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Name: 20210721_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 21, 2021
2314 lines.

In this episode of the Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including COVID-19 vaccines being gene therapies that weaken the immune system, lockdown measures and mask-wearing being dictatorships stripping people of their rights, potential consequences and dangers of COVID-19 vaccines, a study indicating lower antibody levels in individuals with only one dose of Pfizer's vaccine, long-term effects of vaccines leading to dependence on booster shots, MyPillow.com promotion using a promo code to fund InfoWars, secret vaccinations of children without parental consent, potential future attacks involving bacteriological warfare and cyber warfare, microchipping, the implementation of the "mark of the beast," concerns about privacy and increased surveillance, consolidation of power by tech giants like Facebook and Google, preparation for an internet blackout, globalist institutions using COVID-19 vaccines to manipulate and control people, promotion of transgenderism and gender fluidity, a soulless society dominated by robots and artificial intelligence, leaving big cities, demonic possession, the history of the Illuminati and Freemasonry, Senator Rand Paul's call for criminal investigations against Dr. Fauci, the American Academy of Pediatrics being funded by Pfizer, and suppression of dissenting opinions due to government funding control over scientific research.

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This little fella right here, because let me tell you, I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what they're doing, but let's just say this, it's world ending, baby.
They're putting Henrietta Lacks' selves in you.
And one other white baby that got aborted in the third trimester, also in the late 60s.
But she's from 1951.
So, ladies and gentlemen, whoo!
This isn't a science fiction movie you went to sit down and eat some milk duds and popcorn, drink Coca-Cola.
This is chills up my spine.
They've done it.
They've done it.
And I guess we're going to join all the aborted babies now, because they're, I mean...
Within six months to a year, and it's already happening, just the death's going to be everywhere.
When the viruses and the mutations hit this fall, they're going to say it's COVID.
Everything's going to be locked down.
There's going to be dead people all over the place.
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse until we wake up that they're doing this to us on purpose.
I don't care if you're in the Navy, or you're a farmer, or you're in the FBI, or you're in the military, or you're a school teacher.
I don't care who you are, this is going to get you.
You're not getting out of this.
You're not getting out of this.
They got cells that they debate are alien that they're putting in all this.
The Gardasil shots, all the major vaccines, Henrietta Lacks, whatever ate her.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Excuse me, sir.
Would you mind letting me have a look at the contents of your bag, please?
[crowd shouts]
[crowd shouts]
[crowd shouts]
(dramatic music)
Biological samples.
I have the papers right here.
Well, I'm gonna have to ask you to open this up, sir.
Open it?
Yes, of course.
Keep it up, man.
You have to get in the line.
Check the papers.
It's all proper.
Got the permit.
It's empty.
Well, yes, to be sure.
It looks empty.
I assure you it's not.
You don't understand.
No ma'am I don't have to understand.
You've done that before.
This is very important.
There's a man in this room.
Also invisible to the naked eye.
It doesn't even have an odor.
That's not necessary, sir.
There you go.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a good flight.
Bill Gates tells you he wants to kill you.
When he takes over every major medical system on the planet, backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, now in public control
of world health, through the UN that they established in 1990.
And I want you to meet the real 12-monkey scientist.
He heads up the program, ladies and gentlemen, of the biggest bioweapons lab in the world in London, England.
He's David L. V. Bauer, and he went on TV and said that the inoculations for COVID-19 from Pfizer that he studies and runs the program on, studying those that are vaccinated around the world, he says it will get rid of your immune system and give you one-sixth of the immune system you had previously, and that you're going to need shots every month Every month, this gets rid of your immune system.
It basically gives you the equivalent of HIV.
It even has the HIV delivery system in it.
But it doesn't do a different mechanism.
It destroys your body's immune system.
They've committed mass crimes against humanity.
I think we're too stupid to know what's happening.
I had a huge brainstorm yesterday, and I did seven hours of research yesterday evening.
Until 3.30 in the morning.
And I'm going to present that here today.
But here's just a small prelude of what's coming up.
Here he is!
The message from our finding is that we found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who've had two doses, have about five to six fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.
Now these are the sort of gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system, which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place.
So we found that that's less for people with two doses.
We've also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab, that they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.
And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward is that we see that the older you are, The lower your levels are likely to be, and the time since you've had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely to be.
So that's telling us that we're probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older and more vulnerable people coming up soon, especially if this new variant spreads.
So folks saw that, and it got about 5 million views, and Twitter took it down.
It was on international TV.
And then I went and read a bunch of his papers, and he admits it gets rid of your immune system.
So, wow!
Who needs an immune system?
Thank you, Pfizer!
Oh, it's all coming up.
Oh, and guess who's sponsoring making little kids wear masks?
You guessed again.
The spirit of Hitler lives.
Well, this is definitely going to be the most important broadcast of my 27 years on air.
And it's only by the grace of God and your incredible prayers and support that we are still in this position to fight back against these monsters.
And so I want to salute all of you for keeping us in this position, holding us with your gravity, with your will, where we're still here despite all the enemy's attacks.
And I just thank God for putting me in the position to be able to do this.
I have been very, very obviously upset, just like you have, about the extermination of our people, and about this public depopulation being carried out by folks that say they wanted to carry out this very depopulation.
But, I got home yesterday, had dinner with the family, my daughter wanted to go to bed early, the youngest daughter about eight, so I went into my office, I closed the door, and it was about 1 a.m.
when I went and got in bed, and then I could not stop praying, And God said, get back up and go get back on the computer.
And I just started jumping around everywhere.
And I'm going to give you that gestalt of information here today.
And while I was up late at night, I was getting text messages from very well-known prominent talk show hosts who were all simultaneously researching the same thing.
So I'm up at midnight.
And top talk show hosts in the country, just to show you the synchronicity, are both hitting me with messages on the same Zeitgeist subject.
So the force is with us, as they say.
Let me go ahead and lay it out for you.
Let me just lay it out, and then in the next hour, I'm going to show you everything I claim here.
We have video of Fauci.
We have like five videos, but I'm going to play one here.
2012, 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, so six videos of him saying, of course I'm funding gain of function, it's good to do, calling it gain of function.
And then we have him saying he's never funded gain of function.
When taking animal viruses and making them transmittable to humans is the essence of when they developed the term during World War II of the Nazis giving animal viruses gain of function to humans.
The term comes from that.
So, it's like saying, Roger Stolbeck was never a Dallas cowboy.
I mean, he's the cowboy.
Or, I mean, it's just ridiculous level gaslighting.
We have that.
That's one small area and Senator Paul saying he's referring for criminal prosecution of Fauci, don't hold your breath, but I mean this is what he's done.
He is a criminal with Bill Gates and it's either us or them.
Then I began to research off a clip that I ran into at like 8 at night of Trudeau, the guy that says he wants to be a communist Chinese dictator, the Prime Minister of Canada, still got him in lockdown up there, Announcing forced booster shots, because they're trying to make them forced, every year, and in 2024, they go back to giving you two a year of whatever, quote, Pfizer wants to put in you.
Then off of that, I did some more research, and I said, I wonder who's directing this project.
So I looked up who directs the project of how to, quote, tweak the Pfizer shot, and I found The former Pfizer employee who heads up the project for the main level four bioweapons lab in London, England, that we'll be telling you about.
And I watched seven or eight of his videos and then read, scanned over dozens of his papers.
And by the time I was done, my jaw was on the ground and it went right back to Henrietta Lacks.
That we told you about, this black woman that got eaten alive by cancer in one week, and they cut her uterus out, stole it, and it's the basis of all human cloning, everything today, the cells won't die.
They have factories all over the world that just create her cells.
And I already knew all this, but my God, I didn't know they cloned her In 1966, they spliced her with mice in 1966.
I mean, we, I mean, folks, you've seen the thing where it, like, jumps on things and eats them?
That's what ate her.
And they even say they don't believe it's human, doesn't have our genome, doesn't have our chromosomes, and they call it another species and debate whether what was in her uterus is an alien.
I'm going to show you Wikipedia, and then I'm going to show you the actual documents.
Now, this little fella right here, because let me tell you, I'm not going to pretend to know exactly what they're doing, but let's just say this, it's world ending, baby.
They're putting Henrietta Lacks' selves in you.
And one other white baby that got aborted in the third trimester, also in the late 60s.
But she's from 1951.
So, ladies and gentlemen, whoo!
This isn't a science fiction movie you went to sit down and eat some milk duds and popcorn drink Coca-Cola.
This is chills up my spine.
I got in bed at 3.30 and I literally had to get back out of the bed and get on my knees.
And, because we already knew this stuff, but man, this is bad.
This is bad, bad, bad.
They admit on video, and I'm going to show it to you when we come back, that they had the guy that heads the program up, that it gets rid of your immune system, and that when you've taken two Pfizer shots alone, your immune system is one-sixth what it was.
And you're like, well, that's hiding criminal activity in plain view.
Because they have to just say it like, hey, pedophilia is legal.
I got articles right here.
Mainstream news.
Berlin foster experiments saw kids deliberately given to pedos to see if sex abuse was good for them.
Close quote.
Told you about that a long time ago, but it's mainstream news.
They did it to 30,000 plus children all over Germany.
Babies to be raped by men in an experiment.
So it's the same group.
But what I'm getting at here is You'd have to hide it in plain view, like, well, sure, we give kids pedophiles, what's the big deal?
Or, sure, of course we injected black people with syphilis.
Oh, oh, oh!
The Henrietta Lacks story?
Guess where it comes out of?
And the human cloning!
Tuskegee, Alabama.
And then they spliced her with everything.
Because, you see, the cells won't die.
They never stop replicating.
He just puts them on the table and they'll live five years, but if you put them in any type of medium, they just keep growing and growing and growing and growing.
They send ourselves to space, they divide even faster.
Folks, I'm not joking, this is all real, okay?
But just the bombshells that I'm giving you here, you're going to see video of Trudeau saying, oh, you're going to get shots every year, and then you're going to learn why.
They're now saying, oh, you need 10 shots a year, it's a therapeutic, and we're going to give you cancer drugs if you have COVID.
Because, oh, it's like cancer or HIV they're now announcing.
I have those clips.
They're like, you know, it's like HIV.
It gets rid of your immune system and it never goes away.
But then they go, oh, and the vaccine gets rid of your immune system and never goes away.
But don't worry, we've got cancer drugs for you after the shots don't work.
Permanently wipes out your bone marrow and your lymph nodes able to defend you.
They're just lowering everybody's defenses right now for extermination.
That's how powerful we are.
They've got to actually put this... I mean, they've done it.
They've done it.
They've done it.
And I guess we're going to join all the aborted babies now.
Within six months to a year, and it's already happening, just the death's going to be everywhere.
When the viruses and the mutations hit this fall, they're going to say it's COVID.
Everything's going to be locked down.
There's going to be dead people all over the place.
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse until we wake up that they're doing this to us on purpose.
I don't care if you're in the Navy, or you're a farmer, or you're in the FBI, or you're in the military, or you're a school teacher.
I don't care who you are, this is going to get you.
You're not getting out of this.
You're not getting out of this.
They got cells that they debate are alien that they're putting in all this.
The Gardasil shots, all the major vaccines, Henrietta Lacks, whatever ate her.
Everyone on Earth is being injected with cellular product from an immortal cell line from a black woman that died in 1951.
An aggressive cancer they believe is not of human cells, different genome, that cannot die, ate her in a week.
They took it for research and only found one other human they admit that had an immortal cell line that was an aborted baby in the 1960s.
But undoubtedly they've got other immortal cell lines that they're not telling us about and others in plants and animals.
That's why there's some trees they'll find that normally can live 500 years but some they found that are 4,000 years old.
There's certain cell lines that are basically immortal.
This is the secret to immortality that so many sought out the Holy Grail.
And they are testing it all on us to then get tissue samples they believe to find out of all these horrible mutations that are going to happen.
A controllable immortal cell line for life extension.
So now you know the main mode of power, control, playing God.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Let me give you the bombshell information.
You have to understand this is seven hours of research yesterday that dovetails into years of research, but the rabbit hole is so deep that we only scratched the surface and we've gone deeper than anybody else but the people running this who are light years ahead of us.
They're evil, they're hunchbacked, they're almost always connected to pedophilia because it's about dehumanizing humanity.
They're the scum of the earth, but they are willing to go randomly do raw research, as they call it, and to get control of society to play God, and now they're doing it.
Here is Justin Trudeau, the leader of Canada who said on multiple occasions he admires dictatorship.
Here he is yesterday announcing That they're buying from Pfizer.
With Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, run everything.
The mask mandates on kids, everything.
They're the ones behind it.
I'll show you those documents next segment.
They are now coming out.
This is the project director, David L.V.
Bauer, group leader.
of the most prestigious facility, one of the most prestigious facilities in the world, the Francis Crick Institute, the biggest, most high-tech biolab in the world in London.
Here they are saying your monthly dose now, at least 10 shots, they say monthly but they say 10 a year, not 12, of whatever Pfizer says goes into you.
And he goes on to say, And I went and read his papers where he says this.
They've studied those injected with the Pfizer shot alone in the UK and from around the world.
He's from North America, but he lives in England.
He's an Oxford Scholar, Cecil Rhodes Scholar.
That's the Global Government Trust.
Rhodes Scholar.
And he's running this particular program, and he says, this gets rid of your immune system, He just said, oh, you're not going to have an immune system anymore, but it's okay because now we're going to give you shots all the time.
We're going to play him in a moment.
But first, here is Trudeau saying it.
And then here is this individual, the head scientist leading the testing that's actually showing that you don't have the immune system after you do this.
I mean, this is just earth shattering, but they put it out like it's no big deal.
You've got something less than one tenth of one percent death rate, even in sick people, even in old people.
You've got something that doesn't even affect the young, but thanks to hysteria and irrational behavior, they're now telling you, oh, and we showed mainstream news articles last segment when I mentioned that.
They just pulled up articles, mainline news, going, well, yeah, the Pfizer shot does get rid of your immunity.
They all do.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, David L.V.
First, we're going to play the leader of Canada, still under lockdown.
Yesterday, here it is.
While more and more Canadians are getting vaccinated right now, it's also important to plan ahead for the future.
We've reached an agreement with Pfizer for 35 million booster doses for next year, and 30 million in the year after.
This deal includes options to add 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023, and an option for 60 million doses in 2024.
Pfizer has been a solid partner for Canada in this fight against COVID-19,
and we're happy to be one of the first countries to secure an agreement with them going forward.
These boosters will be the latest version of the Pfizer vaccine based on research and testing, and they will help us keep the virus under control.
And the work doesn't end there, either.
We're on ongoing discussions with other vaccine manufacturers about their plans for booster shots, too.
Their plans.
They say it.
What's in it's secret.
They don't do public testing.
They just give you the experimental injections, which they admit give you blood clots that can kill you and attack your uterus.
And, oh, you'll think you have cancer, but don't worry, it's not cancer.
Though people then go in and have stage three, stage four cancer.
That's mainline news.
And they're just normalizing it.
Hey, it gets rid of your immune system.
Hey, a lot of people are getting cancer within a few weeks of taking this.
No, it is causing it.
Just don't worry.
That's just a happy side effect.
And they've noticed if they just normalize it, like, hey, we're going to have human sacrifice.
Bring your firstborn son up to the temple next week.
We're going to cut their heart out under the full moon.
And people went, well, everybody's cutting their child's heart out.
Every culture went into a decadent cycle and would demand the firstborn boys and girls be killed.
Every culture.
If you've got a German background, your ancestors ate their children in certain times.
If you've got a Latin American background, Mesoamerican, your ancestors ate their children.
If you've got an ancient African background, there were times when people sacrificed their children.
Why does every culture do this?
There is an evil group that gets control and does this.
Look at this headline, Mainline News, DW.com, The Sun, everything reporting it.
Horrifying Berlin foster experiments saw 30,000 children deliberately given to pedophiles to see if sex abuse was quote, good for them.
That's human sacrifice right there.
This is a cult.
So here's David L. V. Bower, who heads up the program at the Maine Bioweapons Lab in London, England, that started the first shots, that's going after the kids, that's doing the trials on children.
He studies their blood to see what happens, and he heads the project up, and here he is telling you that it reduces your immune system massively when you take
So you got to have more shots in the future.
Well, talk about capturing humanity. Here it is.
So the key message from our finding is that we found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine,
those who've had two doses, have about five to six fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.
Now these are the sort of gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system, which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place.
So we found that that's less for people with two doses.
We've also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab, That they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.
And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward, is that we see that the older you are, the lower your levels are likely to be.
And the time since you've had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely to be.
So that's telling us that we're probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older and more vulnerable people coming up soon, especially if this new variant spreads.
Well, I'm here to tell you I got into Satan's mind, thanks to God.
And I know more than most of the minions of the system that have a good idea of what they're building, but are delusional.
I've got the big picture, and so do you, and our goal is to give the general public the big picture of the nightmare system that's being built for them and their families, and that compliance with this means death, enslavement, humiliation, and separation from God, and that resistance to this is the animating contest of liberty that God designed us for that will elevate us to the next level.
So this is the big challenge.
So we gotta keep our chins up, we gotta stay focused, and we gotta ask God to lead God and direct us.
I got Robert Barnes on a host of issues joining us next hour.
I need to judiciously get through as much of this as I can before that happens.
And then we do have some of those medical doctors that have filed the emergency lawsuit over all the different secret recording systems of deaths that they're saying are in 40 plus thousand just in the first week of the vaccines in the US, which I believe those numbers, because we know that only one out of 40 VARs gets reported VAERS and that's at 13,000 now.
Most of those are physician reported.
So those guys are on the show Friday.
And we have some other experts joining us tomorrow as well.
And I also have...
Dr. Yidan, the former Chief Scientist Advisor, who just retired three years ago, very prestigious, saying this is a crime against humanity.
He's made new statements.
He said this is crimes against humanity.
This is a global depopulation operation.
This is purposely to make everybody sick and collapse civilization for a great reset.
So now Dr. Yidan has come out, since he came out in December with Wolfgang Wudarg, the Chief Advisor to the European Union Medical Board, And said, okay, it's confirmed.
They did it on purpose.
This is the greatest crime in history.
And this is designed to collapse society as a weapon.
I mean, you don't do something like this unless you're planning to pull out all the stops.
Of course.
And as soon as we try to arrest them, they'll activate the race war squads they've got.
We've got to not kill each other if we're black or white or brown or whatever.
We've got to see through that.
We've got to come together as well.
I mean, this is their big move, ladies and gentlemen.
This is it!
So... And I see the sad left going, we're with the science, we're with Fauci.
Fauci's a corrupt bureaucrat, a eugenicist with Bill Gates, but... Let me stop.
The bad news is these people are out of control and evil and they've triggered their operation and they can't even reverse it at this point.
The fight's on.
The good news is we know their whole plan, we've been studying it, and now...
Because Infowars was able to be the genesis with our research and a few other experts that understood things 17-18 months ago.
We were able to get ahead of this thing and then a lot of top scientists and researchers looked at what we were saying and then applied their incredible gravitas to it and concurred and even found more than obviously we'd found.
And so we weren't caught flat-footed like the enemy wanted.
They've launched their attack.
I would say a billion people are going to die very slowly now.
I mean, we're seeing biblical stuff unfold.
It's just unbelievable.
There's no going back now.
I mean, look at these stacks of articles.
None of this is here as a prop.
This is not meant to impress people.
Every one of these is an incredible story.
I could spend a whole hour just on this report, five pages long.
Former Pfizer VP destroys media hit piece, attacking his warnings about COVID injection, a pack of lies.
That's a nice headline.
That's the headline they put out when he was interviewed.
The real headline is, says that it's crimes against humanity confirmed depopulation.
This one article.
And then I read the other accompanying articles that go with it.
So just imagine what's in here.
Total proof that Fauci lied and called it gain of function when he funded it and gave speeches bragging saying he's proud of funding gain of function.
We have that video.
We have six or seven of them.
And we've aired them before, but he just told Congress that's preposterous and that Rand Paul's a liar.
I have more proof of lies.
He said 99% of the people dying of COVID are dying Because they weren't inoculated.
And then I went to the AP report.
There is no link.
There is nothing.
They said they looked at private information Fauci gave them that won't be published.
Well, guess what?
I actually have the reporting services of the UK, of the EU, and the US.
And you know what?
It's above 50%.
In almost every index, we're actually vaccinated that are dying, that they're saying COVID, they're trying to suppress it.
So when you hear 99.2% like Fauci said, he pulled that out of the Rockefeller Foundation's rear end.
Because they tell him what to say.
That's on record.
And I'm not trying to impress you here.
You need to go research this all yourself.
But how many times did I tell you the Rockefeller Foundation runs Gates, runs Fauci.
And now they said, step aside, boys, because they're losing right now.
I mean, they've launched their attack, but they know it's not going well.
They're like, step aside.
Now the big boys stood up.
And believe me, they're hovering over the button to have me killed.
They're like, you kill him, it's going to make him bigger, don't do it.
They're having debates in their boardrooms.
And that's fine, because you're all going to be dead soon, too, anyways.
I'm talking about all the listeners.
You guys are our rightful gods.
You're going to kill us, right?
We're all just going to bend over and take it.
George Soros, by the way, just merged with Bill Gates's foundation to take control of world COVID testing.
Of course.
Oh, just like Laura Silsby got caught kidnapping all those kids for Hillary Clinton, got convicted, changed her name, and now she heads up Amber Alert.
Of course you do.
Of course you do.
Let me control myself and come back in the next segment.
It's a long segment.
And hit the lockdown in Australia, which is the same thing already happening in Canada, the same thing coming back to the UK and Europe.
It's the model, because the Australians are good people and the globalists have taken over.
So they have a so-called conservative leader doing it to them, standing with Boris Johnson.
It's all set up.
They're announcing the lockdowns, the masks, because they weren't good and didn't take their shots.
They've had 10 people die this year from COVID, but not one person's allowed to die, even though thousands commit suicide and everything else.
You know, that's absurd.
They want it to be absurd.
They want it to be absolutely asinine and to not make any sense.
That's how they operate.
That's how the globalists rule over us, is they just get us to suspend logic and then just see headlines.
German government gave 30,000 children to convicted pedophiles so they could rape them.
Mainstream news, spread it to you three times.
Yeah, even the New Yorker tells you about it.
I mean, these are sick, sick people.
How many years ago did I tell you about that?
I told you about that 10 years ago about Germany.
That's the socialists for you.
They are devils.
They drain the energy off children like Skeksis drain the energy of the innocent in Dark Crystal.
It's all an allegory.
I'm going to go to break.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're about to show you, with documents, with the actual studies he funded, with his name on the top of the line, in charge, the buck stops with him, Fauci, and videos, there's a bunch of videos, we'll just play you one, of him endorsing gain-of-function and saying it's good to do.
And then doing it and then lying to Congress.
It's a huge scandal in 2015.
They had to move it from Chapel Hill, North Carolina over to Wuhan, China to get away with it.
And he's just up there bigger than Dallas saying, we've got all the experts in the entire program signing off on it.
Oh, you mean auditor fraud?
Manager fraud?
The first thing the FBI, back when it did half its job, would look at is the CEOs and the controllers engaging in fraud.
You mean you had Peter Daszak and Lanzik not have his name on it, but write a whole study saying it didn't come out of Wuhan?
You mean you're in control of the whole cover-up while you're in control of the vaccines and control of the censorship, you little monster?
But next hour, I'm going to get more into this.
In Australia, you remember in Canada two weeks ago, they said, we don't want to ever have the end of martial law because people talk in the street and then they want to oppose us.
Well, now the Australian government officially said, do not talk to people.
Don't even look at people.
That will spread COVID.
So you don't even talk cult members when you're outside your house.
I mean, this is a direct communist authoritarian beyond Hitler, beyond Stalin, beyond Mao.
Attempt by this behavioral psychologist, gang rape, assault with big corporations they've launched on us.
I mean, this is redonkulous.
So we'll play that next hour, but in case you're doubting me, here's a little bit of it.
Go ahead.
Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that.
So even if you run into your next door neighbour in the shopping centre, in the Coles, whilst you're at Coles, or Aldi, or any other grocery shop, don't start up a conversation.
Now is the time for minimising your interactions with others.
Even if you've got a mask, Do not think that affords total protection.
We want to be absolutely sure that as we go about our daily lives, we do not come into contact with anyone else that would pose a risk.
Ten people have died in Australia, supposedly from COVID.
This is a total takeover.
She says, I know it's in your human nature.
It's about getting you out of your human nature, teaching you you're dirty.
What kills you is bacterial pneumonia wearing the mask.
Top health officer.
She's the top health officer.
That's coming up.
Orders Australians, don't have conversations.
How about you go jump off a cliff?
We're not going to hurt you, lady.
But if humans are so bad, you know, the next thing is stop breathing, just kill yourselves.
You know, don't talk to people, stay in your house, commit suicide.
What about the thousands of suicides in Australia on top of their previous record?
This is sick.
This is to see what you'll put up with to beta test for the rest of the world.
Good God.
Remember in the UK, they said don't look at people and wear your mask in the swimming pool.
The Spanish police said, wear your mask in the ocean.
It's all an exercise in martial law making you the dirty person, making you the criminal.
It's all a Milgram psychological experiment.
Now, you saw the exchange yesterday, we've got a clip of it, of Rand Paul, doctor, walking Fauci into perjury.
Which he's done.
We're going to play a little compilation of that exchange here in a moment.
The full exchange is like eight minutes long.
It's on InfoWars.com.
But Fauci was shaking.
He got really mad.
He didn't know what to do because he's being called out on their illegal program that he runs the whole damn thing on.
And so this is the beginning of the end for these guys.
They're conflicts of interest.
They're suppressing.
They're censorship.
Fauci controlling so much of the funding in the country and the world through Bill Gates and intimidating science.
This isn't science.
This is pure intimidation.
And Michael Crichton put out an excellent diagram of all this, and we have time before he died.
I want to get to of pseudoscience versus real science.
In fact, guys, I can't find that in the stack.
Will you reprint me the Michael Crichton graphic?
Thank you.
So right now, let's go to Fauci in 2012 at a dinner, at a conference promoting gain of function that he was funding.
Here it is.
...of a catastrophic pandemic.
This is not a theoretical danger.
It is a real danger.
For decades, NIH has supported basic influenza research included on transmissibility, host adaptation, and virulence.
The goal is to anticipate what the virus is continually trying to do on its own in the wild and to prepare for it.
Such goals were pursued by the NIH-funded scientists Kawaioka and Fouchier, and could have important positive implications for pandemic influenza prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Kawaioka and Fouché constructed variants of H5N1 avian influenza in order to identify which genetic mutations might alter the transmissibility of the virus.
In their studies, they employed a standard influenza animal model, namely the ferret.
This slide shows the basic design of the experiments in which the virus was modified to allow for aerosol transmission from one ferret to another.
I might point out that one of the causes of the public misunderstanding was the widespread belief that the virus that was transmitted by aerosol from one ferret to another actually killed the ferrets, when in fact that was not the case.
We feel that these studies provide critical information, and it was important to determine if H5N1 virus that has this enhanced transmissibility would remain sensitive to existing anti-influenza drugs and vaccines.
In addition, and importantly, knowledge of the genetic mutations that facilitate transmission may be critical for global surveillance of emerging influenza viruses.
Yet, So they bring in the global problem, they release it, now they're the global solution.
And by the way, I sent somebody close to the crew, that's one in Congress.
I'd sent another one of him at a dinner saying, yeah, it's gain of function, so we'll play that next hour.
The point is, is that he's all over the place saying it.
That's classic gain of function right there.
He just told Congress he's never been involved in any of it, though he just funded and supported and ran that.
Put him in prison right there.
Here is the exchange with him perjuring himself yesterday in front of Senator Rand Paul.
Dr. Fauci, as you are aware, it is a crime to lie to Congress.
It's a felony and a five-year penalty for lying to Congress.
You stated that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
And yet, Gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute by Dr. Xi and was funded by the NIH.
In this paper, Dr. Xi credits the NIH and lists the actual number of the grant that she was given by the NIH.
In this paper, she took two bat coronavirus genes, spike genes, and combined them with a SARS-related backbone to create new viruses that are not found in nature.
These lab-created viruses were then shown to replicate in humans.
These experiments combine genetic information from different coronaviruses that infect animals but not humans to create novel artificial viruses able to infect human cells.
Viruses that in nature only infect animals were manipulated in the Wuhan lab to gain the function of infecting humans.
Dr. Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist from Rutgers, described this research in Wuhan as, the Wuhan lab used NIH funding to construct novel chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses able to infect human cells and laboratory animals.
This is high-risk research that creates new potential pandemic pathogens that exist only in the lab, not in nature.
This research matches, these are Dr. Ebright's words, this research matches, indeed epitomizes, the definition of gain-of-function research, done entirely in Wuhan.
for which there was supposed to be a federal pause.
Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11th,
where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan?
Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement.
This paper that you were referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function.
They're in on it!
Let me finish.
You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, you're saying that's not gain of function?
Yeah, that is correct.
And Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially.
You do not know what you are talking about.
You're dancing around this because you're trying to obscure responsibility for four million people dying around the world from a pandemic.
It is molecularly impossible.
No one's saying those viruses caused it.
It is molecularly impossible.
He then talks about how they grabbed all these wild viruses and trying to say that Senator Paul, Dr. Paul, is saying those did this.
You got them and combined them, and your own program head, Peter Daszak, said that to develop an all-in-one vaccine.
She can be the heroes once you release this on us.
You'll never get away with it, Fauci.
You've launched your mad scientist attack.
You've turned us all into guinea pigs.
Hey, great!
But like tyrants always learn, you get that big slug in, and you wake up the tiger.
You wake up the dragon.
You're gonna get your ass politically stomped in.
We'll be right back.
Alright, they played another clip earlier of Fauci and Congress submitting a gain of function, but we found the clip!
of him at a, quote, gain-of-function conference saying, I like gain-of-function.
This guy is in a lot of trouble.
But here first is a couple great clips from Tucker Carlson, our ambassador to the mainstream media to get the truth out, dealing with the demonization of the unvaccinated, the demonization of asking questions.
And then I'm going to come back with some other huge breaking news, and then Robert Barnes is going to be joining us.
Please spread the word about this live show.
You are the resistance.
That's your birthright.
For example, schools across the country are now forcing children to take the vaccine as a condition of their education.
So is that a good idea?
Is it rooted in science?
We should know the answer to that.
Why wouldn't we know the answer to that?
But before we can answer that question, we need to know how many young people are dying from COVID.
Okay, let's go to the CDC website.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a total of 335 Americans under the age of 18 have died from coronavirus in this country.
That's the number.
But what does that number mean exactly?
The CDC did not provide any specific information on the circumstances of those deaths.
And the circumstances can be all important.
So researchers at Johns Hopkins, led by Dr. Marty McCary, looked closely at those numbers and what they actually meant.
And here's what they found.
Quote, a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.
Oh, leukemia is a very serious underlying medical condition.
So does that mean that no one under 18 without a serious underlying medical condition died from COVID?
Seems that way.
So then is it, as a matter of science and public policy, necessary to force every child, including the millions without pre-existing conditions, to get vaccines and wear masks all day?
What about adults who already have had COVID?
There are millions of those.
The Johns Hopkins researchers found the CDC is barely doing anything to answer that question.
The CDC's reports on rates of natural immunity and what that immunity means and whether people who have it should get the vaccine or benefit from it in any way or need it.
McCary's team noted that that guidance is, quote, outdated.
Outdated, really?
A year and a half into this pandemic.
These are relevant and vital questions.
They are hardly denial of anything.
They're the opposite.
They are a search for truth.
An open-minded one, a relentless one that will not be shamed into silence.
That is what science is.
We should not allow ourselves to be bullied by political forces into ignoring obvious questions.
So the left's moral measurement's pretty clear.
Good people follow corona law obediently.
Evil people don't.
Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius just made this announcement.
I think that it's time to say to those folks, it's fine.
If you don't choose to get vaccinated, you may not come to work.
You may not have access to a situation where you are going to put my grandchildren In jeopardy where you might kill them where you might put them in a situation where they're going to carry the virus to someone in a high-risk position.
That's I think the point where we are is freedom is one thing but freedom when you harm others like secondhand smoke and issues that we've dealt with very clearly in the past you can't drive drunk you can drink.
But you can't drive drunk because you can injure other people.
Freedom is one thing.
Weird how many vaccinated people seem to be spreading the virus at this point.
So maybe it's not as simple as unvaccinated bad, vaccinated virtuous.
Maybe it's a disease, not a moral category.
Maybe you should be quiet, Kathleen Sebelius.
You're an idiot.
There are a lot of idiots.
They may anchor at the most watched local television station in the country, WABC New York.
Bill Ritter just wrote this in a Facebook post.
Anyone who hasn't gotten vaccinated and is medically able to get it, stay away from me!
And have the decency to let people know you're not inoculated by putting a sign on your neck!
Whoa, wear a little badge!
Oh, by the way, Nancy Pelosi's been lecturing us for months now about how we're immoral if we don't wear masks and get the vaccines, and now it looks like members of her staff who wore masks and got the vaccine got corona anyway from those fling Texas legislature.
Makes you wonder if what Pelosi has been saying about Max and vaccines is actually science, doesn't it?
The rest of us ought to be careful not to what you're talking for.
Welcome back.
We're now into our number two constitutional lawyer.
Good friend of mine, Robert Barnes, will cover the waterfront with us.
This so-called indictment of Barrick, one of Trump's confidants for lobbying, we're going to get into.
The election fraud information coming up.
Trump's big tech lawsuit.
Is it targeting the right things?
A lot of lawyers I've talked to, including Barnes and others, think no.
I mean, they can always amend it.
We're going to be talking about that.
We're talking about the forced inoculations and the second lockdowns and all the things that are happening with Robert Barnes here in just a few minutes.
But I wanted to Play you a clip, because I've seen a lot of attacks in the media against myself and against, quote, anti-vaxxers, who are saying that, oh, it's because you won't take the shots that it's, quote, still spreading.
No, they just set the PCR test however they want.
They say people that die of automobile accidents and gunshot wounds have died of COVID.
When Biden got sworn in on January 20th, they had the NIH and the CDC turn the COVID testing systems
from 40 cycles down to 30, meaning you're not gonna have any positives.
Now they've ordered reportedly people to turn them back up.
So, 'cause they want lockdowns again.
This is a fraud.
This is a fraud.
So I thought that I would show those of you out there, 'cause I see the left saying,
"Oh, the right-wingers not taking their shots Even though a lot of left-wingers aren't either.
They're experimental shots.
It's their fault lockdowns are coming again, because they are spreading it.
Well, wait, if you're protected, if there's so-called shot protection, because in the past, vaccines are attenuated viruses or bacteria.
And they have side effects, but they do work.
So if you, if this is a real vaccine and worked, it'd be great.
But see, they're now saying it's a therapeutic.
They went up to 10 shots a year.
Trudeau's announcing that.
UK researcher over their main science facility says, oh, this actually lowers your immunity, but that's okay.
We'll just give you monthly shots.
That's all coming up.
I mean, this is huge.
The admission, it doesn't work.
It's not a vaccine.
It's a gene therapy that gets rid of your immune system.
Holy hell.
And by the way, that's not even denied.
I found this video last night of the head scientist over all these programs at Pfizer for the UK government that's doing the testing on what happens to those that take the shots.
He's like, yeah, it reduces your immune system the first time you take it to one-sixth of what it was and you'll need vaccines the rest of your life of whatever Pfizer comes up with.
People are like, oh, that's out of context.
I went and read the studies that he heads up at the most prestigious facility in the UK, probably the world.
Let me just give you the name of it since we're on that.
The Francis Crick Institute.
Formerly the UK's Bioweapons Facility, it's their Fort Detrick, Maryland, but now it has a Francis Crick name, the discoverer of DNA, along with the Watson guy that says blacks aren't humans.
So, this is a really nice group of people here.
Of course, they really say none of us are humans but them, unless you're a sociopath or a psychopath.
So, here's a clip, compilation, of old Alex Jones, back in early 2020, right through into early 2021, telling you what was coming.
See, I didn't just say more lockdowns are coming, the vaccines won't work, it's a fraud.
It's a program.
I already know.
I'm not guessing.
I'm not that smart.
Here it is.
They have never guessed the right flu virus for the mutation of what the main flu is the next year.
And it's always a whole bunch of flus.
Dozens and dozens of them.
And that it does nothing to protect you from the next flu if it's not the exact flu!
That's why they never ask why they don't have a vaccine for the common cold.
Because it's too varied.
Because there's thousands of them.
And because you have to get it exactly right.
And viruses are always mutating.
But you notice they're telling you they've got a vaccine.
They want you willingly to go take whatever it is that's going to be in there.
Now Fauci has come out of you.
Just joined us.
We're going to play the clip again first here in a moment.
And said, hey, we're going to surveil people.
We're going to cycle into other seasons.
Next year you won't be able to go out either.
So they'll run into the middle of summer and then let you have a month or two and then clamp it back down.
But there'll be special apps they're announcing.
You'll be tracked.
China was the model.
They're going to roll it out like they just got these ideas, but it's all pre-planned by the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates, the tabletop exercises predicting COVID-19 in November when it was already launched in China.
I think all of you already instinctively know this is the big one.
And if we fail this test, we're going to be ruled by the threat Of unending invisible bio weapons.
They're gonna tighten down the restrictions, loosen them by the summer and then release new strains.
immediately that aren't even as bad as the current strain.
They'll say they're worse, fear monger, and then clamp down even stronger. That's what
they've done in Italy. It's what they've done in other areas where they've been beta testing
like Spain and now moving towards Australia. So this is all formulaic. It's all heavily
scripted and we know their plan.
By the way, if you think that's hardcore prediction all coming true,
I war game this so much I see it backwards and forwards.
That's why I'm not bragging.
You know, like, not just General Flynn, former head of Defense Intelligence, listens and says I'm about one of the smartest people he knows.
The agencies all listen around the world because I'm able to integrate all this together and then put out a Boiled down analysis of it and man last night I was in on a brainstorm that was insane.
Hadn't had a cup of coffee since about two o'clock during the day.
Had dinner, hadn't been drinking, was just clear as the clearest blue sky, and I saw the whole operation.
And now I'm just trying to process the next leg of it to try to tell you what's coming next.
But anybody that's immersed themselves in this would know it.
We're gonna go to break.
I'm at with Robert Barnes for the rest of the hour, constitutional lawyer, get his take on the COVID rollout, how we fight it, how we stop it.
Australia Today, The World Tomorrow, The Globalist admits they're model.
Australian PM says unvaccinated people need to be controlled and restricted.
That's what they're all saying.
Anger in Australia is almost half a population locked down yet again amid slow vaccine rollout.
So you won't take your shot, you're locked down again.
But They admit that almost no one's died.
10 people in the last six months.
Lockdowns, mask mandates, and new vaccine rules.
Here's the latest COVID-19 news across Australia.
See, it never ends.
Once you submit, once you get into it, this cult of scientists are into power.
They will never let you out of the trap.
Australia under lockdown sees worrying jump in COVID cases.
Not deaths, just their fake PCR machine.
I mean, you think a Las Vegas slot machine's rigged?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Australian leaders are also saying, here she is, COVID deaths in the entire continent of Australia in the last 30 days are three!
But most of them had heart attacks, cancer, you name it.
It's not even real.
But here she is, let's play a clip of her again.
Top health officer orders Australians don't have a conversation with each other.
What did the head health minister in Canada say two weeks ago?
He said, we don't want people to have rallies, we want the lockdown to continue so they don't demonstrate and organize against us.
They're externalizing the method.
They're so normal in this that they're establishing a dictatorship that they're just saying it.
Don't talk to your neighbor!
Burn in hell!
The suicides are in the millions now.
Millions have died from non-medical treatment.
Insurance companies love that.
Not giving treatment.
I mean, this is mass murder.
But here they are, oh, using a woman as always the front group, because we genetically don't see a woman as an assaulter, as a soldier.
She is a soldier.
So, in...
In Alberta.
In Australia.
It's all happening.
Here she is, the cult leader, saying don't talk to your neighbor until you've taken your secret shot and then that's not even good enough.
Still wear your mask.
Here it is.
Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that.
So even if you run into your next door neighbour in the shopping centre, in the Coles, whilst you're at Coles, Woolworths or Aldi or any other grocery shop, don't start up a conversation.
Now is the time for minimising your interactions with others.
Even if you've got a mask, We do not think that affords total protection.
We want to be absolutely sure that as we go about our daily lives, we do not come into contact with anyone else that would pose a risk.
So that's what President Eisenhower said back when he was president in 1960 in a famous speech to college students.
You can look it up.
It was at Columbia.
You can pull it up.
President Eisenhower on freedom.
He said, I can make you all completely free and savvy.
Freedom versus safety.
He said, Eisenhower on freedom versus slavery.
And he said, I can make you all 100% safe, you'll be slaves.
I can lock you up in a tiny jail cell.
And so, that's what this is.
It's literally, we can't let one person die from this.
We have little robot testers that are fraudulent that'll tell you.
And now, Bill Gates and George Soros are buying up all the COVID testing companies.
They'll have the database on your name, your health care, and they can block you with a social credit score through the COVID.
I mean, you figured it out yet?
Stay with us.
It's been said that sometimes we lose the forest for the trees.
Robert Barnes is a friend of mine, great constitutional lawyer, really even better historian, because I study a lot and most folks don't know as much as I do.
He always impresses me, he knows as much as I know and a lot of times more.
He's not an infighter.
But he called me up yesterday, a little pissed off at Black Rifle Coffee Company for just their attack on Rittenhouse and said, screw our Second Amendment supporters.
And he said, you know, how would you like to get Rittenhouse's mom and folks on to support him?
We'll do that next week.
After that, we're looking forward to that.
But we'll talk about that coming up next segment.
But it's bigger than just Black Rifle Coffee Company because I sell coffee.
I'm not in a pissing contest with them.
Their coffee is good coffee.
It's that this cut and run by conservatives and nationalists and veterans, when the New York Times calls up and says, disavow your base.
It just, it seems politically, culturally, economically suicidal.
So we'll talk about that next segment.
Speaking of suicide, Barnes, you were on over a year ago and you predicted this is not a vaccine that teaches you immunity.
This is a drug.
Because giving somebody an attenuated virus, a dead virus, a dead bacteria, that's not really a drug.
That's introducing the pathogen and that's a real science.
It's got pitfalls, it's got side effects, it's got problems, but it works.
Um, most of the time.
This is something totally different.
Like you said, they just put it in your body, call the vaccine.
Now the head scientist over the UK studies admits it gets rid of your immune system, reduces it to one-sixth of what it was.
My God!
Seeing all this come out, lockdown twos, all of it.
They've really, I think, bitten off more than they can chew.
And I'm not an overconfident person, and things are bad, but I think they tried to commit a crime so big that they thought they'd get away with it.
But I think you commit a crime so big, it destroys everything you do go down.
I think they've made a Hitler gamble here, like invading Russia in Operation Barbarossa.
I do not see them getting out of this.
Barnes, I think you muted your mic, or somebody did.
I don't know why that happens.
I apologize.
Start over.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me now?
Sure can, go ahead.
All right, yeah, so what you have is a situation where, take the first six months of the peak of this virus in the United States, the number of people that died from this that were healthy, that didn't have other comorbidities, was somewhere around 25,000 people, according to the government's own data, and there's arguments about that.
But look at what we have in the first six months of the vaccine, according to the government's own database of people reporting in, reporting it under penalty of perjury, What injuries have been suffered?
Close to half a million already in serious injuries being reported by people under penalty of perjury related to the vaccine.
And at the same time, we're seeing all around the world vaccinated people just recently in Texas.
Those Texas Democrats, they're all vaccinated.
They went to D.C., came back, and a whole bunch of them have COVID.
So, the fact that this vaccine doesn't appear to actually function as a vaccine, more as a therapeutic, as a drug, that simply mitigates the rate of transmission, mitigates the severity of the consequences, but doesn't appear to actually preclude transmission or immunize the body against anything, And when you combine that with the number of self-reported injuries, this is the highest number of reported injuries in American history related to a vaccine.
I mean, the media is doing a great job suppressing this, smearing what VAERS reporting data shows, but we're already almost at half a million in six months.
Serious injuries being reported.
And almost everybody agrees that that under-reports the data.
There's all kinds of people who don't know there's a connection, don't know there's a correlation, don't know there's causation involved.
We've opened the phones up.
Almost everyone has family members that die or have strokes or heart attacks, and none of them want to complain.
None of them want to say it was a vaccine.
So the estimates are between 10%, you know, 1 out of 10 report it, maybe 1 out of 100.
The estimates vary.
So obviously it's much bigger.
No doubt.
I mean, you're seeing more consequences.
If you're healthy, you're seeing far more consequences to getting the vaccine than you ever did from COVID.
That's the data.
I mean, the most fascinating, striking thing from a legal perspective to me is the government's complete unwillingness and incapacity to produce any statistical data as to what they think the vaccine will do versus what COVID will do for different population groups.
That was my next question.
That was my next question.
Overhead shot, please.
By the way, that news is a few weeks old.
It's over 13,000 now dead in the virus reporting.
Fauci, more than 99% of people who died from COVID-19 in June were not vaccinated.
I read the AP article, the Hill article.
They never give the data.
They say Fauci provided AP data, but they won't show it.
But then I look at the actual data out of the US, out of Canada, out of Australia, out of England, most COVID deaths in England Now are in vaccinated.
Here's what you should know.
Mainline news.
63.4% who died had been given the shot.
That's mainstream news.
That's medicalpress.com.
Yale University epidemiologist.
60% of new COVID cases are vaccinated people.
And I've got hundreds of these articles, literally.
So what's crazy is they're telling us that it's 99% of those dying didn't have a shot.
It's just made up out of their butt.
But then we have the real facts.
It's the opposite.
Exactly, and the details, Israel's been releasing data, the majority of its people that now have it are from the vaccinated ranks according to a range of data and information.
And so the question, you have a vaccine that doesn't actually inoculate you, doesn't actually prevent the worst consequences, it might reduce those consequences, it might reduce transmission, But the cost of the vaccine itself in terms of public health, if you're a healthy person, is far greater statistically, according to the available data, than from the disease.
And this is, I mean, the other thing the media has done a great job of doing is suppressing.
We rushed an influenza-like vaccine once before in our history, 1976.
We rushed it out.
The media said it would be great.
The medical establishment said it would be great.
And a year or two later, we found out that the vaccine caused far more injury to healthy people than the pandemic ever could.
And so we're repeating it.
We go back to the late 1950s when they rushed an expirapolio vaccine in the Belgian Congo.
And now there are many people... That's cancer!
Cancer virus is in it in the U.S.
I mean, the Russian polio vaccine in the Belgian condo probably gave us AIDS, one of the worst viruses in human history.
So we have a history that whenever we rush these things, and as you note, and as we've been saying for a year, there is no history of success with influenza vaccine.
Because of, in fact, Brett Weinstein's argument for the last six months has been, if we rush this vaccine, we will increase the probability of an effective variant that is completely outside the scope of the vaccine.
And now here they are complaining about exactly that around the world, about the Delta variant.
So they've created this because they increased the risk of a variant by rushing a vaccine.
But Robert, they're not stupid.
They war-gamed this.
Fauci, eight years ago, University of Texas, did all these studies.
He knew what this so-called vaccine would do.
They planned every damn bit of this.
What do you think their master plan is?
Complete control of the human being. I mean, it's the same thing you've been talking about now for a quarter century
Is it just this is an easier method of achieving it than anything else?
They've tried before they because what they're trying to do is establish the legal precedent
That the state has a right to control your body to control not only whether you work whether where you move
What would you know almost everything else about your life whether you can go to church whether you go to school?
But whether you can talk to your neighbor But they want to control your physical body and what they put into your physical body without your informed consent.
In fact, without either one, you're not going to be informed and you're not going to be allowed to consent.
It's going to be coerced.
This is the new state structure that they've been looking for for half a century, and they're on the verge of achieving it unless people fight back.
Let's talk about how we legally and lawfully fight back in the great video we'll play when we come back of the police in France joining the protesters all over the country.
That's the answer.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
While more and more Canadians are getting vaccinated right now, it's also important to plan ahead for the future.
We've reached an agreement with Pfizer for 35 million booster doses for next year and 30 million in the year after.
This deal includes options to add 30 million doses in both 2022 and 2023, and an option
for 60 million doses in 2024. Pfizer has been a solid partner for Canada in this fight against
COVID-19, and we're happy to be one of the first countries to secure an agreement with them going
These boosters will be the latest version of the Pfizer vaccine based on research and testing, and they will help us keep the virus under control.
And the work doesn't end there either.
We're on ongoing discussions with other vaccine manufacturers about their plans for booster shots too.
So the key message from our finding is that we found that recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, those who've had two doses, have about Five to six fold lower amounts of neutralizing antibodies.
Now these are the sort of gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system, which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place.
So we found that that's less for people with two doses.
We've also found that for people with only one dose of the Pfizer jab, that they are less likely to have high levels of these antibodies in their blood.
And perhaps most importantly for all of us going forward, Is that we see that the older you are, the lower your levels are likely to be, and the time since you've had your second jab, as that time goes on, the lower your levels are also likely to be.
So that's telling us that we're probably going to be needing to prioritize boosters for older and more vulnerable people coming up soon, especially if this new variant spreads.
By the way, he didn't misspeak there.
That's the head of the big EU program testing to see how the Pfizer and other injections work.
And he's saying it lowers your immunity, so you have to keep getting it.
What the perfect drug, the perfect takeover.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, predicted all of this just as accurately as I did a year and a half ago.
How do we counter something where instead of them saying, oh, we're going to give you a utopia, they go, you'll have nothing, you'll own nothing, we're all going to starve to death.
You know, it's just completely sociopathic.
How do you respond to something when it's got all the media gaslighting, all the corporations, the public's rebelling, but they just don't stop?
How do we legally and lawfully respond to this?
I mean, I know you've been very, very, very, very deep in researching this.
I don't know if you're ready to give people your ideas on it.
What do you think?
So, a couple different components.
One, people fighting back in the court of public opinion has been critical and essential.
So, continuing to support places like InfoWars, continuing to share the links, continuing to share the information.
Because there are people out there, I mean, I had a debate yesterday with someone on Twitter who just assumed there couldn't possibly be any reason why any smart individual would not want to take the COVID vaccine.
And I just started laying out the facts.
That the reality is, according to the available data, there's reason to believe that you're 20 times more at risk of your health, if you're a healthy person, without comorbidities, from the vaccine than you are from COVID.
That's what the existing data shows for the first six months of this year.
Almost half a million serious injuries being reported to the vaccine database.
No doubt understates the scope and scale of it compared to very few COVID related deaths in healthy populations in the United States in the first six months.
So that's the, I mean, but so continuing to get the information out, the data out, I mean, that's why there's been such massive censorship of even people on the left, like Brett Weinstein, like Alex Berenson, like others in that school, like Robert Kennedy Jr.
Just those people fighting back.
Oh, you're right.
They've had a trick claiming it's Republicans that don't want the shot.
When I look at numbers, it's about evenly divided.
In fact, the more educated you are, the less you want to take it.
Other than black folks, on average, because they aren't stupid.
They've been tested on.
In fact, Richard Barris, People's Pundit, did detailed polling on people that had doubts about the vaccine and didn't plan on taking it, and YouTube removed it, stopped his livestream live, because he was detailing how many ordinary people all across the racial and political spectrum that simply have reasons to doubt the government or know their own data...
Let's shift gears, this is all interconnected to Trump's suit.
I know you've been critical of it, the nice way and a friendly way to get him to amend it.
The president's suit is the right idea.
The problem is he's got these corrupt insiders that are the lawyers.
That part of this, they claim to be America First, they're not really America First, they're just big, well you know them, they're big oil bush people from Texas.
You know, that's, I mean, it's Rick Perry and his crew.
So these are people who are not well equipped to file Trump's suit.
So Trump is in the right state of mind, but the lawsuit as designed right now appears to be designed to fail.
It appears to have a poison pill in it.
So if he will modify the suit to change what allegations are there, bring different causes of action, put the class in a different place, Alan Dershowitz is willing to help out I'm willing to help out.
Harmeet Dhillon's willing to help out.
Ron Coleman's willing to help out.
A lot of lawyers that know this space very well understand the significance of this suit and that Trump has the right state of mind.
He just has the wrong lawyers and currently the lawsuit reflects those wrong lawyers rather than Trump's right state of mind.
So if he will change the suit, then it has a chance, because you're right, it's part of the much bigger picture right now.
The biggest suppression and censorship, even more so than of Trump, has been of anybody raising questions about what's happening in this vaccine, COVID lockdown, Milgram experiment, what's going on to the whole world's population.
And so, and when it's happening to prominent people on the left, like Robert Kennedy Jr., like Brett Weinstein, like Alex Berenson, all, you know, people who were Joe Biden supporters, Alan Dershowitz even to some degree, then it reveals the scale and scope of what they're doing.
They are terrified of honest, objective information coming out.
The Nuremberg Code of 1947 was all about guaranteeing Let's talk about Section 230.
that they are informed prior to any medical intervention that takes place concerning them
and that they consent before there's any medical intervention.
That's not coerced.
So let's talk about Section 230.
It's one thing to say Section 230.
Clearly they're violating that.
Clearly they're violating campaign finance law, suppressing Republicans, Nationalists,
Patriots, boosting establishment voices.
But to go through and block Governor DeSantis hearings in the Statehouse with scientists,
to block congressional hearings, senatorial hearings.
I mean, this is real Soviet-level, lifetime AI censorship, and it's the whole future.
If we can't do something about that, we can't do anything about any of it.
And so you're absolutely right.
I read Trump's suit.
Before I even talk to you or others.
And I said, where are they talking about the Democrats admitting they went and told Facebook to suppress pro-Trump stuff during the campaign?
That's election meddling!
I mean, we have no proof of Russians.
We've got proof of the Democrats with an organization that has 3 billion members, Facebook, bigger than any country, suppressing our election right there!
What Trump needs to do is amend his complaint and add specific claims.
That Fauci directed that Trump be removed.
That Pelosi directed that Trump be removed.
That Vice President Harris directed Big Tech to remove Trump.
That President Biden directed.
I mean, here you had President Biden on the same day his press secretary comes out and says, we're going to be telling Facebook what post to remove and whom to remove.
The President, President Biden, comes out and accuses Facebook of serial murder for not going along with what he directed them to do in removing certain posts.
So they need to, they should have expanded and include the whole history, that this was a five-year campaign, there were secret meetings, that they targeted you because you were considered the tip of the spear of Trump support.
All of that should be in a much more robust lawsuit that gets into all of it, brings different causes of action, enhances the existing causes of action, details the facts, and makes the specific allegation that the lawsuit seems scared to make.
This was at the direct order of leading elected political Democrats, including the President, the Vice President, Fauci, and the Speaker of the House.
And that's what it needs to do to have a chance to win.
And that's what's crazy.
We'll talk about the final segment coming up, is they're just going for broke on every front.
And if we got good lawyers and good leadership and the population behind it, it should be very easy to beat what they're doing, not on Section 230, but on racketeering and election meddling and antitrust.
I mean, this is all just insane.
Robert Barnes is our guest.
We'll tell you about his show, HeHouse, when we come back.
And we got 12 seconds.
How do people find your show?
And that's getting really popular.
That show you're doing is exploding.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we're going to clean house here today.
I didn't say anything when Black Rifle Coffee Company, when Kyle Rittenhouse went out to volunteer and try to help people, and they tried to murder him, a convicted pedophile and an armed robber and others, and he defended himself.
They threw him under the bus at Black Rifle Coffee Company, and they just said he's a terrible person.
Then they did a New York Times interview this week, and I mean said, F our supporters, F gun owners, F, you know, we don't want them, screw them.
I mean, you talk about rolling over like a yellow belly.
And so I'm not in competition with this company.
I think their coffee's, you know, pretty good.
In fact, I know one of their former head marketing guys here in Austin.
He's a great guy, but I know he got out of it because of the way they were going.
But to see them come to the New York Times and bow down to them and attack Kyle Rittenhouse, who's a good young man who's facing life in prison when Antifa burned down all these buildings and killed all these people and they're being heralded as heroes, it's bigger than Black Rifle Coffee Company, which is synonymous, in my view, with Benedict Arnold.
It's this cucking by the Republican establishment, this afraid of the system.
Oh my God, the New York Times.
The New York Times even attacks them.
That's not enough that you hate gun owners.
It's not enough that you hate conservatives.
It's not enough.
We're veterans, so you need to buy our coffee while they piss all over...
The Republic.
So, to me, Black Rifle Coffee is... I'd rather die than drink it.
I mean, when you talk about empty fakes, when you talk about fraud, when you talk about what's destroyed this country, they're the essence of it.
And so that's all I'm saying is that with friends like this, we don't need any enemies, do we?
And so Barnes, I really see you get pissed as well, but you are on the case with Rittenhouse and his lawyers.
You got Rittenhouse's mom on, and we're going to try to support them.
I've never even weighed into the middle of this.
I mean, I thought he'll easily, you know, not be convicted, but now they're all piling on.
Everyone's betrayed him.
They've turned their backs on him.
Fox News has done it.
And if they let Rittenhouse rot in jail, I know he's out now, or they let the folks rot in jail from the Capitol, well then, We deserve what happens to us next, so... Man, I read that Black Rifle Coffee Company article in the New York Times.
It made me ashamed.
I just... I mean, these are some very shameful people, so give us your take on... They're an example of what not to be.
I mean, for example, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, the kind of replacement for Rush Limbaugh on some stations, did a puff piece with them after this.
Oh, Buck Sexton of the CIA?
Sorry, go ahead.
Oh yeah, Clay Travis has a slogan that says, DBAP, which is supposed to be, Don't Be a Pussy.
He needs to just remove the word, Don't Be a Pussy, because that's basically what the Black Rifle Coffee Company slogan now should be as well.
These are people who, it's one thing to be a bunch of capitulating sellouts, to run to the New York Times, to play the Wokester card, and then at the same time to have a whole bunch of people they advertise with on the right.
Run cover for him the next day or two, like Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, like Dana Loesch, like some other people.
But what's inexcusable in all of this is this is the second time they have smeared a kid and his family and the people supporting him.
This is a kid who is the... If Kyle Rittenhouse doesn't walk free, then self-defense is dead in America, period.
He is the sine qua non of self-defense in America.
This is a kid who's been smeared by more people in the press than probably any individual defendant in American legal politics.
And he's basically, he's basically like Sheriff Andy from Mayberry.
I mean this is, just to watch these guys call themselves veterans and patriots and we're for America when they're not.
They just want to lick the butt of the New York Times.
That's exactly right!
Here you have a kid that's been smeared by everybody, completely innocent, everybody who's watched those videos, even the New York Times' own video breakdown shows how clearly, convincingly, irrefutably innocent Kyle Rittenhouse is.
This is a kid who 20-year veterans have said they were shocked at the level of trigger discipline shown.
Well, that's the thing is though, they want to set the precedent that we can't defend ourselves in our own homes during the Communist takeover, during the Antifa BLM takeover.
So, if we stand for Rittenhouse, we stand for ourselves.
If we don't, we get what we deserve.
This is a serious litmus test.
And like you said, they didn't just crap all over Rittenhouse and his family.
They rubbed it in.
I mean, I read that article that they said screw and F our people, F Second Amendment, F gun owners, F, I mean, they were just like F, F, F, F, F these people.
I mean, you talk about scum.
No doubt.
I mean, the tip of the spear of self-defense is Kyle Rittenhouse.
And here they are attacking this kid, a kid they don't know, a case they obviously haven't investigated, and they did it a second time.
They attacked him the first time just because he warned them.
They hate the image of a citizen stopping a bunch of pedophiles burning buildings down.
They hate the idea of a man who isn't going to take it anymore.
If Kyle Rittenhouse had not been there that night, there would have been a lot more innocent people dead.
More buildings burned, more destruction taking place.
That's the reality.
And so the idea that you attack this working class... His crime was being there and not letting bullies kill him.
That's exactly right!
I mean, they are coming after Kyle Rittenhouse because they don't want any American to have self-defense, period.
If Kyle doesn't have self-defense, none of us have self-defense.
And he knew the laws, he knew what was happening, he knew lawless groups were coming, he was there giving people first aid, he backed off these people, he was not looking for trouble, he did a very better job, like you said, a 10-year veteran of a police department would do.
That's what all the cops I know said, they said he did a very good job.
I mean, there's people firing guns behind him.
He doesn't sit around.
He never panics once.
He never overreacts once.
There was nothing vigilante about this at all.
This was a kid who only did what he had to do at the very last possible second.
He has people trying to bash his head in, and he's not pulling the trigger.
So he's only doing so when people are literally grabbing the guns.
I just want to say this.
I know a lot of veterans that are great people, and they're some of the best folks I know, but you look at this Black Rifle Coffee Company people, they look like a sacks of garbage.
You actually look like a bunch of wimps living off the name of the U.S.
They're disgraceful people.
George Washington pisses on them, and I hope they burn in hell.
I mean, look at these guys.
Looks like Brian Stelter.
I mean, these are people who are fake conservatives.
They think they put some chicks with bikinis on and pretend to be tough guys, and they got almost all of their monetary support from conservatives, and now they turn around after they've gotten rich off those conservatives and slap them in the face and attack a kid.
Anybody who's going to attack a kid like Kyle Rittenhouse is a business that doesn't belong in business on the political side of the aisle.
So they've been a total disgrace.
There's no excuse for what they did.
What they are is cowards because they grovel to the left, they grovel to the New York Times, and I guarantee you they're not happy now.
I've got people calling me family that everyone calls me saying, I don't like that black rival coffee company.
You know them?
You're not with them, are you?
And I'm like, no, no, the guy we had on used to be with them.
I have family threatening me to not be associated with them.
They like pissed off Hillbilly.
They pissed off my Hillbilly family.
That's what they did.
What I told them was all they have to do is issue an apology and a correction and retraction and quit smearing Kyle Rittenhouse and his family and they refuse to.
Instead they have these, you know, conservatives put them on and soft pedal what they said and what they did.
If you're not with Kyle Rittenhouse, you're not a conservative.
If you're not with Kyle Rittenhouse, you're not with the Second Amendment, you're not with America, you're a piece of crap.
And these people have gone out of their way to attack a kid repeatedly.
So if you're a Black Rifle Coffee customer, today is the day to send them your cancellation order, because they decided to cancel Kyle Rittenhouse, cancel the self-defense, cancel the Second Amendment, cancel Americana at its core.
And by the way, we're not trying to pitch this against Black Rifle.
I've promoted them, I've been nice, because they quote, claim they were pro-Second Amendment.
They're not.
We've had the highest quality, people make jokes about it, well what, it's from Chiapas?
That's where comics are.
That's where great coffee is, we buy it from villagers in Chiapas.
It's basically almost Guatemalan coffee, but it's better.
It's high-end.
The same stuff sells for $10 more a pound at Whole Foods.
I found a distributor for it more than 10 years ago.
It is very high-end coffee.
People drink it.
They can't believe how good it is.
We've never raised prices in 10 years.
Coffee prices are exploding.
In the new year, it's going to go up 25%.
But we got two different varieties of it at InfoWareStore.com.
We're not even, I mean I've had Kyle's family on, we've done fundraisers for him, but I'm not some person that sits there and says, buy my stuff, I'm going to support Kyle Rittenhouse.
I'm going to support him no matter what.
We got it with the reishi mushrooms for your immune system, we have it without.
At $19.95 for a package this big, it is an amazing deal.
But I will say, because they don't want Kyle having support, that's going to make me support him even more.
I guess his trial's coming up, what, in October or November?
When is it?
The first week of November.
What's the website?
You're not involved.
I'm not involved.
Just how do we donate to Kyle Rittenhouse since Black Rifle Trader Company doesn't want this American to stay free?
They said screw him, F you.
We don't want you as our customers.
We get it, scum.
We hate you too.
Right back, you un-American trash.
How do we support Kyle Rittenhouse in the name of standing up against this filth?
That's where people can go to support Kyle's defense.
And by the way, none of this goes to me.
I've delayed and deferred any receipt of any payment.
I've been doing all of this pro bono.
No, I know that.
You're not like Black Rifle Coffee Company claiming you're these big patriots while you piss on America.
We get it.
This all goes to Kyle, who has no money.
They've got the whole DA and Soros group against them.
They've lost everything.
Everybody needs to donate right now.
One more time, the website.
And I gotta say, I'm really ashamed of Black Rifle Pussy Company.
I don't want to insult women.
Women are incredible.
Why compare them to pussies?
I love pussy.
These are traitors, and these are cowards, and these are un-American scum.
And you know what?
They got God to deal with.
Burn in hell, Black Rifle!
Burn in hell!
We've seen secret forced inoculations of children in the UK and now Australia.
We've seen the governor in New York say, we're going to take kids and give them shots no matter what their parents say.
California passed a law where 12-year-olds and up can do it without their parents' consent.
And in places like Toronto, Canada and Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon, they have Ice cream trucks, I'm not joking.
Look it up.
Drive around and give the kids shots without their parents even knowing.
This is a criminal revolution.
And Robert Barnes, hostage lawyer, is working with Robert Kennedy Jr., who's doing an amazing job fighting all of this, on attempts to inject District of Columbia children without parental consent.
A new world order.
Barnes, tell us about that.
So two things have happened.
Essentially, D.C.
passed a law and then put in procedures, first to use the COVID vaccine on public school children without their parents knowing about it, but then they took it a step further.
They instructed doctors and medical staff to falsify documents.
So that parents, so that they lied to parents and they created fake medical records for parents with a different set of medical records secretly being kept by the state and the school.
So that parents who already had religious exemptions under the law, already had medical exemptions under the law, We're not going to know that their kid had been secretly vaccinated against their will without any aspect of informed consent taking place at all.
And what the striking thing about this was not just that aspect but was that other aspect of having doctors forge documents to lie to parents so that parents don't know what their own children's health treatment actually is because of the school.
So Bobby Kennedy has brought suit against the District of Columbia, challenging all of it, noting that it not only violates parental rights under the Constitution, certain privacy rights under the Constitution, informed consent rules under the Constitution, but also it violates religious rights under the religious statutes that were passed in 2000 by Congress.
Because their primary target are religious kids, religious parents, who have religious exemptions.
For example, there's people that have a religious exemption to this particular vaccine because some of it was used with stem cell research.
And so people that oppose stem cell research don't want to support this vaccine, so some of them have used that as a religious exemption.
They're deliberately targeting religious exempt kids, so they're going to secretly vaccinate them without the parents knowing, then lie to the parents by having doctors forge documents And the schools forge documents, create fraudulent documents to lead them to believe it didn't happen.
And this is a big suit being brought by Bobby Kennedy against the District of Columbia, exposing all of this first and foremost, but also challenging it on constitutional and federal statutory grounds.
And it has an excellent chance of winning.
And then we see the sitting president of the United States and we see the press spokesperson, Jen Psaki, saying, we've got to stop this person.
I mean, since when does government go to big tech and say stop a person when all they're doing is telling the truth?
I mean, this is a perfect storm of evil, Barnes.
I shudder to think if we don't stop this, and if we don't fight back, what they're going to do next?
Yeah, exactly.
That's why Bobby Kennedy's also brought suit in federal court in California.
It's going to go up to the Ninth Circuit because he was one of the first targets by Fauci and Crewe for removal from the Internet, for removal from big tech.
This is a guy who, when he simply cited the VAERS data we were talking about earlier, Facebook and Instagram completely banned his account overnight and then libeled him to the world, said he was spreading misinformation when all he was spreading was the government's own information from the government's own database.
That is how insane this environment has got.
When a guy as famous as Bobby Kennedy, a guy on the left, can't even cite a government database without being banned by big tech, that shows how dangerous and perilous this place really is.
Let me say this.
I've never been able to get him on the air, but I've had a huge whisper campaigns against him telling me don't interview him, he's bad.
No, he's great.
He's done great work.
He's a great person.
His father died for freedom.
And I support Robert Kennedy Jr.
I think he's doing amazing work.
But there is major whisper campaigns against him because he's the real deal and he's a hero.
Robert Barnes, thank you so much for the time.
Incredible interview.
I'm going to air a clip of him talking about Gates and Fauci and their financial corruption when we come back.
But real quick again, I love coming on your big show.
But that great French lawyer, our Canadian lawyer, tell us about that real briefly.
How do people find you and the great show you're doing with other folks?
Well, evil is flexing its muscles.
It's making its big run against humanity.
It's taking over every major institution we've learned to trust and love.
The Antichrist is amongst us.
Leo Zegami will join us, Vatican expert, to talk about the war on conservative true Catholics in a moment.
But first, we have a very important clip of Robert Kennedy Jr.
with Naomi Wolf.
He's laying out total truth here.
I've researched it all, but he's saying it's true about Fauci and Gates.
Here it is.
I mean, that's what we've been talking about from the beginning.
Gates has these incestuous relationships with Anthony Fauci that go back 20 years where he's paying Fauci and they have all kinds of really corrupt financial entanglements with each other.
He brought Fauci to his house in 2000 and his $189 million house in Seattle brought him into the den.
Sat him down and said, I want to have a partnership with you.
The way that Fauci explains it is that Fauci would develop the drugs and then pass them on to the drug companies, Merck, Sanofi, Gilead, Johnson & Johnson.
Gates would then guarantee markets in Africa through his control of WHO.
Oh, wow!
And those companies don't want to give vaccines to Africa because it's very uncertain.
Botswana has a government this year that says, yeah, we want them and not next year.
And Gates, because he controls WHO, he controls those countries because WHO pays for their health ministries and supplies all their HIV medications.
And they have to do what WHO tells them to do.
He can require those countries to buy the vaccines from these companies and he then is invested in the companies, in Merck.
And by the way, Gates has no pretension that he gives a crap about public health.
His other investments are in tobacco companies, in processed foods, in Coca-Cola, in Cargill, in Monsanto.
Um, and, uh, Philip Morris, Kraft, you know, cheese, and, uh, and, and then all the oil companies, which he owns stakes and virtually all of them.
So he's not a guy who cares about climate or who cares about public health.
He's a guy who cares about control.
Leo Zoghami.
I don't think he's lying, but then it all came true.
years ago I've been interviewing Zogami for years read several of his books he said that Pope Jorge
Francis would would be the pope he said he'll have a Jesuit pope then they'll have the other pope
step down you'll have two popes at once and he said then they'll start having rotating popes
and I thought well I this guy's smart I don't think he's lying but then it all came true
never happened before in 2,000 years of popes so he knows what he's talking about
Let me just put that out front for you.
And there I was at the Vatican with him at night as thunderstorms were lightning striking the main dome.
It was twilight zone.
And they had armored vehicles drive by and point machine guns at us.
We have footage of this.
You cannot make this up.
So Leo Zagami, best-selling author, researcher, and also he's an aristocrat.
He's all part of the inside groups in Italy, but he was arrested and run out of the country for exposing this.
And he joins us now from the United States, where he is in exile, to talk about This big stack of news I have here, outlawing what you said they would do years ago, the Latin Mass, and getting rid of any of the Christian tenants in the Catholic Church.
So, to talk about where the world is today, what's happening, the Vatican basically declaring war on Christianity, the schism that's happening, and what this tells us about where we are in end times.
Leo Zagami, thank you so much.
Hello Alex and hello everybody at InfoWars.
Well, first of all, we had also a press conference at the Vatican earlier in July with an important statement of the International Academy of the Vatican, which was addressed to all the scientists and the medical associations regarding the vaccine hesitancy.
So they are actually directly involved in what you've been speaking up until now.
Regarding instead the topic of the day, of course, The war has been on the traditional mass, the traditional mass which has been put into question since the middle of the 60s, after the end of the Second Vatican Council, which ended up in December 1965, in time for year zero of Satanism, of modern Satanism, 1966.
From that moment onwards, they started to abolish gradually the practice of Latin in Masses, the classic Tridentine Mass, which was basically in place for hundreds of years.
And this has been obviously then presented by the Pope back then, who was a Freemason, Paul VI, his own version of the Mass.
I have an image here of Papa Montini, which I included in one of my books because it actually, this image proves with his own signing that he was a Freemason.
He actually dedicated this pic to a Freemason friend of mine.
And why I'm talking about Freemasonry?
Because the liberal side of Freemasonry, which is the prevalent one these days, took over the Second Vatican Council, decided to destroy all the Catholic Traditions to gradually prepare, of course, for the one world religion later on.
But from 1970 we have the presentation of the mass that is practiced these days in most churches, the mass in your ordinary language.
But there was still a number of priests that were, of course, still practicing the old school mass in Latin.
And in 2007, Pope Ratzinger actually supported the idea that these communities could still practice the Mass in Latin, the traditional Mass.
Because, of course, the new Mass is called Novo Ordo Mise, which goes in line with Novo Ordo Secularum.
It's the new order of the ages, but it's also the new Mass.
For the church which has, of course, gradually taken over this Latin side and ghettosized it.
And now Pope Francis, this year, with this unprecedented move, prohibits priests in any ordinary parish church to practice this Latin Mass.
Eventually they can go to their dioceses, to their bishops.
signifies, it's got a lot of conservative Catholics angry, what does it signify?
I'm embarrassed about Europe's Christian past two years ago.
He said all these abominations obviously, I mean what does it mean now, ban the original
It means a lot.
Okay, it means a lot for non-Catholics.
The practice of Latin is essential also for the exorcism.
A Mass is in itself a form of exorcism.
And the fact that Pope Francis has prohibited the use of the traditional Latin Mass inside... That sounds like a demon!
A demon wouldn't want to hear that!
In fact, the first thing he did a few months ago was to prohibit such mass within the Vatican walls, and now he's going after all those who practice it.
And like I've been saying also in this book, Volume 6.66, I underline the importance of the Latin language.
By the way, you predicted on my show like six years ago, you said they'd ban the Latin mass.
That's happening.
That happened.
That's why you're here.
They are actually going after those people and those priests to still support this form of mass.
They say that basically the document that Pope Francis has issued says that Pope Ratzinger in 2007 wanted to reopen the possibility for the celebration of the Latin Mass only because of the Lefebvrians, of the schismatic groups that wanted more tradition after the Second Vatican Council.
Alright, so let's talk about what this means and who this current Pope is and where you see this going because obviously big changes are happening right now.
Leo Zegami is our guest expert on the Vatican, big insider, who went public about it all.
He was a big Mason.
He's a member of the Illuminati, like the original Illuminati.
He'll tell us about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Leo Zegami is our guest.
Best-selling author, researcher, Vatican insider.
Big top Freemason.
Got recruited to it.
Became even more Christian.
Broke away from it.
You know, you'll do the fleet.
Talk about any subject I want.
You're so nice.
I got you on because some of the crew mentioned a few days ago, hey, look, they're getting rid of the Latin mass.
Leo Zegami predicted that many years ago.
I don't want to just obsess on that.
Where else do you want to go?
Because there's so much happening, and I always ask the questions, finish up the Latin Mass, but what else is front and center for you?
What else is really important right now?
Well, there is actually a very famous intellectual in France, which on Monday on Le Figaro, which is one of the main French newspapers, he's an atheist, but he said, I am shocked about what Pope Francis is doing to the Church.
So his name is Michel Onfray.
And so that means really that even the atheists are starting to feel a little bit puzzled by what this Pope is doing.
Regarding where we want to go, well, aside from the fact that, of course, this Pope is a facilitator of Satan himself, but that can be said of all the Church after the Second Vatican Council, because they gradually are moving towards that one-word religion we have talked about many times.
And then there is also the fact that, of course, The Church has 80% of its members, and we talked about it many times on this show, that are homosexuals, and so they find themselves entangled in this continuous hypocrisy.
Pope Paul VI, the guy who actually, Pope Montini, who actually did the new mass, wrote it down
together with a bunch of Freemasons, he himself had a gay lover he used to go and see in Switzerland,
and because of that, and because of the photos that certain Masonic lodges had, they could
actually blackmail him even further in accepting certain things for the Church.
Now we have of course a Jesuit Pope, and along with him we have people like Anthony Fauci,
who is a Jesuit agent.
We have many other Jesuits running the show, including Joe Biden, who is in the White House.
So we can say really that the Jesuits are fully in charge, together of course with their
old time allies, which are of course China, China and the Communists worldwide.
What is happening...
For those who don't know, mainline history, the Vatican opened up China with the Portuguese
runners, right?
It was actually the first people who opened up these relations were Jesuits.
It was Matteo Ricci, he was a disciple of Ignazio Loiola, because the company of Jesus, right from the start, when they created this order, this new order within the Vatican, not only they wanted to go against the Protestant world that was reforming.
But they wanted to also move towards the East.
And in the East, they will do some very powerful alliances.
Actually, he got to become the assistant to the emperor.
And since then, the Jesuits have been present in China.
In Beijing, Matteo Ricci has the biggest shrine for somebody who is actually a Jesuit in a communist country.
And so here we have, of course, this very strong alliance the Vatican has been getting since the election of Pope Francis.
Two billion dollars a year from China.
So they can shut up about whatever is going on in Hong Kong, whatever goes on in their concentration camps.
Let me ask you this then.
What do we do?
Where does this go?
Because you predicted you'd have two pubs.
You predicted it'd be this guy.
When I was in Rome with you like five, six years ago, and I'm like, okay, Zigon, I know you're smart, but then it happened a few years later.
What are you predicting comes next now?
Well, of course, you have been discussing during the show the fact that there is this vaccine pass, this green pass, that in Europe, not only in France, but now also in Italy and many other countries, will become really the first stage of the mark of the beast before they will actually implement the microchipping.
Because from a piece of paper or from actually having it on your phone, They're gonna say, oh they're stealing identities, oh it's not safe.
Klaus Schwab says, he says first your phone then a chip.
But also we have, for example, already in France, in Paris, there is clinics who are, of course, forging fake passes.
So with that excuse, they will eventually say, we need to microchip you.
So that is basically the mark of the beast.
What we have to do, we have to resist, and eventually we have to form isolated communities that are independent from all this.
There is no other option.
The future is our own communities.
That's everything.
What's the time frame?
I know you don't want to say, but you don't know, but at a good level doing research, what's the time frame of the Antichrist takeover?
How long does this happen?
How long we got to survive?
From 2020 to 2030, there's a three stages takeover.
The first is bacteriological warfare.
The second is cyber warfare.
The third is nuclear warfare.
So these three scenarios will be unveiled in the next nine years.
The first one is, of course, unbeating in front of our eyes.
Now, of course, it's cyber-polygon.
The World Economic Forum with the people of Davos have discussed the next pandemic, which is the cyber-pandemic that will close down the electricity in whole cities, will create all kinds of damage.
That is the cyber-warfare part.
This is huge, because I know you're a top expert.
I agree.
First is biological, bacteriological virus.
Next is the cyber, which they tell us and the next is nuclear.
Lay that out.
Yes, the cyber warfare basically is already taking place with all these hackers that are working constantly.
And then, of course, we have the nuclear.
Now, the nuclear is already starting to be announced.
China has... China, here it is.
They threatened... China threatened to nuke Taiwan yesterday.
Here's the headline.
Fox News, go ahead, keep going.
Official Chinese Daily.
They said, we will nuke Japan.
So as you can see that gradually these three phases of this period that we unfortunately going to be living and that will of course diminish the population of the earth because they already the vaccines are made To get less people in the next few years alive.
Because they will be affected by it.
Also, they will not be producing new babies because they will be infertile.
So all this is connected, of course, with the vaccines.
People will suddenly die and all that.
We already know that.
But then we have the cyber warfare for those people who have resisted and who rely on the internet we need to find alternative means of communicating
and also alternative means of creating our own networks, internet networks, because
that's going to be very important.
First they say we're not essential to shut off small businesses, next they're going to shut off
all the other small businesses that are online only letting big tech survive to consolidate
power. It's very simple. Yes and you show the cyber polygon.
That was on the 9th of July, a very important moment for the New World Order, as well as what went on in the week prior to that in Sun Valley in Idaho.
Well, let's come back and talk about Sun Valley, Idaho.
Give me the floor.
And then exactly why do they declare their attacks first before they do them?
Because exactly.
First they declare everybody non-essential, shut down their competition, consolidate power.
Now they're going to say, oh, everybody else is shut down, can only go to our websites.
So how do you get around that?
Because obviously that is their endgame.
Leo Zagami, leozagami.com.
Leo is the lion.
L-E-O Zagami.
Leo Zagami, all his books can be found there.
This guy knows what he is talking about.
And we are steaming right into this.
We've got to get ready.
I'm listening to him because I'm getting ready for my family, folks.
We tried to stop this, but the enemies launched their attack.
This is the Antichrist takeover.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and I've been asking a lot of questions.
He's making a lot of key points, but Leo Zegami is an expert on world government, an expert on what's unfolding, and he was just laying out bombshell Information about the three next attacks we're going to see.
We're already in the middle of the biological attack.
And what's crazy is the Davos group admits all this.
So I'm going to try to shut up the next 30 minutes.
The next 25 minutes, you have the floor.
Leo Zagami, lay it out for him.
Yes, you said it.
Davos is actually trying to find also ways of brainwashing people lately.
They have been working closely with psychiatrists, with psychologists.
They're finding ways of really brainwashing the masses to their own version of reality, which includes, of course, this cyber-polygon which we've been discussing, which was a rehearsal of the future that unfortunately expect us when we're going to have these massive blackouts of the Internet.
Things are going to go really wrong if you rely too much on this technology.
So that's why I said earlier, we need to find new means of communications or new means of creating an alternative to the main Internet network.
And that can be done because it was done during the Arab Well, I said you got the floor, but explain.
They admit they love to brag.
Why do they love to brag, A, and then, B, they tell us they're going to end the internet for everybody else but them, so you've got to go to them online to buy things.
It's a simple consolidation.
How do we fight that?
Well, we fighted by creating our own alternative networks.
There is a way.
It was experimented during the Arab Springs.
You can use an antenna and then pass it on to the next antenna and then to the next one and create like this an alternative to the main internet.
That could be possible.
Of course, we need to have some technological advice from people who are experts on the matter.
But aside from that, we need to have our own grown food, our own animals.
We don't need to rely so much on the general distribution.
We have seen what has happened when the hackers have attacked the meat distribution, for example.
So that is just a touch of what's going to happen next.
And this is going to bring a major chaos and disruption.
Then gradually they are forcing people in accepting the possibility of a vaccine passport.
But we said that is the initial stage for the eventual and final mark of the beast, which will be Like we always said, and you said it for many years too, a microchip.
But then we have the nuclear situation, which of course is going to become a big problem.
There is going to be certain areas which are going to be affected both by the so-called dirty bombs, which are quite easy to create for terrorist networks, which of course work for the New World Order, And then we have, of course, frontal attacks with nuclear missiles like the one which is prospected by China that has threatened Japan.
When you are using the nuclear, you are, of course, creating a damage which will stay there for hundreds of years.
So we are preparing really for a grim reality.
But we can, like I said, isolate ourselves.
And the first thing is to walk out of the cities, because all cities regardless who is governing them, will become eventually
smart cities.
And I've been saying this for a long time.
Everything that they deem, they call smart, is actually satanic.
Your phone is smart?
No, it's satanic.
Your car is smart?
No, it's satanic.
Anything that they deem as smart is actually...
Smart means surveillance, rip-off, oppression, slavery.
And the dependency from Satan, which ultimately is the one behind all of it, and his legion,
this demonic reality which transcends our own terrestrial reality, also in other dimensions.
So, Satan, in his last stage, which was described, of course, in the Book of Revelation, which you also cited, It is very important to understand that we have to avoid all this, but the moment in which we have accepted the vaccine, the moment in which we accept this green pass, this vaccine passport, we are basically at that point going into the mark of the beast and there is no going back.
There's no way back from that point onwards.
So we will become less and less.
who want to fight this war. It's going to become increasingly difficult. They're going
to make it like in Europe, we will not be able to go to the bars, to the restaurants
and then suddenly to the supermarkets.
Which is exactly what the Bible tells us, which in a way is incredibly positive that
it's all happening just like we were told it would.
Because God gives us free will, but I know it's also predestined.
God already knows the outcome, but we were given free will.
Is there any way to escape it being as bad as the Bible says if we were to do the right thing?
Or is that all predestined?
I mean, how do you work with free will, but then it's still going to happen?
Because we can see it happening very quick now.
Well, we have still, until the end, our own will.
Our choice is going to be made increasingly difficult.
We're going to be lured into accepting this compromise.
We're going to be saying, it's no big deal, it's no big deal.
But in the end, once you do that small step, then it becomes a giant step.
And then there is, like I said, no way back.
So the only solution is creating this smaller community using, of course, the fact, like you mentioned earlier, the religious exemption, because we can definitely use that as a way to oppose this tyranny.
But then we have countries where that is not possible any longer.
And those countries are the countries which don't have weapons.
For example, Europe.
They don't have any weapons.
They can't defend themselves.
They have no sovereignty.
They don't have the possibility of defending themselves from the police, from the army, and it is actually the army in Italy, there is a general and there is an army that goes around with soldiers, house by house, to vaccinate people in remote areas.
So, and they come there fully dressed as militaries.
They don't knock on the door here like the Jehovah's Witnesses or Joe Biden.
There is more military, the whole thing.
And of course, we have Kamala Harris, which is now abusing the Bible, saying herself that it's a Christian thing.
It's a godly thing to accept.
The vaccine is in the Bible for Kamala Harris.
Imagine that.
So they are really proposing this whole thing as a sort of religion.
Camillari said that the church that was formerly frequented by Martin Luther King, where Martin Luther King used to preach, now is a vaccination center.
I mean, that really says it all.
All they're saying is, we're going to give you eternal life.
With these injections, we're gonna basically, like Christ and the church is the bride and groom, they're literally saying, we're gonna have genetic intercourse with you.
It's very, very biblical, very satanic.
Absolutely and of course we have also the fact that they want to encourage this transgenderism, this gender fluidity and they want to make sure that there is less and less people interested in creating a traditional family because of course the traditional family means producing babies and They don't want you to produce any babies.
They want you to reject all that, live your life.
They also don't want the loyalty that comes from a man and woman having a child.
They don't want that ritual.
Is it that, other than giving your heart to the Holy Spirit, is it the man and woman coming together, creating a child, the ultimate ritual?
Absolutely, and the family is in itself a sacred unity that we create in front of God, no matter which religion you are affiliated to.
Unfortunately now there is a priest, for example, in Germany there has been a whole debacle
with the Vatican regarding the fact that some priests have been marrying gay couples and
that this implies really the church recognizing and not only recognizing but actually marrying
gay couples, which is in itself an absurdity, not because the gay couples is something wrong
maybe in the eyes of the ordinary person but in the eyes of a church which has certain
values and of course sticks to the tradition and the Holy Scriptures, they should be coherent
with what they are doing.
Well it's a ritual, it's a ritual, the two dudes aren't having a child.
Stan let's talk about Leo Zagami straight ahead.
Leo Zagami is our guest, he's amazing, I want to invite him to be with us 15 minutes
to the next hour, then open your phones up for the rest of the fourth hour and hit the
Southern News I haven't gotten to.
But before we get into your books, I want you to talk about those, you're a shy guy,
you never promote your own work but it's very important, I've read most of your books, I
think you've got a new one out you just mentioned I haven't read yet.
What is Satan's goal?
For folks that don't get why this is happening, why evil's pushing, why it wants to hurt good, what is wrong with Satan?
I know we're supposed to just love God and understand God, but people need to, I think, also understand that they're not like Satan.
They're fallen, sure, they're not perfect, but they're not trying to serve evil.
From your research, who is Satan, what is Satan, and what does Satan want?
Satan and his legion want our soul.
So they want a soulless society.
That's why the ultimate incarnation of Satan will be achieved in 2030, after these three stages which I have described.
Then there will be the materialization of Satan and Cyber-Satan.
The Artificial Intelligence will have matured to the next stage, and at that point, together with the robots, The robots, the robotic part of our society, which is increasing more and more, then they will dominate this planet.
And that will be the beast, is this giant robot system that has wonders and medical cures and everything.
And at that point it will be very difficult to oppose such a system if we are not well prepared to fight.
Because a robot cell will spring up in a month and it'll just be giving you medicine, food, everything, but it wants you to do something.
Yes, that's why I go back to what I said earlier.
Leave the big cities.
Don't live in big cities because those cities, wherever they are, they are doomed.
Because their plan is to be transformed in a controlled system.
And of course, the artificial intelligence.
You just showed the image of 2001 Space Odyssey.
And people don't really know this, but Stanley Kubrick made actually an extra 20 minutes of this film that were never put out.
They were supposed to be like the presentation of the film.
The initial 20 minutes was him interviewing a Jesuit, a rabbi, And these people talk with him about alien, of course, the origin, the alien origins of humanity.
Shockingly, they also talk about the dangers of artificial intelligence, which manifest, of course, in the film 2001 Space Odyssey.
By the way, where did you learn about that?
Because I know Vivian Kubrick, who's his daughter, she told me some stuff privately.
Where were you told that?
If you go on the internet and you google this, there is this part of the film which has not come out, but you can see the transcript.
Yeah, the transcript of it.
You can find it on the internet.
It's very interesting because at that time, of course, the people who were bringing out this film, they thought it would be too much to give all this kind of information.
Also because, of course, when you are showing Jesuits, Rabbis and other people, scientists talking, this will have given even more credibility To a film that was already a milestone of not only of the cinematic culture, but I think much more than that.
It was definitely a spiritual announcement.
It was a big deal.
So what happened here in 2019, we had, for example, Event 201 with the John Hopkins, Bill and Melinda Gates, and all these people.
Then they went in November, just when they did this Event 201, they went to the Vatican.
They went to the Vatican, there was a specific meeting in the Vatican, and then they kick-started the pandemic, and now, of course, we, like I said earlier, we are at the next stage.
And that stage involves more and more the artificial intelligence, which, of course, is one of the reasons why we have also this pandemic.
This pandemic is meant to feed the artificial intelligence, the cyber-satan, with data.
You see, the cyber Satan needs, it's like a vampire that feeds itself.
It wants to play God.
It needs to be given artificial, low-level omnipresence.
Well, but it needs also our data, our information on everything on this planet, so then they can eventually manifest the ultimate cyber-Satan.
And at that point, they can work on the next stage after that, which is transhumanism, the merger of man with machine.
So what is the promise that gets these globalists to believe?
Get rid of humanity, you merge the machines, you live forever.
Because they admit that's the plan.
Aren't they thinking maybe this is a scam?
Get rid of my body and you'll empower me?
For example, Google has just bought out Boston Dynamics.
They are working together with robotics because that's going to be their army.
You showed Elon Musk.
He's been working, of course, as we all know, on a computer brain interface, but also on an internet that surrounds this planet with many satellites.
So this computer brain interface is going to create an army of Transhuman people, because at that point you are not really any longer a human.
You are a human connected with the artificial intelligence.
So who are we talking with here?
When we're going to be talking with somebody who has this computer brain interface, we're no longer going to be talking with the guy we have in front of us.
Maybe we are talking with something else.
And that is really scary, because we're going to have also these hybrids.
So it's not only the robots, but also these men who will be like hybrids mixed already with the machine.
And all this, of course... What about cyborgs?
What about hybrids?
And what about the genetic engineering side of this?
What about the genetic engineering?
That is racing ahead.
I mean, they're admitting human-animal clones now in the 60s.
Of course, it's all going on mostly in China because there they can conduct all the experiments that they can conduct here in the West.
So, here we have supposedly some ethic and moral rules.
So, like Dr. Anthony Fauci with his gain-of-function research, everything is moved to China.
And China, of course, is the dragon of the apocalypse, which was of course discussed.
in this text.
So the figure of the dragon is really representative and together with the beast they constitute really the last phase.
But the last phase of course is also the return into the picture of this messianic figure that is supposedly going to oppose all this and with a minority of people who have resisted and who of course we can say are true Christians They will be able to generate the society of the future.
The other people, unfortunately, will be in one way or another doomed and their lives will end in a very sad way, unfortunately.
Well, Leo, it's not my job to cause a lack of faith.
We see the big churches getting in line with Satan.
But why do the Satanists, why do the Luciferians follow God's system and actually fulfill it while they think they're still going to win?
Is that a great delusion?
Well, for example, we discussed the fact that the Catholic Church is taking away the Latin mass, but the Satanists are bringing it back.
They actually have brought back Latin in their rituals.
They are here to create the society of tomorrow.
We see it In the billboards that the Satanic Temple is placing all over the United States promoting abortion as a ritual, they are selling us basically the birth of a baby like making a cake.
They say it's no big deal.
Making a baby is just like making a cake.
So you're just adding some ingredients and putting them together.
So that is really what... Again, devaluing ourselves, not standing up for ourselves.
How obvious is that?
They want us alone.
They want us weak.
That is so evil.
That is very evil.
And of course, the Satanic Temple is the last part of this evolution that started in 1966, the year zero of modern Satanism, with the foundation of the Church of Satan.
Then in the middle of the 70s, we had the Satanic Temple of Set with Michael Aquino.
That was the second stage.
He went on Oprah Winfrey.
He kind of mingled a little bit with celebrities, with the New Age.
And then In 2012, 2013, the last stage.
Satanism becomes political, starts to lobby, and becomes the satanic temple, which is basically... And you said, I remember you were on my show 10 years ago, you said, soon they'll be lobbying, they'll be in your government, and now they're openly saying, it is our religious sacrament to kill babies, which it's always been.
unfortunately that's a joke when you get into the killing of babies you wave
your connection the Holy Spirit the devil gets you can you explain it to
people briefly like when you do that you cut God off you cut God off and this
this whole ritual which is also the pandemic is now symbolized in this
designer who has made a bride wedding dress made out of damp face mask
That is also satanic.
This is a satanic ritual that we are living, unfortunately, every day around us.
Oppression is part of it, and we simply have to obey.
All right, Leo Zagami, you have 15 more minutes, whether it's also about your books, What you see coming next, amazing.
Leo Zegami is always informative, but boy is he on target.
Hour number four, then a bunch of news and your phone calls.
Coming up, I'm Alex Jones.
Well, make no mistake, everybody trying to sit on the fence, you're not going to be able to do that much longer.
We're in a major time of change.
The globalists say they're about to destroy civilization.
Klaus Schwab says it all.
Why do they metaphysically, Leo Zagami, we've got a short segment, one more segment with you, and then I want you to cover your own points, but my question to you, last question I have right now is, why do they metaphysically need to tell us what they're going to do to us?
Well, why do they do that?
Well, it's a sort of pre-programming, you know, of what we are about to be subject to.
They are not really shy of saying what is coming up because they have been programming us all along and the masses are already ready to receive whatever is their next message because they have, of course, they have been in control of Hollywood, they have been in control of the newspapers, of the various media.
And now we have, of course, the incentive, which is a government like, for example, the
Joe Biden government, which is open to censorship.
And for them, this is very important because that means no voices of dissent will be allowed.
And now they want to rediscuss Section 230.
It's all about basically silencing the opposition and going forward with their own version of reality.
But also there is the satanic possession.
The satanic possession, they are literally possessing more and more people.
During the pandemic, we had an increase in the demands for exorcism in the Catholic Church.
People locked up in their houses are facing not only their own demons,
but they are facing demons, demons that are grabbing them through modern technology.
That is something that I've been discussing in this book, Volume 6.66, is the fact that the demonic uses these days your computer, uses basically the internet To get into your house and then of course possess those people who are weak.
And unfortunately the pandemic has made a lot of people weak.
So that is what is happening here.
We have an increase in demonic possessions because Satan wants your soul and wants to grab it in one way or the other.
And then the Vatican is not protecting you from all this.
They actually at the beginning of the crisis said, No, there is less people who are possessed.
People should stay in their homes.
They shouldn't really meet with priests because it's dangerous.
So they have not really been supporting Jesus or God in the fight against the devil.
They've been supporting instead this guy, Klaus Schwab, and the whole Davos posse together with Prince Charles and the elite.
That wants us exterminated because, as you remember, the father of Prince Charles once said that he wanted to come back as a virus to destroy part of the world.
He said a particularly deadly virus that could kill any person in the world.
Yes, so he died, but he died of course after this pandemic starts.
But we know already there is new pandemic, new viruses that are monkeypox and many other things that are being prepared for us in the future.
So the bacteriological warfare is ongoing and unfortunately the normality we used to have will only be possible in our own communities where we will say Screw off this mask, we are free of living our life, but in mainstream society, they will be masked for the next thousand years.
That's their intention.
It's not the mask for the next two or three years.
They will be masked forever.
And you said that on the show a year ago, and now they've announced it is forever, covering up the human face made in the image of God.
I want to ask you to close in the next two minutes, when we come back in one minute.
It makes the Muslims very happy, yeah?
It makes them happy, the fact that the woman covers herself now.
And the man, too!
Now, exactly.
It's all... It's all... I look bad.
I have all the burgers running around.
So, we'll come back in 60 seconds.
If Satan had his way, what would the world look like?
We know he comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but we'll talk about that in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
Well, Leo Zagami is a best-selling author and a friend of mine.
In 2006, he decided to walk out of what he perceived as the criminal side of the New World Order.
Tsugami is still, at present, a Grand Master of the Ordo.
And he goes through the whole Masonic lodge he was in, who are considered to be the good side of the Vatican Illuminati.
In 2006, he started a small blog concentrating his direct involvement in the New World Order and the Secret Societies, commonly known as the Illuminati.
Zagami is the author of 12 published books based on a variety of subjects from a variety of the Secret Societies and the Vatican to geopolitical matters concerning the New World Order.
Zagami now appears regularly on popular Italian TV shows and others around the world, leozagami.com.
I don't know about him at least since then, but tell us about your new book and just other key points you want to finish up the next nine minutes.
Well, first of all, I want to just correct the fact that I'm no longer the Grandmaster since I had to leave Italy.
I had to also leave my position because it was sincerely impossible to find a good side to Freemasonry and a good side within the Illuminati that will really fight... Sir, that's an old bio I read.
I apologize, yeah.
Well, I would say, yes, it should be updated to what has happened since 2019.
As you know, I had to leave Italy because I was persecuted.
They want to arrest me.
And now I'm, of course, I've relocated here in the United States of America, where I'm trying to survive, still warning people, even if the censorship is increasing, about what has been happening.
Because people like me, you have been doing this for a long time.
Satan wants a It's a very robotic world.
Satan and Cyber-Satan, like I call him in my book, is basically going to manifest ultimately through the artificial intelligence.
But people are fighting with each other when the real enemy here is what is going to happen next, when robots and artificial intelligence will take over.
There is not going to be any longer a human enemy to face, but it's going to be something truly evil that is also impossible even to imagine nowadays because we don't have the capabilities of even imagine.
Of course, science fiction has done many movies about it.
Terminator and all that.
But I think that the future is going to be even worse than any science fiction.
He's got a cover and spray dust on us that goes into our cerebral cortex and our brainstem and just takes us over.
Yes, and they want to take us over, but first of all they want to weaken us also in our human relations, because, for example, they have been discussing over and over again what is dividing us.
This critical race theory is all about dividing us.
That's why the race relations between black and white are hitting an all-time low at the moment.
When in reality, we are all part of the same human race, and we all face the same enemy in the years to come.
Let's expand on that.
If we weren't made in the image of God, what would Satan try to do with us?
Why does Satan want to make us ugly, dumb us down, poison us, and kill us, but first make us turn from God, so I guess Satan gets the soul, gets the free will that angers God.
Is that what it is?
Yes, but Satan also knows that this is his last possibility.
And it's unfortunately manifesting in front of our eyes.
So for us, living in the year 2021 now, it seems almost impossible that we will be winning this war.
That's why That's why I ask all our viewers to have more faith in God.
To have more faith and to find again the Holy Spirit that can guide them through these difficult times.
And try also to help those people who, of course, have to have a lot of psychological problems with what is going on.
Sure, so what would God's endgame be versus the devil's endgame?
The devil had complete free reign.
What would that look like?
Well, of course, we know that the end game for God is to reflect upon the self the kingdom of God.
So already the phrase itself gives us an annunciation of things to come.
It's not going to be a democracy, it's going to be a kingdom.
This is going to be a little bit difficult to digest, but I will say that aside from this great republic in which we stand, created in 1776, Most of the other forms of democracy have failed.
The kingdom... But the French Revolution was a devilish creation.
Definitely a diabolic creation, also because it was in France that Satanism evolved before any other country in the world.
Approximately five centuries ago, with Katharina de' Medici, she celebrated, and she was the ruler of France, the first black mass.
And this is something else that I also talk in my books about extensively.
Well, here you go.
We're going to be more segments.
Tell us, explain to us why they worship Satan, why they would have knowledge that God's real
but choose Satan.
People now see Macron giving very strict and stringent laws, but Macron is coming from
this tradition.
Macron is itself a member of the Grand Orient de France.
Grand Orient de France is a schismatic body of Freemasonry that from 1877 abandoned the belief in God and opened up to basically to all the atheists.
You are showing Caterina de' Medici, that by the way was also connected with Nostradamus.
She was the one who wanted to save her kingdom by using black magic, and she wanted to also save her child that had some sickness.
So what she did, she celebrated on Black Mass, that sacrificed a baby.
So basically, she wanted to use this great evil in order to save her kingdom.
So that already shows you that... And that's why everything's based on pedophilia or hurting children, because that's the energy that Satan demands.
And then this satanism that grew and grew in France then manifested ultimately in this revolution.
This revolution that, of course, people would say there was a king that was not in touch with the people and all that.
But Lenin and all them admitted it.
The French Revolution is where they got communism.
Absolutely, because the Illuminati, there was a guy from Italy, Filippo Boarotti, he came from Italy, he left Tuscany to participate to the French Revolution, was made a French citizen, and if you go in his Wikipedia, you can find that Filippo Boarotti, he was basically inspirational for Karl Marx.
So Karl Marx... Hold on, hold on!
If you could do more time doing this, I'm going to give you the floor like I've been doing.
I want you to come back the next time and give us a brief 10-minute history of the Illuminati.
But stop there.
Tell folks, because I've read a bunch of your books.
I've not read your new book.
I want to get a copy.
Maybe we should carry it at InfoWarsware.com.
But where do we get your new book?
Spend a few minutes on what your new book covers.
Well, my new books, I have Volume 6.66, which we discussed.
I have also Volume 4, which is a very important book because here I talk about... Yeah, I read that one.
That's good, yeah.
And then, of course, I have a new edition of Volume 5, which I have basically...
He rewrote adding 120 pages based also on this pandemic and why it's so important for the new world order.
So there is a plan.
The plan, of course, we know was announced.
Nobody believed in this plan coming into fruition.
But now that it's coming into fruition, we have to find a Also the solutions.
That's a good thing that we are doing here today.
We are trying to give the solution.
We're trying to tell the ordinary folk how he should protect himself from all this.
And the main thing is to understand that the Illuminati is not a myth, a legend.
It's a reality.
When I talk about Filippo Buonarroti, you can actually go and George Washington wrote letters against the Illuminati and the French Revolution, even though some would say he was the head of the Illuminati.
So you can see there's an illuminated group, then there's the false Illuminati, and that gets people confused.
Let's come back from break and explain all that to people.
Leo Zegami.
How do people find the books again?
Is that the best place?
Just go there or Google it and you will find a way to find my books.
I want to read the new ones because I read the other books.
All right, we're going to come back and we're going to hit on the Illuminati.
What is it?
What's its goal?
How do we stop it?
We know with Christ, that's how we do it.
He's going to leave us in 10 minutes and I'm going to hit... I haven't hit this...
This other news on this universal eternal cell line news.
I mean, this is real.
Cells that never die.
It's one dead black lady and one dead white kid that have this.
We'll be right back.
So, Leo Zagami, our guest here on the Alex Jones Show in the fourth hour, is explaining the Illuminati is a real historic thing.
It's not a thing that's on movies or in cartoons.
It's a real thing.
What is the Illuminati?
Everything with Satan is an inversion.
They claim they're illuminated, but Christ illuminates, truth illuminates, God illuminates.
But Satan was the light bearer, so kind of held that position for God.
So in a way, it's not even really a counterfeit.
It's that that was his sub-job, and he lost that position.
That's why he can masquerade as an angel of light.
So Leo Zagano, give us a little brief history of the Illuminati, because you have been a real member of one of its main arms.
People say, "Well, but how dare him?"
Well, we had the thief and the murderer on the cross with Christ.
One of them believed in God and the other didn't.
I mean, so you've worked through your works.
You've done a good job.
Anybody that looks at you and says, well, he was part of this.
It came out of it.
Well, they're obviously not really a real Christian because we need whistleblowers.
We need people that have joined evil to come out of it.
You didn't do it consciously, but you realize it was bad later.
Like Saul on the road to Damascus becoming Paul.
Please continue.
Anybody can be saved.
We see it with that great guy I like very much, Michael Lindell.
So anybody really can be saved, believe me.
Regarding the Illuminati, the Order of the Illuminati, as we know, it was born in 1776.
And this guy, Filippo Buonarroti, joined it and he wrote a book that became the quintessential text for all the revolutionaries.
This book came out in 1828, is known as The History of Babu, Conspiracy of Equals.
It basically proposes a strategy that will revolutionize society by stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism, and finally to communism.
So that's why I want to introduce to our viewers this figure, Filippo Buonarroti, because he is deemed as very important by the Illuminati up to this day, and he's part of the problem that we are living, unfortunately, Out of their false revolutions always becomes an emperor.
joined the Jacobin club and was a friend of Napoleon Bonaparte, who by the way then nominated
himself emperor.
So I mean the French have a lot of...
Out of their false revolutions always becomes an emperor.
That was the Illuminati's plan under Adam Weisshaupt, as you know, was to get rid of
all the other orders and bring in an absolute tyranny.
Yes, and of course then we have this tinnery going one step further.
In 1877, the Grand Orient of France abandoned completely God.
People like Lenin and Trotsky became involved.
Lenin and Trotsky then experimented, of course, this tyranny in the Soviet Union and became inspirational for what became then the early stages of the Chinese Communist Party, which started their long struggle to achieve then in 1949 power and create, of course, what we have nowadays.
So this is all part of a history that is To be studied in detail because in Russia, for example, there was an infernal club that was a little bit like the Hellfire Clubs that we had here in this part, well, in Europe.
So, Lenin himself was an Illuminati, was the creator of something called the Grand Orient of the Russian people, and the Grand Orient of the Russian people substituted the Christian form of Freemasonry which was present in Russia until then.
Because in Russia they used to practice basically what is known as the Swedish Rite, which derives from a Christian form of Freemasonry.
That Christian form of Freemasonry had to be abolished.
And at that point, he welcomed something different.
Something different that, of course, has now taken over the world.
That's why it's so important what Macron is doing in France, because Macron and France are linked to that Polaire Lodge, which was the first lodge from abroad that was granted permission to reopen once the Soviet Union ended.
Tell us about George Washington's view.
He was a Mason Scottish Rite, but he spoke out against the Illuminati, said they were Satanists.
So what was the schism before then?
Because I think Washington meant to be a Christian.
I don't think he was a bad person.
So why was he criticizing the Illuminati when he was obviously part of something similar?
There is here a misconception.
He wasn't really a Scottish Rite Freemason because the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite started in 1805 with the establishment of... That's right.
He was never even let in of the British Royals.
He was actually fighting them.
But yes, so he was actually in a form of Freemasonry that predates the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and is actually more Christian.
So what happened with George Washington is that he had a Christian imprint, a Christian version of Freemasonry that he wanted to promote.
That's why he was critical of the Illuminati that were trying instead to destroy that form of Freemasonry.
And in 1782 they managed in a way to subvert Freemasonry thanks to... Well the word is that that European arm actually through the first psychiatrist murdered George Washington is what they say.
That's possible.
I don't know about that, but I know that George Washington is regarded in high esteem by Freemasonry.
Myself, when I was a member of Kirby Lodge 2818 in London, I was always there admiring this beautiful painting that sits right inside the headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England.
And so... The point is, there's good and evil in every organization, but some are foul of evil, some are foul of good.
Alex, unfortunately though, I have to really admit, and it's very sudden this for me, that freemasonry in this country today has been taken over by satanists.
The Grand Lodge of California, for example, requires you to get a vaccine to go and attend a lodge meeting.
They actually have two officers between your entrance.
And this is absolutely insane.
So here we have also a former... Oh, the International Museum of Human Rights talking about satire becoming true is now saying you must have an injection to go into it.
Yeah, and here the former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California is openly criticizing President Donald J. Trump.
Conservatives are basically being gethicized all over in various Grand Lodges.
This didn't happen only in California, but also in New Mexico, in the Grand Lodge of New York.
Conservatives are being ethicized by an institution which itself has to do with the very foundation of the United States.
So Americans shouldn't take sides with the Democrat Party.
Instead, this is what is happening, unfortunately.
So I personally have stopped going in Masonic lodges since I came to the conclusion that
here in the United States they have been taken over by Satanists. Here in
California for example the Horde of Tempiorientis has taken over some of the lodges.
So George Washington's fight to keep the Illuminati taking over Masonry was lost
probably right after he died.
Yeah, unfortunately that's, I have to admit, you're completely right.
And that is also what I tried to explain in this book, Volume 5, of My Confessions.
I'd love to have you and your wife back, go to dinner with my wife here in Austin, Texas.
Leo, come on sooner.
I know you're busy.
You come on The War Room a lot, other shows.
Incredible job, amazing interview.
And thank you so much, leozugami.com.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Alex, and let's pray for America, and let's pray for America.
Absolutely, I pray right now.
All right, thank you.
All right, I got a bunch of breaking news and stuff I haven't covered yet.
We'll hit when we come back.
There goes Leo Zegami.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Thank you, Leo.
Finally, nothing matters.
High noon.
Planetary Bombshell.
Director of COVID-19 Vaccine Program says Pfizer injection erases immune system.
You already played that in the first and second hour.
Now here we are in hour number four.
I got a bunch of clips I want to get to and a bunch of breaking news, but man, I tell you, my job is so easy to prove tyranny now.
I just want people motivated to say no to it because most people are like, give in to tyranny, it'll leave you alone.
That's not how this works.
The more you give in, the worse it gets.
And, you know, a lot of people are going to listen.
A lot of folks aren't going to listen.
But when folks' back is up against the wall, and their backs are literally shoved up against the wall, when you've got that Communist firing squad about to kill your ass, or you watch your neighbors get killed, you're going to know there's nothing to do but to fight at that point.
I'd rather fight intellectually, economically, culturally, spiritually right now, before you've got to do it physically.
Once the veneer of civilization peels off, that's pretty easy to deal with too, isn't it?
I just feel sorry for everybody that's scared to die.
I feel really sorry for you.
And I also feel sorry for all the millions of the system that are going to be crying for their mommies before it's all over.
Let's go ahead and...
Let's go to a really important report.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is an Orthodox, ultra-Orthodox, they call him, Jew, and he follows the Old Testament.
He's the guy that treated thousands of people and cured them all with hydroxychloroquine.
He was the first, a year and a half ago, to first expose it.
And here he was with Dr. Joseph Mercola in a two-minute clip, knocking it out of the park, saying, what type of psychopath, what type of sociopath, Brags about how you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, but he'll have everything.
Here it is.
Well, you'd have to be irrational or psychotic, I would think.
Either one works.
So, and then let me continue, if I can.
And then if you look at another scary individual, his name is Klaus Schwab.
He's the Founder of the World Economic Forum.
And people may not know of him, but he's very influential.
He wrote the book COVID-19, The Great Reset.
That's where the term The Great Reset became so popular.
And in 2016, in a French interview, by the way, everything I'm saying is documented and could be seen and people could come to their own conclusions.
Don't make the same mistake and just take my word for it.
That's what you've done with the government.
Take my words and vet them, make sure that I'm not psychotic or nuts, and make sure that what I'm saying is in line with truth, and then make your decisions.
So in 2016, Klaus Schwab made an announcement that within 10 years, all of humanity will be tagged with an identifier.
And then, if you look at the UN 2030 plan, which was crafted by the World Economic Forum, says the following.
America will no longer be a superpower.
That's their stated agenda.
Then my favorite is, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy.
You won't eat any meat.
Fossil fuels will be prohibited.
There'll be a billion refugees which will have to be integrated into your societies and other stuff like that.
So, my question is, what kind of sociopath feels entitled to make a statement like, you will own nothing and you will be happy?
What entitles this type of individual or group of individuals to think that way?
Well, they believe that they're enlightened far beyond the average human or subhuman.
And that is actually going on right now, and the root of it is a war against God.
They believe they're enlightened way beyond the average human or subhuman.
He doesn't call us subhuman, he says they call us subhuman.
And that's what this is.
Uber mentioned.
This is where Hitler got his ideas.
This is not Hitlerian.
Hitler was just one branch of this.
And so, let's talk about that.
Yeah, the communists take over South Africa.
They break it up.
They foment racial collapse.
Now there's almost no food, no water.
Hundreds of thousands of the virgin starvation.
Millions have already died in Africa from the lockdowns.
And the left is praising this as progress.
Here's a clip at the grocery stores now in South Africa where you wait 2-3 hours to be able to get a few items.
Here it is.
Only one member of the family can come into the store.
Only five payments will be accepted.
Please make sure that you have your bank card with you.
Only 20 items for baskets.
have asked it, only 15 minutes to shop.
No exchange refunds will be allowed, no cashbacks or withdrawals will be allowed.
So it's all an exercise in tyranny, and if we would stay closed,
we'd still be closed like France or Australia.
It's because we didn't put up with it in red areas, not that we're perfect, that it got taken off, but they're trying to bring it back.
And Dana White did like a 7-8 minute interview on Fox News.
And it's like, oh, you survived the pandemic.
Thank God you reopened.
Look at the real statistics.
This killed less than the flu, ladies and gentlemen.
But here's Dana White, who is a trailblazer with leadership, getting everything else open from baseball to basketball, you name it, just by saying, screw this, and being one corporate leader against all the others that bucked the system and got attacked.
Now he's making record profits.
Now he's successful.
That's an example of leadership.
Here it is.
...on the broadcast before and now.
Do you worry when you look around this country, and you bleed red, white, and blue, that we're losing the charge, the energy, the fight to be successful no matter what we do?
Are we losing that?
Yeah, I think we are, to be honest with you.
I don't know, I've never seen anything like it.
It's blown my mind.
But you know what?
Everybody that's slowing down, everybody that is afraid, or whatever their reason is for not wanting to get back to work, not wanting to run their business, not wanting to get back to normal in full capacity, I'll run you all over.
I'll run you over.
Right, and that should be the attitude of the 22-year-old to the 32-year-old.
If people are going to sit on the sideline, that's an opportunity.
No one ever gave you anything.
Absolutely right.
There's never been more opportunity out there than there is right now.
I keep hearing about restaurants that can't open all the way because they can't get people to come into work.
You can't get an Uber because nobody wants to go back and drive Uber.
It's a very weird time in this country right now.
People need to get back to work and things need to get back to normal as soon as possible.
Which is all just common sense.
The big box stores, the big internet stores, they don't want you to ever open.
They want their competition out.
They're the ones that first shut down a year and a half ago.
They're now lobbying for things to shut down.
In fact, I've got the group that's behind trying to make three-year-olds wear masks.
Guess who's behind it?
I'll tell you in the next segment.
But here's an important clip.
Here's Dr. Lena Nguyen, the Chi Com operative.
On CNN saying, mask for all.
Here it is.
If there is proof of vaccination and everybody is fully vaccinated, then you can take off your mask.
It's time for us to reinstate some of these masking mandates while in the meantime, ideally aiming for proof of vaccination so that we can really boost our vaccination numbers.
Because they want to put you back through the first trauma of having to put it back on again.
They want to keep torturing you.
None of it's about your safety.
She's the same one that wants forced inoculations.
This woman is a monster.
And they sit up there with their corporate talking points thinking that you are a complete idiot.
When we come back, I've got a bunch of articles I want to hit in the final segment.
The Knowing Shore with The War Room is coming up today on this live July 21st, Wednesday broadcast.
Please don't forget we're listed as supported.
A lot of sales are about to end.
We have X2, the deep earth halogen iodine that's so good for your body, your immune system, it's selling out.
But it's still discounted 40% off, so please support the broadcast.
Wow, so much big news breaking here at the end of the transmission.
I'm honored to be here, honored to be your host, thankful for all of you tuning in.
The fact that you care and you're involved is the main hope this planet's got, because God is shining through you.
Well, Senator Rand Paul isn't just calling for criminal investigations of Fauci, caught red-handed, lying about getting a function.
We've played those clips here.
But we now have Rand Paul Fauci intimidate scientists from contradicting him because he controls all the funding, and I've got a great example of that in a moment.
but he controls all the funding. So people are deathly afraid of him. Researchers will not speak
out. Why have there not been other scientists? I get letters from scientists all the time. You can
find them. They're very distrustful of what he's saying.
They don't think he's making sense. They don't think he's reading the science accurately, but they're
afraid to speak out because many of them are university science and they depend on NIH funds.
And to cross him means it's the last money you'll ever get. So by the way... Now, I heard
earlier congressional hearing from six years ago Fauci admitting gain of function.
We have him at the gain of function conference he put on, promoting gain of function in a moment, perjuring himself before Congress just again yesterday.
But first, Rand Paul's right.
Look at the Zero Hedge article.
Is this why?
Child doctors group suddenly demanded all children under the age of two or over the age of two wear a mask?
Is this why the pediatricians said all children over two wear a mask?
Guess who's funding it?
It is Pfizer!
American Academy of Pediatrics main supporter, Pfizer.
Wants your children still wearing masks so they can scare everyone into injecting them with a vaccine that isn't a vaccine that lowers their immunity so that they'll be addicted to Pfizer for life.
This is beyond giving people opioids.
I'm glad they've indicted companies that, you know, came out with the Oxycontin.
How about we indict Pfizer and Fauci and Bill Gates, who of course sells you the McDonald's food, the Monsanto, the cigarettes.
That's all legal and lawful, but pushing poison vaccines is not.
I say arrest Bill Gates.
So, here is Fauci at that Gain of Function conference I was talking about in 2012 that he now says he knows nothing about.
Anyway, so let me just go on about NIH lifts funding pause on gain-of-function research.
So let me explain this a little, because whenever this comes out, there's always the pushing back and forth from the press.
So, like, NIH now is going to do dangerous research.
As a matter of fact, it's exactly the opposite.
So a framework has been now established to guide funding decisions on proposed research that might be anticipated to create, transfer, or use enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.
The program, everybody has to have a neat little name to it.
This is called P3CO.
So if you hear about P3CO, it's Potential Pandemic Preparedness Care and Oversight.
Now, why is this different from everything else we've been doing?
It's different because remember the trouble we used to get in when someone would do an experiment?
They would submit it to a journal and just as it's getting ready to go out, everybody would start scrambling around, should we be publishing, should it not?
So we decided to go upstream from that and talk about decisions that are made by government funded.
Remember, we have no control over things that are not funded by the government.
But in government-funded activities, to guide the funding decision before you actually do
the experiment.
I don't think this is going to be foolproof.
Things are going to slip through.
But I think this is a much better approach than we've had before.
That's right.
They cut the scientists and others out so they wouldn't complain about gain of function.
So, there's another example, they cooked it up, they released it, he said Trump will be challenged by a novel virus by a pandemic in 2017, and yes, they did it.
Meanwhile, McCarthy pulls his five GOP members from one sixth committee after Pelosi rejects two of his picks.
Because they might actually bring up the Democrats staging most of it.
Another one.
Vast majority of Cape Cod clusters were vaccinated.
New big article out.
ABC News is reporting on that right there.
So Fauci says 99% of the new cases and deaths.
Where'd he get that?
There's no statistic there.
It's out of his rear end.
But here it is.
The vast majority.
Just like they're reporting in Europe.
And the UK, Canada, and the US, the vast majority are vaccinated of people sick, of hospitalized, and of people dying.
But don't worry, Fauci, the little liar, gets up there and tells you that that is not the case.
Here it is, Fauci, more than 99% of people who died from COVID-19 were not vaccinated.
You read the whole AP article, nowhere Does it say any of that?
There's not a link.
There's not a fact.
And then we have all these other studies saying the opposite.
Most of the deaths are from the vaccinated.
They just call it COVID-19.
This is the biggest fraud ever seen by these scammers.
And look, I'm really proud of the last four hours.
I was up till 3.30, four in the morning.
Well, I was up till about four.
Last time I looked at the clock, it was like 3.47.
So I was just so on fire doing all this research.
And I kind of ran out of energy the last hour.
I'm exhausted, but I'm going to do an interview with Jason Mermis, so it should be all right.
Go rest for the wicked, as they say.
And so that's coming up.
The War Room is coming up, 3 to 6 p.m.
And if I can get a nap for an hour, I want to keep working, because I didn't hit the immortal cell lines.
Did you know it's admitted they had human animal clones in the 60s?
Did you know it's admitted they found a black lady that got eaten by a cancer?
They believe the cells were alien?
They call it new species or alien?
I've got all mainline John Hopkins British Medical Journal.
Right here.
See this?
Overhead shot, please.
This is all in the mainline stuff.
Henrietta Lacks, without consent, An unknowing miracle worker.
Her cells never die of the cancer that killed her.
The entire modern medicine is built on her.
Talk about slavery.
They finally paid her family $600,000, even though they estimate her cells are worth over a trillion dollars.
The H-E-L-A, which is more like an alien that takes over everything.
It's super deadly.
What are they putting in the shots?
I think you guessed it.
Their secret weapon, H-E-L-A.
You gotta go read this.
You got to go look this up.
You gotta find out about immortal cell lines for yourself.
It is incredible.
Only her and one other person ever found with cells like this that they've told us about.
Who knows what they're up to?
Point is, we're in a lot of trouble.
Admitting to it will get us out of the trouble, I think, if we pray to God and get right with God.
But regardless, We didn't stand up for all those unborn babies, so now we're going to get put in the fire.
Separately, we've been in the black, in the red this whole year.
I want to hire more reporters.
I want to do more.
We've been doing a lot behind the scenes.
We're fighting the gloveless heart.
I think we've delivered on what we say we're going to do.
You've been an awesome audience.
You've delivered supporting us and spreading the word and praying for us.
I would just encourage listeners.
To not procrastinate.
You've got until Sunday to get 10% off 2020 prices.
They won't be under sale until November on high-quality, storable food, three-month, six-month year supplies, ready to ship, high quality.
Best price you're going to find for quality food.
It's insurance you can eat.
I get those orders in.
You've got until Sunday.
That sale is going to end.
We've got air filters that are discounted right now.
They're out of the water filters, but they've got the air filters with all the particulates and all the wildfires and the rest of it.
That's discounted.
And we've got X2 Deep Earth Crystal Pure Iodine Atomic.
The missing link.
The globalists bombard you with the bad halogen.
of fluoride, chlorine, and all that. We have the good allergen nuclear, which means it's atomic.
It's not radioactive, but it's in the periodic table as pure. We have the atomic ionine
in the dripper bottle for 40% off.
We've got a bunch of other big specials, but look at it.
It's got 6,000 plus reviews, 98%, 4.9 stars.
It is simply incredible for your immune system, for your libido, for your stamina.
When I forget to take this a few times a week under my tongue or in the water, I'm an idiot.
It is amazing.
Infowarsstore.com or AAA253-3139.
We've got Free America shirts.
We've got Save the Frogs coffee cups and Save the Frogs...
We've got high-quality Wake of America coffee from the Chiapas Mountains that some people think is the best out there.
I think it tastes great.
Super discounted.
And we're not against Colorado House.
I don't want to put gun owners in prison like our Lord and Savior, super right-wing military guy, Black Rifle Coffee comics.
So we're there.
We're standing hard.
We don't back down.
We have a 27-year track record, and we need your support, but more importantly, your prayers and your word of mouth.
All right, I'm going to end this four-hour transmission in T-minus 20 seconds.
And the great Cup Destroyer, Owen Troyer, will be taking over for the next three hours.
And look for special reports and more at freeworldnews.tv, infowars.com, and newswars.com.
The resistance you built, so I salute and thank you, and great job to the crew.
All right, the war room coming up.
Listen, folks, I cannot fund this operation without your support,
and you've been great and you've kept us on air and you've gotten great products
and you bought them again and again and again.
But so many of our products have been sold out for two months, five months, six months, eight months because of the supply chain breakdowns.
So I really appreciate you helping with our shortfalls, buying books, buying films, buying t-shirts at infowarestore.com.
I just met with my accountants on Friday, and we're barely in the black.
But you know what?
Knowing what's going on in this world, and how the time is short, as the old devil knows, and they're accelerating their operation against us, and God, I need to expand, not just stay the same size.
So, please understand we've got great products that you and your family need, and that your funding makes all this possible.
Now, for several years, I wanted to get one of these in, and now we've done it.
It's the highest rated.
There are a lot of great super greens out there that are just made up of concentrated ground up cabbage and things like that.
Those are great for getting extra roughage through your body.
But this is a high end product.
Green fiber capsules that comes from the very, very best products.
Let me tell you what's in it.
Introducing organic greens fiber caps, total amino acid supercharger, give your gut a reboot and a new lease on life.
It's no secret that our unhealthy modern diets are slowly killing us.
Most people are eating highly processed foods that are lacking high quality antioxidants,
vitamins, enzymes, and organic fiber.
It's virtually impossible to maintain a perfect diet in the modern world.
With the new Organic Greens Fiber Caps from HomeForeStore.com, we're making it easier than ever
to take in the organic greens and sprouts that are loaded with healthy fiber.
But fiber is a side issue.
The real issue is it's made with seven organic greens contain natural enzymes that's key for healthy digestion.
Just one serving of the new Greens Fiber Caps contains as much fiber as three cups of iceberg lettuce.
But again, fiber is just one thing.
It's the type of fiber, from wheatgrass, flax sprouts, and a bunch of others, that have all the antioxidants, all the amino acids, everything.
It's an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals.
Of its 17 amino acids, 8 are essential.
Meaning your body cannot produce them and you must obtain them from food sources.
That's the concentrated wheatgrass.
Flax sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants.
Vitamins A, B, C, E, and all the essential amino acids.
Calcium, magnesium, iron.
Niacin, phosphorus, and potassium.
This is the highest in product you're going to get in a green capsule.
This formula is loaded with five greens.
Organic pea fiber.
Organic alfalfa leaf.
Organic cilantro leaf.
Organic kale leaf.
Organic... I always say that wrong.
How do you say it?
Keenwha, am I saying that right?
This is a high-end green fiber formula.
Most brands derive their green fiber from the most inexpensive sources like processed lettuce, almost devoid of other nutrients.
This formula is derived from high-quality nutrient-dense plants like wheatgrass and sprouts.
Get the new organic green fiber caps now.
At an introductory price, 33% off at Infowarsstore.com.
And it funds this infrastructure.
Also, the new sale that is here.
We have Winter Sun back in stock, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Down and Out, super strong Sleep Aid, 50% off.
And so much more at Infowarsstore.com.
And that finances our operation.
So in these insane times, when more folks are listening than ever, Infowars has to stay on the air.
So it's a symbiotic relationship.
Get amazing immune system boosting products like Winter Sun and this new product, Green Fiber at infowarsstore.com with big discounts and fund the future of the pro-human revolution.
Well, it happened last week, right after July 4th.
World leaders across the planet and the UN announced a new world order.
Global government to stop the spread of COVID.
Oh, and they're going to have to surveil all your text messages on your private phone.
And censor them if you question Fauci and the UN.
That's because these criminals are going to go to prison.
They released the virus.
They have used the whole program to starve the third world.
And they're now bringing in a worldwide ID, in Klaus Schwab's own words, with an implantable microchip as the next phase to be able to buy and sell or travel.
So whether you believe the Bible or not, the Mark of the Beast is here.
And our mission is now more important than ever.
We make it easy to support InfoWars.
One of our best sellers has been X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine that comes in two different packages.
One with a spray bottle, one with a dropper bottle.
It's both the exact same amount of iodine, it's the exact same bottle, it's just a different top.
The spray bottle is selling out, but it's 60% off because I want those of you that have been big supporters to have it again, and I want those of you that have been on the fence to get it for yourself.
And the dropper bottle is really close to selling out.
It is 40% off.
Thank you.