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Name: 20210901_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 1, 2021
2879 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones addresses various topics including the resignation of top vaccine scientists at the FDA, plans to take children from their homes if exposed to COVID-19, sleep products, globalism, autoimmune issues related to vaccines, and deals on health supplements. He promotes Ivermectin as an alternative treatment for COVID-19, encourages staying informed about globalist agendas, and discusses life experiences making individuals more aware of predators attempting to control them. Mike Lindell promotes his products, emphasizes optimism, and discusses efforts in exposing issues with the 2020 election. The show concludes by encouraging listeners to stand up against globalists, love, and community triumphing over greed and control.

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They want mass prisons everywhere, dragging people away, paramilitary dressed in medical outfits to give them the shield and the cover story for martial law.
It's been announced by the UN, it's been announced by the CDC.
It is happening absolutely everywhere.
So what you just saw last week in Australia or the UK with police dogs ripping men's faces off, showing their nose ripped off, and the police celebrating, police horses riding women down, putting them in comas, water cannons, blasting people's eyes out.
Locked in your homes for years, total hell, now being announced.
Here is the headline for the broadcast today.
Michigan announces plan to forcibly take children from parents for the mere possibility of contact with COVID carriers.
This is all happening.
The plan has always been to give you and controlled contact tracers total martial law power over every nation individual on earth.
Big Tech will have the power.
The images from around the world of medical SWAT teams dragging crying children from their homes is now coming to America.
But the house of medical tyranny cards is coming down.
Both of the top FDA vaccine experts have resigned, citing the dangerous political move by the White House to push the deadly frankenshots on children and, quote, COVID boosters.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It was 16 months ago that the head of the UN's Global Rapid Response Force said the
goal is to go into the homes and take people out who might have COVID and take them to
emergency centers and to see the image of vans and basically paramilitary stormtroopers
dressed up in medical gear as a cover, disappearing all of their political enemies.
And ventilators, ventilators, ventilators, as the murderous governor of New York said,
he will be intubated and murdered.
The new guillotine is that plan.
Documents came out years ago that they would use this as the cover for martial law.
You now see it around the world.
Well, it's coming here, I told you, and the Democrats in California and in Michigan and in New York and other states have announced the Clinton Global Initiative with Google.
Is tracking and tracing everything you say.
They're reading your emails, your text messages, and if you tell someone via text message or email you have COVID...
They're going to first have a lot of high-profile cases like the guy that sneezed on the elevator.
They had a national manhunt like he was a child molester or something like them.
And they showed that in Australia to get that image of this is the ultimate crime and helicopters and police dogs.
They're then going to come for you.
And they're building giant centers everywhere.
The CDC announced it last year.
This is their permanent martial law.
It doesn't matter if Texas and other schools They have 2,000 students at one school, 600 are out sick.
Waco school, one school alone, teachers in their 40s, totally healthy, dead from being intubated.
They didn't give them ivermectin.
They didn't give them steroids.
It's the vaccinated that are sloughing it and causing it.
And so last year was an overblown hoax.
This year is completely real.
As the scientists predicted here, they're spreading it.
And it's an impossible enemy to ever beat.
They've released Synthetic viruses, prion crystals, that cause cancer and so much more.
They're not just like a carcinogen, they go in and grow cancer in your body.
And they just admit it in the news.
Oh yeah, the shot gives you cancer, no big deal.
You'll get stage 4 and die.
Just in the news, yeah, your uterus will be cut out, yeah, you'll get lymphatic cancer, no big deal.
No big deal, just in the news, no big deal.
And just the UN's coming to take you out of your house, no big deal.
And so they did it!
They killed us!
It's here!
And they're going to blame the unvaccinated for all the mass death now happening.
We already have more deaths happening a day than we had last winter, supposedly during the peak of this crap.
They were really counting everybody else dying of the flu or heart attacks or cancer.
Now, there are people really dying, and they're calling it, oh, polio-like disease.
Oh, this other viral thing.
Oh, this other deal.
And it's prions.
Because people get over it, and they get sick again and again and again.
Because it's crystals.
It's mad cow disease.
People are now factories of it.
And it was in all the studies.
They knew what they did.
They killed us.
They killed everybody.
Most of us are walking dead now.
There's ways to mitigate it.
Lyvermectin and folks, our enemies are battling to keep that from getting out because their job is depopulate us.
Here's Dr. Ryan, the UN Rapid Reaction Force.
When we come back, it's now, I'll show you the announcements, the health department letters going out.
And if your child was near a contact tracer, no proof they even have COVID, they're coming to put them in a FEMA camp.
Here he is.
And at the moment, in most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Oh, just like when they keep babies alive and harvest their organs safe and dignified?
When you hear that, they want camps, they want your children.
And now they've specifically announced they're coming for your children.
They want total power.
They always want child sacrifice in the end.
Pedophile armies.
It's Wednesday, September 1st, 2021.
Democrats across the country and health departments they control have announced the Clinton-funded and controlled contact tracers are coming to your house to forcibly test you and then, quote, take your children to a facility where they will be safe even if you test negative.
Remember what they announced about the, quote, shield centers to protect, quote, those who don't have COVID yet.
They want mass prisons everywhere, dragging people away, paramilitary dressed in medical outfits to give them the shield and the cover story for martial law.
It's been announced by the UN, it's been announced by the CDC.
It is happening absolutely everywhere.
So what you just saw last week in Australia or the UK with police dogs ripping men's faces off, showing their nose ripped off, and the police celebrating, police horses riding women down, putting them in comas, water cannons, blasting people's eyes out, locked in your homes for years.
Total hell now being announced.
Here is the headline for the broadcast today.
Breaking Michigan announces plan to forcibly take children from parents for the mere possibility of contact with COVID carriers.
This is all happening.
The plan has always been to give you uncontrolled contact tracers total martial law power over every nation individual on earth.
Big Tech will have the power.
The images from around the world of medical SWAT teams dragging crying children from their homes is now coming to America.
But the house of medical tyranny cards is coming down.
Both of the top FDA vaccine experts have resigned, citing the dangerous political move by the White House to push the deadly frankenshots on children and, quote, COVID boosters.
Here's what's happening in Australia now, as the little girl is drug away from her father, who is then savagely beaten in the face by police, and she is drug away and forcibly inoculated at age 12.
Here is the savage murderous evil.
The little girl's crying.
They punch him in the face, slam Dame on the head, and drag her away with pleasure.
Now the sterilization can begin.
She instinctively fights for her life.
A soft kill will be delivered.
Because they're the liberals.
They're the good people.
They need to get the children that make it out of the womb and plant them with the cancer viruses.
Now, let's go back to the Director of the United Nations Global Rapid Reaction Force.
And notice the CDC says it's under UN control.
And they say they're over the housing, they're over guns, they're over your families.
Ever wondered how the U.N.
would take over?
They're in control of big tech, the media, and the Holy Grail is taking children out of your houses.
Already happening around the world.
Here's what he had to say 17 months ago, and now it's happening in the United States.
I'll go to that next.
Here it is.
At the moment, in most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Now let's be clear.
They released a five virus, cancer delivery, HIV delivery system, Chimera.
That is the Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of HIV and isolation of the virus, 1984.
1984. That was not very contagious as they claimed it was but if you did get
it and didn't have vitamin D or zinc and get into your cells and kill you.
It's very deadly if it could infect you.
Kind of like a red on yellow kills a fella, a coral snake in the cobra family that lives where I live in Texas.
And then we call it Red on Yellow Kills a Fellow, because there's another snake that's similar, but it's different.
You know, the stripes are different, but you always know Red on Yellow Kills a Fellow.
But you've got to let it gnaw on you for a while.
It takes about 10-15 seconds, little bitty tiny fangs, but it is a cobra.
It's in the cobra family.
It's a sea snake that lives on land, and if it gets its venom into you, you'll be dead in about 15 minutes.
Same thing with COVID.
Didn't have big fangs.
This new thing is a King Cobra with three-inch fangs.
But what it injects you with is not as deadly, but still extremely dangerous.
But it infects way more people.
I mean, you could just be in a room with somebody that is sloughing and shedding these things, and you will get it.
Doesn't matter how much vitamins or minerals you've got, you're still gonna get it.
Now, the difference is you'll be sick for a day instead of dying.
That's what all the numbers and statistics show.
And if you don't have vermectin, it turns your immune system on at the right level, and just, like, incredible.
And that's why they're battling to stop that, and battling to stop medical doctors from learning about it, and battling to learn the Japanese government came out and said it 100% works, early stages.
Battling to make sure you die, just part of their criminal, vicious assault on you and your family.
So next segment, I'm going to get into this big, big, big article.
I've got the press releases.
I've got the local news.
This is getting no attention.
This is NBC News 25.
Michigan lawmaker calls for firing of county health director.
And of course, they never get what's going on.
This is directed by the UN.
I've got it all over the country happening.
Just announced this week.
They're building the emergency centers.
They're saying they're going to go in and find the people with the contact tracers and take you to the facility.
And remember, it's just rampant.
One school where one of my crew has family in East Texas has 2,000 students, 600 are out sick with COVID and feel like gorillas are sitting on their chest.
Teachers are dying in that school.
I was just randomly reading about Waco and saw where one school in Waco, one black lady, 40-something years old, one Hispanic guy, 40-something years old, both in good health, dead from COVID because they were sent and intubated.
By the way, both vaccinated.
It said, oh very strange, they both had their shots.
Of course they did.
And I've got all the statistics coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Israel, the list goes on and on, highest death rates spike directly in the two weeks after they do national shots.
Because the Israelis line up and do it.
They're like 90% injected.
Only the Hasidic Jews are saying no, because they're smart.
Literally, they have the highest death rate in the world.
They're the most vaccinated.
And I've got other countries.
I'll show you the graphs from their government, ladies and gentlemen.
But first, I have the actual letters being sent out saying, we're coming to take your children, to put them in a center, if the contact tracing computers at the school say they came in contact with someone that may have it.
So it's in the school, your kid gets it, they don't say take ivermectin and take antibiotics, so you don't get a secondary infection, they don't tell you to take the oral steroids that work just boom, amazingly.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
They're gonna take them to their pedophile facility!
I mean, man, they want your kids like the big bad wolf wants the three little pigs, baby!
Unbelievable evil!
We're gonna hit that, but first, the bombshell, bombshell, bombshell, bombshell, bombshell!
My show was ending yesterday.
I just got the article.
I know who the bureaucrats are, but I had to ferry it into it, and I made a little off-the-cuff mistake.
I'm going to remind you about it, because that's what we do when we make mistakes.
I just said, probably, it's a revolving door.
They want to get paid off for their evil right away.
The two top vaccine heads at the FDA.
We haven't been hearing from them.
It's all been the CDC and the White House.
They came out and said, this is evil.
Children don't need the shot.
We said they don't.
And the booster is pointless.
It'll make people sicker.
That's why we resigned.
And they're getting ready to go public.
That's badass!
That is just devastating to these murdering scum when the left tells you, oh, it's as good as pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
Oh, it's as good as mother's milk to a baby.
Oh, just get with the science.
Take the shots.
Give it to the children.
Take the booster.
And the two head virologists that run the vaccine program at the FDA that's evil as hell say that we shouldn't do this because they know what they're doing and they don't want to be going to Nuremberg too.
You talking about rats leaving the sinking ship?
Yeah, baby!
There is a God!
And it's going to be the whistleblowers that are going to bring these people down.
And I'm telling you, after he's convicted, and after Nuremberg 2, Fauci and Bill Gates are going to walk up there, and those soldiers are going to pull that lever and break their damn necks!
They are going to go to prison if they're lucky!
Well, you murderers!
Alright, let me use a cheesy Star Wars analogy, because everybody seems to get those.
The Death Star getting blown up in Episode 4?
This is about as big as that.
Two years ago in December of 2019, they had an emergency meeting in Switzerland
and they had the head of the UN vaccine program there and she said,
quote, "The front lines wobbly, the vaccines aren't working, they're killing people."
Our own doctors around the world are refusing them and saying that they're full of cancer viruses and contaminated.
We don't know.
We're not allowed to test them.
We're just given them by our partners like Bill and Melinda Gates, the IMF and the World Bank.
These are all quotes.
We boiled it down to like 15 minute reports and played it here.
We had an eight minute report and a 15 minute report.
That was a huge event, but it didn't get any attention.
And I said, if this gets attention, it's like the Death Star blowing up.
And I said, I don't know how they're going to cover this up.
Well, they'd already released COVID and we're going to use that big crisis to pose as savers and hope we forgot about the Gulf War illness from the shots and all the autistic kids and all the cancers and SV40 and the rest of it.
They created an even bigger disaster to cover that up, which I said, I said, look for something big.
I don't know how they're going to get out of this.
I said, they'll probably release a bioweapon and pose as safers.
I mean, and they did that.
It's in their damn white paper.
So I didn't predict that it's there.
I just, I said, okay, that's in the playbook.
I think they're going to run this play.
I'm not a top NFL coach, but watching the Globalist, I'm a top guy knowing they're going to play.
Most of the time, I know what's going to come out of the gates.
Before they probably even pick what they're going to do, because all I do is watch these murdering scum.
I know them well, I've read their books, I've watched their events, and they are just murderous trash.
I mean, Hitler did not even have a, shine a candle to these guys, okay?
I mean, they want your ass dead.
They have just a greed and a hatred.
It's like in "There Will Be Blood"
where you got the oil guy and he goes, "I just hate people and I just wanna kill people.
And I just want everybody to fail."
That's supposed to be John D. Rockefeller, the first.
'Cause that's what he was like.
He goes, "I just wanna kill people.
I just hate everybody.
I hate my children.
I hate my wife.
I just wanna kill everybody."
There's a competition in me where I don't like other people.
See, I love everybody.
I'm an alpha male that's aggressive.
They're alpha males that want to kill you.
They're wolves.
And people better get wise to it, but they are floundering.
They don't even know what to do.
Most of the liberty movements since this broke 20 hours ago, 24 hours ago, don't even know how to respond to this.
And they're spinning it.
Oh, they disagreed on boosters.
Now, if you hear what they said, which was extremely limited, the two top neurologists that run the vaccine program at the FDA said three things, but two on why they're specifically mad on policy.
But the big reason why there's three things is They said, we're not running anything.
The CDC and the National Institutes of Allergies run by Fauci is controlled by the UN and they call all the shots.
We're the federal agency under law that's supposed to do this, not the CDC.
Why is the CDC saying they control all the rents in America and all the rental properties?
Why are they saying they control your guns?
They don't!
It's a UN power grab through a captured federal agency.
Comprende, Congress!
Comprende, Senator Paul!
Compre... I mean, the damn bureaucrats get what's going on!
You know, I like Trump.
He's a good guy, because I knew how naive he was, actually.
I knew he was really trying.
I told him, I said, sir, the CIA has this project, $2 billion, running media operations against you.
When he was president-elect, I said, here's the program, here's the Zero Hedge article, Obama just signed this into law, $2 billion to pay the media and run disinfo against you.
You need to rescind that.
That's when they literally started threatening to kill me, and remember freaked out about Alex Jones, because they're all listening to his phone calls, they now admit, and I'm telling him that Obama left stay-behind networks!
And if you don't know what a stay-behind network is, folks, Trump called them, you know, embeds.
They had molds.
Yeah, stay-behind networks.
But I'm digressing, I'm sorry.
This is so huge.
You don't hear a word out of Congress.
Maybe Rand Paul and maybe Senator Cruz are actually evil.
Because I think they're smart men.
They know all this.
Maybe Josh Hawley's really evil.
They all know how this is all run.
They know about the stay-behind networks.
They know about the permanent bureaucracies.
They know the CDC's been getting U.N.
Just on face value, stop that right now!
Stop it!
So, excuse me.
I'm really excited right now.
You have two head bureaucrats, scientists, over vaccines for decades, quote, giants in their field, I'll read the quotes, leaving and saying, we don't run our agency, the CDC does.
And it's an advisory group, we are a cabinet level group.
So that's like a college football team telling the NFL champions what to do in bureaucratic sense, okay?
It's like a college team telling The NFL commissioned what to do.
Forget the teams.
And again, that's the UN controlling them.
And you see the power grab, and they're like, what are they doing over rents?
What are they doing over guns?
What the hell's going on here?
And by the way, children don't need this, even if the vaccine was clean, which it's not.
So they come out and they say, This agency's out of control, taking over.
The White House isn't a doctor.
The president is a doctor.
He's wrong.
We don't need to give children these shots.
They finally found their morals.
Fine, let's use another cheesy Star Wars analogy, like Darth Vader throwing the Emperor down the shaft.
I mean, you gotta choose at a certain point whether you're gonna go along with this or not, because this is damn evil, folks.
And finally, these people found their souls and said, we do not need to give this to children.
This agency is out of control, and it's taken over our agency, and the booster shots are not needed.
Yeah, not needed, like another hole in the head.
Already shot your ass twice.
Yeah, another bullet's not needed, fired right through your damn heart.
That's what they're doing.
So, and I mean that as an allegory, not literally.
As an analogy.
So, so, so, so here we are, folks.
This is so huge.
This is so massive.
There it is, breaking it.
The A-leaders quit.
After Democrats pressure to approve booster shots and vaccines for children.
But you won't hear the young turds, and you won't hear Rachel Maddow, they all get their talking points, they're all paid.
They will ignore all this and glaze over all this.
But this is the holy grail for people that go, oh Alex Jones isn't a doctor, I don't want to listen to him.
No, I've just interviewed hundreds of them.
And all I do is read the literature.
And the history.
Okay, well what about the two head virologists at the C At the FDA saying the CDC is captured by the UN.
What about the two head virologists at the FDA coming out and saying children do not need these injections and we do not need more shots.
This is asinine to just continue over and over and over again to do this.
At what point will we come up for air?
At what point will we stop submitting to this madness?
At what point will we stop Klaus Schwab and Trudeau on TV saying you're going to owe nothing, we're going to have climate lockdowns and we're going to Put you on a universal income and control everything.
And then they look like maniacs.
And you've got the Australian health minister going, there's gonna be shots every couple months.
You just get used to it, my little pretty.
I mean she she freaking on a fly off on a damn broom Find your wealth
Find your guts!
Find your ancestors!
Find God!
And slap yourself in the face of it!
Wake up and say, I am not submitting to you murderers!
I see you!
I know who you are!
And I will resist you to the end!
And you will be defeated!
In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
All right, let's get into it right now as the globalists declare war on humanity and as we begin to rediscover who we are.
They now have fear in their eyes.
That's why they're trying to dominate us and control us, but they will fall like all tyrants in history do.
The question is how great will the cost be before we come to the realization that this is the UN World Government takeover to respond to the bioweapon they released and now the vaccine that turns us into bioweapon factories and all of the evidence that absolutely proves it.
So let me calm down and be a good boy.
And then I've got a rule, because we've got 20 phone lines.
If we leave 5, 6, 7, 8 people on hold at the end of the show because we don't have time to get to them, we'll take your number if you want us to call you back and put you on the next day.
So we're about to call back 6 or 7 people that are still on the line.
I'm going to try to race through them and then we're going to open the phones up for everybody to respond to this FDA news.
I think I'd love to hear from nurses and doctors and others.
out there to give us your take on this situation.
And I'll give that number out next segment, but I want to give our call operators and their chance to call back the folks that were left on hold yesterday.
Because most places have like five, six, seven phone lines.
We have 20.
We actually have a thousand phone lines.
It's digital, but we leave 20 on the board.
We've gotten, what's our record?
27,000 phone calls in one show before?
27,000 phone calls.
We got a computer in there that tells us.
Even national talk shows like beg for callers, like, please call in!
We're only on 100 stations.
Talk about popularity.
Our record's 27,000 different people called us on a four-hour show one day.
Thousands always call in, so that's why it's so hard for folks to get in, but we do want to hear from you, and it shows the popularity of Liberty.
So I'll give the number out next segment.
We have a special guest joining us in the third hour.
I'll tell you about that when that comes up.
He had a viral video with over six million views.
They removed it, so I thought you might want to see the viral video and hear from the man himself that took action.
But let me just do this.
Let me just be calm and read these headlines.
How about we do that?
This is out of Zero Hedge.
Two senior FDA officials stepping down over reported disagreements with the White House over booster shots and inoculation of children and the fact that the White House is under the control of the United Nations.
That's out of Bloomberg.
That's out of InPoint News.
You can go read it all for yourself.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Two senior FDA vaccine leaders step down as agency faces decision on boosters.
They go into what a giant blow it is.
That the two top virologists that they call mountains in their time.
Let's read it.
In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping down.
Two of the FDA's most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way it's sidelined the FDA that's statutorily in charge.
Marion Gruber, director of the FDA's Office of Vaccine Research and Review, you know that's who does it, a 32-year veteran of the agency, will leave at the end of October.
All the crimes before, I guess we're okay, but this is just too big.
Yeah, exactly.
Did they figure out they're not gonna get away with it or finally found their soul?
And Ovar, Deputy Director Phil Cross, who's been at the FDA for more than a decade, will leave in November.
The news first reported by BioSentry is a massive blow to confidence in the agency's ability to regulate vaccines.
It's a massive blow that the White House is under U.N.
control targeting children with dangerous experimental vaccines that did not get FDA approval.
That's why the FDA heads are quitting.
They did not get FDA approval.
They are not FDA approved.
The FDA said, we've extended the emergency authorization, but then they called the head of the agency who approved Oxycontin and Fentanyl, the monster woman who's been brought back.
Monster woman said, well, we'll just say it's approved when it's not.
That's why they're leaving.
I mean, folks, the globalists are committing crimes that are so huge, I shudder to think What the bigger crime is that's coming, they think is going to cover this up.
I mean, this is, I mean, folks, this is like a nuclear war.
It's just done through shots.
The bombshell announcement comes as a particularly crucial moment as boosters and children's
shots are being weighed by the regulator.
The departure also comes as the administration has recently jumped ahead of the FDA's reviews
of booster shots, announcing that they might be available in the week of September.
So the FDA saying, "Hey, we don't think this is needed.
Hey, this causes a problem.
Hey, the children certainly don't need to take it."
And they just go, oh, we just say you say it's approved.
Well, we didn't say that.
We don't care.
Your boss approved fentanyl.
Yeah, the Chinese got that from us.
MIT developed fentanyl.
50 to 100 times stronger than heroin, depending on the way you make it.
A former senior FDA leader told Endpoint that they are departing because they are frustrated that the CDC and the ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA.
The former FDA-er also said his But they are upset that the CBER director, Peter Marks, is not insisting that those decisions be kept inside the FDA.
What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of the FDA on booster shots.
The FDA's former acting chief scientist, Lucina Marino, added on Twitter, the FDA is losing two giants who helped bring us many safe and effective vaccines over the decades of public service.
Yeah, right.
It just goes on from there.
So there you have it.
Let me give you some more Bob-omb shells.
Move that little document cam shot up a little bit higher.
Thank you.
Look at this.
This is out of the American Journal.
Red Cross says vaccine takers can't donate plasma to COVID patients.
And Japan just totally banned the Moderna shot because all over the country they found liquid metal in it and it was killing people.
Magnetic liquid metal.
Think they launched an attack on us?
Think it's a little bit of a takeover?
It's far worse than we even know.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, there are people that were injected, vaccinated with this stuff that are dropping dead everywhere.
Just like we had that whistleblower PhD educator on from Ohio, who went super viral last week.
He looked at him and he said, you understand from all the studies, They did to animals that this is going to kill a large portion of those the next few years that took it.
You understand your schools will all close.
You will all get sick.
And now schools are closing everywhere because the majority of teachers have got bloody rashes and blood coming out their rear ends and blood clots in their mouths and they're going blind!
They murdered us!
They murdered us!
And Rand Paul sits up there and plays patty-cake, and he's the best guy we got about, well, you did say gain of function.
You had conferences called gain of function, and I call for you to be criminally investigated.
And let's go a lot further!
You made it at the lab!
You're on record, you little monster!
And you're a eugenicist, and you covered up AIDS treatments.
You're a monster!
And Bill Gates is a monster!
Well, Bill Gates has got a lot of power.
He might come after us.
They've already come after us.
They're already killing us!
You don't want to just fight these people that tough!
I'm fighting them because they're gonna kill everybody!
They're gonna kill our people and our children and our future!
Oh, they got all these TV shows.
Oh, National Geographic.
She's got a fawning program about Fauci.
And what a little angel cake he has coming out.
And they've got our sign in it.
Oh, look at that.
He's so incredible.
About, about, oh, arrest Fauci, arrest Gates.
Yeah, that's right in the first 10 seconds.
But you can't prop him up.
Everybody knows he's a family man.
He's a good man.
Hey, why don't you show Hitler dancing with some kids?
How about Hitler with his dog Blondie?
How about that?
How about Jeffrey Dahmer walking the dogs?
Nobody's propping Fauci up, nobody's propping Gates up, and nobody's putting up Schwab!
At the end of the day, they will be brought to justice, they will be indicted, they will be tried, they will be convicted, and they will pay!
In the name of Jesus!
It's Wednesday, September 1st, 2021.
I want to hear from callers, their situations with COVID, their situations with inoculations,
They don't want your voice heard.
They want to smother you.
They want to silence you while they quietly kill you and then suck all your money.
This is a takeover by psychotics in big tech with big banks and big pharma and much of the medical system.
They have taken over 877-789-2539, but they've bitten off way more than they can chew.
but they've bitten off way more than they can chew.
So, I've got so many graphs and so much proof that it's just unbelievable that I'll hit next hour
out of Israel and other countries that right when they take the first shot, mass death, they call it COVID.
Right when they take the second shot, mass death, they call it COVID.
And now the booster shot, mass death, they call it COVID.
And they've done studies, mathematicians have and statisticians, I've got the articles right here, where it corresponds to the number of people injected, it corresponds to how high the death rate is.
In Israel and in Greece, both two very authoritarian, globalist-controlled societies.
And it's the same graph.
You can basically put the graphs over each other.
I mean, I knew this was all coming.
I knew it was in Operation Lockstep.
I knew it was in all their plans.
But man, we're living this.
I've talked to probably five people in person, yeah, in the last two weeks.
Who have friends and family that went blind after they took the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
It just forms blood clots right in the optic nerve and inside the eye.
And then I've got studies saying it does it!
And all these mass heart attacks in young people all over the world who take the shot.
I mean, this is incredible!
And then you've got all the bureaucrats and the lawyers and the leftists and the media being paid off, acting like we're the bad guys.
acting like we're the criminals.
But let me hit this first, okay?
I'm gonna go over all that after I take calls.
But look at this.
This is so huge.
And it's, again, the name of the show today that I hope you share is Breaking Michigan Announces Plan to forcibly take children from parents for possible contact with COVID carriers.
Now, remember what I covered three weeks ago?
The CDC SHIELD plan from last year and their designating centers, sports stadiums all over the country and other facilities to Quote, take at-risk groups who may have been in contact with a COVID person to protect them and put the children in one area, the women in another, the men in the other, and they even have forced labor.
There it is.
Interim operational considerations for implementing the shielding approach to prevent COVID-19 infections in humanitarian settings.
And the UK, Europe, and Australia, New Zealand have all built the camps and are now doing it, saying it's not just if you fly back to Australia or the UK, we put you in there for two weeks in a quarantine jail cell.
Now, we're going to come out and check if we think you were near somebody.
Even if you don't have it, we're going to take you away and hold you, even if your test is negative.
I mean, it's just the total power, total control.
Queensland Regional Quarantine Facility, a well camp.
And they say, get used to shots all the time.
So when I wrote this headline this morning, it should be Democrats across the country announced plan, but it's Michigan specifically, because California and New York have said similar things.
We've got that, but look at this.
Michigan lawmaker calls for firing of county health director.
Algin County Health Director, but it's all over the state.
Since this article came out, we found a bunch of them around the state.
And what does it say?
Michigan State Rep Steve Johnson, we should get him on, posted a picture on his Facebook page, now everybody else is doing it, which appears to be a letter from the County Health Department to a patient regarding him.
The letter discusses COVID-19 protocols regarding a child who has come in close contact to a COVID-19 individual and has determined the person is to be a carrier of the COVID.
So it's all just computers and big tech and the Clinton Foundation that run this, along with Soros and Gates.
They're all bought into these groups.
They get billions per state of of money to then run this crap.
The letter also says you are hereby notified you are required to cooperate with the County
Health Department in an effort to prevent or control the transmission of this serious
disease or illness, which they put in us through the vaccines.
At one point, the letter states, if you fail to take the actions prescribed in this warning
notice, the County Health Department shall petition the court to see in order to compel
your compliance, which may result with you being taken into protective custody to protect
the public as well.
And it goes on to say also to take your children.
Representative Johnson posted the following on his Facebook page.
It'll probably be banned.
Now, the Algean County Health Director is threatening to take parents to court if the department has reasonable belief that their child has been exposed to COVID-19 and they don't follow their every order.
This could include actions by the county to take the child away from the parents and into the government's custody.
The county commission needs to step up and fire this reckless and tyrannical health director for threatening to take away people's kids for the possibly coming in contact with someone who has COVID.
This absolutely should not be happening in this county.
And then I've got it all over the country, all over the world.
That's their announcement.
That's their plan.
I just showed TV viewers the CDC plan for the country last year for this year.
And they're putting it in all over the world.
It's all you indirected.
Here's the actual letter.
Where they tell them all of the threats and all the rest of the garbage and other letters that other folks have found.
So that's where all this is going.
And here's the health code they try to use.
Just take into custody and transport the individual to an appropriate emergency care and treatment facility for observation, examination, testing, diagnosis and treatment if they suspect they might have COVID, which is now widespread in more than half the countries have, conservatively, which they know is never going to get fixed because it is a prion crystal.
They have introduced aerosolized mad cow disease.
It causes spongiform encephalopathy into the public, and I've had medical doctors and scientists on laying all that out.
And now in New York and Illinois and Texas and everywhere else I've seen, every day I see articles about judges saying, I'm taking your children because you won't take the COVID shot, and putting them in foster care.
There's no law.
There's no nothing.
The criminals are just doing it.
And it's Democrat judges.
They are out of control, drunk on power, and they know they're taking the country over.
They're going for complete broke.
But that's okay, because everyone knows they're criminals.
Everyone knows they're scum.
Everyone knows they only have blue jurisdictions because of election fraud.
And we're going to keep recalling how much fraud there is until there's nothing they can do to stop us.
Soros just spent Tons more money trying to keep Newsom in power, because he knows the wheels are coming off the wagon.
All right, I'm going to go to all these great callers when we come back.
Charlie, and Graydon, and Chris, and Rick, and George, and Colin, and Anonymous, and so many others directly when I start the next hour and a few minutes, and then After I've gone through a bunch of calls, I will get into all the statistics.
Look at this out of Israel.
And I've got the same numbers out of... It's the exact same numbers, basically, out of Greece.
Look at the death numbers.
Every time they give the jab, the death number spikes.
I mean, holy mackerel.
And we've got the same thing, again, out of Greece.
We're gonna show you... It's even worse in Greece.
We're gonna show you all that coming up.
We can't fund this operation without your help.
And I didn't really think of this until I saw it and I noticed it and this is a great product you all need.
We're sold out of our multivitamin right now because people know they need to boost their immune system.
And I was sitting there looking at this hair and beard formula that the researchers and crew came up with.
This is not a product that I developed.
And I'm like, oh my God, this has all the essential vitamins
and minerals, this has a whole bunch of other trace stuff at really high levels.
This has got vitamin, it's got everything.
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Hair and Beard Formula at Infowarsstore.com is not just for men, it's great for women for your hair and nails, but really it's for your whole body.
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It means your cells are healthier.
It's $19.95.
It is a top-end multivitamin mineral.
That's called hair and beard.
And, you know, the Lord works mysterious ways.
We're sold out of our multivitamin.
That's a different formula.
It's excellent as well.
But quite frankly, looking at this, I think it might be actually better and stronger.
Very, very strong.
It's a top end product at a low price.
No reviews yet.
It just came out a few weeks ago.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
We've also got Vitamineral Fusion back in stock, though it's selling out at 33% off.
And that's what makes this entire broadcast possible.
So thank you for keeping us on the air in the face of the globalist trash.
We are now in to hour number two.
Taking your phone calls.
Momentous developments.
So much good news, so much bad news.
We'll recap it all and get more into it coming up, but right now, let's go to Sean in Texas.
Says he was arrested at his daughter's school for not masking.
I see these videos everywhere.
Tell us where you live, Sean, and what happened, brother.
Yes, sir.
I live in San Antonio, Texas.
I was at the school board meeting last week trying to petition for my daughter not to wear a mask if she refuses to wear it, and she's currently being held in school in isolation right now without any teachers at all.
Well, what they teach nowadays, that's probably good.
What school district are you in?
She goes to Cole Elementary here in San Antonio.
Okay, well you know the governor signed an executive order and the Supreme Court ruled that they can't do that, so you need to sue the living snot out of that school.
There are a lot of lawyers out there that will take the case pro bono.
I mean, they officially oppressed you.
They have violated your civil rights.
I mean, did you tell these snot-nosed criminals that they were violating the state executive order in the Supreme Court?
I even had the order in hand and the cops did not want to read it.
They didn't care.
They just arrested me and put me in county lockup.
Were they San Antonio police or were they school police?
They were school police and they handed me off to the sheriff's department and spent a night in county lockup.
What are they charging you with?
Disorderly conduct?
Disorderly conduct.
They charged me with failure at ID, which they then dropped, and they're also charging me with trespass.
Yeah, well, you pay the property taxes, your child goes to their brainwashing center, and then you didn't wear their little face muzzle, your bacterial pneumonia diaper.
Well, sir, you've got to take legal action.
You can't, you know, obviously... I'm trying.
I've been contacting as many people as possible.
No one's taking the call.
So, for your listeners out there... Well, yeah, most lawyers just want an ambulance chase when the country sinks.
But there's some good ones.
You know, I mean Robert Barnes has been following a lot of lawsuits and he knows lawyers.
Give me your name and number and I'm going to hand you off.
I'm going to hand you off to Rob Due and see if we can try to get some lawyer that's got testicles in Texas or maybe it's a woman, somebody that's got ovaries.
Somebody that cares.
I mean, this is cut and dry.
This is cut and dry what these dirty places are doing.
Ridiculous and tyrannical.
And then they'll probably try to charge her with truancy if she doesn't go to their facility.
That's why we send her every day so they have nothing against us.
That's why we're doing this.
They're violating her civil rights.
They're violating her right to an education that you paid for.
They're oppressing her.
This is like making black people go around to the back of the restaurant and pay for their food in the alley.
Or, oh sorry, we don't have bathrooms for black people.
Oh sorry, we don't have a school for your daughter because she doesn't want to wear a diaper.
These are evil people.
And she's only 10 years old.
The psychological damage on this is going to be... You know, she's smart, though.
She's going to learn about evil.
Teach her about the communists.
Teach her about the Nazis.
Teach her about North Korea and let her know that we're in a fight for the country and that she's good and her daddy's good and she's going to make it through this.
I've already taught her all about that.
She knows very well.
Well, show her the interview with the medical doctor I had on yesterday where she lays out how this is a cancer virus.
That these vaccines are cancer viruses.
Oh yeah, she knows.
We've done a lot of research on this.
I've shown her a lot of this information, Alex.
Well, Sean, is there any video of you getting arrested?
Yes, sir.
There's actually a video.
It's on Instagram.
Look up Texas Truther, his Instagram.
He's got a video of my arrest there.
We're live right now, but if you'll tell the crew, go to Instagram, Texas Truther.
We will add that to this.
We will add this to the call.
We can find it, okay?
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
That's a good daddy right there.
My daughter wanted to go to public school a couple years ago.
She'd been going to private and homeschool before that, then private, wanted to go with her friends, and I let her go, and they've been putting her in suspension, and so I've just got to get around to following the lawsuit.
So, I'm not a litigious person, but at a certain point, people ask, what the hell is Alex Jones' child going to public school?
I mean, that's where her friends go.
She looks like she's 25 years old.
I mean, she's 17.
And I mean, you know, she looks like Marilyn Monroe or something.
And I mean, she's a full grown woman.
And if she wants to do that, she's good.
I give her that freedom.
And she's getting her first first experience now locked up in a building with a bunch of other people who won't wear the diapers over their faces.
So that's that's going on right now.
We'll be right back.
Massive, massive news, some of the biggest news of the last 18-19 months since the UN, since Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Fauci launched the bio-attack.
That's right, you heard about it yesterday, and the show was just ending, and they handed me an AP article that said, unexpectedly, the two head scientists over all vaccines at the Food and Drug Administration have quit.
And I just flippantly said, oh, I bet they're, you know, getting in the revolving door of the hog draft, like so many of these other people do.
Boom, I got off the show and read the new articles that came out, because AP didn't tell you anything.
And they said, the CDC is taking orders from the UN and the White House.
It doesn't even have regulatory power, it's an advisory committee.
We are a cabinet-level deal under law.
And we have been totally bypassed.
The booster shots are not needed.
They're not going to help people.
We never really approved this.
When you heard two weeks ago that it was given FDA approval, that isn't true.
They just reauthorized the emergency.
And children should not be given these injections.
I mean, whoa!
And I never direct my crew very often.
I mean, they're good, they're smart, they know what's important, they just do reports, write articles, get stuff done.
But I'm telling Gregg Reese, and Darren McBreen, and Rob Dew, and all the great crew.
Harrison Smith, he's a great reporter, he needs to get a report out on this.
I'm telling Wilson, all the great video editors and researchers.
Drew in there, he's always busy doing ads, does a great job.
Everybody should be reporting on this because this is just hiding in plain view.
Oh, they were angry because they were bypassed.
They were angry because they didn't really approve these shots.
They're still experimental.
They were angry that they're trying booster shots.
They're angry that this is going after children.
And the media is trying to spin it to boosters alone.
No, it was about children and about politics and about the FDA being ordered to say this is an authorized shot when it's not.
Because they're like the number two and three people At the FDA.
Vaccine's one of the most important areas.
The head lady that did all this crap, and that's why they resigned, got OxyContin approved for children.
You think, well, she couldn't do anything more evil than that.
Remember the battle plan?
Frank Luntz got hired to push it, was to get people addicted?
She did something even worse.
You know what's 50 to 100 times stronger, and depending on the formula, than hillbilly heroin, OxyContin?
What's the name of the little Chinese dragon character?
That didn't come from China, they just got the ingredients list from MIT.
That was approved by the lady at the Food and Drug Administration who they brought back to head it up.
What a monster.
That's who's saying we're gonna come after kids.
That's who's saying booster shots.
Janet Woodcock.
And just look at that demonic rat!
They just get these dull, stupid, psychotic demons who then work for the corporations in a revolving door, who would sell their mother for a stick of bubblegum!
All of that's coming up, and then the bad news.
The Democrats are announcing nationwide they're going to come to your house, take your children.
If the contact tracing app on their phone or the school says they may have come in contact, they're going to take them to a SHIELD center.
You won't see your children for 15 days while they're with the scum.
They want to lay their hands on your children so bad.
They want to approve fentanyl and oxycontin.
They want to kill them.
And they will, if you let them.
So judgment's here.
Judgment Day.
All those that want to go along with the system are going to be destroyed.
We're going to be penalized.
Who wants to be part of their system?
This is good!
Good to separate ourselves from them and their corporations and their systems.
This is a war!
Alright, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Colin in Virginia, then we'll go to Chris.
Colin in Virginia, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Hopefully you can help me with my spidey senses going off to come up, brainstorm for my dad.
But basically, he got the shot when it first came out and my brother said, hey, his cognitive senses are really declined.
I said, well, maybe it's the shot.
Then he had a stroke, a real bad stroke about 30 days ago.
Yeah, because he eats holes in the brain and in the capillaries, yeah.
Yeah, but he made a huge, he made like a Cinderella story comeback, but now I'm really concerned because I've lived in pretty much the D.C.
area all my life, it's probably the most liberal area now ever, and basically what happened was they were moving him back and forth to Kanawha to throw him in rehab.
And I said, look, because they're going to move him to a long-term assisted living to finish out the rehab.
And I said, look, we got to get... They're going to hit him with a booster shot and finish the job.
And I said, look, we got to make sure they don't hit him with a third booster shot.
But he's practiced at the hospital for maybe 30, 40 years.
I said, let's ask one of his colleagues to give him... Oh, so your dad's a doctor?
He just retired several years ago.
So we asked, his buddies are there, and I said, Brian, I asked my brother, I asked him to get them some Afro-Medican so we could have it just in case he gets sick in assisted living, because what happened today, they just shut down.
They just shut down visiting in Maryland.
Oh, yeah, because they're getting ready.
Oh, because the winter, the fall and winter kill time's coming.
The kill season's coming.
They're going to walk down and make some money with intubation.
$53,000 per kill.
Sorry, I know it's your dad.
Yeah, you got to get him out of there now.
You got to take care of him at home.
They're going to kill him for sure.
He's your dad.
You can go get him from these monsters and just get him out of there.
Get him out of the clutches of those criminals.
So let me guess.
They're trying to block him getting ivermectin.
Oh, they laughed at him.
But the clutch thing was my brother had a link of the Japanese article off your site.
And I said, well, it was one of his best friends.
I said, well, send him that link.
And you know what?
His response to the article was crickets.
So that was one thing I was going to see.
Oh, yeah.
Japanese government says it totally works.
Totally works.
Worked on my parents.
Well, here's the deal.
Even if they won't give you a prescription.
You can go to the tractor supply any place.
It's the same damn molecule.
I'm not going to tell you what to do medicine-wise.
Look, listen.
You know, your spidey says they're going to kill your pop.
They're going to kill him.
Just like the sun came up.
Get your dad out of there.
Take an extra job.
Get your wife to help.
It doesn't matter.
He'll be better at your house.
You can walk him up and down the block because they're going to kill your daddy.
Are you going to let them kill your dad?
So my spidey senses are right then.
They're gonna murder, they're gonna get $53,000!
They're not gonna let you in, they're gonna run that thing down his throat, and they're gonna kill him.
They're gonna give him another shot, he's gonna have more blood clots, they're gonna say he's got COVID, they're gonna run that down his throat and blow his lungs out and get $53,000 per murder.
Plus the death certificate bonus, right?
You know, absolutely.
Depending on the state and how you get the federal money, some people they murder, they get like $127,000.
But USA Today admits $53,000 to innovate them.
$53,000 to snake that down there.
And let me tell you, they look at you like a cash crop.
You go in the corrupt hospitals, they're not all corrupt.
They're all apples and oranges, night and day.
And they don't give you medicine, they don't give you steroids, they don't give you antibiotics, they don't give you ivermectin, they don't give you zinc, they don't give you vitamin D, you get nothing!
And they just sit and wait for you laying there, because with COVID you're supposed to walk around and stuff, and then they can snake that tube down that throat and get that death warrant money.
Because see, your dad would get his Social Security and all his payments, millions of dollars if he lives another 15 years.
They're gonna murder him and then give them just a little piece.
Like the captain, the globalist, the banks get like 20 pieces of gold and they kill your dad.
And they give a half piece of gold or maybe a piece of silver to the people that murder him.
See how that works?
Yeah, well thanks Kurt for confirming my suspicions.
And like I said, all the doctors laughed at us.
Because they're all told because Stephen Colbert makes jokes about Avramected.
It doesn't matter it's approved in humans.
It doesn't matter it won the Nobel Prize.
It doesn't matter it's known to be antiviral.
It doesn't matter it turns your immune system on.
It doesn't matter if African countries hand it out and have no COVID deaths in the countries that do.
They don't care.
And I don't understand how they go home and look at themselves in the mirror.
Well, I mean, they're unconscious, and then they follow orders just like Nazis, so they feel safe.
And under the Nuremberg Code, following orders to commit crimes does not protect you.
Well, thanks again for confirming my suspicions.
I'm going to get on my family.
If possible, if you can hand me off to Rob Dew, maybe he can give me some of the online sites that will give him a fair consult.
Sure, here's the deal.
Rob can do all this?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And he's willing, every caller, we're literally, we can barely even stay open here.
But I understand you're saying, I mean, listen, you know their battle plan, you know it works, they're coming to kill your dad.
The question is, are you going to let them kill him or not?
They will kill him.
You know they're going to kill him.
They love to kill him.
It wasn't just Cuomo doing this, but yeah, sure, we'll give you Rob New's number again.
I mean, it's the show, it's the guest, it's the intel, it's the info.
It's absolutely essential.
To get angry, to get upset, to get focused, to get out of your comfort zone and say, I'm not going to take this medical tyranny.
I'm not going to take these poison shots.
I'm not going to take your world ID.
I'm not going to take your tracker chip.
I'm not going to let you have access to my children.
I don't trust you.
I don't like you.
I'm not going to let you take my due process.
I'm not going to let you put us at the top of police state that people are in under countries under UN control.
I'm going to keep going to your phone calls.
I got a bunch of breaking COVID news.
The federal government has had to come out.
The CDC is trying to whitewash it and admit massive heart attacks and heart problems from the deadly shots.
Another report, COVID booster shots blamed for four nursing home deaths, seven hospitalizations.
And the boosters aren't even approved under emergency authorization yet.
And that's why the two top scientists at the FDA have quit over that.
That is all coming up.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
Chris in Chicago.
Thank you for being with us.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Love your show.
Listen to it all the time.
I want to go over this.
Those of your listeners that have autoimmune issues, please do not take the vaccine.
Any of them.
A family member of mine, I tried to warn them, I tried to do everything, went and got the Pfizer vaccine.
After the first dosage, they never told me, she never told me that she had massive headaches and it was throbbing like the vein was popping out of her, on one part of her brain.
The second dosage, goes and gets the second dosage three weeks later, massive tingling throughout the body and all that.
Two, 15 days after the second dosage, In the emergency room, the whole body's shaking.
You would not believe it.
They had to put her on a heart monitor, on a beta blocker.
They were blaming it on anxiety.
This was ridiculous.
They give her the MRI, they gave her the CAT scans, whatever.
She's got a blood clot in her arm.
Then, the doctors, the two neurologists, while she had the second hospitalization, said to her, reported on birth, because we acknowledge that we concur that this could be an adverse effect from the vaccine, but we're not at liberty to report it because it's more than 14 days.
For crying out loud, it was the 15th day.
Right now, She, uh, oh she went to see the endocrinologist to see she also had Graves' disease and that endocrinologist trying to push a booster on her for crying out loud.
She just had the Pfizer and all of a sudden she's having all these reactions and telling her it's okay to take the booster.
I couldn't believe it.
I just couldn't.
Yeah, these guys do what they're told.
Yeah, she's in deep trouble.
Uh, I'm not a doctor.
I'm not going to give you advice, but I've had scientists and doctors on.
They say Take vitamin D3, take zinc, take C, drink a lot of water, get sunshine, but most importantly, ivermectin.
We had Dr. Mitrovitz on yesterday.
Ivermectin, the Japanese say this too, is anti-cancer, anti-spike protein, and that stuff is just replicating.
Her body did a good job.
It ordered her body to produce this to supposedly stop it.
And then it starts eating holes in her capillaries.
And so that's what's happening, and it starts eating holes in her brain, eating holes in her lungs.
And there's the interview, folks.
It's so powerful.
I want to make it the featured video at Band.Video.
Powerful interview.
Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes Fauci's cancer-causing injections.
It's such a bombshell interview.
She is so on target from all my research.
She's working at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
She worked with all these people.
She exposed all their crimes.
She predicted it all.
Please, everyone, go to Band.Video.
Save your family.
Save yourself.
That's the most powerful interview yet.
Ma'am, God bless you, and I appreciate you giving that testimony.
I'm so sorry.
Let's take another call from George in Las Vegas.
George in Vegas, hit hard by the ongoing lockdown crap.
Thank you, Mr. Jones.
I spoke with you a couple weeks ago about my niece in Dayton, Ohio.
Yes, sir.
Well, after he left there, the police set out in front of his house for three days, three or four days, and then he seen them in their personal car.
So, what he's doing now, he's packing up, he's going to Florida.
Well, is he going to remind me, remind me what happened in Ohio?
Uh, his daughter was vaccinated at school, and when he went there, they called the police on him.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, and he came and said, you don't have a right to do that without my authorization, which same thing's happening all over the world, in Europe and Australia, and so the cops came and harassed him, huh?
Oh yeah, for three or four days, and then, uh, he was in their unmarked car, so he walks out with an AK on his patio, and then they left, and they ain't been back, so he's packing up, going to Florida.
He just got out of there.
And also I've talked to former heads of US intelligence agencies and others, and I got
this from high level military as well separately.
They've isolated it.
They know it's a spike protein.
It's artificial.
It's from the vaccine.
The vaccinated are, and it's in the Pfizer's own reports, but they've confirmed are releasing
it onto us.
And and but it's worse than that.
They're also finding new spike proteins that are different than the shot in Texas and Florida.
And they're pretty sure that the globalists hit Texas and Florida by springing into the
air so they could then try to have us be really sick and then fall to our knees.
I mean, this is a foreign globalist bioweapon takeover, brother.
So your family member is doing the right thing, getting the hell out of there.
Also, quick note here in Vegas on the news this morning.
you can't buy at any Jones Feet store, nothing like that, unless you have a photo proof of you with a horse,
they will not sell you Ivermectin here at the Feet store.
Absolutely, my wife was up in Omaha and a bunch of her family had COVID,
so she went to Whole Foods to get colloidal silver, which a new NIH study just came out of Mexico City,
a two year study with coronavirus family and then they did it the last year with corona.
And I don't sell any silver products, folks, they tried to say I was selling it as a cure,
I was never selling it as a cure.
But there was that big study saying that it does kill viruses, well of course silver does,
hospitals spray it all over everything.
So they don't want you to know about anything and so that is so disgusting that that's going on.
I mean, wow, well just go out to a horse rental place like you're on horseback riding
and take a photo with a horse and go do it.
I mean, that's, I mean, if your life depends on it, I've never said steal or civil disobedience, but if your family member's dying, if it was me, I'd go in there and I'd steal the frickin' ivermectin and leave the $10 for it.
Screw them!
But again, oh, sorry, I didn't finish the story.
My wife goes into Whole Foods and they said, oh, we don't sell that anymore, this is at least in Omaha, because people think it treats COVID.
So again, anything you might protect yourself with, anything that might give you a shot, they don't want it because why?
They want us dead!
I didn't see the story.
Where did you see this on the news?
Here in Vegas this morning.
It was on the local news.
I believe it was Channel 8 News this morning.
Guys, look that up.
So, there it is.
Okay, yeah.
Now that's a different one.
There's the FDA saying, why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 from the agency that legalized fentanyl and hillbilly heroin, OxyContin.
Right, right.
Well, Mr. Jones, thank you for taking my call, sir.
I love your show, and we're hitting it every day.
Brother, I love you, too.
Please spread the word about the broadcast, and then tell folks to spread the word.
That's how we create the chain reaction.
But real quick, because they're having trouble finding it.
What was the News 8 headline?
Feed stores will no longer sell ivermectin?
Or what was the headline?
He's gone.
All right.
We're going to look into that during the break.
We're going to find that.
We're going to come back with more of your calls.
Carlos, Charlie, Graydon, Damon, Rick, Hunter, Anonymous is up first.
James, Michael, and others.
And a big guest that they're calling an extremist up in Canada.
He's a veteran who doesn't want to bring all the Afghans to their country.
We're going to be talking to him coming up as well.
Jeremy McKenzie.
Man, look, I got so much news and so much incredible stuff to cover.
We're going to look more at Afghanistan and the giant Islamic invasion happening in Europe and the U.S.
and Canada right now, and how veterans that speak out against it are being demonized, and how they gave 10-plus million dollars to a Taliban fighter who was in Guantanamo Bay up in Canada and how veterans that criticize it are being called terrorists and censored.
I mean, it's just it's absolutely insane, but it shows the love affair that the globalists have with radical Islam.
We've got some big developments in Afghanistan.
Turns out Biden set the whole thing up.
He's going to give aid to the Taliban.
I mean, it is just incredible.
That is all coming up in the next hour.
We'll also continue With your calls.
But I want to go right back to those here in a moment.
But I want to just tell listeners something.
A lot of times things are hiding in plain view and even I don't realize it.
And in the Lord worse of mysterious ways, we got a limited supply of a high quality multivitamin in.
There was a whole food multivitamin, which means it's the high end and it's organic and it's concentrated.
And then it sold out pretty quick.
And we'd only put a limited order in.
Well, I had told our research crew, hey, you can come out with a few supplements that you think are best sellers and are high quality that people are gonna like.
And then I'm like, a month ago when it came in, I said, hair and beard formula?
And they go, hey, that's a really popular product.
And I said, well, why don't you just say hair, beard and nails and skin?
This is just as good for women.
I went and looked at the ingredients.
I said, man, this is really nice.
It's a really strong formula too.
And then yesterday, or a couple of days ago, I was sitting in my office looking at the multivitamin bottle.
And I was looking at this bottle and I'm like, this has got all the same stuff, and in some cases even more.
And I said, this is really a multivitamin mineral immune booster.
Because it's going to make your hair healthy and your skin healthy and, you know, all that.
Well then certainly, it's showing your body is a lot healthier.
So it's $19.95, 50% off.
There's a lot of money goes into this product, so that's a low price for something that's got this good of ingredients.
There's no reviews yet.
We just started selling it like a week or so ago.
It's got vitamin A 100%, vitamin C 100%, vitamin D 100%, vitamin E from, again, organic sources, vitamin E 100%, niacin, folate, biotin, iron, zinc.
It's got vitamin B5, vitamin B7.
And a whole bunch of glucosamine.
It's got a bunch of special acids that help it upload into your body.
I'm not a scientist, but it really is a great multivitamin mineral, and it's the best deal we got going right now.
It is $19.95.
Sign up for AutoShip, and you get an additional 10% off, so it's $17.95.
And we also, again, have a lot of other great deals there on the site.
Vitamineral Fusion.
Again, because we can only get a limited supply of it because it's organic, it's high-end, it doesn't have fillers, it doesn't have anything from China in it.
They said, hey, we can put out this much.
It's kind of like when you look at these bottle caps, it has a white cap on it, but it should have a black cap.
They're out of black caps.
So we like to waive the stuff on that, but we can't waive it on the ingredients.
So we got a limited supply of it.
It's going to be sold out for months, but we're still 33% off on vitamin, mineral fusion, and a lot of other products as well.
Pollen Block's 40% off, Living Defense is 40% off, Ultimate Krillol's 40% off, Fazilby's 50% off, and that sale is going to end in about a week and a half or so as we're getting low on those products.
I want to thank you all for keeping us on the air.
Thank you so much.
Let's see some great products that you already need.
Living Defense is also back in stock, 40% off.
Back in stock is the activated charcoal toothpaste.
Okay, let's go to your phone calls here.
Who is up next?
Who has been holding the longest here?
I guess that would be... I guess that would be Charlie in FEMA Region 5, then we'll go to Rick.
Charlie in FEMA Region 5, welcome.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Brother Jones, how are you?
Man, I'm just super freaked out.
I mean, it's confirmed they're killing us.
It's confirmed it's causing strokes and heart attacks.
It's confirmed it's causing cancer.
They knew it in all the studies, previous animal studies with similar vaccines.
I mean, I just can't believe it.
Even I'm blown away.
At the same time, the two head FDA scientists came out and said, you shouldn't have boosters, you shouldn't give it to kids, and you shouldn't be under U.N.
control, and we shouldn't have said it was authorized.
It's not authorized.
It's a still emergency.
I mean, that is a big deal.
Isn't it, brother?
Praise God!
Oh yeah, honestly, I think that has to be the nail on the cuff, to be honest.
I mean, I go after these vaccinated people, you know, I try telling them the statistics, giving them, you know, the documents and all the good stuff, you know, that, you know, you've provided through your research and all that good stuff.
And, you know, I show them what, you know, I show them the documents and they call it junk science.
They call it mumbo jumbo.
They call it fake news.
And I'm like, are you kidding me?
These are documents.
These aren't coming off Snopes.
These are not.
Coming off some kind of phony, you know, basement, you know, websites, anything like that.
And it's mostly your family that comes at you.
Like, I don't know what I have to gain to lie to you.
Sir, I have, I have quote, long-term friends I've known that basically, I go, you never call me anymore.
I called this one guy up I've known for 10 years.
And he goes, listen, you need to take the shot.
And I said, well, I guess, or he said, or I'm done.
I'm not, I said, good, we're not friends anymore.
I told him, F you too.
I said, F you, you're a coward and hung up.
So, I mean, screw these people, man.
They're idiots.
They cannot believe this is happening.
They have Stockholm syndrome and they're going to find out.
So screw them.
And I'm sorry if your family doesn't get it.
I wouldn't, and I'm just telling you, I wouldn't even be nice to them about it.
I'd say, hey listen, you want to murder yourself, go ahead.
But I'd keep delivering them documents, delivering them articles, and never shutting up.
Because somebody's going to get sick, and then the others are going to wake up.
But if you don't warn them up front, they'll Stockholm Syndrome and will never admit it happened.
But you'll have limited damage if you keep getting in their face.
Does that make sense?
Yes, sir.
Let me, here's an example.
If you knew That there was a black widow that you saw crawl into the sheets of, say, let's say you were visiting your brother's house.
You go to the bathroom, you're walking by, you see a black widow crawl into the sheets.
And you go back and you tell your brother, hey, I saw a black widow, you might want to kill it.
And he says, I don't believe you, I'm getting in the bed right now.
You're his brother, he should trust you.
But wouldn't you physically try to stop your brother?
Let's say, well, let me show you, brother.
No, you don't touch my bed.
Yes sir, and it's pride.
It doesn't make sense, but see, it's so scary to them subconsciously that they're being
targeted like this that it's too scary.
Do you understand that the government and the CDC wants to kill them?
Does that make sense?
Yes, sir, and it's pride.
Honestly, that's one of the biggest enemies we have against these blind people.
It's pride.
They're too prideful that they've been lied to, that they've been deceived, that they've been fooled, and they can't just own up to it.
They can't accept it back.
God bless you.
Let me show you this, Charlie.
Thanks for the call.
Overhead shot, please, for TV viewers.
And if you're a regular listener and listening, you can always go find the whole show, Everyday Archive.
It's the Archive at 3 or 4 o'clock at Banned Out Video, and you can scan to the point in the show and find it.
This is from Israel.
The source is John Hopkins University that's monitoring the whole thing and running the whole attack worldwide.
So this is from John Hopkins, not your junk science.
It's the enemy's heads-up gun port.
Just like, you know, an F-16's firing missiles at another aircraft.
This is John Hopkins running the attack.
It's their gun port.
How many they've killed.
So this is, you know, this is like the crosshairs on a rifle.
And you can see, they do the first jab, massive death.
Second jab, massive death.
Third jab, they're just started, massive death.
Within a week of them giving the shots, massive death.
Now that's their gun port, their gun site, their bomb site.
They are kicking ass, slaughtering, running an awesome death camp operation.
Here's one out of Greece.
This is also out of John Hopkins and out of the Greek government, the EU government.
And it's got all the massive death rates.
It says, ask the question, what's going on in Greece?
And it shows the death numbers.
And again, it corresponds with the injections.
And the death number is the highest ever recorded since World War II, especially in the age 45 to 64, the biggest death rate since World War II.
Major battles with the Nazis in there.
Look at this.
Massive death rates.
That's 85 years and up.
Everybody's dying.
Here's another one right here.
This is 16 to 44.
Woo, boy, getting some death!
Getting some death as soon as those shots.
Death, death, death.
Oh, it's so good.
Let me take that shot.
Here's another one.
15 to 44.
Ooh, getting some death right there, baby.
Highest death since World War II.
All right.
People don't want to admit it, because they like getting killed, they like getting ripped off, they like paying double gas prices now instead of having Trump in, they like the Keystone Pipeline shutdown, they like dying, they like burying their children, they love Satan, they love abortion, they love GMO, they love 5G!
Of the Tiger!
Man, I tell you, I am so thankful to God right now.
And the Holy Spirit has never been stronger in me.
It's just too much!
The discernment, the sight, the vision, the strength!
The Satanists don't know what they're missing!
Believe me, I've dipped into the devil a little.
A long time ago.
I know their energy source.
And the power of the Holy Spirit is infinity compared to their weakness.
This is real strength.
This is honor.
This is will.
This is determination.
This is life!
And I am simply a tiny, pathetic vessel that reflects a microscopic amount of God's light back.
Got a big special guest joining us who's being censored, being attacked.
We'll tell about it when we get there.
We got a bunch of news that ties into it on the Afghanistan thing.
I've not covered Afghanistan a lot compared to everybody else because it's all part of a larger PSYOP.
And unless you just cover the whole PSYOP, it actually helps the enemy.
But we're going to be breaking it down and looking strategically where this goes and how it's part of breaking down the borders to Europe and destabilizing the whole planet, part of the Great Reset.
But let's rampage through more of your calls right now.
Anonymous in Massachusetts, thank you for holding.
You're awesome.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I think you're awesome.
All right.
This blows my mind.
I just had to call.
I should add, you're a medical worker and I apologize for having you hold this long.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
This physician, a chair of the Department of Medicine, just really quick, I'm just going to say what they... I'm going to read this.
More than 40 years of continuous NIH funding and numerous research grants from the Department of Defense.
Served as a principal investigator on more than half a dozen COVID-19 clinical trials, Those that test the effectiveness of Pfizer, BioNTech, COVID-19 vaccine, and remdesivir treatment.
He was on Channel 5 News for over a year, talking about the vaccine, talking about the, you know, the whole COVID, you know, all the cases.
Yesterday, we got a notice that he died unexpectedly.
And it blows my mind.
And of course, he'd been vaccinated, correct?
I don't know.
You know, I don't know.
But I don't want to say he was because I honestly don't know.
I just feel like he was so into it.
You know what I mean?
But then again, was he not taking it?
And did they all get a kickback?
I mean, I don't know.
Well, we know they get kickbacks, but let me explain this to people right now.
I didn't need to see the statistics that came out a month ago of massive increases in hospitalizations and death.
I talk to doctors.
I see it.
I talk to people around the country.
Now it's all over the news.
I'm not saying, oh, I'm smart.
I'm saying I can see it.
There are so many people dying right now, including young people.
And a lot of times they test negative.
They go, oh, you've got something else.
But the point is, it is the prions.
It is shedding.
I feel really sorry for medical workers that have got to be around this or those that have to administer this stuff.
Because I had a top former Board of Dietrich scientists on the air station talked about how they were, you know, getting infected with stuff they were making back in the 80s and 90s.
And so stuff that wasn't supposedly even dangerous because of where they're cooking these cell structures up, where they're making these vaccines is in these vats of human cells that are already contaminated.
And so that's really the big problem here.
And then you're like, oh, well, great.
The new mRNA system, you know, it'll fix that.
No, it's grown in human tissue as well and using human genome.
And so the entire human genome.
So you're a medical worker.
What is your view on all this and where this is going?
No, I don't take care of patients, but I've been working in the hospitals for over 25 years.
The only thing I can say is that I know that this is not right.
I know it's not really a vaccine.
I won't go near the vaccines.
I'm not giving it to my daughter.
I don't believe in any of this.
And I'm not going to get it, so I'm probably not going to have a job soon.
And I don't even know.
I can't even say any more than that.
It's just I don't trust it.
And that's it.
God bless you.
Thank you for calling.
This is a revolution.
It's a genetic engineering revolution.
That's Klaus Schwab that heads up the Fortune 500.
They all combine forces, they all agree, and it's the corporations forcing all this.
And he says, it's a revolution where we take your body over.
It's a world ID, the medical ID.
Off that, he says we're going to have a carbon tax that tracks everything you do and controls you.
We will then shut down the main economy and make you serve us and do what we want.
We want to get rid of voting and rid of you having any freedom.
I mean, his Wikipedia says he wants to get rid of nation states and rid of people voting and only have the UN stakeholders run things.
It's freaky!
He says he wants global dictatorship!
And the response of the New York Times is, oh Alex Jones is mean.
He questioned a mass shooting.
The same New York Times that lies about WMDs.
I mean, it's there.
It's here.
They're assaulting us.
All right, up next here.
Carlos in Canada.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Well, you know, a claustrophobic may have wet dreams, but For me, I'm not impressed.
He's just the president of some sort of organization, like president of the Chamber of Commerce.
No, no, I agree.
But they now have corporate global power because they run the UN as well.
Well, they have corporate, absolutely.
But the people that own the shares of those corporations have been accumulating those shares by creating economic panics over the centuries, since the year 1773.
I think we discussed this in the past.
And what we see here is nothing but a manifestation of... So it's about the Rothschilds with the British Empire staging panics to buy everything up.
And that's what the Great Reset is.
And they have the shares, okay, in the hands of people.
Let me explain to you a little bit about the mechanism.
The mechanism is that they have the shares signed, but not dated.
And these are deposited.
So people like Zuckerberg and etc.
I would like to have them show the shares.
of their holdings because they're in the hands of portfolio managers and brokers.
Two of them, Vanguard and BlackRock, are the largest holders to twenty trillion dollars.
OK, and BlackRock is trying to bankrupt the small rental market to buy it up.
Yeah, among other things.
But this is predictable unless something is done to turn this inversion.
OK, let me explain.
You and I had a conversation about... Yeah, you were a guest on the show.
You're a big smart guy up in Canada, involved in government and everything else.
Let me give you a little point, two points of information.
When you and I were together, we had 1.1 million downloads within four days.
And what People wrote to me from all over the world, but what was shocking to me was how these very important people, people that I thought would never have followed, were actually saying, Hey, I saw you, Carlos.
I didn't know.
Hey, wow.
You know?
And it was amazing.
But what I want to tell you is this.
This is an inversion.
And I tell people these very same things.
You don't try to convince people that are in Stockholm Syndrome.
Don't try to convince them.
They cannot listen to you.
Because I know, psychologically, at McGill University, I came in 14 years after Cameron at McGill University was doing the experiments on the brain, etc.
So, you know, I know a little bit about this, okay?
Montreal was a center for this kind of research.
I tell you, Bill Gates' video, it's dated, In 2005, April the 13th, he gave a presentation to the CIA and in that presentation he talked of vaccines and how he had the wherewithal to the CIA to implant these whatever elements of the vaccine in the brain so that he could create and
This mantle, I know what part of the brain he was talking about, the right temporal lobe area, where you have people having religious experiences, et cetera, when you're stimulated.
You know, I forgot about his speech to the CIA.
Tell us about that, because I want to do a whole special on it.
I want to have you back on exactly.
And now we know they're putting nanometal in all these worldwide confirmed.
How bombshell is that, Carlos?
I mean, this is huge.
And how bombshell is it, Carlos?
I'm going to hold you over.
How bombshell is it?
That we now have the two heads of the FDA over vaccines quit saying this is wrong.
I mean, wow, this is so huge.
We'll come right back, finish up with Carlos.
We have a guest on for 30 minutes, maybe 40 minutes.
And then I will get to everybody that's patiently holding.
We will get to Michael.
We will get to James.
We'll get to Hunter.
We will get to Brett.
We will get to Rick.
We will get to Graydon and everybody else coming up here today.
And then the war room with Owen Schreyer, the political prisoner.
3 p.m.
Yeah, we're in a war, folks.
But it's okay.
Everybody's gonna die.
Only question is, which side are you on?
There is no longer any doubt.
The globalists have gone for full depopulation, collapse of civilization ops.
People ask, well, why are they building more buildings?
Why are they buying up houses?
They intend to move the third world to the Western world.
We're being given the most deadly injections in the West because we expect money, we expect pension funds, we expect due process.
They want to get rid of that American dream, get rid of that Western dream, and just have slave colonies they own and control.
And they also have two different economy tracks that are operating at the same time.
But Carlos, I held you over.
You were going to finish up that point and that question I had for you and get back into the date of that again.
I think the crew was able to pull it up, but I'd forgotten about that Bill Gates speech where they talked about implanting things through vaccines in our brain.
I mean, back at the time, I made a video called Brain Eating Vaccines was the headline.
Because the Pentagon and others said, "Oh, we'll give troops with PTSD a shot that makes
them happy.
It'll destroy the part of the brain associated with religious experiences, high brain waves,
also depression.
Just take that out, make people emotionless."
And so what do you think about them finding nanometal and everything, the Japanese government
confirming, the Spanish government confirming, that's where you're originally from, Spain.
I mean, it's all coming out, but they're still just moving forward.
Well, the danger, of course, is, from what I said to you before, you've got people like
a real software salesman, Bill Gates, essentially, has no authority whatsoever, intellectually
or academic whatsoever, to inform the CIA about how the human brain area, where the
mirror neurons are, people who know the brain know a little bit about this, but the mirror
neurons are empathic.
They give you empathy.
This is something robots will never have, okay?
And these mirror neurons are in children, they're in animals, they're in you and me and everybody else.
And they give the impression to you as a human being in the ego self.
What experience someone else is having when they're being chopped up or shot or bombed or whatever, and your feelings of emotion and kindness and willingness to help, this empathy is in the mirror neurons and they're part of your brain.
Well, here is Mr. Bill Gates, a software salesman, telling the CIA that he has the wherewithal to inject through a vaccine so that he can eliminate inhuman beings.
Those feelings, those fundamental ideas of religion and belief in God, etc, etc.
The video on YouTube is called 2005 Bill Gates pitch to CIA, etc, etc.
Say it one more time.
on the church. Yes. Say one more time. 2005, Bill Gates pitch to CIA.
I mean, I knew he had patents on implantable nano particles that direct the carriers they can control.
I knew they were rolling it out.
And by the way, did you see the U.N.' 's new global directive on the world ID, medical ID system, carbon ID?
It is written by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation.
It says blockchain controlling your activities with Yes, but we have to stop Alex, you and I and everybody else.
Stop returning the tennis balls.
These people keep throwing problems and problems at us and we keep returning them.
Meanwhile, they have an agenda of unlimited tennis balls they keep throwing at us and we keep responding.
Listen, God's Seventh Cavalry is on its way.
Let me tell you why.
I know a little bit about this.
Around four o'clock in the morning, you and other people, like myself, have woken up with clairvoyance, with a clarity of thought, with ideas that we thought, my God, yes, that's the answer.
And we know exactly what to do.
In history, in religion, that's called the Holy Spirit coming down as a tongue, you know, from whatever.
But in reality, what it is, it's what you call discernment.
And a discernment is coming all over the world.
Soldiers, military, and so on.
Oh, there's no doubt that I'm being given knowledge that didn't come from my brain.
I mean, it's always right.
It's like, God's going to give us the super weapon systems to defeat them, is what you're saying?
Yes, and there are individuals all over the world, trust me, some of them are leaders of countries that are having these evening, early morning, clairvoyant ideas, these It's true, and it's 4 a.m., 3 to 4 a.m., you make the connection, you get the download.
It's incredible.
The Satanists cannot even imagine.
Thank you so much, Carlos.
Great points.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right!
People want me to talk about Afghanistan and what's happening over there?
You're gonna get what you want right now.
It's very important.
Compared to them giving us GMO shots that turn our bodies into factories of deadly synthetic spike proteins that give you cancer and blood clots that are going to kill billions of people who are going to die in the next few years.
I mean, it's already happening.
It's just insane.
I've got all the statistics out of Israel, out of Greece and places where they give the shots and the mass deaths happen.
I already showed that last hour.
I've had medical doctors, scientists on.
I have all the previous animal studies they tried to suppress.
I mean, they plan this out very, very well.
But Afghanistan is important because it's part of the Great Reset.
It's part of migration, replacement migration.
They want to break the social construct and the social compact in the Western world under cloud and pivot strategies to bankrupt everybody.
And they want the UN to then direct these giant migration flows.
They're saying four to five million Afghans, almost all of military age men on their way.
Most of the people that got rescued.
For military-age men, because under Islam, it's forget the women and children.
Men go first.
It was pathetic, but it's designed to be that way to demoralize the country, ahead of him stepping down and bringing in Kamala.
Biden's National Security Advisor says the U.S. may give economic aid to the Taliban,
which is al-Qaeda.
House Republicans lead opposition to Taliban funding.
This is just insane.
Facebook, Instagram, blacklist account of mother of slain Marine because she criticized
Biden but the Taliban is on Facebook and Twitter.
I'm not on Facebook and Twitter, but the Taliban that chops people's heads off if they're, you know, not in the Taliban, that's okay.
And Fox News reports Taliban could use social media to paralyze America with footage of citizens left behind, which is all part of the demoralization.
Globalist plan.
Taliban supporters hold mock funerals with coffins draped with American flags.
And it just goes on from there.
So this gentleman's a well-spoken veteran of the infantry in Canada, Jeremy McKenzie.
He put out a video that got over 6 million views.
It got taken down and the newspapers were calling him an extremist because he doesn't want to bring millions of Afghans, which, where they want to take them, to Canada.
So, RagingDescent.com is the website.
He's a 14-year combat veteran, Canadian infantry, and served in Afghanistan.
He's a comedian, professional boat rocker, and host of Rage Cast Live, a show where he talks about politics, culture, and current events for the past three years, currently residing in Saskatchewan, Canada, until he is taken to the gulag for a wrong thing, which is actually happening.
So if you see Canada today, America tomorrow, they're now announcing in California, Michigan, other areas, they're going to come to your house if your child was near someone with COVID and take them for 14 to 15 days to a COVID facility.
Will you let them take your children away?
That's always the final thing the tyrants do to see if you're fully under their control.
And so here's a little bit of one of the videos they took down that they're so angry at, they're calling extremists.
Here it is.
Oh yeah, my name's Jeremy McKenzie.
I'm a Canadian Forces Afghanistan Combat Veteran.
I deployed the 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment in 2007 to fight these people, actually.
To fight Omar Khadr's extended family.
They all participate.
They love the Taliban, which he was a member of.
And I absolutely detest And abhor the fact that they would even call him such a thing as a child soldier.
Calling him a soldier at all is an insult to the Waffen-SS, let alone me.
These are not people that wear uniforms.
These are not people that obey things like the rules of war or the Geneva Conventions.
They use women and children as human shields.
They burn people with acid for not reading the right magic books.
They're horrendous.
They're monstrous human beings.
They were raping children.
They didn't care.
They would blow up as many of their own civilians as they would do us.
It didn't matter at all.
And now Canada is leaving $150 million on the table meant for veterans because, well, we just don't have the time for that.
Well, the government spends more money since 1870 than any other government in Canadian history.
And in this environment, no, we just don't have enough money.
But we will make Omar Khadr, the Taliban terrorist, a multimillionaire.
And we're going to tell everybody that's got a problem with that to leave the building and leave the premises.
Including me.
Including other Canadian Forces veterans.
And I have to be here to say this because many of the people from my platoon that were killed by Omar Khadr's little club aren't here to say that anymore.
They're all dead.
Christianics isn't here anymore.
Sergeant Donnie Lucas isn't here anymore.
So that's why I'm here.
Because this is outrageous.
This is a travesty.
And I'm sick of staying home and staying on the couch and watching everybody just not say anything because this is wrong.
This is not what Canada stands for.
It's not the country that I signed up to fight for.
And it is certainly not the country that those men and women died for when I was over there fighting against him and his family and his friends.
So I guess I'm the bad guy now.
If that's how it's going to be, then that's how it's going to be.
Okay, and I guess that's what's him going out to an event where they worship, the Communist leader of Canada worships, the guy that says you're going to have to have your bank account taken if you don't take injections.
They worship this Omar Khadr character who got over 10 million dollars because he got arrested in Afghanistan and detained and put in Guantanamo Bay.
Poor baby!
And so here to talk about it is Jeremy McKenzie.
Jeremy, you're an evil demon, you're a veteran, you're a bad guy, and you don't want all these precious Afghans to come to your country?
Well, I mean, that's part of it, Alex.
I mean, it's just another facet of the, you know, the multi-faceted attack on Western civilization.
You talk about it, a lot of other people have talked about it, and that was a couple years ago now, and I wish things had gotten better since then.
That is, you know, worse.
It's gotten so much worse since then, it's almost indescribable.
I mean, we've been talking about this for so long.
That's right.
I should have pointed out that was a few years ago.
You've been proving right about this, sir.
What the hell's going on in Canada?
Because we know everything happening to you is now moving here.
You're the beta test, so is Australia.
And what is your view as a veteran of Afghanistan about why this is happening?
Oh, man.
Well, I mean, you hit it earlier.
It's, you know, besides the multinational, you know, the banking cartel and all the money involved and everything, which is what this is really all about.
But the demoralization campaign, it's very, very difficult to believe for a second that this is not intentional.
This is incompetence to a level that I have trouble believing.
And I have a pretty good imagination.
I can get going.
And I have a really difficult time believing that this is This is an accident.
Biden's just incompetent.
The Joint Chiefs are just incompetent.
Everybody's just incompetent.
We're just going to leave America, potentially Canadian citizens, we don't know.
We can't get a clear answer there.
It's treason.
I've been saying it's treason.
$80 million of equipment.
And it turns out Biden was, as you know now, the documents come out, was telling the government, cover up, there's going to be a collapse.
Don't tell people.
So they wanted this to happen.
Absolutely, and I think that you're right.
It is a demoralization campaign because it fits the pattern of what I've been seeing.
And if you look at it, it's not just the military, it's everywhere.
It's academia, education, on TV, on your Netflix, on your phone, everywhere you go.
Our people have been under a sustained psychological warfare attack now for 18 months, never mind the previous, you know, 10 years or so.
If you look up something called the Biderman Report, B-I, not Biden, B-I-E-D-E-R-M-A-N, Dr. Alfred Biderman, he actually debriefed, and maybe you're familiar with this, American GIs and POWs that were captured by the Koreans and Chinese in the Korean War, And when you look at the methods that they used to elicit compliance from them... That's where all the modern brainwashing came out of there, exactly.
That's how they perfected it.
And they're doing all of the same things to our people right now.
This is weaponized psychological warfare.
Obama repealed these rules way back years ago, making propaganda legal to use on American citizens.
I don't even think we had those rules here in Canada.
And it's just non-stop all the time.
There it is right there.
They want to break you mentally.
They want to demoralize you because demoralized people give up.
Demoralized people don't fight.
So what's wrong with you and I and our listeners?
Because the more they do this, the more I get angry and fight them, the more energy I get.
Why is it not working on us?
How do we transfer that to other people?
I'm not sure.
It could just be the head injuries I've had.
I'm not sure.
I've had a lot of head injuries too.
Joe Rogan thinks that might be the secret actually.
It could be.
You've got to get punched in the face a few times.
You have to, or else you're just not living your life to your full potential.
But, you know, again, the demoralization.
So, I mean, it's literally our job and our responsibility to the people that see this.
And if you're willing, anybody that's willing to go out there and take a stand and say, this is wrong, we're not doing this, this is not our way of life, this is not America, this isn't Canada, this is crazy, this is communist nonsense.
And, you know, if you guys want to hop on our backs and, you know, we've got big backs and big shoulders, let's go.
You know, this is...
You want to fight?
Let's go.
And you're seeing signs of it everywhere.
You were talking earlier about the Death Star analogy.
It's been bad for years.
Things have been really black-pilling and scary and insane, but I'm starting to see as if the Earth itself is paved over in concrete and little blades of grass are just starting to poke up somehow.
And they're losing their minds.
They've got to censor everybody.
They've got to block everything and ban everything.
And they still can't win.
That's right.
This giant power grab is an exercise of weakness because they know their New World Order is coming to an end because of a giant spiritual awakening or whatever you want to call it.
Jeremy McKenzie is our guest.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, stay with us.
Share those links.
It's an info war.
Share those links.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got Jeremy McKenzie, who's a popular talk show host and a well-spoken guy.
And a lot of his videos end up getting censored, so I wanted to get him on so that he could get this out to a larger audience as well.
But I wasn't trying to say, why are we special, Mr. McKenzie?
Seriously, we know DARPA, we know the Pentagon.
You know, the globalists up on top are trying to suppress individuals and leaders of every race,
color, and creed. And so we really should ask, why is this audience so awake?
Why do the globalists fear it? And I think the answer is we're awake. We've had live experiences,
we've seen things, we understand how things integrate together. And so much of the public
is actually, I think your head injury comment is a archetype of it, kind of the extreme end of it.
They've never had life experiences.
They've never gone through pressure.
They've never gone through stress.
They're domesticated, and so they really are almost in a trance.
They don't know any better and can't believe that predators have taken control.
That's why they embrace radical Islam.
That's why they embrace all these forms of tyranny, because they just want to run up a white flag to it.
In a form of mass Stockholm Syndrome.
Give me your take on that and what you think of Afghanistan and where you think this is all going and how do we ignite that survival instinct in people everywhere to promote Western civilization again before it's too late.
Yeah, I mean, I think you nailed it earlier.
I've been talking about it.
I mean, we always come back to the same point.
It's fear.
People are afraid.
They don't want to believe that this could be possible, that these people that they've trusted, that their institutions they trust, the TV, all of this stuff, is actually working against them.
It doesn't like them.
In fact, it hates them.
And it's making them do things that are going to hurt them.
And it's just it's such an evil thing to comprehend.
And you're probably right.
It does take some kind of life experience for me.
It was, um, you know, the military in Afghanistan, the whole thing, and I just, Alex, two plus two has to equal four at the end of the day.
And we're burying guys and I'm going to funerals and I'm seeing people, you know, the no more social media updates because he's committed suicide and he's gone and they're gone.
Two plus two must equal four.
What is going on?
What are we doing?
Why did this happen?
And there are no answers.
And now there's no accountability.
They're going to do this in Afghanistan.
And this, to see it, it's heartbreaking and it's simultaneously, as much as it's heartbreaking, it's enraging at the same time.
And like I said before the break there, the little blades of grass are starting to come up.
You're seeing guys quitting.
A lot of guys are not okay with this.
And to see, you know, decades of work and sacrifices go down the tube, and to not even acknowledge that they've made a mistake, or that this is wrong, and we're going to just arm the Taliban and give them all of our money and guns.
And you've got guys like, I don't know if you're familiar with this guy, Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller.
Who's resigned his commission?
Yeah, oh yeah, you think he's gonna be the last guy?
Hell no!
There are so many Marines.
I mean, they sign up, they believe this stuff.
This isn't a job to them.
This isn't a job to 9 to 5 kind of thing.
They live, they breathe this.
These guys get branded, we get tattoos.
These flags, this stuff, this means something to us.
This is a huge, this is part of our way of life.
This is who we are as a people.
If you think we're just going to roll over and go away, you're going to come here and you're going to target our people, our children now.
Let's bring this up.
In Canada they're saying veterans are the main terror threat.
In the U.S.
they're saying they're the main terror threat.
They're claiming we're all white supremacists if we believe in sovereignty in the West.
They're trying to start a war.
General Honore, General Austin, General Milley.
They're really trying a Marxist-Leninist playbook.
I believe they're preparing false flags to blame us.
They say the evil right-winger terror attacks are coming.
Clearly, they really do have some plan to try this.
I don't think it's going to work.
Most of the military I know and most of the police I know have really woken up.
Yeah, me too.
I don't think it will either.
I think they're arrogant and I think they've been riding high on the hog for 20 years since 9-11 and they've just been winning and winning and defeated by success, if you will.
The hunger to fight and win is defeated when you're sleeping in silk sheets.
No, you're right.
Prosperity kills.
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
That's right.
And, you know, there's going to be a pushback.
And there's a lot of, like, these guys take a while to get going.
The guys that are the most capable and the most likely to stand up and say that, you know, like I like this clip from Star Trek, the one with the Borg, Picard, what was it?
This far, no farther.
This is the line.
That's it.
There's no, that's it.
I'm getting off the couch now.
And these guys, because they know what it means and they know what's at stake and they know what the consequences are.
I like what you said before you got a break.
I want you to elaborate on that.
The blades of grass.
The globalists hit the panic button in their own internal documents that have come out four or five years ago when Trump got elected.
Not that Trump was perfect for Bolsonaro.
They saw that as a sign of the populist uprising and they said, oh my god, our whole agenda is in trouble.
Implement Operation Lockstep, which is the virus release.
They didn't do this out of strength.
They did it out of desperation.
They boiled the pot too fast, Alex.
The frog is getting out of the pot.
They got greedy, and they want to go, go, go, and too many people, and sometimes I wondered about this, like, are things going better or worse than you think?
And if they weren't, what's the Sun Tzu quote?
If you're strong, you project weakness.
You want your enemy to walk into a trap and destroy himself.
If you're weak, you project strength, and they're threatening people.
We're going to do this to you, we're going to do that, we're going to have vaccine passports, there's going to be consequences, you're going to pay, we're going to destroy.
They're bluffing.
I'll call their bluff.
I think they're full of crap.
And I think they're scared, and I think they're worried about it.
And we've got, and there's an election happening in Canada right now.
All the establishment parties are the same.
They're all on the same page.
Trudeau is being chased out of every town he goes to, and the TV says he's polling at 35%.
Very popular.
And the other guy is defending him, saying there's no place for this.
There's only one, and then you've got the PPC in Canada, Max Bernier.
The only ones defending Canadian values, and they're pretending they don't exist, and he's getting a Ron Paul treatment.
They're the other party.
We won't even say their names on television.
It's a charade, and they're scared.
You wouldn't need to do this if you're strong.
This is something you would do if you're weak, and I smell it.
I smell blood, Alex.
I agree with you, and here's what I want to say to all the veterans I know, and I know it's stressful and I know they come back and then they don't know what to do.
Don't commit suicide.
Go help other people that are worse off than you.
Empower yourself.
Believe in God or reach out to however you have to do it for the universe to fight this evil.
And I don't want any violence against the globalists because we're winning politically, we're winning culturally.
They could short circuit that.
But at the same time, fight With everything you've got politically and culturally to say no to this long before you blow your own head off.
And then if we do have a civil war, don't go out and just shoot cops and people on the street like they train us to do.
You know, there's globalists that I really want to see live until there's Nuremberg 2.
But at the same time, if we're going to have a war, you know, the top guys are the enemy, not the cops.
Yeah, and these guys are, like I say the same thing, don't do it because your family needs you, your community needs you, and you maybe think a lot, like, terrible about yourself.
I know a lot of these guys, and they just feel like garbage, you know, and they leave the military, they don't know what to do, and they deploy to forward operating base living room couch, and then they get into the bottle, and it's a downward spiral.
People think the world of you guys, and you could make such a difference and have such an impact.
You matter, you're so important, and people are going to need you.
And if this does go crazy, if things go sideways, we're not going to be the ones to start it.
Like you said, we're not terrorists.
We're the opposite of that.
We're the people who love our people and our country.
They are dumb enough to go ahead with it.
We need to be smart and we need to go after...
We won't finish it.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, yeah, I mean, we won't start it, but we'll finish it.
You know what I mean?
Don't start something you can't finish, guys.
And I'm not going to attack anybody or do anything like that, but if they're stupid enough, if they, like you're, you know, Joe Rogan has said this, if they open that door and those floodgates come open, you are going to open the door to something, a dimension that you cannot even fathom.
And the stuff that is going to come pouring out of there, you are going to rue the day.
I guarantee you that.
Yeah, these globalists really are isolated in their own world.
They have no idea how much trouble they're in.
And on top of this, I want to point this out.
Have you noticed that there's, listen to this, that you've got soft units, special operations forces, have now gone rogue to rescue American citizens in Afghanistan because that's who Americans are.
That's who Canadians are.
That's who the Western man is.
You're not going to wait for somebody to tell me to go rescue our own people, women and children.
To leave a single person behind is treason.
And we don't know how many people... And could you believe though that the first flights out were nothing but Afghan men?
That those guys literally climbed over women to get on those airplanes?
Yeah, and I want to say this because, you know, some of those people risk so much for us.
The interpreters, their families, they were killed.
Stay there.
You tell us.
You were over there.
Tell us when we come back.
Great interview, Jeremy.
Mackenzie, RagingDissident.com.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
Have you shared the URLs today?
Have you gotten involved?
Now is the time.
It's an InfoWar.
Remember, listeners, I love you to death.
The globalists work around the clock to try to suppress everybody.
This is a test to see if they can kill us, a test if they can silence us, a test if they can take over.
But these two top scientists, the directors of vaccine program, the number one and number two guy, leaving the FDA and saying, we did not authorize this, it's not authorized, they lied, this is political, don't take the booster shots, don't give shots to kids.
I mean, that is just so huge.
So massive.
And we have the big Chinese whistleblower lady who was on a few days ago.
She's in the War Room today with even more information.
So look for that at 3 p.m.
Your calls are coming up next segment.
Jeremy McKenzie, really well-spoken guy.
We'll invite him back soon.
I've been kind of ranting the last two segments.
You were trying to make a point about, you know, leaving the women and children and all the rest of it, what you saw in Afghanistan.
So you've got the floor for the rest of the segment just as a veteran of Afghanistan to vent.
And also, I know this was a couple years ago and they censored it, but This Omar Khadar guy, just to give people an example of why would Trudeau give him ten and a half or whatever it was million dollars because he was a poor little Taliban or whatever?
Well, his rights were violated.
But then it's okay if all of our rights get violated.
Guantanamo Bay, that's right.
He was detained in Guantanamo Bay.
His father is also a convicted terrorist, bailed out by Jean Chrétien in the 90s.
It's interesting, and we don't know how far the Liberal government of Canada's ties go to the Taliban, to the Cotter family.
It's very suspicious.
And they would rather pay this guy out than fight.
However, they are going to fight us in court.
I'm involved in a mass tort litigation.
Howie Sachs and Henry.
Over the mefloquine poisoning of all of our guys.
The malaria medication they gave us.
They knew it was toxic.
They knew it was poisonous.
They did it anyway.
Because that's what they do.
And that's another thing.
Like, you think I'm going to take these vaccines?
The last time the government told me to just take it, it's good for you.
Don't worry about it.
Now I got brain damage.
Now all these guys have brain damage.
And all these guys have, you know, committed suicide as a result of this.
Yeah, I'm going to wait.
I'm going to wait.
I'm going to wait and see what happens.
And again, it's just one facet of it and that was what spawned all of this.
I needed to know what was going on.
I needed to figure it out and it's everywhere.
It turns out a lot of people, yourself included, have been right about this.
There is a cadre, if you will, of people that are more interested in this international
clique of bankers that are just taking everything over.
They're going to run everything.
It's international communism.
You're not going to have any rights.
There is no going back to normal.
People are like, I just want to go to work and go back to normal.
There is no more normal, man.
It's fight or die.
That's where we're at.
And there's, I believe, an Edmund Burke quote.
I can't remember if that's what it is.
Too many people, our government's included.
There's a couple of guys you mentioned, Ray and Paul, you know, down in the States.
And we have a couple people up here, Max Bernier here in Canada.
However, the rest of them are content to do nothing.
And the quote says something like, for evil to succeed, all that, it doesn't require your consent.
It doesn't require your support.
All it requires is that you do nothing.
Just do nothing.
And that's what everyone's content to do.
I'm gonna look away, I'm gonna bury my head in the sand, I'm gonna do nothing.
You're helping.
You're helping this transpire by not intervening.
You know, and that upsets me, and it's so important, especially down there, you know, you guys in the United States, and there's not a lot of us up here in Canada, but we're crazy.
We're maniacs, okay?
We've got Lumberjacks, and we're out of our minds.
We will fight to the end, okay?
The Devil's Brigade, we've got a history together.
But if they get America...
If America goes down, that's it, that's curtains, because who's going to come save you?
You know, you see the horror of the stuff that's happening in Australia and the United Kingdom, and that sucks, but it's like going down on a plane.
You've got to put your own respirator on first before you can help someone else.
We've got to dig ourselves out of our holes here first, and then, you know...
If we're fortunate enough, maybe we can go help them bail them out.
Absolutely, and Trudeau, just to interrupt, Trudeau just came on the air and said, we're using this as the Great Reset, we're going to have environmental lockdowns, this is just the new way of life.
Klaus Schwab, the UN says, as you said, this is a permanent takeover.
They say, oh, just comply, you'll be able to go outside.
Oh, sorry, more shots, still can't go outside.
I mean, are people going to figure this out?
I don't know.
I think a lot of them are afraid, and I think that, I mean, this is the only shot we got.
I'm just coming at it with, like, just unapologetic confidence.
Like, I don't care what you do to me.
I don't care if it takes four months or 400 years.
You can kill me if you want.
I'll, you know, with my last breath, I will spit blood in your face and say, F you.
I'm never going to give up.
Okay, and you know they're gonna keep coming they're gonna keep trying it's um, you know It's gonna be a long haul but people need to see that confidence.
They need they need leadership and that's a huge problem They need they need to be, you know inspired and led and we don't have that right now for now, but it's slowly Problem is our leaders that are halfway ...are not addressing it as a global government, corporate, authoritarian, banking takeover, the Great Reset, a post-industrial world.
Guys, roll the B-roll of the combat robots walking around the United States.
Because they want to replace humans because humans won't follow criminal orders all the time.
I mean, this is literally, in Klaus Schwab's own word, a robot takeover, a post-human world.
Right, and the foundation of their ideology and what they want, what drives them, their fuel that makes them get up in the morning is greed, control, me, me, me, you know, it's evil!
And manipulation and deceit, that's what gets them going, that's what fires them up.
What we have is the love of our children and our people and our communities and our culture and our history.
Which one do you think is going to win the long game?
I'm totally comfortable with our position.
I know there's going to be worse days ahead, we're going to have losses, it's going to get rough, it's going to get ugly.
But ultimately, in the end, we literally can't lose.
It's impossible.
Unless they want to destroy the Earth and kill themselves.
I mean, if that's their plan, I don't think so.
I think they've bit off more than they can chew.
They're not their grandfathers.
They are not the original 1800s like the Rockefellers and the Warburgs and the DuPonts and all these people.
Hunter Biden is smoking crack cocaine and losing laptops.
Like, these people are not competent.
They're fools.
They're arrogant.
They're buffoons.
And we must stop bowing to them like they're God.
They're fools.
They're absolutely disgusting, hilarious.
Like, they're comical.
There's a Voltaire quote that said, Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.
And did that ever come true?
I couldn't imagine more of a circus than this.
Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau and Aaron O'Toole, he's like Ralph Wiggum or something.
He's just happy to be there.
And now in Canada and Australia, and they're saying, don't look at the sun, it's sad.
Don't go in your yard.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
And then the people saying it look like archetypal criminals, like, don't go outside.
Don't talk to your neighbors!
You'll be getting monthly shots!
I mean, literally, they look like they're serial killers or something, because they are.
Yeah, and I'm going to, just to lend a hand to a lot of the other guys that are up here in Canada, the Platt Army folks, Derek and East Coast Canadian.
Edgy D and all the friends and guys up here.
And one of him, I think it was Murray, said that, yeah, that was a joke not long ago, that you can't look at the sun because that's it.
And now they're saying these things.
Now they're saying, don't talk to your neighbors.
It's absolute lunacy.
It's complete craziness.
And the education minister, get a load of this, because you're saying they're coming after the kids and that, like, hey, I talked to Adam Skelly.
A little while ago, maybe you've seen this footage, the barbecue in Toronto that the whole police department apparently had to descend upon to stop this man from selling brisket.
You know, you want to come after the kids.
It's like, that's a nice looking hill, Alex.
That's a beauty.
That's a real nice, got a nice river next to it, some trees.
If there's a hill to pick, that's the one.
That's the one, baby.
And if they want to go there, we're going to go there.
The education minister in New Brunswick says the parents are very concerned.
Well, what about the kids?
The 12 and under?
Oh yeah, we're going to get vaccines.
All of them.
All of them.
Under 12, over 12, everybody.
And again, we just had the two heads, the two top virologists at the FDA say it's wrong and quit.
So there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Absolutely, and they can't outrun these lies forever, and these people don't just disappear.
Where do they go?
They think they're going to go, oh well, and go home and watch Netflix in their pajamas all day?
And all the cops you fire, all the military guys you fire, what do you think they did?
Do you think they've broken these people?
You've hardened their resolve to a level you can't even fathom.
They don't even know, they can't build and create and do anything.
All they know how to do is destroy, pull down statues, and you know, complain and cry and whine.
It's preposterous that they think they're going to defeat these people in the long run.
And that education minister, these parents are like, we're the parents, they're our kids.
And he goes, no, the children belong to the province of New Brunswick.
He thinks that he owns children.
And he doesn't have any of his own.
I saw that clip.
I've got that clip.
They go, we own your children.
We'll do whatever we want with them.
We'll do what we want with your children.
Did you see the other health minister, I forget which province now, where he goes, we can't ever, in the lockdown, people will talk to each other.
I mean, that's an actual quote!
We can't let them talk!
They'll get bad information!
And now we've got the vaccine passports.
It was a conspiracy theory a year ago, now it's conspiracy fact.
It will never happen.
You're a crazy person, and now that it's here, well, we knew it was gonna happen, so just shut up and do it anyway.
It's easier.
It's always easier to take the easy road.
The vaccine passports are coming today in Ontario.
That's right next door, baby.
It's coming your way.
I want to invite you if you ever want to host an hour of the show on my show or on The War Room or on American Journal.
We'd love to have you host an hour.
We love you, brother.
Thank you, man.
I love you guys, too.
I love what you guys are doing.
There's so many of you guys, your viewers and everything you guys have done.
Where would we be without you guys?
You know what I mean?
We're all in this together, brother.
Thank you, brother.
I can feel your resolve.
You can feel mine.
And we will never surrender.
We're getting stronger.
The globalists are getting weaker.
And the war for liberty has just begun.
Humanity is coming out of the deep, long, poisonous sleep we've been under.
And all little globalist vampire bats are all over sucking our blood, but we're starting to grab around the neck and just pop the little heads off.
And they are squealing in anger as they realize that we are the masters of this planet, not Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
That those predators will be defeated like all other tyrants in history.
And they will be a testament into the future of what our enemies are.
All right, I want to jam in some phone calls here ahead of the special guest host that's coming up.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman does an incredible job each week doing at least an hour.
He's got a school that's fighting back against the mask, the injections, a special guest that's coming on.
You do not want to miss this broadcast at freeworldnews.tv.
Please share the link from the live feed of the Alex Jones Show right now from freeworldnews.tv because currently that's the new URL that now four or five months they've not banned.
Remember all the other ones?
Like 79 Days of Hell and all the rest of the ones that they then banned on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.
Well, this one's been going for a while.
It's still going to be a great URL.
You may even make a website out of it or something.
I've also been contacted by some folks who want to use it for a website.
I'll probably just let them do it.
But as soon as it gets banned on Twitter and Facebook and the rest of it, we've got some other URLs ready.
But that's how you get over the enemy.
They wouldn't be censoring if they had total control.
They don't.
They have gone for broke, though.
That gives them a real power.
They're fully committed.
They're mass murdering.
They're depopulating.
They know that'll trigger Stockholm Syndrome in most people, but it won't do it to all of us.
And their own people are going to start leaving in droves as I predicted the Achilles heel and now it's happening at the FDA.
The number one and number two heads of vaccine programs say you shouldn't have boosters.
You shouldn't give it to children.
It's not been approved.
The White House just said this is an approved vaccines.
It's not.
Ultra, ultra, ultra, ultra, ultra massive.
In fact, I never tell the morning show, American Journal of Harrison Smith, what to put a headline up or what to cover.
I'm saying, I want this covered front and center.
This is ginormous!
Alright, who's up?
Who's been holding the longest?
I really appreciate you guys holding.
That would be...
Yeah, I feel the same way.
I get where you're going with this.
It feels like we're living in a dream, a bad dream.
I'm ready for war. I'm just totally, I just feel like I can take on about 100 people. Go ahead.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I get where you're going with this. It feels like we're living in
a dream, a bad dream. One of the themes it seems to be today is, you know, not just looking,
but people around you just don't get it.
You try to talk to them about it.
They quote mainstream media.
A few people get it very close to me.
That's about it.
But I work in quite a few different environments.
I'm a contractor for IT, so I'm out in the field all the time, primarily supporting medical environments and their systems.
And people, they don't get it.
They're living in fear.
I mean, everybody's masking up.
You see people driving around in masks.
Because they buy into the narrative that we're in this together, we're in danger, we're safe together, even though they're being hit with the vaccine and turning into factories that grow it to kill themselves and those around them, turning them into viral suicide bombers.
Oh, I see people around me who have taken it and Their costs won't go away.
They've got acne that won't go away.
So they get something else that they think is going to treat it.
It's not getting any better.
It's getting worse.
I mean, you saw the biggest crowds Trump got, up to 200,000 in Pennsylvania.
So I know it's a paradox.
You know, the cities are hell holes in Pennsylvania, but a lot of the rural communities and the small towns seem to really be awake.
I mean, so I guess, where are you, like in Philadelphia?
No, I'm in Pittsburgh, right in the center of the Democrats, man.
Uh, corrupt, uh, voting, allegedly.
Um, all that stuff.
But what I wanted to bring up as well was, we talk about people not being awake and all this stuff that keeps coming up.
A comment I started bringing up to a guy at work and, uh, he goes, you know, what I don't know won't hurt me.
And I said, well, yes, it does.
That's, that's the worst thing you can possibly say.
They think perception is reality.
It's not.
And he went on to say he's comfortable living at home.
Because he works remote.
I don't.
Living at home, watching Netflix, and just letting the world go by.
He doesn't get, though, that they're counting on that to cause the collapse.
He doesn't get that the Great Reset is designed to cause mass starvation in the third world and then final enslavement here.
I get that.
You're right.
And I just wanted to say thank you very much for being on the front lines of this.
I'm almost to the point where I'm going to be out there myself because People don't get it.
I see the world getting angrier and angrier.
I drive quite a bit between where I go.
Well, that's what Klaus Schwab said.
See, this guy's happy because he's at home.
Other people aren't.
It's gonna cause a collapse of... That's what Klaus... We know you are angry.
Soon you will burn the cities.
Ah, great reset.
See what he's doing?
Oh, yeah, and... You've said it before to people.
Stay calm.
It's... Take a step back.
Take a deep breath.
This is all real.
You're gonna cry.
You're gonna realize that...
Oh my God, I was wrong.
Not necessarily Alex was right, but you were.
This is huge.
This is big.
Wake up.
That's the hardest thing to do is process this, but once you do, it's going to get easier and you can be awake, and in the end, it's going to get better.
People keep saying that it's a war, but no, that's part of the human development.
And just get right with God and then just don't be violent up front.
If you're ready to be violent, use that energy and information war to warn others and be a leader.
God bless you.
Great and great points.
I can talk to these callers each one for an hour.
He's an amazing caller.
Who's holding the next longest here?
Let's talk to Rick in FEMA Region 3, medical worker on COVID.
Thank you so much for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, thank you so much for taking my call.
Appreciate it.
Hey, so get right into it.
I have kind of an interesting background.
I work with the Amish community here that's local to me for the last 10 years, helping them with sustainable products to live every day.
As you know, or at least probably know about the Amish, they are completely off grid.
So every time that they do, they do off grid.
So I've helped them with sustainable energy.
I totally agree, and the Amish don't have autism.
to store their energy, so on and so forth, all that kind of stuff.
So I would say, just as a reminder, it's not if, it's when they're going to require us
to have these shots.
And if we don't want the shots, we're going to need to go off grid or we're going to need
I totally agree.
And the Amish don't have autism.
Did you know that?
Yeah, and they also don't have diabetes either.
There's a lot of things that they don't have, and they treat everything homeopathically as well.
I mean, I could talk about- I was in Florida, and I ran into a bunch of Amish families that had gone to the beach just to walk, and I saw their sons and daughters, and they all looked so alive.
They were like little creatures that were looking at us and interested when we smiled at them, and then you saw everybody else were like zombies, not wanting to look us in the eyes.
It was so sad.
Yeah, they're unbelievable people.
They love special kids.
They have a lot of schools for special needs kids here.
Again, I could go off on the Amish for a long time.
What I want to talk about, though, is supply chains at the moment.
Now, I have a lot of products made, unfortunately, overseas because it's the only possible way to do that, and supply chain is in a really rough spot.
I know you kind of jokingly in passing have said multiple times that you're going to think about buying a Buying a log cabin in the woods and going off grid.
I would just say, Alex, if you're thinking about doing that, do that now.
No, no, it's already too late for me.
I'm gonna, I mean, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go down with the show.
Give me a call, my friend.
Give me a call if you need some, uh, something for, uh, storable power.
I still have stuff.
I understand, brother.
No, no, I mean, that's great.
I'm just saying, I'm putting my full energy into fighting them.
I've got an exit plan.
Uh, but yeah, absolutely.
I mean, this is just, I mean, for everybody else isn't gonna be politically active or engaged.
Yeah, that's a whole other area of research, but you're right.
Moving in close to the Amish, I think you're saying, is a smart move.
You gotta do what they do.
You have to focus on clean energy that you create.
You have to focus on clean water, clean food.
But wouldn't you agree, getting a piece of property right up next to them, and then getting to know them, because they work with people, they're nice folks, isn't that smart to kind of move in close to the Amish?
Yeah, if you're not, and if you're not super close by, you got to build a network.
They're a little standoffish, but you got to provide value to them to get into their community, which I have.
But, you know, the thing is, we got to live like them because they don't take the shots.
They're not doing it.
Like I said, I said it in passing.
And again, they were made to do that leaving Switzerland and Germany 500 years ago, 450 years ago, because they were being oppressed.
Their kids were being taken.
They weren't having their rights and they just exited and left.
And I really appreciate your call.
We're out of time there.
I'm going to go to break.
And I'm going to come back and I'm going to go to Michael and then James.
I'm trying to jam them in.
And then, yeah, the next guest host is coming up.
He's got some big guests.
And so I'll call Brett and Hunter back tomorrow if they want to get on the show.
But the longest holding is Michael and James.
I'm going to jam you guys in.
We're back in two minutes.
I'm going to go right to you.
And again, this is a radio clock.
14 minutes and adds an hour.
That's the standard.
Podcast solicitors are sick of that.
I get it.
Everything's podcasting now, but if we didn't have our great AM and FM affiliates, we would have been taken off the air.
We're going to be de-platforming.
These hundreds of radio stations are awesome, so support them.
And they're great, but I am doing more and more podcasts commercial-free, as you've been seeing.
And I'm planning soon to do podcasts.
Get ready for it!
Seven days a week in the war!
Upping the attack!
Ha ha ha ha!
We'll be back!
We're gonna go to Michael and then James here.
Final segment before I hand the baton over to a special guest host.
Michael, en masse, thanks for holding.
You've got some important news.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I appreciate you taking my call.
Good to talk to you, bro.
Back at you.
Yeah, okay, so Alex, I was just gonna ask, can you elaborate on something?
Like, I just find it really interesting, because you know how you post... I didn't hang up on you there.
He's gone.
Call back in.
I wanted to hear what he had to say.
It's crazy how that happens.
He wanted to talk about a genetic rewrite of the planet.
That's what the globalists are doing.
They're not just taking over humans.
They're taking over everything they say.
They're going to be gods.
It doesn't matter.
They'll create whatever planets they want.
And so I did not hang up on you, sir.
Call me back.
James in Iowa.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going, man?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
All right, we must be having a phone system problem.
That only happens about once or twice a year.
And so I apologize if those callers are able to get back in on the show tomorrow.
And I'm not mad at the crew.
That's not their fault if a computer goes crazy.
But you guys are... Something's going on with the phone system crashed.
Okay, that's what that is.
I see the lines going up and down and going crazy.
Like in a movie when the spaceship's blowing up.
So, tomorrow, those callers who get back in, I want to hear from you and I apologize.
I hate it that we have 20 phone lines.
I love it too, but, you know, it takes...
A good two, three hours to get to all those phone calls.
And we got to probably 20 calls today.
So we did our best.
OK, wow.
We've got this guest host coming up here.
It's going to be really, really big.
They've got some amazing guests.
They're standing up and fighting back against the globalists.
The Alex Jones Show, 4th Hour, Dr. Andrew Kauffman hosting 4th Hour, The School That's Not Cruel, Education Unmasked, special guest, That is a standing up against the tyranny, is the example
of the future.
That's something I want to say.
I want to get my wife's cousin on who's a big listener and a big Patriot.
They've been Republicans forever, but they're really awake now in Omaha.
They have this big Christian school that the family's gone to for a couple of
And they've got four children that go there.
And they said, you're going to take the shots when they come out and you're going to wear a mask.
And so they just said this year, just like a month when school started, they got a big building right across the street, not to mess with the school, just what they were able to get available.
And half the school and half the people that have donated over the years, the grandparents and all that gave money and they just moved across the street.
And now they have more people than the school has.
And that other school is probably going to fold.
You want war?
You want to make us take your poison?
You want to make us submit to you?
You want to make us put diapers over our faces?
We're going to take our money and walk.
So restaurants are now putting signs up saying, if you're a Democrat, we don't want your business.
They don't want ours?
You're a bunch of miserable criminals.
We're not going to physically assault you.
We're not going to make you take deadly shots.
We're not going to rape your children like you want to do.
We just want you to leave us alone and just go have your purple green hair and fantasize about screwing our kids.
But you're not going to be able to actually carry it out.
You're not going to be able to actually do it.
I have been around the left.
They are the lost, mentally ill, trash of the planet.
And we need to just get away from them.
Get away from them.
Don't attack them.
Don't be mean to them.
Just do not support them.
They are with the big corporations and big governments, all ganged up with the media in Hollywood and radical Islam and the devil worshippers.
And the pedophiles all trying to run our lives and now announcing all over the country, oh, there's a big article on InfoWars.
You guys put it back on screen.
I need you guys to print it, please.
They wrote an article about our big top story today, our second biggest story.
And that's all these Democrat strongholds announce, oh, if your child comes in contact with a COVID person, we're going to come take them away from you.
That's being done everywhere else.
I told you it's coming here.
There's no end to these people.
They want total control and they want to put deadly shots in your children.
Wake up and say no!
Put it back on screen, please!
There's your headline.
Michigan County threatens to arrest parents if their children test positive for COVID.
Hell, that's not even strong enough.
It says if someone around them has COVID, we'll take them!
I mean, folks.
Look at Gavin Newsom.
Look at George Soros.
Look at Hillary Clinton.
They're demons.
They're scum.
They're monsters.
They're your enemies!
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News Today, Freeworldnews.tv, Freeworldnews.tv!
It's a war!
They're trying to kill you!
Share those links!
Defeat them!
Come together!
Never stop!
Never surrender!
Hello and welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
And we are facing a very serious time right now and no one is facing a dimmer future than the children.
And right now it is back to school time of year.
So we're thinking about the children going back into the public schools around the country and what they're going to face.
So let's take a look at this video before we talk about this very important topic.
What is that?
Let's go Mommy.
What is that?
I don't like that.
I expected school to be a little bit different in the beginning, but I didn't think it would
stay this way all year long.
Every one of us knows that young children are not affected by this virus.
We've shoved it to the side and we've said, we don't care.
You're still going to wear a mask on your face every day, five and six year olds.
You still can't play together on the playground like normal children, seven and eight year olds.
We don't care.
We're still going to force you to carry a burden that was never yours to carry.
Shame on us!
I grew up looking into the faces of my friends.
Holding their hands.
Sharing crayons.
Learning beside them.
Laughing as I was pushed down the slide.
As I played catch.
But now... I won't know everyone like that.
I must live in fear.
Two years ago, would you have sent me to a school and never let me touch anyone?
No sharing?
Where I had to walk in lines and never be close to anyone?
Never see my friends' faces and cover mine?
Would you have sent me to a school like that?
Because a stranger said... They know what's best for me?
All for a virus that will never kill me?
We have no idea what will happen to us.
How damaged we will be.
Please, stand up.
Because if you don't, who will stand up for me?
It gives me chills every time I see that piece to be observing the effect it's having on these children.
And now we have actual real live data about some of these effects.
I just want to briefly review before we bring our guest because At the end of the show, once we talk to our guest who's coming on, I think that you'll see how we can take matters into our own hands and really do a lot to protect our children and allow them to have the freedoms that they deserve that we had growing up.
But if we could first just look at the first slide, which is a report from the CDC about emergency department visits.
And there was an already ongoing study That captured data from 2019, so we're able to compare how many times children went to the emergency department related to mental health complaints, and these include things like suicidal thoughts as well as substance abuse issues, including overdoses.
And we've seen a huge increase, 24% in younger children and over 30% in teenagers going to the ER for mental health conditions.
And if we go to the next slide and look at suicide attempts, we see that among teenage girls, there was a 51% increase in suicide attempt presentations at emergency departments across the country.
And this is the CDC's own data.
So we've had already clearly quite an effect on the emotional health of the young people in our nation.
Now, if we go to the next slide, we can look more specifically at masks and what the effect they have.
And there was a study that came out this summer where they looked at the amount of carbon dioxide that children are breathing in when they wear masks for an extended period of time and found that it was actually six times higher than what was considered unsafe by the German government.
And our own EPA has similar numbers in terms of their regulations.
So what we're saying is that these children are actually breathing in huge amounts of
carbon dioxide, which is not their normal state.
And what happens is when this gets into their blood, they end up with an acidotic state.
It decreases the pH of their blood, making it more acidic, which is associated with all
types of negative health outcomes.
And finally, I want to summarize some of the psychological harms, if we could go to the
next slide, because I was retained as an expert witness to try and help parents remove the
requirements from school because of the psychological effects.
And we see that, first of all, in terms of understanding speech and language, Children who are developing these skills while they are in school, at those younger ages especially, use visual information including lip reading and other types of visual cues from the face in order to help interpret language.
So this means that by using face masks we're impairing the ability of them to understand what people are saying to them.
And since they're developing these skills at these young ages, there is the potential for these problems or lack of appropriate development to persist throughout their lifetimes, and they could end up with all types of deficits in their speech abilities.
If we can go to the next slide, some other psychological domains that are impacted by mask wearing has to do with one, recognizing people and their face, in other words, their identity.
Because this is also something that's very important and young school age children are still developing.
These abilities and you can imagine how scary it would be not being able to recognize adults who come into the room often posing in a role of authority.
And the child doesn't even recognize them because of their face being covered.
And then lastly, reading emotions.
And this is very, very important for social development, because in order to form appropriate social relationships, not only with peers, but also with adults, including teachers and school aides and other people, there needs to be an ability to understand the emotional state of the other person.
And there are many emotions that you need to read cues from the mouth area specifically and that area is completely covered up by the masks and interestingly happiness and disgust are two emotions that really require
this area of the face.
So many students will not be able to fully read emotions, including very important emotions
from other people, and this will have a very negative impact on their ability to form relationships.
Now that we've seen that there is not only so much potential harm, but actual harm being
realized from these policies impacting the freedom of our children, I want to talk about
our guest coming on.
Her name is Layla Centner and she is the co-founder of the Centner Academy, which is a private school in Miami, Florida.
She has done what I have been advising people to do for a long time, which is to take things into And to say no and set things up the way that you want them to be.
And so she has established her school as free from these mandates.
So let me welcome Layla Centner to the show.
Layla, are you with us?
Hi, doctor.
How are you?
Hi, it's great to see you, Layla.
So we only have a minute to finish out this segment, but perhaps you could just tell us briefly What was the inspiration for you having the courage to take on this major task?
The inspiration was our children, our future, their everything.
And if we allow this indoctrination, if we allow this child abuse in schools, we're setting our next generation up to be Obedient servants to a tyrannical government.
And so we need to put our foot down now, not wait, just say no.
And any parents that have their kids in these types of schools need, they really need to do whatever they can to pull their kids out of schools, homeschool, form a pod, find a like-minded community, whatever you can, because our future is at stake.
By what we're doing to our children today, right now.
The PTSD that we're causing these little lives is going to be irreversible if we don't take a stand for them.
Hello and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Dr. Andrew Kaufman and today we have Leila Centner with us who has taken things into her own hands and established the only school that I'm aware of which has not adopted any COVID restrictions.
Is that true Leila?
Are you the only school in the world like this?
You know, I'm definitely the only school that I know of like this, unfortunately, but I'm trying to lead by example and I'm hoping more schools would follow.
School owners can put their foot down and say no from the moment reopened.
When we reopened last September, we didn't force masks, we didn't do plexiglass, we didn't socially distance kids.
And we are reopening again next week.
And while all the schools around us are mandating masks and seem to have even harsher measures, we aren't doing any of it.
In fact, none of my teachers are wearing a mask and they are very, very excited about next school year.
We have a meet and greet today.
We've had over 80 parents walk through the door.
Not one of them have wore a mask and the teachers aren't wearing masks and everybody is smiling and happy.
And just so excited about school restarting without any of the restrictions.
I have some friends that go to schools near me and they're already on lockdown.
The school hasn't even started and they have quarantine classes because somebody's grandfather was tested positive for COVID.
I mean, it's, it's crazy.
Yes, it is.
I mean, gosh, disrupting school before it even begins.
So back last year, when you had the idea that you were going to operate school like usual, what type of pushback did you experience?
You know, did you lose students?
What about the community?
Did you get calls from the school district or the government?
Well, fortunately I work for, I'm a private school, so the government does not control me.
I did get a lot of backlash though.
When I reopened last September, I had a lot of parents who believed that if other children were not wearing masks, they were a danger to their child.
So I probably let out maybe 14 kids, more 14 kids from their contract in the middle of the school year between September and December.
Because the parents were irate with me.
They were mad that the teachers weren't wearing masks.
And so what I tell people is, look, you need to go where you're aligned.
And you're obviously not aligned with us, because I really believe with all my heart and soul that children need fresh oxygen.
Their brain needs it.
Their lungs needs it.
And most importantly, they need to see their teacher's facial expressions.
They need to see their smile.
They need to feel their warmth.
And they need to read their lips in many cases, especially for the foreign language class.
So, and then from January through April, we gained 45 new parents who came all across the country to find us because they wanted this freedom that we're offering.
And when the vaccine media blitz hit of me not wanting my teachers to get vaccinated, well, that caused about 40 parents to leave my school because of it.
But then I gained new parents, a lot more new parents from all over the country That are actually happy to be at a school where the owner is willing to stand up for the rights of our children and stand up for our own immune system and just mind, body and soul.
Wow, it's just quite a fantastic story.
So you're saying that you didn't get any calls from the health department at all, because I know, for example, and this may vary in different states, but in New York State, even the private schools still have vaccine requirements for the children and they get inspected from the health department.
And so you haven't received any type of even a phone call from in that context.
You know, I think it goes to what state You live in based on your governor.
Obviously, we've got DeSantis, who's a pro-choice governor and allows parents to make, wants parents to make the decisions and does not want to mandate masks.
So it kind of trickles down.
Unfortunately, New York and California and certain states like that, where you've got, you know, governors who are really just trying to take the rights away from parents and Uh, push schools to do what their belief is, because obviously this is a belief.
There's no science behind masking a child for eight hours a day, but there's plenty of evidence that it's harmful to them emotionally and physically.
You know, it's become a political game.
That's right.
I just want to remind everyone out there that if you look at the actual studies on masks, and there are quite a number of them because they studied masks long before the COVID pandemic.
They studied them for the flu and for colds.
And what they found time and time again is that there is actually no benefit in terms of reducing infection rates, either for health care workers or for the general public.
And this is why we never were asked to wear masks before.
And if you worked in a hospital, you weren't asked to wear masks either.
And you know, it's just, it's crazy because, you know, you have all these doctors and nurses that are, they see all the cases of, of the flu every year and then, but they never get sick themselves, you know?
So there's just absolutely no reason for it.
And I understand that the Governor DeSantis actually issued an executive order banning schools from making specific requirements.
And somehow this was overturned.
Did that impact you at all?
It fortunately did not.
I will tell you, though, I have an amazing group of teachers who actually went to that school board meeting to protest these masks on behalf of our public school children because they love children and they don't want any kids wearing masks, much less, you know, a state where the governor even said it's illegal to mandate it.
And unfortunately, we've got a school board who is very, very left leaning, and they're not looking out for what's in the best interest of our children.
They're only focused on, you know, they're following their politics and at the expense of our children.
So somehow they were able to decide on their own.
And again, this impacted only public schools.
However, Many private schools are following along.
I mean, I have, I know people who are going to private schools where they're spending $35,000 a year at a private school and they have no choice.
They have to send their kids to school in a mask for eight hours a day.
Can you imagine spending $35,000?
The governor said it's illegal and your school goes and mandates it anyway.
I mean, You know, I've been having inquiries non-stop for enrollment that's happening.
Even the school is starting in one week because of all these crazy mandates.
And in fact, I'm looking for two more teachers to hire because I've had to open up two more classrooms.
I mean, I'm like the only school doing this and I don't understand it.
I'm telling other school owners, look, there are plenty of people that believe in freedom.
And if you're afraid of being sued, just have the parents sign an agreement saying if their kid catches COVID, it's not your responsibility.
Of course, it's not your responsibility, right?
I mean, we're all responsible for our own health.
You know, the school is not, now, although I would say that when the school requires you to do procedures that are unhealthy and unwarranted and it causes you harm, that they do have liability in that case.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, there are kids that are passing out because they're out in the field running with a mask on.
I mean, I met a mom whose child literally passed out on the field.
It's like, you know, It's a real tragedy Layla and you know it's so awesome that you are working around this.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Dr. Andrew Kaufman and we are talking with Layla Centner today who is an educator who has defied the COVID restrictions.
Welcome back Layla.
Before the break, we were talking a little bit about some of the harms from masks on school children.
And I wanted to ask how your kids have been handling the last year and, you know, knowing that they're at a school that's very different.
So what's your experience been like with the children?
Well, I'll tell you, they were doing amazing.
We had COVID cases, of course, but most of the kids were asymptomatic.
Not one child went to the hospital.
We had teachers that caught COVID.
Most of the teachers were also asymptomatic and none of them went to the hospital either.
So we got through it with no issues.
And you know, this year we're going to have COVID cases as well, but we're not mandating testing.
We're not mandating quarantining the entire class like some places are doing.
I mean, it's just, if you're sick, stay home.
Basically what we've already known and what we've done all our lives.
It's nothing different.
I mean, you know, we had a teacher just yesterday who was sick.
What'd she do?
She's staying home.
So it's not, it's not rocket science.
And I feel like this disruption that they're causing kids by stopping them, you know, okay, somebody in your class got COVID.
Now you have to stay home for 14 days.
Then they go back.
The next person's going to get COVID.
So what, are they going to be home the majority of the year?
How much psychological damage is that going to do to a child if they're spending most of their time at home and they're not even doing Zoom anymore?
They're taking home packets.
Well, you know, I mean, it's extremely defragmented and disruptive and basically, you know, I mean, I almost think that really part of the intention of having these policies pushed from the federal level down is really to dumb down the children and make sure that the biggest thing that they learn, right, is to be scared and to do what they're told.
And in fact, last week on this show, I had a guest who is a hypnotist, Michael Grady, And he analyzed some video materials put out by the Los Angeles School District.
And what we were able to glean from that is that they're essentially convincing children that they are responsible for the health of all the adults, right?
The teachers, their parents, their family.
And that that's the reason they need to go along with all these things, but that is simply not the case.
And imagine the amount of guilt and unfair responsibility put on the children with that kind of programming.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I've heard kids say, oh, I'm wearing the mask to protect my grandma.
I'm wearing the mask to protect you.
First of all, think about that psychologically.
You are telling a child to harm your body, even though it's causing you pain.
Because I'm telling you, I saw it with my own eyes.
I saw kids come with headaches, dizziness, nauseousness.
I witnessed this.
You were telling a child to harm their body, to please somebody else.
What does that sound like to you?
You know, what happens to a young girl that grows up and lets a guy touch her and she doesn't want to say no because it's pleasing him?
We're indoctrinating our youth in a very dangerous direction to silence them and not let them defend themselves or even say that they're hurting because they're feeling guilty that they're not protecting someone else.
It's just like psychologically?
It's never been done before.
How do you, do you talk to your students about these issues?
Because they must be getting these messages from other, you know, aspects, obviously not from your school.
But, you know, do you have any forum to talk about some of how the kids are dealing with these kinds of issues?
Well, you know, fortunately, the majority of our kids by the end of the school year were not wearing a mask.
Because they, we probably had maybe 5% of the kids left that were wearing masks.
Because as, as teachers, as educators, you know, as a school owner, we were leading by example.
So when the kids see that we're not wearing masks and they see their friends not wearing masks, they realize, wait a minute, this is a little bit in conflict from what I'm hearing outside and we're safe.
So, so one by one, the masks started coming off.
What I had to do is I had to educate the parents.
So I brought in experts.
I brought in Dr. Larry Pilefsky, who's an amazing pediatrician that, as you know, he's also a freedom fighter, fighting the good fight.
I brought in Tammy Clark and Kristen.
And I had to really teach parents the other side.
I had to teach them the harmful impact of masks.
And I think all of this education ended up opening their eyes where many of them signed the mask exemption and sent their kids to school without a mask.
And then spoke to their kids and told their kids, no, you're okay.
You don't need to wear a mask.
That's the way I handle it, really educating the parents and leading by example for the kids.
Wow, that's fantastic.
I could imagine though, were the parents resistant to this discussion?
I mean, you did have a number of them leave.
Were there any strong emotions going or difficult situations that you had to deal with?
I had some parents were screaming at me.
And I had to just say, look, I'm sorry.
I will not force a child to wear a mask for your fears.
Our school is all about not living in fear.
Our school is a mindfulness school.
Our kids meditate every day.
We're teaching them.
And by the way, the noise in the background is we're having meet and greet today.
So our kids and parents are here.
That's what I love to know, Layla.
But so, so with teaching them to not live in fear, you know, the ones that were completely in fear, they just got angry with me and left.
And I'm okay with that.
I'm really okay with that.
And the new kids that have signed up, the families are just ecstatic.
I had so many families tell me today, thank you.
Thank you for all you're doing.
Thank you for standing up for the kids.
Like, we were going to homeschool if we didn't find your school.
We're so happy that we found your school.
And for me, I see their smiles, I see the parents' smiles, and I see the kids' smiles, and it's everything for me.
It's why I do what I do.
You know, my husband and I, we sold our company three years ago.
This really is a passion project for me to help transform education and do my part to create little leaders who are critical thinkers, And who aren't just kids that are taught to do what you're told.
Challenge us.
Ask us why.
You know?
Push back.
Come up with your own creative solutions.
Don't let us just tell you, do this because I said so.
That's not the way to live and that's not how we should be teaching our next generation of kids.
Well, I couldn't agree more.
And this is really possibly the most important thing that's going to help us in the future to remain free and to keep progressing towards, you know, becoming a better people, right?
Better individuals, better men and women is that we always need to think for ourselves and we need to challenge, you know, ideas and not just accept what we're told.
And it's the exact opposite.
of the message that children are getting in the public compulsory school system and many
private schools as well. And it really just never continues to astonish me that people who
seem to have importance in some of the things such as spiritual philosophy and development or
people that are really into yoga and meditation or if they're into alternative health and Chinese
medicine for example and all of these philosophies are consistent with exactly what you are doing.
Right, which is allowing people to take personal responsibility and to, you know, realize that they are in control of their health and well-being.
But yet so many, in fact, almost all people who espouse those philosophies are just caving in and going along with the mainstream.
So it's really just amazing to see you decide to do the right thing.
And of course, as I've said many times, that when you take it upon yourself to take these risks, do the right thing for the right reason, and there's no better reason than protecting our children's future, then the world, the universe will reward you.
And it's happened in your case, right?
Because people are inspired and obviously you're getting more and more Hello and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
I have educator extraordinaire who is defying the COVID restrictions, Layla Centner, with me this afternoon.
And we have some footage from the Centner Academy.
me I'd like to show you to see what kind of experience that children can get in a school
these days despite what's going on in the world.
I'm in fifth grade at Centner Academy and I love this school so much.
It's really great because in my old school we had to wear masks all the time and we haven't ever saw each other without masks.
But in this school we don't need to wear masks and then we can communicate easier, connect with each other and it's easier to breathe as well.
It was very nice too because it felt like nothing changed since COVID and it felt like everything has just been the same.
And you have asthma as well.
In the first few days when you were wearing a mask before you took it off, weren't you having a hard time breathing?
Yeah, it was very hard for me to breathe.
At some points I would have to like sit down, take off my mask, hoping no one would see me.
And, um, I almost fainted a few times too.
How can you have a PE?
program with a mask on where you're depriving kids of oxygen?
So these kids just have oxygen-rich blood running through their bodies, and most importantly, they're just healthy
and happy.
I am standing here before my family and friends at this school.
We are grateful to my parents for justice for all.
Thank you.
So thank you so much for doing this.
Thank you, Doctor.
It's really a great pleasure of mine and I enjoy it with all my heart and soul.
And I hope any other educators out there see this and they're inspired to stand up for our kids and just say, no, don't comply.
The more people that don't comply, the sooner this will end.
It's the biggest problem we have right now.
Too many people are just walking in a line like sheep with their eyes closed and doing as they're told, even though it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Have any other owners or administrators of schools been in touch with you to that, you know, they secretly perhaps are admiring what you're doing or they, you know, actually want to find out, is this possible for my school as well?
I've had some school owners reach out to me.
I've sent them our mask exemption forms that our lawyers have put together.
I'm really just trying to support them in any way I can.
There is a will, there is a way.
I mean, imagine if you have a school, even in New York, and all the parents sent their kids to school without a mask, what would the school do?
If all the parents walked in on the same day and said, Here's a note that says we're withdrawing our kids from school.
What would the school do?
Most likely, there would be an emergency meeting and they'd revisit these laws.
But because no one is not, because hardly any, I mean, most people are not saying no, they're getting away with it and they're continuing to do it.
I mean, I spoke with a couple parents yesterday.
Who are in a different state.
And I said, so your child has to wear a mask eight hours a day.
And they're like, yeah, we don't know what else to do.
We have no choice.
And I'm like, you do have a choice.
Figure it out.
Pull your kids out.
Whatever you can.
Layla, that is such a key thing that you have to look at the reality of this situation because there are no parents who are being, you know, held down with a gun pointed at their head saying, order your child to put a mask on right now.
It's always a choice.
And also, you know, you had mentioned that there are laws, but there are actually no laws even requiring this.
What there are are, you know, policies, executive orders, mandates, and those are not things that we have to follow as individual men and women. And in fact, these policies are actually
breaking many, many laws. For example, in New York State, we have a specific criminal law called
obstruction of breath. And it's clear that when you force someone to wear a mask or coerce them
to do so, you're actually guilty of that crime.
And there are many, many others because, you know, one other thing that we see rampant now, and this doesn't just apply to school officials, but we see all kinds of agencies giving out medical advice.
Now, it used to be that you had to be a licensed health care practitioner to provide medical advice, but we see school districts Right.
Teachers, principals, politicians saying that this vaccine is safe and effective and recommending for people to take it.
Making treatment recommendations.
It's people have overstepped.
There are boundaries and you know taken dominion away from individuals and we have to realize that we actually have the ability to do this.
So for my area, you know, I decided and fortunately my children's mother agreed that we would homes educate the children.
Because they were already in a private school which adopted, I think they were more concerned about following the CDC recommendations than the public school system.
And they wouldn't even let me attend a meeting to discuss it without wearing a mask.
But what's happened is that the community has self-organized and we have now several groups.
We have a homeschool gym class.
We have homeschool art classes and we're expanding this.
And these are basically people self-organizing, pooling our resources.
Someone has something to teach and then, you know, it provides a way to get all the children together to socialize in a more normal setting.
So no matter where we are or what the situation, right, we can actually make our own decision and provide a good setting and education for our children.
Isn't that right, Layla?
That's right.
Why did we bring Our children into this world if we're just going to pass them off and send them off into a building where they are being abused.
Where their future is being ruined because of all the PTSD that they're going to have.
All the psychological damage that's happening by, you know, them being beaten into submission.
You have to think about all these things.
Do whatever it takes.
I mean, if it means, you know, you have to sacrifice income, whatever you need to do to save your child from this tyranny.
And it starts with the mask.
What's next?
Now it's the vaccines.
What's after the vaccines?
I mean, look at communist China.
They start slowly.
And now, I mean, I was just watching something yesterday where The kids are limited to how many hours they can be on a device.
The government is limiting people in their own homes, how many hours they can be on a device.
So you start small and then it just spirals and spirals because they're like, Oh, let's see what else we can get away with it.
I heard a lady in a school board meeting say, parents do not have the right to parent their children the way they want to parent their children.
So the school is parenting our children?
It doesn't even make sense!
You may not even be aware that in some of the socialist European nations that people are not allowed to homeschool their children.
It's against the law.
They have to allow the state-sanctioned strangers to educate their children.
In actuality, right, this movement is to take the parenting away from the parents and to have the state act as the parents and that legal philosophy is called parents patriae.
I have heard of that and it's heartbreaking.
I can imagine not being able to have the choice to pull my kids out of the system.
And create my own system, because ultimately that's what we need to do here in America.
We need to create our own systems.
We need to create our own communities.
As long as the public schools and the other schools want to stay where they're at, it's a lot easier to just say, fine, I'm going to create it myself.
Whether it's a little pod, whether it's just a few people, whether it's your own school, like I've done.
Stop trying to fight the system and create our own system.
Because we have the power to do that still in America.
That is just a fantastic message, Layla.
I knew, you know, as soon as I saw you speak, we were at a conference together a few months ago.
I was so inspired because it's really one of the first and only positive messages that
I've seen that if you have the courage to take matters into your own hands, this is
what you and I and all the other brothers and sisters out there can make happen.
We can make a good future for ourselves despite all of the obstacles and adversity we're facing.
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