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Name: 20210815_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 15, 2021
1293 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Afghanistan and criticizes Biden's handling of it. He also criticizes NBC News report on protesting COVID restrictions being labeled as terrorism by the Biden administration. Jones urges listeners to resist globalist takeover before losing everything. The United States will continue supporting consular services, diplomacy with Afghan government and people, and focus on counterterrorism. Afghanistan's army is well-equipped compared to the Taliban, so their takeover isn't inevitable. Biden is increasing troops in Afghanistan to avoid his Saigon moment. The US withdrew troops after a deal brokered with the Taliban by Trump's administration which led to punishing airstrikes against them for violating the agreement. Biden is witnessing failing Commander-in-Chief mired in globalist directives, distracted with foreign policy disasters and vacationing at Camp David. The Department of Homeland Security has officially designated anti- lockdown protesters as terrorists in its National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. The FBI is preparing to use the CIA against Trump supporters who are considered a threat by the government due to their opposition to COVID measures and belief in election fraud conspiracy theories. The article criticizes compliance with these measures as a reason why things are getting worse. The speaker promotes InfoWarsTore.com which provides supplements, books, films, water filters, air filters, all of which are self-funded by patriots like us and do not back down or tell lies. They also promote MyPillow.com, a company with good deals on shoes, beds, sheets, towels and pillows made in America. The speaker is against globalists and lockdowns and wants to continue fighting tyranny and funding the second American revolution. They are offering 66% off at MyPillow.com using promo code Alex. The text discusses a synthetic virus being used as means of population control, with gain-of-function and chimera aspects owned by certain individuals. Attempts were made to create a vaccine for this virus but it produced prions that can be deadly if introduced into the human body. It also mentions high mortality rates in animals tested on and warns against introducing such a vaccine into humans. The speaker then talks about attempts to implant half of US population with system causing spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease and calls it premeditated psychotic murder. The speaker raises concerns about the vaccine being gene therapy, discusses how Israel skipped normal approval process for it, mentions majority of people in hospitals with severe cases have taken shots, talks about spiritual fight over Israel taking place and takes a call from Gerald who shares his positive experience with Living Defense after being an amputee. InfoWars is promoting their products on the Alex Jones Show which fund InfoWars like Alpha Power, Boost Your Body's Natural Defense Super Sale, X-Tune and more available at InfoWarsStore.com for one week only. Alex Jones discusses with Shlomo Gordon about current medical martial law in Israel starting Wednesday where everyone over three years needs green pass or negative test to enter most public places like conferences and exhibitions, hotels gyms and studios pools country clubs clubs parties restaurants bars cafes higher education institutions tourist attractions museum libraries visiting elderly homes. Gordon suggests that purpose of vaccination is related to population control. Jones talks about emergency broadcasts he has been making due to current situations like Biden announcing plans for permanent martial law, forced inoculations and lockdowns. He mentions how top scientists Nobel Prize winners hospital heads major coroner associations claiming that vaccines caused severe damage to those who received them. Jones also mentions new vaccine developed by Bill Gates causing massive deaths human studies. This text is a recording of talk show where host discusses different topics related COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. The host mentions clips by Bill Gates discussing that new boosters will be needed every few months which he believes has come true He talks about his favorite guest Chris Scott activist who

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*Outro* Tomorrow's news.
Two weeks ago, and then another week ago, the puppet president promised we would not
see any images that resembled the fall of Saigon in 1970.
But maybe we should probably go to YouTube and type that in, helicopter airlift Saigon 1975, and then compare the two.
Together, in fact, there it is on Twitter.
They're basically identical.
In fact, they're still using the Chinooks from Vietnam to do it.
They still can't make a better helicopter.
Designed in the 1950s, it goes 200 miles an hour and can pick people up off the side of a cliff or a mountain.
Pretty amazing.
And there are the images for TV viewers, radio listeners.
It's all posted on InfoWars.com.
People scrambling for dear life.
After 20 years and $2.trillion spent to create this United Nations utopia of love and kindness and goodness, it's all been a giant fraud to get the opium.
It's all been a giant scam to secure the country for China so they can get trillions of dollars in rare earth minerals.
Out of the country.
And now China is moving in to replace the United States as the new empire to take control, but they don't need to use any violence.
They'll just simply buy off the Taliban.
They're trying to blame President Trump for what has happened, but he had a completely different plan of withdrawal.
This has been a panic withdrawal, almost as if they wanted this to happen on purpose.
Helicopters are evacuating staff from the U.S.
Embassy in Kabul as the Taliban enter the Afghan capital from all sides.
Watch hundreds of U.S.
citizens scramble aboard C-17 as Taliban ready to declare Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which China has already recognized.
Former CIA officer, the most infamous and devastating press conference ever held by an American president.
Twenty years of war in Afghanistan has cost the U.S.
taxpayer over $2.2 trillion, which of course was the play on a giant cash machine of U.S.
taxpayer money directly into globalist coffers.
Again, you can watch the footage at Infowars.com.
choppers evacuate Kabul embassy as Blinken defiantly rejects Vietnam pullout.
Talk about gaslighting.
The Afghan president has fled the country as the Taliban enter the capital.
But Biden relaxes on vacation while Saigon moment looms in Afghanistan.
And it's all ready here.
That's just some of the news we're going to be covering, like this important John Bowne report that's coming up next segment.
Afghanistan falls.
Biden fails.
That's coming up.
But we've got some really big news other than this today.
As important as this is and as predictable as this was, I even said last year that if Trump wasn't careful it could end up looking like the fall of Saigon 1975.
Because the whole thing was a mistake to ever go in there to begin with, much less stay there.
And to act like it's a victory for the Taliban to take over the place that they've been in control of, because they're from there for thousands of years, is also a misnomer.
But this is really emblematic of a collapsing empire now turning inward on itself.
Turns out, Infowars trended Yesterday and today on Twitter and other places because NBC and others ran a headline, we'll cover when we first get back, saying that if you protest any form of COVID restriction, you are a terrorist.
Well, that's in the official U.S.
government policy, but now they're announcing it.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday, August 15th. The year is 2021.
I'm your host Alex Jones and I'm very blessed to be here with you live on air this evening broadcasting worldwide.
Now let's go ahead and put on screen for everybody something that came from an NBC News program on NBC National Friday evening.
Now when this went out on the news, they also announced this, we have the video clip, people were pretty shocked because it is an extremely authoritarian statement.
Then the left began to say on Twitter and Instagram that it wasn't true.
And I've got those printouts here as well.
And they said it can't be true because Alex Jones can't be right again.
How could this be?
And then I saw massive, massive numbers of tweets and comments just explode out saying, Jones must be in the CIA.
How did he know this?
So we can put that back on screen, please.
For radio listeners, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to read this for everybody.
Potential terror threats.
Opposition to COVID measures.
Claims of election fraud, belief Trump can be reinstated, 9-11 anniversary, and religious holidays.
Now, where is there evidence that people that want to reinstate Trump or question the election are going to blow stuff up?
And where is there evidence that people protesting Masks that don't work and experimental vaccines that don't work and make people sick.
Where is there evidence that we're terrorists, much less that we're the number one terror threat?
So again, for all those new viewers and all those new listeners, let me show you where I got this.
I didn't get it from the CIA.
I didn't get it out of a crystal ball.
I didn't learn about this from a fortune cookie.
I learned about it two months ago when they issued the new official policy of the Biden administration, the National Strategy for Conducting Domestic Terrorism.
The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, but that's really what they're doing is conducting terrorism against us with the Chinese bioweapon that their controllers released to take control of the United States.
So this was put out in June.
And I covered it every day that I was on air since then.
Every day.
Every day.
I'm on the air seven days a week now.
Every show, I showed you this, and I said, this is the holy grail of what's coming.
This is totally illegal, extremely dangerous, completely out of control.
But see, the average person online thinks it's voodoo to know anything.
So they thought I must have magically just thought this up on my own, or I'm in the CIA, as if people in the CIA know anything.
That's a low-level criminal organization.
So, here it is.
Opposition to COVID measures is terrorism.
Claims of election fraud is terrorism.
Belief that Trump can be reinstated is terrorism.
Now, you can go read The June 2021 document for yourself.
And I'm going to be going over all this because they plan to implement this and I'm going to explain how they're going to do it and how they're going to bankrupt you and take everything you've got and destroy your life unless you wake up and say no.
This is a real globalist takeover.
But first, a very important report on the fall of Afghanistan by design by the puppet in chief Biden.
Similar to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti.
That massive 7.2 earthquake leaving hundreds dead.
The Taliban is a force of nature causing tectonic shifts under a crumbling Biden administration led by the nose by incompetent Defense Department bigwigs that have mismanaged the effort in Afghanistan from day one, destroying the lives of countless American soldiers.
The United States will continue to support consular services, and that includes the processing and operations of the special immigrant visa program, and will continue to engage in diplomacy with the Afghan government and the Afghan people.
Additionally, we will continue our focus on counterterrorism.
Regardless of Biden's half-baked prediction... Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?
No, it is not.
Because you have the Afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped as well as equipped as any army in the world and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban.
It is not inevitable.
I was up in that pass where Osama bin Laden was allegedly escaped or out of harm's way.
We went for two reasons.
one, two. In just nine days, the Taliban took control of more than half of Afghanistan's provinces.
And as Biden has done when it comes to the border, the economy, and COVID, Biden blamed the Trump administration for the chaos in Afghanistan, while Trump responded to the mischaracterization.
As Biden's globalist mouthpiece, Jen Psaki, revealed just how disconnected this administration is.
The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community.
Anyone with any recollection will recall that the Trump administration bombed the Taliban to the negotiating table as the New York Post recounted after warning Taliban leader Hibatullah Akinzadeh, that he would come back and hit you harder than any country has ever been hit if he welched on the deal.
Trump made good on his threat and launched punishing airstrikes the first time the Taliban violated the agreement.
Since then, not a single U.S.
soldier has died in combat in Afghanistan.
That they had to kill people in order to put themselves in a little better negotiating position.
When they did that, they killed 12 people.
One happened to be a great American soldier.
And we've hit the Taliban harder in the last four days than they've been hitting over 10 years.
Biden, who has always regarded himself as a foreign policy genius, is now frantically upping the ante, increasing troops from 3,000 to 5,000 in order to avoid what could be his Saigon moment.
In April of 75, North Vietnamese troops approached the southern capital of Saigon.
President Gerald Ford ordered all U.S.
troops and citizens out of the country.
To permit the movement of refugees to the area of their choice.
In the early hours of April 30th, despite multiple flights with hundreds of evacuees and with time running out, Berry uttered three words that meant it was imperative for the U.S.
diplomat to leave.
So he comes up, gets on, we fly out with the ambassador, and you make the call, you know, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, that means the ambassador's out.
I'm embarrassed that we, the United States of America, is being humiliated, and is leaving an area that we had come to defend, and we've been defeated.
As embassy staff are evacuated, the Taliban is setting up an invasion into the capital city that could lapse into a bloodbath.
In 2001, the Taliban abandoned Kabul following the U.S.
At that time, Kabul's population was half a million.
As the U.S.
dug its heels into a two-decade occupation, Kabul was transformed into a growing urban middle-class center.
Exponentially skyrocketing into a population of 4.6 million.
Meanwhile, Biden's reliance on a massive and highly trained Afghan military has already been defeated from one end of the country to the other, as Mazar-i-Sharif, the Afghan government's last stronghold, has fallen.
Meanwhile, America watches a failing Commander-in-Chief, in the first year of his presidency, mired in globalist directives, distracted with the targeting of American citizens and foreign policy disasters, vacationing at Camp David, when every American knows, whether they want to or not, that a real U.S.
President wouldn't be able to sleep or leave the White House under the unprecedented pressure and intense scrutiny Threatening their legacy.
John Bowden reporting.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Okay, let's just plow right into the big story.
And it's not the fall of Afghanistan.
No, it's the fall of Western civilization by design, by the globalists, part of their post-industrial Agenda 2030 plan that I've been warning of for decades that we're now in the middle of.
So, here's the headline.
It's on Infowars.com.
It's an RT article.
Biden DHS officially designates anti-lockdown protesters as terrorists.
You're gonna read the whole article.
Here's NBC News potential terror threats.
Number one terror threat in a Homeland Security bulletin.
Opposition to COVID measures.
Claims of election fraud.
Believe Trump can be reinstated.
And in the RT article, and in the NBC article, they have links to the memos, links to all of the information there for you to see that for yourself.
Now here's where it all comes from.
Remember, as soon as Biden got his way in through fraud in January of this year, now six and a half months ago, the first press conferences they had with General Milley and with Jen Psaki and with all these people and the Justice Department was protesting the election is terror.
And we're preparing to use the FBI and CIA against the new terror threat, which is Trump supporters.
And then they started saying about a few weeks later, and people that don't like lockdowns that are coming.
I said, wow, more lockdowns are coming.
I mean, we already knew that, but then they started saying it.
And then on page 10 of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism came out two months ago.
They made it official policy.
They said any narratives of fraud in the recent general election The emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S.
Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence will almost certainly spur some One, to try to engage in violence.
So, who tried to engage in violence last year and this year?
It was the FBI cooking up terror plots with the Michigan militia, which they were leading that particular group, and it was all a setup, and it's come out in court.
The FBI agent didn't just beat up his wife at a swinger sex party, bashing her head bloody.
He's so psychotic, reportedly, but then he turned over the audio files to the defense where they brag about setting them up and framing them.
That's in the Michigan news.
So, there's one plot to kidnap a governor because of the lockdown, and that was the FBI creating the whole thing.
And the head FBI agent is such a, looks like, Somebody that would, like, rule a penitentiary or something, like the white supremacist wing.
Not saying he's a white supremacist, but I mean, if I saw him pumping gas, I'd say, that's a hardened con.
Probably a murderer.
Probably out after 20 years.
And so just remember, that's who they're hiring, that's who they're preparing for total war with us, ladies and gentlemen.
And the entire leadership of the group was FBI.
You can, if you want, type in Kalamazoo.
FBI agent arrested for assaulting wife at sex party.
And he's the lead guy.
And I'm just pointing out the level of scum we're dealing here with now.
I mean, that's who runs your government.
That's who's in control of it now.
Just discredited, fraudulent garbage.
Does that mean every agency's bad or every agent's bad?
But the people they pick for dirty tricks like this are bad people.
And this is a declaration of war against the American people.
So clearly they're going to stage very soon.
There he is.
They're going to stage very soon terror attacks to blame it on us.
That's the next card.
That's the next move.
That's what you should expect.
Now there it is.
FBI agent charged with beating wife until she had blood all over her at sex party.
After sex party.
So that's how this dude rolls.
And again, evil people are arrogant and full of chutzpah, bravada.
He sent files before the sex party, a week before, two weeks before, to the defense admitting the whole setup.
I mean, you just, it's the enemy just falls into our hands that way because they're inherently bad people.
Just incredible.
I'm sorry, I'm digressing.
So, imagine in the year 2021, the southern border is completely wide open.
There are people coming across with bubonic plague cases spreading all over the United States now in four states.
They are pouring across with hundreds of tropical Diseases that are extremely rare, even in the tropics, that are now spreading all over the United States, but they're gonna tell you that your five-year-old needs to wear a mask.
That's just the cultic, evil, lazy, leftist teachers union wanting to swing their filthy weight around.
And so, I'm gonna calm down.
Next segment, I'm gonna cover all the news.
I'm not complaining.
I spent My wife's been out of town, so most of my children are gone right now.
And so I've been studying 12 hours a day.
12 hours a day.
I studied, oh, about 5 hours Friday.
I studied about 14 hours yesterday.
And I studied about 7 hours today.
And I'm just too loaded for bear.
Let me just calm down and I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna restart the whole broadcast and I'm gonna go right into all this.
But do you understand what this means?
I mean, this is horrible.
And let me explain something really important here that I'll get into next segment.
Compliance with all this evil is what keeps making it worse.
Going along with this is why everything's falling apart.
The Taliban are cavemen, and they are terrible people, and they keep little boys as sex slaves.
Something, actually, the Democratic Party came out in internal memos and said is kind of cool, and they let them have kidnapped children as young as three in rape dungeons all over the Afghan stand.
I told you about that years ago, but now that's in the news.
So they are a caveman pedophilic demon creature, the mainline men are.
And homosexuality is about 90% in Afghanistan, about 50% in the Middle East.
That's why the left loves them.
I mean, hell, they got giant grooming gangs in England.
10,000 girls in one town, 5,000 in another.
As young as six years old, they complain.
They chop them up, put them in meat kabob machines.
Again, you're a new list reader.
This sounds crazy.
Fauci takes live babies, keeps them alive, scalps them, puts their brains and their hair on rats.
And they chain people up and put maggots inside their brains to eat their brains.
And they chain up beagles and do it.
I mean, that's all true!
I can pull it all up for you right now!
And the FBI agent, you know, beats his wife up at sex parties.
I mean, it's just hell upon earth!
Do you understand?!
And then when I come back...
I'm going to explain something.
At least the Afghans stand up for themselves and don't comply.
That's why the biggest, sickest, most evil system in the world can't get control of them because they won't bow.
But we do whatever we're told and land in the free home of the brave.
And so now the American Medical Association says they're going to take boy and girl off the birth certificates and now they're going to teach children as young as four to pick their own sex and sterilize them.
That's just now breaking.
Don't know if I should say anything at all.
One day we're rolling in the clover.
Next thing you know we're taking a fall.
Still I think about the years since I first met you.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to this live Sunday transmission
I'm gonna be here for another hour and a half.
Got some big special guests joining us.
I'll tell you about in a moment.
And then, the one and only, my good buddy, Owen Schroyer.
We'll be hosting the third and fourth hour, which is called Sunday Live.
This is the Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition.
And Sunday Live only has six minutes of ads an hour, just for local stations.
We cut the network ads so there's less ads.
So, powerful two hours every Sunday evening.
Let me do this, this segment.
Because I am on information overload.
Let me explain why I make such a big deal out of the fact that I'm not the one making these predictions.
Now, I am good at reading more globalist documents than pretty much anybody else does, probably except their top people.
Everybody's so specialized.
In business and in life and in media and in culture that somebody knows about golf or they know about rock and roll or they know about insurance policies or they know about race cars or they know about education and they know about their area of education.
Well, I'm a generalist and I read at least six, seven hours a day.
And I thought it was a pretty big deal in June.
When they put out the new official terrorism policy and said, we got more lockdowns coming, and we're going to say you're a terrorist if you're against these things.
And if you even criticize things, you're aiding and abetting terrorists, and we're going to use the US Pentagon and military and NSA against you.
I mean, that's so illegal.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being total tyranny, 0 being freedom, it's a 9.7.
And you know how frustrating it is?
That when this hit Friday night and Saturday and I trended at the top of Twitter politics and the top of Instagram, people sent it to me, everyone was marveling and debating how I knew this and playing clips of me saying it.
And even the clips people put out on the internet didn't have me showing you where!
It's the frustration that people Don't understand, the reason I know it's going to happen is not because I have a 200 IQ, which I don't have, it's because it's the enemy battle plan.
I have their damn playbook.
Just like Steve Belichick keeps winning Super Bowls because it's well known he freaking pays, he steals their playbooks.
They all do it.
The point is, is that we have the damn playbook.
And so let me explain the playbook to you, okay?
Let me explain the playbook to you.
This is a permanent, world government, Rockefeller Foundation, cooked up plan called Operation Lockstep.
They're never going to end the lockdowns.
They're just going to tighten them down, loosen them up some, tighten them down more, loosen them up some, through successful approximation until you have a world ID card, global carbon tax systems, your phone tracking everywhere you go, Forced gene therapies on a monthly basis of whatever the system wants to put into you, whenever they want, no more FDA process, no more nothing, just absolute total tyranny.
And by shutting down the world economy and calling small businesses non-essential, it will cause a massive collapse in productivity and a global depression, which they will then use with their trillions of fiat money To buy up the planet, and they've all written books about it.
Ted Turner, Prince Philip, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I've read all their books.
I watch 20 hours of UNWHO hearings.
In December of 2019.
And we put out a 30 minute boil down of 20 hours and they're meeting in Switzerland and they said, it's a total emergency, everyone's waking up to us.
We're just giving vaccines with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and told to give them to people when they're not even studying.
All of our frontline doctors are about to quit.
They're getting wobbly.
We've got to do something.
And I said on air, when that document came out and those videos came out, we learned about it till January, 2020.
I said, this COVID thing out of England, That's really where it comes out of, then to the U.S., then given to the Chinese.
This bioweapon cooked up in London, it's the answer to this, to have such a huge event and so many people freaked out and scared, that then people will accept the injections that are gene therapies, and then I went and looked by February of last year, on record, with top scientists, all agreeing.
That you could never have, again, a COVID vaccine for the entire corona family because of the protein in the virus is the same protein all over your body, so your body attacks itself and you die of blood clots in your lungs, heart, and brain, bare minimum.
And I started seeing this in February and just started studying more.
I mean, I've read thousands of studies.
I've had hundreds of doctors and scientists on.
We've played clips of hundreds of others here.
I've got like 35 clips of scientists, top people, Nobel Prize winners, just totally freaking out right now.
And back then they said it's going to cause blood clots, it's going to hurt people, it's going to cause autoimmune responses, so that the people that have taken the shots are going to slough these prions, these viruses off, and it's going to cause a giant wave of illness within six to eight months.
Now that was all theoretical.
Now they did the injections, the gene therapy, it's not a vaccine, and now everybody I know that is around family that's been injected with these So-called vaccines that are really nanotech replicators are now getting sick.
Literally, half the people I know are sick and in bed right now.
I asked them to call everyone they know.
Everyone they know is 30, 40, 50 percent sick.
My wife went to Omaha to see family.
Half the people are sick.
She got sick up there.
It's everywhere.
See, it was fake a year ago.
And they called car wrecks and cancer and gunshot wounds and motorcycle accidents COVID.
That was to get you to take the shot.
There's a real virus, gain-of-function, a chimera they own, and they already tested it in rats years ago, that when you then create a vaccine for that virus, it produces something that replicates in your body.
And they discovered this 50 years ago.
If you try to make a vaccine for any coronavirus, even with standard vaccines, it produces these prions that are deadly, that slough.
It's basically a synthetic virus.
So they knew, and Fauci knew, and Gates knew, and University of Texas led the national initiative for Obama and Fauci from 2010 to 2015 and spent hundreds and millions of dollars at Baylor Medical and UT Medical With five other universities, seven total, and they did hundreds of studies on rats and other animals, and found almost 100% death rate from prions, and they say in the studies that I've shown you dozens of times, do not give this to humans, it will kill them.
So they knew this would happen.
Do you understand what that means?
It's over, folks!
They have implanted half the United States at least, with a system that's basically spongiform encephalopathy.
Mad cow disease.
I have, just today, seven scientists that are about to tell you this on video next hour.
Former head of the science division of Pfizer.
Top scientists at MIT, you name it, they did it on purpose.
They've never had a vaccine for the cold because it kills the animals.
And in human trials they've done all over the world, it kills a large percentage of those in the human trials.
Normally 30% are dead within a year.
Do you understand what this means?
Everybody's calling me, oh you're right again, oh well how'd you know that all over the U.S.
they keep babies alive and then harvest their organs and vivisect them while their hearts are still beating and do experiments on them.
Because it was in the damn literature 20 years ago, now it's mainstream news!
They're coming for you!
They're killing you!
And they don't care if you're a school teacher or a bureaucrat or a banker.
So many CEOs and top people have died from the shots as well.
This is just hell on earth premeditated psychotic murder.
And now they're going to say this winter with all the incredible deaths, you never see stuff like this in the summer, all these diseases.
Imagine this winter, they're going to blame the unvaccinated and declare martial law and Biden's ready to do it.
My God, it's here.
Total extermination!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this August 15th Sunday broadcast.
Chris Sky is going to be popping in at the start of the next hour.
He led giant demonstrations in Canada in just the last few days.
There were huge demonstrations from Israel.
To the UK, to France, to Germany, all over the world.
There's protests in African countries against lockdowns where it actually starves people to death when that happens.
And so millions are hitting the streets and it seems the epicenter, one of the most oppressive places other than Australia, The former president colony, great people by the way, just like Israel, is Israel.
And we had Shlomo Gordon on a while back ago.
I wanted to get a quick update this segment, the next segment, from him.
He's originally from Chicago, then went to Israel, was a tank crewman in the Israeli army, studied biophysics at university.
I'm not going to go over it all.
Then started getting involved in Israeli politics and is now We started up a pro-medical Freedom Party in Israel and has been helping lead the opposition to what I can only call 1984.
The government freedom bracelets and freedom passes and now one of the most highly so-called injected or inoculated groups in the world, what is it, 8 out of 10 I was reading,
are having massive numbers of people vaccinated in the hospital.
So to give us the latest on this bizarre 1984 epicenter that Israel's become is Mr. Gordon.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Hi, thank you so much, Alex.
Joe, you've only got about 15 minutes.
Tell us what's happening.
Yeah, so like you said, at this point, the rate of people being in the hospital, if they're
vaccinated or not vaccinated, it's a total joke.
At this point, the percentage of people who are vaccinated out of the total sick in the
COVID wards in the hospitals are higher than the percentage of the population that are
So the meaning of that is that you're even more likely to be in a COVID ward of a hospital if you are vaccinated.
And they're starting with the third dose for people who are 40 plus.
I just wanted to tie in with what you were recently speaking about, about In America, being called domestic terrorists, if you don't want to get the jabs, you're going to be a domestic terrorist.
Well, here in Israel, first they called us anti-vaxxers, then they called us COVID deniers, which is the worst because you know that that's supposed to be like Holocaust deniers, right?
So they're calling Jews, some of which are descendants of Holocaust survivors, they're calling them COVID deniers on the same, you know, Expression of Holocaust deniers.
And then and now they've moved forward to vaccine refusers on the same idea of people who refuse to drive to the army.
So it's like if you're a patriotic, you drive to the army and you get vaccinated.
That's the idea.
So you're also not patriotic.
And one of the reasons I wanted to mention my army service as a tank loader Is that I served, as you said, after moving to Israel, spent three years mandatory service, seven years in reserves, and I recently, for all intents and purposes, honorably discharged because I didn't get vaccinated.
People were joking about that.
Oh, can we let the anti-vaxxers not pay taxes too?
That's going to really make them... And by the way, I don't want to correct you because I have to say vaccine too.
People know what that means.
This is not a vaccine.
This is a gene therapy.
They call a vaccine that was never... Correct me if I'm wrong, but just like in Europe, just like in the U.S., just like in Canada, they skipped the normal approval process in Israel, right?
They skipped the process and we actually tried.
While I was running for Knesset back in 2019, I came across, being in contact with activists, I came across this story called the Psy-V-Vac.
And I have on my YouTube, I have also a video, it's called on YouTube, it's called Huge Scandal in Israel, something along those lines.
Half a million Israeli babies over the course of five years got an experimental hepatitis B vaccine.
And that also they skipped over usually Israel trusts.
Yeah, here in the bottom left corner scandal in Israel.
I did the subtitles for that one.
Yeah, they skipped over.
Usually, Israel, unfortunately, trusts American standards, the FDA.
Well, on that one, they didn't even wait for the FDA approval.
That was an experimental Israeli vaccine.
They probably thought that it wasn't going to cause significantly more damages because it had the same amount of antigen and adjuvants.
But the way that it was distributed within the vaccine ended up causing One of the women in the picture of that video, Nurit, she actually had both of her twins were autistic from the vaccine.
It was an extremely dangerous one.
So Israel, unfortunately, has a dark history of human experimentation.
The truth has to be said.
And by the way, let's expand on that.
I mean, I don't say this sarcastically.
If Israel is going to follow what the United States does, The U.S.
is a big country, nice people, but our medical system has been extremely evil, and everything that somebody in World War II learned, they learned from the British and the United States, called eugenics and all the secret testing.
And let's not forget, 40 years of injecting black people with syphilis, and then having them spread it to hundreds of thousands of people, tens of thousands died of that brain-eating disease.
So I hope Israel doesn't copy the U.S.
and start injecting you with syphilis.
The hard truth.
And again, just I want people to understand where I'm coming from.
I'm very much on the spectrum of right and left.
I'm very much on the right.
I'm very Very in favor of having a Jewish country with Jewish values, with a Jewish majority.
I'm definitely not on the left.
I actually live over the Green Line.
I live in the West Bank, or I'm a settler, or whatever you want to call it.
So just so people can know where I'm coming from.
Okay, and as I said, I served in... No, no, we understand.
And so tell us what it's doing, because we see... But just so that people understand that The current state of Israel, meaning not King Solomon and not the Hasmonean dynasty under the Kohanim, under the priests Judah Maccabee and the like, the current state of Israel that we're living in, the way that it was founded, was an extremely problematic way.
There were all sorts of deals cut with, you know, the Balfour Declaration, for example, if you look at who it's written to, It's to Baron Rothschild, okay?
Sure, you're saying you're a Jew's Jew, you care about Israel, you care about Jews, and you're saying there are evil groups manipulating Israel towards a very dangerous place.
But it's been from the get-go, and that's why when one of the most wonderful groups of Jews are the Jews that lived in Yemen, and they were so Pure and had such pure intentions and they came to the land of Israel and they saw the prophecies being manifested.
And now you're getting targeted again.
And then their kids get kidnapped, you know.
And the fact of the matter is that the labor Zionists who created the state are very problematic.
They work together with the Nazis in some cases.
That's why you have groups like Neturei Karta.
who, you know, the one, the ultra-Orthodox Jews that go and meet with the Iranians
and the Palestinians, I totally disagree with them.
But the reason that they exist is because the labor Zionists had the ability to save
500,000 Hungarian Jews from the Nazis.
And the reason they didn't was because they were ultra-Orthodox and that didn't
fit in with their narrative.
They didn't fit in with their agenda.
That's right, that's a historical fact that they blocked, well, total millions of Jews escaping Europe during World War II.
Right, right.
So, and many Jews who were more religious, they went to the West, they went to America, they went to other places, they went to South America.
After the Holocaust, they went to South Africa.
Why is modern Israel persecuting what they call ultra-Orthodox, which are just Old Testament Talmud following Jews?
Why are they doing that?
Again, you have to understand, so there's different levels of it.
The historical level of it is to understand where these labor Zionists came from.
It's the same place that Reform Judaism came out of, which unfortunately in America, everyone's affected by it because Reform, basically they managed to, a hundred years, 150 years ago, you couldn't imagine a Jew that wasn't keeping Shabbat, that wasn't keeping the holidays, that wasn't keeping kosher.
What happened was there was the Sabatian movement, Shabtai TV.
Listen, I will have you back on for a full hour.
You're a smart guy, you're really interesting, and my producer has been following your work.
You can come on for a whole hour sometime this week, but I got you on for a limited time
because I just wanted to get an update on what is happening with these shots.
The fact that it's in the news, the majority of the people in hospital,
the most sick have taken it, and just what's coming next.
Now they've got boosters they're trying to make people take.
They're even getting sicker.
So I want to come back in two minutes to you for five minutes to give us an update on that.
And then this is fascinating stuff.
I know you know your history.
I would love to hear from you on that.
People act like Israel's one monolithic group.
And obviously if you're educated, it's not.
And this is very sophisticated stuff.
There's a big spiritual fight over Israel going on.
So we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with our number two, the Chris guy as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
You know, I loaded all this music into the computer years ago.
And it's kind of fun to play happy music like this, but we're not the happy show we used to be, are we?
No, ladies and gentlemen, we're not, because I've read literally, I've scanned over thousands
of documents.
I've read hundreds, I've had all the scientists on.
It's 100% bad, the vaccine they made.
It doesn't work.
It makes your body attack itself.
So why globally was this done?
Well, it's a form of warfare, and we're living in it.
But I wanted you to hear from somebody specifically who's got one of the main political parties
that's having some success getting people elected in Israel for medical freedom.
And tyranny always comes first with the medical tyranny in the last 200 years.
And so we've got four minutes left with Mr. Gordon, Shlomo Gordon, and there's any websites
people should check out.
It's at ShlomoGordon underscore Gordon on Twitter, YouTube.
Shlomo Gordon does a lot of great work.
So in the four minutes we got left, I'll invite you back for a full hour as soon as you're ready to do it.
I know it's late at night over there and I appreciate you being on with us.
Just in a few minutes, tell us what it's like in Israel living under this medical martial law.
I think that's a fair term to use.
Yeah, well, so I just want to give you a quick rundown.
Since we are limited time of what's starting this Wednesday.
So the Corona Cabinet, sounds so official, right?
First of all, they've decided to start doing the third dose for 40, age 40 years old and above.
So they're already, the eventual goal of having three times a year or however often They're already clearly moving forward to that.
They're already throwing hints in the media.
At some point, we'll talk about the 4th and 5th though.
Stuff like that.
So we're already beyond the game of, oh, I'll just get these two jabs and then we go back to normal.
We already know this is the new normal.
It's already in your face.
So starting Wednesday, we're going to full green pass.
So the meaning of this is, first of all, three-year-olds, since they're too young to get vaccinated, They will need a negative PCR test and anyone else will need a green pass or a negative test.
So anyone from basically everyone's in the same boat from three years and above is in the same boat.
You either need to be vaccinated, proof that you were sick and got better, and they're making it much more difficult to get the serological test.
They're saying, oh, it's not for sure that you were sick.
It's not for sure that you have antibodies.
I think it's for sure.
We inject you with the mRNA, whatever it is.
So you'll need a green pass or a negative test, which you have to do the same day.
But who's going to bother doing that, right?
Because if you get a positive test, you're going to have to be at home for 10 days or two weeks.
I'm not sure what it is at the moment.
So no one wants to be quarantined.
So the bottom line is you need to get vaccinated or else you won't be able to go into any of these places.
So college is in universities.
You won't be able to get a normal education if you're not vaccinated.
You won't be able to go into the university that I studied at, University of Bar-I-Land.
I won't be able to go in there without a green pass.
Museums, libraries, obviously most people get their education on the internet these days, but in case you want to open up a book, you want to go to a library and open up a book, you're going to need to get vaccinated.
And visiting elderly homes.
So how many, how many, how many citizens?
We know there's about nine million citizens in Israel.
How many citizens have not been, is this referring to?
One million.
That means, uh, I think it has to do with the population.
We're out of time. I'm gonna invite you back on sometime the next week for a full hour. I really appreciate you
But in 20 seconds, they really want to put this experimental thing in us top scientists say it's depopulation
gut level. You're a smart guy What do you think this is?
I think it has to do with the population and I think it has to do with controlling the population that is
continues to exist I agree.
It's a binary weapon.
They're implanting prions in you.
They've got a cure, but you've got to submit to them to get it.
We'll talk to you soon.
I used to maybe every six months that we have an emergency broadcast.
Now it's every other day because we are deep in the emergency now.
They're coming for our free speech, Biden's announcing plans for permanent martial law, forced inoculations, lockdowns.
...saying that anybody that questions the vaccine is a terrorist.
That is because they're desperate, it's because they're scared, and all they've got to do is stand against them and these big corporations that are out of control, and they will fail.
The global ruling elite cannot control the population anymore, so they've decided to kill the population, as Zbigniew Brzezinski said at the Canadian CFR seven years ago.
He said previously it was easier to control a million than it was to kill a million.
Now it is easier to kill a million than to control a million.
We have lost control.
I recommend killing.
And now you see the depopulation happening across the planet and literally seas of top scientists, hospital heads, Nobel Prize winners, top epidemiologists, Germany's top coroner, the major coroner association, the pathologist, all of them.
He's saying, we cut open these people and they've been eaten alive by the shots.
And then the studies said, there's congressional hearings.
We've played you, the head of the Baylor Medical School.
Last year said, well, we're working on these new vaccines, but they always failed when they were for the coronavirus because it creates a protein.
And so we had deaths in all the human studies around the world, but Bill Gates has picked it back up.
And we'll see if he can make it work!
And then they bypass new animal trials with that particular vaccine, and the deaths are massive.
So everything Dr. Yidan and Dr. Woodard and Dr. Tenpenny and on and on and on and on said 14 months ago, 12 months ago, before the injection started, from the literature, I thought, wow, why are all these prestigious people saying this is going to cause mass death?
I thought, that's a little too intense, even for me.
Then they lied and said, no side effects, even though it's not approved and 90% of effectiveness, which they now admits a fraud.
And then I found the documents and statements by Bill Gates where he said, oh, it's not going to work.
So you're going to need all these new boosters every few months.
And now we're here.
And that's why folks have found all the clips where I specifically predicted in February and March and April and so did Chris Sky of exactly what was going to happen.
So to get his latest information on this and what he thinks is coming next, Chris Sky, one of my favorite guests, is about to join us.
And out of all the on-the-ground activists in the world, he's the most successful, the most prominent, the most accurate.
And I saw he was flattered a few weeks ago when I said that.
It's just true.
And look, I'm sure he wants to be eclipsed by you.
This is about survival, humans moving forward, exposing medical tyranny, this fifth generational warfare of depopulation that is moving against us because all these top scientists are saying this is going to be a depopulation weapon and now it's happening and now.
They lied last year and the hospitals were totally empty.
The virus itself was just a gain-of-function thing they owned.
Now, the sloughing.
Now, what's in the vaccine creating the prion factories, and I have a stack of mainstream news admitting it, is what's causing massive illnesses all over the place.
And when you go in, they don't tell you, you need ivermectin, you need vitamin C, you need zinc.
That's coming up after Chris Guy leaves us, but we have solutions.
They tell you, they give you nothing in the hospital, not even an IV, and they just wait until you get worse, and then they put a ventilator on you and kill you and get $53,000 for it.
So that's all coming up for Chris Sky Leaves, all these top scientists laying it out, but I wanted to show you a clip of him up in Canada and Montreal.
With hundreds of thousands marching.
We'll roll that footage for TV viewers now.
Hundreds of thousands marching through the streets.
There's hours of this footage.
All the world giant demonstrations.
And then I want to roll for you just a little clip of him on the ground and all these beautiful people of every race, color, and creed, and gender together waking up to what's happening.
We'll talk to Chris Sky in a moment, but here's Chris Sky.
I guess this is just yesterday in the streets of Canada.
An insane turnout in Montreal.
I haven't gone live yet because my battery would die.
I'm going to go live when I speak, so everybody stand by for the live.
There's easily over 100,000 people on the streets today.
It's freaking crazy.
Check this out, everybody.
Everyone's walking around.
Thank you.
Everyone's walking around.
Chris with Prime Minister shirts.
It's pretty awesome.
And that's always the sign of the winning group when you've got all the lovely ladies as well.
So there he is with Elvis with the women grabbing at him.
And people, women should be grabbing at dudes like this.
This is what men are supposed to do.
Not act tough, not be like Schwarzenegger.
Screw your freedom!
Schwarzenegger said back in Pumping Iron, they cut it out of the movie but it's in Rolling Stone, I love Hitler, I love authoritarianism, screw everyone.
Screw you, baby Hitler and your dad, Gustav, the SS officer.
I can't wait until Arnold Schwarzenegger is dead in the ground and until that Nazi piece of crap is out of America.
I'm not going to kill him, I'm not going to hurt him.
I just can't wait until his fascist ass is six feet under.
Burn in hell, Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Get out of America, you trash!
My grandfather's kicked your dad's ass, you piece of shit!
Fuck you, Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Burn in fucking hell, you Nazi!
Excuse me.
Chris Sky, good to have you on with us here on the Sunday edition.
Wow, tell me about the great footage we just saw and more and what's happening around the world.
Sorry, that was like my favorite segue I think I've ever gotten.
Well, we got a lot going on.
As you saw, I was in Montreal yesterday.
I showed up, we drove all night, and I was promoting that like crazy.
I literally was threatening people to go there, get off their ass and go there, because it was all about stopping the Vax Pass.
And the Vax Pass is already a law now in Montreal and Quebec.
And just like the previous guest stated from Israel, it bars you from all what they call
non-essential activities, which is absolutely ridiculous because at the same time they're
telling you you have a choice and it's not a mandate. The idea of a choice means you can
make a choice without consequences. If you make a choice and the choice is you lose virtually
all your rights and freedoms, then it's not really much of a choice, is it?
This is all about coercion of the VACs, and that's why you're going to see in the next couple of weeks and months, every type of industry trying to mandate it.
They're going to try to mandate it for frontline workers, they're going to try to mandate it for teachers, they're going to try to mandate it for students, etc.
So we saw, as you saw, hundreds of thousands of people came out, all shapes, all sizes, all genders, All races, all ethnicities, all religions, all there for one reason.
Preserving our rights and freedoms that these politicians are trying to take from us.
And what do we see?
We saw in one small city, just like I said back in May, when we got another couple hundred thousand there, is when we call on the people, the people will come.
And what we saw was enough people to do whatever we want to do.
If those people took off their masks and opened their business and said no to the jab, just that many people in that one city, this agenda would stop in its tracks.
And that's what I was about to say.
You pointed out we don't need leaders, we have to be the leaders.
But can you imagine if a governor of Texas, a governor of Arizona, a governor of Florida
led an anti-lockdown march, how big it would be?
Imagine, and that's why we're trying to, that's why I'm trying to tell everybody,
there's no such thing as a political freedom movement, or there's either a political movement or a freedom
And we have politicians there like Maxime Bernier, and he literally tried to march to the front of the pack with their little PPC sign to pretend like all those people came there from him.
And I actually walked to the front and I talked to him on a megaphone and I started exposing his last 20 years of globalism.
And first he tried to take the megaphone out of my hand.
And then when he realized that wasn't a good idea, he literally just put his head down and ran off.
Like every other politician.
Because somebody finally called him!
Nobody calls these people!
Oh of course, I gotta call him out because he's a pretend freedom fighter.
I don't have to call out Trudeau, we're in this mess because of him.
We know what Trudeau will run the country like, we're living in it.
Maxime's the one that's pretending like if you vote for him, he's gonna change things.
But if you just, he just wants your money and your support.
And as soon as you give a politician your support, and you sit back down on the couch and you're no longer ready to take action, They've just nullified you.
And that's what they're doing.
We have to stop being paralyzed.
The people have to lead.
We have to start marching and demonstrating.
It's happening all over the world.
And I want Americans to start doing it, which is happening in California and New York and other areas.
But listen, Texas and South Dakota and Florida better do it because they're coming after us.
And we've now proven these so-called vaccines turn your body into a prion, mad cow disease factory.
This is insane.
So I'm saying...
It's literally beyond insanity because if you look all around the world, beyond our borders...
Look at Iceland.
They have almost 100% of the adult population vaccinated against COVID.
And they're having a massive outbreak in the middle of summer, and the vast majority of cases are from the vaccinated.
If we look at Singapore, they admit 75% of the cases are vaccinated.
And if we look at my own home town of Ontario, Canada, if you look at our ICU, zero patients in the ICU are non-JAB.
Stay there.
This is Chi.
Stay with us.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Chris Sky, one of the top activists in the world fighting tyranny on the ground.
A hunted man, and I love it every minute of it.
Got cut off on the break you were getting into.
You already blew people away over a year ago, and then a year ago with your prediction of exactly what would happen.
Recap that, and then give us your latest prediction, and then get into, with all the evidence and all the science, what this is.
Because clearly, before the hospitals were empty, I'm seeing all over the U.S.
devastation now from people close to folks that had the shot, and those that had the shot.
All over the world, as you know, the vast majority seriously sick are those that had the injections.
Just an incredible move, premeditated.
The studies show they knew this would happen.
But you have a way with words.
Crystallize it for us, Chris Sky.
Very quickly, the last thing I said before we got cut off was in my hometown, all the people in the ICU have been vaccinated.
There is not one person in the ICU in Ontario, Canada, that has not been vaccinated.
What does that tell you?
That should tell you everything you need to know.
The vaccine is the problem.
The vaccine is what's causing the disease.
And they're using it to divide society.
They're going to use it to weaken society.
They're going to use it to lock us down again.
We're in the middle of predictive programming.
They told us all we're not going to have a vaccine passport.
The very next day, they said the opposite thing.
And now, Every other day, we get a new story that promotes the narrative.
And what do I mean by that?
We see stories that say, oh, there's new variant that's resistant to the vaccine.
A way to make an excuse for the vaccinated getting sick.
Oh, the unvaccinated are dangerous.
The unvaccinated are terrorists.
The unvaccinated need to be controlled.
Then, in September, when everybody takes their third shot, they're going to get even more sick.
And when all these people start getting sick, they're going to make an excuse to lock us down again.
In Canada, they're calling a snap election in September.
Just out of the blue, Trudeau's calling an election because he knows he's going to win.
As soon as he wins that election, they're going to claim the rising cases and the new variant, which was caused by the unvaccinated, is a disaster.
They're going to lock society down again.
Then they're going to implement the vaccine passport, not just in Quebec, which is why I was there yesterday.
They're going to implement it Canada wide as a way to try to coerce everybody to get this vaccination.
Because as you get it, like you said, every time you get it, you're getting yourself weaker.
You're getting yourself more sick and more dependent on the vaccine.
So virtually every round they vaccinate people, you're going to get a whole lot of deaths.
You're going to get a whole lot of all different, all the types of side effects.
And every four to six months, they're going to do the same thing.
That's 100% about depopulation, 100% about control of the rest of us, and if you're sick, you can't really fight back, can you?
So it makes it beautiful.
And for the people that aren't sick and healthy, they turn you into criminals.
And they set the stage to not only control you, but eventually round you up and put you in those camps that everybody pretends don't exist, but actually do exist.
And that's the key, that's where I'm going.
Here it is, National Strategy for Counter-Domestic Terrorism.
Same garbage in England, same garbage in Germany, France.
Same thing Australia, New Zealand, everywhere.
It's exactly the same all out of the UN as you exposed last year.
Authorities won't hesitate to go door-to-door to perform COVID tests on unvaccinated Australians.
Their premiers are saying a major mayor called it Hitler and said it's like Hitler's taking over Canada.
I'll read that so they're finally fighting back and getting what's happening but...
This has been the plan.
Blame the unvaccinated, the uninjected the entire time, Chris Sky.
So talk about that.
And Biden, now putting out this weekend, opposition to COVID measures is the top terror threat in the United States.
So they're taking those pieces.
What's coming next?
They got to say that opposition to the COVID stuff is terrorism because that way they can label anybody like you or me a terrorist and then they can do whatever they want to us without any laws.
They could silence us.
take our rights away, they could put us in prison, hell they could even kill us if they want to if we're that bad
of terrorists.
So that's gonna be the new narrative. Anybody speaking out is terrorist because speaking out is what stops them.
Speaking out is what gets all the people aware, all the people ready to go.
There are so many people awake in Canada, I can't even walk down the street without groups of people
coming up to me and understanding exactly what's going on.
And there's other way, I gotta call out somebody right now real quick. The International COVID Summit taking place in
I was invited there.
I was invited there months ago.
They made me promote it.
Two weeks ago, they made me register for the event as a speaker.
I have all the evidence of this.
They made me go on a Zoom chat and they told me that I was going to be the representative of Canada.
I was going to be speaking for 15 minutes and I was going to be getting an award.
I said, great.
Sounds fantastic.
They told me to start booking my flight.
I was supposed to be there on the 13th of September.
Then I get a call.
They had started getting pressure from somebody as soon as they heard I was allowed to speak.
They called me back and they said, you're not allowed to talk about the vaccine.
I said, okay, because the whole summit's about alternative treatments.
So I said, that's fine, I'll talk about the alternative treatment.
So with the, so the alternative treatments being so good, we don't need the vaccine.
They said, that's great.
Then they called me back about an hour later, we go, we have another, another
zoom chat.
I said, okay.
They said, well, you're not allowed to say anything about the vaccine.
And you're also not allowed to discuss any form of government civil disobedience.
So you're not allowed to even use your tip phrase United.
Not right.
So they use these events as a mode to get control of activists.
Let's just stop right there.
This is all a test to see if you take money, but let's just stop before we go there.
Cause you're too important.
We're what we're doing is too important to even get into all this stuff.
Explain to people though, if we take the shots, it gets rid of our immune system.
Even the Pfizer rep admits that it's all a plan to get rid of our immune system.
Takeover, have digital passports, the holy grail of control.
Klaus Schwab admits it all.
Let's get back into how we defeat them.
And I see their declaration that we're terrorists as a sign of weakness, Chris.
Yes, they're so desperate.
That's why they're going the terrorism angle.
That's why they're going this angle where you're not going to be able to do anything unless you get vaccinated.
And they're doing it all at once because they want to create a perfect storm and overwhelm us.
Because we're waking people up way faster than they could have ever anticipated.
And not only are people awake, they are pissed off.
I know people that are double jab, wear masks, and the last thing they want is a vaccine passport.
All you gotta do, it's very simple.
You go on strike.
If you're a police officer, doctor, lawyer, frontline worker, nurse, teacher, student, etc.
They try to mandate it.
You just don't show up to work.
You don't show up to school.
It's that simple.
And you march in the streets every single day, decrying your government in front of the world until they put up and shut up.
Because guess what?
That's what United Non-Compliance is.
It's about power to the people.
And the real problem in our country is that every single one of our ridings in our country are occupied by politicians.
These are public sector workers.
These are not people that got affected by the lockdown.
These are people that will support lockdowns because they get paid no matter what.
So that's the problem with our country right now.
It's being run by politicians.
And I'm on my way to Calgary to an award show on the 19th and on the 20th I'm having an event.
It's a private event in Edmonton.
I posted it on all my social media.
Anybody in Canada that's got money, power, resources, and wants to see this end, and is finally ready to get off their ass, get off the sidelines and fight, then you show up there.
Because what's coming next?
Besides these lockdowns, besides these camps, besides all of that, they're going to have our digital currency coming out soon.
So all you crypto guys, all you billionaires that made all that money that are sitting there, what do you think is going to happen when the government makes a digital currency?
They're going to regulate you out of existence and you're going to become the next terrorist.
So you better stand with me now before it's too late.
Business owners that aren't affected, what about your kids?
What about your grandchildren?
This is what we're talking about.
You've got to stand up now and you've got to help people Chris, stay there.
Let's do one more segment.
Chris, don't hang up because you got cut off at the last break and you made a little two-minute prediction.
I totally agree with it.
I want to give you the floor for at least five minutes when I come back to give us the next super viral Chris Sky.
Lay it all out.
You're a charismatic guy and we don't have enough people like you.
And people are listening to you, they're listening to me, and only a few others.
But you're right up there at the top now, and we love you.
Like Tucker Carlson, myself, you, David Icke, a few others.
So you're a real leader.
I want you to just summon your real will, predict the future, put all the lines together, and we come back and lay out what's happening and why we've got to stop it, and how we stop it.
and stay with us. [Music]
Holy Diver! You've been down too long in the Midnight Sea!
Holy diver, you've been down too long in the midnight sea.
Almost becoming of me.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Ride the tiger.
Well, the incredible thing is we have now lived long enough to be in the main New World Order depopulation assault.
And we are going to see major collapse, major war, major death.
And that's why they're so desperate to inject everybody they can up front, because they want to be able to wipe out as many people, get as many people sick as they can, before it comes out they've done this, and then they've got other backup plans.
But instead, 23% of Australia, 20% of Saudi Arabia, I mean, most of the world, less than 10% of India, they're not dumb.
The Chinese aren't taking these shots.
This was for Canada.
This was for the UK.
This was for Australia, New Zealand, for America, because of the Anglo-Saxon ethos.
It's not all white people around the world that rebel and fight and demand freedom, like what happened on the British Isles.
And this is not a white supremacist statement.
The globalists talk about getting rid of Magna Carta, getting rid of the Bill of Rights, getting rid of the Constitution, getting rid of the Arthurian idea that began with a round table, where a king actually listened to his knights and was not at the head of the table.
That is an archetype for the Magna Carta almost a thousand years ago.
You understand?
And so out of that came juries and grand juries and due process and that a man's home was his castle, that a woman's home was their castle.
And all the freedoms we have were paid for by that.
And what did Tony Blair say back when he was Prime Minister in like 1998?
He had the headline, BBC, my goal is to abolish Magna Carta.
Magna Carta is what private property and due process, you think things aren't perfect?
Wait till that's gone.
So they're in direct war with that.
And so it is Western society, and everybody that lives there, you can be black, you can be brown, you can be black, but because you live in a Christian, Arthurian country, despite all the evil, because the Arthurian idea created all the power, so of course evil came and took it over, the Rothschilds and others.
But it is the Arthurian spirit that created this massive wealth and power, and so they are seeking to overthrow it and kill it and poison it, because the rest of the world's not being targeted.
Africa's being targeted for extermination, and then the Western world is.
We're the main target.
I don't know all the answers, but Africa's being targeted, and the Western world's being targeted.
Why is that?
Chris Sky, you've got the floor for the balance of this segment.
You have six and a half minutes.
Tell us.
Lay it all out.
Okay, so first I'll tell you why we're the target, then I'm going to give you two scenarios.
What happens if we keep complying, and what happens if we employ united non-compliance?
And on that last thing is, how we do that.
So the first thing is, why are they targeting the Western world?
Because of what you said, we're the basis of civilization's freedoms.
We're the basis of the capitalist society that became the most successful society, where the individual actually can attain wealth and power.
And that's what they don't want.
They don't want the individual to have wealth and power, because then they can't have total control.
And they already have enough money, When you have that kind of money, what do you want?
So they're doing everything that they're doing to us now for control.
That's the number one point you got to get through to everyone's head that isn't awake.
It's about control.
Okay, Chris Guy was absolutely kicking ass.
We'll go to the next segment.
We have to reconnect with him right now.
Because I want him to lay this out.
People really listen to him and he's dead on.
He's a smart guy.
That's why I get thousands of messages.
Don't talk to Chris Sky.
He's bad.
Same message you get about me.
Oh, don't promote Alex Jones.
Don't be embarrassed to him.
He's not real.
He knew they were going to declare the anti-vaxxers terrorists because he's one of them.
No, they put a damn report out two months ago.
I told you where.
I want you to know what I know.
It's all right there.
The enemy is admitting all of this.
They're throwing it all in your face.
And one way or the other, we're going to get Chris Sky's testimony on here.
But of course, you know, I say, give us the, give us the download.
And, uh, he can say it as good as I can.
He's back.
We'll have to hold him to that.
But you, you, you got cut off right when you were said the Western civilization is under attack because we have the answer to empower the individual.
Please continue.
Okay, so what we've got is power to the individual is what they want to eliminate.
So, if we don't employ united non-compliance and we keep complying with the agenda as we've been doing, every round of vaccine is like their next checkpoint.
That's where they kill off a whole bunch of people, get in a whole bunch of people sick, try to conform a whole bunch of other people, and try to push a bunch more draconian laws.
Canada, U.S.
are the targets.
The rest of the world will follow.
If you keep complying, we're going to have backspeeding passports, we're going to have
door-to-door, we're going to have military on the streets, we're going to have un-backs
going to camps, we're going to have the biggest divide in society we've ever seen, and we're
going to have the permanent loss of our rights and freedoms enshrined into our lives.
That's going to be combined with a digital passport, a digital currency, and a digital
identity which gives them total control of you, that takes you from an individual that
once had power and could attain wealth to an insignificant blip on a screen that they
could eliminate with the flick of a switch.
And that's what they plan to do to many of us.
Because don't be, don't be fooled.
A lot of our jobs are no longer necessary.
They can be done by computers and there's way too many of us.
They call you useless eaters.
That's what happens if you comply.
If you don't comply, we could have a golden or what they're gonna call a crystal age of society.
One where the people have total control over their lives.
One where we have a much higher standard of living with a much lower cost of living.
Much less stress.
Much less centralized control.
And much less control of resources from a few people.
This is what they don't want.
Because they lose their wealth.
They lose their power.
But we will all get a taste of the good life that they've been enjoying.
So how do we do this?
It's called United Non-Compliance.
And that's simple.
Unite and don't comply.
Chris Sky is on fire as usual.
We're going to reconnect with him, have him turn off some stuff on that laptop, where he's sitting in that backyard, that front yard, and we're going to get him on next segment.
Because what he's saying is so key, we're going to clip all this together in a special report we put out, because he's absolutely right.
They know that they have all this free technology, all this free energy technology, that the globalists are trying to suppress.
They know we have that.
And so they need to clamp down, dump people down, create a new dark age, a new Middle Ages now, to keep us from getting this.
And that's what the whole sustainable development, smart cities, just think Nazis.
But think beyond Nazis.
Think absolutely being starved, being controlled.
And they're going to make it harder and harder, by the way, for those of us that tell the truth in the future, to be able to stay on air.
So I need to remember Tell the listeners of this broadcast on this Sunday evening that without your support, we're not going to be here.
So I do need money to fight these people.
I'm a thousand percent, a trillion percent.
Infinity committed here.
But if I don't remember to ask you to buy t-shirts and buy books and buy films and buy high quality supplements, we won't be on the air.
And as you can see, we're more important than ever.
I'm not trying to brag.
The enemy's got all my phones tapped, they know.
I talked to Leaders of governments, all the major talk show hosts, the whole resistance listens to me.
Hell, they call me up and I'm not bragging.
They just say, Jones, you're like the Oracle.
It's not like I'm the general.
I'm like the Oracle they go to and the generals go out from that.
And that's a real blessing to be in this position.
And I'm looking for other people to be in that position as well, because that's how we win, is rising people up who have the spirit to challenge the system.
But I need money to fight this.
So we've got a big special.
Boost your body's natural defenses.
Save up to 50% on these top-selling products.
That's this week's sale.
It must end by Monday or Tuesday, because I don't have a new sale launch yet, so I've got to figure one out.
Pure turmeric liquid extract, back in stock, 50% off, so good for your body.
Dr. Jones Naturals activated charcoal toothpaste, back in stock, 33% off.
Dr. Jones activated charcoal mouthwash and all the essential oils, back in stock, 33% off.
Emrich Essentials hand sanitizers that are all natural and healthy and good without the alcohol.
25% off, 50% off when you try all three.
Eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender.
So protect yourself naturally.
TurboForce, the last day they said to do this, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off.
Vitamin C with zinc, 50% off.
Vitamin D3 with gummies, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, that's coming in two days as well, 50% off.
We'll be right back.
But boost your body's defenses and fund the info war.
We'll be right back.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The globalists, like all other tyrants, have taken the fact that humanity's been asleep as a sign of weakness.
They will find, as the human spirit rises, they won't be facing one Alex Jones.
They'll be facing millions of us.
And we've got black skin, we got white skin, we got brown skin, we got red blood.
And we are ready for victory against their tyranny.
And we are awakening now.
So Chris Sky, doing a great job.
Great activist against tyranny all over the world.
Predicting it all with amazing accuracy.
Repeatedly had his Skype cut out.
He's on the side of the road at a gas station.
He wants to start over with his analysis of what's coming next and how to stop it.
Chris Sky, let us have it.
We got it on phone now, so we got backup audio, so this time they can't cut us out.
So we got two people.
You either comply or you don't comply.
If you comply, This goes vaccine to vaccine, which each one for them is a checkpoint.
People dead, more laws broken, more freedoms taken, until we're rounded up in camps and we're relegated to a little blip on a screen that they can just flip a switch and we're gone.
Individual freedom, gone.
Individual wealth, gone.
The ability for the individual to move up through society, gone.
And then, when they have that kind of control, they're just going to eliminate a whole bunch of us because they don't need those useless eaters.
That's what happens if you comply.
If you choose united non-compliance and we stand up for ourselves, we spark a golden age of society where we will have a standard of living never before even thought achievable with a cost of living completely innocuous.
We could have a good life for everyone on this planet if we manage each country the way we manage a business and that's the problem.
Every country right now is occupied by politicians and every one of these politicians had nothing to lose for the lockdown.
Imagine we had people running the country that would never lock the country down because it would hurt them, it would hurt their families.
That's what we need to do.
We need to restructure society against these lockdowns and if we don't, These type of lockdowns will turn into climate lockdowns, and climate lockdowns will just turn into whatever other lockdown they want.
This is training society to be controlled for perpetual servitude.
And if we don't stand up now, if we don't unite against this, that's what's coming.
Thankfully, we already have.
You saw hundreds of thousands of people in Montreal.
We see millions of people around the world standing up.
We see the average person on the street walking over to me and knowing who I am.
Even telling me to run for Prime Minister.
Because they understand that what I'm preaching is how we get out of this.
United Non-Compliance means You say no to the vaccines.
You take off your mask.
You open your business.
If they try to mandate masks, if they try to mandate vaccines, you go on strike.
I don't care if you're a student, doctor, lawyer, police officer.
I don't care what you do.
You have to care about freedom.
I don't care if you're double jabbed and you're planning a third.
You still have to be care of freedom of choice.
That's what this is all about.
The freedom to make our money, the freedom to live our lives.
And a real leader does not try to manage you.
The real leader will manage the country so you can look after your family and provide for your family and set up a wonderful future for your family.
That's a real leader.
And United On Compliance gives the power to the people so they can do that and open up the avenue for a real leader to take over the country and help manage the country in a way that we can have We don't stand up now.
for generations and we can make these people examples for other people to know
that they could never try this again. And Chris, tell us what happens if we don't
stand up now though. Tell us the horrible future we've got if we don't stand up
now. We don't stand up now. You don't get to stand up. You don't. You get to tell
your children I'm sorry I failed you.
You get to tell your children that they get to spend their life in a camp, or they get to spend their life getting jabbed until they get an adverse reaction.
You get to tell your children that you failed your responsibility to provide them a future.
You failed your responsibility to your country.
You failed your responsibility to yourself.
And if that's what happens, then we deserve everything that happens to us.
But be very, very, very Sure, about what you do next.
Because if you are on the wrong side of history, and I'm speaking to the police officers, I'm speaking to the judges, I'm speaking to the lawyers, you saw what happened after Nazi Germany.
It's going to be like that times a million, because it's going to be all around the world.
And all the suffering that you've put on millions and billions and billions of people for your own personal agenda is going to come crashing down on you.
And you're not going to like how it feels.
If they wanted this to succeed, I'm gonna tell you right now, they should have done it when people like me weren't born, when people like you weren't born.
They chose the wrong time in history to try this shit.
Because I'm not gonna stop, you're not gonna stop, and the millions and millions of people we woke up are not gonna stop until we get our freedom back, we get our lives back.
And Chris, I agree with you.
Listen, listen.
Nationalists and patriots and populists are getting elected everywhere.
They panic.
They launch their operation lockstep.
But they even know we're going to defeat them now.
That's why they're so incredibly desperate.
But how do we, like Jesus or those that follow his example, Mahatma Gandhi or then Martin Luther King Jr., I'm not afraid to be violent.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not afraid of whatever.
But I know they'd use that against us.
They're trying to say we're terrorists.
We're about to blow stuff up because they're assaulting us with poison shots.
They're assaulting us with literal Joseph Mingala Hitler injections.
They are violating the Nuremberg Code.
We have a right to defend ourselves, but they're trying to trick us into confrontation.
Klaus Schwab says, you'll all be very angry and explode.
We will use that for great reset.
How do we, under this assault, not get violent, but like judo, use that energy like Jesus Christ would do against them?
What would Jesus Christ do right now?
I can't say what Jesus Christ would do, but I can tell you what I want to do, and that's spread love, spread compassion.
Come from a place of love.
How can they demonize you?
How can they pretend you're violent?
How can they pretend you're wrong when all you're doing is advocating for freedom of choice?
Go find someone in a mask and give them a hug.
Tell them you love them.
Find someone who's too jazzed and tell them you love them.
That doesn't mean they still believe in the Vax Pass.
That's why they want you to be violent.
They want us to look violent.
They want us to look crazy.
You just have to have the numbers we have.
What kind of violence can they use against 300,000 people?
They're gonna line up the army and tell them to mow everybody down?
You think the army was gonna do that?
The army would turn their guns on the government before And that's my final point, Chris.
You said it perfectly.
I don't defend the Taliban.
They're horrible people.
But that's their country.
They've taken it over.
But they don't comply.
The whole biggest military in the world can't stop the Vietnamese or the Taliban when they don't submit.
Well, how can they make Germany and France and Israel and the UK and Canada and the US and Australia and New Zealand submit to permanent martial law?
That's all we gotta do.
And it's that easy.
I say stop complying and say no now, elect new leaders and then arrest Fauci and Gates
and try them in Nuremberg too and then hang their asses after they're convicted.
That's all we gotta do and it's that easy.
It's really that easy.
That's all it takes.
It takes all of us to do what we did yesterday and keep doing it every day until we get our way and until we hold these people accountable.
That's right.
Just choose freedom.
Stop submitting.
Stop following their orders.
Warn everyone.
Don't comply.
Speak up.
Say no.
Or they admit this is a total dark age.
They're bringing us, Chris.
A hundred percent.
That's what they want to bring.
But guess what?
I'm bringing the light next week.
I'm filing a subpoena against the head of public health in Ontario, my home province, like your state.
And a friend of mine, Pat King, tried this last month in Alberta, and they used some procedural error to squiggle out of it.
But my lawyer has been working with a man by the name of Doug Force, who wrote the original subpoena.
And we're going to be filing it correctly next week.
And it's going to have to bring them into court.
And they're going to have to prove not only the existence of COVID.
They're going to have to prove and justify every one of the laws that they've put against us.
And when they can't, and I go free on all my charges, it's going to set the example for not just Canada, but for all around the world.
I did an interview about it last night.
It lasted on YouTube for about an hour.
But they're not going to be able to stop what's coming because it's going to be public next week.
And when I do it, people in the States are going to do it, and it's going to expose these people.
And this is what's going to start holding them accountable.
Chris Sky!
Chris Sky!
You're censored just like we are.
Where do people find you?
That's where you can get my book as well.
It's called Just Say No.
I'm actually going to have my own social media platform integrated in my website very soon.
You're going to be calling me the new Mark Zuckerberg without censorship and with a soul.
Pretty soon, if all goes well.
Alright, listen, we're out of time.
We're out of time.
Join us again during the weekday show.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Thank you so much.
I love you guys so much.
God bless America.
God bless Canada.
Guys, united non-compliance.
Stand up and save yourselves.
Don't listen to anybody that says they could save you.
It's that simple.
Take victory in your hands.
Owen Schroer with Sunday Live coming up now.
Tell everybody to tune in!
You are the resistance!
Take action!
Get them off your back!
Say no and we will win!
You must take it in your hand!
You must do it!
It's hard to believe we're already halfway into this insane year of 2021.
We're seeing world government, world IDs being announced, forced inoculations.
All the tyranny we warned of is now here.
But on the good side, there is also a global awakening, the likes of which this planet has never seen.
So truly, the battle between good and evil is now front and center.
That's why I want to thank all the viewers, all the listeners for your support, for your word of mouth, for your prayers over the years, because without InfoWars, we'd be in a lot more trouble than we are right now.
So again, thanks for keeping us on the air.
And please take advantage of the big super sale, flash sale we're doing right now at InfoWareStore.com.
A whole bunch of our best-selling products are 50% off despite the fact they're selling out.
That's why it's a flash sale of Boddy's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, our Greens Formula, of course our high-quality Vitamin D3 Formula with Calcium.
Then we have the 1100% of your daily allowance Vitamin C with Zinc.
They're all 50% off at InfoWareStore.com, and the deal has to end in less than a week, so please take advantage of it right now at InfoWareStore.com.
Kim in Las Vegas.
Kim, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Quick plug real quick.
For the Bioseptic Pros, we actually have a fifth wheel, so I bought it for that, and it works great on the gray tank and the black tank.
So those of you that are preparing to bug out when you need to, get it for your rig.
It works fabulous.
I mean, since you called in about that, because we, again, got a guy that owned a patent with an oil company who literally, you know, sells massive amounts of this to finally bring it to the consumer market, so we're really proud of it because it works great and it's innovative, and that is one of the off-label things it can do is for boats and for travel trailers and for RVs.
I mean, we're told that even older systems have gotten gummed up and it's really good at cleaning them out.
What did it do for your system?
I put a tablespoon down my bathroom sink, my kitchen sink, and then about an eighth of a cup into the black tank.
It's great for eliminating the smell.
It seems that everything, you know, flushes out through the hoses and the tank's much more easy, but I really like the fact that it really does a great job on controlling the odor.
Well, that's what we've been told by the folks that developed it over 20 years ago.
This is used at hog farms.
It's used at oil spills.
I mean, this stuff will eat paper.
It'll eat leather.
It'll eat some forms of rubber, but nothing inside your RV.
I mean, it is really, really strong and really, really powerful.
So we're glad that you tried it out.
And yeah, in fact, they've just now launched It's on label now for not just septic tanks, but for everything else.
It's for your boat.
It's for your RV.
It's for your grease traps.
It's for porta-potties.
Oh, and it's bio-drain.
Bio-drain is here now as well.
It's got the little bitty scooper and the directions for each of your drains.
Absolutely eat that sucker out and get it clean.
This is being called a pandemic among the unvaccinated.
This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
A pandemic of the unvaccinated.
This is an epidemic that's occurring in the unvaccinated.
We're seeing a pandemic among the unvaccinated.
This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Pandemic of the unvaccinated.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
We have a pandemic among the non-vaccinated.
We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated.
We could have had this under control.
We were well on our way.
And the only people that you can blame, the only people you can blame, this isn't shaming, this is the truth.
Maybe they should be shamed by the unvaccinated.
We've got to shun folks.
We've got to shun people into getting vaccinated.
We need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated.
The unvaccinated people have put us in the position that we're in now and it is not a good place.
The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.
And they're killing people.
Just 36% of the people in this county are vaccinated.
Every seat is full.
No social distancing or masks.
It's stupid.
Dangerous and stupid.
You gotta start telling people if you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this office or this place of business.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come to work.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this gym.
If you don't get vaccinated, you can't come into this, get onto this airplane.
If you don't If you choose to get vaccinated, you may not come to work.
You may not have access to a situation where you're going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy, where you might kill them.
We're going to do a major vaccination drive for kids 12 years old and up.
Grandparents, call your grandkids.
Tell them they are vaccinated.
Put them on a bus and bring them to a mass vaccination site.
It has nothing to do with freedom.
This has nothing to do with liberty.
You don't have the freedom and the liberty to put other people in jeopardy.
You really need to get vaccinated.
I'm not asking what's in the infusion.
I'm not looking up all of the ingredients in the infusion.
I am sticking out my arm and I am taking the infusion.
Take the vaccine.
Put some rules in place that will demand that people get vaccinated.
We try voluntary.
The voluntary phase is over.
It's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people.
Every day more businesses are implementing their own vaccine mandates.
The Justice Department has made it clear And it is legal to require COVID-19 vaccines.
And then I think a lot of people are going to expect that businesses will be mandating vaccines.
It's time for us to reinstate some of these masking mandates while in the meantime ideally aiming for proof of vaccination so that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
It's time to impose some requirements based on the realities of different risks unvaccinated individuals pose versus those who have been vaccinated.
You want to do business with the federal government, get your workers vaccinated.
You have to have certain rules in a society if we all are going to continue to live and keep each other alive.
You cannot be that selfish and quite frankly, that ignorant.
You have no right not to be vaccinated.
You have no right not to wear a mask.
You have no right to open up your business.
Wait, can I stop you?
No right not to be vaccinated?
Meaning, if they decide you have to be vaccinated, we have to be vaccinated?
And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm.