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Name: 20211003_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 3, 2021
1429 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses how Bill Gates has been promoting his policy of truth for the last 40 years, stating that he wants power over the world government. Jones argues that this is causing problems for Gates as people are starting to understand what is happening and the consequences it brings. He urges listeners to take a deep breath and think calmly about the situation at hand. Jones then moves on to discuss the globalists' plan and how they have been preparing for the economic crises and shortages of staple goods and energy around the world. He mentions that he had warned his audience about these events years ago and that it is now happening. Jones emphasizes the need for Congress and governors to take action against this globalist movement in order to prevent further pain and suffering. The broadcast also talks about the importance of deep restful sleep for maintaining a healthy immune system and offers a 50% discount on a product called Down & Out, which promotes restful

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[Sound Effects]
It also shows the ethnic groups that are most affected by this.
That's slide 17 and it shows that Native Americans have the highest rate of increased odds of negative outcomes.
So if you're Native American and you're getting this vaccine, you have about a 1.5 times higher risk of death and negative side effects compared to Caucasians.
If you're Hispanic, it's about a roughly 1.3 to 1.4 times greater odds.
If you're black, it's something more like 1.25, roughly in that range.
But the point is, This vaccine has ethnic effects that, you know, there have been many people out there warning about the possibility of this vaccine being a biological weapon.
For example, you know, Louis Farrakhan warning about this.
And I have to say, whether or not you agree with Louis Farrakhan on other things, this theory is plausible based on these data.
It does have a different effect based on the ethnic background of the person being infected.
Now, this looks like a flatline projection, so if we continue to project this out further in time to, let's say, 9 months or 12 months, which is coming up in our immediate future, it looks like this is going to triple the 3-month negative effects, or perhaps quadruple the 3-month negative effects at 12 months, and it looks like, Alex, that We're going to see probably, this is my estimation, this is not in the report, but by my estimation, we're going to see millions of Americans suffering severe hospitalizations and deaths over the next six months due to the vaccines.
Don't forget the military replacement strategy that's now in play with Governor Hochul.
Announcing she's firing all the nurses, the hospital workers who were unvaccinated last year and they were fine.
Now this year, they're being fired.
They're taking the people with natural immunity who would be the most qualified to function in a hospital environment and they're kicking them to the curb and then bringing in National Guard military troops in New York City.
Well, this model, Alex, is going to be replicated across the country with first responders.
So as they start to fire police officers, sheriff's deputies, Ambulance drivers, paramedics, EMTs and so on, guess who's going to replace them?
At least in the blue states, it's going to be National Guard, i.e.
military troops driving the ambulances, military troops driving the gasoline.
And they're getting used to martial law.
This is all the lockdowns or martial law drills.
20 months ago we predicted after the lockdowns, by the next winter they would have troops in the streets because it's a formula.
They've already done it in Australia.
Once the money machine stops, they can no longer bribe everybody to keep playing along with the Democrats. Even
the CDC would run out of money to keep bribing celebrities to push vaccines for
We now have reached a, I wouldn't quite call it a civil war, I would call it a nullification
stage for survival. Texas must take hold of its border,
must take hold of medicine, must take hold of big pharma, get big pharma out of the system,
otherwise Texas goes down with the blue states.
That's my opinion.
And that's why there are hundreds of ships parked outside the ports on both the west coast and the east coast, with the globalists locking down the ports on purpose to cause these restrictions.
I mean, look, Alex, this is like, this is the naval blockade that America did to Japan in World War II to block fossil fuels from being shipped into Japan.
The workers leave because if one person gets COVID, everything shuts down.
The supply chains, the factories, the truckers, the schools.
But then meanwhile, all China's never closed.
It was all bull.
We are shutting down.
This is an economic consolidation.
This is the end of the industrial world that the U.N.
said they would do at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in...
1992, that's agenda 21 that they launch in 2021, they said.
And now by agenda 2030, they intend to depopulate the earth 90% in the next nine years.
News broke this morning, Alex, that in Germany, a major coal-fired power plant has shut down because they can't get coal supplies.
So again, single source restrictions.
When they start restricting coal supplies, even to power plants in the United States, you're going to get regional Power outages, and then that has a tipping point.
There's a certain point where society, if enough things are disrupted simultaneously... It's dominoes.
...it cannot recovery.
There's no recovery.
The dominoes are already falling fast.
We're deep into this now.
We're deep into the antibody crisis, the poisoning of the shots.
We are now going to witness this collapse.
It has begun and it is, I think, unstoppable.
Now we have to ride it out and prepare to rebuild.
Collapse is now happening, orchestrated by Klaus Schwab.
God help us.
(intro music)
Bill Gates' policy of truth, being honest over the last 40 years,
that he wants power over the world government.
To depopulate you and your family, even told the Wall Street Journal that, and the New York Times, and the London Guardian that in 2009, when he made a little special tour about it all.
And so now his policy of truth is causing him a really, really big problem.
Because folks understand what's really happening and they're facing the full horror because criminals like Bill Gates like to brag.
Again, thank you so much for joining us on this live, October 3rd, Sunday transmission.
I'll be here for the next two hours.
And then Harris Smith is coming in to host Sunday live, two hours of live radio slash TV.
It only has six minutes of ads an hour.
And so the customary 14, like syndicated radio and TV do when they are in this format.
Again, I'm gonna try to be as calm as I can here today, but we really should all just sit back for a moment and take a deep breath and cogitate or meditate or just think very deeply and very calmly and very serenely so it will soak in at a cerebral level And then we have to make decisions at a cerebral level and then emotionally, once we've made our decisions in a very calm way, use the emotions the good Lord gave us to very aggressively power our intellect against the globalists.
You can intellectually decide that you're going to do something, like unscrew a despot's head, But then if you're going to do it physically, it takes the horsepower psychologically, mentally, and physically to actually break that neck quickly and easily.
I just use that as a historical metaphor.
So here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and I think we should all take stake of how many people the globalists have already killed, and how many people they're going to kill, and how many are already walking dead.
People ask me, how do you take it, all the attacks on the news, all the lies, unprecedented judge in Texas saying, you don't get a jury trial, I'm just going to shut down InfoWars in violation of the Seventh Amendment.
People ask themselves, how are you taking that?
And that isn't even on the Richter scale.
With the devastation and the death and the pain and the suffering and the economic crises, the dollar devaluation, the global currency devaluations we're seeing, the short supply of staple goods and of energy around the world.
I'm not just telling you what's coming now and then it happens next week.
I told you years ago what was going to happen and I told you 20 months ago.
In early February, what we'd be seeing by the fall and winter of 2021, and it's here.
So I don't take any pleasure in that.
I've got the globalist battle plan here.
And people are finally figuring out whether it's Glenn Beck or whether it's Steven Crowder or whether it's Joe Rogan or whether it's Tucker Carlson or whether it's anybody else that's against, you know, this corrupt leftist movement, that the left is only the foot soldiers of a scientific corporate elite That are taking over the whole planet and preparing to bankrupt the world currencies to on its ashes bring in their global carbon tax and their global reset.
And so it's a good thing that the intellectual resistance to the leftist movement is awake now, but can we wake Congress up?
Can we wake the governors up?
Because if we don't move against this, we're going to go through hellish pain.
Already it's going to be stratospherically bad.
So, I'm ready to deal with this.
I'm not happy about it, but I've got my soul lined up with God and I can deal with it.
When the general public figures out...
And feels the pain, but when they figure out how much trouble they're in, it's going to be explosive, and it's going to be hellish, and it's going to be dangerous.
That's exactly what Klaus Schwab has been planning the whole time.
Only full awakening to it and getting right with God can save us.
Well, I want everybody to brace yourselves, and I really want everybody to then let this soak in and decide what you're going to do about it.
But we have Mike Adams, who's a great engineer and a very smart man, joining us to break down a lawyer Who's prominent, who just pointed out and put a story out that's gone viral, that Mike Adams expanded on it, with the Pentagon's AI, main AI project that was monitoring COVID-19 worldwide, but particularly in the US, that was launched last April, and its findings.
And the findings are very conclusive.
That the individuals that have taken the mRNA injections that they call vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, are having their immune systems erased within five to six months and then are developing ADE.
And ADE is something you don't want.
Because if you come in contact with any other type of cold virus, you have a violent cytokine storm and generally die.
And when they see this happen, they're claiming it's COVID killing you, and they're blaming the unvaccinated.
But it's all in the Pentagon Report.
We've got the slideshow from the Pentagon.
And Mike Adams joins us coming up in T-minus 24 minutes to go over that.
We also have a lot of huge news on the economy and the so-called spending budget that is almost $4 trillion that Gives hundreds of billions of dollars to Democrat operatives on the streets to steal elections and basically sow racial division.
We've got all that, but it's okay.
House Budget Committee Chairman says the federal government can, quote, afford anything and that money is unlimited.
That's a real video, a real quote, and we're going to talk about what that really means.
It means food shortages.
It means collapse of civilizations.
It means Venezuela.
When they start telling you in Weimar, Germany in the 1920s, or they start telling you in the 1990s in Zimbabwe, Africa, or they start telling you in the 2000s in places in South America like Venezuela, that they got plenty of money and that money's unlimited, the government can quote do anything.
Katie, bar the door, you're going to see what's already happening.
Food prices exploding, commodity prices exploding, long lines.
It's really bad in Europe, really bad in Australia, really bad in the UK.
And they're now saying food shortages throughout Christmas and basically no Christmas.
And CNN blames America in a headline, how America ruined Christmas.
If we would have just all taken our shots, our third and fourth shots, we would have all saved the world.
Everything's our fault.
Aren't they nice folks over at SEMA?
I thought it was Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset.
That's all coming up.
And the crew makes a good point.
They put up an article from last year in the New York Times.
Oh, instead of coronavirus, the hunger will kill us as global food crisis looms.
Back then they said 287 million people went to the verge of starvation.
An extra 20 plus million did die.
New numbers are out.
Looks like another 40 million extra will die this year.
So that's 60 million people Klaus Schwab killed with the lockdowns and the people wearing masks and saying they were heroes and staying in.
Because when the first world shuts down, the third world dies.
And then those that live flood us and flood over our borders.
And we've got, it's now 80,000 documented coming towards the border.
Another 10,000 or so over a few days are coming across just from Haiti.
But an 80,000 just broke through Thursday across the Guatemala border, UN directed.
80,000, the Mexican government confirms. 80,000.
Marching and taking U.N.
buses up to the Texas border.
Then broken up and same number again, 80%.
I'm not kidding.
Pull it up.
80,000 are now coming.
I'm kidding, pull it up.
80, so I'm not saying 80,000, 80, 80%.
80,000 are now coming and of the 40,000 or so that already got here in the last month,
80%, you can look it up, Biden administration releases 80% of the 80,000.
So you do the math, that's more than 60,000 right there for you.
So simply incredible.
Right now, let's just dive into the COVID worldwide police state news.
Representative Adam Schiff says YouTube ban on vaccine skepticism doesn't go far enough.
Any criticism, including local news or even doctors showing you the inserts of regular vaccines and the side effects, you're not allowed as a consumer or a doctor to have consumer reports.
All of it's banned.
This is what Facebook said two years ago about me.
They said, no positive Alex Jones, only negative.
That was an actual statement.
Same thing here.
Only positive stuff about vaccines.
All vaccines.
Not just this mRNA gene therapy, but real vaccines like measles, mumps, rubella, experimental vaccines that are killing people for HIV, you name it, for Ebola.
You are not to post an article about it or talk about it.
It's so good for you.
No, they admit it can kill you.
Continuing, Twitter censors obituary of COVID vaccine victim.
The doctors confirmed she died of a heart attack.
The young woman, the young mother, what, 30 years old when she took the shot?
And they just said that's not allowed.
So you can go read the screenshots of them being restricted and blocked.
For yourself.
But she's dead now.
Heart attack.
It says on the insert, up until a few months ago, there was nothing on the inserts, remember?
But now it says, oh, myocarditis and a bunch of other forms of heart attacks.
Oh, and here's another one for you.
Denver police officer and father of four takes the jab and now cannot walk.
But that's okay.
You know, it's for the greater good, right?
Newsom unleashes mass culling of America's children.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has done the unthinkable, ignored the research, ignored the deaths, ignored the doctors and parents that will rise up like a firestorm in the next few days, weeks and months as he moves against the children.
That's to give vaccine liability protection.
Because first it was experimental, now that's expiring.
So they lie and say, "Oh, it's approved," when it's not.
They've approved the official vaccine in 2025.
It's all side of hand.
But by him mandating it for children, at a state level, it kicks in emergency authorization.
Rick Perry did something really bad.
And Rick Perry's better than these guys.
But when he approved the Gardasil experimental shot 14 years ago that had killed people in other countries,
live virus vaccine, and then when he recommended it, made it "sanctioned," but it wasn't forced,
but it was on the list of what they want you to take to go to school.
They try to lie and say you have to, but that then gave liability protection to the drug in the United States, and it caused a lot of deaths and problems, and now you don't see them pushing Gardasil shots, do you?
Continuing, though, Video healthcare workers burn scrubs in protest of New York vaccine mandate out in the streets by the thousands.
Gee, don't listen to nurses and doctors that have seen nine, ten months of the vaccine killing people here in the US and maiming them.
No, no, they were the heroes before, right?
But now they're not.
And Brazil's Bolsonaro is what I wish Trump would have been.
Brazil's Bolsonaro unchained.
If you accept this vaccination passport, it will lead to population control and eugenics.
That story up on InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, also NationalFile.com.
And Fauci says unvaccinated should not be able to work or go to school in a new statement on Face the Nation.
Where have I heard of that before?
Oh, here's the AP.
Israel titans COVID Green Pass rules sparking protest.
Oh, look at this!
They took the first two shots and now Israel has the highest rates of deaths and illnesses in the world, over 90% injected, vaccinated, and now, booster jab every six months?
1.5 million double-dosed and recovered Israelis, people that actually got sick from the shots, lose Green Pass privileges as stricter COVID-19 rules kick in.
Oh, stricter rules that you'll put in your body what we say, when we say, Have you compared Israel to Sweden or Palestine or anywhere that's much lower vaccine rates?
They have the highest rate in the world compared to other places like them.
You know, large countries that do not have high vaccination rates, they have very low illness rates.
Here's some of the numbers from Israel.
You can see Sweden compared.
They've got one-tenth the cases and illnesses that Israel has.
And they're protesting all over Europe, freedom without certificates, thousands protesting against COVID passports and planned vaccine mandates in Romania.
That's all up on InfoWars.com.
Very, very important.
But, oh, SNL in Hollywood looking down its nose at us does a skit making fun of parents protesting forced injections for their children to go to school and the fact that it's color of law and you don't have to.
They're trying to make it actually a law and a mandate, but nope, but nobody's passed a law yet.
It's all just bureaucracies and media and the executive branch and drug companies ordering you what to do and a bunch of Hollywood trash making fun of you.
When I can assure you, Hollywood's exempt and so is Congress and so is the CDC.
Look it up.
They're exempt, but you're not.
You're a slave.
It's all coming up on the other side.
Stay with us.
Monday through Friday, I'm here live on air 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Only way this dog hunts and gets out of the phantom zone of censorship is when you take action and tell strangers and friends and neighbors and co-workers and family and everybody else about the broadcast that lives at freeworldnews.tv, infowars.com, forward slash show.
So I just read you a lot of really important news.
The coming up next segment, we're going to show you the Pentagon documents and the Pentagon report and the Pentagon PowerPoint.
Published by the Pentagon.
And a lead lawyer, Thomas Renz, who is currently lead counsel in three of the major big national lawsuits, is filing this as his evidence.
And it's very clear.
I've shown it to medical doctors.
I've shown it to statisticians.
And it's all right there.
It's all in what the Pentagon released with their big COVID AI analysis program.
And it's also what we see In the October report by the CDC before they even approved the vaccine, they'd already done some secretive trials in the UK and it was causing heart attacks.
And they said, this will probably cause myocarditis, heart swelling, and also straight up heart attacks.
So that's going on.
And so when you have a heart attack and die, whether you're 12 years old or whether you were, you know, Hank Aaron and were 80 years old or whatever, 79 years old, they just try to suppress that fact.
So that's what's coming out.
And yeah, this came out months ago, but now even more information has come out.
50,000 patients died soon after, within 14 days after getting COVID-19 vaccines, says Whistleblower.
That's why the CDC doesn't count somebody who dies from the COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, in the first 14 days.
They count it as unvaccinated.
But that's during the period that if it's going to kill you quick, it's going to kill you.
So if you're a radio listener, understand everything I'm saying we're putting on screen.
Don't believe a word I say, go check it out for yourself.
That's why the system's constantly trying to demonize us and constantly trying to shut us down and has gotten rid of my due process.
It is because they are dismantling this country.
This country is in a war for its survival and if Congress and others don't fully wake up to it, it's over.
I can tell you that I've talked to basically all the top talk show hosts in the country.
I mean, all the top ones.
The top five I talked to.
And they're all totally awake now.
They've all checked it all out.
They know it's all true.
They're doing as much as they can to bring this out.
But if the governors and the people in the legislatures and the Republican leadership don't get hardcore, I don't know what we're going to do.
We're going to have to start doing civil disobedience and things just to bring this out so much that it forces it out.
Because we're under UN global corporate attack.
That's what the Great Reset is.
And the Congress and the FBI is all prepared for a foreign state enemy when the main state is Facebook and Twitter and Google and the Chai Coms and all these big consortiums of power.
Take Big Pharma.
The central banks are the most powerful.
They're the private shareholders of the European, US, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian banks.
They issue the currency and credit.
The federal government doesn't.
And they own Big Pharma.
That's the second largest combine.
And then it's defense, and then it's, uh...
media and so on and former Australian member of parliament says Pfizer and AstraZeneca
Paid lobbyists to direct Australia's leaders to push vaccine mandates video. Well, I don't need him to tell me
that it's true They've spent billions in the US in the last decade buying
of the politicians billions in Europe and hundreds of millions in Australia
That's why when Pfizer CEO came on TV a month ago and he said I don't care of the two top scientists quit at
the FDA over these shots we're gonna have boosters and
Three weeks later, they did.
I I don't care what the scientists on the CDC and FDA boards say, even if it's in law that we follow what they say, it's gonna happen.
And Fauci said it's gonna happen too, and it is!
Because they are bought and paid for.
And the Justice Department won't indict him, so that's where we are.
We're literally in the hands of a big pharma cartel that's merged with Big Tech.
Big Tech is heavily invested in all this, and that's why YouTube, all of them, came out and said, there will be no criticism of any vaccine.
And now, hell, maybe if a drug makes you have a heart attack, you can't talk about it.
It already happens with the shots.
So you can find that video at InfoWars.com.
It's also on GatewayPunta.com.
A former Australian Member of Parliament came out and said Pfizer and AstraZeneca are paying lobbyists to direct Australia's leaders to push vaccine mandates.
Clive Palmer, leader of the United Australia Party, claimed outside New South Wales Premier Was told she would be charged with a corruption probe if she imposed a vaccine mandate.
And it turns out that, yeah, that's why the New South Wales lady stepped down when she was openly getting reportedly over a million dollars herself from Big Pharma to do this.
And we're not just talking about for campaign money, folks.
We mean paid.
That's how you get a lockstep operation.
I mean, what has Bill Gates done for 30 years?
It's mainstream news.
He spent over $100 billion of tax-exempt money and government money he got.
Just like Soros doesn't spend his own money.
Soros gets State Department money.
To run his refugee operations?
Well Gates got Ford and Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundation money and all his money tax exempt and a bunch of taxpayer money to then go out and buy up all of the major health departments and national health institutes around the world.
He got kicked out of more than 30 countries including India for running illegal secret vaccine testing that killed people.
Look this up!
And now they just bum rush everybody with the COVID fear into doing this and think they've committed a crime so big we'll never wake up to it.
Wayne Root, very smart talk show host, big article on Gateway Pundit says it's time for civil disobedience.
Here's how we stop Biden vaccine mandates.
And I agree with this article.
In fact, I want to tell the crew post that article or link to it, please, in the live show feed today.
You know, every day we have a show headline or the live show feed that we post you can share in today's Headline just says there's a global awakening happening and incredible things unfolding.
Tune in to find out how you can be part of the solution.
And please tune in and share the link.
There it is.
Sunday Live.
Incredible world developments are taking place.
Tune in to be part of the future.
And more and more on that page every day.
That's on the front page.
It's a new page.
We'll add certain key things that I cover on the show under it.
And one of them is going to be this battle plan for peaceful civil disobedience.
Now, We're going to come back and hit the COVID news that's the biggest ever.
I mean, this is the Pentagon confirming, but all the top scientists have been screaming.
And let that sink in.
It's not theoretical that if you take these shots, it's going to cause this syndrome where your body then attacks itself.
And it's fatal a large portion of the time, around half the time, because you just keep getting sick, having autoimmune responses that are extremely violent, like the 1917 Spanish flu was a similar natural occurrence of this.
Where you've been exposed to a virus, but then the next time you're exposed to a similar virus, you just have a huge autoimmune response in your lungs filled with water and you swell up.
It's like once you've been stung by a bee and then you have an overreaction to the bee.
So this is just unbelievable.
It's what happened in rats and similar studies we covered ad nauseum.
So that's coming up.
And then, Democrats have been caught in giant false flag attacks, giant stage stories.
Giant hoaxes.
We're not supposed to question big events, but a lot of the time they're totally staged.
So I've got two big ones after Mike Adams leaves us, including Roe v. Wade.
Did you know it's now admitted and they've released the documents and they've gone public, including the woman that filed Roe v. Wade?
And it turns out it was all fake.
She was not raped.
She did not abort a baby illegally.
And the baby is now 50 years old and has gone public.
But that's only part of the false flags by Democrats.
Black woman masquerading as KKK Klan member terrorized neighbors and finally got caught by the cops in the act.
That's all coming up.
So just every day we've got new false flag news for you on the left.
They don't want me to question them, but I'm gonna question them.
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We are living in the most historic times of human history.
There's no doubt about that.
And we're all being put into an anti-human psychological warfare test by completely divorced from God,
satanic behavioral psychologist, and the mega bank owners that are financing them.
We are seeing the elites of the planet, if you use that term for them, in open war against civilization.
Fauci says you can't go visit your family this Christmas because of COVID that he cooked up in a lab.
But Hollywood doesn't have to wear their mask at their big galas.
And when they see Biden on 9-11 with hundreds of other bureaucrats behind the stage, they weren't wearing masks.
They only put them on for public consumption.
It's all a fraud.
Oh, they block the real vitamins and minerals and drugs that they know would protect you.
Mike Adams joins us.
He did a great job reporting on a story that broke Thursday evening.
A lot of different angles to it.
He went with the angle of AI-powered DoD data analysis program named Project Solace.
Chatter's official vaccine narrative shows ADE accelerating in the fully vaccinated with each passing week.
And there's other angles to it, but ADE is the big one.
And again, for people that saw this and didn't follow the links, I have a whole stack of articles here that I'll show TV viewers first.
This is from Mainstream News.
This is from the Pentagon's own site.
Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant amongst 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older.
This is a particular study.
Came out September 28, 2021.
It got discovered by a lawyer that's involved in these lawsuits against them, and it's now come out.
So this was put out by the Pentagon.
Here's articles about it from Mainstream News.
Pentagon AI tool for battling coronavirus holds lessons for war.
That's September last year.
Pentagon will use AI to predict panic buying COVID-19 hotspots.
April of last year.
JAICs, that's the Pentagon's new project, SOLACE, links up supply chain data in the fight against coronavirus.
Where it counts U.S.
leads in artificial intelligence, DOD news.
Okay, so this is a real thing.
Here it is.
And oh, you're not seeing this in the news though.
Now suddenly they're quiet about Project Solace because of what it's found.
So for people that don't know what this ADE is and how it was predicted by all the top experts and how it's now confirmed to be here, Mike Adams is going to lay this out and talk about the ramifications of what the study shows because each week It wanes in its effectiveness and your immune system becomes more, not just your, some of your cells lowered, your T-cells, your killer cells are deactivated.
That's a side issue.
Other antibodies are turned way up and that's what ADE is.
So, Mike Adams with NaturalNews.com, a great engineer, great researcher, got the best analysis of this out there.
Tell us what this means.
Well, first of all, Alex, this is OSINT, or Open Source Intelligence, right?
So, this has been on the Humetrix website as of Friday.
It was still live on there.
I don't know if it's there now, but this is DoD.
This is their JAIC, their Artificial Intelligence Program.
So, no one can argue that this is not some secret source somewhere.
This is Open Source Intelligence.
What it shows, a couple of very important things.
One is that the Negative side effects from the vaccine get worse over time with each passing week.
And so the negative outcomes, which includes hospitalizations and ICU outcomes, as well as deaths, it's very bad at three to four months, but it roughly doubles in about six months.
Now, this looks like a flatline projection, so if we continue to project this out further in time to, let's say, 9 months or 12 months, which is coming up in our immediate future, it looks like this is going to triple the 3-month negative effects, or perhaps quadruple the 3-month negative effects at 12 months, and it looks like, Alex, that We're going to see probably, this is my estimation, this is not in the report, but by my estimation, we're going to see millions of Americans suffering severe hospitalizations and deaths over the next six months due to the vaccines.
So that's where we are.
Please continue, Mike.
Okay, so the other major finding of this report is that the number one most important factor that reduced serious complications over time was to have a previous COVID-19 infection.
So this document actually confirms that natural immunity is the number one best protective effect against negative outcomes following vaccination.
Let me state that in a little bit different way, because I know it sounds odd, but... A lot of people are taking the vaccines even though they've already...
the illness and been sick and so we're finding is people that naturally already
had it even though this injection has compromised them and set them up for
death the body is so smart it's able to figure it out if it's already been in
contact with it because it's the vaccine itself creating that in the body is that
right? Well yes that's part of it but recognize that if here's the weird
logic. Start over, this is really important. Yeah if you plan to get
vaccinated according to these data put out by the DOD the number one thing that
you can do to survive the vaccine is to get COVID before you take the vaccine.
That's in the data.
That's what it shows.
So, for those people who have been infected and then they get the vaccine, they are probably likely to have lower incidence of negative outcomes versus people who never had any infection and then they get the vaccine.
And the report says that.
It shows how incredible our body is.
It learns how.
It later gets the deadly vaccine and then isn't as apt to go into the ADE.
Yeah, exactly.
But also notice the last slide of this, slide 17.
It also shows the ethnic groups that are most affected by this.
That's slide 17 and it shows that Native Americans have the highest rate of increased odds of negative outcomes.
So if you're Native American and you're getting this vaccine, you have about a 1.5 times higher risk of death and negative side effects compared to Caucasians.
If you're Hispanic, it's about a roughly 1.3 to 1.4 times greater odds.
If you're black, it's something more like 1.25, roughly in that range.
But the point is, this vaccine has ethnic effects.
That, you know, there have been many people out there warning about the possibility of this vaccine being a biological weapon.
For example, you know, Louis Farrakhan warning about this.
And I have to say, whether or not you agree with Louis Farrakhan on other things, this theory is plausible based on these data.
Those of you who are health professionals, they want you to take it first.
And then they'll say to you, If it ain't moving good enough, you notice they offering you money now?
What had this devil ever offered you $1,000 or $1,500 to take a shot?
They give you free shots of toxic waste.
The same lead that's in the water In Flint, is in the water in Detroit, is in the water in Cleveland.
Your watch is in the water in Chicago.
You ain't free!
You on a death watch.
If you don't understand it, you're not gonna be here to do all the wonderful things you talked about.
Do not take their medications.
I say to those of us in America, we need to call a meeting of our skilled virologists, epidemiologists, students of biology and chemistry.
And we need to look at not only what they give us, We need to give ourselves something better.
So my teacher told me, don't speak for some, speak for the whole.
And now I'm speaking for Black America, for Hispanic America, for the Native American, And for those who are desirous of life, they're making money now, plotting to give 7,500,000,000 people a vaccination.
Dr. Fauci?
500 million people a vaccination.
Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and Melinda,
you want to depopulate the Earth?
What the hell gives you that right?
Who are you to sit down with your billions and talk about who can live and who should die?
That's why your world is coming to an end quickly, because you have sentenced billions to death, but God is now sentencing you to the death that you are sentencing to others.
It does have a different effect based on the ethnic background of the person being infected.
There's no other way to interpret this.
Again, it's not some super-secret data source.
This is data straight out of the DoD and the Humetrix platform, which is the data aggregation and monitoring platform that Medicare uses to monitor long-term effects or health outcomes based on specific medical interventions.
That's right.
Let's take our time and explain it.
Your article at NaturalNews.com does it.
It's on InfoWars.com.
You have links right to the Pentagon's own subgroup site.
It's there.
This is real.
You can find articles about how they're doing it.
So this is confirmed.
This just broke Friday or Thursday.
This is just now starting to come out and it's what we already see in the real numbers.
It's what we've already been reporting as people are reading the news and talking to scientists.
This just confirms it with AI scanning millions of people.
That's right, 5.6 million people in this group, and the data projections are very clear.
And again, this is enhanced by the same artificial intelligence system that the DoD is using to try to project supply line shortages, which, by the way, we've got to talk about that next segment.
The supply line, I mean, this is a wartime embargo against the United States, in my view, not letting the ship stock, causing food Shortages, lots of scarcity, famine.
This is Build Back Better and CNN says it's our fault.
We are the reason.
No, it's Fauci and Bill Gates and the UN.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And we are facing a real dark winter.
That's their plan.
That's their engineering.
But a dark winter die-off, Alex.
And the other thing to keep in mind is that the CDC gathers census data on aggregate deaths in America.
But their data sets can be about two years behind schedule.
So they're not going to tell us the truth about the excess mortality caused by vaccines in 2021 until about 2023.
So they're going to try to bury this for as long as possible and tell you that no, you didn't see your neighbor die.
You didn't see your relative die after taking the vaccine.
No, that was the variant.
So it also shows how desperate they are, that not just me, but all over.
Democrat courts are getting rid of due process for conservatives and nationalists.
It is they are going for broke.
This is a foreign multinational takeover.
Mike Adams, our guest.
We're going to come back and recap this.
And then I was on the same.
Simpatico with Mike.
I want to get into supply chain breakdowns all over the Western world and what that means straight ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Mike Adams with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
And we're going to get into Democrats caught again in major false flag attacks.
Including KKK attacks, rape attacks, you name it.
That's even Newsweek reporting on that.
I'm gonna be getting to that coming up after Mike leaves us.
And then Harrison Smith's gonna host Sunday Live tonight.
He's got so much to cover, so many clips, so many calls.
But I want to finish up with this and then get into the supply chain.
Because, Mike, you're a major business owner.
You supply a lot of things around the world and the country.
You're very prolific, like we are.
You experience what we experience, trying to get high-quality products for your supplements and other things.
It sometimes works a lot of stuff, six, eight months, because we won't cut quality or buy from China.
So I want to talk about that here in a few minutes, but just going back to this, because we could talk 10 hours about this, to have the Pentagon's main AI program that's all over the news, monitoring deaths, monitoring what's happening, and then they just put out a report, what it does, and they're honest about it, but no political statements are in it.
And it says that you're way more likely to die if you've had these shots, that it's erasing your regular immune system and then making your immune system turn way up, though, if it comes into contact with a similar virus, not just COVID, but any other coronavirus.
I mean, for those that don't know historically what this means and why all these top scientists were warning about ADE, you should probably spend some time on that.
Well, this is following exactly what people like Sherry Tenpenny warned about, and also Dr. Richard M. Fleming, who you've had on, I think, yesterday as well.
This is what the animal studies showed when they tried to develop a vaccine for SARS coronavirus variants early on, many years ago.
This is why the animals were dying.
So, there's really no surprises in this.
The surprise would be if people weren't dying from this vaccine.
So, everything that's showing is tracking right along with our worst fears, and it means that we're probably headed for a real die-off dark winter.
They're going to try to cover it up desperately, but they won't be able to stop it.
So, Alex, their strategy is going to be, what do they blame?
Instead of the vaccine, they're going to have to blame the unvaccinated.
Even if they get more and more, a higher percentage of the American public to be vaccinated, they're going to still have to blame the unvaccinated.
Antibody-dependent enhancement.
This is a very real phenomenon.
It is kicking in.
And don't forget that Delta's not the last variant.
They probably have... Remember the EcoHealth Alliance proposal to DARPA and the coverage of that by DRASTIC, that organization?
And they confirmed there were hundreds of variants of SARS-CoV-2 that had been created through the NIH Fauci funding of that whole operation.
So, folks, this has only just begun.
And I figured, Mike, we didn't talk before you came on about all the details, but I had it ready for you.
The London Telegraph, Wuhan scientist, planned to release coronavirus particles into bat caves, leaked papers reveal, with nanotech to burrow through the skin and the lungs, which you and General Flynn and Dr. Bartlett have been saying for now six, eight months, clearly is happening the way it's regionally hitting Texas, Missouri, regionally hitting South Dakota, regionally hitting Florida when we had the lowest numbers.
And the experts in the Pentagon told me, they said, Alex, we can't tell you how we know this, but Dr. Bartlett told me this a while ago off-air, and now he's confirmed that on-air, that he talked to Flynn, and Flynn was the head of operations in 2017 and had access to this.
By the way, Flynn's going to be in the studio soon, I'm going to leave it at that.
And Flynn was telling people off-record just six months ago, was saying, hey, They're spraying this out on the public.
This isn't being naturally spread.
They're releasing a nanotech form of the virus and now that's in their own Peter Daszak reports from Fauci to the Pentagon trying to get them to spend 14 million dollars on this in 2017.
So that's why Flynn knew about this but didn't say it was classified.
He just said I think that's what's happening and now it's come out.
So this is again beyond bombshell.
And once again, we are citing now public documents.
So what you're referring to is absolutely correct.
They talked about aerosolized vaccination, and that was in the proposal, the EcoHealth Alliance proposal to DARPA, which DARPA rejected, because even DARPA said, this is too crazy.
But understand, they were talking about skin-penetrating toxic nanoparticles, which were the spike proteins.
And again, when they say aerosolized vaccination, what they mean is an aerosolized release.
So, can they do aerosolized releases of these toxic nanoparticles this coming winter?
Could they release this in the United States?
Could they target a particular city?
Have they already done so in the past?
Personally, this is my opinion, Alex, but I believe they've already done so, and I think
they're planning to do so again, and I think they are going to continue to commit genocide
against not just the American people, but everybody around the world to try to drive
people into the vaccines while they're crashing the economy and causing widespread suffering
and death and destitution.
And as we said, as we said 20 months ago here on air, they will then blame the unvaccinated
for the vaccinated dying and others, but to cover it up, they'll then just spray the general
public like my dad and countless others and almost kill them.
And then now...
We have General Flynn, again, telling folks a year ago, and six months ago, and three months ago, privately, no, these are nanoparticles being sprayed by them that they developed with the Chicoms.
And now we have the documents where they did it.
I mean, we have them, Mike, and so it's incredible.
Well, and don't forget the military replacement strategy that's now in play with Governor Hochul announcing she's firing all the nurses, the hospital workers who were unvaccinated last year and they were fine.
Now this year they're being fired.
They're taking the people with natural immunity who would be the most qualified to function in a hospital environment and they're kicking them to the curb and then bringing in National Guard military troops in New York City.
Well, this model, Alex, is going to be replicated across the country with first responders.
So as they start to fire police officers, sheriff's deputies, Ambulance drivers, paramedics, EMTs, and so on.
Guess who's going to replace them?
At least in the blue states, it's going to be National Guard, i.e.
military troops driving the ambulances.
Military troops driving the gasoline.
And they're getting used to martial law.
This is all the lockdowns or martial law drills.
20 months ago, we predicted after lockdowns, by the next winter, they would have troops in the streets because it's a formula.
They've already done it in Australia.
And here's the headline.
How America ruined Christmas.
Oh, it's our fault.
We didn't take all the shots.
That's why the ships won't come off from China.
Oh, build back better.
The UN Klaus Schwab Great Reset Statement.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why Hillary and them are so happy, because they are just ruthless killers.
No, it's not America that's to blame.
It's the COVID-19 Great Reset of Klaus Schwab, ladies and gentlemen.
My prediction is people are going to see troops on the streets by Christmas, and they're going to see bodies piling up in certain areas, of course with a false narrative stating no, it couldn't have been the vaccines, but this is what we're going to see.
This is the winter die-off.
This is the sort of soft coup military replacement of the infrastructure of first
responders and medical workers and even you may have even at some point
troops in certain areas at grocery stores checking your vaccine passports
before you're allowed to come in and shop for food and in Israel they've already
announced that people who had two vaccines but not the third one are no
longer you no longer Your green pass is revoked.
You're only a double-vaxxer, not a triple-vaxxer.
And then that's going to get updated to quadruple-vaxxers soon, and then the triple-vaxxers will be revoked.
You're going to have to keep getting injected with spike proteins until you die, or you stand up and say, enough.
But by that time, how much damage have you undergone?
Do you have a vascular system remaining?
Do you even have a neurological system that's still functioning?
And by the way, sorry Alex if I'm running on here, but we're seeing more of accidents as well.
The tow truck drivers and the ambulance drivers, they know all across America, they're responding to more and more traffic accidents.
These are caused by people having blood clots, you know, the micro clots as they're driving.
All the British government came out and said record heart attacks, blood clots up 25%, heart attacks up 25% from the blood clots.
And exactly now when there's mass deaths at the hospital, the military will be there to control it.
It's a martial law atmosphere.
We're being inducted into the Great Reset, into the Communist takeover.
That's right, and almost sorry to bring this up, but you know where this is going with Joe Biden signing the executive order that says they can take you away for a measles infection.
To your listeners, do you realize that the CDC can declare a measles outbreak in an entire area?
They can say this neighborhood has measles.
And that is the shielding area where they're going to quote, lock everybody else down to protect them from a quote, neighborhood.
And they can take you out of your homes.
They can put you in a green zone camp that they've described on their own website.
And by the way, this has already happened in Australia and they're only ratcheting up there.
The documents came out permanent.
They tend to have millions of the population live in camps basically forever.
Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com, stay there.
Folks, this is not a drill.
You know it's not a game now.
I can tell you that I've been around other big national talk show hosts and others.
Everybody knows it's the end.
Everybody understands this.
And I feel so sorry for the public.
That's why people ask, hey, they say you lost your lawsuit.
You don't get a jury trial.
People go, that's unconstitutional.
Seventh Amendment.
They don't care.
They've all been told the country's going down and they think they're the winners.
But of course they won't.
Everybody in the system that served it is going down as well.
In fact, they're most of the people that have taken the shots.
I mean, Democrats dying in mass from the injections they've taken.
I mean, this is biblical.
Get right with God.
Get prepared.
Get ready.
Because this is going down.
This is going down.
This is the reality.
You've got to read the article.
You've got to understand.
What the ADE is, you gotta warn everybody you know.
Alright, we'll be right back with our number two, ladies and gentlemen.
And any one of these broadcasts should be our last, okay?
I hope we're gonna still be here in a year or a month, but we don't know.
So don't take anything for granted.
Warn everyone you know now.
You are the Paul Reveres.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
But we look at the world system now, openly announcing the mark of the beast.
Everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
We are now back live.
Some stations don't carry this first five minutes of each hour.
We're going to get into the designed Great Reset that's already starving the third world to death, collapsing their population.
The UN then organizes to invade us.
And then here already, the major shortages here that are even worse in Europe, Australia, and of course, right there in the UK.
We're going to show you some video of the big food lines and the Prime Minister will be in that next segment.
But Mike, Everything we predicted last year unfolded.
Now we're here laying this out.
This is clearly their cover for the world collapse to bring in the world ID based around the vaccine passport.
What can the average person do to lessen the blow?
What can Congress do?
Because I see great people like Rand Paul and others.
They don't seem to know how much danger we're all in.
He's confronting Fauci.
He's talking about illegal spying, you know.
But they're still operating from their cocoon.
Like, everything's okay, but it's not okay.
I mean, everything's falling apart, and the hospitals are now full of the vaccinated who are seriously ill.
I'm not sure they realize how close we are to the end of the American empire, period.
The end of the dollar.
You see, the only way that they're keeping this going, and the way that Biden is bribing all of the Democrat groups to carry out more voter fraud on the ground, is through money printing.
So the money printing allows them to distribute these trillions of dollars.
They call it a COVID stimulus, but of course, as you know, almost none of it goes to anything related to COVID.
This just gets funneled into other groups to keep the Democrats in power.
So once the money printing machine stops, it will be, of course, catastrophic for the nation.
It would mean the end of America, as we know it, at least.
It would perhaps parallel, in many ways, the Soviet Empire collapse of 1991, which began as a default on debt three days earlier.
Of course, that's a simplification of it, but that was a big part of it.
But once the money machine stops, they can no longer bribe everybody to keep playing along with the Democrats.
Even the CDC would run out of money to keep bribing celebrities to push vaccines, for example.
Let's be clear, it's obviously the globalists above it all, maneuvering us and others into a collapse.
Europe can't get coal, China can't get coal, because the money's devalued and they've been shutting down coal production.
I mean, we can see the megacorporations are orchestrating this collapse.
It's going to be an engineered famine situation, a release of another bioweapon, an energy collapse resulting in at least regional power grid disruptions, and then followed by, at the worst possible time, in my opinion, they're going to cause an economic catastrophe, which may be bank holidays, it may eventually be the actual collapse of the dollar itself, but we can't know the timing, so I'm not making that prediction for this winter.
It's just we know that's inevitable.
It's going to happen, and they're probably going to end up printing a trillion dollars a week before very long.
So, you know, $3.5 trillion they're talking about right now, they may cut that to $2 trillion, but it's trillions a month at this point.
It's going to be a trillion a week soon, and then the blowout, it's just inevitable.
It's very close.
And that's why they're getting troops on the streets and getting us used to hearing the Americans of the terrorists and those that question open borders of the terrorists.
We've got 80,000.
This is mainline news.
The Mexican government says from Haiti, marching towards the Texas border now, they're releasing 80% of those that have already gotten here.
I mean, this is going to be incredible.
Well, I also think the most important survival strategy for the red states like Texas and Florida is nullification.
And you saw Nebraska the other day, the governor of Nebraska announced they would not honor the attempted new IRS rule of reporting transactions over $600.
That's a nullification.
What Texas needs to do, in my opinion, is to nullify the FDA, legalize ivermectin, Save the lives of the people of Texas.
Joe Biden's waging war against the red states, even with restrictions of monoclonal antibodies, for example, which will produce more casualties.
We now have reached a... I wouldn't quite call it a civil war.
I would call it a nullification stage for survival.
Texas must take hold of its border, must take hold of medicine, must take hold of Big Pharma, get Big Pharma out of the system.
Otherwise, Texas goes down with the blue states.
That's my opinion.
I agree.
And I want to say something about Greg Abbott.
I don't want to attack Abbott just to attack him.
He did a bad thing last year with the lockdowns and all that.
I want to believe in him.
I want to think he's good.
I want to believe in DeSantis.
But he keeps putting out video of armored vehicles and Humvees and DHS vehicles and Texas State Police down there.
When they grab the illegals coming across, they give them to the feds who release them.
So it's all show.
It's show.
We're going to come back in 60 seconds with Mike Adams on nationalnews.com.
And folks, I agree with his analysis.
We're in deep trouble.
I mean, wow, this is historic.
All right, I want to explain something that's very elementary.
I know our general audience gets this.
That's why you tune in.
You're already informed.
You just want to get more info and share info and are concerned.
But remember what happened last year.
All over the world, they had to dump millions of gallons per country or even per region of cow's milk.
People said, why don't they give that to the poor?
Well, the stores are closed.
People can't get it.
They can't refrigerate it.
So the cows keep producing it, so you've got to get it and then dump it.
They tried to give away as much as they could.
There's not an infrastructure.
And so, We've got all that happening.
We've got our borders collapsing.
And now, all over the world, they're having to cull animals because there's not enough feed to feed them.
And then the workers aren't coming to work on British and German and French farms because they're paid not to work.
And Klaus Schwab admitted a year and a half ago, he said, we're going to have ongoing lockdowns, rolling lockdowns, that will create a collapse in this unsustainable economy.
But it is sustainable.
He collapsed it.
And then when it collapses, we'll bring in the new global system and the new guaranteed social credit score and guaranteed income.
This is the corporate takeover.
They've got endless cash, endless made up currency.
They've got to kill our real economy to make us come hat in hand to be slaves, posing it as saviors.
Even as Boris Johnson comes out yesterday and gives a statement, farmers are announcing they're going to have to cull millions of sheep and cows.
Here's another one.
We have aerial footage that shows long lines for fuel in dirt in the UK trying to get fuel.
So these are the shortages that are being caused.
Here's Boris Johnson.
All this is already happening here.
Here is the traitor-in-chief that poses a patriot who's a horrible globalist.
Here he is.
Is Rishi Sunak right in saying that these problems, these delays, could go on until Christmas, or is he wrong?
I think what you're seeing... Is he right or wrong?
I think Rishi is right in very big ways, but what you're seeing is a... it depends how you interpret what he's saying.
Well, it's not difficult.
He said they're going to go on until Christmas.
Well, what you're certainly seeing Okay, so that's basically the BS there.
UK economy that is now the fastest growing in the G7 when people voted for
change in 2016. Okay so that's that's basically the BS there so so let's
expand on this. Klaus Schwab, the UN, all of them said we want to end the
We want to end plenty.
You'll have nothing.
You'll own nothing.
They said all that.
They fund extinction rebellion.
They fund all the fake environmental groups.
It's a power grab.
They're eugenicists.
They're depopulations.
And they said last year and this year in the London Guardian and the New York Times, oh, the COVID lockdown was great.
It teaches us to live locked down.
It teaches us not to have anything.
It was so good for the earth.
And now we're going to get rid of meat.
You're not going to have meat anymore because they're going to kill it all.
I mean, this is really happening, Mike Adams.
Lay out what's really going on and how we stop it.
So part of the structure of a globalist society and the long supply lines is that it presents opportunities for single source restrictions that have a domino effect throughout the supply lines.
So you're talking about energy in Europe, so natural gas shortages end up resulting in a shortage of fertilizer production, and because there are not Fertilizer plants producing fertilizer for agricultural use, their byproduct is carbon dioxide, which is used to kill the animals for slaughter.
So then you don't have enough CO2 to slaughter the animals.
So then the animals end up getting killed on the farms, but then just left to be picked by the birds, essentially.
I mean, there's going to be a culling of these animals.
They're going to be, I don't know, shot or bulldozed or, I mean, probably some horrific death of all these animals rather than than the normal way
the slaughtered with CO2 so
the ripple effect then leads to humans starving and having a reduced food supplies and then food inflation
resulting from that as well so think about this I mean Alex this is why if I should say when America rebuilds from
this because we will
rebuild we must have local redundant suppliers for rare earth metals for energy
for manufacturing, for steel production, all of these things.
I mean, Trump was right all along.
Nationalism is the answer.
We have to have local, national production.
Even if it costs more money, you have the redundancy.
And redundancy is what we do not have in the world right now, and that's why there are hundreds of ships parked outside the ports on both the West Coast and the East Coast, with the globalists locking down the ports on purpose to cause these restrictions.
I mean, look, Alex, this is like, this is the naval blockade that America did to Japan in World War II, to block fossil fuels from being shipped into Japan.
And Mike, I want to back you up.
I want to back you up.
You got to come back on this week if you can do it during the weekday.
You predicted it.
We said it all a year and a half ago.
I predicted it because the UN said this is their plan.
They, they, they, the workers leave because if one person gets COVID, everything shuts down.
The supply chains, the factories, the truckers, the schools.
But then meanwhile, all China's never closed.
It was all bull.
We are shutting down.
This is an economic consolidation.
This is the end of the industrial world that the UN said they would do at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in 1992.
That's Agenda 21 that they launched in 2021, they said.
And now by Agenda 2030, they intend to depopulate the earth 90% in the next nine years.
This is real!
We keep telling people they're not playing games, Mike Adams.
And remember what happened in Texas this February with the cold snap and the power plants shutting down.
Well, news broke this morning, Alex, that in Germany a major coal-fired power plant has shut down because they can't get coal supplies.
So again, single-source restrictions.
When they start restricting coal supplies even to power plants in the United States, you're going to get regional power outages, and then that has a tipping point.
There's a certain point Where society, if enough things are disrupted simultaneously... It's dominoes.
...it cannot recovery.
There's no recovery.
And Mike, again, we've been screaming this.
We are explaining what just-on-time delivery and globalization is the opposite of sustainability.
We are like a heroin addict totally strung out.
And now the dominoes are already falling.
People, you know, the dominoes are already falling fast.
We're deep into this now.
We're deep into the antibody crisis.
Poisoning of the shots?
I mean, people better get right with God right now, Mike.
And the government and the media, which set this whole thing up, I mean, the Biden regime, they're telling people, you know, don't store food, don't get ivermectin, don't be ready, you know, don't have extra cash and certainly don't buy gold or silver or anything like that, right?
So this is all the exactly the wrong advice.
You're going to need food.
To make it through the dark winter.
It's not just the winter.
It's going to be a dark couple of years, frankly, of what's coming.
The supply lines of the collapse of 2020, when you couldn't get toilet paper and things, that's nothing.
That's a warm-up round compared to what's coming.
And the freeze in Texas and other states earlier this year, that's the warm-up round.
Alex, it's going to get so bad.
I mean, I'm dedicated to staying on air as you are as long as possible.
And frankly, the reason they're coming after InfoWars with the judgment that, you know, the witch trials, you don't even get a jury.
The reason they're doing that is because I think they know there's going to be a secession or nullification.
We're going to have the Republic of Texas and InfoWars is going to be the news hub for the new free Texas, which is why you need to survive.
That's my take.
Well, I mean, for those that don't know, we gave them every document, everything they ever asked for, more than anybody ever did.
They removed one judge, put a new one in, and she said, first hearing, first real hearing, I'm defaulting you, you never gave us one document, and then they lie all over the news.
It's stunning to me that it just shows you, though, it's a symptom of this country being on its deathbed, Mike.
Yeah, they're trying to take you down by any means, and they've thrown out the rule of law.
But in doing so, as I think your attorneys have said, and Barnes as well, when they throw out the rule of law, they throw out the very pillars of sustainable society.
We are now going to witness this collapse.
It has begun, and it is, I think, unstoppable.
Now we have to ride it out and prepare to rebuild.
That's right.
Imagine what the average leftist, who's all about not being ready and being totally dependent, what are all of the leftist pedophiles and drug addicts going to do when everything collapses?
Well, they're going to try to kill others to get the drugs and food that they want, but they have very little discipline and training and most of them will be killed themselves.
And that's it.
Most of them are going to die.
You know, my instincts, not just my intellect, but my instincts have like, I have 10 times the energy I ever had.
I feel like I'm 18.
I can't stop working because I know this is going down.
Can you feel it too, Mike?
I mean, I just, it's incredible.
I've been getting ready for this, you know, for many, many years, and I'm not surprised that it's happening.
I'm surprised how many people aren't yet awake.
It's so obvious at this point.
Well, it's happening now.
It's not just obvious.
You're right.
It's happening.
The collapse is now happening, orchestrated by Klaus Schwab.
God help us.
Thank you, Mike Adams.
Amazing information.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
What an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
I have a very important special report we're going to air at the start of the next segment.
And then he's got so much to cover tonight in Sunday Live, 6 to 8 p.m.
I've asked.
Harrison Smith is going to be hosting this weekday mornings at 8 a.m.
American Journal here on the InfoWars Network.
He's going to come in and finish the last segment and a half to tell you what's coming up and some other news he's got and then he'll be back tomorrow morning 8 a.m.
and I'll be back at 11 a.m.
and Owen Schroer will be back tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Remember, The globalists are working around the clock to try to take us off the air before I hit this final news and information I'm going to hit in these very, very serious times.
I would just tell listeners, yeah, I told you, you can go back.
You heard it a hundred times.
20 months ago, I said it's going to collapse the third world.
We're going to be flooded with migrants.
And basically invaders from the globalist collapse from all over the world.
The U.N.
is going to organize them, bring them in to collapse the economy.
Tens of millions extra will starve to death.
That's now happened.
That's mass murder, not caused by COVID, caused by the lockdowns.
Much of Latin America and Africa is still under lockdowns.
The U.N.
controls them through the IMF and World Bank and tell them to do that, to make their people flood up here.
You're going to have food prices explode.
There's global devaluation happening.
We told you you'll start seeing power supply outages, and it's all happening because Klaus Schwab wrote books saying it.
I've read four of his damn books.
He's the former head of the Bilderberg Group.
This is not a game, ladies and gentlemen.
So yeah, I want to stay on air as long as possible.
And I sell things that I believe in and I think you need.
So I sell a lot of great supplements.
I sell a lot of great things that are good for your immune system.
I sell things that fund our operation.
Books and films and t-shirts and highest quality water filtration, air filtration, at the lowest price you're going to find anywhere.
I mean, Alexa Pure Breeze and Alexa Pure Pro water filters and air filters are highest rated out of dozens of top brands out there.
There's hundreds of brands total.
But there, people go, wow, this is actually half the price of stuff at Walmart, you know, water filters, and it's the highest rated.
How is that?
Because we're not ripping you off.
I would get ready, I would get prepared.
And yes, preparewithalex.com takes you right to the sub-page on infowarrestore.com.
It's the full catalog of the great patriots at MyPatriotSupply.
They're in our back end, they take the orders daily, and then it also helps fund our operation.
The highest quality, storable food for the lowest price you're going to find.
Can you pay three, four times more and get more gourmet that tastes better?
But for food that's good and nutritious and quality, and a lot of it tastes excellent, most of it tastes, you know, really good, some taste okay, but that's just dishes I don't like.
You're not going to find anything near it for this price.
This is what I have for my family.
It's what I bought for friends and others.
It's what we got stockpiled here at the office because I know how serious the world is.
We finally got big generators, expensive, hooked into everything, and our own systems.
I mean, we've done a lot of stuff.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I'm not going to tell you everything we've done to keep communications up and very expensive, because we need to be on air when they take everything down.
And if that means, I mean, the enemy already knows what we got, but if that means radio and satellite relays, if that means our own power supplies, if that means our own microwave relays, I mean, you name it, we got it.
Looks like the Rebel base here, folks.
And the Imperial Walkers are marching towards us.
And that means they're coming at you, too.
So people ask, how are you taking all this?
Man, I mean, I know what's going down.
I'm ready for it.
But understanding this.
So, who knows?
It could be your last chance any day to get Ultra 12.
Or to get down and out sleep support.
Or to get Endgame.
Or the new film, Covidland.
Or to get an M4 Wars t-shirt.
I mean, until we turn this around and arrest the Globalists.
Because they're not going to stop until we arrest them.
And our own leaders don't even know what's going on, pretty much.
They're starting to figure it out.
So, this is such a dangerous time.
It's so important we stay on air.
It's so important we come together and realize what's happening.
So get the products at infowarestore.com.
Down and out's a great sleep aid with a whole bunch of different known herbs and compounds to give you deep, restful sleep.
And that's really important for your immune system as well, to get deep, restful sleep.
Research lack of sleep or lack of deep sleep and bad immune system.
It's well known.
So that's 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com and it makes this whole broadcast possible.
So I just trust everything to God now, but the collapse has begun.
All right.
I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
I'm going to go to break, come back with a special report, but let me hit these.
And tomorrow I'm going to air some clips out of this.
Black woman masquerading as KKK Klan member terrorized neighbors faces charges for months.
For the last year, someone would put KKK signs on and dress as a KKK person and run around the night.
And finally people recognized her handwriting versus notes they'd gotten before from her.
And the police got a search warrant and went in and she was the one doing it.
And it was all in her house.
Just another example of how you're not supposed to question all these events.
that happened, mass shootings, you name it.
And then, of course, Jussie Smollett, you name it.
You know, WMDs in Iraq, you name it.
Gulf of Tonkin, you name it.
Operation Northwoods, you name it.
But here's another example of that.
That's from Newsweek.
Here's one from the Daily Mail.
Here's another one.
Baby in Roe v. Wade case was never aborted and just came out publicly.
So has her mother.
No one raped her.
It was all made up.
It was all a giant lie.
And she's alive.
All a giant false flag to then kill 65 million babies at least in America.
And it pleases Hillary Clinton, that demonic witch, so much.
But here's the facts.
You can say kill babies.
They don't have rights.
How about all the adults dying?
From the vaccines and the Pentagon confirming that their immune systems are disappearing until they get hit by another outside virus and then they get the syndrome that kills them.
That report's on InfoWars.com.
We spent the whole first hour and a half or hour and 15 minutes breaking that down.
And then there's this.
I've got to get to this tomorrow.
There'll be so much news by then I probably won't.
There's articles on InfoWars.com about it.
There's articles on Gateway Pundit about it.
It's so incredible.
Biden went to a baseball game and got booed.
And they said, F Joe Biden, like they do everywhere.
And so the White House re-released the video with a dub tape saying, we love Joe Biden, and said it was real.
And then released a bunch of other crap.
I mean, folks.
And it gets worse at NASCAR.
They were saying F Joe Biden.
And so the commentator changed it to the winner and said, oh, they're saying they love you.
They're saying your name while they chant.
I'm not going to play it here because we cut out the F. It just makes no sense.
But you can see the videos online for yourself.
We're not ABC News or CNN.
We're not allowed to play cuss words here.
We don't want to either, but we're nationalists.
We're Christians.
We're patriots.
We're conservatives.
If we do, we get FCC fines.
Only Democrats are allowed to cuss on radio and TV.
And so that means we can't even show you what's happening out there, but it's on InfoWars.com.
But just think about that.
He's at the big professional baseball game.
And they're saying, F him, F him, until he has to leave, and they just dub over as if everyone didn't already know that that happened.
They don't care!
Everyone knows, it was all over TV, millions saw it, then they put out a fake tape that he was being cheered.
They just aren't giving up, they aren't going away.
I've got an article right here I didn't have time to get to, I'll play it tomorrow.
Where the head congressional individual over the spending package says we can quote spend whatever amount of money we want, we're invincible, we're, I mean, he actually said we can spend unlimited amounts is the quote.
Unlimited amounts is the quote.
Yeah, and then it devalues everything.
But see, they get the money first while it has value.
They buy up real companies and infrastructure and farms and ranches and weapons and media.
And then we all get handed the debt and the inflation and the hell.
And then they say it's white men that are the problem.
When it's just globalists screwing us all, it's totally wild.
I mean, you're seeing modern war.
The collapse has already begun.
It's accelerating.
You're in World War III.
You're being hit with bioweapons in the vaccines.
And then they blame those of us that are smart and don't take it as the ones that did it.
And I told you a year and a half ago that would happen, and now it happened.
We know what we're talking about!
Please warn everyone there isn't much time left!
They've already injected half the public!
They're already dying!
It's October 1st, 2021 and I've got good news for you.
I've got good news for me.
I've got good news for everybody alive in America and on this planet today.
Now we spent years developing this, and it's probably one of the strongest, cleanest formulas in the world.
There may be something better.
We don't know about it.
It's made by one of the top labs in the United States that we private label it from, because again, if we said their name, they'd get attacked by the left.
This stuff is incredible.
It is BrainForce Ultra.
Exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We got a limited run of this in a month ago and it sold out in three days.
And we already had a larger batch getting developed.
The ingredients came in.
And the new batch is here, and I just took some today, and I think it's even stronger than the last batch, because this stuff, again, is done in a lab, but it's done organically, so each batch varies a little bit, but it does get all the testing done to show that it's at least up to a basic strength, and this is actually above that.
So we got BrainForce Ultra back in stock, we got a big shipment in, but it's so popular, I think it's gonna sell out in probably a week.
Despite that, we're gonna offer it at 50% off the introductory rate, For at least four or five days.
That's why I'm saying it's October 1st.
I'm gonna run this until October 5th.
Hell, it may sell out.
And that's good news for InfoWars because we desperately need funding in the face of the Democratic Party assault, their rig courts, their kangaroo systems, and their attempts to silence us and silence you.
Because that's why they're coming after us.
is to get to you.
We are all in this together, as Benjamin Franklin said, and if we don't hang together, we're going to hang separate.
You've been hanging with us, you've been keeping us on air, you've been spreading the word, and it's having an incredible effect.
In fact, let me spend a minute or so on that before I get back into this.
I had a chance to go up to Glenn Beck's The Blaze.
I had a chance to hang out with Stephen Crowder at his offices outside The Blaze, and I had a chance to meet with a lot of other big reporters and other pundits and A lot of them thought I was full of it 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.
They now see everything I predict to come true and we had a hero's welcome there.
And it's happening all over the place.
But that's because of your support.
If you didn't keep us on air, the world wouldn't be waking up.
When this tyranny launches attack, we would be losing.
We'd be submitting.
But instead, all over the world, from Australia to the United States, people are fighting back and waking up.
And Infowars, at least half the time that we talk to people, is the catalyst that woke them up.
That means you're the catalyst that woke them up.
So again, Brain Force Ultra is back in stock.
You've got to go see what is in this.
Let me just read you some of the things.
Guarana seed.
Look at what that does.
Alpha GPC.
Green coffee bean.
Alethro root.
Yerba Mate leaf.
Green tea leaves.
Ginkgo leaf.
Ashwagandha root.
And more.
And they are strong.
Cold press.
This isn't dry garbage.
This isn't old trash.
This is new.
At one of the best labs, I don't want to say the best, because there might be one better, but it's the best we know of, and we are so proud to bring you this, and that it funds the M4.
Clean, long, sustained, deep, focused energy, where you don't have the crash.
If you love turbo force, if you love Brain Force Plus, that are both different formulas that are excellent, You're going to absolutely love BrainForce Ultra.
All three are different formulas.
All three do different things.
But I've got to tell you, of the three, drop for drop, this is the strongest ever.
50% off, InfoWorksStore.com.
And while you're there, check out all the other great products like Ultra 12, Winter Sun, and so many others.
But whatever you do, keep praying for a global awakening, and keep spreading the word about InfoWorks.
Tomorrow's news, today, And remember that every person you reach out to now is one step closer to our victory.
So thanks for keeping us in the fight.
We're never going to back down.
God bless and good luck.
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Add to that list the vaccination for COVID-19.
California Governor Newsom has done the unthinkable, ignoring the research.
Most, if not all, of the studies show robust immunity from getting the disease naturally.
The CDC says if you've had measles and have immunity, you don't have to be vaccinated.
The same was true of smallpox.
You're selectively doing this because you want us to submit to your will.
You have no scientific background, no scientific degrees.
I can't go to my doctor and ask my doctor's opinion?
I mean, this is incredibly arrogant, combined with this authoritarian nature that you think, well, we'll just tell all of America to do what I say, and they better, or we'll fine them, or put them in jail, or not let them go to school, or not let them travel.
Ignoring the deaths.
The CDC finding 16 to 24 year olds who receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine have experienced higher than normal cases of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.
Inflammation in teens explodes across the U.S.
after FDA approves injections.
Here's an article out of the U.K.
out of the Sun.
Side effect teenage boys are 14 times more likely to suffer heart complications from Pfizer-Jabs study finds.
My son can receive the vaccine.
And he died a few days later.
The only explanation that was given to me was enlarged heart.
I am in the hospital right now with heart complications from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Karen Kingston joined us.
She worked for Pfizer years ago.
She's a biotech analyst and she said, If kids become injected, she just doesn't know how they will survive.
Do you agree with that sentiment?
I agreed with it before and I agreed with it after.
Now, on Tuesday, I went for a meeting in London, in Westminster, in Bird's Cage Walk, and we sat with a very eminent member of Parliament who's very influential.
I was surrounded by a plethora of the brightest scientific and legal minds In the world, and they basically said that they foresee in October, November and December terrible death rate globally, exclusively in the vaccinated children that are injected will die.
One of the main causes of this will be inflammation of the heart.
And that's been well documented, but totally ignored constantly.
Those deaths will be labelled swiftly as a new virulent strain of COVID.
And they've been very clear on doing that, haven't they?
Every few weeks you get a new strain.
And then, oh, there's a new variant.
There's a new variant.
And this variant will be the one that is said to do the most damage.
Now, there will be civil unrest as people slowly come to terms with the fact they've been lied to.
And nobody loves anything more in their life than their kids, do they?
Let's be honest.
Ignoring the doctors and parents that will rise up like a firestorm in the next few days, weeks and months.
We're just not going to follow in line with just a mandate.
We want to go through a process and we want to be in the driver's seat on the decisions for our children.
Newsom has mandated that public school children, kindergarten through 12th grade, must receive the ineffective and dangerous COVID vaccine.
Once the FDA approves the vaccination in different cohorts starting with 12 and above, grades 7 to 12, we will begin to apply that requirement in the next term.
Either January 1st or July 1st, whichever comes sooner.
Newsom has set in motion a decree that will make disgraced Governor Cuomo's nursing home massacre look like a blip on the radar.
Agnes Minicel died at age 93 in an Albany hospital just a couple days after her nursing home sent her there.
Her son, a registered Democrat, same party as Cuomo, says this isn't about politics.
I think there was an intentional cover-up because of the numbers.
You know, he's bragging about the numbers in nursing homes, and, you know, and he wanted to lower the numbers.
And I know what he's playing with here, and it's just not right.
I want the truth.
I want justice.
Affecting 6.7 million children, currently 7th to 12th graders will have until next summer to get their vaccinations, while kindergartners through 6th graders are merely waiting on Fauci to get the approval for that age group.
We're talking at a matter of weeks, possibly by the end of the month, the beginning of next month, because I know the FDA really wants to do it correctly, but they want to do it quickly.
Many states will follow Newsom's moronic lead, as they did when he began the first stay-at-home orders.
There's a recognition of our interdependence that requires of this moment that we direct a statewide order for people to stay at home.
Leading America into tyranny and doom.
John Bowne reporting.
The latest by John Bowne.
You can find it now at Banned.Video and InfoWars.com.
I suggest you go and share it.
Click the share button.
It'll give you a disguised URL which means you can publish it on Big Tech despite their ongoing and indeed increasing censorship campaigns.
Then just hit the share button.
Welcome back.
My name is Harrison Smith.
I'm sitting in here for Alex Jones.
I'll be here well into the evening, but we have some very special videos to show you, some exclusive interviews to get to.
And of course, Alex didn't get to it, but I will be showing this video and covering this story that again, it's just, they just keep pushing and they just keep pushing and they just keep pushing.
And at a certain point, it seems like it's parody.
But it's not.
Because it's really not funny.
It's your future they're talking about.
Of course, I'm talking about the House Budget Committee Chairman saying the federal government
can afford anything.
Anything at all.
He's like, "You fools that think we're bounded by logic and common sense.
No, we can do whatever we want because we have the guns and the power to do it."
Really incredible stuff.
A lot of incredible stuff to talk about.
And I'm going to try to do a weekend review.
And I say I'm going to try to do a weekend review because if you ever watch American
Journal, the show that I host in the morning, I always do a daily dispatch.
I always talk about how I'm going to try to keep it as short as possible.
But, with just the sheer volume of news we deal with on a daily basis, it always stretches to like two or three segments, and that's just for a single day.
So, I thought I'd go through and just grab the top stories that really, you know, illustrate where we are as a civilization, and where the information war stands, and five pages of links.
five pages of links, like a link, like one line on a document,
five pages of those for a single week.
So will I be able to get to any of them or all of them?
Stay tuned and find out, because really that's the best way to understand
what's going on in this world, is not take things just one at a time
where it's forgotten the very next day, but to look back and see the totality of what is occurring
at this point in time and what has happened over the last week, and boy, oh boy,
is it a cavalcade of absurdity.
I think that's a good way to describe it.
In fact, Alex was telling you about the...
The black woman masquerading as a Ku Klux Klan member terrorizing neighbors and facing charges.
That was just one of three fake hate crime hoaxes that were either perpetrated or uncovered this week.
Three in a single week.
Amazing, isn't it?
You'd think there wouldn't have to be any hate hoaxes with the amount we hear about white supremacist terror, domestic terror on a daily basis, but it seems like the demand for hate crimes outstrips the supply, so they're false flagging us into division, desperation, and chaos.
We'll get to all of that and more.
I do want to remind you, everything we do here is funded by InfoWarsTore.com, and this weekend personally was kind of a A white-pilling weekend for me.
An uplifting weekend for me.
I was at a wedding yesterday evening and, you know, they tell you where to sit, so we go find our name tags and sit down.
And sitting right next to me is a young man, very respectful-looking young man.
He's reading a book titled The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy.
And so, of course, my wife and I sort of laughed at that and his parents were like, oh yeah, he's really into that sort of stuff.
And I'm like, It's fine.
We're going to have a very good conversation for this wedding.
And then his mom's like, yeah, you know, I kind of get embarrassed because he's always going around telling people like total strangers.
I'll just go up to him and tell him like the government's trying to control you and they're out to destroy you.
And I'm like, this kid's going places.
This is the future.
Don't lose hope, folks.
Don't think it's all hopeless.
The young are waking up, and the more the globalists push, the more the pushback happens, and the more the young people are opening up their eyes and really pushing back against this.
That's just one of a couple stories that I have that shows the InfoWars progressing rather well despite everything that they throw at us.
More of that on the other side.
Stay with us.
All right.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Sunday Night Live.
My name's Harrison Smith.
I'm the morning host here at InfoWars, and I ask you to start your morning with InfoWars American Journal every day, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
InfoWars.com, of course, is where you go to stream that, and I hope you tune in.
I'm going to do a little week in review starting at 6 p.m., but for now, we have a lot of other stories to talk about.
And interestingly, you know, in my Week in Review, I have an image or a screenshot of a headline, but I wanted to go find the link.
And of course, this is one of the three hate crime hoaxes that were uncovered this weekend, this in particular one.
I was looking for an article from the College Fix called, Black Man Arrested for Inward Graffiti Swastikas at Emory University.
This, of course, is one of the three.
And I couldn't find it on Google.
Just wouldn't come up.
I had to type the entire headline plus the name of the article all into Google and then hit the news tab for it to bring it up for me.
You've got to wonder how smart are these algorithms or people going in and on an individual basis deleting these types of articles.
It's just amazing and you would think that if In a perfect world, in a world full of people with intelligence and can think for themselves and can just see for themselves what's going on, InfoWars wouldn't have to be here.
We wouldn't be necessary.
Because everything that these people are engaged in, the Globalists, the Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, World Economic Forum, it's so obvious.
I mean, it's in your face.
We shouldn't have to get up here and tell you about it.
But my God, is this necessary?
It's like the most important thing we could possibly be doing right now because, I don't
know, people just don't seem to get it.
They just don't seem to be able to like figure this stuff out for themselves.
And so of course we know that the globalists are, you know, their machinations and their
plans and their schemes are on a level that they've never reached before.
And everything from just the sheer force by which they're trying to put these things in
place to just the breadth and scale of everything that they're trying to bring about all at
at once from the border to the vaccine mandates all that sort of stuff.
It's, I mean, this is it, right?
They're putting everything on the table.
They're all in.
And that's certainly a source of anxiety and aggravation for people here who don't want to be slaves of Klaus Schwab.
But on the other hand, on the other hand, it's worth it to stop for a moment and think about how far the info war has come.
Think about the fact that now...
Millions of people on Twitter talk about this stuff every single day.
It used to be 10 years ago, if you wanted to talk about the Bilderberg Group or Davos or this sort of stuff, you'd go to some forum somewhere, you know, with like a dozen people all sort of talking about this stuff and, you know, none of it was widespread or talked about a lot.
Like, it was in the deep, dark corners of the, you know, not respectable internet.
It was over there.
Of course, they'd love to return to that.
But how different is it now that you can make a tweet talking about Builderberg or Davos.
10,000 likes, right?
It gets shared over and over again.
It's amazing how far the info war has come.
And it's really impressive.
And of course, then you, I get into the, the what ifs.
That's like, man, what if.
What if Alex Jones got like the Dr. Fauci treatment in like 2001?
What if instead of in 2001, you know, everybody denigrating and telling Alex Jones he was a crazy conspiracy theorist for thinking that the Patriot Act would impinge on our liberties?
What if instead he was like put on Oprah and then like interviewed him on CNN and actually gave credence and consideration to the things that he was saying?
And what if this awakening had started 20 years ago?
What if we avoided going into war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
What if we avoided all of these civil liberties that we've lost because of the Patriot Act?
What if, right?
We'd be a very different world today.
And I think that's a world that we can look forward to, because I really do think that InfoWars is making a massive difference, waking just an infinite number of people up.
It's really incredible to see.
And every day we're making major strides, which is why they're attacking us so much.
And so I guess all this is to say, we wouldn't be here without you.
And of course, as much as InfoWars does, we'd be shouting to the trees if it weren't for the audience out there helping to share this message, spread this message, spread the links.
And of course, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
No other support other than you.
So thank you so much, sincerely, for supporting us and getting this word out here and helping to actually make a major change, a shift in the course of humanity itself by waking up to the machinations of the globalists and actually standing up and resisting it.
Very, very honored to be a part of this and very thankful to everybody who goes to Infowars store and allows us to carry out this literal information war that we are now engaged in.
I'm going to go to this video that Alex talked about a little bit earlier.
The article from Gateway Pundit says, House Budget Committee Chairman says federal government can afford anything, anything at all.
I haven't seen this yet, so I'll comment on the other side.
Let's now go to this video of John Yarmuth, the House Budget Committee Chairman, lying to you about what the federal government can afford.
I read Joe Manchin's statement, I've listened to him.
He has no understanding of how the federal government monetary system works.
When he compared it yesterday to his household income, that has no relevance to what we can do.
It's not a question of what we can afford.
The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do.
And right now, that's what we ought to be focused on.
on. So even the CNN reporter looked up at that.
In the budget committee, that's the position I will take going forward.
Frankly, I think it's respectable of the man to wear the grade he got in civics on the
front of his jacket.
I think that's a respectable thing.
You want to see the letter grade that he earned there on the lapel in civics class or perhaps economics.
Here's the dirty little truth that everybody knows.
The federal government has no money at all.
The federal government doesn't have a dime.
The only money that the federal government actually makes for itself, the money it generates, is when it sells missiles to Iran or drugs to the inner city.
That's how the government makes money.
If it's deep state operatives, you know, creating a slush fund to carry out their black ops in third world countries, that's their money.
They've earned that, I think.
Everything else, it's not their money.
It's a credit card with your child's name on it.
It's a credit card with your grandchildren's name on it.
They don't own anything.
They don't have anything except for what they can squeeze from you.
And that seems like their primary or perhaps exclusive concern at this point as we continue on to hear all these discussions about the 3.5 trillion dollar bill.
I'm sorry, the zero dollar bill if you listen to the Democrats.
It's absurd, but there's always this, the government's going to run out of money.
The government has no money.
It has your money.
It has what it can squeeze from you.
So, just amazing they would say that, and of course it reflects the attitude that they all have.
We can do whatever we want, we can demand whatever we desire, and we can steal it from whoever we want because we're the federal government, after all.
It's amazing this mindset that they have.
Some, I mean, so many statements these days are just, just baffling.
I mean, you saw on that video, even the CNN reporter, when he's like, money's not an issue.
Federal government can afford anything we want.
She's like...
Okay, like she's not gonna say anything, obviously, it's CNN.
They believe that, but it's like, wow, that's just on its face an insane thing to say, an insane thing to think.
But that's what they believe, and they're convincing you of it too, I guess.
And it's amazing, I saw a statement from Bernie Sanders.
It's obviously, I don't think I need to tell you folks, this is socialism, this is communism, this is what they're setting up, and it's what we can expect.
And he says, you know, it's a shame that two senators can stand in the way when there are 48 senators who want this.
Completely disregarding 50% of the Senate, right?
Completely disregarding the 50 people That are Republicans that are against this.
So, this is the mindset of these people, right?
This is the mindset of the Democratic Socialists.
It's like, well, Socialism's fine, as long as the majority is for it.
As long as 50% or more people agree with this, then it's the right thing to do, because that's the majority.
And if they want Socialism, then that's what they're going to get.
That's Democratic Socialism.
Except 52% of the representatives don't want it, and 48% do.
So that means...
We don't, we're not going to have it, right?
Because that's what democratic socialism is all about.
It's, well, it's whatever the majority wants.
Well, in this case, the majority doesn't want your endless debt and your giveaways to foreign countries and your giveaways to everybody else in this country.
Two senators cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 senators and 200 House members want.
Like, it's just, it's just a glimpse into their mindset, isn't it?
It's, you don't exist.
Your representatives do not exist.
It's just amazing.
52% don't want this.
So, under your own, uh, no, no, I'm not, I'm not going to call them a hypocrite because, uh, why would I?
They don't care.
They really don't care.
They're not even hypocrites.
They're just power hungry psychopaths.
And that's, uh, and that's what we're doing here.
There's so much.
I mean, even just today, like forget this this last week, just today, J&J vaccine could be linked to another clotting condition, according to the EU.
Rare blood clotting in deep veins.
My God, we are almost out of time on this segment.
Hey, time flies.
You're having fun.
I'll be here on the other side of this commercial break to break down the whole week of absurd insanity, of cacophonous madness that we experience when we read the headlines here.
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