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Name: 20210801_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 1, 2021
1299 lines.

In this segment of Alex Jones' radio show, he discusses the importance of preparing for potential crises such as economic collapse or natural disasters. He offers tips on going off-grid, including having multiple sources of income, developing practical skills, and having a means of self-defense. He also warns about the dangers of UN lockdowns in Africa and the potential for similar situations elsewhere

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It's Sunday, August 1st.
The year is 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, back in studio.
It's Sunday, August 1st, the year is 2021.
I'm your host Alex Jones back in studio.
Thank you so much for joining us on this special Sunday evening.
If you go to the front page of Infowars.com, you will see today's headline that we have
the live show feed posted in.
And it's quite a shocking headline.
The British government officially warns that 2.6 billion plus people,
that 2.6 billion people may die as a result of the mutations coming from the so-called
COVID-19 vaccines that are really just genetically modified injections.
And if you can, crew, put that headline back up there one more time.
I want that headline to sink in because this isn't just fear porn.
This is what they're planning.
Emergency alert.
British government warns COVID vaccine-induced mutations may kill 2.6 billion people.
And that's been the plan all along.
If you just joined us, we have everybody from the Washington Post to CNN to Fox News To the Wall Street Journal, to Bill Maher, saying the vaccines don't work.
And the majority of people sick, the majority of people in hospital, the majority of people dying, have had their COVID injections.
And I've got the government statistics from Israel, from Singapore, from the UK, from Canada, from the United States, from all the countries around the world.
In fact, the only sick people in Sweden are the vaccinated.
Deaths or illnesses in Sweden from unvaccinated.
So here's the more incredible point, and I'm really wrapping my brain around this war game.
Remember Crimson Contagion that we covered four or five months ago that got millions, 10 million views or so?
General Flynn said it was the best work he'd seen on COVID.
All we were doing was going over.
The war game from three and a half years ago, put out by the Rockefellers and others, saying they would inject people with this vaccine, everybody would get sick, and then out of that would collapse civilization.
Spars pandemic, and then the crimson contagion.
Emergency Saturday broadcast, world shocked by Spars 2025-2028 document.
It's the Spars document, and then that's carried on into crimson contagion.
And there it is.
Again, needs 50 million views, but almost 4 million views on Band.video.
All right, I'm going to really try to control myself here today.
And I'm really going to try to judiciously cover this as best I can.
Chris Sky is a very smart businessman and patriot from Canada who has really been topping Twitter the last week.
With his prediction of the endless lockdown with total precision.
He'll be joining us by the hour.
And then Mike Adams, who was the first person I heard talk about the so-called vaccine triggering this specific type of autoimmune response that now even Fox News is having to admit is real and taking place.
That's coming up today.
So tonight, this is going to be an incredible transmission.
And then I'm going to co-host part of the Sunday live show that Owen normally hosts with the great Harrison Smith, the host of
American Journal, 8 a.m.
Well, from 6 to 8 tonight, he's going to be hosting, and I'm going to host part of that with him because I've got so much on my plate, I know there's no way I'm going to get done with all of it in the first two hours.
So Chris Sky coming up, Mike Adams coming up.
I'm yours truly, Alex Jones.
And just this information, I studied today like six hours, and when I almost fell down, I got dizzy when I contemplated when I stood up.
up. Almost had a nervous breakdown.
Antibody dependent enhancement.
That's the term you're gonna get to know real, real well when your friends, your family, and you bleed out and die in the near future.
There are treatments that are now being developed and tested that can save some people.
And that's why the UK government just ordered a record amount of anti-blood clotting agents, three billion pounds worth.
That order's much bigger than anyone in their history, obviously, because they know what they've already done to you.
Antibody-dependent enhancement.
Suddenly, they're even talking about it on CNN!
And that's just one of the things in hundreds of studies, many of which were conducted by Dr. Fauci, we discover that almost all of the different types of mammals that they injected with similar vaccines that target spike proteins on coronaviruses, that in almost every case the animals die within a few months of being given the injection.
And it can be extrapolated out that humans in the physiological differences would die in a few years.
That's how Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and so many other respected medical doctors came on this show and said you will see antibody dependent enhancement by the first fall and winter after the injections and now it's already beginning.
All right, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is a live Sunday, August 1st, 2021 transmission.
And let me just start right here with the big announcement.
It is not debated by the CDC.
It is not debated by the NIH, National Institute of Health.
It is not debated by the NIH or the British National Health Service or any of the major governments of the world.
That the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations, whether they be a virus vector from Johnson & Johnson or AstraZeneca, or whether they be an mRNA from Moderna or Pfizer, all of them make you get COVID and make you shed COVID and make you create deadly variants and doesn't work.
It doesn't lessen how bad your sickness is.
All of it was a lie.
And it turns out they knew from hundreds of prestigious studies and government initiatives.
The University of Texas wasn't studies.
It was a four-year initiative of seven universities led by the University of Texas, where they gave all sorts of spike protein vaccines for coronaviruses to rats, ferrets, other animals.
And some rats lived.
None of the ferrets lived.
And this is all a test to see what they can do to you.
Just like they said six months ago, oh, it's a rare heart condition, a rare blood clot in the brain, a rare stroke.
No, it's in the majority of people.
Because it starts growing protein crystals.
You don't have a virus, you get given protein crystals, that's what the spike protein is, and your body starts growing it.
And in every case they've done this, it kills the lab animals, the vast majority.
They knew what they did, like if you poured a gallon of gasoline on yourself, let it soak in and then struck a match, what's gonna happen?
You're gonna burn to death.
Or if you took a shotgun and put it in your mouth and pull the trigger, you're gonna blow your head off.
And that's why I'm so shocked is, this is 100% known, like eating a teaspoon of cyanide with your iced tea, you're gonna be dead in two minutes.
Or if I laid my hand out on this table, took a hatchet right to my fingers, it's going to cut them off.
So I've got the actual CDC study here.
I'm not going to just show you articles at Infowars.com.
I'm going to show you the actual study.
Overhead shot, please.
CDC released a study showing three-fourths of Delta cases are among the vaccinated, says mask are the answer.
More lies from the same people.
It goes on to say 74% of the individuals That have tested positive, took the vaccine, and it goes on into all the different sloughing off of new, more deadly variants of the virus, which all these top scientists warn would be the case.
Here's another one.
CDC study admits 74% of COVID sufferers in Massachusetts outbreak were fully vaccinated.
But let's look at some other countries, see what they found.
Because I don't just believe the CDC.
Look at this.
Andrew Bosman, MDMS.
A link through right to the government of Finland.
And I got stacks of these.
one example. C19 Delta variant outbreak 103 infections among C8 CWs
inpatients and 18 elderly inpatient deaths. Two-thirds of infections 66
percent and 70 and 67 percent occurred in those partially or fully vaccinated
with mRNA vaxed. And I got stacks of these 76 percent of the infections among
the patients occurred with those fully or partially vaccinated. That's in 44.
And it goes on.
Here's another one out of Israel.
This is with 6 million people participating.
The biggest test in history of a coronavirus.
And the vast majority, again over 70%, were inoculated.
Think about that.
Can I have an overhead shot, guys, please?
So just look at this here for yourself.
Yeah, we got a frozen camera.
Anyways, we'll post all these up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
You can find any of this.
It's all over the news.
I mean, none of this is even debated.
Oh, and then meanwhile, what else is going on?
Miracle drug is life-saving against COVID and will stop sufferers needing hospitalization and treatment.
And from all over the world, they're reporting that either pills of steroids, not the type that Get you big like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but the type that kill inflammation, corticotypic, either in pill form or inhaled, have basically 100% rate.
And guess who the UN and others are working with to suppress that?
Big tech.
So again, talk about criminal activity, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the way these systems operate.
And it goes on and it continues from there.
Here's the Washington Post headline.
Most people infected In Providencetown, COVID outbreak, we're vaccinated, CDC study shows.
There's your God, The Washington Post, telling you that.
But it gets worse.
We've been here this entire time.
For a year and a half telling you these vaccines weren't vaccines, that they were frankenshots, they were GMO, that they wouldn't work, that they'd lower your immunity next time, that they would make you sick, and that Bill Gates is on record saying he wants to depopulate the Earth.
And we had all these scientists on specifically warning you, and showed you clips of hundreds of prominent scientists and researchers coming out.
Like the former head scientist at Pfizer, and the Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of HIV, and the head EU advisor Wolfgang Wudart.
Those are just known names I've been telling you for a year and a half.
And now they have the Dean of the Baylor Medical School coming out saying it.
I have her on video.
That's coming up.
I have more than 30 clips of the heads of universities, the heads of major scientific institutions in the United States, in England, in Ireland, and I got plenty from Germany, it's just in German, and I got plenty from France, and all over the world saying the same thing.
This is going to kill millions and millions and millions and millions of people, and it doesn't protect you, and they knew it.
But it still just got pushed forward.
People warned you and it still happened.
So the question is, why did the Globalists do this?
Knowing it was going to come out, they did it.
We have to war game every angle of this during the break.
We'll see if I can fix the overhead shot.
So I can actually show you all this or I can work with the crew maybe to get it on the computer in there for you.
But I want to show everybody this tonight.
I want you to see this.
I want you to understand this.
And I want you to see the U.S.
Patent Office documents.
Where Fauci and Bill Gates and others from Chapel Hill, North Carolina at a bioweapons lab sent all the ingredients and how to make this virus that they would own and control to the Wuhan lab to develop it and put it together.
So we've got all of this coming up tonight.
And then the really big news, the British official government agency responding to bio threats Has come out, ladies and gentlemen, and said mutants from the vaccinated may create a super strain that they believe will kill 2.6 plus billion people.
That's the headline, Infowars.com, FreeWorldNews.tv.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Alright, it's the worst of times, but it's also the best of times at the same time.
Horrible things are happening.
Incredible tyranny is taking place.
Massive censorship of top scientists and top medical doctors.
And victims of these poison vaccines are being carried out by big tech.
Who themselves are heavily invested in big pharma and vice versa.
Then you've got the controlled corporate media that's biggest sponsor is the big pharmaceutical companies.
And then you ask yourself, why would they then roll out extremely tested vaccines on other animals and humans in other trials previously with coronaviruses targeting the spike protein?
And why in all the studies did they say, don't give it to humans, it'll kill them?
Because they've got to attack us sometime, they've got to depopulate us, and they've got to make us sick so it sucks everything out of the economy, so that as the economy collapses, they pose as the saviors, the big megabanks, who have endless currency, because they just make it out of nothing, so that when the society collapses, they give us universal basic income, and then they control the dwindling resources and completely win.
That's in the book written early last year by Klaus Schwab who calls for depopulating the earth with David Rockefeller and of course his protege Bill Gates.
This is the battle plan that is now being executed.
This is like Caesar writing letters home when he was in Germania and Gaul for 15 years, conquering it.
Letters back to the Senate about what he'd done.
This is like one of The first letters Caesar sent back to the Senate to tell them how great he was.
This is Klaus Schwab bragging how they're executing us in live time and bringing in world government and depopulating us and everything.
That's a wartime letter.
This is a battle plan funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1974, the culmination of a decade-long research process with the man who later became the White House Science czar for eight years under Barack Hussein Obama.
How to sterilize you, how to poison you, and how to use that to break down society.
And how medical tyranny is the way to take over because people trust the medical system.
So if world government, the UN, and big corporations poses the medical system, they could conquer the world.
Population, resources, environment.
John P. Holdren.
Another depopulationist, Paul Ehrlich and Annie Ehrlich, his wife.
Might want to read it.
There's another one you might want to read from two months ago.
The new terrorism plan under our puppet president says anyone questioning lockdowns is a terrorist.
And now he's saying new lockdowns may be needed.
Funny how that works.
And when you read Spar's pandemic 2025-2028, put out by John Hopkins with all the UN and Bill Gates funding, it's set in the year 2025-2028, that's supposed to be 2020-2023, and it describes everything they're doing in lifetime, just like Operation Lockstep, and even how they're going to burn some public health officials and act like it's all a big accident that they killed billions of you.
They got it all planned out.
And you're like, they're gonna get destroyed.
They don't care.
They want to kill.
They want to kill.
So, our overhead shot every once in a while, maybe twice a year, one of these wireless cameras seizes up, it just did last segment, but they got it back up and running.
Let me show you those articles if you're a TV viewer, radio listeners, you can find these easily, just write down what I say and you'll go find them.
CDC releases study showing three-fourths of Delta cases are among the vaccinated.
It says masks are the answer, even though it does nothing.
And they go on to say that the majority of the people sick and the majority dying have had the shot.
Isn't that a big news story?
And that's out of just an area of Massachusetts.
But I showed you out of Finland, the exact same numbers.
In fact, this is 76% of the people 44 to 58 that were there.
And it goes on to say all the deaths were vaccinated.
In this state, it's two-thirds of the infections and deaths.
67 occurred.
There's one here where it's 100%.
Let me just show you those numbers.
Again, here's out of Israel.
Six million people studied the biggest study ever on a coronavirus, and they found that the vast majority, again, same thing, had been inoculated, and the vast majority dying aren't.
And they're suppressing all the different miracle drugs and the rest of it.
Big articles on that.
Can't have you suppress it with something like ivermectin or things like the steroid Now let's get to the really ultra-massive news.
Here's the Washington Post for those that don't believe.
Here's your God.
Most people infected in Providence Town COVID outbreak were vaccinated, CDC study shows.
Now let's get to the really ultra massive news.
Oops, FDA accidentally reveals a list of COVID vaccine side effects,
including microcardiitis, nothing like a heart attack, autoimmune disease, and death.
And this was from last year.
Turns out a staffer didn't like what had happened, so they left the slide in.
Which, by the way, they already admitted previously, it's why they wouldn't approve it, that these type of vaccines cause this.
I'm going to show you top doctors around the world coming out, including now the dean of the Baylor Medical School.
That's a pretty prestigious medical school.
They worked, by the way, on the UT study, the UT initiative on rats given a vaccine for spike protein, where 87% of the rats died.
That's coming up.
I mean, do you realize that they know all about this?
So a lot of this is cover the ass time.
That's why, I mean, it's a who's who of elite scientists saying this is insane and basically everybody that's taking the shot is going to be an invalid.
If they're lucky, a lot of you are going to be dead.
So now they're getting ready to start giving you, for the rest of your life, I guess, blood thinners and other stuff?
I mean, they have really hurt you bad.
And you're like, that'll collapse society.
That's what the globalists want.
They don't care what happens to Joe Biden.
They don't care what happens to... They want to bring down civilization.
They want a post-industrial world.
How do you do it?
You kill billions of people and you make billions of people sick.
And that'll collapse civilization.
Everybody else will be scared to go into work or be around anybody?
Or be around the vaccinated?
This is a psychological weapon of fear.
It's meant to destroy confidence in the government.
You think the U.S.
government will ever have credibility again when this all comes out?
And it finally all clicked this morning, and it's why I actually got dizzy.
You've heard, like, women will get told, hey, your husband was just found dead, and the woman will stagger back and fall over?
I've been studying all day, and when this all crystallized in my mind, like a thousand points plus a thousand, I actually got dizzy, and I was stumbling around, and it all hit me.
I had to sit down.
That's why they did it during Trump and got him to sign on to it to discredit Trump and nationalism and patriotism and populism.
And they knew that Trump would be so pig-headed, he'll keep defending it even as it starts killing everybody.
So, man, they really know what they're doing.
I mean, these are some sophisticated people.
And again, if you're a new listener, it is completely confirmed, absolutely confirmed, even mainstream news, the vaccine doesn't help you, hurts you, and makes you spread all this other garbage.
Just what all the scientists said over a year ago would happen.
And it's just a giant trap, a giant bear trap.
We're all caught in it.
And I haven't even hit the new news.
Sage, that's the big government agency in the UK?
They say that the vaccinated could trigger a new super variant that kills 2.625 billion.
Stay with us.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So, I've been politically awake and involved for over 30 years.
I've been on air for 27, coming up on 28 years.
And I knew the globalists wanted depopulation.
I knew the Rockefellers set up the UN to carry it out.
I'd read a lot of the books they'd written about different ways to sterilize us and different plans they had to launch depopulation.
How they'd use the breakup of the family and the destruction of small businesses under UN environmental auspices.
And I watched them eat around the edges of it, but I really hoped we could expose them and back them off so they wouldn't launch the main attack.
But then when I saw what they rolled out in China, and the fear-mongering, and the Wuhan lab, and the lockdowns here, and the masks, and suppressing treatments for regular viral infections so they get some high death numbers, and sending sick people into nursing homes but not letting their families go in, I knew they were making their move.
And then I'd already read Operation Lockstep and I'd already read Spar's pandemic drill by John Hopkins years ago because it was globalist battle drills on how they were going to bring in world government, how they admitted they were going to bring in worldwide authoritarianism.
But when I saw all these top scientists Come out last year and say, we've looked at what they say the vaccine does.
It'll cause autoimmune disease.
It'll cause brain damage.
It will cause all of these serious problems.
Antibody dependent enhancement.
And all these top people are like, I think it'll kill 30-40% of those that take it within about 2-3 years.
According to these rat studies.
Then I went and looked up the studies.
I didn't believe these people.
Even though they were respected and it was all true.
Then we watch people take the shot, start having heart attacks and strokes and all the rest of it, and now they're having this whole antibody-dependent enhancement, and it's all over the news, and they're now in the Washington Post saying, people that have the shot are more likely to give people COVID now, and they're having autoimmune disorders, antibody dependence.
Now you'd think, oh Jones, I bet he got happy.
No, I didn't get happy.
I am totally freaked out.
Because it's one thing to know their plan, it's another thing to be living it.
And to think about how psychotic they are.
Because they even, like I said, they've got the heads of major medical schools, the dean of the Baylor Medical School, that's one of the, that's a top ten medical school, saying this is crazy and evil and wrong, she's just out today!
And now the CDC says, three-fourths of the people spreading it have it, from the shot.
And this big one that I want to get Chris Guy's take on.
I want to get Chris Guy on for a full hour this week.
We got until five minutes of the next hour.
This is the British government agency SAGE.
Next COVID variant could kill one in three people.
2.625 billion.
In the estimates of the mutations, similar to what they saw with MERS, if it became gain-of-function.
And they're telling you what they got next for you.
They're going to claim it's a mutation.
So Chris Sky back in September of last year was extremely prescient looking at their own government documents that have been confirmed to be real, where they're talking about the permanent lockdown and a permanent dictatorship.
Since he was last on, in fact I forgot it, guys get the Nova Scotia health minister, says we need to stop people demonstrating, stop people going outside, keep lockdowns he said, to stop people talking.
Since then, the German, the French, and the Australian health ministers have all said the same thing.
So this is a real authoritarian takeover.
Here's Chris Sky.
Before Lockdown 2 was announced, now we're into Lockdown 3 in Canada, but Lockdown 2 is about to happen here.
Here he is predicting it.
It's Psychic Jimbro was the top trending thing on Twitter a few days ago.
Recognized for predicting lockdown agenda, here it is.
You don't need a mask.
The mask is about compliance.
Because they know Canadians like to do what they're told.
So they tell you, you have to wear a mask.
Next they're going to tell you, you have to contact trace.
Then they're going to tell you, you have to take the vaccine.
And because Canadians like to do what they're told, they're hoping that everyone just complies.
And then guess what kids?
Once you take your vaccine, like a dumb person that doesn't know any better, They're gonna tell you, sorry, the vaccine isn't as effective as we thought it was gonna be, so now you still gotta wear your mask, still gotta get contact trace, still have all the restrictions and social distancing, and still take your vaccine.
And then what did you get out of all of this?
You got a whole year where you weren't allowed to travel, your business was closed, they took your rights and freedoms, they forced a vaccine on you, and...
What happened?
The same amount of people died, everything is the exact same, and now they're gonna put you back on lockdown and bring it all the way till July of next year, so they can do the same thing again!
Bring you from July, August, and September, getting you off lockdown, but just to bring you back on lockdown again.
If you idiots haven't figured it out yet...
It's a perpetual cycle that you never get out of.
And it's a way to take your rights, your freedoms, close your business, take your wealth.
So you become dependent on government.
If you're independent, the government works for you like it's supposed to.
If you depend on the government to give you a paycheck to feed your family every month because they closed your business on you, now the government doesn't work for you, the government rules you.
So instead of a middle class, We have the government, upper class, and the lower class dependents that rely on the government to survive.
In other words, we have a slave class.
And that's what they're trying to do.
It's that simple.
There's his website, you need to support him, you need to get his book, you need to check
out what he's doing.
He's with us for the next 20 minutes, I appreciate him coming on.
You can go wherever you want, bro, but for folks that don't know, that was September
of last year.
You laid it out.
Tell folks again how you did it, and let's get into what's currently happening and what
you think is coming next.
That's huge.
It's, uh, I knew what was coming, like you said.
I saw the document from the UN.
I was traveling around the world trying to tell everybody what was coming.
It was a coordinated response from all the world's governments.
So whenever something like that happens, it's suspect.
So I just got back from Ireland, where I predicted their lockdown to the day, and actually stayed there till the day they got locked down, September 20th, and then came back to Toronto to try to warn everybody here.
And I went to our protest on Saturday in Toronto, September 26th, and that's when I made that video, to let everybody know what was gonna happen.
Oh, my camera died.
You're here, you sound great, keep going.
Okay, so...
I had to let everybody know what was going to happen.
People call me crazy.
Now they see everything that I said came to light.
So now we've got to give a red alert and let everybody know what's going to happen next.
And this is very, very important because they're going to try to make the biggest division we've ever seen in society.
And that division is going to go way past the people versus mask wearers, non mask wearers, etc.
Now it's going to be turning the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
So they've already got us into the pacification process.
They're trying to lull us into submission.
They tried to give us a little bit of our freedom back.
They wanted to destroy the freedom movement.
They wanted to disorganize us, kill the momentum, kill everything we've been trying to do.
In reality, they're prepping the stage already with predictive programming.
They're already telling us cases are starting to rise.
They're already telling us the vaccine doesn't work.
They're already telling us unvaccinated people are dangerous.
They're already trying to call for limiting the movement and restricting the freedoms of the unvaccinated.
So what we're going to see, and this is why I've been on tour since July 17, all around Canada, to warn people that It's all coming back.
And this time, when they lock us down and put the mask back on us, it's going to be vaccinated people and unvaccinated people.
Only this time, we're going to be seeing the vaccinated people getting sick.
They're going to blame the vaccinated people getting sick on a so-called new variant, when in reality it's the vaccine itself getting people sick.
They're also going to go and blame the new variant on the unvaccinated so they can demonize anybody who doesn't take the vaccine.
So not only will this provide wonderful division that the government likes, it'll also set the stage for public consent of the majority, which are the vaccinated, to limit the freedom of movement on other people.
And if you see what they're doing in France right now, you can't even go to a grocery store in France unless you show proof of vaccination or you show a negative COVID test.
So they're doing this all over the world.
And I'm trying to warn people that they're also trying to subvert us with political movements.
Phony political movements in Canada that are masquerading as freedom movements, when in reality there's no political solution to this problem.
Americans are free right now, compared to Canadians, not because they waited for a new election and a new Donald Trump to save them, but because they employed what I call united non-compliance.
They stood up as a nation, they took off their masks, they opened their businesses, and they just said no to the government.
Stay right there, Chris.
Stay right there.
We're going to come right back in a few minutes to give you the floor.
You're absolutely right about all this, and we need to get past political labels and political parties and get down to basic human rights.
Stay with us.
This is the InfoWar.
We're into the last segment of the first hour.
And we have Chris Skye on the line with us from Canada.
Whole other story how he's a political prisoner, how they've arrested him, how they're trying to say he can't travel.
You got similar laws being passed in Australia and the UK.
They're riding women down with Clydesdale horses and almost killing them if they dare go outside when they're not supposed to.
But if you're a leftist group, you can go burn down cities.
This is the martial law of global government, the martial law of the United Nations.
And in Operation Lockstep, written by the Rockefeller Foundation, 11 years ago, they say they would use the threat of a virus for a takeover.
And who's in control of world policy now?
The Rockefeller Foundation directs Joe Biden and the United Nations.
Bill Gates has been somewhat removed from command.
Let's go back to Chris Sky.
Chris, I want to point something out.
When we talk about this a year and a half ago or ten months ago, people go, okay, so what?
But then when it comes true, they go, oh, this is amazing.
You're saying what's coming next today, but I can play video clips right now of you on with us six months ago, and of me last year, saying they're going to claim a new variance out, so that's why you've got to have this new booster, and they're going to say the variant came from the unvaccinated.
It's so easy to know what they're going to do.
So again, how do we do that?
Because this is so incredibly premeditated.
So finish up with what you were saying about what's Coming next from your own research and their own admissions, and then how you think we can fight back against it because you got cut off by that break.
No problem.
So everybody knows we're going back on another lockdown.
Just like you said, the narrative is going to be over the next few weeks and few months.
Cases are rising.
The vaccine's not working.
Variants are spreading.
Unvaccinated people are dangerous.
And they're going to start calling for vaccine passports, not just for travel, but to limit the movements of these vaccinated people.
Or the non-vaccinated people.
So exactly what's going to happen in the fall is you're going to see a whole bunch of vaccinated people get sick.
You're going to see them scream about rising cases.
They're going to institute all the restrictions like masks and everything else.
They're going to lock us all down again.
And at the same time, they're going to be telling all the vaccinated people that you're sick because of these unvaccinated people.
And that's going to get the public pretense that they need to start trying to impose restrictions federally In both countries, not just at the state or provincial level, on all the citizens.
That's their plan.
So why can we make it backfire?
Everybody's carrot was get the vaccine and life will go back to normal.
And I already warned everybody that that was a lie.
And they're just going to make you wear the mask and put the restrictions back on you after you've taken the jab.
Well, now they're already telling everybody they got to take a third jab and maybe even a fourth jab this fall and winter.
So when you told these people they're going to get vaccinated, everything's going to go back to normal.
And I'm coming in there and say, the only way out of this is United noncompliance.
Well, all those people that complied are going to get locked down in the winter.
Then the government's going to have to tell them, Oh, a fifth or sixth jab is going to be the thing that sets you free.
Even the most compliant, even the most naive is not going to agree with that.
And I've seen a massive shift in Canada in the last few months as I've been traveling around and doing my tours.
Normally, it's when I go to a freedom rally, everyone's there that knows me.
They're there for me.
So everyone knows me.
Everyone's excited to see me.
Now, I can't even stand outside of a hotel for two minutes or even walk down the street without the average Canadian coming up to me enthusiastically and knowing who I am, knowing what I'm about, agreeing with me, appreciating me, and feeling the exact same way.
We literally had a guy pull us over on the street, and I'm in Calgary, or Edmonton, sorry, driving, and we thought he was having like a road rage incident or something, but he just rolled down the window and started screaming how he has my book and how he loves us.
And that's the kind of reception we're getting everywhere from the average Canadian.
What does that tell you?
It tells you that the average person, the largest demographic of Canadians, the non-voter, more than all the other parties put together, these are the people we need to engage for United Party clients.
The same thing when you tell the story, you're not bragging, I'm not bragging.
I went to Lake Tahoe for a workcation.
I went to CVS twice.
I went to a few restaurants.
Everyone mobbed me.
The owners, the busboys, the waitresses.
I mean, I went to CVS and was in there 30 minutes.
I was just trying to buy some Neosporin and Band-Aids for my four-year-old that cut her foot.
I mean, all this kind of stuff is going on.
It's totally insane.
It's absolutely out of control.
What the globalists are doing, but the people are really, really waking up.
And I think Klaus Schwab up in his ivory towers, I think Bill Gates in his ivory tower doesn't know what's happening.
He doesn't, but I want to say something else really quick because now the government's terrified that we're achieving this level of the silent majority being engaged along with the political people, along with the freedom lovers.
So they're trying to subvert the movement here in Canada with a supposed political freedom movement.
And they're using the PPC party and Maxine Bernier as this Trojan horse to try to mislead the people and try to give the people a so-called political option to this.
Because they know that people are ready to act.
They're ready for United Non-Compliance Phase 2, taking action.
And the best way to stop people from taking action is to give them a pretend viable political solution.
That way, they don't use their anger and take action.
Instead, they just vote.
And they sit down back on their couch and they wait for this politician to save them.
Maxime Bernier has been telling everyone he's this big freedom fighter.
He's been telling everybody, don't listen to Chris Sky.
He just wants to sell a book.
Well, I found out Maxime Bernier and the PPC party are making money off the sale of face masks.
I found out Maxime Bernier was working with George Soros and the Tides Foundation all the way back until 2005 as the head of the Sustainable Development Committee in Canada.
So he's not a freedom fighter.
He's a globalist, just like all the rest.
And they have this phony political movement.
It all started on Canada Day.
Let me just say this.
Chris, you're the superstar that predicted it all.
That's a great guy, a grassroots person.
I don't know who these people are.
I'm not doubting you.
But it's a distraction.
I see the whisper campaigns against you.
Every time we have him on, we get all these messages, don't have him on, he's bad.
I know it's all crap.
I think you're above these people.
And I think you should just ignore them.
That's the best thing, but I have to point it out because I want everybody to understand there is no political solution to this problem.
I agree.
You've got to stop hoping some magic person does it.
You've got to start saying no and then give people some examples of how they do that.
That's what you gotta do.
So we got people in different groups to take action.
And when we have a big protest, we break the people down into smaller groups.
The first group we do is the small business owners.
And we get them to organize as many small businesses as possible.
And we organize an opening date.
We did that in British Columbia, the west coast of Canada, where the businesses were hungry.
And in one month, we got almost 2,000 businesses organized to open.
And the government allowed them to open the day after our opening date that we declared.
And if you look at a place like Ontario where I live, we just got those same restrictions lifted maybe a couple weeks ago.
So when people take action, that's what makes the government bad.
Submission is death.
Resistance is victory.
So let me ask you this.
I mean, look, I got a crystal ball, research their own documents.
You've got one, your own research and documents, and I really respect your view on this.
Why do you think they've been covering up numbers before?
Why are they admitting the vast majority of the ill are vaccinated?
Why are they admitting they're the ones shedding viruses?
Why are they...
I mean, is that just that real scientists are putting out real numbers?
Because the media doesn't know how to deal with this.
They don't know what to do.
I mean, the fact that, again, all over the world, it's the people that are getting the shots that are sick.
Again, as I predicted a year ago, as you predicted a year ago, it's not from COVID.
It's from the vaccine.
They're calling vaccine illness new COVID.
Well, it's kind of hard to sweep under the rug that three quarters of all COVID cases, including places like Singapore and all around the world, they're reporting the same numbers.
Three quarters of all new COVID cases are basically vaccinated people.
So they can't really sweep that under the rug.
So what they're going to do is use it to their advantage.
They're going to say, oh, no, it's not the vaccine's fault.
It's the new variant.
And this new variant was created by all these unvaccinated that didn't go with the program and didn't do their part.
And that's why this new variant's created, and that's why our vaccines that were supposed to save the day can't.
They always want to position themselves as the people that are trying to help, and they always want to position the people like us that are really trying to help as the reason that this keeps getting perpetuated.
When we come back, I want to play a clip of that Canadian health official saying, we don't want to ever live through the lockdowns because people will actually talk.
Folks thought he misspoke.
Then the Canadian, the German, the Australian, the British government all repeated what he said.
What do you make of them being so brazen?
Because they have no choice.
They have to try to silence people like you and me because we're having the impact that we need to have.
We're not just having an impact, we're having the impact.
We are the change.
Like I said, I saw a massive shift in Canadian society.
The masses have awoken.
So now the only thing they can try to do is try to put the cat back in the bag, which we know is impossible.
That's why they're trying to pass all these bills like C36 and C10 in Canada there to limit our freedom of speech.
Because they've already taken all our other rights with the vaccine passport.
They've already closed our businesses and destroyed our industries with the lockdowns.
So the only thing we have left is the ability to speak about what's happening.
And that's their number one enemy right now because we're telling the truth and they're lying.
So they're at a huge disadvantage which is why they have to use media, government, elected officials, medical professionals to tell their lie.
And it could just be a regular dude like me going around telling the truth and ruining their plans.
Chris Sky will do five more minutes with you.
Please come back for a full hour this week.
You name the time.
Tell my producers during the break.
That's realchrissky.com.
Check it out.
Get his book.
And please support us.
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I would get ready.
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up to 66% off with promo code "Alex" at mypillow.com.
I'm asking him to come on for a full hour sometime this week.
I've asked him before, he's such a busy guy, crisscrossing Canada, he hasn't been able to do it.
And if you've never been down to the U.S., he's got a first class ticket here.
I want to go see him, but they won't let me into Canada.
This tyranny is incredible.
But here's the, um, one of the health ministers up in Canada, since we mentioned this, saying, we want to keep martial law in place so people can't get together and quote, share disinformation.
Here it is.
Hi there, thanks for taking my questions.
I'm wondering about the injunction banning public gatherings and whether there really is a need for such a far-reaching one given the trajectory we're on now.
So, I mean, I think it's still there.
We still have, you know, bringing large numbers of people together.
It can present some risk.
We'll continue to look at that.
But I think the other purpose of the injunction is to prevent, you know, groups that are spreading, deliberately spreading false information that can actually create risk.
Since he said that a month ago, I have them in a bunch of other countries, like Australia, and put it on screen saying, Chris Skye, in closing, the mask is off.
They've really overplayed their hand.
People tend to think, when I'm studying history, well they're the authorities, they must have the upper hand.
Tyrants have psychological problems.
It's mental illness.
It's like child molesters have a compulsion.
They are going to do this.
They're not going to stop.
They want to control us.
They're control freaks.
We have to say no.
The point it stops, what Thomas Jefferson said 240 years ago, is the point we start saying no.
That's why I got the campaign, Just Say No.
And it's about saying no to the vaccine.
It's about saying no to the masks.
It's about saying no to all the restrictions that you know are not in your best interest.
You're a real leader of a country.
Your job is to run the country in a way where the people can make their own decisions and attain success.
If you're wasting energy, resources, time, and money to manage the people, then you're not a leader.
You're a tyrant.
And that's what we're seeing right now.
And people need to understand that freedom is essential.
It isn't just a tagline.
That's the reality.
If people don't have freedom, you cannot have a happy, content society, and you cannot have a society where you can actually be successful, pass something on to your children, and so on, and so forth.
They are literally trying to destroy the American dream, the Canadian dream, and replace it with a version of worldwide communism.
And it sounds scary and it sounds ridiculous, but that's exactly what they are doing.
They've systematically removed our rights with a medical tyranny.
They're trying to remove our financial dependence by closing our businesses and killing our jobs.
And now they're trying to stop the spread of information because people have figured it out.
And this is what people need to realize.
The people that are asleep.
This is not about your health.
This is not about your safety.
This is about control.
And that one little Tiny thing that alters your perception from the lie that they've been telling you to the reality that is truth, is what they're trying to prevent from spreading worldwide.
And that's why they want to control what they call false information.
And false is just a misonomer for anything we don't want you to know.
Because it's quite obvious that the cat is out of the bag, the vaccine doesn't work, the only people getting sick are the vaccinated, there's no COVID.
We are through it.
They are already calling it an endemic in most parts of the world.
Piccadilly, you're coming on this week, but we're going to talk about Chris Sky on leadership.
Leadership is by example.
That's the counter to tyrants.
They want to tell us don't lead.
The answer is start leading.
And that's what you're doing.
That's what I'm doing.
It's beautiful, my friend.
Piccadilly, tell my producer right now.
And we got to let people know we're leading by example.
We're not pretending to be a messiah or a savior or telling you to follow us.
We're just leading by example, trying to provide you the inspiration, the knowledge, and the courage to stand up for yourself.
We lead by example.
That's what I'm saying.
A tyrant makes you do something.
Leadership, you demonstrate it.
That's right.
And that's what we're trying to do with this book.
And that's what they're so afraid of.
And if you want me to come on, I'll come on.
I can come on even August 3rd.
It's my birthday.
So you can have me on on my birthday.
Let's do it.
Let's do it Tuesday then, or Wednesday, whatever day that is.
Chris Sky, thank you so much, folks.
Get his book on his website, realchrissky.com.
Mike Adams is coming up.
up. Thank you, Chris Guy.
Alex Jones, the cure to fake news, coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
(upbeat music)
I can feel humanity awakening.
I can feel your strength.
I can feel your will.
We are alive in an incredible time.
It's Sunday, August 1st.
The year is 2021.
And we begin our main battle, our great stand against depopulation and world government.
This is not a radio broadcast or TV show.
This is an emergency transmission.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm really thankful that Mike Adams would come on today on short notice, but I was sitting there this morning, I'd already done like five hours of research, and I just couldn't believe what was happening.
So much good stuff, so much bad stuff.
I mean, we're talking about three university heads I've got clips of.
Baylor Medical School, two other top heads coming out and saying the shots are deadly, don't do it, it's a disaster.
All these other top scientists.
I probably watched four hours today of six, seven hours of research of just clips of medical doctors and scientists and I tracked down their curriculum vitae and they'd be who they said they were and it matched with the research and the documents and the CDC saying 74% of the new COVID cases are in people that are vaccinated and they're worse and most of the deaths are in them.
And then the same thing in Israel, the same thing in Singapore, the same thing in Gibraltar, the same thing.
The same thing in Iceland.
And I'm looking at all this, and then I'm looking at the patents that we talked about over a year ago when Mike Adams was on with us, where at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Fauci and Bill Gates, the patents on gain-of-function for the coronavirus and all of it.
It's just mind-blowing.
And then the U.N.
saying it's the Great Reset.
So, Mike joins us for the hour.
I'll host some into the next hour with Harrison Smith, who's doing Sunday live tonight.
That's a great show, because we cut it to six minutes of ads an hour just for the radio and TV stations.
We took our network ads out, and I'm working on a system where we pull half our ads out as well for the rest of the shows.
But people that are used to podcasts ask, why do you have 40 minutes of ads an hour?
Well, that's how TV and radio work.
We are on TV and the radio, so we're not just internet podcasts.
And thank God we weren't just that.
Not put down podcast, they're revolutionary and great, and I've been spearheading that before it was called podcast, but we didn't have our old vestigial media, the old TV and radio.
We'd been off the air during the de-platforming, so it gave us a toehold to grow back, so that's been a blessing.
So, here are some of the headlines.
We're going to Mike Adams to tackle this from wherever he wants, but as a father and as a man, being assaulted like this, I have a lot of Physiological issues now, not being violent.
And we've got to be smart, I don't want violence, I don't want to turn the enemy into martyrs.
I'm just saying, they're assaulting us, and now they're coming with the contact tracers, and now they want to say, don't let us have food, take our property, take our children, all over the news.
That's war, that's siege.
So, how do we fight back, but not getting caught up in violence?
We'll talk about that with Mike Adams as well.
But here are some of the headlines.
CDC released a study showing three-fourths of Delta cases aren't among the vaccinated.
It says masks are the answer.
That's out of Massachusetts.
Here it is out of Finland.
Similar numbers.
Almost all the deaths, the vaccinated.
Here's another out of Israel.
Six million people in the study.
Again, almost 80 percent, the unvaccinated.
I mean, are the vaccinated, the unvaccinated not getting sick?
Them suppressing all these miracle drugs, all these different corticotypic steroids.
They don't want you to know about that because they want you to die from anything.
FDA accidentally reveals list of COVID vaccine side effects including heart attacks, autoimmune disease, and death.
Just incredible.
And the big story, and I got so much more we'll get to with Mike Adams, is SAGE, that's the government agency in the UK, says next COVID variant could kill one in three people.
The next COVID variant could kill one in up to three people.
Sage warns doomsday scenario is realistic possibility and UK's vaccine rollout may even speed up mutant strains emergence, says the government agency.
I'm reading from their press release picked up by the Daily Mail.
A doomsday new COVID variant that could kill up to one in three people is a realistic possibility, close quote, according to government top scientists.
Now, Mike Adams is like me.
He's so busy covering tomorrow's news today at naturalnews.com that I called him today and I said, can you pull up all the times you were on my show last year and this year?
Because I first heard from you, now it's all over the news, about antibody-dependent enhancement.
I said, can you get those clips where you first said, they're going to say it fails, they're going to say it's antibody-resistant, but they're going to blame that on the unvaccinated, and he said that on the show over a year ago.
Well, now they're doing exactly what Mike said.
He didn't get that from a document, he extrapolated that out with the brain God gave him.
So screw your AI, folks.
We got something better than you got, New World Order.
So it goes on.
Mike said, I'll try to have my crew find it.
But everybody heard Mike a year ago say that here and predict it all.
And yeah, predictions are king because you're already awake.
You listened.
You heard it.
You did your own research.
When we're able to get the predictions I made and Chris Sky made and Mike Adams made and Wolfgang Wudarg, Dr. Wudarg and Dr. Yidan and all these guys, that's what wakes sheeple up.
When they see it, that's what finally gets them to wake up.
So we'll talk more about this, and them admitting that, looking at the evidence, they believe it created Doomsday Variant, and that it is the inoculator that are creating the new variants, including this new strain.
Now, again, I don't believe much of what these folks say, but I anecdotally go off this.
We'll go to Mike Adams for the rest of the hour.
A year ago, when they said all the hospitals were full, they weren't.
We sent people to them.
Folks went and showed it.
This year, I've got friends and family that work in hospitals.
I've got crew that work in hospitals.
One of the staff here's wife works at one.
It's full of people that can't breathe.
It's full of people dying.
And guess what?
They're all inoculated, just like the numbers show.
So it's just what Mike Adams and I and others said.
The shot will make you sick, then they'll blame the un-inoculated for it.
They've done it.
We're now here.
We'll cover what's currently happening and what's coming next and how to stop it.
Thanks for holding while I did that seven-minute rant.
We're three minutes to break.
Take over.
All right, well, let's begin with Dr. Robert Malone, who appeared with Steve Bannon in War Room earlier this week.
And Dr. Malone, of course, is a very much pro-vaccine scientist.
And he warned on that broadcast that we're now beginning to see the early signs of antibody-dependent enhancement happening.
So, Alex, it's happening now.
We're starting to see the opening wave, just the opening little pieces of what's going to be a massive wave Over the next 12 months, as the people who got vaccinated in February and March and April, they're going to start losing any ability to fight off the virus and the Delta variant towards sort of November, December, January, combined with vitamin D deficiency and the antibody-dependent enhancement is likely to begin kicking in with devastating consequences at that time.
And I'll say here right now today, Events have already been put into place.
We're going to see millions of people dead in the next 12 to 36 months because of these vaccines and it cannot be stopped.
Many people today are walking dead because of these vaccines and the reason they've done this and the reason that they've admitted now over the last week that these vaccines don't work And that they're causing the spread of these so-called Delta strains.
The reason they're doing this is because they want an uprising in America.
This is bait.
They want an uprising even among those who were vaccinated and then are now angry and coming to their senses and saying, what, we were lied to?
They want a massive uprising because they need a justification for a military-style martial law crackdown In order to cover their tracks because their entire globalist system is about to implode and many of them are going to go to prison or be tried under Nuremberg 2.0 and they're now going to crash and destroy everything in sight but they need military control over the population during that time.
So the lockdowns are just going to be the beginning.
They want people to have resistance against the lockdowns.
They want a mass uprising and then they can take the guns.
Then they can go door-to-door with forced inoculations.
Then they can take the new homeless who are losing their apartments and so on because of the, you know, the CDC rule about rent now ending.
They're going to be taken to COVID concentration camps.
So all of that is what's coming up over the next couple of months in America.
It's going to look like and feel like an absolute war zone.
They are carrying out war against we, the people.
It has begun.
And by the way, what you say is very astute because I've been watching a lot of Klaus Schwab speeches.
He just said like last month, soon the anger over lockdown will bring you to the collapse and then the new great reset will be here with us.
They admit they're destabilizing everything right now.
We've got the chief UK scientist over the whole inoculation program admitting it didn't work.
I played that a month ago.
He's been writing for 20 years, bestselling books and over 300 websites, and of course has his own chemical, biological, radiological testing lab here in Central Texas.
Good friend of mine.
And I was ranting, I got most of the segment.
I want him to just start over here.
And walk through all this, because people say, well, I don't care why the globalists are launching this.
We just know they're criminals.
Arrest them.
But if you don't know why they're doing it, you won't know what their next step's going to be.
They wouldn't launch something this violent, this evil, this out of control, that's so easy to predict.
I mean, I'm completely shook up that it's all happening just as we said it would, which shows From their own documents.
They're committed to this.
So what's their next big move?
How do we stop it?
How do we bring him to justice?
I don't want to just overall scare people.
There's a lot of people waking up.
I think less people took the shots worldwide than they wanted.
There's so many good doctors and scientists that are rebelling against them and rebelling against big tech.
There's been a big backlash against the censorship.
So even Bill Maher's come out against him.
You've got Tucker Carlson doing a great job.
So lay out the battlefield here.
Wherever you want to go with this are the huge announcements that the people that have had the shots are making folks sick.
Well, they were going to try to say that we were making them sick.
I mean, it really seems like their own medical system is rebelling against big tech New World Order that's been masquerading as the medical system.
And now there's kind of a civil war in the medical system.
Mike Adams.
There is.
Most of the most prominent outspoken doctors right now who are warning about what's happening with these vaccines.
You know, you talk about Dr. Bosch, Dr. Hoffie, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Peter McCullough, and so on.
These are all pro-vaccine doctors.
You know, Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA.
And Dr. Bosch has worked in the vaccine industry for many, many years, and he has an epidemiological warning about what happens when you have the natural evolutionary pressures of vaccine-resistant variants being incubated in the bodies of those who were vaccinated.
So basically, the people who've been vaccinated are walking incubation vessels for deadly bioweapons that are being spread.
It's all happening on purpose.
The so-called vaccines are really gene therapy injections, which are highly illegal.
Humans are now petri dishes or farms for this colonizing creature.
That's right.
That's right.
But the real shocker here is, have you noticed over the last week that all of the so-called woke corporations have now demanded mandatory vaccines among their own workers?
So we're talking Facebook, Google, Twitter, Disney, Walmart, even the Washington Post and many other corporations like that.
They know that they are ordering the vaccine slaughter of their own people, their own employees.
And you ask, why?
Why would they do that?
Well, at Google in particular, and by the way, Zach Voorhees has been a guest on your show explaining all of this.
At Google, the humans have been teaching Google's machine learning systems and AI systems for the last five years how to no longer need humans in the loop.
When it comes to moderation, these corporations... They don't want to have humans around that know how to counter the AI and later have the knowledge.
The enemy that lowers the... the traitor that lowers the drawbridge always gets executed by the army that takes over.
And yes, why would the Washington Post mass murder its own so-called journalists and propagandists?
Because they don't need humans to write the propaganda any longer.
They have machine learning systems and AI systems that can be simply given orders.
Here, write these stories and they can write the stories without any humans in the loop.
But more importantly, the bigger picture here, and I'm not trying to scare people, but They don't plan for there to be a United States of America remaining by the year 2025.
They don't plan to have elections next year.
They plan to create so much of a chaotic emergency, such a collapse, that they can then justify and exert totalitarian control over absolutely everything, including the internet kill switch, taking down independent websites but leaving up only the approved websites, They do plan to go door-to-door with vaccine strike force teams, as Jen Psaki mentioned.
They do plan military martial law if they can get away with it.
Now, there's going to be pushback by states like Texas, like Florida, like South Dakota, and so on.
A lot of pushback.
But in the states where they can get away with it, they're going to have military martial law, gun confiscations, and forced medical kidnapping, taking people away to COVID concentration camps, where many of them will never be seen from.
You said that over a year ago, now they're openly saying it.
So now this isn't speculation, this is officially their plan.
This is absolutely their plan and understand that the globalists are now acting as if they have knowledge of a global level mass extinction type of event or threat, probably one that they are going to unleash.
And they want to make sure that there are billions fewer human beings around when that happens because they can't control billions of people once people realize they've been lied to and they've been poisoned and they're being killed.
way out third dimensional chest you're absolutely right.
They're acting like a gun is to their head to go ahead and get rid of us now
because what's gonna happen is so destabilizing they know that that could
organize into a new political group that challenges them so they're acting like
that there will be no resources very soon. They're acting very desperate.
Yeah my apologies I I do tend to just leap ahead because you and I have a knowledge base and your listeners have a knowledge base of so much that the average American is just clueless about.
So I do tend to leap ahead.
But look, let's just say as a thought experiment that a giant asteroid were going to hit the planet.
I'm not saying that's going to happen, but let's just say That were going to happen in 500 days, let's say.
And the globalists knew about it.
Would they tell the people?
They would never tell you.
You wouldn't know until you see it in the sky, a giant flaming mountain, like in the book of Revelation, you know.
The reason they wouldn't tell you is because the globalists need the infrastructure to function so they can continue to stockpile food and parts and fuel and all the things that they need on their private islands and underground cities and caves and everything.
You got it.
Now, if they told the people, hey, there's a giant mountain falling out of the sky in 500 days, and again, I'm not, that's not my prediction, that's just a thought experiment, but if they told people that, everybody would stop working, everybody would go home and decide, you know, how do I want to spend my last 500 days on this planet, probably with your family or something, right?
Well, that's it, Mike.
Let's stop for a minute.
You're not, you're, you're an engineer, so you're looking at math, like you're wargaming.
The way they're behaving is like, this is already going to happen.
Yes, we can infer from their behavior.
Why are they going to the private islands?
Why are they building the underground tunnels, even in Texas?
Why would they risk releasing something that would kill so many people?
As I've said, because there's got to be something bigger coming.
And Alex, why do they not care that they are absolutely destroying the reputation of the CDC, the FDA, the vaccine industry, the WHO, and the Biden regime itself?
Answer, because none of those things exist in their plan in a few years.
Exactly, they don't care about universities, they don't care about banks, they don't care about the FBI.
That exact logic... That's right.
Yeah, exactly, and they don't care about how much money they print because they know they're going to collapse the dollar anyway, and anybody who's dumb enough to be holding dollars is going to lose everything anyway.
It all just comes down to what you have that's outside the monetary system, and in many cases, real physical things.
Let me use another analogy.
They made a deal with aliens.
They're going to blow the planet up in two years, whatever it is.
They built them a spaceship and they're leaving.
And then they've just got a deal.
They get the spaceship and they help kill us quietly and, you know, make sure nobody wakes up and challenges it.
And I'm not saying that's what's happening.
What Mike is saying is true.
They're acting like everybody's dead and it's all over unless they basically call us off.
We'll be right back.
I mean, folks, I'm telling you, Mike Adams is on fire today.
I'm going to come back and just have him say more.
I'm going to stick a sock in my mouth and just shut up because I want to hear his wargaming on what he thinks.
And then I've got all these doctor videos, these new ones, the dean of the major medical school coming out against the shots, everything.
Next hour, bless me with Harrison Smith.
Freeworldnews.tv is the link you can share.
The other ones get blocked everywhere.
And I'm not trying to scare you folks, but if you play chess here and extrapolate this out, what Mike Adams is saying is the only answer.
Welcome back.
Look, I'm not trying to toot my horn here and say I'm super smart.
I'm smart, smarter than most people.
People have different types of smarts.
But so many scientists I know are great people, but they go on one problem, one problem alone, and they say, I don't care why the globalists are trying to depopulate us.
I don't care why they put this in the vaccines.
They knew it.
They did it.
They need to go to jail.
And I totally agree.
But Mike Adams is the type of guy that I'm like, in ways, that I'm obsessed with.
Why is the enemy doing this?
Because when they're highly sophisticated and control the planet, they've got a way they think they're gonna get out of it.
And they've got something else big coming.
And they're doing stuff so reckless, so violent, so insane, so premeditated, That you know they've got a big reason for it.
These years, 2020, they said they'd launch Agenda 2030.
They say, basically, no more virus, that's what we are, by 2030.
So, whatever they've made a deal with, it's easy, militarily, historically, to look at this behavior and see how anti-human it is and say, they've made a deal with an off-world power.
I'm not into that kind of stuff.
I can simply add 2 plus 2 equals whatever.
So whatever reason it is, whatever's going on, this is bad.
And now everything we said came true.
We're not pleased about that.
That means they're going for broke.
So Mike, I'm intrigued by this.
I'm going to try to shut up.
Continue getting into this and their behavior.
And is there any way to short-circus it?
Clearly, when there's hundreds of millions dying, which is already starting to happen, they're all going to go to prison.
They're all going to get destroyed, unless they know something even bigger is coming that is going to eclipse what they've already currently done.
Or maybe it's a nuclear war.
Maybe it's an EMP strike.
I mean, there's so many wildcards, but whatever it is, it's bad, and on a magnitude much bigger than this.
Do you agree?
Yes, the most likely scenario, and I've war-gamed two primary scenarios of what I think is going to happen.
I'll share both of them with you here.
The first one is what I was talking about last break, where they're going to engineer a planned financial collapse, freezing of the entire global banking system, all transactions frozen.
And then, of course, the dollar collapsing.
And then this will unleash a humanitarian crisis, which will justify Biden calling for U.N.
troops to come into the United States, actually communist Chinese troops under the U.N.
banner on, quote, humanitarian missions.
So that's that scenario one.
And in that scenario, it's just going to be door to door executions, COVID concentration camps, mass murder.
And that's even for those who survive the vaccine.
You're still going to be targeted for murder.
The second scenario, and remember this is a very dynamic situation, this could also play out, is that they are gearing up to Flip the script and say, oh my God, these are Trump's vaccines that are killing everybody.
Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed.
Trump pushed the pharmaceutical companies.
He twisted their arms.
He gave them incentives.
He pushed the FDA and the CDC for emergency authorization.
And they're going to say, Trump's a mass killer from the vaccines, but the rest of science is good.
And that's while the Democrats, when he was launching it, laid those Easter eggs of saying, don't trust him.
Exactly, but remember, in this scenario, which this is maybe a 20% chance of happening, the other scenario is the 80%, but in this scenario, they are trying to then save science and save the medical journals and save the vaccine industry and save the CDC by turning against Trump and putting all the blame on Trump.
Remember that Biden really had nothing to do with the pushing of the development of these vaccines.
And I'm not saying that Trump is at all ill-intentioned on this.
You know, Trump has tried so hard to kill the swamp, you know, drain the swamp, I should say, and save America.
I think that he was kind of led down a primrose path on these vaccines and he was lied to by the vaccine companies and I can see how the situation could be turned against him quite dramatically to blame Trump and blame Republicans and blame so-called anti-vaxxers.
In fact, what happened over this last week with the CDC coming out and announcing that vaccinated people can be essentially super spreaders, you can see they're laying the seeds for that as a possible narrative.
You know how they do this, Alex.
They'll put out a bunch of things so that later they can invoke the one that they want at that time.
And that's what they've done.
They've laid the groundwork and then they're going to react to whatever the public is doing And then unleash whatever scenario is the most beneficial for usurping power and mass murdering as many human beings as possible.
But in either scenario... I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, no, I'm just listening to you.
And again, what does it do to defend Trump?
You and I aren't defending Trump because we get something, we get attacked.
Trump wasn't perfect, he had problems.
I knew the inside baseball, how they'd throw his executive orders away.
Or how he'd sign an executive order and they'd change the language of it.
I know that really Trump meant well, but was totally surrounded And it was a joke, basically.
So for people that think Trump was involved in doing this, no, he pig-headedly won't say it's bad now because he thinks he'll get blamed.
He has said, oh, you shouldn't take it if you don't want to.
But you're absolutely right.
I see a leftist talking point saying, oh, this is Trump's vaccine.
So I see them kind of reintroducing that right now as a possible escape valve.
But I think you're right.
That's only an alternate plan they've got if their main plan doesn't go well.
Well, right, and the way to stop the main plan is for people to be extremely well prepared so that you're not driven into crisis when they shut down access to grocery stores by saying that only vaccinated people can shop for food, which is what CNN called for.
And by the way, there's a local governor, I think, in the Philippines, I don't remember which town, that has already called for banning all unvaccinated people From grocery stores.
Basically, they want to starve you out.
The head of the NIH came out and said that on CNN today and ABC News.
I mean, that's... Macron called for that.
That's happening everywhere.
They're calling for it.
CNN said you shouldn't be able to have food or leave your house.
Kathleen Sebelius said that.
So, I mean, that's... Isn't that a declaration of war?
It's both a declaration of war and it's also an admission that they know their actions are never going to be rooted in any kind of reason or liberty or even human rights.
This is a violation of human rights.
I mean, what kind of a country, what kind of a regime in the White House would send Food aid to Africa and then starve the American people at the same time to force them to take an unapproved, deadly, experimental gene therapy concoction that's being forced almost at gunpoint.
I mean, these are massive human rights violations.
So again, we can infer from that that they are so desperate that they're trying to invoke a massive nationwide uprising.
Because they need the uprising in order to have the crackdown on the martial law and the door-to-door strike force teams, okay?
So this is all about problem, reaction, solution.
And they're gonna come up with crazier stuff, crazier stuff.
You know, like nationwide call for medical kidnapping of all children who are not vaccinated.
Something crazy like that.
That's a total violation of human rights.
Should we intervene when parents won't give their children the shot?
A, it's not even authorized.
A, it's experimental.
But again, it's all just this preparing us this.
Look, look, we can talk about asteroids or whatever, but really, they've created quadrillions
in fake currency.
They can't prop it up much longer.
And they know that politically they're in trouble and the pedophile stuff came out on
And so they launched all of this destabilization program as their war against humanity to get
us so distracted with wanting to have food and to be essential that we accept a world
ID and accept their system.
But I'll say this Mike, it's backfiring massively and I'm worried about how they're going to double down and I think you're right.
All the pre-programming is cyber polygon, massive shutdown, FEMA drills on the 11th of taking over the internet.
And remember, they have to have stimulus money pushed into the economy to keep the Ponzi scheme going of Wall Street and all the people getting kickbacks and bribes and who are connected to Washington and so on.
And in order to justify the stimulus money, they have to have a crisis.
To demand the bailout and get Congress to approve it.
So we're on the last legs of the history of the American Empire and specifically the experiment with fiat currency all the way back to the creature from Jekyll Island, 1913 in the creation of the Federal Reserve.
Exactly, and a global crisis and a global virus is the pretext to distract us during their great reset.
Instead of them going to prison for what they've done, instead they get total power and control.
You're exactly right, and let me mention, every major city in America, once this collapse kicks in, every city becomes a death zone, a war zone, lawless, chaos, looting, rape, every insanity that you can think of.
They will be unsurvivable.
And if you're not bugged out of a city already, or if you don't have a plan to bug out before this happens, it will become your tomb.
Hold on, you're an expert in a lot of things, but I know when it comes to farming, off-grid, you were good at it 20 years ago, you're great at it now, you're way ahead of the curve on me.
So when I come back, because I'm trying to get ahead of the curve now because I'm behind the curve, how do we get prepared?
What do you think the time frames are?
Straight ahead with Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
Find all his great work there at naturalnews.com.
I of course am at infowars.com, newswars.com, and band.video.
But you can't share those URLs hardly anywhere unless it's email or text message.
You got to share freeworldnews.tv.
Stay with us.
There's a man going around.
You know, it really is surreal to study all these globalist documents and think tanks
and their activities around the world with several populations they control to see how
how ruthless they are and to be able to extrapolate out and predict what they would do.
But now the last few years to watch them in operation mode and to just know that we were right about it all and then to see the fact that they're going for broke is just horrifying.
And then to witness the average person still asleep, or bought into mainline politics, especially mainline liberals that trust the system and think they're part of some utopian class of good people that morally know best, when they've signed on to something that Hitler was trying to emulate, you know, that Hitler wished he'd grow up and be, but obviously so much more sophisticated and so much more guarded.
Look at this video.
First man to receive the Pfizer shot.
He was dead a month later.
It's on screen.
We're watching them snuff film.
That's a snuff film if you're a TV viewer.
And it's just all out in the open.
We're replaceable.
We're a commodity.
We're nobody.
And once you have that attitude, you lose your soul.
And so...
This is a doomsday situation, this countdown.
Mike Adams, you've made a lot of really important points tonight.
You've talked about this, but just pulling back.
Any other key points you want to make?
Other facets we haven't covered?
Dealing with how to get prepared.
The Globalists, for those that don't know, are running away to Kauai, Hawaii.
They're running away to New Zealand.
They're running away to northern Canada.
With private airfields, they are running away to Fiji and literally buying up whole islands, buying up the country and buying up the military.
And I've talked to folks that are around these people, they say they're completely freaked out and even scared.
These are people worth 50 billion, 100 billion, 120 billion.
They're scared and are talking about the end of the world.
That's what's leaking out to individuals in the international security system that I know.
And they're asking me, so...
Here's the good news.
It's gone from Alex Jones is right about some stuff to, okay Alex, what's gonna happen next?
Which, I don't know exactly what happens next, but it's like, when the people worth a hundred billion dollars are scared and don't even want to do this, who is it above these people?
Because almost all these people other than like Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates don't even like this, Mike Adams.
We ought to do a show sometime soon.
I'd be happy to come on and do it with you.
An hour or two or three.
Just focus on preparedness steps.
And let me just share one amazing bombshell preparedness thing that anybody can do right now.
It's dirt cheap and there's not gonna be any regulatory concerns here.
I don't sell any of these products and you don't either, Alex.
But everybody can go online right now and buy a common espresso machine that produces espresso at 15 bar.
Now the bar is a measure of atmospheric pressure.
15 bar means 15, essentially, times normal atmospheric pressure.
This is really a food extraction device on the cheap.
We use the same technology in our lab to do food extractions, but ours is like a $50,000 machine.
For $120, you can get an espresso machine.
And what do you put in it?
Well, there are natural substances that contain shikimic acid, and one of them is called the star anise herb.
That's star A-N-I-S-E, star anise.
In Chinese, it's called ba jiao.
And also, let's see, what else?
Fennel seed contains shikimic acid, and certain types of pine needles contain shikimic acid.
You can put those herbs, just kind of pound them into like a powder with a hammer, you can put them in there instead of coffee, you can run the espresso machine, you can extract shikimic acid.
Now, what's special about shikimic acid?
It's the basis for the Tamiflu prescription drug That's used to stop viral respiratory pandemics.
And it also blocks viral replication in the blood.
The reason I mention this... The golden example is learn about herbs and their extraction.
And you've got to go off grid on your medicine because you won't necessarily be able to go to a pharmacy.
You won't necessarily have a doctor.
You know, it depends on how bad the breakdown is.
But you can go off grid.
You can stockpile fennel seeds.
They're dirt cheap.
And again, I don't sell them.
You don't sell them.
You can just stockpile them.
You get a cheap espresso machine.
You can make your own natural herbal extracts and even with other herbs as well.
That's just one golden, life-saving piece of information.
These industries are going to start.
Well, exactly.
And also, think about food rationing.
You know food rationing is coming.
They're already talking about blocking people from grocery stores.
They're going to go down the model of Venezuela with rationing and price controls and biometric tracking for you to shop at the grocery store.
So what do you need?
Off-grid food, I call it.
Which is food you grow yourself.
It could be a hydroponic system.
It could be containers on your balcony.
You don't even need a yard.
It could be sprouting.
It could be a garden.
But off-grid food is food that the government doesn't know about.
So that's what's going to keep you alive when the rationing is designed to starve you to death.
You understand?
Let me give you one more thing.
If you have a hydroponic system and you're growing lettuce, let's say, guess what?
How can you turn lettuce into a zinc supplement that may be lifesaving?
going to have to, I'm sorry, sit there and watch the city starve because we're not going
to be able to help them, but we're going to be guilted and told it's our fault the cities
are dying.
Let me give you one more thing.
If you have a hydroponic system and you're growing lettuce, let's say, guess what?
How can you turn lettuce into a zinc supplement that may be life saving?
You can put zinc sulfate powder into the hydroponic solution.
When you do that, the plants take up extra zinc.
You are now growing living zinc supplements that can help keep you alive.
So, Alex, I mean, there are just thousands of tidbits like this.
Common knowledge.
I mean, it used to be common maybe a generation ago.
Most people don't know any of this stuff, and this is knowledge that can keep you alive.
You're saying we better rediscover this.
And if we don't do these things, if you depend on the system for your food, your medicine, your money, your technology, everything, You're going to be enslaved or dead very soon.
You've got to go off-grid with everything, including money.
So how do you go off-grid money?
Well, it's things other than the dollar.
It could be gold or silver or crypto or something other than the dollar.
That's off-grid money.
Could be that you know how to fix a car engine.
Could be you know how to fix plumbing.
It's skills.
Well, yeah, exactly.
And you've got to be able to, of course, defend yourself because there's going to be so many desperate people looting and so on.
So you need off-grid defense, which usually comes in the form of a Glock or a rifle and some ammo and maybe a thermal camera to keep an eye on things.
But you've got to think in these terms of how you keep yourself alive, how you make your own medicine, how you grow your own food, how you have your own off-grid money, all of these things.
And these are the answers, because I think we can survive this.
And by the way, Mike, for anybody doubting what you're saying, the UN already implemented the lockdown that's still going in Africa, that starved an additional 20 million people, 200 million starved to death now, and the lockdown continues.
So everything you're saying that could happen here is already happening to our fellow humans.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, the model's already been proven.
They've done this time and time again throughout the history of totalitarianism.
They know how to starve people to death.
They know how to run concentration camps.
Heck, they're building them, you know, probably in Texas with all the, how many acres are owned by the Communist Chinese guys.
Look at the Clintons with Rwanda.
They got the majority to kill the minority, over a million.
And then once the majority did that, then they divided the minority with the majority sort of killing the majority.
So they know what they're doing.
Yeah, and guess how they can get you to show up and volunteer to go into a concentration camp.
Oh, starve you to death first.
Starve you to death and then just hand out pamphlets.
Oh, we have food and shelter over here.
Just show up and turn in your guns and you'll be taken care of.
So, if anybody out there, and this is not your listeners, but other oblivious people, if they're dumb enough to not have their own supplies and not be able to survive off-grid, You're going to end up turning yourself into some kind of a FEMA camp or starve to death.
And by the way, the U.N.
says use food as a weapon.
That's their official plan.
In the minute we have left, Mike, though, it's got to hurt them that their whole COVID vaccine they're having to admit is causing people sick.
Or are you saying that was part of the plan?
Because that's actually in the sparse pandemic document wargamed out by the U.N.
and by the Rockefellers and by John Hopkins.
Well, that was always part of the plan because they knew they had to inject people with spike protein to worsen the symptoms and cause the death wave.
They knew that the virus itself, which is probably just more like a renamed common cold virus at this point, the virus couldn't produce these kinds of fatalities.
But the spike protein that they synthesized, this is what they really built.
In Wuhan was the weaponized spike protein.
That can kill a lot of people and cause vascular damage.
And that's what's in the vaccine, and that's what they admit is now happening.
We're completely vindicated and verified.
Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
Okay, wow.
I'm going to end this main transmission, but on the satellite TV and radio satellites and on the streams at freeworldnews.tv and infowars.com, I'm going to keep hosting into the next hour with Harrison Smith.
Owen Schroer is on a well-deserved vacation that started today.
And so, Sunday Live, this is the Alex Jones Show Sunday, but Sunday Live is the next two hours.
I'm going to come back and play all those doctor clips, the head medical dean at Baylor coming out and saying the shots aren't safe.
I mean, this is big.
So humanity's fighting back against this globalist tyranny.
That is next hour.
I'm going to play clip after clip after clip after clip.
And then Harrison Smith is coming in to take your calls.
He's got a big show loaded up for you.
But I'm going to do the first 30 minutes straight ahead at InfoWars.com forward slash show and FreeWorldNews.tv.
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