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Name: 20210907_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 7, 2021
2475 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses globalist agendas surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine passports, forced vaccinations, censorship, control, surveillance, and spiritual warfare. He emphasizes preparedness, sharing information, and resisting censorship while addressing various topics such as Ivermectin suppression, Dr. Stella Emanuel's warnings about non-human entities, potential dangers of cloning, merging humans with machines, personal preparedness, accurate information on COVID-19 treatments, and supporting Mike Lindell's election fraud investigations.

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Let's put on screen for everybody the show headline today and just think about what a bombshell that is.
Global Red Alert.
Freedom of Information Act docs confirm Fauci created COVID-19 chimera bioweapon and lied to Congress.
This is an emergency broadcast.
Australia has announced unvaccinated to be permanently locked down in re-education camps.
They actually say you're going to be locked up until you quote, get some sense in you.
And people are even mainline media is like, even the Atlantic that's calling for internet passports and COVID passports and a world ID.
They're like, gosh, they're like North Korea now.
That's a little too much.
All these fools that are bringing in authoritarianism, it gets rid of all the prosperity.
The globalist controllers have their own private jets, their own palatial mansions.
Ted Turner owns something like a million acres.
Bill Gates owns the same thing.
They're separate from us.
So they think they can get away with it.
That's why we've got to not put all our energy into Kamala Harris.
Talk about a puppet who's meant to be hated.
Or Biden.
Expose him, impeach him, remove him.
Get rid of Nancy Pelosi.
All of it.
But understand.
The FBI directors and Boris Johnson, all these people are fronts of the globalists, of the big corporations that are doing all this.
They're the ones spying on you.
They're the ones propping up China.
They're the ones saying you're not essential.
They're the ones that did the lockdowns.
They're the ones that are bringing in corporate governance.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
They're constantly monitored by facial recognition cameras that are able to instantly put a face
to a name.
Now the Chinese are also ranked, given a mark out of a possible 950 points.
A score in the 700s is considered good, around the 500 mark is not.
It forces us to be well-behaved.
And then, there's Joe Aini.
She's an information collector, a paid enforcer, who walks around and writes down deeds about her neighbors.
Like the man who carried a drunk person home.
Things like this are good deeds, she said.
But the farmer overheard swearing and being rude.
Yeah, bad deeds.
Her quota is 10 a month.
In countries such as India, there's little choice.
People there must download a state-backed tracing app if they want to travel.
From January, every citizen of England and Wales will have a new social credit score.
Government and private companies may use your social credit score to make decisions about you.
Search for your name online and a top hit may lead you to this page, MyLife.com.
A site that says it gathers data from public sources to create biographical reports.
It may include everything from your address to criminal history.
That data then used to generate a reputation score.
A bad reputation can hurt you personally and professionally.
Australians forced to submit 100 points of identification like their driver's license or passport when using social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter.
Now police would have access to those social media accounts.
And it's all part of a crackdown on online abuse.
Now, users could be liable for defamation suits or even criminal prosecution.
And it's all part of a plan hoping to deter people from engaging in bad behavior.
Now, the recommendations were handed down by a federal parliamentary inquiry.
And that if you're bad, they're just gonna ban you from the internet.
And that's the holy grail of control.
And it also says the police will have access to everyone's stuff without a warrant, live time, and that they'll be able to, quote, impersonate you, to, quote, infiltrate anti-vax groups and disrupt them.
It's not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus.
That's what they'll be doing.
So there's every reason, every reason to get vaccinated.
Australia can force citizens to report their location on demand via government tracking app.
Home quarantine trial, that's the app, to be launched in South Australia, Premier Stephen Marshall announces.
First they lock you up in little prison cells, then they go, oh, you'll carry your phone now, now you're allowed to go home, but we gotta track you like an ankle bracelet.
Israel's done this too.
And then it's, oh, everybody gets it.
Just had the cops come around and tell this woman off staying over here as well because there was about five seconds in between her taking a cup of a sip of her cup of tea and she took her face mask down.
Cops came around literally on the dot Canada's most populous province announces the same thing.
Basically, ankle bracelets.
It's called Immunoband, a first-of-its-kind wearable piece of vaccine identification.
It's nothing extravagant, but it's valuable for sure.
It's a wristband that has a QR code on the back that links to your vaccination card.
So there's an ability to access the initial documentation.
Italian diocese announces vaccine passports needed to go to church.
Honolulu announces the same thing.
Hawaii announces the same thing.
Apple's merged with it to carry it out.
Google and Apple are the same company behind the scenes.
They're all run by the NSA, CIA, and globalist banks, Rothschild, Rockefeller Money.
They are competing only on the surface to be the world ID.
They made an agreement a year and a half ago, secretly, but it leaked, to have a secret app embedded in all phones that they jointly control together.
Well, it's a new report.
It just went up last night.
It needs to be seen by everybody.
It could change the course of history because it is the globalist takeover.
It's at Bandot Video.
Click the left-hand corner top area of the John Bowne section.
It's Beast Systems Swallows Freedom Worldwide.
It's Tuesday, September 7th.
The year is 2021.
All right.
I always try to be calm.
Those are really my best broadcast.
I'm normally pretty even-keeled, but the mainstream media loves to get the parts where I blow up and yell and scream, and it's entertaining, but they love to try to pigeonhole us as being maniacs.
But, you know, it was Barry Goldwater, really, in the last century, one of the main people that fought the New World Order and helped build the movement we have today that Ron Paul and Donald Trump and others stood on top of, and myself as well on his shoulders.
That said, extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
He also said, sometimes silence isn't golden, it's yellow.
Like yellow bellies.
Why do they call that?
In war, some people fall to the ground and get the catatonic fetal position and urinate on themselves.
That's where the term yellow belly comes from, is people pissing themselves.
And I can assure you that silence in these times is not golden.
It's not like you're watching a sunset with your wife or your husband or your children.
It's not like you're meditating or praying.
It's not that type of golden silence.
It's yellow.
And again, I'm not complaining.
I did probably three hours of research last night, about four hours of research earlier than that throughout the day.
I did several hours of research.
Late last night, I couldn't help myself.
And so it's kind of like somebody that goes to a buffet dinner and orders 20 plates, even though you can't consume it all.
But I think I have a responsibility to really try to cover all this.
As I've said many times, if you're a TV viewer, you can see this.
Radio listeners can obviously see this later when it's archived at Band.Video or the live feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show and hopefully share it.
That's how we override these censors.
But let me just do this before I drill into the top stories.
Let me just give you some big announcements.
Major journalistic organizations will get into The Intercept and others.
Did four year request of Fauci and gain-of-function research at Wuhan and Chapel Hill, North Carolina and USA and China.
And it's hundreds of pages of Fauci directing chimeric merger of five viruses into a COVID SARS virus to then quote make a super vaccine for something that didn't exist In the entire evolutionary system of this planet, what was manufactured.
So I mean, it's already a fact they built it, they did it, that's already there.
But now, he's lied to Congress three times, and it's open and shut documents.
We could do, I could read the documents and cover the news for 30 minutes and then take calls the rest of the show for three and a half hours.
And we would not scratch the surface.
I mean, it's mega bombshell.
He should be SWAT teamed by the FBI yesterday.
But of course, he won't be because he's a Rothschild Rockefeller eugenicist depopulationist front man.
But he did it with Gates and the rest of them.
And it's also a scientific fact in the mainline literature that India basically suspended its vaccine program at 7% of the population because they made their own whole virus vaccine And again, the virus is so deadly in its spike protein, not
in what it actually carries, that when the body created a response to that, it was also
very poisonous.
And so India had to stop because of so many deaths. People revolted.
And the vaccine they made did knock out all these COVID variants except the Delta variant
that is now 99% plus of the cases in the United States.
It's a thousand times plus more viral than the original COVID.
And then I also had Dr. McCullough on and he had all the documents confirming from major studies that indeed people are shedding that have had the shots and it's lowering their immune system and they're getting antibody derangement basically in their body.
This is all happening.
And by the way, it's not debated.
It's like, you don't debate what temperature water freezes at, you don't debate what temperature it boils at, or what the speed of sound is, or what the speed of light is, or...
What the atomic weight of uranium is, or fluoride.
These are known things.
And that's what's so incredible.
It's known Fauci created this and then released it obviously on purpose, then lied about it.
It's known that they knew that if they created a vaccine for even the common cold, it creates deadly super viruses that are much more destructive.
That's why they could never do it.
They've been trying for 70 years.
Animal and human studies killed people and animals every freaking time.
Usually the majority died.
So, just getting your minds around that in my mind, and then let me add this.
Australia has now announced, and their Prime Minister sits back and turns a blind eye, he's in on it.
He acts like a conservative and says they're fighting China and all this, but really it's to get his public behind him while he sells them out.
The head of New South Wales and two other major most populous areas in the South have all announced, it's all part of a UN plan they admit, I've got the documents from the beginning of those, That the lockdown is permanent for everybody, you're going to get booster shots every few months forever, time of the vaccine, and that the unvaccinated will be on permanent lockdown and will be put in camps.
So now we have the video and I have the news articles, they're announcing that you will be put in re-education camps.
Actually say, we're going to put you in camps until you understand it's safe and you take it.
That's called a re-education camp.
Of course, Obama created a re-education camp program.
You can type in Obama re-education camp, click web, search, and you'll get a 2010 document that was leaked to us in 2012.
And it was confirmed real by the Army.
It says, restricted, do not release.
It was given to us by people that said they were with Army Intelligence, and it turned out to be a real document.
So, and they were freaked out about it, obviously.
It's concentration camps for Americans.
So, this has always been the leftist plan.
The Weatherman got caught by Larry Grafwald, who was a Green Beret back from Vietnam.
They tried to recruit him at Columbia to put 50 million people in camps once they took over the government and to kill 25 million.
That's back when the U.S.
had a 200 million population.
So, the numbers are much higher.
So, this is all out of control, but it's real.
Now, that's just the surface.
I've not even, that's 3 stacks of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, that's a giant 3 inch stack, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22 stacks.
seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
That's a giant three inch stack.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 22 stacks.
Every one of these, you could do a whole show on.
I have this stack right here, is the UN officially announcing
they're gonna end parenthood and put children in camps worldwide via COVID,
including the US.
and that it's the end of the family and that the family's bad.
Officially from the UN.
I'm going to show you the official government document.
That's their end game is your children.
That's one stack right here.
Then we have the FBI saying people protesting People held in solitary confinement for misdemeanors in D.C., 600 people, are terrorists and need to be physically attacked, basically, and the D.C.
is on a red alert.
Meanwhile, they're catching more people that have been indicted are really Democrat Antifa operatives that are now arguing in court that they should be released because they're really Antifa Democrats that went to set up Trump.
And of course the judge is throwing the book at him saying, shh, you're not supposed to say that.
I was going to let you go.
That's even in the news.
Why did you just say that in court?
Boom, back to prison.
Oh, you little Antifa guys are being thrown under the bus by the other thieves you work with?
There's no honor amongst thieves.
Folks, we are in an information war.
Truth against lies.
Only you can override the censors.
However you're listening, tell folks, tune in now, now, now.
Thank you so much for joining us on this September 7th, Tuesday broadcast.
And I want to talk big picture for one more segment.
When we come back, I'm going to judiciously drill into every single bit of this information.
But I'm going to explain this again.
The globalists have made the decision and have put it out in so many public statements and documents and internal reports and State Department memorandums and EU memorandums and Bilderberg Group and Debo's statements that it makes my head spin.
And they've said, we're going to take over the world.
We're going to lock everything down.
We're going to cut your resources off.
Then we're going to have people fight with each other over resources.
And we're going to build an authoritarian society.
And then we're going to forcibly accelerate depopulation.
So they say we are building an absolute dystopic system.
And now it's again gone from beta to operational.
And I understand that most people aren't built to even be able to face something like this.
And I understand a lot of other people just are overwhelmed and say, well, what can we do?
But progressively, at a very quick pace, things are going to get much worse.
And going along with this ensures a absolutely nightmarish, dystopic future That the globalists have charted for us, because at the end of the day, they are very psychotic, evil, twisted, wicked people that enjoy masochistic actions.
So here's what you have to know.
They created the virus at Wuhan.
They released it.
And they already knew from studies they've done on humans and animals with this system in China, with the government, that they test on people there.
Well, they test on people here.
They test on all of us now, before it was even approved.
And they knew what it would mutate into and what it would do.
And they had countless other studies that showed all that as well.
And it's a fact that we got the Delta variant from a vaccine.
And it's a fact that people that take these shots are shedding.
And it's a fact that Fauci cooked it up.
And it's a fact that in the EU and the UK and in Australia and Canada,
they're either still under lockdown or bringing lockdowns back and bringing in.
Social credit scores and high tech tracking systems that control everyone in live time, not to free you and let
you go out and have fun again.
No, they say to then bring in the carbon tax and the calorie tax and the tracking tax, the environmental tax.
And it's not just me telling you that now, 10 years ago, two years ago, six months ago.
I have a whole stack right here that I'll get to today On the Great Reset.
Great Reset, UN orders 10-year deadline for Australia to shut down entire coal industry to fight climate change.
We already are shutting it down under that order.
The UN is in control of our medical system, in control of big tech, in control of what you can say and what you can do and we're living in this and Congress has done nothing.
The states have done almost nothing as a foreign multinational conglomerate of corporations that created the United Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation take over the planet, not just so they can run things and be in power, but so they can carry out eugenics and total control and build the prison planet.
You know, we don't update it anymore.
It was a backup site for InfoWars.com, and Paul Watson used to update it, and Paul Watson quasi does some work with us, but really doesn't anymore.
So no one even updates PrisonPlanet.com anymore.
Let's put PrisonPlanet.com, used to be bigger than InfoWars, on screen.
Who knows the last time it was updated?
I'm gonna hire some people and reboot that site.
But I started that site 20-something years ago.
You guys just put in PrisonPlanet.com for me in the search engine?
Oh, people quit using it, so I forgot a month ago I directed people to direct them to Bandot Video.
That's right.
But we're going to resurrect that site.
But yeah, thanks for reminding me.
It redirects to Bandot Video.
So that's where we are.
We don't even have the staff or the money or the crew to be able to even have a site that's been around 20 years that predicted everything even stay up or be updated.
I'm not complaining, but so much of our crew that we built up and we expanded and we funded, when I got deplatformed, didn't cut and run, but just kind of stood back.
Well, that's why they'll be fed on and destroyed later, which is not something I'm even happy about.
But that's the level of this fight.
So see, this isn't a problem coming down the road.
This is a problem in our living rooms.
This is a nightmare system And I had the leaders of Australia in the news articles announcing you'll take shots every couple of months.
Last week, it was every five months.
A month ago, it was, oh, just take your two shots.
Think about that.
And now they're on Australian TV saying, oh, yeah, you're not going to be able to ever get off lockdown if you're not vaccinated.
But of course, when you go get the app and you accept the shots, you're under lockdown still, too.
The same premier of New South Wales said, oh, sorry, the lockdown never ends.
Even if you have the shot, the shot doesn't work.
See, it's called martial law.
And you go in your house and you never come out again.
And the store shelves are empty.
And that's the post-industrial world.
And then when things break down, they go, oh, we've got a social credit score and we've got a universal guaranteed income.
All of you now are on the dole, but you've got to show up to dig ditches or to grow crops under our control, just like China had the great leap forward.
And the Cultural Revolution, where they made the farmers leave their land, and the shopkeepers leave their land, and go to these communal farms, and 100 million Chinese basically died and starved to death?
That's what they're doing!
The Great Reset is killing the local economy, killing the small businesses, and is a classic Marxist-Leninist malice playbook, and they even admit it's that playbook.
And so whether it's the UK or Canada or now blue cities in the US, they're saying, oh, you remember lockdowns?
Those are going to be permanent on an app on your phone.
It'll tell you, according to your social credit score, when you can leave your house, when you can go to the mall, when you can go to the grocery store.
It allots your time to go here or go there with the big technocracy supercomputers running your life.
Google isn't there and Apple and Twitter and Facebook aren't there to make your life better.
There is an AI system to direct everything you do and where you go.
And now, we played in the first five minutes of the show, that powerful John Bowne report.
We put it on screen, please.
Where he shows you newscasting, Europe, Canada, Australia, and China, all announcing what's now coming to New York, LA, and other areas.
These systems swallows freedom worldwide.
Is your church gonna show this this weekend?
They're not a church, they're on the payroll.
Is your club?
They're all gonna go along with it like morons as they're inducted into the control grid prison.
And they're so full of themselves because they're the good little enforcers, even though they're helping bring in a system that's about a post-human world where we're all obsolete, where we're all non-essential.
Stay with us.
The police are running over people all over the Western world with horses.
Attack dogs are ripping people's faces off while they're in handcuffs.
Children are being pepper sprayed because they leave their houses.
The leftists have now taken over the police department's most part of the world.
You see gangs of women with batons beating women, children, and their husbands over the head with clubs.
In France, they've announced forced inoculations of all the children.
They say, we don't care of the law.
Doesn't even say we can't do it.
We're doing it.
And Australia is doing the same and has announced If you're quote, unvaccinated, you will be put on permanent lockdown and moved to camps.
And they say in the newspapers, I've got them right here, you will then be educated on why you should take the shot.
So, oh, and they're going to take your children.
This is how wars start.
These police are soldiers now of a foreign multinational depopulation army.
They may be too stupid to know it, but they're doing it.
And I want to explain something, and then I'm going to get into the news here, but this is the most important thing I've said in a long time.
I'll say two things.
The nature of evil and the nature of those that want to dominate and control others always takes basically the same forms.
You can call it fascism, communism, socialism.
You can call it authoritarianism.
You can call it tyranny.
And, oh, look at this dad caught in the park with his daughter.
You're not allowed to do that.
You're going to jail.
I mean, these are all real videos I'm showing to TV viewers, and there's thousands of them.
Endless supply.
Every day, hundreds.
I can't even watch them all.
And so, when good people do nothing, when good people put up with a tyrannical takeover, it's like opening a door, a bulkhead on a submarine, you're gonna flood.
It's the nature of the corrupt and their minions that they want to dominate and they want to take people's freedoms.
And they want to bully people.
And they finally want to rape and exploit and starve and kill you.
So understand, there isn't a vacuum in the universe.
When good people don't stand up, when good people don't say no, when good people don't put the brakes on tyranny, it's like getting in an 18-wheeler on a big mountain road that goes down for 5,000 feet and taking your foot off the brake.
You're going to go about 150 miles an hour and you're going to fly off the side into a chasm.
The establishment has a compulsion to dominate and control.
The type of people that get into that level of power have an instinct to want to kill you.
They see you as useless eaters getting in the way of their planet.
A la Zardoz and Sean Connery in the 1970s.
Or Roger Moore and Moonraker.
I mean, it's all there in Hollywood telling you what's coming.
And now it's not Hollywood, it's here.
And so, this will only get worse.
As Thomas Jefferson was asked, what is the level of tyranny that man will live under?
And he said the level to which you will accept is the level to which there will be evil people
that will push out the other evil people and then they'll be pushed out and they'll be
pushed out and they'll be pushed out until nations have gotten rulers that just burn
cities down for fun and then commit suicide themselves because that's the final thing
that Nero did because he was so crazy and on such a power trip.
And he burned down part of the city that wasn't enough to build his palace.
Then he killed himself and Caligula and all the rest of it.
So this is organized corporate governance war against the middle class, against the
poor, against the people, against humanity.
This is an organized depopulation war because the globalists are saying we're overpopulated like deer in the city.
We'll just overpopulate, overpopulate, there's no predators.
So they're naturally going to create artificial cataclysms with viruses and conflicts and starvation that get rid of us.
And you can even argue that in the survival of the fittest mode, That that has a place.
But you see, the people running this are pedophiles and satanists and are the worst, greediest people out there.
They're the ones that, according to their rules, should die.
I've got a stack of news I'm going to get to next hour.
The Jeffrey Epstein case is why people believe in Pizzagate from the week.
Major mainstream news.
No, Pizzagate was to cover up Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons and the real pedophilia.
And it was a setup.
I'll explain that coming up, but there's major Ghislaine Maxwell news on all those fronts we're going to be getting to today.
That's another one of my stacks, and I will cover every one of these stacks, but I'm just getting these basic facts out.
And then what's the other big point?
I'm not stupid, and you're not stupid, and Rand Paul's not stupid, and Ted Cruz isn't stupid, and Josh Hawley's not stupid, and the rest of them aren't stupid.
They know all this, they know it's a corporate global takeover, and most of them have said as much here and there.
So why aren't they organizing us against the global government, against the corporate takeover, against the Great Reset, and quoting Klaus Schwab, and David Rockefeller, and Ted Turner, and Bill Gates.
Why aren't they showing in their own documents how they admitted that was always the plan?
I mean, Paul is going after Fauci for getting it to function.
But see, we don't control the Justice Department, it's controlled by the globalists, so it doesn't matter that Fauci cooked it and made it and did it and released it and the documents all came out.
Hell, Peter Daszak two years ago bragged about how they released it, before all this even came out, to cover their ass.
A chimeric virus.
So what hope do we have if the people running the FBI and the Pentagon are on board with the
globalists and are on board with this depopulation, even though it's going to destroy most of their
agents and most of the military?
Well, the agents need to wake up, and the military needs to wake up, and we need to wake up, and the Senate needs to wake up and address the attack, address the new form of war, address the Globalist's great reset depopulation operation that they admit, I've got stacks of their own admissions here, and videos, I could do the whole show, I'll do a lot of, I'll do a segment on it.
On world government and how they did the lockdowns to prepare you for carbon lockdowns.
And how you're going to live in a 200 square foot apartment.
How you're going to have half the calories.
And they've got all their excuses.
Oh, you're too fat.
But this is the ultimate tyranny that wants to actually get us in a position to kill us.
So we must address what we're under attack by.
We must address we're in a war.
All right, we're going to go to break.
Come back and I'll start drilling into it.
Before I go any further, I'm really excited about this.
I told you that we're going to have a lot of new products coming out.
And I have done a lot with the crew to make sure we have these products.
I'm in the process of selling my house so I can make sure to get even more products in because of supply chain problems.
Order even more so we get it so we can actually then up our funding and launch a bunch of very exciting new projects.
You've seen all the other stuff we've done.
You've seen how we're public enemy number one of the New World Order.
How we are the King Daddy black sheep.
You are part of this community.
You are the black sheep as well.
Well, it's good to be a black sheep in a world of Satanists.
It's good to be their enemy.
As Christ said, you'll be persecuted if you actually follow me.
So I have worked for over a year plus with top formulators to come up with this.
We could have come up with some crap really quick.
We didn't.
Brain Force Plus is going to be back in soon.
It's an excellent formula.
This is at least twice as strong, has all the top things under the highest rated.
For deep, pure, clean energy, it is, and it costs us a lot to make each bottle.
This stuff is really top rated.
Introducing Ladies and gentlemen, our latest product that I am so incredibly excited about, and that is BrainForce Ultra.
And I just want to encourage everybody to go to infowarestore.com and get BrainForce Ultra.
Because if you're talking about clean, long sustained energy, this is revolutionary.
This is incredible.
And I think the listeners know that.
It just went on sale this morning.
We've never had a product sell like this.
It'll probably sell out in about a week at current sales rates.
So please get yours today and check out Brain Force Ultra.
And we are back on this September 7th broadcast of the Alex Jones Show.
I want to be infinity clear.
I am not excited to be proven right.
In fact, I've gotten really close to God.
I've gotten right with God.
And it's only because the times have gotten so bad.
I've never been closer to Jesus.
And I really would tell you, you need to get close to God yourselves.
I'm not lecturing you.
I'm not some goody two-shoes up here on some high horse.
I'm not one of these fake preachers that's designed to turn you off from God.
This is good versus evil.
The Satanists, the main Satan group, it's got millions of supporters in the U.S.
I've researched them.
They've had a hit movie, Hail Satan.
I've watched the Democrats basically adopt Satanism as their operating system.
Their Jacobins 2.0.
French Revolution 2.0.
They came out and said, we sacrifice babies when we kill children.
I've been protesting in abortion clinics for 30 years.
I've been doing it since I was 17.
And I'm not Catholic, but I used to mainly go out and protest with the Catholic, conservative Catholic groups, you know, here in Austin.
And there's, there's videos of it.
And I've been doing it for four or five years before I even got on air when I was like 21.
And, and, and the reason I don't say that to go on this wonderful person, Oh, I'm so good.
I'm saying I, I would go to abortion clinics in South Austin and East Austin.
A lot of you seen the videos.
And people come up and say, I've aborted 25 babies for Satan, and I'm going to kill you, and I love Satan.
And these people aren't just saying this.
They've got pentagrams all over them.
They are into evil.
They are into darkness.
And most of them end up committing suicide.
I mean, they're just horrible demons.
You go to an abortion clinic, literal Satanists show up and pile out of $100,000 Mercedes.
$100,000 Mercedes, they pile out of $70,000 Jaguars.
They walk up with a pile of $100 bills and say, "Beat up Alex Jones and I'll give you this."
And then some weird, super white-skinned zombie kid comes over and starts trying to attack us.
And before I could kick his ass, because he started to hit me, Jarrick Jackson grabbed him and threw him down on the ground when he worked here.
Great guy.
Jokari left because he found a girlfriend on a trip in South Carolina and wanted to move and be with her.
People thought I like fired Jokari.
Jokari did not want to lose his job, but he also wanted to move to South Carolina.
I should have just let him be a reporter there.
But anyway, side issue, he was a great guy.
And that was just one of the abortion clinic protests like six, seven years ago, eight years ago.
And that's all on tape.
So when I used to get up there and say they're Satanists, they say killing babies is their sacrament.
I didn't read that in a book, I went and saw it.
And then I saw news articles over the years where they would get busted
because the nurses would freak out when they were like having sex with the babies
after sometimes they were alive or dead.
You've seen the videos of them like having the babies having boxing matches,
eight month old babies.
I mean, when I go on air and say they have sex with the live babies
and sex with the dead babies and they keep babies alive and sell their organs
and it all comes out on the news later, it's because it was in lawsuits that came out
But what do the San Francisco courts do to the group that exposed that all over the country, including San Francisco?
They gave a massive, what was it, a $20 million judgment or something?
It's rigged!
You go to a bar and have a woman talk about how she's buying a Ferrari with the money from live babies, and you get a $20 million judgment against you.
That's okay!
They're going to stage all that stuff and do it to us and try to shut us down.
It's not going to happen.
That's what the cost of this is.
They might kill me.
That's okay!
I don't want to die, but listen, somebody's got to stand up for these kids, okay?
And it's not because I'm some damn hero.
God is real.
This is a test.
You better well stand up or I'll tell you what God's gonna do to you.
Hell is the absence of God.
God is going to put you into the phantom zone with these people because you're eternal.
God is going to dump you into a pit with these people.
And believe me, these are dishonest, dishonorable people that are into betrayal and manipulation because they're weak.
And they're seeking power from the God of this world.
They sold out for their 15 minutes of power.
And even the 15 minutes of power stinks and has nothing in it.
I've been around the real Satanists, folks, not these garden variety pop Satanists.
I've seen it.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
I didn't do anything illegal, but I've been on the edge of it.
I've been there.
With the rich people, the billionaires.
Because Satan is interdimensional, doesn't have long-term omnipresence, but does have the capacity like an AI computer to direct the lines of the future and see what's going to happen.
Why do you think they tried to recruit me over and over again, no matter where I went or what I did when I was young?
Because they could tell I was going to end up going with God, and thank God I did.
But not before I felt the energy these people are killing kids and stuff trying to get.
And it is just a... rip people apart!
That's all it is!
It's crap!
I've experienced the satanic energy these people are looking for that they get when they kill a baby for just maybe a minute.
Then they gotta have sex with it to do something blasphemous to piss God off and move themselves further from God.
Satan's always trying to get his pawns to do bad things to cut God off from them.
And then once they're cut off, then they become like zombies.
I played so many clips of abortionists, Asian, white, and black.
There's videos of these coming out of abortion clinics.
People go, hey, God loves you, please care about the babies.
They say, I don't want the babies!
I'm gonna kill the babies!
I mean, you have, I've been at the Capitol.
Yeah, there's one of the videos right there.
Cue it up with audio in a minute.
I have been at the Capitol on a separate issue, and I said, what's this?
It's a pro-life thing?
And it was all these women praying, and it was all these Democrat women that were in the Capitol, came out of the Democrats' offices in suits, like church, looked like nice ladies lived next door that would bake cookies.
So there's these women praying to get an anti-abortion law, pro-life law passed, and I was just there one time.
It's been caught on video before.
All around the country, and all of a sudden, I go, what's that?
And I walk into the hallway, and the women are going like this.
Guys, show me.
There's an actual video of this.
And Owen's seen it too, a few weeks ago.
He got footage of stuff like this, and there's hours of it, and there's videos that are famously, and the women are going.
*gibberish* I mean, folks, this is not a joke, okay?
You call it mass psychosis?
You can call it whatever you want.
I have seen this probably 50 times.
Now, the rich Satanists that I got ran into, because, you know, they lure me with, you know, their hot daughters or whatever when I was young.
They were not like that.
They were not possessed.
They were all in control of it and, oh yes, and all the rest of it.
So when you look at the British Royal Family, those are devil worshippers.
Those are blood-drinking people.
And it's come out they get blood infusions of children.
But it's beyond that, because it's all about them.
Their selfishness, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, all of them, their selfishness to take a one-year-old baby and to torture it.
Their favor to a three-year-old that is old enough to know what's going on and be really horrified.
So you need to come to grips, folks, that you're not worried about being put in a ghetto or executed or guillotined, because that's what it's going to come down to.
They're coming for us.
You need to worry about your soul.
And you need to stand against them.
Go ahead.
They found one of the clips of one of the abortion doctors talking like a demon.
Here it is.
Sir, you got to repent, sir.
You got to repent, sir, for murdering babies.
Because it's a sin before God.
Stinky breath.
It's pretty evil of you, sir.
Yeah, I am.
And I hope and pray that you... Yeah!
Well, that's what you do to babies, huh?
Yeah, I love it.
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
Okay, I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I'd never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
Yeah, you... I don't listen to Christ.
You will have a darkened heart, sir.
I do have a darkened heart, yeah.
You have a darkened heart.
I do, I do.
Very, very much so.
And you will stand before God in judgment day?
Yes, I will.
Every day.
You will stand before God and judge.
Yes, I will.
Every day.
All of the babies in that field.
I love it.
I love it.
Yeah, keep tearing the babies apart.
Yeah, I will.
Keep tearing the babies apart.
I will.
Keep tearing the babies apart.
Yes, sir.
The babies, their blood streams from the ground.
Now, that's not even one of the worst ones.
That's one from like two years ago.
I've seen that over and over again.
Well, far worse than that.
We ought to try to find those.
I want to call up some of those anti-abortion groups I know in town.
They've got, like, tapes you wouldn't believe.
I mean, just hours of it.
It's the most... And it's got video of the police in LA and stuff.
People peacefully protesting outside abortion clinics.
They put nunchucks around their arms with handcuffs and break their arms.
Break their arms.
God help us.
Okay, I haven't gotten to the news yet.
You know, I'm going to try.
I don't even know if I can do this.
I don't even know if I can do this.
I mean, seriously.
No, I'm going to expose it all.
I'm going to talk about it all.
God, it's just every damn evil you can imagine is on this table and it's just out in the open now.
It's just Satan making his move against everybody and all we got to do is say no and reject it and not submit to it and ask God to protect us.
But you got to stand up first or God's not going to help you.
God hates cowards.
All right, I will be a good boy and I will cover the incredible Intercept lawsuit that got the Fauci documents where he said, make the Chimera a bioweapon.
He should be immediately arrested and charged with war crimes.
That's coming up next segment.
I'll go over all the documents.
I have been so busy, not complaining, it's just true, that I have not cut a new ad, even though this product has been in for a week.
And we were supposed to launch it last week, but I've been so busy covering the news, I didn't do it.
So during the snowman's land, some stations don't carry this first little five minutes, but some do, I'm going to do a plug and an ad that we can run during the network breaks so that I can fund our operation and so you can get a great product at the same time.
So ladies and gentlemen, let me go ahead and get the product and do the plug for you right now.
Several years ago, I was talking to a lot of the top developers out there of high-end supplements and sports enhancers that are basically safe and good and that people really, really like and that are also at the same time well-researched but still cutting edge.
There's a lot of new stuff coming out.
The last year and a half or so, we finally got it done.
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There's twice as much of the ingredients and the ingredients are twice as strong.
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What the other is?
It's discounted out of the gates for $24.95.
A lot of money goes into this.
This is a high-end product.
Now available for the first time at InfoWarsTore.com today.
And there are, again, no ratings on it yet because it just launched today.
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the switch and supercharge. And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Tuesday,
September 7th, worldwide broadcast. And let me go ahead and just plunge into the news for the rest
I have a very special guest that's gonna be joining us coming up in the fourth hour.
Stella Emanuel, M.D.
from Houston will be joining us.
She's been a very brave doctor that's been absolutely demonized and attacked.
We're pointing out that this whole COVID system is a spiritual Genetic takeover a mark of the beast.
Oh, how dare her?
Well, that is exactly what it is.
But let's get into today's top story.
And that's saying a lot for this to be today's top story.
You have Australia announcing that the unvaccinated will be locked down.
Two days ago, they said you won't be able to participate in the economy or in culture.
Now they said you will not be able to Leave lockdown.
In fact, you'll be put in a quarantine center until you change your behavior.
And they're saying they're going to put non-sick people in centers, starting with children, to make sure they're, quote, safe.
And I'm going to hit that next segment.
The holy grail of this control system is the state.
Getting the children.
And I have that directly from the United Nations.
So, they believe that once they get the children, as all authoritarian regimes do, from Hitler to Stalin to Mao, they will finally have full control of the civilization and then can carry out the orderly depopulation.
First they had to break up the families and they had to turn the women against the men and so on.
Turn men into lazy people.
I mean, it's all been scientifically carried out.
It's all admitted to be scientific.
And it's carrying us into slavery and death.
Why wouldn't we organize against it and say no?
Oh, because they spent decades telling you globalism and the breakup of the family and the New World Order and carbon taxes and using vaccines to take control of people and sterilize them.
That's never coming, even though it's in all their documents.
Well, now it's here.
So will you decide to say no?
Or will you let yourself get deeper into the control system?
These monsters that these lesser men are building over us because they crave power and control.
So let's get into it.
FOIA, Freedom of Information Act, confirms Fauci-funded construction of chimeric coronaviruses.
That was the headline from American Journal today.
But here's what The Intercept is reporting.
They sued and got the documents.
New details emerge about coronavirus research at Chinese lab.
Newly released documents provide detail of US funded research on several types of coronaviruses
in the Wuhan lab of virology in China.
The interceptors obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth
That's Peter Daszak working directly for Bill Gates and Fauci, a U.S.-based organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory, as well as Gates' money.
The trail of documents includes two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as a project update related to EcoHealth Alliance research, which has been scrutinized amid increased interest in the origins of the pandemic.
The documents were released in connection with the ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by the Intercept against the National Institutes of Health.
The Intercept is making the full documents available to the public.
Now, again, let me show you some of those documents right now, some of the screenshots right here.
FOIA release, Fauci-funded coronavirus of, quote, chimeric coronaviruses in Wuhan.
Now, thanks to the material, here and here, we can go to the ZeroEdge article and click, get the document, please.
Released through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Intercept against the National Institutes of Health, which were unredacted enough to toss Fauci under the bus, we now know that Fauci-funded EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit headed by Peter Daszak, was absolutely engaged in gain-of-function research to make chimeric SARS-based coronaviruses, which they confirmed could infect humans.
They did it!
They created the ultimate gain-of-function.
And there are the documents on your screen.
Let's read some of them.
This award does not include funds to support research subject to the Department of Health and Human Services framework for guiding funding decisions about proposed research involving enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.
Therefore, for Aim 1, identify, characterize, and rank spillover risk of high zoologic potential vaccines from wildlife, the building of chimeric SARS, like the coronaviruses, and be based on SCC0114, or The Pagolian Coronavirus Molecular Clones and the Building of Chimeric Mirrors-COVID-V will be based on the HKUS strain.
That's from North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
And this is continuing from page 293.
That was from page five.
Using our reverse genetic system, We constructed chimeric viruses and redelivered full-length recombinant SARS-CoV-2 from the SILCO sequence.
All three SARS-CoV full-length isolates and two chimeric viruses replicated efficiently in vitro, that's in test tubes, E6 cells and the HeLa cells Expressing H-A-C-E-2, Sivert and BAT-C-A-C-E-2.
This is emerging five viruses.
But not in those without the A-C-E-2-2-4-6-1-9-6.
We use the SARS-CoV-2 reverse genetics.
System 7-2 to generate chimeric virus with a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 backbone expressing SHCO14-S protein and the 10-sequence divergence from SARS-CoV-2-S.
This is their document confirming what the Australians and the Indians and the French said in February of last year, that it was five viruses merged.
And here it is.
And here's Peter Daszak with Fauci.
And here he is with the Bat Lady.
Hell, I got him on video saying in December 2019 to cover his ass.
And it just, yeah, there it is on screen.
So, there you go, folks.
And we have the emails already from Fauci to him, because people always report on these as one-offs.
If you take the emails that came out in, what, January of this year, it's Fauci in December of the year before, before this was even in the news, saying, all right, prepare the vaccines for our programs on the SARS-CoV-2 viruses we created.
He says, prepare the vaccines.
They already had the vaccines.
And then they hand them over with what they want designed by Merck, by Moderna, and by all the others.
Because if they gave it to them way before, they'd go, hey, what's this?
But instead, they do it in December.
They go, oh, we've got a leak.
It got out.
Oh, here it is.
Make it for us so you look real good when it comes out.
And of course, then Fauci and Gates own in Moderna and Pfizer big stakes in it.
I mean, this is so damn criminal.
This is so open and shut.
You put me in front of a grand jury for one day, they'll indict both their asses for mass murder.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Next segment, I'm going to cover it.
Is it good people are saying F Biden at football games across the U.S.?
Is it good that people are saying, you know, arrest Merkel?
Is it good they're saying arrest Boris Johnson?
Is it good they're saying arrest Trudeau and throwing rocks at him and running him off everywhere?
Yeah, I mean, it's good, but I don't want any violence against them because that could turn them into martyrs.
They're globalist puppets and Klaus Schwab has said They want to create anger at the nation state and have the public overthrow and burn our cities and then bring in a new world order.
They're running our leaders as puppets.
So your anger needs to be at Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and the UN.
Yeah, I don't like Biden.
I like seeing people wake up to him and hate him, but he stole the election.
He was put in there for this purpose.
He's a distraction, he's a shield for the globalists so he could solve the heat and they don't.
I'll explain it next segment.
But let's put on screen for everybody the show headline today.
And just think about what a bombshell that is.
Global Red Alert.
Freedom of Information Act docs confirm Fauci created COVID-19 chimera bioweapon and lied to Congress.
This is an emergency broadcast.
Australia has announced unvaccinated to be permanently locked down in re-education camps.
They actually say you're going to be locked up until you quote, get some sense in you.
And people are even mainline media is like, even the Atlantic that's calling for internet passports and COVID passports and a world ID.
They're like, gosh, they're like North Korea now.
That's a little too much.
All these fools that are bringing in authoritarianism, it gets rid of all the prosperity.
But the globalist controllers have their own private jets, their own palatial mansions.
Ted Turner owns something like a million acres.
Bill Gates owns the same thing.
They're separate from us.
So they think they can get away with it.
That's why we've got to not put all our energy into Kamala Harris.
Talk about a puppet who's meant to be hated.
Or Biden, sure, expose him, impeach him, remove him, great.
Get rid of Nancy Pelosi, all of it, but understand the FBI directors and Boris Johnson, all these people are fronts of the globalists, of the big corporations that are doing all this.
They're the ones spying on you.
They're the ones propping up China.
They're the ones saying you're not essential.
They're the ones that did the lockdowns.
They're the ones that are bringing in corporate governance.
But look at all these stacks.
They're all just as important.
But just think about The documents, hundreds of pages of them, with Fauci specifically signing them, saying, I want five viruses merged in the SARS family with these animals.
And then they tell you on the news that they think these animals all pooped on each other at a wet market, which means just a big market.
They got it in Mexico too.
They're pretty wild with cats and dogs and parrots and whatever the hell you want to eat, it's in there.
And they told you, oh, this just popped up in there, when the whole time they created it, and then they released it on purpose.
Look at the timing.
Look at the power grab.
Look at the vaccines.
Look at the global ID.
Look at Operation Lockstep.
That's why it's hard for me to look at that war criminal Fauci, because he is such a destroyer of worlds.
Now, let's get into the latest globalist fear-mongering.
Reports on InfoWars.com.
Different pandemic potential.
Brain-destroying virus with 75% death rate spreads in India.
And it's all directly linked to the vaccinated.
Where'd the Delta variant come from?
They admit, oh, out of India.
From a vaccine mutation.
A different virus classified by the World Health Organization.
You can't believe anything they say.
It's having pandemic potential.
It's spreading more than usual due to care shortages by COVID.
The London Telegram reports that the...
Nipah virus, which attacks the brain and has a seven up to, up to, that's a key word, 75% fatality rate, has killed a 12-year-old boy.
Well, we better lock down again and give people more shots that cause more mutations.
reaches 40 million recorded COVID-19 cases, with 4 million counted in the last four weeks.
Last year was a hoax.
Last year was fear-mongering.
Last year was bull.
This year, from India, with the Delta variant, it's super infectious.
There's no way to hide it.
No way to get away with it.
If you haven't already had COVID before, you're gonna get it.
You better have your vitamins and your minerals and your water and your sunshine.
And you better get early treatment.
Not when you go to the hospital.
My security guy, head security guy, had a really good friend.
She was in great shape.
And she was a nurse in North Austin.
And she went in and said, man, I'm having trouble breathing.
They said, just go home.
You'll be fine.
When she came back in an ambulance, they intubated her and killed her.
Notice they're told do not give early treatment because it's 100% basically.
So this is life and death, ladies and gentlemen, life and death.
UK government already preparing for another lockdown.
I told you Biden must be testing leaks or something because a month ago they were saying we're going to do lockdowns the next few weeks.
They haven't done it except in different regions of the US, but they're definitely getting ready for it.
Australia never left it.
Canada basically never left it.
UK's Home Secretary launches new campaign complaining UK spies should have access to your private messages.
Same thing's been passed.
By executive fiat in Australia.
So it's all the same global technocracy takeover.
Australian authorities to quote lock out unvaccinated people being able to participate in the economy.
Now we have a clip where they say you will be locked in lockdown in your home or in a camp.
That's coming up.
Grocery shelves barren Australia's trucker strike.
COVID isolation for workers reels economy.
Yeah, it's really was already happened before the trucker strike that most of the stuff was off the shelves already.
Oh, you try to order your Uber Eats, but no one's there to deliver it and there is no food.
Because the production stalled.
This is what Mao did to bring China to its knees.
He was in control for like 15 years.
He didn't have full control.
So he just said, oh, everybody has to come off the farms.
Everybody's got to live in communes.
They starve everybody to death.
People are fighting back in the UK, though.
Ticket sales flatlining as rebellion against vaccine passports grows.
Yeah, we just bankrupt the globals.
We don't go to their stupid concerts.
We don't go to their stupid chain bars.
You just need to start meeting at the local field and having a beer or whatever.
And if the cops come and try to stop you, well, they're terrorists.
Justin Trudeau, we'll get to this next segment, gets confronted by angry mobs everywhere.
We got a big compilation of this, with rocks being thrown at him, vehicles being overturned.
But remember, he's just the puppet.
That's just some of that news.
And look at all this news.
Business owner tests positive for COVID after second time despite being double jabbed.
Major online university has announced that it doesn't matter.
You must be vaccinated to learn online now.
Total tyranny.
This is our life from now on.
Israelis told to prepare for COVID CV booster shot.
The fourth one.
And the fifth one.
Third person dies in Japan for receiving Moderna vaccine.
From bats recalled over stainless steel contamination.
Rutgers uni student banned from taking online virtual classes because he's unvaccinated.
Police firefighters in LA formed a group to resist vaccine mandates.
Anti-vax mamas sold fake vaccine cards that got verified in the New York State database.
Their answer?
A digital ID.
Gotta say no to all that.
AP corrects Ivermectin fake story.
Said 70% of poison calls were Ivermectin.
It was only 2% of people asking questions.
More hoaxes.
More frauds.
Just like Rolling Stone.
Australian women in quarantine harassed by cops for removing face masks to drink tea on our own quarantine porch.
Tens of thousands of college students chant F Biden at different N-A-C-A-A games all over the country.
And more!
Coming up!
Stay with us!
Wow folks, new footage is pouring in of people overpowering the police in Italy, in Germany, in France, in the UK, in Australia, and in other areas.
And they're having to censor it right now because we're on AM and FM stations and TV stations and we're not CNN.
They're allowed to cuss.
MSNBC's allowed, we get in trouble if we do, plus we don't really want to cuss, but it makes us have to bleep a lot of stuff.
The full videos are at InfoWars.com.
The story just went live, it is crazy, by Kellen McBreen.
InfoWars.com if you want to see the uncensored stuff.
Canadians rise up, Trudeau pelted with stones, shouted down by angry citizens.
And, I mean, they're putting people under martial law.
They're bringing people into absolute Total and complete tyranny.
And they're saying you're not essential in a plan to break down small businesses and bankrupt the economy to bring in a universal income of communism with a global social credit score.
It's all out there.
So, was it right to fight Hitler?
The French Resistance?
Because this is the stuff Hitler was trying to do in a low-tech way.
Well, no, probably not.
You're supposed to support Hitler if you believe Klaus Schwab.
Well, I say fight Hitler.
I don't want to blow buildings up, I don't want to shoot cops, stuff like that.
I want to civilly be disobedient and know they're assaulting us with poison shots and to spread the information to expose them so that the majority of people understand the psychological warfare going on and the siege going on and say no.
Now I already had them today put a compilation of Trudeau being chased off around the country together and then now this just broke.
So we'll show you some of the compilation in a moment.
And I'll narrate the parts that are needed for radio coming up, and then we'll play as soon as we've bleeped all the cussing.
I mean, hell, they're all cussing at him.
What are you supposed to do?
You notice NPR and PBS will play the cussing?
Because technically under FCC rules, if it's for documentary purposes, like if Trump says a cuss word, you're allowed to play that because it's documenting a historical thing.
But again, we don't want to give our stations trouble because leftists go and file complaints.
Because they can cuss, we can't cuss.
Remember, they're the boss.
But before I hit that, ladies and gentlemen, I am just so excited about this because people are going to love it, and it's going to be a bestseller, and it's going to help people have better lives, and it's going to fund our information war and keep us on air.
It's different than BrainForce Plus that is an excellent, clean, long-term, nootropic brain pill that people love.
We had to do a reformulation of it because one of the ingredients they made prescription after a few years it had been out, but it's still excellent.
But I talked to the crew and I said, I want to make something even stronger that's super clean, that is the best, strongest formula out there.
We probably should put warnings on this.
So look out what you're doing.
Consult your physician.
This isn't a game.
There's twice as much of the product total, and it's twice as strong.
So twice as much, and it's twice as strong.
That's four times, basically, what RainForce Plus is.
And this may be too strong for some people.
Or you might take a third of the dose the first time, just a few drops.
It's got everything in it.
Guarana seed.
Loaded with energy compounds and antioxidants.
Guarana seed is native to the Amazon and has been used by Amazonian tribes for centuries.
Alpha-GPC, a natural compound found in the brain, delivers Choline, a water-soluble essential nutrient across the blood-brain barrier.
Green coffee bean from the raw seeds of coffee fruit.
Green coffee beans pack a powerful natural punch and are rich in chlorogenic acid.
And then how do you pronounce this one?
I always forget.
lutherow root a celebrated member of the ginseng family has been used for
thousands of years additional systems your may Monte leaf don't you tell you
why that's so powerful green tea leaves you tell you about that and also its
antioxidant levels your Monte has potassium magnesium and manganese in it
as well ginkgo leaf known for its exceptional antioxidant content.
Ginkgo comes from an ancient group of plants that has been the focus of both ancient and modern fascination of science.
Ashwagandha root, herb used for 3,000 years, is favored for its many beneficial properties.
And this also has quercetin in it.
One of these ingredients has quercetin in it as well.
So you definitely want to check this out.
That's just some of what is in Brain Force Plus.
It is $24.95.
Ladies and gentlemen, people pay that much for 10 pills at a gas station that work really well and give you a lot of energy but give you a horrible headache the next day and are bad for you because they got a bunch of really illegal chemicals in them.
This doesn't have any of that.
This is Probably a hundred doses or something in here.
I mean, this is an incredible product.
We are so proud of this, and it's going to totally blow you away.
Yesterday, I was gonna be at a Kill Tony big comedy thing downtown, and I was invited to go be part of it, and I was just so incredibly exhausted, and it was gonna be at eight to like 10 o'clock at night.
I took two drops of this, and was exhausted and 30 minutes later
was absolutely awake, focused, and it was amazing.
Now I couldn't go to bed till two o'clock in the morning, and I usually go to sleep very, very easily
at like 10 or 11, so you do not want to take this five, six hours from the time
you're going to be going to sleep.
It's amazing, and it funds the InfoWar Brain Force Ultra, now available at infowarrestore.com.
And let me tell you something else I like to do.
Well, later I'll get into it.
We have vitamin and mineral fusion that's so important for your immune system.
This is also good for your immune system.
You know, so many of those other energy powders and drops and caplets are just toxic.
They're full of sugar.
They're full of chemicals.
They don't have any antioxidants in it.
This has quercetin in it.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
All the things that are in it.
Yeah, the Urimate has the quercetin.
And there's so much more in it.
So it is a formula good for your immune system.
It's a formula good for your body, your brain, but it really is intense.
So be very, very, very, very careful with it.
And if you got any issues, consult your physician before you use it.
X2 is also essential for your immune system.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is back in stock, selling out very quickly.
It's 33% off all the vitamins, all the minerals that are essential, and a bunch of key amino acids.
It's all there.
Here's what I've done, and again, I'm not complaining.
I've already covered 30 or 40 news articles today.
And I've not even gotten into the most substantive stuff.
And we have a special guest coming up in the next hour, and then I got Paul Watson.
So I'm gonna just, when we come back, I'm gonna get myself together.
Because here's the problem, each one of these stories you could talk about for four hours, they're all that big.
And right now, I'm kind of dumbfounded, I'm kind of thunderstruck.
Polax is the word.
That Israel is announcing permanent martial law, the UK basically is, and Australia completely has.
And that this is all happening.
I mean, I knew it was happening, and I know why the general public can't deal with this, because I'm getting the point I can't deal with it.
I mean, these people are so damn evil.
And I'm torn.
Maybe I should just talk about Fauci and open the phones up and how we now have even more documents.
We already had a bunch of documents and videos that he ordered them to make.
COVID-19, and we have the entire recipe of what COVID-19 became with him doing it, and then he releases it, and he's our God, he's our master, and then he owns a bunch of the vaccine stuff and makes money out of it, and then takes over the world, and he doesn't go to prison.
Instead, we all get put in prison and are told we're not essential.
This is gaslighting.
This is brainwashing.
This is ass-end-up.
This is ridiculous!
And Rand Paul is the only one that's got hair on his chest and has said Fauci should be criminally investigated.
But is Rand Paul talking about the Great Reset?
And how they cook donkers?
Oh, that sounds kooky to say it's run by the Davos Group.
The damn Davos Group's written four frickin' books on it!
My God!
They've declared war on us, they've launched a bioweapon, they're taking over, and we're just sitting here and taking it!
But the people aren't taking it.
So I'm going to play the stuff I talked about with Trudeau when we come back.
That's what I'm telling you.
It's just it's just unbelievable.
But thank God humanity's fighting back.
I salute you.
It's all declassified.
Harvard, Yale, Oxford.
All before COVID-19 was released by Fauci by design.
22 months ago that they would announce lockdowns then take the lockdowns
partially off then tighten them down more than take them partially off and
That is a psychological warfare tactic of trauma-based mind control that is in the textbooks.
And I talked about this amazing video yesterday that I'm going to have reposted again today, it's that important, under my live show feed.
Make sure they do that.
The video titled, Mass Psychosis, How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill.
And it's in the psychological warfare manuals how they create fear, then calm.
Fear, then calm.
It's like a horror movie.
Fear, then calm.
In waves of terror.
And then they're the savior that each time they tighten down, promising, do what we say, you get out.
Then they let you partially out.
Because you don't notice that each time they only loosen it a little bit, but tighten it down more the time after.
So again, they go from 100 to 80, then they go back to 90, then they go to 70, then they go back to 80, then they go to 60, then they go back to 70.
Then they go down to 40.
Then they go back to 50.
Then they go back to 20.
Then they go back to 30.
Then they go down to 10.
Then they go out to 15.
Then they go down to 5.
Then they go out to 7.
Then they go out to 3.
Then they go out to 5.
Then they go down to 1.
And then they snap your neck.
That's how a bowl constrictor works as well.
It crushes, crushes, crushes.
Then lets you think it's going to let go of you.
And then when you let go and relax and get air, it rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Now, you must get ready.
Yeah, there's Bloomberg.
The permanent pandemic.
They said day one in their white papers like we're animals to their own people.
Oh, we'll give people 10 shots a year.
It'll never end.
And then we're going to say adults have it and take their kids to shield centers where the government keeps your kids.
Well, you already let them keep your parents in nursing homes and you can't see them while they intubate them and kill them.
They're turning the hospitals into prisons, and you sit there, oh, just put up with it, we'll make it through this, just 15 days to cut the curve.
Oh, just 15 days for the hospitals.
And I told you, it's not 15 days, it's forever!
Because these are bad people going for broke.
So, I had a compilation, it's like four minutes long, of people chasing Trudeau around.
But now it's already escalated to them screaming, tearing things down, and throwing rocks at him as he runs.
And of course they got the electronic machines, and they're gonna stuff him, and they're gonna make sure he wins.
Just like it doesn't matter if Biden has a 20% approval rating.
He got put in there, he's a puppet.
But when they want to get rid of him, they will.
Like CNN's like, why is he so unpopular?
25th Amendment, time to step down.
I'm gonna get rid of Kamala too, so it would be Nancy Pelosi.
But it's all about having whoever's most senior in their authoritarian system, like North Korea, get the power.
So here is video, there's a whole bunch of these.
We can't play all of them because there's so much cussing, but Canadians rise up, Trudeau pelted with stones, shouted down by angry citizens, see all the uncensored video at InfoWars.com, and then share it, and then tell folks to share it, and then tell them to tell folks to share it.
That triggers the chain reaction, which triggers the victory.
They wouldn't be suppressing us if we couldn't defeat them, and we are going to.
We have to, and we will, and we have a good shot at it if you take action to do it easily instead of the hard way.
So here is the latest footage.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
Remember what Klaus Schwab said...
He said, I know you're very angry on the lockdown.
You're going to become more angry, more.
It's in a hundred point IMF plan.
There's 21st points, then 80 sub points that Greg Powell's, the BBC back when we did a decent job 20 years ago, got in 2002.
So 19 years ago.
And it said, we will destabilize fascists, right-wing, left-wing, we don't care, and we'll make the people hate the government, the government works for us, and then they'll finally overthrow the government and burn everything, and that'll drive down all the stocks and everything, and we'll come in and buy it up, which is the Great Reset.
And then, don't worry, now you're going to get more of like a El Jefe voice, that's not really a German voice.
Let me think how a German speaks, like Klaus Schwab.
He says that you are going to be very angry.
Hell, hear it from him.
Here it is.
I don't know how it will play out in November, but what we know is that we will end up with many more unemployed and particularly also people in the grey economy, which are not counted for, who lose their jobs.
So we will see definitely a lot of anger already now, but probably increased by That's enough.
Yeah, because this crisis will be with us until we really have found a remedy.
So, we have to prepare for a more angry world.
And how to prepare?
It means to take the necessary action to create a fairer world.
To see that...
That's enough.
So you... this... this...
crisis will continue until we find a solution.
Global government, global ID's, guaranteed universal income if you behave yourself at subsistence level.
I mean, that's the plan, that's in his book, it's being implemented all over the world, that's the dystopia.
So he hopes you go after Trudeau, he hopes you go after Bill Gates.
That's a Freudian slip, I hope you go after Bill Gates.
They hope you just go after their puppets like Biden and Trudeau and Merkel, who I hate, and who I think you should protest and demonstrate against everywhere they go.
That's great to show they're a fraud, but you should also be pointing out they're just puppets of the Great Reset, and it's the Great Reset that's starving people and destroying the economy on record, and then posing as our saviors.
And they're the people that cooked up the virus and made it and released it, and that's all admitted now.
How frickin' huge is that?
Let's play a few more minutes of some of the compilations of Trudeau being chased around Canada in the last two weeks.
Now building towards people, overturning cars, and throwing rocks at him until he has to flee in fear.
Here it is.
This is all over Canada, this is happening.
It goes on and on.
And there's a reason Big Tech's spying on you.
There's a reason Apple reads all your text messages and scans your phone.
Google does it too.
There's a reason they send pedophiles to Drag Queen Storytime to be with your kids.
There's a reason the borders are open.
They've never been held accountable.
What did Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding terrorists, say, according to Biden?
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
That's a very, very simple equation, ladies and gentlemen.
And this is not our government.
This is corporate governance.
Will you guys put the Washington Post headline back up?
States are an archaic thing.
States are a bygone era.
Get rid of states.
Yeah, bygone era, like the nuclear family and a two-car garage, and going on vacation, and owning a gun, and having security, and having a social contract, and the government working for you, and having a culture that's trying to build a better world for our children.
You know, Christian, egalitarian, classical liberal society.
Not the leftist, neoliberal, fascist, slash communist, satanic nightmare.
So look at that headline for the Washington Post.
Put it back up, please.
Great job, Groot, finding that.
States are a relic of the past.
It's time to get rid of them.
Because they don't want the checks and balances of a bunch of different states.
The founders said, so if one falls, people can move to another, and then that'll reform that state.
That's why there's three branches of government, federally and at the state level.
So that no power gets concentrated.
But the left and the UN want to get rid of our nations altogether.
No borders.
No walls.
No USA at all.
America's racist.
America's bad.
Because once you get rid of that, you don't have due process in any of those ideas anymore.
It's all Klaus Schwab.
You will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
You will like it.
We have captured your government.
He talks like a Martian that lands to announce he's in control.
We are in control of your governments!
We will take your children!
I haven't even gotten to that yet.
We got a special guest, but I have the UN official announcements that the children belong to the UN.
There's a program name, all of it, and suddenly it's all over the news saying it.
I mean, every dystopic nightmare, every tyrannical action, everything you ever heard about in history that's bad is now being thrown at us!
We'll be back!
The frontline battle is Australia.
It is the admitted UN model coming to the UK, coming to Canada, coming to the United States.
They're going to release more viruses for more control.
We have a special guest coming up next segment.
Here's the Victorian Premier Dan Andrews saying, we've got everybody locked down.
We're going to move to a situation where we're going to lock out and lock down people who are not vaccinated.
Then they go on to say in quarantine camps, and that ties in To Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts on the crime against humanity of blocking Ivermectin.
And then our special guest is going to be joining us coming up here in the next segment.
But here are two of those clips back to back.
from a situation where to protect the health system we've got everybody locked down we're
going to move to a situation where to protect the health system we're going to lock out people who
are not vaccinated and can be. If you're making the choice not to get vaccinated then you're
making the wrong choice.
You're making the wrong choice.
And for safety's sake, and back to that point about how much work our nurses have to do, as this becomes absolutely a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and we open everything up, it's not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus.
That's what they'll be doing.
So there's every reason, every reason That's a lie!
to get vaccinated and there are appointments available and there will be even more appointments
available throughout September, October, November.
Let's get to those thresholds as fast as we possibly can.
But yes, there's going to be a vaccinated economy and you get to participate in that
if you are vaccinated.
Now that's not right now because of course there's many more people who want to get vaccinated
than we actually can get through the system.
But we're going to get to a point where everybody...
That's a lie.
Hit pause.
He's creating artificial scarcity.
They've got, it's a total lie.
These people are total evil.
Sorry, go ahead and finish up.
We're not going to have a situation where we're not vaccinated.
We'll have been offered the chance to do so.
And we are not going to have a situation, at least not in Victoria, where we lock the whole place down to protect people who won't protect themselves.
These, go and get vaccinated.
There's 11,000 AZ appointments available this week.
2,000 Pfizer appointments available this week.
We'll have more to say with those additional stocks coming in from overseas, but... Again, folks, they didn't lock you down for your safety.
They locked you down to train you how to be a slave.
They released the virus.
It's all coming out.
Fauci ordered the chimeric creation of SARS-CoV-2.
And that's been now released.
That's public today.
The documents via a lawsuit have come out.
He should be arrested immediately, but of course, he did a great job at the establishment.
He won't be.
He'll be celebrated as our saviour because he is the author of our destruction.
Here's the Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts.
...treating and preventing people getting COVID-19.
We've been told that the only solution is a brand new vaccine.
That's not true.
There are alternative and complementary treatments for respiratory conditions, which is what COVID-19 is.
One of them is Ivermectin.
It's had over 3.7 billion doses administered over the last 60 years.
In that time, it's had a proven safety record.
Over the past year, Ivermectin has been successful where used against COVID in some Indian states and in some South American, European and Asian countries.
There are over 40 medical and scientific papers which hail Ivermectin's success.
So why is it banned for this use with COVID in Australia?
It raises serious questions about Big Pharma's monopoly and conflicts of interest and its stranglehold over government.
For example, Google's parent company, Alphabet, owns YouTube.
YouTube has banned any videos that even mention Ivermectin as a possible COVID treatment.
They even took down one of my videos, and I'm a federal senator.
But here's the kicker.
Alphabet owns 12% of VaxiTech, who created the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Aren't these conflicts of interest?
The Federal Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration wrote me a threatening letter for publicly discussing Ivermectin.
The way I see it, I'm a duly elected member of Australia's National Parliament doing my lawful duty sharing accurate data and information with you.
Silencing debate and data is a form of control.
And always beneath control there is...
Is dishonest big pharma afraid of losing its hundreds of billions of dollars in profits?
Is the government afraid to admit they've made a huge mistake?
I have no financial or other ties with vaccine makers or ivermectin or drug companies.
My interest is in ensuring we protect people's health and restore our nation's economic health and security.
That's why alternative and complementary treatments must be available.
On the best evidence we have, Ivermectin should be available, must be available.
Without it, the government has blood on its hands.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't normally ask Owen Shroyer to let me co-host with him today, but I definitely kind of want the first hour of it, because Paul Watson's coming up next hour, I've got a huge guest right now, and I feel like today I've got to get this on record, or I may just tape an emergency report after my show today, that we then put out, and hopefully Owen will air it on his show, because Everything breaking right now is totally insane.
It came out today, the Intercept sued and got it, very respected investigative journalist group, where Fauci is in hundreds of pages of documents we showed earlier, saying, I want all these viruses combined into a chimera for a new SARS virus, so we can make a vaccine.
We already have Peter Daszak, we ran the program for him, he's saying it on video, but now it's the documents.
Here they are.
We have them linked up on InfoWars.com.
You can also see it, again, on Zero Hedge.
It has it linked right there at the top.
In fact, let's post this Zero Hedge article on InfoWars.
It's the best.
And here they are with Fauci ordering it all.
So he's perjured himself to Congress, but we already knew this.
We already had other documents.
And here's Fauci with Peter Daszak.
So, we've got a very special guest who I really wanted to get on.
She really helped expose hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and all these other great things that people get
it early.
They have a 100% treatment rate. We had Dr. McCullough on yesterday.
It's in mainline news that India created the mutation of Delta when they vaccinated.
So I mean, the system knows what they're doing. Dr. Stella Emanuel, MD is a successful physician
with an active practice in Houston, as well as a founder of Firepower Ministries in Katy, Texas.
She diverts her life and resources to teaching believers everywhere to identify the source of spiritual weakness, deception, and defeat, learn strategies of warfare to enable them to get and maintain their freedom.
And I don't just agree with her.
I know this is spiritual war.
The Satanist, the big national church have said, came out, And said, we are sacrificing babies in a ritual.
Well, they busted a bunch of doctors doing that before.
So this is their energy.
This is their power.
Satan's making his move.
He's out in the open.
And this is a spiritual war they want in our bodies.
They want to change our DNA.
They want to mutate us.
And they now admit that.
Klaus Schwab says, I want to change your body.
It's a form of rape.
She said that.
They made fun of her.
But if putting the genomes of dead babies and dead women with immortal gene lines, bizarre cells that never die in us isn't satanic, I don't know what it is.
If creating deadly spike proteins in us that infect us and now they want to inject our children, then I don't know what satanic is supposed to be.
You know, it means bad.
Doctor, thank you so much.
Obviously, I want to get into them suppressing treatments.
I want to get into all things happening in the world, but what do you make of being vindicated?
And now we know all over the world where they have ivermectin early, like India, that's the end of their problem.
Where they don't, we have mass death.
And what do you make of it coming out confirmed that Fauci created this?
And obviously, look at the timing, released it on purpose.
What would you call this point we're at right now?
And I just want to try to give you the floor of this hour.
You've been censored and lied about so much to really put on record what's really happening.
God bless you and thank you for joining us.
Thank you so much, Alex.
It's my pleasure to be here.
Thank you for having me.
Um, like I said, you're my hero.
I've watched you for years.
So I thank God I'm here to, I mean, I've been on your show.
Sorry, but it's awesome to be with you today.
Um, I wish I could say that.
I wish I could say I feel vindicated and happy, but I don't because.
And her Skype was totally clear and totally sorry, doc.
Your Skype cut off for just a second, but it's been clear the last five minutes while you're waiting and now it's back.
Start over doc.
I said, I wish I could just say I'm vindicated.
I'm feeling happy about it.
But people are dying and they are still moving forward with their agenda to destroy humanity, to corrupt humanity.
And somehow, the veil is still upon the minds of a lot of people.
When I talk about the spiritual warfare, I tell my doctor friends now, I said, I told you guys from March last year, that this was a spiritual battle, it was a spiritual battle, and y'all thought I was just intense.
When I said, you know, we need to pray, everybody told Dr. Emmanuel, come on, just stick to hydroxychloroquine.
Of course, they censored hydroxychloroquine.
But you know what, Alex?
Hydroxychloroquine still works.
Avomethin still works.
BDSMI still works.
And we still use this thing, Zytromax.
We treat patients every day.
Right now, we've probably treated over 70,000 patients and counting.
Right now, we're just swarmed.
We're getting 500, 700 patients a day and we're here.
I've made a promise to the American people that I will do everything in my best to continue fighting this virus.
Take care of them, take care of our people.
But it's a serious battle and we have to wake up.
That's all I keep saying, that we have to wake up.
We cannot continue just Sticking our head in the sand like an ostrich and thinking things are going to go away.
We have to wake up.
This is deeper than science.
This is actually deeper than Big Pharma.
This is deeper than them trying to make money.
We're going straight back into Genesis 6.
And it's time for us to wake up.
That's just it.
And I totally agree.
When you read Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, they say they're taking control of humanity and creating a new being.
They say that humans are obsolete.
Explain to people, that's what happened in the days of Noah, didn't it?
In the days of Noah, the sons of God came and slept with the daughters of men, the watchers.
They left their abode, they came and slept with the daughters of men, and they produced a hybrid.
These hybrids, they were violent, they were blood drinkers.
If you read in Genesis, they talk about the earth was full of violence in Genesis 6.
But there were also such blood drinkers that they really wanted to... And by the way, all the other ancient cultures have this in their text and in their hieroglyphs.
All the other cultures reported the same thing happened.
That ships landed, these people got off, they had sex with humans, and then they made these psychotic creatures.
Yes, and the creatures were violent, they were bloodthirsty, and they fed on flesh.
It was crazy!
If you read like the book of Enoch, it's not a biblical book, it's one of the apocryphal books, but if you read these books, you know the story.
These are things that happened in history.
It's not something I made up from, you know, something.
So, they came after me because they knew that what I was saying was true.
They came after me because what I was saying was not just about hydroxy, They knew that there was something deeper in what I was doing, you know, so that's why they came after me.
But that's okay.
But now, Alex, we have to wake up.
The church cannot continue just sitting down and thinking, well, this is going to pass away and if we can just take the vaccine, if we can comply just a little more, things are going to get back to normal.
It's not going there.
Things are getting crazier and crazier.
And sometimes it's good for people to go back and tell people, this is what has been written in the Bible.
We're looking at today's news, yesterday, as you always call it.
And of course, the Bible also, in the New Testament, predicts the world government, the beast, you can't buy or sell, and that's all now happening.
But Alex, the thing about it is, there's something I want to talk about today.
My book is coming out, Let America Live, exposing the hidden agenda behind the 2020 pandemic.
I should have announced that.
Let America Live.
Let America Live!
That book actually digs deep into everything God is showing me about this nation from when I got saved in this nation and the battles that we have fought up to the time when I got exposed.
People think I just showed up.
No, I've been praying and fighting for the nation for years and years and years.
There's something I want to tell people today and I want everybody to hear me.
And I just pray that in minds and everybody will open up and they will hear what I'm saying.
And I take authority over every principality, power, ruler of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places.
Any voice that wants to jam what I'm saying right now, silence them.
I command them to go to the peak where they belong in the name of Jesus.
Let the prince of the power of the air be silent so that people can hear and people can wake up and they can be free in Jesus' name.
I need you to pray that prayer so that... Amen to that, Doc.
And we're going to go to break.
I'm going to try to give you the floor.
So, Let America Live is the new book coming out.
Is that book available yet?
It's coming out in like a week.
It's going to be... Yeah, it's coming out in a week.
Can't wait to read the book.
Can people pre-order that now?
We're going to go on a break.
I'm going to come back and I want to get into wherever you want to start with us.
But I absolutely agree with you that whether people want to believe the Bible or not, the globalists believe they're gods.
They've been told, get rid of humans.
You're going to merge the machines and become a Superman.
That's what Ray Kurzweil says.
It's what Bill Gates says.
And they literally have a desire to kill us all.
And they've said they want to kill us, and they mean to do it, and they're trying it now.
That's why they're trying to block treatments that if caught early, it totally knocks it out.
People say, well, you've changed your story.
Last year you said it was overblown.
Now you say it's dangerous.
Yeah, because they created mutants with the vaccines.
We'll be back.
I started to play a clip about 20 minutes ago, but didn't get to all of it.
Next segment, I'm going to play it.
It's only a few minutes long because I want to get Dr. Stella Emanuel's take on it.
Australian National Senator Malcolm Roberts on Ivermectin, how the suppression of those that did this have blood on their hands.
But he gets into very astutely how Google and others are invested in these so-called vaccines, which is a total conflict of interest.
Remember, Fauci is as well.
So now it's come out that he specifically ordered them to make COVID-19.
The Intercept has the documents.
It's incredible.
But we already knew that from other documents, but this is the smoking gun he lied to Congress.
But remember, Google and Facebook invested hundreds of millions at the Wuhan lab and were involved in this project because it's the project to take the world over.
That's why they're involved suppressing people.
So forget just censoring the public, they're censoring Congress.
This Senator in Australia says he's been censored for talking about it on YouTube.
Well, so is Senator Paul.
So Congress really is making itself vestigial, ceremonial, by not taking action against this.
Dr. Stella Emanuel, the medical doctor who's had some of the first big press conferences in D.C.
standing up and saying there are treatments they're suppressing.
Obviously, Save Countless Lives, she's one of the biggest practices in the country in
This is a shorter segment, longer segment coming up.
Dr. Stella, you've got the floor.
So just, you're just like me, you get excited.
You're right.
The world's changing.
It's getting worse by design.
Lay out where you think they're going, what we can do.
You've got the floor wherever you want to go.
Please speak to us.
Yes, Alex.
Number one, before we go forward, I want to tell the American people, this battle that
we're fighting is an invisible battle.
sit down and think that well you can handle it you're strong you're powerful
You're going to blow something in the air and you can't breathe.
So we advise that everybody get on hydroxychloroquine for prevention or ivermectin for prevention.
In fact right now they are censoring ivermectin.
Avomexan is going through what hydroxychloroquine went through last year.
You know, but right now it's harder to get Avomexan, so we actually recommend you get hydroxychloroquine.
Get on the vitamins.
Alex, you have a lot of good supplements.
Make sure you get on your supplements.
Vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin.
Make sure that you keep your immunity strong.
Make sure you get on prevention.
And when you start having that little sniffle, don't just think, oh my God, it's just a little sniffle, it will go away.
Please, get early treatment.
We have a few people that are working right now.
We're all swamped, but we're gonna be here.
And we're ramping up people to help to make sure that we continue to take care of the American people.
Right now, there's craziness happening in the hospital, Alex.
People are dying in the hospitals.
They are killing people, and they are not giving them the treatment.
They are begging for treatment.
People are calling me, come and take care of my family member, but they won't give them ivermectin, they won't give them anything.
The people that are not vaccinated are going to the hospital right now, and they are getting, they are almost not giving them any treatment, and it's beginning to come to places where they might not want to treat them.
So there's something going on that is way deeper than big pharma just trying to make money.
It's way deeper than, you know, the globalists or they call it globalists.
But I think what is going on right now, Alex, is that we have people among us that I'm just going to say it and somebody wake up and hear this.
These people we're dealing with, they are not human beings.
We are dealing with an evil seed in the land that are not human, that are bloodthirsty and blood drinkers.
If you go to the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter 2, verse 42 to 43, it talks about an image that Nebuchadnezzar saw, and Daniel interpreted that image to mean that the last part of the image, the toes, were going to be iron mixed with mary clay.
Mary clay is human, because human was made from earth, and then iron is machine.
The way iron mixes with mary clay, they shall mingle.
Let me read the scripture so that you guys can hear me.
We have people that are living among us that are not human, that are a mixed seed and they are blood thirsty, they are blood drinkers.
And I'm going to give you scripture after scripture to show you this.
Daniel chapter 2 verse 42 to 44 says, And as the toes of the feet were part iron and part clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken.
And whereas thou saw it, Again, her Skype broke up, but I think you need to hear this, folks.
with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron does not mix
with clay.
They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men.
So basically there's an evil seed in the land that is mingled with the seed of men.
When they start talking about mingling with the seed, that is...
Again, her Skype broke up, but I think you need to hear this, folks.
Doc, stay there while it reconnects.
Depending on how you interpret this, here's what I know.
They're demon-possessed.
They've been given over to follow their orders and not- because Rob Dewey went to the hospital, his family wanted him to go, he couldn't breathe, and they wouldn't give him any medicine.
They were just waiting to intubate him and he got up, went and got the treatments, and got better.
And so, most hospitals, again, we've had judges having to order them to give people ivermectin, pridoxichloroquine, or even Regeneron, and so what you're saying is, Are you saying like David Icke is actually interdimensional, even taking over?
Or are you saying that it's a spiritual, you know, possession?
Because I agree with you.
We're seeing the Satanist come out and say, abortion is our ritual.
We want to kill babies.
Let me ask you this.
Why do you think they're revealing themselves right now?
Alex, you don't understand.
They are not human beings.
This is not Satanist.
This is not human beings that are possessed.
They are not human.
What the Bible says, they are not even human.
Let's look at Revelation 13.
Revelation 13 verse 14 to 16 says, He deceived them that dwell on the earth by the means of the miracles he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image unto the beast which had been wounded with a sword and did live.
He had power to give life, to give breath to the image of the beast that they will speak and they will cause those as many as will not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
He causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and born, to receive a mark on their right hand or their forehead.
No man will buy or sell except they take the mark.
Or the name, or the number of his name.
There are three things.
There's the mark of the beast, there's the name of the beast, as in, there's the number of his name.
Right now, all the vaccines are full of the number of the name and the name of the beast.
It's not the mark.
But, Moderna vaccine has Luciferes, that's the name of the beast.
You know what I'm saying?
The vaccine, this is it, 666, it's everywhere in it.
So, all the vaccines are full of that.
But what they are saying here in Revelation 13 is that, the devil would deceive human beings They will make images, they will make clones onto themselves.
And He will give life to those clones.
He will give breath to them, that they will be able to speak.
So here is the real death behind this, Alex.
And I'm going to say this because people need to hear this.
We can no longer just tell you guys the fluff because we're worried about, oh, you might not be able to receive it.
Wake up and receive it and listen and read the Bible.
In Revelation 13, it's saying that the devil will deceive human beings to make images onto the beast.
Okay, people like Gates, Fauci, or whatever.
The devil has told them that he will make them live forever.
So, they know that if they die, they can make a clone of themselves, they will download their mind to the Internet of Things, and then they will put their mind back in that clone.
Absolutely, Microsoft has patents on that right here.
So that's what you're saying.
So that's the promise of the beast, is artificial immoral life.
But it's a deception, Alex.
Because you see, when these globalists die, they will die and go to hell.
Yes, they will be cloned.
But what is going to live in them is a demonic spirit.
And that is why they are so bloodthirsty.
Because what is living in these creatures are demonic spirits, they are not human beings.
So we don't even know whether some of these people that call themselves globalists, whether they are still the human beings or the human beings have been killed off, replaced with their clones and their robots that are pure evil.
Well, I know that's definitely the future plan.
That's how I interpret Revelation as well.
We know cloning's been going on for really 70 years, and we know they've done the animal-human clones as well.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
Three months ago, Congress would not even ban human-animal clones.
They admit are already been produced.
Dr. Stella Emanuel, M.D., is our guest, and she's been at the tip of the spear with alternative treatments that all these major studies are out on now.
That they work and, but she's getting into the spiritual nature of this in her interpretation of Genesis at the beginning of the Bible and Revelation at the end.
And you can't deny that all of that stuff is really coming true.
And you read Klaus Schwab or all these other globalists, they say, we're going to take the human body over.
We're going to merge the machines.
We're going to get rid of all the humans.
Humans are bad.
I have a whole stack of news right here that actually, while she's talking, I'll just show you some of the headlines.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, they're all saying it.
They're announcing the end of parental rights.
They're going to take our children.
That's in the UN.
But I can put on screen from two months ago or two and a half months ago, the Senate refused to pass a law by eight votes to ban human animal cloning.
Senate Dems reject ban on certain types of human animal experiments.
Now, I saw articles in mainline policy reports 25 years ago that were 20 plus years old about human animal clones.
Because to get around the laws, if you create an animal-human clone, where the humanoids part animal, it has no rights.
There's animal rights for some animals in testing, there's rights for humans, but not if they made an animal-human clone.
Also, then you can grow a humanoid inside a cow instead of having to have a woman grow it.
This has all been going on for a long time.
People thought I was crazy, even though I had the documents.
Well, now it's mainline news.
So this is a coming out of the genetic engineering, a coming out of the cloning.
And I've got an article right here, since she mentions it, CNN.
Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people.
It was too disturbing for production.
And it records everything you say, you do it, even fool family members that it's you, fool voice prints.
They're talking about putting this into a flesh body, a replicant, or into a plastic or metal avatar.
So yes, I've talked to high-level MIT scientists.
This is the Holy Grail.
This is what they're told by all the old rich people to do is a moral life.
And that is what the devil is offering them.
So she's dead on whether this is theoretical, they're trying to build it, Like, atomic bombs were theoretical in 1898 when Max Planck wrote up the equations.
Then they were made true, you know, in 1945.
Whether this is theoretical or whether it's already going on at the level she's saying, this is really where they want to take us.
So please continue with and quantify what you're trying to say here, Doctor.
No, Alex, it is not where they are taking us.
It's now.
In 2011, where we had been praying when the Lord told me to move to Houston, because I used to practice in Louisiana.
And I prayed and God told me to move to Houston.
And if I had not moved to Houston, I would not be able to do what I'm doing right now.
But at that time, I had a vision.
And in that vision, I saw human beings walking with people.
It was like human beings and demons walking.
Or you see two or three people walking, and some are human beings and some are other people.
And I've had many situations where the Lord has shown me that there are people that are not human among us.
And I was like, what is this all about?
And I've been talking about it.
I'm preaching about it for years.
And they say, Oh yeah, you're just crazy.
But really, if you go in the Bible, the Bible talks about it, but here is what is the problem is how it affects us right now.
This, this human, this genetically modified human beings or whatever they are, I don't know whether they're Nephilims, or they're clones, or they're just demonic sprees in containers, in human-looking containers.
You should watch a movie called The Leaf, because when the Lord gave me this vision, the very next day, I don't know what I was looking for online, I found that movie, The Leaf.
So it actually explained exactly what I'm talking about.
But here's the thing.
What's the movie called, The Leaf?
The Leaf.
John Carpenter's The Leaf.
Oh, they live!
Oh, absolutely, yeah.
Yeah, that movie just depicts what's going on.
Okay, so, but here is the issue here.
These creatures, okay, like they can tell Bill Gates or Fauci that, well, you know, you're going to live forever.
But they are just, they'll be useful idiots to listen to the devil.
The devil can't give anybody eternal life because he doesn't have it to give.
But what he has deceived these globalists or the human counterparts told them that you will live forever.
So, because why would Bill Gates be trying to depopulate you and keep the earth if it's going to be dying in the next 20 years?
They've told them they'll live forever because they've told them they'll live forever.
So, they are trying to depopulate us Let me just tell you this, they had an article on NBC, it's everywhere, it's their religion, saying by 2045 there'll be no more humans, we'll all merge the machines or be killed, basically.
So the globalists say this, quote, there's the quotes from Elon Musk, he's come out and warned about it, and so did Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems.
He said they have a plan to kill everybody, but go ahead.
Yeah, so what they are doing is they are telling these globalists, all of them, if they are still human, because it is possible that a lot of them have been killed off and is their clone just walking around and doing evil.
So we don't know.
So they are telling them that, don't worry, if you die, we're going to clone you and then we're going to bring back your brain from the internet of things and put it up and you're going to live forever.
So they are trying to depopulate the world so that they can keep the world for themselves.
That they are just useful idiots because the devil is not going to give them eternal life.
They're going to die and go to hell.
They will clone them, all right, but what's going to live inside them is a demonic spirit.
And those, when those clones go around with those demonic spirits inside them, they are so bloodthirsty because they need, that is why you hear about child sacrifice and now people are dying in the hospitals because these clones have multiplied and they need to, they need flesh and blood to live.
The Bible talks about it in Revelation Chapter 17.
Revelation 17 says that they have drunk the blood of people.
It talks about it.
It says they're drunk on the blood of the saints and that they traffic in the souls of men.
So they are actually blood tested.
That is what keeps them alive.
That's the only way they can keep that human cloak is to eat flesh and drink blood.
Psalm 27 said, when my enemies came upon me to eat my flesh, they stumbled and fall.
You understand what I'm saying?
Isaiah 49, 24, 26 say, shall the prey be taken from the mighty.
We have become the prey.
And I also read, it's interesting, around the world, vampirism, mental illness is expanding.
And I see a lot of articles out of cannibalism all over the world.
Africa, you've got these occultists eating little kids and stuff.
Yes, so they're everywhere.
When the Lord showed me this thing, I've travelled the world and everywhere I went I have met them.
So it's not just that they are drinking blood to have the fountain of youth.
They actually need it for survival, just like vampires, because they are not human.
Do you know what I'm saying?
We need to realize that some of these CEOs in the hospitals that don't want patients to be treated, that want to intubate people and kill them, they are not human.
They want to drink the blood of an American.
Listen, that sounds pretty far out, but it's in the Bible.
But let me say this.
We do know that hospitals are following orders to not give people vitamin C and vitamin D, to not give them intravenous vitamin C. The FBI SWAT teaming doctors that do it, even though it totally works.
So they are trying to keep treatments away and are trying to kill people.
Yes, they are trying to kill people and they are blood drinkers and we have to see it's time for us to stop all the fluff and realize we're living in the twilight zone and get deep and spiritual.
Well, you know, you know, I mean, I was looking at Fauci on the radio the other day on TV and they put his face up and I said, he's a blood drinker.
It just came out of me.
I was like, what is that man?
I just, my soul told me blood drinker.
Yes, he sounds like a legion.
So I'm trying to say, humanity, we have to wake up.
Do you know why they locked up churches?
Because when churches get together, we assemble together, the resurrected Christ comes among us, the anointing comes, and that anointing breaks that cloak of darkness.
So if they lock churches up and stop us from gathering together, put us in a house so that we can pray individually, we are not One would chase a thousand, two would chase 10,000.
So they want us to, they don't want us to be around each other
so that we don't, we're not able to fight this battle.
It's only the church that can fight this battle.
And if the church is locked up and the church is not praying
and people are not praying, then what do we do?
Do you know what I'm saying?
So these are blood drinkers.
I'm not gonna mince words anymore.
And I'm not gonna wake up humanity.
Well, it has turned out that the royal family, all of them get blood transfusions of children.
Wake up humanity.
We have to wake up!
By the way, it was in the Associated Press in like 19... like 19... what was that year?
Like 1990-something.
It was an AP that... Al Gore was getting off Air Force Two and a refrigerator fell open full of bags of blood.
And it said, oh, he just takes them with him for transfusions.
I mean, these people are weird.
They are not weird, Alex.
They are not human.
And they need blood like vampires to survive.
The world has to hear this.
It is in the Bible.
It's in Daniel 2, verse 42.
It is Revelation 13.
They are not human.
And they want to destroy us.
They cause wars.
The Bible says in the book of Nahum, Nahum chapter 3, it says war to the bloody city.
It's all full of lies and robbery.
I agree, Bill Gates is not human.
Alright, I want to get Dr. Stella Emanuel back on soon because I've seen her do speeches on treatments and the thousands of patients she's had as an MD.
That's very important.
love to drink. They are not human and humanity has to wake up because the
church has to wake up and deal with this. Bill Gates is not human. All right. I
want to get Dr Stella Emanuel back on soon because I've seen her do speeches
on treatments and the thousands of patients he's had as an M. D. That's
very important, but I think it's important to get our perspective on
this because people that have discernment and I see a lot of the
things she's talking about and I see the globalist making statements how
and merge the machines and take over our children and take over our bodies.
So is she spiritually seeing the future and then overlaying it over what's happening now?
Or is it already worse than we think and already going on?
Well, I know the Senate won't outlaw human animal clones.
I know I told people about, I had the CEO of a company working with the U.S.
Army on 25 years ago who had part goat, part spider creatures supplying body armor for the Pentagon.
People thought it was a fake interview.
Like five years later it was on CBS News, but still people think I made that up.
So yeah, we got part spider, part goats.
We've got, there's also, I mean, the Chinese for 20 years have cows that produce 100% pure human milk.
With the clone genes of a particular Chinese woman that produced lots of milk.
People don't believe me?
Look it up.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
We're kind of in a frozen technological level.
We're given phones that track us and things that control us.
They've got cures basically to everything.
And they are bringing in this seductive system where we merge with machines and are given the false idea of immortality, which is a lie.
She's totally right.
So as crazy as this all sounds, whether she's picking up on this psychically, you know, discernment with the Holy Spirit, in the future?
Or whether it's actually happening now, and a lot of it is, that's how crazy this is.
So, Doc, I want to put some bookends on that and just move forward with other points.
Here's an example.
I was looking at the interview I did yesterday with Dr. McCullough.
It was very powerful, and Luke 86 said, and I hear this a lot, he says, I'm done with Alex.
It's been nine years, and I'm done with him.
The virus doesn't exist, and now he's pushing the Delta BS.
Time and time again, he has shown, and he still keeps pushing the virus narrative.
Alex is not fixing anything.
He is muddying the waters of truth.
He has changed since Trump.
What has happened to him?
Okay, let's just stop.
Last year, I saw car wrecks, gunshot wounds, people dying of the flu, calling it Delta.
I knew doctors.
I knew scientists.
I talked to them.
We went to hospitals.
They were empty.
I have family that are doctors.
I have family that are nurses.
They say they're totally overwhelmed.
My dad almost died.
My mom almost died.
I felt like a gorilla was on my chest.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and the steroids helped me.
Knocked it right out.
I mean, most of our office has had this, and some of them have been out three to four weeks, okay?
So I go off my own observations.
Dr. McCullough says it came from the mutation of the vaccines in India.
That's what they say.
They admit these vaccines don't work, but the idea that there's not prions being sprayed in the air, looks like Texas and Florida were hit first.
I know a lot of experts, I'm not going to say names, they don't want it out at this time, but people that headed up U.S.
intelligence agencies believe that they're spraying synthetic prions on people.
Probably true.
America's under attack.
I don't have all the answers.
I just know that I've never seen some of these folks I know sick for three weeks coughing up blood.
So, doctor, let me ask you this.
You said it's crazy in Houston.
Worse than ever.
We trust you.
You're a real doctor, a real person.
What can you say?
Let me see what his name is.
Luke 88 or 86.
Luke 86.
What can you say to him?
I mean, are you seeing more patients?
Are you seeing big problems?
Yeah, we're seeing a lot of patients.
We're seeing both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients that are sick.
And they are very sick.
So whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, you need to go on hydroxychloroquine, you need to go on ivermectin, you need to go on prevention.
We're probably seeing about 30% vaccinated that are sick and about 70% unvaccinated.
But this is because of the variant, which probably came from a subpar vaccine.
But what happens when the winter hits and the wild virus shows up?
A lot of people are going to get sick.
So don't wait until that time.
We're seeing a lot of patients.
I mean, we're so swamped.
Alex, we went from 100 patients a day to 700 patients a day in like a week.
We're barely sleeping.
We work all day.
Yeah, but according to Luke 86, well Luke should go to a damn hospital because I went and checked them out.
They're all full basically.
So you want to explain to Luke what's really going on while he rebukes us?
I mean, people are sick.
People are sick because I don't know why they blew up in Texas, like you said.
You know, we work all day.
We work all day and we fight all night and we basically don't sleep.
That's what we do.
So people are calling me from hospital.
People are coming to my clinic.
If you see, I mean, there's a picture of my clinic with people sitting lined up, sitting in chairs, lined up as if they are going to Black Friday.
Just sitting there.
Yeah, and it's not psychosomatic.
I mean, I'm sitting here until three months ago saying it was basically super exaggerated and BS, but now, I mean, it's serious.
And people need to know and preventatively protect themselves.
They've blown something in the air.
It is serious.
You know, it's not a fluke.
People are getting sick and I just believe that.
I mean, who ever seen a virus in the summer, Alex?
Have you ever seen a respiratory virus in the summer?
This is not right.
This is crazy.
Nobody says arrest me.
See, when I talk about things, people think, oh, Dr. Emmanuel, you're very intense.
I've been a spiritual warrior.
I'm a trained spiritual sniper.
Listen, listen, I'm intense too.
I get it.
World government's being announced.
Australia says you can't leave your house if you haven't been vaccinated.
Everybody should be upset.
That's what creates free countries is people that aren't gonna be pushed around.
So we need to fight.
I mean, I agree with you.
I want to hold you over one more segment.
I want to get you back to some of the medical stuff and what's happening.
But what do you make just in general of what they did to Trump?
Because I know Trump's a good man, but he got snookered into this, supporting this vaccine to reopen the economy.
How do you think Trump needs to do?
I think he needs to come out against the vaccine and say he was lied to.
I don't know what happened to Trump, you know?
I mean, we supported him and I still support him because, you know, the Lord told me so.
But I don't know what's going on with him.
Something happened to the president after he went to watch a read and came out.
He was no longer had the same fire that he had, you know, maybe after COVID or something, you know, but he needs to come out and stand for the people, you know, people.
We stood for him.
He needs to come out and stand for the people and stop pushing genetic modification on people.
You know, I don't know what's going on.
I really don't know.
Well, ma'am, there's no doubt, doctor, that this is a genetic modification cult.
I know you've read Klaus Schwab.
I mean, we need the government, we need Rand Paul and others to organize against them.
They've declared war on us and Schwab has declared, we're going to take your body over whether you like it or not.
He says, quote, we've captured all the governments.
That's on his website.
He is a corporate dictator.
We need prayers, Alex.
We need spiritual warfare.
We need the church to get up.
Well, Doctor, why don't you lead us in prayer?
Doctor, lead us in prayer for a couple minutes.
Yes, thank you.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you, oh God, for our nation.
I thank you for our people.
I thank you, King of Glory, that you are still God, you're still God in heaven, and you're still the creator of the universe.
I take authority over these foul spirits that are trying to destroy humanity, send the angels of power to go through this land and destroy their plans, set Confucian Among them, expose them in the name of Jesus.
Father, I pray, oh God, for our people that are in the hospitals.
Let the spirit of this living God visit them in the hospitals.
We bind the spirit of death and hell in our hospital.
We cast it into the pit in the name of Jesus.
We command all those that are sitting in our hospitals trying to bring death and destruction.
Father, put Push them out of the hospital and bring people that are going to take care of our people in the name of Jesus.
Father, we pray, O God, that the church will wake up, that your revival will flow through this land and your spirit will heal us in the name of Jesus.
We pray, O God, that our hearts will turn back to you.
We will cry out to you like Nineveh cried out to you, O God, so that you can deliver us because we know that Only you can deliver us in this situation.
And I pray, oh God, for those that are in the front line, like Alex, like all of us that are standing in the front line, that your hand of protection will be upon them, that your hand of mercy will be upon us in the name of Jesus.
I pray, oh God, that those that have been caged, that have been Program in the Internet of Things.
We break that programming in the name of Jesus.
That bewitchment in their minds in the name of Jesus.
We send the fire of God to crash land their demonic satellites and their demonic connection in the name of Jesus.
Holy Spirit just arise.
Flow through our land.
Let the blood of Jesus flow through our land.
Let the blood of Jesus redeem us.
Father have mercy.
Have mercy on us oh God.
Let the blood redeem us.
Expose these people oh God.
In Jesus name.
up the church and they can fight and be victorious. Lord, we thank you. We thank you for your hand of
protection. Continue to empower us, all of us that are standing in the front line. Continue to empower
us and let your hand be upon us. Father, protect Alex and all those that are standing in the front
line in the name of Jesus. That we will see the truth, we'll know the truth, and we'll be free
in the name of Jesus. Father, we give you praise in Jesus name. Amen. Amen to that.
Brought tears to my eyes.
And you know, it really is true.
Our enemies know it's a spiritual battle.
They're getting power from their little sick demon god, and we have to reach out and realize that God created the universe but gave us free will, and that's why we're being put through this test.
And her Skype just cut out again.
Folks, As wild as the things she was saying, the globalists really think they're building this new species.
It's all really real.
I don't know if she's right that it's that far along now, but who the hell knows anymore?
Doc, we're going to break in 45 seconds.
What else would you like to add?
I would just say that everybody needs to wake up, get their lives right, would God.
Because if we go into tribulation, the rapture is going to happen.
Make sure you're right with God.
If you're right with God, to die in Christ is gain.
You know what I'm saying?
We have fought these people.
They know I know them.
And we continue to fight them.
And we need to raise up all those future warriors.
that are gonna hold the work in one hand and hold the Bible in one hand like we do.
But that's the only way we're gonna win.
And I just promise the American people will continue to fight for the nation,
both spiritually, will continue to take care of our people, both physically, and just continue to pray.
And everybody, just wake up and pray.
Because right now, the only way out of this is God.
Is God, you're right, stay there.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Dr. Stella Emanuel, uncensored, unfiltered, drstellamd.com, her new book is "Let America Live."
Just closing comments that you'd like to make to the viewers and listeners in the few minutes we have left.
I hope they listen to you because whatever this is, we do know that vitamin C, vitamin D, being juiced up on that, it's great beforehand, and then if it breaks through, ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, you know, and some of the people, I really like David Icke, he's a great guy.
He says no virus last year, and most of what they said was a lie, maybe they're spraying something else, I don't know.
But I know with my family, my dad almost died, didn't tell me he was sick for a week.
Within 24 hours he was up walking around feeling great with quercetin and vitamin C and D and ivermectin and steroids, corticotypic, you know, inhalable steroids.
I'm just really worried about people that aren't in Texas or Florida and haven't been hit by this yet.
And when it hits them, I hope they don't get killed because they're still believing that nothing exists.
I'm not saying David's wrong, but that was a year ago, something else.
But something's going on now, doctor, right?
Yeah, something's going on.
You know, it's always been around.
I mean, we've been taking care of patients since March of last year.
Well, I'll tell people that, number one, prevention, prevention, prevention.
Prevention is better than cure.
Get on hydroxychloroquine, get on ivermectin.
You can go on our website, drscallermd.com, we're gonna get you hydroxychloroquine.
Anywhere in the world, anywhere in the country, we have doctors that are licensed in all 50 states.
We have, since we sent out a call- And that's great, people ask me where to get it.
It's doctors like you, or you can refer them to that area, and then the proper medical with a prescription.
Because explain, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are, what can be taken preemptively, and how often should you take it depending on the person?
I mean, I know you're not prescribing on air, but what is the prophylactic dose?
Usually we call it Sunday, Sunday Medicine.
We took it back home from malaria.
So we have doctors, we have doctors that are licensed in all 50 states.
We have a telemedicine service where you can go on drstellaMD.com, make an appointment, pay for your visit, and then a doctor will see you and prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
Usually like I said, Ivermectin is scarce now, so we actually prefer for you to take hydroxychloroquine for
But when people get sick, we also see them, we give them both Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, we give them Budesonide,
we give them Z-Pak and everything.
Budesonide, that's the inhalable steroid, correct?
Yes, you can do that on our website. And when you sign up, somebody's going to see you.
Last week, we sent out a clarion call for mom and pop pharmacies.
We have mom and pop pharmacies from all over the country right now that are going to fill this position because all these diabolic, demonic, big pharmacies... And when you say you're fighting, you're saying 70,000 people you've helped.
I know Dr. Bartlett's helped tens of thousands as well.
I mean, you guys are really working 20 hours a day.
We're working more than that, Alex.
And then the second thing I want to say, if you get sick, if you get that sniffle, the flu season is coming.
Don't think maybe it's just the flu, maybe it's just a cold.
Get treated.
If you take hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pak and it's not COVID, it's just the flu or something else, you've taken a sugar pill.
Get treated.
Don't wait till you can't.
You keep thinking you're going to fight it.
By the time you realize that you're not going to fight it, it's going to be too late.
That's right, folks.
You need to listen to her.
She is in the hospital.
She's got all the patients.
This is not a game, folks.
Whatever you want to call it, Delta, the Easter Bunny variant, whatever it is, it almost killed my dad.
This is not a game.
It felt like a gorilla was sitting on my chest.
The vaccinated patients who need to get on prevention.
Right now they are talking about the Lambda and the Mu variant coming, that vaccines are not going to work for it.
So they are getting ready for everybody to get sick.
So don't say, oh I'm vaccinated.
We see both sick Vaccinated and unvaccinated patients.
So we put everybody right now on hydroxychloroquine prevention.
And then if you get sick, you get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and the rest of this stuff.
All right, Doc.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
Join us again to just get into therapeutics and stuff like that.
And we'll do a whole hour.
Thank you so much.
Yes, sir.
And get my book, all the fights, all the battles with the enemies in my book.
We will, we will.
Let America Live.
Alright, thank you, Doc.
Alright, I'm out of time.
Paul Joseph Watson's coming up.
Our new product.
It's also good for your immune system.
It's got quercetin in it.
Brain Force Ultra Liquid.
It's incredible.
Twice as strong, twice as much for $24.95.
And it funds the InfoWar.
Brain Force Ultra.
Now available.
And we're selling out of Vitamin Refusion, but it's still discounted.
And we are back with Summit News Hour, and I am back from holiday, albeit a domestic holiday, because you have to jump through 50 flaming hoops to leave the country.
Meanwhile, as I'm going to talk about later, the Australian Prime Minister, while his citizens are locked down permanently, he's flying from Canberra to Sydney to see his family.
Australians, meanwhile, are being told that they're not even allowed to engage in conversations with each other.
Now, of course, here in the UK, we've had four lockdowns at the latest count because they're so successful, we have to keep having them over and over again.
The vaccine is so successful, we were told that we're going to vaccinate our way out of the pandemic.
Well, here we are, nine months later.
80% of the adult population has had both doses of the clock shot.
90% of the population will have had it by October.
And yet still, yesterday's reporting suggests that the UK government is preparing for another lockdown in October because the vaccines worked so well.
UK government already preparing for another lockdown in October is the headline.
This is from iNews, it says, "The member of the government's scientific advisory group
"for emergency SAGE, who routinely put out ridiculous numbers
"that never come to fruition, "they're proven spectacularly wrong time and time again,
"but everyone still listens to them "for no reason whatsoever,
"said the UK is about to enter an extended peak "of infections and hospitalizations,
"which are in danger of pushing the NHS beyond breaking point
"and could force the government to reintroduce restrictions "over the school half-term period at the end of next month."
So they've got the kids going back to school as of a week ago,
teachers, parents being told to test them on a regular basis.
They've got the university students going back to uni here in a couple of weeks' time.
So they're gonna be provided with enough justification, enough positive tests, 'cause they're gonna rejig,
reinitiate the mass testing to create the panic, the hysterical drumbeat to force us to accept another
lockdown by having all those students,
despite the fact that the vast majority of them don't even have any symptoms,
but if they test positive, they can add that to the official positive infection toll
and scare everybody once again.
And of course we were told Over the past six months, the vaccines were crucial because they stopped hospitalisation influx.
We were told that the vaccines, even though they don't work, you can still carry the virus, pass on the virus, if you've had both doses of the vaccine, and there's another example of that that I'm going to get into.
They don't really work, but we were assured, we were promised, that the vaccines Reduce severe symptoms of COVID and drastically reduce deaths and hospitalizations.
Okay, fair enough.
We were told that, that the vaccines severely reduce severe symptoms, reduce serious Covid hospitalisations, and yet now we're being told, after 80% of the adult population has been vaccinated, which will be 90% in a couple of months' time, that we need another lockdown because we're going to get a ton of hospitalisations that the NHS won't be able to cope with.
So the very reason For the government promoting the vaccination scheme for everyone, reduce the chance of death, reduce hospitalisations, reduce pressure on the NHS.
Now they're saying all that's going to be in play once again here in a month's time and that that's the reason why we will need to lock down again.
Kind of suggests to you that this has stopped being about public health, that this has stopped being about following the science and it's Weaponisation of population control.
It's about conformity, mass conformity.
And even when the masses do conform to the degree of 90% doing what they're told, no, that's not enough.
Even if you're vaccinated, you have to keep the masks on.
You have to prove that you have been vaccinated.
To get into a nightclub, to get into a theatre, to get into a football match, which is what's going to be unrolled at the end of this month, of course, with vaccine passports.
Notoriously unpopular in Germany, in the Netherlands, in France, where there are mass protests, mass riots, where the businesses in France, in Paris, the cafes, the restaurants, the bars, Aren't even enforcing the vaccine passports, aren't even checking them.
That was all a public relations hoax right at the start of it, when they had those police officers checking people's medical papers so they could have a cup of coffee.
They're not really enforcing it.
We were promised that these vaccine passports would never be introduced and the same government, the same people are now promising us that the October lockdown is not going to happen because you can trust them, can't you?
And again on that subject, They're now saying that to get into a nightclub, this is how they tried to bully and intimidate young people into taking the vaccine, didn't really work because the number of vaccine acceptance rates reached a plateau and kind of tailed off from there.
They haven't really increased that in the past few weeks or months.
They were told they would need to take the vaccine to get into a nightclub.
A third of under-40s in the United Kingdom haven't taken one dose of the clockshot the coronavirus vaccine.
And that figure doesn't really seem to be budging.
And yet they're still going ahead with this vaccine passport scheme.
As I've pointed out many times, the net profit margin of nightclubs in the United Kingdom and pubs and other similar businesses is 15%.
So you have a third of people who are most likely to patronise those venues, pubs, theatres, nightclubs, having not taken the vaccine, they're not going to be allowed in.
So the entire industry is going to collapse.
And indeed, hospitality insiders have asserted that once again over the past few days.
The most ludicrous aspect of this, of course, is that they're now eliminating the option To provide proof of negative COVID status, either through proving you have the antibodies, which as we know offer 13 times more protection than the vaccine itself, or if you can prove that you've had a negative test.
So they're completely happy to allow vaccinated people into nightclubs if they can prove they had the vaccine, despite telling us that people who've had the vaccine can still carry and pass on the virus.
But if you can prove that you're negative of Covid, you don't have the virus at all, which of course is more safe.
Than potentially having the virus but just saying you've got the vaccine?
Those people who can prove they don't have the virus aren't going to be allowed into the nightclubs.
But the people who can prove they've been vaccinated but can't prove they don't have the virus because the vaccines don't work properly, they'll be allowed into the nightclub and they'll be allowed potentially to spread the virus.
Again, I kind of suggest to you that this is not about following the science.
And that this is not about public health.
It's about mass conformity.
It's about the weaponization of vaccines as a tool of population control.
And by the way, the masks are coming back as well.
But of course, we're not supposed to believe any of this because the government today has assured us that they have no plans to reintroduce lockdown in October.
Having assured us back in December they have no plans to introduce vaccine passports.
Now they're being rolled out as we speak.
And we see a similar thing with masks.
Boris Johnson is also believed to be prepared to reintroduce mask wearing and social distancing inside public spaces and on transport as early as this month in a move designed to stem hospital admissions that we were told would basically tail off to nothing because the vaccine's so great and prevent the UK's fourth lockdown.
So the masks, which we know from the only peer-reviewed mass testing studies that Danmask study in particular, don't work.
The virus is a thousand times smaller than those blue surgical masks, than the holes in them, it passes right through.
They're going to go ahead and reintroduce them anyway.
My parents are visiting from Spain and they say that even though the law has been lifted that you have to wear face masks, Outside in Spain, in blistering 35 degree summer heat Celsius, people are still wearing the face masks, even outside in Spain, one of the hottest countries in Europe, at the peak of summer.
So once they get this in, it's very hard to get rid of it.
And now they're talking about reintroducing all these mask mandates, all these coronavirus restrictions, In October, again, the story came out, the public rebelled against it, now they're denying that it's happening and you can trust them because they've been so honest at every point, haven't they?
Summit.News, we'll be back, don't go away.
So again, back in March 2020, we were told by our esteemed government that we needed to lockdown for just three weeks to flatten the curve and protect the NHS.
The NHS should be protecting us.
What it's apparently more concerned with is writing blog posts on its official website about how bad white people are.
We're going to get to that in the next segment.
We were told that we needed a fire break back in October 2020 to save Christmas.
We had that.
Then we had another six months of lockdown after that.
We were told that we would get to enjoy Freedom Day on June 21st.
That got delayed by another three weeks.
We were told on July 19th that That was Freedom Day, but that was the last lockdown that we were on, a process that couldn't be reversed, and yet now official sounds coming out of Westminster suggest that we're going to have yet another lockdown once again, but they've denied it like they denied every other lockdown in the past, like they denied that vaccine passports would be rolled out at the same time that they were funding corporations to create those vaccine passports.
And we were told, of course, that we could vaccinate our way out of this pandemic.
Well, 80% of the adult population has been vaccinated.
90% will be by October.
The end of October, they're now trying to give the vaccine to 12-year-old kids who don't even need parental permission to get the vaccine.
We were told that we would have to go outside and just applaud the NHS, bow down and worship this sanctified, great institution that is there to protect us and which has completely failed by their own score to protect us.
We were told that the vaccine prevented severe symptoms and reduced hospitalisations to the level that the NHS could cope with them.
But now they're saying the exact opposite.
There are too many hospitalizations.
And if this COVID death toll increases by five times over the next six weeks, which these esteemed SAGE directors, advisors are telling us that it's likely to do, that we will need to lock down once again, despite the fact that 95% of the population will have antibodies.
And then there's the question of NHS bedspaces itself.
Will they be able to cope with the influx of new hospitalisations?
There's an article here by Andrew Lilicow out of the Telegraph headline.
There can be no justification whatsoever for an October lockdown.
And he points out the situation.
He says there are about 800 hospitalizations per day in England.
That's as of right now.
That compares with around 1,600 hospitals in England as a whole and an average of roughly 100 beds per hospital.
So at present, there is less than one hospitalization per day per hospital occurring for COVID.
So these hospitals are apparently, over the next few weeks at least, going to be on the verge of being overwhelmed when they've literally got one person being hospitalised for Covid taking up one bed in these hospitals.
It goes on to write, that did not swamp the NHS this summer, neither did it come anywhere close to doing so.
And he goes on to talk about spare bed capacity, which should be able to handle any increase, even up to five times the current level.
Of course, we have the infamous Nightingale hospitals built at a cost of millions and millions of pounds to the taxpayer, which even at the height of the pandemic during the first lockdown, were barely, if at all, used.
We saw the viral videos, which were quickly banned on social media sites, of people visiting these hospitals, visiting these Covid wards, showing that they were almost completely empty.
Some good news on this front, though.
With the vaccine passports, ticket sales flatlining as rebellion against vaccine passports grows.
Ticket sales for events in the UK that could require vaccine passports are flatlining, according to industry insiders, as the rebellion against the onerous system grows.
From the end of the month, people seeking to enter a nightclub in the UK will have to prove they've been double jabbed, as I talked about in the previous segment.
Proof of a negative test will no longer be accepted, despite the fact that the vaccinated people can still carry and pass on the virus.
If you don't have the virus, you can't pass it on.
You're not infectious, but you're not allowed into the nightclub.
The people who have complied, submitted, caved and had the clock shot, they're allowed into the nightclub because they conform.
This is not about public health.
This is not about following the science.
It's about mass compliance and conformity.
And I go on to explain how the profit margin of nightclubs is 15%.
You get 25% of young adults in the UK remaining unvaccinated, and that's from the ages of 18 to 29, the people overwhelmingly likely to go into the nightclubs.
They're going to lose 25% of their customer base.
They're going to go out of business.
But now they're also talking about using this vaccine passport system to apply to West End theatres.
The larger ones have higher capacity than 500 people, which is the number that they're putting on as a limit for enforcing these vaccine passports.
So Kate Nicholls, the Chief Executive of Hospitality UK, pointed out, quote, there is a significant proportion of people who don't want to use passports or are not vaccinated.
It's settled at 20% in France.
We expect something similar here in the UK.
She noted that with the industry already struggling as a result of lockdowns, the administrative costs combined with the loss of income as a result of those customers staying away will deliver, quote, a further nail in the coffin Of returning for many venues.
And then you have Michael Kill of the Nighttime Industries Association pointing out through the records that they've studied over the past few weeks or so, ticket sales for events at the end of September and beyond are already quote flatlining.
He says we're seeing a lot of pushback from people who don't want to come and have to show their health status on entry.
Now again, whether it's going to be enforced or not is another matter, but the very prospect of it potentially being enforced when 25% of people aged 18 to 29 in the United Kingdom have not been vaccinated won't be able to prove it.
One third of under 40s haven't been vaccinated, won't be able to prove it.
That is a massive slice of their profit margin and it's one that they can't afford.
They will go bust.
Meanwhile, plans to introduce passports are also going ahead despite Israel, which was the first major country to launch a similar scheme, Now experiencing the highest Covid wave out of any major nation as we've covered before.
So again their vaccine rollout was so successful and then their introduction of the vaccine passport scheme was so successful that now they're experiencing a wave which is worse than any other major country because the vaccines work so well.
So that's the good news that people are still rebelling in enough numbers to make this economically unviable for many businesses, theatres, nightclubs particularly.
So they're going to file lawsuits against the government.
There's apparently going to be big resistance against that.
Whether it comes to fruition remains to be seen.
Of course, we had Andrew Lloyd Webber before the extension of Freedom Day, of course, which is supposed to happen on June 21st.
Then they delayed it for three more weeks.
He threatened to open up anyway and said that he would be prepared to be arrested by the police for opening his theatres.
Then he became part of a government scheme where they allowed him to become part of the pilot programme and he backed away from that.
So it remains to be seen whether these hospitality insiders and theatre owners will actually...
Back up their words with solid action and actually file lawsuits against the government and resist and rebel against this vaccine passport tyranny.
Remember, the vaccine passport is the digital ID.
The digital ID is the Chinese communist style social credit score.
It starts at not being allowed into a nightclub.
It ends at not being allowed to purchase food.
Well, as part of the reintroduction of Covid restrictions potentially happening here in the UK over the next couple of months, they're talking about reimposing travel restrictions.
Of course, the current situation is still in place, where if you visit a amber list country, which is on the government's amber list, when you return to the UK, if you haven't been vaccinated, you have to basically put yourself under house arrest.
You have to take multiple PCR COVID tests to prove that you don't have the virus before you're allowed to live your life.
One group of people who aren't forced to take PCR COVID tests when they arrive in the United Kingdom are illegal migrants coming from France on dinghies and boats, because of course British people are now second-class citizens.
Migrants are a superior class that we allow into the country, despite the fact that after we did so the previous time, following the fall of Libya, following the refugee crisis in 2015, we saw many of these migrants carry out mass casualty terror attacks like the Paris Massacre and of course the Manchester Arena bombing.
We're going to get into, on the other side, what Germany is currently experiencing with their continued fallout from the last influx of migrants, but we're going to set the table here with a video, which is about the fall of Afghanistan, of course, the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, and how that is threatening to cause a new influx of, quote, refugees, who are really economic migrants, into the West.
We're going to play this video now and come back and talk about the latest developments.
here it is.
How it started, how it ended.
This has brought the hashtag refugees welcome crowd out in full force once again.
Because it went so well the first time.
Hmm, seems to be overwhelmingly young men.
Don't see many women or children.
But I suppose they're all doctors or lawyers in waiting, so why should we concern ourselves?
Humanitarian development worker Sybil Schnehager told German WDR television on Sunday, quote, We can assume that up to 3 million Afghans will make their way to Europe in the foreseeable future.
Well, what's another 3 million?
Get ready to see European cities put up more.
Refugees welcome posters are stones thrown away from diversity barriers.
Get ready to be culturally enriched.
But once again the facts contradict the narrative.
Afghanistan will probably be more stable under the Taliban than it has during any time in the past 20 years.
Most of the Afghan population welcomes the Taliban takeover.
And it's over.
The war's over.
This situation isn't comparable to Syria.
And yeah, there are a relatively small number of people who worked for the US in Afghanistan whose lives are under threat.
They're genuine refugees.
But 3 million people?
They're not refugees, they're economic migrants.
As Taliban spokesman Sahail Shaheen told Sky News, Most of the people who are leaving Afghanistan are not doing so because they feel unsafe.
They're doing it because Afghanistan is a poor country.
Everyone wants to leave Afghanistan because Afghanistan is a poor country.
Up to 70% of the people are living under poverty line.
The vast majority of people fleeing Afghanistan are not refugees, they're economic migrants.
That's why they want to go to Germany and the UK and not Saudi Arabia, despite Saudi Arabia being the first safe haven.
Again, going back to the works of the humanitarian worker Sibel Schnaharger.
Quote, I always ask people, why don't you go to Saudi Arabia?
They are Muslims, this is your culture.
The answer is always no.
Germany is better.
Gee, I wonder why.
Saudi Arabia puts them up in remote, rudimentary refugee tent cities with one communal toilet.
The UK and Germany put them up in four-star hotels and give them free money.
That's why they want to come here.
And personally, I don't blame them for wanting to come here, but that's not the issue.
The issue is we tried this already back in 2015 and it was an unmitigated disaster.
With a likely runoff election against anti-mass migration populist Marine Le Pen coming up next year.
Even globalist stooge Emmanuel Macron is worried.
The French president is calling for a robust plan to quote protect against significant irregular migratory flows from Afghanistan.
The vast majority of migrants aren't violent criminals or terrorists.
But too many of them are for Europe to put its people at risk again.
Polls show 39% of Afghans support suicide bombings in defence of Islam.
ISIS bragged about how it exploited the refugee wave to insert terror cells into Europe.
There were then a multitude of terror attacks in Europe carried out by ISIS adherents who were either refugees or asylum seekers.
The majority of the Paris Massacre terrorists entered Europe via the refugee wave.
I think of 11-year-old Eber Akerlund.
Torn limb from limb by the Stockholm truck terrorist, a failed asylum seeker.
I think of French school teacher Samuel Paty, beheaded by an Islamist who was given refugee status.
I think of the woman beheaded near a church in Nice by a Tunisian who arrived in Italy as a boat migrant.
I think of the 1,200 women Who were viciously sexually assaulted in one night in Cologne on New Year's Eve 2015.
The culprits were almost entirely North African or Middle Eastern men.
The majority were either asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, Or refugees.
I think of the Afghan asylum seeker who raped and murdered a teenage girl in Germany before dumping her body in a river.
I think of the mentally disabled 11-year-old girl who was raped by an Afghan refugee.
And this isn't even to mention the societal dislocation caused by the mass influx of foreign populations who have no desire to integrate or contribute.
The UK government has announced that Afghan refugees will be allowed to enter the country without even needing to show a passport.
What could possibly go wrong?
The previous time the UK began rescuing asylum seekers from war-torn countries, the Royal Navy picked up a refugee in Libya called Salman Abadi.
He repaid them by blowing up a bunch of kids at the Manchester Arena.
Yeah, you'd have thought we'd learned our lesson by now.
Polls show that 99% of Afghans support Sharia law.
Well, send them to other Middle Eastern countries where they'll fit in.
Europe is full.
The UK is full.
We already have record numbers of boat migrants arriving anyway.
Some of whom just rock up on beaches in dinghies and run into the nearest town.
We don't even know who these people are!
And now we're just gonna let in thousands more without even checking their identity.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna have to show my ID and vaccine passport to go to a football match in my own country.
Enough is enough.
If these people are genuine refugees, send them to other Middle Eastern countries.
Because Europe has already tried experimenting with mass economic migration from these areas of the world.
And the consequences were horrendous.
Now of course this problem is being exacerbated by the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
You had almost a thousand of these quote refugees arriving over the past few days on the south coast of England due to the nice weather that we've been having over the past few days.
And again, no checks whatsoever.
The British government has openly said they're not even going to check the passports of Afghans.
They could just say they're Afghans.
There could be anyone coming into the country who have this history of massive terror attacks carried out by these, quote, refugees exploiting that influx.
Now we have this headline.
Experts warn ISIS-K planning to exploit refugee wave to send terrorists to the West.
Don't forget that ISIS, in their own Black Flags of Rome manifesto back in 2015, bragged about how they had exploited the refugee wave back in 2014-15 to insert literal jihadists that carried out the Paris massacre into Europe.
Now experts are warning that ISIS-K is preparing to exploit the refugee wave created by the Taliban to do the same thing once again.
David Otto, counter-terrorism expert, said determined jihadists could still slip through the net and that there is little that's being done to protect Europe from ISIS case-leaper cells.
He said, quote, Europe and the West are at high risk of terrorist attack from individuals who have sneaked themselves into the country posing as affiliated to the US.
Of course, with the Biden administration funding that to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Dr. Jasmine Mohammed also said dangerous persons may be subjected to supervision.
As we saw with the New Zealand jihadist a few days ago, they were watching him.
They couldn't even put him in prison before he went on to stab six people.
But none of them will be imprisoned and residency status may remain temporary or limited, so we're repeating the same disastrous mistake once again.
We'll be back to talk about it more on the other side.
Summit.News, don't go away.
So experts are warning that ISIS is planning to infiltrate the West once again with jihadists to carry out terror attacks via this Afghan refugee wave.
The British government has come out last week and said they're not even going to check passports or identity papers, mainly because many of these people don't have them, when they're allowing these random people into the country.
We've seen the videos where they rock up on beaches and just run off into the local community, no checks whatsoever.
These migrants don't face the same coronavirus PCR tests that Brits returning to their own country do after they come back from holiday.
And of course we have the sordid history of what's happened before.
The Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abadi, literally being rescued as a refugee by the British Royal Navy from Libya after the disastrous invasion of that country, going on to blow himself up along with 25 people, dead, many of them children, during that concert in 2017.
You have 1,000 migrants arriving on beaches on the south coast of England.
Yesterday alone, the numbers are 600, 700, 800, up to 1,000 every single day.
We don't know who these people are.
But the media consistently, laboriously Tunnel vision focuses on, oh there was a baby!
You read a Sky News report about these migrant arrivals on the south coast, literally almost every paragraph is, oh we saw a baby, we saw a child, we saw a toddler.
Then you look at the actual pictures that weren't published in those news reports, 95% plus young men, fighting age men, The likes of which have actually carried out jihadist attacks in the West.
And of course, attendant to that is the soaring violent crime rates, the mass sexual molestation events that we saw in places like Cologne.
We're repeating this mistake as a continent once again.
And the likes of Sky News are busy writing news reports with, oh, but there's a child in every other paragraph.
It's a complete scam.
The consequences are very real.
We have this headline out of Summit News today.
Official crime stats show foreigners and migrants responsible for nearly half of gang rapes in one German region alone.
And again, this wasn't AFD releasing these statistics, this wasn't some bigoted right-wing neo-Nazi group.
This was the official crime data released by Dusseldorf's Ministry of the Interior.
And it's revealed that in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia, foreigners are migrants who represent around 14.8% of the population, which is alarmingly high to begin with.
are responsible for almost half of recorded gang rapes.
So diversity continues to be a strength in that region of Germany.
If you look at Germany as a nation, the wider nationwide picture, more than that are represented in gang rapes.
So you have across the whole country, according to official Federal Criminal Police Office BKA stats, Foreigners comprising around half of rape suspects despite representing only 13.7% of the population in Germany as a whole.
So again, vastly over-represented in sexual assaults, in gang rapes, this is the much-vaunted diversity culture that we're importing once again into the West.
Oh, but Sky News says there was a toddler on one of these boats, so I guess it's all worth it.
I guess we need to repeat the same mistake once again.
We also have this headline, Again out of Germany, over 80% of culprits responsible for looting after German floods were foreign migrants.
Again, diversity continues to be a strength.
The floods killed over 180 people and caused billions of dollars in property damage.
Billions of Euros, but the situation was worsened by criminal opportunists carrying out looting and robberies that miss a temporary breakdown in normal law and order.
They crunched the stats, again after a demand for the figures to be released by the AFD party, but the figures themselves came from the German Ministry of the Interior.
They found that 145 suspects between the ages of 12 and 69 were identified.
81% of those suspects that carried out looting and burglaries after the devastating floods in Germany last month were foreign born or migrants or asylum seekers within that same group.
Meanwhile in Sweden, Afghan migrants gang-rape mentally disabled Swedish woman again, bringing the wonderful virtues of their culture to our continent.
So let's just invite in hundreds of thousands more of them.
What could possibly go wrong?
Now over in Australia, of course, which has now been renamed Prison Island, Australian PM takes private jet, fails to quarantine while citizens remain under lockdown.
While lockdown Australians are being told they shouldn't even talk to their neighbours, Prime Minister Scott Morrison reportedly took a private jet to visit his family in Sydney, and then failed to quarantine upon returning to Canberra.
So he marked Father's Day by taking a private jet to visit his family.
Meanwhile, Australians not only can't visit their own family, they're being told that even if they wear masks and go to the supermarket, they can't have a conversation with each other.
We also have this, Australian authorities to lock out, those are the words of the Premier in the state of Victoria, to lock out unvaccinated people from being able to participate in the economy.
And we flash back to that passage out of Revelations once again, don't we?
He who doesn't have the mark won't be allowed to buy or sell.
Well, that's the road that we're headed towards in Australia, of course, a country that's imposed probably the most brutal draconian lockdown in all developed nations.
Now announcing they will lock out unvaccinated people from being able to participate in the economy.
It starts with not being able to travel.
It starts with being placed under onerous house arrest.
It starts with not being able to Engage in basic social activities.
And then the ultimate course for the Chinese Communist-style social credit score is, of course, not being able to buy or sell.
You've seen it in China.
You buy too much junk food.
You rent too many video games.
You buy, quote, junk food.
They limit your purchases.
They put you on a red list, so you can't get credit.
You can't get a mortgage.
You can't buy a plane ticket.
You can't buy a train ticket.
You are the underclass, and that same Orwellian nightmare, black mirror dystopia, is now being rolled out in Australia.
The Premier of Victoria, Dan Andrews, said there is going to be a vaccinated economy and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated.
Yes, if you've had the clock shot that doesn't even work, if you've complied and been a good boy or girl, the government will allow you to buy things!
He said, we're going to move to a situation where to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be.
So they're literally making noises now that it's not just you're not going to be allowed into a cinema or a football game, you're not going to be allowed into a supermarket.
Meanwhile, Dr Kerry Chan over in New South Wales, which is the region in which Sydney is located in Australia, said, this was the woman, The stern-faced health czar who previously told Australians they shouldn't even be allowed to talk to their own friends and neighbours, now she says Covid will be with us forever and people will have to get used to, get used to, that's a quote, endless booster vaccines.
So having two shots of the clock shot is not going to be enough, you're going to have to get three, four, five, six.
Israel is saying now every six months you're going to have to take this vaccine, no matter the consequences, no matter the Pregnant women having complications with their pregnancies, their menstrual cycles being set off completely.
Of course, we've had numerous instances in Japan over the past few days of people dying after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine.
That's not enough.
You're going to have to take seven or eight vaccines over the next four or five years.
She said people will have to get used to taking endless booster vaccines, which is somewhat of a concern given that authorities in Australia have also said, as we reported last month, they're going to go, they wouldn't hesitate to go door to door to carry out COVID tests.
Well, what's going to stop them from carrying out mandatory clock shots door to door?
They're now saying booster jabs is the future.
Same thing in Israel, which gave Anthony Fauci, of course, a million dollar reward.
Now Israel is lobbying the Biden administration to roll out that booster shot, despite the fact that there's a revolt within the FDA from principled people, would you believe it, within the FDA saying that it's too soon, they don't know the risks.
But Biden's trying to get that rolled out before the end of the month.
Meanwhile, also in Australia, Australia could force citizens to report their location on demand via a government tracking app.
They're actually talking about having previously considered, don't forget, fitting people in self-isolation with electronic ankle bracelets.
Prison Island.
Now they're talking about a new system which is the Track and trace on steroids where you will have to report your location to the government.
They'll phone you up and within 15 minutes of the government phoning you up, you will have to take a selfie which will be geolocation tagged, upload it to a government website to prove that you're a compliant, well-behaved, submissive citizen.
And this Is why they're calling Australia Prison Island and everything they do, unless we resist this, is coming to the United Kingdom, is coming to America.
I'm just going to wrap it up.
War Room is coming up next.
Don't go away.
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