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Name: 20210912_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 12, 2021
1368 lines.

InfoWars claims to be the "most banned network in the world" and questions the motives of those pushing for COVID-19 vaccines. The show accuses globalists of using racial and cultural division as a strategy to maintain control over the population, including through vaccine mandates. It highlights instances where government officials have encouraged people who refuse vaccination to face consequences such as lockdowns or being put in camps. The show argues that freedom is at stake and criticizes mainstream media and government cover-ups regarding climate change and vaccine side effects. It features interviews with individuals affected by vaccine side effects who have been censored on social media for sharing their stories. The speaker is promoting a vitamin supplement called Vitamin Mineral Fusion available at InfowarsTore.com at a discounted price of 33% off and other supplements with a 50% discount for a limited time. They warn about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines and discuss how fear is being used as a tool by those in power. The speaker also advises people to be prepared and stock up on survival supplies available at InfawareStore.com. The Alex Jones Show discusses how hospitals are being forced to stop delivering babies due to maternity workers resigning over vaccines. They criticize the government's response to COVID-19, arguing that it is unconstitutional and blaming vaccine mandates for causing problems in hospitals. The show also highlights the case of Ernest Ramirez, whose son died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, and features an interview with him about his experience. Ernest Ramirez Jr. lost his son after he received the experimental covid-19 injection in April this year. He is now on a mission to raise awareness about the dangers of these experimental vaccines, especially for children and young people. The speaker discusses the idea of ghouls and how they are evil people who can be hard for good people to believe in, especially when it happens historically every three generations. They mention the World War II generation, baby boomers, and the current generation as examples. The speaker then goes on to talk about demons rising and how this is what humanity is currently facing. The speaker discusses the forced inoculation of 100 million Americans by Biden as an example of criminal activity and violation of the Nuremberg Code. They also criticize the idea of vaccine passes being used to form the backbone of a new world ID and question the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. The speaker urges listeners to be aggressive about their rights and to reject the Great Reset agenda. They express hope that good leaders in governments will come together and recognize the dangers of the Great Reset, but warn that if tyrants push too hard, there may be violent reactions from the public. The speaker also promotes upcoming interviews with Dr. Bartlett and Steve Quayle on their show. The speaker announces that the Biden administration is planning on forcing 100 million Americans to take experimental COVID-19 shots or lose their jobs. They go into detail about how the UN has planned this and what will happen once it's fully implemented, including contact tracers coming into people's homes, forced injections, destruction of immune systems, depopulation, vaccine passports, and control of every aspect of people's lives. The speaker urges people not to give in to this for any reason and warns that they will slowly be controlled more and more through apps on their phones. This text discusses natural immunity and criticizes President Joe Biden's vaccination mandates as well as the media, pharmaceutical companies, and politicians being corrupt. The speaker claims that the mandates are a form of tyranny and questions the motivations behind them. They mention a situation where Trump spent time with police officers and firefighters instead of attending a ceremony with other political figures, praising this decision as a smart move to separate himself from corruption. Additionally, they express support for people who question the 2020 election results and criticize politicians like George Bush for their past actions and statements. Alex discusses how a family of Trump supporter has filed a lawsuit against the City of Portland, Mayor and District Attorney after their relative was murdered by Antifa militant Michael Raynell following a pro-Trump rally. He also comments on how

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It's Sunday, September 12th.
The year is 2021.
And as dark as these days are, the sun of truth and justice is beginning to rise.
The globalists are now out in the open with their agenda of total power and control.
Many of you are asking, why are they so bold?
These vaccines aren't vaccines.
They're causing heart attacks and deaths.
They don't even work.
The majority of people that are sick have had the injections and are now finding out about it.
Why are they creating so much anger, so much fear?
And the answer is divide and conquer.
That's why they're using racial division, cultural division, division of the sexes.
And now you've got Biden and all the surrogates, not just here, but in Australia.
And around the world, in the UK, in Canada, in Europe, saying, if you don't take the shot, the lockdown's not going to end.
And people are angry at you that haven't taken the shot.
It's your fault people are sick and people are about to really get in your face and come after you.
We're going to play a clip of a federal senator right now in Australia, literally invoking attacks on the people.
And remember what Biden said last Thursday.
He said, my patience is running out.
This is your pandemic.
This is an information war.
So they're going past political correctness and saying get rid of America and America should be abolished.
And they're moving directly now to you should be attacked, you should be put in a camp, you should be taken away because you won't take the shots.
It's here.
This is their pretext.
To send out the contact tracers run by the Clinton Foundation here in the U.S.
and other groups around the world to literally set up a total medical tyranny against the human population.
So here is the clip of the federal senator to kick off the show that Owen Schroer is taking over and I'm interviewing a father here in Austin who lost his son from heart swelling and a heart attack at age 16 after he took the Moderna shot.
So it's all coming up on this Sunday broadcast.
You are the info war.
You can override the enemy, but you must share the live feed right now.
You must tell people the truth lives at Bandop Video, and you must say no to the globalists now while you still can.
I think people are getting quite agitated right out there outside, Pete, and those anti-vaxxers out there, that 20-30%, the ones out there protesting on the streets and doing that sort of thing, I think you're going to find the rest of us coming at you lock, stock and barrel.
And we're going to be putting the pressure on you fairly hard because the rest of us that are trying to do the right thing by the country and our kids and get vaccinated and do the right thing, I think for you, we're going to start to get even more agitated and we're going to start to get more hardcore and I think that's what you're going to see.
Massive division out there.
It'll be us on the front foot.
That's what I think is going to happen.
I think the tide is going to turn on those anti-vaxxers out there and you are really going to feel the heat.
We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.
So these are the leaders, the supposed leaders of the free world, reminding you where you
stand in society, where you stand in civilization.
You are a slave.
You do not have medical freedom.
Hell, in many places around the world, you don't really have any freedom at all.
And in the United States of America, you don't have free speech.
And now you have a president that is scolding you, and other members of our government scolding you, and Hollywood and entertainment coming out and saying, screw your freedoms!
This isn't about freedom!
Imagine the president of the United States scolding the American people and telling them it's not about freedom.
Actually, that's all it's about.
That's actually everything.
It's all about freedom.
But America is finally starting to see the true face of corruption and the true face of lawlessness, corrupt politics, criminal politics that's been around for decades.
In one picture with the Clintons and the Obamas and the Bushes and the Bidens all at that 9-11 ceremony, Trump wasn't there.
That was a smart move.
Big Brother, now available on the Nintendo Switch.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Live with you in studio on this Sunday, September 12th, 2021.
But we've got a lot of important emergency reports coming up from Alex Jones
and some very important interviews coming up from Alex Jones as well.
Not just during the two-hour Sunday Alex Jones Show, but then a very important interview with Dr. Bartlett is going to air tonight on Sunday Night Live that we really want you guys to see.
Alex Jones is going to be interviewing Dr. Bartlett.
And it's just so key to get all these different doctors on, and you've seen them coming on with Harrison Smith in the morning, going on the Alex Jones Show, coming on with me in the war room.
Just dozens of doctors.
Because that's what it's about.
It's about having debate.
It's about having a discussion.
Remember, Biden said, we need transparency on all this.
So let's hear from all the doctors.
Everybody needs to have a discussion about this so we can decide what to do with the vaccine.
Oh, but then they get in power and they say it's mandated and anything that they don't want you to see, they censor.
Anything, I guess Big Pharma doesn't want you to see, they censor.
And that's going to be coming up in the Third, fourth, and fifth segment this Sunday is Ernest Ramirez, whose son died from a vaccine side effect.
And he gave a speech about it at an event that the Highwire with Del Bigtree held.
And he gave a speech talking about his son and the vaccine.
And he's got the shirt, Pfizer vaccine killed my boy.
You know, having a speech, public space, and it gets censored on social media.
So it's really an incredible thing to be witnessing and experiencing all this.
And many people in the audience already knew this type of situation would be coming.
They already knew how corrupt things were.
A lot of people are just now starting to see it for the first time and their jaws are dropping to the floor.
They can't believe it.
They can't believe.
What happened to America?
What happened to free speech?
What happened to freedom period?
What happened to the media?
Since when does Big Pharma run our country?
Since when does Big Pharma own my body?
So Mr. Ramirez loses his son, coerced into taking a Pfizer vaccine, dies afterwards, and then he's not even allowed to tell his story because he gets censored on social media.
And so that's how they do it.
So, you only get to hear one side of the story, which isn't even a side of the story, it's the lie.
You get to hear the lies, you get to hear the propaganda, you get to hear the prepared, PSYOP, that they want you to see.
Oh, it's all vaccine good news.
Yes, the vaccine is working.
There's no bad news about the vaccine.
No, Mr. Ramirez did not give a speech about his son dying from the Pfizer vaccine.
It didn't happen.
It never happened.
And so then when you say, hey, you know, I know this guy.
Son got the vaccine.
He died.
Look at this speech.
You go to find it.
It's not there.
Just gone.
Like it never happened.
No, but it did happen.
Ernest Ramirez is a real person.
His son was a real person.
And he died from the COVID vaccine.
Along with countless others.
Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of others.
We don't even know the real numbers yet.
And the people that die from the vaccine, they're saying they died from COVID.
In a very important press conference last week, the governor of West Virginia came out and said, in the last two months, We've had a 25% increase in death in vaccinated people.
And they just say it's all COVID.
Well, yeah, they basically give you COVID.
They have the most transmittable contagious virus made in a lab.
So everybody's got COVID at any given time.
So you die from something else and then just test you and they say, yep, COVID.
And then you have to sit here and deal with the lies of the mainstream news, deal with the internet censorship, Pretending like none of it's going on.
Oh, the vaccine is great.
Oh, COVID's killing everybody you know.
Meanwhile, you're actually doing the independent research.
You know that most of the people that are being hospitalized for COVID or dying from COVID are actually vaccinated.
There's another story that came out.
Stephen King shares this story.
1,200 people a day are dying in Florida from the COVID.
And then it turns out, no, that was a lie.
It was like two people that day.
He just added all the numbers from like months.
Of course, it goes viral and all the liberals are like, see, you're murdering people, you anti-vaxxers!
Which, forget about even the data that we're being lied to and is already manipulated.
They don't even have the common sense to say, hey, if I wear a mask or I take a vaccine, I should be good.
So what am I worried about?
They don't even have the common sense, but see they know the vaccine isn't safe or effective They know the mask doesn't work.
It's just all about telling you what to do now There's a cartoon here That Alex really liked and he sent to the crew and I think it pretty much sums things up Where you've got a man running on a track with a mask with the back-to-normal finish line But then you've got the global elite here running on the COVID bug, the COVID virus.
It's actually just on a hook and they're just running with you and you'll never get back to normal.
You'll never reach that finish line.
The only thing that needs to be added is, I guess really off into this future right here, maybe not so distant.
This is going to be, this is going to be your prison.
So yeah, you're keeping running and you're just going to keep running.
And you're told this is that this is going to be normal.
I'm just going to keep running and it's just it's going to be normal.
This is what the television tells me.
This is what my political leaders tell me.
I just I just got to take my vaccines and I just got to wear my mask and.
I gotta quarantine when I'm told, and, you know, just take whatever medication I'm told, and, you know, it's kind of scary, and the TV's telling me to be really scared, and so, I'm just gonna keep doing exactly what it says, and trust the TV, and trust the experts as I'm told, and, you know, Big Pharma's never hurt anybody, and they won't hurt me.
I'll be fine.
I'm just gonna keep doing exactly as I'm told.
It's not about freedom.
It's not about freedom, no.
It's about being a slave so that I can be safe and protected.
The safest place for me to be is in a prison cell with my ankles shackled and my hands shackled because I might hurt somebody or myself and I have these things called like emotions and thoughts and so I might want to do something or speak and I don't want to do that so I need to be inoculated so that I can't even think anymore.
And then finally I'll be safe, and everybody will be safe, and sure we'll all be slaves, and it's the biggest world government conspiracy in the history of humanity, and it's going to be global enslavement unlike anything ever seen on this planet or history of humanity, but I need to trust the TV!
I need to listen to Hollywood!
They'll save me.
They care about me.
Joe Biden cares about me.
Hollywood cares about me.
They would never lie to me.
They would never tell me that a vaccine is safe and effective when it's killing people and all the new hospitalizations are from the vaccinated people and all the new variants are from the vaccinated people.
I'm just going to keep running until they put me in a jail cell and lock me up and tie me up And hogtie me and cover my mouth because I'm a bad human and I'm a parasite and I'm killing the planet and so this is a good thing.
Says the average woketopian leftist out there.
And so I'll cover some of this vaccine news coming up.
But remember, ladies and gentlemen, we don't want you to live in a prison.
We don't want to see the global elite conquer the planet.
We don't want to see the biggest human enslavement in world history.
That's what Infowars is fighting against and has been for 20 plus years.
And there's a reason why we're the number one target of the New World Order, which has now been announced.
So it's not just a thing to say the New World Order, like that's a cliche around here.
Nope, nope.
It's now been announced.
The New World Order's here.
The New World Order's real.
We're their number one enemy.
There's a reason why.
Because we're leading the edge right now for the media against the New World Order.
So remember to go to InfoWarsTore.com.
The specials that you see right now, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 33% off, that is coming to an end after tonight.
So take advantage of Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 33% off at InfoWarsTore.com before it sells
out or it's too late.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones and now your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, a lot of special stuff.
We're gonna start off at the end of this segment.
We're gonna begin the interview of Alex Jones and Ernest Ramirez, a son.
Who lost or a father who lost his son to a Pfizer vaccine, the COVID vaccine.
And then he gets censored on social media.
He's not allowed to tell you about it.
Because you know, you don't want to go against the Biden regime and the forced vaccines that are killing people.
That's not a good look.
And of course, social media in bed with the Biden regime.
Not only that, Sunday Night Live is going to be Alex Jones and Dr. Bartlett and you're not going to want to miss this interview.
Yet just another doctor.
With the, you know, you can say courage and it is a courageous thing, but really with the foresight to understand he needs to go public with this information, tell the truth about COVID, tell the truth about the vaccines before it's too late.
And so that he can have that on or have it, his conscious cleared that he's not involved in any of this as a doctor and a medical practitioner.
So just add Dr. Bartlett to the list of dozens of doctors with the courage or the foresight or the combination of both.
To see that now is the time to come out and tell the truth about COVID and speak out against these vaccines.
Now I've also got a lot of other news here.
I've got a huge stack of this COVID news.
A bunch of video clips.
Trump was just the bell of the ball all weekend.
Visiting with cops and firefighters.
He was at a big boxing match where there were huge Trump one chants and we love Trump chants and everybody just loving on Trump and loving on America.
Sad you don't see that in the other sports industries these days.
And then, of course, the college stadiums now for football games.
It seems like every weekend we have massive cheers, or I guess not cheers, chants of F Biden and screw Biden just rocking college stadiums.
Hundreds of thousands of people chanting F Biden.
So that's a new thing now.
And then Biden even getting booed at the 9-11 ceremony.
That was all the D.C.
Like Pelosi and the Bushes and the Obamas and the Bidens and all the D.C.
elite and the Clintons.
All the big criminals were there.
Folks, those are the criminals.
Those are our corrupt politicians.
Everybody that was there.
So it was a good move for Trump to snub that.
And he actually went up to New York and did personalized visits and all kinds of stuff with cops and firefighters.
And so we'll have a little bit of that coming up.
And another man has decided to become a woman and in the MMA debut beats a woman's face in and wins the fight as a fake woman.
So that's pretty incredible.
And then the race in California is heating up and that's going to be a big story coming up this week.
So there's a little bit of news on that and a couple other outliers here.
But let me just get into as much of this stack of news before we begin this powerful interview coming up with Ernest Ramirez.
UK Health Minister says government will not impose COVID vaccine passports or lockdowns over Christmas.
So this is what standing up is doing.
It's pushing back on this tyranny.
It's resisting this tyranny.
It doesn't mean it's going to go away.
They're not.
They're just going to relinquish it a little bit and they'll clamp back down.
But all the people that have been standing up And speaking out and going to protests and organizing rallies and everything, they have scored a victory.
So passports for vaccines are on hold now.
And they are going to say, well, at least they're telling them now that you'll be able to have Christmas with your friends and family, you know, because that was illegal last year.
Canada is going the opposite way, though.
Canada is adopting the Chinese social credit score.
They're just going full communist up there in China, which of course is what Trudeau said he wanted to do, so he's just doing it.
Who's more owned by the Chinese?
Is it Trudeau or Biden?
With Trudeau, I guess it feels like he's voluntarily in bed with China.
With Biden, I think they got all the dirt.
You know, they're telling you about all these situations going on at the hospitals.
It's actually going to get worse now.
No, not because of COVID.
It's going to get worse because you have doctors and nurses that are being laid off because they refuse the vaccine.
And they don't get to tell their story.
They get censored on social media, by the way.
And this is what's going to actually cause problems at hospitals.
So they build the false narrative that, oh, there's all these problems at hospitals because of COVID.
That's a big lie.
Then they create the problem.
That they claim was already there by getting rid of all the hospital workers that don't want to take the experimental vaccine.
And why?
Seriously, I mean, this is, look, America is going to have a huge awakening over this.
Any thinking man or woman that is left in this country is going to realize that they've been lied to for a long time.
And who knows, they may even realize that all these lies about COVID and everything recently, whether it's Afghanistan or COVID, everything else, folks, they've been doing the same thing to us for decades.
They lied just like they did on 9-11, like they're doing now.
It's all the same.
That's going to be a big pill for a lot of people to swallow.
That you've been lying to your whole life and you're now just realizing it.
I get it.
That's what InfoWars is here for.
Kentucky healthcare workers refuse to comply with vaccine mandate.
Forced hospital.
Fire them.
And this is happening everywhere.
So now you'll actually have hospital shortages of workers.
And then the workers are going to eventually all be getting sick because they got forced to take this vaccine.
And where does natural immunity play into any of this?
Well, it doesn't.
It's just like it doesn't exist.
See, and Oscar de la Hoya is the perfect example.
Why did Oscar de la Hoya, who's fully vaccinated for COVID, end up in the ICU with COVID really sick?
Well, because Oscar de la Hoya probably already had COVID.
Maybe he knew it.
Maybe he didn't.
So he got the vaccine, then he got even more sick because of it.
Six organ workers with natural immunity to sue over COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
So this is going to be the next big issue.
But you already have, I think, 28 states that said they're not going to be doing vaccine mandates.
Ken Paxton and other attorney generals have said that they are going to be suing the Biden administration for this unconstitutional thing.
They made public statements saying they've never seen a more unconstitutional action from the White House in U.S.
So it's really incredible.
New York Hospital forced to stop delivering babies after maternity workers resign over vaccines.
So again, that's going to be the next big thing.
But then they're going to just say, oh, it's COVID.
So the vaccines are getting people sick.
They say it's COVID.
People are getting laid off at the hospitals.
They're going to blame COVID when it's all the government tyranny causing all these problems.
Here's a short clip of this powerful interview with Ernest Ramirez.
It's going to be in the next two segments, folks.
You don't want to miss this.
Censored all over the internet.
You can only find it right here on InfoWars.
I love the hell out of my country, but I don't trust my government anymore.
My son received a vaccine and he died a few days later.
The only explanation that was given to me was a large heart. So if I have anything to say to anybody,
look down at your child.
Is that worth the risk? I mean, you see your baby right now, you might not see your baby tomorrow.
I have to live with that the rest of my life.
So coming up, Ernest Ramirez and Alex Jones. This man has been censored now all over the
the internet for telling the story of his son dying from the COVID vaccine.
So now you can only find it one place, right here at InfoWars.
Why are they so afraid of you knowing about these vaccines?
Why are they censoring the truth about these vaccines?
A question America should be asking right now.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
information. It's Alex Jones.
I left the hell out of my country, but I don't trust my government anymore.
My son received a vaccine, and he died a few days later.
The only explanation that was given to me was an enlarged heart.
So if I have anything to say to anybody, look down at your child.
Is that worth the risk?
I mean, you see your baby right now, you might not see your baby tomorrow.
I have to live with that the rest of my life.
Well, as a father of four, my oldest is my 18-year-old son, I see our guest coming on and I see the photo of his very handsome son behind him and it makes me want to start crying.
It also makes me think violent thoughts about the people that did this to his son, who thought he was doing the right thing and trying to help people.
But we're going to bring him to justice through the courts, ladies and gentlemen, and don't worry, they will pay.
They violated the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Convention, and a lot more with a secret experimentation and lying to the public about it being authorized.
Last October, the CDC accidentally flashed up on a slideshow and then later it was, quote, declassified.
A list of potential side effects that they knew from previous studies of similar mRNA shots was causing.
It includes mycocarditis and then flat-out heart attacks.
Swelling of the heart.
So I know it's hard for Ernest Ramirez to talk about Ernest Jr., his son, but we only saw a short clip of him on local Fox, hundreds gather at Texas Capitol to oppose vaccine mandates, and then a reporter that we work with,
Christy Lee also did a more in-depth interview that's also at Man.video.
So I really appreciate him coming on to talk about this to make sure that his son's passing over to God's side
is not in vain here and he can warn other people.
So I know it must be hard.
This is hard for me to even do the interview so I can't imagine what it's like for him.
So Ernest, let's talk about Ernest Jr.
What happened?
And I really appreciate you coming on.
Sorry, I know it's hard.
God bless you.
Well, like I said, I took the Moderna because it was just me and my son.
It's always been just us two.
And we were locked up in the house.
When all this started up, we figured it's safest to just keep to ourselves.
And so I took it because I'm in and out more, you know, my son would, I'd wake him up in the morning, give him a kiss, tell him, Jimmy, I'll tell him I love you.
He's going to work.
When I get home, he'll run outside.
You know, I always call him my baby boy.
He was almost a little bit bigger than me, but I was always, he'll run outside, give me a hug.
I give him a kiss and we prepare what, you know, for the evening.
What are we going to do?
What are we going to eat?
So they started advertising saying it was safe for teenagers.
And like I said, my concern, We, we were never apart.
We're always together.
And I started thinking if he gets sick, you know, and he has to go to the hospital, there's no way in the world they're going to keep me from his side.
You know, I'm going to end up getting in trouble or whatever.
So I said, well, they're telling me it's safe.
Why is it safe for him?
So I waited, you know, a couple more weeks and they kept announcing, you know, it's good for the teenagers.
So I said, okay, let's go take it.
So he took the Pfizer shot at a local hospital here.
And, you know, we still stayed home, you know, we didn't go out.
And finally my neighbors, they're like family.
Her husband, my best friend, their kids are like my own kids.
Well, they asked to take him out to eat.
I said, yeah, you know, they're good Christian people.
So they went, they went to eat.
They went to the park to play basketball.
She said the three boys were running one side to the other and he just collapsed while he was running.
He collapsed and fell.
A local PD just happened to be at the park and he started doing CPR.
My best friend, Uh, he started giving them mouth to mouth and there was nothing they could do.
The ambulance got there.
As soon as I got there, they loaded him up and I chased the ambulance to the hospital.
And they told me, your son's dead.
I couldn't believe it.
Couldn't believe it at all.
And, uh, they took a local, the local detectives.
They came and told me, uh, that he had passed due to an enlarged heart.
And I got upset because they're not even doctors.
How are they going to?
That was a large heart.
Why didn't a doctor call me or something else?
That's what I appreciate.
Miss Ivory Hecker, she investigated.
Texas Health Department never called me back.
They transferred me to six different people.
And to this day, I have not received a call from them.
I emailed Governor Abbott.
Also, still haven't gotten any emails from him either.
When Ms.
Hecker talked to one of the doctors, he said, he figured my son wasn't vaccinated there.
And she showed him his card.
And he goes, oh, well, maybe because the side effect, because he was obese or something.
So she showed him a photo.
Does he look like he's obese?
And he said, no, he looks like a normal 16-year-old boy.
And then he said, well maybe his paperwork got misplaced.
It meant nothing to them.
It's not their loss, it's my loss.
Did you know, sir, that they're actually told at the hospitals, I've had guests on about it, to cover up that the vaccine is doing this.
Did you know that the federal government, when they were Preparing to do the emergency authorization last October.
Said in a report that's now public that they believe Moderna and Pfizer, they've already seen it with similar shots in Europe and Israel, would cause heart attacks in teenage boys.
No sir, I didn't hear anything till after he passed in April.
I didn't hear any type of reports till after his passing.
I heard that it was 60% of the teenage boys I mean, I've never had no problem.
I love the hell out of him.
We're a team, me and him.
I wouldn't risk not even no percentage for my son's words more than that.
I mean, like I said, nothing can bring him back.
The government, I don't care what they, there's no amount of money that can
replace my son.
He was the best kid there was.
I mean, I've never had no problem.
I love the hell out of him.
We're a team, me and him.
I always said, it's me and you against the world.
He was my world.
Excuse me, I'm sorry.
Oh, sir, I'm almost crying watching this.
I'm just holding it together in respect for you.
Well, you know, you listen to the media and you're supposed to, in the past, listen to doctors.
And so you have nothing to blame.
You were trying to help society and step up and they were telling you it's the right thing to do to protect others.
That's what Biden said last night.
He said this is an epidemic.
of the unvaccinated even though it's the vaccinated that are mutating and creating these new mutations like the vaccine mutant that's out there now that has hit so many people and that of course is the Delta variant but they consciously knew this.
I'm going to put that document back on screen if you'd like us to bring these documents to you we can but this is on the FDA's own website the CDC's own website that they knew Before this was emergency authorized that it would do it, and now there's new articles.
Teenage boys are 14 times more likely to suffer heart complication from Pfizer jab, specifically heart swelling.
So the police...
That's their job to ask.
So just in case it was drugs or something else, I guarantee you that hospital took his blood.
They found out he was clean.
They did a scan and they know it was the shot.
So by them not telling you, the police at least did, they are now aiding and abetting his murder by Moderna, which is DARPA.
I'm sorry to have to talk like that to you.
I know you're going through a lot, but I think your son would want the justice here to come out of what happened.
Of course.
That's what I said.
I mean, I've told different reporters.
I said to me, if I go out there, I just had to go out drinking.
I caused an accident.
I killed somebody.
I'm going to suffer the consequence.
And I feel like this is murder.
Somebody needs to pay for it.
You know, somebody has to stand up and admit they're wrong.
Quit lying to everybody.
I mean, that's our government.
They're supposed to help us.
You know, we're supposed to be trusting them.
I mean, I just, I keep running into dead ends.
That's why when folk, everywhere they ask me to go speak, I go.
And something told me inside that I need to take this to D.C.
I don't know why.
Yes, sir.
I said, figure, well, that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to head to D.C.
Well, I'm going to D.C.
next week.
I hadn't told anybody that, but they're trying to demonize the First Amendment.
So I'm going up there to support free speech, trying to ban protesting.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I need to hear from you, Ernest.
I need to hear about what happened to Junior, don't I?
Yeah, sir.
Well, my plans are, we're taking, I'm riding a bike up there.
I have a friend of mine, Robert Tooney, Biker for Christ.
He's going along with me.
And we said we're leaving October 16th.
And hopefully to be up there on Monday, the 18th.
Also, we have Texans for Vaccine Choice.
They're going to be up there supporting us.
And we have Miss Jennifer Bridges out of Houston.
Hopefully she'll be able to show up.
Ms. Ivory Hector said she's going to cover the story and she said more than likely she'll
be there in D.C. also.
Well, that's beautiful what you're doing to save other lives because I know that's what
your son would want.
Specifically, again, humanizing your son.
I see those incredible photos there behind you.
It reminds me of my son who's 18.
But what's really sad about this is he lived with you.
Like you're saying, you took care of him from the beginning.
I think you were saying he was a single parent and just that bond there, basically like your
son but also your brother, so close to you.
And I just can't imagine what your sorrows like to have him taken from you.
Yes, I mean, it's heartbreaking coming home every day to an empty house.
I mean, you know, I wait for him to run out the door to give me a hug.
You know, I'm not getting that anymore.
How many days after he got the experimental injection did he have that heart swelling and collapse?
I believe it was on the 19th, I believe, and it happened on the 24th.
We hear that a lot within one week.
And that was what month, sir?
Very much in April.
Right when it all started.
And boy, now what do you think of the President bullying people and saying, we're going to make you take this or you're going to be homeless and lose your job.
I mean, this is tyranny in my view.
What's your view, sir?
The way I look at it, I mean, everybody should have their own choice.
I mean, my concerns are the kids because, you know, we know this is affecting the kids more than anything.
I mean, everybody should have their own choice.
If you decide to do whatever, that's up to you.
I mean, here's our God-given right.
You know, there's an Israeli study that you're 13 to 27 times more immune than with these experimental shots, but they lied to everybody and said they were 96% effective.
I think you've got No, no, no.
I mean, this is not a sacrifice.
here for false advertising. I don't care they have liability protection over
damage but what about the false advertising? I mean this is fraud and
what was it did you see Biden's speech last night and because Maurice said he's
running out of patience. So I guess he's running out of patience you already
basically gave him your son. What do you think about him wanting more children?
No, no, no. I mean this is not a sacrifice. I mean you know I thought you know what I
I thought the kids are a future.
We're supposed to be protecting them.
You know, I mean, I've seen an article in Houston where they're already taking a bus, a medical bus, to one of the schools and accompanied by a sheriff's department trying to enforce a vaccine on kids.
And I said, you know, I mean, that's...
That's not right. There's no way now. I mean, I'm sorry. I mean, there's no way.
No, sir, it is wrong. And the first young person that dies after deputies are there
intimidating people via color of law when there's no law to take it, that's when the war is going
to start. And I think they're really trying to start a civil war. I saw Klaus Schwab of the
Bilderberg and Deimos group say, I'll put our plan is to make them angry.
So they want us to burn our own cities down so things collapse.
And I don't think that's the answer.
I think the answer is prosecuting the globalists that carried this out, sir.
Yes, sir.
I mean, like I said, I'm just here to speak for my son.
I just wanted to push it.
I understand, and I've been asking a lot of questions.
We really appreciate you.
If anybody wants to get in contact with you, or talk to you, or have you speak to their group, how do they do that?
Ernest Ramirez, you're talking about your son, Ernest Ramirez Jr., and then we've got 10 minutes left.
I appreciate your time.
Anything else you'd like to add, please talk to us.
I mean, like I said, I'm traveling out there.
I have a flag made with my son's picture, along with my American flag, because like I said, From the beginning.
I mean, I love the hell out of my country, but I don't trust my government anymore at all.
I mean, so if they see me on the road, it doesn't matter, honk, wave.
They see me eating at a restaurant, they're more than welcome to come up, talk to me.
You know, if they want to join in, they don't have to be on a motorcycle.
They can join in on the pickup truck, cars, whatever.
We just got to make noise because I know for sure I'm not the only one this has happened to.
A lot of us, we deal with a problem.
And we try to go on with life.
But he was my life.
I have nothing left.
So if I don't yell and scream on his behalf, well, good am I, you know.
I was here to protect my son.
And if I can't hear me anymore, I gotta, I have to keep on.
I have to raise, I have to raise this up and try to prevent another child from dying.
Absolutely, that is exactly what you're doing here.
Well, again, I understand you're talking about what happened to your son, and we appreciate your courage, and again, I understand the pressure.
It's like, hey, it's safe, it's effective.
With every other drug, if they tell you that, it's been approved, it's gone through five, ten years testing, but they lied about that.
Now they say it's approved, they just did another emergency authorization.
So they lie to the public, and it's just very Infuriating, more than frightening, it's infuriating that they know this doesn't protect children or young people.
They know it particularly hurts teenage boys, and they're doing it, and it's just absolutely outrageous in my view.
Yes sir, and I don't like what I heard them say, it's worth the risk.
It's not.
It wasn't, not to me.
It wasn't worth it.
You know, because I don't have him.
I mean, there's no way.
I'm never getting to see him again.
Well, you're going to see him in heaven, brother.
There's a spiritual realm.
We all know it.
And you know, you're a good man.
You're going to see your son again.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
We've got a few more minutes left.
Again, is there any way for people out there, because they're going to call us wanting to get in touch with you.
Is it okay for us to give people your email?
Yeah, you can give out my email or, I mean, if they want, they can send me a text on Messenger or whatever.
I answer everything, you know.
I mean, if they want to talk, you know, or even if they want to, you know, send me prayers, I'm for it.
Well, it was very Christ-like of you and your son, early on, wanting to protect others and believing their lies, to go out and do this to help others.
And that's very Christ-like, laying down... I mean, your son laid down his life for others.
He believed he was doing that.
Just like a soldier, you know, that goes to a war that may not be perfect, but he believes he's helping people.
And so, now, out of this, I believe we're going to save...
I believe your testimony is going to save thousands of people and turn the tide.
And so I think that's, you know, I think the devil's really stepped in it.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, of course.
I mean, the way I say it, I feel we're in the end times already.
This is where revelations is coming up.
So, I mean, if I got a week, month, a year left, I'm going to continue to fight, you know.
Oh, I agree with you.
Things are going to get so rough as we're going down this path that your son might be blessed he's not here at this point.
Yes, sir.
That's why I figured they took him first so he wouldn't have to see what we're going to go through in the next few years, you know, because it's going to get worse.
I don't see it getting better.
Elaborate in the few minutes we have left, sir, about Well, like I said, you know, I love my country.
I'm ex-military.
My son, he was an ROTC.
He wanted to go into the Air Force.
government, I mean, the process of trusting more and now not trusting this
this entity. Well, like I said, you know, I love my country, Mexican military. My son,
he was an ROTC, he wanted to go into the Air Force and, you know, so I mean,
like I said, I'm here for my country 100%.
But then the government lied to us constantly.
I mean, we're fighting for ourselves, our country, and this is not a war.
I mean, it seems like a, I'm sorry, I feel like it's population control.
I mean, you're just dropping people left and right, and it's not for a good cause.
You know, we're not at war.
And it's our own occupied government directing it against us, and then covering it up, and then covering up treatments for COVID-19 so more die, and sending sick people with COVID-19 to nursing homes to kill them.
Yeah, these are ghouls.
These are evil people, and good people can't believe it when it happens to them, historically, and it comes every three generations or so.
And notice, three generations, you had the World War II generation, you had the baby boomers, now this generation, and evil, it's generally every three.
Almost always.
And we're in the middle of it, and more... The demons have risen, basically, and that's what we're facing.
And your son was a casualty of this war, sir.
Yes, sir.
That's true.
That is very true.
Alright, well thank you and God bless you and I'd like to get you back on as things unfold and I would like to get you on some of our other broadcasts so you can have a testimony and save others and continue to make sure that your son's memory lives on and has an effect to educate others.
In the last couple minutes we have, any other comments, sir?
It was 20 years ago, 20 years ago coming up next week, that I saw a very popular website online called propaganda
And I learned that a young 18-year-old man named Paul Joseph Watson in Sheffield, England was running it.
I noticed he was linking to a lot of our videos and a lot of our articles, so I emailed him and said, I'd like you to run a new website for me, and I've gotten a URL.
Today, the site redirects to Band.Video.
But back 20 years ago when we first launched it, within just a year it got bigger than InfoWars.com.
And the site grew over the years until about a decade ago when we started mainly focusing on Infowars.com.
And as I said today, it just redirects.
But it's that name, PrismPlanet.com.
When I looked at the UN documents, the Rockefeller documents, precursors to Operation Lockstep, and I saw them talking about using collapsed society, post-industrial world, that they were going to corporately trigger.
I thought, wow, this is a prison planet, compact cities, special computer systems based in your phone that would track and trace you.
This is all the documents 20 years ago.
I said, this is a prison planet that they're building.
And now here we are in the year 2021.
And September 11th has come and gone, and Canada announced to come out with a social credit score.
Europe's announcing it, all based on the vaccine passports.
And they said, oh, this will help us merge with the Chinese credit score.
Canada just announced that a few days ago.
Gregory, she sent a report on it.
It's breaking right now.
Ed Band on video.
But what an incredible time to be alive and to be witnessing all this.
And now, here in the U.S.
and in Europe, we see the so-called leaders, the puppets, saying, our patience is worn thin.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
You're making everyone sick, even though the facts are it's the shedding viruses, it's the mutations from the vaccine that are causing it.
That's mainline science.
They admit it.
But they know the public is ignorant.
And Australian leaders are.
The public is getting angry.
They're going to come after you.
They're gonna get on their front foot against you.
That means attack.
So you better take it.
Oh, and by the way, there's 5, 10, 15 shots.
It's never gonna stop.
So they're making their move on this, and they want the fight over the vaccines.
They want to organize the idiots, the mob, that doesn't know the science and the facts against us.
So now, when I said years ago they're going to use forced inoculation, they're going to say those of us that haven't taken the shots are the reason there's plagues, or they're the ones at the UN level releasing it, we could see all the pieces and accurately predict it a long time ago.
But now it's here.
And so ladies and gentlemen, we have to get very, very aggressive, non-violent, but aggressive about our rights and get in the globalist faces now because it is on.
I sent producers on this Sunday, Owen's host of the show, dozens of video clips of Democrats and Don Lemon and talk show hosts.
Calling basically for aggressive action, saying we're like drunk drivers when we don't take the shots.
We're like, our children are like suicide bombers when they don't wear masks.
That Christians are terrorists, they're going to link up with the Taliban.
You saw George W. Bush, you know, say that in a speech on 9-11.
This is serious.
This is their move.
We know their attack plan.
We've got to reject it.
The good news is, people are rejecting it everywhere.
Now the globalists push too hard, it's going to end up like what's happening in Spain, where they're now burning down police stations.
So this is accelerating very quickly.
The tyrants can't help themselves.
It's their nature.
Klaus Schwab and the Rothschilds are going to sit back and watch things burn.
That's their plan.
I'd rather us all come together, the police, the military, the good leaders in all our governments, and recognize the Great Reset and fully reject it.
All right, Owen Sawyer is going to come back and again host the rest of the hour.
He's got a lot to cover.
And then, coming up in the regular show that he hosts, Sunday Live, we've got Dr. Bartlett, who is amazing, formerly the head of Rick Perry's medical commission.
He's a really smart guy, exposing the whole agenda, the fact that it's a bioweapon, that they're suppressing treatments on.
Very powerful interview I did for a special Saturday transmission.
It's posted to Bandot Video, but that's coming up.
And so much more.
Steve Quayle, all of it, coming up on Sunday live at 6 p.m.
But back to the regular Sunday Alex Jones Show and Owen Schroer.
Please be part of the solution.
Be part of the fight.
Take this live feed.
Share it right now.
Tell folks what the local station you're listening to.
That's how we override the censors.
And you've been doing it, and we're starting to turn the tide.
All over the world, like in the UK, they're pulling back on the vaccine passports right now, quote, for the winter, because people rebelled and shut it down successfully.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroer, broadcasting from the InfoWars headquarters, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We're into the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to cover a lot of news here.
And then you're going to want to stick around for Sunday Night Live, a very powerful interview with yet another doctor, Alex Jones and Dr. Richard Bartlett, discussing COVID and the vaccines.
This is, once again, just one of the doctors that's come on air with us and just given us hours of hardcore, must-see-and-share information that you can only get here because everybody else is afraid to talk about it because they know it means censorship from the internet.
Well, we don't really have that fear here.
We've already been censored everywhere.
Not that we would be afraid of that anyway.
That's why they censor us.
So, that's all coming up.
And remember that it's all possible.
With your financial support at InfoWarsStore.com.
And we have, still, at InfoWarsStore.com, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 33% off.
And it is selling out fast at 33% off.
I think we're probably gonna either sell out or this special's gonna have to end tomorrow.
And that's 33% off Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I start every day with Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I mix it with a little juice.
Stir it up, get my supplement stack ready, and I chase it down with the Vitamin Mineral Fusion every morning.
There's some other big discounts at Infowarsstore.com right now as well, like Ultra 12, the superior vitamin B supplement, vitamin B12, Ultra 12.
That's 50% off at Infowarsstore.com.
And then stock up.
Summer is, is summer officially over yet?
I don't know if it's officially over yet, but, but, um, summer is coming to its conclusion, which means fall and then winter.
That's when people usually get sick because you're not getting as much sun.
The weather gets colder.
Everybody knows that's when the flu season starts.
So that's why we sell vitamin D. Stock up on it.
Wintersun vitamin D at Infowarsstore.com.
That is 50% off right now as well.
So stock up on that for the upcoming winter months.
All right, let me get back into this stack of news here dealing with COVID and the vaccines.
As you just saw the interview that has been censored everywhere.
And so we'll get back to that.
Ernest Ramirez, who lost his son to the vaccine mandate and the pressure from society.
But, uh, they're not done.
They're not done.
They're not going to back off these mandates.
In fact, there's going to be more strict mandates coming from the Biden regime.
There's going to be probably, uh, they're going to start threatening action, legal action against you.
They already talked about the fines.
They'll come subsidize your Uh, wages if they can, they'll take away your Medicaid, they'll take away your Social Security, they'll take away anything, your healthcare, anything that you are reliant on them for, they will take it away until you get this vaccine.
Natural immunity, be damned.
And the Surgeon General has come out and said he expects Biden, or he knows Biden, We'll be making more actions on COVID-19 vaccines before he meets with the UN on Tuesday.
So if they can get Biden out of bed, maybe lure him with some tapioca pudding and get him out of bed and get him all cleaned up and hopped up on whatever it is that they do to get him to talk.
And he'll probably make an announcement tomorrow or if he can't hack it, he'll send up Psaki or maybe Some other spokesperson to do that, but that will be announced most likely tomorrow.
This story is breaking and very telling.
Of course, it was well known, but now it's going viral, if you will.
26 out of 27 scientists who claimed Wuhan COVID origins were conspiracy theories had direct ties to the Wuhan lab.
Oh, go figure.
Kind of like how the media and big tech that wants to censor all the negative vaccine stories, how they have direct relations to the big pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers.
Kind of like how Biden I forget where the numbers were.
I covered them a couple weeks ago.
Big pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and others.
Big donors to the Biden campaign.
Big, big donors to the Biden campaign.
Big, big donors to Democrat super PACs that helped get Biden in.
And so they, oh, you mean the people funded by Big Pharma want to mandate a Big Pharma product?
I can't wrap my head around it.
How does that work?
So, but at the time, if you would have reported, and many did, that the scientists, they were covering up the Wuhan lab theory, the truth, covering up the truth about the COVID origins.
Yeah, there's Moderna's stock skyrocketing.
Oh, and they're thanking Biden and Fauci.
You better believe it.
And they'll be thanking them again next campaign cycle with millions of dollars in donations.
Oh, yeah.
Because they care about you.
See, if you would have shared about the 26 doctors that were working in the Wuhan lab that told you it didn't exist, you would have been censored then.
Oh, now it comes out as truth a year after they censored the information.
How convenient.
And of course, here it is.
Father whose son died from vaccine-induced heart inflammation censored by big tech.
But these stories are just continuing to get worse.
Heart inflammation in teens explodes across U.S.
after FDA approves injections.
And the story is there at InfoWars.com.
And sadly, it's not just Ernest Ramirez and his son.
It's a bunch of teens, high school age, college age, athletes, you know, healthy, everything.
You get the vaccine.
You get myocarditis.
You get a blood clot.
You end up in the hospital.
You die.
When most people probably already have natural immunity.
And whether you do or you don't, there's a 99.9% chance that you would survive this virus even if you got it.
Now, these new variants may be worse.
Maybe the numbers are worse.
Maybe they're not.
Maybe it's a worse experience with the new variants.
By the way, all these different Greek alphabet letters they're using, it's time to just drop that act.
It's the vaccine variants.
It's the Vaccine Variance.
That's what it is.
It's not Delta, it's not Mu or whatever or Lambda or who knows.
It's the Vaccine Variance.
There may be dozens, hundreds, I don't know.
It's the Vaccine Variance.
That's what it needs to be called.
And of course in Australia you're seeing the worst tyranny of all.
Ah, yes, there it is.
Nobel Peace Prize winner reveals vaccines are causing the variants.
Yeah, we called that... I mean, that was just science.
Oh yeah, follow the science, but ignore the real science.
The tyranny's worse in Australia than probably anywhere else, and now they have banned the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment.
It's so frustrating.
I mean, it's beyond frustrating.
It's angering.
Enraging when you have statements coming out of the White House and Biden where he says, we're going to do everything possible to stop this virus.
We're going to do everything possible to beat this variant.
How about ivermectin?
Not that!
What about hydroxychloroquine and zinc and vitamin D and Z-packs and all that that's been proved?
No, no!
We're not doing that.
What about Regeneron that's worked for so many people?
No, no, no, no, no.
What about natural immunity?
I've not... No!
Didn't you hear me?
I said we're gonna do anything possible to stop this virus.
We're gonna do anything possible.
Just not ivermectin or anything Big Pharma doesn't want us to do.
That's all.
And by the way, it's not about freedom.
I mean, the audacity!
You know, this whole, people say, oh, you know, I don't like whataboutism.
No, I think whataboutism is perfectly fair because it shows how fraudulent and phony and corrupt people are.
When you take a situation, you apply it to two entities or two people or whatever, and you gauge the response.
And that just shows you, is somebody genuine or are they a liar and a fraud?
Imagine if Donald Trump said it's not about freedom.
Imagine if Donald Trump was mandating the vaccines.
Trump didn't even want to mandate the vaccine.
He just said, Operation Warp Speed.
And they said, the vaccine's going to kill people.
Don't take the vaccine.
And then overnight, they changed their minds.
Because they're liars.
And now murderers, I guess.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm thinking about taking some phone calls ahead of this epic interview coming up.
Alex Jones and Dr. Richard Bartlett.
Because I can probably get through the rest of these news stories here.
And... You've probably seen these videos already.
And we may just continue to cover these during the weekday transmissions, but thinking about maybe taking some phone calls, at least for a segment maybe.
So let's do that, guys.
Let me put out the phone number and let's just load up some calls here.
I'm gonna be able to get through this news and probably even the video clips.
We'll have time for at least one segment of calls before the big interview coming up.
You're not gonna want to miss, folks.
It's a must-share, must-see.
What have you heard from your employer, or what are you hearing about this vaccine mandate?
It's affecting everybody in some way, shape, or form, or at least somebody you know probably.
I know a couple people who are wondering what to do, but the good news is, most of the people I've talked to that are affected by this, the companies they work for are basically saying, no, not here.
We're not doing that.
And then if you live in a state where the Attorney General has come out, where I believe it's 28 states in the United States now, have said, no, we're not going to implement vaccine mandates.
What Biden has done is completely illegal.
So that's pretty amazing.
So we'll take some calls on that.
How this vaccine mandate's affecting you, your employer, your employees, whatever.
Because we're just beginning this and now Biden expected to make more tyrannical statements even tomorrow.
Let me just get through the rest of this news here as they are getting those calls lined up.
Trump snubs DC Elite's 9-11 ceremony to spend time with police and firefighters in New York City.
And I've got all kinds of video on this.
And the stories of Infowars.com showing how Trump was getting attacked by the media for not showing up with the Bushes and the Obamas and the Clintons and the Bidens, you know, the most corrupt among us.
And he actually was in New York with police officers and firefighters, and there's some pretty cool videos that have come out of that.
I'm going to cover those tomorrow.
But that was a smart move by Trump, not to be with the D.C.
criminals, but to go out with the actual firefighters and police and Separate himself from that criminal cabal and that's really what it was about and hey, they don't like him They don't want him.
So why should he go hang out with them?
There are corrupt politicians, they're the ones that have destroyed this country look no further than the group of people At the 9-11 ceremonies in DC, if you want to find out who destroyed America, look no further than those lying criminals.
And by the way, the speech that Bush gave, basically calling Americans terrorists, remember Bush?
If you're either with us or you're with the terrorists, well now Bush has changed that onto the people.
Now Bush has said that the American people are the terrorists.
So it's been amazing to watch all of these Republicans and Conservatives that have now finally realized who George Bush really was.
He was never on your team.
He was a corrupt politician as the rest of them.
He may have said some things you liked.
He may have been from the party you liked.
But he was just as corrupt as the one before and the one after.
George Bush.
But that's a good thing.
This is an awakening moment for America.
This is a self-awareness, self-realization moment for America.
Bush was never on your team.
And so for him to come out and say, "Yep, the American people are terrorists now,"
that had a lot of veterans and a lot of Americans finally realizing that Bush was never on their team.
So that's a good awakening process for people to be having.
Family of Trump supporter murdered by Antifa militant files lawsuit against Portland City Mayor and District Attorney the estate of Aaron J Danielson who was murdered by Antifa militant Michael Raynal following a pro-Trump rally has filed lawsuit against the City of Portland the Mayor and the District Attorney for negligence.
Can you imagine if it was a Democrat Leaving a Democrat event that got shot by a conservative or a Trump supporter, can you imagine?
It'd be the top story.
It'd be the biggest thing.
You can already see the headlines in your minds.
But, oh, it's a Democrat.
It's a leftist.
It's a liberal that murders a Trump supporter.
That doesn't fit into the media lie and the media narrative.
So, they don't cover it.
That's not the only violence from leftists over the weekend.
Texas pro-life organization headquarters evacuated over bomb threat and suspicious package.
By the way, you know Larry Elder gets assaulted every time he goes out by racist liberals now too.
That race is heating up.
That's going to be interesting to watch.
In fact, Rose McGowan had a press conference with Larry Elder today where... I forget the exact claim, but basically that I think it was Newsom's wife was bribing.
It was some bribe, basically.
I forget the exact nature of the story.
I'm not going to try to take a guess.
The crew can probably find it.
I'm sure it's all over the internet today.
Here's the headline.
Rose McGowan, Gavin Newsom's wife, called me on behalf of Harvey Weinstein before scandal broke.
So yeah, they were trying to stop Rose McGowan from speaking to protect Harvey Weinstein.
That's Newsom and his wife.
So Gavin Newsom and his wife tried to stop, tried to protect Harvey Weinstein.
But oh, all the MeToo Democrats and pro-woman Democrats, they're still standing up for Newsom and they love Newsom, even though he was on the side of Harvey Weinstein.
And then Rose McGowan goes and does a press conference with Larry Elder today, basically calling out the complete frauds in the media, the complete frauds in the Democrat Party, and all the intellectual fraud of the liberal left.
So that's going on.
They loved Rose McGowan when she was at the alpha of the Me Too Women's March, but then when she was like actually about it and not just in it for Democrat Party purposes, then they booted her out and now they don't really care about her anymore.
Bill Maher is not so happy where his liberal left is going.
Bill Maher slams NFL's Black National Anthem and critical race theory.
Segregation under a different name.
Bill Maher says the race-obsessed left is embarrassing him.
Are they really playing the Black National Anthem at NFL games?
Is that a real thing?
I guess it is.
What a joke.
Protest the actual National Anthem, but what if somebody took a knee during the Black National Anthem?
Can you imagine how that would go?
I don't think that would be a very accepted thing by the media and by the left.
Another transgender fighter wins a fight against a woman.
Go figure.
Transgender fighter Elena McLaughlin wins MMA debut.
The debut!
And folks, I mean, this is just ridiculous.
It's a fully, it's a massive dude who used to be really into weightlifting.
Uh, even enlisted in the army to become a man.
And, and was obviously a, a, a, you know, pretty manly man, quite frankly.
Big beard.
Liked outdoors and joined the army.
Big muscles and everything.
Oh, but now he's a woman, and he's gonna be fighting against women, and go figure, he's 1-0.
Oh, excuse me, she's 1-0.
And it says, end transgenocide.
Who's causing transgenocide?
Who's causing transgenocide?
Were there trans intolerant in the Middle East?
Or the high suicide rate amongst transgender people?
So there you go.
Congratulations, man.
You just beat a woman in a fight.
That used to be called domestic violence or abuse of a woman, but now it's called MMA.
in late August.
Alright, we're back here on the Alex Jones Show this Sunday evening.
Alex Jones is coming up with a powerful interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett and also some special reports.
That's going to be coming up in the next two hours.
And don't forget about InfoWarsStore.com.
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All kinds of pushback against the Biden vaccine mandate.
By the way, Biden over the weekend gets booed.
He gets booed when he goes to New York to look at the flood damage.
He gets booed when he goes to the ceremony.
For 9-11, the ceremonies, he gets booed and heckled there.
Trump gets nothing but cheered.
College football stadiums ring loud with the F-Biden chants.
Trump gets cheered.
We love Trump.
He shows up at a boxing match.
He does commentary.
He's the bell to the ball.
He shows up in New York City.
He's hanging out with police and firemen and they can't stop shaking his hand and smiling and hugging him and taking pictures and everything.
But boy, yeah, Biden, you know, he's the guy that got the 81 million votes more than ever.
He's the popular one, right?
He's the guy.
He's the one, I'm sure.
But we're asking you in the audience how you have been affected.
And we're going into the first work week, I suppose, as the vaccine mandates are rolled out.
And so I know this is affecting a lot of people.
Oh, yeah, there's Biden literally sprinting to a child.
You know, this was something I was going to get into tomorrow.
He's shuffling and droning about yesterday at the 9-11 ceremonies as he's being booed.
He sees a kid and he literally sprints faster than you've seen him move.
It's like a pet whenever you're about to feed it.
And it's like a beeline right to you to eat food.
So here's all the former presidents exiting the ceremonies.
Biden shuffling along as he normally does.
A lot of people think that he walks like somebody that has Parkinson's, what doctors have said,
and they're all walking in a line.
And then Biden breaks the line and sprints right over to this kid and takes his mask off to rub this kid
and blow a kiss to the kid.
Again, it's like an animal running to food.
But I'm asking you in the audience, how you're being affected by this vaccine mandate
and where it's gonna go from here.
And so we've got some callers on the line that are going to be commenting on this.
We go to them now.
Don has called in from Michigan.
Don you're on the Alex Jones show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen.
God bless you man and all the info warriors out there.
At my work it's just a matter of time before they implement the injection mandates.
For a federal contractor that supplies food and whatnot to the military.
And I...
This statement by President Pennywise and the clown show administration last Thursday, whenever it was, just really kind of freaked me out.
It reminded me of the Reichskristallnacht speech by Joseph Goebbels.
Prior to the giant purge in Germany.
I've been trying to think of what I'm going to do when I am forced out of my job and I can't pay rent anymore.
If I'm going to flee to a free state or stand and fight here in Michigan.
And I'm a single dad with pretty isolated social life.
I don't have a big network of people to rely on.
My parents are both elderly and have now taken the injection,
and their health is diminishing exponentially.
They wouldn't listen to me.
So, I've decided that I'm just going to stand and fight and stand together with anybody
that resists this tyrannical decree by our globalist overlords.
And I ask everyone that's considering fleeing to a quote-unquote free state.
You know, I thought about this a lot.
I have a bad feeling that this is just a way for them to funnel all of the resistance into one area, into several areas, and eventually in the long term snuff us out all the easier.
People should probably stand and fight where they're at and Resist this at all costs.
I'm willing to go all the way.
I know a lot of people are feeling the same way as me.
I just want to give them kudos and my prayers.
Well, there's a lot of Americans that are basically facing the same decisions that you're facing here, and you'll meet like-minded people that you will band together with.
I mean, the one option I think that I'm seeing a lot of people take, and I think it's the smart option, Uh, you know, everyone's going to have to make their own decisions, but I wouldn't quit.
I'd make them fire you and then look at legal action.
It's amazing.
It's crazy to think that we're now here in the year 2021 and we have maps that are going around of free states and slave states.
And it's like, I don't want to be funneled into a civil war that will ultimately destroy America.
I don't want to be a part of that.
But I mean, I have to, I have to report the news and keep the audience's most informed audience in the world out there.
So, I mean, It's crazy to think we're now in 2021 and we've gone back in time and we're now looking at maps of free states and slave states and you have the president coming out and telling America like he runs your life that he's getting impatient with you because he won't do what he tells you to.
A lot of Americans never thought they'd see this day, and it's quite a wake-up call.
Don, God bless.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to... Let's go to... Let's see here.
Let's go to Harold in Arizona.
Harold, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Owen?
You're great.
I love everything you guys are doing to fight all this good stuff.
Or this nonsense, I should say.
I'm calm because my mom's been working for United Airlines.
Since 1969.
She flew through the whole entire beginning of the pandemic.
This whole entire time, she's been flying with no problem.
And now they're going to make her go on unpaid leave starting October 2nd if she doesn't get the vaccine.
Also, my brother works for the Los Angeles School District, and I don't know if he's gonna go on unpaid leave or if he just ended up getting fired, but if he doesn't get vaxxed by, I think it's October 15th, He will no longer have a job.
I also sell a lot of farmer markets out here in Arizona and California.
And some of these markets now are starting to require their vendors to be vaccinated in order to sell at their markets.
So it's coming quick.
It's coming fast.
It's coming rapid.
And it's very discouraging to see how quickly this has been implemented.
But I do appreciate everything you guys are doing to help bring awareness to this and Hopefully we can fight this back because it's getting
brutal out here.
Well, all the people out there that were politically apathetic or just kind of maybe looked at
it as ceremonious or fun like, "Oh, I put a sticker on, I voted, like, haha, I'm part
of the process, yay, I'm somebody, I'm something."
And now they're finally realizing that, no, no, no, no, no, politics does care about you.
Politics is in your life.
This president is in your life.
And they're realizing now, wow, you know, that person I vote for, the policies and everything actually impact me.
I never thought about that.
And so they're realizing that, wow, policies and put into practice that Democrats have been Putting into practice in inner cities for years, and now the medical tyranny?
Wow, this is actually destroying my life!
This is actually destroying my freedom!
Just like it's destroyed all the major inner cities where it takes hold.
So they're having that wake-up call.
It's not a fun process.
It's not a fun process.
At first, the truth is going to piss you off.
But then it sets you free.
At first, the truth is going to anger you, and then it's going to set you free.
But Biden seems to be getting thrown under the bus by the Democrats and the media now, too.
So, there's going to be some major, major crossroads and major events here before the midterm elections that are going to change our fate.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
One more segment left here of the Alex Jones Show, and then Alex Jones takes over Sunday Night Live.
A powerful interview with Dr. Richard Bartlett, and then there's going to be some also, he's going to be having some other breaking news reports as well.
That's coming up.
In the meantime, you got callers on the line here.
I'm asking the audience how this vaccine mandate has impacted them.
You just heard from some stories in the last segment.
We got a couple others on the line right now.
Let's go to David, who's called in from Florida.
On the vaccine mandate.
David, go ahead.
Hey Owen, how's it going, brother?
Good, thanks for calling.
I really appreciate you guys and everything you do.
I won't take up too much of your time.
I spoke with you before.
I'm also the guy that got censored at the Trump rally.
But I just want to call in and tell you guys, one of my very best friends, without being too specific, because we all know everyone listens to M4s, right?
He works for NASA and it's his dream job and it took him, you know, quite a while to get in there.
And he's in a very technical high position.
And as we, about two weeks ago, I put him on InfoWars, he started listening to the show, and he's watching it with a fervor.
I mean, you know, just studying every single thing that he can get his eyes on and ears on, and he's extremely smart.
So he knows when you say something, whether it's, you know, BS or not.
And he got, right after Biden made the announcement, I believe it was on the 9th, about the Mandates.
He got an email from management that said, Hey, you know what?
You're going to have to, uh, you're going to have to get the vaccines, get the shots.
And if you don't, then we're going to get rid of you pretty much.
So now he's scrambling, trying to figure out what he can do to get out of doing that.
And if he has to, he'll leave his job.
So I'm just concerned about what's going to happen to our infrastructure.
you know, with all these people getting these frankenshots to utilize Alex's term, I just
wonder what's going to happen to our infrastructure and all of our high technical positions with all
of these people getting this stuff. I mean, are they trying to do the same thing to us there that
they're doing with the military? Are they trying to weaken us so they can just hand us over to
Commie China? I mean, what do you think? Well, it's both.
And if you view it as an a war on us, as an affront on us, which it is, and if you
want to say it's China or the globalists or the world elite, it really doesn't matter because the
impact is the same.
They're shutting down the economy.
They're shutting down our supply chain.
Food prices are going up.
Energy prices are going up.
Taxes are going up, so this is going to cripple the middle class, it's going to cripple our economy, and it's going to weaken America.
So whether it's China doing it, incompetent politicians doing it, a world elite doing it with an agenda, it's all going to have the same impact, and it's all going to hurt America.
But yeah, these people that are getting the vaccines, they're going to get sick.
And then you're going to have people that are refusing the vaccine.
They're going to get fired from jobs.
So it's just, just go again.
It's going to hurt the economy.
It's going to hurt the middle class.
It's going to hurt the supply lines.
And it's just amazing how dumb people are.
They can't see that this is all coming.
I mean, I understand if people didn't want to see or admit that this was coming a year and a half ago when Infowars was warning about it.
But now it's, I mean, you're standing on the train tracks.
And you're not feeling vibrations and the rocks maybe rumbling a little bit and you're thinking, oh, is a train coming?
Or there's a distant light out straight ahead of you that you can kind of see maybe it's encroaching.
Oh, is that a train encroaching?
I mean, we can now see the train, hear the horn, the tracks are vibrating, and you can see it.
It is coming.
It is going to hit you.
So we got to get off the tracks or we're in big trouble.
David, thank you for the call.
Let's go to Christine in New Jersey.
I want to talk about the vaccine mandate.
Christine, go ahead.
Hey, how are you?
Hi, good, thanks for calling.
Can you hear me?
All right, so I thought of a loophole, so I want to say two things.
I thought of a loophole for the recent mandate of 100 employers.
It's a temporary loophole for now, so if any business owners are listening, or you can tell a friend that you know of the business.
Now, if you say, for example, you have 150 employees, What I think a business owner should do is just open up a new business, a separate entity, like a tax ID number, a whole new business, and then just separate those.
separate them to 75 each. Now you have 75 each. It's not a big deal, because I'm a business owner,
it's not a big deal for you to open up a business. It's another business.
Yeah, and then there's another option I've seen of people just hiring people out as contractors
is another option. Certainly people are going to do that, but they'll, I think you're right
though, I think it's a temporary thing because they'll find a way to shut that down too.
Well, and then I wanted to encourage people besides that loophole for now,
This is all going to be taken care of anyway.
People have to keep this in mind that this is not going to be able to go through.
We just have to wait for the court process to happen.
But another thing, I want to encourage people, and I can't imagine being in a position where you're literally going to be fired from your job if you don't take this ill shot.
But I want to encourage them, don't do it.
Just don't do it.
Wait till they fire you.
Try to go on an appointment, find another job.
Even if it's life and money, temporarily you'll find something else.
I just want to tell people when one door closes, another one opens.
We can't give in to this.
People need to band together.
If you're in a company and there's 20 people that don't want to take this, all 20 need to get together, band together, and come up with a course of action.
And hey, don't give in to this disgusting shot that's killing thousands of people.
We don't know.
Unknown future repercussions.
I think they're going to connect it to 5G, to tell you the truth.
They're going to connect you to 5G.
It's something way more sinister going on with why they want everyone in the whole world to have this experimental shot.
Oh, absolutely.
If they can get this experimental vaccine mandated and get us to go along with it, imagine what they'll do next and then beyond, folks.
That's why it's so key to stand this ground now and draw the line in the sand now as well.
And, Christine, thank you so much for the call.
And, by the way, I mean, I know people that are going through decisions like this.
And, you know, it's really sad because people are going to have to make a decision.
Some people are going to make the decision to get that jab.
Others are going to make the decision not to and then have to go through whatever comes after that.
But you know what's sick about it is, for the friends or family that I have or that we have, They're about to go through this, and maybe they're lining up to get the vaccine, or maybe they're about to quit their job.
You know, we hug them, and we pray for them, and we say, hey, you know what?
We hope it works out.
Hey, with your job, I hope it works out.
I love you.
Hey, with the vaccine, I hope it's okay.
I hope it doesn't hurt you.
I hope it's okay.
I love you.
I'm praying for you.
But what is it like on the other side?
Oh, you don't want to get the vaccine?
Just die!
Just die!
You don't want the vaccine?
I hope you die!
We're gonna kill you!
Do what we say!
That's the juxtaposition right now.
Hey, I don't think you should take the vaccine.
Hey, well, I have to for my work.
Okay, well, I love you.
I'm going to pray for you.
I hope it works out.
I think you're going to be okay.
It's going to be fine.
Oh, the vaccine, the medical tyranny lovers, they hear you going, I hope you die from COVID.
We're not going to give you any medical treatment either.
We're going to take your money and we're going to get you fired.
How do you like that?
Just total evil.
Alright, let's go to David in Michigan.
David in Michigan, you're on the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hey Owen, I'm supposed to tell you from my wife, she loves you, and you're a heck of a patriot.
Keep up the fight.
Thank you, she's very kind.
Hey, in terms of the COVID mandate, so my daughter's been asked by her supervisor, you know, if she would take the vaccine, she told them point blank, she's had COVID, She had it a few months ago and that she'll quit.
And her boss just said, OK.
And so my daughter is actually filing tomorrow.
She's filing because she's an accountant.
She's filing to get an LLC so she can start her own practice.
So she gets fired.
She has an outlet to do something different now in regards to the actual vaccine.
So my wife just spent five days with her mom who was vaccinated months ago.
Who's now has COVID and her boyfriend is even sicker.
He got vaccinated as well at the same time with her with the Pfizer vaccine and he's now in the hospital as of today.
With COVID or just something else?
No, they confirmed today, the hospital confirmed he has COVID.
Now, that being said, we know they had, my wife tried telling him, you got COVID.
He wouldn't buy it because he's vaccinated.
He's 80 years old.
He wouldn't believe that he had COVID, but my wife's like, well, you had all this.
We had COVID in August, my wife, my son, and I. So we lost our taste and smell.
We were like a big hangover for about five days, three days of allergy-like symptoms.
And she tried telling him, you guys have COVID.
No way.
We don't have COVID.
I got the vaccine.
Well, he confirmed today when he was admitted to the hospital, they confirmed with him that he's got COVID.
And you know the funny thing is most people don't even know that they've had it and so they get the vaccine and then they have a negative response or get even sicker from COVID because that's what the vaccine does now.
Now I know three people that have died.
That have gotten the vaccine?
It's unbelievable.
David, I'm out of time here.
Thank you so much for the call.
Folks, that does it tonight for the Alex Jones Show, but stick around because the Sunday Night Live, InfoWars Sunday Night Live, is set to be a must-see, must-share, must-hear interview.
Alex Jones, Dr. Richard Bartlett, as well as special breaking reports that Alex has just filed right now as well.
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Thank you and God bless!
We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.
I am not happy being vindicated.
I am not happy having the entire Rockefeller New World Order UN takeover plan unfolding.
I'm not happy to see the Mayor of Chicago saying you must pledge allegiance to the New World Order when she's talking about lockdowns.
I am not happy when we see the head health minister in Australia say contact tracers are coming, you can't leave your house ever unless you've had shots.
of these experimental injections. This is the new world order. I'm not happy about that.
I knew it was coming. I tried to stop it. But we're not caught flat-footed. People are really
awake around the world and the globalists are trying to censor and failing because they can't
get their agenda through if the people know the truth. And out of all the great resistance out
there, Rand Paul and so many others, Roger Stone's out there fighting it.
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