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Name: 20210910_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 10, 2021
2466 lines.

Alex Jones' InfoWars focuses on health, politics, and current events, warning listeners about a New World Order while promoting individual liberty, personal preparedness, and alternative forms of currency like cryptocurrency. He discusses potential threats such as smuggling of missiles into the US and encourages peace with resistance through civil disobedience. His broadcasts feature interviews with experts on various topics and promote his supplement company's products.

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This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination programs, from the mutated vaccine, in five months, free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations.
All the sickest countries took the most vaccines.
We still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot.
This is about freedom for personal choice.
No, it's about tyranny.
It's about protecting yourself and those around you.
It doesn't protect you.
The people you work with.
The people you care about.
On Owen's show yesterday, I made this point, and then Greg Guffield did as well.
It protects all Americans.
But it's about dividing Americans.
The Department of Labor is developing an emergency... What about people that already have more than a million of you, you little jackass monkey?
...with 100 or more employees... I understand it'll hurt you if you take the shot after a murderer.
...80 million workers.
To ensure that our workforces are fully vaccinated, or show a negative test at least once a week.
We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.
Your refusal has cost all of us.
I'm taking parts of my pandemic preparedness plan so that America isn't caught flat-footed with a new pandemic, comes Logan.
As it will from the front lines of the information war.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, September 10th.
The year is 2021.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, September 10th.
The year is 2021.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here live for the next four hours.
And I am going to attempt, as best I can, to calmly go over all the news and information
that is breaking here today.
Now, we have reached a point where words are not strong enough to describe what is unfolding in our society on this planet here today.
And it is critical that the general public understand this is a planetary, directed, corporate, fascist dictatorship being set up that uses leftist, Marxist, Maoist ideology to control the general public, but in itself is multinational and corporate and fascist in its political system and eugenics-based and depopulationist-based in its goal.
Now you saw President the Puppet Biden, the man that stole his way into the election, the man installed by big tech and the globalists.
You see him and you witness him carrying out the operations that are being carried out in Europe and Australia and Canada, and you only see them increasing the measures of control as they claim they are removing the systems of control.
This is a planned Great Reset, permanent, world government, technocracy, martial law system that is being put in place.
So here's the big takeaway for everyone out there.
If you think what Biden announced yesterday, declaring dictatorial powers unto himself, federal takeover of all, basically, businesses and society, if you think that's bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
And so everything you see in Australia will be here within a year, because we're already where Australia was now a year ago.
They are being directed by the corporations.
This is a corporate plan, and that's why it's up to all the politicians to execute it, along with the corporations, or they will be destroyed by the corporate media and by big tech.
That's why they act like they've got guns to their heads.
Most of these politicians are just political whores that are bought and paid for and compromised.
They'd like to be popular, actually.
They'd like to be rich and powerful.
They'll rob you blind to do that, but they don't want to burn everything down, most of them.
Quite a few are pedophiles.
They just want to rape children.
But there is a group behind them that's even more evil than they are.
So, we're going to come back.
And we've got just the incredible clips from yesterday.
We're going to analyze it all.
We have constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes who has filed suits a month ago and more last week with Robert Kennedy Jr.
against this fraud.
And we've got Mike Adams loaded for bear coming up in the fourth hour.
I'll be hosting with him.
And just so much more today.
We have Dr. Zelenko, Vladimir Zev Zelenko.
Amazing interview a few weeks ago with him.
He'll be back today in the third hour.
This is going to be one hell of a Friday broadcast.
And then Tomorrow at 5 p.m., a special report with four different guests you don't want to miss as well on Saturday, and I come back Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Yeah, we're working hard.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, September 10th.
The year is 2021.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I'll be hosting for the full four hours today, Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko.
The prominent Jewish doctor from upstate New York who treats over 30,000 patients will be joining us.
He is quite the fireball of information and dead on target from my research.
In the third hour today, Mike Adams.
He's asking the big question, why are the politicians worldwide acting like a gun is to their head and doing all these criminal things as if they know asteroids about to hit the earth or something and they want to get rid of as many people as possible so there's enough resources for them to survive.
We're just hypothetically asking, why are they going for broke?
Why are they so committed to depopulating the planet when the truth is there's still plenty of resources and they've been suppressing new technologies and systems.
And we have constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joining us at the bottom of the hour.
He has filed suits months ago with Robert Kennedy Jr.
against all this tyrannical behavior.
And last week and yesterday, they filed new suits because they had to change their suits because now they claim that the vaccine is authorized, which I have all the articles and news.
They did not FDA approve or the approval process.
They just said now, outside of law, we don't go through drug approval.
We just say it's approved.
But it's a no man's land, so there's no liability protection for the general public.
They have liability protection.
And there's not even the secret vaccine damage court.
And on top of that, you can't sue them.
So this is true invincibility that they have.
True criminal activity, true above the law.
But that, again, you can have on paper that you're above the law.
That's never really the case in the court of public opinion and the law of nature and man.
So that's coming up today as well.
And then I'm going to interview some key people this afternoon and tomorrow for a taped powerhouse transmission that'll air at 5 p.m.
And I think I'm also going to stream this and send it up on the radio and TV satellite tomorrow, not just post it to Band.Video and FreeWorldNews.TV.
So look for that.
I really want everybody to take out a pen and paper, or get on your word processor, as they call it, and type up some notes, because this is global corporations charting the rest of your life and the rest of my life, and deciding what our destinies are, and bringing in a world ID, a world medical system, and a world carbon tax tracker controller that will tell you where you can go and what you can do.
In the words of Klaus Schwab and Xi Jinping, Under the new global social credit score, you will not be able to set one foot outside your, excuse me, one half foot outside of your house.
Unless the app authorizes you to.
And you'll have to have a phone by law or a microchip under your skin.
This has now been announced in Australia.
It's being announced in the UK.
It's being announced in Canada by Trudeau two weeks ago.
This is really happening.
They're announcing the New World Order.
Is contact tracing one hour outside of your house if you're vaccinated.
Not allowed to leave your house if you're not injected.
What'd I always say the New World Order would be?
Corporations with the UN, releasing a virus, using it to shut everything down, hold people hostage, until they took tracker apps in their phones that would control your carbon output and where you went and what you did.
I'd send my film, Endgame, 14 years ago, because it sent all the Rockefeller Foundation documents and they run the show.
They set up the UN.
And, you know, they did the work.
They're in charge.
And they are moving forward with this total takeover.
So, 11 years ago, they put out Plantopolis for children's cartoons in the UK by the Rockefeller Foundation and the UN.
And it says, your smartphone will tell you when you can leave the house and where you can go.
Do you understand?
I know there's millions of different talk show hosts and views and ideas, and sadly enough, 99% of them don't know what the hell they're talking about.
This is the truth!
I read the UN Papers!
I read the White Papers!
I read Agenda 21!
I read Agenda 2030!
I read Ray Kurzweil!
I read Bill Joy!
I read it!
I study it!
I live it!
I know it!
And the left can pretend they're a part of this, and that censoring and bullying and going along with this is cool, they're gonna get a universal income and they're not gonna have to work.
Do you dumbasses really think when this thing comes in, you're not gonna have to work?
You're gonna be dead!
Do you know what Marek's disease is, you stupid leftist?
I care about you.
I love you.
It's like Rowdy Piper in the fight in They Live, because his friend won't put the sunglasses on and just see it for yourself.
But what you are is Stockholm Syndrome victims.
That goes for right-wingers, everybody else that goes along with this.
You can't handle the truth.
You can't handle the horror, as Dr. Zelenko said a few days ago on another show.
People can't wrap their minds around it, so they decide to accept it.
And that's what Klaus Schwab and Ted Turner and Bill Gates and the whole crew of evil eugenicists are doing.
They're so decadent and so miserable and are such dirty pedophiles, including Oprah Winfrey, That they want to kill everybody.
And that's happened throughout history over and over again.
So you better wake up.
Put the glasses on, ladies and gentlemen.
Realize the truth.
We got a break.
I'm going to come back and I'm going to play all the key clips of Biden and all the cryptic things he said and all the creepiness of it.
But remember, he's designed to take all the heat.
He's designed to be the shell who gets the blame.
Sure, give him the blame, and then give his bosses the blame.
Because he's just a front man.
He's not even a capo.
And he's certainly not a chief.
He's not a Don.
You want to use Lacosa Nostra allegories.
He is a bag man.
He is totally and completely expendable.
You need to know it is the United Nations that is running this whole globalist operation.
It is the powerful corporations that set it up.
It is the tax-free foundations, and they all get together and decide on their global power and their control.
They've created giant Ponzi schemes worth thousands of trillions of dollars of garbage, hundreds of times all the wealth in the world.
And they want to depopulate the earth because they don't want to look at you.
And they don't want to give you resources.
They don't want you to have a job.
And they don't want you and your children to contend with a renaissance of their power structure.
They want a permanent revolution that reduces the population by 90% in their public documents and their internal documents that are now being externalized.
They want to remove all humans and merge the machines and become gods.
A handful of them.
And of course, you know, when there's three or four of these globalists left, if they had their way, in classic satanic fashion, they will then kill each other, trying to be the one.
This is total selfishness, total attack on free will, total attack on the life cycle, total attack on all the good things that our Creator has given us.
We're going to go to break.
But this is a declaration of war against the free republic, it's a declaration of war against humanity, and it is Biden openly declaring, openly declaring a medical dictatorship over this country.
It is extremely serious.
There are no other words to describe it.
Now, briefly, A lot of you watching on TV probably saw that lower third pop up.
We're running it till Monday night at midnight.
It'll probably sell out before then.
33% off, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, key amino acids, such a good formula for children, adults, but especially old folks.
Can eat and eat and eat, but your guts aren't good when you get older on average at absorbing as much of the nutrients.
So a liquid vitamin mineral with the amino acids that get into your bloodstream and into your body's muscles and other parts of your body is key.
This is a great formula.
It's got quality product in it.
It's not garbage, it's organic.
It funds our operations, so it's a win-win.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I'm going to get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion right now while you still can.
There's a bunch of other stuff up there for sale that's also going to be ending on Monday.
But the new sale is knockout, 50% off, Ultra 12 back in stock.
I call it B12 under the tongue, liquid form.
It is 50% off and more.
That'll be next week's sale.
And we sold out of the Brain Force Ultra.
So more of that should come in a few months.
Wow, it is incredible.
Twice as strong as Brain Force Plus.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Because there's a war on for your mind, your heart, your soul, your body, your destiny, your whole future.
Thank you for joining us on this Friday Global Transmission.
World government has already been announced.
The UN is in charge of even what members of the US Senate can say on the floor.
When they say things that are true, like learned immunity is 13 to 27 times better than the Pfizer shot, according to the Israeli government's own study.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter all removed Senator Paul a month ago and said, that's not official policy of the WHO.
And Paul did nothing.
And he's doing more than most when it comes to exposing the Wuhan lab and calling for Fauci's arrest and five years in jail.
He's our champion.
He's the best we've got.
But he's so conditioned to the censorship, the former president's band who had the election stolen from him, still our president, that he just took it too!
See how it works, see how they break your will, see how you adapt to being a slave.
Just like when I had to sit next to one of the heads of the fourth largest bank in the U.S.
I said, I recognize you.
He goes, yeah, I recognize you.
And I said, where have I seen you?
Because the guy looked very aristocratic, very like something out of a Hollywood movie of a corporate executive.
Suit perfect, tie perfect in the American Airlines First Class, visiting his dad, retired general, here in Austin.
And so we talked for about an hour and a half at the end of the flight.
He wouldn't talk to me at first.
He laughed and he said, Alex, you think they're going to adapt to what we're doing and overcome it?
No, no.
The public's going to submit.
They're going to adapt to submitting to corporate rule over the planet.
Because we're much better managers than the government.
Oh, you're much better managers at selling the same mortgage 50 times?
You're much better managers at taking old ladies' houses?
You're much better managers at setting the tax rates for poor people and middle class and then exempting yourself?
Yeah, you know what?
You are much more together.
And you work to put bad people into government like Joe Biden and then censor good people
to make sure you can carry it out.
Yeah, you've really screwed the planet up and you set China up to deindustrialize us so you
can make trillions and now China has backstabbed you and Xi Jinping has come out and said,
and it's all over the foreign news and all the news here, that George Soros is a criminal
terrorist who's destroyed more than 30 economies and should be in prison.
Which is true!
Do I like Xi Jinping?
Do I like communism?
Do I like them putting people in camps?
But I do like seeing a fissure like Stalin and Hitler in World War II of two evil groups against each other.
And so you see their new old order isn't going the way they thought it would.
It's going to destroy everything.
You're getting rid of the checks and balances.
You're getting rid of the chivalry, which has protected everybody.
Oh, but you decided you didn't need that.
You decided you were going to be masters of the universe and you'd control China too.
And you've lost control just like that.
Because you have the same hubris that Hitler and Mao and Stalin and all the rest and all of those people.
The guy you own, that little communist manager that put Venezuela into debt to the bankers, the IMF and World Bank, Hugo Chavez.
Let's start getting to the videos here.
Here's Biden in December of 2020.
That's nine months ago.
Here he is saying he doesn't want a federal COVID vaccine mandate.
Well, I don't think it should be mandatory.
I wouldn't demand it to be mandatory, but I would do everything in my power, just like I don't think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide.
I'll do everything in my power as President of the United States to encourage people to do the right thing, and when they do it, demonstrate that it matters.
And then he puts the diaper back on.
Now he wants it mandated.
Now he wants 80 to 100 million workers to be made to do it, or they'll have OSHA fine you $14,000.
All criminal.
While he exempts the White House, while he exempts 600,000 postal workers, oh, that's the key to tyranny.
The party members, they're always exempt.
Oh, an act of submission and federalization of you.
Look at that dandruff-covered mask.
So here he is, here's a little compilation of some of the nightmare stuff of Biden saying, it's you, the unvaccinated.
This is your pandemic.
Even though I have all the studies right here in my stack, it's admitted mainline virology that The vaccines all over the world knocked out a whole bunch of regular cold viruses and had some effect on the COVID, but had all sorts of side effects, but then created the Delta variant that is immune to all the vaccines.
It's in the news.
It's in the scientific reports.
Immune to all the vaccines and spreads much faster and is very, very strong.
And now that's making people sick everywhere.
They didn't have a lot of real sick folks last year.
That was exaggerated and basically made up.
Now the sickness is everywhere.
And they're blaming us.
Oh, some towns have hundreds dying, little towns.
Oh, oh my gosh, hospitals are full.
Yeah, they really are now because of your GMO, Frankenshot, that created the mutants on record.
Now I've shown all the graphs.
So here it is.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months, free vaccines have been- Hey, pause.
Back in five seconds, please.
Despite a successful vaccination program, you say 70% of adults have been injected at least once.
Well, then why the hell is there record hospitalizations of the vaccinated?
And they're lying and saying, oh, if you've been vaccinated, you're a little safer.
That's not true.
Remember the Whopper a month ago?
99% of the people in the hospitals didn't have the shot.
And he used statistics from 2020 when no shots have been given.
So it's a double lie.
It's 100% of people in the hospital were unvaccinated.
Because no one had been vaccinated.
Not 99.
So he lies.
It's like a double lie.
How do you even do that?
He could have said 100, but that wouldn't sound right.
Oh, 99.
They sit around in boardrooms and think up these lies.
We're going to come back with a compilation.
We'll just start it over from the beginning.
And I'm going to try to shut up.
If you want to see me decipher the whole thing, I stayed up here late last night with Zach, one of our great camera guys and researchers, and he was up until 1230 at night.
This didn't get up actually until today.
And it's titled, it's up on InfoWars.com, Alex Jones Responds to Joe Biden's Declaration of War Against America, Announcement of Dictatorial Powers, Forced Injections.
And it's the featured video at Man.Video.
And it's very, very well done.
Yeah, the screenshot on the site is not actually from the video, but you can go see the video itself.
Biden declares war on America, announces dictatorial powers, forced injections.
Okay, so we're going to lay all this out.
It's got 300,000 views.
It needs 50 million if you want to be free.
And if you get excited about it and share it and tell folks to share it on their email, on their text messages, word of mouth, it'll get tens of millions.
I've had films seen 100 million times plus.
And that's when you get excited about it and spread the word.
The globalists are betting on you being weak.
The globalists are betting on you not having a memory and not having a destiny to build a better world and stand up against them.
They're counting on you to be like they are, selfish.
And by only caring about yourself, They're able to take over the planet and set up a world where you really deserve to die.
You deserve to be depopulated because you didn't really exist.
Now, does that mean the globalists are good?
No, they're bad.
They're worse than people that are just lazy and decide to not really live.
They understand the laws of nature and decide to use dirty tricks, black magic, corruption, the knowledge of evil against their fellow humans.
And they lie to themselves and believe that they will escape the tyranny they've set up for us, but they will, history shows, be consumed by the traps they set for us.
So Biden last year said, no, we're not going to have a federal mandate.
It's unconstitutional.
And Psaki said that too, but now he said that in December before he was even president.
Because he didn't want to scare Americans at that time.
But he knew that there was a whole plan coming.
And he knew that it was a global agenda.
So the most important thing you can know about this is It's a planetary agenda to shut down small businesses, to make you obsolete, to get you to take a tracker system in your phone that'll be used for the carbon tax tracking.
That's the real holy grail of this.
But also to put in your body what they want, when they want, for sterilization and depopulation.
And I thought they'd put out a placebo-type vaccine up front, so it wouldn't cause mutants, wouldn't cause autoimmune diseases, wouldn't cause heart attacks.
Because I said, if they really put out a vaccine with a spike protein, it's going to be a disaster.
That's what all the scientists were saying, the top scientists, the who's who of Nobel Prize winners and chief scientists at Pfizer and chief EU advisors.
And it was ridiculous 16, 17, 18 months ago.
I said, well, I mean, obviously it's going to be a placebo.
And we found in a lot of the U.S.
and Europe, especially Politicians and people, and police and others, they're giving them sugar water.
They're just giving them salt water.
They're giving them fake shots.
It's come out in the news.
Because the kill rate was so high, they decided to substitute a lot in there because it's like, whoa, this kills way too many.
It's okay to kill some to test and see if they put up with it, to test the media to make sure we can cover it up.
This is all a big test, a beta test.
Gates admits that.
He said, Now, 18 months ago, he said, on several shows, CBS, NBC, and on Stephen Colbert, he said, well, this has really just been a test.
Soon, terrorists will release a bioweapon that kills many, many, many times what COVID-19 has.
And of course, if you know about their code words, We are called terrorists to the earth and terrorists to the globalist future like weevils caught in the pantry eating their flour or eating their grain.
So we need to be exterminated like roaches or bull weevils.
And so he says the terrorists are about to release it and now you've seen the Delta variant that is incredibly communicable and if you don't get early treatment It'll kill you.
A lot of people.
And so you go to the hospital, they just say, lay right down.
They give you no medicine.
And then you get pneumonia and you die.
You're supposed to walk around, supposed to take ivermectin, supposed to take hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, supposed to take certain type of oral steroids, inhalable steroids.
If that doesn't work, which it works 99% of the time, Regeneron, people hate big pharma so much, they're like, oh my god, Regeneron's evil, you must own stock in it.
I just looked at the studies and know people that have taken it and know it's a company around since 88 and it doesn't have liability protection and I understand the technology.
They clone mouse white blood cells and then put them in vats with COVID viruses and different variants and learn how to kill them.
And then they put that into your body and they just go and get it all and then you pass them out
of your body in two to three weeks.
If you ask me, it's probably got some side effects down the road, but if you're going to die,
I'd do it. And they created 500 million doses of it. Trump paid for it with your tax money,
and now Biden's trying to block red states from getting it and trying to do a litmus test. Have
you been vaccinated? That's in the news. Just like they blocked all the other treatments.
So Biden doesn't want you to have Regeneron. And the Eli Lilly one only has one of the antibodies.
This one has two. So the word is Eli Lilly isn't working anymore.
And so it's the Regeneron you want.
And if they hold on to those 50 million, 500 million doses, it may stop working as well.
But let me just stop and get into the meat and potatoes, because we were supposed to get Robert Barnes on right now.
I know a lot's going on back in the control room.
But we're going to shoot to get my guest on.
I know a lot's going on.
I know a lot's happening.
But we'll see if he's still able to come on now.
No big deal.
But the key to freedom is having a memory.
Memory is everything.
We're trained by the phones and the TVs have seven second, eight second attention spans.
So we're just to the next thing, the next thing.
People work hard, myself included, but we forget things, don't we?
Yes, we sure do.
That's the nature of it, isn't it?
So let's start going to the Biden clips.
Here is again, a compilation.
Some of the nightmare things he declared yesterday.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months, free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations.
We still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot.
This is not about freedom or personal choice.
It's about protecting yourself and those around you, the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love.
My job as president is to protect all Americans.
I'm announcing that the Department of Labor It's developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.
We've been patient.
But our patience is wearing thin.
And your refusal has cost all of us.
You know, it's kind of fun for so much of the public to think I'm psychic, super psychic, we're all a little psychic, and Nostradamus, but I always try to explain the card trick to people.
They're following an exact script they've already tested in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, areas of Canada.
And so I told you next would be the mandate of the businesses.
But oh, or you can do testing each week.
And then in six months, maybe even a month, they're going to say, oh, you can't do the instant testing anymore.
That's what's already happened in the UK and Australia.
This is all formulaic.
He's not in charge.
His White House isn't in charge.
They're just there to suppress their enemy, the American people, while they get ready for the financial collapse the mega banks have engineered with a great reset.
Instead of them all going to jail for the huge Ponzi scheme, they will then say, oh, COVID caused it, breakdown, it's the new world, you're all gonna get $1,200 a month of free money, and we're gonna make the nouveau riche hand over half their money.
That means somebody making a half million dollars a year.
But the billionaires and the Jeff Bezoses of the world and all the globalists, They're going to sit offshore and pay no taxes.
So they're just getting you ready for the dystopia and shutting down businesses and paying people not to have businesses and destroying American businesses with these mandates where half the employees quit, the hospitals fall apart.
That's how you de-industrialize people.
And then they just get used to being in a depression and don't notice the hyperinflation of the currency that's already begun.
9% increase in just the last three months in food prices.
I have the articles right here.
If you look back on the last year, it's over 15%, you see?
It's accelerating.
And they're making the food packages more air, less food.
And everything's costing more because they're devaluing the currencies.
The big banks get the money first.
They use it to buy businesses, real assets, politicians, weapons systems, patents, you name it.
And then they pass all of the debt onto you and the devalued currency and then go, we don't even need the military anymore.
We're going to have combat robots because they'll follow orders.
This is dystopia by design.
UN World Corporate Takeover.
And it gets worse.
Robert Morris, we got him on the line.
He's coming up next.
He was a 45-minute constitutional lawyer.
It gets worse.
Biden says, oh, the next pandemic's about to happen.
Oh, of course it is.
I am cutting this ad on Thursday afternoon.
That means you've got one, two, three, four days.
Monday at midnight, we've got to end this sale.
We may end it earlier because we think it'll sell out by then at current sales rates.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is super popular.
It's got all the high quality vitamins and minerals that are essential, great amino acids,
and it tastes great.
It's powder form, so in the water, you absorb it more when you drink the fruit punch.
Then we also have back in stock, this sale will continue through next week, Knockout
Sleep Aid with eight organic ingredients that help you sleep better.
It's 50% off and Ultra 12, one of our best sellers, high quality vitamin B12 for your
whole body, your stamina, your libido, your energy, your immune system.
It's back in stock and it is 50% off as well at InfoWarsTore.com.
So get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion while you still can at InfoWarsTore.com for 33% off and a bunch of the other supplements are 50% off as well throughout next week.
But the sale of Vitamin Mineral Fusion ends Monday night, so get yours now!
Well, I don't say this with pride.
I don't say it as a power trip.
I say it as very ominous because I know it makes me an even bigger target.
But if you go on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, people send me this stuff.
Joe Rogan sends it to me, you name it.
I'm not bragging, it's just true.
Wow, the whole world is Alex Jones now.
Wow, it's like Alex Jones' head is becoming the world.
No, it's not Alex Jones.
It's Klaus Schwab.
It's David Rockefeller's brain.
Even though he's dead, it's his world, his dad's world, his grandfather's world.
This is their vision, and they've spent generations to build it.
So the fight we had 120 years ago with the robber barons that Teddy Roosevelt put them in their place to a great extent, is now the fight of them regrouping 115, 16 years ago, when they really lost part of that fight.
They went underground and took over society.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes joins us till the bottom of the next hour, then Mike Adams is joining us as well, and Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko, who's so amazing, talk about on target, because I know my stuff, he knows more than I do, when it comes to politics at many levels, and how they're using Stockholm Syndrome, that's coming up as well.
But I wanted to get constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes on because he filed lawsuits months ago, he filed lawsuits three weeks ago, and of course then the FDA came out and said, oh we've approved it!
But they didn't approve it and Barnes first exposed that.
Now we have the two heads of the vaccine program quitting a week and a half ago and saying it's not over the booster like the media said.
They actually said, you can find it even in Bloomberg business pages, that We don't agree with saying this is an authorized vaccine.
It didn't go through real trials.
That couldn't happen until 2025.
So that's the real reason.
Also shots for under 16, booster shots.
They disagree with all of it.
So now you got Biden, that puppet, that they have put out there by himself.
To push this globalist agenda.
This is just incredible.
So Barnes did file suits yesterday and last week with Robert Kennedy Jr.
and others against this.
Because again, they changed the lands.
They had to refile the suits.
But in a way, Barnes has told me on the phone that it's even better.
It's more ridiculous what they've done.
So to lay out the speech, to lay out the way to fight back, to lay out the incredible bizarreness of Biden exempting 600,000 postal workers and other certain people in the White House.
I mean, talk about discriminatory.
Talk about unjust weights and measures.
This is just screams injustice.
So we're going to walk through all of it, play more clips the next hour.
We're going to open up with him saying, oh, and a new pandemic's coming, believe me.
Oh, we know they've engineered new stuff, and we know the vaccines cause the Delta variant.
That's a fact, just like too much antibiotics creates a mutated bacteria.
This is science.
So this is an incredible moment.
What would you call what Biden did?
My headline today for InfoWars for this show is, President Biden has officially established a federal dictatorship.
Friday Emergency Broadcast.
Is that not accurate, or what would you call these measures, Robert Barnes?
Well, I mean, it's unprecedented, unparalleled.
I mean, he basically asserted complete control and authority over local governments, complete control and authority over local employers, without any restriction or without any restraint.
I mean, basically, he said if governor's getting it in his way, he's just going to ignore them.
If the legislative branch gets in the way, he's going to ignore them.
I mean, this is what he did with the CDC mandate, where he said, yeah, I know it's unconstitutional, but let the courts do something about it.
And by the time they do something about it, I'll have got the remedy that I wanted anyway.
And so what he's mostly banking on is the idea that neither the state governors nor, more importantly, the federal courts will push back on this.
And I think that's the sort of frightening and terrifying thing is that we are to a place where they're ordering an experimental drug.
And that's what this is.
And it still is legally.
The vaccine is not widely available as the FDA has admitted.
We filed suit in the Eastern District of Tennessee.
With Bobby Kennedy and others for children's health defense, we have a stay motion pending before the court to make clear to the world that in fact the authorized vaccine, the approved vaccine, is not available at all.
What people are being required to take is still the experimental emergency use authorized drug.
Which if there's anything wrong with it, there's nothing you can do about it because you can't sue anybody.
It has complete immunity.
The only immunity this vaccine provides is immunity from suit if they did something wrong and lied to you.
It's not providing functional health immunity as we are seeing in Israel, as we are seeing in Gibraltar, as we are seeing in Iceland, as we are seeing in Europe, as we are seeing across America.
I mean, how is it that if this vaccine is so good for us, we're seeing higher death rates in some places than we did last year when there were no vaccine?
How does that make any sense at all?
Well, let's be clear.
It's approaching, and it's real numbers, folks.
I've seen it with my family, my crew, all over the country.
It's bad.
The Delta variant's real.
It's almost a 400% increase in illnesses and cases from last year.
And again, Mainline Science, as you know, Barnes, admits that the vaccines created the Delta variant.
So when the puppet president tries to divide America and says, it's the unvaccinated, you're causing death, you're bad people, that's not just a lie.
He's trying to get people killed.
Yeah, oh absolutely.
And this is a legal precedent that is unparalleled.
I mean, even the eugenics era limited who they said they were going to exterminate or get rid of or limit from population perspective.
going back to the Buck decision and the Jacobson case, the forced vaccination case,
was the only precedent establishing the precedent for forced sterilizations.
And then of course, the forced detention camps in Korematsu, which I've called the trilogy of infamy.
What they're trying to establish is something they have never tried before,
which is the right of the government to force you to take some gene therapy into your body
against your will, against your interest for a disease that's simply not very deadly
to most people.
And if they are allowed to establish this precedent, then the government basically owns your body.
You will no longer have legal control, legal autonomy over what goes into your cells, what goes into your bloodstream, whether or not your DNA is altered or not.
If you don't have a right against this vaccine, you don't have a right against any drug, anytime, anywhere, anyplace.
Which, let's go further.
What do you make of the FDA yesterday, or two days ago now, quietly changing the definition of a vaccine to basically any gene therapy they put in you?
That quote lessens the effect.
This is not a vaccine by any historic definition at all.
A vaccine is a sterilizing, neutralizing drug that actually prevents and immunizes against a disease.
This does not do that.
That's clear in the, actually it's clear in the literature, but it's particularly clear in all of the studies and the example of Israel.
That is the country that has done the most Pfizer vaccines as a percentage of the population of any country in the world.
And it has had the worst outbreak of COVID.
And the most excess deaths that it has ever had during this time period.
There's an overhead shot right here, Robert, of what you're saying.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, if you just look at the chart, look at Sweden, where Sweden's chart goes like this.
Sweden's not mandating vaccines.
Sweden's not mandating masks.
Sweden never locked down.
And look at what Sweden's got.
Sweden's got just a flat line of excess deaths and new cases.
And Israel's going, vroom, parabolic.
And by the way, it's the same all over the world.
The more vaccinated, you're like 10, 15 times the deaths and illnesses.
It's ridiculous.
I don't need to be a scientist to see that.
Oh, India is 10% vaccinated.
Same graph.
Their way down here, all the countries that are injected, the US everywhere, way up.
My God, this is insane, Barnes.
And by the way, all over the world, within two weeks of taking the shot, you see all the deaths and hospitalization.
I mean, it's like you walk up, shoot somebody in the head, blood squirts out of their head.
You don't need to be a coroner or a pathologist to know the bullet killed him.
If I walk up to somebody and shoot them with a 12-gauge shotgun and blow their head off, it's clear a frickin' 12-gauge double-locked buck did that.
Same thing, take the shot, hospitalizations, illness explode, deadly variants explode.
I mean, Richard Barris just did extensive surveys looking at the population, and almost 4% of Americans report severe, serious, disabling, long-term consequences from the vaccine.
Not from the virus, from the vaccine.
This doesn't include, obviously, the people who have already died from it.
And I saw those findings, I want the crew to pull them up.
We're going to come back with this in a few minutes, but tell people again the name of the researcher and what they found, very slowly.
So this is Richard Barris, People's Pundit.
He was the most accurate pollster in 2014, the most accurate pollster in 2016, the most accurate pollster in 2018, the most accurate pollster in 2020.
And using the CDC's own data, he was the first one to do a nationwide survey Asking people whether they have had this certain consequences either from the virus or from the vaccine.
And what he found was that almost 4% of Americans already report severe disabling consequences from the vaccine, not from the virus.
And if you look at that, you're talking about that's 6 million, 7 million, 8 million Americans.
That means that for the average person, they are far more at risk of suffering imminent injury From the vaccine than they are from the virus.
And this doesn't even get into the long term risk, which is disproportionately on the side of the vaccine.
So it shows that an ordinary person's health risk benefit analysis should not be getting this vaccine.
And yet we have a president forcing it into people's bodies as a condition of employment.
We're going to break right now, but look at the Jerusalem Post.
Think of the Orwellian nature of this headline.
Israel experts analyze mRNA COVID vaccines long-term effects.
They didn't do the studies.
Now they're seeing it.
Same with pregnant women.
It's killing 80 plus percent of the babies.
All right, we got cut off by the break.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer with Robert Kennedy filing suits around the country.
He's going to talk about the avalanche of suits we're going to see now.
How can Biden exempt some federal employees and not others?
This is the definition of discriminatory.
So all they have is chasing our tails about Black Lives Matter and transgender men being able to go in women's bathrooms when they're convicted sex offenders.
All those faux rights.
All of our basic rights are being raped.
The surveillance of the system, the control of it, the federalization of local cities, the blocking of governors.
I mean, this was like something out of a science fiction dystopic film, and now Israel's saying, we're now going to start studies of the long-term effects of this on the public of mRNA, admitting they did no testing.
So, not safe and effective, folks.
This is like...
Suicidal self-destructiveness by Big Pharma, in my view, because they're trying to eat the whole world like a boa constrictor.
But even with their jaw unhinged, they're not going to get a third of this down.
They have bitten off more than they can chew.
Do you agree?
Yeah, no doubt.
I mean, what's extraordinary is they're actually bragging in their internal reports about the fact
that the vaccine doesn't fully work, means that they have, doesn't work in the way
that Joe Biden, President Biden said it would, said that if you took the vaccine,
you could not get infected.
That because it does not work like that at all, that's what guarantees them long-term profits from this.
So all they're looking at is the profits.
They know there's no risk.
It doesn't matter how much their vaccine completely backfires because they can't be sued,
especially while it's in the emergency use authorization stage, and that's what all of these are,
contrary to what the FDA misled people about.
I mean, the FDA is out there advertising on Facebook and elsewhere saying,
"Come get the FDA approved vaccine."
But you dig in and you find out that isn't even available.
It's a bait and switch.
And I mean, they're not only going to be doing booster shots, they're talking about doing a daily pill regimen.
So, I mean, this is Big Pharma taking over your body at the will and behest and behalf of the government through your private employers by government mandates to basically own your body.
I mean, you're basically now a living guinea pig.
You're now a living lab rat for the government to do with whatever they want, whenever they want.
And because if they can do it for this circumstance, they can do it for any circumstance.
Because here you have a virus that's not that deadly, you have a vaccine that has all kind of risk attendant to it, and so if they can compel this one, then by golly they can do anything they want.
Then up next will be the rest of the Bill Gates agenda.
The digital certification, the digital identification, the little bank chip, the social credit score that will basically be inside your body, which is where the government will decide what you get to do and what you don't get to do.
Which again, is officially being rolled out in areas of Europe and Australia, and they admit coming here.
This is no longer debatable.
I mean, people should watch what's happening in Australia, New Zealand, these other locations, because they're previews of what they're testing out there to bring here.
Because a lot of us, when we watched what happened in China last year, thought, we'll never do any of that insanity.
Even the Imperial College guy in London, who was the Bill Gates guy, putting out all those crazy models, he said we could never get away with doing what the Chinese did, because no way in the West will they go along with the deprivation.
And now SWAT teams from Australia to Ireland to areas of Canada and the U.S.
are dragging people out of their houses.
That's exactly right.
I mean, they're monitoring.
They have helicopters and drones monitoring whether you're doing a barbecue in your backyard.
They're intercepting beer coming to your house.
They don't want your, I mean, they're going to dictate.
I mean, literally, we're under mass house arrest is what is what has happened in Australia and New Zealand.
It's what's coming here.
It's they're going to own our bodies and then they're going to own everything else related to us because once they own that, they own everything.
And that's why the fight about this is the foundational, fundamental fight for the future of freedom in the world.
What happens now will dictate the next century.
I want to talk about the speech, which we know is the globalist talking point.
Biden is just a puppet.
But how you see this fight unfolding and why you think the establishment is going for broke is because they never get held accountable.
Because clearly, if the Supreme Court did the obvious right thing, which is very clear, and said, no, the CDC can't federalize all rents, Well, this is way beyond that.
So, what are they thinking?
I mean, I guess they just think claw as much as they can get.
Because we are their enemy?
Distract us politically from all the other crimes they're committing?
We'll be back in 60 seconds with Robert Barnes.
Tell folks to tune in now.
We now take you live to America under a corporate medical dictatorship.
We now take you live to the New World Order.
Here's the biggest takeaway in my view.
If you think what Biden announced yesterday, a federal dictatorship, was bad, well, you know the song.
Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet.
I know what's going to happen.
These globalists are committed.
They are trying to collapse civilization and depopulate, and they mean to carry this out.
I remember reading a New York Times article ten years ago where they were defending the UN going into a Central African village and killing 15,000 people because they wouldn't move off their ancestral lands for a carbon sink.
Because they were going to build a mine nearby, a corporation was, so they said, oh, we'll just set this aside for a carbon offset.
And the villagers wouldn't leave.
They killed them with helicopters and armored vehicles.
And the New York Times reported it like, well, it's good.
So understand, when they cut off things last year, it starved an extra 20 million people to death, the UN admits.
They want to kill everybody.
That's why you see nothing but black spokespersons for big corporations and TV shows.
And I saw four black people on MSNBC last night.
All lecturing is we should take the shots or we're bad.
It's corporations using them as their front while they kill them.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, is our guest.
I really don't need to play more clips of Biden, though there's one I haven't gotten to, but his declaration of war, his announcement that the unvaccinated are killing people when it's the opposite, the numbers are there, it's the vaccinated that are sick and dying and spreading the Delta variant.
Barnes, I could ask a thousand questions, but the 25 minutes we have left, I'm going to try to give you the floor and shut up here and let you go through the suits you filed, Robert Kennedy, what you make of Biden, what you think people should do, what the recourses are, and what you think the most important takeaway last night in that unprecedented, as you said last hour, declaration of tyranny.
Well, I think it's critical for everybody to fight back by every means possible.
I mean, we are seeing right now, Senate candidate J.D.
Vance asking people to engage in massive civil disobedience on a scale of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
So I think on a scale of the American Revolution, the American Revolution began by people just exercising their civil rights of political dissonance and not going along with these kind of dictates and mandates.
We need to do what Chris Sky and others are doing, what they're doing in Europe, when Robert Kennedy Jr.
speaks to a million Germans.
We need to take the streets over peacefully!
I mean, people need to find every legal means they can to resist because these means being used by the Biden administration are not constitutionally consistent, are not legally authorized.
I mean, look at this.
He's using a loophole in the OSHA laws that are about emergency safety issues.
This is not an emergency safety issue.
It's ludicrous to call this an emergency safety issue.
That's problem number one.
Problem number two is the rules require that this be of grave danger.
And let's remember what this is all about.
All these mask mandates, all these vaccine mandates are solely about the limited risk that an asymptomatic person Because if you're symptomatic, you stay home.
You self-quarantine.
If you've been exposed to somebody, you stay home.
You self-quarantine.
So this is only dealing with people who are showing no symptoms and haven't been exposed at all.
So it's dealing with asymptomatic people with even crouchy admits.
That in fact, those people do not spread the virus at all.
That it is, quote, very rare, even according to Fauci.
So for this very rare risk, they're calling a grave, imminent danger?
There's no factual basis for this at all!
This is the Biden administration dictating to its supposedly independent OSHA people what to do.
And they're just making things up, just like the FDA did.
The suit we have pending against the FDA that we have a motion to stay before a federal court asking the federal court to recognize the obvious that in fact there is no vaccine that's been approved that's also widely available by the FDA's own admission.
It's buried in their footnotes in the small print.
And force the FDA to quit lying to the American people, quit lying to the military, quit lying to employers.
How hard can that be to just stop them from lying?
That's all we're asking federal courts to do, because in the end, this will come up to federal courts.
Either they are going to enforce our Constitution, or the coronavirus and Joe Biden just killed it.
Either they're going to enforce and protect people's civil liberties and civil rights against these illicit mandates that are not based in good science, put them to the test, put them to the evidentiary test as it's supposed to occur, or they're going to defer to the white lab coat crowd like the courts did in the early 20th century.
with the Jacobson decision and the Buck decision with forced sterilizations.
And people should be aware that's where they're going back to.
When they're citing these old cases, they're saying they want to have the power for forced sterilization.
And that's why you were here when Amy Coney Barrett was being confirmed, or was about to be listed.
You warned that she's one of the only people in modern jurisprudence that agreed with those archaic laws that allow the sterilization of poor whites and blacks, that allowed forced inoculations, that allowed just hellish behavior.
For folks that don't know, please recap them on history.
And we hope Amy Comey Barrett's good, but by having the left attack her and then suddenly they didn't really block her, they didn't make up stuff like they did on Kavanaugh and others, they snuck her in, and this woman's pretty damn scary.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, she's the one who is the sole reason the election cases never went to the Supreme Court.
She's the one who just turned down the Indiana University vaccine mandate case, didn't even let the rest of the justices hear the case.
So that's, I mean, she's going to be a risky justice, just like Roberts was and is and continues to be.
But yeah, the trilogy of infamy that put all of this into process in the first place was the Jacobson decision of 1905, the Buck decision of 1927, and the Korematsu decision of 1945, and they all relied upon one another.
And the Jacobson decision said you could be fined if you didn't take a vaccine.
Then the Buck decision said the government could have forced sterilizations against Any group they decided to forcibly sterilize.
And then the Korematsu decision said, based on who your great-granddaddy was, we can take away your business, take away your church, take away your school, take away your home, and put you in a camp, just because it's wartime.
And they're using the same logic in all three cases, that the government has carte blanche control to do whatever it wants, particularly in an emergency context.
And that's where we're going, Bar, just to interject here, I want you to elaborate on this.
They're using the exact same language and saying they're going to do it.
The left knows they're unpopular.
They know the world's turned against them everywhere.
That's why the globalists admit they launched this worldwide to stop populist movements everywhere and they're following the same formula.
How critical is it that we've had regulators in Europe say don't inject under 16 because they have a you know, can feel metaphysically this is evil.
It's one thing to trick adults into something deadly or bad, but to do it to children is really criminal at every level
because they're not of the age of consent.
That's the metaphysical rule.
And then you've got the two regulators over the vaccines quitting and saying, "We don't agree with rolling out.
We don't agree with the mandates.
We don't agree with boosters."
Even the head of the UN, WHO, is a monster, said, "Don't do boosters."
So I think they realize the boosters are going to kill even more people as it just happened in Israel, and they think that's a breaking point too far.
What do you think's happening?
And how big is it for your cases?
I don't know.
Can you amend them?
Or has somebody do an amicus brief that now regulators are quitting, including in the US, and saying what you're saying?
That's got to be big.
Oh yes, and we're including that in our arguments.
People are resigning for reasons that nobody can explain.
High-ranking officials are resigning suddenly and summarily at a critical juncture, which clearly indicates there's deep-seated concerns about this rushed drug to the mass marketplace, this mass vaccination effort that's already failing.
I mean, it's failing everywhere.
I mean, for everybody to remember, this same President Biden told us several months ago that come July 4th, everything would be back to normal.
Well, is it back to normal?
Is vaccine mandates, or is that back to normal?
Or mask mandates, is that back to normal?
Are making kids, you know, being suffocated eight hours a day, is that back to normal?
Are kids being told that they can't participate in sports unless they get some drug injected into their body, is that normal?
Even though in particular, for young men, it's almost indisputable at this point, the vaccine poses a much higher risk than the virus does because of the myocarditis and pericarditis that it presents for the heart.
And particularly that could be a risk for young athletes and young soldiers.
So we're risking people's lives.
Essentially, we are back to the stone ages of human sacrifice.
We're reinstating human sacrifice to serve the cause of this elite group of people who are willing to sacrifice some of our bravest people, some of our most extraordinary people, for this idolatry cause of basically letting the state control your body, That's right, under 20 males are 15 times more likely in a new Israeli study to have heart attacks when they take the Pfizer and Moderna shot.
My God, this is freaking Russian roulette!
These people are killing us, they're coming after us!
We'll be right back on how to fight back with Robert Barnes.
Alright, final segment with a great patriot constitutional lawyer fighting back against the tyrants of Robert Kennedy Jr., Robert Barnes.
And I appreciate him joining us and always getting ready for a trial next week, battling the IRS in a big criminal case for a client.
In the nine minutes we have left here, where do you see this going?
How do we fight back?
Do you agree with me that obviously they're going to follow the globalist model of after this, they're going to announce more and more and more to make the last measures not look as bad.
So we give into those and fight the new ones.
I mean, there's clearly an authoritarian tactic there and then separately, How do you think it's going for Biden with the collapse in Afghanistan and everything else that's happening?
Obviously now CNN's even coming on against him.
Who do you think they're going to try to replace him with?
I think, no question, this is going to be the deciding line about whether or not we have control and freedom moving forward.
Because we have to win these cases and people have to fight back as much as possible through the legal means that are available to us to see whether the courts can succeed.
Because we cannot revisit, recreate, reinstate The precedents that said forced detention camps, forced sterilizations, forced vaccinations are okay, like we did at the beginning of the 20th century.
Because what that gave us, what that birthed, was some of the most dangerous fascism and communism the world has ever seen.
Whether it was the left or the right, whether it was the Soviet style or Nazi style.
So we have to fight it all the way through, by every means possible, by every means achievable, by every means attainable.
And I know that, I mean, we definitely will be doing that wherever and whenever and however we can.
Not only in the suit that we brought against the FDA directly and against the CDC directly and against the Secretary of Health and Human Services directly, but we're looking at class action suits against Tyson Foods, class action suits against a range of government actors and private employers.
All across the country, including the Biden administration directly over this latest mandate.
And there's going to be an avalanche of litigation coming from lawyers all across the country, those that are conscientious and concerned about this.
And we've been leading that effort now for several months.
And so it's critical, essential and fundamental that people continue to march on in that same path.
Now, I think this move by Biden was a desperate move, and I think it will backfire.
There were some people that honestly we were having a hard time getting to be on board recognizing the significance and constitutional consequence of these decisions that Biden helped clarify everybody's vision for.
Some governors who are sitting on their hands suddenly woke up.
Some Senate candidates who are sitting on their hands suddenly woke up.
Some congressmen who are sitting on their hands suddenly woke up.
Some lawyers who are sitting on their hands.
I was about to say, Barnes, I could psychically, because we're all connected.
There's a magnetic ether.
It's scientific.
It's not just spiritual.
I could feel the awakening and the anger and the determination last night.
The energy was very strong.
I could feel the giant awakening last night.
Biden poked a bear and he poked a bear called American freedom.
And I think that people are going to see that bear wake up and take action.
And so and that's the good news, because I mean, I think the Biden administration, all those West Wing wannabe Democrats that are up there working in the White House really believe that all of these compulsory Munchinson syndrome, be everybody's mommy, nanny state policies of the COVID lockdown era were deeply popular.
They really believe this.
They don't understand these policies have never been deeply popular.
If they were deeply popular, Cuomo would still be governor of New York.
If they were deeply popular, Newsom wouldn't be facing a recall election.
If they were deeply popular, Trudeau wouldn't be facing a high risk election
that he thought was gonna be an easy no winner, no brainer.
And so you look at this kind of dynamic, I think that the Biden administration and its key people
overestimate the popularity of these mandates.
Additional polling that Richard Barris did found that 75 to 80% of Americans
strongly oppose firing someone over a vaccine.
Strongly oppose denying someone access to educational resources based on whether they took a vaccine.
Strongly deny any of these restrictions, whether it be travel, whether it be culture, whether it be a restaurant, whether it be a public accommodation.
Whatever it is, they don't believe that people should have to condition their rights on taking an experimental vaccine.
And Mark, you're on fire today.
I can tell this pisses you off.
You're always great, but you're amazing today.
Clearly, I want to be clear, I'm not defending Biden, but I don't want their shield to take all the heat and the people behind it, Soros and others, to get away with this.
Bill Gates.
This is corporate governance.
That's what the New World Order is.
I've met with globalists off-record, folks.
And my one crew member saw Rothkopf, head of the Kissinger Group, try to get me to come to New York.
He said it in front of the crew member and said, this is not off-record.
So I told the story.
But I've had at least five, six of those meetings.
One was unintentional.
The head of the fourth largest bank in the U.S., now 14 years ago, times lies, on a flight to New York in first class.
This is very real, and people see it's very real right now.
But Biden is a puppet.
He's a front man.
I think it's very important to realize it's big pharma, it's the big corporations.
He's trying to give cover to the Fortune 500 to carry this out.
This is really their goal.
So we understand this is corporate fascism in its nature, and then basically aim our angst at the real culprit.
Do you agree with that, Barnes?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, this is a century-old agenda that's been recrafted and recreated for a new age, of which this is half of it and climate change is the other half of it, that started a dozen years ago in its current formulation when Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Oprah, Bloomberg, George Soros, all sat down at Rockefeller University in New York City in a secret meeting that a janitor and some maids saw, and they were the ones who leaked out what happened.
And the agenda was clear.
They were portrayed by the press as superheroes, which was absurd, but they made clear their goal was the same population, eugenics-driven agenda that their, in Bill Gates' case, grandparents had been advocates of a century before.
And so they're trying to put it in again.
This is about the government, the state, the corporate, medical apparatus, the elites, controlling everything about us.
Controlling our thoughts, our ideas, controlling literally, physically, the genes of our bodies.
And that's why we have to push back.
It's why they believed in it in the first place.
The Rockefellers love the Nazis.
They were some of the biggest backers and supporters of the Nazis.
And so fighting them is critical.
I mean, it's an old battle, but it's come back in a nasty way to confront us.
And it's right confronting us right now, because if they win legally and politically on what they're trying to do, then we will lose our freedoms for a century with ease.
Because it's what happened last time, and last time it forced a world war to solve the problem.
We don't want to go through that again.
So that's what requires everybody being proactive and active, because this is a Bill Gates, George Soros, David Rockefeller, old elite agenda.
They're trying to rein- literally force down our throats and enforce- into our bodies and force into our children's bodies.
Even when they know the risk to the kids.
This is some of the most outrageous behavior by the medical establishment
since the Milgram experiment and the MKUltra experiments half a century ago.
This is the externalization on a mass scale of MKUltra.
That's exactly right.
It's the same logic.
It's the same logic when they took soldiers in World War I and World War II and secretly tested mustard gas on them.
Secretly tested radioactivity on them.
I mean, is it a coincidence?
Tuskegee, experiment all of it.
In closing, Barnes, I'm going to try to get some time with you today to elaborate so you can be on the big tape show we're doing.
I'm going to be up here at 8 tonight, folks.
We've got so many huge doctors, so many huge scientists.
Some have never been on before.
Wait till you see the show that airs at 5 p.m.
We're gonna stream it out on all the streams as well.
So, Robert Barnes, how do people find your great shows?
You're doing a lot, and I love seeing your shows getting hundreds of thousands, even millions of views out there.
That excites me to see you going from popular to super popular as you champion Liberty.
So people can go to VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com and that's where they can find exemplars.
They can find information about fighting the vaccines, exemplars of how to fight the vaccines, sources and referrals to fighting the vaccines, breakdowns of the existing suits that already exist.
A lot of battle plans.
We're almost out of time.
Remember, we have more listeners on AM and FM than we even do on the internet and TV.
Give them the URL one more time for radio listeners driving down the road.
Sure, it's VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com.
All right, I'm going to talk to you again this afternoon.
Don't hang up.
I think they found out what time I can interview you.
If you can do it.
I just want to squeeze you in for tomorrow.
There's so much to say.
Tomorrow's on fire.
Tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
Big news coming up.
Now let's be clear.
What we're dealing with is a global government takeover with the National Archives saying the Constitutional Bill of Rights is racist and putting a trigger warning on them.
No, they need to have their asses fired and thrown out of there.
It's Marxist-Leninist taking over, thinking they're having a communist takeover run by offshore megabanks and big tech.
It's preposterous.
They want a one-child policy here, but China has come out And said, quote, George Soros is an international criminal terrorist running an international group of terrorists and globalists hell-bent on bankrupting nation states and starving populations to death.
I've got the op-ed.
Guys, I know you gave it to me this morning.
I sent it to you.
I can't find it in the stack.
You guys print me the copies of the Beijing dailies and stuff that are in English that have those headlines.
China declares George Soros a global economic terrorist.
They want to call him a globalist kingpin.
Folks, do you know how big this is?
The globalists sucked America dry, set up one-sided deals to transfer everything we had in our military to China.
For 40 years.
Accelerated under Clinton.
30 years ago.
And so they did all of this.
We're totally de-industrialized and now Xi Jinping says we're going to have three children and we're going to execute homosexuals and we're going to kick any sissy men off TV and we're about men and women and families.
I'm not saying execute homosexuals.
I'm a libertarian.
But the point is we've been given this culture and China funds and owns four of the six production houses promoting All of this weakness to undermine us.
Paul Watson had an excellent video yesterday about Peter Thiel building a giant underground bunker in New Zealand.
Because that's a globalist redoubt where they're hiding out.
And I'm not saying Peter Thiel's a globalist.
He's actually come out against the globalists in a lot of other things.
Honestly, the jury's out on that guy.
But the point is, is that They're all there, and they're in Kauai, and they're in Fiji, and they're in northern Canada right up by the Arctic Circle under mountains, and they're not building this and hanging out there and building private airfields that are camouflaged for no reason.
They're doing it because they know that they've created giant Ponzi schemes and scams and sold houses 50 times apiece.
In derivatives, and they know that it's all rigged, and they know that the public has become corrupt and dumbed down and decadent by design, and that we're going into a collapse cycle.
They're trying to control the collapse and trigger it so they can control it.
That's what all this is.
That's what the Great Reset is.
And I sit here, I don't want to kill the public, but I know that within five days of no electricity, most people rob and steal.
Within 10 days, around 70% Robin Steele and begin to engage in cannibalism by 15 days, a large portion commit suicide and then 90 plus percent of those that don't commit suicide engage in cannibalism.
So when you see a zombie movie that Hollywood puts out, that's the archetype of a crowd of people that's starving for 10 days.
And they will eat the paint off the walls.
They will.
I mean, humans have a really good nose when you're starving.
It gets like a dog's nose.
It gets way better.
And that's why in World War II, in starving cities, Germans, Russians, they all did it.
Italians did it.
There used to be a paste of flour was what you used, you still do, for wallpaper.
People ate the wallpaper off the walls.
People ate their shoes.
People ate their dogs.
Venezuela ate their dogs and cats a decade ago.
Then seven years ago, they ate all the zoo animals.
Now there's no pigeons left.
There's no nothing.
Because just like North Korea, they eat everything.
So that's where the world's going.
That's what's happening.
That's what's unfolding.
And they've decided to artificially collapse everything.
And by the way, people tune in to me and they think, man, this guy talks fast, this guy says all this stuff, he's so full of crap.
The crew doesn't know what I'm about to say.
They just type into search engines what I say.
You're a TV viewer.
And it's Washington Post, Forbes, they ate the zoo animals, actually ate their dogs and cats.
By the way, Venezuela has more timber, more better land for cows and everything else, more jewels, more diamonds, more gold, more silver, more oil, Then any other country in the world except oil, Saudi Arabia beats them, but barely.
They have per capita as much oil, a lot of it's sweet, meaning it barely has to be refined, comes out of the ground like gasoline.
And they are starving to death because the communists want it that way, just like Cuba.
Venezuela had a higher GDP in 1978 than we have, per capita.
And they had a higher standard of living in the 70s than we did, and before that, we had surpassed them.
But they don't have that anymore because the people that built Venezuela, their grandkids got spoiled, their great-grandkids become little commie punks, and the communists came and said, you don't need that creamery, you don't need that dairy, you don't need that factory, you don't need to work for that, we're going to take over and that will be yours.
But of course, now all they get to do is starve to death.
Around 2,000 people die a week.
It's estimated in Venezuela, last time I checked.
But the government passed a law that you're not allowed to call it starvation.
That's going on for year after year after year.
How can Venezuela be so rich in resources but so low in supplies?
Because communism is a satanic religion of the Jacobin Illuminati in the French Revolution.
That's when it was created.
That's how this works.
And I have begged everyone on their knees to understand this.
And I know our audience gets it better than I do, many of you.
But if you've been around the world, many of you have been in the military or business, you've seen it firsthand.
I've been quite a few places, but not as much as a lot of people.
And I've read about it.
I've talked to people that have been there.
I've not been in Venezuela.
But we can see the hell.
But you talk to the average young person, 50 plus percent, like 52 percent depending on the poll, 49 to 55, they vary.
There's scientific polls of universities and high schools.
Over 50 percent on average want communism.
They want to live in North Korea.
They want to live in Venezuela.
They want to live in Cuba.
China is not communist.
It's not communist for at least 20 years.
It's a fascist authoritarian engine.
That's taking over the planet.
And George Soros is trying to crash the Chinese economy right now.
That's not going to help us if they crash the Chinese economy.
That's not going to help us.
That's when countries go to war.
And that 91-year-old monster, that Nazi collaborator, that living fossil, wants to see the world burn down before he dies.
You can pull up a photo of him and Nancy Pelosi and that demon son of his, Alexander.
All right, I'll play the clips, I'll get into Biden, and then Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko, of all these amazing doctors, he's one of the most interesting because he's really informed on politics and the world.
He gets what's really going on, that it's deliberate, that it's depopulation.
Out of all these doctors, he's overall the most well-rounded, and then they're all amazing.
I've got one on tomorrow.
Dr. Bartlett, the big one that discovered all the steroids and stuff for COVID, and is also endorsing Regeneron.
He's really smart, runs a major hospital here in Texas.
He will be with us tomorrow, 5 p.m.
Central, 6 p.m.
Eastern, 4 p.m.
Mountain, 3 p.m.
Pacific, for the Emergency Saturday Transmission.
This is the live Friday Emergency Transmission.
We are now officially under martial law.
The question is, will he carry it out?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Most days I host the first three hours.
We always have a great, or a lot of times a great guest host for the fourth hour.
It's something I do.
It's weird.
Nobody else does it.
People like it.
And then you have the war room with Owen Schroeder coming up after that.
But today I'm hosting all four hours.
At least once a week I do that.
And so we're going to have Mike Adams on, who's really upset and focused and knows what's going on.
We're going to bring up some questions about what's really happening and then really give some answers about what's over the horizon.
We already told you this dictatorial power was coming.
We already told you the mandates were coming, new lockdowns were coming.
We already told you forced inoculations were coming.
We told you the shot wasn't an inoculation, that it was deadly.
We told you it would lower your immune system and create super variants.
So now we're going to break down from the science, from the history, from understanding the globalist, what's coming next.
I'm going to ask that of Mike Adams, I'm going to ask that of Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko, and so much more today.
But just for lay folks out there who don't have legal degrees or drive along in their cars just listening to this for the first time, I want to explain something to you that you should say to your employers when they tell you, well, you've got to take the shot.
They went and lobbied To do that because their lawyers told HR, you will be liable for people getting COVID if you don't do this.
Well, that's a fraud.
You can pull up the numbers.
Even the CDC estimates that 80% of Americans have now had COVID or been exposed to it.
You understand?
So this is highly contagious, the Delta variant.
It's all over the place.
And it came out of the vaccine, knocking out all the other COVID variants, and then created this very communicable one that kills a lot of people.
Some people, it's no big deal, it's like a regular cold.
I had it, felt like a gorilla was sitting on my chest, and I toughed it out for a few days, and then got on the regimen, and it knocked it out in a day or two.
I felt a lot better the next day, and two days later, 80% better.
Three days later, 99% better.
My parents didn't tell me they had it for a week, almost killed my dad, and I got him on the regimen and it absolutely turned him around where he was 87% low oxygen, couldn't get out of bed, wouldn't eat, didn't know who he was, to the next day I got him on the regimen of hydroxychloroquine Z-Pak and the Remdesivir.
It wasn't Remdesivir.
I mean, let me go over this because I have to remember these things.
And no, I didn't put them on Regeneron.
I just said that wrong.
People always think people are talking in my ears, but probably once a day they do talk in my ear to tell me a guest is there or whatever.
Whenever I said Regeneron, which is a terrible drug from the studies, they said, We're not ready to turn around, seat, seat.
What happens here sometimes is my mind's very quick, and then I get derailed.
That's because I did too much during that break.
I'm going to have to stop doing videos during the break.
I went and got a piece of pizza, ate it in 30 seconds, and then I shot a minute and a half video about the illegality of these vaccines and this mandate, and then I barely got in my seat by the time I was supposed to go on air and it just derailed the entire segment.
See, it's not their fault talking in my ear.
Once I get to that point, that distracted, I can't do a segment!
Just the way it is!
No other talk show host would do stuff during the breaks.
I have to stop it.
Okay, so we're gonna have to set up a new system where they come in here and interview me.
And I'm not mad at them.
I just can't do it anymore.
I can't do it anymore.
Can't do it anymore.
So I'm gonna reset.
I'm gonna reset.
Let me just get this straight.
I go over there, and my father is definitely ill.
He hadn't told me he was sick for a week.
He can't get out of bed, doesn't know he is.
My mother says, I've never been this sick.
Oh my God.
She was like asleep on the couch, couldn't remember how she got there.
And I go get the prescription, get doctors to come to the house to see him.
They did a great job.
Got them the oral steroids, the inhalable steroids, the ivermectin, a antibiotic, in case there's any secondary infections caused by the
virus is eating holes in their body.
And then vitamin D, zinc, chloroquine, that's how you say the name,
quercetin. And with by the next morning when I came over, when I first got there, there was
five boxes of pool chairs out front their house.
That had, I guess, been there for a week.
It was raining, they were all, you know, mushy cardboard boxes, and it was pool chairs my dad hadn't put together because his old chairs fell apart.
The next morning, I get there at 7 a.m., and my dad has drugged them in the house and is putting them together on the floor.
So from 82% oxygen To 90% oxygen in one day.
And I'm not, I don't own stock in any of that.
I own no stock.
The left is so selfish, they always think, what, he owns stock in that?
I'm telling you what works.
And it worked for me, and it worked for my wife, and it worked for my family, and it worked for countless members of this operation that suddenly wouldn't be at work two months ago.
And I'd call and say, I don't know what it is, I'm really sick.
They'd get tested.
They would have it.
We'd get them on the regimen and in a day or two, they'd be better.
So that's what they don't want you to know.
That's what they don't want you to understand.
That's what they don't want you to be aware of.
And now they're trying to block the Regeneron, which I keep calling
Rendesivir, because my brain is following the same.
Totally different.
Because it has incredible success.
I've seen it for myself.
They go, oh, you're now for Big Pharma.
Well, you're damn right.
I'm for most of the stuff Big Pharma puts out that's properly tested and works and is good.
If I've got an infection and it's bad, I like antibiotics.
I don't like the fact that over time it makes them not work anymore.
I take probiotics after.
So the left is all very deceptive about how they have their debates and their arguments.
I'm all for computers.
I'm all for smartphones, except they're tracking me and watching me and are going to be used to totally control me.
I'm all for a hammer to drive nails.
I don't want to be beat over the head with it.
And these big pharma companies have got vaccines with liability protection and no testing now and can push them on us and do what they want.
And that's not right.
And that's dangerous.
And that's not the American way.
And if you want to be in North Korea or some other authoritarian place, go there.
Australia's reverting back to being a prison colony.
The whole world is reverting back to becoming whatever tyranny it was.
Tyranny's the old thing.
Liberty is the new thing.
So I had a bunch of these clips.
I'll play them in a little short segment coming up before Dr. Zelenko comes on with us.
But I'm not bitching and I'm not complaining, but I am overwhelmed.
I have definitely reached an overwhelmed level now, where I know you're overwhelmed as well.
But that's the thing about naked tyranny.
It finally builds up, builds up, and then boom, hits you.
People are like, whoa, what is this?
And they think we're just going to comply with it.
Do you understand it's going to get 10 times worse if you do?
That's the main takeaway.
That's the main thing I'm trying to get across to people.
And I really appreciate the listeners, because we're all in this fight together.
And that's why I want to encourage you.
So support the broadcast while you get things you need.
If they keep shutting down the economy and food prices keep exploding, we're going to see a total breakdown of the supply chain like it's happened in Australia and areas of Europe and the UK.
You need to go to InfoWarsTore.com where we have a wide selection of high-quality, made-in-America food that is very, very good at the lowest price you're going to find for quality this good.
It's also packed great, great containers, and most importantly, it's ready to ship to you right now.
A lot of these companies take your money and make you Wait a month or whatever.
No, this stuff's like, turns around within a day of the order coming in, unless it's Sunday.
The order on Sunday might take, you know, an extra day or something.
So, that's going on at infowarestore.com.
And we also have Vitamin Mineral Fusion, very popular.
All the vitamins, all the essential minerals, all the essential vitamins with key amino acids and other things that are so good for your immune system and your skin and your body and everything going on.
Because people die within a month of not having food, because food has all the vitamins and minerals in it.
And all the major disorders out there and the problems are generally connected to Not having the critical vitamins and minerals.
That's why they call them essential.
But if they're synthetic or they're not the proper amount, then it doesn't have the same effect.
And most of it doesn't get into your cells.
This is from all the high quality, highly sourced areas.
And it is going to end up selling out by Monday because we've not had enough money to put in big enough orders.
And before that, we couldn't get it for almost, what was it, four or five months because the supply chain broken down.
And then so we're going to catch 22, but hopefully It's not a hole we're in, but it's like a weird treadmill where there's not enough money to buy enough product to fund ourselves, and we don't buy enough product, and then we don't sell enough products, we don't have enough money to buy more product, and it just becomes a catch-22.
That's why I've been really pushing and working harder to plug better and promote better.
And you guys have been coming through to get more money to then order more product and
launch some new products that are going to be amazing, that are really going to help
us not just sit where we're at, but hire more reporters, sponsor more reporters, and get
more done because it's our job.
We've been so effective together in this fight that we've got to go to the next level.
And you've been pulling your weight and I salute you and thank you.
So you got till Monday, it may sell out before then, but I think it looks like Monday, to
get Vitamin Roll Fusion 33% off.
The new sale is knockout for 50% off sleep aid.
And of course, when are sons back in?
Wow, really concentrated organic vitamin D3, which is the most essential to fight all this garbage.
That is back in stock, 50% off as well.
That'll be next week's sale.
The Vitamin Refusion is selling out as we speak.
But for adults, for children, for old folks, especially black folks, you don't absorb much sun, so you've got usually the big vitamin D deficiencies.
It is critical to have it, and it's $19.95 for the highest quality you're going to find out there.
We'll be right back with Dr. Zev Zelenko.
I am cutting this ad on Thursday afternoon.
That means you've got one, two, three, four days.
Monday at midnight, we've got to end this sale.
We may end it earlier because we think it'll sell out by then at current sales rates.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is super popular.
It's got all the high quality vitamins and minerals that are essential, great amino acids, and it tastes great.
It's powder form, so in the water, you Absorb it more when you drink the fruit punch.
Then we also have, back in stock, this sale will continue through next week, Knockout
Sleep Aid with eight organic ingredients that help you sleep better.
It's 50% off and Ultra 12 on our best sellers.
High quality Vitamin B12 for your whole body, your stamina, your libido, your energy, your
immune system.
It's back in stock and it is 50% off as well at mfulwurstore.com.
So get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion while you still can at mfulwurstore.com for 33% off
and a bunch of the other supplements are 50% off as well throughout next week.
But the sale of Vitamin Mineral Fusion ends Monday night, so get yours now.
Man, the system is really scared of Donald Trump.
Because he's actually a president.
He's actually a nationalist.
He actually cares.
He was wrong about the vaccines.
He got set up with that.
I wish he'd come out against them.
At least he's not for forced injection like Biden is.
But that big Roger Stone interview where he talked to Trump.
Trump is intending to run now.
He wasn't before.
He was telling Roger he wasn't going to.
Now he's pissed off at what's happening and is going to run.
That is so huge.
That interview is at Bandot Video.
Not one story picked it up.
You think that's newsworthy that Trump told him he was going to run?
And nowhere.
But you know about it and you can share it.
Just incredible.
We've got Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko coming on.
I'm really impressed with him.
He's a great guy that first pioneered treatments that have saved millions of lives.
We're going to talk about the new variants and what's coming next with him in the next segment.
Then I host the fourth hour with Mike Adams.
There's a lot of areas I haven't hit as well.
We'll obviously be going over it with Dr. Zev Zelenko.
We'll also talk about ivermectin with him and does it really cause sterility like one study says.
I meant to get to this yesterday.
I never did.
I will bring it up with Dr. Zelenko at the end of the hour.
I've done a bit of research and have found out the truth.
And I'll tell you at the end of the segment what my finding was, but I'm not a doctor like him.
Here's some reports I want to hit.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination program, from the mutated vaccine, for almost five months, free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations.
Is that why all the second countries took the most vaccines?
We still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot.
This is not about freedom or personal choice.
No, it's about tyranny.
It's about protecting yourself.
You're a liar.
And those around you.
It doesn't protect you.
The people you work with.
People you care about.
On Owen's show yesterday, I made this point, and then Greg Gutfeld did as well.
Protect all Americans.
This is about dividing Americans.
The Department of Labor is developing an emergency... What about people that already have learned a million, you little jackass monkey?
...with 100 or more employees... I understand it'll hurt you if you take the shot after it, you murderer.
...80 million workers to ensure that their workforces... He's a murderer.
Murdering America.
...are fully vaccinated.
Or show a negative test at least once a week.
Coming up, he predicts a new pandemic.
We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.
Our patience is sick of you, you punk!
Your refusal has cost all of us.
Stole the election, you maggot!
Many parts of my pandemic preparedness plan so that America isn't caught flat-footed with a new pandemic comes again.
as it will.
Great Unifier is saying that all those are vaxxed are mad at those that aren't.
So this is not true.
It's all there to just gin up more animosity and cause division.
Basically, he said the unvaxxed are the new terrorists.
That's what he did.
Like, he showed more anger towards that 80 million, this amorphous 80 million that he
actually won't specify what constitutes the 80 million, which is kind of interesting.
But he showed more anger towards them than the orderly and kind Taliban, right?
The very business-like... He also lied.
He lied so much.
And he was... Basically, this whole thing was he was blowing his own horn because he blew it in Afghanistan.
This was his way to show that maybe he is competent.
So he had to gin up the fear.
It was an interesting little game of saying, everything's great, but it could just totally go to hell in a minute.
And it wouldn't be my fault.
And it wouldn't be my fault.
It's these other people's faults.
And then he's comparing the past, before he got there, to now.
People have to remember, this is a guy that said, don't trust the vaccines.
That's the guy, the same guy who said that, is now saying people who say that are publicly dangerous, or endangering public health, or blocking public health.
That was the word that he used.
He talked a lot.
I think the thing that bugs me most about it is that he found an easy target, and it's a target that the media likes to punch.
It's a punching down thing, but he won't say who they are, right?
And I don't trust anyone, especially him, who says, you know, the only way to get back to normal is to do X.
but they keep changing X because it depends on how it affects them politically. So his
government said we're not doing mask mandates as much as like three weeks ago. I'm sorry,
vaccine mandates, that changed. And now he's basically created unlimited power.
He has unlimited power. He can have private businesses fire employees.
Well, he joined us a few weeks ago and was really informative. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko,
It's a board-certified family physician with over 20 years experience.
He is the doctor who recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine and help get that out to the world.
Zelenko protocol is used in 99% survival of high-risk COVID-19 patients.
Dr. Zelenko has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom of the Nobel Prize.
He's recognized as a hero.
at US Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing.
He's published in top tier review journals with world renowned physicians.
Dr. Zalinka provided counsel, the White House personnel, multiple governments,
hospitals, physicians, public figures.
And ZStackLife.com is his excellent website.
The letter ZStackLife.com.
And doctor, I've been following you since I saw you early last year.
And you know, heard you in that Giuliani interview and saw you on Fox News.
I saw them demonize you.
But what you said was true and it's gotten out there.
So we can talk about the attacks on that and hydroxychloroquine and now ivermectin.
And we can talk about the Delta variant and how Biden's saying deny people healthcare
and his surrogates like Jimmy Kimmel and Howard Stern deny healthcare.
To people that haven't taken these shots.
They say, we don't care if you've already got learned immunity.
As Israeli study shows, 13 to 27 times better than the poison shot, the death shot as you call it.
And him declaring this federal takeover.
I talked to three constitutional lawyers yesterday, one on the air today.
They all said, no, this is a federal dictatorship being set up.
He's announcing it.
The question is, will he successfully implement it?
The takeover of the states, 80 million people forced to be injected.
Doctor, where do you want to start here?
Because you're not just smart and informed when it comes to treatments and what's happening.
I've also seen you on Australian TV, that's where I want to go with you, talking about the mindset of these people.
It's key to understand and the fact that we who are not homicidal control freaks, megalomaniacs, We can't wrap our minds around this is deliberate, because most people say, oh, Pfizer and Fauci and Gates, they're just idiots.
Well, no, I've read their white papers.
They planned all this.
They say they want to depopulate us over here, but now they want to save us with these shots over there.
And so you get into that so you can start wherever you want.
But I do want to get to that during the next 50 minutes, 53 minutes we have.
So thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me.
So this vaccine, which was always the point of the artificially made bioweapon, was to motivate 7 billion people to get inoculated, is a weapon of eugenics.
It serves multiple purposes and accomplishes multiple goals.
So, for example, it will eliminate a group of people that are prone to blood clots.
It will weaken the hearts of certain people and cause miscarriages.
Then it will increase the risk of cancers and autoimmune diseases, which will lower the lifespan, most likely affect fertility as well in women, and then a certain large chunk of humanity may go because of antibody-dependent enhancement, according to world experts.
Now, whoever actually survives these three rounds, in the eyes of the eugenicist, is someone who is robust and worthy to propagate the human gene pool.
I mean, this is no different than what the Nazis did.
They divided humanity into three categories.
The superhuman, the human, and the subhuman.
Sounds like a fairytale, except they killed 200 million people.
And they conceived themselves as the superhumans because they were descendants of Nordic gods.
The humans were the Anglo-Saxons that needed to be enslaved.
To serve the Nordic descendants of Nordic gods and the subhumans, which I belong to, and gypsies and slobs and handicapped and political prisoners, they needed to be thrown into ovens and vaporized.
First they were gassed.
So what is going on right now is a group of sociopaths that have banded together to actualize a global imprisonment and takeover of the soul of man, and in doing so eliminate a large percentage of us, because we're useless eaters.
This is all ideas that they've expressed, going back to David Rockefeller, I just saw a video where he was just spewing this stuff, and Margaret Sanger, and way before that.
So, this is nothing new under the sun, except that it's an attack on the sanctity of life itself, an attack on the oneness of God, and the denial of God's Creating us and that we're made in his image.
I would say that is an absolutely 100% spot on from my research, Dr. Zalinko.
So how do we fight back against this from your historical understanding?
Because we know humans do the same things over and over again and don't seem to learn from our mistakes.
Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes now instead of millions dying, it's going to be billions.
Clearly, if we don't wake up now.
Well, you know, it's interesting that during World War II, one Nazi with a German Shepard and a machine gun could corral a few thousand Jews into a gas chamber, which everyone asks the question, why?
Just turn around and trample him.
Maybe a few would die around him, but the majority would live.
And the answer is that because of the successful psychological warfare that has softened the targets, the human soul and the human mind, what's happened was that Prolonged fear coupled together with human isolation are two of the most powerful forces to psychologically destroy a human being.
And once they sustain this type of state, there's a psychological decompensation and it makes it extremely easy for people to become gullible to run after anything that promises to reduce their anxiety that they live in.
So it doesn't even have to be true.
So you can wave a fake vaccine in front of them, the golden calf, and they will worship it because, at least in temporary, for the short term, it reduces their anxiety or fear.
Now, if you challenge their narrative or you challenge their beliefs, they become belligerent and violent, because really what you're doing is you're causing them to go back into that anxiety state that they so deathly don't want to be in.
They've literally lost their minds.
It's a mass psychosis.
I was just, while you were talking, I was telling the crew, pull up some of the graphics about mass psychosis.
They know exactly what they're doing.
How they apply the pressure, then take it off.
Apply the pressure, take it off.
But over time, this is all very scientific, what they're doing.
Very cold-blooded.
And this is not a theory, you know, it's definitely a conspiracy, but it's not a theory.
The word conspiracy theorist, I don't know if you've ever heard that word, but it's been designed to marginalize anyone who has a working mind.
So in reality, it says in the Bible, Noah was technically a conspiracy theorist until it ran.
Then it stopped being a theory.
So same thing here, COVID-19 is an artificially made bioweapon.
We have proven knowledge and patents of exactly how it was modified.
And we know who did it and when.
So not even the liberal media has the audacity to deny that this is an artificially made bioweapon that was released on humanity to create a false justification for a eugenics program.
And for example, there's a, I want to give you a patent number.
There was a new patent approved on August 31st.
Your audience should hear this.
patent 11107588.
It's US patent 11107588.
What it is is explanation on the mechanics of how the vaccines are going to be used as
tracking human beings and monitoring internal physiological data like temperature and heart
rate and other things like that.
So they're admitting, now this is a patent that was just approved, that in these vaccines is the groundwork for laying a tracking system.
And that's not surprising because in 2016, the sociopath Klaus Schwab, in an interview
in French, said that within 10 years the entire population will be tagged with a digital identifier.
See, the beauty with these people, or I call them devolved pagans, is the fact that they tell you up front what they're going to do.
Hitler ruled Mein Kampf many years before he took power.
He lays out the roadmap of exactly what he's going to do.
And these people are, have the same type of audacity and Arrogance, because if you look at Bill Gates in 2015 in a TED lecture... Dr. Zelenko, stay there.
This is really important history, amazing, riveting, life-saving stuff.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
Tell everybody you know, tune in.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is our guest for the end of the hour.
I really appreciate him joining us.
I know he's very, very busy.
And we'll tell you more about his website and some of the things he's up to before he leaves us here today.
He got cut off by the break.
These are hard breaks for the satellites, the radio stations.
Or I'd skip them.
I used to when the stations got mad.
You were getting into David Rockefeller and this whole project.
That's what's so frustrating to me is you can find them after World War II because we know the Rockefellers funded Hitler and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Lab in New York.
It's in mainline history at congressional hearings.
They said, we've got to go underground with this.
And now they've done it, hiding behind medicine, hiding behind vaccines.
The Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep, talks about a global dictatorship they're going to set up using the fear of a virus.
And so now here we are, and you were just giving a patent about vaccines that have these little nanoparticles that then become part of a tracking system.
So yes, this is their whole rollout.
It's here.
It's insane.
Please continue, Dr. Zelenko.
So, the solution, the prescription for staying a human being with sovereign rights and staying alive is very simple.
Just look at what King David writes in Psalms.
He writes, Turn away from bad, do good, and live.
So let's define the terms.
Turn away from bad means to not get into the fear and to the isolation.
In other words, you'll keep your mind.
And stay away from This weapon of eugenics or this poison death shot that has no medical indication.
If you do that, you're halfway there.
And if you're high risk or moderate to high risk, do good means you should be on antiviral prophylaxis cheap and safe.
Generic drugs that will prevent you from getting COVID.
Or if you do get COVID, it will make it mild.
And if you do get sick, because nothing's 100%, you have to start aggressive early antiviral treatment, meaning within the first five days of disease, and you'll live.
This is a very simple formula.
This is common sense.
Everyone knows in medicine, the sooner you treat something, the better the outcomes.
And I want to talk about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine next segment, but you got cut off and I apologize.
Get back to David Rockefeller.
You were saying something about David Rockefeller when we had to go to break to understand why they're doing this and laying it out and then trying to suppress known prophylaxis and then known early treatments.
And if you'd like to get into it now, speak to people and explain what Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine do.
Oh, they're very dangerous.
What they do is they get zinc inside the cell.
That's all they do.
It's all about the zinc.
The zinc inhibits the viruses from growing.
And you just have to get enough zinc inside the cell to be able to do the job fully.
The zinc cannot get into the cell.
It's like oil and water.
They don't mix.
So there are a class of compounds that open up a door and let the zinc go inside.
There are four of them that are readily available.
Two of them are prescription.
It's ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
And two of them are over the counter, which is quercetin and EGCG, which is a green tea extract.
And that's all they do, and they're safe.
Just in Australia today, they banned ivermectin.
So, if you really want to know what works, you just have to do the opposite of what the federal agencies are recommending.
Because whenever we get over target, whenever we are close to a solution, and we have a way of reducing the global fear, that's an opposition against any substance.
It could be a paperclip.
If I tell people that this paperclip, holding on to it, will save your life, the government will eventually make paperclips illegal.
My point being, it's all about the control of the fear narrative, so that they can manipulate your behavior into self-executing yourself.
or enslaving yourself.
Well, doctor, let me just back you up.
You don't just have all the studies.
You don't just have them.
You can go to the NIH website.
You can go to the CDC website, FDA website, type in ivermectin studies, hydroxychloroquine studies.
And there's hundreds of them, and almost all of them are positive, and they say what you just
said about zinc in the cell.
But when you were on with us two weeks ago, I didn't have authorization at that time to talk about it
because my parents are very private.
They wanted people to know after.
My dad and mother didn't tell me they had COVID, the Delta variant, for a week.
They didn't get medical help.
My dad was like at 80% oxygen, looked like he was dead.
Within one day of going on the regimen that you and others have been promoted, my dad was back up putting furniture together that had just come, you know, some lawn chairs, pool chairs.
and was literally completely basically better in two days.
And if I took him to the hospital, they would have given him nothing
and stuck a tube down his throat and I would have been burying him weeks ago.
So I experienced it.
I experienced most of my crew getting it and friends and family, it's just race through Texas.
And when they get on this, it's amazing if they get early treatment.
So to watch them try to suppress that, they're literally trying to murder me and my family
and murder everybody else.
This is criminal.
It's the worst crime in human history.
And I think the amount of malfeasance and malevolence that has been venomous, feuding decent normal people
is a biblical scale.
And all we need to do, and it's just to wake up, because there's many more of us than them.
The difference between Australia and us is we have 450 million guns in the hands of the citizens,
which the second amendment allows us to have to bear arms against tyrannical government.
So the reason why Biden's not sending in people literally to your house to hold you down is
because there's going to be a different type of shot given.
You think normal Americans will allow for their innocent children to be inoculated with something with a 100 to 1 kill ratio?
Dr. Michael Yidden, who ran Pfizer, said the following, that for every one child that dies from COVID, naturally, a hundred die from the vaccine.
About a 100 to 1 kill ratio.
So if that's not child sacrifice, then how would you define it?
What's the difference of me throwing a child into a volcano or me injecting a child with a liquid that he doesn't need?
Why does every culture throughout the last 6,000, 7,000 years recorded history always end up sacrificing children?
You're a smart guy.
Where is that coming from?
Well, good and evil work in opposite ways.
In good, the normal parent will wish for their children to have a better life than them.
They, the parents, will sacrifice for their children.
In evil societies, we sacrifice children for the adults.
In other words, the rationale for giving children who don't need it is so that grandma doesn't get sick.
He's such a believer in this vaccine, so give it to grandma and leave the kids alone.
So they simply go after the youth because there's a satanic thrill, or an evil thrill, in going against your instincts and hurting a child?
Look, I think we're dealing with the primordial serpent incarnate.
That we're dealing with... It has many heads.
Biggest head is perhaps China.
But it's not the only idea.
There's nothing new under the sun.
They're replaying biblical narratives.
All the forces at play between good and evil.
If you look at the first war in human history, it was between two brothers, Cain and Abel, right?
And what was the reason for that war?
Well, they both brought an offering, and God took Abel's but not Cain's.
So he created a dominance hierarchy.
Kane was upset, so God said to him, why are you upset?
Improve yourself and I will take your offering as well.
What did he choose to do?
He killed the competition.
Killed his record.
That's human history in a nutshell.
Wow, that is the best description I would ever... Stay there, Doc.
Longer segment coming up.
Man, amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
We'll give you his website when we come back.
ZStackLife.com is the great site, great literature, great information, and also, we'll tell you about it next segment, a great combination of things the doctors put together that are absolutely documented to give your body incredible natural defenses.
We'll talk about that.
The enemy doesn't want people ready.
They don't want you prepared.
They try to demonize folks to get people prepared.
We're not trying to mandate vitamins and minerals and Course attend to people.
We're just simply saying you should obviously try to defend your body as much as you can.
Dr. Zalinko, I want to get you on one of my commercial-free podcasts sometime.
We can tape in the evening or do Sunday or something so you're commercial-free, but that's part of the thing being on hundreds of radio stations is there's 14 minutes that adds an hour, which is fine.
I just really like to hear from you.
You bring up so many great points that I've been guiding the interview.
You want to finish up with Cain and Abel and why the globalists are targeting us to get rid of their competition?
Or do you want to elaborate on the speech last night?
Because you're a smart guy and I want to ask you, where do you want to go next?
I've got plenty of questions, but what do you want to impart to this audience of over 2 million people tuned in right now?
I'm incredibly optimistic about the future.
It's going to be bumpy until we get there, but I do believe we're on the cusp of a redemptive And there's no room in this new society for slave mentality.
So what we're seeing is the segregation of two groups.
There's going to be some cities of refuge where people want to live in a God-centered consciousness way, and there'll be the rest of everyone else which will coalesce into continents of tyranny.
And that will naturally self-select itself.
In other words, I think that God has had enough of this falsehood of the child sacrifice, the human sacrifice, aborting the innocent.
And I just, you know, it says in the Talmud that Saddam and Gomorrah were destroyed, and everyone says because of immorality, and that's not true, because every place in the world is immoral.
The difference between Saddam and Gomorrah and everywhere else was they codified immorality into the law of the land.
It became part of the law and became normalized.
And that's been the crux of America's problem, its demoralization, its loss of Judeo-Christian values, and this drive towards paganism and atheism.
And so it is time There's a, what's his name?
Psychoanalyst, I forget his name, but he wrote that the moral degradation of the society, Carl Jung, right, the moral degradation of the society begins with the degradation of the individual.
And the opposite is also true.
The moral improvement of a society is by the elevation of the individual.
And that goes back to Carl Jung and what you're talking about, mass psychosis.
As you're saying, one group's going to get deeper into psychosis and have psychotic breaks, and then another group's going to get closer to God and closer to reality, and we're just going to naturally, you know, the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the chaff, we're going to separate.
Well, you know, in the Garden of Eden, There was a tree of knowledge of good and bad.
The implication is that there was good and bad.
However, before the sin, it wasn't mixed up.
It was very clear where it was good and where it was bad.
After the sin, it became a very confused world.
However, right now, I see it Self-selecting back into that Garden of Eden state from the perspective of clarity.
Because you can see clearly that the forces of evil, if you want to talk about Biden's speech, anything, anyone or anything that increases fear and panic and anxiety, you should know it's coming from the primordial serpent.
Now, Biden is demented.
He has, I think, Parkinson's disease.
You can tell by the shuffle gate and the blunted affect, or some type of atypical dementia.
But he should be receiving elder care, not being abused.
This is elder abuse.
They're pumping him up with so many stimulants in order just to keep him from Just so you can read a script.
So he's not the think tank behind this.
Obviously he's a puppet that's being, a marionette that's being pulled, the strings are being pulled by someone else.
So it really doesn't matter to me what he says.
I just view him as a demented old man that I believe should be with his family.
But what he did puppet was increasing fear.
And that is evil.
And if you want to see where good is, it's the movement to faith and to in the midst
of this chaos, you see, anxiety lives in the psychological space where God is absent.
So to fill the void with faith is the solution to not succumbing to the fear and anxiety
and choosing to walk yourself into a better future.
And Doctor, what you're saying is beautiful and it's timeless and it's touching me.
I've had so much anxiety about fighting this and knowing it was coming, but I've also been
calm and fulfilled in many ways.
But it happened about three, four weeks ago, actually when my parents were sick.
I just prayed to God to give me clarity and literally I just felt God say, "This is a
You need to lead others and stand up and be good.
This is going to separate the good from the evil.
This is what you've been asking for.
And I've just felt clarity and strength and that quiet place the Most High King David talked about.
I am more and more feeling that.
Is that what you're talking about?
Yeah, I have the same sense of confidence that I'm living my purpose.
but it seems it's an intuition that God has placed me in a certain place in history where now I feel like
all my skills and turbulences and problems, suffering, life, they all gave me the skill set
to be able to manage the pressure and to--
That's what I, exactly, I feel like I'm fulfilled now.
That's it, I'm not even afraid, I'm focused, I'm not, some of my old arrogance and maybe my evil side
that we all have is like falling away and I feel like I'm becoming sanctified.
Is that what you're saying you feel?
Well, that's for God to decide and for other people.
You know, I get a lot of praise and I'm praised a lot for saving people.
And I have a cognitive dissonance.
I don't view myself that way.
I'm just that, you know?
But I'm not stupid, and I see that I was thrust into a very unique position.
So, I don't take it... I try not to get my ego in the way, because I think that that is a way to self-destruction.
No, I totally agree.
What I'm saying is, they say people are made by the times they're in, but God prepares them.
I'm saying, everybody I know who's awake is feeling this as well.
They have this sense of confidence and overcoming.
And I think that that's what you're saying is, you're really feeling that as well.
Truth is truth.
What you're saying and what I think they're saying, what I feel, is that when someone finds truth, it doesn't need to be convinced.
It's an intuition.
And I've never been more certain in the unity of God and His omnipresence, His ubiquitous omnipresence, and His love for anyone who just chooses to have a relationship with Him.
The problem is most people are choosing to run away from Him.
And I think that this is a global opportunity to You know, it says that Noah, it took him 120 years to build the ark.
Because he was supposed to.
People were coming and asking, Noah, what are you doing?
And he should have said, well, God is really angry at you.
You should repent and join the team and you'll be saved as well.
And he didn't do that.
But the point is that we have an opportunity to spread higher levels of consciousness.
And I don't really care about organized religion in that context, because whenever it's organized, it becomes corrupt.
But more the concept, the intuition and the belief That there's a power greater than you that's making you every second from nothing, and that you have to give homage to that power, and from that you derive the confidence and the strength to persevere.
And that's true for every religion, by the way.
So I try to focus on what unites us.
There's enough forces trying to separate us, and when we get separated we can get conquered.
But to go against the entropy, to go against chaos, and to find order, to organize nonviolent Resistance.
Because that's all it takes.
It just takes enough people, a critical mass of people, just to say, no.
I will not take this shot.
And I'm ready to sacrifice everything to protect my family.
You see, I'm not so afraid of dying.
And you can see how upset they are, Dr. Zelenko.
I mean, they are being driven.
You look at these world leaders.
They're clearly not leaders.
They're puppets.
They're slaves being driven by this evil force that's got dirt on them.
You know, you don't become a leader of a country without becoming a prostitute first.
I think that's a job prerequisite in description.
You sell yourself.
I agree.
Final segment with Dr. Zelenko.
We're going to talk about science.
We're going to talk about protecting ourselves and more, whatever he wants to hit.
I've got to say, of all these amazing doctors, he's my favorite guest.
Definitely, we are in simpatico on what's going on.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And then, Mike Adams, the health ranger.
He's loaded for bear.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got Dr. Vladimir Zelenko with us.
Here's Pelosi.
In April of this year, saying we cannot require someone to be vaccinated, that's just not what we do.
Take down the mask, but so far that's not what we can do.
So here's the thing, we cannot require someone to be vaccinated.
That's just not what we can do.
It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't.
I can't go to the Capitol physician and say, give me the names of people who aren't vaccinated so I can go encourage them or make it known to others to encourage them to be vaccinated.
So we can't do that.
And now they've exempted 600,000 postal workers from it.
So sometimes Pelosi slips back into gear and is actually a human, but the people controlling her are creating the world ID, the world social credit score through this system.
Klaus Schwab has said this.
He said it five years ago on Fringe TV.
Dr. Zelenko brought that up where he said, we're going to put a chip in you.
We're going to have a world ID, medical ID.
We're going to use the fear of a virus to do this.
And so, Doc, you've agreed to stay five minutes to the next hour.
I appreciate that Mike Adams is coming on.
We're talking about solutions, ways to protect ourselves then, but now Other key points you'd like to add, or I mean, what do you make of this declaration by Biden?
It's so un-American, so dictatorial.
And then, of course, I have a map here to show TV viewers.
The majority of states, as you can see, governors have already come out and said they're going to block it.
So they had to know it was unconstitutional, just like the CDC saying it controlled all rents in America and tried to federalize that.
So it just seems like a zombie just attacking, going, give me power, give me power, give me power.
What's your view on that?
Well, all these tactics are, they are effective.
It's going to motivate more and more people to get this poison death shot.
And, you know, I personally, my philosophy is like this.
I believe everyone has the right to be exposed to all the information about something and let them choose whatever they want to do.
If you know, you hear what I'm saying, let's say, and you still feel that you should take a vaccine, fine, that's your choice.
But the coercion, the forcing, and psychological pressure of the government on innocent people is a violation of the Geneva Convention.
The Geneva Convention does not allow for human experimentation without the informed consent of The patient, and this is not being done.
There's a tremendous amount of suppression of the side effects of these terrible vaccines, and there's a lot of suppression about how efficacious they are.
And what the, our CDC director analyzed the Israeli data and said that based on the Israeli data,
anyone who got vaccinated early is much more likely to end up in the ICU.
Therefore, you should take another shot.
I'm just listening to you and trying to grab a graph here I have.
We have all these graphs from Israel, and it's not just Israel.
Singapore, the UK, the US.
It shows way more hospitalizations, deaths, and illnesses than Sweden, who's not doing a bunch of vaccines.
Same thing, India.
I mean, isn't this the proof here, doctor?
And what does this mean these shots are doing to people?
I guess you simplified it down.
Poison death shots.
Yeah, it's really killing a lot of people and according to Dr. Robert Malone, people that are vaccinated are experiencing much higher titer levels than unvaccinated.
So in other words, Someone who's vaccinated can get much sicker, not milder, much sicker than the unvaccinated, simply because they reproduce more virus.
And that was consistent with the Israeli data from the University of Tel Aviv that concluded that anyone who got the Pfizer vaccine is six times more likely to get the South African variant of COVID-19.
So these vaccines were never meant To be vaccines.
They're tools of death to get rid of a certain percentage of us, to make another percentage infertile, and then track.
It's brilliant.
It's evil, but it's brilliant.
And then put it in an internal tracking device, internal easy pass, where you can't even remove it anymore.
You're permanently bonded to it.
And there's gonna be a few people, look, 70% of the corporate, wealth in the world is essentially owned by 150 people.
And those 150 people control all the industries, media, politics, pharmaceuticals for sure,
academia with their funding.
So this is a very well coordinated and extremely well financed global takeover.
And that's a conspiracy.
It's just not a theory.
We're living through it.
And people who choose not to see it are, in my opinion, contributing to the problem.
Because your compliance emboldens the enemy.
All evil needs is for good people to do nothing.
Rise up in a non-violent way.
Violence is completely unnecessary here, by the way.
You just rise up in mass.
And what are they going to do?
Fire all of us?
Not let all of us go to school?
Not let all of us travel?
Absolutely, they're trying to market us all like cattle, not to control us, but to depopulate us in all of their admissions.
I've had a lot of questions about this, Doctor, so please entertain my question on this.
I've seen probably, no exaggeration, I've been sent hundreds of times this last week.
I've seen it all over Facebook, Twitter.
People send it to me.
Alex Jones has been sterilized.
He took Ivermectin.
His dad took Ivermectin.
Thank God they'll never have any more children.
I was prescribed it by a doctor.
And then I went and spent hours the other night.
I saw one study out of Nigeria that looked like they were just paid to put it out so people wouldn't take Ivermectin and die.
Looks like it was written years ago.
We know it was written more than a decade ago and so, overhead shot please guys.
Ivermectin causes sterilization 85% of men's study finds.
Well, I actually went and read that study and then I found dozens of others in rats, in mice, in rams, in rabbits and it did find a 5 to 10 to 15% reduction in sperm for about 60 to 90 days but then no ill problems after that.
Sir, what is your view on fertility and ivermectin, and how does it act then, I understand to put zinc into the cells, but how does it secondarily kill worms in you?
I've had other medical doctors on saying it's anti-cancer.
I mean, what is the mechanism there, and is there any truth to long-term sterilization?
Because all the other studies say that's not the case that I could find.
This one Nigerian study that basically looks like it was, you know, written as a joke has no evidence.
Or am I wrong?
Does ivermectin attack fertility long-term?
No, you're not wrong.
I know Nigeria is known for its academic research in medicine, but this was in 2011, and it was specific with a certain type of parasite that causes river blindness.
But if you look into what else this parasite does, it destroyed the scrotum of men.
So, let me ask you a question.
Don't you think it's possible that the actual parasitic infection, which is eating up the scrotum of men, may affect the sperm count?
So, if that's the bit, listen, if that Mr. Globalist, that's the best you can do, drum up a Nigerian study from 10 years ago as your biggest proof that ivermectin is bad, you're in pretty bad shape, I have to tell you.
Is there truth to the study in rabbits and rams that it does cause a short-term, and then if so, what is the mechanism that stops all sorts of things from growing?
So, I don't know, I haven't seen those studies, so I don't even know how to comment.
But I can tell you that ivermectin has been used four billion times, and I think there's only six reported deaths.
And also, there are studies, by the way, which show that it actually preserved pregnancies in women infected.
So there's a lot of confusing data, but everything in life is a risk versus benefit analysis.
You know, driving a car could also reduce your sperm count if you crash and die.
So, do we not drive a car because of it?
We make a risk versus benefit analysis.
Now, if you look at a younger high-risk group... Now, who do I treat, by the way?
It's patients in the high-risk group.
Who are usually over the age of 45 or have chronic medical problems.
Most likely these people are not having babies anyway.
Well sure, but let's expand on that.
COVID-19 attacks the testicles according to these studies.
So I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Obviously, that's what I'm saying.
I read like 20 plus studies, found nothing in there, but a few saying maybe a little bit of reduction.
And hey, if I get that, that's great compared to dying.
Listen, I probably have more respect for the Nigerian medical system
than say, Lancet from now.
But I don't know how well run this study was.
And it's only one study from 10 years.
No, no, I totally understand what you're saying, sir, and it won the Nobel Prize.
We don't see any evidence of that, and all I know is my dad was almost dead, and a day later on it, he was doing 90% better.
I mean, that's all I had to see, doctor.
Yeah, that's pretty dramatic and that's what I initially noticed with hydroxychloroquine.
Subsequently, I started using all these drugs because they all work if you use them in the right time frame with the right patient.
And so, it's an art, but the key, the fundamental principles is put out the fire before it takes the whole house down.
So it's much easier to treat a small problem than a big problem.
Which is what we see the hospitals directed by the technocracy turn people away.
My security guys, good friend, great lady in shape, a nurse, she went in sick, they said nope, turned her back, two weeks later comes back sick, intubator, she was dead, two days later.
Final segment with Dr. Vladimir Zevzalenko, amazing guy.
ZStackLife.com if you want to find his site and so much great material.
We're going to come back with some final comments about how he recommends people do as much as they can to boost their bodies' natural defenses, period.
Welcome back, folks.
Final segment with Dr. Zev Zelenko here with us.
And I wanted to just close out here with the Israeli study.
There's a bunch of others.
13 to 27 times better immunity for people that have had COVID or the Delta variant than people that have had the Pfizer shot.
And then it just happened last night.
We have the clip.
I'm not going to even air it.
Everybody's probably seen it.
Anderson Cooper, they have Fauci on there, and they say, is natural immunity any good?
He goes, I just don't know if it's even any good.
That's the quote.
I don't even know about natural immunity, he says.
And I guess that's not a big lie, as the Surgeon General is saying, it's not as good.
So this level of gaslighting, Doctor, when 101 in biology, 101 even for a medical student is, natural immunity is way better than a vaccine immunity, and this is even a vaccine.
So just briefly, what do you say to this level of gaslighting?
You're a prostitute.
You sold your soul out to whoever pays the most, or whoever is threatening you, or whatever it is.
But you are spreading lies.
Everyone can see that.
We intuit it.
We sense it in your mannerisms.
You're just one fountain of falsehood.
And you will pay the price.
You will pay the price in this world and in the world to come.
But I beg the people to spread the truth and not listen to these instruments of death.
Because if you look at the NIH, the NIH says don't treat COVID until you're in the hospital with an oxygen level less than 92.
That's a government that wants you to die.
Now, doctor, last time you were on, you didn't mention this, but I did more research, and I know that you have a very, very popular natural supplement compound that is obviously really essential and really great for people.
And you have an affiliate program, and your folks were gracious enough to say, hey, last time we came on, we had a really great response.
And that's wonderful, because I want to get this.
I'm sure a lot of other people want to get this, because it's really, really important, particularly in this day and age.
So zstacklife.com forward slash Alex.
And as an affiliate program to help support our broadcast and get an amazing product, spend a few minutes telling us about this product and what's in it and how it came about, Doctor.
The Gould ex-governor of New York, Cuomo, in April of last year, issued an executive order to block access to pharmacies that do not dispense hydroxychloroquine.
So, and that was an order directly against my practice and my patients because no one else was doing it.
And so I needed to innovate, so I looked on the NIH servers, believe it or not, and I found something called quercetin, that together with vitamin C, gets zinc into the cell.
To be honest, I didn't know what quercetin was, so I googled it, and I see it's over the counter.
I said, oh my God, I just found the cure to tyranny.
Because of the two risk factors to die from COVID, is your moronic doctor and the tyrannical government.
Because the doctor delays treatment, and the government blocks access to the life-saving meds.
So now I can say, Alex, go to the vitamin shop, buy quercetin, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D is probably the most important vitamin.
For your immune system.
It's not a COVID thing, but you want to make sure that your vitamin D levels, D3, are between 15 and 70.
That essentially shuts down any ICU admissions.
All the data is showing that people with high levels of vitamin D, high normal, do not end up sick in the ICU.
So it just made sense.
So I open sourced all this information and people came back to me and they said, listen, we're having trouble putting the puzzle together.
We can't find it all in one place or whatever.
Can I put it all in one bottle?
So that's what I did.
I combined it in the right dosing that I feel is correct.
And of course it didn't, look, it's all that the FDA lets me say is that this is a nutritional supplement and an immune booster, which is true.
And I can just tell you the ingredients.
Again, zinc stops RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from making, from viruses making RNA copies of its genetic material.
Zinc gets into the cell with the quercetin and vitamin C, and D is like a bulletproof vest.
It upregulates your immune system, so it works much more efficiently.
That was the idea, and the response has been great.
But it's not for high-risk patients.
It's really for Low to moderate risk patients.
I do prefer hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for the higher risk patients because those are the best weapons.
Sure, but you're saying as a supplement of natural things, it's a good booster for your immune system?
You can find it all, ladies and gentlemen, at ZStackLife.com forward slash Alex if you'd like to sponsor us and support us because he's doing that to help fund the operation.
Thank you, doctor.
I am cutting this ad on Thursday afternoon.
That means you've got one, two, three, four days.
Monday at midnight we've got to end this sale.
We may end it earlier because we think it'll sell out by then at current sales rates.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is super popular.
It's got all the high quality vitamins and minerals that are essential.
Great amino acids and it tastes great.
It's powder form so in the water you Absorb it more when you drink the fruit punch.
Then we also have, back in stock, this sale will continue through next week, Knockout
Sleep Aid with eight organic ingredients that help you sleep better.
It's 50% off and Ultra 12 of our best sellers, high quality, vitamin B12 for your whole body,
your stamina, your libido, your energy, your immune system.
It's back in stock and it is 50% off as well at mfulwhorestore.com.
So get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion while you still can at mfulwhorestore.com for 33% off
and a bunch of the other supplements are 50% off as well throughout next week.
But the sale of Vitamin Mineral Fusion ends Monday night, so get yours now.
On Thursday, September 9th, yesterday.
Puppet Joe Biden declared war on America and announced dictatorial powers to the federal government not seen in US history.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And it's caused by the fact that despite America having unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months, Free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations.
All of this is lies.
We still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot.
It's not a vaccine.
The shots cause mutation.
This is not about freedom or personal choice.
It's about turning.
It's about protecting yourself and those around you.
It's about the new world order.
The people you work with.
The people you care about.
The people you love.
My job as president is to protect all Americans.
I'm announcing that the Department of Labor It's developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.
You've been patient.
But our patience is wearing thin.
And your refusal has cost all of us.
Well, we told you it was coming, medical tyranny.
Everything you see overseas is coming here.
It's from other same people.
And I couldn't get a more informative guest on than Mike Adams.
We talked quite a bit yesterday.
And we're simpatico again.
Forces with us, as they would say, is, as Zelenko was saying, we are on board with pro-human movement.
And I see this as an opportunity.
I see this as God throwing us all in the deep end, evil and good, and saying, okay, You know, it's time for folks to really make the decision about which direction they want this planet to go.
You're seeing Mark of the Beast rolled out.
And it doesn't mean it's a foregone conclusion because we can get a hundred-year reprieve like Nineveh, but we know in the end this evil will build up so big and defeat us.
We're about to decide if that's gonna happen now or 20 years or 100 years in the future.
But again, it's up to us to choose our own adventure.
The bigger question Mike Adams is gonna bring forward after he responds to Biden and the illegality of this and the martial law He sent me a text last night that was so on, I used that as the description for the video I shot last night with the headline, Biden declares war on America.
What was crazy is I was over there shooting that at seven at night, didn't go out till like midnight.
I didn't watch Fox News last night and I learned separately Fox News was even calling it war on America and federal government declares dictatorial powers.
I mean, even Fox News gets it now.
This is so...
Even a lot of Democrats are like, whoa, I mean, wait a minute.
So this is quite a time to be alive.
But the big question we're going to answer here today is why are they acting like a gun to their head?
Why are they acting like they're all going to walk the plank if they don't?
Do they know a giant extinction event is coming, and they know of their 7.5 billion people will chew into their underground bunkers, will take over these underground bases they admittedly have built everywhere, and they're all staying in, scared to death, before COVID ever showed up.
So, what's happening?
If aliens show up and say, we're going to blow the planet up, if you don't do this?
Or what's happening.
I'm not saying that literally.
I'm trying to war game out folks the rest of the story.
We already told you what was coming off their documents.
We already laid all that out.
There's no reason to talk about what currently is here now.
We need to war game what they're really doing, what they're going to do next from their own documents, but also what's driving them.
Not just power, not just control.
They look scared.
I guess it's their master, the serpent.
So Mike Adams, naturalnews.com.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I'm smiling today because I want to thank Joe Biden for perfectly following the script.
And so he has now solidified resistance against the vaccine mandates and resistance against his authoritarian regime.
He basically just said that he's going to essentially remove governors and remove states' rights and attempt to rule as a kind of medical Adolf Hitler over America and that you don't own your body.
That he, as the dictator, can determine anything to be injected into you, whether or not it's approved, whether or not it's safe.
He can inject you with radiological material, and you have no choice, according to him.
Of course, the pushback against the red states, the governors, the attorneys general, the people, and even conservative media is exactly what we were hoping to see.
Alex, I'm ecstatic.
I almost couldn't stop smiling last night after this because the pushback is even greater than what I had anticipated.
Look at what Governor Abbott did.
Look at what's happening in Missouri.
All the red states are pushing back so aggressively against this and saying, no, guess what?
We're not going to comply.
And even conservative media like the Daily Caller Put out a video and said, nope, we're not going to comply.
I mean, even Breitbart is so strong against us.
And like you said, Fox News, which has been pro-vaccine, pro-vaccine, pro-vaccine.
Well, guess what?
Even they've reached their limit.
So the backlash is something to celebrate, Alex.
I totally agree.
So that goes back to what we talked about last night.
Why are they carrying out a course that will destroy them like a gun is to their head?
Because they already run the planet.
They already control it.
125 families have 90% of the wealth.
What the hell are they doing?
Well, there are several interesting theories on this, and it's clear, as you and I talked about on the phone, it's clear that there's something bigger that is arriving or coming that the globalists fear, and they feel like they must exterminate billions of human beings before this other thing becomes obvious.
Maybe we're about to achieve a higher level of consciousness.
Quite frankly, I already feel it.
Maybe that's what's arriving.
Yeah, yeah, maybe so.
But the categories of what could be happening, and folks, just with a disclaimer, these are thought experiments.
I don't have any direct evidence that any of these things are about to happen, but there are things that could happen on Earth, such as, for example, if Yellowstone blue, the supervolcano, and it would deposit particulate
matter into the atmosphere and it would block the food supply for two or three years, let's
say, right?
Crop failure worldwide.
Or some other natural geological event, you know, massive volcanoes, earth changes, pole
shifts, these kinds of things.
So those are earth-based scenarios.
Clearly the globalists would not want very many humans to be alive before they become
aware of this event, because society would collapse immediately, and then they would
have all of the people that they call useless eaters then competing for the resources that
the globalists want for themselves so they can survive.
They don't care about your survival, but they want to survive.
But then there are exo-political types of events beyond earth, extraterrestrial scenarios
or, you know, demonic scenarios, supernatural types of scenarios.
And I want to mention something that just struck me yesterday about this.
The reforming of Earth is now underway, Alex.
And your producers can pull this up.
Here's what you search for.
It's from the Daily Mail.
World's biggest carbon-sucking machine is switched on in Iceland.
$15 million device will capture 4,000 tons of CO2 per year and could help reverse climate change, they say.
Well, that's not a climate change machine.
That's a terraforming machine.
So terraforming of planet Earth has begun, and if you take the CO2 out of the atmosphere, you collapse the food crops, of course, you cause plagues, mass starvation, famine, the collapse of human civilization, but you also make the planet colder.
Which is more like a planet that's further from its own sun.
So combined with the biological weapons that have been designed to attack human tissue, it's very clear to me, Alex, that there is a war against humanity on planet Earth, not just to exterminate humanity and prepare the planet for a post-human future, but also to terraform the atmosphere and alter it so that humans cannot survive.
And by the way, all these big globalists say, we're gonna merge the machines, humans are bad, we're gonna get rid of them.
It's like they've been told in a transmission, like, we are arriving at this time, kill off the rest of them, we will let you merge with us, if not, you are all, will be destroyed, lower carbon, we do not like your atmosphere.
I mean, it sounds, they act like they're aliens, the elites act like they're damn aliens.
Well, yeah, they do.
And according to some people out there, some experts that I've interviewed, they may actually not all be human.
I mean, who knows?
I don't know what the situation is with that, but I do know that... Well, they sure as hell don't act like humans.
They act like a bunch of psychotic demons.
Well, and they celebrate the mass murder of humans.
And there's also the demonic possession element of this that is very real, with the Satanic Temple announcing that abortion is their religious cult ritual.
And that's why they're suing Texas to stop the heartbeat law, because they say that they have to kill babies, it's part of their religion!
And then the Democrats said, that sounds great, let's go with them!
They're our savior!
They're our only hope!
Help me, Satanists!
You're my only hope!
Alright, we'll be right back with Mike Adams, AndrewLewis.com.
He is knocking it out of the park because, hey, we're vindicated!
What a weird feeling!
Man, I'll tell ya, this is crazy!
We'll be right back.
We'll talk about more of these big events and what the globalists are really up to.
Stay with us.
All right, folks, and we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us here on this live Friday transmission.
Mike Adams, the health ranger, naturalnews.com, is with us.
And he was just going into this cult-like commitment of the globalist, lockstep, as the Rockefeller document said, from Australia to the United States, all the Western countries.
to make us take these shots that make us sick, that make us die, that make us create these deadly mutants, even though it's destroying their system, they are doing it like it's a war, because it is a war.
And the Rockefellers were behind so much of this, and they created the UN, and so here we are.
What a time to be alive.
Mike Adams, please continue where you left off.
Well, you're right.
This is a war against humanity, but also a war against the United States.
And just like in most wars, the very entities carrying out this war try to pose as your saviors.
And I'd like to bring up the science fiction movie, Oblivion.
Starring Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman, because I think it's a very good model of what we're experiencing.
And in that movie, humanity was attacked and nearly wiped out by aliens.
Again, it's science fiction, but you know, there's a metaphor in here that makes sense.
And those aliens were then, they had giant ocean water sucking machines, stealing the water, taking the resources away from Earth, but they had convinced the remaining survivors, who were actually clones, That they were defending Earth and they were relocating humanity to save humans, but it was all a giant alien false flag, and they were actually being completely deceived, and the planet was being destroyed and looted by the enemy forces that had launched the war.
What does that have to do with today?
Well, you've got the globalists who are looting our planet, the resources, the money, the productivity of the workers through their fake currency, fiat currency printing machines.
They are waging war on humanity with the biological weapons, while they claim to be the saviors that are saving us with vaccines, which are actually spreading the pandemic.
So it's actually perfect, except it doesn't even require aliens to do this.
Biden and the globalists are doing it.
So we're actually living out a science fiction dystopian apocalypse right now.
Fortunately, governors and the conservatives are saying no.
And we're pushing back hard, and that is the answer here, Alex, is a global Taking away your consent.
Just say no, no, do not comply.
We need mass civil disobedience in a peaceful manner in order to peacefully rise up and say no to this and that's exactly where this is headed.
And by the way, I totally agree with you that oblivion is really the system telling you what's going on.
But again, the globalists say they're going to become the machines, take Earth's resources and blast off.
When you read Ray Kurzweil or all these other top Google advisors, they write this in the white papers.
I've read them on air that, oh, I don't believe in God yet.
I'm going to become God.
We're just going to use the resources and blast off and build universes.
And it's all just delusional craziness, or are they interdimensionally being possessed by a transdimensional transmission, which is what they actually believe they're getting.
It's why royalty interbreeds, not just to keep power, but to keep bloodlines that help them align with this.
That's really what the occultists believe.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Of course, David Icke can speak to that with a lot more detail, but I do want to mention that in that movie, Oblivion, the Tom Cruise character, essentially throughout the entire movie, he is getting red-pilled.
He's getting red-pilled, and he's coming to understand the truth behind the lie.
And this is what is happening now, in record numbers across America, thanks to Joe Biden, who is perfectly playing out his scripted role, by the way.
America's getting red-pilled.
People are waking up like never before.
The resistance against the vaccine tyranny and against the pharma-vaccine-fascist police state that has emerged, the resistance is now stronger than ever.
Because the American people, internally, they've already made the decision, we're not going to go down the road of Australia.
We're not going to have COVID death camps where the police are in there on video saying we're going to gas you.
We're not going to release you after your 14 day quarantine.
You're a prisoner.
We control you.
We're not going to do that in America.
And you know why?
Because, well, we have a Second Amendment.
We are Americans.
We're going to be peaceful.
But we're also going to say no.
And when we say no, we mean it.
Joe Biden, you do not own our bodies.
We control our bodies.
Oh, I'm glad you brought up the map, because People now need to understand you've got to get to a vaccine rebellion state if you want to live.
If you're going to stay in California, Oregon, or New York, or wherever, unless you're in some very remote rural area, you are now at grave risk of being taken to a COVID death camp under the CDC and exterminated.
Well, so did I. Now they're announcing, it's in the CDC documents that you wrote about a month ago, first place I saw it, they're like, oh, we're going to have SHIELD in place for the healthy.
We're going to take your children to protect you, even if you're not sick, to a FEMA run camp.
I mean, Biden's getting ready for this.
We got to talk about what's the trigger for that.
I think they know the third booster, and I've talked to some scientists who agree, is going to create more of a Marix-like effect that creates even more deadly viruses, far worse than the Delta variant.
Well, all that is necessary now that they've achieved mass vaccination with this version 1.0 experimental vaccine,
they've actually set up America to be to suffer mass death from the binary weapon release,
which is another morphological version of COVID that has a different protein morphology on its outer surface that the
vaccine doesn't touch.
But the immune system over responds to. Now, you've covered this a lot.
It's called antibody dependent enhancement. But what I'm saying is it's going to be provoked, not organic.
In other words, it's not just natural mutations that are going to lead to this.
I believe that Fauci and and others involved in the bioweapons research,
they already have the the next version of this that can evade the vaccines,
but elicit an immune hyper inflammatory response and that they are about to release that weapon.
It's a binary weapon system, Alex.
The vaccine, as you've said many times, the vaccine wasn't really designed to kill you.
It was designed to set up your immune system with pathogenic priming so that the release of this next phase would actually kill you and then they could blame it on the unvaccinated rather than the vaccines themselves.
So that's what's coming next.
Which we've now seen flying 180 degrees into the wind.
The lie that this is a outbreak of the unvaccinated.
Almost 400% more hospitalizations, illnesses, deaths exploding.
Not as deadly as the original, but has much better legs.
Very hard to get COVID-19.
They overblew it.
Cancer patients, shotgun wounds, cancer, you know, people that had heart attacks, people that had died of pneumonia.
Now, though, They're trying to downplay it some until they get the really big numbers.
And then again, as you just said, start blaming the unvaccinated, which they're doing.
But I don't see that working because even now Fox News is going, wait, learned immunity is 13 to 27 times better.
What are you saying?
What did you make, Mike, of last night?
I'm sure you've seen it.
Anderson Cooper had Fauci on and they said, is learned immunity better?
What do you make of this?
He said, I don't know if learned immunity does anything or natural immunity.
What do you make of that?
Well, yeah, of course they're dismissing natural immunity, but I want to bring in one more point before we go to break here, and that is that Biden, by declaring this mandate against federal workers, Biden has just mass murdered federal workers who are willing to comply with this.
So, think about this, Alex, the upcoming financial insolvency of America, as Janet Yellen warned, the debt bubble is about to implode, perhaps in October, unless the debt ceiling is lifted yet again.
The money printing continues.
How is the federal government going to pay federal workers if the dollar collapses?
The answer is they can't.
Maybe they want to get rid of them as quickly as possible so they don't have to meet payroll and pensions.
Think about that.
Mike, you just brought me where I wanted to go and I was thinking about when you were
on the show this morning because I was thinking about him coming on today, what I wanted to
ask him.
I want to ask you about the debt bubble, China, what's happening with their housing market
and where all this is going, Afghanistan, how it all geopolitically ties together with
the health ranger, naturalnews.com.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.
By the way, we're going to go right back to my good friend Mike Adams to cover the most important issues yet of this four-hour transmission.
We're three hours and 33 minutes in right now.
But tomorrow, it'll air at 5 o'clock.
I'm doing some of the interviews today, some tomorrow.
I'm a busy beaver, so is this great crew.
Ernest Ramirez, who lost his son after he took the Pfizer shot.
We're also going to have Dr. Richard Barrett, who's not been on with us yet, that heads up that hospital in the major Texas city, who has pioneered so much of saving people.
He's going to be joining us.
Also, Steve Quayle, always an incredible interviewer.
Robert Barnes, very informative.
And Joel Skousen.
So that's five interviews and more, commercial-free.
When I say that, we won't run the regular commercials for TV and radio stations.
We'll run a few breaks.
So, let's say commercial-wide.
I mean, I'm going to take a few breaks, obviously.
So that'll air at 5 p.m.
These are just such incredible times.
I'm seven days a week.
And I have been working, let's not exaggerate, 17 hours a day, 16 hours a day, and when all this got confirmed, I knew it was coming, I suddenly, like, in my place, in my, what I was meant for, and I've just, almost no anxiety, almost none of my anger issues.
I hope this continues.
These are bad times to be in, but I guess...
When you're in a foxhole, you get your act together, or S-H-D together.
And I've kind of had myself squared away, but I've gotten a lot better.
So it's quite a transformation.
I think a lot of you are going through it as well.
My friends and family are the same.
It's a quickening.
We can all feel it.
So what a time to be alive.
So, the health ranger, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, brought this up.
You have George Soros trying to crash the Chinese market.
Now, as much as I don't like the Chai comms, a global collapse in China is going to hurt us.
There's a cause of world depression.
He's also trying to crash markets here and in Europe on record.
Remember, he used to be known as a terrorist when I was young.
I was 10 years old, my mom had a color TV, that was a big deal back then, you know, in the kitchen, cooking dinner every night.
You know, she cooked two meals a day, three meals on Saturday and Sunday.
Great cook.
And I'd be in there in the kitchen trying to get food early when I got home from school,
and get in the refrigerator, get a popsicle earlier, or whatever, she'd be slapping my hand,
literally get in the cookie jar, and it'd be George Soros, you know,
just tried to crash the pile on the international criminal, James Bond villain, but then he bought the media,
now he's the hero.
So he's trying to crash the Chinese markets, they've labeled him a criminal terrorist,
here's the big national Chinese news.
So I'm in this paradox, I don't like Xi Jinping or communists, but at the same time,
I know the globalists are frankly worse.
They put the CHICOMs in power.
They have the CHICOMs saying, we're going to have three children.
Men are going to be men, women, women.
We're going to execute homosexuals.
I don't agree with that, but that's how far right-wing they're going compared to the leftist alien New World Order.
I wanted to get your take on this and who you think the power structures are and whether you think this is on the surface or whether it's real.
I think it's real.
We saw Stalin and Hitler, you know, have a breakup from their little palsy-wowsy thing.
And I think that's where you were going with this debt bubble has been pumped to a level beyond Zimbabwe.
Where do you see it going, Mike Adams?
Well, we have actually an incredible opportunity ahead here after the collapse of this current system.
And let's be clear, the central banks are the terrorists, and they've been terrorizing the workers of the world, the producers of the world, you know, for over a century.
When your earnings can be looted and stolen by just unrestricted money printing, Uh, which really took off after 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Then, uh, that's economic terrorism right there.
So yeah, George Soros has his own forms of, you know, assaulting humanity, but the central banks are by far, uh, I think the bigger risk.
That's right.
He's like a 10 foot shark or 5,000 foot long shark or something.
Yeah, exactly.
Now this, this current system I believe is absolutely going to collapse.
We don't know the timing, but we can do the math and we know it will end.
The question is, Are we the people who survive all of this, which won't be a lot of the vaccinated people by the way, but those who survive all of this, are we smart enough to say let's not rebuild the same broken system again?
Or are we stupid enough to say, yeah, let's have the same system again that will eventually print money and cause the same collapse, you know, in another three generations or so?
So this is an opportunity, and I believe that cryptocurrency has paved the way for a conceptual framework that can actually decentralize money And this is why I believe, by the way, at least temporarily, Bitcoin is going to completely skyrocket once the dollar collapse becomes evident to people.
Now, it may not stay that way, but obviously people are going to flee out of the dollar into other kinds of cryptocurrencies and so into gold and so on.
So you're thinking we do see a dollar collapse?
I mean, everything Biden's doing, the way he left Afghanistan, the way he's attacking America, the way he's pushing forced inoculations to break up businesses, that's how you'd kill a currency.
You'd put a puppet cryptkeeper in to make the whole world leave your currency.
Well, that's right.
We're already seeing the breakdown of the corporations and the supply lines of everything from steel to resins and plastics and food and minerals and so on.
Aluminum, electronic.
And inflation.
And inflation, like you said.
So think about what's going to happen now with Biden announcing that all companies with 100 or more employees have to mass vaccinate their own employees.
Well, a lot of those employees are going to quit at this point.
In fact, a large number have said they would quit, according to recent polls.
So you're going to have, this is the controlled or engineered demolition, 9-11 style.
This is like building 7 of the economy.
Controlled demolition of the economy, they planted the charges, they pulled it, they're bringing down the economic system.
This is one of the explosive charges, in essence, by demanding the vaccine mandates in these companies.
So, we're rapidly arriving at a place where you won't be able to engage in commercial transactions with any sense of reliability.
Once that happens, the efficiencies of a highly fluid market collapse quite rapidly, and then you get into what I'm going to call the Peter Schiff scenarios, and he's been right about this all along.
You should have him back on soon to talk about this, I think, because he understands what this collapse looks like.
I see being a little bit in Bitcoin and other things as just having different eggs in different baskets.
Schiff is such a purist against it.
I'm like, hey, I like what Schiff's saying.
That's a real scenario.
And then there's a scenario over here.
How about we be diversified?
That seems smart to me.
Yeah, I agree with that, and I think cryptocurrency is the answer.
Some form of it, maybe not Bitcoin itself, but some form of a decentralized peer-to-peer system.
I agree.
We need something separate from them, and they're trying to drive it down.
That's why I'm supporting it.
All these big central bankers are trying to collapse it right now, every day.
I mean, that's why I'm supporting it.
It doesn't mean it doesn't have pitfalls and problems.
Let me ask you this question.
What do you think is going to come out of this when the dollar collapses?
Because obviously all these global currencies at one point are going to collapse via hyperinflation.
Well, it's very clear what James Rickards talks about.
And remember, he was at long-term capital management in 1997 when they were the first example of too big to fail, and they got the bailout.
That this will be a cascading failure that ripples through the central banks and the currencies of the world because of the interconnectedness of the financial system.
We're going to have global bank freezes, transactional freezes that will lead to the inability of even local power companies to purchase coal or raw materials to run the power grid.
And they're going to call that the Great Recession.
Because again, the NOAA collapse is coming, so they're doing a controlled collapse like Red Adair, using explosives to put out an oil well fire, and they're going to call it a Great Reset and act like it's a good thing that they did on purpose, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
This is the engineered Great Reset, and it leads very quickly to mass starvation, to widespread famine, and then people running for the FEMA camps, which will be the death camps in America.
And by the way, Alex, just on a personal note, isn't it fascinating You and I, we've studied this for decades.
Isn't it fascinating that we know so much of how this is going to play out, and it's unfolding exactly as we've been describing, especially you.
You were ahead of me by many years on this.
It's like, again, they're calling you Nostradamus now, but as you say publicly, you're just reading the blueprints of the globalists.
It's all happening as the plan is.
Well, that's what's frustrating is people didn't want to believe that there's a bad, powerful group of ultra-rich that want to have total control and depopulate.
But they're saying it, and I looked, hey, they're in charge, and they've done most of what they said they'd do.
So I'm like, hey, folks, it's going to happen.
It's going to happen.
And I knew we'd have explosive credibility once they finally launched it.
That's why they tried to get me off air the last three years, and you and others, so we wouldn't be on air once this all launched.
But now we're still on air once it launched.
Now they kill us or imprison us.
It only makes us more powerful.
Again, we know.
We know what's coming next.
You know, I know, your guests know.
We absolutely know.
So, folks, you know, InfoWars is your headquarters for knowing the next steps.
And natural news, the more the merrier, because we're all targets here.
I'm not that important, folks.
Don't get me global.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment in the war room is on, and then I am going to Do three interviews today and like two or three tomorrow for the 5 p.m.
special report that you don't want to miss and I hope you'll share because that's what it's really all about.
Now talk about being simpatico, being linked up, being synced.
I meant to at the very first the interview Ask Mike Adams what he thinks about September 11th and these fake Pentagon, you know, reports they're putting out.
I mean, they're real reports, but they're fake info with the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL and the FBI that the right wing is linked up with the Taliban.
No, that's Biden.
And they're going to blow stuff up and kill people on September 11th.
And my phone's blowing up with a lot of great people saying, You know, is tomorrow going to be horrible?
Is tomorrow going to be a big crisis?
I was about to ask Mike about that, and then he comes on during the break and says, hey Alex, I want to get into this.
Mike, you can always get into whatever you want, so I'm glad you brought this up.
I mean, clearly, this would be a big day on the 20th anniversary of 9-11 to pull something.
What do you think?
Well, I want to share with your audience here today a credible source who shared with me just recently that the intelligence community and the State Department is reportedly aware that there have been 12 surface-to-air missiles of Chinese origin smuggled into the United States.
that cross the u.s.
southern border uh... in in texas specifically and in addition to those sam's that there's also believed to be a hundred and fifty pounds of uh... semtex explosive that's in the hands of uh... terrorists who are being uh... groomed by the uh... chinese you know p l a military that works with the mexican narcos uh... absurd drug cartels that run these trafficking routes so uh... this My understanding is that the intelligence community and the State Department are right now trying desperately to locate and reacquire these materials before they can be used in terror attacks.
Tomorrow, obviously, September 11th, is an obvious target, but other target dates extend for the next several months, including November 11th and November 9th, because of the, you know, the occult numerology there.
The obvious targets of this, Alex, should these terrorist weapons be unleashed might be civilian jetliners, they might be infrastructure targets such as refineries or dams or power grid substations.
So, you know, we pray for the safety of all Americans.
We hope that these weapons can be discovered and reacquired and locked down.
And I also pray that the deep state doesn't try to use these to set up conservatives for some kind of a false flag, you know, blow
something out of the sky in collusion with the Chinese communists and then
somehow blame, you know, right-wing Bubba for doing it. Because, you know,
right-wing Bubba doesn't want to blow jetliners out of the sky. He just wants his
freedom back. And we've seen massive preparatory brainwashing of, oh, the FBI says the right-wing's
linking up with Taliban. Just ridiculous crap, but they think the public's dumb
enough to buy it. Well, right.
I mean, typical conservative Americans, they just want their country back.
They want their freedom back.
They want peace and abundance.
They want to be able to go back to their businesses and be left alone by Biden that's now, you know, pushing the vaccine mandates and so on.
But I would just caution everybody to be very, very aware of these possibilities.
Maybe tomorrow's not a great day to be in a high rise building or a crowded, you know, population area or things of that nature.
Just be cautious.
Be on the lookout.
And wherever you are, if weird things start to happen, start recording.
start recording and don't let the FBI confiscate your phones by the way
because they were gonna be a big event. Since you mention that,
they've been holding people for almost eight months in solitary confinement
many of which were not violent were waived into the Capitol.
Not defending the 30 or 40 that attacked police or
pooped on Nancy Pelosi's table.
That's wrong.
You still don't deserve solitary confinement.
They deserve to have trials.
But the former FBI director came out and called people terrorists that want to demonstrate next Saturday for the bad treatment of the people held for January 6.
There's a lot of people going.
We also see them say they're going to put a fence back up around the Capitol.
Pelosi says they're coming to celebrate those that wanted to kill members of Congress on January 6.
So we're seeing a lot of really bizarre rhetoric Well, I think that the precedent being set by the treatment of the January 6th peaceful protesters, again with a few who did odd things, but the treatment of them really tells you how Biden plans to treat the unvaccinated.
Because the unvaccinated are going to be considered to be engaged in dissent, and it's possible that Biden might even declare governors of red states to be involved in an insurrection.
Oh, by the way, the talking point all over the news and late night comedy in the White House is, you're a murderer, you're a terrorist, if you don't wear a mask or take the shots.
That's right.
They're trying to set that precedent.
Now, I thought that Biden might have announced nationwide highway checkpoints, you know, vaccine checkpoints last night.
He didn't go that far.
It's clear that that's one of the next steps that he will invoke if he gets away with the current effort.
But there's so much backlash now that I think the White House is backing away from highway checkpoints.
They know that that would never fly, especially in red states.
So we really have to thank our state legislatures, our governors, our attorneys general.
Yeah, let them know more of this, more leadership.
Yeah, exactly right.
You need to call your Attorney General in your state and tell them it's time to push back against this lawlessness by the Biden regime, and it's time to reassert the Tenth Amendment, states' rights, and also medical choice for the citizens of your state.
And by the way, Alex, you know the Attorneys General of these states, they have the power to issue criminal indictments against Fauci.
So what Senator Rand Paul and Senator Cotton are calling for, which is the criminal investigation indictment of Fauci, this can actually be done by states.
They can issue arrest warrants.
If Fauci ever sets foot in those states, he can be arrested on site.
And let's explain.
That's how tyrants always are.
They push, they push, they get away with it.
They get really arrogant, push even more.
Then they go crazy, megalomania.
Then they go too far, they go to prison.
Or they get indicted and then convicted and then get executed.
Yeah, it's either us or them, and absolutely it must happen, because as you said, they've been caught with the Wuhan documents, it's open and shut, gain of function, lied to Congress, they did this on purpose, and now they need to fry for it, or they're going to totally run our lives and poison and kill us.
It's us or them.
It's very important that we, the conservatives of America, the pro-human people of this country, do not get baited into any kind of a violent reaction.
I agree.
So we must maintain peace.
Do not bring weapons to protest because you're being set up.
Do not be offensively violent.
Take over your government through voting, through the system, through protesting, and then have them indict and arrest these people.
That's right.
Look, this needs to be done Gandhi-style, which is civil disobedience.
And remember that Biden and the tyrants are going to continue to show their hands with each passing week.
I mean, they are in essence destroying themselves with their tyranny.
I mean, all we got to do is watch them, you know, commit political suicide, which is exactly what Biden did.
And stay out of their way so they don't crush us.
I want to raise two points for you.
They can't even get their propaganda straight.
Pelosi, Fauci, all of them have said before, oh no, we don't want to have forced injections.
But now even the CDC's own website says, Other Medicine Facts.
CDC cannot mandate that I get a COVID-19 vaccine.
So they're now even backing off what's on their own sites and now trying to gaslight us.
This is not going well.
Well, as your previous guest today, Robert Barnes, correctly mentioned, there's not even a vaccine that's approved in the United States.
You know, the FDA approved Comirnaty, which you can't get.
So this whole thing is a fraud.
And the reason they're trying to rush it, I believe, Alex, is because they know that legally this is all going to be picked apart.
Day by day, month by month.
I mean, the whole vaccine regime is collapsing.
And the Biden regime is also collapsing.
But the legal challenges take time.
So in the meantime, they're just trying to do a mad rush, like a bum rush, of getting as many people injected as possible because that's their extermination agenda.
Because, exactly, because the globals don't care if their puppets get destroyed.
They're throwing a mess last point. This is a meme that goes around. It's totally true
Why is it that your boss says have sex with me or you're fired?
It's considered coercion, but your boss says take the shot or you're fired and it's not coercive
They both want to stick something in you that you don't want
Well, I would argue unless the guy had a disease and I'm not arguing for rape of your employees
I'm saying that would be least less offensive than Bill Gates's eugenics based system that give you heart attacks
Cancer permanently affects you I'd rather be raped than take this shot because it's something even more deadly
So, I mean, that's really what this is.
Well it is.
The vaccine coercion is a form of medical rape and that meme is exactly accurate here because your boss has a position of power over you.
Biden is essentially ordering corporations to exploit that power in order to coerce subordinates into submitting their bodies to medical rape.
Women's groups should be up in arms over this.
The ACLU should be up in arms but instead they're on the side of vaccine mandates.
So this is a great We're filtering out of evil versus good, and that's what's beautiful about this moment in history, Alex.
The silver lining to all of this is that it's all coming out.
We now have full transparency.
We know who worships Satan, who are the demons, who are the medical rapists, who are the baby killers, who are the tyrants.
There's no longer any question whatsoever, so we needed this moment, Alex, so that we could process this, we could mature as a civilization and then move forward under liberty.
I totally agree.
We all feel that same spirit.
I've gotten a lot more optimistic just in the last month.
Everybody can feel it.
They can see it.
Mike, thank you for spending Friday afternoon with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, I've had a lot of amazing shows in the last few months, but this is probably the best one.
It's going to be re-airing all this weekend, and then you're going to have that new show that's going to be four hours long or more of just jam-packed information warfare truth.
So join us, spread the word.
I love you viewers and listeners.
Love the crew.
The War Room with Owen Stroyer is coming up right now on InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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