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Name: 20211020_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2021
2440 lines.

Alex Jones expresses his concerns about a global collapse, mentioning a global income tax and tracking system that could lead to potential war and mass deaths. He encourages listeners to stand up against oppressors and stay informed on upcoming events such as forced medical tyranny and the introduction of the world ID, tax, social credit score, and cryptocurrency blockchain system. The show also discusses COVID restrictions and vaccines, criticizing fear-mongering media, nightclub mask-wearing policies, and vaccine passport mandate protests. Additionally, it touches on a study showing fully vaccinated individuals making up an estimated 60% of hospitalizations and Pope Francis' call for Silicon Valley to censor hate speech and conspiracy theories."

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The shot heard around the world.
Biden announces plan to forcibly inject children.
Five and over with COVID-19 bioweapon.
And some will say, oh, they're not forcing it.
That's more mind control.
Oh, like this article.
Rachel Levine, openly transgendered health official, to be sworn in as four-star admiral in public health service, the first woman to achieve four-star admiralty.
Not a woman, not an admiral.
What a joke.
And, oh, we're just going to make you and take your job and fire you and make you homeless.
And, oh, we're going to give kids shots without parental authorization.
That's being announced.
They've got all these bills introduced to do at the state levels.
And whatever you see in Europe and Australia, it's coming here, like I told you, in about a year or two.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I can't help but be very, very excited.
I can't help but to have just adrenaline and other endorphins flooding through my arteries right now because there's a thrill to war.
There's a thrill to the battle actually starting and the swords clashing and the spears flying and the daggers plunging.
But the worst analysis is now true.
We are now officially in a global collapse.
It's already begun.
It's accelerating.
And 132 countries in the last week have agreed, not just to a global income tax, but to tracking everything you do in live time to then tax and control what you do and punish you with a global social credit score.
It's all been prepared and beta tested, but it's now being announced.
And with that, forced inoculation in the public schools.
That's what it is. Nuremberg violating intimidation, coercion, harassment, being fired, you name it, being bullied.
That's forced. That's racketeering. It's now been announced.
Biden says they're going ahead with injecting 5 and ups.
Then of course there'll be babies after that. They're already doing studies on them.
Which they've been suppressing the data on the massive amounts of side effects and death.
Because it's not a side effect. The main system is to erase your immune system.
and the prospectuses to shareholders from Pfizer and Moderna, how this is gonna make them clients for their shortened
lives as their immune system is basically erased,
but also then made hypersensitive to future coronaviruses.
I mean, this is a slow death sentence, an agonizing, horrible death sentence.
I guess the lucky children that have had the shots, you know, the 12 and up,
are the ones that die right away of the giant heart attacks, because it's extremely painful
for the others that survive and linger on and then finally succumb to the bio attack.
We're living in this.
We're now living in this right now.
And there I was at dinner last night and then went out and saw one of his shows with Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman and Michael Malice.
That was quite a Quite a group of people there.
And this is all just foregone conclusion.
We all know it.
There's no debating it.
It's out in the open.
And we just sat there and discussed what it's going to be like going through this.
And I learned a lot of interesting intel from those guys that I won't say on air, because they all have their own little intel.
Especially Lex Friedman.
Wow, that guy is certainly dialed in to you name it.
Space program, computers, robots, all of it MIT.
So that was quite interesting.
And there's a survival of the fittest issue.
I mean, I don't want to kill everybody.
Joe Rogan doesn't.
Lex Friedman doesn't.
Michael Malice doesn't.
But if you don't protect yourself, you really do deserve to die.
But, but, but, but the children.
The children.
They don't deserve this.
And that's why it's the Rubicon.
And see, evil can't help it.
It's got to go for the children.
So don't think this is the authority.
Don't think it's going to succeed.
Don't think any of that.
Because it will fail.
But probably in a giant war.
And we were all of a consensus that this is going to end in this gigantic, massive war.
And billions dead.
But I don't know that consensus between those folks is public yet, but I guess it's kind of here.
Oh, some other things, too.
I learned some really interesting things, but I've got to couch it a certain way, so I'm not ready to talk about that at that time.
Because I didn't just learn a lot from Joe and all the people he runs with.
You can probably imagine.
I mean, just the top of the structure.
And none of them like it.
But I can just tell you, Elon Musk, at least what he tells Joe, and that's not a secret, is he doesn't like what's going on.
So people can say Elon's bad, Elon's good.
I think Elon's trying to survive in the system, but does not like where it's going.
And he wants humans to have a future and to go interstellar.
He believes in a human future.
You can say what you want.
I mean, he may think of a cyborg future with humans, but he thinks we deserve to at least survive and have free will.
So I think that's the difference, you see.
You exterminate, kill everybody, or turn into cyborgs and have free will.
It's kind of the dichotomy at that level.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
You do not want to miss this.
That's right!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Get ready to be starved to death and work to death in a death camp!
Get ready to lose some pounds!
Get ready to get shot and thrown in a ditch!
Get ready to get dipped in acid baths.
But first, you're going to get raped, because these people like to do that.
They like to hurt people.
They like the dark energy.
Good Lord.
It just totally hit me last night and this morning that the reason I've been so frustrated, and I've articulated this, but I just want to say it very, very, very, very clearly.
My frustration Is that even the opposition to the New World Order does it all piecemeal, like they oppose this piece, and that piece, and this other piece.
It'd be like if I was gonna physically attack you, and I had hatchets in both hands, and you decided that while I was hatching at you with these hatchets, I'm gonna kill you in about two seconds.
No, I'm killing you in two seconds.
Yep, you're dead.
I'm coming at you with hatchets.
If you decide to attack a hair on my foot, on my ankle, and you decide to,
'cause you're godlike, I guess, you create a little tiny airplane that's got missiles on it
that are microscopic and you fly up and blow up one of the hairs on my leg,
that's not going to protect you, okay?
And that's basically what this is.
It's like a 10 trillion pound gorilla is coming at you and is going to pull your head off
and pull your arms and legs out of their sockets and piss on you.
And you're looking at it coming at you and you're trying to sweet talk it.
It's going to rip your head off.
Okay, so Here's the issue though.
You are a 97 trillion pound gorilla that's fire-breathing and shoots rainbows out of its ass, but you don't know that and so you're gonna get your head torn off and It's a mouse conquering a lion.
It's a mouse conquering the elephant.
It is a joke.
It is ass backwards.
But because you won't stand up for yourself, these criminals cannot help but make a move on you.
I mean, it'd be like, if you have arms, you have legs, you can walk.
You're not a quadriplegic.
And you just go out in the middle of the Texas Hill Country and just sit in a fire ant nest, and 5,000 fire ants climb up on you.
They all get in place, and they all sting you at once.
One of them releases a pheromone.
One of the warrior drones, he gives the order, and then... They start stinging you all over.
That's an adaptation they've got, so that one doesn't first get on you, and then you just feel it sting and get it off.
They want to first get all over you, because they like to kill a lot of animals, mainly baby animals, and eat them.
You see, only a baby would not be able to get away from the fire ants, because it doesn't know how to crawl or get away.
But it knows how to cry out for help, For mommy and daddy to save it, or brother or sister or grandma or family.
But see, if you're all alone and isolated by social media and the globalists and everything, and you think your friends and family are those avatars that manage you and your Netflix shows you watch, you're going to be all alone being gaslit while the fire ants kill you.
And then eat you.
And you ask, well why would the fire ants do that to a little baby deer, a little piglet,
or little baby birds?
Why would they climb up trees and eat baby birds?
'Cause they like to eat.
They like to live.
And so you sit there with pedophiles and Satanists and devil worshippers and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates,
and you wonder why they're attacking you.
Well, that's what they do.
They have extremely honed aggressive traits of hyper dominance and psychopathic, sociopathic behavior,
and they enjoy killing people.
They enjoy hurting children.
They don't just swim in an ocean of evil, they are the ocean of evil.
And look, when I was younger, I almost turned to the dark side.
I liked beating people's brains out.
I liked the thrill of knocking somebody's teeth out when they started it.
I enjoyed strangling people.
I enjoyed breaking ribs.
I enjoyed that.
But I became saved.
And so I don't enjoy it.
But they enjoy doing it to children.
And so you're going to wake up to that fact, and you're going to understand that, or you are going to die.
And your children are going to die with you.
Because what you saw in Nazi Germany, and what you saw in Soviet Russia, and North Korea, and Maoist China, and Xi Jinping's China Today, and with the Muslims, and with what happens in Africa, and Latin America, and all that hell, And all that horror is going to look like a choir meeting.
It's gonna look like Sunday school.
It's gonna look like grandma knitting you a pair of mittens.
And there's something quite freeing about that, isn't it?
I mean, the left tries to harass me and lie about me and thinks I care what they say or what they do.
They're all in the process of being made homeless in a long protracted collapse and then being put in an emergency center camp where they're basically injected with soft kills till they die.
And those of us that fight this are actually going to be the opposition, most of us, doing better than even people that serve the system.
That's how this works.
In fact, the globalists in their mid-level fantasies are then going to come to the survivors and say, this was all a test for you, you're the smart ones, let's build Utopia.
That's what they tell people at the four-star general level.
Be the wolf that culls the herd.
And out of this comes the dialectic of us strengthening the general population by having to have an artificial war.
Because previously disease and war kept the population in check and kept the useless eaters and those with low IQs down.
But now we've created artificial war and culture war to be able to force the synthesis as pressure underground takes coal and forms a beautiful hundred-carat diamond.
And these guys all sit around and, yes, that's what we're doing.
It's a dialectic.
We're in charge of it.
We're controlling it.
And they are the most pathetic, stagnant people that aren't powerful and don't have a connection to anything.
They are cancer with a consciousness convincing themselves that they serve some purpose, which they do in God's plan, but they are not God who are then sending them as the tester.
They're not even the flame, but they watch and observe the process and tell themselves they are when they're not.
They are the biggest losers and fools.
So let me just calm down right now.
and when we come back, I want to write for three minutes, but when we come back...
*singing* "Ooooo boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, ah, ah"
I'm just going to have to be focused and cover all of this now in the next segment.
I've got to just hit it just right and cover it all in this next little short nine-minute segment.
It's all got to be put out in one sound bite for everybody because I can say, hey, we always cover one little edge or one little implement of it instead of the big picture.
And I'm here trying to get the holistic view of this, and then I don't do that sometimes myself, do I, the proper way, but it's all happening.
The world ID, the world tax, the world social credit score, the world forced medical tyranny, forced inoculation system that binds it all together, with the global cryptocurrency blockchain system that will tie it all together as the ring of the Sauron.
But let me just tell you what the pieces of this are when we come back.
They are coming for the children.
They've announced the injection of 5 and up and then it'll be newborns with the deadly shot that embraces their immune system and the rest of it.
And they're announcing they're going to do it at schools and they're going to force it.
And that's going to cause violence and they're going to say then the people that resist are terrorists.
And that's why they put it on the books as the main direct, not a law, but the regulations that the main mission of the FBI and the military and the CIA is crushing people that don't accept lockdowns and those that don't accept open borders, just Americans, and that they are going to come and they're going to arrest everybody and start killing people.
Now, that's going to trigger a giant civil war, and that's going to kill what's left of the military and the FBI, which I don't want, because you notice getting all the police to quit, getting all the firefighters to quit, the teachers to quit, that's so they can put their people in.
And then if you get in a war with those people, it's like killing zombies.
I mean, it doesn't even matter.
The globalists intend to chew up the U.S.
system and collapse everything, and it's ashes bringing the really official global A cashless society system.
This is just the process of bringing us to that.
And so, get ready.
I mean, now they're announcing on CBS News that, oh, sorry, the vaccines were 3% effective.
Remember, just eight months ago they were 96%, now they're 3%, just all made up crap.
Yeah, they're effective at giving you cancer and blood clots.
So, you see?
Yeah, this is designed collapse.
It's designed to have a war.
It's designed, first of all, to kill each other.
So just know that.
Alright, we'll come back and get into all of it.
And you won't have a choice because they're going to come and inject you with stuff that's going to kill you.
The next shots are even more poisonous and deadly.
It's going to force you to fight.
That's what they're doing.
Got it?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The shot heard around the world.
Biden announces plan to forcibly inject children.
Five and over with COVID-19 bioweapon.
And some will say, oh, they're not forcing it.
That's more mind control.
Oh, like this article.
Rachel Levine, openly transgendered health official, to be sworn in as four-star admiral in public health service, the first woman to achieve four-star admiralty.
Not a woman, not an admiral.
What a joke.
And, oh, we're just going to make you and take your job and fire you and make you homeless.
And, oh, we're going to give kids shots without parental Authorization that's being announced.
They've got all these bills introduced to do at the state levels.
And whatever you see in Europe and Australia is coming here, like I told you, in about a year or two.
And I told you this was all coming in about a year, a year ago, and now here it is.
So I've got all the proof of that, all that happening, all that unfolding here.
And then just very quietly, oh, you know, we're not just going to look at Everything going on in your bank accounts at $500 or $700 or $1,000 like they've been talking about.
It's only $10,000.
In a year, though, all deposits, all withdrawals, anything near $10,000.
Of course, the average person on minimum wage is paid about $16,000 a year.
If they work 40 hours a week, if you do the math.
And so that's every working person.
And the average person on welfare, because they want to incentivize that, is getting about $20,000 a year.
And so that will all be tracked as well.
And of course, what's that for?
Well, it's for the social credit score.
And they say that.
And the UN came out today and said, we've got 132 countries on board, not just for a global income tax standardization, But for a system that will track everything you do in live time, and if you say anything politically incorrect, racist, or misogynistic, that's thought crime, you're gonna have a database, and there's a database that'll be added to your World Vaccine Passport, that's your carbon passport, that they say that, your new life pass,
This isn't a Black Mirror episode.
That was based on what they were already planning.
But you can get the idea from Black Mirror.
We told you about the Social Credit Score in 2004 at PresidentPlanet.com.
Remember that site?
Now redirects them for us.
Remember that?
Remember how we first broke that?
Now, Paul Watson broke it off of a bank document that was out, how they would have that.
Yahoo came out this year and said, yeah, we're going to track what you say, and that'll be added to your bank accounts, your credit cards.
And they've already done it with me.
We've had the big banks, all of them.
There's a creditor group called G2, that's really the CIA out of Boston.
And they just said, you're a hate person.
It's a secret deal, but the banks showed me.
And I went from a perfect corporate credit rating, as good as you can get, and to I think a 16 or 15% rating, which was said very, very poor, very dangerous, very bad.
And people said, oh my God, you really are a loser.
They put you on a list.
Well, if you're going to be on a list, you want to be John Hancock at the top, right?
See, I came looking for a fight with these people because they were already attacking me and my family and you as well, and we're all in this together.
See, you can deny this all day or you can wake up.
So, Scott, one of our great producers, made the point this morning.
He said, you know, this is really the shot heard around the world because when they start the forcible injection of children, And the first child has a heart attack or microcarditis, which is already happening in the studies.
They've been suppressing it, but it's come out.
Now they have to admit it.
Oh, we better not give it in 12s and ups, even though the FDA said because it's causing massive numbers, not rare, but massive heart attacks and strokes and other things.
And so they just had those people resign.
They said, you know what?
You resign.
So the next group now resigned.
Now the third group has resigned.
It almost has got no coverage.
And Biden just came out last night and said, we are going to start inoculating on Halloween.
He said this a few months ago, and he just announced it again.
All the bills are called 666 to track you and trace you.
And, you know, the World Health Organization has 6.6 billion shots.
6.66 shots have been given.
Six billion, 660 million.
They just put their little calling card, you know, like when the army would kill you in Vietnam, they'd leave the Ace of Spades card.
Well, their calling card is 666 and Halloween.
Every year on Halloween, the left announces their, you know, horrible stuff they're doing, because it's a trick.
You're not getting a treat here.
And so, they are going to announce on Halloween, officially, that they are coming for your children.
And they've just now said that.
So, here it is.
Teams can vaccinate pupils against parents' wishes, schools told.
Now there's no law in Australia, there's no law in Canada, there's no law in the UK, there's no law in the EU, there's no law in Singapore, there's no law in Latin American countries as well, but they're just doing it, the same global directive.
You just, you're gonna do it.
Boy, that sounds like the kind of thing I'd want to do if I was a teacher, is inject children with something that causes convulsions and death and heart attacks and blood clots and strokes, so that Dad comes up to the school and, well, you know what Dad does to you.
And see, when Dad does that, oh my God, oh my God, the anti-vax terrorist just went and ran over or shot or stabbed the school nurse.
We don't want that, by the way.
That's what they're doing.
So that's really the big news is, out of all this, the mark of the beast, the world government, the total tracking control grid, is that they're now starting the fight with us.
To blow up the FBI, blow up the CIA, blow up the federal buildings, burn everything to the ground, they're going to start it themselves.
But they know that, again, the bureaucracies aren't full of bad people on average.
They're full of a lot of good people.
So they had to then force a bureaucracy first so the police and the firefighters and everybody else quits.
And the nurses and the doctors.
Then they bring in specially vetted FEMA personnel that'll do whatever they're told.
And have been psychologically tested over the years and they're now in place.
And then other quote special security services will now be in charge of what's left of the police.
And this is the authoritarian takeover.
It's how you do a coup that is bloodless on the surface by getting all of the intelligent good people to be fired or opt out of the draconian Nuremberg violating forced decision.
And that's it.
That's it.
And already they have courts and other groups that I'm not going to announce yet, trying to have me arrested, saying that I'm threatening judges, which I've done no such thing on air or off air, but it doesn't matter.
I mean, folks, they might gun me down next week in the street.
That's okay.
They're coming to kill you.
They've already killed a bunch of people, and they're killing children.
You understand?
You're all Alex Jones.
You understand?
We're all under attack, okay?
And so, you need to understand, you're not in Kansas anymore, and the collapse isn't coming, and the world government isn't coming, it's here.
The collapse is already here.
They're already devaluing the currencies, things are already falling apart, lawlessness is already everywhere, people are dying all over the place.
I've got now two members of my family dying from the injections that didn't listen to me.
I mean, one will be dead in a week, one in about probably two weeks.
There's total death everywhere, total psychopathic murder, and the average person watching Netflix doesn't know what's happening.
And the people that are awake are all going to be called terrorists, and the globals will start blowing stuff up and blaming it on us.
So, we're going to come back and walk through all this and talk about how we stop this or how we mitigate it on the other side.
But this is the total end of civilization, as you know it.
This is ten times worse than World War II.
Alright, thank you for joining us.
You know, stuff's really negative.
Stuff's really horrible.
But at least all the people that have been going along with the corruption, the abortion, and the devil worship, at least they're all going to be killed.
I mean, the globalists are just going to kill everybody.
So, you know, it's really nice when a plan comes together, isn't it?
I need to stop being cynical about this, but I just want you to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that this is happening.
And the only way to defeat this, the only way to stop this globalist takeover, whose endgame is killing you and removing you from the planet, is to admit it's happening.
I mean, they really are shutting all the economies down worldwide.
With lockdown one, but no one would buy into that.
So the plan was to make everybody take poison shots, where they've already done actuaries, they admitted of what percentage they could gaslight.
And so they tailored their attacks with a sociologist and a psychologist, a behavioral psychologist, for each country they hit.
And then they'd beta test and then have a synthesis.
And they admit all this.
And they admit this is a transformation, in their words, to save the Earth.
That this is a transition.
And that you're the virus.
And that this doesn't end until the virus is under control.
And you are the virus.
Figuratively and literally, because they inject you with a shot that makes your body start creating a poison protein.
And all the scientists that were even on their payroll, you know, almost all of them went public.
I mean, it's like they always say, oh, it's a consensus.
All the scientists say this stuff works great.
No, basically 99% of the scientists, including at the FDA, the CDC, all of them, that believed in the poison vaccines and the tainted vaccines and the human cloning and all that, but they thought it was really, you know, to develop life extension for themselves and others.
Now they're like, wait, we're really just going to kill everybody?
And a lot of them are on board for that, but they're saying, you know, we're not going to get away with this where they're going to kill us.
You see?
And now, oh, see, now they're figuring out, we're not just going to kill 90% of people.
We're all going to die, too.
Oh, yeah, you're all going to die, too.
You haven't figured that out yet, have you?
Oh, boy.
I shouldn't be so villainous.
But you know what Nietzsche said, man, you stare into the abyss long enough, you become the abyss.
And, you know, I'm not one that gets afraid of things.
I tend to confront them and fight them, but I need Jesus to Take control of me and not let me just stare at this thing and join with it.
But you have to understand, everybody else is joining with it out of fear.
Almost everybody's joining it out of fear.
There's not a lot of people seething with the power of Lucifer in their hands, okay?
That's the people above Gates and the rest of them.
And if you don't have the power of Lucifer seething in your hands, you cannot see the power of Lucifer.
I've got the power of Lucifer, and I don't want it, and I lay it down, and I reject it.
But I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the takeover by Satan.
This is the one ring.
This is it.
So, you need to understand that.
And that's why Lord of the Rings is so powerful by J.R.R.
Tolkien as one of the top professors ever, and really beyond union psychology, because when Gandalf even thinks about taking the ring, even observing the ring, makes you take on its spirit.
You understand that?
To look at what they're doing, and to grasp it, is to stare into the mind of the devil.
And it's very seductive.
I mean, right there on air, you see me literally starting to be taken over by it.
And that's why sometimes I have to go off air because I, I, I just, I reject the spirit of the devil.
I completely reject it, but I may not even be able to do the show today.
So I, Oh God, help me please.
People have no idea what they're about to be involved in, ladies and gentlemen.
Boy, it's real bad.
It's real, real, real, real bad.
So, sorry folks.
That's all I can tell you.
But they are going to kill you.
I mean, is there really anything else to say here?
And they've got the whole thing scripted out how they're going to do it, and I'm here telling you how they're going to do it.
You're going to watch it all happen.
And, you know, they'll blow up federal buildings and blame me and then come arrest me and, you know, all the rest of it.
But they'll be killing you too, so.
And they'll be dying too.
I mean, because they've created people that are disconnected from God.
They have set up armies of individuals and literal robots who are rolling out And you know what these really are.
These so-called phones are super high-tech computer platforms that are the brains of robots.
So when I call an Android phone an Android, it is the brain of an Android.
And that's what these are.
And this is to take control of your life, it already has, and to just run everything.
And it's incredibly seductive.
I mean the new camera coming out, I've seen it with folks that have them, and the iPhone 13 or whatever the new one is coming out in about a month or whatever, I've had a chance to look at one and it's just, the camera is like better than anything Hollywood could ever even imagine.
And that's that type of Fallen technology that old old old scratch old scratch has got us Fandangling and So there we go Apple execs praise iPhone 13 camera evolution in new interview also had a chance to see one of the new Google phones I'm not name-dropping here any of this.
I'm just like It's just, oh my god.
So, let me just settle down.
I said I'd cover all the news now, but I watched this Gregg Reese report, and we're going to play that when we come back.
It's really powerful, and we can put the headline up on screen.
It's a very important headline that government documents and research evidence proves.
As well as a major government report, is the actual headline, major government report proves COVID vaccines are bioweapons.
They're not vaccines and they are killing everybody.
And it's just, you are living in, we're all living in this, and it is the fabled end times, it is the beginning of all of that.
I just, it's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable, isn't it?
And notice your churches are going to tell you to take microchips.
They're going to tell you to do all of it because, you know, well, this can't be the Antichrist.
I mean, we're going to be raptured out before Antichrist comes.
Then they're going to say, this is Jesus.
And the large parts of the public will die first.
And then, oh my God, they'll have cures and they'll have relief.
They have cures for cancer, which is mRNA technology.
They have a bunch of good mRNA stuff.
It's got a lot of problems, but it's magic.
It's the keys to our DNA.
And it's them playing God.
But they're not going to give any of us the good stuff.
They're just going to show it to you and promise you're going to get it if you toady around behind them.
That's why everybody's signing on to this at the higher levels.
And then other folks now know it's real, so they're all getting in line with it as fast as they can.
But large portions of people have decided that they're not going to go with it.
And that's good.
That's good, because this is going to be a very short-lived thing.
This is it.
The rise of Satan's kingdom on Earth.
Foretold of old.
In the Old and New Testament.
Prophesied for more than 5,000 years.
Now, the alien attack on Earth takes human form.
You're living it.
And anyone that accepts it and goes under its spirit will be destroyed.
Remember, God comes like a thief in the night.
God comes via free will.
God comes very quietly, knocking on the door.
Satan rapes you, forces its way through you, takes you over.
And many a weak person has succumbed to it.
And the disease is spreading, ladies and gentlemen, across the world.
Again, I did a lot of preparation for today's broadcast, and I'll do this.
I was going to have some guests on today.
We cleared the decks because I want to be able to really cover all this and I promise when I start the next hour I'll judiciously actually go through these seven or eight stacks over here and then I'll get more of the observer effect that we talked about yesterday and then I'm going to get into much further world news that's unfolding.
But it's said in revelations that John on the Isle of Patmos while he was having his vision after he Took what the angel gave him, just like Ezekiel, that he marveled at the beast.
And so, we all have spiritual discernment that God's given us.
Not just satanic discernment you can tap into, but I wouldn't call it discernment.
It's more of a fraudulent delusion.
But it has its own transmission.
And everybody feels it, everybody sees it.
But... It's, it's, it's... It's what Morpheus says to Neo in the Matrix.
One cannot be told about the Matrix.
One just has to see it for themselves.
And then when you see it, you'll know.
It's a crying father who's 15-year-old son took the Pfizer shot and dropped dead four days later of a giant heart attack and he was healthy and in good shape.
It's not being able to see your 78-year-old mother who's begging for you to come see her and then the nurses take the telephone away and you find out she's intubated and they keep her alive for three weeks and suck all the insurance money out of her and give you a $200,000 bill after they kill her.
It's dishonor.
It's ugliness.
It's the stench of death and betrayal.
And if you think buzzers eating the eyeballs out of African children is bad, you ain't
seen nothing yet.
So that's it.
But you're going to be forced to choose a side, and many of you are going to be forced to the point of the sword, and to the edge of a guillotine blade, what you are going to do.
But remember, all these fools signed on to this that think they're winners, they're not going to have to be punished once they die, which they will be.
They're going to be punished during this.
I mean, you see from the beginning, those that submit get treated even worse because they have given themselves to the hyenas.
They have just laid down and bared their chest and their neck and asked it to eat them.
And as things get worse and worse, and as the collapse accelerates worldwide over the next decade, they plan to have 90% of us dead by 2030.
I don't know if they're going to meet that goal.
I don't know if they've got some other plan.
I just know that's their plan.
And can you imagine the mental gymnastics that people are going to have to do when all this gets worse and worse the more they submit?
But they're going to blame us.
I mean, I said that 20 months ago.
It's not hard to know how this works.
I said they're going to blame those of us that don't take these shots with all the death and illness.
You notice the former head of the CDC Just came out and said, oh, you got to get ready to understand the vaccinated will die.
He said 40% of those dying are vaccinated, but they don't count the first 14 days.
If you add those numbers, it's over 80% of the dead.
John Hopkins numbers, statisticians are endless stories.
We reported on showing you it's 80 plus percent in Europe here in Australia.
In Canada, it's above 80%.
You know, in the UK, they try to spread the numbers and go, well, it's 74% of the deaths are vaccinated.
And that's right on par with their vaccination rate over there, which we know they lie about the rate.
It's much lower.
They tell you 60, it's 40.
When they tell you it's 80, it's 60.
But again, Now we know why they wanted it to be deadly enough to go ahead and kill a lot of people right up front, and then also slowly kill them to suck money and resources out of everybody.
That's the point of the soft kill.
Obviously, you don't notice you've been killed right away.
You crawl off and die, you know, in a few months or years.
But for the observant, that's the main target of this.
They just want to get the cattle out of the way.
To the observant, we then, again, leave the system, which I'm not blaming you for leaving.
The firefighters, the police, the medical workers, they're great people.
But you understand that was done in a process, right?
And then they're just going to cut the food off next and collapse the country and say, if you want food, you're going to have to come do whatever we say.
And oh, and you politically have to renounce yourself and say you were wrong and admit you were a fraud.
They have that truth and reconciliation communist thing they do.
That's already begun here.
The left, years ago, reached out to me.
It was an off-record meeting, so I won't say who, but it was high-level folks.
I mean, the highest levels in the New World Order directly, obviously, reach out to us from time to time.
And they just said, you just need to kind of do a truth and reconciliation, an apology tour, and we'll make you bigger than you've ever been, and you'll be protected in this dangerous world.
Because, you know, they're saying, we're dangerous, and the world's going to get more dangerous.
And I, of course, said, no thank you.
To that, but I mean, that's how real this is.
And of course, it's all on record, too.
But you know, you know what?
I tell you that it's real, right?
You know, like in the big boardrooms in D.C., the big boardrooms in New York, the big boardrooms in Los Angeles.
I've been in them all.
When I say all, all those cities in the boardrooms and, you know, you get a little Howard Beale speech.
Remember Howard Beale and Network?
It's that speech.
Think you just messed up a business deal, Mr. Beale?
That's not a business deal, Mr. Beal.
This is a church.
This is a system, and you are a unit of this church.
And Mr. Beal, in the final equation, we're going to destroy your soul.
That's what we traffic in, Mr. Beal.
You have meddled with the tidal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and you must atone!
Do I got your attention there, Mr. Beale?
You get up there on your little 12-inch screen every night and you talk about countries and borders and nations and peoples.
There are no nations.
There are no peoples, Mr. Beale.
There is only Spectrum of corporations and companies and each of us is just a little piece of that larger whole.
And you see, you're obsolete, Mr. Beal.
You're non-essential, Mr. Beal, and we're going to kill you, Mr. Beal.
We're going to give you the same speech they've given throughout history, and we're going to claim this time it's for a good cause, and we are the saviors of the world.
But the truth is, Mr. Beal, we don't like you because you're smarter and better looking than us, and you're connected to God, and we want to hurt you in a ritual, and pull your teeth out while you beg for mommy, and then kill you.
And then we're going to rape your children, and then we're going to kill them too.
We're gonna do it over and over again.
We're gonna make copies of your children, and we're gonna rape those clones over and over again.
You understand, Mr. Beale?
See, that's the real speech, Mr. Beale.
So, are you gonna join us, Mr. Beale?
You gonna be part of this little crusade you're on?
You're gonna be a star forever up there in the sky.
Oh, so you're not going to join us?
Well, you're going to fail and you know you're going to fail.
We're going to beat you.
We're going to beat humanity.
I know, yeah, you're going to beat humanity.
Of course we are.
We're older.
We're stronger.
You're weak that you won't join us.
You just can't take it.
But a lot more intense than that.
I'm not going to show you what it looks like.
But let's just say that The guy that stars in The Shining, Jack Nicholson, doesn't hold a candle to what somebody really demon-possessed looks like.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
It's a demon feast, folks, and you're for dinner.
You might want to listen to this song, because that's what's going to be happening.
And in most places, it's already happening.
Watch them become a god.
Watch the head start to roll.
And roll.
Just like the Pied Piper.
Turned rats loose.
And then when he finally plays his pipe, the children follow him right into the river and drowned.
Acting like a robot.
Metal brain corrodes.
before the head explodes.
Explodes There it is.
explodes. Ha ha ha ha.
Coming for your children!
And as soon as you let them have your children, God's hedge of protection will be fully removed.
And then, you'll be lucky if you die in a FEMA camp, instead of being taken to one of their laboratories.
Very powerful video, one of our crew put together.
It's called, This Ends When We All Say So.
And it's at Infowars.com.
Here it is.
We need generals.
We need people with platforms like Joe Rogan and other people like that who are free thinking
spirits, but don't buy into the false narrative.
So, I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
I think that's a big part of the problem.
They're able to kind of dig out the truth themselves.
And they have the trust of the people.
So this is the key here.
This is a narrative war.
The enemies of humanity have control over the social media.
They have a head start on social media and mainstream media.
But we can catch up.
And a little truth, a little light dispenses a lot of darkness.
So I plead on people like to wake up, join together as an army of truth speakers,
and say no to these animals and these despots, and save as many people as we can
when spreading the truth.
The soul of humanity is at stake here.
I had thousands, hundreds, probably thousands of sick patients with no treatment.
What are you supposed to do, let them die?
The whole, the government was telling us to send them home.
The government is still telling us, the NIH, as of today, tells you don't treat COVID, go home, then go to the hospital, and if the oxygen is less than 92, then you should be treated.
That's a policy of a government that wants you to die.
Any policy that obstructs early pre-hospital treatment is a policy of death.
And I'm sorry to say this, but I have to be realistic and I have to protect humanity.
I feel I have to let the world know that we are being slaughtered by a few sociopathic corrupt oligarchs and corrupt governments and false promises.
And we need to stop listening to these people saying no!
I'm not going to let you kill me and my family and the people I love.
And come to my house and try to put a shot into my arm.
Let's see what happens to you.
You'll get a different shot.
The difference between us and Australia now, where they're building bulldogs already,
and then turning people into quarantine facilities, and putting ankle braces on
people who don't want to take the shot, is that we have 450 million guns.
That is one part of the equation, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to be right back.
A civil war is planned.
How do we avert it?
Just like witches at black masses.
Because that's what it is.
Sorcerers of death's construction.
Death and hatred to mankind.
As the war machine keeps turning, And everything you're seeing is modern war against you.
Oh Lord, yeah!
Inside, I'm gonna give you my love.
I'm gonna give you my love.
I'm gonna give you my love.
Yeah, you need your shots, don't you?
I'm gonna give you my love.
I'm gonna give you my love.
Gonna give you my love.
Okay, let's play a Gregg Greaves report.
And then I may be able to control myself and actually cover all this.
Because this little piece of paper right here is the death warrant of our children, literally.
And they admit it.
It's from the FDA right here in my little hand.
My little paw.
And I'm gonna cover this next segment.
You see, I'm either gonna laugh about this in a sick way or I'm gonna cry.
And I don't feel like crying.
But this is a true curse.
This is just damnation in our time.
Now, it's here.
The moment of truth.
And they've got it all actuaried out.
We have to have that debate.
How do we stop this without getting physical when that's part of phase one of the plan to tear everything up and totally implode civilization?
In fact, guys, queue it up because it's so important.
Go to the beginning.
I always say I'm going to play it.
I never play it.
From Russia With Love, James Bond, the Siamese Fighting Fish scene, please.
Find that for movie clips or whatever.
I don't want to play that as soon as you get it.
Because that's everything.
That's what all this is.
People are like, man, the firefighters and the police are waking up.
Like, half the cops quit in this town, half in that town.
Man, everybody's getting ready for war.
We're going to... Man, I tell you, yeah.
You obviously aren't going to go blow up a federal building that's got a nursing home in it or a daycare in it or whatever.
They will.
And mass shootings, they've got it all planned.
They're going to attack Pfizer and Moderna.
They're going to attack the Bill Gates Foundation to make him a victim.
I mean, you know all that.
I mean, you know that's a foregone conclusion.
They've got the ammonium nitrate trucks loaded up right now.
But, you know, to make us the bad guys, we do not want to blow them up or shoot them or kill them.
This is the time to be like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
who were imitating, you know who, the big guy, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
There's a time for war.
There's a time for peace.
There's a time to live.
There's a time to die.
There's a time to reap.
There's a time to sow.
All things.
A time to fight.
Time to have children.
Time to get married.
Time to die.
And this is a spiritual thing that we've reached here.
This has to be done within us and then it will lead people spiritually out of this to make the right decisions.
Because it's all about decisions.
Oh, just stay inside for 15 days and it'll all be over.
And then of course it wasn't.
And that was, so you would have a 15 day, don't leave your house.
While in areas of Africa and Latin America under IMF World Bank control, they're still locked in their houses, but one hour a day.
Excuse me.
Some areas of Latin America, you get two hours a week, according to your social security number.
What numbers is that?
And all of that is coming here.
Two hours a week, a year and a half later, in three different Latin American countries.
So, everything you see there is coming here, and I've got all that in a stack here where they did it there, now it's here.
I've got stuff where they did it a year ago there, now it's here.
So, this is not like a weather forecast where it looks like a hurricane's coming on land and it's got 150 mile an hour winds and we think it's going to rain 10 feet of water.
This is a hurricane already hit.
It's trajectory, what it's doing, again like if I gave you or you took a tablet of cyanide, enough to kill a horse, you're going to be dead in about a minute.
You're going to flop around a little bit and die.
You're going to be hitting the ground in about 10 seconds.
As soon as that capsule surface dissolves.
It's the same thing.
We're dead already.
So I think you just need to get used to that and understand it's about your spirit, not the body.
They're going to try to trick you into becoming like them and running around murdering each other.
Almost no one even understands this.
You can kill every FBI agent in the country.
It would make them more powerful.
The whole Joint Chiefs of Staff could be walked out and hung right now.
Nothing's gonna happen because they've got even more evil people and more evil people behind them and that's part of the plan.
Now that doesn't mean we let them take us to FEMA camps and kill us.
This is the discussion that has to happen.
We got a case of Nazi Germany on steroids.
We got a case of Leninist Russia on PCP and steroids.
I mean, we are going under Maoist control.
What Mao did is the model, forcing off the land mass starvation for decades.
I mean, you understand, they want to crush us.
They want to humiliate Americans.
And they can't get your guns, so they're going to take your food and medicine away.
We've been hit by a biological attack.
The globalists made their move.
We're in the middle of a biological war with megacorporations and the world government, and the chairman of the board is a fallen off-world entity, interdimensional entity.
So, you're not going to be able to defeat this on your own.
You need God that built the universe and warned us about all this.
That's what you need, and you need to constantly ask God to come into you, because if you don't, you're not going to be able to resist the Spirit of Antichrist.
Because believe me, ladies and gentlemen, it is flowing right now, and it is hard to not jack into it.
The Satanists run around and do all these horrible things and terrible things trying to get jacked into it.
That's another lower demonic frequency.
The ones on top are... It's extremely seductive and extremely sexual in nature.
And that's why it's likened to being raped.
That's what the Bible talks about.
Christ is the groom and we are the bride.
The whole thing is sexual.
Oh God.
Here comes the horseman and the rider on it was named Death.
And all the death and destruction you see right now is just the approaching hoof beats.
The spirit of Antichrist is surging on the planet right now.
And Satan's disciples are very excited because they are rolling headlong over the edge of a cliff.
And when you're falling off a cliff into the piles of jagged, broken, twisted iron spikes sticking up, it's a little exhilarating, isn't it?
To go over the edge of the cliff.
You know, all those innocent children and others are going over the edge of the cliff.
But it's not very exhilarating, is it, if you didn't want to go over the cliff?
If you don't want to be in bed with this thing.
That's the real bottom of the rabbit hole, folks.
And we're here!
And it's not a very happy place.
But I'll tell you, it's gonna force all of us Individually and collectively, to decide which side we're on.
Alright, we'll be right back.
If it keeps on raining, the levee's gonna break.
If the levee breaks, have no place to stay.
Going down, going down, down to Chicago.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I really appreciate all of you that care about yourself and about God and about not being psychotic demons, and you just like to live and be a nice person and commune with God's amazing creation.
But I don't have that in mind.
Of course, the Earth is just a launch point for us into the third dimension and beyond.
And it was given to us to have dominion over it, but the establishment has decided that that is not going to be allowed to happen.
And so to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, they have greased the skids for the collapse of humanity so that those of us that have not collapsed will be tempted in the end to join with the dark side to save ourselves and help exterminate the giant out-of-control third world populations that will be traveling across the earth like an army of locusts chewing everything down to the bone.
World War Z ain't got nothing on what it'll actually look like.
But they'll have hot blood pumping through their veins.
They won't be undead.
They'll be starving to death and in a mob psychology psycho sprint.
Okay, let's do it.
You know, this is the best way to start.
I'm just gonna be calm about this.
Let me first show you exhibit A.
And this is a FDA policy, and it's got the stamp on it that they've talked about so much, August 23rd, 2021.
This is what Biden's talking about.
And this is the testing on babies and children that you've heard about, that they rolled out after they started injecting adults.
And they knew that, well, if we inject children right away with an experimental shot, Our scientists know it's not been approved and experimental.
They won't buy that it's been approved like the public.
They're going to say it's illegal.
They're not going to go along with it.
So let's just give them a chance of a false choice.
Let's tell the scientists, OK, we'll just do 18 and up.
And then we'll do down to 12.
And then we'll do down to five.
And then we'll test it on babies.
And I know the lawyers that are involved in this should be breaking very, very soon in Texas and other areas.
They've had massive deaths, myocarditis and headaches.
That then lead to basically brain bleeds, horrible migraines that then lead to strokes.
And so I thought I would just read to you from page five of this document.
STNBL125742 forward slash zero.
It's the annual report, annual stats report on post-marking study requirement commitments.
And it talks about Deferring Pediatric Study C4591001 to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the approved vaccine in children 12 years through 15 years.
And that's commentary in children 12 years through 15 years of age.
And it goes on and they describe how it's approved in the year 2023 or 2024.
But see, that's the legal mind game is they're saying it's approved, but it's actually approved in the future when they think they're going to approve it.
See how that works?
Kind of like saying a man can be a woman, and then he's also a four-star admiral now, so the first woman is a four-star admiral.
It's not true.
You know, men aren't having babies, as they say, and two women aren't having babies in California prisons.
A man calls himself a woman and gets a woman pregnant.
And you all know that, but see, it's the same thing here.
Study completion, May 31st, 2023.
Final report commissioned, October 31st, 2023.
Then they review it and may approve it in 2024.
So it's not even approved in 2024.
So it's not just like they're saying, oh, we approve it in 2024, 2025.
2024 2025 they're saying we might approve it then and that's now called approval
So that's that's gaslighting That's mind control.
It'd be like if you walked in a car lot and said, you don't have any cars, and there's no cars in the car lot.
And the salesman goes, look at all these beautiful cars right here.
Starts kicking the air.
And he goes, I'm kicking the tire of this Mercedes right here.
There's no car there.
And he says, yes, it is.
And he goes, I say it is.
And five more crazy people walk out of the little sales shop and go, look at all these pickup trucks here.
And there's a Jaguar right there.
There's a Ford F-150.
It's blue.
You don't see it?
And you go, what's going on here?
And it's all just meant so society breaks down, so no one has faith in anything, no one knows what's going on, everything just disintegrates.
And then, the UN world leader arrives, and it fixes everything.
For just a couple years.
Everybody gets their world ID, and man it sure worked, and oh, there's cures for cancer, and yeah, a lot of people died previously.
We got used to a billion or so dying, but now it'll never happen again.
We've got the life-changing technology, but we've got to be locked down and controlled to do what the computers and things say, and then, oh, and then the leader just gets a little bit angry with some people.
The terrorists start blowing things up.
You know who they are.
You've read the new report put out in June.
They're the Christians.
And the Christians start blowing up the mRNA factory that has all the cures for cancer.
Oh, they're the ones that did it.
Gee, are they terrorists.
Gee, are they the ones that just won't accept this.
They just won't do what they're told.
But you know, they'll have religious leaders like the Pope saying that we all need to go to prison or be killed.
Because we're of the devil.
And you see, the Pope will tell us, because he's the false prophet, he'll tell us that these aren't humans.
These people are possessed.
These aren't Christians.
These are the devils.
And God is judging them, and they've got to be killed.
And so, the big mega-churches will be where they have the guillotines chopping your heads off.
Watch, you'll live to see that.
I'm not joking about any of this, okay?
Remember, on a long enough timeline, what do they say?
Alex Jones is always right.
No, I'm not right.
God's right.
This is all going to come to pass, and your local megachurch will be your local execution center.
That's actually in the news here.
That's where they're going to do the forced inoculations, everything is at megachurches, sports stadiums, you know.
The Taliban does it too, you know.
Pol Pot did it when he took over Cambodia.
I mean, these facilities have dual use.
You thought you paid for these so the, you know, a couple billion dollars so you could go see the football game there?
No, that was the cover story.
You're going to be hung up by your feet at those, okay?
All right.
Because the people that are going to be taking over and are taking over, people that have the keys to our world, they like to do that.
Because you see, that's what they're into.
So you keep asking, well, it can't be bad.
I mean, because, you know, the government's good and these corporations are good, right?
I mean, this guy's crazy.
None of this is going to really happen, even though it happens over and over again in history.
And this is going to be the big one.
This is going to be the big kahuna, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's that.
So sorry, I just got to one of the articles.
I got about 100 here, literally.
So it says, deferring pediatric study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness in children.
And that's what they call a vaccine.
They call it The same thing as their commentary.
It's all bizarre, double-speak.
Deferred pediatric study.
Final protocol.
Study completion.
November 2023.
Final report submission.
May 31st, 2024.
And then they're going to start giving it to infants.
Isn't that nice?
You know, just this U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, by Innotech Manufacturing, GMBH, Attention, Amit Patel, Pfizer Inc, 235 East 42nd Street, Dear Mr. Patel, and it's the licensing from the FDA to launch a depopulation murder weapon on our children.
And on the public, but I just, these adults being intimidated and being forced into doing this, I feel bad for those that take it and end up dying.
And being sick from it, which is the majority.
Some people are just so tough.
It looks like it's a small percentage of people that doesn't really do anything to them.
Especially if you've already had COVID, because that's what they're really giving you is permanent COVID when they inject you with this crap.
And you're just reading where it's not even approved yet in the year 2024.
Then they have deferred pediatric study C4591023 to elevate And evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Pfizer's drug that isn't approved until October 31st, 2024.
And that just says final report submission.
And you just keep reading here.
It says final submission report.
October 31st, 2025.
And it's a study completion, December 31st, And I mean, you read this, it doesn't ever even say it's approved.
It says in 2026, they'll have the final study.
And then you watch the news and they say it's approved.
And I mean, that's like, if it was, I wouldn't trust these murderers.
And I love the leftist media.
John Oliver, all of them attack me on a routine basis.
Jones sells unapproved supplements by the FDA.
That's like saying the church down the street is unapproved.
It's not run by the state-run religion.
The Food and Drug Administration, Congress found, when they tried to take over the supplement industry in the mid-90s, that they had no jurisdiction over it.
It's only when you try to say your supplement is a drug or competes with a drug that you're now in their turf.
Like, you're a crack dealer that wanted to go down to a certain corner in South Central LA and maybe the MS-13 of the Latin Kings are mad at you.
Maybe the Crips and Bloods take a shot at you too, you know.
And like, Alex Jones, he sells unapproved supplements.
They're not approved by the FDA.
Is milk approved?
Are oranges?
How about air?
Because that's where I operate is like real things like vitamin D and zinc and iodine and things like that.
You know, real things like B12.
God, he sells B12!
What a freakazoid!
But we've got some great Lucifer essence, loofer, looser essence, glowing genome of the colony jellyfish, and an immortal cell line of a dead black woman.
And we inject it in you, and it's so wondrous, a lot of the properties are secret, but it's the FDA, it's approved.
Alright, let me hit the big news.
It's just really hard.
Earpiece popped out.
It's really hard to just sit here with this one document.
I mean, this is just one thing in the stack.
I mean, this is impossible.
Even if I tried, I couldn't even.
Because you can't get this justice.
This is just as evil and just as big a lie As saying that two women had a baby in a California prison when it was a man who raped her.
Or saying a man that says he's a woman is now the first four-star general, four-star admiral.
It's all just cuckoo land.
And that's what this is.
It's just a mass mental illness of crazy globalists, crazy devilish people that just want to burn down civilization.
Transgender inmates sexually assault and rape female inmates at a shocking rate.
Ministry of Justice reveals.
So here it is.
This is a pretty big deal.
And if you just type in U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, BLA Approval, Pfizer, this comes right up on their website.
But you won't hear Reuters talking about it because the Reuters CEO is on the board of Pfizer.
In fact, cue up that little short video everybody sent to me last night.
Joe Rogan tweeted it out.
He put it on Instagram and within 30 minutes of us sitting there eating dinner, it had a million views.
That's exciting that Joe's so awake now and pissed off at him.
Cue up that video I never played yesterday.
It's on the list.
That's the first thing I'm going to play if I want to get around some videos.
That just shows clips of just some of the national TV sporting events, news programs, telling you that the propaganda about it being safe and effective is paid for by Pfizer.
But it's a little bitty proviso, and they have a 30-minute or hour-long news program giving you a bunch of lies.
Nightline, all the programs.
Yeah, go ahead and roll that with audio.
Here it is.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
CBS Health Watch, sponsored by Pfizer.
Anderson Cooper 360.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
ABC News Nightline.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Making a difference.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
CNN Tonight.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Early start.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Friday night on Erin Burnett Out Front.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
This week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer.
This letter report brought to you by Pfizer.
Today's countdown to the Royal Wedding is brought to you by Pfizer.
And now a CBS Sports Update brought to you by Pfizer.
Meet the Press.
Data download.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
This portion of CBS This Morning, sponsored by Pfizer.
On how to find the hidden sugars in the American family diet.
Sponsored by Pfizer.
And of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Somebody ought to put together.
We ought to put together.
That a lot of those were reports on the vaccines that aren't vaccines.
So that's totally illegal.
This report on our deadly drug is sponsored by us to then get all the executives and all the ad people and everybody on board with committing human sacrifice.
With killing old people, with killing children, with killing everybody, killing teenagers.
And then metaphysically, you are wide open.
That's what this is all about.
This is about getting you to do evil stuff.
That's the whole point of this.
And then killing you.
Getting your soul... Read the screw tape letters.
It's a great allegory by C.S.
Distracting you, getting you on board with their system, and then destroying you.
Yeah, there's NBC News.
See NBC News.
Doing a whole report on how wonderful and great, and it's totally safe, and it's totally effective.
You know, Fauci was back on TV a couple days ago saying, the vaccines are extremely effective, over 90%.
All lies.
It's in the news that, remember they just said six months ago, the J&J they found is the best.
All a lie.
Johnson & Johnson, they're now saying, is 3% effective.
3% effective.
Of course, that's a lie too.
It's very effective at killing you.
Very effective at giving you cancer.
Very effective at ruining your life.
Very effective at sucking all the money out of you at the hospitals that run the system.
So when we come back, the big news, the declaration of war on our children, the shot heard around the world.
And how they're going to do it in the schools, how they're going to forcibly do it.
I've got all the documents here.
It's like I just showed you the document from the CDC.
We'll cover all of that coming up.
And then there's a very important report on InfoWars.com.
It's life-saving.
I hope everybody shares.
And that's the latest Greg Reese report.
Government document confirms the COVID vaccines are bioweapons.
All right, folks.
I'm getting disciplined now.
I'm covering a lot of the news and I'm going to plow into The information and the Declaration of War on Humanity and the shock heard around the world.
It's just unspeakably bad.
Here in just a moment and then what's going to unfold out of us even worse.
I mean, this is a story that gets worse as it goes.
And I'm not the bearer of bad news.
It's very good news that we're even on air and able to understand this.
And all the glory goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God, please protect me.
Please cleanse me.
It's just that the evil level is just intensifying.
I know you all noticed that.
I've got some good news for folks.
I've told the laboratory that will not go named, because we'll lose them.
We've had them for a long time.
People will harass them until we don't ever tell you about where a lot of this stuff, who we have making it.
But it's all tested and jumps through all the hoops.
Everything's done.
But BrainForce Ultra.
It has amazing, organic, concentrated ingredients in it, and it's hard to get those ingredients.
So I've told them, just as fast as you can make it, when it comes in, normally we order like 10,000 bottles at a time, I said, I don't care if 500 come in.
If you have the ingredients, even though it costs us more to set up and run a batch if it's a smaller batch, I don't care.
Manufacture, don't cut corners, don't cut quality.
They don't do that.
They're even more neurotic than I am about that.
This is the neurotic lab.
This is the gold standard.
They're the people.
They're the ones.
And they're, by the way, on board with us, of course.
That's why we're able to have them.
Another blessing.
It's not just bad things happen fighting the New World Order.
We've got a lot of friends.
It's like the folks that own In-N-Out are Christians, and so they're saying no to the Mark of the Beast.
We're the salt of the earth, folks.
We know we're sinners.
We know we're bad.
But, I mean, we're going to have to work together.
Anyways, Brain Force Ultra.
We got a supply of it yesterday.
A couple thousand bottles came in.
Almost 3,000.
And so, it's 25% off right now.
And we've got the reviews in.
They're 100% reviews on this new product.
And Brain Force Ultra is just over the top strong.
So I'll be very careful when you take it.
And it also hits most people in about 10 minutes.
Some people in about a minute.
And unlike turbo force that lasts 10 hours of clean energy and is fire-breathing stuff made by a top sports developer in the country.
Anybody into nutrition stuff knows the name.
We paid him a lot to come up with the formula.
Very clean, strongest thing.
Nobody puts this much in the industry.
That's turbo force.
Turbo force is just insane.
Too strong.
I mean, I can't even hardly take it.
This does not last very long.
Couple hours.
Like coffee lasts four hours, five hours.
This lasts a couple hours.
And the great part about it is, is that you don't have basically any hangover.
I don't get any hangover.
It's weird.
And it's very psychoactive in that it does some interesting things.
This is unlike anything.
I mean, I said, I want something really special.
And I got them trying to make something even stronger right now, but that happens where you give it a different name.
But when you reformulate, you just change the name to something else.
You don't ever, you know, actually, I mean, well, you can say plus or whatever, but that's why Brain Force the Pill is great.
But it's called plus because we made it even better.
You can't have like Brain Force Ultra Plus, but we'll have some cool name for it if they're even able to do it.
They're not even sure they can.
We got a limited supply of it, it's available at InfoWarsTore.com if you want to experience it.
I've only been taking it lately, because I've already got so much energy with what's going on in the world that I just can't handle it.
But this is my personal supply, and I've been using this two months, and it's only a third of the way down.
It's right here at my desk.
And when I take it, here I'll take some right now.
When I take it, I take about a tenth of a dropper.
And some of the guys are like, hey, why are you telling people there's hundreds and hundreds of doses in it?
It's true, but they'll never run out of it.
I'm just saying.
I'm just saying, I'm not going to lie to people.
It lasts a long time, too.
So, info wars.
And the guys aren't bad saying that.
I get their point.
We need to bring money and we need to fund this operation.
But I'm just being point blank with you.
And then chase down a little bit of Wake Up America coffee.
You know, let's go to Greg Reese's report, and then I will finish up with what I've started here.
On the children and the forced inoculation.
Because people tune in here to get what's really going on, not what the surface is.
And the surface is like off the chart evil, off the chart bad.
But it's forced inoculation.
We've got the CDC documents and all of it.
And this is, again, the design implosion of the economy.
And the takeover of the neighborhoods, the counties, the cities.
They'll have block captains that are armed telling you what to do.
I mean, this is full-on Red Dawn martial law.
I mean, you watch the movie Red Dawn, a fictitious communist takeover of the West.
That place would be where you go vacation.
That's a fun place compared to where we're going.
So here's Greg Reese's report.
Having the data from millions of cases over several weeks, nearly a third of all COVID cases in the UK, the data is
The so-called COVID vaccines are slowly killing people.
The latest vaccine surveillance reports published by Public Health England show what we've already been hearing from doctors worldwide.
The mRNA jabs are destroying people's immune systems, and it seems to be happening gradually over time, especially for the doubly vaccinated between 40 and 70 years old.
They have already lost over 40% of their immune system capability and are losing an additional 5% every week.
At this rate, by Christmas, we will have 0% immune system capability in all doubly vaccinated people over 40.
And by March, everyone over 30 will have lost their immune systems as well.
Over time, it appears that those age 30 and younger are also seeing a degradation of their immune systems.
It's normal for this age group to have a more vigorous immune system, so perhaps it does a better job fighting off the debilitating mRNA jabs at first.
Time will tell, but the data shows a very difficult and dark winter lies ahead.
And we've heard this before.
Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist who has conducted over 100,000 COVID-19 lab tests, has also found that the mRNA shots are causing serious autoimmune disorders.
And Dr. David Bauer, one of the top virologists running this so-called vaccine program in the UK, confirms all of this.
We found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who've had two doses, have about five to six-fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies, which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place.
We've also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab, that they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.
And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward, is that we see that the older you are, the lower your levels are likely to be, and the time since you've had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely to be.
And actually says that having a regular booster shot will be some kind of remedy.
So that's telling us that we're probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older and more vulnerable people.
Like a monthly subscription service to stay alive.
Let us not forget how all of this was started by the Communist Chinese.
How they already recovered from COVID and are now flaunting military power, threatening the borders of Taiwan and India.
In the book Unrestricted Warfare, published in America 20 years ago, officers of the Communist Chinese military recognize that it's impossible to challenge the U.S.
in a conventional military arena, and explain how the only way to conquer America would be through deception, so that the public never knew they were under attack.
They described how they could accomplish this.
By flooding the U.S.
with illicit drugs to demoralize us.
Infiltrating and subverting the stock markets, the judicial system, and the media.
Seizing control of vital natural resources and creating a fake natural disaster using biological weapons.
And finally, take down the entire electrical information grid to cause social panic, street riots, and a political crisis.
With over a third of the population suffering from complete immune failure, taking down the grid this winter would be devastating.
Now is the time to brace yourself for what's coming.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
That's right.
Talk to your family.
Tell them you love them.
Get right with Jesus, folks.
I mean, this is the end of America and the dawn of the Antichrist.
And again, your churches aren't going to tell you this.
I'm sorry.
I can't lie to you.
Greg Reese is not going to lie to you.
That's why I get surly and really mean on air, because this is so horrible.
But we deserve it.
We killed all those babies.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
God, help us, please, God.
Let me tell you, Greg Reese has been here like four years now.
We hired him because he entered into a contest that we had.
He did a great job, memory serves, but he moved over from Hawaii.
Had some great footage on the big island of Kona of the eruption happening there.
Got right up close to it.
And so we hired him.
He's a great guy.
And that's his most powerful video yet.
Major government report proves COVID vaccines are bioweapons.
And you know, that headline is super hardcore.
It's dead on.
It's true.
There's no way to wiggle out of it.
And their answer is to say a man is a woman is a four-star admiral.
And they put him in like a space captain outfit.
Star Trek outfit.
That's what evil is.
It just counters you with more BS.
And there's the British report.
You're twice as likely to die, twice as likely to get COVID, 20 plus times more likely to develop cancers.
The numbers are now out of the UK.
And that's in the report.
If you're a radio listener, Gregory shows it.
20 times more likely.
I keep saying doubling of cancer.
That was early numbers.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
And again, it begs the question, well, as the public, if they're this dumb, they deserve to die.
But the globalists are super evil, though.
They're the worst people.
See, you can't, like, pretend you're a globalist, because they're coming after you, too.
I mean, believe me, and I'm not trying to brag about it, but I mean, I'll guarantee you maybe one out of a million people gets approached to join the top of the New World Order.
And by the way, that's not me, like, proud of that.
I mean, you know, that's like getting offered to be sucked into a black hole for eternity.
So, you know, I mean, this is 100% real.
It's as serious as a heart attack, okay?
It's as real as the sun coming up in the morning.
Let's go ahead and play a little clip from...
I said pull up a Star Trek clip just anyone of shields falling because when you look at that report, notice what the Chinese say is what the Davos group says.
They said the next thing is a power outage globally.
Schwab said, it will make.
It will make.
COVID-19 looked like a happy thing, huh?
A power going out worldwide.
I feel like it's going to hit America, probably, huh?
And then it's a cataclysm.
So, you know, they're not just cutting off our pipelines and stuff.
Because you can't have those completed, because we could just pump stuff down from Canada and get power back on in a few weeks.
No, no, no, no, no.
Everything's got to be shut down so we have a proper civil war.
And so the shields, physically, with the shots, your immune system's being erased.
Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
Shields are going down.
And what happens after the shields go down?
Well, then the torpedoes and phasers get shot at us.
Go ahead and roll the clip.
Well, I'm giving you no word.
In my judgment, you simply have no alternative.
I see your point.
Stand by to receive our transmission.
So, lock phasers on target and await my command.
Phasers locked.
Time's up. Here it comes. Now, this is what it's about.
Oh, and what's this whole movie about?
Killing everyone on the planet?
Sir, our shields are dropping.
We'll create a new planet.
Raise them!
It's too late, America!
I can't!
Where's the overrun?
They told me you're all dead soon, but he works for the bad guys.
You're all dead!
Your immune system's down, and now we're gonna kill your children.
That's a good clip you guys found.
I'm like, just go get me a clip of phasers and shields dropping.
But you know what else they like to do, right?
They actually want some children to survive.
That's why they're waiting to inject them until the big thing hits.
Then they won't get all the children.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
That's a good clip you guys found.
I'm like, "Just go get me a club of phasers and shields dropping."
And they found a perfect clip.
Which even gives you a eugenics angle.
Which it always goes back to.
But see, you're not watching Rathacon in 1980, whatever, eating Milk Duds and drinking a nice, cold, delicious Coca-Cola.
You're getting shot at right now, and your shields are dropping.
All right, we'll be right back.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back into hour number three, and I'm just going to hammer through all the news that I've already been eating around the edges of in the last two hours for you right now.
First off, let's go back to where we begun and recap.
Official FDA letter that tells you that the Pfizer shot is approved says that in the year 2026 they may approve it.
I showed you that.
Here is the document.
Anybody can simply just go to the FDA website and type in O-U-R-S-T-N colon B-L-1-2-5-7-4-2 forward slash zero.
Alright, now if you're driving on the road you might want to just check this for yourself.
I'm going to say it again.
O-U-R-S-T-N colon B-L-1-2-5-7-4-2 forward slash zero.
And this is the approval of it safe and effective.
And it says it is not safe and effective.
And it says that they may approve it in the year 2026.
So I showed you that.
Let's move on from there with their criminal activity.
Again, no words can describe how horrible, how illegal this is, and just how... It's like getting news you have a terminal brain tumor, you'll be dead in one month.
I mean, for our culture and society, this is just like... We should all be walking around in sackcloth, just throwing ourselves down on the ground, asking God for forgiveness, stopping all this.
Because we turn from our wicked ways, seek God's face, He will heal our land.
Oh, and this is something I wanted to say earlier.
I've been really like a computer working, trying to figure out the answer to all of this.
And it really is simple.
We have to change our heart, change our soul, surrender to God, and then go out and warn everybody, and not comply with the system, but also point out that they're going to stage false flags to blame on the Liberty Movement to start a physical civil war and force the fight.
And that's why they're coming after the children now with experimental shots, is to kill them so that some die, and so people then take action into their own hands.
Just like in V for Vendetta when they killed a little girl, and that's it.
And yeah, anywhere in America, anywhere in England, on a regular blue-collar street, I don't care if it was Muslims, Christians, whatever it was, people see some cop shoot a seven-year-old girl in the back, the cop's gonna die.
The thug's gonna die.
And so, but see, our police aren't bad like that.
That's why they're the enemy.
It's why they're under attack.
It's why they're being told, take the deadly shot.
It's why they're quitting so the bad ones can come take over.
This is all the equation.
Then they start the false flags.
Then they say that, you know, Alex Jones listeners blew up the Pfizer facility.
And that's it.
And of course, V for Vendetta is about eugenics and a totalitarian government using poisons they give the public to then bring in martial law.
You see, it's the same story over and over and over and over and over again.
Yeah, so back this up.
I want to play this scene here in a minute, where the...
So do you know what's going to happen?
But you see, this is not the gunpowder plot for the "we the people" against the system.
This is them hatching their own global revolution to destroy industrial society, which is their primary target.
Destroy industrial society for the general public, have a breakaway civilization of science and learning and life
extension for the establishment to then transcend humanity.
So go ahead and roll that piece from Aviva Vendetta.
So do you know what's going to happen? No, it was a feeling.
(dramatic music)
But I can guess.
There's so much chaos, someone will do something stupid.
And when they do, things will turn nasty.
And then, Suttler will be forced to do the only thing he knows how to do.
At which point, all V needs to do is keep his word.
And then...
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
You start this.
You're starting a civil war.
Death sentence for the police and military.
Who is their main target?
You see they attack their primary target with the secondary target civilian population.
And I'm gonna stay at my post.
I'm not heading for the hills, folks.
That's my job and I'm honored to do it.
But I'm just telling you, get right with Jesus right now.
Okay, let's get back to it.
So, they come out and they announce that the children are going to take the approved vaccine.
That's all a lie.
It's not approved.
I just showed you the FDA document.
They might approve it in 2026.
So this is a shot heard around the world.
Biden announces plan to forcibly inject children five and over with COVID-19 bioweapon.
And you notice in all the Democrat states, they're saying mandatory.
And we're now mobilizing, including the National Guard in New York, California, Michigan and other global controlled states.
Pennsylvania, they're all announcing it.
Some southern states are getting ready to Arkansas.
And that they are going to come into the schools with military run clinics.
You're used to seeing troops and martial law, and that they are going to inoculate the children.
Now, they say get parental consent in there, but they're saying it's the law, you've got to do it, and it's all color of law, and most people will do it via color of law, and the Nuremberg Code, and also federal and state law says, if you twist somebody's arm into something, that's coerced, that's forced, that's racketeering.
I mean, is there a law when the mafia says they'll burn down your grocery store if you don't pay them protection money?
Well, there's the law if they're going to burn it down.
Or you can decide to fight them.
And places where people fight, the mafia can't operate.
Mafia never did, you know, did classic type mafias of the East Coast, from the old world, didn't ever do good in the South.
But that's because the South, again, was founded by Scots, who were always killing each other and killing everybody else.
They look for an excuse to kill you, if you mess with them.
That's the Wild Wild West.
That's the Scots.
But that's a whole other subject, ladies and gentlemen, of the real American history.
That's where all this is going, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's on.
And I want to get this one trillion percent clear.
I'm not going to kill any cops.
I'm not going to kill any FBI agents.
I'm not going to kill any CIA people.
I'm not going to attack the military or bureaucrats or Klaus Schwab or any of them.
The good, the bad and the ugly will be sorted out by God.
But they are going to stage false flags.
Everything is set.
The stage is set.
It's all prepared.
Because they're coming at our children with violence, with death in a needle.
And they need to turn the issue around and say it's the patriots that are terrorists.
That's why in the official terrorism policy of the U.S.
government, that's been hijacked and controlled by the globalists, that protesting vaccines or lockdowns is terrorism.
In the report, I got it right here, I'll show it to you.
Again, for the 500th time probably.
Since June, I've shown that on air probably 500 times.
Some shows, I've shown it like 20 times a show.
I've probably shown it on 100 programs total since then.
Okay, so, this is done.
This is done.
So let's continue.
COVID teams can vaccinate pupils against parents' wishes, school told London Guardian.
This is from September of this year, and now it's coming.
This year in some schools, in blue areas, and then next year in the rest of the areas when they release the new bioweapon.
So I'm just showing you background.
And as I said, here it is in the U.S.
USA Today.
State still can inoculate kids without parental okay.
They're saying they're going to inject five-year-olds, Tennessee says.
That's USA Today.
Colorado governor, there's video of this on InfoWars.com, says kids should lie and get COVID vaccine without parents knowing.
It's all directed by the same people.
San Francisco, and it's also the next thing, is you sterilize your children without parental consent.
San Francisco allows children to consent to COVID vaccines without parents knowing.
It's all happening now.
Parents take aim at D.C.
law that lets minors get vaccinated without permission.
Now, I'm going to get to the force part when we come back.
But it's all, it's all here.
I'm going to show you the CDC documents that you can see there on screen when we come back.
But this is, this is the butchering of our country and our children.
Right in front of us.
Infowars.com, banned on video.
Have you shared those links today?
The future of the planet and your life depends on it.
It's a very crazy time to be alive.
And all the regular checks and balances have been destroyed.
And the entire judiciary has been weaponized at the Supreme Court level.
You know, it was Robert Barnes that warned that Amy Coney Barrett would be the vote that pushed it over the edge for forced inoculation in America.
And the Supreme Court said employers can make you take this experimental shot.
I mean, it'd be unconstitutional to say you can take an approved shot.
But experimental?
Absolutely criminal.
That's just one more of the big stories today.
There's hundreds.
So let's get back to this.
When governments come to children, And say, we say you can have sex with adults when you're 10 years old, as the left says.
And we say you can have abortions when you're 10 years old, without your parents' say.
And we say you can take these experimental injections without telling your parents.
And governors go on TV in Colorado, and the premiers of major states in Australia come out and say it.
It's a unified operation.
In France, they're just giving children shots without parental consent.
It's not even a law, they just do it.
Just raw, straight-up tearing.
Don't even create the BS authorization.
It's just Macron says you will do it.
That's Napoleonic law.
Still in place.
And so, this is... I took a bite of food during the break.
I'll wash it down.
This is a criminal raping.
I mean, it's illegal on so many fronts, it makes the head swim.
And so you see the attacks in Europe, they're now here.
COVID teams can vaccinate pupils against their parents' wishes, school told.
And now you see the education secretaries and the rest of them in Congress saying, yeah, parents don't have control of children, do they?
The state does.
When the state says it has control of children, That's a 10 out of a 10 on the tiering scale.
And all of the citizens, that's what I just keep trying to get to, is where's the Congress?
Where's Ron Paul?
Where's Rand Paul?
Where's any of these people?
Trump, I have the video, I didn't play it yesterday, said, oh, if I was president still, I could get the public to take the shots.
I mean, it's just hopeless.
He means well.
He's proud of himself.
He thinks he did a good thing.
He said the damn shot's effective.
It's pure crap.
And so I want Trump to get good Republicans elected and stuff, and he's a force of good overall.
And I'm not deluding myself that he's a good guy.
He is a good guy, but I'm not deluding myself to think that.
I mean Trump is so optimistic and believes in the guy that basically
developed the idea of the secret before Oprah Winfrey and all them basically
pushed that idea of the secret and he just he just he will not admit that he
got set up But let's just move on from that.
That's another huge story, obviously.
But let's get to this.
This is important.
This is from the CDC.
No, it's not a law.
It's not a regulation.
It's considerations for planning school located vaccine clinics coming into the schools with the National Guard.
Doesn't say that in the document, but it's being done.
You've seen it on the news.
And you gotta go read this thing.
I mean, I could spend, again, an hour just reading this on air.
It's incredible.
And it's basically the UN style, come in, take over the village, make you take the shots.
And it talks about, you need to get consent.
And it talks about bad reactions.
But people are being forced, so it's like with a gun to your head, saying that you have consent.
Then the key is, says, an applicable, applicable, develop, or plan for use of electronic registration and or consent system.
So that's enrolling the children in the digital ID system.
Training for the vaccination, vaccinators and school staff when it's not a vaccine.
See, you call the shots, vaccinating adolescents.
That's a report.
Plan to distribute educational promotional materials for the students, brainwashing them.
And it's all right there.
Report any adverse events, vaccine administration errors to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Which then the left says you can't believe even though even Harvard admitted that about 1% of the actual reports get reported there and it's very accurate.
They just hope you don't look it up.
Communicate with school and school district partners about the clinics, the mobile clinics, legal issues related to minors, school staff, and volunteers.
But they're on TV saying you got to take it, it's the law, you don't need your parents consent, but then they're saying in the fine print, oh you need consent.
I mean, this is just so sad, and I look at the children that are doing this too.
the shots of the sickening leftist parents taking their babies and little children in
for the studies that don't come out until 2026 for the quote approved vaccine that they said may get
approval in 2026.
I keep going back to that.
It's just the level of deception.
White House unveils plan to quickly vaccinate kids ages 5 to 11.
Oh, the FDA hasn't even done their fake approval yet, and he keeps having to fire people or have them resign.
So the White House just announces it.
Dr. Biden.
My butt got wiped.
My butt got wiped.
Remember that?
100 California schools to host vaccine clinics.
For kids 5 to 11.
Pending approval, according to report.
Ah, ABC.
In California.
See, it's all getting set up.
White House unveils plan to distribute COVID-19 vaccine to children.
But you're being told you must do it by the governor even before they even have the rubber stamp.
White House details their little plan to forcibly inject 28 million children.
That's what it is.
Here comes the vaccine push to exclude parents, develop adolescents into health consumers.
That's a quote.
out of the government document, working with Pfizer and others.
Develop adolescents into health consumers.
Yeah, once your immune system's erased, you're gonna be a consumer big time,
like a pig in a slaughterhouse is a consumer.
You're gonna be consumed.
And guess who's pushing all this?
National School Board Association asked for federal assistance to stop threats
and acts of violence against public education leaders.
Now you know why the FBI and everybody's getting involved in school, because they're about to become the hubs of the control, the re-education camps.
And that takes us to this when we come back.
What is a Judas Goat?
We'll show you one.
Judas Goat ...is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general an animal herding.
The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination.
In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter while its own life is spared.
Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and or on to trucks.
We're going to introduce you to a Judas goat.
You've heard of the environmental ones, Greta Thunberg, people like that.
Well, we're going to introduce you to another one here when we come back that you really need to learn about.
Kelly Danielpour.
Tell you about Kelly Danielpour when we come back.
The Judas goat leading your children to go get the shots without telling you.
You know, like when a rapist comes and rapes your kid or something.
It's the same thing.
Destroying parental consent.
Raping the children.
All right, I've scratched the surface but I've hit a lot so far.
You need to digest this, I need to digest this, and you need to have it really sink in.
I'm telling myself this, and ask yourself, what are you doing today to warn people?
Because you can be cynical, I can shift to that gear too and just say, screw all these dumb people, let them die.
The children.
What about the children?
See, that's why you can't do that.
Remember, when I'm pointing my finger at you, I'm pointing three more back at me, okay?
I'm just like you.
That's why you tune in, that's what we are.
We get it.
I'm asking myself, what am I going to do?
What are you going to do?
We really should just be talking about mitigating this and saving ourselves.
First, we've got to take care of ourselves so we can take care of others.
But it has to be in that mission.
I guess I should go ahead and go through scenarios of what is going to transpire.
There's only a few different paths we're going down.
It runs from absolutely nightmarish and horrible to just end-of-the-world stuff.
I mean the horrors that we are already witnessing and the normalization of these horrors is just
I don't even like to speak these things into existence, but it's already it's already happening and
Folks folks you have to understand we have the british government reports. We have the u.s
government reports, and they say you are at least twice as likely to die if you've taken the COVID vaccine.
Again, that's not a vaccine.
And they're already saying, "Oh, it's 96% effective, 90%, 85, 80, 72, 69, 62, 60, 54, 49, 43, 22."
And then now they're like, "Okay, it's 3% effective."
And this one over here is 8% effective.
But after nine months, it's zero effective.
I mean, none of that's even true.
It's very effective at killing you.
It's very effective at ruining your life.
It's amazingly effective at erasing your immune system and turning your killer T's off.
So the T lymphocyte cells that go and Give directions to the T-lymphocytes.
The T-lymphocytes give directions to the killer T's.
They go talk to them and they just sit there.
Puts them in a coma.
Turns them off.
Doesn't kill them like HIV, which kills the T-lymphocyte.
And Fauci's in command of this because he cooked it up.
He ran the project to make HIV.
And was handed the project by the developers at the Pentagon.
And that's all come out.
And my dad knew that in the mid-80s.
I remember him sitting around the table talking about it.
Because he knew all the people.
He knew them all.
And he did the demo work for the Deputy CIA Director.
And they told him all that stuff.
And my dad won't tell me what the stuff he was involved in.
I don't know.
I just know that kind of stuff.
And I know he got offered a job at an underground base, working on cyborgs.
I listened in over that.
My parents talked about it when I was like 10 years old, or 9 years old.
That's just an example of the whole civilization that's just right beneath the surface, right there.
That's just a whole thing, and we're just sitting here, and it's a fricking nightmare.
My dad just tells me, you know, I'm in charge and I'm dead on.
That's all my dad says.
And of course, my dad's beyond freaked out.
So, this is just bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Okay, let's just get back to it here.
I mean, again, here's the former head of the CDC, goes on TV, And tells Fox News that a lot of times people may feel it's a rare event that fully vaccinated people die.
I happen to be the senior advisor of Governor Hogan in the state of Maryland.
In the past six to eight weeks, more than 40% of people have died in Maryland who are fully vaccinated.
Did you know it's 91% in West Virginia?
And again, the number he gives is bull.
I went and looked it up.
It's over 80% again in Maryland.
But see, same thing in England.
But why is that?
Well, he's telling you 40% now.
They're just getting you used to it.
So when you hear, it's a psychological tactic, that it's 87%, oh no, no, no, no, it's 40.
And then they'll say, oh, it's, yeah, actually, you have no immune system.
And then everybody's gonna burn the country down.
See how they win?
See how they do that?
Because you're thinking, oh, they'll just get in trouble.
Man, we're going to win.
We're going to take it all back.
They already thought that through.
Unless Senator Paul and Senator Hawley and all of them come out and say, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, they'll only be arrested, and expose the whole agenda and how they cooked it up at Wuhan and how they released it and how they've done the whole thing, they're going to hold us hostage with more bioweapons.
That's why Rand Paul and them won't go all the way.
Paul's getting close, and they'll probably kill it.
They really get scared if Senators start telling the truth.
But, I mean, Paul needs to do it.
They've already tried to kill him.
They've already tried to kill Scalise.
You know Paul was the main target at that baseball game.
You don't think that guy just broke six of his ribs on accident.
This is all a setup.
Or the attack on him outside the White House.
So I get it.
But he's just going to have to decide to man up and get ready to die!
And I get he's been shot at and physically attacked and his lung punctured.
I get it.
But we're all going to die anyways.
And he understands that.
So he's our best shot right now.
And that's why they're all over the news saying, I've got to be taken off the air.
They have not been able to get grand juries to indict me because they look at me and go, this guy's not done what they say.
I don't want to get into it all, but it's OK.
And that's why they've now got Judge is saying you don't even get a trial.
You don't even get a jury.
We're just going to rule this and you know, shut your business down.
I mean, they see it as a business silencing this.
And they get frustrated.
They get upset.
And, you know, the higher ups and all this are saying, get him off the air.
So I don't say this for dramatic effect.
I need you to know we could be off the air at any time.
Their finger is hovering over the button to kill me.
And I don't want to die.
I'm in God's hands.
But I just want you to understand that some men are going to have to be willing to die to stop this.
And that just means don't go out and blow up a federal building.
Don't go out and blow up a Pfizer building.
Don't go out, you know, they're going to do that and blame us.
Don't worry.
You got to be willing to pick it and speak out and call and talk radio and go to state houses.
And I'll tell you the best news I've heard in a long time.
And this is what's really going to fix it.
And I've got to be careful how I tell this because it's it's in confidence.
And so I'll just leave it like this.
I'm confirmed that at ABC News and CNN and other places.
That people's wives, mainly, are leaving their husbands over the vaccine, over them lying about it, in mash.
Family members are, and I'm not saying this is good, but like, brothers go and, you know, show up, like 50-year-old men, and beat their brother up, because, you know, they're on TV, doing this.
I mean, people are, families, they're taking this very, very serious.
And I leave that up to families, what you do with your family, but sometimes things are a family affair.
When I was a teenager, my dad said, if you turn evil, I'm going to kill you.
And I knew he was serious about it.
And I almost did turn evil.
So, and I'm not saying we should kill our family members, but this is a family affair, folks.
And, you know, you know who you live with, you know what they've done, and are you going to let them keep killing people?
I'm not saying kill anybody.
I'm just simply saying that in this type of war, that's the type of wheelhouse we're entering.
And people aren't going to put up with this much longer.
I'm just going to tell you that right now.
Paul Joseph Watson is hosting the fourth hour today.
All right, let me just continue with the news I was hitting.
Talked about the Judas Code earlier.
Here it is.
Judas goat is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general an animal herding.
The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination.
In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter while its own life is spared.
Judas goats are also used to lead other animal-specific pens or to trucks.
Cue up the footage, please, out of the penal colony, the continent of Australia, of the police dog attacking the police.
Now, some dogs are stupid, some dogs are smart.
And this is a phenomenon that's been seen and known before.
It actually happened to some in Nazi Germany, that when they try to have even a trained killer German Shepherd attack children, it would usually attack its handler.
German Shepherds, again, even if they're male, have a maternal instinct that why would you kill, why would you hurt a small person?
What is this person doing?
The dog thinks it's a human.
It thinks that this is in a pack.
And if the dog saw somebody steal some food from you, or do something wrong, and then you went and beat their brains out, the dog might agree, because it thinks, well, that's somebody stealing our food.
But if you're just beating people up for no reason, the dog doesn't see justice in that, and it attacks.
So, do you want to be like that dog that attacked the riot police who were beating men, women, and children, and trying to push people off the street and harassing them?
Why does the dog start biting the man?
She's in riot gear.
He's got a mask on.
He is a bad guy.
The dog doesn't like that.
And It's been trained, obviously years before, to stop attackers.
And it can differentiate the fact that this is the bad person, this is the person initiating the assault.
So it needs to stop the person assaulting.
You know, the Bible says, out of the mouths of babes you will learn the truth.
How about from visually observing a dog you will learn the truth?
A Judas goat is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding.
The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep and cattle.
To live with us.
To be one of us.
Leading them to a specific destination to slaughter.
Now, let me show you a Judas goat.
Greta Thunberg's a Judas Cope.
Well, they're anti for parents.
But here it is.
As parents forbid COVID shots, defiant teenagers seek ways to get them.
That's the New York Times.
Oh, it's so avant-garde and rebel to go get your shot when you're brainwashed by the school and offered money.
They're now doing, oh, don't tell your parents.
That's the state involved turning your children into the Hitler Youth.
That's right out of 1984 where people's children are spying on the state.
I mean, that's, that's like maximum dystopia.
But this is so they can erase your child's immune system.
Children don't have the age of consent, depending on what country you're in, from about 13 to 18.
And that's because we don't think you should have the authorization to buy alcohol, or buy cigarettes, or pornography, or join the military.
You have to be 18 to make that decision.
Oh, but you can have an abortion at 10 in California, or say you want a shot.
They have a law there.
And now they're just trying to just do this elsewhere without even a law.
Again, the governor of videos up on InfoWars.com, he also told that to a newspaper.
He said, yeah, go ahead.
If your parents won't let you go ahead, just go get it.
And all over the world, they have ice cream trucks in Germany, in France, in Spain, in Canada, and now in the U.S., ice cream trucks pull up at the park playing ice cream music with nurses and free ice cream and little Give certificates of up to $100, I've seen, for you to just take the shot.
Now that's a giant criminal exercise.
That's illegal.
That's going to make people fight back.
And it's, again, how do we stop them from attacking us but not get violent back so they can trigger the civil war that destroys civilization?
But they're going to destroy it anyway.
So this is what we're talking about.
This is what's going on.
So, let me tell you about one of the Judas Codes.
When parents said no to their kids being vaccinated, this teenager created VaxTeen.
It's now more crucial than ever.
When you go read VaxTeen and what it's funded by, about stronger, it's all funded by subgroups, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer, of course.
Like many 18-year-olds, Kelly Danielpour is preparing to start college in the fall.
Planning out her classes, buying dorm necessities, and wondering what her roommate will be like.
Oh, she's a regular person.
Unlike many 18-year-olds, she's also spending her spare time helping teens across the country navigate vaccine-hesitant parents and get their COVID vaccines.
It goes on to say, so they'll be protected, which is a lie.
And of course, VaxTeen is, you can go read the groups that fund it, They've learned to not put Gates on the top of the thing, so it's PGP, the Public Good Projects, Bill and Melinda Gates fund that.
Biotechnology Innovation Organization, that's who's pushing getting rid of due process and making you take all this.
Google, they help fund the Wuhan Lab and this very project.
And all these other folks that Microsoft is heavily involved with.
The Co-Creation Nation.
Oh, they're creating, it's God!
Three sixes, they're in the symbol.
So, that's what's going on here.
And so, when you see that, oh there's, oh honey look, there's a young lady, she's telling us take the shots, and then the young people see that and go, oh, she's cool, she's on TV, she's famous!
She's helping people get protected and get their shot.
Just like Greta Thunberg.
You need to warn people about this type of stuff.
Because they know you don't trust Bill Gates.
They know you don't trust CNN.
They know you don't trust MSNBC.
They know all of that.
And so, they fund through subgroups a 17-year-old to run around with a huge PR firm and tell you that this is something you really need to do and that it's grassroots.
And look, I know as an audience you all know this, but we need to Really warn people and educate them about this.
Speaking of the Pope, it's here in my stack.
The UN has come out again and said they want a world ID, world carbon taxes now being rolled out.
And they have said that, trying to find that article here, we'll cover it when we come back.
That if you do anything politically incorrect, Big Tech's working with them on a new database to lower your social credit score.
So this is all moving very, very quick.
And we knew that was gonna happen.
It's already been going on, but now it's here.
It's here.
But there is some pushback.
You know, Paul Watson wrote an article at Infowars.com.
Rail company chides Twitter user for snitching on passenger for not wearing a mask.
And they said, hey, it's not good to spy on people and show their identity and harass them for doing that.
Oh, you should still wear your mask, but don't be a tattletale.
So that's that's them using reverse psychology to try to still act like they're moral
But let you know that you're gonna be snitched on if you don't
So they've really figured out the behavioral psychology on this
And so you've just got to learn to recognize it.
Just like when you watch a football game and you're a football enthusiast, you know what a formation means.
And you've watched that team enough, you know what they're about to play.
What they're about to do.
Or it's a trick play or whatever.
See, knowing about football games doesn't do anything for you but waste your time and your life.
Not putting people down that don't like it.
I've certainly been addicted to it my lifetime.
It's just that you're meant to have all that wargaming strategy stuff to recognize and navigate all this.
I mean, you've got the hardware and the gear that you need, that God gave you, to say no to this.
Okay, that's one stack we've covered in the last three hours.
That's the big stack.
But I've got this whole other stack we're going to hit before Watson takes over in the next little five-minute segment and more.
We'll definitely be a busy beaver.
I'm probably going to be on The War Room some Tuesday.
There's a bunch of stuff I need to get to that's just breaking right now, separately.
Our body's ultimate turmeric formula that has the strongest recuminoid level of any brand that we know of in existence.
We believe it's the strongest out there.
There may be one stronger, again, so I'm going to say it's the strongest.
So good for inflammation, so good for your body.
It's back in stock, 40% off.
Krill oil is the highest grade you're going to get, like fish oil beyond.
We have the highest grade of krill oil you can get out there at a very good price.
It's 40% off just by the fact it's selling out.
We have to just sell out to get the funds in.
And also, Vasovage is selling out, but we're offering that at 50% off.
at infowarestore.com, and we only got a few thousand bottles
'cause I told them, anytime you get the ingredients in, even though it cost me more per bottle,
run it, run it, run it.
So 3,000 bottles of our close to it, Brain Force Ultra came in.
For folks that are looking for that, it is back in stock for a limited time,
and it is 25% off, and it is amazing clean energy.
Very fast acting, and then in my experience, different with everybody, but this is not like
10-hour clean energy like Turbo Force.
This is quick energy, and for me, goes away in about two hours, which is cool.
'Cause I can be really tired and take it to like seven and still go to bed fine at 10.
If I took a turbo force, I'm climbing the walls at 4 a.m.
Which is great.
Some people need that.
Turbo force is too powerful for me.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
What a little sweetie pie Godzilla is.
He's going to exterminate major cities because the earth is mad at the humans.
We have to be depopulated.
Oh, it's the same story over and over again.
Will you guys queue up that dune clip again?
You know, I had an amazing two and a half hour dinner with Joe Rogan last night, and then I went and saw him do his new comedy.
And Joe's comedy is either the very best I've ever seen, or it's okay.
When he's working on some new stuff, sometimes he's working through it with these smaller crowds.
Then he goes and does Madison Square Garden and stuff, you know, for whatever, 80,000 people.
And I got to see what he did last night, two hours, at the Vulcan Gas Company downtown.
And it was just over the top.
It was so good that it was exhausting.
Like, each joke was so funny, and so dead on, and so... Not Alex Jones, because it's not Alex Jones.
It's the New World Order.
Like, we're all seeing the New World Order, and we're seeing how bad it is.
And, you know, Joe, 20 years ago, was kind of a little bit... knew about the New World Order, but kind of agreed with some of it.
Well, they're more reasonable.
It's not as bad as Jones says.
Now Joe is like out Alex Jones-ing me.
And of course the media will probably grab that and play it and say that, but everybody already knows that.
He's not getting it from me.
He just sees it all now.
And man, I was sitting back and I just felt extremely satisfied last night.
Because he was knocking it out of the park.
And see, now he can do it his way, the way he wants.
And it's so rare to have somebody that is as famous as you can get And they don't like tyranny.
And they're really good and see this as like training for a black belt.
Like Joe doesn't think he has his black belt in podcasting yet.
I saw what he said to me last night.
A lot of it's off record.
But the point is, he's going for his black belt that he's going to give himself when he's a black belt in podcasting.
Because you've got to get better.
You've got to get more hardcore.
You got to have more courage.
I mean, that's what he's doing.
And so it's crazy.
And I'm not I don't get any of the credit of it, because I was in a bad place and in some dark energy four years ago when I went after Joe.
And part of it was right that I did it.
I was mad at him for not being hardcore, not fighting the New World Order, really dissing me some on air, I guess, to position himself, you know, to be able to stay on air.
And I mean, that was my interpretation of it.
It was a little more nuanced than that.
And then Joe later said, you know, you're right.
I'm sorry.
That was B.S.
And I've known you.
We've been good friends.
And, you know, and he helped me.
I mean, it's like this is the real world.
This isn't a movie.
This isn't.
And then now I get to see him from instead of like.
He's a cheesy analogy, Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, but then he was never Darth Vader.
It's just that he he then became the good guy.
And because a man is made by the times he's in and the decisions he then makes in those times.
And so, I mean, that's Joe on air with me about, what, 10 months ago or so, right there in studio with us for TV Review.
You see this.
And I wouldn't say Joe was in a bad place then, but he was in a weird place.
And now, I mean, I hung out with him like, we were there an hour before he went on and we were out for like 45 minutes after he got on.
I hung out with Joe like six hours yesterday.
Or five hours.
And I mean, he was just like...
He was just like, he looks like 10 years younger.
And again, he's doing it because he's being, he's being really a warrior for liberty.
And again, he took off his shirt.
We're in the green room to put on another shirt.
Looks like he's a 20 year old gymnast.
And I've seen Joe take his shirt off before.
You know, 20 years ago, he looked like this much shape.
I'm not going off on how the guy looked.
I'm just saying he's, he's, you can see him alive from liberty and freedom.
And it's just pouring out of him.
And he said that, he said, yeah, I just, I just, you know, and just really, really, I mean, it's a good thing he's got
a lot of security.
The globalists, believe me, do not like what's happening with Joe Rogan.
It's a very exciting thing.
And I'm going to go on the war room and talk more about it.
This is important. I'm going to say too much.
We'll be right back.
If you listen to this show six weeks ago, two months ago, you will have heard
my prediction that they would try to reintroduce or at least the drumbeat,
the lobbying would start to reintroduce lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports for England.
Towards the end of October.
I said this on air many times.
I wrote it in an article on the 6th of September.
Said it before that.
Basically what's happened, and this is what I said would happen from the start, all the kids have gone back to school.
They're rigorously testing them multiple times weekly.
Of course, I don't blame some of them.
If I was back in school, I would have done it.
Many of the kids are basically testing pieces of fruit to get positive tests so they can get two weeks free off school.
But they're testing the kids multiple times weekly.
The university students, a few weeks ago, started all their courses.
They're getting tested multiple times weekly.
And lo and behold, what do we have?
Highest Covid cases since July in the United Kingdom.
Right on cue!
And of course, that's why we need a new lockdown.
We need new mask mandates.
Despite the fact, as Reuters even admits in this article, headline, Children fuel English Covid case rise after slow vaccine start.
Of course, the solution to all this in this context is them getting the vaccine.
Despite this quote from the GVCI member Adam Finn, which is one of the big advisory bodies to the government, he said, quote, we shouldn't imagine that somehow we missed the boat on some dramatic effect that would have been beneficial to children or everyone else.
These are his words, quote, because the vaccines just don't prevent transmission very efficiently, particularly with the Covid virus.
So you've got one of the chief government advisors on this medical committee saying outright, quote, the vaccines don't prevent transmission very efficiently, but the solution is to vaccinate all the kids anyway, despite the fact there's more risk of them getting complications and even serious illnesses and even death from the vaccines than from the virus itself, which they have an infinitesimal chance of being struck down by in any serious way.
We saw the stats from last year, Kids under the age of 16 have more chance of dying from falling over while trying to put on their pants than they do from the coronavirus.
But now they want to inject five-year-olds.
Next thing you know, they'll be injecting babies in the womb.
They already test them when they come out of the womb.
And of course, they already test everyone who goes into hospital.
Which means all the elderly patients going into hospital for treatment, as they do in increasing numbers, every single winter, as they die in increasing numbers, every single winter.
Though that's unfortunate, of course it means you will get more positive Covid cases, more supposed infections, based on the premise that they were infected and died within a 28-day period.
No, they could have been hit by a truck.
They could have died of brain cancer.
They could have died of pneumonia.
But if they had COVID and it was registered, and every single person going into hospital is tested, if it was registered at any time within that month period, no matter what they died of, no matter how many comorbidities, Add it to the list as another Covid death.
This is how they bump up the numbers.
This is how they steamroller the population through weaponised behavioural psychology, as has been proven in the last lockdown, to not only accept, but to openly call for their own enslavement.
And it's all based on phony numbers.
And again, weaponised propaganda, social engineering.
Headline here out of Summit News, wrong!
By the way, there's been no fact-check on this, obviously there never will be.
CNBC lies about Covid hospitalisations in effort to amplify calls for new lockdown.
They put out an article, CNBC, yesterday basically blaming people who don't wear masks for the 10-yard walk from the door of the restaurant to the table, because apparently that stops the infection spreading entirely.
Those people are to blame for Covid hospitalisations.
In this article, This CNBC journalist Holly Elliott states, quote, hospitalizations and deaths have been steadily increasing since the summer when COVID restrictions in England were lifted on July 19th.
Except that's literally not true.
It's a complete falsehood.
And in fact, the economist Andrew Lilicow provided the graph with the official stats from the government showing the hospitalizations after July 19th, when we supposedly had Freedom Day, To never go back again, even though they're about to go back again, show that hospitalisations in the United Kingdom flatlined or even declined.
So that is an outright lie that hospitalisations in the UK have been steadily increasing since they lifted the restrictions.
It's simply not true.
The opposite is true.
Yet they use this BS claim for the foundation of the entire article, not only to blame people who don't wear masks for the pointless 10-yard walk from the restaurant door to the table for these hospitalisations, but also to amplify calls for new lockdowns, new restrictions.
And then of course you have the mask zealot freaks out in force today on Twitter claiming that this new record high in coronavirus cases based on the fact that all the millions of school kids went back to school and were being tested multiple times a week, the university students going being tested multiple times a week, people going on holidays being able to or being forced to test themselves when they get back.
That's why the cases have rose But no, it means that we need to start forcing people to wear their face nappies once again, because the cases are the highest they've been on a one-day basis since July 17.
Now that logic falls flat on its face when you realise that on July 17, when we had more Covid
cases in the United Kingdom, 54,183 of them, on that day mask mandates were in place.
Not only were they in place, they had been in place for the previous 10 months.
So again, the media narrative today is UK records highest number of COVID cases since July 17th.
When there was a mask mandate in place and had been for the previous 10 months, what's the solution?
Bring back mask mandates because they worked so well for that 10 months, didn't they?
Absolutely no logic in it whatsoever.
As I tweeted, is the rise in cases because millions of kids went back to school and were tested multiple times weekly, or because you didn't wear a mask for that 10-yard walk from the door of the restaurant to the table?
Gee, I wonder.
We had the mask mandate.
We had it in place for 10, 11 months before that.
But the solution to the most COVID cases since that day is more mask mandates.
And now I see on Twitter, Plague Island is trending once again.
These people would have us under lockdown and under face muzzles for the rest of eternity if they get their way.
Remember I talked about the poll last year?
They did a poll in Britain and it asked people how many people have died of coronavirus in Britain.
This was August 2020.
The average respondent thought that 100 times more people in the United Kingdom had died of Covid than actually the official number said.
And then you look at the official number through the Freedom of Information Act request, and even that is one-tenth of what it really is.
Because Covid case, the only cause of death on the certificate, is only the case in one-tenth of the total number being put out by the government.
So actually they think a thousand times more people died of Covid.
Why is that?
Because they're brainwashed on a daily basis by weaponised behavioural psychology, amplified, pumped up by the media, Because the media, the news media, has never had better ratings than under lockdown because people are forced to stay in and watch screens even more than they do right now or before the pandemic.
But it gets worse.
I'm going to talk about how the situation is now even more absurd than them forcing you to wear a face mask for the 10-yard walk from the restaurant door to the table.
In Ireland, They're literally now saying that you have to wear face masks in nightclubs, but not when you're eating, drinking or dancing.
So again, as we predicted two months ago, the government is being railroaded and they'll willingly go along with it once enough NHS people, once enough freaks with masks in their profile pictures on Twitter call for it.
To introduce new coronavirus restrictions on the population, having promised that they'd never go back after July 19, supposed freedom day.
We're getting all these cases because millions of kids went back to school being tested multiple times a week.
University students going back to school, people coming back from holidays, testing themselves, they've got the cases they needed for the fear-mongering propaganda drumbeat as we go into Christmas.
What kind of idiots, what kind of yellow-bellied Stockholm Syndrome suffering morons would lobby for their own enslavement?
They want more mask mandates, they want more lockdowns, they want Christmas to be cancelled again.
I didn't see my parents last Christmas because of this crap, and now they're trying to impose it on us again, based on this completely false premise that the cases are going through the roof.
What'll happen when you get a school half-term which starts on Monday, when they at least, I guess, stop testing the millions of kids in school for a week?
Will the cases go down, and then what will their excuse be after that?
Bearing in mind, as I get into in this article, The CBC lie in which they claim the hospitalizations were quote steadily rising when they've done the exact opposite.
These same people back in June-July, the same people that we're listening to now said hospitalizations would be at two to seven thousand a day.
They're nothing like that.
That there'd be up to three hundred thousand cases a day.
They're nothing like that.
We've got Professor Pantsdown, Neil Ferguson, Coming out and calling for new lockdown restrictions.
The same guy who took the first lockdown so seriously, claimed that half a million people would die.
He took it so seriously, that during the entire lockdown he was travelling back and forth across London to shag his married mistress.
Matt Hancock, the former Health Secretary.
Again, shagging his mistress in violation of lockdown rules.
We had the story yesterday.
While Boris ruined Christmas for everyone else, he broke lockdown rules.
They had a political advisor staying at 10 Downing Street.
Incomplete violation of the rules.
But again, it's so serious.
You need to have your Christmas ruined and not see your grandparents for the next God knows how many years.
But it gets worse.
So they've come out today, the government, and said, we're not going to do anything yet.
But we have a plan B, which was the plan all along, which is to impose the restrictions once again.
Breitbart reports no lockdown for now.
Government tells Britons to behave if they want to keep their freedoms.
They're basically saying if you misbehave we're going to take those freedoms away again, like it's the government right to even do that.
But again, it gets more absurd Masks in Irish nightclubs mandated, but not when drinking or dancing.
Yes, Covid has artificial intelligence.
Knows when you're dancing not to infect you.
If you dance to the bar in a nightclub, you're completely safe and protected.
Don't have to wear a mask.
But if you walk to the bar in a nightclub, then you're not protected.
Covid knows that you're not dancing, and in that situation you have to wear a mask.
When you're dancing on a nightclub, Dance floor rubbing up against 200 other sweaty people breathing all over them.
COVID knows that you're just having fun and it chooses not to infect you.
But when you leave the dance floor and go and sit in the corner of the nightclub, maybe on your own, maybe talking to a friend, then you're in danger once again.
COVID knows that you're not dancing and that's when you have to put on a face mask once again.
That sounds like something out of a comedy skit.
That's now the law in Ireland.
Where, by the way, you have to prove vaccination to get into a pub.
And even people who've been double vaccinated haven't been let in because they don't have the right screenshot on their phone or whatever.
But now people in Ireland have been told that they will have to wear masks in nightclubs, but not when they're eating, drinking and dancing in the latest absurd updates of the rules.
So again, they were supposed to lift all these restrictions this week.
Now they've extended them until next March.
The London Evening Standard reports people going to nightclubs will have to wear face masks except when eating, drinking and dancing.
Apparently Covid only chooses to infect people when they're entering the premises, going to the toilet or chatting with their friends.
When it sees scores of sweaty people in super close proximity dancing together, it steers well clear.
Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy responded to this by saying we're told, for example, you can dance at nightclubs but you can't go to the bar for a drink.
It's very confusing.
You could probably dance to the bar.
Just laughable, this cannot be about health, commented another respondent.
Well, that's the point.
It's not about public health, because they don't even let you provide a negative test result to enter the nightclub.
But you can provide proof of vaccination, proof of mass compliance, because it's about population control and not stopping a virus.
And again, I go back to the quote.
From Adam Finn, JCVI member.
This is the top health body that advises the UK government on COVID-19 and lockdowns.
Quote, the vaccines just don't prevent transmission very efficiently.
That's the government's health advisor saying that.
But you can't prove you haven't got a positive COVID infection to get into a nightclub.
That's not allowed.
That's not good enough.
But you have to prove you've had a vaccine which, according to the Government's Health Advisor, doesn't prevent transmission of the virus and they'll let you in.
If that sounds ridiculous, it's because it is.
Meanwhile, Rail Company chides Twitter user for snitching on passenger for not wearing a mask.
I'm checking to see if he's deleted his tweet.
Appears to still be there.
Imagine my shock.
After a Twitter user snitched on a fellow passenger for not wearing a face mask on a train in Scotland, the rail company responded by telling the grass that you shouldn't be taking creepy pictures of strangers.
And again.
There are millions of people in the United Kingdom who've been wearing like four face masks all summer and walking around scowling at other people for going into a pub without one, who have been waiting for this moment for months and months and months, where their cold stares of disapproval can be turned, can be weaponised into law, and they can once again get in the faces of people who don't wear face masks.
Face masks, which by the way, Dr David Axon, I think his name is, another government advisor, said were completely useless because the size of the virus is a thousand times smaller than the holes in the face mask.
No evidence that they work.
People in Sweden haven't been wearing them by and large for the past 18 months.
They don't have a new wave of Covid.
But again, we have to wear the face masks, despite the fact we were wearing them on July 17th, when the mandate was in place and had been for the previous 10 months, at which point we got record high Covid cases.
After wearing the masks for 10 months, because they're so effective.
Perhaps believing that he would get to bathe in the virtuous dopamine of likes and approval from fellow mass zealots, Gordon Torrey took to Twitter to share his disgust at a woman who'd let her face covering slip below her chin.
So he basically tried to snitch on this woman by taking a creepy picture of her on a train.
Thankfully, the staffer who was patrolling the ScotRail Twitter account during this response ...said, hi Gordon, it's not really nice to take pictures of other passengers, we're not going to comment on this.
And instead of slinking away with his tail between his legs, this mask freak went back in for more.
What is your responsibility when it comes to keeping your passengers safe?
Someone wearing, failing to wear a face covering is not only... blah blah blah blah.
With the hashtag, by the way.
Hashtag, keep me safe.
Hashtag, I don't want to die.
If you're that paranoid, don't get on a friggin' train in the first place, you coward!
The vote to announce to enshrine in law the vaccine passport in Wales passed on a complete farce.
The vote was actually tied in the Welsh Parliament, but the Conservative MP who tried to vote couldn't because he was trying to do it via a Zoom call, like an idiot.
And because he couldn't vote, the Welsh Government won the vote by a single vote.
If it had been a tie, the vaccine passport in Wales would have been completely dead.
So now they've got it in place.
They've got it in place in Scotland where it completely failed on the first day and it took them about three weeks to fix it because it's such a wonderful, safe system.
Now they've got another situation in Scotland where people are just taking screenshots of someone else's vaccine passport.
So the entire system is a farce.
Doesn't even work on the foundation that they claimed it would.
But you have, thankfully, huge rebellion in numerous European countries against this social credit score digital ID surveillance passport.
Specifically in Italy, where we've seen the workers there block the ports because, of course, in Italy they're now saying They've got around it legally by saying, you can't fire people for not having a vaccine passport, but if they turn up for work, they don't get paid.
Oh, and by the way, they also get fined.
The Italian government's put that in to prevent lawsuits, but there's mass revolt against the system and it continues day by day, specifically in Trieste.
Headline here out of RT.
Protestors claim Italian authorities tempered with live webcam to show empty square instead of huge anti-vaccine passport rally.
I did a short video on this the other day and we're going to roll it right now.
Italian authorities in Trieste have been accused of faking live webcam footage of a central square in order to hide an anti-vaccine passport demonstration attended by thousands of people.
Trieste has become the center of the resistance against Italy's Green Pass system.
Authorities used tear gas and water cannons against protesters staging a sit-in at the town's port before the demonstrators moved to the central square.
But if you'd been watching Trieste's official live webcam feed last night, you wouldn't have seen them,
because authorities apparently ran a repeat to hide the protest.
Watch as a demonstrator illustrates how the live webcam feed isn't really live at all.
This is the real situation.
This is the real situation.
Fuck you!
It's at least properly in the running man now, commented one respondent.
A reference to the dystopian 80s movie in which authorities fake live footage in a bid to convince the public that the rebel character in the movie, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, ...was killed in a fight.
Italy's Green Pass system forces workers in both the public and private sector to take the jab or not be paid.
It's also a requirement to enter bars, restaurants, schools, universities, gyms, stadiums and theatres.
Under the law, the unvaccinated in Italy were also banned from using long-distance public transport, meaning that holidays, travel for work and visiting relatives has become impossible for many.
Well, the vaccine's not mandatory, and if you protest against the Green Pass, you'll be airbrushed out of history in real time.
There you have it.
The latest update on this story from the RT article is... Yeah, I'm sure it was just a glitch.
have not commented on whether the feed was tampered with or whether some glitch occurred.
Yeah, I'm sure it was just a glitch. The live webcam feed of the square full of protesters
showed no protesters, just a glitch. Meanwhile, the rebellion continues in America with In-N-Out
Burger becoming a major corporation fighting the vaccine passport tyranny.
We refuse to be the vaccination police, In-N-Out Burger rebels against mandate.
This is in San Francisco where there's one branch of In-N-Out Burger.
The restaurant was raided by public health officials on September 24, and then again on October 6, with inspectors telling staff multiple times they needed to check the vaccination status of customers, because yes, we've gone from, please wash your hands everybody, to now, you can't buy a burger without having a mandatory government medical procedure, and then prove it by having a digital ID card.
That's how far we've travelled in the past 18 months.
So they've reopened the In-N-Out store in San Francisco for only outdoor service on October 14th.
They put the signage in all the windows, clarifying the government rules, but they still refuse to enforce the tyranny, and good for them.
The restaurant insisted it would not, quote, segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may be not, whether based on documentation they carry or any other reason.
But of course, apparently, according to liberals and leftists, discrimination and segregation is good.
That's progressive.
That's trendy.
So In-N-Out Burger is in the doghouse.
They've reacted with absolute seethe on Twitter.
So it remains to be seen whether they'll eventually capitulate.
But as far as corporations enforcing what rules they like in terms of their relationships with customers, well, as we've seen with social media censorship, In-N-Out Burger is a private company and it can do what it likes.
Meanwhile, CNN.
Why vaccinated people dying from COVID-19 doesn't mean the vaccines are ineffective.
This is an actual headline from CNN.
COVID vaccines do not protect you 100%.
No vaccine does, just likely virtually no.
Medical treatment is 100% effective.
They've now proven in studies that it's gone down in terms of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Efficacy from 88% in March to 3% now, which is why you need to get your 10 booster shots forevermore.
A recent study from Humetrix at the Department of Defence, Project Salus, Examining Medicare data revealed that fully vaccinated Medicare patients make up an estimated 60% of hospitalisations in the week ending August 7th.
And as I mentioned earlier in the show, we've now got the official government advisor Adam Finn from GCVI saying, quote, vaccines don't prevent transmission.
Interesting that, isn't it?
Let's roll that one minute clip now from Pfizer advertisement sponsorships on corporate US news networks.
Do you think this might be a conflict of interest?
Do you think this affects the impartiality of people on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, when they're literally sponsored by giant pharmaceutical corporations like Pfizer?
Let's roll the clip.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
CBS Health Watch.
Sponsored by Pfizer.
Anderson Cooper 360.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
ABC News Nightline.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Making a difference.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
CNN Tonight.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Early start.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
Friday night on Erin Burnett Out Front.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
This week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by Pfizer.
This letter report brought to you by Pfizer.
Today's countdown to the Royal Wedding is brought to you by Pfizer.
And now a CBS Sports Update brought to you by Pfizer.
Meet the Press.
Data download.
Brought to you by Pfizer.
This portion of CBS This Morning, sponsored by Pfizer.
On how to find the hidden sugars in the American family diet.
Sponsored by Pfizer.
Do you think that affects their editorial partiality when it comes to the vaccine?
Gee, I wonder.
Moving on, Pope demands Silicon Valley, in the name of God, censor hate speech and conspiracy theories because apparently empowering giant corporations to silence free speech is godly.
Pope Francis invoked God in an effort to pressure Silicon Valley into censoring more content.
He said, quote, in the name of God, yes, he actually said this, I asked the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness and for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories and political manipulation.
So he's literally calling on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram to silence free speech because he thinks it's a Christian thing to do.
No surprise given that the Pope stands on free speech in an aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo jihadist massacre.
When he rhetorically sided with the terrorists who murdered the cartoonists in cold blood.
I'm gonna go to this video now, and then I'm gonna come back and finish a couple of final news stories, but this is gonna take up most of the segment.
Squid Game is Netflix's most popular show ever.
111 million views in its first week, I believe.
900 million dollars in value.
But there's a powerful symbolism behind Squid Game that probably goes over most people's heads, and I explain it here, in this video.
here it is.
Ritualistic human sacrifice.
The futility of democracy.
Rulers parasitically manipulating the underclass with cynical promises of worldly prosperity.
Weird old rich elitists wearing occult masks.
What could they possibly be trying to tell us?
Squid Game has become Netflix's most watched show after hitting 111 million views less than a month after its release.
This represents a cultural moment.
So what makes the symbolism behind the show so powerful?
I'm not going to waste time explaining everything that happens, but the basic premise is this.
A shadowy organisation invites hundreds of cash-strapped, desperate players to take part in a Hunger Games-type tournament to win a 45 billion won prize.
They play a series of children's games with the brutal twist that the losers are violently eliminated.
Usually by being shot in the head by guards who look like buttons on a PlayStation controller.
We're given a pretty big clue as to who runs Squid Game in the very first few seconds of the first episode.
As the VigilantCitizen.com website notes, the outline of this game is also the main logo of the series.
The reason?
It perfectly illustrates the core philosophy of Squid Game, and by extension, the Elite.
The rectangle represents the masses.
The circle at the bottom of it represents those who are poor and heavily in debt.
The triangle above the rectangle represents the Elite ruling over the masses.
The upper circle represents the all-powerful Occult Elite that controls the world.
Throughout the series we're presented with some subtle and not-so-subtle clues, which combine to communicate to us that the dystopian high-tech hellscape of Squid Game and its malevolent, abusive controllers might not just be confined to a fictional Netflix show.
First, the very notion of elites engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice itself, which is a practice older than religion, A fetish that was fictionalized in 1920's The Most Dangerous Game, a short story about a Russian aristocrat who hunts humans for sport.
But that's just fiction, isn't it?
The games take place on a remote island that resembles a CIA torture outpost.
The players are stripped of possessions, atomized, numbered, before being disorientated and infantilized.
Is this really how the elite perceives us useless eaters?
Surely not.
The players are also given the illusion of freedom by being handed a democratic vote enabling them to leave the game.
We later find out that the entire process was rigged and that the deciding vote was cast by number one, the individual who controls the game.
Many such cases, the front man for the games, that's literally his name, is later revealed to have been a police chief in his previous career.
Illustrating how the elite recruit front men from the lower rungs of the establishment to help them evade the law.
Thank God that never happens in reality.
The ritualistic blood sacrifice orgies are all performed while players are surrounded by childlike playground aesthetics and images.
Illustrating the elite's revulsion for and lust to desecrate innocence and purity.
In between the games, the elites practice divide and conquer by creating artificial food scarcity, before pitting the players directly against each other.
Dead bodies are placed in creepy coffins wrapped in bows, symbolizing a gift to the gods, a human sacrifice.
The bodies are then harvested for organs, the sale of which presumably pays for the prize fund.
This is all foreshadowed in the first episode by the main character giving an identical gift box to his daughter, which contains a gun, symbolising how a key expression of the elite's sickness is exposing the youth to their agenda.
Having previously been fed on scraps, the three remaining players are treated to a fine dining experience by the controllers.
They're seated around a triangular table with a light in the middle.
The table is placed on a checkerboard floor with two pillars to either side.
A pillar-checkerboard-all-seeing-eye combination That I remember viewing somewhere before.
In Freemasonry, it's the platform on which the rituals take place.
The ritual in question here being one of the players slashing the other one to death.
And as if there was ever any doubt as to the dark forces that lie behind all this,
here's a clip of the VIPs arriving to watch the games.
I hope you won't disappoint me.
Hey, didn't I see you at the 1972 Rothschild Ball?
No, it was at Baron May de Rothschild's Mentmore Mansion.
[Bell tolling]
The elite watch the ritual from a plush room decorated with decadent symbols where humans are used as furniture.
Turns out that some of them are into weird sex stuff too.
Thank God this kind of stuff doesn't happen for real.
At the very end of the series, the old man responsible for creating Squid Games reveals the true motivation behind its purpose.
If you have too much money, it doesn't matter what you buy, eat or drink.
It all gets boring.
All of my clients eventually started saying the same things when we talked.
Everybody felt there was no joy in their lives anymore.
And so we decided to get together and started asking, what could we all do to finally have some fun?
In other words, when you have all the money and power in the world, what more can you do to get your kicks?
By engaging in increasingly depraved sexual and sadistic behavior to defile the innocent.
And that's kind of the goal of the series, writes Vigilant Citizen.
The viewers end up watching this sick form of entertainment the same way the VIPs enjoy watching people get killed.
Then, they feel dead inside.
We get to pass moral judgement on the depravity of the elite, while simultaneously relishing the same debauched exposition of bloodlust.
And instead of the players making millions, Netflix cashes in.
As is usually the case with these type of things, Squid Game works on two levels.
One for the normies, and one for the initiates.
The normie narrative is that which has been amplified by the media, that Squid Game is merely another critique of late-stage neoliberal capitalism.
And because capitalism's so bad, I'm sure that Netflix will be donating the $900 million they've made from the show to charity.
And then you have the red pill narrative, which is that the world is controlled by a sick, masked elite, which both gets its kicks out of and enshrines its power by orchestrating occult, ritualistic blood sacrifices, which couldn't possibly be true in real life.
Could it?
The two-tier story is similar to Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, where the normie narrative was the marital turmoil of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise's characters, but the actual revelatory narrative was the couple being inducted into the masked, illy sex magic ritual cult.
Which, of course, it would be silly to suggest Actually takes place outside of Hollywood movies.
It would also be fantastical to suggest that Squid Game, just like Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, is another example of revelation of the method.
Only a tinfoil hat wearing lunatic would dare suggest that by hiding the truth in plain sight, the elite get to simultaneously laugh in our faces, initiate the masses into their own sick There you have it!
Symbolism behind Squid Game.
absolving themselves of sin by openly professing their proclivities via the
medium of popular fictionalized television shows. To even entertain for a
moment that that might be true would be utterly insane.
Symbolism behind Squid Game. I've just seen a tweet about Squid Game by the way by a
left-wing media outlet called The Recap and they point out how successful it was
costing Netflix a mere 21 million or as it grossed 900 million and of course is
Netflix's most popular show ever.
And they tweeted, "Squid Game proved that shows don't have to feature an all-white cast to be
successful. The cast is entirely Korean apart from one Indian dude." So in reality, Squid Game proved
that shows don't have to have a diverse cast to be successful. The literal opposite of that tweet.
Also, what popular television show in 2021 has a, quote, all-white cast?
What planet do these people live on?
Squid Game's literally the ethnostate of television shows.
It's entirely Koreans.
If they did a show in the United States which was all-white people apart from one, it'd get absolutely panned.
And, you know, that's what Squid Game is.
But they've somehow twisted that because there are no white people in it.
That means it's good.
Absolutely harebrained idiocy.
Meanwhile, we had the murder of an MP, David Amos, back on Friday in the United Kingdom by a migrant.
Diversity is a strength after all.
Somali immigrant stabbed him 13 times and killed him.
Meanwhile in Denmark, Denmark reveals cost of non-Western immigration is five billion per year.
The net cost of non-Western immigration to Denmark after tax contributions has been deducted, has been revealed to be nearly five billion a year.
So apparently diversity isn't a strength, it's actually a huge drain on public resources.
It's October 1st, 2021, and I've got good news for you.
I've got good news for me.
I've got good news for everybody alive in America and on this planet today.
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This stuff is incredible.
It is Brain Force Ultra, exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We got a limited run of this in a month ago, and it sold out in three days.
And we already had a larger batch getting developed.
The ingredients came in and the new batch is here and I just took some today and I think it's even stronger than the last batch because this stuff again is done in a lab but it's done organically so each batch varies a little bit but it does get all the testing done to show that it's at least up to a basic strength and this is actually above that.
So we got Brain Force Ultra back in stock.
We got a big shipment in but it's so popular I think it's going to sell out in probably a week.
Despite that, we're going to offer it at 50% off the introductory rate for at least four or five days.
That's why I'm saying it's October 1st.
I'm going to run this until October 5th.
Hell, it may sell out.
And that's good news for InfoWars because we desperately need funding in the face of the Democratic Party assault, their rigged courts, their kangaroo systems, and their attempts to silence us and silence you.
Because that's why they're coming after us, is to get to you.
We are all in this together, as Benjamin Franklin said.
And if we don't hang together, we're going to hang separate.
You've been hanging with us, you've been keeping us on air, you've been spreading the word, and it's having an incredible effect.
In fact, let me spend a minute or so on that before I get back into this.
I had a chance to go up to Glenn Beck's The Blaze.
I had a chance to hang out with Steven Crowder at his offices outside The Blaze.
And I had a chance to meet with a lot of other big reporters and other pundits and A lot of them thought I was full of it 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.
They now see everything I predict to come true and we had a hero's welcome there.
And it's happening all over the place.
But that's because of your support.
If you didn't keep us on air, the world wouldn't be waking up when this tyranny launched its attack.
We would be losing.
We'd be submitting.
But instead, all over the world, from Australia to the United States, people are fighting back and waking up.
And Infowars, at least half the time that we talk to people, is the catalyst that woke them up.
That means you're the catalyst that woke them up.
So again, BrainForce Ultra is back in stock.
You've got to go see what is in this.
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And while you're there, check out all the other great products like Ultra 12, Winter Sun, and so many others.
But whatever you do, keep praying for a global awakening, and keep spreading the word about InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news, today.
And remember that every person you reach out to now is one step closer to our victory.
So thanks for keeping us in the fight.
We're never going to back down.
God bless and good luck.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioProbes and how they're creating amazing products.
They've done it again and have just released an entire suite of bioremediation products, bringing industrial level technology to the everyday consumer.
They're literally changing the industry with a revolutionary patented delivery system.
The BioPros are excited to release BioDrain Pro, a product specifically designed to establish healthy drains, pipes, and overall plumbing systems.
BioDrain Pro digests grease, fats, oil, sludge, paper, and organic matter with ease.
It contains no chemicals, no GMOs, and is safe for black, gray holding tanks, sewer hoses, and plumbing.
It is also human and animal safe.
Get up to 20 treatments with the scoop for easy applications.
Say goodbye to drain problems, gas buildup, and odor.
Just pour and add water.
It's that simple.
Visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
I'm taping this on September 29th, 2011.
And this special sale is only going to run for one week and one week only.
In fact, some of the items here are about to sell out, but we need the funds.
So I'm discounting them regardless.
That's where we are at InfoWars and the fight is so intense.
So I would get these great products that are amazing for your health, amazing for your immune system and everything in your body.
And that are amazing because they fund this operation.
I would take advantage of this sale.
This has been a really big seller.
We're down to a few thousand bottles of it.
We'll probably be next year till we get more in.
It is our green fiber capsules.
It's derived from the highest quality sprouts that you're going to find out there.
And other known ingredients that give you the roughage you need.
To energize and basically give your guts a new lease on life, to help clean things out, and to give your body just incredible organic delivery of so many vitamins and minerals and trace elements.
This is a game changer.
We're not going to get more in for months and months.
It's 50% off.
Hair and beard formula was sold out of our great multivitamin mineral product.
People like hair and beard formula.
This is probably as good or better than our formula.
So it's great for your hair, great for your beard, great for women's nails, and their clothes, or women nowadays have beards as well.
So it's great for women's beards, but seriously, it's also fantastic as a multivitamin mineral.
In fact, we're probably just going to change the label on it and put one out as a multivitamin mineral, because this is really an amazing formulation.
It's 50% off.
And we've got the old reliable, this has been out over 10 years, knockout sleep formula,
eight different concentrated organic compounds associated with deeper, better sleep, which
is key to what?
Again, your immune system.
Ah, and this baby, at least twice as strong as knockout, too strong for some people, down
and out is a different formula.
And this sucker sold out in its first run very, very quickly.
Despite that, it's now back in stock.
It is 50% off.
So these guys go together like a horse and carriage.
And then Super Mel Vitality is back in stock.
We made it even stronger.
40% off.
Super Female Vitality back in stock.
Also 40% off.
Winter Sun is going to sell out soon, but I'm extending that sell another week as well.
50% off because everybody needs it.
And of course, again, down and out is here, along with X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, key for the immune system, the whole body.
This is the thing that most people are deficient in.
It's the real game changer.
People ask how I have so much energy.
It's the iodine, folks.
InfoWarsTore.com, 40 to 50% off on all these great items.
Again, InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free, triple A, 2-5-3-3-1-3-9, and it helps keep us on the air.
This is a 360 win, so take advantage of this sale right now.
You've got one week from September 29th on.