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Name: 20211011_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 11, 2021
2631 lines.

In this segment of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses the ineffectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine based on data from high vaccination countries experiencing increased outbreaks. He also talks about corruption within government, Biden's actions, and the importance of being informed. Additionally, he criticizes the media for not reporting that more COVID deaths have occurred since the introduction of vaccines. The video promotes Immune 10X and other products related to emergency food supplies, medical tyranny, solar generators, nursing professionals, BioPro system bacteria, personal preparedness amidst the Great Reset, natural pregnancy, and various offers on products such as heirloom beans, InfoWarsStore merchandise sales. Jones emphasizes sharing information and spreading truth to awaken people from their "satanic trance" and encourages resistance against medical and climate tyranny.

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The doctor's in a c-section.
Okay, an hour later, can we see the doctor?
The doctor's in a c-section.
I'm like, another c-section?
And is that procedure for a c-section a little more, like, a little more hands-on and lengthy for the doctor?
I think it's a little quicker for them.
A little quicker?
Than to wait for a woman to push a baby out of a canal.
Sometimes the first time, mom, it can take, you know, two hours to push a baby out.
So the doctor's sitting there for two hours and it's kind of like, okay, I'm going to go over here.
I'm going to come back.
My nurses will let me know, you know, so.
So that could be an element too of, oh, it's more convenient for me as a doctor to just cut the stomach open and take it out.
And that's the documentary, The Business of Being Born.
Got you.
No concern for the baby or the mother, just say, you know, it's more convenient, just hack her up.
Yeah, I mean, it's crazy.
It's a crazy world out there.
My client after talking to her when she was in postpartum it's like that night there was 11 births there was 80% of them were c-sections.
from the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I'm a little late here only because, well I'm not late, I'm
I've been at the desk going through all this news.
I have a stack of news here.
It's probably about 30, 40 different stories.
All getting into how the vaccine does not work unless it's intentionally to kill you or make you sick, it is not working.
So unless the vaccine's goal, unless the purpose of the vaccine is to kill you or make you sick or have some sort of devastating side effect, vaccine is not working.
I've got all the data from across the planet The most vaccinated countries on Earth are experiencing now the highest COVID outbreaks, where the Nordic countries of Europe, where they don't have the vaccine mandates and they're pretty much back to normal for all intents and purposes, have no COVID.
You look at India, where they're treating with ivermectin, COVID gone.
But the vaccinated countries pushing the vaccine?
Mass outbreaks, mass heart attacks, mass death.
And so we've got that coming up, but it's not only that.
Then it's all of the COVID tyranny that they're still pressuring the planet with.
And so here's what it comes down to.
And I've got videos of police and protesters clashing and now you have Vaccinated versus unvaccinated clashing and it's at schools and all this stuff.
You see, this is what happens in any civilization that enacts illogical, unreasonable edicts and mandates.
You're going to see conflict.
You're going to see strife.
You're going to see division.
And then you're just going to see complete madness because you, the thinking individual, you, the informed individual, you, the intellectual, you, the philosopher, you, just somebody that has common sense, logic, and reasoning, you know it's all complete garbage.
And then you have principles And so you're not going to go along with lies.
You're not going to be a victim to unreasonable and illogical mandates.
You're not going to be pressured into giving up your bodily autonomy because of some corrupt tyrants like Fauci.
Boy, tons of news on Fauci today, too.
More censorship is happening.
Corruption in our government, whether it's Pelosi or Merrick Garland, Is being exposed.
And then you have Biden.
Making moves right now.
Selling the country out.
Unlike anything we've ever seen.
So it's beyond just Afghanistan where we gave the Taliban Afghanistan.
We gave them hundreds of millions of dollars.
We gave them hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment and a whole country.
All of our treasure, all of our blood handed over to the Taliban overnight.
Still, there are hostages over there.
No, now Biden is making and cutting new deals with China and Afghanistan.
Where our military equipment is now being made in China.
And if we hadn't given enough money to Afghanistan, the Biden administration is about to give them more.
All this and more coming up on the Alex Jones Show on Infowars.com and Band.video.
Every day you are living and you are witnessing history as the fate of mankind hangs in the balance.
I am just overwhelmed here and I'm gonna do my best not to get too frustrated and angry today.
Simply because I consume 10 hours of news a day.
I have gone through hundreds of articles today and I'm going to present to you in this stack of news right here How unless the goal of the COVID vaccine is to injure people and kill people and spread COVID, making the vaccine variants, it has been a complete and utter failure.
Again, unless the vaccine has been all about getting Big Pharma even more rich and more powerful and more control and part of a eugenics program to call some of the population, Injure a lot of the population and create the vaccine variants.
The COVID vaccine has been such an abysmal failure.
No, no, no.
It's been a nightmare.
It's been a disaster.
And here's what's so frustrating.
I, along with the other hosts here at InfoWars and Alex Jones and our guests, for I don't know how long, Have been warning, sending your loved one to the hospital with COVID is a death sentence.
Is a death sentence.
Well now, as I'm just watching the news over the weekend, I see all of these people coming out, formerly of the CDC, or the FDA, or all these other doctors, and now they're going on Fox News, and they're going on Newsmax, and they're going on OAN.
And they're saying the CDC protocols for treating COVID are murder.
Here's a headline.
Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 patients who are put on ventilators die.
New York Hospital data suggests.
No, no, no.
That's the fact.
That's from over a year ago.
So we saw that happening a year ago.
We talked to doctors.
We had them as guests.
We just looked at the CDC's official protocols and we said, yeah, this is going to kill people.
And it's more than just the ventilator.
It's the whole thing.
It's the remdesivir.
It's the ventilator.
It's the not giving them oxygen.
It's the not giving them hydroxychloroquine and zinc or Regeneron or Ivermectin and just waiting until they're about to die and then putting them on the ventilator as the final nail in the coffin.
But see, That's the frustration here, is that it's just like how they made this virus in a lab, and now people are finally admitting it.
They denied it for a year, now they're finally admitting it.
Why does our media live in such denial?
Why do our political leaders live in such denial?
Why do we, just the general population, live in such denial?
I mean, my God, if the shackles of denial could be removed from society, we could overturn this thing overnight.
But it's denying that Anthony Fauci made the virus.
It's denying that they worked with the Chinese military to release it as a bioweapon.
It's denying that the vaccine is killing people and is part of a worldwide eugenics program.
It's denying all of this that's put us in this position to become slaves for the rest of our existence.
Medical tyranny is just part of slavery.
My body, my choice.
I don't want to take that vaccine.
Oh, okay.
Well, sorry.
That's not your choice.
You no longer get to live on planet Earth.
We're going to put you into a jail cell and just wait for you to die because you don't want to comply.
So you see, it's the denial of all of this that has put us in this position.
And I get it.
For half the people, they want to deny it because then you accept it, you're going to have to do something about it.
That's kind of a big thing to admit.
But that's the reality.
Or it's just so devastating to admit that's the case, the denial is just the comfort zone that you want to live in.
But as the medical tyranny encroaches, as the policies from the White House are destroying our country, the denial, the comfort zone of the denial, is starting to wane.
And it's not so comfortable anymore.
The liberals who can't quit lockdown.
No, no, no, no.
They've fully bought in.
They're the cult.
They would drink the Kool-Aid that Jim Jones served them.
Anybody else is just trying to live free.
Live in reality.
While the people that want the masks and want the vaccines, it'll never stop for them.
You notice they're still not taking the mask off.
They've had three vaccines.
They're still demanding you wear a mask.
They wear a mask.
They wear the hazmat suit.
They wear the alien NASA astronaut outfits and the face shields.
Just complete insanity.
Complete Looney Tunes world.
Mental disabilities.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Mass psychosis worldwide.
You've never seen anything like it on planet Earth.
So that's what's frustrating, is I'm gonna have to sit here and go through this stack of about 30 or so articles showing how the vaccine doesn't work, showing how it's killing people, showing how it's spreading COVID, and they don't even deny it!
That's what's even more frustrating about it!
They don't even deny it!
They admit all of it!
You have had more deaths from COVID since the vaccine!
That at face value is already something to talk about.
But there's even more behind it.
They inflated the COVID death numbers from 2020.
Oh, car accidents, gunfights, cancer, all this other stuff they counted as COVID deaths.
Now the numbers are even worse, and they're not counting the average car accident or whatever as COVID anymore, but all of these deaths from the vaccinated, they are counting as COVID.
So what are they going to do when the numbers come out for the year 2021?
And we just hope and pray that there's enough people awake to this and we have enough leadership in Congress or somewhere else that we can maybe stop this madness.
What are they going to do when we have the numbers from the year 2021 and the death rate is up 1-2% and it's all the vaccinated people?
Because that's what's going to happen.
There is no doubt anymore.
In the year 2020, from the year 2019, the death rate did not go up a single percent.
Not one.
Deadliest pandemic ever, they said.
The death rate did not go up a single percent.
Not a single percent.
But now that we have the vaccine in the year 2021, I predict, I said 1% last year.
I'm not thinking it's going to be 2%.
But the death rate will go up.
From the year 2020 to the year 2021, and it will all be from the vaccinated people.
All of it.
And when you have Bill Gates talking about how we need to have vaccines to control the world's population, there's too many people on Earth, the same people that are saying climate change is the biggest issue, man-made climate change, we need to get carbon emissions down to zero, that's you, that's getting the population down to zero.
So they're already admitting, I mean, look, there's a headline right there, CBS News, more COVID deaths in the year 2021 than the year 2020.
And see, I could go off onto another bent and get into the liberal nonsense of it or the political nonsense of it and say, you blamed every COVID death on Trump in the year 2020.
Why won't you blame all of this on Biden?
How come it's not Biden's fault?
Look, you hypocrites, look, you double standard fools.
But that's like, That's like drinking poisoned water.
There's no victory there.
It's only going to kill you.
The left is never going to be sane.
The left is never going to be rational.
The Democrat voters are never going to be honest.
They're gone!
They're gone!
They've sold their soul.
They've detached from reality.
They live in the fantasy land.
They're completely brainwashed and owned by the television.
So none of it even matters.
Oh, blame Trump for everything, but Biden's completely innocent.
That's their logic.
So I'm going to have to get focused and I'm just going to start piledriving through this news when we come back.
But let me just explain.
There is zero doubt.
There can be zero doubt.
The vaccines are either safe or effective.
And if the vaccines are doing anything right now, it's causing people to have devastating side effects and killing tens of thousands of people that we know of.
There is no doubt that's what's going on.
The Evansville family with children four and five years old say they were accidentally given full adult doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine instead of flu shots.
They say it happened on October 4th at the Walgreens on St.
Joseph Avenue.
The family of four includes two adults and two young children, both too young for the Pfizer or any other COVID vaccine.
Well, the family's attorney, Daniel Tooley, shared with us what he says are vaccination cards given to the family by Walgreens.
They show children born in 2016 and 2017 were given a Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
The family says they left the pharmacy thinking they had gotten their flu shots, but a Walgreens employee later called them and said they had made a mistake.
Tooley says the children have been taken to a pediatric cardiologist and the family was told both are showing signs of heart issues.
We reached out to Walgreens several times but have not yet heard back.
So there you go.
Oh, oops!
Gave you a COVID vaccine.
Oh, now you have heart failure.
Sorry, little boys.
You're never gonna live a full life now.
You're gonna have health problems the rest of your life and your heart's messed up because of the COVID vaccine.
Our bad.
And then the media reach out for comment.
Oh, no comment.
Or they should comment, they should just call and say, what are you surprised about?
This is happening to kids, this is happening to adults, middle-aged, athletes, everybody's having heart problems from this vaccine.
It says it's the number one side effect, it's myocarditis, pericarditis, we have all the data, you should have known!
You came to get a Pfizer COVID jab?
Absolutely you're going to have heart problems!
You might die!
What are you mad at us for?
You wanted this vaccine!
Oh, you were lied to about it!
Oh, you were deceived!
That's not our fault!
That's not our fault!
You should have done your research!
Israeli data favor higher estimate of post-vax myocarditis.
Results echo the controversial, controversial VAERS study.
Yeah, controversial.
It's just raw data.
It's so controversial.
It's raw data, but it doesn't go the way the mainstream media owned by big pharma wants it to go.
So it's controversial.
Just raw data showing the vaccines mass heart failure after them.
But that's controversial to talk about.
You don't want to make people scared.
We do want to make people scared of COVID, but not the vaccine.
Come on, that's not the agenda here.
So... I'm gonna try to calm down and relax and just cover this news, but... See...
I could put myself in the right mindset and just say, well, yeah, there's going to be a lot of people that die from this vaccine, but I'm going to be better off because I'm going to be healthy and I'm going to survive this, but I'm not an evil person.
I don't like seeing innocent people being deceived and put into a eugenics program without their consent.
I don't like people being part of a medical experiment without their consent.
That's illegal.
That's evil.
I don't like that.
But if I did like it, I would sit here and celebrate.
I mean, I would sit here and be like, ha ha, look at all you dummies taking the vaccine and dying.
Ha ha.
But see, that's the fool that laughs at the plight of his neighbor, of his brother.
Of his fellow human without understanding that that fate is also your fate.
And so the crew is just pulling up all these different stories and headlines of the vaccine side effects, but I just can't emphasize this enough.
Being here covering this for over a year and a half.
It's not about the risk of being redundant.
It is complete redundancy, but the mainstream media still won't even admit it.
Even alternative media that gets things right most of the time or isn't out to get you, even they're just years behind Infowars because Look, I understand in media you want to be patient, you want to make sure that the story coming out is real, and you know what, that's fine, that's respectable.
But there's this notion that as soon as InfoWars reported it's fake news, it doesn't matter that it always ends up coming true.
And the vaccines are the best example.
Let's just, let me just, let me just focus and try to get through this stack of news as quickly as I can.
And Alex Jones joining us in the next segment.
Now, this is a New York Times science reporter.
And again, this is my frustration.
You think that you see these people on TV or at the New York Times or anywhere else.
You think they're smart.
You think they're smart.
You think that they're credible.
They're not.
They're dumb and they're liars.
This is the New York Times science reporter, Apuvra Mandivelli, in May of this year.
In May!
Someday we will stop talking about the Lab Leak Theory and maybe even admit it's racist roots!
But alas, that day is not yet here.
Yeah, Apurva, because it did come out of a lab.
Everybody knows it now.
Even Fauci is admitting it's coming out of a lab.
But you're the New York Times science reporter and you're still in denial, and then you have an IQ that resembles that of an egg, And so you say, racist, because that's the lowest common denominator argument of the unintellectual, like you, a New York Times science reporter.
So you think, oh, New York Times science reporter, must be smart, must be informed, must want to keep me informed.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Dumb, uninformed, and wants to deceive you.
It did come out of a lab, APUVA.
Are you ever going to admit that?
You're never going to admit that, are you?
Now let's do some juxtaposition.
Here's Denmark, Norway, and Sweden that have now removed all COVID restrictions.
So to put it in a more simple way, they're not playing anymore.
They're not playing COVID anymore.
Hey guys, COVID was fun.
We're done playing.
We're not going to play COVID anymore.
We're done.
We're done.
And what are they seeing?
Infections are down.
Hospitalizations are down.
Spread is down.
They're not doing the testing.
They're not doing the lockdowns.
They're not doing the mandates.
They're not doing the masks.
And COVID is pretty much gone.
It's amazing, isn't it?
The whole COVID pandemic would end tomorrow if we stopped playing.
If we stopped playing.
It's like a long board game or something.
It's like a long board game of Monopoly or War.
It's been going on for days, and then everybody says, you know what?
I'm over it.
Let's just stop playing.
Everybody says, okay, and just walks away from the table.
Then it's done.
It's what they've done in the Nordic countries of Europe.
They've quit playing COVID and COVID goes away.
Southwest Airlines flight cancellations continue.
But they deny that the COVID vaccine mandate is to blame.
That's a total lie, folks.
It's all vaccine mandate walkouts.
It's all vaccine mandate firings or just stopping people from going to work.
They're lying.
Everybody knows it.
Oh, it's weather.
How come no other flights are being delayed for weather?
What weather?
What cities?
They don't say.
Because yes, the vaccine mandate walkouts have hammered The airline industry.
And they're in complete denial of it.
And they don't know what to do about it.
Well, here's an idea.
Stop mandating experimental vaccines.
Stop abiding by the Biden administration tyranny.
Now it's hitting the train industry.
For travel at least.
Trains, this is from Amtrak, trains 465 and 416 departing on 1010 are cancelled due to unforeseen crew issues.
Oh, unforeseen crew issues.
Meaning, vaccine mandates and they're not getting it and so they don't have the crew.
All by design, by the way.
All by design, by the way.
Non-profit, Catholic-owned hospital denies religious exemptions for approximately 650 employees for the COVID vaccine.
So now they're gonna walk out, and now you're gonna have massive staff shortages at hospitals.
But if you want to know how insane it all is, read this headline.
Bills Cole Beasley, a football player, unvaccinated, forced to quarantine after testing negative for COVID because he came in contact with a fully vaccinated trainer who had the virus.
That's the clown world we're living in right there.
It's always important to understand when you're being bombarded by globalist propaganda that they're never going to tell us about our successes.
They're never going to tell us about our victories.
They're never going to tell us about all the tens of millions of people in the United States of every race, color and creed that are really fully awake.
And that genesis point is enough to take the whole country and the whole world back right there.
The globalists can only operate if people are in the dark and not aware of their program.
Take the fact that they're reporting that hundreds of thousands of U.S.
military active duty are refusing to take the poison shot right now.
That's huge.
And so many others are told, look, if you don't do this in 14 days, you're going to be kicked out of the military.
Well, now hundreds of thousands are calling that bluff because everyone's being told.
I've talked to the troops, talked to officers, I've talked to enlisted, I've also read it right there in the statements put out by the so-called Biden administration that either you take these shots, you're out in 14 days.
Well, it's not the U.S.
military anymore.
It's the globalist military.
It's the occupied government.
And that's one way to stop this system is to simply pull out of it.
Now that's part of their plan with the Purge is to have a litmus test of the poison shot to make the firefighters and the police and the military quick that are good and smart and informed.
But they weren't expecting it to be at this mass scale, this many.
Or this many of the air traffic controllers be doing the same thing as well.
Or the pilots.
Or the flight attendants.
And so we're being inducted into slavery, and the real power we have is solidarity together, saying no to the system, and noncompliance.
What's even more amazing is that all over the news they admit, oh, sorry, the vaccine doesn't protect you.
In fact, you can get more sick if you don't take the booster shot now.
And all the statistics coming out from around the world, John Hopkins has correlated them, and collated them, but put them all together.
And it shows, unequivocally, that the vast majority of people that are sick, being hospitalized, and dying have taken the poison death shot, as Dr. Zelenko calls it.
That's where we are.
We're living in incredibly historic times.
They intended for us just to move forward under this attack and adapt to it by submitting to it.
No, we need to adapt to it by exposing it and sending those that have done it to prison.
We do that by exposing the globalist depopulation paradigm.
They're not even hiding it anymore.
They've got the former British finance minister.
In the news today, stories up on Infowars.com saying it's wonderful that people aren't having two children and we need to just voluntarily extinct ourselves.
That the first world needs to go away and that because the Western world is evil and white, it needs to basically be ethnically cleansed and have the third world come and replace us and take over.
And that's because the globalists have fully conquered the third world.
And they've got those people on a very, very short leash.
So, of course, they want to take the, quote, uppity West with private property rights, self-defense and the Christian ethos away from us so that their corporate synthetic system, their post-industrial, post-human system can take over.
So a lot of massive development is taking place, and I'll just hammer this point again.
If the leaders we have that are governors, state reps, congressmen and women, cannot focus on the fact that this is a globalist program and just keep fighting pieces or heads of the Hydra, we'll never beat it.
But if we have an epiphany, a great awakening, which is starting to happen to the New World Order, to Bill Gates, to Klaus Schwab, it's game over, folks.
So when you're reaching out to strangers or friends or family or co-workers or just random
people, it doesn't matter, they're all humans, use Bill Gates as the entryway to the discussion.
Hey, you wonder why things are shut down?
Hey, you wonder why the economy's falling apart?
You know about Bill Gates, right?
He wants depopulation.
And he runs the world medical response of the UN.
And hey, maybe you feel powerless as just an average person, but you have to understand
that they're rolling out this takeover system across the planet.
And if we don't oppose it, then we are literally like robots just taking orders from these people.
So even though you don't feel empowered, even though you don't feel powerful, this is where you're talking to the average person.
You need to understand that the only choice you have is either submit to this or say no to it and fight it.
Because that really is the two different destinies laying out before you.
And I found just laying out the questions in a very hard cut and dry way cuts through and gets people to actually shift their paradigm and start the awakening process to come out of the trance.
So many people will tell you, oh, just talk to folks very calmly and sweetly and try to bring up things very gently, but then they just go back to their trance.
A lot of folks will just agree with you just to agree with you so you'll shut up.
But if you tell them they're in grave danger and you explain they're about to have their freedoms totally taken, a lot of freedoms have already been taken, that electronic straitjacket And Iron Curtain is lowering down on us.
Then as they see tyranny unfold, they might actually decide to be involved and informed and to take control of their own will and say no to the system.
I know you as this awesome audience of activists get that, but that's the message we've got to carry to everybody else.
It's very, very serious.
And right now the credibility of those who have been exposed to the New World Order is very, very high.
That's why one of the maxims is Alex Jones is right, or Alex Jones was right.
We were all right.
There's another saying, Alex Jones is always right.
I don't think that that's accurate.
I'm not always right.
I'm right about 98% of the time.
But regardless, most of the time I'm wrong, it's when I say something and it's usually a lot worse than I actually said.
So that's usually when I'm wrong and I wish I was wrong about how bad this whole thing is and how real it is.
But the globalists aren't playing games, so I want to thank you all for your support.
We're all in this together.
I just want to ask you again to share the live link feeds, the articles, the videos, whatever you think is most important.
And do that on a continual basis because people's minds are really ready for the truth right now.
But you're that cold bucket of ice water that's going to get them out of the trance by just continuing to hammer the truth home.
Very, very fertile grounds out there in people's minds.
It's time to unlock people again and get them out of this satanic trance.
Back to Owen Short on live feed.
Thank you, Alex.
And I want to just explain something here before we get back to the news because, you know, we Here at InfoWars, but I mean, we as the larger audience tuned in, we're all in this together.
We have to be very focused, sometimes calm, sometimes berserker, but we have to be very focused and primed and ready for what comes next.
And I mean, I'm just going to tell you, I think that it's only going to get much worse, quite frankly.
And I think that we're going to see... You've already seen the One World Government.
You've already seen the medical tyranny.
You've witnessed that now.
You're living it now.
You're getting a taste of, I would say, late 1930s, early 1940s Nazi Germany.
You're getting a taste of that.
But see, even the Nazis, what, took three, four years to rise to power, and then Hitler was in power for maybe four to five years.
So, I mean, these things take time, and this is a very complex Very complex, high technology tyranny that we are fighting now.
So it's going to be worse than the Nazis, obviously, but...
You know, we're seeing all this.
We don't understand how people can't see it.
We don't understand how people can't wake up.
Well, this is just history repeating itself.
That's how it always goes.
You don't have a mass awakening and overturning of things until it's so bad that the veil of denial is evaporated.
And so, you've now seen the global government medical tyranny.
You're in it right now.
You're experiencing it.
It's only going to get worse.
I do believe we are also going to see the climate tyranny.
I think that that's where we're going to get to before this thing is really turned around by the people of planet Earth, if there's anybody left to turn it around.
So we have to be expecting of this.
We have to be ready for this.
We can't panic as this thing only gets worse and worse and worse.
We can sound the alarm.
We can continue to inform people.
But it's going to get worse.
We're going to get into the climate tyranny, I predict, within four years.
Because the criminals of this world government, stealing everything from us, are not going to be arrested.
Nobody's going to hold them accountable.
There's no obstacles.
There's nothing in their way.
Nothing is stopping them.
They're getting away with massive crimes.
Industrial-level sex trafficking, no arrests.
Oh, Epstein.
Oh, then he got whacked.
Industrial-level illegal immigration, nothing.
No arrests, nothing.
Industrial-level biological warfare and research with the Americans and the Chinese military, no arrests, no calls for anything.
So all the resistance coming from the Republican Party or any leadership is just ceremonious.
It's not doing anything.
So, we're only going to get worse.
The medical tyranny is only going to get worse until people start getting arrested or held accountable for this.
The making of the virus and then the releasing of the deadly vaccine.
And, you're going to get, you are going to witness the climate tyranny.
You are going to witness the social credit score, the climate tyranny.
It's only going to get worse.
We're all going to witness it.
So, I'm kind of all firing on all cylinders, just turbocharged today, just dealing with all this, but we also have to understand that it's only going to get worse, and so we have to gird ourselves.
Alright, I've been on air for almost an hour, and I've barely even scratched the surface of all of this news, so I'm going to try to focus and do just that here in a second, but if I don't plug, we won't even be on air, and I won't be able to cover any news.
So it's important that we remind you of the specials at Infowarsstore.com.
But before I do that, let me just show you the impact that even the smallest act of resistance or the smallest act of real world, I guess you could call it propaganda.
I mean, propaganda can go both ways.
So we'll say anti-propaganda propaganda.
Of, say, posting a sticker that you get with your orders from InfowarsStore.com, we send you a bunch of stickers, you never know how that can impact the world.
Here's the example.
A lady, Tracy Seffle, I'm guessing is her name, she's a big leftist liberal, she loves the mask, and she recently went skydiving.
Now, if you guys would, Indulge me here if you can find the actual image of this, because I really want the audience to see... No!
Okay, I'm being told she has removed this tweet.
Total victory!
So, well, I still have the archive, so that's okay.
There she is, big liberal brainwashed leftist, loves the mask, loves Fauci.
Would ultimately, her and her lineage would ultimately be enslaved if the plan wasn't to call them off the planet.
I feel bad for her.
I'd love to see her alive and thriving with plenty of children and grandchildren and everything.
That's the humanitarian thing.
But she's brainwashed by the media.
She probably wouldn't want to hear from me.
So, she goes skydiving.
And she realizes something.
Guys, see if you can find an archive, though, because I want this image in HD for the audience to see.
Here's the statement.
I literally put my life in this guy's hands and we all loved him, but I didn't read the writing on his helmet until you have got to be effing kidding me.
So, ladies and gentlemen, her skydiving instructor here, has a sticker on his helmet that says Arrest Fauci.
And if you notice, it's our sticker from InfoWars.com!
Now the irony of this woman living in fear of COVID with a mask while going skydiving is, I mean, that really puts the whole thing into perspective.
Oh, I'm so afraid of the cold or the flu, I'm going to wear a mask everywhere or I'm that brainwashed, but then I'm going to hop out of a plane and go skydiving with a stranger.
I'm not talking trash on skydiving.
I'm just saying you look at the, you weigh the two risks.
It's pretty funny.
But so she finds out that there's an arrest Fauci InfoWars sticker on his helmet and panics, can't believe it, and then because the tweet goes so viral and has been such a promotional tool for InfoWars, she deletes the tweet!
So, you never know how one act of resistance, how one act of bravery, how one act of anti-propaganda action Can change the world and influence others.
So this guy, skydiving instructor, puts the little arrest Fauci sticker on his helmet
and now that photo went so viral that the woman has had to erase the tweet.
Woo-hoo-hoo! Yes!
And I salute that skydiving instructor!
We salute you, sir!
That's how it's done right there.
He just took a little sticker, put it on his helmet, and he just changed the world for some people.
And he sent this little liberal into a tizzy fit.
But hey, you know what?
We love her.
We care about her.
We're sad to see her be completely brainwashed by the propaganda, but that's okay.
We'll continue to try to fight for her right to be free, and fight for her right not to be part of a medical experiment and murdered by the world elite, even if she doesn't appreciate it.
Yes, we found the HD!
Hey guys, can we tell the writers, somebody out there who's listening on the writers, guys, write up a story about this, it doesn't have to be a big thing, just write a story about how, hey, skydiving instructor puts a Rez Fauci sticker on his helmet and changes the world, or something like that, and then highlight how she had to delete the tweet after it went massively viral, and make sure they get that HD picture of it, because this is the type of thing that can influence other people, folks.
That's why this is so key.
And that's why you say, oh, he just put a sticker on his helmet, it's just one tweet.
Millions of people saw that tweet, and now we're gonna put it back up on Infowars.com, and millions more are gonna see it, and then if a hundred or a thousand people are inspired by that to go do their own act of resistance, to go be anti-propaganda agents in their own regard, we've just had a massive victory.
And it all stems from one man and one sticker.
That's the domino effect.
So guys, let's put up a story with that HD and just have a writer just write up a quick one and put it on InfoWarsStore.com, or excuse me, InfoWars.com, so this story can inspire others, and I believe it will.
Now again, these stickers, we'll send a handful of these stickers with every order at InfoWarsStore.com.
The crew is putting some of them on the screen.
You can purchase them as well, but we will include, we always include a handful of them with every order.
Here's what we have for sale, or on sale, at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
DNA Force Plus, this is the flagship, this is the most elite supplement, maybe even on the market, quite frankly, but definitely at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's back on sale in stock, 40% off DNA Force Plus.
We have Brain Force Ultra back in stock, 25% off.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support back in stock.
50% off.
And you're saying, back in stock?
What are you talking about?
These supplements are so popular, we can't even keep them in stock.
So buy them while they're on sale before they're out again.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality, 40% off.
Living Defense Plus, 40% off.
And Organic Greens Fiber Caps, 50% off, but we're running low on that.
Those could sell out any day now.
So if you're trying to get a hand on Organic Greens Fiber Caps from InfoWarsStore.com with 50% off, get them now before it sells out.
And don't forget, of course, COVID Land on sale at InfoWars Store as well.
I keep hearing more reviews just organically from people saying, hey, I watched COVID Land.
Hey, my neighbor told me about COVID Land.
I'm going to have to watch it.
Purchase the DVD at InfoWarsStore.com.
And that's how everything we do here is possible.
And remember, we'll send a little handful of stickers with every order, or you can purchase the stickers as well, or purchase the t-shirt if you really want to be aggressive in the information warfare.
But I think that's hilarious.
Tracy goes skydiving, and then she resents her skydiving instructor because he has an Arrest Fauci InfoWars sticker on her helmet.
Which, you know, again, it's the throwing somebody a Life jacket or throwing somebody an inner tube when they're gone overboard in the middle of the ocean and they're drowning and then you throw them a life support and then they get up on deck and they hate you for it.
But you know what?
You did the right thing so you don't feel bad about it.
That's basically this woman's ideology and reality.
But hey, you know what?
We want Tracy to be free.
We want her to be informed even if she resents us for it.
We don't want her to be a slave in the New World Order.
We'll continue to fight for your freedom and information, Tracy Seffel, even if you don't like it.
But you deleted the tweet, but we still got the archive right there it is.
I love it.
Okay, before I start to dig into more of this news, I want to just give an analogy here.
I've given it before, but I just continue to see it play itself out.
And if you haven't seen the new Star Wars movie, you're just going to not understand it at all, but you may still understand the idea.
So, you have two characters in the new Star Wars films.
One is, her name is Rey, and she comes from some forsaken planet, and she's basically just a peasant on this planet.
Just, you know, scrummaging around for foods and scraps just to live on her own.
And then you have another character who is part of the Imperial Army.
and is a stormtrooper.
And so they meet each other, and then they meet Han Solo.
And so Rey, the young girl from the forsaken planet, who's just, you know, scrummaging for scraps and supplies
her whole life, she sees Han Solo,
and she doesn't understand, and Finn says, "Wait, you're Han Solo. You're the..."
You were part of the Rebellion.
You're a legendary pilot.
This is the Millennium Falcon.
And Han Solo is kind of like, yeah, you know, kid, whatever.
And then Rey says, wait a second.
I thought that was a myth.
I thought that was a legend.
That's not actually real.
There's no Han Solo.
There's no Millennium Falcon.
There's no Force.
There's no Luke Skywalker.
But then Finn, the former Stormtrooper, says there is Luke Skywalker, there is Han Solo, there is the Force.
And so here's what I'm trying to say.
The average person out there is told, none of this is going on, there is no tyranny, there is no world government, Alex Jones is a liar, don't believe any of that stuff.
That's Ray.
But see, notice how the stormtrooper, who's actually in the battle, being told about all this, knows it's all real.
He knows Luke Skywalker is real.
He knows Han Solo is real.
He knows the Millennium Falcon is real.
So the point is, folks, everything we're doing here is real.
And anybody who's actually involved in this at high levels knows it's all real.
Knows Alex Jones is real.
Knows he's been right about everything.
And they want to keep the general population dumbed down and uninformed.
Yeah, full wars.
Alright, I'm fired up for freedom.
I'm fired up to...
Broadcast all this information out here today on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm gonna get back into the news here.
But first, I want to play this clip and I've got more clips highlighting this as well.
This is the division being caused by the mainstream media right now over the COVID lies.
So there was a walk your kid to school event and naturally you had the Non-vaccinated people and the vaccinated people and the kids in the masks and the kids not in the masks.
So it's become a divisive thing.
And here's what happened in a Los Angeles school at Walker Kid to School Day.
Basically, the pro-vaccine people versus the not wanting to subject to an experimental vaccine people starting to strife.
Here's the video.
So what appeared to be several dozen angry people protesting vaccines and masks followed a large group of parents and children walking to school.
This happened in Beverly Hills on National Walk and Bike to School Day and this confrontation was caught on tape.
He's going to be traumatized because you put that mask on because you don't let him breathe through it.
That's my choice!
That's my choice!
Pause it.
I love this part.
It's my choice if I want to mask my kid.
It's my choice.
But then they'll tell you it's not your choice to get a vaccine.
Again, the pro-choice crowd is the most anti-choice crowd you're ever going to meet.
I just wanted to highlight that.
Again, these are parents saying, hey, you're torturing your kid with that mask.
And they say, but it's my choice to torture my kid.
If I want to kill my kid or torture my kid, that's my choice.
Here, go back.
Children is child abuse!
It is!
You mask your child, you're a child abuser!
You should choose what goes on in your child's face and in your child's body.
This is rape!
This is rape!
They're trying to rape our children, but this is poison!
That was in front of the children.
Oh, poor CNN.
Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that once the FDA grants full approval for all age groups, vaccines will be required in schools.
So imagine, alright, so that's pulled down.
So imagine though, you're the CNN host, and look, I get it, I don't like seeing this division, I don't like seeing that strife, and yeah, that's not exactly something you want to put kids through, but hey, Isn't it worse to be forcefully injecting children with a experimental drug?
Isn't forced medication a lot worse?
Isn't chemical rape a lot worse than an uncomfortable social situation?
So, hey, pick and choose your battles.
CNN rapes the truth every day.
CNN wants to chemically rape everybody with these experimental vaccines.
So, so, Virtue signaling CNN has zero ground to stand on.
But the real point here is that this is the division being sowed in society right now.
So, but what do you do?
Again, I could selfishly say, hey, you know what?
We should keep abortion legal.
Because that way all the Satanists and all the anti-American liberals will kill their offspring and we'll inherit the planet, we'll inherit the country because they'll all be dead and gone!
So, like, as a strategic thing, you say, yeah, to your political opposition, you'd say, yeah, kill your babies.
Kill your lineage.
Kill your gene line.
Kill them all.
You would say that to your political opposition.
But these people aren't really my political opposition.
These are actually my brothers.
These are my sisters.
We're fellow Americans.
I don't want to see them kill their kids.
Plus, those kids don't deserve that fate.
Well, see, it's the same thing.
It's the same concept where these parents show up to protect the children and say, you shouldn't vaccinate your kids.
It's killing people.
It's causing heart problems.
It's an experimental vaccine.
You shouldn't be masking your children.
It's causing all types of harm to them psychologically and physically.
You're harming your kids.
So that's just something you do because you care about the kids and you care about the truth.
And then the resentment they get from the media, the resentment that they get from the other people out there, and then the irony of, it's my choice, it's my choice if I want to do this, it's my choice, but then they'll force you to take a vaccine.
So they can't even see their own irony, they're blinded by hatred.
And then Malcolm X quote here on the screen, only a fool would let his enemies teach his children.
But they've already been suckered in.
They've already been completely brainwashed.
They can't recognize the enemy.
They are one with the enemy now.
But this is, the real story here is this is the future of vaccinated people versus non-vaccinated people strifing all the time now because of the lies of the mainstream media and the brainwashing.
Alright, I want to read to you the entirety of a thread From Glubako Letuva in Lithuania about life under the medical tyranny vaccine passport mandate, what it's like when you don't have the vaccine passport.
So let me just get into this right now.
By the way, this has gone totally viral.
I just want to read the whole thing for you so that you can have a little Better understanding of what this is like, at least in Lithuania, and what our future will be like here if this is ever brought to America.
So, from Glubako Lietuva, at Glubako on Twitter.
With no COVID pass, my wife and I are banished from society.
We have no income, banned from most shopping, can barely exist, but we will not accept authoritarianism.
Here's how life looks after one month in Lithuania under Europe's first strict society-wide COVID pass regime.
My wife and I have been suspended without pay for four weeks.
We can't return to our jobs.
Not sure our employers would let us back.
Even if they did, our colleagues despise us, which on social media, wish on social media for our death.
Nothing we can do will ever erase that.
We can't work there.
Oh, how loving and tolerant.
We can't find new jobs in our professions.
My wife and I have very different jobs in very different fields, but all jobs in both our fields now require the COVID vaccine pass.
No pass, no job.
We're not allowed to buy food in the local supermarket.
We may only shop in small stores with street-facing Entrances which mainly sell food, pharma, glasses, contacts, or farming and pet supplies in our area that effectively limits us to one small, expensive, convenience store.
The pass has wreaked havoc with the free market.
Supermarkets which require the pass report shopper traffic is down 25% in the month since the pass was imposed.
But in the small stores where the pass isn't required, it's up only 0.7%.
So where have the shoppers gone?
We buy food in old Soviet-style markets, outdoor, in parking lots, products sold on streets, tiny tables, or from the back of cars.
Produce, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, cash only, no pass required.
Not as convenient as a supermarket, but it works for now.
Life finds a way.
I need to make some home repairs, but without a pass, I can't enter the hardware store to buy supplies.
I can't call for a repair worker because repairs are banned for non-pass holders.
And I have no income now to pay for outside help anyway, so our home stays unrepaired.
We went to the dentist we've attended for years for an appointment for one of my children, but had to leave because I don't have a COVID pass.
No other dentist in our area will see us.
We've heard of dentists who treat people with no pass, but they're far, so no dental care.
We tried to buy art supplies for our kids from a craft store.
No purchase allowed without a pass.
We tried to buy educational toys in a toy store.
We were barred from entering.
Can't buy kitchen supplies.
Banal, but frustrating.
We tried to print some papers in a copy shop.
The staff refused us service without a pass.
We can't enter the library to browse books with our kids.
That used to be one of our family's greatest pleasures.
But we're not allowed anymore because we don't have a pass.
Our two kids outgrew and destroyed last winter's clothes.
We tried to buy new ones, but with no pass, many stores rejected us.
Finally, my pregnant wife begging, tears in her eyes, a manager at a second-hand store relented.
Just this once, okay?
Can't let you people in here again.
This pressure to submit is everywhere.
It's overwhelming.
Our ability to survive has been destroyed.
But no matter the suffering imposed and the hardships we must endure, we must never accept the descent into the authoritarianism which the COVID pass represents.
QR pass, code to enter stores, COVID pass needed to work, government approval needed to buy food, toys, clothes, no, no, no.
The COVID pass regime of government segregation and control punishing undesired behavior with banishment from society is the path to authoritarianism.
When COVID vaccinations were released, the original policy was education, trust, and informed consent to vaccinate targeted groups.
But policy changed in 2021.
Choice and trust was replaced by coercion and punishment.
You've shredded trust in public health for generations.
So there is the entirety of that thread, a taste of what it's like to live under medical tyranny, which will go worldwide.
Now, here's the struggle.
And they assume the globalists, the tyrants, the authoritarians, like Fauci, and Gates, and Schwab, and the list goes on.
They assume you're too weak to endure this battle.
They assume you're too weak, and you're too brainwashed, and you're too lazy that you will submit to them.
And that's why this couple's struggle is so important.
So, what it comes down to is this.
It's going to be extremely uncomfortable for a number of years living under this authoritarian world regime.
And here in Texas, it's not so bad.
And in other places, it's not so bad.
But they're not going to relent.
They're going to keep pressuring and they're going to get what they want because there is really hardly any resistance, especially not from leadership.
And any of the resistance coming from leadership is mostly just ceremonial.
But we must resist.
We must not give in to the authoritarianism.
We must stand for freedom of choice when it comes to, especially, medical experimentation with these drugs.
And we must just stand for freedom and the free market overall, because the assumption from the New World Order globalists is you will submit this time, you'll submit the next time, you'll submit the third time, and then all there is is submission.
There is nothing else.
There is no even choice to resist.
And if they can cross a threshold of enough people, well then it's over.
The New World Order global government is here.
The free market dies forever on planet Earth.
No more freedom, no more prosperity, no more upward mobility.
Just total oppression and degradation.
And guys, I don't even want to see the replies to this story because it's just so sick.
And I just can't handle it right now because it makes my stomach churn.
Because we're fighting for these people and they hate us for it.
This Lithuanian couple is fighting for all the people under the medical tyranny, under the authoritarian regime, and they're resented for it.
But they're true heroes for doing what's right.
I mean, look, I live in Austin, Texas, which is still in Texas, so, you know, we're still okay, but I have a natural instinct, call it a survival instinct, call it just common sense, to just get as far away from any Democrat, just as far away as I can.
And I understand For someone like me, that enjoys life, I like going out and eating at restaurants and steak dinners, and I like going golfing, and I like going to concerts, and I like going to ball games.
I enjoy all that stuff!
But see, the assumption that the New World Order makes is that I will sacrifice my body, I will sacrifice my freedom, my free will, and everything that my ancestors have fought for, literally, that I would sacrifice all of that Just for the simple pleasures of life that they're going to hold hostage and take away from me.
I won't sacrifice it.
I will not.
And neither should you.
So we're going to have to hold this line for a while.
Maybe a couple years.
And you know what?
It's not going to be fun.
It's going to be torturous.
And it's going to be the old saying, if you never know what you got until it's gone, we're going to realize how great we had it in this country.
The ease of access, the abundance, the cheap energy, all of it, it's all going away.
So yeah, you're going to have to look for new markets that aren't going to take the vaccine pass.
You're going to look for new ways of entertaining yourself.
You may just have to move entirely to different parts of the country to get away from this stuff.
Because that's my instinct is, I need to be as far away from Democrat leadership as possible.
I need to be as far away from the brainwashed minions of the New World Order that are vaccinating themselves to death as possible.
I'm not saying I'm going anywhere, I'm just saying that's the instinct.
So, there's going to be some tough times ahead, but we have to hold the line, and we have to understand everything that's at stake, and it's much more important to maintain freedom than to enjoy a ballgame or a bar or a restaurant.
We have a whistleblower, a hospital whistleblower, coming up in studio in the next hour.
You're not going to want to miss that.
But I got a bunch more video clips and news coming up as well.
So let me just do this.
Let me try to...
There's no way I can even do it in this segment, but I'm going to try my best to get through the rest of this COVID and vaccine news, just to put it all into perspective and what we're dealing with.
And, you know, this kind of puts it into perspective.
And I actually looked this up.
I couldn't even believe this.
And I'm not trying to be gross here, but it just kind of puts things in perspective here.
Did you know that diarrhea kills 1.8 million people a year?
Did you know that?
That's actually real.
I went and I looked it up.
1.8 million people a year.
Folks, we have a diarrhea pandemic!
We have a diarrhea pandemic in this country!
Give me a vaccine!
Give me healthcare treatment!
Shut down the toilets!
My God!
It's a diarrhea pandemic!
Of course, that's ridiculous.
But should we be locking the country down?
Should we be doing panic?
Should we be doing all the fear-mongering?
1.8 million from diarrhea a year?
What is wrong with our diets?
Should we be mandating healthier diets?
No, that's insanity.
But we do for COVID because that's a global conquering.
Here's Mayor Adler, our despicable, corrupt mayor.
Austin is going to complete hell in a handbasket, and he painted a sidewalk the gay flag today, because, you know, he's a virtue signaler.
But he says, get your flu shot!
He never stops.
Get your vaccines!
Get your vaccines!
Get your flu shots!
Get your COVID vaccines!
I guess Big Pharma pays him well.
By the way, you know, the flu disappeared last year.
Just gone.
Totally gone.
Because there was no more flu.
They rebranded it and called it COVID.
Moving on.
Italians fight back against violent police while protesting vaccine mandates.
I've got more footage of that going on.
In fact, guys, just roll B-roll of clip 3 for me, please.
Here's just some of the scene in Rome.
I guess it was over the weekend.
And they say in Italy, as of October 15th, the vaccine pass is going to be mandated.
So, I guess life in Italy will be like life in Lithuania from that couple that I just read about.
Very sad.
Lord Fauci?
God Fauci, the dictator Fauci, he's the Jim Jones, the leader of the cult.
Fauci grants permission for kids to go trick-or-treating.
Oh, well, nobody asked you, a-hole.
Nobody asked you if we can celebrate Christmas.
Nobody asked you if we can celebrate Thanksgiving.
Nobody asked you if we can go trick-or-treating.
Why don't you just buzz off?
Go make another virus that kills millions of people, why don't you?
In fact, I think Fauci should just stick to that.
Hey, Fauci, do me a favor.
Do us all a favor.
Why don't you go back to making and funding research of gain and function and spillover viruses that you're good at?
That seems to be the only thing you're good at is killing people with man-made viruses, Fauci.
So why don't you quit telling us how to live our lives and get back to funding research of deadly viruses that get released on the planet, remake the planet, and kill millions of people.
That's what you're good at, Fauci.
We don't want to take your advice on how to live our life.
So go back to funding deadly viral research in China, go back to colluding with the Chinese Communist military, and just leave us alone, would ya?
Go back to helping make deadly viruses that kill millions of people, Fauci.
We don't want to hear you telling us what to do anymore.
We'll have more on that upcoming.
Media now claims that double vaccinated Brits who have bad colds are actually suffering from COVID.
Oh, you mean the vaccine is making you sick, just like InfoWars said.
It's not that we're that smart.
It's just we can... Hey, look, there's a sunrise.
Hey, look, there's a sunset.
Hey, look, that's a tree.
Just obvious stuff, just pointing out the obvious.
Nobody else wants to do it because it's so devastating, is what it is.
It's so devastating to think this virus was made in a lab and released intentionally.
It's so devastating to think that the vaccines are actually killing people.
But that's the reality!
It's like your best friend or your dad or something just died in a car accident.
That's devastating.
That sucks.
That's the worst thing.
But that's the reality.
Yep, the vaccines are making people sick.
And so finally people are realizing it.
I don't care if people want to listen to InfoWars or not.
I just want people to be informed.
But finally people are starting to realize it, whether they admit InfoWars is right or not is irrelevant.
A quarter of football league, that's the international soccer league, probably the best one is in England, or you could say, maybe you could argue Italy or Spanish league, but a quarter of football league players say they won't get vaccinated.
Well yeah, I mean, it's undeniable now!
There's so much information about the vaccinated dying and getting sick, they can't cover it up!
So yeah, of course people aren't going to get vaccinated.
And see, now people understand what's at stake.
They understand giving in to this tyranny means you're no longer free for the rest of your time on planet Earth.
Or you could just die overnight.
You could just be dead from the vaccine.
So people realize what's at stake now, and they're not going along with it anymore.
But that's why they need so much tyranny to hold you hostage to make you go along with it.
Some Ontario towns won't let couples get a marriage license without a vaccine passport.
Good job, Canada.
Way to go into complete tyranny.
Johns Hopkins data proves COVID shots causing majority of illness and death.
Stories at Infowars.com.
It's pretty shocking.
It's pretty unbelievable.
Again, not to be redundant, I don't care who wants to put the information out there, I don't care who wants to get credit, but we reported all of this first.
The vaccines are killing people.
Hell, I put up a video.
Guys, what did we title that video?
I covered it last week on The War Room.
Where an individual just goes to the International Vaccine Injury Database and pulls up the number of the hundreds and thousands of deaths from vaccines.
That's the International Database.
Then you can go to the U.S.
Database, that's the VAERS website, and they're up 17,000 people have died from the COVID vaccine this year. 17,000.
You say, hey, well, you know, that's kind of a low number.
Who cares?
Bunch of people have been vaccinated.
That's a low number.
I don't care.
Oh, really?
You want to play Russian roulette?
You want to mandate Russian roulette with your body?
Hey, let's play Russian Roulette.
I've got a revolver here.
There's one bullet.
And there's 10,000 chambers.
So just pull the trigger and yeah, you probably won't blow your brains out.
But you have to pull the trigger.
Put the gun to your temple and pull the trigger.
And yeah, the odds are that you're not gonna blow your brains out when you pull that trigger.
But somebody's gonna.
Hope it's not you.
Good luck.
We're mandating Russian Roulette now.
But yeah, there it is.
This vaccine death data will shock and horrify you.
The video's on the War Room channel on BandOutVideo.
And again, it's just the guy, because I can show you it, but there's different flavors, there's different presentations, and this is just a powerful presentation, no commentary, just the guy scrolling through all the vaccine database, the adverse effect database, so you can see the tens of thousands of dead.
from the COVID vaccines from official government data.
But hey, let's mandate Russian roulette while we're at it.
Only some will die, not all.
It's for the good of the people.
And people, again, either they're starting to see all the information about the deadly vaccines or they're experiencing it firsthand, like Colonel Allen West.
After this experience, I am even more dedicated to fighting against vaccine mandates.
Colonel Allen West and his wife come down with COVID.
Allen West was not vaccinated.
His wife was.
His wife had an awful spout with COVID.
His vaccinated wife.
He didn't get it at first.
His wife did, and then spread it to him.
It's the vaccine variant.
It's all by design.
Just ask Anthony Fauci.
But he'd lie about it anyway.
I've got so much news to cover today.
The good news is, I'm going to be on air for six hours, so I'm going to be able to cover all of it, hopefully.
We'll be finishing up on the Alex Jones Show here, and then I'm going to be hosting the War Room, my normal duties.
And so this news on my desk, hopefully I'm going to have all this covered by the end of the Jones Show.
And then I've got another stack of news I've already got planned to cover on the War Room today, including, sadly, people inside of our military selling secrets to China.
And it also is now totally proven that they were leftist activists in the Navy selling Military Seekers to China.
Oh, go figure.
More anti-American leftists committing treason?
Who would have thought?
So you may not hear much about that today, but I'm going to be covering that coming up in the War Room.
Let me try to get through the rest of this COVID news.
It takes hours to get through all of it.
And so I don't mean to be redundant, but this is really the most important thing because this is where the global tyranny is going to come from.
So back at it.
Reports uncovered show COVID-19 was a planned bioweapon of China's People's Liberation Army.
And if we don't have enough evidence of this now, The Gateway Pundit has just received exclusive documents that they've published here with this story that highlight all of it and how actually they started the planning of this more than a decade ago.
And so my guess is that our government knew about this as well, and that's why we sent them the bioweapons research, or that's why we sent them the gain-of-function spillover research from the North Carolina lab on bat viruses to the Chinese military research facilities in Wuhan and other areas.
Fauci knew all about it.
So was this collusion over the course of decades?
To release this virus?
Certainly appears to be the case with all the fallout and aftermath being so well coordinated.
Fact check, Dr. Fauci's claim that the highly effective and safe vaccine prevents individuals from getting infected with COVID is false.
Yes, and of course we all already knew that.
But now they're admitting That the unvaccinated, it's actually the vaccinated now that cause a threat to the unvaccinated because they're creating the vaccine variants known as Delta or Mu or Lambda or whatever Greek term that they use.
It's all the vaccine variants.
That's why, and they'll never explain this logically because they would just admit everything they said is a lie.
Why are you seeing more COVID death in the year 2021 than in the year 2020?
Because of the vaccines.
Why are you seeing more COVID cases in the year 2021 than in the year 2020?
Because of the vaccines!
If the vaccines were working, those numbers would be down.
Why are they up?
Because the vaccines are causing people to get sick and die.
Like this Denver police officer who reluctantly took the jab then lost his ability to walk and has now been hospitalized with a stroke.
Yes, but play Russian roulette with these vaccines.
We love you so much.
An epidemic of the vaccinated.
Latest UK data shows rate of infection among vaxxed exceeds unvaxxed in every age group over 30.
And the only reason why it's not like that under 30 is because in the UK they quit vaccinating people under 30 because of all the bad side effects.
So you don't have as many people that are vaccinated under 30 as you do above 30, but that's why all the people above 30 that have been vaccinated are getting sick.
So the COVID vaccine gets you sick, then it destroys your immune system so you stay sick.
Meanwhile, if you're unvaccinated, or non-vaccinated really is the proper term, if you're non-vaccinated like myself, you're perfectly healthy and you have a strong immune system.
I was sick once this year for a couple days and then it took me a couple days to recover.
That was it for me!
I'm back healthy as a horse, baby!
No vaccine for me!
I didn't even go to a doctor, I didn't take ivermectin, nothing!
And then I had a person staying with me who came into town and then got sick while was in town, ended up having to stay with me for a week because was sick, tested positive for COVID in my house for a week, we had dinner together, everything, never got sick, never got COVID.
I guess natural immunity works, huh?
How did I survive that?
I guess natural immunity works.
Customs officials seized small packages of life-saving ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in Chicago, while record amounts of fentanyl continue to flow across southern borders.
So yeah, you try to send ivermectin to a friend or family member dying from COVID to try to get them healthy, or hydroxychloroquine, it's seized by Customs.
But you send fentanyl or all these other drugs, they won't seize that.
They'll let that kill ya.
But oh, you wanna save somebody's life with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or Regeneron or any of that stuff, and so you send it through the mail?
The Democrats that run that state, Pritzker, are seizing it.
This is like what happened in Michigan when the Democrat representative had COVID and was dying, and the mayor of Michigan Banned the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, so she had to go onto the black market to get hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and within a day after taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc was recovered from COVID, she thanked Trump for saving her life.
I mean, ultimately it was the hydroxychloroquine and zinc and vitamin D that saved her life, but it was Trump that made it legal for doctors to send prescriptions across state lines, despite the Democrats trying to stop that.
Why are Democrats so evil?
You just have to wonder.
And why are Republicans such PUSSIES in fighting back against these tyrants?
It's always tough to predict, says Fauci, when asked how long it will be till vaccinated people can be indoors without a mask.
No, it's really not.
Under Fauci, you'll always be a slave.
You'll never take the mask off.
You'll never get enough vaccines.
You'll never be able to take the mask off.
Isn't it amazing?
I'm actually, I'll tell you what, I'm surprised more people haven't.
Woken up to the lies of Fauci than we've seen.
Yeah, some people get it.
They're like, hey, I'm vaccinated.
Why do I have to wear a mask?
Hey, I'm vaccinated.
Why am I getting sick?
Hey, I'm vaccinated.
Why do I have to take another one?
It's only a small percentage of people that are even understanding that dynamic that Fauci is lying to you and that you'll never get out of the grips of this tyranny.
But yes, here you go.
Here is just yet another example.
This is the official trailer on YouTube for Dr. Fauci, and it has 103,000 dislikes, 7,000 likes.
3,000 dislikes 7,000 likes. Rotten Tomatoes banned reviews, banned reviews
and banned the audience score on the Fauci documentary because all the
reviews that were coming in were anti Fauci anti vaccine and it would have
scored at zero so they banned it.
So, so, you know, I forget who made this point and actually I think it was Alex earlier.
Which is, we've already reached the threshold to save this planet and to save America from the New World Order and from the globalists.
We just haven't realized it yet.
And so, there's going to be a process of realizing it, like in a bug's life, when the ants finally stand up to the grasshoppers.
There's first the moment of realization.
Then there's the moment of action, and then that's when the grasshoppers flee.
So first we'll realize we're in the massive majority, then we'll start to game plan and understand how we can throw the tyrants off of our necks, off of our backs, and that's when they flee and go into submission and hiding because they know that their game is up.
So that's why Joe Biden has 10,000 people protesting anytime he travels and nobody's supporting.
That's why he couldn't have a rally.
That's why Trump had 40,000 people at a rally in Iowa over the weekend.
That's why every Joe Biden video on YouTube has massive dislikes and no likes.
That's why every Fauci video on YouTube has massive dislikes and no likes.
That's why every local Democrat here in Austin posts on Twitter And it's 200 replies saying how much they've destroyed the city and how we're never going to vote for them again and all this stuff.
These people are losers.
They're unpopular.
They're not winning fairly.
They're cheating.
But see...
We just haven't realized it because all the control mechanisms and all the Tokyo Roses in the media aren't letting us see that we are in the mass majority.
We are just a flick away from victory as soon as we realize that the ball is in our hands.
The New World Order is upon us.
Global tyranny is upon us.
And so what Will you do in response?
By the way, series of headlines right here.
Price of ship fuel is now highest since 2014.
All thanks to the plan-demic.
UK steel warns of imminent crisis due to extraordinary electricity prices because of the plan-demic.
Aluminum tops 3,000 per ton for first time since 2008 because of the plan-demic.
And now you have thousands of flights being cancelled because of the vaccine mandate.
And they say, oh well, it's because of weather.
And then that's easy to disprove.
So then they say, oh, uh.
It's because people are getting sick.
How are people, massive people just getting sick overnight from the vaccine?
So like, they didn't even want to admit that, but then they had to.
Oh, people getting sick from the vaccine, but the truth is it's because there's a walkout because of the vaccine mandates.
Let me just do this quickly.
Let's play some of these insane videos here.
First, let's go to this clip six.
This is unbelievable.
A 16-year-old girl Who's showing more courage than most men right now, refusing to comply with the mask mandate at her Wyoming high school, and so she shows up, folks, she gets arrested, she gets fined, and the whole high school goes into lockdown!
I kid you not!
A little girl, 16 years old, shows up at high school without a mask, and the whole school goes into lockdown!
As if she was a mass shooter!
And then she gets arrested!
Unbelievable scenes!
Here is the video in clip 6.
Can you please let me into class?
What's that?
Can you please let me into class?
I can't unless you're gonna wear a mask at all.
So, you're taking away my right to go to school?
Well, I need you to wear a mask because that's what we gotta do right now.
Good Nazi.
Well I guess I'll just sit here.
Once again we are in a lockdown.
Please stay in your rooms until further notice.
Thank you.
Okay, so on this, and I just, part of the protocol is to ask for a student's signature, and you know, it's obviously up to you, but all it says is, I hereby acknowledge that I participated in a pre-suspension conference, that was just me going over this with you, with the administrator, that's me.
Brady signed it, but, and I'm aware of the reason for my suspension.
I understand and agree that I am not to be on or near any UCSD1 school grounds nor participate in school activities during the suspension.
You've been suspended.
They've asked you to leave.
Sounds like you're refusing to.
So as law enforcement, I have now respectfully requested that you leave the premises because you've been suspended.
Are you willing to do that?
So I'm going to formally warn you of trespass, and if you want to stay, you're going to receive another citation for trespassing.
So you've been formally warned of trespass.
Do you want to leave the facility now?
As a kid walks behind her without a mask on.
All doors are locked, ma'am.
So you want to stay?
How long are you planning on staying for?
I don't know.
I'm going to go write the citation for you.
I am going to let you know what's going on at this point.
This entire building now is in lockdown.
So you have now restricted the movement of over a thousand students.
Pause right there.
Do you hear the insanity of this?
He's blaming her!
A sweet, innocent, 16-year-old girl standing in her high school during school hours and they're blaming her because they put the school over lockdown because she's not wearing a mask.
Clown world insanity!
This is the planet we want to live on?
This is the country we want to live in?
A whole school goes into complete irrational, illogical panic because one girl without a mask?
And then she's so brave, I salute this young girl, she's so brave that she stands there facing arrest.
This is, I mean, this is modern day, this is a modern day, I mean, you could say Joan of Arc or if you wanted to do American history.
This is like, you know, a modern-day Martin Luther King, or hell, John Lewis, dare I say, or Rosa Parks?
Knowing they're going to be arrested for standing there, but doing it anyway to prove a point.
Seriously, are you listening to this?
Oh, you didn't wear a mask.
We're suspending you.
Oh, by the way, now you're trespassing on school territory, so we're going to arrest you, and we're going to lock the school down.
Complete insanity.
Yeah, this is actual civil rights stuff right here.
This is like the civil rights movement, when black civil rights activists would go sit on the front of buses, or go to diners, or go to restaurants.
And they would refuse to leave, or they'd refuse to not sit in the blacks-only section, and they would face arrest or punishment or beatings or all this other stuff because they knew it was right.
So I salute this 16-year-old girl.
She has more will and passion and inspiration than pretty much 99% of this country right now, sadly.
But again, they put the whole school in lockdown?
Because she's standing in the common section without a mask?
Do you really want to live in this insane society?
Let's continue the video.
You're trying to get back into the classroom, which you are not allowed to do because you've been suspended.
We will wait you out for some time.
I am going to warn you now.
If this continues for a length of time to where I feel that we have now hampered the ability for every student in here to get an education, I will be placing you in a... Now pause it right there again, because this is the dynamic that people have to understand.
Honestly, I'm... See, this is why people become suicidal.
I mean, you follow this logic, the only path is to just blow your brains out.
It's the same thing.
Oh, COVID shut everything down.
COVID closed our business.
No, the government did that!
The government did that!
So it's the same thing here.
They're blaming this little girl.
They're saying, you put the school in lockdown.
You're stopping students from learning.
You're stopping students from communicating.
And getting from classroom to classroom.
No she's not!
You're doing that, you bastards!
You're doing that, officer!
You're doing that, superintendent!
You're doing that, principal!
You're doing that, professor!
Not the innocent girl!
But see, so that's what they do.
Oh, they make the virus, they release the virus, then they shut everything down, and they blame the virus.
Same thing here.
Oh, oh!
They arrest the girl, harass the girl, suspend the girl, and then lock down the school, and then blame the girl standing there without a mask on.
I am in insane clown world society times right now.
Let's go back to the video.
And I will remove you from the building.
That's okay.
This court date is November 16th at 9 o'clock.
In circuit court.
Any questions on that?
Thank you.
Thank you.
They gave me another $500 citation and I'm still refusing to leave.
They said they'll arrest me if I continue to refuse.
So you're still refusing to leave?
Yes, sir.
Even after receiving your citation?
Yes, sir.
All right.
Then at this point, I am going to place you into custody for trespassing.
I'll go down to the jail.
I'll address him.
All right.
All right.
Can you hold it like this?
Do you have any guns, knives, or bazookas on you that we need to know about?
No, sir.
Ma'am, I have 13-log-1 in custody.
Can I just leave this stuff here?
No, thank you.
So that's Grace Smith, 16 year old high school student in Wyoming,
who has more of a hero's will and spirit and more will to be free and
stand up for what's right than 99% of this country.
Pardon me while I stand and applaud.
And I hope everybody out there applauds for Grace as well.
And we should be praying for Grace.
And there should be thousands of peaceful protesters outside of the courtroom on her court date.
It sounded like they said November 16th.
Grace Smith is a hero!
That is an American hero!
That is an icon!
We salute you, Grace!
We stand with you, Grace!
We need tens of thousands, millions of students like Grace Smith.
Man, I wish!
I wish!
I wish even a small percentage of this country had even a small percentage of Grace's will and spirit.
We could end all this madness overnight.
But no.
A little, innocent, 16-year-old girl.
That's like the Tank Man, but it's a girl.
That's like the Tiananmen Tank Square Man, except it's a high school student in America.
Bullied into medical tyranny.
Refuses to submit.
Threatened with arrest.
Blamed for the school being shut down.
Still refuses to submit to the tyranny.
So they have to put her in handcuffs and throw her in jail and give her a court date.
That's a hero, Grace Smith, right there.
So I'll say this.
Any high schoolers listening to this?
That are sick of your mandates and sick of dealing with this crap?
Take a page out of Grace Smith's book and you'll be an American legend and an icon at your high school.
Grace Smith now goes down in American history and folklore as a civil rights hero.
She's up there with Rosa Parks and everyone else now.
She is a civil rights hero.
She sacrificed herself for something bigger and greater than her so that we all could see it and want to be free.
We are about to be joined here in studio by a hospital whistleblower on some just insane things that are happening at the hospital.
And then I just saw a little story here that had me laughing out loud in the break.
Seriously, the clown world of all of this is just... I can't even believe I'm living in this reality at this point.
And it's like a mental thing to just almost...
Keep saying is to just say, this is all some sort of weird simulation game that I'm in.
This is not real.
This is just a test.
Because it's just insane from locking down a school because a girl without a mask and then blaming her for it to what we're about to get into with this hospital whistleblower.
I mean, it's just total clown world.
But let me just talk about something else that's going on right now.
First of all, did you know Biden went on another vacation over the weekend?
Guys, just roll the B-roll of clip 9.
And so this was Biden, he went on a vacation to Delaware over the weekend.
He's constantly vacationing while the country is in total crisis.
But notice something about this B-roll here, notice something about this video.
Everyone, and he can't even walk off the stairs, folks.
He has to go down backwards, clenching to the rails because he can't walk down steps when it's windy or he'll blow over like a feather in the wind.
But notice how everybody else in this video is forced to wear a mask, even the young kids.
So it's a bunch of young kids wearing a mask.
It's the pilot and everybody else, everybody wearing a mask, except one person not wearing the mask.
Joe Biden!
Everyone masked but Joe!
What is up with that?
So there's Joe Biden departing for another vacation as he scuttles the country into chaos and division and degradation.
But then you have this.
Guys, roll the b-roll from clip one.
This was, I guess, Friday before Biden departed for vacation.
And guys, you can just keep the B-roll rolling and I'm going to try to explain what's going on here.
So we now know that they have a fake White House, a fake White House where Joe Biden does his press conferences and such.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
We reported it first.
It's a fake White House.
Literally, it's a studio set fake White House.
Well, I guess they're going full-time to the fake White House now, because on Friday, the White House was closed to reporters.
And that's why, at that one point in the video, you see all the reporters rushing away from the White House to go to the fake White House, the set, the TV set White House.
Guys, just keep the b-roll on the screen.
So what is going on in the White House that nobody's allowed in the White House and they don't do press conferences from the White House anymore?
They only do it from the fake White House, the TV set.
I've never heard of this before.
They literally have a fake White House.
Oh, and by the way, all the reporters cheering Joe Biden.
In fact, guys, we should actually listen to this because I'm pretty sure there's audio at that part too.
When Biden approaches the fake White House set and all the reporters start cheering for him, that just shows you where the state of the media is.
In this country.
We'll roll back around to that in a second.
They depart from the White House because they've had the White House shut down.
They don't do press conferences with the President at the White House anymore.
They have all of it at the fake White House TV set.
So all the journalists have to rush over there.
Guys, do we have it queued up to that?
Listen to the, listen, this is, folks, this is the media.
This is the White House press pool.
As Joe Biden is approaching the media at the fake White House, listen to the White House press pool when he approaches.
Let's just listen to this.
Why are they cheering him?
What are they doing?
All right, guys, so there you go.
So, again, why do they have a fake White House?
Why do they have a TV set that Biden goes to?
Why is the White House press pool cheering on the president?
Why is he vacationing every weekend?
What is going on here?
Why is he bragging when somebody wipes his butt?
What is going on?
Biden mocks for Truman so presidency over fake White House set.
Like, that sounds crazy.
I get it.
Somebody tunes into this.
And they say, hey, who's this crazy guy on TV?
Who's this crazy guy on the radio saying that there's a fake White House?
It's just me, Owen Troyer from InfoWars, and there is a fake White House!
But then over the weekend, as we see every weekend, the Let's Go Brandon chants, aka F Joe Biden, every college football stadium, every baseball stadium, they now get the signs up behind the cameras that say Let's Go Brandon too.
So you may remember I remember tuning into Alex Jones years ago.
And he would talk about how, in the future, they would say that there was no such thing as men and women, there was no such thing as a woman being pregnant, there was no such thing as breastfeeding, there was no such thing as genders.
And you would hear all that, and you knew that Alex had a reputation of being accurate with his foreshadowing and his forecasting, but also his current events coverage.
But you know, you'd hear something like that, like out of a sci-fi novel, and maybe you'd take it with a grain of salt, or maybe you're just like, eh, I don't agree with that.
Folks, that time is now upon us.
And so we have a hospital whistleblower here that's going to explain what's going on.
But it's headlines like this that I almost spit my coffee out.
In the break, reading this headline, are there unintended consequences to calling breastfeeding natural?
I mean, okay, are there unintended consequences of calling pregnancy natural?
Calling a man and a woman being in love natural?
What are the unintended consequences?
Well, the unintended consequences is they can't have their new world order.
That's the unintended consequences.
They can't have a New World Order when men and women come together and make families and have babies and fall in love.
Then the whole New World Order fails.
That's why destroying the nuclear family is numero uno on the New World Order's agenda.
And that's why smart people, when they read the manifestos of Antifa or Karl Marx or Black Lives Matter and it says, destroy the nuclear family, they say, wait a second, we don't want to destroy the nuclear family.
Why would we want to do that?
A man and a woman coming together is natural.
Oh, but in the New World Order it's not.
That's criminal, see?
You're a bigot.
How dare you?
And, uh, yeah, they claim men can get pregnant now, too.
I mean, I just wanna vomit.
I'm just gonna yak all over the desk here.
It's just disgusting.
Seriously, I almost spit my coffee out reading that.
But, uh, speaking of InfoWars Coffee, I'm not even kidding you.
When I got into studio this morning, or when I left my office and I started to put some of the news on my desk, I said, you know what?
I could really go for a fresh brew right now of InfoWars coffee.
And I opened up the studio door over there, and I went through some of the office space and then into the hallway, where the break room is at the end, and I had a Whiff of the aromas coming from the break room and I knew immediately what was going on.
A fresh pot of InfoWars coffee was being brewed.
Oh no, are we out again, guys?
I have to pull the plug if we're out again.
Guys, check the Immune Support Blend.
See if we're out of that, too.
So the Wake Up America Patriot Blend has just sold out.
The coffee at InfoWarsTore.com.
Holy smokes.
This stuff is selling out in mere days now.
Guys, is the Immune Support System still in stock?
Or did we sell out of that, too?
Okay, well I apologize.
I don't like plugging things that are sold out.
We just got the coffee back in stock like two weeks ago.
It's already completely sold out.
So that just tells you how much people love it.
So the next time you see the coffee label, I would buy as much as possible.
Both sold out now.
But understand...
This is what happens to a lot of our products because they're so popular and they're just so great, the best on the market, and so they sell out all the time.
And so there'll be times here where I'm plugging a product that was in stock yesterday, and then they pull it up on the website, it's sold out.
So, folks, take advantage of these specials before they sell out.
It's totally unintended.
I think the coffee just got back in stock.
I can't believe it's sold out already.
So, unintended here with that, but here's some of the other sales we have.
Get them before they're sold out.
DNA Force Plus constantly sells out.
It's 40% off right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
Brain Force Ultra is 25% off.
We had this.
We brought it in as a limited time thing.
The first shipment of it sold out within a couple weeks.
Blew our expectations, so we went ahead and ordered another round.
It's 25% off.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support.
This is back in stock.
It sold out a while ago.
We were having trouble getting some of the ingredients back in there with the supply chain shortages, but we finally were able to get it back, and now it's back in stock.
50% off.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality, 40% off.
Living Defense Plus, 40% off.
Organic Greens Fiber Caps, 50% off, and almost sold out at InfoWarsTore.com.
And don't forget all the other great stuff while you're at InfoWarStore.com.
The hats, the t-shirts, the air filters, the water filters.
How about the emergency food supplies?
I mean, you want to talk about survival instincts?
If you don't have emergency food supplies by now, I just don't know what you're waiting for.
Six days left on these specials, by the way.
Six days left on these specials, or until they sell out.
We'll see which comes first.
And of course, it's your support at InfoWarsTore.com that keeps us on the air.
Okay, let's see what we want to do here.
Let me try to get through these videos quickly.
Let's go, just guys, roll the B-roll from clip two.
Lebanon is really in a chaotic situation right now.
I don't know if I have any of this news on my desk, but it's not good in Lebanon.
The banks are closed.
People can't retrieve their money.
There's massive power outages and blackouts and energy shortages.
And this is happening in Lebanon right now.
And so unrest is growing and it's just not good.
But this is what it's going to look like as the New World Order rears its ugly head and tries to assert itself as the global government dominating every sovereign nation state.
So, Lebanon wants to be a sovereign nation.
New World Order hates that.
And so they're just shutting it down.
It's really sad.
Really, really sad.
So that's happening in Lebanon.
Let's see what else we got here.
We have...
In Rhode Island, guys, just roll the b-roll from clip 7.
Rhode Island, massive protest against the vaccine mandates.
And then police just arresting people out of nowhere.
So, massive protest show in Rhode Island.
I forget, I think it was maybe in front of a government building or something.
A huge amount of people show up and they start asking questions of the police officers and the police officers just start arresting them.
Because they don't want to be A part of vaccine passport mandates.
So real ugly scenes in Rhode Island.
Thank the New World Order for this.
Oh, it was outside the governor's house.
Thank you.
So they're protesting the governor, demanding answers, refusing the vaccine mandate, police start arresting people.
So, uh, yeah, this is just, this is just the chaos.
And this is just the division that is going to persist under the new world order until they assert themselves and dominate all of us.
And they'll just arrest everybody who doesn't comply.
That's, that's their ultimate goal.
They're building those camps right now.
And now let's go to clip eight.
Listen to this.
This is, this is, this, this is a, Can you imagine taking orders from this orc-looking freak, the Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam in Canada, who wants you spying on your friends and neighbors and constantly asking people about their vaccination status?
Look at this demented freak in clip 8.
But our advice really is that overall, keep indoor gatherings safer by You know, asking your guests.
It is a difficult question sometimes, but ask your family or if you had people outside of your family that you're thinking of inviting, do try and ask them whether they've been vaccinated or not and take that into account.
Use precautions, including spacing or physical distancing if you can, and masking where appropriate if some family members, particularly who have high risk conditions, If you're not fully vaccinated, as we said, then we really should be limiting the gatherings to your household members and having things outdoors as much as possible.
But our advice really is that overall... Yeah, that's nice.
Just, oh, ask everybody about their vaccine status.
Ask if they've had a temperature check lately.
Maybe even volunteer to give one, you know, rectally if they haven't.
You know, it's all fun and games.
It's medical tyranny, and it's just freaks like that telling you to do it.
And now look at this sick clip in clip 11.
This is the new Dancing Nurse videos.
Nurses bragging because they're making more money than they ever have before, and they're on vacation all the time.
Look at this in clip 11.
If you're not on vacation because we're travel nurses and we abide by the mask mandates and we're fully vaccinated, then where the fuck you at?
Oh boy, yeah.
So tough in the hospitals on the nurses.
They're just vacationing and making more money than ever.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer sitting in for Alex today.
And for the week, I mean, so far Alex has done a pretty good job taking a vacation.
He's usually really bad at that.
But so far he's done okay.
We'll continue to hope Alex gets some rest and relaxation on a vacation.
I'll be filling in hosting duties here, but we will be hearing from Alex, I'm sure.
And now in studio with me is Emmy Robyn.
Big resume here, I won't get into all of it.
All kinds of experience, but the important thing is she is a certified birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, and breastfeeding counselor.
And she's been dealing with pregnant women for a long time, and specifically though, what you're noticing is an interesting change, I guess you could say, and you can kind of elaborate on this, but we'll start it with this notion here and what they're really implicating or implying with a headline like this from CNN.
Are there unintended consequences to calling breastfeeding natural?
So it's not just breastfeeding though, it's birth, it's the whole process of a man and a woman and a woman being pregnant and giving birth and then breastfeeding.
It's the attack of that entire natural process trying to claim it's not natural or I guess somehow it's a bad thing.
So what are you noticing with these implications as somebody that's around pregnant women and involved with the process of birth for years now?
Yeah I mean it's just it's it's crazy it's it's literally insane what's happening and what's going on and you know just the fear that's that's going on right now and birth is very natural.
It's a physiological thing.
I have to stop you right there though.
What do you mean by fear?
Well there's just so much, there's a lot of fear going on in the world right now and a lot of pregnant women that are reaching out to me, you know, via Facebook message or texting me.
Women I don't even know, women that are being referred to me from friends because of my education and because of what I do and they're just asking for an OBGYN who's more natural thinking, right?
And that's, to me, that blows my mind because an OBGYN got their education, they understand They understand what happens to a woman's body.
They understand growing a baby.
They understand medications that, you know, women can't take.
They understand foods that women can't eat when they're pregnant.
Things like that, right?
So they're feeling bullied right now.
They're just feeling bullied through the entire birth process.
That's got to be awful, too, because you're talking about such an important thing in your life where there is a lot of questions and there's a lot of stuff regarding your health that you just want confidence in answers.
And that's what I see coming from hospitals, too.
It's a lot of bullying.
It's a lot of bullying.
And when you're talking about a pregnant woman who's already going through all kinds of physiological changes, plus the added effect of having a baby that they have to take care of, too, I imagine that going through the bullying process just makes it more complicated.
Yeah, I mean, it's, I just, I, I've had this like, ugh, inside of me where I've broken down crying, you know, after talking to some moms from like what's going on with them.
There's, you know, there's women that, you know, are being pushed.
My, my business is growing.
My business is booming.
Women are wanting to do natural childbirth.
Women are wanting to do birth at home and birth and birth centers because they're not As you know, they're not being bullied.
They can do it with a midwife.
But there are women out there that are high risk or that absolutely need a hospital.
They need a hospital to have a baby and they're scared.
They're super scared and they're reaching out to me because they're like, do you know any of these OBGYNs that aren't going to...
Forced me to get a vaccine, right?
So like, I had someone reach out to me the other day and they're having an oopsie baby, right?
Like their third baby.
They didn't plan on having another baby, but she's scared.
She hasn't done it in 10 years.
So she's like, now I need to find a provider, right?
And she's saying that there are providers.
She's called six around town and they're not taking on new clients unless they have a vaccine.
And she's like, She's scared, she's freaking out.
I felt her fear through the phone, like that would freak me out.
If I was pregnant, I knew I needed a hospital to have my baby, and now all of a sudden I can't find a provider that will take me on because of a decision that I don't want to make.
So let's humanize this for a second, because there's always an intimidation that comes along with an authority figure.
That's why authority figures have badges and uniforms.
It's a psychological thing.
And you can say it's a good thing, you can say it's a bad thing, but what I'm seeing now and hearing now more than ever is the intimidation process happening at hospitals.
And so, who knows?
You can go into a hospital fully informed, completely uninformed, maybe a little bit informed, maybe neutral, maybe indifferent.
But as soon as you get in front of the doctors and it's the white coats and it's the stethoscopes and it's, you know, and they're telling you, you have to do this, you have to do that.
There's evidence.
There's evidence that this works.
There's evidence that this works.
That's what I hear from the OB all the time telling my client.
I'll just kind of look at the client and be like...
I'm here to advocate for you, but you have to use your voice.
We learned about this, right?
And that's the problem.
It's like you're just sitting there.
You feel you're in a compromised position dealing with a team of doctors telling you that this is the only way.
And even if it goes against your gut instincts, you're now in a position of going against these doctors and having them belittle you.
But really, it's what you have to do.
It's your gut instinct.
Yeah, and it's super, it's scary.
It is scary, right?
And to have birth, we'll back it up.
Physiologically, like, what happens in labor is you need to have oxytocin.
By the way, have you ever dealt with a man that's pregnant?
Okay, I just wanted to make sure.
Alright, go on then.
Apparently not, but I'm told it can.
I don't know.
No, just physiologically.
What happens to a woman's body, you need oxytocin, the natural hormone that we produce.
It's called the love hormone.
Oxytocin, you need that in labor, right?
That helps.
progress, that helps labor move along. So my job is to turn the lights down and try
to release this oxytocin and help the woman, help the partner, help the woman release oxytocin,
right? But they have Pitocin. They have a synthetic version of oxytocin that they can
give women, right? It's what they use to induce. It's what they use to help labor along in
the hospitals. But it's like when you're scared, when you have fear, when you have any cortisol
or any of these opposite hormones running through your body, it's going to block that
oxytocin, which is going to stall out labor.
It's going to cause issues.
It's going to, you know, to where the doctor has to come in and they have to help move along and they have to intervene.
And interventions, you know, there's evidence that interventions can lead to risks, right?
So it's, it starts with get rid of the fear, get rid of the bullying when you're, no matter where you decide to have your baby, right?
It's, it starts with, Being educated, being confident in what you're going into, right?
And just kind of allowing yourself to be happy while you're doing this.
See, this is your expertise and we're about to go to break here, but I mean, my kind of, I guess, comparison to this would be the whole Breastfeeding versus formula equation, where the benefits of breastfeeding are, I mean, paramount.
It's everything.
You have to breastfeed.
Versus the babies that get the formula, lower IQs, lower brain function, mental disabilities, all of this stuff.
But yet the formula gets promoted by doctors.
The formula is told it's the same as breastfeeding.
That's just a lie.
But they bully people into believing it.
Oh, I mean, there's studies.
They have changed hospital protocol.
Heavens that they've changed protocol to where skin-to-skin is a necessity after birth.
Like, they will put that baby skin-to-skin because they know the benefits.
They know that it lowers the... But isn't that being stopped now because of COVID?
I would hope not.
Well, I mean, that's what I've seen is, I mean, we have all these videos and images.
I've seen articles.
The mothers have their newborn baby and they, like, put it in a plastic bag.
The mother's in a hazmat suit.
We'll be right back with more of this.
Pregnant mothers, tune in.
This is very important information.
Alright, we have Emmy Robin in studio with us and she is, well, I guess dealing with more pregnant mothers than she ever has before because of all the bullying and intimidations and questions that come out of hospitals and they don't get the answers they want.
They want a natural birth.
So good for you, I would say.
Good for them as well.
And there's so much I want to get into here, but let's start with this.
Let's start with what you're seeing in hospitals before we get into the natural versus the unnatural debate.
Let's start, what are you seeing in hospitals?
What are pregnant mothers saying to you?
Why are they coming to you?
Why do you have more clients than ever before?
And what is it that you're seeing and hearing about in hospitals that has you shocked or even horrified?
Well, I think just in general, you know, the rate of cesareans have gone up over the years, right?
So now you're talking, we're somewhere within the 30% range of women.
One in three women end up in a C-section.
A lot of women don't want a C-section.
Some women do, and I'm there as their doula to be like, okay, I'll be with you if you're... And so tell me, I mean, obviously the medical procedure is different, but tell me, what would be the benefits of having a natural birth versus a C-section or vice versa?
I mean, well, our bodies were made to do this, right?
So you have the natural birth, if you have it vaginally, without medication, without epidurals, without all of that stuff, right?
You're allowing the body to do what it does naturally, right?
So afterwards, you're going to have that rush of hormones and oxytocin.
The milk's going to come in a little bit easier.
You're going to be able to hold your baby versus, you know, they are definitely giving out fentanyl in hospitals to pregnant women.
But they do it.
So I guess it's more of a completing of the natural process instead of stunting it.
Yeah, just allow things happen to happen the way they physiologically should be happening, right?
And that goes with postpartum.
Soon as that baby's out of The canal, you put it on the chest.
You put that baby skin to skin.
It helps regulate their temperature.
It helps regulate their blood sugar.
It helps their breathing.
They will actually synchronize their breathing with the mother's breathing.
It stimulates the vagus nerve.
when you stimulate the vagus nerve it enlarges the villi in the in the villi I
don't know how to pronounce that in the gut which actually will help create a
bigger space in in your gut to absorb absorb nutrition, right?
So just skin to skin does that, right?
And that basic necessity, I would say, is being denied in many hospitals
because of quote unquote COVID.
I mean, yeah, some hospitals are taking the baby away.
It's like, yeah, let's destroy this baby right out of the womb because of COVID.
I mean, look, I can speak to my education and the benefit of placing that baby on the mother's chest,
whether she has the flu, whether she has COVID, whether she has a cold, whether any of that thing,
it's like the baby needs to be on the mom.
You put a baby in a warmer, yeah, there's a $30,000 machine that can warm the baby up after birth, right?
But can that cool the baby down if the baby starts getting overheated?
Ah, but see that $30,000, the hospital likes that.
Well, if you put a baby on the breast, right, the body is so amazing and it's the miraculous stuff that happens postpartum, but the breast can actually heat up, up to 4 degrees Fahrenheit and cool down within 2 minutes to adjust to what the baby needs, to adjust to the baby's body temperature.
A warmer can't do that, right?
They have to constantly watch the baby, take the baby's temperature, you know, for the But see now you see this is kind of the stuff that people can understand.
It's follow the money.
What costs more money a c-section or a natural birth?
Oh I am all about if you are pregnant and you're gonna be having a baby you need to watch the business of being born.
It's an amazing documentary.
Rikki Lake is the producer on it.
It's incredible.
But my guess is, and you can confirm or deny, my guess is the C-section, the hospital gets more money, just like the heating machine, the hospital gets more money.
Well, you have a vaginal birth, you will leave the hospital 24-48 hours later, walking home, getting up, walking around your house.
You have a C-section, you're going to be kept there for 3-5 days.
Ah, cha-ching, baby!
Yeah, so, and it's, you know, you have to have help getting up to go to the restroom.
I mean, it's just, it's a lot harder on your body to have a C-section.
See, now I'm going to get into another thing here just quickly to change lanes.
Because there's this whole new push for women to chop their breasts off.
Like, without even proper... I mean, it's just like... But it's part of the same thing!
It's like, that is part of humanity!
Breasts are awesome, okay?
Like, for a lot of different reasons.
And that's what they say, they're like, oh, just cut it off!
You might have cancer!
Or, hey, we can predict if you have cancer, just cut it off!
It turns out all that's probably fake anyway, just like the Theranos scam.
But that's the whole thing, it's like, hey, if we just remove the breasts entirely, then we don't have to worry about those pesky breasts making the babies healthy.
Prophylactic mastectomies that happen, yeah, it's crazy.
Like, I mean, if you look at the evidence-based studies, they're also showing that if you breastfeed, the longer you breastfeed, the lower your risk for ovarian and breast cancer, right?
So if you're somebody like myself, my mother passed away from breast cancer, so I know automatically, I believe in epigenetics.
I believe that maybe she was deficient in iodine and vitamin D, which are linked to breast cancer, right?
So I try to supplement that.
But also, I know that in the 70s and 80s, it wasn't as popular to breastfeed.
So my mom didn't breastfeed.
And that's when they introduced the formula and were really pushing the formula.
So my mom didn't.
So again, but I mean, there it is again.
Oh, I have to buy the formula.
Somebody's making money versus if I'm producing it naturally.
Oh, I mean, and you want to talk about helping out low income communities.
You want to talk about really helping out the low income communities that are having babies right now.
Mothers who cannot afford formula.
Formula is expensive.
Like I I, as a breastfeeding counselor, am currently looking into get in with WIC because I would love, anybody from WIC, please contact me.
I would love to help mothers who cannot afford to buy formula and really help them breastfeed because breastfeeding is hard.
It is a really hard skill.
And so this is a lot of information to go over.
You said, what was the name of that documentary you suggest Pregnant Mothers Watch?
The Business of Being Born.
It is an amazing documentary.
Ricky Lake produced it.
I want to say it came out early 2000s.
Ever since that documentary has come out though, the rise in midwifery, the rise in Yeah, the rise in birth center births and home births has, I mean, it's exploded.
Women are just scared to go to the hospital, right?
They're very scared.
And, you know, it's a valid fear, but as a doula, I've seen the other side of it.
I have seen OBGYNs that are amazing and they will honor the mother's birth plan.
It's very rare.
It's very few and far between.
And that gets back into the intimidation factor.
Yeah, absolutely.
The bullying.
Again, with these texts and these messages that I'm getting daily, it's now starting before even the birth process.
And I just, even during this pandemic, like for somebody who advocates for women and is a part of this Insane process that happens.
It's exciting and amazing and scary and having a baby is just crazy, right?
And when I was seeing these reports of, you know, in other states during the deep part of the pandemic, when they were denying the partners.
They would just drop their wives off at the front of the hospital and have to go sit in the parking lot.
And then they might not have any advocates in there with them.
No advocates, right?
And that's creating trauma.
That's creating birth trauma.
That's creating trauma from the... Birth trauma is a very big part of postpartum depression.
Well, as I say, you only get one shot.
No, yeah.
This is a super important part of your life, having a baby, right?
And so my goal, my job, my goal as a doula, as an advocate for these women is to, you know, Try to keep birth trauma at a non-existent level, right?
I would like to have more oxytocin in there than cortisol and it's so hard right now.
It's so hard with what's going on and just the fear and the You know, everything that's just being pushed upon these women.
Not to mention, and this is a little more of a brain psychology type of thing, but you might know more about this too, of, you know, when you're in a situation like that, of feeling bullied, feeling intimidated, feeling pressured, your brain is releasing other, you know, toxins and other kind of stuff that's going to affect that baby upon birth as well.
I mean, if I can get anything out of Being on here today and talking to anybody who's pregnant or has put off getting pregnant because of this.
Like, I know people that were planning... Well, we gotta go to break.
We got one more segment, though.
We'll be right back.
We'll finish this off.
Yeah, yeah.
Alright, I've got... I didn't know this, but now just...
Emmy Robyn here, doula, because she does natural pregnancies.
I'm actually stunned.
I'm learning a lot of things in the breaks here, but I guess I shouldn't be so shocked because having a natural pregnancy is now considered, like, impossible, I guess, even though it's a natural thing.
It should be normal, but we'll get into that.
But here's, I want to preface that with this from the CNN article with the headline, uh, demonizing natural birth here.
And this, this is really what it comes down to.
And when you understand this, you understand what the New World Order is really about.
From the CNN article...
Headline, it's bad to say breastfeeding is natural.
According to a pair of experts, this type of campaign could backfire in a big way.
When federal and local health departments use the term natural to promote breastfeeding, even though that's the truth, it could, I'm adding that, it could inadvertently fuel concerns over other aspects of health and society that are seen as unnatural.
No, not seen as unnatural, are unnatural.
This is the propaganda.
This is how they slither and snake their way in.
Such as vaccines.
Genetically modified foods.
And assisted reproductive technologies.
So see, this is really an amazing...
Phenomenon here where they take things that are unnatural.
Hey, doesn't mean I'm demonizing it necessarily.
It just means it's not natural and they say oh Don't say unnatural.
That's a way of demonizing things that are unnatural and it's like well, that's the point So they're obviously in defense of this because they know it's not natural And they don't want you to know the vaccines aren't natural.
They don't want you to know that all these assisted birth things are not natural.
They don't want you to know that your food is not natural.
And oh my gosh, if you realize that none of this is natural, you'll start to question the reality that they're in control of.
And then you might break out of the matrix and take the red pill and defeat the paradigm of global government.
We can't have that!
We're CNN!
We hate you!
And so, so, you're famous now, apparently, in these hospitals because you're having women Giving natural birth?
Is it really that rare?
I mean, I wouldn't say, like, rare, but I do know that, I mean, let's just, for example, a week ago, I did a birth in a hospital, and it was a VVAC, is what they call it, a vaginal birth after a cesarean, right?
So she had a C-section the first time around because of She got to the hospital and the doctor started.
And you weren't there.
I wasn't there.
This was, you know, two years ago and the doctor started doing what they like to do and all the different, you know, looking for that cash, your water, maybe some Pitocin, give you an epidural.
So she ended up in a C-section.
And so she we went over her birth plan.
Time and time again, we would go on walks together and she would tell me, this is what I want, this is what I want.
I'm like, okay, we're going to do this, right?
So we went and having a VBAC in a hospital, they look at it as like a, it's a very medically like crazy thing.
Like, oh my gosh, you're going to do it that way?
Because we have this science, it's better.
Right, right.
And this is not the first VBAC that I have done 100% natural in a hospital.
So I pride myself.
I've done this before.
So they have new terms.
Pregnancy or giving birth is just from its vaginal birth.
That's giving birth.
But now it's, oh, it's a VBAC birth.
Right, so it's a VBAC.
They have to add that little asterisk.
VBAC makes you high risk, so you can't do it at a birth center.
Oh, high risk, yes, but chopping a hole into your stomach is fine.
Right, and it just depends on why did you have the C-section in the first place, right?
So, her C-section in the first place wasn't because of factors that she would need to have a repeat C-section.
Hers was because the doctor intervened and caused a cascading issue with the baby, right? So they had to cut the baby out.
So her body knew what to naturally do, and I knew it. And just to pause right there, my guess is I'm
assuming that she was on her back during the botched pregnancy, which is the unnatural way to
give birth. She was, well, once you get, once you get an epidural, you can't get up
and walk around, right?
Your legs are numb.
They will turn you on your side and they'll usually put a peanut ball between your legs because they don't want you to just lay on your back, be stuck on your back.
So they will turn you on your side in the hospital once you get an epidural and then they'll come and they'll try to switch.
It takes a couple people to switch.
Which is just like a whole other thing of the unnatural birth position they put you in.
You gotta get a catheter.
All the things happen when you get an epidural, right?
I'm the old-fashioned way.
I'll just take the woman and just shake her from the arms until the baby falls out.
Probably better.
I was so proud of this woman.
She did it.
She did it.
We didn't do any drugs.
When you get to the hospital, the first thing that happens is they put an IV port in your hand.
And this is just in case.
They need to use it in case of emergencies, right?
So that's gonna take you out of this oxytocin releasing thing when you're having to get an IV put in, when you're having to sign away all these... Yeah, immediately the natural functions of your body's chemistry are just being manipulated and changed.
The lights are bright, everything... And then it's like, and then your natural chemistry starts to go into like the fight-or-flight emergency response mode.
What are you going to tell me to do?
And now your baby is getting all of those chemicals it shouldn't be getting!
This is true!
And I was so, so proud of my client.
She had this baby all natural.
That night in question, we had to stay in triage for three hours.
I've never had that before.
We got to the hospital at midnight and they kept us in triage.
A, because my client didn't want to get a cervical check, but she was clearly in labor.
Her water broke right there.
So it was like, oh, you're going to get us into a labor and delivery room.
But I told her, I said, you know what?
I was like, don't allow this to cause fear that they're keeping you in here and they're telling you that they don't have any L&D rooms available.
Like that blows my mind.
We don't have any labor and delivery rooms available.
The doctor told us that it was the busiest night that she's had in almost 30 years that she's worked there.
And I'm like, I get it.
Pandemic babies.
People were cooped up, right?
So what are they going to do?
I don't even think that's the case.
My guess is that... It's understaffed.
That's what it is.
It's understaffed and they're covering it up with all these different narratives.
100% understaffed.
I've never walked through an L&D hall and not been able to find a nurse like I did that night.
It took me a while to walk around and be like, hey, my client's pushing.
It's like a ghost town.
And they say, oh, the hospital is so overwhelmed.
You walk through and nobody's there.
It was, I had to, and that night in question, I also had to walk through emergency to get to the back of the hospital.
It's like, I literally had to just like walk through this maze to get to- Probably eerie.
It was scary.
I look back and I'm like, ah, I should have videoed this because it was, it was creepy.
Don't say that.
Alex, she'll video next time, alright?
Relax, Alex.
If you're listening, it's okay.
She didn't know.
But it was just, I mean, I mean, like, because it was just more like, it was just, it was kind of scary for me.
I'm like, this is weird.
Like, I wasn't nobody.
I wasn't passing nobody in the halls.
And, you know, I get to L&D and I find out I'm like, my client's still in triage and I I met her there.
I went home and breastfed my kid because I was like, I need to drain myself before I have a long night ahead.
I have my pump with me, but you know, I'm going to go home.
I'm going to breastfeed.
I was like, I'm going to meet you at the hospital.
I'll be there in like 30 minutes.
And I get there and I'm thinking that'll be enough time for them to put the IV in her and get her moved over to labor and delivery.
They kept her in triage.
We were kept in triage for three hours because we didn't have an open L and D room.
We get to L and D and we didn't even see the doctor.
Until my client was pushing.
So it was like, the doctor's in a c-section.
Okay, an hour later, can we see the doctor?
The doctor's in a c-section.
I'm like, another c-section?
And is that procedure for a c-section a little more, like, a little more hands-on and lengthy for the doctor?
I think it's a little quicker for them.
A little quicker?
And then to wait for a woman to push a baby out of a canal.
Sometimes the first time, mom, it can take, you know, two hours to push a baby out.
So the doctor's sitting there for two hours and it's kind of like, okay, I'm gonna go over here.
I'm gonna come back.
My nurses will let me know.
So that could be an element too of, oh, it's more convenient for me as a doctor
to just cut the stomach open and take it out.
And that's the documentary, the business of being born, right?
Got you.
No concern for the baby or the mother.
Just say, you know, it's more convenient.
Just hack her up.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's crazy.
It's a world out there!
My client, after talking to her when she was in postpartum, it's like, that night there was 11 births.
80% of them were C-sections.
It grew to 30%.
One in three women, right?
30% C-section.
Right now, in America, it's 30%.
In some places, like California, it's a little higher, right?
It's a little more, I guess, desired.
Yeah, the C-section is woke, man.
I mean, look, I am an advocate for women who need it, right?
I will be there for you.
If you have to have a genital C-section or a planned C-section, you can also hire a doula.
There are doulas that will come and we will be there with you because it's scary.
That's really scary.
And I'm all about it if that's what you need, right?
But the body, if it's your first baby and you're not high risk, you don't have preeclampsia, you are a healthy woman.
See, this gets back to the argument that I want to finish up, we have a five-minute segment coming up, just finish up in this next five-minute segment, because this gets back into the argument of natural versus the unnatural, and how the unnatural is overriding the healthcare industry, and it's because it's the same dynamic with vaccines.
It's like, hey, My neighbor's kid has chicken pox.
I'll send my kid over there.
They'll get chicken pox.
They'll recover in a week or two.
They'll be fine.
They'll be fine.
They'll have immunity.
Same with COVID.
Oh, I guess I've had COVID.
I don't even know.
But I've been around all these COVID people.
Had one staying with me.
Never got sick.
Because I have natural immunity.
But they want to overwrite all of that.
Overwrite the natural immunity.
Overwrite the birthing process so the medical industry can control it.
All right, last segment here.
I'm learning so much even in the breaks with Emmy Robyn here.
But here's the final point.
And look, I'm a free market capitalist, okay?
I'm not hedging there.
But there is a numbing greed that exists in capitalism.
It's true.
There is a numbing, inhumane greed that comes with capitalism.
And because of that, you see these unnatural things completely overriding the natural things because there's money involved.
And there's all different aspects of this, whether it's the breast milk versus the formula, the C-section versus the natural birth, vaccines versus natural immunity.
It's putting profit over people.
So again, I'm not anti-capitalist, I'm all about free market capitalism, but we need to make sure we stay human and grounded in it, because that's where it runs into problems.
And so the left is just like, oh, let's just go into full communism and then you'll just be starving to death, versus, hey, we'll have capitalism, but let's keep people over profit.
And so just in the brief five minutes, whether you want to talk about the breast milk or all this other stuff, talk about natural stuff, Look, it starts with education.
Educate yourself.
Find a good childbirth education.
If you're pregnant, if you plan on having a baby, no matter how you plan on having the baby, right?
different corner of this process.
Look, it starts with education.
Educate yourself, find a good childbirth education.
If you're pregnant, if you plan on having a baby, no matter how you plan on having the baby, right?
So I'll start with that.
Secondly, I am educated in breastfeeding.
I'm a breastfeeding counselor.
I know the positive benefits of breast milk.
I was telling you on the break that the baby's saliva, the second it hits the woman's nipple, will go into the breast ducts or the milk ducts and it will tell the breast milk what antibodies to create for them.
So if this baby comes in contact with grandma who has a cold or COVID, right?
And the baby's exposed to it all of a sudden, and it's breastfeeding on the mother.
The milk that the mother is providing for that baby is going to create antibodies to protect it, right?
They, they, I hate saying they.
According to the NIH website, right, they're talking about the COVID vaccine, it's creating antibodies in the breast milk, right?
Well, it does it naturally too, when you get exposed to the virus.
If the mother has COVID, if the mother has COVID before she's pregnant, if the mother has COVID when she's pregnant, if the mother gets- But wait a second, if the mother is giving the baby Natural immunity?
Then Pfizer can't make billions of dollars.
How dare you?
Well, I mean, I'm not a virologist.
I'm not an immunologist.
So I can't really speak to the vaccine.
But what I can say is the vaccine has only really been given to pregnant and breastfeeding women since June.
And it's October.
So we got five months here, right?
Five months that they've been doing this.
How is it that these OBGYNs have now, they're not just suggesting it, like the flu vaccine when you're pregnant has always just kind of been suggested, right?
Like heavily suggested, but suggested, like you should get the flu vaccine.
This COVID vaccine is, I have women who are scared out of their minds because they are being so bullied.
Yeah, I mean for many places you can't even go to the hospital without it.
Yeah, well just know moms out there, I want to tell you, like I'm not telling anybody to do anything or don't do anything.
What I am educated in is that skin-to-skin afterbirth and what it's going to do to benefit baby.
That delaying cord clamping, what it's going to do to baby and breastfeeding that baby and how all three of those things are going to protect your baby from multiple viruses.
Not just COVID, right?
And that's how it's been for however long we've been here!
This is why we're here!
This is why we've survived this long, right?
Nature knows what it's doing.
Nature knows.
Well, and so that's the big takeaway here.
This is a microcosm of the bigger picture, but this is a good kind of microscopic zoom in on the larger issue.
And you can say it's intentional, you can say it's unintentional, you can blame this, you can blame that.
This is what's happening.
There is an overwrite of natural humanity.
There is an overwrite of natural humanity by governments, by corporations, by all of it, in hospitals and everything.
They want to overwrite humans' natural ability to live and function so that around every corner Around every cough, around every broken toenail, around every sniffle, you're paying somebody and you're enslaved instead of having the natural ability to survive like humans have had for millions or billions of however long years that we've been on this planet.
That's the big takeaway.
The corporate world government wants to overwrite human nature.
Final comment, Emmy.
They're finding antibodies in breast milk 10 months later.
10 months later in breastfeeding women.
Dr. Rebecca Powell, Mount Sinai.
Where can people follow you for more info?
My website, emmyrobindula.com.
Two M's, two B's.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show and InfoWars.
And are we in critical times?
Who would have ever believed this back in 2020 that we'd be living these kind of lives?
And it's global.
You saw what happened over there in Italy.
Yep, this past weekend.
According to some of the numbers, over 100,000 people took to the streets in protest of the Green Pass.
Isn't that a, isn't that a wonderful word?
You must get vaccinated or you'll have no freedom.
They actually say that.
They say it in Australia, no freedom, no vax, no freedom.
It was a thing called the Declaration of Independence in the United States.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Pursuit of happiness?
Screw you!
I'm your little clown boy or girl running your country, city, or state.
I'll tell you what to do.
Look at this.
And it was the police The police, again, they do this all the time.
They become violent.
The people fight against the violence.
And then what do they do?
They call them fascists.
And they have to do away with this fascism.
Italian police arrest far-right leaders after anti-vaccine riots.
That's how the scum, prostitute, little lowlife, pieces of garbage crap like that little boy, that little clown of nothing, the Don Lemons, the little girl boy over there, the Vanderbilt girl boy.
Anderson Cooper, another arrogant piece of nothing crap.
Oh, when he got slapped, he ran away out of Egypt during the, uh, yeah.
That's it.
That's a little Lemonhead calling us all Trump supporters and ignorant stupid people for not getting the vax up as you know what where he takes everything else.
And little Anderson Cooper, the Arab Spring, running away like a little girly boy, which he is, which they are.
Little nothings, little nothings telling us what to do.
They sell the lie that these are riots caused by the people.
They do it all the time.
The agents provocateurs.
You go back to the Battle of Seattle, 1999.
The people were protesting against losing our jobs, having China coming into the World Trade Organization.
Look at this clown show.
A reality show.
That's all it is.
A clown show.
Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant nobodies telling everybody what to do.
So going back to Italy, you're calling it fascist.
Protesters were also seen throwing chairs and chanting slogans like freedom, freedom, freedom.
They believe the measures are coercing people into getting vaccinated.
Believe the measures?
Believe the measures are coercing?
How about freedom?
How about me being who I want to be?
Hey, how about all you, um, uh, what's the name of that?
Planned Parenthood?
My body, my choice.
Okay, fine.
That's your belief.
But you little hypocrites!
You little low-life hypocrites!
It's not my body, my choice when I don't want to get vaccinated?
You scum are spending millions of dollars selling the vaccine propaganda.
Where's my body, my choice?
Not my choice anymore.
Going back to Italy.
The cause has been backed by far-right neo-fascist groups whose local politicians are accused of orchestrating Saturday's violence.
What they do is they always... Again, the agents provocateurs going back to the Battle of Seattle.
They didn't want China to come into the World Trade Organization.
It was a peaceful protest of about 45,000 people.
All of a sudden, these guys dressed up in black, hoods over their face, can't see anything, smashing windows, throwing Molotov cocktails, burning a car, and that's where all the press goes.
And the same thing here.
Draghi slams aggression and intimidation.
The Prime Minister condemned the violence, saying trade unions ensured workers' rights, and that people would be punished If they attempted to intimidate trade union members, no one should think that they can return our country to its fascist past.
This is Maurizio Landini, the Secretary General.
A little nothing of a clown boy for the union that get bought out.
So now I'm going to talk about Calling it an act of fascist thuggery.
Who is the head of your country, little Mario Itzio Cazzone Draghi?
Where did he come from? Little lowlife.
Little union boy.
Oh, he was at the Bank of Italy, the World Bank, head of the Goldman Sachs division in Italy, in Europe, and head of the European Central Bank.
And now he's Prime Minister?
Oh, and what happened under the ECB when he was there?
Talking about fascists, you little clown?
Oh, yeah.
Bringing money to nothing And then, buying corporate junk bonds.
Buying corporate junk bonds!
Crap head!
Low life!
That is fascism!
Maybe you're too damn stupid to forget Mussolini!
Look up what he said, wanker!
That fascism is the merger of state and corporate powers.
And that's what you have in Italy, little lowlife.
There he is.
Oh, yeah.
There he is.
Look at this arrogant, arrogant boy.
Telling you what to do.
The merger of state and corporate powers.
By the way, the average age of the debts in Italy, the last time I looked them up, was 81 years old.
So, again, look what's happening over in Australia.
They're opening up.
No VAX, no freedom.
I can't go to any places around here.
Can't go to the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock.
Can't go to the Senate Garage.
Can't go to the Falcon.
Can't go to any of these places to listen to music.
Can't go to any of the restaurants in New York City.
I don't have a VAX passport.
This is America?
It's fascism!
The fascists have taken over!
Look at the numbers coming out!
The 1% that have more money than 70% of the Americans, the middle class, wiped us out.
The merger of state and corporate powers in a country near you.
The billionaires got $8 trillion richer when the COVID war happened.
Median household income in America had only declined at its greatest rate since they've been doing the numbers.
And why aren't people going back to work?
Oh, you don't want to work at Dollar General and get 11 bucks and 50 cents an hour?
And there's the scum telling us what to do.
Little lying Ford Fauci.
Look, if we don't unite, we're finished.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, we are in the time of our life.
Who would have ever believed this?
That we have this war going on?
Those of us that don't want to get vaccinated, with a gene therapy drug, the first ever injected into human beings, and Operation Warp Speed, rushed through, who don't want to get it, are ridiculed, and banned from having freedom.
And, most disgustingly, What do the prostitute media, these little whores, media whores, who get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters?
They quote clowns, little clowns, to tell us what to do.
This is the news on Yahoo.
Breaking Bad actor Giancarlo Esposito message to the vaccinated.
If you don't want to vaccinate, go to a small island and sequester yourself.
Otherwise, you're saying F you to all other human beings.
We all have to do it if we want to leave.
Hey Junior, get this in your stupid head.
You're an actor.
You know, you're not even yourself.
A curse word is calling little clown boys with bad attitudes celebrities.
Me telling you to go F yourself is proper language when this crap comes spewing out of your actor's mouth.
Let's start with some of your stupid, ignorant comments, Junior.
We all have to do it if we want to live.
Hey, clown boy, I didn't do it.
I'm alive.
I've held massive rallies.
Oh, yeah.
When everything was locked down right up here in Kingston, New York.
You know where that is.
I died and everybody that was here died, too.
Hey, jerky.
Look who's dying.
How about what the CDC says?
78% of the hospitalized people are either obese Or overweight?
94% of the people that die have 2.6 pre-existing comorbidities.
So what are you talking about?
We're saying F you to other human beings?
I don't look at you as a human being!
I think you look at you as a human clown!
A celebrity!
I put my facts and work up against yours and anybody else's in the world, including the scientists.
I put out a magazine each week.
Last week was only 176 pages.
All facts, no ads.
Unlike the Yahoo crap.
Now, ignorant man, little boy of nothing, if you got vaccinated, you're safe, right?
96% efficacy rate.
Don't you remember that?
Of course you remember that!
You swallowed the crap!
And who else do they quote?
George Clooney also spoke on the topic to THR saying, quote, it's crazy and stupid that people in the industry are refusing to get the vaccine To the detriment of others.
What detriment of others?
You're vaccinated, clown boy.
Oh, Clooney!
The arrogant Clooney!
A little mommy's boy!
Oh, would you have gotten there if your mother wasn't Rosemary and opened up all the doors for you?
Arrogant boy!
You didn't do it on your own.
Mommy got you there!
A member of the club!
So save your arrogant crap and shove it up where you got the vax!
Because that's where the crap is coming out of!
And it's stupid because every generation in our country, for more than a lifetime, has been asked to sacrifice something for the safety of their fellow men.
Get shot.
Fight Nazis.
Could you imagine this?
All that anyone's being asked here is to get a shot in the arm and put on a mask.
Grow up.
Get something done.
Don't you talk to me like that!
You grow up, you little stupid jerk!
Wearing the mask is totally ineffective and you're too damn stupid to read about the dangers of wearing them.
End war on Mommy's boy born on third base and thought you'd home run.
Catching a virus outside, according to the data, your chances of getting it are less than 1%.
Oh, and don't forget, while you're masturbating, Clooney, don't forget to sanitize your hands, because that's all you're doing.
You're whacking off in public, and all of these little clowns called celebrities, Kimmel, what a bunch of crap, spewing out of their mouths, and the masses buy it.
The masses buy it.
Just like they marched off to Mussolini, saluted Stalin, hired Hitler, dumb enough to believe Bush's wars, Dumb enough to believe Obama's wars.
Dumb enough to hear and listen to and swallow the crap spewing out of the mouth of these celebrities, arrogant clowns.
So, what's this doing on a bigger scale?
I saw two young kids today, little kids, wearing masks.
Breaks my heart.
Freaking them all out.
They're growing up.
No freedom, no joy.
And then we're going to look at the economy when we get back because this thing is going to go down big.
It's going to go down hard and it's going to go down fast.
And the celebrities don't give a damn because they made a lot of money playing stupid acts.
So they don't care about us.
They don't care about the working people.
And again, going back to why aren't people going back to work?
Because they got these lousy jobs to pay nothing.
And they're looking at their lives and saying, why am I doing this?
Oh, and you're worried about supply chain disruptions?
How about worrying about the slime balls that made them happen when they took all our manufacturing out?
Oh, you liked Bill Clinton, huh?
You like bringing China into the World Trade Organization, taking all our jobs away.
One after another.
Now, we have supply chain disruptions driving up prices.
When we are one of the richest countries in the world with human and natural resources, is the disgrace this country has become.
And it's gotten so low, so low, that little clowns like Clooney and Kimmel, and that other jerk I just read, Giancarlo Esposito, spew out crap and the people buy it.
Once upon a time, the actors were at the leading edge of seeing what liars the government were.
Now they're all part of the system.
And that's why the music stinks, the movie stinks, and the crap coming out of your mouth is coming out of your butt, because that's all it is, a load of crap.
Hey, welcome back, and thank you for tuning in.
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And that's why you really want to tune into the InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale.
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And just here's some of the products they have to brand new limited time flash sale exclusively at Infowars stores.
And some of these top selling products, they're going to sell out fast.
So they want you to stock up now before the imminent second lockdown takes place.
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And that's where it needs to go.
We all need to go to the next level.
Because if we don't, we're going to keep losing our freedom.
Name the time, name the place, name the date.
It's happening all over.
As I said, And they just, in New South Wales, Australia, Premier Dominic Porotet announced the end of the lockdown.
And their Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and look at what clowns these people look like.
They got that Gladys Benjerkenhoff out of there.
She got caught screwing this other guy and, and, and, uh, And doing deals with them.
Yeah, because you had to pay her.
She had to pay to get, you know, the guy was married.
Because when you look at this, Fatsha Brute wouldn't want to do it to her, unless she paid a lot of dough to get it done.
So now she quit.
And now they got this other clown in there.
And then there's Scott Morrison, another jerk, another looking... There she is.
Fatsha Brute.
He goes, Scott Morrison says, I want to thank Australians for their incredible job.
That they have done in getting vaccinated.
Can you believe this, that they're calling getting vaccinated an incredible job?
Nature doesn't count anymore.
Natural healing never existed in, in, in, since the beginning of time.
God is science.
Nature is, don't you talk about nature is not God.
Only science is God.
There were some wild scenes in some shops and bars as Sydneysiders rushed to enjoy freedoms denied for months.
But as the lockdown ends, a lockout of the unvaccinated comes into place
with only the double-jabbed able to enjoy the reopening.
This is from the Daily.
This is from Australia.
That's the language they use.
This is satanic.
Showed that thing about herd immunity.
We're doing a story in this week's Trends Journal.
I didn't know they were going to show that.
We're just working on it.
Last week's, by the way, 176 pages.
No ads.
There's no magazine in the world like it.
It's a book each week.
And you read what you want.
When you pick up a newspaper, you don't read everything.
You read what you want.
Pick up a magazine, the same thing.
But information you won't find anywhere else because we give trend posts, trend forecasts, what it means, what's next, and what you might want to do about it.
So there's trend, entrepreneur opportunities.
Herd immunity, heresy, lies and damn lies.
We're talking about herd immunity, how they say it, then they say they're not going to get it.
More and more it seems that the experts are giving up the idea of herd immunity and perhaps with good reason.
Dr. Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, was quoted on CNBC telling British lawmakers that with vaccines not offering complete protection, vaccinated persons still able to be infected and transmitted the virus.
That the idea of herd immunity was mythical.
I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant even better at transmitting among vaccinated populations.
In the UK, Israel and elsewhere the notion of vaccination and conferred immunity was proven false.
Studies show that those with natural immunity were far better protected Then those vaccinated and when our article was a pandemic of the unvaccinated or just the opposite.
That was September this year.
Dr. Andrew Friedman of the Cardiff Medical School said that because of the more transmissible nature of the Delta variant, the proportion of people needing to be fully vaccinated for herd immunity is probably not achievable.
We're mentioning this because.
Why are you forcing people to get vaccinated?
Number one, the vaccination efficacy rate went down from 96% according to when they were selling it back in November and December 2020 to now 39% according to the Israeli Health Ministry.
So why are you doing this?
And then we quote that fraud Fauci over there.
They show that picture of that cut zone over there.
And we write, Dr. Anthony Frauci, for example, ordained by the prostitutes as the greatest epidemiologist in the world is ever known.
The first BS that herd immunity from COVID-19 would be reached in the U.S.
when 70 percent of the population have been vaccinated.
But then he adjusted his estimate first to 75 percent, 80 percent and then 85 percent.
And again, this is what we do with the Trends Journal.
C. Fauci the fake, the root of all pandemic lies, March 2021.
Kit Yate of the UK's Bath University said herd immunity would be impossible with less than 90% of the population getting vaccinated.
But that was before the Delta variant.
Again, on and on.
We put the facts down.
They're lying to us.
You're making this crap up.
Remember when they were telling you to don't, every time you touch the surface, to wipe it down, to wipe your hands?
The chances of picking the virus up from the surface are greater than 10,001.
There's a lot going on.
When we get back, I'm going to talk about the economy.
Because today's market, It's very important what's going on, what to do, and what to expect.
The markets are up strong today.
You know when I went on the air?
They were going down.
Down and down they're gonna go, and we're gonna be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
As I said, do what you can to support InfoWars, and if you want to know history before it happens, And you want to know how the current events forming future trends are affecting our lives and what to do to prepare, prevail and prosper.
You're going to want the Trends Journal.
There's no other magazine like it.
Anyway, I want to talk about the economy.
This morning, the Dow was up over 170 points.
It did a 180.
Now it's down about 180 points.
Now it's down about 180 points.
Oil is touching $84 a barrel for Brent crude.
You saw the job numbers last week?
They expected... The numbers were between 700,000 and 500,000 new jobs to be created.
hundred thousand and five hundred thousand new jobs to be created.
The number came in at 194,000.
This is serious.
Look at the facts.
Meantime, they're wondering and worrying about stagflation.
Meaning inflation prices go up, and the economy stagnates.
It's not stagflation.
It's dragflation.
The economy's going to go down, drag down, And inflation is going to go much higher.
You look at just some of the things coming out.
PepsiCo will continue to pass on higher costs to consumers with price increases this fall and early next year.
And it's one place after another they're doing it.
Meantime, merger and acquisition activities at all-time highs.
UK grocery fetches $9.4 billion.
I mean, it's one story after another every day in the news.
The big's buying up more and more and getting bigger, while everybody else gets poorer.
And then you keep looking at the other data.
Again, Bank mergers keep going up.
Moderna vaccine mints three new Forbes billionaires.
The financial windfall at Moderna, the biotech company behind one of the three federally cleared COVID-19 vaccines, has propelled three new names into Forbes magazine's list of the 400 richest people in the United States.
And the richest people in the United States, these 400, pay less percentage of taxes than we, the little people of Slavelandia.
You keep looking at the numbers and you can see what's going on.
Inflation is going to keep going up.
The economy is going to keep going down.
You're looking at Bitcoin.
If Bitcoin and the other top cryptocurrencies weren't here, gold prices would be spiking.
We have called the breakout points of Bitcoin for the last three years identically.
And now it's at a critical breakout point.
Once it breaks above the $63,000-$65,000 mark, Or even stays above where it is now in the 57,000.
Almost 58,000 per coin.
If it keeps staying in this range, we're looking for a big breakout.
The only thing that could turn it back, as we see it, is government interference.
And will the government interfere?
Of course they will.
My father, may he rest in peace, used to tell me about my grandfather, may he rest in peace, may it all rest in peace, about how he packed up all his gold coins and brought them back to the bank back in 1933, when it was illegal to own gold.
It's a gangster mob in charge.
I'm not making it up.
There's a story here in the Financial Times about the dirty deals the banksters are doing and how the gang pressure bills for Fed to crack down on active trading by staff.
Central Bank warned tighter ethics regime needed to restore reputation.
Faced with one of the biggest reputational crisis in its history, the Federal Reserve is under pressure to overhaul its ethic guidelines and eliminate virtually all active trading by US central bank officials.
And what happened was, two regional Fed presidents, Robert Kaplan from Dallas and Eric Rosengren from Boston, resigned after their trading activity came to light.
What a joke.
Warren included a questionable transaction by Richard Clarida, Fed Vice Chair, which included the transfer of $5 million from a bond fund to a stock fund Just a day before Jay Powell as the Chair of the Central Bank hinted at a policy move as the COVID war began to take hold in February 2020.
So they had all the insider trading.
How many of us could transfer five million dollars in bonds?
Oh yeah, well, I have another 30 million over there.
Just take 5 million and push it over there.
Get this in your head, everybody.
If you're too damn stupid to understand this, don't watch me, don't subscribe to the Trends Journal.
If you're stupid enough to believe that you have a Republican Party And a Democratic Party running the government.
I don't want to waste my breath talking to you.
It's a crime syndicate.
That's all it is.
Look at this BS headline.
Pressure bills are fed to crackdown on active trading by staff.
These are the two clowns that just got caught.
This stuff has been going on and on and on.
As George Carlin, may he rest in peace, said, it's one big club, and you ain't in it.
That clown Kaplan, his trades were in the million dollars and above.
Oh, I'm going to resign, the Rosengren said.
I'm not feeling well, so... Yeah, so you don't keep looking into the crap that you're doing.
When I was a young man, they had drug stores.
Now they have drug chains.
When I was a young man, they had stationary stores.
Olat Riley's is right down the corner over here in Kingston.
Now we have stationary chains.
When I was a young boy, they had hardware stores.
Hardware chains.
When I was a young boy, they had grocery stores.
All different ones, all over the place.
The kid growing up in the Bronx and Yonkers, all over the place, different ones.
And you went to different ones to get the different specialties of those.
Now we have grocery chains.
And all we are Our plantation workers in chains.
The bigs are buying up everything.
Merger and acquisition activity is at an all-time high.
The rich keep getting richer.
They own it all and they tell us what to do.
What do you have?
Six companies?
Over 90% of the media.
It's October 1st, 2021, and I've got good news for you.
I've got good news for me.
I've got good news for everybody alive in America and on this planet today.
Now we spent years developing this, and it's probably one of the strongest, cleanest formulas in the world.
There may be something better.
We don't know about it.
It's made by one of the top labs in the United States that we private label it from, because again, if we said their name, they'd get attacked by the left.
This stuff is incredible.
It is Brain Force Ultra.
Exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We got a limited run of this in a month ago and it sold out in three days.
And we already had a larger batch getting developed.
The ingredients came in.
And the new batch is here, and I just took some today.
And I think it's even stronger than the last batch, because this stuff, again, is done in a lab, but it's done organically.
So each batch varies a little bit, but it does get all the testing done to show that it's at least up to a basic strength, and this is actually above that.
So we got Brain Force Ultra back in stock.
We got a big shipment in, but it's so popular, I think it's gonna sell out in probably a week.
Despite that, we're gonna offer it at 50% off the introductory rate For at least four or five days.
That's why I'm saying it's October 1st.
I'm going to run this until October 5th.
Hell, it may sell out.
And that's good news for Infowars because we desperately need funding in the face of the Democratic Party assault, their rigged courts, their kangaroo systems, and their attempts to silence us and silence you.
Because that's why they're coming after us is to get to you.
We are all in this together as Benjamin Franklin said.
And if we don't hang together, we're going to hang separate.
You've been hanging with us.
You've been keeping us on air.
You've been spreading the word.
And it's having an incredible effect.
In fact, let me spend a minute or so on that before I get back into this.
I had a chance to go up to Glenn Beck's The Blaze.
I had a chance to hang out with Steven Crowder at his offices outside The Blaze.
And I had a chance to meet with a lot of other big reporters and other pundits.
A lot of them thought I was full of it 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.
They now see everything I predict to come true and we had a hero's welcome there.
And it's happening all over the place.
But that's because of your support.
If you didn't keep us on air, the world wouldn't be waking up when this tyranny launches attack.
We would be losing.
We'd be submitting.
But instead, all over the world, from Australia to the United States, people are fighting back and waking up.
And Infowars, at least half the time that we talk to people, is the catalyst that woke them up.
That means you're the catalyst that woke them up.
So again, BrainForce Ultra is back in stock.
You've got to go see what is in this.
Let me just read you some of the things.
Guarana Seed, look at what that does.
Alpha GPC, woo!
Green Coffee Bean, Alethro Root, Yerba Mate Leaf, Green Tea Leaves, Ginkgo Leaf, Ashwagandha Root, and more.
And they are strong, organic, cold-pressed.
This isn't dry garbage.
This isn't old trash.
This is new.
At one of the best labs, I'm gonna say the best, because there might be one better, but it's the best we know of.
And we are so proud to bring you this, and that it funds the M4.
Clean, long, sustained, deep, focused energy where you don't have the crash.
If you love Turbo Force, if you love Brain Force Plus that are both different formulas that are excellent, you're going to absolutely love Brain Force Ultra.
All three are different formulas.
All three do different things.
But I gotta tell you, of the three, drop for drop, this is the strongest ever.
50% off, InfoWarsStore.com.
And while you're there, check out all the other great products like Ultra 12, Winter Sun, and so many others.
But whatever you do, keep praying for a global awakening, and keep spreading the word about InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news, today.
And remember that every person you reach out to now is one step closer to our victory.
So thanks for keeping us in the fight.
We're never going to back down.
God bless and good luck.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioProbes and how they're creating amazing products.
They've done it again and have just released an entire suite of bioremediation products, bringing industrial level technology to the everyday consumer.
They're literally changing the industry with a revolutionary patented delivery system.
The BioPros are excited to release BioDrain Pro, a product specifically designed to establish healthy drains, pipes, and overall plumbing systems.
BioDrain Pro digests grease, fats, oil, sludge, paper, and organic matter with ease.
It contains no chemicals, no GMOs, and is safe for black, gray holding tanks, sewer hoses, and plumbing.
It is also human and animal safe.
Get up to 20 treatments with the scoop for easy applications.
Say goodbye to drain problems, gas buildup, and odor.
Just pour and add water.
It's that simple.
visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
I'm taping this on September 29th.
And this special sale is only gonna run for one week and one week only.
In fact, some of the items here are about to sell out, but we need the funds, so I'm discounting them regardless.
That's where we are at InfoWars, and the fight is so intense.
So I would get these great products that are amazing for your health, amazing for your immune system and everything in your body, and that are amazing because they fund this operation.
I would take advantage of this sale.
This has been a really big seller.
We're down to a few thousand bottles of it.
It'll probably be next year until we get more in.
It is our green fiber capsules.
It's derived from the highest quality sprouts that you're going to find out there and other known ingredients that give you the roughage you need.
To energize and basically give your guts a new lease on life.
To help clean things out and to give your body just incredible organic delivery of so many vitamins and minerals and trace elements.
This is a game changer.
We're not going to get more in for months and months.
It's 50% off.
Hair and beard formula was sold out of our great multivitamin mineral product.
People like hair and beard formula.
This is probably as good or better than our formula.
So it's great for your hair, great for your beard, great for women's nails, and their clothes, or women nowadays have beards as well.
So it's great for women's beards, but seriously, it's also fantastic as a multivitamin mineral.
In fact, we're probably just going to change the label on it and put one out as a multivitamin mineral, because this is really an amazing formulation.
It's 50% off.
And we've got the old reliable, this has been out over 10 years, Knockout Sleep Formula 8 Different concentrated organic compounds associated with deeper better sleep which is key to what?
Again, your immune system.
And this baby, at least twice as strong as Knockout.
Too strong for some people.
Down and Out is a different formula.
And this sucker sold out in its first run very, very quickly.
Despite that, it's now back in stock.
It is 50% off.
So these guys go together like a horse and carriage.
And then Super Mel Vitality is back in stock.
We made it even stronger.
40% off.
Super Female Vitality, back in stock.
Also 40% off.
Winter Sun is going to sell out soon, but I'm extending that sale another week as well.
50% off because everybody needs it.
And of course, again, down and out is here, along with X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, key for the immune system, the whole body.
This is the thing that most people are deficient in.
It's the real game changer.
People ask how I have so much energy.
It's the iodine, folks.
InfoWarsTore.com, 40 to 50% off on all these great items.
Again, InfoWarsTore.com or call toll free, triple A, 2-5-3-3-1-3-9 and it helps keep us on the air.
This is a 360 win, so take advantage of this sale right now.
You've got one week from September 29th on.