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Name: 20210908_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 8, 2021
2306 lines.

In the video, Alex Jones discusses Fauci's role in creating gain-of-function viruses and lying to Congress about it. He urges people to protest against this and demand arrests of Bill Gates, Fauci, Klaus Schwab, and others involved in a conspiracy. He also encourages listeners to stay informed and share information for unity. A recent lawsuit reveals documents showing Fauci's team admitting to creating COVID-19 by combining viruses with the SARS virus. There are concerns about FDA's responsibility for Gulf War sickness and its consequences on US troops, leading to the new shots being mandated for military forces. It is proposed to convene a grand jury against Fauci and his team for murder and conspiracy. Military personnel can refuse orders they believe are "illegal," and civilian attorneys should be enlisted to defend them. The True Healing Conference focuses on new biology and true healing topics such as water, structured water, biophotons, biofield tuning, holographic blood, live blood analysis, and Orgone Energy.

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Here's another one of the documents.
Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Peter Daszak, president.
And it says, we are working with the Chinese government to create gain of function and viruses that spread from animals to humans.
It's all right here.
900 pages of it.
I mean, smoking gun.
This would be like, if a serial killer Broke into a live TV station, live on the nightly news, with three people and blew their heads off on television.
And then put their gun down, like the Joker does in the Joker movie, and gets arrested by the police.
Would he be convicted of killing them?
I mean, it's all the documents, all the money, all the admissions, lying to Congress.
Open and shut, but the FBI is penetrated and controlled by globalists that want to kill the country, want to bring in bioweapons and hit us.
If you're going to hit your country yourself to take over, you've got to control the military leadership, which they control.
They all say America's bad.
You've got to control the FBI.
The top of the FBI hates America.
And you've got to control the courts, and they do.
And so now they're going to just take their time slowly murdering us.
And a lot of the people that serve the system, they're going to die too, but they're order followers, so they won't even save themselves.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
At 100 yards, I taped it.
I don't care what you say.
I got it on my third shot.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, September 8th, worldwide transmission.
The biggest news yet.
The entire COVID martial law takeover is about to break.
Turns out Fauci admitted They're creating a gain-of-function, quote, doomsday virus in 2012.
It's not a document.
It's video of him admitting it.
And it's coming up in T-minus five minutes.
Call everyone you know.
Tell them tune in now.
We'll bring these murderers down together.
This is a 300 blackout.
I've never shot it.
My security guy, Tim's gun, it's got a suppressor.
And again, it's legal for you to shoot with a suppressor if you're with the person that owns the suppressor.
And Texas almost passed a law to manufacture them in Texas and make it legal for everybody, but that law did not pass.
But the, uh, what is the open carry and concealed carry thing passed for just the general public.
So, wall, wall, west, uh, second amendment moving forward.
I've never shot this, so we'll see how I do here.
What is this, about 30 yards, 25 yards?
Heard a lot about these.
I've never shot one of these.
Man, that thing's like a laser beam.
Wow, that's a badass gun.
Then we should move back to 100 yards and see how we do.
Shane, that is an awesome rifle.
You want to sell it?
Everybody asks that when they shoot that gun.
So, what is it?
It's a custom.
I had it built.
This is made of carbon fiber and I had it built specifically for this gun.
It's killer.
I mean, I built this thing so long ago, I don't even remember all the parts.
I just remember this was called a hammer because this part right here has these cleats on here.
You know, it's like you could just bash somebody in the face with it.
And no matter how much shooting you do, it's a perishable skill.
If you wait two or three months, it will all deteriorate.
I mean you'll still remember how to pull the trigger and aim the gun but the fine motor skills and
and being a really good shooter is gonna go right out the window.
Ladies and gentlemen we are live on this September 8th Wednesday transmission.
And this is undoubtedly the most important information we have ever covered on air.
I'm sure by next week, we'll have a day that tops that because the quickening is here.
Satan has taken the mask off and is really making his move.
I spent a good two hours last night after my wife and children went to sleep.
Trying to scan over the 900 pages that the Intercept investigative journal sued and got of Fauci going back over the last decade, but even further, 20 years, specifically saying, I want gain of function, I want to merge these viruses in him, in 2015, 16, 17, in hundreds of emails.
15, 16, 17 in hundreds of emails.
There's 900 pages.
And there's scans of the emails, so you can't keyword search.
It's grueling.
I probably read 500 pages last night quickly till my eyes were bleeding.
It's about that late at night, you know, vision starts getting blurry, literally.
And I found, and I've got them printed off, Stuff that hasn't even hit newspapers.
And I've got a bunch of stuff that has hit the newspapers where he specifically says, I want you to merge these five viruses and then create a vaccine for it.
And it's what COVID-19 is.
He describes it all.
The HIV delivery system, the protein spike, the bats, the civets, all the different animals they merged.
And you can go to ZeroHedge or InfoWars.com or The Intercept and just click the links.
And you can read those documents for yourself.
And I'll be going over those.
But then this morning, I come into the office and I'm reviewing clips.
And as soon as I saw the clip on the list that the producers put on there, got a big clipboard of videos here, a lot of which I sent them, a lot of which they recommended to me.
This is one they recommended to me.
And I watched it.
And my jaw actually dropped.
I realized I went... I don't usually go... My mouth went... And I watched the video, and then my brain clicked, because I got a good memory, and I went... I remember actually that being in the news, and there was a controversy over the Doomsday Virus, then they called it Disease X, and I pulled all those articles.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's illegal to do gain-of-function.
Obama and Fauci got caught in 2015 doing it in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, so they moved it to Wuhan.
It's in the documents they were in more than 12 facilities in China alone doing this and Hong Kong by the way.
This is video of Fauci on C-SPAN in 2012 admitting he created a quote doomsday flu virus that kills the majority of people that get hit with it.
And you know they've got that in the wings.
They'll probably release it on us and be our savior on TV while he does it.
You understand we should have 10 million people peacefully demonstrating in D.C.
That's what they're scared of right now.
That's why they provocateured our Trump event to attack the Capitol and hijacked it.
That's now come out in court.
There should be 10 million people in D.C.
demanding the arrest of Bill Gates, Fauci, Klaus Schwab, the Google heads, the Facebook heads.
I mean, they all, on record, Google and Facebook funded the Wuhan lab, and they've been involved in the cover-up, and the fact-checkers work at the lab, and they're the fact-checkers or the head scientists, over the gain-of-function.
Peter Daszak wrote the Lancet Journal, Whitewash, A year and a half ago saying it didn't come out of Wuhan and then he's even in emails that have come out via lawsuits and FOIA requests saying cover up the fact that I wrote this.
So the Langet Journal saying it didn't come out of Wuhan was written by him.
But all that's just window dressing.
Do you understand?
We're gonna play the clip here in a moment.
Do you understand?
That he admittedly created what they call a doomsday virus.
They've got a mousepox virus as well.
The Australian government released the program on how to build it where even a normal biology department at a community college could make a mousepox virus that kills 98% of humans.
I remember that whole story was big news 15 years ago.
Like, why are we creating and putting on the internet how to make something?
It'd be like how to create plutonium in your backyard and how to make a hydrogen bomb.
In fact, it's worse than that.
So this is truly 12 monkey type stuff.
This is the population cult.
And this is what they've set up.
Yeah, there it is, the doomsday variant, all the rest of it.
So they're already saying the doomsday COVID variant could be worse than Delta, Lamba, and may be coming, scientists say.
Well, they've already tested all this and have it ready.
This is their martial law takeover plan.
And if they don't get arrested, well, you're going to have a lot of auto mechanics and farmers and factory workers and Lyft drivers and FBI agents, children, that are going to die.
Because this is going to hit everybody.
They're not going to give us, quote, vaccines that protect us.
They're making their move.
So this is not hypothetical.
Maysmore on Twitter found this.
Now we have all the articles that reminded us of it.
This is Fauci in 2012 answering questions with his partners about a new virus they created through gain-of-function research.
And this is all being said at the Biodefense 2012 meeting.
And then we have other clips of him admitting they were creating gain of function as well.
Then he goes and perjures himself to Congress and says no one's ever done it.
It's preposterous and gaslights the public.
When I have a stack of mainstream news, the scientists and others I'll show you, where he got in trouble for it six years ago.
Major controversy.
But again, he thinks you're an idiot.
And all these conferences that he headed called Gain of Function Conference.
And he orders in all the emails and documents and grants federal, National Institutes of Allergies, CDC, to the universities to create all this and to make viruses that infect humans from animals.
That's gain of function.
That's like saying, you know, well gain of function isn't anything Christmassy.
A wreath, a Christmas tree.
Well, this is Santa Claus, or this is Jesus.
I mean, this is the Babe Ruth of baseball.
I mean, this is the worst stuff you can do.
On a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 10 and a half.
It's an 11, to quote Spinal Tap.
So here it is.
This is non-hypothetical.
This is them talking about a doomsday virus, which Fauci now says is coming.
You're going to learn to lock down.
You learn to do what you're told.
You learn to stay in your home.
So when they release it, you can all die and behave yourselves.
And they can depopulate you, and it's going to be beautiful, just like Zardoz or just like Moonraker or any of the stuff they put in our face.
Here it is.
Phil Schultz, Chemical and Engineering News.
Dr. Fouché, I hope I'm not misunderstanding, but you seem to be saying that the virus you created is not particularly lethal in the ferrets.
And yet, Dr. Keim, you have said to me in a phone interview that this was, quote, the doomsday virus.
How are you coming to such different conclusions, and what is the public supposed to understand?
So I'm sure I didn't actually say that, but I have heard people call it that.
I did not call it the doomsday virus, I should say.
Well, so the virus is highly pathogenic in chickens.
The virus is pathogenic in ferrets if you put a lot of virus straight down in the lower airways.
But it's well recognized by everybody in the flu field that if you take H5N1 and stick it up the nose of a ferret, the ferret really only gets the flu, normal flu.
Our virus is slightly different.
It causes some neurovirulence, but certainly if the ferrets receive virus via aerosol route, we have never seen severe disease in the ferrets.
Now, a ferret is not a human, and as Mike just pointed out, there are still serious debates about how fatal this virus is in humans.
To just clarify a bit, without Predicting anything without talking about any processes that will unfold to the perception of, I think, most of us.
We're going to come back with the rest of this where he says it.
Fauci with a big giant cold sore on his lip.
And he was involved with a group making the doomsday virus.
By the way, it killed basically 99% of the ferrets.
But that's what it got in their lungs.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
These people are building weapons to kill everybody.
They're all eugenicist depopulationists on record.
They are mad scientists.
It must be stopped now!
So, Fauci, Bill Gates, they're all on record wanting to depopulate the planet, so is Klaus Schwab, and they write books about how they're going to use a virus, and they have Rockefeller Foundation documents that they're going to use a virus to bring in martial law, clamp down and cut off resources under a carbon regimen that's a dictatorship controlled by your smartphone that tracks everything you do, that tells you when you can go places, when you can do things.
That's now being implemented in Europe and in the UK and in Australia particularly.
So it's not coming.
The denials are over.
It's here.
And a lot of people...
People in the media, late-night comics that are really propagandists for the globalists, and corporate leaders and business leaders and religious leaders and academic leaders are totally signing on now out of fear, not just that they want power.
They think, well, I'll just join the system and I'll be taken care of.
That is the course of madmen and fools that haven't studied history and who have no discernment.
I'm going to start the clip over because I played it too late going to break.
My fault.
This is not hypothetical.
This is Fauci in 2012 answering questions with his partners about a new virus they created through gain-of-function research, and they told academics and journalists that it was a doomsday virus, and I have the documents I'll show you in a moment, and they try to start going, well, it didn't kill all the ferrets unless it got in their lungs, but then it did.
And so again, this is them creating gain-of-function.
And this is Fauci, who was involved in the research and federal funding of it at the Biodefense 2012 conference.
So the fact is, he lied to Congress again.
He said, we've never done gain-of-function, even though it's in the documents.
Here it is.
Bill Schultz, Chemical and Engineering News.
Dr. Fouché, I hope I'm not misunderstanding, but you seem to be saying that the virus you created is not particularly lethal in the ferrets, and yet, Dr. Keim, you have said to me in a phone interview that this was, quote, the doomsday virus.
How are you coming to such different conclusions, and what is the public supposed to understand?
So I'm sure I didn't actually say that, but I have heard people call it that.
I did not call it the doomsday virus, I should say.
Well, so the virus is highly pathogenic in chickens.
The virus is pathogenic in ferrets if you put a lot of virus straight down in the lower airways.
But it's well recognized by everybody in the flu field that if you take H5N1 and stick it up the nose of a ferret, the ferret really only gets the flu, a normal flu.
Our virus is slightly different.
It causes some neurovirulence, but certainly if the ferrets receive virus via aerosol route, we have never seen severe disease in the ferrets.
Now, a ferret is not a human, and as Mike just pointed out, there are still serious debates about how fatal this virus is in humans.
To just clarify a bit, without Predicting anything without talking about any processes that will unfold.
To the perception of, I think, most of us in the room, there was a perception, however it got there, that, and we've seen it on television, I've seen schematic diagrams of it on television, of a ferret in one cage sneezing on a ferret in the other cage, that ferret sneezes and they all die.
This is what Ron has just said.
I didn't say it.
Ron just presented that.
That that is not what happens when a ferret sneezes on another ferret.
The ferret gets infected, gets flu-like syndrome, doesn't get sick, recovers, and does not die.
And I think when you talk about forgetting about any of the process, just the perception That's out there.
Am I correct, Ron?
If anything, our data suggests that this virus spreads poorly.
It is aerosol transmitted and therefore scientifically very, very interesting to study.
But whether this virus would, if it would ever escape from a lab, would start spreading, we don't know.
So the whole point is not that they were calling it doomsday secretly and it didn't come out on the news at the time.
I have the articles here.
I'll show them to you.
It's that there was a major debate internally about how dangerous this was and how it violated law and how it was true gain of function.
See, they made it.
They made it spread worse.
They made it more dangerous.
That's gain of function.
Something getting stronger, Mike Tyson in his peak in, say, 1989.
That's gain of function from when he was 10 years old.
It's called gain of function.
Hitler in 1940 was stronger than 1933 Hitler.
It's called gain of function.
Cancer going to your body.
Gain of function.
It's getting stronger.
You're getting weaker.
So let's first look at the documents yesterday, okay?
You can go to the Zero Hedge article, click on it, and try to read 900 pages like I did last night.
And it's all right here in the document.
You can click on the links in the FOIA-released, Fauci-funded construction of chimeric coronaviruses in Wuhan.
That's a quote.
And it describes all of the five animals combining it with gain-of-function into one SARS-like coronavirus.
Then they go on to say, that's on page 5, on page 293 of the documents.
It's a later document.
They admit, we have now created it.
And here he is with Peter Daszak that ran it.
We have video of Daszak saying they combined five viruses in 2019 successfully.
We're building a vaccine for a new super virus they had built that had never existed.
Just like you just heard them admit.
And now you've all gotten to experience it.
Yes, it was a real virus.
Yes, it didn't spread very well.
Now, the Delta spreads a thousand times worse.
It's real.
I've experienced it.
Others have.
And it came out of India, where the vaccine caused all the other viruses to get killed.
Except the Delta, and it made it super powerful.
That's why 99% of infections in the world are Delta.
The vaccine did it.
That's admitted.
It's not debated.
So when Fauci gets up on TV and says, oh, the hospitals are full, we're going to have to lock down again.
We're going to have to decide who gets care.
And then Jimmy Kimmel says, oh, don't give care to anybody who hadn't had the shot.
Mainline science that is settled says if you've already had it, the immunity is 13 times better.
And that if you take a shot for that, whether it's J&J or Pfizer or any of it, it can kill you.
But Kimmel doesn't care.
He's given talking points to the Democratic Party.
And by Schumer, he's admitted it.
So does all those shows.
They hang out together.
Those are talking points.
That doesn't matter if you have an autoimmune problem and your doctor says don't take it.
You don't get health care.
And now doctors everywhere are saying this as a talking point.
Violating the Hippocratic Oath, engaging in violations of the Nuremberg Code, where we will not let you leave your house, we won't let you have a job, we won't let you go anywhere, and you Go get medical care.
If you don't take what we will give you, the Pfizer shot's now down to 39% effectiveness, they say.
And the shot lowers your immune system.
So, it's all a load of crap.
That's why they always had boosters ready.
They knew it was never going to work.
It's a power grab to track and control you.
And I know you know that.
Here's another one of the documents.
Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Peter Daszak, President, and it says, we are working with the Chinese government to create gain of function and viruses that spread from animals to humans.
It's all right here.
900 pages of it.
I mean, smoking gun.
This would be like if a serial killer broke into a live TV station, live on the nightly news, with three people and blew their heads off on television.
And then put their gun down like the Joker does in the Joker movie and, you know, gets arrested by the police.
Would he be convicted of killing them?
I mean, it's all the documents, all the money, all the admissions, lying to Congress.
Open and shut, but the FBI is penetrated and controlled by globalists that want to kill the country, want to bring in bioweapons and hit us.
If you're going to hit your country yourself to take over, you've got to control the military leadership, which they control.
They all say America's bad.
You've got to control the FBI.
The top of the FBI hates America.
And you've got to control the courts, and they do.
And so now they're going to just take their time slowly murdering us.
And a lot of the people that serve the system, they're going to die too, but they're order followers, so they won't even save themselves.
I'm being lied about and demonized every day, seven days a week, usually in, let's not exaggerate, 50, 60 publications, programs, TV shows all over the world.
Sometimes there's up to a thousand articles attacking me a day, very, very conservatively, just trying to psychologically inoculate the public that I'm a bad guy, that I'm an evil person.
So I rarely respond to it.
But I'm going to respond to it next segment because it's tied into Joe Rogan.
And I talked to Joe.
It's tied into CNN.
He's really considering suing CNN very seriously right now.
Because they're lying scum.
They're lying criminals.
But he's friends with Kimmel.
I know Kimmel behind the scenes is a good guy.
And even used to tell people he likes my show, and I know that people that are friends with him.
And so Kimmel is given a script to read, and I want to talk directly to Kimmel next segment about finding his soul.
Because he's now talking about denying health care to people that don't take the experimental shot.
Even if a doctor says they have a medical reason not to take it, he says deny them health care.
That's a form of murder.
And he's the one that talks about his son's heart problem and cried on air.
Now, thank God he's got plenty of money, but what about poor people so we need Obamacare?
Hey, it's socialist countries where you wait for healthcare, Kimmel.
But listen, it's on record that they have a bunch of Democrat think tanks that write talking points that are then written in with his 40-something writers.
But that's been in the news.
I mean, they like hang out with Schumer, is the guy that oversees that group.
So, Kimmel, you better find your soul buddy.
I'm going to talk about that next segment and show you some of the evidence because he attacked me last night.
And, you know, he pulled out a gun once, started shooting stuff on stage saying, watch out, a message from the Illuminati.
And that was a real message from them to me.
That wasn't a joke.
He was told to say that as well.
He reads off a teleprompter.
So this is very, very serious.
They put really evil stuff out in a comedy format.
But here's the reality.
Dr. Fauci was involved in the cover-up of HIV being a bioweapon.
He was the cover-up of real treatments for it, and they used treatments to actually kill people, the fake treatments.
He's run these scams.
He covered up viruses, cancer viruses, infecting the vaccine stockpiles of the world.
That was in the news over the years.
He's in power because he's a little monster who works for Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, and that has come out.
So, there is a lot to go over and a lot to break down on this subject, but I just showed you the evidence.
I just, last segment, showed you emails and documents from the lawsuit of the Intercept Investigative Journal group, and this is documents.
With Fauci saying, I want gain of function, I want to merge these bats with these other animals, and I want to create gain of function.
And that's it.
He lied to Congress, but oh, he's like Clapper saying the NSA has never spied on one single American.
Because he's an establishment type, he's supposedly allowed to lie.
Well, is he allowed to cook up a bioweapon and then release it so they can be the savior with this deadly vaccine?
No, the answer is just because they've got corrupt people in charge of the Justice Department and most of the courts doesn't give them a license under any system to release bioweapons on us.
Just like they had laws saying black people were two-thirds human.
And folks said, hey, that law's wrong.
We're going to stand up against it.
It's the same thing.
We're not putting up with this, and this assault, and this attempt to make us all prisoners and say we're not essential, and then to rape our bodies and put your dangerous GMO in us that we know doesn't work the way you say it works, but actually lowers our immunity and turns us into creatures you can control a bunch of bubble people.
You know about the boy in the bubble?
Well, they want to make us bubble people.
That's their real goal.
We're all birth is Done via cesarean and then later in a test tube.
I've got articles saying they want that.
Where mothers don't feed their children milk from their own breast, but formula.
It's the industrialization and takeover of the entire human processing.
They say to then end us as a species because we're parasites.
See this stack?
Didn't get to it yesterday.
Didn't get to it the day before because I've been so busy with guests.
But I'm going to hit this next hour where they talk about depopulating us and all their own admissions, mainline documents, everything.
See this big stack?
That's coming up next hour.
But the Jimmy Kimmel thing is next segment.
I'm just warming up on that.
Look at these documents right here for TV viewers, radio listeners.
Just write this down, you can look it up.
New Scientist.
Lab-made coronavirus triggers debate.
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risk of gain of function.
That's the The Scientist publication, 2015.
It's about Fauci engaged in gain of function.
Fauci said benefits of, quote, gain of function outweigh risk of pandemic.
You see that, Kimmel?
That's who you're in bed with.
It's illegal.
He says he didn't do it, though he's all over the news for years running it and saying antifunction in his own words.
And it goes on and on from there.
Look at this.
Disease X accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic by making viruses that don't naturally occur, five different animals coming together.
How is that?
How do you make something completely exotic out of the middle of nowhere from stuff all over the world that would never come together and then release it out of a lab and call that protecting us?
That's the UN.
That's the Lancet Journal talking about that.
Oh, Disease X, the next pandemic, the U.N., three years ago.
Oh, it's coming any minute.
We're going to take control of society once it does.
And look who ran at the U.N.
Disease X, doctor who discovered Ebola, warns of deadly viruses yet to come.
Who warns against unknown Disease X?
And now you're seeing that doomsday virus.
Now, again, the UN is in charge, we've let it get in charge illegally, of global response to pandemics and emergencies.
That's how you get a global government, is a world body with world police power, regulatory power, to shut everything down, to say, censor that on the internet, globally.
Arrest those people, don't let those doctors speak, don't let people have those treatments.
And the precedent is then set.
Track everybody to make sure they're not, quote, spreading it.
Now you've got the global tracking system, which they admit they set up, and is their holy grail.
You've got all the elements of the world court, the world army, the world police, the world surveillance system, the phones to track you, now chips sewn into all your clothes.
Never got to it yesterday, but more and more people online, and I've seen it myself, are cutting into their clothes and finding tracker transponders, not in case you try to steal something in the store, But because those companies want to, with cell phones, track where you go and what you do as a marketing thing to sell your data.
And the companies admit they're doing it.
You see?
And then we've got, on video from five years ago on national French TV, the head of the Bilderberg Group, the head of the Davos Group, Klaus Schwab, saying, Very soon we will have chips in all the clothing to track you, and then it will be chip on the skin.
So, it's not just QR codes.
Yeah, here's the lady cutting the chip out.
It wasn't a chip to make sure she didn't steal.
It was sewn into the neck.
Sewn in.
So there it is.
I just showed you the documents.
I just showed you everything.
And look, I like Rand Paul.
He's the best thing we got.
He says Fox News should be criminally investigated.
He needs to say, you are a criminal, you need to be arrested right now, or we need to fire the FBI director and the head of the Justice Department.
And he needs to lead a peaceful rally to protest.
We need to say no to this, or we're green lighting these people, creating deadly viruses, and then obviously releasing it at the key time to discredit and make Trump look bad and then covering it up.
Fauci said, Trump will be challenged by a novel virus and a pandemic, guaranteed.
Michael Moore said, something big's coming that'll take out Trump.
They all knew.
They all did it.
And it's their virus and their vaccines that caused the mutant Delta variant.
That's not even debated.
I tell people this, they go, really?
I'm like, yeah, see this?
See the scientists?
See the omission?
It's admitted they created this.
They know exactly what they're doing.
And so now we're here.
We're going to go to break, ladies and gentlemen, and come back with the biggest news yet in all of this and tie it together to the global martial law plan they've got set up.
And of course, I'm going to expose Jimmy Kimmel and just hope he's got a soul.
He should quit.
He should turn the money down.
He should go public.
I know people that know him.
Colbert is really evil.
He loves it.
Kimmel does not like it.
I know people that know him.
He actually doesn't like it.
But he's doing it for the money.
And then you got some of the other talk show hosts who are like drug addicts and don't even know what they're doing.
But they're reading off scripts and it's time for Kimmel to find his soul.
Jimmy, life's really short and there is a God and you've got children.
You need to get right with God and turn your back on the devil.
We'll be right back.
You found it, the tip of the spear of pro-human liberty.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Very thankful that you joined us on this live September 8th, Wednesday broadcast.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you so much for joining us.
Jimmy Kimmel.
I don't think he's a bad guy.
I know a lot of people that know him, that have worked with him, and have even done shows with him, and they say he's a really nice fellow.
I think I was told like 10 years ago that he was a listener.
And he's made some nice jokes about me in years past.
But since Trump got in, all the big late night shows got taken over by the Democratic Party and by the Globalists.
That's on record that they write talking points, they've talked about it, that are then given to their writers and written into the show.
That's what will be one funny part and one part that isn't funny.
So you know when Jimmy Kimmel came out and said the terrible thing he did, very evil.
You talk about Nuremberg Code violating, you talk about...
Corrupt and said if somebody doesn't take the vaccine, now they want to take five a year of a gene therapy that was never approved.
And by the way, the FDA did not approve it.
They just said we've reissued the emergency.
So that fraud's now come out that it's not gone through the approval process.
And it's got 39% effectiveness.
The Pfizer shot and lowers your immunity.
And that's all real stuff, Jimmy.
That's not me reading off a teleprompter.
There's no teleprompter in here.
There's cameras aimed at me and I'm talking, and I got my research right here.
So I'm my own man, Jimmy, and you should go back to writing your own jokes.
I should be a comic again and tell the network and tell the globalists to piss off, but that's up to you.
So you come out and you say, unvaccinated people shouldn't get ICU beds and is returned a late night after a two-month vacation.
Well, isn't that interesting?
So you're now Dr. Kimmel.
Well, doctors are on record saying if you've already had COVID, you don't want to take the vaccine, it can kill you in an autoimmune response, and it's 13 times better than the vaccine in an Israeli study.
Natural immunity.
Doesn't matter what the Surgeon General lies about and says in his little Starfleet commander outfit.
Little admiral outfit, his little Scientology outfit.
So you've got all that going on.
And then Kimmel regurgitates that, oh, everybody's taking this horse dewormer, and the poison control in hospitals are overflowing.
Rolling Stone had to fully retract that.
No one was in the hospital.
Out of millions of calls, they got 11 calls about ivermectin, and only nine of those were people that thought they might have gotten sick from it.
And yeah, you should consult a physician, and you shouldn't go out and take horse paste on your own.
But the studies do show Ivermectin works.
I'm going to show those to you, Kimmel, because, you know, we're not reading off a teleprompter with stuff written by Chuckie Schumer on it.
At least you're not out dancing like Colbert is with that sexually looking at each other with that creep Schumer, you know, whose protege is Anthony Weiner and that whole sick situation with Epstein and Oh yeah, that's coming out.
That whole sinking Hollywood ship will get to you next hour with Rose McGowan coming
out saying that Clintons and Oprah are monsters.
Everybody knows Oprah would pimp women out to Harvey Weinstein.
That's all coming out.
Oprah, I think, will probably go where Weinstein went.
She likes young ladies more than he does.
So oh yeah, that's coming out.
That's what she's talking about.
So here's Jimmy Kimmel on his sinking Hollywood ship with a third of the ratings he had when
he started years ago because people don't like being lectured by the Democrats writing
your talking points, putting all this out.
So he's putting out debunked stories about a horse warmer, debunked stories about that AP admitted okay, 2% of the calls were about the Ivermectin not Not 70%.
The hospitals were totally empty.
The doctor that put the story out didn't work there.
It was all a lie.
That all was debunked last Friday.
But here's Kimmel.
Here's Kimmel on Tuesday night.
One, two, three, four, five days later, lying to us.
Because he's not lying.
He's a teleprompter reader.
And then I'm going to show him some of the documents.
But first, here's a segment of the show.
We had a relaxing Labor Day.
It was not a fun Labor Day weekend, COVID-wise.
The number of new cases is up more than 300% from a year ago.
Dr. Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're going to have to make some very tough choices.
Back in about five seconds.
So Dr. Fauci told us if we got 70% vaccinated, they're up to about 60, we'd have no more cases and we'd be fine.
But now we have 300 to 400, actually, that's a true statement, more people, because Delta is very real, because the vaccine made it mutate and get stronger.
That's how it works, dumbass.
Well, they never made a vaccine for a cold virus.
That's what this is based on, because it kills all the natural ones and creates a super one.
And in chickens, it's called Marek's disease and creates a super virus that kills 100%.
And it's well on its way with more shots doing that.
See, that's called science, Jimmy.
I know you tell jokes and stuff, but this is the world you want your kids living in?
Let's go back to you.
It's that a little Freudian slip by the Democrats who wrote that?
Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded they're gonna have to
make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed.
That choice doesn't seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart
attack? Yes, come right on in, we'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled
horse goo? Rest in peace, Wheezy. It's that a little Freudian slip by the Democrats
who wrote that? Because in England they're saying they're gonna refuse you if you're
not shot up. So that's where this is going.
Oh, you mean all the people having heart attacks?
And heart swelling?
Including young people and dying?
They admit it does?
Oh, you got the shot and you're having a heart attack?
Come on in!
continue. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo, rest in peace Weezy.
They didn't take the shot!
Kill them!
Hit pause again.
Back it up five seconds.
Kill them!
Don't let them have... Oh, you had a car wreck?
Your app says... Your tracker app says you didn't take the shot?
Maybe you have a medical issue?
So what?
Kill Americans!
Kill them!
How sick is this, huh?
That's... I mean, we... We still got a lot of...
Pandemawits out there.
People are still taking this Ivermectin.
The poison control centers have seen this spike in calls from people taking this livestock medicine to fight the coronavirus.
But they won't take the vaccine, which is crazy.
It's like if you're a vegan and you're just like, no, I don't want a hamburger.
Give me that can of Alpo instead.
One of the reasons these sea biscuits are opting for Ivermectin is because they don't trust Big Pharma.
Which is fine, I guess, except for the fact that Ivermectin is made by Merck, which is the fourth largest pharmaceutical company in the world.
And even Merck is telling people to cut it out.
They released a statement saying, Ivermectin has no scientific basis for potential therapeutic effect against COVID.
There's no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease.
And there's a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
Listen, if a pharmaceutical company says, please don't take the drug we're selling, you should probably listen to them.
Or you could just go with a TikTok posted by a disgraced veterinarian instead.
Meanwhile, these poor horses are like, hey, I have worms.
I need that stuff.
There are worms in my butt.
Do you understand?
Ivermectin did get a big endorsement over the weekend from one of them.
Did you hear him say, hey, this is another big drug company too, Merck.
Yeah, I didn't take Merck's Gardasil, which actually killed a bunch of people and was a live virus.
But I would take a lot of Merck's other drugs, and I have, because they work.
See, vaccines have liability protection and have a history of contamination and problems in social control, like shooting blacks up for 40 years and telling them it was vaccines when it was syphilis.
See, Jimmy?
I know history.
So that's why I've got a concern.
It's not that I'm against medicine.
It's not that I'm against technology.
It's that I'm against the globalists and Bill Gates.
Worms in my butt, do you understand?
Ivermectin did get a big endorsement over the weekend from one of America's top medical minds, none other than Sandy Hook denier slash internet lunatic Alex Jones.
You know what this is?
This is Ivermectin for humans.
They won a Nobel Prize as an antiviral.
And this is inhalable, or these are the tablets, steroids.
So let me show you.
I was going to do this anyways earlier.
See this?
You see this Bill Gates?
See this Fauci?
I'm going to kill those prions, you bastard murderers, and hit them with a bioweapon.
I'm going to go to break, come back, play the rest of this, and I'm going to show Kimmel on air.
Journal of Medicine, Journal of Nature saying Ivermectin is a miracle drug.
Oxford University, major labs in the U.S.
But you know what?
Dr. Zelenko already broke a story that I was going to break, because I have a lot of sources, obviously, a lot of high-level people.
Zelenko confirmed with the doctor that actually advises the Google leadership that they're all taking Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and Corsaquine and none of them are taking the so-called vaccine.
Neither is the head of Pfizer.
Queue that up for next segment.
I want to show Jimmy this, because I don't want him to end up seeing it.
I have to.
I'll send it to Joe Rogan and he'll send it to him.
Because I care about Jimmy.
I want him to save his soul.
Because if he signs on to this evil, believe me, son, you're on the wrong side of history.
That's coming up.
We are so excited about this because it works so damn well.
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This new Rainforest Ultra, it's liquid, it's strong, it's got all these herbs, all these compounds, and a whole bunch of natural forms of really concentrated, clean caffeine and other goodies.
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This stuff is incredible.
Brain Force Ultra, a limited supply of the first run.
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Get your Brain Force Plus while you can and experience.
Brainforce Ultra, the next level of clarity and focus at InfoWarsStore.com.
We'll be right back.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
Don't forget The Washington Journal with Harrison Smith, this excellent, informative, amazing guest.
Harrison's a really smart guy and a lot of clips and callers.
That is 8 a.m.
Central, InfoWars.com, Ford's last show, then War Room, 3 p.m., needs no introduction.
Owen Schroer.
I had a lot of fun on that one show yesterday.
I'll just leave it at that.
Let's look at these headlines for Jimmy Kimmel here, because I know he's going to watch this later.
Hey, Jimmy, here's Yahoo News.
Jimmy Kimmel says unvaccinated people shouldn't get ICU beds in his return to late night.
You mean deny people medical care, murder people.
You don't know why they can't take a shot.
You don't care.
You don't care about all the medical reasons.
Just kill them.
Then he goes on.
They call me the Sandy Hook denier.
You know, they're the ones that constantly say Sandy Hook didn't happen in my name and say that I built my operation off that when I barely ever talked about it.
No, these people all glommed on to me because we're famous and we're fighting tyranny to connect me to dead kids at Sandy Hook so that nobody even knows that Adam Lanza killed him.
People think I killed him.
So again, another cheap trick by him.
Jimmy Kimmel returns!
Blast Alex Jones over ivermectin endorsement.
Choice of beverages.
And That's the weird thing about liberals, especially the trendies that moved to Austin.
They don't know my family founded Texas.
I've had family in Waterloo.
That's what Austin's called since 1820.
I'm not a territorial guy.
They just flipped out.
It was trending.
Jones is drinking Topo Chico.
I've been drinking Topo Chico for 35 years since I first found it in Austin stores from Mexico.
And I like Topo Chico line.
And I didn't know you worship it and you think it's yours and it really freaks you out and now it's on Jimmy Kimmel.
But that's the type of idiotic stuff these people obsess on.
I wish you knew more about Ivermectin and not Topo Chico because look, Ivermectin, enigmatic, multifaceted wonder drug, continues to surprise and exceed expectations.
Nature.com, major study.
Now is the time to use Ivermectin.
Tokyo Medical Association Chairman recommends Ivermectin to all doctors who treat COVID.
100% success rate over 10,000 patients with their group of doctors with Ivermectin early.
Then he gave statistics out of Africa and India where they hand it out and they don't die of COVID.
But the places that don't use it die.
I mean, see Jimmy, but that's just a Japanese scientist.
You know, don't listen to him.
Judge orders hospital treat dying man who was in a coma on a respirator.
Now he's out of the coma, but another judge has come out and said, well, you can't give him ivermectin, so he'll probably die.
AP forced to issue correction on fake news about ivermectin.
But that's what Jimmy Kimmel quoted right there.
AP corrects Ivermectin fake news.
Only 2% poison calls.
Not 70% of the calls.
And it goes on and on.
Rolling Stone being a staged deal, being fake.
Not one person was sick.
None of it was true.
Here's all the big studies.
Use of Ivermectin in association with lower mortality in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease.
It was already around back then, the Ivermectin and COVID.
2019 study, Ivermectin, Wonder Refrigerant, Japan, the Human Use Perspective.
That's from the NIH.gov.
See that, Kim Kim?
On and on and on.
Study after study, after study, after study, after study, after study.
The NIH and all of it.
And the media banning doctors that try to talk about it.
Total censorship, criminal activity.
Let's finish up with Kimmel.
Here it is.
You know what this is?
This is ivermectin for humans that won a Nobel Prize as an antiviral.
And this is inhalable, or these are the tablets, steroids.
So let me show ya!
I was gonna do this anyways earlier.
See this?
See this, Fauci?
You see this, Bill Gates?
I'm gonna kill those prions, you bastard murderers.
You're gonna hit me with a bioweapon, you monster.
You wanna suppress me?
You wanna kill me, you son of a bitch?
You **** demon.
You think I'm easy to kill?
Think I'm gonna roll over to your crap?
I've never seen someone that mad drink a Topo Chico before.
It kind of came out of nowhere.
Who'd have guessed he'd wash it down with that?
I would have thought maybe some kind of nacho-flavored Bang Energy drink, but nope, give me a Topo Chico.
I'm not the only one back at work today.
Jill Biden returned to the classroom after more than a year of teaching remotely.
Dr. Biden is an English professor at Northern Virginia Community College.
Believe it or not, she's the first First Lady in history to have a full-time job while living in the White House.
Meanwhile, former First Lady- We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
Unspeakable evil!
Fauci admitted to creating doomsday virus gain-of-function weapon.
I should probably change that headline, I know I wrote it for the live show feed today.
Unspeakable evil, Fauci admitted to creating doomsday virus gain-of-function weapon.
Let's just add weapon, or bioweapon, in 2012.
And I already read that document, showed you the video clips, showed you documents from a four-year lawsuit by The Intercept.
That is just incredible.
I really like Greenwald.
And he left the Intercept, but the Intercept still does an incredible job.
FOIA released Fauci-funded coronavirus, Chimeric coronavirus, in Wuhan.
But we just played a video of him admitting they created a gain-of-function in 2012 with a quote, doomsday flu.
That video is also up on Infowars.com.
I mean, this is just massive.
And listen, I'm on Rand Paul because he's the only one that's done anything about this and said you should be criminally investigated.
But the FBI has been basically overseeing this since Obama got in.
I mean, I remember in 2006, Dr. Eric Pionka, the head of the UT Biology Department, who was on the UT website in his bio, this is in my film, Endgame, it's in a bunch of other documentaries, pieces I did, dressed up in a druid outfit, talking about Lucifer, and He said, I can't wait till airborne Ebola hits, it will soon reduce the world population by 90%, my family and I will die, but that's how we must save the Earth.
And then one of his graduate students attacked us in a news article, in a letter to the editor, she was working at a bioweapon lab in California, and she said, Dr. Pianka's too liberal.
Who can deny that all humans are parasites and must be exterminated?
That's a lady working at a bioweapon lab with crazy-looking eyes on a power trip.
I said, where's the FBI?
Where is the FBI?
I said, this guy is over a high-level UT biology system where they've got weapons systems, level 4 lab in Texas, on the coast, in Galveston.
I said, I want the FBI over there right now!
A day later, two FBI agents went and talked to Pianka.
Because that's what you're supposed to do when you've got a real-life 12-monkey person out there doing this.
Nowadays, the FBI is investigating me, who wouldn't hurt anybody offensively.
You attack me, I'll sure as hell attack you.
You better believe it.
But I'm not an offensive person.
I don't want to kill Fauci even though he wants to kill us.
I don't want to kill Bill Gates even though he's killing us.
I don't want to kill Klaus Schwab.
I just want you to know he's killing you.
And if you go kill him, it'll turn him into martyrs.
I want to kill their name.
I want to kill their programs.
I want to kill their operations.
I want to politically, peacefully shut it all down.
But if they keep putting everybody in camps and putting forced shots in us that make us have heart attacks and die and erase our immune system, as all the literature admits they do, at a certain point, I'm not organizing violence, I'm not going to carry out violence, I'm simply asking, are we just going to take it?
Gandhi did, Jesus did, but they were leaders.
Martin Luther King Jr., that was for a point.
What would Martin Luther say if white people started just going into black neighborhoods and just killing millions of black people?
Would Martin Luther King have said, oh, turn the other cheek to that?
He had most of the white people on his side.
White people have been trying to get rid of that crap forever.
It was a minority of whites and others that were doing that.
And so he knew to take the billy clubs, take the police dogs, take the water cannons, so that everybody would see that it was wrong, just like Gandhi did.
They were all learning from Christ.
But when it's all done through propaganda and apps and locking you down and all this, we better fight like hell politically now and peacefully now so it doesn't get to a point that Churchill talked about where you don't even have a chance of winning, but it's better to die on your feet than die on your knees as a slave where they take your time with you.
Because, look, they've organized rebellions and programmed people that a rebellion is burning police cars and breaking Starbucks windows.
Starbucks has private agreements with the Antifa.
The documents will come out where they pre-target.
They say, here's where you're allowed to attack.
And those big corporations have sponsorships letting them do it.
That's come out.
So that when the actual war starts, you go knock out Starbucks windows.
No, no, no.
If a physical war starts, if you go kill cops, they want you to, so when things collapse, they'll bring in their outside police.
The police aren't who you want to kill.
The military isn't who you want to kill.
You wouldn't even want to go out and face the warriors down, head up.
That's not what rebels do.
That's not what guerrilla warfare is.
You go after the leadership and their spies and their operatives so that nobody spies on the Liberty Movement and they know not to do that.
And you go after the actual leaders.
And I'm not saying do that.
I'm just simply saying You're all been programmed to hate the police by the media and say they're the enemy and say go out and kill the police so that it's this background noise with the left and even the right so that when things kick off, that's the classic confrontation that happens.
That's an idiotic attack.
That's an idiotic response.
That's moronic.
You don't want to be seen.
You don't want to be known.
You, like a wolf, want to come in and go out.
And that's not what's going to happen.
Nobody's going to blow anything up.
I'm not going to blow anything up.
We need to stop that.
You don't need to fantasize about war and fantasize about death.
I'm simply saying, there's only like a thousand kingpins in this whole eugenics operation.
And so if they start a physical war and all that stuff degrades and falls apart, in the doctrine of victory, you cut the head off the snake.
And the head is not Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is a complete puppet put up there to take all the heat like an old shield, while the globalists are stabbing us with a sword.
They've got a big red shield like we're a dumb bull, and the bull's hitting the shield and not hitting them.
So it's so much fun to attack Biden, the whole media and the left's against him, oh we gotta get rid of all this, so that all the evil that's happening doesn't get blamed on Democrats, it all gets blamed on Joe Biden.
No, it's the Democratic Party, it's the globalists that control him, it's the neocons like Mitt Romney defending him.
It's the establishment that is overseeing this destruction of our Republic and this takeover because they all think they're going to get life extension technology out of it.
They're all being promised all this new stuff and these new clone bodies they're going to get.
That was an old project that Jeffrey Epstein was running and eugenics and secret birthing programs.
I told you that over 10 years ago.
People found the clips.
Tell the archivists to find those again.
I was trying to find them last night.
And I said, they are doing secret cloning programs.
They're running eugenics.
Epstein's job is to go corrupt the scientists to get them on board in secret projects.
And I know for a fact they have produced clones of Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates and a bunch of these people.
And those folks don't even know.
Man, I look a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Man, I look a lot like Oprah Winfrey.
I sure look a lot like Bill Gates.
And they're 15, 20, 30 years old, 10 years old, 5 years old, living out their lives in communities with people they think are their parents.
And the parents don't even know who they've got.
They're told, this is a very gifted child that was in a program Uh, and you know, you're, you're working with, and those people know.
They tell anybody they talk about it, they're dead just like that.
I had the head of New York Emergency Management, the deputy head on, about Building 7 and how there were bombs in it.
The CIA, he was dead two weeks after he was on.
Of course, we talked to the neighbors.
They loaded everything up in vans.
He did a witness protection program and changed his name, but he was lucky.
Barry Jennings.
So, I live in the real world.
I live in the real fight against the New World Order, and I'll tell you what's really going on, and it's incredible.
Or you can believe left-wing fantasies and all the weird garbage they put out, or right-wing fantasies.
But I'm going to ask the question again, and we'll come back with the news.
What do we get Rand Paul and the other few good senators we've got?
Because if they come out against the globalists and admit this is a globalist takeover and a Great Reset and read their quotes on air, everyone will rally behind them.
Bolsonaro conservatively had 10 million people rally in Brazil yesterday.
Millions in their capital city.
We'll show you that footage when we come back.
And he's out there saying, it's a New World Order, foreign megabanks create communism, destroy your family.
They will poison you.
They will, they will, you know, they're coming after you.
Don't trust them.
New World Order.
And he quotes it all, and they all learn about it, and they unify, and the military and police are behind them.
And they're winning.
They already stabbed him to death.
He said, I'm going to have victory or death.
We're going to defeat the New World Order, global communist, or I'm going to die trying.
That's the spirit.
I salute Bolsonaro!
We are back live on the vaunted Alex Jones Show.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Next segment, I'm going to get into the bottom of the rabbit hole of who these people really are and what they're setting up and where it's all going and their own missions and their plan to depopulate you and your family.
I want to talk about some solutions and fighting back right now.
But tying into that is just knowing science.
Fauci and all these globalists know The general public does not even have basic understanding of immunity or learned immunity.
They don't have basic understanding of virology.
And so it's very easy to lie to them.
And the fact that they would have the Surgeon General and others get up and say that You can't get immunity naturally from COVID, or it's not very good, is like saying fish don't need water to live.
Oh, you don't want to get fish near water.
They don't live in water.
Or bears don't live in the woods, or birds don't fly in the sky, or birds don't live in trees, or tigers don't have stripes.
Fire engines aren't red.
Grass isn't green.
Families aren't good.
I mean, I've got articles here.
Where the federal government's officially saying that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are racist and bad and have added trigger warnings to them, that's a step before they remove them.
So this is a takeover.
This is an assault on everything you are for a horrible authoritarian corporate system that'll make the Communist Chinese look like sweethearts.
And so they've asked Xi Jinping to kill more people, control more people.
He's doing a lot of really mean stuff.
You know, Xi Jinping came out and said, we're having three kids now and we're not going to attack the family.
We're not going to feminize our men.
And yeah, we're not going to take your vaccine that poisons people.
And Soros is flipping out saying, you know, we need to attack China.
Not because it's a communist state, not because it's taking over Hong Kong or Taiwan.
He supports all that, no.
But because they're saying no to his operation to kill people because he's a damn devil worshipper.
Xi Jinping just wants the Chinese to take over the world.
An old-fashioned, you know, Hitlerian idea.
So that's where we are.
But here's a fact.
There are normally hundreds and hundreds of new strains of the coronavirus, the whole SARS-type family.
every year. And so all these governments, the Chinese, the US, the Russians, everybody's
been doing it. It's very dangerous. Have been mixing these things together to try to create
bio weapons is what they do. And the cover's always, oh, we're testing this in case somebody
else makes it. So Fauci in the public documents combines five of these. It's old news, but even
more has come out, just cherries on top. And they create things that will kill
many more people and that spread way faster. They call it the doomsday virus or disease X.
Then they come out and say, "Oh, we've got the Delta."
Oh, we've got the Mu.
Oh, we've got the... Oh, it's even more deadly.
And as they give more vaccines that do knock out more viruses, it only lets the really powerful ones survive.
You know, it's like cockroaches.
You can spray cockroaches with any type of poison you can imagine.
But there's always some that are going to live.
And then they procreate, and then they're totally immune to your poison.
And that's why most pesticides don't work anymore.
Well, viruses and bacteria are the same way.
And they know this.
And it's why in every animal group they've ever given cold vaccines to, within a few years of giving it, you get super viruses that kill, in the case of Marek's disease, 100% of the chickens.
And in that Doomsday clip we played first hour of Fauci in 2012, talking about a Doomsday virus he made, admitting gain of function.
They try to play it down, but the admission is the gain of function.
They talk about birds dying!
Because they're all talking about what they've done.
They're not stupid.
So when you give humans 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 shots a year, like they're saying, it's going to create super viruses.
So COVID-19 was bad if you could catch it.
Very hard to catch it.
But then it mutated into Delta, which they knew they'd get a mutation like this, that spreads way worse, and that's it.
Now 99% plus of the cases worldwide are Delta.
And now they're starting booster shots.
And now they're gonna make one for Delta.
And then now you're gonna get something even worse, and you're gonna get Marek's disease in humans.
And I've had research scientists, like Dr. McCullough, in studio, agreeing with me on that.
That's what this is.
They're making us create the doomsday virus.
They're creating a Marek's disease type operation against us.
So, what is the solution?
Brazil is the most populous country in South America.
It has the most resources.
It's the largest country.
And I've never been down there, but I know folks have been there.
They're great people.
Bolsonaro, I'm not bragging, shows the success of this show to the listeners.
We woke up Joe Rogan, you see that now.
We woke up Tucker Carlson, you see that now.
We woke up Bolsonaro 15 years ago.
He began listening to my show.
I met his son, who's a member of their Congress, and probably be president someday.
They don't kill him, too.
They've stabbed his dad in public, as you've seen.
And he said, come to Brazil right now.
Interview my father.
I've been so busy, I've not been able to do it.
But we met him at CPAC last year in D.C.
or outside D.C.
So there it is.
That's the power.
He was a general.
He was involved in intelligence operations.
He already knew most of the stuff.
He heard my show about globalists.
He researched it.
He understood already a lot of it about the IMF and World Bank.
And he got elected into government and then president.
And now he's got 10 million people in the streets because they know election fraud is coming with their electronic voting machines.
And they know the vaccines are tainted.
And they know the globalists want to keep their country closed.
And Brazil is saying no!
And now they didn't take the vaccine mask.
They don't have the big spikes like we do.
Neither does Sweden and a bunch of other countries.
But the countries that do have the highest vaccination rate, like Israel.
Look at this.
There's Sweden compared to Israel's on death and illnesses.
Hundreds of times.
And now I've got clips coming up.
In the U.S., in Israel, in the U.K., we even have the West Virginia governor admitting the majority of the deaths are in the vaccinated.
That's now confirmed!
See, first, oh, it'll totally protect you.
Well, it won't protect you, you just won't get really sick.
Oh, actually, it'll kill you worse.
And everybody I know that works in hospitals are saying, we're told not to tell people when they've been vaccinated that, oh, you're in here for vaccine sickness, but they basically test positive for COVID, and we're told don't chart it as COVID.
They are in the Spanish Square!
And I'm even the President of the Republic!
from COVID, you're sick from the vaccine. So ladies and gentlemen, this is just
incredible. Show some of the Bolsonaro clips with some of the sound. I
know we don't speak Portuguese, but here it is.
You gotta see the incredible footage.
And by the way, I've been asked by people, why do you pay for satellites to hit Europe and Africa and areas of Asia?
Why do you pay for 100,000 watts shortwave WWCR, $11,000 a month, six hours a day that broadcasts around the world, doesn't have much US listeners?
Because it ain't about money, it's always about minds, winning against the globalists, a pro-American future.
This show, Bolsonaro's number one sign, the sign, says, you woke my father up, you helped launch the whole revolution in Brazil.
I've had Nigel Farage on the show say that five times, so I want all of you to know, you did that!
We don't care about getting the Brazilians money!
We care about stopping the globalists and living together and going to space!
We want to live with Brazil's children, under God, with us, and all God's children!
It's about God, family, and country!
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Yeah, that's what happened to the globalists.
They're not popular, so they're no more Mr. Nice Guy.
See, you want to be attacked by the newspapers and MSNBC and CNN now.
That's the key.
Then the people will support you.
Yeah, they're out of ammo.
I mean, just 10 years ago, they put out stories against me, and it would have a big effect.
It would hurt us.
Now, they put out their lies, and people have experienced so many lies, they just don't believe any of it.
And none of it's ever true.
They put out articles all the time that are completely, 100% false.
We call it the Wall Street Journal.
We go, uh, your MarketWatch article says I lost a lawsuit for writing a book called Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.
We didn't write that book.
I'm not in that book.
Jim Fetzer wrote that.
And they just go, sue us if you want.
Then people ask me, well then why do you believe mainstream news?
Well, I know when it's political, and I know when it's not.
I know when it's from another 10 sources, and then I read that article and go, okay, that's accurate.
Most of the people at the New York Times and Washington Post aren't even lying.
They're usually reporting on something that really isn't political, so they'll tell you, you know, this is what the sports team did, or this is the Christmas tree this year, sponsored by whatever.
But when it gets to guns, or families, or abortion, or borders, or globalism, you can bet they're lying to you.
But you know, more and more, they're not just lying.
They're shifting, where they go, yeah, America really is bad.
We should get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It was written by racists.
Here it is today.
Harmful language trigger warning added to U.S.
Constitution at the National Archive website.
There's discussions of not letting you read it.
Why it's so evil.
That's how they kill your culture.
That's how they kill the idea of those freedoms.
That if people demand those, that's it for their New World Order.
Because that Bill of Rights, that Constitution, is diametrically opposed to their agenda.
So how do you get folks to throw away their birthright of guns, and private property, and mobility, and open society?
Well, you found a group called the Open Society that wages war against open society.
George Soros.
You become the counterfeit.
That's what they've done.
Now, I said I'd hit this next segment, but the next segment is actually a minute longer.
I'm going to do this next segment.
The bottom of the pit.
Hollywood actress puts Hillary Clinton on notice.
You represent no flag, no country, no soul.
You eat hope.
You twist minds.
I've been in a hotel room with you and your husband, and here comes the bomb.
Yep, Rose McGowan got passed around by these people, and she's found her soul and found the truth.
She exposed and brought down Weinstein.
Now she's setting her sights on the Clintons, and you know they're going to try to kill her.
But we're in a different era now.
You can't kill us all.
That's what Bolsonaro said in another speech.
He's already been stabbed with a big old butcher knife through a couple of his organs.
Tougher than hell, lived through it.
Pierced a bunch of organs.
He said victory or death a month ago.
He said, we're either going to save this country, defeat the global communist, or I'm going to die trying.
And that's the spirit that founded Texas.
That's the spirit that founded America.
By the way, grab the clip for next hour or after that.
It was on Owen's show yesterday.
They have these weird goon police now at the Texas Alamo, and they turned into politically correct Texas bashing facility.
And they make you wear a mask when you're on the property or go into it and are really rude.
So we need the governor to enforce that over the Alamo.
They're violating his executive order and we need these idiots thrown off there.
They need to move to North Korea.
Yeah, there's the footage.
Bolsonaro just came out and said, Brazilians must not be sissies.
about coronavirus and all of us are going to die one day.
And he needs to go further, which I know he's done.
The Delta variant that's a thousand times more viral and spreads like easy is from the Indian vaccine.
The Indians admit it.
They stopped their vaccine.
It caused this.
It worked too good.
It knocked out almost all, dozens and dozens of current cold viruses that weren't even COVID-19.
It knocked it out, but it created a super virus.
That's why they never did it!
And there's more reports just came out on ivermectin.
South African medics and doctors using unproven drug, BBC, to treat it.
Really, it's used all over Africa.
It's used all over Asia.
The Japanese government has endorsed it.
I just showed you all these studies.
But BBC, the same folks tell you pedophilia's good.
They tell you don't do it.
Those bad Africans.
Another huge study.
The Guardian.
The Guardian told the truth.
Wow, that's bizarre.
Huge study supporting ivermectin as COVID treatment withdrawal over clinical concerns.
Yeah, the UK saying you can't have it.
Israel says you can't have it.
Countries that have ivermectin, we've shown you the graphs.
In fact, I sent that to you the other day and I forgot to show it.
Show the African graph.
Of countries that use Ivermectin, they have basically no COVID.
Those that don't, huge COVID.
And it shows the graphs, it shows Africa.
It's the same thing with Israel.
So all you get is a deadly vaccine.
Look at Israel in death and disease.
They just started a booster shot there, so you see that spike even more.
What happened everywhere else?
Oh, Sweden doesn't take shots.
Sweden doesn't, you know, Sweden got learned immunity, even to the bioweapon, and they're fine.
Oh, here's another one.
Despite 95% vaccination rate at Cornell University, today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year.
The country has three to four times, but they have five times, because they took the shot.
And it lowers your regular immune system, and then the new variant, well, you know what happens.
And it goes on and on and on.
Only a few months ago, the Ministry of Health planned that Pfizer vaccine was 99% effective preventing COVID mortality.
Today, that claim was dangerous misinformation, they said.
Using the mortality rate we now know and hypothesize how really effective all these vaccines are.
You can see the mortality rate off the chart.
Looks like they actually cause you to die and create negative protection.
But oh, here it is, the vaccine-resistant new variant spreads to 49 states as Delta-driven summer wave peaks.
No, it's not Delta-driven, it's vaccine virus mutation-driven.
That's a fact, that's virology.
So you wear your little diaper mask and you take your little shots, while the top story As Fauci in 2012 in video admitted they did gain a function to create a super flu that would be known as a doomsday flu.
That if it got in the lungs of lab animals killed 95% of them.
Oh, but that's okay.
There's all the other articles about him admitting gain of function.
We'll play some of that next hour when Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the U.S.
Bioweapons Law, former top U.N.
war crimes prosecutor and expert on the Nuremberg Code and U.S.
law, joins us to talk about the documents that came out yesterday, the 900 pages where Fauci specifically orders the gain of function and the creation of COVID-19, and I've got all those documents.
Guys, I had it at home, but when you go to the Zero Hedge article, or our article that had Zero Hedge, with the two links, and don't print all 900 pages, but print me a bunch, where it says print here and here, the two document droves.
Screw it.
You know what?
Print, we got a big industrial printer.
Print me 900 pages.
Print it all.
That'll be easier for me to read than on a screen.
Print it all.
I've been trying to read it at home, and I scanned over 500 pages last night.
So print that sucker.
All 900 pages for me, please.
Okay, we're going to break.
I want listeners to know we have got the Cavalry has arrived.
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Guarara Seed, Alpha GPC, Green Coffee Bean, Alethro Root, Yerba Mate, that's got Quercetin, Green Tea Leaves, Ginkgo Leaf, Ashwagandha Root, and so much more.
It is Brain Force Ultra.
A limited supply came in.
It's going to sell out in five, six days at current sales rate, which is a bummer.
We just, we have it in a small order because we're low on funds, but we're going to put in a big order now, but get it while you can at InfoWarsTore.com.
Rainforest Ultra, discount out of the gates right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
we're here and remember the way we get out to new people and pass the internet blockade by big tech and big pharma is trying to kill everybody and trying to suppress treatments and the truth is you telling friends, neighbors, family, perfect strangers Co-workers.
to 3 p.m.
Hey, you've heard about the demonized Alex Jones.
Well, here's the URL right on the back of a napkin on the back of this paper.
You know, on the back of your business card.
Because that's the current URL we've had for like five months that isn't banned by Twitter and Facebook.
And we're able to share the links via that.
But you can share any of the links on your private email, your text messages, your word of mouth.
That's king.
And that's why they don't want you protesting.
They don't want you in the street.
They've had in Australia, New Zealand and Canada and the UK.
Government leaders, criminals, say we don't want to allow demonstrations in the lockdown because people will talk and they'll get disinformation.
You mean we'll organize against your martial law takeover.
This is all being done, ladies and gentlemen.
This is all being carried out.
Because you have this criminal, out of control, psychotic, and sociopathic elite.
That are in control of the major corporations that are in control of the banks and their Ponzi scheme of thousands of trillions of fake dollars and other currencies is coming down and they need a global great reset to convince you it's your fault and that you're going to have nothing and own nothing and there's going to be a new global currency and digital system tied to your phone, tied to your medical credit app that will then be based on carbon taxes that will track and trace and control everything you do and everywhere you go.
And that's their admissions, and that's being rolled out all over the British Empire.
This isn't a British conspiracy, but the British Empire was the most powerful system in the world until the end of World War II.
It then merged with the United States, and we became the global empire of this system.
And we've had our energy and our wealth transferred out.
We had over half the wealth in 1950.
Now we've got like 20% of it.
To not empower the world, but to put the globalists in charge.
And so now they've been caught corrupting people with money, with drugs, with payoffs, with pedophilia.
To get in the globalist club, you've got to engage in the pedophilia, even if you don't like it, so they quote, can trust you.
And that's what Jeffrey Epstein did.
That's what these other groups did.
And it's come out in the British intelligence does this.
Elements of the CIA do this.
It's all been declassified.
They put pedophiles in charge all over Afghanistan because that was groups and organizations that, again, they controlled.
Here's an article out today.
Hollywood actress is the top trending story.
Puts Hillary Clinton on notice.
You represent no flag, no country, no soul.
You eat hope.
That's a great way of saying it.
You twist minds.
I have been in a hotel room with you and your husband, and here comes the bomb.
So, Rose McGowan brought down Harvey Weinstein.
Well, it's well known that Oprah Winfrey Would, from our sources that have been dead on, it's come out now, have sex with these women.
And, you know, Oprah admittedly was a prostitute when she was 12 years old.
And when you're abused as a child, you tend to abuse others.
She's had men as beards.
You know, I don't hate her because she's a lesbian.
But I do dislike her because she's a eugenicist.
She wants world government.
She runs weird cults with John of God and weird cults in Africa.
And it's just bringing in the poisons and the vaccines and all of it.
She's the black face in the New World Order.
She's the only black person allowed in these UN Bill Gates depopulation meetings that have been in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, what heroes they are, and the Good Club forming a world government to depopulate.
Rose McGowan goes on and says you're a monster Oprah.
I know what you've done.
I'm going to expose you.
I've been in a hotel room with the Clintons.
I'm going to expose you.
You're going down.
You helped your husband rape women.
She tells Hillary Clinton, unfortunately for Hillary, she is Rose McGowan's next target and the Me Too activist and former charmed actress may be the one person who has the courage to take on the mob boss of the Clinton crime family.
You are the enemy of what's good, right and moral.
You represent no flag, no country, no soul.
You eat hope.
You twist minds, she tweeted.
And then she landed an ominous warning for women who, for decades, have stood idly by, allowing her husband to prey on women, knowing full well that her sexual predator husband was the ticket to her ultimate dream of becoming President of the United States.
McGowan concluded her message by saying to Hillary, I've been in a hotel room with you and your husband, and here comes the bomb.
Full article is at Infowars.com.
Now let's run quick to this stack.
I'm going to do a special report probably this weekend just on this stack, but let me just tell you what's in it.
Here's the week publication.
The Jeffrey Epstein case is why people believe Pizzagate.
They created Pizzagate and had the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNN say it was a pizza place using 4chan to divert to the pizza place.
Instead of the WikiLeaks that had all the admissions of Weiner and Epstein and all of them doing Aleister Crowley rituals, sex rings, kids in hot tubs, all of it.
So, yeah.
But then they use that to divert off of it again.
And again, look at Newsom.
He's into all this stuff from our intel.
Women are smarter in politics, smarter in civics.
They're smarter in economics.
That's just pandering to women.
Women rule.
They totally exploit and control women.
Trudeau, you need to do the counter-she-cession and turn it into a she-covery.
Other parties don't talk about feminism.
They don't talk about the impact of women on this crisis.
It's just all sophistry.
It's all manipulation.
It's all pandering.
Yeah, Ghislaine Maxwell's prosecutors ordered to disclose names of her alleged sex abuse co-conspirators.
And it goes on from there.
And the judge is ordering all of those names released by the FBI.
Of course, that may be because the FBI is just going to remove the names off of there.
But that's how all these blackmail rings work.
Just look at the pathetic scum these people are.
There's another one.
Leftists look to Satanists as last best hope to save abortion in Texas.
The Satanists file cases saying killing babies is their sacrament, which it is.
The Democrats now say, Satanists are our last great hope.
Oh my gosh, they're our party, they're our people.
Yes, they're really nice.
Satanists challenge Texas abortion law, argue religious freedom to kill babies.
Actually, oh, now it's a baby.
Satan works in mysterious ways.
And then it just goes on.
Now, let's move into the larger issues here of what's really going on.
Great Reset!
UN orders 10-year old deadline.
So the UN comes out and orders 10-year deadline for Australia to shut down entire coal industry to fight climate change.
They're now trying to put us under that agreement as well and they're over our medicine.
And again, who runs the UN?
These same Satanists, these same pedophiles, these same control freaks.
And if they can turn off your energy, they can turn off everything.
China says they're not going to follow it.
Neither is India.
Local news station refuses to retract Ivermectin fake news.
Don't know how that got in the pile.
Now this is key.
Personal carbon allowances revisited.
That's out of Nature's Journal of Sustainability.
And it says, on your phone, using the new COVID trackers, tax everybody by the mile, tell them when they can leave their house, where they can go, what they can do, with the carbon credit system.
And again, that's being proposed all over the place.
That's how they lay this out.
Then we shift gears into these articles.
Pentagon document lays out plans to battle against zombies.
CNN, 2014.
Here's another one.
Foreign policy.
The Pentagon has a plan to stop zombies apocalypse.
Then Amazon has a zombie apocalypse collapse in its Terms of Service, its Act of God section.
Why is that?
Because the Pentagon doesn't train to mow down millions of starving Americans.
Within 10 days, people become like zombies.
They're not literally zombies, but they act like them.
Unless they're extremely moral people.
Then they usually commit suicide en masse.
But that's what the Japanese would do, and I want to say that's a good thing.
But here, it'll be a time bomb.
Like army ants going out, like the movie The Road.
And so, to cover up their training to use helicopters to nerve gas us and machine gun us, once they turn the food and infrastructure off, once it collapses, The Pentagon again calls it a zombie apocalypse, but that's really the Agenda 2030 collapse after the virus they're going to release, and other viruses they release, cause the breakdown of hospitals, the breakdown of society, after the globalists turn off the pipelines, turn off the nuclear reactors, turn everything off, it then will slowly degrade into a giant depopulation event.
And here's the official CDC plan preparing us for a zombie apocalypse.
And that's just some of the stack.
I'll get more to that when we come back, but I think you're starting to get a very good idea about what's going on here.
They're preparing for mass death, and they're triggering the system that is going to bring that into place.
All right, more straight ahead with the smoking gun documents on Fauci.
You know, I've got a pretty thick skin, but Reading 500 pages last night, I scanned over 500 pages of the 900 and seeing Fauci describing how to build COVID-19 and building it and then how to cover it up and just knowing that if we don't do something he's going to get away with it.
It's surreal to know we've got criminals that are in control of all of the law enforcement agencies at the top.
and that they're bringing in a system that'll destroy them, but they don't care because they're such cowards,
is just mind-blowing.
Dr. Francis Boyle is joining us here in a moment.
We're gonna cover it all.
I want to make a very important announcement to all the listeners, though.
I wanna make a very important announcement to all the great listeners
that are tuned in to the broadcast today, and it's that I wanna thank you for your support
in keeping us on air, despite all the attacks, all the demonization, all the death threats,
and all the behind the scenes dirty tricks.
We've become stronger in this fight, and we couldn't do any of it without you.
So you are the InfoWarp.
You help wake up Bolsonaro.
You help wake up Nigel Farage.
You help wake up Joe Rogan and You Help Wake Up, Tucker Carlson, they've all told me that this show woke them up.
That means you woke them up.
That means it's more important than ever to keep this broadcast on air in the face of the enemy.
It's like a standard, a flag.
They want to pull down a signet.
And I want you to get products that help fund the operation that help you.
I want them to blow you away.
That's why we've got Amazing X2 and Vitamin Mineral Fusion, both discounted, very close to selling out at InfoWarsTore.com.
In fact, the Vitamin Mineral Fusion sale's gonna end next Monday or Tuesday is when we got a new sale coming in, because they're all about to sell out.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion and, of course, X2.
But we've got something that just came in that I know is going to be a huge game changer.
They ordered a limited amount of it, not because we couldn't get the ingredients, but because we've been tight on cash and we've got a lot of products.
We only buy so much.
We didn't know they'd be popular or not.
But listeners told us we want Rainforest Plus as a liquid.
Well, my developers talked to a lot of top developers.
They said, let's give them what they want.
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So we got a limited edition, even says limited edition, to make sure the listeners would like it.
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And that is RainForce Ultra.
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And that's just some of what is in Brain Force Ultra, exclusively available at InfoWarStore.com or call toll free, 888-253-3139.
But at current sales rates, people are going crazy, this will be gone by Monday or Tuesday as well.
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Get your Brain Force Ultra today at InfoWarStore.com.
No reviews yet, but I love it.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have had two gigantic, earth-shaking events that affect all of us in the last 24 hours.
First, The Intercept, a very respected investigative journal, sued a year ago, and they finally got 900 pages, and I read 500 last night until I fell asleep at 2 a.m., and it just made me angry when I was reading it.
We've got a bunch of those pages today here.
We've got the 900 pages, and it's unspeakable evil.
Fauci is there admitting to creating COVID-19, to fusing five viruses together that they later admit as COVID-19.
He admits it's synthetic, just like his head of the program, Peter Daszak, did in 2019 in December.
We have that video.
But the media ignored that.
But these are the documents.
So this totally proves what Senator Paul says.
It proves what Dr. Francis Boyle said in February on this broadcast and in March and in May, you know, right through, he's been on every month with us or more, I guess probably made 18, 19 appearances it looks like, every month since last February.
He's a very busy professor.
He is the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law.
He was also a top U.N.
prosecutor, prosecuted many war criminals like Sullivan Milosevic.
And so he's the guy that can tell you about international law and U.S.
law and the Nuremberg Code and the rest of it and applicable U.S.
laws of how we can go after Fauci.
But I have a very sick feeling that because the FBI and Justice Department are so controlled that instead we'll probably see, you know, Donald Trump indicted for Some type of tax stuff from 20 years ago in New York instead of the crimes of the century gain of function.
Then a new video surfaced from 2012.
We aired the first hour that will play again for Dr. Boyle.
Where he's in a online C-SPAN symposium, a bioweapons symposium called Biodefense 2012, and they ask about gain of function.
They admit they built a virus that spreads faster through ferrets and can infect humans.
So, we have all the admissions, we have all the documents, we have him specifically making this coronavirus at the Wuhan lab, and we have him not being arrested.
So this is incredible.
So we're joined by probably the best expert we could possibly have, Dr. Francis Boyle, for the rest of the hour, sir.
So please, I know you did a show, you don't like to repeat yourself, a month ago where you laid out the three ways to indict him or go after him.
But please, give us your take on how big this is, what's currently happening.
What are the mechanisms by states or by grand juries?
I mean, what can we do when someone is literally committing crimes against humanity in front of us?
Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
Well, thank you, Alex, for having me on.
My best to your listening audience.
I was watching the media today and I did want to address President Biden's address to the nation tomorrow in anticipation of what he's going to say.
The reports are he is going to expand his Frankenshot mandate system that clearly violates the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation.
It's a Nuremberg crime and a Nuremberg crime against humanity.
Biden is basically going to be deliberately setting up an apartheid system, and they had passes there, along the lines of the criminal apartheid regime in South Africa, where you had the whites over here and the blacks over there.
So I did want to say a few words in anticipation.
So we'll get into the we'll absolutely we'll get into the Fauci stuff next segment.
That's huge news as well.
So from your intel, what do you think he's going to announce tomorrow?
And obviously, we know the two head scientists over vaccines quit last week in anticipation of what's about to be announced.
Right, well, we're going to have a third franken-shot, so if the first two didn't kill you off already, you'll be triple-tapped by the third franken-shot.
And then expanding the mandates as far as he possibly can for the, under the control of the United States federal government, and also compelling private employers to compel as many people as possible to take these Franken shots.
As I said once before on your program, I was up against, personally, Senator Biden in his capacity as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
My personal dealings with Biden, he is a total totalitarian along the lines of George Orwell in 1984.
He has absolutely no respect for the civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights of the American people.
And this dealt with the US-UK Supplementary Extradition Treaty of 1986, which he pushed through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
We Irish organized against that treaty.
We were supported by the American Civil Liberties Union.
Because the American Civil Liberties Union, and we Irish, understood that that treaty was a dire threat to the civil rights, civil liberties, human rights of all Americans.
Remember, we fought a revolution against Britain here in this country, and they tried to impose an extradition treaty on us that the Brits could ask for anyone they want and get.
So, you know, Francis Boyle's created a lot of problems for us over there.
On our illegal colonial military occupation of Northern Ireland, so we want them.
I won't go through this at length, but I castrated that treaty despite Biden.
And he fought for it.
He tried to ram this treaty through at the behest of Britain and Maggie Thatcher.
I kid you not.
So all this talk about him, you know, being an Irishman, you know, he's what we Irish would call, you know, a St.
Patrick's Day Irishman.
He marches in the parade and that's it.
Otherwise, he's a very cunning, deceptive, devious, totalitarian politician behind the scenes.
And we were able to beat out that first treaty.
And the only reason Biden supported that first totalitarian treaty was that he was going to run for president in 1988, which he lost, and wanted to make it appear that, well, I'm really tough on terrorists.
So what happened is 9-11-2001 came along and the British figured the climate had changed all over again.
So they came back against us a second time with the Maggie Thatcher extradition treaty all over again.
And Biden fully supported it.
And the American civil liberties Union fully supported us Irish in stopping that treaty
against what Biden was trying to do because the ACLU and we Irish realized this second
treaty would be a dire threat to the civil rights and civil liberties and human rights of
all Americans and not just the Irish.
And basically we stopped what Biden was trying to do.
And, you know, we fought back and we got basic protections in there in the ratification for that treaty that protected all Americans.
And again, Biden supported the second treaty 2006 to support his own presidential election campaign at that time, which he lost.
If you're interested, the story.
On our fight against that second extradition treaty and against Biden.
You can find in my book, United Ireland Human Rights and International Law.
For page limitations, I had to delete the battle against the first treaty.
But here's a man who sold out his own people, the Irish.
To our congenital enemies, the British and Maggie Thatcher twice over 20 years and was fully prepared to violate All the civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights of the American people, which is exactly why the American Civil Liberties Union supported us twice in a row.
And now the ACLU is supporting forced inoculations.
They've been bought out by Soros.
Dr. Francis Boyle has been in these fights, up against dictators, up against Biden.
When we come back, the big announcements Biden is set to make tomorrow, and the gain of function Fauci caught red-handed.
We can beat him again.
This is a huge broadcast.
Stay with us.
Well, Dr. Francis Boyle is our guest for the rest of the hour.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones.
And we can continue in this segment and other big news surrounding the whole COVID global martial law takeover.
How they admit that the vaccine in India created the Delta variant that spreads way faster and has hit my family and crew and just almost killed a bunch of people I know.
It's very serious.
And some listeners are like, oh, it doesn't exist.
Well, wait till it hits you.
I hope it doesn't because almost killed my dad, who's in pretty good shape.
I've got some family that's still sick from it, you know, despite the nutraceuticals.
So this is a very serious situation.
They turn people away when they come, they don't give them any treatment, then they wait and intubate them.
This has all been a giant setup of evil.
And now we have the two top regulators of the FDA quitting and saying, don't give it to children under 16.
Don't do the booster shots.
And Biden's going to override that tomorrow.
Other people resigned at the FDA.
The head of a panel on the Alzheimer's drug, they unanimously, scientists said, do not approve it.
It's dangerous.
Biden's approving it.
So this is, this is true Joseph Mingala level stuff.
Isn't it, Dr. Boyle?
I mean, it's just crazy what's going on.
Right, Alex, this is reminiscent of the experiments that Dr. Mengele carried on against Jewish children at Auschwitz.
You can read about that in the medical doctor's case at Nuremberg that led to the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
These are Nuremberg crimes, Nuremberg crimes against humanity.
But before we go on with the discussion, Alex, I wanted to refer back to two points you made before the break.
First point, people have to understand you can fight back against Biden.
I fought back against him twice.
Now I had the support of every Irish American organization here in the country.
So we have to get organized.
And second, the support of the ACLU.
But the first time I beat Biden out, hands down.
And the second time, we fought back, we stopped what he was going to do, and we protected the interests of all American people, their civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights.
Now, as for the ACLU endorsement of the Frankenshots, you have to look at what happened there.
The fellow who wrote that article in the New York Times, David Cole, I know full well, He's a professor of law at Georgetown Law School.
Cole is infamous in the legal profession for basically supporting the CIA torture program.
That was set up by Bush Jr.
Yes, I kid you not.
Cole argued in the New York Times that with respect to the 550-page executive summary put out by an arm of Congress here about this torture scandal, which I read, that the CIA got a bum rap.
Well, that was ridiculous.
They did not get a bum rap.
That was a congressional investigation, 550-page executive summary based on a 6,000-page report that they still won't let us see, documenting CIA torture.
And Cole went out there Well, this is a shorter segment.
for the CIA. I kid you not. So this man is a controlled opposition and it does
appear that as of now the ACLU has become controlled opposition too. So I
just wanted to deal with those two points Alex and now I'm happy to go
wherever you would like us to go. Well this is a shorter segment, two long
segments are coming up so let's finish up the last next five minutes with hey
we actually have the European Union regulators saying don't do booster shots,
don't do children.
They're being overridden, it looks like.
Boris Johnson says he's going to override his government cabinet level group that says don't do it.
We've got all the, I mean, like something like a third of the FDA board heads, including the two people over the vaccine programs that are pro-vaccine, by the way, they've left and quit and said, this is wrong and evil.
That's a pretty big seismic event.
And it shows that there's some soul left in the bureaucracy, or maybe they just don't want to go to prison for what they know is coming out.
But I mean, to me, that's a pretty big deal, Dr. Boyle.
I don't ever remember seeing regulators across the world standing up and doing the right thing like this.
Well, Alex, you can't.
I think they might be afraid of going to prison.
You can't trust the FDA at all.
As we said months ago, In that interview I gave you over SARS-like cluster circulating back coronavirus post threat for human emergence that developed COVID-19, the FDA is clearly listed
National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA.
They are clearly listed as helping to develop I totally agree!
biological warfare weapon with gain-of-function properties in it known
as COVID-19 at the UNC BSL 3. So of course you can't trust or believe
anything the FDA is telling you. I totally agree. So why would you have all these insiders
breaking with Biden saying you shouldn't do this it's political don't do it and
quitting and leaving And in Europe, regulators standing up and saying it's time to stop.
Is it because they now realize how bad this is?
No, I think they've known it all along.
I think they're fearing criminal prosecution and the reaction of the American people when all of the truth comes out, which it is slowly doing, thanks to your program going back to the programs going back to February of 2020.
The FDA then, this totally rotten, corrupt, and criminal organization that is well known to be a captive agency in the legal profession under the control of the drug industry and Monsanto and the Nazis at Bayer and Monsanto, etc.
They gave their original emergency use authorization to the Frankenshots in violation of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
They know what the Nuremberg Code is all about.
They knew when they gave it, they were violating the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
They knew they were committing a Nuremberg crime.
They knew they were committing a Nuremberg crime against you.
And I know as a prosecutor you don't go, I mean you do go to MoDA, but you're always
hey the crime's there let's just go have him arrested.
We'll talk about how that happens next segment, but I always go back to psychology, though, because that is important in crimes.
Why did they think they'd get away with this?
Because I think it's clear that they're starting to not get away with it, the truth's coming out.
So I'll ask you the same question I asked you a year ago.
What's wrong with these big pharma, keeps doing things, keeps putting out blood product, Factor VIII with HIV in it, knowing it'll kill millions.
It's in their minutes, they say, who cares?
Keeps doing this, this craziness over and over again.
Well, it's the arrogance of power and the God complex that, you know, we are God here, we are scientists, and you out there are the little bitty people.
You're the untermenschen.
That's exactly what Dr. Zelenko said, and anybody that studies it gets down to that.
And then, surprise, surprise, Bill Gates wants to be part of the world.
Dr. Francis Boyle is here with us.
We'll show you that book again.
It's very historical.
I've read it about how he's beaten these bureaucracies before.
He also helped, right at the tip of the spear, beat the forced inoculations of experimental Anthrax shots at the troops.
So this guy knows how to beat them.
He's trained at Harvard, the same program that Kissinger was.
And so you talk about the blueprint for victory against this nightmare when we come back.
Well, we are all certainly riders on the storm.
And the question is, how do we end this globalist power grab by the Rockefeller Foundation?
And by Kissinger and by Bill Gates admitting they're going to use a virus to take control and now doing it.
And Marshall Law on the world and what's coming here and tightening down the noose on us tomorrow with this big announcement.
You can go to Amazon and many other places and find the many great books written by Dr. Francis Boyle.
Just search his name.
You can pull those up.
Biowarfare and Terrorism is a definitive book on that as well.
United, Ireland, Human Rights, International Law, and of course several others there that you can find.
Now, sir, we've only got...
27 minutes left.
I want to shut up these two long segments and just get into how big it is, what's coming out.
I don't want to take credit.
I don't want you to take credit, but the truth is you first broke the gain of function, the documents that were already there.
Now, new documents out of The Intercept.
Now, video surfacing of him at conferences with doomsday viruses he was making and gain of function and just the crimes of this out of the open and in the new documents that came out yesterday through the Four-year lawsuit of the Intercept.
I know you know about this for listeners joining us.
He says combine these five viruses with the SARS virus.
He describes COVID-19 and we had Peter Daszak on video admitting it.
So we have open and shut the man running the response to it is the man behind it.
So get into the current developments and under the law.
How we move against this monster because this is just insane to see him sit up there when he has been caught red-handed.
Well, just before we get to that, I wanted to finish the point of the last segment and specifically with respect to the members of US Armed Forces.
It was the FDA back in 1990 that authorized the emergency use of the two Gulf War frankenshots
at that time, which I opposed and tried to stop, whatever, that led to
the Gulf War sickness.
So the FDA is fully responsible for what happened to U.S.
troops back starting in 1990.
The Pentagon still lies about the statistics because they know they committed a Nuremberg crime and a Nuremberg crime against humanity against our own troops.
Out of 500,000 inoculated, 11,000 were killed, 100,000 were disabled, and maybe one-third adverse events.
The Gulf War sickness also infected healthcare workers and members of the immediate family.
The FDA did that.
They are a rotten, corrupt, Criminal organization that should be completely put out of business.
And now because of this new FDA so-called final approval, Biden and Secretary Austin Has ordered all U.S.
military forces to take these new frankenshots that are probably going to even be far worse in the consequences.
And so you're an expert lawyer on these areas, so let's talk about this, but I've had doctors on and others.
And perpetrated by Biden and Secretary of Defense Austin and the FDA.
It's 100% clear this is a new made up no man's land where it's another emergency authorization.
They had a meeting and decided to call it final approval, but said in 2025 we might
actually approve it.
So another hoax, another lie, another giant fraud saying that this is an approved vaccine.
And perpetrated by Biden and Secretary of Defense Austin and the FDA.
I mean the FDA are total liars as is the CDC and the WHO.
You can't believe anything they are telling.
Yeah, there's Austin right there.
He's Biden's man.
He's forcing.
uh... all of us are forces to take these franken shots knowing full well what happened to them
in in the with the gulf war sickness and the health care workers to treat them that indicated a
biological warfare weapon
uh... at work and their family members who also came down with the gulf
war sickness i still hear from our veterans studying suffering from the
gulf war sickness Ask me my advice what they can do.
You can imagine, only imagine, what is going to happen when our current military personnel have to take this new round of Frankenshire.
I totally agree, but sir, please, just on the giant subject, for total vindication, you were the first to come out with it, with all the documents, the details, you already had the information in February of last year.
Now it's all confirmed with these new documents, 900 pages, video servicing and Fauci admitting it.
I've never seen such an open and shut case, or am I wrong?
Alex, now we can get into how the American people can fight back.
I wanted to say all that just as background to this catastrophic existential situation we are facing as Americans, including the members of our U.S.
Armed Forces.
As I said in our last interview, we are dealing here with murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
Two causes of action.
One for the COVID pandemic.
And the second for the frankenshots.
So let me go through both causes of action here.
As for the COVID, excuse me, as for the COVID pandemic, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of human beings with malice aforethought.
All right, unlawful, I was hired here to teach criminal law, so fine.
Unlawful There we have their gross, you know, Fauci, Collins, Menachery, everyone, the Bat Queen, this person from the Harvard Medical School, which is why you can't believe Walensky there from the CDC.
She's from the Harvard Medical School.
Everyone on that SARS-like cluster, Barak, everyone on that contract that we've discussed before, It is violating my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorist Act of 1989.
So we have unlawful killing of human beings, probably right now over a million American excess deaths.
And again, they're lying about the true fatalities here, but excess deaths probably over a million.
With malice aforethought, a term of art.
So one of the elements of malice of forethought is manifesting grave indifference To human life.
And we have seen with all the documents that have come out, including those you've recently discussed now, that Fauci, Collins, Menachery, this FDA person, the Harvard Medical School person, the Bat Queen, went ahead and did this extremely dangerous biological warfare weapons work.
Uh, with a grave indifference to human life at a minimum.
So my opinion is we have an excellent case for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against those, those people for Sure.
So what needs to be done then, since the entire federal government, the Department of Injustice, Garland, all the rest of them, the FBI, they're all under the control of Biden.
They're going to do Biden's bidding.
He's made it clear he's working in cahoots with Fauci.
So fine.
We have to take our case then.
Out to every state's attorney, district attorney, county prosecutor, attorney general, and anyone here in the United States.
And the last figure I saw was there were well under over 400 of them.
And the people living under their jurisdiction pressured them and saying, look here, we have had people murdered.
Under your jurisdiction by this gang of criminals and we want you to convene a grand jury and present all of this evidence before the grand jury and secure an indictment.
For murder and conspiracy to commit murder against these individuals.
Stay right there, Senator.
We'll come back with that straight ahead.
Dr. Francis Boyle lays out the legal blueprint that's very strong to put these criminals behind bars.
And Dr. Boyle, our guest, is the tip of the spear in the resistance to these globalist depopulation programs that
Henry Kissinger's Senate Department of Morandum 200 and others like it, that
says the policy of the U.S. government is depopulation.
Well, that's not the U.S. government. That's the psychos playing God that want to be the uber-menschen.
As he was talking about earlier, I'm going to host 15 minutes to the next hour.
Another great guest host is coming in ahead of the war room.
I'm going to get some big news breaking after Dr. Boyle leaves us, but they're going to declare even more of our
liberties gone, We have to stand up for them when Biden makes his speech tomorrow.
So you got caught off by the break, Dr. Boyle, with we have a very good case for prosecuting these people.
We need grand juries to take action.
We need the citizens to beat the drum.
We need Congress and Rand Paul to beat the drum.
Please continue, sir, with the path towards getting these monsters off our backs.
Right, Alex.
I want to first talk then about a second cause of action on the frankenshots.
And then I would like to give some more advice to our members of our U.S.
Armed Forces who have been ordered to take these frankenshots by Austin at the behest of Biden, the totalitarian.
Now, the second cause of action over the frankenshots, you don't do them both together.
The frankenshots, let me go back again.
Unlawful killing of human beings with malice of forethought.
Unlawful on the frankenshots.
It would clearly be a violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation that is a Nuremberg crime and a Nuremberg crime against humanity.
Killing of human beings.
Again, if you are living in a territorial jurisdiction Where people have died from the frankenshots, you should go into your state's attorney, district attorney, the county prosecutor, the attorney general.
You need people who've died under their jurisdiction.
And then with Malice of Ortho.
So here we have two other elements of Malice of Ortho to deal with.
The first, either intentional killing of human beings, the Frankenshot people say, well, we didn't intend to kill people, but...
The second is intention to cause grievous bodily harm to human beings.
And clearly we have them on that.
that if you look at the VAERS reports that are grossly underestimated,
the European Health Authority reports that are much better, you will see that these frankenshots have inflicted a grievous
bodily harm on human beings massively, and they know it, and they knew it, and they are continuing
to do it.
People are still dying, and now they're coming up with a third booster shot, despite all the evidence.
In Israel today, they're now on their fourth booster shot.
That's the future that we face if we do not stop these criminals.
So, I believe all the elements are there for convening a grand jury to seek indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against Slaoui, head of Operation Warp Speed, the chief executive officers of Pfizer, I think the case is there.
and Johnson & Johnson, those are the Franken shots being used in this country, and also
their so-called chief scientific officers, you know, they're death scientists, for conspiracy
and conspiracy to commit murder.
And I think the case is there.
I think that these prosecutors can make the case for indictments for murder and conspiracy
to commit murder against this group of people.
As for Bill Gates, he has been very careful to stand down in the background.
I don't know if he could be tied into conspiracy to commit murder.
We're going to leave more evidence against Gates between you and me.
I understand Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
is coming out with a new book trying to tie Gates into all this.
I've I've listened to his half-hour podcast on it.
Maybe we're going to get more evidence about Gates.
I can't say at this time.
We need to keep that in mind.
Once we start indicting Fauci and Peter Daszak and the rest of them, then we'll be able to get all the rest of the documents and we know that Gates was funding it and then we'll be able to get him.
Sure, just subpoena Gates to appear before these grand juries and a subpoena do just take him to take all the documents he has.
And if necessary, even though the Feds aren't going to do this and the FBI, the local prosecutors where Gates lives out there in Seattle, the Gates Foundation headquarters, Wherever he might be located, they can send out state, local police and execute search warrants.
And let me throw this at you.
People like Jim Garrison, he never brought the CIA to justice for killing Kennedy, but in the people's minds, 92% of national polls know they killed him.
So that's just one prosecutor in New Orleans doing that.
And so these prosecutors, if they've got the courage, because we have no future if they don't, If these grand juries and others just do this, it's a major shot across the bow, and I expect they'll back off pretty quick, wouldn't they, if they started getting indicted or investigated in five or six jurisdictions, Doctor?
Of course they would.
That would just be the start of the resistance.
That would be, you know, starting a ball rolling down the mountain against Biden and the Frankenshots.
So, and the difference here, Is that the state prosecutors, state's attorneys, district attorneys, county prosecutors, attorney generals, they're elected by the people.
The people in their territorial jurisdiction.
My experience dealing with people at this level and judges, the state, local judges and prosecutors, they feel accountable, more accountable to the people than federal prosecutors and federal judges.
Because they are elected by the people, they can be re-elected by the people, they can be defeated by the people, and their salaries are paid by the people.
So for that reason, I believe that if the people under their territorial jurisdiction got organized and buttonholed them, not just emails, but buttonholed them personally, some of them would have the courage To be more responsive.
And to get the ball rolling, again, go speak at city councils, county commissioners, state houses.
Go to the meet and greets with state reps.
Go meet and greets with judges.
And just say, hey, you've seen the documents, you've seen what happened.
Rand Paul can't do this by his own.
We're not saying this to act tough.
Dr. Boyle's committed to what he's doing.
I'm committed because we're driven to do this because we don't want to be slaves.
We come from people and families that love freedom, just like the listeners and viewers do.
But obviously, Boyle's been targeted.
We don't have time to get into it.
I've been targeted for this.
So we're not up here calling for their indictment just to act cool.
We know this is life and death.
We're putting our lives on the line doing this.
I mean, I'll tell you, I've been told if I don't back off, they've got the FBI investigating me, they've got other stuff.
They said, Jones, one more inch and we're going to get you in.
And so they might kill me soon.
That's OK, because I'm not signed on to killing all these people in the military and all these poison shots.
Somebody's got to call these people's bluff.
And we're doing it right now, aren't we, Dr. Boyle?
Well, Alex, let me just say a final word.
We're running out of time here to our U.S.
military personnel.
Under U.S.
military law, you have no obligation To obey an illegal order.
And you can read that in Winthrop on military law.
I've argued this in court martials.
And so this order from Austin at the behest of Trump, you can say if you want to, It's an illegal order.
It violates the Nuremberg Code that is a Nuremberg crime, and it is a Nuremberg crime against humanity.
I am not going to carry out this legal order.
If you are going to court-martial me, well, so be it.
I have all the protections of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
And again, the uniform code of military justice, in my opinion, is pretty good for a military system.
Hold on.
I don't know if you're teaching class today.
We got a two minute break.
I've had so many questions for the military.
I'm glad you brought this up.
They wanted you back on.
To talk about the process, if it's a written order, how.
I know you can't give legal advice, but just from your experience, they're calling me and I don't know, because I know Biden's like, they're supposedly a path not to take the shots, but he's hiding it from them, and they're playing tricks.
So do five more minutes, I promise you I'll let you get back to your work.
Two minute break, we're going to come back.
Don't forget, only way this interview gets out is you tell people.
It's about to end.
It's life-saving.
It's so powerful.
It's at the center of liberty right now, in truth.
Once it's archived today at BandOffVideo or FreeWorldNews.tv.
For your own future, for our future.
It's a globalist takeover.
This is a war.
A corporate takeover.
You've got to take this interview and share it on your email, your text message, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, everywhere.
There's no copyright.
Take clips out of it.
Use it.
None of what I do is copyright.
Just get it out there.
You are the Paul Reveres.
One of our crew members five years ago was going to Vietnam for a month long trip they've been planning for years.
And they got the vaccines to go and got deadly ill.
And the medical doctor told her, if you ever take another vaccine again,
you've developed an autoimmune response, it'll kill you.
No vaccines ever again.
Well, Brian Stelter's on the news saying basically, stop everybody, go after everybody.
Even if you already have learned immunity.
Military service members of national immunity filed lawsuit against DOD, FDA, HHS
over COVID vaccine mandate.
What if you already have a natural immunity?
They say you should never take a vaccine once you have it.
You can cause major problems.
We got four minutes.
Dr. Boyle is a very respected lawyer.
He's here with us.
He's fought the forced injections in court marshals.
He helped end a lot of them.
So in four minutes we got left, sir.
A lot of military, as I said, have called in.
They wanted to have you on to give advice.
Please give them as much info as you can.
All right, Alex.
Well, first, we all know that CNN is a front organization for the CIA, and they work in cahoots with the CDC.
As for MSNBC, MS, Microsoft, that's Bill Gates.
So you can't believe anything they're telling you.
What can I say? Now, as for the current members of US Armed Forces, under military law, you have a right to disobey an
illegal order.
That is well established.
You can find that in the Uniform Code of Military Justice and also in the manual on that Winthrop on Military Law.
And indeed, I have successfully defended, helped defend, the first Gulf War resister to the first Gulf War by Bush Sr., Jeff Patterson, arguing that the order given To Corporal Patterson when he was at Kanahoe Bay, Hawaii to ship out to Saudi Arabia, was illegal and he didn't have to obey it.
And we got Patterson out of the Marine Corps on that argument.
You can read it if you want to, my book, Protesting Power, War, Resistance, and Law, and how we did it in Chapter 4, The Constitutionality of President George H. Bush.
war, senior war against Iraq on trial.
So this strategy has been taken before.
So you can't blow your cool.
Obviously, you know, if you get in order, you're in the military command there.
You cannot get upset.
You cannot curse anyone out.
Obviously, you have to be respectful and you just say, you know, I'm very sorry, sir.
I cannot obey this order to take the frankenshots.
It is clearly an illegal order in violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, which is a Nuremberg crime.
And also a Nuremberg crime against humanity in violation of the Nuremberg Charter judgment and principles.
How to argue all that is in my book, That Check.
And that, I think, would be the response.
And then, you know, it would be up to them, your commanding officer, to decide what to do with you.
My advice would be, at this time, to a group of you get together, And try now to line up civilian.
Attorneys to defend you.
I don't mean any disrespect to JAG lawyers.
I've worked with some of them and some of them have been very courageous down there at Gitmo, knowingly forfeiting their JAG careers, standing up for Gitmo detainees.
But the bottom line is JAG lawyers are still in a military chain of command.
And in a highly politicized case like this, there's only so much JAG lawyers can do for you.
So you're there at a military base and there are probably around there retired JAG lawyers, retired JAG judges who are familiar with the military justice system.
Dr. Boyle, we're out of time.
Thank you so much.
And again, people can read online.
There's a way with written orders to go up.
Just be polite about it.
They got so many saying no, they're not gonna be able to make you do it.
Thank you, Dr. Boyle.
Amazing interview.
Well, thanks a lot, Alex.
Again, my best to you and your listening audience in these dire times that face us all.
Back at you.
We'll be right back.
Let's talk about Brian.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile stelter.
I don't think he is.
I just think if I was going to cast somebody in a Hollywood movie that, like, again, was a gravedigger, kidnapped kids, took them in basements and ate them, I mean, it would not be Brian.
It would be Brian Stelter.
So he's come out and said, an unvaccinated minority that doesn't watch the news or trust the news is putting the vaccinated majority at risk due to there's no way around the reality.
So, oh, I'm vaccinated.
I'm totally protected.
Isn't it great?
And you're going to get me sick if you're not vaccinated.
I mean, the definition of poser, of fake, of fraud.
I mean, look at that sack of lying, un-American, anti-free speech garbage.
That article's up on Infowars.com.
CNN's Stelter pilloried, this is dragged, over claims unvaccinated, in danger of vaccinated people because they don't watch TV.
Hey, your vaccinated idiots are the one that created the Delta variant.
That's not debated.
But you prey on your dumbass audience and you wish we were all as dumb as you, Stelter!
And I meant to do this at the start of the show.
I asked Kit to write this article.
And now, of course, I've gone crazy and lost it.
I had a whole damn stack on it.
It was really important.
Guys, here it is.
I found it.
Get this.
I saw a meme of this last night and I went and checked it.
It was true.
Glacier Park?
They put a sign up 10 years ago that said the glaciers will all be melted by 2020.
The glaciers are bigger than ever and the Antarctic and Arctic ice sheets are the biggest ever recorded.
National Park Removes Glaciers Will Be Gone By 2020 Signs That Were Put In A Decade Ago.
The National Park Removed Glaciers Will Be Gone By 2020 Signs Because The Global Warming Prediction Never Came True.
Glacier National Park Made Headlines When It Removed Park Signs Meant To Highlight Climate Change Predictions By The U.S.
Geological Survey.
The Park Attempted To Save Face By Claiming The Glaciers Are Still Shrinking.
And It Goes On From There.
Here's Another One.
What Global Warming Obama To buy Martha's Vineyard Mansion at one foot of sea level.
That was like eight, seven years ago.
Here's another one.
Five ways we know Al Gore's been running a global warming racket.
Excellent article on Investor Business Daily.
With that...
And then it just goes on from there.
I mean, these people are the biggest scammers the galaxy has ever seen.
And if you want the answers, it just goes back to Israel, and it goes back to universities, and it goes back to all these other countries like Singapore.
Everywhere that didn't do the vaccines and let things open, lowest death rate, lowest sickness.
Everywhere you got the vaccinated, highest death rate, highest sickness.
It's the same thing at U.S.
universities, where they've got 95% of these idiots To take the shot.
Because you know, they always tell me, oh, I just took the shot because I want to get through my problems and get back to normal.
You don't get back to normal!
It's like a heroin dealer giving you drugs to get you addicted.
Like, I'm just going to take these first few shots, you know, just to get over this.
No, you're going to get addicted.
They're capturing you.
They're taking you over.
They're dominating you.
It just goes on and on.
Yeah, Australia, 90-95% of the hospitalized are fully vaccinated.
Even though the country is at half vaccinated now.
It's not even vaccine.
All right, we did a pretty good job today, and we have a very special guest who does a great job every week.
I wanted to cut him off, but I had some more stuff to cover.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman is going to be taking over, and so you don't want to miss that.
Interview with him.
He's always got a bunch of big guests on the show whenever he hosted as well.
And so he's going to be coming on.
He's got an M.S.
from MIT and an M.D.
from University Medical Center in South Carolina.
And he's going to be exposing a whole bunch of this stuff coming up.
Andrew Coffin, MD.com.
Don't forget, we're funded by you.
And next Monday, the sale will end on Vitamineral Fusion.
It's so good for your immune system, 33% off.
And we have the new incredible, which I did take about an hour ago.
I had coffee too, but this is wow.
Brain Force Plus with all the key herbs and massive amounts of energy.
It's amazing.
It is 40% off out of the gates, but it's selling out so fast.
I'm going to end the sale on it to Monday, because it might be sold out.
We've got a limited amount.
So get your Brain Force Ultra and try it out at InfoWarsTore.com.
And there's so many other great products like Living Defense.
It's still 40% off.
Vazo Beats, still 50% off, but that all ends Monday at midnight.
All right.
This is a participation sport, taking on the tyrants and winning.
So, everybody, tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, strangers, to tune in on local radio stations, local TV, however you're watching, and tell folks about Infowars.com and FreeWorldNews.tv, because big news is coming up.
The War Room's in 45 minutes.
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Dr. Andrew Kaufman, host of this Fourth hour and I have another exciting show today and we have two main feature stories.
The first story is back to school tyranny when we'll follow up from last week looking at the dark side and we'll specifically be talking about Massachusetts.
And secondly, we'll be talking about do the world's governments have any proof that this virus even exists?
And today's guest is an expert on these topics and has been doing a lot of investigative work on them lately.
And her name is Ramola D. And Ramola D. is one of the most respected independent science and technology journalists that I know of in the alt media space and has done a great service to humanity over the past 18 months in her reporting related to the COVID pandemic.
Earlier in her career, she was on the faculty at the George Washington University teaching creative writing.
She's also worked professionally as a technical writer in various industries.
And has written a lot of publications.
And sometime in the past, pre-COVID era, she became aware of some sinister plots against humanity, such as geoengineering, also having difficulties with issues in the local school system.
And she began her career as an independent journalist, where she's done great work.
So Ramola, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you so much for having me, Dr. Kaufman.
I'm truly honored to be here with you hosting it and thank you for that great introduction.
Well, it's my pleasure.
And so last week I had Layla Centner, the owner of the Centner Academy in Miami, Florida, who told us about perhaps the world's only school that has zero COVID restrictions.
And it was a really inspiring and heartwarming story to see how children can actually survive and thrive as they once did in our not so recent past.
And today you want to tell us a little bit about a very contrary story of what's happening in Massachusetts as we go back to school.
So Ramola, why don't you set us up with what's going on and how you came to be interested in this story?
Okay, well, just a commentary on Lila Centner.
I mean, she's doing a fabulous job in Florida, and I wish more principals and schools would follow her example.
It's absolutely brilliant.
Well, as you know, over here in Massachusetts, unfortunately, Dr. Kaufman, something very different is rolling out, and that is the Commissioner of Education, this is the Board of Elementary and Secondary School Education, has issued an edict or a mandate or That every single K-12 school is required to have its students mask up for eight hours a day, five days a week, starting with the beginning of the school year, which is this week.
You know, school starts this Thursday, literally tomorrow, actually.
Oh, two days from now.
This is very similar to mandates that we're hearing from around the country, right, that are following last year's similar mandates.
And does this also, you know, include private schools in Massachusetts?
And I know that you wrote very strongly that essentially that their plan is to turn the schools into field hospitals.
So can you, you know, tell us a little bit about what distinguishes Massachusetts at the present time?
Oh, absolutely.
Well, it seems to me, just looking at what's going on, Dr. Goffman, it's not just masking, you know, which of course they are doing.
And I was just reading that they're planning to do the masking for a certain reason, and that reason is to ensure vaccination for the student body.
And apparently right now, between certain age groups, 15 and above, 16 and above, there's already in Massachusetts something like 68% vaccination, you know, among teenagers.
So they are trying to force through more vaccination on the student body and they're trying to kind of predicate the masking on-off ramping is what the commissioner is calling it.
So he's promising people that he will get the mask mandate off if a certain amount of vaccination can be achieved in the schools.
I see, so blackmail.
Yeah, it sounds like blackmail.
And then on top of that, they're going to be testing.
So literally, and this is why I use the terminology that I used in my letter and in my article that I wrote publishing my letter to the Commissioner, Dr. Goffman, I called it, looking at what's happening, it seems to me they're trying to turn the schools into prison wards, into hospital wards, into policing zones.
Because as soon as the kids get into school, from the morning to the evening, they're going to be watched.
And they're going to be watched for even one single symptom of the supposed, famed, professed, not proved to exist virus, COVID-19.
If there's a child that blows their nose in class, they have to go to the school nurse for a full evaluation, correct?
That's correct, exactly.
So we're no longer allowed to have normal bodily functions without any scrutiny.
And Charlie Baker, as you point out rightly, is very much, you know, at the head of the show, certainly sort of hiding behind the scenes right now, because they've kind of pushed the Commissioner of Education to the fore.
But of course, the government and the governor is behind all It's the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that's running this charade that unfortunately is being committed on the bodies and brains and the psyches of our children.
Because as you may know, Dr. Kaufman, there have been so many studies out showing how detrimental these masking mandates are both to the physical health of children and also to their psychological health, their psychological and mental well-being.
Absolutely, Paula, and in fact I'm getting calls now this time of year, as I did last year, asking me to, you know, be an expert witness for cases where they're suing schools and school districts on this matter because of my background in psychiatry.
So I've actually researched this issue and I think aside from the combined turmoil leading to increased substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and suicide attempts, Where there's been a major increase among school-aged children.
You know, we can't pinpoint those things to be caused by masks alone, but certainly we know masks is a main contributing factor.
But there are three areas in psychological realm that masks have a clear harm.
The first is in language perception, because children, as they're learning language, they need to read lips to distinguish certain types of sounds and inflections.
The second would be reading emotions, because reading emotions in the facial expression requires looking at the mouth and the muscles around the mouth.
And there are specific emotions, in fact, that can't be recognized without that, such as actually disgust and joy.
interestingly. So you cannot see the joy them, seeing them, right?
It's like you don't really know who that person is.
But aside from that all of these Limitations, of course affect the socialization of children and this is really the root of all the turmoil and anguish We discussed.
So, Ramola, we're about to hit break here, but when we come back, I'd like to talk a little bit more about the action people are taking to fight against these mandates in Massachusetts, and perhaps there is some hope for our children in the future.
So please stay tuned to the Alex Jones show and we'll be right back after these messages
Hello everyone, I'm dr. Andrew Kaufman and I came together with dr. Tom Cowan today to tell you about our
New conference the true healing conference this October 9th and 10th and
And we are super excited because we have this opportunity to focus on the new biology, which is really the old biology with some new technological spins on it, as well as talking about what Truly results in healing.
We're going to be covering some really fascinating topics such as water and structured water, biophotons, biofield tuning, the holographic blood and live blood analysis.
And Orgone Energy.
It's going to be really exciting.
All these topics help us understand the true nature of how our bodies work and how we can remain healthy and recover from disease.
There is a different way to think about biology, medicine, science than really most of us have ever imagined.
These people who have been at the forefront of, really, what is a human being?
What is life?
How does biology work?
And that's the only way to go forward.
Because that is what this whole COVID thing is all about.
We need a different way of seeing the world.
We're talking about ushering in a new paradigm of biology and healing that we can be self-reliant, we can learn, and we can actually be really healthy.
Not chronically ill for our lives, but actually vital and truly alive as we're meant to be.
I am extremely excited about this conference.
In the last 18 months, I've learned more about biology, medicine, and in some ways, life, than pretty much the rest of my life combined.
I didn't expect that.
All right, Tom.
All right, I'm very excited.
Join us.
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
I'm your host, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and today I have with me Ramola Dee, independent scientific and technology journalist and editor and publisher of the Everyday Concerned Citizen at ConcernedCitizen.net.
Is that the right address, Ramola?
It's EverydayConcerned.net.
My apologies.
So we were talking about the problems in the Massachusetts school mandates before the break, so why don't you pick us up where we left off, Ramola?
Okay, well, you know, thank you for spelling out all of the dangers to wearing masks that children suffer from.
You know, they're unable to see their friends' faces, they can't really determine what the teacher is saying, they can't distinguish emotions, etc.
Their reading abilities go down quite a bit.
And, you know, there are so many other dangers.
When you read these math studies and you hear about large numbers of children complaining about feeling less happiness, less desire to go to school, less interest in studies, As well as inability to concentrate, headaches, irritability.
I think the German study that was released recently talked about almost 60 to 70 percent of kids talking about irritability and headaches.
So, you know.
Yes, and that was actually a survey of a large number of students who actually had this requirement talking about their experience.
So, it's more, you know, real-world data within the last Yeah.
And you know, very, very significant and correlates pretty much with what we'd expect based on the primary research.
So what about the other requirements?
You know, you had mentioned that they're trying to turn this into some kind of hospital ward.
They're going to be observing people in special rooms.
And then do they have ability to, you know, take the children away without their parents' consent?
Well, here's what I heard about at their meeting, at the Quincy Public Schools meeting last week, August 26, maybe more than a week at this point.
But one of the things that they're planning to do is just monitor the children.
So the children are going to be constantly policed for even one symptom, whether it's blowing your nose or sneezing or coughing or whatever.
And if they do show even one symptom, they're going to be asked to be tested.
Now, testing is a medical intervention.
They can't do it without the parent's permission.
So the parents are required to sign a form.
And you know, this is becoming quite an issue of contention in families all across Massachusetts, you know, between husbands and wives, etc.
One parent thinking, yeah, it's okay.
And the other parent thinking, certainly not.
This is child abuse.
It's torture.
Look at those torture swabs.
I mean, I personally call them torture swabs.
Those long nasal swabs that they thrust up people's noses, you know?
Imagine doing this to a child.
These are not benign tests.
And you know, if you look in the literature, the only time that it's talked about where they use this procedure with really long swabs all the way to the back of the nasal cavity, the posterior wall, it's for the purpose of delivering drugs to the brain directly.
because there are branches of one of the cranial nerves there.
So we don't know for sure if that's the case, but we do know from some aftermarket research done by Dr. Gatti
in Italy that many of the nasal swabs on the market actually contain
nanometallic particles such as silicon and silver.
And we don't know the purpose of these, but we do know that it's likely that
they could go directly into the brain upon using these swabs to administer.
The other significant thing is that these are not cotton swabs like a Q-tip that you might use to clean your ears at home.
It actually has a stiff plastic fibers that are hooked Similar to like one half of a Velcro apparatus and they are supposed to scrape the mucous membrane at the back of the nose and their justification is that that provides a good sample.
But with all this potential harm, we're talking about a diagnostic test that's never even undergone a basic validation study.
Which would be the first step required to even consider applying for FDA approval.
So it's an experimental device and you know even on the package it says that it should not be used for diagnostic purposes.
So we're talking about really imposing not just any health care procedure but an experimental procedure that's invalid.
upon unsuspecting children. So of course this is a major point of contention, I would suspect.
Absolutely, and potentially harmful, because if it's going right up to the brain and depositing things over there,
that is super scary.
And which parent is going to say that's okay?
There are thousands of parents in Massachusetts who are really against these masks, against the testing.
And those are not the only tests, by the way.
It seems like they've got all sorts of new tests now.
They've got antigen tests, and they're promoting something called pooled testing.
And the FDA has got whole pages on their website on this.
And it's all about getting samples from both the teachers and the school children, mixing the stuff up, At some universities like Syracuse University, they're actually proposing testing the sewage from the dormitory to see if there's any on the dormitory.
So, you know, obviously this is unprecedented, a mass scale of biological surveillance that we have.
Going on here and since it is such a huge financial windfall I mean we're talking about a billion dollar plus industry just for this experimental testing and by the way also these Testing has no liability just like the therapeutic so-called genetic vaccines.
So this is a windfall and everyone who is capable, every company is capable of developing and marketing this technology wants to get in.
So that's why you have all these different tests.
There's essentially, you know, three strategies.
The genetic or PCR strategy, the antibody strategy, and then the antigen which is supposedly testing an actual piece of something.
But once again, none of these are validated and all are experimental.
So we're about headed to our next break, but I think the main justification for all of these mandates is the presence of a virus.
So do any of the world's governments actually have the proof that this virus even exists?
And if they don't, how can they possibly justify these policies?
So we'll be right back with the answer to that.
Hello and welcome back to this fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on September 8th, 2021.
I'm your guest host, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and I have a journalist, independent journalist here, Ramola Dee from the Everyday Concerned Citizen at Everyday Concerned.
And before the break, we were just starting to talk about, do the governments of the world actually have proof that this virus exists?
And many of you know, I've been one of the major proponents highlighting that the scientific evidence actually does not show that there is a new virus that could possibly be causing this disease.
And of course there is some contention because we have articles purporting to quote-unquote isolate a new virus.
However, we know that this is not really the technique to show there is a new organism in existence.
So what several people have done, and Ramola Dee is one of the best examples here, is to solicit the government about this and say, what evidence do you have that this even exists?
So Ramola, tell us how you've gone about this and how you decided to take up this cause.
Absolutely, I'd be happy to.
And first of all, thank you, Dr. Kaufman, for actually creating your statement of virus isolation and doing all the work that you've done to educate all of us regarding what virus isolation really is.
You know, what does it mean to get a purified isolate of a virus?
Using Koch's postulates, using reverse postulates, which is sort of classic microbiology that all of you experts in microbiology and biology have at your fingertips.
So you've been able to educate us.
So taking that knowledge and also being inspired by the example of particularly Patrick King, who, as you know, got something of a win in Alberta, Canada, when the provincial health officer over there has now withdrawn all of the COVID restrictions, mass mandates, whatever mandates they had going.
Primarily after something that cropped up in a lawsuit against the government from Patrick King, which I think he did that as a counter-lawsuit after they sued him or something like that.
It had to do with... I can tell you, this is in Alberta, Canada, and what Patrick King did is that he subpoenaed the Minister of Health for the province of Alberta.
That's right.
Requested the material evidence to show the actual existence and causality of a virus and a disease and they were of course unable to provide the evidence and so behind the scenes there were some policy changes that the timing matched up pretty well with.
And in fact, one of the points that he made was that, well, what exactly holds up your act?
You've got the Alberta Health Act, you've got all these COVID restrictions going, but what holds up this act?
Where is this virus?
And, you know, where is the isolate for the virus?
So looking at his language, I came up with the idea of asking the Massachusetts Department of Public Health because I could tell that they were gearing up for mask mandates and I was getting very worried.
This was about a month ago, so I put in at the beginning of August, I put in FOIA requests to a few people.
One was the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, one was the Office of the Governor in Massachusetts, also the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services, that is the federal department.
I heard back from all of them.
At this point now, I have gotten all of the information from them and I have reported it.
I can tell you what each one said.
The Department of Health and Human Services referred me to the CDC.
I wrote back first and they said no we don't have any records that fall within the scope of your request and I had specifically asked for information on a purified isolate of the SARS-CoV-2 slash COVID-19 virus as well as an isolate of the Delta variant that provides the basis for all of the COVID mandates and guidances that are being issued from the Massachusetts government.
Interrupt you for one second because I can tell you that it was never even attempted to even do their corrupted isolation procedure which really should be called a tissue culture of any variant.
So in other words even though you can find You know, published papers saying isolation of a novel coronavirus, which is not the correct procedure, but they still have at least done it.
They haven't even attempted that for any variant whatsoever.
So you definitely can't find it.
And it's also very important that people know there are no tests for any variants either.
So when you go and get a test.
That's really, really interesting.
It cannot distinguish or point out any possible variants because these are also That's huge information and I think that does need to be emphasized going forward, Dr. Kaufman, just from a journalistic point of view over here.
Because, you know, think about that.
Nobody's actually bothered to do a test to isolate this virus.
Nobody's done it.
No one, anywhere.
Not the CDC, not the WHO, not any single department of public health, no university, nobody whatsoever.
And that, by the way, is what Christine Massey proved right when she and her team wrote to several departments of health all around the world and they found out that there is no isolate.
Frances Leder did the same thing.
She wrote to the MHRA and she found out they don't have a virus in the vaccine.
They've got some kind of synthesized genomic sequence that sounds out to be fabricated.
That's exactly right.
So I'd like to bring up, you know, two things.
One is that, you know, the language that you use to make these requests is very important because And I want to also refer people to my website for the Sovey statement that you mentioned, the statement on virus isolation, because it lays this out in very clear language that anyone can understand.
But we're talking about, you know, purifying or isolating the virus directly from its source in nature, which would be a sick person.
And Torsten Engelbrecht, the journalist who wrote the book Virus Mania, he actually emailed the authors of the main papers where they claimed to isolate the virus.
And asked them, was it purified?
And all of them replied in writing that it was either not purified or they didn't even attempt to purify it at any stage, whether directly from a sick person or even after the cell culture.
And this is documented, by the way, in an article called, PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, that is an off-guardian.
And then I'm so glad that you mentioned Christine Massey, because we can't really talk about this issue without bringing Christine up, because she has been the world's leading person submitting FOIA requests to governments, universities, and other agencies around the world.
And she's amassed a huge database, I think, at this point.
And not one government agency or university has been able to show any conclusive proof that this virus really exists.
I think her work has been absolutely seminal and critical to this discussion.
And in fact, when the CDC wrote back to me, so let me just continue the story over here.
So the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, by the way, said they have no responsive records.
Okay, no responsive documents and they gave me information on appealing it.
Well, I'm not interested in appealing it.
I just want the information obviously.
So, I looked at the CDC.
The CDC wrote back a slightly longer letter and what they said was, and this is really interesting, they said the COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
And the SARS-CoV-2 virus is detected by the PCR test.
And then they sent me links to a couple of articles.
And you know, these articles, again, talk about the detection of the virus.
They had micrographs of somebody's lung tissue, diseased lung tissue.
But that doesn't talk about an isolate of the virus, you know, to a layperson.
We saw in an article last summer that the same exact images were shown on microscopic slides from kidney biopsies taken before the COVID pandemic even existed.
So these images really are meaningless as well.
Absolutely, and yes, Gary Mullis has indeed said that, that you can, with a PCR test, you over-amplify it enough, you'll find almost anything, right?
And that seems to be the case.
So, the other link that the CDC sent me to was something to do with genomic sequences, you know, a whole database of genomic sequences.
And so they're basically suggesting that, look, we've got the genomic sequence of the virus, the virus exists, we're detecting it with this test.
And that was the point at which I wrote to you and to a bunch of other doctors and some of you wrote back and, you know, referred me to your work to the statement of viruses isolation.
Explain to me how indeed mainstream science is considering what a virus is by simply taking a massive sputum from various people, mixing it with some Vero cells, some monkey kidney cells, And then taking a photograph of it or pulling some genomic sequences out of it and calling it a specific virus.
So this doesn't make sense to any of us.
You know, just common sense.
This doesn't sound like an isolate of anything whatsoever.
So I actually... You're talking about shadows and partial fingerprints, you know, in the sand and things like that.
And they're essentially saying that amounts to an actual thing, when it's only a rumor of a possible thing.
Exactly and well Dr. Young referred me at this point to Christine Massey's work and you know it's the language that she used when she asked for a purified isolate and you know he talked about the whole methodology of maceration, centrifuging, etc.
to get this isolate.
So I took that language and I wrote back to the CDC with this new language.
I said look a medical microbiologist has helped me clarify my query.
Here it is and here's what I'm looking for.
Can you bottom line it for us Ramola?
Because you know we have Is there any proof out there?
Does anyone have any proof?
No, the CDC was unable to respond to this.
Thank you so much for coming on today and enriching us with all this information and
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It's excellent for adults, but especially old people because older folks have trouble absorbing vitamin and minerals when they're in pill form.
This is in powder form.
So again, you get a much better absorption rate because you drink it in the mouth, it
mixes with saliva, that begins the digestion process, and then again, it's liquefied in
the gut and you get almost 100% absorption rather than just maybe 20, 30, 40% absorption
depending on the studies you see out there with the Caplex.
Some of the vitamins and minerals are great because they're in powder form so you still
get good absorption, but nothing like when it's in powder form, first put into water,
that you then drink.
So, the Vitamin & Mineral Fusion is back in stock, 33% off at mfulwrestore.com and it
funds the MFUL war.
And then of course we have our...
pure turmeric concentrate formula, very similar to bodies, a very strong turmeric concentrate.
It's discounted, infowarestore.com. That's great for inflammation, great for immune system,
acts to the crystal iodine. We've got a living defense, we've got pollen block,
we've got the new toothpaste, all of it back in stock.
When I say new toothpaste, we had our original tooth whitening silver toothpaste that we had to discontinue, but we had already come out with a new charcoal activated toothpaste that had gotten very popular.
But it had been almost seven months since we had it because of supply chain breakdowns.
It is now back in stock.
Also at InfoWareStore.com with all the essential oils with also the activated charcoal mouthwash with essential oils as well.
So all of these products are back in stock and They fund the InfoWar, so I thank you all for shopping with us.
I thank you all for supporting us, and it's a smart move for yourself and your body and your immune system and your health.
And if your friends and family aren't aware of how this stuff is so important and needed, it's also a great gift to give, the gift of life, the gift of health.
And again, it funds the tip of the spear at a critical time in the fight against the globalists.
They're all available right now, discounted, at InfoWarStore.com.
Thank you so much for your support.