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Name: 20211026_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 26, 2021
2140 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics in his speeches, including big brother surveillance, government control, cognitive warfare, nootropic drugs, and the work of Dr. Richard Fleming who tested Pfizer vaccines. He mentions a bioweapon that affects people's health using nanoparticles in the biomechanical weapon and emphasizes sharing this information as resistance against globalist agendas. Jones also talks about governments admitting stopping vaccinations due to side effects, suppression of information by social media platforms, inflation, and new developments targeting parents protesting critical race theory or tranny time at schools. He encourages supporting local media outlets and using the internet while it is still accessible to spread awareness. He promotes some of InfoWars' products available on InfoWarstore.com with discounts. Jones also discusses Fauci's involvement in secret medical experiments on children, comparing Bill Gates to Hitler, and emphasizing the importance of consuming and sharing content from alternative news sources like Infowars. He mentions personal experiences with researchers and their horrifying experiments on humans and animals, stressing the need to face the reality of these atrocities committed by those in power. He discusses various topics including products available at InfoWarstore.com, privately owned central banks artificially creating money to buy up resources and influence, the Great Reset, Fauci's actions, experimentation on animals and children by researchers, and the dangers of mRNA technology behind COVID vaccines. The speaker criticizes Noam Chomsky for advocating lockdown measures and vaccine mandates while promoting his deals and announcements at InfoWarsStore.com and 50percentoff.com with discounted products. He claims that if a vaccine gets into a capillary or vein or artery, it can cause convulsions and death but is not meant to kill you right away; instead, it is designed to harm people slowly while draining their money. The video discusses the history of those supporting mRNA technology behind the COVID vaccines, potential health problems associated with the vaccine, Noam Chomsky's recent comments advocating for lockdown measures and vaccine mandates, and the broader agenda towards a social credit score system tied to carbon credits and vaccine passports. It claims that this represents an erosion of bodily autonomy and parental rights, with critics of these measures being labeled as terrorists by the U.S. government.

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You can watch now as these bottom feeders are throwing each other under the bus so that they aren't the ones that are going to pay the ultimate penalty.
What I want right now, I want Americans to stand up, recognize what's going on, stop being vaccinated, don't attack people that have been vaccinated, recognize they thought they were doing the right thing, but support these individuals.
I want you to get a hold of your attorneys and have them start looking at strict liability lawsuits on these vaccines because the vaccines aren't protected under that.
And I want the Congress of the United States to indict, to investigate and indict Anthony Fauci and Collins and the rest of these people that were involved in this gain-of-function research and lied under oath To Congress.
And I want the President of the United States to grow up and quit mandating things that are beyond his legal authority to do.
You can't mandate...
Injecting people with something that has garbage in it, that takes this oxygen out of the blood, that causes the blood to coagulate, to clot, and get by with it.
This is illegal, it's unconstitutional, it's unethical, it's unscientific, it's unmedical.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Training wheels are coming off.
We're going out of beta into operational.
And so you can just wait and see if I'm right again this time or you can go read what they're doing and what they're saying.
Look at this headline from Zero Hedge.
And it directly links to a Pentagon paper that is official U.S.
government policy and also official NATO policy.
This has been adopted as a sixth sphere of warfare.
Hacking your brain is what they call it.
And they call it full spectrum dominance.
They also call it propaganda and mind control on a mass scale.
Cognitive warfare.
A battle for the brain.
This is an actual government document.
This is all being externalized now because this is 25, 30 years old.
This has been implemented.
A long time ago under George Herbert Walker Bush and then the Clintons.
And now it's fully operational right now.
They're out of beta.
The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century.
Talk about war on for your mind.
Battles are increasingly being fought without bullets, but instead ideas.
War is now entering a new frontier, the mind.
Cognitive warfare is a new type of warfare, defined as the weaponization of public opinion by an external entity for the purpose of influencing and or destabilizing a nation.
We can visualize these attacks as a matrix, spanning the few and the many and influencing thought and action.
The targets of cognitive warfare attacks may range from whole populations to individual leaders across communities and organizations.
These attacks seek to change or reinforce thoughts, influencing or confirming how people think, and then affect real-world action, as we've seen attacks on the mind instigate physical conflict and impact elections.
We all know what physical security is.
It's protecting ourselves physically.
Cognitive security is how do you actually protect our minds.
So cognitive insecurity is basically when there are flaws in our own cognitive security.
So it typically exists due to carelessness, just not even caring.
Could be also that someone's naive, they're innocent.
It could be that they have a target identity weakness, which basically means that they're so loyal to one identity that they become blind to the The information warfare is not new.
Military deception, psychological operations, the non-kinetic effects that generate an influence have been around since biblical times.
What's new of course is the conduct of these activities in cyberspace.
And because of Our increasing interconnectedness, our increasing reliance on digital information and electronic devices in our everyday lives, let alone for commerce and for security.
We are all active players now in the information environment and that's why people should be interested in information warfare.
There's no real deterrence from a defensive posture.
The deterrence comes from the ability to reach out and touch an adversary at a time and place
of your choosing.
Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians.
Forces report says, and they gave a press conference, how they scared you for your own good.
You don't have to listen to Vice or listen to me.
You could go read The NATO and Pentagon and Canadian and all the reports, it's all the exact same stuff, dividing you, making you feel alone, dividing people according to sexual lines and skin pigment.
All really nasty, evil stuff.
And that's what this is.
Have us all fight with each other and just hit us with the most poisonous propaganda about how we're all bad, except Apple that owns the slave factories with suicide nets around them.
They're good because they love Black Lives Matter and have black spokespersons.
Doesn't matter if they're running slave colonies around the world.
As long as they've got a black spokesperson, it's okay.
You know, ZZ Pink can have death camps, too.
I mean, he's Asian, so he can do no wrong.
Because the bad people are the white people.
This is pure nightmare authoritarianism, and it's not just run by the PSYOP people at the Pentagon.
They're just legitimizing it through that.
I mean this is just insane.
It is Tuesday, October 27th.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and the quickening is upon us.
The quickening of the quickening.
I have a ton of governmental announcements and mainline studies and scientific reports that have just come together in what I would call a political, cultural, military, economic, Biomechanical, biomedical alignment.
And we have Dr. Richard Fleming, who in the last few months went out.
He's a PhD, MD, and also a lawyer.
He holds a bunch of patents with different types of residence machines, so he's the top of his field.
He went out and hired some top Lab doctors, when the FDA would not answer his questions or give him any of their raw data, and they went and got Pfizer vaccines, so-called vaccine for COVID-19, and they tested it themselves.
And they're going to premiere the findings here today.
He did a 32-minute report yesterday that just went live today at Man.Video.
Because he's been censored so many places, he decided to premiere it here.
Because he has courage and so do we, so birds of a feather fly together.
He'll be joining us in the third hour.
But when you look at it, this is all under microscopes and under electron microscopes and then this is all done in professional official certified labs in vitro.
But we know what happens.
The average person is going to have crystals slowly grow in them, and it's slowly going to die of prion-type diseases and blood clots.
And 64% of people in tests in Europe, Canada, and the U.S.
and Australia, all at about 64%.
Some are 62, some are 66, but the average is about 64%.
Type that in.
64% of those that take Pfizer's shot get blood clots.
The D-dimer test.
And they've now had medical clinics around the world do the test, and it's always above 62%.
Very precise.
Within just a few points, the D-Dimer shows.
They do a D-Dimer and they don't have blood clots.
They do a D-Dimer and within a few days, 60 plus percent have blood clots.
So, we know what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
This is absolutely insane.
So, they did these tests, a bunch of them, and they found a bunch of, just like the Japanese government did, metal particulates and other things in it.
The Japanese found it in the Moderna, but he found it in the Pfizer.
It's in both.
Others have found it in Pfizer as well, but that wasn't the big issue.
That was bad enough.
That's enough to recall it.
It created a chain reaction within minutes that even other chemicals and things they tested didn't do.
Saline solutions, other things.
But when you put the Pfizer liquid from the mRNA frankenshot into a petri dish with fresh blood, and draw it out of somebody's arm and put in, it has a chain reaction in minutes turning it from bright red, oxidated blood is red, unoxidated is blue, into brown.
Brick brown.
Now what does that mean, ladies and gentlemen?
That means that it is clotting.
Living cells clotting.
And you can put all sorts of other chemicals in blood, it doesn't do that.
This stuff is designed to do it.
And that's why when they give these in particularly long needles for a normal vaccine, and they're putting it in deep, and normally in the old days, until about two years ago, they would pull back to make sure they hadn't hit an artery or a vein.
Or a larger capillary, because if you inject even regular vaccines into a vein or artery, it could kill somebody to have a really bad reaction.
They don't do that now.
They just plunge it in and inject it.
That's on record.
That's how the U.N.
orders you to do it.
And so if you're unlucky enough for it to go into a larger vessel, one of the sub-vessels of an artery or a vein, and then it gets directly in and hits your brain, You're going to have a big, fat blood clot in minutes in your brain.
You're going to be hitting the ground.
And the body's hit the ground, and the body's hit the ground.
That's what's going on there.
That's what medical doctors and nurses have said they've learned of this.
Because sometimes people collapse, you know, the blood just starts coming right out of the arm as well.
So, this is incredible bioweapon.
And it's really biomechanical because it's a nanoparticle.
So, We're going to be laying that out with him in the third hour today.
His full 30-minute breakdown is at man.videofreeworldnews.tv.
The system obviously will come after us for putting this out, but that's okay.
That's our job.
And I really want to ask you for yourself and your children's future and everybody's future.
That you get this information and share it because the globalists wouldn't be censoring us if resistance was futile.
Resistance is not futile.
So as they say, the propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was unwinnable.
Now, I don't want to just cover that the third hour.
I thought I'd give you a large stack of news this week from governments and others admitting stopping the shots.
Pfizer, Moderna, you name it.
First it was AstraZeneca and J&J.
But now they're stopping the Moderna and the Pfizer around the world from massive increases in heart attacks, blood clots, and so much more.
And then we actually have the slide presentation of Dr. Fleming right here for you as well.
We're going to be going over that before he joins us.
And then the really huge news about the official rollout of the vaccine passport here and how they plan to implement it forcibly on all of us in the near future incrementally.
We've got that key stack.
And then this really important stack about Bolsonaro Who is a big friend of the show and a great patriot.
And boy, I wish Trump was as hardcore as him.
He gave an interview and warned that this is a manufactured virus with the HIV delivery system.
And that it turns off a large portion of your killer T's.
Now that's Pfizer spokespersons admitting that and scientists admitting that going back a year.
And they're just normalizing it like it's no big deal.
And that your immune system is lowered after you take the shots.
Both Moderna or Pfizer.
and that basically it's devastating.
In fact, a lot of scientists have likened it to HIV.
But HIV kills T lymphocytes.
This just deactivates killer Ts.
T lymphocytes are the super generals that program the captains and then the soldiers of the killer Ts.
So this turns off killer Ts.
HIV kills T lymphocytes that train the killer Ts.
And he gave a well-reasoned interview, but he's a president of a major country.
Even if it was wrong, that's for you to judge, but he was dead on.
So Facebook, Instagram, and all of them, including YouTube, worked in unison to ban him
and to take not just that video, but other videos down of him speaking
to punish him for doing a newspaper interview.
See that?
And I mean, I think Bolsonaro should just arrest the executives of those companies in his country for espionage and for censorship of the head of state.
I mean, this is just insane suppression of information.
But I've got a whole stack I'm going to show you of them admitting everything Bolsonaro said in mainstream news.
See, his crime is just being a good man and telling the truth.
So we're going to fact check that for you as well.
By the way, I printed off articles backing Bolsonaro up in about a minute.
I just typed in HIV delivery system, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine pulled because of false HIV positives, COVID-19 vaccines linked to lower immunity.
And it just used thousands of articles.
I mean, most of it from the enemy, but they bury it to cover their ass.
They don't put it up in the front headline.
So it has HIV insertions that came out 20 months ago on Infowars.
And it also came out on Zero Heads.
There it is in February.
And we had all the guests and experts on.
It's just all true.
It's all known.
So there's that stat.
And then it gets into the inflation and how the globalists are shutting the country down and how they're stoking race war and new huge developments on the listing parents that protest critical race theory or tranny time or drag queen pedophile time at the schools.
The FBI is actually going to people's houses now.
Just pure red terror, fear mongering just to see if we'll all just stand down and cower because they think we're a bunch of cowards.
No, we've been asleep and we've been lazy, globalists.
And so it's going to backfire on the globalists.
We're going to be looking at all that.
Plus, I know for a fact now that they've got people testifying to the January 6 Democrat witch hunt trial targeting me and really trying to Develop some type of operation where then Congress demands I be indicted.
They've already done that to Steve Bannon.
And so we've got a big stack of news on that front.
And just so much more here today, but we are now in the thick of the battle against the globalist.
And all I can tell you is please support those local AM and FM stations, those local TV stations, and use the internet now while you still can to send out the link, InfoWars.com.
Because the truth lives at InfoWars.
Let me go ahead and just start digging right into it for you.
The world is waking up to Fauci and what a demon he is.
And I've talked about this on air, but I almost feel like I haven't done a good enough job because I knew all this.
In fact, we covered this on the air over the years.
When I probably interviewed, let's not exaggerate, 50 people early on, 50 scientists and others, at least 50, probably, no, probably about 75 or something, I think about it, when I was first on air the first 10 years.
And then I have a tendency when I've covered something 50, 60, 70, 100 times, like the Federal Reserve being private, or 9-11 being an inside job, or a giant government Finders case, CIA, child kidnapping, snuff film rings.
By the way, that came out in the newspapers in the late 80s.
Snuff films, CIA, DC, a whole warehouse full of kids.
I mean, they caught them doing it.
Once I've covered something, let's say a hundred times, I tend to just go, okay, I'm done, move on.
But this morning I had the great boom operator over there, John, Say, hey, you need to cover Fauci.
It's coming out about how he tested experimental HIV drugs on orphans.
And as soon as he said that, I remembered interviewing a bunch of medical doctors about it.
Back in the late 90s, early 2000s.
And it just hit me like a whole data dump.
Oh, yeah.
And I'm like, oh, I had the Hemophiliac Society on from Canada, and I had the doctor on from From Little Rock, and so it all starts popping in my head about people being firebombed that exposed it.
People being kidnapped.
People I had on ended up being murdered and found tortured to death.
See, now you know why I tend to, after I've already covered something, I just go, okay, I'm done with that now, and I wall it off.
Purposely, because I can't handle it.
You talk about the Narls Barkley song about, does that make me crazy?
Because I didn't know enough, I knew too much.
And so, yeah.
This is good for the public, though, to be waking up to this.
You think Fauci just paid millions of dollars to have dogs have their vocal cords removed and then have their heads put inside an enclosure with flesh-eating, maggot-laying bugs?
I mean, do you think he just did that?
No, no, no.
They in America?
On black children?
Hell, this was a huge story in the 90s.
Yeah, there it is.
Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on cruel puppy experiments.
And then now, I remember in the 90s and the 2000s, it came out.
Tens of thousands of black children, because that's what Fauci wanted to test on, like Joseph Mengele wanted to test on certain types of children.
And there were all those articles about the NIH and CDC testing experimental HIV drugs that they knew were killing people on children that had been born with HIV.
AIDS drugs tested on foster children by Fauci.
CBS News.
And that's 2005.
Yeah, that's about the last time.
See how good my memory is?
I said the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
He never saw it again.
Ladies and gentlemen.
And this isn't about how much I know.
I'm telling you, people think I, like, make stuff up because it sounds so horrible.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't tell you 1% because I can't even deal with it.
In fact, when I just opened my mind up, and the crew, we didn't script this, they're just typing in whatever I was saying, it's coming up.
Whenever I start thinking about this, I just remembered hundreds of projects Fauci ran, specifically himself, that where he didn't just test deadly HIV drugs on children, they tested a bunch of other illegal drugs and a bunch of experimental garbage, and they got caught giving foster children diseases.
I mean, you don't think they just stopped with injecting black people with syphilis.
Now, when you turn on the TV and you see every spokesperson for drug companies being a black man or woman or black child, they tell you, whites, you're guilty and evil, you've been mean to blacks.
Now, the blacks are our spokespersons.
And then the very group they're attacking and murdering and killing, they use as a shield to cover up what they're doing.
I mean, that's basic camouflage, isn't it?
What did German soldiers do in World War II during D-Day with their Battle of the Bulge.
They try to send in thousands of trained Germans that can speak good English, some of which have been raised in the U.S., to try to get through the U.S.
But pretty soon they would ask him, hey, who won the World Series last year?
Or, oh really, what town are you from?
Tell me, and then boom, they would catch him.
And it's the same thing here.
Yep, that's all this is, ladies and gentlemen, is the equivalent of Germans in World War II putting on U.S.
Army uniforms.
It's pure crap.
They can hire Run-D.M.C.
all day to say, fight the racist whites, do what you do, their eugenics won't work because you take the shot!
He actually says that.
And they show a eugenics tree from my film, Endgame, that I exposed.
They actually show documents that we went to the library and got, that nobody else had put out in decades, and that's directly countering Endgame, is Run-D.M.C.
so they can murder black people.
I mean, you can't make that up.
Bet he got some good cash for that, must feel good, work for the devil.
So, so, That's how this is, ladies and gentlemen.
Bill Gates is now the number one cause of polio worldwide, source Reuters.
They tried to fact-check Joe Rogan when I was on last October.
Turned out they had to retract the retraction because it was true that Reuters headlined Bill Gates' sponsored vaccine number one cause of polio worldwide.
So we put an image up of the Tuskegee doctors injecting black people with syphilis and not letting them know they were going to die over it in horrible pain over 40 years.
We got Gates doing the same thing right next door with polio.
Want to be paralyzed?
Oh, liberal.
Oh, but it's so liberal.
And then Noam Chomsky.
I mean, if anything's close to Hitler in America, it's Noam Chomsky.
Little baby Hitler, Noam Chomsky, is now trying to, I guess, due to America, What happened under Hitler to some of his ancestors in Ukraine.
Noam Chomsky says, lock people up in ghettos.
Lock people up in their homes.
And he says, he doesn't worry about them getting food.
He says that, okay, I don't not worry that they get food.
Just lock them up in their houses.
Yes, put us in a Warsaw ghetto like Poland.
Put us in a ghetto like in Germany.
Put us in a ghetto like Hungry Romania.
Yes, yes, put those dirty Americans in there right now, you creepy evil garden gnome.
Garden gnome.
Tommy Chomsky.
We're gonna be playing that clip coming up.
But it's just unbelievable.
But yes, it's coming out that Fauci had dogs chained inside special cages so their heads could be eaten off by flesh-eating bugs while they begged for their lives.
And I told you, the globalists call that sweet music.
They don't just do it to dogs, they do it to children.
It's called maggoting, where they chain you down and then let screw flies go up your nose and lay eggs in your brain.
That's a ritual they conduct.
By the way, I'm on record years ago telling you that.
Ladies and gentlemen, Fauci is getting exposed right now.
Hey, sorry.
In fact, they do stuff even far beyond maggoting.
But they love to hear you beg and they love to hear the pain of children,
starving to death, begging for mommy.
Okay, we're gonna come back and tell you more about all this on the other side.
But these are demon, psychotic, child molesters that wanna murder you and your family.
Ladies and gentlemen, Fauci is getting exposed right now.
I'm about to really get into it and then all of this other really earth-shaking news.
But I was talking last segment about how it's coming out that Fauci did secret medical experiments
on black children and other poor children, but mainly black children, over 90%.
And they would even go and pay mothers to sign over one of their 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 year olds.
This is in the news at the time when it came out.
And the mother wouldn't want to do it.
They'd say, listen, we're going to take that two year old And do medical experiments on them if you don't let us have the nine-year-old.
So that's who Fauci is.
And so when you see the Democrats out there worshipping him, and oh my God, we've got to do whatever he says, and so what if they chained up dogs with their head inside a hole to another enclosure full of sand flies burrowing in and eating them alive and then laying eggs inside their flesh?
I mean, so what?
That's a kind of a nice liberal thing to do.
He's Fauci.
You're not allowed to question Fauci.
Oh, you questioned Fauci on ivermectin, you're banned.
Oh, you questioned Fauci on gain-of-function, you're banned.
Oh, you questioned Fauci on natural immunity being better than the vaccine.
Oh, Rand Paul, your speech is banned.
Do it again, you'll be taken off YouTube permanently.
But Donald Trump didn't have a dog at the White House, so he's bad, because he didn't have a dog.
And I'll say that is kind of a strike against him.
But, I get it, he grew up in Manhattan.
Not a good place for a dog.
But I'm sarcastic about that.
Fauci's torturing dogs to death, and I said, the Sheriff's desk said, but nobody cares about The children, the thousands of which they did studies on in the last year with the Pfizer and Moderna shots, and a bunch of deaths and illnesses and heart attacks that is in the news today because they're going public.
And a bunch of lawsuits are getting filed as we speak in places like Texas.
We'll know about that by next week.
That's when the big one gets filed, I'm told.
So this is just a massive, massive time to be alive, and people can get upset about dogs.
So maybe the world will be saved by puppies.
Because we don't care about black kids or white kids.
We don't care about children being tested on with their parents signing them on for experiments.
Maybe we care about puppies.
But I remember reading about the VA in the last 20 plus years where they would not take care of veterans to a point and things were so dirty that they would even restrain veterans and especially old ones and that screw flies would go up their nose and lay eggs in their sinus and would then eat their brain.
And then we learned about cases where that's one thing that psychopaths and occultists have been known to do.
And you hear that, you know, that can't be real.
It is real.
And I was just mentioning that last segment.
You can try to search it and find it.
But it's last time I saw that was probably 15 years ago on the news.
But good old John Harmon, our great crew member who's been here 18 years, been a producer, affiliate relations director.
He remembers that.
So I caught him in the break room getting a donut.
He was getting a donut.
And I was lusting over the donuts, but didn't eat one, because I already ate one earlier.
And I said, you remember me talking about the maggots and all that?
He goes, yeah, maggoting.
So again, I'm not making this up.
And he goes, yeah, I remember Rothkopf, too.
You talked about that a few weeks ago, Rothkopf.
So I said, why don't you repeat that?
And then he goes, yeah, I'll talk about Thomas Barnett, too.
So I drug him in here.
Real quick, tell people that I'm not BSing.
You are not BSing.
You've talked about maggoting and all this stuff for how many years?
I mean, long-time listeners can attest to that too.
I mean, all this stuff that you laid out, that's why Thomas Brothkopp, when you got him on as a guest during the break, he legit recruited Alex Jones.
And we were both kind of like, whoa, did that just happen?
Just because he was explaining how you assess things and how you can kind of see through the fog of things.
Most people can't.
Uh, do that.
Most people don't get it.
And that's why, um, when you talk about, like, tomorrow's news today, and how you kind of, Alex Jones connects the dots that most people don't really grasp or understand.
It kind of cut through that fog.
It's, I mean, that's why Rothkopf was like, hey, you should just join up with us.
He's like, come to New York next week.
We'll sign you on.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I just remember that moment.
I was like, whoa, did that just happen?
We should have been recording this during the break.
But, um... And he went on, he said, you know, there's only 6,000 superclass.
You can be the leader of the American populist group.
Which was a smart thing for him to be trying to recruit me.
My point is, he's the only one that ever did it in front of somebody and didn't say it was off record.
Yeah, I mean, this is the guy that hangs out with Kissinger and all these guys.
Well, he's the head of the Kissinger group.
Yeah, he's like Kissinger's minion.
So is Klaus Schwab.
So, yeah, I mean, that's kind of a big deal.
So when you mention that, I'm always like, yeah, I actually remember that.
That's actually true.
And a lot of people, I mean, they hear what Infowars puts out there and Alex Jones puts out, and it's hard to believe, but I mean, I've, I mean, it's just kind of mind-blowing how... And then you remember the Thomas Barnett thing?
I'm sorry, you said it was mind-blowing?
Yeah, Thomas Barnett.
I mean, all those interviews.
I mean, I remember after the show, these guys would call me up on my extension in my office and just say, hey, you know, I'm a listener to Alex Jones.
He would mention his name and I would like Google him after the phone call and go, whoa, this guy, this guy's like a Fortune 500, you know, major CEO of a company.
He would say that, you know, out in Hollywood, everyone's just talking about Alex Jones at dinner parties and stuff.
Did you remember when we got called by the head of HAARP?
Oh yeah, I remember that.
They invited us up there too.
To check out the facilities and everything.
And they put an Air Force colonel on the line though.
When the guy talked about how they could ignite the atmosphere, they said, that's it, this interview is over.
They interrupted.
They jumped in.
That was crazy.
You know, that was probably 16 years ago.
We've got to find that archive.
It's somewhere.
Maybe the old network has it, or maybe good old Wes has it somewhere sashed.
But yeah, these things really happen.
It's kind of... Tell you what, I'll put a thousand dollar bounty on anybody finds that.
Head of HAARP interviewed on InfoWars, because they contacted you.
And then we checked it out and indeed they're like, oh Alex, we're not bad.
Because back then, folks, they were trying to get me recruited before we got big.
These guys are smart.
That was crazy.
Yeah, I mean, I can understand why people think this stuff is like, you know, Alex Jones just watched too many X-Files, but I mean, once you get into this, it usually takes like one little topic that you kind of see past the BS, and it kind of, you know, awakes you or unlocks your mind, and then that's why people watch N4s, because they're just like, wow, I get it.
Well, it's like me saying, yeah, you know, Chris Carter's a big listener, and we talk some, and And then years later, he gives an interview.
I love Alex Jones.
He's not a racist.
He's a good guy.
My new X-Files is based on Alex Jones.
We were like, whoa, you weren't lying.
Yeah, folks, we've been big for a long time.
And it's not about bragging about how big we are.
It's the fact that you changed the world by supporting us.
We all did this together.
Every man, woman and child that listens to the show and supports it, especially people that did it 25, 28 years ago.
Folks, you changed the world and you just don't know how important you are.
Yeah, even Dean Hagelin, one of the characters on The Lone Gunman from the X-Files, he showed up at your doorstep and was like, whoa, Alex, the CIA actually puts...
They give us stories to put in our episodes so people think it's just like science fiction stuff, so they kind of poo-poo it.
But, I mean, remember that?
That was crazy.
And now they're putting shots of Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons, that was in World War II with weather weapons.
Everyone was like 92 years old.
At this time, still running a major weather control company.
That's incredible.
Yeah, weather modifications.
And that was because they just declassified thousands of pages from the 60s when he was leading squadrons into Vietnam to flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
So I called him and got him flown from Lubbock to Austin the next day, but then he got called by national security groups and wouldn't come back on after that.
So again, that's how we used to operate.
Like, look, this just got declassified.
The leader of it was Ben Livingston.
Says he lives in Lubbock.
Call Lubbock, and then boom, he's on the show.
Yeah, that was so awesome being just a board ops, just the audio guy, 18, 19 years ago.
Just hearing all these conversations, calling up all these guys, you know, as guests or whatever, and hearing the conversations behind the scenes, and a lot of the stuff off air, that was crazy.
Like the DC madam that supposedly hung herself, she was always, you know, you're like, you're not going to kill yourself.
She's like, no, I'm not going to kill myself, and exposing all these things.
And then she kills herself.
She hangs herself like a month after the interview.
And then remember Thomas Barnett, one of the top War College guys, was like, he's like, you'll never, you'll never defeat us, the New World Order.
I'm like, you'll never defeat America.
He goes, we will.
Remember that?
And then he bailed on the interview.
Oh yeah.
That was like during the break, you'll never stop our New World Order.
I mean, like literally like that.
All right, John, I just thought we'd tell a little bit of those stories.
It's just behind the scenes stuff.
We're going to come back with Noam Chomsky, wanting you to be locked in your home and have no food.
But he's a loving liberal, so it's okay.
We're talking about this monster showing his real stripes when we come back.
I did a lot of preparation for today's show, and I've absolutely got to cover the attempted race war news, the over-the-top important COVID-19 development news, the latest Bill Gates implantable microchip news that's just so massive, all of the information coming out about Fauci, who they've raised to the level of a deity.
In the corporate media, and just how horrible and evil this true Joseph Mingala is.
I mean, telling black mothers, we're going to take your nine-year-old for medical experiments, sign the papers, or we'll take your two-year-old.
I mean, that came out in court.
That was confirmed.
They had to settle.
Then what else will they do?
I mean, who is like that?
Who acts like that?
Well, Joseph Mingala did stuff like that, the angel of death.
There is a certain percentage of research scientists that are psychopaths.
And we know that historically.
I mean, how many Marvel comic plots are on that?
And how many fiction movies have a mad scientist, you know, doing stuff at the secret lab?
That's because that stuff really happens.
That stuff really goes on.
How many doctors and nurses do they catch killing babies or killing patients?
I had Dr. Bartlett on a few months ago, and he said, yeah, the best people I've met have been doctors, and the worst people have been doctors.
A certain percent are psychopaths that went and got that job because they wanted to be able to kill people and hurt people and get away with it.
Just like 95% of people in the military are in there because of their family or a job or they want to serve.
But about 5% are because they want to kill people and they get off directly on it.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
That's who's attacking us, and that's who's carrying this out.
So the guy running the whole global UN, Wuhan lab, COVID-19 operation, the guy that cooked it up, the guy that lied to Congress, the guy that runs the big media, that runs big tech that's censoring us, is the guy chaining dogs up so flesh-eating bugs can eat them, and injecting kidnapped black kids with deadly drugs.
I mean, he makes Ed Buck look like a saint.
So this isn't Silence of the Lambs where you'll cook your liver and have it with a fine Chianti.
This isn't fictional Baron Harkonnen tearing people's hearts out or blowing up desert planets.
This is the real world.
This isn't true crime with Woody Harrelson and, you know, other actors like Matthew McConaughey finding devil worshippers in Louisiana.
This is the real world.
And of course, it wasn't just monkeys, like I said.
It wasn't just beagles.
It was all sorts of other animals that they were testing all manner of torture on because it's their religion.
They're not doing it for a reason.
They like it.
I told the story of my dad at 15 years old, one summer, being sent to MD Anderson Cancer Research Institute because he signed up, he thought, with NASA, the federal government, And, you know, oh, you're in UT, and oh, you're going to go to this laboratory, and you're going to do this.
This isn't NASA.
And, of course, he was being prepped to be like a Fauci type, because he had the best test scores in the state of Texas at that time.
And it was the same thing.
My dad told me, well, most doctors are nice, but some are really crazy.
And I said, well, what?
He said, well, this is what went on at MD Anderson.
This is what I saw in the cancer ward.
I saw medical doctor scientists, research scientists, injecting people with lethal stuff and like sexually getting excited about it.
I remember when I was a kid describing them injecting rats, mice, and then later humans he saw.
With stuff that people signed on to, by the way, basically for medical science, knowing they're about to die in a month or whatever to do it.
That's the type of stuff goes on in secret research things.
But my point is, that's what we're dealing with.
That's who we're under the control of.
And then it makes a lot more sense, doesn't it?
And so to have a debate with everybody about whether this exists or not is ridiculous.
It's all out in the open, and I've had them try to hire me at least six or seven times off record and once on record.
And so I know how real the New World Order is, okay?
Because most other men just sell out because they want to fly around in private jets and helicopters and, you know, be part of the establishment.
And most people don't even get an offer to be in the establishment.
But to me, it's not like, oh, aren't I cool?
It's like being offered to, you know, jump down a black hole into hell.
But it's just time to wake up and to realize that and to face it.
Yep, there it is.
What I saw.
And what they did to the children.
Yep, they are killing kids.
Just get it off the screen.
I can't even look at this crap.
And who hot showed it?
Who ran the show?
Who sees you with as little value as a lab rat or as a guinea pig?
Anthony, our Lord and Savior, Fauci.
So I'm going to hit that, but first I want to get into Noam Chomsky, and then we've got Dr. Fleming, who is an MD, PhD, and a lawyer.
Very, very respected.
He went and hired some top scientists, laboratory scientists, to do the test on live blood, whole human blood in vitro.
And the findings are exactly what you thought it would be, but even more shocking.
Yeah, I wonder why it's causing blood clots, why it's causing... I mean, a cobra can't bite you and make your blood clot as good as this.
I mean, this is some deadly stuff.
For the tiny amount you can put in your body, it causes a chain reaction of blood clotting in the body.
And if it gets into a capillary or a vein or an artery, it's picked up by capillary and put back into a larger artery or vein, and it hits your brain, You are going to be convulsing and probably dying that day.
But they're not meant to kill you right away.
It's just sometimes they hit a vein or something.
So it's meant to kill you in a couple years slowly, but they'll suck the money out first.
So that's coming up.
But yeah, we're breaking this here because he's already tweeted about it and started to talk about it.
But Joe told me he was getting ready to go after Fauci on the dog stuff days ago.
So now there's an article out on Infowars.
Rogan's set to take on Fauci over puppy torture, sparking new clash with mainstream media.
You heard it here first.
So that's coming up next segment.
I'm going to back up some of the background on that for you as well.
But watch them.
Come in and defend Fauci.
And torturing dogs to death.
And then, of course, Joe can then hit them with, oh, what about inner city kids with deadly, experimental, unauthorized by the FDA, HIV drugs that killed them, that turned off their immune system and shriveled them up and made them die, basically like chemotherapy.
Well, that's how you love the black people is you kill them.
So see how the left and all the Twitter supporters and Instagram supporters see who you are?
You're very proud of yourselves now because you're on the winning team, you think, just like the Nazis thought that.
All right.
Two big announcements here.
I have not launched the new specials today, because I've been too busy with all this breaking news until 10 o'clock last night to come up with new specials.
Plus, so much of our best-selling products are sold out, so they're really, I don't know what to have on special.
Other than DNA Force Plus is still 40% off for today, and then that is it, because I got to come up with new specials today.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, that's going to be 40% off for at least a week longer.
RainForce Ultra is 25% off, but at current sales rates, it will sell out today.
RainForce Ultra is an amazing, clean, focused, fast-acting nootropic.
But I like it because it wears off quick, unlike TurboForce.
It's amazing that you take it in the morning and have 10 hours of raging energy.
With little or no hangover, this is super fast acting, super smooth, and also dissipates very, very quickly, at least when I use it, and that's what folks are saying.
It's got a bunch of five-star reviews, 100% review right there.
That is BrainForceUltraInfoWarStore.com.
But here's the other announcement.
I've told you that we have trouble keeping enough funds in to buy enough product out, because sometimes it takes so long with supply chain breakdowns to get the product.
And so an old friend of mine that does a lot of marketing and runs a lot of really successful sites outside of ours said, hey, how about I just give you extra money?
You could buy some extra product out.
And then allot some of that to me so that when you're sold out or not discounting your best sellers, we'll have it over on this site.
And you'll also, we'll be a sponsor to you for the other great products we've got.
We started talking about that six months ago.
It finally got launched and we're ready with it right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing 50percentoff.com.
Please give them an overhead shot.
I want to show them how to spell this out.
50% off dot-com and we can let's pull that up for me.
Thanks 50% off dot-com.
That's that's in letters not numbers 50% off Yeah, that's good.
Put that back on screen.
This is an exclusive new outlet with survival, preparedness, fitness, tech, and so much more with the best prices.
And they'll always have multiple items discounted at higher rates or that are sold out and discounted at higher rates of at least 50% at 50percentoff.com.
So you can get DNA Force Plus at 50% off and Brain Force Ultra at 50% off at 50%off.com.
We'll be right back.
Thank you so much again for joining us here today on the vaunted, attacked, demonized, and lied about broadcast, The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, let's talk about Noam Chomsky.
Noam Chomsky is a celebrated fop.
He is a fake.
He is a fraud.
He is a scammer.
He is a empty, hollow bag.
He is a nobody.
He has been funded by the establishment and by the big tax-free foundations his entire academic life.
He is a man that has made gargantuan amounts of money, but just like Bernie Sanders and others, he doesn't want you to have any money.
He claims he's fighting the establishment but he's almost always aligned with the establishment.
And so now he's come out and said in a bunch of different interviews, I've seen at least three of them myself yesterday, and said lock people up in their homes and he doesn't care how they get food.
Now was it wrong to lock Jews up in their homes in The Warsaw Ghetto in Poland or where his ancestors were in Ukraine.
And the answer is no.
So why do Americans deserve that at your hands?
Why are you doing or trying to do to us what Hitler did to the Jews?
Because Hitler said the Jews have got to be locked up.
They're dirty and they're diseased.
That's actually what Hitler said.
It was all about hygiene.
That's how the Nazis got started.
It was one of their main planks.
And the first people they were killing were mentally retarded children and others.
Something the left says they want to get rid of today.
Hell, I got national TV in the Netherlands on their PBS, their public television, literally telling a Down syndrome man that you cost society three times more.
You should just die.
So the left want to ration care, they want control, because the brain bugs, the priest class up at the top of it, like gnome communist Chomsky, want to play God.
That's it.
So he's a disgusting creature, he should go live in North Korea, and he's come out and said that, oh, because you're endangering people, Because you're going to make them sick.
Oh, funny.
Let's just say this was a perfect vaccine.
It was a vaccine.
It actually worked.
This isn't even a vaccine.
It's an mRNA technology.
It's got all these serious problems.
It skipped all the actual testing.
The biggest, most corrupt corporations with the worst history are behind it.
Fauci has a history of Testing deadly experimental HIV drugs on foster children that they forcibly took from their mothers under threat of taking their other children to do medical experiments on them?
I mean, this is Joseph Mingala all over again, and there's Noam Chomsky cheerleading for Fauci like he's a god.
And Noam Chomsky is an academic.
He knows all this.
He understands all this.
And he shows who he really is, an America-hating parasite that came here to conquer us and enslave us and destroy us.
He is cancer at 90-plus years of age.
And he's taken the mask off and is showing the world who he is.
Noam Chomsky, lock vaccine skeptics in their homes and deprive them of food.
Full videos on InfoWars.com.
And that dovetails with John Oliver, attacks cops for vaccine mandates, says, fire them!
Let them quit!
Reimposing COVID restrictions in the UK, they're moving forward.
And it goes on and on and on and on and on.
We're gonna come back.
And we're going to hit all of this on the other side.
I'm just getting started on all of this when we return, ladies and gentlemen.
But what a monster.
What a demon.
I mean, just what a piece of fraud.
Gnome, the Joseph Mingala Chomsky.
Well, you tuned in to another extremely important broadcast today.
If you just joined us, Dr. Richard Fleming, Who is a Ph.D., M.D., and a lawyer.
Will be joining us to research scientists as well.
He hired a group of renowned research scientists and got a hold of the Pfizer Frankenshot and studied it.
And his full presentation he shot exclusively with us last night is at man.video.
And it's trademark copyright free.
Get it, share it, cut it up, do whatever you do with it.
Put your bugs on it.
We don't care.
Just get it out to everybody.
He'll be joining us coming up in this third hour.
Prospective research scientist who tested Pfizer's COVID vax has made multiple nightmare discoveries.
That is coming up in the next hour and I'll hit some of it this hour as well.
But what's the big picture here?
We have... What is the big picture here?
We have...
All the major Fortune 500 companies, we have almost every major world leader, we have big tech unified, the big banks unified, Hollywood unified, the whole global entertainment system unified, saying Western populations in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the UK, Europe, and the United States must take the Unapproved experimental injections that are not even approved until the year 2026.
But they did approve it in the year 2026.
They play a game saying it's approved.
It's like saying, you know, zoners have approved the Mars base.
And so there is a Mars base.
Well, no, nobody's on Mars.
They haven't built the base yet, but you can say that they've approved the building of the base.
That's how they're engaging in this manipulation.
And so now we have the numbers coming out of massive heart attacks and myocarditis, heart swelling and blood clots and all of this death.
And we've got Hillary Clinton.
And we've got all these other people on TV saying we must have the vaccine mandates of LA and New York and Seattle and of areas of Europe and areas of Australia must come to every town and every city across the world.
We must have vaccine passports tied to carbon passports tied to a social credit score.
They even say that now.
It's out in the open.
The U.N.
all announced it two weeks ago.
And so now they've gone from beta to operational.
And then out comes John Oliver and Stephen Colbert and every one of these so-called comics who get away with lying to people by claiming it's all just comedy.
Fake news.
A fake news man engaged in fake news, calling for who needs to be censored and who needs to be bullied and who needs to be silenced.
And then crawling out of his hole, He is academic, Noam Chomsky.
Funded his whole life by universities, funded by big corporations.
Now in complete alignment with Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZeneca and all the most powerful corporations on Earth that want to go into our bodily autonomy and put something into us that doesn't even work the way they say it does, but it works great in creating prion disease and permanent chronic blood clots if you're lucky and don't die.
But a lot of debilitating issues.
And so he comes out, I'm gonna play the clip in a moment, and says, you need to be locked in your house, and he doesn't even care how you get food.
Well, you know, the left calls people that support America, or even having borders, or the country even existing, as Nazis.
But the closest thing I see to Nazis in this country, with the censorship, and the forced medical tyranny, and saying, lock us in our homes, as Kathleen Sebelius, former head of Health and Human Services said, I mean, they've all been saying it, The fact that they're doing all this and saying, fine, just be fired, go home and live in your house, then you'll be homeless.
And then they had the CDC said over the weekend, go ahead and maybe just put people in government dormitories.
And they're building these emergency centers all over the world to not just put the sick or the unvaccinated, but the healthy people, they called it shielding.
So this is all the state rolling out martial law, the state rolling out medical oppression, the end of bodily autonomy.
It's all the Washington Post announcing this is the end of parental rights.
We've got to get rid of those and inject children without their consent.
And now all over the world, including the U.S., ice cream trucks pull up and inject children as young as six years old.
And then as those children get sick and die, the parents are going to fight back, and they're being called terrorists.
Since June, that's the official policy of the U.S.
Questioning elections, questioning open borders, questioning the vaccines that aren't vaccines, questioning new lockdowns is an act of terror.
Hell, going to your school board meeting and not wanting a convicted pedophile to visit your children, or not wanting a man in a skirt to rape your daughter.
That's all going to get you an FBI visit.
Well, good!
Come visit us then!
We're already being raped by the system.
And now they say, oh, we're going to anybody with over $700 ever in the bank, we're going to watch it.
Okay, it's up to 10,000.
Well, everybody got $10,000.
Welfare recipients are getting 20 grand a year.
Minimum wage is $16,000 a year.
$40,000 per pay period or per week.
40 hours, not 40,000 per week.
40 hours per week comes out to, you do the math, less than 16,000.
So everybody's going to be surveilled.
Everybody's going to be controlled.
Everybody's going to be watched in live time, what you can and can't do.
Social credit score, and it's all being announced.
It's all being rolled out globally.
They're laughing about it.
And then Noam Chomsky crawls out from under a rock at 90 plus years of age.
He's anti-gun.
He's anti-family.
He is a statist through and through.
And he says, lock Americans up like Jews were locked up in the ghettos of Germany and the ghettos of Poland and the ghettos of Hungary and Romania and places like Ukraine, including his ancestors, he claims.
So, the closest thing to Hitler is these big corporations, and people like Fauci, and all of his secret testing on foster children with HIV drugs, and the murder of dogs with flesh-eating insects, and all of the other experimental garbage going on with these shots, and now here he comes, brutally, with a needle in his hand, saying, put you in your house, he doesn't care where you get food, starve your ass to death!
Because you didn't commune with them and take this poison shot.
I mean, this guy's making a real physical run at everybody.
Because he's always been a terrorist.
Here it is.
If people decide I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing a vaccine, they should then say, well, I also have the decency to isolate myself.
When you talk about folks having the freedom to separate if they don't want to abide by these vaccine mandates, how do you think this would practically play out?
They should have the decency to remove themselves from the community.
If they refuse to do that, Then measures have to be taken to safeguard the community from them.
Then comes the practical question that you ask.
How can we get food to them?
Well, that's actually their problem.
That's actually their problem.
He wants to starve us to death.
What a nice man.
By the way, they admit you're more likely to spread COVID if you've been injected in British and U.S.
Pull it up.
And it actually erases your immune system.
He knows all this.
This is a communist, folks.
This is a guy that hates America.
This is a parasite.
This is a person who is no better than the Nazis that did what they did to so many different groups of people.
This is classic naked authoritarianism, where he's telling us we're diseased and we're bad, so we've got to be locked up.
The exact excuse that Adolf Hitler used.
So, wow.
Talk about coming full circle.
Talk about being a fraud.
And then you've got all the big pharma corporations with liability protection trying to do this.
And you've got Fauci, this historic monster, who's been involved in all this corruption and lies and secret experimentation.
And now there he is cheerleading for Fauci.
Because Chomsky has always been a self-appointed god.
He's always been better than everybody else.
He's always known what to do, and he looks at you with disdain.
Guaranteed he hadn't taken these shots.
It's about his exercise of power over you and taking you to the grave with him.
That's his subconscious projection onto you, bare minimum, and I believe he's conscious of it.
But that's my opinion.
What I do know is he's backing dangerous, illegal systems that violate the Nuremberg Code and saying we should be locked in our homes and food taken away to literally kill us!
He wants to kill us like every other dirty communist!
Well, guess what, scum?
We don't kill so easy, you little maggot!
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And what we have is big corporations and a whole bunch of people on the left worldwide Ganging up on everybody trying to make us take these deadly shots and then trying to censor and suppress everyone as that information comes out.
So in my COVID stack of huge developments, I've got over 30 bombshell pieces of news I'm going to hit next segment that affects everybody out there.
But let's just give everybody an example of their deception and how they try to suppress the truth.
In the next hour, the biggest news yet on what's really in these so-called vaccines And what they're doing.
But first, let's talk about what I mentioned earlier.
And TV viewers can see this radio listeners, you can just search engine or visit info wars.com and find links to it.
Facebook, Instagram, delete video of Brazilian president linking COVID vaccines to HIV.
He's already been taken off YouTube.
And it's an interview of him being interviewed by a major national newspaper.
And they also shot an interview where that obviously you want to do that.
And I've been offered an interview with him down in Brazil, or the next time he's in the U.S.
I didn't think about going to the U.N.
a month ago when he was in New York, but next time he is, I'm gonna get an interview with Bolsonaro.
But remember, he couldn't even eat in New York restaurants because he wouldn't take the COVID shot.
He said, this is tyranny, this is a police state, this is wrong.
So he ate a piece of pizza on the side of the street and made a joke about it.
This is so incredibly dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, He came out and he simply said in the interview, we've got the quotes right here, but they've taken the video down, that this turns off your killer white blood cells, according to studies, which anybody can pull up and we have pulled up.
And it lowers your immunity after you take the shot to other viruses, except it may then raise your autoimmune response to where it kills you with ADE with any type of corona-like virus.
So it makes you have a huge autoimmune response and die of shock, in many cases, with ADE if it's a certain type of virus, but everything else just gets right through.
And so he said that, and they took him down.
But there, the crew have found the censored video.
We should probably post a demand on video.
But let me just show you some of what he said being true.
He pointed out that it's similar to HIV and has HIV-like properties.
Well, let me show you.
Zero Hedge.
Coronavirus contains HIV insurgents stoking fears over artificially created bioweapon.
This is in February and in January of last year.
So this is 20, 22 months ago.
ZeroHedge and InfoWars.com.
We're both reporting on it simultaneously.
Australia ends local COVID vaccine trials due to HIV false positives.
Oh, really?
Just because the virus has HIV insertion points, so it has the HIV shell.
That's the top German news.
Coronavirus contains HIV insertions.
Why an Australian COVID-19 vaccine caused false positives in HIV?
Because it was an attenuated whole COVID virus that had just been radiated, and so the body thought this was HIV.
Which, what does that tell you?
It tells you that that's why everybody's starting to freak out that's going out and taking COVID tests, because sometimes it says you have HIV.
Because technically you have the virus that causes it, but it's been attenuated as well, because they changed it.
It's only the outside of the virus.
Coronavirus far more likely than SARS to bond to human cells due to HIV-like mutations, say scientists.
Yeah, mutation done artificially in the lab Fauci now admits.
COVID, Australian vaccine abandoned over false COVID response, BBC.
And then I got a big stack of articles about the COVID vaccines itself from Moderna and Pfizer that again aren't COVID vaccines that are causing the white blood cells to be turned off.
And it goes on and on.
Here it is.
Sweden and Denmark pause Moderna COVID vaccines for younger age groups.
Scientists discover HIV-like mutation which makes coronavirus extremely infectious.
That's the evil folks over at newswars.com.
Soros joins health groups to battle drug-resistant TB, HIV.
Open Society Foundation.
That's from Soros.
UNC awards $19.4 million to continue national effort to combat HIV.
That means cooking up HIV viruses to then be released out in the open air.
Then I've got the stack I'll get to next segment because it's deeper in the stack.
I'm going to keep going right now where they admit it turns off your immune system.
You just type in, studies show mRNA COVID vaccines lower immunity even after quote infection.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, let's move on now.
To this stack of news.
Major explosive.
Doctors confirm Pfizer-Covid jabs clot blood and contain junk material unsafe for humans.
Kellan McBrain, InfoWars.com.
Medical bombshell.
Pfizer vax attacks human blood creating clots under microscope.
Now let's back that up some.
Sweden suspends Moderna shot indefinitely after vax patients develop crippling heart conditions, blood clots.
Reports the Daily Mail.
Here's another one.
Vaccine shedding causing miscarriage in blood clots and unvaccinated.
BBC presenter dies from blood clots after AstraZeneca vaccine that then got stopped because of the blood clots.
If you got Pfizer or Moderna, the FDA has a new warning for you.
May cause heart attacks, microcarditis or strokes.
Remember that?
That was way back in June of this year.
Oh, but if you talk about it, if you're Bolsonaro or Alex Jones, you get taken off YouTube or Instagram.
You're not allowed to warn people.
Here's the Salk Institute.
NaturalNews.com reported on this.
Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals that COVID spike protein is what's causing deadly blood clots, and it's all in the COVID vaccines by design.
The electron microscope photos of it.
AstraZeneca vaccine suspended in France and Germany amid blood clot fears as COVID vows, as UK vows it's safe.
The sign.
Healthcare and pharmacological U.S.
CDC finds more clotting cases after J&J vaccine.
Global bombshell.
University of Texas research team warns coronavirus vaccines can cause massive heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in 2012.
There's the paper linked to right there.
Sweden, Denmark restrict use of Moderna jab and risk of heart inflammation.
Other side effects.
Just broke last week.
And then, like I said, I got so many stacks here.
It's in my next stack.
I've got the articles about lowering your immune system when you've taken the shot and turning off your killer T's.
Just like Bolsonaro said.
But there they are lying about Bolsonaro saying he's evil and that he's got to be censored.
Even if he was bad, they don't censor Kim Jong-un on Twitter.
Or on YouTube.
North Korea has channels.
They don't censor the Taliban because you want to hear what they have to say to be able to respond to it.
But oh, Alex Jones or Bolsonaro.
Or Donald Trump.
You can't hear from those bad men.
Because all they do is research and they know what they're talking about.
They're so horrible.
No, no, no, no.
Alex Jones is horrible.
He doesn't support locking people that don't take deadly experimental shots that erase your immunity and can kill you in their homes and not giving them food.
He doesn't support locking dogs up with flesh-eating bugs.
He doesn't support kidnapping over 10,000 small black children and testing drugs on them until they died like Fauci did.
He's just a bad man, folks.
I just want to apologize.
I'm so terrible.
We're going to go to break and come back with all of this straight ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have got so much for you, as I said, here today.
And once I finish up with this news, I'm going to go back into the attempted race war news, the new January 6th garbage news.
Targeting, they've already indicted our co-host.
Oh, and now they want me.
I'm sure they will, too.
That's the way it all works around here.
So, I mean, this country is under globalist attack.
Are we going to wake up and stop it?
Or are we going to just roll over and be slaves and get locked up and voucher medical experiments on us?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, October 26th, worldwide broadcast.
And we are living in quite a time right now.
We are living just in such insane times.
And medically, the general public is in a trance.
That's mainline science.
That's in the major psychological papers.
Because of so much television watching and so much screen time, people are mesmerized to only interface and only focus on that.
So you can talk directly to somebody and say, here's a test.
I want you to remember tomorrow when I give you this task to put it in the computer so I know about it.
And no matter what I do, they cannot do it.
And that's a person that's smart cognitively, but cannot get out of the trained responses.
You see, they know that 95% of thoughts, you have about 65,000 a day on average, are subconscious.
You need to train yourself to have 30, 40, 50% of your thoughts being conscious.
That's what they call being awake versus being asleep, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, so much of this is an inside job.
So much of what we need to do as a culture and as a society is an inside job.
And if we can't change that, as individuals, you're not really living.
You're like a living, dead person.
And you just shovel through life in a haze, pretending you're awake.
And the subconscious person that's in a trance may be an awake person who's nice and smart, but that person's not Actually activated in the real world.
The facsimile that the globalists have built is what's operating out there.
Basically an avatar that the system built for you.
It's really incredible to watch how brutal this is and how it works upon people's minds.
And then to see people you know fall deeper into the coma.
That's why you can type this into a search engine and click web, search, and you can find articles going back 30 years, and major papers before that, that the more television you watch, the lower your IQ over time it goes down.
And then it's associated with neurological disorders and Alzheimer's, early onset of Alzheimer's.
And if you look at people that are big TV heads, who just kind of sit back and suspend disbelief and watch fictional television, it's the worst, they're unable to be reached.
Because they are in a mesmerized brainwave area.
And I can't tell you how many people I know, who after the lockdowns and on all of it, literally now aren't the same person after a year of sitting at home watching TV.
And old and young, you can't get them out of it.
And listen, it gets worse.
It gets a lot worse.
It gets a lot worse.
You guys have that video ready?
Please put it on screen that you have it.
Thank you.
It gets a lot, a lot worse, you see, because they've gotten the length.
Do you have it ready?
Oh, great, that's what I wanted to know.
That's what I was asking.
See, that's what I... Oh, wow, that was like three seconds later, no memory.
I'm like, hey, when you have that clip, tell me you have it.
Can't do it.
And again, this is happening all over the place where there's not even a memory now.
There's not even a five-second one, a 10-second one, a 20-second one.
And the TV is programming that worse and worse and worse and worse to where people aren't even alive anymore.
And I don't know what to do.
I mean, it's just so sad.
And it's going to get to the point where the globalists are just going to have to exterminate everybody.
Because they've already brain damaged people so incredibly badly that then they can't even operate or live through the TVs, through the mind control, through everything that's going on in the culture.
So, you know, it's just an absolutely incredible time to be alive.
And it's a very, very amazing time to be alive.
I'm going to try to regroup here and come back and talk in the next segment.
But I specifically am just so sick of knowing what's going to happen and then watching it happen like Groundhog Day every single day.
And I try to be positive about all this and a lot of positive things are happening as well.
But we need people to become conscious and get out of their regular same behavior every single day, every single moment and become conscious, ladies and gentlemen.
And that means like really being awake, making yourself be awake.
I know it hurts for people that don't do it.
I know it's painful for people that don't live in the conscious space, but that's how they're getting you.
That's how they're controlling you.
And I didn't know it was such an incredible gift to be able to stay focused on things.
But the system walks around while you're in a trance, while you're asleep, while you're in the matrix, and they are literally ruling your life and destroying you, and it's wrong!
All right, one of the positive things I can do is try to stay on air here.
I can get that done, can't I?
So, two announcements I want to make.
I have been so busy, I've not come up with a new special.
And that's not a good thing because when we get a product back in that's been out for a while, I like to have it as a special so folks that are our regular customers can get it at a discount.
But then because we never have it with the product going out in the future, there's some of the cash binds we've been in and supply chain breakdowns.
I tend to sell too much of it at a low price, and so we can't sell the majority of it at close to full price or full price, then we have a money issue.
So I told everybody we can only sell DNA Force Plus for a week at 40% off, because we need to sell it at 10% off or 20% off or whatever to be able to fund our operations.
And it's amazing with PQQ and CoQ10, it's so good for your immune system.
But I've been too busy to come up with a new special, so this is the last day.
Yesterday was supposed to be the last day.
It is 40% off for DNA Force Plus at InfoWarStore.com.
InfoWarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
And by tomorrow, it will be back to 20% off.
That will be the new special.
Also, We have a very small supply run of RainForce Ultra.
We've got less than a thousand bottles left of that.
It's 25% off.
It has a very strong nootropics in it and it's just next level and activates very, very quickly.
And you owe it to yourself to experience it.
It's at InfowarsStore.com and that'll be sold out today.
We've got enough bodies to keep it going at 40% off for another week or so and it is Our next big special, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, so good for inflammation, so good for your whole body, at infowarestore.com for 40% off.
Now, here's the other announcement I want to make.
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And when you go there, There is everything from electric bikes to electronics and fitness and survival and just so many other great items with great deals.
and you'll always be able to find InfoWars live products, select ones, for at least 50% off.
And so they've decided to fund us to be able to do bigger orders
so that they will then get their own supply that they're gonna sell at a reduced price
when we either are sold out or aren't discounting products.
So you get DNA Force Plus for 40% off, and you can get RainForce Ultra discounted
for 25% off at InfoWars.com.
You can get 'em both off right now in stock at their warehouse also in Texas
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That's three words, 50percentoff.com.
50percentoff.com, ladies and gentlemen.
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All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The world is under attack.
They're great folks and they're working with us and we're very, very excited.
So check them out today for the best deals on Infowars live products at 50percentoff.com.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The world is under attack.
Depopulation is being carried out against humanity right now.
And everyone trying to expose it is being silenced and attacked and demonized, but that's
a badge of honor.
I just hope all of you know that everything going on today, everything unfolding right now, is not normal and is not good, and is part of normalizing an assault on you physically and economically and spiritually by these sick freaks.
So since I mentioned earlier that Bolsonaro is right, that just like HIV, the COVID vaccine attacks your immune system, Here are some headlines showing that, with links to it.
New UK COVID data shows natural immunity provides better protection than two, quote, vaccines.
Breaking AI-powered DoD data analyst program shatters official vaccine narrative, shows ADE accelerating and fully vaccinated each week.
COVID for Amish.
Herd immunity achieved with no hospitalizations, isolations, or vaccines, because they eat healthy.
Here's the big one.
Double jab Brits with worst lurgy, that means disease ever, could actually have COVID without realizing it.
They're double jab, they're the sickest, statistically.
mRNA vaccines weaken immune systems even after COVID recovery, according to UK data, with a big link to the UK government's own report.
Emergency Saturday broadcast.
Pentagon AI confirms COVID shots triggering deadly ADE in the vaccinated.
Crick Institute study.
Pfizer biotech vaccine creators lowers antibody protection against Delta variant.
So, the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine creates lower antibody protection against Delta variant.
That's the Times of London.
People flooding back to work could cause spiky coronavirus cases with peak.
Not until December, says experts.
Pfizer, BioNTech vaccine recipients have lower antibody levels.
It goes on in the Washington Post.
Natural immunity to avoid COVID is powerful.
Natural immunity to COVID is powerful.
Policymakers seem afraid to say so because they're run by a big pharma that wants to erase your immune system and make you an enslaved creature.
People who receive Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have lower antibody levels targeting the Delta variant.
Dr. Michael Bauer.
I think fully vaccinated people that are in good health really can go about their business and feel very comfortable and safe in most things they're doing.
Then he goes on to admit that you got to have more shots later and booster shots.
mRNA vaccines weaken immune system recovery even after COVID.
My jaw dropped.
Blood test before and after COVID.
Jabs prove shot obliterates immune system.
Doctor claims.
Don Salazar, InfoWars.com with all the actual data.
EU drug regulator backs third dose of COVID jabs for people with weak immune systems.
Studies confirm COVID injections destroy T-cells, immune systems.
Here's the actual video.
COVID-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits Injection Destroys Immune System.
Go see it from him.
Now it's all admitted, but this is from back in July.
COVID Spike Proteins Depress Natural Immune System Response, says researchers.
And it goes on and on and on and on from there.
And this makes me really, really angry at these globalist criminals.
Now, let's get into this right now.
There's a bunch of other ones.
Millions of Americans are getting fired for not taking a jab that's now 3% effective.
Look at that headline.
A new study involving 600,000 veterans has found that Johnson & Johnson's COVID vaccine protection fell from 88 in March to 3% in August.
And that was with them back then saying it was the best vaccine.
Total crap.
NIH funds toxic brain injection.
That's the quote.
Monkey experiments.
Holes drilled into skulls, devices implanted into brains.
That's Fauci.
Remember who made it?
Wuhan scientists plan to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked paper reveals.
And they did it.
Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reprograms innate human immune system.
I don't need to read more of these for you.
FDA committee members reviewing Pfizer vaccine for children have worked for Pfizer, have big Pfizer connections.
And this is something I want to pause on for a minute and really spend some time on.
Did you hear that?
FDA committee members reviewing Pfizer vaccine for children have worked for Pfizer and have big Pfizer connections.
They had to make all the other FDA and CDC people resign because they refused to do it.
But now they've put in people that will do it.
Biden urged to help child injured in COVID-19 vaccine research trials.
But now they've banned the little girl from speaking out on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
She signed up, she took it, she got really sick, now she's got blood clots, now she's in a wheelchair months later, and that's just the way it is.
Now you read this headline, it sounds like they're going to take care of you and they're finally ending all this tyranny of the last 21 months.
No, U.S.
to reopen air travel but demand vaccine pass with approved jabs, negative tests from foreign visitors.
And when you go to Europe, you've got to have the jab or the test.
And it's a unified global UN controlled digital vaccine passport to where when you leave, you got to do it.
When they come, they got to do it.
And then they catch everybody in the process.
You have a global medical vaccine passport that forms the heart of the global social credit score, the carbon taxes and all the rest of it.
And I actually have a clip on that.
Let's pull that clip up if we can.
This is the inventor of the social credit score we've been reporting on since 2004.
This is Lin Jianyu, clip three, lead designer of China's social credit score, extols its value and his hope for worldwide adoption so that, quote, you won't have things like the Yellow Vest protest and other protests happening around the world, you know, the anti-vax protest, because you will have your house taken and be made homeless if you don't do what the social credit control system says.
And of course Noam Chomsky says you've got to be locked in your house and have no food.
So that's who these people are, the bad guys, the dangerous guys, the guys that if they get control of your life and have something like this over you, will abuse it and will use it against you.
So here's what he had to say.
It's got English subtitles.
I think we had to put in place a good technological method.
Technological method. I think we had to put in place a good technological method.
I really hope that we will manage to export it to a capitalist country.
I think that France should quickly adopt a social credit system by regressing social housing.
Very funny.
If you have had the social credit system, there would never have been the yellow vest.
We would have detected that and stopped it and acted.
One could have foreseen it.
it. These events would not have happened. It is one of the great advantages of the
social credit system.
Now, the reason I played all of that obnoxiously is people say that's not going to happen.
They already are rolling out the vaccine passport, which they admit is a social credit score, which they admit is your carbon score.
It's already here.
That's what's rolling out.
It's why they're trying to make you get it.
It's why Hillary and George Soros and all of them want you to have it.
And George Soros has rolled out yet another program to, quote, silence disinformation.
That's any group opposing him.
And him and Bill Gates own the new globally U.N.
approved COVID testing system with blood tests they're going to make you take.
We gotta get out of our comfort zones, ladies and gentlemen.
We gotta admit we're under a modern form of attack.
The fact that they incrementally attack us is designed that we never actually wake up and transcend what they're doing and just say no at every level.
Oh, so big tech censors members of Congress and governors.
Well, that's the way it is.
Oh yeah, and the shots kill a bunch of people.
Okay, and it makes you have blood clots and die.
Eh, big deal.
Here's part of the 32-minute report that's featured at Band.Video, which is so bombshell with Dr. Richard Fleming and his findings with these other research scientists.
We're going to air the first five minutes of this, and then we're going to come back from break and talk to Fleming live.
But if you go to Band.Video, here, I'll just show you.
You go to Band.Video, you can see it.
There it is, InfoWars exclusive presentation.
Medical bombshell, Pfizer Vax attacks human blood, creating clots observable under microscope.
And that thing just went live this morning.
And we interviewed him last night and put it together.
And it's what all the other studies, everything else I just showed you admit.
So remember, they're just setting the precedent that experimental injection is out there and that is used on us.
And here's a part of that presentation.
All right, well, hello everyone.
I wanted to go over some very important information on the SARS-CoV-2 drug vaccines by taking a microscopic examination of really what the Pfizer vaccine does when it comes into contact with red blood cells or a person's blood and the concerns that I've had with these.
The investigation that you're going to see was a combined project between Dr. Kevin McKeon PhD Neurobiologist in Japan originally from the UK and myself and we did this in the last several days actually.
One of the sites that I like to share with people is that the difference between a PhD MD JD is that PhDs actually figure out problems while MDs treat them and JDs typically cause them and this presentation we believe will have all three effects.
For the last 22 months There has been a huge amount of misinformation, so much that, you know, it's phenomenal how much misinformation versus real information has gotten out there, including people who've said that the virus isn't real and hasn't been isolated, to people confusing the virus SARS-CoV-2 with the disease COVID-19, to misinformation about PCR testing and misinformation about masking
between the use of terms like cytokine storm versus inflammothermobotic response,
which is what's really going on, to people being told to take certain drugs
that there's absolutely no proof that they work, while other people are being told
that other medications that do work can't be provided.
All the way from there to doctors not treating symptomatic patients until it's too late,
to physicians using the ventilators incorrectly, to doctors being threatened
if they actually try to treat patients with loss of their license or legal actions,
to the promotion of vaccines that the emergency use authorization documents
actually show do not statistically lower the incidence of COVID or deaths,
to a failure to provide informed consent for people receiving the vaccines,
Individuals overstepping their constitutional legal authority including mandates to blaming the unvaccinated for the promulgation of vaccines.
Actually people claiming there are things in the vaccines that simply aren't there.
So it's this latter one that we really want to look at today because there is so much misinformation about what's in the vaccines all the way from the pictures at the upper left hand corner that talk about graphene oxide and And to the right of that little creature is the video here that we won't play at this point in time is from Dr. Zaleski, Z-A-L-E-W-S-K-I, who was giving a presentation explaining that he had found the eggs of these creatures and they're three-legged creatures.
A lot of misinformation is simply And has done nothing to add to the scientific discussion and the important discussion about what's in these vaccines.
I've been concerned about the vaccines themselves and so you can see here that I sent Dr. Borla on the 30th of January the first request for Pfizer information on the emergency use authorization.
Alright folks, Dr. Fleming is going to join us live with these incredible documented findings.
Please stay with us until people tune in.
All right, my friends, here is the big news.
Here is the big, incredibly important guest and information.
Dr. Richard Fleming, FlemingMethod.com is joining us.
He is a cardiologist, nuclear cardiologist, certified in postural emission tomography.
Jurisprudence, doctor of law, researcher, inventor, and author.
I'm not going to go over his prestigious background or his development of major medical devices and more.
But his site is the best site that keeps track of all the major studies I've seen around the world and John Hopkins and the UN's own trackers showing indeed what these franken injections are doing.
Now, he has been trying for a very long time, he'll give you all the details, to get the FDA, who's not been doing really public trials, to release information.
And now we know that people have gotten sick and died in the trials, and now lawsuits are being filed over that.
But he was able to get the so-called vaccine and have it studied by other renowned laboratory scientists.
And he's now published and listed that information in a detailed slideshow that he premiered in a report that just went live this morning at freeworldnews.tv.
And we can put that live at freeworldnews.tv and show the TV viewers that actual headline so they can see it on screen.
But that is a headline that I gave it this morning after I saw the crew put it together.
And so I would just hope that Dr. Fleming will give us a better headline for what he thinks this really means, but medical bombshell Pfizer-Vax attacks human blood, creating clots under microscope.
Now, this is backed up by over 100 mainline articles I showed you last hour about warnings on the vaccines about causing clots, mycocarditis, all the rest of it.
But now they've actually tested it directly on the blood in vitro to show what's happening there and then tested other things to compare the two.
And of course, he's the scientist and the doctor, so I'm going to let him take over with this information now.
If you'd like to walk back through the basic findings, that's fine, but also just what this is an American as a citizen, as a human, what this signifies and where he thinks this is going because the wheels are coming off on Fauci and Wuhan and lying and doing all these torturous experiments on puppies and monkeys and now they're testing experimental stuff on us and trying to make us take it.
I mean, this is just a mad scientist science fiction movie come true.
So again, Dr. Fleming, thanks so much for coming on with us.
It's my pleasure to be here, Alex.
Thank you for the invitation.
Well, thank you for your courage to go out and do this.
So where should we start?
What you asked the FDA, why you were forced to do this, how you were able to actually get some of the so-called vaccine, and what you discovered.
Right, well we've been looking at the vaccines for a little while now.
Several months ago we did some initial analysis looking for graphene to see if that was available or present in the vaccines because of all the rumors and speculation by people and those initial evaluations we did in the United States and we did in Europe and we didn't see the graphene that people were talking about.
Back in January, I started asking Pfizer and Moderna very specifically to address concerns that I had about antibody-dependent enhancement and the spike proteins crossing the blood-brain barrier and these lipid nanoparticles transferring across the blood-brain barrier and the evidence that showed that the vaccines don't stay at the site of injection, they go all throughout the body.
The data is very, very clear on that.
So I sent letters to both Pfizer and Moderna.
I sent it three different times, which is kind of the standard for law for J.D.s to do to guarantee that communication has been there.
They didn't respond back.
I met with a group of other physicians and scientists several months ago and we formulated a letter that I eventually put together and signed and then I had the names of several other individuals as you see in the slide presentation agree with that and we sent it off to the FDA and it turned out that last week at the same time that we were investigating the blood the letter came back from the FDA where the FDA said they were happy With the products of the vaccines that their job was to take care of the American public and make sure these vaccines are safe and they were satisfied with the safety of these vaccines and thank you ever so much for our concern.
The timing on that was just perfect because we had, Dr. McCarran had acquired some additional vaccines and he had done some initial look to see what the vaccines might do and then we proceeded four or five days ago to very methodically carry through the steps that a research scientist would do, which is to take blood samples and look at it under a microscope, doing nothing more to the blood than just leaving the blood alone so you could see it.
And we recorded it in this presentation so you can actually see what we're looking at when we look it through a microscope and then took some still pictures so you can compare and then ask the fundamental question, well, what happens if you take something like normal saline that shouldn't have an adverse effect on the blood and you add that to the blood?
Well, you can see for yourself that the blood moves around a little bit because the saline added to it.
It's a fluid, but it doesn't damage the blood.
We then proceeded to add Pfizer BioNTech to it and what you see in less than a minute is the red color of the red blood cells goes away.
They become pale and that means that either the oxygen is being stripped out of the red blood cells or the hemoglobin that holds the oxygen is being stripped out of the red blood cells or both.
And then as you continue to watch it over the course of a minute or two, you see the blood start to clot.
And there's a nice example, two different examples on the left or the very pale red blood cells compared to the vibrant red blood cells to the right of that.
And then in the circle, you can actually see an oval droplet of red blood cells that are actually immersed in a Pfizer vaccine droplet.
And you can compare that loss of red vibrant color to the red color around it.
So We did this several times.
There you can see the red blood cells simply moving on their own so you can see what it really looks like.
If your viewers have never seen red blood cells under a microscope, this is fundamental to answering the questions.
What happens to the blood if you add the vaccine to it?
And that's really what we looked at.
And then we looked under the microscope just at the Pfizer vaccine and just at normal saline and compared that.
And there aren't any little creatures in there.
There isn't any nanotechnology put in there.
there isn't any graphene.
There are crystals like this, you can see a lot of contaminant in this,
a lot of garbage in the Pfizer vaccines.
And we had five different vials that we looked at.
This is just one example of artifact and garbage and fibers that are present in the vaccine.
None of this meets industry accepted standards for ejecting this vaccine into a human being.
And the later images where we, yeah, That's a fiber that he's pointing out there and another
I mean, this should not be in the vaccine.
This is garbage.
This is unacceptable.
And for the FDA to say, we're happy with it, we've looked at it, it meets all of our expectations for a manufactured product.
This doesn't meet the qualifications for injecting this into anything on the planet, except possibly a rock.
Something that's already dead.
And then we looked at the normal saline, and you don't see this garbage.
You see what looks like a clean product, which is just the solution.
So, you know, we're left with the evidence before us, which is that when the Pfizer vaccine is added to blood, it takes away the ability of the blood to hold oxygen.
Now, the function of the red blood cells is twofold.
To carry oxygen out to the body, And to pick up garbage, waste products, carbon dioxide, and take it back to the lungs to be blown off.
So if the red blood cells are damaged so they can't carry oxygen, they're clearly not going to be able to carry carbon dioxide.
Once they're damaged like that, they're useless.
They're sticking around for 120 days on average, 90 to 120 days.
These red blood cells lose their ability to function to carry oxygen that's necessary for you to live.
And carry carbon dioxide to get it out of your body that's necessary for you to blow it off and you can see when you look at that why somebody would suddenly get so short of breath and have difficulty breathing and putting them on a ventilator isn't going to get oxygen to attach those red blood cells.
Those red blood cells are damaged and to do this to mass vaccinate people with a product like this is unconscionable.
Well, Dr. Fleming, this is just beyond bombshell.
Of all the insane COVID news we put out, dealing with the tentacles of it,
this is the most powerful and insane yet, and your findings are exactly what fits
with what it's been doing to people and what warnings they've had to put on it now.
So where do we go from here with the FDA saying this is the best things in sliced bread,
where a bunch of countries are banning it 'cause it's doing exactly what your findings show?
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I wanna just thank the listeners and the viewers and our affiliates and the incredible crew
who makes this broadcast so incredibly informative and powerful, and the crew that set up here late last night
and early this morning, working with myself and others to get Dr. Fleming's report out early this morning.
Matt and everybody else know who you are, just the best crew in the world.
And we're working 16 plus hours a day here because this is so historical.
Dr. Richard Fleming, again, is our guest.
This is a shorter segment, longer segments coming up.
But sir, this is just unbelievable.
And we know from previous studies of similar mRNA type drugs, they had caused similar blood clotting problems and liver failure and things.
And I know you're a multidisciplined doctor and scientist here, but Were you expecting something this radical?
Because I'm not a scientist like you, but a layperson, I would call it a chain reaction in the blood.
Almost like an enzyme level shift to watch the blood go from oxygenated red alive in the Petri dish or in the injector in a minute, turning unoxygenated dead brown.
We know sometimes it doesn't hurt people, sometimes they have convulsions and collapse right on the spot.
I mean, from all the mechanisms that we already know about with what's in these mRNA shots, to the best of your knowledge, what's happening here?
Yeah, so the best explanation that we have right now is that it's clearly just going in and damaging the hemoglobin.
I mean, that would be the fastest way in which you could force the oxygen to get off because the oxygen has a huge affinity for the hemoglobin.
Our speculation at this point in time is that something is going in and just ripping apart or damaging or changing the structure of the hemoglobin, making a completely useless red blood cell.
And, you know, those red blood cells, they're the only cells in the body that don't have a nucleus, so they're not replacing themselves there.
They're being made in the bone marrow.
They're out in your bloodstream for 90 to 120 days, and they're just becoming useless.
You know, I put the theory together in 1994 explaining all of this, this inflammatory response, but you're right.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be able to just look under a microscope and watch the process happen so rapidly.
I mean, that wasn't the expectation.
But what we wanted to do was to know what really happened when the vaccine hit the blood and we Very methodically.
Looked at the blood, made sure that people could see what the blood looked like, that it didn't change on its own, that the normal saline didn't change it, but the Pfizer vaccine immediately did that.
I mean, clearly what needs to be done here is for the FDA to do the job that they're supposed to be doing, which is to review what the drug does.
I mean, you can't Claim to be in charge of health and safety in the United States and guarantee products if you've got garbage like this in the vaccine that by itself, just the garbage would make it unconscionable to be injecting this into people.
But seeing what it does to the blood, I mean, this is the fundamental science that should be going on and you don't take other people's word for this.
You carry out the research yourself.
You know, that's how I was trained as a physicist and as a physician.
Which was to never take somebody else's word for it.
To carry out the job yourself and considering the number of people that are affected, the number of people that have been injured, the number of people that are dead, to not have carried this out is criminal.
It's criminal.
And, you know, we've been trying to explain for some time that this gain of function was going on that was clear from the research investigation that we were doing.
And just to watch Fauci and other people lie and for mainstream media to not take them to task is unacceptable.
We have a product that's being force-mandated to people.
So, you know, kudos to the fire personnel and the police officers that are going on strike in New York City and Los Angeles and other major cities around the country that are saying no.
And to everybody who's in those individuals, to anybody out there attacking anybody who has any doubts and questions and are trying to do the right thing for themselves and their family, And quite frankly for the viewers, because the viewers are the ones being protected by our military and our fire and our police and our EMS and our paramedics.
It's you that they're protecting and so for them to say we're not going to be vaccinated with something that doesn't show a benefit and we have concerns about this, this evidence looking under the microscope shows you what's going on.
The time for games is over.
At the time for mandates is over. You can't mandate. There's there's no
legitimate reason to mandate Injecting people with products that are garbage or damaging.
Well, you're absolutely right. Dr. Fleming and just to expand on that
We have Hillary Clinton and we have Noam Chomsky and we have all these leaders saying lock people in their houses
Kathleen Sebelius, don't give them food.
Noam Chomsky, if we don't take a Nuremberg violating experimental shot, and then they're calling us evil people that are going to infect others when all the studies are out, this destroys your immune system.
British studies, you're twice as likely to get COVID if you've had the shot.
Double-jabbed, or quote, getting diseases at record levels.
This quote, super cold, it's really ADE.
I mean, this is wild.
They clearly did this on purpose, and they're just trying to gaslight us, but I don't see it working.
And so God bless the firefighters and nurses and police and others that are saying no to this, because if they get this through on all of us, we're all done for.
Yeah, absolutely, you know, and it's very clear that, you know, these reports about HIV occurring in people, you know, you saw this in Australia and New Zealand when they first looked at it, and I warned originally up front that Xi Zeng Li was working on the same receptor on cells that I was in the 1990s that got the government all ticked off at me.
But that NIR5AC receptor is what the HIV glycoprotein 120 hooks into the cell to begin the process of going to the ACE2 receptor.
And by the way, I saw you talking about that 15, 16 months ago.
Now that's mainstream news.
Yeah, it's amazing.
You know, conspiracy becomes fact in what, six months is what they tell me?
Yes, sir.
Please continue.
No, I mean, the reality of this is that these people have been playing this game and you can see them start to throw each other under the bus.
I mean, it began with Redfield, then Collins let everybody know he was resigning, and then people at NIH turned around and said, yeah, we've been doing gain-of-function research.
The question is, who are they going to throw under the bus next?
Now, what they would like to do is to throw all of us under the bus, but we didn't do this.
We're the ones that are simply looking at the science or the data reporting it so that people are aware of it so people can
make informed intelligent decisions. You know informed consent that old
concept that in Nuremberg we drove home with which is that you don't do
research on people without them consenting to do that and these people decided
that they were going to take and run the game and play the table and they
were going to manipulate people and lock people down and they did a great
job. They isolated people from talking, they kept people from thinking, they
attacked the people that were exposing what they were doing but they've been
doing it for such a long time and enough intelligent people have coalesced
And right now, kudos, Dr. Kevin W. McCarran, because he was doing some of this over in Japan.
Dr. Luc Montagnier who's been looking at this in France and all the people in this country and around the world
who have been independently trying to get to the facts of this and to yourself, to everybody who's been involved
in the alternative media, I guess, let's call the alternative media
the mainstream media right now, because the mainstream media, just like the FDA,
Health and Human Services and the CDC have either been bought or paid off in some form
incompetent. That's right, Dr. Fleming stay there we're gonna be right back in a few minutes but absolutely.
I mean, I'm having like an anxiety attack just thinking about this.
I mean, this is so huge.
It's so confirmed.
The wheels are coming off.
There's this spectacle.
They're all being exposed.
The rats are leaving the sinking ship.
What comes next?
Dr. Richard Fleming is our guest right now.
And as negative as things have been, as bad as the global lockdowns that triggered 25
plus million people to starve to death in the last 20 months, according to the UN, as
bad as the millions of bad vaccine reactions and people getting sick and dying has been,
at least now, the wheels are starting to come off.
And when I just coldly Look at what's happening to Fauci and Peter Daszak and Bill Gates and the NIH and the documents that people released that they had on them.
Thousands of pages where they were at the lab saying, you won't gain a function because they knew it was illegal.
And Fauci uses the word gain of function in the emails we've shown them to you.
And he says, I want you to combine these four viruses.
And he lists the four that made COVID with the HIV delivery system.
And he mentions the protein and how to grow it.
And then there's emails of him saying in, what, in December of 2019, before this is even in the news that COVID's out there, to prepare the vaccines for the new viruses they'd made.
Then we have video of Peter Daszak in videos in the same December covering bases saying, oh yeah, we're merging viruses to make a super virus, to make a super vaccine.
So this is just so crazy to have this out in the open.
And then there's Dr. Richard Fleming, And he lists all this, and it's in the video in the report on Bandot Video, goes out and works with other scientists that are respected, to in a lab, with them all watching, getting the Pfizer mRNA concoction, it's not a vaccine, and injecting it, and within one minute it goes from oxygenated to brown, and then he tries to do it with other substances and it doesn't happen?
Anybody who knows blood, I mean it's hard to get it when it's out in the oxygen to change.
You'd be trying to clean blood up with cleaning solvent off the carpet and it doesn't turn to another color.
You're putting solvent on it.
So this is just crazy.
Anybody that knows about blood stains is, you can put them in a washing machine and put bleach in and it barely gets rid of it.
I mean, but this is instantly turning blood another color.
This is heavy, heavy, heavy.
So what were you thinking just as a layperson, not just as a doctor, Dr. Fleming, when you're mixing the blood with the shot, with the Pfizer concoction, with the Pfizer frankin essence, frankin juice, and you just see it start turning brown and the oxygen leaving the cells, what were you thinking when you saw that?
That the red blood cells are being damaged because you've never seen blood that's not red outside the body.
And the reason for that is that when the blood gets exposed to the air with oxygen, blood automatically turns red, even when it's bluer inside the body.
So when you draw it in a vein, some of the oxygen has been used up.
That's why the veins have that bluish color.
And immediately when the blood hits the air, it's oxygenated.
So this was oxygenated blood.
Constantly exposed to oxygen that no longer could hold on to its oxygen.
And this is, this is, you know, I know I keep using the legal term unconscionable because it simply means you can't justify this under any set of circumstances.
And these vaccines now, not only do we know that everything that we've been talking about with this inflammatory response since 1994 is valid, Not only does it verify, you know, our measurements that we do with Fleming Method to actually find treatments, but it also brings up a new liability issue for these vaccines because where the vaccines have been prevented because of vaccine laws.
This is a product liability suit.
This is strict liability.
Where a product that's made and injected into someone doesn't meet the standards of what the industry has with all this garbage in it.
This opens up a brand new series of lawsuits for attorneys all across the United States to go after Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen for strict liability products.
They're no longer protected under this vaccine lawsuit.
And I want to mention, you know, that going after these people Shouldn't just be an international criminal court, which we can thank the attorneys in the UK, McCallum and Mayne.
We can thank the Slovakia attorneys Weiss and Perisicova and Schmidt and the French attorneys Appelier and Cohen and the Czech Republic attorneys Nielsen.
I mean, these people went out of their way to put pressure on the ICC, which we are putting on them, along with the Nazi concentration camp survivors Brown Handler and Chirab.
They have all stepped forward, like you are, like we, you know, like McCarran and Montagnier and myself are, and lots of people around the world, to put these people back in the place.
That they belong.
The Japanese caught on to this.
You know, you're showing the heading there.
They're seeing garbage in the vaccine.
Well, that's where I was going next, and I had my mic up when I was telling them, and I should have had it off.
Hey, pull up Japan, but they were doing it.
Exactly backing up what you found under an electron microscope or under a microscope, what you found.
So that's even secondary that under the law and the regulations that you have on your site, you explain they're supposed to pull it with the level of particula that you found in it. That's a whole nother issue of the
same black metal and same black garbage that they found in Moderna and Pfizer shots in Japan. So
Japan is getting the same shots we're getting. They're just doing their job and actually looking
at it when people die to find out what's happening. Do we have any idea of what's in
there? The Japanese said it was a metal.
Yeah, well, you know, there's really, we saw crystals, we saw fiber particles, you know,
it's a matter of just how deeply you look at it as to what you're probably going to find.
But the reality is none of that garbage should have been in there.
So it doesn't matter, you know, which junk is in there, whether it's a manufacturing problem or a laziness problem or intentionally or accidentally put in there, it's still in there and they're supposed to be checking these products and this violates every rule of putting a product out there.
This is being injected into human beings.
And let's stop there again, doctor.
As you said a year and a half ago, though, that's why they skipped the regular approval process
and then lied a few months ago and said it's approved, yeah, in 2026.
Explain that to people.
Well, you know, they, there's evidence that looks like they kind of approved
all this stuff upfront long before any of this was known to anybody.
And Fauci knew back in 2007 that if he was going to develop a virus and release it, that the only way to prevent that virus from being spread would Based upon the 2007 National Science Foundation report, was to shut down international travel.
They did not want to shut down the spread of this virus.
They wanted a virus that would be spread around.
They wanted an opportunity to use these vaccines.
They wanted an opportunity to control doctors and prevent doctors from using... In fact, remember, Trump said shut down the flights early and they all said no.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
We have a politician who does just his gut instinct, where the head of the infectious disease for the United States, NIAID, should have been aware.
Look, one of three things happened.
Fauci was not aware of a study in his area that was paid for by the government in 2007, which doesn't bode well.
He was aware of it, but didn't bother to read it, which doesn't bode well.
Or he was aware of it, read it, and didn't understand it, which doesn't bode well.
It doesn't matter to me which one of the three you want to take.
He didn't do his job, and he actually stood there and disagreed with the President of the United States, which he's done a number of times.
So Doctor, let me ask you this.
Now that it's coming out that it did data function, now it's coming out that this shot is deadly, where does all this go next?
Yeah, well the obvious reality is, you know, what I'm calling for on the last slide is for A, the drug vaccines to stop immediately until the FDA and every other and Health and Human Services and anybody else involved can 1.
Explain the desaturation effect of these vaccines on the blood.
Explain the clotting And as I said in that last slide, don't take my word for it.
Anybody out there who's able to carry out this research should be carrying it out.
Mike Adams and I spoke yesterday.
the garbage contaminant and the strict liability problems that are going on
here. And as I said in that last slide, don't take my word for it. Anybody out
there who's able to carry out this research should be carrying it out. Mike
Adams and I spoke yesterday. He and I are going to work on carrying out further
studies in his lab in Austin. Anybody involved with this around the world
who's a serious scientist who wants the question, get a hold of these vaccines
Get a hold of blood.
Do it properly.
Let's start flooding the world with the information that people need to see because these vaccines, effective immediately, should no longer be injected into a human being until all of this can be resolved.
And anybody who continues to inject this is committing crimes against humanity and are experimenting on people.
And this is Nuremberg.
You're right.
This is Dr. Mingla, Part 2.
We'll be right back.
This is history, folks.
All right, you're tuned in to the last segment of the third hour.
We're going to go a little bit into the fourth hour with Dr. Richard Fleming.
Paul Watson's taking over.
And I just really want to ask Dr. Fleming to please come back on very soon and to please get on all our other shows and to please have all the listeners go to freeworldnews.tv.
That's the URL where our videos aren't getting censored right now.
It's just a mirror of Bandod video.
And get the emergency report he filed last night with us that we then got edited and boiled down.
It's medical bombshell Pfizer-Vax attacks human blood creating plots under microscope.
That's a very simple but very accurate headline, but it's worse than that.
It's also full of contaminants.
But I mean, this is a godsend though in that the enemy that did this,
who premeditatedly carried it all out, Dr. Fleming said at every level,
that lied about it, that suppressed treatments.
They're doing this for a power grab and a world ID and a world social credit score, they admit now.
They both said that two weeks ago.
And so, but they overreach and it's gonna be so obvious as Dr. Fleming just said,
when other scientists then duplicate this and see this, and when other labs do this,
they're not gonna be able to suppress this information.
People are gonna see what it does with blood and they're gonna see the other tests you did
with other things does nothing to blood.
And this then we have all the other studies and all the admissions, Dr. Fleming.
So all I can say is thank God you did this.
Why are you the first really accredited person to do it?
Because when I saw people saying there's hidden aliens and five-legged goblins in there, I said that's obviously disinfo to discredit us, just like you just said.
Of course, I could do that and have 20 million views and they wouldn't censor me if I put that out.
I also noticed Twitter and Facebook don't censor that, but they do try to censor you and other real scientists.
So this is coffin nails to their COVID narrative if it gets out, correct sir?
Oh, absolutely.
And remember, we've talked about this before.
The first people that Hitler put in concentration camps were the PhDs and the MDs.
Take us out of the play so that the only narrative that people have to listen to is what the government wants you to believe, and you've taken all the credibility out.
Frequently restores itself by by doing the right thing.
You know when Fauci said he's science that you can't imagine how I cringe on the inside with that because somebody who's done 53 years worth of research what I want to do is just scream No, you are not.
And so when I'm asking other scientists to go out there and do this, I'm not only saying verify what we've seen, I'm saying let's get out here and start to make science great again and restore our credibility that has been lost from what's been going on by this gain-of-function research and this manipulation and cover-up.
We have an obligation to go out there and say, wait a minute, science is real.
Science is not full of bad people.
There are some bad people in science because we sample from the human population, but we are accountable to ourselves.
It's not the non-scientists that are going to correct the scientific community.
It's not the non-physicians that are going to help with the medical community.
You know, physicians and scientists have been, you know, taking it on the chin forever.
Semmelweis lost his medical license and credibility for saying to wash hands in between babies.
And shortly after he died, and they started doing that, infant mortality in hospitals dropped by 50%.
Well, I mean, it was Copernicus and people and Galileo that got locked up in jail for the rest of their lives for saying that the Earth is not the center of the universe and that the planets orbit the Sun.
Right, that's exactly what happened to Galileo.
He got put under house arrest, not for saying that the Earth went around the Sun, but for saying, look, don't take my word for it.
Don't take the official word for it.
That's right.
He said, they moved.
They moved.
It was all points out.
They moved.
Yeah, he said you can look at the sun, you can look at the moon, you can look at the stars, and you can figure it out for yourself.
Well, that's the video of this blood is so powerful because you can see what happens in that short period of time.
You can see the blood cells move.
You can see the blood cells clot.
It's not me taking a static picture and then showing it to you.
You get to see it and you get to see us move around the microscope so it You're there to actually see it.
Everybody is intelligent enough to do this.
And while I'm mentioning, A, because I believe in crediting people, you've got an outstanding staff.
They worked very, very hard on this.
And B, I lived in Los Angeles, California for seven years and I tried to work on this out there and got nowhere.
I moved back to Texas.
Where I trained as a cardiologist and moved to Dallas and the people here have embraced what we've been doing, have been very supportive.
The people down in Austin, yourself and several other individuals have been very supportive.
Coming to Texas is an area where people actually embrace exposing the truth so that people know what's going on and can make intelligent decisions on their own.
They're not dumb.
They're not stupid.
They can handle the truth.
they're not going to get a PhD or an MD or a JD by listening,
but they can see what's going on.
And they have the intelligence and the common sense to put it together.
I was about to say, I don't have a degree as a coroner, but if I see somebody shoot somebody
with a 12 gauge shotgun and they flop over and die, I can reach down and say, there's no pulse, they're dead.
I know that bullets out of that shotgun, projectiles, killed them.
And I can watch statistically with people I know that take the vaccines, get really sick and die, and I can go look up the Varizon numbers and see it's happening.
So I can see what Galileo saw.
It moves.
People are moving.
They're dying.
We're seeing an effect.
Absolutely, and you can watch now as these bottom feeders are throwing each other under the bus so that they aren't the ones that are going to pay the ultimate penalty.
What I want right now, I want Americans to stand up, recognize what's going on, stop being vaccinated, don't attack people that have been vaccinated, recognize they thought they were doing the right thing, but support these individuals.
I want you to get a hold of your attorneys and have them start looking at strict liability lawsuits on these vaccines because the vaccines aren't protected under that.
And I want the Congress of the United States to indict, to investigate and indict Anthony Fauci and Collins and the rest of these people that were involved in this gain-of-function research and lied under oath To Congress, and I want the President of the United States to grow up and quit mandating things that are beyond his legal authority to do.
You can't mandate injecting people with something that has garbage in it, that takes this oxygen out of the blood, that causes the blood to coagulate, to clot, and get by with it.
This is illegal, it's unconstitutional, it's unethical, it's unscientific, it's unmedical.
Well, sir, you're first and foremost a cardiologist, and you, again, almost over a year and a half ago predicted all this.
Now it's all happened, and there's tens of thousands of other prominent scientists and doctors saying the same thing.
Now they've put advisories on these shots.
So they know this, and as you said earlier, they clearly premeditatedly did this.
How the hell did they ever think they'd get away with it?
A, then B, as the rats leave the sinking ship, what do you think they're going to try to pull to try to get out of this?
Because, I mean, I don't see them getting away with this right now if we keep pushing.
Yeah, I mean, that's the reality.
Everybody needs to keep pushing on this and to not give any leeway here.
Their attitude that, you know, if we can just get you to think about something else, the old squirrel phenomenon, you know, a distraction here, a distraction there, which is what they've been doing.
You know, if we stay on target and don't back down, these people are going to have to be held accountable.
You know, this is not a matter of allowing them to just leave office or to go without a retirement pay.
These people committed crimes against humanity.
They experimented on human beings.
They did it on a much more massive scale than Mengele and the Nazis did in Germany because they just did it on the people that were in their concentration camps.
These folks did it around the world and they prevented the shutdown of traffic that could have isolated the virus.
They knew that they were working on this.
They put a level 4 lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab, right smack dab in the middle of where people are and then they were dumb enough To actually send me two emails this year to ask me if, because of my physics, being a physicist, if I would be interested in considering a job at Fort Detrick for the investigation of viruses, of coronaviruses, funded by NIAID.
I mean, their brazenness just knows no limits.
But I think the American public have had enough, the people in the world have had enough, You can't look at all this information coming from other directions and say this isn't real.
This phenomenon is real.
It affects the blood.
Within a minute or two.
And it's just a matter of everybody's individual characteristics as to how badly they're going to be affected.
And let's not mince any words.
This isn't over.
If we stop vaccinating today, the long-term sequelae of what's happening from these vaccines that are making spike proteins that we know get into the brain not only causes inflammation and blood clotting, this inflammatory response, but have been shown to cause prion disease in animals.
We are a long way from being over on this and the harm and the damage, they don't get
to buy their way out of this.
We're talking about criminal charges on people that have been doing this for decades and
thought nothing about doing this to other human beings.
That's right, they've gotten away with so many things.
Fauci testing on young black children, with experimental stuff that killed them, and just experimenting on the dogs and everything.
It's a repeat of that.
Your full report is at Band.Video.
Medical bombshell Pfizer, Vax attacks human blood, creating clots under microscope.
It's up to you listeners to get that out and circumvent it.
Circumvent the censorships.
Circumvent the censors.
It's up to you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
They're just full of young women like this one, who's in the hospital, has blood clots, after her job made her take the shot, 19 years old.
And there are just thousands of these.
But what happens is they get taken down.
Like the young man that was on the golf team in great shape had the heart attack.
Yeah, you're right.
Your doctors did say it caused a heart attack, but you're scaring people.
We're going to remove you from Instagram with your 5 million viewers.
They actually said that in Yahoo News.
The UN decided.
The UN looked at what he did, and the UN's in charge.
And now the UN's telling Texas we can't produce as much oil.
Who died and made the UN boss?
This is global corporate government.
All right, Dr. Richard Fleming, this is the most important discovery so far, proving what's happening here.
And that's why they, of course, skipped the testing, because they knew exactly what they were doing, obviously.
They thought they'd get away with it.
They're obviously not.
In the few minutes we have left, what else would you like to add, or what bookend would you like to put on this historic interview?
Well, I just think it's very important for people to realize that even though they're probably listening to this information and feeling overwhelmed, that it's this knowledge that takes back control of our lives, not Having that knowledge doesn't take it away from us.
That information was there.
We simply found it and now make it available for you.
And I hear from people every day, how do I explain to somebody who tells me that I need to take the vaccine, that I'm wrong for not being vaccinated, that I'm posing a threat to people?
You know, above and beyond all the things that we've done before, which is to show that the vaccines don't statistically reduce COVID or deaths.
Apart from the fact that, you know, we've shown that vaccines don't prevent you from getting infected or transmitting infections.
Apart from the fact that, you know, after 22 months, if you haven't figured out that probably everybody's been exposed to the virus from person to person, and it's the vaccines that are ramping up the problem by exposing billions of spike proteins into people.
And now seeing what it really does when it gets injected into your body, which raises a level so much more about the importance of not having people get vaccinated and wondering about concerns with shedding.
You know, we have been flipped upside down.
doing everything backwards, isolating healthy people, quarantining healthy people,
not giving medications to people when they need it, allowing the virus to spread from country to country
when we could have shut it down, manipulating a system so that we rushed out vaccines
that were already in the pipelines being worked on, that they knew that they were gonna do,
that you referred to earlier, where they'd gone through this,
where they went through event 201, the same type of thing that I was trained in
as a Kennedy kid that started my education so early in life,
which is to run the scenarios of determining who lives and who dies when not everybody can live
and who's valuable and who's non-valuable.
This is nothing more than bringing you the information for you to see the blood actually change,
the blood lose its color, the blood clot, the garbage under the microscope with the vaccine
so that you can look at other people with confidence and say, here's the images of the results.
And then to look at the rest of the scientific community Here's the images of the results.
And then to look at the rest of the scientific community and say we have been basically rolled over
by a steamroller in science, while this guy in Washington, D.C., Fauci and the others
claim that there is science and lose credibility to the general public.
That the scientific journals have lost credibility by publishing garbage from DASAC and the rest,
that's why I resigned from Lancet and--
So you're right, the real scientific community must stand up and save humanity again.
And everybody's gotta spread your word and your video at freeworldnews.tv.
Thank you so much, Dr. Fleming.
Please join us again very soon with updates.
God bless.
Thank you.
Well, folks, that's a powerful presentation.
Medical bombshell.
Pfizer-Vax attacks human blood, creating clots under microscope.
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All right, Paul Joseph Watson from London, England, loaded for bear, takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
And then Owen Schroyer and the War Room, 3 p.m.
Hello, everyone, and we are back with another edition of the Summit News Hour.
And basically, we've been proven right once again.
The alarmism, the fear mongering, the drumbeat, the hysteria, the propaganda for a new lockdown, or at least the introduction of reintroduction of COVID restrictions, mask mandates, social distancing in the United Kingdom has been raging for the past week.
And yeah, what is happening is exactly what we predicted would happen.
The spike in cases that the media, that the public health technocrats seized upon to try and justify the reintroduction of pointless hysterical mask mandates has been proven to be a falsehood once again.
Last week we said that the spiking cases, which by the way there was a bigger spike in cases on the penultimate day of the previous restrictions when they were still in place and had been for the previous 10 months.
That's the last time Covid cases were the highest in the UK after we've been forced to wear masks for 10 months because masks work really well.
We predicted Based on the modelling, based on the fact that 50% of Covid cases in the United Kingdom were as a result of children returning to school and being mass-tested, university students returning to their academic years being mass-tested, and that those cases would quickly start to plummet.
Yesterday we had this headline up on summit.news After clamour for new restrictions, modelling says Covid cases set to plummet in UK.
And of course this modelling was quietly released a week after the drumbeat of media fearmongering and alarmism, when they pointed to the high cases and failed to mention the fact that their own modelling suggested that the cases were about to fall.
After a week-long campaign of historical fearmongering, During which the media and public technocrats lobbied for new restrictions, scientific modelling reveals Covid cases in the UK are actually set to plummet.
And what have you seen over the past four days?
And indeed, what have you seen once again today?
Daily Mail reports UK's daily Covid cases fall for third day in a row, and they're still calling for restrictions.
It says daily Covid cases across the UK have fallen for the third day in a row and hospital admissions have plateaued.
Official data shows all they will be devastated.
All the screeching maniacs on Twitter wanting new mask mandates, waiting there day by day, secretly wishing for the cases to go up because they're nice people, they really care about you.
They're in the mud.
They're devastated because now they're beginning to fall once again.
Because the kids are on half-term break and they're not testing them all.
The Department of Health said there were 40,954 new infections in the past 24 hours.
That's a 6% fall on the figure last Tuesday.
And that even includes three days worth of data from Wales because of a technical glitch that wasn't included in the previous three days.
So the week-on-week drop is likely to be even greater.
Infections have been on the decline since Sunday following an 18-day surge.
Notice how the media buries this drastic fall in cases at the back of the newspaper or way down the fold on the website, having fear-mongered about out-of-control cases for the best part of the past week.
More bad news for mask freaks.
Again from the Daily Mail, will Britain be back to normal life by January?
Top government advisor hints number 10 could drop mass testing at the start of 2021.
Again, they will be devastated.
Britain's mass coronavirus testing programme could be abandoned in the new year, one of the government's experts hinted today.
This is Lucy Chappell, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Health.
We told MPs that they were committed to the routine asymptomatic swabbing scheme until the end of 2021 only and that beyond January they are going to drop the mass testing, meaning we're not going to get those alarmist headlines in the media every single day when the cases tick up, for example when the kids go back to school.
And in fact the government's own modelling that was released yesterday Showed that the cases are going to drop to 5,000 or fewer by Christmas, basically non-existent whatsoever.
In fact, I think it was Christopher Snowden who tweeted earlier today, and I retweeted it.
He retweeted the graph on which all this hysteria is based on, the excess deaths in the UK month by month.
And if you look at that graph, His tweet says new mortality stats from the ONS are out.
This is Christopher Snowden on Twitter.
He points out the graph and you see the green bars representing the total unrelated COVID deaths in the United Kingdom day by day.
And then when you add on the COVID deaths, it's literally I'd say 5% of the total deaths in the United Kingdom, we have deaths from heart disease, from strokes, from cancers, from accidents every single day.
Vastly, vastly outnumbering, even at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the actual deaths from coronavirus.
But according to the media and the public health technocrats, because of this tiny 5% extra in excess deaths in the United Kingdom, the NHS is going to be overwhelmed.
We're going to have, you know, Gurneys in the corridors of hospitals, coffins, funeral homes are going to be overflowing.
It's all based on complete hysteria.
Based on the premise that as a culture we can't handle death, we can't handle the very idea that yes, people die.
They die of numerable conditions, including untreated cancers and all these other serious illnesses which have drastically worsened since the coronavirus pandemic started.
So despite the drop in cases that we predicted all along, we still have these polls being released, yet another one today from YouGov.
Dubious YouGov poll says vast majority of Brits support Covid restrictions.
Again, this is YouGov, which by the way, as Majid Nawaz points out in this article with his tweet, was founded by former vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi.
YouGov, this polling agency, is also now, currently, its major shareholder is BlackRock.
BlackRock is a transnational investment firm which, according to the New Republic, was, quote, having a very good pandemic by casting itself as socially responsible.
Last year, the BlackRock CEO, the investment firm that basically owns YouGov, said that Americans should wear face masks if they wish to see an economic recovery.
So this investment firm has everything invested in supporting COVID restrictions, supporting lockdowns.
It's the major shareholder of the UK's primary polling firm, which continually comes out with these alarmist polls saying that the vast majority of Brits support mask mandates.
And they came out with one today.
Saying that 81% of the public support mandatory masks on public transport, 76% support the same rule in shops, and 67% want mandatory social distancing in pubs and restaurants.
Now, I live in London, the capital city of England.
81% of people aren't wearing masks on public transport, okay?
About 10% of people, I'd say, were wearing masks outdoors.
Public transport is about 40-60.
Masks in shops, I'd say that was about 50%.
So the people who are answering these poll surveys saying, oh yes, we should force 81% say we should force people to wear masks on public transport.
They're not wearing masks on public transport, a large proportion of the respondents to this poll.
67% support social distancing in pubs.
There's no social distancing in pubs whatsoever.
There hasn't been for months since they had that ridiculous rule where you could only sit with five other people and you couldn't even leave the table without putting your face mask on.
Which, by the way, was when we had the record COVID cases.
What a coincidence that is.
Nobody's social distancing in pubs.
So when they ask the public and they say 67% of the public wants social distancing in pubs, only about 10% of the public is actually doing that.
These polls are completely skewed.
They're phoning up old people with home phones who are permanently terrified, locked inside.
And they're getting the right answers, the responsible answers that people think they need to give to the pollsters, when in reality, by their own metric of behaviour, they're not wearing masks in shops, they're not wearing masks on public transport, they're not social distancing in pubs.
These polls are meant to lead public opinion, manipulate public opinion, not measure public opinion.
We'll be back, don't go away.
We're back!
And let's round up the news from Britbong land regarding the imminent or attempted imminent re-imposition of Covid restrictions which as these cases are falling doesn't look like the lockdown zealots are going to have the political capital to carry through but we've seen it before where the government's promised not to reintroduce lockdowns, promised not to introduce vaccine passports and they've gone ahead and done it on some level.
On the issue of vaccine passports of course last week in Ireland Where you have to present a vaccine passport to get into a coffee shop or a pub.
They announced that people entering nightclubs in Ireland, having delayed the lifting of restrictions, would not only have to present a vaccine passport.
The option, of course, of providing a negative Covid test is completely removed, despite the fact that the vaccinated can carry and transmit the virus.
You know who can't transmit the virus is people who don't have the virus, but they're not allowed into the nightclub.
If you get into the nightclub, though, you will have to wear a mask.
But apart from when you're eating, drinking or dancing, because apparently COVID-19 virus has developed some kind of artificial intelligence where it knows when you're dancing, when you're rubbing up against two dozen other sweaty people in close proximity.
Don't have to wear a mask then, that's COVID safe.
But as soon as you start to leave the dance floor and walk either to the bathroom or to the bar to buy a drink, then COVID knows that you've stopped dancing.
You have to put the mask back on because that behavior is not COVID safe.
And if you think that makes no sense, it's because that's precisely the case.
It's not meant to make sense.
It's about forcing you to humiliate yourselves and basically comply with anything.
There was a government study, by the way, Just to touch on this, last week, Deleted Government Report celebrates how public loves to conform.
And again, they're expressing their disbelief, basically, at the fact how quickly the public, the general public in Britain, complied with these demands during the first lockdown.
Of course, we had Professor Pantsdown, Neil Ferguson, express shock that they could implement the same policies that the Communist Chinese government did and get away with it.
Well, now this leaked government report, which they hastily deleted within hours of it going up, said they created a population with a quote, deep set reverence for authority and a quote, powerful tendency to conform.
This behavior, they noted, didn't really exist, or at least they thought it didn't exist to anywhere near that degree within the British public before this mass hysteria campaign that carried the first lockdown and all the lockdowns after that.
So you have the government expressing shock at how compliant...
The British population has been.
We know why they became so compliant because the government literally teamed up with behavioural psychologists who weaponised behavioural psychology to exaggerate the threat posed by Covid, their words not mine, and use quote totalitarian and unethical methods of brainwashing to instil fear into the population again by exaggerating the threat posed by Covid.
There was a poll done last August 2020, which found that the average Brit thought 100 times more people than had actually died, died from COVID.
That's how effective this quote, totalitarian behavioral psychology brainwashing was.
And it's turned a vast majority of British population into spineless cowards.
Which is why you will get polls which show a vast majority of them still support mask mandates, even though I think those numbers are inflated.
There is still a huge chunk of the British public who have been terrified into total obedience and submission, and will be for years to come.
The disastrous consequences of that will prolong for years and years to come, as will the economic impacts Reimposing COVID restrictions would cost UK up to £18 billion.
Headline out of Summit News.
Boris Johnson has been warned that any move to reimpose COVID restrictions would last until at least March 2022 and could cost the economy up to £18 billion.
Again, lost jobs.
I'm not going in any premise, any business, any bar, restaurant that enforces mask mandates ever again.
And there are millions of people in Britain who will behave the same.
And so that industry will go out of business.
They tried to get it through in Scotland.
It's been a, quote, unmitigated disaster.
They're having fights with people trying to get into the nightclubs.
The technology keeps crashing.
It's been a total cluster F. Now we have this headline.
Leaked government report finds vaccine passports could actually increase spread of COVID.
A leaked government report found vaccine passports could actually exacerbate the spread of COVID because they would encourage people to visit smaller, more poorly ventilated venues.
Again, you're going to have a hard court.
...of people in the United Kingdom, in Ireland, in Wales, where they got that dodgy vote through because one MP couldn't vote properly, who will simply refuse to patronise these venues, these pubs, clubs, businesses.
They'll go out of business.
Their operating profit margin is 15%.
You take away even 5% of that, they go out of business.
It's completely unsustainable.
And yet they're still trying to get these measures re-imposed.
Meanwhile in Denmark, Denmark reports highest infection rate since May despite 75% of population being fully vaccinated.
Oh gee, what could be happening here?
This divides the vaccine completely useless.
Remember Gibraltar?
99% of the population vaccinated about a month ago.
They had the highest Covid infection rate ever.
That's not a pandemic of the unvaccinated, is it, if 99% of your population is vaccinated and you record the highest number of Covid cases ever?
Can't blame that on the unjabbed, can they?
Now, Denmark has reported its highest Covid-19 caseload since May, despite the fact that over 75% of the population is fully vaccinated.
A total of 1,349 people in Scandinavian country tested positive over the last 24 hours.
The country's virus reproduction number has also jumped to 2.01, which is the highest level since January, which is when they started to roll out the vaccine.
Highest case toll since May, highest virus reproduction number since January.
Roskilde University epidemiologist Vigo Andreasen told TV2, These figures are not a disaster, but if they continue to rise, it points in the direction that we must do something.
And that something is booster shots until kingdom come.
Meanwhile, Austria threatens a new lockdown for the unvaccinated.
Yes, they're actually going ahead with it.
Austria is threatening to impose a new lockdown on its citizens, but this time around it will only apply to the unvaccinated.
They've got 65% of their population fully vaccinated, and yet they're experiencing another Covid spike.
So they basically said if the ICU occupation beds jumps from its current level, which is 220, to 500, vaccine passports will be reintroduced because they worked so well the first time, meaning the unvaccinated will be barred from entering venues such as restaurants and hotels.
Then if the ICU number rises to 600, or one-third of total ICU capacity, The government will force the unvaccinated to self-isolate at home indefinitely, allowing them to leave only for essential reasons.
We saw the New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern yesterday come out and say, yeah, admit it brazenly, they're creating a two-tier society, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, and they're now openly going to discriminate Against the unvaccinated.
Despite the fact that over half of the minority Maori population in New Zealand is unvaccinated.
So how ironic is it they're introducing the same discrimination and segregation laws which will primarily affect this racial minority.
The same segregation and discrimination laws that were so abhorrent that were obliterated and abolished in the 1950s in New Zealand.
Those same rules are coming back and they're going to impact the Maori population once again.
Well it talks about the creation of a two-tier society, open discrimination against what is now in many countries an oppressed minority, the unvaccinated, not only being treated As walking biological hazards, even as domestic terrorists in some countries now.
Well, in New Zealand, the Prime Minister a couple of days ago openly announced with glee and lip-smacking satisfaction on her face that that's precisely what they had done, created a two-tier society, the jabbed and the jabbed not.
And here's an analysis of her comments.
Let's roll it.
You've probably seen the clip by now.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern relishing the fact that her new Covid traffic light system will create an oppressed underclass in society.
So you basically said this is going to be like, well it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, the two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so yep.
Under the new system, when cases rise, the unvaccinated will face lockdowns and restrictions that the rest of the population can ignore altogether.
Actually, what has become clear to me is that they're not just a tool to drive up vaccines.
They're a tool for confidence.
Yeah, so confident you're all walking around fully vaccinated and still wearing three face masks.
Two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated, you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is.
So, yep.
Let's be clear.
By its very definition, this is medical apartheid.
Two classes of people under two different sets of laws in the same country.
One, an oppressed minority that is now being overtly discriminated against by the state.
That's not a free country anymore, that's institutionalised segregation.
If that was abhorrent in South Africa, why is it acceptable now?
New Zealand's Maori population was subjected to similar segregation and discrimination up until the 50s.
If that was a disgrace, why should it be acceptable now?
And in fact, fewer than half of Maoris in New Zealand are fully vaccinated, meaning they're going to take the brunt of the discrimination.
And I can see what's coming in New Zealand, probably Australia too.
People in America are already being denied life-saving organ transplants.
So don't be surprised to see Jacinda announce that the unvaccinated will be denied hospital treatment.
And the look on her face when she does it will be one of barely contained sadistic glee.
Look, if you're so confident in your vaccine, explain to people why it's so important and why the side effects are so rare.
Don't just threaten to banish people from society while wearing a shit-eating, tyrannical grin.
Because that's not a very good way to get people on side, is it?
It's not even the fact that she's the face for all this despotism.
It's that lip-smacking satisfaction that she seems to get from announcing it.
Like she's savouring some fine meal or expensive glass of wine.
That is what it is, so, yep.
It's also that fake, smiley, passive-aggressive, contrived self-righteousness that characterizes her rhetoric.
Like when she threatened to hold Kiwis and their entire families in quarantine facilities if they didn't get the jab.
What do we do if someone refuses to be tasted?
We can't now.
If someone refuses in our facilities to be tested, they have to keep staying.
So they won't be able to leave after 14 days, they have to stay on for another 14 days.
So it's a pretty good incentive.
You either get your tests done and make sure you're cleared, or we will keep you in a facility longer.
We will keep you in a facility.
Is it just me or is there something about her that really creeps you out?
People forget New Zealand was rapidly becoming a police state before the pandemic.
Police were paying people home visits to ask about their support for Trump in early 2019.
Kiwis were threatened with five years in prison for not handing in firearms after Jacinda sat about on a massive gun grab.
Suffice to say the daughter of a police officer and the former head of the International Socialist Youth ...is adored and revered by her fellow globalists, and boy does she appear to cherish the role.
Given that the Bond franchise is seeking to increase its diversity in offering more roles to women, may I suggest Jacinda Ardern as the perfect template for their next top villain?
There you have it.
I'm going to move on to some culture war news now and play this next video because I'm going to come back after and talk about the latest on the Take A Knee controversy.
They're forcing another sports team to take a knee against their own wishes.
First though, it is still Black History Month and the United Kingdom has been broadcasting on its major TV stations a bunch of programmes about black celebrities trying to find their roots and with a specific focus on Their ancestors being trafficked in slavery and then that was used again to make the white viewers feel guilty.
But it's already backfired spectacularly a couple of times.
And this is yet another example.
This is Black Celebrity Finds Out Her Ancestor Was a White Slave Owner.
Let's roll the clip.
Another TV diversity darling has uncovered some awkward news.
Her five times great grandfather was white and owned slaves.
Well, that wasn't supposed to happen.
TV networks in the UK are marking Black History Month by having black celebrities uncover the history of their ancestors.
But the discoveries aren't exactly playing into their planned narrative.
As I covered last week, BBC diversity hire Alex Scott cried after finding out her four times great-grandfather owned 26 slaves in Jamaica.
He was black, again emphasising how black tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery, but now in the space of a single week it's happened again.
TV presenter Charlene White, a funny surname given the circumstances, appeared on ITV's documentary Empire's Child.
The appearance was a Diane has discovered a man named John Stanbury and he was registered as the owner of slaves.
by evil Whitey.
And then for the TV show to make White viewers feel guilty about it.
Turns out White's ancestors were sold into slavery by their own father.
Diane has discovered a man named John Stambury and he was registered as the owner of slaves.
So John Stambury was White?
Yes, he was.
John Stambury was my great great great great great grandfather.
Well this is strange.
Oops, narrative fail.
So Scott's ancestor was black, he owned slaves.
White's ancestor was white, he owned slaves.
And that's the point.
Every culture, creed and ethnicity throughout history owned slaves.
Yet for some For some bizarre reason, history only teaches kids that it was all whitey's fault, even though white Europeans literally risked their own lives to travel to Africa and free the slaves, and Britain was the first nation on the planet to legally abolish slavery, and modern slavery still exists in brown and black countries.
It's all our fault.
Colonialism bad.
Old white men bad.
Now let's tear down some statues and gimme dat reparations.
Now, in the latest perpetual effort to make white people feel guilty for things which they never did, South African cricket players ordered to take a knee before T20 World Cup.
South African cricket players have been ordered to take a knee before their team's T20 World Cup matches.
Basically because some of them didn't do it, so now they're enforcing it and saying it's mandatory.
Cricket South Africa issued the directive after some of the players refused to perform the pro BLM virtue signalling gesture before a match against Australia.
What's interesting about this is that we've had this debate in the United Kingdom, should footballers take a knee?
With the advocates for that position claiming, oh, it's got nothing to do with BLM.
It's nothing political.
It's not a political gesture.
It's just a generic anti-racism stance.
Well, in this announcement by the CSA, this official cricket board of South Africa, it said it was enforcing the order due to, quote, the lack of support for the initiative.
And they named it as a BLM initiative.
So no, it's not just a generic anti-racism gesture.
It's a deliberate show of support for this violent extremist hate group called Black Lives Matter.
Now, some of the players complained.
They refused to take a knee because the gesture was, quote, against their religious beliefs and against what anything that a good Christian man only takes a knee for two people, his wife and his God.
So even though they're literally saying it's against their religious beliefs, they only take a knee for their wives or for God, they're being forced to do it anyway, or presumably they'll be kicked out of the tournament altogether.
An update on this story though, Quinton did not South Africa cricketer misses T20 World Cup game against West Indies after refusing to take the knee.
He's withdrawn from their T20 World Cup match after refusing to perform the gesture.
So at least one of the South African cricketers is actually standing up for their beliefs.
Maybe if more do the same, they'll have to leave the squad.
The tournament itself will be completely upended, and this ridiculous, empty, virtue-signalling, gesturing, farce, performative nonsense will be rolled back yet again.
We'll be back for the final segment.
Summit.News, don't go away.
I'm going to come back after this final video and hit some final news stories, including how a study in Italy has found that the five most dangerous cities in Italy are all governed by leftists.
What a surprise that is.
And I'm going to talk about why climate activists in the UK who keep gluing their faces to the road, blocking traffic, causing accidents, are shocked that they're not getting arrested and put in prison.
Gee, I wonder why that is.
I'm going to come back and explain that.
But first, furthering from our previous segment where we had the Prime Minister of New Zealand talking about how she's Proudly creating a new form of segregation and openly discriminating against the unvaccinated, we have Nigel Farage here talking about the true consequences of what such a policy entails.
In this video, the jabbed and the jabbed not, here it is.
We hear so much these days about division in society.
Well let me tell you about a new division that is emerging and one that I think is really worrying and perhaps even a touch sinister.
The Western world is about to divide into the jabbed and the jabbed nots.
I'm not joking.
Just think about what New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in an interview just yesterday.
Have a look at this clip.
So you basically said this is going to be like, well it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, there's two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so yep.
So she confirms it.
There will be two classes of citizen in New Zealand.
Those able to go about their normal lives and their business, the jabbed.
But the jabbed nots will be complete, total outcasts.
She even suggests That those that have had the jab will not wish to mix with those that haven't had the jab.
As if the unjabbed are to become the modern day social lepers.
It's incredible.
But let's come to Europe.
The new Chancellor of Austria, Schellenberg, he is now seriously considering locking down.
Locking down.
Forcing people to stay in their houses if they're unjabbed.
This only happens if case numbers rise, which could easily happen.
But can you imagine that?
One group of the population fought to stay at home, the other part of the population allowed to go to work.
One group have been jabbed, one group haven't been jabbed.
And I'll come in a minute to why this doesn't actually make any sense.
Already we've seen in Scotland the idea of passports for those that have had the jab to get into night-time venues and nightclubs.
Complete unmitigated disaster.
Footfall down 40% over the weekend.
And of course, you know, aggro on the doors of clubs if people can't prove they've got the passport.
And now we're having a debate in this country.
Already In the care sector, they've been told that by next month, unless they've had the jab, they will not have a job.
And 30,000 so far have refused to do so.
Now we have Sajid Javid, our new Health Secretary, saying he is leaning heavily towards, which means he's made his mind up, that everybody in the NHS must have the jab if they're to continue in their job.
Now that makes no sense because half of them work in admin in offices and never actually ever go and meet a patient.
But here's the real thing.
If I thought that an elderly relative of mine in a care home or in a hospital If I thought they were at much greater risk of contracting this horrible virus from somebody who'd not had the jab, I might think differently and I fully and absolutely accept that.
But Boris Johnson himself this week has said That having the jab doesn't stop you catching the virus and doesn't stop you spreading the virus.
Now, I think it was one of those Boris-isms where he just, you know, speaks out, says what he really thinks, and then they do their best to bury it.
There is no evidence.
That having the jab stops you spreading the illness.
There is evidence, and strong evidence, that having the jab, if you then catch the virus, means your chances of being hospitalised, your chances of being less ill, improve massively.
And look, I've had the double jab.
No question about it.
I'm 57.
I've smoked for a number of years.
To me, it makes absolute sense.
And I'm completely convinced by the evidence that those with the jab get less ill.
I'm not fighting, you know, against having jabs done.
I'm just saying that I respect the rights of those who don't wish for whatever reason to have the jab, for them to be classed as jab nuts, to find themselves, whether it's in terms of work, I repeat my point.
If having the jab meant you couldn't contract and carry the virus, then I might begin to understand why politicians want to crack down as hard as they do.
All I see is that in the name of the pandemic, central government getting bigger, central government getting more powerful, and our liberties being seriously eroded.
I don't want to live in a two-tier society.
I don't want to live in a society where those who for reasons of conscience or belief don't choose to be jabbed being effectively social outclassed.
I think the whole thing is completely and utterly loathsome but I can see with what Sajid Javid has said we could be heading in that direction.
Boris Johnson, our PM, despite that outburst of honesty when he spoke about the virus, says he doesn't want us to introduce passports for this kind of thing.
Well, all the way through this pandemic, from the very beginning, the British Prime Minister has promised he wouldn't do things because he believes in civil liberties, apparently, and then he does them.
And I want all of us To keep as much pressure on our MPs, on our lawmakers at all levels, to say we do not want to live in a two-tier society.
That would be real divide.
That would lead to unrest.
That would be wholly undesirable.
That was Nigel Farage.
Moving on, because we've only got a few minutes left.
RT reports YouTube temporarily deletes prominent leftist news channel Navarra Media, triggering outcry.
And oh my god, was there an outcry.
YouTube wiped Navarra Media, a left-wing news and commentary channel, from its platform before reversing the move shortly afterwards.
Conservatives already used to big tech censorship, we're not surprised.
And therein lies the problem.
This left-wing news channel was deleted for whatever reason, I don't know, on a technicality, a copyright issue, whatever.
Within an hour of it being deleted, you had 10 prominent Labour MPs demanding that Google, YouTube reinstate this channel.
But above and beyond that, you had Conservatives saying, oh this is shocking, this needs to be restored immediately, where for free speech across the board, If your YouTube channel, if my YouTube channel got deleted, these people wouldn't be defending your free speech.
They'd be celebrating it.
In fact, they're the ones that lobby for big tech to censor conservatives.
The guy that runs this Novara Media released a video, and it's screenshotted in this RT article, time to ban Trump before he was banned by big tech.
Ash Sarkar, who is part of this Novara Media, said, It's not about council culture, it's about social justice.
One of the other guys involved in Novara Media, which was banned for about two hours before it was immediately restored, He said, whether or not you agree with what we publish, it shouldn't be of the whim of giant tech companies to delete us overnight with no explanation.
Oh, but I was told YouTube's a private company.
It can do what it likes.
Oh, only when it applies to Conservatives.
When it applies to left-wing news outlets, there's a bedlam.
There's an outcry.
Labour MPs immediately intervene.
It gets restored within two hours.
This is what the same guy who's part of this media outlet said previously back in June 2020, after having said that big tech shouldn't have the right to deplatform people.
He said, quote, it's not censorship when a private company decides to remove you from its platform.
You don't have an inalienable right to a Twitter account.
So on the one hand he's saying big tech shouldn't have the right to deplatform people, then he's saying that private companies should have the right to deplatform people.
Isn't it interesting that those rules only apply to right-wing conservative channels?
You expected the reaction from the left to get this channel restored almost immediately, and it was, which would never happen for anyone on the right.
But then you had all these right-wingers, these conservatives, going to bat for them and saying, oh my god, this is horrendous.
They would cheerlead until their last breath for you to be banned.
Not only would they celebrate it, they would lobby for it.
So why on earth would you go to bat for them?
Another example of weakness and pathetic failure and losing mentality.
Meanwhile, Climate change activists pushing establishment narrative wonder why they're not in prison.
Well, the answer's in the headline, isn't it?
Climate change activists from Extinction Rebellion, which is Extinction Establishment, who are actually furthering the establishment narrative on Climate Change Express shot that they weren't in prison despite blocking major roads, causing major accidents, gluing their faces to the tarmac.
The police treat them like they're giving them customer service.
The government pat them on the back.
The government enact all the policies that they're demanding.
They are the environmentalist, eco-mentalist shock troops for the government.
So it's no surprise that they don't get arrested, that they don't get put in prison, and now they're openly expressing surprise about it as if we don't know what it is.
I was going to wrap it up.
War Room next.
Keep it locked in.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroeder.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
On December 23rd, 2021, we are coming up on the 108th anniversary of the Federal Reserve.
And it's as federal as Federal Express or Federal Ammunition or Federal Cleaners.
It's not federal.
It's owned by a consortium of private banking families.
The last numbers we got about 100 years ago is that 80 plus percent of the stock is owned
by a handful of European families, including the British Royal family.
So in 1913, we see the beginning of the foreign corporate takeover of America.
And if you fast forward now 108 years, come up about a month and a half, to the 108th anniversary, we have the private central banks of the world, through the Davos Group and the UN that the Rockefellers set up, announcing that they are going to get rid of the dollar and all the major world currencies.
Before they do it, they're going to devalue it down to nothing to impoverish and enslave the people.
But they have the first use of the money to buy up real companies, to buy up real patents, farmland, infrastructure, you name it, to have total, absolute control.
That's why we're seeing such massive supply chain breakdowns around the world, because they admit they're also deliberately cutting that off to bankrupt small businesses.
They're now admitting that they're going to add a carbon tax to the vaccine passport apps The UN has now declared as the world system that the new world currency will be based on carbon taxes that even control where you can go and what you can do.
This is all official.
This isn't coming.
It's on the drawing boards anymore.
It was announced just last week in mid-October 2021.
Ladies and gentlemen, That's why they're censoring everybody off the internet that knows the truth.
That's why they're trying to silence even Senator Paul when he gets up and gives important speeches in the Senate.
It's because this is the final takeover of America.
Not just our banking, not just our dollar, but of our very lives with a tracker system that's on these surveillance platform phones.
To track and trace and control everything we do.
That's why it's more important than ever for InfoWars to stay on the air.
And for you to spread the word about InfoWars because we were born for this time.
You were born for this time.
Yes, things are scary, but we've never seen such a great awakening at this level.
It is massive.
So the minds out there are fertile and they're ready for the truth.
So please share the videos and the articles at Infowars.com and Bandot Video.
And please financially support Infowars by getting great products that you and your family
already need.
Like BODY'S Ultimate Turmeric Formula 95% Curcuminoid, one of our most popular products.
So good for your joints.
So good for your immune system.
So good for inflammation.
The strongest formula we know of out there.
There may be one stronger.
We don't know about it.
This is over the top strong.
95% Humanoid.
And notice, it's got a white top.
We haven't been able to get black tops for over a year.
This is the second run now with the white top.
Just an example of the major supply chain breakdowns.
But people can survive with white tops instead of black tops.
But people aren't going to be as healthy without access to things like this turmeric that is so essential that God literally gave us through Mother Nature.
So, get your turmeric back in stock if you're being sold out for four or five months because of supply chain problems at 40% off at InfoWareStore.com.
So we're cutting this on October 19th, and we're going to be able to run it for at least a week, but then it's going to go back to full price because we need those funds to fund our operation.
But for folks that stepped to the plate, and order early, you know who you are, we're giving you the
big discount again.
So thank you for your support.
Get your Body's Ultimate Tumor Formula at InfoWarsTore.com for 40% off right now.
We've got five other great products that are also 40 and 50% off as well at InfoWarsTore.com.
If you're listening to this message in the weekend of Friday, October 22nd, 2020,
This is your last chance to get some of our best-selling, amazing products at Infowarsstore.com before they sell out, like DNA Force Plus, that is the ultimate formula out there for strengthening your telomeres and the very engines of your cells.
I mean, it's got a big dose of the highest quality PQQ and CoQ10 and a bunch of other
key ingredients that God gave us through nature that are simply amazing.
It's 40% off.
This product's been sold out for six, seven months because of supply chain breakdowns
because we would not cut the quality of the ingredients.
We could cut the quality all day and buy crap from China and never be sold out, but we're
not doing that.
This is the highest rated.
It's 40% off the sale ends on Monday, 40% off DNA Force Plus and a limited supply of
Brain Force Ultra as well.
It'll be sold out on Monday.
It's 25% off.
So support the Infor while getting great products at the same time.
Thank you all for your support.
That's why Info Wars has to be on air.
Because you know what?
We do scream it from the top of the mountain.
We do try to get as many eyes and as many ears on this information as possible.
And it's only InfoWars that does it, quite frankly.
That's why InfoWarsStore.com is so important.
But aside from the importance and the necessity of InfoWars, or InfoWars Store, It's a great store.
We have the best supplements on the market.
They're badass supplements.
They are badass supplements.
In fact, I don't even know if I want to go with this, but soon people are going to realize, in the healthcare, nutrition, supplement industry, that it may be kind of scoffed at InfoWare supplements.
Soon they're going to realize that we have the best supplements on the market.
It might be before long people are dialing up to private label this stuff.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
DNA Force Plus.
This is such an elite supplement.
This is the elite of the elite.
And people go to it and they see the high price and they're like, whoa, this is expensive.
Yeah, it's the real deal, man.
Look at all the ingredients in DNA Force Plus and do the research and you'll know why.
Folks, 100% recommendation rate.
All 5-star reviews.
Not a single 4-star review.
Not one.
All five.
That is almost impossible in certified reviews.
I guess we've just made it possible.
DNA Force Plus.
It's possible to get a perfect rating.
That's just one of the incredible supplements.
BrainForce Ultra.
We brought this to try what a liquid tincture would be like in comparison to the formula that we had in pill form, BrainForce Plus.
We said, hey, let's try a liquid tincture.
Liquid tinctures sometimes are a little bit more effective.
And so let's go ahead and just try that limited release.
It sold off the shelves within a month.
And so we just, it was like an experiment.
Like, oh, that worked.
Let's go ahead and do that again.
So we've purchased another shipment and it is back in stock.
Brain Force Ultra.
And I've been one to take BrainForce Plus before I go on air.
I've now switched to BrainForce Ultra.
Exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Right there's my bottle that I keep on my desk so I can have it every day.
It's at InfoWarsTore.com.
Great supplements and fund the info war.
Secure your copy of COVIDland at COVIDland.com and start fighting back against the globalist lies.