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Name: 20211010_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 10, 2021
1201 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the escalating tyranny being imposed by governments around the world, warning that humanity is heading towards a prison planet with global enslavement, end of free will, freedom, markets, mobility, and cheap energy sources. He highlights various aspects of this dystopian future, including flight cancellations due to vaccine mandates, hospitals facing nursing and doctor shortages, congestion at ports, climate tyranny, and COVID-19 related restrictions in countries like Lithuania and Australia. Jones advises listeners to stay informed and take necessary actions while remaining calm amidst the chaos. Tucker Carlson's monologue on the question of who is in control further emphasizes the authoritarian nature of these decisions being made by global entities such as the United Nations, Klaus Schwab, and megacorporations.

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Tomorrow's news.
Well, I gotta say, even though I've been here for almost six years now, I've hosted the
Alex Jones Show plenty of times, but a pretty epic thing to think about as we go live here
on this Sunday evening, October 10th, 2021 from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin,
We will be hearing from Alex coming up here shortly.
Owen Schroer is going to be sitting in.
That's me for the two-hour Alex Jones Show Sunday evening edition live.
And then Harrison Smith will be in studio hosting Sunday Night Live immediately following this transmission.
So what I'm going to try to do is lay out With as much current day detail as possible, exactly where it is humanity is heading.
And when you look at the signs and the symptoms and some of the clues around us right now, the picture's never been clear.
So if you've been listening to InfoWars for 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, you know that this has been InfoWars news coverage for that period of time, warning you.
But now that it's here, I can lay it out in real time, there is no debate anymore.
We know exactly the blueprint for the New World Order.
We know exactly the blueprint for global government.
And we now know exactly what that experience is going to be like.
And it is, it is hellacious.
It is a prison planet.
It is global enslavement.
It is the end of free will as we know it.
The end of free markets as we know it.
The end of free mobility as we know it.
The end of cheap and easily accessible energy and communication and transportation as we know it.
It's all done.
It's all done.
That reign of humans being free and humans prospering and independence and private property and all that good stuff?
Over with.
And this is just the beginning.
We really haven't even sat down at the table yet.
We're just kind of being ushered to the table of the new world order global government right now.
So what does it look like, briefly, and then Alex Jones coming up on the other side?
Well, how about this stack of news, where all of these flights are being cancelled because of the vaccine mandates, people not wanting to get the deadly vaccine.
So just thousands of flights being cancelled almost every day now.
Then you've got the hospitals having nursing and doctor shortages now.
Again, the vaccine mandate.
You might say, well, why are they doing this?
Why would they cripple themselves this way?
That's the point.
Destroy civilization, destroy America, destroy the free market, and then bring in, build back better.
Oh, just like they've been telling you.
So the hospitals.
Then you've got the cargo ships waiting days, weeks, months at the ports off the coast and what they're trying to do now just to get these supplies inbound.
Wild stuff there.
So see, that's just the destruction of the economy.
That's just the economic warfare.
That's just the attack on our infrastructure to shut everything down, destroy it so they can build back better.
But then over here you have all the vaccine mandates, all the sickness, all the death from the virus made in the lab.
And that was what was used to corral us.
And you have the stories out of Lithuania and Australia and other places where they're living with this tyranny worse than anywhere else and they're trying to warn the world how bad it is.
We've got one of those guests coming up from Australia who'd been arrested simply for talking about a lockdown protest and he's going to be joining us in the second hour.
And then where does it go?
Yeah, the world's kind of waking up to this but perhaps it's too late because the next thing they're going to hit us with Is the climate tyranny and they're already starting to roll that out and introduce that.
And we'll still have our heads spinning from all the COVID nonsense trying to figure out that.
And then all of a sudden there'll be wildfires and hurricanes and all this stuff and they'll say,
"See climate change," and then the climate tyranny will be here and then it's game over.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday, October 10th, 2021.
Alex Jones here starting the live broadcast today.
Owen Schroyer and other guests he's going to be having on are about to take over.
And I am really attempting right now to be as calm as I can.
Because I've illustrated the great tyranny that was coming in a very agitated way many times.
But now that it's here, I think it's very important that we be calm and make our decisions about what we're going to do and then follow through on them.
Yes, it's good to be emotional about what's happening and to get people out of their trances.
But now that so many people are out of their trance, it's important To consciously realize that we've been right and that we've been vindicated, that the globalists are just as evil and bad as the public research on them showed them to be.
In fact, they're worse and we just have to Now step back and assess their attack and expose who and what they are.
And once that's done, then all the evil they're carrying out won't be able to be blamed on some side group or some minion or puppet they control.
But squarely on them, squarely on their shoulders.
I will break down some of the latest developments here in a moment and hand them it on to Owen, but first let's just pull back to one of the more viral monologues that Tucker Carlson did a few weeks ago entitled, Who is in control?
Who is in charge?
With an image of the puppet president on the screen, Joe Biden.
And that really is the question, isn't it?
But it's not just a question of the fact that he's a puppet and we know he is.
We're wondering who's in control of him.
When you ask the question who is in control, that invariably leads to the United Nations and Klaus Schwab and the private megacorporations that brag that they are establishing an authoritarian world government.
That's why I make a big deal about it that on Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia with a link to The Davos Group, he says we're, quote, capturing countries and capturing, quote, democracies and removing the general public from the decision-making process.
When the public's not part of the decision-making process and not in charge of it, that's an authoritarian dictatorship.
So when we see the left and all these people going along with tyranny, you have to understand they're on board with the corporate takeover.
They know Full well, they're bad.
They know full well in Europe and Australia and the UK and Canada when they march out to people's houses and beat them up at Christmas because they've got more than two people in their home.
Or they announce on TV that if you're not double or triple vaxxed, you can't have Christmas.
Or that you can't look at a sunset or talk to your neighbor.
That's all done to rub it in.
And break your will and demoralize you and move the Overton window of what's acceptable politically to the worst depths of oppression and classical tyranny.
We all know the saying that is associated most with authoritarian regimes.
Alexander Shultz and Eason wrote about it in the Gulag Archipelago and it's the Knock at the door in the middle of the night.
That knock at the door that comes at 3 a.m.
That's the telltale sign of an authoritarian state.
So, as our energy prices explode, and as food shortages arise, and as racial conflict expands, and as the police are downsized, and the prisons are emptied of violent offenders and filled with Christians and those that wouldn't let their sons transition to being sterilized at age 8, As all of that happens, remember, it's the Fortune 500, led by just a few companies at the top, the Fortune dozen or so, and a few private families and big mega hedge funds that are in control.
It is, as Dr. Mercola said on my show Thursday, BlackRock and Vanguard.
And it's the families that own and control those systems that have decided that we don't need prosperity anymore, that we need to live under poverty and control if We're allowed to live.
And so the question that Tucker Carlson posed, who is in charge, is everything.
I can tell you all about the problems, what the globalists are doing and how they're carrying it out, but you know what's going on.
You read what the Davos Group and the UN say.
You are informed.
Remember, only a small percentage of people know about globalism, know about the IMF, know about the World Bank, know about Bretton Woods, know about the fact that the transition is now happening to get rid of the dollar and bring in this new world currency that will track and trace and control where you can go and what you can do.
So we have to raise the alarm now that we will very soon be in the same place Australia and Canada are in, the very same forces who are in charge, not the puppets, not the prime ministers and presidents, but those who are really in charge are the globalists.
And that was Trump's big crime.
He really was the president.
He really got in.
He really tried to do good stuff for the country.
He really tried to cut the quote middlemen out.
That's the globalists that set up all the unfair trade deals and that's why he had to be punished.
So coming up on the broadcast today, Owen Schroer has the Aussie Cossack As his nickname is known, a very prominent, well-spoken gentleman who was just arrested for daring to come on our show and others and protest and speak out against tyranny.
He dared to ask Americans to have peaceful demonstrations at the Australian embassies in D.C.
and New York and I'll be going to New York in a few weeks to do that and fulfill that promise, but just think about that.
He got arrested.
They came to his house and grabbed him and they've been arresting thousands of other people at their houses who dare to go out and peacefully demonstrate as well.
And so before the Aussie Cossack comes on, I thought I'd play a two minute clip that just went viral today of the police coming to people's houses again and saying, is this you six months ago?
Out here at an anti-lockdown demonstration.
And he properly rebukes them and explains they're working for powerful forces that are destroying their own futures as well.
And we can laugh at them and say, oh, that'll never happen here, but already they just signed a law yesterday in California that you can't have boys and girls sections in stores because that makes them want to be a boy and a girl.
Again, that's the depopulation globalist control system coming in.
So here's that clip from Australia.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroyer here on this live Sunday broadcast.
Please spread the word.
Do you agree that you put some posts on Facebook?
Does this look familiar?
Those are illegal eyes.
Did you put this on Facebook?
So the question that's been raised is were you there?
No problem.
Is that yeah or?
Were you there?
Well, does it matter?
You're handing me paperwork saying I've sent a photo.
I'm not handing you anything.
I'm asking a question.
Well, you've got the photo, don't you?
That doesn't, you've put a photo on Facebook, doesn't actually confirm whether you were there or not, so I'm asking you where you were.
So if I say no, you're not going to give me the paperwork?
You're going to go home, are you?
There's no paperwork here to give you, this is my information.
So, what are we here for?
We're here.
You're here to serve me, or?
No, no, no.
It's intimidation.
Yeah, I know, it is.
It's pretty laughable.
It's loser-ish, it is like sad.
What is this humanity, where are we going in life?
You've got the cops coming around here to tell me that I've been in a protest.
Six months ago!
To ask if you have been.
How illegal is that?
Which part?
Going to a protest.
Why are you guys here?
Why is the police on my doorstep about a protest?
Black Lives Matter protests are two weeks before that.
Yeah, was that illegal?
Are you knocking on their doors?
No, you're not.
You're not.
It's clearly... It's clearly show inventory.
Why are you working for this corrupt government?
What are you guys doing?
Who are you serving?
Are you serving us?
Or are you serving the corrupt government and health officials?
They're no good for you.
They're not there for you.
Were you there?
You can answer my question, can't you?
No, we can't answer your question.
Well, I won't answer that.
I'll just know he commented.
Like, what are we here for?
Well, what part of when I... What the fuck do you want from me?
What did you understand when I first told you why we're here?
Were you asking if I'm in a protest six months ago?
I don't recall.
I do not recall.
I don't recall, I'm sorry.
I don't recall.
I don't recall.
Well, then we'll end the conversation.
Unless you want to say anything else.
Go ask Andrews.
What's your reason for breaching the show directions?
What are you talking about?
I don't recall any health directions, mate.
I don't want some...
I'm gonna tell you...
[gun cocking]
[gun cocking]
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say,
"I don't know what's gonna happen at the end of this, but you wanna fight?"
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer in studio.
We got a lot coming up, including a great guest in the second hour, the Aussie Cossack, who's fighting back against the medical tyranny in Australia, which is really a preview for the world.
And now they're not letting anybody travel out of Australia.
They have people locked down in their homes.
You can't be a part of society if you don't have the vaccine.
But let's put some context to this in case there are people tuning in that have no idea what exactly is going on or in case further explanation is needed.
So where does this all begin?
Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and others doing gain-of-function spillover research with bat viruses, also known as the coronavirus, or now SARS-CoV-2, with the Chinese military in dozens of labs in China, but specifically this Wuhan lab.
And Google and Microsoft and others have a connection there as well.
That virus Is then released from the lab out into the world for it to spread worldwide.
Now if the TV media didn't make a big deal of it, would we have ever even known about it?
Probably not.
It would have seemed just like a bad flu season.
But all of a sudden we started changing the way we handle these things medically, so we did the PCR tests.
Multiplied so many times that anything would test positive for COVID.
A piece of paper, a dog, a piece of fruit, a can of cola, a human, anything, a blade of grass, everything tests positive.
So then it's every case.
And then the hospitals have a financial interest, so they want as many COVID cases as possible, because each COVID case is a couple thousand bucks, and then if you can put them on a ventilator, it's a couple tens of thousands of dollars, and so the list goes on.
And so the media drove the panic, the hospitals drove the case numbers, they counted any death as a COVID death, even if it was a gunshot wound, a car accident, cancer, heart attack, anything else.
And then they were able to use that fear-mongering to drive home the shutdowns and all the tyranny we've seen since.
So now where are you at?
Well, I could get into all this news over here about the sicknesses spreading and the vaccines, but that's almost self-contained.
Where they always had the vaccine planned out, they were always going to roll it out, they were always going to make it mandatory, and they were always going to then make your access to society based on your vaccination status.
And then I could get into all the tens of thousands of dead that we've seen from the COVID vaccine.
But I think... You know what?
The world isn't ready to admit that that's the case yet.
That's fine.
It's going to be so undeniable soon, the world won't be able to deny it.
And they're already pretty much admitting that that's the case.
It's the vaccine variants causing any new outbreaks.
And you will see an uptick in the percentage and the death rate.
In the year 2021 because of the vaccines.
You didn't see it in 2020, you will see it in 2021.
And so maybe then the world will be ready for that.
But so then what do you hear?
You start hearing Joe Biden and you hear Justin Trudeau and Australian Prime Ministers and European leaders saying what?
Build back better.
Build back better.
You tear civilization down by releasing a virus, but the real teardown of civilization is the world government's response to the virus, collapsing economies, economic warfare, nation sovereignty warfare, just the freedom over your own body and choosing what medicine you want to take.
So just tearing all of that down so they can build back better.
So here's what you're going to see as the trend for the next couple weeks.
And then America will have a choice and the rest of the world will have a choice if this is what we want to do or if we want to go back to rational, normal, logical, sensible, common sense, reasonable civilization again.
Or we can go into world government tyranny with no freedom or prosperity or upward growth or anything.
We will have that choice.
Southwest Airlines cancels thousands of flights due to air traffic control walkouts over vaccine mandate.
Southwest Pilots Union sues to block airlines' vaccine mandate.
So it's a total disaster with Southwest Airlines.
It's going to be for all airlines soon that mandate the vaccine.
And then it's going to be for all air traffic controllers that get mandated the vaccine.
And so who knows if the airports will even be operating or operational in the next month over this.
It's not just the airlines.
Seattle may fire 40% of police force over COVID vaccine mandate.
All kinds of police forces are being short-staffed right now and seeing mass resignations and firings because they don't want to take the deadly vaccine and play Russian roulette with their body.
Hundreds of thousands of U.S.
troops still not fully vaccinated against COVID as deadlines loom.
And they're being told they will be discharged, they will not be in the military anymore.
So your law enforcement, your military, your Airports all going to be shut down over this vaccine mandate.
All part of the plan.
Your hospitals.
Vaccine mandate latest hurdle, an organ nursing shortage.
North Carolina Hospital System Novant Health fires 175 unvaccinated employees refusing COVID shot.
Syracuse Hospital fires 78 workers for refusing COVID-19 vaccination.
Will vaccine mandates affect existing nursing shortage?
These are just some of the headlines, folks.
I could read these headlines all day long.
New York, California, Chicago, the list just goes on and on and on.
Texas, it's just everywhere.
Okay, so your police force shortage, your military shortage, your airline shortage, your hospital shortage.
All right then.
So tear down the economy, tear down civilization, so the New World Order can build it back better.
And then you have what's going on with the cargo ships and the oil ships and everything.
Biggest U.S.
retailers charter private cargo ships to sail around port delays.
So they're not letting these shipments in, whether it's oil or cargo ships, any of this stuff, they're not letting it in because of COVID.
So now they're trying to basically do transfers on private vessels just to get it ashore.
Container get-in.
Supply crisis drives Walmart and rivals to hire their own ships.
And you're also starting to see the shortages at the grocery stores as well.
You're starting to see the food prices go up.
The energy prices go up.
Port of Los Angeles demands more federal funding as cargo backlog looms.
Costco limits toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water purchases over inflation and supply chain breakdown.
Global supply chain crisis to last until 2023.
Says Middle East's largest port operator.
Well that's if we stop doing it now.
We're not going to stop doing it now.
So you're looking 2024, 2025, forever.
So that's all the tyranny, that's the economic warfare, that's the shutting down and the breaking of civilization so that the average human can't get access to anything anymore until the whole world goes under medical tyranny.
Then they'll have the cultural warfare, but this is still Just kind of blooming right now.
Gavin Newsom signs woke law forcing stores to have gender-neutral sections where traditional blue and pink toys and toothbrushes are banned.
So this is this is all their tyranny.
This is the planned warfare against the free market, against the world economy, against the average human just having easy access to cheap energy, and it's all from a virus that Anthony Fauci and others helped make in a lab and release on the planet.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So I just laid out how the global civilization, the infrastructure,
militaries, police forces, hospitals, are all under economic sabotage right now
and medical sabotage right now, all by design.
Because, you see, there's a plan in place.
It's called the Great Reset.
And COVID is just one of the tools being used to bring it all to fruition.
So that's why you're seeing all this fallout from COVID, and it's seeming so well-planned, well-organized, well-thought-out, because it was.
It's all been by design.
And so let's get into some more of that before I tell you the good news.
Of how the world is responding.
And we have our guest on.
Here's where it goes next.
And this is already starting to be laid out.
Just like COVID was.
So it's like a game plan.
Once you kind of see it, they can apply it to other operations.
And so here's what's next.
UN declares access to a clean environment a human right.
So the climate tyranny is going to be, it's going to look and taste and feel the same as the COVID tyranny, but it's going to have a different approach.
And it's going to have even more stricter regulations than from COVID.
They're trying to get as much regulation put into place via COVID, so that when they bring in the climate tyranny, it's already there, and then they can just expand on it.
So this is just the beginning.
Oh, it's man-made climate change.
It's, you know, natural disasters, weather this, volcanoes, earthquakes, it's all going to be blamed on human activity.
Which people won't even have the logic and rational thought to realize that that's you they're blaming.
The carbon emissions they're trying to get rid of is you.
You are the carbon.
The man-made climate change we need to get rid of, that's just getting rid of you.
That's getting rid of humans.
So now they're starting to say, oh, it's the climate change that's going to kill us all.
It's not the COVID.
It's the climate change that's so bad.
But every human has a right to a clean environment, except every human doesn't even have a right to live.
So that's kind of ironic.
But you're starting to see the growth of this.
YouTube, Google, strip ads from accounts spreading climate misinformation.
And there it is.
And there it is.
So see, just like they said, well, we're going to start banning accounts and censoring speech on the internet for medical misinformation.
There was barely any pushback against that.
They got away with it.
So now it's going to be climate misinformation.
And that's what's so frustrating about this.
And I guess that's why you try to get as many people aware of this and awaken to this as possible, because you just figure, if humans knew this was going on, they would reject it.
If everybody knew that this was an agenda, whether you like InfoWars or Alex Jones or the people bringing you this information or not, you're going to be living under this just like we are.
So, but see, but that's the psychology of the New World Order.
That's the psychology of the social engineers, is to just seed so much hatred into civilization, so much hatred and division into populations that people's rationality and logic and reasoning and common sense will be so clouded and even overwhelmed by their hatred That they'll tell you to hate somebody so much, if that person tells you to get out of the way of a bus, a moving bus that's about to run them over, you'll say no because you hate them so much.
And that's the analogy here.
So all the people that want to go along with the fake news about Biden or about Trump or everything else or you want to say InfoWars is a conspiracy theorist site because we talk about the New World Order.
We're just here telling you there's a bus coming 80 miles per hour heading right towards you.
You're standing smack dab in its route.
If you don't get out of the way, you're going to become mincemeat.
And they have the people just saying, I hate you.
You're a racist.
You're a bigot.
You're a transphobe.
And then here comes that bus.
Bearing down.
There's the horn.
Then you just... And you know it's coming.
Vatican pushes for global physical redistribution to fight poverty and so then that'll be their final excuse or that'll be just kind of a side flavor or like that'll be the Bumpers, if you're bowling, and you put bumpers up to keep the ball in the lane, that'll be the bumper.
So it's like, oh, some of this stuff over here with COVID doesn't make sense.
But then they'll say, oh, racism, oh, poverty, and that'll bump the ball back into the lane.
And you'll say, hey, some of this stuff with climate change over here doesn't make sense.
And they'll say, yeah, but people are living in poverty, and it's black people and it's brown people, so it's even worse.
And that'll be the bumper.
Bump the ball back into the lane.
So, oh, racism, oh, poverty, oh, and that's constantly keeping the bowling ball in the lane and not going into the gutter where it belongs because none of this would work unless you were trying to destroy civilization.
And even Bill Maher gets it.
Bill Maher rips Biden.
How are we going to build back better if we have no workers and no supplies?
Well, that's the point though, Bill.
You can't build back better until you destroy.
You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.
So on a very rudimentary level, imagine you are a scientist, or whatever, and you're trying to make some sort of breakthrough research.
And you know that you have to test with humans to make this breakthrough research.
So if you're Big Pharma, you figure, okay, I want to get mandated vaccines or I want to get a universal flu vaccine because I'm going to make billions of dollars.
I'm going to make trillions of dollars doing it.
But I can't really successfully do that unless I have human subjects to test it on.
And they figure, hey, but you know what?
Yeah, I'm probably going to kill a few of my test subjects.
But it's for the better good.
Well, so there have been people throughout time that thought that, and they would do these things, you know, underground, like the Nazis did.
And so they found out that's what the Nazis were doing, but they'd test Jews or other people, and they'd just say, well, look, yeah, I mean, we may be torturing these people or killing these people, but we're inventing super technology.
We're going to invent the ubermensch, the supermen.
We're going to have universal, you know, technologies and health and treatment and all this stuff.
So yeah, yeah, we're testing this stuff on humans.
Of course we are.
How else are we gonna get to the next level?
Well, then you had the Nuremberg trials that said, look, you cannot do experimentation on people without their consent.
So that's the whole point.
You're being tested on right now with a vaccine.
Hell, first you got tested with the viral release.
Now you're being tested on with the vaccine.
And they just figure they run the planet, they own the planet, you're the test subjects, they're gonna see how deadly the virus is, they're gonna see how deadly the vaccines are, they're gonna see if they can make a...
Universal flu vaccine, and how many people die because of it?
Well, they just figure, hey, it's good for us, we're gonna make billions, if not trillions, and it's good for the planet, because we believe we'll have a universal flu vaccine, and we'll defeat the flu, and we'll get the Nobel Peace Prize, and we'll be heroes.
Well, if you were thinking logically in a civilization, you'd say, okay, you know, maybe we can have room for this type of research, and that's fine.
Maybe we should let scientists, and doctors, and chemists, and stuff do research like this, and they'll make some innovative things, and they'll have some inventions, but If you're gonna test on humans, there needs to be consent, they need to know what you're doing, and that's gonna be the law.
And everybody agreed to that in the Nuremberg Code.
And if you do it without consent, via the Nuremberg Code, that's the death penalty.
So that's where we're at right now.
With the vaccines and the mandates.
But again, this is just like one stepping stone to the world government tyranny that we're involved in right now.
And you might say, oh, well, we should test on criminals or test on people that want to volunteer.
They're just testing it on everybody.
And so when they complete this mission, the next stepping stone is the climate tyranny,
climate lockdowns, climate mandates, carbon emission mandates.
If they if they launch off this stepping stone, which they are right now, a little more than.
So just in case we're not clear yet, civilization is being sabotaged intentionally right now, so
that when it collapses entirety supply chains, the energy sector, everything, when it
collapses entirely, the globalists, the UN and the government can come in as
the heroes to prop it back up.
You'll just have to go under and accept all the new mandates to accept going into the new world order, as they call it.
So that's just what's going on there.
And Australia is perhaps the best example of what it's going to look like living under that tyranny, or perhaps Lithuania.
And so I'll get to that coming up here in just a minute before our guest joins.
But ladies and gentlemen, InfowarsStore.com, as you know, That is our storefront that makes everything we do here possible.
And you've heard us talk about Faraday closures for your phone.
We've sold some of them before.
It stops the harmful radiation from coming in or out of your phone.
If you want to just go dark on your phone and not get tracked and traced, that's what the Faraday enclosure is for.
And so we've put out some in the past that have had the InfoWars logo, and they've sold out before, and that's because people want privacy, want to be able to have a phone, but also have the option of privacy.
You can't even turn them off anymore, really.
And with iPhones, even if they are off, they're still on.
But we have a standard, and that's to have the best.
And so we now have the best available at InfoWarsTore.com.
So the other ones, if you've purchased them before, you notice they're kind of thin.
Some people that say that they use them consistently every day, they start to fray.
Well, they were really cheap.
And we just said, hey, let's just get as many as possible.
There's a demand for this.
And so we'll sell them cheap, we'll get them cheap, and that'll just be the case since people still want them.
And they still work fine, and they got the nice logo on them and everything.
But this is now the most elite Faraday enclosure for your phone.
And we sell it at InfowarsStore.com.
It's silent pocket.
I've just got a couple examples right here.
I did a test of this on the other day.
You can actually fit two phones into one of these.
And actually, both of my phones We're in a case and they still fit in, but this thing is awesome.
In fact, this thing, this one right here has two separate pouches that you can put it in.
So if you want it, if you got like something else or two phones on your, like a phone and a tablet or something like that.
I think this one does too, but I couldn't tell this was the one.
Oh yeah.
This one has a, this one just has one, but the point is you can put it in there.
And you're not going to have it tracking and tracing you.
And so we now have the best available.
It's 100% made in America, by the way.
Every stitch, every piece of this thing, made in America.
It's the Silent Pocket.
It's now available at InfowarsStore.com.
So we're very proud to be bringing you the most elite Faraday enclosure for your phone, for your laptop, for your tablet now.
At InfoWarsStore.com with the silent pocket.
And don't forget while you're there all the great supplements that we sell as well.
The Vitamin B Ultra 12, the Vitamin D Winter Sun, the Brain Force Ultra that is already getting rave reviews, the flagship Elite Supplement DNA Force Plus that's 40% off right now.
And so that's just part of the big sale happening, the collapse of the supply chain sale that we have at Infowars store right now.
That's just us selling as much as we can, cutting prices to where some of these we might not even be making a profit on.
We just figured we gotta just sell as much as possible to get So, where's it all going?
here to move on to the next round. Infowarsstore.com that's what makes
everything we do here possible. So where's it all going?
Well Rand Paul gets it. Rand Paul warns Americans to be afraid of your
government. Says watch lists of dissenters already exist.
Now, here's one of the biggest frustrations for me, and perhaps for you as well, but just as somebody that talks about this every day and knows what's going on, we just have a very small handful of leaders that are serious about this.
And even Rand Paul, who is great, is still Maybe one of the most serious, but still just kind of even on the fence a little bit.
Because I get it, you know.
The world's not ready to hear it's got cancer.
The world's not ready to know that they're enslaved.
The world's not ready to know that they're going into bondage, going into a prison planet.
They like to live their comfort lives of whatever it is that keeps them comfortable, whether it's the Netflix or the pharmaceutical drugs, keeping them dumbed down, keeping them entertained.
They're not ready to know that total bondage is on the other side of that ignorance.
But, it's the same thing that's going on at the southern border.
Where you have all these governors meeting down there with Governor Abbott saying, we're going to stop this, which they've been saying for years, they never have.
There's talk of a Texas border patrol now or something.
That's fine.
Hey, look, that's a good initiative.
You're talking about the issue.
Nothing is going to change until the people that are facilitating the illegal immigration pipeline go to jail or face charges.
Yeah, that's going to be people that work in the government.
I get that.
Yeah, that's kind of an unprecedented thing, perhaps.
I get that.
It's never going to stop until they're arrested.
So you can talk all day about how you want to protect the southern border.
You can talk all day how you want to protect the Texas border.
Nothing's going to happen until the people That are engaging in this illegal immigration pipeline are charged, arrested.
That's the only thing that's going to stop it.
So, yeah.
Hey, I get it, Rand.
We should be afraid of the government.
It's totally corrupt.
It's going into a fascist totalitarianism.
We have medical tyranny we're already facing.
Yeah, it's kind of a big deal, Rand.
So, what are we going to do about it, bud?
I mean, you're in Congress.
Maybe rally the troops or something.
And then you had a viral post from a couple in Lithuania.
It's hard to read, but you already know it's going on.
So deeply, deeply wrong.
Lithuanian without vaccine passport describes life under medical tyranny.
And it's basically you live in jail.
You can't do anything.
You can't go get food.
You can't go to the park.
That's the whole point, is you need to become a subject of the One World Government.
That's the only way you're allowed to exist.
And if you don't want to be subjugated and enslaved by the One World Government, you will be deemed a threat and a terrorist, and you will be either arrested or eliminated.
And when the humans are doing this, it's one thing.
Soon they'll just switch on the AI machines to run this for them.
But it won't actually be AI.
It'll just be machines programmed to enforce their tyranny.
And, you know, I could sit here, maybe I should just pound through all of these stories with the vaccines and everything here.
Because they're not working, but I guess everybody knows that.
How many are going to be dead from these vaccines?
Do we even know yet?
They're covering up those numbers.
So it's the opposite of what they were doing with COVID.
Anybody that dies of anything died from COVID.
But anybody that dies from COVID after getting the vaccine died from COVID, not the vaccine.
Or they died for it.
So it's the same thing, but now they're covering up the vaccine deaths.
Pfizer's request to OK shots for kids are relief for parents.
Well, not so much.
But see, the way they sell this is...
Oh, it's so hard for parents to convince kids to get vaccines, or it's so hard for schools to enforce this, it's so hard for businesses to enforce this, so we'll be the bad guy.
We, the government, will be the bad guy, and we'll enforce it for you, and then you have the excuse to just blame the government.
Oh, that's healthy!
That's real healthy.
That doesn't sound dangerous at all.
That's basically the government admitting that they're bad people.
That's basically the government admitting that they're tyrants, or that they're trying to enforce tyranny, but oh!
See, the businesses know it's bad!
And the parents know it's bad, but now they can just blame the government.
Oh, I'm sorry, I gotta stick you, I gotta play Russian Roulette.
Sorry, the government made me do it.
Sorry, I just, um, I know it's bad, I know it's no good, I know it sucks, I know it might make you sick, but the government made me do it, so I just, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Newsome faces criticism after admitting 12-year-old daughter not jabbed while pushing for vaccine mandates for kids.
Yeah, of course, they're not giving their kids these jabs.
They're not dumb.
I guess maybe they love their kids.
Maybe there is some hope there.
American Air says workers must be fully vaccinated by November 24th.
And it's the same thing as, hey, oh, you know, they make statements like, because the pilots don't want to get it and the airline workers don't want to get it.
And they just say, look, we're sorry, but it's the government.
It's not us.
Don't be mad at us.
Just be mad at the government.
We're just your humble airline enforcing medical tyranny.
It's not our fault.
The perfect end around.
Oh, and Twitter and Facebook and everything else are pretty much blocking all GiveSendGo links now, including from the Pfizer whistleblower.
I had people that were trying to share my GiveSendGo link, or trying to send DefendOwen.com, totally banned from Facebook.
They couldn't believe it!
I was talking to an old high school buddy, and I guess I got brought up in a conversation.
He couldn't believe what was going on.
And so he tried to post the thing on Facebook, because he's kind of popular with my graduating class.
And he was like, "Hey, fellow cadets," his name at high school, he's like,
"One of our brothers is being attacked by the government, tries to share the link, can't share it,
then gets suspended from Facebook, and he sends me a message like, 'What the hell is going on?'"
And I'm like, "Yeah, dude, you woke up, you thought you were in America, you're not."
You are the resistance.
All right, we're about to be joined by the Aussie POSIC, but first, the latest report from John Bowne.
And this is exactly what we're trying to do.
To start this project, we're calling it the Global Virome Project, and a group of us are trying to get this agenda and see if it's actually fundable.
See if we can get countries to get behind it, get agencies to get behind it, the private sector to get behind it, and finally start to discover the total diversity of risky viruses on the planet.
A lot of them won't come to anything, but some of them, hopefully, will be the next HIV and we'll stop them before they happen.
Fauci's right-hand man, Dr. Peter Daszak, sought DARPA's approval to release a deadly COVID virus into the wild.
The Fauci-controlled project sought to target humans with, quote, skin-piercing nanoparticles to deliver chimeric weapons.
And it's surveillance of bats across southern China.
And we've now found After, you know, six or seven years of doing this, over a hundred new SARS-related coronaviruses, very close to SARS, some of them get into human cells in the lab, some of them can cause SARS disease in humanized mouse models, and are untreatable with therapeutic monoclonals, and you can't vaccinate against them with the vaccine.
So these are a clear and present danger.
Why don't we blow the system up?
I mean, obviously we can't just turn off the spigot on the system we have and then say, hey, everyone in the world should get this new vaccine we haven't given to anyone yet.
But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.
In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried and true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be
We've done well with that to something that has to be much better.
You have to prove that this works and then you've got to go through all of the clinical
trials phase 1's, phase 2's, phase 3's and then show that this particular product is
going to be good over a period of time.
of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, is going to take a decade.
There's always the potential for bioterror. And we have a major biodefense research and
development effort that spans agencies from the NIH to do the basic research to be able
to develop better vaccines.
The worst bioterrorist is nature itself.
Nature is very good at evolving microbes to create problems, much smarter than any terrorist.
So what we've tried to do over the years is to use the Expertise, the resources to allow us to respond better to a deliberate affront or attack on us with a microbe of any type, engineered or what have you.
To use that knowledge to better prepare us for what we know will happen.
Instead of looking at it in two separate silos of biodefense for biological threats that are deliberate and countermeasures for naturally occurring, you should essentially pool the science so that you could do both.
There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that's completely disruptive, that's not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.
So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it's going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don't care what your perception is, we're going to address the problem in a disruptive way.
And in an iterative way because you do need both.
But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere.
We could get the RNA sequence from that, beam it to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point.
I have been told By a lot of people that would have access to classified information.
High-level people in the CIA say, no, we know it's really a global consortium.
It's a synthetic nanovirus.
And now the Pentagon and DARPA released the smoking gun on Fauci's ass.
That he had Daszak come to them and say, we want to create this and secretly release it in China.
And they said, are you crazy?
The Chinese will nuke us, you maniacs.
And you can argue if they succeed, it is the biggest thing In history.
By now you've heard me.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
If you take a life, do you know what you'll get?
I'll tell you more lies.
We're in the second hour of the Alex Jones Show on this Sunday.
Simon Boykov joins me now, known as the Aussie Cossack, and he has been arrested.
He's been tormented by the Australian law enforcement down there.
Simply for his free speech, you've probably seen some of his videos.
Him being confronted in his car, him being confronted in his house.
He has been arrested, but he has also been released on jail.
He joins us now live on the air.
Simon, where do you want to start off?
Do you want to talk about your experience with the arrest and everything you went through through that process?
Do you want to talk about where Australia is at right now as a warning for the world?
Where do you want to begin?
Sure, firstly thank you very much for having me on the show.
It's very important that platforms such as InfoWars allow Aussies to get the word out because we're in a total information blockade.
The mainstream media in Australia is censoring any dissent and it's almost impossible for Australian opposition leaders, Australian journalists who are not mainstream to get the word out as to what's actually occurring in the country.
And what's occurring is a full-blown government fear campaign There's a medical apartheid in place.
Just notably today, this morning, some Australians or the government is celebrating Freedom Day, which is completely misleading.
What they've announced is those who are juiced, those who have received the jib, can go out into society, can go to restaurants and so forth.
But it's not freedom day really, it's actually dividing those who have agreed to take this unknown substance into their bodies and those who haven't agreed.
So it's really a false freedom day, it's actually more suited to be called the day of division, the day of medical apartheid.
Yeah, that's like, oh, we're gonna mandate everybody put a 60-pound ball around their ankle.
And that's Freedom Day!
You're free now!
You have a ball and chain around your ankle.
You're free!
Exactly right, exactly right.
That's like a prisoner who's been under complete lockdown and then all of a sudden they give him three hours fresh air a day and he's excited and he's saying that's freedom.
So it really is a false freedom.
It's part of the government's narrative in coercing the population into submission.
And it's a very sad state of affairs in Australia.
We've had a lot of pressure from the police.
We've actually had police resigning.
Most notably, a senior sergeant from Victoria Police has resigned amidst a lot of this.
And there are police that are not agreeing with the government's instructions to terrorise and demonise the people.
In particular, as you mentioned, I was arrested a few days ago, right here in Sydney, during a live stream in fact.
Police stormed into my apartment and they arrested me for a breach of the public health order.
Now, this is a very broad charge, but as you can see on the screen now, they arrested me while I was sitting doing a live stream and they basically arrested me for being outside and breaching the public health order.
Now, we have very strict rules in Australia.
In Sydney, you can't be more than five kilometers from your home.
I was within my five kilometers.
I was at about the 4.7 kilometer distance.
I was exercising which is a legal way to be outside.
There's only a few reasons how you can be outside of your home and one of them is to exercise and you can see on the map there The first dot in the red circle is where I live and the second dot is where I was apprehended.
That's well within the 5km zone.
It was a false arrest and the police actually admit themselves in the fact sheet, in the charge papers.
They admit that the real reason for the arrest is that I use my YouTube channel to expose police, to film the police.
We call it FTP, which stands for Filming the Police.
And that really outrages the Australian police, that their actions, that their misconduct, the assaults and the intimidation is caught on camera and exposed to the rest of the world.
Of course, the local Australian mainstream media will never do this kind of real reporting and it's really important for independent journalists.
To be able to have this ability to live stream, to film the police.
You know, it's not illegal to film the police in Australia, so they couldn't charge me with filming the police.
That's why they put on this false arrest, this false charge of breaching the public health order.
I was arrested, taken into custody, and locked up at Burwood Police Station.
Yeah, clearly just an intimidation factor to try to get you to stop covering the police or the police activity or talking about the lockdowns and everything.
I mean, all you've done is be, you know, peaceful and political and just trying to, you know, get the information out more than anything.
There have been a lot of big protests.
What is the current status of that?
I mean, are people still hitting the streets every day?
Has it kind of lost momentum?
Have people been arrested and bullied that they don't want to get involved?
What is the status of all the protests that we've been seeing?
So what the police do is they use a tactic called catch and release, tag and release.
Similar to when some animal conservationists catch a wild animal and then they tag it and they release it to be caught later again.
What the police are doing, they catch people.
They put a charge on them, any charge, anything, something small, like charging for not wearing a mask or for being, you know, one kilometer, you know, out of bounds or, you know, something really, really minor, not using a QR code to sign into a cafe, for example.
Once they've arrested you for something small, they'll give you bail.
But the bail conditions will say, if you breach the public health order again, under bail, then you're locked up automatically on remand.
And this is how a lot of Australians are being locked up, put into prison, as you know, being targeted for their political views, for their protest to the government.
It's a very sneaky way, the tactic the police are using to lock people up.
So currently I'm on bail and I'm under these conditions that actually say, if I approach a police officer within 100 metres, I'll be arrested and sent to prison.
And I don't know how that can be enforceable.
I mean, 100 meters, if a police officer comes within me.
So they've basically got me as a hostage in my own home and it's completely limiting my
freedom of movement and freedom of speech and so forth.
And it's definitely a targeted political attack.
There's no other reason why they would do this.
And they're shutting down protest leaders, they're targeting opposition leaders, they're
targeting journalists who also have channels, independent media channels.
Monica Smith, who was on your show earlier, she's also been the victim of this and she spent 22 days in jail and she's just a young lady who heads a group called Regna Democracy Australia.
So anyone who's a freedom fighter, anyone who's speaking up and standing up to government tyranny, effectively paints a target on themselves.
And you've already said that a lot of the police are resigning.
How many, though?
I mean, obviously there's still enough law enforcement to crack down on the protesters, to show up at your house and other people's house and arrest them.
And, I mean...
Is it going to reach a point where more police officers quit?
Or is it never going to reach a threshold?
Because, I mean, if police officers keep quitting, they won't be able to enforce any of this.
They won't have a force left.
But do you think that threshold has been crossed?
Do you think that there's police that are still on the force that are going to quit in the future?
Or is it now to a boil down of, okay, the police that are left enjoy doing this for whatever reason.
They're not going to go anywhere.
Well, you say that the people of Australia and People on the social media sphere are talking about Nuremberg 2.0 trials in Australia.
As we know, Nuremberg was in 1946 where people who committed war crimes against the civilian populations were brought to trial.
Now, we in Australia, the civilians, the free civilians, Collating information, collecting information, recording these events, filming these events.
And we will not forget, you know, at the going down of the sun who will remember them.
The government can pretend to give us a freedom day today.
And it's all only temporary in my opinion and it's not really a freedom day.
It's more like a day of medical discrimination and the day of division where some people are allowed to go to the pub and have a beer and other people are, you know, they're not allowed.
It's illegal.
They've mandated these health passports now and they'll be checking those.
So there's nothing to celebrate in Australia at the moment.
The only thing we can look forward to is knowing that one day, hopefully, the people, the politicians that created these tyrannical laws, the politicians that ruined this great country, this lucky country of Australia, which was the best country in the world, they'll be brought before the courts.
We've had mass resignations.
The Premier of New South Wales, Gladys Berejiklian, resigned last week.
Uh, in a very scandalous manner, being investigated for corruption by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Her deputy then resigned a few days later.
Alright, we gotta take a break.
We gotta take a break here.
The Aussie Cossack is with us.
He's being politically persecuted right now.
Alright, we're back here with Simon Boykov, the Aussie Cossack as he's known.
Politically being persecuted for his free speech.
Arrested for his free speech.
And this is just what you can expect when you want to stand up against tyranny on the planet if we don't have victory now.
Because there's still room for victory now if we continue to resist.
And you know, I'm wondering what the dynamic is like over there.
As we're seeing all kinds of flights cancelled here because of people not wanting to take the forced injection, so there's no airline crews, so the flights are getting cancelled by the thousands.
Is it more of a, where would you say the balance is at as far as Australian citizens are concerned?
Is it the vaccinated pressuring the unvaccinated saying, hey, just take your vaccine so we can get back to normal, just take your vaccine so you can come to the pub with me, come on, just submit, just submit to the New World Order and everything will be fine.
Or do they stand with you in saying, hey, you have a choice to decide what medicine you take and we support you in that choice.
We don't believe that you should be discriminated from society because if you're unvaccinated in Australia, as you were explaining, you're basically a prisoner in your own country and you have no rights anymore, even though they declare it Freedom Day.
Yeah, absolutely, mate.
The vast majority of Australians who are vaccinated, they stand by the unvaccinated in supporting their freedom to choice, which is really great to see.
A lot of people that have taken the vaccine haven't taken it because they wanted it.
They've taken it because they were forced to, because they had no choice, because it was a matter of basically life or death.
They were forced by the government.
Basically, they couldn't put food on the table.
They would be stood down from work, sacked, unable to visit friends, family, even unable
to visit medical facilities.
We've heard reports of medical centers, doctors who refuse to accept patients who do not have
a vaccine passport, shopping centers, food outlets not allowing people in unless they
can prove that they've been vaxxed.
And there is a small minority of people who are vaccinated who actually have this militant
hate towards those who are unvaccinated.
And it's very hard to explain.
And it's, you know, those people who have exemptions from masks sometimes are on the
receiving end of this hate from people who, you know, are obsessed with that.
It's almost like a cult, the vaccine cult.
Now they get their first jab, their second jab.
Now they're going to get their third jab.
They're going to get booster shots for the rest of their lives.
And they have this anger to those people who haven't submitted to this program.
And there's this hate.
But generally speaking, in general terms, I think there's a lot of Australians who've taken their first shot Uh, and they've taken it with great regret, and they've got guilt about it.
They feel, you know, really uneasy, uncomfortable.
You know, they understand that they were forced.
Uh, and there are situations where the breadwinner of the family, for example, the father or the mother, has taken the shot, but she's protected her children and not given it to them.
So it's really a concerning situation and of course now that we have a situation where society is openly divided, where people are not allowed to visit restaurants, cafes, supermarkets without showing proof of the vaccine, we can only expect that things will get worse.
And this is not Freedom Day, this is the beginning of a very, very dark and scary time in Australia's history.
Now of course as we open up, as we open up society, we all know that COVID will spread.
We all know that the vaccine doesn't prevent the spread of COVID, doesn't make people immune, right?
So COVID will spread and as COVID spreads, as the numbers skyrocket in Australia,
in New South Wales, in Queensland, in New South Wales and Victoria,
in the States of Australia, I predict that the vaccinated and the mainstream media
will be fueling this fire, will turn against those, the 20% or so,
the minority who have refused the vaccination.
And they will be blamed, they'll be victimized, vindicated and possibly even rounded up,
forcefully inoculated and put into camps.
We know that there are big camps being built outside the major cities to house,
officially, who knows who they're gonna house, but we can suspect that there will be housing
political dissidents or those people who disagree with government health orders.
The situation in Australia is very worrying and why Americans should be concerned and the rest of the world is because this is an experiment.
They're seeing how much can they get away with.
Australian people are very laid back.
They've got this she'll be right attitude and Aussies, you know, are not the people that want to start a fight or pick a fight or generally protest.
That's why they've chosen Australia as a place to push the button, to push how far can they get away with it before they start using this experiment on other countries such as the United States.
So definitely United States, don't give up your guns, don't give up your rights, fight for your freedom and can I say thank you to all the people from the United States who are protesting in support of Aussies, in support of Australians and we can see that from here, we can see the United States in the New York outside the Australian consulate There are freedom protests, peaceful protests in support of the Australian population, likewise in London, in Poland, and in fact, while I was arrested last week,
While I was in the cell, the police station was actually overwhelmed and flooded by phone calls from the United States, from Canada, from Texas, from Poland, from the United Kingdom, demanding the release of the Aussie Cossack as a political prisoner.
So can I just say a huge thank you to all of those people out there that are protesting peacefully and applying, you know, very good strategic and peaceful political pressure On the dictatorship which is unfolding in Australia, which is taking hold.
Without your help, we're pretty much by ourselves here.
It's a question of, will we win?
If we win, then I'm sure that the Americans and the British and the rest of the world will have a better chance.
If we lose in Australia and we capitulate to this new world order, well, it's going to spread and it's going to, you know, all I can say, as I say to many people, you're next.
Well that's the perfect segue because that's what I was going to ask is what is next?
What is next for you?
You're a political prisoner in your home country.
You're a second class citizen if you don't get the vaccine.
So what is next for Australia?
What is next for the Aussie Cossack?
Well for me personally, I don't mind.
I've signed up for this.
It's the life I've chosen and I'll continue fighting.
We're looking at political solutions.
We're teaming up with a very influential businessman and political personality by the name of Clive Palmer.
He backs a party called the United Australia Party, which Craig Kelly is in charge of.
We think we have a real good chance at the next election to make a difference.
The people are not going to vote for Liberal Party or Labour Party anymore.
The people are sick of the mainstream parties.
The people want to break the backbone of this duopoly of these two major parties who basically have joined forces to vote in all sorts of laws and mandates against their own population.
So in the political sense we do have a very good chance as long as the elections aren't rigged and who knows they might say because of COVID there won't be any votes there'll be electronic voting and you know with the identify and disrupt bill the new surveillance bills the laws that they've brought in they can alter any information that's online and I wouldn't be surprised if they altered the results of voting.
In fact in Australia for the last 10 years we haven't elected a Prime Minister.
We've had Prime Ministers that get sacked and resigned and through you know inner party intrigue Within themselves, the politicians just appoint their own mates.
For example, New South Wales at the moment.
We've got a Premier who's just stepped into power.
He was not elected by the people.
Gladys Berejiklian, the predecessor, she resigned on the back of corruption allegations and they basically got together and appointed their own bloke.
36 people voted for him.
36 people vote for a Premier who's supposed to represent the whole state of New South Wales.
Where is the democracy?
I mean, if Vladimir Putin was doing this, or Alexander Lukashenko, or Gaddafi, or North Korea was doing this, the Australian government would point the finger and say, that's outrageous.
How dare you do that?
How dare you appoint your own leaders without having elections?
Well, it's the pot calling the kettle black.
We're going to break here, but we salute you folks.
Follow him on YouTube, Aussie Cossack.
Patreon.com slash Autry Cossack.
We salute you, Simon.
Keep up the good fight.
You have our thoughts, you have our prayers, you have our support from the United States of America.
Australia deserves to be free.
We'll have it all for you tomorrow on the Alex Jones Show, including more information on these flights being shut down.
But I got all this news in front of me right here that I want to cover, and we also have Alex Jones coming up in the next segment.
So let me do a news blitz here and just try to get all this news off my desk.
As we catapult into next week, where I think the story of the vaccine mandate walkouts is going to become undeniable.
The mainstream media has been trying to deny it and cover it up, just like they were about the cargo ships waiting off coast.
Now that's mainstream news, they have to admit it.
Same thing's going to happen with these walkouts.
And you're going to see just disastrous images coming from airports where Southwest Airlines and others are lying to their people, or their Customers saying, oh no, no, we're gonna have your plane, we're gonna have your plane, there's no walkout, there's nothing happening, and then more and more people are walking out, and they have no flights, so there's people stranded at airports, sleeping on the ground, it's just a total chaotic scene.
We'll have more on that tomorrow, and maybe more on this too, just because I have to drive through it right now.
Judicial Watch.
New FDA records show purchases of fetal organs, heads, and tissue for humanized mice project.
So this came out actually last month and I didn't see it until this month.
But this is just wild stuff.
And it's the same thing that they were saying they weren't doing was buying or selling baby parts.
Oh yes they are!
Yes they are!
They're buying and selling baby parts.
You want to know what the whole abortion thing is really about folks?
It's about selling baby parts.
It's about population control, and it's about profit.
Selling baby parts.
Control the population, too many humans, kill your baby, and then there's a nice satanic energy of killing your offspring, too.
And then they sell the baby parts.
That's why they're so mad at the Texas abortion law, too.
Because, hey, you know, that baby could grow into a perfectly sellable fetus!
That could grow into a perfectly sellable baby skull!
I mean, they have it all in here.
An intact Calvanium baby skull, 8-24 weeks, sells for $515.
Hell yeah, baby!
Buying up those babies we chopped up.
We're chopping up babies and selling them for profit, baby!
That's what we do!
That's what we like!
Oh, abort that, baby!
Oh yeah, it's all about female empowerment.
Yes, kill your kid.
Forsaken, as we sell the body parts for profit.
Oh, that's a nice baby you got there.
Tell you what, you know there's too many people on this planet, right?
Yeah, I think you ought to let me chop it up.
Yeah, you don't want to deal with the burden of that child, do you now, little girlie?
No, no you don't.
So let me just purge you of that little inconvenience we call a baby there.
We don't want that baby causing climate change now, do we?
Think about you!
You could be free the rest of your life!
Free of that petulant child!
That pesky nuisance you call a baby!
Let me... Let me go ahead and chop it up for ya.
We'll chop it up.
We'll put it on the meat block.
Chop off a leg.
Chop off a head.
Get maybe the livers ready to sell.
We'll sell your baby for a nice profit.
And you'll be free of that pesky nuisance called a child.
Yeah, that's what abortion's really all about.
Fauci spent more than $61 million funding research with aborted baby parts.
I'm not just selling those baby parts for profit.
I'm giving it over to mad scientists like Anthony Fauci.
Just absolutely sick.
By the way, new numbers out of England.
And it's the same thing we've seen everywhere.
70% of COVID and or Delta deaths, 70% are fully vaccinated.
are fully vaccinated. 70% are fully vaccinated. And it's the vaccinated
people that are causing the spread of the vaccine variant to the unvaccinated
people and killing them too.
So the vaccinated people are killing themselves and others.
And that's why people are shutting down this vaccine program.
Nordic countries are restricting the use of Moderna's COVID vaccine.
Here's why.
It's killing people.
Fauci warns vaccinated people to wear masks outside this winter.
Because, you know, the vaccine doesn't work.
That old bag.
Joy Behar, who is maybe the dumbest person on TV.
She's highly competitive for that title.
Joy Behar says black people shouldn't be scared of the COVID vaccine anymore because white people were the experiment.
And so she thinks she's so genius.
By the way, this is the same Joy Behar that did blackface, but I'll come to that in a second.
She thinks she's so genius because I guess Joy Behar can read and maybe talk enough to be on TV and talk to black people and they say, yeah, haven't you heard of the Tuskegee experiment?
I'm not getting an experimental vaccine.
And so Joy Behar thinks she's a genius.
She says, oh, it's white people getting tested with a vaccine because it's white people that are getting the vaccine.
So she's like, look, it's mostly white people that are taking the vaccine and everybody's fine.
So we tested it on white people, but they didn't say they were testing it.
They just rolled it out.
They didn't say, oh, we're testing this vaccine, but Joy Behar, without even realizing it, admits that the vaccine is an experiment.
She's not the brightest person.
And so, of course, her cast, oh, a fully vaccinated cast, vaxxed up the wazoo, to quote Behar.
Oh, and they still got COVID.
And then, oh wait, oh, they didn't get COVID.
It was a false test.
Oh, nobody knows.
And I found this funny tying it into Joy Behar.
It's just the nonsense of the loony left, the loony tunes left.
Three weeks ago, my professor played a blackface video without any warning or discussion.
Oh my gosh, oh.
Oh, it's so traumatizing.
In the weeks since, my university has struggled to respond.
Well, I mean, what are you going to do?
He showed blackface on the screen!
Oh God!
Was it Joy Behar?
Was it Justin Trudeau?
Was it Ralph Northam?
I'm not sure because I see them on TV all the time.
And I don't see the public outrage, but I digress.
MP unleashes on government for trying to silence him when mentioning ivermectin.
No, Big Pharma runs the planet, they chop up babies, they sell up the body parts, they experiment with vaccines worldwide, and they don't want ivermectin out there because then they don't have their emergency use authorization for these experimental vaccines when there's a perfectly viable treatment, ivermectin and many other things available.
That's the criminal endeavor on that front.
But again, Fauci's being fully rejected.
So they put out a Fauci documentary, which is just really a comedy piece, if you can stomach it.
You have to look at it as just unintentional humor.
But you go to all the online sources for it, like YouTube and others, and it's getting, I mean, just on this graphic here, 92,000 dislikes, only 7,000 likes.
So the man is severely unpopular.
And then you had the And then you had the Rotten Tomatoes, which is a, it's the worst movie review website ever, but for whatever reason it's the most popular, I guess, or so they say.
Oh, it's up to 98,000 dislikes.
Let's get that to 100,000, just for fun.
It'll be there by tomorrow.
Oh, but Rotten Tomatoes won't let the audience review the Fauci documentary.
Isn't that funny?
They won't let the audience review.
Well, I wonder why that could be.
Anyone want to take a guess?
Anybody in the class?
Want to take a guess?
Uh, yeah, because all the reviews came in of F. Fauci, and so they had to ban all the reviews.
By the way, Remember, the school shooter from last week got released on bail 24 hours, less than 24 hours, after he shot four people.
And he was released on bail, but yet there's still political prisoners being held without bail in this country.
And there are still people being treated much worse than a shooter.
And they say, oh, he was bullied, he got robbed.
Okay, that may be true, maybe his high school experience was brutal, and that's really sad to hear, but he shot four people, right?
And we just released him on bail.
That's how racist America is.
But hey, nobody gets to know about the police officer that got shot and killed on his day.
Dylan Harrison, first day on the job as a police officer.
Shot and killed.
Leaves behind a wife and six-month-old baby.
And you won't hear his name in the news.
A real hero.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Why does the power structure serve in full force?
Because we're mobilizing populists around the world, not just the United States, to recognize the cause of the disease, the cause of the moral decay, the cause of the mental illness, the cause of the collapsing borders, and the poverty, and the devaluation of the currency, and drag queen story time, and California passing a law that you can't have a boys and girls section.
They're attacking the basic biology of children.
They're attacking the basic biology of humans.
This isn't just some globalist operation that wants to depopulate the Earth so that we, quote, don't burn through resources.
This is a satanic system, a scientific tyranny that wants to play God, that wants to make humans commodities.
Right out of Philip K. Dick's new Android's Dream of Electric Sheep, which was then turned into, of course, the film Blade Runner.
More human than human, but it's not human.
It's anti-Christ.
It's anti-God.
It's anti the natural order of humans and all of our generations going back over thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
It is the direct attack on free will and it is the system now rolling out their animal-human hybrid clones and their new humanoid systems that they're developing and openly announcing on the news that they're going to say, don't just have rights.
But they're going to say, are endowed by their creator with even more rights than we have.
Because the trans is the superior.
Everyone must bow and make way.
Not just for the electric car.
Not just for the low flush toilet.
That's all just getting your acquiescence with something that sounds reasonable.
No, you must bow and hand your sons over to be chemically castrated.
You must hand your daughters over to the system to be properly formed into the globalist paradigm.
And so we can talk all day about the symptoms, but striking at the core, globalism, what
the major corporations are setting up and the fact that where they want to take us is
forced depopulation and that now we're here with the medical ID, with the world ID, with
the carbon tax, with the announcements of corporate rule.
Yes, there's a lot of really positive articles and a lot of big developments out there that are good.
But people are still fighting back against what they instinctively know to be taking their rights and oppressing them.
Instead of pointing out that globalism is about corporate fascism by the governments, working with the corporations who actually put the politicians into the government.
And so we try to change the governments and we try to, you know, blame the puppets, which is important.
But it's more importantly to understand who is installing these puppets and who is controlling these puppets or we have no future.
And I know all of you are not disagreeing with me right now.
What I'm saying is totally common sense.
You get it.
It's why you tune into this broadcast.
Because you're not just listeners.
You're not just an audience.
You are activists.
You understand what's happening.
You're pro-human.
And so now, how do we get our senators, our congressmen and women, and our state reps, and others, how do we get them to join us in this fight?
How do we get them to identify the fact that we're in a war?
Because if we cannot identify the fact that we're in a war, and know who runs that war, and know who our enemies are, and know what their goals are, and all we do is fight the symptoms of the disease, we're doomed.
And that's why they want InfoWars off the air, because they understand we've got their number.
We read the books they write.
We read the white papers.
And we're trying to get other people to get interested in how the world really works.
The globalists are almost in complete control of the planet.
They control the issuance of currency.
They're putting out their GMO crops.
They're putting out their GMO animals.
They're putting out their GMO chimeras.
And they are establishing a system where they're openly saying that their abominations That their creations are more human than human.
That their creations are better than us.
That's why they'll move heaven and earth for a quote man who now says he's a woman.
That's why they'll try to order female nurses to do gynecological examinations on men and say that a penis is a cervix.
Because if they could make you accept that, they could make you accept anything they want including a so-called vaccine that's not a vaccine, a so-called approved vaccine that wasn't approved.
And a vaccine, if you go to InfoWars.com, we have the illustrations from John Hopkins with their own data admitting that the highest hospitalizations, the highest illnesses, the highest deaths in the world are in all the countries that have done the highest levels of these injections.
So it's the same cult of a man is a woman, a woman is a man, up is down, down is up, and these shots are good for you.
CNN had a headline on Friday, oh, the shots don't work, but it's okay, there'll be new boosters that will.
than Israeli studies say that they make you sicker and do nothing but make you more susceptible
to other viruses.
This is evil hidden in plain view and the general public just cannot believe and get
their minds around the fact that it's actually happening.
And we're here walking people through historically how it's happened before and now a high tech
version of it is happening today.
And that's why it's so important and all you realize that you are the hope of humanity.
God working through you.
And if you don't share these articles in the videos, if you don't support the local stations,
if you don't tell strangers and neighbors and coworkers and friends and family that
the truth lives and that we're under attack and that it's a great reset, corporate planetary
takeover, a new type of war, we don't have a future.
And our children don't have a future.
It's going to become more evident in the months and years to come that this is the reality.
And you can decide now to get ready and be a leader in this fight, or you can decide to keep your head down and hope they pass over you.
But I'll assure you God's watching.
And I wouldn't want to be somebody that's awake to all this who doesn't take action against it.
And I sure wouldn't want to be those that know what's really going on and choose to join the enemy.
Because that is the ultimate sin.
To know God's real, to know the devil's real, and to willfully decide to join this spirit of destruction, this spirit of anti-human animus that's launching these attacks.
So, to the political prisoner we had on today and to everybody else that makes this broadcast possible, we salute you all.
The SOS that we've all heard from Australia is an SOS from the world.
It's an SOS from humanity to other humans for us to come together and organize against this evil.
Sunday Live is coming up here in just a few minutes.
I want to thank the crew for the amazing job.
I'm going to hand the baton back to Owen Schroer.
And Lord willing, we'll see you back tomorrow as well at 8 a.m.
with American Journal, 11 a.m.
with The Alex Jones Show, 3 p.m.
with The War Room with Owen Schroer, and more.
And never forget, if you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the resistance.
We are in a war.
Identifying that war is key.
Now let's get out there and identify the war so people know what's hitting them during this great reset and the shortages that are coming.
All right, thank you, Alex.
Let me finish up the Alex Jones transmission on this Sunday with a couple news headlines, then Harrison Smith hosting Sunday Night Live.
This just shows you, first of all, the immaturity of an individual like Jim Acosta, but also the cult mind think of this political group.
Jim Acosta whines at Andrew Yang for going on bad person Tucker Carlson show, and actually says he's a bad person, Tucker Carlson.
I don't know anything about Tucker Carlson that would deem him a bad person, but see, Andrew Yang left the Democrat Party so that angers the cult.
When you leave the cult, the cult gets mad.
And so Yang left the Democrat Party cult and now Jim Acosta is seething about it.
The Democrats are seething about it because they're in a cult.
They're now admitting what InfoWars actually reported years ago.
Adam Schiff claims Robert Mueller suffering from heartbreaking cognitive decline.
No, folks, he was already like that.
That's why Mueller was like the president of the Democrat Party at the outset of the Trump presidency, just like Biden was, or is the president now.
They chose a daunting old fool that doesn't have his mental capacities or faculties to be their leader because it's the easiest puppet.
It's the Manchurian candidate.
So it was Mueller then, it's Biden now, but now they're admitting that Mueller was suffering from cognitive decline the whole time.
Ah, they didn't want to tell you at the time, though.
But now they admit it.
Other news you're probably not hearing about.
Mexican cartel fires upon U.S.
National Guard with machine guns from across the border.
Yeah, machine gun fire into the U.S.
from the Mexican cartel.
But the border's fine, nothing to see here.
Kamala Harris is in charge.
Illegal immigrant trafficker warns Americans.
We're leaving from Tapachula.
We are ready for war.
Well yeah, the war's already on against America.
Biden has launched it.
He's running the whole show.
He called for the invasion.
MSNBC airs TikToks of illegal immigrants.
MSNBC airs videos of illegal immigrants and human smugglers bragging about how they were crossing the U.S.
Yeah, it's all a big joke.
It's all a game.
There is no border.
America is run by criminals, and so criminals are pouring over the southern border right now.
Berlin police investigating Havana Syndrome cases at U.S.
So that phenomenon continues.
And the left wants your kids to be strippers!
Kids pull, too!
Whole sport competitions for ages 6 and up and 7 to 12.
Give your little girl a chance to dance like a stripper.
So that's nice.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, Harrison Smith coming up with Sunday Night Live.
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(dramatic music)
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Whatever you do, fight back and don't roll over to Fauci.
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