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Name: 20210923_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2021
2499 lines.

In this episode of "The Kate Daly Show," Alex Jones discusses his views on COVID-19, globalism, and the importance of individual preparedness. He claims that the pandemic is part of a larger plan by globalists to take over humanity and depopulate the world. Dr. Christy Reisinger shares her thoughts on ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19, emphasizing early treatment and questioning why it's not being promoted more widely. Jones also talks about Fauci's involvement in gain-of-function research and its potential connection to the COVID-19 outbreak. Throughout the broadcast, they urge listeners to resist the globalist agenda, stay informed, and support their work by purchasing products from InfoWareStore.com and StrongerDefense.com. Dr. Lee Merritt, a frontline doctor with experience in orthopedic spinal surgery, emphasizes the importance of taking the current situation seriously and preparing oneself and one's home for potential health issues by having the necessary equipment and medications on hand. She recommends getting a pulse oximeter and a nebulizer for emergencies. The FDA has stopped shipments of Ivermectin into the country, even though it is approved in Japan and India. People should stock up on medications they need as supply chains are disrupted. Dr. Leigh Merritt recommends Walgreens as a reliable source for medications and vitamins during the pandemic. Essential medications include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, N-acetylcysteine, Quercetin, Lysine, and either Betaine or Dimethylglycine. She recommends consulting frontline doctors such as those from MyFreeDoctor.com or America's Frontline Doctors for guidance on taking Ivermectin. Dr. Merritt suggests considering a medical co-op where like-minded individuals pool resources and equipment, such as an IV nutraceutical clinic or a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. In late August, InfoWars saw a surge in orders due to people understanding that globalists are intentionally destabilizing the world. Storable food is important for self-sufficiency and preparedness. The BioPros have launched BioSeptic Pro, a product designed to maintain healthy septic systems using live microorganisms. Kate Daly discusses the importance of taking precautions like having antibiotics on hand due to the possibility of mycoplasma reactivation. Dr. Leigh Merritt mentions the benefits of NAC and quercetin as anti-inflammatory agents, but stresses that a proactive anti-inflammatory lifestyle is crucial for overall health and resilience against diseases."

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So there's today's headline.
Thursday emergency broadcast.
And it's an emergency broadcast.
Every day is now.
Fauci created thousands of other deadly viruses, Pentagon confirms.
But now as we look closer and the propaganda that came out yesterday to respond to what I was saying on air, you begin to see that it was the globalists trying to play China and the United States off against each other, in my view.
It's a fact Fauci created the weapon with Bill Gates.
It's a fact they released it.
It's a fact it's the exact same virus they described that is COVID-19.
It's a fact they're releasing new variants.
We know all that, I'll go over it.
It's a fact they've released protein crystal simulants that do the same thing.
But this, this information coming out, is incontrovertible.
So when I weigh all this and look at this and the motives and all of it, and knowing the Globalists are the most powerful group, That tells me that they are the ones that got China involved, got China to agree to this stuff.
The Pentagon said no.
DARPA said no.
And then when it was time to embarrass Trump, you saw Fauci come out and say, don't worry, he'll be challenged by a big pandemic.
Then they release it.
They blame Trump.
They blame America.
They say China's good.
But they also had that in their hip pocket to blackmail China that, hey, you worked with us on this, if they didn't go along with what the globalists wanted.
So now you see how that works, and Xi Jinping's calling their bluff and saying, well, let's have a nuclear war.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are a target of globalist exterminists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the victim of a globalist bioweapon attack.
All the pieces have fallen into the jigsaw puzzle.
We already had 95% of it assembled, but we know exactly what's going on now.
But as evil as the globalists are, we need to realize that we have the power still in our daily lives with what we do and the decisions we make.
And Derren McBreen put together a four-minute report that's at Band.Video that can literally save lives.
Your whole email list, your text list, Your Facebook, your Twitter, save lives.
Save lives with this incredibly important four-minute report.
We're gonna come back with all of this huge broadcast today, but this is life-saving COVID treatment revealed.
Please share it.
My name is Dr. Christy Reisinger and today I'd like to give everyone a piece of my mind about ivermectin, medical misinformation and censorship.
When it comes to treating and preventing people getting COVID-19, we've been told that the only solution is a brand new vaccine.
That's not true.
There are trends in the direction that when used early in the course of a COVID-19 illness, ivermectin can possibly prevent worsening of symptoms, clear viral load, and prevent hospitalization.
Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs ever invented.
Nobel Prize winning for humans!
What, 2005?
Nobel Prize winning for humans!
And there's 23 studies that show that ivermectin is effective, and there is a systematic review, which is the highest level of evidence-based medicine, that says that it works.
It's like going to the Supreme Court and winning.
And yet the NIH will not acknowledge that peer-reviewed systematic review.
There are over 14 medical and scientific papers which hail Ivermectin's success.
You have all the mainstream media demonizing Ivermectin.
They tell you it's only for horses.
They tell you that people are overdosing on it.
That's all lies.
Tom Schnoor says for three weeks now, he's gone from filling 70 prescriptions a day for Ivermectin to 250 a day.
So far this year, that's nearly 2,500 patients.
And none of them have ever had a need to go to the hospital.
Do you think there's hope in Ivermectin?
Is it potentially an effective therapeutic for COVID?
It could be a lifesaver.
We've had over 600,000 Americans lose their lives.
We know that those who have been admitted to the hospital and those who died, the majority died in the hospital, they received no early treatment.
All the people in the hospital today are there because they listened to the CDC advice to stay home.
And if you have really severe symptoms, go to the hospital.
But the one thing that everybody has in common in the hospital, or almost everyone has in the hospital today, is none of them got early treatment.
Why is early, safe, effective treatment not being talked about?
I think that's a very, very important question.
The early treatment is best.
Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin are safe and effective against SARS-CoV-2 infections.
The earlier outpatient treatments like monoclonal antibody and ivermectin are started, the better the outcomes will be.
And there's been a suppression of early treatment that I think has been very intentional by a whole variety of stakeholders in order to prepare the population to receive the vaccine, in a sense to be saved by the vaccine.
And what they're learning now is the vaccine doesn't work well enough in everyone to prevent hospitalization or death.
And this is why doctors who start these early treatment protocols keep going, because they don't lose any patients to hospitalization or death.
And yet their peers are too afraid to try things like ivermectin or fluvaxamine, even though those drugs will kill virtually nobody.
What America needs to know is we have four major organizations, one of them which has chapters in every state in America, supporting early treatment.
And America should look to these treatment organizations and not be chilled by the messaging that's coming down through major media.
Joe Rogan, he came down with COVID, he says he's been taking the livestock dewormer, ivermectin.
Do I have to sue CNN?
They're making shit up.
They keep saying I'm taking horse dewormer.
I literally got it from a doctor.
What does that represent to you that they don't want people to know about ivermectin?
Number one reason would be is it's an option that's actually been proven in 61 studies around the world to be effective at stopping the disease process of SARS-CoV-2, which they call COVID-19, and within two days it actually reduces transmission of COVID-19 even to loved ones and households.
That's how many studies have been done.
So it stops the spread?
And the actual vaccines have never been promoted to even do that.
We've been proven right.
We've been vindicated.
You've been vindicated.
We've got to save lives and get all this information out.
I've been watching.
And I've been waiting for the globalists to make their big move.
And I knew it was coming.
It was in all their white papers and battle plans.
And now we are almost two years into their big assault.
The beginning of the worldwide Technocracy takeover and the forced depopulation.
So submitting to this means your very slow painful death and humiliation before you're killed.
Resisting means a human future worth livable.
We are facing absolute pure evil turned loose writ large.
Conscious evil, not the road to hell's paved with good intentions.
That's the general public going along with the tyranny because they believe the cover stories.
Now, I had a big headline yesterday for the full show saying this is the biggest news of the 21st century.
And I explained there, and I was very clear about it, why I said that, and I really meant that.
That was not hype.
I had a lot of people in the halls ask me, I had family call and ask me, I had lawyers call me, I had politicians call me, and they said, do you really think this is the biggest story in world history that Fauci lied to Congress and cooked up gain-of-function chimera in the documents that matches COVID-19?
And then sought the Pentagon's permission to release it on China.
Well, that's the epicenter, but the nuclear war or biological war that would have started, which it has started a biological war, the ramifications of the lockdown of civilization, the ramifications of forced inoculations, and the end of a free society, and the ramifications of the corporate media and the general public and our Congress and our governors, Not saying a damn word about it when the smoking gun of smoking guns comes out.
The ramifications of what that means about civilization and what the globalists have gotten away with, are getting away with, and are planning to get away with, is just devastating.
I'm ready to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to watch my family die.
But I know that's coming.
That's their plan.
They've said that's their plan.
And I'm sitting here, white-knuckled, going, listen to me, public.
This is a real plan.
Here's the evidence.
You need to be aware of this.
I told you this was coming to this point.
It happened just like I told you.
The rest is coming.
You can take your shots, you can kiss their ass, you can take your five-year-old to have his balls chopped off to worship the left.
The left's just one facsimile of the New World Order's depopulation program.
At the top, it has an agenda of total exterminism, and it gets you to go along with exterminating this group, or exploiting that group.
Hoping they won't get around to you, they will.
So there's today's headline, Thursday Emergency Broadcast, and it's an emergency broadcast, every day is now.
Fauci created thousands of other deadly viruses, Pentagon confirms.
That's in there.
So let me walk through this for you, then I'm gonna hit all the other news today.
We got a bunch of big guests coming on on other subjects, like a big Breitbart Texas head editor, Brandon Darby, who was certainly right about Antifa on the left.
Fifteen years ago, and I wasn't.
He's taught us a lot.
He's going to be joining us for what he's seeing on the border, and what's happening there coming up in the next hour.
But let's just look at how my brain works, so that people can get how I know all this stuff.
Everybody asks me, well, how do you know what's coming next?
Because I study all the players, okay?
And you know up front, I said I thought the Chi-Coms were involved with the globalists.
Because they were involved at Wuhan, they stood to gain, and the globalists said they were with China, and said China did a great job, and that they should open up, but we should remain closed, because that helps globalist interest shut down their main enemy, the West.
But they also want to control China, and China's now broken their deals with them.
But now as we look closer at the propaganda that came out yesterday to respond to what I was saying on air, you begin to see that it was the globalists trying to play China and the United States off against each other, in my view.
It's a fact Fauci created the weapon with Bill Gates.
It's a fact they released it.
It's a fact it's the exact same virus they described that is COVID-19.
It's a fact they're releasing new variants.
We know all that, I'll go over it.
It's a fact they've released protein crystal simulants that do the same thing.
But don't, don't, don't, don't continue to infect others after three or four levels.
It's very important.
It's a neutron bomb of biological weapons.
But this, this information coming out, is incontrovertible. Now I'm going to move you to
speculation areas with all the pieces what this points to and we'll open the phones up tomorrow and stuff
we can have a discussion about this because I want to get your take on it because everything
else I've said is documented in this hiding in plain view. The question is obviously it was
released on purpose we now know that but who stood to gain and who was really behind it? We
understand the same globalists that put Mao Zedong in power, the same globalists that made one-sided
trade deals to empower their state and then to transfer all the less money not to the shy comms
part of it was transferred but more than a third of it to themselves the middleman
Trump talked about.
And so, looking at this, as soon as we come out here today, and as soon as the news breaks, And it was in major British papers and some U.S.
papers, but didn't get one one millionth the attention it should have, that Fauci cooked up these thousands of viruses, including COVID-19, and sought the Pentagon's approval to release it in China open air, and that they had nanotech simulant systems that burrow through the skin as microscopic glass crystals, and then deliver the virus into the body.
All of that now confirmed, which we speculated on.
Well, now look at this headline.
Chinese whistleblower claims COVID outbreak intentional.
Happened in October 2019 at Military World Games.
Well, we've been hearing that since last February.
And we've been hearing that from Senator Cotton and others.
And I don't doubt that Communist Chinese wouldn't release a weapon.
And I know the fact they were heavily invested in a joint operation With DARPA, with the U.S.
military, with Fort Detrick, Maryland, with Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
But we have the Pentagon and DARPA saying to Daszak and to Fauci, don't do these programs.
We do have documents with the CHICOMS going ahead with these programs and Daszak and others.
They were seeking permission from both of the superpowers while they did this because they represent the Bill Gates globalist faction that is now in control or partial control of the two factions.
So it's multinational corporations trying to get rid of the nation-state.
And in the U.S., the nation-state has not stood up to big tech and the globalists and has been taken over.
I mean, Senator Rand Paul has a hearing with a medical doctor about natural immunities much better than the vaccine.
And YouTube says, that is not what the U.N.
Your Senate hearing is banned.
We are under the globalist control.
Xi Jinping is in charge of his country to a great extent, and he's a dictator, and I'm bloodthirsty, but he says, hey, I'm in charge, and has been arresting globalist front people and kicking out foreign operatives that don't totally roll over and turn their companies like Apple has over to them.
China has motives to release the weapon.
Through Fauci, who's a China-phile on the surface, so is Bill Gates.
But, now as you began to see the proof that it was lab-made come out, you noticed our media suddenly said, okay, it was the Chinese that did it.
And maybe they released it on purpose.
And that's the globalists through the U.S.
that they control more than China saying, hey, if you're about to say that we released it, that is the globalists, we'll just say you released it.
So when I weigh all this and look up this and the motives and all of it, and knowing the globalists are the most powerful group.
That tells me that they are the ones that got China involved, got China to agree to this stuff.
The Pentagon said no.
DARPA said no.
And then when it was time to embarrass Trump, you saw Fauci come out and say, don't worry, he'll be challenged by a big pandemic.
Then they release it.
They blame Trump.
They blame America.
They say China's good.
But they also had that in their hip pocket to blackmail China that, hey, you worked with us on this, if they didn't go along with what the globalists wanted.
So now you see how that works.
And Xi Jinping's calling their bluff and saying, well, let's have a nuclear war.
So that's the best analysis I can give you.
That's what I've seen the information.
But that is speculation with a massive amount of the pieces in place.
But it could, when we get the other pieces, be something different than what we thought we were looking at.
But overall, we know that they made it.
It's artificial.
The Chai Kams were involved.
The U.S.
government was involved, but got cold feet.
Maybe because they already had it and some other element in the government actually released it and is now blackmailing the globalists in China.
This is real thought here.
This is the type of stuff going on in the back of my head that I don't even get into on air.
When we come back, we'll give you the latest on all this and tell you what we do know.
Tomorrow's News Today, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now.
Be part of the victory.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host Alex Jones on this live September 23rd, 2021 broadcast.
Thank you for joining us.
Okay, so let me just slow down and get to the biggest issue facing our world.
The threat of COVID-19, whether you think it's completely fraudulent or completely real, and we know what it is now, it's a group of attacks.
They are using it to take control of our society to create a corrupt, authoritarian, world government with a world social credit score that tracks and traces everywhere you go, that decides where you can go, what you can do, that decides who is essential, who isn't essential, and that will say, oh, as part of reparations, you pay nothing for milk, but a white person pays $5.
And that's being proposed.
And again, it's not about empowering black people, it's about getting it set in stone that discrimination is okay, so we accept the global social credit score.
Bankrupting all the small businesses, saying they're not essential, so you get a universal basic income, so they can dictate where that universal income can be spent.
This is beyond just currency controls.
This is deciding where you can spend that currency.
It's about total control.
The root of all evil is the love of money.
Well, this is beyond the love of money.
This is the control of money.
This is next level.
This is a hellish system.
So, continuing.
We know Fauci, funded by Gates, through Peter Daszak, on record, created hundreds of Chimera COVID viruses, thousands of total deadly viruses, over the last 15 years.
In the U.S., but when that got banned because of lots of pressure, they moved to China.
Not just Wuhan, but more than 10 labs around the country.
We now know from the documents that came out that they don't deny that DARPA and the Defense Department declassified when it was requested.
Normally, they would not release that.
They wanted it out.
But they told Fauci, no, this will kill people.
Basically, you're crazy.
They said we're shocked by this proposal.
I showed it to you yesterday.
They said this will infect humans.
What are you doing?
You're going to put airborne super virus in the air?
And then put it into animals that then...
Fly around human populations, because we know that we get cold viruses from squirrels, from dogs, from everything.
We share them.
That's why you can't have a vaccine for them, because there's always new pools for their development.
You can for smallpox, but it's only in humans.
There's no pools once everybody's inoculated.
So that's what the science, you know, trust the science shows.
When they say, we're not going to show you any facts, just trust the science, you know, it's the opposite.
So we know Fauci did it.
Here's the 64 gazillion prize number.
The $64 trillion question.
Who does Fauci work for?
Who has the power?
Who stands to gain the most?
Who controls the media?
Who controls the currency?
Who controls the countries?
Who shut up the UN?
Who shut up Communist China?
The Rockefellers, who are the front of the Robert Barron families, who created Operation Lockstep that plans all this.
So I'm not defending Xi Jinping.
I think the Communist Party should be removed, overthrown.
I'd love to see free market, Christian capitalism, Chinese were highly Christian before they got overthrown, Buddhist, whatever.
I'd like to see them be free.
It'd be great.
It'd be great for humanity.
We'd probably beat the globalists if we could do that.
But the globalists were smart.
They went in there, took over, did their anthropology analysis, and set them up as the new communist slash Chinese civilization, which they would then slant all the business deals and all of the trade deals to where all development would go there, and the globalists would control that development so they could then control the whole planet.
But China, again, at the last minute, just like tyrants always do, are fighting with the other wing.
So that's where we are.
And so now they're bringing it out that not only did it happen at the Wuhan lab, but China's behind it.
Right as the evidence comes out that it wasn't China, that it was the globalists who are attacking America and China and the whole world's freedom with it and propping up authoritarianism by releasing it.
We weren't sure until now, was it a joint globalist Chinese attack?
Well, no.
It helped the Chai-coms, but it also helped the globalists more, because now everything's shut down here, and they're the middlemen getting more money and power than the Chai-coms get.
That's what Trump talked about.
He saw the numbers.
The globalists get about 45% of the wealth and power out of all Chinese transactions.
The Chai-coms might get 20%, 25%.
And then the rest goes to the other respective countries and their populations.
So think about that.
The globalists get almost half Of everything that goes out of China.
And so, Xi Jinping wants to change that, and he says, now we're going to have three children, and we're going to arrest homosexuals, and you're not going to make us like Americans, you're not going to have sissy men, because he sees what they've done here, he's going to the other extreme, and the left was still praising, oh yes, arrest the gays, kill the Christians, kill the Buddhists, kill the... They're like, well now, you're not with us, well now, Xi Jinping's bad.
Duke Xi Jinping!
So here we are.
The big question is, who controls Fauci?
And it's all right here.
Next segment is a long segment.
I'm going to get into that there and I'm going to lay it all out.
And this is the big enchilada.
We have the history.
We have who did it.
We have the motive.
We have all the proof they made COVID-19 and more.
And they're releasing the new strains.
We've got it all.
It's all right here.
They're trying to say, oh, there's a rumor, a Chinese defector says he heard a rumor that at this military drill that they first planted the story a year and a half ago on that the Chinese government was going to release a bioweapon there onto the Westerners.
With no evidence.
But then we have the documents, and the DARPA documents, and the admissions, and the Peter Daszak documents, and the Dick Cheney statements previously, and all of it, and Bill Gates and the rest of it, all right there.
Yeah, the Cheneys are involved.
That they were doing it, they were preparing it, so they could blame it on the Chinese, or the U.S., or whoever they wanted to.
Hell, they probably got a plan to blame it on some right-winger or something.
That way they can play it however they want and can move the goalpost.
So, the absolute documentation and incredible proof coming up next segment.
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Okay, the big news when we come back, then I'm gonna shift gears out of Wuhan
and the bio attack, and we're gonna move into everything else.
(upbeat music)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are a citizen.
Peace out of the storm.
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, on this September 23rd, Thursday transmission.
So let me just calmly go through this as best I can.
I'm already giving the backstory.
We're gonna go back into that as well, but let's just get the 35,000-foot view.
Here's RT, Associated Press, Washington Times, it's everywhere, Washington Post.
COVID-19 appeared in the U.S.
before Wuhan.
Chinese scientist's claim in new research paper.
And we also have the IMF World Bank document saying in 2019, it was already seen in 2018 in the Italian sewer lines that had already been identified and named COVID-19.
That's mainstream news.
We'll look more at that in a moment.
Then there's this big story.
Jamie White wrote about it from pollwars.com.
Chinese whistleblower claims COVID outbreak intentional.
Happened in October of 2019 at Military World Games.
And then they give no evidence.
They say a Chinese detector, defector heard rumors.
Well, we don't have rumors.
We have the documents.
I'll show you in a moment.
CCP defector says China deliberately spread COVID at military event in 2019.
This is all over every channel.
But not about the documents from DARPA and the Pentagon about Fauci and Daszak wanting to release COVID-19 virus.
It's the same virus.
They described all the insurgents, the same virus, the same P shuttle genes, the same HIV delivery system.
Let's look at this.
A federal ban on making lethal viruses is lifted.
One of the things they slipped through on Trump.
Here's another one under Obama.
Lab-made coronavirus triggers debate.
The scientist.
They moved it from North Carolina to Wuhan.
But here it is.
Here's the proposal, Volume 1, from Peter Daszak, funded directly and run by Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, PhD, EcoHealth Alliance, 460 West 34th Street, 17th Floor, New York City.
And you read this, it's to merge HIV with four animal coronaviruses and make it work and infect humans.
And the bats fly over and they give it to you.
Coronavirus contains HIV insertion, stoking fears over artificially created bioweapon.
That was February 1st of last year, 2020.
It was in Zero Hedge.
It was on InfoWars.
We had bioweapons experts on.
We had all the documents.
We knew that Peter Dadzik and Fauci were involved then in gain of function because they'd given speeches and admitted it.
There'd been a big debate five years before.
Well, here we are six and a half years later, and we have the actual document where they
made it all, and where they proposed it to DARPA that creates the new weapons and makes
the main decisions at the Pentagon.
They go to Congress to get the funding, but that's the brain of the Pentagon, is DARPA.
Formerly ARPA that created the Internet and all the rest of it in 1961.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, and this has been released.
So it's not a rumor of the Chinese whistleblower, and you read the whole article, "Oh, he's
in Australia, and he just says that he heard maybe they did it."
Well funny, I've got Fauci right here doing it, and then I've got him running the UN response,
running the American response, and members of the Senate can't criticize him or they get censored
off YouTube. Or no, you can...
Criticize Xi Jinping all day, but you can't criticize who's in charge.
Bill Gates, and Fauci, and Klaus Schwab, and the globalists, because they are in charge.
And their granddaddies set up Mao Zedong and defeated Chiang Kai-shek.
And they run the planet!
So, here it is, see?
This is the London Independent, a few U.S.
newspapers, which is dry headlines.
Like, oh!
Fauci and Daszak sought money from the military to really sit in China.
But it wasn't for people.
And the military said that'll probably infect humans.
Think so?
So that's their cover story.
They wanted to get the Pentagon on board.
They did get the Chinese government on board to make this.
That's in the 900 pages came out two weeks ago that the intercept suit got.
And so when that came out, that Fauci and Dietz had gained a function, build it, do it, and that the Chinese were involved, it's in the emails that their government approving it, our government gets a foyer and says, you can actually have that.
We said no to it.
Now, our government is a consortium of globalists at the top, and it has good people in it.
And the globalists see America as its main enemy because the people might get control of the government again, and then there goes their New World Order.
Just like the Chinese people might overthrow Xi Jinping, and that'd be it for the New World Order if they set up a good system.
But it doesn't mean Xi Jinping is now in line with the globalists.
He's not, and that's why you see all hell breaking loose.
Oh, China could be the preeminent force in all this stuff, as long as they didn't expand their military outside the South China Sea.
But they did.
So they broke their deal under Obama with the globalists, which is smart, because you don't ever want to make a deal with them.
They're even more evil than the chi-comps.
And so remember, Xi Jinping's paying people to have three children now, instead of killing anyone over one baby.
Xi Jinping's putting homosexuals in prison.
What does George Soros calls Xi Jinping the number one threat in the world, the most evil man on earth.
He calls him Hitler 2.0.
Well, he didn't work for Hitler like you.
And I'm not, don't like Xi Jinping.
I'm explaining, it's like in World War II, Stalin and Hitler didn't like each other.
I don't like Stalin, I don't like Hitler.
I'm just explaining, there's a major split here, and they admit it, and it's real, and then magically, they got Trump, who's a problem, who the Chinese absolutely respect, he was very popular there, with the people, like he stands up for his people.
He's gonna get them more money.
And the Chinese showed the United States, hey, 47% of this goes to your middlemen, not even to the factories, not even to the workers or your people.
We would like to have a better deal where the middlemen are cut out.
And Trump said, I'll cut middlemen out.
You're right.
They'll only get 20% instead of 44%.
And that's when Trump was at the washing machine factory, Mayflower, and said, I'm not going to be here soon.
They're going to take me out because I'm not going to have these middlemen making more money than the Chinese people or the American people.
I thought it was the Chinese.
He said it's the middlemen.
Remember I played that clip like 10 times?
Because Trump was like, wow!
Yeah, Trump discovered on his own.
We already knew.
The globalists put Mao Zedong in power to kill 100 million of his own people.
86 million under him, they admit.
Force them off their farms, force them into slave factories, and exploit them.
They were the first robots.
They were used as slave labor.
Because they're tough, they're smart, but they will conform.
They will work themselves to death.
So you want to see the first robots, it's the poor Chinese people.
And they want to make us robots too.
That's Amazon's goal.
Where we conform under AI, it tells us what to do.
Our police are already robots now with their body cams and GPS.
That's where the whole world's going.
Now, there's the article that was in September of... I guess it updates each day.
I don't remember the exact headline.
I scroll down.
News Wars always gives the new headline.
That was August 6, 2020.
I have a lot of enemies out there right now.
This might be the last time you see me for a while.
A lot of very, very rich enemies, and they're not happy with me and what I'm doing.
You know you got a really serious death threat that day.
As much as you can say Trump should have done better, he was naive about how bad it was.
But he got educated, and he's informed now.
So, they released it, they did it, the globalists did it, and now they're going to blame the Chinese because they want war with the Chinese communists.
And it's just a giant mess, and it's exactly what you get before a huge new world war.
And the left is now having to switch from worshipping Xi Jinping to saying he's the worst person on earth because the real Nazi collaborator said he's Hitler.
And that's just how these people turn on a dime and are just robots.
The Democratic Party, liberals, leftists.
They're out saying nobody at the FDA stepped down over these shots.
Nobody's died.
It's all lies.
Alex Jones is lying.
And then it's all, of course, true what I say.
It's just next level because they're just getting that monthly paycheck for the talking point.
They're just soulless, losing their soul for that and endangering everybody, not knowing that the country was great because people weren't yes men in this nation.
All right, I got all the other news.
We'll hit it when we come back.
Stay with us.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And the way I get out of the Phantom Zone, out of this digital prison, is you telling folks about the local radio station you're listening to and or how they can find us at freeworldnews.tv or band.video or thedreadedinfowars.com.
That's everything.
Your action, your resistance, your will is the blood of our fight.
The spirit, the heart of it, it's everything.
Okay, Brandon Darby was testifying to the state legislature because he's the editor and the head of Breitbart Texas and just knows more about the border than anybody else I know.
He lives right on the border.
He was scheduled to join us today, but the testimony is going over.
And so he'll probably be on tomorrow and we'll even have some of that testimony for you when he joins us.
Always a great guest and informative because I want to focus on the border and the collapsing of it and just how bad it is.
We have a bunch of news that I'm actually going to hit briefly at the start of the next hour that I had ready.
For when he came on, of course they're releasing 80 plus percent of the Haitians into the country.
Some of them do a face scan and have them in a database as a criminal.
They are sent back.
But the vast majority are being turned loose.
That's mainstream news.
We told you last week that was a lie, that Biden was going to deport them.
That'll encourage more to come.
They're building a permanent base at that bridge to then bring more in out of Haiti, thousands a day, adding the millions coming out of Latin America.
And they say, after the COVID lockdown, we're all starving to death, so we have to come here.
The globalists know what they're doing.
They starve her by death in Latin America and the Caribbean, and then they come here, and then they're put on welfare and the country collapses.
Not being brought here to get strong, hardworking people.
They're being brought here to be exploited and controlled and exploit us.
So, there you go.
Probably told you 5,000 times in the last 20 months since last year when this whole COVID thing started.
This is about imploding the third world and then flooding us with migrants because the UN said in leaked documents in 2006, that's their battle plan.
It was on Lou Dobbs back then.
Remember when he had more viewers than Tucker Carlson or anybody else?
They fired him.
Now he's been fired from Fox.
The original OG, been on the show, big listener of the show.
He liked Lou Dobbs.
He should start his own show again.
Now continuing...
Well, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, that's coming up.
We also have Tucker highlights clip of Biden saying whites becoming a minority is a source of our strength.
Not just, oh, it's okay.
We're all these other groups.
No, no.
Whites are inherently bad.
It's glad they're going away.
This is the race-based politics.
We're explaining where that goes and what's going to unfold.
All over the world, gay Swedish priests, this is just one more case, vows to stop performing marriage ceremonies for straight couples, even though his church does it for everybody.
It's just all part of that anti-human cult.
Don't have children.
Also, new reports out.
All the media is saying you must eat bugs, you must drink sewage.
It was even in a major cover story in the Washington Post I covered two days ago.
There's new articles out on that and so much more.
The Democratic Party is in a giant fetish race with Themselves to worship George W. Bush and Liz Cheney.
It's just absolutely disgusting.
That's all coming up and so much more.
But since Brandon Darby cannot join us, we are opening the phones in the third hour for first-time callers.
I'm gonna give the number out in a few minutes.
For first-time callers, specifically, On the Wuhan lab, Fauci's plan to release live COVID-19, describes the exact virus, into bat populations to spread it to the general population and even using nano glass particles to pierce the skin and then deliver the artificial virus into the body.
And then thousands of other viruses they talk about.
Hundreds of coronaviruses alone that are even more lethal, up to 10,000 times.
I'm sorry, my brain dials things back.
I was saying yesterday, 100 times stronger.
I'm sorry, I had the document I showed you two segments ago.
It says 10,000 times stronger.
I don't know if that's true.
That's what they said they had.
I guess you know the original COVID had a one-tenth to one percent rate of death or less than I guess a hundred ten thousand times stronger would be a lot more deadly but I mean again it was meant to kill debilitated old people then it mutated that's what the FDA said on Saturday I've been telling you that for a year but maybe I'm wrong because a lot of people I talked to who are dialed in and the Pentagon I've been telling me for six months or more, no, it's actually last year, it's over a year now, but now they've told me, no, it is a synthetic protein crystal that replicates, but only has a certain half-life, like a neutron bomb, where it only races through three or four people and it stops.
It's not classically communicable.
It's totally programmed.
And then that's why you see such high death rates and you can't breathe and it hurts so bad.
Then you go get intubated.
And you die, because that actually helps kill you.
What you need is oral steroids, inhalable steroids, and ivermectin to stop the crystal replication.
And so, that's why they're battling, because they're hitting us with a chemical attack, but it replicates.
It's a simulation, a life simulating nanotech, which they now admit they created.
They've got different ones here.
One that delivers it, one that makes it itself.
And so I tend to roll my eyes at people that are high-level CIA or, you know, even headed up intelligence agencies, even though I think they're good people.
And meanwhile, I just have a tendency to research stuff, open source my own self and be more right than they are usually.
So I'm like, well, they're saying it's synthetic, they're saying it's this and now here it is.
And now we know why the Pentagon said that, because three years ago they were being approached by these people with this.
So that's why General Flynn was telling people that, because it's true.
So, and I'm not knocking Flynn, I think he's as smart as I am or smarter.
I just... It's just you hear stuff like that, it's hard to believe.
It's even hard for Alex Jones to believe.
But yes, the globalists hit us.
One city in India, one city in China, one city in Italy, and a couple cities in the US hit the East Coast.
And that's why early on, like, 17 months ago, people were saying, 16 months ago, they were saying, why is it only in certain areas and not others?
Well, we learned!
And then the Pentagon sources I had, not just Flynn, were 100% sure when it only hit certain cities in Texas and Florida, and then went out from there.
But it would hit, like, the same day, 300 miles apart.
I mean, it's... they sprayed it on us.
You could look how it was done.
And so, they were correct.
I always said it was possible, but...
Coming to grips with the fact that, you know Fauci and Gates gave the order, I mean, they gave the order in China, and that little monster man almost killed my parents and killed people I know, and I'm pissed.
So, we're all victims of a bio-attack, he's got stuff far worse, and are we gonna just sit here and take it?
I don't want any violence against Fauci, I'll turn him into a victim.
I'm saying to the FBI, the CIA, and the Pentagon, and to governors, and to Senator Cotton, and to Senator Cruz, and to Senator Paul, saddle up men, come out and bring all this out, and just get the energy going to get this guy off our back, or we're all going to sit here and watch our kids die, and our parents die.
The reason I couldn't believe what the Pentagon was telling me, and the CIA people, was I couldn't believe that we're sitting here taking this.
It's one thing if it got out of a lab or they released it on purpose, but to be running around spraying us with it?
I mean, I can't sit here and take this, and I know you can't sit here and take this either.
So, we better do banner hangs, we better call in the talk radio, we better go to church and speak up, we better hand out the information, we better get very aggressive in the info war, or they're gonna release new ones that are even worse.
And I've said that 20 months ago.
I said it before that.
I said, once they release the bioweapons, they're gonna test to see how we behave, get us locked down, then release more powerful ones, and slowly close the noose on us.
Because I've read so many of their documents, they imply all this, but Don't go all the way.
It's like a Bible paper, how it's so thin.
It's so thinly veiled, you see right through it.
Hell, Dick Cheney talks about race-specific bioweapons and releasing them to bring in world government control in a PNAC document.
So, all I know is this globalist consortium has the motive, the history, they did it, they have the blueprints, they have the documents, and they sought to get DARPA and the Pentagon on board.
And they, at least on the surface, said no.
Hell no.
The Chinese went along with it.
Does that mean the Chinese did this?
Well, they had a motive and a trade war to do it.
Would they really pull that?
China watched us drop atomic bombs on Japan.
Would they really go that far?
I don't know.
No, it's the UN and the Rockefeller Combine that set all this up, that are running it, and big tech.
And it was Facebook and Google that invested hundreds of millions in the Wuhan lab and this very project.
They all wanted to be part of this takeover.
They were all falling over each other to be involved and be the big supervillains.
They're the ones!
Rockefeller Foundation, the Democratic Party, the U.N.
They did it.
They ran it.
They launched the attack on everybody.
And then that way we all hate each other and they get to divide China from the U.S.
and they get to set up a police state and they get to give us a world ID and a microchip and all the tracker systems and a social credit score.
And then when it came out that it was really them that did it, they blamed China.
No, they did it and they're getting ready to release more on us.
It's in their own documents.
And are we going to sit here and let Fauci and Gates murder us and our families?
I got some key Bill Gates stuff coming out.
I'll give you the toll-free number out when we come back.
All right, I'm going to give the number out at the start of the next segment.
I intend to be taking calls by the end of the second segment.
And I said I got a lot of other news to hit, but really, I mean, like I said yesterday, the releasing of the bioweapon, the fear, releasing new variants to scare everybody, killing millions of people worldwide, cutting off the treatments for whatever it is they've released on us, all this premeditatedly, practicing the censorship, even censoring members of the Congress, the House and the Senate, governors, is a digital AI martial law takeover.
And it's like a boa constrictor that Unhinges its jaw to try to eat a deer or something or wild boar.
I mean, it's a big job for them, but they've got, they've got our head in their mouth and they're trying to swallow us down and we're still alive, folks.
We can struggle out of this.
But we got to recognize, hey, this is a snake biting us.
This is really happening.
We're about to be digested.
And what's left of us spit out.
So, That's where we are, and I'm really sorry that's where we are.
They really did it, though.
These mad scientists really did it.
It's about global domination.
It's about controlling the future.
It's about getting all the incredible technologies for themselves, like life extension.
And they do see the dumbed-down, lackadaisical, Hollywood-controlled public that they helped put in that state and say, you know, these people are useless eaters.
And a lot of the public really are useless eaters, but you morally can't kill them.
and play God, especially when you made them like this.
Especially when the satanic force really greased the skids and led people into this.
People could have easily been let out of this, but they let us into this.
And you see how incredibly weak the servants of the system are.
And then you just know at a fundamental flesh level, you don't want to be with the New World Order.
And then spiritually, it's just that there's no comparison to dark worldly energy that is just pathetic, that they think is power source compared to what King David talked about, the quiet place of the Most High.
And the only problem with the peace of God is that You just want to be with God, but then you realize you've got to be with your children and your family in this process, and that you're going to have to go through the fire.
You're going to have to go through the grindstone.
And this is it.
And every generation has the problems they got to face, but this is the biggin'.
There have been a lot of periods in history where there's big change happening, and this is the big kahuna.
This is the mother of all crises.
This is the metamorphosis.
This is the big test.
This is it.
The next 20, 30 years, if it even lasts that long.
And again, you're going to realize on the other side of eternity, the total completion and total satisfaction of timelessness, or you're going to experience separation from that.
And you're going to know For the time period while you're being positioned for which portal you're going to go through, that's how it happens.
Atheists, government scientists, people that take the drugs and do the DMT test on the IV drips, which are longer periods, they come back and they become Christians because they say, no, I saw hell, I saw heaven, I saw portals.
It doesn't matter if it's the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, they all see the same thing.
The guardian angel there, they can't see, it's got the hand on the shoulder.
People that are dead 10 minutes, they come back.
And you're either sent back for a reason.
A lot of times people get to go see heaven and that total feeling of completion and just total satisfaction.
I've been allowed to see it three times.
And what you take back totally starts rewriting your brain.
And it tells you, okay, do you want this?
We're going to start the rewrite.
And you say, yes, I want it.
And then the process begins.
And it's a long process.
But my brain is being rewritten right now.
It's unbelievable.
And I just wish all of you could experience this.
I know a lot of you are right now at this time, because God's going to really turn the heat up on the devil right now.
And if you get lined up with God, you're going to get to experience it.
You're going to start being absorbed into the next level dimension now while your body's still here.
It's incredible.
And then you get very sad for everybody else that you know is going to be cut off from that for eternity.
We've got to try to save these people now.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
All right, my friends, we are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide on this live Thursday, September 23rd transmission.
I want to give the number out, and I want to specifically take your phone calls on, what do you make of China threatening to nuke, I don't know if you've heard this yet, threatening to nuke Australia?
What do you make of the DARPA documents, the Pentagon documents being released?
Or three years ago, Peter Daszak and Bill Gates's funded group with Fauci came to them and said, we want you to fund us spraying the open population in China with a virus that invades their body through nanotech that's basically COVID-19.
It's the exact same virus.
What do you make of that?
Do you agree with me that Clearly the globalists did this in Wuhan so they could blame America or China or whoever they wanted, but it's clear they're the ones that did it to bring in their UN-centered corporate governance world government.
Because they don't want America to run the planet or their own country.
They don't want China to run the planet or their own country.
They just set China up when they were funding them and helping, you know, take over economically with all their slave labor.
No, it's the UN, it's the corporate governance forcing the lockdowns, saying small businesses and individuals are not essential.
It's their attack.
But what do you make of these documents regardless that they created the virus and thousands of others and hundreds of other deadly coronaviruses, some of them thousands of times more powerful?
What is your view of where this needs to go?
And do you agree with me this is the biggest news of the 21st century in the last 21 years?
That the globalists in the UN made this, released it, used it to take over, used it to censor, and are now using it to set up a global carbon tax, and our own governments aren't saying anything about it or doing anything about it, other than DARPA putting this information out when the foyer came through that they did not have to release.
And I'm not lionizing DARPA and the Pentagon.
I'm saying they did release this, and this should be highly classified.
But they want it to be known they didn't do it.
So what do you think about this?
I really want to get your take.
First time callers.
I want to talk to you about this.
I want to get your take on it.
And in case you just tuned in, let me hit the articles we hit yesterday and today.
Wuhan scientists plan to release enhanced coronaviruses into bat caves before COVID outbreak.
That's the Daily Mail.
Wuhan scientists plan to release coronavirus particles into cave bats.
Leaked papers revealed.
That's Peter Daszak, London Telegraph.
Fauci funded lab viruses 10,000 times stronger than usual.
Here's the actual name and the federal register of the last virus they added to the other four viruses, which is the HIV delivery system.
We've got all the documents on that.
And then here's the project Operation DARPA from Peter Daszak and Bill Gates talking about the gain of function.
Here's Zero Hedge on it.
Wuhan scientists plan to release chimeric COVID spike proteins into bat populations using skin-penetrating nanoparticles.
Here's the DC sign from Wikipedia that they list in the Wuhan document as being the delivery system.
It's Roland HIV insertion.
into the cells that are then taken by white blood cells to the lymph nodes so that it can kill all of your T lymphocytes that are trainers of the killer T's.
You might want to read that for yourself.
And of course the vaccine does the same thing as the virus because it makes your body create the spike protein that's the delivery that actually makes the body do this and that is The DC sign, protein.
It also ends up attacking your testicles, your uterus, everything else.
There it all is.
Pretty unbelievable.
There's another headline, uh, Wuhan lab leak scientists plan to release souped up coronavirus into bat caves before COVID outbreak.
And it just goes on and on and on.
So total vindication.
But oh, here's CNN with an article a few days ago.
These four words are helping spread vaccine misinformation.
Do your own research.
Even the New York Times says do not ask questions.
It says reading too much is bad.
Yes, especially if it's declassified documents.
Don't want to read those.
Just act like you're intellectual, act like you're smart, and just say the vaccine's 100% effective, never hurt anybody, and no FDA scientists have resigned, even though they have.
I mean, it's just incredible the lying from these people.
But they're given talking points and paid to do it.
And that's how they operate.
But here's the actual document.
This is a synopsis of the actual document, several thousand pages long.
A proposal, volume one, from three years ago.
And it describes COVID-19, how to make it, all the things to do, the thousands of other viruses they've made.
All from EcoHealth Alliance, a front group of Bill Gates and Fauci on record.
Remember they lied to Congress and said no such thing's going on.
Here's just some smoking guns on top of smoking guns.
Again, it's the equivalent of somebody calls the police and says, I saw a man kill his wife with a hammer in their backyard in broad daylight and stick her in the shed.
And the police come, they say, hey, can we speak to your wife?
No, she's gone to the store.
Well, mind if we take a look at your backyard?
No, don't take a look at your backyard.
They see scratches on his chest.
They say they have reasonable suspicion, probable cause.
They go ahead and push through, put him in handcuffs, go to the shed, and she's dead with her brains beat out.
You got a witness that saw it happen, you got the dead body.
This is worse than that.
It'd be like if he videotaped it and talked about, I'm gonna kill my wife with a hammer when she gets home, and I'm gonna kill her and stuff her in the shed.
It'd be like having a video he shot that he's proud of it, and then he called the police himself and turned himself in.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Call for your number to join us, 877-789-2539.
I want your take on all this.
Meanwhile, they've got the total police state takeover in the name of it.
Australia deploys counter-terrorism squads with tanks against lockdown protests, begins running over people with cars and beating their heads open with clubs, giving people subdermal hematomas and putting them into comas.
And meanwhile, FBI's Domestic Terrorism Task Force here says questioning lockdowns is terrorism, so get ready for new ones.
Cases have more than doubled since May because they wildly expand the definition of domestic terrorism as any crime committed by a white person.
I mean, you talk about crazy town, this is it.
Absolute, total, complete crazy town.
So now that the police are attacking the crowds and people want to just go outside and walk across the state line to visit their family, they're now running them over with cars, beating women and children.
I mean, this is just all a giant orgy of evil.
All run by Klaus Schwab and the UN as a beta test to show the world this, so the whole rest of the world gets ready for these same actions, which are already going on all over Europe and the UK and Canada.
And the police slammed him on the ground trying to hurt him as bad as they can for daring to be outside and exercising free speech.
All right, let's continue.
A Biden admin looking to house Haitians at Gitmo.
That's just a thing to make you think they're housing and they're releasing 80 plus percent of them.
That's all BS.
Haitian migrants being released in the U.S.
on a very large scale despite Biden's vow to send them back home.
Infowars.com from RT.
The Haitians in question dropping their Chilean, Brazilian and other identification at the border.
This is systematic, planned, purposeful.
We must secure our border now.
And Texas is unfortunately likely to have to do what the Feds tyrannically refuse to do.
You now have the Haitians hijacking buses and stealing them.
That's the mainstream news.
Out of the Texas news, Haitian migrants in custody have hijacked multiple buses.
Many migrants from border camps staying in the U.S.
There's AP.
There's AP.
And we told you they always do the same stuff.
It's all there.
We're going to be going over all of that.
And I haven't even hit the other COVID news.
Biden saying white people disappearing is a good thing.
Whites are inherently bad.
We have the video of that.
And then a CEO of Moderna says even young will need to take vaccine booster shots indefinitely.
Oh, the corporate head says so.
My God, he doesn't have a conflict of interest.
Let me just do what the head of Moderna says.
Like Trump said, Moderna runs everything with Bill Gates worldwide now.
They're just the boss.
Oh, drug companies run your life.
That's all coming up.
But first, your phone calls from Liam, David, Ron, Jeff, Megan, and David.
And then after I take these calls, I'm gonna wipe the phone lines open and take calls from folks in Australia.
And we got a big filmmaker joining us next hour that's gonna premiere some exclusive footage from the new film that's now on pre-order at infowarestore.com.
Covidland, Part 1, The Lockdown, now available with a free copy of Endgame at infowarestore.com.
Everybody grew up learning what tyranny looked like in history and hypothetically in books like 1984.
And now we see what's happening in the world.
It's like governments are using 1984 meets Brave New World as their blueprint for what they want to do.
But, you know, they say all over the news that, oh, we've always had forced inoculations in this country.
And that's not true.
If you go back about 125 years ago, there was some forced smallpox injection of black people.
And then in the 20s, under eugenics, poor blacks and poor whites were both sterilized forcibly and given experimental vaccines that killed a bunch of people.
And then there were big revolts over it.
And the Supreme Court ruled that previous rulings run constitutional.
But I just got given something that I actually knew about, and I was surprised I hadn't done a piece on it, that blew me away out of the New York Times from 1897, that we're gonna cover in the last segment of this hour.
But I'm gonna go to your calls right now.
And that is the new Project Veritas video they dropped last night, and more today, of high-level FDA regulators, it looked like 20-year-old Kids that, you know, have the effeminate thing that the ruling class does now.
And they sit there and talk about how they're going to blow dart all the minorities and go door-to-door and jam needles in the black people because they won't take their shot.
And they go on to say mRNA is 100% safe, which it's not.
They just lie.
And they giggle and laugh.
It was like 30 minutes of it.
I watched the whole thing last night.
It was nauseating.
Well, guess what?
There's actually a plan to go door-to-door and make black people take the shots.
So I'm going to be covering that.
Not just from this video, it turns out, it's right here in my hand from the New York Times, and they're proposing this again.
And if all this seems next level, that's what tyranny's like.
It just attacks you and does all these horrible things, and you can't believe what's happening because you never lived under this before, but now you are.
It's like most victims of crime, never been mugged, never been robbed, never been raped.
And when it starts happening, a lot of people just can't believe it's happening because it never happened before.
Well, it is happening.
And if you just give in to it, you'll be called a slave.
I'm not giving in to it.
I mean, one thing, if you were just a slave of the system, I'd do what it said.
This thing wants your children's souls.
It wants their bodies.
It wants control of your mind.
It wants to poison you.
It wants to make you a living example of its power.
It wants to make you a zombie.
The undead.
And so I'm not going to be part of it.
I know you aren't either, but this is the big epic fight.
It's on now, folks.
The monsters in the room, they flip the switch.
It's on.
All right.
Seth, David, Tim, Ron, Conrad, Jack.
We got callers calling in from all over the place.
David's calling first from a place super locked down.
Iceland, the place I always wanted to go, but I guess you can't really get there now unless you want to be under living hell.
David from Iceland, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, how are you?
Well, I mean, I'm here on air still, desperately, but watching civilization be swallowed up by the post-industrial world.
You know, okay, for the record, we're not in lockdown in Iceland.
We never got locked down.
They didn't have to.
We got 90, over 90% vaccinated rates among people.
12 to 16 year olds, we are 70% vaccinated.
rates among people. 12 to 16 year olds we are 70% vaccinated and like they
update our hospital information every day.
So right now we got 24 people in the hospital vaccinated and 12 that are unvaccinated.
But what they call unvaccinated are people who've only had one shot.
So let me ask, I mean you called in about something and I want to hear what you have to say, but I have a few questions.
Are people ready for their monthly booster shot or every two months?
That actually does nothing for you, the studies show, other than destroy your white blood cells?
Well, you know Alex, we did a big push of the Anson, the Johnson & Johnson shot, and when they realized it doesn't work, people lined up and took their Pfizer on top of it.
Yeah, so they're just gonna, I mean, if it was five shots a day, they'd do it, is what you're saying?
More than ready for it.
And that leads me to my point, you know.
I think, for the most part, You keep saying, oh, you know, there's a peaceful way out of this.
I don't think so.
I think people are too stupid.
And the few of us that aren't, we are a minority.
And I think the only way out of this is violence.
Because non-violence is, we're outnumbered.
Way, way too much.
Just by the general population.
Well, I'll say this.
Trying to make people take the shots and violate the Nuremberg Code is a serious military attack through the health system.
And the police running over people with cars and splitting skulls of people that dare walk on the street in broad daylight is beyond North Korea.
And we're watching every free country on Earth just fall right now.
I mean, let that sink in.
You've got to take an experimental shot or you can't get on an airplane.
They're really trying to do that.
And I mean, I think Iceland, from what I've seen, has got some of the most draconian rules about can't come there unless you've had all the injections.
And again, they don't even protect you.
It's all just a fraud.
It's so incredible.
That's it.
And I mean, unified non-compliances.
Sure, it's a solution, but it's not a viable one because there's not enough people unified.
We're not unified.
There's no unification to not comply, you know?
That's just a dream.
It's a smoke dream, Mike.
I hear you, brother.
The never-ending vaccines.
They've now announced it's never going to stop.
They've announced the head of Pfizer, the head health minister in Australia, the head German minister, they said this never ends.
You never go out, you always wear a mask, the shots never stop.
And they just laugh.
And she'd go, I'll take more shots then.
I'll take more shots.
And we're going to take your baby away from you, ma'am, and forcefully inoculate you.
You're not allowed to be on the street in Australia.
These people are sick, sick authoritarians.
Let's roll the video of the man who's been pepper sprayed, beaten, his head rammed in, and skull split by the police.
Here he is begging for mercy while they enjoy themselves.
My skull is cramping!
(baby crying)
What's your name?
Kyle Mitchell.
(people chattering)
And let's show the woman having her child A woman dared come out in broad daylight.
These people are so evil.
They should be sent to a Gulag.
Oh, don't worry.
They're building them.
They're calling it shielding in place of the healthy are going to be sent to camps.
Here it is.
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
[Crowd shouting]
He needs to meet with his mother!
It goes on.
They grab him away, grab him away, and take him away to the dungeon.
Here they go, grabbing the child.
How dare you be outside!
They're tugging the little boy away, gripping at him.
They're the good guys.
They follow their orders.
They'll find the people that follow orders, and they'll take over our society.
Contact traces are coming.
Into the van, lady.
You don't walk on the street without a mask and suede.
Of course, the cops don't have to wear their masks.
At the Emmys and Grammys, they don't have to wear theirs, the Oscars, but you do.
You want to see evil, folks?
This is it.
Australia's fallen.
Look how they enjoy it, those cops.
I've got God to deal with.
I really feel sorry for their souls, but they've got that satanic look on them.
They're enjoying the power.
They're on the winning team.
They'll all be dead from cancer soon as well.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And that's because the vaccine makers have had liability protections since 1986.
From all the big giant scandals and deaths and illnesses and autoimmune diseases and cancer that previous contaminated vaccines have caused.
I'd love to have clean vaccines at work, but they don't want to give us those.
That's why the life expectancy of the average American has gone way, way down even before COVID came along.
Now our life expectancy has gone down by another two years because they're killing us.
And the more injections we take, the more COVID cases we have.
I want to go back to your calls.
I want to show TV viewers this photo.
There's a bunch of these.
Of the Border Patrol that's going in the water and saving kids out of it and stuff and what's really going on.
Versus when full-grown men are running illegally into the U.S.
and are not being stopped so they can see what's in their bags.
Then they're calling them white supremacists, whipping them with bull whips like it's Django.
That's all Hollywood crap.
If you try to go illegally into Mexico, they'll throw your ass in prison in a dirt floor cell.
People are coming here because they know we're a more open, free society.
But you wonder why Europe would take 15 million Islamics into it in the last 10 years and throw people out of their own Section 8 housing, old people, to put them in.
It's because they'd call them racist if they didn't accept them.
And again, they bring in these foreign groups to be client groups they control.
Here it is, official, many migrants, migrants, three legal aliens, from border camps staying in U.S.
and more will come.
And again, the same globalist cut the economy off all over the world to make them come here.
And then they brag about it.
This is a plan.
This is an operation.
This is what's going on.
So, most of the world isn't white.
You want to invade a country that's already minority white but has some basic freedoms and bankrupted?
Well, no one that's white is allowed to enforce anything on somebody that's not.
And so, you totally collapse.
While the Haitians are hijacking buses.
It's all a very desperate situation.
We're aware of reports of Afghan refugees in the U.S.
facing food and clothing shortages and raping women.
But that's okay.
Because they're brown.
Okay, the Chinese run giant slave camps with millions of Muslims and Christians and Buddhists in them.
Because, again, they're Chinese.
They're not white people.
It's okay.
If China nukes us, we're a white devil country.
We deserve it.
Look at this.
Dadzic admits Fauci funded Chinese coronavirus research at conference featuring Hunter Biden-linked pandemic group.
Oh, yeah, Hunter Biden was involved in all this, too.
I mean, all the big guys were involved in the bioweapon.
That was 2017.
Admitting gain of function.
They lied to Congress, but nothing's done.
And again, I'm going to go to this caller, Conrad, from Chicago.
He wants to talk about solutions to the whole COVID takeover.
And I'm going to hear what he has to say.
I want to hear it, but you know what it is.
Why is them cooking this up and releasing the biggest story ever?
Because they did it and they're not going to stop.
They're going to release more and they're using it to take over.
You arrest Fauci, you expose Daszak, you expose Gates.
The whole house of cards comes down and it comes out how they did this to take over.
And so their whole system falls apart.
You try to fight it with the ignorant public about the shots not working or lowering your immune system or killer T's and T lymphocytes and nanolipids.
Might as well be talking Martian to them.
But it comes out, and we arrest the people in charge of it, and roll the whole thing up!
Got a real shot at a lot better, peaceful future.
If not, it's dystopic.
This is their takeover plan.
This is everything.
The lockdown caused the collapse of the third world, caused the giant migrant surges, just like the Syrian war and the whole Arab Spring caused all the tens of millions to flood Europe.
The globalists know what they're doing!
They admit it!
And they've got blueprints and war games and we're sitting here watching and saying we need to wake up to their plan and get our leaders that aren't part of it to say no, but they don't do that.
Oh, Biden's an idiot.
That's why Afghanistan fell.
Biden's an idiot.
That's why the borders got hundreds of thousands crossing every couple of weeks.
No, he announced it.
He did it.
He put NGOs into running to bring in the majority of the country.
It's a program.
It's an operation.
Well, Biden's just inept.
We should have had another president.
He was put in there to be the front man.
The people behind him aren't inept, they're damn evil.
They're destroying us.
They're building their new world order.
Conrad in Chicago, what do you think the solutions are?
Hey Alex, yeah, so as I was saying, And as you agree, that we're at war right now.
So we're under attack.
And the goal is to eliminate these people without making them martyrs.
So there is a move to put together a bounty cryptocurrency.
So it removes the risk for those that... Oh, come on, sir.
No, no, we're not.
We're not.
I'm not discussing on the show cryptocurrency bounties on Globalist.
Come on.
Well, that is the solution.
Because if you're under attack right now, you think that you can go through the judicial system to actually get anything done, that would be naive to say the least.
Let me put you on hold.
I want to say something right now.
Well then everybody's going to lose society and lose our children and we're going to collapse and they're going to win.
You can't just go hang them and say they committed suicide or throw them off a building and say they committed suicide or give them a drug and say they had a heart attack.
They have their minions.
They have their operation in place.
We either expose them to the point and have grand juries indict them and others and then start the dominoes going down for the whole thing to come out.
If you just kill them, they'll turn into martyrs or they just die mysteriously or disappear like Jimmy Hoffa.
Then we don't stop the whole network.
They've got their people under them like shark teeth.
One group of teeth gets pulled out, more roll forward.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I mean, I thought through that, and then seeing what happened during the election, the Supreme Court failing miserably, all hope in the current judicial system is not where our hope should lie.
Jesus Christ, of course, but the fact is that... Well, I mean, I'll say this, and I don't want this to happen.
Guys, listen, and people out there that want to do stuff like this.
You know, what if a thousand people decided to be elected Unabomber and go out and start killing all the globalists?
I'm not saying do that because it'll accelerate your timetable.
They'll release a more deadly bioweapon at that point.
We've got to have the public wake up so much to who they are and how they did it to where just everyone wakes up and removes their support for the big corporations and the power structure and then they won't be able to release the more deadly bioweapon because they know we'll get organized and that they'll fail.
They need us organized under their control to stay under lockdown when more deadly viruses are released that'll actually kill the majority of us.
I said this 20 years ago.
I said it 10 years ago.
I said it a year ago because I really studied this.
I looked at every angle.
If the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the royalty, the people all got killed tomorrow, their operatives under them are going to release the doomsday virus, and then it's all on.
And then everything falls apart at that point.
And if we have a giant awakening, it means... You know what?
Go ahead and finish your point, Conrad.
Yeah, no, it's a parallel judicial system.
It's not just vigil- vigilante justice I'm talking about here.
It is what people are proposing.
Hook, line, and sticker.
It needs to be a parallel system or a complete reset, but a- Conrad, I want to bet you all the tea in India that the people proposing this on the quote dark web or whatever are FBI agents.
Yeah, no, they're not.
I'm not working with anybody.
So, I mean, that's not... That's the thing.
Okay, the last point is using the no-lie MRI technology, which is the highest form of accurate, deceptive lie detection out there right now.
So... I gotta go.
I gotta go.
I've really been honest about where I stand and where all this is going, and I'm out here boldly exposing and telling you they've cooked it up, telling you they released it, telling you they had nanosystems, and now it's all confirmed.
Changing this is an inside job.
We have to change our hearts and our minds, withdraw our support from the system, speak out and warn everybody we can, and let them know what's coming next, and that's how we're going to beat this.
They're probably going to blow up a vaccine factory in Laminas or go in and shoot up doctors or whatever at some, you know, chain store that's giving shots.
I mean, that's the kind of stuff they're going to do.
To then say, oh my God, everybody's a terrorist that's against us.
They're already saying that.
That's all pre-programmed that we're going to do this.
Because they know the logical thing, when people figure this out, their loved ones die, is to want to go kill whoever did it.
And I'm just saying, you've got to be more Christ-like in this whole approach, because they're set up and ready for that.
I mean, if there was just one globalist kingpin that was running all this, you could stop it that way.
You can't do that.
It's an ideological thing.
They made this move because they think we're weak.
We've got to become strong again and rebuke them and expose them, then they'll have no power.
I'm going to say this again real slow for everybody.
I don't care if you're an auto mechanic.
I don't care if you're an airline stewardess.
I don't care if you're black or white.
I don't care where you live.
The decision has been made to depopulate.
The people that are doing it have said they are, and they said they're going to do it with a virus scare, then clamp down so they can then carry out the real depopulation.
So all these people submitting and thinking they're going to get back to normal, notice it never went back to normal.
It's a trap.
And I understand why the general public cannot admit this to themselves.
It's too frightening.
And remember, 15 days to flatten the curve, and now here we are almost two years later, and it's much worse.
And there's more death and more sickness because that's the cover for their attack.
And so, you know, it won't matter soon anyway, so just record this and remember it and then give it to your friends and family so that when half the world population is dead, I don't know if it's going to be a year, five years, ten years, but that's the plan, maybe then people will listen.
I've really tried hard here, and Bill Gates said he would kill you.
You know what, before I go back to calls, let's play that short Bill Gates clip.
Paul Watson did a whole video on this yesterday.
I never had time to get to it, but it's on Bandop Video.
But this is Australian TV just playing the clip of Bill Gates, and they said, well, what about you and Jeffrey Epstein?
You know, flew on his airplane a bunch, lived with him for a while, stayed with him in his house in Paris, London, New York, lied to the news, said he never did, gave him millions and millions of dollars.
Bill Gates gave a really weird interview today where he was asked about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein.
control him. I mean he worked for Bill Gates basically and others and then Gates
just said well he's dead. Bill Gates an awkward interview about
Jeffrey Epstein so there's Watson's full report but here's just a short clip of
Gates just saying hey he's dead I mean basically saying we killed him here it is.
Bill Gates gave a really weird interview today where he was asked about his ties
to Jeffrey Epstein. I'll let him dig down from here. Is there a lesson for you for
Anyone else looking at this?
Well, he's dead, so, you know, in general you always have to be careful.
You always have to be careful when you're running giant, scientific blackmail rings with kidnapped children.
So just remember when it seems dark and it seems horrible, that's one of their main kingpins.
Even gets henpecked on his own programs, because they've told Gates, who's a high-level member of it, and for a while was the quarterback, they've said, go away, stop, stop it.
And he won't go away.
And so now they're telling him, go away.
Go away.
You're hurting us.
But he won't go away.
So, you know, there's a lot of competition with these guys.
They all want, like, it's a shark feeding frenzy to kill us and disease us and make money off us while they kill us.
They have nothing but just Yeah, there he is with another now convicted pedo.
So, TV viewers get to look at Bill Gates and all his little buddies.
I mean, these are just pathetic, monstrous men who suck the energy out of children.
They're vampires, psychic vampires.
Okay, who's up next here?
Let's go ahead and go to Nadia in North Carolina.
Nadia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, the reason why I'm calling is about remdesivir.
The people are afraid.
They think it's so deadly to get this COVID because when they go into the hospital, they start giving them remdesivir.
If they could, if they're on it.
Remdesivir turns your kidneys and your lungs off and kills you.
That's right and my sister was in the hospital and I kept calling and calling and they they were like very nasty to me but I just kept doing it.
Oh that's part of the plan is to lock you out so they can carry out the operation the extermination.
She's handicapped you know she couldn't really speak for herself and so I just said check my sister's kidneys get her off the remdesivir And I did that over and over again.
In three days after she was removed, they took her off the remdesivir at Advent Health in Altamont Springs, Florida.
And when they took her off of it, in three days she was out of ICU.
And I'm hearing this all over.
Oh yeah, and then they try to block Regeneron, that is basically a miracle drug.
Block the real thing that works, give me the poison, and who said do that?
The little hitman whose name means the Grim Reaper in Italian, Fauci.
Yep, and I had COVID as early as August of 2019, and I just used natural remedies and I got rid of it.
Absolutely, it was around years before that.
They've been releasing these for a while.
What do you make of, because nobody's responded to this, all the documents coming out that they indeed cooked it up, wanted to release it on the Chinese public, that it was COVID-19 specifically made by Fauci and Bill Gates.
What do you make of that huge news coming out?
I read something in 2014 in the NASA documents that they were planning on this to hit the elderly.
To take out the elderly.
That's right.
They've been talking about getting rid of people for a long, long time, and there are saviors.
I appreciate your call.
The guy that released it on us, the guy that made it, he now tells us what we're allowed to hear and see on the internet and on TV.
He's our boss.
Of course, you're the big megabanks.
You're about to carry out this extermination.
The guy quarterbacking the op is the expert.
He's the savior.
Too evil to fail.
The irony is just incredible.
So I guess we'll all just slowly keep getting new variants and new shots and they'll remove our immune systems.
We'll all die because we can't say no.
We have to submit.
We love to submit to little demonic men.
We love it.
We enjoy it so much.
It's so liberal.
Tim in Missouri.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, Alex.
I got a lot, so I want to say thank you to begin with.
Second of all, I'm a truck driver, so I've been traveling Ohio, Texas since this thing started.
Two things.
Have you looked into the patents for the coronavirus, COVID-19 specifically?
Yes, I have.
Okay, so you know the World Health Organization holds all the patents on any research into the origins.
They hold all the patents into any research on a cure, on vaccines, on anything.
Yes, it's a giant UN World Government tax.
It's the COVID tax.
Okay, so China does the same thing.
China has their own patents on the COVID-19 virus, and there was a video about 18 months ago, and I'm digging through my phone trying to find it.
Yeah, for those who don't know, the CDC holds patents and makes money off of it, and then Fauci and Gates get part of the money.
But there's no conflict of interest.
We have CEO Moderna says even young will need to take vaccine booster shots indefinitely.
So now it's official.
It doesn't protect you.
It erases your immune system, hurts you, and is indefinite from the companies that make money.
Total conflict of interest.
So Fauci, Gates, and what's his name?
The Philip guy.
Barricks or Daschuk.
Their names are all over those patents.
Of course they are!
And here's the thing, the video that was out that I can't find, it was a UK patent scientist and another female scientist that was on there talking about the injection that they were going to put out.
So this guy said, okay, if it's a naturally occurring virus, it's illegal in the patent office to hold a patent on it if it's natural, because you can't patent something natural.
So if it's Engineered in a lab, it's considered a bioweapon, which is also illegal to patent.
So either way, the patents are illegal on both sides, from the WHO and the CDC.
Absolutely, but the FBI at the top and the federal judges are coddled, snot-nosed rats.
And so they would literally, the average FBI agent at the top would put gasoline on their daughter and light them on fire, I'm told, too.
Just like these Australian police.
And so the shield's gone, we kill our babies, we kill our old people, and we're just, I mean, if we don't have a total repent to God and stop this, it's all over.
I just want to ask everybody in the government, I'm not their enemies, I don't want to have some war with our hijacked government, but you guys are run by the most psychotic killers on earth, and they have a green light, a free hand, to just do all this to us.
So, I mean, okay!
I guess we just are all so afraid of saying no and having to push back that we're all going to die instead.
What's crazy is you lose everything by not standing up.
They should be scared of not standing up, but they just can't do it.
It's a spiritual thing.
I've been screaming from the rooftop since the first day they started this two-week lockdown.
My wife couldn't understand why I was so upset and I was like, they're going to try and exterminate us.
You know, I told people that.
I told everybody.
Some of my family are smart and they're like, oh, come on, it's not going to be.
I'm like, it's over.
This is the takeover.
Here's the documents.
I appreciate your call.
And again, it's that people are good.
Your family are nice people, I'm sure.
And they just they're like, why would you want to do this?
Well, because you're not a psychotic killer.
That's why.
And so they better wake up.
The next round is going to kill so many people.
They're going to blame the unvaccinated.
It's going to be hellish.
I personally am boosting my immune system and everything I can drinking more water, getting more sunlight, eating healthier foods.
And taking X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, it's one of the biggest missing links, one of the biggest elements that you've got to have that's essential that people are deficient in.
We have the best you're going to find anywhere, X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, discounted at InfoWareStore.com, and we have...
Wintersun, highest quality vitamin D3, 50% off.
And Ultra 12, highest quality B12.
I'll take it under the tongue.
It's 50% off.
Infowarestore.com, and that funds this operation.
And on Sunday, these sales end.
Also, t-shirts and apparel at cost.
All of it.
Ball caps, sweaters, short sleeves, women's specialty clothing, gold foil, bow on lobby, women's shirt, I think it's the best looking shirt out there.
Infowarrestore.com, all at cost.
We'll be right back with more of your calls and a special guest as well.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
All right, we got a special guest joining us, and then... Go ahead and just cut that audio, thank you.
Yeah, whenever I... I'm just gonna give a cue to the guys in there, because they do a great job.
Whenever I come in hot, you know, we're gonna get rid of the bumper music.
I made that decision to just have kind of intros like that, because we don't need it.
And so if I jump the gun and start talking over the music, just kill it.
If there's a liner coming up.
You know, I'm already pretty mad right now.
I'm gonna need to take a break for a second because I'm not gonna sit here and just watch these people murder us anymore.
Can we put an article up from InfoWars.com?
It's a top story on InfoWars.com.
It's about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook and it says right there something really important.
I'll just show it off on the phone.
Facebook blocks Aussie orange vest From live streaming protests.
I mean, you see, that's the final martial law.
Not let you communicate, not let the Tiananmen Square events that are happening, where they've killed people in Australia, beating them, running them over with cars, attacking them, splitting their heads open.
And then big tech doesn't just block Senator Rand Paul when he talks about national immunity being better, which is a fact.
They now block the Tiananmen Square level stuff going on because now they're going to get outright violence for killing the Aussies.
And you know what?
When the Aussies kill them, they're going to say it's terrorism.
They've already said it's terrorism to protest and they're going to treat you like terrorists.
Well, you're the terrorist.
And so here's what I'm going to do.
We have a guest coming up and we're going to be talking to that guest about solutions and where
all this is going.
But then I may just cancel guests tomorrow and open the phones up to Australia.
Because they don't want these people hurt.
And we need to make it a big deal every clip you see to share however you can.
Because already CNN said three years ago they want to censor what you email and what you text message.
That's already started.
They've had congressional hearings about it.
The globalists are making their move.
They don't want authoritarian control so they can have the biggest jet airplanes and the biggest houses.
They're a eugenics-based cult that want to kill.
And I can sit here all day and I can talk about this, but when I look at Zuckerberg or any of these people and just how damn evil they are, and then I think about our Congress that even lets themselves be censored by big tech, And it's just disgusting.
And so I don't like Xi Jinping, but I do like him standing up to big tech, just because he realizes they're just as predatory as he is.
And he has some sense of state control because you can say, oh, you're a libertarian.
But what do you do when corporations are bigger than governments and have more power than that and have more members and are coming after your freedom and blacklisting you and attacking you and making alliances with all the other companies that you can't buy and sell and that you can't live?
What are you going to do at that point?
How are you going to operate?
And the answer is you're not.
You're either going to submit and let them slowly kill you or fight back and win and take the country back and take the world back.
But, you know, that's just where we are, folks.
And it's a very, very Hard road.
But that's the way it is.
You know, it's not fun that Hitler gets in power and launches a big war and kills a bunch of people, or Mao Zedong takes over and kills a hundred million, or, you know, or what the Soviets did to their own people and everybody else.
I mean, it's not fun that humans act like this.
And the Christian ethos tries to stop that.
And that's why, where you have real Christianity going on, you have such freedom and prosperity.
But we've turned our back on that.
And we think, you know, the devilish stuff is cute and funny now, so we're in trouble.
After our guest leaves us, we have time.
I really want to take your phone calls and I'll try to take those calls from you.
We've got a lot of other news here we're also going to be hitting, but you know that the average person is so dumbed down and so hypnotized and so conceited and so demoralized that they're going to join in on killing us, even as they're dying.
Because the one thing they never do is admit to themselves they've been lied to or conned.
There is an invincible ignorance about the proletariat.
And I can't join the globalists in killing them and enslaving them.
But at the same time, it's very sad for the proletariat.
But they will all die.
And so will most of us.
I don't mean to be negative.
I just want you to know you and your family are all dead.
Fauci's going to kill you and your family.
We are joined by Paul Wittenberg, a well-known, successful filmmaker who did a great job on this new documentary that drops just in a few weeks, which is, of course, Covered Land, The Lockdown, and Liberty Man, who will not go named, who helped finance the film for no profit of his own.
In fact, he's even taken the expenses.
He 100% financed it.
And now Paul Wittenberg and others are getting Their money back for working on it for the last really year.
And there's going to be five parts.
Very well done.
Interviewed everybody under the sun.
Really, really amazing.
And I want to play today for viewers in this hour.
A lot of great clips from the film, a lot of stuff that hasn't been seen yet.
And yeah, there it is on screen.
You get a copy of COVID Land Part 1 for $19.95.
You're authorized to make copies.
We hope you do with a free copy of Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement because it's the backstory on how they were planning it, their admissions, how they'd use a virus scare to set up world government in a cashless society control grid that I made 14 years ago.
It's evergreen.
We sell more Endgame today than we sold when I released it.
but I'm giving you a copy with COVIDLAND part one 'cause I want you to have it.
Everybody that pre-orders gets a free copy of "Endgame."
There will not be a free copy of "Endgame"
when the pre-orders end in two weeks.
Then it starts shipping, but there you go.
So we're gonna be going over this and we got Robert Kennedy Jr. clips.
We've got Andrew Wakefield, Sherry Tinpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Adele Bigtree,
and so many others.
We'll let the director introduce these as we go.
And again, we also have Liberty Man here.
Great job on part one, and I know that we're getting ready to finish up part two.
These are going to come out every few months after each other, and it's really key.
These films are powerful.
They're very good to watch, but also they're designed, I like the fact, to educate people that have been in a trance.
So congratulations on the great work that you've done here, Paul Wittenberg and Liberty Man.
So which one of you guys wants to Give us your take on the film and the world first.
Well, I appreciate you having us on the show, Alex.
This film is the most important film that we've ever made at Framing the World.
And, you know, I really appreciate you partnering with us to make this film because, you know, with all the censorship, there's no better outlet than InfoWars to get this out there to the masses.
And so we really appreciate You helping us spread this important message.
Well, I mean, we're all in this globalist trap together.
So thank you.
Let's talk about the impetus of the film.
I mean, I'd like to get both your takes first on Wow, about what's unfolding.
This is a work in progress.
You guys were just finishing this a few weeks ago.
You know, and then as you progress to the five parts, it's in real time.
How have things changed since you guys started this this project?
And then now where we are here today?
Well, this project has just been changing the whole time.
As you know, new information has been coming out this whole time, so it's hard to keep up with everything and get it out there.
But honestly, I think we've done a great job.
We have a crew of four people that have been working full-time.
This film is a weapon against tyrants.
get all the best clips out there and really make it impactful, powerful,
and just straight to the point and just wake up the everyday person.
Absolutely, this film is a weapon against tyrants.
Liberty Man, what is it like to be in the middle of this, experiencing all of this together
and to be on the tip of the spear fighting this?
Well, you really feel like you're living your life.
You step outside of the plastic culture and you get on the battlefield
and it's a really good feeling.
It's exhilarating.
And you just nailed it when you said the name InfoWars.
There's a war on for your mind.
It's truly what we're facing.
I'm part of some legal groups where people are trying to take action and file injunctions and lawsuits and things like this.
And they're bulletproof to it right now.
It's a giant con game.
And they're, they're keeping us on our heels just by, you know, flooding the zone.
And so when you really get down into it, you know, for us to have any sort of resistance, you know, when you read that book, Total Resistance, they talk about how any effective guerrilla warfare, you've got to have a decent support of the local population to wage guerrilla warfare.
But, well, how do you get that support?
Well, that's Information War.
It's winning over hearts and minds.
So, I felt that myself, personally, 10, 11 years ago, it was your documentary films that really woke me up.
And documentaries are pretty powerful.
And, you know, you haven't made one in a while, so it was really great to partner with you and to get this, you know, as an InfoWars original series.
And I think, Alex, it's going to It's going to really help us build the numbers of people that understand what's going on.
One thing I want to say is, as we've made this, it was startling when Paul and I would be talking about, you know, some clip that we saw last summer when the lockdowns first launched, you know, and you go to find it and it's all so much of it's now scrubbed.
So the memory holing of information is very, very aggressive now.
And it hit us that, you know, we need to put this true history, the true narrative of what's going on, it has to be captured.
Because in five, 10 years, people are going to be going, well, how did this all happen?
How did we get here?
You know, why did you know what were people told at that period of time that the proper context of it, we know that the history books, the school textbooks are going to give their narrative, we had to capture the correct narrative.
And so that was also a big motivation and putting this piece together.
Wow, you guys are better spoken than I am.
I love our conversations together and also making the film and you're absolutely dead on that they now, not just memory hole and live time with the Google searches and others, but now even on YouTube and everywhere else, they just disappeared things where you can't ever find it.
So you can't see their lies day to day.
And that's literally 1984 where they would go back and reedit the newspapers and then destroy the old newspapers show that The only place truth existed was in people's memories, and now they're actually doing it.
And so that's why this five-part series for police departments and churches and universities and everywhere is going to be so critical because it's going to have the compendium of how this takeover took place and who these criminals are.
I mean, I can't wait to see the later parts where, what do you guys make of it all coming out that they did make the virus at the lab, they approached the Pentagon about releasing it in China, and then that's just a minor footnote.
I mean, that is wild.
It is.
I think, you know, when we look at the five-part series that we're building out here, when Paul was initially working on this project, the title was The Great Reset.
And when we looked at the outline, all the content, the topics we needed to address, it became very clear that it was going to be a three-hour documentary.
And then as we talked, there was just more and more things that had to be, you know, brought in into the scope.
And so that's how it became a five-part.
Um, in the whole strategy, what we want to do is really an episode one through three is provide Um, people, something that's geared toward for normies, really, uh, that they can look at and go, yeah, I remember seeing that.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Nothing's too startling, but it's, we've connected the dots for people so they can, they can see it properly.
Um, so we don't really go too deep down the rabbit hole in these first three episodes, but number four is all about the propaganda.
And we felt that that was really important to show people how the media works.
And in particular, the behavior sciences that's behind this, the The Freudian, the Pavlovian, you know, psychology that's gone on.
You know, it's not an accident that they're constantly contradicting themselves and that they're changing the narrative.
They're flip-flopping.
It's not an accident that they, you know, this ratcheting effect where they clamp down and then they ease off a little bit and then they, you know, drop the hammer again and then ease it off.
That's all conditioning.
But episode five, Alex, is where we go real deep down the rabbit hole and When I say real deep down the rabbit hole, it's to get into the true origins of this crisis and the real agenda that they're driving towards.
We believe it's more than just a depopulation event.
We believe that there's something a little bit more sinister at play that ties into the whole, you know, smart grid, if you will, the sustainable development agenda.
Oh, I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you.
They want to make us merge with machines.
This is very alien.
I mean, I talk to people at the Pentagon that are high-level, and they go, no, this looks like an alien takeover.
I mean, they don't know what's running.
These people want to end humanity, but make something new.
So I haven't seen what you guys are doing on Part 5 yet.
I can't wait to be involved in it.
But I know we're already working on Part 3 right now, and Part 2 is getting close to be done.
Get Part 1.
It ships out in two weeks.
Get a free copy of Endgame at infowarestore.com, covidland.com.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We have the two men that are behind the amazing five-part series, part one out now, that is COVIDLAND.
COVIDLAND.com takes you right to InfoWare store.
And I'm very honored to be involved in the production of the film and to be the main place you can get it.
Obviously, it's going to be put out later at Bandot Video and everywhere else.
It's going to be heavily censored and blocked.
That's why DVDs are key with expanded information to make copies and get around the censors.
Because you can sit there and see globalist propaganda over and over again, they got
to reapply it.
Once you see how the trick works and how they put the pressure on, take the pressure off,
that's a psychological trauma-based mind control system.
People can get out of it by seeing the whole paradigm, like seeing a hidden image or a subliminal
image. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. So our job is easy if we just take action.
Hell is already here, and it's going to get a lot worse if we don't.
So, gentlemen, in the time we have in this hour, you guys are both very well spoken.
I'll give you the floor here, Paul Wittenberg and Liberty Man, the backer of the film.
You've got a bunch of great clips.
You've got over 50 people in the film.
You guys tell us about it.
All right.
Yeah, I wanted to just tell your audience just a little bit about the project.
We started shooting this back in December of 2020.
And so we have been going strong since then.
We have interviewed 50 people for this series and traveled to 16 different states.
So this is not just some shoddy production that we have put out.
We have invested a ton of money and a ton of time.
Into this production to really just, uh, you know, be the seminal film, uh, to just wake up masses of people.
And I got a copy of it right here.
It's COVID land guys.
You can get it on band video.
It's fantastic film.
That I'm very proud of.
So I appreciate you, Alex, letting us be on your show today and to talk about it.
I know you guys do have some clips.
I don't know if we want to show those now, but... Yeah, we will.
But listen, you need to stop thanking me, brother.
You have a big film crew, super awesome cameras.
Look how great your studio is.
They need to come help me set up mine.
You're a great filmmaker.
Your backer put in so much money to do this.
I don't know how much he spent.
So this is for everybody.
This is the antidote to this alien, evil, anti-human, antichrist takeover.
So yeah, we got a bunch of clips here.
Let's play the first clip.
This is from part one.
This is Robert Kennedy Jr.
How you're supposed to conduct a vaccine study versus what they did.
You want to have a double-blind, randomized placebo testing.
What that means is you give 20,000 people the vaccine when it comes to phase 2, phase 3 trials, and you give 20,000 people a placebo, and then you really look at health outcomes for a long period of time, not four weeks.
A lot of these injuries, the autoimmune injuries, you're not going to see in four weeks.
The cancers, you're not going to see in four weeks.
And many of the neurological injuries, you won't see for four weeks if the experience with other vaccines is instructive.
You look at the other vaccines that are currently in the schedule, and there's about 400 injuries, illnesses, chronic illnesses that are listed.
That's right.
Then they say, oh, it's safe and effective.
Trust the science.
Here's Andrew Wegfeld.
Totally vindicated now.
They admit the study claiming he was wrong was a fraud.
Here is Andrew Wegfeld in the film.
So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the aluminum, as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings, that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
That's right.
They were in trouble and it came out years ago.
Their own scientists wanted to stop the vaccines at the UN.
That was the 2019 December meeting in Switzerland.
And then right as that was going on, they released this to now be the savers.
Can you guys speak to that?
Well, it's amazing how big pharma found Jesus when COVID came along, right?
Oh, yes.
You know, even taking what the FDA corruption is, is way out in the open now.
I mean, the recent letter that was sent by the two executives that resigned, that's quite something.
We now see them ramming through approvals, even when the expert panels are declining to approve certain drugs.
You know, we saw with Pfizer, for instance, they started giving the vaccine to the control group before the trials were complete.
The corruptions, it's just really out in the open.
You know, Wakefield's talking about aluminum as an adjuvant.
That's sort of yesterday's vaccine.
You know, they're now putting even crazier things in these shots.
Things that are really hidden in plain sight, which are much more toxic.
And so, yeah, it really got the jump on us with this and we're working hard to, you know, is that Mark Twain quote, right?
Which is, the Lyle travel halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.
We've got a lot of catch up and informing people to do here.
Because, and time is of the essence.
A lot of people are getting hurt.
Well, that's the thing.
People ask, well, how are they going to then have people getting sick and dying, especially when natural cold viruses come along and they have this horrible autoimmune response to it because it's so similar and they die.
They're just going to say it's the unvaccinated with new variants.
They're already doing it.
We could predict they'd do that a year and a half ago.
Now it's already happening.
And the people that have taken the shots have like Stockholm syndrome, a lot of them.
But I am seeing a lot of them understanding when they were told, wait, these shots didn't help me.
I took the shots.
I got to take more.
Well, wait.
I mean, so I am seeing that.
How much hope do you guys have right now?
It depends on what side of the bed I wake up on, really.
I see both sides of it.
I see the side where a lot's baked into the cake at this point.
There's a lot of vaccine injury.
A lot still to be realized, really.
You can't have this much of the population taking something that's this damaging to their health.
You can look at what Dr. Robert Young has recently put on his blog showing microscopy of people's red blood cells, what it's doing to people's blood.
And the fruits of that are going to continue to unfold for a time.
And we've seen without even a real health crisis, how people can be whipped into a panic.
So what happens when there's a real health crisis?
People have been so conditioned to outsource their thinking And to listen to the experts and the scientists and the officials and not think for themselves.
And so there's just so many people that are in that CNN camp, if you will, they're going to take us for a ride.
But on the other side, Alex, we can't give up hope and we have to fight the good fight.
And there are a lot of people, I mean, sometimes when I'm feeling a little bit down, I'll go to Twitter.
And there are just amazing people on Twitter that and the memes are, are just completely nail it.
In terms of calling out the fallacies and the contradictions and all the silliness that goes on.
And that's right.
All of us, we make films, other people put out memes, people call and talk radio, you say something at church, you say something at the city council, where we all hear our voices and know we're not alone and grow our numbers, which we're doing.
That's why in Australia and other areas, they're now saying it's terrorism to protest.
No, they're the terrorists.
We're going to come back with more clips.
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dale Bigtree.
And so many others.
We're going to play clips from Peggy Hall, Tammy Clark, Dr. Ann Bukhari, if I'm saying that right, and so many others.
Stay with us.
Check out the new film, covidland.com.
You know, I cannot express to the listeners and viewers out there how important it is that you get all parts of this film that aren't out yet.
Part one is about to ship.
We've got the DVDs.
They've been made here in the United States, and they're going to start shipping out.
At the end of the first week of October.
So about two weeks out from that, every order gets a copy of Endgame.
It gives you the whole backstory.
That's free.
So two films.
And again, Liberty Man paid for the production of this and paid for us to be able to Get the DVDs and for our end of the production in it, and I know that was a lot of funding to this operation.
So I just think all the listeners out there need to know, just because you know all the angles of this, doesn't mean your neighbors, your friends, your family, and others don't.
They're ignorant.
You need to get it.
You need to make copies of it.
It's got a zero country code, meaning it works all over the world.
And you need to go out and go to a duplication place.
We don't care.
Make 10,000 copies and hand them out to somebody that's got money.
We had that happen with Endgame and Road to Tyranny and other documentaries.
And this is better produced than mine.
Over time, we got better cameras and better stuff, but it was still me directing it.
You know, it's an Alex Jones-style thing.
I think Endgame is the best movie I've made.
But this is better.
And I can't wait to see the other parts, sort of the voiceover for Part 2, and now we're getting ready to work on Part 3.
So it's about to get turned into a DVD as well, and that's the great part, is every month and a half or so...
These are going to be boom, boom, boom, boom, boom coming out.
And it's just something that college students should see.
You should go give this to your local police chief so they can watch it and see what's happening.
Because believe me, they're going to remember all the stuff that has been memory hold.
infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
And also you get an additional copy for $9.95.
And also you get an additional copy for 9.95.
So for 29.95, you'll get two copies of COVID Land, part one, the lockdown, and two end games.
That way you can keep them yourself and then give them as gifts or donate them to the library or to the Rotary Club.
You want to hit thought leaders.
You never know where these message in a bottle are going to go.
I mean, I'm not bragging when I say this, but when I talk to 95% of people that are activists now and taking action, Infowars either totally woke them up or had a hand in that.
I've had Tucker Carlson say that to my face, Joe Rogan, and that's an example of, now these guys are awake, been awake for many years, now they're going to wake people up and you're going to wake people up.
It's not like Alex Jones is the only one that can do this.
I just did it at a level bigger than other people, and I didn't do it on purpose, but joking around and acting silly some, the system didn't take me serious.
And let us get 5 billion views on our own channels on YouTube before they took us down.
And other things.
And billions and billions of views on Facebook.
It was a joke to the elites.
Now they saw people were actually listening so they took us down.
But now, thank God, we got a good shot at them because that has spurred so many other peoples like ripples in a pond.
But guys, I can rant forever.
More points.
You guys jump in here and Tell me about some of the other people that are in the film.
I know Dale Digby, Big Tree, Lee Merritt, Sherry Tinpenny, and some of who these other folks are will play these clips.
Yeah, we have a ton of different people that are featured in the film.
We have Del Bigtree, Eric Napudi, Gilbert Griffin, Dr. Andy Wakefield, Alex Newman, Ty Bollinger, of course yourself, Dr. Simone Gold, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Chuck Baldwin.
I mean, we have so many different people featured in these five episodes.
And just to give your audience just kind of some insight in the different parts.
Part one is called The Lockdown.
Part 2 is called The Mask, Part 3 is called The Shot, Part 4 is The Propaganda, and Part 5 is The Great Reset.
So we go through all the different topics and really just, you know, it's a great tool for waking people up.
Well, what's happened with you has happened with me.
I've been making Endgame 2 or The Great Resets, what we were calling it before I learned yours was that, and I said, oh, we're making this too!
And I just, we always get lost in too much evil, too much of what they're saying.
It's like, man, this could be a 10-hour thing or a miniseries, and then I knew you guys were making it, and you reached out to us, and so it definitely needs to happen.
And folks, Endgame and other films, like Loose Change, films I've been involved in have had such a big effect, and other great films, like what Aaron Russo did, And all these other great films have changed the world, and now people are hungry for this information.
Aren't they, Liberty Man?
They sure are, and I gotta say, kudos to Paul.
You know, he's put the information together in a way that I believe, and the people that we've seen it, they echo this as well, that it really touches you deep.
It hits you.
There's a real emotional, it pulls on your emotional heartstrings.
And Paul and I have always joked, you know, we're in the propaganda game here, right?
We're putting out propaganda.
It's got to be effective.
Now, propaganda doesn't mean that it's lies and deceit.
It's truthful.
Everything we're putting out is very truthful.
But it's propaganda in the sense that we're trying to reach people and have a certain effect on them.
And the effect that we're trying to have is to wake them up, is to also get them to realize the situation that they're living in.
But Paul, I got to say, you know, there were several times when I was watching Some of the clips, or I would go through and kind of some of the rough edits.
And even when they were rough edits, it was hitting me very emotionally.
There were, you know, this first episode, a lot of the feedback is there's a certain part that people are brought to tears in it consistently.
And is that the RN talks about people dying alone, how satanic that is?
That's the part that really hits people hard, yeah.
And I didn't know that.
I mean, I hadn't talked to you before.
That hits me the hardest.
It makes me get tears in my eyes every time I see it because, again, you can't come see your family, but they put COVID-positive people in the nursing homes to kill them.
I mean, this is so damn premeditated.
Yeah, there's a real human, a real impact here.
I'll tell you what, let's play that clip.
Let's play that clip with Brian Mashey.
Is that how you pronounce it?
So here's Brian Maché talking about that.
Here it is.
To not allow these moms and dads in to be with their dying kids.
To not allow family members to come in and to hold their parents hand that one final time.
You know, to give dad a kiss on the forehead, you know, or to hug your mom one final time, you know, before she passes away.
Like, that to me is literally the most inhumane aspect of this entire COVID situation.
And the fact that we've had so many people now that have literally had to die alone.
We've had so many family members that have had to say goodbye to their loved ones over FaceTime because the hospitals were refusing to let family members inside.
Meanwhile, their family members literally on their deathbed waiting to take their last breath.
And we're keeping people, you know, outside for those last crucial moments of life that people will never get back.
I can't think of anything more inhumane to be done to not only a patient, but to a patient's family.
And again, radio listeners can't see this, but the cinematography, I mean, it looks like it's as good as HBO.
You really knocked it out of the park, Paul.
Thank you.
When we come back, we've got Dr. Ann How do you pronounce that?
I'm not good at all these names.
I know who she is.
That's coming up.
Effects of Elderly.
Talks about how elders were isolated from loved ones in nursing homes.
How masks stress your lungs and heart.
Tammy Clark, TRT.
Peggy Hall, the absurdity of wearing masks in banks, stores, and schools.
We've got Sherry Tenpenny.
We've got Dr. Lee Merritt, Dale Bigtree, and others on the other side.
But we're going to break in about a minute and a half.
What else do you think is the most powerful part of the film?
Well, you know, I think it really does touch people.
And that was one of the things we we we wanted to do in this film is actually, you know, get their heartstrings.
And so, you know, this film has a couple of parts that are very touching.
Um, episode two, again, is even better than episode one.
And then I think episode three, even outdoes does all those.
So, you know, there's a lot of different parts that really just touches you.
And, you know, as a Christian, you know, we believe that, you know, this is a big
deal because the mass, our conditioning for the vaccine.
And we believe that, you know, the vaccine will be conditioning for the mark of the beast.
And so this is something that, you know, is that is serious that, you know, people need to wake up and realize that this agenda is, um, You know, taking us into world government.
It's the end of the line, ladies and gentlemen.
They're going to kill a lot of people, but in the process also take over a lot of people in their own admissions.
That's what Klaus Schwab said, a chip in your body.
They're going to control your body and make you a new life form.
This is truly psychotic. Well the next clip is Dr. Annie Bukacek talking about the effects on
the elderly and just again people putting up with them becoming prisoners so you don't make them
sick but then again they send the COVID patients in so they have mass death they were intubating
they're making 50 plus thousand dollars off each person that they intubated 95 percent then died
and robbed it was the hospital They wouldn't give him any medicine, nothing.
Got him out, got the medicine, he got better.
It's the same paradigm.
So here she is talking about it.
In the film, part one, COVID land, the lockdown.
I would say probably the majority of people in these nursing homes in assisted living, they live for the hugs, the touch, you know, the facial recognition of their family members.
That's the high point of their day or their week or their month.
That's what they live for.
That's what my mom lived for.
And I have a patient who, she's 91, she's in assisted living.
When the lockdown happened, she had a very devoted daughter who used to come every day.
And when they shut her off, that daughter off, within two days, My 91-year-old patient stopped communicating.
Before that, she was a pretty feisty, fun, you know, person.
She completely stopped communicating.
She didn't make, you know, she stopped making eye contact.
She just stopped talking.
And then eventually she stopped eating, and eventually she stopped drinking fluids, and she died, in my opinion, from the isolation of COVID.
And there are many, many of those kind of cases across the country.
And the other bizarre thing that that 91-year-old was robbed of Is that when they finally decided that her family members could come see her, because we knew she was going to die within a day or two, the daughter was allowed to come in, the son from out of state was allowed to come in, but the daughter and son could only go in that room if they were gowned, gloved, and masked.
And this woman, this 91-year-old woman who died in that room, she was in a room by herself.
And the brother and sister could not go in together.
And so those last moments of touch and facial recognition and hugs or even a clear voice that's not speaking through a mask, you know, my patient was robbed of that.
And this is being played out by I don't know how many, you know, senior citizens across the country.
This is true satanic evil.
I know the globalists, I've studied them.
Folks, if you haven't studied them, they drain the pain.
They drain humiliation.
To them, it's a work of art to starve a child to death in a cage.
It's a work of art to rape a woman, and it's a work of art to hurt families, and to isolate people, and to have minions carry it out for them.
It's all about blasphemy in God's eyes.
That's what this is.
It's all about defiling us, and that's my view on this.
What do you guys think, the filmmakers?
Well, I think there is certainly a demoralization campaign that they're engaged in.
They are trying to bring people to a point where any interest or love of liberty is completely gone.
And so that obviously doesn't lead to good places.
There's a degeneracy that was sort of inherent in our culture.
The decadence was kind of doing that naturally, but I do agree, Alex.
I mean, you just have to flick on the TV.
I mean, in our family, You can't even watch any cable TV just because even the commercials are filled with filth.
And so that, you know, it's not something we want our children to see.
You know, we don't want to be totally like, you know, segregated off from society and whatnot.
But, you know, you do want your children to enjoy that period where they're of innocence.
And in today's world, it's very difficult.
This is about the death of the death of innocence.
It is.
You know, we're in that period where, you know, weak men create hard times.
That's the stage that we're at.
So I think though that, you know, we can draw a lot of hope in the fact that there are a lot of people that are That are that are awake and that do want to resist this.
I know personally many people that are that are well informed, but they're still perhaps clinging a little bit to this idea that there could be a return to normal as they, of course, get these letters that say, hey, you're out of work unless you get the shot.
Or they're seeing people that go get the shot and they're seeing the injuries and the effects of it.
Things are getting real at this point, and I think people are coming to grips with The situation that they're in.
So there has been a detachment that's been a bit of a process as well just for people that are somewhat informed or informed to let go of the plastic culture and the conveniences and realize that as humans on this earth, you know, we've never had it like that before where you can just, you know, have it so easy and convenient all the time.
And that's being taken from us.
And as more good people realize that, no, you know, you are not appointed onto this easy, fun-filled life.
You're going to face adversity.
We are going to face adversity in this time, in this generation.
And come to grips with that and get good with it.
And then, you know, things start to switch from there, right?
We can actually have a lot of good people start to organize.
We're seeing that happen.
And that's, of course, very encouraging.
You're absolutely right.
I want to play more clips from the film, but I just cannot encourage listeners enough to join the fight.
If you want a tool to wake people up, Endgame, again, just written magically six months ago, I'm like, we had 20,000 copies.
Where'd it go?
Oh, it all sold out.
So I said, buy 40,000 and sell them at $5 a piece.
And then, I mean, because my message is to get it out there.
Because people see the censorship now, they're like, oh, we need DVDs again.
People are making copies.
They're handing them out.
People are getting their old DVD players out.
In the future, old tech's gonna be more important than ever 'cause they're gonna have systems
that basically won't even let you talk about freedom on the new hard drives or computers that are coming out.
And so it's gonna be a long, hard fight, folks, and people are figuring it out, they're digging in.
Third dimensional warfare with bumper stickers, spray painting things.
Look, they're killing us.
This is civil disobedience.
Instead of talking about killing the globalists, we should be talking about doing civil disobedience stuff
way before it ever has to get to that point.
And we have to get up off our butts, like you said, and take action.
You've made the film.
You guys have done it.
Paul Wittenberg, Liberty Man.
Of course, Wittenberg's great site is framingtheworld.com.
At framingtheworld on Twitter.
And again, you can find the DVD at infowarrestore.com for part one of Coventland or coventland.com texture.
You get a free copy of Endgame.
When you get it, get a second copy for 9.95 and get two copies of end games.
That's two covered land part ones and two end games, uh, at info war store.com.
We're going to go right to the sub page from COVID land.com and help us spread
the trailers, the second trailer up a few days ago from man dot video, help us take
the clips, put them on your own channel.
I mean, nothing's going to matter in the future.
If you don't fight back now, the window's only going to close.
And then we're going to have the big confrontation.
Uh, those that have been chosen to be able to go to the next level and merge
the machine, which is a fate worse than death and those of us that are going to
be killed and, uh, you know, God says no flesh will be spared unless he intervened.
It's all going to happen.
We're going to make it through it.
Some of us are, hopefully our children will.
Uh, and, but I'm already resigned.
I'm not worried about it.
I'm just getting full energy against these enemies and guys, have you not felt,
I don't know your own personal life, spiritual or whatever, but obviously
you're drawn to fight this.
Something's happened just the last few months as this evil came to the world.
Just the last few, I have got more energy, more focus, more discernment, and more total commitment.
I've never felt such total commitment now than I felt in the last two months.
Yeah, I can relate to that.
I just, ever since this happened, you know, back in March of 2020, I just have been going nonstop because, you know, I believe this is the most important message right now.
We have to get the truth out about what's happening right now.
And so this film does empower people to fight back.
And that's what we really want to emphasize.
And so at the end of every episode, we really try to empower people that,
you know, this is a time to fight.
You know, if we don't stand up now, I mean, our future is very dim.
And comments from you, Liberty Man.
You know, Alex, if you think back 9/11, and you know this better than anybody,
You were awake before that, but you got to see what that false flag did in terms of building a truth movement.
That was the blowback.
When they do these kind of big operations, there's this blowback, the fact that it wakes people up.
And also with the vaccine, you know, it's often said that the anti-vaxxers are really not anti-vaxxers, they're former vaxxers.
People that learn the hard way.
So if you think about the brazen tyranny that they're engaging in, the human rights violations, the damages that they're causing to people, the lies that they're engaged in, they're going for broke.
They're clearly in their endgame.
There's no doubt about that.
But it is having a huge knock-on effect of waking up a lot of people.
And that's really encouraging.
So I do wake up now and I've just had this, you know, bring it kind of attitude, like, you know, come and come and take it kind of attitude where, you know, I'm not, I'm not, you know, it seems like a lot of people are brainwashed these days to think they're supposed to live forever.
And, you know, I'm of the opinion that no, I have a, I have a spiritual life beyond this physical life.
And I'm not going to experience that second death, so I know where I'm going when I die.
You know, that's a good place to get to, because then you can just get on the battlefield, lean in, trust God, ask Him to lead, guide, and direct you, and let the chips fall where they may.
And just, you know, when you kind of get to that place, you start living, and things start working for you.
Exactly, and you know, it's about a continuum of humanity and our spiritual life.
That's beautifully said.
Let's play a few more clips.
I'm going to let you amazing guys go, and then I'm going to get to some of these callers that held, and then we've got a guest host taking over.
All right, final segment with our guests, and then I'm going to do another segment to talk to DR, Dr. Greg, Chris, John, and Trent.
I appreciate holding over in the last hour.
We have a great guest host who's going to be taking over, Kate Daly of the katedalyshow.com.
Gentlemen, I really want to play the rest of these clips and get final comments from you, but here's Sherry, Tim, Benny, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Dale Bigtree.
Let's play those back-to-back.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental.
It's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that's spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
I want everyone to reflect back.
When did you ever hear about an asymptomatic carrier?
And really, the question is, is what is an asymptomatic carrier?
Is it somebody that is a false positive, which it very well could be, using a test that is running way too many cycles to be accurate?
Or is it just a healthy person whose body so absolutely kicked this virus's butt that they never had any symptoms?
Even so, the body already killed that virus, and maybe there's some floating fragments that a test could pick up, but are they infectious?
Either way, There's still questions on whether or not an asymptomatic carrier even exists.
And beyond that, does an asymptomatic carrier spread the disease at all?
And almost every study around the world has said that we don't see any evidence of spread from asymptomatic carriers.
Now, that may not seem like a big deal to your average person, but if asymptomatic carriers do not spread this illness, or if they happen to be just a false positive from a bad study, either way, if they're not spreading, then we never should have locked down the world.
Then masks are totally irrelevant.
We can go back to the way we've practiced medicine since polio and smallpox, which is, we quarantine sick people.
Not healthy people.
That's what the PCR test did.
The PCR test set up this false positive that had us start quarantining healthy people for the first time in world history.
Man, great sound, great video, even better content.
Because that's over the top.
And by the way, Dr. Lee Merritt is coming up with the guest host, and so I'm going to hurry as fast as I can for these guys to go, because you want to hear everything she has to say.
And tell people to tune in right now, however you're listening.
Gentlemen, both of you, about a minute, final comment.
Well, I really appreciate you giving us this opportunity, Alex.
And remember, guys, go out, get your copy of this first episode.
Episode two is in post sound right now.
And so that should be out totally and ready to go, uh, late November.
Um, and so guys just support this, this, uh, film.
series and I again I appreciate it Alex.
Well I appreciate it.
We're in a boat together that they're poking holes in and we're trying to patch it together
so I'm going to ask the listeners for their own good and for my good get the film and
I want to thank the gentleman Liberty man I know his real name for financing this and
doing a first rate job.
All the 50 people you interviewed all the crew you did a first rate job and you put
out a million dollar production out of your own pocket and now again you're trying to
raise money so the people that actually volunteer their time like the directors and everybody
can get paid and you're supporting InfoWars.
So thank you so much, Liberty Man.
Thank you, Alex.
30 seconds, anything else?
Really quick.
You know, getting the DVD, we've seen some people saying, well, DVD, well, you know, hey, the 1990s is calling.
Hey, people, like, they're going to memory hole things like crazy and you can't expect that Bandod video is going to be around forever.
You know, 10 years from now, You're going to want your own copy of this to show your kids.
It's vital to archive things now.
We've got to make a bigger issue out of that.
You're dead right.
Thank you so much, sir.
Get the film at covidland.com now.
Get your free copy of Endgame, Covidland.
Pre-orders, all get a copy of Endgame.
That opportunity ends in about a week and a half, two weeks.
It starts shipping out and you start making copies.
We'll be right back.
Thank you.
Dr. Lee Merritt is one of the best guests you can get.
She's hardcore.
She gets us as a war, and she's going to be the guest with Kate Daly coming up in just a few minutes.
And I had loaded phones.
I wanted to try to jam them in this call, but I'm going to call those callers back tomorrow.
But I saw one person saying they're a doctor.
Caller is doctor on Bill Gates, Microsoft, and vaccines.
I wanted to get Dr. Gregg's quick comments here on air.
Thanks for holding, Gregg.
Hi Alex.
Yeah, I would like to give you some information on physician intimidation that's been going on that I haven't seen.
But also, just one quick parallel that I haven't come across, but I thought was kind of interesting as I was thinking about.
This perpetual gene therapy that's proposed to perpetuate forever now, you were talking about Bill Gates earlier.
And I find it interesting that it's very similar to the way that he gained so much power and became one of the richest people in the world with the Windows operating system.
He introduced his operating system that was intentionally flawed and always required updates and a new version.
Otherwise, it would no longer work.
It would become infested with viruses.
You couldn't run the latest software and you're perpetually on the hook.
I mean, I have personally thought of that myself, and I've seen people go, this is the same guy that sold his computers that broke all the time, so he had to buy patches, and absolutely, this is the ultimate medical tyranny, where they give you something that destroys your immune system, makes you sick, and then they blame the people that were smart enough not to take it for the ones making you sick, so they're just preying on the medically ignorant.
Yeah, I thought that was an interesting parallel, but the main thing I wanted to let you and the listeners know about is the intimidation that's being handed out to physicians across the country.
A few weeks ago, the Federation of State Medical Boards, which is a body who is involved in interstate licensing and applications for licensing, issued a statement basically saying if there's any Of course, they parse the words carefully, but if there's any false information given out or if there's any questionable dissemination of information, that they could get involved in limiting or eliminating physician licensure.
Well, that's right.
In California, they've said if you give more than five vaccine waivers, we're going to take your license.
But so many doctors are saying no, they can't get them all.
But yeah, whatever the U.N.
and Fauci says, the guy that cooked this up now, they admit.
That's why he's got to go down.
Whatever he says, the medical boards then bow down to.
These are sick people.
So this was the Federation of State Medical Boards several weeks ago.
A couple of weeks ago, there was a joint statement put forth by The American Board of Family Medicine, the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Pediatrics.
And basically, they say that any misinformation regarding this virus could be very dangerous and that that could be subject to, again, removal of licensure or limiting your licensure.
In that same statement, which you can, you'll be able to find that and read that, the only assertive statement that they made was that the vaccine was safe, effective, and widely available.
And it's proposed that any information that might question that could be used to And that's just crazy because it was never properly approved.
It's not safe.
They have warnings on it about heart attacks and micro-chiritis.
That's incredible, isn't it?
It is incredible, and apparently if that might come across their statement that this is safe, then you could be subject to disciplinary action.
And this is actually being parroted out my local hospital.
What you ought to do is sue them and then show them the possible adverse reactions from October of last year from the FDA's own website.
Do you know about that?
No, I haven't dug deep into that one.
Put it back on screen, guys.
I'll read it to him.
FDA Safety Surveillance COVID-19 Vaccines Working List of Possible Adverse Event Outcomes.
And it says all the stuff that actually happened later so that they know.
Yeah, unfortunately, you know, You know, most physicians are generally compliant people, especially to organizations that are sort of oversight.
Sure, they put lackeys in a lot of those boards that tow the line of a big pharma that's taking over medicine.
And most people want to enjoy their quiet life if they work hard to achieve.
You know, it's really only when push comes to shove and people are out of a job that I think that you're going to find people pushing back on a mass scale from some of the... And you're also going to have people exiting the mainline doctors and coming to people like you regardless.
And so, we appreciate you, sir.
Thanks for holding Dr. Gregg for that information.
Alright, Dr. Lee?
Merritt is about to be interviewed.
You do not want to miss this information with the great talk show host that is here taking over.
katedallyshow.com is her website.
And Kate, thank you so much for taking over.
We really appreciate you.
Can't wait to watch the interview.
Thank you.
And here she is live.
Go ahead, Kate.
Thank you so much Alex, really appreciate that and wow, your last segment, wow!
Well, you know, I'll tell you what, Dr. Leigh Merritt, one of the most powerful frontline doctors and I have just the pleasure to call her a friend.
What can I say, she's been on my show multiple times.
Alex, you've interviewed her and let me tell you, Dr. Leigh Merritt, frontline doctor, we're going to really talk and center today on How to stay out of the hospital.
What can you do?
This episode is going to change lives and I welcome Dr. Leigh Merritt.
She's been at private practice since 1995, orthopedic spinal surgery and also past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
I just love this gal.
She just speaks the truth.
What can I say?
And TheMedicalRebel.com is the website.
Welcome Dr. Leigh Merritt.
How are you?
Hey, nice to see you, Kate.
You too!
I am so glad you're joining me because my inbox is flooded with messages of how do what do I do and usually people are already in the hospital usually people are freaking out because their loved one is being vented against their will because they are shut out of the hospital because they are the doctors will not listen to them and if I told you how many emails you'd be floored about how many countrywide have been coming in with the same exact story And this is so disturbing.
So really the goal is, how can we keep people out of the hospital as flu and cold season and pneumonia season, yes, we actually still have those things, are coming into play and everyone thinks they have COVID.
So they go to the hospital and get tested.
And then of course they get on the COVID train, the COVID track, which is just horrible medication.
So what do you tell people?
What do you say to them to say, keep them out of the hospital, Dr. Merritt?
Well, I think, first of all, I think we're in a very close crisis right now, and people need to take this seriously.
You know, I still get people calling me who need help, but they...
Have nothing at home.
They've not stopped.
They don't have the right equipment.
So I'm going to tell you, I was just talking to my local hardware guy and I've heard this story that truckers are going to strike on or stop moving things on October 1st.
Well, I don't know if that's true, but I can tell you that they at the hardware store.
He says we can't get truckers to move things right now.
So we're out.
We're running out of things and I think that's a, you know, a harbinger of things to come here shortly.
So people should not wait.
Personally, I think everybody needs some equipment in the house.
A pulse oximeter and a nebulizer.
That's been just so valuable in keeping people out of the hospital because one of the problems with whatever this bioweaponized disease is, We can call it COVID, but keep in mind we don't really know too much about this, except we do have some principles for treatment.
And one of the things we're seeing is that people's oxygen drops more than we would predict looking at them.
So we needed a pulse oximeter, especially to do telemedicine.
That really is useful.
So go get some equipment.
That's number one.
Number two, the FDA has just stopped Shipments of Ivermectin coming into the country.
Now, you know, we're at war with our own government.
Japan has just said we're going to do FDA.
I mean, we're going to ignore all the FDA and WHO and we're going to use Ivermectin.
India is using Ivermectin.
There are multiple countries now where Ivermectin is not only approved, but, you know, that is the official policy.
And yet we are at the point of not letting our people get it who are desperate.
Think about that.
El Salvador, they actually get the kit, the COVID kit, and it has ivermectin in it and vitamin C and all these wonderful things.
We're going to come back from a break in just a moment.
You're not going to want to miss this because this actually can save your life or a loved one's life.
Make sure to stay with us.
Hi there, I'm Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show.
So glad you could join me today because what an important episode this is.
If you would like to save a life or save your own, this is the episode you need to share with every family member and friend.
My guest is frontline doctor, one of my favorites, Dr. Lee Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com.
And let me just say, you're fantastic, Dr. Merritt.
I absolutely adore you because you're willing to speak the truth.
And we have a lot of people out there wondering what to do.
And you just talked about two very important things to acquire, to have at home.
And I would get these in a hurry.
I really would.
I would make sure you have these two items.
You'll probably help a friend or a family member or yourself.
Those two items again, Dr. Merritt?
Pulse oximeter to check your blood oxygen level.
It just goes on your finger.
and a nebulizer.
And the other one I guess is a thermometer.
I'm kind of surprised how many people don't have a basic thermometer
and I wouldn't get a battery thermometer.
I still have my dad's old mercury thermometers and I'm hanging on to them for the dear life.
But they've taken the North Ear away from us but they still have non-battery thermometers that work.
So yeah, I would do that.
And then the other thing, the next first step I would take, like I said, get some Ivermectin, however you can get it.
Overseas pharmacies might be able to get it to you, but the FDA now has the U.S.
Postal Service interdicting this at the border.
So sometimes it gets through, sometimes it doesn't.
It takes at least a month or more to get it from overseas, so get it now.
The other thing is if you're on medications right now that are critical, say a heart medicine or a blood pressure medicine, something you can't do without, you better stock up.
Now, your insurance will say, oh, you can only have this month or there's 90 days, but you can pay cash and don't let them tell you you can't.
If you need to go, I love the independent pharmacies, they're so much better to work with.
But Walgreens has been okay, I haven't had a problem with them, and Walmart.
I'm not saying all of them are bad, but you need to stock up, and even if you have to
pay cash, if you need insulin for sure, any of those critical medicines.
And by the way, medicine, if you save it, the Army did a study, and medicine actually
doesn't expire, except for a couple.
EpiPens and tetracycline-type drugs, but everything else, the Army study showed they lasted 30 years, and they still hadn't become bad, if kept at a reasonable temperature.
So, and then we know about the supplements that matter, and I've got them listed and why you take them on my website, but just to keep in mind, they're not expensive.
Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, N-acetylcysteine, quercetin, lysine, and either betaine or dimethylglycine.
That's my list of absolutely essential medications.
And by the way, the WHO lists ivermectin as one of the essential medications for world health.
Doesn't that tell you something?
And we're a country that can't get it.
Nobel Prize winner 2015 because of its safety and efficacy.
And so it's important to take also, you want to speak to a doctor, a frontline doctor at MyFreeDoctor.com or the frontline America's frontline doctors or go to TheMedicalRebel.com.
But the dose in the first several days needs to be a little heavier, right, with ivermectin?
So we started out giving about 12 milligrams to everybody.
And then we realized that's not enough.
So now if you're sick, now this is not prophylaxis, but if you're sick, the dose now ranges from 0.4 milligrams to 0.6 milligrams per kilogram per day.
And unfortunately, even if you get your doctor to prescribe it at a pharmacy, my experience is that they only have three milligram tablets.
And to get enough, it's very expensive now.
They've raised the prices and often the pharmacies are out and their warehouses are out.
So we're in big trouble.
I'm telling you, get what you can now, however you get it.
Yeah, the essential medications.
Don't you think that's something?
People are talking about the horse paste, the veterinary use one.
And did you want to comment on that?
I mean, I used to not ever say go out and get veterinary medicine, but I'm going to tell you, not only can people not afford the pharmaceutical dose of ivermectin sometimes if they don't have insurance, but it's also not available.
So, I have no problem with it.
I found out, at least this is what I've been told, that the ivermectin for cattle comes right off the same production line as the ivermectin for humans.
Now, they could put other things in it, but As far as I know, reading the labels, I think it's okay.
Now, this is not official medical advice.
Now, I will tell you, what I like is the injectable 1% solution.
It's for IV.
Now, you're not going to inject it in yourself.
You're going to take it oral and it tastes bad, but who cares at this point, you know?
I think we're in a wartime situation here and we need to act like it.
I just am going to say that.
And I really like now, Scott Kesterson at Bards FM has a great idea.
And it's, you know, I had this idea, several people kind of came all this up together, but when I was talking to him, he'd really thought it out in detail.
Just like you have food co-ops and people buy organic food and non-GMO food in food co-ops, have a medical co-op and get some equipment.
I love that.
Yeah, I do too.
So for example, you have a friendly nurse or retired physician that you want to get in here and that can help put in IVs.
His point is, there's evidence that a hyperbaric oxygen chamber can keep people from progressing, that can really help people that are sick.
And there are other things, you know, just have durable medical equipment, the things that you all, everybody doesn't need an IV holder in their house, but if you had a co-op that had these things and everybody participated in your area that were like-minded, you could really stock up with a lot of things and then when somebody needed it they, you know, pay for the service, pay for the use, but it could be nominal.
I think it's a great idea and I think he's going to be talking about it on his show this week, but I think it's a good idea.
You know, there's a couple things I tell people to do after our experience, and that is when you start getting sick and you can feel it starting to go into your chest a little bit, so you know it might be something a little deeper, then the first thing I would do is go find an IV nutraceutical clinic.
These are private businesses, no doctor, no script.
Go get a vitamin C infusion of glutathione, vitamin C, and zinc.
And that's the first thing, because you'll feel better immediately, usually.
And then also order maybe Budesonide for the nebulizer, because Budesonide, and these are things the hospitals are refusing to do now.
Absolutely refusing to their patients, by the way.
And Budesonide is on page 205 of the 341-page protocol, says it's amazing, just says that too few people were in the study, of course.
But it's doing great things, and you can get that from your doctor for the nebulizer, right?
Right, you can.
And some doctors, I mean most doctors, that's not one of those hot-button medicines like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
So most doctors will prescribe that.
The other thing though is like the Brownstein protocol or Dr. Mercola's protocol, which you can do without a prescription, is a drop of hydrogen peroxide and a 30%, I mean a drop of iodine in a solution that's two parts water or three parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide.
That seems to work very well.
But the point here is, if you have ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine at home and you start getting sick, the earlier you implement it, the less medicine you'll need and the quicker you get over it.
One of the problems that we're seeing, all the people doing telemedicine is that people now, they're getting a little, it's kind of different this year, they're kind of getting a little bit sick and so they don't think it's worthwhile calling a doctor and they kind of putts around for 10 days and they're just slowly getting
worse but finally when they need one then they're about ready to drop off
that cliff. It seems to go you know not very serious not very serious and won't you
lose your oxygen carrying capacity so don't wait too long. We're gonna come
right back more with Dr. Leigh Merritt and of course the frontline doctors the
medical rebel she has right on her website Dr. Leigh Merritt how to get hydroxychloroquine.
So we'll be right back.
You can go to katedallyradio.com for the podcast.
You can go to katedallyradio.com for show notes.
All of this will be in show notes there.
And so visit the site and we will be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
You're not going to want to miss this next segment as well.
This could save your life.
Hi, welcome back.
Kate Daly here from the Kate Daly Show.
Thank you, Alex, for having me.
And I have such an important guest.
Before I come back to Dr. Lee Merritt, because we're talking about the things that you need to have right now in your home to help others and help yourself, I want to play this from Bill Gates.
This is Bill Gates, Munich, 2017, February, telling us what was coming, by the way.
Please welcome Mr. Bill Gates.
We also face a new threat that the next epidemic has a good chance of originating on a computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus or a contagious and highly deadly strain of flu.
So the point is that we ignore the strong link between health security and international security at our peril.
Whether it occurs by the quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists show through their models that a respiratory spread pathogen would kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.
And there is a reasonable probability of that taking place in the years ahead.
Yeah, he's the quirk of nature, and he's the terrorist.
He just didn't tell you that.
Well, that was from Bill Gates 2017, and it's a little scary, isn't it, to think that these people are at the helm, never elected, over our health and education, but never elected.
My guest is Dr. Leigh Merritt, frontline doctor, TheMedicalRebel.com.
You're going to want to go to her site, such valuable information.
I want to ask you a question, too.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, can you take them to You can take them together.
I'm not sure that you need to, but we did say that hydroxychloroquine works really great early on.
And ivermectin works pretty much anytime, but certainly later we don't see as much benefit from hydroxychloroquine as we do ivermectin.
That's really kind of the rule of thumb that people are going by.
But keep in mind, because the psychopaths running this outbreak did not do what they should have done to really help us understand the disease and what we're really dealing with, like doing autopsies of the dead, that would have been very nice.
We don't really completely know what we're dealing with and that's why I was going to say we left out antibiotics but I think having some doxycycline, azithromycin, some antibiotics around the house is a great thing also because don't get snockered into the idea it's all viral, viral, viral.
One of the things that happens after people have been debilitated and sick from one thing is you can get a secondary bacterial infection or Even worse, I'm going to tell you, years ago, probably we've all become infected, thanks to a different bioweapon here, with mycoplasma, a crystalline form of mycoplasma that can be reactivated.
So, we're learning lots of things about our medical history we didn't appreciate.
That's kind of scary, but that may also be happening.
We're seeing a bunch of mycoplasma-like diseases crop up, so you have to have antibiotics sometimes.
And you know, the shutting off of the vaccine, the spike proteins, I mean, what is that causing?
Is that causing a lot?
Because I'm seeing vaccinated and unvaccinated getting sick.
So I'm sorry that they're playing this card to the hospital saying, I don't believe it.
Well, by the way, that's a good thing to bring up.
Don't believe the diatribe that it's just the unvaccinated getting sick because it turns out that they're not labeling you as vaccinated unless you're two weeks past your last dose.
So you could have had one dose and you're not vaccinated in their mind and then you have another dose and you're still not vaccinated until you go two weeks out.
And the other thing we're discovering is, yeah, I mean, so, so when they say they're unvaccinated, well, not by normal definitions.
And we have, we're seeing the damage from the vaccines.
If you're going to have a brain bleed or, or Guillain-Barre or things, it tends to happen within four to seven days after the vaccine, where they would not consider you vaccinated.
That's a good way to get rid of all the complications of the vaccine.
So don't let anybody be snoggered about that.
But you asked me right now, I lost I take an NAC and a quercetin every day and I was wondering about that.
You might want to let people know, you know, if you're sick, do you triple dose, double dose those things and what do they do as far as being an antiviral, as far as being, you know, why would you recommend NAC and quercetin?
Well, quercetin is just a good anti-inflammatory.
I mean, NAC actually helps produce glutathione in the brain and other places.
You can't, you know, unless I like the idea and I did this too.
I went down to one of the chelation areas in town in Omaha and had IV glutathione and because I had gotten shed on and I really think that's one of the things that can help It's an oxidant.
It's an antioxidant.
I mean, so it really helps, I think, degrade what we're dealing with.
The issue is, don't think you're going to just suddenly take these things when you get sick and it's going to do you the best.
What you really need to do is live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle starting now if you haven't been doing it.
And that is key is your diet.
I really like a couple books, you know, the Wheat Belly book by a cardiologist, William Davis, and I like Grain Brain by Dr. Perlmutter, who's a neurologist.
And he talks about all the different ways that our food is damaging us.
And it makes us inflammatory.
If you're over your weight standards, you have more inflammation in the body and that means you're likely to succumb if you get sick with these diseases because this gives you an inflammatory overshoot.
The way people die is they get so much inflammation in their lungs that they cannot oxygenate.
That's one of the pathways.
Being shed on by somebody that's vaccinated is a real thing and I know my experience.
I mean I had a nosebleed and I never get nosebleeds ever in my life.
So this is a massive nosebleed first time and I'd been having some other symptoms that I felt were just like viral symptoms after I was in close contact with somebody for a long period of time that was that was vaccinated.
So it happened about four to five days afterwards The issue there is, and I have this on the website, I would treat it fairly aggressively because I think it's the spike protein.
And I've come to this conclusion, nobody knows for sure, but we know from the autopsies that have happened that if you, you know, people that die of COVID, for example, that their spike protein or die after the vaccine, their spike protein in the hair follicles.
So you're leaching out the spike protein in your sweat, in your saliva, Thank you.
So my experience was I managed to transfer that to my husband who then got classic COVID.
I mean he had all the classic signs.
So I think it's spike protein and we should and so I have on the website how to deal with spike protein.
Now the vaccine is a different story.
If you take the vaccine and you have remorse you have a different thing you're dealing with because you also have all the products of the vaccine that we know about.
Of course we don't know about most of them because they don't have to tell us.
Isn't that wonderful?
When you do things under emergency use authorization, it's great.
You can just tell us the very littlest part of the vaccine and you don't have to tell us the rest.
But these are not vaccines.
They actually call them viral-based genetic therapies.
And we found the FDA's warning to their Researchers in 2015 about the viral-based genetic therapies.
They say these things people that take them can shed and they can shed up to 10 weeks.
Most of them stop at 10 weeks.
But if you're elderly or immune compromised, you might shed forever and you'll love this one because it just tells you keep in mind.
They've rolled these these agents these genetic agents out on the whole world.
They want to vaccinate 7.8 billion people and they don't know what the shed particles are.
They say it's just It could be genetic.
It could be infectious.
We don't know.
And it could be recombinant.
I love that.
It could be some Frankenstein nanoparticle.
There's a couple of things.
Budesonide is a steroid and it was the steroid recommended by Dr. Richard Jewell and it's an amazing steroid.
You can get the Budesonide and the Nebulizer just to have that.
Also comes in an inhaler but I think the Nebulizer is better.
And then also NAC.
I've heard that the FDA is going to be taking that off the shelf that you might not be able to get that past January.
So I would recommend stocking up on that.
I don't even think Amazon even sells it anymore.
And so I would make sure NAC and the proper name for NAC Dr. Merritt?
And doesn't that say something?
That the FDA, every time we find something that works, they're against it.
They take it away from us.
Who gives them the right to do this thing?
I know.
In fact, we'll talk about this when we come back.
When we come back in just a moment, I'm Kate Dally and honestly, Dr. Leigh Merritt, you're not going to want to miss two seconds of this.
Come on back at the Kate Dally Show.
Kate Dally, your host, back here with you.
I'm Kate Dally from the Kate Dally Show guest hosting today and I have the most amazing guest, the frontline doctor, Dr. Leigh Merritt, themedicalrebel.com to get more information about what she's talking about and the Kate Dally Show.
So you can go to katedallyshow.com, katedallyshow.com to get more information as well.
It'll be there too.
And there's a couple of questions I have for you.
Before I do that, I want to play the clip from Dr. David Martin.
He is the founding CEO of MCAM Inc., which is the international leader in intellectual property and financial risk.
Just listen to what he has to say for just a moment.
genetic sequences that were reportedly novel and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of the spring of 2020.
And what we found, as you'll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel coronavirus was actually entirely a fallacy.
There was no novel coronavirus.
The statement that was made by Peter Daszak in 2015, reported in the National Academies of Press publication February 12, 2016, and I'm quoting, we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine.
A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype.
We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.
Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.
End quote.
When you go to the hospital right now, most likely you will be positive for COVID-19 because the test has ratcheted up to 40 magnifications.
And the problem with that is, is that you get on the COVID train and you can't get off of the COVID train.
So I'm getting desperate emails from people all over the country who they cannot control what happens to their loved one when they go to the ICU.
And when they get to the ICU, they're given rem, I call it remdethivir, The remdesivir and dex as a steroid and there's an antibiotic they're giving them.
I'll probably murder the name.
I'm the name murderer.
But as far as the drugs that they're giving, the remdesivir actually failed the Ebola study and had a 54% mortality rate.
They took it off that and Fauci chose it for the drug around the country to treat COVID.
So, what happens is your organs fail, right?
Dr. Merritt, and they can, and kidney damage, and so I call it the Kevorkian method.
Well, at least Kevorkian smiled and asked, but asked permission.
But as far as that goes, you're given this protocol.
You cannot now ask for vitamins.
You can't ask for Budesonide.
You can't ask for any of these things.
They will deny you, and if you speak up, sometimes they're throwing people out of the hospital.
So, in order to stay away from having to go down the COVID train to having to get and feel like you have no rights or no control over this, Dr. Merritt is here to describe what you can do if you're sick so that you can avoid that.
Dr. Peter McCullough was talking about this, the awesome Dr. Peter McCullough.
He was saying, why are we not treating this?
Why are we not telling people what to do at home so they don't have to go to the hospital?
So I have a couple of questions for you.
I tell people to go get the IV, the vitamin push, you know, to help them.
And then also NAC and quercetin, right?
These are helpful.
If you had to choose between Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which one would you choose?
Well, the Ivermectin works kind of all, there's like 20 ways it works against this.
And so it works all parts of the disease, all, not just at the beginning.
So I think I would, if I had to choose one, I'd choose Ivermectin.
Now, you know, your point about the people need to understand that the hospitals are now owned by NIH.
That's what that's what is causing this.
Remdesivir was actually developed at our bioweapons lab at USAMRIID and the NIH has part of the patent rights.
So they get money from it.
I would quit taking advice from people that are making a profit off this pandemic.
You know, if the pandemic went away and somebody makes less money, they're not the people you should be listening to.
And they're having an incredibly bad outcome ratio in the hospital.
But again, good outpatient care and you don't have to go down with these things.
But again, you have to remember, sometimes you're going to need antibiotics, but being as healthy going into it makes a big difference.
Be within your weight standards.
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
Unfortunately, every time you eat bad oils and you get them when you go out to restaurants, even good restaurants, you're going to get some bad oils.
And the percentage to which you eat bad oils is the percentage your lipid membranes which are made of oil, including your brain,
are made of cholesterol from these oils.
When you eat bad oils, they become intercalated into your lipid membranes, and so the percentage
you take in is the percentage of you that's not normal.
It makes you inflame these bad oils.
So eat, it's a real simple, there's a real simple eating suggestion that I heard years ago.
The big workout guru, I'm blanking on his name now, he was in the 50s or 60s.
It was big work I grew and he said if man made it.
Jack LaLanne?
Yeah, Jack LaLanne.
I don't know.
He said if man made it, don't eat it.
You know, it's like we have artificial wheat that's not really wheat.
It's not genetically wheat.
We make all sorts of things about it.
My great-grandparents, they ate very little wheat.
But now 75% of the average American diet is made of wheat.
That's why I recommend Wheat Belly because you'll learn all the things it does to your body that are not good.
And it is a huge producer of inflammation.
So if you wanted to do one thing, there he is.
I love him.
Lived into his 90s, okay?
So I'm doing fingertip push-ups at 92.
I love this.
Don't eat man-made things.
Now we just heard, and this is possible, I do believe this is possible, that they can put this toxic nanoparticle spike protein wrapped in a lipoprotein coating into lettuce and into salad greens that are prepackaged.
The more you can eat natural foods that are not prepackaged, that don't come, the better off you are.
So with three, with a couple minutes left, what supplements should they be taking?
How much zinc should you be taking just to maintain your health, to keep sickness at bay?
How much vitamin C a day?
And you want to talk about the, it's a liposomal vitamin C?
Liposomal vitamin C. I love liposomal vitamin C. And I use the Mercola liposodium.
I don't get any kickback from him.
I just happen to like it.
Now, I don't know if Alex has a liposomal vitamin C, but liposomal is the way to go.
Because what it does, it goes through your lipid membranes so you can take big gobs of it and you won't get diarrhea like you would with normal vitamin C.
I've used it when I started getting sick.
It just took 10 gram bolus and it didn't give me diarrhea and I got over it right away.
I went to the gym that night.
But what you need to do generally is, and I take, it's more expensive than a regular
vitamin C. So I take a gram of that in the morning with my other supplements.
Then during the day, I take little doses of some cheaper, chewable vitamin C or whatever you like.
Keep it by your computer, your workstation, whatever you do, and periodically just take one.
So over the course of the day... Five thousand?
Yeah, get three or four grams a day.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, how much should you be taking?
Five thousand a day?
That wouldn't be too much.
Now, whether you need that much, I can't prove, but certainly, what they call the RDA, which is the government's recommended daily allowance, in anti-aging medicine, we call that the recommended death allowance, so don't listen to them.
The number one supplement is vitamin D, and this has just drove me crazy that the CDC didn't recommend this.
Vitamin D is an absolutely fabulous, all-purpose thing.
It's not really a vitamin, it's a hormone.
Which one?
D or D3?
It doesn't matter.
Oh, D3.
It's D3.
And you take 10,000 units a day.
I take 10,000 units a day.
Nobody's ever overdosed on 10,000 units a day.
And you need your levels above 60.
Not just 30.
Above 60, okay.
Right, to keep you out of the ICU or dead with this disease, the Indonesians shown 30 will help.
30 makes you in the category that you're going to walk away from this.
It was the number one variable that you could affect that they found in their hospital, 800 people, that if you had your D above 30, you didn't end up in the ICU or dead.
But you're better off, the anti-cancer effect kicks in over 55, so keep it above 60.
The other one is zinc, as you said, and some, you know, if you've been taking it for a long time, you probably do 30 milligrams a day, but everybody's deficient in zinc.
So if you haven't been taking it and suddenly you've got COVID religion and you want to get healthy, probably take 50, you know, right now.
And certainly if you're sick, take 50.
How much on quercetin?
merit. How much on quercetin? Well at least 500. I mean if you take it twice a day you
can do 500, you can do once a day.
And NAC is somewhere between 600 and 1,000.
But again, if you were sick or recently vaccinated or got shit on and you took twice a day, it wouldn't be a problem.
The one that you can't really take.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Don't take too much selenium.
That's the one you can take too much of.
Okay, all right.
Dr. Leigh Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com.
Get to her site.
What an amazing frontline doctor.
Thank you.
Thank you for joining me.
And I'm Kate Dally, guest host today.
And of course, go to the Kate Dally Show, katedallyshow.com for more on this and more on the notes.
Thanks, you guys.
You will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises.
They are nothing but distractions.
You know, I can assure you, we have so much to do to protect the health and the welfare of the American people that I would just hope we just put those conspiracy stuff and let somebody write a book about it later on, but not now.
The problem is you got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto.
And it's just disgusting what they're trying to say of all these crazy deep state malarkey.
Well, later on, when the records were made public, it was not a conspiracy theory from the planet of Pluto, actually.
There were inflated deaths.
They were even taking gunshot wounds and categorizing them as COVID deaths.
You're saying there is a massive pressure to artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases?
Yeah, I have directly been told to, if a patient has fever and cough or anything similar, to put this COVID-like diagnosis on the chart.
One of the big things the corporate media does to deceive the public is say, oh, there's all these crazies that don't believe a virus even exists.
And they're saying nobody's dying.
That's not what we're saying.
COVID-19 is the greatest fraud ever.
I believe this is a psychological war upon society.
What are the history books going to say about you?
Do you stand up for common sense and critical thinking?
I think the answer is clear what I'm going to be doing.
What are you going to be doing?
Secure your copy of COVIDland at covidland.com and start fighting back against the globalist lies.
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This is the medicine to the globalist tyranny.
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But on top of that, not just Endgame, but also COVIDLAND has a zero country code, meaning it works anywhere in the world, and you're authorized for educational purposes to make copies of COVIDLAND and, of course, Endgame as well, so you can give it to your friends, family, neighbors, air it on AXS TV, air it on local TV, I don't care.
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