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Name: 20210716_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 16, 2021
2161 lines.

In his speech, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as digital world, Big Tech censorship, globalist takeover, forced vaccinations, soft kill weapons, COVID-19 vaccine's adverse effects, text message surveillance, potential death camps in Europe, alternative health solutions, and the importance of God's plan of justice. He expresses frustration with the current state of affairs and urges listeners to share information and take action against those in power. Additionally, Jones talks about anti-vaccine misinformation, government control, lockdowns, Tavistock Institute's influence on society through mind control and psychological warfare techniques, and the possibility of transitioning humans into synthetic beings while promoting his products and encouraging people to stay informed and prepared for potential changes in society.

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You know where the CIA tunes in, right?
You know where the Russians tune in?
You know where everybody tunes in, right?
You know who Tucker Carlson tunes in to?
And Joe Rogan?
Elon Musk?
You know where they tune in, right?
They tune in right here!
Tomorrow's news, today.
It's Friday, July 16th.
The year is 2021.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
It's Friday, July 16th.
The year is 2021.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Right on time, as I told you a year and a half ago they would do.
In hundreds of reports.
They are now preparing Lockdown 2 worldwide.
Forced inoculation.
And a worldwide digital ID card.
They're now telling the public, you will take dozens of shots a year, and you will still wear a mask, and your children belong to us.
Simply insane.
But how do you make everybody suspect?
How do you make everybody a criminal?
How do you make it where a surveillance state has a pretext to watch and control everyone and admit you're being watched and admit you're being controlled?
Well, you do it by making everybody suspect by saying you're all deadly virus factories.
Doesn't matter it came out of a lab run by the very people that tell us all this.
Doesn't matter if big tech all had a seat at the table and had been involved in covering it up and suppressing completely bulletproof treatments.
No, the very criminals that are abusing us, that are murdering us, are silencing us.
When Big Tech censors 100% cures for COVID-19, knowingly, they aid the bad in murder.
They are Joseph Mingala 2.0.
When Psaki gets up on TV and says, we in the Biden administration are demanding Facebook and other platforms censor disinfo, which is medical doctors and scientists, Exercising their First Amendment right to challenge the very criminal cabal that's behind COVID-19.
That makes Psaki someone aiding and abetting mass murder.
She's a soldier.
Attacking us with a biological weapon and not wanting us to know the treatments.
And when big tech suppresses the population, they are involved in the exact same activity.
The merger of the corporate world and government is, by definition, fascism.
And this exact group of criminals spent years telling us that Trump was a fascist when the entire corporate system and the entire governmental system was at odds with him and he was simply trying to return power back to the people in the best way he could.
Certainly wasn't perfect.
Nobody is.
But they hated him because he was trying to defend the people and they had to get through him to get to us.
Well, now they're in charge through fraud.
They stole the election and they're all over their controlled news saying, we're not going to let you question lockdowns.
We're not gonna let you question Fort St.
We're not gonna let you question that the vaccine is not a vaccine and it's experimental and it's hurting people.
We're not gonna let you question any of this.
Not gun control, not open borders, not election fraud.
What did it tell us a month ago?
In fact, pull it off the stack, guys, from yesterday, please.
When they put out the official terrorism directive for the United States, and it said questioning lockdowns is terror.
Well that tells me more lockdowns are coming, right?
Because you're a terrorist when you want to leave your house.
You're a terrorist when you want to go take care of your business or take care of your family.
You're not essential.
You're supposed to sit there and go bankrupt and let these monsters take control of your lives.
So while they release the virus, while the people get treatment for the flu and cold, shut down all the big hospitals, Let people die at home of pneumonia and the flu, said it was COVID-19, committed all these crimes, didn't render service, provided they paid for their insurance, made trillions of dollars out of that fraud, doubled and tripled their profits.
Then suppress you when you try to get treatment, or they suppress you when you call for help, and they suppress you when your family gets sick and die, or you get sick, or you die.
They even suppress and ban you off Facebook when your family posts your funeral, and how the doctor says the shot killed you, because they are killing us on purpose, and they don't want us to know what they've hit us with.
This is conscious biological war, and the new lockdowns are here.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live thanks to your support.
We're not supposed to be on air right now.
We're supposed to be gone long ago, but thanks to your steadfast, incredible support, the number one independent media transmission in the world is still on air and in many ways stronger than ever, though we are battle-hardened and scarred.
We have certainly been punished, but that only made us stronger.
As Nietzsche would say, that which does not kill you will only make you stronger.
I've tried to be calm lately because I'm seething under the surface so angry about the destruction of not just our country, but the world.
A scientific takeover, knowing each new step of the takeover, all battle-planned, all war-gamed, all actuaried, all green-lit for a post-industrial world, billions starving to death, total collapse, giant wars, bioweapons released, total extermination.
Of at least 90% of the population.
That is the official global government goal that is all over the news.
With Ted Turner, and Prince Philip, and Prince Charles, and Bill Gates, and David Rockefeller, and Oprah Winfrey, and Wall Street Journal, and New York Times, and NBC News.
I can show you thousands of articles.
Post-human world, we need to go ahead and just get rid of everybody.
We need to ban having children.
Yeah, we put fluoride in the water to lower your IQ and fertility.
Yeah, we need to give you vaccines that sterilize you.
Go read the official UN statements.
And it's all here.
So now they've given roughly half the industrialized world, they claim, I think it's a little bit lower, that's why they're so pissed, soft kill weapons that begin growing prion crystals in the body that grow for years, and in the brain and in other parts of the body, because they put these lipids on the prions, it's able to get to the blood-brain barrier.
And men have Half the blood-brain barrier women have, so it's going to be really bad for men.
And then once the crystals start growing, well, you slowly have mental problems, get tired, get sick, start being in a mental haze, then going into dementia, you know, when you're 15 years old, 20 years old, 30 years old, and then you slowly die.
And then once the crystals hit a certain point, they cut through larger vessels.
And you bleed out, and that's the end of it.
Now, when your family tries to talk about it, because the dead bodies are everywhere, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, they will all work diligently to suppress you.
You can't show your funeral.
You can't show mom talking about how her 15-year-old son died.
You can't show the 30-year-old daughter talking about how her 6-year-old mom died.
You are silenced while big tech, while the ruling class murder you and your family.
And so this is all a test with a soft kill weapon.
It's a side effect that it kills so many people right away.
It's so deadly that it's meant to grow slowly and kill you over time, but it's so deadly a lot of folks just die within a few days because their body just totally rejects it and goes crazy and doesn't know what it's been hit with.
But for others, it's going to be slow, agonizing deaths and we're going to have to take care of all these people That are first going to lose their jobs, not know who they are, and then they're going to get so aggressive and so crazy in their dementia.
It won't be like an 80-year-old that has dementia.
It's going to be a 30-year-old, a 20-year-old that has dementia.
And they're going to basically become like psychotic zombies.
So we're going to have basically within, it's already happening, but within six months to a year, it's already begun, just double, triple the homeless.
No one knows why everybody's going insane, running around.
It'll be mainly men because the blood-brain barrier on men is weaker.
And that's only one kill angle of the deadly mRNA.
Spike protein system that shuts your body down causes autoimmune responses and so much more.
It also then causes your body to attack the uterus and to attack other areas in women.
Everybody gets attacked in the hearts and lungs because that doesn't have a blood-brain barrier.
And so it's just absolutely devastating.
And it's really sad to know that a lot of people around us are going to have to be kissing goodbye very, very soon, but not before They bankrupt everyone around them, having to take care of them in their slow, agonizing deaths.
So those like Hank Aaron and countless others that died within just a few days, they were the lucky ones.
You know, we've opened the phones up and you've heard all the calls, just hundreds of calls in a row.
My father, my mother, my son, my neighbor, my boss, the first man to take the COVID shot died.
It turns out that one of the main inventors of the shot took it and died.
It turns out the vice president of Oracle died.
It turns out the developer of the main global app for the COVID vaccine died.
I mean, they're all just dying.
And also, the numbers are coming out, massive hospital deaths,
but they're calling it other things now.
But in the winter, they're gonna call it COVID, and they're already saying, oh, actually, people that had the shot, they're dying of new variants.
So most of the people, it's over 50% that are now dying of COVID, they say, are dying of the Delta variant, and they're vaccinated.
And so now I saw a bunch of articles out in the last few days going, oh, I'm in the hospital, I can barely breathe.
Thank God I took the Pfizer shot or the Moderna shot or the J&J.
Doctors say it would have hurt me worse if I didn't have it, even though they're there because they took the injection.
I have a family member.
I'll leave it at that.
Let's just say a family relation.
that wanted to rebel and take the shot and she got extremely sick after she took it.
And the rebellion's not quite there right now.
They haven't mustered up the courage for the second plunge, but I'm sure they'll show me.
And I just pray to God that the angel of death passes that person over.
But that is how spiritual this is, ladies and gentlemen.
And that is how How dangerous this is.
And I just want to be clear.
Everyone that is in big tech and in the media and Saki and all of her controllers and Biden and all of you that are suppressing all the medical doctors and scientists including Pfizer's own former chief scientist and Nobel Prize winner for discovering HIV and just the list is thousands of prominent scientists and doctors that I know of.
Almost all the top ones, because they're not mass murderers.
They're not part of this.
And they recognize what's happening.
They want to distance themselves from it.
They're all being suppressed.
It's all being taken down.
Don Salazar wrote an article over the weekend about a mother who wanted to work at John Hopkins.
And they said, you got to take the shot.
And she took the first one, never got the second.
It killed her.
And the doctor said, yeah, looks like bad reaction to the vaccine.
The family said that on her Facebook and Twitter.
Again, you're not supposed to talk about it.
You're supposed to die.
You're supposed to bury your family and keep your mouth shut and not warn people.
This is all a test.
There's too many people.
There's useless eaters.
The bankers created all these trillions in derivatives.
They think they own the earth.
If you actually want to get your pension fund, they're going to go bankrupt.
You need to die for the Silicon Valley and globalist crowd to continue on ruling.
You're non-essential.
They're essential.
So, Psaki freaked everybody out.
She came out and said what she said a week ago.
We're going to control your text messages.
The Democratic Party with our groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL, they trade over 200,000 people already.
They weren't trading them four years ago for nothing.
They're going to read all your text messages.
They're going to ban you off being able to use text messages at your telecom, that matter of your Droid, Apple, doesn't matter.
They're going to read what you do.
And again, if the NSA did that, they'd all go to jail, but they're going to do it.
The Democratic Party is to save you from vaccine disinfo during the next lockdown.
And Janet Yellen, the head of the Federal Reserve, said they are getting ready for second lockdowns and preparing to print more money for that to get you more dependent.
And then blame you for the devaluation that's coming.
Oh, see, you get some of the money, too.
They want you to engage in the crime of inflation that they've engaged in for themselves for decades, but you get a little bit of the inflation at the end to think you're dependent on them.
And so they are aiding and abetting this murder, they're aiding and abetting the cover-up of treatments for all the things that are happening, and they're preparing for The sequel!
You like Lockdown 1, you're gonna love Lockdown 2, complete with contact tracers coming to your door.
And Lockdown 3, that's about a year away, they're gonna drag you and your family out and take you to death camps.
They're already doing it in Europe.
There's a term called successive approximation, or the frog in the pot of water.
We all know about it.
And that's where you incrementally get people used to being abused.
And you wake up and you're in chains, and the person's telling you you deserve to be in chains, and a lot of folks will sit there and convince themselves they do belong in chains because they're being told this.
The level of other dimension, other reality, other world that we're being gaslit by, by the corporate establishment media that is not news, that are not journalists, that are just mouthpieces of corporations that are gaslighting the planet on a level never seen.
You've seen all the Democrats all over the news saying, we need to make shots mandatory.
We need to make people take them.
We need to fire anybody who doesn't have them.
You need to have a vaccine passport to get on a plane, or a train, or to go on a shopping mall, or a shopping center, or a grocery store, and you shouldn't have access to your children.
Kathleen Sebelius says you shouldn't be able to leave your house.
Obama's Health and Human Services head, Macron, came out and said, you won't be able to go to the store and buy food, in French, unless you have this shot.
It's mandatory.
It's all over French TV now that he never said that and everyone's insane.
Every time their opposition forms, they go, oh, we're not doing that.
And then as soon as you go back home, they do it again.
Over and over and over again.
This is psychological warfare.
This is 21st century warfare.
She said you should not be allowed to work.
Or have access to children.
So, Bloomberg has big headlines.
All of them saying, it's time to mandate them.
Fauci said it's time to make you take them and mandate them.
A mandate is making you.
But it's not a law.
And it's time to shun people.
It's time to not have them over for Thanksgiving if they haven't taken the experimental shot from Big Pharma.
Remember back when liberals and even some leftists were smart in one area, 20 years ago, they thought it was bad to feed GMO corn to pigs and cows.
And it turned out the Starlink corn had a toxin in it that was killing the cows and the sheep.
And that when humans ate the meat from Starlink corn that was grown on Starlink corn, that is, you know, they call growing the pigs, growing the cows, harvesting them from that corn, it was making humans sick.
Now imagine, that's just a genetically modified corn that another animal's eating that you then eat the animal and you get sick.
Remember when people used to get upset about GMO?
Wheat or GMO tomatoes or GMO potatoes.
There were all those studies how it was sterilizing these certain animals that took it.
Remember all that?
Oh, but now let's just take an untested mRNA shot that they actually did test in animal trials that killed all the animals.
And that's why all the top scientists went, uh, you better not do that.
This is insane.
This is going to really hurt people.
It'll take a few years on average, but you're going to have blood clots and heart attacks.
It didn't take a few years.
It started happening immediately.
And that's why I'm so freaked out is I thought they would come out with a placebo injection to get everybody on board for forced inoculations and to get the database in for world medical ID.
They admitted they want it because that's a pretty big success if they got that through.
Instead, they started hitting people with deadly so-called vaccines that have been banned in most countries in the world.
They won't take any of these mRNA around the world.
They're putting advisements on the AstraZeneca, on the J&J, it can kill you.
And now they're pushing to mandate five-year-olds take it, mandate babies take it.
And leftists are lining up to give it to their newborn babies.
And some are dying.
By the way, National News has done a pretty good job, and even Tucker Carlson has, and even OAN, when they do that.
New England Journal of Medicine study where 14% of the women that took the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shots had miscarriages down.
That's gigantic that 14% that took it did that.
What they don't tell you is the full study says they added a bunch of women into the study that didn't take it into that average and They added most of the women were third trimester, because they already tested this in animals before, and they knew that later trimester it didn't kill the babies.
So they put in two-thirds more women third trimester than first and second, and other women that didn't take it, and so out of all those average groups, 14%.
When you take out the third trimester women, and when you take out the women that didn't take anything, guess what number had miscarriages?
And the New England Medical Journal knew that women were having miscarriages all over.
So they wrote this thing quickly and cooked it to try to hide the number at 14!
I mean, imagine if you went and got a medical procedure for your back and 14% of the time you didn't make it.
Nobody would be doing that medical procedure.
I mean, if you're like 85 and open heart surgery has like a 5-10% chance of telling you, most doctors won't do it.
But they'll sit there with their New England Medical Journal with a cook study of 14% miscarriage rate when it's 84%!
Buster, pull it up for yourself.
So all of you that are part of this, in the medical system, and the lawyers, and the politicians, and the families that push this, and the schools that push it, you have murder on your hands now.
And it's all gonna come out, and you're all gonna look like fools, but by then, there'll be a giant new crisis they've got going that'll overshadow this one.
Bet your bottom dollar on that.
We're going to talk about it when we come back and play all the clips.
And just the huge news is they admit we have state-run media now in the U.S.
and they are saying they're going to take everybody off the air and now they want Homeland Security to start.
It's in the document.
Guys, give me the blue document, please.
The anti-terrorism Biden announcement.
New national strategy document, please.
Thank you.
They wouldn't put in there that you're a terrorist if you question vaccines or lockdowns unless they were going to come after you.
And now they're announcing that they want to arrest everybody.
Because, you know, if you're warning, because I mean, they're already killing everybody.
And so, of course, if you warn that, they can't let that happen.
People might actually stand up and get together and stop them before they carry out their whole depopulation.
See how that works, my friends.
See how that operates.
I'll pull it up myself and get it.
I needed it at the start of the show.
Two segments ago and I'm not mad.
I just beg for that.
We've printed it probably ten times.
And I just, I had it yesterday and I just need to keep it in here because I want to keep showing people how Biden has declared you a terrorist.
If you question the election or anything else, well screw you, Biden!
You're a CHICOM globalist agent!
And we see through you.
And completely.
Alright, I'm gonna settle down, I'm gonna do my best.
And I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna cover the waterfront on all of this.
And I have two guests coming up and I may cancel them.
You know, because I just need to cover all this and take calls.
We'll see what happens, but I'm... I'm gonna cover it all and come back.
I'm gonna do my best.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Bandot Video, Tomorrow's News Today, Freeworldnews.tv.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I am being 100% dire.
I'm being 100% serious to get people out of their trance and to get the governors and the legislatures and the corporate owners and the average people and the pastors and others to realize This is a globalist takeover.
And the left teaches you to bow down to political correctness, to do what you're told, and they'll leave you alone and pass you over.
That's not going to be happening now.
They want to fully bankrupt the country, bring in a global social credit score, a digital system that tracks and traces everything you do.
And they want to forcibly put things in your body, make you wear a mask, and at the very same time, my friends, Still keep you locked down in your homes, even if you submit to all the things they want you to do.
is one of the most compliant, servile, collapsing areas under globalist, satanic control.
And what have they done?
What have they done?
They have come back out.
Earpiece is a little too tight here.
I'm almost too mad to do the show at this point.
In fact, I just need to walk out of here.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
This is not some theatrics I'm doing.
I've reached the point so pissed off at everything that I can't do the show anymore.
I gotta go rebroadcast for a while.
Let me play a couple things.
We'll see if I'm able to come back.
Probably not.
We're gonna get wiped out.
People aren't serious.
They're all in the trance.
It's all over.
Seriously, screw everybody, man.
If you want to let them murder you and your family, just go ahead.
I mean, they're having press conferences and they're gonna read all your text messages?
I mean, screw them!
They should all be arrested now!
Is there nothing we won't put up with?
It's obscene to come into the show with Johnny B. Goode playing like we're still in a free country and having a good time.
And I'm not mad at the crew, I put that music in there!
But that's all over!
All this crap's over!
Everybody got that?
We got serious murderers killing everybody around us!
They think it's funny!
I think we're in a damn trance, gonna put up with it forever!
Look at that raggedy-eared, frickin' Fauci up there and that Crip Keeper Biden!
The Chi-Com stumbled around!
What you murderers!
*sniff* Okay.
*sniff* *clears throat*
I'm gonna tell you this again.
You see this right here?
This is in America.
You're a TV viewer.
You see this right here?
This says right here, this is the National Directive of the President and an executive order saying if you question lockdowns or forced inoculations or stolen elections, you are a terrorist and you are a white supremacist and the Pentagon says it's preparing to attack you and your family.
I mean, and oh, oh, Senator Josh Hawley, Says he's concerned about it.
Oh, and the governors are concerned about the declaration of war against the American people by criminal CHICOM agents that have hijacked the nation.
I mean, these are hardcore murderers.
They released the virus.
They didn't give people medical treatment for normal colds and flus knowing that millions would die around the world.
It was all planned out.
And now they're going to do it all again and suppress everybody this winter and this fall.
And we're going to sit here while the hospitals are empty and while they kill all these people
because we're a bunch of virtue signaling domesticated idiots.
All right.
I'm gonna do the one thing I know I can do here.
I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do.
Because this is just, anyone watching this that's a liberal or a democrat or a globalist that thinks you're a winner, you're idiots.
You are destroying civilization.
You're destroying the veneer of civilization.
You are annihilating yourself.
And I know you've had it good so long that you have no experience of hardship or no experience of tyranny, so you're practicing tyranny, not realizing you're setting fire to the world that is going to consume you.
You understand that?
But I can't have the guest on today.
I'm too mad.
I can either leave and have the guest be on with Owen, or I can't have guest.
I'm not mad at the next guest you have, but I just have to cancel him.
I'm too angry to have guest on.
I'm doing the show, but cancel the guest.
Cancel the guest.
I'm gonna try to calm down a little bit, because I have to cover all this, and I have to go over all this.
Plus, why have guests on that are one-tenth as hardcore as me?
And like, pretend like I don't know a hundred times what they do!
And I have to sit around with all these people who have no idea what's going on!
We have a battle plan to stop it right now!
You just listen to me!
If we don't arrest Gates and Fauci, if we don't arrest these people, if we don't stop them, they're going to kill
Does everyone understand that?
They have a successive plan, like Domino's, that each level gets worse over the next 10 years, until by 2030, they've killed 90% of the world population.
That's their official plan!
And they've started it!
And they've executed it.
And I just can't sit here and play patty cake and watch senators so proud they're on Fox News.
Gee, it's sure scary that they're going to read our text messages and control them.
And that the White House tells Facebook what doctors can say online.
"Gee golly, the Democrats are really kind of bad people."
I mean, these are psychotic, murdering, control freaks that have stolen the election and that are taking over.
And there's all these idiots that are in the establishment that think they're part of the system and think they're safe.
No one is safe in this.
This is a world-ending event that's coming in.
There's no way Bill Gates and Fauci survive what's coming.
When you've got billions of dead people all over the place, the way the universe works is the globalists will pay.
And they're such psychotics, they're willing to do it!
And then there's the argument of how do I even sit here and try to reach out to the public and get them to understand how much danger they're in.
They just think this is funny and this is entertaining and this is cutesy cake.
And Bill Gates is wearing a pink sweater and so is Hope for Winfrey.
They're selfish, monstrous killers that want to hurt people and want to play God.
They hate themselves, so they project their hatred of themselves onto us and that's what's going on and that's what's happening.
And you know, it's not that I'm smarter than all these other people.
It's that I studied the globalists and know how ruthless they are, and everybody else keeps pretending like that, oh, Bill Gates is just misguided.
And no, no, they're not misguided.
They're horrible killers.
Who are on a mission, in their own words, to depopulate you, and now they're trying to make you take an experimental deadly shot that's already killed a bunch of people, and they're trying to discredit their own VAERS reporting system, that's Medical Doctors and Scientists, because they want you dead!
And they've gotten most of the liberals and people on board to go along with this!
And so all I can say to all the little candy-ass leftists, man, I mean, you're soldiers now!
You're part of the human extermination operation.
I hope you feel big and powerful.
But just let me explain how wars work.
They're always two-way.
And the globalists have a rule about this.
They understand metaphysical rules.
That's how they stay in power.
That they knew that when we were going to kill a couple million Iraqis by bringing down their system in 1991, That we need to have reciprocal deaths on our side, so they injected troops with an anthrax shot they knew would kill a certain percentage, and hundreds of thousands ended up getting sick and dying from it.
Hundreds of thousands.
You don't want to just leave those weapons to those men that know how to fight around, yet when you're done with them, you kill them.
See how that works?
And that was all just a beta test, a little microscopic level compared to the big scale now, you see.
That's some happy music!
Hey, everything's fine!
Alright folks, welcome back here, Alex Jones, live.
I appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
And if I'm unable to get control of myself by this segment, they're getting a rebroadcast ready and that's just the way it is.
Because I'm not going to blow up anymore, I'm not going to yell and scream anymore.
But at the same time, It is a normal response when you're being depopulated, when you're being murdered, when you're being spied on publicly, when you're being censored.
And when the very criminals that are doing all this are conscious of what they've done, even the low-level ones, it just really comes home to me that we're under attack.
We are in a war.
And I see these Trump events where everybody's like, it's a party, and yay, they're close to somebody famous.
And I see the Republican leadership who aren't bad people, but don't understand that this is a real communist, globalist takeover, and they're going to move into the next phase of staging terror attacks, and then arresting Americans, and going into a civil war.
And I was watching OAN this morning, as we've got it on in the break room, and they had several famous generals Like Boykin, who was a shoemaker, saying this is a communist takeover, they're gonna take over the communications, they're gonna start, you know, coming after everybody, Biden's a Chinese agent.
That's the truth, okay?
I mean, our country is run by a Chai Com agent, totally blackmailed.
And what I'm getting at here is, You can't just sit here and calmly talk about this.
It's like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic or polishing the silverware.
Or the boat's starting to sink and you're ordering your dinner.
And they're like, sir, you need to get to the lifeboats, the dinner will never make it.
And you're like, nonsense, as your table's sliding towards the side and the ship's gonna break in two and sink to the bottom in five minutes.
I mean, game over.
Game over!
Because Americans are like dodo birds.
And you know the story of dodo birds, right?
Island out in the Pacific Ocean, the birds never had any natural predator.
Sailors pull up and in a few years they're all extinct because they're a big fat bird with a lot of meat on them and the bird would just sit there and you could kill it.
And we have no survival instinct, no common sense, no nothing, in probably half the population.
And then 10% of the population knows about the evil plan, and they've actually aided it and are working with it, and then another 30% are somewhat awake, and then another 10% are really awake.
But that's about where we're at.
But half the public doesn't even know what freaking planet they're on.
I'm really prepared for this show today.
I've got a lot of incredible news and information and I really appreciate the next guest that's coming up and probably knows way more than I do.
I wasn't trying to be arrogant earlier when I said I'm moving the guest around.
What I'm saying is that all the guests we have on don't want to sound too alarmist because they know what's going on and so we all just keep playing patty cake here like Like it's too much to say the things I say and just get it out in the open.
But that's what's going on.
Only hope we've got is to get to that position.
And I'm way past the point of talking.
I'm way past it.
So let me just put it to you this way.
The social engineers have initiated a breakdown in society that they probably can't even reverse at this point.
And they did that because they created all these Ponzi schemes and scams that were going to end up going down and bringing them down.
So they're initiating a societal collapse so they can blame all the crimes they've committed on that collapse and then manage that collapse and ride that collapse down into ruin, but still they'll be on top of the ruins.
And that's the key for you to understand of why they're doing this!
And then they tell their underlings, all the different university professors and academics, oh, we're saving the Earth.
The Earth's reached carrying capacity.
There's too many people.
We've got to depopulate now or we'll never save the planet.
They've got a bunch of bleeding hearts who kind of get off on the power of deciding who lives and dies.
The health department types, they've got them on board with the depopulation.
But they're not let in on the fact that they're going to be gotten rid of as well.
Remember what Dr. Bianca, the head of the biology department at the time, when I made Endgame 14 years ago said, when he said, I want to depopulate the earth 90%, and he said, Soon airborne Ebola will be released, and I'll be dead, my family will be dead, but that's for the greater good for the Earth.
And we criticized Dr. Pianka, and then one of his graduate students, it turned out, who works at a level four bioweapon lab, she attacked me in an open letter in the news and everything else, and she said, Dr. Pianka's too liberal.
Humans are a parasite, and when we've completed our mission, we hope the species is eradicated.
That's a woman who works in a bioweapon lab, in a newspaper, talking about how I'm a horrible person and Pianca is an angel, and that Pianca doesn't go far enough, we need to kill every human.
See, that's not a movie, 12 Monkeys.
They're making movies about what they're talking about and what they want to do.
And so, I am extremely upset watching the ship sink, and I'm extremely pissed off, and so that's where we're at.
But I will take a lot of deep breaths, and I'm going to come back, and I'm going to restart the show like it's the first hour, and I'm going to cover every damn bit of this.
But let me just tell you, the second lockdowns are being announced around the world.
They'll be announced here within a month, and it's designed to fully bankrupt the U.S.
The Federal Reserve is already making the preparations.
And then there'll be another one and another one.
This is never going to end.
They're never going to take the restrictions off.
They only loosen them to clamp them back down way tighter, so that when they finally squeeze, squeeze, squeeze to total collapse, you don't resist right as your ribcage is breaking.
That's what a bulk restrictor does.
It wraps around you, squeezes, squeezes, squeezes.
And then it lets go some, because it knows that right when you're fighting your hardest, everything else, that if it just lets go, you'll think you're okay, and you'll go, oh!
And then it'll go... And usually on the third round, it breaks your bones and just looks at you and you go... And when it feels your heart stop beating, it gets around and unhinges its jaw, and puts its mouth around your head and just starts eating.
So right now, it halfway let loose, because we were struggling really hard, we're about to break out.
And so, it went, oh!
And we went, oh gosh, that's over, great.
They're like, yeah, just take the shot, back to normal.
Oh, sorry, it's not back to normal anymore.
Wear your mask, everything's locked up, liberal, liberal, liberal.
And then, a year after that, they'll tell you, okay, we don't want another lockdown.
We're sorry everybody's bankrupt and everything else.
We've got to do this.
We've got to arrest all the people that won't take the shots.
They're the ones that are breeding the deadly viruses within them, which isn't even true.
It's actually folks that take the shots that are on record.
And then here come the people with the torches, angry, mad that we won't take the shots and we've got to be taken away.
And that's about two years out when there'll be mass arresting everybody here.
It's already started in Australia and in areas of Europe and England starting too.
So there are a couple of years ahead of us, but don't worry, it's coming here.
Oh, and Canada's got it too.
But they gotta first get all the draconian censorship and all their plans in.
By the way, I told you a year ago you should get storable food and get ready for worldwide riots, food shortages, collapse.
They'll have political excuses of why it's happening, but it was the worldwide lockdown that caused and triggered that.
The general public spends 50% or more of its money on food, you get civil unrest and collapse of society.
That's a scientific metric of sociology and mass psychology in crowds and populations, both rural and urban, as well as city.
You've got one week extension, and then there won't be this deal again until November.
I've gotten you a one-week extension until next Friday to get 10% off the entire catalog of high-quality, storable food at infowarestore.com.
It's the entire catalog of my patron supply.
They're in our back end.
We already have the lowest prices.
This is an additional 10% off.
The lowest you'll find anywhere.
They're ready to ship to you right now.
The food lasts over a decade.
It's in great containers, and it's high quality.
It's what I use for my family, and it funds our operation when you buy your food at InfoWare Store.
I would get that now.
Also, we have the new green fiber capsules with amino acid superchargers and a bunch of vitamins and minerals, all organic.
It's in, $19.95 discounted.
Winter Sun, back in stock for your vitamin D3 of your immune system.
50% off.
You better have that.
Knockoff Sleep A, back in stock, down and out, back in stock, 50% off all of it.
And that's how you fund the operation.
Supramel Vitality's known concentrated herbs for stamina, libido, and energy.
It's 50% off.
That sale's going to end very, very soon.
And we're going to sell out of the X2 in sprayer bottle and dropper bottle very soon.
But despite that, it's 40 to 60% off depending on which bottle you get at InfoWarsTore.com.
All right, we'll be right back with a second hour.
Stay with us.
Coming down fast, about a miles above you!
Alright, I'm gonna judiciously tie all the knots together, break down all the evidence, get to what we're facing and how we get out of it on the other side.
So help me God, I'm gonna do my best.
But first, this report's so powerful, I've already aired it twice the last two days.
I'm gonna air it now.
Hope you share it.
It's This Is The End.
If we don't reverse this now, this is a real overthrow, a real takeover.
Sinister global corporations above the law that think they're invincible.
They got a puppet president in who'll take all the heat.
Here's Greg Reese's report at Bandot Video.
Please share it.
As far as the public was concerned, the Nazis may have lost
the war, but their ideology has continued to spread ever since.
It's a good thing I'm not a doctor.
Following World War II came the United Nations, mass fluoridation of the water supply, the dumbing down of the education system, post-modernism, political correctness, and the war on drugs.
For many, this has gone unnoticed.
The Nazis became the pop culture model of fascism.
Black leather and jack boots became the symbols of authoritarianism.
Fascism could now hide itself behind a smile in a suit and a tie.
The majority had no idea of the global fascist state being slowly installed behind the scenes.
And now it's here.
COVID was just the beginning of their endgame.
The same private corporations and NGOs that planned and executed the COVID hoax are now preparing the next phase.
We can soon expect a massive cyber attack.
We all know, but still pay insufficient attention To the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison.
The World Economic Forum, who sponsored tabletop simulations for COVID just weeks before the outbreak, are now doing the same for cyberattacks, which will be the reset button needed for their great reset.
And when the grid goes down, it will take banking and shipping down with it, killing millions in the overcrowded cities.
Those with a survival instinct will leave the cities, which is why the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium, a part of Homeland Security and FEMA, is currently training for the isolation and quarantine of rural communities.
After their Great Reset, we know how they plan to build back better.
Two key agents of the Great Reset, Regina Dugan and Ken Gabriel, both worked for DARPA, Greenlit RNA Vaccine Research, in 2012, and then went on to Google and Facebook, where they set up DARPA Equivalents.
In 2018, they joined Welcome Leap, founded by the world's richest medical research foundation.
Their stated goal, to be completed no later than 2030, is to have 80% of all children under the age of 3 monitored 24-7 with wearable devices that will read their brain patterns.
Specifically, focusing on keeping the individual motivated to work.
They plan to have an in-silico model of a child's brain to be used as the model brain that all infants will be molded to via therapeutic interventions.
Like slaves in a dystopian sci-fi movie.
Except this is not a movie.
And it's no longer a conspiracy theory.
It's all happening.
The entire world is under attack.
With seemingly no pushback.
And if we don't push back, then it's all over.
And we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
For Infowars.com, this is Greg Reis.
(upbeat music)
So, if you like COVID-1, global lockdowns, tens of millions starving to death,
doubling and tripling of crime rates, half the small businesses in the world out of business,
doubling and tripling of suicides, massive, massive numbers of people ODing.
If you like being called non-essential, if you like being locked up in your house,
if you like people beating you up on the bus or train if you dared take your mask off to take a drink of iced tea,
got new footage of that.
You're going to absolutely love COVID Part 2, the sequel.
And you're gonna love COVID Part 3.
Remember, they had a big Hollywood movie just came out with top producers a few months ago called Songbird.
And in it, they're up to the year 2023.
And billions have died from COVID, and we're on a total lockdown, and when it shows you've got the virus, everybody's under robot control with your cell phone, men come to your house and kill you!
How liberal!
And all of it is against science, all of it is against reality, all of it's lies.
But it's here.
So the image on Drudge Report says it all.
Los Angeles remasked!
COVID the sequel!
First, the big corporations start shutting down again, just like last time.
That's corporate fascism.
Then, the Australians.
Then, New Zealand.
Then, Spain.
Then, France.
Then, the UK.
Then, Canada never reopened.
And now, the blue cities.
But don't worry.
Biden's gonna get in with his strike forces to make sure everybody takes the shot.
First, they wanted 70% to take the shot and they'd unlock things, holding you hostage, by the definition.
Now it's, oh, 90%, oh, and if you deviate 100%, sorry.
Turns out you can't ever have a vaccine to stop any type of coronavirus, but we're still gonna give you more shots, it turns out, every month.
Remember Bill Gates said last year, he said, oh, start out with five shots a year, but it could be, A shot every month.
A shot every month.
An experimental shot every month.
And of course, a lot of people can't take vaccines, because once you've had an autoimmune response to one, you can't take them ever again.
And a young lady going to school in Hawaii said, hey, I have my doctor's note.
I can't take shots.
I can't take these inoculants.
and they said, "You're kicked out of college."
But, I've got a bunch of fact-checking articles, one of them is even run by News Guard Bill Gates.
They say nobody's making you take shots.
Macron didn't say you can't go to the grocery store, he did, but it doesn't matter.
Because we want to make you feel alone, and we want to let you know we control you.
And that's what they're saying.
And we want you to know, it doesn't matter what the truth is, it doesn't matter if your dad or mom dies, or your brother dies, or your sister dies, or your son dies.
It doesn't matter, because we're just going to gaslight you.
And when you complain about it, we're going to ban you off social media.
Oh, you think you're going to talk on your phone?
That's the next thing they're preparing to announce, that they've got AI that can listen in live time, and they're going to start cutting your phone calls.
And the third time you say something you're not supposed to, your phone plan will be disconnected.
DARPA is now studying that.
That will be announced within one month.
Just like I told you, for many years, they're going to start censoring your text messages live time.
That's now been announced.
Everything's AI controlled.
And that's why everything's got to be on Zoom or Skype, because it's come out, all the corporations are in live time, watching their employees, watching everyone, tracking where you go and what you do.
That's how the corporate fascism works.
First, The corporations implement the tyranny, then the blue states, the blue sectors, the communist, the socialist sectors, and then it becomes ubiquitous and the media gaslights you that you should just accept it and love it.
We should probably do a whole commercial-free show tomorrow that's live.
Maybe, maybe noon to three, maybe, and just open phones up on this subject for you out there and see what you think about all this and see what you're planning to do.
We can also open the phones up and have unlimited callers calling in with friends and family and neighbors that died from the injections.
Because, you know, places like this are one of the few last places you'll be able to call in anywhere.
Because again, AI's watching you.
Every move you make, every breath you take, I'll be watching you.
Maybe we should come in with that Sting song next segment.
Oh, but Tucker Carlson is, again, he's insane.
He got contacted by a major organization, individuals, saying we have all your text messages, hundreds of people, here's copies of them, you're being spied on, it's been given to the media.
100% happened.
I knew I was being spied on, that came out in court.
Hell, Maricopa County released a data dump.
They basically indicted Sheriff Opaio for releasing it.
That was four years ago.
Four and a half years ago to warn Trump.
And they had my private office number that I set up that I never use.
Not just my cell phone, but my private office number was there.
And so was Trump's private Mar-a-Lago bedroom number.
I had that number.
Still do.
And you get given that, and there's your private office number.
And there's Trump's private bedroom number.
Private room.
And we released that and no one covered it.
Remember, we were the first in 2017 to report Trump was being spied on.
Remember the New York Times, like, Jones is insane, no one's spying on him.
Of course, it was all true.
And people in the DEA, who were pissed about it, who had access to the NSA database, went in there and saw my number, Trump's number, Tucker Carlson, everybody was in there.
It was all the media.
Anybody of importance.
They had wiretaps on all of us, just because we're important.
And then Tucker Carlson comes out and says, yeah, I just got this info.
They said, you're crazy.
Ha, ha, ha.
And all the liberals said, oh, he's nuts.
Oh, yeah.
And then next day, Psaki comes out and says, oh, yeah, the DNC is involved with big telecoms.
We're already monitoring all the text messages with our group, the ADL Center Private Law Center.
But now we're going to be censoring that in live time with AI flagging it to us.
Oh, and also we're reaching out to Facebook to take down all these medical doctors that are pointing out the vaccine's so dangerous and things like that.
So now a political party that stole an election is publicly saying they're reading your text messages and spying on you and are going to censor you and that they're doing all this other stuff.
Because if they're going to murder you with these deadly shots, they can't let you talk about it and warn others.
That would ruin the whole point!
You've got to feel all alone when this happens.
But you know, everyone I know knows someone that got deathly ill or died from the so-called vaccines.
And we're just getting started.
So notice they say, the vaccines don't work now, gotta still wear your mask, and gotta take shots.
They even found an article.
Every month!
Oh wow!
Talk about scaling up the shots!
Oh, I get one every month?
That is if I want to leave my house, have a job, or have access to my children.
You know, that's Kathleen Sebelius, former head of Health and Human Services.
That's not tyranny or anything.
That's nothing to be concerned about.
Yeah, long shot.
Patients with long COVID to receive monthly vaccines in trial.
Oh, they can't get rid of it.
The more shots they get, the sicker they get.
And you know, more shots is the answer.
In a trial to cure COVID.
Oh, yes.
Gee, I just get sicker and sicker when I take these shots.
Well, you know the answer.
Oh, absolutely.
I need to.
Like, I hit myself in the head with this hammer and it hurts.
Well, you know the answer to that.
Hit yourself in the head more.
I mean, geez.
So when we come back, I'm going to be a good little beaver.
See, I've been nice and calm this segment.
And we're going to play all these clips of them actually saying what I just told you about.
Isn't that liberal?
And I've got a big stack of dead kids and people taking the shots, but that's okay.
There's too many people.
I mean, after all, gotta make room.
Like they said with Drag Queen Storytime, gotta get them while they're young.
Destroy the child.
Corrupt them all.
Yes, my friends.
Well, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Beyond the NSA, 22 years ago, the NSA and the CIA set up Google.
And they are now the model of the private spy agencies that have way more power than the NSA and the CIA combined.
And they are surveilling and watching everything you do in live time.
Well, good!
Burn in hell, criminals!
We're watching you right back.
So, glad you know how much we hate you.
And they know we're awake.
They know we're engaged.
So that's why they've declared anyone that questions another lockdown, which are now being announced around the world and next year, Is a terrorist.
And a white supremacist.
Because they're the globalist supremacists doing this that told everybody that we're not essential because we're common regular folks of every race, color, and creed.
They're the elites.
They're the ones trying to put experimental poison in us that we know is killing people.
They're the ones that say they want to depopulate us and talk to us like we're so stupid we don't even hear them.
And now they're all over the news.
I've got articles here in the US.
And in Europe saying, nobody called for firing people that don't have the shots.
Even though they're firing people all over the place.
And Macron didn't call for not letting you go to the grocery store.
He said, word for word, grocery store.
He signed a frickin' order!
But see, we're not gonna let you leave your house or have a job.
Well, that's wrong!
We didn't say that.
It's about gaslighting.
Oh, Tucker Carlson's not spied on by the NSA.
No, no, we just read everybody's text messages and the Democratic Party runs it and we tell the internet what to do.
And that came out in the election that the Biden campaign had thousands of people flagging what they wanted taken down.
If you did anything in support of Trump or anything in support of his policies on Facebook or Twitter, you were taken down.
Except for a few token people that are prominent that they know who they are.
I'm not saying they're corrupt or bad, they're not.
But Candace Owens and people like Jack Posobiec, they're allowed to operate, nobody else is.
You start getting big, you're taken down.
I think Jack and her both do good jobs.
I'm just saying there's those certain people are allowed to operate and then nobody else.
I mean, hell, the President, I told you that by the time Trump Had the election stolen from him and the 79 days of hell started on November 4th, that's 79 days until the 20th, 78 if you don't count the 20th, that Trump would be internet kill switched.
And the internet kill switch isn't when you study it in the documents that Obama set up with the NSA that runs all this stuff through Google and big tech.
It doesn't mean everybody's off the internet.
You can only go to approved websites during a full Killswitch event.
They've got a list of thousands of approved ones.
But that's why they're getting rid of the comments on all those sites, because then they can be approved, because you can't have the public and not have a right to be heard anywhere.
Remember what the Canadian Health Minister said on national TV?
We're going to keep the martial law in place so that we can carry out our political takeover, so no one can get together on the streets and debate our narrative.
We can't have citizens being able to talk.
That's a quote!
In fact, we got a compilation I forgot to play yesterday of all these world leaders saying the vaccines will kill you.
It's beyond just a Freudian slip.
They're throwing it in your face.
This is a diabolical, organized, criminal takeover.
And so I'm not up here trying to be alarmist.
I know for a new person driving down the road, this sounds like, what the hell is this?
This is reality.
Every bit of this has been documented.
I've made films.
It's all there.
I've written books.
Every one of these top globalists have publicly said they want to depopulate 90% of the world.
That's the public number.
Well, they started it.
And in the ensuing chaos of cutting off the world economy and locking down the third world and the first world, it already killed 20 million extra people.
The next one will cause irrevocable breakdowns in the supply chains that will destroy all small businesses, all local communities, bankrupt almost everybody except the big box stores and big tech that already doubled in power in the last year and a half.
And they're going to finish us off now.
And the third world will then starve to death.
By the hundreds of millions is the next level.
And then you'll wonder why we're being rushed by all these refugees.
When you ask them why they're coming from all over the world, they say, we can't get a job.
We don't have food anymore.
There's no business.
That's why, if you look at a lot of these people coming from Central and South America, they're middle class.
They've got cell phones.
They've got nice clothes.
The women are good looking.
You know, the guys are pretty handsome.
You know, these are upper class people for those countries.
Because there's no jobs.
Everything's shut down for over a year.
They're coming here because the UN shut them down.
The UN called for a global lockdown.
The middle class is leaving Africa.
I've seen the African migrants who are coming here.
They're middle class.
They're getting plane tickets to Central America to then come up here.
They've got expensive purses, nice clothes.
A lot of them speak English.
They're not the starving Africans, but they're in a zombie apocalypse.
I don't blame them leaving.
Because it's all collapsing.
We don't just have the white South Africans running here, we got the black middle class leaving.
And what does that do?
It makes it fall apart even worse.
Because when your city's burning and you're a black doctor with your black Nurse wife and your black family, you can't stay and save Africa because they'll kill you!
Because it's fallen!
So you come here and Africa falls even faster.
This is apocalyptic, ladies and gentlemen.
This has all been planned out.
This has all been prepared.
There are upper crust and intelligentsias in every country that are not part of the quote elite top group that's predatory.
There's the professional class and it's being destroyed by these lockdowns all over the world.
And the irrevocable chain reaction collapse coming out of this is, I mean, if they do one more lockdown, even the New York Times admits 200 plus million will die.
Africa's already under one again.
India was put back under one.
Then you wonder why they've got mass graves and death.
They're starving to death.
This was all done delivery.
This is genocide.
This is democide.
This is a deliberate collapse of civilization that we put in treaty in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.
The World Biological Diversity Assessment and Agreement of UNESCO.
So they apply pressure and they roll out their tyranny.
When you demonstrate, they pull back and say, we're not doing that.
But when you show up at the store to get groceries, they say, let us see your vaccine passport.
They never recognize you like a human.
They never debate you.
They never give you the time of day.
They just keep gaslighting and gaslighting and gaslighting.
Just like an abuser does.
Just like somebody that's kidnapped a woman does.
Just like anybody that's enslaved you, they never want you to have a voice.
They want to chain you up in a basement while they have their way with you because it's the power they want.
So when Psaki and Google and Biden and all of them block all these thousands of doctors and thousands of dead people's families speaking up, they're locking you in the basement.
They're saying it rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose.
When you see Psaki, she literally has you in a pit!
Pissing on you!
She likes it!
Look at her!
They're murdering you!
They're murdering everybody!
They're gagging us while they rape us with their deadly bioweapon from Bill Gates!
We have seen nothing but lies from the mainstream corporate media in the last year and a half of this COVID-19 takeover.
They've lied about the number of cases.
They've lied with the PCR test that are 94% false positive.
They've suppressed treatments that are almost 100% like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and of course aerosolized steroids inhaled in the lungs.
They have engaged in mass murder, not letting millions of people who had the flu or had pneumonia or a serious cold get into the doctor or the hospital and told them to stay at home and basically die.
They would then count them as COVID cases.
We have seen the Australian television programs run actresses pretending they're dying of COVID to scare the public into these dangerous vaccines.
We have seen a lot of disinformation.
But you still have to be very, very careful because within this huge spectrum of this info, there are still real people and still real lives.
That's why InfoWars is here to make a correction.
Last Thursday, I saw a story circling around on Reddit and on Twitter and on 4chan that, oh, look, this ITV program over in the UK.
Looks like they're using an actor.
They found a man with a similar name who looked a lot like him.
And after a day or so of looking at it, we went with the story and it turns out we were incorrect.
We were reached out to by the man whose family turns out he's a big listener.
He's anti-vax and is not pro Boris Johnson.
They showed us the proof of that.
And so again, I want to apologize to this gentleman.
He is Darren Howard.
Yes, he's done some acting on the side, but he mainly does, I guess, remodeling and puts in carpet in homes.
He's put out several videos on his Twitter saying, Hey, I am not fake.
I don't know who this guy is.
We don't know that's an actor, but I am a father.
I am a person here in the UK and I am not the person in that video.
So I'm glad that we can help clear this up for him.
And again, I'm sorry that we jumped on the bandwagon there.
We used to jump the gun more often.
We do make mistakes sometimes, but we never purposely get things wrong.
We never lie.
Like the mainstream corporate media.
I mean, we have seen all the empty hospitals around the world, and admitted staff dressed up in hazmat gear, pretending to be people that were sick, going in and out of the buildings, and when you go inside, they're empty.
And they later had to confirm they were indeed empty.
And they lied to us on every other front.
But that doesn't mean everything is fake.
That doesn't mean everything out there is a fraud.
And yes, it's true.
Major governmental and corporate institutions hire what they call AstroTurf and there are crisis actor websites everywhere where people do go hire crisis actors for mass shooting drills, fire drills, and also to hire AstroTurf to go out and protest.
I've been at the UN several times when a truck pulls up with a bunch of signs and actors get there or paid, you know, Twenty bucks an hour, and they hold him up.
So that legitimately goes on out there, and people should investigate any big story they see.
But at the same time, we've got to do our due diligence and not jump the gun.
We did in repeating it, but I'm glad again that we're here to be able to help him get folks to stop bothering him and his family.
So again, back to the broadcast from Friday.
We pulled down Friday's show so that we could fix it.
Now where I covered this, we're going to insert this and re-upload it to Band.Video.
And again, you can find all of our reports, all of our work at Band.Video.
Mainstream media blocks that link a lot of places, so the current link that you can share is FreeWorldNews.TV.
Darren Howard is an actor.
So there you have it.
He's a carpet layer.
He is not the man in the video.
And so we're going to continue to investigate that, try to find out exactly what happened there and everything else concerning this whole COVID-19 Great Reset New World Order power grab.
I'm Alex Jones with this update and correction.
Thank you for watching.
For the Gateway Pundit to give us an analysis of the incredible election fraud evidence coming out here in the next segment.
First, I want to play a few minutes with Jon Voight talking about how he wasn't a Christian, didn't even believe in God, and then literally for the one time in his life heard the voice louder than day saying life isn't supposed to be easy and just within that transmission he got so much more.
And that's really the experience that I personally had when I was younger.
You know, they say they're going to lock you up, you hear voices, but I've never really heard it a lot in my life except Like one time I'm like, watch out, and all of a sudden a guy runs around the corner and tries to mug me.
I was like, who said watch out?
That happened.
And I talked to another friend of mine, he's a musician.
He only had it happen once to him.
He's a well-known musician.
He was in LA when the big earthquake hit in the 80s.
A lot of trouble at one point.
He's laying in bed. He looks up. There's like an angel right there, then the earthquake starts weird stuff, man
There's a lot going on in the universe and the globalists know it they want to keep you from it
Here's some of what Voight talked about with Tucker Carlson at his Florida studios at his house
and It's got the left all up in arms. Here it is a
lot of trouble at one point had a divorce had some problems and
And I was in this little house that I had and And I was really suffering.
For many reasons.
My career was a little bit in flux at that time and lots of things were going on.
My relationship to my kids and my wife and stuff.
And I was on the floor.
I found myself on the floor saying It's so difficult.
So difficult.
I said it out loud.
And I heard in my ear, it's supposed to be difficult.
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine?
Like a separate voice telling you that.
It's supposed to be difficult.
A voice of wisdom, kindness, you know, clarity.
I mean, it had so much resonance, this voice.
What a message!
It's supposed to be difficult?
Can you imagine?
It's supposed to be difficult.
I mean, this is it.
And I went, boom!
And I got up, and I can tell you, Tucker, that moment in time, at that time I knew, I said, you know, what it meant was, I'm not alone.
Everything is known.
Everything is known.
I am known.
That's what it meant to me.
This is... Did you expect it?
Were you calling out for God?
Not out.
Now... Now I have to proceed with my life, right?
So... So I... But I felt tremendous energy.
It's something, somebody's rooting for me.
It's like, don't give up.
It's like, you know, there's a purpose here.
You know, you've got some ways, you got a ways to go, son.
You know what I'm saying?
Whatever it, whatever you might imagine it meant, it meant.
Do you see?
And I, and I got, and I felt great.
And so the next, and the next morning, And I'm not a person who really prays with the idea that anybody's listening up to that moment.
Now I know we're covered, man.
Everything we think, everything we say, everything.
Alright, I know you all needed that message and it's totally true.
I've experienced similar things myself, I'll leave it at that.
As mad as I get at these globalists, we got to remember it's all in God's plan and just give it to God.
And believe me, I'm pointing fingers at myself when I say that.
I'm the one that probably shouldn't even be on air today.
I'm so freaking angry.
The crew doesn't even deserve to have to be around this type of behavior.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
Let me, let me just say something here that I know you all get, but we need to really all put at the front of our minds.
And then research the information and warn others.
What does the coming COVID-19 lockdowns part two have to do with the midterms coming up in 16 months?
And the answer is everything.
They are never going to let us have a real election.
Without us fighting for it.
They are going to do the stupid mail-in balance again so they can engage in fraud.
You've seen that in Arizona, you've seen that in Georgia.
Trump won, boom.
Trump's out today saying, why not decertify now?
I mean, it's proven that they did this.
Tucker Carlson's covered it and he's not even, you know, wasn't a fan of that.
Until he saw the proof.
Joe Biden knows he stole it.
The Democrats know they stole it.
That's why they're in a panic.
To get H.R.
1 via the states.
And now they've got the West Virginia Senator, a conservative Democrat, coming out saying, oh, maybe he will support H.R.
1 again.
So Jordan Cordenson joins us, or Conradson, excuse me, is a reporter for the Gateway Pundit who has been covering the various audits happening across the U.S.
Here's the 2020 presidential election.
He is a Phoenix resident and has focused primarily on the Maricopa County audit.
GatewayPlanet.com is where you can find his great work.
We really appreciate you coming on.
I know you've been scanning the rest of the country too, but let's look at what's happening in Georgia, the hearings yesterday, today, and what's coming out there.
Thanks for joining us.
Oh, thank you for having me, Steve.
Yes, great to be here.
Well, like you said, with this mail-in ballot push, the new COVID strains, this is horrifying because in Georgia, they had serious mail-in ballot discrepancies.
Out here in Arizona, they just found 74,243 mail-in ballots with no evidence that they were even mailed out to voters.
So, that's a great point.
Where to start with all of this?
I mean, you've been writing about this throughout the saga.
It's where to start.
It's insane.
Where should we start?
Honestly, I'm more covering the Arizona on it.
I do know what's going on in Georgia, but Arizona is where it is hot.
Literally, it's 115 degrees out here and they are finding so many discrepancies in the 2020 election.
And state senators are even calling for decertification already.
Roll through some of the findings.
So some of the findings, 10,000 voters were added to the voter rolls after Election Day
and casted a ballot in 2020.
More than 74,000 mail-in ballots don't have evidence that they were even sent out.
The election server was breached, remote access was available,
the access logs were wiped in March, original and duplicate ballots were not marked and cannot
be verified.
The number of votes certified does not match the total found.
And the total number that Joe Biden supposedly won by was just about 10,500.
Horace Epstein says that he's hearing the discrepancy in ballots is multiple of that.
And that's why Trump's saying, why not just decertify now?
You're there in the middle of this.
Where's the process go now and when are we going to get the final findings?
So now, what the Senate Audit Team needs is the Splunk Logs, the routers, the passwords.
The county still refuses to comply and give those up.
So, what they're going to be doing now is going back with more subpoenas, and if the county does not comply with those subpoenas, they're going to have to enforce the subpoenas, and possibly start indicting people, and doing a criminal investigation.
And that's why the Attorney General has said...
And now the Attorney General, Joe Biden's Attorney General, is saying he's ready to swoop in and try to block that.
Talk about a constitutional crisis.
The federal government should not be involved in local elections.
That's right.
The federal government also should not be investigating citizens who are speaking out about the government.
What is that?
That's the biggest infringement on our First Amendment that we have seen ever.
This is a legitimate concern for a lot of people.
It's not conspiracy theory like they say it is.
There is serious evidence and they refuse to come forward to prove it wrong.
They just say, no, it's wrong.
It's false.
Chairman Jack Sellers of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors actually released a statement where he literally just said, no, you're wrong.
Didn't explain why.
That's what they've been asking for.
They're asking for answers as to why they are finding these things.
What they can do to make sure that they're doing it correctly.
And Maricopa does not want to help them.
They do not want to tell them the truth.
They don't want us to find out what happened on November 3rd.
It's a come to Jesus moment.
That's what, yes, that's what Senator Kelly Townsend said.
She would not want to cooperate either because they, they're going to be going to prison for a long time if we find this was a fraudulent election that they certified.
Well, what we know, we're seeing, whether it's Pennsylvania or Georgia or Michigan or there in Arizona, just all over, is Democrats en masse said Trump's evil, he's bad, and we're going to have these mail-in ballots.
The Democratic Party said there's going to be a red mirage, looks like Trump's going to win, but there'll be all these ballots come in after.
And I even had my brother-in-law at the main Austin library of Congress watching a man with hundreds of ballots With him signing signatures and mailing them to another state.
And this was witnessed all over.
So this went on for days, even after the election, mailing these into these states that were still accepting them, still using them, and just waiving signature verification, waiving all the rules, at so many levels.
And now we know, I'm sure you've seen all the stuff out of Georgia.
Where we now have confirmed what we already saw on video, where they pull the suitcases out, when they explain the water main broke, it didn't break, and then they're running the same stacks all for Biden over and over again, and then those stacks are all filled in just for Biden, and then they fill out the big main tally forms all for Biden.
I mean, this is crazy, and it's all on video.
It's insane.
That's right.
And the truth is finally coming out.
We got brave patriots standing up all across the country.
It's the freight train of audits, and it is in full steam across the nation.
People are finally starting to realize, oh my gosh, the government might be lying to us.
After COVID happened, after this election fraud scheme that they pulled, it's all so clear to us what's going on.
And it's coming down.
The truth is coming out.
What are they going to do?
I mean, I guess they're saying they're going to have the Justice Department try to go in and block the indictment or the arrest of these officials that have been caught red-handed breaking the law.
That's right.
Yes, they're sending in Democrat lawyers, they're sending in Department of Justice, they're sending in the Fed.
They want to stop this.
They do not want the, again, they don't want the truth to come out.
They do not want to face the consequences of stealing this election, and they do not want us to have free and fair elections ever again.
That's why they're trying to pass these bills like H.R.
That's why they're trying to You've got a lot of observations to make.
You know, being there at the audit center, tracking this, tracing this.
What is the general feeling of people that have witnessed the fraud for themselves?
It's overwhelming.
The exact same type of fraud is being found everywhere else around the country.
Other states are getting involved now, starting their audits.
What is the sense of being right there at ground zero?
People are mad.
They're mad because their right to vote was stolen from them.
It is crazy.
And now we have this administration that is totally reversing every single America First policy that President Trump enacted.
And it's terrible for our country.
This is going to be the crime of the century.
And what they're doing right now, I want to tell you, they're recounting the ballots with a paper counting machine so that they can ensure that Their results are 100% accurate and they have 100% evidence because this is going to be the most litigated process in history.
There's going to be just people coming out of the woodworks trying to fight against this, going crazy.
Well, I'm sure you've seen the Homeland Security report.
put out by the president, National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, the puppet president.
They say questioning the election, questioning lockdowns is terrorism. So they're really scared
of the fact that they stole this election, that Biden is a dictator by fraud. All right,
Jordan Conradson, thank you so much for joining us from the Gateway Pundit. Amazing job. All right,
we're going to come back. Thank you, sir.
We've got the latest.
When we come back, they're now injecting old people without their permission with the deadly shots.
The Nazi war crimes continue.
We're all here on this planet to be tested.
And I know for those of you that love justice and love freedom and you hate seeing tyrants get away with evil, it's very frustrating.
Believe me, I know.
But it's a balance.
We need to be angry, but also understand God is in control.
And when I'm pointing my finger at you, I want you to understand something.
I'm pointing three back at me.
I am so beyond angry at these people.
I mean, I know they're criminals.
I know they're evil.
I know they're committing mass crimes.
I know they've killed a bunch of people.
I know they're starved to death, tens of millions, and they're getting ready to do it on an even bigger scale.
And I'll tell you why I'm angry, because I'm angry at myself.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated and all this stuff's coming true?
It's horrible.
I don't want to be vindicated.
And as a man, I can't sit here and take this.
I can't take them killing people in front of me and lying.
And I can't take people telling me wear a mask.
And I can't take people going along with all this ignorance anymore.
And they know, Klaus Schwab has said, soon people will be more angry.
There will be an explosion.
And you will accept the Great Reset.
Which they've implemented the crisis, but they will pose as the savior.
Universal guaranteed income, total tracking, total control, forced inoculations, people dying left and right from the shots.
I mean, this is dystopia.
So if a neighbor came over and tried to hurt one of my children, I would have the strength to literally tear their head off.
But I like my neighbors.
But these people all do it through the filter of the media, and the law firms, and the system, and through their BS, and through the public's ignorance, and they are just assaulting us.
I mean, they are hurting us.
Take the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros.
Now, I could talk for 10 hours about this monster pig.
You know when you see a Charlie Munger, you see a British health minister, you see Bill Gates' lawyer, or you see any of them, you see James Comey, you see Clapper, you see Brennan, do you know they're all part of the Communist Party International?
And then you wonder why they're all doing this.
So they'll have national British TV on and the health minister, they're asking, well why do you want things locked down permanently?
Is that because you're a communist?
Well, the fact that I'm a communist has nothing to do with this.
Oh, really?
Why do you think for 61 years they've been on lockdown in Cuba?
Because that's what communists do.
Look up the head of the WHO.
He oversaw genocide in his own country.
That's what the UN does.
That's who they put in charge.
Why do you think Bill Gates put him in charge?
That's who runs the WHO.
So, look at this Town Hall article.
In a stunning reversal, W.H.O.
chief says ruling out COVID lab leak theory was premature.
Because see, Trump was saying that early, and it was Fauci and the globalists did it.
Now they know that all the scans of it are out, they can't hide it.
And so now he knows that he needs to at least sound like he has credibility because the truth is coming out.
See, up until a month ago, if you said it came out of a lab on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, anywhere, you would be banned!
And they had press conferences saying, we need to ban people who say that.
Just like Psaki's up there now saying, we want these 12 groups banned.
There are these 12 organizations that are questioning vaccines.
Yeah, doctors and scientists and epidemiologists, preeminent people.
But they could be a crazy homeless man.
They have a right to say what they want.
But you sit up there for Big Pharma and the U.N.
and Bill Gates and try to suffocate us and try to keep us from warning people.
You are aiding and abetting in murder, Jen Psaki.
You're a murderer now, Jen Psaki!
And I put you on notice.
You are engaged in warfare, open warfare against humanity.
And so are all your controllers.
And so, I'm just here to let the world know they've declared war on us and they're starting to fight, they're gonna lose.
So now, oh my god, the UN has reversed themselves.
It's stunning!
A lying communist!
Senator Hawley, big tech acting like arms of the government.
It's scary stuff.
Yeah, it's been going on, now it's out in the open.
Psaki's up there on TV admitting the whole thing because Congress has done nothing.
I want to see action.
I want to see it now.
I want to see you call these criminals out.
But they don't.
More censorship.
White House flags, Facebook anti-vaxx misinformation.
Post for Facebook.
Oh, we're flagging it.
We're tattling.
We're God.
We control what people can say.
Oh, we're not surveilling you.
Oh, we're not spying on you.
Oh, we're not censoring you.
We're just surveilling and spying and censoring you.
Macron didn't say you can't leave your house and go to a grocery store unless you've had the vaccine.
I mean, he did say it, but... So here's Psaki, clip 5.
There's about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation.
That's how it always starts.
If we could just get rid of them, well, then everybody knows you're not allowed to, you know, talk about your dead daughter that took it.
Now, you don't talk about your dead daughter!
I'm Psaki!
Here it is.
So about, I think this was a question asked before, there's about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms.
All of them remain active on Facebook, despite some even being banned on other platforms, including Facebook, ones that Facebook owns.
Third, it's important to take faster action against harmful posts.
As you all know, information travels quite quickly on social media platforms.
Sometimes it's not accurate, and Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful, violative posts.
Posts that will be within their policies for removal often remain up for days.
That's too long.
The information spreads too quickly.
We have proposed they promote quality information sources in their feed algorithm.
Facebook has repeatedly shown that they have the leverage to promote quality information.
We've seen them effectively do this in their algorithm over low quality information and
they've chosen not to use it in this case and that's certainly an area that would have
an impact.
So these are certainly the proposals.
We engage with them regularly and they certainly understand what our asks are.
So she says this is low quality.
She doesn't even say it's not true.
It's just low quality.
But you're going to then put in your feed what she says.
You're going to put in your feed what she wants, which is the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Big Pharma.
So you have the press secretary is not dealing with the press in America and answering questions about the White House.
No, no, no.
She's up there as the information czar, the state-run media, directing everyone and saying, we're going to be in your text messages and we're going to control that.
That was on Monday.
Oh, we're not going to let you talk about election stuff.
We're not going to let you talk about... You see, it's everything, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, you wake up and you're in this tyranny, and it's like Bill Maher said, well, you know, it's one thing to censor Republicans on Google, but ivermectin?
It's not a party.
I want to know about a drug for me.
Sorry, you don't get to have it like that, Bill Maher.
He gets that now.
So, see how dangerous this is?
First it's Alex Jones, and three years later it's the President of the United States, and now you can't talk about a drug that's 99% effective, because Big Pharma runs the show, and it's trying to make us take something on our body, and says they're sending contact tracers to our house, and are announcing new lockdowns, because we're not essential, but don't worry, we'll all go bankrupt, and be put on a universal guaranteed income, forced on welfare, so they can control even more of what we do with our lives!
I'll tell you why I'm so angry.
Imagine knowing that you've read hundreds and hundreds of books, thousands of documents, hundreds of thousands of news articles, and you've done tens of thousands of interviews, and you understand a subject completely.
And you know that your society is being walked to the gallows pole to be hung in front of you and you along with it.
And it's so stupid.
We should be able to stop it.
We should reject these people totally.
But they move slowly.
They censored.
They dumbed people down.
They got control.
They trained us to accept their abuse.
And now they're taking everything over.
They'll soon have all the cities, all the police, all the district attorneys.
They've got the FBI.
They've got the CIA.
Almost every veteran I talk to are awake and upset.
They know exactly what's going on.
I know a lot of people that have gotten out of all the big counter-terrorism teams and all the most elite units of the military because they understand they're going to be given orders to go after the American people.
I mean, this is really bad what's going on.
I mean, it's in the news!
That they're preparing for war against gun owners, veterans, and those that question elections, and those that question lockdowns, and they say we're terrorists.
Well, that means they're going to stage stuff and say we did it.
I mean, this is all very elementary what's happened.
This is a classic takeover.
They've stolen the election.
They plan to never let there be a real election again.
And America is on hospice.
And it's going to get a lot worse after that happens, because the average leftist will submit To anything they're told to do.
Now there is a big awakening taking place in places like Los Angeles and New York.
And I have a lot of prominent friends that live in LA.
And I was instrumental in twisting a lot of people's arms to at least move to Texas.
Not that Central Texas is perfect, but the areas around it are pretty awake.
And I remember telling a good friend of mine, Well, I'll just say it.
He doesn't care.
Eddie Bravo, when he and Joe and I were having dinner a month ago or so, and he said, well, they're going to take the restrictions off now.
And he said, if they try to bring them back, I'm going to move out.
And I said, Eddie, they're going to remove the restrictions for a month or two.
But it's a permanent martial law like Cuba.
It's never going to be released.
They're only going to slightly release it and tighten it back down.
You have to understand you've got to get out now before a year passes and they're going to have a permanent martial law after the next lockdown.
I believe they'll release a really bad bioweapon and then you've got to be where you're going to be.
And I didn't get into details.
Well, I got into details with him, but I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna tell you on air what I'm, I mean, what I'm ready to do.
It's totally peaceful.
But I mean, I'm ready to get out of here.
And if I have to get out of here, I'm getting out of here.
I'll just leave it at that.
But not everybody's got access to aircraft.
But I know enough people around here that are smart and know what's going on and they've already moved out.
I mean, I mean, I know Patriot Texas billionaires.
I know people are just as smart as I am or smarter.
I didn't need to tell them years before this even happened to move out the country and get helicopters and get, you know, aircraft that could take off and land in the brush, but that are long range.
I mean, let me explain something to everybody.
I remember 16 years ago, I was at a major Hollywood producer's house.
He's made a lot of the big movies with Denzel Washington.
I'll leave it at that.
And this other big director comes over, who I'd actually known through Rick Linklater.
He's a different director and producer.
And I've told this story, you know, in part before, but he said, man, Alex, you're more right than you know.
I'm not at liberty to tell you everything, but James Cameron is going to put out Avatar And then he's probably not going to really do anything else anymore.
He's moved to New Zealand.
He thinks there's basically a depopulation event coming.
And what do you know about rich people moving to New Zealand?
And I said, well, I know they want to depopulate.
I didn't even know that New Zealand was the place.
Now that everybody knows that, you know.
He goes, what do you know about Kauai, Hawaii?
What do you know about Tasmania?
This is a rich Hollywood producer.
And I'm at another rich Hollywood producer director's house, famous name.
Father was very famous as well.
And they're trying to pick my brain about this, and I'm like, you guys know more about this than I do.
That was 16 years ago, ladies and gentlemen.
That, what do you know about the collapse that's coming?
What do you know?
Then I'm told this story.
That's how I got to meet John Wayne's son, just briefly.
I met some folks at a camp out who were scientists.
They said, we used to be big liberals, but you're so right that the population's coming very soon.
Because at the time, Obama was thinking about pulling the trigger, but he almost did it.
And they said, look, it's going to be a total collapse of everything.
It's all, they're going to use a virus as the cover.
And I had small children at the time.
And he said, yeah, why don't you and your son Rex come out sometime and you can, you know, we'll have a kid camp out at our house on the river out in, um, Out in the town outside Austin.
And it's like Mayberry out there.
And I got to talk to the guy a little bit more, hung out with him a few other times, but the point was is that they were microbiologists.
And again, John Wayne's family lived next door.
They were moving to Costa Rica.
They said, hey, that was good.
They all knew about it.
They're like, hey, Alex, yeah, I like your show.
Hey, none of this is going to be here in a few years if Obama has his way.
But regardless, you need to get out of the U.S.
They said, I just, I'll shake your hand.
And I'm like, what's coming up?
Bye bye.
And they were like moved out a week later, I was told.
See you later.
So everybody's already been evacuating Texas.
So everybody's running from California thinking they're going to be safe.
And microbiologists who, by the way, had a big, nice house and a big piece of property on a river next door to John Wayne's family.
I mean, these are successful people in the system.
These are Hollywood producers, directors, microbiologists, and they are all like, yeah, of course you're right.
Like, they thought I knew more than I even knew.
So, I mean, I'm telling you stuff that's old news, folks.
Very, very old news.
They believe there's going to be a collapse because of overpopulation, so they're triggering it early to control the collapse and
a controlled demolition, and they believe, say, the Earth might be depopulating.
And so whether you're for that or not, you understand most of us are dead.
So, I mean, I just, it's like, you understand, next time we're not gonna be here in five or 10 years if we don't slow this down or stop it, going, oh look, Alex is right again, isn't he amazing?
You're going to be dead.
And the billionaires are building bunkers in London, here and there.
No, no.
This is going to be all over the world.
I know they're building a lot of stuff in the middle of nowhere with private jet landing strips.
We're talking 300, 400 miles over the Canadian border in the middle of nowhere, where there's not even a small town for a hundred miles.
Now, why would rich people be going and doing that and digging in?
Well, they talk to their contractors.
They talk to other Hollywood people.
They tell them, they said, the big event's coming.
The big event's coming.
You better get ready.
You better get ready.
Well, now we know it's the Great Reset.
It's the whole deal.
And so they have set all this up, ladies and gentlemen, and they're carrying it out.
And so I'm sad to have to get up here and, you know, give you all this gloom and doom, but we better get our governors together, we better get our legislators together, we better get the military together, we better get everybody together and recognize that every increment of this collapse you go along with, it gets worse.
Because they want to do a test, make sure we don't rebel, then do a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more.
That's what this is.
They're tying us down right now like a spider so they can then eat us.
So you don't want to comply with any of it.
You've got to say no because this is very violent to say you're non-essential.
It's very violent to say that you're a bad person.
It's very violent to say you're a disease carrier and make you wear a mask.
It's very oppressive.
And it's going to destroy the police, and the military, and the FBI, and the bureaucrats, and the judges, and the school teachers, and everyone that goes along with it.
So you better get upset.
You better demonstrate.
You better go to City Hall.
You better go to the legislatures.
You better go peacefully to D.C.
You better talk to the congressman that lives next door.
and the Capitol.
You better talk to the legislator.
You better get up in front of your church.
stream from the rafters and the hilltops and the valleys because this is it.
This is the beginning of the controlled demolition.
Everybody's freaking out.
Well, how'd you know they're gonna lock down again?
How'd you know they bring mass back?
It's in the damn plan.
We're following an exact plan that when we resist, they back off.
And then we stop resisting, they move forward.
We've got to overtake them.
We are being habituated to martial law, to lockdowns, to home arrest.
We must start planning for a permanent pandemic, Bloomberg.
God Almighty.
I never even saw that article.
These people are so sick.
No one's allowed to be sick.
No one's allowed to have a cold.
If you are, you're disappeared.
We lock society down saying humans are broken, saying humans are a failed species, and so now robots and computers must take over for us because we're fallen physically.
That was the Looking Forward to the End of Humanity Wall Street Journal last year.
Said COVID shows us we're a failed species.
Failed because we get sick?
Failed because you cook something up in a lab?
And the very groups that did it we gotta bow down to?
What you don't get is you're creating your dystopia and posing as the saviors.
And your own human military is waking up to you long before you get your robot centurions in place.
And you globalists are not going to get away with hiding out in your bunkers in Canada and in Hawaii and in New Zealand and Australia.
I will assure you.
Stop assaulting us!
Stop releasing viruses!
Stop starving people to death, you murderers!
You greedy bastards!
Let me show you a Reddit feed.
There's hundreds of pages of this.
We just randomly printed one of the pages here.
This is out of L.A., an L.A.
Reddit account.
I am fully vaccinated.
Everyone I know is vaxxed.
I stayed inside for 14 months.
I never got COVID.
I voted for Biden.
I pay my taxes, which allows the U.S.
government to help develop, distribute vaccines at home and abroad.
I am not wearing a GD mask anymore that I'm Also not wearing a helmet while I drive my car.
You're a chump.
The US government doesn't run our vaccine program.
Bill Gates and the eugenicists do.
It was never going to protect you.
You can't create a vaccine for The cold virus, you can only create it for the spike protein which is in our body.
But you didn't want to listen to the head of the EU advisory board, Wolfgang Wudarg, Dr. Wudarg.
You didn't want to listen to Dr. Yidan, the former head scientist at Pfizer.
You don't want to listen to me when I had a chance to meet, happenstance, with the head of a major biotech company eight months ago.
And then when my lawyers found out that he talked to me, they freaked out and made me swear and say I wouldn't say his name.
I'm not gonna say his name.
And my lawyers go, let me tell you the rest of it.
He said it's deadly poison, it's super bad, you shouldn't take it, and it's gonna kill people with the spike protein,
blah blah blah.
And then one of the lawyers still took the damn stuff.
So, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Is it all out in the open?
This person's like, I voted for Biden!
I stayed inside!
I wore my mask!
I took my shot and now I'm not free?
When you participate in your own enslavement and our enslavement, the enslavers never let you go willingly, Dumbo!
Another person says, took the words right out of my mouth.
The vaccines were supposed to be the endgame.
Oh, the endgame.
You don't know how true you are about the endgame.
Another person says, sucks to be fooled, isn't it?
Congratulations to the first person I've ever upvoted whose comment contained the phrase,
"I voted for Biden."
And Trump got on board with the damn bandwagon too.
He's got big problems.
The point is, is that we need to get past partisanship and understand it's about medical rights, it's about the Nuremberg Code, and it's about Cuba.
This tells you everything you need to know.
The UN's not saying anything about communist Cuba because they like communism.
Finally, the White House has been forced to say, okay, communism is a failed system.
Really, why are you recreating it here?
But here's the answer by Ben Warren on Infowars.com.
Communism failed.
Cuba lifts food medicine customs restrictions after mass unrest.
Why would they restrict you bringing food?
Or medicine in because they want control.
They want you on a short leash.
I mean, if you get to have medicine and you get to have food, you might get a little uppity and decide you might actually want to run the government.
You might actually want a real election.
Don't tell Black Lives Matter.
Their national chapter has endorsed the government cracking down.
But did the Cubans get to have some food?
Because they're all real skinny.
Because they kissed some butt.
No, because the government's scared and knows they're about to be overthrown.
And because hundreds of thousands of Cubans got in their boats and drove down to the 10-mile marker, and they know at one point are going to start coming across, they're going to have to sink their boats with machine guns, and then a whole civil war is going to start.
And then the commies are going to go to prison.
Oh, but Cuba, they love the lockdown.
They've had over a year of lockdown there, too.
Oh, they loved COVID-19.
So did North Korea.
It's such a good reason to lock everybody down.
Stop going along with the Kabuki theater.
Stop going along with the BS.
Stop buying into the New World Order.
They want you to need them.
They want to control you.
They want to dominate your life.
Now, let's hit something really important in how we fight back.
It's time to fight back with the First Amendment.
It's time to fight back with action.
It's time to fight back with the truth.
One of our listeners had a great idea and sent it in to us, so we did it up and we made it.
And here it is.
Door knockers, no solicitation.
Big old broad sticker.
Or you don't peel the sticker off the back, you just tape it up on your front door.
Door knockers, no solicitation.
This property charges $50 per minute to listen to any vaccine slash medical advice.
Payment required in advance by knocking or ringing our doorbell.
You agree with the terms stated above.
Learn more.
Visit InfoWars.com.
It's a big, giant sticker.
It's what, about a foot long and eight, nine inches tall.
Nine inches tall and I think over a foot long.
Thirteen inches.
You get 10 other stickers with it.
Alex Jones was right.
Life is fire with its beauty.
All of them say InfoWars.com.
Masks are for slaves and criminals.
Legalize freedom.
Arrest Bill Gates.
Arrest Fauci.
COVID-19 is a hoax.
Vaccines kill.
Freedom lives.
Hit your neighborhood in legal and lawful areas and put up your sign today.
Or stick them up as local Notice this.
I mean, this is civil disobedience.
They're breaking all the laws.
They're attacking us.
They're injecting people with experimental Nuremberg Code, violating things.
I'm not telling you what to do, but I personally am going to climb up on some billboards and spray paint messages this weekend.
I've done it before.
I'm going to get aggressive.
Gloves are off.
I'm going out this weekend with hundreds of stickers myself, and I'm putting them up all over the city.
I've done it before, and I know you're doing it too.
It's time to bullhorn.
I'm going to drive around and bullhorn this weekend.
I'm going to explain to all these idiots that Lockdown 2 is coming.
Even though they lined up and took their poison shots, and what it's going to take for them to finally get out of the mind control they're under.
$9.95 for the 11 stickers, the big giant one and the others.
And the little bit of money we get from that will then fund the operation.
No reviews yet, because it just went live today.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
No solicitation, door sticker is the name of the page, at Infowarstore.com, if you would like to find that.
Separately, ladies and gentlemen, X2 is deep earth crystal high quality iodine.
And we've had a lot of trouble keeping it in stock and it is amazing.
It's the opposite of fluoride, the bromine.
It's critical to your immune system, critical to libido, to fertility.
Even the UN estimates two plus billion people have cognitive disabilities, lower IQ and infertility and other illnesses because, and disabilities, because they don't have enough iodine.
The globalists bombard you with bad halogens.
They keep the good halogen iodine from you.
This is the best you're gonna find.
We're selling out of the spray bottle.
We're selling out of the dripper bottle.
One is 60% off, one is 40% off.
It's the exact same bottle, exact same iodine, just different spray tops.
60% off the spray bottle, 40% off the dropper bottle.
At that rate, we're going to sell out hell by Monday on the spray bottle.
It'll take a week more or so to sell out the dropper bottle, but I want you to get it.
I want you to have it. I want you to experience it. Look at that. 98% reviews out of 6,000 plus
reviews, 4.9 stars on X2. We've been selling it for nine years and it is game-changing.
Take it under the tongue, or just spray it in your mouth, and then it aerosolizes good, and a little bit of it gets into your lungs.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
It's also antibacterial, antiviral.
It's just amazing.
And ours is the purest, highest quality you're gonna find anywhere.
We also have our new Super Green Fiber Capsules, supercharging you with all the amino acids and a ton of vitamins and minerals.
This is high-end greens at a very, very low price, $19.95.
And I want to thank you for keeping us on air.
It totally pisses off all the New World Order scum that literally think the planet's theirs and think we're not essential.
We got news.
We're essential.
We're standing around and we're fighting.
You keep assaulting us, you're going to be destroyed.
Jay Dyer is about to take over.
It's the final segment that I'm going to be hosting.
And I'm going to go ahead and just call it right now.
And I love this crew.
They're the best.
Whoever wants to come in and help me this weekend, come in.
I'd like to just do it live.
If we could, I'd say.
1 p.m.
to 4 p.m., three hours live commercial, free to take phone calls and talk about everything that's happening.
Now, I always go off my deep research and then gauging thousands of data points, and my subconscious actually comes up with an analysis that's extremely deep and calculated with all my ancestors, all my archetypal memories, all my real-world experiences.
My subconscious mind is probably a thousand times more powerful than my conscious mind that I know what they're going to do.
So that's how it seems like I can predict the future, not just go off the documents they put out and their operations, but I a lot of times know what they're going to do before they've even decided what move they're going to make, because I totally immerse myself in this, and then I finally go with my gut in the last prime computation analysis.
So that's why I said a year and a half ago, the virus itself is not deadly, except if you obviously are debilitated.
We knew that from the science.
But, once it goes into the body, the literature and the science shows, because it's an artificial virus, it's going to replicate a bunch of really, you know, deadly viruses that are released, and that's now admitted.
And then, they will turn down the PCR test once the vaccine starts, so that everybody isn't showing that they're false positive.
Because they really are positive.
Then once they start getting sick, and once the viruses start mutating and shedding, they've already tested them in illegal human trials in China, and animal trials, Then it will cause massive death in the fall and in the winter when people aren't getting sun to be able to basically defeat it inside their bodies.
And a lot of other data points go into that.
And of course we knew they would never get rid of the lockdown.
I said they'll take it off for a few months, bring it right back.
Because the whole point is a permanent lockdown.
Look at Cuba.
And of course now they're announcing the lockdown.
Now they're saying, well maybe it'll be permanent.
Maybe it'll be where they're always just pushing more, more, more.
Because they need to get a dystopia where you're locked up, you're happy to even get outside your house once a month.
Because then you've got to accept when we're exterminating.
When I say we, we'll be joining the globalists.
We'll all kind of know they're wiping out Africa and Latin America and Asia.
Just hoping we don't die and taking whatever shots they want, do whatever they say.
And then once it gets into that real dystopia in a few years, then they'll be able to give us whatever, quote, vaccine they want, when they want.
They'll have tailored vaccines to take out this group, not take out that group.
So, the name of the game is absolute power, absolute control.
And so, of course new lockdowns were coming.
Of course they were going to say the vaccine didn't work.
Of course they were going to bring the masks back.
But they have to let you say, oh for a few months they're not there, so you always have false hope.
Believing that this abuse is only seasonal.
Believing that it comes and it goes, or that it's reasonable.
Instead of... If you look at it in the aggregate... Oh!
Guys, can you give me a shot, please?
It starts like this a year and a half ago, they tighten up like this, then they release a little bit, then they tighten up more the next year, they release a little bit more, but by the time you're two, three, four years into this, you're down to this.
And your phone says when you can leave your house, your phone says when you can eat at the store, and it's carbon credits, and they've said, oh, this is carbon credits, this is for the earth, your phone's gonna be a national global ID, it'll tell you where you go, what food you get, all of it's being taught to school children for a decade in Europe and the UK.
That their smartphone says where they go, where they work, they get meat once a year, nobody gets a car, you travel outside your town three times in your lifetime?
And this is all just the training for the public now, that each time you give up your rights, we take off some pressure.
Give up your rights, we take off some pressure.
Give up your rights, we take off some pressure.
Until now, you have this tiny little bit, this tiny little piece of freedom, and you'll battle and debate and do anything for that, when it's not freedom, by successive approximation, you've been brought into total, absolute slavery and degradation.
And that's where we are.
And so, it's one thing to get into the first leg of the trap, but you notice in Australia and the UK and Europe, they put up with it, so now they're saying that it's never going to end.
They're already telling them there, it's never going to end.
And it just gets worse and worse and worse the more you submit.
And so now they're getting ready to squeeze us again.
Jay Dyer's coming up.
I'm going to introduce him back in 60 seconds.
Are you going to roll over and give up?
Or are you going to fight back?
All right, Jay Dyer's taking over for the hour.
And if I seem really angry this week and frustrated, it's because I am.
And it's not that I feel guilty that I'm not doing enough.
I feel really desperate because I've learned over the years that studying globalists and studying the world and knowing how everything operates, you get a feel of how they operate, what they're going to do next.
They're hunting us.
And when we build up resistance, we organize, they back off.
As soon as we go back to sleep, they advance.
And they launch their attack.
It's not going as well as they wanted, but now that they're committed, they're not going to back off.
And I just don't know if the public is really ready to understand the full magnitude of this evil.
Plus, you know, we showed you how in England they show folks dying of COVID that can't breathe and saying, everyone in the hospital, please take it.
And we went and found the fact that it was an actor and it was a staged event.
Nobody's going to get in trouble for that.
And so that's another problem with all of this is they just get away with bloody murder.
It's like Australia got caught shooting up kids in public school, not telling parents.
Total violation of Nuremberg Code, totally illegal.
And the health minister said, just get over it.
So, this is the institutions, the corporations, and people that go along with them, bum-rushing us, organizing their will, exercising their will.
It is rape.
And I don't like being raped.
I don't enjoy being attacked.
I've never been physically, sexually raped, but I've been held down by four or five teenagers that were 16, 17 when I was 10 years old and, you know, knocked one of my teeth out, gave me double black eyes and broke my nose.
And I tell you, I came back and found them over the next few years and beat their brains out with bricks.
One of them was a vegetable today.
I think he died a few years ago.
And I'm not even proud of that.
But the point is, I beat their brains out.
I knocked their teeth out.
And I'm not going to sit there and take these people sitting on top of me for no reason and knocking my teeth out and giving me black eyes.
So how do we politically and culturally go on the offense without physically doing it so they can become victims and use the media against us?
How do we expose that they're assaulting us and covering up cures for COVID-19 and suppressing where it came from and that they're criminals and they're suppressing all the doctors that are warning people?
That's my question to everybody, ladies and gentlemen, is how much of this are we going to put up with?
Because it only gets worse complying from this point out.
They're clearly going to false flag the strike teams, the contact tracers, so they can then send law enforcement with them next.
You can see the trap it's set up, so don't hurt these idiots that are getting 12 bucks an hour coming to your house.
The point is, though, how do we push back when they're violently coming at us with a deadly shot that's killed so many people, and big tech and the media suppress victims of it, and aid the bed in the death?
What do we do?
I think you go to Saki's house in Bullharner.
I think you go to the White House.
I think we get aggressive to the point of civil disobedience, like Martin Luther King would do, because this is bull.
I think we do it.
And this is wrong, and this is an attack.
Jay Dyer, you've got a lot to cover this hour, but just briefly, let me ask your opinion.
This is really escalating.
We knew it was.
The new lockdowns are being announced.
It's coming here.
The mask going back on.
Oh, the vaccine didn't work.
What's going to happen to all the leftist sheep that already took the poison vaccine?
A lot of them got really ill or died.
Now being told, oh, none of that works, take another one, take another one.
I mean, really, the system looks like it's trying to destroy itself.
Why do they seem like Why does Biden and the New World Order seem like guns to their head?
Why is Klaus Schwab ever pressing forward even though he and Bill Gates are some of the most hated men in history?
Because they have to.
They're impelled by something else, another force, another entity that even they may not even be aware of.
They may not even believe in higher level powers that can influence human affairs, but we know that they are.
So the Bible again gives us a spiritual insight into the big picture, into what's really going on.
And so they are basically puppets.
And so they see themselves as puppet masters, but they're actually puppets themselves of a larger spiritual power.
And so they can't control themselves.
It's a kind of a locking yourself into kind of participating in a demonic energy.
And when you do that, you're a slave, you're a slave to someone else.
So these people are actually the slaves.
And they're impelled to enslave everyone else.
That's all they know.
That is beautifully and purposefully, perfectly said.
So take me.
I'm enraged right now, not with demonic hatred, but with a will to survive.
I feel like I'm being suffocated, I'm being assaulted, I'm being raped.
I feel compelled.
I love how you're able to be calm.
Is it bad that I feel burning hatred for these people?
No, that's righteous anger, right?
I mean, David talked about having righteous anger, you know, be angry and so on, right?
So, yeah, I mean, it's the natural reaction.
It's a man's reaction.
It's the reaction of somebody who has a fighting spirit left, right?
Remember Charles Garland Darwin said that they would try to breed out of everyone that animalistic drive to survive.
And so a big part of this is getting people to be feminized, getting them to be effeminate, getting them to be, you know, soy men who don't have any will to survive or to fight back and to just sort of surrender to the chemical assault, the biological warfare assault.
And that's what I'm going to talk about today is Tavistock Institute and how they really laid out all the plans of the modern world and where we are today.
It really is incredible how it's all out in the open now.
Like the men's choir in San Francisco said, we want to have your kids, we're going to corrupt them, and it turns out a bunch of them are convicted child rapists.
I mean, they're just out in the open now.
Yeah, every time I think of that song, that stupid song, it's in my head.
And even though I mock that song all the time, my wife gets it in her head.
She's like, please stop singing that horrible song.
Like, I can't.
It's so bad that it's in my head.
But no, it is.
I don't mean to make light of that.
It is an assault.
This is what we get, right?
When society collapses.
I think one thing that you pointed out that helped me understand this really well is that If you look at this from the standpoint of a coordinated foreign operation to take down a country, it all makes sense, right?
If people don't understand that it's a foreign attack, an assault, from all angles, from every area of society... And then you realize it's not a foreign human attack, it's an alien attack.
I mean, you can say whatever you want intellectually about it, but it is like an off-world attack, or what would you call it?
Yeah, but it's also like you pointed out, foreign entities and power structures in the sense of China, other countries that are doing these things.
Yeah, once you understand it's to bring down the country, it all makes sense.
You know, Tavistock put out a thing a long time ago saying that they would try to engineer the world into rejecting Anything that wasn't global government, anything that was nation state, anything that was nationalism, that would all be wiped away.
And that's why they worked with the Frankfurt School, right, to do that very type of thing, to get rid of the idea of a father figure.
So a lot of what you're seeing in terms of the cultural attack, the degeneracy one, that's an attack on the idea of a father, of a patriarch.
And by doing that, they're attacking the archetype of God the Father or masculine patriarchal authority.
And they even say this on purpose.
They'll even say, a lot of the feminists have even said, our goal is to attack patriarchy because ultimately it's an attack on the idea of God.
And so when we promote the goddess and all this stuff, that's just an inversion.
To bring in this new age, this new order.
And what people don't understand is the new A on this new age, it's an engineered technocrat thing.
It's all in every one of the Tavistock documents, every one of the Rand Corporation documents.
All these big think tanks just put it all in their papers.
Did you see the Ministry of Defense document that just came out?
Yeah, talk about that when you come back.
I meant to ask you about that.
And so that's why General Milley's woke.
That's why he says white people are bad.
That's a weapon system to degrade us and make us hate each other and collapse us.
Yeah, exactly.
That document is about the coming technocratic revolution, right?
And so we know Klaus talks about the fourth industrial revolution and he's saying that the society that we have now is still the remnants of the old industrial revolution.
It's all got to go away.
How do you do that?
Well, you bring in control chaos.
You destroy the existing society structure, the economic system, all of it is collapsed intentionally.
So that the Phoenix can rise from the ashes, right?
That's the esoteric alchemical idea.
That's why they believe that it is literally a new... And you're going to take over and cover the British Ministry of Defense document that I'm glad you mentioned because I forgot about that even though it just came out.
But just briefly I'm going to ask this question and come back and cover this.
They needed to not have us aware to carry this out.
I don't see how, with it so exposed, even though they've got the money and the power, I don't see how they ever complete it because how does out of the collapse Bring in their horrible system when people will know they collapse things to bring in this system.
People are going to oppose them now more than ever.
Yeah, absolutely.
And did you see the videos of the protests in the other countries, how big it was?
And the media won't cover it?
Yes, you're going to cover that.
Jay Dyer is going to cover it right now.
I'll give you his website, books and more.
He's a great author and a great researcher.
Thanks for having him on this Friday.
And then the War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, Owen Schroyer.
And then I'm coming back in tomorrow.
I'm going live 1 p.m.
tomorrow, 1 p.m.
And then the Sunday show, 4 p.m.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jay's analysis.
Just kidding.
I'm not going to sing that.
Don't get that in your head.
I want to talk about the Tavistock Institute.
Now, a lot of people may not know what this is.
They might have heard of it.
And the reason we're going to talk about it is that it's one of the entities that shaped the modern world and prepared us for the technocracy that's coming into existence now.
The origins of the Tavistock Institute in the United Kingdom is that it's an institute that originally was a clinic set up to study shell shock.
And they're actually the ones who named shell shock.
So soldiers were coming back from World War I and they noticed that they had these tendencies, right, to shake and they would have these sort of breakdowns.
And so they had this whole institute that they set up.
Yes, under the guise, oh, we're going to help people, we're going to help the soldiers.
Now, of course, we know that they weren't interested in helping the soldiers.
The British Empire had a philosophy of Malthusianism and depopulation for a long time, all the way back to Malthus.
So what were they really doing in terms of this clinic?
Well, they were studying the inner mind in terms of its relationships, its schema, its worldview.
They wanted to master the domain of the mind.
And so a lot of famous figures that you probably heard of, like Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, would all have a connection eventually to the Tavistock Institute, have work done through the Tavistock Institute, and even people that you may not know about that were actual MKUltra doctors, as we'll see here in a moment.
But one thing that really transitioned the Tavistock Institute out of just a wartime clinic into something related to social engineering and psychological warfare was the grant that they got a significant grant from the Rockefeller Foundation back in the 40s.
And so this transitioned.
them into a tool for social engineering.
A lot of people may not know that the discipline of sociology itself was basically set up at
the University of Chicago as a research hub for, by Rockefeller money.
The University of Chicago is a Rockefeller institution.
And so some of the entities that would be connected to the Tabasak Institute includes Stanford Research.
We know about Stanford Research.
They did all the S.R.I.
Stargate, you know, stuff that you see with the minister goats, all that kind of stuff.
The Stanford Research Institute will also be involved in white papers that would pioneer the idea, through Tavistock by the way, of promoting Vegetarianism, veganism, and plant-based diets.
And they planned that back in the 70s.
So what you're seeing rolled out now, right, when you saw Jay-Z and Beyonce talk about how, oh, we're going vegan and everything, and The Economist saying last year, oh, this is the decade of the vegan or the year of the vegan.
That's all from these people.
That was all designed decades ago in think tanks.
So what I'm trying to illustrate to you is that culture is largely created.
I'm not saying everything in culture is created by think tanks and social engineers, but a lot of it is.
And if something does spring up as an organic cultural development that then gets popular, It will be co-opted, right?
You can think of something like rap music.
Rap music had an organic development, and then eventually it came out, right?
MTV executives, you can find mainstream news stories about this, said, let's co-opt this and turn it into a tool for social engineering.
And that's exactly what happened.
And by the way, since the 1960s, most of the music and trends of pop culture have been either created or steered by these entities.
Including the whole 60s counterculture movement in terms of the music, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, all that.
And there is a connection, loosely speaking at least, of Beatles and Rolling Stone music to Tavistock.
I'm not saying that the Tavistock Institute literally created all the music, but that they pioneered ideas like promoting and testing out different trends.
Some people have even speculated that electronica, rave music, techno might have even kind of been a trend that Tavistock created.
But what we do know is that Stanford Research, MIT, RAND Corporation, Institute for Social Research from the University of Michigan, which was part of the MKUltra projects, the Wharton School of Business, the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard Business School also, which were connected to MKUltra, London School of Economics, the National Training Laboratories, Hudson Institute, Esalen Institute, That's the hub and big sir of the entire New Age movement, right?
Funded by, again, the same entities connected to all of these same entities.
The National Institute for Mental Health, National Institute for Drug Abuse, Office of Naval Research, so Naval Intelligence involved in this, Foundation for Development Alternatives, Executive Conference Center, Age of Aquarius Graduate School.
So now we're such the, oh, wait a minute.
So they're actually doing this New Age stuff.
Yes, the New Age movement.
Part of Esalen Institute, pioneered by not a bunch of hippies tripping acid, but no, pioneered by social engineering think tanks, people that create the white papers.
The same people who write things like the SPARS document, who write things like Operation Lockstep, who write this UK augmentation of humans document that we're going to be looking at here in a minute as well, because you'll see how that ties in perfectly with what Tavistock planned in the 20th century.
So all of these are just a few of the entities that had a direct connection and work with the Tavistock Institute for Human Engineering, is what we could really call it, right?
Now, what are some of the things that Tavistock kind of birthed and came up with that we probably all know about now?
Well, the idea of austerity, the idea that humans are a A, you know, scourge on the surface of Mother Earth, of Gaia.
And the need to live austerely was something that Tavistock promoted.
And in fact, after they had done studies on the promotion of luxurious living over abundance, right, they then said, now we can test out the promotion of living austerely.
So where do we see this?
Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot of the millennials and younger Their whole ethos is not to own property, not to have assets, but rather to have tiny houses, tiny living, to live in a van.
Live in a van down by the river!
Literally, living in a van down by the river.
And then when we come to things like corporate groupthink, that's a real thing.
Training employees to think in a corporate setting in a group and not to think individually.
That was something pioneered by the Tavistock Institute from John Rees and Kurt Lewin, two of the early founders of Tavistock.
And you might be familiar with Kurt Lewin because he was also one of the key early founders of the MKUltra program.
So again, notice the overlap.
MKUltra, Tavistock Institute.
It's consistent and it's constantly there.
In fact, back, as I said, back in the 70s, Tavistock, Viah Rees, and Lewin came up with the idea of brainwashing people through techniques to get them to accept veganism.
And not only did they, again, you have to understand that it's not just an institute dealing with controlling society and social engineering.
This is an institute that studied intimately wartime psychological warfare.
So what they wanted to do was take all the techniques and principles that they'd learned in wartime about manipulating the enemy, manipulating the troops.
In fact, it's the troops themselves, your own troops that are the most important to brainwash and mind control, even more so than the enemy, right?
Because if you lose control of your troops, well, they might defect to the enemy.
You might lose.
So the troops, right, underwent things that were pioneered by Tavistock, such as team leaders.
The idea of corporate settings and having a team leader, that was all invented by Tavistock.
And one thing that team leaders in a corporate setting had to do was figure out how to weed out people that thought independently.
And to do that, you had to engage in different psychological motivations and tricks to get people to engage in group thing, to submit their will to the collective and to the group.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Jay Dyer.
Sure, follow me on all of the social media platforms that you can while I'm still there, Jay Dyer.
You can also follow me over on Rockfin, which is a great free speech-based platform.
Now, I was talking about the plans and strategies that people from the Tavistock Institute like Rees and Lewin had come up with, and one of those plans was a step-by-step model of how to engage in social and societal collapse and breakdown.
And this follows a very patterned, organized process.
The first step is to break down the existing constitutional governmental structures.
Military and police should be forced to reorganize for civil action.
like we see in the U.S. In other words, it's creating a whole domestic force, right?
A separate kind of alternate force run by the federal government to police, right?
Because you have to bypass local governments and police that might be, you know, more amenable to
people that they grew up with, right? So you got to have this outside federal force.
And by doing this through infiltrating local governments, you could thereby surpass this, you know, tendency to favor
your neighbors and whatnot.
The next thing that they talked about in their strategy was creating community groups.
Change agents at a community level and Uh, this could be done through the groupthink techniques that we talked about, just sort of, uh, bullying and sort of, uh, you know, trying to psychologically manipulate people, gaslight them into joining these groupthinks.
And then eventually you could have a, uh, an ability to trigger spontaneous uprisings and even regime changes.
And they're speaking here of taking that regime change model of overthrowing governments that we know that intelligence agencies have been so good at doing for so many years and applying that at a local level, right?
So again, when you see the way that this is all set up in terms of the change agents, remember when Obama was always talking about change agents, when he was always talking about changing everything even at the local level.
That's not something that a bunch of just dumb commies people came up with.
That was stuff that was pioneered by psychological warfare experts
and scientific strategists at the Tavistock Institute.
And one of the amazing things that they talk about is the idea of creating a, I'm not joking,
it's the principles that are used in fascist governments, Because they actually liked the idea of the top-down control model, but they knew that nobody would buy into that post-World War II.
So how do you get people to accept This top-down, total control, you know, Big Brother type of model, but at the same time give it the appearance of liberalism and democracy.
And so they pioneered this idea of fascism with a democratic face.
That's literally a Tavstock Institute idea.
And so one thing they did was engage in large-scale psychological warfare studies in different areas of social, of society, and Learn everything they could about the mind of man, right?
Even to the point of one of the darkest aspects of a program that was connected to MKUltra, known as the Phoenix Program.
So one of the things they, a lot of what they learned in the Phoenix Program was that really extreme things that occurred to the troops in Vietnam, which could actually trigger mania, dissociation, and breakdown.
And so they, the studies where they, where they Did a lot of research into NPD, DID, dissociation were then applied to mass media using trauma, trauma-based mind control through things like 24-7 broadcasting of wars, right?
Constant warfare.
Let's watch CNN, you know, do this whole 24-7 broadcast of a desert storm.
That was a literally a psychological warfare technique.
Like the broadcasting of stories about Manson constantly when the Mansons that was all literally done on purpose.
It's part of psychological warfare.
So it's the Phoenix program writ large.
Another thing that they came up with was but that by doing this they could institute a kind of public mania.
So amazingly they literally said that the mass media had the ability to induce mania Uh, from these psychological warfare studies in terms of MKUltra on a mass scale in the population.
They even studied things like programming through subliminals using all kinds of techniques.
We know about nowadays about things like nudging, right?
We know that, uh, Harvard, right?
Didn't they just recently, or was it Harvard or Yale recently put out a thing about how we're going to have to socially engineer.
We're going to use psychological warfare to trick people into going and getting their stabbies and being good global citizens.
Another thing that they talked about was it was central and absolutely necessary to gain control of all local governments and local communities.
And they would do this via the creation of new identities and identity politics.
So all the identity politics stuff.
And at this time, they were really talking about feminism and women's issues.
This was back in the 40s and 50s.
At that time, it was now we're going to have to divide society along Political, racial, sexual, linguistic, national, church, religious, and age group backgrounds.
That was actually invented by Tavistock.
And they said by really pushing this, they could eventually create and fracture society into a bunch of niche groups, and that this would induce in society clinical psychosis.
They would also have to engage in techniques of brainwashing to promote feminism and get everybody on this program of accepting globalism and internationalism.
A key component would be to convince mankind that he was guilty by merely existing, right?
Carbon, you're hurting the air, hurting the earth.
Remember the hole in the ozone?
What happened to the whole, you know, that was like a big deal in the 80s.
I remember watching movies and they would talk about the ozone.
Oh, we're all going to get burnt.
They forgot about that.
They just rebranded stuff, right?
So it's public relations.
They rebranded.
But what they continue to talk about is austerity, right?
We're going to have to convince people to live austerely and we'll even use religious ideas.
Oh, bro, you got to be like Jesus, man, like Jesus didn't own anything.
And so they would use religion, religious ideas, taking things out of context, taking scripture out of context to try to convince people that you have to and need to be poor.
Meanwhile, all the people who promote this are zillionaires, multiple palaces, yachts, you know, everything you can think of.
Even to the point where they would promote labor that would be demeaning, right?
Cubical labor and work that is demeaning and breaks down the individual's notion of identity.
So all of that was pioneered by the Tavistock Institute, and that was done in concert with CIA research and money.
That was interested also in taking this research and applying it to things that they were doing and studying.
And so, that's where the team leaders, the fake competition, even things like Employee of the Month, right?
The board on the wall or the Employee of the Month, that's all Tavistock stuff.
And all that is, is to get you to, right, become a corporate slave.
I'm not trying to say that all businesses are evil or everything about a corporate structure is bad.
I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying that they took this stuff and weaponized it.
That's all I'm saying.
And so they were intimately connected to the notions of mind control.
And this is where they got connected and hooked up with what's called the Frankfurt School.
If you don't know what the Frankfurt School is, the Frankfurt School is a group of Marxists who disagreed with Eastern Bloc Marxism.
So they didn't like Sovietism.
They didn't like Stalinism.
They were another branch of Marxists in Europe who wanted to preserve what they saw as the original classical Marxism.
And from their perspective, the Frankfurt School of Marxists said, well, real Marxism is just constant critique and critique of the critique, what they call culture critique.
And so if you saw earlier, right, it was Horkheimer and Adorno's book Dialectic of the Enlightenment.
That book was about, right, critiquing and pointing out what is deceptive and a lie in culture as part of the, you know, the social construct of the patriarchal male, right?
Things like social justice warriors.
That's a creation of the Frankfurt School Marxists.
They came up with this idea of the social justice warrior and controlling society through getting people to buy into this phony notion of social justice.
It was invented by Frankfurt School theorists working with Tavistock.
It's a total creation.
It's not even a real thing, right?
But it's a way to harness the energy of the youth, like the Maoist youth, right?
To harness that energy to believe that you're fighting for some great noble cause when you're just a tool and a dupe of the think tanks and the foundations.
That's it.
You're an idiot.
When we come back, we'll look into more of their plans.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We were talking about the Tavistock Institute and the different plans and strategies that they've pioneered together with entities like the Frankfurt School.
And I would remind people that if you don't know, I think it was Foreign Affairs actually put out a really good article a few years ago based on a book pointing out that it was the OSS that brought the Frankfurt School to America to help The OSS and CIA understand the idea of, quote, fascism and how to deconstruct Western civilization to understand it's a patriarchal fascist society inherently.
Now, again, the irony is that the same people are wanting to use the strategies of so-called fascism and put it under a nice liberal democratic face.
That's what you see today, right?
When you see the top generals, when you see the top people in government up there acting like the heads of the tech companies, like they care about, you know, minorities and that they're so woke.
That is a psychological warfare, Tavistock strategy.
It's fascism with a democratic, liberal face.
That's actually a idea that Tavistock came up with, to just cloak it under the mask of liberalism.
And it works tremendously.
People believe it.
They buy into it.
They think these people are champions of them, that they're champions of the people, that they're liberals.
As they sit there and say, you gotta all die, right?
And that's their argument, right?
Of the stupidity of the double think.
That if I can sit there and tell you to your face that I'm Ready to kill you, you need to die, but I also love you and care about you, right?
If you believe that, if you're that dumb, right?
It's like the confidence game, right?
It's like...
That that novel, right?
Confidence Man, right?
It's which is a novel about the devil, right?
Who is on this steamboat, right?
It's a Mark Twain.
I'm going from memory here.
It's many, many years ago when I was in grad school reading English literature and you've got this confidence.
The devil is on a steamboat, right?
He's basically lying and deceiving people and seeing who buys into it, right?
And if you buy into it, well, then you fell for it and you kind of deserve it. Now I'm
not saying that that's the case, that people deserve it, but at a certain level, right, in
God's providence and divine judgment, yeah, he does give people over to delusion, give people
over to deception.
Paul writes about that in 2 Thessalonians, right, the great, the time of great spiritual delusion,
where people are just given over to being duped because they wanted to be duped.
And so that's the kind of thing that we're seeing play out before our eyes.
Now, I was mentioning some of the promotion of austerity.
Other things that they came up with was the idea of zero growth.
That we can't have any notion of growth of population, of the economy, surplus, right?
All of that has to be done away with.
And to move society away from a production-based economy to a tiny living austerity-based economy.
And in fact, they pioneered and succeeded in doing a lot of this by taking over labor unions.
So I'm not saying that labor unions are themselves good or bad.
I mean, I'm sure there's good and bad involved in the history of labor unions.
I know they've had a long time connection to socialism and Marxism.
They've been tied to the mafia organized crime.
I'm just pointing out that in the history of labor unions, they were eventually bought off by the Rockefeller Institute and that they bought all of the world's labor unions off.
And how did they do that?
Well, they used strategies, techniques and tactics of the Tavistock Institute.
Some other things that Tavistock were involved in that you might be surprised to know was
that they would hire a lot of people out of both psychology, the fields of psychology,
as well as people coming out of intelligence and the OSS.
So just like in the US, a lot of the OSS people, the wartime intelligence networks that were
the precursor to the CIA, they went into being the heads of the major broadcasting companies.
CBS, right?
These big broadcasting companies originally were headed by members of wartime intelligence and all they did was take all that psychological warfare information data and apply it to what they had learned in war to the mass psychosis and literally to induce mass psychosis.
I was mentioning earlier that the notion of social justice warriors was made up by the Tavistock Institute, particularly through the Frankfurt School guy Herbert Marcuse.
Marcuse is really the guy who pioneered the invention of the social justice warrior.
Now, before we close out here, I wanted to get to, towards the end of the Daniel Esselstyn book that we were talking about here, he wrote a book on Tavistock that really details its history.
And all of its origins and connections.
He's a journalist that wrote on this as well as Bilderberg.
One thing that the book ends with is the connection between Tavistock and the promotion of technocracy.
And so at the end of the book, there's the plans and promotion of human engineering and transhumanism.
So they would actually talk about using things like H.G.
Wells' science fiction to promote the idea of transhumanism via decades and decades of science fiction.
We know Hollywood has played a big role in that.
And now they don't really need to promote it.
I mean, they still do.
Like all of the TV shows are about, you know, transhumanism and everybody having chips and being modified and turning into robots and all this downloading your consciousness into the cloud.
That's literally what all the sci-fi shows are now is just propaganda for this stuff.
Now, One of the documents that came out that just totally proves this, right?
That's a complete confirmation that this is not a conspiracy.
And I mean, there's a lot of documents that are already proved it, but they've just put out the Ministry of Defense in concert with the German Ministry of Defense.
Human augmentation, the dawn of a new paradigm, strategic implications project.
And what this document talks about is that there's a radical technological change that's coming to all areas of life.
It's the very thing that Klaus Schwab talked about.
And that means that you will no longer be a human.
You will become a new type of being.
We will invade your biology.
You will become the synthetic being.
That's literally what he says.
He says, we're not going to just give you a chip or a wearable.
He says, those were just Conditioning phases to get you conditioned to take not just the chip, but now the alteration of your own mRNA.
Your own genetic code will now be altered.
And if you look at the cover of the document, it actually shows that it shows the man transitioning over to being a bot and his DNA being changed and the alteration of his genetic code.
The document talks about that human augmentation is really about control.
It's not about giving you freedom.
It's not making you into a robot who can fly out throughout the universe, right?
Like some sort of space chariot so that you can blow up planets and have, you know, VR space porn, you know.
Fantasies come true.
No, no, this is a plan that DARPA played a big role in, in terms of perfecting biometrics and invasive technologies.
That's what Klaus is actually talking about, right?
Getting you from the wearable to the chip, to the actual alteration of your genetic code.
And he calls it, accurately as the document calls it, synthetic biology.
Transitioning man from an organic life form to a silicon-based life form.
There's a X-File, in fact.
It's either the X-File that's called Ice or the one that's called Fire.
Maybe both of them.
I forget which one.
They actually talk about synthetic, silicon-based lifeforms.
So just like we saw the other day, right?
That old X-File episode where Scully's laying there and she's been infected with this RNA rewriting code that the Smoking Man and the Syndicate had come up with.
Well, there's other episodes in Season 1 that also talk about synthetic lifeforms, synthetic biology.
And in my estimation, that's probably existed for a long time, but now what they're doing is rolling this out as part of a big project, a big experiment to see what happens.
In fact, the document describes human beings as life forms, excuse me, as platforms.
Platforms to be transmitters, receivers, and emitters of information and signals, right?
I just talked the other day about Michael Aquino's document, Mind War, Psy War.
If you read the Mind War, Psy War document, a famous document about the Army's psychological warfare doctrine, at the bottom of that, who's a famous Satanist, by the way, just passed away a couple years ago, at the bottom of that document it talks about using humans as antennae.
Humans are antennae to emit and transmit signals and receive them, and to alter man, to make him into a living antenna, You're basically going to be a walking modem so that you receive what they transmit.
That's the plan.
That's the goal.
And they talk about it being an operating system that they will hack and hijack.
So your body is like a human biocomputer.
Remember the MKUltra freak, Dr. John C. Lilly, who had a fetish for dolphins, who put Mind-controlled chips in the brains of dolphins.
John C. Lilley said that the human body is a bio-computer that we can program.
And that's what he was doing in terms of MKUltra.
He literally was one of the first people to pioneer the research on chips in the brains of monkeys.
And so these aren't dumb hippies.
These are people who are vicious psychological warfare experts.
This document says that combat will be trans-human in the future, and they're going to need a world army and a world police force.
That's what's coming, and the nanotech is real.
It's all about turning you into a human living brain-computer interface, and that's what this document talks about.
So here you have it.
Admit it.
It's public.
Everybody should know this now.
That's really what's going on.
This is Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
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