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Name: 20210805_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 5, 2021
2360 lines.

On his show, Alex Jones discusses a potential second nationwide lockdown, COVID-19 vaccine truths, water fluoridation, election fraud evidence, and other topics with guests Ivory Hecker, Robert Barnes, and Jay Dyer. The broadcast criticizes mainstream media for lack of coverage on adverse reactions to vaccines and argues that the ultimate goal is to kill people. Jones warns about martial law, surveillance, vaccine passports, and an internet ID with a global social credit score based on medical information. He promotes Immune 10X and TurboForce products as well as Mike Lindell's cyber symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th. The speaker discusses the current situation where corporations, UN, Fortune 100, and Big Tech are trying to control, censor, and block treatments while forcing experimental injections on people. They criticize the motives of these groups for their power grab and emphasize that mass public resistance and court litigation are needed to stop it.

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So this is savage war by the ruling class against everyone.
And you see the ruling class doubling and tripling profits.
So of course, a year later, they're back with lockdown too.
So the question is, when do you come up for error?
You know, I scanned over this.
Here's the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health, Human Services, Order Section 361, Public Health Service Act.
Since when do they have the power?
They tell you how they have the power.
They don't have it.
To declare under civil emergency that they can do this.
Well, only if we're under martial law.
Only if Biden is a dictator.
Only if all those executive orders have been implemented.
And you see, they haven't been officially implemented.
Not all of them yet.
And that's what's going to start on January.
of next year in my view, is the country going into complete bankruptcy and receivership and collapse.
But before then, they want to kill the economy again, put it into cardiac arrest on August 11th
with this new declaration, where he'll also declare war on fossil fuels and on business in
America to drive anybody else that thought they could invest here out. So the globalists can break
bankrupt us and then totally consolidate control.
But it's not just the money and the houses and the land they want.
They want that control over your family.
They want that control over your mind.
They want that control over everything you do and where you go and they want to be able to watch you because they crave it.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Giving in to having these chains put on you only makes them put the chains on tighter later.
So that's why they squeeze and then release.
Squeeze again, release again, but each time getting tighter.
So by the time they've squeezed us down two or three times, we'll be at a level we'll never be able to get out of and won't be resisting at the key moment when they finally break our neck.
And we're entering that neck-breaking area in the next year or two when they finally enforce these world IDs, when people are starving en masse, the borders are totally collapsed, and they're going to hold us hostage and say now, it was your fault you didn't take these IDs.
It's your fault you didn't take these shots.
And even when you finally give in, there's no food at the store, and you go and you take the shots, it's only going to get worse after that.
Just like all these people that took the shots because they were, quote, heroes, that was going to make them invincible, and now they learn they're actually the super spreaders.
They're the ones causing it.
The countries that have the highest rates of inoculation.
Have the highest rates of death and disease because it's all a trap.
It's all a spiritual delusion.
What you have to do is go back into the 1970s when swine flu was an issue and they came up with the swine flu vaccine and I was I was working in a hospital as an orderly at that time taking care of patients that had developed this neurologic problem called Guillain-Barre syndrome in response to the swine flu and we lost I think it was somewhere around 25 people and the United States which Didn't have a campaign of we're in this together and we care.
25 people was enough for the U.S.
population to get involved and for mainstream media 60 minutes to do a story on the swine flu vaccine.
Now here we are in 2021 and we're a great loving society and we're all in this together and mainstream media doesn't seem to have an interest in covering a story about tens of you know 8, 9, 10,000 people in the U.S., 12,000 in Europe.
I don't just say this stuff because I'm shocking.
When I say they want to kill you and your family, that's their goal.
This equation has four factors, a little bit of multiplication.
So you've got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero.
And that's going to be based on the number of people.
The services each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy.
So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Now that's back from high school algebra, but let's take a look.
First we've got population.
We have a hundred million people in this country, John, who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated.
We've really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated, because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.
I hear Fauci, and I see these other liars on TV.
99% of people dying have not taken a COVID shot.
And notice, now even Congress said, give us those statistics.
That was a week ago.
They won't do it.
It does not exist.
It's Thursday, August 5th.
We're live.
Stay with us back in 60 seconds.
Ladies and gentlemen, momentous times.
We're live on this August 5th Thursday broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have several very informative big guests today and I intend to open the phones up.
Ivory Hecker is going to be in the studio and she of course exposed the fact a month and a half ago here in Texas and Houston that she wasn't allowed to interview medical doctors that had big practices about stuff that was basically 100% effective against COVID-19 because Big Pharma wants to only put a ventilator on you and not even give you antibiotics or antivirals or steroids.
For those that don't know, I used to think people were dumb giving antibiotics for viral infections.
It's the bacteria that infest damaged lung tissue, and then the viruses are able to live in there.
So it's a triple hitter.
Antibiotics, steroids, and then of course zinc and things like ivermectin.
But it's the suppression of that information that is so criminal, and that's what allows them to then get these death numbers up to then shut down society.
They're engaged in information warfare terrorism.
So the former Fox 26 reporter a few weeks ago was at CPAC in Dallas.
When she got up on the stage, they turned her mic off because Fox, it turns out, was the sponsor.
And even though that was just an affiliate, they shut her down.
So, disgusting behavior there.
She'll be in studio.
The constitutional lawyer, Robert Barnes, will be on to talk about the legality of the big announcements I'm about to make.
And of course, what evidence of election fraud has come out, it is quite momentous.
There's a lot of media and others distracting into red herrings.
And so we're going to be looking at all of that with Bob Barnes.
And then we have Jay Dyer hosting the fourth hour.
I have been doing a lot more commercial free interviews.
And I'm doing a few in the next few days, and I also did one yesterday morning with David Icke, an hour and 30 minutes commercial-free.
That is going to be put out this afternoon.
Then I'm going to tape several other big interviews that we're going to air and premiere this Saturday, because the time is short and I need to spend every moment I have on air.
Okay, if we could, let's go to InfoWars.com, and we'll put up the big show headline for the broadcast today.
And this is a pretty big deal, and so everybody might want to listen.
Exclusive, Biden to announce second nationwide lockdown on August 11th.
Now, I first saw Jack Posobiec, who is definitely connected, extremely connected, to the U.S.
intelligence agency.
He's been in naval intelligence, but he's definitely hooked in.
And he said the chatter is they're looking to do it on August 11th.
I saw that two weeks ago.
Almost two weeks ago.
Then I saw the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Communications Commission announce that they're going to do an internet takeover drill and EAS alert on the 11th, so don't get upset.
And then, you know, I'm the type of guy that knows when they're going to do something that big, they're going to have radio and TV station owner engineers do tests before to make sure it also goes out on their platforms.
Because I've been in radio and TV 27 years.
I know how that works.
Made some phone calls last week, actually, to some engineers.
And they said, indeed, they're told that there's something big coming on the 11th.
Then I talked to some military sources last night, and they said, yes, they're told Biden will make a big announcement on the 11th and be ready to even quell any type of insurrection, is what they're calling protest.
So I can tell you that now Posobiec came out.
And said from his sources, which is the real deal, that the White House is writing the speech right now, and it will be on the 11th.
So, I don't just go off what he says, even though he might be credible 100 times, maybe the 101st he's wrong, but he's saying it, and I made some calls from different angles and confirmed it, that they definitely have that as a marker point that they're probably going to do it.
Now, if we expose it and get ahead of it, if governors speak up, if the Senate speaks up, then they may back off.
That's why I'm doing this.
But you know, 95% of the time, I'm very, very accurate when I make these type of predictions because it's not a prediction.
Something this big, they're gonna set the table.
Like you show up at grandma's house, you smell food, see the table set, you go, oh wow, did you cook something?
When I came to visit, I didn't know you were making a big meal.
And she comes out with a big ham or a turkey.
She's like, oh, absolutely.
I mean, you can smell it coming out of the kitchen, the tyranny.
They got the table all set.
They got the knives out for us.
And then you got all the preparatory announcements taking place.
So yay, yay, yay.
National lockdown day.
Lockdown two.
Make sure big tech destroys more of the economy, consolidates power.
And they're just gonna do it every late summer into fall.
This is our new life.
Where your businesses are shut down, but Amazon and Walmart and Target, they're all open.
And if people put up with this, then they just get what they deserve.
Churches are still closed in Canada.
The topless bars have been open the whole time.
So it's just unbelievable.
Let me just give you the headlines here as best I can.
And then tell you what that means when he declares this emergency.
Because he's going to say, and I have this from my own deep research, because I know what the Club of Rome and what the Trilateral Commission and what the CFR and what the Davos Group, all the same people, what the UN say in their white papers will now be announced.
So I can tell you what's going to be announced.
He's also going to announce a climate emergency on the 11th and tie the two together.
Now they may run in and change some of the speeches now.
But only if any senators look into this and challenge him or any governors.
They don't care if I come out and tell you beforehand.
They think I don't matter.
They think you don't matter.
So they'll probably execute it, just as I'm saying, on the 11th.
They might move it to the 14th or something.
That's another day that they've definitely got a lot of action around.
But we're talking right now six days From lockdown to being announced, and all of the suicide, and all the bankruptcy, and all the homelessness, and death that comes with it.
And you've already seen 10 deaths, they say, from COVID this year in seven months in Australia.
And they're under total lockdown, basically, with the military out beating up men, women, and children that dare go outside to walk their dog.
I mean, this is just disgusting.
Oh, and I'll tell you what's even richer.
There's an article on InfoWars.com.
Will you just print for me?
It just popped up, thanks.
The U.N.
is reporting that governments are bad and governments are attacking their own people and are authoritarian.
And the U.N.
is very upset about footage out of Germany and France and Australia and the U.S.
and Canada of riot police beating men, women, and children at anti-lockdown protests.
Oh my goodness!
Just like the U.N.
is so upset about all the mass starvation, 20-plus million that starved to death the last year and a half.
With the lockdowns, they admit.
So, they order the lockdowns, and then they tell you all about the death and how terrible, and then they tell you, oh, it's a UN project to censor everybody and control everybody.
But then, when the police beat everyone in lockdowns they order, then the police are bad.
So it's called having cake and eating it too.
And by the way, I'm not defending these horrible, evil, North Korean-style police, no matter where they are, in Los Angeles or in Melbourne, Australia.
Or in North Korea.
I'm saying that to have the UN then have its cake and eat it too and go, oh my God, look, these governments are at war with their own people.
This is torture.
Which of course it is.
And it is North Korea.
And it is, like, off the chart.
But the very group that the Fortune 100 controls giving the shots, like a general, a field marshal in a war, he says, use your artillery on that town.
Kill everyone.
So for a day and a half artillery, blow a town to pieces of 10,000 people.
And then the field marshal gets on the TV and says, it's terrible what the army did to that town.
I'm so upset.
That army is evil.
Hitler said, I apologize for the German military invading North Africa in 1941.
I'm good.
I'm against it.
You ordered it.
I mean, it's it's the death of logic because they think the public has no logic.
So they just do all this stuff.
You got to take this vaccine or it doesn't protect you and actually makes you sicker.
But you're going to take it.
It's all coming up.
The vaccine.
What does it mean to go into this emergency?
Because we're already under martial law.
He's going to make it official.
And the date is set for six days.
Let me lay it out real easy and real clear.
What's going on?
What's happening?
What's unfolding?
Private banks were able to get control of the currency of the British Empire in 1815.
And once they did that, they got control of most of the other currencies on the planet.
And then we had the Bretton Woods Agreement after World War II that agreed to make the dollar the world reserve currency.
And that benefited Americans and others to a great extent.
But then, over time, the private bank holders were able to create thousands of trillions of dollars that they used to buy up the media, the academics, all the major corporations, And now they have this huge pile of derivatives that years ago, a decade ago, was in the multi quadrillions.
That's a thousand trillion.
They say now it is many times worse than that to where they could buy the world over at current inflation rates thousands of times.
Now that's fraud.
You know, Bernie Madoff went to jail for creating 80 billion or so in fake money.
And he ripped off rich people.
That's why he went to jail.
So he was kind of running a scam on the establishment itself that they run on all of us.
And so what do you do when you come to the end of the line?
What do you do when it gets down to brass tacks now, and they've got this giant global debt that's fraud, they should all go to prison for it.
But it's infected all the pension funds, and all the mortgages, and all the governments, and all the systems in the world, and the Chinese are duplicating it, and the EU has their own system, and there's all these incestuous money laundering operations, and Ponzi schemes going on, and then what do you do when you know it's coming to an end, and you know you can't hide the inflation?
Well, you release a virus, you hype it up, you lock things down, you destroy the real economy,
you tell people, "Hey, I'm going to give you a universal income to create a depression
in the real economy so there's less goods so that the inflation doesn't show up as bad as it would."
And then you get control of those individuals who don't understand economics
and are now getting a pittance of money made out of nowhere, but then they get behavioral control
and political alignment and fielding and submission from those individuals.
So this is all a process of having an endless emergency and lockdowns that consolidate power into a handful of globalist big tech corporations.
Well, you're shut down, but while you learn to go on the dole for fewer and fewer resources, because they're going to pay you for many, many, many, many, many years, more than you would get paid in the free market, only to get rid of what's left of small businesses and mom and pops, because once they're gone, then they're going to have total control.
And that's their admitted plan, and that's their great reset, is you will own nothing, you will have nothing, you will live in a coffin-sized tube, this is all official, you will not get meat, you will not travel, but you will have all of the synthetic drugs and pornography and entertainment you want given to you.
You will be anesthetized, after they've taken everything from you physically, they will then take your mind.
And that's what this is.
And so, the chains are going on right now.
Your birthright, your privacy, your own ideas, your right to self-defense, your right to get married and have children, all of it is under total assault.
Your right to religion, it's all under your body, your right to have in your body what you want.
And they didn't just come out with a placebo, and then say, oh, we'll open back up once you take the placebo.
No, up front, they give you something that gives you blood clots and kills you, slowly.
Because they gotta get the party started at a certain point, and they know that actually, in the twisted psychology and behavioral psychology, that actually, if something's really abusive and violent and bad, and no alpha males come to stop it, That people will then subserve themselves to the abusers under what I call mass Stockholm Syndrome and learned helplessness.
And that people will then bow down to the oppression and the domination.
Because they mentally can't handle the horror of what's being done to them.
It's too scary to know they've got control of the government and are coming, even for children, with something that colonizes your body with prion mad cow crystals.
On record.
And so, it's so horrifying to people that up front it's killing so many.
And when they talk about how they got sick or how their daughter died or how their father died or their mother died
or their brother died, they get censored, it creates desperation.
And so this is a full-on culling, a full-on exercise of power.
And this is war against humanity.
It's horrifying.
So we're already under a martial law where the former president can't be online and millions of other people have been taken offline in the U.S.
We're already under a martial law where they surveil everything you do and big tech sends out Trojan horse assistant apps that listen and watch your every move and your phones track your every move.
We're already under a martial law when they're already announcing in all these big blue cities and states they control vaccine passports and you can't go to the grocery store.
All the same thing the U.N.
already announced.
The same thing that Boris Johnson and Macron all announced.
But then they're going to make it official coming up very, very soon.
The date they have set is the 11th.
After all their surrogates and all their minions and all their people called for it and prepared it and got it lined up and got it ready.
And so you have this sense of helplessness of, hey, it's in their white papers.
They're going to have an internet ID.
They're going to have a global social credit score based off of this database, this medical ID.
And they say they're going to take three or four shots a year and then even more.
They're going to track and control you, and then once they have that pass for you to be able to travel, they can then not let you travel for a lot of other reasons, so you don't want to take the system.
It's not a key to the city, like de Blasio said yesterday.
It's a key to the chains they control that are on your body that they now throw the key into the ocean.
When we come back, I'll go over all these articles, but it's all totally predictable.
How did I say over a year ago?
Hell, I said it in March.
I played the clip many times.
I was working out a lot more than I was 20 pounds lighter and wearing that, you know, light brown suit.
And I'm up here in March and I say, they're going to make you take the shots to declare there's a new variant and that the vaccine didn't work and that it's the unvaccinated they're to blame and they'll do it by the end of the summer 2021 because we had the documents.
That's a UN document.
I didn't predict that.
It's a battle plan.
And there's nothing more frustrating than having an enemy's battle plan and having it and not seeing resistance mount to a criminal takeover.
But now he's going to do the part of the story where it's going to be right out in the open.
And you'll be really crazy if you don't stand up and say no.
It's the moment you figure out that submission is death, resistance is life.
Let me give you an illustration before I hit the tyranny and what Joe Biden is set to announce on August 11th.
It's confirmed.
You're hearing it here, confirmed first.
They're set to make that date.
They may change the date of the announcement, but it's on.
And all their surrogates are saying it's on.
Hell, I knew this over a week ago, but I wanted to make dead sure.
That's coming up in a moment.
But I got several articles that tie together that illustrate the way out of this.
Let me show you these articles.
This came out again a few days ago, ZeroHedge.com.
Build is the biggest newspaper magazine in Europe.
Very respected.
Editor-in-chief of Europe's top newspaper apologizes for fear-driven coverage of COVID and says, the police are beating men, women, and children.
This is all overblown.
The numbers were much exaggerated.
The PCR tests are fake.
We apologize.
We were wrong.
Now, is that because people are turned against him?
Maybe it's because his wife's gonna leave him?
Maybe because he has a soul?
I don't know.
But it's that type of activity of people that are in the system... I mean, build at the end of World War II, the OSS came in, took it over, and made it the new paper, then the CIA ran it forever, everybody knows that.
And then you can argue whether the Germans ever really got control of it.
But the point is, Bild is the mouth of the establishment.
Why would it be saying that?
Because people rebel inside the establishment?
I don't know.
But I'm telling you this, this is bad for everybody.
I don't care if you're the editor of Bild.
I don't care who you are.
We're destroying civilization.
So the globalists can consolidate power over what?
Save the Earth-collapsing civilization and the giant wars?
That's going to start?
No, this is about power and control.
This is not about the environment.
They tell their acolytes, oh, we're taking over and starving everyone for the Earth.
Oh, we're consolidating power and bankrupting people to cut the carbon.
Total BS.
So this is what you want to see.
You want to see this.
This is a featured video.
I didn't watch this when it was live yesterday in the fourth hour.
I watched it last night.
When I got home after work at 930.
Not bitching, I'm just working hard.
And look at this!
High-level Pfizer whistleblower confirms COVID injections are poisonous bioweapons.
She was home with a psychiatrist, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
Did a great job in the fourth hour.
And then she just goes over the patents that they admit it is designed to get blood clots and kill you.
That is the whole point.
That's Karen Kingston.
So it's going to be people like the editor-in-chief of Germany's Bild apologizing and saying this is wrong and that this is tyranny and that the police attacking everybody is evil and forgive us for generations.
We have helped induct everyone into total tyranny.
It's going to be people like that, like Julian Reichelt, if I'm saying that right.
And Karen Kingston.
People have got to decide to say no at a certain point and stop surrendering to evil.
Because as Thomas Jefferson was famously asked, what is the level of tyranny at which tyrants will stop?
And he said, at the level you start pushing back.
There is no level.
It's well thought out how they're doing it.
It's a technocracy, but it's what they're in game is insane and will not work.
It's why they say, oh, we're destroying civilization to save the earth, because they know their program is just of destruction.
And the people on top know that's the plan.
Pure evil.
But those below them believe they're really doing all this creative destruction, Chicago business school, Rockefeller crap.
Because it's for the greater good.
Because they're the down-front liberals.
They're fighting the establishment.
Yeah, right.
You are the establishment.
People that serve this system.
So, let's talk about reality here.
Look at this.
Tucker Carlson comes out last night and points out the elephant in the room.
And even the Washington Post gets it.
Opinion, the CDC's eviction moratorium is almost certainly illegal.
So even the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos' publication, Says you just can't have the CDC because the CDC, let me explain this, doesn't have the statutory power in any way to announce that for now, over a year and a half, people's mortgages are forgiven or their rents are forgiven.
And again, why would the system be doing that?
Because they're going to knock out the smaller renters and the smaller property owners and consolidate.
They're just creating disorder and fear.
And of course, was it constitutional to say all these small businesses were not essential to begin the breakdown and tell people stay home so that the economy would fall apart so production would drop?
All of it was wrong.
And then where is the CDC coming out and saying, oh, we order everyone to keep giving everybody free rent, even though the people that are paying property taxes on those houses and apartments and condos and that are fixing the roof and fixing the air conditioner and fixing the pipes and fixing everything when the renters are cooking meth in the living room or the kitchen, they've got to still pay the banks, who are the big boys.
So this is savage war by the ruling class against everyone.
And you see the ruling class doubling and tripling profits.
So of course, a year later, they're back with lockdown too.
So the question is, when do you come up for error?
I scanned over this.
Here's the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, Order Section 361, Public Health Service Act.
Since when do they have the power?
They tell you how they have the power.
They don't have it.
To declare under civil emergency that they can do this.
Well, only if we're under martial law.
Only if Biden is a dictator.
Only if all those executive orders have been implemented.
And you see, they haven't been officially implemented.
Not all of them yet.
And that's what's going to start on January.
Of next year, in my view, is the country going into complete bankruptcy and receivership and collapse.
But before then, they want to kill the economy again, put it into cardiac arrest on August 11th with this new declaration where he'll also declare war on fossil fuels and on business in America to drive anybody else that thought they could invest here out so the globalists can break us.
Bankrupt us and then totally consolidate control.
But it's not just the money and the houses and the land they want.
They want that control over your family.
They want that control over your mind.
They want that control over everything you do and where you go.
And they want to be able to watch you because they crave it.
And how anybody would give monsters like this this control over their lives and think, oh, just take the shot.
You'll get your freedom pass when you'll never.
The freedom pass is a slave pass.
The freedom pass, the key to New York.
Having this tracker thing on your phone is your ticket to hell.
It's your ticket to North Korea and everybody that's got a brain knows that.
So the UN pushes the lockdown and says, "Oh my God, people are starving. You got to give us more money."
The UN pushes the torture and beating of people that go outside and says, oh my God, your countries are bad, the UN should take over, your police are beating you.
Then they order the lockdown, bankrupt everybody, including the renters and the renters.
And then they come in and say, oh, don't worry, we've got a new emergency reorganization where you just sign on to this program and we'll give you money to keep the people living in your house there.
So now the government, the big corporations, the banks are the direct controller.
And then you're just a tenant that kind of manages the property for them.
They've got it all figured out.
It's all been announced.
It's totally diabolical.
The human implementation of Christianity has been very flawed.
But in Christianity, we developed a civilizational system that really empowered humanity and really took us to the next level.
But the entire natural world is about the survival of the fittest.
And it is a system of control.
And it is seeking to take over and to dominate and to kill again.
And notice it creates a system where it doesn't want competition for its prey.
It wants to dumb us down, isolate us, and then take its time toying with us before we're destroyed.
So the very survival of the fittest system the globalists talk about is a fraud.
They want a monopoly.
They want a system where they've got all the weapons, they've got all the technology, they've got all the understanding, and then we are just these playthings that they ritualistically attack.
But if we have a level playing field, or even half a level playing field, we will intellectually defeat them.
The public will resonate with us, with strong families, and strong ideas, and God, and justice, and freedom, and real competition.
And we will celebrate that competition together, and we will raise everyone up in that excellence.
They don't want that.
They want control of the human.
They want the control of the immune system.
They want control over our lives.
They want to play God.
That is what makes them feel powerful, is to put a thumb on each and every one of you out there.
And they've lied to you about every facet of the COVID takeover.
And we have their documents that it's about power and control.
We have their documents that it's about lockstep.
I mean, we know what this is.
This is their big grand assault.
This is them playing their hand.
And they've gotten away with a lot, but it's falling apart quick.
It's not going as well as they want it.
They're really scared.
I force vaccinations on my cattle.
Not because I'm concerned with their health and safety, but because I'm concerned about my profitability.
Let's go ahead and look at this.
Here we go, Fauci fears variant.
He fears, oh, oh my gosh.
Well, this Nostradamus is never right, is he?
Except about his pocketbook.
Fauci fears variant worse than Delta is on the horizon because of unvaccinated Americans.
That's right.
No proof there, but oh, there's one even worse.
See what happened here?
They rolled out Delta.
All this made up fear.
Then we learned the majority of people that were sick had the vaccine.
Majority dying had the vaccine.
So now we know that Delta is tied to the vaccine.
So let's move on to something more scary sounding.
Oh, not the real bubonic plague in Nevada and Colorado killing people.
No, no, no.
That doesn't hit the news.
No, no, no.
The unvaccinated.
And it's a voodoo-esque statement.
It's not Mason reality.
But they don't care.
Hey, there's a new, even more deadly one coming.
And then meanwhile, there were really not any new numbers of people in the hospitals last year, other than those they were killing with ventilators.
But this year, there are more people sick, and there are people getting ill.
And now when people get a flu or get a cold, they just panic.
They think it's the end of the world.
The COVID-19 wasn't a new virus, they cooked up a chimera so they could own it and control it and control the vaccines and response to it.
So they'd be years ahead of everybody else because the vaccine was actually the poison, the spike protein.
So here's Fauci blaming you, ladies and gentlemen.
Those that won't take their experimental shot.
How outrageous.
Secretary of Defense Austin to announce mandatory vaccine policy for all active duty military.
An experimental shot, courts ruled, and Early 90s and 2000s they couldn't do that, but now they're just gonna try it again because the majority of the military didn't take it.
Oh, they claim 60% did.
That's not true.
New York City launches vaccine passport.
Told you that was coming.
Totally illegal.
The Atlantic!
That's the mouth of Obama.
Unvaccinated people belong on a no-fly list.
And you read the headline by the guy that used to work at an Israeli torture prison, Jeffrey Goldberg.
He's come down here to visit me before.
But really what they want is an ID says, we need to roll out now an ID when you travel to get on planes that says your vaccination status.
It's not even a vaccine, every part of it's a lie.
And we should have this database that forms, you know, this database that controls everybody.
So it's about a database and a tracker ID where they can approve or unapprove you to travel when they want based on social credit, criticizing the globalist, whatever the case may be.
And then here's Jeffrey Goldberg.
Who lied about WMDs, he's credited being the main guy that made up that stuff, and he worked at an Israeli torture base, and now he's here to put a chain around our neck, and a ball and chain, and make us take his ID.
It's all right here in the article.
And that's what Biden's set to announce.
You gotta go read the article, it's really disgusting, and it reads like 1984, because That's what it is.
Oh, but the 7,000 illegals in McAllen released a loan who tested positive for COVID.
That's okay, though.
Oh, you test positive, we just dump you on the street.
But oh my gosh, we can't let citizens fly on airplanes that aren't in our database.
What a creepy evil man.
But he's just the mouth of these people.
plans to require COVID-19 shots for foreign travelers, AP reports.
So Biden's about to announce that today or tomorrow.
And then next, it's just you always hear about new restrictions, new restrictions, which kind of becomes a background noise.
It's all behavioral psychologists running this.
There you go.
But Boston Mayor Kim Janney gets it right, compares vaccine passports to slave papers, birtherism.
Well, yeah, I mean, you can't have illegal aliens have IDs.
You can't have IDs to vote.
But you gotta have them to get on a plane or a train or any of that.
will consider requiring vaccine proof at restaurants, gyms, indoor sporting events.
See, everything you already see in Europe then goes to New York, then goes to California.
They just add more and more to see what they can get away with.
Then have police come by with the health department.
And shut down your business because they ordered you shut, even though they don't have that power statutorily.
Just like they don't have the power to say, oh, after a year and a half of you not having to pay your rent, the CDC says you still don't have to.
They don't have that power.
But see, there goes your private property with all the millennials who want their free tuition, their free car, their free everything.
They don't get their being inducted into slavery.
All color of law.
And remember, it's all unauthorized.
It's all not even FDA approved.
Because it would have to have been studied under law and had to have some background.
But even now we do know they studied it beforehand, secretly, and they knew exactly what they were doing, killing us.
Meanwhile, Baylor professor says it should be a hate crime to criticize Fauci and other scientists once people arrested to criticize official science.
That is the definition of murdering science right there.
Dr. Drew says vaccine passports are a new form of segregation.
The King Obama, though, is scaling back his lavish Martha's Vineyard party after the Communist Chinese criticized it.
One rule for us, Google co-founder allowed to enter country with closed borders while others, including citizens, were blocked.
New Zealand let him bring his 12-year-old for medical treatment from his private Fiji island on his private jet because he is a ruler of the earth.
AOC's got caught not wearing a mask but saying, let's do our photo shoot, put your mask on, because they're all part of the ruling minion class, so they all know it's a fraud.
It's all so funny.
I'm going to go to break.
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People are really receptive to the truth right now, my friends.
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InfoWars.com Guess who's criticizing Australia
for imposing one of the most brutal lockdowns in the developed world.
Piers Corbyn?
Amnesty International?
Human rights campaigners?
No, it's literally the communist Chinese government.
The Global Times, the official mouthpiece for the CCP, published a scathing editorial describing Australia's decision to send members of the military to occupy Sydney and enforce lockdown as a move that seemed, quote, draconian among nations.
Yeah, chances are if Even Beijing is taken aback by your level of authoritarianism.
That's a pretty draconian brand of authoritarianism.
Now obviously on the one hand, China is just clapping back at Australia for the Morrison government's earlier criticism of China's atrocious disregard for human rights when it came to imposing its own lockdown.
But the fact remains, He who fought with monsters has become the monster.
Australia gazed into the abyss and now the abyss gazes back at Australia.
Because just like communist China, Australia is now officially a biosecurity police state.
Australia is a post-democratic country.
How else could you describe a country where protest is outlawed?
Where under a newly proposed law, those who risk arrest by even daring to attend a demonstration are subject to onerous fines of up to $5,500.
Where those who merely post anti-lockdown information online could face fines of up to $11,000.
Where protest organisers face fines of $20,000.
Where pregnant women who promote such protests on Facebook are arrested in front of their kids in their own homes.
How else could you describe a country where people face $500 fines for failing to wear a face mask?
Where surveillance drones are deployed to catch the unmasked.
They're the eyes and voices in the sky.
Where grandmas sitting on park benches are arrested for not wearing masks.
Where the public is ordered by top health officials not to speak to each other, even if they're wearing masks.
Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that.
So even if you run into your next door neighbour, in the shopping centre, in the Coles, whilst you're at Coles
and Woodwards or Aldi or any other grocery shop, don't start up a conversation.
Now is the time for minimising your interactions with others.
Even if you've got a mask, don't start up a conversation.
How else could you describe a country where police have the power to enter homes without a warrant
to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules?
Where authorities gave themselves the power to remove children from the custody of their parents to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules.
Where people are prevented from travelling further than three kilometres from their homes.
Where surveillance choppers are used to track down people who camp in remote locations.
Where senior government ministers refuse to rule out Australians being forced to wear electronic ankle bracelets Even if they're fully vaccinated to make sure they're complying with home quarantine orders.
Where laws are under consideration giving authorities the power to arrest quote conspiracy theorists if it's thought they may commit a crime in the future.
Australia continues to pursue a disastrous zero covid policy.
That has seen towns 800 miles from the nearest city locked down after just one single COVID case.
The country also continues to impose medical martial law measures that are so despotic, even China is jealous.
When the world's leading communist dictatorship expresses surprise at the lengths you're prepared to go to to subjugate your own population, you know for sure that something's rotten down under.
With Thought Criminal, Ivory Hecker in studio.
Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker is live in Montgomery County to take a look at that aspect.
Thanks, guys.
That's right.
Before we get to that story, I want to let you, the viewers, know that Fox Corp has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewers, and from what I'm gathering, I am not the only reporter being subjected to this.
I am going to be releasing some recordings About what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you, the viewers.
I found a non-profit journalism group called Project Veritas.
It's gonna help put that out tomorrow, so tune in to them.
But as for this heat wave across Texas, you can see what it's doing to AC units.
This one, broken down as we...
Alright, so that's Ivory Hecker, I guess a month and a half ago, seems like a hundred years ago now, and then she got censored at CPAC by Fox, again, that was in control of the production.
So, censoring going on everywhere, but not here at the Dreaded Evil Info Wars.
I love that, I love that.
You are at the Black Sheep Command Base right now.
And the Black Outfit Dress Code, it's good to be here.
You bet.
We did not talk on the phone today at a color court.
It was the first time we met.
So it's great to have you here.
Wow, so much going on.
Tell the viewers a little bit about yourselves.
This is Uncensored.
This is live and about what you're doing right now, how you're launching a new major operation today.
Yeah, I just launched my brand new website, IvoryHacker.com.
So I'm going to be able to upload uncensored journalism there.
I'm going to cover all the topics Fox didn't want me to cover.
And my first upload on there is actually a video of my Fox bosses, in their own words, what they were really up to.
More of the soundbites that Project Veritas wasn't able to fit in.
And that video, when I actually tried putting it on YouTube, it got banned.
So now it's on my own website.
But I'm going to have a lot more original journalism on there as well.
Wow, it's incredible.
Just three years ago, YouTube was denying that they were censoring me and others.
Now they censor the President of the United States, President Trump.
Now they censor you.
And for those that don't know, tell people what you were being censored about.
It was talking to doctors in Houston about what was working on their patients.
Oh yeah, I mean Fox is, as far as I can tell, on a massive censorship campaign in lockstep with the social media corporations right now, but I first really became aware of Fox's censorship campaign when I was covering a Houston doctor last summer.
But then I watched their lockstep with the same sort of censorship social media corporations.
The topics that they censor, corporate news censors too.
And so did you ever discover if they had a list of things they weren't supposed to do or it was just verbally they told you what to do?
It was verbally.
It was not some memo passed around.
It's really funny because I went to this women's empowerment event recently and when one of the young women heard I was a reporter, her first question, not knowing anything about me, she was like, Is there a memo that you guys passed around of what your talking points are as a mainstream media member?
And I was like, no, but it seems like that, isn't it?
Because everyone's in lockstep together.
Oh, definitely the managers do.
And we've actually now Gotten some of those memos.
Some of that's come out now, where the big corporate heads are basically told, the UN is the boss, what they say is what happens.
And then, since when did the UN take control of local Fox in Houston?
But see, that's the compartmentalization.
They don't even know it's coming down from the United Nations.
Right, I was a Fox Corp employee so Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert's son, was my CEO.
So, you know, there's 28 major Fox local stations that are all headed up by Lachlan Murdoch and basically what he and his people say And when I pressed my boss, why are you coming at my throat for no reason?
Why are you coming at my throat for doing journalism?
She finally admitted to me that it was because of her bosses.
So her strings were being pulled from the top in New York, and that's when I realized I need out.
Prior to that, I loved Fox.
I wanted to stay with Fox.
But you saw behind the curtain.
Well, let's talk about that specifically.
Specifically, what was the report that made them so upset that they said you couldn't do that?
Well, it was Dr. Joseph Ferron at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston.
I was sent to his hospital last August, actually nearly a year ago.
Fox sent me to go cover him.
I had never met him before.
Hadn't paid attention to him but it was something he said that caused Fox to want to discipline me and that was him admitting that he uses hydroxychloroquine on his patients and that it is going well.
Because the UN and Fauci and The government had said only these injections are good, which they can only get those injections authorized in emergency authorization if there was no other known treatments.
Because there were all these other very well ethical treatments, they could not allow those or they couldn't then get emergency authorization.
It just seems that way.
So last August when this was happening to me, they were on this fast track with the vaccines, right?
So they needed to create an environment where nothing else is working, where there's no treatment out there.
And if you're hearing that doctors on the ground are using it, because it wasn't just Dr. Varone, Every time I brought up the topic of hydroxychloroquine, I'd get all these floods of emails and messages from viewers saying, oh, my doctor prescribed it too.
It worked for me too.
It was like this underground operation of something that the media didn't want to touch.
Organic humans communicating with each other.
How un-American.
Gotta stop that.
Yeah, so Fox, not only did they say, don't touch this topic anymore.
I mean, not just hydroxychloroquine.
They said, Ivory, you're banned from COVID drug treatment.
You can't cover that topic at all.
Meanwhile, big research was happening on ivermectin.
And I wasn't supposed to touch that.
When I checked the Fox archives, not a single person at my TV station touched that topic.
Again, because they didn't want you to go to your doctor and ask for that.
They wanted you to go and send to a hospital, be put on a ventilator and die.
Then they get $53,000 for that.
Expanding on that.
You go to CPAC, and again, Fox is the sponsor of that.
What a dumb move to turn your microphone down.
I mean, we can play the clip.
Everybody heard about it and saw it.
Didn't that make your speech 10 times bigger that they censored you again later at another event that they were the sponsor of?
Oh yeah, that only hurts Fox if they're cutting my feed.
And look, Fox didn't turn my microphone down because CPAC was in charge of the mic and CPAC kept their camera.
Oh, well then all I knew on TV is I saw it fade down.
You mean their feed?
Yeah, Fox Nation.
I was told by viewers in the audience that Fox Nation cut the feed when I turned on the microphone.
True, that's what I meant was their feed out of there.
Not your specific microphone, but then your feed got faded down.
Yeah, and some, you know, I just, coming out of that speech, people in the audience came up to me furious.
They were wearing CPAC lanyards that said Fox on, you know, because Fox was the primary sponsor.
They said, we're getting rid of these lanyards, we're turning them into Matt Schlapp first thing tomorrow.
That's right, because the whole, they did CPAC a second time this year because the other one censored everybody.
And so now this one was supposedly against censorship, and then here it happened again.
And it's so interesting to me that now Fox, you know, Election Day, Fox took a huge hit with its ratings.
Fox basically committed suicide on the national level with how they approached Election Day coverage.
So now, after that, they're pouring money into conservative events to try to get their audience back.
So they're the primary sponsor of CPAC to try to win back the audience that they alienated on election day.
And then they went on to be the primary sponsor of Turning Point as well, which I was initially invited to and then uninvited to.
Yeah, well, I mean, I don't bash other Republican or conservative groups because I'm not in competition with them.
I wish that, I intellectually want them to be, you know, good people.
But Charlie Kirk and that whole thing is like the bubblegum, happy conservative, oh, we're going to convince the kids to vote for us and we're going to have machines firing money out with strippers and stuff.
And I just don't really think that's intellectually what anybody's looking for.
And again, the Republican Party is almost as bad as the Democrats.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
You know, all of this establishment politics is something I have no interest in being a part of.
I was initially invited to these events to spread the word about my experience, and I said, that's great to have that platform, but if you don't want me there, cool!
I don't need to be a part of your... Well, exactly.
They invite you to un-invite you.
It's all the power they have over people.
We'll be right back with Irie Hecker.
Ivory Hecker is our guest in studio here in the Alex Jones Show.
And there's so many amazing reporters that are blowing the whistle, that are quitting, that are leaving their job, mainly because they've been told, cover up big tech censorship, cover up medical tyranny.
And I have to say, most of them are women.
We've not seen a lot of men do that.
I'm not trying to make this a male versus female thing, but I know a lot of reporters around the country They've reached out to you, I would imagine, behind the scenes, but also publicly, and say they admire what you've done.
The editor of Bill, biggest publication in Europe, has come out and apologized and said, we suppressed the truth, we scared everybody, we're against the police state, we're against the lockdown, we're against covering up treatments, I'm sorry.
Well, you didn't do the covering up.
You refused up front.
So I think it should be people like you and the editor of Build are the example of a chambering action of just finding our humanity and rejecting this corporate dictate to go along with their lies.
And yeah, there was a group of almost 30 journalists in the UK just in the past couple of weeks who came out and said the same thing of saying, look, we've been ordered into this lockstep of talking points coming straight from the government and we're not, we're not able to straight, like what are we an arm of government propaganda or are we putting the citizens first?
Yes, and it's been too much of the same thing in the United States as well.
I have heard from dozens of journalists and I'm going to be putting out some of their stories on my new website and I'm also going to be covering everything that Fox didn't let me cover.
See, I didn't even know that.
I was about to say to you on air, tell me about what your mission is going to be.
And it's like, boom, exactly what I would recommend is being a place to magnify folks even more than Project Veritas does, because they're great.
But we need more places to be launch pads for other journalists who are going to step forward and have that solidarity to get past the fear.
A lot of those journalists were women, but there was just a man in Hawaii actually, a Hawaii news anchor, who came out and said, look, I was just let go from my station after a fiery conversation with his bosses about disseminating false information every day.
He said, look, I'm not going to be reading this fake news on the teleprompter anymore.
I refuse.
And it got explosive and they let him go.
And now he's speaking out about it.
We don't realize what goes on behind the scenes.
There's a lot of journalists who are really fed up with this.
And a lot of them are quietly throwing in the towel.
They've come to me after leaving their jobs saying why, why they.
Got disheartened that they thought it was going to be journalism they were doing, and instead, it's this corporate agenda.
Special interests of their bosses that they have to cover.
And now they want us to have medical IDs to travel and take experimental shots in violation of the Nuremberg Code?
And they're trying to gaslight us like it's normal?
So they're using this as the pretext to lock down businesses that aren't globalist, to tell us we're not essential, and to make us accept a worldwide ID?
I mean, this is a nightmare scenario!
Yeah, I'm really concerned about the vaccine issue.
Truth-seeking journalists, I think they're getting red alerts going off in their heads about this because of there is just such a strong railroaded narrative of overhyping the vaccines.
And that's one thing that drove me away from Fox as well.
You know, I have these recordings with my boss where she's saying, how can we get to these kids?
She calls a meeting to figure out how We can get this ticker up on how many people have been vaccinated.
We need to craft our coverage to make parents want to inject their kids.
Purely agenda driven.
That's propaganda.
And I told my bosses, you're doing propaganda.
They were so offended that I said that, but it was true.
And then they're at the same time telling me I cannot report the number of deaths after vaccination.
Data straight from the CDC.
That's aiding and abetting an experimental shot to cover up the death.
I mean, that's the full circle of tyranny.
Yeah, so now I'm actually working on coverage related to the vaccines as we speak.
When I was with Fox, we were getting tips about these healthy young people who were just dying immediately after vaccination, and we never put those stories on air.
Wow, so there's thousands we know of, but you're saying you saw some in Houston no one ever heard of?
Yes, and actually, I mean, one 38-year-old man, we heard about his death back in, I think, April, and at last check, I still don't have the autopsy results back.
What's taking so long?
Next week, I'm going to be meeting with the father of a 16-year-old boy.
Who had a perfect healthy heart before he got the shot.
And then days after getting the Pfizer shot, this young boy died of an enlarged heart.
So I'm going to be meeting with that dad, covering his story.
He's trying to put the word out that... Which by the way, I'm sorry, they admit it's causing this heart swelling.
Yeah, now at least... Microcardiitis or however you say it?
There's more and more information coming out about possible negative heart effects on the kids.
And what was it you said the dad wanted to get out?
I interrupted you.
Oh yeah, he just...
He's created this Facebook banner saying Pfizer killed his son, and he's trying to get the word out.
And when I asked him, did you file a VAERS report, he said, what's that?
So that was alarming to me.
It's like, how many parents are there who don't even know what VAERS is, the reporting system for adverse events?
And by the way, is VAERS back up?
I don't know, it went down last week, magically.
Yeah, so I think there's so many untold stories.
I interviewed another woman.
I'm going to be putting her story out on my new website, IvoryHacker.com, because this is stuff you can't post on social media.
It'll be taken down.
But just seeing how her body has been permanently Her body is forever ruined because of the shot.
Her side effects are horrifying and you're going to see what happened to her in my report.
And the saddest thing is she can't get anyone to diagnose this.
Nobody knows what happened.
She said doctors are telling her, I'm sorry this vaccine is just too new.
So we don't know why your body is uncontrollably shaking.
You have no control.
And that's the key is that they got emergency authorization so they never would do the actual studies because they had done studies of similar vaccines for similar viruses Fauci had and knew what the result would be.
And so then they had him skip this so that they would just get it approved in an emergency status but never have it looked at.
Talk about premeditated evil.
Yeah, it's pretty horrible.
So that website is brand new, ivoryhecker.com.
I'm going to be putting a lot of content up there, but for now my first video up there is the one that was banned from YouTube.
The true story of what Fox was up to in their own words.
And that's extra stuff that's not just in the excellent Project Veritas report.
Isn't James O'Keefe a cool guy?
Yeah, he's great.
I really respect the journalism that he does.
He shows video and audio, people in their own words.
That's where we've got to be at with journalism now.
So few people trust anything the news is saying.
So if you can show video of what people are really up to, that's what audiences want to see now.
They don't trust the written word as much anymore.
There's just so much fake news out there.
That's right.
They don't want to be told about something.
They want to see it for themselves.
And then when you question big events, the media doesn't think that's a good thing.
You shouldn't do it.
When we come back, we're talking about this wonderful young lady that won the gold medal, who didn't attack America when she won.
It was very refreshing.
Stay with us.
Well, people like Ivory Hecker, who's riding a shotgun with me here on the Alex Jones Show today, are the future of not just this country, but the world.
They have the courage To stand up and expose the fact that they were asking her to cover up life-saving information from medical doctors and suppress the truth about ivermectin and other things, and like hydroxychloroquine, and thanks to her and many others, the truth is out there.
A lot of lives have been saved.
But think about how George Orwell said, in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And that happened a few days ago when a U.S.
Olympian proclaimed her love for her country, Tamara Minchia Stock, she won the big wrestling competition gold medal.
Now, just a few decades ago, this would be completely normal.
It's your country.
It paid for you to go there.
It is a competition between nations.
We all exchange each other's cultures and ideas and sports, and it's a great melting pot, and it brings humanity together.
But instead, most of the people we hear are up there running down America.
Because that's what big corporations want.
They want an end to the nation-state and the end of nation-states challenging the monopoly power of big corporations that are bigger than most governments.
So I'm a libertarian, but a little L. I don't believe corporations should have more power than the people or governments.
You need checks.
And that's what globalism is, is big corporations becoming the government and becoming a very authoritarian government.
But here's a short clip of what she had to say.
And again, how is this a revolutionary act?
It's commonplace.
It's common sense.
It's well said.
She's a lovely young woman who just won the gold medal.
So then why is this so radical?
Well, because it's a world of universal deceit.
I'm very happy and I keep trying not to cry, but it keeps happening.
I just want to go into a dark room and just cry.
I've been crying from joy!
For women, wrestling has only been an Olympic sport for not even two decades.
You are the second American woman to win gold.
What does this mean for the popularity of the sport and for all the young girls out there that are going to see you and feel inspiration?
It means that they see someone like themselves on that podium, someone like Helen on that podium, showing them just because you're a female, it doesn't mean you can't accomplish the biggest of goals.
And being an Olympic champ is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life.
And I can say it's well worth it.
And she went on to say in other interviews that she loves America and she's proud of her country.
And the left actually attacked her some, that they don't like this image because they think they own women, they think they really own black people and you're supposed to have a chip on your shoulder and you're a loser and men are out to get you.
But the big corporations are your friends, really.
The same big corporations you saw an ad during the break, we're going to queue up and play.
For Mike Lindell, you said, did you know Fox banned that?
I said, oh, that's why Mike reached out and he runs the ad with us.
Two big national headlines of how dare him fund Alex Jones or run ads.
It's a profit share, liberals.
You don't know what that means.
He doesn't pay me.
I get a percentage of the sales.
They can't even understand that.
It's all these Newsweek articles.
Joe, he's paying Jones now.
No, that's not how it works, idiots.
But I'm sorry, they still get anything.
But how is what she said radical?
It's not.
It's not.
It was actually the most beautiful, little, authentic, giddy little girl.
So excited about it.
You know, the soundbite, I think it was right after what she said there that we saw.
The interviewer went on to say, how does it feel to represent USA?
And and she was just jumping up and down and giggling and said, I love the USA.
And yeah, that used to be something that we saw such patriotism from from every athlete.
And now you can see how weary a lot of Americans are of seeing their fellow countrymen become anti-American.
So when they're seeing her Represent their country the way everyone else who loves their country feels.
You're seeing that clip go viral now.
In fact, guys, I wanted to play the full clip.
Can we get the full clip and play the rest of it next time where she had those words to say thanks?
Now, since you mentioned it, we do have the Mike Lindell clip, right?
Okay, great.
Here's the clip that you saw during the break.
Some stations don't carry those ads, so they didn't see it.
We'll go ahead and roll what you wanted to respond to.
Here's Mike Lindell.
Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done.
All of you know what my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward.
Well, it's all come down to this.
I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th.
This historical event will be live streamed 72 hours straight on my new platform, FrankSpeech.com.
You can help by getting everybody you know to go to FrankSpeech.com now.
To help support this cyber symposium event, I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products, but they're only offered at FrankSpeech.com.
Go to FrankSpeech.com now and use the promo code on your screen or call the 1-800 number below to receive these exclusive MyPillow offers.
Thank you and God bless.
And the promo code is Alex at FrankSpeech.
You can also go to MyPillow.com promo code Alex.
They have hundreds of great products now and they're made right here in America.
Even most of the cotton's grown here.
The geese of sheets is grown in Egypt, which is great sheets as well.
That's it.
MyPillow.com, promo code Alex, or FrankSpeech.com, promo code Alex.
But yeah, that's a whole other story.
Fox, after he spent...
50-something million dollars of them over the years, 50-something million dollars, would not, a made-in-America company, would not run that ad for a cyber symposium to question the election when we have hundreds of videos of all the Democrats questioning voting machines and questioning companies.
Whether they're right or wrong, people have a right to do that.
This fascinates me.
Why would Fox take down an ad for a symposium that is going to explore truth about the election?
Let's get to the bottom of what really happened with the election.
Here's the thing.
We know Fox News is in a huge lawsuit with Dominion.
Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox out the wazoo.
Now, if you're being sued By dominion, wouldn't you want to get all the proof you could that dominion did commit fraud?
Then you would win the lawsuit, right?
But for some reason, Fox is shirking back like crazy, banning an ad for a symposium that's going to look into election fraud.
Well, I mean, I want to be clear here.
I didn't go the angle, we've covered it some, of Dominion itself.
The truth is, any of these voting machines, hackers can get into it.
And so I think, and Robert Barnes is on next hour, he was an advisor to Trump and actually worked on the election, he early on said, I think Dominion's a red herring.
It's the ballot stuffing with the suitcases under the table, pulling them out, running them over and over again, and the cars showing up in the middle of the night.
That's not a hack by Dominion doing that.
That is people feeding them into the machine.
That's where we caught them.
Now, sure, did Dominion maybe do that?
Do these voting machine companies do things?
Can random hackers get in, or can other Democrats have codes, or Republicans?
These things are wide open to hacking, and it's very legitimate to have a symposium with hackers.
They've done these in Las Vegas as well, to show how these machines are wide open.
So again, yes, they're trying.
Overall, Fox News is to suppress this.
What do you think?
Well, I think they're just so afraid of more lawsuits.
From my experience within Fox, they're constantly trying to do everything they can to avoid a lawsuit, which is so ironic, but then they get hit with a whammy of a lawsuit.
But here's the thing, a good voting machine, it can't be hacked into like that.
And I've tried to do coverage on this, which Fox shot down, but the state of Texas Said in January of 2020, I have the paperwork on the State of Texas Secretary of State's office saying we will prohibit Dominion from being used in Texas.
That's right, they've been decertified.
Yeah, because we see how it can be hacked into.
Meanwhile, there's other voting systems that are more effective.
In Harris County, they actually use the Hart InterCivic software where you cannot run a ballot through multiple times.
Hart doesn't allow that.
Election systems and software machines, that's another brand, with them you can.
In fact, one big story I tried to cover with Fox that they shot down, the Harris County Commissioner's Court was voting on which election machines to use.
And there was a cell phone video shot by some Harris County officials when the election systems and software people came to Harris County to demonstrate their machines.
And Harris County said, hey, if you run a ballot through twice, is it going to register twice?
And the guy said, yeah.
Hold on, let's come back and talk about that.
Ivory Hecker is our guest.
She's a whistleblowing Fox reporter out of Houston.
And they wouldn't let her talk to medical doctors.
And a lot of people don't want reporters talking about election fraud or about machines not
having integrity.
But we have all these states that decertified a lot of different voting machines.
My issue was statements made of we have the proof, as some people said, that the head
people at Dominion gave orders to still the election.
Well, you can't prove that and I never saw the proof and it's never been brought forward.
Instead of, hey, this thing leaks like a sieve.
Anybody can get into it.
People can run ballots through it.
We've got a problem with this company and others.
That's legitimate to say that there are problems in the voting system.
And then you can prove that.
But what happened was people said they had the smoking guns on that, which then couldn't be delivered.
And so then the whole thing falls apart.
And I've seen Intelligence operations at 8chan, who constantly put out stuff that's too good to be true, just like the Q stuff, so that we end up getting our asses handed to us, instead of like, hey, I don't think any voting system that can easily be hacked into, or you can run multiple ballots through, should be certified.
And that's why a whole bunch of states have not certified Dominion.
So rather than defending Dominion, because I'm not scared of lawsuits or any of this crap, I as a voter, as a citizen, have a right to ask questions.
That's not my issue.
I'm not defending Dominion.
I'm simply saying the attack needs to be on the integrity of the systems themselves, not try to claim, oh, the executives did this, because you can't prove that.
That's designed to fail.
I never received any evidence that executives at the top of these voting companies designed them to fail.
But I do have cell phone video filmed by Harris County officials, which Harris County is where Houston's located, where I'm located as a reporter.
When election systems and software came to Harris County to demonstrate their software and say, pick us, we want your voting machines in the third most populous county in America to be election systems and software.
So when they did the demonstration of the machines, the Harris County officials asked, if you have a ballot and you feed it through twice, is it going to register Two votes.
One ballot registering two or more votes, depending on how many times you feed it through.
And the man from Election Systems and Software said, yes, yes, it will register as more than one vote.
One ballot can register for multiple votes.
And so these Harris County officials were very alarmed by that.
They brought the video to me, the reporter, to get it out to the public because Harris County officials were about to vote on maybe using this, these voting machines in Harris County.
And I was dumbfounded when I pitched this video to my bosses and they said, we don't want to, you know, they basically, they didn't even say we don't want to, they actually acted like they didn't hear me and assigned me, I think, to a road rage story.
So just any election pitch that I made, they would pretty much throw it out if it questioned the integrity of the election.
If a story at all shed a light on possible opportunity for fraud, then my bosses were not interested in covering that.
In early voting, early 2020, they let me cover some stories on double voting that was happening.
And then the narrative shifted to elections are bulletproof.
And you know, even though that wasn't the truth.
So what you're saying is, it's what we already see in the media when everybody starts repeating.
We've all seen the videos where it'll show like one screen or saying something, another screen they repeated.
Suddenly there's 20 screens all saying the same thing.
Once the narrative gets going, then that's what you're supposed to follow.
That's what I learned and it was very alarming to me.
You know, elections are one of the most sacred things that you can cover as a journalist and here my bosses were looking for anything else to cover when I knew for a fact that our viewers were extremely anxious about the election and they wanted all the election coverage they could get.
Instead, my bosses are diverting coverage Anything else you could think of?
I also tried to present the documentation from the Secretary of State's Office of Texas saying their investigators found in January 2020 that Dominion was a no-go because it was susceptible to fraud.
My bosses again acted like they didn't hear me and assigned me to cover sidewalk chalk art instead.
I said I can't keep doing this.
I'm being used as a tool of narrative, a tool of distraction from the real issues.
Well, let's talk about nuts and bolts because InfoWars is an example for independent media and its formation.
Though we've been around a long time, we were able to form before this happened and able to survive thanks to listeners.
But with what you're doing, without getting into all the details, I guess you're going to get some sponsors, you're going to start putting out some of your reports, you're going to try to get other whistleblowers on, and then just start doing independent online reporting.
And then I think then you should obviously try to get it with Project Veritox, get it on with us, just really create a new ecosystem of media, I think is the key.
It's all up to these independent journalists now, you know, to get to the bottom of what's really going on because these big news corporations are compromised, obviously, by their special interests.
And so the answer is, okay, they sold out, they got bought off, and the rest of the reporters went along with it.
But everybody that isn't part of this, go start your own thing.
And there's enough independent hubs out there to promote it and enough people that care that when they amplify this, nothing's going to stop it.
So they can't stop us all, Ivory.
They cannot and you know I don't have a lot of fear so I'm going to be getting out there covering some of the stories that matter.
The first story I'm tackling is on vaccines and some of the adverse events.
It's so sad that these people with adverse reactions either death or serious physical harm are being ignored and And, you know, doctors don't know how to diagnose what's happened.
And then, you know, a lot of people feel like there's a lack of justice and their stories are being suppressed because news outlets want as many people to get vaccinated as possible.
And imagine, where are they now?
You could go back, all the people that are already in the news, people that are not in the news, who've gotten sick or died, their family can talk about it and then update people too.
I mean, they do not want that out.
Yeah, my boss said that she just didn't want to discourage anyone from getting vaccinated.
Because you're a hero!
You're for it!
You're going to make people do it!
It's going to be a vaccine passport!
So we can't let people know it's hurting them!
Wow, how evil is that?
She said, oh, there's risks for everything, you know, and it was just, it was pretty horrifying.
To receive strict orders, do not let people know about these deaths after vaccination.
Like, look, we've got to be transparent.
Look at that camera right there.
We're live now, but we'll soon be off.
I'm going to archive this video today.
I want it to go viral.
Your boss told you at Fox, I mean, tell it in your own words, to not cover up illness and death.
That's big.
Yeah, my boss at Fox told me do not report the thousands of deaths after vaccination.
What is that?
What are we hiding?
What else did they say?
Well, they said we don't, you know, we don't want to discourage anyone from getting vaccinated.
And then they later called a whole meeting of our whole Dayside crew to figure out how to get that ticker up of more people vaccinated.
How can we craft our coverage to Convict, uh, convince our viewers to get their children vaccinated.
My boss was saying, how can we get to our black audience, get them to get vaccinated?
And then her- Because that directive comes down, get the black people.
They never thinking maybe this is Bill Gates and the eugenicists that already populate?
Yeah, it was interesting.
How can we get to the black people?
And then one of our black reporters said, well, all my black friends are vaccinated.
My white friends aren't.
So is this really black versus white?
And I said, look, I think it's just a lot of people who they've They've got these questions that aren't being answered.
At the same time my bosses were calling this meeting, there also had been a breaking news out of the CDC that they were no longer going to report all breakthrough cases of COVID-19.
Do five more minutes with us.
Let's talk about that.
Speaking of independent media, We are funded by viewers like you, and I would love to be able to sponsor somebody like this young lady to go out and do more reports.
Maybe we will.
But the point is, is we are sponsoring a lot of folks behind the scenes who don't even know their names, or you do know their names, you don't know who we're sponsoring, to fight the globalists, not just as the black sheep of InfoWars, but also there are other folks out there that have not been deplatformed.
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Ivory Hecker is with us for five more minutes, and I'm really excited about what you're doing, and a fellow Texan down here fighting hard here on the Alex Jones Show.
Any other points you'd like to make to the listeners?
Well, I mean, like I was saying, the CDC said that they're not going to report all breakthrough cases of COVID-19 anymore, meaning people who've been vaccinated.
Is the vaccine really working?
We're not going to fully tell you.
And then my boss is at five.
And that's not a good sign when we want to take something experimental, but we don't want you to look into it.
So that is taking down people's trust in the vaccine even more.
And their trust in the CDC and in transparency.
And then Fox is racking their brain about why viewers are resistant.
And now you can't get on an airplane soon if you don't tell.
We're like, whoa, I'm really not taking this now.
Yeah, it's like, why are you?
Why are you guys bribing us to take the shot?
And then now you're going to try to penalize us from Taking the shot.
And by the way, my co-workers were trickling back into the newsroom and for some reason I wasn't allowed in the newsroom yet, but I kept receiving emails from HR to get my shot.
But anyway, so Fox is racking their brains and I said, well, we need to address this secrecy from the CDC.
Why are they not?
Going to report all breakthrough cases and are our local health officials at least going to do that?
Fox, again, ignored my pitch while continuing to rack their brains about how to convince viewers to get vaccinated.
And I was like, look, more transparency, if anything, is going to make people maybe more likely to get the shot.
And the box bosses didn't want to hear it, but they talked about, you know, maybe if we do more stories on how you won't get to go back to work.
Uh, if you don't get the shot.
Maybe that'll convince people to get the shot.
Actually, my boss's boss pitched that story.
He was on the call.
So it's all about coercion.
Apparently, you know, I was just sitting there dumbfounded listening to my boss's contrived propaganda.
Don't they get long-term coercion blows up in your face?
That's gently, gently catchy monkey.
I just, I couldn't believe that they weren't realizing what you're doing is propaganda.
I thought I was hired to do journalism and I thought my bosses were journalists, but they're pushing propaganda.
And I had to define propaganda for my bosses and say this is what you guys are doing in my annual review with Fox this year.
I said that to them.
I said, you guys are doing propaganda and I'm wondering why.
And I do want to review this year with you guys.
Let's talk about it.
And then they tried to skate away from it and end the meeting.
That's exactly how authoritarians are.
Oh, we're looking at you.
Let's have that.
Oh, no, we don't want that meeting.
I said, fantastic.
Let's really review this year.
Um, and anyway, so this, this all led to me eventually saying, look, I'm getting out and I'm going to call you guys out live on air.
But the latest numbers.
On breakthrough cases of COVID-19 out of Israel are really fascinating.
I don't know if you saw those?
Oh yeah.
So I just looked at the latest data.
I was sent is 18,000 COVID cases that were looked at in Israel and 85% of those 18,000 cases were people who had already had the vaccine.
That's right.
Okay, so I'm getting that data from the Israeli dashboard, but then there's a New England Journal of Medicine review of some of that data that tells a totally different story.
Oh, they lie, they lie.
It looks at 1,400 healthcare workers only who got the shot.
Of the healthcare workers, only 2.5% were breakthrough cases of COVID-19.
And you just see this massive spin machine going on.
Yes, and I'm like, well, can we really trust the numbers that get fed to us in the mainstream media?
Or are they selecting, handpicking their favorite numbers to make it look better?
Well, I also just go off anecdotal, and I have a lot of doctor friends and nurse friends.
It was all BS last year, and the hospitals were empty.
Now they're full, and people are dying of something, and they think it's what's leeching out of those that have been injected.
IvoryHacker, IvoryHacker.com, great to see what you're doing.
We love you.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me on!
You bet.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done.
All of you know what my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward.
Well, it's all come down to this.
I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th.
This historical event will be live streamed 72 hours straight on my new platform, FrankSpeech.com.
You can help by getting everybody you know to go to FrankSpeech.com now.
To help support this cyber symposium event, I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products, but they're only offered at FrankSpeech.com.
Go to frankspeech.com now and use the promo code on your screen or call the 1-800 number below to receive these exclusive MyPillow offers.
Thank you and God bless.
Cause everybody knows.
Everybody knows!
Well, joining us is constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
And I want to cover the waterfront.
With the time we have with him.
First off, the Supreme Court ruling from 100 years ago plus.
About forced inoculations that they're hanging their hat on.
The last Supreme Court justice he warned of, who is a supporter of that, Amy Comey Barrett.
These incredibly insane declarations by Fauci and others that they are getting ready for the forced inoculations.
You shouldn't be able to get on a plane, an airplane, vaccine passports.
The inside word we've got that Biden is set on August 11th to announce a new lockdown.
That's not just Jack Posobiec, who's incredible sources.
the gold standard, my view, but my sources say currently that's the case.
Doesn't mean it's going to happen.
They may back off, but this is just a very, very dangerous time to be alive.
But Robert Barnes, my argument here is you may have a Supreme Court ruling
that says you can forcibly inoculate people, but that ended up not being followed either.
But this isn't even inoculation.
This is a gene therapy system that was never even approved.
And so for me, it's just a no brainer to say no.
They're trying to suppress the illnesses and the numbers and the VAERS reporting.
And then you pull back even further, they admit it's a database.
So what about a medical database to travel?
The database itself is beyond problematic.
And they admit forms the core of this global ID they're setting up.
So as a lawyer, just just...
Back of the envelope here, what do you make of this, this big power grab, this move?
I told them a year ago they were going to try it, now it's here.
How do we oppose this as Americans?
Because it's already happening in Europe and other areas, it's a global move.
How do we say no to this clear tyranny?
Well, lawsuits are coming.
I'll be filing suits next week, some with Bobby Kennedy, some with other lawyers.
We'll be helping in other lawsuits.
We'll be filing lawsuits to prevent the FDA from authorizing this vaccine fully because they haven't met the requisite test, haven't obeyed the citizen petition process that they're supposed to, challenging the emergency use authorization component of it, their failure to do meaningful informed consent, which is a required precondition of its authorization, particularly for its continued emergency use authorization.
In addition, we'll be filing suit on behalf of employees, I or other lawyers that I'm helping and working with will be filing suits on behalf of employees, on behalf of soldiers, on behalf of parents, on behalf of kids, in cases all across the country over the next week and two or two.
For these people because of these forced mandates.
We're seeing mandates by cities, mandates by counties, mandates by federal government, mandates related to soldiers, as well as an attempt to rush the approval of the FDA vaccine formally and fully and officially.
And it has to be fought back in the court of law.
For the government to do so, there's major constitutional problems with what they're doing.
For the FDA to do so, there's major statutory and regulatory and medical ethics problems with what they're doing.
For employees, there's major issues with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA claims that are forthcoming, as well as common law towards a battery that may be applicable.
And so we're gonna, some of the claims are novel, some of the claims have never been tested before.
And you're right, the core question is, will the courts return to the era of eugenics?
Which had the trilogy of infamy of court cases, Jacobson, Buck, and Korematsu, which said they could do forced vaccinations, forced sterilizations, and forced detention camps.
Or will we return to the post-Nuremberg Code of 1947, which said informed consent will continue to govern everything related to the medical process and medical profession, and that you have autonomy over your own body.
Because that's what the big question is.
If the state can control your body, if an employer can control your body and dictate your medical care, then you no longer have individual freedom in the United States.
And that's what the ADA laws were meant to prevent from occurring.
That's what the Constitution was meant.
To stop from occurring.
That's what the Nuremberg Code of 1947 was meant to stop from occurring and so we're going to put the test right to the courts and make the courts make the choice and hopefully they make the right choice and don't return to the horrid era of the era of eugenics which led to such infamous and morally horrific decisions as the Buck decision.
Robert, you've been practicing law a long time.
I've been on air as long.
27 years.
Studying history on a scale of 1 to 10, tyranny-wise, this is a 10.
I mean, this is a bum-rushing by corporations, by the UN, by the Fortune 100, by Big Tech, the sensor control block treatments.
Uh, force experimental injections.
I mean, it's like they've said, let's be as evil as we can.
Let's, let's be as bad as we can.
You're a really smart historian.
I really respect you.
Why are they being so megalomaniacal?
Why are they trying to out Hitler Hitler?
Why are they trying to be the baddies like this?
I mean, this is just like a desperate, insane push.
Now they admit it doesn't work.
Like I was covering last hour, 85% of the illnesses in Israel are the vaccinated.
The majority of deaths are that.
Same thing here, they're trying to suppress that.
Fauci doubles down with it.
99% of the deaths haven't had a shot, just pulled out of his ass.
And even Congress finds that out.
I mean, this is like watching insane gremlins burn down a building or something.
I mean, why are they doing it?
Because they're going to destroy themselves in the process.
It's already falling apart.
I mean, I just cannot find any, even from a criminal criminology logic, because criminals have their own weird logic.
I understand it.
I've studied it.
I don't even find that.
I mean, what is this?
Just existential power grab or wanting to punish the West for not submitting to globalism so they're going to poison us?
I mean, Saudi Arabia is at 18 percent.
It's the biggest power grab in the history of Western democracies, is what it is.
It's what they've always wanted.
If the state can control your body, the state controls everything.
it is an assault on America.
Where does this come from?
What is it?
It's the biggest power grab in the history of Western democracies is what it is.
It's what they've always wanted.
If the state can control your body, the state controls everything.
I mean, you are you're just one step away from pure chattel slavery.
And that's the goal.
And the fact they're willing to pursue this and push this for a vaccine that is showing major problems, as you know, Iceland, Gibraltar, Israel, three of the countries with the highest vaccination rates in the world.
And what are they talking about or actually doing?
Because there, which is an implicit admission and acknowledgement that the vaccine doesn't even prevent transmission, which is the only legal thin pretext they have for trying to institute this requirement in the first place.
And they're doing so for a family of viruses, coronaviruses, for which there has never been a successful vaccine in medical history.
And they've been trying for over a century to attain it or achieve it.
And littered.
They're trying to rush a vaccine, despite the fact that rushed vaccines have a particularly pernicious history of failure.
Including, I mean, 2016 attempts at the Deng vaccine led to 900 children dying.
But Robert- Robert, that's what I'm saying is, I watched the Dean of Harvard in front of Congress say, it's always failed, it killed the animals, it never worked.
Now Bill Gates took it over, and I thought he was anti-Gates.
I watched the whole thing, he goes, but now it's going to work!
It's like some weird gambler that's lost everything and is selling their house.
Why would they endanger their whole power structure like this?
I mean, they've destroyed themselves.
It's killing all these people.
Everybody's waking up.
Why would they do this?
Because they saw the success over the last year.
For the most part, I mean, over the last year they did mass house arrests, deprived people of their ability to work, deprived people of their ability to run their own business, deprived the people of sending their kids to public school, deprived the ability to simply travel to meet family, deprived the ability to do things like weddings and funerals, and they got more resistance than they wanted, but not enough resistance in either the court of public opinion or the courts of law.
And so they're going to keep going for it.
They see this as their grand opportunity, their window of opportunity for a massive power grab.
And because so many of the institutional stakeholders are invested in it, doctors are invested in it, pharmaceutical industry is invested in it, the legal profession is invested in it, government officials are invested in it, big tech is making billions off of it, Wall Street is getting rich off of it, the Fed is getting to experiment with modern monetary theory with it.
Too many of the stakeholders are complicit in it, and it's going to require mass public resistance, mass court public opinion, mass court litigation to try to put an end to it.
This is their big assault.
This is their big move.
They're going for broke on every front.
The world government card, the global ID card, the depopulation card, all of it.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Stay with us.
Robert Barnes is our guest here today.
I don't want to get into the election fraud.
Where Trump's going, what he thinks the best information on that is right now, next segment.
But getting back to the so-called vaccines, experimental shots.
Why did they choose a placebo to bring in a regime of forced inoculation, a regime of global ID that Klaus Schwab talks about?
Why did they?
Get something that in all the studies they did under other names at the National Institutes of Health and the CDC under Fauci like at UT nine years ago and a U.S.
government initiative that found do not try to create a vaccine for the spike protein that will basically kill mammoths.
Proceed with extreme caution in humans.
That's in the UT report.
Why would they... I mean, again, I get it, but get the power, get the control, make you buy vaccines, make you be tracked, create the world ID, but then right up front have the force shot, hurt people and kill them?
I guess to go ahead and manage the cover-up, and if enough people get hurt, then I guess all the autistic kids, nobody cared about them, they got away with that.
So, I mean, is it about corrupting the lawyers, corrupting the doctors, corrupting the media?
So when it comes out they killed a bunch of people, they can say, See, like Cuomo, we can put you in jail anytime we want.
I think that's why they went ahead and started putting a poison out up front.
Because if I was really trying to kill everybody, I'm not as evil as them.
I would have it be a placebo up front to then set the precedent to then kill later.
But no, no, no, no.
Just get it out up front.
Get everybody used to it.
Control the media.
Control the message.
And just get everything you want at once in a blitzkrieg attack to overwhelm us.
Is that what's happening here with this total war, Robert Barnes?
Yes, and they also know that they are at very little risk of public exposure because the media is in the bag for them, the institutional media.
The medical profession has been told that if they give out more than five medical exemptions, In California, the doctor will be subject to immediate licensure review, may lose his medical license.
That a doctor, just look at it for a doctor, if you tell people to not get the vaccine and something goes wrong, you can get sued into oblivion and lose your license and be defamed and doxxed and ruined in your career.
On the other hand, if you tell them to get the vaccine, you'll have big pharma's backing, government's backing, you can't be sued, no risk for your licensure.
So all the skin in the game is on the side of the stakeholders, is on the side of forcing the vaccine.
The same with Big Pharma.
They get to reap all the rewards of their vaccine.
They experience none of the risks, because they cannot be sued for anything they did wrong in this capacity, unless you can prove criminal willfulness, which is almost impossible.
Same with the government actors.
The government actors know that they get to control and cabin how people review this.
Just look as an example that young girl who experiences now in a wheelchair because of going through the vaccine trials and her doctors are trying to claim something else caused it when it's obvious nothing else could have caused it.
And what about the woman in Hawaii who took the vaccine, the doctors admitted almost killed her, so she tries to get a vaccine waiver to go to the university she's already enrolled in, they kick her out and say, we don't even care if you have a doctor's waiver!
I mean, wow!
Well, and it gets even worse.
I'm hearing reports that if you suffer an injury from the vaccine, your employer's not covering it and your insurer's not covering it.
Because they're saying that this is outside of their coverage.
So they're often getting people to sign waivers they don't realize they're signing as part of the vaccine process or employment process.
So, you're going to have people that have, nobody has any risk to pay into the pockets.
So, Barnes, what do we do?
There's no risk.
The globals control the planet.
They're killing us.
They're attacking us.
They're putting us in a medical gulag.
What do we do when we face something like this?
Civil disobedience?
Well, I think you fight back at every level you can.
Whether that's fighting back in the court of public opinion is critical and essential and should not be understated or underrated at all.
Just look at Canada.
There was enough pushback in some of the provinces in Canada that now they're talking about re-examining it.
Even the Alberta, the head of health, who had been subpoenaed for certain information, was able to get out of that subpoena.
But what was her response to all of that?
From the court of public opinion and the court of law?
Say, hey, we're going to start treating this like the flu instead.
We're gonna take away a lot of these mandates.
We gotta put pressure on every one of these rats.
That's exactly right.
The only way you get a rat to run is to put pressure on a rat.
So that's why there has to be pressure at every level.
Court of public opinion, court of law, every way that we can fight back, we have to fight back.
Part of why what happened in the Connie Buck case is that she had nobody to represent her in the Buck vs. Bell.
There was nobody to defend her.
There was nobody to vindicate her.
In fact, her only lawyer was actually working for the other side.
So we have to continue to fight back by every means possible.
And is it uphill?
Are the odds stacked against us?
No doubt.
But that has never been a reason to quit or forfeit.
I mean, Texas is the state of Texas because a group of folks from Tennessee decided they
weren't going to quit no matter the odds.
And we have to have the same approach that comes to this.
Expanding on that, how do they think they're going to get away with a forced inoculation
that kills all these people.
Because it doesn't matter if they control the media, everybody's going to anecdotally warn their friends and family, and all they're going to do is start a giant war.
I mean, why would they gamble?
I mean, I get they're tired of waiting, they want world government, but why would this power structure gamble like this?
And how do we put pressure on them to stop?
And who are the key people to put pressure on?
It's the court of public opinion to get people educated.
I mean, look at how much big tech has colluded on this to suppress even people like Brett Weinstein.
I mean, for example, he had one of the most prominent pro-vaccine people in the world.
And I won't try to pronunciate his name as Dr. I just remember Dr. Greek.
But this is a guy, it's a Bill Gates guy, who worked at the Gates Foundation.
Even he said, from the get-go, it's a bad idea to try to do a mass vaccination campaign like this for this particular virus, because what it's likely going to do is create more effective, more pernicious variants that will not only escape and elude and evade the virus, but will also actually increase transmission levels and viral load levels, which is precisely what the Cape Cod study Sure, that's the discovery of HIV, Nobel Prize winner, he said that, everybody, a year ago.
Now it's been proven, which I think Gates and them were planning, because then they go, oh, you need more shots.
And Gates said last year, oh, you're going to need boosters.
I mean, I think they've war-gamed this whole thing out.
Well, I mean, from a big pharma perspective, oh, no doubt.
We talked about it a year ago.
He said the endgame here is forced vaccination.
They're going to make life so miserable that people beg for the vaccine.
And if they don't get enough people begging for the vaccine, they're going to compel it and force it on people.
And I would note, this is a racially discriminatory policy.
What the mayor of New York did in announcing that vaccine mandate Disparately impacts African Americans and Latinos in New York City.
It's racial segregation just disguised and rewritten as vaccine segregation, but it's no less pernicious and no less of a racially disparate impact.
And by the way, that's what the mayor of Boston is saying now too, so maybe people are waking up.
We just need a broad coalition of everybody who's on the same side on this issue, right or left.
That's where Bobby Kennedy has been critical on this.
Others in the children's health defense.
Others across the ideological political spectrum to recognize this is an attempt to recreate the eugenics era of judicial precedence.
That's why they keep citing Jacobson, the foundational decision for eugenics in American courts.
The Buck decision was the number one decision cited by the Nazis to justify their eugenics.
The Nuremberg Code is supposed to say, never again.
And the only way we fight back is we never forgive, never forget, and hold the line.
And the way we have to hold that line is fighting back by every means available.
And Robert, we will go to break now and come back with other news, but wasn't that proven by now the vaccinated, they say, are the ones getting sick, the ones spreading and need the new booster, because they're the schmucks that went along with it.
They're going to keep getting targeted.
Submission is death.
Resistance is life.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Stay with us.
All right.
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And then also, I'm supporting Mike Lindell and free speech, and I'm supporting investigations
That's the birthright of Americans.
The Democrats, they don't trust these companies.
My main focus has been the ballot stuffing and the lack of signatures.
And Barnes has been that as well, and he was one of the lawyers working for Trump.
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All right, getting back to Barnes.
Any other points on the big rollout, the globalist program to change the subject of Brexit and change the subject of Trump and Bolsonaro and all of it, get the yellow vest off the street.
It's been very successful up front, but when I look at Ebola and blitzkriegs throughout history, they always seem to win up front, but then they slow down, then it reverses.
What are the weak spots in this?
And give us your real prognostication, your real, I guess it would be more of a medical term, They're at the sickbed of the world or America.
What is your prognosis on where we really are?
Give it to us straight, Barnes.
I respect you.
So, legally, we are in the right and they are in the wrong.
Legally, the Americans with Disabilities Act is supposed to prohibit medical examinations, including medical exam, asking questions about perceived disabilities, which in my view includes vaccination status.
The HIPAA laws restrict what information an employer can share with other parties.
The common law right of battery means that you're not supposed to be, no one's supposed to be allowed to invade your body without your informed consent.
The Nuremberg Code, the Constitution are supposed to prohibit the ability of governments or anybody to do medical experimentation on you, which is what this is.
The FDA has not followed the informed consent or citizen petition protocols for either the emergency use authorization or full authorization.
And so on that basis, we're right on the law.
The key hurdle is that those with power don't care about that law and are trying to avoid enforcing that law.
So that's our only hurdle.
And that's what can counteract that is the court of public opinion and taking as many cases and putting it right to the courts as possible.
And that's what we're going to be doing.
And for people who want to see an example of a letter There are for many people don't know you have in many places your employer or your or whoever's requiring it has a religious exception.
And what many people don't know is almost to my knowledge every one of the vaccines currently being authorized utilized at some level aborted fetuses tissue from aborted fetuses in the process of developing it.
That is a right of religious objection to the vaccine.
That information plus an example of a letter that was sent that has been successful for at least some people available you can copy and paste it no copyright asserted
at VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com it's both pinned at the top of the board. Say it again and
we're gonna show it for TV viewers and radio listeners.
Must get it and must share it. Say it again. VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com And let me expand on this. They always leave the religious
exemption and conscientious exemption in as well around the world
because the globalists aren't taking these shots. That always comes out. So they leave themselves little escape
I have nurses calling and go they're gonna fire me next week if I don't take it. I go is there a religious
And they go let me check. They call back a week later going oh my god I signed the exemption it's fine.
So again the globalists leave themselves back doors. That's why my people perish for lack of knowledge.
And what many people did not know, because the media has suppressed this, is the reason why you have a sincere religious objection is because of how they developed this vaccine.
They used tissue from aborted fetuses.
And they cloned it.
I mean, let's be clear.
Okay, I'm heterosexual and I like my wife, but I mean, I'm a man, she's a woman.
I mean, just the idea of somebody else's blood products in me, much less the whole genome of a dead baby, that's just not healthy.
I mean, that's just scary.
I mean, I have a right to not have some cloned baby or some immortal cell line from some poor lady that died in 1951 put in me, or the genome of a jellyfish that's in the Pfizer shot.
And then we ask, why is it in there?
They won't tell us, Robert.
And that's why in many states this is a required, they have to include this.
People should also look up, some states have philosophical objections.
The state of Oregon has prohibited vaccines from being mandated as a condition of employment for a long time.
So there's a lot of laws that protect you that the media is not letting you know about.
Exactly, and I was about to tell a story, I'll just go ahead.
Everybody knows about women, your wives, or whatever.
If they're not wanting to get pregnant, and you're having sex with your wife, and you, you know, ejaculate inside of them, they get pissed off.
They go, hey, I don't know if I want a baby right now.
Imagine, your wife gives you permission to, you know, do that inside of her, but now they want to put this genetic engineered crap with a dead baby's genome in you?
Bill Gates does?
Come on, women!
Especially women!
Don't women get this as rape, Bob?
Well, and that's how many people compare it to.
I mean, again, if the government owns your body, if your employer effectively owns your body, controls what goes into your body, including these foreign substances, these environmental substances, then what do we own?
We have no liberty if we don't have autonomy of our own body.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Women, ask yourself that.
If you don't want to get pregnant and your husband does that, you're like, hey, Bob, or hey, David, or hey, whatever the guy's name is, like, hey, what are you trying to do?
I told you I don't want to get pregnant right now.
Imagine that, women, versus Bill Gates wanting to put this in your body.
And not only that, as you mentioned, the path here is to require this all the time.
This is not going to be a one-off.
First it was one shot, then it was two shots, then it was three shots.
Now it's going to be boosters every couple of months for the rest of your life.
And once they condition you to accept this, how are they going to know what the real vaccine identification is?
They're ultimately going to say that there's holes in the electronic verification, in the documentary verification.
So what is it going to come back to?
What we were talking about a year ago.
Just track Bill Gates' patents like you were doing at the very beginning.
What are you going to find?
You're going to find things like quantum tattoos that can track who is vaccinated and who is not.
And then they're going to use that as your identity card, tie it into your finances and your currency, so that not only can you not go into a store or restaurant or work for somebody, you won't even be able to purchase anything unless you've complied with whatever the latest government...
It's like a nightmare science fiction Black Mirror thing come true.
And the crazy part is Bill Gates sits there with his wife and goes, we've never had a plan for chips.
He's funding dozens of plans.
And Klaus Schwab is on TV saying, first you'll have a medical ID, then it will be in your clothing, and then we'll put a chip in you.
I mean, they're out in the open.
Don't have to believe us anymore.
We'll come back and talk about election fraud and where that's going with Trump and Robert Barnes.
Want real info?
You're about to get it.
Not BS, not Q crap.
Stay with us.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, one of the smartest historians I know, joins us live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we've got some very special reports that I've taped.
I'll just leave it at that.
They're going to be going live at Bandot Video today and tomorrow.
I'm a busy little tiger.
But I wanted to finish up before we get into election fraud and where Trump really is and all this talk of reinstatement and where that's going in the midterms with Barnes.
We'll do this five minutes.
The next hour, I'm going to finish the news and hand the baton to Jay Dyer.
But looking at this power grab, it's for all the marbles, a world ID to be able to put things in our body, to be able to censor and control because they're the saviors.
I mean, it really is the big push.
And when we talk about Hitler, everybody over-talks about Hitler.
But Hitler was actually an idiot.
He was charismatic, had a cult around him, but he was set up.
We know that the Rockefeller Foundation and elements of British intelligence put Hitler in power.
This is in mainline history books.
They told him he was going to be with Edward VIII, the King of England.
They were going to create a European Union that he would be the king of, and that England was going to join Germany in attacking the Soviet Union.
Well, then once the war started, England did not do that.
Okay, and so that's in the Secret Treaty, and Rudolf Hess, and all of it.
This is in the history, folks.
You still see it on Discovery Channel.
Sometimes they have little pieces of it.
And so the Rockefeller Foundation out of Cold Springs Harbor set up Hitler, set up the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and that was their project.
And the globalists kind of thought he might win, but then When the Germans didn't win, they pulled the rug out from under them.
We see the modern world that's come after that.
So I don't want to say we were working with the Nazis or were the Nazis.
Our elites were playing both sides.
And just like we beat the Nazi project or the Communist project, we're going to beat this project.
But notice the same people set up Xi Jinping and his predecessors like Mao Zedong.
And that's really historic fact, but this is the new permutation.
We're not facing what our ancestors faced 75 years ago.
This is the new assault.
Barnes, your take on that.
Well, I mean, they want to return to ultimate state control, which they were experimenting with at the beginning of the 1900s, from 1905 to 1945 in American court case law.
And then, of course, it ultimately culminated and expressed itself in two forms.
The communist experiment, which was a complete disaster and debacle for about 100 million dead souls afterwards.
And the fascistic example, which was the prime exemplar, was of course Hitler and Nazi Germany.
And it's not a coincidence.
Like, one of the mistakes that I think has been made so far... You point out that these Supreme Court cases were cited at the Nuremberg trial as the code of the Nazis, which it really was!
That's what I'm saying.
Whenever Hitler was asked to justify his eugenics agenda, there was one citation above all.
It was the Supreme Court of the United States of America in Buck v. Bell.
You read that decision, it's a morally horrendous decision.
You can see documentaries that have been made about some of the victims of it that are just heart-wrenching.
So it's not fair to say Hitler was made in the USA, but the elites of the USA and Britain made Hitler.
No doubt.
Eugenics originated politically and legally in the United States.
That's where the ideas came from.
That's where the ideas germinated from.
That's where the ideas originated from.
And that's who the Nazis looked to.
I mean, they created their eugenics laws based on U.S.
eugenics laws.
And that's why Hitler thought the U.S.
would sit it out, or the Brits would, because they frickin' put him in power!
I mean, they just made fundamental assumptions.
People should ask why there was such reluctance to get involved in the war against Germany and the United States and in the UK in certain aspects amongst political elites.
And the most logical explanation, when you dig into it, is a lot of people were sympathetic amongst American elites with the fascistic experiment.
And that's just the reality of it.
You can find it scattered throughout a large number of terrifying examples.
Of people that are prominent intellectuals that people don't realize were Nazi sympathizers.
And now what do you make of the ADL calling anyone that doesn't want this Nazi law over us Nazis?
It's in the, as you know, the two-month-old terrorism policy put out by Biden says, you question lockdowns, you are a white supremacist, equals terrorism, equals CIA will be unleashed on you, and the liberals are... it's madness!
And I look at The head of the ADL up there insanely saying, I'm not against the Jews or the ADL.
Why are they doing this to us?
Essentially, all the organizations that receive big money from anybody important either in the pharmaceutical industry or the Bill Gates world.
I mean, Bill Gates has basically bought off the entire public health.
So that's it.
Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL.
It doesn't matter if it's a leftist group.
They bought it all off.
No doubt.
And some of the worst people are going to be your old Federalist Society people.
The three judges who just affirmed the Indiana vaccination case, who compared getting a forced vaccine to being like having to take a test or pay tuition.
An utterly absurd comparison.
But who was it?
Two of them were Trump appointees.
You warned, and you warned Trump too, and you've been vindicated.
This Amy Coney Barrett, I mean, what a moron.
I mean, no doubt.
Look at Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh is the only reason why the CDC eviction moratorium could even come back in.
Because he said, oh, don't worry, it's going to end at the end of July.
So I agree it's unconstitutional, but I'll just, you know, we can just wait to do anything about it.
And so what do they do?
The Biden administration uses it as a pretext to extend it.
A massive property grant.
Kavanaugh greenlights them to have the CDC now be able to do something that no federal agency can do outside of martial law.
Say people's rent is suspended.
I mean, the CDC has effectively become everybody's landlord.
And your big landlords are getting bailed out by the Fed.
It's your small business, your small home.
It's all a consolidation of power.
It's all a consolidation of power.
It's the biggest power grab in history and we have to do everything possible to fight back against it.
And the mass censorship by big tech is just an extension of it.
Because they know they need people to be uninformed.
It's where InfoWars has been critical, essential.
This audience has been the tip of the spear on everything related to these issues.
And sooner or later, I mean literally, it has been tomorrow's news today.
That's what's happened repeatedly over the last year.
Kissing ass here.
I don't know how the hell you know all this Barnes because there's few people know as much as I do or more You know as much or more But to me, what is it like knowing all this because I'm genuinely horrified I mean, it's like I physically have a thing where I'm not scared God pulls a gun on me something that I mean I can handle my physical self and I can I can be say well my kids are in the game That's the way it is skim the game, but just at a heart rate It's getting to me.
Just the evil, the insanity, the upside-downness, like where we're going.
I have this real sense of like nostalgia and sadness for the country.
I mean we are in deep crap.
No doubt.
This is a terrifying time of what they're trying to do.
It is the most dangerous totalitarian experiment for any American or Western democracy in the history of our democracies.
That's what we face.
And that's why we have to fight back by every means possible.
And that's the thing, Robert, this isn't just like it's tyranny, it is cartoon level.
I mean, it's just flaming and exploding and off the... I mean, it's like they went down a checklist of every evil thing you can do and they just double-checked it all, like, I want this, I want that.
It's like a person in a buffet ordering 500 plates of food.
I mean, it's like, why are they doing this?
Just a total pell-mell power grab?
In fact, what they want to do is establish the legal, medical, political precedent that they can do whatever they want.
And that's why they, I mean, here we have a virus that is the Delta variant, according to UK data, is less deadly to the average healthy person than the flu to the ordinary person.
So why are they choosing this virus as the one to scaremonger into all of this power?
Because if they can do it for this virus, they can do it for anything, anytime, anywhere!
Same with the Emergency Use Authorization.
Why do emergency use authorization continually for this virus and this novel experimental vaccine?
Because if they can do it for this, then they can do it anytime.
And it's very simple.
You have a corrupt ruling class with Epstein and all of it coming out.
They're all being blackmailed.
They're scared.
The Ponzi scheme is coming to an end.
So this is just their defense mechanism.
Declare us all criminals.
Declare us all bio-threats.
Declare us all evil.
And just hope that we're so busy trying to get food on the table on our road to third-world-dom that they never get in trouble.
I mean, basically, this is the Epstein agenda.
What his real agenda was, when you look at who he's associated with, what his objectives were, this is the Epstein agenda come to life.
That's what this is.
And that's what they want to do.
They want to legally treat us no different than chattel.
That's their goal.
That's their objective.
It hasn't been for a long time.
And that's why we have to show the world we're not chattel.
Barnes, if you were writing a novel about a nightmare dystopia, if we read this 10 years ago, we wouldn't believe it.
I mean, this is, in one word, how do you describe this?
Because it's beyond tyranny.
What do you call this, just diabolical?
Well, it's new world fascism.
That's what it is.
It's just the Nazi corpse come back to life.
And the left all says everyone's a Nazi that's for free speech when they're literally led by a Nazi collaborator.
I mean, and all the stakeholders have been corrupted.
It shows the constant continuous effect of big media, big tech, big government collusion over the last decade plus.
They all now are colluding and frankly conspiring against the public health and constitutional democracy and every core liberty we've ever valued.
And it's going to be up to us to fight back because we are literally the last line of defense.
If America falls, the whole world does.
We are being assaulted visually.
Let's do five more minutes on the election fraud, whether what's going on, Trump reinstatement, all that stuff.
And I've got some other news I'm going to hit then, Jay Dyer.
All right, Barnes, we can do a whole hour on this.
Maybe you'll join us again next week.
I don't want to give people B.S.
So what's what's really going on with the fraudulent election?
What's the most important stuff that's real versus what's pipe dream?
Just in a five minute summation.
So what's real is Wisconsin appointing a special counsel to investigate the election and all the irregularities that took place in 2020 in Wisconsin.
Pennsylvania State Senate looking at replicating what the Arizona State Senate did in auditing their election.
The Georgia litigation exposing all kinds of problems in Fulton County and other locations in Georgia and what happened in November of 2020.
The Arizona audit moving forward, including the Senate's attempt to particularly get information, not only from Dominion, but from the Maricopa County, including the mail envelopes.
And the reason why that's important is they want to match signatures and see if the signature match that never happened.
Nobody did a meaningful signature match.
And you've been pushing for that since election.
That's what I told the President the very first time I talked.
I said, if the election is on the up and up, they'll do an independently confirmed, independently observed signature match.
No state ever would.
No state ever did.
In order for Arizona to do that part, they need Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Instead, it's always Krakens and 90-year-old generals, and I'm not being mean, and secret files, and it's just total red herrings.
I mean, for every great crime, you need a great patsy.
Dominion and everything related to that in Germany and all that was a great patsy in my view.
To distract people from how they really stole the election, which was the old-fashioned way, they stuffed a bunch of ballots that shouldn't have counted into the ballot box.
And they said, they said, Red Mirage, it'll look like Trump wins, but we'll have the ballots.
I mean, they did it in front of us.
Don't cover up for Dominion Jones.
Hell, I'm not, I don't like Dominion.
My point is, you can't prove the CEO of Dominion did stuff electronically, but you can prove they had suitcases under the tables in Atlanta and were triple counting them.
People should ask, why did Biden's team put out what margin they needed to win on election day?
And when they did not hit that margin, why did they put that number out?
Because they wanted their key people to know, oh, we need to add this many more ballots.
And if you see the email out of the election official in Michigan, in Detroit, she goes, oh, thank God you got the exact number I needed.
How magic.
That's exactly what happened.
So what's happening, so it's still what's good is going forward.
One misunderstanding out there is there's talk about recalling electors, all of that.
That has no constitutional consequence.
The president cannot be, Donald Trump cannot be reinstated president constitutionally.
There's no process for that to occur.
The only way he gets back into the White House is if he wins in 2024.
So that's 2.0.
And I'm not against people that want to have reinstatement.
I'm not against folks that want to have a focus on fraud.
We need to get all that going.
Let's just be honest about it so that when it doesn't happen, we don't look like fools.
This is still incredibly valuable because only by increasing transparency, it kind of relates to the vaccine.
Joe Biden, when he was running for the presidency, said you should never take a vaccine unless there is complete confidence and complete transparency by the government.
Well, Biden hasn't kept his word on that.
So by his own admission, by his own demonstration, people should have skepticism about the vaccine.
And we should be able to use that in court.
We should be able to use that in court.
Oh, I'm going to be using it in court.
I'll be using a lot of things he said.
Like he said, if you got the vaccine, you could not get the infection on CNN just a couple of weeks ago.
So now all of a sudden you can't.
So there's been a lot of misrepresentations by this administration.
In the same capacity, we need transparency in elections.
And going through this audit process and documenting what happens is important for all future elections.
And let's just say it's not about reinstating Trump.
I mean, that's probably not going to happen.
What we're saying is it's about exposing the 2022, getting states to pass laws, which is happening, to have a fair real election then to stop the globalists.
And it tremendously helps Trump if he's going to run in 2024 for people to know what really happened in 2020.
So people should look.
This has long-term institutional remedies, which is what we need.
Just getting Trump elected to office wasn't going to cure everything anyway.
We need real institutional reform, and that's what these auditors are agreeing to.
Come back soon and explain that.
Come back.
Thank you, Robert Barnes.
All right, big news straight ahead.
Special report.
Stay with us.
Hello, I'm Mike Lindell, and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done.
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Thank you and God bless.
We are now into hour number four on this August 5th, Thursday.
Transmission, author, researcher, Jay Dyers, coming up here in just a few minutes.
But first, these videos prove Australia is a tyrannical police state.
We opened the phones up yesterday for the nightmare calls from Australia.
It sounded surreal.
People being picked up, people being taken to FEMA camps, their own, for refusing inoculation.
We got calls a year ago it was happening.
I couldn't believe it.
Then it was admitted on their news that it was happening.
Well, the articles at Infowars.com by Kellan McBrayne.
These videos prove Australia is a tyrannical police state.
This is going in and getting out of cities.
The police scanning your QR code that you are not more than three miles away from home.
If not, you are assaulted and drug away.
Here is the horrible footage of what's coming to the rest of the world under this UN model.
The UN is directing it.
Here it is.
Look at this beautiful city of Fairfield.
Multicultural hub of Sydney.
He's crawling with military now.
The military are coming straight at us.
We got troops walking around.
What are you backing for?
Senior Constable Baywoods.
Mic off.
me. All good? Scanning his QR code to make sure he's allowed to be out.
I said I don't need to.
I wasn't detained, was I?
Was I detained?
Well, I drove off because I wasn't detained.
So now you're detaining me.
Wear your mask, cult leader.
Cops are the enemy of freedom.
off mate. So I wasn't detained was I? Was I detained? I wasn't detained. Well I drove
off because I wasn't detained. So now you're detaining me.
Wear your mask, cult leader, cops are the enemy of freedom.
Knock yourself out. Thank you.
Look at these cops.
Look at them.
You know they stack crap that high.
Don't play games with us mate.
I think you're playing games.
I think you're wasting police resources.
You're wasting police resources.
Mate, you're inciting.
Thank you, have a good day sir.
There you go, that's how you win.
That guy doesn't enjoy it.
That's how you win, ladies and gentlemen.
Hey boys, I'm in the monastery.
I'm building a church here.
I think we should come down, give him a hand.
Spend a Saturday here.
Beautiful church, that ****.
Incredible, look at that guy.
Wow, what a time to be alive.
See the full videos, there's more.
These videos prove Australia is a tyrannical police state.
It has nothing to do with the virus, it's all training you to be a slave ahead of a worldwide financial collapse they've engineered for full control.
And what comes next?
Well, the cyber shutdown.
They've telegraphed it, they've got it ready, and the date may change because we exposed it.
But I have from a lot of sources, one of them Jack Pasovic, but other ones, Jack's always accurate, but I made some calls.
They're set to declare basically civil emergency, climate emergency, martial law on the 11th with this EAS alert and all the rest of it, so... Woo!
I'm telling you, man, this is one hell of a time to be alive!
And they're announcing the worldwide IDs.
Biden's going to announce the airport checklist.
No fly list if you haven't taken their deadly shot that isn't even approved.
Nuremberg violating on its face!
On its face!
I mean, hey!
I'm not happy about this, but at least if we're going to go down in flames, we're burning hot.
Infowars has Double the audience we ever had right now, other than right before the election 2016 where we had like 87 million IP addresses in like three days or whatever come in.
We have 5 million people watching right now on our streams.
I mean, it's just all exploding and the enemy's pissed too.
They can't stand what's going on, but your strength is amazing, your humanity is amazing, and I love you and I appreciate you and I feel your strength.
So, humanity gets it.
And there is a giant awakening happening right now, so all you gotta do, the millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people watching me on August 5th...
Just take the live link from freeworldnews.tv or band.video and on your Twitter, on your Facebook, on your email, on your text message say, here it is, here's the truth.
Because it's confirmed, the vaccine doesn't work.
When you take the vaccine they want to give you more.
And it's more controlled because you submit to them, they only intensify their attacks.
Great researcher, Greg Reese, has put out a new emergency report.
It's live at Bandot Video.
I hope you share it.
We're posting it to Infowars.com right now.
The digital passport company, literally run by Nazi companies.
Here is the report right now.
George talks us through her recent investigation of the company Entrust, a company who just recently signed a contract with the United Kingdom to provide digital passports for COVID-19 vaccine tracking.
What she discovered was that the family who owns Entrust not only has Nazi roots, but they are in fact a very prominent Nazi family.
The family in question is the Quant family.
In 1929, Gunther Quandt took over one of the largest arms manufacturers in Germany.
He then divorced his second wife Magda, who then married Joseph Goebbels, just two years later in 1931.
The Goebbels family then became heavily involved in the Quandt family business.
Maybe this was one of those instances of marriage to cement a business relationship.
Sort of like royalty does.
But this is the new royalty.
This is the industrialist royalty.
This is the globalist regime being born.
That's just a guess.
Here's some photos from the wedding.
Their marriage took place on a grand property owned by Gunther Quandt, where Adolf Hitler served as the best man.
In 1933, Gunther officially joined the Nazi party and was granted special privileges to use slave labor.
Gunther and his sons, Herbert and Harold, staffed their factories with over 50,000 prisoners of war and concentration camp workers.
One of their factories even had its own concentration camp, an execution area.
The end of World War II had little effect on the Quant family.
A former prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials claims that there was plenty of evidence to prosecute the Quants, and regrets how they were allowed to evade punishment.
Not only did the Quants evade punishment at Nuremberg, Herbert went on as a director of Deutsche Bank, became an honorary citizen, and a czar of the whole German economy.
He married Johanna Bruhn in 1960.
They had two children, Stefan Quandt and Suzanne Klatten, Germany's richest woman, who recently told reporters how difficult it is being a billionaire.
Entrust was bought by the Quandt family in 1987, has went on to gain contracts in banking and government, including just about every level of the US federal government, and has just signed a contract to provide digital passports for the UK.
The Quant family weren't the only Nazi industrialists to go on after the war and thrive.
IG Farben-Baer is the father of Big Pharma.
And this ideology wasn't born with the Nazis.
It comes from the Sabbatean Frankist Rockefeller Rothschild banking empire.
The ones who mysteriously create money and loan it to us with interest as if they own it all.
We know who they are.
Many of them are coming out of the shadows and offering us tyranny.
And many of us are accepting the offer.
And all we have to do to save our lives is say no to this criminal gang of psychotic vampires.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
(upbeat music)
All right, welcome to the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
I think if we want to understand where we are today, the crisis that we're in, which is a manufactured crisis, we need to understand historic, famous projects like MKUltra.
A lot of people don't know the real, authentic history of the various MKUltra projects, of which there were dozens, not just in U.S.
universities, but all over the globe.
In fact, I'm going to show you some really amazing information in terms of the projects that were done even in Australia under the auspices of the U.S.
military and psychiatric institutions.
And when we look at that, we're going to understand how today's medical crisis ties directly into the history of MKUltra, which is a manufactured crisis, this medical crisis, as well as how this leads us into a technocracy because a lot of people don't know That today's crises come out of psychological warfare strategies and plans.
So once we understand the strategy of how the elite have used wartime intelligence and wartime operations
on the people, then we can completely decode and understand what's going on in this gigantic global psychological
The first thing we want to understand is that MKUltra is a famous series of projects that comes out
of wartime intelligence and operations dealing with testing of the mind, mapping and monitoring
and completely controlling the mind in order to understand the inner sphere.
So in terms of the space race, the idea was let's colonize the outer sphere of the world of the existing universe.
But then there's that crucial inner sphere, right?
Freud, Jung, the psychoanalysts, right?
They wanted to conquer the inner sphere.
Well, the military had the same idea, right?
It began with army projects to find a truth serum back in the 40s and 50s.
And we have people like Bill Donovan, right, the famous OSS co-founder, you could say, of the OSS, along with British intelligence, to figure out what are the ways that we could manipulate the mind of the enemy, right?
So remember that wartime crisis situation, martial law situations always provide the excuse for how we can bypass normal laws, right?
And these crises, right, what Brzezinski eventually would call an arc of crisis, right, all throughout the Soviet bloc states in the post-Cold War era, this model of crisis is what you see in every one of the global elite's writings.
As you know, I've covered about 50 of them, going book by book by book of the last hundred years of the elite and their writings.
Almost all of them begin their books by saying, we're in a crisis!
This is the greatest crisis the world has ever seen.
And it's all BS, but the pseudo-crisis is actually typically something that they've engineered.
Now, everybody knows, I think, about false flags.
So that's a wartime strategy that's a psychological operation to paint the enemy, sure.
But what about mental false flags?
What about attacks on the psyche?
Well, that's the domain of MKUltra.
And a lot of doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists and even dentists, right, people that you wouldn't expect across the globe We're recruited into these MKUltra projects and experiments.
And again, it's all over the board what kinds of stuff they did.
We don't even know all the stuff that they did.
So we kind of have to piece together many decades later what we can based on the declassified documents that do exist, which supposedly are about half of those documents.
I think Richard Helms destroyed the other half, seven boxes.
There's seven that exist.
There's a lot of great books and materials.
One of those is John Marx's book, Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
There's a Walter Bowers book, Operation Mind Control.
There's Dr. Colin Ross's book, The CIA Doctors.
But what's interesting is that since these books were written in the late 70s and early 80s and 90s, many other books and research has come out that demonstrates a lot more doctors and a lot more projects existed than we knew, even in other countries.
And you're going to see how some of this ties into The so-called COVID crisis in a minute and this is something I stumbled upon last couple weeks that I've read most of these in culture books.
I didn't know this.
This is pretty wild.
But again, if we go back to the OSS wartime period, one of the things that they wanted to do was figure out personality assessments.
Did you know that the personality maps and all that comes out of a guy named Dr. John Gittinger, who was the CIA's MKUltra personality assessment doctor.
He's the one that invented all of that personality stuff and classifying people under these hundreds of different types of personalities, right?
And he wanted to find a perfectly scientific model of doing this.
He wasn't able to find a perfect technique, but he as an individual was able to train different CIA operatives and so forth in this technique, which was fairly successful, although it wasn't 100% scientifically accurate.
But one thing that that sort of predated was the idea of an AI system to predict human choices and actions.
And that will actually play into later tech.
Because as you'll see, the MKUltra projects directly play into AI and transhumanism.
Literally, transhumanism comes directly out of the MKSearch, MKDelta, MKNaomi projects that the CIA was operating under at Fort Detrick and other bases, right?
And we'll see that it transitions into a biowarfare project.
But Bill Donovan said we need to figure out how to map the mind.
And one thing that they did, believe it or not, you know, if you follow my material, I've done a lot of research into the serial killers and how some of them were actually brought into projects that were also probably addendum projects to MKUltra, which would be things like the Phoenix Program during Vietnam, where they literally recruited psychopaths, right?
Literal psychopaths out of jails, prisons, out of military prisons.
naval projects involving this right to figure out how to train and create
psychopathic killers to terrorize the enemy a Lot of people think that those same projects would have
been brought home domestically right under things like NK News
Naomi, again, M.K.
Search, Phoenix Program, where you have the releasing of kind of lunatics in the U.S.
to create a kind of domestic destabilization program that's a psychological warfare operation.
Tom O'Neill, for example, just put out a recent book chronicling the history of Charles Manson, his connections to the CIA, different CIA figures and organized crime.
There's substantial evidence to suggest, as I've said for a long time, that Charles Manson himself was essentially a product of some of these mind control experiments.
We know that the Unabomber was connected to MKLG.
He volunteered for these.
It's actually listed in his obituary.
And yes, chaos has a lot of substantial evidence that demonstrates this.
I believe Tom O'Neill's even been on Joe Rogan talking about that book.
But if you go back to the Imculture Projects, it's not surprising given that even in the days of Bill Donovan, he said, what we need to do is find loonies, literal loonies, psychos and freaks who wanted to spy on and surveil and be involved in voyeurism, watching people.
They would recruit loonies to do a lot of surveillance work.
And not only that, they wanted to set up a specific program.
And guess who was involved in this?
AT&T helped the early OSS set up a really intricate psychology assessment program whereby personality assessments would become a new field of interest and research itself under American Psychology, APA, these different institutes, right?
And this was set up at the University of California at Berkeley.
Connected to the CIA and OSS through a figure named Murray, and this would later be the brainchild of Dr. John Gittinger.
So again, remember the early stages of the OSS and MKUltra were connected to corporate Fortune 100, AT&T, helping to set up these labs and these products at public state universities.
So these are not independent spheres.
Oh, there's the corporate sphere and there's the state.
And these are two of the libertarian, you know, they're going to balance each other out as a state.
No, they work together.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Be sure and support this independent alternative spearhead operation against the enemy by Getting the products in the InfoWars store.
You can also support me by going to jaysandalsos.com and subscribing to the vast archive of hundreds of talks and lectures over the last five years, encompassing all of this kind of material and much more.
Now, we were talking about the OSS original plan to map the mind, right?
To understand the human mental domain and then to control it.
We were talking about how the early studies involved things like researching entheogens, right?
Gordon Wasson, J.P.
Morgan's man, went down to Latin South America and found the correct mushrooms that could be then synthesized and turned into these various LSD-type drugs, these various hallucinogens, that the CIA would then kind of let loose in various counterculture projects in the 1960s.
Through their operatives like Tim Leary, Terrence McKenna, and others.
And yes, Terrence McKenna was a huge operative.
It's very obvious if you go and watch his materials.
If you watch Terrence McKenna, for example, in his lectures where he talks to the mushroom.
Terrence McKenna says that the mushroom says we need to have less babies in the West.
There's too many babies.
So please listen to the mushroom, God, and stop having babies.
That's literally what he says.
Go watch the mushroom video.
Now, why was he saying that?
Because guess what?
It's all the same plan.
All of this stuff...
It's not just transhumanism.
It's not just cultural degradation and mind control.
It's also intended to toxify the culture so that you don't reproduce.
That's it.
That's the whole game plan here.
You don't reproduce, the elite will then take that technology, become divine, or so they think, right?
Download into the monolith.
That's what 2001 is about, right?
Alex did a great show this week talking about the long-term game plan of the tech elite, the transhumanists.
Which is, if you watch 2001, don't forget to also watch 2010.
Now, it's not that great of a movie.
It's a pretty bad, you know, follow-up.
However, the meaning and message of 2010, which is then followed up by 3010 by R.C.
Clarke, and as Alex was saying this week, Clarke was hanging out with Crowley and a bunch of the Creepers.
The message of 2010 is that the Cold War was a dialectic to spur on The next phase of humanity into the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is the next type of civilization.
Literally, Star Trial level.
They want to be Star Trial.
They want to be gigantic, creepy, floating babies in space, nuking planets.
Literally, that's the plan.
And I'm not joking.
Now, going back to MKULTRA, we're going to get there.
We're going to get to MKULTRA, and I've got to tell you something crazy about the MKULTRA projects in Australia.
I've got some crazy stuff, mate, about MKULTRA in Australia.
They're talking about cannibalism, mate.
It's going to be wild!
Hypnotism, mind control, disassociation, depersonalization.
What are we seeing in some of these shots in the research?
The Stabbies, depersonalization, prions.
Guess where that comes from?
Biowarfare research under MKUltra.
Yes, literally.
So they didn't just want to figure out how to map the mind, how to split the mind.
And all the way back in the 1940s, Dr. Estabrooks had the ability to hypnotize susceptible people to become hypnotic couriers.
That's where we get this sort of pop culture imagery of Things like Manchurian Candidate, The Frankenheimer Book, The Programmed M-Culture Assassin, that kind of stuff.
If you've never seen a movie like La Femme Nikita, or the Luc Besson movie, it's a great example of this, where you have basically a secret government project that brings in psychopaths.
Nikita, the girl that they recruit, is this psychopathic drug addict girl off of the street.
They take her to an underground base.
They spend about four years training her, not just in assassination attempts, but in also becoming a honey trap.
There's a Ghislaine Maxwell type woman that works for the state to train the girls to become sex operatives.
Very revealing movie.
And then they send her out.
She's under total control.
To do whatever the deep state, the government, the Secret Service wants, right?
It's a great film.
Highly recommend it.
And it's not so much that there's all of these programmed assassins.
That does exist.
But remember, all of this research from the MKUltra projects, from all this wartime psychological warfare operations stuff, wasn't so much about individuals being mind-controlled, the Hollywood image, It was actually about using all of that research and that data upon the whole society.
So remember that whatever is true of the microcosm, the individual, can be extrapolated to the macrocosm, the society as a whole.
This is an ancient platonic principle, right?
Plato said that the city-state is like a man.
It's like a guy.
It's like a big body of a dude, right?
In our society, it would be a really big dude, right?
Because everybody has a really bad diet, right?
So, in this system, Plato thinks that there's a three-tiered structure, that the elite, the philosophical elite, the technocrats, that's his idea, they represent the mind.
The guardian class, the warriors, represent the heart, because they have courage, the virtue of courage.
And then the workers, the proles, they represent the body, right?
Because they're out there doing the hard labor.
And he thinks that the whole society is like a body, like a big dude, a big guy.
And that whatever you learn about the individual, you can then take that information, whether it's positive research that can help or warfare, mental psychological research, you can weaponize that and it can become an attack on the entire population.
So Plato is important for this kind of stuff.
Plato was one of the first mind control operatives.
We think of the allegory of the cave as you see here, right?
What's the point of the Allegory of the Cave is that you can train the people that they will actually love their servitude, Aldous Huxley, and they will want to stay in the cave.
They will want to stay transfixed by the shadow images dancing on the wall.
They will love their chains.
They don't want to leave the cave.
And the guy who's left the cave to see reality, the Socrates, the Jesus, and Alex Jones.
I'm not trying to equate everybody.
I'm not saying Alex Jones is a Socrates, is a Jesus.
I'm just saying that, that, that archetype, that image of the guy who comes to tell you the truth, whether it's about the Cufid nonsense that we're undergoing now, or whether it's about, you know, Christianity or whatever.
Typically, the message of the Apology, the message of the Allegory of the Cave, is that a lot of people don't want it, right?
You can entrain people such that they will love the servitude, they will be addicted to their passions, and guess what?
All of that CIA MKUltra research, which John Marks has a big essay about, John Gittinger and the Personality Assessment Systems, that was all about mapping human desires and controlling people through their basic needs and desires.
I've heard Alex for years mention Learn Helplessness, and I didn't even realize.
I just thought this was a term that, you know, that Alex is always repeating as a kind of helpful way to encapsulate how they put everybody into this Arrested Development state.
I didn't realize that Learn Helplessness actually comes from Dr. Abraham Maslow, who was an MKUltra doctor.
Yes, MKUltra is who, the project, that's what came up with the idea of Learn Helplessness.
And the idea of weaponizing your base desires, again something Plato understood, that the masses, the proles, can be controlled through food, sex, fear, security, housing, basic desires.
The technocratic model has just adopted every pattern of control system in history that actually work.
They don't care about the ideology except for a few things.
Transhumanism, Darwinism, depopulation, those things are the keys.
Everything else, all they care about is what works.
So, Platonism, democracy, because democracy is about controlling the base desires, through the masses, the collective, communism, socialism, anything that works in those systems, including monopolistic capitalism, Including Sovietism.
Including Western neoliberal degeneracy.
All of those things, they just take what works, and they put it into a giant ball of technocratic glob system.
The blob system.
That's what we're being integrated into.
The blob.
Go watch the blob.
Same principle here.
And it all comes out of this OSS MKUltra Mind Control Personality Assessment Control Systems.
Yes, exactly what you see in these tyrannical regimes.
Guess what?
It's the same here.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
If you're interested in this kind of information in a full-on book format, you can also buy my books at jaysanalysis.com in the shop, and you get signed copies.
Don't get those from Amazon, get them directly from me.
Please don't support Jeff Bezos.
So, let's come to this conclusion here where we're talking about the manipulation of fear in society through the hierarchy of needs where we learn helplessness to put you in a state of perpetual fear.
You've probably heard David Icke talk about this in his videos.
He's correct about this, right?
The control of the human, right, is through his base desires.
And this was something that they mapped out in terms of all these MKUltra doctors and researchers, many of whom I didn't actually know until very recently, were just sort of people who thought were mainline doctors, psychologists, people who pioneered things like positive thinking, positive Buddhism.
Those all actually come out of the MKUltra projects.
In fact, there's a famous character by the name of Sir Gustav Nassau, who I think was a Nobel Prize winner.
He's very famous in terms of immunology.
Guess what?
He's directly connected to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
and he was connected to a lot of these operations in Australia
over many decades involving mCulture research there under the various universities, the various psychiatric
And another key figure in the mCulture operations in Australia
was Leonard Huxley.
Yes, there's another member of the Huxley family you've probably heard about.
Aldous and Julian, well, they had another apostle who went forth to spread that satanic gospel to other countries like, other continents like Australia.
And Sir Gustav Nostal, excuse me, not only Sir Gustav Nostal, but also Leonard Huxley, a bunch of other famous doctors there.
Dr. Ronald Taft, Dr. Robert Goodnow, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. John Philip Sutcliffe, William Sargant, Robert Heath, Dr. Hans Eysenck, Dr. Harvey Bailey, Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, Dr. Kurt Lewin, Kurt Lewin of Tavistock, yes.
So, direct connection between Tavistock and MKUltra Operations in Australia.
And what we find out is through different fronts like the Human Ecology Fund and Air Force Biowarfare Research down there, they found a perfect way to continue eugenics research, Dr. Isaac Sirgus of Nassau, by studying certain tribes.
Can you guess what they wanted to do through studying tribes?
This blew me away.
One of the things they wanted to do was set up a base in Australia to study aborigines and people in Papua New Guinea.
And the reason they were so interested in Papua New Guinea was that they had discovered a certain kind of thing that happens when you eat people.
It's called Kuru disease or mad cow disease.
That was discovered through studying cannibal tribes under MKUltra biowarfare projects.
These projects were connected to the Jason Group, which you probably heard about before if you listen to my talks on DARPA and the RAND Corporation.
A lot of elite technocrats, scientists, mathematicians and engineers involved in the Jason Group.
Well, they said, you know what?
There's an interesting way that eating people kind of makes you go nuts, kind of causes you to do a lot of weird things.
You go crazy.
You turn into a kind of zombie.
You turn into, right, a shaking neurological mess.
And I'm not trying to be crude here.
This was under the auspices of eugenics research.
But, as we all know, after World War II, eugenics research got a bad name, so they renamed it these other projects.
Just name it something else, right?
A simple sales pitch bait-and-switch.
And so the American Eugenics Society, all these different characters, were interested in figuring out how to weaponize Kuru Mad Cow Disease.
And who are the people involved in this?
People on the Gates Foundation.
Like Sir Gustav Nuss, do you see what's going on here?
This is a bio-warfare thing that they figured out through in cultural research, mind control, which keep in mind, it's not just about, again, splitting your personality, causing dissociation, that's part of this, that's part of what toxic pop culture does, literally is to create a dissociative state in the consumers of pop culture.
I'm consuming, right?
Pop culture is intended to Destroy you.
And so it's weaponized, but it's also.
These projects are also interested in genetic destruction.
Genetic research to destroy genomes.
And so what they did was they would recruit the best and the brightest of the scientific elites through Fulbright scholarships.
Headed up by people involved in the CFR people like Elihu Root.
And remember, all these people are 100% eugenicists.
They're all into dysgenics, which is the weaponizing of genetics to destabilize populations, to reduce populations, ultimately, as we know, to achieve ZPG, zero population growth.
There's even a dystopian movie in the 70s called ZPG, zero population growth.
Why were they putting this stuff out?
Because that's the plan.
And so the mutations and the neurological effects of the biowarfare programs under MKUltra would just manifest into something else that would morph into MKDelta, MKSearch and biowarfare research.
And that way it was no longer something, you know, seen as taboo.
It's no longer Nazi paperclip stuff.
It's something else, and guess how many paperclip scientists went to Australia?
127 Nazi paperclip scientists ended up in Australia doing this kind of research.
Now, it's not just Nazis, because the Soviets had their own projects, their own Psy-Spy, PSY, studying occult, studying mind control research.
There's a great article by my friend Mark Hacker called the Soviet Psy Spies.
They were doing the exact same thing, and guess what?
The Soviets took in Nazi paperclip scientists, as did the British, as did the United States.
So don't be fooled into the dialectics of the wartime period, because the overarching plan was about the erecting of a global technocracy, And the setting up of entities like the United Nations, UNESCO, connected to people like the Huxleys, connected to British intelligence, all working with people like Dr. Hans Eysenck, famous geneticist.
And guess what?
Dr. Hans Eysenck, the famous geneticist, was working on MKUltra Subproject 111.
And This was dealing with multiple personality D.I.D.
So they've been at this for a long time and they're not just studying NPD D.I.D.
to help old people with Alzheimer's.
These people want most of the planet dead.
They don't care about your health, right?
Health for them means you dying.
So yes, in a sense, they care about your health because your health needs to end, right?
When your health ends, the planet does help that you see.
Harry Bailey.
You want to get an idea of one of these people?
I mentioned Dr. Harry Bailey.
One of the MKUltra Doctors, guess what?
He's a serial killer.
Yes, a famous serial killer.
Not just MKUltra Doctors studying serial killers.
One of the MKUltra Doctors is a serial killer.
I mean, I've been studying serial killers for a long... I didn't know this, okay?
I just found that this is like, what?
Is that crazy?
It's always 10 times crazier than you think, right?
Dr. Harry Bailey runs this big mental institute, testing out mind control projects and death research, basically.
And he ends up like killing most of the hospital, the mental institute.
So, I mean, he's classed as one of the famous serial killers.
Go look him up.
He's connected to all these other m-culture.
These people are just psychos.
And remember what Bill Donovan said, Les, we want to recruit psychos.
We want to recruit loonies.
In fact, in John Mark's excellent analysis of the MAPS program, Dr. John Gittinger, again, the personality assessment guy, they eventually got to the point where they had it down to a science as to how to conduct the entrapment operations to compromise basically anybody.
All they had to do was find out their greatest fears, their greatest weaknesses, and if it was sexual stuff, give them whatever they want.
They had a stable of hoes, literally a stable of thoughts, stable of hoes, ready to go to work to do whatever they were told.
And they would do it for like no money at all.
And basically anyone could be compromised.
And so what they learned from this was how to recruit psychopaths and deviants to run the system or to be the tools of the system for total control.
So again, total psychos, deviants, serial killers, in-culture doctors, that's who runs the system.
This is public information.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
This is all academic research that I'm looking at here.
This is Jay Dyer, Jay's Analysis.
Be sure to subscribe to my public stuff, my socials, and support Alex Jones.
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