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Name: 20210823_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 23, 2021
2536 lines.

In this episode of Alex Jones' show, he discusses various topics such as FDA granting full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, dangers and consequences of taking COVID-19 vaccines according to Dr. Sean Brooks, importance of personal responsibility for one's health, globalist plans for world government, regeneron's antibody cocktail as a COVID protection, InfoWars supplements and their benefits, bioremediation product BioSeptic Pro, FDA's approval of Pfizer shot, future plans of the host, products available at InfoWarStore.com, Teddy Roosevelt's speech, Roger Stone's opinions on recent events, swift movement towards making vaccinations mandatory, Owen Schroer's case, Nuremberg 2.0 trial and its relation to Dr. Fauci, NIH funding for gain-of-function research in Wuhan Institute of Virology, COVID-19 vaccine mandates violating the Nuremberg Code, experts vs. data when it comes to COVID-19 immunity and vaccination, importance of individual liberties and freedom of choice regarding medical experimentation and treatments, Kava kava, German chamomile, organic skullcap, valerian root for promoting relaxation and well-being, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, RocketRest for improving sleep quality, Bloomberg's report on vaccinated individuals being more vulnerable to serious illnesses from COVID variants than previously thought, United Airlines' unlawful and life-threatening vaccine mandate against pilots, Klaus Schwab's desire for a global dictatorship without public input, the collapse of society designed by globalist elite, anger and chaos due to ongoing crisis, petition filed requesting stop on vaccine mandates specifically for pilots, lawsuit against United Airlines being prepared involving more than 60 employees, and concerns about vaccine mandates leading to increased corporate control.

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The globalists love to throw it in our face.
Look at this advertisement being put out by the Veterans Coalition for Vaccination.
It has the perfect double meaning.
If you're a radio listener, I'll describe it to you.
It shows a...
Muscled man imitating the famous, we can do it, female factory worker pose from World War II.
Said it says, stick it to the enemy, don't wait, vaccinate.
Veterans Coalition for Vaccination.
But who are you really sticking?
They're telling you.
You're sticking the enemy.
Sticking the enemy.
The enemy is we the people.
Doesn't protect you, creates deadly variants, destroys your immune system.
It's not a vaccine, but you're pressured to do it.
These aren't vaccines.
This is a plan to infect us with prion disease and give us autoimmune disease and then it doesn't matter if you don't take the shot because then they just infect you.
And that's in all the literature, a big stack of Nobel Prize winners saying it would do this and now it has.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, August 23rd, the year is 2021.
It's Monday, August 23rd, the year is 2021.
A day that will live in infamy.
Coming to you from the embattled InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Literally thousands of scientists are on record now.
We'll play some of them here in the next segment.
Respected Oxford epidemiologist, virologist, former chief scientist at Pfizer.
The list goes on and on.
That these so-called vaccines are not vaccines and are designed to kill slowly with a variety of weapon systems.
Those that take them.
But more importantly, they're designed to then breed new variants of the viruses in the body.
That's not debated.
And it's not debated that Delta variant and all the rest of this has come out of the experimental vaccines that have been used in the public.
And here we are on the heels of the FDA, a true criminal organization.
Same folks that oversaw the Tuskegee experiment and the rest of it.
Grants full approval to Pfizer COVID vaccine.
And now they're coming after the children.
So we're issuing a global genocide alert.
Thousands of top scientists have confirmed that the COVID injections are bioweapons designed to depopulate the planet.
How many prominent Scientists and medical doctors and virologists and epidemiologists we had on saying the same thing.
I probably talked to 10 doctors the last five or six days just off-air and they are all completely blown away.
Because it's not just all that evidence, it's the it's the Surgeon General just saying that basically the sky is red when it's blue saying, oh natural immunity is not good, it doesn't work.
And now they've officially had the FDA come out and say, I've got the article right here, oh, immunity, there is no immunity naturally.
It's like saying Alex Jones is not wearing a blue shirt right now.
It's just on its face not true.
You understand that?
And they're saying it about everything.
They just lie.
The PCR test that this was all based on was a lie.
The scientists looked at it and said, but your real problem will be six to eight months after everybody takes these shots, that'll make their bodies into these mutation factories, because this is a live virus injection.
Just like with the polio, the main cause of polio being the vaccines.
And that's real science, and you tell the public that, and they just can't get that the social contract's broken, and the equivalent of Hitler on steroids runs the UN and runs the Davos Group, even though I've got a stack here that I'm going to read to you today of Klaus Schwab's own quotes about capturing democracy and taking over nation states and not letting the people have any power and ruling us.
Get rid of- I mean, he says it all, and I- Look, I've talked about all this, but this weekend I thought I'd review some of Klaus Schwab's own statements again, from his own books, his own statements.
You know, when Prince Philip said, I want to come back as a virus to kill 80% of the world population, when Prince Charles' son that helps run the Deimos Group says he agrees with that plan, these people don't just pop off.
Because they like to just talk about world government.
They didn't just build Georgia Guidestones with Ted Turner, but Prince Charles reportedly put in some money into it as well.
They're on some of Ted Turner's old family land.
Out there in Georgia.
Out there on the side of the highway.
I've been there.
They didn't just do all that to play games.
They've been preparing this forever and it's here.
And so here's the really bad news.
I've researched it, I've talked to virologists, we've looked at it.
When people take the third round of the Pfizer injection, Israel already did, then a super strain, they've already tested this all in the laboratory, super strains we release, and that's the real weapon that is gonna be so incredibly dangerous.
So we have the first Delta they cooked up, we have the original COVID-19, and then they have the new one they're about to release on us.
Global Genocide Alert.
Thousands of scientists confirm COVID vaccines are designed to slowly kill their victims.
And Owen Schroer, the host of The War Room, has reported... Owen Schroer has reported to federal jail here in Austin, Texas.
Was taken in to have his, uh...
A longing stripped away from him and a jumpsuit put on him because he stood peacefully at the Capitol while the left burns down the nation and destroys the planet.
And Larry Elder is under investigation by California now because he dares to come out and say once governor he will repeal the vaccine mandate.
It's men like him that are the answer to this tyranny.
It's repealing these illegal laws.
It's recalling these criminal globalists.
That's why free and fair elections are so critical.
The globalists love to throw it in our face.
Look at this advertisement being put out by the Veterans Coalition for Vaccination.
It has a perfect double meaning.
If you're a radio listener, I'll describe it to you.
It shows a Muscled man imitating the famous, we can do it, female factory worker pose from World War II.
Said it says, stick it to the enemy, don't wait, vaccinate.
Veterans Coalition for Vaccination.
But who are you really sticking?
They're telling you.
You're sticking the enemy.
Sticking the enemy.
The enemy is we the people.
Doesn't protect you, creates deadly variants, destroys your immune system, is not a vaccine, but you're pressured to do it.
And Biden just said last week, he thinks you should take the booster.
He's your doctor now.
Now they're saying, oh, that's going to be mandatory now too, because the FDA finally came out and said, oh, this experimental injection that we just tested on the public, that's caused, that's caused more Deaths, ladies and gentlemen, than all previous vaccines combined on the government's own VAERS reporting system.
And Europe has a similar system and shows the exact same type of numbers.
And the UK have the same numbers.
And all over the world, in Russia and in China and in India, they won't take the vaccines.
They won't take our so-called shots.
Australia is only at 25% injected, and their government says, you're not gonna be able to leave your house Till you take the shots.
And now it's on the even Australian news, people try to get groceries delivered.
There are no groceries.
They try to order food in even if they're given a government check.
There's no one to bring the food because no one can work.
No one can go out.
The society's breaking down.
And now all over the Western world, Hoop leaders say, we like dictatorship like Trudeau.
And if you don't take the vaccine, you can't have a job or get on a plane to leave your house.
They're even saying, don't look at the sunset, don't go in your backyard, don't talk to your neighbors.
They're beyond Jim Jones cult leaders.
Oh, but he's a pretty boy wearing a leather jacket like he's the high school quarterback.
So here's the huge news.
FDA grants full approval to Pfizer COVID vaccine and everything that means.
The White House says, boosters for all.
Here's what you need to know.
Oh, really?
Oh, well the other shots didn't work, so here's another.
How did Bill Gates originally say he knew you'd need this one within eight months?
He said that a year and a half ago.
Because these aren't vaccines.
This is a plan to infect us with prion disease, and give us autoimmune disease, and then it doesn't matter if you don't take the shot, because then they just infect you.
And that's in all the literature.
A big stack of Nobel Prize winners saying it would do this, and now it has.
But people go, well, why would the government and corporations do that?
Why would Bayer Pharmaceutical knowingly ship out millions of vials of Factor VIII that had HIV and hepatitis in it?
Well, it was in corporate minutes.
They even had stenographers record it, saying there's too many hemophiliacs.
Let's just get rid of them.
Look it up.
I've been Bayer Blood Scandal.
Imagine what it feels like to be sociopathic, to actually enjoy killing people.
See, I say sociopaths don't have any feelings.
No, no, no, they like it.
And there it is.
Bare, knowingly infected people with HIV.
But that's okay.
So that's all coming up here today, but I want to just start with medical doctors right up front, because there's so many clips of them going to city councils, going to county commissioner courts, going to legislatures where they can still speak, because they know it's going viral there.
And this show's a welcome place for these folks as well.
I want to get him on.
He's Dr. Sean Brooks, Oxford-trained PhD.
Explaining that this is what's going to happen to people that have taken it.
We know from the mouse studies.
Depending on the studies, 70 to 80 plus percent of the mice were dead within a year.
These are young mice.
They should have lived five years.
and they did other animal studies and we know just with one problem it causes that it's a death sentence.
So you got to ask, how do they get away with it?
They're going to say new viruses did it.
They're going to say the unvaccinated spread those and that's why everybody's about to die,
even though it's going to be mainly the vaccinated that are going to be dying.
Here's what the doctor had to say to a city council.
I think we should be respectful of each other.
My name is Dr. Sean Brooks, Ph.D., Oxford.
I have 48 publications, including 23 books.
I've studied health medicine, anatomy, and physiology for approximately 21 years.
Dr. Robert Malone who created the messenger RNA vaccine has said no one should ever take these jabs ever under any circumstance whatsoever.
He created it and he says don't ever do it.
So let me explain what's going to happen to the people who have taken it.
The people who have taken it are going to die in the next six months to three to five years for three reasons.
You've dramatically decreased your own immune system by 35%.
The first jab did it by at least 15.
The second did it by 35.
Now, if you take any booster shot, you will die.
That's it.
You take a flu shot in the future, you will die.
The second reason.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is what is happening with these jabs with everybody who has taken them.
Unless, of course, you've taken a placebo.
But there's no way that you would know that.
So given that fact, Antibody Dependent Enhancement tricks the entire body into believing that the cell that's eating the pathogen is eating it when it isn't.
It ends up leading to what's called a cytokine storm, which causes organ failure.
That will cause your death, and there's no stopping that.
No amount of drugs will stop that.
The third thing, blood clotting.
Everyone who has taken the jabs is blood clotting.
If you don't believe me, there's a way you can find out.
Take what's called a D-dimer test.
What that does is that detects blood clotting at the microscopic level.
They're cutting full blood clots out of people right now.
As I'm talking to you, millions have died from the jabs.
In your last meeting, you advocated for people to take the jabs potentially in the future, along with wearing masks.
And I heard parents say the same thing.
So to the parents who are actually considering jabbing their own children, you're going to sterilize them permanently.
People who have taken the jabs are sterilized.
80% of women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester.
You can't have kids!
You've also injected yourself with the equivalent of HIV.
You can now no longer breastfeed, donate blood, donate organs, donate blood plasma, nor bone marrow.
If you don't believe me, try to donate blood and blood plasma and find out what happens.
You will be denied.
Unless, of course, you live in California.
In which case they're allowing people to donate toxic blood with spike proteins in it.
The jabs create spike proteins.
They're in the jabs themselves.
And they create it by snapping your RNA in half.
You are no longer a human anymore.
You are something else.
And you are susceptible to countless diseases.
Now here's what's going to happen in the future very quickly.
You have 15 seconds.
I don't know what percentage of your staff is taking the jabs, but your school is going to close.
You will not stay open.
You will close because they will fall ill and they will die.
That will happen in all of your buildings.
It's already happening.
Thank you, sir.
I bet it is.
It's already happening.
Good luck.
Nothing can stop it.
Thank you, sir.
Good luck.
See, that's a real doctor, PhD from Oxford.
He just told you.
I'm telling you, this is it.
They launched the attack.
It's the equivalent of a nuclear war.
You understand?
Get ready, folks.
Dig in.
Society's going to collapse.
It's all over.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide here on this Monday, August 23rd, 2021 broadcast.
So, the globalists wrote all these white papers, they constantly talked about it, they prepared world government, they set up control systems, they said we'll use a virus to bring in world government, and then we'll use that as a pretext to depopulate people with the supposed treatments we give them.
And the public will want to be victims, they'll want to think that we're their mommy and their daddy, and we'll come in and we'll induce Stockholm Syndrome on them, and then we'll slowly kill them, while we suck the money out of them.
And right now they're just bullying the medical profession, the doctors and the nurses and the system to get them in line to cover this up.
I've talked to a lot of medical doctors on-air and off-air who, when their patients come in sick from the vaccines that aren't vaccines, they're told, don't talk about it or you're fired.
Global genocide alert!
Thousands of scientists confirm COVID vaccines are designed to slowly kill their victims.
Now the criminal FDA, Let's give an approval to the experimental spike protein injection that each state moves to its next target.
Children and babies.
And yes, Owen Schroer has reported the federal jail to the left's incredible happiness in Austin, Texas for trying to stop the riot at the Capitol that the left and the FBI ran and controlled.
That is America in the middle of 2021.
That just aired Dr. Dean Brooks, Oxford Scientist, Southwest Ohio School Board Meeting, told them that the jabs are going to do to them.
And he laid out in just three minutes, with them interrupting, exactly what's going on.
I'm gonna make that the featured video on Band.Video, right in the middle section.
And I want everybody to get it at Band.Video, Right now it's in the Titans of Liberty Channel.
You can go to the left-hand corner, click on the left-hand nav bar.
You'll see all the different channels.
It's in the Titans of Liberty Channel.
Great folks.
Dr. Sean Brooks warns, vaccinating will die soon.
I want to get him on tomorrow.
I want to call him now.
I want to get him on because he crystallized in three minutes.
I want to get him on for a full hour or two hours for a commercial-free emergency special where we'll have all the evidence, which we have right here already, but he's a doctor, and we'll go through each one of his claims for 20 minutes.
Made four claims.
They're all completely true.
Your future, my future, depends on the public fully awakening the fact that this is a biological attack.
Viral video of Dr. Sean Brooks warns, vaccinated will die soon.
It's what happened to the rats.
But again, they're going to claim new variants are doing it.
They're going to claim new viruses are doing it.
That's why they have to say, oh, sorry, your vaccine didn't protect you because other people didn't take the shot.
That's what Biden's saying.
It's what Trudeau's saying.
It's what Merkel's saying.
They're all saying, oh, your vaccine didn't work, which isn't a vaccine, because other people didn't take it.
And so you got sick from them.
Well, I thought you were protected because you took it.
And they're on TV saying, oh, You get no immunity if you've ever had this and gotten over it from a vaccine, even though that flies against science and virology and epidemiology and immunity and history.
And we have endless scientists to tell you that.
It's not a debate.
Like, what temperature does water freeze at?
What temperature does water boil at?
We know that natural immunity is 10, 20, 50, depending times, better Then from an inoculation, but this isn't an inoculation.
This is a gene therapy.
And they've got incredibly good gene therapies that still have side effects.
I mean, Regeneron's got stuff that cures skin cancer.
I know somebody got COVID.
Tested positive three times.
Went and got Regeneron in Austin, now available for the general public.
Four hours later, no symptoms, no coughing, just Now that's cloned white blood cells from mice programmed and trained to go out and kill only COVID.
He got emergency authorization.
Is it going to have side effects?
Who knows?
Does it work?
Does the science show that it's a gene therapy only putting into you artificial white blood cells?
Does that sound something like it's safe?
Well, if I was about to die, I might do it.
And that company's been around since the 80s.
They got a bunch of proven products.
Their business is not killing people like the U.N.
and Pfizer and Moderna.
And Moderna is DARPA.
Regeneron antibody cocktail offers COVID protection.
Wow, you're reading it in WebMD there.
Yeah, it's true.
I know people taking it.
The governor took it a couple days later, tested negative.
This stuff puts in millions of cloned white blood cells into your body.
And they got some versions that are from dead fetuses as well.
Those are what they call immortal cell lines.
Most cell lines don't last very long.
There's a few human cell lines that basically never go away.
They can just keep cloning them, keep growing them.
But they have a bunch of immortal mice cell lines they use.
And from what I did a lot of research over the weekend, the current Regeneron is from mice.
And I would have a better feeling about putting mice, white blood cells in me than some dead baby.
What about you?
But the point is, is that that's a real therapeutic.
May have problems.
You should research it.
But in all the, all these experts I talked to, they're like, no Regeneron looks pretty safe.
We're not 100% sure, but you know, it's a real thing.
It doesn't program your body.
It puts something else inside that goes around and kills everything.
And then it basically dies and passes out of your body.
All the experts, literally almost all of them, and I'm actually proud of our medical community in the world, they come out and go, whoa, do not take these shots, it's not gonna work.
And it's gonna lower your immunity, give you all these diseases and illnesses, and then it does that.
We're here, everything, all those scientists, the Nobel Prize winner, and the former head of Pfizer, and the head of the EU advisory board, everything they said, word for word, they said this will probably make women have menstrual cycles all the time and cause all sorts of bleeding and endometriosis, and the body will then attack the uterus and women will have to have hysterectomies en masse.
Dr. Wolfgang Wudar, Dr. Michael Yedon.
I mean, they both said that a year ago.
And exactly that happened.
Because they're top scientists.
So again, if I load a bullet in a gun, a .357 or a .45 or whatever, and walk over and shoot you in the head, it's probably going to kill you.
It's going to blow a hole in your head.
It's going to hurt.
And so it's not like we were speculating.
That's what this does.
That's what this does.
And that's why I'm officially so freaked out.
I had trouble doing the show.
To just sit up and calmly talk about all this.
You see that medical doctor?
Speaking to these people and he's warning them.
He's saying it's all over.
Do you understand?
And he knows they're laughing at him, he just shakes his head and puts his hands out and walks off.
Because they're such sheep, they can't believe it was done to them, and now they want our children.
Now they're coming for babies.
And the left's lining up to inject their children, and when their children are all dying in six months, a year, two years, three years, and we live longer than mice, the effects take longer, they'll blame us, the unvaccinated.
Watch, that's the whole plan.
They've got this all figured out.
You figured out how this works yet?
We'll talk about how to stop it straight ahead.
The spell is gone.
I'm awake.
When you wake up from the Matrix, wow.
Only question is, is it too late?
We're gonna talk about Owen Schroeder delivering himself up to the federal jail in downtown Austin.
Here in just a moment, with his former co-host, who's also been a political prisoner, Roger Stone, in the next hour, I'm going to plow into the actual studies, the actual documents of where this is going, with the FDA now approving the experimental deadly Pfizer shot, and say they're going to try to force everybody to take endless boosters, which each time lower your immune system even more.
The mainline science is saying it's a death sentence.
And we have the animal studies, we know.
I mean, it's hard to believe they actually did it.
Even I can't believe it.
I am completely dumbfounded.
Most of me just wants to buy a small log cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere, which actually I have.
I'm finishing up a little cheap trailer and getting a well in and stuff like that.
But a part of me just wants to completely disappear, but that's not going to happen.
They've got a societal collapse plan here.
We're going to have to face this head on and stop it, or our fate is worse than what you see in Australia.
That is over the top stuff that I don't even believe.
We'll be covering that next.
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All right, it is surreal to have had the feds send me all these subpoenas on multiple issues
in the last two years trying to indict me.
It's been surreal to have them question so many people that have called me and said that the feds came to their house and asked about me.
It's surreal to see Roger Stone set up and SWAT teamed and put through that whole kangaroo court trial for being a quote liar to Congress and then the media say he was convicted of being a Russian agent when the trial wasn't even about that.
And then to see him pardoned by the president.
And then again, it's surreal to see Owen Schroyer, who went to the Capitol with us, didn't even get on the bullhorn, was with us trying to stop people on January 6th going in the building.
We have police authorization to do that on video.
And the feds use the very videos of Alex Jones and crew trying to stop riot, of us doing that, and charge him with breaking into the Capitol.
I mean, it's a lie.
And so Roger Stone's got a take on this, of why on the same day, Friday, that Reuters had a big article with the FBI saying we were exonerated.
Roger Stone, Trump, myself.
And then...
Hours later in the afternoon, they have this thing on the shelf and they issue an arrest warrant for Owen Schroer and call his lawyers and say, you know, call us and say, come turn yourself in or, you know, we'll basically come after you.
So I guess they gave us that at least.
They didn't want the crazy image of SWAT teaming us over standing at the Capitol outside.
So, Roger, we have 600 plus political prisoners, many of which didn't raise a fist or They were just waved into the Capitol.
Maybe 20 of them actually attacked the police.
We don't support that, but this is really dangerous, this precedent, because now we learn it's not just Owen.
They're now arresting other people that were just seen outside the Capitol.
They're now moving out and expanding that.
Well, let's kind of start at the beginning.
Immediately after January 6th and for months, the mainstream media, particularly ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and then the low rents like, you know, Seth Abramson and these other sub-stack lunatics have insisted over and over again that both you and I were somehow complicit Or had advanced knowledge of the, frankly, boneheaded and counterproductive and illegal actions at the Capitol on January 6th.
I put out as categorical a statement as I could, but that didn't stop the use of guilt by association and this constant drumbeat that, you know, Stone is about to be arrested.
Stone, Stone, you know, his pardon doesn't cover this.
I think it's pretty clear.
I've made it very clear.
I never left the grounds of my hotel on the 6th.
I have no knowledge, either in advance or in real time, other than what I saw on TV, and I immediately posted a denunciation of it.
I've spent 40 years working in elections.
I'm not in favor of mob rule.
I'm in favor of winning elections.
I'm committed to our democratic system.
And in human psychology, past behavior is most indicative of future behavior.
Well, but this is a continued campaign of harassment.
Look, it's not a secret that the Mueller investigation put enormous stress on me and my family.
Unless you're General Flynn or Paul Manafort or a handful of others, I don't think you can really understand it.
They virtually bankrupted us.
We lost our home, our car, most of our insurance, our savings.
Then to go from, and then once I was pardoned and theoretically could get back on my feet economically,
then the Justice Department who bankrupts me hits me with a completely bogus civil complaint
regarding back taxes in which in all honesty, every single assertion by the government
in their complaint is provably incorrect, but it's written in such a sensationalized way
that it implies that I evaded taxes.
my wife and I.
No, exactly, Roger.
But specifically, you're giving them background.
What do you make of why they did this Friday?
Why they came out and exonerated us.
Tucker thinks it's because they want to cover up that there was involvement by the FBI staging it.
So by saying it wasn't organized, that they think that protects them.
And then they just burned Owen as a distraction from that.
Well, see, I think this is a continuation of this same campaign of vituperation.
So for months, I have lived with the allegation, blared on the front pages of ABC News and these newspapers, insisting, using solely guilt by association, that I and you had some involvement.
This is to keep economic pressure on you.
I'm not sure that the quote in Reuters, which essentially said there was no evidence against us, was an authorized quote.
I do know Mark Rosenball, the Reuters reporter who wrote that story, and he is a tough customer.
He's a scrupulously honest, and I think generally speaking, fair journalist.
Once in a while I quibble with something that he has written, but by and large I have a lot of respect for him.
He's a unicorn, he's pretty rare.
Well, I think he's trying to do his job as a journalist, and he has obviously a very solid source that told him no, Stone and Jones, you know, there's no evidence against them, or anyone else connected with Trump.
Now, we've been saying this for months, but that doesn't mean anything because This cloud that they've had over our heads is meant to
further cancel and economically strangle us, not to mention further justifying the
suspension of our free speech rights.
I think that this confirmation by the government may not have been.
We'll come right back with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones.
may have been a leak, doesn't make it any less accurate.
And therefore, it occurred to me that they may have sped up the indictment
of Owen Schroeder.
Now, I haven't read the indictment.
It appeared to me like they charged him with violation.
Hold on, stay right there.
We'll come right back with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones.
Roger Stone, the former political president, pardoned by Trump, is here.
and he was building up to Owen going to jail.
He hadn't read the United States Court Arrest Warrant Criminal Complaint.
I've got it right here for TV viewers.
And I'm not joking.
While Roger talks, I'll pull up the part here.
Gotta reread it, which says, broke into the Capitol physically.
I'll read the exact words.
It's in here.
And that is a complete lie.
And then Roger was saying, yeah, that's like their latest civil suit against me, the IRS.
They go, oh, look, here he is at the Capitol with Alex Jones.
That's a promo piece put up.
So there he is at the Capitol protesting, he's arrested.
That's their evidence.
They go, look, it's him!
It's like cartoon characters created this.
Look, here's Owen, breaking into the Capitol, they say.
Video, Alex Jones tries to stop Stormy D.C.
They list this as us, that's not even at the Capitol, that's on a grassy knoll.
So just all of it is pure crap.
Oh look, there he is again!
Which begs the question, well, why aren't I arrested?
So, Roger, you've got the floor.
We've got 10 minutes left, but while you're talking, I will read this and pull that up.
Go ahead.
Well, look, this is part and parcel of what we've seen in terms of the prosecution of all of those people involved in this.
I mean, their civil rights are being violated.
People, as far as I can tell, are being held without being charged.
There is no evidence that there were any weapons in the Capitol, save the one that an officer used to shoot an unarmed woman.
This looks to me like it was a politically motivated effort to get the probably inadvertent admission that Jones and Stone are in the clear.
So let's charge Jones' associate to try to muddy the water and change the narrative.
I assume that Owen, knowing him as I do, will plead guilty at his arraignment this afternoon.
And I can tell him he needs a lawyer.
I mean, not guilty?
Not guilty, pardon me.
I misspoke.
Well, plead not guilty.
And he needs a lawyer who understands the epic political nature of the court system in D.C.
You need a fighter.
You really need somebody with a broad understanding of the constitutional law, but who is not afraid to fulfill his obligation to give his client the most vigorous defense that he or she can.
In the meantime, you know, I think we can do a land market business in Owen Schroer did nothing wrong t-shirts.
I hope that Owen will authorize his friends, including you Alex, to set up an Owen Schroer Legal Defense Fund, because I can tell you any lawyer who's going to be able to do this job, a lawyer that Owen ultimately has the right to select, is going to be extraordinarily expensive.
And it is essential that he have a vigorous trial and that he expose the falsity of the government's complaint.
What do you make just in general of Afghanistan and the left and forced inoculations and everything's just out in the open now and Harrison?
Biden having, you know, 25% approval ratings basically right now.
I mean, this is just untenable where all this is going.
Well, let's take Afghanistan because it's an excellent point to start.
I don't think President Biden made an error by continuing the withdrawal of American troops from all these Middle Eastern countries.
That is the policy of Donald Trump.
That's actually what he ran on, bringing all of our soldiers home.
He's taken US troops back from Syria.
He's taking them back from Iraq.
He's withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
The difference is, The president used drone strikes and American air power to keep the Islamic radicals in those countries pinned down during the time that we were withdrawing our troops.
This is kind of military strategy 101.
You always cover your retreat.
Those bombings, by the way, were numerous during the Obama administration.
Obama used American air power in the Middle East in this drone technology.
Biden stopped the drone attacks at the same time, as I understand it, that he lifted the embargo against the Iranians.
Given the fact that he is exhibiting nothing but weakness, you see this reverberating around the world.
Israel is raining mis- pardon me, Iran is raising missiles on Israel.
The Russians have just hacked and given back our pipeline.
The Russians have troops massed on the borders of Crimea.
The North Koreans have restarted their nuclear weapons program.
The Chinese are threatening our vessels in the South.
By the way, this just in, the Taliban's threatening to attack U.S.
forces if we don't leave by August 31st.
So, I mean, this is all the manifestation of weakness.
Donald Trump had the same idea.
In fact, he ran on this.
Withdrawing from Afghanistan, where we've been there too long and we've spent too much money and too much blood, where our inherent national interests are not clear, was the right instinct.
But not doing it in a sound way that allowed you to do that, yet maintain the status quo, Through the use of air power is is unconscionable.
It's the way he did it and the execution of the policy rather than the policy itself.
The neocons, as you know, don't like the position of either Biden or Trump.
They'd like us to stay there for another 100 years.
In fact, they'd probably like to send more soldiers.
But I think the American people voted against that, and I don't think that's what they want.
But a skillful way to do this, as Trump did it, is the way that it should have been executed.
Oh, absolutely.
Look, obviously, I think that this is the whole Clinton-Obama-globalist combine that kind of shares power, wanting to get rid of Biden, wanting to set him up.
The way they did this whole thing just looks like it's designed for 25th Amendment.
What do you think's really going on?
What do you think comes out of this?
Well, look, it is increasingly obvious that when the president speaks in public that he's got some cognitive problems.
I suspect he has good days and bad days.
I don't wish him any ill will, but this is the toughest job in the world and I don't think he's up to it.
I've said here before, I think Susan Rice is running American foreign policy and I think Ron Klain is Running US domestic policy.
And I think the most influential person in the Biden presidency is Barack Obama.
In essence, I think this is Obama 3.0.
Uh, but the swiftness in which they are moving, for example, to make this vaccination, uh, not only permanent, but mandatory.
Uh, and it appears to me the FDA is going to approve it yet again without clinical trials.
Then they're going to mandate the vaccination of all of our active duty military.
Uh, this is, this is potentially a disaster.
And if you express your First Amendment right just to question the safety of the vaccination based on many, many, many case studies where people have had egregious side effects, well, that makes you some kind of a terrorist or a kook.
No, it's fact-based.
Under our U.S.
Constitution, you have the right to believe what you want.
As long as you're not fostering violence or hurting someone else, you have the right to believe what you want and say what you want.
They're now defining questions about the legitimacy or just the anomalies and
regularities in the 2020 election.
Nevermind this idea that Trump is going to return to the White
House, which I have never subscribed to.
I love Mike Lindell, but there's no legal precedent for that, that I can see.
Even if you were to find sufficient evidence of fraud in enough States,
which I really believe they will find, I still don't see the
election results being reversed.
But to go back to the question of the election, you're entitled to think what you want.
That doesn't mean you're you're violently advocating the overthrow of the current government.
And then to say, well, questioning the lockdowns and the safety of the vaccination.
That makes you a domestic terrorist too.
What happened to my body, my choice?
What happened to health freedom as a constitutional principle?
There's more than enough science that indicates that for many, many, many people, these vaccinations are problematic.
I was not happy that the president pushed them again at his rally in Alabama, but I was happy that he made it very clear that it is up to each person.
That you have to have your freedom to decide.
It cannot be mandatory.
Well, that's right, Roger.
Stay there.
Let's do five more minutes.
I want to ask you about that.
We've got the clip coming up of Trump being booed two nights ago in Alabama on Saturday evening when he said, hey, the vaccine works, you know, take it.
I'll tell you if it doesn't work.
I took it.
They had now admitted it's down to like 30 some percent.
Advocacy, even in their own fake numbers, we quote booster shots.
Since when does this happen in eight months?
Well, it was all predicted here.
Hour number two straight ahead.
I got so much news to break down.
The huge rebellion happening around the world and so much more.
This is going to be a big broadcast, folks.
Stay with us.
All right, folks, final segment with Roger Stone, and then I'm kicking off a huge hour.
We're massively prepared with critical intel that I've got to give you.
Even though it's not very pretty, it's good to at least know about the giant storm that's already beginning to hit.
It's going to get much more intense.
I was talking to my mother this morning.
She said, you know, the devil's making his move again.
The devil made it back in the 1930s, 40s.
They're making moves ever since, but this is the big move.
Roger, let's play this clip.
Here's Biden a few weeks ago saying, oh, the vaccine works, take it, even though it doesn't work.
And then here's Trump in Alabama.
The various shots that people are getting now cover that.
You're OK.
You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
You know what?
I believe totally in your freedoms.
I do.
You got to do what you have to do.
But I recommend take the vaccines.
I did it.
It's good.
Take the vaccines.
But you got... No, that's OK.
That's all right.
You got your freedoms.
But I happen to take the vaccine.
If it doesn't work, you'll be the first to know, okay?
I'll call up Alabama, I'll say, hey, you know what?
But it is working.
But it's not working, Roger, so I know he pardoned you and we like him, he's a good guy, but that's just not true.
It's down to 37% efficacy.
Well, let's remember the president already had COVID-19 and was vaccinated after it as well.
I pray that he's right and that his health is not harmed.
But there's more than enough evidence now to show that there are problems with the vaccination.
It is also, however, not in Donald Trump's style to admit an error.
It's just something he has never done.
And frankly, I'm happy that he has made it very clear that it should not be mandatory.
I consider that a victory in itself.
I do think at the grassroots that his constant advocacy of the vaccination is hurting him.
But when you look at the larger world situation and our collapsing economy and the growing censorship and control of our very lives, you know, the foibles of Joe Biden certainly outweigh the president's view on vaccinations, particularly since he says they shouldn't be mandatory.
No, I agree.
That's the saving grace here.
I just, I hate seeing him hurt himself like this because this is not popular and it's not good and it's not true.
In closing, Owen Schroer, we got to pray for him.
We got to support him.
I actually found the section here.
He's charged with violent entry and disorderly conduct at the Capitol.
He didn't go in the Capitol, wasn't part of a violent entry, tried to stop it with me on record.
This is false charges.
This is criminal activity right here by the FBI in my view.
Well, he needs an excellent lawyer and he needs to understand the political nature of the D.C.
court system.
I mean, the D.C.
Circuit Court upheld my sentence even though it violated both the law and the Bureau of Prisons and Department of Justice regulations.
We have two-tier justice in this country.
We see it over and over and over again.
We're essentially charging Owen Schroer with trespassing while Hunter Biden makes billions of dollars and influence peddles his father's influence, doesn't pay taxes on that money, but is not prosecuted.
They go after Owen Schroyer, but Tony Podesta took money from the same pot of Ukrainian money as Paul Manafort, lobbied on behalf of the Ukrainians.
Manafort was charged and went to prison for it.
Podesta has not been charged.
In fact, it was announced this week that Tony Podesta will represent Huawei, the largest telecommunications company in China, in front of the Biden administration.
A lucrative deal, I'm sure.
So again, the two-tier justice system.
Rod Rosenstein lied to Congress when he said he didn't authorize the investigation into Roger Stone.
Absolutely not!
Yet we have the document in which he did so.
They charged me with lying to Congress.
Why hasn't he been charged with lying?
It's insane. Quickly, because I know you've got a lot of fake lawsuits against you, Sotomayor,
and I want to support you. The listeners do, and they really appreciate you, Roger.
All right, this is a very important video. It's posted as the featured video at band.video and freeworldnews.tv.
It's a life-saving video. Everything this Oxford PhD scientist says is on record and documented.
Only in three minutes at the Southwest Ohio School Board meeting, Dr. Sean Brooks.
But scientists and others are using every venue they can to get the truth out.
Sean Brooks explains what will happen to the vaccinated because of ADE and other issues.
Viral video.
Dr. Sean Brooks warns vaccinated will die soon.
And again, this was all premeditated a year and a half ago.
Gates said you'll need a third booster shot.
It's not a vaccine.
It lowers your immunity.
It implants you with prions.
Then it takes your body over with the second and third shot.
It makes you a factory.
They've already pre-programmed this on human subjects in China.
This is a bioweapon.
They tested it all on animals and humans already.
Oh, it's been tested.
They just skipped the testing because you know it would actually kill you.
It's been tested to prove it'll kill you.
It's a bioweapon developed in the U.S.
given to the Chinese for plausible liability by Obama.
And it's colonizing your body, it's taking you over.
So when the quote booster shots start, if you thought you saw variants and mass illness and death in full hospitals...
I think we should be respectful of each other.
their gene therapies, wait until what you see next.
That's the real science and I want to get this guy on so he can then have time to go through each one of the
claims he makes.
Everything he says, I've got stacks of articles right here admitting it. So we're going to be laying all this out.
It's a big, big deal. I got a ton of other news to cover coming up, but here it is.
It's big. I think we should be respectful of each other.
For the next person.
We did brother.
My name is Dr. Sean Brooks, Ph.D., Oxford.
I have 48 publications, including 23 books.
I've studied health medicine, anatomy, and physiology for approximately 21 years.
Dr. Robert Malone who created the messenger RNA vaccine has said no one should ever take these jabs ever under any circumstance whatsoever.
He created it and he says don't ever do it.
So let me explain what's going to happen to the people who have taken it.
The people who have taken it are going to die in the next six months to three to five years for three reasons.
You've dramatically decreased your own immune system by 35%.
The first jab did it by at least 15.
The second did it by 35.
Now, if you take any booster shot, you will die.
That's it.
You take a flu shot in the future, you will die.
The second reason.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is what is happening with these jabs with everybody who has taken them.
Unless, of course, you've taken a placebo.
But there's no way that you would know that.
So given that fact, Antibody Dependent Enhancement tricks the entire body into believing that the cell that's eating the pathogen is eating it when it isn't.
It ends up leading to what's called a cytokine storm, which causes organ failure.
That will cause your death, and there's no stopping that.
No amount of drugs will stop that.
The third thing, blood clotting.
Everyone who has taken the jabs is blood clotting.
If you don't believe me, there's a way you can find out.
Take what's called a D-dimer test.
What that does...
Is that detects blood clotting at the microscopic level.
They're cutting full blood clots out of people right now.
As I'm talking to you, millions have died from the jabs.
In your last meeting, you advocated for people to take the jabs potentially in the future, along with wearing masks.
And I heard parents say the same thing.
So to the parents who are actually considering jabbing their own children, you're going to sterilize them permanently.
People who have taken the jabs are sterilized.
80% of women who have been jabbed have lost their children in the first trimester.
You can't have kids!
You've also injected yourself with the equivalent of HIV.
You can now no longer breastfeed, donate blood, donate organs, donate blood plasma, nor bone marrow.
If you don't believe me, try to donate blood and blood plasma and find out what happens.
You will be denied.
Unless, of course, you live in California.
In which case they're allowing people to donate toxic blood with spike proteins in it.
The jabs create spike proteins.
They're in the jabs themselves.
And they create it by snapping your RNA in half.
You are no longer a human anymore.
You are something else.
And you are susceptible to countless diseases.
Now here's what's going to happen in the future very quickly.
You have 15 seconds.
I don't know what percentage of your staff has taken the jabs, but your school is going to close.
You will not stay open.
You will close because they will fall ill and they will die.
That will happen in all of your buildings.
It's already happening.
Thank you, sir.
I bet it is.
It's already happening.
Good luck.
Nothing can stop this.
Thank you, sir.
Good luck!
And here's the deal, I've probably got 30 doctors just like him, and you can go look them up, they're prestigious, saying the same thing, just this weekend.
We only played five of their clubs yesterday.
Medical doctors, women, OGBYNs that say almost every woman that's taken it now just has a period all the time and can't have children.
So they say, we've got to cut your uterus out.
I can open the phones up and there'll be a hundred women will call who are bleeding and having, and they're telling them they have hysterectomies.
You're like, how would they get away with that?
Because the sheeple, when they get hurt, don't ever admit they're being hurt.
They lie and say, oh, I'm not being hurt because they're so cowardly they can't admit it's happening to them.
That's called Stockholm Syndrome.
That's called learned helplessness.
There's a new study out.
Researchers identify a new personality construct that describes the tendency to see oneself as a victim.
And as long as you give them the victim ideology, they will buy into it that you're saving them.
I'm not saying you're a victim.
I'm saying you're an overcomer.
I'm saying you're powerful.
I'm saying you're amazing.
I'm saying a globalist, evil, mad scientist cabal wants you out of the way, wants resources for themselves, and wants the power to kill whoever they want, and have launched an attack designed to then blame those that don't take the injections as for causing the illnesses, and we're in a race to expose that before they get to that phase, but now we're already here.
People are freaking out all over the world when they watch previous shows we did because, and they're digging through the prisonplanet.tv archive.
That used to be a subscription.
I made it free like five years ago.
And it goes back like 16 years, 17 years.
And it's got hundreds of thousands of videos on it.
And people are crawling through it.
They're like, how did he predict this 20 years ago?
How'd he predict it 10 years ago?
I didn't predict it.
It's a plan.
And so see, I'm not just living second to second like Dory in Finding Nemo.
The fish that can't remember things for 10 seconds?
I remember it all!
And I know their plan, I know their goal.
And we've been saying for the last 19 months, once we hit six to eight months after they've taken these shots, they're going to come out with a booster that then fully takes over your body, because it takes two shots to get rid of your immune system.
Then this thing colonizes you, takes full control, and now it'll be able to create whatever's in this Pfizer shot.
Pfizer's the lead dog, lead devil, lead horseman of the apocalypse.
Whatever it is that's in this, it's all secret proprietary, is going to be the main weapon.
And they're going to say again, oh my God, none of these are working because of the unvaccinated.
It won't matter.
There's no science.
It won't matter.
They don't care.
That's why they have the Surgeon General going.
There is no natural immunity.
It doesn't exist.
It's worthless.
And all the scientists are like, that's a total lie.
That's the opposite.
They don't care.
They don't care.
They've made their move and they don't care.
They charged Owen with assaulting people and breaking in the Capitol.
Says it right here.
He didn't do that.
And the judge that did it is a judge that put non-violent people in solitary confinement, saying for just being in the Capitol, they'd never even get out.
And the same judge has canceled trial dates.
Trial dates are set for people that have been there eight months.
Oh, sorry, for misdemeanors, you don't get trial dates.
You just go right to a gulag and never get a trial.
And they want to expand this nationwide and set up federal jails everywhere run by the Capitol.
So when the Capitol orders you drug into a dungeon, they just show up with a SWAT team and you just disappear.
They've got their own federal magistrates, everything.
It's like North Korea.
But they love the Taliban in turn over countries to them.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
we're here live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here.
We have an archivist, but he's got a full-time job trying to keep up with me, but I would like him, I know he's watching, to just go back in the last year, we already have a lot of clips where I predicted this, but find any others where I said specifically, they'll give you one shot, another shot, then they'll say that still protects you somewhat, but But the unvaccinated are still going to get you sick, so they can still blame unvaccinated when it turns out the vaccine doesn't work because it's not a vaccine.
It actually makes you ill and makes you produce the viruses and mutants.
And then right before they have the booster shot, they'll finally announce, actually, it didn't protect you at all.
In fact, it makes you more susceptible to COVID-19 because they already know that's coming out.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, drum roll, please.
Right on time, within an hour.
Of the FDA coming out and saying, oh, we give authorization, skipped all the testing, you name it, it's an official drug for Pfizer.
Bloomberg, vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness from the COVID Delta variant than previously thought.
In fact, they might be more vulnerable than the other.
Oh my God, you better get out and get the new shot right now.
That was so hard to predict.
I want to air.
An extremely important John Bowne report right now that's in the John Bowne section of InfoWars.com and it's in the John Bowne section of Bandai Video.
It's so critical.
Look at this out there, everybody.
And it deals with the Nuremberg trial, Nuremberg 2.0, and Dr. Fauci and the crimes they're committing.
This is an incredibly important report.
at freeworldnews.tv and Band.video and please activists get it and share it. I know you are
doing a great job, take clips out of it, whatever, but it's powerful and send it to all the local
talk show hosts and others you know. Nuremberg Code, punishable by death, here it is.
Have you been a good little Nazi?
Heil Fauci!
Are the petty tyrants who have recklessly mandated vaccines while refusing non-vaccinated people food, employment, and basic freedom of choice violating the internationally recognized Nuremberg Code, which is punishable by death?
Yes, they are.
I will not bow!
I will not surrender to this tyrant over this issue!
I am not asleep!
I am a free America!
I have the Nuremberg Code and the Constitution behind me!
In fact, they are violating the set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created by the USA vs. Brandt Court as one result of the Nuremberg Trials at the end of the Second World War with abandon.
As you are aware, it is a crime to lie to Congress.
Section 1001 of the U.S.
Criminal Code creates a felony and a five-year penalty for lying to Congress.
You stated that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
And yet, Gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute by Dr. Xi and was funded by the NIH.
Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress.
Now they want you to show a vaccine card.
Good morning.
And if you got caught with someone eating at your restaurant without a vaccine card, $1,000.
Two times $2,000.
How do you feel about that?
I feel that my liberties have been taken away from me.
Nurses from Dignity Health took to the streets Friday to protest the California COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
The mandate, announced August 5th, requires all health care workers in California to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by September 30th.
Otherwise, they will lose their jobs.
Any establishment that serves food or drinks like restaurants, bars, and clubs, theaters, as well as entertainment venues will require that vaccination.
And gyms like this one, as well as dance studios, also included those large events at those indoor venues.
The beginning of the Nuremberg Code reads, the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent, should
be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention
of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint
or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject
matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
An experiment is defined as a test, trial, or tentative procedure, an act or operation
for the purpose of discovering something unknown.
So far, 237 candidate vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are in development worldwide, of which 63
have been approved for clinical trials, and 27 are evaluated in Phase III clinical trials.
Six candidate vaccines have been authorized for emergency use based on their efficacy data in Phase 3 trials.
The FDA's Emergency Authorization of the Ineffective Vaccine describes emergency approval as a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, and an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases when certain statutory criteria have been met.
Including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.
There are a myriad of early treatment alternatives that could have already saved thousands of lives had the doctors promoting them not been censored by Silicon Valley, which allowed politicians to pretend they were licensed in the Hippocratic Oath.
You had it first shot and got away with it.
Thank God, thank the Lord, but don't take the second shot.
Because when you take the second shot, you are going to be asking for big trouble.
Because now, out come the spikes.
Now the antibodies are there, as we know.
Then the complement system has no other way.
It has no choice.
It has no brain.
It's going to riddle this vessel with holes.
Natural immunity is much stronger and much broader and much deeper and much longer lasting than vaccine immunity.
And we have over and over now data showing how long natural immunity, having had COVID immunity, survives and lasts compared to the three to five or six months I want to show you a couple of these and tell you that your biggest red flag for propaganda from public health is experts say.
They're not saying the data shows.
They're not saying the study shows.
They say experts say.
I've already had COVID-19 so I don't need to be vaccinated.
This is a myth according to public health.
Doctors know this is a fact.
We have a broad and durable immune response to COVID and there are
multiple studies that document that we do not need to be Vaccinated and yet we have these statements. You should
still get vaccinated Health experts say while it may appear that the vaccine
mandates are the only answer to a SARS Coronavirus with strong ties to a lab in Wuhan China
through the face of the rollout. Dr Fauci and a pre-planned readiness by the United Nations
corporate industrial complex Is the FDA destroying its credibility approving the Pfizer
vaccine, which has 42% efficacy?
An experiment that will now carry the full weight of the FDA's approval.
Every American household should have early treatment readily available instead of being forced into being vaccine guinea pigs.
John Bowne reporting.
I believe we're already halfway into this insane year of 2021.
Alright folks, that is a very, very powerful report.
And all we want is our freedom and our humanity and our women and our men and our children.
And we will have it.
And the globalists will fail.
They will fall.
We will build a new Atlantis.
We had Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on who's a highly respected doctor in New York.
And he pioneered the treatments that have been proven that I've seen in my own life with friends and family with The Delta variant going from super sick to within a day, basically well.
And he was on, and he said, at the bottom of this is paganism.
Now he doesn't just say that because he's a scholar of the ancient Jewish histories.
He said that because he's a doctor, he's researched it.
But when you boil it down to that, it's true in all other cultures.
In world history, they would go through cycles, Where child sacrifice was demanded.
And it wasn't until Abraham that there was a covenant to stop sacrificing children.
That became part of Jewish law, was don't sacrifice children.
Every other culture did it.
In fact, Jews were doing it some before that.
And pagans, if you even go back to Plato, you don't think of him as a pagan, but he was a pagan.
He wasn't a Christian, he wasn't a Jew.
That was pre-Christianity.
He said, there's too many humans, they crush the breast of earth, we must save the goddess and call all the poor people.
And then Malthus, 2,000 years later, said the same thing.
In England.
So, this is all an extension of them, they like to kill people.
And always when humans get overpopulated, you can argue we do, they carry out the ritualistic death.
Doesn't matter if you're in Tibet, or whether you're in ancient Mexico, or whether you're in ancient Europe, or the Middle East, the fires of Moloch.
This is the reality.
And so when you see Klaus Schwab and all them doing this, I covered in my film Endgame 2.0, it's on PrisonPlanet.tv, with Dr. Kaufman, the actual battle plan where the UN said, we will bring back gladiatorial gains, we will bring back human sacrifice, we will bring back depopulation of the pagans.
And that's what Extinction Rebellion and all these groups say.
Do you understand that?
And they think it's their right and duty To do this to you.
They think that because you're so gullible, you deserve to die.
They're predators.
They're not trying to defend the innocent.
And it's their world now, ladies and gentlemen.
So if you want to understand what's happening, look back in ancient times.
And then project it forward and then read what Klaus Schwab says next hour.
I'm going to read you, just from Wikipedia, with the links to Klaus Schwab's own website.
Hell, we will capture the entire planet.
We will get rid of the democracies and the countries that control them.
I mean, these are quotes.
He says, we will take your body over and all this.
And if we let this monster do it to us, he believes he has a right to do it.
He's a stone cold killer.
And understand, this is all psychological warfare.
They know the people that took the shots are going to get sick and start dying.
It's already happening.
They know.
They're going to tell them, oh, it was the people that didn't take the shots.
It's their fault to enrage them more.
And when they take more shots and get even sicker, they'll never admit to themselves it happened.
That's the programming.
That's the conditioning.
That's the mind control.
And it's not like I'm just taking current events and saying that to make it make sense.
I keep telling you years before because I know the enemy.
I live this.
I don't do anything now except take care of my children and take care of my family and research.
I do nothing but work.
I love it, by the way.
Nothing but cook food, nothing but take care of my family, nothing but research, nothing but pray.
And I can barely hold it together.
And when the general public finally figures out that everything's a lie, the social construct is broken, and the social contract's over, hell is going to be released.
And they're breaking society down.
That's why, is that queued up for next segment or next hour?
I keep forgetting.
Klaus Schwab had a bunch of clips this weekend I didn't get to.
You guys will find the ones where he says, the lockdown never ends, it's never going to go, it's never over, we're going to make the public angry, oh yes, so very angry.
I want all those clips because Already in Australia, they're like, there's nothing at the grocery store.
When we order food, even when we get a government check to stay in the house, it doesn't come.
Because there's no production.
You're being stalled out until there's a total collapse.
And then, by then, they want enough of you inoculated, because then you'll start dying, then there's no hospitals, then there's no food, then the society collapse.
This is a post-industrial world, which means a post-human world.
This is real, folks.
You think I like this?
I'm staying at my post like a captain going down with a ship.
I appreciate this crew doing it as well.
Where are they going to run?
What are they going to do?
Same thing.
Only way you beat this is fighting this.
But I have a sickening feeling as well.
I wish this wasn't real.
I wish it would just remain theoretical and that we could have stopped it.
But you know what?
Depopulation and secret testing and all the rest of it has not been theoretical in Latin America and Africa and poor areas of the world.
With Bill Gates, he's been muscling his way into villages with his dad for 40 years, killing people.
And I've done all this for myself.
People ask me, why do you risk your life?
Why are you a hero?
A hero?
I know God.
I have a spiritual connection.
God doesn't like this.
I do this because I want to be with God.
I only fear separation from the Creator.
And I understand that God gave us free will.
This is our fault, not God's.
But I want people to get that through their heads out there.
The only thing you've got is your soul.
That's all that matters.
Nothing even has 1% value compared to it.
I'll ask you the question, would you give your eyes up For $10 million.
The average person says, hell no.
I probably would, because I could do so much good with the money to fight tyranny.
But most people that would do it for their own selves, they realize, oh God, I wouldn't give my eyes up for a billion, $10 million, a trillion.
What's it matter?
Well, if your eyes are so valuable, you wouldn't give them up for money.
What about your soul?
And you do have one, and it is connected to the universe.
That God created.
You are jacked in.
And so you decide.
Are you with the Creator?
Or are you with the spirit of death?
Are you with Klaus Schwab?
Or are you with Jesus Christ?
Want to see the devil?
It's Klaus Schwab.
Slick, arrogant, openly evil, totally thinks he's God, bullying his way around, whatever the hell he wants.
He'll be on the ash, heaps of history, just like his predecessor, Hitler.
And the ADL and all the rest of these people.
This is damn serious.
We're fighting classic pagans on steroids who are just so greedy and hateful and full of themselves that they see the public's weakness and like wolves just cannot help but attack.
Their strength is because we've been weak spiritually.
Their strength is because we've turned the world over to them.
I'm gonna go on a break, come back with this huge news out of Australia next hour, this incredible Klaus Schwab news, so much other news, and I'll open the phones up as well.
It's back in stock, vitamin, mineral fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, a bunch
of amino acids.
Everybody should have this for their immune system.
It's got all the essential stuff.
It's 33% off, back in stock.
It's going to sell out very quickly.
And there's a lot of other stuff in the new sale as well.
Living Defense to flush out your guts and boost your immune system as well.
Powerful Digestive Formula, 40% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, back in stock, 40% off.
VazloBeats for your heart and cardiovascular, 50% off.
Our new Hair and Beard Support Formula, really is a multivitamin mineral.
I just talked to another very prominent, well-known medical doctor, guy that goes on Fox News,
and he said, "I'm going to get a new hair and beard."
And he was just telling me the hospitals are just being surged with sick people, particularly the vaccinated.
But you see, I said two months ago on air, I said, okay, they lied before the hospitals weren't full.
Now they're getting full.
Now people are really sick and it's from the vaccinated.
Here's the documents.
And then now the numbers came out in Texas and Florida and Hawaii, which is the most vaccinated by the way.
And it's just to the top, way worse than last year.
This is all planned out.
But don't listen to me.
Here's Bloomberg.
Vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illnesses from COVID variant than previously thought.
They go on to say, oh, looks like you're actually in worse shape.
Now you gotta take more shots, which is what their head scientist already said.
See how?
We give you tomorrow's news today.
These people have been trapped, but they know their psychological profile.
They can't admit they've been conned.
There's Hawaii.
That's the number of illnesses.
That's the number.
Right after the mask mandate and the vaccines.
Way worse than a year ago.
And the same numbers are everywhere.
Now we have a special guest joining us.
Pilots seek restraining order against United Airlines.
Unlawful and life-threatening vaccine mandate.
Because if blood clots are already bad for the general public that all these so-called vaccines create, it's a death sentence for the pilots.
We've got a special lawyer that's launched this.
This is a big deal.
Joining us 15 minutes to the next hour.
And I just hope you'll pray for a global awakening and pray for the truth tellers and just pray that everyone have the strength to stand against this because this is so satanic.
I mean, I haven't even gotten into all the World ID, World Government news, how they've openly announced forced inoculations for everybody.
It's just insane.
I'm going to get to all that at the start of the hour in a news blitz before we have a special guest on.
But we need to talk about the front lines of this fight.
And that's Australia.
Australia is the globalist model, so is New Zealand, they chose it.
They say, don't look at the sun, don't go outside, don't talk to your neighbors.
It's a cult, just like Canada, but worse.
But it's because their people are good, only 25% have taken it.
Because they're great people.
They have good instincts, probably the best in the world.
Because they were taken there as prisoners.
In old England, when they were taken there in the last 200 years, if you had debt, Or smart it off to somebody, you'd be sent with your whole family, including women and children, on slave ships there.
They've always had good people, but they've always had bad police in Australia.
And so everything you see happening in Australia is the plan for here.
And I hope you understand that, and I hope you know that, and that's why this report is so important.
So here's the report.
The rest of the world increasingly thinks Australia has lost the plot.
Contrary, they've got the UN plot.
They're following the exact globalist plot.
Here it is.
The world is increasingly thinking Australia has lost the plot.
And frankly, who can blame them with some of the most draconian restrictions anywhere in the world right now, and police resorting to pointing guns with so-called pepper ball pellets at protesters in the streets of Melbourne.
This isn't the Australia I know.
What has happened to the lucky country?
No wonder people overseas think we're barking mad.
What else can you say about a country where dogs are shot dead in the name of COVID safety?
Yes, as the Sydney Morning Herald reports, several impounded dogs due to be rescued by shelter have instead been shot dead.
Berkshire Council kill the dogs to prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals.
The rest of the world looks on with disbelief as we rationalise any manner of cruelty and craziness.
Not letting loved ones visit their dying family members across borders, making people travel further for emergency hospital care so they don't cross a state border.
We've grown so used to this insanity.
What seems mad to many around the world has been normalised here.
Like a state premier scolding their constituents for watching a sunset.
You know, there's a whole bunch of people down the Ryback Beach last night who thought the best thing to do was to go and watch the sunset.
I'm sure it was a beautiful sunset.
But that's not in the spirit or in the letter of these rules.
We even had Dan Andrews telling people not to enjoy yesterday's beautiful sunshine because you could end up in hospital.
Sunday I think is going to be quite a nice day.
Yep, at home.
At home.
Otherwise, it'll be lots of Sundays spent in hospital.
The alarmist rhetoric of politicians, activists and some public health bureaucrats together with the relentless media scaremongering has left the public as scared and hopelessly uninformed about coronavirus in August 2021 as they were in March 2020.
As the rest of the world, the advanced world, with varying degrees of success, learns to live with the virus, a number of state premiers in Australia are talking about ongoing restrictions, border closures and even lockdowns once we are 80% fully vaccinated.
So it was pleasing today to finally have the Prime Minister abandon his lockdowns will only stop when lockdowns work mantra and speak with clarity and purpose about learning to live with coronavirus once we reach a 70% vaccination rate.
It is always darkest before the dawn, and I think these lockdowns are a demonstration of that.
But the dawn is not far away, and we are working towards that dawn, and we are hastening towards the dawn.
We should not delay it.
We should prepare for it.
We should not fear it.
We should embrace it.
And we should move forward together.
There will be those who will seek to undermine the National Plan.
There will be those who will seek to undermine confidence in it.
I think their motives are clear.
Predictably, we already have Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan hitting back at the PM.
And of course, the lockdown enthusiasts are already moving the goalposts.
Now they want the entire population, including children under 16, vaccinated for our 80% threshold to be met.
Here is Labor leader Anthony Albanese.
And we know also that families, mums and dads are really worried about their kids and are worried about the implications of what plan we need in terms of vaccinating those people who are under 16.
And that is unclear at this point in time.
And here is Greens leader Adam Bandt.
He tweeted, Understand the trick Morrison is trying to pull.
His target of 80% vaccination rate is of 16 plus year olds.
That's only 65% of the whole population.
He's excluding kids from his targets to make the targets... Yeah, you can't allow that!
It's a political decision that makes us less safe.
Look at the left.
Sick freaks.
That's what he tweeted.
And it's utterly absurd.
Most countries only include over 18s in their vaccination targets.
We are using over 16s.
The scaremongering around kids and COVID is hitting fever pitch among some activists, medics and politicians.
Then there is Bill Bowtell, who despite having an arts degree, is presented as a leading public health expert by the ABC and other free-to-air stations.
And right at the moment, the plan is, if you're under 15, you won't be vaccinated.
Well, they're our kids.
They're our grandkids.
They're the people who will pay the price of what I find quite extraordinary.
Head pause.
Why the rush?
They're targeting our children, folks.
These are monsters.
Satanists always target the children.
Of our present situation, let's get these cases in New South Wales and Victoria back to approaching zero, like Queensland did, and South Australia, and Western Australia.
And pause again.
Look at the goal!
They could have a fake test anytime they want.
What, we wake up, there can't be one case of something they created in a frickin' lab, and the very people that created it are now our bosses?
Saying natural immunity doesn't exist?
Lying to us?
God, these people are cult members!
And they're all given a script to read by three people!
Fauci, Gates, and Schwab!
Hitler, Stalin, and Mao!
Back to that position.
Let's vaccinate everybody.
And if we've got to put this off for a few months, well, what's the problem?
What's the problem?
We've been in a destructive lockdown cycle for 18 months.
What's a few more months?
It's not like there's any collateral damage like kids self-harming in record time.
Alright, let's stop right there.
But everybody always addresses it like the other side means well.
It's the Great Reset.
It's a premeditated psycho plan to overthrow free society.
They know what they're doing.
They're bought and paid for.
Arrest them!
Please support us and keep us on the air.
Like I said, we're really fighting hard for everybody, fighting hard for our own futures, your futures together.
Get there, get Vitamin Mineral Fusion back in stock, 33% off.
It'll sell out quickly and more.
Get some t-shirts while you're there as well.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the design collapse of civilization.
It's designed to literally have society break down and end as we know it, creating a worldwide disintegration.
We'll cover it next segment.
We can stop it, there's not much time.
Jon Bounce filed a new report on the situation in Afghanistan that's a microcosm.
American citizens are trapped behind enemy lines.
They can't reach the airport in Kabul that is surrounded by thousands of refugees and Taliban because they are being hunted.
My direction, the State Department continues to reach out to the remaining Americans we have identified by phone, email and other means to ascertain their whereabouts and their plans.
Showing their passports will only get them killed.
These American citizens and American allies and residents are soon either going to be executed by the Taliban regime
but because they're behind the enemy lines or either they're going to be
dying out of hunger and thirst because they cannot get out of their house to get food and get water.
So these people are at really high risk.
There's thousands of them my sister.
She's got two kids in America.
She's an American citizen.
And it's been six days, seven days.
She's attempted three times to go to the airport, but it will not let them pass unless they show
their passports.
If they show their passports, if they wave their passport at a Taliban,
that this is me, this is an American citizen, that's a death call, death sentence for herself.
She will be killed on the spot, or she will be taken and executed.
Other countries are sending in special forces to extract their citizens.
Biden has essentially turned his back on the American citizens his hasty pullout has trapped.
And with little over a week left to accomplish the impossible, Biden will fail on a massive scale.
We're nine days away from the August 31st deadline.
Will you extend that deadline or what is your thought process on Extending the evacuation operation.
There's discussions going on among us and the military about extending.
Our hope is we will not have to extend.
But there are going to be discussions, I suspect, on how far along we are in the process.
This is an unmitigated disaster.
Hostages are already being taken.
They're already being killed.
And the next step is to go in there and seize all the airfields across Afghanistan.
Create a safe corridor, go out and get our guy, our citizens, our allies, our Afghans, and bring them back.
Taliban's gonna run.
Al-Qaeda's gonna run.
They can't face us.
But this is probably six to eight months of additional time added to the timeline, in my opinion.
Biden's latest speech reveals that he refuses to grasp the full weight of what his administration caused, instead continuing to pat himself on the back.
What we are doing is extraordinary.
I also found that based in part on what transpired in the last week, the majority of Americans Look, I had a basic decision to make.
How has London focused or affected the job?
I haven't seen that poll.
Look, I had a basic decision to make.
I either withdraw America from a 20 year war that depending on whose analysis you accept
cost us $150 million a day for 20 years worth $300 million a day for 20 years.
Where are our national interests?
Where do they lie?
And the idea that we are in a situation where we can not recognize that terrorism has metastasized around the world, And the need for us to focus on other parts of the world, which create an even greater danger of an al-Qaeda-like operation beginning, can't be ignored.
My job is to make judgments.
My job is to make judgments no one else can or will make.
I made them, I'm convinced, I'm absolutely correct.
Is the Taliban going to attempt to be able to unite and provide for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan, which no one group has ever done?
And now the Taliban is threatening to attack U.S.
forces and they don't leave.
We'll be right back.
is going to need everything from additional help in terms of economic
assistance, trade, and a whole range of things. The Taliban has said we'll see
whether they mean it or not. They're seeking legitimacy. I think that
history is going to record this was the logical, rational, and right decision.
And now the Taliban is threatening to attack US forces and they don't leave.
Hold your eye back, stay with us.
The Pharaoh, on record, it's carved on the sides of the pyramids and the obelisk,
ordered the firstborn sons in the time of Ramses I, be put to the sword in a
human sacrifice to their gods.
And, if you believe the Jewish story of Passover, Then, decades later, as judgment, God sends the angel of death to kill the firstborn of the Egyptians.
Well, we know that's the way the world works, right?
What comes around, goes around.
And if anybody is a pagan, if anybody is somebody promoting occultism, it's Klaus Schwab.
So, I've read four Klaus Schwab's books.
We've had a bunch of guests on about it.
But just this weekend, I was searching around, and followed some links, and I went to Wikipedia of all places.
And I went through the links that went to articles and quotes he's put out, where he says, I want a global dictatorship, and I don't want the general public to have a say.
Now we already know all this, but even Wikipedia says it.
And they got articles from 2015-16 by major international think tanks saying the Deimos Group is really the Bilderberg Group with all the big money, all the big banks, and the Chinese.
And it's going to end up overthrowing the governments of the world.
And we've got a big problem.
Because Klaus Schwab wants to replace it with an authoritarian model.
And you know, the crew's great.
I sent them a bunch of clips this weekend and I forgot during the break to get those clips lined up.
You guys have the Klaus Schwab clips lined up?
There's so many of them.
Maybe play the one that the lockdown never ends, that the Great Reset never ends, or the one where he wants us to be angry.
Just play a few of those.
Here it is.
It'll play out in November.
But what we know is that we will end up with many more unemployed, and particularly also people in the grey economy, which are not counted for, who lose their jobs.
So we will see definitely a lot of anger.
already now but probably increase by the end of the year because this crisis will be with
us until we really have found a remedy.
So we have to prepare for a more angry world and how to prepare?
It means to take the necessary action to create a fairer world.
So let's stop right there.
The mega banks that don't pay taxes that are screwing everybody over, big tech has doubled
tripled his profits under what he's done the last two years.
We have to prepare for a more angry world.
And he goes on in his writings to explain, we're going to blame the nation states.
We own these presidents.
We own these prime ministers.
We're going to have them do all these horrible things and lock people down.
And then the society will collapse because there's no food and water.
We'll organize the third world to invade the first world, the UN will.
And then we'll organize the public for a new communist system and a universal income because there's no jobs and no food when it's their order to lock down and the virus they released That was the pretext of the whole thing.
And he says it all in the Great Reset.
But this is Wikipedia.
Klaus Schwab, head of the Bilderberg Group, world government, head of the UN Sustainability Project, calls for depopulation.
All the foundations he runs.
And you go read it, look at this.
Capture of democratic structures and institutions.
Schwab, as publisher of the World Economic Forum 2010 Global Redesign, which is just a coming out of the Bilderberg Group, postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a coalition of multinational corporations, what do you see happening now, governments, including through the UN system, a civil select society, organizations, CSOs, it argues that governments can no
longer and are overwhelmed and are overwhelmingly dominant actors on the
world stage and that the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm for
international governance. The WEF's vision includes a public-private UN
in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint state and
non-state governance systems. According to the Transnational Institute, the
forum is hence planning to replace a recognized democratic model with a model where a
self-selected, that's called dictatorship, self-selected group of
stakeholders make decisions on behalf of the world.
A self-selected group of stakeholders make decisions on behalf of the people of the world.
Doesn't matter what your doctor says, doesn't matter what you want, doesn't matter what your governor says, they say.
The think tank summarizes that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are a silent global coup d'etat to capture governance.
Now, let's actually read an article written by the International Trilateral Institution.
Admitting what's going on.
Davos and its danger to democracy.
Now let me explain.
Schwab explains this.
They have the idiot Trudeau, the moron Joe Biden, the fool Merkel, and the buffoon Boris Johnson, and Macron, the little, he's been a pedophile slave since he was six years old, on record.
He was at a sex dungeons on record at 12 on record.
So he's been in a slave brothel since 12 publicly we're saying earlier.
All these people you see up there are total puppets.
And they're the ones saying do not look at the sun.
Do not, do not talk to your neighbor to make you hate them so you think the Australian government or the US government is this so you hate your institutions while the very globalists are above it manipulating the whole thing to destroy it.
And of course these low-grade morons they put in don't even know they're destroying themselves when they say it.
Do not look at the sun, do not talk to your neighbors.
And Schwab jokes, he goes, Weaver makes them very angry, and at the right time they will abolish their governments and sign on to UN control.
Once we have the new global currency over their phones, we will guarantee them a new income and direct them and forgive all debts, but then they will be under complete control.
And they are so close to this.
So, again, I'm not defending our corrupt governments, but why would they have the FBI going around and engaging in such crime?
Why would they have the CIA in the news?
Oh, the CIA supplied thousands of boys to Afghans to rape.
Because the CIA was set up by Cecil Rhodes.
The CIA was set up to bring down the U.S.
It's always been there doing this.
And that's why you have the collapse of Afghanistan.
All of it is about destroying the nation-state, because at least there you get some due process, some something.
But under this, you get absolutely nothing.
So, it's on, folks, and they just planned the collapse of society, and they've announced their new world ID.
It won't just be a chip.
Schwab says, we can transcend the chip.
The heart is a highly powerful electromagnetic computer.
Yeah, it puts off a lot of electricity.
The hair on my left side of my chest is gray, not on the other.
That's from that electricity.
That's from that powerful beast.
And it's flamethrowing.
And they go, your new ID will be your heart.
Scanners will control you.
You will wear a bag over your head.
No more meat!
You own nothing!
And he knows we're under Stockholm Syndrome, so the average liberal woman actually, like, worships him.
They go, oh God, I want nothing, I don't want to own anything, kill me, Schwab.
I mean, literally, leftists just go, kill me, kill me, Schwab.
He just, I will kill you, don't worry, I'm going to kill you.
He's just slaughtering Africa, mass murdering them, and then just organizing who's left in giant armies who invade us.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's just absolute hell on earth.
And I told you to come with forced inoculations, come with world government, come with open borders.
Told you the shots don't work.
That's all admitted now.
Bloomberg says, oh, it turns out you get sicker if you've got the vaccine.
Oh, don't worry, we've got more vaccines for you.
So you're going to see it.
Games are over.
They're kind of happy about it in a way.
All these leftists will soon be dead on their own accord.
Get ready, folks, and get close to Jesus, because the games are over.
We'll be right back.
And we are back live on this Monday, August 23rd, worldwide transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We've got this article out of LifeSite News.
Pilots seek restraining order against United Airlines' unlawful, life-threatening vaccine mandate.
We'll tell you what the judge has done with this and a new big suit that's being prepared to be filed.
We've got the documents right here.
Joining us is one of the lead lawyers involved in this, Ken Ferguson at FergusonLawPA.com.
We really appreciate him standing up and taking action.
So give us the latest there's a lot of big news here obviously and this is unprecedented what's happening with the blood clot issue connected to these so-called shots and then what happens with pilots this is really scary.
It is Alex so what we did is we petitioned the Southern District of Florida to Basically, ask them for a hard stop.
We have affidavits of highly qualified doctors who are saying that not only do these vaccines pose specific harms to the public generally, but they pose specific harms to pilots who fly at 36,000 feet in the air.
And I think that we can all agree, it doesn't matter Provax, left, right, it doesn't matter.
At the end of the day, this is about safety.
And these pilots are very concerned that that they were to be forced to be inoculated or if they're
up in the air at 36,000 feet and something happens to both the pilot and co-pilot, we
better pray that one of the 300 passengers on board knows how to fly and land an
aircraft. This is a health and safety issue, not only for the pilots, but for the passengers and the
public as well.
Now, looking at this, before it wasn't an authorized shot, which violates the Nuremberg
but still the way they authorized it wasn't done properly.
So this is all a giant fraud here.
I mean, even most foreign countries aren't going this far.
Why do you think the airlines are doing this and where are you guys going from here?
Alex, that's a good point.
One question we keep asking, and the pilots want to know too, is why are we doing this so fast?
Why are we rushing this?
You know, United claims it's all about its safety for all its employees, but yet if you check VAERS, even according to VAERS, which as we know, the info that they're putting out is suspect at best, but even according to VAERS, there's over 12,000 reported deaths, which is double the amount of the last two decades.
So, you know, it's not safe for their employees, but yet they're dictating their employees what to do with their bodies.
And again, it is unconscionable to me to think that they are having to tell somebody to take an experimental vaccine.
I mean, hey, choose between your livelihood to feed, clothe, and house your families or take an experimental vaccine.
I mean, it is.
It's disgusting, Alex.
I'm very bothered by it.
These are mothers.
These are fathers.
These people are calling me hysterical.
That's not hyperbole.
This is real.
My phone, I can't keep up with the calls quite literally, and I want the people who are listening and to watch to know that someone is out there fighting for you.
You're not alone, and there's a lot of people like you.
Alex, on the TRO, I filed, there was 18 pilots.
There's getting ready to be Exceedingly over 60 other employees that we're getting ready to file this lawsuit and it's going to be big and we're coming hard.
Well, of course, I'm never good at announcing the big announcement up front.
You are filing a major lawsuit against these airlines.
Please tell us about that.
Sure, I hope you can appreciate this.
I don't want to tilt my hand too much, but suffice to say, We filed a TRO, a temporary restraining order, and the judge did deny it based on that he did not think that the facts were sufficient enough to establish a likelihood of success or that they would suffer irreparable harm, which
Is frankly insulting.
Basically, the judge in one hand said that because they can wait until they're fired, then they can then seek monetary damages is insulting at best.
Because again, the point of us seeking an emergency restraining order is because this is an issue of national security.
That can't be overstated.
I mean, we're talking about pilots who fly airplanes.
They don't feel safe, Alex.
They are quite literally calling and doing all the protocols saying we are so stressed they are not they are calling in sick or they are doing the proper protocols in order to Because they don't feel safe flying, much less, you know, wanting to get inoculated with some experimental vaccine that's causing paralysis.
And by the way, you see how this is already, a lot of hospitals are shutting down because a lot of the doctors and nurses are quitting over forced inoculation.
A lot of the airplanes, flights are being canceled.
I mean, this is already breaking society down.
And then they admit these so-called vaccines aren't even working.
The efficacy of the Pfizer is down to like 30 or 40-something percent now.
Yeah, Alex, there's something else I want to point out is this is not just the airlines, it's everybody.
Ever since I've taken lead on this, I have had calls, believe it or not, from pharmaceutical companies.
The actual companies are people saying, I don't want to have to be forced to take this.
I'm having it from hospitals.
I'm having it from fire departments.
I've, you know, I don't want to divulge the clients, obviously, but it is everywhere, Alex.
It's rampant.
And what I keep trying to tell people is, you know, and I encourage them to follow what their employers tell them to do, but you can file these EEOC exemptions.
But I mean, I don't think that America was founded on the principles that you should be able to have to convince somebody how Christian enough you are, or how Buddhist enough you are, and then have the company decide whether or not that fits their reasonableness as to whether or not you should take this vaccine.
Well, sure.
I mean, Klaus Schwab set all this up.
I covered it last hour.
Even his Wikipedia says he wants corporate governance, and he says this whole forced vaccine thing is a first test of global corporate governance.
Yeah, that's exactly what it is.
And this is the other thing, and I know I've heard you talk about this before, but here's the thing.
At first, the employee made, at least this was for United, it's, you know, you can take one shot of Johnson & Johnson or two shots of Moderna.
Okay, but here's the thing, right?
What happens when it's, okay, well, now you got to get the booster.
And then it's booster one, booster two, booster three.
This isn't going to stop.
And that's the real concern here.
It's not going to stop with just one shot or two shots.
It's going to keep going.
And it's going to be all in the name of, well, it's in your safety until it's obviously too late.
And I keep saying this, that I don't know what it's going to take to wake America up out of apathy.
This is very serious, and it's incredibly alarming and concerning as, you know, to our constitutional rights.
You should not be having to barter with our God-given rights as Americans.
On a scale of 1 to 10 historical tyranny-wise, we've never seen something this crazy.
Vaccine passports, global IDs, all the big tech running it, censoring medical doctors, censoring treatments, announcing all this stuff.
I mean, this is incredible.
Absolutely, and I actually just found this out today that, believe it or not, United is using, we're going to be alleging this, that United's using inconsistent data from the CDC and the NIH from a doctor who, guess what, worked with Dr. Fauci at the Gain of Function Research in North Carolina, who is currently on the board of Pfizer.
I mean, they're not even hiding it anymore, Alex.
I'm really pissed.
I'm angry.
These people are good Americans.
More than half of them have served our country in the military and they're pissed and they have a right to be
This is a genetic economic Financial
Biomedical takeover and we come back I want you to recap this and get into the suit
How people support it and what's happening is this is the tip of the spear?
They're coming for everybody ladies and gentlemen, and and there's never enough shots
There's never enough as Thomas Jefferson said the level of tyranny you live under is what you will accept
We'll be right back stay with us Well, it's being announced.
They've already filed a TRO, but now they're filing a lawsuit.
Ken Ferguson's a lawyer who's doing it out of Florida.
FergusonLawPA.com, smart guy.
Recap the lawsuit, and you've got the floor here, about where we are, what's coming out, what we know, because this is just amazing.
Experimental vaccines, they admit, don't work.
that aren't vaccines and now they're trying to make a mandatory and now they've said oh
now it's approved by the FDA even though it skipped all the federal laws. I mean this is a
twilight zone event. It is and right before the breakout you mentioned the fiscal nightmare this
is causing. You know it's interesting the the United spends hundreds of millions of dollars
training their pilots, their flight attendants, maintenance workers. You know are they just going
gonna write this off?
Is this now a sunk cost to them?
I mean, think about what might be really going on for them to want to write off all the experience of pilots.
And in fact, United actually announced, I found this out recently, that United announced a company wide jobs fair, where programs where they intend to hire 5000 new pilots who have zero flight hours.
That is Reckless at best.
So I always am thinking to myself these days, it's like, who's going to be paying for these some costs?
The safety of the passengers, the shareholders, stockholders?
I mean, what's going on here?
Say that again, because I saw that and they couched, well, they're going to be minorities, but we're going to hire people that weren't even trying to be jet pilots.
I mean, this sounds like a Twilight Zone episode.
Again, as I just said.
No, you got it.
And the thing is, these guys, the named plaintiffs, and there's going to be a lot more.
I'm not kidding you when I said that my phone was so full of calls.
voice messages that I had to call my provider and get more memory because it
was so overloaded. People are scared and I want them to know, I want to reiterate
this, that we're going to be fighting for you. You're not alone and that is
important to know. Alex, these people are calling, you know, and just elated to know
that someone's out there fighting for them. So just let, I want to let those who
haven't returned and those that are listening, that people are going to go to
There are people who care and we're going to be fighting for this.
Well Ken, I mean this is the whole future.
This is a corporate attempted world government.
Pharmaceutical company takeover with things that don't work, that have all these problems, and now they want to make everybody take it, but then have you seen the video of the CEO of Pfizer saying he's not going to take it?
And then the former chief scientist at Pfizer says don't take it?
I mean, this is just madness!
Yeah, again, without divulging too much information, there's somebody from one of those companies who have actually called me concerned that they're going to impose a mandate and Based on what I'm doing with United may want me to go forward with them.
I mean, think about that.
There are employees at some of these companies who are reluctant to want to take the vaccine themselves.
I think that speaks volumes as to the efficacy and the how well these things work, I guess, to say at least.
But, you know, Alex, going back to it, the We filed the TRO and again, that's exactly what it sounds like.
It's a temporary restraining order.
We're going for a full-blown lawsuit.
It's going to be filed this week and I'll be sure to send your office a copy of it and it's going to hit hard.
We've got exceedingly over 50 people.
Could have more, but it's just a matter of time and the urgency of this to get this thing out and filed.
And while there will be allegations, there actually are some complex issues about violations of 1983 claims, which are civil rights claims.
You have, they kind of bridge into Title VII claims.
They go into, you know, other civil rights issues.
I was about to ask, this is a lawyer, I mean, historically, on its face, nobody ever tried this.
It violates the Nuremberg Code, federal law, common sense, HIPAA.
I mean, it's just, it's a bum rush of all of our rights.
You nailed it.
That's what I was just about to say, Alex.
I have figured out a way to, at least I believe, if I can get a judge to call balls and strikes, I believe that We're going to prevail on this.
Never guarantee anything, but all I'm looking for is a judge to look at this for what it is.
And you said it.
Let's not check our common sense at the door here.
The only reason that discrimination exists is because there must be a set of rights that must be discriminated from.
So at its core, I keep saying it's whether it's EEOC, Title VII, 1983, at the end of the day, they all emanate from the same source, the Constitution.
And I know you're a constitutionalist yourself.
You know, at the end of the day, emergency does not create power.
I understand that the COVID pandemic was scary.
People were forced to, I mean, it really was triage at that point.
I get it.
But here's the thing.
Emergency doesn't create power.
And the Constitution itself was Uh, we didn't suspend the Constitution or didn't go on a sabbatical when we were in World War I, World War II, Korea, Cuban Missile Crisis, uh, Cold War.
I mean, no, the Constitution is there so that we know that there's always something stable.
And I feel like And you're the historian, but it's almost like over the last 50 years, it's almost like Congress has whittled away our rights via legislation that's not being protected by the judiciary.
Well that's it, they've been signing it over to the UN and multinational corporations who admit That's their plan.
So, absolutely.
We don't just need your suit.
We need everybody to file suit.
And everybody to just not comply because this is all about a war of wills.
It's not about inoculation.
It's not about safety.
It's about a world ID on your phones run by big tech to track where you go and what you do.
And Schwab and Gates admit they want to carbon tax everybody and track what you do once you have the medical ID that is the basis of this world ID.
And going off that, it's not just about United.
I mean, I can take this into section 230.
And that's been a big topic.
And I've heard you talk about that.
Here's the thing.
Just common sense will tell you, you know, lawyers make things often way more complicated than they need to be.
Let's just ask ourselves this.
We are in an era of trillion, literally trillion dollar companies.
But the only reason that they're able to exist is because we, the American people, let that happen.
And I think we need to realize how much power we have.
So what I have a problem with, and it does not take the proverbial or anecdotal astuteness of a Philadelphia lawyer to appreciate, that why would we as Americans allow Big Tech, Big Pharma, United to strip away our constitutional rights just because they have INC or LLC behind their name?
No, that's not the way this works.
We, the only reason that they're able to make so much money is because the lifeblood of their profits come from the employees.
And I think it's important that we remember that we, the people have that power.
These corporations, you know what?
Why don't they go incorporate and do all their business over in China?
Why don't they go and do their business in Germany?
Well, no, because America is the greatest country on earth and they're profiting off us, off our people.
So I do not.
Again, cannot emphasize enough, it is the lifeblood of this suit that bothers me, is the fact that these companies can say, well, since we've been employing you for 25 years and, you know, we're just going to let you go because you won't be inoculated with an experimental vaccine that one, doesn't work and also against a disease that, or a virus rather, that has a 99% cure rate.
It's, it's, it's, It's disturbing at best.
We're being stampeded into a worldwide medical tyranny based technocracy in their own words.
I'm no lawyer, but don't these judges want their children to live in a free country?
Don't people get that if it worked 100% it'd still be wrong?
Plus, the people running it, Fauci and Gates, were running the Wuhan lab and had everything to stand to gain from this and control big tech and have been censoring us and blocking treatments.
It's so obvious.
It's a takeover plan.
And then we get Operation Lockstep from the Rockefeller Foundation 11 years ago predicting how they would use this for total control.
And that's the thing.
It bothers me because it's the pilots themselves.
I'm not overstating this.
They are legitimately concerned about Flying the plane.
And I and I keep thinking to myself, you know, we need to stop with trying to find ways to throw lawsuits out.
Okay, when there's a wrong, there's supposed to be a remedy.
Okay, this goes back to old common law.
I mean, that was the purpose of the court.
So as opposed to finding ways not to hear things, we need to get this addressed.
And I Pray to God that nothing happens between, you know, after the judge denied our suit, or our TRO, and us filing the full lawsuit where we'll be seeking temporary and permanent injunctive relief.
Because, you know, people's lives are at stake.
This is not hyperbolic.
This is real life.
Well sure, putting untrained pilots in because they'll take the deadly shots sounds like Deepwater Horizon when BP did that.
What we're witnessing It's a corporate bureaucratic coup against the planet.
I showed you earlier the writings and statements of Klaus Schwab saying that.
And so that's where we are.
That's what's going on here.
And we have to ask ourselves, are we going to let these bureaucrats sit there and like Chicken Little, scare us into taking injections that don't protect us, that make us sick, but more importantly, tracking us with the apps as the new world ID card that they're setting up.
This is a corporate big tech revolution.
I've got the articles here.
We already told you this over a year ago.
It had already been done in secret.
They got leaked by insiders, but all the big tech companies that produce phones, It's more than seven companies have agreed to this one ID system for the new vaccine passport and all their software updates have it.
They're talking about even let you have a phone, you better have it and you better follow it and you better obey it.
You see, so you're going to have to give up your phones soon anyways, because they're going to make you submit to them to even have a phone, just like Pakistan did a few Weeks ago.
Biden's now calling on U.S.
companies to mandate COVID-19 vaccine for employees following FDA decision.
You see, my friends, it's on.
Going back to Ken Ferguson, a lawyer out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, representing the
United Airlines employees, flight attendants, and mechanics.
Ken has e-filed a petition with the Southern District of Florida, asking a judge to order
a temporary restraining order.
That's been denied.
Now he's getting a full suit ready.
Please continue with other important points for folks out there.
You know, and you had said it before, but I mean, we are, I'll feel comfortable saying this, I mean, bringing Nuremberg as a civil cause of action, as you're familiar with the, the Helinski Accords, that's relevant here.
It's all about consent.
And these people are having to be forced into taking a experimental vaccine or keeping their livelihood.
It's disgusting to even think about, frankly.
You know, within strictly guarded parameters, all Americans do have certain unalienable rights that we have, whether that's, and they cannot be abridged, freedom of religion, privacy, the right to be left alone.
People aren't allowed to physically rape us, but Big Pharma says we're going to put a GMO concoction with the immortal cell lines of dead women and children into your body, we're going to control you, we're going to take control of your genetics, or we're not going to let you buy and sell.
I mean, that's not just rape, that's slavery.
That includes meaningful access to courts, people secure in their houses, persons in unreasonable searches and seizures, cruel, unusual punishment.
That's what this is.
I mean, you're saying, hey, either you could be... I had a conversation with a woman, Alex, who said, I'm scared I'm going to be homeless.
I'm going to lose my health insurance.
Maybe I should just take it.
It's gut-wrenching to me.
But what they don't get is, once you give in, just like everybody that took the shots, oh now they don't work, now you've got to take more, oh now you're still locked down.
Submitting doesn't get you out of it.
And at minimum, like, I keep saying, I mean, there is ample evidence to suggest that the vaccines don't work.
And let's just say there's another opinion, of course there's going to be, they do.
The fact that there is a differences of opinion Why can't we just take a hard stop and pause?
This is being... It's strangely... No, because we're being stampeded!
We're being stampeded!
Well, yeah, I was going to ask you.
I mean, isn't it strange?
I mean, I don't have the answer to this, but why are they trying to rush this so fast?
What is the hurry?
Because that's what a blitzkrieg is.
That's what Hitler did when he attacked.
You've got to get it done quick before people realize what hit them
because the scientists are all on record, I mean thousands of them,
that this is not a vaccine and it's going to cause a lot of illnesses and death.
And so they just want to get it all done, ruin our immune systems,
and then control us where we've got to have shots all the time to live.
Well, I don't think it's...
I think there's a reason why they call it the doctor's trials back in Nuremberg.
I mean, there was... of those who were put to death, I believe it was 30 of the 34... That's right, the genesis of the Nazis and their final solution didn't start in 1942, it started in 1933, and it was the Medical Corps that formed the heart of everything Hitler did.
And you know, again, and there are certain causes of action that we're planning on bringing, you know, because the information of which United has proffered in order to justify why they believe the vaccine is necessary is, it's Suspect at best and quite frankly, it is it's it's it's just not true.
It's just not true.
But you know at the end of the day what I want to hit on that is, you know, the crux or the the bedrock of this lawsuit is the constitutional rights that we have, you know, The Constitution at its core is a social contract between the people and the government.
And we say we're willing to give up absolute freedom in exchange for these rights or these privileges.
And so what I find, I struggle to reconcile or how the courts don't see this, is why would we as Americans allow, you know, The government, we give up rights and we say government, you promised us to not to infringe on our freedom of religion, cruel and unusual punishment, you know, free speech, etc.
And in exchange, the government says, well, we promise to provide you health, safety and welfare.
So why on earth would Americans be okay with, you know, making those promises that with the government that help us?
Why would we not?
Why would we relinquish those same rights?
To corporations big tech big pharma whose sole purpose is to profit off of us.
It's a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious is we shouldn't but yet it's somehow being let to happen and we've got to say no.
I'm doing my part.
I'm going to.
I'm going to sue the hell out of them, frankly.
They are doing so many things wrong, predicated on misinformation or disinformation.
It's time people stand up.
I'm a lawyer doing my part, doing what I can.
Alex, I'm really concerned.
I'm not... Brother, I get it.
I mean, on a scale of, again, a 1 to 100, this is like a 300.
I mean, what they're power-grabbing for, if they get across the goal line, is a dystopic technocracy tyranny, and the shots don't even work.
I mean, like Regeneron, I've talked to a bunch of scientists...
This company's been around since the 80s.
It still might have side effects, but it really works, and the governor of Texas is offering it for free, and the company's passed on no profit.
They're doing good.
I know, like, four or five people have taken it.
In four or five hours, they have no more symptoms.
But, of course, that's not being pushed, and it's not mandatory.
At least that's a gene therapy that works!
This other thing doesn't work!
I mean, it's crazy!
But, oh, it doesn't make you sick, so I guess it does work.
Like it's it's it's almost it's I genuinely find it hard to believe it is such a surreal like you like that's it the word is surreal I mean I mean it's like wow yeah and it's like you know and this is the thing too right if if give people the option okay even if there's there's evidence out there that is you know that the vaccine you know is harmful okay It should be people's choice to take it.
You shouldn't have to choose between your livelihood and experimental vaccine.
That goes for all your rights.
You know, it shouldn't be up to a company to say how Christian you are or how Buddhist you are or, you know, we don't think that's a legitimate reason.
So we're going to fire you since you don't take this experimental vaccine.
Sure, absolutely.
I mean, listen, here's the way to stop them.
What you're doing legally, everybody just saying no, realizing the more you give in, the more they're going to whine.
But also, the fact that they cooked it up at Wuhan, they stand to gain, Fauci and Gates on the stock, it doesn't protect you.
And just go on the offense at city councils, county commissioners, everywhere you can get a speech, call into C-SPAN, call into talk radio, and everybody go to church, speak up, warn everybody, and just don't shut up about it, and expose it.
Yeah, and I found this this Jim out today that why you know, it's a it's a question that I'm hoping to find out soon and maybe your audience can would would like to ask themselves this as well.
Why was United the only airline to receive federal authorization to pick up and deliver the vaccine on behalf of the US worldwide when these drugs achieve the UA?
I mean, it's the conflicts of interest and the overlap between government and private interest is, it's, it's, it's, it's all, but you know what, Alex, you say it all the time, but it's in our face and they don't hide it anymore.
And it's, and it's almost like.
It's almost like they're saying, how much can we push the American people until they stop?
I think you just said it.
This is all a giant test.
Ken Ferguson, as your suit unfolds, please join us again with updates.
We really appreciate you.
People can find out more at fergusonlawpa.com.
Thanks Alex, great having me on.
Wow, great guy.
And that's the tip of the spear.
And all of us doing this is a process of educating people and saying no, whether he wins or loses, it doesn't matter.
We're fighting back in the end, because this is his victory.
All right, Gerald Cilente is scheduled to take over.
I got a few other things I want to hit when he comes back and he's going to take over.
Separately, we won't be on air if you don't fund us.
Get some t-shirts, get some books, get some films.
Get Vitamin Refusion back in stock, 33% off.
So good for your immune system.
And who knows how long InfoWars will be here?
Who knows how long anything will be here?
I mean, this is the end, my friend.
This is serious stuff, so get right with God.
But please, get products at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've got a big sale that just launched.
Quite a few products there I didn't even mention.
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So I don't like the Taliban.
They're a backward stone age group of people.
And as soon as Islam got mixed up with them, they've had no civilization since.
But they can't be beaten because they won't submit.
They'll turn and run from a big army because they're going to come back and fight another day.
They're going to sneak up on you.
We don't have to kill anybody.
We just have to stop complying with the system.
Like West Virginia hillbillies or Muslims that live in no-go zones all over Europe.
We have to stop complying.
There's a broken social contract.
The government's been captured by a multinational consortium.
Nancy Pelosi goes to all these parties not wearing masks and partying and everything else and says, in the same state, California, you can't go out.
They're monsters.
I didn't get to it today.
I'm going to get to it tomorrow.
It's so comical.
Hell, maybe play it now.
The bizarre footage of Stephen Colbert Dancing around like it was sexually with Senator Schumer and then making weird faces at each other.
I told you Schumer helps write the show as they, you know, watch Afghanistan collapse.
These are just a bunch of weird twisted nerds.
Who are in power and are just violating every basic canon of medical rights and free speech and privacy.
And now Apple's announced that they're going to read all your messages and scan your photos because you might be a pedophile.
Meanwhile, the CIA supplying little boys to the Taliban and the German government's been caught in every major city supplying children on purpose to pedophiles to create a new family system based on pedophilia.
That's New Yorker magazine.
We told you about it years ago.
The exact case.
So yeah, go ahead and roll it with audio.
This is Chuckie Schumer with Dancing with Stephen Colbert, who again goes to Martha's Vineyard and all the rest of it, with Obama.
These are a bunch of sick wannabe elitists who we've allowed to run our lives.
sure it is.
And it goes on. There's a longer video. I want the full video tomorrow. It's like
three minutes long and it's like Schumer coming up and dancing provocatively
after two men or women together, a man and a woman. And it's all just this
worship of their power over America while they run it in the ground. It's
A completely satanic imagery.
Can we show the Nancy Pelosi thing?
Nancy Pelosi out there with hundreds and hundreds of people not wearing masks.
Oh, but the servants are all wearing masks, which again, we have to hold over.
I guess we'll do it later.
Uh, the, the, the, the, the, the servants, they all have to wear the mask because this is the sign of the social control that the underclass has to wear the mask, but nobody else has to wear the mask.
And again, It's all BS, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't follow the same rules that they have for us.
Oh, and I love how the old liberal establishment hides behind, you know, how they're defending minorities.
But the most white areas in New York and London and everywhere are the liberal areas.
Because they're not liberals.
These are the blue-blood grandchildren of people that have stolen everything.
That of all the media and all the stolen money at their fingertips, the White Shoe Boys dominating and controlling society with the demonic Crone Pelosi up there at the head of it.
Yeah, this is the video.
Tomorrow we'll show this.
And there's one part where they get up to each other like in a snake dance.
And again, this is a celebration of their dominance over all of us.
What a bunch of uncool people, man.
I've seen Gerald Cilente dance.
He dances great.
And sings good, too.
Plays music.
I mean, these guys have no idea.
But it's all them trying to act cool.
Then you realize that Schumer obsesses over late-night comedy, secretly thinks he's a comic, and calls three of the shows telling him what to do, and they do it, and then it gets worse.
Remember, he was the advisor and the controller of Anthony Weiner, who was his protégé.
That pedophile.
So, that's who these folks are.
Gerald Cilente takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
Please remember, New World Order is here.
There's no doubt now.
So people are waking up.
So now is the time to share the articles, the videos, the films.
I want to commend you all that are doing it.
Please keep it up.
You know who you are.
We salute you.
InfoWarsStore.com is where you get Vitamineral Fusion back in stock, VasoBeats back in stock, and a bunch of other great products back in stock as well, like Pollen Block and Ultimate Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show and InfoWars and I want to thank them all for what they do.
We're in a very critical time.
I've never been more worried in my life.
They are robbing us.
on the Alex Jones show and InfoWars and I want to thank them all for what they do.
We're in a very critical time. I've never been more worried in my life. They are robbing
us, they have robbed us of our freedom, peace and justice.
None of these clown boys are talking about the Afghan war and how illegal it was, the lies that were told, and how I said, the first cat out, that the United States would lose.
Alex is showing those videos of those little tight cats, man.
Not a drop of boogie, not an ounce of jive.
Tight little boys, little boys that if you call them out man to man.
Can't say the language here, but.
It wouldn't know whether to urinate or move their bowels.
That's right.
Look at this.
Let me tell you a Colbert story.
A number of years ago, I'm probably going back to about 2000 and I'm gonna guess 14, 2013.
I'm out in front of my building over here with two of my guys and they were on a cigarette break.
And this guy comes by.
He said, well, I'd love to see you.
Wow, what a beautiful place you have.
I'd love to come in.
I said, I'm sorry, you can't.
I said, it's a, uh, it's private.
It's our business.
He goes, man, I'd love to come in.
I said, I'm sorry, you can't.
He said, please, let me come in.
All right, I'll show you.
So I give him a copy of the magazine, the Trends Journal.
And I said, what do you do?
He said, I work for Stephen Colbert.
I said, oh, you do?
I said, Either him or that other guy that had that show before him, the other guy, called me a trend dwarf.
It actually made the Financial Times for my forecasts.
I said, you tell that little boy, and he's out in the streets, I said, you guys are really tough guys on the media.
I said, you're a bunch of little boys, ballast little boys.
You tell that little piece of crap to come up here and talk to me like that.
Tell him to come to talk to me like that face to face.
Yeah, the other guy, John, what was his name?
The other guy that had that talk show for so many years.
John Stewart.
Yeah, that was the other one.
It was one of those two.
And this guy worked for both of them.
Little boys of nothing.
Little clown nothings.
And they symbolize, like little Chucky Schumer, the idiots, the morons, the lowlife scum that are in charge of our lives.
Who's your favorite?
You like Boris Johnson?
No, no, no, I know.
You like little true dope.
Another daddy's boy like Cuomo.
Maybe little Georgie Bush.
Another daddy's boy.
Little daddy's boys.
Let me tell you how they get to where they are.
They suck up and bow down.
That's right.
They're not men, they're not women, they're not fighters.
Look who is running and ruining our world.
One creep after another.
Nobody's telling everybody what to do.
They had a protest the sixth week in a row over there in France.
France 24 lies about lies, outright lies, disgusting, prostitute, little lies by boys and girls to get paid to put out by their government whoremasters and their corporate pimps.
You read First paragraph of France 24.
Thousands marched.
No, you lying bastards and bitches.
Those are legal words to use.
Hundreds of thousands.
And look in America.
Oh, yeah, a couple of people took out to the streets in New York City to protest.
New York City.
You know how many turned out?
Less than what I had at my rally in Kingston.
That's right.
Less than I had at my rally in Kingston.
Just a couple of hundred.
Where is the fight of America?
Where has it gone?
And I'm not talking about violence.
I'm talking about freedom.
Freedom that these little scum have robbed from us.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that I, little scumbag, Your little scumbag Gavin is gonna take away from you my gruesome Newsome.
Another little daddy's boy.
Another boy born on third base.
Another boy that got there because of where daddy got him and all the rest.
I'm a little piece of crap.
I've been off sucking off the public tit my whole life.
My name is Warren William Jr.
Little scumbag de Blasio is going to give you a mandate and tell you what to do.
Lock down the restaurants unless you have a vaccination pass.
Can't go anywhere unless you've been vaccinated or tested.
Where's the protests?
Little Warren scumbag de Blasio!
Wilhelm Jr., that's your name!
You Nazi little freaking bastard!
Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?
And it's all over the world.
Where's the fight?
Look at that fat piece of shit!
Look at that little scum!
Look at that ballist little guy!
You think he could face anybody off in a fight man-to-man?
Oh no, I got it, Wilhelm!
Go into your no-bullying zone!
They got a freak over there in Australia.
Can't make the name up.
Hazard, the health minister.
Another guy that's been sucking off the public tit, a politician.
Telling people what to do.
This guy, Hazard, got more chins than Chinatown.
One freak after another.
Where's the fight?
I just got back from Phoenix.
Great Max Keiser, what a blowout turnout on Bitcoin.
Yeah, no fun.
Morons and imbeciles telling us what to do.
Ladies and gentlemen, doodoo laws blah blah blah are made up by crap heads and scum.
When you're eating, you can take the mask off.
When you're drinking, you can take the mask off.
But put it back in between bites and in between sips because we're making this crap up and you'll swallow it.
Just like you swallowed the crap spewing out of George Bush's mouth to go into Afghanistan, 88% of Americans, 76% followed him into Iraq.
And now I'm telling you that you gotta put on your mask in between bites and sips.
Because that's the only time the virus comes out.
When you're eating, or sipping, no virus.
But, when you stop eating and sipping, put on the masks.
They've sucked the joy out of life.
Low-life pieces of scum.
Little Chuckie Schumer!
No cojones!
A little piece of scum telling us what to do in a country... I forgot Little Cats on the Crone over there in France.
One piece of low-life crap and the people are taking it.
The people are taking it.
What are you, still in the first grade?
I ran away from kindergarten.
Anyway, we have to unite under one umbrella for freedom.
Because if we don't, we are finished.
Support InfoWars.
We're going to be right back.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show and InfoWars.
And as I keep saying, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Censorship is real.
It's only going to get worse.
You know, the banksters, the drug dealers, the big tech and the military industrial complex, they're running the world.
There is nothing behind the scenes.
It's right in front of us.
You know them by their names.
They're the JPMorgan Chase.
They're the Gates.
They're the Buffetts.
They're the people that you see and know.
There's nothing, nothing hidden here.
Nothing Raytheon.
There's nothing, nothing hidden here.
They're drug dealers.
Big Tech.
The Zuckerbergs, the Dorseys, right?
There's no big secret thing going on that we don't know about.
It's in front of everybody's eyes.
Call a spade a spade.
You can't defeat this.
What the hell's the matter with you?
Where's your fight?
Here I am, an old guy, fighting with every ounce of energy that I have.
Where are the rest of the people?
And again, I'm a peaceful man.
But I'll attack the attacker.
And all my rallies are about peace, freedom, and justice.
Occupy peace, alright?
Jesus Christ made a whip to drive the money changers out of the temple.
Got it?
He wasn't happy.
He didn't go, Oh, please stop screwing over the people so terribly.
Stop doing all these terrible things you're doing.
Now, he fought.
And I'm saying this has to be totally peaceful.
Because if it's not, even if it is, they're going to bring the agents provocateurs in.
We can win.
I think he bought that whip at Wal-Mart.
He made it.
And what happens?
Has the Last Supper and then he's on the cross.
Yeah, for fighting the banksters.
And I'm not making that story up.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.
That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed.
Got it?
The consent of the governed.
Not your little piece of scum political crap!
Who the hell do you think you are?
Oh, I'll tell you who I am.
I'm a low-life piece of scum crap that will do anything to get where I am and tell anybody what to do.
And I get paid off that morons and imbeciles and low-life stupid pieces of crap think are campaign contributions.
There's a guy that's been sucking off the public tit his entire life.
Entire, at 30 years old, a senator.
Never worked a day in his life like his little boys.
That's right.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.
That time has come!
That time has come to abolish this!
Where are our rights?
I gotta listen to drug dealers telling me what to do?
Drug dealers!
Again, not Big Pharma.
Hey, how about those opiates, huh?
You know, let's go through the whole long list.
Look at those stupid ads on TV.
With 30 seconds of them tell you how this stuff's gonna kill you because no allotropic drug cures a chronic degenerative disease.
Listening to them, our rights have been abolished.
And to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its power in such forms, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transparent causes, And accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurptions, pursuing invariably the same object evidences designed to reduce them, Under absolute despotism.
It is their right.
It is their duty, meaning we the people, to throw off such government.
Declaration of Independence.
I didn't write this.
We have lost our independence.
You got little pieces of scum declaring.
Wear the mask.
Wear the mask.
And don't forget, when you masturbate, sanitize your hands.
Oh, and sanitize everything that you touch, even though the chances of getting anything are 1,000, excuse me, 1 in 10,000.
And the masks, the masks, these masks, Do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection.
Look at these tough Australian cops, boy, aren't they?
Look at the scum that they are!
Not the Kingston police, they're real men over here, and women.
Look at this.
Look at the fines.
$5,000 more to stay in the house.
Oh, here we go.
More mandates in Australia.
Oh, here we go.
More mandates in Australia, 986 people died out of a population of 25 million
over the course of 17 months and only 76 people died this year.
Look at them.
Look how tough these little boys are.
And it's gonna get worse.
Because when winter comes... Oh, watch out!
Watch out!
Variant number 69.
but 69. That's right. It's going to get worse if we don't unite.
We have to unite under one umbrella.
United we stand, divided we fall.
This is about peace and justice.
And it's about supporting InfoWars.
Do what you can.
When we come back, we're gonna talk about some of the great products they have.
And of course, the Trends Journal.
History before it happens.
We'll be right back.
Hey, we're back, we're back.
As I said, united we stand, divided we fall.
Infowars is doing everything they can to unite the people for freedom and peace and justice as we are.
So, we can't do it without money.
Again, it's no big secret.
The people with money are in control.
The billionaires got eight trillion dollars richer while everybody else got poorer when they started the COVID war.
And as I said, this COVID war, if it keeps going, we're going to go into World War III.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
Economies are going to collapse.
You can't go with all these passports and all these other things.
Tourism is dead.
It's dead.
Jane, my executive assistant, went to the Bronx Zoo over the weekend.
Parking lot was empty.
I grew up right near the Bronx Zoo, by the way.
And anyway, empty, empty.
Streets are dead.
At night, nine o'clock, streets are dead.
They suck the joy and beauty out of our lives.
And to bring it back, we have to unite.
And one of the ways you unite is we have to come together.
And we come together by supporting each other.
So support InfoWars.
They have great sales going on that you really need to take advantage of.
And one of them is VasoBeat.
They got 50% off from InfoWars Life.
It's a beet root.
It's a base supplement.
And it's created to provide you with all the benefits of this nutrient-defense ingredient in one easy dose at an incredible, again, 50% off.
And you need to build up your immune system now.
And beetroot refers to the vegetable beets.
You know, it's a hearty root vegetable based for hundreds of years in natural medicine for its nitrogen-based benefits.
And it delivers 1% of nitrogen Over 25 milligrams of nitrogen per serving.
So this heart healthy nitrates and healthy antioxidants in each formula.
This is what you need to support your body and your mind and you really need them now.
You have to build up your immune system.
So it's a non-gmo gluten-free formula with no sulfates or sulfites.
VasoBeat is the most concentrated liquid extract of beet on the market.
Liquid extract uses only water and no dangerous chemicals to provide you with naturally occurring potassium, folate, phosphorus, beta carotene, chlorine, vitamin C and more.
And you need that vitamin C and more.
So with concentrated beet extract, you get the high levels of nitrates and antioxidants to provide a number of supportive health benefits, including very important, help support a healthy liver, athletic performance, Healthy blood vessels, cardiovascular and heart health support.
And it helps support the body's natural nitric oxide production.
So grab a bottle of VasoBeat 50% off today and also experience the true potential of nature's bounty by supporting the InfoWar for a true 360 win.
You know, where I am up here in Kingston, they call this the Borscht Belt back in the old days.
This is where the comedians used to go.
All the big acts up in Grossinger's and Brown.
Most people are too young to remember that stuff like Jerry Lewis and all these people.
But this is the area.
So the Borscht Belt, it was about beats.
You can't beat that.
As I said, this is bigger than America, what's going down, it's global.
Look what's going on in Australia.
You saw the protests over the weekend.
This is how it was reported.
An anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne has turned violent.
Police arrested demonstrators and used pepper spray as hundreds of people took to the streets.
Protesters say the lockdown is authoritarian and a way to deflect criticism of a vaccination program that has fallen far behind those of other countries.
Anger boils over in Melbourne.
These protesters want their freedoms back.
The city is in its sixth lockdown.
Now the restrictions have been extended to the entire state.
Frustration is also mounting in Sydney.
Despite being more or less shut down for eight weeks, the majority of Australia's coronavirus cases are being recorded there.
The health minister issued a stern warning.
Keep walking!
There is no time now to be selfish.
It's time to think of the broader community and your families.
If you are actually spreading the virus, you could be responsible for people's deaths.
Sydney, Australia's largest city.
Listen to that.
Look at that little clown.
Look at that sloppy little health minister.
Look at this guy.
That's his name.
Look at this.
This clown shooting off his blubbery fat mouth, spewing out the crap.
It's time to think on the broader community and your families.
If you are spreading the virus, you can become responsible for people's deaths.
Hey, fat boy!
Hey, fat sloppy chin boy!
Hey, you little moronic creep!
If everybody got vaccinated, and they're wearing masks, like you, you're safe.
So, for those people that choose not to get vaccinated, that choose not to wear masks, they're responsible for their own lives.
So you're not killing anybody.
But that's an important line, because as I said, this keeps going.
It's going to be World War III.
Think about it.
If you are spreading the virus, you can be responsible for people's deaths.
Therefore, you must get on the train to Voxchwitz.
You are endangering other people's lives?
Oh, and the cowards will get on and they'll fight for a window seat on the train to Vaxewitz.
By the way, that's the cover of our Trends Journalism.
The new one's coming out tomorrow.
Here it is.
Welcome to Vaxewitz.
The inoculation proclamation.
This fat pig that Blubbery chin freak!
You're a hazard to society!
This is what they're going to do.
It can't be clearer than that.
Here's the numbers.
984 dead in Australia.
74 deaths this year.
Out of 25 million people.
And the average age is 81 years old.
And look at these tough pieces of scum crap cops.
COVID crap cops!
You should be in Auschwitz!
You should be a Nuremberg trial for these people!
Look at this!
For not wearing a mask!
For leaving your house!
Don't be!
The chances of catching the virus outside without wearing a mask are less than 1% according to the data, but we'll forget the data.
I'm telling you, if we don't unite, it's finished.
I am, I'm, I'm very upset.
I'm a visionary.
I see where things are going.
These are my books.
Trends 2000.
Trend Tracking.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
The Trends Journal.
Been at it a lot of years.
Put my track record up against anybody's.
I see where this is going.
If we don't stop this in a big move for freedom, we're finished.
So listen, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Support us with the Trends Journal.
We're fighting.
We're going to have more rallies, more, more.
Oh, and I'm going to be speaking at Ron Paul's conference on September 4th in Washington, D.C.
It's sold out.
And I'm very honored.
I'm honored.
I'm on the page at Ron Paul.
I'm on the page at RFK Jr.
I'm on the page of Alex Jones.
I am on the page of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
And you better get on the page, too.
You better put your money where your heart and mouth is, because if you don't, it's over.
Hey, great being on InfoWars.
Look, again, this thing's going down big and hard.
If it's this bad this summer, it's going to be much worse in the winter when they impose more restrictions.
Even the so-called New Age is dead.
It's dead.
New Age places like Omega Institute in Rhinebeck.
Not far from me over here.
Esalen over there in California from coast to coast.
New Age.
Oh, yeah.
All about natural healing.
Oh, and don't get upset.
Oh, we're of a high level.
You're just low life piece of garbage.
You have to listen to us.
If you're not vaccinated, you can't come here.
That's right.
New Age has gone establishment.
No vax.
What New Age?
Save your crap!
Save your arrogant crap!
Oh, we have to do it because the government is making us.
I'm Hitler!
March to Mussolini, salute to Stalin.
Save your crap.
You're not New Age.
You're Death Age.
Forcing people to get vaccinated.
So, I'm flying back First class.
I began flying first class in 1974 when I was a government affairs specialist before I became the number two guy of the major trade association.
I used to roll down a roast.
Would you like roast or lobster Thermidor?
Now you get a wrapped up crappy sandwich in plastic.
A little two bags of nuts and everything's in plastic.
Oh, I love drinking wine out of plastic.
Taking all that plastic crap off my food.
Oh yeah, but the virus will kill you.
All this other crap's not gonna kill you.
Anyway, this guy comes in, sits next to me, puts on a mask with double thing on the back.
After eating, after they put the food out, we start talking.
He's a doctor.
You know what he ordered to drink?
It's a Sunday, I ordered a Bloody Mary, you know?
He ordered a Diet Coke.
And we get the guy, he says, Diet Coke.
I'm looking at this guy, an older guy, like, you know, a little younger than me.
I'm saying, what kind of moron would be drinking this crap?
Turns out he's a doctor.
A doctor.
And then we start talking about the virus.
And how important it is to get vaccinated.
And I was very polite, just asking questions.
So I said to him, you know, I said the, um, I hear the efficacy rate of the vaccinations is down to 39%.
And he said, Oh, that's ridiculous.
That's not, that's not, Oh no, that's not true.
I said, yeah, I came down from 96%.
Now it's 39%.
And because, you know, this is what I do.
I underline all these stories, you know, there's tons of them.
It goes to the writers.
I underline the salient points and I pick out my file from my And I show him this from the toilet paper record, the New
York Times.
Here we go.
And among the fully inoculated, Israeli scientists have found growing evidence of waning immunity, particularly among older population.
Data published by Israel's Ministry of Health Suggested that the Pfizer shot was just 39% effective against preventing infection in a country in late June and early July compared with 95% from January to early April.
All right?
And yet they're telling us to get vaccinated.
And now they're going through the third shot.
And now today, the FDA officially approved it.
Oh, yeah, like all the other officially approved ones they have.
And again, it's not a revolving door.
It's one big club.
There you go.
Breakthrough infections are now 30% of all new COVID cases amid Delta surge.
Then you had what happened in Providencetown, Massachusetts back in July.
76% of the people that got the virus the second time, got the virus, were fully vaccinated.
And they almost had what they called herd immunity that doesn't exist and we've been writing about that.
They're making it up.
We said back in April that they were going to require yearly shots and now you're having it.
They've sucked the joy out of life.
Businesses are going to go down.
We're going to go into the worst recession beyond the belief of anything.
There you go.
I'm not making this up.
You have fewer required hospitalization.
That's the BS line they throw in as they keep doing.
I got a story here.
I wanted to show you the BS that they spew out is about Yeah.
A year and a half after Sweden decided not to lock down, its COVID-19 death rate is up to 10 times higher than its neighbors.
This is from Business Insider.
Cases, huh?
Shove the cases up your, you know what?
Because we know that the PCR tests are inaccurate.
The cases don't mean anything.
You can get it not even though you have it.
And then the people I know, one of the guys who works with us got it.
I had a worse flu, you know, many times.
Been in bed for two weeks.
How about deaths?
How about the deaths per 100,000 in Sweden compared to France, compared to Italy, compared to Belgium, compared to Portugal, compared to Spain?
How about that, business insider?
Business insider, that's right!
You're inside the crap hole!
Spewing out the crap!
How about the death rate?
No, we won't talk about that, Celente.
We're here to sell fear and hysteria.
You wanna see curse words?
Here's one for ya.
Colorado leaders Urge school districts to require masks.
The trends are troubling.
Hey, crap head, you're gonna talk to me about trends?
I'll tell you what a... You know what profanity is?
I'll tell you profanity.
I'm calling some little piece of crap... A leader.
You know who follows them?
The people that will lead... They'll lead them into the toilet.
That's right.
You're a leader.
You're going to tell me about trends?
You're going to tell me about mass squaring?
I put out an international magazine with all facts.
I know how ineffective they are.
I know the data.
That's right.
It's right here.
And you're freaking out these little kids.
So today the markets are up.
Look at these little leaders.
Little leader of nothing.
And I know these morons behind him have given them the hand signals over there when they're talking.
We're paying for these people behind going as they're talking.
How about putting the words down below?
What are we paying this crap for?
It's a whole freak show.
The markets are up.
Oil took a big hit last week.
It's coming back a little bit.
Gold is going back up.
Bitcoin, if it Breaks over the numbers that we have in the Trends Journal.
This thing is going to go into the hundreds of thousands.
It could well go.
Because this thing is going to be a freak show.
It already is.
And people are going to be looking for safe haven assets as they pump more cheap money into the system.
The economy is going to go down.
It's going to go down.
Again, Max Keiser is a top on this as are others.
And I was there.
This guy knows who he's talking about.
And we nailed it perfectly.
We said when it would go up, we said when it was going to go down.
And goals on the rise.
Because the markets are going to crash.
And if we don't stop it, it's going to be World War III.
When all else fails, they take you to war like little Georgie Bush took us away after the dot-com bust.
People forget that.
We're in a recession.
Popularity rating soared.
88% of the morons believed his crap.
So support InfoWars, do what you can, support the Trends Journal, and occupy peace.
Because if we don't occupy peace, the Third World War will be the one that Einstein warned us about.
He said, I don't know what weapons they'll use in Third World War, but they'll be using sticks and stones to fight the Fourth.
So tomorrow your new Trends Journal's coming out.
Stay tuned to InfoWars.
Bring peace and justice back to America.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroeder.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot operate without you funding us.
And I'm not coming to you bitching.
We've done incredible things.
You've done incredible things.
The world is waking up.
We weren't supposed to be on air in the middle of 2021 during this globalist depopulation attack.
But thanks to your incredible will and word of mouth and prayer and financial support, we're here.
And so I've just done two hours of live radio and have not plugged one time and that's my fault.
When I plug at least once or twice an hour, we can fund ourselves.
When I don't, we're close to being shut down under the very same attacks, the very same groups that are going after Mike Lindell and others.
I want to make it easy to fund the resistance in information warfare.
Go to InfoWarStore.com.
Sold out for over six months because of supply chain breakdowns.
We have reactivated charcoal, organic toothpaste with real peppermint and other essential oils.
It doesn't have any additives.
It's $9.95.
Back in stock.
We also have the activated charcoal mouthwash for all the essential oils that folks love.
That's back in stock.
And we have the new liquid turmeric concentrate extract.
Just like bodies, but liquid.
It's 50% off.
Vitamin D3 with calcium.
It's 50% off.
Vitamin C with zinc.
1,100% of vitamin C. It's the Lance Pauling prescription.
With the zinc and rose hips, 50%.
That is all selling out and that sale has to end.
On Monday or Tuesday, because a lot of these are very, very close to selling out.
Also, the Privacy Pouches are 50% off with 11 free bumper stickers to spread the word, including the big door sticker that says, no contact tracers here.
Looks like it costs almost a dollar, that sticker.
That is $14.95.
So a Privacy Pouch to protect your identity from contact tracers, Faraday cage, droids, androids.
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Ladies and gentlemen, for $14.95, that funds the operation.
And then, separately, we have X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the good halogen that is for your stamina, your libido, that's all important.
But what about immune system?
It's essential.
You have to have it.
And it's Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, truly atomic.
That is 50% off, even though I'm very, very close to selling out, because the good news is, more is coming early next month.
So I want to just sell out of it.
50% off stock up on that today.
It's so hard to get products in with the lockdowns, with the garbage that's going on.
But thank God a lot of products have come back in, including the activated charcoal toothpaste.
We also have the great camouflage in navy blue and black.
Free American flag, which is so triggering to leftists.
It helps you meet like-minded patriots.
It says Infowars.com on the back.
Those shirts are discounted at Infowarsstore.com as well.
Whatever you do, realize that the people's mind is open now, like a field with good fertilizer and good soil and seed and sunshine and rain.
Now is the time to take the articles and the videos that you think are most important from FreeWorldNews.tv or Band.Video and share it.
And you've been doing that, and so InfoWars.com and Band.Video are growing exponentially.
I love paying The $150,000, $200,000 bills each month for bandwidth, even though it's hard to pay those because it's a sign of our victory.
We stayed on air, they weren't able to shut us down, and it's just growing exponentially.
And that's just on those videos.
People are clipping clips out, they're sharing them, they're putting them on their own channels.
It's beautiful.
So you are the resistance.
Ban.video, freeworldnews.tv, share those articles, pray for us, and buy the products at infowarestore.com.
Funding tomorrow's news today.
You say you want to fight tyranny.
You say you want to fund the Second American Revolution.
I know you do.
That's why you're here.
So I'm encouraging all of you watching and listening right now to understand that there are really two places in the media that don't back down and that tell the truth, that have great products that are self-funded.
And that's InfoWarsTore.com with the supplements, the books, the films, the water filters, the air filters, all of it, and Mike Lindell and MyPillow.com.
When you go to MyPillow.com and use promo code ALEX, you get the very best deals he's got, 66% off.
Up to that.
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Go to MyFella.com, use promo code Alex for the best discounts out there, and make profit shares with us, and help us fund the InfoWar, and continue to shop at InfoWarStore.com, because we're sponsored by patriots like you, and we're thankful, and we will never back down to the globalists, so thank you so much for your support.