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Name: 20211004_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 4, 2021
2791 lines.

The video discusses various topics related to COVID-19, including theories about its origins, effects of vaccines, healthcare worker experiences, and efforts to establish a global control system through vaccines and viruses. It mentions the role of Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab in these conspiracies. The video also covers Facebook outage, vaccine rollout issues, and the release of BioDrain Pro as a solution for maintaining healthy plumbing systems.

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I know exactly what's going to happen.
I know exactly what's going to unfold.
I know exactly how the globalists are going to carry all this out because I have the publications and the books and the reports they put out on their corporate-run UN World Government Power Grant.
Can we put the show headline up, please, for today's show from InfoWars.com?
And then I'm looking for the book.
Oh, here it is.
COVID-19 and the Great Reset.
I don't like Klaus Schwab.
I'm not advertising his book, but this was out a month after the COVID crisis began.
It was already pre-written and it was already pre-planned.
I'm going to talk about it here right now, but please put that headline back up.
Red alert!
The globalist collapse has now begun.
Watch live.
The corporate-controlled, UN-directed Great Reset is here.
This is economic warfare.
This is World War III.
Let me say that again for Rand Paul and all the other senators that are halfway awake, who do a great job on the topics they cover, but they never address this.
The corporate-controlled, UN-directed Great Reset is here.
This is economic warfare.
This is World War Three.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, October 4th, 2021.
It's Monday, October 4th, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And InfoWars has always been the canary in the coal mine.
For when you know Infowars is in trouble, you know the country is on its knees and willfully sticking its head into the chopping block of the guillotine.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Well, we've been at the top of Twitter all weekend since last Thursday.
The end of Alex Jones!
Jury finds Jones guilty of defamation, must pay!
Nobody knows Adam Lanza's name, the man that they say killed those children at Sandy Hook, the young drug addict, devil worshiper.
People don't know his name.
They know my name, though.
Because the corporate media constantly attaches me to a shooting that happened almost 10 years ago and that I did question as my right as American because so much stuff has been staged.
And I knew from day one when they started suing me three and a half years ago, and I told lawyers, and I said, they want a default judgment.
They can't bring me into court with a jury, and then find out what they say I did, I didn't do, and they're playing edited tapes on TV, plus I have free speech.
They said, oh no, that'll never happen.
So they kept saying, give us everything, give us everything, give us everything, for three years.
And it was never enough.
And lawyers from across the country said, no one's ever turned over this much stuff.
All our bank records, everything.
Hundreds of thousands of documents.
And the national news.
He gave no documents.
He gave nothing.
He's default judgment.
That's only the tip of the iceberg, ladies and gentlemen, of what they're doing behind the scenes to go after us.
But yeah, I've got stacks of news here from this controlled corporate press where they don't tell you that a judge says, a Democrat judge that just got elected in Texas, same one trying to block the Pro-life bill that's law.
She doesn't have that power as a county judge to do it, but she's trying.
And she took the case over from the last judge that just retired, and at the second hearing, said you didn't give him anything.
And Mr. Jones, you said this is a kangaroo trial on your show, she said in the ruling a month ago.
The exact quote was, you said, this is a show trial.
Well, I said when she said a month ago, now five weeks ago at a hearing, the second hearing, that I think I'm going to default you because you haven't given any evidence because the other lawyer said we hadn't.
Didn't matter what the proof was or the record or the depositions or all of it.
I said, well, I guess it's a show trial because she's saying we didn't give many evidence.
She knows that's not true.
She was given all that at the first hearing.
So of course it's a show trial.
I mean, it's not a trial at all.
It's a judge.
It's not even kangaroos that are in the jury box.
The old joke, yeah, they supposedly have jury trials in Australia, but they pack it with people so stupid they might as well be kangaroos.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it just ties into all the other incredible news.
As thousands of ships are off the West Coast, and there's no one even to get the product off of them, As the supply chain around the world breaks down, as our borders get flooded, as China now has aircraft carriers off the coast of Taiwan threatening to invade today, that's in the news, and you have the federal government funding white people or genetically defective descendants of albino mutants, says Black History Month website, with official federal funding.
I mean, it's just total division, total balkanization, absolute complete divide and conquer.
And then on the COVID-19 front, we'll cover this when we come back, Fauci says people have to give up what you consider to be your individual rights.
He said that.
I've got that quote for you.
It's a big broadcast today and so much breaking news.
And yes, any day here on air could be our last broadcast.
I'll tell you about that coming up as well.
Very serious times.
This is a very, very serious time to be alive right now.
World War III has begun.
I'll break it down when we come back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide a defiance of tyranny and the globalist worldwide satanic pedophile network that is now swallowing up the planet using the COVID-19 they launched, medical tyranny.
It is Monday, October 4th, 2021.
Thank you so much for joining us.
All right, we have an incredible transmission lined up for you.
We have Fauci, the man that cooked up the bioweapon in the Wuhan lab on record that lied to Congress, coming out and saying, quote, you have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decisions.
That's a quote.
We're going to be playing that here in just a few minutes.
We also have in Australia, People walking out of a grocery store or out of a gas station with a bag of food and trying to gas their car with police with riot shields beating them because the store reported they did not have their vaccine passport.
So this is what's coming here.
This is all the UN model.
This is absolute martial law with the excuse of, oh, it's a virus we're keeping you safe from.
Yes, sure, that's coming up.
We have the ranking Democrat on the Budget Committee saying, quote, the federal government can spend anything it wants and there is unlimited money and, quote, can afford anything.
So absolute total gaslighting on that front.
It's now over 100,000 Haitians marching this way to the Texas border.
50-plus thousand have already come in.
Eighty percent of those are released.
The caravan was 80,000 reported by Mexico on On Friday, now it's 100,000 so they can just smash right through the border patrol.
They don't need to, they're just going to be brought into the country.
All of that is coming up and more.
China's got aircraft carriers off the coast of Taiwan threatening to invade.
They've done over 70 missions or sorties into their airspace.
They're threatening to invade.
And really the biggest news though, the overarching news is the globalists have triggered The World Wide Collapse.
We're already in the middle of it.
They're accelerating money printing to a trillion dollars a month.
It'll be a trillion dollars a week.
They're now admitting like Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic within the next year.
And they're giving themselves all the money up front to buy real assets.
They pass the debt and the devaluation.
And the inflation on to you.
So people ask, how is InfoWars handling all the attacks and all the lies?
I mean, I'm in this with you.
You're under attack.
I just focus on this.
I report on this and I try to expose those behind it, hoping governors and legislatures and good people in Congress are still there, wake up to the full magnitude of what this is, a foreign multinational economic warfare takeover.
So CNN has a big article out, there's a bunch of these, saying that America deserved to collapse, and that America didn't take all its shots, and that's why you're not gonna have any products for Christmas, or the food prices are gonna be more, and the factories are breaking down, and there's not gonna be enough fuel like Europe, and the electricity's gonna be going off, all because you didn't take your shots.
They say, we tried to save you from COVID, But you didn't do a good job, read the article, and so now.
No, it's not the COVID lockdowns that did this, destroying the worldwide supply chains that are still in place in Africa and Latin America.
No, no, no, no.
It's not the 20-plus million that starved to death.
Another tens of millions have already starved to death, but the numbers aren't out this year yet.
That's last year's numbers.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
It's the American people's fault.
China did a great job with COVID.
That's right, cooking it up with Fauci and releasing it.
But we did a bad job, Bill Gates all told us.
This is the Great Reset.
This is economic war.
It's how they take you over.
It's clouded and pivoted.
They can't beat capitalism.
They can't beat even corrupt versions of capitalism.
Or even with a system where 20% is capitalism.
Because it produces so much wealth and so much...
Prosperity that socialism and communism and fascism cannot compete.
And so they have to wreck it and destroy it and then blame America and free market capitalism for it when the big mega banks consolidate the control of the world ID and the world social credit score.
And you see, InfoWars has to be taken off the air during this time because everything we're talking about is coming true.
When Glenn Beck wakes up that Alex Jones was right, and when Steven Crowder says, wow, Alex Jones was right, and he's been a listener a long time, and Tucker Carlson says, wow, Alex Jones is right, and Joe Rogan says, wow, Alex Jones is right, they don't adopt my worldview.
They fully wake up to the globalist blueprint, and they could go read The Great Reset, or they could go read Operation Lockstep, or they could go read the CDC's own website about Operation Shield in Place for the FEMA camps in America, and they go, whoa, this is really a takeover.
In fact, I saw an email by a listener when I was on, Steven Crowder last week, and he commented on the YouTube video.
Tom from Detroit, Michigan said, back in the 80s when I read the book of Revelation, I wondered how this could possibly happen to civilized societies in the future.
How could the powers that be convince countries and governments and its citizens to enslave itself to a focused dictatorship like the Bible was describing?
Like these guys on the show said, now it's making sense.
That's what Steven Crowder said.
He said, man, this is making sense now.
Yeah, it is making sense.
Whether you think God's real, the devil's real, this is happening.
And so they've definitely adopted this blueprint.
It's a very serious situation, so that's all coming up.
But for every attack you see on InfoWars, you understand that's an attack on you, the infrastructure.
I mean, this announcement, We'll cover next segment that you don't have juries anymore and that you know suits against Rachel Maddow get thrown out when she says things way more you know defamatory than I've said or that's all okay because she has free speech but I don't.
You see Tucker Carlson won't have free speech and others won't have free speech under this model and then the judges will simply say doesn't matter how much a discovery you give us on something that has nothing to do
with what this case is, we're just going to say you didn't and default you and say
you're guilty and owe money.
That's a violation of the Seventh Amendment on its face.
That guy's probably the Seventh Amendment police. But they're trying to get rid of jury
trials for criminal stuff as well.
So that's why you need to understand when I tell you that we need your financial support,
when I tell you that we're working with a lot of folks out there to make sure there's serious
redundancy and a lot of other things.
That takes money to fight this war.
And they realize they're losing that war, so they had to bypass the jury altogether.
But I need your financial support.
So I'm gonna tell you right now, you never know, this could be your last chance today to get an InfoWars t-shirt, or to get the other films, or to get high-quality, affordable food through the site, get the best deal you're gonna find, and preparewithalex.com.
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We have a very limited amount.
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Brain Force Ultra, still discounted.
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And your purchase funds this operation.
So get your RainForce Ultra.
Take it under the tongue.
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It is available right now at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
And again, the good, clean, pure, long energy, and it kicks in for me in about 15 minutes.
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And help us continue to fight on as long as we can.
I need your help right now.
You need these products.
So here we are, my friends, on this October 4th Monday transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very blessed and honored to be here during this critical time.
So the Great Reset is here.
It is a United Nations-directed, megacorporation-controlled takeover of society.
And they are issuing, through the central banks they control, unlimited currency out of all the countries of the world, giving it to themselves, while they shut down economies and shut down Main Street economies and farms and ranches and industries, they're also consolidating and buying up everything right now.
So I can tell you 90 plus percent, probably about 93 percent, it's over 90 percent of the 50 or so companies that supplied us with products that we sell, because you know they took our sponsors away years ago so we just direct sell products to you so we can keep this independent network on air.
Over 90 percent in the last year and a half with the great lockdown, the great reset, have sold.
And the big mega bank consortiums buying up these warehouses and these companies and these labs, particularly the supplements, aren't ever reopening them.
Or they come back and say, sorry, we're not going to make product for you.
Well, we've been making product with 10 years with you.
Doesn't matter.
And then you'll talk to the manager and say, hey, you know, talk to them and see if you'll, and then they fire the manager.
Two years ago, one of the most famous writers out there approached a major publisher about putting out a book about Alex Jones, The Secret History of the World.
You saw a scene in articles about it, and they went and got the famous publisher's manager fired for even proposing it.
So what you see being done to me, it's one thing to burn books, it's another thing to burn people that even talk about publishing a book.
Is to be done to everybody under the global social credit score.
And if you think slavery is bad now, wait till the bureaucracies and the systems have that over you.
So the whole future is going to be underground economies, us coming together, us realizing we're under global corporate siege.
And that hiding from it is what got us here.
Keeping our head down is what got us here.
And that people are going to learn very quickly that have been submitting to the system that they're not going to be protected.
By groveling and going along with it.
And so many people that have gone along with the corruption, they think that they're going to be protected just because they were useful idiots and went along with it as well.
They're going to be the first that lose everything they've got.
This follows an exact paradigm.
This follows an exact system.
So let me show you some of these news articles here we've got.
And again, this is a lot bigger than Alex Jones.
And I want to show TV viewers and radio listeners can pull this up.
An article out of the Associated Press.
It was supposed to be the most respected publication in the world from almost three years ago in 2019.
In June, two and a half years ago.
Father of Sandy Hook victim wins defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the host of the conspiracy-driven InfoWars website and wrote a book titled Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
Now, I didn't write a book called Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
I'm not in the book.
When we called the Wall Street Journal that also published this NAP, they said, go ahead and sue us, we're not going to retract it.
And then about a month later, they took away my perfect corporate credit rating because of this, saying I had lost a suit and used that to charge us more for credit card transactions and a bunch of other stuff.
That's just an example of true defamation.
The Associated Press says I lost a lawsuit for Jim Fetzer's book that I'm not in and I didn't write and I've not read.
My lawyer's read it and said I'm not in it.
Nothing against Jim Fetzer, but he thinks space beams blew up the World Trade Center.
And he's not liked me for a long time.
I know about Fetzer.
I'm not in his book, and I didn't write this.
So when you see that, remember when you then hear, I just lost a lawsuit, to look a little bit deeper.
Let's go through these right now for TV viewers and radio listeners.
But TV viewers can see these.
Sandy Hook, Alex Jones loses case over hoax remarks.
Loses case!
Mother Jones.
Alex Jones loses two more Sandy Hook cases.
Oh yeah, like each lawyer files like four or five.
All went to bankrupt us.
Mother Jones.
Alex Jones loses lawsuits over Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy.
ABC News.
Same folks told us there were WMDs in Iraq.
InfoWars founder Jones, who claims Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, loses defamation cases.
Did I lose them?
CNN, InfoWars host Alex Jones is responsible for damages triggered by his false claims on the Sandy Hook shooting.
Judge rules!
Oh, CNN's a little more honest.
Judge rules!
Washington Post, Alex Jones and pro-Trump conspiracy theorists face legal consequences.
Yeah, we're out talking and challenging elections and stuff.
We shouldn't be doing that.
I wonder with Mike Lindell if they'll just default him and let him have a jury trial.
Raw story.
Now let's start being more honest here.
Alex Jones fumes after Judge rules he must pay for his Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.
But not after a jury trial in violation of the 7th Amendment.
She lies.
Which is a clear lie!
And then she goes, and he says, this is a show trial.
Well, I did say that a month ago when she announced, I'm probably going to default you.
You've given us nothing.
81,000 pages, two depositions with myself and my whole crew because we don't have what you claim we have.
The battle plan to say Sandy Hook was a hoax because it'd make us so famous when it was something I barely covered nine years ago.
Imagine they say, give me the smoking gun.
I don't have the smoking gun, but okay, you don't get a jury trial then, because we have no case.
Alex Jones was in Sandy Hook defamation suits with rare death penalty sanction.
Gizmodo actually updated it and got it right.
But I didn't lose the suit, because you can't do it under the 7th Amendment.
Default judgments are if somebody runs out of the country or doesn't show up to the event, not if somebody sits there and gives them all the information.
Total abuse of power, judicial tyranny, Judicial activism.
And this judge is known, she just got elected a year ago as a former CPS lawyer.
She is known as a absolute... I mean the things that the Democrat lawyers and everybody say about her, I'm not going to repeat here, but I mean it's...
It's all Soros.
I mean, Soros put the DA in here.
He funded her.
Through these PACs.
I mean, it's Soros, folks.
Soros is doing this to me.
He said, do it to you, too.
If he can silence us.
So, it just goes on.
Sandy Hook, parents of two slain children win defamation case against Alex Jones in Texas.
That's the Connecticut Post.
Not true!
They didn't win the case.
I need to have a case.
Judge issues default judgment against Alex Jones.
So some of the places get it right.
Even the New York Times did.
Alex Jones loses by default.
That's true.
But it's unprecedented how this is all working.
And Mike Cernovich makes a great point we'll cover when we come back.
And this is important, folks, to everybody's free speech.
That if this can happen with me, and that's what the Democrats say, it's going to happen with everybody else that's Christian or conservative or nationalist, and it's going to happen to Fox News.
So Fox News put briefs in against Jesse Ventura when he won his lawsuit against Chris Kyle.
But then the higher court struck it down saying it would shut down all the media if this happened.
So they can all say what they want, but then they can misrepresent what I've said Get all the information about my company to try to shut it down.
That's what they really did.
And then say, oh, now you're default after you gave us way beyond what anybody ever has.
We'll just lie now and say you didn't and then default you.
And this is just all par for the course with the criminal activity by the Democratic Party.
I mean, they are mad dogs going nuts.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, I got to tell you, I'm extremely excited on the edge of my seat here.
I jump out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed every morning at 5 a.m., and I sleep through the night.
It's just an amazing evening.
Every night when I lay my little head down, because I was born for this, and so were you.
We are living in a historical moment, and you are going to see evil take over, and then you're going to see humanity awaken, and you're going to see the cycle continue on.
But this is going to be the most explosive.
Changing of the guard, turning of the tide, the world's ever seen.
All the evil you're seeing is an attempt by the corrupt, dying system to keep itself in place.
So let me just recap this top story that ties into everything and then I'm going to explain why they're doing all this.
But the borders are collapsed.
They've got pedophiles everywhere openly teaching whatever they want in schools.
Our own Christy Lee, Has moved here from California as a reporter.
She does her own independent work, but also does work with us.
She thought, I wonder if that book that people are talking about that Joe Rogan talked about and others, where it shows pedophilia and says it's a good thing, is in my son's eighth grade class.
And sure as hell it was.
I'm going to be talking about that some coming up next segment.
But that's where we are.
And then you wake up and hey, there's no due process.
You don't get a jury.
A judge just says, You're defaulted.
You're guilty.
You owe these people money.
And the legal community says we've never seen anything like this.
And my lawyers that turned everything over and more that no one ever do, they said, this is bizarre.
This is unbelievable.
They've never seen it.
Norm Pattis is a very famous lawyer, been practicing 40 years.
I mean, he's the top in his field.
He's one of the top lawyers in the country.
He represents the top lawyers in the country, like Jerry Spence and people, and he just says, it's the end of the country.
We've never seen it before.
He knows what was turned over.
And then when you see a judge sit there and say, you gave us nothing.
I'm going to do this to you.
It doesn't hurt you.
It hurts the whole nation.
And you know how much trouble you're in.
So here's an example of what they've been doing.
Associated Press.
June 18, 2019 says father of Sandy Hook victim wins defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones.
You never hear me talk about Sandy Hook, do you?
Barely talked about it nine years ago.
Hillary chose it to make it the big issue to go after Alex Jones to set me in the First Amendment against children.
Just like they set children against the Second Amendment to get it.
So it's get rid of the First Amendment via Sandy Hook and get rid of the Second as well.
The same law firm suing me is the one that sued Remington into bankruptcy.
And I guess because Remington knew they wouldn't get a fair court hearing or whatever, they just declared bankruptcy.
I guess they're smarter than I am.
I'm like, well, surely if we give them everything, even well beyond what anybody's ever done, even though it has nothing to do with this case, they'll be able to default us.
But they did.
And because they get so much news attention when they do it, they'll probably file 10 more suits and then have those defaulted.
And then 10 more.
I mean, they filed like nine of them.
Nine of them.
Why do you do that?
Well, see, it never explains that in the news.
So you just constantly have it in the news.
Constantly say, and in each suit, oh, give us all the same stuff again.
Give us more, give us more, give us more, give us more.
That's how it operates.
And the judges play along.
It's the media, and the judges, and the lawyers, and Bloomberg who's financing all of it.
Mike Bloomberg, along with Soros, knows he'll shut up Americans.
He'll get our First Amendment and our Second.
He's doing a damn good job.
So they had an article saying Alex Jones loses suit for writing a book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
And we call AP up and have a law firm send him a letter?
I mean, a big lawyer.
Norm Pattis is a big, famous lawyer.
They just said, go ahead and sue.
Okay, so I didn't write that book.
I didn't lose that suit.
It created the thing that I'm guilty.
That's why I was up at the Blaze doing shows and I had two different hosts ask me, hey, so you lost those Sandy Hook suits.
This is last week before this happened.
And I said, no, they just said that to create that illusion.
Fake news.
But I said, I will.
They're going to default me very soon.
And they did that.
I was walking out of the building when I just told somebody that.
And I get the phone call that it happened Thursday.
I was telling Elijah Schaefer that.
And Savannah Hernandez walking out of the Blaze, beautiful complex, former NBC News headquarters.
And I'm, I think I'm going from memory.
And I'm walking out of there and I get the news.
So you see how that works?
Because I remember when I was being deposed by some of their lawyers, they go, you don't take this serious, do you, Mr. Jones?
You don't know we're going to win this and take everything you got.
And I didn't say anything to them because I don't speak to them when they're speaking to me in the hallway.
Cause they'll twist it or something, but I walked out and told my lawyer, I said, you know, they're going to do a default.
This is all rigged.
Oh, come on.
That's not true.
I said, yeah, it is.
They're like, well, you're in a good mood.
And I said, I expect all this.
I understand.
It's like two years ago.
I said, I expect all this.
When I know this, you see, so I'm, I'm happy for me.
I've made the right decisions in life.
I fought the globalists.
I didn't back down.
You kept us on air.
I appreciate all you and I love you and I thank you.
Because this is where I want to be, fighting these people.
We're all going to figure out very soon, it's already happening, the global collapse has already been initiated, I'll cover it in the next segment, that it's about getting right with God and about who we are and what we stand for.
Not what ABC News and NBC says about us.
It's a badge of honor to have the media bought and paid for by the globalists that occupy this country, that is the true enemy of the people, in a criminal corporate takeover of our nation.
To hate me and to say I'm the worst guy in the world.
That is a badge of honor.
Because you're going to figure out you're the one that's the target, not just me.
They're coming after all of you right now.
But again, a lot of news got it right.
Oh, very unusual death penalty sanction.
A judge says he's guilty and now will tell the jury how much money to give.
That's not just guilty until proven innocent.
That's you're guilty, period.
But see, behind the scenes, they've done far worse things that for strategic reasons, I'm not going to say.
To my family, to my loved ones, to people I know.
I mean, folks.
Look, let's just say some people in my family ended up dead just to give me a message and I didn't back down.
So, this stuff is nothing but like a fly bite me on the ass compared to a bull trying to gore me.
And they've already got me.
They already hurt me bad a bunch, okay?
That's okay.
Because I don't serve Satan like they do.
I'm not a giggling, evil, wicked, demonic person.
I'm with God, and that's all I want.
That's the victories, that decision.
Stop fearing them.
And that's where we are.
Look at the 7th Amendment, just in case you're tuning in.
And you're thinking, oh well, it's okay to have a judge say you're guilty.
No, not unless you allow a judge to try.
You can give away your 7th Amendment right, but you cannot do it.
This is from the 7th Amendment.
Might have heard of it.
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed $20, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States.
Well, hell, the judge up front examined it and said, I decide you're guilty, no jury.
So that's a total violation.
Then according to the rules of common law, which goes back to Martin Magna Carta 1215, Total violation of that, and it violates the Sixth Amendment as well.
Now, that's your rights being stolen.
That's your birthright being stolen, along with me.
So yeah, I'm bleeding.
And the ones doing it to me are bleeding even worse.
They're stabbing themselves.
That's the thing about black magic, and I don't mean technical black magic, but you do evil and you get ahead at first, but it always comes back on you many-fold.
And I've experienced this myself.
I've done bad things to people when I was younger, and it came right back on me worse.
It's like instant karma with me.
I've seen it, I know it, and it's real.
It's a law of the universe.
So, you can hurt people out there in the universe, especially if your will's strong.
Just flat out hurt people with your will.
Your intention is that strong.
And it'll come back on you at least seven times worse, like the Bible says.
And that's just real black magic.
Then you've got the temporal world, the legal system, the medical system, and we're caught in a legal and medical system vice grip, a pincer attack like a scorpion that's got us held, that's destroying us with those two corrupt guilds that are just running wild.
And so America is in the process of being looted and absorbed and bankrupted right now They're going to have to use a race war to try to cover that all up, what they've done.
And I would just tell you, get ready and dig in, because this country is going under judgment.
All right, we'll be right back with the design collapse and where that's going to go next.
President Biden was never cut out to be president.
Make the case for why a revolution is not what the country needs or wants.
We have problems we have to solve now.
Now, what's a revolution going to do?
Disrupt everything in the meantime?
A real president knows how to lead.
Permission to leave.
I haven't checked your notice.
Thank you again.
I'll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I'm gonna call on.
I'm sorry, I'm gonna, just the last question I'll take, and I'm really gonna be in trouble.
And as the leader of a splintering party attempting to force through a proto-socialist, economy-killing, five trillion dollar behemoth reconciliation bill... We're gonna get this done.
It doesn't matter when.
It doesn't matter whether it's in six minutes, six days, or six weeks.
We're going to get it done.
It might help Biden's cause if he wasn't M.I.A.
24-7 and could actually bring his barnyard of crazed anti-Americans together.
We have Senator Manchin and Sinema who refuse to support certain programs for working families.
For you, what is non-negotiable?
You know, I think some of the climate provisions that we have, we cannot afford to increase carbon or just fossil fuel emissions at this time.
Can you vote for a bill that has the Hyde Amendment in it?
But the Hyde Amendment is something that the majority of the country does not support.
One in four women have had an abortion and need to have reproductive care in a very, very important time when those protections are being rolled back.
That is nobody's business.
It is our business as people that carry the babies.
I thought Joe Biden went to the Hill on Friday to try to get that bipartisan infrastructure bill passed and instead he surrendered to the radical wing of his party and now you have this big government, socialism, reckless spending bill being basically used to hold hostage the things that the American people want, roads and bridges, highways, all of those things.
Now we're at a point where the president is weak and really Bernie Sanders, the far-left Democrats are driving the bus, and Joe Biden is just along for the ride.
It's incredibly toxic right now.
I had a chief of staffer, a moderate, the House Democrat, say, you know, the White House legislative affairs operation.
It's just, you know, they don't know what they're doing.
You know, so there's a big problem there.
There's a lot of big problems.
It's the death of 2020 Joe Biden.
When he went to the Hill, 2020 Joe Biden is now officially dead and buried.
The guy who ran against the progressives, ran against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, ran to be a uniter in this country, ran saying he was going to force compromise, and he went up to Capitol Hill and he capitulated to the progressives, the liberals, and his party.
And why should we be surprised?
He couldn't stand up to the Taliban.
How could we expect him to stand up to AOC?
Now the Chinese dictator is told his military to prepare for war and China's official Global Times newspaper today was absolutely chilling.
It said China's military, the PLA, had carried out wide-ranged operations near Taiwan to familiarise itself.
With battlefield conditions.
And as China makes its move on Taiwan in the face of an entirely incompetent bumbler-in-chief, the world is changing.
The Democrats' high ambitions driven by lies, propaganda, and repressive tolerance will soon be twisting in the wind as Biden's faux recovery morphs into a very real and total collapse.
John Bowne reporting.
This is up on Infowars.com from ZeroEdge.
Global supply chain crisis that lasts until 2023, says Middle East's largest port operator.
What's really behind the power outages around the world and the supply chain breakdowns and the fuel lines and all the rest of it?
British military starts delivering fuel to gas stations.
Nobody can do anything with the military.
Everybody's been ordered to stay home and not work.
Because all the major corporations, 90 plus percent of the ones I know, got bought up.
I'm gonna explain this.
The big central banks, owned by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers on record, and a consortium of German royalties, mainly the main royal group, Sachs-Coburg-Gotha, but the Rothschilds married in about 250 years ago into it, so it's one group.
And the Sachs-Coburg-Gotha-Rothschild alliance has set up the modern world government we've got.
And Cecil Rhodes wrote books about that, you know, 120 years ago.
It's on record.
That's what Rhodes Scholars are.
That's what the Council on Foreign Relations is.
That's what the UN is.
It's all their plan for corporate world government.
And they have implemented this whole strategy and they are collapsing the world economy so they can buy it up for pennies on the thousand dollars.
Imagine the central banks have created 20 years ago, there was over two quadrillion in extra U.S.
fake money.
I've talked to economists and others, and they say there's no point even trying to look at it, but there are now over several hundred quadrillion.
So there was, I said, these numbers are so big, they're hard, sorry.
When I said over two trillion, I meant over two quadrillion.
in extra fake U.S.
currency in the Federal Reserve 20 years ago.
So back when I had Bob Chapman and other economists on, it was, this was mainstream news, by the way, but it was this stuff like Forbes and Wall Street Journal, back of the paper.
It was estimated just derivatives were two quadrillion.
And if you added a bunch of other stuff, it was several other quadrillion.
So 20 years ago, it was actually four quadrillion in the U.S.
If you count everybody else, it was something like 10 quadrillion.
Now it's in the hundreds of quadrillions.
Hundreds of quadrillions.
And a quadrillion is a thousand trillions.
So at this point, that's why they're now a trillion extra in the spending package on month.
And now they're talking about a trillion every week.
So you may have heard of Weimar, Germany that brought Hitler in, where you had to have a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread.
By the end of it, you'd come in to order dinner and you'd pay up front because by the time you left, it was like 30, 40, 50% or 100% more.
Same thing in Zimbabwe.
You type up a Zimbabwean $20 trillion, $50 trillion note.
type of Zimbabwean $20 trillion, $50 trillion note, you would need that to buy a carton of eggs.
So, the big megabags created all these trillions, quadrillions, to buy and sell, but only at the executive level.
They never used it to buy yachts, or buy land, or buy other small companies, because there'd be no economy left, because they could buy the whole world economy up hundreds of times with the quadrillions they created 20 years ago.
Now they've got hundreds of quadrillions, But we still accept the quadrillion.
Someone explain something.
We've been getting supplements and products from more than 20 suppliers.
17 of them got bought and won't supply and are basically shut down.
They were bought to be shut down.
And I know people in the trucking industry, I know people in the shipping industry, I know people that are in tile, that are in wood, that are in glass, that are in beer, that are in everything.
They can't get the aluminum for the tin cans.
They can't even get quality fish for aquariums in PetSmart.
They can't get anything.
The country and the world is in cardiac arrest.
They said they would do it, the damn Great Reset, and I told you!
And then we're sitting here, running out of our supply chains, running out of product to even fund ourselves.
That's why we need everybody to go to infowarestore.com.
You've never needed your support now that we need it here to not just stay where we are, but expand.
But we either expand or we implode at this point.
I need to expand, and I'm not going to get into strategic regions for here or you on air.
That gives the enemy too much information.
But listen, I need financial support right now.
So go to infowarestore.com.
Click on the support button at the top.
Go to the donation area.
Give a one-time donation.
Give a long-term donation.
You can do recurring donations.
Give a hundred bucks.
I need the funds to fight the globalists.
I need the energy.
Whatever you do, go to InfoWarsTore.com and get the Green Fiber Capsules, 50% off, about to sell out.
RainForce Plus Ultra Incredible, about to sell out, discounted.
And Down and Out Sleep Aid, 50% off.
They're all there at InfoWarsTore.com.
But I need to see your support.
I'm not bitching.
I'm just telling you.
You're going to see if you don't support us.
I need your financial support right now.
I saw a really good editorial that got picked up a lot of places by a syndicated talk show host, Wayne Allen Root.
He joins us in the Third hour today.
And it's going to be very, very important transmission.
He's talking about civil unrest, civil disobedience.
We don't want civil unrest.
That means what the left does, but we want civil disobedience and what are the right types to do.
You know, you got the Democrats hunting down Democrats that won't vote for the giant communist Build Back Better bill.
And so people are harassing them, threatening them, yelling at them.
I don't think we should go that far, but we should protest them.
We should protest the Democrats and their operations and not financially support them.
And when they're trying to say that people that don't have a vaccine passport can't get on a bus or can't get on a train in New York or can't go into a grocery store, we should go in there with them, all of us together, and take it over.
And shut it down until they stop that criminal activity, because this is the mark of the beast.
This is total control.
This is what was happening to black folks, you know, until the 1960s when people stood up together, white and black, against what was happening.
So that is extremely, extremely, extremely important.
You know, when you see Google, and I saw it on InfoWars today, I'm sure it's in my stack, but I didn't find it, with their doodle over the weekend, Was that La Raza Mecha member that said Hispanics are the master race and that whites are the devil and that he's not going to assimilate to America?
Well, that's all fun about the Ford and Carnegie Foundation to make Hispanics think that being part of a racial group is going to empower them when it's only going to divide and conquer us all.
I'm against the white supremacists, the black supremacists, the Hispanic supremacists, all of it.
But look what the federal government's funding, and we'll cover this coming up.
White people are genetically deficient.
Descendants of albino mutants.
I've heard that many times, says Black History Month website.
Well, we're all genetic mutants.
We're constantly, our genetics are mutating and changing new traits all the time.
When whatever traits survive through progeny get more expressed, whatever's successful, you know, gets expressed.
I don't believe in the mainline theory of evolution, but I do believe in jumps in it and God's system to make us adapt and, you know, change.
But I didn't come from no monkey fish frog, as they say on South Park.
But seriously, white people are genetically defective descendants of albino mutants, says Black History Month website.
Well, that's actually true.
People with darker skin that went north would die because of lack of vitamin D and would get sick and die of colds and flu because they didn't have enough vitamin D. But the people that had lighter skin, not necessarily albinos, But those two would then survive, and that's what the mainline science says white people came from.
So, but this is meant as a pejorative.
You know, cave dweller?
I mean, I've been called a cave dweller and a blue-eyed devil and all this other stuff, and it's just, I mean, there's white people that put down black people to feel superior, and there's black people that do the same damn thing.
But the point is, when Google is helping run slave camps around the world with Apple and doing all this evil crap, they're pushing all this division so we fight with each other so we're divided and conquered.
And so I'm going to get more of that.
But I said I'll get into the global reset and how all that's coming together and what we face.
And we'll do that coming up the next segment.
But seriously, folks.
For strategic reasons, I can't get into all the things they're doing to try to shut us down, because that only encourages the left and all the things they're up to and they're doing.
But you see them trending on Twitter, attacking me, saying, shut him down, destroy Alex Jones, you know, take him off this, take him off that.
The huge harassment campaigns to have me arrested, petitions to have me arrested, petitions to have Amazon not let us have a shopping cart on there.
It just goes on and on.
But behind the scenes, it's more intense than that.
And I have just learned to put it in God's hands and not become a drama queen about this, but I'll tell you, when Rose McGowan got her house broken into and the door knocked off the hinges and people ran her off the road and she got bumped in grocery stores and stuff, that's what goes on for real.
That's what the Clintons do.
The Clintons kill your dog and say, oh, where'd your doggy go?
And then hand you the dog tags in the grocery store.
And so, I've not had that happen, but I've had stuff like that happen.
I've been doing this 27 years, and it's been going on for at least 20.
So I'm not backing down, because I realize backing down means they win.
If they want a conflict, they're going to get one.
Stay with us.
It's Monday, October 4th, 2021.
And I'm Alex Jones, your host, defiant to the end against the tyrants.
All right, so let me just be very calm here and lay all this news out right now that we've started the second hour.
I know exactly what's going to happen.
I know exactly what's going to unfold.
I know exactly how the globalists are going to carry all this out, because I have the publications and the books and the reports they put out on their corporate-run UN World Government Power Grant.
Can we put the show headline up, please, for today's show from Infowars.com?
And then I'm looking for the book.
Ah, here it is.
COVID-19 and the Great Reset.
I don't like Klaus Schwab.
I'm not advertising his book, but this was out a month after the COVID crisis began.
It was already pre-written and it was already pre-planned.
I'm going to talk about it here right now, but please put that headline back up.
Red alert!
The globalist collapse has now begun.
Watch live.
The corporate-controlled, UN-directed Great Reset is here.
This is economic warfare.
This is World War III.
Let me say that again for Rand Paul and all the other senators that are halfway awake, who do a great job on the topics they cover, but they never address this.
The corporate-controlled, UN-directed Great Reset is here.
This is economic warfare.
This is World War III.
The only way to stop the globalist offensive is for the public to become informed and demand that what's left of our leaders to organize and take action against it.
I wrote that very quickly before I went live on air.
Maybe somebody should check it for not the best English setup there because I wrote that in about 30 seconds before I went live on air.
That's what this is.
And again, I could show you a hundred clips and I could talk about amazing things that are side issues that are still important.
But the central issue is we're being economically taught to not have resources.
We're being taught in the name of the environment to go into feudalism, but the globalists themselves live opulent lifestyles and are really getting control of us to not make us stoic, hardworking beings, but to get full control of our lives through the social credit score so that they can dictate, again, the terms of our surrender.
So let's go over this right now for you.
Global supply chain crisis to last until 2023, says Middle East's largest port operator.
Global central bankers have been out and about, continuing to promote a narrative that inflation is transitory.
But really what it's doing is causing major destabilization.
We've seen it from the likes of Powell, LeGrand, Bailey, and others.
These monetary wonks.
All right, inflation caused by supply chain bottlenecks will resolve itself, but these officials have not yet to provide a timeline because they don't know.
And that's if the inflation only goes up and then stops, but if it continues, well, then the destabilization continues, and that's just one part of that in the global supply chain.
But CNN blames not the global supply chain disruption on inflation and on COVID lockdowns and on one person in a warehouse gets COVID and is asymptomatic from a fake PCR test and the whole warehouse shuts down.
Everybody's at home watching Netflix going, hey, I've been sitting home for a year and a half.
Well, your savings gets destroyed, all the dollars devalued, and while all the businesses things start contracting and shutting down, and there won't be a job for you if it ever comes back, which they don't mean it to ever come back.
And so now you'll be on your social credit score controlled, guaranteed universal income.
And then you are in checkmate.
And again, whether it's the hospitals shutting down, or the public schools not having enough teachers, or the workers not driving the trucks because they won't take the deadly shot because they took the first one and got really sick, whether it's Europe, or Canada, or England, or the U.S., now the military's got to take over and drive the school buses and run the hospitals from Connecticut to California, from New York to Michigan.
It's all happening and they're on screen from Ian Smith.
Manufactured crisis.
This is a map of the cargo ships currently incoming and holding pattern offshore.
Your country is under attack from the inside.
Damn right.
It turns out the government, the bureaucrats, they've got the people to unload them.
They're just saying don't unload them.
To put us into an artificial cardiac arrest.
Here's another one.
DHL joins rivals FedEx and UPS in raising shipping rates amid inflationary woes.
Remember, they promised you no inflation from all of this.
How Fiat money made beef more expensive.
It's more than doubled in the last years and set to go up even more, so they just drop it off the inflation index.
But don't worry, here's CNN.
Would you like me to read to you?
The CNN transcript from CNN Business is very insulting.
Yeah, it says you didn't take your COVID shots, you were bad, and now because you didn't behave yourself and because of Donald Trump, all this happened.
And they say the pandemic caused it.
No, it was the lockdown that they used that caused the starvation, collapsed the third world, breaking a supply chain, as I predicted 20 months ago.
And here they are saying, how America ruined Christmas.
We're bad, we're the Grinch.
Not how the Grinch ruined Christmas, not how the Grinch stole Christmas, how America did it, you see?
Stock slide, Amazon erases 2021 gains as yield spike on oil-driven surge.
Break-even surge.
And it goes on from there.
A very dangerous time to be alive.
We got more news on it before we go to break.
When we come back, Biden defends harassment of Senators Sinema and Mnuchin, says it's part of the process.
But when Owen Schroer was standing at the Capitol outside and didn't even get on the bullhorn, he's arrested and facing multiple years in prison.
And now they're arrested over 100 people who were outside and didn't even touch the building.
Oh, and some are still being held in jail.
Oh, but harass them when they're buying gas, harass them when they're in a restaurant, harass them in a store.
Said Maxine Waters two long years ago, and now Biden says it's part of the process.
But don't you try to talk to him.
Don't you try to criticize him online.
You'll get taken down.
It's a great point.
Another article.
From Mises Institute on Infowars.com, the post-pandemic world is one of widespread dependence on government, and that's the Great Reset Plan 110%.
And then it gets worse.
The social credit score is here.
Polish journalist denied entry to the UK over his Opinions.
Big article and video on Infowars.com.
Criticizing the EU.
Criticizing globalism.
Criticizing the lockdown.
Sorry, you can't come here.
Yeah, don't be worried about the government database that did that.
Don't be worried about the banks taking all these Patriots credit card processing like General Flynn, where he can't even, you know, have his own credit card.
That's the real threat, is the globalists, is the social credit score.
And so many folks are saying, oh, well, we better do what we're told.
You know how that works?
Do what I say.
I'll ban you if you use the n-word.
I don't ever use the n-word, so, okay, ban them.
Oh, now don't say mother or father.
Now, oh, oh yeah, on government forums all over and in schools, you name it.
Oh, okay, you know, don't, don't use the word manhole.
That's another bad word.
See, there's always something, they're always gonna move the gold post.
While the left runs around, The article's on Infowars.com and says that white people are inherently bad and are parasites and are evil mutants that need to be put away.
I've got an article from Infowars.com with exactly that headline.
That's where we are.
And then we've got this report that I talked about on Friday, but it just needs to be focused in on again.
National School Board Association demands Biden give them FBI protection from terrorist parents.
So if none of this makes sense from a point of view of prosperity and stability and security and happiness, it's not supposed to.
You're being conquered.
I'm being conquered by a multinational globalist force.
I've been on there 28 years fighting it.
And now it's all out in the open.
So you see, I can't be on air.
I've got to be destroyed.
I've got to be shut down because our credibility is so high.
They don't want us on air now that everybody believes what we're saying and checks into what we're saying and follows up on it.
But I got something for the New World Order to know.
Your whole takeover is not going well.
Your whole forced vaccine program is stalling.
And it's too late.
Everybody knows I'm right now.
Too late, New World Order!
Too late!
We are broadcasting worldwide as we go in, through and beyond the global reset, the fabled Mark of the Beast.
One world government is here.
You have lived to see it, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, obviously this started happening about an hour ago.
Facebook is down along with Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Oculus VR.
And usually that's when they're doing some backdoor criminal update.
That's all an arm of the NSA, the globalist controlled NSA.
They're claiming it's outages.
They're all just preparing and testing their internet kill switches where only they'll be online.
Everybody else will be offline is what I believe is going on there.
And then we've got, of course, what I mentioned earlier.
Here's the clip.
Biden defends harassment of Senator Sinema and Mnuchin, says it's part of the process.
So people see him yell and scream at him, chase him around, and then follow him into bathrooms and stuff.
And look, I yelled at Sundar Pichai for running slave camps in China and spying on the American people, the head of Google.
But I waited till he came into Congress, came down the hall, and I said, you're a traitor.
We know you are.
We know what you did.
You picked the wrong country.
You shouldn't have sold out America.
And then when he went in the committee room, I stopped and I wouldn't have followed him in the bathroom.
Oh, the crew pulled it up really quick.
Good job.
Again, we're a simulcast radio TV show.
I know we have hundreds of radio affiliates out there and people are always What are you talking about?
See that?
See this?
Well, that's because we're also simulcasting at band.video and freeworldnews.tv.
And remember, that's how we get around the censors.
That's how we reach new people at a time where folks are very, very hungry for the truth, is sharing video links and articles.
So please continue to help win the fight against the globalists.
Now is such a critical time by sharing old videos, new videos, reports we're currently doing.
People are ready to wake up.
So here's Biden defending it, and look, you could say, hey, this is just people pissed off, and that's something that's up to the line, but it's civil disobedience, and it's people being a little bit noisy, and it should be protected.
But the Democrats, though, want, when conservatives do it, they want us arrested.
And they defend Antifa when they shoot people in the back.
So they want to be aggressive and say burning down buildings is mostly peaceful, but then they want to arrest hundreds of people that even go into the U.S.
Capitol, like Owen Schroyer, and now others.
So here's Joe Biden.
Mr. President, you're talking about how you have 48 Democratic votes right now.
The other two have been pressured over the weekend by activists.
Joe Manchin had people on kayaks show up to his boat, TLM.
Senator Sinema last night was chased into a restroom.
Do you think that those tactics are crossing a line?
I don't think they're appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody.
The only people it doesn't happen to are people who have Secret Service standing around them.
So it's part of the process.
Is it part of the process to have one of your supporters go shoot a bunch of people or try to kill a bunch of people and shoot congressman Scalise at the baseball field?
CNN defended that.
Of course it was illegal aliens chased down, Senator.
They blocked the Golden Gate Bridge.
They're supporters.
It's globalists breaking our borders.
It's a UN-funded takeover.
That's the plan.
Now, I've got this book for children that is in public school districts in Austin.
And after a special guest leaves us that's coming up that I haven't announced yet, it's very important.
Next segment, I'm going to get some to this, but parental discretion is advised.
But this is shown To middle schoolers, in the town where I live, it's gonna be shown on air.
And I understand TV affiliates will probably say, hey, don't show that, that's child porn.
I'm gonna ask you the question again.
Why do they show it to children, but our UHF, VHF and cable stations don't want it shown?
Okay, I'm not gonna show it.
I do that to keep people thinking though.
But I have the damn thing right here.
And I'm gonna show you not the child porn parts, but the cover of the book and the information on it.
And what school it's from, and the inside of the library card, the library scan, all of it.
And there's a bunch of these books in most public schools in the country.
And I mean, it shows people having sex with children.
I mean, it shows it like it's a, like a, I mean, hell, when I was growing up, Playboys didn't show penetration for adults.
That was the hardcore stuff, you know, when I got, oh, look at this magazine, you know, it's got actual sex in it.
This is for children.
If it was heterosexual sex, it'd be wrong, but it's homosexual sex, and it's being done to sell that idea that, oh, well, if it's homosexual, it's okay.
I mean, that's like having little children up at Drag Queen Storytime, and now they have the homosexual strip bars with little kids up on the stage.
That goes on everywhere.
This is sick.
This is evil.
So, Lawyer Thomas Renz, who has filed major lawsuits and got the Pentagon documents, they now confirmed to be real, it's on the Pentagon website, about the fact that the Pentagon AI is tracking the massive number of illnesses and deaths caused by the vaccine.
He'll be joining us with that incredible information coming up next segment that deals with ADE.
And so you definitely want to learn what A.D.E.
is and warn everybody else that you know about A.D.E.
because this is a big, big deal.
You'll learn about antibody-dependent enhancement and what that signifies coming up next segment and why it's the biggest news ever.
Bigger than the collapsing economy.
Bigger than all this information.
This is the real globalist attack that they intend to hide, claiming a new virus has been released, which they're already claiming new variants are about to come out that are going to kill you.
Well, yeah, because you're releasing them.
But first, let me point this out.
We're having one of the biggest flash sales of our history today.
And I can tell you, we need funds big time right now, not just to keep this operation on air, but to stay on air and continue on into the future.
And we need funding now to do this, okay?
And I'm not going to give away strategies or what we're up to or what's unfolding, but we need your word of mouth.
We need all the other talk show hosts to support us.
We need all the other bloggers and people on Twitter and everywhere else to support us, because I support everybody else when they're under attack.
And you see us with summary judgments, death penalty judgments when I gave them all the discovery they wanted so I can't have a jury trial.
So a judge decides I'm guilty and then that's used having that judgment before it's even been, you know, certified against us to shut us down.
Anybody that's been in business knows that, and we use business to stay on the air, but our main business is waking people up.
So we're self-funded by you supporting us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Thomas Renz is joining us and he is the lawyer who's got a whole bunch of lead counsel lawsuits and three major cases regarding COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, false death cases and hiding death cases.
And he has also sued the CDC, HHS in Ohio and New Mexico.
He has won the National Trailblazer Award for Political Action, assisting in numerous state and national legislation and regulatory reforms.
And he joins us for only 30 minutes, so I'm going to go right to him to break down the massive news that came out last Friday.
Pleasure to be here, Alex.
I'm glad to be here.
So, what's happening is exactly what we said was going to happen.
of what these so-called vaccines are really doing.
This is the biggest news yet concerning this is what the experts warned would happen.
And now the Pentagon AI has confirmed it.
So, sir, thank you for joining us.
Please tell us what's happening.
Pleasure to be here, Alex.
I'm glad to be here.
So what's happening is exactly what we said was gonna happen.
The people that are getting the vaccine are getting sick.
This is exactly what we predicted, unfortunately.
I'm not excited to say that.
So we've got two things.
A week ago Saturday, I did a presentation at Clay Clark's Reawakening Tour with whistleblower data from CMS, which is the information that DHHS is using to watch this vaccine.
And that information showed, and it's incontrovertible, it's straight from the CMS servers, That there are thousands and thousands dying with this vaccine.
48,000 dead within 14 days of getting the vaccination, which is an important number because if you're within 14 days, they don't count you as a vaccine death.
So you're perfectly healthy.
You go get the shot.
Three days later, you're dead.
You're not a vaccine death.
So 48,000 dead within 14 days.
And that is according to CMS.
So that's only 18.1% of the population.
Then, Friday, we get this document from the Department of Defense, and it says, in no uncertain terms, several really important things.
First, it says that 60% of hospitalized patients, 60%, are fully vaccinated.
60%, and that's it.
That's the document.
It also says that 71% of cases, breakthrough cases, are In fully vaccinated people.
So between the two, what it shows is that first of all, the vaccine's not safe.
There's a good picture right there on the right.
It says 80% vaccinated, 65 estimated, 71% of COVID-19 cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals.
71% of COVID-19 cases occurred in fully vaccinated individuals.
I mean, it's their words, not mine.
So, not safe, not effective.
Walensky had to come out today and admit that the vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus.
They don't do it.
So why would you get this?
Why would you subject yourself to these potential side effects, all these things, if it doesn't do anything?
All it does is subject you to government control.
It is absolutely absurd.
We've got them.
It's not safe.
It's not effective.
But what we do know is effective, because the DoD article says it, is natural immunity.
It says natural immunity.
And then one last thing, because I don't know what this means, but it's on the last slide.
If you look at the last slide in that show, it shows that the vaccine is less effective, more dangerous for minorities, particularly Particularly Native Americans, Hispanics, and Blacks.
And it's interesting because, there you see, if you look the third one down, Native Americans.
If you look a little below that, you see Hispanics.
And if you see down there a little farther, you see Blacks.
Risk of breakthrough hospitalizations.
It increases.
It's higher in those.
We don't know why that is, but it's kind of an interesting thing, isn't it?
So, from beginning to end, corruption, corruption, corruption.
When Joe Biden stands up there and says it's safe and effective, when Fauci says it, we've got their numbers.
It's not safe, it's not effective.
Please continue, sir.
This is just incredible.
I went directly to the Pentagon's own site with JSOC.
I went and looked at this.
It's all there.
It fits with what the expert said.
It fits with what's even coming out in the news.
It's real.
It's AI numbers out of the hospitals with the aggregate that they have a higher rate of people hospitalized.
And with COVID then have taken the shot nationally.
It shows what I've been told by a lot of doctors and people that it's not 70% that have taken it.
Like Biden says, that's a lie.
We're told same numbers for Europe, Australia.
They're lying about how high the numbers are, but that they have been told in hospitals.
I've had whistleblower doctors and nurses on.
They say we're told to cover up that it's the vaccinated that are having heart attacks, strokes, and all sorts of other horrible things and that are dying.
And that the numbers are way higher than what VAERS is saying.
Well, Alex, let me tell you this, right?
So I've got here in my hot little hands, we've got a breakdown.
I've got a bunch more states, you know, in the Clay Clark presentation.
I don't know if you've got that one in front of you, but within that one, if you go down, we've got a breakdown of the side effects that the FDA says that they're going to monitor for, right?
That's their slide.
It shows that's what they're monitoring for.
For listeners on radio, not just TV, anybody can pull it up.
You type in CDC list of possible adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccine from October, where it lists microcarditis, heart attacks, all of it.
That's what you're talking about.
Please continue.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you can find all of this on REMS-LAW.com.
We've got all these presentations, all this stuff up there.
Just the top two presentations are the DoD and then my presentation where I've got this information.
So if you look at that presentation, we broke down what we did is we had, yeah there you go, see the files, that's the DoD and just below that is the There you go, the eumetrics.
And then just below that on the main page is the Clay Clark presentation.
In that Clay Clark presentation, what we did is my whistleblower went into the CMS servers and ran how many of these side effects are occurring in any given state, right?
And they did it for several states.
And they broke it down because they're telling us there's no side effects and there's no evidence of death.
Well, here's the newsflash.
So I'm going to pick on California right now, but I got several other states and we can talk about them if you'd like.
Because California just decided that this is so safe that they're going to force kids to get it, right?
Well, let me give you numbers.
8,412 dead people, dead within 28 days of vaccination, say that it's not safe.
than 28 days of vaccination say that it's not safe.
2,316 people who came down with paralysis, they say it's not safe.
4,283 heart attacks say it's not safe.
I 7,297 thrombocytopenia cases say it's not safe.
But yet we're going to force our kids to do this?
We're going to force them?
I mean, it would be safer to push them out of the airplane with a parachute.
It's just ridiculous.
We recalled the Chevy Volt for the potential of a battery fire, but we got thousands dead, thousands injured, and we're going to push this?
We're going to force this to go to school?
What's this guy got against kids?
Is he trying to kill them?
It's unbelievable.
This is indisputable.
We've got their evidence, their data.
I've got screenshots in that presentation of the raw data we pulled.
Just to give you some background, I did my due diligence.
You know, I know the whistleblower.
I've spoken with this person a number of times, and there's more than one whistleblower.
But, you know, I've spoken to the whistleblowers.
They have access to the CMS data.
I've seen pictures of the raw data.
I've seen the raw data.
I've got the algorithms that they use to analyze it.
We've done our homework, okay?
We know it.
We aren't reporting it unless we can prove it, because I'm an evidence guy.
So, no question, you've got thousands of injuries, thousands of deaths, and yet we're going to still keep pushing this for something that doesn't stop the spread according to their data and their information.
It doesn't stop the spread, doesn't do anything.
Why are we doing it?
There is no reason.
Well, that's right, and we'll pull it up when we come back because it's very important everybody see the October report.
Yes, you've got VAERS now confirming it, but they knew in October And the CDC put it on their website.
It's on there now.
A list of possible adverse reactions.
And it's exactly what all happened.
Then they act like we're crazy when we bring it up.
It's simply incredible.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Rins-law.com's got all the documents, all the video clips, everything.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
And Thomas Rins joins us.
He's got a bunch of lawsuits against these monsters.
He's an award-winning, trailblazing attorney.
Every time I think about this, and it's been out for months and months and months, it makes me so angry.
The CDC, the FDA's own document from October, listing the whole list of what they thought this vaccine would do, and then now it did exactly that.
And we'll show you from the fda.gov, please, we put it on screen, the actual Documents, and if anybody watching is a new listener, look at the right-hand corner.
That's the government website.
That's a draft of possible adverse event outcomes, and it's everything that happened.
Pregnancy, bad birth, death, microcarditis, narcolepsy, all the things it's done, because they knew, because they'd already tested.
Things like this previously.
So going back to Thomas Renz.
Sir, this is incredible.
Where does all this go?
Because you said, what are they doing?
Are they trying to kill us?
I think you're begging the question.
I know you're a lawyer.
You want to stick to just the facts here.
But Fauci says, don't ask questions.
You have no freedom.
The Vatican says, you know, there's no religious exemption.
The whole power structure is trying to put something in us we know doesn't protect us, makes us sick and then makes us die.
I mean, this is this is incredible.
Well, I mean, listen, Biden said it best.
Your freedoms and individual liberties don't matter, right?
I mean, that doesn't matter.
Who cares about that?
You know, it's interesting.
They use fear.
They use lies.
So if you look back at that presentation, you know, one of the things that's real interesting is if you look at the last few slides, I'm going to read you this.
This is a direct quote.
From from one of the one of the one of the application for licensure for a booster for the Cominari.
This is an exact quote from that document.
So this is an FDA document from Pfizer, right?
Pfizer says, "An additional analysis appears to indicate that the incidence of COVID-19
generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-dose
Well, so does that mean that you've got an increased likelihood of getting COVID after
the shot?
Sounds like it.
If you go down a couple more slides, and this is the presentation from the Awakening Tour on my website, you see another slide where we've got some stuff redlined.
And it says basically that if you want to know what's in your shot, you're going to have to convince your doctor to go online, look up somewhere in these godforsaken government websites, and maybe you'll be able to find out.
Well, that seems a little odd.
Then you go on further, and you know, Alex, this is an important one, right?
Because they keep telling us we're conspiracy theorists when we talk about things like this being a gene therapy or shedding.
Well, there's no conspiracy.
It just is, right?
So we have the Moderna SEC filings.
These are filed to the federal court that say that one of the risks to the company is that this is a gene therapy and so it may be issues with approval.
I mean, they admit it.
I don't know how else they can say it.
Further, we've got the Pfizer documents, right?
So the Pfizer documents talk about two things.
They talk about some shedding.
And they talk about gene therapy.
Now let me explain how they do that.
This is really important because it's always denied and they like to call people who talk about this conspiracy theorists, right?
So within the clinical trial protocols for the Pfizer vaccine, there's a document.
We submitted this to federal court.
It's from Pfizer, so they can't argue about it.
But it said that it's a reportable safety event if a pregnant woman around the time of conception comes into environmental contact with someone who's been given the vax, right? Environmental
contact, that means breathing the air, touching the skin, things like that. Well, why would
that be a reportable safety thing, event, if it doesn't matter, if there's no shedding? It's
because they're shedding.
So, didn't they also, earlier this year, have the EU passed a regulatory law
that Pfizer's allowed to shed on people? Well, you know, I'm not 100% sure.
I heard something about that.
I didn't get a chance to confirm it myself.
I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with all the American lies.
It's pretty incredible.
So just as an American, not as a lawyer fighting corporate corruption, what is this to you?
I see it as a total Nuremberg violation on its face.
Nuremberg Code violates so many U.S.
laws, obviously, and they're just committed.
They're just going whole hog.
What do you think this is about?
Well, this is a war crime for sure.
I mean, this is a crime against humanity by definition.
The short answer is money and power, right?
But there's a lot more to it than that, because there are people who are trying to become more powerful and more wealthy from this, and they are.
They're becoming much more powerful and much more wealthy unless we stop them, which we're going to do.
That said, You've got to look at this a little bit deeper if you really want to know what's going on.
There's a lot of people that don't like America, right?
These globalists, these scumbag billionaires that own the world, they don't want freedom.
They want you to just capitulate and send them your check and, you know, they continue to rule the world.
China doesn't like America.
The Russians don't particularly like us.
There's a lot of places that don't like us, right?
Well, look at what's happening.
Look at what's happening.
We're given an injection that makes you sick.
to our entire population. It's going to kill a lot of people. We don't know how many,
but we know it's killing a lot now and it's going to kill a lot more in the future.
Three to five years is where a lot of the side effects are going to come into play.
We're seeing massive increases in cancer anecdotally. I'm waiting for some of the
peer-reviewed studies to come out, but this is a disaster, right?
It's causing damage to our people.
Meanwhile, you see other attacks on America.
I mean, they're attacking our culture.
They're attacking who we are.
They're attacking our military.
You know, I mean, we're pushing things like critical race theory, which is essentially communism.
Men and women's sports, the federal government's funding, Black Lives Matter, National, African-American month, Black History Month now says whites are evil, mutants that are albino mutants.
I mean, this is just total division, total divide and conquer, a corporate war to destroy the country.
A corporate and communist war.
I mean, the corporate and the communist seem to be working together.
Chinese and a lot of corporate people are working together.
And they're just, they're anti-American.
I mean, I don't know how else to say it.
When you're attacking our culture, when you're attacking our institutions, I don't know what else it is. I mean, you know, ultimately,
listen, we just showed you a Department of Defense document that shows that they're lying about
this and that the vaccine doesn't work and that all it does is potentially increase the risk. And
yet, this isn't news everywhere, right?
Somehow this is not on the front pages of the New York Times.
We just showed you, I just gave you, talked about a presentation where we show a massive number of casualties and major side effects from these horrible jabs.
It's not news.
They're covering it up.
I mean, meanwhile, you look across our nation at all the other institutions that are, you know, bedrock institutions of our nation.
We're under attack.
Sir, I had a court do default judgments on me when I gave them everything, and they assigned a new judge at the second hearing.
They just said default, and all of the news it says I've lost, and that I don't get the Seventh Amendment.
I mean, I'm just telling you, it's not just me.
It's on every front.
The bedrock is being removed.
Yeah, yeah, it really is.
And I'm going to tell you, Alex, we want to be peaceful.
We want to do this the right way.
But if we don't stand now, we're not going to be able to stand later.
You know, once you've lost freedom, you've lost it.
It's not coming back.
You have to fight for it to come back.
That's right, we're in the middle of a globalist, communist revolution, the Great Reset, that's what it is, and Rand Paul's great and others say some good things, but they need to talk about, this is globalism, this is Great Reset.
I mean, Paul Schwab and others have written books describing this takeover.
Yeah, well, I mean, they have.
Okay, so this is, again, I'm an evidence guy, right?
I don't like to guess things, I like to see things.
Charles Schwab wrote the book.
I mean, he wrote it.
I don't know what to say about it.
It's just there.
I didn't write it.
You know, if you want to read it, read it and see what's in there.
If you don't, you know, don't believe me, look it up.
It's like this DoD document.
I didn't write it.
I just put it out there.
Our own reporter heard about this on the news last week.
Had her eighth grade son go to the library.
I can't show adults on a show this.
This is child porn.
This is people having sex with children.
I mean, it shows it.
This is in public schools in Austin.
I mean, this is Texas.
This is McNeil High School Library.
It was the middle school library.
You open it up.
McNeil High School, folks.
You see that?
And I'm not going to show you anymore.
But it's unbelievable.
I mean, I've never, I've never seen images of people having sex with children until I looked at this.
I mean, I don't want to see that.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm 47 and I've never seen people having sex with animals.
People say, hey, if they're having sex online with animals, I don't want to see it.
I've never seen that stuff.
I had to look at this to know what children are seeing.
First time I ever looked at child porn.
Here it is.
Listen, I mean, what can I say about this?
The thing is, our side doesn't care what you do in your own house unless it's something like that.
I mean, we've got to draw the line somewhere.
Stay right there, sir.
Back in two minutes.
I wish we had you for a full hour.
Stay right there.
We're coming right back to you to finish up.
We're going to be back up soon.
All right, folks.
Final segment with Thomas Renz.
He's a very impressive lawyer.
You want to definitely check that site out and share the documentation.
He's got there from the Pentagon, from AI, from the FDA, the CDC, his own amazing analysis and speeches.
This is a guy fighting hard.
He's won the National Trailblazer Award for Political Action.
Assisting in numerous state and national legislative and regulatory reforms.
In closing, you're going to join us again either live on the show Thursday or you're going to tape for an extended Saturday show.
I appreciate you taking the time out.
About the four minutes we have left, what else would you like to impart to the viewers and listeners about how deadly serious this is?
Because like you said, this is not our opinion.
The Pentagon, AI, with all the major health care numbers, is confirming what experts already told us.
Yeah, well, first of all, I want to urge people to look at the rest of that presentation.
We got stuff in there on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, from Vesivir, what's going on everywhere.
I mean, this is really important stuff, so please take a look at the rest of the conversation.
We can talk about that some more coming up.
I also have a bunch more information that I'm going to be breaking here coming up as soon as I can get it all analyzed.
We always double check our work before we say anything because, you know, we can't afford to lose our credibility.
I think if there's one thing that I want to share, Alex, and I can't stress the importance of this.
I'm a god family country guy, right?
I'm a guy, and I want to stress this.
I'm not a big shot attorney.
I've been fighting this real hard, but until a few months ago, I was answering my own phones.
What's happened here, Alex, is that I've busted my butt on this fight, and I'm not willing to sell out.
So my name keeps coming up like a bad penny if you're a bad guy.
And I've taken a stand and I don't care.
I'll die on this hill.
My kids deserve freedom.
Our nation deserves freedom.
Our future hinges on this.
We will take a stand on this.
And I want people to understand.
I want them to hear that because here's the deal.
We are going to win this.
Because some big shot comes in and says to the world, we're going to win this because we the people come together and we take a stand on this garbage.
You don't have to be a big shot.
I'm not.
I live in a small town in Ohio.
I'm not a big shot.
I'm a guy that's willing to take a stand for what's right.
And you know, yeah, I've done some interesting things and whatever.
But the bottom line is that you don't have to be a big shot.
You've got to be willing to fight.
You've got to be willing to take a stand.
You know, you're getting out this information.
We're putting this information.
We're trying to get it out there to everybody.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are we the people doing?
Because that's what wins it.
You know, there is no secret plan by the big shots to free us other than we the people get our butts off the couches and do something.
Well, I'm telling you they're trying to kill your children.
They're poisoning your children with something that's an unsafe, unaffected, unproven vaccine.
It's not even really a vaccine.
It's a gene therapy.
They changed the definition of the word vaccine twice.
Twice to get this through.
What are you going to do about it?
And if you won't stand for freedom now, if you won't share this interview, if you won't talk about what's happening, if you don't have the courage to say these people are liars and these people are scumbags and we're not going to stand for this garbage any longer, what do you think is going to happen?
Where's our future?
My generation, Alex, I heard you say you're 47, I'm 44, so our generation has sat on our lazy butts For too long we watched our country go into a craphole and now it's our job to turn it around before it's lost for our kids.
We either fight now or it's all lost.
Amen, General.
I totally agree with that, and I'm seeing myself massively attacked as well.
People say, oh, you better not do this.
No, they're coming after our children now.
They killed Hank Aaron, for God's sakes.
I know a bunch of people who had heart attacks that took it that were young, and then when people have heart attacks, they take them off Facebook so they can't complain about it, or off Instagram.
I mean, they're suppressing all these real treatments and things.
It's pure evil.
It is modern warfare against the people, and I do see an awakening happening.
I mean, are you optimistic about stopping this, sir?
Yes, sir, I am.
I am extremely optimistic because I got guys like you fighting.
I got a lot of friends fighting.
I got a lot of people.
God's got our back.
I have no problems with my Christian faith.
I don't care if anybody else has it, but I do.
And he's carrying us, brother.
That's right.
God's carrying us.
Amen to that.
Praise Jesus.
I tell you, the only king is Jesus.
Thomas Renz, this is one hell of a fight.
It's a spiritual battle.
You're totally right.
God bless you.
I look forward to speaking to you on Thursday.
I'll talk to you during the break about when we're going to get that, whether it's going to be on a live show or we're going to tape.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're on air reading Pentagon AI reports.
Confirming that the immune systems of people that have taken these mRNA shots, that the immunity to the virus disappears in five to six months, and then after your body then attacks all viruses that are similar, when coronavirus is the most common, causing ADE that is fatal a large percentage of the time.
I start having an anxiety attack when I think about what this is going to do to society.
And the experts have predicted two to four years.
Three years is the average.
And it's already happening in the Pentagon AI report.
Here it is, effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against Delta variant.
Then I've got this.
This is from the CDC's own website.
From the FDA's own website as well.
Food and Drug Administration, CBER, Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness.
And they said in October, list of possible adverse events, and it's everything.
We warn, and listeners will say, well, this has been out six months.
But it was known a year ago, last October.
Before they ever gave us the shots, they said, Guillaume Baret, acute Disseminated encephalophilus, transverse, methylitis.
It goes on and on.
What is cataplexy?
That's going into shock.
Acute mitochondrial infraction.
That's a heart attack.
See if my memory's right, guys.
Look up acute mitochondrial infraction.
That's a type of heart attack.
Autoimmune disease.
Which they now admit is happening, depending on the report.
We all know what that means.
Pregnancy and birth outcomes.
Other acute dymo-lionating diseases.
Well, I don't know what those are.
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions.
I think that's your veins bursting here.
The memory serves.
Disminted intravascular coagulation.
Blood clots.
Venous thrombolysm.
I think that's the vein one.
Arthritis and a bunch of other joint pain.
Kawasaki disease.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children.
What's here?
Organs failing.
Vaccine-enhanced disease.
So what is acute microcardial infraction?
It's a heart attack, yeah.
Okay, that's on the FDA.gov website.
Oh, but don't worry.
Every newspaper in the country, Alex Jones is guilty for questioning a mass shooting that the internet questioned and looking at it.
And he didn't give them any research.
He didn't give them any other depositions.
He didn't give them any one document.
So he doesn't get a jury trial.
All of it's a lie!
Meanwhile, white people are genetically defective descendants of albino mutants,
says Black History Month website.
That's federally paid for that white people are bad.
I mean, it's just, it's total war against humanity.
If you want to know how to find this document, I'm going to have the career repost it in the live show feed article.
Breaking AI-powered DoD data analysis program shatters official vaccine narrative, shows ADE accelerating and fully vaccinated each week.
Meanwhile, the Vatican says no religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccines.
This just broke.
Kit Daniels reported it.
You know, I've known Catholics my whole life.
I'm not a Catholic.
They're always really nice people.
A lot of friends of mine protested abortion clinics with them, gone shooting.
You know, they just, a lot of people work here are Catholics or, you know, they raised Catholic.
But the thing that's hijacked and runs the Catholic Church is evil.
And when I say the thing, I mean the Pope that's in there now is 180 degrees from Pope John Paul II, who was an anti-communist, seemed like a really good guy.
Said, well, I've read what he's written.
I agree with everything I've ever read he wrote.
Common sense, good Christian man.
This guy is at 180 degrees.
So either Pope John Paul II was the devil, Or this guy?
And I know a lot of conservative Catholics didn't like Pope John Paul II, said he was changed up too much.
All I know is a bunch of the Swiss Guard, you know, the Guard of the Vatican, they have quit over these shots.
Why are all these medical workers quitting?
Because they see what it does to people.
They're not stupid.
Vatican, no religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccines.
Oh, so the pontiff is claiming, you know, that you don't have your own Catholic faith, your Christian faith, not take a shot that's based on the human genome of an aborted baby boy.
That's in the Pfizer shot and the Moderna shot.
The Vatican won't allow any religious exemptions from taking the COVID-19 shot, despite the fact that many of the vaccines were developed using tested on aborted fetal cells.
I mean, look.
Women don't want somebody ejaculating in them if it's not their husband.
And maybe a woman doesn't want to have a kid at the time, she tells her husband, hey, don't do that.
I mean, I know that, you know, if your wife didn't want to have a baby right away, right after she has one, she's like, hey, don't, don't, you know, pull out.
I'm not trying to get graphic here, that's how it is.
So imagine, I mean, I wouldn't want to have sex with a man, and I wouldn't want him to put his cellular material into me, I mean, I can just imagine a woman being raped, what that's like.
And then this is a needle with the whole genome of dead babies in it, that that's admitted.
And then it doesn't protect me, it makes me sick, and a weird creepy dude is up there saying, I better do it?
Because he said it doesn't matter if you're Catholic or not, he said all Christians should do it or you're not a Christian.
We're all in this together.
In it together?
What, I can't buy or sell if I don't have it?
It's tied to a World ID and a creepy Bond villain and Klaus Schwab's running it, and the Pope does whatever he says?
Of course they're trying to take us off the air, and for what you see on the news with them saying, oh, Jones will be shut down, Jones will have all these judgments, Jones will have all that, on and on and on.
That's not going to be the case, ladies and gentlemen, if you support us and spread the word about the articles, the videos, and pray for us, and have other talk show hosts rally behind us, and other folks on Twitter, because Facebook and all that's down right now, and support us and say, hey, see what you're not supposed to see.
Hear what you're supposed to hear.
Hear the verboten person that's under constant demonization, constant attack.
Why do the globalists fear him so much?
Because I'm covering their own documents!
For world government, for engineering collapse, and now we're in it!
And people know we have incredible credibility.
So listen, this is going to sell out in the next day or two.
So is BrainForce Ultra.
We did get a big shipment of down and out, but it sold out for five, six months.
All these are amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
This isn't just regular concentrated fiber.
At a very low price.
This is from the sprouts of a bunch of key sprouts of the highest vitamin and mineral and trace element levels and that incredible fiber and known amino acids in it that regenerate are so good for the upper and lower intestine.
This is the best quality you're going to find.
They sell similar formulas for 30-40 bucks at Whole Foods.
It's $19.95.
50% off.
RainForce Ultra is the best, cleanest, focused energy.
Way better than coffee.
Way better than all this stuff.
And then it's got a bunch of known compounds that accelerate and make the caffeine release properly and other compounds in the brain.
I don't have time here.
To reach everything that is in this, but it is an amazing product.
RainForce Ultra.
We got a limited supply in.
It will end up selling out by tomorrow at current sales rates.
And your purchase makes it possible.
Just came out a month and a half ago.
100% reviews, a full five stars.
This thing, this thing we could get enough of it would fund the whole operation, but we can't because it sells out within days because people know it's amazing.
Now, Brain Force Plus is excellent.
It'll finally be in after being sold out for six months as well.
It's a great formula.
It's different.
Different drugs, different folks.
But this, this is my favorite thing ever.
You go to the gas station to pay, you know, ten bucks for two pills that get you super sped up that are chemical and poisonous and you feel like you were run over by a truck the next day.
None of this happens with this.
You get a hundred doses of this.
I take only half a dose.
A hundred doses of this for, it's got to be 20 times cheaper per dose than what you get at the gas station that works like the devil but hurts you bad, just like the devil does.
Works up front, kills you on the end.
This is an amazing, clean, amazing product from cold-pressed herbs, other key compounds, from the top lab of the country.
We don't say their name or they get harassed and bomb-threatened.
We wouldn't even have it for you.
Because that's what goes on to try to shut us down.
They took all our sponsors.
They shit all the stuff to us.
Yours goes to a direct sale to you.
The very best products that'll blow you away.
Uh, and so down and out, Sleep Aid 50% off, Winteree 50% off, and Brain Force Ultra discounted, about to sell out.
And we need funds now to stay on the air.
I'm not just saying that to get you to buy some from us.
I need your support now.
And it's the last day to get t-shirts at cost at infowarestore.com.
All right, Wayne Allen Roots, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
Wayne Allen Root is with us for the Balance of the Hour.
Big fan of his work.
Red seller of his books.
He's a best-selling author.
Number one best-selling in bookstores.
The ultimate Obama survival guide.
The murder of the middle class.
Millionaire Republican.
And the conscience of a libertarian.
He's a syndicated talk show host.
I won't go over his whole background and the rest of it.
He's a great guy.
Doesn't need to be introduced to most of our audience.
But he wrote an article That I really agree with, that I saw all over the place.
It's time for civil disobedience.
Here's how we stop Biden vaccine mandates.
Before it gets as bad, I would add, as Australia.
We're going to play some clips of them now beating people in grocery stores with clubs as they try to go get food in Australia.
It's happening in France.
It's coming here.
So Wayne, Alan, Ruth, thanks for joining us here.
Great to have you on.
Hey Alex, great to be on.
I've been waiting for this call for a while.
Where you been?
I'm like, why did I not get this guy on?
I've been watching him for a decade or so.
So Wayne, you're right.
What do you think we should do?
How do we do it?
Well, first of all, you played a song on the way into my interview with war.
It's time to prepare for war.
I want to point out I was born, Wayne Allen Root, war in 1961 in Mount Vernon Hospital on the Bronx borderline.
So I've been preparing for this from the day of birth.
My initials really are war.
And I think we're at war.
This is a battle of the ages.
This is the devil against Jesus Christ.
I'm a Jew to Christ as my savior.
30 years ago, I well understand as a what people call a messianic Jew or a completed Jew, That Christ is the answer and the devil wants to defeat us every day.
And who does the devil hate?
Conservatives, patriots, America, American exceptionalism.
All of us are in the battle of our lives here, Alex.
And I wrote a new book.
You mentioned some of my older books.
My new book is number one.
It's called The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
And I think we have to use the ideas and strategies of the left against them.
It's number one in about 20 categories at Amazon for a reason.
I'll bet after being on your show it goes to number one at Amazon period because I know
you have the greatest audience and the most loyal patriotic audience in the world.
And this book is about using civil disobedience and protests and boycotts just like Martin
Luther King, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and every other Democrat, liberal and commie has
used for the last 50 years and turn it against them.
Two can play at this game.
We got to go after the corporations.
We got to go after the government.
We got to boycott it.
We got to sit in.
We got to protest.
We got to cut off the money.
We spend all the money in America.
Conservatives are 60% or more of the consumer spending and we got to turn the faucet off and bring these people to their knees Stop being nice.
Stop turning the other cheek.
We got to fight fire with fire, but not violence.
This is peaceful, civil disobedience, just like Martin Luther King.
And we got to do it today because my belief is the vaccine mandate is the real thing that's going to destroy us, divide us, cause crisis, chaos.
All the cops want to quit.
All the firemen want to quit.
All the paramedics want to quit.
All the nurses want to quit.
They're losing their pensions, their jobs, their livelihood.
My God, who's going to answer our 911 calls?
Who's going to answer when the house is on fire?
Who's going to answer when you head to the hospital and a third of the nurses are gone?
This is a nationwide shortage of the greatest people on earth.
First responders and their lives are being ruined by Biden and Big Pharma, and in my opinion, China and the Chinese Communist Party, that's the one that's behind all of this.
Amen to that.
And you're absolutely right.
In fact, I've already ordered your book.
In fact, I should probably buy a bunch and sell them at our store because it's totally true.
And I've read the synopsis.
I've read your editorial.
And the way you codify it, this is the only path other than a bloody civil war, which we don't want to have.
And the left is bullying us.
They do have a tiger by the tail.
You know, the ass-in directing the whole body.
We need to change that and so we need to get out there and not shoot people in the back like Antifa, not burn down buildings, but be very, very aggressive in our rights and standing up to bullies like Martin Luther King did.
Break down what you think we should do.
Well, first of all, in the book I list, the whole book is about one way of attacking, which is the way Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done it for the last four decades.
They intimidate corporate America.
I'm a believer, Alex, that nothing happens from the politicians.
They're a bunch of nobodies, right?
The money is what allows them to be important and to make policy and to ruin our country.
And by the way, all the politicians, in my opinion, The most important ones are owned by China.
They're either owned or blackmailed by China, so they don't care what we say, even if we are the majority.
And we've been the silent majority.
My book, The Great Patriot Protest, the boycott book, is all about making us the loud majority.
We gotta be loud.
We gotta tell corporate America that writes all the checks.
And backs all these politicians, and backs all the PACs, not with $10 like you and I give, or $100, or $1,000.
They write $1,000,000 and $10,000,000 checks.
So the politicians listen to them.
And we gotta bring them to their knees and starve them.
So I went out and I hired a team of telemarketers to dial the 116 most liberal, woke companies in America that survive on our sales.
We, conservatives, Christians, and patriots, Are the ones buying their products but they're spitting in our face, they're insulting us, they're offending us, they're ignoring us.
So I identified what I think are the top 116 Coca-Cola, AT&T, that own CNN, Ben & Jerry's, the list is long, Victoria's Secret.
And we can bring them to their knees.
So I had the telemarketers find out with hundreds of phone calls pushing, pushing, pushing.
What's the phone number of the CEO?
What's the email for the CEO?
What's the social media accounts?
What's the websites?
What is the physical mailing address?
And I've got and I got the board of directors names and the CEO's names.
So now you just open the book and you dial or you email.
So now take five minutes a day.
For five minutes a day, I think we can take back America.
Oh, absolutely.
This is a battle plan.
And reading your editorial, I totally agree.
Everybody should get the book.
Let's put it back on screen.
Give people the name, please.
The great Patriot protest and boycott book, the great Patriot protest and boycott book, and I've got 116.
The last 40 pages of the book are all the companies, all the CEOs, all the board of directors, all the phone numbers, all the emails.
People don't know the power because they count one phone call, what is like a thousand people, they count a letter is like 10,000 I was reading and they really pay attention.
And just one person that bought my book, one, on the first day he came out, sent me an email and said, Wayne, I sent an email to the head of Nordstrom's, the head of Costco, and the head of AT&T, and all three answered back and said, why are you boycotting?
Don't do this to us.
What can I do to make you happy?
That was one.
Can you imagine if we got 100,000 or a million patriots to do this every day?
Five minutes a day, send three out.
Tomorrow, a new three.
I totally agree.
Wayne, Wayne, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk about this all and what's currently happening.
But since you mentioned it, here's Biden just a few years ago saying, Communist China physically owns us, so we can't do anything.
Here it is.
I do know a lot about foreign policy, as much as anybody in this room, including if you're Henry Kissinger, who I love.
Folks, we have mortgaged our foreign policy.
Everyone's out there going, oh my God, how in God's name?
You know, the Chinese came here and the President didn't get anything.
Guess what?
They own us.
Guess what?
They own us.
Wayne Allen Root, we're going to come right back to you on the other side.
His website is rootforamerica.com.
He's an awesome guy.
There's so many great people like him, but he's fighting back in a nonviolent way.
And let me tell you, if millions of Americans, just a few million, did what he's talking about, we would change this now.
But instead, it's all the left bullying us.
Look, we're not bullies.
They started this.
We need to finish it.
Yeah, they've taken President Trump off the entire Internet, basically, and are trying to keep him in the Phantom Zone.
They've sued him almost a thousand times.
They're trying to shut me down with kangaroo courts.
But this is what happens when you fight for your country in a very serious time.
But I know, like Trump said a thousand times, they're coming after him because they wanted to get through him to get to you, to get to us.
It's the same thing here.
And so Wayne Allen Root, if I tried to go over his whole bio, it would take the whole show, but you've seen him all over Fox News, you've seen him all over everything.
He's an international CEO and best-selling author and speaker and syndicated talk show host.
But I really wanted to get him on because he's talking about Taking action.
He's talking about civil disobedience.
He's got a book about how you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
But there's also other ways to do it.
But he has a very strategic way.
And we're not going to make stuff up like Jesse Jackson and claim that this company's racist or that's company's racist to shake them down for $10 million from, you know, Texaco or whatever.
We're just trying to get these companies not to destroy the country and not dissolve the nation and not censor conservatives and not ban conservatives from flying or not ban the unvaccinated from flying and all the rest of this garbage.
And so the big corporations with the left are bullying us and they have to learn that we Are not going to roll over.
I think it's the old don't tread on me symbol of a snake saying I'm not going to bite you unless you step on me.
But then I am going to bite you.
So continue breaking down where you think we're going.
If we don't stand up and start flexing our muscles because the stuff out of Europe and the UK and Australia just gets.
I don't know if you've seen the footage, but it is.
They're now beating people up that go in grocery stores to buy food with billy clubs in black.
Gestapo outfits with big round shields, while the good cops, you know, that in America that
aren't following these orders, the left's trying to bully them and intimidate them to
get control of them.
So please continue, Wayne.
I want to say, by the way Alex, that I was banned for life from Twitter.
It made headlines all around the world.
Trump's friend, Wayne Allyn Root, banned for life.
Do you know to this day no one's ever told the media or me why I was banned for life?
I have no idea why I was banned for life from Twitter other than at some point right before the ban I had actually had the temerity to say, talk about a fairly unimportant You know, an innocuous thing to say.
I said, lockdowns have never worked in the history of the world.
You can't stop a germ by locking everyone in their house, but you can ruin an entire economy and put every small businessman and woman out of business.
And they suspended me for a week for misleading health information.
You told the truth for telling the truth, and now even Rand Paul gets censored by YouTube when he says natural immunity is way better, when that's a fact and cites a giant Israeli study.
Right, well, lots of things are facts.
In Israel, the most vaccinated nation in the world, and I'm a Jew.
I'm Jewish by birth.
And Israel, I love Israel, but they made such a tragic mistake.
This is the worst experiment in world history.
In Israel, they've made everyone get vaccinated, and everyone is now sick.
Pound for pound, per capita, it's the sickest nation in the world with COVID, and it's the most vaccinated nation in the world.
And the hospitals are full, and the morgues are full, and they're all vaccinated.
In Scotland, in England, in Wales, the latest stats are out.
Their government doesn't lie the way our government lies, and our CDC lies, Alex.
In those three countries, somewhere between 60 and 80 percent of all the deaths In the last three months are vaccinated.
The vaccine doesn't stop hospitalization.
It doesn't stop death.
I would argue it causes hospitalization and death because it first of all, it's worthless.
It wears off.
And second of all, it attacks and weakens your immune system.
So the next variant that comes out, instead of getting slightly sick or being immune to it, you die from it.
The long-term implications of this, uh, I won't even call it a vaccine.
It's experimental for emergency use only, a gene therapy, and it's like Dr. Frankenstein.
There was never a trial.
There were no tests.
There was no placebo group beyond 30 days.
They vaccinated everyone, Alex.
They don't know a year or two years or three years or four what's going to happen, but you and I know the VAERS report.
We know what's happening right now.
They're reporting 15,000 dead, the CDC and the government, directly from the vaccine.
They're reporting over a half million injured in Europe, over 25,000 dead from the vaccine, not from COVID, and over 2 million injured, many of them crippled, in Europe from the AstraZeneca version.
These aren't me and Alex Jones speaking.
This is the report issued by the government and Europe's version of the CDC and our CDC.
People are sick.
And throughout history, Alex, because my parents both died of cancer 28 days apart, I've studied health and fitness and vitamins and nutrition my entire life.
And I've studied the vaccine report, the VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, and it's a fact.
For 40 years now, it's only about 1% are ever reported.
If you die, there's nobody to report it.
You're dead!
And the doctor doesn't want to be sued, so they cover it up and they never report it.
So it's considered to be always about 1%.
So multiply 15,000 dead times 10, it's 150,000 dead.
Times 100, it's 1.5 million dead.
You have no idea how bad it is right now.
And that's now.
The real death will come in years 2, 3, and 4.
So look, I'm Jewish, and I've written commentaries.
This is 1938.
Never compare this to the Holocaust, because 6 million of my people were gassed.
No, you're right.
This is the build-up to it.
So you agree with Joe Rogan?
We're not saying it's Holocaust level, but it's the same road to the Holocaust.
Right, because 1938 was all about, number one, demonizing Jews, like they're demonizing the unvaccinated.
If you took Biden's speech from three weeks ago, scariest speech I've ever heard, if you substituted the word Jews for unvaccinated, It's the same speech you would have heard from Hitler or Goebbels in 1938.
Those people are dirty.
Those people are unclean.
Those people are diseased.
They shouldn't live among us.
They should be forced to be put somewhere separate like a camp.
They should not be allowed to go in restaurants.
They should not be allowed to go to retail stores.
And how about this one?
They can't live a normal life like the rest of us.
We've got to take their rights away.
This is Hitler 1938, folks.
It's not the Holocaust yet.
I never want to exaggerate.
It's the propaganda, the hate, and the demonization in preparation for something much worse coming down the pipe.
I'm unvaccinated.
Alex, I'll always be unvaccinated.
I haven't had the flu in 35 years.
I haven't had a cold in 15 years.
I take mega doses of vitamins and I work out 90 minutes a day.
They're antiviral vitamins, by the way.
Mostly vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin.
Those are the four!
That's what you gotta take!
And Wayne, you're on fire.
This is crazy.
So what do we do about the attempts to bully us into forced inoculation?
I mean, I want to see civil disobedience at these restaurants and these stores that won't let folks in without it.
I think we should go with civil disobedience and have sit-ins like they had in the 1960s when they wouldn't let black folks into those lunch counters in the South.
Listen, I was, in between the break, you went to your ad break, and I was looking at my emails and my texts.
First of all, I want to say, you have the greatest audience in the world.
I have more texts and emails waiting, Wayne, you're on TV!
You're on Alex Jones!
Than I ever get when I go on Fox News.
So despite all their attempts to try and demonize and destroy you and take away your media, you have so many, millions of loyal listeners.
So congratulations, Alex.
You're beating them at their own game.
And then number two, I had emails waiting at the moment you're saying this from prison guards, from policemen, from firemen, and now from nurses who want me to organize in Vegas where I live a massive strike and a massive sit-in at the hospitals, at the police station.
These are separate emails.
That came in in just the last 10 minutes, because they're all so scared on November 1st.
They're losing their jobs and their pensions, but they don't want the vaccine.
So we've just got to make our voices heard, and I think money's the real way.
Yeah, strikes are good.
Yes, sit-ins are good.
Sitting at the front of the bus, I get it.
All good.
Martin Luther King did it.
He created civil rights for black Americans, and I applaud him.
If it was good enough for him, it's good enough for us.
But money!
Stay there.
Stay there.
I'm telling you, you've rung the alarm here.
You've bonged the gong.
Nobody can reverse this.
I agree.
Wherever you're at, now's the time to peacefully organize and hit the streets and say no because they're trying to terrorize and force people into this Nuremberg Code, violating Nazi behavior.
I mean, nobody can deny that.
That's the closest thing we've seen to this.
It's dangerous.
And it was Big Pharma who helped lead that as well.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I wish that this wasn't true.
I wish it wasn't happening.
But I remember 16, 17, 18 months ago, Dr. Yidan, the former chief scientist at Pfizer, who just retired like a year before, three years ago now, and Dr. Wolfgang Wudarg, the head of the main EU advisory board, and then the Nobel Prize winner in France for HIV, and it's like a who's who, and then the inventor of mRNA.
All I do is read news all day.
I don't just put this out here as a prop.
This is stuff I've looked at or at least scanned.
A lot of it I've actually read the whole article and then I'm trying to bring something up I can grab.
This is just today's stuff.
There'll be more later.
I'll probably be on The War Room today some because there's so much, in fact, I will be.
There's gonna be so much breaking.
Christy Lee's hosting Owens on vacation until tomorrow.
I'm gonna be popping in there someday as well, so look for that.
And it's, I mean, I've got Pentagon report last week, AI, the Pentagon, JSAC, J-A-I-C report, Project Solace, finds that what you can see with your own eyes, Israel is the most vaccinated big country in the world, by big country, big population country, very small, geographically, and they have the highest rate of death, the highest rate of illness, highest rate of hospitalization.
Same thing with Singapore, it mirrors their numbers.
And same thing with Gibraltar.
Very small country, same numbers.
It's everywhere.
This is insane.
And I'm sure Wayne Allyn Root's seen this new report.
I had the lawyer that discovered it just last week on their Pentagon website on about it earlier.
I mean, this is insane.
I mean, the scientists predicted this a year and a half ago.
Now it's happening.
This is clearly eugenics 2.0.
Where do you see this going?
Because I think they've bitten off way more than they can chew, Wayne.
Yeah, and by the way, I don't know if this is like depopulation, let's kill everyone, or it might be a little more innocent than that, Alex.
It might be just bribery.
Every politician, all the media, and every doctor is getting rich off the vaccine and Big Pharma, and they want the money to keep coming.
And they just roll the dice and don't care.
I mean, if you look at media, I've been in the media my whole life.
I became an anchorman.
I think I was the youngest in America at age 26 at Financial News Network, now known as CNBC, in 1989.
I remember watching you on there.
That's the thing.
I've known you, I'd say, for 10 years in my memory, but I've been watching you forever, man.
You've been around, yeah.
And I could tell you that these media, every ad is Big Pharma!
Every other ad, they're getting rich off the ads!
And if they were to say one negative thing about any vaccine or any drug recommended by Big Pharma, they lose all their advertising!
They go out of business!
It's all about the money!
Same thing, by the way, with the doctors.
Do you realize how intimidating the doctors are?
They've been sent letters by their medical boards, All across America, if they ever say anything negative about the vaccine or Big Pharma, they lose their medical license.
They don't have a way to earn a living anymore.
Everyone is being bullied and intimidated.
Let me tell you a quick story here, Alex.
I hope your audience enjoys it.
When I was a young kid, when I was 13, 14, 15, I grew up in an all minority town, all black, Mount Vernon, New York, and an all minority middle school and an all minority high school.
I was a little Pale, braces, acne and glasses Jew, skinny little Jew, going to all black schools.
And I was beaten up every day in the lunchroom, in the bathroom, running home from school, on the way to school.
I was so scared I was going to die.
And then one day someone took pity on me, a rough Italian kid who had become my friend, I guess out of pity.
And he said, now that school's over for the summer, I'm gonna teach you how to fight.
So the next guy that hits you, you're gonna knock him out.
And this wonderful kid spent the whole summer teaching me how to be a man, and how to fight for myself, and how to stand up.
And when I got back to school, the first three bullies that attacked me, literally there were bullies, and they attacked me, and I knocked them all unconscious, and one of them, I knocked all his teeth out.
What's my point of this story?
After that, they all became my best friends.
I was the king of the school, became the vice president of the school, made the football team, the tennis team, and the track team, and I was the star of the school, and every kid that bullied me became my friend.
You don't win by backing down.
You gotta fight them.
You gotta stand up to them.
Conservatives and Christians, stop turning the other cheek.
It's time to fight and make a line in the sand, or we're gonna lose this country, And with the vaccine, you're going to lose your job and you may lose your life too!
This is just an apocalypse.
This is the end of America and American exceptionalism as we know it.
And I'm telling you, I'm not the most religious person in the entire world, but I do believe this is the devil.
Rules for Radicals is their Bible, the left, and it's dedicated to Lucifer.
And it's not a coincidence that Joe Biden the other day said, Well, we haven't passed my agenda yet, my $3.5 trillion bill.
If it takes six days, six weeks, or six months, we'll pass it.
Why did he say it that way?
Pure chance?
Pure coincidence?
Coach, you're right.
I've been a Christian and I love God and now I do see Jesus as a Savior.
Look how it's become the main religion to save us.
The devil's attacking it.
It unifies us.
It teaches us to love each other.
I mean, there's the Messiah right there.
They're attacking it, but now that I see it all unfolding, world government, Mark of the Beast, gotta have this Digital passport to buy and sell revelations being manifest and then these bills for forced inoculation and the vaccines are all like 666.
There's like five bills and then he's saying 666.
I mean, this is biblical.
And one more for you.
How about in certain schools around the country?
They're doing what I predicted they'd do three months ago when I wrote, this is 1938.
They're separating the kids and putting a symbol on your arm, you know, on your clothing to indicate you're unvaccinated at school.
That's the yellow star that the Nazis put on the Jews!
It's incredible.
This is absolute unthinkable in the United States.
And schools, all colleges and regulars are bringing back segregation.
It's me.
Look, even Bill Maher, who's a liberal, I've been on his show many times.
We don't agree on anything.
It used to be.
I used to be on a show all the time.
We never agreed on anything.
He sounds like me lately.
He's fantastic.
He's starting to wake up legitimately because I mean, what he's saying is true.
He says the left, you know, that one thing where they want to ruin America and burn down the country, get rid of the cops.
He said, listen, just because crapping in the bathroom is new.
And so, I mean, crapping in the kitchen is how the bathroom is new.
Doesn't mean we do it.
I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, they're just destroying everything.
Well, and he brought up the black national anthem.
Remember, I love the African-American people.
I went to school, all my friends were black.
I'm the only Jewish kid in the world that had black kids at my bar mitzvah.
I'm friends with the black people.
And the last thing I want is to ever hurt black people.
But the black national anthem before a football game?
Aren't we one country and one America?
You can't play the white national anthem before a football game.
Of course not!
I would never suggest it!
It would be racist!
It would be KKK!
So how do you allow the black national anthem before a football game?
It's offensive!
It's disgusting!
And it's racist!
And it's what you said in your tweet that got you banned.
This is going to shut the economy down.
It's going to divide the people.
This whole Great Reset that Klaus Schwab wrote about is about shutting down the general economy because the big banks and the big Walmarts and the big Amazons and the big targets, they can hold through it and they'll survive.
We won't.
And when it's over, they consolidate total control.
And they brag about it.
Klaus Schwab says this, that it's a corporate takeover.
This is criminal.
And the left, supposedly for the little guy, they're totally in bed with it.
Well, that's why, you know, look, I'm an SOB.
I was born a son of a butcher.
And so my dad owned a little butcher store in Westchester County, New York.
And my grandfather owned a little butcher store before him in Westchester County, New York.
And I'm a small businessman who became a national radio talk show host and a bestselling author.
But I'm still always going to think Like a small businessman or woman would think.
And that's always been my opinion.
There's 30 million small business people and they all are Republican conservative patriots and Christian thinkers.
And they're trying to destroy all of them.
But the ones who own the biggest companies in America are all Democrats, globalists, communists, authoritarian.
They're going to stay in business.
They want to drive the little guy and gal out of business.
They don't want my father and grandfather, rest in heaven, They don't want them to exist anymore and earn a living and be independent thinkers and independently wealthy on a small scale because they own their own business.
You either work for a big corporation or you work for government or you're going to be a serf or a slave.
That's what they're looking to create in the United States of America.
That's why I wrote my book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
We better get on it now, Alex, now!
And we better fight hard, and we better be, you used the right word, relentless!
I wrote the book, The Power of Relentless, a business book that was a number one bestseller, seven years ago.
I am relentless!
I will fight till the end like Winston Churchill!
Never, ever, ever, ever give up, no matter how bad it looks!
We will fight to the very last minute, till the damn Titanic goes into the water!
Because we gotta save this country, and you never know, I still believe we can do it!
Wayne, like you said at the start of the interview, where has Alex Jones been getting you on?
I've always been a fan for decades.
And then I'm like, man, this editorial is great.
Let's try to get him on.
I don't even come on.
And so you've come on.
I appreciate you.
And we're definitely simpatico when it comes to this fight.
So God bless you, my friend.
And I really look forward to having you back up as soon as you want to come back on.
And I'm going to get your book, and I'm going to read it.
In fact, I'm going to have my guys call you.
I want to buy 1,000 copies and sell them in the store.
You got it.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Thank you for all you do, man.
You're a fighter, and like me, I think I could say this word, you have balls.
We need people with balls, and you are a man with balls.
Thank you.
God bless you too, brother.
Hey, if you don't have balls, you're gonna be a slave.
Balls built America.
God bless Wayne Allen Root.
Thank you, sir.
I got some more stuff to hit than Gerald Cilente takes over, another guy with balls.
Okay, I'm going to do one more segment.
Next segment on what's the incredible footage out of Australia and how they're trying to bring that here and what the Vatican's up to.
And then Gerald Cilente always does a great job.
He should take over the last 45 minutes.
Former Vatican Bank President warns COVID pandemic is device for great reset.
That's what it is.
And if we don't get mainline politicians and leaders addressing what we're being attacked with, there's no future.
So that's coming up next segment.
But let me just talk about this right here, right now.
With all the viewers and all the listeners that are out there because this is very, very serious information.
I'm going to cover it and talk about it right now and I'm going to cut an ad that's going to run on the network and we'll go to break and come back.
Listen, Bob Dylan famously wrote the song and also sang the song and many others covered it of you got to serve somebody.
And I run a business to fund our operation to get the truth out and fight the globalists because I try to serve God and I try to serve the truth, but I'm a failed creature.
I'm not perfect, but my heart's in it.
I got the fight.
I've got a decent intellect and I've got perseverance and I've got doggedness and absolute commitment.
And so we've become, this broadcast, hands down, is recognized by the entire resistance as the most effective, best fighter we've got against the globalists.
And I don't even want that position.
It's a very dangerous position to be in.
It's very humbling.
That's why I'm trying to go to the next level and be even better on air and be more Christ-like and not be a goblin-like creature that I tend to slump towards.
We have to fund ourselves with sales.
We have to fund ourselves with your support.
And I appreciate you.
And it's all in God's hands.
But the globalists are doing everything they can to harass our manufacturers, our distributors, and the supply chain's broken down.
And there's all these issues taking place, and I don't want to lay off crew.
In fact, I've got programs and operations and things we're building and doing you don't know about yet, that are going to really up our game to another level.
I mean, we've already had so many home runs against the New World Order and Grand Slams and Royal Flushes to mixed benefits.
That I know it's our job to do this, and I know that on top of the 15 hours a day I'm working on air and keeping this place on air, I'm spending a few more hours a day with other projects and other things that are not done yet.
And so, something big's gonna come out of this cocoon.
They're gonna be quite the butterfly.
And so, we were made for this moment.
I can see God in all of it.
I can see God working through you.
But I need your financial support right now to win these fights and to deal with things that are going on, or we're not gonna get these things off the launch pad.
It's like I've got a bunch of, you know, rockets on the launch pad, ready to go, ready to deliver their payload, okay, to the space station.
To broadcast the truth to the world, to use another analogy.
But they're going to blow them up on the launch pad.
I got to have the fuel in the rockets and they're almost loaded.
And so I need you to go to Impaul War Store.
We're selling all the shirts and stuff for, I guess, another day or two at cost.
That just gets inventory out and gets money into our funds.
We've got a bunch of products that are about to sell out like Brain Force Ultra.
It's still discounted.
It's amazing.
Green fiber capsules from the highest quality fiber from a bunch of key sprouts.
So good for your body.
Just I can't tell you the vitamins, the minerals, the trace elements, the special amino acids that are only in these type of green sprouts that are so good for your intestines.
Not just for your whole body, for your guts particularly.
That's 50% off.
We have Down and Out Sleep Aid.
50% off.
It's way stronger than Knockout.
And I'm not competing the two.
You know, some people want to drink beer, some want whiskey.
I'm using that analogy of how some people want to shoot a .50 caliber, some want to shoot, you know, a .357.
But they're all strong, they're all excellent.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
But the enemy is working around the clock to silence us and shut us up.
So I'm strategic.
I know things.
If we don't do certain things the next few months strategically, we will not be able to continue on in six months.
So, I need you just to take action now.
You should go to Infowarsstore.com.
I need you to buy whatever products you like or whatever you want.
Water filters, air filters, durable foods, things you need.
We've got great quality, great prices.
Do it there.
Shop with us.
It's key in the fight against the globalists.
You're standing right beside us.
And separately, again, ladies and gentlemen, you can also support our sponsors as well.
You can also make straight donations there in the support button.
You click that, you see sponsor.
That's how you become a sponsor.
Make a one-time donation or recurring.
We need the funds now.
Take action.
We fired the bat signal.
We're going to show footage way more dramatic than even France or Spain where people who've not taken their GMO injections that the Pentagon's AI says is killing people at the highest rate they've ever seen with any so-called vaccine and erasing their immune system and then replacing it with an autoimmune disorder and it's even in the CDC documents they knew that would happen and FDA documents.
We're going to show some of that shock footage here in a moment that Gerald Slundey takes over, but look at this article by Jamie White, just went live at Infowars.com.
Former Vatican Bank president warns COVID pandemic is device for great reset.
And why am I hammering this?
Because if our governors and our legislatures and our churches and our homes and our schools and our good House members and good Senate members, and they're there, I know a lot of these people.
I run into them in DC or wherever they're like, I'm a big fan, kind of scared to come on, but man, I just think you're crazy.
You're right about it all.
They can be from Arizona.
They can be from West Virginia.
I mean, governors, foreign presidents, Japanese, you know, deputy prime ministers.
I'm not trying to brag here, folks.
I'm telling you.
And so, When I talk about this, I know that these people are not fully up to speed and are just now figuring out this is all real.
It's not Hitler, or it's not the Cold War, or it's not, you know, the Spanish-American War we're in.
It's not World War I. It's not 1776 with the British.
It's the corporations using communist dogma to control, bankrupting everything, and now we're in the collapse.
Now the inflation's here.
They're getting rid of the old monetary system by devaluing it to crash everything and bring in the new one with a social credit score and carbon taxes.
It's all official!
And they don't want us on air when they pull all this off.
They're going to do what they've done in Australia and in the UK.
And in Canada, permanent lockdowns unless you've taken all the shots and paid the carbon taxes and sent your child to be sterilized, in their own words, then, then they will let you, quote, have somewhat of a life while you're being slowly killed.
This is Pavlovian.
This is tyranny.
People say, well, why are you fighting something as evil?
They're going to get you.
They're going to get everybody.
This is an exterminist plan.
It only gets worse by increments over the next decade until they're bioweaponing and killing the majority of the third world and they would have already flooded us with so many hundreds of millions.
The plan is 300 million to hit the US, 200 million to come into Europe by then that we'll be begging for them to kill the third world.
It's all actuaried.
It's all planned.
They're taking out the carrying capacity of our industrial system, the post-industrial world.
This is modern war.
And if people don't get it, it's game over.
That's why every guest I come on, I bring up the Great Reset to them.
Do you know about it?
Had a lawyer last hour, an hour before, he gets it.
Had Wayne Allen Root on, he gets it.
And all these people that thought I was crazy, I can name names, but it's not about how I'm right.
It's about, we better realize the war we're in.
It'd be like if Martians showed up and started blowing stuff up, and instead we were fighting with each other.
That's the enemy.
Not, not, not black and white.
So it's on, folks.
They tell you by 2030 you'll own nothing and you'll love it.
That's mind control.
And if you don't say you love it with a social credit score, you'll starve to death.
Former Vatican Bank president warns COVID pandemic is devised for Great Reset.
The former president of the Vatican Bank warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is a Trojan horse for Great Reset, a plan to reduce global population, decimate the free market and erase all borders.
Oh, you might want to listen to him.
Ettore Gatti Tesecci is an Italian economist who was appointed by Pope Benedict to head the Institute for the Works of Religion.
And then it goes on to say it's backfired, he's come out and said, this is what's really going on.
Folks, this is what's happening.
And now the Vatican says, take your shot, it's of God, you know, no religious exemptions.
Total BS fabricated.
ACL Fest fans call BS after festival claims they're 100% COVID policy compliance, saying everyone's either vaccinated or been tested, and then everyone is six feet apart.
Overhead shot, please.
As you can see, it's just not true.
Good it's not true, because it's all a bunch of bull.
The vaccine's what's going to make you sick.
It isn't a vaccine.
America's pastime, NLB strengthens partnership with Communist China, just like the basketball teams.
And now let's hit this footage.
There's a lot of bleeping here, there's a lot of cussing.
Grocery shoppers under attack in suburban Melbourne, Australia.
Turns out now they've had six from the Prime Minister or the Premier down there have to resign because they were paid off by Big Pharma.
But they still just roll forward with the attacks and the controls.
Here's that video.
You're at a grocery store getting food.
It's a gas station slash grocery store.
Here comes 500 cops in black uniforms clubbing people with clubs and shields.
They were on Radio 2 listers, that's why I narrate.
So people try to go to the store as a group without having a vaccine passport to get into the mall and the police are attacking everybody.
Just like Spain, just like France.
Once they get you under this passport, they're going to control everything you do with a carbon tax.
You guys have to stop fucking the tax because- I don't know, this was coming two years ago?
Or ten years ago?
They all write books on it like COVID-19.
Like The Great Reset.
Can't have a fucking coffee, you dogs!
Let's show you some more footage of what's going on.
I tell you, there's so many of these.
Let's play this clip, though.
Let's look at the insanity of these people.
It's Representative John Yarmuth, who's the head of the Budget Committee, saying, quote, the federal government can't afford anything.
Yeah, you can't get gas delivered.
Things are breaking down.
The welfare checks aren't enough to pay for things.
But like, why am I a Republican?
Zimbabwe, you can just afford anything.
Cause they get first use of the money.
And so when they spend a trillion, it's only like a billion, they don't care.
Now they'll just spend 20 trillion, but they'll pass on the debt and the inflation and the devaluation to you.
And this is the type of crazy stuff.
You know, they say Robert Kennedy Jr.' 's great grandfather, JFK's father,
Kennedy Sr.
famously sold all his stock before the Great Depression, one day before, because he saw a shoeshine boy giving people stock advice.
He saw the general public buying into it.
That was a nice little antidote.
He told it really.
He was an insider, knew it was coming.
But when you sit there and see the head of the budget committee saying, quote, well, here, hear it for yourself.
Here it is.
I read Joe Manchin's statement.
I've listened to him.
He has no understanding of how the federal government monetary system works.
When he compared it yesterday to his household income, that has no relevance to what we can do.
It's not a question of what we can afford.
The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do.
And right now, that's what we ought to be focused on.
You know, that's kind of the position I took in the Budget Committee.
That's the position I will take going forward.
And men can have babies.
And when two people in a women's prison in California, man and woman, have a baby, they say two women had a baby.
And women have penises.
And, oh, trans weightlifter Laura Hubbard wins coveted Sportswoman of the Year award.
And it's a giant, obese man.
But there is some sanity.
UK Athletic Equity Group deems transports unsafe and unfair.
What, you shouldn't put somebody in a boxing match, a man with a woman?
Hell, they're already trying to ban boxing and football.
It's already so dangerous when men do it.
But look at that woman!
Look at that woman!
Looks like Frankenstein going in there to then be the world champion over women.
Hey, why don't you compete?
With men, because you can't win.
Why don't you see women going in to men's sports?
Because they can't compete.
But men can go down and bully women and be called heroes!
There you go!
You're a big fat dude!
You're a creep!
You're a bully!
And the Globals want to overthrow realities.
We don't know that.
All right, Gerald Swindon is loaded for Barry.
He's about to take over.
InfoWars needs your help right now.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
We need funds to stay on the air.
Believe me, I can't tell you why.
Just support us.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as Alex just said, do what you can to support InfoWars.
There's a lot of pressure going on and they need your help.
We all do.
We're in this together.
It's a fight for our lives.
He mentioned RFK Jr.
and when I was the speaker just before he went on at Ron Paul's War on Us conference this past September.
And as RFK Jr.
is walking off the stage, this is a guy whose father and uncle, JFK, were assassinated.
And Ron Paul's War Against Us event was about the loss of our freedom.
And as RFK is walking off the stage, he said, I will fight to my death with my boots on.
And that's who we're in.
We're in the fight for our lives.
They showed you that cover of the Trends Journal.
That was from January 28th, 2020.
Coronavirus, 106 dead in China, and our next line was 1.4 billion still alive.
What the hell are you telling me that 106 people died in China, the country of 1.4 billion?
I'm really not good at math, but that adds up to nothing.
We were the first to call this fraud out.
It started On Chinese Lunar New Year.
That's right.
A week before that.
I used to be on Hong Kong TV quite frequently.
In 2019.
When the protests were going on in China, in Hong Kong.
They didn't want the Chinese taking over.
It's a whole different place.
Whole different place.
And under the agreement, That the British made with them.
Yeah, millions of people marching.
A million people marching against and they couldn't stop them.
A million people out of 7.5 million.
Do the numbers, think about it.
One million taking to the streets out of 7.5 million.
You can't get a million people out in America Out of 332 million to protest.
When I was one of the speakers down in Columbus Circle, down in New York City, about a month ago, against Warren Wilhelm Jr., that little piece of crap de Blasio's mandates, about 2,000 or 3,000 people showed up.
A million people, they couldn't stop it.
They couldn't stop the protests.
Then the coronavirus hits China.
Oh, and they show the guy walking down the street and dying like that.
Remember that?
In Yuan, the city of Yuan?
Yeah, F-Yuan, yeah.
They lock it down.
They lock down a couple of places.
They lock down Hong Kong.
That was it.
Passed a security law after that.
Nobody could go protest.
China took complete control.
Then they started calling this the COVID war.
Yeah, yeah.
Showing all this junk.
The COVID war.
And we wrote, dumb enough to believe Bush's wars, dumb enough to believe the COVID war.
And I wrote, just as they marched off to Mussolini, saluted Stalin, annihilated Hitler, people marched off to the COVID war.
Thought-breaking what's happened.
They are robbing us of our freedom.
Alex was showing what's going on in Australia.
You know, I've been making fun of that, that Fatshah Brut, that Gladys Bejerkenhoff, you know, that woman that was the premier.
You couldn't make up an uglier piece of crap head than her.
Who is screwing this guy that was married.
Yeah, there she is.
Fatsha Brute.
Look at her!
How could people be so damn stupid to take orders from her?
Oh, I know.
You're dumb enough to take them from Danny Andrews.
No, you're sucked up to that arrogant little Gavin Newsome.
One freak show after another.
Oh, she quit.
Because the guy that she was screwing, she was screwing the people out of their money, too.
Doing a dirty deal with them.
Get it in your head, everybody.
These are not governments that are running our lives and ruining them.
They're crime syndicates.
Got it?
They're crime syndicates that in America... Yeah, look at that little piece of garbage Warren Wilhelm Jr.
A real junior!
He took the name de Blasio so he'd get the Italian-American vote.
Look at the freaks running us!
Just like they hired Hitler, marched to Mussolini, and saluted Stalin, The people are going after us.
It's a communist, fascist world.
The clown, the people that decided to get vaccinated, fine, knock yourself out.
Do what you want to do.
But don't tell me I have to do the same.
No, I'm not stupid.
I write a weekly magazine that, oh, last week was only 142 pages.
142 pages. I only have facts in there. But then you got a clown like little
Lindsey Graham.
You want to see how stupid the people are?
It went after him because he's shooting his mouth off.
Where is this thing?
There it is.
Republicans shout down Lindsey Graham.
He was booed on Sunday after he said that people should consider taking the coronavirus vaccine.
I think he also... Look at this guy!
How could anybody with a brain bigger than a pea listen to this piece of... Hey, Lindsey!
Did you come out of the closet yet, Graham?
You little sloppy little crap head!
Look at him!
He goes, if you haven't got the vaccine, you should think about getting it, Graham said, because you're my age.
He goes on to say, That he compares it to... Where is this here?
He compares it to the measles... How many of you have taken measles shots?
A measle brain?
This is a... This is not that kind of vaccination!
Measle head?
It's a gene therapy shot, the first ever injected into humans.
We're going to take a break.
Again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
We're in a fight for our lives.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, show us your vax papers.
Another great cover by Anthony Frieda.
And the Schwoz sticker is with needles.
That got banned from Twitter.
Yeah, yeah, the free, the free nation of America.
Grow up again!
It's a crime syndicate.
Need any proof?
Leaked Pandora records show how the powerful shield assets.
The new report sheds light on how world leaders, powerful politicians, that's a curse word, powerful politicians, not powerful politicians, egomaniacs, psychopaths, sociopaths, Pathological liars!
All right?
Look at him!
Him, huh?
Billionaires and others have used offshore accounts to shield assets collectively worth trillions of dollars, hundreds of politicians.
This is another curse word.
This is profanity.
What celebrity?
Take it easy!
And they're not celebrities, they're sellouts.
They're all a bunch of scum sellouts selling us the vaxes.
Like Bruce Springsteen.
Bruce, piece of crap like all the rest of you.
Just like you're selling Krispy Kreme donuts to get the vax.
These little slime balls that work for the big corporations do what they're told.
Religious leaders, yeah.
Religious leaders.
Religious phonies and drug dealers have been hiding.
Oh, drug dealers?
Oh, which one?
Oh, AstraZeneca, maybe.
No, no.
Yeah, which drug dealer are you talking about?
Because that's all they are.
So grow up, everybody.
Big Pharma.
Big FU.
They're drug dealers.
Have been hiding their investments in mansions, exclusive beef front properties, yachts, and other assets.
The more than 300 current and former politicians.
Pandora Papers.
Biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful.
Got it, everybody?
Got it?
Rich and powerful.
All we are are plantation workers on the global plantation of Slavelandia.
Do you remember when those scum, those scum picked the state?
Uh, how about Whitley Switney over there in Michigan?
I don't know.
I like that kind of wine.
You know, that kind of wine in Ohio.
No, no, no, no.
I like, uh, I like that little wolf kitten over there.
A little wolf puppy over there in Pennsylvania.
How about, how about Andrew, uh, harassment a lot to him.
How about him?
We're going to... Oh, how about that other guy?
You want to talk about a lot of dough and mansions everywhere?
The arrogant little boy Murphy over there that plays the governor of New Jersey.
We're going to close down for two weeks.
We're going to flatten the curve.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
We're going to flatten the curve.
We're going to flatten the curve.
Two weeks goes into two... Look at him.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Look at him!
You think this guy's so brilliant?
He's a member of the gang!
He's a member of the money mob!
Look at him!
Look at him!
Can't look at him, man.
You wanna talk about Thatcher Brute?
Two weeks.
Flatten the curve.
Remember that one?
Goes into two months, four months, a year.
Anyway, They exposed the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers, and heads of state, heads of state, scumbags, that the morons follow.
They also shine a light on the secret finances of more than 300 public officials and government ministers.
Aren't those nice words?
Government ministers!
We're still in the feudal age!
We're in the feudal age!
Government ministers!
Public officials!
Official pieces of crap!
Look what they're doing!
Look at the trillions they're stealing!
There they are.
The little war manga that all the little low lives love.
The murderous Barack Obama destroyed Libya.
The richest country in Africa where people had more rights and benefits than people in Europe.
In many countries.
Oh, you wonder why you got an immigration problem over there, a refugee problem in Europe.
Gaddafi warned them before Obama got him killed.
When he goes down, the country's going down.
Doesn't even make the news anymore.
They were stopping him.
He stopped.
He made deals with Berlusconi and others that no one would come out of Libya.
Then we're all flooding out of there.
These are the murderers in charge.
The facts are all here.
An investigation based on one of the biggest ever leaks of financial documents on Sunday, October 3rd exposed a hidden world of shielded wealth belonging to hundreds of politicians and billionaires.
You got it?
All we are are plantation workers on the global plantation of slavelandia.
These low-lives, these cowards, liars, freaks and fools, like a little nothing piece of crap, de Blasio and Murphy and Witless Whitney and DeWine, how could people listen to these jerks?
Off over there, telling them what to do.
They have, you are not essential.
You are a little piece of garbage.
Walmart, that's essential.
Costco's essential.
Yeah, fun, huh?
There he is, little Ford Fauci.
A little clown.
Look at him.
Look at him.
A national piece of garbage.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Fraud Fauci.
Telling us what to do.
The lying little freak who is on CBS telling us not to wear masks because they were worthless.
Emails saying to Obama, it was a head of one of his departments over there, going to the airport, you don't have to wear a mask, they're useless.
And now he's telling us.
Anyway, going back to it, you can see who's running and ruining our lives.
You don't pay your taxes in full, boy, they go after you.
Hey, you didn't make a full stop at that stop sign!
Or like the COVID cops in Australia beating people up for going shopping.
But for the bigs, they're in charge.
They got a free ride.
They steal, they rob.
Little Tony Blair, how can you?
Boy, what a Oh, a murderous little clown worth millions and millions and millions and millions in mansions.
That's right.
You see what's going on?
Look at him.
Look at that arrogant little crap head.
Can you imagine him fighting?
But they send other people, like Obama sends people to go fight.
Anybody that goes to send people to go fight in war, lead the charge or shut your mouth!
Lead the charge or shut your mouth!
I can see, I can see little Chuckie Schumer in a fight.
Oh, yeah.
Couldn't fight his way over a paper bag.
But they're just fighting to destroy our lives.
And if we don't unite, we're finished.
Again, InfoWars stores buy their products, We need all the support we can get in our fight for freedom.
You can see how they're stealing it from us.
They're stealing our money!
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Listen, you gotta do what you can to support InfoWars.
Because you know the story.
Last week, you know, they announced more and more bans of people.
I'm getting banned, a lot of my content.
So we have to unite.
And they have great products, so you're not doing this for nothing.
And right at this time, as we're seeing what's going on, there's never been a better time to supercharge your state of mind than now.
And that's what you really need to do.
And they have this powerful new BrainForce Ultra.
It's now back in stock, and for that, the Ultra Force, they got it down to 25%.
And BrainForce Ultra has more than twice More than twice the servings of even stronger proprietary super formulas including
The greenest seed, green coffee beans, green tea leaves and more.
So stop getting any energy from toxic sources.
Many energy drinks, as people that are informed know, and other products are loaded with artificial ingredients.
You're worried about COVID killing you?
All these artificial ingredients will do you in really good.
So Brain Force Ultra is a serious source of real energy and you really feel good about, you know, taking it every day.
So after being requested by listeners, BrainForce Ultra is now easier than ever to take in a great tasting liquid form.
So support yourself and InfoWars.
Get BrainForce Ultra today for the exclusive launch price before it's all gone and it's going to go quick.
And you'll never be able to get this offer again.
Very rare for you to do.
So secure your bottle of BrainForce Ultra at InfoWarsStore.com before the limited run is sold out.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
BrainForce and boy you need it now.
So I want to go on to the economy.
The time we have left here.
The markets today were down some 550 points.
550 points.
Now they're down around 280.
The equity market is overvalued.
The stock prices are where they were in 1999-2000 bust, the dot-com bust.
And I was the first magazine in the Trends Journal to call the dot-com bust, it's there in black and white, in October 1999.
I said it would crash by the second quarter of 2000 and it did.
And by the way, The Nasdaq had lost 66% of its value just before we went to war against Afghanistan.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
We were in a deep recession.
Markets were crashing.
Fed bailed out the banksters on the Afghan war began, 9-11.
Right after 9-11, they start pumping dough in, artificially propped up the markets.
They're doing it again with the COVID war.
Go to Rich Dad's podcast, Robert Kiyosaki, that I did on his show at the beginning of September.
I nailed this inflation as I have since a year ago.
That little Fed chairman, Jerome Powell, was lying.
Saying it was temporary.
They know that it's not temporary.
They're not stupid and they are the top, the top criminal bankster gang.
They're not dumbbells.
They're saying it was temporary because why are the markets going down?
Why did the markets just have the worst September, since March of 2020, when the COVID war began, and the markets were crashing.
Because they're going to raise interest rates.
When they raise interest rates, the monetary methadone that these money junkies need, that they get for almost nothing, starts to dry up.
The housing bubble broke When interest rates go up.
Commercial real estate.
You're going to have to raise interest rates.
You're looking at the Turkish lira, you're looking at one currency after another hitting new lows.
Under the pressure, they don't want to raise interest rates over there in Turkey because they know what will happen.
When interest rates go up, it costs more to borrow money, the economies crash, end of story.
Look at oil prices.
Do you think any of these politicians know how much it costs to pump gas into their car?
Or any of the billionaires and trillionaires that are screwing us all the time?
Don't have a clue.
Brent crude just broke above $81 a barrel.
We are seeing a replay of the panic of 08.
When the markets crashed in 08, oil was on its way up to $100 a barrel.
Inflation is real.
This thing's gonna go down big and hard.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
And they're gonna do it again.
Just as people were dumb enough to march off to Bush's wars, dumb enough to follow the COVID war, and dumb enough to believe The media that sold them the wars.
Who's that quote from that general over there?
Here it is.
lost the 20-year war in Afghanistan, top U.S.
general says.
It is clear, it is obvious to all of us, that the war in Afghanistan Did not end on the terms we wanted with the Taliban in power in Kabul, said General Mark Miley, Chairman of the U.S.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee.
All right.
Here we go.
I was the first to predict we'd lose it.
And I got banned from all the media for saying it.
And they did that movie.
Back in 2014 with Doris Roberts who played the mother of Everyone Loves Raymond.
The guy playing me, Andrew Kass, is on the phone.
Yeah, you tell your producer we're going to lose the Afghan war.
H. Brown, Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, everybody all the time.
God, you're either with us or with the terrorists.
You're going to take us to war again.
You look at the headline over here in today's Wall Street Journal.
China puts pressure on Taiwan with surge in military flights.
Beijing flew 93 military sorties near Taiwan over three days as China celebrated its National Day holiday.
It's largest such prodding in the past year, prompting the U.S.
to warn against what it called provocative military activity.
Because the United States is now selling Taiwan more armaments for the military-industrial complex to get rich.
So, if the U.S.
lost the 20-year war against Afghanistan, according to the top U.S.
general, you think they could beat China?
How dumb could you be?
All they're doing You saw the new budget that they put out, the Democraps.
Again, a crime syndicate.
Democraps and Republicans.
How can anybody with a brain look up to a little Lindsey Graham, a Mitch McConnell, a Diane Not-So-Feinstein, a Nancy Pelosi, a little Chuckie Schumer?
They passed a $778 billion defense budget.
To enrich the military-industrial complex after losing the Afghan War.
It's a takeover.
All we've become are plantation workers on the global plantation of Slavelandia.
Support InfoWars, support the truth, and if you want to read history before it happens, see where the markets are going, Bitcoin, everything gold, we've been calling it oil.
On the money.
The Trends Journal.
History before it happens.
So please, everyone, stand up for freedom, and most importantly, get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
You're in the fight for your life.
And if you have children, you better start fighting for them real hard now.
See you next week.
It's October 1st, 2021 and I've got good news for you.
I've got good news for me.
I've got good news for everybody alive in America and on this planet today.
Now we spent years developing this, and it's probably one of the strongest, cleanest formulas in the world.
There may be something better.
We don't know about it.
It's made by one of the top labs in the United States that we private label it from, because again, if we said their name, they'd get attacked by the left.
This stuff is incredible.
It is Brain Force Ultra.
Exclusively available at MFOWarStore.com.
We got a limited run of this in a month ago and it sold out in three days.
And we already had a larger batch getting developed.
The ingredients came in.
And the new batch is here, and I just took some today.
And I think it's even stronger than the last batch, because this stuff, again, is done in a lab, but it's done organically.
So each batch varies a little bit, but it does get all the testing done to show that it's at least up to a basic strength, and this is actually above that.
So we got Brain Force Ultra back in stock.
We got a big shipment in, but it's so popular, I think it's going to sell out in probably a week.
Despite that, we're going to offer it at 50% off the introductory rate.
For at least four or five days.
That's why I'm saying it's October 1st.
I'm gonna run this until October 5th.
Hell, it may sell out.
And that's good news for Infowars because we desperately need funding in the face of the Democratic Party.
Assault their rig courts, their kangaroo systems, and their attempts to silence us and silence you.
Because that's why they're coming after us is to get to you.
We are all in this together as Benjamin Franklin said.
And if we don't hang together, we're going to hang separate.
You've been hanging with us, you've been keeping us on air, you've been spreading the word, and it's having an incredible effect.
In fact, let me spend a minute or so on that before I get back into this.
I had a chance to go up to Glenn Beck's The Blaze.
I had a chance to hang out with Steven Crowder at his offices outside The Blaze.
And I had a chance to meet with a lot of other big reporters and other pundits and A lot of them thought I was full of it 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.
They now see everything I predict to come true and we had a hero's welcome there.
And it's happening all over the place.
But that's because of your support.
If you didn't keep us on air, the world wouldn't be waking up.
When this tyranny launches attack, we would be losing.
We'd be submitting.
But instead, all over the world, from Australia to the United States, people are fighting back and waking up.
And InfoWars, at least half the time that we talk to people, is the catalyst that woke them up.
That means you're the catalyst that woke them up.
So again, BrainForce Ultra is back in stock.
You've got to go see what is in this.
Let me just read you some of the things.
Guarana seed, look at what that does.
Alpha GPC, woo!
Green coffee bean, olethro root, yerba mate leaf, green tea leaves, ginkgo leaf, ashwagandha root, and more.
And they are strong, organic, cold-pressed.
This isn't dry garbage.
This isn't old trash.
This is new.
At one of the best labs, I'm going to say the best because there might be one better, but it's the best we know of.
And we are so proud to bring you this and that it funds the M4.
Clean, long, sustained, deep, focused energy where you don't have the crash.
If you love Turbo Force, if you love Brain Force Plus that are both different formulas that are excellent, you're going to absolutely love Brain Force Ultra.
All three are different formulas.
All three do different things.
But I gotta tell you, of the three, drop for drop, this is the strongest ever.
50% off, InfoWarsTore.com.
And while you're there, check out all the other great products like Ultra 12, Glitter Set, and so many others.
But whatever you do, keep praying for a global awakening, and keep spreading the word about InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news, today.
And remember that every person you reach out to now is one step closer to our victory.
So thanks for keeping us in the fight.
We're never going to back down.
God bless and good luck.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioProbes and how they're creating amazing products.
They've done it again and have just released an entire suite of bioremediation products, bringing industrial level technology to the everyday consumer.
They're literally changing the industry with a revolutionary patented delivery system.
The BioPros are excited to release BioDrain Pro, a product specifically designed to establish healthy drains, pipes, and overall plumbing systems.
BioDrain Pro digests grease, fats, oil, sludge, paper, and organic matter with ease.
It contains no chemicals, no GMOs, and is safe for black, gray holding tanks, sewer hoses, and plumbing.
It is also human and animal safe.
Get up to 20 treatments with the scoop for easy applications.
Say goodbye to drain problems, gas buildup, and odor.
Just pour and add water.
It's that simple.
Visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
I'm taping this on September 29th.
And this special sale is only going to run for one week and one week only.
In fact, some of the items here are about to sell out, but we need the funds, so I'm discounting them regardless.
That's where we are at InfoWars, and the fight is so intense.
So I would get these great products that are amazing for your health, amazing for your immune system and everything in your body, and that are amazing because they fund this operation.
I would take advantage of this sale.
This has been a really big seller.
We're down to a few thousand bottles of it.
It'll probably be next year till we get more in.
It is our green fiber capsules.
It's derived from the highest quality sprouts that you're going to find out there and other known ingredients that give you the roughage you need.
To energize and basically give your guts a new lease on life.
To help clean things out and to give your body just incredible organic delivery of so many vitamins and minerals and trace elements.
This is a game changer.
We're not going to get more in for months and months.
It's 50% off.
Hair and Beard Formula was sold out of our great multivitamin mineral product.
People like hair and beard formula.
This is probably as good or better than our formula.
So it's great for your hair, great for your beard, great for women's nails, and their clothes, or women nowadays have beards as well.
So it's great for women's beards, but seriously, it's also fantastic as a multivitamin mineral.
In fact, we're probably just going to change the label on it and put one out as a multivitamin mineral, because this is really an amazing formulation.
It's 50% off.
And we've got the old reliable, this has been out over 10 years, Knockout Sleep Formula 8 Different, concentrated organic compounds associated with deeper, better sleep, which is key to what?
Again, your immune system.
And this baby, at least twice as strong as Knockout.
Too strong for some people.
Down and Out is a different formula.
And this sucker sold out in its first run very, very quickly.
Despite that, it's now back in stock.
It is 50% off.
So these guys go together like a horse and carriage.
And then Super Mel Vitality is back in stock.
We made it even stronger.
40% off.
Super Female Vitality, back in stock.
Also 40% off.
Winter Sun is going to sell out soon, but I'm extending that sale another week as well.
50% off because everybody needs it.
And of course, again, down and out is here, along with X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, key for the immune system, the whole body.
This is the thing that most people are deficient in.
It's the real game changer.
People ask, how I have so much energy?
It's the iodine, folks.
Infowarstore.com, 40 to 50% off on all these great items.
Again, Infowarstore.com or call toll free, triple A, 2-5-3, 3-1-3-9, and it helps keep us on the air.
This is a 3-60 win, so take advantage of this sale right now.
You've got one week from September 29th on.