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Name: 20210711_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 11, 2021
1390 lines.

The New World Order (NWO) has officially arrived, characterized by permanent lockdowns, forced vaccinations, and fraudulent PCR tests to control citizens in the wake of a global economic depression. Critics argue that these measures are part of an authoritarian plan to infringe on individual freedoms and liberties. Infowars is selling discounted products such as X2 radiation- blocking cases for Androids and iPhones to raise funds and protect personal information from big tech companies spying on users. The author expresses concern over globalist agendas, specifically Operation Lockstep by the Rockefeller Foundation, which they believe is attempting to control information and limit people's freedoms through martial law. They discuss the importance of iodine for physical health and its connection to government control over information. Michael Ryan, head of Rapid Reaction Force at the United Nations, expresses support for local vaccine mandates and forced inoculations. Alex Jones discusses various topics such as the potential for forced inoculations and lockdowns, the dangers of cell phones and the need for privacy protection, and the great reset plan of globalists. The InfoWars Store Hotline is available for product purchases.

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It's Sunday, July 11th, the year is 2021, and the new world order has been officially announced.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
There comes a time...
...when evil launches its...
...new war.
And it does every few generations.
It's a new plan...
...that has to emerge.
That it's not in the shadows anymore and we're now there.
It has been announced by Australia, by the EU, by the European Union, by the UN, and by the Pope, as well as many other quote world leaders in the last 48 hours, that a new world order is here of permanent lockdowns, forced inoculations, and fraudulent PCR tests to leave your home.
They are now on mainstream national Television, all the world saying the same message that you're going to be locked down permanently because being out talking to others is bad and that this is to politically control you when they plunge the world economy into a total depression and issue you a world digital ID via your smartphone and then an implantable microchip.
You can see an article with these different videos and reports that is just bombshell by Jamie White at InfoWars.com.
Mike Adams did a deep analysis of many of the government documents that are public and admittedly put out on the contact tracers and the strike teams now coming to your homes.
Now they're preparing for Forced lockdowns and even quarantines.
So that is all coming up.
The same martial law you've seen in Europe and other areas now coming here.
We're going to have those documents for you.
I'll lay them all out in great detail at the bottom of the hour.
We need to mobilize our governors, our legislatures, our churches, our businesses against this global government.
Big corporations, communist China, the UN, Hollywood, the blue states, the blue cities.
This is just an incredible time to be alive.
Fauci has now announced on all the Sunday shows, and he's our God, he's our master.
Don't agree with him, Big Tech Man, you may remember Congress, that he does want forced inoculations now.
So that's all official.
It's all happening.
They're moving into high gear.
These are not vaccines to protect you.
These are vaccines that cause all sorts of illnesses and are soft kill weapons.
They have doctors and scientists laying all that out.
But first, let's go to that report where they've announced the new world order in Australia and all over the world.
But Australia is the microcosm.
What's being done there is now coming here.
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
Outdoor gatherings are limited to two people.
Exercise is allowed but no further than a 10km radius from your home.
Browsing in shops is not permitted.
Only one person per household may leave to do essential shopping.
And from tomorrow, funerals are limited to 10 people.
This is a world pandemic.
It's a 1 in 100 year event.
So you can expect that we will have transmission from time to time and that's just the way it is.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The New World.
New World Order.
New World.
I want to be straight with you.
There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal, in the old fashion.
This is, let's say, fiction.
It will not happen.
A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic.
Surveillance will need to continue.
People will still need to be tested, isolated and cared for.
Contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined.
Communities will still need to be engaged.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
We're gonna come back and play the rest of this and then get into all the actual clips from the ministers.
This is a permanent world government where they all dress up in masks and gloves and say you're toxic and say you're non-essential and say you've got to be given deadly shots that sterilize you and kill you down the road.
I mean, this is it.
They always promised to do it.
It's here.
And it's led by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
They're literally coming to bankrupt you and kill you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
On Friday, more than 15 world leaders announced world government.
They said things are never going back to normal and you're gonna live under permanent martial law and you'll have to have injections to even leave your house or have a job.
You'll be tested multiple times a week by a PCR computer and that now having a cold is illegal and that you will be sent to an emergency center.
You will be put on a ventilator until you are dead.
That is the new guillotine.
A lot of people are freaking out that we knew all of this over a year ago and how do we know it would all come true?
Well, the UN said so!
We watched 20 hours of UN videos from their meeting, where they admitted vaccines aren't real or all a giant fraud, killing a bunch of people, but they've been ordered by Big Pharma to carry this out because the world economy's about to collapse, and they need an excuse to silence you so that you can't speak out against what's happening.
Now what's crazy is, we told you this over a year ago, and played the clips.
I have national federal TV out of Canada saying the same damn thing last week, and I'm gonna play that for you.
You're like, why would they state it like a villain in a Marvel comic universe?
Because when you get to this point, they can no longer hide it, and they're telling the rest of the government why they're doing it.
Because the police are saying, why are we keeping churches closed for a year and a half?
What, Walmart's open?
Why are we, why are we, people are going bankrupt, committing suicide mass, and hardly anybody's even dying of COVID, and the COVID shots don't work, and the vaccines don't work, and they make people sick.
They go, it's because of our new world order.
And we're taking over and we can't have them talking to each other in the streets with a great reset.
They're getting ready to claim hackers shut down Wall Street.
They're getting ready to claim hackers are going to take your pension fund.
Klaus Schwab and the Demos group have written the white papers on that and they run the world.
What they plan happens.
They're in charge.
Everybody tries to act like, oh, it's just Alex Jones over there.
He just says these crazy things.
And I agree, it sounds crazy to have a virus scare.
And then inject people with something that gives them infertility and cancer and brain damage and heart attacks.
But that's what all the good scientists that weren't part of this, the prestigious ones, said a year ago when they saw these vaccines.
They go, those aren't vaccines.
Those are gene therapies.
And they've tried those before, where it blocks all viruses' proteins.
You need a lot of viruses.
We exchange information via viruses.
But it doesn't matter.
Your body's made up of the same protein as viruses.
You have to attack the RNA of a virus.
The body has to learn that individual RNA.
You don't learn to stop a virus because of its protein shell.
It's protein spike.
And if you do that, the harpoon it rams into your cell, if you make your body immune to that, autoimmune to that, you're going to attack your own body.
They knew what was going to happen.
What did we tell you a year ago?
Brain damage, heart attacks, cardiovascular problems.
Because the most prestigious Scientists in the world, the discoverer of mRNA, the discoverer of HIV, Nobel Prize winner, the head chief scientist at Pfizer, the head of the EU Advisory Commission, Yadon, Ludarg, I can name all of them.
But another group of scientists, Peter Daszak, Fauci and others, with Obama and the Democrats, were running Wuhan with the Chai comms, they developed it, they created it, they released it, and now they're in charge of it.
And they're even in charge of the vaccine to counter it, that it stops the protein, but it actually makes you attack your body.
And now, like I told you a year ago, the vaccines won't protect you.
Now they're saying, oh, magically they don't protect you, but a few months, you need new shots every few months.
And Bill Gates says this is to upgrade and put the U.N.
in charge and massively build giant vaccine production so much that you can be vaccinating 7.5 billion people once a month with new things, where you've got to have this new shot every month to be authorized to leave your house.
And then they can really start testing on us like guinea pigs.
This is such a giant, diabolical plan.
So here is the UN, I can play the video, we've already done it probably 50 times, of Dr. Ryan, Michael Ryan, of the UN Rapid Reaction Force, says, who official says authorities need to enter homes and remove family members?
And put you in isolation.
This is the perfect cover for permanent martial law that all violates the Nuremberg Code.
I'm going to be going into later in the next hour.
I'm actually going to read from it.
It will blow you away how everything I read in the Nuremberg Code is what they're violating.
You will see it on its face how illegal this is and how the Nazis were executed for what these people are now doing.
I mean, they are making their move, not with tanks and airplanes, but with the whole medical bureaucratic eugenics system.
So, let's get into it right now.
Here's Fauci on CNN, he was also on all the other major channels, saying he is for local governments mandating, that means forced.
Because again, federally it'll get blocked, it's illegal, but if a bunch of cities do it on their own, what do you get, a thousand Supreme Court cases?
Just like amnesty cities, just like sanctuary cities are illegal, or cities that ban guns are illegal, they still get away with it?
Democrat City, so they're the ones going to send their health departments out with these federal goons, we got the documents, to take you forcibly to centers.
It's a revolution.
It's illegal, but they're doing it.
Here's Fauci.
I have been of this opinion, and I remain of that opinion, that I do believe at the local level, Jake, there should be more mandates.
There really should be.
We're talking about life and death situation.
We've lost 600,000 Americans already, and we're still losing more people.
There have been 4 million deaths.
This is serious business.
So I am in favor of that.
You know, one of the things that will happen, and I think the hesitancy at the local level of doing mandates is because the vaccines have not been officially fully approved.
Remember, they counted car wrecks, cancer deaths, heart attacks, all as COVID.
Now when COVID actually kills you from the vaccine, the documents here, most people dying from it, died from the vaccine.
They then call it COVID.
It's all a lie.
The inventor of the PCR test just happened to die about two years ago, but he said that the whole thing was a fraud, just like Theranos.
Remember that company with Bill Gates and that lady that was a so-called PCR test, it was all a scam, tell you if you had cancer?
It's all a fraud.
They said we'd have 3 million dead Americans.
We'd have millions of dead in Europe.
We didn't.
Most of the 600,000.
94% out of something else.
It's a lie!
It's hysteria!
Now I've got all these clips right here.
Dr. Lena Nguyen on CNN basically saying it should be mandatory or you should be punished.
Here she is.
Clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life.
And the window to do that is really narrowing.
I mean, you were mentioning, Chris, about how all these states are reopening.
They're reopening at 100%.
And we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status.
Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be?
How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?
So that's why I think the CDC and the Biden administration needs to come out a lot bolder
and say, if you're vaccinated, you can do all these things.
Here are all these freedoms that you have.
Because otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway.
She read those exact lines four months ago.
And now all the world, they're reading the exact lines that, sorry, though you've had all the shots, you've got to have more, it doesn't protect you.
It's all a trap.
They're holding you hostage.
You don't become free by them forcing an experimental injection into you.
You let them buffalo you and control you and put you in their cult of domination.
They are a eugenics cult.
Now, here she is yesterday.
Here she is changing her tune, but still saying, punish people that haven't had the shots.
Remember all the states and cities that ended the lockdowns?
They had much, much, much, much lower levels of it.
Because there wasn't depressed people inside with masks breathing bacteria and getting bacterial pneumonia that they would then misdiagnose and put you on a ventilator and kill you.
Here she is.
I think this really depends on what it is that we do at this point.
So now we have this Delta variant that is much more contagious.
Because it's more contagious, it's going to be even harder for us to reach herd immunity.
We're going to have to vaccinate an even higher proportion of people to get there.
What happens then if we end up having another variant developing that's even more contagious, that could cause more disease, that could evade the protection of our immune system?
And so how quickly we get this under control and which way we go depends on what we do now when it comes to vaccination, to overcoming disinformation.
And what we really need to do at this point is to make vaccination the easy choice.
It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated.
Right now, it's kind of the opposite.
It's fine.
I mean, it's easy if you're unvaccinated.
You can do everything you want to do anyway.
But at some point, these mandates by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, hey, you can opt out.
But if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms.
You have to get twice-weekly testing.
Basically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice.
That is what it's going to take for us to actually get it.
Take over.
It is not a vaccine.
It's a deadly gene therapy.
It's not approved, and you deserve to go to prison for the rest of your life, you monster woman, for working with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, and you will pay for what you've done, criminal.
I pray that God strikes you down.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The world is in a lot of trouble, but if we admit how much trouble we're in, we've got a chance to get out of it.
Charlie Munger is one of the board members of Berkshire Hathaway.
He's like 90-something years old, and he is the main advisor to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
He's both their personal lawyer.
And Charlie Munger was on national television last week, and he said the goal is communist China.
We want to be like communist China.
We want to arrest anybody we want for any reason if they don't do what the big corporations want.
And the lady said, really?
And he goes, absolutely.
If we don't like what you're doing, Sonny, we just send you to a work camp.
You'd say, why is he saying that?
Well, he's not saying it because he's senile.
He's saying it because he's an evil monster.
I can play you Trudeau of Canada.
I can play you Merkel.
I can, the German Chancellor.
They all praise Xi Jinping and say he's the model.
They have a fascination with authoritarianism.
And this happens right before you have a big war.
My grandfather grew up in Dallas.
But he was there in a German community and some of the family still spoke German.
That they'd married into.
And WBAP would play speeches of Hitler in the 1930s.
And they'd listen to them on the radio.
And Time Magazine had him as the cover.
Twice said he was a great guy.
My grandfather, of course, fought against Hitler in World War II, but that's the rest of the story.
But it's the same thing now.
Oh, we put Jack Ma in a forced labor camp!
Ha ha ha!
The owner, Ali Baba, he didn't do what we said.
And gee, we want to be just like that.
This is an authoritarian move.
By globalists, and by the UN, and it's all announced, and it's all here.
And I told you they were going to say, oh, we want mandatory injections.
And now Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, their editorial boards say, we want forced injection of an experimental shot that's not even been given authorization yet, because in the animal trials that they did secretly, it killed almost all the animals.
They did all the tests of these same vaccines under other names.
It's come out.
We've shown you the studies.
The University of Texas, and others.
It killed almost all the rats and all the ferrets.
So then you ask, why the hell would they roll something out they know is going to do that?
How are they going to get away with it?
Because they're planning on launching something even bigger, a total financial collapse and or a major war or both.
And they think that that will then cover up the last crime they committed.
You only commit yourself to an assault like this that will lay down a bankrupt society known as a soft kill.
I'm going to play a doctor talking about that in a moment.
If you're fully, absolutely committed.
But first, here is the head of the global UN Rapid Reaction Force, Dr. Michael Ryan, telling you in April last year, 16 months ago, the plan.
We use the word isolation for someone who is a case confirmed.
We tend to use the word quarantine for someone who's at risk of being a case, usually a contact.
So on that basis, we advise that all suspect cases are tested and all suspect cases are isolated in an appropriate medical facility.
In low incidence areas where there are sporadic cases or clusters, we advise that all contacts should be quarantined.
Ideally, that quarantine should occur in a place other than the home.
They did that with community workers, with public health workers, visiting the houses, checking on people, checking their health status every day and saying, how are you?
Have you got a fever?
Have you got a cough?
And if a contact has developed a cough or a fever, they were taken immediately for testing.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Did you hear that?
Total power, total control, total martial law of the UN Senate policy.
And he said, well there's sporadic or almost no cases.
There are towns in Australia and in Canada shut down still a year and a half later and major cities have been shut down again because they have one case.
Or they go, oh there's a Delta variant.
And where'd it come from?
This lab run by Fauci in the UN, so they could fear monger.
The virus is not that dangerous, if you don't have any type of already serious illnesses or don't have major deficiencies.
But it's a virus that they owned for the vaccines they already had produced and ready.
And I told you that over a year ago, came out in documents last month, that we covered it here, that they already had all the vaccines ready under other names.
And in December of 2019, Fauci sent emails to Wuhan and said, prepare the announcement of the vaccines, have it ready.
Get the vaccines out of ice.
Then I'm all ready, in liquid nitrogen, frozen, ready for the world.
To be our saviors.
What monsters.
But you'd only do it if you ran the UN response, you ran the PR response, you controlled the World Health Organization, you controlled all the major health institutions of countries through Bill Gates, through the UN, which they do.
They had bragged Bill Gates had taken over all the major health institutions by 2011.
And then Operation Lockstep by the Rockefeller Foundation said they would use that to take over the world.
Here's National Canadian News with the British, excuse me, Freudian slip, the globalist spokesperson in Alberta saying, oh, we're going to keep the lockdown going so people can't communicate and talk on the street.
That's right.
So it's all digital so everybody can be watched.
And they're arresting people in Canada and Europe and Australia that criticize the lockdowns, saying that's illegal.
Here it is.
I'm wondering about the injunction banning public gatherings and whether there really is a need for such a far-reaching one given the trajectory we're on now.
I mean, I think it's still there.
We still have, you know, bringing large numbers of people together.
It can present some risk.
We'll continue to look at that.
But I think the other purpose of the injunction is to prevent, you know, groups that are spreading, deliberately spreading false information that can actually create risk.
Oh, it's to stop us from talking!
This is what the dirty bureaucrats with the big banks and big pharma have done, because we don't want globalism, we don't want open borders, we want our own nation states, we want control of our countries, we don't want to turn our guns in, we don't want drag queen story time for our children.
And so their answer is just permanent martial law.
And they're planning to bring it back in Texas and everywhere else, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why we've got to go on the offense and expose that Fauci and expose that Gates and expose Wuhan and the lab that they had the motive.
They had the history.
They cooked up the viruses, the exact same viruses.
They're in all the documents.
Then they lied to Congress.
They perjured themselves.
And covered up the fact, while they posed as saviors, and while they got emergency authorization, by blocking ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, oral steroids, and all these things that are basically 100% effective, unless you're already on death's door, so that people will get sick and die and wouldn't have a treatment, and so emergency authorization could then be made.
Because you can't have emergency authorization for an experimental injection Unless there's no other known treatment that has even 5% efficacy.
And these babies had 98, 99% efficacy, silver bullet, complete control.
But remember what they told you, all over the world.
Oh, if you've got a cough, stay home, don't go to the hospital.
And the people that had regular pneumonia and the flu died, and they called it COVID.
And people that hadn't even had autopsies or been tested, they'd call it COVID.
And doctors have gone public and said we were ordered to say it, because this was a criminal group Who also sent billions and billions of dollars per state to themselves and per country to themselves.
Think about how every single angle of this was looked at and actuaried and battle planned and tested.
And now they tell you in their battle plans they're planning to release stuff even worse.
This was just the test, the drill, the beta.
Now they're gonna go operational with the full attacks, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all about managing information with a simulant kill system where you then kill people with a vaccine to see if you can cover it up before you really hit them with a big attack.
And Bill Gates said that over a year ago after I predicted he would.
They're telegraphing it all to their cult.
They've got a large part of the public's actually in on this and thinks they're part of it, which of course they're not.
They're idiots.
I'm at war with tyranny.
But it doesn't mean that I have all the answers.
It doesn't mean that I figured out every way to defeat them.
But I know this.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live at 4.33 Central Standard Time on this live Sunday.
July 11th broadcast and Mike Adams of naturalnews.com joins us.
He's got some exclusive documents he's going to be hitting but also his analysis of the leaked federal documents that are confirmed to be real of the strike forces.
They're called that Biden is sending out via the contact tracers with billions of dollars of federal money.
A large part of it done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and by the Clinton World Initiative.
So they're also getting rich doing this at the same time.
MG-433, which is federally accredited course, isolation and quarantine for rural communities, a whole community approach, how to lock down cities entirely, not letting anyone leave their homes, particularly small areas.
And what did I just play the UN head?
Of this program saying we want to lock down rural areas, particularly really teach you to be good slaves.
Fauci, I am in favor of local vaccine mandates.
Forced inoculations.
Already played that video.
Here is the UN head of Rapid Reaction Force Michael Ryan saying all of that.
Australia announces beginning of New World Order as harsh COVID lockdowns impose.
They announce that they are permanent.
I'm going to show you that.
But here is the big document.
Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws, and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines.
It's a lengthy article, but everybody should read it.
It's the best.
It's very well documented, and it covers the compendium of what we face at naturalnews.com.
It's also posted at Infowars.com.
Whatever you do, get it, read it, every bit of it's bibliographed, every bit of it is linked and sourced.
And so I want to spend as much time as I can, probably an hour, going over this entire article, this entire document, and really what this means.
It means they're accelerating their operation.
After he leaves us at the bottom of the next hour, I'm going to cover the Nuremberg Code, specifically reading from it, how this is punishable by execution, what they're doing, by a court.
I'm not saying go out and attack people, but they are assaulting us.
This is illegal.
This is unauthorized, not even an approved shot, so the military won't give it to the troops.
This is just a giant test in criminal bullying and it's now going into overdrive.
Why would they try something so bold, so reckless, so crazy?
We had the experts on, you interviewed them, I interviewed them, we researched it.
We knew it was going to cause blood clots, it was going to cause infertility, it was going to cause death.
They knew it, but they think they're getting away with it, even though it looks like record low numbers.
People are actually accepting their fraud, but they're doubling down.
Mike Adams, thank you for joining us on this Sunday evening, and thanks for your great work ferreting out this document about the Fed's training for shutting down rural areas and quarantines and forced inoculations.
This is just smoking gun.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It's good to join you, but of course we're facing a horrifying dark future if we don't stop this.
So, government documents, in this case from Lake County, Illinois, describe training strike force teams of, quote, ambassadors of how to criminally trespass onto private property, how to impersonate health department officials to gain that illegal access, how to lie to people by downplaying the severity of adverse reactions, That are caused by vaccines.
Basically, they're trained to say that the more side effects you experience, that means the vaccine is working even better.
And then also, then, how to clear buildings in a military fashion, going floor by floor, wing by wing, door by door, and then notating in the spreadsheet that's provided, kind of like a paper table that's provided, noting the room numbers and the building addresses of individuals who say that they refuse to be vaccinated.
So this is how local governments Are building a list of vaccine refusers.
They're creating a map.
So they can then come back.
Exactly, they're creating a map.
Yeah, and there's only one reason to do that.
That's because the government plans to come back to those people.
And when they come back, of course, they're going to either medically kidnap them for illegal COVID quarantine camps, which might as well just be called COVID death camps at this point, or they're going to force vaccinate them, probably at gunpoint, which is, as you said, a violation of Nuremberg codes.
And it's also, I mean, it's an assault with a biological weapon on an individual because the vaccines contain spike proteins.
Which are developed bioweapons in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
So, we can go through more details of this, but it's important to understand that the Lake County government is, in fact, training strike force teams to violate the law deliberately and to invade, in essence, private residential buildings.
And Mike, I want to give you the floor to walk through that, but I want to be a trillion percent clear.
Everything in the document that you and others are covering, they admit it's a real document, Is what the U.N.'
's already done in other countries.
It's all U.N.
Same thing in Canada.
We're just six months behind them.
And so now it's being brought here.
So people say, oh, well, that's just crazy Illinois.
No, this is everywhere.
And you have a federal document with approved training, which is public, for quarantining and locking down all over the country.
So they're now announcing it.
They're trying this.
This is happening.
I know people have trouble believing this is happening, but this is really happening.
And if we don't have major pushback, they're going to try to execute this.
Please continue, Mike.
Well, you're absolutely right.
I've even seen people who are in the awareness community here, people who tune into independent truth media, who are having difficulty grasping what's coming.
And the timeline for this that's critical for people to understand is once the FDA fraudulently grants full approval to one or more of these vaccines, that's when the local governments are going to pounce.
Just as Fauci has said, as you played the clips, as soon as the FDA approves this vaccine, even one vaccine, they're going to say, well, now everybody has to be vaccinated.
They're going to criminalize saying no, which means they're going to then justify medical kidnapping.
They're going to justify taking you out of your home.
They already have vaccine damage funds.
They already cover it up.
They already lied and said they don't hurt you when they admit they do in their own documents.
They never did testing.
This was never approved.
So they're now setting the precedent to approve things that were never gone through the proper process.
Well, that's right.
And this vaccine, well, these vaccines that are used in the United States have accumulated now over 9,000 deaths under the VAERS system.
9,000 people died after taking these vaccines, which dwarfs the aggregate total of all other vaccines over the last 20 years in terms of what's been reported to the VAERS system, which is under Health and Human Services.
So for the FDA to then approve this vaccine under these conditions is absolute criminal fraud.
It is scientific fraud, it's a violation of human rights, and it's a violation of medical ethics and even government regulations.
None of these vaccines should be approved.
They should be pulled.
They should be halted right now.
They're not vaccines.
So give us the 60,000 foot view here.
We'll come back and walk through your incredible article, the best one out there.
What's happening?
What are they doing?
They are gearing up the training.
As you mentioned, there's a training course out there, MGT433, Training for Rural Isolation and Quarantine.
That's going to be all by force.
They're gearing up the training and they are gearing up the strike force teams, which I believe will be augmented with Armed troops from from FEMA or perhaps state-level law enforcement.
So they will be strike force teams.
They will be essentially vaccine enforcement SWAT teams and medical kidnap teams.
These are coming to every major city across America and rural areas as well.
So that's the 60,000 foot view.
They're coming for you.
They aren't going to take no for an answer any longer and through this through this medical tyranny.
These governments are declaring war on the American people.
These are acts of war.
Biological warfare, kinetic warfare, medical tyranny, medical kidnapping by the state.
This is becoming a vaccine holocaust, is what it is.
Very rapidly.
I intended to come in today and write the headline for the show, but I didn't because I got too busy.
My headline was going to be, CDC declares war on America.
With forced inoculations.
I mean, this is an act of war.
It said the headline is still powerful.
Sunday Live internal docs confirm Biden's vaccine stop him preparing to round up unvaccinated Americans.
This is in the documents.
It's in the training.
It's in the admissions.
They're now saying it.
When we come back, we'll get into the details.
But then later next hour, I want to ask you, because you're a smart guy, I respect you.
Everybody I talk to that's a smart guy.
They say this is going to cause a revolution, this is going to cause war.
They're coming saying we're non-essential with something poisonous, something unauthorized, something killing so many people, and saying you will do this and you're non-essential and we're going to lock you up.
What is this a smokescreen for?
World economic collapse.
Triggered control blackouts.
That's the next shoe to drop.
You and I agree.
It's in their own documents.
Because these corporatists, they script everything out before they do it.
So I'm not trying to be alarmist, folks.
We're telling you the truth.
Mike Adams was here 17 months ago and said worldwide lockdowns were coming in February.
Nobody believed him.
He was right.
Something 50 times worse is coming.
Prepare yourselves while you still can.
You are not powerless.
You don't have to be dehumanized and depopulated.
But you've got to have the facts, and the facts are live right now on air.
Tell everyone you know, tune in now.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Alright, any day now could be our last show.
And that's my next question to Mike Adams, who went into bunker mentality over a year ago, and he's damn right, I'm trying to do that myself.
We have tried to fix this, we've tried to turn this back.
If you study military operations, you study futurist war plans, you study the globalists, they've hit us with a soft kill weapon to bring down regular society, consolidate control, and get us ready to accept real martial law.
This is a prepping that's going on right now.
And submission means total tyranny, collapse, and you will own nothing, you will have nothing, and you're going to, quote, like it or they're going to kill your ass.
And the contact tracers under UN control is about the power to come grab who they want, when they want, how they want, and then, oh, you die from, quote, COVID in the facility when a much worse variant is out there.
This is the cover for their death camps.
They've always talked about, the left, when they take over American Europe, what would their cover be to put us in the re-education camps?
That came out in federal court hearings.
Obama and others were in those meetings with the Weathermen planning this.
This is their cover.
This is the medical tyranny.
This is it.
That's how we knew it was coming next.
And now, the shoe's dropped, it's rolling forward.
So Mike, what do you expect the timetable to be?
I mean, I know the timetable is how much we push back.
What's the timetable of current projections?
Is there a way for us to stop this?
Then let's walk through your article.
Because it's the most important read in a year.
Everybody needs to go to naturalnews.com, infowars.com, and get this.
Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws, and flag anti-vaxxers for forced quarantines.
And then you, in this article, detail with all their admissions, all the angles, all the facts, how it's a lie, and how to properly, under law, respond back.
Mike Adams.
Well, there are two very important things to recognize in this right now.
Number one, the timetable to answer your question.
The FDA is expected to grant full approval to one or more COVID vaccines this September or October, after which the Pentagon is expected to mandate those vaccines among U.S.
You've already covered that story last week quite extensively.
But at the same time, once that happens, a lot of these local governments and state governments, and of course people like Fauci, and people on CNN, will demand nationwide vaccine mandates, regardless of what the law says, regardless of human rights, civil rights, and so on.
So that's going to happen, again, September or October timeframe.
But there's something else very important to recognize from this Lake County document that gives us a clue of maybe how to survive this.
You know, people are going to have to think about how did people survive the Nazi Holocaust, you know?
Anne Frank, you know?
I mean, how did you hide from the Gestapo that's coming to take you away and kill you?
That's literally what we're facing now.
And from the Lake County document, it seems that they are They're asking people to verbally state whether they have had the vaccine or not, and then they're marking those who say no.
So it begs the question, do these counties not have full access yet, or full synchronization yet, with a vaccination database?
Well, you know the globalists are always one way.
They're not going to give the locals anything.
They're going to have them report back to them.
That's all.
Well, right.
So can you go gray man on this?
And can you honestly say, yes, I've been vaccinated because you probably have been vaccinated at some point in your life in some way.
So you can say, oh, yeah, I've been vaccinated.
Thank you so much.
And let them move on down the hall or to the next building.
Is that now a survival strategy?
We've got to start thinking about about gray man strategies and about how to preserve your life against this medical holocaust, vaccine holocaust that's coming.
So I think that also, by the way, and this is just conjecture, but I think that these counties are throwing these volunteers out there as bait.
I think that they hope.
That's where I was going next.
They may even stage a false flag.
against these people to then demonize anti-vaxxers as terrorists, which is in the new Homeland
document saying anti-vaxxers are terrorists with no known history or connection to that.
Great point.
I was going there next.
Yeah, well, it's because you and I have the same blueprint that we've accessed, you know,
because like you said, all last week, they're telling us what they're going to do.
You read the blueprints, you know, they're going to put these people out there as bait.
They're going to have, they're going to hope that somebody overreacts or initiates violence against one of these, quote, ambassador teams.
And then the media nationwide will say, well, anti-vaxxers are terrorists.
They're using guns.
We've got to take the guns.
And then something like that, or maybe some other various form of a false flag, they will go and try to take the guns.
Remember ten years ago, a census guy hung himself, like in Missouri, and for national news they said, Americans are terrorists, they killed a census worker, they lynched him, but it turned out he'd hung himself.
They use that one hanging as the end of the world.
You're exactly right.
Because people are going to be pissed when it says ignore don't trespass signs, come on people's property, people's dogs are going to attack them, and then they're going to play victim and call the police, which then will be the image, oh, now we need armed teams with these groups.
That's exactly what's coming, and that's why I have repeatedly urged people, do not initiate violence.
If you can, don't answer your door.
If they can just move on, don't answer your door.
Or, tell them to go away through the closed door, and then call the police and say to 911, there are people who are trespassing here, I don't know who they are, and I fear for my safety.
And have police dispatched to your location because what these people are doing is illegal.
They have trespassed.
Now the Lake County document tells them that since it says you can ignore the no soliciting signs and you can go ahead and trespass because you're not selling anything.
But in fact they are selling something.
They are proxies working for the pharmaceutical companies which have a for-profit motivation to sell more vaccines.
They are selling vaccines.
That is solicitation by proxy.
And that is illegal.
That's criminal trespass.
So you have the right to tell these people, go away.
You have the right to call the police.
And if they were to break in your door, At some point, they may escalate to that.
If they break in your door, you have every right to legally defend yourself against a break-in, against imminent violence, against your person and your property.
Or if you're in a rural area... Mike, I know you know the law as good as I do, or better.
In a rural area, if you have no trespassing signs and they cross those, you don't want the trouble of killing them, folks, but you can order them off your property.
They're not allowed to cross those no trespassing signs.
Well, that's right.
And so again, we need to make sure that people who are aware, people who want to live through this, you do not initiate violence of any kind, again, unless they've broken in and they're about to assault you with a deadly weapon, which is a spike protein needle.
That's a deadly weapon.
If they break in and they're assaulting you, you have every right to defend yourself.
Other than that, I say film everybody.
Get them on video.
Document it.
Upload it to all the video platforms that will allow these videos.
Take photos.
And I'm not saying dox these volunteers, these ambassadors, strike forces.
Don't dox them, but document them.
So that we know who they are.
Because prosecutions are coming.
And I agree with you, Alex.
These individuals are going to be prosecuted.
One day.
I hope that comes sooner rather than later.
What they are doing, they are complicit with a vaccine holocaust genocidal agenda to mass exterminate as many human beings as they can.
These are crimes against humanity.
They will be prosecuted.
We need records of their faces, their activities, their criminal trespass, and their violations of Nuremberg Codes.
So get them on camera, folks.
That's the answer.
Now before we go to the next hour and walk through the rest of your article and a bunch of other breaking news that It's showing this is accelerating.
I want to be clear to listeners.
I don't want to demoralize people.
You look at Bill Gates and Fauci and the UN and all these people, and it looks bold.
It looks like they're so powerful.
It looks like they're unstoppable.
Because they're doing this, they must know they're going to win.
Tyrants and megalomaniacs are mentally ill, like psychos that want to kidnap women and kill them, or pedophiles that want to grab kids and rape them.
They can't help it.
They have a compulsion to dominate, to depopulate, to control.
They want to bring in a world government with a world ID built around The fact that you are taking the injections, Schwab wants an implantable chip.
So he represents the big corporations.
These guys get together with all their trillions and feel powerful.
But Hitler felt powerful.
All these people feel powerful.
They're going to get beaten in the end because we knew they were coming and we're way ahead of them.
So as bad as things are, Mike, spend a minute on that.
I want folks to understand that the globals are doing this from a megalomaniacal A position of compulsion, and that, you know, it seems like, oh my God, they can't be beaten or they wouldn't be trying this.
They have initiated the world into a giant conflagration.
They're in trouble.
Their world government was in trouble.
So they accelerated plans they had for 10 years out, and I believe the wheels have come off already and the numbers show record low numbers.
Trust them.
They're in deep trouble.
Well, part of the strategy is knowing that the people they inject with spike proteins and who die, dead people don't protest against globalists.
You know, dead people don't sue Big Pharma.
So they're deliberately trying to kill as many people as possible and increase those fatalities.
But they have failed.
They have not managed to meet the goals of what Biden had to vaccinate, what, 70% of U.S.
It's not even close.
People are saying no because they're getting educated.
And also people are seeing the deaths.
They're seeing a loved one die, or a relative die, or a neighbor die, always after the vaccine.
The deaths are mounting, and it's not just 9,000 that's in VAERS, it's probably 100,000 Americans, or more, right now, who have been killed by these vaccines.
So people are noticing, and as the deaths continue to increase, sadly, although we've tried to prevent it, more people are going to wake up and sound the alarm.
That's the beginning of how we win.
Naturalnews.com, Infowars.com, get the article.
I want to talk about other ways to fight back.
Senator Ted Cruz and others are introducing legislation to block this.
We need governors to take action as well.
Stay with us, folks. Hour number two.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Mike Adams is with us until 45 after that.
I'm going to hit other news in the last segment as if other news would be as important.
It's all, though, part and parcel of the same commitment to evil.
The globalists are in power because they're ruthless and they're just going for broke.
They want total medical power over everybody.
It's just totally insane.
Mike, I've known about this for 30 years.
You've known about it probably as long or longer.
I have trouble, though, even grasping this, because it's one thing to theoretically know about it, know about their beta testing.
It's another thing to actually see them doing it.
I just keep marveling at the recklessness and the insaneness.
Like, I thought the vaccine they'd come out with would be a placebo so people would just trust forced inoculation.
Why would you come out with a forced inoculation of a gene therapy that actually hurts people up front?
I guess they're like, screw it, let's just do it and try to cover it up and see if it works.
I mean, what do you think's going on here?
Well, first of all, I just want to comment.
You've definitely known about this much longer than I, and I even remember maybe 15 years ago hearing some of your information and thinking, how could that possibly be true?
And then now knowing, if anything, you understated Where we are now.
I mean, it has dwarfed even your worst nightmares and my worst nightmares.
And so I think what I've learned from that is we have to recognize that even other people who are watching this interview or are new to InfoWars, it does take time for them to come to terms with what this is.
It took time for me to come to terms with it.
Mike, I can't believe it.
I mean, it's one thing to theoretically read their documents, know it's a battle plan, but it's another thing to see them do it.
Well, absolutely.
It's like they've read every dystopian sci-fi collapse novel and said, how can we make it 10 times worse?
And then that's what they're pushing on us.
And it really is.
Let me be clear.
This is a mass extermination agenda.
There's no other.
I mean, look.
Let's drop the pretense that government cares about your health.
If they cared about your health, they would have been stopping pesticides.
If they cared about your health, they would have been distributing vitamin D for free to everybody.
You know, if they cared about your health, there's a thousand other things they could have done before now.
Instead, they tried to block vitamin D!
They want you to suffer and die.
Get it through your head, folks.
If you're watching this for the first time, understand, you are targeted because you're human.
And we can get into the anti-human elements, the demonic elements, the demonic possession of some individuals.
That's all real.
That's all true.
They're at war with humanity because many of them are not human, okay?
Just so you understand, there's a biblical, spiritual aspect to this that is very real.
And if you're slow to wake up to this, you will likely die.
You need to wake up faster than ever.
You need to get prepared faster than ever.
You need to be able to be adaptive and flexible.
You need to possibly bug out.
If you're in a blue city and a blue state...
And they find out you're not vaccinated, they will kill you.
They will execute you if you have a semi-automatic firearm.
Well, that's it exactly.
Oh, that's so smart.
I want to elaborate on that next segment.
This is a malice model.
Everything they're doing is malice.
Well, most people got killed under MAL, were just killed by the mob.
Whoever the system points out gets torn apart.
And that's what Black Lives Matter and Antifa is about, is swelling those ranks during a collapse, blaming it on the unvaccinated, and then literally just putting a map out and saying, burn them out.
Well, that's exactly right, and they're creating the map right now with these door-to-door exercises.
They're creating the map, and you're right.
They can unleash the mob on the locations of people.
And then, look, Democrats are calling for disclosure of who owns firearms and where they live.
I think someone in the Boston Globe recently, if I recall, said that all gun owners should be doxed.
Why do they want to do that?
Because they want to unleash the mob to go kill gun owners, or to go kill anti-vaxxers, or to kill political enemies or political dissidents.
This is the mob mentality.
This is Cultural Revolution Communist China.
It's the same model.
And they did pull people out of their homes, and they bashed them in the head with bricks, and they sliced their throats, and they bled them out on the streets.
And that's what Democrats and globalists want for America.
If we're not careful, that's what we're going to get.
We've got to stop it.
Alright, alright.
I'm gonna try to come back and talk about the big picture and how we fight back against this and hopefully avert this and stop this with Mike Adams.
But seriously folks, this is really happening.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're into hour number two.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Mike Adams of nationalnews.com is here.
He's written THE article.
You should go to nationalnews.com and get it.
Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings, violate trespass laws, flag any vaccines for forced quarantines.
It's at infowars.com as well.
You better tell everybody what's coming.
Now we knew this was coming.
The UN said over a year ago they were going to do this.
They're in charge.
And they censored anybody that complained about it.
But now it's going operational into the beta test where they're going to go out and create maps and condition the public of the idea of people at your door knocking.
Then there'll be violence, then there'll be problems, then they're gonna have paramilitary with the vaccine squads.
Then it's gonna become gun confiscation squads with General Honore that's now running things and setting up national offices of the new National Capital Police.
Remember three months ago I said Honore's gonna have a national police force for gun confiscation?
He called for it!
People thought I was crazy!
They gave him two billion dollars!
And everybody's like, that's illegal!
How do you have the legislative branch giving itself an army?
How do you have them smuggling The Border Patrol told us it's estimated to be 10 million smuggled people by the end of fiscal year this year in October.
It's already 5 million smuggled into the U.S.
We went and interviewed the Border Patrol down there a week and a half ago.
The magnitude of this, we have to get that this is a globalist assault.
We have to get that the corporations and the media are our enemy.
We've got to get governors and the senators and people that are left to stand against it. That's why they're calling for the
arrest of Josh Hawley and Cruz and of Paul because they know they'll actually
stand against this.
And there's other patriots as well. Representative Madison Cawthorn was just up at CPAC and the media
is attacking him. New York Times, you name it, for talking about globalists. Why that doesn't exist
even though the globalists call themselves the globalists.
Here it is.
There are an entire generation of people that are around my age who the overwhelming majority
of them don't have children so they don't care about the next generation in this country.
The overwhelming majority of them don't actually have any land or have any ownership of this land.
Therefore, they don't feel like they need to care about, you know, who cares if I'm sitting at home making $109,000 a year?
Now, I know you're probably all sitting here saying, well, that's a weird number to throw out.
Why would you say $109,000?
Because the average family of four here in Texas, if they had applied for every single benefit they were eligible for from last March to this March, they would have been able to get $109,000 without ever going to work.
It's absurd.
They're trying to create more people to vote for than people who don't care about the future because they realize that that's the only way they can gain all authority.
And believe me, this is what we're up against.
We are up against a tyrannical movement of globalists who worship at the altar of power.
So all we've got to do is do what Rand Paul and others have done and get our governor here in Texas to be more like DeSantis and wake up to the threat we face, admit it, America will unify against it.
Instead, we don't admit it's a foreign globalist takeover.
We don't admit it's a CHICOM takeover, so we let them have the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa and America Sucks and take down the statues and take down the flag.
They're teaching that in school now, so that the country dissolves.
This is the takeover.
We must fight back with ideology.
Mike Adams, your view on this?
Well, remember when the CDC was researching so-called gun violence as a public health issue?
We now understand exactly why it's being put in that context because now with them going door-to-door under a public health initiative.
To say that, oh, we're coming to your door about vaccines because it's all about public health.
That sets the template, Alex, for them to go door-to-door to take weapons, to confiscate firearms that were legally purchased by legal firearms owners, to confiscate those under public health.
This is why Cuomo recently declared a, what was it, a crisis?
They say red flags should take the guns.
Health Department says no judge, no jury.
You're right, it's a mental health issue.
But they're trying to put firearms ownership under the venue of the CDC, which has grossly overstepped its authority when it comes to private rental contracts across America and also cruise lines.
So remember the CDC said that you cannot evict anyone from any apartment or house.
If you're the landlord, you just have to eat the loss.
That has been in place since, you know, last year.
It's now been overturned by at least one district court.
The CDC is asserting its power over everything, including cruise lines, and I think Governor DeSantis of Florida had to push the CDC out and say, no, we're going to allow cruise lines to operate here without requiring vaccine passports.
But the CDC is going to put firearms under its control, and it's going to say that That we, the CDC, hereby nullify the Second Amendment as a public health emergency.
That's coming this year.
Somebody mark the date of this show, because that's coming this year, 2021.
It's probably going to be somebody, maybe a false flag, shooting one of these, you know, door-to-door vaccine teams.
Probably a false flag operation.
By the way, Mike, let me just interrupt you because you just gave me chills.
I've been thinking about this for a week.
I meant to ask you this today.
You're always one step ahead of me.
They're saying racism is a public health thing.
So now government has to have health and control your speech and censor.
They're saying guns are public health.
Take guns via the public health.
Well, where's their power now?
666 creates.
A merger of the Justice Department and all of our health records to quote fight racism and the Southern Poverty Law Center then gets your medical records.
It's in the bill.
So you're right.
They're going worldwide with a medical tyranny with a law enforcement power and they're announcing it now.
Well, you got it.
And remember that the CDC is really a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, kind of a fiefdom, where they write their own rules and laws, kind of like the ATF, and how the ATF is trying to ban arm braces and 80% lowers, for example.
So they're going to make up their own rules as they go along.
And the key assertion of the CDC, which is blatantly absurd and unconstitutional, is that anything involving people could also involve the spread of infectious disease.
Therefore, the CDC says, well, we have control over rent.
We have control over public transportation.
We have control over government office workspace or private office workspace.
We have control over sidewalks.
We have control over your family in your own house because they said, well, there's people involved
and people might spread disease.
And by the way, we have got to rein this in.
Margaret Sanger tried that, as you know, in the 1900s and the 1920s
through the Rockefeller Foundation.
They've tried the Medical Health Department takeover before, but thank God, Tucker Carlson covered it last week twice.
So people are starting to rediscover all this.
Well, yeah, this is why, you know, Senator Cruz and Senator Paul and Senator Hawley, these are great, amazing Americans doing very important work to try to reel this back in.
Senator Paul is trying to halt the mask mandates on airlines.
And what you just showed an article there from Ted Cruz saying that the government shouldn't have a vaccine database because they will abuse it.
So thank God for the courage of these senators to stand up and say, no, this is too far.
People deserve their privacy.
I don't say that I'm going to send a team to your house and force you to not take a vaccine.
I say it's your choice.
If you want to commit vaccine suicide and be injected with a spike protein biological weapon and probably have a 50% chance of dying in the next three years, guess what?
That's your choice.
You can choose to do that.
But you can't force others.
To commit suicide like you're doing, just because you don't understand reality, just because you're ignorant of real science, doesn't mean that other people should have to die, because you're on board with some kind of authoritarian nonsense.
And that's what these vaccine pushers are all about.
They are fanatics.
It's like, it's almost like a bizarre cult-like religious fanaticism.
Oh, it is a cult.
They say they're science, and that you can't question them, but science is all about questioning, and then everything they say is a damn lie.
Because if they had a thing that would cure colds, I'd take it like pumpkin pie!
They have the cure to cancer!
The truth is, everything they say is a lie!
Well, yeah, and if you think about what's going to happen, there's a doctor, Dr. Hoff, H-O-F-F-E, that has recently put out some very important information.
He's using a D-dimer test to look at microclots inside the vascular system of people who took these vaccines.
And he's showing that 62% of those who took vaccines Are going to very likely suffer from a heart failure over the next one to three years as these micro clots get worse and they essentially pollute the inner lining of the vascular system.
And remember that the Salk Institute said that spike protein is causing vascular damage.
The spike protein is the disease.
They're injecting into people.
We're going to see Alex mark my words.
We're going to see tens of millions of Americans dead.
before the end of 2025.
That's my prediction.
Today we're like Simpawtico.
Coming back, we did a scripted interview.
We talked about a few text messages about the articles.
What is it going to look like as 20-30% of the public is dying in the next three years?
Because we know in all the rat studies it was a few months, so similar time, a few years.
Most scientists agree with you.
They say two to three years.
We're already seeing massive death.
What is that going to do to society?
That soft kill operation?
We'll come right back with Mike Adams.
Stay with us.
I also have this declaration of New World Order by the UN and others.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, let me lay this big question on Natural News head honcho, great investigative journalist and medical lab owner, Mike Adams.
It's the big social, spiritual, cultural question of the ages.
Goes back to Plato.
He would look at the poor Greeks and how they weren't as smart and how they were, some of them lazy, and how they'd steal.
And he'd say, why don't we just kill all the poor people and only breed the smart people?
But then you fast forward, you see what Hitler did.
You see how the globalists are greasing the skids to make us dumb, make us stupid, put fluoride in the water, dumb the education down so they can be the kings, and then, you know, finally we'll be so stunted and dumbed down, when they give us the killer blow, we won't know what hit us.
Well, here we are.
We're now, you know, entering the dragon.
We're now being swallowed up by this system.
And here's Bill Gates, who gave PBS interviews 20 years ago about, I want to depopulate the planet, and 10 years ago in the Leningradian, I want to depopulate Africa, and you know, clot giving people tainted vaccines all over the world, giving kids polio, and it's even in Reuters.
And then he's the guy that runs it all, and you can't question him, and it's experimental, and you better take it.
And so at a certain point, then you see the real scientists all come out, prestigious
ones, Nobel Prize winners, and say, "This will cause blood clots and death because it
attacks the protein in the body."
And still the public lines up and does it.
Big tech suppresses it and literally commits Nazi-level crimes.
Because they're not just censoring a right-winger or a left-winger.
It's like Bill Maher said, "Ivermectin's not a Republican.
What are you doing silencing it?"
Like, "Ha ha ha, you gotta silence them, just not a drug.
That's how it works.
You gotta silence me today, it's everybody tomorrow."
So what about the big question?
Two questions.
What do we do at a certain point?
Because I'm not gonna go join Bill Gates and work with them, but at a certain point, if
the public, this comes out and they still line up and do this, and their neighbors get
sick and die and they still go along with it, they'll burn my house down if I haven't
taken the shot.
And then they kinda, it kinda makes Bill Gates's point for him.
So there's that A. And then B.
How will this soft kill hold down America and the world?
What do you expect this to look like when so many are sick and debilitated, which insurance companies are already actuarying in, showing they know it's coming?
How is that in the globalist business model?
Well, what it's going to look like, and I know I've cited this before, but the movie, the feature film, Children of Men, starring Clive Owen, I think, Clive Owen, I'm sorry, excuse me, that's going to be the picture of what it looks like.
And in that movie, it was a collapsed society.
It was a totalitarian society.
No one could have children because of something that had caused widespread infertility.
At the same time, you've got to understand, I think a cyber war is coming, but it will be focused to take down independent websites like yours and mine.
So, in the same way that they took down small local businesses by claiming that they were non-essential, There will be an engineered cyber attack on the internet, but then the authorities will say that somehow we have been able to restore access to essential websites only.
So that will be the Facebook, that'll be Google, and so on.
But non-essential websites, well, there's no bandwidth for them, there's no ability to bring those back, so they're going to control the internet, they're going to control food.
Food rationing is coming.
I think fuel rationing is coming as well.
But the food rations alone will control most people.
And this is why getting extra food helps insulate you from what's coming.
But it's going to look like a collapsed dystopian science fiction novel.
Not quite Mad Max.
Elements of society will still function.
There will be government boots on your neck.
There will be, you know, government squads seeking you out and kidnapping you and taking you away.
At some point, this will all fail.
There will be a backlash against it.
But Alex, the thing to remember is that most people are oblivious to what's happening because of the censorship.
So if you go out on the street and ask a hundred people about any of this, you know, the vast majority are completely unaware.
They will wake up at some point here soon, perhaps when there's a knock on their door or their roommate is taken away to a COVID camp.
But they haven't quite reached that point yet.
I think that awakening tipping point may happen towards the beginning of 2022.
And from there, it's going to be a race to see if humanity can save itself before it is exterminated.
I think humanity wins in the end, but we're going to take a lot of losses, probably a billion people killed, murdered worldwide.
I totally agree with you, from your mouth to God's ears.
What you're saying is a controlled, actuaried collapse where it looks like it's normal, it looks like it's natural, it looks like it's organic, but it's completely synthetic.
And the globalists admit all of that.
They say, oh, the climate change is going to collapse our world.
No, the lockdown did.
then they flood us with a third world. And then, oh, you know, mass death from a virus,
but it's really the vaccine. And they've got it all planned out where they're the good guys.
We're all the bad guys, the non-essentials, and they hope we don't ever click to this. But
because you and countless others spoke up, I see people clicking a lot faster.
And I see a lot of fear and panic in their white papers that are coming out now. And they're like,
well, let's just do a cyber attack.
Let's just cut the power off and kill them all right now.
And so it looks like instead of them giving up, it looks like the fact that their plan isn't going well, they're going to go ahead and double down.
They're going to double down and they're accelerating the other elements of this attack on humanity, which includes a financial attack imploding the global currency debt bomb.
And so anybody left holding dollars, which is the great middle class of America, is going to be absolutely decimated when this financial reset takes place.
And this is why I think many people are escaping the dollar.
They're getting into cryptocurrency.
They're getting into physical gold and silver.
They're getting in the land.
I've encouraged people, you know, buy tractors and diesel fuel and, you know, a place in the country.
I mean, that's going to still be here.
No matter what happens to the dollar, these other things are going to still exist.
But those who don't plan ahead are going to be wiped out and then they'll be put into COVID camps.
They'll be the ones who are starving to death.
They'll have no incomes because of the continued economic lockdowns.
They will have no freedoms because of the assault on the First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and so on.
Emergency orders will allow government troops to illegally search your home in search of contraband, which could be a firearm.
Hey, at some point it could be a bottle of vitamin D. They might criminalize vitamin D and say that you're not allowed to have that.
So, anything is possible at this point because government is no longer feeling any restriction or boundary on the expansion of its own powers.
It feels like because of an emergency, it has the power to get away with anything.
And as long as people put up with that, the government will come and make your life a living hell.
What about the argument?
Because I was given this argument by some pretty high-level globalists I've met with over the years off-record, and they said, Alex, we don't want to kill everybody, but the public really is dumb and bad and dangerous, and they'll kill you if the resources ever get cut off.
So we've got to kind of train them to have less resources and to have less people.
Isn't that the smart thing, Alex?
But I'm like, but you have this whole pedophile agenda, this whole globalist operation, and they changed the subject at that point.
But, I mean, how do you respond to if the public doesn't care about themselves, then they kind of deserve to die?
Well, yeah, that's an interesting point.
People are suicidal.
Many sectors of the human race are what I've called part of a suicide cult.
And this is true.
You can see it demonstrated when they're accepting these vaccine spike protein injections.
But this is also a Darwin Award moment for humanity.
those people who want to kill themselves will no longer represent the future gene pool of
the human race.
And if you think about it, even these door-to-door teams, it's mostly Democrats that are going
door-to-door to other Democrats to get them killed and exterminated with spike protein
I mean, people who have a brain have left.
You know, they've left the city for the most part.
That's a sacrament they have.
I'm not saying they don't have children.
I'm just saying they're all against life and then exactly they're all into death and the rest of it.
Okay, let's come back and get more into your article and what to expect next, how to fight back against this and more.
Final information with Mike Adams and a key video I haven't played yet in the main show of the public declaration of world government and permanent lockdown on the other side of this break.
Greg, stay with us.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm live at Band.Video, InfoWars.com, and radio stations across the country, including TV stations that are great and pick us up.
We got American Journal there.
It's the Smith.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
War Room, Owen Troyer, 3 p.m.
He's coming up in about 26 minutes, 27 minutes.
He'll be hosting Sunday live, two hours live as well, right after I do on Sunday night.
His choice Stepping up to the plate to do even more.
We did a four-hour show yesterday on Saturday because wild horses can't drag me away during such an important time.
And I want to play a clip that asked Mike Adams a question.
People ask me this all the time.
What is it like to be vindicated?
And we've been vindicated.
And folks, you've been vindicated.
So I'm going to talk about leadership here in just a moment and how all of you that support this broadcast and all of you that support Mike's work and so many others' great work, you've done more than you know.
But here is a video that's going viral.
On Twitter and YouTube right now, it was just announced on Friday, the Australian Health Minister, all of them said, this is the New World Order, basically get ready for permanent lockdowns.
Vatican's announced it, Europe's announcing it, Canada's announcing it.
I played clips last hour of the Canadian Health Minister saying, we don't want you to be able to leave your house because you might protest us.
I mean, this is, they're not hiding this now.
Here they are announcing their New World Order.
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
Outdoor gatherings are limited to two people.
Exercise is allowed but no further than a 10km radius from your home.
Browsing in shops is not permitted.
Only one person per household may leave to do essential shopping.
And from tomorrow, funerals are limited to 10 people.
This is a world pandemic.
It's a 1 in 100 year event.
So you can expect that we will have transmission from time to time and that's just the way it is.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
We've got to accept that this is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
This is the New World Order.
Today is the first full day of the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The New World.
New World.
New World Order.
I want to be straight with you.
There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal, in the old fashion.
This is, let's say, fiction.
It will not happen.
A vaccine on its own will not end the pandemic.
Surveillance will need to continue.
People will still need to be tested, isolated and cared for.
Contacts will still need to be traced and quarantined.
Communities will still need to be engaged.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
We can find meaning and reward by serving some higher purpose than ourselves.
A shining purpose.
The illumination of a thousand points of light.
It's no longer a theory.
What I'm about to say is fact.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
They have planned and are now leading us into a one-world communist government.
This is terrorism of the most worst kind.
All right.
By the way, that fellow right there, that's when I made Endgame.
That's 14 years old.
He's a member of Parliament who was led into the Bilderberg documents and totally blown away.
So here's the bottom line, Mike Adams.
In closing, in the six minutes we have left, I really appreciate you spending time with us on a Sunday night.
This is out in the open.
They're making their move.
And for people that have been aware of this, you can really tell people you were right.
You can be a leader in your community and explain that this assault's happening and people can wake up now and it's not going to be as bad or they can wake up later when things are just absolutely terrible.
It was Churchill said, you know, a lot of times people are faced with tyranny and they stand up really early and they beat it easily.
Then sometimes, you know, you wait a little too long and you still stand up because you don't want to be a slave, but man, it's a hard fight.
There's something else that happens in history, paraphrasing him, that things are so bad that you have no chance of winning, but it's better to die on your feet than die on your knees as a slave.
And Mike, we're sad this is happening, but you've been talking about it for over a decade.
I've been talking about it forever off of our own documents.
It's here now.
What is it like for you to be completely vindicated?
How would you then reach out to the viewers and listeners and tell them, don't get bummed out, because at least you're way ahead of the curve.
The low-hanging fruit of the average leftist and people inside these megacities, we've got to feel sorry for them, but at the same time, the globalist system is going to destroy them long before they get to us.
Well, I would say to people that it's all theater.
So there's the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain, and he's keeping it going.
The so-called pandemic is being perpetuated by the vaccine itself.
The vaccine contains the spike protein.
The spike protein causes the COVID symptoms and the COVID diagnoses.
And now more than half of the people in hospitals and dying from so-called COVID are people who had been previously vaccinated or injected with spike protein.
That number is going to go higher and higher.
So, while, yeah, there's an underlying flu-like virus that has become almost harmless at this point.
It's meaningless.
It's less than the flu.
There is a spike protein bioweapon that's in the needle.
It's in the shot.
And allowing yourself to be injected is like allowing yourself to be bitten by a rattlesnake.
You're going to be injected with a poison.
You're going to have bad effects from that.
But the whole thing is theater.
And the globalists want to keep this going so they will keep releasing more booster shots.
Pfizer is pushing for that right now.
So they can keep the side effects going, they can keep the fear going.
Use the body as an incubator, as even the New York Times admits, to create actually new viruses.
So yeah, they're using us as the incubators.
That's right.
And what we've got to do is say enough is enough, that your fear does not nullify our rights or our freedoms.
Your fear, CDC and WHO and Tedros and others, your fear does not override the United States Constitution and the sovereignty of this nation.
So it's time, I mean it's way past time to stand up and say enough is enough.
If we stop the vaccines right now, If we stop the media coverage of it right now, then...
It would be over.
The pandemic would end almost instantly because it's being perpetuated.
So it is all theater.
You have nothing to fear.
If you have a healthy immune system, you have decent nutrition, and you don't have, you're not already on death's door with high blood pressure or some other comorbidity factor.
You have almost nothing to fear.
And remember, Alex, I was the one a year ago, at first, I was very concerned about this.
And I said, we got to be really cautious for 28 days and see what happens.
So I was very concerned, but now, I mean, very quickly it became clear that it's the spike protein that's the weapon, and we have nothing to fear but fear itself at this point.
Nothing to fear but fear itself.
For those that don't know, it's the casing of the virus itself, and that makes the body produce that, and I even have family that didn't listen to me and took the shot and got super sick, Mike.
And so, it's just crazy how people buy into the fear, but that's another key point.
How are they gonna...
It's got to scare Fauci and Bill Gates and others that the Wuhan lab came out, that what they did came out, that people aren't buying it, that their facade is falling, and that all these deaths are being caused by them.
It's got to really scare them.
That concerns me that they're going to launch, like I said, a power outage that they're already getting ready with hackers or another virus.
What are you watching for on your six?
What do you expect them to do?
Well, what I think they're really freaking out about is the fact that they cannot reel this in.
They now have to follow their fraud to its logical conclusion, which will expose them all.
And because, again, tens of millions of Americans are likely to die over the next few years.
Those are Holocaust-level deaths from something that was intentionally released.
So, as you say, they're going to try to double down and triple down on this.
You can expect cyber attacks that are engineered, you can expect false flags that are engineered, economic collapse engineered, and just outright tyranny, medical tyranny, door-to-door gun confiscations, medical kidnappings.
The disappearing of political dissidents.
All of these things.
More selective deplatforming of websites.
All of this is going to happen, but they still lose in the end because humanity is awakening like never before and they can't hide their crimes forever.
Keep documenting.
Keep sharing.
Keep watching.
Stay informed.
Stay alive.
Be healthy.
Get away from the blue cities.
And you can survive this.
We will prevail.
We can rebuild the America that they tried to destroy.
That's my take, Alex.
I 100% agree, and Mike, people have to realize that the globalists wouldn't be censoring if the truth didn't have power.
Get your article at Infowars.com, at NationalNews.com.
It's excellent.
Share it with everyone.
Be the outreach you are, folks.
This is an information war.
It's do or die.
All right, Mike, thank you so much, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, I got a final segment.
I'll blitzkrieg through some news, and then Owen Schroer's loaded for berries.
coming in.
CNN's like, oh, she's mad.
They were heroes and they fought COVID.
No, she told people to take their vitamins.
They had the lowest death rate in the country because they didn't do fraudulent PCR tests.
They didn't lie to people.
And they gave treatment to folks with pneumonia and the flu so they didn't die at home.
Here's a clip of her ripping the hell out of them.
When I ran for governor almost three years ago, I ran on the message that South Dakota could be an example to the nation.
I had no idea it was going to happen during a pandemic.
But we have to speak the truth as well.
Now South Dakota was the only state to never close a single business.
The only state.
That's leadership.
She also lets men in sports.
That's not good.
Or whatever.
Keepin' the business open.
We talk about...
[Audience member shouts]
We talk about rewriting history.
Let's talk about rewriting history.
We've got Republican governors across this country pretending they didn't shut down their states.
That they didn't close their beaches.
That they didn't mandate masks.
That they didn't issue shelter in places.
Now, I'm not picking fights with Republican governors.
All I'm saying is that we need leaders with grit.
That their first instinct is to make the right decision.
That they don't backtrack and then try to fool you into the fact that they never made the wrong decision.
So demand honesty from your leaders.
Demand honesty from your leaders and make sure that every one of them is willing to make the tough decision.
South Dakota did not do any of those.
We didn't mandate.
We trusted our people.
Issued the lowest death rate.
Alright, good from her.
I'm going to be covering more of this tomorrow on the weekday show.
We've got more time then.
I don't know why I'm going to show this tweet other than I'm going to ask this guy on, I want to ask the producers, book this guy on the show because I really want to have this guy on.
This is the number one tweet about Alex Jones last week out of millions and it's got 25,000 likes.
You type my name and it's the top thing comes up.
If cancel culture was real, Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson would no longer be a thing.
I love how the left want to censor everybody, they call for it, they're doing it everywhere, and then Tucker Carlson barely stays on air, I barely stay on air, and they go, oh, it doesn't exist.
Like, Nadler, Antifa doesn't exist, or Black Lives Matter, we've never been violent before.
We're not Marxists, they just say we support Marxism in their founding manifesto.
We're not against the nuclear family, it's just in your manifesto.
It's the level of Brooklyn Dad underscore Defiant.
I won't show on my show.
I'll be nice to you.
I want to understand how you're saying cancel culture doesn't exist.
That's the left always does.
They play these games, ladies and gentlemen.
They gaslight us.
Let me tell you what else happened.
You know, this came out last Wednesday, and I said on the show after I watched the shocking video, That listeners have begged us not to play again because it is blood-curdling, makes your skin crawl.
It's like, looks like about 50-60 quote gay men in the Gay Men's Choir in San Francisco, that's part of their main choir system, saying we're coming for your children, we're gonna recruit them, we're gonna corrupt them, and then I've got all these other videos, these people, and I said, hey, run their backgrounds, I bet a lot of them are sex offenders.
Well, that happened.
But all I'm saying is a group of men, all affecting that they're feminine, saying we're coming for your children, and then putting out headlines saying, oh, Alex Jones is death-threatening us, we've got to hide and take our membership list down because he's death-threatening.
I didn't death-threat you.
I think it's creepy, a bunch of men saying we're coming for your kids, we're going to corrupt them, they're ours.
Hey, if two dudes are married, live in a house, I don't care.
But see, that wasn't what you wanted, was it?
The truth is, the quote, gay community has a real pedophile problem and I don't like pedophilia.
I don't care if it's a heterosexual pedophile or a homosexual pedophile, I don't give a damn.
You keep your hands off children or you need to be sent to prison.
And then you sit there and poke the bear, and wonder why people get upset.
I mean, we got stuff we can't show, because we're on over 100 TV stations and cable stations, and I've shown stuff that is shown to elementary school children, and I've had station managers call us and say they're dumping us, and I have to call and kiss their butt, and I say, you know, I stay on air, I go, fine, I won't show it anymore.
I mean, guys with glitter in their genitals out, and kids sitting on their laps in Austin, okay?
At public events.
Riding, I mean literally sitting, okay, and I get why the stations don't want to see it.
You think I want to look at that?
But children are having it done to them, and I say, listen, I won't do it again, but you understand it's being done to children.
Well, we get it, but people here in, you know, here in Illinois, or people here in Kansas, or people here in Florida, we're a Christian area here in the panhandle of Florida, Mr. Jones, we just can't show that.
Then how do we stop it if you don't see it?
I get it.
You think I want to look at that?
And I'm not mad at all these radio stations and TV stations, but the TV stations are the ones that want to say it.
I get it.
But what do we do?
What do we do?
I mean, I got stuff, man.
I mean, I mean, I mean, I got stuff I didn't want to say on air.
I can't even tell you, actually, on air.
And that's the thing, is this stuff is so gross and so sick, they teach five-year-olds bloodletting how to cut themselves?
They teach them stuff I didn't even know about until I was in college?
I mean, you know, we're talking brutal, dangerous, horrible, because this is a cult!
And when you get into, quote, kink, it gets weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder.
That's the way societies work.
And if grown people want to kill themselves or hurt themselves, that's your issue.
But the children don't belong to you.
You keep your filthy hands off of them.
So, there's that.
You know, they had a lot of big national talk show hosts and podcasters attack me months ago and say, Jones is crazy.
He'll never have forced inoculations.
We're going to fish all those clips out this week and play them and now show all the clips where they're saying forced inoculations are coming.
And a lot of people go, well this is going to start a war.
That's the whole plan.
By the way, I didn't get to this today, but I'm going to keep it in my stack and I'm going to hit it tomorrow when I do the weekday show at 11 a.m.
But let me just get to it a little bit right now.
You know Richard Branson?
He's gotten a lot of attention doing what thousands of people have done.
You can ride a pressurized helium balloon up to the levels he was at.
And then you can jump off and use a little booster to make yourself start going back into orbit.
But he did, in a little space plane, something that Chuck Yeager did, and stuff that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong did 80 years ago, or 65 years ago.
Okay, so okay, he flew to the edge of space, he's such a hero, the billionaire, all the rest of it.
It's really not a big deal.
Bezos is actually going to go into orbit some, so that is actually going into space and is actually dangerous.
But let me show you where he really went.
Virgin Galactic went to where the Virgin Girls are, all right.
Richard Branson flew on the Lita Express with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and others, and we actually have the flight logs And I'm going to be showing those tomorrow.
In fact, here's some flight logs right now.
Here's the flight logs.
Richard Branson on the pedophile airplane.
So he's been on some very important airplanes where they have sexual little kids.
So I just thought I'd throw that out there.
He's on Virgin Atlantic.
All right.
I wonder what's going on up in the airplane.
Any little kids on the space plane?
There's his phone number right there if you want to call him.
So, there you have it.
Alright, I'm out of time.
I didn't plug any today, ladies and gentlemen, and I need funding.
We got books, we got films, we got t-shirts, we got water filtration, air filtration.
The free shipping ends today.
The double patriot points end today from July 4th.
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10% off of the water filters and 10% off of store-able food.
That's extended one more week and it's over.
But the free shipping, double page rate points, that ends today.
And so please, who else is telling the truth?
We're funded by you, got products you need, then get them for yourself at mfoilworkstore.com.
We're funded by we the people and I thank you all for your support.
All right, Owen Schroeder is coming in with Sunday Live to kick some butt straight ahead.
Hell, maybe I'll just stay with him and cover all this other news.
I didn't think of that.
Wait a minute, we'll find out what's about to happen.
Stay with us and spread the links.
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You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
The Alex Jones Show.
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Also, we have the new Free American shirt.
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We'll be right back.
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