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Name: 20210829_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 29, 2021
1377 lines.

In this summary, Alex Jones discusses various topics ranging from globalist operations to the importance of natural immunity over vaccines. He warns about the dangers of magnetic metal contamination in Moderna vaccines, the potential for COVID-19 concentration camps, and the threat of a death cult in the name of fake science. Jones also talks about how big tech is censoring those who speak out against vaccine mandates and encourages people to be prepared and self-sufficient to resist the Great Reset. He emphasizes the importance of natural immunity and treatments such as ivermectin, advocating for natural immunity passports that allow those with natural immunity to travel freely while restricting vaccinated individuals. The speaker also addresses a U.S soldier threatening Americans during martial law and encourages listeners to support them in their fight against perceived conspiracies.

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It's Sunday, August 29th, 2021.
You're watching and listening to InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
All right, the wheels have completely come off the globalist operation.
Japan has recalled the Moderna vaccine because of deaths and metallic metal material.
That's official government announcements.
This is a huge development in a field of giant developments.
But first, I want to air a very important report that needs to go viral.
It's front and center.
The globalists control our Pentagon.
They are hitting our troops with a bioweapon for depopulation.
This is World War IV.
Here's the report.
The House of Representatives has taken a significant step toward making historic investments.
It's going to transform America, cut taxes for working families, and position the American economy for long-term, long-term growth.
Joe Biden attempts to sell the lie as the minions of one-party rule gut America from within.
The resolution is adopted.
According to Americans for Tax Reform, the passing of the fiscal year 2022 budget resolution will cripple middle America and small businesses with unprecedented measures.
Regardless of what pseudo blue-collar Biden claims, My goal is to build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not just the top down.
New tax increases on working families and small businesses are in the Biden plan to raise taxes by trillions over the next decade.
What the choices are we have here now are about the children, the children of America, And their families have had never had as much leverage in a legislative process as they have now.
Thank you, President Biden, for putting forth a budget that gives the leverage not to the rich, but to the children.
They want to spend $68 trillion over a decade.
Our nation has never done that.
They want to borrow, because that's what they're going to have to do, another $17 trillion over a decade.
Our nation has never done that.
And Nancy Pelosi was rambling on and on about how this is for the children.
This is for the children.
Well, let me tell you the one thing she's done for the children.
She has stolen from them with this budget.
This budget steals from our children because we've already spent our money, folks.
We are now stealing tax dollars from young Americans who've not worked a day in our society.
They haven't even been able to get their education yet, but we're stealing their tax money out the back door, and they don't even have the resolve to vote for it.
They want to stick it in the rule.
That's trash.
That's garbage.
It's hot garbage.
Because this is not leadership.
This is cowardice.
But what else could you expect from a party that's leaving Americans behind enemy lines?
As Americans struggle to climb out of the pandemic money pit.
Okay, well this is a very important report as well that's also brand new.
And its title is Democrats Tax Americans into One Party Rule.
Very important, and that is what they're doing is bankrupting the country by design.
That's also a John Bowne report that's posted to the John Bowne section of Bandot Video.
But that's not the subject that I was going to be covering when we come back.
So we're going to try it again.
We're going to air this report when we come back.
Will the FDA destroy our military?
Because these shots are deadly, they're maiming people, they're driving good people out of the military, and they are designed to sabotage our republic.
And we have to understand this is a globalist bio-attack on America.
China and India are not taking these Moderna and Pfizer shots, and Japan Just came out and pulled a second group of Moderna shots because they found metal in them again and it was causing deaths.
So, will the FDA destroy our military?
That's a big question.
Also, the CDC in this giant power grab.
CDC was supposed to be an advisory group.
Well now, the CDC has come out and said we're just going to forgive everybody's
mortgages forever.
And now they're like, oh, we're going to take your guns too.
We're just, we're all powerful.
Under the martial law clauses, CDC announced its plan to spend millions addressing public health
threat of gun violence. That's coming up as well on this live August 29th Sunday transmission.
Stay with us.
Much more than this. I did it my way. Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew
when I fit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another live edition, another worldwide broadcast.
It is Sunday, August 29th.
The year is 2021, and we're going to be here for the next four hours live, as we are every Sunday evening.
Mike Adams, the health ranger, will be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour with gigantic developments on the whole COVID police state rollout.
Again, I am your host, Alex Jones, and we have got so much giant news for you this evening.
Japan pulled one giant lot, 1.6 plus million Moderna frankenshots after people died, and after they tested it, and after they found out it had metallic metal added to it.
Now there were more deaths over the weekend.
In a whole other area of Japan, they went and checked the so-called shots, liquid metal that is magnetic in it and killing people.
Now remember, there have been more deaths, ladies and gentlemen, more deaths in the United States, according to the VAERS reporting system, than the entire history of so-called vaccines combined.
It was experimental.
It never got proper authorization.
Once they said it did have authorization, they just skipped the testing, and it's not classic FDA authorization.
And there's liability protection for the injection makers.
And they have basically waived the 1986 law where you could be paid compensation for it.
So this is a savage.
Assault of medical tearing that violates the Nuremberg Code, common sense, and so much more.
And I have just stacks of news we're going to go over.
Two more people die in Japan after receiving Moderna COVID-19 shots from bags that was drawn due to foreign material in some vials.
Breaking foreign material containing Japanese Moderna jabs, substance that reacts to magnets, metal.
Moderna vaccinations halted in Japan's Okinawa after black substance found in vial days after other batch of jab was suspended.
And it goes on and on.
And then we've got Denmark to scrap all COVID-19 restrictions.
Texas Supreme Court rules mandatory mask orders implemented by school districts illegal.
There is just so much we're going to be getting to.
The CDC says they're coming after your guns now.
Since when do they get all this unconstitutional power to forgive people's rent for over a year and to now say they're coming after your guns?
Well, we'll be breaking that down next segment.
And then you've got the incredible things happening around the world under UN directives that can only be called Stalinistic or North Korea-level martial law.
Meanwhile, U.S.
intel agency has moderate confidence COVID escaped from Wuhan lab origins report.
But of course we know it came out of Wuhan lab.
We know Fauci and Gates cooked it up there.
And now our own government again is creating more COVID variants in a lab and admitting they're doing it.
Scientists are growing Delta COVID variant in a lab to purportedly infect humans.
So if you wonder where that's coming from, there it is.
So we've got that to cover and so much more today.
Please do not forget the only way we're able to reach new people and get past the censors is when you tell your friends, your neighbors, perfect strangers about the local AM and FM stations we're on.
And the local TV stations we're on and or InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com and Ban.Video or FreeWorldNews.tv.
It's the same site as Ban.Video but there's a URL that's not being censored and blocked at this time on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere else.
When you share the articles, when you share the videos, when you reach out to people, it changes the world in a big way.
People are hungry for the truth right now.
The globalists wouldn't be able to carry out all this tyranny if they did not have their censorship in place.
And so Congress should sit there and let the censorship take place and let the censorship of doctors and U.S.
senators and congressional hearings even take place now.
But they cannot stop you sending people directly to URLs that are telling the truth with life and death information.
So tell everybody you know, tune in tonight and after we're not live, take the archive of the show this evening from Band.Video and FreeWorldNews.TV and share it with everyone you know.
Now this is a globalist bio-attack on our military.
It's a bio-attack on us.
It lowers our immune system.
It turns us into factories to create new variants, mutant viruses.
That's an admitted fact.
We'll be covering it coming up.
But targeting our military itself is destroying our national security and driving out good members.
That's what this is designed to do as a litmus test.
So here is the report.
Will the FDA destroy our military?
Mandate fascism has been unleashed.
If you're one of the millions of Americans who said that they will not get the shot until it has full and final approval of the FDA, it has now happened.
The moment you've been waiting for is here.
It's time for you to go get your vaccination.
Get it today.
Pfizer, which has produced a vaccine with an efficacy that has been reported as low as 39%, was approved by the FDA over Moderna with 76% efficacy.
by the FDA over Moderna with 76% efficacy. Why? Former FDA head Gottlieb
jumped ship in 2019 and joined the board of Pfizer.
People are getting tired of these waves of infection and how intrusive they are to our lives, to business, to normal commercial activity, to our personal activity.
I think you're going to see more businesses start to mandate vaccination as we head into the fall once these vaccines are fully approved to Joe's point.
While Biden's nominee Janet Woodcock, who worked under Gottlieb, now oversees the FDA.
You know, I want to thank the Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock and the entire team at the FDA for their hard work.
Dr. Woodcock is a true professional.
She's a career scientist who served under Republican presidents and Democratic presidents.
Dr. Woodcock presided over one of the worst regulatory agency failures in U.S.
As the director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Woodcock approved Opana, without adequate evidence of safety or long-term efficacy.
She approved Zohydro despite a vote of 11 to 2 against approval by a scientific advisory committee and approved the promotion of OxyContin for children as young as 11 years old.
Under her leadership, pharmaceutical overdose deaths have skyrocketed.
New data from the CDC shows a record number of people died from drug overdoses last year.
There were more than 93,000 overdose deaths.
That's the highest number ever recorded.
One of the largest ever murder cases against a healthcare professional.
A former doctor in Ohio is accused in the overdose killings of more than two dozen patients.
William Hussle pleaded not guilty yesterday to 25 counts of murder.
Prosecutors say Amy Pfaff's mother, Beverly Scherzinger, could have improved with proper medical treatment.
But they say she died after her doctor, William Hussle, prescribed a fatal dose of the powerful painkiller, fentanyl.
And now under Woodcock's directives.
More than 800,000 military troops must immediately get the COVID-19 vaccine per orders of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who said service leaders must impose ambitious timelines for implementation.
I'm a 10-year Navy surgeon.
There were only 20 deaths of all the active duty in 2020 for COVID.
20 in all the services put together.
We're vaccinating everybody.
And we've already had tumors and we've had 80 cases of myocarditis.
Myocarditis has a significant mortality, five-year mortality rate.
I think it's 66 percent.
So we, with the vaccine program, have ostensibly killed more of our young active duty people than COVID did.
In 31 years of the VAERS there were 317 cases.
Now, this year, 1,113.
So the question you have to ask is why are we not stopping this?
We stopped many things for far less.
We stopped working on respiratory syncytial virus vaccine because of 22 deaths of infants in the hospital.
We stopped the H1N1 after 53 deaths or 53 serious adverse events.
So we are now doing 53 probably a day.
Why are we continuing to move on?
The tyranny isn't coming.
It is here.
Totalitarian chaos will now reign over our constitutional rights for the remainder of 2021.
The dissemination of truth must be accelerated as the propaganda-fueled mandates wash over Americans as a raging tsunami of despotism.
John Bowne reporting.
That's right.
It is a raging tsunami of despotism.
It is a bum rush.
It is a revolution of global corporations in the UN.
Sunday, August 29.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The scientific tyranny, the eugenicists, the global government.
Yes, you heard me right.
government currently population is hiding all their crimes in plain view.
Sunday live look at the live headline from Infowars.com if you're a radio
listener please go there TV viewers can see it. Japan issues second emergency
recall of Moderna injections, they're not vaccines, after magnetic metal causes
deaths. Yes you heard me right I've got the Tokyo newspapers, the Tokyo TV
stations, the government.
I have the press conferences of the head doctors in the country saying magnetic metal.
And we've all known that since it started in England a year ago and eight months ago here, but holy mackerel!
That's why I'm so frustrated and have trouble doing these shows.
It's why I came in here Saturday and did a three-hour commercial-free broadcast, so I just wouldn't be interrupted.
I'm not complaining.
We're still on the air because of our radio stations, and they're great.
It's just that... Let me just do this ahead of Mike Adams.
Let me just read you headlines, and then I'm gonna come back and drill into these next segment.
Look at this headline.
Biden Fauci discuss requiring COVID boosters every five months.
Four shots every five months.
CNN headline, you do not have a constitutional right to refuse COVID-19 vaccine.
That's total crap, not true, a total lie by them.
I'll get into it.
WHO medicine advisor warned UK government of COVID shot deaths.
This is the top advisor company.
Warned COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans, particularly children.
We've got that coming up.
And I mentioned this.
Two people die in Japan of receiving Moderna COVID-19 shots.
They study the batch.
It's got a liquid metal in it.
That's RT.
Here's another one from the previous day.
Foreign material contaminating Japanese Moderna jab substance that reacts to magnets could be metal.
They suspend the shots.
It goes on and on and on.
Another batch suspended of millions.
Denmark to scrap all COVID-19 restrictions, basically saying it's all a fraud.
Texas Supreme Court rules mandatory mask orders implemented by school districts are illegal, but Austin, Texas doesn't care and just ignores it.
Study shows natural immunity to COVID is superior to vaccination in Israel, 13 times stronger than the vaccine, which actually lowers your immunity.
Chicago judge trips mother of parental rights for being unvaccinated.
Totally illegal, totally criminal.
intel agency has moderate confidence COVID escaped from Wuhan lab origins report.
Obama transferred it to him in 2015.
It was a big scandal.
We have all the files, all the reports.
They merged five viruses.
So when the Chinese threatened and said it came from Fort Detrick and also from North Carolina, Chapel Hill, they're telling the truth.
It was both countries working together with these criminal gain-of-function systems.
But now they're publicly doing what?
Scientists are growing Delta COVID variant in a lab to purposely infect humans in the United States and in England.
Just like they were doing in 2015, it was a huge scandal.
Gain-of-function stuff.
And then Fauci goes, I've never heard of gain-of-function.
He only held conferences called in support of gain-of-function.
I mean, it's like saying Santa Claus doesn't wear a red and white outfit.
And it just goes on and on.
Bill Gates vaccines turn chickens into living tumors.
It creates this disorder I'm going to be telling you about, Marek's disease, that they're now finding similar systems in humans.
When you try to give people a cold virus vaccine, it creates super viruses that kill 100% of the animal you give it to by the third round of shots.
Cannot make this up.
And then they give you another special vaccine that lets you live, but then tumors take over your whole body, but you're a giant living tumor.
I'm covering it next segment with Mike Adams.
I'm not joking.
I'm going to show you PBS and Associated Press and National Geographic saying what I just said, okay?
But from five years ago.
It just goes on and on and on.
Endless shots.
Canada just ordered seven doses of COVID vaccines for every man, woman, and child.
Says you'll be forced to take it every eight months, just like Fauci just said.
And they'd already ordered it months ago.
It's all pre-planned.
And it doesn't protect you.
Unbelievable information coming up on that front.
So we're going to be looking at all of that.
That's only a small area.
The first thing I want to hit is this stuff.
Notice the CDC is just this advisory government board.
But suddenly it's, oh, you don't have to pay your mortgage anymore.
Pay your rent, which is designed to bankrupt.
Small renters and create the cloud and pivot strategy of the Great Reset.
Universal basic income.
They say in their own words to overturn our free market system.
Because the big mega banks have all the money.
They can just wait till everything goes bankrupt and then come buy it up and then don't worry you will be paying expensive rent then.
Who died and made the CDC God?
But they've learned psychologically if it's the CDC a certain number of people will follow whatever orders they give them.
So now here's the head of the CDC, Dr. Rachel Walensky, saying it's not about gun control, it's about gun violence and gun death.
So she wants to take your guns, but it's not about gun control when they do it.
When they lock you up in your house, it's not martial law.
When they give you a deadly shot and pressure you to do it, it doesn't violate Nuremberg Code, because they're doctors, you know, like Joseph Mingala.
Here she is.
Let's agree we don't want people to die.
Let's just agree there.
What can we do to stop people from dying?
She wants to allay gun owners' fears.
Generally, the word gun, for those who are worried about research in this area, is followed by the word control.
And that's not what I want to do here.
I'm not here about gun control.
I'm here about preventing gun violence and gun death.
And she wants to involve gun owners in the CDC research.
Okay, that's enough.
And she just goes on and says it's medical, turn your guns in, it's not gun control.
You can watch the full clip, it's on InfoWars.com.
But the point here is that she says it's about saving lives, like taking her vaccine that doesn't work, that's not a vaccine.
Which they now admit you're more likely to get sick.
I've got articles coming up.
More likely to spread variants if you've had these shots than someone unvaccinated.
We have the numbers out of Israel, the numbers out of a bunch of other countries.
And now the numbers are coming out here.
That's why they're desperate to get everybody injected because they know it gets rid of your immune system and now you're addicted to the drug companies forever.
So they don't want a giant control group of 30, 40, 50 percent that haven't had the shots because we'll all be healthy while they're all dying.
They need to get everybody shot up so they can cover up what they've done, which is a soft kill depopulation authorization.
So, they're now trying to hype everywhere.
That unvaccinated are spreading it, but all the real science shows it's the so-called vaccinated that are spreading and causing the serious problems and creating super variants.
We'll tell you about Merrick's disease when we come back as well with Mike Adams, the health ranger, one of the smartest guys I know.
But before we go to break.
Please remember, we are supported by you buying books, films, t-shirts, and high-quality products at InfoWareStore.com, and we have back in stock, for big sold-out months, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals that you've got to have, and then a bunch of key amino acids that taste great, one little scoop, a whole pitcher of grapefruit punch, great for children, great for adults.
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So I salute you all and thank you all.
but God gave us an immune system so I suggest we all take care of it
and we boost it and it can't operate if it doesn't have essential vitamins and minerals.
Live from Austin, Texas. Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, it's bittersweet to be here on air, my friends.
Everything we warned of in my film, Endgame, made 14 years ago has come true because I was going off the Globalist's own reports, their own articles, their own white papers, their own war games.
And I really thought we could organize a global movement against it and stop them.
And we did with Trump and Bolsonaro and others.
But the empire has struck back in a big, big way.
And joining us 30 minutes to the next hour is the health ranger, Mike Adams, who's been scanning this and studying this and looking at this very closely.
And we're going to go to him to cover the waterfront and these giant developments here in just a moment.
But here's what we know.
This is a gene therapy that they knew would not protect you from coronaviruses and that they knew would massively lower your regular immunity.
And now they have all the main chief scientists on TV saying that.
We knew a year and a half ago Gates was putting it out in his prospectuses because he controls these companies.
Saying, oh, it's not going to work.
You're going to need booster shots every eight months.
So people are asking, how am I in all these videos 16, 17, 18 months ago predicting this?
I mean, those videos get millions of views on Twitter, Instagram, everywhere.
Well, I mean, I didn't predict it.
Bill Gates said you're going to need booster shots every six to eight months.
Now they're saying every five to eight months.
So, it's totally insane.
It doesn't protect you.
You're more likely to get sick if you have the shots.
And the left is out there instead, worldwide, saying, we trust Big Pharma and the government.
Take more shots!
Make everybody take shots!
It's your fault that we're sick because you didn't have a shot.
And we see Mitt Romney and Trudeau and the Israeli Prime Minister, all of them lockstep with Pfizer.
As Trump just said on Friday, he was on a podcast, He said, you know, Pfizer runs the FDA.
Yeah, Trump, we know that.
And Gates runs Pfizer.
We'll talk to Mike Adams about that.
But here's Justin Trudeau, the son of the pro-communist father who ran Canada.
This is a guy that says he wants communist China to be the model of Canada.
And this is an example of what the globalists will do if they have a leader that will implement it.
They're still basically under lockdown.
They're arresting people that protest.
And they want more lockdowns.
But the good news is everywhere Trudeau goes, he's being called a piece of garbage.
he's being yelled at and he's having to flee.
I've got the articles right here in front of me that everywhere Trudeau goes, he has to, quote, cancel the events for safety reasons after irate protesters descend on him.
So let's play a clip of people calling him a piece of you know what, just yesterday.
And then we'll also cut to a man taking a selfie with him calling him what he is.
But don't worry, they're gonna steal the election again with their
electronic voting machine, just like Bolsonaro just warned in Brazil and
and force him on us while they censor us.
Twitter permanently suspends Alex Bernson.
famous New York Times writer over coronavirus tweets where he said this is not a vaccine it's a gene therapy
They make you take it over and over again. It doesn't work.
It's designed to get rid of your immune system That's the truth, but he's suspended on Twitter
So to decode all of this and cover a bunch of other subjects that tie together is Mike Adams natural news.com
Mike thanks for joining us on Sunday evening Well, thank you Alex
And Alex Berenson was suspended because he's telling the truth and citing natural immunity as being much stronger than any kind of vaccine immunity, even from the point of view of conventional medicine.
So what we now know is that those who took the vaccine, and this is out of Israel, published study, very, very credible.
This is exactly what he was quoting.
People who took the vaccines are now at least 13 times more vulnerable to infections from these so-called variants and we can talk about what those really are.
But natural immunity is the solution and natural immunity is being banned by Twitter.
But I've got even bigger news we can probably cover in the next segment about what the CDC is really up to with going
after guns at the same time that the world governments are rolling out COVID concentration camps.
And remember that the CDC claimed to have ownership and possession of all private property in America when it
pushed its eviction moratorium.
That's a classic Marxist move.
The Supreme Court just shot that down, thankfully.
But the CDC is not stopping there.
They are claiming total authority over everything, including firearms.
So they've got something big in mind coming.
That you've talked about before, we've talked about before, Jesse Ventura talked about it years ago.
It's coming, the camps are coming and Australia's constructing their own, Canada's constructing, New Zealand is constructing, it's coming to America.
We can go over that in more detail.
A year ago, when we first reported that, they said, oh no, we're not, even though it was in the documents.
The CDC a year ago had mentioned they're building COVID camps here in the U.S.
where if somebody claims you're sick with anything now, including the flu, they're going to come SWAT team you and disappear you, and then that builds the entire police state gulag archipelago infrastructure.
Well, exactly.
And remember that this doesn't even require the construction of any new buildings.
The CDC's Green Zone documents specifically outline using schools and gymnasiums and sporting events, arenas and other existing buildings for their COVID concentration camps.
They also have no description of how anyone ever leaves these camps.
It's not covered at all.
Doesn't even seem like that's imagined.
But the CDC does claim that they will meet minimum humanitarian standards.
Whatever that means, it's kind of like maybe in the way they kill you, it's going to be humanitarian as they execute you.
But I've got news on that.
Also the mRNA vaccine.
Keep in mind that because of this process known as transfection, The mRNA then infects the genetics, the instructions of your cells, so you continue to churn out spike protein over time.
And this is why some people are being killed after 60 days or 90 days, and it's going to continue in those people's bodies over time.
So as we move into the winter months, the fall and the winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, We're going to see, I predict, mass death on a scale that none of us have ever seen before, combined with mass homelessness because of the CDC's eviction moratorium being struck down, and then the economic lockdowns by governors like Newsom, and they're also pushing now a law for mandatory vaccination.
This is the confluence of the worst case scenarios, also with food shortages kicking in and financial engineered events.
This is all going to be happening over the next few months.
It's going to be hell on earth, Alex, and we'd better be prepared for it or we will not survive.
And I totally agree with you, Mike.
This is the big global assault.
This is their move.
Everything they're doing is designed to collapse the West.
And you mentioned leaky vaccines.
That's what these gene therapies are.
They go in, they wreck your body, they wreck your immune system, they make your body start producing spike proteins, just like they found with cold Vaccines that they began giving birds 20 years ago, namely chickens, it would then create Merrick's disease.
I'll talk some about that with you next hour, because after four or five shots, most of these chicken coops would produce a virus that kills Up to 100% of the chickens.
Then they have a special vaccine they give to stop that.
But the chickens still are taken over by the virus.
All their joints swell.
All of their nerves swell.
They become basically one big tumor as it's described.
And that's why the FDA said they're allowed to serve us chicken that's mainly tumors now.
This is what they've done.
And I'm folks, I'm not kidding.
Marriage disease and chickens are some of the headlines.
This chicken vaccine makes the virus more dangerous.
Leaky vaccines and enhanced spread of deadlier chicken viruses, National Geographic.
This is all from six years ago.
So they know what they're doing.
This is what they're doing to the people that are going to be taking the vaccines every five to eight months.
And remember that the governments, especially you see de Blasio talking about this, governments have shifted into the coercion stage of all of this.
They're no longer interested in any carrots but just the stick.
And they're really targeting children now because that's how they achieve depopulation.
Targeting the children, having long-term infertility and mass death of children through multi-system inflammatory syndrome.
We'll talk about that if we get the chance.
Oh, you'll have the floor, Mike, because I want to get all the things you're mainly focused on, and I want to get your take on how to turn this around and how to fight back against this.
There is so much coming up on the other side.
Remember, Mitt Romney and others say, if you're not injected, you're spreading stuff.
The science is the opposite.
People like Mitt Romney are dirty, filthy, spike creatures now.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I want to be clear.
I love science.
It has a lot of great applications.
But everything being deployed against us is to make us sick, and to dumb us down into poisonous, and to kill us.
And it's run by people like Bill Gates and others, and cause swabs that say there's too many people, and they want to depopulate us.
So Mike Adams is really good at looking at the science.
He's an engineer, a scientist, owns a big medical lab here in Central Texas.
He's also a best-selling author.
And he's got a lot he wants to cover.
We're going 30 minutes to the next hour, then I'm going to continue on with Owen into the third and fourth hour tonight here on Sunday Live, the Alex Jones Show.
But I want you to go where you just wanted to go, and all the things that you think are front and center of that, I totally agree, Mike.
But first, what do you make of, on Thursday, they recall 1.6 plus million Moderna shots in Japan from the Tokyo area because it had liquid metal in it and it was killing people.
And then now in Okinawa, they do it again.
Two more people die.
The scientists go, look, this is the government says magnetic metal is in the shots.
Friday they said could be.
Today they said it is.
I have all the press conferences, head scientist up there.
It's just insane.
This is such a big deal with all the magnetism and the graphene oxide that's in the shots and all the rest of it.
I mean, it's like we're living in a science fiction movie or something. And
then there's also the head scientist and the head doctor in Tokyo says they gave
over 10,000 people ivermectin, 100% got better. It's a Japanese drug, not for
horses. That's one use. It's an antiviral. It's an anti parasite. And our own
media here says don't use it. It's bull. But the Japanese are respected
scientists. They say it's working great. So that's two big subjects there.
Hit those first.
The lesson Japan's giving us and then get into that other big subject of why
you say there's gonna be so many sick people in the fall.
Well, the magnetism phenomenon is a very real thing, and it has been confirmed, including by some of the other guests that you've had on, like Dr. Lee Merritt, for example, that this magnetism is real, and anything that responds to magnets, this liquid metal substance that is now confirmed in the vaccines, by the way, and all the fact-checkers who said that was a conspiracy theory, they need to retract that because, of course, the health ministers in Japan are confirming it.
It means that whatever they're injecting into you will also respond to external electromagnetic fields.
And so this immediately begins to open up the discussions about biocircuitry, the nanotech or self-assembling nanotechnology that may be in these vaccines, which gives rise to all kinds of discussions about neurological implants that the vaccines are not.
Well, I mean, we shouldn't call them vaccines, but they're not just kill shots.
They are Implanting people with control systems.
I mean, I know it sounds like science fiction, and perhaps it's been in a lot of science fiction novels and movies, but What would happen to a world if there were a nefarious attempt to inject people with some kind of electro-neurological interface that could then be controlled through external signals?
And then, Mike, it turns out Bill Gates is in the London Guardian two years ago saying, I want magnetic vaccines that you put a little bit of it in the body and the body self-replicates and it takes over every cell in the body.
There it is, genetically engineering magnetoprotein remote controls brain and behavior through injections.
Well, exactly.
And that study that you're showing right now was conducted in mice, but it's the same exact principle.
And we also know that this really is an extinction-level event.
Just to back up and state what is now obvious, this is about mass-murdering humanity and using vaccines as a cover story.
But they're not vaccines.
They're something far more nefarious.
And what they're hoping to achieve in this is kind of an ethnic cleansing on a planetary scale.
And I got to mention something about preparedness and survival, Alex, because a lot of your listeners, a lot of my listeners, they've been into preparedness and survival for a very long time.
It's saved many lives from natural disasters.
But we have to shift our mindset now, because we've been preparing all this time for You know, a hurricane like the one that's just made landfall in Louisiana, and prayers to all of those people in, you know, in the line of that hurricane.
Ida, a Category 5 slamming in now.
Yes, right, just in the last few minutes, and 150 mile an hour winds.
But, you know, preppers have been ready for that kind of thing.
They've been ready for an ice storm.
They've been ready for even a volcano or a grid-down power outage for a few days.
But no prepper And let's be clear, you publish books all over the world, you sell a ton of products like we do from all over the world.
For those that don't know, the supply chains are already devastated and new lockdowns are going to be irrevocable.
the supply lines of food and medicine and spare parts. And let's be clear, you
publish books all over the world, you sell a ton of products like we do from
all over the world. For those that don't know, the supply chains are already
devastated and new lockdowns are gonna be irrevocable. So that's really the bad
news. Well, absolutely.
That's absolutely true.
The supply lines are cratering.
A year ago, we would be able to get contracts with food suppliers, you know, for a year out.
Now they're telling us they can't guarantee any food beyond 90 days.
They're requiring prepayment.
They're sending us partial shipments.
I'm sure the same thing's happening to you.
Shipping is four times more than it was.
Or you order something now that used to take a week.
Your manufacturers, I'm sure, are unable to get containers.
The plastic containers, the lids, all the containers, the squeeze bottles, the toothpaste tubes, and the toothpaste that you offer, they're all out of supply.
Almost everywhere.
Or it's a six-month supply line.
Wait for these things.
And again, that's the Great Reset.
That's why Schwab said, the cut we have put in the economy will never heal.
It will never come back.
The system is over.
He says on his own Wikipedia page, we are destroying the democracies and taking over the nations.
It's incredible.
And think about the Biden regime just banned ammunition from Russia, of course, affecting, you know, Wolf ammo and other brands from Russia.
So that's the low cost ammo that a lot of people were stocking up on for survival or for target practice or sighting in their rifles.
That's going to be gone from the marketplace.
So these are engineered shortages and it's happening in polymers and resins and plastics and o rings and gaskets, everything that you can imagine.
The supply lines are shutting down.
When we talk about preppers and, you know, getting extra food is crucial, obviously, having sanitizers and having a water filter, all these things are crucial, but what happens when your own government declares war on you and dismantles the entire structure of modern, complex society?
That's what we are witnessing.
And that's why I keep telling people, you've got to learn what the Great Reset is.
So I've interrupted you, son, you've done a great job.
You've got 31 minutes coming up.
Keep going with the Great Reset, and then you were going to get into some of the disorders and the syndromes we know are already starting, and what the third booster shot's going to do, why they had that planned a year and a half ago, why they had it all pre-programmed, Mike.
Well, let me jump back to the CDC that you mentioned previously.
The CDC's now pushing gun control.
Here's the reason why they're doing that.
Because they plan to round up millions of Americans and execute them in CDC COVID death camps, okay?
That's exactly what they plan to do.
They don't want people to be armed.
This is just like Hitler wanting to disarm the Jews before the Holocaust.
So, Walensky needs to be, in my view, indicted, along with Fauci and many others, for crimes against humanity.
These people are involved in a death cult in the name of fake science, and they claim authority over all human activity.
Not just rent, not just your house or your apartment that you might own.
They claim authority over your Second Amendment rights and even your First Amendment rights.
And yet then, they claim they want to push the third booster shot, even though Walensky admitted herself they have no science, no data, to show that the third booster shot might work.
Instead, they're powered by hope!
Hope, Alex!
The third booster shot, they hope will work.
No, actually, they hope it kills you.
And if you survive the third shot, then they're going to have a fourth shot.
And if that doesn't kill you, don't worry.
They're going to have door-to-door armed troops, vaccine enforcers, coming to take you out of your homes.
By the way, that's already started in Australia and Spain, for those that don't know.
And the UK is building giant COVID camps as well, and they say that.
Australia is the template.
As you've mentioned many times, New South Wales is the template.
Notice how the government there just granted obedient people an extra hour of recreation.
If you're vaccinated, we will give you one more hour outside.
How gracious.
Yeah, I mean, so they've turned Australia into a, once again, a prison colony, and that's the plan for what they're going to do to America.
And there's no room in their plan for any dissent.
So anyone who says, I'm not taking the vaccine, I'm not social distancing, I'm not wearing a mask, you're going to be targeted.
I don't think they're going to get away with their plan in states like Texas, by the way.
Red states will resist.
The governors will resist.
The state legislatures will resist.
But in blue states, they're going to be turned into death zones and COVID camp execution zones by orders of the CDC, and this will continue until the people Peacefully resist and, as Chris Sky says, have global non-compliance.
Global non-compliance is the solution here.
Until we get to that, you will be hunted by your own government and you will be executed by your own government.
That's right.
That's the cover.
It's the cover for the Communist globalist takeover.
They mean complete business.
Guess who runs in the U.S.?
The contact tracers.
The Clinton Global Initiative.
Our number two is Mike Adams.
NaturalNews.com, I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now.
We're going to lay the science out of why so many people are going to get so incredibly sick and can it be turned around.
Straight ahead, hour number two.
Stay with us.
And he said, it's unrestricted warfare.
It's really happening.
There's always evil groups that try to take over the world.
It's happening this time through the medical systems of the corporations.
Operation Lockstep, the Rockefellers said that was the best plan.
People have Stockholm Syndrome, they can't admit it.
Short segment right now, long segment with Mike Adams, where he's gonna go through all the evidence, but front and center, how do we wake people up to unrestricted warfare, or is it too late?
Do we just have to prepare and protect ourselves?
Well, first of all, most people are starting to see others around them very sick or dying.
And if they don't get help, and as you mentioned, ivermectin is a lifesaver.
If they don't get ivermectin or some other form of help, a lot of nutrients and herbs and so on, then they will very likely die.
Because this isn't just about COVID.
This isn't just about the spike protein and the shedding from the vaccines.
I believe, as you believe, that there are other pathogens or toxic nanoparticles that are being released.
Now, remember, and I had this conversation with Dr. Lee Merritt, we now believe that it wasn't a virus that was released in New York City or in Northern Italy to set off this pandemic.
They were instead synthesized toxic nanoparticles, i.e.
spike protein, that were then released in the city to mimic a viral pandemic.
And let me back you up, Mike.
I'll do it next segment, but I've talked to people in the Pentagon, I've talked to people, former heads of U.S.
agencies, that's what they now believe as well.
Yep, they are synthesizing now other toxic particles and they are dumping them on cities, they are releasing them across the United States.
Remember, the vaccine industry did this in Disneyland years ago to push SB 277 in California, that was the vaccine mandate in California, and that was the model For the success of the media panic and the parental panic and the legislature panic that resulted in vaccine mandates in California.
But that was an intentional release of measles in Disneyland.
And of course Disney now requiring its own employees to be injected with spike protein as well, which will kill, you know, a large number of them.
But we are witnessing warfare at a level that we've never seen before.
And it's not just SARS-CoV-2, it's toxic nanoparticles that are being... and plus the graphene oxide that's confirmed in the vaccines, the metallic particles in the vaccines.
Who knows what kind of disaster... And you're absolutely right.
Notice how it hit one city...
A few cities in the U.S.
on the East Coast, one city in Italy, and a few cities in China to create that fear.
And it's only those areas that saw those real giant spikes.
Now we're seeing that distributed out.
So what is the answer?
Be in a rural area?
Because we're seeing these giant spikes in cities.
Well, I think answer number one is that the globalists are finding it's harder to kill people than they thought if those people have good nutrition and good knowledge of what they're doing.
That's why they're so pissed about the vitamin C and the D and the zinc and the ivermectin.
So, yeah.
And and ivermectin.
And by the way, there is no difference.
And again, I'm not anybody's doctor.
I can't tell you what to do.
But personally, I've stockpiled plenty of veterinary ivermectin and I also have regular human prescription ivermectin.
Guess what, folks?
It's the same molecule.
There's no difference in the molecule.
It's exactly the same.
It doesn't matter where you get it.
It's the same molecule.
So people need to understand that all of the disinfo being pushed out... My parents were deathly ill and I gave them veterinary ivermectin within 5 hours.
They were 60% better.
The next day they were 90% better.
Then I went and got the prescription.
But I mean, it was just a miracle cure.
I'm telling you, and what big tech is doing, censoring information about these treatments, even prescription treatments such as hydroxychloroquine.
These are, you know, Holocaust-level crimes against humanity.
And now censoring talk about natural immunity?
We're supposed to pretend that natural immunity doesn't even exist?
It's the best immunity.
Folks, those of you watching, if you have natural immunity, you will be a survivor.
If you took vaccines, you will likely die.
If you stay on that track, now there are some natural things that can save you if you took a vaccine, but most people who took the vaccines don't know about those things and don't want to know about them.
They are committing suicide.
They will not be with us.
By the way, we're not joking.
When we come back, explain that and those disorders you were mentioning were interrupted last hour, and then we'll also talk about the next level of evil.
The Surgeon General saying normal immunity is not good, natural immunity is not good.
An Israeli study comes out 13 times better.
I mean, this is, as you said, this is hardcore criminal activity.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
It's like saying, oh, you don't need oxygen.
Just tie a rope around your neck and jump off a stool.
Breaking your neck's good for you.
That's the level of these murderers lying to us.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, rock legend, I'm a big fan, Eric Clapton.
has come out with a new hit single and the left's even calling for censoring it.
They are such North Korean style authoritarians.
This has got to stop.
Rock legend Eric Clapton releases new song slamming mandatory COVID injections.
And that's what all this is.
We were talking to Mike Adams of naturalnews.com, one of the smartest people out there when it comes to
He is a scientist, owns a science lab.
We're going to go back to him here in just a moment.
But I wanted to bring this up because last segment, He mentioned this.
Twitter permanently suspends Alex Brinson over coronavirus tweets.
Or Brinson, I keep saying it wrong.
And it says, Brinson has criticized big tech censorship and coronavirus mandates.
He was a big hit writer at the New York Times for a long time, got censored, moved to Substack.
The account you reference has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation rules, a Twitter spokesperson told Fox News in response to an inquiry.
This is a Fox News article.
And he goes on to say, this was a tweet that did it, he wrote, above a screenshot of the account before it was taken down.
Entirely accurate.
I can't wait to what a jury will make of this.
Well, a judge will never let you get to a jury.
Here's what he said.
Don't think of it as a vaccine, he continued.
Think of it at best as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effects profile that must be dosed in advance of the illness.
And that's what it is!
Now they're saying...
This is a Fauci quote.
I have the video.
Dr. Fauci discusses requiring COVID booster shots every five months.
They're our doctor.
They're our God.
And then CNN says you don't have a constitutional right to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, even though you do.
Even if it was an approved shot and wasn't experimental and didn't have liability protection.
I mean, this is so damn criminal.
Mike Adams, lay this out for us.
As you said earlier, for stations that just joined us, the magnitude of now suppressing people that say natural immunity is better than what you get from these shots, that's a fact.
And the fact that big tech has bought into big pharma and is actively suppressing us as a cartel and that Congress is doing nothing.
I mean, my God, I wonder what's coming next.
Oh, I know.
Apple's announcing they're going to re-scan everything on your phone.
But wait, it gets worse.
Next segment, I'll tell you about Australia and the law they just passed.
To be able to go into anybody's phone or anybody's device and hijack it, take control of it, and poses you to, quote, disrupt anti-vax networks that can even steal your identity and commit crimes in your name.
I mean, nobody's ever put stuff like this down on paper, Mike Adams.
Well, what Berenson has really been able to document very well is that even from the view of conventional virology and conventional vaccines, these vaccines, the ones given in Israel, which is almost all Pfizer, they fail after about six or seven months.
And so, Alex, this is critical to understand.
The wave of deaths and hospitalization in vaccinated people that we're seeing right now is just the leading edge of what's coming.
This, you know, right now we're at the end of August.
We're talking about people who were vaccinated early, maybe in February.
When you start getting to the masses who were vaccinated in March and April and May, you're going to see mass deaths in September, October, and November.
And then when you combine that with the vitamin D deficiency that occurs in the winter in the northern hemisphere, and you combine that with whatever else they're releasing right now, and I'm convinced they're releasing more toxic nanoparticles, You know, this is going to be the fall and the winter of mass death in America and mass homelessness across America because of the lockdowns that have deprived people the ability to work and earn a living and pay rent.
They're going to be on the streets.
The streets are going to be filled with dead bodies in some areas like blue cities.
I'm not joking.
It's not an exaggeration.
And then they're going to say the unvaccinated caused it.
We predicted that a year and a half ago.
Now it's already being done.
The unvaccinated are the only safe people.
The naturally immune are the safe people.
We should have natural immunity passports, where you're free to travel because you have natural immunity, which is the only immunity that can beat all these variants.
If you're vaccinated, you are a danger to society.
If you're vaccinated, you're a danger to other vaccinated people and unvaccinated people.
If you're vaccinated, and I don't agree with all these travel restrictions, government's wrong to do that, but if they were going to choose one group to force to not be able to attend concerts and travel, it should be the vaccinated.
They're the ones shedding the spike protein.
And what do you make of them saying it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated, when all the real science shows it's a pandemic of the vaccinated?
What do you say to Mitt Romney saying, quote, your liberty, Mike Adams, Affects my health?
No, you little monster!
You took it!
You took the deadly spike protein!
You took the fetal tissue!
You took the genome of the dead baby from 66!
You are in league with Satan!
You are a child of the devil of Lucifer!
And now you want to rape us with your little poison needle, you pervert!
Well, a lot of these people who took the vaccines, let's understand, they're the walking dead.
They're ghosts.
They will remove themselves from our world over the next several years as their bodies churn out spike protein and they kill themselves.
So, we don't have to convince them of anything.
What we have to do is insulate ourselves from the domino effect of collapsing society that happens when so many millions of people are exterminated, sometimes through their own ignorance, and themselves taking a vaccine death shot.
Don't debate with the walking dead.
This is my advice.
They will be gone in the next 36 months.
Many of them.
Now some of them took saline shots.
Probably Romney is among them.
So, you know, sadly he'll still be around to pester the rest of us who are real Americans.
But for the ones who took the actual death shot, many of them will be gone.
So what we really need to understand is that The strategy of taking back America, as Dr. Breggin said on your show, the re-founding of America, we need to understand that that strategy comes to us.
We are the survivors.
We are the ones who must rebuild.
And we must be resilient.
And we must be prepared.
We must be able to survive the collapse at every level that's thrown against us, because the future of our nation, America, even our civilization, rests on our shoulders, the unvaccinated, with natural immunity.
We will inherit the Earth, Alex.
And by the way, Mike, you're not just saying all this.
When we come back, I'll try to shut up for a 10-minute segment and let you have the floor to talk about the syndromes we know similar vaccines have caused in animals when they've done it before.
This is heavily tested.
They know, with all these different syndromes, what happens when you give somebody something that's this wide-ranging that attacks an entire class of protein in the body.
Yeah, absolutely.
In fact, there's a guest.
I don't know if you've had him on.
His name is Dr. Brian Ardis.
He was a guest on my network last week.
He talked about this new polio-like multi-system inflammation syndrome for children.
It's called MIS-C.
And he said that it could cause paralysis of the arms and legs of up to 40% of children.
Well, what do you think the cause of that is?
That's coming from the spike protein bioweapon.
This is why they're targeting children, Alex.
They're trying to create an entire generation of, like, thalidomide children, who, you know, who were born in some cases without arms or legs, but now paralyzed arms and legs.
You see, they know that the way to bring down society is to have maybe half the people killed, the other half injured.
So that anybody who's still alive is forced to to take care of the injured because we have mercy on them.
We're trying for them.
That's the soft kill paradigm and I was aware of MIS.
I watch your network all the time but I missed that guest.
But I noticed the feds put out an emergency alert and said in four months prepare for millions with MIS paralyzed children.
And it's all a new virus!
Where the hell do you think it comes from?
From the sloughing just like most polio in the world is caused by Bill Gates' vaccine.
Associated Press is a source of that.
I mean, you can't make this up!
No, they're telling you that there are going to be neurological problems from this vaccine.
And by the way, I'm going to recommend, you know, I will always recommend great guests for you as well.
I'm also trying to reach out to Peter Bragg and I want to interview him.
Yes, we'll give you Bragg's number and you give us the other guy's number.
But I'm glad you, because that was what I wanted to raise, the polio.
In fact, I forgot to get it out of the stack, guys.
Government warns of polio-like illness in four months.
Millions of children to be paralyzed.
And they don't say where it's coming from or why.
Much worse than COVID was last year.
And it's just, oh, there it is.
Oh, CDC warns of a potential outbreak of rare polio-like diseases in children.
Again, it's coming from the freaking sloughing.
How many times, Mike, did we say that?
And this is when de Blasio is on CNN saying that they have to target children.
This is why.
He's a monster.
He wants to maim the children.
This is beyond the transgender maiming of the genitalia of children.
This is the maiming of the limbs of children.
It's human sacrifice!
It absolutely is child sacrifice at a societal scale, and God's wrath will be unleashed against this nation, because we did not stop this in time.
We're all going to have to live through hell on earth.
That's an important message we must not forget.
Stay there, Mike.
It's all happening.
They're getting us rolling.
Oh, millions will be paralyzed.
No big deal.
It's so much fun.
Take tonight.
There's so much to get to here, but Mike is bringing up all these subjects that I need to bring up as well.
It's so important because you have RSV exploding in children around vaccinated parents.
And a lot of death from that.
You have CDC warns a potential outbreak of rare polio-like disease in children.
They just come out this month and say, oh, millions of kids will probably just be paralyzed.
It's a side issue.
We're not going to tell you why.
Well, they know damn well why.
And Mike Adams had a medical doctor on this week on his syndicated show, breaking that down.
So they're getting us ready for this.
But I don't need to just read the statistics.
I can see it and talk to medical doctors I know.
People are coming in that have been vaccinated with the COVID shots.
And spike proteins are eating their optic nerve, and people are going blind everywhere.
Children that are around vaccinated parents are losing their sight.
I mean, I was talking to a neighbor whose older lady, her daughter got the vaccine, and now her 10-year-old daughter is going blind.
She had perfect eyesight.
And the doctor said, oh yeah, we think you're growing spike proteins.
So they know damn well what's going on, Mike Adams.
Please continue.
Well, there's another diagnosis that I've been made aware of, and this has happened to a friend of someone I've known very closely for many years.
The diagnosis is called autoimmune encephalopathy.
It means your immune system is eating your brain.
And just as you described, what happens when your immune system eats your brain, and by the way, this is of course all happening following the vaccine, the spike protein
injection, is that it's like a slow-acting lobotomy.
You can start to lose your senses. You can lose some hearing, some sight, some actual touch sense.
You'll lose your short-term memory. You'll lose emotional neuroplasticity.
Your brain is shutting down slowly. It's not all at once.
It happens over time.
But the doctors, of course, they never say, oh, well, this has something to do with the vaccine.
No, they just say, for some reason, your immune system went crazy and it's eating your brain.
By the way, we just found a study talking about what you just said, Mike, right there on screen.
It's all real.
I mean, you know, I'm telling you what I'm experiencing.
I know that you know people who have suffered serious injuries.
You talked publicly about Rob Dew in the hospital and the horrible treatment.
Look, I'll just say it.
I've got close family that basically got hit by this and now has like Alzheimer's.
Doesn't even know they are.
People that have been hit by it still don't have their smell.
I mean, this is a serious bioweapon.
So think about getting back to my main topic here.
Think about how does society function?
See, this is an extinction level event.
They're trying to tear down all of society.
How does society function if all the front line, you know, the first responders, police, firefighters, paramedics, hospital workers, people who work at the power company and so on, if they're all required to get these vaccines over the next 12 to 36 months, Their brains are going to be damaged.
They are going to have autoimmune encephalopathy or other different expressions of this.
They're going to have cardiovascular events.
They're going to have strokes.
But they're tearing down the knowledge base of what makes society function.
Alex, this is why...
People had better be prepared for the possibility of a Mad Max scenario, at least in some regions.
It's no longer science fiction.
And look at the blue cities, look at the blue states, look at the fentanyl, look at the homelessness.
Everything they do is to collapse the country.
This is a war.
We're under attack.
It's an absolute war.
It's unrestricted warfare.
Dr. Merritt is absolutely correct about that.
And look at how they're attacking the soldiers right now.
And by the way, this whole fiasco in Afghanistan feeds right into this because they need an emergency.
They just flew in 112,000 Afghani people into the United States with no vetting.
It's probably 97% great people, but it's probably a few thousand terrorists in that group.
Guess what they're going to do over the next few months?
They're going to wage terror attacks in America so that the same police state that's been locking us down over COVID can say, oh, now we have to have martial law.
We have to have the military on the streets because of all these terrorist attacks.
They're making it happen at every stage.
This was all planned.
It's all a blueprint.
And then they're going to go door to door and try to take your guns.
Mark my words, that's coming.
And once they take your guns, they're going to take you to a COVID death camp.
If you give up your guns, they're going to exterminate you.
Have no illusions.
This is where we are.
You notice Bolsonaro came out and said, buy a gun, damn it, now.
He said the globalists are taking over, it's worldwide, they're attacking everyone.
He said all Christians must prepare for war, basically.
Yeah, and I see you're showing footage of that woman in the military who was talking about how it seems like she couldn't wait to be given the order to shoot Americans.
Well, guess what?
If you took the vaccine in the military, you might be dead first, frankly.
She doesn't even get that the whole country's under attack, and she's an SJW.
In fact, they clarified it with her that she hopes to have war with us.
That's who they're bringing into the military.
Plus, she can't even beat the Afghans.
She wants a war with us?
Is she an idiot?
And with 20 million veterans?
Well, and plus, how is anybody who's been vaccinated in the military going to carry a 70-pound pack of gear when their heart doesn't work?
When their vascular system is attacked, when their brains are being attacked.
I mean, I'm sorry to be so blunt, and my heart goes out to anybody who has been coerced into this.
You need to say no to this.
These are acts of treason against military personnel.
But that's the point, is to weaken the military, to create this national security vulnerability, so that when there is this martial law, or even perhaps a foreign occupation attempt, an invasion by UN troops or Chinese troops, that the military can't fight back.
Because there's so many people dead.
Guess who's going to be fighting back?
It's going to be the unvaccinated armed Texans and people like that all across America who have said no to the vaccine.
I don't think the CDC is correct when they say 200 plus million Americans have been vaccinated.
I think that's a lie.
I think it's far fewer.
I think maybe half of America has been, but the other half are not taking it.
And, you know, there's 500 million guns in America for Second Amendment purposes, for national defense.
So they're not going to succeed in this.
I think that's the big picture, Alex, is, yeah, we're going to go through hell, but in the end, they fail.
In the end, we defend America.
Mike, I totally agree with you, and I can gut level, I can intellectually see how much trouble we're in, but my intellect tries to, you know, say, oh, it's not that bad, settle down.
But my gut level has never been one-tenth as upset.
I mean, my gut, in my sixth sense, is like, get ready, Jones, get ready!
This is Eric Robbins!
It's just like screaming at me.
Yeah, no, I get the same impulses and information, but we've got to stay very practical in understanding this new threat that faces us and be ready to survive it and then to rebuild this nation as our founders originally intended.
But when we do rebuild, we need a third amendment of health freedom We'll have to move the current third amendment further down the line.
I agree.
We need a third, you know, Dr. Benjamin Rush.
We have to have a health freedom amendment and we can never let government control science again.
Never let another Fauci rise to power.
Never let the NIH determine who gets funding.
Never let a CDC claim authority over your private property again.
We can never let that happen.
Just like we can never let Hitler rise again.
That's why we had the Nuremberg trials and the Nuremberg Code.
It's time to remember those lessons from history.
Beautifully said, NaturalNews.com, and you've got Brighteon, and I love the Brighteon conversations you're having, and I love seeing it go viral, because we're all in this together.
What's the best site for folks to visit, Mike?
Well, like you said, Brighteon.com is our video platform, NaturalNews.com, and thank you for having me on today, Alex, and folks, get prepared now.
Time is running out.
Do it now, today.
I agree.
I think time has run out, and the longer everybody waits, the worse shit we're going to be in.
Mike, thank you.
Thank you.
Speaking of that woman that wants war with America, we got the clip of her coming up.
I feel sorry for her.
She's such a piece of garbage.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And so I face The final curtain
My friend I'll say it clear
I'll state my case Of which i'm certain
I've lived A life that's full
I traveled each and every highway And more much more than this I did it my way I did
Oh, blue eyes!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Sunday, August 29th transmission.
Here we are.
Alright, let me talk about my mother.
I don't talk about my mom a lot on the show, but people ask how I grew up doing all this stuff and how I was already on air by the time I was 21 and syndicated by 23 and the rest of it.
And it was because my mother...
Was a huge historian.
She has a degree in history.
So did my dad's mother.
She would get me capped with three or four weeks out of the year and read me history books as well.
But from the time I was like three, four years old, my mother was reading me everything from Edgar Allan Poe, you know, that was fiction, to letters from George Washington, you name it.
Pretty much every night.
We weren't big into televisions.
And so I grew up really liking history because it was so much more interesting than say comic books and stuff.
I like comic books too.
And I like pulp fiction.
I love reading Robert E. Howard, Clinton the Barbarian stuff written in the 30s in Texas and all that kind of cool stuff.
But I got into history.
And my mom monitors C-SPAN and Fox News and CNN and she doesn't usually tell me stuff that she thinks is going to happen.
But when she does, it usually does happen.
So, you know, I make predictions here quite a bit, and most of them come true.
I wish they wouldn't.
They're mainly projections of what's going to happen.
We don't get engaged and work hard.
So let me tell you what she keeps saying every time I go over to her house.
Because I normally go over to her house maybe once every two, three weeks for dinner or something, or they come over to ours.
But they were real sick the last few weeks, so I was taking care of them.
And we all did the COVID tests and all that.
It wasn't COVID, but just some other deadly thing sloughing off the people, like all the evidence shows.
And you know, my dad didn't even know who he was for two weeks.
Now he's halfway back.
That's pretty depressing.
This is devastating stuff.
And of course, it's from the vaccinated.
Of course, we know that.
We already covered it in the last hour and a half.
And so we're sitting there watching all this happen.
And my mother says, listen to me.
This is like two weeks ago.
She's in bed.
She grabs me by the shirt.
She goes, listen to me.
I said, yes, I'm listening to you.
She says, they're going to kill Biden.
They're going to shoot him.
Or they're going to detonate a truck bomb, and they're going to kill him, maybe part of the cabinet, and they're going to capture a white supremacist who'll end up dying in a firefight.
He'll get killed.
And then they're going to come after all opposition to the election fraud and Biden and the gun control, and that's going to trigger using the military on the American people.
They're going to activate Black Lives Matter to start burning the cities.
And I've sat back and heard her say that, and I think she's right.
And then today I was over there, she's better now.
And again, they didn't tell me they were sick for a week.
I got over there, got them on ivermectin from the medical doctor immediately.
Like 80% better by the next day.
But the point is, is that they're absolutely right.
And there's a thousand points that go into this or more, but Biden's a puppet.
Biden's a globalist.
He's a negative for them.
They plan to get rid of him the whole time.
He even said, oh, I'll just faint an illness and quit.
He's already said, hey, soon Kamala Harris will be the president.
So this is a guy that marches up to cameras and says, I wipe my butt, I wipe my butt.
This is a guy today when they're rolling the dead bodies of 13 U.S.
Marines and Army and Navy off the aircraft, the Galaxy C1, whatever it is.
He's looking at his watch and looking around like he's bored, while Trump, whenever stuff like that happens, stood there saluting the entire time.
So he is Sleepy Joe.
He fell asleep with the Israeli Prime Minister today as well.
So, I mean, this is a true 20-ring circus, and he is the ringmaster here that doesn't know what planet he's on.
So, the only way they can turn him into a martyr, put Kamala in, and attack their opposition, is to kill him.
And I agree with my mother that that is, if they had a handful of cards, and they had an Ace of Spades and an Ace of Diamonds and a Queen of Diamonds, and you know, whatever you got in that hand, the Ace of Spades, the best card they've got is to kill Biden at something like the next State of the Union or something like that, or the next time he's talking to Congress.
I would look for them to roll a huge truck bomb right into that thing and try to kill Congress.
And then they're going to bring in the Chinese troops, the U.N., everything.
I mean, folks, they really plan to do this.
And I agree with my mother saying that.
I mean, obviously, they've pre-programmed it.
They say white supremism is the number one threat.
Anybody that wants guns, anybody that's Christian, anybody that doesn't want lockdowns, anybody that questions elections, anybody that doesn't want open borders and child smuggling is a white supremacist and is the main enemy.
And white supremacists are about to kill everybody.
Well, this is the same Justice Department that's run by Obama that shipped millions of guns into Mexico to then ship them to Syria and to Libya.
They've done false flags before.
They've overthrown Egypt.
They've overthrown Libya.
They've killed millions of people.
They funded the Arab Spring.
They're funding the collapse of Afghanistan.
They're bringing 20,000 Afghans in.
I've talked to folks at the military bases, at the CIA bases, on the East Coast.
You know, you saw them all pouring in en masse.
4,000 just a few days ago at one base alone.
20,000 that they know of.
And yeah, I talked to one of the guys that's a CIA trainer.
I'm leaving it at that.
They're at the deal.
They just said, my God, it's just Afghans everywhere.
And so it's almost all military age men, by the way, because they just treat women like they're lower than dog crap.
So they all just bowled their way onto the C-130.
So you've got those terrorists all running around.
This is just a complete and absolute total nightmare.
And that's where we are.
And I don't want anything bad to happen to Biden.
Believe me, that's the last thing I want.
That will turn him into a martyr and not the little criminal CHICOM agent he is.
And then we'll have Kamala Harris.
But I would not be anywhere near the Capitol building during any big events or at the White House if they have some congressional event with a bunch of key people there because they plan to blow up the Democrats.
To make them victims, to make them heroes, to lionize their whole agenda and to demonize anybody, everybody that opposed him.
And if you don't think the globalists will not blow up Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and all of them together, you're a fool.
I agree with my mother's analysis.
It's mine as well.
She just said, you're smart.
Why aren't you talking about this on air?
And I'm like, well, you don't really tune in very often.
She says, well, I've been tuning in.
And so that's what's going on, and I agree with my mother.
So these are psychotic America haters.
This is a real war, just like World War I or World War II, but it's global corporations, and they've made their move.
And they are going for broke, and we are under attack.
We gave up God, we gave up the unborn, God took his protection away from us, and we are a damned, cursed nation now.
I don't mean that in a vain way of saying it.
I mean, we are being damned to hell right now.
Now, if we all repent and all march by the tens of millions peacefully, and all stop complying with the system, God would heal us like that.
But God, just like Israel went into bondage every time they became evil, the exact same thing is happening to us, ladies and gentlemen.
And, you know, we might be in bondage 50 years.
We might be in bondage 100 years.
I mean, this is serious business.
God is a just God.
And we're being turned over to the most disingenuous, fake, satanic people you've ever seen.
But you better believe when they tell you the white supremacists are about to blow everything up that the globalists with FBI control, with the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL have got their people ready.
Southern Poverty Law Center ran Elohim City and Oklahoma City operation.
They're a very serious foreign intelligence group run through NATO.
And that's actually what, I mean, Southern Poverty Law Center is a paramilitary group of Isn't it rich?
uh... with eat well west germans and people
so i mean they're they're serious business we'll be right back stay with us
is me here at last on the ground
sandman the clown the
Don't you dare.
You see my friends, we don't need to send in the clowns.
They're already here.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Two more hours coming up with Owen Schroer with Sunday Live.
He wants me to ride shotgun.
I will.
Wild horses can't drag me away.
Woke US soldier threatens Americans, says they've become the enemy.
They don't obey under martial law.
That's what she says word for word.
And people went and found her account.
The investigation revealed that she's a 35-year-old self-identified lesbian who goes by the pronouns she, her, sounds very left.
Furthermore, she runs the TikTok channel Lord Daddy Nugget, which is where she posted the original video.
Where she talks about martial law and shooting if you don't go back in your house.
Like Australia!
They killed the real Crocodile Gun Dundee.
He wouldn't turn his guns in like 10 years ago.
But that's all really fine and dandy.
Like Swallowswell said, oh, we'll just drop nuclear weapons on American gun owners.
But you don't even do that.
The blue cities are under your control already.
It'd be a war crime.
You'd kill mainly your people.
They don't care.
It's all about them playing God.
And so imagine, that's who's in our military now at that level, is a woman who's got a chip on her shoulder against her own country, who's fantasizing about shooting Americans, like under General Honore in Louisiana and Mississippi after Katrina, where they went in and took all the guns and shot and killed hundreds of people.
Now, Honoré is in charge of the new domestic operations and he wants a war, and they're preparing the false flags, obviously, ahead of that.
You can see all the preparation.
So maybe she'll get what she wants someday.
The government has the nukes, too many of them, but they're legit.
I'm sure if we talk, we can find common ground and protect our families and communities.
Because I'm saying, you know, he'll use those on gun owners.
So that's who these people are.
I mean, they can't tie their shoelaces, they can't run their own lives.
They love taking a poison shot, doesn't even protect them.
Then they blame us because they're not protected, because they're schmucks.
And then they fantasize about, what, will you shoot me during a lockdown if I try to go out and maybe get some water or food?
Because you're a hero?
Oh, but you'll open the southern border up and not test anybody and wave them all in.
So let's go ahead and hear this lady, I got her name right here, but talking about how she's going to, well, just how you better stay in your house.
Here it is.
Have you never heard of the Insurrection Act?
There's reasons why the military doesn't deploy within the U.S.
And if they did, your little good old boy system is not going to fare well for you.
Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries, it's pointed at you.
If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy.
Martial law.
You know, where your rights get curtailed.
You don't have all those same freedoms that the Constitution guarantees at that point.
So be careful what you wish for.
And stop opining about things you don't understand.
K, bye!
Wow, what a creepy person.
She'll probably end up being a four-star general once they destroy America.
But I don't think it'll ever happen.
It's never gonna go that far with a scum.
You know, imagine her, if she got deployed during martial law, what a fun job that'd be confiscating guns.
Maybe they'd be able to sneak up on the first five or ten houses, and they'd run into opposition, and maybe they'd take out those evil rednecks, you know.
She thinks of America as evil white people, your good old boy network, you know, but she wants to live here though.
But imagine if you took out some of those good old boys.
And then you're gonna be at the gym, you're gonna be at a restaurant, you're gonna be at the grocery store, you're gonna be on parking lots, sweetheart!
You're so tough!
We're so scared of you right now!
While you threaten us and giggle and smirk about how you're gonna kill us on our front porches!
So you can feel like a big, tough lady!
Listen, little girl.
I understand you come from a family of trash.
And I understand you're the cancer in this country.
But you're a fool.
Your bosses are going to stage terror attacks and you're going to get the civil war you want.
And your dollar won't be worth anything once it's over with.
And you'll be too stupid to realize you sold your own country out.
Because it's not you or the gun we're worried about, it's you and a voting booth.
It's people that voted for Biden, it's people that support all this evil, that support election fraud, that support the pedophilia, that support the open borders, that support the devaluation of the dollar, that support it all because, again, you see America as a Christian nation and as a good old boy, white boy nation, and so you're spoiling for a fight with the country you come out of in your own self-loathing.
It's just, it's so disgusting.
And it really makes you realize that that's why they're doing all this diversity training and all this Black Lives Matter and all this critical race theory crap, the military, so that good people get out and that all there is, is that lady.
And you know they announced gun confiscation, they announced forced inoculations, you know she's going to be up in the guard tower at the FEMA center, at the COVID center.
And then they're going to come and pull aside the troublemakers that are patriots and take them into a room for interrogation and, oh, you think you're tough now?
Let's knock this good old boy's teeth out.
He's an evil white man.
He deserves it.
They've already branded it.
All white men are bad.
Because they know it would be Christian men, particularly historically white men, that would defend against this tyranny.
But don't worry, they're all busy playing golf and polishing their cars and acting cool and standing back because they don't want to defend women like you.
And you don't want them either.
So don't worry, we're a broke-back, alone country without families that keep babies alive and sell their organs.
Oh, but you don't care about that.
You just shoot your mouth off about the good old boys and how you got your guns pointed at us and you're going to keep us inside our houses just like Australia, just like the UK.
We get it.
We get it.
You're a horrible person.
And your God Biden's up there looking in his watch while the dead soldiers are unloaded.
Oh, what a creepy demonic person.
All right.
Next show's coming up with Owen Schroer for two hours live.
Only six minutes ads an hour.
We cut the ads in half.
We got more air time with Sunday Live.
Separately, I'm going to stay over.
He'll probably want me to.
He always does.
I got a bunch of news I didn't hit.
He's got a lot of news.
And that's all coming up on the other side.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Override these monsters.
Spread the links.
Share them.
I don't hate that lady because she's a lesbian.
I mean, I like women too.
I hate her because she's a swollen, arrogant little thug, reminds me of Chet from Weird Science or something, but a female version, who just is thugging out and giggling and laughing about martial law and war, which if she had any brain, and even if she was like the Chinese, they would actually fear, once real civil war breaks out, trying to come here.
They're going to get us with bioweapons, you dumb witch.
We'll all be dead.
We won't face Chinese soldiers until five years after radiological and biological winter.
But you don't actually study war, you just shoot your fat mouth off all day!
Oh my god, I'm gonna throw up.
But continuing...
We need your support.
You need our support.
I don't know how long we'll even be around as crazy as these things are.
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or 888-253-3139.
But like I said, a lot of stations carry this next show.
Some stations don't.
You really should pick up Sunday Live.
Owen comes in every Sunday, 6 to 8 p.m.
And not a lot of local or national live stuff on Sunday evenings, so hopefully stations will pick it up.
A lot of stations are.
And then weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
Harrison Smith at Infowars.com and on the stations.
This is being called a pandemic among the unvaccinated.
This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And that's the InfoWars Network getting around the sensors and changing the world for the better.
Thanks to all of you. I want to salute all the listeners and viewers and the crew.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroeder.
This is being called a pandemic among the unvaccinated.
This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
A pandemic of the unvaccinated.
This is an epidemic that's occurring in the unvaccinated.
We're seeing a pandemic among the unvaccinated.
This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Pandemic of the unvaccinated.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
We have a pandemic among the non-vaccinated.
We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated.
We could have had this under control.
We were well on our way.
And the only people that you can blame, the only people you can blame, this isn't shaming, this is the truth, maybe they should be shamed, are the unvaccinated.
We've got to shun folks.
We've got to shun people into getting vaccinated.
We need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated.
The unvaccinated people have put us in the position that we're in now and it is not a good place.
The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.
And they're killing people.
Just 36% of the people in this county are vaccinated.
Every seat is full.
No social distancing or masks.
It's stupid.
Dangerous and stupid.
You gotta start telling people if you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this office or this place of business.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come to work.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this gym.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this, get onto this airplane.
If you don't If you choose to get vaccinated, you may not come to work.
You may not have access to a situation where you're going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy, where you might kill them.
We're going to do a major vaccination drive for kids 12 years old and up.
Grandparents, call your grandkids.
Tell them they are vaccinated.
Put them on a bus and bring them to a mass vaccination center.
It has nothing to do with freedom.
This doesn't do with liberty.
You don't have the freedom and the liberty to put other people in jeopardy.
You really need to get vaccinated.
I'm not asking what's in the infusion.
I'm not looking up all of the ingredients in the infusion.
I am sticking out my arm and I am taking the infusion.
Take the vaccine.
Put some rules in place that will demand that people get vaccinated.
We tried voluntary.
The voluntary phase is over.
It's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people.
Every day more businesses are implementing their own vaccine mandates.
The Justice Department has made it clear.
That it is legal to require COVID-19 vaccines.
And I think a lot of people are going to expect that businesses will be mandating vaccines.
It's time for us to reinstate some of these masking mandates while in the meantime ideally aiming for proof of vaccination so that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
It's time to impose some requirements based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals pose versus those who have been vaccinated.
If you want to do business with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated.
You have to have certain rules in a society if we all are going to continue to live and keep each other alive.
You cannot be that selfish and, quite frankly, that ignorant.
You have no right not to be vaccinated.
You have no right not to wear a mask.
You have no right to open up your business.
Wait, can I stop you?
No right not to be vaccinated?
Meaning, if they decide you have to be vaccinated, we have to be vaccinated?
Absolutely, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm.
In these insane times, I wouldn't mess around.
I wouldn't screw around with your health and your immune system.
I would do everything you can to boost your body's natural defenses and, at the same time, support those that are fighting the globalists and fighting to stop new lockdowns and tyranny.
Well, you find all of that perfect storm at one place, infowarestore.com.
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When you hear that something is essential, that it's an essential vitamin or mineral, I know most of you know this, but some people don't, that means you die without it.
You die in about 5 minutes without oxygen, you die in about a week without water, you die in about a month to 40 days without food.
And what is in the food?
The vitamins, the minerals.
the trace elements, the nutrients, and the food is so worthless now.
The soils are depleted everywhere.
The oceans are toxic.
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