study.
Now the Israeli studies say less than 10%.
You can pull that up.
That's in the damn Jerusalem Post.
And they are the most vaccinated country in the world.
I just read you Ireland's numbers are almost as bad as Israel's.
Sweden didn't do all this and it's over there.
And the list goes on to other countries as well.
Now here's another clip.
And people can say, well, is this clip true?
Yes, we know they're building emergency centers all over Australia.
And they've said, next, I've played the clips here, the different regional governors, the different premiers have said, we're going to be coming to your doors and taking you to shield in place if you've not had the inoculations and you're going to be second class citizens.
You're not going to be allowed to have a job.
And then we're going to take your houses if you're caught outside your house without the vaccine passport.
We're going to take your house on the, what, third offense, and then fine you massively the first and second offense.
I mean, that's martial law.
If you don't take this shot, and boosters are going to be a regular part of life.
You're going to have to have new ones every few months.
Remember that was a few weeks ago they announced that?
New South Wales.
And they said, you'll never wait us out.
You'll never stop us.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
Don't look at the sunsets.
And the U.S.
has the same shielding and approach program being prepared here as well, and so does the U.K., and so does Europe, because it's all U.N.-run.
I showed you the U.N.
statements yesterday about how they want to have global ongoing lockdowns and vaccine passports, and it's here.
I showed you that from May of last year, and now we're living it.
So here's a clip, final solution, Australian military training for door-to-door forced injections.
Here it is.
The generals in Australia, our leadership, are forcing us, they're training us to go house to house on our training grounds in urban warfare and we're practising pulling people out of their houses with medical staff, force injecting them and then we're practising running into the bush and catching those people who are running away.
What the fuck is that about?
I'm sorry for swearing but what is that?
No, no, no.
A hundred percent.
We've lost in training our military to attack our citizens in our own country.
Are you kidding me?
That they are so scared and they're like, we've got to get rid of these people.
They are evil to the core.
To the...
Well, that's right.
It's not just about depopulating us.
It's not just about sterilizing us.
It's about testing the censorship, getting other people on board to even hurt their own children, and then getting the military ready to go out and not let people be outside their houses, even when they've been injected, and never taking the mask off.
That's cult control.
That's the transformation of a once free nation Into a tyranny and it's all United Nations directed.
And what did Prince Charles say yesterday?
We've got more statements and I've got the U.S.
government report Biden just put out that I scanned over this morning that is just a declaration of war against human life, a declaration of war against civilization, a declaration of war against humanity.
And what did Charles say?
Now the acting regent Of the UK.
He is the King now.
They're just not officially calling him that.
He's declared war on the free peoples of Earth.
The King of England is an enemy of humanity.
Just as he was an enemy of freedom 250 years ago, yet again, the same family, the same people, the heir to Vlad the Impaler is our bane, is our enemy, is our problem, is The group and organization coming after us, a disgusting confederation of transhumanists and just the most greedy, ruthless, genetic psychopaths the world's ever seen.
We're going to go to break.
Since Wayne Allyn Root's joining us to talk about all the vaccine poisoning and the globalist tyranny in his interview with Trump yesterday, in the second hour, I'm going to stop covering injections for the next 30 minutes and hit all the other news.
And believe me, there is a lot of it on that front.
So look for all of that with Wayne Allen Root.
I've got four stacks on that.
But when we come back, I want to look at the new Long-term strategy for the United States, pathways to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
I mean, you talk about the end of America, you talk about dark age, you talk about you're so poor that you'll be lucky if you don't starve to death.
This is a death sentence, by the way, to the third world, because we supply them with a lot of the finished materials and goods, and then they supply us with raw food and agriculture.
This list, agriculture is bad.
This lists organic farming as to be banned.
I mean, this is feudalism on steroids.
It's just unbelievable.
I mean, I know how bad it is.
I know their policies, but to read it as official U.S.
government policy, it's kind of like...
That declaration in June that all Americans that question anything Biden does are terrorists.
You just read it and you can't believe it, but there it is.
And then Putin's come out and declared all this, the carbon taxes, the leftist garbage, as crimes against humanity.
We've got that as well.
And we've got the latest on the Georgia election fraud and what's happening in Virginia.
We are living at the crossroads of human history, at the great point of destiny.
Evil is making its move because evil knows its time is short.
All right.
I was walking through the studio yesterday evening.
I appeared about six o'clock.
And I sat down to have a glass of ice water in the break room and I was slipping through the channels.
And I saw CNN with a straight face reporting with a clip of Biden At the climate conference yesterday, saying we need Saudi Arabia and other nations to increase oil output to drive down U.S.
oil prices, and it was him requesting that.
And I knew in the last month he'd sent them letters.
He'd sent more than 20 countries letters, including Russia.
And he removed and blocked the congressional law that Trump supported to block Russia's Nord Stream 2, a giant gas Pipeline, mainly gas and carry anything coming out of Russia into Germany and the rest of Europe.
By the way, I think Russia should be able to sell fuel wherever they want.
I'm a libertarian when it comes to energy.
I think more is better.
But that said, they shut down our Keystone Pipeline that was completed and won't let us have that.
And now we're energy dependent again.
For the first time, we were energy self-sufficient and the biggest exporter in the world in just a few years under Trump.
And Biden has killed all new oil permits in over two-thirds of the United States.
And then he's got the nerve to say, well, I can't really lower gas prices more than a few cents, but I'll ask other countries to boost output.
But, you know, if China Has no carbon controls.
And then we have total carbon controls.
They're going to run circles around us.
And if you really believe carbon so deadly, it's going to put out much larger, higher numbers with a lot of toxic waste, not just the carbon.
And so that doesn't make sense.
You'd want to use carbon in countries that had adopted the cleaner systems, because I agree with.
Not putting out carbon monoxide and Mercury and all sorts of stuff like that.
But all we put out from our power plants is water vapor and carbon dioxide.
That's good for you.
Not carbon monoxide.
But if you go out and ask the general public, we've done it.
Leon McAdoo's done it.
Penn and Teller have done it.
Others have done it.
If you go out on a shopping mall, commons area, or you are walking down the street, anywhere, in a mall, Or on a hike and bike trail, and you ask people, should we ban dihydrogen monoxide?
It's a waste product that's used in industry.
It can lead to increased urination.
It can lead to bloating.
And they'll go, absolutely, I'll sign the petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
Because dihydrogen monoxide has a very scary name.
But it's not scary at all.
In fact, we're made up 70 plus percent out of it.
It's called H2O.
Dihydrogen monoxide.
I've also done the man on the street thing where we go out and say the scientific name for sodium or salt.
It has a very scary name.
And 99% of people, I mean, we've gotten hundreds of signatures before, maybe one person goes, hey, I'm a chemist.
I know that salt.
Good attempt at the joke.
One guy who said to McAdoo, yeah, I've got a degree in chemistry.
You're right.
We got to restrict that dihydrogen monoxide.
It's a real problem.
So that's the level of ignorance we're dealing with.
And if the globalists can control that, they can control everything.
So the attack is always, oh, you're hypocrites.
You fly around in big jets and helicopters and have a carbon footprint hundreds of times bigger.
For all these different billionaires than the average citizen.
So you're saying, we've got to cut, but you're not going to cut.
Well, yeah, this is their carbon regime.
They're going to surveil you, control you, control where you go, tax you.
And they're all exempt from it.
Of course, they all fly to Davos and the G20 and the UN carbon Great Reset events in their jets and everything else, because they're exempt.
When they say they want More money than the entire GDP.
That's a Prince Charles quote two days ago.
Quote, more money than the entire GDP of the world to force the convergence to clean systems.
But they don't do that.
I've got the graphs right here.
It's like a five-year-old wrote this stuff.
It says, and now we begin to leave fossil fuel and only use electricity.
And clean electricity will then have zero carbon.
And I'm like, almost all of the electricity is generated with carbon.
I mean, these are reports written like a six-year-old would write them.
But they're written for the general public.
So mainline conservatives attack them as being hypocrites.
Carbon's good!
Carbon makes the Earth have higher oxygen and carbon dioxide, and plants grow better and live longer, and humans are healthier.
And again, you can look this up.
They know from ice core samples and mud samples that go back tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of years.
That carbon dioxide was dozens and dozens of times higher just a few million years ago, and so was oxygen.
And that's why they find the animals that were on this planet that were dozens of times bigger than anything, you know, creatures bigger than blue whales walking around on the surface of the Earth, plants, I mean all over the Earth there was stuff as big as redwoods, because it came from a time with higher oxygen and higher carbon dioxide.
The Earth has been losing its atmosphere.
So instead of saying, oh, we're so sorry about carbon, we're carbon-based life forms.
That's what makes the world work.
The logical extension of getting rid of carbon is to cut down trees and bury them in mass graves, which people thought I was joking last week when I talked about that.
I pulled up more than a dozen mainstream articles, including USA Today and CNN, saying, bury the trees.
So GOP senator demands to know Biden's carbon footprint for a trip to climate summit.
That's an easy way to point out the hypocrisy, but it plays into carbon surveillance and all this.
They don't care about paying their tax, because they're billionaires that control the currency.
But for an average family, it'll bankrupt them in the West, and the third world, it'll starve you to death.
And I showed you the UN last year saying, we want the lockdowns to continue indefinitely.
And then admitting in other articles, give us hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars.
We need to feed the third world.
They're starving to death because of COVID.
No, because of your COVID restrictions.
You committed the war crimes.
That's not just logic.
That's two plus two equals four.
So it's kind of like, oh, look, the Democrats aren't wearing their mask.
Oh, look, the Democrats aren't taking the shot.
The whole thing's a fraud.
Don't debate like, hey, wear your mask, take your shot.
Say they're not doing it because they know it's a fraud.
After falling asleep and speaking gibberish, Biden apologizes to
globalists for Trump trying to get us out of the Great Reset agenda.
Yeah, that's a video.
It's an article by Steve Watson at Infowars.com.
And did you see the video?
I think I forgot to send it to the crew, but they probably got it.
If not, I'll send it to them during the break.
I meant to get to it yesterday, where he's like, and the thing you do when you see on the train you're going to such and such, you know the computer's broke and it's over.
And you listen to it and you're like, what the hell is that?
And that's all he does.
But it was done by design.
They put him in so he'll take the blame for everything.
He doesn't remember anything.
And so all the lawyers and globalists can sell us out.
And then he takes the fall.
That's not a victory to make fun of Biden.
It's not a victory they put in a puppet president.
It's like when they were looting Russia in the late 90s, early Late 80s, early 90s with Horace Yeltsin being totally drunk and senile and not knowing who the hell he was.
That's what's going on here.
So we're going to be laying all of this out today.
Here, on the other side.
The best breakdown of him acting like a fool is the Australian media roast Biden.
You guys have that clip from yesterday?
Regardless, I've got it right here.
I'll just send it to you so we'll have a next segment.
And then we've got Wayne Allyn Root who just interviewed Trump.
Did a really good job actually bringing up real topics and real issues that others don't like.
Hey, this lockdown is designed to bankrupt things.
Cloward and Piven, shouldn't you go out and expose that it's a planned U.N.
You know, to put ideas in Trump's head so that he'll go out and actually defeat the agenda.
Because if we expose it's a globalist takeover, it's game over for them.
It's all coming up.
Tomorrow's news today.
Freeworldnews.tv is the link.
The old expression, time is money.
As one computer said, if you're on the train, and they say, portal bridge, you know you better make other plans.
But as long as the blood in the streets isn't caused by bombs or machine gun bullets or nerve gas sprayed out of helicopters, the UN is allowed to kill 25 million people as of six months ago.
They haven't put out new numbers since then.
And I showed you the UN statements in April and May yesterday in the BBC, in the New York Times, defending lockdowns that they ordered.
And it killed 25 million extra people, starved to death, mainly children, and mainly Africans.
And then when I see Kaepernick up there, who's about as white as I am, with his hair all bozo'd the clown out, when he never had afros in the past, claiming he's leading black people, and exposing how the NFL is slavery, The man is an abomination.
Oh, he loves communist China and the slave camps for the Uyghurs and others.
And he put out an ad, I'll play next hour, hell, maybe I'll get to it now, that's so satirical that the acting is so bad, he looks like a five-year-old trying to act tough.
And it's so ridiculous watching a bunch of former NFL players or whatever walk by and imply that they're poor babies.
When, if anything, people worship the NFL and it becomes a disgusting Distraction from what people really should be supporting.
Fatherhood, motherhood, working hard, being good, loving God, standing up, having courage.
Instead of just replaying over and over again the image of white people with black slaves while there's Africans with slaves right now.
And we're all going under global government slavery.
And we're all having carbon taxes put in place.
And they're coming after us with deadly shots on record that are causing massive blood clots.
It's just incredible.
But it's all, I mean, you look at Colin Kaepernick, he's such a joke.
But the corporations act like you're powerful and you're cool.
Remember when Nike dropped the tennis shoes that had American flags on them?
Because Colin Kaepernick didn't like the American flag?
I mean, that's the big corporations with blood on their hands, with Chinese slave laborers.
But what do you expect from communist white parents that adopt a Muslim baby?
An Arabic baby.
But if you want to talk about who ran the biggest slave trade, it was the Arabs.
I'm not blaming people that are Arabs today.
It's not their fault what happened a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago.
But you got Colin Kaepernick just takes the paycheck he can get from the big corporations.
That's it.
Meanwhile, we're all having our oil cut off.
And you're all paying double what you paid just a year ago.
And they did it by cutting off our pipelines, not just Keystone, but thousands of other smaller pipelines, and then stopping all new oil drilling permits in two-thirds of the nation geographically.
See, we can't have jobs, we can't have businesses, we can't have a future, no matter what damn color you are.
Oh, but they can drill for oil anywhere else they want in the world.
Yeah, after killing U.S.
oil projects yesterday, Biden begs Russia, Saudi Arabia for help fighting rising gas prices.
And he did it again yesterday.
Did it again yesterday.
I saw it on TV.
You saw it.
Meanwhile, Trump wrongfully, just to prove he was tough against Russia, threatened Russia and got Congress to pass a bill that Russia couldn't finish its pipeline that's finishing right now into Western Europe Nord Stream 2.
Why the hell can't the Europeans buy whoever they want from?
They can buy from Americans too and they were buying from us.
But now he kills our pipeline.
He kills our pipeline and then he gives Russia one.
I mean it's just incredible to know.
Everything they said about Trump is actually what they have actually done.
So, here's the report.
After our guest is on, I'm going to actually read through it.
I should do a whole show on this.
This is so big.
This is the blueprint for the rest of your life.
They get you in a pincer attack, forced inoculations, checkpoints, tracker passes and the vaccine passport, and then the carbon tax tied in, and it announces the shutdown of organic farming, fishing, all industry in America.
I mean, just hell on earth.
Nothing to do with the environment.
Feudalism, the long-term strategy of the United States.
That's coming up.
But let's do this right now.
Let's do this right now, since I mentioned it.
Let's look at the establishment.
The big banks, the big academia.
Goldman Sachs.
All the big money.
AT&T putting out manuals saying whites are inherently evil.
Saying a particular group is evil because of what color their skin is, is Hitler behavior.
I mean, it's, it's, but all day, oh, Tucker Carlson's Hitler, because, because, because he wants freedom and to unify America.
He's Hitler, but then the real people, like George Soros that actually worked for Hitler, they're actually setting up Hitler-like policies, because whites are the minority, and they go, hey, let's, let's get all the brown people to gang up with us, the big corporations, and bring in tyranny in the name of getting white people.
And it's all a bunch of weird old white people running and who have front men like Colin Kaepernick dressed up in some black Sydmian Liberation Army communist outfit from the 1960s.
Bitching because he's worth, you know, a hundred million dollars.
Running around complaining.
It's just unbelievable.
But hell, 76% of new college acceptance that are white said they were black.
They say, we don't care if you're as white as a Norwegian.
Just say you're black and you get into the school.
It's all a sick joke.
It's all mental illness.
Juan Williams says parents' rights is code for white race politics.
Oh, you don't want the school teaching your kids how to give a blowjob on their five?
Oh, you don't want them taught that they're evil because they're inherently bad because they're white?
Oh, Juan Williams making millions of dollars a year, he's so oppressed, he's gonna tell you that's code for racism.
Netflix's Kaepernick special compares NFL players to slaves.
This is not satire.
This is not a joke.
Here is the ad.
What they don't want you to understand is what's being established is a power dynamic.
Before they put you on the field, teams poke, pry, and examine you, searching for any defect that might
affect your performance.
No boundary respected.
No dignity left intact.
So, cutting average food off and tens of millions starving to death, that's cool, but oh.
I mean, you got your teeth cleaned.
The dentist is not respecting you either.
Oh my gosh, they're cleaning your teeth.
I mean, this is just mass mental illness.
So another attack on the corrupt NFL that's already as woke as you can get.
See, that's the dialectic.
On one end you got Kaepernick saying all whites are inherently bad and the NFL's pure satanism and the NFL on the other side saying America sucks and don't have the Star Spangled Banner and, you know, we agree and black lives matter.
So that's kind of your choice.
You know, the communist NFL or the exterminate the whites, Kaepernick.
That's how they control the false paradigm.
But there's Kaepernick, your savior, dressed up like a pastor Who's gonna teach you liberation theology that whites are inherently evil.
What a sick joke.
Meanwhile, MSNBC freaks out over Let's Go Brandon slogan on AR-15s, tells Secret Service it's a threat against the President, and there's now calls to ban the term Let's Go Brandon, saying it's racist.
It has nothing to do with that.
It's making fun of somebody, covering up people saying F Joe Biden, so turning that joke into a bigger joke on them, and so they now want it banned.
Hey, I don't want to be raped by the big banks.
Oh, you're a white supremacist.
Oh, I don't want to turn my guns in.
Oh, you're a white supremacist.
On and on and on.
Okay, we're going to go to break.
Come back with Wayne Allen Root, who's been on fire always, but really on fire right now.
That's some of that amazing interview with Trump yesterday, but really I want to get into his article challenging the New York Times and others, the truth about these deadly vaccines and what they're really all about.
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All right, Wayne Allen Root is an amazing guy and I don't know where he's been my whole life.
I shoved it on there 28 years and finally my producer said, hey, you ought to get Wayne Allen Root on.
I said, of course, I love that guy.
Turns out he loves us, so he's got a lot to say.
He did a powerful interview with President Trump yesterday.
We'll have some excerpts of that, but I really wanted him on about his big article in Town Hall that we also posted because I wanted to get it out.
Didn't ask permission either.
It's too life-saving.
Dealing with what I just told the New York Times about the complete failure and disaster of the COVID-19 vaccine.
I've had that reposted with a link to Town Hall on the front page of InfoWars.com.
But I was watching Owen last night.
First, I want to go to this video from Bill Maher's show over the weekend.
Obviously, Bill Maher is a liberal, and most of the guests he gets on are liberals or Democrats.
Go to Wayne Allyn Root.
First, I want to go to this video from Bill Maher's show over the weekend.
Obviously Bill Maher is a liberal and most of the guests he gets on are liberals or democrats.
And so you'll hear this and you'll think, well that's kind of common sense.
That's kind of old news.
Why are you playing Bill Maher saying that?
Well, when leftists and liberals start to realize that this system is going to eat them alive too, that's a good sign.
So I don't care if it's too little too late.
I don't believe that that's the case.
I think the left waking up, liberals waking up to all of this, whether they like us or hate us or whatever, And them realizing that they're in the crosshairs of this global government tyranny too is the big realization.
That their lives are going to be destroyed as well is the big realization.
So, the street urchins out there will be irrelevant.
But influential liberals like Bill Maher starting to realize it and talk common sense and truth is a good sign.
So, here's a conversation from his show this weekend on masks and the difference between Democrat states and Republican states.
I'm not sure what the latest Dr. Fauci thing was on Halloween.
He's changed his mind a lot, but I think it was go and do it.
I hope so, because it certainly has been my position since the beginning of this.
Just resume living.
You know, I mean, come on.
The 15 of 100,000, that's where we are at cases in California.
of 100,000.
That's where we are at cases in California.
15 cases per 100,000 people.
I know some people seem to not wanna give up on the wonderful pandemic, but you know what?
It's over.
There's always going to be a variant.
You shouldn't have to wear masks.
I haven't had a meeting with my staff since March of 2020.
I don't know, the state, the corporate, whoever it is.
Why is he apologizing to me?
I know, because you're a senator and you shouldn't hear bad language.
I forget, I'm sorry.
Never heard that word.
I know, I know.
But really, I mean, also, vaccine, mask, pick one.
You gotta pick.
You can't make me mask if I've had the vaccine.
I have broken up with COVID.
It's not working for me anymore.
I stayed home the first year.
I was a good girlfriend.
He was a little abusive.
Then I got the vaccine.
I walked out of the CVS.
I hadn't been that thrilled coming out of a drugstore since I got the birth control pill in 1981.
And it was the same thing.
I knew, it's like, okay, I'm not gonna need this every day.
But when I do need it, it's on board.
And then I barely got there, and it was like, oh, it's Delta.
So I, you know, I just, I can't keep up.
And you know what, I have cancer.
I'm triple vaxxed.
If it gets me, fair play to it, because it will put up a fight against me, but I'm not staying in my house again.
There you go.
Well, we're down with that because it's the Democrats who seem to be... I mean, I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy, and the blue states are a pain in the ass.
For no reason.
Now, again, that's a very influential liberal.
Bill Maher, been around for a long time.
Big show on HBO.
Democrat guests.
And so when he's when he's promoting the basic common sense thing, again, I don't care if it's a year and a half too late.
Hey, let's not lock ourselves in our homes.
Let's not let's not live in fear of a virus.
Let's not give up our rights.
Let's not give up our sanity.
And by the way, me as a Democrat, I enjoy I'd rather be in a red state than a blue state because Democrats are making it hell.
It's time for a major look in the mirror from the left and the Democrat voters and liberal progressives and understand that this giant system that they've set up for COVID, it'll be climate change next, it's going to entrap and destroy all of us.
There's no future for any of us if we don't reject it together.
Well, Trump is doing a lot more interviews with the real grassroots that, by the way, most of the time has bigger audiences in places like CNN.
And NBC and even Fox.
The frequent guest and contributor over at Fox, Wayne Allen Root, best-selling author, CEO, businessman, American patriot, got an in-depth interview with the President yesterday and actually asked him some good questions.
The full interview is posted up on Infowars.com.
It's also at RootForAmerica.com.
And I really like the fact that he brought up Cloward and Piven, because the vaccine mandates and all of this is designed to make the economy fall apart, to finally defeat capitalism by making people poor and destitute.
That's the Democrat plan.
That's the great reset plan of Klaus Schwab.
And almost no Republicans will even talk about it.
Not any of them, really.
Not Senator Paul, not Josh Hawley, not Ted Cruz, and these are all smart people.
Why won't they talk about Klaus Schwab of the UN admitting that big elite corporations are shutting down the world economy to consolidate control?
Well, Wayne Allen Root brought it up.
It's a long exchange, but here's part of it.
Then we'll go to our guest.
A border like that would be the greatest embarrassment in the history of a country.
I think Afghanistan tops it.
But what's happening to the border long term, that's going to be the worst thing that's happened to this country.
Millions and millions, probably 10, 12 million people will be in the first year.
Because I believe that.
I believe you multiply times anywhere from five to seven.
It's an invasion.
And I think you're going to have 10 to 12 million people in here.
It's an invasion.
It's incredible.
Now, listen, I went to Columbia... It's an invasion.
I don't know if you know, I went to Columbia University.
I was the guy who originally talked about going to Columbia, graduating at 83 with Barack Obama as my classmate, and we all learned a strategy called Cloward Pivot.
Two Columbia professors, husband and wife, and they said, we want to destroy America, make it into a socialist nation, and we'll do it by getting everyone on welfare and bankrupting
the system and collapsing the economy
and then suddenly all the businessmen are on their knees begging government to
save them and the whole nation has embraced socialism. It's happening
right now President Trump
the border, the border is the way they're doing it they're bankrupting the country by letting in millions of
people who want welfare from cradle to grave
yep Well, at first I thought it was gross incompetence, and then I realized, you know, they could have built the wall in a month.
It could have been finished in two weeks to a month.
That's right.
It's all being done by design.
It's not just that Biden is incontinent and doesn't know who he is.
He was chosen for that so they could claim it was that.
No, this is deliberate.
Wayne Allyn Root is here striking at the root because if we don't understand this is deliberate, we're going to lose this war.
If we don't know we're in a war, We're going to get our ass handed to us.
So Wayne, thanks for helping raise the alarm.
I listened to the whole interview.
You guys get more into it.
So thank God that you're trying to get Trump to start speaking about this.
Yeah, I'm trying to get him to think about vaccines too.
I didn't want to get too in his face about vaccines.
He loves them.
He thinks they're great.
I don't.
I think they're a disaster.
I think they're the worst mistake and probably the only real mistake he ever made other than the fact that in four years as president he never got voter ID and that was a tragic mistake because the entire rigged election could have been prevented with voter ID.
That was his first mistake.
And the second one was vaccines.
But it wasn't a mistake because he acted like a general, like a wartime general, and he pushed it through when no
one else could have done it.
And I understand why he's bragging about that.
But as part of pushing it through like a wartime general to save America,
he pushed through the vaccine too quickly.
He listened to one of the worst human beings ever, Dr. Fauci.
He believed him that it's a good vaccine.
They didn't do double-blind studies.
They didn't do 10 years of research.
They have no idea what it's going to do to the average person a month from now, a year from now, or five years from now.
So those were his only two mistakes, but I pushed him As far as I could on vaccine mandates and the border.
And he agreed that even though he loves the vaccine, the mandates are terrible and they're hurting this country and tearing it apart.
So I got him to agree on that.
I got him to agree that the border is not incompetence.
It's not a mistake.
It's not a coincidence.
It is a purposeful attempt to destroy the United States of America.
And Wayne, we're going to get to that clip coming up in a little while, but I just want to get back to the 35,000-foot view of what's going on with Trump.
Everybody, out of 156 that he's endorsed, only two have lost.
He's getting a lot of good people elected.
We need him.
Just because he's made some mistakes, he's not the enemy.
We don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
But he needs to know, and I know you brought this up, he's losing major grassroots support With this ongoing support of this.
He needs to come out and say, I was lied to by Fauci.
There are real problems and people will understand and they will not blame him.
He's not a scientist.
He wasn't a doctor.
But every day he stays connected to this disaster.
Internal memos, as you know, are coming out from Big Pharma.
They know they're going to have to get rid of these CEOs.
A bunch of people are probably going to go to jail.
So this is a disaster.
And Trump needs to decouple himself from this runaway train right now.
Yeah, and I mentioned again and again that the really big problem is the vaccine mandates, okay?
If you want to take it, if you're a liberal, I watched that clip you showed for the Bill Maher Show, and I like Bill Maher.
He's, you know, he's an honest liberal and a credible liberal.
He actually, from time to time, sounds like you and me.
He's for free speech!
When everybody said they platform Alex, he said, no, Alex Jones gets to speak.
Yeah, and not because he likes you and me.
You know, he's not a good guy.
It's not that.
It's because he knows that if they come after Alex Jones and Wayne Root, they're coming after him next.
So it's really a very selfless thing, but it's done for a selfish reason.
Bill Maher is a smart guy, and he understands they're coming for him too.
So he's got to fight on behalf of you and me.
And that's good, as long as he's willing to do that.
I say great.
Love you, Bill.
You know, cool.
But I think the vaccine mandate is so much more important than the vaccine.
If liberals like his dumb guest, Bill Maher's guest, is a moron.
She said, I've had cancer and I went and I got that vaccine and it was the happiest day of my life other than birth control.
She's a moron, okay?
She may be a dead moron soon.
She doesn't even care about the stats at VAERS.
She doesn't know what's going on.
Israel, England, all the countries in the world that have put out stats about the vaccine.
People are dying.
People are getting COVID.
People are getting sick.
People are getting hospitalized.
And they're dying of COVID after being double vaxxed.
So she doesn't understand the truth about the vaccine.
And she doesn't want to see.
She listens to government.
Biggest mistake anyone could ever make.
It's so amazing to me that people listen to government.
Government lies.
Government's only interest is in government's best interest.
They don't give a damn about you and me.
You know, I sent your article that you wrote a few days ago for Town Hall out to a lot of prominent people, and one of them said he's going to cover it on his well-known podcast.
But I think it's the best article.
It's not too long.
It's all documented.
It has links to all of it.
What I just told the New York Times about the complete failure and disaster of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Well, a lot of people are driving down the road.
They're listening to this as a podcast later on an airplane or whatever.
They don't have time to go read your whole article.
So when we come back, let's walk through What's in your story?
In fact, let's get started now.
This is a very, very important article.
And it just points out that even if you say they meant well with these shots, it's now a complete failure.
And the New Zealand Prime Minister had this posed to her at a press conference.
She just shut the press conference down when the person pointed out that Israel's the most populous country with the highest, highest statistic for being so-called vaccinated.
And they have the highest rate of infection, hospitalization and death.
That's something they can't get out of.
Look, no one is saying, Alex, that COVID isn't real, because I'm getting married in three weeks, by the way.
The president was talking about that.
That's another thing that points out what a great guy he is.
I've done hundreds of interviews with important people and world leaders and presidents and senators and governors, and not one of them ever knew anything about me personally.
Not one of them ever sent a nice note that I could read at my wedding.
Listen, I got remarried, and I don't know how he found out.
He calls my wife up when we're in Hawaii.
That's amazing.
He's an amazing guy!
Amazing guy.
He sent a letter for me to read out loud to the guests at the wedding.
And then when the interview was over, he sent a personal note to me, a handwritten.
He's a very unique individual.
Nobody else is like that.
But listen, we know COVID exists.
My wife-to-be got COVID and was sick, but got better.
Took ivermectin and got better.
And my three other relatives of mine got very sick.
Hold on.
Stay there, Wayne.
Let's come back to that.
Let me just throw this point out before we go to break.
John Oliver, three weeks ago, said it's fake news.
There is no cure to COVID.
Not even the vaccine.
Well, wait a minute.
What's natural immunity?
That is the cure.
I had it.
My folks had it.
Most of the crew had it.
Yes, we have the cure to COVID.
It's called our immune system.
And giving it the tools it needs.
Wayne Allen Roots, our guest.
We're going to get into his amazing article.
And we're going to also play more clips of his big interview with President Trump on the other side.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this live Tuesday, November 2nd transmission.
Now remember, the entire leftist, globalist, corporate combine is trying to take this show off the air.
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You are the emissaries, you are the ambassadors, you are The equivalent of the missionaries that are going to bring light to the dark of the night.
Wayne Allen Root, best-selling author, syndicated radio host, great patriot, just interviewed President Trump yesterday.
This is a shorter segment, long segment coming up, and I wanted to start getting back into your big article, what I just told the New York Times about the complete failure and disaster of the COVID-19 vaccine.
You just lay the cold, hard facts out that they can't deny, and then they have no way to respond to you when again they've reached out to you.
And then meanwhile, in the UK, they've got a bill introduced Where if they say it's false info about the vaccine, you get two years in prison.
And they've got new fake reports out that I'm going to cover more after you leave us, but I'm mentioning it to you.
COVID vaccine stronger than national immunity, new CDC studies suggest.
And then of course you read it, nothing backs it up.
And we have hundreds of other studies about national immunity period, not just with COVID, but across the board being better.
They are really, really desperate.
So Wayne Allyn Root, please continue.
Well, you know, there's two things that Democrats live by.
You mentioned at the beginning of the show, Alex, Cloward and Piven.
That's how they destroy the United States.
Open borders, supply chain disruptions, the Green New Deal, massive taxes, corporate taxes twice as high as China.
The list goes on and on.
Vaccine mandates, in my opinion, the single worst of all of them.
Vaccine mandates are the Trojan horse that's going to put the middle class out of business.
Here's a phrase for you I thought up overnight.
They wanted to defund the police.
This is how they're defunding the police, the fire, the paramedics, and defunding the middle class.
This is their dream, to defund the middle class by making us all lose our jobs.
So the vaccine mandate is that.
But that's Cloward Piven.
Let me give you the other one they live by.
Saul Alinsky rules for radicals.
Look in the mirror, whatever you see, blame the other guy for it.
And that's what they're doing with this misleading medical information.
They're lying, but then when we tell the truth, they call our truth misleading.
That's exactly what they're doing in America, in England, or Australia, all over the world.
We're not the ones misleading.
We're merely stating facts.
So, I didn't try and debate the New York Times with a thousand reasons that I know why this vaccine is dangerous and deadly.
I simply quoted VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Which, by the way, I never heard of in my life till COVID!
And it's been around for 35 years or so, and it's never been challenged by doctors, medical experts, scientists, or any liberal!
They all believed it was true!
Till now.
Now it conveniently or inconveniently disrupts their plans to vaccinate or jab everybody with an experimental for emergency use only jab that is killing people and they don't want you to know about it.
So now they're maligning theirs.
Oh, it means nothing.
Oh, it's just people writing in.
They're not necessarily right.
The CDC has to investigate it.
Wait a minute.
In history, there was never more than 20, 30 people ever killed on VAERS from a vaccine.
And maybe they investigated and some of them weren't true, but a lot of them were.
And they suspended vaccines for less than a dozen deaths before.
Now, tens of thousands, they just say, let's not discuss it.
And by the way, Harvard.
Does any liberal hate Harvard?
My daughter went to Harvard, by the way.
And Harvard did a study.
Only one one-hundredth of vaccine deaths and injuries are actually reported to VAERS because it takes 40 minutes to fill it out.
And if you're dead, no one cares.
You're dead.
And the doctor doesn't want to write about it and give up 40 minutes of his day and report that he killed someone.
It's always much, much, much higher.
Speaking of Harvard, like you said, their studies show it's much, much higher.
Right, so it could be at least 170,000 dead, Alex.
It could be more.
In the past, it's been as much as only 1% reported.
So you have to multiply by 100 and you'd have 1.7 million deaths.
Let's assume that's not true here.
Let's assume it's very high profile, the COVID jab.
So more reporting.
Let's give them credit that it's at least 17,000.
Might be as high as 170,000 dead.
If they suspended vaccines in the past for 30 people who died, why do they not care that there's 17,000 dead now?
Why do they not care that there's 750,000 adverse effects, including I believe it was 82,000 hospitalizations, 18,000 life-threatening events?
Come on!
Strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, Terrible herpes and shingles outbreaks.
This vaccine is doing great damage.
And it's all now, right after you got it.
Who knows how bad it's going to get a year from now, two years from now, three years from now.
There were no double blind studies done.
Millions could die or maybe it'll just be thousands more.
But we've never allowed a vaccine to do this much damage in history without criticism, without debate, without discussion.
That's the definition of science.
Not misleading.
That's science.
You're supposed to allow debate.
They don't want debate.
They're for intolerance.
They're for dictatorship.
They're for authoritarianism.
They're for Nazi and Soviet-like behavior when it comes to what they believe in.
Very disconcerting.
Wayne Allyn Root, let me ask you this question.
And for those that don't know, you were responding to the New York Times asking you questions about, oh, are you going to support disinformation?
What do you think about it?
And you just countered them like, hey, here's the facts.
And so don't expect them to publish, you know, any of your response probably.
You're a smart guy.
You've been around the blog a few times.
What do you think the establishment is going to do and Big Pharma is going to do as they just keep doubling down and trying to censor and threatening arrest of anybody that exposes them, but more and more scientists come forward, more and more doctors, more and more victims.
I mean, I can just see down the road here that they're going to destroy themselves.
Why are they doing this?
Well, I think it's greed, mostly.
You know, a lot of people believe it's about depopulation.
I don't know.
Look, I'm not gonna make cash dispersions.
One thing I think is safe to say, it's about greed.
They're all getting rich, filthy rich.
They're making billions of dollars.
The vaccine companies, the drug companies, Big Pharma.
This is the most money Big Pharma's ever made.
I mean, it's insane.
Most money that they've ever made and they're passing it out.
You know there's a 10% finder's fee to all the politicians that are enabling this.
Come on, I'm in business.
Anybody who helps me, I give a 10% commission or 10% finder's fee.
You know they're doling out...
Hundreds of millions of their billions to make sure all the FDA guys, all the executives, all the officials, all the bureaucrats, all the politicians, all the lawyers, all the doctors are in on the game and they all get filthy rich.
We'll also look at big tech is heavily invested.
Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter.
They have huge positions in these vaccine companies and they have a total conflict of interest and then censor all of us when we try to point out what's happening.
Yeah, I mean, listen, I make guesses as to why some of these things are happening.
They're just guesses.
But I'm a smart guy.
Most of what I say on radio and TV has, in fact, come true or been proven right.
Here's a guess.
I think they want everyone vaccinated because if half the population or, you know, 30 to 50 percent never take the jab and half do, there's your control group.
You can prove millions are dying and the ones who took it aren't dying.
That's right.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll talk about when we come back.
And Wayne Allen Root, best-selling author, syndicated talk show host, just fresh off a big interview with President Trump yesterday, play another clip of that in a moment, is with us.
And you hit a key point up against the break.
And this is what I've been told by doctors and scientists and insiders, is that they want everybody injected with this mRNA.
It's part of a revolution where they just want to bypass normal checks and balances.
There's even C-SPAN interviews with Fauci in 2019 saying that.
We played those clips.
And this is really their revolution of just bringing dangerous drugs and products to market.
And that they want no real studies or tests out there.
So it's a wild, wild west.
And that's why they don't want a control group.
So for listeners that just tuned in and don't know what a control group is, you're also a successful businessman.
So you study this stuff.
What is a control group?
And why is this so important?
Well, if everybody gets the jab, I won't even call it a vaccine.
It doesn't deserve to be called a vaccine because the COVID vaccine is an experimental for emergency use only jab.
And it's very, very frightening, very dangerous in my opinion.
And most of all, we just don't know.
From the very beginning, I didn't call it dangerous.
I had no idea.
I just called it, we don't know.
I told my listeners, I'm not saying don't get it.
I'm saying just wait a little bit and see what happens.
People are dying left and right.
Great friend of mine just died the other day.
Wonderful, wonderful person.
You can never prove why he died, but he had a stroke and a heart attack in his 40s and died.
And he'd never been sick a day in his life and he was vaccinated.
I don't know that the vaccine killed him.
They'll never prove it.
They'll never admit it.
But I sure think the vaccine killed him.
And my fans send me stories by the hundreds every week of friends and family that have died very quickly after getting the vaccine.
And so let's say the cancer is dramatically up.
among everyone.
Let me just interrupt you, and you're right.
What you're seeing, what I'm seeing is anecdotal.
But you know where this is going next.
I'm probably interrupting. You're about to go there.
In German studies, in British studies, in UK studies, in Canadian studies,
in US studies, in Israeli studies, all over the world,
major medical associations are saying, "We're seeing cancer off the chart."
We're seeing heart attacks and microcarditis off the chart.
We're seeing a record number of heart attacks and problems in young people we didn't see before.
And suddenly there's ads everywhere saying heart attacks and strokes in children and young people's normal.
No, it's not.
So please continue.
Yeah, well, first of all, there was a study in England that just came out that proves, at least this study proves, I'll be very fair, that each month after you get the vaccine, your immune system degenerates!
It declines!
And so, a year from now, you can expect massive declines in anyone who's been jabbed, according to this study, not according to Wayne Root.
And therefore you can expect higher cancer rates, more heart attacks, more strokes, more blood clots, more health problems in general, more autoimmune disease.
So that's the study, not me.
I'm just quoting a study from the UK government that this declines, deteriorates, hurts, destroys your immune system every month that goes by after you've gotten the jab.
Back to the control group.
So if everybody's sick and everybody got the jab, you can't blame the jab.
You don't know why everybody's sick, why cancer has skyrocketed, why heart attacks have skyrocketed.
But if this group that got the jab, half of America, has skyrocketing cancer, skyrocketing Heart disease, skyrocketing strokes.
Then this group didn't get the jab.
Their rates are exactly the same.
You can prove the jab is doing it.
They don't want that.
So if everybody gets vaccinated, there'll be no control group and they can't prove that one group is sicker than the other.
And that's the group that got the jab.
They've turned this plague loose in the community.
And because it was never studied from the beginning, they can then act like they don't know why suddenly this is
But it's as obvious as the nose on my face, or as the sky being blue at high noon that this is going on.
Again, where do you expect this to go? Because they're getting their global ID out of it,
they're getting their hundreds of billions of dollars of new profit,
they're getting all these new illnesses that the medical system will be able to take care of.
They're getting cloured and pivvied by getting the police and firefighters and nurses to all be fired or quit.
I mean, really, what they want they're getting out of this so far, because I guess the establishment that greenlit this whole thing thinks they won't be held accountable.
Well, what they want is obviously Australia.
Look how bad it's gotten in Australia.
If you violate their COVID mandates, they're now going after your bank accounts.
It's a disaster.
Your house.
Now they're going to take your house.
It's beyond the pale.
Now, I don't believe in my heart they're ever going to win like that in America, Alex, because there'll be a revolution or a civil war here before that happens.
Our people are not like Australians or British or any other country in the world.
Why are we different?
Because people can always say America's not free enough.
But now we see out of the whole world, we're one of the freest countries saying no.
And it's all the blue areas that are looking more like Australia.
Yeah, I've always argued that we're a nation of immigrants.
Everybody, originally, was from somewhere else.
And being a nation of immigrants, people had to risk death to get here.
Death on dirty ships, death from disease, death from tyrants, death from criminals along the way, rape.
Everybody that comes here is a fighter.
At least everyone that came here legally, I love.
And we've got fighting in our blood.
And I don't believe we're giving up all of our rights without a massive fight.
And I do believe they're lying about how many people have been vaccinated.
I don't think it's anywhere near 70, 80 percent.
I think it's... Oh, it's come out in studies in England that they exaggerate about 15, 20 points.
You're absolutely right.
You're exaggerating the numbers.
It's 50-50 at best and that's because every liberal has gotten jabbed and a few conservatives who listened to President Trump and trusted that it's a good vaccine made the mistake of taking it.
That's the group that's about 50 and then 50% hasn't and that combination who hasn't is a majority of conservatives and believe it or not a large portion of black Blacks and Hispanics.
Oh, I know.
The media is trying to say that blacks and Hispanics are dumb.
John Oliver says, oh, they're ignorant communities.
He actually says that because they won't take it.
No, they know about secret experimentation.
They know about problems and they can see the people getting sick.
I mean, look at Ice Cube turning down nine million dollars before he'd take the shot.
Kaepernick saying the NFL's slavery.
No, any business saying you've got to have this for your job, that's slavery.
Yeah, look, I happen to be Jewish by birth, you know, 100%, two Jewish parents, four Jewish grandparents, and I love the Jewish people.
But it's amazing to me that they vote mostly Democrat, because the lesson they should have learned, my people should have learned from Nazi Germany and Rome and Egypt, is that government is never good.
Government is never on your side.
Government is generally evil.
Government does not care about any one individual.
Government is out for itself.
Government will lie about anything in order to get you.
Well that's another question.
What in the hell?
I mean we know the UK is a police state.
France is a police state.
Singapore is a police state.
What's Israel doing with just the second worst country in my opinion after Australia when it comes to COVID tyranny?
Very sad.
You know, the regular guest on my show is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.
I assume he's been on your show as well.
He's great.
Orthodox Jew from upstate New York.
And he's someone who believes that this is just outright mass murder.
He believes Fauci's a mass murderer.
He believes this is all purposeful to kill off The population, and it's horrible.
You know, I just think it's about greed.
I think it's terrible greed.
Everyone's getting rich, and a lot of the doctors don't know how bad the side effects are.
They're just collecting big money from big pharma, and they want to keep the gravy train going.
I'm trying to be nice, Alex.
I'm trying to see the best in people, not the worst.
I have a hard time believing every doctor is a mass murderer.
I just don't believe that.
Oh sure, most of the doctors are just under peer pressure.
Yeah, they're scared to death they'll lose their medical license.
If they ever speak out and say, five of my patients died, maybe we should not be doing this.
We should be suspending it.
They'll lose their license.
So they're scared to death on one hand.
That's the carrot.
And excuse me, that's the stick.
And the carrot is they're getting paid a lot of money by Big Pharma.
And it's a combination of those two.
But I don't think they're mass murderers.
What's happening is very bad.
I think all of this is about the vaccine mandate.
They wanted to get to the point where they'd make you lose your job over the vaccine.
That's the defunding of the middle class.
They wanted to defund the police.
Now they're defunding- That's it.
They wanted carbon pivot.
They wanted to wreck capitalism so people would accept the new socialism, which is what Klaus Schwab says.
He says the next Great Reset is going to be climate carbon and we're going to shut down the West.
That's the plan.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
And talk about his new book on how to peacefully counter this with Wayne Allen Root.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
All right, final segment with Wayne Allen Root.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Very thankful for all of our great affiliates out there and all the listeners also spreading the word because again, if you don't do that, we're going to lose this fight.
InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
I just walked back again to the break room and got myself just an inch or two of coffee because it's so good.
I don't want to spoil myself here.
And I was watching OAN and they had a mansion on saying, this build back better, by the way, that's the UN slogan, Klaus Schwab, Davos Group slogan, will destroy the country.
And if they keep doing this, we're going to go bankrupt and they're going to kill the dollar.
The world's already starting to pull out of the dollar, which is true.
But that's like.
Telling somebody to try to burn your house down because they want the insurance money or whatever, they should stop.
Biden administration calls for more oil production as long as it's not in America.
He kills our pipeline, but greenlights the Nord Stream 2 Russian pipeline.
It's just so transparent.
Open borders.
$450,000 to each person separated from their family he's proposing.
This is what globalism is.
America and Australia and New Zealand and the UK and Canada aren't open for business because we were seen as Western free nations.
And the globalists don't want to break that.
And so that's why when I say, oh, Wayne Allyn Root, you're so smart to get Trump on and bring up Ploward and Piven to him and try to get him to understand that.
I need him to say it's on purpose because Trump's always, oh, they're incompetent, they're morons.
And I want to give Trump credit.
Of course the stock market went up.
Of course a bunch of jobs came back.
Because the world knew America's open for business again.
Biden's telling the world it's not over business.
That's globalism.
They've all invested in China.
So, again, if we don't get a congressional awakening and a gubernatorial awakening and a legislative awakening and a population awakening, the fact that globalism is a corporate war to shut down the West, to buy us over pennies on the dollar, we're going to lose.
This is economic war.
It's what COVID-19 power grabs about.
It's the Great Reset.
Schwab wrote a damn book a year and a half ago saying it.
So, Wayne, I'm ranting, but you're an influential guy, and I think every other influential person should get with the program.
I saw Joe Rogan at dinner two weeks ago.
You've got to cover Great Reset.
I tell Tucker Carlson that.
I'm not trying to, like, name drop here, but we need to get prominent people up front on this issue.
Are you sure you and I are brothers from another mother?
We must be.
I mean, seriously, you sound like me and I sound like you.
It's kind of scary.
But we understand what's going on.
I brought up two more things to Trump that I think your audience needs to know.
Number one, I brought up that, you know, not only does he, does Biden approve of pipelines all over the world, including Russia to Germany, but not in America.
But he also approves of walls all over the world.
And Congress has funded walls for Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon to keep them safe from their enemies.
And for his beach house.
And for Biden's beach house.
Biden's beach house is everyone's house.
Listen, I lived for years.
I've made some good money in my life.
Thank God.
God bless America.
God bless capitalism.
I lived in a beautiful mansion in Las Vegas at a place called Anthem Country Club.
You know who my neighbor was a block away?
Harry Reid.
Do you know what surrounds Anthem Country Club?
A wall.
First of all, a wall.
Second of all, a fence.
Third of all, a gate.
Fourth of all, armed guards.
And fifth of all, a sign at the guard gate With the armed guards that says you can't get in without federal government issued photo ID.
And Harry Reid chose to live there while he was carrying Obama's water up the hill and passing all the horrible bills that he did.
This is the hypocrisy of liberals.
We all want walls to protect our families and our beautiful children and our spouses.
We all need walls.
Why doesn't America need a wall?
But I brought up to Trump That also the big one, because he's so big on vaccines.
I said, do you understand voter ID is what beat you in the election?
Voter ID is what we need.
Mexico has voter ID.
Mexico requires thumbprint and photo ID from the federal government.
Yet liberals have called it racist for 40 years.
But now, every restaurant, every bar, every sporting event, every business, every hotel, everything you walk into in New York and LA requires vaccine passport and federal government issued photo ID.
You gotta show more ID to get a hamburger or an iced tea than you do to vote.
And that's not Gestapo.
That's that government asking for papers a hundred times a day versus once every two years for a federal election for five minutes.
This is insanity.
And then I brought up my book, which I'm going to bring up again on your show.
Not because I'm trying to make money, although I am.
It's capitalism.
Sure, what's wrong with that?
No, but it's a blueprint for victory, adopting some of the left's tactics.
Yeah, so the book is called The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book, and I do believe I have one of the answers.
There are many answers, but the Southwest pilots took my advice, and the American Airlines pilots this weekend.
It wasn't about weather.
They were on strike.
They're lying to you.
I know the pilots.
They wouldn't fly the planes because of the vaccine mandate.
My book recommends the philosophy and the strategy of Dr. Martin Luther King.
We've got to fight back with strikes and boycotts and protests and gunk up the system and stop these companies from making money and civil disobedience.
We cannot comply.
We must resist.
He's an illegitimate president.
Isn't that what liberals said about Trump?
So I'm not saying anything wrong.
They said the same thing about Trump.
That's right.
As nationalists, or as conservatives, or as capitalists, or as Christians, or just as Americans, we think it's mean to call a company and tell them our mind.
No, we're not threatening like the left is.
We're not trying to de-platform.
We're simply letting people know our views, and as you point out in your book, it has incredible effects, so we have to stop being quiet.
Like the Bible says, stop hiding your light under a bush.
And the Bible also says the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and that's the way we have to fight.
Like gay activists, like transgender activists, like feminists, like black activists, like civil rights activists, like activists for illegal aliens.
They fight like crazy men and women, like quartered wolverines, and they boycott, and they threaten, and they intimidate.
But we will never do violence.
Never do violence.
That's right, we're not going to burn everything down at mostly peaceful protests.
Only peaceful.
But with our money, with our purses, and with our wallets, we can bring these companies to their senses.
I agree.
We've got about a minute left.
Wayne Allen, we're really glad you came on.
You're always on fire.
What else is on your radar?
What do you think is going to happen in Virginia?
Well, look, I'm worried in Virginia the same way I was worried about the presidential election, the same way I was worried a couple months ago about Larry Elder and the Newsom recall in California.
You can win, but if it's rigged, you lose.
I totally agree with you.
In fact, they're saying, oh, we're not going to look like the Republicans are going to win, but we're going to have mail-in ballots.
It might take a few days again.
Right, so again, he's ahead in every poll, Junkin.
He's ahead, our Republican candidate, in every poll now.
McAuliffe's a horrible candidate.
He's said awful things.
He thinks parents are disgusting.
He thinks white teachers should be fired.
He just said yesterday there's too many white teachers.
But he's talking like a man who knows the election is rigged.
He doesn't care.
If it's rigged, then he can say whatever he wants and he gets away with it.
So the question is, will Youngkin win tonight, and then five days later, McAuliffe wins?
That's what I'm worried about, another rigged election.
Alright, Wayne Allen Root, the new book, ladies and gentlemen, available everywhere.
Thank you so much for the time, and great job on that article you wrote that went viral.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Thank you.
When we come back, I covered a lot of news the first hour, but I covered about 20% of it.
I have got so much I'm going to get to, so much that I'm going to be covering.
This first little tidbit, 60 minutes calling for world government.
Remember that that doesn't exist, but now it's in your face.
More on the Cloward and Piven plan to shut things down, more on Virginia, and more on This BS that, oh, CDC says, actually, that natural immunity is no good.
Remember when the Surgeon General said that a few months ago?
Well, this is more BS.
We're going to be looking at that as well.
Separately, we've got great products, and it also keeps us on the air.
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It's all available now at All right, I'm going to hit all the big news coming up next segment on world government and more all being announced.
The announcement that they're going to shut down basically all the U.S.
economy that's left.
It's such critical information because we're going to stop these monsters.
But first, I want you to hear from some of the first responders.
About how they're being persecuted.
It's all part of the larger Cloward Piven program.
They force someone to have medical treatment that they don't want to have.
It's a violation of human rights.
I would tell all of our politicians, stop playing politics with our lives and stick to the science.
It's coming from the same group that claims to help us the most, that supports us the most, it's the Democrats.
And they're enforcing something that they know people of color have rightful, like, you know, we're worried about the outcome.
The firehouse near my house is closed.
It's out of service.
26 firehouses are affected.
And for de Blasio to say that, oh, it's not affected?
He's a liar.
He's a liar.
When we go to calls, we don't look at that person and judge, are you worth saving?
But now our livelihoods and our family's well-being is questioned.
Are we worth it?
We never asked that question during the pandemic.
Now we're being thrown into the trash, the garbage.
It's not right.
And the politicians that run this city have decided to divide us.
They want us fighting each other because they don't want us to find out that they're the ones that did this.
New York City anti-vaccine mandate protesters today, but they're not the only ones out there opposed to vaccine mandates.
A new NBC poll found that 50% of Americans oppose them, with 41% strongly opposed.
Among them are many New York City firefighters.
In fact, more than 2,300 have called in sick over the past week ahead of the city's vaccine mandate going into effect today.
Joining me now is Andrew Ansborough, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association.
Andrew, Is the city going to work with the union or are they intent on ignoring you and allowing all of these firefighters basically to be forced off the job?
Well, by design, they don't want to work with us.
When you tell someone they have nine days, nine days to make the decision for vaccination or lose their job, they don't want to work with you.
Teachers were given over a month.
Corrections doesn't have to make this decision until December 1st.
So once again, the mayor is showing that people that care for criminals have more rights than people that care for the average New Yorker.
Now, I would just like to go back to the The notion that 2,300 firefighters have gone out sick over this.
The department doesn't share their numbers with us, but the commissioner of the department actually said today that he believes it's a sick out and it's vaccine related and the vast majority of the firefighters that are out sick are unvaccinated. You can't claim that the unvaccinated
firefighters are causing a stafford shortage because this morning you were sending them home.
So they would have been working either way. Now it's no secret that New York City firefighters
love their jobs. They continue to work hard. And when those firefighters we believe were
faced with the possibility of losing their jobs, they wanted to document those injuries before they
went out the door.
He's also not taking into account, those numbers are skewed by the fact that we have firefighters that are always sick and injured from firefighter-related duties even before that.
Before this vaccine mandate started, we had 16 firefighters out on medical leave.
Firefighting-related medical leave for every one firefighter out on COVID leave.
One-half of one percent of the fire department was out with COVID.
Well, there's some good news today out of Cook County in Chicago.
Breaking late today, a Cook County judge granted the Fraternal Order of Police's petition for a stay of the COVID vaccine mandate there.
Does that give you some hope if there is a legal avenue here?
You know, there are people that claim that we're anti-vaccine.
I was vaccinated the first day, and I educated my members to the best of my ability as to the vaccine.
Alright, folks, I want you to get a smattering of what's going on.
This is not a vaccine, and it doesn't protect you, and it makes you sick, and that's all come out.
We've got evidence of that coming up, but now they're trying to pass laws all over the world, including here, to arrest people if we point out the facts.
That's because they can't handle scrutiny.
They can't handle reality.
And by the way, this is all like Dr. Zelenko says, on purpose, by design.
Crimes against humanity.
They're bringing in global government.
We'll explain that when we come back in 60 seconds.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna hit a bunch of really important, huge news right now.
And then, at the bottom of the hour, I'm gonna do something I did yesterday.
I did a pretty good job of, I think, for one segment.
I read about 30 or 40 Maybe more than 40.
Headlines just of the U.N.
involved calling for depopulation and ordering the lockdowns that killed 25 million people and then tying it into the U.N.
running child sex slaverings.
Just backing up what Elon Musk said about the U.N.
trying to shake him down for money.
He's like, you people are the ones that starve and murder everybody.
But just look at the type of stuff that they just handed me.
I mean, this is breaking every few minutes on InfoWars.com.
Army flight surgeon who urged Pentagon to ground vaccinated pilots testifies to Senate panel.
Boy, you know big tech will censor that.
Another dim false flag.
Reporters show photo of a man, again obviously posing for the camera with a rebel flag, to then try to tie it to the Republican candidate in Virginia.
As if there's anything wrong with the rebel flag, but the point is it shows how easy it is to just then try to set somebody up with that because the public's been so brainwashed about it.
Whether the guy was wearing it because he liked it or whether it was a setup.
Mass triggering compilation shows media freaking out over Tucker Carlson documentary.
It's a powerful little piece up on InfoWars.com.
Why China's property bubble is a big deal.
That's a very important article I want to get to.
Another powerful video.
New Yorkers chant Kamala is a whore as VP arrives at Al Sharpton Carnegie Hall event.
This big article.
When mob rule dictates that we must all cheer a male homecoming queen, it's clear society is close to collapse.
That's an article up on Infowars.com.
There's video of it.
And they tell people you must cheer.
Just the absurdity of that.
It's so authoritarian and it's such bull.
And then you wonder why they have male transvestite events in Kentucky high schools With the students doing lap dances for their teachers.
I mean, it's all not just inappropriate.
It's all sick, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's all what the corporations want in place and dominate.
And it's meant to get foreign enemies to attack the United States of America.
It's meant to trigger World War Three.
That's what this is all about.
China and others see real.
Weakness out of all of this, that I've got all this news.
Global supply chain crisis to last till 2023, which has been the least largest port operator.
It's all been done by design, part of the Great Reset.
I told you 20 months ago this would be happening, because it was all in the globalist-owned admissions.
That's the most frustrating part for me, is to know that the global carbon tax is a war on humanity.
I've been telling you that for years now.
King Charles, Prince Charles says that that's indeed what it is.
What an incredible time to be alive right now.
So let me just relax for a minute, kind of calm down because I got a lot of big news I want to hit that I've pledged to hit in this hour, including Putin's latest speech that is just unbelievably true.
And again, I'm not fetishizing Putin.
I've never been to Russia.
I mean, I know why they hate him so much, because if we start adopting what Putin's saying, the United States will be twice as powerful as Russia.
This isn't about who's powerful.
It's about Putin saying he doesn't like seeing America collapse and become wicked and demonic and feminized.
And he's telling the truth.
He's trying to help us.
He's saying, That the Bolsheviks did this to us and they're doing it to you?
Vladimir Putin's saying the Bolsheviks are bad.
That's why they fear him so much.
And people think that they're going to duck criticism if they just attack Putin.
I don't lionize any of these world leaders.
I don't count on them.
I count on God.
But it's crazy.
So that's a whole other subject there.
I spent a whole hour just on this clip.
I did almost doesn't even do it justice, including one a month ago.
I never even got to.
I just mentioned the headlines.
I read a few quotes where Putin's like saying incredible stuff about America needs Jesus and needs God.
If you don't have God, you're going to have the devil.
I mean, just incredible.
He opposes mandatory injections as people should get vaccinated without coercion.
And he's talking about his real vaccine that's also got problems.
So just incredible.
So that's all coming up here today.
The head of Owen Schroer.
Paul Watson's going to be hosting tomorrow.
Owen's going to host the fourth hour today with Christy Lee.
She did a big interview and exposed think tanks admitting that they're being told and are covering up injuries and deaths from vaccines.
Same thing Wayne Allyn Root was talking about last hour in the smoking gun evidence of that.
So that's coming up.
And then there's just so much more.
There's so much more.
I mean, it's all just incredible.
But we're going to get to it.
Let's get to this first, though.
We're just talking about this fellow last week.
He's the darling of the Davos group.
He's the darling of the UN.
He's one of their high priests.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem historian Yuval Noah Harari.
He uses fear of technocracy, which he's calling for to take over, to argue for global government on 60 Minutes.
And that's the argument for world government, to stop nuclear war, to stop technocracy, to stop big tech taking over.
We need a UN global government to standardize the world social credit score, and the world ID, and the world carbon tax.
That way a bad corporation won't do it.
And we need a global government to carry it out, run of course by the Davos Group.
Talk about...
Disinformation on its face.
It's the global government you should fear.
This is what the COVID rollout is.
It's what the Great Reset is.
It's the war on humanity that Prince Charles just announced.
Here he is on 60 Minutes that's now like the mouthpiece of transhumanism.
Oh, you and your family will all get chips soon.
Oh, you'll have to have a passport to travel with the vaccines.
Oh, we need to shut people up that don't agree with us.
We need to arrest people.
Australia is doing a good job.
Oh, 60 Minutes.
Here it is.
You know, we'll soon have the power to re-engineer our bodies and brains, whether it is with genetic engineering, or by directly connecting brains to computers, or by creating completely non-organic entities, artificial intelligence, which is not based at all on the organic body and the organic brain.
And these technologies are developing at breakneck speed.
Maybe the biggest thing that we are facing is really a kind of evolutionary divergence.
Consciousness is the ability to feel things, like pain and pleasure and knowledge and hate.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems.
But computers, or artificial intelligence, they don't have consciousness.
They just have intelligence.
They solve problems in a completely different way than us.
They will be able to solve more and more problems better than us, without having any consciousness, any feelings.
And they will have power over us?
They are already gaining power over us.
Harari is concerned the pandemic has opened the door for more intrusive kinds of data collection, including biometric data.
What we have seen so far is corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
To hack a human being is to get to know that person better than they know themselves.
And based on that, to increasingly manipulate you.
Certainly, now we are at the point when we need global cooperation.
You cannot regulate the explosive power of artificial intelligence on a national level.
So, they want to test it all on us, but it's the UN rolling it out in the mRNA revolution, enforcing us, that Fauci and others talked about on C-SPAN three years ago.
And this guy is the guy saying, the future's not human, I'm gonna take your brain over with nanotech, You have no hope, he's one of their, but now he's a savior.
Now you need global government to protect you from the global government rolling out the World ID and the carbon tax, and the nano taking over your body, and the very Davos group in himself calling for nano entities to take over your brain, to hook you into the hive mind so you never commit a crime.
He's called for all that, oh, but he's also going to save you from it, you see.
They appoint themselves the saviors of what they're doing.
They're overriding the Earth, they're killing the planet, they run everything to save the planet.
Interpol, the rest of them have systems to fight pedophiles.
They run the pedophilia.
It's bad.
These are bad people.
And there he is with the heir to half the globalist fortune, probably.
The Vanderbilt.
Anderson Cooper.
True enemies of humanity.
True enemies of the children.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on November 2nd, 2021, Tuesday edition.
Vladimir Putin says he was a supporter of Alexander Sholtson-Eatson.
Sholtson-Eatson was anti-Bolshevik, anti-Communist, anti-New World Order, and really understood that Russia had been run by a multinational offshore group to kill the Christians and exploit the Russians to expand their criminal empire worldwide, and that it was powerful banking interest in the West that had actually taken over Russia in 1917.
Which is a historical fact.
I don't need Alexander Shultz and Einstein, Nobel Prize winner for history, to tell me that.
But his Gulag or Pelago is seminal work on witnessing a lot of that from the inside.
But to have Putin come out a month ago and say, America needs Christianity, Europe needs Christianity.
If we don't have that, we're going to have evil as our operating system.
That was amazing.
Now he's come out in an interview.
And it's just like a six minute interview, and I'm going to try to not comment over a lot of it, but most people out there don't speak Russian, and I don't either, and we're also a syndicated radio show, not just TV.
So I'm going to try to read the closed captions in English as best I can, but the title of the video that I'm going to have posted under the live show feed right now, so you can find it and watch it in your leisure, is Crime Against Humanity, Putin on Wokeness and Western PC Culture.
So we'll start playing parts of it right now and then we'll stop it because he goes a little fast for me reading here.
I'm gonna go ahead and start rolling.
We look in amazement at the process underway in the countries
which have been traditionally looked at as the standard bearers of progress.
Of course, the social and cultural shocks that are taking place in the United States and Western Europe are none of our business.
We are keeping out of this.
that is happening in the same states and in Western Europe.
It's not our business, we don't go there.
We are keeping out of this.
Some people in the West believe that an aggressive elimination of entire pages
from their own history, which is reverse discrimination.
Against the majority in the interest of a minority.
against the majority in the interest of a minority.
The demand to give up the traditional notions of mother, father, family, and even gender.
It's the great reset.
It's the total collapse of the population.
It's the end of the nuclear family and civilization.
It is death.
They believe that all of these are the milestones on the path towards social renewal.
Really, it's total societal collapse impossible.
It's the great reset, it's the total collapse of the population,
it's the end of the nuclear family and civilization, it is death.
The advocates of the so-called social progress believe they are introducing humanity
to some kind of new and better consciousness.
Here's the key.
He goes on to explain, no, we know what it is, it's the Bolsheviks.
more correct than before. And God willing, the flags will be raised.
Godspeed. Hoist the flags as we say. Godspeed. Godspeed.
Godspeed. Godspeed. Godspeed. Godspeed.
Hoist the flags as we say go!
Go right ahead.
He's being sarcastic.
The only thing I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all.
They may come, and this may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already.
[Russian translation]
After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said they would change existing
ways and customs.
[Russian translation]
economic, but also the very idea of what China is.
The destruction of the age-old values, religion, and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family.
We had that too.
Encouragement to inform on loved ones.
All this was proclaimed progress, and by the way, was widely supported around the world and back.
Encouragement to inform on loved ones.
All this was proclaimed progress and by the way was widely supported around the world
and back.
And then it was quite fashionable, same as today.
So he said, then as now is fashionable.
The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into an aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity.
When the works of the greatest authors of the past, such as Shakespeare, are no longer taught at schools or
universities because their ideas are believed to be backward.
Shakespeare is no longer taught in schools and universities, because they consider these ideas to be backward.
The classicals are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender and race are promoted.
The classics declare the backwardness of the gender or racial issue.
In Hollywood, memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what color or
gender should be allowed in the movie.
Then, this is even worse than the Agiprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union did.
Countering acts of racism is a necessary and noble cause, but the new cancel culture is turned into the reverse
discrimination, that is, reverse racism.
The obsessive emphasis on race is further dividing people when the real fighters for civil rights dream precisely
about erasing differences.
He's talking about Martin Luther King Jr.
and others.
So we're going to come back and we're going to talk about this and finish up, but...
He's telling you the Bolsheviks were bad.
He's telling you international groups supported them.
He's telling you don't go into the same hell Russia went under, and he gets to that.
This is just unbelievably true, and it's so revolutionary, as George Orwell said, in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
This is a big deal.
And he just gets more and more hardcore every day.
Like saying we need Jesus and Christianity a month ago, and that America's problem is Satanism, which it is.
Russia will be blessed.
We will be destroyed under this.
Why would Russia be trying to get us to do what would empower us if they were our enemy?
No, they understand this is a spiritual battle.
Vladimir Putin has gotten Christ.
I don't know if he had it 50 years ago or 20 years ago, but he's got it now.
And the globalists hate his guts.
So you say what you want about Putin.
He undoubtedly cares about the Russian people.
He's got government programs, people to have more children.
He's promoting Christianity.
He's promoting savings.
He's promoting health.
And he's got the globalists really pissed off at him.
And so, if you pull back from that, why would he tell America, you should be Christian again?
And you need God, and your wokeness is destroying you.
Well, I mean, he knows that any country that adopts Satanism will collapse.
The globalists want America out of the way, that's why they've inflicted us with the poison of the wokeness.
Where public schools demand that the school cheer for the male homecoming queen.
All of this is meant to undermine the society.
Now, certainly the strongman Vladimir Putin is not a choir boy or not an angel, but he does recognize that if Russia is to have a future, America needs to have a future as well, that the main threat to the planet is a spiritual one.
And here he is talking about the Bolsheviks and the leftist movements and how it put Russia under the yoke of tyranny for 80 plus years.
Crimes against humanity.
This is pretty incredible.
There's a few minutes left.
Go ahead and roll it again and I'll stop it and translate it for radio listeners because I can read the closed captioning.
Here it is.
The obsessive emphasis on race is further dividing people when the real fighters for civil rights dream precisely
about erasing differences.
And refusing to divide people on their skin color.
I specifically asked my colleagues to find the following quote from Martin Luther King.
I have a dream that my four little children may one day...
I have a dream that one day my four little children might live in a country, live in a nation,
where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the character of their deeds and actions.
Where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the character of their deeds and actions.
That is the true value.
This is the true value.
However, things are turning out differently there.
By the way, the absolute majority of Russian people do not think the color of a person's skin is their gender.
It is an important matter.
Each of us is a human being.
Each of us is a human being.
That is what matters.
In a number of Western countries, the debate over men and women's rights has turned into
a perfect...
And I don't know what that word is.
I learn something every day.
A perfect phantasmagoria.
Phantasmagoria just sounds like a giant infighting confusion.
No one knowing what's going on.
Total mental illness.
Just absolute destruction of common sense.
A spasm of idiocy.
Let's see if my guess is right.
Form of theater.
Just total fake garbage.
Let's continue.
An exhibition of optical effects and illusions.
A constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined.
Yeah, it's like a hallucination.
A scene that constantly changes.
Which, a bizarre and fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage.
Yeah, that's all the pronouns and the rest of it.
Wow, Putin's a smart guy.
Let's continue.
in a number of Western countries, there was a discussion about the rights of men and women.
Jealousy of these new approaches even goes so far as to want to establish these concepts altogether.
...new approaches go so far as to want to cancel these concepts themselves.
Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risks being ostracized.
...who risks saying that men and women do exist, and that it is a biological fact.
(speaking in foreign language)
Parent number one and parent number two, birthing parent, instead of mother and human milk,
replacing breast milk.
Because it might upset the people who are unsure about their own gender.
It's not about them, it's about dehumanization.
I repeat, this is nothing new.
I repeat, this is nothing new. In the 1920s, the so-called Soviet cluntered teenagers also invented some new speak.
Believing they were creating a new consensus and changing values that way.
I'm not talking about...
Not to mention some truly monstrous things when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa.
That is, the teachers actually impose on them a choice we all supposedly have.
They do it so while shutting the parents out of the process and forcing the child to make decisions, they can upend
their entire life.
Total sabotage.
Super child abuse.
They do not even bother to consult with a child psychologist, as a child of the age of even capable of making a decision of this kind.
I'm not going to lie.
(speaking in Russian)
Calling a spade a spade, this verges on a crime against humanity.
And it's being done in the name and under the banner of progress.
(speaking in Russian)
(speaking in Russian)
(speaking in Russian)
Well, if someone likes this, let them do it.
I've already mentioned that in shaping our approaches.
We will be guided by a healthy conservatism.
That was a few years ago when passions on the international arena were not yet running as high as they are now,
Of course, we can say that clouds were gathering even then.
Now when the world is going through a structural disruption...
The importance of reasonable conservatism as a foundation for political course has skyrocketed.
Precisely because of the multiplying risk and dangers and the fragility of the reality around us.
Let's hit pause.
See, they're putting you into the Great Reset to make people angry, to break things down, so they can offer the true transhumanism.
That's the Great Reset, and Putin is opposing that.
Alright, that's it.
So, can you find any fault with that?
No, I can't.
Now, let's come back and show you a woman that divorced her husband to marry Pfizer.
I'm not joking.
How about marrying the state?
Well, the state's now in corporations under the globalist fascist system.
I guess Caligula married his horse in the Roman Empire.
I guess you can marry a corporation not to kill you.
That's coming up separately.
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888-253-3139. We'll be right back. And we are back live on this November 2nd
Tuesday transmission.
All right, so everything we're witnessing is the globalist strategy to collapse society to bring in their Great Reset.
Cloud and Piven written large and I just played a little short six and a half minute clip.
It took a little bit longer because I was reading the closed captioning of Putin saying it's a crime against humanity what the left's doing to break up the human family and destroy civilization as we know it.
Well, look at the headlines out of Bloomberg.
China urges stocking up ahead of winter, prompting worries online.
Global supply chain crisis to last till 2023, says Middle East's largest partner.
Oh, but Apple and other key vendors and key suppliers, they're all going to get their goods from China.
It just turns out everybody else isn't, so they'll consolidate the market again, just like they were all essential companies during the lockdowns.
This has all been planned out.
And they've actuaried out, before they even released COVID, that once the vaccine rolled out and killed a bunch of people, that a large portion would not take it.
Then when they had those people fired, that would break down civilization.
And that's how you cut the carbon.
It's how you consolidate the control.
And so that's why we're not allowed to have any new oil drilling under the puppet president.
And he's shutting down not just the Keystone Pipeline, but a bunch of others, while saying, please, Russia and Saudi Arabia send us more oil as the prices double!
We're under attack!
I know you get that.
But we've got to get Trump saying that.
It's so fun for Republicans.
Man, Democrats are dumb shipping fentanyl into all their cities.
Man, they're dumb raising taxes where everything collapses.
Man, they sure are.
No, they're not dumb!
Genghis Khan riding around killing millions of people wasn't dumb, he was a psycho.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
And here's another example of the Cloward and Piven.
CNN, run by AT&T, that makes all its employees go through critical race theory training that whites are inherently bad, also want to have women and men fight with each other.
They've got all these creepy shows of the woman all blacked out, like, oh, she's talking about the mafia, Don, and some massive criminal, and this is an undercover thing.
And then we find out her husband was worried she'd shed on him if she took the Pfizer shot.
She cackles and giggles and goes, I got 3,000 likes on Facebook when I told my husband to screw off and I filed for divorce on him because he threatened me with divorce.
So now breaking up families is CNN.
But I mean, what does Facebook, what does CNN want?
What came out of their internal Facebook documents?
They want to break up families.
They want you all alone.
And so this is the creepiness.
So essentially, here's the woman talking to the GINGEROID!
Uh, little creature that they plan to replace Brian's shelter with.
He's the up and coming little, little, little stelter.
And he's, he's there like, oh, it's so, so there's not reprisals against her for not wanting to take the shot.
Oh my, no, you're the ones firing people.
You're the ones beating people up.
They're the ones arresting people in different parts of the world that won't take the shots.
You're the ones saying they're going to take our children.
You're the ones oppressing us.
Not, you're all blacked out in a room because we're going to attack her because she didn't, she wants to take the shot.
This woman basically divorced her husband to marry Big Pharma and the Joseph Mingala of our age.
She loves her little sexy knight in shining armor, Fauci, but she loves the little gingeroid, who I guess wants to carry out his ginger side against all the rest of us.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
I truly have been through hell and back fighting this damn cancer for the past two and a half years, and he just acts like I should obey his wishes and not get the vaccine.
Hit pause.
I throw everything to the- Start up.
I mean, you hear her reading on the teleprompter?
I mean, this is- I mean, I've seen middle school plays that are done better than this.
Let's continue.
I truly have been through hell and back fighting this damn cancer for the past two and a half years and he just acts like I should obey his wishes and not get the vaccine and throw everything to the wayside and go against my oncologist's recommendation.
Well, I say screw him!
And I got over 3,000 likes on that!
COVID-19 conspiracy theories are complicating relationships.
We spoke to one breast cancer patient whose oncologist recommended she get the vaccine, but she says her husband told her no.
He was downright rude to me and said that if you get the vaccine, I'll file for divorce.
Remember what Edward Bernays did to get women to smoke cigarettes?
Women didn't see cigarettes as good for you.
They thought they were bad for you.
Women chose not to smoke them.
Men didn't stop them.
And so in the 20s, they're in suffrage.
Women's right to vote.
They funded that movement, once it was already going, to say, smoke cigarettes to show your man you can do whatever you want.
Liberty torches.
And so they killed tens of millions of women in the process.
But they were rebels, weren't they?
Let's continue.
We will no longer be together.
And it's like, well, OK.
Now she's the one filing for divorce.
She has to remain anonymous in fear of retaliation until it's finalized.
So at the start of COVID, He was very careful.
Oh, yeah.
He'd wash his hands.
He'd sanitize his hands.
He'd, you know, put on a new mask every time.
Oh, he was in fear.
He was hysterical.
He was under the mind control early, but not anymore.
Oh, look, he's the man's looking on approvingly at her.
Oh, you're a good person.
You're a good.
I mean, in Scotland, they literally are one of the worst martial laws in the world.
And he's going to come over here now and teach us how to be under martial law.
But then he went from one extreme to the other.
Why didn't he want you to get vaccinated?
He had heard with all his research that the vaccine will shed to him if he hangs around people who have been vaccinated and that it will change his DNA.
CNN has reviewed dozens of her husband's social media posts where he shared basis conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.
Some of the Facebook posts include lies that the vaccine is spreading the virus, that it alters people's DNA, and that it's being used to depopulate the world.
I mean, those beliefs, that sort of delusion, is that the man you married?
No, I don't even know who the hell he is anymore.
He's not the same person.
He just, it's like a switch got flipped.
She's not alone.
Others have taken to social media to express concerns about their marriages because of COVID-19 misinformation.
Alright, that's good.
So, she's going to be all alone, probably dead soon, unfortunately.
They're all going to have their way.
All the doctors are told they'll be fired if they don't tell the line and say, this is wonderful, you should take it.
And so she'll just believe whatever she's told and she'll never admit she's wrong because she has mass Stockholm syndrome.
I think she's a real person.
I think she really had cancer.
I think she really is divorcing.
I'm saying stage is the whole way they do it and, you know, black her out so that, you know, it's like, oh, so, so incredible.
She's exposing the mafia chief.
Very, very sad, ladies and gentlemen.
I have a whole stack of articles here, the latest heart attacks and deaths and young people taking the shot and moms that gave it to their kids that are now having heart attacks and, you know, on the verge of death that were dying.
And meanwhile, the government says, put out false information, you know, the ADL flags you or CNN flags you, they're going to arrest you if they pass this legislation.
Now they're saying, let's go brand it as a white supremacist call to kill Biden.
It's not even true, but they don't care because they want to attack our words because this is mega corporations vertically integrating the global economy by collapsing the global economy.
Okay, I have covered half the news today.
That's better than I usually do.
There's so much more to hit here, though.
There's so much here.
And I've got some more I'm going to hit.
I've got some more I'm going to hit right now.
And then I'm gonna go to break and come back and hit some more news.
Then I want Schroeder's coming in here with some breaking news.
And so is Christy Lee.
But the biggest thing we need to understand is this.
We're at war, and this is a globalist war, and they intend to make you totally poor so they can dictate to you the terms of your surrender.
And I will not join these people.
And their world government, everything, their plan to microchip you is out in the open, which totally vindicates us, but I don't care about that.
I care about defeating these people together.
And I care about the fact that God's watching.
I've told you this over the years.
I've told you this was all coming, and it's here now.
I told you the globalists have tried to hire me.
I've even told you some of the cases where they didn't say it was off record.
I could be with these people.
I don't want to be.
They're horrible, alone, very cold people.
And at best, they're missing empathy.
At worst, they really enjoy what they're doing, depending on which group of people you're talking about.
And so this is some real evil we're talking about.
This is spiritual warfare.
And if Vladimir Putin's figured it out, I think anybody can figure it out.
Because, you know, Vladimir Putin has definitely come out of an evil system.
And now he's speaking out against the Bolsheviks and communism and saying it's evil and it was bad and that we need Jesus.
Well, Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits.
And so we hear all day how much Biden Loves God, but he loves abortion.
Well, Putin doesn't.
And he's not pushing abortion.
But I'll judge trees by its fruits, and I'll say that Putin wants America to become Christian.
Would an enemy want that?
And the answer is no.
Our enemies have hijacked our country, and they run the media, and they run the White House, and they do want us to betray Christ, so we'll betray ourselves.
They do want us to lower our shields and not have that protection.
So I say pray for the Holy Spirit to come into your life stronger, and pray for Christ to touch your heart.
And pray for a global awakening.
We'll be right back.
Owen Schroyer is about to take over.
And I'm going to cover the most important news of today's show here in the last little five minutes.
I got some homework for all of you.
Every day we post some of the most important information under my live show feed.
And there it is.
The United Nations Climate Agenda is nothing less than a global depopulation program.
A transhumanist cult hell-bent on reducing the human population of Earth The 500 million has been preparing for 70 years to launch the final war against the free people of Earth.
That's totally true!
And that's in their own words, too.
Global government announced on 60 Minutes, carry out transhumanism against you and your family, giving up your humanity.
Sounds pretty damn alien, doesn't it?
So whether they are aliens or not, or influenced by aliens, they are becoming aliens.
In their own words.
They're colonizing us with their nanotech.
But God's spirit will overdrive it all and will fry it all out.
Now, in that same posting, there is the Putin speech I just talked about, so you can share it.
And under that, Wayne Allen Roots, excellent boil down of how the COVID vaccine has failed, any way you look at it.
Please share that page, everyone you know, each day.
We're going to be updating it.
All right, this is huge news.
A major whistleblower has gone public, and the other whistleblower that exposed the Clinton Foundation and got the head of it indicted last week has come out and said, look at this.
And the great folks at Zero Hedge noticed it and did an article about it.
I had my folks write an article, but they beat us to it.
Love it.
Falsified data.
Pfizer vaccine trial had major flaws.
Whistleblower tells peer-reviewed journal.
And that's going to be breaking, I told you.
I thought this week, probably still this week, in Texas and in Illinois, confirming in Pfizer trials that they hid injuries and death.
And that's basically what's in the article.
I'm sure Owen will be covering it more, but regardless, I'll be covering it more on The War Room today, I'll be popping in, and on other shows here at InfoWars.
That's a big deal.
They go over how they falsify the data.
Speaking of falsifying data, it's all over the news.
The CDC has, quote, done a study And they say it looks like maybe the Pfizer shot is better than learned immunity or natural immunity.
And that's not true, and they don't really even give any facts in their study.
COVID vaccine stronger than natural immunity, new CDC studies suggest.
So you should still get it, still spread it, still die from it.
And it's another lie that, oh, well, you don't get as sick, when statistics are you get sicker and die in many cases.
There's a big article from the Brownstone Institute, 102 Research Studies Affirm Natural Acquired Immunity to COVID-19, documented, linked, and quoted.
That article's important.
And it goes through a bunch of it.
Here's one from months ago.
Israeli researchers study natural immunity stronger, 27 times stronger than vaccine immunity.
Plus the vaccine immunity goes away in six months and then starts erasing your regular immunity.
It's not a vaccine.
So there they are, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember Fauci said 99% of people that have died of COVID died who weren't vaccinated.
That's just pulled out of his rear end.
And then Jesse Ventura that I guess Is senile or I don't know what.
I feel sorry for him.
He's like, I want the shot.
It's good.
Everybody needs to take it.
I mean, he's basically as bad as Noam Chomsky now.
So, wow, it's really sad to see.
Desi Ventura, I know has blood clot problems before in his life.
Going and taking something that kills a lot of people that have blood clotting issues.
I showed you those articles earlier.
So very, very sad.
I never played that clip a few days ago when I saw it.
It's just, it's just sad.
Because, you know, Ventura meant well, um, whenever, you know, he exposed FEMA cams and stuff like that.
But now, he is just literally a bootlicker, a big pharma in these experimental shots.
And so, I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to say.
But, you know, you get boosted when you say that.
You get promoted.
I mean, I wonder if Ventura got paid.
I mean, I'm not saying he did.
I'm asking, did you get paid, Jesse?
Like, hundreds of thousands of other influencers to spout this crap?
You're on the wrong side of history, and it's sad to see you do that to yourself.
So that's it for that information.
Again, we're gonna go to break.
And Owen Schroyer is all ready to go.
And big report that Christy Lee put together about Again, Big Think Tank's caught red-handed covering up vaccine injuries and deaths.
That is coming up today, but whatever you do, take the live show feed and share it right now because that's how we override the censors!
Great job, crew!
Stay with us!
Owen the Destroyer straight ahead!
Well, it's now out in the open that the New World Order is destroying America.
But there is a Great Awakening happening.
But if Infowars isn't on the air, if they're able to shut us down, that's going to be a big victory for the enemy.
And so, you need to understand, we need your support to be able to really take it to the globalist at the end of 2021 and 2022.
So first off, thanks for all your previous support, and I want to encourage you to take advantage of Black Friday Comes Early that we've been launching for about the last nine years, every single year.
It's a very popular sale.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot Points, and up to 60% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
From the end of October for two weeks into November, we're running Black Friday Comes Early, storewide free shipping, double Patriot Points, and just a bunch of huge deals.
Brain Force Plus, the nootropic, back in stock, 50% off.
Ultra 12, super high quality vitamin B12 under the tongue, 60% off.
And it just goes on and on.
That's with free shipping, double Patriot Points, Ultimate Bone Broth is back!
That's discounted with also free shipping.
Find it all at InfowarsStore.com So I would say, you know, if anything that's happening at
CNN and anybody who buys your book, it's really just one of
those things that is dividing our nation.
And I don't believe in dividing our nation.
It hurts our great nation.
And so CNN is really the enemy of the truth.
And that's my opinion.
Thank you.
No American is an enemy of another American.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
They came in peace.
Bill Gates wants you!
Take the vaccine!
Don't run!
CNS is with you!
I want you! Take the vaccine!
(Sounds of a car crashing)
Don't run! CNN is your friend!
This is CNN.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, breaking news as I sit down here in the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
And I think Alex is going to be coming back in studio shortly here once he hears this breaking news that is coming right now.
And we have the emails where the CDC is discussing what they're going to do about the fact that these COVID vaccines are not vaccines.
And they're in the emails discussing about how the definition of vaccine is problematic because the COVID vaccines are not actually vaccines by definition.
We've had doctors on, we've published headlines, probably going back to a year now, talking about how these are not vaccines.
Again, you've heard the doctors, you've heard the guests, the callers say, oh, I'm not going to call it a vaccine because, as we discussed, probably close to a year ago now, hard to believe here we are in November, close to a year ago now, how these weren't vaccines.
These were an mRNA experimental technology not Like your normal vaccine, which just introduces you to a small sample of a virus or of a disease or something similar, and then you develop natural immunity.
That's the idea.
This was something completely different.
This was an mRNA technology that I guess they assumed would... Well, I really don't know.
They never really explained it, did they?
And so now we have their emails out of the CDC And I know TechnoFog has published them on Twitter.
I'm not sure who else has covered this news that's breaking right now.
But we have the emails, we have the receipts, and they are discussing what are we going to do.
This is CDC internal emails.
What are we going to do since the definition of vaccine is problematic with us promoting and marketing the COVID vaccine, which isn't even a vaccine at all.
So they determine They're going to change the definition of vaccine.
So, it was never a vaccine.
It was never about stopping COVID.
And it was always about a world government takeover.
And I'm going to be doing a review, or maybe I should do it now, of part two of Tucker Carlson's Patriot Purge.
In fact, you know what, I'll do that coming up in the next segment, because it ties into all of this.
And I actually thought part two was more powerful than part one, because part two in the Patriot Purge
three-part series, the Tucker Carlson original documentary, part two really personalizes the issue
and shows how there is a force out there against the American people.
There is truly a force out there against America, against the American people.
It is a domestic enemy.
It seeks to sabotage and collapse the United States of America.
Their faces, their voices are everywhere, all over mainstream news, all over Washington, DC.
And that's what it's time for people to realize.
And Owen.
They're trying to put you in jail!
That's how real this is in the Soviet Union!
And your co-host, Roger Stone.
Think about that, folks.
And they already have hundreds of people that are in jail right now for simply being a dissident, or having free speech, or showing up to be in D.C.
at a peaceful event.
And so, here's the same frustration that seems to be never ending on a loop That we have every time.
I've got internal CDC emails where they're discussing that they need to change the definition of vaccine because the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine.
That should be game over for all of this, but it won't be.
It won't be.
We've got unindicted Co-conspirators from January 6th, that are about 99.9% likely federal agents and provocateurs, just like we saw in Michigan.
The Michigan case, the plot to kidnap the governor, should destroy the entire federal case on January 6th!
It should be game over!
But it won't be.
You had the Democrats stage A false flag in Virginia last week sending out quote-unquote white supremacists to a Yunkin event in front of the Yunkin for Governor bus for a photo op.
Mainstream media all there ready for the photo op, all staged, all planned.
They had traced back the individuals to the Democrat Party to the to the McAuliffe campaign.
I mean, that's catching them red-handed in the act.
That should be game over.
But it wasn't.
The Yunkin campaign didn't even call for an investigation.
Not a statement.
And then the Lincoln Project took the fall.
And then again last night, you had the exact same thing happen.
We're the mainstream media, and it's probably a Democrat operative, but we don't see the face.
Stage a photo shoot, stage a photo op at the Yunkin campaign with a guy with a Confederate flag jackin' on, and every single leftist media outlet that was there shares the exact same image, but each one taken on their own cell phone, so each one just a little different, but they all share the same image.
Well yeah, I mean, of course they're gonna do it again.
They did it to you last week and you didn't do a damn thing about it, so why wouldn't they do you again?
Why wouldn't the bank robber rob you again?
So that's the frustration, is that we keep getting these opportunities for total victory, the information is out there, The gate has been opened, the window has been opened, the clouds have cleared, and it's just, boom.
Perfect opportunity.
Total victory.
All you gotta do is take it.
All you gotta do is take it.
Just a little bit of action, just something.
Just take it and you can have total victory.
And the opportunities just keep passing, and they just keep passing, and we just continue to lose our rights more, we just continue to go deeper into tyranny, and the lies that they told us in the mainstream news and out of Washington, D.C.
just become reality because nobody ever stands up to it.
Now normally, what would the media do if they saw an individual with a Confederate flag on the jacket?
What have they done every time in the past?
They get the guy's face, they publish the face everywhere, they ID the face, and then they destroy the individual.
Well why haven't they done it with this guy in the Confederate flag jacket?
Was it another AstroTurf Democrat event?
Just like last week, did we catch them in the act again?
Last week, the mainstream media and the Democrat Party and their dark forces did everything they could in an absolute panic in an attempt to prevent Tucker Carlson's documentary, Patriot Purge, from airing.
Part of it aired last night on the Tucker Carlson Show, but the full Part 1 and now Part 2 are available And I did watch Part 2 this morning.
I gave a review of Part 1 yesterday.
I'll do my review of Part 2 right now.
And just to kind of tie it into Part 1, there was not too much new information learned from Part 1 other than an FBI supervisor being involved in the Federal set-up plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer, which came out, I think it was 12 of the 15 involved in that were federal agents.
So that's the vast majority of those involved.
And how that same FBI supervisor over that case was now involved in the January 6th case.
Trying to remember if there's any other new information from Part 1.
It was mostly stuff that you already knew.
How they lied about Brian Sicknick.
How the only people that died that day were actually Trump supporters killed by police.
One interesting thing that I hadn't seen well laid out either was, after the first tense moment between law enforcement and Trump supporters, which on film appears to be instigated by Ray Epps, who is one of the unindicted co-conspirators and alleged federal agent involved in provocateuring January 6th, After that original provocation by Epps and the people he was working with, there was actually a moment of calm when Trump supporters were able to calm the crowd down.
And again, you've seen this on tape.
They're trying to help the police.
They're trying to stop people from bashing in the windows.
They're saying, we're here to be peaceful.
I mean, hours and hours of this footage, and they were able to actually calm it back down.
Police were able to form another barrier.
And the tense moments, with some physical confrontations, were able to be calmed down.
And then, out of nowhere, the police start firing into the crowd, injuring a couple people, killing a few others, and then the intensity ratcheted back up, and that's when things got back out of control.
So then you gotta wonder who were the police in there doing that, or who gave them that command.
But so, now to part two, which Premiered this morning and I'm sure Tucker Carlson will air some of that tonight as well.
Part 2 personalizes what the Democrats and what the mainstream media has done and it gives the historical context and this is why I think Part 2 is better than Part 1 and more important.
The only problem is, and I don't mean this as a slight, it's just the truth.
I mean, the Democrats and the media think you're stupid and so they take advantage of you.
I watched the Patriot Purge, which is a very intellectual documentary.
You have to have a lot of understanding going into this of history and the context of history dealing with what we see today in order to fully appreciate what they present in the documentary.
But they explain how this is what Regimes have done throughout world history stage events stage false flag events and then and then use those events to seize power and he explains how the Nazis did it at the Reichstag even explains how the US government did that in the Middle East and how now this is coming to us and so the deeper understanding is that there is a world government in place and
And most likely, they probably decided that they had to, not that there weren't problems in the Islamic world already with infighting, but they figured that orthodox Islam or orthodox Jews are going to be some of the hardest people to bring into the New World Order, so they had to destroy the Middle East in order to eventually conquer it.
And bring in the central banks and eventually bring in the One World Government New World Order.
And so when you understand that paradigm and how that plays out through the rest of the world, and then you understand how that's now coming internally to the United States, you have a better understanding of why he's comparing it to the Nazis, and why he's using that historical backdrop in the documentary.
About what we're dealing with now, post-January 6th.
It's the Democrats going after their political dissidents.
It's the Democrats labeling, and the mainstream media labeling, half the country domestic terrorists, so now they can use the military against you, which they're purging right now, of any patriots.
And he personalizes it by bringing in, I think, four or five different individuals, who were in DC that day, didn't go into the building, one invited by another federal agent to be there, Never went in the building, but faced jail time, had FBI come to their house, bust their doors in, and treat them like terrorists when they've done absolutely nothing wrong, and go through all their personal belongings and everything, not even showing a search warrant or nothing.
So, that part is important because it humanizes the issue for so many people to understand that this could be you next, and if you can get the higher intellect message from part two, it's that There's nothing new to this.
This is all about putting any political opposition in your way to a conquering, whether it's of a company, or whether it's a state, or whether it's a nation, or whether it's the world, it's the same principles that apply.
You make an event happen to blame on your enemy, so then you can use that to seize power in that window of opportunity that you have now.
From the chaotic, destructive, or deadly event that you just instigated like January 6th.
So it gives the historical context for people to better understand where this really goes and what's really behind it.
And then it gives the personal aspect of these are real Americans.
These are real people.
These are veterans.
These are small business owners.
These are grandmas and grandpas.
These, I mean, these are police officers.
And just because they were there on January 6th, they're now being harassed, they're now being put on terror watch lists, they're now being raided by the FBI, they're now being thrown in jail.
For simply showing up in D.C.
at an event.
One of the individuals who's in law enforcement is even in a video of the day basically saying how it's not good, this is going to be used against us, I don't like that this is going on.
Kind of like the same stuff they have with us.
Alex Jones, be peaceful.
Part 2, Alex Jones, be peaceful.
Part 3, Alex Jones, trying to work with the Capitol Police to calm down the crowd.
Be peaceful.
Don't go in the building.
What did they say?
Alex Jones, Owen Troyer, they caused the event.
And we're literally on tape saying be peaceful on three different occasions.
Don't go in the building.
Saying it's going to be provocateur is trying to stage an event.
We can't go in.
We can't fall for this.
It'll be used against us.
Now, the biggest pill to swallow from all of that is not that it could be you, it could be your neighbor, it could be your friend, your family, your loved one.
Not even that this is an attempt to take over the United States of America, but to understand the larger issue, which is that there is a global elite force behind this That are going for world domination in a technotronic sabotage, economy, economical sabotage, psychological warfare on all fronts to bring down the United States as a domino to fall to eventually conquer the world.
And that's the big thing that people are really going to have to understand that honestly most of the population can't even wrap their minds around right now.
But as things start to get more out of control and the global government starts to show itself more, they'll have to accept it.
CNN says people vaccinated against COVID-19 less likely to die from any cause, study finds.
So now it's a super vaccine.
By golly, we found the Holy Grail.
Or... He chose...
Next, CNN will tell us a study finds the jab will give you superpowers.
You still think we're making you a superhero?
We make super slaves.
Bringing you what's ignored, sensationalized, unbalanced, misleading or just plain false.
Here's your media malfeasance for the week.
The Houston Chronicle seems to actually do a worthwhile fact check.
President Joe Biden says people with COVID vaccination cannot spread it to you.
This seems pretty cut and dry.
Somehow they come up with a half-true determination.
It says, Biden's statement contradicts the position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that the CDC wrote that fully vaccinated people can spread the virus to others.
But Biden saying this month that people with COVID vaccination cannot spread it to you is somehow half-true.
That's like saying I'm half-pregnant.
Do we need to show them how this works?
And ignored by most of the media, he was once most frequently cited.
But now many aren't interested in what this Yale epidemiologist has to say about jab mandates for children.
Organize with other parents to take them out of the school and create homeschooling environments.
There's no choice.
Your child's life is on the line.
It's not a high risk.
Vaccination is not a high risk that's going to kill every child by doing so.
However, it's enough of a risk that on the average the benefit is higher for homeschooling than it is for vaccination and being in school.
Never mind the FDA itself admitting they're using children as guinea pigs.
We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it.
That's just the way it goes.
And how is this for ironic?
The Poynter Institute prides itself in preparing journalists worldwide to hold powerful people accountable and promote honest information in the marketplace of ideas.
Yet this week, it puts out an article to its eager and impressionable young journalists, encouraging them to be careful how they frame the death of Colin Powell, saying his death should not be framed as the death of a vaccinated person.
Except it was the death of a fully vaccinated individual.
It says to be sure to include Powell was immunocompromised.
Did Poynter Institute encourage journalists to be sure to include the underlying conditions or if an unvaccinated person was immunocompromised?
Why is Poynter Institute only concerned with making excuses for the vaccinated?
The article concludes journalists will do a disservice if the story of his death is framed as the death of a vaccinated person.
Isn't it a disservice, and better yet, unethical, to purposely frame any story with the intention to influence the way your audience thinks?
That sounds more like propaganda than journalism, Poynter Institute.
Here's what the former CDC director has to say about vaccinated deaths.
I happen to be the senior advisor to Governor Hogan in the state of Maryland.
In the last six to eight weeks, more than 40% of the people that died in Maryland were fully vaccinated.
And I guess we're just supposed to ignore this as well.
Illinois reports 77.7% of COVID deaths last week were vaccinated.
Meanwhile, NPR notes that ERs are swamped with seriously ill patients, but most don't even have COVID.
It says, even in parts of the country where COVID-19 isn't overwhelming the health system, patients are showing up to the ER sicker than they were before the pandemic.
We are hearing from members in every part of the country, says Dr. Lisa Marino.
The Midwest, the South, Northeast, West, they are seeing the exact same phenomenon.
So there's more people showing up sicker than before the vaccine?
Sounds like an immunity problem.
Could it be lower antibodies?
Recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who've had two doses, have about five to six fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.
Now these are the sort of gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system.
NPR doesn't make any note of that, or that dealing with the surge in the ERs is even more difficult with less staff due to the mandates.
As long as we're talking about NPR, let's end with this piece about Facebook.
With an interesting editor's note buried at the bottom.
So an article about Facebook, sponsored by Facebook.
And that's your Media Malfeasance for the week.
For KLIM.News, I'm Christy Lee.
So not only do you have the media engaged in a cover-up of the negative side effects of the vaccine, they're engaged in a cover-up of Big Pharmaceuticals influence on their coverage.
But think about this.
The NIH erased gain-of-function from their documents.
They just admitted it in a FOIA request that, yes, we did change, we removed gain-of-function from our documents.
Oh, I guess you were protecting Anthony Fauci.
And then we just got CDC emails where they say we have to change the definition of vaccine because technically what we've been promoting as a COVID vaccine isn't actually a vaccine by definition.
So we're going to change the definition of vaccine at the CDC so that it can fit the COVID jab.
And this is kind of some big news that the media is not going to cover.
You just saw Christy Lee's report on that.
So talk about the ethics in journalism here or the lack thereof really, Christy.
So when you're in journalism school and you're a green reporter and your dream is to go and be on TV and report stories, there's a lot of things that are household names, if you will, in the journalism world.
And so RTDNA is one, Poynter Institute is one, Society of Professional Journalists is one.
So to see an article come out from the Poynter Institute that's headline is why Colin Powell's death should not be framed as the death of a vaccinated person is crazy to see them just blatantly say, we're going to control how this story is framed.
And this is green and eager and influential or easily influenced journalists that follow Poynter Institute for guidance when it comes to ethics.
This last sentence, journalists will do a disservice if the story of his death is framed as the death of a vaccinated person.
But that's exactly what happened.
Colin Powell was unvaccinated and he died.
You mean fully vaccinated?
Fully vaccinated and he died.
But they don't want you to frame it that way and certainly not the young and impressionable journalists that are following ethics guidance from the Poynter Institute.
And it talks about an importance of context of Saying that he was immunocompromised, but I never saw anything come out of the Poynter Institute that talked about, like, when an unvaccinated person dies, make sure you add the context.
If they were obese, if they were elderly, if they were immunocompromised, that was never the case.
They never put anything out like that.
Now let me, I just want to add this real quick if we have time.
So this was written by Al Tompkins.
He's been in the Poynter Institute for a long time, decades.
And he is one of America's most requested broadcast journalism and multimedia teachers and coaches.
He teaches an ethics course for the Poynter Institute.
But hey, if you check out his Twitter feed, is this man unbiased?
Is he ethical?
Well, let's take a look at some of his recent tweets.
Al Tompkins, Tucker's newest stuff is too crazy for even crazy Tucker fans.
This is your ethics professor putting this out there.
And when did he put that out?
This was put out on October 29th.
Oh, so before he even saw the documentary, he made that conclusion.
Oh, but he is the ethics professor that's influencing our young journalists.
How about more?
Al Tompkins, when a legit newspaper allows a lying liar to lie on the editorial page.
This is an ethics professor at the Poynter Institute, Al Tompkins.
Wait, showing his political leaning?
And then you have this on his Twitter page, Al Tompkins Journalists, the accidental shooting on the set of Rust is an opportunity to explain gun safety to everyone.
Yeah, I agree with that.
That's great.
But why don't you address the fact that all the headlines said that he was shot with a prop gun?
Does a prop gun shoot actual real bullets?
Maybe we would have had a better, more clear headline would have been better, but we're not going to address any of that, or why two people, not one, were shot, or why when you shoot an actual gun, there is a kickback.
So how do you end up shooting two people?
Well, that's amazing too, because Alec Baldwin, a big-time leftist liberal promoter, shoots someone and it's, oh, gun safety's the problem, but any other time it's the gun that's the problem.
So it's not the gun, now it's protect Baldwin, gun safety is the issue.
Yeah, that's common sense.
If you're going to aim a gun at somebody and pull the trigger, you might want to know what's in it before you do so.
But I'm shocked that there's nothing from the Poynter Institute saying that you have to protect Big Pharma at all costs, because it seems to be what they're calling for.
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show, but I will be hosting the War Room coming up immediately after this at Band.Video.
Christy Lee is in studio with us here for the final segment, and she found out that, big surprise, PolitiFact is run by the, what appears to be, leftist-run Poynter Institute now.
You were saying you figured that out as well?
So again, for background, the Poynter Institute and other things are highly revered when you're a young impressionable journalist.
I went to many of these conferences.
I had no reason to believe that there was anything sinister.
They always promote these things as being neutral, being centrist, so that they can appear to be trustworthy.
And so you feel good taking the ethics courses.
Thinking like, oh, we're here for our audience.
We're going to bring our audience the facts.
And we're going to be a voice for the voiceless.
And we're going to do, we're going to make a change, you know, being out there reporting these stories.
The Nobel Peace Prize, it's not political.
Oh wait, yeah, it totally is.
And so I was shocked to be, because I'm still...
Like, kind of a mole in some of these Facebook groups that I've been in for decades.
They're Facebook groups for journalists to encourage, or vent, or give advice.
And I managed to be in a couple of them, which is how I got tipped off to this story, because everyone was like, thanks for writing this article, Al Tompkins, about why Colin Powell's death should not be framed as the death of a vaccinated person.
Because it makes us look bad!
And we love the vaccine so much!
Thanks for giving us this guidance on how to frame the story, but even the headline of why Colin Powell's death should not be framed as the death of a vaccinated person, even the headline points to that they're instructing journalists to write a story based on the way you want your audience to receive it, how you want them to think about it, which is actually the definition of propaganda, not news.
So I was looking into this a little bit more and Pointer Institute, if you look on their website, they offer actually free courses on ethics.
Free courses!
Of course!
Ethical decision-making is essential to a journalist's craft as interviewing, writing, editing, photography, and design.
And they're taught by none other than our good friend Al Tompkins, which before the break we were showing you his fun tweets criticizing Tucker and how crazy that story is.
I mean, just look at that pinhead.
Trump, a liar, and so all you have to do is check out Al Tompkins' Twitter page to find out what his political leaning is, but he's an ethics professor for the Poynter Institute.
I'm an ethical liar.
When I lie, it's ethical.
And I didn't realize before, I guess, that PolitiFact is actually run by the Poynter Institute.
And I'm sure you're all familiar with PolitiFact by now because I'm sure they fact-checked every article you've tried to share on Facebook and Instagram and such.
Let's see, let's just for fun, let's see, did PolitiFact do a fact-check?
Did Joe Biden soil himself in the Vatican?
I want to know what PolitiFact, because that is an ethical News organization that lies ethically.
And deceives.
Their propaganda is ethical.
Not to mention that PolitiFact, popular, you might know, retracted the Wuhan lab theory fact check.
So they fact checked that no, it didn't come from a lab with no evidence that it didn't.
They fact checked and then they had to retract that.
But this is who's responsible for bringing you the facts.
It's all very mind bending.
PolitiFact gets promoted as, like, the standard for fact-checking in political news.
And it's run by the left.
Because it's run by the Poynter Institute, which in the journalism world you think is this sovereign guarder of the truth, you know?
And you think it is for ethics.
It preaches ethics.
It teaches ethics courses, for goodness sakes.
Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize.
Wait, he bombed more countries than Bush.
Yeah, but he got a Nobel Peace Prize.
But here's also, if you do a little bit more digging, the Poynter Institute is funded by far-left activist and Democratic Party donor George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oh wow.
So wait, repeat that one more time just so it sinks in.
So the Poynter Institute is funded by far-left activist and Democrat Party donor George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Tides Foundation, and the Omidyar Network Fund, which is supported by the Clinton Foundation.
So is it any wonder that Al Hopkins, the ethics professor, is calling Trump a liar on his Twitter page?
That's fine, you can believe that, but you don't post that if you say that you're an ethical professor that is unbiased.
You just put your bias out there for everyone to see.
Well, this is the left.
They have no rules.
They have no checks and balances.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It's just very sad and disheartening the more that I discover being on the other side of mainstream media.
Like I said, it's hard to explain to other people when you're in journalism school and you're prideful and you have these dreams and you look up to things like the Poynter Institute and Society of Professional Journalists and RTDNA and then you find out all of them are on the left and truly biased and yet they say that they're being ethical and unbiased.
That's just an example of how the left has gone to full-blown totalitarianism.
They have to be in control of everything.
They need total control of everything.
They need total control of the media.
They need total control of your food supply, what you eat, what you drink, your carbon emissions, your body, what you put into it.
I mean, this is, it really is a totalitarian movement, and so it shouldn't be surprising when every time you overturn a rock, there's the same groups funding everything that's moving against you.
You know what I would love is for someone like Al Thompkins, who is this arrogant defender of truth, is for everyone that's watching, if you do still have a Twitter account, why don't you just go ahead and check out Al Thompkins' page and maybe ask him some questions about, you know, aren't you an ethics professor?
Aren't you supposed to be an arbiter of truth and being unbiased?
Why do you have such biased posts on your Twitter account, Al Thompkins?
Hey, uh, you know, we know that Colin Powell was vaccinated and died from COVID, but...
You shouldn't frame it that way.
We need to protect the vaccines, and we need to protect the vaccine manufacturers, because they lie in our pockets, and we need to make sure that we protect our agenda, which is that we have the right to put whatever we want into your body.
So yeah, Colin Powell was vaccinated and died from COVID, but we at the Poynter Institute don't think that's worth reporting because we need to protect our agenda more importantly.
That's called ethical lying.
Here's the thing, I don't have a problem with context.
I think context is always important.
So if you want to include in the article about Colin Powell that he was immunocompromised, that's fine.
But when was there a directive put out by the Poynter Institute or anyone to make sure that when you were reporting on those that were unvaxxed and died, that you included the context of their underlying conditions?
Or anyone from COVID.
And also there's the glaring question of if he got the vaccine because he was immunocompromised and therefore more susceptible to complications, then wasn't the vaccine supposed to help him and prevent him from death?
Wasn't it supposed to Well, it's a super vaccine now.
Make the symptoms less severe?
So if the vaccine was supposed to make the symptoms less severe, how did it instead, he just ended up dying from COVID?
It's like that glaring question isn't even asked.
Well, see, the problem that they have there was they already created this precedent of Everybody dies from COVID.
So, because they want to keep COVID in the news.
They want everybody to be afraid of COVID.
But then they realize, oh wait, he was vaccinated.
This makes the vaccine look bad.
So they kind of wanted to retract and say, all right, let's not say it's COVID.
Let's say it's from these other causes and let's try to muddy the water on this because we're embarrassed now.
The vaccine doesn't work and we're still mandating it.
And then you have Jen Psaki, who is fully vaxxed and now has COVID.
And they make sure that they write in the news articles, but she has much more mild symptoms because of, but yet she has to be out sick.
And we can't possibly prove any of that either.
We just want you to assume that because it works for our narrative.
It's like saying, they literally say the vaccine is a super vaccine now.
I have a stack of this news on my desk.
I'm about to cover it.
Now they're telling men, hey, get your COVID vaccine.
Your male member will get bigger.
I'm not even kidding you.
So, I mean, it's, hey, it's like, well, the vaccine may or may not work, but... This is how outlandish they look, and that's why in that piece that we played, it shows, like, the superheroes and the Holy Grail, because this is how ridiculous these headlines have become.
This is, it's just like, all in on this narrative to the exaggerated form.
It's the clown world, Christy, and we're just living in it.
All right, Christy Lee, where can people find your videos?
K-L-I-M dot news.
K-L-I-M dot news.
And on the Band Dot Video page, don't forget, Christy Lee TV and Band Dot Video.
Alright, there we go.
And of course, everything we do here is...
Thanks to you shopping at Infowarsstore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're seeing things collapse.
Even Pete Boot at Edge, Booty Judge, came out and said, yeah, we're basically shutting the supply chain down until everyone gets vaccinated.
So, you know, just good luck, America.
You may starve out.
Just blame the unvaccinated.
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Alright, I am going to hop over to the other studio.
I've got big guests coming up and a lot of news to cover on The War Room today.
And Alex will be back tomorrow, God willing.
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I like going to concerts.
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I like everything that comes with this.
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Just time to go get a piece of property in the woods?
Just get off grid?
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Just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
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Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere they've ever notioned that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
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