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Name: 20210706_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 6, 2021
2200 lines.

In this InfoWars segment, Alex Jones discusses attacks on his show by CNN and MSNBC, criticizes hypocrisy of media outlets promoting their own agendas while attacking alternative viewpoints. He talks about Joe Biden's pipeline shutdown, COVID-19 vaccine mysteries, violence against whites by a minority of black people, and government open air "experiments" with vaccines leading to numerous deaths. Jones promotes health supplements and bioremediation products related to septic systems. He discusses the Delta variant being used as a tool for enforcing martial law, arrests made in anti- lockdown protests, and suppression of medical treatments and doctors' voices. The speaker encourages people to share information about globalist agenda, criticizes big tech for their impact on businesses and the supply chain due to COVID-19 shutdown. He talks about dangers of COVID vaccine, protests around the world against trans agendas being pushed in schools and media. Millions of deaths in third world countries due to actions of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are discussed along with holding these individuals accountable for their actions. The current state of affairs is critiqued, focusing on the COVID-19 situation and its implications. Media, corporations, universities, and Olympics are criticized for bullying individuals into accepting certain beliefs and actions, such as transgender athletes competing in women's sports events. Lastly, the speaker discusses the case of Garrett Foster who was shot and killed by an army sergeant and subsequent charges against him.

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It goes on and on and on.
All of it is at Infowars.com.
Big text meeting of an emergency session.
We got that article to try to learn how to suppress us.
They're going to come out with new tools to shut you up so you can't warn people, so they can block real treatments, give you deadly shots, and kill you.
They're eugenicists.
They're greedy globalists.
They believe they can only have super yachts and consume if they pay back to the world by killing useless eaters.
I say they're useless eaters.
I say they're the ones that need to get out of the way.
I say they're the ones that need to die, not us!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, July 6th.
The year is 2021.
And I know that record numbers of new people Who've never listened to the actual live, unedited broadcast are tuning in to find out.
What all the commotion is about, thanks to enemies attacking us, thanks to folks defending us.
We've trended number one several times last week on Twitter.
We're constantly trending every day until they would take us out of the trending, which is a big deal because it shows that we're already one of the biggest topics in the world.
This show, this broadcast, and what's happening.
And they attacked Tucker Carlson, of course, saying that Tucker Carlson is the New Alex Jones, as if that will get the canceled culture organized to then go after Carlson, try to remove him off the air.
All that's going to do is drive up Tucker's already top ratings, but it's so Mark Teipel, that's such a great juxtaposition of the failed CNN, totally discredited, the failed MSNBC with Brian Williams, their fact checker, the guy that said he was shot down in a helicopter, lied about it.
That'd be like having Hitler over a Nuremberg trial for, you know, punishing the Nazis.
It's all so ridiculous.
That no one is buying into it, but there they are with no viewers, basically, trying to shut down everybody that has viewers, because freedom is popular.
Even if they were successful in shutting us all down, even if they were successful in shutting us all down, people would still rebel against them and they would still be sacks of garbage.
And so at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to play the Brian Stelter Oliver Darcy attack piece and make some choice comments about both men and how the book definitely Inside definitely matches the cover and we're gonna talk about some of their activities And so that should be a somewhat informative overall at the bottom of the hour if not Entertaining, but I'm gonna tell you one more time of your radio listener.
You can't see this But I'm gonna have the photo posted After all, we subscribe to Getty Images, pay a hefty sum every month to be able to use these.
That's a Getty image.
That's official glamour shot.
He thinks that photo of himself is something that is worthy of note and that he thinks reflects well upon him.
Talk about being psychotic or sociopathic and having no connection to reality and being tone deaf.
That is an extremely psychotic, evil-looking person.
I'm not saying Brian Stelter is a pedophile.
I'm saying if I was a Hollywood director casting someone that kidnaps children off the streets, takes them into a dungeon and eats them, or grabs them out of I mean, that's like a monster creature out of nightmares.
it would be this individual. In fact, putting the clown regalia on him only makes him look likable.
Take it off. Back it up. That's scary as hell. I mean, that's like a monster creature out of
nightmares. But he is the mouth, the puppet of Jeff Zucker, who I will say looks almost as creepy,
I mean, Brian Stelter's got to be the creepiest man in the galaxy.
And that's the best they can get, is Brian Williams lying about being shot down in helicopters over at MSNBC as their fact checker.
And you got this little liar who says, quote, ratings don't matter to Ted Koppel.
Of course, Ted Koppel's sitting back with all his gravitas.
Say what you want about him.
The guy's very smart and very suave.
In that famous interview, and there's Carlson trying to act all suave, looking like a $3 bill.
As phony as you can get.
It's like, oh, ratings don't matter.
These people gaslight us, but you know, it's not working.
The only people it's working on is them.
They still believe that they're in charge, they're controlling the culture, and all the poison they're spewing, all the anti-family garbage is just that.
Anti-family garbage.
So I'll talk about it at the bottom of the hour, because it's illustrative of everything we face, but first, wow.
Biden's not done.
He's announced more pipelines to be shut down, more infrastructure to be shut down, and it's true.
I thought it was a hoax.
It's in the Israeli papers.
They're praising it.
Biden got on his knees to the Israeli Prime Minister and bowed to him on his knees.
We thought Obama was bad, bowing to the Saudis and the Japanese emperor.
This is a new level of disgusting behavior.
My God, next he'll be on his belly.
There is a mystery that I will address coming up here in just a few minutes.
Whether it's Japan, whether it's India, whether it's Nigeria, whether it is the United States of America or Canada or Mexico, everywhere, they're finding that major pharmacies and major government institutions that are pushing the so-called COVID-19 vaccines are actually giving people saline solution.
It's been a big story since it started six months ago in the UK, eight months ago, I guess in the UK, six months here in the US, the inoculations began, the so-called inoculations, the genetic engineering.
But now I've got the answer to this because I've talked to enough of the medical workers, so I'm going to be breaking that down for you coming up.
Next segment, report U.S.
Army directs commands to prep for mandatory COVID shots for troops.
That ties in with that we have just massive globalist takeover of COVID-19 news because that's why this is bigger than just the inoculations.
It's bigger than just the World ID and medical passports.
It is their total complete push.
It is everything.
If you want to understand what we're up against as a society and as a culture.
But before I do that, let me just tell you some of the news that is coming up today.
I have so many videos every day of black people viciously attacking white people that I couldn't air them if I had 20 hours.
Plus, I'm not here trying to demonize black people.
The majority of black folks aren't doing that, but there is a vehement, aggressive minority of racist black folks that are shooting and stabbing and killing whites and Asians and some Hispanics.
And when they get arrested, they say, well, they deserve it.
They're evil and they're racist and they're bad.
And this is all directly due to mainstream media and the corporate news, the same ones that are hiding all of these good treatments that are 99% effective, like hydroxychloroquine, And so again, it just shows how whatever the default evil, destructive ruling class position of oppressing the people, they're doing it.
And that ties into taxpayers could be on the hook for billions in damages to Canadian firm over Biden's cancellation of Keystone.
Costs more than $15 billion to build it.
And now there's another 60-something year old pipeline agreement with a whole bunch of old and new pipelines with the safest safety record the world's ever seen.
By the way, I was reading deep into it a few weeks ago.
Coming out of Canada into Michigan with natural gas, gasoline and oil pipelines that supply most of the Midwest and The governor, quote, ordered them shut because Biden wants the heat off him.
He said governors are allowed to now shut down pipelines, even that border Mexico and Canada, which under international law, governor can't do that.
This is just beyond criminal, just like the open border and saying immediately surge the border.
It's all part of the attack on our stability and our families and our society.
And that's why the police have now set out in L.A.
the woman calling the police on a man showing his penis to her six-year-old daughter.
They've checked the surveillance footage.
It's not denied he went in a women's bathroom and pulled his pants down and said, I've had sex with lots of women.
Do you like my penis?
I mean, this is what happened to the six-year-old folks.
Sorry to talk about it on air.
The police said it's bad, just like Cuomo said four years ago, if your daughter doesn't like seeing a woman's penis,
because women have penises now, according to the left, and up is down, down is up,
then you're a horrible person, and if your parents taught you that that's bad, you're a horrible person.
Because if you'll put up with men in the shower with your six-year-old daughter,
brother, you'll put up with anything. And then Antifa came out and beat up a bunch of people.
There's hours of footage of them beating up women and men, by the way, most of which were like reasonable hippies just out there saying, hey, stop it.
And they start beating them up because so you've got Antifa beating people up because they dare not want a full grown man exposing himself a little girl in the shower.
The police have now said on the news that it's a good thing to show your generals little girls.
They passed a law two years ago in California you can give someone HIV or Hepatitis knowingly trying to kill them and it's not a crime.
So it's just total madness, total psychotic behavior.
But let's go to an incredibly important report that John Bowne just posted to Band.Video last night in the John Bowne section.
Click the left-hand corner.
You'll see all the menus there for the great pages like Gregg Reese and so many others.
And click on the John Bowne one.
SJWs, your Marxist revolution is over.
Listen very carefully to this report because it's right out of the Communist Manifesto, right out of Das Kapital.
Where they say, the elite wage war on you, the ultra-rich crush the middle class.
Well, under a corrupt globalist system, they do.
Under a corrupt mercantile system, they do.
Not under the American system.
So you see, when they do all these horrible things, they're following a blueprint because they are the ruling class.
Of course they live in $10 million houses and wear $5,000 outfits.
They're AOC.
You go bankrupt.
You starve to death.
Here is John Bowne's incredibly important report.
Karl Marx's conflict theory proclaims that society is in a state of perpetual conflict due to the competition for limited resources.
And that glue holding that social order together is domination and power, rather than relegated by consensus and conformity.
Those with wealth and power hold on to that power by suppressing the poor and the powerless.
This theory fuels the Marxist revolution that has exploded itself upon every facet of our lives, given a free pass on violating the social norms of race, gender, crime, and just about anything the movement deems necessary to alter in order to dominate the average American's life.
I also want to make sure that this doesn't drive a hysteria and that we look at these numbers in context so that we can make responsible decisions about what to allocate in that context.
Okay, Bill Maher has been whack for a long time.
callous about people losing their lives.
I mean, it's his coma was when he downplayed the COVID-19 nursing home deaths.
A new conspiracy theory, a new Trump inspired, Trump incited kind of rage, white rage, to
use the words of General Milley yesterday.
Okay, Bill Maher has been whack for a long time.
I did see the clip segment of him complaining about Lin-Manuel Miranda apologizing for the
lack of Afro-Latino representation in his movie In the Heights.
You're the guy who made the founding fathers black and Hispanic.
I don't think you have to apologize to Twitter.
He's a Latino making a Latino movie with a Latino cast.
Not good enough.
Nothing is ever good enough for these people.
They're like children.
Okay, so I don't know if the applause from the audience was sincere or if they were responding to the applause sign in the studio, but either way, how disappointing.
So perhaps it's time for you to take a step back and blow a quarter ounce of that green that you love so much, because clearly your thoughts have been lost in a white fog for far too long.
Why would they attempt to dominate the once independent lives of the middle class they claim they are protecting?
Because the theory is flawed.
Those with wealth and power still continue to dominate the poor and the powerless.
They're just using hordes of mindless social justice warriors to gain access to that control.
The left-wing millionaire transferring eighteen billion dollars To his Open Society Foundation, that makes it the second largest foundation in the country, and it's all about politics.
New at 10, a nearly overlooked consideration in the Milwaukee public school budget now stirring up controversy.
The district is proposing nearly half a million dollars go to a program called Black Lives Matter.
I'm here to support the Black Lives Matter funding proposed in the MPS budget.
That's the main reason most of these people showed up tonight.
To speak up or hold up a sign.
Letting board members know they want them to spend around $470,000 on Black Lives Matter.
Marxists steal money from other people and they enrich themselves.
Until the people that they stole from are poor.
And so she has stolen money from other people on the pretext of a lie that is Black Lives Matter.
And she's enriched herself and she's brought four homes.
I mean, you have to kind of appreciate the honesty.
She's not hiding by any means, you know.
And so, yeah, I tend to agree with you here.
She's a communist through and through and she's been unbelievably unapologetic in her approach.
Useful idiots doing the bidding of their masters against a free people dominated by our own media.
There's no excuse for being a reporter today who doesn't understand the basic science of COVID-19.
Why is it not the same for climate change?
Right now, everyone should be a climate reporter.
And if you're not a climate reporter right now, you will be.
But we are gradually learning the final lesson.
The real revolution is obvious.
Populism will inevitably rise against the foul stench of hypocrisy in one form or another.
Bill Gates is on record.
Warren Buffett is on record.
We got some new clips from these guys today that are really frightening.
As they and their cohorts praise the Communist Party of China.
That's coming up last segment of the show.
I'm going to open the phones up for the balance of the transmission.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
But here's our COVID-19 stack of news just from today.
Thousands thought they were getting the COVID vaccine.
They were injected with salt water instead.
Now, why does this happen?
What's going on?
Well, I figured out what's happening.
Why are so many people being accidentally injected with saline instead of COVID vaccines?
We asked last week.
But here's the latest articles out today, July 5th, July 6th, CNN.
Thousands thought they were getting COVID vaccine.
This was in India, New Delhi.
Well, I've talked to a lot of nurses and a lot of doctors and a lot of other people that work in the medical field, and they said, listen, we know this stuff's so deadly.
We know it's experimental.
We know it was never authorized.
And there was no real testing and we see what's happening.
We have so many patients and so many people that are getting sick and dying that when the people come asking for it, we'll lose our job if we don't give it.
So we're giving them saline.
And they can't prosecute everybody.
And what do you have that's not tracked in a pharmacy?
It's the saline bottles.
They're a few dollars a bottle.
They've got hundreds and hundreds of bottles of them.
At any one time, at a facility, the bottles look very similar.
And they go, here, you want your COVID shot, sweetheart?
I'm told particularly with children.
And you've seen a bunch of pharmacists lose their jobs when the woman comes in wanting their 12-year-old, and the lady goes, hey, You know, they put an insert on there saying it caused a heart attack.
I really think you should think about this.
How dare you!
Get me the manager!
Because they're a leftist, and the leftist sacrament is getting conned, getting ripped off, getting hurt, because they're already so Stockholm Syndrome into two or three fake degrees that don't work, not having a man in the home, whatever the case is, that they are just going deeper into the psychosis, deeper into the delusion.
On military bases, they're already giving the officers saline and the word spread to the rest of the troops.
They've been refusing and the officers have been agreeing and just saying, okay, saline.
And anybody listening to the military knows this has been going on for a long time, especially with the anthrax shots in 1990, 1991 and 2000.
They were so deadly until Congress finally acted and they outlawed giving it to people because you can't attenuate Anthrax.
You can't kill it, basically, unless you burn it up in a furnace at 1,000 degrees.
It'll survive 400 degrees.
It's a plant spore that grows in your lungs.
And so you can chop it up in pieces.
It's like a starfish.
And that's why they think that life may have come here from another planet.
Scientists hypothesize, I'm not saying I agree with that, from anthrax.
But they believe it can live millions of years in the dirt.
They found samples they know are hundreds of thousands of years old.
So they injected that in people.
An experimental operation.
So that's why the military wouldn't do it this time because it wasn't authorized.
The anthrax wasn't authorized by the FDA.
So what did the military announce in their announcement of starting forced inoculations of the military as early as a month from now?
They said as soon as FDA approval is done.
See, it never got FDA approval, but I've seen on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter And on the street, I had a woman when I was in New York just walk by me and say, the vaccine is approved, it is safe.
And then she just kind of ran off.
They believe that.
They believe I'm lying when I say that it was never approved and got emergency authorization.
If there's no drug that is a viable treatment for any deadly pathogen under federal and international law, They can waive the normal testing process, see, if there is no drug.
That's why they said ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and rendezivir and all the rest of it couldn't be used, was because it was all basically 100% treatable.
Hundreds of different brands of aerosolized inhalable steroids, you get it early, 100%, because it knocks out the autoimmune response that's killing you.
Now, as top scientists warn, people that have been inoculated are the ones dying at record numbers because their body, when it comes in contact with the coronavirus, has an autoimmune response and attacks your own body.
Liquefies your lungs.
This is, they knew, they tested it all before!
You just said it wasn't tested.
This particular virus, this particular vaccine, but they tested similar vaccines on animals, and we've shown you those studies.
We've gone over them.
University of Texas, 2012, under Fauci, did three different vaccine tests that would attack not the RNA of the virus inside, but its spike protein casing.
And now that's why you see so many illnesses and problems of the inoculated with this, because it makes the body attack the casing.
The casing, not the RNA.
So, thousands thought they were getting the COVID vaccine.
They were injected with salt water, and that's because the medical workers have a soul, and instead of losing their jobs, they're just doing what the military does, and they are injecting people.
But then, the managers come and go, wait a minute.
We're missing hundreds and hundreds of bottles of saline, but with all the vaccines here, what's going on?
And then they say, oh, come back, you didn't get your shot.
That's one of the main reasons this is going on, because again, higher-ups aren't taking the real thing.
The lower-downs figure that out and go, well, hell, I'm not doing it.
Remember what happened a few months ago?
They testified in Congress, half the CDC and NIH had not taken the vaccine.
More than half the medical workers in the U.S.
and National News won't take it, because they know the doctor won't take it, the nurse won't take it, but you need to.
So there's your answer on that front.
I got a bunch of other news I'm gonna hit next hour.
Army directs commands to prep for mandatory COVID shots for troops.
The U.S.
Army is prepping to enforce mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for service members from the beginning of September, according to an Army Times report.
Report published Saturday notes the Army has directed command to prepare to administer mandatory COVID-19 vaccines as early as September 1st, pending full, full Food and Drug Administration licensure!
Oh my goodness!
Somebody show everybody on Twitter and Instagram!
Oh Alex Jones is such a liar!
Dr. Paul is such a liar!
It's approved!
It's been tested!
It's safe!
No it's not!
And they did it in open air so they could then not have an official count of the real dead, which are pouring in now.
10-year-olds, 13-year-olds, 18-year-olds, 16-year-olds, football players, cricket players dying, getting sick, rock and roll stars dying, getting sick, young people, old people, people collapsing, multiple members of the same cricket team collapsing after they were inoculated a few days before, having convulsions, people convulsing at the inoculation centers.
It goes on and on and on.
All of it is at Infowars.com.
Big text meeting of an emergency session.
We got that article to try to learn how to suppress us.
They're going to come out with new tools to shut you up so you can't warn people, so they can block real treatments, give you deadly shots, and kill you.
They're eugenicists.
They're greedy globalists.
They believe they can only have super yachts and consume if they pay back the world by killing useless eaters.
I say they're useless eaters.
I say they're the ones that need to get out of the way.
I say they're the ones that need to die, not us!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today.
We're now 33 minutes, 45 seconds into this Tuesday, July 6 broadcast, and I want to address the controversy that the struggling back of the line Basement dwelling Brian Stelter and his salacious crumb sidekick Oliver Darcy have been trying to create.
They pushed heavily to have me de-platformed.
And they are the mouth of Jeff Zucker.
It's admitted it's come out in Project Veritas reports and others that he tells them specifically what to say.
They load up their teleprompters and so when you see Brian Stelter and if he comes off like a puppet, Like a Humpty Dumpty, get the clown crossover.
And you wonder why, you know, he and Oliver Darcy are so disingenuous, but at the same time so powerful, and that when they call for somebody to be deplatformed, Twitter, Facebook, all of them just click their heels and do it.
It's because CNN takes the lead in propaganda, and that's really a corporate agreement.
That is the mouth of Jeff Zucker saying to do that.
But imagine being so incredibly disconnected from reality, like Brian, at the Clown Stelter, that if you go to his photos, that he publicly puts out himself as glamour shots, that he puts on his own PR pages, it's a joke!
And I've said this before, I'll say it again, if I was in central casting for a director that was trying to Find an actor that just radiated evil, corruption, and the destruction of children.
I mean, I have to say, he looks like, in my mind, what in hell a child molester would look like.
Like you die, you go to hell, you're there for murder or whatever, and you're in a fiery cell with somebody, and what are you here for?
Oh, I'm Brian Stelter, I'm a... And I'm not saying he's a child molester, I'm just saying, who would hire someone who just radiates, I'm a fraud, I'm a liar, I'm your enemy, I'm a scammer, and then hold that little creature up, it's puppet, and then speak through it, and then ban free speech in America and call yourself a good person?
He's the worst thing on CNN.
Brian Williams is the worst thing on MSNBC.
And, of course, he's their fact-checker over there when he's not saying he was shot down in helicopters.
I mean, I've had Brian Williams fact-check me.
That's like having Hitler sit as the chief judge of the Nuremberg trials after World War II.
I mean, it's that crazy.
I'm going to play part of this whole piece that went on for like 15 minutes, but I'm just going to play like four minutes of it.
But just remember, everything they're saying is a fraud.
And I shouldn't try to judge a book off its cover.
It's just, I'm simply asking, is there anyone creepier on earth than Ryan Stelter?
And I think the answer is no.
And then he's got an equally creepy sidekick.
Which again, I'm just going to ask you, would you let these people anywhere near your life, your children, your business?
But instead, they work for the globalists, they're destroying the country and the world.
And of course they do.
They are central casting villains.
But then, there's their action, how they murder the truth.
I can pull up Reuters, I can pull up even Associated Press, that the majority of new polio cases in the world are from the Bill and Melinda Gates vaccine.
You can put that on screen.
And I have an article right here from Gavi.org, funded by Bill Gates, where it says it can shed and give people polio.
But Stelter's done pieces on me before saying that's a lie.
Imagine covering up for the killing that's going on.
Remember, Fiona Hill went on 60 Minutes and said, I called her a globalist.
She doesn't even know what that is.
Meanwhile, she's one of the main writers at TheGlobalist.com.
It's just like Klaus Schwab says, I want you to have a world ID, and I want you to have a microchip under you, and we're going to use the fear of a virus to do it.
He said this five years ago, and now it's happening.
I go, hey, they want to put a microchip in you.
And Stelter goes, oh, Jones is insane.
He's making that up.
And it goes on and on and on.
The examples of them trying to gaslight us.
They're bringing in world government, they're dissolving our borders, they're telling us America shouldn't exist, they're pushing all this Marxist ideology, they're run by big banks that are tax-exempt, and then their rearguard action is these no-viewer individuals that sit up there that we've rejected, but they're like zombies, the walking dead of media.
They're just propped up like a reanimated corpse by the big banks, and then they call themselves The rebels fighting the establishment when they're the big globalist backed media that still no one wants.
So this is the unmovable object comes into the unstoppable force because no one wants them, everybody hates them, but they're still not going away.
They're still trying to destroy us and drag us into oblivion with them.
Here they are.
Choose your own reality culture is pervading every corner of American life.
Choose your own reality.
If you want to believe that the pro-Trump riots of January 6th were instigated by the feds, you can choose a show that claims that is true.
You can choose a TV star who claims it's real.
If you want to believe the NSA is reading your favorite TV star's emails, go right ahead.
He claims it's true.
The NSA denies it, of course, but for Tucker Carlson's fans, that's just further proof of the plot.
Carlson is a conspiracy monger, but he's far from the first.
As my colleague Oliver Darcy pointed out this week, Carlson is sounding more and more like InfoWars host and notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
You can hear the similarities.
The NSA has been reading our emails.
It's not that I think the government spies on me.
It's admitted that they do.
It is a lie to say there are no risks.
There are risks in everything, including in getting a vaccine.
Everybody's got family that got killed or got sick from a vaccine.
So FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, according to government documents.
It is overwhelming.
The evidence that criminal elements of the federal government provocateured and staged January 6th.
All right, Oliver Darcy is back with me.
I think the sound speaks for itself.
Is it a stretch to say that Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones?
It's not a stretch, Brian.
Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones.
If you watch Tucker Carlson's program and you watch Alex Jones's program, they might differ a little bit in antics and the way they deliver their message, but that message to viewers is consistent and it's pretty identical.
Whether it's talking about vaccine conspiracy theories, false flag conspiracy theories, deep state conspiracy theories, The messages that Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are sending are the same.
They seem to see eye-to-eye on the biggest issues that they talk about every single night.
Do we know anything about their relationship, whether they have one?
Because, let me play two back-to-back sound bites.
One is of Tucker sympathizing with Jones, but the other one has Alex Jones basically saying, hey, I'm gonna let Tucker present this January 6th conspiracy theory first.
I'm going to let Tucker present the inside job theory, because he's going to do a great job with it.
And when I heard that, I thought, are these two guys in cahoots?
Like, are they friends?
Do they communicate?
Let's listen to these two soundbites, and then we'll talk about it.
I made the decision not to get into this until it broke on Tucker, because I thought he'd do a better job than I did.
He did.
He did a great job in 15 minutes.
Why do we laugh at Alex Jones again?
Sincere question.
Are they bros?
What do we know about the relationship?
It does sound like they're talking to each other, right Brian?
Look, you don't have to take it from us.
Just listen to that clip you played of Tucker Carlson.
He's basically saying that he doesn't think that Alex Jones' views are out there, that they're crazy.
Evidently, he thinks that they're legitimate and should be debated and he's bringing them up on his own show.
And Brian, this matters because these far-right conspiracy theories, they used to be confined to the InfoWars section on the internet.
Alright, let's stop there.
The whole thing's on InfoWars.
It used to be confined.
You know, you guys control everybody's minds.
Obviously, Tucker's been on the show many times.
Yes, we're friends.
No, I'm not telling Tucker what to do or what to say.
Though, Tucker is honored, I guess, at the comparison.
Because Infowars is seen as the tip of the spear, the vanguard, in waking up the world, coming out of Plato's cave, and saying no to the system.
And so, no, Tucker Carlson's not getting what he covers from me.
He sees the same thing, just like the rest of the world does.
That's why no one watches CNN.
We see a bunch of creepy, anti-American control freaks for what you are, criminals.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
The American way is to let all ideas out there in the belief that the best ideas will prove themselves to become dominant, which is what made this country so great.
Now, big foreign-owned corporate media That literally sponsors games for the Communist Chinese military in the Uyghur region, where they have three million people in slave camps.
That very same corporate media that censors us helps run the slave camps like Apple and Nike, but then they fund the tip of the spear of wokeness And finance a bunch of out-of-control black supremacists to talk about how bad white people are on all their hit TV shows.
It's incredible.
I've started monitoring some of the top black podcasts and man, it is the most vile, racist, crazy talk and Not a word about Africa starving to death, not a word about poison vaccines.
All about how black people are the master race and the whole world's black and blacks are superior.
And I guess if you are one of the people that works for the system, Apple or Google or whatever, and you're getting their money, and then you're up there and every sponsorship, every spokesperson's black.
And that's not because the system likes black people.
The system is taking on the camouflage saying their corporations are black or woke while their corporations are destroying the entire world and engage in a global lockdown that's already starved at least 20 million extra people to death.
And the majority of them, you bet, were African.
And so it's very frustrating to hear some big black woke podcaster calling me a racist,
taking things out of context. I've said here or there or whatever when I'm having larger debates
to then say Alex Jones should be deplatformed.
But then they don't even stand up for the 50 plus percent of black people never get out of
their mama's wombs.
It's just so sad.
But that said, I'll get more into that in the next hour.
We were talking about Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy.
I really shouldn't talk about their appearance because I've gotten older.
I'm not as good looking as I used to be.
And I got a few miles on me.
And I don't normally back over how they look.
Stelter's so fake and he tries to pull up Brian Stelter with Tom Brokaw.
No, no, not Tom Brokaw.
It was Brian Stelter with Ted Koppel.
And Ted Koppel's running circles around him, and Stelter is just sitting back all arrogant, trying to look officious and powerful, and it's just so fake.
And then you see what he stands for, what he does, how he lies, and how he's self-appointed, and the whole corporate system gets behind him of who he says can be on air and who can't.
Imagine being so self-unaware that you put out A face that looks like it's a horror movie cover.
But that's, that's who these people are.
They're the self-appointed individuals that believe it's their right to rule over us and to control our lives.
And they've got all the stolen money and all the big banks behind them.
But they've got a chip on their shoulder because they know they're creepy.
They know they're weird.
They know they've got sick ideas.
And they're not gonna stop.
Until we stop them.
And we just stop them by exposing what monsters they are.
And we all let them know that they are fully rejected and that we know who they are.
But let me finish up with the clip I was just playing of them.
I'm not going to play the whole thing.
And then I'll get to some very, very serious news.
But here they are like, well, do we know if they're talking?
Well, do we know if they're in cahoots?
Are they?
We better.
And of course, every show they call for Tucker Carlson to be taken off the air.
The ADL does, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Democratic Party.
Because what's Carlson talking about?
Populism, and stopping fentanyl deaths, and getting jobs back in America, and unifying Americans.
It's because he is likable, and it's because what he's saying is so common sense, they have to misrepresent it and use somebody they think's demonized, somebody they think's defeated, Alex Jones, and go, oh look, Tucker's that now.
They're living in their own fantasy land.
Infowars in many ways, especially when it comes just to the general public, knowing that we're dead on is more popular than it's ever been by orders of magnitude.
But these guys actually think they're going to hurt Tucker Carlson associating Alex Jones with him.
Because Tucker Carlson is the king of mainstream media because he is a populist.
Infowars and what we do here is the tip of the spear worldwide and recognizes that.
So I'm not in a competition with Brian Stelter.
I'm trying to show the world through this grain of sand a microcosm of who the establishment is.
Why would they pick someone so disingenuous and so creepy and such a liar?
Because it makes them feel comfortable.
Because he's spiritually stunted and spiritually ugly like they are and it shines through his very cells.
Who he is.
So let's hear some more from this creature trying to sit up there as the traffic cop, as the hall monitor, and when they know full well, Carlson's been on the show many times, they know full well all of that, but they want to act like, is it a secret?
We've got this secret video of Jones saying he's mad at Trump.
I said it in a documentary and it was, they didn't have the rest of the story saying, but I love Trump.
I get mad at him a lot.
Love, hate, but I love Trump.
They edited that out.
It's the same thing.
It's all about deceiving because they're not selling things that are popular.
They're promoting things that are not popular.
So they've got to always lie and see how much they can sucker people.
And as their ratings implode, as they fall apart, they just double down the lies because it's all they know because it's, Who their father is.
And it's who they are.
Here's the self-appointed, self-anointed Humpty Dumpty.
He did.
He did a great job in 15 minutes.
Why do we laugh at Alex Jones again, sincere question?
Are they bros?
What do we know about the relationship?
It does sound like they're talking to each other, right Brian?
Look, you don't have to take it from us.
Just listen to that clip you played of Tucker Carlson.
He's basically saying that he doesn't think that Alex Jones' views are out there, that they're crazy.
Evidently, he thinks that they're legitimate and should be debated, and he's bringing them up on his own show.
And Brian, this matters because these far-right conspiracy theories, they used to be confined to the InfoWars section on the internet.
You used to have to seek them out.
I'm not that old, but I remember when the Republican Party and Fox News mocked Alex Jones and said, that guy is crazy, we're not going to touch that sort of stuff.
And that's before we completely proved we were right, everything came true like we said, and you two little envious Nellies, candy asses, sit up there and just look so envious and so upset about Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.
Yeah, don't you guys wish you were popular?
Don't you wish you were cool?
Don't you wish you had great wives?
Don't you wish you had great families?
But you don't, because you're little devils.
So yes, you're not taking us with you.
Yes, so we have a worldwide bigger audience than ever, more popular than ever, but when it comes to sponsorship, these guys went after all my sponsors, hundreds of them, harassed them until they went away.
I've got a major lawsuit if I want it, but I'm not going to go there.
The point is, is that you keep us on air and these little monsters can't stand it.
So we're extending the July 4th Super Sale until Saturday.
Four more days, free shipping, double Patriot points, but X3?
No longer on sale because it's about to sell out.
X2 is the gold standard of high-quality deep-earth crystal ionine, the counter to the bad halogen fluoride, chlorine bromide, and all that.
It's so good for you.
X2 is 40% off with free shipping, despite the fact it is selling out.
I'm just going to keep it going until it sells out.
It'll probably be sold out in about a week and a half at current rate, but so many other products are sold out.
We've got to just sell it.
We've got to sell to get the funds in.
Plus, this has always been our flagship product, so if you want to stock up on it, we never tried it.
It takes about 15 days on average to kick in.
And what it does, if you've been deficient, like most people are, is just amazing.
Two billion people have cognitive disabilities, the UN estimates, because of an iodine deficiency.
Find out the secret, the globalists know, and protect yourself and your family today with Xtube.
40% off, that's going to run for about a week and a half.
That'll be next week's sale, actually.
DNA Force Plus, 40% off, that's ending tomorrow.
Bodies, 40% off, that's ending tomorrow, because they're almost sold out.
Turbo Force, that's ending tomorrow, almost sold out.
Alpha Power, we've got enough to run for a week, 40% off.
Vasma Beans, we can go about a week and a half, that's 40% off, or 50% off.
Pollen Block, 40% off.
Super Mill Vitality, 50% off.
Biotruth Selenium, 50% off.
Ultimate Crillo, 40% off.
That's ending tomorrow.
So the free shipping and double-paid reports continues until the weekend, but the free shipping and all that will end on Saturday.
But again, some of this will continue into the next week, but a bunch of stuff has to end tomorrow.
The 4th of July Super Sale starts now and at fullworthstore.com.
July 4th, 2021 is now upon us.
That means our yearly big sale is here.
Storewide free shipping, Double Patriot Points starts right now and runs through July 4th.
Survival Shield X3 Tri-Iodine, the good halogen, 60% off.
BioTrue Selenium, essential for your whole body, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 40% off with the free shipping and Double Patriot Points.
All water filtration systems are 10% off, and the list goes on and on.
And while this sale runs, we're going to be adding new specials every day that are one-day specials alone because we don't have enough supplies to keep them on sale.
So the stuff I just listed is going to be on sale through July 4th, but every day visit MFullWorthStore.com because there's going to be new specials of select items with free shipping and double Patriot points, up to 60% off at MFullWorthStore.com.
The 4th of July Super Sale starts now at InfoWarpStore.com.
Of our elaborate plans, the end.
Alright, a very important article and video report that I'm going to play right now, and I'm going to get more into this next segment, is...
Dealing with the so-called Delta variant and the police state and that ties into this new Lando variant.
I guess it's Lando Calrissian.
So we're going to be breaking all that down on the other side.
Here is the report.
Delta variant expands indefinite lockdown.
Your leaders in Canada saying they're using COVID to bring in martial law to silence dissent.
They say it in national TV press conferences.
They are going public with tyranny and now Biden has launched the COVID tracking teams in the name of the Delta tracking teams, the Delta plus variant tracking teams coming door to door to harass the unvaccinated.
This is the Iron Fist.
I'm here to talk to you today about the Delta variant that causes COVID-19.
Well, anyone who is not vaccinated is most at risk.
Younger people are less likely to be vaccinated.
That puts the entire cohort of younger people at greater risk.
We need everyone to get vaccinated.
If we do this together, by July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to celebrate Independence Day.
That will make this Independence Day something truly special.
When I got vaccinated, the first thing on my mind was, I can finally see my friends.
And go out too.
We feel more comfortable taking our children out and about.
Seeing my family.
Hugging my grandchildren again.
Hang out together, being fully vaccinated.
Being vaccinated means I can walk at my college graduation.
I was able to marry the girl of my dreams.
We tend to use the word "isolation" for someone who is a case confirmed.
We tend to use the word quarantine for someone who's at risk of being a case, usually a contact.
So on that basis, we advise that all suspect cases are tested and all suspect cases are isolated in an appropriate medical facility.
In low incidence areas, where there are sporadic cases or clusters, we advise that all contacts should be quarantined.
Ideally, that quarantine should occur in a place other than the home.
They did that with community workers, with public health workers, visiting the houses, checking on people, checking their health status every day and saying, how are you?
Have you got a fever?
Have you got a cough?
And if a contact has developed a cough or a fever, they were taken immediately for testing.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's how sick these people are.
Casting themselves as the heroes, the rest of us as the evil disease spreaders.
And now...
Biden and White House deployed Delta variant response teams across the US to communities with low vaccination rates.
They're going to force their way into homes and quote, force people to be tested with fraudulent machines that are 94% false positive.
And it's far worse than that already in Europe, Canada.
Places like Australia, where they have been arresting people for a year, that protest online!
Now you're under arrest in relation to incitement.
A young mother, still in her pyjamas, is cuffed.
What on earth?
Excuse me, what on earth?
Slapped with a search warrant in front of her partner and young children.
What's this?
Ultrasound in an hour?
Yeah, she's pregnant.
But Ballarat detectives were determined to question Zoe Bueller after the 28-year-old allegedly created this Freedom Day Facebook event, asking her friends to remember the 5th of September.
I wasn't breaking any laws by doing that.
You are actually.
You are breaking the law.
That's why I'm arresting you in relation to this topic.
How can you arrest her?
The former cleaner turned candle maker has posted that COVID is a hoax and police alleged she was behind an anti-lockdown demonstration similar to those planned in major cities across the world this Saturday.
They also censor medical treatments, medical doctors.
This is a giant exercise in raping our freedoms, raping our speech, raping our bodies and forcing their deadly gene therapies into us.
I got mainstream news going, we don't know why they're doing that.
I mean, whoa!
Who's giving the directives?
Grab the clipboard, find out what the directions are.
Well, Charlie Munger is an interesting old devil.
Charlie Munger agrees with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and Ted Turner.
And a bunch of other really creepy people, like David Rockefeller when he was alive, that there are too many people on the world.
And you could argue that in some cases, and I do think we're destructive, and I do think we should be good stewards, but they've self-appointed themselves to be authoritarians and to live like kings over us, and for us to have no rights, and that's just an excuse they use to lord over us.
And Charlie Munger attends the meetings that they have had to discuss establishing a
world government to carry out forced depopulation.
What's my source?
London Guardian, Times of London, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, ABC News.
Just type in "The Good Club meets in secret to discuss depopulation."
You'll get several hundred articles going back 20 years where they were trying to sell
this as a good idea.
The most incredible ones were in 2009, for whatever reason, when they decided to try to sell their idea to the world.
Well, Charlie Munger is also one of the richest men in the world, and he is invested with Bill Gates and with Warren Buffett.
In fact, he is their mentor.
He's almost 100 years old.
And he is friends.
Yeah, put the Guardian headline back up for folks.
He was good friends with Bill Gates' daddy and Bill Gates' mommy.
And Bill Gates' daddy and mommy, they ran the main worldwide eugenics organization and Planned Parenthood and the IBM Trust of Thomas Watson.
There's a Pulitzer Prize winning book about that called IBM and the Holocaust.
You might want to learn about it because they're the ones that are almost in full control of the planet and they want to forcibly inject you with known deadly poison so you can quote have a job or get on a plane or go to a ballgame and they're very close to getting it in place.
Multiple U.S.
states say don't come here unless you've had the shot.
It's illegal, they still do it.
The military says we're about to start forced inoculations.
Major banks are saying you can't work here if you haven't had it.
It's here.
So people that want to kill you, people that have offshore exempt bank accounts in Singapore and China, and Bill Gates and Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett, who all cheerleaded, all cheerleaded, For China being great, and China having a great response, and America should never reopen, and America's bad, and there's a more deadly bioweapon coming, and there'll be deadly variants that come, and we'll never be able to open again, you should never take your mask off!
Charlie Munger, I'm not gonna air the whole 15-minute interview, I watched it Friday, it broke after we were off, and he talked about authoritarianism, and how America did a bad job, and how China did a great job, and how we need to You know, do all this.
But here's just a clip.
Old Charlie Munger, who is a monger of evil, outmongering his corruption, praising China for arresting and disappearing the billionaire founder and owner of Alibaba.
Because Jack Ma thought he'd do his own thing.
Oh, we can't have that.
And they go on to say, we wish America was like that, where we could just arrest anybody we want who messes with our monopolies.
So we have an almost 100-year-old crazy man sitting there with his minion, Orrin Buffett, and his minion, Bill Gates, because Charlie Munger is a lawyer.
Charlie Munger is the divorce lawyer for Bill Gates with Melinda Gates.
You know that, right?
because of the Jeffrey Epstein stuff. And so there's got to be an image of the evil old white
man. Well, this is it. The evil old Chinese man is Xi Jinping. But if you want to see the
true incarnation of Satanism on this planet.
Of old men posing in their suits, oh gee golly, like the FBI directors, like, you darn Tootin, I want to protect Congress, we have no idea.
They all, ho ho ho, look we're eating ice cream, hi kids, oh we're so nice.
You know Warren Buffett was the biggest recipient of the Banker Bailout money in 2008?
487 billion dollars he got himself.
So you hear he's only worth $100 billion, that's not true.
All his money's tax-exempt.
You know who?
His bank's got caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money knowingly.
Oh, but he talks about if anybody's conservative, we've got to shut down their bank account.
we can't be associated with something immoral.
Yeah, Prince William wants to kill everybody now too.
You know, he knows best.
But certainly not himself.
So yeah, his grandfather, Prince Philip, his dad, Prince Charles, basically runs the Davos Group.
How great the lockdowns were, he said, because he lives on big private estates and he's got all his own helicopters and jets.
And so they love seeing the highways shut down.
They love seeing you starving in your house.
They love it!
And we sit here and grovel to these monsters.
So here's Charlie Munger today.
In a TV interview, praising a regime that's killed over 100 million people, has millions of Christians and Buddhists and Muslims in death camps, but it's okay because all the Fortune 500 funds Black Lives Matter!
So it's okay.
Here it is.
Charlie, you said communist China is doing all the things that we should be doing right now, and I can't help but think of what they've done to Jack Ma.
That amuses me, you know.
What about what they've done to Jack Ma?
He's kind of disappeared.
Well, yes, but Jack Ma's one of the swindlers.
So they just cut his, they said to hell with you.
He basically gave a speech when he said to a one party state, well you guys are a bunch of jerks, don't know what you're doing and I know what I'm doing and I'm going to do it better.
And he was going to wade into banking and no rules and just do whatever he pleased.
He also broke banking to a lot of Chinese people.
The Chinese communists did the right thing.
They just called in Jack Ma and said, you aren't going to do it, Sonny.
And I wish we had a... I don't want all of the Chinese system, but I certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country.
Although Ant Financial was bringing banking to a huge unbanked population.
That's right.
You're not going to do it, Sonny!
You're not going to set up your own cash app system on your thing?
No, you're not going to do it, son.
You know anything about Warren Buffett and Munger?
Those are some devils, baby.
Lordy, lordy, lordy.
What goes on up in Omaha?
Hmm, boy.
Think those old boys ever put on a black hood?
They ain't wearing white hoods, I'm going to assure you of that.
That's a mere child's play.
They're wearing some hoods, baby.
They're party animals right there.
And they run the whole thing.
They opened up China.
They run the whole show.
They're the last living globalist with Henry Kissinger who set up the whole plan.
Not gonna do it, Sonny!
How dare you try to open companies up when we disappear, ya'll ass!
I sure do wish we had that here in America!
But we're gonna get it!
Just as soon as we shut up all these Americans!
Sonny boy!
Remember every time you eat at Dairy Queen, you're putting money in.
Munger's pocket.
That's okay, Sonny.
He says trying to write to clip Ma's wings and disappear him.
Last time he was seen is a forced labor camp, Sonny.
You know who funds all the transgenderism and all the open borders?
Why, it's me, Sonny!
And you know who's got our troops marching in red heels?
It's me!
That turns me on!
I like it!
I like Jeffrey Epstein like Bill Gates!
Oh yeah!
Oh, Sonny, Sonny, Sonny!
We're gonna have to show you, Sonny, Sonny, Sonny!
We're nice little old men!
You purposely put Mao Zedong into power to kill over 80 million of their own people and they were just getting started.
Welcome back.
I'm going to cover news for this segment, a little bit of the next, and then I want to open the phones up for first time callers on a host of issues.
But as long as it's first time callers, you're welcome to call in on any topic you want.
I'm going to throw out a few topics.
At the end of the segment that I would like to hear you comment on and then you're welcome to bring up any point you'd like but I would like you to humor me and give me your two cents on a few of the topics that I put forward.
But first, let's hit some more of the COVID rollout operation.
Remember, you could never make a vaccine for the common cold because there's a bunch of viruses that can cause it, corona being the dominant one, thousands of variants that are known, and so you can't make a vaccine.
So they said, oh, we'll make it for the protein of the coronavirus.
And then we'll create an artificial one that has a particularly strong gain-of-function protein spike.
And it just so happens that type of protein is in the uterus, is in the heart, is in the lungs, is in the brain, and is in the testicles and a bunch of other places.
So, lo and behold, the body then starts attacking itself, amongst other things.
Then if you get a regular coronavirus, you get deathly ill from the vaccine you've taken, or you've already been vaccinated.
and you come into contact with the coronavirus you get really sick.
Or, if you've already had corona and then get the vaccine you get really sick.
This is all confirmed mainline literature.
But when you talk about it, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, they go, "It's preposterous."
No one's ever gotten sick.
There's no side effects.
It's wonderful.
Meanwhile, they have an advisory on the Pfizer and Moderna injections that it can cause a heart attack or stroke.
They had to put it on there and it's experimental still and hasn't gotten FDA approval.
But all over the news, they say, why, the FDA tested this and it's just totally wonderful.
It's just been banned all over the world.
I mean, this is a bold raping.
But they think America's so drunk on entertainment, so drunk on information, of disinformation, that this will all just get lost in the fog.
Well, my neighbor had a stroke, or my neighbor's dad, or my child got real sick, or my mom died from it, or I had a stroke from it.
Well, they're not sure, the doctors just don't know.
Because they never did studies, they never did test to know to get it approved, so they just released something they'd secretly done studies on, knowing it actually killed lab rats and ferrets and other things that were given vaccines that counter the corona protein casing.
And I can show you those damn studies, University of Texas funded by Fauci, you name it, we've done hundreds of shows on them.
But it's so frustrating to watch the news lie to people and block treatments for so many folks that died from the flu and pneumonia.
Because remember, the first six months of the lockdown, they said, oh, don't go to the hospital unless you really can't breathe.
Well, I mean, we've gotten weak.
We've gotten soft.
Without antivirals and without antibacterials, people would die.
People used to die all the time from colds and flu, until antibiotics and antivirals in the last 50, 60 years.
And so now countless people died at home because they never went and got treatment.
And they died of pneumonia and the flu and the system knew damn well what it did.
And those that did go in got intubated, even though with COVID-19 that'll kill you.
Report, U.S.
Army directs commands to prep for mandatory COVID shots for troops.
This is out of the Army Times.
Pending full food drug administration licensure.
From the Army Times report.
Not approved.
But again, I know all of you've seen the news say, oh, the FDA totally tested this.
Lying to you.
Of course, if they'll block known treatments to get kill numbers up, these are evil people.
And by extension, they're mass murderers.
I mean, the average news person didn't know this, they know it now.
And when they discover it, they get fired, or they get fined, or they get suspended.
Because the corporate order came down from the UN and Bill Gates and Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett who all want to depopulate us.
These old men that love Communist China and love authoritarianism and love death camps and want us to die, but they got a shot right in our arm because they care about us so much.
And now we got another old man here.
Jim Justice.
Governor Jim Justice declared Monday that anyone who chooses not to take the COVID vaccination entering is endangering themselves to a death lottery.
Talk about a Freudian slip.
They are entering themselves into a death lottery.
When you take an unapproved gene therapy that they couldn't get approved for decades because it killed so many of the lab rats in studies, they just said we have an emergency, no studies, put it in the general public.
So that so many doctors and scientists and lawyers would have signed on to this that they'll want to defend themselves now and cover up when it all comes out that it's sterilizing and killing people in mass.
So here he is saying, oh, you need to take this, you're entering a death lottery, like Russian Roulette.
No, it's you trying to force us into a death lottery, trying to suppress vitamin D3, zinc, iodine, and vitamin C, and trying to suppress the damn treatments.
You're the one, Jim Justice, that signed on to the lies, because you're a political whore of the New World Order!
You're not a man of the people!
Here he is.
You know, the red states probably have a lot of people that, you know, are very, very conservative in their thinking, and they think, well, I don't have to do that.
But they're not thinking right.
When it really boils right down to it, they're in a lottery to themselves.
You know, we have a lottery, you know, that basically says, if you're vaccinated, we're going to give you stuff.
Well, you've got another lottery going on, and it's the death lottery.
Talking to us like we're five years old.
Jim Justice.
Oh, now they admit the vaccine doesn't work.
And now you gotta have a lot more, because now there's all these other variants.
And it's all made up.
Fake PCR tests, 94% false positives.
Sending sick people into nursing homes to get the death numbers up.
These people have followed the criminal orders of Bill Gates and the Globalist and the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome and the Davos Group and Klaus Schwab through the corporate America and have committed massive crimes against humanity and we need Nuremberg 2.0 against these dirtbags.
I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
I have not gone through any of the stack yet.
I'll give you the topics I want to cover also, as well as the war on privacy, as the war on women and children accelerates, the tip of the spear being the transgender movement.
Police now saying, hey, If your six-year-old daughter's in a shower and a man runs in and shakes his penis at her, you're bad to call the police.
That's an honor to have that done.
I'm not joking.
We'll be right back.
Remember what CNN said four years ago?
That's now the official policy in LA.
And we are back in the dreaded Infowar.
Pedophiles, control freaks, tyrants, minions.
They love the system.
But most leftists Pretend like they're part of the establishment and imagine they're getting power and control out of pretending to be in the ruling class, but really they're just schmucks that are being exsanguinated, being sucked dry by the system.
But they have Stockholm Syndrome and can't admit that that's what's happened to them.
They can't come to grips with the fact that they've been abused, they've been inducted into a cult.
I have a lot of COVID-19 news.
I want to get to here in this mass human sacrifice ritual that is taking place and I want to open the phones up to get your take on what you witnessed locally with people taking the so-called COVID-19 inoculations and where you think this is all going and also want to raise this issue.
European Union's LGBT colonialism threatens our way of life, says Orbán.
Now since when is sexual preference and what you do with your ding-dong your political movement?
But it's not.
It's globalism.
It's corporatism.
It's an attack on the family.
It's sexualization of children.
It's pedophilia.
It's globalism.
It's corporatism.
Apple and Google get to Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter wants to end the traditional family and wants to, quote, make black men transgender.
You'll know your enemy when they come after your testicles.
They want to get rid of men.
They want to get rid of leadership.
They want to get rid of anybody that could say no to them.
And it is a colonialism.
Globalism is the corporations that have already taken over the third world taking over the first world and even taking over our bedrooms and our lives.
It's transhumanism.
In their own admissions.
Because if you'll accept a naked man in the women's showers at the local gym, propositioning women, saying, I've had sex with a lot of women, and the police are called, they said, how dare you?
At that gym in California, at that spa.
The article's on Infowars.com.
Woman who complained to police about man exposing his genitalia to her six-year-old daughter says they blamed her.
That sounds unbelievable.
Remember what Chris Cuomo did four years ago?
A school complained about a transgender coach who hadn't had his trouser snake removed, his Johnson, and boom, they're in the shower, the girls get freaked out, 11-year-olds, and Cuomo said, hey, your daughter shouldn't get upset by seeing a woman's penis.
That's a quote.
You shouldn't get upset about a woman's penis.
Think about that.
And that's the type of upside-down world they teach us.
He said, you should teach tolerance on girls not wanting to see males in Atelier in the locker room.
Parents should teach tolerance.
Let's continue.
Georgian protesters storm LGBT offices, tear down pride flags, and replace them with national flag.
I know it's in Georgian dialect, but let's roll up some of the audio if you can.
Because again, they put it up above the Georgian flag.
People get this is a conquering.
I was in New York a few weeks ago and saw more LGBT flags and pedo flags than saw anything else.
People just had enough.
They understand it's an attack.
Not even the Soviets went after the basic biology.
But what's in the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism put out last month?
By Biden, it says questioning the election, questioning lockdowns, questioning everything is evil and is bad.
Meanwhile, in Austin, provides rapid permitting for developers who sponsor communism.
They actually say that.
So you say, oh, they're going to give extra money reparations to black people.
It's about who controls the money and giving it to certain groups, taking from certain groups, giving to others to politically buy control of people and to get total control.
That's just some of the news that we've got here, but in case you're doubting me, here's the actual article by Paul Joseph Watson at InfoWars.com.
It links to local news.
Woman who complained to police about a man, that's what he is, exposing his genitalia to her six-year-old daughter, says they blamed her.
Yes, really, the incident occurred at the now notorious We Spa in Los Angeles site of the protest and counter protest on Saturday over another similar incident during which a biological male exposed his genitals to women and little girls in the female area.
They said, he said, do you like my penis?
I've had sex with lots of women.
According to the women, who wishes to remain anonymous, for obvious reasons, the incident happened in January 2020.
And notice, if you did this at a park, you'd get arrested.
But because it's in the bathroom, with the lefts obsessed with poop and pee, and they put little artificial penises in little girls' baby diapers to teach them to say, I want a penis.
I mean, they're just pedophiles, folks.
It all happened to me.
So I had a relapse of these feelings after having forgotten them, she told the Post Millennial.
I knew it was a family spa and I decided to take my daughter.
It's kind of trendy.
Well, of course, it's a 24-hour spa, 90 plus percent Korean, and then a small percentage
of people who aren't Korean.
It's kind of cool to participate in other cultural experiences.
The biological male who had a beard sat down at one end of the hot tub with the two female
companions, immediately making everyone particularly uncomfortable, especially the older Korean
They're in a Korean spa with a bunch of old Korean women in the back room, you know, because the hot tub's in the men's area and it's in the women's area.
It's separate.
The older Korean ladies were whispering to each other, holding their towels over themselves.
I mean, this is sick.
As all the women started whispering to each other, said the mother and the biological male could see all the naked women as well as their six-year-old girl so you got a bunch of women naked in a hot tub having their own bonding family groups and no here's the man with a beard probably a homeless dude although careful not to overplay the race car the women noted that the three protagonists were all white privileged progressive people of course the mother was promoted
And prompted by the six-year-old irate father to make a formal complaint to cops at a police station near the spa in Koreatown.
See, now I know why the left wants to get rid of single-family dwellings, because pretty soon you'll only be safe in your house.
Oops, sorry, Zuckerberg wants these big coffin buildings where you've got a, well, he's on a 10,000-acre Hawaiian ranch.
You're going to be in a 200-square-foot deal with these guys.
She was told the spa is private business and they can do what they want, but one officer I'm having trouble reading it.
I don't know what my problem is.
She was told that the spa is a private business and that they can do what they want, but one officer blamed me for having taken her daughter to the spa.
The woman said, oh, you didn't know that spas are sexual bathhouses now?
She also revealed that WeSpa justified the behavior by saying the individual was pre-op trans person.
Oh, pre-op.
The mother attended the protest outside of WeSpa on Saturday, but
quickly left after seeing that it had been hijacked by violent Antifa thugs
who proceeded to beat up and harass those who showed up to oppose the idea of children being exposed to male genitalia.
So that's Antifa now beating up Asian women because they don't want their six-year-old to see a bearded man's genitals.
And if you call him a man in California, they arrest you.
But you can give somebody HIV or hepatitis knowingly.
You don't get in trouble for that.
They passed a law two years ago.
Now they're trying to pass a law to have sex with children as young as 12.
They are an army of pedophile devil worshippers.
They are anti-free speech.
They are anti-family.
They are anti-God.
They are anti-everything.
They're cutting off our pipelines, dissolving our borders, bankrupting our currency, starting wars, arming our enemies, and attacking our privacy.
And beating up Asians in the street who go to a protest because they want to be able to go to a gym and have the hot tub in the women's area.
I've been in many gyms that have, especially the big ones, have a hot tub and a steam room in the men's area.
They have one in the women's area.
And can you just imagine that you're in there and boom, there is a pervert dude in there.
And I got to where I stopped using the GMOs back when I was in really good shape because, you know, on a routine basis, there'd be some dude just begging to have sex with you in the hot tub.
I'm like, come on, dude, I'm not into that, leave me alone.
Well, imagine these poor women have to get solicited by a guy with a trouser snake with them in the hot tub.
All right, if you just joined us, I'm going to give the number out in a moment.
We're going to have the phones up next hour.
We're here live on the Alex Jones Show discussing why are all the big corporations, why is all the media, why are the universities bullying everyone and threatening Miss America if they don't nominate a man that says they're a woman and the Olympics, they're saying, is going to be all men competing as women and no women will win any of the sports except maybe target shooting, as women are as good or better if trained right with guns.
I mean, women are going to lose everywhere.
And that's men invading a sport.
You know, Lance Armstrong took testosterone.
They say he took too much of it, took some other things, because he lost one testicle from cancer.
And he was defrocked and lost all of his Tour de France titles and the rest of them.
Lost his big mansion, everything else.
And they say he's the villain of all villains.
But it's okay.
To have men go into the private women's area of a spa, in their bathrooms, and get naked with a beard, with their penis, in the hot tub, in front of a six-year-old girl.
And the police say that's fine.
That's like saying a motorcycle rider identifies as a cyclist and is going to go introduce themselves into the cycling community.
And look at the, they've done all the spoofs of like, oh, motorcyclist identifies as a cyclist, wins world championship.
Hell, give them a, you know, 300 horsepower motorcycle that goes 300 miles an hour and they'll finish the Tour de France days before everybody else.
And they identify as a cyclist.
Hell, how about a passenger jet identifies as a car?
How about a passenger jet identifies as a car?
Or a fighter jet?
It's doing, you know, Mach 1.5, Mach 2, and it can just fly over the drag racing place in Daytona, and the drag racer's going 300 miles an hour, And the jet's going 1,500 miles an hour.
As long as the jet identifies as a drag racer, it can win.
How about a helicopter that goes 250 miles an hour?
How about introduces itself And says it's a jogger, it's a runner, and then the helicopter wins.
And of course, all that's asinine, but that's what this is supposed to do, is to get you to accept anything, so you'll accept gene therapies, and transhumanism, and experimental injections, and all the death that comes with it.
What does the new Logitech computer ad say?
Defy logic!
Get rid of logic!
Don't listen to logic!
Suspend your own logic!
Let us rip you off, let us hurt you, let us kill you, let us scam you, let us sterilize you.
That's all any of this is, so here it is.
Clip two, we're gonna play it.
First transgender Olympian qualifies for Tokyo.
That's like giving warmongers, Henry Kissinger, a Nobel Peace Prize, or giving one to Obama.
You make it a joke.
First transgender Olympian qualifies for Tokyo.
New Zealand weightlifter.
Laurel Hubbard, as a big man, is set to become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympic Games after he, they say she, was selected for the national team.
She, which is a he, will compete in the woman's 87 kilogram category according to a statement released to the New Zealand Olympic Committee that will announce the four other members of the weightlifting team.
Totally different bones, totally different muscles, with testosterone!
So if any of the women Get caught using testosterone, they get kicked out.
But because this person says they're a woman, has testicles, they get to do it.
And the Olympic Committee agrees.
Here's the news clip.
That's been made as well, as weightlifter Laurel Hubbard has become the first transgender athlete to qualify for an Olympic Games.
Transgender athletes have been allowed to compete at the Games since 2015, but up to this point, nobody has qualified.
Hubbard competed in men's weightlifting competitions before transitioning in 2013, and she's set to compete in the super heavyweight 87kg category as the oldest athlete in the competition at the age of 43.
By the way, you can even see the bulge in his pants.
Chelsea Wolfe will travel to Tokyo as part of the United States team, but has been named
as an alternate, so she's not assured of competing.
By the way, you can even see the bulge in his pants.
So it's a big, ugly fat dude who's a bully and a thug, and the globalists of the Daniels
group are laughing that it's a sick joke to teach his depopulation that, "Oh, he says
he's a woman.
Now let him go cheat the women."
What a sick, freakish joke.
Absolutely disgusting.
Yeah, now there's people that are identifying that are white as Asian.
And whites are identifying as black.
It's all mental illness.
And the globalists are promoting it.
Let's talk about Garrett Foster.
We just showed footage earlier for TV viewers, radio listeners, of course at cnn4wars.com of the Wii Spa in L.A.
where Antifa came when the Koreans protested that naked men were coming in the baths and showers and hot tubs in the women's areas and basically propositioning.
The reports are saying, hey, you know, I've had sex with lots of women.
Just like the men that come in and say, give me a pap smear.
Well, sir, you don't have a uterus.
You don't have a cervix.
It's all, go along with my mental illness!
Go along with my craziness!
I'm gonna bully you!
And the prison system wants to sterilize all these men.
This is all a leftist plan to, quote, lower crime, in their own words.
But they're the ones saying, get rid of police that make crime explode!
It's out of control health departments.
This is over 100 years old.
People say, man, why don't folks fight back?
Because the district attorney in Austin, who's an admitted Soros Marxist, Just indicted the highly decorated Army Sergeant who saw Garrett Foster walk up to him last year and point his gun at him.
He thought it was the police.
He put his hands up.
Then they started banging on the window with a gun aimed at him.
He's got military training.
He shoots him and kills him.
Well, the last District Attorney didn't indict him.
This one did.
But here's Garrett Foster, 10 minutes before he got shot and killed, obviously hired in a kite.
He's got a girlfriend that has no legs.
We got footage of her a few months ago.
They were attacking a crowd.
The police came over when she blocked a road.
She throws herself out of the wheelchair and says they attacked her.
So here he is saying, I'm here to intimidate people.
They ain't going to do nothing.
And then you see what happens.
And the guy that defended himself with a man pointing a gun at him now is facing life in prison here in Austin, Texas.
Here's the clip.
Oh, it's AK-47.
Why'd you got it out tonight?
They don't let us march in the streets anymore, so we gotta practice some of our rights.
Do you feel like you'll need to use it?
I think the, uh... I mean, if I use it against the cops, I'm dead.
And... I think all the people that hate us and, you know, want to say shit to us are too big of a pussies to stop and actually do anything about it, so... Why'd you start carrying?
Well, our roommate got arrested and they stopped letting us march anywhere, so... I started carrying.
Alright, that's enough.
That's enough.
And so they went and blocked a road and he pointed a gun at somebody.
He effed around and found out, didn't he?
I mean, the guy is just doing it for attention.
He was LARPing.
You know, go join those medieval groups that beat each other with plastic swords and stuff.
Or go get golden gloves.
Go get in boxing, bro.
Don't go out with guns pointing them at people.
That gets you six feet under, sonny.
We're gonna go to break just briefly.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, opening the phones up for first-time callers today on any subject you want to talk about, but the whole transgender invasion, the vaccines killing so many people, the attempts to make it forced in the military.
How do we fight back against this?
What are your pro-vaccine stories, your anti-vaccine stories?
You agree, you disagree.
Open phones.
All we ask is a clean phone line.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
Your call's coming up next segment, but a very important report dealing with the New World Order's endgame, the final moves of the New World Order.
One communist on the faculty of one university is one communist too many.
Even if there are only one communist in the State Department, there could still be one communist too many.
Dr. Henry Kissinger sits in on the talks that are animated, constructive, and frank.
At the summit, face-to-face, two leaders who direct the destiny of one out of three persons on the earth.
The gate to friendly contact, says Joe and Lai, has finally been opened.
Former CIA Director John Brennan also revealing he was once a communist sympathizer during the Cold War, for crying out loud.
Are you kidding me?
I saw an article in 2003 where Comey was bragging that, yeah, I was a communist until I became whatever I am now.
I'd never heard that.
Comey the communist.
How about it?
Who knew that?
That is amazing.
Folks, We've got communists and globalists breathing down the neck of the United States.
China threatened war against us in a huge speech today.
Weapons technology has developed in such a manner, not only with the destructiveness of weapons,
but with the artificial intelligence to unleash the full capabilities of either side on the
Let's set it some basis for some cooperative action.
The world will slide into a catastrophe comparable to World War I with the technology That is even more difficult to control.
The analogy of the flame of liberty, you know, the people, half the people going to it, or I don't know, whatever the numbers are, the communists going towards the light of liberty, the torch.
They're going to extinguish it.
They want to put it out.
We're about to be under total communist takeover, re-education.
That's their plan.
They don't want to just take the U.S.
They want to butcher it, chop it in pieces for maybe 80, 90 years, like the Russians.
I mean, they want to break our spirit.
Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective.
A new world order can emerge.
A new world order.
A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney has approved a revised draft of a policy document on the new world order.
This would be the time because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order.
You know, I don't like to think in terms of opportunities at this point.
I would put it, at least in my area, more in terms of the biggest challenge that we face.
And we are in the midst of one of the historic global transformations that is going to eventually lead to a new world order.
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order.
This information, this intelligence is tough to swallow because they haven't really seen it play out like we have at InfoWars for the last decade.
The juxtaposition of this with, say, Hunter Biden is extraordinary.
Hunter Biden still has a $200 million stake.
We need to really understand this could be the last July 4th ever in this country.
In fact, you could say last year was.
We really are a conquered nation.
If we're not honest with ourselves about how much trouble we're in, we have no hope.
So I'm just asking listeners to realize that this is the moment of truth.
Do people realize this is a globalist takeover at every level and reject it?
Jin and Psaki do not mix.
That's a pun.
Who has the name of liquor or alcohol in both first and last names?
It'd be like if your name was Willie Johnson or something.
It's kind of cute, it's kind of funny in that case, but I mean with her, Jen Psaki!
And I think her parents were engaged in a joke, but she doesn't look too, she doesn't look too happy about that in the world she lives in.
She's got a tough job gaslighting the American people, the people of the world.
So I was just about to come to this segment and open the phones up and go to your calls and talk about communism and how the globalist big megabanks are using communism As their operating system.
And that's really how it's always been.
I remember like 15 years ago, the head of the Communist Party in China, right before he stepped down and Xi Jinping took over, said, China is the ultimate example of capitalism and communism merging.
And that our communist experiment is the ultimate form of capitalism.
People said, that doesn't make sense.
But then, remember Obama, before he left office, Five years ago, did a big tour in Latin America, in Chile, and a bunch of places.
He gave the same speech to graduate students, one of the law school.
You ought to pull this up because he said it in English.
We played it many times years ago.
He said, Oh, listen, we need a communist country like China that works with multinational corporations that are capitalist.
And that's the system we're building where one country's communist and then one country's capitalist.
And then they work together, which means you're slaves in one country.
We exploit you out over here.
Now, when he went to Africa the same year, he didn't give him that speech.
He said, you can't have cars or air conditioning or the Earth's gonna burn up, even though they've got totally clean cars and air conditioning now, and it's been proven the Earth was starved for carbon until the Industrial Revolution, and then the temperature did go up a few degrees, a new ice age was due, and now it's already Trending towards flattening out now, but it doesn't matter.
Carbon dioxide to trace gas like oxygen, they're both very, very low and have been much higher in the planet's history.
That's why plants and animals used to be bigger, because there was more oxygen, more carbon dioxide.
By the way, that's mainline science.
They don't want you to know that.
And so just while I was about to come on and play, one of the health minister spokespersons in the UK, who's an avowed communist, when Comey's a communist, he admits, do you know he's in the Communist Party?
James Comey.
Brennan, member of the Communist Party.
Because you didn't get into government in the 60s and 70s and things if you weren't a communist by that point.
I know a lot of people, folks, who had family that had done a good job at the State Department and other areas, but because they were conservative, by the time they were in the 80s and 90s and they tried to get jobs, even though they had straight A's, didn't matter if it was from Yale, Harvard, Vanderbilt, where it was, they couldn't get a job because, well, you come from conservatives.
We're done with you.
The folks that actually built the country.
We want John Brennan.
We want James Comey.
We want people that say they're communist.
John Bowne did an excellent report on it.
We just aired.
Some stations just joined us.
Everybody should go check it out.
It's at Bandock Video.
In fact, I'm going to ask that it's posted in the live show feed today.
We always have a headline for the show every day.
And we can put that headline up.
I want to read that to folks here in a moment.
But the final moves of the New World Order.
John Bowne.
Four minute report.
164,000 views, and it absolutely needs to get out.
The final moves of the New World Order.
And again, if you go to the front page of InfoWars.com, and you see today's live show feed, I'm gonna have it added into that.
Every day we give the live show a particular name of the broadcast.
And again, it's very easy.
I'll just go there myself, and I'll pull it up for you.
Tuesday live, Tucker Carlson is not the new Alex Jones.
The world is simply waking up and seeing the same thing as Jones.
There's been a huge battle on Twitter, Instagram, everywhere, where people are defending me, people are attacking me, and we just keep winning the debates because what we actually say is one thing versus what the corporate media says we're saying.
But, let me get back to where I was, I'm digressing.
I was about to play this British health minister, When they ask, well do you like permanent lockdowns and permanent masks because you're an authoritarian communist?
She says, how dare you question the science!
I am a scientist!
My party affiliation means nothing!
When that's a sick joke!
The whole EU got made up with former communist bureaucrats.
This is a communist authoritarian takeover by megabanks that are tax exempt.
Remember what Charlie Munger?
Business partners with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett?
Bill Gates' personal lawyer?
Another eugenicist said, he said, I love Communist China!
I want to be like them!
Justin Trudeau, I love Communist China!
I want to be a dictator like Xi Jinping!
These are real quotes!
Oh, you want me to play him again?
In fact, we'll take some calls next segment.
But at the bottom of the hour, I'll play Charlie Munger for you again, and then I'll play Trudeau for you, because we're not making any of this up.
You know, that's the difference.
When Brian Stelter calls me a white supremacist, he doesn't show where I say whites should be supreme over everybody.
He doesn't have it.
But when I tell you that Fiona Hill writes articles about how we need world government, I show you where she wrote it.
See how that works?
You read a mainstream news article, where are the links showing what I said?
They don't show them.
Because it's not true.
Here is the latest.
Saki, as I told you, says the contact tracers are coming to your house to make sure you've had your inoculations in the future.
Oh, you had a sniffle.
Oh, you look sick.
We're taking you to a facility.
Already have them in Australia, have them in Europe, have them in the UK, have them in Canada.
It's the same UN-run program.
And the end goal, the UN says, is coming in your house and taking you out of it.
And it's run by the Clinton Global Initiative who's gotten billions of dollars to run it.
So it's private corporate groups paid for to come harass you to take their poison shot.
Here it is.
healthcare settings and respond to hot spots. The president will outline five areas his team is
focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One, targeted community by community door-to-door
outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need
on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is. Two, a renewed emphasis on getting the vaccines
to more primary care doctors and physicians, something that we've seen. There you go.
So they're just rolling out, the feds are coming to check on your health, but it's all about being able to arrest whoever they want with a fake PCR test, if even that.
Or if you're even in contact with someone they think had a variant, which is a cold virus.
It's the perfect way to make us all suspects, all criminals.
Here's Susan Michie expressing outrage when asked if her 40-year membership in the Communist Party might inform her policies towards authoritarianism.
She's an advisor to the government and a communist who wants a permanent lockdown, permanent mask.
Here she is.
We shouldn't lift restrictions at all on the 19th, and we should carry on exactly as we are.
Am I right?
Is that what you're suggesting?
Well, lifting restrictions will increase transmission.
And with all the problems that I've just talked about, it doesn't seem to me the best time to do that.
If you remember a few weeks ago, we actually postponed lifting restrictions because the situation was so serious.
The situation's even more serious now than it was then.
Listen, there's a point I really have to put to you, and you'll be aware of this, because there's been a lot of commentary about this in the British media about you.
And it's to do with your politics.
And you know what I'm going to ask you.
You've been a member of the Communist Party for about 40 years now.
You're still a member.
And we know that communism is basically status.
We look at communist countries around the world and we see that they are I've come on your programme as a scientist.
As do all people who come on to your programme as scientists.
question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics.
If your politics actually informs your sense of control, it's not just the
medical argument, but you have a kind of a political bent to want the state to
tell people what to do. I've come on your program as a scientist, as do all people
who come on to your program as scientists. They come on to talk about
the evidence, relevant theories, how we approach our scientific disciplines, and
And you don't ask other scientists about policy.
That's enough.
It goes on.
It's on InfoWars.com.
She's totally political.
It's all lies.
The numbers are all lies.
They want total control.
They work for the big megabanks to shut down all their competition and make you non-essential and teach you to live under permanent martial law.
She's a dirty freaking commie.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here, broadcasting worldwide.
Paul Joseph Watson from London, England, where the left and the communists are trying to keep the lockdown permanently in place to collapse society so they can, quote, remake it in their own authoritarian image.
I'll be hosting the fourth hour ahead of the War Room, Owen Schroyer, 3 to 6 p.m.
Don't forget, Aaronson Smith, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
with American Journal.
A lot of great guests, a lot of great callers, and Harrison does an excellent job as well hosting, 8 a.m.
Find it all at freeworldnews.tv.
Freeworldnews.tv leads you to band.video, but band.video has been banned off Twitter and Facebook.
Share the link, so you need to share freeworldnews.tv.
When they ban that URL, we'll simply create a new URL that redirects to all the same articles and videos that are at band.video or freeworldnews.tv.
I want to go to Mark and Michael and Paul and Anonymous and Shelby and Thomas and Tony and Kristen.
In fact, we're going to go to Shelby and Michael first here in just a moment because that's the next subject I was going back into.
Charlie Munger, Bill Gates' personal lawyer, another eugenicist, another parasite.
He came out and said, Communist China arresting Jack Ma for trying to run his own company?
And you do things like that?
He was a swearer!
Meaning he was having sex financially with multiple financial institutions.
He wasn't working with the monopoly, with the insiders.
And so he's been disappeared they admit to a work camp.
We got some 90-something year old man up here who's the kingpin of the Globalist by the way.
He runs the whole show and He's sitting there, just, yo, missy, that's it, they said, sonny boy, that's it, you're going to a labor camp.
But here's Justin Trudeau, whose father was involved with Munger and Buffett, and David Rockefeller opening China up to exploit their people as slaves.
And all the big tech loving the Uyghur slaves, and the Christian slaves, and the Buddhist slaves, and the death camps, the organ harvesting, while they lecture us about how we're bad because we're white.
It's all Munger and them funding the whole thing.
But here first is Justin Trudeau, in case you think I made it up earlier, saying the Prime Minister of Canada, he likes dictatorship.
He admires dictatorship.
And Charlie Munger says the same thing.
Here it is.
Of admiration I actually have for China.
Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green as fast as we need to start, you know, investing in solar.
I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wants.
That I find quite interesting.
Oh, you just do whatever you want.
Oh, arrest whoever you want.
Lock up whoever you want.
Oh, like you've done with the virus, training us to all live under a communist system.
And so here's Charlie Munger one more time.
He said this last week, last Friday, just, oh, I wish we had what they could do in their economy where they just arrest people for not being in a monopoly.
Here it is.
He said, Communist China is doing all the things that we should be doing right now, and I can't help but think of what they've done to Jack Ma.
That amuses me, you know.
What about what they've done to Jack Ma?
He's kind of disappeared as... Well, yes, but Jack Ma's one of the swingers.
So they just cut his... They said, the hell with you!
He basically gave a speech when he said to a one-party state, well you guys are a bunch of jerks, don't know what you're doing, and I know what I'm doing and I'm going to do it better.
And he was going to wade into banking and no rules and just do whatever he pleased.
He also brought banking to a lot of unbanked people.
The Chinese communists did the right thing.
They just called in Jack Ma and said, you aren't going to do it, sonny.
And I wish we had a... I don't want all of the Chinese system, but I certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country.
Although Ant Financial was bringing banking to a huge unbanked population.
Yeah, he was going to actually let poor people have access to banking and not a social credit score where old men like that can just turn you off and don't like what you say.
Oh, Jack Ma, we sent him to a forced labor camp.
Hey, sonny!
I'm worth tens of billions of dollars.
I work with China.
I ain't gonna do that walk.
I'm Bill Gates' lawyer.
Meanwhile, what do the big corporations do?
Teach us to hate ourselves.
Infowars.com, Independence Day.
Marvel Comics makes Captain America say America's dream is a lie.
Captain America said America's actually bad, it's a lie, and it's racist, and he's the new black Captain America.
I'm loyal to nothing, says Captain America.
White picket fences.
Ooh, families.
Doesn't get along nicely with reality.
Other cultures.
The poor.
Oh, wealth.
The middle class.
It's all bad.
Captain America says so.
See how it works?
Let's go to Michael in California, then Shelby on the same subject.
Charlie Munger, what do you think of that?
Hey Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Yes sir.
So Charlie Munger, I was told, allegedly, I can't confirm this, but apparently he used his money to buy the current GOP chair in the state of California.
Her name is Jessica Milan-Patterson.
This is the first year the convention was held virtually in the state of California, as far as I understand, because of COVID.
So Jessica was re-elected as GOP chair in the state, conveniently, because it was a virtual convention.
Oh, of course.
I mean, Charlie Munger admits he wants to be, he wants a dictatorship.
He admits he's a bad guy.
So I just need all Californians and all conservatives throughout the country to understand that we probably have the biggest GOP in the country, in the state of California.
And our chair is bought and paid for by Charlie Munger, allegedly.
And she just immediately shut down any kind of dissent.
It's funny you say that.
Munger said in the rest of the interview, America's bad.
We should never reopen.
China did such a great job.
I mean, because he's invested in China.
Yeah, his job is bring America down.
So I just want to thank InfoWars.
Your show is the reason why I got involved in politics.
And I just want to encourage anyone else out there, if you want to make a difference, Contact your local GOP chair, get involved locally, and that's how we can actually make a difference.
The current GOP, they're sending out, in the state of California, they're sending out letters in support of Kevin Faulconer for governor, and we need to not put our support behind this guy.
Well, that's why we're losing the country is grassroots folks are not taking over the machinery of the Republican Party and the Communist are instead.
Great points.
All right, let's talk to Shelby and Iowa on the same subject.
Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
So I was a supervisor for Berkshire Hathaway Home Estate Company up until about a couple weeks ago.
And back in March, I went to our HR saying, you know, I don't agree with a lot of things that are going on behind closed doors.
And I'm fairly certain that my management is reading my text messages on my personal phone.
And nothing really came of it.
And then, um, about a week later, they gave me a first and final warning over an email that was sent in 2018.
And, um, so then I just laid low for a while, you know, and minded my P's and Q's.
About three months later, the beginning of June, they came out with a mandatory compliance training video.
And in this video, they had Berkshire Hathaway lawyers on there saying it was perfectly legal for them to Well, hold on, I want to hear about this.
Yeah, I mean, well, Berkshire Hathaway, you just heard one of their red guys endorse communism, so yeah, of course.
I mean, these are flaming authoritarian criminals.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
There's some pretty amazing footage at Infowars.com that all of you should go check out and share.
There's so many of these videos around the country.
Of black people looting targets, looting shoe stores, looting Neiman Marcus, because they need to.
These are evil white corporations, even though they're not white.
Out of all the ethnic groups in the U.S., per capita average income, the first nine slots are filled by Asians.
Now, they're a bunch of old white billionaires, absolutely, but white people on average are not even in the top nine groups in this country.
It's not bad to be wealthy.
It's good to have middle class.
It's good to have well-to-do people.
They buy things.
They have employees.
They build things.
That's all the studies show.
That's a good thing.
But despite vehement support for Black Lives Matter, Neiman Marcus looted in San Francisco.
Isn't that just sweet?
And it's pretty powerful footage.
We're going to be showing that.
But going back to Shelby in Iowa.
So you work for Berkshire Hathaway and You knew they were reading your text messages on your private phone.
Were they hacking your phone?
Were they scanning your phone?
And then you got noticed that they were telling you they could do that, huh?
Yeah, see, when we started working from home, they set us up to use the VPN network.
And in order to connect, they told us the only way to do that was to have this app on your phone.
And I knew better, but I went along with it and we did it.
So every day when you log into work, your phone would be connected to their network all day.
And I started testing it out, right?
So I would text my boyfriend and then my boss would call me and I'm like, okay.
So I just started, you know, testing it out for a while.
And then this mandatory compliance training video comes out and I decided to record it.
And they make it sound like it's only in case of Um, what we do is work comp insurance, actually.
He owns six work comp insurance companies, and that ties in to play here.
Um, so, they made it to believe that this was only in case of if a claim went to court, right?
And they needed to subpoena documents or whatever.
Well, I'm, the gears in my head are just turning, right?
I'm like, oh, this lines up with everything I've been thinking this whole time.
And so I record the video, and after it's done, I text message that video to all my friends and family.
I'm like, how can this be legal?
But it's their lawyers on this video saying that it's legal.
And so then I decided, well, I'm going to send it to Project Veritas.
So I did.
I emailed it to Project Veritas.
And within a week, they came up and said, Shelby, we're firing you for violation of business communication.
And I said, well, what specifically did I do wrong?
Well, we don't have to tell you that.
Nebraska is a no-fault state.
We don't have to tell you exactly what happened.
Oh, and they're the good company that's been caught laundering drug money by the billions and caught getting the biggest banker bailout in 2008.
It's all about how they're so moral and they're so good and they're not.
Now, Charlie Munger, heavily involved with an executive company, says he loves China's dictatorship.
I mean, screw these people!
These creepy old men!
I mean, and then when I saw that, I was like, wow, another puzzle piece falling right into place.
So, uh, do you still have the video?
Because that's, see, that's what I said.
All this lockdown was about making the courts go online.
It was about making the businesses go online to chop us off, to separate us, to shut down the economy, to shut down the economies that live off of people traveling around and doing things, to consolidate power for the globalists as a test for their next big attack, but also so AI could spy on every business and everything we're doing to learn how to control us.
So this has all been a big test on how to completely bring us down during the next big bio attack they're going to release.
It's going to be far worse, in their own words.
So this is this AI globalist system sizing us up, ladies and gentlemen.
And people, next time they pull the viral release, if you submit, they're never going to take the restrictions off.
It's meant to cause mass starvation and death.
They've been preparing this for a long time, and God help us.
They even say they're dictators.
They say they want to be dictators.
They say they want to arrest you if you challenge their business.
These are divorced from God, divorced from America, totally decadent, corrupt people.
And he stands to profit from this because when Mueller, their insurance was covering all the vaccine side effects and stuff, They're all gonna go after their work comp because their employers forced them to get the vaccine.
And so, our work comp industry is just gonna boom and skyrocket and then they'll raise premiums to cover that cost.
Well ma'am, uh, Veritas ever did anything with it?
I never heard back or anything, no.
Well, they get flooded with stuff.
Listen, I want to see this.
This is very newsworthy that they're saying, we're going to spy on your private phones when we make you use a VPN.
And of course, that's not.
Unless in terms and services, they told you we're spying on you and then you agreed to it.
It's still very unethical.
The fact that they didn't tell you and told you after the fact is fraud.
And so I'm going to get your name and number.
I'd like to get you in touch with guys.
Get her name and number.
Give it to Rob.
Do have him call her right now.
I want the video.
I want to air it.
That's extremely newsworthy.
God bless you.
Shelby, please don't hang up.
And there you go.
It's how it all works, you see.
Oh, by the way, we're spying on you.
It's totally legal.
We're big lawyers.
If you don't like it, you're fired.
And by the way, you gotta take this shot.
It's experimental.
By the way, I love Xi Jinping.
How he just arrests people and sends them to death camps.
I'm Charlie Munger.
I'm 90-something years old and I'm gonna tell you how it works, sonny, when we launder all that drug money.
Alright, thank you so much, Shelby.
Alright, let's go up next here.
Let's talk to Mark in Texas.
Mark, you're on the air.
Mr. Jones.
Yes, sir.
So, was it just me or did you guys think that Oliver Darcy Looked a little satanic in that video.
I mean, the dude never blinked for like over a minute.
Whole time he's talking about you.
He looked, they just seethed with hatred at people that are popular and love freedom.
I mean, can you imagine being Oliver Darcy or Brian Stelter?
I mean, these are caricatures of like, of like, like, like, like servants of a vampire in a movie or something.
Like little groveling minions.
I agree.
Okay, so check this out.
2 Thessalonians verse 2.
says, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all
sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie and all the ways that
wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and
so be saved." And it's the best part, it's the best part. - Beautiful. - For this reason, God sends them
a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all who will be condemned
who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
I think that's setting us up for, you know, great tribulations.
That was my late uncle's favorite Bible verse because it's about sending a great delusion.
It's even more powerful than the King James Version.
I interrupted you.
Read that Bible verse again for folks.
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works.
He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,
and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
and so that all will be condemned to have not believed the truth but have delighted
in wickedness.
And when it says, gave them a great delusion, or turned them over to great delusion, depending on the quote going back from some of the more ancient texts I've read, but yes, removes God's discernment is what really happens.
And so once you don't have God in you, you can be turned over completely to a giant lie.
Thank you so much, Mark.
Okay, I'm going to get to everybody before Paul Watson takes over.
So Anonymous, Thomas, Nathan, Tony, Christian, Paul, I'm going to get to every one of you when we come back.
Please don't forget, we won't be on air without you supporting us.
I really need your support.
I want to expand, not just stay the same size.
We're going to contract if you don't support us.
So get some t-shirts, get some books, get some films, get some supplements.
We've got free shipping, double Patreon points, extended to next Saturday, part of the 4th of July special at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back folks, Alex Jones here live.
And I wish I would have read the little tags the callers tell us.
I would have gone with this caller earlier here on the Alex Jones Show.
Anonymous NPA caller is transgender on the topic of trans people.
So I'm glad you called in about that.
Look, I don't hate anybody for what color they are or what they want to be or any of that.
I don't like The takeover of bathrooms, the coming in and saying biological men are going to compete against women, it flies in the face of reality.
And again, they want to use people that want to be something else or feel like they're something else.
As the new frontier of freedom, all our other basic freedoms of privacy and everything else are taken away and 5G frying us and everything.
And they want to just set the precedent where it will accept.
A biological man who wants to be a woman, competing in women's sports, we will accept transhumanism, the cyborgs, and that whole system.
And it's the very group pushing that that's doing it.
And I don't want mentally retarded children targeted and said, you know, you're really a girl, we're going to give you attention now, and tell them they're a girl because they're autistic, and then they go and demand to have their genitals cut off.
So that's my view, I've already said my statement there.
Anonymous, go ahead, what's your view on this?
Yes, hello, can you hear me?
I can, welcome, go ahead.
Great, great.
Thank you so much for having me on.
I take DNA Force.
I've been taking it for the last two weeks.
It's awesome.
I'm feeling so much better with my neck and my back.
I've had a lot of chronic pain.
I just wanted to say that off the top.
Well, I appreciate your support, and I appreciate you calling in.
Yes, thank you so much.
I know we don't have a lot of time.
I just want to hit just one major thing about the trans community.
We have, unfortunately, Sex offenders and pedophiles that try to use that small window of freedom that a lot of us trans women and trans men are given to pick up our choice that we can take in the United States of America to change our gender marker, change our name, and live our lives as whatever gender we wish and are not, you know, intending to harm people or indoctrinate children or anything like that.
We want to live our lives being whoever we want, you know.
espouse whatever political views we want.
That's the freedom we have in this country, which I love.
And there are people that need to be taken to justice, like that Wii Spa issue, that's horrible.
That person should be in jail and whatever else.
And I just wanted to mention the Olympic situation.
That person did have sexual reassignment surgery in 2012.
Obviously that doesn't matter.
It's just the genetic differences between someone who's had testosterone
for the first 30 some odd years of their life and then they transition.
You can't compare.
It's not fair.
People are saying follow science for COVID and things like that.
They're obviously not following science.
Well, see, it sounds like you're not a woman hater.
And what I'm saying is there's certain groups in the whole Hollywood camp that just hate everything and want to overturn things.
And so I'm not judging people that feel a certain way or have proclivities a certain way.
And we know with the chemicals in utero now, male fetuses are more female.
And so it is becoming a real truth.
And there's always been people that have those, you know, those inclinations.
I don't hate them.
My issue is, we have a small lake in East Texas that has carp that they put a few drops of a chemical in when they were eggs, and they're all sterile.
And, you know, Japan is putting out fish that are all female, and they use a chemical, they feed them out of soybean to make the males female, because females are bigger.
And I'm just saying what they're doing to us is to make us more, males more feminine so that we don't reproduce.
It's not any attack on you that maybe you already have these proclivities or your genetic line or whatever it is, but the argument that people used to say, oh, it's natural to be gay or it's natural to be, well, actually it is because the chemicals in the process are doing it.
Penises are getting smaller, sperm counts are imploding, and in utero, especially in the first six weeks, A few chemicals that we know are in the food alone turn these into more sexless children, really, who aren't male or aren't female and are becoming more androgynous.
So I don't judge anybody.
I mean, you go out and look at the average male.
They don't look like what men used to look like.
And I mean I'm pretty masculine and compared to say my dad's dad I mean I'm not as masculine as he was or even my mom's dad then the people were extremely masculine and that scared the system they were scared of men like that and so they put chemicals in the food and water to do what they've done now and so that that's my view what's your view?
I totally agree with everything that you just said I watch you all the time and in all likelihood just someone like me most likely had You know, steroids that I took, you know, for an illness when I was younger, or it was vaccinations, or it was, you know, something in the water, something in utero, could it could have been anything that could have, you know, changed my, my, my prolectivity to go towards
Well, let's expand on that.
You know, my dad is short.
He doesn't care.
It's fine with him, because he was playing football in junior high, hurt his knees, and they just gave him steroids to get over it back then, and that stunted his growth.
You know, so his dad was like 6'3", and he's like 5'8", or whatever.
But I mean, that's just an example of what chemicals do in children.
And so we don't hate anybody with this process, but also they don't want us discussing this when they know full well what they've done.
You know, I'd like to interview you sometime as a whole guest anonymous, so if you want to give us your name and number, we won't give it out, or you can be anonymous.
Her number, and we'll try to get you on sometime.
And again, I'm not pooh-poohing the fact that you want to be a woman, you have the proclivity, and you lean that direction, and chemically, it'll probably change your brain makeup and everything.
I get it.
I don't like the fact they try to make me say some six-foot-four convict is a woman when he's clearly not.
That's what I'm getting.
Like you said, the pedophiles, the criminals, the ex-cons using this bill to act like monsters.
Really great point.
Glad you called.
If you want to pop in as a guest sometime, might be good to have a larger discussion about that.
Okay, let's talk to Thomas speaking of the Human Replacement Plan, Microsoft the digital twin.
Tell us about that.
Hello there Alex.
You often talk about the globalist agenda for depopulation and many people wonder Where is the economy going to be if there's a greatly reduced number of people and clearly some of the people that have these schemes afoot are more concerned about going to a carbon neutral negative carbon sequestration type system and having found that locking down the world's economy only reduced carbon output.
Yeah, they've set up a benchmark that lets them totally take over the planet and dominate and control everyone, where they announced that carbon, which were carbon-based life forms, is evil.
It is a asinine equation designed to be the total exclude use for a overwrite of the entire system of the planet, not just humans.
Sorry, go ahead.
I quite agree.
But the point is, if shutting down the entire world's economy for a year only gives you 15%, you've got to say, what's next?
And they've had the scheme, what's next, afoot for quite some time.
It started in 2009 with NASA trying to model the performance of spacecraft, and then went into building management.
And it's a concept called digital twins.
And it's basically, you cover a physical object completely with sensors, and then use artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine how that physical object performs in every single circumstance.
So in cold weather, in high humidity, in high winds, in high temperatures, etc, etc.
But they have a new concept, which is not Just some theory.
It's actually been espoused by Thierry Britton, the EU Commissioner for Digital Services, and also by Christel van der Elst.
Who is currently the Director General of Policy Horizons in Canada, who wrote papers last year and this year on the very subject.
She was the Senior Strategic Policy Director and on the World Economic Forum Executive Committee, and personally I think she actually ghost wrote Charles Schwab's last couple of books.
If you look at some of her papers... I know who she is.
She's definitely the big big workhorse up there.
Put forward this idea that it's possible to create human digital twins that will in of themselves become valuable tradable assets.
Now if you look at how they create digital twins... Hold on, don't hang up, Paul Watson's coming up, but I gotta hold you over, because what you're hitting is their entire future.
They're gonna say carbon is bad, you've gotta upload to this twin, and then your body's gonna die.
And then the con is, oh that's a transhuman to digital...
And so, oh, we've got to get rid of your body.
Not just live in a tank so there's no violence.
The Matrix plan was a Pentagon plan from 77, but an actual in-your-body upload to a machine, which is childhood's end plan.
It's always the same plan.
We'll come right back to you.
Stay with us.
Man, I would have loved to have gotten all these calls.
We still got Tony and Kristen and Paul and a bunch of others.
We're talking to Thomas.
The calls are all so good today.
They're always excellent.
Man, these are smart people calling in today.
Thomas in Florida, I'm aware of what you're getting into.
I'm aware of their plan.
They want to be able to have people that link themselves up with all these chips and trackers, and then Microsoft and others will pay you.
to basically go around in that for a year, then they create a digital identity,
and then now the next thing is they're gonna claim these things have rights.
And that just like, oh, a man can be a woman, well now, now this computer can have rights.
And the ultimate end game is, you upload yourself to a machine,
it's mimicked you for years, it knows everything about you,
it can fool people, but it's not you, but it's death penalty if you say it's a fraud.
That's gonna be the ultimate sin.
So it's the seduction and the fraud of eternal life, but it's not, it is the biggest fraud ever.
And what you're hearing within 10 years will be the number one thing in the world,
it's all anyone will be talking about, you party and all that and you know you'll be a hero when
you give up your body you'll be euthanized but it's not euthanasia because
you're going on to the new digital digital factotum or legate. Please continue.
So that's all exactly correct Alex and for some people this may sound
like science fiction but if you think even hundreds of years ago it was
revolutionary when it was decided that a company could be treated as a legal person.
And you'll remember when Mitt Romney ran for president, he confirmed, yes, of course, companies are people.
Then the next development was intellectual property.
And so if you have intellectual property, then why couldn't you actually have a personality contained within a computer?
Now the problem with human beings is that they're experiencing so many sensations that you have a problem with computing capacity.
And now with the introduction of 5G and 6G, it's possible that if people have sensors within them,
that everything that they're experiencing, even their thoughts before they are put into physical
motion can actually be uploaded by the internet.
That's right, and they're mapping this so that they can then make you have no excuse
but to not leave your house 'cause of carbon, but quote, your digital person will still be able
to go around and experience the world through the whole 5G web,
so you're really actually being imprisoned, but they're going to claim it's a form of
Well, think the physical being, it consumes food, it votes, it wants vacation, it gets sick, and you don't have any of those issues with the digital twin and the advantage of the digital twin is
just like transferring software or licensing software or licensing digital services it is
exactly possible to reinstitute slavery bar the digital personality. And that's why they say you
know what sir I'm not just saying this last two or three callers it's just when it when everything
happens in threes or fours you've got to come on as a guest I don't need to know who you are I
know you know what you're talking about this is exactly what you're what you're saying is the
entire future this is everything what he's When do you want to come on this week for 30 minutes, and maybe we can do audio Skype as your phone's breaking up, so you can really send us any emails you want, any stuff, and then we'll do a half hour on this.
When do you want to do it?
Certainly, I'll make myself available at your discretion.
Alright, I want to know a little bit about you, hypothetically, just, or not hypothetically, without who you are specifically, how you woke up, your concerns personally.
So Scott, set up Thomas sometime this week.
I also want to do some extra taping this week outside of the live show so I can have even more because I want to just, there's so much to cover.
Three hours of live is not enough.
Paul Watson's coming up.
So don't hang up, Thomas.
We're going to get...
The last two callers definitely on as guests because I find the callers, a lot of them, to be as interesting as our guests.
Speaking of calling people back, Tony and Kristen and Paul, I can't cut Watson off.
He's got a lot to say and a lot to do.
I promise you, don't let me forget John Harmon in there, I will call you back first thing tomorrow when we take calls if you'll come back on with us.
Please, I respect you, but we had so many other great callers I didn't get to you.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson's about to take over.
I'm going to introduce him.
There's a lot of news I didn't get to, but we're going to try as best we can to cover it all.
The 4th of July Super Sale starts now and at fullworthstore.com.
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All right, it's the great Shooter Jennings, Summer of Rage, bringing us in live.
Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom is about to take over, and we'll have a fitting intro for him and everything.
I'm sorry to be bugging in here a little bit right at the start of this hour, but I did not plug last hour, and if we don't plug, we won't be here, because we've been in the red, in the black all year long.
I have a big organization.
We have to have our own infrastructure, our own satellite uplinks, our own legal or everything.
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Ladies and gentlemen, cognitive disabilities, because they don't have it.
Think of that.
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That's a big deal, folks, on those, because there's not much margin.
Now, again, if you'll simply keep spreading the word about the broadcast, if you'll simply keep sharing the links, keep praying for us, and keep buying the products, we're going to do a lot of really exciting things.
A lot of stuff behind the scenes we've been working on as well, a lot of it's very close to fruition, but loudest of the words is John Paul Jones.
I have only begun to fight, so thank you for keeping us in the fight.
Take advantage of the July 4 Super Sale Extended for four more days on the free Shipping Double Patreon points.
But most of the stuff for sale is going to have to end because it's about to sell out.
X2 is available.
Take advantage of that.
It will sell out in the next few weeks at that price as well, and I want you to experience how amazing it is.
Then, at 3 p.m.
today, The War Room, Owen Schroyer, he just gets better and better.
That's coming up today.
So I'm going to end my segment of the transmission.
Here is Paul Joseph Watson's intro from Summit.News.
But of course, we still remain here in the United Kingdom under lockdown,
and the psychocrats, the extremist psychocrats, the behavioral scientists who admitted
You Using totalitarian, unethical, mind control methods to terrify the British public into total obedience and conformity.
They even admitted that they went too far and now everyone's literally petrified to walk into a subway station, walk into a shop, walk into an educational institution, a football match or any venue whatsoever, a pub, a restaurant, without wearing a mask because They appear to have forgotten what Anthony Fauci said back in February 2020, which is that the virus particles are smaller than the holes in those masks.
Doesn't really talk about that anymore, does he?
So we had the announcement yesterday and it was a provisional announcement, let's make it clear, that all restrictions in the United Kingdom would end on July the 19th.
The social distancing, the mask mandates, it would all go out the window because apparently we're supposed to be Graciously grateful to the government for giving us freedoms that it was never their remit to give us back in the first place.
So everything's supposed to open back up on the 19th and yet we have the psychocrats, the mind controllers, the behavioral psychologists, who admittedly weaponized behavioral psychology to terrify the British public into complete obedience, now desperately scrambling to get these measures back into place.
Headline out of Summit.News, Communist Party Lockdown Zealot Freaks Out When Asked About Her Political Beliefs.
This is somebody who we featured on the show before, Susan Michie, who is a lifetime member, and still is to this day, of the Communist Party.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that people Who adhere to, promote and promulgate extremist political beliefs based around complete dictatorial state control and putting people who disagree in gulags.
That's essentially the source of communist belief.
I don't think they should be advising the government and yet they still are.
So this Susan Michie appeared on a big show in Britain called Good Morning Britain yesterday morning.
And for the first time since she's been appearing on television across the board for months and months and months, somebody asked her the question if her membership, her lifetime membership of the Communist Party, informed her beliefs on the fact that she wants perma-lockdown.
She was asked on a different show when mask mandates should end and she literally said never.
In fact, she said she was asked How long we should be wearing masks, in her own words, she said, quote, forever.
So despite Mitchie making innumerable appearances on television, not one single interviewer asked her about being a communist, which is kind of interesting, because if somebody was literally exposed to be a neo-Nazi, and they were found to be a prominent influencer and advisor to the government on crucial matters of health policy, that would probably be a big deal.
But not if you're a communist, apparently, then it's completely fine.
But she was asked about it by a TV host called Richard Madeley and she basically squirmed for two minutes and said, how dare you!
How dare you ask me about my extremist political belief!
That's misogynistic!
Her defenders literally came out on Twitter immediately afterwards and said that it was sexist and misogynistic to ask this vaunted, sage scientist a question Well, she should be questioned because she's not even a medical scientist.
She's not a virologist.
She's a behavioral scientist.
And as I write in the article, in other words, Michi was one of the individuals responsible for brainwashing the British public using, quote, mind control, their words, not mine, and the weaponization of behavioral psychology at the start of the pandemic to make everyone overly terrified of a virus that in reality has a relatively low fatality rate.
So she was one of the individuals deliberately weaponizing psychological manipulation to scare and terrify the British public into complete submission.
She's tweeted her support for the Chinese Communist government's methods, welding people in their own homes and things like that.
So she was finally asked to justify her stance on permanent lockdown in comparison to her extremist communist political beliefs.
She flailed, she scrambled, she was basically shown up for exactly what she was and the mob on Twitter immediately leapt to her defence.
We'll talk about it more on the other side.
Go away.
So this cult of psychocrats, behavioural scientists are desperate or scrambling to maintain lockdown restrictions in the United Kingdom despite the government finally being pressured to the point where they're saying almost all of them are going to be lifted on July 19th or all across television, all across the media.
Panicking that their cult may be about to come to an end.
And one of them, one of the primary ones, is Susan Michie, a lifetime member of the Communist Party.
She was asked on Good Morning Britain by host Richard Maidley, quote, You've been a member of the Communist Party for about 40 years now, you're still a member, and we know their status.
We look at communist countries around the world and we see their tremendously top-down, dominant, controlled societies that they rule over.
I just wonder, and I'm putting this question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics, if your politics actually informs your sense of control.
It's not just the medical arguments, but you have a kind of political bent to want the state to tell people what to do.
And how did she react to the first time ever that I've seen on British television this government advisor to being questioned as to her extremist communist beliefs?
Well, she flailed, she scrambled, she freaked out.
She said, I've come on your programme as a scientist, as do all the people who come on to your programme as scientists.
They come on to talk about the evidence, relevant theories, how we approach... Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
He said in response, so you're saying your politics doesn't inform your opinion on this subject?
Hmm, yeah, really.
She said, I'm saying that I agreed to come on this programme as a scientist.
Blah, blah, blah.
So she continually bangs on about being a scientist, like she's a medical scientist.
She's not a medical scientist.
She's not a virologist.
She's a behavioral scientist, and may I remind people that it came out and it was widely reported in the Telegraph, and I'll link to it in this article, that these behavioral scientists admitted being responsible for brainwashing the British public using quote mind control and the weaponization of behavioral psychology at the start of the pandemic to make everyone overly terrified of a virus that in reality has a relatively low fatality rate.
That's why we saw polls in summer last year Even after the so-called first decline in cases where the average British citizen thought that coronavirus had killed 100 times more people than it actually had.
And the reality of that is actually 100 times worse because someone did a Freedom of Information Act request To the UK government, and this is on the UK government's own website, where they asked how many people had died of COVID, where COVID was the sole cause of death, with no comorbidities, the true total was 10% of the actual total.
So it was 10 times less than the official number that they've been telling us for the past 15 months.
And that, of course, probably includes a bunch of flu cases.
We've had top epidemiologists come out and say they're counting the flu cases as COVID cases to artificially inflate the numbers.
And in fact, I'm going to have more on that later in the show.
So Mrs Michie, the communist gulag advocate hardliner, completely freaked out at being questioned over her political beliefs, which clearly inform her advice to the government.
She tweeted once, quote, China has a socialist collective system, whatever criticism people may have.
Yeah, welding people inside their own homes, crushing pro-democracy protesters beneath the tracks of tanks at Tiananmen Square.
Such a wonderful system that you would openly espouse and advocate for, and you get into a position of advising the British government when you have these extremist, anti-democracy beliefs.
She freaked out.
But Twitter, the Twitter mob, leapt to her defense and they said that this TV host questioning her on being a lifetime member of the Communist Party, to the point where she was literally called Stalinist's nanny.
She's that vehement, she's that much of a comrade, a true believer.
Well, it was misogynistic.
You can't challenge a female scientist, a vaunted scientist, even though she's not a proper scientist.
And Deepthi Gwadasani, good old British name, Tweeted, please get boycott GMV trending.
Yes, they wanted to boycott the whole show because this behavior towards women scientists is completely unacceptable.
We shouldn't tolerate it.
So because she has a vagina, you can't question her about being a lifetime gulag supporting, round them all up and kill them communist sympathizer and advocate.
Because she's a woman and she has a vagina.
They actually called the TV host Richard Madeley dangerous for merely asking this question.
Someone else tweeted, by the way, given that she's a behavioral psychologist, not a proper scientist, a behavioral psychologist, a manipulator of public opinion.
Well, that's the first psychologist behavioral scientist I've heard not wanting to promote the notion of unconscious bias on the media for a very long time.
Because of course, Unconscious bias is a staple of behavioral psychology, but suddenly, when she's challenged on her own unconscious bias, she freaks out and the Twitter mob leaps to her defense.
Meanwhile, author Peter Hitchens has said that your grandkids will still be wearing masks in 2050.
He tweeted, if people don't object to this now, their grandchildren will be wearing masks in the 2050s, although nobody will remember why.
This was in response to companies like Ryanair and EasyJet, airliners and other businesses saying that they're just going to ignore the government ruling that all the restrictions are going to be lifted on masks and they're just going to make their own rules.
So de facto lockdown restrictions will continue forever if you're getting on a plane, if you're going in a pub or a restaurant which wants to impose their own rules, if you're going into a shop, an educational institution, Because they're not, they're suddenly, after 15 months of following the government advice to a T, as soon as the government says you don't have to wear a mask in any of these public places or on airlines, oh well, suddenly now they're the experts and they're going to make the rules.
So it's never going to end, and it's never going to end because they're going to keep finding new variants, new scarients.
Lockdown Skeptics reports restrictions could be reintroduced locally after Freedom Day to deal with new variants, says Sajid Javid, the new Health Secretary of the UK, supposedly anti-lockdown, and yet he's already saying regional lockdown restrictions will be reintroduced in the winter.
You're going to have a flu season, Where people's natural immunity has been lowered because they've been locked inside their houses or refused to come out for the past 15 months.
So you're going to probably have a quite vicious flu season.
We've had that every year in the past and we didn't need to wear masks.
The hospitals were not overcrowded.
We coped with it.
But suddenly now we don't have functioning immune systems as human beings.
So we're going to have to lock down again in winter because of new variants.
And lo and behold, they've already found one!
Zero Hedge reports, Lambda variants and usual mutations make it resistant to vaccines.
Oh no, you're gonna have to get another vaccine!
And if you don't, well, you're not going to be able to fly, go into a pub, a restaurant, a sporting event, a music venue, two-tier society, the haves and the have-nots.
The Lambada variant, also known as C37, is believed to have first emerged in Peru in August last year, It's only been recognized as a potential global threat in recent weeks with the World Health Organization declaring it a variant of interest.
Very interesting.
After it appeared in several countries simultaneously.
The WHO said the variants neutralizing antibodies could increase its transmissibility or potentially increase its resistance.
So basically saying, they're basically saying that the vaccines won't work.
They'll have a period of scaremongering for a few months where we have to lock down yet again.
And then they'll come out with a new vaccine that covers this variant.
The people who don't get it won't be able to live their lives or do anything socially or lifestyle-wise whatsoever.
They'll be the have-nots.
People will get the vaccine, they'll be fine, and then we'll unlock for two weeks, then there'll be another variant, and we'll have to lock down again.
It never ends.
Don't go away.
We're going to throw to this video now, because Morrissey, pop icon Morrissey, who will never bow to the collectivist woke mob, is about to release a new album called Bonfire of Teenagers, the title track of which is about the Manchester arena bombing.
And he did an interview on his official website which has caused waves today and the Pitchfork mob are all out attacking him once again because, God forbid, he can actually think for himself.
He's got a new album out and he's done a new interview about lockdown being akin to slavery.
We're going to go to this video now and I'll come back and talk about some of the fallout from this interview on the other side.
Here is the clip.
Music icon Morrissey is back to enrage the bed-wetting mob with a new authentically anti-establishment album and a stinging rebuke of the UK's relentless COVID-19 lockdown.
In an interview published on his Morrissey Central website, the former Smiths frontman ripped into how coronavirus rules and restrictions have been weaponised to widen the gap between us and them.
The interviewer put it to Morrissey that, quote, Covid society is also the precise description of slavery.
Yeah, we are supposed to be in a time when anything connected to slavery must be blown up or thrown in a canal in Bristol.
Precisely responded Morrissey.
And more people are now forced into poverty, which is another form of slavery, as is tax and council tax and all the other ways in which we are pinned down and tracked.
Our present freedom is restricted to visiting supermarkets and buying sofas.
The government act like Chinese emperors.
We will allow you to live as we do if you behave yourself.
Morrissey pointed out that the elite aren't subject to the same COVID rules that they impose on everyone else.
He said the country isn't really in lockdown except for people at the lower end of the social ladder.
People who have wealth are not remotely affected by rules and regulations.
Their lives are as they always were.
The police only find people who live on council estates, haven't you noticed?
Far from the projection of the collectivist myth that we're all in this together.
The kind of fake performative charade embodied by the weekly clap for the NHS.
Or cringe celebrity charity fundraisers.
Morrissey points out that in reality, the lockdown has made people more atomised than ever before.
It has brought the worst out in people and we weren't ever in this together.
We are deprived of seeing and hearing other people.
And above all, you want to be with others who see and hear what you see and hear.
Because this is basic oxygen for the human soul.
Take it away and people are dead.
What defines England's new contrived, collectivised, patriotic identity?
It's firmly based around people worshipping dysfunctional organs of the state, while hiding their actual identity behind state-mandated cloth and elastic.
Any native semblance of true English identity has long been overpowered by the all-consuming strength of diversity.
The kind of diversity that led to the hashtag refugees welcome campaign and the British government graciously rescuing refugee Salman Abedi from war-torn Libya.
Aberdee went on to show his gratitude by blowing himself up at an Ariana Grande concert, killing 22 people and injuring 800, many of them children.
Concerned concertgoers and flustered security guards wanted to report Aberdee's suspicious behaviour to higher-ups, but they were either ignored or refrained from choosing to report him at all.
For fear of being branded racist.
But as we've been told many times before, political correctness is just being nice to people.
Diversity necessitates the dissolving of borders.
Unless those borders are concrete bollards on bridges.
Morrissey mentions another case of diversity gone wrong.
Emily Jones, the seven-year-old girl from Bolton who had her throat slit while cycling through the park on Mother's Day last year.
The culprit was an Albanian woman smuggled into the UK on a lorry and later given asylum by the government despite lying about being a victim of human trafficking.
Despite admitting that the killing of Emily Jones was, quote, premeditated, 30-year-old Eltonia Skarner escaped a murder charge because her defense team successfully claimed She'd just forgotten to take her meds that day.
The Manchester Arena bombing is the subject of the title track of Morrissey's new album, Bonfire of Teenagers.
Doesn't mince words, does he?
Bonfire of Teenagers, the track is magnificent, but you must be expecting some manufactured paranoia.
The usual, you can't sing about that!
Pearl fumblers, Morrissey was asked.
He responded, quote, it's about the kids who were murdered, yes.
We're not encouraged to look beneath the surface because it's dark and hidden.
But the song is anti-terror, and anyone who finds that offensive can only be devoid of personal morality.
As your brother once said to me, the Manchester arena bombing was Britain's 9-11.
We should appreciate anyone who asks questions.
Except the music industry doesn't appreciate artists who question anything.
The music industry doesn't like mavericks.
They don't like that.
They like people like Harry Styles.
And they say, wear this dress and shut it.
Wear this, sing that, and go home.
That's why the whole industry is one huge insipid sanctimonious circle jerk.
Where success isn't judged on authenticity or talent, born who is the best at amplifying glib consensus establishment approved cultural and political narratives.
The very industry that can only remain true to itself by encouraging unchained open expression.
Now creates the conditions for the very polar opposite.
And that's why Morrissey, despite maintaining a substantial loyal core fanbase, was unceremoniously dropped by his record label for committing the unforgivable sin of saying diversity isn't a strength.
Sony Corporation owned BMG responded by saying the decision to cancel Morrissey was based on their quote, New plans for diversity.
Plans that didn't include Mozza, a middle-aged white man.
Not diverse enough.
The world's oldest record store also banned sales of his work altogether.
A rail company removed all posters promoting his work after a single customer complained that they were offended.
But as Morrissey himself explains, despite the mob's ceaseless pearl-clutching, he's been cancelled by the mainstream a million times already.
You can't cancel someone who has always been cancelled.
When did you last see me on television or hear me on the radio?
I unintentionally invented the condition of being cancelled.
The music industry hasn't ever celebrated me or offered me free food.
I've always been treated like a scientific experiment gone wrong.
I'm used to it.
I've been immune to enemy fire for many years.
I wear a bulletproof vest in the bath.
It seems to me that as soon as one person boos, they all start to boo, and then when someone cheers, they all start to cheer.
But that's just a loose theory.
According to Morrissey himself and others who've heard the album, Bonfire of Teenagers is his best solo work to date.
So prepare for another onslaught of one-star reviews from music journalists.
Intellectual cowards who know they'd soon be out of a career if they dared provoke the baying mob by doing so much as giving Morrissey a fair crack of the whip.
Because apparently in the music industry the only form of diversity that isn't a strength is diversity of thought.
There you have it, Morrissey versus the conformist mob!
Most people don't realise that Morrissey's been making comments like this since at least 2008, even before that.
In fact, even in the 90s, the music press freaked out about him covering himself with a British flag on stage during live performances.
Oh my God, how dare he?
And we see the mob coming after him once again today.
All the headlines came out.
That interview came out on his website last night, today.
They're all freaking out.
He's trending on Twitter.
Because again, he dared challenge this weird, slavish devotion to lockdown restrictions embodied, embraced by the left in Britain, despite the fact that all of those restrictions have been imposed by the same Tory government, the same right-wing, populist, draconian Tory government that they supposedly hate.
As soon as they start talking about lifting those restrictions, then oh my god, the fear returns, and Morrissey calling lockdown restrictions out for what they are cannot be tolerated.
He's trending on Twitter today, at least in the UK, along with Johnny Marr, the guitarist out of the Smiths, and they're all saying, oh well, surely Johnny Marr was the talented one in the Smiths all along.
Well, No, you think that because Johnny Moore agrees with all your dopey middle-class metropolitan NPC conformist political opinions.
It's not judged on talent, it's judged on the fact that he caved and conformed to the mob.
That's why you like Johnny Moore.
If you do an actual comparison of the relative success of Morrissey compared to Johnny Moore after the Smiths broke up in the 80s, Johnny Moore hasn't had 13 top 10 albums in the UK since the Smiths split up.
Somebody else has, and his name is Morrissey.
You can't cancel Morrissey.
He's a total legend.
He's based, he has been for 20 plus years, and he remains so to this day.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
This is Summit.News.
Don't go away, more news coming up after the break.
We've got about 10 minutes left and I want to hit some final news stories before or after I play this video, but I've got another update on the Battle of Weespar.
Of course we have the Antifa counter-protesters, the self-proclaimed anti-fascists who think anti-fascism is dealing out street beatings to fight people who don't want their daughters exposed to male genitalia.
Because they're so righteous, they're so morally upstanding in their cause, that's literally what they stand for now.
But there's another update on this story, which I'm going to get into after this video, but here is the video first.
This is the Battle of Weespar.
Let's roll the video.
When it comes to moral degradation and its global epicenter, the degenerate trash city
of Los Angeles, nothing surprises me anymore.
But this WeSpa farce has plumbed new depths of debasement.
A video that went viral on Twitter showed a customer at WeSpa complaining about a man exposing his genitals to women and little girls in the female area of the spa.
The staff at WeSpa responded by defending the individual's right to do this.
Claiming it was an expression of his sexual orientation.
Yeah, really.
Then, the CEO of a trans lobby group who was interviewed by CBS Los Angeles said the woman who complained was, quote, horrible and had practiced, quote, violence against the individual who had flashed his genitals.
And it's highly likely that the same individual was the subject of a 2018 complaint from a different woman who wrote about a naked man in the female shower section Bragging about how many women he'd slept with.
Los Angeles Magazine then highlighted a report from another spa in the city where a similar incident occurred.
A rep for Century Day and Night Spa on Olympic Boulevard recalls a similar situation just weeks before the pandemic shut them down in spring 2020, in which a trans woman with everything reflected female on her driver's license caused an uproar among cisgender female clients by exposing male genitals in the female pools and lockers.
She wouldn't really use the spas.
She just sat at the corner of the pool with her feet in the water and her legs spread or took front-facing showers, the rep recalls.
People began to feel uncomfortable.
It became very disruptive.
When the spa finally confronted her, she was adamant that the spa should attempt to normalize young girls and women viewing male genitalia.
And today we learned about another incident at WeSpa that occurred in January 2020.
Where a person with a beard and a penis got into a hot tub naked with a woman's six-year-old daughter.
So to be clear, these individuals aren't just trans people minding their own business.
They're perverts in the women's section openly provoking people and deliberately exposing themselves to kids and getting away with it by hiding behind the false claim of trans identity.
So dangerous Bigots who opposed the idea of children being exposed to male genitalia responded by organizing a protest outside WeSpa on Saturday.
And guess who showed up to counter-protest?
Of course it was Antifa!
Because apparently, anti-fascism now includes the open endorsement of the right of suspected nonces to show their meat and two veg to kids.
What kind of demented idiot would think it would be good optics to show up and counter-protest and violently attack people who want to protect kids from perverts?
I'm getting the word.
Remember back in 2017 when Antifa members were photographed carrying a sign that said, Remember how the media claimed it was all staged?
Oh, Antifa would never support pedophilia.
Well, you might want to reassess that claim after what happened on Saturday.
People who showed up to assert that kids shouldn't be exposed to testicles were viciously attacked by Antifa thugs.
The mob surrounded and hit a woman with a skateboard.
A street preacher was thrown to the ground and beaten.
Another Christian preacher had his face split open.
Another woman had her arm cut open with a knife.
The mob assaulted a videographer.
Another video journalist was assaulted with a club.
A Hispanic couple were surrounded and had their signs ripped away.
When a Latino man defended himself against the mob, police arrested him.
They also tried to attack an Asian man wearing a rooftop Korean t-shirt.
Others were also harassed and hounded by the mob.
And again, for what?
Protecting the right of children not to be exposed in public to male genitalia.
It's no surprise to me that Antifa has firmly planted its flag in Camp Nantes.
We've highlighted innumerable examples where prominent Antifa activists have turned out to be pedos and sex offenders.
Their movement is just so righteously virtuous and morally upstanding, it just tends to attract those kind of people.
They also previously attacked an anti-pedophilia event in Ireland.
Are we the baddies?
Let's not forget, the media is so beholden to defending Antifa and apologising for their
rampant violent criminality, that they go so far as to claim that the entire movement
doesn't exist. Remember, this is the same media that puts Antifa on a par with the allied troops
who stormed Normandy. Running towards machine gun fire over mine riddled beaches to fight Hitler's
fascist war machine, versus beating up a bunch of people who don't want their little girls to
to see some bloke slung in the shower.
One of these things is not like the others.
That's what they stand for.
That's who they are.
in history that Antifa supports the right of biological males to show their genitalia
to children. That's what they stand for. That's who they are. So when it comes to a historical
judgement on who was on the right side of history, I'm fairly confident in asserting
that it won't be them.
There you have it, and I mentioned in that video another case that happened in a spa
in LA.
In fact, it was the same spa, We Spa.
We've had several of these incidents come to light after this initial viral video that emerged last week.
Occurred in January 2020, the headline is, Woman who complained to police about man exposing his genitalia to her six-year-old daughter.
Says they blamed her.
That's right, a woman who complained to cops about a man exposing his genitalia to her six-year-old daughter says she was told by a police officer that it was her fault.
So this was at the same spa, We Spa, which has, according to this customer, who I presume is Korean, a 90 plus percent Korean customer base.
Three progressive white people who wanted to inflict their warped ideology on the rest of the customers there.
Two women, one man with his genitals hanging out, turned up, sat on the edge of the hot tub across from a bunch of elderly Korean women and one six-year-old girl.
The article says the biological male who had a beard, he was that That committed to his gender identity that he couldn't even be asked to shave his beard off while he has his tackle hanging out.
That's how much of a committed trans person he was.
Sat down at one end of the hot tub with two female companions.
I bet they thought he was really trendy with his meat and two veg hanging out in front of kids because that's trendy now.
Immediately making everyone, particularly the older Korean women, feel extremely uncomfortable.
So the women desperately tried to block the six-year-old girl from seeing the man's genitals.
They was actually taking care of her in a situation where she was literally being abused and this individual should have been arrested.
But far from being arrested, when the mother was prompted by the six-year-old's irate father to make a formal complaint to cops at a police station near the spa in Koreatown, she was told the spa's a private business and that they can do what they want.
But one officer, quote, blamed me for having taken her daughter to the spa.
So not only did they do absolutely nothing and basically advocate and support this biological man with his meat and two veg hanging out ogling a six-year-old girl, because that's trendy now, they said it was her fault for exposing the girl to that environment.
We truly live in hell.
Meanwhile, I mentioned it earlier, Government advisors are now saying to the UK government that they should include fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea as COVID symptoms.
Gee, I wonder why they want to do that?
Is it because they want to artificially boost, increase the cases so they can have yet another fear-mongering session and lock down the country yet again?
Surely they wouldn't.
I mean, it's not like literal communist extremists.
Who are literally called Starlimbs Nanny are advising the government on health policy, is it?
Oh no, that's right, they are.
They literally are.
Brainwashing the public with mind control totalitary methods, in their own words, to keep us under these restrictions forever.
Meanwhile, despite vehement support for Black Lives Matter, Naim and Marcus looted in San Francisco.
Yeah, their virtue signalling didn't really do much good!
You've probably seen the video by now.
10 criminals, all of whom are black, in a clearly targeted looting of this luxury goods store because they really need to feed their kids by stealing food.
Actually, they've got designer handbags and shoes and washers and things like that.
But shockingly, Niman Marcus was targeted despite prostrating itself for Black Lives Matter after their stores were looted last year in honor of George Floyd.
They put out a tweet, they did a big public relations campaign saying how much they supported Black Lives Matter.
And yet they still got looted.
Just as Footlocker donated $200 million to Black Lives Matter and then saw their stores looted again in response to the police killing of Daunte Wright.
Chic-fil-A in Philadelphia was also cleaned out by rioters last October despite their CEO shining a black rapper's shoes in a pro Black Lives Matter PR stunt.
Get woke, get looted.
War Room is next.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
It's hard to believe that July 4th, 2021 is almost here.
It's hard to believe that our country is literally fighting for its life.
But for all the negative things that are happening, a lot of really positive things are happening as well.
It's been said by many historians that things have to get really, really bad before they get better.
And we're now reaching that point of return, that tipping point.
Global government And it's planetary depopulation plan is now out in the open.
And people realize the time for fun and games is over.
That's why I wanted to report to you, the listeners and viewers of this transmission, the good news today, as well as the bad news.
I've been contacted in the last two weeks by some of the top people in international media and national news as well, as well as some of the folks at the highest levels of government, corporations, the private sector, you name it.
And they've all told me the same thing.
Alex, keep it up!
You've been vindicated and we're having a major breakthrough thanks to your work.
Well, I wanted the listeners to know that it's you that have allowed this to happen.
You have been just as important as I've been and so at least now, world government is attacking
but we have a chance to defeat it because we've worked together for decades to warn
people about what was coming.
It sounded insane.
It sounded crazy.
It sounded dangerous.
It sounded made up.
It sounded like a horror movie, a science fiction dystopia, but it was real.
And so we knew it was real, and we knew they were going to pull this.
And so now that they've actually launched their operation, people aren't being completely caught flat-footed.
So that's the real power of InfoWars.
That's why it's more important than ever to help keep it on air.
We have a July 4th special running right now with storewide free shipping, double Patriot points is back as well, and up to 60% off best-selling items like X3.
So please, take action today and help keep InfoWars on the air now more than ever because our mission is proving that it's incredibly accurate and has been part of the human destiny for liberty and freedom.
Nascent sodium and potassium, three forms of pure elemental iodine that when together, fuse together to create what is called stable iodine.
Now I'm not a chemist, I'm not a scientist, but years ago when X3 became our bestseller, we went to top developers and we said, how can we make an X3?
And they said, well, Some people can't absorb pure atomic nascent iodine, but if you add the other two types, it supercharges it and delivers it into the cells better.
So I said, which one's better?
They said it's really apples and oranges.
It depends on the person.
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All of these things are essential, meaning if you do not have it, your body breaks down and you die.
What a thought.
It takes 3-4 days to die without water.
It takes about a month or so to die without food on average.
But what's in the food?
Well, it's the vitamins, it's the minerals, it's the different elements our body has to have.
And one of the big ones is iodine.
Check this out for yourself.
Even Wikipedia links to UN reports that over 2 billion people on the face of the earth have lower IQs and other cognitive disabilities because of iodine deficiencies.
Wherever you get iodine, get it.
Sea salt has it.
Fish has it.
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Look into IQ in iodine.
Learn how it's the good halogen, the opposite of fluoride.
Learn about the iodine conspiracy at InfoWareStore.com.