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Name: 20210914_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 14, 2021
2584 lines.

"Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including vaccine mandates, vaccine policies, censorship, incidents related to COVID-19 vaccines, grant proposals, the power grid failing, a California recall election, voter fraud, protests against President Biden, taxation of the rich, immune system health in a COVID culture, whiskey preferences, a product that claims to increase libido, sales on t-shirts and storable food, AOC being called a fraud, evil concentrating in positions of power, breaking away from controlling forces, resistance against tyranny, government control, mainstream media propaganda, the dangers of vaccines, climate change, weather control treaties, increasing food prices, devalued currencies, transfer of debt from big banks onto individuals, opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for employees, election fraud, Governor Ron DeSantis's chances in future elections, audits into alleged election fraud, a recent decision by a DC court to send a man to jail for watching conspiracy theory videos online, the Pentagon injecting over a million troops with COVID-19 shots leading to heart attacks and mass death, myocarditis occurring more often after vaccination in young men, CNN stating that unvaccinated individuals cannot fly or have a job, carbon taxes being implemented, vaccine passports attached to this measure, funeral homes experiencing an increase in deaths following vaccination, hospitals waiting 14 days post second vaccination shot to consider individuals as vaccinated, resistance and action against forced vaccinations, communism tactics being employed in the U.S., Joe Biden declaring war against America, the globalist corporate takeover, human-animal hybrid experiments involving fetal tissue, the purchase of fetal organs for humanized mice projects, the threat posed by China, forced vaccinations, the push towards a UN globalist Great Reset, preparing for potential food shortages and price increases, essential vitamins and minerals for health and wellbeing, criticizing big tech and pharmaceutical companies, a tragic story of a man whose son died after getting vaccinated, fear-based manipulation, vaccine mandates, government control, and the need to resist them."

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Well, Rose McGowan brought down Weinstein, and it's far worse than what came out of Harvey Weinstein and all this trash.
And, of course, Newsom's wife tried to suppress it.
That's what these criminals do.
Well, now...
You see the election being stolen from Larry Elder.
It's just thousands of videos.
People walk in, they're getting there, the people are taping it, it's coming out.
It's on Infowars.com, it's all over Facebook, all over Twitter, it's everywhere.
And then they go in and they say, I haven't voted, and they go, sorry, it shows you voted.
It's Republicans.
The Democrats sit there and vote right in front of them and laugh at them, because they're all in on the club.
They know what's best for us, the noble lie.
But they can't stop us not going to their restaurants and their corporations.
They can't stop us coming together.
They can't stop you moving away from the areas they control and making sure they don't get control of your elections.
Soros putting in all his people, controlling the Surgeon General, controlling most of the district and county attorneys and attorney generals of states.
I mean, this is a criminal takeover.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
...repeatedly said I have no problem whatsoever with people being vaccinated or not being vaccinated.
What is not acceptable for multiple reasons, including constitutional and legal and ethical and moral reasons, is mandatory vaccination.
Indeed, the Australian Immunisation Handbook spells it out very clearly, that consent to being vaccinated must be given in the absence Once you start down this path of dividing any society into two distinct classes of people, you have abandoned liberty and democracy and replaced it with tyranny, fear and suspicion.
Worse, and this is what really disturbs me, once the authorities have decreed that there are now two Classes of Australian.
The good and the bad.
And that one class is superior to another and gets special privileges, while the other class is shunned, locked out, vilified and loses their employment.
You have by definition created an inferior class.
For which the Germans once coined a simple word which roughly translates as under or inferior person.
If that word brings a chill of horror to your heart, so it should.
Meanwhile, they have thousands of confirmed reports.
People are getting provisional ballots, which will be counted later.
They've confirmed it's happening.
Conservative voters from the Republican rolls go in to vote, and they're told, sorry, you already voted.
You already voted against the recall.
You already voted for Governor Psychopath Newsome.
Meanwhile, I see reports like this 20, 30 times a day without looking for it on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook.
But it gets taken down when family members even go to the funeral and even show the medical reports that their children and their brothers and their sisters and fathers and mothers die from the experimental shots.
I even have a mainline headline out today for Reuters admitting that heart attacks and myocarditis are much more common in people that take the injections than first thought.
It's not rare.
But they put it on the warning like cigarettes, so get used to it.
Well, here's a lady talking about her sister, her little sister, that died after she took the first injection of the mRNA takeover.
And the left piled on.
Texas veteran piled on.
And said, there is no causative background presented.
COVID vaccine remains overwhelmingly proven effective.
Proven effective down to 39% working.
I'll show you all the graphs coming up, but here's the real face of this nightmare.
Well, I usually respect everybody.
And, uh, their choices.
I don't want one single motherfucker ever coming to my page and telling me I need to get the f*****g
My little sister just died.
Her first dose.
You want to sit here and tell me.
We're going to come back with the rest of this.
I'm Alex Jones.
Fight back.
Spread the live link now.
Spread the word.
override Fauci. We're live.
September 14th.
It wasn't until this Friday night that I hit a wall.
I was supposed to be finishing my nightly newsletter that I mentioned.
Oh yes, yes, yes.
Do you like your new body?
I love it!
You know, Ben Stein went on YouTube.
He's had his YouTube channel shut down.
Well-known comedian, movie star, funny guy.
Bueller, Bueller.
Well, He's been kicked off for criticizing the vaccine that almost killed him.
You and Eric Clapton need to shut your mouths.
We've got that censored video coming up, bottom of the hour.
We got Alfie Oaks that owns that big grocery store chain.
Supplies like a third of the food to Florida.
Coming on about the vaccine mandate.
So they're gonna come arrest him if he doesn't make all his crew take poison shots that are experimental, never cruelly authorized.
And you got Dr. Fauci calls for unvaccinated Americans to be banned from air travel.
And to mandate COVID-19 shots for even two-year-olds, even though it's not approved.
And their own scientist quit the FDA two weeks ago saying they shouldn't target children.
Well, this little monster, what he says goes.
We've got a special report we're about to air.
Stop, Fauzi, or die.
I suggest you share it, get it out.
They're also gaslighting.
Saki and the Commerce Secretary say nobody's making you take a shot, you just can't leave your house.
But don't worry, the illegal aliens don't have to.
Saki admits, we have the video, that the Biden-Vax mandate doesn't include migrants at the border or the Islamists being brought in.
Oh, but don't worry, Walmart is announcing proof of vaccination is required.
Well, bye-bye Walmart.
You say, oh, just order online.
Oh, now the companies are saying, you want to do Zoom, you want to order online, you got to have it too.
Boris Johnson's getting ready to announce new lockdowns.
Told you last week when he announced the end of the COVID garbage, he would then announce total control.
Psych warfare.
We are their enemy.
They attack us with the same system.
CNN's former head of Planned Parenthood says the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes.
All this video coming up.
So see, now it's all out in the open.
But first, a very powerful report.
It's at man.video and freeworldnews.tv.
Stop Fauci or die.
I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated.
When you hear us say, should you mandate vaccination for children to be able to attend school, some people say, oh my goodness, that would be terrible to do that.
But we already do that and have been doing that for decades and decades.
Some people take the mandate as not a moment of unity, but as sort of a divisive weapon.
What do you say to that?
So we have a tradition in our country, Chuck, of taking steps, you know, as a collective to protect the broader community.
And that's what these requirements represent.
I am a Division One student athlete with no prior health issues.
And I got the second COVID shot Tuesday.
And within four days, I have been diagnosed with myocarditis.
And was told that I probably won't be able to play my senior season now.
I usually respect everybody and their choices.
I don't want one single motherfucker ever coming to my page and telling me I need to get the fucking vaccine.
My little sister just died.
Her first dose!
Time and will are in short supply, and once they run out, chaos will reign supreme.
The documents obtained by the Intercept that reveal that Dr. Fauci lied under oath about the funding of gain-of-function research pertaining to the Wuhan lab in China Reveal that according to a previously unpublished grant proposal from Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, where 3.1 million taxpayer dollars were awarded from Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease for a project titled, Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.
$599,000 of that grant was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research.
But you know, Dr. Fauci's been asked about this.
Senator Kennedy asked him in committee, do you trust the scientists?
And he said, that's where the viruses are.
We have to, and we have to keep investing there.
But what if it leaked?
And what if they didn't help us with the leak?
And what if it originated, they knew it all along and failed to tell us?
Would we still not, would Dr. Fauci not reassess his trust of the Chinese communists in their lab?
The Intercept documents also showed that this came out of a Biosafety 3 lab, which is a lab that nobody believes is secure enough to be dealing with these deadly pathogens.
And yes, they were taking viruses that were not as transmissible to humans, they were adding S-proteins, which is how the virus attaches to the cell, from bat viruses out of a cave, and lo and behold, they created viruses that are not found in nature, that were more transmissible than what they started.
The very definition of gain of function Aside from the fact that the research could prove to be directly responsible for the disputable death toll of nearly five million globally from the SARS coronavirus, that is only the beginning of what Dr. Fauci has hidden up his sleeve.
Now, a ferret is not a human.
And as Mike just pointed out, there are still serious debates about how fatal this virus is in humans.
And we've seen it on television.
I've seen schematic Diagrams of it on television of a ferret in one cage sneezing on a ferret in the other cage.
That ferret sneezes and they all die.
This is what Ron has just said.
I didn't say it.
Ron just presented that.
That that is not what happens when a ferret sneezes on another ferret.
The ferret gets infected, gets flu-like syndrome, doesn't get sick, recovers and does not die.
And I think when you talk about forgetting about any of the process, just the perception That's out there.
Am I correct, Ron?
If anything, our data suggests that this virus spreads poorly.
It is aerosol transmitted and therefore scientifically very, very interesting to study.
But whether this virus would, if it would ever escape from a lab, would start spreading, we don't know.
So the whole point is not that they were calling it Doomsday secretly, and it did come out on the news at the time I have the articles here, I'll show them to you.
It's that there was a major debate internally about how dangerous this was and how it violated law and how it was true gain-of-function.
See, they made it.
They made it spread worse.
They made it more dangerous.
That's gain-of-function.
As Steve Watson reported, former FDA head and current Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb reacted to further revelations regarding the funding of dangerous gain-of-function research by Anthony Fauci.
The bottom line is they were doing research on viruses in that institute that was making those viruses potentially more dangerous to humans and handling the viruses in ways that could have potentiated their release, particularly by infecting transgenic animals that had fully humanized immune systems, which we now know and were revealed by that, sort of affirmed by those documents.
We knew this before.
So they were doing things in that lab that could have It led to circumstances where a virus that was purposely evolved in ways that it could be more dangerous than humans could have escaped.
And I think the bottom line is we have a long record of that lab having poor practices.
In fact, when that lab was first opened, there was an editorial in the Journal of Science raising questions about the integrity of that lab.
There were questions about whether the lab was built appropriately and just the procedures that they had in place.
So the conditions existed where an accident could have happened.
I think what's revealed by these documents In The Intercept, there are two interesting details that I previously didn't know.
First, there was experimentation being done on MERS-like coronaviruses, not just SARS-like coronaviruses.
And second, they affirmed what we sort of suspected, which is that coronavirus research was going on in other institutes around Wuhan.
Fauci has to be stopped.
Millions more will clearly die, only to be replaced by the protected class of undocumented Democrat voting refugees pouring into the United States by design.
A plan so diabolical that it has all been engineered behind closed doors for decades.
Waging war on corruption, my friends, please.
In this critical time, people's minds are so open as the tyranny is exploding.
Share the live feed.
Tell folks about that local radio station or TV station.
Send archives of the shows and articles and videos, whatever you think is most important, out to everyone you know and to perfect strangers.
And continue to know the show is free to air, rebroadcast it however you want, cut it up, share it, use clips of it in films.
I don't care.
I am here to raise the alarm.
Paul Revere 2.0 and so are you.
We're all Paul Revere now, or we're slaves.
I want to get into the giant world government developments that are just over the top, the announcements of world IDs, the announcements of global social credit scores, the announcements of carbon scores in Canada, in the UK, in Australia, in New Zealand, in Europe, and now in blue cities here.
I mean, it's all out in the open now.
And the Democrats are now saying, don't leave your house, take your children away if you don't take the shots.
And they simultaneously say they're 100% effective, but they don't work.
And if you haven't taken the vaccine, you're going to kill us.
And Tucker Carlson got it last night.
He opened his show up after a well-deserved vacation.
It's funny, I was going to the same place as him, didn't know, but canceled it.
Never been to Alaska, always wanted to go there.
And as things are so serious, I didn't take off and go to Alaska, but we might have run into each other.
I was going to go to Juneau and other places I really want to see it they say it's as cool
as Hawaii but doesn't matter side issue. Tucker is back he says if the
powers that can be forced on you to get a shot what can't they
make you take?
Well, they're already taking five-year-olds away from their dad if they don't want to have their gender changed.
Saying, you can't convince my five-year-old to have their balls chopped off.
So there really is no end to this.
I'm going to play that clip coming up next segment.
But let's get to the really sad news here.
But understand there's a major ray of sunshine or silver lining in this cloud.
This is going to get people up off their butt.
In the elections that really matter in the midterms now, only 13 months away.
Think about that.
And this is gonna really energize everybody to really push back and expose what's happening.
I've talked about this a thousand times and I'll say it again.
California isn't really blue.
Connecticut's not really blue.
Vermont's not really blue.
Michigans are not really blue.
There is such fraud in states like Pennsylvania and Georgia where they engage in this and where they have backroom deals that, okay, you'll be the Republican governor while we control everything else.
Just play ball with us and say there's not fraud.
And then the Democrats, through the ballots, through flooding provisional ballots and flooding mail-in ballots that they use the excuse of COVID, They ran the same thing they did 11 months ago in the 2020 election and they had two plus weeks of these ballots being mailed out to everybody and of course they had a bunch held back behind and they just take the voter rolls of Republicans and
Take the percentage they need to know they're going to win, 20-30% of Republicans, to make it look like a landslide for Newsom, and then they just computerize, or they simply fill out the ballots, like they found in Pennsylvania and Michigan, where you'd have postal workers open up the back and there'd be 30,000 ballots unfolded, all bubble-troned, all printed on a printer, with only the race for Biden and for Senate.
Cause they gotta have some Republicans left behind to act like there's not fraud.
So they just take back the Senate and then also stop the big landslide for Trump.
And that's what they did.
So here it is.
You knew it was coming.
It's happening again.
GOP voters discover their ballots already cast at California recall election.
And now they're shooting videos.
And they're not supposed to in the polling place.
Gotta counter this criminal takeover.
Where the workers go, sorry.
Yeah, it shows you already voted.
Here's a provision that'll be counted in a week that won't count.
So it's the exact same play, and they're gonna run it again with, oh, new lockdowns next year.
I told you, oh my gosh, we gotta mail it in again.
You can't go to a public place and they're just gonna do it.
And they're gonna steal it.
I mean, you go to Pennsylvania, they'll have 200,000 people at a Trump rally?
And then he loses the state.
Well, of course he lost the state.
There was only one postal worker that went public.
He goes, I'm in another state, driving into another state.
He suspects something, which the postal carriers are supposed to do.
He looks in the damn thing, just looks in the box to see what it is.
And it's all ballots laying flat and clean for Joe Biden.
Enough ballots in there to sell the damn election.
But yet again, over the landslide.
You think that corpse that's booed everywhere he goes?
You think they're for him?
California Republicans shocked to discover they've already voted in recall election in every major polling place.
And it's Republicans.
And the Democrats just giggle.
Because they're in charge.
Dems trying to steal California recall election.
But here's the good news.
Just play it back-to-back.
Here's Biden with thousands on the streets booing and screaming at him even though he snuck into California.
Huge highway overpasses that they know it's been stolen.
The people are coming together.
They're not going to comply with COVID martial law.
In New York, they took over bridges, took over roads with tens of thousands.
Finally, the sleeping giant is awakening.
Answer you Biden.
Whether it's a Yankees game, whether it's a football game.
The murderers, look.
9/11, everybody's booing.
Sees a kid, runs over to him, Biden does.
Yeah, it's Obama.
Yeah, I'm so scared.
And now in New York, they're taking the bridges over now because they see through for what you did to Afghanistan.
The globalist operation.
Terrible, terrible.
Don't send them.
Don't send them.
Meanwhile, what's happening in California?
Well, AOC's out there for a $50,000 a plate
Hollywood gala. The Democratic Party wearing a expensive
designer dress that cost tens of thousands saying tax the rich.
When the Democrats, on average, are richer than the politicians are, they're in bed with the globalists, and it's a bunch of rich women.
Standing around, and when you see all these promos, it's black, it's Latino, it's mulatto women, as the cover for the big bankers and the Weinsteins and all of it.
Oh, look!
Our corporation uses black people or Hispanics as our spokesperson.
It's okay that we set up the Great Reset.
It's the corporations running all this.
The article's on Infowars.com.
Ultimate hypocrisy.
Oh, by the way, I forgot to play that video.
Also, at the 9-11 memorial, before they went in, they all gathered in the thousands.
The politicians didn't wear their masks.
They only wore it once they went in through the back for show, to keep you scared out there while they roll out the global ID, the global taxation, the carbon tax.
And it's all admitted.
But all the little liberals, maybe only 30% of the population, they pretend like they're part of the power structure.
Until they go have a heart attack, or myocarditis, or a stroke, and then it wakes them up.
But then they're usually handicapped, and they're like, help me, help me, and Facebook and Twitter and YouTube go, sorry, you're banned.
Oh, you lost your son?
You lost your sister?
Oh, you're Ben Stein?
You almost died?
You're not allowed to tell people.
Shut up and die, Ben Stein.
They love how we bow to them.
They love how we submit to them killing us.
Biden is a puppet tyrant and the globalists behind him are tyrants and you read history books and you see what happens around the world and you see cases of dictators in Latin America and Africa and other areas where they'll have 200 Ferraris for their son and 25 jets, including jumbo jets, but their military doesn't even have 15 jets.
And their public doesn't even have running water and no medicine.
And even though 30 years before, when there was Europeans in those countries running it, particularly Africa, there was electricity, there was medicine, but now everything's burned out and collapsed except the dictator's palace.
Why did that happen?
Well, they had areas of Africa, like Rwanda, that had a Christian minority of black people.
And it was the same thing you see where Amish are like in Central America and South America.
The areas therein are actually wealthy and successful because it builds a civilization of which others can't.
And so the UN funded the other tribe that was pagan, that was animist, to go murder them and the UN helped do it.
And then it collapsed.
So it's that loss of the Christian ethos of building a civilization, of helping others.
And this whole COVID lockdown is an assault on that by very greedy, very hateful people that are collapsing our civilization.
I've got an article here, Massachusetts activates up to 250 National Guard troops to drive school bus fans.
And it's a combination, and now they're gonna have to teach the classes.
Because the teachers either won't take the shots, the bus drivers won't take them, but a lot of them are sick from the shots.
Bob Barnes pointed this out a couple months ago that they were going to have trouble even starting school in Massachusetts because so many people got sick from the Moderna and Pfizer shot.
That was on local news.
Remember we had the school educator PhD in education on a few weeks ago, and he predicted that this would be happening more and more.
And it's here, so we're going to talk about This artificial collapse of civilization by design.
I wonder why blue cities are collapsing.
That's being done on purpose.
I wonder why leftist areas are collapsing, why they're bringing in millions of Muslims and then, you know, giving them free welfare just to sit around and burn things down.
This is a dystopia being built.
A ruling class live in armored mountaintop fortresses around the world.
Where they own the local town and have their own paramilitary and they're waging war against every other family and human on earth, whether you're an African or whether you're an Australian, whether you're black or white.
We're all in this together.
I'm gonna hit more of it in a moment.
First off, I was thinking during the break about this.
I thought I'd explain to people what I do.
A few times I've shown this, I do this with a glass, you can see it, but this is a paper cup I have today, and I have Topo Chico soda water in there, also like LaCroix, and whenever I crave alcohol or I crave coffee, because I'll drink too much coffee, I'll drink too much alcohol, I've totally quit drinking alcohol, I go on and off of it, not a hypocrite, I tell people the truth about it.
What allows me to stop and not even want alcohol and also get vitamins and minerals while I'm at it at a higher absorption rate?
I put a squirt of Ultra 12.
Overhead shot, please.
I want to show people this.
I put a squirt of Ultra 12, highest quality vitamin B12, top rated in the country, even by my enemies.
They had to admit it.
Winter Sun, highest quality vitamin D3, take it on the tongue.
And then, of course, Survival Shield.
And I like the taste of bitters.
I like the taste of, you know, different things.
And I don't know what about soda water with Survival Shield, with Ultra 12, with Winter Sun, and also put some concentrated turmeric formula in there that's so good for your immune system and inflammation.
And the four squirts of this in here, this is just a really delicious concoction that tastes like some kind of fancy cocktail.
I mean, that, that tastes like a vodka cocktail to me.
It just absolutely satisfies me.
I don't know if it'll do that for you, but I mean, I just, I crave vodka and soda with different, you know, botanicals in it, and I just really like how it tastes.
I like how whiskey tastes, I like it all, I like beer, I like wine, good wine, but this is a godsend for me personally.
You don't get as high an absorption rate because only some goes in the blood vessels, your mouth, then it goes down your esophagus and your gut, but that's why I get to take a little bit more of it because you don't want to take too much of the iodine.
It's for your libido, your stamina, your energy, your immune system.
So many people are low in iodine.
A lot of iodine that is in products is bound iodine.
The different elements.
But ours is totally clean.
Deep-earth crystal atomic, meaning it's not radioactive.
It's on the atomic chart.
It's on the chart of elements.
So, it's at InfoWareStore.com.
You can get all of these at 50% off right now.
We've got plenty of winter sun.
We've got a little bit of Ultra 12, but still enough.
The turmeric is starting to run low.
The X2 is starting to run low.
But, Despite all that, they are 50% off at Infowarshore.com.
So you fund the Infowar, you put your thumb in the globalist's eye, they really want us off air.
It does so much.
So, again, if you want to fund the operation, if you want to really Help us stay on air while getting great products at the same time.
This is a 360.
Win a total, absolute, non-zero-sum game.
And I thank you for your support.
Also, one other big sale that we're only going to run for about two weeks.
I'm going to be able to run this Ultra 12 Winter Sun for about two weeks.
It'll be close to selling out.
I'll go back to like 10% off or whatever until more comes in.
This is Supply Chain Breakdowns.
You can get all of our t-shirts at cost.
So that means $9.95 to $14.95.
They all cost below $14.95, but some cost is $5, $6.
Then after you add all the warehouse, the handling, electricity, and insurance, the overhead, a shirt cost is about $9.95.
So we've got the shirts, most of the shirts are $9.95.
We have a bunch of the more designer apparel stuff at $14.95.
A few of the shirts actually cost us like $16, $17.
And almost all of it's made in America.
It's all at least printed in America.
Some shirt designs you just can't get in the United States.
But there are hundreds of great shirts at InfoWarStore.com or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139, 888-253-3139. I want to finish a point here about AOC, Adolf C., and just
what a fraud she is.
She's a grifter, she's a scammer, she's a liar, she's a fraud.
She doesn't criticize all the raping and sex dungeons and pedophilia in Hollywood.
She wears a designer dress that says tax the rich and a $50,000 a plate Democrat function.
I mean, this is the height of fraud, ladies and gentlemen.
So she's at a thing donating as much as an average person makes a year to their evil causes at the lap of wealth and power.
Dressed up like a tart, saying the world's going to end in 12 years to terrorize people.
But what's going to end is our world under the Great Reset, and the total lockdown is going to end in 11 years or so.
Then 2030 is when they want to have most of the Earth depopulated.
You're like, well, that'll never happen.
Ladies and gentlemen, once they trigger the collapse, and once they release new viruses, they're only drilling you to stay in your house to do what you're told.
When they release the real mega weapon.
Or maybe we just fly over with drones and spray chemicals on you and say it's a virus.
Those are virus simulants.
And so, yes, they're stealing the election from Larry Elder.
These people are evil criminals.
They'll do anything.
They ran 9-11.
They fund radical Islam.
They've opened our borders.
They're smuggling children in by the tens of thousands.
Many of them end up in sex dungeons or killed.
That's the Senate's own report.
So, of course, you're dealing with real evil.
Because evil gets in, and then it gets replaced by greater evil, and then greater evil, and it concentrates.
And then the most evil of the most evil, the most hungry, the most destructive, the most filthy, The most fallen get into the positions of power and then they always launch a war against the good on a maniacal power trip.
So that's my message to Rand Paul and all the guys we know are good.
You're addressing the symptoms of the New World Order and talking about Fauci lying.
Well, it's part of a larger global plan.
Of course they made it at Wuhan.
We have all the documents.
And they released it on purpose.
Look at the timing.
And then covered it all up and blocked the treatments.
They're now taking our world over.
And of course the vaccine doesn't work.
And of course it's killing people.
And of course they're saying more, more, more, more, more.
They said they want to depopulate us.
Ted Turner.
Prince Philip.
Prince Charles.
Bill Gates.
Klaus Schwab, that's a damn eugenics group, saying they're gonna kill us!
They stole the world!
They think they own it!
They think we're squatting on their land!
New York Times brags how when the UN wants land and everything, they just go kill 5,000 villagers!
The reason they didn't do it to you is your ancestors were tough and stood up and passed on rights to you they fought for!
Now we've crapped them all away, and now God's protection has been removed, and we are going to be murdered!
They're going to kill everybody unless we wake up!
The horsemen are drawing nearer!
Like they did with the unborn babies.
And now they're coming for all of us because God abhors a vacuum.
He says, you like death?
You like evil?
You like those babies?
I've talked to the doctors that have seen the films of the ultrasounds in living color when they fight the scalpel for their life.
Oh yeah!
We'll talk about it.
Well, Rose McGowan brought down Weinstein, and it's far worse than what came out of Harvey Weinstein and all this trash.
And, of course, Newsom's wife tried to suppress it.
That's what these criminals do.
You see the election being stolen from Larry Elder.
It's just thousands of videos.
People walk in, they're getting there, the people are taping it, it's coming out.
It's on Infowars.com, it's all over Facebook, all over Twitter, it's everywhere.
And then they go in and they say, I haven't voted, and they go, sorry, it shows you voted.
And it's Republicans.
The Democrats sit there and vote right in front of them and laugh at them, because they're all in on the club.
They know what's best for us, the noble lie.
But they can't stop us not going to their restaurants and their corporations.
They can't stop us coming together.
They can't stop you moving away from the areas they control and making sure they don't get control of your elections.
Soros putting in all his people, controlling the Surgeon General, controlling most of the district and county attorneys and attorney generals of states.
I mean, this is a criminal takeover.
Soros bought up the new big COVID testing system you're supposed to use, another fraud.
So Rose McGowan comes out and exposes all this, and now Nicki Minaj is talking to real people that are getting sick, and real people, her friends, where their testicles shrink up.
And by the way, that's one of the things, these prions that the vaccine creates attack is your testicles.
And you know, the man gets the shot, he gets impotent.
Well, what do you think is happening where they admit, oh, you got tumors in your uterus.
That's normal.
Don't worry.
Just tell the doctors from the shot.
Doctors don't do, but the doctors still do the surgery because it's real cancer.
That's in the news.
But then when Nick, when Nicki Minaj comes out and she says, yeah, my cousin in Trinidad, Did this, and now they got real problems.
They're like, oh no, no, no.
Even though they admit, oh, it's not rare.
Heart attacks and myocarditis, that's a lot more common.
Mainstream news, Reuters.
Got the article here today.
In the stack.
Look it up yourself.
Why heart problems in people taking the vaccine was more common than we thought.
Boy, we got a warning on there now, though, so just get used to it.
And you gotta take it.
Total violation of the Nuremberg Code extorting everyone to do this.
I mean, this is illegal.
And now all the leftists are attacking.
You don't want to get that big global government injection.
You're bad.
Because they're evil.
They're a cult.
They're wicked.
And we must break with them now.
But we must wake up to how bad they are.
Where is Rand Paul or the other good senators that we know are good people saying, this is a new world order, this is Klaus Schwab reading the quotes about the Great Reset, about a global carbon tax attached to the vaccine passport.
Where's the big picture?
Where is, this is the UN and the UN helped run the Wuhan lab and the UN helped cover it up.
I mean, Trump to his credit was exposing all that and pulled us out of the WHO.
We're all right back in right now.
So here's Rose McGowan talking about the evil.
Run free.
Why not change?
Why not go big?
Why not put a stake in the heart of evil?
Because that's what this really is.
This is good, and this is evil.
And if you're tired of people looking at this country like it's the Florida of the world, which it is, looked upon that way, because, you know, it's earned it in a lot of ways.
I know this place has it in it to be better.
I know it does.
I've met so many good people in this country.
Not the elites.
Absolutely not.
But the person I meet, you know, that's the housekeeper at the hotel I'm staying at.
Who shouldn't even have that title because she's a queen of a woman.
And then we have the Jennifer Siebel Newsomes of the world.
Why do you keep choosing that?
Why do you keep electing that?
Don't listen to their buzzwords.
Call leaders.
Which is what these people are.
I would know.
I grew up in one, like I said.
They massage your mind.
They keep you in fear.
They keep you in doubt.
I kind of suspect on the inside that this is all a lie.
But I don't want to be the one that stands out and takes it on the chin.
Well, I'm here to confirm for you it is a lie.
It is a fact.
And that's what's happening is even the minions are the same as the top globalists who are all just brought into this from children, enslaved by it.
And this is all they know.
So they just keep getting more predatory, more aggressive.
And as Tucker Carlson said last night, if you've had the vaccine, why are you saying we're not protected?
You've had the injection.
Why aren't you protected?
Carlson warns, if the powers that be can force you to get a shot, what can't they make you do?
It's a 60-minute monologue.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
See, watch, and write about it.
It's very powerful.
I suggest you share it, just like the John Bowne reports that he filed today.
They're all excellent.
Here's part of it.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.
The COVID vaccines aren't like other vaccines that you might be familiar with.
So here are some things that we know about them.
Unlike, say, the smallpox vaccine, which prevents you from getting smallpox, the COVID vaccines do not necessarily prevent you from getting COVID.
The COVID vaccine does not prevent you from spreading COVID to other people.
The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown and at this point cannot be known.
We do know that vaccines are many times less effective than natural immunity in protecting people, and close to 100 million Americans already have natural immunity.
We know that in some cases the COVID vaccines cause potentially fatal heart problems in the people who take them.
One new study shows that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer cardiac damage from the shot than they are to be hospitalized with COVID itself.
So it's a mixed picture, that's some of what we know about the COVID vaccines.
And yet these very same vaccines, which are far less effective than we were told they were initially, which are potentially dangerous for some and completely unnecessary for tens of millions of others, are now nevertheless mandatory for virtually everyone in America.
So why is that?
Why exactly is that the policy?
In his speech to the country last week, Joe Biden didn't bother to explain why explanations are not necessary at this point.
Your consent is no longer required.
So instead, Joe Biden said this.
I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces Are fully vaccinated.
Or show a negative test at least once a week.
We're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.
You've been patient.
But our patience is wearing thin.
And your refusal has cost all of us.
So that speech was on Thursday, and it really was a pivot point.
If you missed the speech, go back and watch it online.
That address, Biden's address, was the most divisive speech ever given by a modern American president.
Virtually every sentence of the speech reinforced a single point again and again, and it was this.
Your fellow Americans are dangerous to you.
They could kill you, and that includes your family, it includes your friends, it includes the people you sit next to at work.
All of these people are threats to you, and only the Biden administration can save you.
Quote, we're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated workers.
That's what the president said.
Think about that for a moment.
Does it make sense?
If the vaccine works, and they assure us adamantly that it does work, and they punish us if we question how well it works, then how can the unvaccinated possibly pose a threat to the vaccinated?
What exactly is the risk to the Vaccinated from the unvaccinated.
Alright, we're gonna come back with more of this, but OAN did a really good job reading deeper into that Israeli study that was so prestigious by the government, where you are 13 to 27 times better immunity.
I've never read the whole study, I just can't over it.
It actually said that that means you're 27 more times likely to get sick, and they looked at that.
There's some new studies out of Israel saying that the majority of people in the hospitals have taken the injection.
So Alfie Oaks is coming up for 30 minutes in the next hour.
He owns some grocery stores.
He's one of the biggest food producers in Florida.
Tens of thousands of acres of land, so he supplies the other grocery stores.
So he's got a lot of employees.
I've never been in a grocery store so nice as his flagship.
And he's not going to mandate.
He has more than 100 employees.
We're going to be talking to him.
Then we're going to open the phones up.
Then I'm going to show you new graphs from around the world that match Israel, where you have the most deaths and the most hospitalizations from those that have taken the so-called vaccine.
It's all confirmed now.
The vaccine lowers your immunity, gives you COVID, and then kills you.
And then the idiots are dying, blaming us that didn't take the shot, while they shed the virus on us and make us sick.
They stole the 2020 election with their ballots.
And that's how they did it.
People that try to vote are told you've already voted.
That's how the scam works.
We have to have Congress and the legislatures act against this.
Larry Elder's won big by energizing people, by educating people, by exposing Newsom and the forced homelessness and the water being cut off and the open borders and the feces and the fentanyl.
And so, they are sealing this election, but it's just another operation where they run the same play over and over again.
I'm going to air a very important report about the fact that time's running out.
When we come back, Reuters, here it is, heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected in a study of the U.S.
Stay with us.
They're following an exact script they've already tested in Europe.
Can I speak to the centre manager, please?
You're not upholding the law.
Here is the law.
You can read it for yourself.
It's true.
This is Bell and Tavistock.
This is Bell against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
It specifically says that children under 18 cannot give their informed consent to experimental medical treatment and you need to go to the court to get a declaration.
You're welcome to come and read the law.
This is the law.
And you don't care, do you?
You're just going to kill children.
Howard Springs near Darwin is held up as the gold standard of quarantine.
Separate cabins.
On-site testing.
And so far, no known breaches.
The Commonwealth is backing one here on defence land at Pinken Bar near Brisbane Airport.
There'll be rooms for 1,500 people by the middle of next year.
New Zealand.
We have a positive case of COVID-19.
Cabinet has met this afternoon and made the decision that New Zealand will move to Alert Level 4 from 11.59pm tonight.
Areas of Canada.
Get vaccinated.
If you know someone who hasn't, talk to them.
And so I told you next would be the mandate of the businesses.
I'm announcing that the Department of Labour It's developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated.
Or show a negative test at least once a week.
If a government agency in the state of Florida forces a vaccine as a condition to employment, that violates Florida law and you will face...
You will face a $5,000 fine for every single violation.
This is all formulaic.
He's not in charge.
His White House isn't in charge.
They're just there to suppress their enemy, the American people, while they get ready for the financial collapse the megabanks have engineered with a great reset.
What contact tracing looks like in the new world order.
In the new world order.
In the new world order.
You're all going to get $1,200 a month of free money and we're going to make the nouveau riche hand over half their money.
The California stimulus bill includes $600 for individuals who make $30,000 or less per year.
There's also a $525 childcare credit, preschool credit, for children enrolled in state programs.
There are also $25,000 small business grants, four times more than in the last round, and businesses will also see their license fees waived.
And then there's $35 million in aid for food banks and diaper banks, and we know that they have been doing their best to help people through the pandemic.
But the billionaires and the Jeff Bezoses of the world and all the globalists They're going to sit offshore and pay no taxes.
So they're just getting you ready for the dystopia and shutting down businesses and paying people not to have businesses and destroying American businesses with these mandates.
9% increase in just the last three months in food prices.
In August 2021, the Biden administration increased assistance for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, which was originally known as food stamps.
The benefits will now increase by more than 25%, which means the average benefits will rise from $121 to $157 per recipient every month.
Whether it's food deserts, whether it's malnutrition, we have a serious problem in this country.
Everything's costing more because they're devaluing the currencies.
The big banks get the money first.
They use it to buy businesses, real assets, politicians, weapons systems, patents, you name it.
And then they pass all of the debt onto you and the devalued currency and then go, we don't even need the military anymore.
We're going to have combat robots.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
In a minute or two we're going to Alfie Oaks, a great American, one of the biggest food producers in Florida.
He doesn't just have his great grocery stores, he's one of the main suppliers of amazing produce to them as well.
He's got thousands and thousands of employees and they're wanting, the feds are saying, you're gonna make people be injected, you're gonna enforce this.
Well that's indentured servitude.
He wants to meet with the governor.
I know he's met with Trump and He's really trying to get a meeting with Florida to talk about how to take action against this.
We're going to be talking to Alfie Oaks in a moment.
And after he leaves us, look at this.
This is a young lady whose baby sister died after taking the shot.
I wanted to show this because on Twitter, they ganged up on her and said over and over again, there is no causative background presented.
COVID vaccine remains overwhelmingly proven effective.
Proven effective?
They said you gotta have all these booster shots.
It's 39% effective.
Then you've got Reuters.
You ought to show these folks on Twitter.
Heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected instead of U.S.
military, including massive deaths.
Oh, and now FDA senior officials say there's no evidence that fully vaccinated Americans need booster shots.
It's all, and two of them just resigned.
So here's the clip for people saying that there's no evidence.
I just showed it to you right out of Reuters in the U.S.
Here it is.
Well, I usually respect everybody and their choices.
I don't want one single motherfucker ever coming to my page and telling me I need to get the f*****g
My little sister just died.
from her first dose.
You want to sit here and tell me?
That that f***ing vaccine works? F*** you.
Fuck that vaccine.
Fuck the government.
Fuck Joe Biden and fuck anybody who fucking forces anybody to get a vaccine.
I pray karma fucking reaches your life and I pray that karma is swift and hard.
Ben Stein's been taken off YouTube for saying the vaccine almost killed him.
You're not allowed to talk about how they victimized you.
This big tech's liberal.
They just run death camps in China.
They want to make people that don't run death camps, turn them into death camps with the shots.
Alfie Oaks is a self-made, hard-working businessman inspired by his heritage, and he joins us.
Alfie Oaks, he runs a bunch of great grocery stores.
Some of the nicest ones, if not the nicest one I've ever seen.
The one I saw there in Naples, but he's also a giant farmer and food supplier.
And so he is joining us here today.
Alfie, you're the perfect example of what this is targeting with your thousands of employees.
Give us your take on all this and how you think we should fight back.
Well, anybody that doesn't know me, we've been standing up against this insanity from, you know, from day one.
We called the COVID-19 virus the way we're handling it as a hoax from the minute
it happened.
I talked to one of the world's leading virologists like a year and a half ago,
and I knew this was not at all what- Yeah, they just don't give you the regular pneumonia
treatment and kill people.
Yeah, that's what they do.
A hundred percent.
So I've been on this path and I've been nonstop, but I spent the weekend with General Flynn, the whole
entire weekend, and we were strategizing on how are we going to do this?
And I was hoping for, you know, for some, everybody's waiting for somebody to come and save them.
And the truth is, is the only way we're going to get this is we're going to have to save, we're going to have to save ourselves.
And I kicked into a whole nother gear here.
And I got, you know, I got a lot to talk about here, but the main thing that needs to happen is We have to get this meeting.
I've met Ron DeSantis.
I actually was one of the first people to ever campaign for Ron back even before Trump got behind him when he wasn't that popular.
I was actually in the Adam Putnam camp here in Florida and jumped off when I found out he was a rhino and started looking for someone else and got on.
So I've met Ron dozens of times.
He's called me when he needed me and right now I need him.
And he's coming to our store to do a fundraiser in a month or so, but I can't wait that long.
And I'm trying to get this meeting with him, with General Flynn, and we have experts that are going to, you know, these guys are in denial of all the electric fraud, the electronic fraud that happened.
I'm actually, after the show, I'm going, I'm meeting directly with our supervisor of elections here in Collier County, and we're presenting a lot of information to her.
What they've done, it's a Sal Alinsky tactic where they've made Mike Lindell seem like he's some kind of tinfoil hat guy when all the evidence he's got is concrete and it's very, very much provable.
And I offered to fly, privately fly a lot of our legislator in Florida to the symposium and guess what?
Nobody would do it.
They said that it's too partisan.
I guess now the truth has become too partisan.
I'm asking for a few things.
I'm personally putting in $100,000 of my own money that I'm going to make a political campaign contribution to Ron DeSantis.
He's done a great job.
Our business is kicked, but anybody that has any doubt of Uh, that, that this, you know, that's listening to your show that might think that this vaccine can help you.
The vaccine's a sham.
The, the voting, I mean, really, if you go back from, if we go back from a year and a half ago, every single thing we've seen is a sham.
The Joe Biden was voted into office was a total sham.
Uh, the COVID-19 hoax that, that allowed him the vehicle that actually got him in there was a sham.
This, this vaccine is a sham and we've been lied to.
And it blows my mind how many people that call themselves bold Republicans Or just kind of allowing this to occur.
Ron DeSantis is the boldest governor.
We know the boldest governor.
In this in this country, maybe there's a few other people that might be close to being as bold as him, but they don't have a red legislator behind him.
So if we get Ron DeSantis on board to do this electronic audit in Florida, where there was
921,404 boats stole in Florida, if we can get DeSantis to prove that, that's the pillar that
the rest of the country needs to stand on.
We have an opportunity here for Ron DeSantis to save the whole United States.
I totally agree that Florida is the key pivotal state.
Our governor was terrible a year ago.
He's gotten a little bit better through pressure.
Now he's being massively targeted.
We know why.
He was kind of going along with it at first because they really are coming after Abbott as well.
You're absolutely right. DeSantis is the example for the rest of the country. They're trying to
destroy him. Biden, quote, declared war on him. He has all these federal agencies coming after him.
And so you're saying you're going to try to get DeSantis to really come out and, what,
expose the Wuhan lab, expose that it's exaggerated? What are you wanting him to do?
The main thing I want to do is, you know, God forbid anyone takes the virus.
We'll not get into that.
We're never gonna take the vaccine here.
First of all, I got 3,200 employees.
It's a year and a half in.
We've never masked.
We've never social distanced.
We've never shut down.
Nobody's died.
Hardly anyone's been sick.
The few people that did get sick, the few people that did get sick,
got the right treatment with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and they're back to work
in four or five days.
So we know that this whole thing is a sham.
We know that the worst thing that you can ever do to contract COVID to where it would be lethal
would be to put a mask on and then take the very few people that would be susceptible to actually getting sick
from COVID and making them more sick, and then you go into the hospital.
And the studies were done back three years ago that show that the remdesivir has a 52% chance
of killing every person it takes, a 52%.
And then when you couple that with the, what am I thinking about the respirator?
When you couple that with the ventilators, it goes up to 80%.
This is insanity!
That's right, the ventilators are the modern guillotines, and everything Fauci does is to kill.
That's what he did back with HIV.
He blocked all the real treatments, and then he gave people stuff that killed him.
He is a damn mass murderer.
Right, well we have the hydroxychloroquine that we know is incredibly effective and every single employee I've had has taken ivermectin.
Now over the last year and a half, We might have had 60 employees that became ill.
We didn't get them tested, but they took ivermectin, and they're back to work in five days.
I had two employees out of 3,200.
I had two employees that were sick for more than two weeks, and nobody's been found.
Absolutely, but if you go to the hospital, you're dead.
My dad didn't tell me he was sick for a week, got him on all of what you said, ivermectin, you name it, and inhalable steroids.
Almost better the next day.
They'd have murdered him at the hospital.
We'll be right back with Alfie Oaks.
Stay with us.
All right, Alfie Oaks is our guest, and he's a man of action.
Thousands and thousands of employees, one of the biggest producers of produce and food there in the state.
It's amazing.
I'm not just saying this.
It's the best grocery store I ever went to.
It's flagship.
I haven't been to the other ones there in Naples.
If I was moving to Florida, I'd love to live in Naples.
It's just great people there.
So many lusters.
I get mobbed there.
They're really awake.
And he's got a plan.
He needs to talk to DeSantis now.
Governor Ron DeSantis at eog.myflorida.com or text USA to 833-501-0831.
Text USA to 833-501-0831.
Get Governor DeSantis to meet with Alvey.
He's met with him dozens of times, but this is an emergency.
Explain again why it's an emergency, Alvey, and why I need to meet with him and General Flynn right now.
Yeah, so we know that Governor DeSantis, we believe that he's in somewhat of a denial that this electronic fraud exists.
He believes that he narrowly won Florida by 33,000 votes winning.
In fact, he won it by nearly a million.
That's horse manure.
He won on a landslide that was such a landslide, we know.
Just like they explain, like, the car's going up the hill on cruise control, but it can only go so fast.
So it needs to go 180, but it stops at 130.
They didn't have enough votes to steal it from him, but they're going to do it next time.
He better watch his ass.
Well, this is the problem.
If the establishment Republicans are clever enough to be able to talk him into not doing this, because they're going to say, you know, we're going to put the wind at your sails when you run for president, and he buys into it, he's not even going to win Florida.
They're going to steal Florida, and he's going to be out of the picture.
No, you're right.
They want him gone.
They want him destroyed.
So he needs to ban these mail-in ballots unless it is for an absentee ballot of a person already on record.
Yeah, it's not even about the mail-in ballots.
It's about switching the votes.
We have a tighter election system here than a lot of states, but it's not imperfect.
My argument with him will be this.
Everyone wants to say, well, if we don't show the fraud, we can't do an audit.
Well, all big companies, our company, we do audits.
It doesn't mean that half of our merchandise has to be stolen.
When you're a big company, you deal with that.
They make you do financial audits.
Exactly, why can't we ever have audits of the machine companies, which we know have had major problems.
But let's talk about this, Alvy, because this is where me and Lindell, and I love Lindell, he's a great guy, they just put a few poison pills in there and distracted and ran a media hoax, saying he didn't show a lot of proof.
He did.
What I'm getting at here is, look what they're doing to Larry Elder right now.
Clearly, people don't like that psycho governor.
They're recalling him, but CNN goes, oh no, no way he doesn't...
Well, I'm sure there's plenty of both.
I mean, I've spent a lot of time with Mike Wendell.
somebody already voted for you.
Now is that somebody taking their ballot, or are you saying that's electronic?
Well, I'm sure there's plenty of both.
I mean, I've spent a lot of time with Mike Lindell.
I happen to believe most of everything that he's saying, and all I'm saying is if he's wrong,
then at least let one state verify it, okay?
So, nobody's, everyone's running the other way because they, like I said, we've done this all-in-one
tactic on Mike Lindell to make him seem crazy, and nobody will even pay attention to it.
I can't imagine that there's not one person, and we have private money that we'll spend
for these audits, because guess what?
To do an electronic audit.
audit to watch the electronic part that happened it doesn't cost a lot of money
you don't have to go canvassing neighborhoods and houses we'll be able
to prove it we just need one person that's voted up and I believe I believe
that Ron DeSantis is that person that's going to save the United States he's
already saved Florida we have 1,300 people moving to Florida every single
day 1,300 people a day the people know well you know this is clearly
what's going on here we all know it that it's a very small amount of people that
are trying to control the many that we are the vast majority we know the
majority because if we weren't they wouldn't be canceling us and shadow
banning okay so what are you saying specifically you want to Santa's to do
and what do people do when they call these numbers or go to this website what
do they do say talk to LVL if you could if you could put if there's a way to put
the Santa's email across the screen I'm begging every person that watches did
to send him an email to say, have this meeting with Alfie.
And I'm going to make a huge contribution whether at the end of the meeting he decides to You know, to believe what we say.
But all I want is two hours with the experts that are going to be with me because he's a smart man.
And after two hours, I believe that he'll realize the amount of fraud that happened even here in Florida and that he's bold enough.
He's the one man that is bold enough.
And he'll go out and he'll be in history.
We'll be talking about Ron DeSantis 200 years ago, like we are founding fathers for saving our republic.
Well, Alfie, let me say this.
Clearly, I saw the part of the symposium, I watched a lot of the three days, where they weren't going in with the machines, they were explaining how they already had the people on the voter rolls, they already had people that had died or moved out of the state, they already had like stuff over 20 years, and that's why people kept noticing that they were saying, hey, you've already voted, and they used those, but in Texas, And in Florida, because they wouldn't have a huge landslide for Biden, they were unable to steal those two states because they just simply ran out of bullets.
And so, I mean, they proved it with the algorithms.
They showed all the evidence.
It's incredible.
Yeah, we show even here in our own Collier County, which is one of the most, you know, one of the most tightest counties ever.
We got 14% of the votes that we know are phantom votes.
And I'm meeting, when I leave with you, I'm going to meet our supervisor of elections.
She's working on it with us.
She's actually going to allow us to take possession of the machines and check ours because we only have a minuscule 17,000 votes that were stolen here in Collier, but we'll be able to prove that and at least get that in front of the governor as well.
Well, Elvie, this is incredible.
Promise you'll come back as this develops.
What's the time frame?
And yes, everybody should go to Governor Ron DeSantis at eog.myford.com and send him an email and say, listen, meet with General Flynn.
Meet with Mr. Oaks right now.
You need to do this.
Yeah, it's imperative.
This can be, you know, we got everybody awake.
We got everybody's ready.
The legislator, the people in the House and the Senate, they need, the Republicans need a leg to stand on.
They're all waiting for just one pillar to stand on, and this could be that pillar.
And we need to give them that, because the thing we hear from all the legislators is, yeah, we believe in our gut there's election fraud, but we've got to have some proof.
And I think this can be the proof.
I don't know if we have enough time, but I'm going to tell you a story about the moment that Joe Biden came up with this insane plan of the vaccine.
Yes, sir.
Tell us about that evil speech, that tyrannical speech last week.
Yeah, so first of all, Wink News comes to my place right away.
We have 3,200 employees, and they want to say, OK, so what are you going to do?
I said, well, over my dead body, will anyone ever get a vaccine that works for me?
I'll shoot heroin in my kids' veins before I ever put that in, and we'll never do it.
And I said, first of all, we know it's unconstitutional, and Biden knows it.
Well, Biden doesn't really know much of anything, but the people that are the puppeteers of Biden know it's unconstitutional.
And it'll never happen.
It worked out really well for him because of two things.
It overshadowed the tragedy in Afghanistan that he left.
Now everyone's forgot about that for the moment.
They're just talking about this.
And the other thing, it further divided the country.
So I told him it's not going to happen.
And then the reporter says, well, what happens if it does?
If it does happen?
I said, well, I've already done the math.
I have 3,200 employees times 14,000.
Let's see, that's $44,700,000 that they'll be fining me, and I'll never pay the fine.
And when they come in to levy that fine, they'll be met with the utmost resistance.
I told the reporter, they'll be met with the utmost resistance.
And he said, well, what is the utmost resistance?
And I said, well, I think you know what the utmost resistance is.
He said, well, can you tell my viewers what the utmost resistance is?
And I said, your viewers, I think, know as well.
I said, let me just put it this way.
The framers of our Constitution put in there the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment was not for going hunting.
The Second Amendment was to use against a tyrannical government.
If Joe Biden is going to Come in and try to seize my property for $44,700,000 of fines that I owe under... Yeah, they're trying to starve you to death, and at a certain point, this is when you have $1,776,000.
Alfie Oaks, amazing.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a Reuters study here, a Reuters article about the Pentagon that just injected over a million troops.
A million and a half of the two million.
And they confirm heart attacks, heart swelling, mass death, and they just put it out like it's no big deal.
After they put a warning on the shot, which they then force you to take.
This is Joseph Mingala stuff.
We are in the twilight zone here.
Heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected instead of U.S.
I'm covering that when Alfie Oaks leaves us here in a moment.
Then we're going to open the phones up and cover a ton of news throughout the rest of the broadcast.
Alfie, finish that point that was so powerful.
When they're saying on CNN, and now Fauci says, you can't fly, you can't have a job.
CNN, the former head of Planned Parenthood says, she wants to abort you after you're born, obviously.
She says, oh, you can't leave your house.
You can't have your children.
Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's former Health and Human Services head, says the same thing.
And now they're announcing carbon taxes.
They want to attach the vaccine passport.
That's a new article up on InfoWars.com.
It's all being announced.
So we're going to come fire your 3,000 plus employees.
We're going to shut your doors because you won't take an experimental shot, which didn't even get properly approved, in your body.
This is a declaration of war.
If they were coming with guns or flamethrowers or bombers or tanks, we'd all rally and fight them.
But it's a new type of an attack, a new type of an assault, which again is done through the medical system, through Klaus Schwab and the UN.
4D population.
It is so damn naked.
So, elaborate on that.
You had one other point you wanted to make, Alfie.
The people know what's going on here.
We see the huge amount of death.
I got a gentleman that owns a huge amount, thousands of funeral homes.
He was back 40 years ago.
He was a very wealthy man.
He bought up all kinds of funeral homes.
And he was the one back a year ago, a little more than a year ago, telling me that not that many people were dying in 2020, not as many as in 2019-18, that the COVID thing was BS because he sees every single death.
And now it's full.
And now he's saying, he said the amount of people that are dying within a week of taking the first shot, it's alarming.
He says 500% more.
And we know that the hospitals, you have to be 14 days after you've taken the second shot before they call you vaccinated.
So everyone that's dying, that took the shot, they're writing them down as unvaccinated deaths.
This is a sham and we need to call it out for what it is.
And nobody Nobody can, you cannot justify for any reason forcing your employers to take this.
Don't worry about the bonds.
We have to resist.
We know that in the, you know, back, our founding fathers, when we were doing a revolution, it was only 3% of the people in the country that stood up.
And that's all we need right now.
We need 3% of bold people.
I'm putting it all on the line.
I'll put every dime on my own.
I will be out there.
I'll sacrifice my life.
For this country for what's right.
And we got I got a thousand guns.
I hope that I don't have to use them.
But we're ready.
We're never going to take the vaccine.
And we need more people to wake up and stand up against this insanity.
This has been going on for too long.
Joe Biden, another point I'm going to make, Joe Biden in the CARES Act in December of 2016, You know, don't read the bill.
Our own Congress passed this.
The informed consent was waived from these pharmaceutical companies to give this poison to people.
So they've been planning this.
We know they've been planning this for probably 15 years.
But, you know, one step at a time.
But this is exactly what they want.
Anybody that thinks that this is just by chance, I mean, I don't know how far your head would have to be I know most of your listeners know what's going on.
I'm going to segue to the next thing about the other communist tactic that's going on right now.
We know that in the past, every place wherever communism exists, they used to just go in and they used to just put a gun in the farmer's head.
That's what they did.
They shot the farmers, they disrupted food supply, and that's how they control the people.
You control them with food.
What's going on right now is almost the same thing.
They haven't come and put the bullet in my head yet.
Just this year, in the United States, I got 23% increase on box supplies.
Our transportation costs have doubled.
I got fertilizer is off the charts.
A lot of the fertilizer that we wanted to get, we can't even get anymore.
Parts for tractors, we can't get.
Alfie, same thing with me.
You know, I sell a lot of products, water filtration, air filtration, supplements.
Only thing we can get is t-shirts because the textiles, there's still plenty of cotton.
And that's, I mean, here's an example.
During the whole storm that hit back in February.
And it's not that I'm complaining my pool's broken.
It's not a first world problem.
The pool heater broke, a pipe brushed, even though I tried to keep it on with a hot tub
so it wouldn't freeze.
It broke out the pool, flooded it, it's all ruined.
I'm trying to sell my house to get more money to fund things.
I'm like you, I'm all in.
And it's been eight weeks and no one has, I say I'll take any pool tile.
And they have literally nothing that's even close to it.
I'll say I'll take gray tiles and a blue tile.
Again, if you can't get pool tile in America in eight weeks, it's all breaking down.
This is, by design, the great reset to then bankrupt everything.
You're dead on.
Keep going.
Well, you know, we can get by without pool towel.
We can't get by without food.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm saying it's all breaking down.
If you go back, if you go back to if you go back to 15 years ago, there was 100 farmers here in Immokalee.
There's about five left.
The five that are left are on the border going out of business.
Meanwhile, Mexico is quoting all of our chain stores and everything.
Price is cheaper than we can even produce it.
And they're being subsidized.
And this is a globalist plan that's going on to make the United States basically, you know, Totally not independent.
You're right.
And it gets worse.
Biden's Federal Reserve is setting up a deal to buy up trailer parks around the country just to kick people out of cheap housing.
I mean, these people are just super criminals.
It's total insanity.
If we don't stop this, the line in the sand is 2022.
If they are successful in stealing the 2022 election, it's only a year and a couple months away.
If they do it, it's game over.
It's gun time.
There's not going to be any more handshakes and pen deals.
It's going to be guns.
I don't want that to happen.
I'm not one of these guys that wants that to happen.
I want to stop it before... I agree.
Did you see how Biden, outside the Constitution, said everybody with $600 more on their account, every transaction, will now be monitored.
No more Fourth Amendment.
Just total declaration of evil.
It is.
It's well, we know and I expected this.
If you'd have asked me, you know, back a year ago if Biden got in, if this is what he'd be doing, absolutely.
That's exactly what I expect out of, like I say, not him.
Well, no, you were on the show a year ago saying no to the, you know, the mask and all the crap.
You were a trailblazer and I went and visited your store several times and remember what You said on this show, you said if Biden gets in, they're going to cut everything off, they're going to keep things shut down, and they're going to try to forcibly inoculate, they're going to shut down the society.
Ploward and Piven, basically.
You predicted it, so did I.
We know what time it is, but we do have a chance.
This is the last chance for people to stand up and take our country back.
So I'm begging everybody to get behind me.
Please email Ron DeSantis.
We want to have this meeting.
I think it can be a pivotal move.
It only takes a few little sparks to make this thing happen.
Well, actually, if you want to donate any money to go to contribute to that meeting that we're going to give to Rhonda Sands for doing such a great job.
I think we're going to get the meeting anyway, but every little bit helps.
And money talks and BS walks, and you've certainly done millions in Florida to try to keep your state free.
You're right.
Florida is now the main beacon of resistance.
And I'm a little depressed that Texas has taken a backseat to that, but it's getting a little bit more awake.
Al V. Oaks, God bless you.
We really appreciate your time.
The people are awake.
The people are the ones that are awake, and it's only the people now that can take this country back.
So, thank you for having me on the show.
Great to see you, man.
I hope to catch up soon.
Yeah, finally, and they're going to meet with the county, and I want to have you on first as soon as you get all that info.
Where can we find the news interview where you told them, I'm ready for 1776 if I have to?
Is that on your Facebook?
Well, Wink News did the news interview.
They didn't post all of it, I said, of course.
That's why you should set a camera up and tape everything yourself and then give it to us.
You've got a banned video channel.
The site gets millions of views a day.
Alfie, use that channel, bro.
Yeah, we're going to be fired up and we're going to be fighting from here until we take our country back.
All right.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All right, there goes Alfie.
He is charged up and taking action.
That's real leadership right there, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolute leadership.
And I'm telling you, when you get interviewed by mainstream media, I don't care who you are, set up a little tripod with your phone, tape it, and then show what they edited out, show the truth.
People love that.
It really wakes them up.
We are at war with the globalists.
Know what time it is.
Fauci's part of the eugenics club.
He goes and meets at those meetings.
He's come out.
They love killing people.
They're not like us.
And the world's waking up.
I even saw mainline news.
Town Hall's pretty mainline conservative saying it's time to arrest Fauci.
People are getting it.
I mean, are you going to let these people kill you and your family?
Are you going to do that?
We'll be right back.
Whoa, my friends.
Woe to you of earth and seed for the devil sends the beast with wrath.
A lot of people are going to Stockholm Syndrome.
They're going to try to cuddle up to Satan and the New World Order.
They will be the first to be annihilated.
Very sad.
Well, here we are, and I've got some big breaking news on two gigantic fronts that I'm going to hit right now, and I'm going to get the number out and take calls next hour.
Remember this?
Two months ago, I made a big deal about it.
Senate Dems reject ban on certain types of human-animal hybrid experiments.
I remember 27 years ago, when I was first on air, being sent by listeners, because nobody else had a show like mine, very few people did, certainly not on FM radio in Austin, Texas, simulcast on shortwave, MIT reports, MIT magazines, but for faculty, about the animal-human clones.
And then 20 years later, they had a headline, human-animal clones are gestating, gestating on research farms.
And that means the humanoids are implanted in the wombs of humans and cows and pigs.
Now that was in there then, and they said it's been going on for 20 plus years in the article I read in like 1996.
But hey, Jones is making it up, right?
No, I didn't make any of it up.
I still tell people about spider goats at cocktail parties or whatever back when I still went to those.
They're like, there's no goats spliced with spiders.
No, shut up.
Oh, here's Associated Press.
Oh, well, still, I like it.
It's good as an FU.
So, there you go.
Senate kills GOP legislation to prohibit certain human animal chimeras.
You know, the chimera's part lion, part dragon, and part giant goat.
And who was it that went and killed the Chimera?
I forget.
Or my grandmother, my father's mother.
When I was little, they were reading to me the Greek fables, legends.
But now the legends have come true, just like they talked about men landing in spacecraft and breeding humans and creating clones in Genesis.
But continuing, Senate dams reject ban.
Well, let's move on to this today breaking Judicial Watch.
Breaking news!
Judicial Watch announced that it received 198 pages of records and communications from the FDA involving, quote, humanized mice research with human fetal heads, organs, and tissue, including communications and contacts with human fetal tissue providers.
Remember what happened four years ago, five years ago, a group infiltrated and confirmed that they had living babies to sell being delivered alive with hearts beating the universities to be then God knows what.
Well, we now know.
They would implant mice brains in their brains and plant part of their brain in the mice brains.
They torture them.
You know what else they do?
People like this.
Like power!
There's nothing better to them than to have an eight-month-old baby under their control.
Sometimes the torture goes on for months.
Sometimes they're still alive.
But they're not having rights.
They were chosen to be tortured.
They were chosen to not be human, to not be resuscitated, is the bioethics term.
It doesn't mean you restart the heart and lungs.
It means, no, no, we didn't resuscitate, meaning we're not counting you as human.
Abracadabra, you pass into hell world.
But it's liberal.
It's about the woman's right, of course.
But now, Judicial Watch New FDA Record Show Purchase of Fetal Organs, Heads and Tissue for Humanized Mice Project.
This has been out a long time.
Hell, I read this on air again.
25 years ago.
Hell, they had mice that were part human back then.
But it goes into all.
We'll post.
I'll post a full Judicial Watch press release up there and then just post.
I mean, my YouTube with 5 million views got erased, but you could still somewhere, you know, find all the reports on human-animal cloning and the documents and everything.
But you weren't supposed to know about that then.
They wanted to wait until you'd been conditioned with hundreds of TV shows and movies about animal-human clones, so you couldn't differentiate psychologically at a subconscious level, then accept it.
That's right, they grafted human fetuses' scalps onto rats.
That was Fauci specifically.
This is what he does all day long.
He doesn't just fund these things, he's really into it.
Trying to find immortality for themselves.
This same monster now doesn't want you to be able to leave your house, get on an airplane, or have a job, he said.
If you don't do that, next hour I'll play some of those clips of the monsters saying that.
And even in Australia, government ministers are now reading their law that's off the Nuremberg Code.
You can't threaten or intimidate anybody to take a forced medication or injection, especially if it's experimental, which it is.
So that's all coming up.
But just don't forget, you know, we just dropped bombshell after bombshell.
It's all out there that they put on the vaccines that aren't vaccines months ago.
Hey, can we have a heart attack?
Now the Pentagon says it's way worse than they thought.
It's not rare.
They're having massive problems, heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected instead of US military.
Oh, but when you die, though, they'll just say it's no big deal.
So let's move on to how we're all being turned into animals, worse than animals, lower than animals.
We have no rights.
We've allowed ourselves to become a trash commodity where the Senate can't even pass a law that you can't have living human animal chimera clones.
And, you know, I told you this from very serious people who've been in research labs, true underground facilities beyond what you, you know, see like Wuhan, the rest of it.
Where they saw the animal-human splices.
Now, it's right here admitting they do it, but we're talking hellish.
And it's funny and the left makes jokes because fools go before the fall.
And these people have a spirit that hates themselves.
Now, here's the other big news.
China now has a navy close to the size of the U.S.
Navy in many respects.
And they've been set up a deal for 40 years where they get all our jobs.
Everything's a sliding scale where all the jobs go there.
They have internal tariffs on our stuff where they won't buy our stuff, but they sell us everything.
And the globalists sit there as middlemen, as Trump said, and make more money than China does off of that and then use that to buy everybody off here and shut down small businesses.
So whatever's left, again, is not essential.
That's going to be shut down in new lockdowns as well.
Coast Guard cutters shadowed Chinese warships sailing near remote U.S.
territory in Alaska.
This happened a month ago, but it's now on MSM.com and the videos and all of it just now happened.
Warships, submarines off the Alaskan coast.
All angry because they've declared from north of Japan all the way down the side of Russia They have declared all the way down to the Philippines and Vietnam.
They're even attacking Vietnam.
They just pull up at oil derricks.
Vietnam has fishing platforms.
They just blow it up, machine gun everybody.
Because they're God.
They're the Chai Koms.
And it's just getting more and more serious as China threatens to attack the United States publicly and threatens to nuke us.
Of course, they've got it.
The majority of the Democrats are Chai Kom agents.
So it's the globalists enticing that attack.
Look, it's about to get far worse.
Milley, that horrible SJW that says white people are inherently evil, and all the other crap, and says January 6th was as bad as 9-11, that horrible anti-American monster, along with his counterpart, Honore, that helped confiscate the guns in New Orleans, Louisiana, Mississippi, and says he'll do it again.
He's running the plan for martial law in America, along with Austin, Secretary of Defense.
He engaged in treason.
He unauthorized, called the Chinese government.
And told the head of their military that we're not going to follow an order to attack you if Trump gives it.
Which, by the way, Trump wasn't doing.
He was trying to have peace with China.
He was trying to have peace with North Korea.
They just did this thinking about having a coup.
So we engaged in treason.
That's a little criminal he is.
And that's Trump's problem, bringing these generals in and trusting them.
They're the biggest liars ever.
They've been groomed for decades to be the ultimate trash.
The enemies of America run the top of the Pentagon.
The enemies of America run the CIA.
The Carnegie Endowment former head runs it.
That's who runs all this.
All of the Rockefeller Foundation.
He made the call, said Trump was bad, told them that basically he hails China.
He's a Chinese agent.
He said he's an agent against America.
And the media is praising him, and oh, it's so wonderful.
One call took place October 30, 2020, four days before the election, that unsettled President Trump.
And the other on January 8, 2021, two days after the Capitol siege, carried out by supporters in a quest to cancel the vote.
No, that's not what happened.
We wanted to have a 10-day investigation.
General Lee, I want to assure you the American government is stable and everything's going to be okay.
Milley told him, we are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.
Trump never said anything like that at that time.
In a books account, Milley went so far as to pledge he would alert his counterpart in the event of a U.S.
attack, stressing that That rapport they've established.
Oh, if we decide to go to war with you, if you attack our ships or something, I'll call you and say we're going to respond.
Sir, we're being fired at.
Let me call the head of the Chinese military.
I mean, just, you know, just no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
Pedophiles, drag queen story time, convicted sex offenders in women's bathrooms, pulling their ding-dongs out.
This is all to grind it in your face and tell you you're a slave.
With these enemies that occupy all the major tops.
America is an occupied nation being divided and destroyed and being hit by the chemical bioweapon vaccines to exterminate us.
The Pentagon is run by the enemy.
All right, we're back live.
I'm gonna give the number out next segment covered a ton of news we haven't hit yet.
The major breaking news as we track the ongoing theft of the election just like we did 11 months ago.
They're doing it again in the recall election of the criminal Newsom and the amazing Larry Elder.
But wow, more is coming out.
Turns out it was a Five Eye, one of the quote, alliance nations that picked up the intercept of Milley, talking to the head of the Chinese military saying, you know, we're not going to attack you.
If you, you know, whatever you do, we'll call you, we'll wait.
Go ahead and launch your nuclear weapons at us, whatever.
I mean, this is so insane.
There's Jack Posobiec, at least one of Milley's calls to China intercepted by a partner nation targeting People's military over there, leadership, and resulted in a five-eye rocket of what the F to Meade and Bolling per IC official.
That's right.
And then Trump got told about it.
Trump got told about it.
And that's all coming out, but CNN's gushing.
Oh, Bob Woodward, oh my gosh, Millie went rogue.
Millie took a secret, top secret action to protect nuclear weapons.
You mean a coup?
You mean you think you're the president?
I mean, these people are criminals of the highest damn order.
Here's a special report on all this.
We'll be right back.
We have reached a point where...
Words are not strong enough to describe what is unfolding in our society on this planet here today.
I think an epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause, say, 10 million excess deaths.
It is critical that the general public understand this is a planetary, directed, corporate, fascist dictatorship being set up.
that uses leftist, Marxist, Maoist ideology to control the general public,
but in itself is multinational and corporate and fascist in its political system
and eugenics-based and depopulationist-based in its goal.
Today we celebrate a milestone for multilateralism, the culmination of a united global effort to rid the world
of lead in petrol, a major threat to human and planetary health.
Now you saw President the Puppet Biden, the man that stole his way into the election, the man installed by big tech, and the globalists.
What were the people dying?
What were they thinking?
They think it makes sense for us to do this kind of thing where you ride down the street
and someone has a sign saying "F so and so"
You see him and you witness him carrying out the operations that are being carried out
in Europe and Australia and Canada and you only see them increasing the measures of control
as they claim they are removing the systems of control.
This is a planned Great Reset, permanent, world government, technocracy, martial law system that is being put in place.
To protect the health system, we've got everybody locked down.
We're going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we're going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be.
I'm here peacefully.
I'm not going to care about people who don't wear masks.
Sir, do you have any idea where you're going?
Sir, it's not my fault.
Sir, it's not my fault.
Sir, you don't have to tell me if it's for you or not.
Don't touch me.
Do you understand?
You put that in your place.
If you think that's bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
I registered your visit with Flick Travel Corp the other day, so they've allotted you a journey time to match mine.
It makes so much sense, doesn't it?
Switch off brain and go to work.
With this many people around, I'm glad there's a mega-computer in charge.
We're so lucky.
Our kids were allocated a school quite near my practice so I can drop them off on the way.
Saves on our calorie ration.
Well, it won't be long until the little darlings get their career announcements.
And so everything you see in Australia will be here within a year.
Because we're already where Australia was now a year ago.
They are being directed by the corporations.
This is a corporate plan, and that's why it's up to all the politicians to execute it, along with the corporations, or they will be destroyed by the corporate media and by big tech.
That's why they act like they've got guns to their heads.
Most of these politicians are just political whores that are bought and paid for and compromised.
They'd like to be popular, actually.
They'd like to be rich and powerful.
They'll rob you blind to do that, but they don't want to burn everything down, most of them.
A lot fewer pedophiles.
They just want to rape children.
This is not a game.
Big Tech was set up by the big banks and big pharma for their eugenics, planetary, transhumanist takeover.
Every day I see dozens and dozens of people who've lost their sisters, their brothers, their mothers, their fathers, but particularly people under 20, men and women.
The Pentagon has now come out and said, heart inflammation, heart attacks from COVID-19 shots higher than expected in study of U.S.
And it's much worse than even they're saying or even the VERA's report saying,
"Don't let this be you talking about your sister or brother or you who are actually going six feet under."
Yep, we're gonna go ahead and play.
Everybody and their choices.
I don't want one single mother ever coming to my page and telling me I need to get the vaccine.
My little sister just died.
Her first dose.
You want to sit here and tell me?
At the vaccine works.
(heavy breathing)
Fuck you, fuck that vaccine, fuck the government, fuck Joe Biden, and fuck anybody who fucking forces anybody to get a vaccine.
I pray karma reaches your life and I pray that karma is swift and hard.
Well it's very sad what happened to her sister but this is swift and hard.
This is, read what you show, God's removing the hedge of protection from us and letting horrible demonic killers come after us.
You know, Ernest Ramirez, his father, Ernest Ramirez Sr., he's a veteran, he believes in America, red, white, and blue, saw his funerals, bunch of veterans out there for his son, good people.
And they heard, hey, help others, don't get others sick, you need to get it, it's gonna protect you 100% back in April, and his son was dead five days later.
And now, Facebook's blocked him and says, you're not allowed to talk about your dead son.
You're not allowed to show a local Fox News clip of yourself.
It was put on HireWire later.
Dell Big Tree.
And they're attacking this other woman, who I just saw today, aren't really, oh, nothing happened to you.
There's no evidence it attacks people or attacks their hearts, because she talks about it on their, you know, heart attack.
They go, oh, is your sister fat?
Sixteen-year-olds don't have heart attacks like that, you dumbasses.
Talk to the left out there.
It's like, oh, big deal, yeah, a lot of kids have cancer now.
Yeah, I didn't have it 40, 50 years ago.
It's the vaccines.
They're contaminated.
It's in the record books.
It's all admitted.
So it just goes on and on.
But VAERS does show 30-something thousand have died.
It's probably only one out of 40 reporting it.
But don't worry, Reuters fact-check says it doesn't.
Oh, really?
Well, now Reuters says it's worse than they first thought.
Covering their butt.
I got a lot to cover here, but I'm going to give the number out here at the end of the segment and take your calls on this subject.
Are you going to roll your sleeve up?
What are you going to do to stop Fauci?
What should we do to stop the globalists?
Where do you see this going?
Because Biden is set to announce even more garbage today, and then more next week at the UN.
Wants the U.N.
to be in charge of the global mandate.
It's all about the U.N., isn't it?
What's big tech say?
Only the U.N.
Senator Paul can't have testimony at the Senate on learned immunity out of Israel 13 and 27 times better.
No, no, no, that's blocked on YouTube.
Senate hearings.
I mean, look what we've become.
The government puts up with this because it's bought and paid for and it's a corporate takeover.
And Rand Paul thinks the public can't handle the truth.
We can, Paul.
And Alfie Oaks was on earlier, right?
We need the Santas to get hardcore, and everybody.
We need to go at the heart of it, not just fight their attacks, push some back, don't push others back, but expose the whole agenda.
Here's Dr. Lee Merritt, and I've looked these up on the number, 300 plus percent increase in miscarriages, women hysterectomies, all of it.
This is what it does, and of course, Nicki Minaj is right.
Of course it's targeting men's testicles as well.
That's where those proteins are produced.
It attacks your brain, your liver, your lungs, your heart, your testicles, your ovaries, your uterus.
They go, oh, you don't have any proof.
Shut up!
Even though it's on the damn insert of the poison injection.
Oh, that ain't how it's supposed to be on the insert.
It used to be blank eight, nine months ago.
Now it just says, they make you have a heart attack.
Man, big deal.
They kill you.
But they don't tell you why.
Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
Casuals became swollen and they shriveled down to nothing and now he can't get an erection.
So, here is Dr. Merritt.
I looked at the VAERS, so this is what just happened today for example, and I'll back up and tell you these other data, but today I started looking at the miscarriages, because there was an article that came out saying, and I think it was they looked at the yellow card, which is the National Health Service in Britain, They have like our vaccine adverse event reporting system, but it's for all of health care.
I guess it doesn't just it's not just about vaccines because they're socialized health care and they want to keep an eye on things.
And they said the amount the the miscarriage rate has gone up 366%.
366 percent. So a couple nice alternative media sites where you find the possible truth.
They reported that and of course then the fact checkers come out and they're like six
fact checking saying that's not true. So I decided let me look at that in VAERS and I'm
just going to tell you here's some data I got out of VAERS just in the last couple days.
And I looked, what I did is you can go to the, and anybody can do this, this isn't me
manipulating the numbers. When you go to the vaccine, it takes a little practice, you go
to the vaccine adverse reporting system, you can look at like the first quarter of this
year versus the first quarter of last year, last year.
So in looking at total deaths from vaccines, in 2018, the first quarter, there were 12 deaths.
2019, there were 18 deaths.
2020, there were 23 deaths.
2021, there were 2,917 deaths.
And 99% of those were the COVID vaccines.
Only 1% were all the other vaccines put together.
That's a 12,000% increase in deaths.
And remember, let's get her back on about that as soon as you guys can.
Great job, the crew.
We need to see her on Tucker Carlson.
We need to see her on Joe Rogan.
She's one of the best out there.
They're all amazing, though.
Dr. Bartlett, Dr. Postolano, Dr. Zelenko.
And again, like Zelenko said, the average person just cannot wrap their mind around something this big.
Their minds are wiped.
All right, I want to give the number out specifically for first-time callers, specifically on What do you make of this?
We're inside the New World Order.
We're inside the forced speculation.
They've announced the carbon tax.
I haven't hit that yet.
It's all over the world.
They're announcing UN control.
What do we do?
Because they're just going to keep pushing and pushing until we push back.
If we don't push back with civil disobedience and lawsuits and action and serious stuff now, it's going to turn into a physical war.
And folks, they've got bioweapons far worse than what they've released that will actually kill the majority of us.
They're only getting us used to being locked down and preparing that they're the good guys, we're the bad guys, we're the suspects.
Get the paramilitary police and others ready for this.
The good news is the military, the police, the firefighters, rank and file, are the leaders saying no to this.
So they're good people.
But the globalists have done this to divide and conquer us and find out who's good to get rid of them, put their bad guys in charge.
And now all the cops have the body cams so they can't have their own discretion.
They're turning into robots.
You think body cams are good, folks?
No, they're not.
Because the enemy uses that, so the cops don't have any discretion, and are now their automaton, so they'll be ordered to do bad things, and when they do bad things, they get massive increases in their pay.
Let me tell you, I'm a pretty tough guy, and I've made a friend of death, and I love God, so I read the Psalms, but I mean, I'm completely freaked out, okay?
And that's why I'm working so much harder and so much more focused, because we're not talking about trying to stop this now.
We're in it.
Now the question is, how bad is it going to get?
I mean, we are in the middle of a forced global depopulation operation.
First-time callers, what do we do?
What do you call this time in the world?
What do you recommend I ought to do?
What do you think you should do?
What do you think these senators should do?
How do we get people to move forward against the globalist takeover and just say what it is, a war of depopulation, instead of eating around the edges?
They got caught running in the lab doing it all.
877-877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex877.
And I've got the most incredible graphs from the UN itself admitting that it's the vaccinated dying in mass when we come back.
I've always told you that Walmart's an evil company.
So is Target, so is Amazon, all these groups are monopolies.
They want to control everything.
And once they get control, they're going to dictate the terms of your surrender, which means death.
Means, you know, they can slowly kill you and sterilize you.
And so Walmart has come out and announced that if you want to go in their stores, you've got to show a vaccine passport controlled by Walmart.
Pelosi just last year said, oh, we're not going to make anybody in December take a shot.
That's like coming up and asking somebody what their medical records are, you know.
Have you had a hysterectomy?
Do you have HIV?
But that's all being thrown aside.
It has nothing to do, the vaccine isn't a vaccine.
It doesn't protect you.
People taking the shots are the most sick, but here it is.
Now, here's the catch.
That's Walmart.
In the third world, in Walmart, in Canada, but it's all coming here as well.
So people need to say, you know, I know stuff's more expensive at a mom and pop or at a smaller store because they don't run a monopoly.
But it's going to come a day where you're going to wish you wouldn't have shopped with the big guys because they're a predatory as hell.
You see, they don't want to have a market in the future.
They want to consolidate control.
These are weapon systems.
I don't care if Jeff Bezos has a thousand foot yacht and a support ship that's 200 feet long or whatever.
I don't care if all that.
But they are supporting something that destroys economies and they're supporting tyranny.
And of course, Jeff Bezos is nothing compared to Prince Philip and Ted Turner and Gates who say they want to kill you.
I mean, it's here.
And you know, if folks don't stand up against this, I guess they kind of deserve what happens to them.
But I don't.
And my children don't.
And the unborn children don't deserve it, and God's watching.
So, this is one hell of a time to be alive.
I think we're so dumbed down on entertainment, they've actually made this move, folks.
This is incredible.
You are living in the middle of incredible history right now.
Okay, so let me go over this.
Here's Fauci, already played it in the first hour.
Dr. Fauci calls for unvaccinated Americans, not a vaccine, to be banned from air travel and to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for school children.
And that means a global ID.
That means the medical passport.
That means their control.
And he wants the UN recommended when they put out three weeks ago, I told you it was coming.
But to gaslight you, here's Newsmax.
Commerce Secretary insists no one's being forced to get vaccinated under Biden plan.
Yeah, you just can't leave your house or have a job or get on a plane or go to Walmart if you don't have it.
Here's another one.
Here's the proof.
Proof of vaccination required.
It's not a vaccine.
Effective November 1st, 2021, shoppers will need to provide proof of vaccination and government issue ID in order to enter any Walmart in Canada.
They don't say, oh, you can have a proof of test or proof that you already have immunity.
Your doctor says it'll hurt you.
You have this damn ID to travel and shop or it's over!
Market the beast!
We will still be happy to offer curbside pickup for those unvaccinated.
For now.
But then it's going to expand.
Where the colleges are, where they're like, oh you can't even do Zoom meetings for your, you can't even do distance learning, you can't even do virtual that you're signed up for if you don't have the shot.
But Psaki admits Biden's vaccine mandate doesn't include migrants at border.
Refuses to answer.
Boris Johnson says, They're gonna have more lockdowns coming up.
Got the video of that.
If you're a radio listener, everything I'm showing is videos.
But in the interest of time, I'm just showing the clip.
Showing what they said in text.
CNN's Lena Nguyen, who used to run Planned Parenthood.
See, that's a real nice person.
The unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes.
That's a freaking quote.
This is San Diego, folks, where our military's based.
San Diego children forced to do their education like this, even when outdoors.
One child by themselves in a frickin' cult, man.
That's what cult leaders do.
Now, I'm gonna go to your phone calls next segment, but let me, drumroll please, give you the giant enchiladas right now.
If you're a regular TV viewer, you see these every day out of hundreds of countries.
They're the most injected.
The UK, the US is up there now.
Australia was 25% a few months ago, now they're at 50-something percent.
Canada at 70-something percent.
The UK at 70-something percent.
Israel at 90%.
Gibraltar at 99%.
Singapore at 91%.
India at 9%?
Almost no cases.
It's the same.
Same thing all over the world.
Look at this.
Norway joins the club of the highly vaccinated countries that face a new peak of infections.
And you can see... Look at this.
This is the last 19 months.
Now, most is based on PCR fake garbage right here and people dying of other things.
But now the real stuff hits because you start taking the shots.
Vax 1, Vax 2.
Vax 1, Vax 2, and then look what happens right here.
Now they want Vax 3, Vax 4.
Right here, right after they take that next shot, it goes boom and explodes and then just absolutely skyrockets up and that is the vaccinated.
So there's the national trend of vaccinated and it exactly mirrors, but it takes a few weeks for it to replicate and kick in.
The spike proteins, they go, oh, you've got COVID, and then you test positive once you have it, because it produces the damn spike protein that the test are set to follow!
This isn't even debatable!
This is all admitted mainline science!
I have a top John Hopkins scientist on Fox saying just this, hell, I'll play it next segment.
But just think about this, ladies and gentlemen, look at the damn graph!
Get the first shot, boom!
That's when vaccination starts, right there.
See that?
Starts right here.
Two weeks later.
Take the second shot.
All the way to the top.
And it's the same graph everywhere.
And look, the number.
That's the vaccinate.
It's the exact number of them.
It's them!
Like you put boiling water on, you watch it heat up, bubbles at the bottom, starts bubbling, boom, goes to a boil.
I mean, that is exact tracking.
Like you're in a World War II fighter plane, and you're flying up behind the Messerschmitt, and your P-52 Mustang or whatever it is, and you're pulling the trigger on the sides of the front of the plane, and you see the tracer bullets hit it and it blows up.
I mean, they give the shot, you get sick, you die.
You go to the hospital.
I mean, it's right there.
Let me continue.
Total vaccination versus COVID deaths.
Vaccinations in red.
COVID deaths.
The exact graph.
They start the shots.
Same thing here.
Two weeks.
Two weeks later.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
Dun, dun, dun.
I mean, look at that exact number.
This is from the UN, from John Hopkins, from them all.
Twitter's own web app tracking it.
Let me show you a big close-up of this.
Look at this.
They start the shots on 310.
By four, or right before the beginning of the month, it's like 20 days later, a little more than two weeks, boom.
And then just look at that number, perfect.
The more they take the shot, the sicker they get.
Look, and the damn numbers meet!
They meet exactly!
I mean, whoa!
Look at the same thing in Norway!
The numbers meet!
Oh my goodness, look at this.
New confirmed COVID-19 cases per day normalized by population.
Look at that.
Wow, and then you'll have the boosters like Israel already did, and then it goes up again then.
I mean, I don't know what to say at this point, folks.
Maybe Bill Gates is right, and I know he's a horrible demon, hangs out with pedophiles.
I don't like him.
But maybe that's, like he says right off the bat, that kind of predator is for you, because you won't wake up or do anything.
I don't mean our audience, but the type of folks that when a father loses his son, they go on there and say, your kid didn't die of that, shut up.
Or a sister loses her sister.
You don't have any proof it hurts the heart when it's all right here.
You people, I guess, deserve to die.
I'm not going to kill you.
But you leptists are demonically possessed.
You're idiots.
There's something wrong with you.
Your calls are straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Alright, I don't normally drop the ball, but I dropped the ball because in the last two months since I was supposed to declare the winner of this, I've taken care of it.
I don't want to exaggerate.
30, 40 people myself that got this chemical bioweapon that is coming off of the vaccinated.
We've shown you all the numbers.
So I just got behind, but I finally looked at all 20 of the videos.
I've seen a bunch of them and played a bunch of them, but I finally came up with a winner and two runners up that are also going to get a prize.
Even though I had said that I wasn't going to do that.
And it's for, what would I say, $10,000?
COVID-19 Murdering Logic contest winner announced.
It's up on Infowars.com.
I'm going to play the winning video, start of the next hour, and announce the runners-up as well.
Now, I want to jam in all these calls, and I do want to try to take more calls.
I'm really seriously considering three nights a week doing a two-hour commercial-free, Internet-only show.
So people can all call in and we can talk.
That's really what I enjoy the most.
And then the breaks aren't there and there's not, there's plenty of time.
And I'm just totally energized by the tyranny.
I've prayed to God and I've just been energized and keep the prayers coming folks.
I need more of what you're sending.
That's all I'm saying.
Uh, so, um, I feel like that Captain America promo that Friday Night Tights made.
That's actually how I feel.
I know you're feeling it too.
Everybody I know is just like ready for war.
We're not pissed.
We're not even, you know, we're not scared.
We're just like, man, I'll pull somebody's arm out of his socket.
I mean, I feel a lot tougher than I was 18.
I was a badass at 18.
I mean, and I know it's not a feeling.
It's the real deal.
I know you feel it too, because we're getting murdered here.
So, we've just begun to fight, though, as John, Paul Jones said.
Here's John Hopkins surgeon, Dr. Marty Macri, rips CDC for lack of research.
Well, he thinks they haven't researched because they're lying.
No, they're lying.
They're an enemy.
They work for the globalists.
Here it is.
But in the meantime, a very basic question.
What are the numbers from coronavirus?
And specifically, Is it more effective, are you more protected once you've covered from coronavirus, as about 100 million Americans already have, or if you've gotten the vaccine?
You'd think that we would know the answer to that, but it's hard to get to the answer.
Dr. Martin McCary wrote an amazing piece, a really interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal that looked at that.
He's a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Doctor, thanks so much for coming on tonight.
Thank you for your piece, which I thought was really smart.
And you make the point that we should be able to get these numbers and we can't.
So what is the truth, do you think, about natural immunity versus the vaccines based on the data?
Well, the largest study ever performed was in Israel, and it shows that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity.
The opposite of what our public health officials have been trumpeting for the last year or so.
And it's interesting, the largest and most powerful studies epidemiologically are coming out of Israel.
And kudos to them for tracking things very well.
But where is the CDC?
You know, when it came to studying cloth versus surgical masks, the only cluster randomized controlled trial was done in Bangladesh.
We're the United States of America.
We spend $4 trillion on health care.
The CDC has 41,000 employees, along with the NIH.
They have 20 times the data.
We should be producing the most definitive, conclusive data on boosters, natural immunity, child vaccination outcomes, All kinds of stuff, but instead, they're stuck to their legacy processes whereby the NIH, for example, spent twice as much money on aging research last year than it did on COVID research.
So when you have these basic questions the public is asking, how does it spread?
When are you most contagious?
We had a vacuum of good data to answer those questions, and as a result, political opinions filled that vacuum.
And that was really how we got behind the eight ball with such a polarized debate over this pandemic.
It should be really simple.
I mean, a hundred million-ish Americans have recovered from COVID.
They have the antibodies to it, and they want to know, should I get the vaccine or not?
And, you know, what are the numbers on it?
And I appreciate the work that you have done to bring the facts to the public.
I wish others were doing the same.
Dr. Marty McCary.
Everyone has been intimidated into not saying the truth.
Ben Stein, I didn't even play it today, the censored interviews, but I got really sick on it, and he's seen the numbers, doesn't make sense.
27 times better national immunity.
Different studies show different things.
The point is, the other one doesn't protect you, makes you sick, gets rid of your immune system.
That's the facts.
Let me show you one more graph, and I'll go to your calls.
I showed you Mongolia.
Start the shots.
Two and a half weeks later, mass illness and death.
Just boom.
The lines actually converge.
Same thing out of Northern Europe.
Same thing going on right there.
As we showed you earlier, that's out of Norway.
So here's Norway right here.
Same damn thing.
Take the shots, boom.
Nobody's sick, booms are getting sick.
Oh, that's really great.
Look at this.
This is new, daily confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people.
Wow, look at Israel.
Palestine, only 10% shot up.
Israel's 9%.
They're five times worse.
More than five times worse.
Lebanon, basically nobody's vaccinated.
Jordan, no cases.
But that's how it works, see?
And then I got an even bigger piece of news, but I said I'd go to your call, so I'm going to have to introduce Paul Watson when he comes up today.
Tell Paul I'm going to introduce him.
I don't even need to introduce Paul, I can hit this next segment.
I mean, this is so big that I, it's like just saying at the end of the show, or into my part of the show, it's like, they've introduced a bipartisan bill, Democrats are pushing it, for the national ID, COVID ID.
It's been introduced.
Here it is.
HR 550 Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021.
That's the 60 plus billion dollars that he wants.
Improves data sharing and other aspects of immunization information systems.
Violates your medical rights, medical privacy.
These are confidential population-based databases that maintain a record of vaccine administrations to be run by the government and big tech.
Alex, you rock.
We love you.
I have a couple things I'd like to talk about, if I may.
legalizing illegal aliens. Okay, without further ado, because I got to jam these
calls in, let's go to Diana in Washington. Welcome, Diana.
Alex, you rock. We love you. I have a couple things I'd like to talk about, if I
may. Go ahead. First of all, when they started these commercials with hybrids, like that
stupid basketball player on the motorcycle, the Chevron, and where all the
kids are so envious of this hybrid and they want to be like him. And then the Coke
ad with the guy with the goat legs and then the girl with, I don't know what she,
like vampire or something. And it just creeped me out right away,
because I'm like, they're setting us up for something and if it's hybrids,
that's just, I can't even wrap my brain around that. And now I find out...
That this is what's been happening, and it's like, now I'm like, what are they gonna do?
You know, in the real world, in terms of letting this loose?
I don't know.
But, um, you cannot trust anything you see, everything you see on TV is giving you a heads up for what's coming.
I just want everyone to realize that.
And then the other thing I wanted to tell you, Is that I have a sister, I don't know why I get so nervous when I call.
I have a sister who is a veterinarian who lives in a blue state here in the U.S.
and I have a brother who is a doctor who lives in Canada and I have been trying to get through to them for years about this very thing coming here and they've dismissed me because I don't have a medical degree therefore I'm stupid and I'm a conspiracy theorist and now they both are being mandated to get this Death shot in order to keep their jobs.
And my brother is saying he's going to move.
And I say to him, where are you going to move to?
You can't leave your country unless you're vaccinated.
And your country is done.
You're already China.
You know, you've left it too late.
And my sister doesn't believe that it's going to go through.
She has this fake hope that somehow this Terrible thing is not going to happen.
And isn't that interesting that they've got degrees and all this and know not to take the shot, they're smart enough to know that, but are in denial about how much tyranny they're in.
Oh my gosh, last year in December I sent my brother the video of, is it Dr. Zelenko?
The Jewish doctor.
He dismissed it and said, I take my orders from the Ministry of Health, not from some crazy dude on the internet.
And I just was like, wow, I cannot do anything to try and give my own family the heads up.
Well, listen, you can send them the statistics now that the vaccine doesn't work.
It's making people sick.
God bless you, Diane.
You did a great job.
We're gonna come right back with Corey, Jameson, Yee, Jamie, Lana, Kate and others.
We're gonna get to all your calls and Paul Watson's coming up.
Yes, but I'll go a little bit in the next hour because I'm going to get to all your calls.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
I'll only plug once today because I've been so upset with all the news, but we've got some of the products back in.
Ultra 12 and Winter Sun for your immune system.
Welcome back!
I think Floyd's very apropos.
Run like hell.
Run from depopulation.
It's a fact.
This is a depopulation move.
It's the vaccine.
It's a live virus.
They're killing you.
It's a genetically engineered nano-GMO virus.
Let's go to Corey in Canada.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Corey.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Thank you.
I just wanted to try to steer some of the conversation away from the vaccines for a moment, if I could.
One of the things that led me to the path of the World Economic Forum and the diabolical plans they have in store for everyone was following the financial trails associated with all of these companies.
I feel that where we sit today, a large majority here in Canada, for sure, have bought into this vaccine thing.
And no matter how much you tell them about the long-term effects, potential, etc., etc., it's fallen on deaf ears.
One thing I've learned in my life, in sales and whatnot, is that in order to get through to a customer, you need to find out what their pain is.
And the pain that we all face right now is still the financial fallout from what's about to happen.
Our financial system, as we know it, is completely 100% busted.
Even if we convince all of these people to not take vaccines, to push back against vaccines, what they have done to the financial market, as we know it, is there's no coming back from it.
That's right.
They designed a system to destroy any free market capitalism while they consolidated power themselves.
It's economic warfare.
And it's kind of a blessing.
They're just killing off the sheeble before they find out they're bankrupt.
Well, and that's going to lead to, like, Complete civil unrest.
When people realize that what... And that's why Swab says you'll be very angry now and destroy your nations.
That's his plan, yeah.
Right, and so to combat that, my personal opinion is that it's no longer through telling people not to get vaccinated because they think they're doing it to get to be safe.
Now that they've been vaccinated, if they find out that they have just been injected with a poison pill, They're going to be clawing at their arm trying to get it out and there's no take backsies on this one.
You can't turn it back in.
You can't take your car back to the dealership and say, oops, I don't have money.
But they still have money right now.
And I think if we can convince more people to realize that the longer this goes on, the more in debt that we get, like in Canada, for example.
That's right.
The lockdowns are designed to bankrupt all small businesses and average people and make us obsolete so they can then cut resources and control us with it.
Yeah, it's all it's all about bankrupting.
And I hope that people realize that, you know, having the ability in a free market and having money creates the beautiful word of choice.
And with no money comes no choice.
And you will be forced to do whatever these people want.
And that's why they're taking all the money away.
You're beautiful.
You're absolutely right.
That's it.
They're making us poor because they don't like us having choices.
Every time we cover Bilderberg, we'd later hear from waitresses, people that were inside, as we'd brief them after the event was over, they'd say, At first we thought you were bad, but then we saw how mean they were and how evil things they were saying.
I decided to bring you these documents and we would hear them speak and say, once we collapse the system, they won't have money to protest us.
They would laugh at you.
And that's what I was told in England, Canada, and other areas.
Some other crew in other areas of Europe heard the same thing.
And they would come give us the info like, those men are so evil, I did not know.
It's like in Germany, I'm not doing a good German accent.
Here they are, oh, thank you for fighting them.
I mean, it's, you can imagine being in these ballrooms serving iced tea to people that are like, soon we will depopulate all of them, cut off resources.
I mean, Karl Schwab ran that.
And if they continue this resource cut that they're doing with the financial side, then it's only a matter of time before everyone's lining up and hoping the government can help them, which... Yep, that's it.
That's the plan.
I appreciate your call, sir.
They're already telling you, you don't go to Walmart unless you've taken the shot.
And now it's 10 shots a year.
My teeth are falling, I'm dying, but if I criticize it, my social credit score will ban me from food!
I need my food!
And they'll say, well, the unvaccinated is the reason they killed you.
I know it's them!
Give me food, I'll run the guillotines!
Let's go ahead and talk to Chuck in Michigan.
Chuck, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Good to actually talk to you, man.
I've been trying to reach you for months.
I'm a truck driver, 53-year-old male.
And, man, I want to give you a vision.
I was a state in this for years, since I was 13.
And by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit, God hit me with a rock, man, and he woke me up to the truth.
The Holy Spirit speaks to me a lot.
I feel it, man.
And I just want to say something.
Two topics real quick.
One is, in the eyes of Satanists, okay?
In the eyes of Satanists, now a true Satanist, a person that protests, it's not something to fear.
It's a weakness.
I'm just letting you know.
That's the way they see it.
And we know that these people, they're trying to destroy this world, are Luciferian.
They're Satanists.
They are.
They're evil.
They're controlled by demonic spirits.
That's why a lot of them just kind of laugh when people protest.
Which is really a shame, because that's what we're supposed to be doing, right?
Well, they're given an arrogant, hard heart.
And so they just, they rebel in wickedness.
That's right, that's why we have a heart of flesh, they have a heart of stone.
The other thing is, I want to tell you something.
What we are seeing happen right now, and like I said, this is through the eyes of somebody who's been famous for a long time.
What we are seeing happen right now, with the whole communist thing and everything, this isn't exactly just about communism.
See, here's the deal.
The Great Deception that the Bible talks about, okay?
The Great Deception is the largest human sacrifice in history.
And the reward for making that sacrifice is the Communist control.
That's right.
They're all in line to call the planet and be greatly rewarded by their God.
Great point.
I appreciate your call, Chuck.
I've got to move quickly with all these amazing callers.
Let's talk to Jameson in Indiana, then Katie and others.
Go ahead, Jameson.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today, man?
I'm alright.
I'm going to keep it real brief for you.
So here's the thing.
I'm an IT guy, and I'm looking for new work, and here's the thing.
Everywhere, whether they want to hire me or not, they want to have the vaccination papers up front, pretty much, and I'm not going to do it, obviously.
And I think, and this is kind of a half-baked idea, potentially, but we've got to network together in some way.
We've got to infrastructure.
We've got to database, potentially, employers and employees.
Yeah, I'm Luke.
not going to take part in this new age technocratic.
We need somebody to create a very simple bulletin board for people to post resumes to be hired
by companies that aren't part of this.
Man, I'm losing it because I'm a hard working father of three, one on the way, got a beautiful
wife who's my angel.
And I worked so hard to put all this information in my head for...
Well, listen, there's something else you can do, too.
You can go to a doctor and you can tell them I've already got immunity to it or whatever, and then say to the company, hey, I already have immunity.
And I know you're saying, well, they're ignorant.
They don't know.
Well, say, listen, you're not supposed to take a vaccine.
That's what Tucker Carlson is saying.
It's what I'm saying.
It's what the John Hopkins doctor we played said.
You're not supposed to take something if you have an immunity that can really hurt you.
And so just keep searching, brother.
But what was your other point?
Not to interrupt you though Alex, because like I have filed for those exemptions with them and they pretty much laugh at you.
Whether it's at the HR level or whoever, whoever it is at the lowest level, they'll be like, I'm not dealing with that idiot.
And they'll like hang up on me, leave me alone.
But I've literally been given job offers and then it comes down to go to a doctor.
You know, get your exemption.
And it's got to be, I'll be honest with you, I can't find a doctor that will say, yeah, here, I'll write you an exemption.
Well, that's another thing we need to do is get a network.
It's going to happen.
You may have to move to, you know, work for Alfie Oaks or something in Florida.
I know he'd probably hire you, but I hear you, brother.
Send in your resume to us.
I don't have a lot of extra money.
We are trying to hire IT people.
In about a week, I'm going to put an ad out on air.
We got a lot of great people last time.
If you want to be part of InfoWars, we need two more IT people.
We're doing a lot of stuff.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
We need your help.
But that's all the budget we've got.
Speaking of that, go buy some products, folks.
We have InfoWarsTore.com.
We have Winter Sun back in stock, the highest quality vitamin D3.
We have X2 for your immune system and your whole body as well.
And Ultra 12's back in stock.
They're all 50% off.
That's a really good deal.
You take them under the tongue, get a better absorption.
I just put them right in water because I take probably more than you're supposed to.
Gives me so much energy, especially the iodine.
That's so essential for adults, children, old folks especially.
If you're black or got dark brown skin, if you're not taking high quality organic vitamin B, I mean vitamin D3, you're crazy.
Let's jam in one more call here.
Katie in California.
Katie, go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you.
So yeah, I resist tyranny every day.
What I do is I've printed out my own business cards with InfoWars links and other great links on there.
Yeah, just educating people everywhere I go.
Strangers, cashiers, whatever.
I printed out stickers with Band.Video.
I put them up everywhere I go.
And I'm always wearing an InfoWars shirt and people ask me about it everywhere I go.
And I never wear a mask.
I always just walk into a store without a mask.
Half the time they don't do anything.
And then when they do want to say something to me, I educate them.
Well, that's beautiful.
Where do you see all this going?
Because the people that went and got the shots, they're told take more shots.
They need to understand you don't get out of this by complying.
You only get out of it like a bad relationship by leaving, by not being part of it, by putting your foot down.
And that's what I'm telling everyone.
You know, I have a couple people who are very close to me.
They're in their early 70s.
Great people.
After they got the shot, they are completely senile now.
Oh, there's no doubt it creates brain fog.
And that's what everybody's saying.
Can you believe they've actually done this?
Well, I've seen this coming for years.
I've been warning people for years, and people have been telling me I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, and now it's all happening.
You know what?
Don't hang up.
I want to come back to you for one more minute, then we're going to go to Lana and Teague.
Don't hang up, folks.
I'm going to you next hour.
Then Paul Watson at 10 after takes over, but I've also got the winner of the COVID contest.
All right, Katie, we got two more callers, and then Paul Watson takes over.
Katie in California.
That's the experience I've had, because I would probably shake a hundred hands when I went out and walked around somewhere around a lot of people at the mall or downtown or an airport.
But then one person would walk over and say, F-you, you Russian, or, you know, leave those Sandy Hook kids alone.
I haven't talked about them in like five years.
I only questioned the official story when everybody else was.
Now Remington's questioning it and, you know, suing, trying to counter-sue, asking for the report cards.
That's not my thing.
I hardly ever talked about it.
On every other function, I mean, now, that doesn't even happen.
People come over crying.
They say, I didn't used to believe you.
It's all true.
It's all coming true.
I actually see a huge awakening happening, but it's in like certain areas.
In certain areas, there's people getting deeper into it.
Where do you think all this is going?
Yeah, you're right.
I do definitely see an awakening.
Being in California, it's probably the worst place to be.
I'm fixing to move to the South really soon.
But I've noticed in Southern California, Like in Torrance, the more spouse you get, the more awake people are.
And people are walking around with no masks on.
People just, they've had enough of this crap.
Do people know it's a bio-attack through the shot, or do they just know it's all crap?
I think people are catching on to the fact that it's all just crap.
Because none of it makes any sense.
They want you to wear a mask while you walk to your table at a restaurant and then you could take off the mask.
It doesn't make any sense.
It's all obedience, dog training.
Absolutely powerful call.
Thank you.
More great callers here.
Let's talk to Lana in Texas, then Teague in Texas.
Lana, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
I have three good points, I think.
Number one, When COVID started, I started doing nothing but research, and I read, and I read, and in that process, I came across the VAERS.
Well, actually, I was looking at the Vaccine Injury Approved Symptom List, and the word intussusception is something you never forget, especially when it's your eight-month-old child.
Say it again, infant what?
I'm sorry, intussusception.
And it's where the lower bowel telescopes itself and causes a blockage.
And, you know, it's a long story, but finally a doctor, you know, stepped up and we were told that children were born with it and it happens more in boys, but they didn't know the cause.
Okay, well, in my research, I find out my son is 32 years old now.
I find out that that is on the approved list of symptoms for compensation.
And that made me just go, what the hell?
And then I remember when I was 11 years old, and I actually don't lie about being sick because of it.
I lied and told my nurse at school my throat was sore.
And she said, yeah, your lip's a little swollen.
Maybe you ought to go home.
I go home and by that evening, I'm hospitalized.
My throat's completely shut up and totally covered in blisters.
And they tell me I've got herpes complex 1.
And at that time, they said, you're usually born with it and it lies dormant in your spine somewhere until an aggressor comes along and activates it.
And they said, you probably will never have another outbreak.
So do they tell you for the vaccine or what?
No, never, never.
As far as myself and my kids.
Well, they admit the COVID shot causes herpes.
Oh, yeah, I know exactly.
So you can imagine, I don't want to take it.
I lost my spleen when I was 21 years old.
I lost my brain.
Oh, but they don't care if you have natural immunity.
They don't care about what they say.
They just want you to submit and die.
And imagine, they want to push us into armed conflict and then bring in martial law with General Honore.
And it's just a horrible fate this country faces and the rest of the world as well.
That's why everybody's got to worry.
Everybody, you know, before they stage the false flags, before they roll out the next phase.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Sorry to hear about that happening to you.
All right, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and announce the winner of the contest months late,
because I've just been overwhelmed with sick family and everything else.
I've told everybody, people in other states are like, oh, it's a hoax.
It was a hoax last year.
Now the vaccinated are shedding, and it's very real.
And now people are calling, oh, my god, it's really real.
My family's dying.
I'm sick.
Hospital wants to innovate, and they're getting on the stuff and getting better.
You better get on it early when it hits you, because it's coming from the vaccinated.
All right, Teague, back in 60 seconds, I'm going to announce the winner.
I'm going to go to your call, then PJW from Summit.News takes over.
So get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, I'm turning the baton over to PJW here in exactly four minutes, but I wanted to jam in one more call from Teague in Texas.
But first, Month and a half later, so, because I had so much going on, I wanted to judge the hundreds of great entries that came in.
We now have the winner for $10,000.
We have a runner-up for $500.
The next runner-up for $200.
First runner-up, Cassie West, the COVID-19 Community Corps and InfoWars COVID-19 Murdering Logic Contest.
That's what it's doing.
Runner-up, Cotton Swab COVID-19 Murdering Logic Contest.
And then, of course, we've got the winner that I'm going to play here in a moment.
With audio, we're going to play it.
String anime.
Says, me, Dr. Fauci, the creator of the virus.
Here it is.
[TV static]
[TV static]
[TV static]
That's better for TV.
It's really good.
Roll post on in fours.
Have you been vaccinated?
A little bit longer.
Why do you need to wait?
I'm just not in a rush.
Well, everybody's getting vaccinated.
I've been vaccinated.
Why are you being so selfish?
How am I being selfish?
Because if you get COVID, you could pass it on to me.
But you've been vaccinated.
Yes, yes, but I could still get it.
So if I get vaccinated, I can still get it?
But you should still get the vaccine.
You can catch it off me whether I've been vaccinated or not.
Yes, but you should still get vaccinated.
Because it's the right thing to do.
Says who?
Says me!
Dr. Fauci!
The guy who created the virus!
And just to recap, for TV viewers, you can see this.
Here's Mongolia.
They start the vaccines.
Two weeks later, massive explosion in hospitalizations cases and death.
That's right there for you.
Start the shots.
Two weeks later, it begins and the mass illness and death.
Here is the same thing out of Northern Europe.
In Norway, start the injections and then just, boom, look at that.
Same thing in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan don't really vaccinate, they have really no cases.
Palestine does some, they're like seven, eight times lower than there's Israel.
They did the booster shots there.
One, two, three.
So there you go.
Let's go to our final caller before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Teague in Texas.
Welcome, Teague.
Yeah, thanks for having me, Alex.
I wanted to add on because I'm hearing the passion in a lot of these callers,
their voices, and I'm seeing the guests.
And some other patrons have been making the point that this vaccine mandate is going to cause,
is going to create thousands, maybe more activists overnight.
And not just at the private citizen level, but like here in Texas,
I was shocked to see how many sheriffs, how many county sheriffs
You know, immediately put out a statement saying, we're not going to comply.
You know, we're not, we're not going to do this.
We're not going to enforce this.
And, um, as you know, conservatives for a long time now, you know, we've been trying to live in harmony with these deranged leftists and we keep getting into these arguments.
No, we're not racist.
No, we're not this.
No, we're not that.
And avoiding the confrontation.
Well, when we have a vaccine that is literally going into our DNA, into what holds God's
plans for making us, it's going to force the confrontation, Alex.
And I think that's a really positive development.
Beautifully said, my friend.
God bless you.
Call back again, Teague.
All right.
We're gonna play his intro right here.
He's about to take over.
Paul Joseph Watson from Summit.News goes live now.
24 hours after the UK government came out and said that vaccine passports were completely
off the table, that they would never be introduced again after initially of course having lied
and assured the British public back in December 2020 that they would never be introduced at all,
went back on that, were secretly funding the corporations that were creating the very system
behind them.
Well now we've been proven right once again.
Headline out of Sky News.
Covid-19 face masks, vaccine passports and work from home in plan B for winter.
Because it's only going to happen if they get enough Covid cases to make it happen.
And of course they're going to get enough Covid cases because the hospitalisations are going to go up.
Despite the fact that they promised us that getting the vaccine would stop the hospitalisations from going up.
Says mandatory face mask, vaccine certificates and work from home orders could return this winter.
As part of a plan B to deal with the pandemic, the Health Secretary has announced 48 hours after going on national television and saying that none of this would happen, Sajid Javid said that if the data shows the NHS is likely to come under unsustainable pressure from the Covid-19 pandemic again the government has prepared a plan B which includes everything that we saw during the previous lockdown including mandatory vaccine certificates for nightclubs despite the fact that they're literally eliminating the negative Covid tests.
Now the whole system is a fraud of course you shouldn't even have to take negative Covid tests But that's at least proof by their own standards that you don't have the virus.
So if you can prove that you don't have the virus, they won't let you into a nightclub.
But if you can prove that you've had the vaccine, which even if you've had it means you can still carry the virus and pass it on by their own standards, they'll let you into the nightclub.
Because again, it's not about public health.
It's about mass compliance.
So they've already announced that U-turn within 24-48 hours.
We also have this headline again out of Sky News.
Covid-19 people flooding back to work could cause spike in coronavirus cases with peak not until December say experts.
So they've said, we need a spike in coronavirus cases to get through the vaccine passports, to get through the reintroduction of mask mandates.
And people going back to work is what's going to create that spike in coronavirus cases.
Oh, how convenient!
People flooding back to work after the easing of restrictions could drive up COVID infections.
Causing a rapid increase in hospital admissions, with cases not peaking until December, according to experts, right when they need those cases.
According to the Scientific Pandemic Influencer Group on Modelling, which has been proven spectacularly wrong in all its modelling up until this point, but for some reason we still listen to them, There is, quote, the potential for another large wave of hospitalisations from Covid over the coming months, despite the fact we were told that we prevented hospitalisations and we vaccinated our way out of this by getting the vaccine.
90% of people in Britain, of adults at least, Have got the vaccine at least one dose of it and yet they're saying that the hospitalizations are going to continue to rise because they need to grease the skids for the vaccine passport.
Says with people still acting cautiously over the summer the peak of infections is likely to be delayed until they get the case numbers that they need and happen somewhere between October and December.
Remember we have the story last week Where they've already formulated the plans to have another lockdown at the end of October when they get these case numbers high enough.
Because, of course, they count COVID cases as anyone who died within a 28-day period when it says their record had COVID.
They could get hit by a car, they could commit suicide, jump off a building, but if they had COVID within the month period, it's a COVID death and it's counted as a COVID death.
And we've seen ridiculous examples of that over and over again.
Of course, everyone who goes into a hospital in England, no matter what's wrong with them, they could have a broken toe.
They'll test them for COVID immediately to bump those case numbers up.
The experts who have proven spectacularly wrong time and time again said it's highly likely that a significant decrease in homeworking in the next few months could result in a rapid increase in hospital admissions and they said the return of kids to schools could also help them bump those numbers up despite the fact that kids have been back in school for two weeks and case numbers have gone down.
So they set the agenda for the vaccine passports for the new lockdown from the end of October onwards but they said we need more cases and now today they've come out and said oh look we're going to get more cases.
We'll be back, don't go away.
So again, the entire justification behind the vaccinations that we were told nine months ago was that it would keep hospitalizations down, prevent the need for new lockdowns.
Now the vaccines are starting to fail in some countries, starting to fail drastically.
We have a headline here out of the Daily Skeptic, dailyskeptic.org.
It's called the Unintended Consequences of Vaccine Passports.
Says, whatever the government's true position on vaccine passports, it seems to depend entirely on whom you're talking to.
Introducing vaccine passports could have harmful, unintended consequences, even aside from the threat they pose to civil liberties.
It's now clear that while the vaccines do provide strong protection against severe disease, their efficacy against infection is much more limited.
Hence the need for multiple, endless booster jabs.
They're now trying to give Vaccinations to 12 to 15 year old kids in the United Kingdom, despite the fact that the government's own scientific body said that it was unnecessary and that the vaccines would cause more harm than the potential threat of the virus itself.
They're going to go ahead and do it anyway, despite the fact we had the study last week at the University of California.
Again, their own scientists Saying that teenage boys are six times more likely to be hospitalized from heart complications resulting from the vaccine rather than the virus itself.
They're going to go ahead and do it anyway.
Says in July the Israeli Ministry of Health reported that the Pfizer vaccines affecting us against infection had dropped to just 39%.
And that was back in July.
It's probably even lower now.
Of course, now Israel is encountering its biggest spike in COVID infections ever, even more than the previous winter total because the vaccine's so great.
And it points to an unpublished study by Qatari researchers which found that the vaccine's effectiveness against infection fell to zero after six months.
The apparent decline in the Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness may explain why Israel, which began vaccinating its citizens in late December, recently posted, as I said before, its largest daily total for the number of new infections since the pandemic began.
As many commentators have pointed out, the vaccine's limited efficacy against infection Rather undermines the case for vaccine passports, as I made the point before, which nobody in government has answered and they're still going ahead with this ridiculous policy, claiming it's a plan B, claiming they don't want to do it, while through the other side of their mouth saying it's the frontline of defence against a winter surge of Covid, the vaccine passports,
You're not going to be able to get into the nightclub, into the music venue, into the football stadium, if you can literally prove on the door that you're uninfected, that you're not carrying the virus.
You can prove you took the vaccine and they'll let you straight in, even though according to them, you can still carry and pass on the virus if you've had the vaccine.
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Article continues, if vaccinated people are still capable of transmitting the virus, restricting attendance of large events to those who can show proof of vaccination is no guarantee of safety.
We had another story out today and I noticed this was trending on Twitter.
Where it said only 59 fully vaccinated people without serious health conditions died from COVID-19 out of more than 50,000 deaths in England this year.
That was a big trending topic on Twitter.
And you know how they got their numbers?
Because they counted a massive amount of cases from before July when nobody had had the vaccine.
They were counting cases of unvaccinated people as saying that they died and then counting that into the total.
This explains it.
The ONS has published a new study on COVID deaths which purports to show how few vaccinated people die of COVID.
Telegraph reported, as I just said, only 59 fully vaccinated people without serious health conditions died from COVID-19 out of more than 50,000 deaths in England this year.
It goes on to quote the article, But it says these statistics appear remarkable until you realize what they've done.
They've pulled a little bait-and-switch tactic once again.
Although the data is presented as this year, in fact the cut-off date is July 2nd.
That's significant because it's just before the Delta surge got going.
This means the data all comes from the alpha surge when almost no one was vaccinated and tens of thousands of COVID deaths were reported, and from the quiet spring and early summer when many were vaccinated but almost no one died.
Comparing the number of deaths of the vaccinated and unvaccinated over this period and presenting it as a percentage is meaningless.
And to imply it tells us anything about the effectiveness of the vaccine is misleading.
And yet you've got an explainer, you've got a trending topic on Twitter, which cites this number, which is completely inaccurate because it counts a bunch of unvaccinated people.
Now we had Nicki Minaj came out last night and basically send Normie World into a complete meltdown and that continued over the following hours.
Headline here, Normie's got a lesson in how the mainstream media works after Nicki Minaj's vaccine comments.
She came out and said her cousin's friend in Trinidad became impotent and had his testicles swollen.
And that he was about to get married, the woman called off the marriage.
That's interesting because I've got a friend who basically almost exactly the same thing happened, but you can trust the vaccine.
So she came out with this tweet and this immediately set off an absolute meltdown both amongst Minaj's own fans and the media, but the singer then went to war with the press as they repeatedly mischaracterized her message.
They tried to turn her into the dreaded Demeaned, smeared, dehumanized anti-vaxxer, despite the fact that she didn't even encourage anyone not to get the vaccine.
All she said was that research the side effects and make your own decision.
Don't be bullied!
That's all she literally said.
So then they came out with a bunch of fake headlines to try to portray her, smear her as an anti-vaxxer.
Prime amongst them was Joy Reid, who said, so sad you did that.
Prompting Minaj to respond, you didn't bother to read all my tweets.
There was also another article by Variety who outright faked a quote that she made.
They quoted her in saying they want you to get vaccinated for the Met.
That's the Met ball that AOC showed up in and attacked the rich dress.
If I get vaccinated, it won't be for the Met.
That was a fake story.
She didn't get vaccinated because she had some problems with childcare.
That's why she couldn't go to that event.
So they lied about that.
They lied about a bunch of other headlines.
They said she won't get vaxxed because she's worried about swollen testicles.
She never said she wouldn't get vaxxed.
But again, they put words in her mouth.
They smeared, they twisted the facts, they twisted her comments.
And you could see it on Twitter from the start.
The initial reaction to her initial tweet was her own fans going into an absolute meltdown.
Then over the course of the next few hours they saw that she was getting attacked by the mainstream media for stuff that she didn't even say and they were twisting some of the other stuff that she said and then her own Let's be honest, rabid, obsessive fanbase then kind of came back over to her side.
So a very informative lesson for a bunch of normie Nicki Minaj fans about how the mainstream media treats anyone, particularly any celebrity who dares deviate even one inch from the orthodoxy, from the official narrative on these vaccines.
That's why all these celebrities will proudly wear their I Got Vaccinated stickers Viciously attack anyone else who doesn't get the vaccine because they know that there's this firestorm waiting for them.
Even their own rabid, obsessive fanbase will desert them, at least initially, because they've been so terrified, so brainwashed by all this propaganda that the rest of us have also been subjected to.
I'm going to come back and talk about how Elizabeth Warren is now trying to lobby Amazon to censor best-selling books because, again, they dare to challenge the official orthodoxy on COVID.
Summit.News will be back.
Don't go away.
I'm going to go to this video now.
We're not going to get through all of it because it's about a 10-minute video, but you can watch the rest of it at Summit.News under the Videos tab.
Basically, China has declared war on simps while the US military trains its new recruits to go to drag queen shows and undertake critical race theory courses to make sure they hate themselves and they hate their own country because that's such a good recruiting tool, isn't it?
Such a good war fighting tool to make your own recruits hate their own country.
Meanwhile, China's literally training kids to operate mortar weapons And it's banning simps, which is fundamentally how the collapse of Western masculinity is unfolding in the West.
Here is the video China declares war on simps.
China has declared war!
On simps!
China's version of Twitter, Weibo, is banning scores of popular k-pop stan accounts for engaging in, quote, irrational star chasing behavior.
The government's internet censor, the cyberspace administration of China, is vowing to clean up the, quote, chaos that encourages young people to donate to celebrities online.
Breaking news!
The CCP just cancelled simping!
I repeat, the CCP just cancelled simping!
All online pop star fan clubs have been shut down.
4,000 influencers got obliterated.
User contribution button got removed from TikTok and other platforms.
It's all part of a move to, quote, purify cyberspace and crack down on behaviour that contradicts the country's values.
While in the West, the likes of Twitch ban the very use of the word simp as an insult, China is banning actual simps.
The irony underscoring all this is the fact that TikTok is owned by ByteDance, which is partly owned by the Chinese government.
TikTok is the gateway drug to OnlyFans, the cancerous death star around which every simp hopelessly orbits.
Top OnlyFans creators have highlighted how TikTok helped transform them from rat-race wages to wealthy online superstars.
User gothegg revealed how she went from viral fame on TikTok To making $200,000 a month on OnlyFans within the space of just five months.
For the simp it's a short leap from watching some scantily clad influencer jiggle her tits around on TikTok to be willing to pay for more sordid content on OnlyFans to satiate their increasingly addictive obsession.
And this race to the bottom of the sewer pipe is increasingly impacting younger kids.
The Wall Street A journal investigation found that when you said you were 13 years old and searched for OnlyFans on TikTok, the algorithm delivered videos about porn and drugs.
Now for the kicker.
The version of TikTok that people in China see is completely different to the one we're exposed to in the West.
And I'm not just talking about Beijing censoring anti-China political speech.
While the Western version of TikTok's algorithm will bombard you with endless opportunities to simp over e-girls shaking their ass in time to a looped musical earworm, for the Chinese, the experience is somewhat divergent.
On the Chinese TikTok, you can't see hoes twerking or fatties showing off fat.
Because China bans degeneracy.
What you can see is hard-working everyday people sharing their life and work accomplishments.
Very upbeat.
We call it positive energy in Mandarin.
So the Chinese created an app, TikTok, which rewired the brains of a generation of young men.
And turned them into simps.
A process that was then grossly exacerbated by the TikTok to OnlyFans pipeline.
In plain words, China weaponized simping, and then deployed it against the West, while moving to protect their own population from the blowback.
Simping is a massive problem.
But it's also just a symptom of the wider agenda to emasculate young men.
An agenda that China has stimulated in the West, while shielding itself against the consequences of it back at home.
As part of what President Xi Jinping calls the rejuvenisation of the nation.
China is also banning the presence of effeminate sissy men on television.
The Associated Press reports broadcasters must quote, "...resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal aesthetics," the TV regulator said, using an insulting slang term for effeminate men, niang pao, or literally, girly guns.
That reflects the official concern that Chinese pop stars, influenced by the sleek, girlish look of some South Korean and Japanese singers and actors, are failing to encourage China's young men to be masculine enough.
Meanwhile, our society and culture is controlled by a pathological, parasitic, progressive oligarchy.
A cult of evil that brazenly floods the consciousness of young men with a steady diet of emasculating degeneracy.
A process that demoralizes, atomizes, and crumbles from beneath them the traditional pillars of masculinity.
Family, faith, patriotism, self-respect, and stoicism.
While heterophobic, anti-male, anti-white wokeism is being enthroned and sanctified as the official state ideology of the West, China's taking a different path.
While China terminates WeChat accounts run by LGBT college groups, teachers in America make kids perform a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag.
In the meantime, I tell this kid, we do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to, and he like looks around and goes, oh, that one?
Alright, okay.
While our leaders continue to inflate a gargantuan debt bubble that makes buying a house unaffordable due to rampant inflation, while telling us that within a decade we'll all be rent serfs, own nothing and be happy!
China's leaders just capped rental prices and limited the legal work week to 40 hours to create more time for families, while also making houses more affordable by offering welfare incentives that reward families for having more kids.
Our schools and universities are teaching our young men to hate their own country.
To identify as non-binary.
To cower in the corner of safe spaces when they hear offensive words.
China's schools are creating distinct masculine and feminine school curriculums.
They're increasing physical education as an antidote to male feminization to prevent boys from growing up, quote, Weak, self-effacing and timid.
They're teaching their young men to be patriotic about China's central role in the world and to concentrate on stoic character building in order to inculcate a revolutionary and warlike spirit.
Our celebrity role models are encouraging young men to wear dresses and carry handbags.
While celebrities that China views as corrosive to its national identity are being completely eliminated from the public realm.
China is cracking down on showbiz for polluting society and youth.
Our culture teaches kids that having children makes your life better.
Kills the planet and ruins your career.
While after having ended its one-child policy, China is now offering financial incentives for families to have three kids and is extending paid parental leave.
Our cultural institutions denigrate marriage as a traditionalist trap.
That deprives young people of the thrill of hypergamous hedonism and casual hookups.
Divorce rates continue to skyrocket.
While in China, the CCP will require unmarried men and women to attend festivals where they'll be told to seek partners for marriage.
Our militaries are training new recruits to embrace drag queen shows, take part in diversity-inspired LGBT flag-waving hikes, and espouse self-loathing critical race theory.
While China's military operates schemes that entice schoolchildren and young men to practice mortar training and build A.I.
killer robots.
We're already used to fighting with swords.
Wang Ju!
The Trans-Siberian Conference begins now!
A knife is a promise.
Comrades, we're ready to fight!
Please instruct!
[speaking in foreign language]
That is China declares war on SIMPSON.
You can watch the rest of the video again as I said on summit.news under the video tab.
There's about five minutes left in that video so you can watch the end of it.
When I come back though...
Key, key article of the day.
Technocrats want mandatory carbon credit cards to control every facet of your life.
And they've done it.
They've greased the skids for it with the contact app track and trace COVID hysteria.
We're going to come back and talk about that and more on the other side.
Don't go away.
Because we briefly touched upon Nicki Minaj potentially facing cancellation by the mob merely for suggesting that people should do their own research and not be bullied into taking a Covid vaccine.
A rare example of a celebrity daring to challenge the orthodoxy, to challenge the machine.
Of course another celebrity who did that repeatedly and that's probably why you didn't see him on television that much over the past five years is the comedian Norm Macdonald who of course in the past hour it's been announced has sadly died after a long battle with Cancer, he was one of the original OGs of comedy.
He was one of the last true comedians, which again was why he wasn't on the major networks over the past few years.
He has of course sadly died.
Our condolences go out to him and his family.
An absolute legend like none other, Norm Macdonald.
But moving on now to perhaps the biggest story of the day, And this ties into the Covid hysteria because in their own justification for it they say we've got all these people to mass comply to ridiculous hysterical Covid mandates mainly via government tracking apps via their cell phones and this is what we're going to do with carbon credit allowances in the name of stopping another hysterical non-entity man-made global warming.
Headline out of summit.news Technocrats want mandatory carbon credit cards, that's their word not mine, to control every facet of your life.
Technocrats are preparing mandatory personal carbon allowances that would introduce rationing into every area of your life via an app that would record your travel, heating expenses and even the food you eat.
If you eat too much red meat, if you eat too many hamburgers, if you don't eat enough bugs and worms that are UN approved, then you're going to go over your carbon credit limit because, of course, those foodstuffs impact on the planet and you're going to have to buy extra carbon allowances that allow you basic life privileges.
This is the agenda that they're setting up and they're bragging about it.
They're very proud about it.
The proposal was presented in the science journal Nature.
By four environmental experts as a means of reducing global carbon emissions.
Everyone would be issued with a carbon allowance card that would, this is a quote, entail all adults receiving an equal tradable carbon allowance that reduces over time in line with national carbon targets.
So again, it starts off pretty low and it gets less and less and less as this ridiculous zero carbon agenda comes into full play.
The authors make it clear the programme would be a national mandatory policy.
Again, that's another quote.
And the carbon units will be, quote, deducted from the personal budget with every payment of transport fuel, home heating fuels and electricity bills.
And anyone going over the limit would be forced to purchase additional units in the personal carbon market from those with excess to sell.
This will only impact the middle class and the poor, because as we know, the private jet flying ultra rich elite That literally buy islands on Fiji, which you're not allowed to travel to under COVID lockdown rules.
They'll simply just buy more credits from the very infrastructure, from the very system that they're invested in, that they own.
You don't own it, but you'll be forced to buy extra carbon credits if you have one fillet steak too many in a month.
You know, people who lived in Communist China talk about the fact that as late as the late 80s, red meat, steak, beef, was seen as a delicacy that maybe they could have a few times a year on special occasions, birthdays, etc.
That's the agenda they want for you and your family in the name of saving the planet.
Meanwhile, they'll continue to fly private jet to their ultra-rich exclusive islands in Fiji and different areas of the world where they've built their luxury underground bunkers.
But of course, you'll be forced to pay into the system that you don't even own.
You'll be forced to pay increasingly accelerating rents, inflation driving home prices to completely unaffordable levels.
You'll own nothing.
And as the World Economic Forum says, you'll be happy.
The proposal makes clear that the means of measuring a person's uptake of carbon units for travel would function, quote, on the basis of the tracking of the user's movement history.
So this will be a mandatory government app that tracks the miles travelled in your vehicle and charges you based on the carbon emissions if you travel too far in a month or if you've eaten too much red meat.
Then that will top out your carbon limit.
You will be overdrawn to Mother Nature and you'll have to pay these Rothschilds-owned carbon entities investment structures more money simply to live a basic lifestyle.
It goes on to say the authors know how the normalisation of contact tracing via Covid-19 apps will ensure a similar system can be used for keeping track of carbon credits with minimum fuss.
Quote, recent studies show how COVID-19 contact tracing apps were successfully implemented with mandatory schemes in several East Asian countries, such as China.
This is the social credit score for the West.
But again, as we've said before, it's even worse.
Because at least China, as I made clear in the last video, they don't punish people for engaging in private personal beliefs which are related to protecting the family.
If you go against the grain in terms of even the narrative of calling out some of these destructive critical race theory movements, Establishment controlled LGBT movements, hormone injections for trans kids movements, and that will be deducted from your social credit score too.
Not doing that in China, but that will be part of the social credit score in the West.
It's going to be even worse.
So as the authors specifically note, how mass unquestioning compliance with COVID lockdown regulations has greased the skids for further intrusive tyranny, And the quote, people may be more prepared to accept the tracking and limitations related to PCAs, personal carbon allowances, to achieve a safer climate.
As we mentioned before, this is obedience dog training and now everyone's used to it.
Everyone's used to the ridiculous farce of having to take off your face mask when you walk 10 yards to your dinner table.
This is what we've been trained, this is what we've been inoculated to perform on a repeated basis as a form of conformist obedience.
The increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence technologies will also, quote, make it possible to easily track and manage people's food and consumption related emissions.
So this isn't just going to be taxed by mile.
Big brother tracking every mile you drive, where you go, and then charging you the carbon Expenses off of the back of it.
This is going to be so micromanaged that it's going to be down to the food you eat, which we already have under the Chinese social credit score.
Of course, they punish people for eating junk food.
They punish people for their purchases, which include things like video games.
So this is going to be down to the level of punishing you, not only for your political opinions, not only for the fact that you didn't take the eighth booster of the COVID vaccine, but for the fact that you had to fill its stake maybe a couple of times a month.
This is the technocracy that we're all going under.
In other words, eating what Big Brother deems to be an excess of red meat or anything else deemed harmful to the planet will result in a carbon credit reduction.
But again, if you stick to the UN-recommended mealworms and bugs and, you know, dried crickets, then you'll probably be okay.
What a July 4th celebration that'll be.
Wesley Smith writing for, I think it was the Epoch Times, So as we still have the power to thwart rule by experts through democratic means, that's up for debate, but if we lack the courage, if we acquiesce against the significant liberty constraints in the name of protecting health, the soft totalitarianism we will have facilitated will not be their fault, it will be ours.
And as we've seen in Australia, again, you travel more than five kilometres outside of where you live, then you get punished.
You talk to your neighbour, you get punished.
As we previously highlighted, the idea of climate lockdowns is also being normalised in light of the mass compliance to pandemic lockdowns.
Remember the World Economic Forum?
Oh, the cities are so quiet!
Nature is returning because everyone's locked inside their houses eating mealworms and dried crickets.
That's the agenda that they want and they're openly announcing it in nature establishment journals.
Moon Battery reports media begs public for unvaxxed COVID deaths.
This is WXYZ TV channel put out a Facebook post saying, after the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID?
If you're willing to share your family's story, please DM us your contact information.
So they're openly canvassing for these kind of stories.
What's funny about this is if you look at the comments, they're predominantly people, as they point out in this article, Victims who have been vaxxed and some vaccine victims themselves.
So this spectacularly backfired, but now they're so desperate for these cases that they're openly canvassing for them on social media.
Another headline, Paul finds vaccinated Americans significantly more likely to dump their friends over stance on Covid-19 jab.
No surprise there.
The people who virtue signal all day about how loving, compassionate and caring they are are far more likely to sever relationships and atomise friends and families if they hold a different opinion.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
War Room is coming up next.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.
I am not happy being vindicated.
I am not happy having the entire Rockefeller New World Order UN takeover plan unfolding.
I am not happy to see the Mayor of Chicago saying you must pledge allegiance to the New World Order when she's talking about lockdowns.
I am not happy when we see the head health minister in Australia say contact tracers are coming, you can't leave your house ever unless you've had shots of these experimental injections, this is the New World Order.
I'm not happy about that.
I knew it was coming, I tried to stop it.
But we're not caught flat-footed.
People are really awake around the world and the globalists are trying to censor and failing because they can't get their agenda through.
If the people know the truth.
And out of all the great resistance out there, Rand Paul and so many others.
Roger Stone's out there fighting it.
We've got Joe Rogan.
We've got all those great people like Tucker Carlson and all of you out there.
But out of all the groups and organizations, it is the InfoWars listeners and viewers that are the biggest and most hardcore and most effective.
That's why they hate me, because they hate you.
So more than ever, tell folks about Bandot Video.
Tell folks about InfoWars.com.
Tell them the truth lives there.
And not just check it out, but to share it with others and tell them to share it.
And that triggers a chain reaction.
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