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Name: 20210719_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 19, 2021
2663 lines.

The speaker warns about an impending implementation of The Mark of the Beast, a worldwide medical ID card system that would lead humanity to fall under a communist Chinese social credit score and result in enslavement. They discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented tyranny, fear tactics, and potential for violence and genocide. The speaker critiques the United Nations' global health policies and the increasing surveillance and control by governments, such as China’s social credit rating system and vaccine passports in other countries. They argue that these measures infringe on personal freedom and privacy. The speaker also criticizes organizations like the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, the Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates, and IBM for their plans to control the population and cause collapse before a larger one happens. They conclude by urging people to stand up against these organizations and their plans for global control and warn about the consequences of accepting it.

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Planetary tyranny is here.
The U.N.
announces permanent lockdown.
You wake up and the U.N.' 's in charge of your speech, your medicine, your life and leaving your house and rolling out the new digital ID on your smartphone to be able to even have a life.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Who would have guessed that the Chinese communists would improve their big country as much as they have in the last 30 years?
Charlie Munger is one of the board members of Berkshire Hathaway.
He's like 90-something years old.
And he is the main advisor to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
He's both their personal lawyer.
And Charlie Munger was on national television last week and he said, the goal is communist China.
We want to be like communist China.
We will arrest anybody we want for any reason if they don't do what the big corporations want.
And the lady said, "Really?" He goes, "Absolutely.
If we don't like what you're doing, Sonny, we just send you to a work camp."
You say, "Why is he saying that?"
Well, he's not saying it because he's senile. He's saying it because he's an evil monster.
It was one of the most remarkable things that ever happened in the history of the world
when a bunch of committed communists just looked at the prosperity of places like Singapore
and said, "The hell with this."
We're not going to stay here in poverty.
We're going to copy what works.
And they changed communism.
They just accepted Adam Smith and added it to their communism.
Now we have communism with Chinese characteristics.
We Americans would like to think Our free expression and allowing all kinds of opinion and all kinds of criticism of the government is a totally essential part of the economy.
And what the Chinese have proved is you can have a screamingly successful economy with a fairly controlling government.
I can play you Trudeau of Canada.
One of the challenges of previous governments is there was often sort of a hot or cold approach on China.
We've been very much trying to be consistent in looking for economic opportunities, looking for ways to benefit from access to an extraordinary growing market of hundreds of millions of people who are part of the global middle class in China.
They all praise Xi Jinping and say he's the model.
They have a fascination with authoritarianism.
And this happens right before you have a big war.
This is an authoritarian move by globalists and by the UN, and it's all announced and it's all here.
So then you ask, why the hell would they roll something out they know is going to do that?
How are they going to get away with it?
Because they're planning on launching something even bigger, a total financial collapse and or a major war or both, and they think that that will then cover up the last crime they committed.
You only commit yourself to an assault like this, that'll lay down a bankrupt society known as a soft kill, if you're fully, absolutely committed.
But first, here is the head of the global UN Rapid Reaction Force, Dr. Michael Ryan, telling you in April last year, 16 months ago, the plan.
We advise that all contacts should be quarantined.
Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Did you hear that?
Total power, total control, total martial law, the U.N.
setting the policy.
And he said, well, there's sporadic or almost no cases.
There are towns in Australia and in Canada shut down still a year and a half later, and major cities have been shut down again because they have one case.
Or they go, oh, there's a Delta variant.
And where'd it come from?
This lab run by Fauci in the UN so they could fear monitor.
Gates has these incestuous relationships with Anthony Fauci that go back 20 years where he's, you know, paying Fauci and they have all kinds of really corrupt financial entanglements with each other.
You know, he brought Fauci to his house in 2000 and brought him into the den.
Adam Downing said, I want to have a partnership with you.
The way that Fauci explains it is that Fauci would develop the drugs and then pass them on to the drug companies, Merck, Sanofi, Gilead, Johnson & Johnson.
Gates would then guarantee markets in Africa through his control He can require those companies, those countries, to buy the vaccines from these companies, and he then is invested in the companies.
Now you got Charlie Munger, a Rockefeller operative, head lawyer for Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, saying, I want to live like communist China.
I want to arrest anybody I don't like.
See how it works?
And now the Rockefeller Foundation is in charge of the entire federal government's medical response.
Bill Gates had to step down.
His foundation got removed from command.
And what did I tell you hundreds of times last year and a half?
Who was in command of Bill Gates?
Who was in command?
Rockefeller Foundation!
Who was in command?
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
Outdoor gatherings are limited to two people.
Exercise is allowed but no further than a 10km radius from your home.
Browsing in shops is not permitted.
Only one person per household may leave to do essential shopping.
And from tomorrow, funerals are limited to 10 people.
This is a world pandemic.
It's a 1 in 100 year event.
So you can expect that we will have transmission from time to time and that's just the way it is.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The New World.
New World Order.
New World.
I want to be straight with you.
There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal in the old fashion.
This is, let's say, fiction.
It will not happen.
A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic.
Surveillance will need to continue.
People will still need to be tested, isolated and cared for.
Contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined.
Communities will still need to be engaged.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
We can find meaning and reward by serving some higher purpose than ourselves.
A shining purpose.
The illumination of a thousand points of light.
It's no longer a theory.
What I'm about to say is fact.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
They have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government.
This is terrorism of the most worst kind.
Brought on you by our own government.
"To lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century."
"It was just last week that the Pope announced world government,
the Australian government announced world government, and permanent lockdowns."
And now the UN has come out over the weekend and said, life will never go back to normal, you will always wear a mask, and you will be controlled by an app on your phone that tells you when you can go outside and where you can go.
So they're leaping into total absolute tyranny all at once.
All the major governments are working in concert together, except for a handful that are not under globalist control.
They're all under siege, though.
Those that are fighting back, like Hungary and Romania and Brazil.
And the U.S.
has basically already been taken over at the federal level, though there is major opposition here, the most opposition to the New World Order there is on the planet.
But the enemy is pouring everything they've got into the takeover.
We have big tech openly working with governments and authoritarian regimes around the world to suppress their populations and to suppress us.
It's incredible.
You have the Surgeon General coming out and saying that the Rockefeller Foundation is in charge of U.S.
health policy.
It was Bill Gates, and I told you before it was even announced, four months ago, that he was being removed from command.
According to my high-level sources that have seldom been wrong.
I can also look at the tea leaves and tell you that was the case.
And now you've seen the halo move from him to the Rockefeller Foundation to now be in charge.
It was always the Rockefeller Foundation that was running Gates.
The director of the CIA is the former head of the Carnegie Endowment.
He stepped down eight months ago to take over.
So we're seeing the project of the robber barons.
The project of the British Royalty, the project of Cecil Rhodes, expanded against us right now.
And how do these three big stacks tie together?
The U.S.
Surgeon General, Rockefeller Foundation announced big initiatives to address urgent threat of vaccine misinformation, which is the actual truth.
Doesn't protect you from COVID viruses, they now admit that.
It makes you very, very sick.
Attacks your ovaries.
Attacks your brain and heart, and they got half the public won't take it, and they need to get 80-90% to do it so they can bully that 10% and bring in tyranny against them.
But they can't bully 30-40%, 50-50%.
And as soon as the public realizes they've been poisoned, which is starting to happen, they're going to be in deep troubles.
They need to hurt and maim and kill as many of us with the soft kill weapons so that nobody's healthy in a year or two when this dawns on folks.
I mean, this is not rhetoric.
This is happening.
Continuing, Democrats want to monitor your text and use aggressive fact-checkers to dispel vaccine misinformation.
It's already been announced.
White House flagging posts for Facebook to censor over COVID misinformation.
And who directs that?
The Rockefeller and Carnegie endowment through a quote, anti-racist organization funded itself again by the ADLs and the Poverty Law Center.
They're now listing if you criticize Open borders.
If you criticize lockdowns, if you criticize any of it, you are a terrorist.
That's in the national directives that are now public.
And that ties in with the Biden administration announcing a censorship bureau that will spy on Americans.
Continuing, who runs that censorship bureau?
Oh, well, it's Jen Psaki and the Democrats.
You trust this crew to determine which political speech counts as disinformation and which American citizens should be barred from social media, right?
Jen Psaki famously said that she'd been told by dozens of intel officials that it was Russians lying about the laptop and it didn't exist, but Hunter now admits it does exist and it is his laptop.
Oh, and look at this!
Emails confirm Hunter Biden wrote Facebook's Adam Conner And had him remove a count that attacked him.
Yes, that's your fact checker.
He's also a journalism professor with an honorary degree now, teaching in New Orleans.
He's Hunter, the Chinese spy, crackhead, pedophile, Hunter!
That's your fact checkers.
And that ties into this.
They had a bunch of DHS officials, both current and former, from the Clinton, Obama, and now Biden dictatorship, coming out and saying over the weekend on all the news shows that the Republican Party is now the number one national security threat.
Told you that's what that big national announcement did.
A month ago, declaring, anybody questions elections, anybody questions open borders, anybody questions anything, anybody questions lockdowns, oh, you are a white supremacist, and they define that as terrorism.
They can define whatever they want.
They're dictators.
Getting ready for war with the American people.
That all ties in, and we will tie it in, next segment, to this key stack of news right here.
And that is the Communist Chinese.
Hacking into Microsoft.
They didn't hack into Microsoft.
Bill Gates gave them full access to it, along with the current head.
And I told you this years ago.
I'm going to tell you the rest of the story when we come back.
They're just covering their bases right now so that China can leverage its power and control over us and hold us hostage and we'll have little excuses and reasons why.
And that ties into this next story.
accuses Chinese intelligence agents of masterminding hacks on Microsoft and others worldwide.
Leaks expose global abuse of cyber weapon to target politicians, activists, and journalists by Israel.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
That's Reuters.
Israel's firm, Spyware, used a target journalist, cell phones.
Big story there, but what's the rest of the story?
We'll be getting into all of it in the next segment.
Then, free humanity is really pushing back around the world.
Millions of people protested in France, but they would only show one shot of one square.
There was clearly over 100,000 against the ongoing lockdowns, against All the things that are being pushed right now.
The forced inoculations, the total tyranny.
So good for the French standing up because it's coming here next with the UN announcing and pushing their permanent lockdown.
That is the headline of the main broadcast show today.
I hope you'll share it from InfoWars.com.
Planetary tyranny is here.
UN announces permanent lockdown.
You wake up and the UN's in charge of your speech, your medicine, your life, and leaving your house, and rolling out the new digital ID on your smartphone to be able to even have a life.
Alright, there's a saying on the internet that's put out millions of times a month, and it's a very positive thing to say, and it's a maxim that really upsets the globalists, and if it got big enough, it could bring down their new world order.
They're transhumanist post-human tyranny.
We'll still have corruption.
We'll still have problems.
We'll still be fallen creatures, but we'll be in a lot better position.
And that's Alex Jones was right.
And there's another hashtag going around now where people just basically say it's Alex Jones's world.
We're just living in it.
I'm not arrogant and I don't think that at all.
It's not Alex Jones's world and we're certainly not just living in that.
It's Satan's world.
And he's got a lease on it for a limited number of time to test us, and then it'll be taken away from him.
And whether you believe in a literal devil or not, the devil believes in you.
And you study these globalists, they are the most vicious, hateful, cunning, soulless people you can imagine, and they do serve an evil force, and they will tell you they do.
So just keep that in the back of your mind when we're understanding this, that as negative as things get, praise God, God's real and prophecy is being fulfilled.
And just as the Bible says, the church will fall away and endorse the Antichrist, but then the Antichrist will start killing everybody after running stuff really nice for a while and giving people all these wonders and all this great science and all this life extension.
It's really human science they've been suppressing.
It's all a magic trick, but then he will turn on the planet and start killing people en masse.
Well, they're already doing it.
And so if this isn't the beginning of the end times, I don't know what is.
Or if God isn't real and the devil isn't real, we've just manifested what people imagined 2,000 years ago in the desert of Israel.
The desert of Palestine, whatever you want to call it.
So that's where we are right now, and let me just do this.
I'm going to come back next segment and hit the huge U.S.
accuses Chinese intelligence of masterminding acts of Microsoft and other worldwide and kind of unpack that.
And why is there an even bigger story dwarfing that about an Israeli firm spying on the press?
Which, by the way, I think is terrible.
And if it's true, they should go to prison.
But why is that being reported on?
And that's a bigger story than China hacking billions of files.
Well, I've got the rest of the story for you, and we're going to break it all down coming up on the other side.
And then the huge COVID-19 global lockdown, part two, is already here.
It'll be here very, very soon.
It'll be announced in Los Angeles and other areas within a month or two, maximum, in my view.
But the Federal Reserve last week said they're preparing for more lockdowns.
That's why the stock market's plunged.
As of going live, 700 points.
Let's look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Maybe put that on screen for folks.
But we're going to be looking at all that.
But Yellen said, it looks like more lockdowns are going to be needed, which again, destroys the real economy, puts everybody deeper into debt.
The government gives you inflated currency, which furthers inflation, and then pretends like it's a lifeboat while they're busy trying to push you under the water.
Well, it was down 700, now it's down 445.
So we'll watch all of that as it unfolds today.
But let me just do this, because this is something exciting, and it's something that really is a win-win-win-win-win-win, and it's the next level 360 win.
Everything I've ever done here is from my philosophy that I didn't give a name 27 years ago, but that I did in the last decade, and that's a 360 win, or what would be called in science a non-zero-sum game.
People believe that there's only a pie this big and you gotta have winners, you gotta have losers.
But with the technology and with our ingenuity and with our minds, if we turn loose innovation and celebrate competitiveness and celebrate the individual, humans can basically do anything we want.
We can do horrible things, we can do mediocre things, we can do incredibly powerful, amazing, beautiful things, good things.
And it really is up to what we want to do with the power God's given us with these incredible brains and our incredible imagination and ingenuity.
But I've never seen a 360 like this.
Mike Lindell, who's coming on in the third hour today on MyPillow, gets criticized a lot For being extremely optimistic and saying, we're going to reinstate Trump, we're going to expose Biden, we're going to remove this dictator.
And then he's put everything on the line.
He's been sued by all these top companies.
It costs tens of millions of dollars, conservatively, just to fight those in the opening phases.
He has been stalked, he has been attacked, he has been harassed behind the scenes.
He doesn't make a big deal about it, but he stays on the road just for his own safety.
The stuff I've been through, the stuff Trump's been through, I don't even want to imagine what Mike Lindell's been through.
So, we should imagine Trump's going to be reinstated.
We should imagine we're going to reverse the fraudulent election.
Because we better, or they're going to submit the fraud they engaged in and do it again at the midterms in 16 months.
And they're never going to let us get to the midterms.
They're going to trigger a civil war before then.
That's clear.
They now admit it.
And they're saying their political opposition are terrorists.
They're saying the Republican Party is the number one terror threat now.
To the official?
Terror report that they put out a month ago where Biden says, official policy, anybody opposes me as a terrorist, the logical extension is now the Republican Party.
And I've got the clips.
I've got the article right here.
I'll show it to you when we come back.
So we better get on the march.
We better get in the face of the system and not keep our heads down because they're going for broke to get rid of all checks and balances.
and to trigger social crises in the country that are the cover for a complete total takeover. So
my relationship, and I wish I had called Lindell five months ago. Roger Stone gave me his number,
and I thought, "Mike Lindell's so busy and whatever. I'm not even going to call Mike Lindell."
And I called him a few months ago, finally got him on the air, and he just does a great job,
and we should all really support him. Separately, the guy has a lot of great products.
And so, he said, hey, would you like to partner with us?
I'll give your fans the biggest discount we give, up to 60% off on our sheets, on our new beds, on our pillows, of course, on the towels that are awesome.
It's all, you know, made right here in America.
Thousands of American employees up in Minnesota and several other states.
The American dream.
And I said, yes, please.
So, he gave us up to 60% off with promo code ALEX.
And boom, they ended up calling us last week saying, hey, do you want your money?
I said, oh, we kind of forgot.
We did that one blog promo code, and it was a substantive amount.
It wasn't hundreds of thousands.
It wasn't millions.
But I mean, it was a nice chunk of change, and it was actually 100% of that money.
You know, if you get $50,000, because he gave us half the profit from his sales, and he doesn't make a huge profit at that big a discount, but the volume was so huge.
That's actually $50,000.
That's not $50,000 of supplements sold and then we have $20,000 to work with.
That's actually $50,000.
And so, praise God, I've been praying to have the funds.
We've been in the red most of the year.
My house is in the process of being sold right now.
We had to do some repairs on it.
I mean, I'm all in like the widows might.
And boom, it was like dropped in my lap by Roger Stone.
I didn't take action on it.
It's not even a pride thing.
I just get busy and, you know, I'm so used to having to raise our own money and sell our own things that why did I partner with somebody?
Well, they've gone after all our other sponsors and ran them off.
Well, here's a guy on the same boat as me they've been targeting and persecuting, and we're brothers in arms, so it's a perfect 360.
So, MyPillow.com Promo code Alex, and it's the biggest discounts he does.
Everybody needs new pillows.
Everybody needs some more sheets.
These are high quality, very low price.
Everybody needs to support people that support freedom and are fighting as hard as hell against the tyrants.
So if you don't go to MyPillow.com and buy some great products, towels, you name it, with promo code Alex, then you're crazy.
I mean, these are high quality products.
You're funding two champion organizations of liberty, a complete 360 win.
This is Just an incredible blessing.
Thank you, Mike Lindell, and thank you all for going to MyPillow.com and your support.
My friends, we are witnessing everything we warned of.
In fact, I was this morning brushing my teeth about 6 a.m., staring into my bloodshot eye.
And I just thought about, you gotta go on air and slow down and get calm because you got so much news, you get hyped up, you want to cover it all.
You just need to slow down, Alex, and just talk to the people about the historical point we're at.
Because we're already at a point of no return, going into world government, going into depopulation.
It's going to be hellish, what we face.
And the good news is, at least you know, The general public does not know this stuff.
And I've had to get my family convinced, who are smart people, and then now they're saying, okay, what do we do?
And that's the rest of the equation.
We have some resources, nothing like these globalists, and we don't know what to do either.
We're all in this together.
And that's why we don't want to believe these bad things are happening, as incrementally they get away with more, more, more.
This is all basic psychology.
And when we push back, they stop.
And even pull back a little.
And as soon as we go back to our business, they push forward even harder.
And then we push back.
Then they push again.
But over time, they're moving forward.
And it really scared them when Trump got in and Bolsonaro got in.
So they slipped their double agent in Boris Johnson.
He was in there already.
But agent in place, as they say.
And they have just accelerated their whole program.
And it's going to weigh society down to collapse point, which is their plan, when you've got a large percentage of people with degenerative diseases, cognitive diseases, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, just at a mass scale.
And they're going to say new variants, just like we predicted, it's all very easy, new variants of COVID is why everybody's dying this year and next year.
You're like, well, I took five COVID vaccines.
Oh, we're sorry.
That's funny.
I get real sick.
I take the shots.
Well, you just need more.
And I always talked about this psychology.
It's the psychology of people I know that buy lottery tickets.
And look, if you've got plenty of money and you like to buy them because they're fun and it messes with your dopamine and, you know, you like to gamble, that's your issue.
I don't like gambling on things that don't matter or just for money.
And I like a poker game and, you know, bet a few hundred bucks maybe just to make it fun.
Just to have some interest in it, or maybe you bet at the deer camp that year, $1,000.
Who can shoot the biggest deer?
You know, the best rack.
I mean, I've done that kind of stuff.
It makes it more interesting, but I bet on fighting tyranny, my blood, my name, my honor, my will.
That's where I'm putting my energy is putting the skin of the game out in the street where I can get killed fighting these globalists because of their operatives.
But that said, just pulling back...
And realizing how evil these people are, that they really made their move, and that the type of folks that buy a lottery ticket, the more they get scammed by the ticket, the more they get deeper into the debt, the more that their paycheck isn't going to pay for their children's food and clothing and housing and electricity and medicine, the more they bet on the leftist ideology.
And I've liked it many times, you've heard me tell the story of, there was a GCN talk show host I knew.
This was like 20 years ago.
And he had a popular show, he was a young man on the afternoon.
And I tuned into the show and I heard him saying, I'm raising money from these Nigerians and they're going to send me all this money and you ought to get invested with them too.
And I called up the owner of the company, Ted Anderson, and I said, you got to tell him that's a scam.
Either he's involved in it, or the talk show's involved, or he's an idiot.
And of course it turned out that he was young and stupid and wanted to believe that he had given $10,000
or whatever it was, I don't remember, to the Nigerians and that he was gonna get a million back.
And I've known people personally who were pretty successful in business,
but they were still that gambler type who would get the email from the Nigerians
or other online scams and would give 'em $1,000 And then, oh, sorry, we can't give you the $10,000 now.
We need $2,000 more, but now you'll get $30,000.
We can't give you the $10,000 now, we need $2,000 more, but now you'll get $30,000.
And once you put in $5,000, $10,000, these people will get mad at you if you explain
that you're being Ropa-doped.
And it's basic psychology.
And that's what these so-called shots are.
They're not vaccines.
A real vaccine gives you immunity for 10 years to life.
That's an attenuated virus or bacteria.
Your body learns how to beat it.
That's a real technology.
It's got problems.
They can spike them.
They've got histories of tainting them.
But it's real.
This has nothing to do with vaccines.
Just like injecting you with cyanide.
It's not a vaccine.
It's a deadly poison.
Plugging an electrical cord into you and turning it on and electrocuting you.
You know, if I walk up and throw a fan or a radio that's on into your bathtub and kill you, which I'm not, I'm sending electricity into your body, but that's not a vaccine.
They just call putting things in a needle in you a vaccine and say safe and effective over and over again.
This is called failing forward, or too evil to fail, or too corrupt to fail.
Oh, you're worried about our old tainted vaccines?
We're gonna give you gene therapies that, on record, in animal studies, cause massive blood clots, brain damage, Alzheimer's, infertility, the list goes on and on.
And now all of that is happening just like the most prestigious scientists in the world all said.
The Nobel Prize winners, the Pfizer chief scientists, the head EU advisors, all of them!
And it was dead-on science, and they said, we don't get how this is happening.
This is so well-known.
Like, if you run over somebody in an 18-wheeler going 100 miles an hour, and you hit them dead-on, they're gonna die.
Or you shoot somebody in the head with a .357 Magnum six times at point-blank range, they're gonna die.
Or if you pour gasoline on somebody, a gallon of gas, and light them on fire, they're gonna die.
Or if I hit you in the face with a hammer, it's gonna hurt.
I mean, they're doing this.
There isn't any question about it.
None of it.
And the thing is, they're all wild-eyed and crazy up there.
You look at the spokespersons for Biden.
I mean, they just intend to go forward with this.
So, you've got people suckered into the system and the social contract not knowing it's been broken.
And they don't know what to do, so they're scared.
So all they do is keep complying.
And we can all say, well, they're dumb suckers, let them get killed, let them get hurt.
It's going to collapse the civilization.
And the worse it gets, the more crazy the mass is going to get when the people killing them and maiming them and bankrupting them are already telling them, oh, you've got to take a third or fourth shot because Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson wouldn't take their shots.
And because Sally Johnson wouldn't take hers, and Bob Sanchez wouldn't take his, and David Chang wouldn't take his.
Leroy Brown wouldn't take his.
And they're already doing it.
You can see the scripting.
A year ago we said, then they'll blame those of us that don't take it on why new variants are out when their own studies show injecting people with this doesn't create a virus.
It creates a synthetic, toxic, replicating pollution of a spike protein that eats holes in your tissue.
Just like alien blood, aliens aren't real from the movie Alien and Aliens.
But remember their blood, it just keeps eating through things.
Well, that's what this does.
A spike protein replicates in your cells.
Your body replicates the spike protein to supposedly stop the virus.
Then it spreads and infects your body and colonizes your body.
A little protein crystal, a prion, a form of what gives you spongiform encephalopathy.
It's not enough to hit you with all the hydrofluorosilicic acid.
It's not enough to hit you with all the electrified fluoride.
And they're just doing it to you.
So, this is it.
And there are already 100 million people at least in the U.S.
walking around with prions growing in them.
And the sicker you get, the more shots they give you.
Oh, you're having brain fog?
You're really sick?
You feel like you have the flu?
You're a long hauler now!
You're gonna have COVID forever!
You need 10 shots a year, and then they kill you with the drugs that are supposed to treat it, just like Fauci did with AZT and other drugs in Africa.
You know, here's what I want to do in the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
If you're an internet viewer that forgets to talk radio, the reason I say Alex Jones Show at the start of every segment is the radio stations will drop the show if I don't.
And I understand why.
That's how the ratings work for radio still.
It's all name recognition.
And we're on hundreds of great radio stations.
We're listing those stations.
Please support them.
That's one reason they tried to de-platform us the last three years.
We stayed on air.
So those stations are extremely precious.
Especially if Biden puts in the internet kill switch, which is simply millions of sites that are blocked from access, you'll still be able to get us on local radio stations, and you'll still be able to get us off of their streams.
Because the kill switch will be illegal, but it's already being incrementally put in, and the beta test was yours truly, and then Donald Trump, where he's been taken off of everything.
That is a selective internet kill switch.
It's how it was designed to be used.
That's why Saki's up there with a straight face going, only authoritative sources will be allowed to see our COVID information.
Hunter Biden did not have a laptop.
The Chinese are not hacking us.
The virus did not come from Wuhan.
On and on and on and on.
So it's all here.
So let's get into the big news.
accuses Chinese intelligence agents of masterminding hacks on Microsoft and others worldwide.
We reported this three and a half years ago when Bill Gates was over in China along with Tim Cook of Apple saying, we're giving China access to all our networks.
And I thought it was crazy when the Pentagon gave Microsoft the contract for cloud computing.
I mean, you can't trust Apple, you can't trust Google, you can't trust any of them, but Microsoft is shy, calm.
I mean, Bill Gates, look it up, started China in the early 1990s
with modern computers and merging.
He, I mean, this guy's incredible.
Look it up.
Bill Gates, quote, modernized China's internet.
He is the only guy first allowed in there, because he's so damn evil.
He is a China-phile.
Oh, they had a great COVID response.
We had a bad response.
Oh, my lawyer, Charlie Munger, he loves them.
They're dictators.
On and on and on.
Bill Gates is Rockefeller Foundation manager.
Charlie Munger, literally, is the top advisor to the Chi-Coms.
So, when you read this crap, This is now because there's a bunch of pushback with a few Patriots left the Pentagon and other places about how the hell is the Pentagon's coordinated computers worldwide the most top secret stuff run by Microsoft when they've been given the keys to the Chinese.
And if you don't believe me, Trump didn't even know this three and a half years ago about these companies.
And that's when I was finally told, if you do it again, you're dead.
Well, I didn't stop.
And I'm not asking to be killed.
I don't want to be killed.
But remember the headlines were, General Kelly's job is to keep Alex Jones away from Trump.
Well, I got to a Fox News host that talks to Trump, not Tucker Carlson, another one, and I said, hey, you know this Reuters article about how Apple has given its code keys to Communist China?
It was in Reuters!
No one even, he didn't know.
Apple gave all their code keys, four years ago, to the Chinese.
So, when you read this, ladies and gentlemen, and you hear about, oh, they hacked into things, they don't need to hack in.
Trump finally woke up in his last year about Huawei and the Chai-coms and all of it.
Because they can then, with those devices, take over any device that's in their area.
You understand?
With the 5G.
Because the 5G is meant to control all of us.
It's just that this other globalist faction wants control of the 5G.
They don't want the Chai Koms having it.
There's only a turf battle over controlling us.
And all the driverless cars and drones and systems that 5G controls.
Alright, next.
Leak exposes global abuse of cyber-spying weapon to get politicians, activists and journalists.
So Zero Hedge started breaking this a few days ago and then it came out in Reuters today about the Israelis.
If an Israeli firm hacked into journalist phones, I think they should be arrested and put in prison, and it's terrible, and it's horrible, and it's just a horrible thing of the Israeli government's involved.
When you read this article, it talks about dozens of journalists having an app that they didn't know was hacking them.
So, I say we give these Israelis life in prison.
Now, what do we do to Jim Psaki saying that they are spying on everybody's text messages in live time, and that they want an internet kill switch to control what email you can send, and they've given the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL access to this with 200,000 trainees that are in Big Tech.
Project Veritas got the video of this two years ago, but the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL have trained 200,000 people in Big Tech In their training course about what's white supremacist, what's evil, what's bad, what they've got to block.
And now they're saying questioning elections you can't do.
Now they're saying questioning medical information you can't do.
Totally silencing you.
Now the truth is caller ID is run through an Israeli company and Israel's got control of most of the phone lines and their data tracking and that was done a long time ago and that's terrible and that's wrong.
But you notice you don't hear about that.
Instead, you hear out of Reuters, Israeli firm Spyware used to target journalists' cell phones report.
Oh, big story breaking today, you know, an Israeli company, Spyware, was used in an attempt and successful hacks of 37 smartphone belongs to journalists, government officials, and human rights activists around the world, according to an investigation by 17 media organizations published on Sunday.
Big tech and big media and fact checkers at CNN and MSNBC have dual hat access to your cell phones in live time and your private messages.
That's all come out.
They're reading your emails in live time.
They're spying on you, big tech spying on you, and then interfacing with the Obama administration, part two, the Biden administration, to do all this.
So, 17 media organizations got together to expose Israel, or an Israeli group, spying on journalists.
You caught somebody stealing A hamburger from a hamburger shop.
Put them in prison for life.
Hell, if a jury says it, execute them.
Now, why are we focused on this when the communist Chinese are running everything, spying on everything, have the code keys, and now it's coming out that, oh, all the Microsoft users, Chinese are spying on you, and billions of files, because Bill Gates set it up that way, and Charlie Munger says, don't worry about it, Sonny, China's gonna run America.
See, this is trillions of times worse than what the Israelis did, and I guarantee all the white supremacists are going to freak out and say, there's Jones covering up for Israel.
That's not what I'm doing.
I'm saying, why is this the top story in the country about Israel spying on journalists?
It's wrong, it's not good, and of course I'm being sarcastic, don't execute them.
I'm just saying, what is the, what is the level Of punishment for Bill Gates versus what's happening with the Israelis.
It's all a distraction.
Just like saying, oh, China hacked Microsoft.
China didn't hack Microsoft.
Bill Gates basically moved his operations to China to be dominant and to have sweetheart deals and to consolidate power because he's a sociopathic, greedy monster.
This is a distraction, the whole Israel thing, from, look at this Ben Garrison cartoon, the fourth branch of government, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, now the entire corporate media in your life, spying on you and saying they're going to control what you can say and what you can do on your text messages in live time.
And the Rockefeller Foundation is going to tell them what can be said and what can't be said.
Who was telling you the Rockefeller Foundation was quarterbacking all this behind the scenes?
I'm the only one!
And by the way, it's not about being Mr. Smarty Pants.
I'm like, I'm right again.
I'm not making any of this up.
And as soon as everybody realizes that I'm not making this stuff up, you make occasional mistakes, but not on purpose, as soon as you figure that out, it's game over, ladies and gentlemen.
It's absolute game over.
So that's just part of this.
But then you've got this other huge article with the Biden administration coming out.
This is such a key zero hedge article.
It's on Infowars.com as well.
Now that they're saying Republican Party.
It's the number one national security threat to the United States of America.
And they talk about how dangerous it is and how out of control.
I'm going to open the phones up next hour specifically for a certain group of people.
I will tell you who that group of people is when we come back.
Please stay with us.
Separately, we're running out of the deep earth crystal, super high quality iodine that is so essential for your libido, your energy, your stamina, your immune system.
It is essential.
Without iodine, you die.
Most iodine is bound into other things.
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Most people have iodine deficiencies.
Even the UN estimates over 2 billion people have cognitive disabilities because of lack of iodine.
They hit us with the bad halogen to block the good iodine.
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With all the iodine that's been depleted, you need to supplement.
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Take advantage of that now and fund the Second American Revolution against the globalists.
We'll be right back in hour number two.
All right, we're going to fire up the phone system.
In the second hour ahead of Mike Lindell with a lot of election fraud news and information as it all comes out and confirms he was right.
He'll be joining us in the third hour.
Again, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining us.
I want to open the phones up for a specific group and I'm asking our amazing listeners to please not call in.
Unless you are someone that took the vaccine because you were pressured by work, or maybe you're a new listener.
Maybe you got damaged by the shot, so you sought out InfoWars.
Or maybe you took the vaccine, and like some leftists say, it makes them feel like they're in ecstasy.
They think it just really feels good, I guess, to collapse and have convulsions or start having those deadly crystal prions grow in their body.
So I would like to seriously hear from you.
Maybe you disagree.
Maybe you think I'm wrong about the vaccine.
So either people out there that think I'm wrong about the so-called vaccines that aren't vaccines, I'd love to hear from you.
And I'd love to hear from folks who have taken the vaccine to see what happened to you.
And I'll also leave the door open if you have family like your husband or wife Her son or daughter, her brother or sister, immediate family, if you'd like to tell us what happened with the vaccine with them.
Because we've opened the phones up probably on 20 shows or so in the last six months since the injections started of this experimental garbage.
And we could just take four hours of calls, one person after the other.
My mother died, my brother died, my father died, my son died, my sister died.
My father's fighting for his life, my brother's fighting for his life.
A massive heart attack, stroke, bleed out in the brain.
I mean, it is just, and people taking the shot, they tell you sit there for 30 minutes because so many people collapse after they've taken it.
I mean, it's bad.
And you've just got the full court press of the corporate media and the AI straight jacket of big tech, which is really just the modern electronic Stasi, the electronic martial law.
That isn't rhetoric, that's what this is.
Just hammering people and silencing them in such a devilish way.
So I'm going to give the phone number out for people who've had the vaccine.
And don't be ashamed.
And even I just called it a vaccine for people that have had the deadly injection or the people that have had the MRNA gene therapy, non-approved experimental injection, because that's what it is.
It's not a quote vaccine that again, attenuates the virus or something else.
I want to hear from you.
You know who you are.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
We want to really just unfiltered have you call in 877-789-2539.
Right there on screen.
877-899-2539, 877-789-ALEX, right there on screen, 877-789-2539, we will get you up and on the air.
And again, only those callers please, or we can't get to anybody because hundreds of people call in, we give the number out, which I appreciate normally.
It's just that then we cannot get to folks that are actually calling in.
So we have one person answering the phone, so you'll hear yourself put on hold.
It'll probably take them four or five minutes to get to you.
So 877-789-2539.
789-2539 and the phone system is open right now for you to get in.
And I'm also asked this politely, we'll dispense with the pleasantries.
You don't need to thank me.
I'm not going to thank you.
I just want to get to you and hear your testimony to the next person to respect your time and to get to everyone.
So we're going to do this in the next hour.
And I'm also going to speed read through a bunch of important headlines and other breaking news.
And then Mike Lindell joins us to get into a bunch of election fraud news that I've got here in my stack.
Breaking big.
Breaking big.
Georgia residents to file lawsuit on Monday at 1.30 p.m.
contesting the fraudulent results of the Georgia Senate elections.
It was all done illegally, and people are fighting back, and the courts would never hear the information.
In the middle of the election, they all rolled over because they were scared of the establishment.
Because if you back the will of the people, you got targeted.
Believe me.
I got to experience it big time.
So 877-789-2539.
And don't forget the websites.
Please share them.
When you do that, it changes everything.
I want to commend all of you that have been doing that.
Find all the videos and share that link.
All right, my friends, we are opening the phones up in this second hour ahead of Mike Lindell with big election fraud confirmation news pouring out across the country, truly vindicated.
He'll be joining us coming up in the third hour.
But I want to open the phones up right now for one group of people, people that have taken the experimental mRNA gene therapy injection that the media has been lying about calling a vaccine or an inoculation.
It's not the same science.
It's completely different.
It's genetic engineering, live time, and that's their own admissions.
I want to hear from you.
Were you forced to take it?
Did you like it?
Did you have any side effects?
This is unfiltered.
This is real.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
And Dr. Mike, Jay, Manny, Emma, I'm going to get to all of you here in just a moment, but let me get to this news since I was just starting to get into this.
Let's talk about Fighting back against what's happening.
Whether you live in Australia, or whether you live in Nigeria, or whether you live in Mexico, whether you live in the UK, or Germany, or Russia, or whether you live on Easter Island, it doesn't matter.
You're a human being.
And you should fight back.
You should speak out against the absurdity of what's going on.
If you've had a vaccine, then you're supposedly protected.
Why should I have to take it?
It's a lie.
And so I'm going to redo what this fellow did.
He did a great job.
Joe Rogan sent me this last night.
This is Gabriel Rossi, a well-known comedian in Australia.
He did a great little 47-second piece.
Anybody can shoot this with a camera by yourself where you're on one side and you shoot the monologue or the statements.
You turn the other side and shoot that side as the same person talking back at the person and then you upload this to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, wherever.
This is how we're going to fight these people is with peaceful truth because none of this makes sense.
None of this is true.
All of this is a fraud and they don't want you to have a voice.
That's why they're trying to silence me and all these medical doctors and scientists and others.
So here's the short piece that I think everyone, in fact I don't have the crew to judge a contest and then every time we have a contest we get so many thousands of entries it takes up all our time which is a great thing to have all the thousands of entries and has an amazing effect but then it becomes a huge fiasco but you know what I'm doing it but instead I'm gonna start doing quick contests that are only one week long you have until next Monday at 11 a.m central and then we'll announce the winner the next day $10,000 for whoever remakes this video that I judge is the best, and you can riff on it like jazz, you can change it, you can make it different.
$10,000, one prize, first place, and we will announce it on Tuesday at 1.30 p.m., and that's it.
And you will send those to contestatinfowars.com, which is an active email, contestatinfowars.com.
We'll be sure and check the spam filter.
Half of the stuff goes in there.
But here it is.
$10,000 prize being announced next Tuesday at 1 30 central.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Comparisons is what it's called for conversations in 2021.
Gabriel Rossi.
Here it is.
Are you going to get vaccinated?
I think I want to wait a bit longer.
What do you need to wait?
I'm just not in a rush to get it, mate.
Have you had it?
Yeah, I've had it.
Why are you being so selfish?
How am I being selfish?
Because if you get COVID, you can pass it on to me that you've been vaccinated.
Yeah, but I can still get it.
So if I get vaccinated, I can still get it too?
Yeah, but you should still get it because then you won't pass it on to me.
But if I get vaccinated, I can still get it and still pass it on to you?
Well, yeah, but you should still get it.
But you can catch it off me whether I've been vaccinated or not.
Yeah, but you should still get vaccinated.
But why?
Because it's the right thing to do.
Who says?
The people that make it.
And again, we'll post an article about this later today with the video I've done here live, clipped in there.
And the show rules are don't do anything illegal, do something similar to this, and you will win $10,000 if you're the one first place prize winner.
You need to upload it to more platforms is better, but it needs to be at least uploaded to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram.
And again, if you want to win, I'd put it up on as many as you can.
But we'll also judge the content, not just how many places it's up.
I'll also look at the view counts.
But at the end of the day, it'll be just whatever I think the winner is.
$10,000 for this contest.
And I guess we'll call it the Gabriel Rossi Contest.
Well, how about... No, that's not a good name.
He's a good guy that did it first.
We're giving him credit.
In fact, he can enter the contest if he wants it.
I'll just judge it off how good it is.
He could win.
Let's call it...
Something like, you know, COVID-19 Murdering Logic, or Murdering Logic Contest, COVID-19 Murdering Logic Contest, something like that.
So it's the Murdering Logic Contest.
Just make sure freeworldnews.tv is in there somewhere, freeworldnews.tv, $10,000, and we'll help educate millions of people and get folks into infowars.com.
Okay, let's go to this next report, and I'm gonna go to break, come back to your phone calls.
I've looked into this guy some, but I want to get him on the show.
He's Dr. Brian Artis.
He goes on a lot of people's shows I respect, and he's a pretty prominent guy.
He says he's discovered that there are 11 different government reporting systems, not just VAERS, for COVID-19, and that the death numbers are much, much higher.
I don't know if that's true but I know everybody I know has friends and family that have died after taking these vaccines and they are covering it up and it's not a vaccine.
And the people that studied it said it will kill people with blood clots and heart attacks and now it is.
So here's the very scary clip.
We're back here with Dr. Brian Harris.
We did an interview with him and he wasn't able to release the numbers at 3 o'clock.
So 3 o'clock today right here in Anaheim.
What happened Brian?
As confirmed today by Thomas Renz that just filed federal papers in a lawsuit against the government, 45,000 confirmed dead from the COVID-19 shots within three days so far and they've covered it up.
The VAR's data has only reported 11,000, but there's 11 different report systems into the government.
One of them alone has 45,000 that they have not released or told you.
And Thomas Raines has got the paperwork, has the whistleblower, has the sworn affidavit, and they're actually already filed a lawsuit today.
Stay tuned.
It's not a game.
It's disgusting.
And now they want to push on every child, and they've passed a law that by September of this year, by the fall, they will be able to vaccinate every five-year-old in America before they go to school.
45,000 confirmed dead from one reporting system.
Breaking news right here on the MG Show from Anaheim, California.
Thank you, Dr. Artis.
Thanks for tuning in.
Matrix Group.
And it's all about managing the cover-up to see how many they can kill and get away with it.
They already got tens of millions of autistic kids.
They've already got all of this going on.
And the very guy that launched the HIV attack...
All the evidence is overwhelming.
Fauci is now in control of this again.
So for a virus that spike proteins, what makes you sick, they give you something that makes more spike protein and you get sicker and sicker and sicker.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with your calls for folks that have taken the vaccine to give us their take on it.
You love it.
You hate it.
We'd love to hear from you on the other side.
Again, Dr. Mike J. Manning.
Emma, Graham, Jason, John, C.D., Callie, Patriot, and others.
And then we also have the solution to this.
The French, by the millions, are out in the streets all over the country.
They're saying no.
They're not backing down.
The police are exempt from these deadly inoculations.
This is a big, big deal.
Please also don't forget, in these trying times, it's more important ever to remember people are desperate for the truth.
So, as ambassadors, as Emissaries, as... Oh, what do you call it when Christians go around the world?
As missionaries of the truth of the New World Order and what it's doing, and how humanity's under attack, this dog only hunts, and the word only gets out, and lives only get saved when you tell people about the show.
And more than ever, folks aren't ashamed of the show.
The broadcast is exploding as all this horrible stuff comes true.
We wish we didn't get to this point.
I wish we could have stopped it, not have been that kook that was wrong, but we're here now.
And so people are ready to hear the truth.
Well, tell them.
Hear the suppressed news.
Learn what you're not supposed to hear.
For yourself, the number one attack show in the world, at InfoWars.com.
Or if they won't let you send that over your email or text message, that's already happening on a lot of systems like WhatsApp.
And that'll take them to Band.Video to see all the films and more.
And we're going to create a backup site for InfoWars as well.
We have NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson has Summit.News.
But we'll be right back on the other side.
Please stay with us for your phone calls.
What kind of nasty, evil people want to take over America?
Well, it's these kind of people.
Look at these headlines and I'm going to your calls.
Ontario woman charged after allegedly sexually assaulting a young boy in a park and raping him.
And you look at it and it's a degenerate scumbag man.
And he's a man and he's got two eggs and a snake in his pants.
But they're going to go along with the gaslighting that a woman raped a little boy in a park.
Transgender biological male cleared to compete in women's weightlifting in Tokyo Olympics.
Here's another one.
It's all a joke.
Just to see what they can get us to take.
Let's go to your phone calls.
I'm just going to go in the order they're received here.
And that would be Dr. Mike in Texas.
Go ahead.
So what is your experience or what's your view on taking the vaccine?
Don't, in one word.
Alex, I called the number that was listed on that paper you guys posted from Dr. Bart Klassen on the possibility of prion disease coming, being induced by this phony vaccine.
I left my phone number in the morning.
He called me back that evening.
So he is approachable.
We had a long discussion.
He really does believe this produces prions.
He used to work with Fauci back in the 80s, or at least starting in the 80s, knows him well, and says that... Okay, this is huge.
You've been calling in the show for like 16, 17, 18 years, maybe longer.
I recognize your voice, Mike.
I'm glad you got in.
Give the name and number of that doctor that put the big paper out on the study about prion disease, and we will call and get him on.
That is a big tip, and we do want to get him on.
But as a medical doctor yourself, and because I know who you are, we've had you on as a guest before, when you used to live in California, then Montana, wherever, then back to Texas.
Give us your take on where this is going now, because it's one thing to have Wolfgang Wudarg and Dr. Yeadon and all these prestigious guys say this about blood clots before the inoculation began.
Now it's happening.
What is you as a medical doctor watching this unfold?
What do you think is happening?
It's a nightmare unfolding in slow motion before our eyes.
I can't tell you how many family members, old friends, that went ahead and for some reason they were in a big hurry to get the so-called vaccine, and then they had major problems, headaches, blood clots in their legs, things that are difficult to fix once, you know, once this thing has started.
Well, you know why?
They wanted things to go back to normal, and now people are getting pissed they're being told it doesn't go back to normal.
How do you think that's going to go?
I don't know, obviously we're in a death struggle here.
At least these people are out in the open.
It's like that old story that Andrew Jackson told, or was told about Jackson, that a young soldier said, the fog is so bad, sir, how am I going to be able to shoot the enemy?
And Jackson says, don't worry son, the fog will lift in time and you'll have ample time to deal with the enemy.
These guys are out in the open now.
and what he said is don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes because
that way that old-fashioned rifle would have twice the acceleration power at 30
yards instead of 200 yards he always said that that's all guerrilla tactic
as he was in the first Revolutionary War his mother and brother died in it his
dad had died before that working the farm I mean Jackson was like the real
Conan a barbarian but he was not a big he was a tall guy but not you know big
muscular like some bodybuilder but yeah he always told his troops wait till they
get right up close and then kill him but that class and having you know knowing
Fauci well says that the whole system there in Washington at least the CDC is
in control of Mossad And he sees this whole battleground as Mossad versus China for control of the world.
They kind of turned my head around 180 degrees.
I didn't know what to think.
I agree that the same power base that works in Israel, there's one power base that's allied with the Anglo-American establishment in Israel, kind of the Rothschild arm.
You've got China's, the other arm.
They were both interconnected, but now they've double-crossed each other.
That's why you see dueling stories.
Oh, the Israelis are spying on journalists.
And then, oh, China's spying on Microsoft.
And that's just each side threatening the other to bring that information out.
Here's his number.
Let's not give it out on air, just in case.
Doc, guys, get this scientist's number, get his info.
Again, Doc's telling, just so you know, inside, in case you weren't listening, it's one of the scientists that wrote the paper on the threat of prion disease, and Dr. Mike was impressed with it, so I want to try to get that scientist on.
Thank you, Dr. Mike.
Hey Alex, I did not take it myself.
caller out of the gates. But he didn't take it. He's telling you about family.
They got really sick. A bunch of them taking it again. Most of them are gonna
die down the road from this. That's that's that's what the scientists are
predicted. And now it's happening very, very sad.
Let's go ahead and talk to J in Missouri. Family member took the shot.
Tell us what happened. Hey, Alex, I did not take it myself.
I've got a female family member who did. Um, and then about three months
afterwards, she had her annual well woman check and found lumps in her uterus,
and she's now scheduled for a full hysterectomy.
Well, that's right.
Remember the news said, don't worry when you get lumps in your uterus or in your ovaries or in your body, it's not cancer.
But then when you go to the doctor, they say, no, this is malignant cancer.
So think of that headline, the MRNA shot.
Let me guess, you take Pfizer and Moderna.
Um, I don't know which one exactly she took.
She took it for a dumb reason anyway.
She wasn't forced to, but to not wear masks at work.
You know, you can give her literature when they said up front, oh, don't worry when you get tumors.
Well, what's funny about it is when the family found out about it, I was the first one to point it out of, you know, the time frame and all the news behind it.
And then last at a family gathering, we tried to see if she was magnetic or not, and she was not willing to let us do that.
Well, it actually hit the news quite a bit.
COVID is causing a cancer crisis.
The World Health Organization warns.
And of course, that's them talking about because people aren't getting diagnosed for cancer.
Well, this is a big deal.
Sorry, go ahead, sir.
No, I just find it amazing that right out the gate before it was even rolled out much here in America, that they were saying it causes temporary infertility.
And so supposedly for a drug that was made in nine months, I don't know how they know what was temporary and what was not right out of the gate.
Well, I've seen it all over the news.
Record levels of hysterectomies of women that have taken the mRNA vaccines.
We've had a lot of callers whose family members have had their uterus removed after they took this.
If I got one more second, I actually ran into an old buddy on Saturday.
His wife chose to get it as well, and she's gone through menopause, but started a menstrual cycle as well, two years after menopause, after she took it, about six weeks after.
Even mainstream media said, don't worry if you're 85 and had your period again.
Everything's fine.
And then now they want to give it to children, brother.
How evil is that?
It's terrible.
Well, I appreciate you calling.
Jay, anything else?
No, that's all.
Thank you, brother, and God bless you.
Thank you.
And I do something that's very rude here on air, and it's rude to the crew, and it's rude to the listeners, and it's rude to the truth.
I get very OCD with this wonderful crew.
So you bring up the fact that it attacked your uterus, and you bring up the fact, and then I get mad because they can't instantly pull it up to show TV viewers that what you're saying is admitted.
That's very OCD of me, and I apologize.
That's not realistic.
But yeah.
That's why I get so angry, folks.
I've seen hundreds of admissions where they go, don't worry if you get tumors in your breast, don't worry if you start bleeding.
Do you understand?
Just go in and like, well, yeah, those are tumors.
Doctors are being told, don't worry about those tumors.
That's a headline.
Doctors are being told, don't worry about tumors in the breast or uterus.
They should go away in six months.
What the hell does that mean?
And then it doesn't, and it's killing people.
They're giving you cancer.
They're murdering.
Can you believe this?
I mean, what the hell, man?
They cooked it all up at the Wuhan, they released it, now they're taking the world over as our saviors.
And they got big tech in the media suppressing anybody that talks about alternative treatments, or anybody that talks about how their mommy and their daddy died after they took the shot, or how their neighbor had a stroke and is now in a nursing home at the age of 35.
I asked the crew in the last caller, the last caller brought up people getting cancer, I got mainstream news reporting it like it's no big deal.
This is health.com.
This woman's COVID vaccine side effect led to stage 2 breast cancer.
Oh, well that's no big deal.
Sounds pretty good.
Teacher learns about cancer diagnosis after vaccine.
The doctor said it's just an accident you have a giant cancer right where they gave you the shot one month after.
I'm not laughing at him, man.
I'm laughing because I'm going crazy here.
That's mainstream news.
Woman advised to lay mammogram after vaccine because they said, well, that is cancer, but maybe it'll go away.
Business news.
Cancer COVID.
Now it's COVID-19.
Cancer 19 vaccines can cause lumps and mimic breast cancer.
Oh, my goodness.
Swollen lymph nodes reported after COVID-19 vaccines.
Oh, they say don't worry about it.
Oh, the COVID-19 vaccine can lead to false positive mammogram.
And it goes on to women having their uteruses removed after them swelling up and bleeding out.
80-year-old women dying as gallons of blood pour out of them.
Cancer-specific mRNA.
It's all the studies on it attacking your body.
Health experts warn a side effect of COVID-19 and COVID vaccine could cause cancer scare.
Yeah, I remember that was like six months ago.
Yeah, April, April, four months ago.
They're like, oh, it might cause a cancer scare.
And now it's like, well, you got cancer, record cancer, but it's okay because you got the vaccine.
I got the vaccine.
You got the vaccine.
We got the vaccine.
Health experts warn a side effect of COVID-19 and COVID vaccine could cause cancer scare.
Oh my gosh.
A man in Italy got COVID-19 and his cancer went into remission.
Oh, there's an article about how wonderful it was.
It's a cancer cure.
So give me some positive news there.
I don't believe any of that.
Man, I tell you.
Hey, but it's okay, because hey, did you hear a woman raped a little boy in a park in Canada?
Yeah, he's got a penis, but it's a woman.
I mean, they're just gaslighting us.
We're like, going along with this.
Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.
Graham in North Carolina, you tell us your news on the vaccine.
How's that going for you and yours?
Hi, Alex.
Yeah, sorry.
You still don't have anybody on that's actually had the vaccine.
I have a feeling that that might be difficult.
Yeah, no one's calling in who likes it.
Every person on the board says they hate it.
I mean, I just don't know why it's so popular, but tell me how wonderful it is or tell me your story, please.
My best, well, one of my best friends, um, both of his parents got the vaccine in late January.
Yes, sir.
They got the first dose of the Moderna and, um, his dad got very, very sick.
This is a guy who's in his eighties, but he's, he's driving to work every day and, you know, relatively in shape and he gets the first dose.
He, he completely has to sit out of work.
It's very, very ill, but, and his wife gets a little bit ill, but not quite as bad.
So they convinced him, he goes back, gets the second dose, and immediately gets very, very ill, has difficulty breathing.
Two days later he's in hospice, and two days after that he's dead.
So he died in February, and then his wife, I know how it is, old folks who are married for a long time, sometimes the other one becomes depressed and also dies, but I know that her lung function went down drastically and within two months she lost complete use of
her left lung and then by the end of April she was dead also so they both died. How's
the family feeling right now? They're they're gonna give their children the shots? Well my friend
he has not been vaccinated and his brother has also not been vaccinated. They were able to
convince them to get the parents vaccinated because of the statistics. We all realized he, myself,
others our age sort of realized how illogical it was because of the low death risk from
from the actual virus.
For somebody in our age bracket, it's one in a million.
I believe it is.
Well that's it.
So now are they pissed that their parents were murdered?
Because they need to now go out and warn people.
I just keep seeing people who have family die and they just take it.
They go, well that's how it works.
And now they're coming for our children.
Yes, sir.
Unfortunately, that's kind of how their reaction has been.
I think that they were pursuing getting the money, if there's some sort of government money, to have your parents buried if they die of coronavirus.
And they did say their official cause of death for both of them was coronavirus.
Yeah, that's what they do when the virus kills you.
God bless you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, people have lost their life instinct.
They've lost their survival instinct.
I mean, if somebody kills my parents, you're going to die.
That's just how it works.
And I can't help it.
It hurt my kids, too.
You're dead.
Or at least I'm gonna try.
But now everybody's just, well, my dad, my mom, they're dead.
Did I get some money?
Let's talk to John in California.
John in California.
Caller's a nurse.
Stepson took the vaccine.
Tell us what happened, John.
I appreciate you holding.
How you doing Alex?
I've been listening to you for over 20 years.
I've been a nurse for about 20 plus years.
My wife's a nurse 20 plus years.
Her son, my stepson, he's 22 years old and just this past week we took him to the emergency room for numbness, tingling all over his body, difficulty eating and keeping food down and he doesn't live with us.
But we found out that he took the vaccination that same week.
Still there?
Yes, sir.
I'm right here.
I'm listening to you.
So, my wife, she works currently with the VA and she runs a clinic and I hear complaints all the time via her about patients that have had the vaccination and the problems that they have.
The symptoms, they're just a list of them, a plethora.
So, needless to say, I have not taken the vaccination.
I haven't taken vaccinations for as far back as I can remember.
Well, let's be clear.
They're all got a bad history and got problems and they spike them.
But remember, this isn't a vaccine.
This is a gene therapy that makes your body attack proteins in itself.
I mean, they know exactly what they did.
Well, and I agree with you.
That just makes it all the more reason why I would never take it.
In fact, that's one of the reasons why I work in a specialty within my field, such that there's not a whole lot of pressure at this point.
But I used to work for the L.A.
Department of Public Health, and I left for reasons related to this.
I could see the I could see what was coming down the line, you know, potentially mandated vaccinations, etc.
And I was not going to participate in that.
So I ventured out and I'm an independent.
I'll leave it at that.
But I don't have pressures at the moment where I'm at.
But if at some point down the line, you know, it comes to me, I mean, That's the line in the sand.
At least one of the lines in the sand.
Well, that's right.
They're trying to say... Take that vaccination.
Biden's people said publicly they want us not be able to have a job or have our children.
They literally want to put us in digital concentration camps if we don't take this.
It's so obvious.
This is their big move.
They know they've got to kill and maim as many as they can.
America rebelled against the globalists, and so we're being hit with a weapon.
Remember, Brzezinski, before he died, said, we can no longer convince Americans.
Now we need to start killing Americans.
Did you know he said we need to start killing populist nations?
And he helped fund Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge that killed one-third of the Cambodians.
So, he wrote books bragging about it.
So people understand, this is their assault.
It's a military attack through the medical system, so you trust it, with big tech and the media suppressing it and covering it up, John.
And I think we have to all let that full horror sink in here.
What do you think we should do?
What to do?
I just see, we're going to have to make some difficult decisions as a population and as an individual.
And those decisions that we're going to make is going to determine whether or not we're going to take the high road or the low road.
And the high road in my mind is making that difficult decision so that long term we have freedom.
And if we don't make that decision and they make it for us, we're going to go down in slavery.
That's right, that's right.
They're assaulting us with a high-tech form of modern warfare that's covert.
And so what do we do, is the question.
Thank you so much.
All right, we'll go right back to your calls.
Don't you want it back?
The feeling of security and strength and being the leader?
Because we love God, we love justice, we love individualism.
But then the evil came and intimidated us with political correctness.
And we bowed down to it.
And now the dam is broken and all of our freedoms are draining away.
And by the minute things get worse, when will you decide to say no?
When will you decide to not back down anymore?
All right, let's go to Andrew and then we'll go to Michael or Michelle and others.
Andrew, you're on the air from Florida.
Go ahead.
Hi, how you doing?
I've got a couple of things for you.
The first thing is about three months ago, I was scrolling down on my Facebook feed and I noticed that my brother-in-law had, you know, how they do the whole virtue signaling thing on their profile pic saying that, hey, I got mine.
I got my vaccination.
And he and his wife did.
And I leaned over to my wife and I said, you know what?
Someday he may come to regret that.
And sure enough, within 30 days, we got a call in the morning.
On Sunday morning, I'll never forget it, stating that his wife had passed away, and this was within 30 days of a blood clot.
And they were gonna, of course they're not going to admit what it was or anything like that.
That is my next question, is, the reason the globalists are doing this is, the sheep they're killing never admit they've been hurt.
It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
So, I bet he'll push for his grandkids to take it.
And if they die, he'll still love it, right?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
In fact, his whole family could die.
He'd still do it.
Because he won't admit an outside group attacking.
He won't admit he's under attack.
Absolutely, because I live in Florida, but my family live in Michigan and New York.
And to my complete astonishment, they're not all on the left for sure.
I even have a lot of military in my family and who have never taken vaccines in their life.
And I called right around Mother's Day and Come to find out my entire family has taken all the vaccines except one family two family members one is my cousin and she's the only one in the medical field and she says I will not take this thing there's not enough testing on this thing and then the other one is our granddaughter and that is our biggest fear because in New York
They are going to push her.
And she's in a private school.
This is not a public school.
Yeah, but what's going to happen when somebody's kid dies and then the teacher, whoever pushed the principal, ends up getting major repercussions, if you know what I mean.
I mean, listen, they're pushing a war.
You get where this is going.
Because they're never going to be able to hide what happened.
They're planning the civil war that comes out of the vaccine damage to end the country.
That's why they're pissed, though, because they haven't even gotten half the public to take it.
They're lying when they say that.
It's more about 40%.
But like you said, in the Northeast, in those areas, for whatever reason, where they were really locked down hard, they wanted out of the lockdown.
But what are they going to do now that they're told lockdown 2 is coming and more shots are needed?
I thought this shot was going to protect them.
Only hope, too, because we're going to be going up there for the first time and we haven't seen any of them in almost two years now.
And we want to go up there and visit and try to convince them not to give our granddaughter this shot.
And they're at least a little bit open to the fact that maybe this isn't the safest thing.
And, you know, so I'm trying to give them some information on it.
But I'm even surprised, too.
One last thing is I'm surprised that someone who they're both conservatives down here in Florida and we went over to a pool party.
And I noticed that one of my friends, she said, well, you know what, I've got to go in and have this operation done this week.
I'm getting this thing taken out of me.
And I was looking over and she, she has a lipoma.
And it's one of those, you know, side effects that, you know, from the virus.
Of course, I didn't say that, you know, that's directly from the vaccine, but I'm going, oh my God, everybody I know is having effects from this thing.
Sir, they hit us with a weapon, and they know how humans work.
If humans make a big deal about something, we make a big deal.
Stalin said one man dies, it's a horror show, it's a tragedy, 10,000 dies is a statistic.
They know if they just normalize it, we'll accept it, like having now a third of our boys are autistic to some degree.
Soon it'll be half, then it'll be all.
I mean, they're killing us, and God bless you, sorry for your family, take them a stack of news, a stack of documents, and just warn the hell out of them, please.
My God, it's a race against time, isn't it?
I'll guarantee you, though, the New World Order is going to pay for this.
But see, they're slaves of Satan.
They know that, too.
They're scared.
They're ordered to do this.
Let's go to Michelle in Pennsylvania.
Finally a caller who did take it!
Thank you for calling and getting in and holding.
Tell us what happened.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Me and my boyfriend are a huge fan, just to let you know.
But the reason I'm calling is, yeah, I got pressured into taking the vaccine by my family, my dad especially.
He wouldn't stop harboring about it.
And me, we were against it very much.
And then I stupidly caved and took it.
I was so healthy before I took this thing.
I am like, right now, like, everything's a mess.
I'm covered in scabs and blood clots and bruises.
Like, scabs aren't going away.
I keep coughing, my lungs are congested all the time, and I have nausea.
Like, ever since I got it, I have this nausea where literally I can be anywhere and I'll just start throwing up.
I mean, you know what's happening.
Your body is producing a toxic spike protein.
This is such a sick joke.
I mean, they knew it would do this to you.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I literally feel like I'm dying all the time.
Like, it's horrible.
How does your father feel?
Is he proud of himself?
He probably would blame it on anything else, I'm sure.
He's still a supporter, but I mean, I'm waiting for when I die, maybe then he'll see the point.
It's ridiculous.
I will probably feel different when something happens.
Well, I hope you don't die, but here's the problem.
It only hit you earlier, and who knows how this is going to work, but you know in the studies, it killed the mice on average in about two months.
That's a couple years in humans.
So I hope you don't die, and that's what I keep asking medical doctors and scientists, and we don't know.
Is there a way to reverse the spike protein growth, the crystal growth?
Because basically the best knowledge we have is you have a form of mad cow disease now.
And I don't know how you reverse it.
Guaranteed the globalists have a way to reverse it.
They're obviously not going to tell us.
Have you done any research on that?
No, I would like to do some though.
Well, I'm sorry, and you know why I'm really sorry?
I care about you, Michelle, but you understand the evidence is overwhelming.
They even admit in EU law now, and Big Pharma, Pfizer admits, this sheds.
So even if you wouldn't have taken it, we can, everybody could get this anyway.
So think about how diabolical that is.
Yeah, this is crazy.
I think this is like absolutely ridiculous that they're doing this to people.
Well, they're going to pay.
And the reason is they've never paid physically, and that's why they keep doing this.
And so we just have to keep notes of this.
And what do you make a big pharma trying to suppress people like you?
Even women and men that die, they suppress their funerals on big tech, aiding and abetting the evil.
That makes me angry.
Yeah, that's that's ridiculous.
Yeah, the worst part is the nausea.
Honestly, that like it's just like really hard to deal with that part, especially.
Which vaccine did you which so-called vaccine did you take?
The Moderna.
Did you take both shots?
I did, unfortunately.
Did you have any ill effect on the first shot?
No, it just didn't start happening until after the second shot.
Yeah, I have a family member who didn't want to listen to me and thinks I'm crazy, and they took the first shot and got seriously ill, and they haven't taken the second shot yet.
Um, and, uh, but they're thinking about it.
So, you know, I guess, gotta prove me wrong.
Gotta, gotta show it's great.
One of the shots, uh, from the, um, Pfizer.
Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Pray to God, Michelle.
God has power.
And just, we need all the research.
How do we... It's not a virus, folks.
It is your body producing a spike protein.
A virus attacks you, so you create a spike protein?
God help us.
But what we know is, I answered my own question, I'm not giving medical advice here, but what we know is the vaccine is much worse than the COVID itself, but COVID does the same thing as the vaccine.
So what's helping people?
So just like you're having an autoimmune response to bad pollen, you go get a steroid shot.
Corporate critique, or however you say it, my brain's not working right.
I'm not a doctor, but I used to work with a large animal vet, a small vet before that, and you would give them the Depo-Medrol, and stuff like that, that is a non-anabolic steroid.
And if things were going shocky, or having really big autoimmune responses, or a dog couldn't get up and walk, you'd give them a shot of that.
I know they have aerosolized steroid that cured almost everybody that had COVID.
If they were having an autoimmune response, they'd be dying, couldn't breathe, they'd give them that, and then that would fix it.
Showing the doctors it wasn't viral, it was an autoimmune response to it, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, huge dosages of vitamin C, things like that, huge doses of vitamin D. Whatever fights the virus, it tends to say would then counter the vaccine that's basically growing the equivalent of the virus to spike protein in you.
Not giving medical advice, I'm just Saying, what do you have to lose?
Take a lot of zinc, take a lot of C, take a lot of... I would take iodine, I'd drink a crap ton of water, and I would probably fast.
And just squeeze that crap out of you and your body.
Here's the problem.
The Rockefellers and Gates tested stuff for decades of what would really be nasty and hard to beat.
So they've hit our people with every race, color, and creed with just a horrible thing.
It's really hard to come to grips with the fact they did this, but they did it.
We are in the depopulation now.
Can you imagine once the denial is all over and there's people dead everywhere?
All right, we're back.
It's already happening.
My pillow head.
Mike Lindell is joining us next segment.
After he leaves for a couple of segments, we're going to go back to your calls.
And then we've got Gerald Cilente coming up.
But I want to go to people that hold the longest.
Manny and then Emma.
Manny's in Florida, Emma's in California.
Manny, welcome.
Tell us your view on the vaccine or what you witnessed.
Hi, um, hi.
By the way, I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh, and now I follow you because, you know, you're a great dude.
I seen you when I was a kid, face-to-face.
You gave me some good advice.
Now I see what the real, like, reality is.
My mother-in-law has taken the vaccine, and she's having a problem that I've seen on TikTok that, um, that her leg won't lift.
And there was a woman on TikTok that had the same problem and said... Yeah, millions have it.
It's called Guillain-Barré and it's the nerve endings not working.
Yeah, it can totally paralyze you and kill you.
Yeah, and then my father-in-law who threatened my life because I refused to let my wife and my three kids and also she's pregnant with my current, even youngest child.
Oh wow, so even the husband of the lady that's been hurt by it now wants you to hurt your children with it.
Yes, and I literally got arrested for defending myself in Florida.
We have a law called the Castle Doctrine.
What an incredible!
He came over to kick your ass because he's the big hero because you wouldn't take an experimental pharma shot.
Yes, and I refused my lady and the kids to take it too, which even a nurse said that she doesn't recommend the women to take it.
Oh, exactly.
But notice how every grandpa now, and I'm not bashing grandpas, that's what's happening.
He's the enforcer.
He's the doctor.
He's going to make sure you take it.
Yeah, and the cops actually seen my flag that I have.
I have 1776 with the people, the American flag.
Uh, the Betsy Ross flag, and they literally said the only thing that they're gonna arrest me on is, uh, prior charges of felony battery.
Well, it sounds like your father-in-law's an idiot.
Yeah, he told them that I pushed him because he threatened my life to say that he was gonna kill me in my own home, and the Kafka Doctrine clearly states that I was correct.
I even told the cops that, by law, you're violating my constitutional rights.
And it's illegal for you to arrest me when he's the one that does it.
Well, Manny, you're a good father, and they're going to wage war on all of us.
This is just getting started.
Thank you so much, Manny.
Bruce in... Oh, no.
No, it was Emma.
Emma in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hello?
Yes, go ahead.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Yes, thanks for taking the call.
My good friend's husband, who's 80 years old, took the first vaccine in February.
We tried to talk him out of that one, but he was so scared.
His image was, I don't want to be on a respirator, so he took it.
But we talked him out of the second one because we showed him all the facts.
But unfortunately, two months ago, he started seeing blood, and then his platelets went really low, down to 53.
Yeah, that's the thing, it attacks your kidneys and your blood, yeah.
Yeah, and so this is what's interesting though.
So they didn't tell the hospital that he took the vaccine because they heard that sometimes when you say that they won't treat you.
So the doctor let it slip and said, oh that's kind of funny.
We see these cases mostly in people who have been vaccinated.
So that's one thing that's really strange.
And then the second thing was how they told him and the hospital that He had the vaccine.
They said that insurance wouldn't have covered a COVID-19 vaccine injury.
So and then now it turns out he has leukemia and he's being treated for leukemia because that's the only thing that will try to get his blood platelets down is by using chemo.
So that's correct.
And that's because it's creating the spike protein that basically is.
Yeah, and he's really healthy.
It's not like he's a totally healthy eight-year-old who plays tennis four times a week.
He's healthy.
He's never had any... Well, is he awake now?
Because before he dies, he needs to warn some people.
Yeah, well, I don't know if they're willing to do that.
That's incredible.
You never know.
They don't have a life force or an instinct.
I'm not against this guy, but he needs to warn people.
Who was the famous guy that played Pharaoh in the Ten Commandments, Yul Brynner, and before he
died he said, "Whatever you do, don't smoke."
He had lung cancer.
They say tens of millions of folks quit smoking.
I know my uncle quit smoking from that.
It's, "Whatever you do, don't smoke.
Stop smoking."
And all these folks dying of these things, they need to get up there, they need to speak
God bless you and I appreciate your call.
All right, we've got a very special guest straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've got our special guest, Mike Lindell of MyPillow.com,
who's been really leading the effort to expose the fraudulent election of 2020.
But the Democrats say, how dare you question any election, even though they said they were going to challenge this election no matter what.
But here are top Democrats agreeing with the founder of MyPillow.com.
Here it is.
I continue to think that our voting machines are too vulnerable.
Our researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that ballot recording machines and other voting systems are susceptible to tampering.
Even hackers with limited prior knowledge, tools, and resources are able to breach voting machines in a matter of minutes.
In 2018, electronic voting machines in Georgia and Texas deleted votes for certain candidates or switched votes from one candidate to another.
The biggest seller of voting machines is doing something that violates cybersecurity 101.
Directing that you install remote access software which would make a machine like that, you know, a magnet for fraudsters and hackers.
These voting machines can be hacked quite easily.
You could easily hack into them.
It makes it seem like all these states are doing different things, but in fact three companies are controlling this.
It is the individual voting machines That some pose, that pose some of the greatest risk.
There are a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines.
Which are vulnerable to being hacked.
Workers were able to easily hack into an electronic voting machine.
It was possible to switch votes.
43% of American voters use voting machines that researchers have found have serious security flaws including back doors.
We know how vulnerable now our systems were.
We know, I know the hackathon that took place last year, where virtually every machine was broken into fairly quickly.
I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the Capitol, where we brought in folks who, before our eyes, hacked election machines.
This goes on for an hour.
I'm not going to play it all.
Mike Lindell of MyPillow.com is here with us.
And I want to just say something before we get into the latest numbers and him being vindicated and all the stuff that's coming out, whether it's August that Trump could be reinstated or September, October.
It doesn't matter.
It's about our election integrity.
It's about not letting him steal the midterms.
And Mike Lindell's right.
You've got to be positive and point out they stole this election with the evidence.
You've got to say we want Trump reinstated, or it's never going to happen.
You've got to believe, and that's how we bring them down, because we have the evidence.
But talk about a trailblazer, sued by all these big groups, attacked, lied about, demonized, with all the evidence of the hacking that went on, and the ballot harvesting, and the stuffing, and all of this being confirmed, and the ballots that weren't folded, and the Scantron ballots, and all of it, Thank God for Mike Lindell and his spirit and what he's done.
And now it's gone from when he started six, seven months ago questioning, from 60% of Republicans questioning to 80 plus percent.
And it's gone from 15% of Democrats questioning up to 40%.
So the vast majority of Americans, on average about 60% and growing, know the election was stolen.
So the majority of people know the truth.
The question is, Then how do we see that reinstatement?
Because now the courts, the lawsuits are getting filed confirming with the evidence of fraud in Georgia and other states like Arizona, we now have the real proof for courts.
So, Mike Lindell, thank you for being a trailblazer.
Tell us the latest information.
Well, it's all good.
We got great things are coming, everybody.
Everybody knows on January 9th, I got attacked because starting from that point on, because, you know, in November and December, I was like everybody else.
I was like, all these deviations are going, what happened?
What happened?
Well, I kept looking at numbers and looking at different states and counties, and one of the things I noticed was the numbers were too big.
It had to be done by computers or machines.
There wasn't enough people to put that many ballots, to change that many.
And when I got this evidence on January 9th, totally different.
It explained everything.
It was a hack with the machines.
And so, ever since that day, for five months now, I've been attacked almost daily.
And so, what I'm doing now, it's a cyber symposium.
It's August 10th, 11th, and 12th.
And you're going to see it starting this week, Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.
You're gonna get one of the biggest announcements you've ever heard.
It'll be heard around the world and it involves this symposium.
It's not open to the public.
Everybody needs to watch it.
It'll be 72 hours streamed on FrankSpeech.com.
We're bringing in all the cyber experts.
We're bringing in all the, I invited all the government, all of our government, state legislatures, federal, attorney generals, governors, and all the media.
And what we're going to do, we're going to show them all the packet captures from the whole election.
Everything was captured from start to finish.
The evidence is not subjective.
It is 100% you can't argue it.
And when we do that, Right after that, we're going to be bringing the case to the Supreme Court with the states as the plaintiffs.
And I truly believe, because it's non-subjective evidence, they can't say 8-1 or 7-2, it'll be 9-0 to bring this election down.
I've said it before, every election in our country's history, the person that won when fraud was involved gets put back in.
There's no statute of limitations.
So you, uh, the statute of limitations are gone.
I mean, in this, you're going to, you're going to reinstate Donald Trump this fall.
And, uh, the, the mainstream media they've been, or the media has been slamming.
Mike Lindell backs off on his claim of August.
Well, excuse me, I'm off by a month or so.
But the bottom line is this is going to be taken down.
Also, the day of the symposium, the three days, we're going to show an alternative way to get rid of these machines and an alternative way to vote.
I've already seen it, Alex.
It is 100%.
I don't believe you could hack it ever.
And it's going to be amazing.
We have a lot of changes coming up and we're going to get our country back.
Well Mike, most people don't have the courage you've got to put your money where your mouth is and do rallies all over the country and to put tens of millions of dollars into all the research and now all these cyber experts are coming out and they're confirming that there was access into the computers and erasing of the roles and then lying about it and then now look at Arizona where they keep battling to never release it to the legislature under law where they may have to arrest them.
What are they hiding?
Yeah, exactly.
Well, you know, I want everybody to know, I have the packet captures of the whole election, so no matter what would happen in the states, you don't need that.
If you have the packet captures and cyber forensics, you have everything you need.
But now if you didn't have them, now you need to do these audits, a full forensic audit, which is the machines, the ballots, and the routers.
Now what's in a router?
You have packet captures in routers.
But that's what I was about to say.
If they are not releasing that under court order, why wouldn't they release it if there wasn't fraud?
A hundred percent.
This is the thing is, and you ask yourself this, like, you could bring it right down to why is Doug Ducey, the governor of Arizona, such an obstructionist and he's a Republican.
These county board members, Republicans, why are they obstructing?
What are they hiding?
Are they doing it because they don't want their party in power anymore?
I don't get it.
And then you've got Brian Kemp in Georgia, Brad Rassenberger.
You guys, when the dust clears here, they've got to answer to the American people.
Are they traitors?
Why would they do this to them?
Why would they say, hey, you've got a court order, go in and look at whatever you want.
It shouldn't have even came to a court order.
We own these machines, everybody.
The public, we paid for them.
That's right.
In Georgia, Brian Kemp bought $107 million.
The Democrats are now really scared of what's coming out.
The Justice Department's trying to block it.
They're trying to block what the states are doing.
They're trying to block what you're doing.
Again, this shows total guilt.
Plus, I understand you're right.
Hacking is the main way they do it.
But you also have them grabbing the suitcases out, running the same ballots.
That's all confirmed.
Falsifying tallies.
I mean, we got them at every level.
I call that the organic theft, Alex.
I did a speech yesterday in California and they asked me, they go, Mike, but does your data show that he won California, Donald Trump?
And I said, well, let me tell you, there's two kinds of, of, uh, that I call a crime.
One of them is the cyber crime, the big, the biggest crime against our country.
I can't even believe it's historical proportion.
Now, if you take the cybercrime out of California, Donald Trump still loses by a little bit.
But if you add in, now this is subjective because I don't know how broad it is, if you add in the organic crime, which means illegal aliens voting, minors voting, non-residents voting, people that had seven ballots sent to them voting, people that People that pull up suitcases out from under tables voting.
If you add that in, he wins even California.
It was the biggest.
It was 80 million.
This is the real totalism. We're going to show this at the symposium.
All right, Senator, final segment with Mike Lindell giving us an update. We got something
very exciting to talk about as well. MyPillow.com promo code "Alex" I misspoke. It's 66% off up to
that. Well, the head of MyPillow.com, Mike Lindell, is certainly fighting back against tyranny. He's
certainly a man of action. And the vast majority of Americans agree with him. And the evidence is
just pouring out.
What do you expect the establishment to do as this evidence becomes overwhelming, Mike Lindell?
And why are you so confident Trump will be reinstated?
You've been saying that for six months.
Trump's talking about reinstatement, panicking with Democrats.
What would be the process of making the puppet President Biden step down?
Well, after we do the Cyber Symposium on the 10th, 11th, and 12th, we've already got the case ready.
It'll be the states.
They'll be the plaintiffs.
We'll bring it to the Supreme Court.
It's called a quo warranto.
And when we bring it there, they're going to pull it down 9-0.
They'll have a lot of options.
They could push it back to the states, but because it was an attack by China, We believe that they'll just pull it down 9-0.
Because it affects so many down tickets, maybe they'll say, hey, you need to do a new election.
I don't know that part.
I'm not with them.
But in every other case, everybody, in the country's history, they take the winner and put him back in right away and they finish out that term.
Now, everybody always asks me, well, would Donald Trump get extra time?
And according to my lawyers and stuff, it doesn't look like he would.
He would just go right up to the 2024 election.
And that would be it.
But as we know, everything going on right now, time is of the essence because our country is getting destroyed day by day by day with decisions that are coming out of DC.
And it's not helping anyone, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican.
It's not helping any people.
It's helping other countries.
And Mike, when you talk to Trump, I mean, he's come out and said, I think I may be reinstated, evidence is coming out.
I know you talked to him.
What is he saying?
I mean, does he seem positive, or where is Trump in all this?
He seems very, he's very positive because he sees other things happening on other fronts like, you know, Arizona.
That audit coming out, they found all that, all the stuff they're finding in Georgia.
We have new audits starting in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
This is all going to come crumbling down like dominoes.
You know, he's getting validated for everything he said in November and December.
Of course this election was stolen.
So he's just getting validated and proven right.
But whenever I talk to him, he's very concerned about the time factor.
He tells people to say, you know, there's not going to be a 2022 or a 2024.
We have to address 2020.
And you've got to fix the pathway going forward, too.
There can't be machines.
And also, he's worried about, especially the border, the stuff that's going on down there that he put in place, and all of these things that he put in place, these great things that manifested to December of 2019, when we were all in our happy place.
Everybody, consumer confidence at an all-time high.
Well, those were from those manifested from great political decisions made by Donald Trump.
And so yeah, but he's very positive.
There's been a big shift because I think everybody in our country You know, as days go by, more and more evidence keeps coming out in spite of the media trying to stop us.
They've attacked me.
You know what I did, Alex?
The other day, I thanked all of the media, from Huffington Post to Political, Daily Beast, Business Insider, New York Times, CNN.
I thanked them all, because they're the only ones That kept me in the news and attacked me every day.
Mike Lindell lost four of our reach hours.
I said, did you hear about China, the attack through the machines?
Did you hear about Dominion, Dominion, Dominion?
And every day I got attacked, but at least I was able to voice what I wanted to say.
Shame on Fox, where have they been?
And by the way, it's coming out now that they hacked Microsoft with Bill Gates' help, all of it.
I mean, we literally are under shycom attack and China Joe is controlled by them.
I mean, He's got to go, even if he won the election, which he didn't, he's got to go, he's a Chinese spy.
Yeah, yeah.
And you know, all these too, when you find out all this stuff with Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Google, all these that were in on it, I mean, you know, oh great.
They put billions of dollars in to manipulate local votes and everything else, it's insane.
It's all going to come out.
Oh, they did more than that.
Jack Dorsey especially.
Well, Mark Zuckerberg too, but Jack Dorsey.
I mean, they broke laws.
Clear back to the primaries with Dr. Sheba in Massachusetts.
He got caught red-handed doing stuff for the Secretary of State.
And all this stuff's gonna come out, but that's after the fact.
Absolutely, Mike.
You've been gracious to come on in your car in a parking lot there in your minivan.
Listen, listen.
We really appreciate you, but I want to talk about something.
Keeping you operating and your thousands of employees, despite all the persecution, keeping InfoWars on air.
Talk about 360 win.
I've already bought your products for years.
Everybody I know loves your products, but you're offering them at the lowest price ever, literally, to our listeners with promo code Alex.
And you've got dog beds, cat beds now.
You've got incredible human beds that are revolutionary at a very low price.
You've got your towels that are the big, that my wife loves, already had them before this.
The pillows, obviously, and the Giza sheets and all of it.
If people go to MyPillow.com and at checkout, put in Alex, you get up to $60.
6% off and hey, a lot of you did it.
It got some great support into InfoWars to keep us on air.
So Mike, tell us about MyPillow.com promo code Alex.
Yeah, it's up to 66% off everybody, but I want to tell you just a couple of them that I'm only offering to Alex, to your listeners, and it's basically a radio podcast special.
We're doing this this week.
I passed the savings of all of the box stores that have canceled my pillow and attacked our company, and I have 2,500 employees you're supporting.
Well, the towels are regularly 109... Be clear about this.
You're cutting out the middleman and instead helping radio shows and shows that help the truth out.
And you're doing a great job.
Up to 66% off.
Tell folks about it.
And the towels are normally 109.99.
They're only 39.99.
The lowest price in history.
You have Giza Dream Sheets.
I'm going to put them at 50% off.
And those are the lowest price ever.
As low as 49.99 for a set of the greatest sheets ever.
Um, you've got my brand new bed commercial.
My bed I developed just came out.
You guys gotta check it out.
There's no bed like it in the world.
And then, you know, you've got my pillows, my regular premium pillows that are normally $69.99.
These are the ones you see in the box stores I have left, like, where they're $39.99 and up to $69.99, only $29.99.
stores I have left like where they're $39.99 and up to $69.99 only $29.99 so what I've
done is to help out like your show with your show Alex and all these other podcasts and
people that have been cancelled out and they help my pillow.
I'm just passing the savings directly on to the public.
And by the way Mike, let me explain this.
They've taken the sponsorship in the last five years from all major nationalists and Patriot Radio.
I talked to everyone.
They said you didn't know Lindell is the guy keeping most of the talk radio afloat and all your employees.
I mean literally you are a superstar bro.
And our listeners buying great products are as well.
We've got to build our own economy.
We've got to have our own system.
And people don't know how tenuous this is.
I mean, how important this funding is and how great these products are.
Well, it's like helping a cause and you get something great in return.
I mean, I mean, this was a perfect fit when they canceled out.
Twenty-four retailers, they canceled.
They canceled.
I mean, part of the cancel culture from Costco, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, all the shopping channels.
So I just said, you know what?
And they usually take 50 some percent everybody of everybody's product in this country.
So, we're passing the savings on, that's right, we can not only save you all kinds of money, but you're right, supporting all the podcasters that have been cancelled on crooked YouTube and... Hold on, hold on, I know you gotta go, but you gotta finish up.
Alright, a few more minutes with Mike Lindell here on the Alex Jones Show, then I'm going right to Brian, Denise, Eva...
Rose and Alice that have been patiently holding to tell their vaccine stories.
Again, Mike Lindell, MyPillow.com, we're working with him.
And he's really been great.
His people have been great.
And I hadn't called him in a couple of weeks since he was on there contacting us saying, hey, do you want the money from the Revshare?
And I'm like, oh yeah, the Revshare.
He's offered you a promo code in there.
I just wanted to support what he's doing because I know the enemy's coming after him.
Because we're in the same boat, Mike Lindell and I. We've been attacked by the same people, the same Democratic Party, the same law firms trying to shut us down.
But we're happy about it.
We're charging for it because we know we're doing the right thing.
You know, I just want to say this in closing.
When you were on Jimmy Kimmel and he tried to discredit you and you were so charming, you just totally disarmed him.
And then they said the public loved you even more after that.
You are just a very likable guy.
So I think it's not just great products you've got.
I mean, what is it?
Mike about you that you're just so likable because I'd already bought your products years ago just because you were so likable and then I loved them but you've got what they call high Q scores in TV.
Well, I don't know.
We do all our own commercials.
I've just always enjoyed helping people.
And the products I make, it's problem solution and they help people.
I love hearing people's response.
And I guess when I believe in something, I'm all in and I do my due diligence.
So it's pretty hard like when on Jimmy Kimmel, I just be myself and I'm going, you know, I'm not going to change.
I don't have to worry about changing any answers.
And you know, I want to say something about Jimmy Kimmel when I was on there.
I wanted to reach the other side.
You know, I wanted to reach the Democrats and stuff and get the word out so they really know that this happened.
And Jimmy had read my book and halfway through the interview, we went to a commercial And I said, Jimmy, you know, they tried to cancel you out last summer because he had done blackface in the 90s.
And I said, Jimmy, remember when they tried to do that to you?
And he goes, we have something in common there.
And Jimmy goes, Mike, the difference is I did something bad.
All you did was back a man you believe in.
And I thought that was him, and at the end of the interview he shook my hand.
I think he was kind of torn when he did his interview because he's seen, I mean, I didn't go in there with any vengeance or anything.
I'll be clear, Jimmy Kimmel's a fan of my show.
I'll leave it at that.
I'm not going to get into inside baseball.
But he overall is a good guy that's halfway sold his soul.
But I'm just saying, the intent was by the executives to make you look bad, it backfired on them.
So now I notice they try to not give you any coverage.
Yeah, absolutely.
They want to attack me.
That was part of the big attack that's been going on.
They just want to wipe out my pillow and wipe out my voice.
God's blessed me with a very big platform.
And if I can't, if they wanted to, that's why that was an all-out attack from bots and trolls to the, you know, this cancel culture.
And I was number one on the list, and everybody, everybody, everybody, they went after everybody, but, and they tried, they thought Jimmy was going to be the last nail.
And he actually got a lot of flak from, so did ABC, for letting me out.
Why did you let Mike Lindell on?
Why did you let him out?
You know, because they didn't treat me bad enough, I guess.
In closing, what else you want to add about the stolen election, where this is going, and one more plug for, like you said, some of the biggest sales you've ever had, particularly in towels.
MyPillow.com and promo code ALEX to get that big discount.
Yeah, I just want to tell everybody, keep the faith and go out there with no fear, everybody.
It's all coming.
We're on the downhill.
It's easy.
It's going to be easy now.
We've turned the corner.
Everything is going to end up great.
We're going to look back and say, all this had to happen to get to this great place we're going.
I want to thank everybody for your continued support.
I've never reached out for any money to get money for all the millions of dollars I've spent on this.
But you know, by helping my pillow and by helping your show here with Alex and using his promo code, I'm passing the savings.
I'll give you that towel one more time.
Normally $109.99 for $39.99.
This is a six piece set.
Six towels or two towels, two bath towels, two hand towels, and two washcloths.
And this is the best proprietary technology there is in towels.
They actually work.
They dry you.
And they're soft.
They're the most amazing towels you'll ever use.
Remember, all my products are a 60-day money-back guarantee.
I'll say one more thing, too.
Connected to MyPillow, I have another square which is called MyStore.com.
These are all entrepreneurs in our country that have products up there that are USA made.
Remember, they're at MyPillow.com.
Your promo code, Alex, can also get you up to 66% off all those products.
So there's over 200-300 products at MyPillow.com, which we're passing the savings on to you, and you're supporting great causes and great stations.
All right, Mike Lindell, thank you so much for staying 30-40 minutes with us.
We really appreciate you.
We'll talk to you soon.
One more time, as your Skype was cutting out some, because my guys came to me.
They said you were saying, hey, use your Marketplace.
They're trying to shut us all down.
We're going to move our stuff over to your marketplace as well.
I want to support all those independent, nationalist, conservatives, and Christians that have been targeted that are now under your umbrella.
That's a great idea.
I like Bongino trying to get a money processor too that won't censor.
I'm going to support that.
He's doing good.
We're working with them now.
Tell us one more time about that new marketplace.
That's a great idea.
It's MyStore.com.
All right.
I'm going to talk to you in the morning off air.
Thank you so much, sir, and Godspeed.
All right, there goes Mike Lindell.
His Skype perfectly broke up right as the interview ended.
That guy's 100% for real.
I've met him, I've talked to him, and I've checked him out, and what good guys.
You know, they're calling us, hey, you didn't collect the money, you just made, I'm like, wow.
And so, that partnership should really help us stay on air, because it's been a, and I'm not complaining, it's just, I don't want to spend my time trying to raise money.
And I'm not complaining.
I mean, you know, cry me a river.
I'm just saying I want to stay on air.
I want to hire more crew.
I want to fight the New World Order.
And instead, I mean, I'm doing stuff like selling my house, which is fine because I don't want that.
I didn't trust banks years ago.
I saw the market going up.
I bought a bigger house, knowing that if the Austin market was going to double in three years, which it more than did, I could take that as an investment and put it back into Infowars, which we're doing.
And we've got a lot of other stuff going on.
You know, I haven't made $300 million like Mike Lindell, but we've made millions and we've plowed almost all of it back into this operation.
That big house means nothing to me.
In fact, it's actually a hassle.
I'm glad to be selling it, getting rid of it.
I did it, you know, literally as an investment.
I just want a small house with a nice big kitchen in the middle of the countryside and just to be away from people.
But, you know, they're not going to let us do that, ladies and gentlemen.
They're going to keep coming after us until we defeat them.
And so I'm very excited about working with Mike Lindell.
We're going to set up a marketplace with him because, you know, they're trying to take our platforms away, our banking away, everything.
And we've been able to do it, but he's got platforms that, because he got so big, that we can get
deals with him that we can't get with other people.
And that's the thing, coming together under umbrellas, and then reaching out and networking is how we're going to
defeat this.
Brian, Denise, Eva, Rose, and Alice, I'm going to get to all of you.
If you're a new listener or just tuned in, we were taking calls from folks about their experience with the vaccine.
So let's see who's been holding the longest, and that would be Brian in Arizona.
Tell us what happened.
I've been trying with a phone number.
He may have me on hold and I know he's talking.
Can you hear me, Brian?
Oh, I'm right here.
Yeah, I'm here.
Can you hear me?
I can't.
Go ahead.
Yeah, no, I just want to say love you Alex.
So my brother, he's 53 years old about a week before Easter.
His wife is a jabber for CBS or Albertsons or something like that.
So he got the J&J vaccine and then I get a phone call.
It was one week before Easter.
I get a phone call 10 o'clock Easter night.
And my brother pretty much died.
They got him back.
He had to get open heart surgery.
One of the valves, the fluid around his heart, one of the valves was damaged.
So when they opened him up to do the open heart surgery, they saw all the blood clots on his lungs.
So they did some procedure on his lungs.
So now his lungs are damaged 58%.
He's 100% oxygen dependent now for the rest of his life.
He can't get an operation on his lungs because it's irreversible.
All right, Brian, stay there because your phone was breaking up at first.
I want you to be able to start over and complete this testimony.
This is powerful.
This is exactly what the top scientists, Wolfgang Wudarg and Dr. Yidan and others, warned would happen.
Before it was released.
It all happened now.
And it's advisories now.
They admit this can happen.
They try to call it rare.
Now they admit it's not rare.
Think of the magnitude.
They knew in the animal studies at the University of Texas with similar vaccines under Fauci and Bill Gates in 2012 this was going to happen.
And I want to know of your brother.
They took the J&J shot.
That's the exact same thing.
Causes an autoimmune response to the spike protein.
I want to know if he's still for it.
If he has children, if he's planning to kill them.
I'm serious.
A lot of these folks are in their Stockholm.
They're like, I'm dying.
Give more people.
Give more people.
It's like a great delusion.
We'll be right back.
Don't hang up, Brian.
All right, final segment.
I'm going to host Cheryl Celente, set to take over.
But you're hearing Brian in Arizona.
I want him to start over.
with because he was talking fast so he was excited to get on and I was
interrupting as his phone was breaking up some. Start over about somebody's
working at a pharmacy they're the ones giving the injections somebody takes a
J&J what happens? Start over Brian and tell folks what happened.
Alright so my brother's wife is a jabber for a pharmacy here in Arizona so when
my brother didn't want to get a double shot but go back twice
So he said, she said, Hey, I got a Johnson and Johnson come down here.
So he gets a Johnson and Johnson shot about a week before Easter.
So I get a phone call Easter night, about 10 o'clock at night saying, Hey, your brother's in the emergency room.
He's going to have open heart surgery.
He pretty much died for like 12 seconds.
And, uh, so they go in, there was a fluid around his heart.
And the fluid filled up one of the valves, so they had to go inside and fix one of the valves in his heart.
And when they opened him up, they noticed the blood clots were, like, attached to his lungs.
So they fixed whatever they needed to fix with that, and then his lungs were damaged 52%.
He only has 48% of lung capacity left.
It's irreversible.
He's on 100% oxygen dependent now.
Well, here's the thing, they call it rare, but I could open the phones up all day, and before this happened, again, top research scientist, Nobel Prize winners, others said this will cause blood clots in the lungs, the brain, and the heart, because they knew.
I mean, again, Bill Gates and all them knew this.
Why do you think they got such big balls?
I mean, because a lot of people are going to come after them.
And I don't just mean with lawyers.
I mean, they really did this.
They really did this.
People can go back a year and a half ago, folks.
A year ago.
Eight months ago, before the shots started.
And we had a guest on that told you exactly what would happen.
You don't think Fauci and Bill Gates didn't know?
And it turns out they did studies where the animals died of blood clots in their lungs.
A hundred percent of them.
God, the evil!
Sorry, go ahead.
He says, Oh, you're crazy.
You're crazy.
So I send them all, everything that I see that you put out or anything.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
So you warned him and they still say you're crazy.
Tell us about that.
Oh yeah.
So now his eyes are a little bit open.
Now he's not saying you're crazy.
He's like, can you send me this?
Can you send me that?
His wife now shuts up when I'm around before they were trying to defend it.
When I said, you guys are nuts.
Get away from me.
Cause I don't want contract tracing from you.
Uh, And then they were telling me how crazy I was.
Well, now my brother wants information on, on what I find about blood clots on the lungs, about heart issues.
So he's kind of opened his eyes a little bit.
Well, sir, I'm sorry this happened to your brother.
How old's your brother?
He's uh, 53.
He's like my, he's like my father figure.
Our dad worked disaster.
Oh, sorry.
His, uh, butt to the bone and, uh, He died when he was 60 years old from an accident.
So he was pretty much the one that raised me, showed me how to shoot a basketball and tackle football.
Sure, you love him.
He's a good guy because he's a good guy and his wife's a good guy, a good lady.
He trusted the system because who thinks the medical system is going to try to kill you?
Well, that's how the modern enemy is going to hit you.
God bless you, Brian.
That's how the modern globalists are going to hit you.
They're going to hit you through a system that's covert that you trust.
It's called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
Soft Kill Weapons.
Up next.
Let's go ahead and go to Denise.
Or is it Tom in New York?
Or Denise?
Who's up next?
Denise in Texas.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
We've listened to you for years.
Thank you.
I wanted to talk about my in-laws.
I have never I haven't actually seen anybody brainwashed by a TV show, but they have been brainwashed by CNN.
It's crazy.
And they took the shot, the Moderna shot, in March.
And after they had the second shot, my husband went over to visit them.
About a week and a half later, he came down with the COVID.
It's definitely shedding.
Oh, 100%.
That's 100%.
My daughter was sick for two weeks from that stuff.
Yes, and my husband's father has had heart surgery, and they had to go back in here, I guess it's been about three or four months, and fix, replace the plate that was in his chest, and when they did that, it won't heal.
keeps getting pus and they have to drain it.
That's blood clots.
Yes, and they told him that it was something called proud skin because it's got that skin that just keeps
growing on the plate, not like healing, like your skin on top should be healing and closing up.
This stuff keeps growing underneath.
Well, you know, I got a stack of articles where they say, Don't worry when you take this new vaccine, it's gonna make
you have tumors, but they're not bad.
But the doctors go, no, those are malignant.
We got to remove them.
I mean, think about how they're, I got a stack of ABC, CBS, NBC going, "Don't worry, you're
going to get cancer, but it's not bad."
Cancer not be bad in any form.
But his blood pressure was great before he got this shot.
I mean, for somebody with a heart condition, it was running about 95 over 55.
They kept it under control.
Now, they can't get it down from 190 over 100 after this shot, and he has to have heart doctor appointments every week, and he is pale as a ghost.
I mean, you can just... Well, let me ask you this, Denise.
Has this just woken them up?
They will literally... They get mad at us and basically want us to leave if we go to talking bad about that shot.
Or anything about it.
Do you know which one he took?
I'm telling you, brainwashed.
Do you know which one he took?
Yeah, the Moderna.
And even his sister, she started having trouble breathing after taking that shot.
They all went and took them together.
I'm telling you, they are disciples of CNN.
It's crazy.
And even if he has a heart problem and she can't breathe after she doesn't get it.
You know, it's like a snake bites you and your leg swells up.
You know the snake did it.
Or a spider bites you or somebody punches you.
You get a broken nose.
You know the punch did it.
What's wrong with these people that won't admit their decision was wrong?
I mean, when I make a decision that's wrong, I admit it.
Why don't they learn?
I don't know.
You cannot talk to them.
You can't reason with them.
You can't show them statistics.
It's because they got scared of the virus, and they got locked down, and they want to win.
So that's what the globalists told me.
They said, we're going to teach people.
I was in this private meeting on a plane flying to New York, and I was on first class.
And the guy explained to me for a couple hours how it worked off record.
He's one of the heads of one of the big banks.
And he said, Alex, they're going to adapt to being slaves.
We're going to give them ways to adapt to submit to us.
We're going to win.
You don't get it.
And that's exactly what they did.
You adapt to, oh, I'm going to overcome this virus.
I'm going to take this shot.
But then it doesn't even protect you.
And then they go, oh, you need another one, another one.
But they never admit they got conned.
I know.
It's crazy.
Denise, God bless you.
Away in hell, we're taking that shot.
Sorry, go ahead.
And they're not giving it to my kid either.
I mean... Beautiful.
Denise, we love you.
We're going to jump to the next person.
I could talk to these callers all day.
They're amazing.
Up next would be Eva and then Alice.
Eva, thanks for holding in Texas.
Go ahead.
Yeah, real quick, Alex, this is Clown Carter in my seat.
Eva came to me through Infowarrior, through being an Infowarrior.
So, Eva, tell your story to Alex, please.
Go ahead.
Okay, I'm not sure what you just said, but okay, you put Eva on the line.
Go ahead, Eva.
I'm here, Alex.
Can you hear me, Alex?
Go ahead, Eva.
I can't.
I'm gonna tell you about three people.
One, my brother back in March.
He took his vaccine.
I don't know which one.
He immediately needed to get sent to the hospital.
He fought for his life for a week.
I could hear the medical staff briefing each other, talking to each other about how his body was attacking itself.
In the end, they told us that he died of COVID.
Are you still there?
Absolutely, that's what they do.
They give you the shot, then they say COVID killed you, yeah.
Okay, his daughter took the vaccine.
She went into violent convulsion.
I don't know if anything else has happened to her.
My mom had already taken both shots prior to my brother taking his.
She saw her son, my brother, dying.
Obviously, she's got a good doctor who might be a little bit awake.
He sent her to nuclear medicine and they found out that she's got the crystal prions growing on her heart, her lungs, Her liver and her spleen.
She's already had heart procedures.
She just had one on Wednesday.
I just took her to the hospital last night.
She's there right now.
Dying of the vaccine.
But, even though she's seen her son die, she still has Stockholm Syndrome.
And I'm still crazy for even mentioning it.
Don't hang up!
I want you to recap this.
My God.
Then we'll go to Alice and Tom.
And then Gerald Celente's taking over.
This is real, folks.
So they hit you with something so hardcore that grows protein crystals in you until it kills you.
Kills some people in six months, some in five years, some in a day.
And they just think they're gonna be able to cover it up and get away with it.
Eva, you're in Texas, and you're talking about all these family members getting the vaccines and dying, and that your own family's not waking up to it.
Wow, this is just a terrible thing to hear.
What else would you like to finish up and say?
It doesn't matter how much we warn people, they think we're crazy.
And that's just infuriating.
All my cousins, they've seen this happening, and I'm crazy.
I'm the crazy one.
Does that make sense?
Yes, they won't admit they're under attack.
They don't have life force.
They don't have survival instincts.
I don't understand it.
It's the Stockholm Syndrome like you always speak of, and it is just ridiculous.
I don't know what else to do.
I don't know what else to do, Alex.
How else to open? Well just recap slowly. Who in the family and what and do you know what suppose it's shot they took?
Okay, I don't know what anybody took but my brother took it in March and immediately got sick needed to be sent to the
hospital He fought for a week
His body was attacking itself, according to the medical staff.
He was having heart attack after heart attack, brain damage each time he had a heart attack.
Ultimately, he wasn't going to come back, so they just let him pass.
That was like a family decision.
His daughter took the shot.
She went into convulsions as soon as she took it.
Which I'm wondering if it may be a bloodline thing, like if I were to take it.
Well, exactly.
As soon as you said that, I bet it's genetic.
Because it hits everybody, but some people worse.
Because we hear about a lot of clusters in families where it kills everybody.
Now, my mom hasn't passed yet.
I was saying that it seems that she has a doctor who is awake.
So, he sent her to nuclear medicine, if I'm not mistaken, and they actually found out that she's got those crystal prions growing on four organs.
They've operated her already twice on her heart to try to help her, but I had to take her to the hospital last night.
She's in an emergency right now.
I don't think... Do they call them prions, or do they just say it's blood clots?
No, they call them crystal prions.
Yeah, that's in the medical studies.
They sent her through nuclear medicine.
I don't know what kind of, but they saw it.
And let's explain, folks.
These are infectious.
These are infectious.
It's so damn scary.
All I know is Fauci and Gates are going to pay.
They're going to pay for this.
I'll tell you right now.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to your family.
Wow, I'm really fighting mad right now.
Alice in Arkansas.
Or as we say around here, Arkansas.
Welcome, Alice.
Go ahead and tell us your story.
Okay, first of all, my daughter-in-law is a PA in Michigan, and she took the Pfizer back in February, and within 90 days or so, she started bleeding from her rectum.
She too has the Stockholm Syndrome, but I don't call it Stockholm Syndrome.
I call it judgment, because God said, if you did not love the truth, He would give you strong delusion to believe and love the lie so your damnation would be secured.
It is judgment because you did not want the truth and called all of God's messengers conspiracy theorists.
This is God working.
And I have two... The reasons that I called in was not so much about the fact that she took the shot, but because I have two reasons to save lives.
Number one, I believe they have contaminated the blood supply.
Because all of their, and I ran this through a holistic doctor, he agreed with me, all of their diseases and, you know, nanorobots, their cryon crystals, their, you know, all the stuff that they, replicator cells, all that stuff can be transferred to the people who go in for surgeries or automobile accidents in the blood transfusion.
So I want you to think about that.
That's very important.
They've contaminated the blood supply.
Number two, I was made in the likeness and image of God.
I genetically identify to Jesus Christ and the family of God.
Why in the world would I want to take anything that would change my genetic sequence to the New World Order global antichrist beast and be in the family of Satan?
I do not want to stand in front of Jesus Christ and try to explain that to him.
You are actually making your choice.
Do you want To genetically identify to the family of God, or do you want to genetically identify to the global beast?
Wow, Alice perfectly said, call us again.
Alright, I gotta go to Brightwood, I promise I'll go to every caller.
Gerald Salente's ready.
Trop Trends Forecaster, he's loaded for bear.
And Gerald Salente of Trends Research, we'll be taking over in just a moment.
Heads up the Trends Journal, TrendsResearch.com.
I got one more caller I'm gonna go to, that's Tom.
In New York, but I got one quick question for Gerald Cilenta that he's taking over here, but wow, we can load the phones up all day with these horror stories, and you can see it in the news and the medical literature, and what they're saying is exactly what's happening.
I mean, this is just a crime of all of human history.
This is the biggest thing ever, and it's all done through the medical system.
I think they're going to get away with it.
I don't think they will.
Tom in New York, you say?
Got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and got sick the next day.
Please tell us what happened.
Hey Alex, yeah, I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and honestly it was because of, you know, I heard Trump talking it up and actually hearing all the bad about the Johnson & Johnson from the medical authorities and how it could cause blood clots and stuff.
I thought, well this must be the good one because they're trying to push on all these Pfizer two-shot and Moderna two-shot.
Exactly, I thought the same thing.
I even said on air, well maybe this one isn't bad because they're attacking it.
Right, and it's a viral vector versus an mRNA, and that's what really got my attention.
It's one shot, it's viral vector, but I did get sick the next day.
Like, very drowned out, down.
Not nothing too bad, but...
It definitely, and I kicked myself because I just started listening to you like more frequently the next week.
And I was like, I wish I got on earlier.
Actually, I just bought a bunch of stuff.
The Magnesium Fizzy, that should be coming soon.
Your Endgame DVD.
And I'm really liking your program and I appreciate all you do and God bless.
And like I said, the Johnson & Johnson, I'm okay as of right now.
No way I'm going to let my kids do that.
I live in the communist state of New York.
There's no way I'm going to let him wear a mask ever again.
And I'm just going to take control of my life and make sure that we're doing right.
Make sure I'm stocked up on household supplies and food and whatever I can do to fight back against this global tyranny I'm going to do.
I know I got the shot, hopefully I don't end up some mindless zombie, but you know it ain't
my blood to end up like that. So well Tom we love you and I'm going to put you on hold and give you
a free InfoWars Save the Frog t-shirt. If you'll let us mail you one I'm going to put you on hold
since you're a supporter. We really really appreciate you.
There's Tom in New York. Okay let me bring up Gerald Cilente who's been best-selling
author for 30 something years or longer than that.
One of the top trends people, probably the top trends forecaster out there, predicted basically everything that's now happened.
What do you make of them on the news saying, we're going to read your text messages in live time, the Democratic Party tells big tech who to ban and who not to ban?
I mean, that's state-run media, that's fascism, the merger of the state and corporations, as you know.
And the Republican leadership doing almost nothing, and then all these deaths from the vaccine, and then wanting to outlaw talking about it, and it just to me...
Gerald, in this headline, Zero Hedge did an excellent job showing all these Homeland Security, former and current people in it, saying we should outlaw the Republican Party.
So it's not just if you're questioning the election, you're a criminal, or if you question lockdowns, you're a criminal.
That's in Biden's new national security directive on terrorism.
Because you always warned, I always warned, they'll use the Patriot Act on us.
Now they're saying the American people, period, and the Republican Party.
Are terrorists.
And I've got all the videos and all the articles that are in here.
That's their new talking point.
Dozens of them.
Current, former Homeland Security literally with the Pentagon saying We're preparing for war with the American people.
What in the hell is going on?
This Pentagon, not our troops, but this Pentagon can't win Vietnam.
It can't win Korea.
It can't win any of these wars.
And now, I guess, I guess it can win a war against us with poison vaccines.
I guess that's what this is.
But I mean, who are these people?
This isn't our military.
We haven't been endorsing Marxism.
We have the new head of the BLM.
Bureau of Land Management was the editor of Earth First that called for an overthrow of civilization and killing all the conservatives?
I mean this lady right here?
I mean this is a literal takeover of out-of-control complete maniacs.
What would you call And again, none of them are even military people.
They're all just weird academic communists, but we all follow their orders to death.
How do we break out of the trance when these dirty commies are running everything?
And I know it's not a communist system, it's really fascist, but what in the world's going on here, Gerald Saliente?
We had forecast over a decade ago, censorship 2.0.
If anybody wants to know when it accelerated, it happened around 2018.
When the tech giants banned InfoWars, that was the beginning right there for everybody to see it.
The soul has been sucked out of America.
Look at the headline today in the toilet paper of record, the New York Times, right down the bottom here.
Free speech is put to the test in South Korea.
What a joke.
You slimy little low-life pieces of scum crap.
Kohi sang hung.
Yeah, how about hung low?
How about hung in the garbage?
Because Biden.
Social media killing people with COVID misinformation.
White House, flagging posts on Facebook to censor over COVID misinformation.
Oh, by the way, Alex, misinformation?
Why, I find that sexist.
You're calling it misinformation.
I'm just saying that to show you what kind of crap and how stupid it is.
And by the way, Gerald, just to jump in as you're bringing this up, they lied about how many people the virus kills, they suppressed treatments, they'd engage in all this crime, and then they tell us about misinformation?
Yeah, about South Korea, when it's happening right here.
Again, these are the headlines.
steps up fight against COVID misinformation.
What do you mean misinformation?
You mean I won't swallow the crap that you little scum are trying to shove down my throat?
Like I'm so damn stupid that I worked on the first book that I ever worked on was Natural Healing back in 1986, a Warner book.
And I got this little freaky clown dressed up in his military drag, this surgeon, Vivok Murthy.
Look at this little clown of nothing!
And you know what he goes on to say?
Today, we live in a world where misinformation poses an imminent and insidious threat to our nation's health.
This little clown goes on to say that bogus claims have led people to reject vaccines.
Oh, what bogus claims are you talking about, crap head?
Oh, you mean the bogus claim that this has not been approved by the FDA?
Oh, you mean the bogus claim of Operation Warp Speed Warp Kit?
Oh, how about this one?
And he goes on, this clown goes on to say that people that reject vaccines, public health advice.
Oh, you mean some slimy little low-life bureau crap that can't get a job in the real world, that sucks off the public tit?
That health advice?
Oh, and by the way, Alex, they also Health advice on masks.
Oh, you mean the health advice on masks that show how worthless these masks are?
Wright says it right on the box.
These masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection.
But that doesn't count because then he goes on to say about social distancing.
Oh yeah, social distancing?
You mean the social distancing when you don't have to be socially distanced outside?
Because your chances of getting it outside, according to the data, are about 1% or less?
Crap head!
Oh no, no, no!
How about this?
Remember when all the morons were buying stuff and wiping everything down?
Bringing it into the house and wiping it down when they went to the store?
Oh yeah, that's right, Fauci, you shake hands again.
You know why?
Because that's all he's been doing with his hands on public, and you don't want to shake that hand that's full of crap!
Come head.
Okay, going back.
Everybody wiping down that stuff.
What are the chances of infection from getting it?
Oh, only 1 in 10,000, according to the data.
Alex, they are robbing us of our freedom, right in front of our eyes.
The Chinese way you must obey.
If we don't fight for freedom, we're finished.
It's Gerald Cilente and the Trends Journal.
Stay with us as Gerald Cilente returns on the other side.
Then, 3 p.m.
today, in about 45 minutes, Owen Schroyer and the War Room.
Hello, hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You have to fight for freedom.
Get it in your head, everybody.
And don't think it's a, you know, a losing battle, because if you do, then you'll loss.
We could win.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men, said Samuel Adams.
I mentioned that little clown boy, dressed up in his military drag.
You know, when I tell somebody, I had enough of your crap, F you, don't want to hear it anymore.
Using that word, which I can't use here, the F word, that's, they say that's profanity.
No, calling a little clown like this guy, a Surgeon General.
Screw you!
What Surgeon General?
A general piece of nothing!
Here, He goes on, top U.S.
health official, again, that's profanity, calling this a top U.S.
health official, a top piece of political crap, warns of rising COVID infections.
Hey, how about rising deaths?
Oh no, we'll make up a story about that and I'll get to it.
This is from the Wall Street Journal.
The United States Surgeon General said he's concerned about what lies ahead as COVID-19 infections are rising in every state.
News that people remain unvaccinated despite widely available jabs and the new contagious virus that's spreading that they don't say is less lethal.
Anyway, In an interview on CNN with the other Cartoon News Network's prostitutes, yesterday, Dr. Murthy said, nearly all coronavirus related deaths in the United States are among the tens of million people who have not been vaccinated.
COVID related deaths.
Deaths rose.
This is how they use propaganda.
Deaths rose by 26% week Overweak.
Yeah, there they are.
Look at that little clown jerk, Boris Johnson.
These are scum moron imbeciles that are running and ruining our lives.
Wiping down that.
Yeah, because when you put your dirty butt down there, you don't want anybody else to get near it because you're full of crap and that's why you're cleaning the chair.
Anyway, Deaths rose 26% week over week.
So the average is 250 a day.
250 a day out of 332 million people.
Oh, and by the way, nobody died of the flu last year or this year.
Went away.
Hey, how about all the unvaccinated people that didn't wear the masks?
How come they didn't get the flu?
Oh, because we lied and made the flu the COVID, maybe?
No, Salenti, that would be misinformation.
You have to swallow the crap we're shoving down your throat.
So then I look up, 250 a day, huh?
So let's go back one year from, excuse me, we're January, go back to January 20th, several months ago.
February, March, April, May, June, July.
I'm not good at numbers.
You know how many people died on average?
But now they're putting out these little low lives, spreading this crap that we got to get the vax.
And that so many people are dying.
It's one After another.
But they're not fighting in America.
As I see it, we have to unite to fight.
Look what's going on in the UK today.
They relaxed a lot of the rules.
People have taken to the streets of London yet again to protest against coronavirus rules, despite today being the long-awaited Freedom Day.
Thousands of demonstrators gathered outside Parliament this morning and over lunchtime, but their message seemed, this is how the prostitutes do it, seemed to be unclear.
People have regularly taken part in protests against London lockdowns and restrictions due to COVID-19 over the past 16 months, but now such arguments appear almost redundant, as life can hardly... Listen to the crap that they write!
Look at the people!
Where do you see this in America?
Where do you see that happening?
Hey, what went on in France over the weekend?
Over a hundred thousand people took to the streets.
Spain, France, UK.
Where are they in America?
Over 100,000 people protested across France on Saturday against the government's latest measures to push people to get vaccinated.
Where is it in America?
Why aren't we doing this?
Look at the clowns in charge!
That little Katson Macron, that little boy with cojones smaller than a mothball, the little Rothschild's flunky, and that's not a conspiracy theory.
That's where he came from, working for the Rothschild Bank before this.
They had an election in France about three weeks ago.
35% of the people turned out.
35 and his little clown's numbers are in the garbage because that's all he is, is a piece of crap.
And now, El Presidente says, hey, no vax, you can't go into a restaurant.
No vax, you'll lose your job in the healthcare business.
You must get vaxed.
Everybody get this in your head.
There are three groups running the world.
Number one, the banksters!
Got that guy, Jesus Christ, whoop!
Whipped him out of the money, the money changes out of the temple, three days later he's on the cross.
Number two, the military-industrial complex that Alex was talking about before.
Get it in your head!
And if you don't believe me, ask Eisenhower, his farewell address, January 17th, 1961, warning us!
The military-industrial complex is robbing the nation of the geniuses, the scientists, the sweat of the laborers, and the future of the children.
Number three!
The drug dealers!
Morons and imbeciles call them Big Pharma!
They're drug lords!
Hey, how about those opiates?
They're great for you.
My niece may her soul rest in peace, O.D.
If we don't fight for our freedom, the drug lords, the banksters, and the military mob are going to rob us of our freedom, as they're doing with the so-called intelligence, watching everything we do.
And we're going to be right back.
Stay tuned and support InfoWars.
Hey, hey, hey!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.
There's so few people out there telling the truth.
Oh, what did that Sacky, the press secretary for Biden, saying about 12, there are 12 groups out there that are putting out misinformation.
Again, I find misinformation, why not call it Mr. Misinformation?
How about transgender information?
At least we can make it equal.
Telling about 12 groups.
Are the ones that are not buying the crap that they're trying to shove down our throat?
How dare they?
What has happened to America when we have to listen to this kind of garbage?
And that's all it's been.
And that's all we're getting.
Here's the headline from the Cartoon News Network.
July 18th.
The Delta variant is so contagious Those unprotected will likely get it.
A Trump administration FDA chief said.
So now look how they use that.
Oh, this guy's related to Trump and his crew.
So if he's saying you're going to be in trouble if you don't get vaccinated, then it must be true.
Here we go.
Millions of Americans are jeopardizing their health, freedom, and finances.
Oh, hey, crap head!
Don't tell me I'm jeopardizing my freedom, scum!
I'm free to choose and do what I want, but anyway.
And finances, by not getting vaccinated and putting themselves at risk, are the most infectious coronavirus strain yet, current and former federal health officials say.
Health officials.
Official pieces of crap.
Quote, most people would either get vaccinated or have been previously infected or they will get this Delta variant.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS Face the Nation on Sunday.
And for most people who get the Delta variant, it's going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime.
Gottlieb, who was Commissioner of the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration during the Trump Administration.
First of all, Gottlieb, I just gave you the numbers of how many people are dying on average, about 220, compared to the 4,000 range back in January.
And number two, Cartoon News Network and all you other slimeballs, how come you don't have in here that the guy that's promoting the vaccines is on the board of directors of Pfizer?
We'll ignore that.
You just be a stupid piece of garbage that swallows the crap coming out of the Cartoon News Network.
I got a guy that's on the board of directors telling me about my freedom if I don't get the jab that they're selling that they're making tens of billions of dollars.
And it's not for free imbeciles and morons that believe it when Biden shoves it out.
We pay for it with our tax dollars.
You ready another one here?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends masks for everyone going to school over two regardless of
All right.
You're ruining our lives.
Over 2.
People from 1 to 20.
Recovery rate 99.997%.
The dangers of masks.
We've been writing about it in the Trends Journal forever.
The facts are there.
And on a high note, you know, we had a Memorial Day festival.
Oh, it rained and it was cold, but a lot of people showed up.
And at that festival, we had Smokey Hormel and his band of renown playing a song that I wrote.
And Gottlieb and all you rest of you hear it when you get to the part about the jab.
So here it is live at our festival on May 29th.
The COVID Blues.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Uh, here's a little tune that was written by the maestro, Mr. Gerald Salente.
Gerald sent me these words and I thought, "Man, he should work in the thrill building."
♪ I got the golden blues and I'm... ♪ I got the COVID blues and I'm bad as I can be.
Well, I think for myself and I won't do what they say.
I'm gonna fight for my freedom and my liberty.
I got the COVID blues, and I'm as blue as I can be.
Well, they're taking my freedom and they're stealing my life from me.
Hey, have you heard?
Have you heard? Freedom is the word And this cat's gonna blow like a free-flying bird
Bear in mind if you want that vaccine pass.
It's mask aside and I'm the homie that moves and I'm blue as I can be.
Well, they'll tell you 'bout the way a man is feeling all night
(Guitar solo)
(Guitar solo)
(Guitar solo)
(Guitar solo)
(Guitar solo)
(upbeat jazz music)
(upbeat jazz music)
(upbeat jazz music)
(upbeat jazz music)
Well, I've been so sad cause I've got them COVID blues.
Well, I've been so sad cause I've got them COVID blues.
But if we fight for our freedom, we know that we won't lose.
There you got it.
I got the COVID blues and I'm as blue as I can be.
Don't take my freedom, I'm stealing my life from me.
There you got it. COVID blues. Stealing our life.
We're fighting for freedom.
When we come back, we're going to tell you how and what to do.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And remember, we are fighting against corruption and our freedom.
Our freedom is being stolen from us right in front of our eyes.
Again, when you have these clowns coming out, telling us about misinformation and what we have to believe.
So do what you can to keep the truth alive and Support InfoWars and they have great sales going on now, particularly their winter sun plus 50% off specials that they got going on now at InfoWars.
So you got to check them out.
They're finally back in stock and it's now time really to boost your natural defenses.
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So Winter Sun Plus incredible formula works together to promote calcium absorption, support the body's natural immune system, provide the necessary vitamin D The whole body support and vitamin D and K work together synergistically to maximize the benefits of both vitamins for your body and at such great savings.
It is the best way to get your nutraceutical vitamin D3 for less while supporting the InfoWars crew and what a crew it is.
So don't wait until it's gone for good.
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At Infowarsstore.com.
And again, what a great crew they are, what great work they do, how they fight for freedom and truth and peace and justice.
And that's what we're doing.
And of course, we have the Trends Journal Magazine.
Last week was 160 pages, no ads.
Oh, I can't read 160.
You read what you want.
It's a magazine.
You don't have to read everything.
You read what you're interested in.
Because we're looking at this thing and it's going down.
Hey, you see the markets today?
No news to Trends Journal subscribers.
Dow's down over 800 points.
West Texas Intermediate down over 8%.
Brent crude down over 7%.
Copper, all the precious metals, way, way, way, way down.
Cryptos going down.
The reality is hitting us.
Remember when they started the COVID war back in winter of 2020?
All the little gutless, low-life people said, oh, it'll come back.
It'll come back.
It's not coming back.
It's dead out here at night.
Go down to the city in New York, Smokey, Smokey O'Meal, plays down in Brooklyn.
You know what time they finish playing at night now?
10.30 at night.
That's when you used to go out.
When I was a young guy, we used to go out to one o'clock in the morning.
Anyway, it's not coming back.
Billionaire investor Bill Ackerman said Monday, today, That the spread of the Delta variant doesn't pose significant threat to the economic reopening.
And here's what he goes on to say.
I'm reading this because this guy, this is his quote.
I hope what it does is that it motivates anyone who doesn't get the vaccine to get the vaccine.
Who the hell are you?
Operation Warp Speed, Warp Ted, has not met with approval by the FDA, billionaire, member of the club, and all they're doing is selling fear.
You had Yellen, our Treasury Secretary, coming out this past weekend, telling people, You get the shot.
Get the shot.
One after another.
And they're talking about the cases going up, even though we know the cases are inaccurate.
And it's not only the United States.
Sydney tightens lockdown as Australia's COVID-19 cases rise.
Authorities, that's a curse word, In South Wales State, of which Sydney is the capital, banned hundreds of thousands of people in the city's western suburb, the worst affected area, leaving their, for they can't leave their immediate neighborhoods for work.
It recorded a hundred and eleven new cases.
How many people died?
One person dead.
It's one afternoon.
This is today.
This is right out of the news from Australia.
Same place.
North South Wales Health on Monday afternoon reported the death of a woman in her 50s.
Woman found dead in home.
One person died.
What was a pre-existing Comorbidities.
We won't talk about that.
You should see this woman, who's the premier over here, shooting a mouth off.
It's a freak show.
The premier, Miss Bird, been jerking around, or been jerking all around, whatever, off.
She said, huh.
There are decisions that affect the lives and livelihoods.
There are decisions that affect millions of people.
But my job and the government is to keep people safe, to reduce transmission, reduce risk.
So she's putting on this mask.
Look at this, alright?
Look at that freak with that freak show.
Here's the mask, moron!
Here's the mask, imbecile, arrogant little... I can't use the word.
Here's the mask.
Same mask.
Same mask.
Hope you don't get the infection.
Again, right on the box.
These masks do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection, but we're going to shove them down your throat and make you wear them.
913 or 912 people died in all of Australia over the course of a year and a half.
Face masks are laced with cancer-causing toxic chemicals and they don't work according to
the studies.
And even that little freaky lying piece of scum Fauci said it on CBS back in March 2020 and in the email to Obama's former Health and Human Services Director.
Don't wear one when you go to the airport, they're not effective.
Israel launches happy badge for weddings and large parties.
All right, here's.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen screamed out that the U.S.
could see lockdowns return to parts of the country.
So I mean, we have solid rates of vaccination in many parts of the country.
But certainly, it's something that could happen in areas where the vaccination rates are low.
So it's critically important that we maintain progress on vaccinating more Americans.
A Treasury Secretary?
Who the hell are you to say what we should be doing?
You're a member of the bankster gang.
They've taken over our country right in front of our eyes.
She came from the Federal Reserve and now is running our Treasury.
Hey, I would say that is misinformation.
Yeah, Miss Yellen's misinformation.
The markets.
Stay tuned to what happens.
The magazine and tomorrow's issues coming out tomorrow, this week's issues coming out tomorrow.
This thing's going down big, it's going down hard.
These lockdowns are destroying the world.
France, lockdown.
Australia, they're locking down, locking down.
And now the Delta variant is going to get you.
And the moron, imbeciles, jerks in LA, they got you wearing their masks again.
And most of the people are masked up.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men and the minds of men and women of InfoWars.
We are the speakers of freedom.
We were the first magazine to call this a fraud.
And the frauds are right in front of you.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
Go to TrendsJournal.com for the Trends Journal.
And we see you next week.
Stay tuned for the truth.
Here comes Alex and the gang.
[Sound of a gun being loaded]
[Sound of a gun being loaded]
Listen folks, I cannot fund this operation without your support and you've been great.
And you've kept us on air and you've gotten great products and you've bought them again and again and again.
But so many of our products have been sold out for two months, five months, six months, eight months because of the supply chain breakdowns.
So I really appreciate you helping with our shortfalls, buying books, buying films, buying t-shirts at infowarestore.com.
I just met with my accountants on Friday and we're barely in the black.
But you know what?
Knowing what's going on in this world, and how the time is short, as the old devil knows, and they're accelerating their operation against us, and God, I need to expand, not just stay the same size.
So, please understand we've got great products that you and your family need, and that your funding makes all this possible.
Now, for several years, I wanted to get one of these in, and now we've done it.
It's the highest rated.
There are a lot of great super greens out there that are just made up of concentrated ground up cabbage and things like that.
Those are great for getting extra roughage through your body.
But this is a high end product.
Green fiber capsules that comes from the very, very best products.
Let me tell you what's in it.
Introducing organic greens fiber caps, total amino acid supercharger, give your gut a reboot and a new lease on life.
It's no secret that our unhealthy modern diets are slowly killing us.
Most people are eating highly processed foods that are lacking high quality antioxidants,
vitamins, enzymes, and organic fiber.
It's virtually impossible to maintain a perfect diet in a modern world.
With the new Organic Greens Fiber Caps from HomeForeStore.com, we're making it easier than ever
to take in the organic greens and sprouts that are loaded with healthy fiber,
but fiber is a side issue.
The real issue is it's made with seven organic greens that contain natural enzymes, that's key,
for healthy digestion.
Just one serving of the new Greens Fiber Caps contains as much fiber as three cups of iceberg lettuce.
But again, fiber is just one thing.
It's the type of fiber, from wheatgrass, flax sprouts, and a bunch of others, that have all the antioxidants, all the amino acids, everything.
It's an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals.
Of its 17 amino acids, 8 are essential.
Meaning, your body cannot produce them and you must obtain them from food sources.
That's the concentrated wheatgrass.
Flax sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants.
Vitamins A, B, C, E and all the essential amino acids.
Calcium, magnesium, iron.
Niacin, phosphorus, and potassium.
This is the highest in product you're gonna get in a green capsule.
This formula is loaded with five greens.
Organic pea fiber.
Organic alfalfa leaf.
Organic cilantro leaf.
Organic kale leaf.
Organic... I always say that wrong.
How do you say it?
Quinoa, am I saying that right?
This is a high-end green fiber formula.
Most brands derive their green fiber from the most inexpensive sources like processed lettuce, almost devoid of other nutrients.
This formula is derived from high-quality nutrient-dense plants like wheatgrass and sprouts.
Get the new organic green fiber caps now.
And an introductory price, 33% off at Infowarsstore.com.
And it funds this infrastructure.
Also, the new sale that is here.
We have Winter Sun back in stock, 50% off.
Knockout Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Down and Out Super Strong Sleep Aid, 50% off.
And so much more at Infowarsstore.com.
And that finances our operation.
So in these insane times when more folks are listening than ever, InfoWars is a stay on the air.
So it's a symbiotic relationship.
Get amazing immune system boosting products like Winter Sun and this new product, Green Fiber, at InfoWarsTore.com with big discounts and fund the future of the pro-human revolution.
Well, it happened last week, right after July 4th.
World leaders across the planet and the UN announced a new world order.
Global government to stop the spread of COVID.
Oh, and they're going to have to surveil all your text messages on your private phone.
And censor them if you question Fauci and the UN.
That's because these criminals are going to go to prison.
They released the virus.
They have used the whole program to starve the third world.
And they're now bringing in a worldwide ID, in Klaus Schwab's own words, with an implantable microchip as the next phase to be able to buy and sell or travel.
So whether you believe the Bible or not, the Mark of the Beast is here.
And our mission is now more important than ever.
We make it easy to support InfoWars.
One of our best sellers has been X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine that comes in two different packages.
One with a spray bottle, one with a dropper bottle.
It's both the exact same amount of iodine, it's the exact same bottle, it's just a different top.
The spray bottle is selling out, but it's 60% off because I want those of you that have been big supporters to have it again, and I want those of you that have been on the fence to get it for yourself.
And the dropper bottle is really close to selling out.
It is 40% off.
Thank you.