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Name: 20210810_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 10, 2021
2167 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses a UN document proposing a "shielding approach" during COVID-19 in humanitarian settings and claims that the measures outlined are already being implemented around the world. He also talks about how the US economy is being stalled to collapse, leading to a new socialist communist system, and how Barack Obama's call for a domestic security force is now being implemented in the form of contact tracers. Jones encourages listeners to pray, stay informed, and support InfoWars to resist these globalist efforts. Aaron Babbitt discusses his late wife Ashley Babbitt, who was shot during the Capitol riot, and criticizes the lack of legal action taken against the officer involved. The speaker also promotes off-grid electricity solutions and Faraday cages to protect personal devices from surveillance. They discuss various topics, including free speech, consciousness, recent events in France, Italy's plans to extend vaccine passport requirements, concerns over civil liberties, Swiss police officers threatening to stop enforcing COVID-19 rules, and the use of fear-mongering tactics in a UN report on climate change.

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And so I got up at 2 a.m., and I've been up since 2 a.m., and I read this whole document.
Now, every facet of it is bone-chilling.
But what's even more insane is it's actually being implemented all over the world right now, and this is a UN program, and it describes taking families away from each other, taking children away, and putting you in forced labor.
Now, this is the Cloward and Piven strategy.
It's how you bankrupt an economy, get enough people not to work until productivity collapses, you flood the country with third world population, and finally the social safety net gives out and the state fails.
The police are laid off or fired.
The universities start closing.
We're here.
This is stalling out the engine of the country to collapse it economically, Create such panic that people then accept the new currency, the universal guaranteed income, and then it just gets worse from there.
And then the daily way of life is every neighborhood has a captain over it with armed leftists who are not from your neighborhood.
They come and it says in the document, they're going to then put quote, disadvantaged groups in your home.
And then if you, quote, cause any racial or cultural problems, you'll then be taken to a camp.
So the entire United States is going to be a giant open-air re-education camp, and it says right here that they're going to, quote, take people from diverse backgrounds and put them in your house.
And then it describes how the armed forces are going to be there in the neighborhood, camped out, and then if you don't do what they're told, they're going to come take you away.
So, I want to explain something.
On a scale of a 1 to 10, this is a 10 of evil.
I mean, this is the most hardcore, savage evil takeover ever.
General Austin has about to purge the U.S.
military of anyone that won't take the deadly shots.
That's by design.
Then they're going to start the false flags, and then they're coming.
Obviously won't be on air anymore by the time that happens.
Get ready folks, this is it.
They're getting ready to take us down full war.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
It was 13 years ago that then-Senator and candidate for President Barack Obama uttered
those words in Chicago.
And I have the Pentagon documents, I have the CDC documents, I have them all, but they're now official.
And we know who's launched it, we know how they're going to play it out, and we know who's in command of it.
His name is General Honoré.
He locked down Louisiana and Mississippi and confiscated over 3 million firearms.
They quartered in people's houses illegally, and they shot hundreds of U.S.
citizens and killed them.
He has been put in full command of the martial law collapse of the U.S.
And the new Civil War they're going to launch under the guise of the next COVID lockdown.
And my phone started buzzing at 2 a.m.
this morning, and I don't normally leave my phone on, but I'd forgotten, and it was Eddie Bravo sending me links saying, have you seen this?
And I'd seen pieces of it, but they'd not published the whole thing on the CDC website until about a week ago.
And it's a document they produced last year in July.
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings.
What a nice word for that.
They are now calling it, in the UK, the Happy Pass, when you can't leave your house without a special QR code on your phone.
They call it the Freedom Pass, when you wear bracelets that track where you go in Israel.
And so I got up at 2 a.m., and I've been up since 2 a.m., and I read this whole document.
Now, every facet of it is bone-chilling.
But what's even more insane is it's actually being implemented all over the world right now, and this is a UN program, and it describes taking families away from each other, taking children away, and putting you in forced labor.
Now, this is the Cloward and Piven strategy.
It's how you bankrupt an economy, get enough people not to work until productivity collapses, you flood the country with third world population, and finally the social safety net gives out and the state fails.
The police are laid off or fired.
The universities start closing.
We're here.
This is stalling out the engine of the country to collapse it economically, Create such panic that people then accept the new currency, the universal guaranteed income, and then it just gets worse from there.
And then the daily way of life is every neighborhood has a captain over it with armed leftists who are not from your neighborhood.
They come and it says in the document, they're going to then put quote, disadvantaged groups in your home.
And then if you, quote, cause any racial or cultural problems, you'll then be taken to a camp.
So the entire United States is going to be a giant open-air re-education camp.
And it says right here that they're going to, quote, take people from diverse backgrounds and put them in your house.
And then it describes how the armed forces are going to be there in the neighborhood, camped out, and then if you don't do what they're told, they're going to come take you away.
So, I want to explain something.
On a scale of a 1 to 10, this is a 10 of evil.
I mean, this is the most hardcore, savage evil takeover ever.
General Austin has about to purge the U.S.
military of anyone that won't take the deadly shots.
That's by design.
They're going to start the false flags, and then they're coming.
Obviously, we won't be on air anymore by the time that happens.
Get ready, folks.
This is it.
They're getting ready to take us down full war.
So, This document is so horrible, is so evil, is so draconian, is so historically over-the-top, even in the Orwellian terms they use, that it is shaking me.
When you read this document and you see they've already implemented most of it around the world and now it's coming here, you can see the abject hell That all of us are about to go under with millions of paramilitary leftists in your house, running your life.
No one has studied this at the level I have, other than the enemy that's rolling it out.
And so when I read this, I see all the components.
Facebook came out last year and said, we're going to have a module that's for communal homes.
Even in a small apartment, you'll have to let other families in, and then that's going to be modeled and controlled by Facebook, and you're going to have local community managers that watch you over cameras and systems in your house to make sure you're complying.
And that's now in the infrastructure bill that just passed minutes ago.
They kept the provision in for, by law, all cars to have cameras in it and breathalyzers watching you in live time.
But I'm digressing.
Let me just describe this to you.
This is so thought out, this is so complete, this is so scientific by these behavioral psychologists and these
social engineers that only a total rejection of everything they say and
everything they do on its face can stop it.
Because they are undermining the economy, they are undermining the culture, they are paying people to stay home.
We're now a year and a half into that.
There are giant labor shortages that are causing a global breakdown and mass starvation in the third world.
The UN then organizes those people and brings them here by the millions to be another group they have that will then again implode the economy.
And they're going to have the solution of a new socialist communist system, and it's all described.
You know, people heard two weeks ago, the CDC said, we order, as its own branch of government, not legislative, not executive, not judicial, they just said, we order everyone to get six months more of free rent.
It's been going on for over a year.
And everybody said, well, you don't have that authority sectorally.
And they said, yeah, we do.
And you notice it's ongoing.
It happened.
That's because a national emergency has been declared by Biden and the CDC is the absorption arm because they know that you'll fight FEMA and you'd even fight the military coming to take your guns.
But if it's all done to stop a virus and it's the CDC, well, Operation Lockstep and the Rockefellers say, chances are you will succumb to it.
So let me just calmly, as best I can, lay this out.
My phone started ringing, and I was getting calls at 2 a.m.
last night, because this document hadn't been on the internet in full, even though it's a year old, until just a week or so ago, and folks were sending it to me.
So I got up, I started reading it, and I read the document five times, and I printed off here hundreds of supporting documents.
So you have to understand, everything I tell you here, I have the document that backs it up, where they've already prepared it.
But let's start at the beginning.
Here is Barack Obama, 13 years ago, U.S.
Senator, running for President, saying, we want a domestic security force, a domestic security force, a DSF, Just as big and just as strong as our military.
And you hear that and you go, well, that's ridiculous.
That's preposterous.
How would he do that?
And then he set up the groups that created the core organizations that for 13 years have been preparing this.
And now you will know them as the contact tracers.
And then they'll be backed up by the carbon tracers.
And that's really the next leg of this thing.
Once they get you with that phone to track and trace everywhere you go, and to have to present the phone to even leave your house, to have it scanned by the police and by the new civilian corps that are all these millions and millions of college students that can't get a job because the economy's been shut down and offshored, their new job for 20 bucks an hour is going to be minding you, and it describes in the new CDC battle plan That is the next CDC operation, and you've heard all this from the UN, you've seen it in Australia, you've seen it in Spain, you see it now in the UK, you see it in France, and they announced that, by, isn't it strange, early next year this will be in place, right before the midterms.
As I told you, they're never going to let you have those midterms, to be free and fair.
And so what you see in Australia, what you see in France, I'm going to show you the next segment, That's all coming here now.
Troops on the streets, paramilitary police, and then citizens ratting you out and getting in your face.
And Paul Watson's written an article about it, and I called Paul right off the show, and I said, good job, Paul.
I called him at 3 a.m.
last night.
He was already up, because he's six, seven hours ahead.
And a CDC COVID document discussed relocating high-risk individuals to camps.
That's an interesting headline, but it's way more hardcore than that.
It's official CDC policy says millions of Americans who don't even have a disease are sick, but because they're poor, or because they are old, they're going to be put in, quote, green zone camps, and they'll have to, quote, work to earn their living in the camp.
And actually call them camps.
So here's Obama 13 years ago.
We continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Now I'm begging you to simply go to InfoWars.com and to go read the first paragraph.
It has a link to the document.
The document is only about nine pages long, but it's very fine print.
And I want you to read this for yourself.
And if it doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, nothing will.
It describes breaking up families.
It describes How they're going to cordon off every neighborhood, every town.
And then we've got the federal training manuals where they're training to lock down rural areas and how to permanently set up checkpoints.
They're building huge quote, residential centers all over Europe and all over the UK.
And now in the United States, they're also starting to set these up.
And when locals ask, what are they for?
The local paper says, well, it's for the new way of life, battling COVID.
It doesn't matter how many scientists come out and say it's the vaccine killing people, like the viral video out of Indiana of the medical doctor, the COVID doctor, who just devastated him in a six-minute presentation.
We're going to play that at the bottom of the hour.
And of course, they're trying to take his license now.
They're on the news saying, you question us?
You'll lose your license.
I mean, this is a corporate world government takeover, and they need an excuse for martial law, an excuse to lock down every town and every city, and it describes all the sectors.
It says you will have the household HH level, but you will have local block captains that mind you and inspect your home and place other families with you.
And by the way, when you go to the United Nations right now, I never aired this report.
I should have.
I put it on Mandot Video.
I went to the UN.
I don't know why I didn't air it.
I just don't air all of my reports and I'm sick of looking at me, but... You go there and there's these big giant signs saying, Global Reset.
Nanotech will take over your bodies.
Communes instead of cities.
And then it shows the communes and it looks like a concentration camp.
And it says your family will live in a dirt-floored bunker.
And you will own nothing and have nothing.
And you're like, well that's dystopic.
It's the psychology where they just flip it on you.
And here's the thing.
Again, they're destroying the economy so it collapses so all these people are going to want to go to these places because they won't have any food or water or medicine and then it just normalizes all these giant open-air prisons.
That's why they've normalized all the homelessness.
This is so diabolical.
Yeah, we're not the planet of the apes.
We're the planet of the slaves.
News is moving so fast, my head is spinning.
Can we put back on screen, please, the live show feed name so people can share it?
There it is.
Rent alert, emergency broadcast, CDC announces plan to put millions of Americans in forced labor camps.
I'll be reading the document here in a minute, but just think about, again, two weeks ago, they're like, oh, no one can be kicked out for not paying their rent for another six months.
People say, we don't have that authority, but notice it's still just ongoing.
Because this is martial law.
This is civil emergency.
The CDC is the vehicle for total control, forced inoculations, digital passports.
Everything we told you was coming, and people are like, but this is authoritarian.
Yeah, once they finally make their move, everything collapses very quickly.
And Cloward and Piven did not invent this, just like the Stockholm Syndrome was not invented or didn't exist until researchers in the 60s saw examples of people that had been kidnapped and tortured by bank robbers, who would then start identifying with their captors.
That's been going on since humans have been around, but we call it Stockholm Syndrome.
That's the name.
And it's the same thing for what's going on right now.
We can give all this new names, but it's classic to say we can lock up whoever we want, we can take away whoever we want, there's no due process.
And Cloward and Piven was a husband and wife team of sociologists, economists, who were communists.
This is a public plan, and it was endorsed by the Democratic Party by the 70s.
To bankrupt the social welfare net by bringing in so many foreigners, having so many regulations on businesses, paying people not to work, until society fell apart and the capitalist system was destroyed.
And it's the ultra-rich that are now doing this because they're offshore and tax-exempt.
So this whole thing is the endgame of a very serious, deadly takeover, where the ruling class wages economic war and cultural war on us and divides us and conquers us.
It's very, very simple.
And it's happening now.
But when you look at the largesse of the project and how huge it is and how they camouflage every part of what they do, As a humanitarian action.
Now, internally, they don't call it that.
Let me show you a couple documents here.
Here's the main article that has it linked in it, so anybody can go get this.
Get stuff like this while you still can.
CDC COVID document discussed relocating high-risk individuals to camps.
And that's a nice headline by Paul, and I love Paul, but it's much worse than that.
CDC document lays out plan to relocate millions of people in forced labor camps.
Because it says you're going to work in these camps. Of course,
it was all free to sit there and watch Netflix before, but now you're going to work.
Here's the actual document. Interim operational considerations for implementing
the shielding approach to prevent COVID-19 infections in humanitarian settings. And it
says if you're old or poor, that means black, you are going to be put in a green zone work camp.
But it's almost worse if you live in a house, you will then take families into your house.
So they've got the home program, household HH level, Then you've got operational considerations, and the shielding document in each green zone has dedicated latrine, bathrooms, all of it.
It describes breaking up families, taking them away, who don't even have the COVID.
Since they've thrown all logic out the window, why even say they have COVID?
Man, this is so evil.
And it's what you already see in France and Australia and everywhere else.
And the monitoring protocols and men and women, individuals with tuberculosis and blah, blah, blah.
Green zones should be more spacious in terms of shelter area per capita than surrounding camp sector, even at the cost of greater crowding of low risk people.
Oh, so don't worry, the high-risk people that they're having to totally lock up, they get a more spacious area in the camp.
I mean this this reads like Kurt Vonnegut satire.
Talks about how to take children away from their parents and require additional
care and who will take care of your children.
Isn't that great?
And how to break the families up.
Now let's look at it.
Here is FM3-39.40.
We got this document.
The Army leaked it to us one year after we got it.
People didn't believe it was real.
The Army officially admitted it was real.
Internment and Resettlement Operations.
This was launched under Obama.
And it's how to round up Americans and put them in camps.
The whole thing's declassified.
You can see here where it says, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.
And I was Senate when it was a secret document.
And we put it out.
And... Then a year later, the military admitted it was real.
And here's the latest Mark Dice video.
Shock video.
Americans sign petition.
To arrest Trump supporters who they say stole the election.
So they say, yes, arrest people for saying with them stole the election.
That's the majority of people he talked to in California.
So that's what this is.
And here's the Cloward-Piven strategy, if you want to understand that.
A political strategy outlined in 66 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven.
Go read it!
The plan, and the focus on Democrats, how to bankrupt society to take communist control.
So that society breaks down their main mission, get rid of the single-family home, and get rid of male leadership.
There'll be males running the camps.
They just don't want any men that could stand up or organize against them, because, my God, this is what men are built for, is to say no to something like this.
Now let me show you, just going out to break, what's happening.
Let's do it when we come back.
In Australia and in France, because exactly what you see there will now be here by next year.
It's already being beta tested in blue city controlled sectors.
And they're putting pressure on their own politicians and minions to carry all this out or they'll be removed for all the dirt they've got on each one of them.
And that's breaking.
Andrew Cuomo resigns following sexual harassment allegations after New York
governor faced mounting pressure to quit.
He's not in trouble for killing 20,000 old people sending sick patients into
nursing homes under the UN's directive.
No, no, no.
It's for hitting on women, which I'm not saying is a good thing for a married governor to do, but on a scale of 1 to 10, it's about a 2.
And killing old people knowingly is about a 12.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
All I can tell you is, here's the big news.
This has all been theoretical and tested out by the UN and other countries, by the CHICOMS and others, but now they're going operational in the West with actually setting up camps everywhere and taking all our guns and killing us.
So just get ready for that.
All right, Erin Babbitt, Ashley Babbitt's very articulate husband, is going to be joining us in the third hour today.
And I've already covered a lot of this number one news story that is the story of the fact that we're being incrementally put into martial law.
We're already under martial law.
Regular laws have been suspended.
The CDC is being given dictatorial power via FEMA and President Biden to do whatever they want.
And the insane document.
But you notice the crew just search engines things I say.
And so I'm talking about Democrats want a civilian Security force just as big and just as strong as the military.
I said that at the start of the show.
And I said phase two of the civilian military force that Obama was pushing in 2008
is going to be environment police that go around and check your phone to make sure you're
calibrating it and scanning every purchase and everything you do to pay carbon taxes.
I know that because Klaus Schwab said so.
But oh, let's just say Klaus Schwab doesn't run things.
Well, the crew just found an article from a couple months ago I didn't even know about.
AOC Democrats want to create civilian corps to battle climate change.
A 1.5 million strong group of Americans to join a civil climate corps.
Now what did I say at the start of the show?
You're going to have a multi-million person climate corps.
You're going to have a multi-million person, bigger than the U.S.
military, COVID corps.
And then you're going to have the new National Police, known as the Capitol Police, that go around looking for political threats and targeting people, then the Democratic Party suing everyone, and then collapsing the economy and making you, under emergency edicts, take people in your home.
You go, well, I won't put up with that!
But once you're in a depression, you will, because they'll say, we're going to forgive your mortgage for now, you've just got to house people.
And again, then they can politically control what you do.
And it's all in this plan.
So if you want to destroy America, you've got to destroy the culture, the economy, and people's independence.
And my God, in these documents, it describes how to take over farms and ranches.
And when I've sat there and read what happened in Venezuela and Cuba and North Korea and China and Russia and Eastern Europe, places like Poland, Hungary, Romania, ladies and gentlemen, this is happening here now.
And it tears my guts out.
I mean, this is a communist playbook with big tech sensors and phones as your high-tech papers.
And then, it's not just like the Soviets are going to take over, you can still have a wife and children, or a husband and children.
They're not going to let you have families, and they're going to take your children away for gender reassignment, they say in the CDC documents.
We're going to have to fight.
But every time we fight, they're going to blow up a truck bomb at a school or something and say we did it, and blame it on us.
Every time we resist having our kids taken, they'll just commit a crime and say we did it.
That's how they control the mainstream media, so they can commit atrocities and say we did it.
The only really good chance we've got of avoiding a lot of this is for people like Senator Paul and Senator Cruz and everybody else to do what Tucker Carlson's done and realize that we're telling the truth here and get hardcore and rally people against this and to absolutely stop the election fraud they're gonna try to pull next year and more.
And really get serious about these people and start having our own civil disobedience and not minding one damn thing they say.
I mean, if they get us on the leash, if they get the ball and chain on us, if they get us in those handcuffs and tie up our legs and feet, they got us.
And that's what a digital domestic passport is.
They're going to build the carbon tax climate core on.
And then it's Katie bar the door.
I mean, This is going to be horrible.
And if you resist, you're a racist.
And if you resist, the Climate Corps people that come to your house, one'll be white, one'll be black, one'll be Hispanic, you'll be put on the news that, well, this man was shot and killed, he didn't let the climate force on his farm, and he didn't take refugees, so they had to take the racist out.
You can be black, you can be white, they're gonna kill you.
And they're training to kill you.
And I know a lot of big gun stores here in Austin, the owners have told me, they said, don't say our name, but it's the three or four I've talked to.
When the left comes into these gun stores, these shooting ranges, people say, what are you getting guns for?
And they say, we're getting ready to take out the Trump people.
And so, and I've got all the UN clips saying, we're coming in your house and we're gonna take your kids out.
Well, that's the UN talking.
They've done it all over the world.
Now it's in a CDC document here in America.
All right, so I'm behind.
I'm not behind.
I've been saying a lot of important things, but I need to play clips of what it's going to look like here from Australia, from England, from France.
And I need to play this doctor who's done the best job yet in just six and a half minutes at an Indiana Mount Vernon city council.
And it's going to be doctors like this speaking up that are going to turn the tide as well.
It's going to be farmers and ranchers and machine shop owners and police officers and just pastors.
But I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, you better get going now.
What we saw from Rand Paul is the spirit of what we need.
This is an attack.
This is a fraud.
These are criminals.
Reject them.
But he's got to go further that they've captured the military leadership.
They're now purging the military, they're now purging the police, they're doing everything you do in a takeover, and they're admittedly doing a takeover, and they're paying people not to work to permanently shut down the economy so that people don't have a choice but to submit to this because they don't know any better.
That's how the communists get control.
They shut the damn food off.
Again, every bit of my energy, because I'm not a coward, but I love my children and my family, and I don't like putting them in harm's way.
And every bit of my energy is holding myself here still on air and not selling every damn thing I got and just disappearing.
Of course, I know they're going to hunt me down particularly, so there's no point.
The best place for my family is at the front line, top of the mountain, fighting them, trusting in all of you.
But my flesh, my spirit's willing, my flesh, Is Jones, you need to get down because this is bad.
This is guaranteed.
They're making their move.
You can guarantee we're not going to be on the air next year if we don't stop this now.
You can guarantee they're going to start coming to your house.
You can guarantee they're coming for your guns.
You can guarantee they're going to give your neighbors credits on their debit card if they lie about you and turn you in.
You can guarantee in two years a lot of you are going to be in forced labor camps or dead.
I mean this is the real deal!
Like you hear banging on the door at 2am and you get up and some big guy just broke through your door with a gun.
You're not happy it happened, but he's there.
What are you going to do?
You going to get on the ground in a fetal position and hope he doesn't tie you and your wife up and rape you and kill you?
Or are you going to just...
Wish you had a gun at the ready, huh?
Maybe you did have a gun at the ready.
Maybe you got a baseball bat.
The point is it's better to be prepared now.
Because I got footage of police viciously beating men, women, and children all over the world while their borders are wide open.
And these police will take you to a FEMA camp in 10 seconds.
These are followers.
These are soulless people in blue cities.
So the police can be good if they're constitutional, but the minute the left runs them, they are cancer.
So you're not going to be able to count on them.
I'm going to go to break, and I'm going to come back and lay all this out.
And I'm not trying to be doom and gloom for everybody.
I just have to understand, this is a real takeover.
It's happened.
Oh, we have some very, very, very, very, very exciting news.
And by the way, as negative as I've been, I meant to start the whole show off with, there's a way to stop this.
But you have to know what that is.
You have to know how much trouble you're in before.
There's any shot to turn this around.
I mean, the whole point in beating it is to admit that it's bad.
You understand?
Like Owen was in Missouri for a week visiting family plates, golf with folks, this and that.
And he said they still think this is America.
They don't know it's a globalist communist takeover.
They don't know we're in the middle of a full swing takeover.
They don't know we're in the middle of a damn war.
So I intend to be on air in a year, and I intend to hold these people off.
They may swallow up the rest of the world, but I believe America and certain states in our system, we're going to be able to stop these people.
But it's going to be an incredible fight, politically and energetically.
And it's going to take banner hangs and protests and non-violent civil disobedience, and it's going to take money.
Speaking of that, it's been sold out for months, and thank God the supply chain finally worked for a minute.
We got a limited amount of the Dr. Jones Naturals Activated Charcoal Mouthwash with all the essential oils.
Such a great, clean, quality mouthwash.
It gets back in stock.
And we also have the toothpaste back in stock.
Activated Charcoal Toothpaste.
Everybody wanted.
Natural, fluoride-free.
Gently cleanses teeth.
Fresh breath.
Thank you all for your support.
And real peppermint.
It's available at InfoWarsTore.com.
We got a bunch of new t-shirts.
Everybody likes t-shirts.
They're sold all over Amazon, everywhere else with a bunch of my faces on them acting goofy.
Got a nice black and white shirt came in with that.
Got some new Trump 1 shirts that came in that are really good looking.
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If you want to understand how communists are funded by the ultra-rich, just study history.
And communists, when they take over a country, they go and sit over all the means of production to totally control the society and bring them under their will.
That's now being prepared and set up here with this global climate emergency.
They can move groups of leftists around the country and give them free, quote, green housing to then take control of any district they want.
This is very sophisticated.
This is a military attack.
And this bombshell CDC document has been put out describing how they're going to force relocate even healthy people into forced labor camps.
Yes, that's the information, but here's a little boil down of exactly what we're facing.
We'll be back in the next segment to lay it all out here today.
Hey, did you know?
95% of the hospitalizations in Israel are people vaccinated?
Hey, did you know 99.9% of people hospitalized in Australia are injected?
That's not a Delta variant.
That's what they were injected with.
141 people are in hospital with COVID at present and 43 are in intensive care, 18 of whom require ventilation.
So this is a very serious disease.
Of those 141, 60 are under the age of 55 and 28 under the age of 35.
All but one, um, vaccinated one person has just received one dose of vaccine.
But there comes a time when you're dealing with a public health crisis
that could involve you, your family and everyone else, that something supersedes that need to do exactly what you
want to do.
Permanent martial law is being established.
The chains are going on.
Lockdown 2 is being incrementally activated.
But this information now in front of us is 100% documented, completely clear and is very paradoxical.
Very paradoxical because it is actually the National Health Services that are reporting the data.
And then it's completely being ignored by the media.
And they continue to move forward with it.
And what am I talking about?
It's just dumb founding.
Remember Israel three weeks ago said, we're getting new breakthrough cases in people that are vaccinated.
Then they said, yeah, the majority of people that are really sick have had the inoculation.
And then other countries reported the same thing all over the world, same numbers.
Now remember what did Fauci say three weeks ago?
100% or 99% of the people sick or dying didn't have the shot.
And you just heard that lie.
And Congress said, where's the numbers on that?
You don't get Put your mask back on, take your shot!
It's like Chucky, I got my shot, I got my shot for you.
FDA approved.
And then Saki says like, no, it's not.
Yeah, it is.
Dang it.
According to Dr. Fauci, of the nearly 10,000 COVID related deaths in the United States
last month, more than 99% were from unvaccinated people.
We're going to see, and I've said almost two types of America.
You know, those regions of America which are highly vaccinated, and we have a low level of dynamics of infection, and in some places, some states, some cities, some areas, where the level of vaccination is low and the level of virus dissemination is high.
That's where you're going to see the spikes.
Oh, you're very sick now.
Let me go back to my laboratory where we torture dogs to death, or babies.
Okay, now yesterday we keep babies alive, Fauci does, while we get the organs.
If Dr. Anthony Fauci thought Rand Paul was mad at him, wait until the animal activists see this.
A new report shows that under Fauci's direction, the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease funded painful and deadly experiments on dogs to the tune of more than $400,000.
According to the White Coat Waste Project, researchers used biting flies to infect dozens of healthy beagles with parasites to test an experimental drug.
Records show the dogs endured months of pain, and once researchers were done with them, they were killed.
I've got more for you!
I love my laboratories where we torture beagles to death, though.
But we sit here and go, oh, oh, it's, it's the Delta variant.
Oh, yes.
So then the Delta variant only attacks those that are inoculated, right?
No, it's the vaccine doing it.
That's not even two plus two equals four, ladies and gentlemen.
A lobotomized three-year-old could understand that.
We are now into our number two.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
We've known what's unfolded across the world.
We've seen martial law declared under U.N.
We've seen treatments for regular viral infections suppressed to jack up death tolls.
We've been locked away, not able to see our elderly families in nursing homes on a planetary scale, seeing record levels of them killed via lack of care.
We've seen our borders wide open during all this.
Now we see the so-called vaccines killing massive numbers of people, and then they tell those that have taken it, sorry, it doesn't protect you.
You still lose your rights as well.
So always, give up your rights, you'll get freedom back.
Oops, sorry, give up more rights, you'll get your freedom back, when that's an oxymoron.
Those who will give up liberty or security deserve and will get neither, as Benjamin Franklin said.
And so I spent most of the first hour on this report.
CDC COVID document discusses relocating high-risk individuals to camps.
And that's an important headline from Paul, but it doesn't even go there.
It's not strong enough.
Paul's hosting the 4th Hour, they'll do a splendid job.
It says it's an official battle plan, and it talks about taking healthy people and putting them in forced labor camps, and then giving the at-risk homeless and others nicer areas in the camp.
And how those that are allowed to keep their homes will have to have environmental core people, along with COVID individuals, the COVID core, in your house, bringing other families in that live with you.
I mean, the same stuff you saw with the open borders in Europe, and bringing in the tens of millions of Muslims, and kicking people out of their hotels and putting the Muslims in, and telling the hotels you got to pay for it.
This is economic war using migrants, using economic shutdown, using the fear of the virus.
And now the Pentagon says, we're going to start in September 15th, a little more than a month out, forcibly inoculating with an experimental shot the US military, despite the fact that there's laws against it, and they've been reprimanded and had to stop it in 2000.
And in 1990-1991 with the anthrax shots.
Pentagon pulls trigger.
We'll order all troops to get COVID vaccines by September 15th under threat of court-martial.
And they want to trick you.
If you do it verbally and refuse that order to that person, you can be court-martialed.
But if you do it up to the chain of command with written letters, it's got to be done properly.
Then you will be in a key case to overturn this next attempt at biological rape with this dangerous shot, which again, they admit, doesn't protect you and lowers your immune system.
This is all Tuskegee Experiment 2.0, but on a mass scale.
And I'm going to talk more about that coming up in a few minutes.
Here's an article out of the Military Times.
Troops refused anthrax shot paid a high price.
Do they get to keep their lives, though?
In a narrow decision, court holds dishonorably discharged veterans may be denied gun and bullet ownership.
See, that's the plan, to dishonorably discharge you.
We're going to be laying all that out.
But first, because now I didn't even know this, I said, First hour, I said, the plan will then be on top of this COVID Corps, there'll be several million people that come to your house and control your life, and then literally set up checkpoints all over the highways, the roads, cordoned off every neighborhood, every town, everywhere will be cordoned off with these new federal individuals who are just social workers with guns.
So they're not gonna get rid of the police, they're gonna shift them over to be the force of these guys.
And in this document, it just describes it all, it's so hellish.
So what you see happening over in Australia is what they're now beta testing to bring here, and it's now coming here.
And it's all going to be for the midterm elections, and they're going to turn on Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioting again, and anybody that protests against more lockdowns, Antifa's going to come shoot you and attack you.
They're the brown shirt foot soldiers.
So the communist model's being used by megabanks, and they're going to make a serious run at this country.
And they describe how they're going to put the Environmental Corps and how they're going to put the Climate Corps and the COVID Corps in your houses.
And that's what they do.
They just move in, set up tents, and then the military is at your house.
Like, well, that'll never happen.
Well, I made a whole film called Police State 4.
After Katrina, showing General Honore lock down two states, confiscate guns in five cities, move into people's houses.
And now they've announced, they're announcing the new civilian corps to battle climate change, and they are going to be moved, I've got all the articles right here, under the stimulus package that just passed today, billions of dollars per city, millions per small town, to move COVID and environmental corps into your town!
Who will then spy on you, watch you, have control of the police, have control of the feds, and then they'll have the voting block and the machines to make sure they then take your town over.
So now, you think they've just taken the blue cities?
They've just taken the blue states?
Now they're expanding with their invasion forces, and all the major universities are suing the police, and suing publishers, and suing radio broadcasters.
I mean, I have Georgetown.
With elements of the CIA connected groups literally suing me in Virginia and their goal is to quote bankrupt us and shut us down.
All because we sent reporters and covered.
That whole thing in Virginia.
And they lie about us in the lawsuit and say we said things we didn't even say?
They don't care.
So it's all the institutions, with all the banker money, waging war.
The ruling class, the big banks, Hollywood, the EU, the Fortune 100, big tech just... You're gonna take shots, military, that are experimental.
You're gonna move people in your house.
We're gonna open the borders up.
We're gonna...
We're going to do it all.
So let me show you what's coming.
At least in Australia, they speak out against it.
Imagine you pull into a small town to get groceries and aggressive police run up.
I want to scan your phone to make sure you're not more than three miles away from your house.
You're going to be arrested.
Let me just show you hours of just arrogant, angry police, just like piranhas or like wolves attacking a sheep, just attacking people physically.
Here it is.
Look at this beautiful city of Fairfield.
Multicultural hub of Sydney.
It's crawling with military again.
The military of Australia.
We've got troops walking around.
Way back at work.
Senior Constable B. Woods.
Stop by the police if you're a radio listener.
For not wearing a mask in his car.
All good?
Not yet, mate.
Before when you pulled over, I know we would ask if you, before you pulled over to put your mask on.
I said I don't need to.
You said you had a medical exemption but then you didn't speak to us any further and you drove off, mate.
I wasn't detained, was I?
Was I detained?
I wasn't detaining you.
Well I drove off because I wasn't detained.
I was asking if you had a medical exemption.
So now you're detaining me.
So now you need to show me your medical exemption, okay?
Knock yourself out.
Thank you.
For not wearing a mask.
I think the cops have their own game.
This is medical tyranny.
You're a dirty human.
Look at these cops.
You can't drive in your car through the checkpoint without your mask.
Cover your face, dirtbag!
I don't want to see your filthy piehole.
Welcome to the police state.
I think you're playing games.
I think you're wasting police resources.
You're wasting police resources.
Mate, you're inciting.
There you go, that's how you win.
That's how you win it, ladies and gentlemen.
When we come back, I'll show you the footage out of France where the police are walking
over and like poking people.
I mean, just third world slimy, North Korea slimy, and they hold up their little phones
and they scan them so they can drink coffee in an outdoor cafe.
Oh, but remember, it was never coming.
It was never going to happen.
It was in all the battle plans.
It was all there.
I told you a year ago.
Now it's here.
Now they're going to do it here this year and next year.
It's all an official plan.
It's not in a COVID document discussing it.
It's a battle plan.
And we're just going to sit here and watch these terrorists do this by declaring us terrorists because of what's in our bodies, saying we're all dirty and bad, when most of these leftists are pedophiles.
And they can't wait to get your children.
They talk about they're going to take your children from you, and they're going to be yours.
Now, yes.
All right, let's jump straight into it.
I got a lot of clips and a lot of news to get to ahead of Ashley Babbitt's very articulate, informative, and it's very sad to hear him speak, husband.
I saw him on with One of the guest hosts Sunday night, after I did my show four to six, they had a guest host on and she had him on and I sat in my office watching it for 30 minutes and actually got a tear in my eye because just the humanity of this guy and the theme of what they did to her and then how they demonized her.
And now Shapiro basically said she deserved to die.
It's just so disgusting.
So that's coming up.
The strength of what the Globalist is doing is that it's so over-the-top, so evil, that people can't believe it's happening.
I have a tendency to get down on the weeds and show you all the proof instead of just
make the big announcements and statements.
But let me try to quantify something here before I get to these next clips.
The strength of what the globalists is doing is that it's so over the top, so evil,
that people can't believe it's happening.
And it also operates covertly while also being out in the open
in that they name everything different from what they're actually doing.
But what they're doing will create poverty and enslavement and really sabotage of society where it doesn't work.
And that's being done to create a post-industrial world.
So this looks destructive and destroying property and destroying wealth.
It's designed to.
And that's what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and them talk about.
So, this is what's happening.
100% there's no debating it.
And in their intellectual circles, that's what they're doing.
They've made the decision to play the part of the destructor in nature.
They claim to create a survival of the fittest paradigm to save the earth.
But they themselves are extremely degenerate and very satanic and extremely predatory.
But they've self-appointed themselves Guardians of the Earth, when really they're the ones destroying it.
And so, you look at the public, and you see how dumbed down they are, and you see them buying into some of this, or you see them too lazy to stand up, and you gotta understand, they're in a trance.
They've been raised to be followers from birth.
They're not leaders.
It's up to those of us that are aware and have a connection to God, and understand what's really going on, To be leaders.
And I saw that in the video yesterday by Senator Paul.
It's 50% of where we need to go, compared to other people that are going 10% of where we need to go.
And if he just calls out Klaus Schwab and says this is all a power grab and a criminal agenda, just like he called out the Wuhan lab, it's true and it will devastate the enemy.
It's that simple.
And people have to understand, just from a laziness factor, if they successfully implode the economy and turn us into a third world war zone, which is already happening all over the planet, our lives are going to be living hells very, very soon.
And so, this is about survival.
You can intellectually debate, are there too many people, and this or that, but for 99% of us, 99.9%.
It's not the 1% has 80% of the wealth.
It's one-tenth of one-tenth of a percent that has like 70%.
80% of the wealth. It's one-tenth of one-tenth of a percent that has like 70%.
Hell, if you got $200,000, you know, a year that you're paid, you're in the 1%.
That's not who runs things.
It's the globalists that control trillions, and they are at war with us, and they admit they're at war with us, and they're totally insulated on their private Fiji Islands, and their Hawaiian Islands, and in Tasmanian Island, and in all these places.
While they do this to us, and now they've locked all those islands down they control, and they're gonna try to sit it out while they collapse us and basically kill us.
And I guess the argument is, well, what are all these extra people doing?
Go ahead and let them have a shot that doesn't protect them and grows prions in them so they'll slowly die.
And then the hospitals owned by the globalists will suck all the money out of them while they die.
But to see the magnitude of this premeditated evil is just stunning.
And to show the UN running around, showing fires, and showing earthquakes, and showing locusts, and saying, it's the end of the world!
Give us full power!
Let the robots take over!
It's nothing but a power grab.
And people need to have solidarity and realize that, and come together and realize it's the globalists that dump all their toxic waste in the third world.
It's the globalists that suppress the third world.
You know, let's roll that video with audio.
You guys are just rolling in a moment.
The people at the French cafes outside trying to drink espresso, and the military and the police, and then in other videos it shows just bureaucrat minders come over and start scanning their phones, and the police Take their phone.
Without gloves, the dirtiest thing somebody's got is their phone.
Something like 99% of them have feces on them.
The most bacteria.
It's as dirty as somebody's mouth.
You might as well just be kissing somebody's ass or their mouth.
You might as well just bend that woman over and stick your face right up there.
I'm serious.
But it's all theater.
It's all crap.
Here's the cop grabbing the phone to scan it and see if she's allowed to be out.
And she subserviently looks up like, I'm good.
I took my shots.
And now they're like, that's not good enough, more shots, more.
Most of the people in the hospital now in Israel, almost everyone that took the booster is now sick with COVID.
It's not COVID, it's the shot.
How many shots will you take each time you get sicker when the literature shows that?
But it's all an exercise in absurdity because people won't admit under mass Stockholm syndrome that they're under attack.
So here's the French video.
There's a bunch of it.
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Go ahead, roll it.
Now they're going to tell you for carbon reasons you're not authorized to travel unless your phone says so.
And they admit that's where this is all designed to do.
It's now been announced.
I was saying soon, the first hour, they will announce that you've got to have this for your carbon ratio, and then I didn't know it had already been announced.
When the crew found articles.
So, remember, the borders are open on Europe.
They're being totally flooded.
No-go zones everywhere, just like here in the U.S.
But there are the French compliant showing this to be able to go to a restaurant.
Didn't think it would happen?
It's here.
And then once that gets put in place, then they have new shutdowns.
Say your business is not essential.
It goes bankrupt, but it's okay.
They're going to give you money, but there won't be as many people growing crops or fixing cars.
I know all these people that own RVs.
Nobody can fix them.
Nobody comes to work.
Nobody can get their jet ski fixed.
Nobody can get their tractor fixed.
Nobody can get a plumber out to their house.
Nobody can get their house roofed.
It's the breakdown by design.
And then once the resources plunge, oh, we're forming the environmental work co-ops!
Where you're gonna go work in work brigades.
Or you're a lovely young lady, you can come up to the local commandant's office and you can serve us drinks at the officer's club.
And then the only person in your family raising money will be your daughter, who'll be a prostitute now for the military.
Yep, that's how it works.
All right, so, it's an endless lockdown.
It's world government, it's world IDs.
It'll be the basis of a global carbon tax that tracks you in lifetime, and taxes everywhere you go, everything you do.
And that only allows you to travel or move when it says you are allowed to.
So they're skipping right ahead to the technocracy, right ahead to the end game of the whole program.
And there has been a very powerful video that's gone viral.
I got sent this probably 30 times yesterday.
I meant to get to it, didn't get to it.
I want to air it now here on the Alex Jones Show.
From Mount Vernon school board meeting, Dr. Dan Stock, of McCordsville, Indiana, recently appeared at the Mount Vernon School Board meeting as a medical doctor to educate members of the School Board on the science behind COVID-19 vaccines and masks.
And this video needs to go viral.
It's posted at InfoWars.com and Band.Video, but here it is.
Dr. Dan Stock, 5777 West Seminole North, McCordsville, Indiana.
To address your comment about, gee, it's hard to believe we're 18 months into this and still having a problem, and I would suggest the reason we still have a problem is because we're doing things that are not useful, and we're getting our sources of information from the Interstate Board of Health and the CDC, who actually don't bother to read science before they do this.
I'm actually a functional family medicine physician.
That means I am specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation.
And everything being recommended by the CDC and the State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.
So things you should know about coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses, they are spread by aerosol particles, which are small enough to go through every mask.
By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we presented to you.
It's been given to the Secretary.
As a matter of fact, it quotes at least three studies sponsored by the NIH to that exact fact, even though the CDC and the NIH have chosen to ignore the very science that they paid to have done.
That is why you keep struggling with this, is because you cannot make these viruses go away.
The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long, waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease.
Because they cannot be filtered out, and they have animal reservoirs, and this is a very important point, no one can make this virus go away.
The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did smallpox, where we could make a virus go away.
Smallpox had no animal reservoirs.
The only thing it learned to infect was humans.
That's why we were able to make that virus go away.
That will not happen with this any more than it will with influenza, the common cold respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviral respiratory syndromes, or anything else that has animal reservoirs.
So the reason you can't do this is because you're trying to do something which has already been tried and can't be done.
Equally important is that vaccination changes none of this, especially with this vaccine.
And I would hope this board would start asking itself, before it considers taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH, and the State Board of Health, why we are doing things about this that we didn't do for the common cold, influenza, or respiratory syncytial virus.
And then ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer when respiratory viral syndromes don't do that?
And to help you understand that, you need to know the condition that is called antibody-mediated viral enhancement.
That is a condition done when vaccines work wrong, as they did in every coronavirus study done in animals, on coronaviruses after the SARS outbreak, and done in respiratory syncytial virus, where a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual Done the wrong way, which is why it cannot be done right for a respiratory virus which has a very low pathogenicity rate, causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection.
And that is why you are seeing an outbreak right now.
In fact, in that flash drive you're going to have coming to you and in the emails with six extra mobile studies showing it, 75% of people who had COVID-19 positive symptom cases in Barnstable, Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated.
Therefore, there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated any differently than any person unvaccinated.
You should also know that no vaccine, even the ones I support and would give to myself and my children, ever stops infection.
In 2014, there was outbreak of mumps in the National Hockey League.
The only people who came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status.
Boy, that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question that you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, where did they get the disease?
And the answer was from the vaccinated individuals.
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection.
You get infected.
You shed pathogen.
This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens.
You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread.
You cannot make these numbers that you've planned on get better by doing any of the things you're doing.
Because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.
And you can't prevent it with a vaccine because they don't do the very thing you're wanting them to do.
And you will be chasing this the remainder of your life until you recognize that the Center for Disease Control and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving you very bad scientific guidance.
And instead, read the articles that are going to come in the email and are on this flash drive, and listen to the people in this audience here tonight who actually have recognized the advice they are getting from the CDC and the NIH is counterfactual.
And that's why you're still fighting this with this vaccine that supposedly was going to make all of this go away, but has suddenly managed to make an outbreak of COVID-19 develop in the middle of the summer when vitamin D levels are at their highest.
By the way, the other thing that would be necessary for any vaccine restriction to be considered is if there were no other treatment available.
And I can tell you, having treated over 15 COVID-19 patients, that between active loading with vitamin D, ivermectin, and zinc, that there is not a single person who has come anywhere near the hospital And we already have studies that show that if you achieve a 25-hydroxy vitamin D level greater than 55, your risk of COVID-19 death will drop down to one quarter of the population.
Average for the United States.
And there are active treatment trials included on that flash drive that show the same is true.
So if you were going to discriminate based upon vaccine, you should also discriminate based upon 25-hydroxy vitamin D level, zinc taste test response, and probably previous infections since there are also studies on that flash drive that show that people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection actually get no benefit from vaccination at all, no reduction in symptoms, no reduction in hospitalization.
And suffer two to four times the rate of side effects if they are subsequently vaccinated.
Therefore, the policies that you are basing on are totally counterfactual.
I don't blame this board for that because I know you aren't scientists and you thought it was reasonable to listen to the CDC, NIH, and the Indiana State Board of Health.
But I would encourage that instead you listen to the people out here in this audience and read what's on that data drive.
And if anybody here in this board has any questions about anything on that, I will happily come back and sit with you individually if you would like to explain the science behind this.
And if you're worried about being sued by somebody because you don't follow the guidance of the CDC and the NIH, I will tell you have a free pro bono expert testimony at your disposal.
I will testify in defense of this court, turning down all these recommendations for free at any time in any court.
Thank you.
Well, out of all the incredible doctors and scientists and nurses I've heard, they've all been amazing.
That guy is the most concise in six and a half minutes.
The video is much watched up on InfoWars.com.
So I hope you go to InfoWars.com and find the article.
It's about halfway down the page.
Will you guys put it back on screen for me?
And please get it and share it.
Doctor Educate School Board on COVID Vaccines and Mass Slams.
Did you hear what he said?
He kept saying it.
This is accepted, known science that if you gave people this type of vaccine, it would cause a bunch of mutants.
And now the hospitals are seeing a lot of people.
They're not all full, but some are.
It's much worse than last year.
And it's people that have been vaccinated, mainly they're at the hospital, and those numbers are out.
out 95% in Israel 99.9% in Australia 97% in Gibraltar on and on and on and if
you're a radio listener you hear me talking about this TV viewers see all this.
Here's Associated Press, this year, April.
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus.
The vaccinated are spreading it.
That's a fact!
That's what the doctor's telling them!
And they sit there and, of course, follow the orders of the health department because they don't want liability.
We need to start suing these people.
So they understand liability.
But this is a broken social contract.
The globalists cooked this up to give us a problem, like I told you a year and a half ago, that'll never be fixed, with fake tests, and never-ending problems, and autoimmune responses to our own proteins in our bodies, and spike protein spreading.
I mean, this is so premeditated.
It's a perfect thing to take down civilization.
Alright, we're gonna come back with even more news on that.
And I've got a lot of other news we haven't gotten to yet on other subjects, but everything is this COVID takeover.
Worldwide martial law via the UN.
By the way, I'm going to be going to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and I'll be there tomorrow, and I'll be there on Thursday and Friday after it's over.
I can say Mike Lindell has done a great job.
We posted a feed to his event at InfoWars.com.
We're team players and it's got 200,000 viewers just on the Rumble feed.
There's a bunch of other feeds I took a look at earlier today.
Looks like they got about a million people tuned in to that right now.
You want to find that and share that most importantly.
We've got links to it up at InfoWars.com and The big voting machine companies are definitely suing Lindell, Fox, OAN, everybody else.
I mean, anybody that questions anything, they want to intimidate everybody.
So that's why now it's more important than ever for you to support what Mike Lindell is doing and InfoWars.
by going to mypelo.com with promo code ALEX and getting the very best deals they've got.
That way it supports Mike Lindell, it supports us. We're both men in the arena. Our crews are
women and men in the arena and our families and we are the tip of the spear. So I really
appreciate your support.
I think we really deserve your support, and I think it's a smart move for you to support us.
I know you've been doing it, so if you need sheets, or you need towels, or you need pillows, or you need a new bed, he's got some great beds for adults or dogs or cats.
Or if you want the slippers and the shoes, he's got a lot of great Made in America products.
Up to 66% off with promo code Alex.
But yes, amazing symposium, really high quality production.
They got hit with so many people when they first opened, they thought they were hacked.
But that was just, I think, massive bandwidth hitting them.
And that's a good problem to have.
Hey, and our Rumble feed's got 40,000 people on it, and of course, there's hundreds of thousands watching on the Bandot video feed, but I just love getting our feeds out.
And by the way, everybody is welcome to grab our streams and restream them however you want, wherever you want.
We are free to air.
And so many times, the way we get around the censors is you just simply taking the feed and reposting it or cutting it up or doing whatever the hell you want with it.
I just want to reach people during this critical time.
Separately, we have some other good news.
We've been unable to get our really popular toothpaste in for over six months because of supply chain breakdowns.
Also, we had Leticia James, the same lady trying to indict Trump, claim that we had COVID cures and that we were saying we had COVID cures for our tooth whitening toothpaste when we did not ever make that claim.
But they threatened me and said, we're going to indict you if you don't stop selling it.
And she kept saying, he keeps saying he's got a cure.
I'm going to indict him if he doesn't stop selling it.
And I just said, I'm going to pick my battles here.
This is criminal in my view.
This is a woman that sent people to die in nursing homes.
And so we're not going to sell that toothpaste because she's lying about us when we do.
But we already had developed the charcoal toothpaste.
That's very, very popular, really cleans your teeth in a safe, great way.
We have that back in stock with the mouthwash.
It's been sold out for six months, and you can get the mouthwash and the toothpaste together for 25% off, or you can get the toothpaste by itself for $9.95.
And we're really, really proud of the toothpaste.
It's got 95% reviews, 4.7 stars at info or store.com.
reviews 4.7 stars at info or score.com I will tell you we are coming back out
with the tooth whitening toothpaste that was so incredibly popular
Simply removing the little bit of ionic silver that was in it.
And that should be in a month or so for folks that really loved that formula.
They'll probably still indict me saying you can't sell toothpaste.
I mean, it's at a certain point, you know, you got to gauge what's going on, but This is a country where they arrest people for saying you should take vitamin C, it's essential.
You die without vitamin C. But they've arrested doctors in Michigan that told their patients to take vitamin C. That's how evil and more than evil, just dumb the government is.
Just how dumb the government is and just how stupid.
They think knowledge is like magic and made up or something.
Like, because I know they had to drop all the charges on those doctors and people they arrested for vitamin C, because it turned out vitamin C is really good for your immune system.
I mean, you know, intravenous vitamin C. Telling people to take vitamin C to boost your immune system.
SWAT teaming them.
Because it's not the deadly shots that don't protect you from Fauci.
See, they want full control to put this poison in you, or you can't travel, you can't live your life, you can't Do anything.
And it just shows how far we've gone.
But I'm very, very excited.
The toothpaste is back in stock.
We also have the liquid turmeric formula.
It's a very strong turmeric concentrate that is wonderful for everything that goes on your body, especially inflammation, immune system.
Our pure turmeric formula has been sold out for months and months.
It's back in stock, 50% off.
So I don't want to forget to cover that.
So Joe Rogan came out last week, just to dovetail with what that doctor in Indiana was saying in front of that school board.
He came out and said, look at this study showing that the coronavirus is shedding from people that have been vaccinated at higher rates, which was a real study that just came out.
Well, I decided and the crew decided to pull some articles to back up what Joe said.
And I just mentioned one of these last segments, but here it is.
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus.
And it just goes through it.
The Associated Press that that's the main cause of polio now is the vaccine.
Here's the UN's own document.
Vaccine-delivered polio virus outbreaks.
From the UN's own report, saying the majority of them are caused by vaccines.
Let me show you some more.
Here's the Lancet.
SARS-CoV-2 evolution and vaccines.
Case for concern.
Goes on to say, yes, most of the new COVID and SARS cases they were seeing in previous viruses was from the vaccinated studies.
And it's not like they didn't know this.
Nobel Prize winner reveals COVID vaccines is creating variants.
Vaccinated people with breakthrough infections can spread the Delta variant, CDC says.
So, you know, there it all is.
And that's all we're trying to do is get the truth out.
But the system wants to be able to create a new dark age where they kill logic and where we're here.
I mean, thousands of medical doctors that I know of have been taken off YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.
Now it's in the news.
They're threatening them.
And saying, if you give your patients vaccine waivers, and a doctor's note saying, my patient has an autoimmune disorder, my patient has an allergic response, has had one, that you're not allowed to issue that, these people must take it.
A woman is admittedly paralyzed for several years, still has some motor control problems in her feet and hands from Guillain-Barré.
And she was going to the University of Hawaii and had her waiver.
They kicked her out and said, sweetheart, we don't care if you got paralyzed from a previous shot.
We don't care if your doctor says you can't ever take another one.
You're going to do it.
There was a woman who worked here a few years ago, nice lady, who was going to go to Vietnam.
And they told her, you gotta take these shots.
Almost killed her.
She had autoimmune response, had to wear a mask for months.
And they told her, you can never take any inoculation again, it will kill you, probably.
Just like you get bee stings, you can't be stung by a bee again, or you... But in this they just say, we don't care, walk the plank!
Yeah, university accepts and denies admission to student previously paralyzed by vaccine after she files for vaccine medical exemption.
And they said, yeah, the law says you can do that, but we don't care.
We're moral.
It's like a new virtue signal.
Like, not only if somebody calls you a Nazi, are we going to not give you, you know, your chance to go to school, not even take your money.
But if you don't take a shot, you're like a mass murderer.
You're like a drunk driver.
You're a bad person.
And now judges, you know, they're your doctor now, is ordering in Houston a man to get COVID vaccine as a condition of his probation.
Also in leftist-run Houston, in a divorce court, the judge just last month ordered the mother and father getting divorced.
I will take the child, the three-year-old, and I will put the child in foster care unless they take COVID.
It's not even an approved vaccine for adults and not approved in experimental use on children.
But the judge doesn't care.
You give that child a COVID shot or I'm taking him.
I'm a virtue signaling judge.
It's just people have lost connection to reality.
People have lost their mooring.
They've lost their morals, their soul.
And most people are really dumb and don't have street smarts.
And the dumbest ones are the lawyers and judges.
I mean, most of them are dumber than a box of rocks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done.
All of you know what my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward.
Well, it's all come down to this.
I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th.
This historical event will be live streamed 72 hours straight on my new platform, FrankSpeech.com.
You can help by getting everybody you know to go to FrankSpeech.com now.
To help support this cyber symposium event, I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products, but they're only offered at FrankSpeech.com.
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Thank you and God bless.
If there is proof of vaccination and everybody is fully vaccinated, then you can take off your mask.
It's time for us to reinstate some of these masking mandates while in the meantime, ideally aiming for proof of vaccination so that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
So that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
So that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
I do believe at the local level, Jake, there should be more mandates.
The hesitancy at the local level of doing mandates is because the vaccines have not been officially fully approved.
And I think when you do see the official approval, Jake, you're going to see a lot more mandates.
And we know that this is what's going to turn the tide.
And we also know that people are going to get a really clear message.
If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated.
You gotta get vaccinated.
It's time.
And this is a shift from the Pentagon.
They previously indicated that they would wait for FDA approval, but now Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expected to move forward with this, making the recommendation to the President that would require all of the 1.3 million active duty service members to be vaccinated.
Private businesses, I am asking them And suggesting to them, go to vaccine-only admissions.
Vaccine-only admissions.
I believe it's in your best business interest.
First, following up on that rule in New York now, where the mayor says if you're not vaccinated, you can't go to an indoor restaurant, a gym, or a show.
Does the White House think that that is fair to people who may have a religious reason for not wanting the vaccine, or who might just be waiting for the FDA to approve it fully before they get it?
The administration and the White House and the President support steps by localities to take steps to protect people in their states and their communities, to incentivize people getting vaccinated.
I don't know all the specific details if they have exemptions, so I'd point you to them.
Do you require all federal employees to get vaccinated?
That's under consideration right now, but if you're not vaccinated, you're not going to be supported by the budget.
Are you concerned that the CDC is going to try to consult and do this?
We have a pandemic because we're unvaccinated and there's so many enormous opportunities.
And the more we learn, the more we learn about this virus and the result of this variation, the more we have to be worried and concerned.
And then only one thing we know for sure, if those other 100 million people got vaccinated, we'd be in a very difficult world.
And get vaccinated.
and give back to them if they haven't, and I'm very aspired as I say.
Thank you.
(audience applauding)
Look at this beautiful city of Fayetteville.
Multicultural hub of Sydney.
It's crawling with military now.
The military of Australia.
We've got troops walking around.
What do you reckon?
Senior Constable Baywoods Drive off?
Love me?
All good?
Not yet, mate.
Before, when you pulled over, I know we were to ask if you, before you pulled over to put your mask on.
I said I don't need to.
But then you didn't speak to us any further and you drove off, mate.
I wasn't detained, was I?
Was I detained?
I wasn't detaining you.
Well, I drove off because I wasn't detained.
So now you're detaining me.
So now you need to show me your medical exemption, okay?
Knock yourself out.
Thank you.
They say beat the cops at their own game.
Oh he does.
Look at these cops.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
I think I'm gonna step on the pole.
Welcome to the police state.
I think you're playing games.
I think you're wasting police resources.
You're wasting police resources.
Mate, you're inciting.
There you go, that's how you win.
That's how you win, ladies and gentlemen.
In France, anyone entering a venue with more than 50 people inside will need to present this health pass and what it is is either proof of full vaccination, a negative COVID-19 test result or proof that you have recently recovered from infection.
The sort of places you need to use it from today include museums, theaters, cinemas, Disneyland, Paris for example.
But lawmakers in France are today debating about whether to extend this measure to other areas or all aspects of social
life in France.
So from next month it could be possible or it is quite likely that if you head to a cafe or restaurant in Paris or
if you board a train that you will need to present this help.
We are now into hour number three on this Tuesday, August 10th broadcast.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Some of the wild stuff breaking.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns in disgrace over all of the sexual harassment allegations.
And I think that's a good thing.
But why aren't they going after Joe Biden or Bill Clinton, who are clearly way worse than he is?
And why aren't they getting in trouble for sending COVID Infected, really flu and pneumonia infected patients into those nursing homes and we now know suppressing the numbers.
20,000 dead.
He did that with Leticia James, the George Soros appointed Attorney General there.
He installed her.
She was elected.
So you got that news and then this news on InfoWars.com.
You in!
To consider spraying sulfate aerosols, chemtrails, above the Earth's surface to reduce global temperatures.
Oh, the UN's going to run our health care and tell us how to live our lives and so much more.
Because they try to scare us.
And now this huge piece of news that dovetails with our special guest.
National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, June 2021.
And it says, if you question the elections or question open borders or question COVID lockdowns, you are a quote, white supremacist.
And as he says, if you are then a white supremacist, you are then a terrorist and the Pentagon should be used against you as a domestic terror threat.
And they've said that Ashley Babbitt, a veteran, a patriot who did nothing violent, That day on January 6th.
Well, they say that some people said that everyone was horrible and everybody deserved to be shot.
In fact, some Republicans have said that she deserved what happened to her.
We've got her husband here, who I've seen in a lot of interviews, very impressive, smart fellow, a veteran himself, met her on deployments overseas.
Or no, I guess he met her doing security at a nuclear power plant.
Let me get that right.
I was watching the other night.
And so Aaron Babbitt joins us.
And I really appreciate him coming on.
Also, they're suing.
We can't get into the identity of the officer.
That's part of the suit.
I understand that with these court cases.
But we can get into everything else.
So he's here with us.
GiveSendGo.com forward slash JusticeForAshley.
GiveSendGo.com forward slash JusticeForAshley and at ForAshley on Twitter.
So Aaron Babbitt, thank you so much for coming on with us.
And I'd just like to try to give you the floor to go wherever you want because I've got So many questions, but you're the guy that's really got the answer.
So give us your take on Ashley, her memory, and what's currently unfolding.
First off, thanks for having me, Alex.
I truly do appreciate the opportunity to talk about my wife, any chance I get.
So thank you.
It's just been a whirlwind.
You know, every day still feels like January 7th with complete silence coming out of D.C.
I have to wake up every day.
You know, knowing that I'm going to go through that day without my best friend.
And then when I go to bed at night, I go to bed with a gut punch knowing that nobody in D.C.
gives a damn about it.
So, I watch these sham, you know, committee hearings and, you know, the questions that I have are, why these four officers?
You know, they were clearly selected a long time ago.
They were clearly reading off a script.
Price Lakes, one of the guys read the word coop.
I mean, you're literally reading this.
And then you got the crying, and the tears, and the crocodile tears, and then you got the big guy, whatever his name is, I can't even remember, but um... Saying everybody was calling him the n-word even though they have no footage of it.
Yeah, there's zero footage of it, but look, they weren't even smart enough to scrub his social media before they put him up in front of the world.
He's got his Black Power fist up, he's got his Black Lives Matter, everything.
I don't understand how this guy still has a job, because he clearly has a political bias.
If he's talking all this smack of trash on the conservative Republican side, how can he be expected to defend them as needed?
I mean, he even was joking about the fact that Trump had to get Rushaw staged They're on an active shooter.
He was joking about that.
And that's when Donald Trump was still president.
Donald Trump still had to go to the House.
This guy was charged with being outside of Secret Service.
This guy was going to have to protect him.
How can he still be on the job?
The Capitol Police, they got a big problem.
Well, that's where I was going to go.
I mean, I was going to bring up those horrible hearings last week.
They're going to have more hearings, the crying, the reading off the scripts, the suppressing 14,000 hours of footage.
And then because I was in that crowd, I know those people.
Nobody was screaming N-word.
My gosh, if you're a black guy at a Trump rally, you're getting loved on.
I mean, that is a load of BS.
Absolutely is.
And I feel like once all these, you know, it's going to take discovery.
Once we start getting all this surveillance footage and once it all comes out, they're going to have to either fire two-thirds of their department, or we're going to get into where now we're opening up these satellite offices around the country.
And to me, that is because they know that they can't have these guys sitting in public eye and public view once they open that house back up.
So they're going to have to move them somewhere.
So that's, I mean, obviously, There's other reasons, overreach of power.
But I truly believe that these satellite offices are being opened up to push these guys so you don't see them at the Capitol anymore.
That was another thing.
Since when can the CDC say nobody has to pay rent anymore?
And since when can the Capitol Police announce jurisdiction nationwide?
I mean, this is wild.
Yeah, it's insane.
We're living in Wonderland, man.
Up is down, left is right.
Well, you notice that they never want to talk about Ashley, and I'm sure you saw it.
I don't know if you want to give the guy any attention, but the Republican that basically said, you know, good job to the officer that killed your wife.
I mean, why do they have to rub it in like that?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, you have three or four congressmen, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dr. Kosar, you know, Louie Gohmert.
They're actively supporting my wife and supporting our family.
But that's 90, you know, that's half of a percent of the 100%.
You know, so the other 99 and a half, they don't give a damn.
And, you know, I get tired of hearing them say all the time, you know, who shot Ashley Babbitt?
You sit in that house every single day.
The guy that shot my wife is supposedly the commander of that area.
You're gonna try and tell me you haven't seen him at work in 216 days?
Everybody knows who the hell did it, but they just won't talk about it.
It's disgusting.
Well, it's very dangerous to have secret police that can kill people like 007, kill one of their own citizens, and then their name is withheld.
Again, it's all part of the power grab.
It's all part of the power grab, and...
I mean, I have the benefit of, you know, I carried a gun, Alex, for 10 years at the nuclear power plant.
I was bound to the same use of force continuum that this guy is.
I know where he got trained.
He was down in Glynco, Georgia.
I know they follow the same exact use of force continuum, and he skipped every single step and put a bullet in my wife.
There was no announcement of his presence.
There was no, you know, physical presence, less than physical force.
There was no use of impact weapons. My wife's hands were empty. She was coming through a door.
Her hands were occupied with that door. She could have been grabbed from behind by one of those
officers or he could have walked out. I don't even care if he smacked her in the face. He just stood
there off to the side. She never saw him. She never heard him. And he executed her on live TV.
Wow. We're going to break here in a moment, but let's talk about justice for Ashley,
because that's justice for us all.
If they can forget her, if they can bury her, if they can then play like they were the victims that day, it's very important to get justice.
I know it takes a lot of money to do it.
I know you didn't want to bring this up, but how do people donate?
And if they do donate at JusticeForAshleyItGivesThemGo.com, what does that go towards?
It goes directly to my lawyer, Robertson Wood.
Uh, it goes directly to the firm.
So every dollar that's donated, it goes directly to the firm.
We're going to have, this is David versus Goliath.
I mean, we, we, we need every, all the help that we can get.
Oh yeah.
Even when lawyers do what it costs, they got to pay for hotels.
They got to pay for all the transcripts.
I mean, I've been involved in a lot of lawsuits.
Just the transcripts cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for a big battle over a year or two.
And this is going to be a battle.
So you guys, I mean, I think 500,000 is a low goal.
You guys have only raised 30,000.
I would like to see that, you know, go up a hundred thousand during the show folks.
Because, you know, it takes money to win a war.
This is definitely an important fight for all of us.
This is a fight for everybody.
My wife gave her life for this country.
She wrote a blank check multiple times going overseas to war for her life.
And in the end, ultimately, she gave her life at the people's house.
So we need all the help we can get.
And this is for every single American, whether you support my wife or not.
You don't even know that this is for you, too.
This is for your liberties and freedoms.
Well, I understand why she was mad that day in protesting, too.
I mean, the Democrats take over buildings all the time.
She didn't even do it violently, but they don't get killed, and I don't think they should be killed.
We'll be right back to talk about Ashley Babbitt with Aaron Babbitt.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
I know it's gotta be hard of Aaron Babbitt.
The husband of late Ashley Babbitt to talk about what happened, but he's doing it so that she doesn't die in vain and that's important.
But I saw you as a guest on Sunday Live here on the InfoWars Network, Sunday night after I did my two hours and I watched and listened to the whole interview and it really touched my heart talking about Ashley and meeting her and why she wanted to go to D.C.
and I thought it might be important to repeat that to this audience.
Yeah, so it was back in 2015.
I was working security at a nuclear power plant.
Actually, I had been there for about eight and a half, nine years at that point.
Ashley had gotten on with the new class and I was down in like the bowels of this place and it's just 120, 130 degrees.
You know, I'd been down there for like an hour.
I came upstairs but To the alarm station to get, you know, a drink and the new class was in there and that's the last thing I wanted to deal with.
So I just walked around, put my gun away and, you know, was getting a drink and here comes little old Ashley over, you know, just, hey, you look like you're grumpy.
I'm going to make you talk to me.
And I'll be damned if she did.
And so as the months went on, you know, she ended up on my shift and, you know, we just, we just hit it off and fast forward to 2017, you know, we decided to make life changes.
Her brother was, you know, her whole family's out here, so in San Diego.
So her brother was working for this pool company and he called talking about how they were selling the business.
He was interested in just buying this small little portion.
And of course, Ashley, you know, always, you know, 110% on everything she does.
She's like, well, why don't we look at it and see if we can buy the whole business?
She said it was one of the hardest questions she's ever had to ask me in her life.
I came home from work, and she sat me down, and she's like, I want to buy a business, and I've done the numbers, and I think we can do this.
And I just, you know, I looked at her, and I was like, you know what?
Let's go for it, you know?
At that point, you know, I had already been through a dumpster fire of a marriage earlier, you know, when I was in the military, and I swore I'd never get married again.
This girl comes around and just completely changed my life.
So we uprooted, drove across the country, moved out here to San Diego and bought our small business.
We were living a very idyllic life.
It was, you know, it was beautiful.
We lived three blocks from the beach, going to work every day.
When I say we literally spend 20 hours a day together, it's not an underestimation.
I mean, If we were together, if we were apart for four hours, even that was kind of stretched without, you know, I got to work sometime.
Yeah, I mean, she was my best friend.
and really had hit it off.
Yeah, I mean, she was my best friend.
She's the love of my life.
I know it's hard for you to talk about but you know, those cops
sat up there and cried and called her by terrorists and white
supremacist total lies.
And it was just disgraceful.
You're holding it together here, but I can tell you really loved her.
I think it's important to humanize her.
What was it like?
How did you learn?
I'm sorry to have to ask this, but we have to humanize her because they want to dehumanize her.
What was it like for you, Aaron?
How did you find out they'd shot your wife?
So, uh, it was back, you know, in January.
We're still heavily locked down for COVID here in Columbia, California.
Um, so we had to make, I had to make a gym reservation only go at a certain hour.
So I made one for one o'clock and it was like somewhere in the 11 o'clock hour of my time.
I got a call.
It was kind of random.
I don't normally really talk to this person, but called saying his wife had seen
what she thought was Ashley on TV and it looked like she had gotten hurt.
So I turned my TV on and it just happened to be on Fox when I turned it on.
The first image that I saw was my wife laying on the ground there with
blood coming out of her mouth.
My original thought was, you know, there's no way somebody fired a live round inside the Capitol.
Maybe it was a rubber bullet that hit her in the wrong way, you know?
Um, but I was forced at that point, cause I started calling all these hospitals, um, trying to find her and nobody would tell me anything.
Even to the point where, uh, my brother had called the DC Metro, uh, dispatch and they yelled at him.
Uh, the exact words were, we didn't effin' shoot her.
Stop calling.
And they hung up on her.
Uh, so I was locked in and forced to watch these graphic images over and over and over again because I was getting no calls from anybody in D.C.
at that point.
I had to watch it.
That's the only place I was getting updates, um, or any could get an update on what had happened to Ashley.
Um, and then I heard the voice, and I'll hear it for the rest of my life, came over and said the woman that had been shot at the Capitol had passed away.
And everything went black after that.
You know, I talked to my neighbors after, and they said it sounded like a wounded, dying animal was inside my house, which I don't remember much of it.
You know, people, I looked up, and there were friends that were in my house, and I don't even remember them coming in.
So yeah, I watched my wife die on TV.
And for a man to see, like I said, the absolute love of my life.
It's been 3,000 miles away, but the TV was like a window to me that I couldn't get my hands through to comfort her.
To see the cameras in her face, and the people in her face, and I know The last view that she had out of her eyes before the life was drained out was of strangers.
And I just wanted my face to be there to let her know, you're going to be okay.
Your love, babe.
Well, that's powerful testimony, Aaron.
I appreciate you doing that for America and your wife who lives on.
We all know that hopefully we do the right thing.
We'll be with our friends and family again.
We know that God's real.
But what would you like to see come out of this now?
Because, you know, at first I'm like, it's wrong that this happened, but who knows what else went on.
And it's hysteria.
But then to watch him attack her and call her names and see this Republican congressman say the cop did a good job and all that.
They're really rubbing it in.
I mean, I'd like to see the people that did this.
I'd like to see the guy that did this sent to prison.
I mean, I think you premeditatedly executed your wife.
And I know you don't want to get into the case itself, but what are you hoping to see here?
Well, I mean, they've already taken away the ability to charge you criminally at this point.
And if you go back to February, there was a Wall Street Journal article that came out that said that, you know, the investigation of the shooting of my wife was ongoing, but they probably weren't going to be recommending charges.
And DC Metro never came out and squashed that leak, you know.
Fast forward to April, that's when we got the official call from the Internal Affairs Detective at DC Metro telling me and my attorney that they weren't pressing charges.
And I'm just like, you leaked this out back in February, so why did you string it along this long?
So at this point, it's going to have to come down to, you know, at a minimum, Termination of this officer.
I mean, he's not fit for duty.
A lot of big foundations and groups should be supporting you.
We don't want police getting away with executing people.
Where's all the Black Lives Matter?
Where's all the cop-hating organizations?
I mean, this is a clear execution right here.
But, oh, because it's a veteran, they don't care.
Yeah, well, the National Police Association came out and called it a bad shoot.
You have that going on.
Somebody needs to take notice of that, for Christ's sake.
Stay there, Aaron Babbitt.
Let's come back and talk about that.
The fact that there are a lot of good police that are actually against what happened.
We're not attacking all police.
We're attacking these political special officers, these leftist officers.
A bunch of them are basically like Antifa.
America is being held hostage by corporate interests that are manipulating the left.
And they're spoiling for a war.
And just off what happened to the Capitol, a million people came for Trump's rally.
Yeah, it's a provocateur.
Some police scuffles.
Then the police opened up the gates.
500, 600 people went in.
Maybe 20 were violent.
and then other people got killed and others are rotting under the federal jail there in DC,
some of which have had their eyes knocked out, some of which have never been let out
of solitary confinement.
So Ashley's left this plane of existence, but you look at the persecution of people
that were just there, little old ladies holding American flags, Aaron Babbitt,
a husband of Ashley Babbitt, what is it like for you to see that?
What's your view of that whole fiasco and where that's going?
I mean, I'm not naive to the fact that had my wife not been murdered,
I'd be standing right alongside these other families.
Ashley would probably be in jail right now, which is what it is.
They killed her.
So to have these guys locked up, with no due process and I keep getting tired of hearing I
even had to stop doing I won't even talk to my local Fox Affiliate here because I got sick of them putting the word
insurrectionists across the bottom on their banner I don't know how you can call people an insurrectionist
without being charged with insurrection To me, every talking head out there, every person that's calling these people insurrectionists, they should be immediately sued for slander and defamation of character.
That's no different than, you know, my neighbor calling the news and saying Aaron Babbitt's a murderer.
Well, did he kill anybody?
I don't know.
I don't understand how you can keep calling these people insurrectionists without them being charged with insurrection.
Well, I got up on the chairs, the stacks of chairs there, and I said, listen, folks, don't go in the Capitol.
We're going to get another Kent State.
And not that people deserve to get shot or even arrested, the ones that were peaceful.
But I had a bad feeling.
I'm like, don't go in.
But obviously, almost no one could hear me because the crowd was so huge.
And by the time the officers opened the doors up and let people in, The fact that they can keep people in jail who've shown in court, I've talked to their lawyers, the video of them being waved in and then they were nonviolent and they're being, you know, charged with garbage.
But as you said, they're not being charged with insurrection because they didn't do that.
Right, and I just read something, it's on my legal team, you know, the app for Ashley, that is run by my legal team.
A lot of people think I'm on there, they go on there and they say a bunch of really bad stuff, but the joke's on you, I'm not running that thing, so you're not talking to me.
But they just put something up there saying that the government had admitted, you can read it, the government admitted that yes, there is video footage of police letting, you know, protesters inside the Capitol building. Yes, there are
pictures and videos of Capitol Police fist bumping and hugging. There you go,
right there. Yep. So, I mean, you see it right there, but they're still at the very end, but
we're still looking into it. Come on. Yeah, so we know what happens.
Select groups got in fights with the cops.
The cops got in fights with them.
People got carried away.
And then the police, outside, pulled back the metal barriers and waved everyone in and then opened the doors.
So who gave that order?
Who set up everybody?
And then let the emotions get out of control.
Yeah, who gave that order?
You talked to that gentleman, Kara, talked to him on Sunday.
Well, that was my next question.
You're dead on.
What about the other people?
And you know, they've been lying about her from the get-go.
And it appears that there's going to be, at this point in time, at least three deaths
on the Capitol Police hands.
But nobody wants to talk about that in the mainstream media.
Well, that was my next question.
You're dead on.
What about the other people?
We're now learning at least three, probably four others were murdered as well.
And you know, you have to believe these people that were down there in that crowd to say that the violence that was coming from the citizens was a reaction to the violence being brought upon them initially by the Capitol Police.
These guys aren't prepared for that.
And to say that we have a police force that is supposed to protect the Capitol building, The center of the world, for all intents and purposes.
And they're not prepared for a large-scale demonstration like that?
There has to be a complete revamping of this agency, department, whatever you want to call it.
And it needs to start from the top.
Well, we also know that Trump asked the National Guard ten days before, five days before, and was refused.
That's how it works is the Democrats control the district, so they somehow blocked him unless he wanted to send in federalized troops, but they denied him the National Guard.
Yeah, it was a setup from the beginning.
It was a setup from the beginning to make him look horrible and make him look bad.
I don't know those details.
I mean, some of you talked to a lot of people that are on a research.
Do we know what wave Ashley went in with, what, what happened and, uh, any
other details of that day?
I don't know.
Um, those, those details.
I, I, I mean, I know if you want to put the timeline down, I mean, she had sent
me a text saying that she had just watched, you know, big guy, you know,
president Trump and Don Jr.
and Kimberly and Eric.
So for her to get from where that speech was to Slow Walk to the Capitol, I have to imagine it was well after the first or second wave that went in there.
Yeah, because I didn't hear there had been a shot fired until I'd basically given up trying to get people out because the cops let everybody in.
And I went to the police and I said, you have loudspeakers all over the grounds.
I know you do.
I've seen documentaries about it.
You need to get on there and say, get out of the Capitol.
And they said, let me call my captain.
The captain said, nope, not going to happen.
I said, well, I'm going to go up on the steps trying to get them out of here.
And he said, go ahead.
It's on video.
But I mean, look, you've done security.
You know about this stuff.
The next day, they had blaring loudspeakers all over the city saying, you can't be outside.
They had those loudspeakers mounted all over the Capitol.
Why didn't they use them to say, get out of here?
I honestly believe they wanted them in there.
And Wanda Mendler.
I think my wife was led to her death.
I'm not going to give up on that.
They're not going to silence me.
So, as long as I stay loud and I stay at the surface, I'm going to be screaming about the injustice that was done to my wife.
Well, listen, Aaron, I love my audience and they keep us on air despite all the Democrat Party lawsuits and attacks, and they're the best.
And I come to them over and over, you know, people like you.
But I got to be honest with you, looking at your GoFundMe thing, GiveSendGo.com forward slash JusticeForAshley, I know what legal stuff like this costs.
$500,000 is a very low number in today's numbers because these decent lawyers and all the system costs money.
You've only raised $34,000 and that's 6% of the goal.
And I'm just going to tell the listeners, they're in a better place in my view to support justice than to do this.
And this needs to come out because they're using this Capitol event to set up a police state in America and declare patriots terrorists officially.
It's very important, not just for her memory, not just for her husband, which is important.
It's important for all of us that we use her as a standard against them of what they did to her and not just let them make her go away and forget her.
So I think it's a very important place to go.
GiveSendGo.com forward slash justice for Ashley, whether it's $5 or $100.
That is one of the most important things you can do to fight back against this tyranny, because through the legal process, they're going to be able to legally expose who did this and hopefully get the 14,000 hours of footage to show what really happened.
And that's why they're stalling, because they want to put out a fake narrative.
And hopefully the radio transmissions as well.
That has to be included.
We need every dollar that we can get to help, you know, any amount.
Like Alex said, five, ten, even a single dollar, you know, it's going to go to this fight.
And this fight is not just for Ashley.
This fight is for America.
And this fight is for our civil liberties and our freedom.
And it's being ripped away from us in front of our faces.
And the blatancy of it, they don't care.
They think we're all stupid.
They think every one of us is an idiot and we're just gonna go along with the flow and shut the TV off and not pay attention to what's going on.
Stop paying attention to the mainstream news.
Do your own research.
Look deeper.
There's a blatant cover-up going on at what happened at the Capitol that day and my wife was public enemy number one on their list and they took her out.
They did.
Aaron Babbitt, very powerful.
I'm gonna make a donation.
Thank you, sir.
Come back again very, very soon.
Make a donation, guys.
$1,000 right now.
Seems like a hundred years ago, at the same time, like it was five minutes ago.
January 6th, huge, successful million-person rally, suddenly taken control of by provocateurs.
A Capitol breach, and a good hour before Ashley Mabbitt got executed, there I was saying, don't go in the building, I sense a Kent State, where, you know, the military shot some of those peaceful anti-war protesters, and sure as hell, it happened.
Here's the clip.
We need to not have a confrontation with the police.
We're going to make that the story.
I'm going to march to the other side where we have a stage where we can speak and occupy peacefully.
And I had a lot of families, not counting the things here, but I'm telling you a story.
Call me in emails and say thank you we were there we didn't know we almost went in because I kept saying tell people in front of you pass it down they can't hear me don't go in it's a trap it's a trap I spoke for like 15 minutes just on top that pile of chairs stacks of chairs and so thank God Thank God my security guys, actually, because I got there.
I'm like, what the hell's going on?
We're like 300 yards back.
We see flashbangs.
Looks like something out of a medieval, you know, scene.
People climbing up rafters and everything.
Uh, parapets.
And I was just stunned.
And, uh, one of the guys had been a Sergeant Major in the Army.
He goes, you got to get up on top of one of these piles or one of these things.
You got to stop this right now.
You gotta stop him going in there right now.
I said, okay, you're right.
I need to stop it.
But I was actually shell-shocked for a minute because the image of the US Capitol and all these people and what I was seeing, riot police beating people on the head and tear gas hit me right in the face.
I'm like, I'm like three yards back.
I mean, I'm like, like a movie, this ball of tear gas goes right in my face.
And I was like, I'm having a memory of that here for a second.
What a fiasco.
And again, it's not about me.
It's about the left being such liars.
I cannot tell you how many times I've trended number one on Twitter or in the top ten of Twitter because they're wanting to arrest me and they take video of me in Georgia in November in the Capitol.
And they have investigative reports and they go, look, here's Jones in the Capitol planning the attack with Congressman Gozer the day before.
And I'm not even with Congressman Gozer.
He wasn't in Georgia.
He's from like Arizona.
None of it's even true.
I mean, it's just next level.
And it's journalists saying this.
These are accredited people saying, here's Jones planning the attack.
And it's the Georgia Capitol with a peaceful photo op we did with a state rep, or a state senator.
So, and that's why it's so hard to beat the left unless you just reject everything they say.
But then your brain is designed to kind of halfway believe, like, well, maybe Jones was in the U.S.
Capitol and replanting a deal.
Because, you know, it's like, it's so crazy how they lie that it's hard to figure out.
Okay, I need to hit this.
This was big news yesterday, but I want to get to it today because I skipped it.
Bizarre White House deploys Gen Z influencer to push experimental COVID jab.
I want to do that, but I also want to just say this right now.
The document that the CDC put out about sheltering cities says about a 30-year population might
be at risk.
Old people, homeless, minorities, and others So we're going to forcibly take you, not even because you have COVID, and we're going to put you in community camps and have the federal government and these COVID tracers, along with these environmental corps, take over.
And then they just got their funding in the infrastructure package.
So when you got a headline like, Red Alert Emergency Broadcast CDC Announces Plans to Put Millions of Americans in Forced Labor Camps, that's a real plan they're trying to implement ahead of the election next year.
I mean, believe me.
When you see this stuff, it's hard to deal with, but I mean, it's the reality.
We got some breaking news on the stimulus package, on the infrastructure package.
You knew they'd do this.
Since they got what they wanted, they're now holding in hostage for $3.5 trillion more with even worse crap in it.
It's not enough to outlaw criticizing Fauci or put cameras in your car that watch you or put transgenders in five-year-olds bathrooms and pay for transgender sex changes, but now they're holding in hostage new breaking news exclusive Nancy Pelosi will hold $1.2 trillion infrastructure package hostage to force Senate Democrats to vote for additional $3.5 trillion bill.
Separately, I'm not complaining.
I'm not.
I'm very thankful to viewers and listeners.
You're awesome.
You're amazing.
You've changed the world.
Imagine a world without InfoWars.
All these guests and all these hosts and all the breaking news and the talking points that we research and create that are then picked up by Congress and by Tucker Carlson and so many others who do an even better job of the material than we do.
They even do more research and add to it and make it even more powerful.
I get a lot of news from Tucker as well.
I'm not saying I'm the fount of his news.
I'm just saying we're having a lot of influence with our information.
We do a lot of important research.
And we can't do it without your financial support.
And I'm sitting there doing accounting, and the crew hasn't gotten a bonus since Christmas.
And they deserve a bonus.
So I signed a bonus for them today.
It was half the extra money we have in the business account.
And I just believe more money is going to come in so we can keep operating.
But it's the first time we've had any meaningful surplus since Christmas, because we used to get a lot of orders in November and December, so I like to do a late bonus.
Had to do the bonus late this year, right before Christmas, because we didn't have much money.
And I'm not complaining.
It's just I don't have Bloomberg money.
I don't have Globalist money.
I've got your money, and I appreciate it, and I respect you, and I thank you for it.
And a lot of our big problems the last year have been the COVID lockdown.
A lot of products that are sellers that we can fund ourselves with are not here.
And we couldn't sell the toothpaste because the Democrats came after that.
But we have our other toothpaste that they say isn't evil.
And again, none of this has anything to do with treating COVID.
It never did.
They just made that up to try to get me indicted.
Just charcoal toothpaste is about cleaning your teeth and having fresh breath.
Has nothing to do with that.
But we mass-produced it.
We got a big shipment in.
Dr. Jones Naturals Activated Charcoal Toothpaste.
Natural, fluoride-free.
Gently cleans teeth.
Freshens breath, enamel safe.
Look, nowhere does it say COVID.
Why the hell would I say toothpaste has to do with COVID?
Nothing to do with it.
They'll probably execute me or something.
I don't know.
I'm talking about a child molester.
But the point is, it's high quality.
It doesn't have all the additives and garbage.
One of the fastest growing trends in toothpaste is charcoal toothpaste.
I noticed that three years ago.
Went and tried some at the store.
Thought it was amazing.
My dad's a dentist.
Talked to a manufacturer and made one even better than the other great one.
That's what I do.
I go, this is a great product.
I want to sell it.
But we went and made our own and it's now back in stock.
We have this toothpaste, not because the Democrats and Governor Cuomo said we couldn't sell it.
That was the other one.
This is the charcoal we were already developing that just so happened to come out right around the other time that our other evil toothpaste, gosh aren't we safe now, got banned.
So it's back in stock.
It's $9.95.
We're really proud of it.
We have the Evil Mouthwash.
I'll probably get SWAT team for this.
This has nothing to do with COVID.
I'm just putting that out there.
Dr. Jones Naturals activated charcoal.
Cleans whole mouth, fights bad breath.
Fresh, clean feeling.
Isn't that evil?
We also sell t-shirts.
I'm probably arrested for that.
Or bumper stickers.
Even worse.
Oxygen's evil, but cyanide's good.
So that's back in stock.
It goes with that.
We'll tell you what else is back in stock.
Talk about super demonic and horrible, which is good for your immune system and is good for inflammation.
Everybody knows it.
Super strong turmeric concentrate, our pure turmeric liquid extract, back in stock at Infowarrestore.com.
And none of it has atrazine in it, the stuff that makes frogs sterile, and yes, the only one to have sex with other male frogs.
And liberals go, that's great, being gay is cool!
Yeah, except the frogs are all dying.
See, there's no more frogs when they don't go boom boom with the female.
So we sell that evil shirt.
Probably get SWAT team for that one.
Save the frogs!
And we have the thing to block the contact tracers.
That's 50% off.
That sells in a couple days.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And then, never forget, the entire spectrum of amazing MyPillow products is up to 66% off with promo code ALEX at MyPillow.com or FrankSpeech.com.
We'll be right back with our number four and Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul Joseph Watson from London, England.
We'll be taking over in T-minus six minutes.
And boy, does he have some big stories.
UN globalists arriving in UK for climate summit, flying in on private jets, won't face COVID restrictions imposed on British citizens.
Everybody else coming in is, but not if you're going to Martha's Vineyard, or not if you're Larry Page going from Fiji to New Zealand.
No, no, they are the global royalty.
They are above the law.
And they fund the race wars, the division, and the destruction of our economy.
And if we put up with it, we deserve what we get.
Paul will also be talking about red alert emergency broadcast.
I mean, I'm gonna have to do a whole report where I just...
Read you the subsections of this thing.
I mean, it's incredible.
And it ties in.
Each little piece you think is innocuous ties into a whole takeover operation.
Red alert!
Emergency broadcast!
CDC announces plan to put millions of Americans in forced labor camps.
That's talking about forced labor.
And how they're going to put people in your houses.
They're going to quarter people in your houses.
You're like, oh, that won't happen.
They did it all in Europe with the Muslims.
You live in a tiny apartment?
You're like 80 years old?
We're gonna put two Muslims in here with you!
Then they're gonna behead you and everything else, but that's okay.
Because Tim Cook's gay.
So, I mean, this is just a sick ruling class above the law, pays no taxes, waging intense war on the working and middle classes.
I mean, I am just stunned by this.
Stunned by how fast it's moving to actually be living in it now.
To know it was all coming, to see the preparatory phase, and now be here.
Here's a Red State article.
New lawsuit claims major drug makers conspired to restrict cheaper insulin from pharmacies.
Oh, really?
Just like Big Pharma has conspired to keep you from ivermectin or vitamin C or vitamin D or zinc, which doctors are having basically 100% effective rates with?
And of course they jacked up insulin prices.
You know, insulin prices doubled when Joe Biden got in.
And so did so much more.
Look, your fuel price almost doubled.
Because it's about a screw job.
But it's okay, because, you know, Democrats are for the people, right?
But they passed that nightmare $1.2 trillion spending package that is masquerading as infrastructure.
All the transgenderism, all the open borders, all the forced inoculations, all the checkpoints, all the cameras and breathalyzers in your car by law watching you.
It's all in there to be implemented and rolled out.
Pelosi says, I'm holding up the house till you pass 3.5 trillion that they give themselves and their districts.
I mean, this is, this is the last days of the looting.
And the globalists are all buying houses in Sweden and Switzerland and New Zealand.
They're all leaving.
Hell, their kids are already gone.
They're already gone.
America is to be brought down and sucked dry.
And then they're going to claim it's a race war and burn it to the ground.
The average person is like, I don't want to get called names by the media.
I don't want to, I'm just going to go along, keep my head down.
And that creates the atmosphere.
When you don't stand up for freedom, that creates a vacuum.
And into the vacuum comes every hellish permutation you can imagine.
But believe me, we weren't hit flat footed.
People know about the New World Order, they know about the globalists, they know about the depopulation, they know about what's going on, and even 5-10% of people don't go along, it doesn't succeed.
That's why they're panicking.
Australia's now at 25% injected under martial law.
They'll never hit 30%.
They can never bully 70% into submission.
Here they're at maybe 50%, they say it's higher, it's not really.
They're panicking here too.
In France, people aren't taking the shot, so they're under martial law.
This is all to bully you into submission.
A desperate act of desperate control freaks that don't want to run their own lives, they want to run your lives.
So, go now and take the live links from freeworldnews.tv.
That link's open.
It can be shared right now.
It's not being banned anywhere.
They'll ban it later, I'm sure.
Or band.video or infowarriors.com or newswarriors.com or summit.news, Paul's great site.
And share the live feed of the next 55 minutes with Paul Joseph Watson, who takes over the fourth hour.
Then, the War Room!
3 p.m.
today with Ellen Schroer, and then I get on an airplane to go to the symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
I'll have live reporting on the ground tomorrow and on Thursday, so join us.
Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done.
All of you know what my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward.
Well, it's all come down to this.
I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th.
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Thank you and God bless.
And we are live, it is the Summit News Hour.
We've got a lot to talk about during the next 55 minutes, including the big UN climate report, the big alarmist ecological apocalypse that's apparently going to happen within the next couple of decades from the same people who told us back in the early 1970s that global cooling was the big ecological apocalypse.
And that that would necessitate us giving up our freedoms to globalist bodies like the United Nations.
The same people are spewing the same crap once again, so we're going to get into that into detail.
And their solutions for apparently stopping this man-made increase in global temperatures, which of course is the same thing that they've been trying to pull off for the past 20 years, geoengineering.
A lot of information to come on that.
First though, could you imagine 18 months ago being told that citizens in major European capital cities would be forced to show identity papers to prove they've had a government-mandated shot simply to be able to drink a coffee at an outdoor cafe?
That's what's happening in Paris, France right now.
That's what's happening across France right now.
They're literally being told on top of not being able to sit outside and have a coffee, Not even indoors, that they're going to be refused medical treatment in hospitals if it's non-emergency, if they don't have the vaccine, if they don't have the vaccine passport, of course.
Who knows what's non-emergency?
Many people turn up, show up to hospital.
It's not an emergency in their own minds.
A few hours later, it quickly becomes one.
Are they going to be denied life-saving treatment at some point because they haven't had the vaccine?
If you'd have told somebody 18 months ago that uniformed police were threatening people sitting outside trying to enjoy a coffee in the daytime, That if they hadn't got the proof that they'd taken the government-mandated shot, they would be fined, they'd be kicked off the premises, they'd eventually be put in prison.
18 months ago, you would have said that that was pure bred tyranny, and it's happening in Paris right now.
It's about to happen in Italy, it's happening in Greece, it's happening all over the developed world.
Headline, video, French police patrol cafes asking to see citizens' vaccine papers.
We asked how this would be enforced.
Would it be enforced by the business owners, the restaurant owners, the cafe owners themselves?
No, it's literally being enforced by the police.
Not to mention the fact, by the way, which I'm going to get into later in the show, you have Rwandan refugees literally killing priests.
We've had numerous deaths of priests in France over the past 18 months.
Nice, Paris, priests literally being beheaded, the teacher in France who showed the Prophet Muhammad cartoons being beheaded.
Apparently, police resources don't need to be concentrated on that.
They need to be concentrated on people having a cup of coffee in a cafe in an outside restaurant bar in France.
Video has emerged out of Paris, France, and this is across the country.
Showing police patrolling cafes and bars demanding to see people's credentials and making sure they're not breaking the law by enjoying themselves while unvaccinated.
We've got the video clip in the article.
Starts off with fines of €135 and verbal warnings, but from next week up to €9,000 fines in the event of a repeat offence.
The cafe owners, the bar owners, even more draconian fines.
In fact, I think I read recently up to €45,000, which would put most of these places out of business if they don't enforce the Covid passports, which of course they can't.
They don't have the means to do so.
Massive ownerless fines, and then if there's another infraction after that, the owners of the cafes, the restaurants, go directly to prison if they don't enforce this.
Pure bred tyranny like we haven't seen since France was occupied by the Nazis in World War II.
And that's not over-egging the case, that's literally what it is.
They've never had it this bad.
There's other footage also emerged of private security trained staff and business owners checking the passes, which confirmed vaccination and negative test.
By the way, the whole negative test thing in France.
Initially, you could get a free negative test from the government to prove that you didn't have COVID.
They're abolishing that.
First, you're going to have to pay for the test at ever-rising costs.
Then a negative test doesn't even matter.
They're going to wipe that off the slate altogether.
So you need to take the vaccine.
Pretty interesting given that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, doesn't prevent you from spreading the virus.
They're valuing the taking of the vaccine as more important than having a negative test.
That's being eliminated because it's all about mass conformity.
It's not about stopping the spread of a virus.
So they're doing it in the cafes, they're doing it in the restaurants, as we point out in this article.
A lot of the cafes in Paris right now are basically 75% empty.
Now for those Americans, the majority of the listeners right now, who have ever been to France, who have ever been to Paris, you know that that outside cafe culture is an integral part of their modern day civilization.
The fact that at the height of summer a lot of these cafes are completely empty, Kind of tells you what's going on.
The government claims that the majority of French citizens have had both jabs, so they've presumably got their conformist vaccine passports, and yet even some of those people who have had the vaccine are avoiding the cafes, the restaurants, the bars are going to be put out of business.
And maybe that's, you know, a way to resist, a way to rebel against this imposition, this draconian imposition, the likes of which they've never seen since they were literally occupied by the Nazis.
So we have that.
We have another Reuters article on this, which points out the fact that it's not just people who want to go for a coffee who are being rejected.
Headline out of Reuters.
Coffee and croissant in a French cafe.
You'll need a Covid pass for that.
The French morning ritual of a coffee and croissant became more complicated on Monday as people had to show proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 tests before taking a seat.
A health pass now has to be shown to eat in a restaurant, drink in a bar, access non-emergency treatment in a hospital.
I remember about a year ago we had articles in the UK suggesting that, quote, racists should be denied hospital treatment.
So again, that was the entree People's beliefs, people's personal political belief systems being used as a raison d'etre to deny them basic lifestyle activities.
That's now literally the law in France that if you go to a hospital for quote non-emergency treatment, which as I pointed out at the start of the show could very quickly turn into emergency treatment.
Why would you go to a hospital if it wasn't deadly serious in the first place, especially now with all this COVID stuff going on?
If you don't have the vaccine in France as of this moment, as of this day, and you go to hospital for, quote, non-emergency treatment, you will be turned away, potentially, to die.
Intercity train travel going from one French city to another.
You don't have the vaccine.
You don't have the vaccine passport.
You don't travel.
You don't go on holiday.
You don't see your relatives.
Your elderly relatives may be very ill.
You don't get to see them before they die.
Those rules don't apply to elite, as I'm going to get into in the next segment.
We've now got the UN Global Warming Climate Summit taking place in Scotland next November, this November coming up actually.
And the globalists who are arriving in their private jets, in their commercial carbon dioxide spewing jets, they won't be subject to the same restrictions that British citizens are subject now.
So I haven't seen my parents for a year.
I can't get into Spain without having to come back and quarantine.
And if they move Spain to the quote, red list, which they've threatened to do over the past few weeks, if I want to go and see my parents in Spain, then I come back to my home country, I will have to quarantine, not even at home, but in one of these brutally run prison-like quarantine hotels at my own expense to the tune of $2,000.
Where you're literally allowed to go outside for a period of about 30 minutes a day and exercise in the yard, like it was San Quentin or some prison like that, if I haven't had the vaccine.
Oh, by the way, these UN globalists who are arriving for a conference, which could have been done via Zoom, which is how everyone else has had to communicate with their relatives and work for the past 18 months, Those people don't need the vaccine.
Once again, one rule for them, another rule for everyone else.
Summit.News will be back.
Don't go away.
So French people sitting at cafes outside, not even indoors, are being patrolled by police and being asked to show their Covid certification, their vaccine passports on their smartphones.
Those who aren't able to show that, those who've tried to book the system, are being threatened with fines, and eventually, if they keep resisting, being threatened with prison sentences.
There's another headline here on that very subject out of reclaimthenet.org.
It says, they should give us a truncheon and a pistol, says French restaurant owner, asked to enforce vaccine passports.
So while some of the footage shows police Again, while literally Islamists and criminal refugees, illegal migrants are beheading, killing priests across the country of France, that's obviously not as important as making middle class white people in French cafes show their vaccine passports.
While that's happening, the restaurant owners, the bar owners, the cafe owners are saying that they can't enforce this because they don't have the monopoly on power to do so.
So some restaurant staff are going as far as requesting weapons to be able to deal with angry citizens who are upset about their civil liberties being crushed.
So it seems there's a disconnect, there's a split between The compliant sheep have turned up to the cafes and are very willing to show their vaccine passports.
Those who have probably even had the vaccine and are boycotting the cafes anyway because they don't want to go through this onerous procedure.
They don't want their morning coffee to be interrupted by uniformed police checking their papers.
Kind of puts a crimp on your day, doesn't it?
Especially given the fact that this relaxed cafe culture in places like Paris is ingrained into the French culture.
Doesn't really work as a way of relaxation if there are police with truncheons and tasers threatening you if you don't have the right papers.
Maybe your smartphone doesn't work.
Maybe you can't connect to the network.
Doesn't really make for a relaxing morning coffee, does it?
But now even the owners of these cafes are coming out and saying that they can't enforce this.
Says Pascal Aubin, a Parisian waiter, has taken orders, advised on wines, and delivered innumerable dishes to residents and visitors in his 32-year career.
But the Show Me Do restaurant in Montparnasse, Paris, Pascal had this to say, quote, I'm being asked to do the job of a copper as well.
It's crazy!
Says his consternation is not so much with the passport itself, but the decision that makes restaurants and their waiters accountable for making sure their clients have a passport.
And basically it goes through the whole list.
It interviews a number of cafe owners, waiters at these restaurants, these bars, these cafes in Paris, who are saying a lot of people are not happy about this.
They don't have truncheons.
They don't have pistols to enforce it, which is why the state comes in with the uniformed police to literally Make people present their papers to drink a coffee in the morning.
If this was predicted 18 months ago in major Western cities, you would say that was pure bread tyranny, and that's exactly what's happening over the past two days in France.
And close behind is Italy with this headline.
Italy to extend vaccine passports to public transport and schools.
Despite massive protests against the measures, Italy is set to extend its vaccine passport system to public transport and schools from September 1st.
Potentially exacerbating growing public contempt towards the draconian rules, authorities announced that the list of venues where the passport would be required is to be extended.
So teachers won't be able to work unless they get the vaccine and the Green Pass.
Which, by the way, they introduced in Israel a few months ago, and it wasn't enforced to any degree.
Then we had the Delta variant and all these other variants, which now Israeli doctors and scientists are saying the vaccine is about 30 to 40 percent effective against these new variants.
So the vaccines are failing.
They're completely useless in many countries who are further along in this window.
So now, as we had the article the other day, we've had Swedish professors and others saying that people will need to get at least five total COVID vaccines.
That could extend up to eight, nine, ten.
Then you get to a point where people who haven't, for whatever reason, had their five, six, seven, eight, nine booster shot aren't allowed to engage in basic lifestyle activities.
And depending on the country, how far along they are in this pandemic, That's starting to happen.
Literal booster shots every six months for you to enjoy a coffee in an outside cafe.
Italy has said that they're going to extend it to schools, universities, so you won't be able to get an education if you don't have the vaccine.
But again, it's not mandatory.
You just won't be able to have a coffee, an education, go on holiday, see your parents, have a wedding.
But it's not mandatory, OK?
Customers and venues may face fines ranging from 400 euros to 1,000 euros if businesses fail to implement the regulation.
Institutions that frequently break the rules risk being shut down for up to 10 days and of course after 10 days it will be for good.
But don't worry, because Health Minister Roberto Sperana said the extension of the scheme to include schools and public transport was necessary to quote, avoid closures and to safeguard freedom.
Yes, having a mandatory government shot for the privilege of enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning is part of your freedom.
How more Orwellian can you get than that?
Good news though over in Switzerland where we have this headline.
Swiss police threatened to stop enforcing COVID-19 rules altogether.
Police in Switzerland have threatened to stop enforcing COVID-19 rules over fears that the measures are disproportionately undermining the fundamental rights of citizens.
This was a letter sent by a group of police officers to the Swiss Federation of Police Officers warning of potential insubordination.
Within the force over the enforcement of draconian laws.
So there is some resistance even within the police force in Switzerland.
That's great news.
But I mentioned this before the break.
UN globalists arriving in UK for climate summit won't face COVID restrictions imposed on British citizens.
So Brits who travel abroad and then come back to their own country as residents, as citizens, have to play a lottery basically with this system that the government set up of green, amber, amber plus and red list countries, where depending on the country, and they can move the goalposts at any time, even if they're still abroad enjoying or trying to enjoy their holiday, they don't even know when they come back what they'll be forced to do.
If countries are on the red list, they literally have to, at their own expense to the tune of about $2,000, self-isolate quarantine within these prison-like hotels that are enforced by brutal conditions, horrible rotting food.
Basically, prison guards are allowed outside of this hotel in a designated area near an airport to exercise to get some fresh air for about an hour.
It's literally prison conditions.
If they come back from a red list, if they come back from an amber list country, And again, these countries are changing all the time.
They have to self-isolate at home.
They get visits from the local authorities, from police officers.
We had a story last week of a 12-year-old girl being traumatised after multiple visits from a police officer at her home.
You know the people who don't have to abide by these rules?
The globalists, the elite, who are visiting while travelling over, by the way, in CO2-belching private planes and commercial jets.
Visiting Scotland for this UN climate change conference in November.
Those who have had the vaccine don't need to do anything whatsoever.
Even those who haven't had the vaccine.
The red list countries, their quarantine period is cut in half.
The amber list attendees who are coming from amber list countries, they don't have to isolate at all.
So it's one rule for them, another rule for British citizens in our own country.
We'll be back with more Summit.News.
Don't go away.
So we've seen this before with the Euros, where they allow special dispensation for the Euro soccer officials to come into the UK, enjoy relax rules that are not applied to British citizens.
They have to jump through 50 flaming hoops to be able to go on holiday.
And when they come back from holiday, in many cases, they have to face brutal prison-like conditions in these quarantine hotels.
If not, they have to quarantine at home.
They have to get checked up on by police, local authorities.
But if you're a globalist, even coming from a quote, red list country, which they claim is riddled by coronavirus infections from Africa, from Latin America, from these other areas of the world.
They can just get away with it from the amber list countries.
They don't have to do anything.
They don't even have to be vaccinated to come into the country.
Even if they're on these red list countries, as I said, their quarantine period is cut in half compared to British citizens who live here, who are just trying to have the first holiday they've had in over a year with their families.
They come back.
They're treated like crap.
They're treated like walking biological time bombs.
Oh, but if you're a UN globalist spewing Climate change alarmism, then you get kid gloves treatment, you get special treatment because you are part of the club.
Article says the 10-day quarantine applies even if the individual is vaccinated.
This is talking about UK citizens.
Well, those returning from amber countries have to perform the same self-isolation at home again with local authorities and police routinely checking up on them.
However, the same rules won't apply to globalist, environmentalist, alarmist visiting Scotland to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in November.
They couldn't have the conference over Zoom, even though Scotland has even more onerous coronavirus restrictions than England.
No, they have to be around a table because just like the hundreds of thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters who gathered in giant crowds at the very height of the pandemic during the first lockdown, just like systemic racism, climate change alarmism is even more important than this pandemic that they say we need to fundamentally change and alter our lives over.
But again, Not so much for them because the rules imposed on them are significantly less onerous than the rules imposed on us.
The UK government said in a statement there'll be no requirement for self-isolation on arrival to the UK for those coming from amber or green list countries.
Whether vaccinated or not, they don't care.
They're in the special class.
They're in the Martha's Vineyard Obama Party class.
They don't need to abide by the same rules that we are all subjected to.
In addition, those arriving from deadly red list countries that Brits have been told to avoid like the plague.
Remember, if you don't follow through with this self-isolation when you come back from a red list country in the United Kingdom, you'll be subject to a fine of up to £10,000 and put in prison for up to 10 years if you come back from a red list country and you don't self-isolate.
Oh, but these globalists, these UN climate change alarmists, They can only quarantine, they only have to quarantine for a period of five days, and I'm sure that it's in much comfier surroundings than a prison-like hotel patrolled by aggressive security guards.
I'm sure they're not getting fed rotten food for ten days, like Brits are, who have to return from these, quote, red list countries.
Again, the government justified the double standard by basically arguing that climate change is an important issue, just as Black Lives Matter protesters were allowed to gather in their thousands at the height of the pandemic, presumably because systemic racism was more of a threat than Covid-19.
And again, we saw this before with the G7 summit in Cornwall back a couple of months ago.
Where pictures were released of world leaders, maskless in close proximity to each other, touching one another.
You remember that Macron was basically French kissing Biden at one point.
In contravention of the then rules demanding social distancing and face coverings, and then of course we saw the staged photo ops where they were socially distanced, then you saw the massive barbecue party where they followed zero of those social distancing rules whatsoever.
So they've done it before, they're about to do it again in November, and yet we're still treated like walking biological plague bombs in our own country because we're not part of the elite.
Let's go to this video now.
Rand Paul calls for resistance to Covid tyranny.
This is a perfect encapsulation of everything that we're facing and everything that we need to rebel against.
And we'll come out with more news.
But here is Rand Paul.
Let's roll it.
It's time for us to resist.
They can't arrest all of us.
They can't keep all of your kids home from school.
They can't keep every government building closed.
Although I've got a long list of ones they might keep closed or might ought to keep closed.
We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats.
We can simply say no, not again.
Nancy Pelosi, you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs.
We have either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine.
We will make our own health choices.
We will not show you a passport.
We will not wear a mask.
We will not be forced into random screenings and testings so you can continue your drunk with power reign over the Capitol.
President Biden.
We will not accept your agency's mandates or your reported moves towards a lockdown.
No one should follow the CDC's anti-science mask mandates.
And if you want to shut down federal agencies again, some of which aren't even back to work yet, I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don't come back to work in person.
Local bureaucrats and union bosses, we will not allow you to do more harm to our children again this year.
Children are not at any more risk from COVID than they are from the seasonal flu.
Every adult who works in schools has either had the vaccine or had their chance to get vaccinated.
There is no reason for mask mandates, part-time schools, or any lockdown measures.
Children are falling behind in school and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics that you have used to keep them from the classroom during the last year.
We won't allow it again.
If a school system attempts to keep children from full-time in-person school, I will hold up every bill with two amendments.
One to defund them and another to allow parents the choice of where the money goes for their child's education.
Do I sound fed up to you?
That's because I am.
I'm not a career politician.
I practiced medicine for 33 years.
I graduated from Duke Medical School.
I've worked in emergency rooms.
I've studied immunology and virology.
And I ultimately chose to become an eye surgeon.
I've been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Fauci And other public health bureaucrats were not following the science, and I've been proven right time and time again.
But I'm not the only one who's fed up.
I can't go anywhere these days without people coming up and thanking me for standing up for them.
Whether I'm at work, or at events in Kentucky, at airports, in restaurants, or in stores, people thank me for taking a stand.
They thank me for standing up for actual science, for standing up for freedom, for standing against mandates, lockdowns and bureaucratic power grabs.
I think the tide is turning as more and more people are willing to stand up.
I see stories from across the country of parents standing up to the unions and school boards.
I see brave moms standing up and saying, my kids need to go back to school in person.
I see members of Congress refusing to comply with petty tyrant Pelosi.
We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads.
Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?
Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not.
Not this time.
I choose freedom.
Powerful speech there from Senator Rand Paul.
Meanwhile, the people that are still trying to keep us under lockdown, and indeed fetishising lockdown like victims of Stockholm Syndrome, are journalists and the media.
We had this headline yesterday, and there have been similar ones before.
A journalist says, I'm going to miss being locked down.
Pines for another.
Journalist Michael Bonitullo Manitovani wrote an article for The Guardian in which he said, I'm going to miss being locked down while pining for another.
Basically, he's lazy, doesn't want to get out of bed, he wants to get paid government furlough to sit on his arse all day.
And he thinks that everybody else should pine for the same, despite the fact that people have missed the funerals of their relatives, people have lost their businesses, people have become chronically depressed, people have killed themselves, the economy's going to crap.
But this guy gets to sit in his pyjamas all day whilst viewing crappy articles for The Guardian like this.
So he wants another lockdown.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
So the UN came out with another alarmist apocalyptic global warming warning, a code red for humanity yesterday, basically saying that while they're going to continue flying private jets to these global climate conferences, while John Kerry's going to keep taking his private jet to attend Barack Obama's birthday parties in Martha's Vineyard.
You're going to have to drastically reduce your energy use.
You're going to drastically have to reduce your travel, your entire way of living.
Your economy is going to go to pot.
The employment rates, as we saw in Spain with their completely failed green economy, are going to soar to 25% plus.
But it's all to save the planet, so it's all worth it.
Just they're not going to have to abide by the same economy-stripping, lifestyle-ruining measures that you will have to abide by because they're the elite and the same rules don't apply to them.
We have this headline out of Summit News again.
UN climate report author says people are starting to get scared.
He betrayed the truth behind this report in this little comment here.
And this will change the way they quote, vote.
And by the way, I went on BBC News website last night, and you can see this in the tweet, which is in the article.
They have, or had last night, at the top of their entire news website, let's count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 news stories, all above the fold at the top of the website, every single news story about this UN climate report.
That's not news, that's propaganda, that's aggressively pushing a narrative.
It's kind of a big cope in a way, it's trying too hard.
They would have 10 news stories filling the entire top bracket of their website,
trying to convince people of this absolutely alarmist bollocks that they come out with every three or four years.
The same people who told us that global cooling would cause ecological devastation back in the '70s.
The very same people, by the way, who are still authors of these new IPCC-UN climate reports.
The same people who said the North Pole would be ice-free by 2013.
In fact, from 2013 to 2014, it had record ice growth.
The same people who said that the population bomb would lead to mass famine throughout the world throughout the 80s and 90s.
Paul Ehrlich.
All the same people now telling us the same crap that if we don't sign over sovereign power, that if we don't sign over all our freedoms, we've talked about climate lockdowns, the World Economic Forum, to the globalists, to the United Nations, to the WEF, to Davos Man, then the world is going to hell in a handbasket, despite the fact that Climate deaths, deaths of people responsible for the climate in terms of floods, droughts, wildfires, whatever, have declined by about 95% over the past 50 years.
In terms of the fact that extreme weather events are actually down on previous decades, no, doesn't matter, because they came out with a scary report and the BBC News needed ten headlines at the top of their website to convince you of it.
Because it's so convincing, they literally need to put ten friggin' headlines at the top of their news website.
Sounds like a big cope to me.
Well now, the true agenda behind the fear-mongering was betrayed by one of the authors of the report, Jim Cossin, who helped write one of the chapters on extremes.
He says, quote, I think more and more people are starting to get scared, adding, I think that'll help to change people's attitudes and hope that will affect the way they vote.
So he's literally admitting this is working, they're scaring people, going to change the way they vote so they vote in more left-wing parties to give the United Nations more power to take their rights.
We've got a clip now from Mark Morano, who appeared on Fox News perfectly explaining The alarm isn't the hysteria that the United Nations trots out every three to four years.
We'll come back and talk about it after, but here is that clip.
29 minutes now before the top of the hour.
UN scientists raising the alarm on climate change in a 3,000 page report calling global warming quote a code red for humanity.
And the media jumping on board warning to get scared.
Proclaiming the report revealed alarming findings.
But before you start to worry about the end of the world, our next guest is here with the reality check.
The publisher of climatedepot.com, Mark Morano.
Mark, what was your takeaway?
My takeaway, this is what the UN does every three to five years.
And it's essentially, you don't have to trust the science.
They're asking you to trust scientific institutions.
And this is a political lobbying arm of the United Nations that pretends to be a science panel.
They were started in 1988.
Their goal is to scare everyone to convince you into, quote, climate action.
Al Gore has said these reports are, quote, torqued up.
How else do you get the attention of policymakers?
One of the lead authors of this report He actually says he hopes it impacts the way people vote.
And this is a guy in charge and one of the authors who's a climate risk specialist who actually potentially financially benefits off the report.
So this is a report using a climate scare to get people to support UN treaties, Green New Deals.
So right off the bat you have to be suspect of what it claims.
And Al Gore, of course, made zillions of dollars off climate change and his global warming.
And he also, most of the stuff that he predicted, none of it has come true so far.
Let's look at some of the highlights of the report.
Blaming humans for the rising temperatures.
They say it's all about the combustion engine.
Concludes we'll surpass 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold, which the Paris Climate Agreement is trying to limit earlier.
And warns the ice melt and sea level rises are accelerating.
Predicts extreme weather will get worse.
Out of those, when people see the floods, when they see what happened in Europe, when they see what's happening outside President Obama's place in Narragansett, Martha's Vineyard, when they see erosion, they think climate change.
Do you?
No, and here's why.
Even the UN has to admit.
You saw some of the key words you had up on the screen there, Brian, were will do this.
They have a projection.
So when current reality fails to alarm, they make scary predictions of the future.
For instance, they claim in the data now that the heat waves have increased and extreme precipitation.
Well, but on the flip side, they claim that global floods are not increasing, droughts are not increasing, hurricanes are not increasing, tornadoes are not increasing.
So Currently, the bulk of what they're claiming is not increasing, so they project it into the future.
And interestingly enough, they claim that CO2 is at millions of years high, and that the temperatures are unprecedented.
The medieval and Roman warming period of about 1200 and the Roman warming period of about
zero had as warm or warmer temperatures.
90% of the Earth's geologic history has had higher CO2 levels and higher temperatures
than current.
In other words, 90% of Earth's history was too warm to have ice at either pole.
So what they're doing here is trying to act as though humanity is unprecedented.
There are Nobel Prize winning scientists, former UN scientists, who turned against this
report and against this whole process because they politicized it, they've turned science
into lobbying, and there's nothing to alarm the American public.
In fact, the climate death rate over 100 years has declined 95 plus percent.
In other words, our fossil fuel use has protected us.
It's taken an unsafe climate and made it safe, and the UN claims we need to make ourselves
poorer to make us handle a climate better.
And we're about to take our economy and destroy it because, according to Chuck Schumer, by
taking the 3.5 trillion we're about to get shoved down our throats without any bipartisan support.
Climate change, we will have climate change to save our planet and will affect global warming.
So if we can pass everything in $3.5 trillion, the Earth will be a better place, according to Democrats.
Yeah, there's... Unfortunately, I have to leave it there.
Pay up or the climate will get you.
That's the message.
That's what they're claiming.
Pay up or if you don't pay up, we can't protect you from the climate.
Although we're out of money, but let's not get bogged down in that.
Mark, thank you.
Meanwhile, Breitbart reports angry at Western civilization not dismantling itself fast enough.
Eco-activists will protest indefinitely.
This is Extinction Rebellion.
Who, meanwhile, the government is literally fulfilling their every demand by pursuing this Paris Climate Treaty, by amplifying, legitimizing this UN Global Climate Report.
They're claiming that they're doing nothing.
They're actually part of the establishment.
The establishment is fulfilling their every goal, their every need.
They're going to occupy the streets of London for the next two weeks once again.
To call for the very same thing that the establishment is doing anyway, while pretending to be some organic grassroots organisation, which they're not.
Meanwhile, the UN to consider spraying sulphate aerosols above the Earth's surface to reduce global temperatures.
What could possibly go wrong?
They admit that it could cause crop failure, acid rain, a lack of enough rain in other regions of the world.
But Bill Gates has publicly funded it and advocated for it since 2012, so they're probably going to go ahead and do it anyway.
One person who doesn't really care about global climate change based on his own personal behaviour is John Kerry.
The State Department denies Kerry took private jet to Obama party despite photos showing him exiting it.
We have the FlightAware records where it shows that Kerry's family private jet was used to fly into the party a couple of days ago.
He's literally photographed exiting the plane.
The Daily Mail reported it.
They later retracted it.
And yet we know that it's been used 16 times since January.
We know that John Kerry literally walks through airports not wearing a mask.
He gets on planes, removes his mask immediately.
He's a total hypocrite.
He's a climate envoy, but rest assured he will continue to use private jets until he's out of that role altogether.
It's going to wrap it up.
Summit.News coming up.
Warren with Owen Schroer.
Keep it locked in.
Doggo away.
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they thank each and every one of you.
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fight this. This.
And I can't explain how, I mean, this is like it's a wonderful life.
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and they've taken our banks away, our suppliers, the harassment, going back to talk to my
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I put that on sale, too.
I passed all the savings right on to you.
So I think they're normally sixty nine ninety nine.
The queen size for twenty nine ninety nine.
All of these are the lowest prices to do that.
That's all this and the pill of the lowest price I've ever had in history.
And we've got we've got also we've got bathrobes.
We've got these slippers that were that I took over a year to invent these slippers.
They're made with one of the piece of them is impact shell, which made from U.S.
These are the most you walk around all day.
You feel like you're just Well, what I love is you're not bowing down, you're overcoming them.
And you're reaching out to folks saying, I'll fight for your election.
I won't back down, but I need your support.
MyPillow.com, promo code Alex.
Biggest sales ever.
Well, it happened last week, right after July 4th.
World leaders across the planet and the UN announced a new world order.
Global government to stop the spread of COVID.
Oh, and they're going to have to surveil all your text messages on your private phone.
And censor them if you question Fauci and the UN.
That's because these criminals are going to go to prison.
They released the virus.
They have used the whole program to starve the third world.
And they're now bringing in a worldwide ID, in Klaus Schwab's own words, with an implantable microchip as the next phase to be able to buy and sell or travel.
So whether you believe the Bible or not, the Mark of the Beast is here.
And our mission is now more important than ever.
We make it easy to support Infowars.
One of our best sellers has been X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine that comes in two different packages.
One with a spray bottle, one with a dropper bottle.
It's both the exact same amount of iodine, it's the exact same bottle, it's just a different top.
The spray bottle is selling out, but it's 60% off because I want those of you that have been big supporters to have it again, and I want those of you that have been on the fence to get it for yourself.
And the dropper bottle is really close to selling out.
It is 40% off at InfoWareStore.com.
We also now have...
Thank you.