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Name: 20210629_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 29, 2021
2602 lines.

Tucker Carlson accuses the NSA of spying on him and guests, providing past instances as evidence. He mentions contradicting statements from Clapper and argues that agencies aim to control American lives. He calls for spreading information and action against surveillance tactics while promoting a sale at his store, FullWorthStore.com.

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Because courage and justice needs to be celebrated and needs to be promoted.
And we need to stand apart, men and women, from the evil and say, we're never backing down!
We're not chi-com agents that can barely talk like your God, Biden.
We're not reanimated corpses and pedophiles.
We're fathers and we're mothers.
We're men and we're women.
But you know what we really are?
We're black, we're white, we're brown.
But you know what we really are?
We're Americans, but more importantly, we're Christians and we love God, and we're not signing on to your Satanism and your transhumanism and your New World Order.
So to all the traitors and all the garbage, know this.
We have only begun to fight, and all you're doing is sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind.
All you're doing is summoning the better angels of humans to say no to you.
And so I am extremely honored to be in the crucible, to be in the lion's den, to be in the fiery furnace with all of you, the listeners of this broadcast.
Because without you, we could not have done any of this.
And we have changed the world.
And we warned the world what was coming.
And it came true, like we said.
And now countless people are converting to reality, taking the scales off their eyes, The stuffing out of their ears and they are witnessing the truth and deciding which side they're on.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
In one of the best examples of how far and twisted the left's manic loathing for America has gone, the woke culture is now going for the vital organs.
As the 26th U.S.
President, Teddy Roosevelt, who ushered in the 20th century as one of America's most energetic and greatest contributors to the success and preservation of the United States, Who is generally regarded as one of the United States' five best presidents, a decision has been made for TR to be cancelled, as his embattled statue representing the preservation and exploration of the American frontier as it entered the 20th century is set to be removed, for reasons imagined by the Marxist leanings of the race-obsessed left.
Mayor de Blasio says the city supports the museum's request to remove the statue because it, quote, depicts black and indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior.
The statue shows Roosevelt on a horse with a Native American man and an African man on each side of him.
Many had argued it symbolized colonial expansion and racial discrimination.
The museum's president told the New York Times the decision to remove the statue comes amid the movement for racial justice.
The victim culture's crazed vague interpretation of the monument depicts Theodore Roosevelt as Supposedly glorifying white supremacy, colonialism, and racism.
Because it would be impossible for the brain-dead woke mob to see it for the symbolism that it really is.
Teddy Roosevelt founded the Progressive Party and was an outspoken defender of women's rights.
He was an early champion of civil rights and equality for blacks and Native Americans during the early 20th century.
His personal relationship with Booker T. Washington and the appointment of Minnie Cox as the first black regional postmaster in the United States backs that up.
James Earl Fraser, the sculptor of the statues, stated, The two figures at Roosevelt's side are guides, symbolizing the continents of Africa and America, and if you choose, may stand for Roosevelt's friendliness to all races.
A sentiment intensely evident when TR said, to divide along the lines of section or caste or creed is un-American.
But try and tell that to the woke offspring of Teddy Roosevelt himself, who agree that these statues should be removed.
The subjugation of other races by those of us of European origin is our nation's original sin.
That sin began soon after our arrival on this continent.
Was written into our founding documents and has been a tragic part of our history to this day.
Either they are incapable of understanding their great grandfather's legacy or they are too cowardly to defend it.
And it deserves defending.
Teddy Roosevelt broke up the railroad and beef trusts.
He met the coal strike of 1902 head-on like a real president should.
He reinvented foreign policy.
He was the first American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize after negotiating peace between Russia and Japan, back when the Nobel Peace Prize actually meant something.
He set aside more federal land for national parks and nature preserves than all of his predecessors combined.
He established the U.S.
Forest Service, signed into law the creation of five national parks, and established the first 51 bird reserves and 150 national forests.
And he was wise enough to foresee the ungluing of an America that would tear his legacy down, saying, the one absolute certain way to bring this nation to ruin would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.
CARE was founded after 9-11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.
Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president in US history and under the nose of the oldest President in U.S.
history, the bumbling, stumbling, groping, do-nothing, foreign shill, and 40-year career politician Joe Biden, nothing will be done to protect his legacy.
In fact, Teddy's words loom over the Biden administration like a specter when he said that no man is above the law and no man below it.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is suing the Biden administration for canceling the
4th of July Mount Rushmore fireworks display.
All right, my friends.
We already had a memorandum of agreement.
This full report is at band.video in the John Bounds section.
Idiots remove TR statue.
The big broadcast kicks off in T-minus 60 seconds.
Tell everybody you know, tune in to freeworldnews.tv.
It's Tuesday, June 29th, and the NSA is spying on all true Americans.
The Democratic Party has declared war on America publicly.
Anyone who is loyal to the republic for which it stands has now been declared a domestic terrorist.
Those making those declarations are the terrorists terrorizing our republic and dissolving our very republic for which it stands.
This country and its 250 years history has never had traitors as bad as Honore and Millie and Austin.
These men, once they've been politically, culturally, economically, and using the criminal justice system defeated, will be known as the new definition of Benedict Arnold.
They are the plague.
They are a curse.
And they are planning, in my view, false flag terror attacks here in America to submit their rollout against us.
They're spoiling for a war.
They're spoiling for a coup.
They're spoiling to overthrow.
And they're getting ready to carry out terror attacks, that is their handlers are, to be blamed on those of us that are loyal Americans in our opposition to the destruction of the country and the sellout of the nation.
And they're all over television saying Trump questioning the election is an act of terror and he's got to be dealt with by the military.
The government's going to kill this guy.
And they're on channel saying we need to get members of Congress using the military.
People sitting in Congress right now, people in and around the former president.
And then General Milley and General Austin and General Honore get up there and click their heels and say, we want to slug out with the American people and every white person that doesn't salute us is a white supremacist enemy and we're the Americans and they're Hitler and we're gonna get them!
We're ready for war!
Turn us loose!
We're gonna get America!
Death to America, says Milley!
Death to America, says Austin!
Death to America, says Honore!
It's Tuesday, June 29th of the year.
It's 2021.
And Tucker Carlson last night dropped a bombshell that shouldn't be a bombshell.
I knew the FBI was listening to my phones, reading my email back when we were trying to contact WikiLeaks four or five years ago.
I knew they were spying on Roger and I. We were talking to the President almost every day.
They didn't know what to do.
Of course the rogue state was illegally spying on candidate Trump.
And then they were spying on President-elect Trump.
They were spying on him as president.
They lied to Congress and said they weren't.
They all came out.
So the media is like, oh, it's preposterous.
Tucker Carlson claims that he was given his text messages to a whole bunch of different people from an NSA whistleblower.
Tucker Carlson has basically the highest ethics I've seen in journalism.
He's incredibly smart.
He's grown up.
He's woken up to things being very sinister.
And he's come a long way.
And he surpassed, really, the work I've done.
And Tucker understands what's happening.
And Tucker has the text messages from scores of people that are not in communication with each other given to him in a file going back years.
And it's because Tucker is smarter than them, and he's laid the trap, and he knows about the FBI informants, and the quote, unindicted co-conspirators, just like they did with Julian Assange, setting him up.
That's now admitted to be an unindicted co-conspirator, who was really an informant, who lied about Assange, a pedophile.
A pedophile, of course, lied about Assange.
It's all come out now.
It's the same M.O., the same story.
And I know that they spy on us, and I'm not at liberty to explain why, because that lets the establishment know what we know, but we know they spy on my text messages, my email, everything.
And it's all given to Democrats, law firms, universities, think tanks.
I mean, this is a major criminal operation.
And that's exactly what Carlson talked about.
That's exactly what Carlson talked about, is how they are passing his information around, trying to find something he said, unethical or racist, and of course they can't.
And that means they're reading my text messages to Tucker Carlson in our conversations, and they're listening to conversations.
And I'm going to stop right there.
And we already know that.
But now he's been given a file.
Fox News has been given it.
They've done a FOIA request.
Fox News has said, no, this is his text messages.
And it's not like, oh, one person that got his messages leaked it to somebody and said, oh, look, you're being spied on.
It's all his text messages.
To his wife, to his kids, to his neighbors, to the lawn care, to everybody.
And of course, Tucker knew all this.
He's not stupid, but to have someone on the inside bring it to him, like Snowden did, or like Assange did, that's a good thing.
And that's why WikiLeaks has come out.
Just an incredibly good organization.
As good as it gets.
The Platinum Standard, even above Tucker and myself, of what they've gone through and their perseverance and the fact that they've been nonpartisan, truly an example of humanity at its best.
They said Tucker Carlson is being maneuvered into an Assange position.
What did I say two weeks ago?
I said they want to kill Tucker Carlson, they want to kill Trump, they want to kill me, they want to kill Gozer, they want to kill Roger Stone.
And I don't just say that on air.
They've done things to me and sent us messages that only can come out of Big Tech and or the federal government.
Because Big Tech is bigger than the federal government, basically acts as the federal government.
The Multinational Global Government.
So I've explained to you, and I put this red alert up behind me a few weeks ago, when they killed the reporter who broke the story about the tarmac, Loretta Lynch, Justice Department meeting.
He said, you know, they're trying to kill me.
If I kill myself, they murdered me.
And it's the same thing with McAfee, who had dirt on them, was an incredible hacker.
and had WikiLeaks level stuff, they killed him. And they've basically let me know we're going to
start killing a lot of people and nobody's going to stop us.
And I told you that three weeks ago, and now you see what's going on. And Tucker Carlson knows
what's going on and he doesn't care.
He doesn't want to be president.
He doesn't want to be in the establishment.
He doesn't want to be in D.C.
He's never going back to New York.
He's never going back to D.C.
He's never setting foot in any of it.
He's done with it all.
He's totally separated himself from it.
And he is an example of what we all want to be like.
Roger Stone's going to respond to this and a lot more on the other side.
I have a clip of Tucker Carlson.
We're going to be playing a lot more, but I could care less when I get called by some famous Hollywood star.
I really could care less.
It happens more and more all the time.
Oh, Sunset wants to talk to you.
Nope, not talking to him.
Just don't have time to play games.
But when I get a chance to talk to Carlson, I just feel like I'm talking to, you know, the president or something.
Because that's what this is all about, is men and women that stand for justice.
And a lot of folks feel like that when they talk to me.
And that's good.
Because courage and justice needs to be celebrated and needs to be promoted.
And we need to stand apart, men and women, from the evil and say, we're never backing down!
We're not chi-com agents that can barely talk like your God, Biden.
We're not reanimated corpses and pedophiles.
We're fathers and we're mothers.
We're men and we're women, but you know what we really are?
We're black, we're white, we're brown, but you know what we really are?
We're Americans, but more importantly, we're Christians and we love God, and we're not signing on to your Satanism and your transhumanism and your New World Order.
So to all the traitors and all the garbage, Know this, we have only begun to fight and all you're doing is sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind.
All you're doing is summoning the better angels of humans to say no to you.
And so I am extremely honored to be in the crucible, to be in the lion's den, to be in the fiery furnace with all of you, the listeners of this broadcast, because without you, we could not have done any of this.
And we have changed the world.
And we warned the world what was coming, and it came true like we said, and now countless people are converting to reality, taking the scales off their eyes, the stuffing out of their ears, and they are witnessing the truth and deciding which side they're on.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got Roger Stone with us live on the road to respond to what we already knew was going on, but a whistleblower giving the text messages of Tucker Carlson to hundreds of people to him.
And saying the NSA is spying on you and giving it to the Democrats and giving it to the media.
Well, Roger Stone and I know that has happened to us.
We have experienced it ourselves.
It is crazy when groups file lawsuits on you and then you find out they've got NSA information on you and the lawsuits aren't about what they're suing you about.
It's about harassing and terrorizing you.
That's the next step they're going to with Tucker Carlson and the deep state war.
Here's a few minutes of what Tucker said last night.
Then Roger Stone will exclusively respond.
But it's not just political protesters the government is spying on.
Yesterday we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S.
government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take the show off the air.
Now that's a shocking claim, and ordinarily we'd be skeptical of it.
It's illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens.
It's a crime.
It's not a third world country.
Things like that should not happen in America.
But unfortunately they do happen, and in this case they did happen.
The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails.
There's no other possible source for that information, period.
The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons.
The Biden administration is spying on us.
We have confirmed that.
This morning we filed a FOIA request, a Freedom of Information Act request, asking for all information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about this show.
We did it mostly as a formality.
We've also contacted the press office at both NSA and the FBI.
We don't expect to hear much back.
That's the way that usually goes.
Only Congress can force transparency on the intelligence agencies, and they should do that immediately.
Spying on opposition journalists is incompatible with democracy.
If they are doing it to us, and again, they are definitely doing it to us, they are almost certainly doing it to others.
This is scary and we need to stop it right away.
Remember what came out 10 years ago that the Democrats and Republicans were being spot on by the CIA and nothing happened?
These are rogue agencies that have taken over just like...
The federal police take over most third world countries.
And here's the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, June 2021, and it says, questioning elections, questioning lockdowns is terrorism, and they should use the CIA against you and quote, attack members of Congress, is a quote by Figliuzzi.
So, Roger Stone's been through the ringer on this.
We were the first to expose Trump was being spied on five years ago.
That's why we were targeted.
He joins us now on the road.
Roger, thanks for doing this on short notice to talk about Tucker Carlson.
Wow, this is a big deal.
It really is a very big deal.
You know, it's interesting, Alex, that on inauguration day of 2017, January 20th, The New York Times had a front page above the fold story that said that I was one of three people who were associated with Donald Trump, the other two being Paul Manafort and General Flynn, and that the three of us were under wiretap surveillance, meaning surveillance of our telephones.
Uh, without any particular reason, since none of us had any time to Russia.
Uh, at my trial, the government vehemently denied that that was the case.
Uh, the Times reporter in question insists that his solid, uh, his sources are entirely solid.
So I believe that the surveillance of me, just for example, started a full two years before my trial.
And then the denials by corporate media laughing at this, when of course they're targeting the number one TV host in the world, Tucker Carlson.
Even if he was on their side, they'd be spying on him.
But the attempt to gaslight people is preposterous.
Well, it's not new either.
You may remember that the Obama FBI got caught surveilling James Rosen, the White House Correspondent for Fox.
And that story lasted about one day, reported almost solely by Fox, and nobody else covered it, obviously.
Now, look, I think that the violation of civil liberties here, if you really look at it, you have a record number of warrantless surveillances, according to the New York Times, pardon me, Washington Times and the Washington Examiner.
And the FISA court has actually warned the FBI that those surveillances are constitutionally dicey.
They don't seem to care.
So we're now at a point where people are being spied on because they are political dissidents.
Not because there's a probability of a crime, not because they've broken the law, but because they just disagree with the Biden administration.
Roger, the fact that it's out in the open is just staggering.
I think this shows real desperation.
Maybe they leaked this to Tucker as a threat to him, or maybe it's good.
Maybe somebody on the inside really did leak this to him, but I mean, I think all angles should be looked at.
Well, this is not the first time either.
You remember that during the Mueller investigation, Mueller's investigators leaked all of the text message correspondence between Paul Manafort and Sean Hannity.
This was sealed material.
That was an illegal leak.
But the law is only for Trump supporters.
The law is only for conservatives, Republicans, Christians.
And think about that abuse of power.
Comey said he never leaked information, then had to admit he leaked it hundreds of times.
I mean, this is the NSA, the FBI, the CIA terrorizing the American people.
This is a trillion times worse than Nixon breaking into his opposition psychiatrist's office, which I'm not defending.
But I mean, comparatively, this is not even the same galaxy.
Well, you remember exactly that when the U.S.
Senate was investigating illicit use of torture by the CIA, it was learned that John Brennan had the Senate committee computers under surveillance.
That's not only a violation of the division of power, It's illegal.
And then he just lied his way out of it like he always does.
You see, it's okay when James Comey or Andrew McCabe or John Brennan, or Hillary Clinton for that matter, lied to Congress.
But when I make misstatements, no matter how irrelevant, no matter how immaterial, I get charged.
It tells you the state of our current criminal justice system.
Look, what this really tells you more than anything else, Alex, is that Tucker is the number one spokesman in the country for common sense and the America First agenda.
He strikes fear into the hearts of the left.
Because he is so articulate.
Exactly, we should all emulate his reasonable, come-together, non-partisanship, let's stop the fentanyl OD, let's rebuild America.
I mean, they're scared because it comes off, because it's true, as so acceptable.
I mean, this is what America is.
Well, look, Tucker is an eminently likable, ingenial, and very civil guy.
If you watch his show, he doesn't cut off his guests like Chris Cuomo.
He lets them speak.
He lets them finish their sentences.
I don't know anybody who's a greater gentleman.
That's why I've always wondered about the real hateful animus for him on the American left.
All right, Roger, do one more segment with us.
I think we've got to go give a speech.
I want to talk about, well, now they're saying no indictment for the Trump Organization, says Trump's lawyer.
But that's what you were telling me a week ago, is his lawyer thinks he won't be indicted.
You've got different information.
We hope that we're proven wrong.
We hope they back off.
But we're going to talk about that with Roger Stone.
On the other side again, I'm Alex Jones.
With freeworldnews.tv, the way you circumvent the censors and share the live view of the show is freeworldnews.tv or your local radio station affiliate URL.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, June 29th transmission.
It's been dubbed Tuckergate by Roger Stone, one of the main targets of the illegal spying and dragnet operations and persecution in the last five years for trying to make America great again.
Well now, Peter Doocy of Fox News, this just broke, audio only, reportedly from Air Force One, where the White House refuses to admit NSA spying on Tucker Carlson.
Here is Psaki dodging the question.
Tucker Carlson said that the NSA is spying on him.
Is the administration aware of any espionage or listening efforts on U.S.
citizens by the NSA, and is Tucker Carlson one of them?
Well, the NSA, as I think you're well aware, I'm sure everyone's aware, everyone on this plane is aware, I should say, is an entity that focuses on foreign threats and individuals who are attempting to do us harm on foreign soil.
So that is their purview.
But beyond that, I would point you to the intelligence community.
The intelligence community that's hijacked this country.
Funny, the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism that came out two weeks ago with the President's signature on it says, questioning elections, questioning lockdowns, questioning vaccines, which Tucker does all three, is an act of terror, and that intelligence agencies will watch you, will frustrate you, and will stop you.
An illegal declaration of war.
I mean, Roger, when you read this thing, it is staggering that if Nixon did this, this is literally 10,000 times worse than Nixon.
I didn't like some of the things Nixon did.
I mean, this is Ceausescu, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, 1984 stuff.
In closing on that subject, then we'll shift gears to other issues.
Any other points on Tuckergate?
Because that's what you called it to me last night on the phone.
It's exactly what it is.
This is fundamentally the problem, which is to say that all of those reforms passed after 9-11 are unconstitutional.
They should have been challenged then.
They're going to get challenged now.
The government should not be able to surveil you without a warrant unless there is proof of some international crime.
But they have abused the system.
We saw this under Obama and Biden.
They unmasked people.
They surveilled people without warrants.
This is the direction the Department of Justice is going.
The Department of Justice is essentially a criminal enterprise at this point.
What do we do about it?
What does Tucker do?
I mean, I couldn't see Tucker doing a better job at this point.
I'm sorry, I'm gushing.
Every week exposing the poisonous vaccines, the lockdowns, the Democrats' policies of opening the borders, the bullying of the press.
I mean, he's really exposing January 6th as a setup.
We experienced it.
We saw them try to set us up.
I mean, what a champion of freedom.
And that's why they're going after him.
That's why he's the one who's been targeted.
Look, this is, I believe at this point, the number one cable news show in the United States.
Tucker has an ability to not only make his argument extremely understandable to the average person, but millions and millions of people rely on him for news, for truth.
Because he says things that we know are true, but others will not do.
This is clearly unconstitutional.
I think he's got a civil rights lawsuit against the Biden Justice Department, and I think he should bring it.
It would be a good way to test.
They're justifications.
If they're claiming that because he has expressed his First Amendment rights regarding the election or regarding the COVID-19 vaccination, that's protected speech.
That does not make one a terrorist.
Alright, now shifting gears to an area that you've been dead on about.
You said over a month ago, they want to indict the President or his company around July 4th.
They came out last week and said, we do want to indict him before July 4th.
Now, this is what you told me the other day, you said, well the Trump lawyer's telling Trump no problem.
You say you don't trust that lawyer.
That was the top of drugs last night was your interview with me.
Trump lawyer, Manhattan DA, won't charge Former president.
We're being told this now by Politico and others.
I hope that's the case.
There's no case there, as you said, but what do you make of this?
Well, the whole reason that I brought this up on your show weeks ago was to draw public attention to it.
The outrageousness of it.
The fact that it is, this is just a pure revenge play.
This is a malicious prosecution.
And also, I think, to try to make sure the President doesn't run again in 2024.
So, until this is done, I'm not going to relax, because the build-up for this, all of the leaks out of the grand jury, would indicate that the President's lawyer, Mr. Pescetti, could be incorrect.
I hope I am wrong about that.
Perhaps the Democrats looked at this and realized that the people would not stand for it, would be viewed as retribution over the election.
Roger, now let's talk about this really big issue.
I read this this morning, and it's a long article, but everybody should read it, because you weave in the incredible road you guys have been down, just trying to make this country great again, trying to sustain it, basically, trying to save it, really, not just make it great, but save it.
Devastating Roger Stone, or Devastated Roger Stone, reveals details of his wife's stage four cancer, battle and exclusive interview with the Daily Mail.
I know it's hard to talk about, but man, this is a, this is a, Powerful article.
Well, Alex, look, it's very simple.
I really think that the manifestation of two years of being challenged and being hunted, framed, gagged, deplatformed, bankrupted, threatened, terrorized, you know, it had a cumulative effect on my life.
My wife was with me through every step of this process.
She is the rock in my life.
She's the one who calms me down when that's necessary.
But that stress is cumulative.
It's built up.
And it was only shortly after the Justice Department, under Biden, filed their latest I have not failed to pay or evaded any taxes other than when they broke me financially.
So every penny that I have made has been duly reported and will be taxed.
This is just a sensationalization in a civil suit to earn me more bad headlines.
And so the bottom line is, Roger, it's like they're casting to be the ultimate villain.
Everything Democrats do is the most villainous, nasty, illegal, and they want to sexualize
children and they want to break up the family and they're smuggling children and they're
sold out to China and they legalize human animal cloning.
I mean, what the hell's happened to the Democrats?
Look, at this point, my major focus is trying to nurse my wife back to health.
People who want to help us can go to StoneFamilyFund.com.
We were both broke and battered by the Mueller investigation, as you know, and even the holistic and homeopathic Treatments for cancer this serious are extraordinarily expensive.
And we also need prayer.
We need prayer for your great wife because, Roger, you become a symbol the enemy wants to take down.
And I've seen some of their disgusting celebrations on the internet.
It's truly a nightmare situation.
We've got a minute and a half left.
Any other tidbits of political news you want to spew out of the ether?
I think the most important thing people need to understand is the role that InfoWars has played as a beacon of truth.
I mean, with Fox Television moving left, literally millions and millions of people are tuning into InfoWars to find out what is really going on.
So, folks should contribute if they can.
They should buy your great products because the one thing you know about InfoWars is self-contained.
No one ever tells Alex Jones or anybody else who works at InfoWars what they can and cannot say.
You get the unvarnished truth.
But we're under attack, folks.
InfoWars is under attack, just as I am.
So be generous with your contributions and buy their great products.
BrainForce, my personal favorite.
Roger Stone, God bless you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thanks for coming on via the road.
I know you're busy to respond to Tucker Gate.
Thank you.
Thanks, Alex.
Well, Roger Stone just responded to Tucker Gate, the illegal NSA spying with all his text messages right there and the media making jokes about it or not even defending another journalist under attack.
This really is America falling apart in front of our eyes.
But, hey, freedom is more popular than ever.
That's why they want to suppress Tucker.
They want to take him off air.
They want to take Infowars off the air.
I tell you, they're still trying to take us off the air.
They're attacking us.
Their main focus moved off me to Tucker in the last year.
It's like Soron's eyes, like, ah, get Jones.
And I was like, ah, and he kind of pulled an army of orcs to keep attacking me.
Ah, my main army, get Tucker.
And so we're all Tucker Carlson today, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We are living in epic times.
We knew the globalists were going to make their move against America, against the free world, against the family, against God, against our children.
So we worked hard.
Millions and millions of humans across the planet, old, young, black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter, humans that love God, to warn the people of what was coming.
And now it's here.
And now the world knows we told the truth.
And so it won't just be a satanic takeover with no opposition.
Now there's going to be massive opposition throughout the rise of the Antichrist and through that we'll have the greatest revival ever before Christ returns.
The greatest crop of souls for Christ ever because we've done our job on the ground preparing the way.
The enemy will come in and test us.
God will get that giant harvest and we'll go to the next level.
This is amazing.
It's very painful.
It's not going to be enjoyable.
I will assure you.
But it's like going through boot camp or any major test.
This is it.
So just get right with God or join Satan and enjoy your fate.
Let's talk about the war on logic in this segment.
There has been a new ad put out by a major computer company, Logitech, Saying, defy logic.
Logic is bad.
So Lil Nas isn't having sex with Satan in his latest video.
They're saying, defy logic.
And I'm going to show you some examples of defying logic here in a moment.
But first, let's go back to one from a year ago, when cities were burning at the beginning of the summer, and Congressman Nadler, the penguin, It was questioned by reporters outside.
Hey, what about Antifa?
Aren't they that bad?
Oh, they don't exist, which was the official line everyone then used, which is gaslighting you, defying truth, defying logic.
Here it is.
It is true.
There's violence across the whole country.
Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
Sir, there's videos everywhere online.
There's fires and riots.
They're throwing fireworks at federal officers.
Okay, so here's another current case.
This was just yesterday.
Saki's up there just arrogantly brooding and glaring at everyone.
Just an arrogant criminal.
Just a rearguard action of the New World Order takeover.
And they say, hey, what's going on with the defund the police?
Crime rates basically doubled nationwide.
She's like, oh, that's the Republicans.
They did that because this week they didn't go along with the spending bill.
Logically, this has gone on for months and months and years.
The Democrats triggered it.
They did it.
They said be violent.
They cut the police.
They said it's mostly peaceful.
They said whoever said demonstrating is peaceful.
And then they turn around and go, no, it's the Republicans.
And now all their minions will parrot that again in their war on logic, trying to convince you to go along with them, even though it destroys you.
That's the war on logic.
Pretend you're part of the establishment.
Psaki's pretending.
Bill Gates is pretending.
These are losers signed on to Satan.
Look at them!
How unhappy they are!
How pathetic they are!
How cursed they are!
Statistically, their children commit suicide more than anybody.
You don't want to be a Rockefeller or a Rothschild.
They're haunted!
They're in hell!
Some little African fisherman doing a reasonable job is in heaven.
Some little farmer in the Midwest is in heaven.
These guys are in hell.
Here she is gaslighting the world with her declaration of war against logic.
Something one of the advisors said this week in Richmond, he said, Republicans defunded the police by not supporting the American Rescue Plan.
But how is it that that is an argument to be made when the president never mentioned needing money for police to stop a crime wave when he was selling the American Rescue Plan?
Well, the President did mention that the American Rescue Plan, the state and local funding, something that was supported by the President.
A lot of Democrats who supported and voted for the bill could help ensure local cops were kept on the beat in communities across the country.
As you know, didn't receive a single Republican vote.
That funding has been used to keep cops on the beat.
But at the time, that was sold as these local police departments might have a pandemic-related budget shortfall, not we need to keep cops on the beat because there's a crime wave.
I think that any local department would argue that keeping cops on the beat to keep communities safe when they had to because of budget shortfalls, fire police is something that helps them address crime in their local communities.
The White House's argument was the American Rescue Plan is going to be $1,400 checks.
It's going to be vaccines, vaccinators.
It's going to put us on the path to beating the virus.
It did those things as well.
It was a pretty good bill and piece of legislation.
So, the Democrats openly said the police are bad.
Kamala Harris funded massive amounts of money, did fundraisers for people that shot folks, burned down buildings to get them out of jail.
They said that they're doing a good job and they're good people.
The whole Democrat Party raft of folks, other than Tulsi Gabbards, got up in the debates and endorsed the riots last summer.
And now she's saying the Republicans did it.
That's called gaslighting, ladies and gentlemen, when it was the Democrats directing the cutting of funding of police to bring them under globalist control.
Let's move on to this latest piece of information.
Hashtag Defy Logic from Logitech on Twitter.
And they've got Lil Nas, the little darling, because he dresses up like a girl and has sex with Satan.
That's all you got to do to get your ticket to hell.
He says, to create the future we must defy the logic.
Of the past, like 2 plus 2 equals 4.
We must get rid of mathematics.
Get rid of common sense.
Get rid of the scientific method.
We must not ask questions of the establishment when they tell us, look at this image.
I was sent this by another friend of mine, national talk show host last night.
Just interesting point.
I'm sure they'll cover it.
The Practicing Midwife magazine, all from maternity.com.
Access extra content.
It's a fat man with a beard, with a Abilical cord going into his rear end with a baby saying he had the baby and the woman is so proud that a man had a baby.
A war on logic gaslighting you.
You will have nothing.
You will own nothing.
You will live in compounds.
You will live in these slave grids.
That's what they're pushing.
So here's the short Logitech ad for Lil Nas.
It actually says, Defy logic.
Like, don't jump in a fire, it'll burn you.
Oh no, I'm gonna defy logic.
Teaching you how good it is to be a fool so they can chump you.
Here it is.
To create the future, we must defy the logic of the past.
And finally, here's some more Defy Logic.
The NFL's new ad is a rainbow NFL symbol, except they won't do it overseas.
And it just says the NFL is gay.
Really, the NFL's about sex?
I thought it was about ritualized male combat.
I thought it was about combat, not sex.
But see, now they're sexualizing everything as sex, sex, sex.
Sex that doesn't create children.
Pornography that doesn't create children.
All of it for ending relationships, making us be alone, more easily targeted by the hyenas, by the wolves, by the lions, by the tigers.
Here's the NFL ad.
Football is gay.
It's lesbian.
It's beautiful.
It's queer.
It's transgender.
It's bisexual.
It's freedom.
It's American, it's accepting.
It's corporate America.
This is about getting you to accept it so the state and media can have a relationship sexually with your children
and rape them.
We're gonna come back with the next hour jam-packed with even more important news, analysis clips, special guests.
I don't have time to tell you about it, but listen.
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The globalists have launched their scientific dictatorship, their takeover, their revolution.
But we need our populist revolution. We've got some shocking news about what the pedos
They launched a whole new open pedophile movement on Twitter.
We'll tell you about it coming up.
But I want to air another powerful John Bowne report that just broke today at Bandot Video.
Click the left-hand corner, pull down John Bowne, find it and share it.
This is dealing with a populist revolution in New York.
March and April, we saw prisoners, many who were convicted criminals and parolees, released from Rikers due to COVID.
Lowering the Rikers population to half of what it was at this point last year.
On top of all this, the courts have been shut down, and many individuals who were indicted by a grand jury on gun charges are not in jail, but instead are free, awaiting for the courts to open up.
And hundreds more criminals who have been arrested for possession of a gun have not yet been indicted by a grand jury, because the courts are not in session.
They too are not behind bars.
If these tremendous challenges were not enough, New York City had days and days of anti-police marches that honestly crushed the morale of our cops.
And it created a large sense of animosity towards the police.
The citizens are now picking up the pieces from the remnants of a once-thriving city decimated by the policies of the Karl Marx-influenced Bill de Blasio.
The famous quote that the state is the executive committee of the bourgeoisie.
And I use it openly to say, no, I actually read that when I was a young person.
I said, well, that's not the way it's supposed to be.
They want to drive out all the people with wealth and those who are rich?
1% pay 42% of the taxes.
50% of the property taxes are paid by realtors that go into the budget of $92 billion.
You start doing the math and you chase all these people out, who is going to pay for all the social service programs?
Enter Curtis Lewa, a Brooklyn native whose life story within the five boroughs of New York City is the stuff of populist legend.
Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa kicked off his campaign to run the city by making it abundantly clear there will be no sacred cows if he gets elected.
Those gas-guzzling SUVs elected officials like Mayor de Blasio get around town in?
Those sanctimonious hypocrites.
Those huge SUVs that get about eight miles a gallon.
You know how Curtis Sliwa's gonna travel?
Subways, city buses, Uber, Lyft, lime green cab, yellow cabs, livery cars.
Do what average everyday people have to do.
To the saga of being the leader of the Guardian Angels that confronted a crime riddled New York City armed with only karate and citizen's arrest.
When I started the Guardian Angels officially on February 13th of 1979, I thought we'd be earning the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I just felt nobody was really doing anything.
I would not refer to myself as a hero.
All I am is one person who's made a difference.
And there are a lot of other people out there who make a difference every day.
We just don't know who they are.
They don't get the same attention and recognition.
This is all primed to take advantage of the fact that we know people out there want to make a difference.
They just need to be able to figure out how they can, and the Guardian Angels have presented a way for them to do that.
To narrowly escaping a murder attempt by the mob.
Curtis Lewa is still in critical condition at this hour after undergoing more than six hours of surgery to remove five bullets.
He's expected to recover fully from his injuries in a shooting that took place this morning at exactly the same place where he'd been attacked by three men with baseball bats two months earlier.
Sliwa has earned his reputation from decades of hard work, and his face is well known in neighborhoods most Democrats and Republicans wouldn't set foot in.
There's going to be a campaign, clearly, in which I talk about cracking down on crime.
Supporting the police.
Refunding our heroes, the police.
Hiring more police.
Taking the handcuffs off the police and putting it on the criminals.
People can learn more about my campaign and help me fight off the Democrats and especially AOC all out crazy.
All they have to do is go to Curtis Sliwa for mayor.com.
Sliwa proves that American populism hasn't reached its end.
It is merely entering another chapter.
There is a war on logic, there is a war on life, and the globalists admit that they're trying to confuse us, turn us upside down, so they can have their criminal takeover and depopulate us.
But we're aware of their plan, we've bet on humanity, and humanity is fighting back.
The globalists are in panic mode.
They thought they were going to have 70, 80, 90% so-called inoculation rates.
By months ago.
I've got articles on it right here.
Instead, they're lying when they say New York's 50% or Chicago's 50%.
They're lying when they say California, a place like LA are 50%.
It's way below that.
And I can tell you, I've talked to a ton of doctors that I know personally and on the street and nurses that say, we all shoot it in the trash can.
None of us are taking.
And so they're in full panic mode and now they've got a top Australian general, had
a Freudian slip and basically said the vaccine will kill you.
That's coming up.
And we've got some footage shows French politicians quickly mask up after realizing the cameras are on.
We're going to cover that in a moment.
But first I want to hit two articles that tie together.
Right here.
Pentagon advisor warns Biden administration violating First Amendment and military crackdown.
And I would expect to see more of this.
This is one of the chief lawyers that has been brought in by the Biden administration.
This is not some conservative to oversee what extremism is.
And they're being told, as is in, The new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism document put out two weeks ago that is so incredible that I keep harping on.
I mean, a declaration of war against every American value.
You cannot hype how bad this is.
With Honoré.
And Millie and Austin chomping at the bit saying, implement this, where if you believe elections are fraudulent, or you believe borders shouldn't be open, or you believe there's a mother and a father and there's two sexes, or you believe there shouldn't be lockdowns, or you believe in free speech, it's all in here.
You are a terrorist and should be, quote, attacked by the national security apparatus.
And I pledge you the club's at nauseam.
On a scale of 1 to 10 rhetoric wise, this is an 11.
I mean, even Hitler and Mao and people didn't say stuff like this out in the open.
And I saw those two generals arrogantly get in the face of congressmen last week that asked them about this and the look of hate and the power trip they were on is not American.
They look like third world dictators with 10 stars on their shoulders.
I didn't say ten, I said ten, as in ten stars.
I mean Qaddafi didn't dress up in clown outfits like this.
So, Pentagon advisor warns Biden administration violating First Amendment in military crackdown.
Big article, it's important.
And that's everything the system's doing is.
Computer ads saying defy logic, don't be logical.
That's what happens when you're, don't read the fine print, just sign it.
Don't be logical.
Don't wear a condom, just be logical.
Don't have a flashlight when you're walking around on the cliffs at night.
Don't be logical.
Defy logic.
And you're like, this makes no sense.
I told you that I was invited to the Sundance Film Festival three years ago.
Two years ago, whatever it was.
And I couldn't go, so an associate went.
And they go, we don't know why, this is all the producers, we're just told unlimited money to just make people depressed and make nothing make sense.
They didn't say defy logic, but nothing's supposed to make sense.
We're supposed to confuse people.
And remember, Obama basically took over Netflix at that point.
He approves the projects.
And it's all just crazy hallucination, upside down world to screw with us so we accept The fact that they've created several quadrillion, that's thousands of trillions, in fake money and they've signed us on to it and they're about to take all your wealth and all your prosperity away and they just want you running around so whacked out of your brain on Prozac and Ritalin you want to have your penis cut off.
And I don't say that to be funny, that's what they're doing!
You gotta read this article.
An advisor to the Pentagon's new counter-extremism working group is warning a campaign of the Biden administration to redefine extremism to include free speech the left doesn't like.
And it goes through the whole thing.
You might want to read it.
You might want to share it.
Because they just want to steamroll all of this forward.
Like, well of course we bring convicted pedophiles to your fifth grade or first grade and have them, kids, sit in their lap.
Well, of course their penises are out, they just put glitter on them, and that's totally normal.
Because if you'll put up with that, you'll put up with anything.
Here already, a listener just joined us.
Here's the Logitech computer company.
To create the future, we must defy logic.
We've got ads put out by the Midwife Association of the U.S., all from maternity.com, showing a fat man giving a birth with the baby coming out of him.
Teaching people that babies come out of men's rear ends.
That's the midwifing publications.
This is the war on humanity.
Now, I'm going to tie this into the collapse of that condo in Miami here in a moment, but first let's get to this.
Let's play the clip first.
I got a bunch of these just in whatever order you want of Governor Wolf's having a meeting and they're like, hey, only wear the mask for political effect when you get up on stage.
Then we show Homeland Security officials not wearing masks when they go up on stage putting masks on.
We know it's theater.
And now the new footage we've got here with the European Union and what they're doing and how they've been caught putting the mask on before they go on TV.
Here are the clubs back to back.
I have pause.
Start this again.
So again, if you're a radio listener, you can't see this.
It's in French.
They're having their big event.
They're having their big meeting.
It's already a live feed, but they think the press conference is about to start, so they go, oh my god, put your mask on, it's time for the press conference.
Again, this is all the giant fraud of these puppets, told by the UN what to do.
They all know it's a fraud.
They're all criminals.
In a giant fire drill.
A French EU meeting.
Hurry, hurry, get the mask on!
Get the mask on!
In a giant fire drill. Here's Homeland Security, spokesperson.
They're all told to do it by the UN and Big Tech to keep the fear going.
And then he takes it off.
Here's another clip.
I'm waiting so that we can do a little political theater.
I will as well. I'm waiting so that we can do a little political theater.
I'm curious. A little political theater, yeah.
Take it off. So that it's on camera.
And they're all using basic psychological warfare on us when they're being enslaved too,
but they're being paid to do it so they play along with it, just like Pelosi doesn't wear a mask.
And so then all these chumps pretend, liberals, Democrats, like they're part of this.
Oh, they get to stay home and watch Netflix, even though it's starving tens of millions of death in the third world and causing a seismic collapse of jobs.
They're never going to get back!
Prosperity destroyed!
But they pretended, defying logic, That big vicious mega banks and Amazon and box stores consolidating power, buying up the economy, naming small businesses as non-essential, saying families are non-essential, we need to depopulate everyone, and the average alone liberal with all their fake degrees, the biggest schmucks in the system, pretend like they're master controllers doing this.
If an alien showed up to blow up the Earth, they'd say, I'm with you, alien!
Aliens like, okay, winks at them, blows the planet up.
You're not!
You're idiots!
You're morons!
Stop defying logic leftists!
God help you!
You are idiots!
You are the plague!
You are morons!
You're not part of the system!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
This entire depopulation plan is about selfishness, And it's about a ruling scientific class breaking the social contract and seeing the people they're feeding on, they're robbing, as garbage.
They're carrying out the crime of depopulation to save the Earth, when if you look at what the globalists are doing, they are genetically poisoning the planet, overriding all the genetics of the planet, and then trying to cut carbon Which is the very life force of the Earth itself.
I've analyzed this thing from top to bottom, and you could put a gun to my head and say I'm gonna kill you if you don't join it, and I'd say pull the trigger, because it is satanic.
It is anti-life, not just anti-human.
And if they can teach humans, the stewards of the Earth, who are babies, in our little nursery, breaking things, spilling things, the Earth can regenerate.
But if the stewards of the Earth can be taught that they're bad and kill themselves, then this alien force can overwrite the planet for itself.
And it's an invasion, a spiritual transmission.
An invasion of spirit.
And if you don't have God and don't realize Genesis, the Earth's been given to us, we're going to create, I can just tell you now, trillions of worlds.
That is a small number.
This is a egg.
This is Genesis.
This is the Genesis Project.
And we have to accept that and know that we're going to be able to turn the galaxy green.
And then the next galaxy.
And the next galaxy.
It's gonna spread unlimited.
And there's certain things don't like that very much.
Silicon things.
And the entire mission of the New World Order is, Homo sapiens are bad, carbon is bad.
I mean, I have London Guardian articles going, we must ban all carbon, trees are bad, cut those down too.
I'm not joking.
I mean, this is some heavy-duty stuff.
And you know, I get different species don't like other species.
I understand that.
But it's in my stack right here where they say get rid of all carbon.
Carbon is life.
Carbon neutral is death, sterilization.
But let's shift gears to the big news here.
News the Army's Lieutenant General John J.J.
Fruin has been picked to lead the new COVID-19 vaccination task force, has prompted fresh discussion of the Defence Force's role in Australia, feeding on the people of Australia.
Fruin, already the commander of the Australian Defence Force, And the COVID-19 Task Force will also direct the military-style scale-up of phase of the beleaguered vaccination rollout, as one media report put it.
The country's back under lockdown because they don't trust the Frankenshot that's getting banned all over the world and doesn't even protect you from COVID-19.
So as bad as it is, folks, they thought they got a lot further and the wheels are coming off quick.
It's why we need prosecutions of Fauci and Gates and the UN and Tetris and all the rest of these people.
Because they are like paper tigers.
Paper houses.
They blow over in the wind.
Hell, you just barely, I mean, they're, they've got all the big facade of the media and the system.
Here's the general slipping up Talking about the so-called vaccines.
Well, hear it for yourself.
Say to the Australian community that you should have faith in the vaccines, that you should remember that the consequences of the vaccines are worse than any of the potential side effects, and if you are eligible to make a booking, please do make a booking for your first dose, and then continue with your second dose.
Your second special dose of prions.
See, remember they had a Star Trek episode, I forget which episode it was, the one back in the 60s, where they had created an alien society that was humanoid, where they had so many big wars, they decided to have wars be computerized.
So they would have wars that way, and so when the other side launched, the other side, they would simulate it, but you'd go into a chamber and be disintegrated.
Guys, look up which Star Trek episode was about war, simulated war, With real death.
I think that'll pull it up.
Because that's what this is.
I mean, that's the UN model.
Well, the Chinese killed 100 plus million other people, conservatively, with post-birth abortion and infanticide.
Not to mention 500 million in the womb.
So it's like an agreement.
And the globalists have made these agreements, like, okay, well, it's time to kill Australia, it's time to kill Europe, time to kill, you know, Canada, New Zealand, the US.
And they're doing it.
I have a giant stack of new news of heart attacks and death and 200-fold the normal death rate and people dying that have had the COVID shot saying it's COVID.
I mean, it's happening!
And then another guy that looks like Klaus Schwab, nothing against bald-headed white dudes, but most bald-headed white dudes don't look like Dr. Evil.
It's called a taste of Armageddon.
See if you can pull the episode up, guys.
So, and that's what all this is.
So let's go ahead now and play the general who's moonlighting as Dr. Evil for Klaus Schwab's twin brother one more time.
I say to the Australian community that you should have faith in the vaccines, that you should remember that the consequences of the vaccines are worse than any of the potential side effects, and if you are eligible to make a booking, please do make a booking for your first dose and then continue with your second dose.
So people take from that esoterically, oh he slipped up.
No, he just missed the part about the consequences of not taking the vaccines are greater.
Meaning we're gonna lock your ass up, we're gonna bankrupt you, we're gonna put you in a damn camp.
And that leads me to the next thing.
In my stack that is so horrific.
They're announcing, according to your phone number and who you are, they're going to come to your house if you haven't been shot up.
Remember the contact tracers?
Remember the Clinton Global Initiative last year?
With the Clintons on TV, smiling and laughing, saying, we've got a $20 billion contract, a U.S.
$20 billion!
They got $2 billion from Texas, through Google.
Oh yeah, they get your money.
To send all, instead of AmeriCorps, which is really the CIA, and all these groups out of the third world, now they're coming to your house because you haven't had the shot.
And in the future, they're going to come and drag your ass out!
But, oh, once they actually launch it, they don't call it that.
They go, oh, we're targeting areas of ignorant people.
And yeah, oh, it gets worse.
They're not just sending their goons.
They're telling the general public on volunteer sites to go knock on your door and get in your face.
So that's in my four-inch stack of COVID new world order takeover news.
When we come back, please don't forget, store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points to July 4th.
We bring that back every year during this time.
60% off the X3 that is back in stock, the tri-iodine.
It's going to sell out very quickly, but I'm keeping it at that price despite the fact it's selling.
So I want you to experience the power of the good halogen and support the broadcast.
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Don't procrastinate.
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Well, the products aren't BS either.
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This country, in its 250 years history, has never had traitors as bad as Honoré and Milley and Austin.
These men, once they've been politically, culturally, economically, and using the criminal justice system, defeated, will be known as the new definition of Benedict Arnold.
They are the plague.
They are a curse.
And they are planning, in my view, false flag terror attacks here in America to cement their rollout against us.
They're spoiling for a war.
They're spoiling for a coup.
They're spoiling to overthrow.
And they're getting ready to carry out terror attacks, that is, their handlers are, to be blamed on those of us that are loyal Americans in our opposition to the destruction of the country and the sellout of the nation.
And they're all over television saying Trump questioning the election is an act of terror and he's got to be dealt with by the military.
The government's going to kill this guy.
And they're on channel saying we need to get members of Congress using the military.
People sitting in Congress right now, people in and around the former president.
And then General Milley and General Austin and General Honore get up there and click their heels and say, we want to slug out with the American people and every white person that doesn't salute us is a white supremacist enemy and we're the Americans and they're Hitler and we're gonna get them!
We're ready for war!
Turn us loose!
We're gonna get America!
Death to America, says Milley!
Death to America, says Austin!
"Death to America!" says Honoré.
Let's take a look at Honoré in Love of the Street.
(upbeat music)
To chronicle the treason and anti-American activities of General Honoré, Austin, and Milley, it would take years.
Let us examine only one small data point.
The gun confiscation that took place after the Katrina hurricane.
Where peaceful people, high and dry, under the orders of Honoré, had their firearms stolen and taken from them, never to be returned.
House to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.
You said guns will be taken?
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
And now Honoré is organizing the national response for the Democratic Party for gun confiscation.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons, but let them stay in their homes.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
This guard unit occupied a church, using it as a base camp.
All of a sudden, they were banging on the front door, the side door, and the back door, and they said, let us in.
I said, is that even loaded?
I really thought they were going to kill me.
They took them.
And they didn't have a right to take them.
They didn't have a reason to take them.
You never expect to do this in your own country.
Chris Montgomery says he'd rather be in Iraq than patrolling American neighborhoods.
Walking up and down these streets, you don't want to think about the stuff that you're going to have to do.
Somebody pops around the corner, and they shoot an American.
You know them by their fruits, as Christ said.
A leopard never changes its spots.
Here, in focus, is the treason of Honore against the Second Amendment and America.
The biggest globalist foundations didn't spend trillions of dollars to take down America
and Christianity for no reason.
They couldn't have their world government as long as we stood.
So they undermined our churches and our communities.
They brainwashed our children.
They federalized our police.
They worked tirelessly.
To assault logic and then to create a virus, to create fear for a lockdown and martial law.
And now they've said questioning anything they do is an act of terror and their generals beat their chest ready for war with the people and the NSA spies on the Patriots.
Because when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried, appease, appease, are hanged by those they tried to please.
That was written on the side of a jail wall.
In the Revolutionary War, no one knows who wrote it.
But out of these persecutions, we get men like Andrew Jackson, whose father died.
I was in Virginia, ten in the land, when he was two years old, but his older brother and mother died because they were loyal to the United States in the Revolutionary War.
At age nine, after they died, he became a scout and a sniper in the Colonial Army.
By the age of ten, he had killed Redcoats, and you know the rest of the history of Andrew Jackson.
Of course, you don't know, because if you would make a movie about him, it would seem unreal, the soldier and the patriot and the leader he was.
So let them attack us.
God will give us Andrew Jacksons.
And they'll be of every shape, color, and creed.
But God will give us our Andrew Jacksons to crush this enemy.
And the enemy's persecution of us will only make us stronger!
The satanic pedophile globalist operation is a bunch of losers!
Who cares when they attack you?
Who cares when they boycott you?
Who cares what they do?
They're the losers that joined Satan!
Now, I want to be clear.
I've been working on a documentary for a while, and I just get so busy we haven't finished it, but it deals with January 6th and the attempted martial law and the forced inoculations and the assault on America.
But do you know that I thought Democrats in the last five years have only attacked two or three capitals and invaded them and beat up cops and broke things like we saw at the Capitol on January 6th, which was wrong, by the way.
Democrats endorse that when they burn down buildings and shoot cops.
We don't.
We don't endorse lawlessness.
Attacking our own little constabulary only weakens us.
To the globalists.
I want to go after the heads of things that have actually launched the attacks on humanity.
They're the ones that should pay, not the constabulary.
But the globalists want to create civil unrest, attack us, have us attack back, and then go, oh look, you're terrible, and outlaw all of our political action while legalizing all of their vicious, violent action.
But it wasn't two or three capitals they'd hit.
Do you know if you look it up in the last five years, the Democrats have stormed and attacked more than 15 times capitals, some of them the same capital over and over again, but more than 15 attacks.
Hell, Democrats have driven vehicles into capitals, you name it.
And you don't then blame all Democrats for that, but that's what they try with the quote, insurrection.
of January 6th.
Well, guess what just happened today?
It's on Infowars.com, Kellan McBrain.
AOC and 500 climate activists, that means eugenicists, depopulationists, shut off the U.S.
energy for China operatives, that's what that means.
Climate activists means feudalism, martial law, cut off your energy.
AOC and 500 climate activists blockade every entrance to the White House Attack police, but they're heroes because the Democrats, again, called burning down buildings mostly peaceful.
So let's play a little compilation of what's unfolding as we speak at the White House, where the left is attacking its own system for the mega banks, because shutting down the Keystone Pipeline and shutting down the Colonial Pipeline and shutting down hundreds of other smaller pipelines and And not letting us make batteries for the battery cars here in America.
Biden did that.
All the things he's done, holding America under the water, strangling us to bankrupt us, isn't enough for that monster AOC who routinely wears $5,000 outfits.
routinely wears $5,000 outfits.
Not counting the jewelry.
$10,000 watches, $5,000 dresses, $2,000.
People go, well, Jones, sometimes, you know, you wear a Rolex your dad gave you.
Yeah, I wanted a Rolex until he gave me a Rolex 15 years ago.
The point is, that's a $7,000 watch.
I'm a capitalist.
I'm for prosperity for everybody.
She's against it, but then is just festooned.
I'm wearing a $70 shirt.
I'm wearing $70 shoes, I'm wearing $15 pants, because I like the pants you get at Costco.
But the point is, when we come back, we'll play her insurrection in her $5,000 outfit, or whatever she's wearing today, and just how ridiculous this all is, ladies and gentlemen.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
Stay with us.
Our families, our children, our girls, our boys, they're all under attack.
And I've got some of the most shocking pro-pedophile clothing lines now coming out.
We're going to cover it at the start of the next hour with Owen Schroyer and special guest Ian Studium.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Again, thank you for joining us again.
Before I get to this AOC ongoing attack on the White House right now, Which they would call an insurrection if we did it.
Really it's just a rowdy protest and civil disobedience, which with them is low intensity conflict.
They're usually 10 times more violent.
Before we do that, Tucker Carlson is being spied on.
Of course he is.
We all are.
We're under attack.
They've captured almost all the media.
But that's what you do when you're a foreign multinational takeover that's engaged in a corporate, hostile, Take them.
And that's where we are.
And the good news is way lower people are taking their deadly vaccine.
They're supposed to make you sick, so you got to go to the hospital so they can suck all the money out of you.
Record low people are buying their New World Order or their LGBTQXYZ garbage.
And folks understand this is an attempt to screw people up.
So that we can be basically depopulated.
And so we're sad for those that have fallen to the scourge, but they're collateral damage.
We didn't launch the attack.
Overall, the globalist operation is not going well.
Like any offensive launched by a tyrant, it goes well at first, but runs into major obstacles once the occupied population realizes this isn't a liberating group that's here.
This is a group to really oppress us.
So things only get worse.
When you submit to this tyranny, they get better when you resist.
And so that's why I'm telling listeners now more than ever, if you aren't sharing the articles at InfoWars.com, the videos from Band.Video, and I know you're going to say, well, Twitter and Facebook don't let us.
That's why we have FreeWorldNews.TV.
That URL is not blocked right now.
I'm sure they'll block it soon.
We'll have a new one for you.
But that creates a shadow link to all the links at Band.Video.
When you do that, it changes the world.
So I'm just encouraging all to realize you're not just part of the solution.
You're everything.
Imagine me as a paralyzed person.
I've got my brain and I'm right here with this great audience of activists.
But you've got your free will and you've got your own way to do things.
If I try to get you to do something and I ask you to do it, if you don't decide to do it, I'm paralyzed.
You're paralyzed.
And so, please, realize you're not part of the solution.
You're basically everything in this fight.
And I'm asking you now to not wait, to however you do it, tell folks about the broadcast and get the word out.
And then separately, I am trying to hire four or five new reporters.
There's like ten I want to hire, but I've actually already hired some new ones that'll be here soon.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
And Cruz and everything else, and I'm all in.
And like I said, my house is up for sale to put the money into this.
I mean, I'm just 100% in.
I've always been 100% in, but even my backup reserves are now into the fight because now people are listening to us more than ever, and now's the time to change the world.
But that means we need you now to support us financially.
So, we have the 4th of July Super Sale.
New deals added every day.
Free shipping and double Patriot Points.
And a lot of these deals can only be offered for a few days, because the products are already close to selling out.
Like Vazzo Beets and Pollen Block are only being added for a few days.
They're 50 and 40% off.
Respectively, X2, 50% off.
Survival Vitality and Female Vitality, 50% off.
Survival Shield X3, 60% off.
BioTruth Selenium, 50% off.
Ultimate Crayola, 40% off.
That's all going to end the day after July 4th.
All water filtration systems are 10% off.
All storable food, 10% off exclusively at InfoWareStore.com.
But I want to just encourage you to realize this isn't hype.
Everything we promote, just like the information we cover on the show, is hardcore and cutting edge.
Take Survival Shield X3.
It's just as good as X2.
X2's the original.
We had X1 from Seaweed that was great.
Then we did X2 from Deep Earth Crystals, which is the very best.
This has Deep Earth Crystalline as well, but it has the two other types of iodine for some people that can't absorb pure Deep Earth Crystal through atomic iodine.
So we were just recommended to make this.
A lot of folks like it better than the other.
They're not in competition with each other.
You should try it out.
It's 60% off, with free shipping, double pay-through points, the best deliver.
We were able to get a big shipment in of this.
With the shutdown and the lockdown, most stuff's not even available.
We were able to get a big shipment in, and I thought, you know, the answer to this is, blast this out to folks who need it and want it, and I believe they'll become regular customers of it.
It's $16.
At 60% off, ladies and gentlemen.
That is very close to cost at infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
And I hope to sell 90% of it in the next week and then keep the rest of it at like 10% off until more comes in.
Scheduled about three months.
X2 is excellent as well.
Very strong.
Be careful with it.
It is 50% off infowarestore.com.
But I'm not going to be your doctor.
You should research iodine.
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
Just be careful when you first get it because if you've been deficient in it for a while, you detox in about two to three weeks when you've been taking it, and it's a crazy effect.
So I would go slow with all this, but consult your physician.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
We also have the new free American shirts in camo, navy blue and black, and of course Save the Frog shirts.
All that makes it possible, so thank you all for your support.
Please take action today.
First, let's go back to some of that B-roll from the last report we aired, where General Honoré declares war on the Second Amendment along with General Austin.
By the way, that video, it's titled, Death to America, and it's on Bandot Video.
I hope you share it.
These tyrants are really hoping you don't.
They're literally trained to destroy this country.
Enemies of the Republic in every way.
They've signed on the National Security Directive to say that free speech is the enemy.
Their own Pentagon lawyers say it's illegal what they're doing.
I mean, that's the closest thing to Hitler in our lifetimes, folks, is these men.
I mean, I'm sorry, it's just the truth.
These are outrageous pieces of trash.
So, we have that information.
And notice that two of them are black.
The average black person in the military is probably as patriotic as you can get.
I know, I run into people on the street.
This is not black people.
This is what you see at the AOC rally, where they only basically had black speakers and Hispanic women to make Hispanic women and black folks think they speak for you, and to have all the white people who've been taught to fetishize being black to think, oh, it's a black man telling me to do this.
I need to cut off U.S.
carbon, which will bankrupt the country and make us all slaves.
But they put a black face on Apple's slave camps in China.
They put a black face on Nike's slave camps in China.
They put a black face on the whole New World Order agenda of child smuggling and everything else.
And here they are, blocking entrances, attacking police, and the media is praising them because their insurrections are good.
Our insurrections, when they manipulate them, are bad.
Here it is.
[crowd chanting "Horrick"]
They marched down to the Capitol.
You know, the worst ending in ten years, I guess you could say, unless you give her a full... It's a bunch of gay guys.
Hey, SunriseNYC.
We just closed out here in DC today.
We successfully barricaded the whole White House.
Boston Crew got arrested.
We had AOC come.
We had Cori Bush come.
We had Jamaal Bowman come and say that the reason why they're here today in their elected positions is because of us.
And so super powerful, super cool.
We have the chance to bring back this energy.
To New York City on Thursday when we protest outside of Chuck Schumer's Midtown office.
Really hope to see you there.
And what I really also am asking is that you all get involved, recruit people and also join the team to help finish organizing that action so that we can bring this energy.
Right now we're waiting for the Boston crew that got arrested to come back.
That's fine, no big deal, I was in the control room, I saw the incredible footage, people saying basically attack the Capitol, attack the White House, all of it.
We're going to come back with all that for you here in just a moment.
But you can see the idiocy of a bunch of college students run by the establishment, run by the big banks, out there believing that they are attacking the system.
When the system wants to shut down our carbon and starve us to death, but China's exempt and India's exempt and Mexico's exempt, we're the globalists that made their investments.
They have no sense.
They're told, you're the heroes, the university and all the corporate channels and the NFL say, no, you are the establishment.
And most of them know they're the new ruling class.
And it's based on race.
It's based on gender.
It's not based on what you stand for or how good a job you do or how you operate in your life.
It is the opposite of what Martin Luther King talked about.
And I like Martin Luther King because that made sense to me.
This doesn't make any sense.
And it's run by very, very evil people.
All right, the next hour is coming up.
We're going to get that footage for you, and we're going to show it all.
And we've got Owen Schroer and a lot more coming up.
We've got political prisoners in solitary confinement right there in D.C.
Those leftists don't give a damn.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
We've got Haley in Georgia, Ramon and Brian, who were holding over yesterday, but I called them back to get them back on.
Appreciate them coming on with us.
Let's go to Haley in Georgia.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hello, can you hear me?
I sure can.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
All right, Alex.
I don't want to take up too much of your time here.
You're not taking up.
That's why we wanted to go to you.
Go ahead.
I really can't go into too much detail here just out of fear of repercussions on my family.
I'm sorry if I get emotional talking about this, but my father's a veteran.
That's really all I can say about that.
But a few years ago, he started seeing a doctor outside of the VA who opened a study on some of the skin mutations that he got while he was serving.
And like two weeks after the doctor had published his initial findings, he mysteriously died.
All of his research went away.
You know, my dad tried to follow up, you know, on the research that was done.
Nobody would tell him anything.
And you know, fast forward to today, My dad and other veterans who have refused the COVID-19 shots from the VA are being intentionally mis-prescribed medications.
My dad was nearly paralyzed because of this.
It's causing chunks of his skin to fall off, and other people that have went to the same hospital have died from heart attacks, you know, just from these mis-prescribed medications.
Oh, there's no doubt the VA is there to kill veterans, and Trump tried to stop that, yeah.
This is all a giant eugenics operation.
It's horrific, isn't it?
It absolutely is, because he went to eight different hospitals, you know, to try to get treatment for this medication reaction, and they all turned him away.
So he had to go out of state, like, hours out of state to even find somebody who would give him the proper treatment that he needed, and the doctor he saw told him, if you take this medication again, you will die.
You will die.
We've spoken with lawyers about filing, you know, malpractice suits through the Torts Act.
One firm that we talked to had told us 20 other veterans just that day had called him with the exact same scenario, exact same situation.
You know, one woman, her 74-year-old father had died from a heart attack from being misdescribed a medication, and nobody's taking it seriously.
Nobody's talking to us.
You know, we've tried.
That's how it works.
Everybody having the heart attacks from the flu, from the flu vaccines and the COVID vaccines and all of it.
It's all normalizing our deaths.
All of this is about normalizing our deaths, normalizing lies, normalizing fake PCR tests, normalizing fraud.
I mean, this is this is the eugenics operation.
This is rich people saying we're going to kill the regular people.
So we could be richer, but really, they just want to kill people.
As an act of very aggressive competition, and they really hate classical warriors, people that signed up for the military, that have those skills.
The nerds of big tech hate men that are strong, and so they can hide it and kill them through medical systems or through vaccines, through a fifth generation, sixth generation warfare, they do it.
And so, but don't worry, their reckoning's coming.
Their reckoning's coming.
I'm sorry to hear they're doing this to your father.
That's exactly what it is, because you know, my dad served under communism.
He knows exactly what it looks like.
He was on the other side when it happened.
You know, he knows exactly what it looks like and he's been telling me for years, but I never believed him.
You know, I'm young.
I was brainwashed when I was in school.
That's exactly what it was.
I had no idea.
Well, Hayley, it's okay.
We've all been misled before.
We've all been wrong, but we have time to wake up.
The fact that you know you were wrong, you woke up straight.
You're on the air warning people.
Become a leader in your area.
Warn others, Hayley.
You are unstoppable.
We'll get to Ramon and Brian with Owen Schroyer next segment.
Then he's got a special guest, because I was going to go early today to the border.
We decided to go later.
I'm going to the border to be there with the whole Trump thing tomorrow.
And so Owen will be co-hosting with me tomorrow.
I'll be on the road.
But he's coming in because he's going to host the fourth hour today.
He'll be with us next segment.
And there is so much to get to.
I don't even want to cover this new pedophile movement online.
We're going to hit that for you because this is definitely the pedophiles are coming out of the closet for your children.
Infowars is here because there's a war on for your mind.
That's why it's been our motto for more than 25 years.
And if you research even the UN's own admissions, over 2 billion people on planet Earth, out of 7.5 billion, have cognitive disabilities, lower IQ because of lack of iodine.
That's why they work to make sure iodine isn't in the food, isn't in the salt anymore.
Now regular iodine that you find In food is bound to different minerals, and so it's hard for your body to absorb.
But if you get the proper type of iodine, there's three types that are good for the body, it does amazing things.
It's essential in the body.
Well, we have our amazing Tri-Iodine.
A big shipment came in, and so we're able to offer it at the lowest price ever, 60% off.
That is Survival Shield X3, 60% off with three types of powerful iodine.
Tri-Iodine is from a patented All right, let me ask you about the media aspect of this, because I find this outrageous.
more powerful at the cellular level.
You and your family will love it.
It's incredible for your body.
Get it at Infowarsstore.com today.
All right, let me ask you about the media aspect of this 'cause I find this outrageous.
Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a lab.
Of course, now even the Biden administration is looking into this. - Right.
Google, a Wall Street Journal reporter asked the head of Google's health division, notice that they don't do autofill searches for coronavirus lab leak the way they do it for any other question.
And the guy said, well, we want to make sure the search isn't leading people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative information.
Well, you were wrong, Google and Facebook.
We don't know.
The reason why we want you is because we're checking on this.
He said, we want to ensure the first thing users see is information from the CDC, the WHO.
That's who I'm checking on.
The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of shit.
This is outrageous that I can't look this information up and now they're doing it with this drug Ivermectin.
They threw Brett Weinstein off YouTube or almost.
He's one strike away.
YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about Ivermectin.
Ivermectin isn't a registered Republican.
It's a drug.
I don't know if it works or not and a lot of other doctors don't either.
It does work.
Can I say to the Australian community that you should have faith in the vaccines, that you should remember that the consequences of the vaccines are worse than any of the potential side effects, and if you are eligible to make a booking, please do make a booking for your first dose, and then continue with your second dose.
A lot of his supporters believe that we are the enemy of the American people, and that is really, really an awful situation.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
We love the American people.
They came in peace.
We are not the enemy of the American people.
We love the American people.
This is CNN.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, folks.
We are back live.
Owen Schroer riding shotgun with me.
A lot of news to hit before this hour ends.
And a special guest is joining us.
And then he'll host the fourth hour and then three hours of the War Room today as I get in the vehicle and drive five hours down to the South Texas border in McAllen where Trump is going to be tomorrow.
Look for live coverage of that where Owen is here in studio and I am down on the ground tomorrow.
Owen, so much going on, so much happening, so much insanity.
They'll tell us what the special guest is popping in next segment.
But first, AOC and others, we can show some of the B-roll with the bullhorns, the rest of it, blocking the White House, all the entrances.
I call that civil disobedience.
They call that terrorism when we do it.
Just like when Right Wing Watch got banned yesterday on YouTube.
I said it's probably a shell operation.
I said they're probably going to reinstate it, but I said I'm not going to celebrate like others are.
Those that championed our removal, now being removed themselves.
I'm not going to lower myself to their level.
A lot of conservatives took the bait.
I didn't cover it.
I smelled a rat.
It was all a PR stunt to boost their name out there with Google, guaranteed.
And now they're like, that's right, we don't get censored, you get censored.
What a pathetic group.
They call themselves People for the American Way.
Well, there's really not words to describe the times we're living in other than just experience it yourself.
Like, we're playing the clips of these health ministers that are saying, you know, line up, get the vaccine.
It's total medical tyranny.
Well, I could describe medical tyranny.
I could take 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 seconds, an hour.
I could describe medical tyranny.
But instead, we're seeing it.
Yeah, it's actually here.
I mean, we could talk about political double standards.
We could talk about double standards in the media.
Again, me and Alex, we've talked about this for years, but now it's just here.
Oh, you notice you talked about this earlier.
Oh, Republicans are defunding the police, Alex.
Yes, Republicans are defunding the police.
And they're actually selling it.
And that's right.
And women have penises.
And they're selling this.
And men get pregnant.
And like at health clubs, hey, there's a man showing his genitals to kids in the bathroom.
They're like, he's allowed to.
He's a woman.
But the media is the Tokyo Rose, Baghdad Bob right now, because you know Alex, if you go out, most people you meet are either, they get what's going on, they know the election was stolen, they know COVID was a big scam.
Well, I agree with that.
In fact, internal polls and public poll show it's gone from 70% of Republicans to 80% saying it's a fraud, from 25 to 35% of Democrats.
So the more they propagandize, the bigger the hole gets.
Well, and again, InfoWars is just like the analogy you made last week, the gauge on the vehicle of freedom.
It's like, okay, how populist is saying that the vaccines are deadly?
How populist is not wanting to line up for medical tyranny?
How populist is saying the election was rigged?
And it turns out we have the majority.
And it's ridiculous.
It's not even close.
And so that's why you have 14 Fox News shows beating out the top-rated CNN show.
Because they're just globalist-like.
And so, but it's not even that.
It's just the message of, hey, we're not outright lying about everything.
We kind of don't give you the whole truth here, but you know, we're not outright lying about everything.
That's kind of the Fox News slogan is.
But meanwhile, if you're really hardcore like Tucker, the NSA lets you know they're spying on you.
Well, and you mentioned this earlier too, but it's like, we already knew via FOIA requests.
Alex, before I even worked at InfoWars, when I first started doing my own thing politically and starting to get out of the sports media realm, I would do broadcasts talking about the spying, because that's an obvious one, right?
I mean, that's pretty obvious.
You got your camera on your computer, you got your camera on your phone, you got your camera on your TVs now.
Your home assistants, yeah.
And this was before I ever joined InfoWars.
It was explained to me, just because you start putting out truth, you know, ears and eyes start to land on you.
And somebody actually sent me all my GPS information for like the last two years.
They sent me private messages and they said, no, you're spot on about all this, but here's the angle.
It's kind of like any old infrastructure, you know, it's hard to really replace it.
You either have to completely tear it down or you have to take a lot of time off before.
And so what they're really doing with Big Tech, this was explained to me about six years ago, is Big Tech is just the new infrastructure being built for the government spy apparatus.
Well, that's right, because the government can't get away with it, so they hand it off to this, have us waive our rights, and it's just an arm of the government.
And it's totally fresh.
It's like when they first started investing in the UAE or Saudi Arabia, and it was just all desert flatland, and now it's just sprawling metropolis.
It's like the same thing.
You can try to go in and clear out all this infrastructure inside the government, whether it's the NSA or the FBI or the CIA or all this stuff, and yeah, they have the best technologies, but they've already transferred it to the NSA and private corporations.
And wouldn't it be easier to just start fresh?
Just build a new.
Let's just start something completely fresh with the new technology and then use that to spy on people outside of the government so that they can say it's not unconstitutional and now you have... Which is the corporate takeover of the planet.
And now you're starting to see...
By the way, I mean, this is where it merges, like you were saying how you have the trackers to make sure you, if you had COVID, that you're not going back outside for two weeks or whatever.
Now they're just, as if it wasn't enough for Nancy Pelosi to go get her hair done while she shut down salons, it's not like it's enough for the governor of Michigan to go ride out on her boat and get her boat ready.
Or the head health minister in the UK mugging down his girlfriend.
Now, they have just said in the UK that senior executives are allowed to travel while travel is banned for everyone.
That's what the government said.
Actually, we're allowed to.
So the final step of tyranny.
There's rules for you and rules for us, which we always knew was coming.
And here's what people need to understand so we can get out ahead of this.
So when they see it, and they're already starting to see the signs of it, but when it really comes full throttle... Oh, people are going to kiss the system's ass even more now to be part of the group that's allowed to be free.
But that's why government creates this exclusivity.
Oh, you're non-essential.
I'll do whatever you say to be essential.
Get on your knees and start sucking.
So as soon as they've got to where they want to be with the medical tyranny, which maybe it's a threshold for the percentages of vaccinated, maybe it's a threshold for the economic devastation, but then the environmental tyranny will come in.
Which they've said their new move is the carbon tax, and that's what tracks us with the app.
They want the medical app that's going to be the carbon app.
And you already got your app on your car, you got it on your computer.
Cara Castronova is a well-known and outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump.
She's a political activist and founder of the Liberate New York movement.
She has organized many rallies and protests that have attracted thousands of patriots.
Recently, she began to rally in support and raise awareness to the treatment of the January 6th participants being detained and the treatment they are dealing with.
I've been tempted to go to D.C.
myself and protest this, them in solitary confinement.
So, Ms.
Costernova, thank you so much for joining us.
I'm glad that Owen got you on the show.
Tell us what in the hell is going on and how you're fighting back.
Well, I started an organization.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
First of all, thank you for having me on.
It's great having you.
I love the work you're doing.
Thank you.
You as well.
So we started an organization.
I personally started it and there's a co-founder.
It's called Citizens Against Political Persecution.
And it's specifically pertaining right now to the people who are in jail from the January 6th protests.
They're being treated really inhumanely.
They're in prison with no bail right now.
Most of them are in solitary confinement.
They're not being treated well at all.
They barely have access to their lawyers.
They don't have access to any of the evidence being held against them at trial.
So they're being treated terribly, their constitutional rights are being violated, and the American public doesn't even know about it.
It's really been iced out by the mainstream media.
So the average person that we talk to about this has no idea it's going on, because I would hope and I would think that most people in America would have a problem with this treatment.
So that's what we're doing right now.
And this past weekend, we had a big awareness event, a big rally in New York City in front of the federal buildings.
And we had some great speakers.
We had a pretty good turnout, although a lot of people expressed to me that they were afraid to come out because they're afraid the FBI might be there and they might get arrested or something like that, which is crazy that people have to feel that way.
And we did an event there in New York City to bring awareness to this, and it worked out really well.
We're going to keep doing them until the mainstream media hopefully starts talking about it and bringing justice for these defendants.
Well, I totally agree with you.
Now is the time to get back on the streets peacefully.
The Democrats just tried to basically take over the White House.
Oh, but that's called loving and good, even though it was violent.
We're not for violence.
We're not for rioting.
This was not an insurrection.
I agree.
What you're doing is so important.
We should try to come join you soon in D.C.
because that's the point, is to try to get these political prisoners out or at least get them out of solitary confinement, which the Democrats, as you were saying, I watched part of your speech, Up until just last year, we're trying to end solitary confinement.
They should definitely be a part of this and be on board, but when obviously they're, you know, when it comes to, it's become like, you know, the Democrats want these guys in jail and the Republicans say they don't, but they're not standing up and saying anything.
Many of the politicians aren't saying anything.
And you would think that the Democrats would come jumpstart events, especially the ones in New York, because in New York, as you know, You know, you don't need to even have bail to get out of jail.
If you're a murderer or rapist, it doesn't even matter.
You get out on the street.
Yet these guys are in D.C.
in solitary confinement, being treated terribly, and they got arrested for things like trespassing.
Some of them weren't even in the Capitol building.
Disorderly conduct.
There's no evidence that's being shown to even prove these things.
So Democrats, of all people, because of what they say they believe in, which is humane treatment of people in prison and prisoners getting out without having to pay any bail, they should be the first ones standing up and defending these prisoners.
But they're really not.
So it's very sad.
We've begun calling local senators and assembly people, the organization that I founded, and speaking to them.
And some have been receptive to hearing the message.
We'll see if they do anything about it.
Well, that's my concern, is what they've done to Julian Assange.
They're now expanding out in their new terror threat assessment, saying that anybody that protests the election is a terrorist.
Anybody that protests lockdowns is a terrorist.
That's even got one of the top lawyers of the Pentagon saying, this is illegal.
Well, and I actually got a word from Joe Biggs today that gave me an idea of what's going on.
And remind folks who he is.
Joe Biggs used to report for InfoWars, did independent reporting, started his own business, moved down to Florida, has a family, by the way.
And so he was one of the people in D.C.
that once the cops started waving people in saying, hey, come on in, he kind of just was in the front of it and ended up getting in.
And so what he said was, They, you know, basically what they want you to start reaching all these plea deals, but he said he's not going to say he's guilty of anything he didn't do.
So he said, I mean, trespassing is one thing I may admit to, but other than that, no, not anything.
That's the key.
They're keeping him in solitary confinement to plea to something they didn't do, knowing they don't have the case.
That is the definition of tyranny.
And we now know Tucker Carlson covered it last week.
They have lawyers on where they're telling the people, admit you're a racist, admit you're bad, we'll let you go.
So now they're like North Korean military.
It's even worse.
I mean, if you, if this is entrapment, Alex, I mean, seriously, and I'm not even saying the cops are guilty of this, but I'm just saying you could prove this in court in any other situation.
The cops wave you into the building and then give you a trespassing charge.
How is that not entrapment?
But here's what they really want, and why do you think they put one of our people under arrest?
What they want, just like the Q Shaman admitted, they want people to flip on Trump, they want people to flip on Jones, they want people to flip on Stone, they want people to flip on this person, that person, say, oh yeah, he organized it, he did it, and they can't get us to do it!
We're not traitors, we're not suckers!
Just like four years ago, they tried to send, you know, Russians after us, bribing us with all kinds of different crap you wouldn't even believe, and we said no, we don't want your Russian crap!
They offered more than 30,000 Americans money To sell it to the Russians, but it was the FBI.
Not one American would take the money.
And that just shows you the integrity that this movement behind Trump, behind Infowars, behind America has right now.
And people are sitting in jail.
They'd rather keep their integrity in jail than be released from jail.
Well, Ms.
Castronova, you are just awesome with what you're doing.
Free New York.
You've got a lot of activists going, what woke you up?
What spurred you to do this?
Because you're having a big effect.
What woke me up was honestly, you know, following President Trump.
That really got me into everything.
And I think a lot of people feel the same way.
We all kind of woke up and got involved more, but it's gone past that now.
You know, the whole pandemic, whatever you want to call it, and what they did in New York really woke me up just to how tyrannical the government is.
And then, you know, the FBI came to my house after January 6th.
And that was really a wake up call for me about how bad things are getting because I was a peaceful protester and to get a call from, to get a, you know, a visit from the FBI is terrifying.
To say the least.
The Chinese guy for the food rings the doorbell at my house and I jump out of bed.
I'm so paranoid now because I'm doing all of this work.
But that woke me up because I'm a peaceful protester and I have the FBI coming to my house.
So I said that I have to stick up for these guys.
I heard so many stories.
We've been talking to so many families.
Like you just said, they're really trying to get them to plea bargain to insane You know, insane things.
There's one guy who they offered him seven years for throwing a PVC pipe that supposedly bounced off a police officer's shield.
And they're saying, well, if you recant everything you said about the stolen election and about what you said about the police attacking people at the Capitol, And we'll give you seven years and you should really put your heart into this because this is a good deal.
We'll let you out, you know, that's your plea bargain and he doesn't want to take that plea bargain.
From what I understand, most of the guys in there say they want to take this to trial because that's when the real evidence will come out to show what really happened.
That's the only way the real evidence will come out is if this is taken to trial.
They're trying to get them to plea bargain by torturing them mentally in the meantime so that they're so desperate that they will plea bargain.
And this is like in Vietnam or North Korea war, whenever our airmen would get shot down, they would tell them, you've got to denounce and do all this.
America doesn't do that with captured people.
You're not supposed to do that.
When you've got somebody captured, you don't tell them, turn against your country, say these things, we'll let you go.
I mean, this is classic communist crap.
No, it's really incredible that we're witnessing all of it.
And that's what I'm saying.
I mean, when you look at the constellation, not to divert off of the subject here, but I mean, again, the medical tyranny, they're introducing environmental tyranny, the censorship of free speech, the arresting of political opposition.
I mean, hell, they steal elections.
I mean, this is every element of tyranny.
They're going for broke.
Stay right there.
We're going to come back and talk about how we get these poor people freed, how we get on the offense.
Tucker Carlson being spied on.
They're sending all the text messages, hundreds of people, 100% happened.
Of course, it's going on.
How do we counter this rogue group that has hijacked our country?
We'll be right back with our special guest.
Cara Castronova is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Owen Schroyer, who's going to take over in the fourth hour and then host his own show, is here with us.
I'm going to get in a truck and start driving to the border for coverage.
But the actual border, not where Kamala Harris went?
No, not to El Paso base.
We're going to go to the actual invasion point.
Not to the Democrat headquarters.
No, she didn't.
If it's right here, she did not go anywhere near the border.
Do you think she's ever been to Europe, though?
Well, she says the U.S.
border is Europe.
I'm curious if Kamala Harris has ever been to Europe.
Let's talk to Ms.
So, tell us about what you're doing in New York, not just these political prisoners, your movement to liberate New York.
Because people say, oh, screw New York or screw L.A.
Well, no, that's where they're beta testing this and learning how to control people.
We need to free those places.
We've got to fight the globalists there so they don't come here.
Thank you for caring about New York.
I do feel like people lost hope for New York, but that's not true.
There's a lot of people in New York who understand what's going on and who've been fighting since day one, since the beginning of last year when they did this whole thing.
I was in New York last week.
I got mobbed by listeners.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of people are awake to this and, you know, with the vaccines and everything that they're doing with that.
Just really tie that in quickly to what's going on in the prison.
Right now, the prisoners cannot get haircuts or have visitors now, they're saying, unless they get a COVID vaccine.
So this is not normal.
And in New York, it's gotten so- I heard a record skip there.
Start over.
Can't get a haircut, can't have visitors unless you take an experimental shot.
Major violation of Nuremberg Code.
Wow, that's death penalty for stuff like that.
I'm not calling for death of the jail guards.
I'm just saying, Nuremberg Code, illegal experimentation, forced inoculation, that is a death penalty.
They've been, at first they weren't even able to have this as a haircut.
I think they're getting, the jail is getting, you know, the government knows that people are becoming more aware of this.
So now they're saying, oh, maybe we'll let you have visitors and get a haircut, but you have to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
I've heard this from family members.
The majority of the guys are refusing to get it.
They don't want to get it.
So therefore they can't have visitors and they can't get any haircuts or anything.
So where did that idea come from?
Totally tyrannical.
I don't know.
It's crazy.
And like you said about New York and New York has gotten bad.
You know, there was just the Bruce Springsteen concert where nobody could go in without a vaccine.
This is becoming normal in New York.
More and more places are adopting this.
Vaccine thing where you have to have a vaccine to come in and people are just accepting it, you know, to get certain jobs, you have to have the vaccine.
So, you know, it's I think like you said, New York is sort of testing grounds for what they can and cannot get away with.
And it's surprising to me because New Yorkers are mostly I consider most New Yorkers street smart.
Um, and they are because I think if you're originally from one of the five boroughs, you are street smart and you're like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not getting that.
But then it's like the people who move in from out of state and who call themselves New Yorkers, but really aren't born and bred here that are the ones who are all getting inoculated and getting this vaccine because they're saying 70% of New York is.
I don't believe any of those numbers.
We also see reports by lawyers of people inside there that just walk through the velvet robes that they're being blinded, they're being beat up because they're white.
The black jail guards believe they're white supremacists because the media is saying that.
Yes, that's true.
If you're talking about the D.C.
prison, I've heard stories of that too.
There was a story where a lot of the guys sang the national anthem on Memorial Day, and they got penalized for it, for singing it, and they got put in complete solitary confinement, meaning like they couldn't even come out to take showers.
Okay, record skip again.
Not just attempted forced inoculations, not just beating people's eyeballs out, now you sing the Star Spangled Banner?
Start over.
On Memorial Day, some of the guys sang the Star-Spangled Banner, and they got punished
for it and put on complete lockdown for singing the Star-Spangled Banner.
This is not, this is like directly coming from them.
It's like, this is not hearsay.
And one of the guards said, "F-your America" to them, whatever, however you want to interpret
that, you know.
They are being told, the guards are being told they're white supremacists.
And obviously, if the guard is a minority or somebody who's somewhat, I guess, a liberal,
they buy into that BS, that whole fallacy, that this whole fictional white supremacist
That they're trying to pin everything on in order to pass all this legislation, all this unprecedented garbage that they're trying to do with knocking people's rights over.
But they're telling the guards that so that they mistreat the prisoners.
And again, recap the saying you can't have a haircut or see anyone if you don't take the experimental shot violating the Nuremberg Code.
Recap that.
Yeah, you can.
A lot of the guys obviously are You know, they're vets, they're smart, they have, you know, they have their mental senses about them and they realize that this vaccine is being pushed and they don't want to get it.
So now they're not allowed to get haircuts.
One guy, I guess they finally gave him nail clippers after months.
So they're trimming their beards with nail clippers because their beards are like down to here.
They're like, you know, savages, like their hair is out, their beards are down to here.
They're clipping them with toenail, a shared pair of toenail clippers because they refuse to get the vaccination.
And they're saying that they can't have visitors.
Now they're able to have visitors, maybe.
We haven't found out yet.
And this is a prelude, because here's the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
I'm sure you've seen this, Ms.
Castronova, but they are saying right here, protesting lockdowns, protesting election, is terror.
They literally say arrest anybody.
And this is so bold.
This is so criminal.
It is criminal.
And a lot of the people that came to the rally this weekend had signs that said, uh, protesters are not domestic terrorists.
And a lot of allies of ours are anti-vaccine groups because they realize that they could be next.
So they believe that, you know, uh, they, they believe that who's, who's next.
If they can, if they railroad through these guys, what group of people that are just that, that disagree with the government and don't want to comply with tyranny are going to be put in prison next.
So there are so many protesters out there that are afraid.
And I feel like the people on the left should be afraid, too.
There were some counter-protesters at our rally from Black Lives Matter, and I shouted at them.
You guys, we're sticking up for you, too, because, you know, you should be afraid.
They're coming after us now, but this could turn around in your direction.
Oh, isn't that perfect?
Black Lives Matter in front of the Nazi Soros.
They're protesting you trying to get innocent people out of jail.
Now they love the police.
You would think that they would, I said, you would think, and I've gotten all this hate on Twitter, and you would, from people who are like, I don't know if they're Antifa or whatever they are, they're saying, oh, you know, this person is a white supremacist and I hope she dies or whatever.
And I'm like, I thought you guys were against police, like the FBI or police.
We're protesting the police and the unfair justice department.
I thought that's what you guys did.
So why all of a sudden is this behavior on their part okay?
Why are you protesting against us?
It makes no sense.
No, see, this is actually the key understanding that the average American needs to have, and they need to realize this really quick.
There's one set of rules for them, and a whole other set of rules for us.
And that's why that document you just showed there, Alex, National Security for Countering Domestic Terrorism, that only is their political opposition.
That's all it really is.
If they actually put the real title on that, it'd be National Strategy for Countering Trump's Base.
National Strategy for Countering the American Revolution 2.0.
National strategy for countering the Great Awakening.
National strategy for countering America rising up and having elections.
I mean, that's what it's really about.
That's why they have no fear when they go storm the Capitol, whether it's for, you know, when Kavanaugh is being nominated or just yesterday, they blocked all the entrances to the Capitol.
They had hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters out there.
They have no fear.
They, for four years, said the election was rigged by the Russians for Donald Trump.
They have no fear when they want to stand up and say the election was rigged, when they want to protest wherever, whenever.
They have no fear that they're going to have law enforcement come after them.
But they know, however they've been able to do this judo maneuver, they can send law enforcement after us.
It's really been an incredible thing.
And then there's this sickening aspect of it that has a lot of Trump supporters and conservatives really upset.
That the police actually do it!
That the police that we support, that we're supposed to be on the same team of, that we're gonna lock arms and try to save this country together, and they come after us, they attack Trump supporters, they arrest, they pull guns on Roger Stone.
And by the way, I just got a message from inside the LA Health Department from a high-level source.
They're gonna go back on lockdown next month.
Oh, they already announced masks are mandatory again.
Because the U.N.
Not even if you've been vaccinated.
Because of the Delta Plus, Alex.
But the U.N.
said the Delta Plus.
I mean, this is insane.
When are people going to start rejecting the system?
God, who knows?
If you reject the system, then you're discredited on the internet and people call you crazy.
But it's the crazy people that actually know what they're talking about.
We're the majority, they're gaslighting us.
Kara, stay there.
Let's talk more about these political prisoners, which we're all about to be if we don't stop this straight ahead.
Wow, we are witnessing a real globalist corporate takeover, and you know why?
You know why?
Because no one that's launched it has ever been held accountable.
They can kill people, they can burn down cities, they can bankrupt economies, they can starve millions, and no globalist gets in trouble.
Who's behind it?
Tim Cook, Bill Gates, all these people.
They're a bunch of Jeffrey Epsteins.
Alright, final segment with Cara Castronova.
CaraCastronova.net, CaraCastronova.com, Twitter CaraCastronova.
She's also a great fitness instructor and celebrity fitness trainer and so much more.
Owen Schroer is taking over the next hour with a lot of big news he's going to be breaking down.
So, Cara, what else do you want to impart to the viewers, the listeners, about the world and what we're facing right now?
I just want to encourage more people to, you know, to visit, number one, visit the site www.citizensapp.us because there's so much information there right now on the prisoners that are being detained in Washington, D.C.
And I feel like if people aren't aware of this and don't start fighting for these people, then it's going to be really bad from there.
Like if they don't release these guys before their trials and if people don't start talking about it and alerting their state assemblymen and their state politicians and asking them to do wellness checks, because your state assembly people can do that on behalf of
prisoners from their states.
On these guys, that's really important. And also to start investigating this yourself.
I know they're doing the January 6th and Nancy Pelosi's committee, she's trying to do through
the house to investigate January 6th, which you know is going to be complete BS. It's not going
to be honest in any way. The people need to do their own investigation. We all need to start
start putting our minds together, we have.
My organization is working with so many other groups.
We're compiling video, we're compiling facts, eyewitness testimonies to show what really happened on January 6th.
There's footage out there that no one's ever seen before and that the news refuses to show.
That's right.
Why are they suppressing 44,000 hours of footage from the thousand plus cameras?
Because it shows the opposite of what they're claiming and most of those indicted did not raise a hand and were invited in and trapped like flies in a spider's web.
And by the way, they're trying to release this book with Michael Wolff right now to try to use it against Trump.
And I didn't get it at first, but now I do.
And they released an excerpt where Trump says something along the lines of, these aren't our guys.
These aren't our guys going in there.
These look like Democrats beating police and something like that.
And I was like, why would they promote that?
That proves that Trump had nothing to do with the violence.
That proves that it was never our intentions to have anybody go into the Capitol that day.
But then it hit me is because liberals aren't very smart and they love tyranny, I guess.
They think that because Trump said, these aren't our people, that's insinuating that he had people in there.
And that's the connection that they're trying to draw.
Obviously, all in their own imagination, like everything else that they... No, exactly.
They take truth and spin it against us.
And by the way, I have... I'm not happy about this, but I have... I'm very familiar with the D.C.
jail cell system.
I've been in there a couple times.
It is really loud and rowdy.
So the fact that they're not allowed to sing the national anthem is a joke.
I mean, how do you... By the way, you describe it as roaches all over you.
Well that's just the, that's just the, I mean that's just the conditions that it's in.
I mean literally it's, it's, I don't even want to get into this.
So what is, what would six months be like in this?
But I'm saying like you're in there.
No, no, you said it was hell on earth.
But I'm saying you're in there and between the hours of say 7pm to 4am, I mean it's, it's loud, it's rowdy, it's hooting and hollering, there's fights happening non-stop.
I mean singing the national anthem would be like a, be like a relief.
Well they're not the... That's amazing.
They're not treated like, you know, they're being treated worse than prisoners who are, you know, they haven't even been convicted of a crime yet.
And they're being treated like they committed murder or something.
You know what I mean?
They're being treated worse than the other criminals.
And they're not criminals.
They're being treated worse than the other people that are in this prison.
And the conditions are terrible.
Like we receive messages all the time from them, which by the way, they have an iPad that they let them text on which is to entrap them. They're using these text
messages that they send out to their families against them.
It's not like they're being nice just giving them this iPad.
Here's an iPad text with your family.
No, they're trying to entrap them and they're taking their messages,
misconstruing them, using it to keep them in there, use it against them in court.
So it's really important, I think, that these guys go to trial so that the real truth with January 6th comes out.
A lot of them have really bad public defenders.
It's very sad.
I'm sure that you guys are aware of John Pierce, the NCLU.
He's trying to do work to represent some of these guys because they need really good representation.
They need attorneys.
A lot of them can't afford it.
You know, they're being railroaded.
It's terrible that the public defenders are not doing a good job in getting these guys out or in defending them at all.
You know, they're making statements for them that they denounced Trump or this and that when actually none of the guys have ever said that as far as I know, at least not the ones I talked to.
Well, look, we all know about history, and what you're saying is true.
This is classical tyranny that is unfolding.
This is what dictatorships and communists and fascists do, and it's happening in America.
We've just got to come to grips with it.
It really happened here.
The globalists always wanted to take us down.
they prepared for decades and now they're making their move.
Well I just want the the the lib...
...they've fallen for and what they've been involved in.
I'm not sure if that was on.
No, your mic was off.
I'm trying to get this article.
I've been trying hard for a while.
Anyway, let's start over.
I just want the liberal progressive left Democrat voter to just be honest with themselves.
Look at what you've ushered in.
You've been the Trojan horse of tyranny in this country.
And I understand if you're being honest, you're coming from a place of hate.
You hate this group of people.
You hate that group of people.
You hate this person, that person.
Maybe you just hate yourself.
I don't care, okay?
Just be honest.
You've been duped.
Because this tyranny is not going to be just for us.
You celebrate now, oh look, Trump's going to be investigated, Trump's taxes, Trump's this, ooh Trump supporters, ooh we're going to arrest all of you, we're going to censor all of you.
You're next!
You're next!
Oh, there's no doubt.
I mean, they've already been hit by the system.
They're the schmucks that believe it.
All right.
Closing points that you'd like to make here on the broadcast with us about these prisoners, the protest.
How do people join you, Kara?
Go to citizensapp.us.
We have a newsletter.
We have a podcast that we are informing everybody every day about what's going on.
We're doing another event next month.
Hopefully you guys can come.
That would be great.
That would be great for just to get people more aware of this.
Tell your family and friends about it.
A lot of people don't know about it.
Call your senators, call your assembly people and ask them to do wellness checks at the prison.
We have information on that on our website about how you could do that.
We have reached out to some of the families.
Yeah, these are our people.
They're being set up.
They're being beta tested for us.
They're testing to see what we do.
We're failing the test.
And so people need to visit your site to follow the latest on this.
Yes, and thank you guys so much for reporting on this and caring about American citizens.
They're American citizens first.
Their due process is being stripped.
Their constitutional rights have been taken away.
And everybody should be angry about that.
It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're coming from because if they could do it to them, you could be next.
And that's like literally the honest to God truth.
Well, Kara, don't thank us.
Like you said, we're all in this same boat together.
So please join us again with an update next week.
Thank you so much.
All right.
And Alex, I'll just say, too, you know, people were a little afraid, I guess, of going out and protesting after the setup of January 6th.
But hey, look, the left is out doing their political protests again.
They're blocking entrances.
They're blocking the Capitol.
They're holding up signs saying, Biden, it's your fault.
So, I mean...
Don't be afraid to speak.
Well, InfoWars has not stopped since January 6 or before.
Separately, Owen's taking over in the fourth hour.
I'm going to get in a truck, drive to the Texas border with Mexico tonight.
I'll be there covering Trump tomorrow and spotlighting that.
Thanks for your support.
But we can't do it without you.
So we have store-wide free shipping.
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All that evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is that good men do nothing.
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Other good men and women getting together and telling the truth and standing up to corruption.
But now the Globals are coming after us.
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Line of products with your friends your family neighbors strangers you name it the same time. All right folks
Owen Schreier is about to take over.
He's got special guests with big breaking election fraud news of how Biden canvassed all the dead voters to get them lined up in the database.
That's coming up with Patrick Howley.
We've got this story at InfoWars.com.
Biden, the Energy Secretary, suggests climate change caused Florida building collapse.
The denial about things in trouble is what caused it, like Deepwater Horizon.
I'll be shooting reports on the road going down the border today covering all of that in great detail.
Also, 80 million votes.
Skit shows no one knows who Jill Biden is.
A mother cries for help for vaccine-injured daughter at news conference.
Google and Facebook are censoring what U.S.
senators are exposing.
Senator Ron Johnson.
So we're going to play part of this, go to break, and come back with Owen Schroer taking over.
But share this article.
The only way this mother and this daughter's voice get amplified past big tech censorship is when you take action.
So let's break their back together.
Here's part of the testimony.
First, thank you, Senator Johnson, for the opportunity to share Maddie's story and to all of you for your willingness to listen.
This isn't easy for me, and this has been very clearly emotional, so I'm going to read what I've written so I don't lose track.
My name is Stephanie, and this is my daughter Maddie, and we live in Ohio.
On January 20th, Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial for 12- to 15-year-olds.
All three of our kids volunteered, and we're excited to participate in the trial as a way to help us all return to normal life.
My husband works in the medical field, and I have a degree in electrical engineering.
We are pro-vaccine and pro-science, which is why we agreed to let Maddie and her two older brothers volunteer for the trial.
Before Maddie got her final dose of the vaccine, she was a healthy 12-year-old.
Who got straight A's and had lots of friends.
She had a life.
She was energetic.
She was not like this.
Although she does still have lots of friends.
Upon receiving the second shot, Maddie immediately felt pain at the injection site.
And over the next 24 hours, she developed severe abdominal and chest pain in the way she described The chest pain, and I quote, it feels like my heart is being ripped out through my neck.
She had painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine that forced her to walk hunched over.
She had extreme pain in her fingers and toes.
It actually made them turn white and they were cold whenever you touched them.
She had edema.
My husband immediately took her to the ER as instructed by the vaccine trial nurse administrator, which is what we were instructed to do.
Her blood was taken for a renal profile and tested.
She was checked for appendicitis, which she did not have, and given an IV with some medicine and sent home.
However, in the discharge papers from the Children's Hospital ER that she went to, the diagnosis stated, adverse effect of vaccine initial encounter.
This would be the only time that that was written in her medical charts, but it's in there.
Over the next two and a half months, her abdominal, muscle, and nerve pain became unbearable.
She developed additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss, she mixes up words, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, Painting, she fell and hit her head, and then seizures.
She had verbal, she developed verbal and motor tics.
She had loss of feeling from the waist down and muscle weakness.
Drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severe irregular and heavy menstrual cycles, and eventually she had to have an NG tube put in to get nutrition.
Alright, you can watch this entire video.
It's very sad.
We'll air more of it on The War Room later today, but Ron Johnson is a hero and a saint for bringing these parents forward.
so devastating that Fauci did this to us.
On January 20th, 2021, the globalist puppet Joe Biden was installed as president.
Since then, InfoWars has traveled to the U.S.-Texas border more than five times to document the planned implosion and invasion of our country.
Humans smuggling on a scale never foreseen.
Because remember, candidate Biden said, if I win, surge the border.
What I would do as president is several more things.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
Thanks to InfoWars listeners and viewers.
We have been able to spotlight the implosion of our border and bring massive attention to it.
Now, President Trump, Governor Greg Abbott and others are traveling to the Texas border to bring an even bigger spotlight to this crisis and force Joe Biden to stop the invasion of the United States.
So share the live feeds and share our videos and articles.
Of the information that globalists hope the world never discovers.
Because if the world discovers their human trafficking, their drug trafficking, and their criminal activity, they are going down.
InfoWars, live coverage of President Trump's visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, live in South Texas, only at FreeWorldNews.tv.
You have no comment, so this is price-like.
You're about to run a human being over!
Hey, who are you?
Who are you?
You got those smuggled children illegally!
Those are kidnapped children and families illegally being smuggled in the United States!
This is a leftist takeover, bringing in a third world population, an underclass they can keep control of, they can keep that down, and that they can rule over, and who will also vote like they voted in Venezuela to bring in a dictatorship!
Hitler was elected as well!
People, forget that!
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Be on the lookout for the latest at Band.Video as Alex is hopping into a truck now.
And now we are joined by Patrick Howley from NationalFile.com where we've got some breaking news that just went live at National File.
Patrick is going to explain it here exclusively on the air now.
Let's go through the series of headlines real quick.
This is the latest.
Biden campaign oversaw theft of living and dead identities for absentee ballots in 2020 election.
Here's some of the other breaking news.
Biden administration creates vaccine hesitancy map to help activists target vaccine skeptics door-to-door.
This is total criminal activity.
Stealing elections, forcing you to take vaccines that are experimental, and so Patrick Howley joins us now to discuss this.
But Patrick, what is this latest headline?
So not only do we know that the Democrats love taking advantage of all the dead people on the voter rolls, but you have audio now, audio proof of this plan being executed?
That's right, Owen.
Thank you for having me.
I have audio, I have video, I have undercover video, I have financial records, I have the ballot applications that were fraudulently filled out.
It's all right there.
You can go to nationalfile.com and you can see it.
Now, here's what I did.
I've been rolling with a crew of some pretty hard private investigators, including some former top FBI guys.
Recently, and we were able to get in in Texas in a way where we could figure out what they were doing, because I needed to know what the Biden campaign playbook was.
And so through Texas, obviously Trump won Texas, but through Texas, we were able to figure out what their voter fraud playbook was, and then be able to figure out what they did in Georgia, be able to figure out what they did in Arizona.
And so this has been a long process to get to a point where finally we're going to have some Maricopa County audit results and states are going to have to make the decision to decertify.
What I've put up on nationalfile.com is absolute rock solid evidence that the Joe Biden campaign's Texas political director, Dallas Jones, who was interrogated by the FBI for this behavior, for overseeing a voter fraud operation while employed by the Joe Biden campaign.
That creates a precedent whereby the Joe Biden campaign operating in any Any state can therefore be challenged for an audit and therefore we can begin the process of decertifying some of these election results.
Now, if you listen to some of these audio tapes of private investigators calling up people who didn't know that they had voted...
Okay, they're dead relatives.
They had no idea that these people who had been dead for years were voting.
Well, we have the absentee ballot applications.
You know who was mailing in the absentee ballot applications?
None other than Gloria Palmer.
Who is Gloria Palmer?
A convicted forger.
Forgery is her specialty.
You know who else Gloria Palmer is?
A campaign assistant for the Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee campaign in 2020.
So, Sheila Jackson Lee's own campaign assistant was mailing in these fraudulent ballot applications thinking that they weren't going to get caught.
This was in 2020.
We have the financial record showing Sheila Jackson Lee paid this woman in 2020 at the same time that she was doing this.
Meanwhile, Dallas Jones was overseeing this.
I have the whistleblower, Damian Thaddeus Jones, who worked in a top role on the Beto O'Rourke campaign.
A Democrat who came forward to say Dallas Jones is responsible for overseeing this voter fraud ring.
So here's what they do.
And I'll just say this.
This is the playbook.
The Chinese Have been caught by border patrol, by Customs and Border Protection numerous times shipping fake IDs through the airport.
They were busted at Chicago O'Hare Airport during the election.
These are real people who exist in the United States who they feel are not likely to vote.
They steal your information online.
They print up fake IDs for you in China.
They send the fake IDs into the United States of America.
I have sworn affidavits that when the Democrats in Houston were doing their rigged drive-through voting thing, they were taking IDs that did not belong to the people driving through, matching them up.
I have photographic evidence of this.
Matching them up with people who did not have that identity, okay, and counting the votes.
This is how it was done.
And so, the Joe Biden campaign, when they say they put together the largest voter fraud operation, what they mean is they took existing voter fraud cells, okay, and they patched it together as this network.
This campaign with Dallas Jones, this voter fraud operation, it's been going on for years.
But if you look at what went on in Fulton County, Georgia, with Ruby Tuesday, Ruby Friedman, taking her little suitcase ballots out in the middle of the night after, oh, the water leak, the pipe burst, right?
Who was the supervisor?
It was her daughter.
Meanwhile, she's making videos, putting them out on social media with boxes of ballots saying, oh, this is what's happening in Fulton County, guys.
They took people who were already experienced Well, I mean, let's be clear here.
of activity and they patched it together. They called it the Joe Biden campaign. It's
the biggest disgrace in the history of American politics.
Well, I mean, let's be clear here. You get most people don't have a kleptocratic mind
or a criminal mind. And so they don't think like a criminal.
And so you don't think, oh, you know, you've seen movies.
OK, we're going to do a bank robbery or robbery or whatever.
It's all this, you know, planning.
And they do a whole two hour movie about all the different lengths that they go to and they're going to rob this bank.
Folks, this was the biggest election steal probably in world history.
And so at some point, the Democrats and the Biden campaign got together and they said, all right, how are we going to steal this?
How are we going to pull this off?
What lengths do we have to go to?
And we're starting to see all the lengths.
Working with the Chinese communists, fake IDs, fake ballots, dead voters.
Uh, double counting ballots.
Uh, the voting machines switching Biden votes to, or Trump votes to Biden votes.
I mean, we've got it now.
I mean, if that's how you have the biggest election steal of all time.
They knew Trump was going to win in a landslide, so they got in closed doors and they said, all right guys, how are we going to pull off this miracle steal job?
And now we've, we've, we kind of have the total blueprint.
We have the total blueprint, and there's no way, in my view, that Sheila Jackson Lee can escape this without some kind of punishment.
Her very own campaign assistant, okay, was the one mailing in fraudulent ballot applications.
You can go listen to the tape of people saying, I didn't vote there.
My dead relative didn't vote there.
Well, whose name is on it?
Gloria Palmer.
Who is overseeing this?
Dallas Jones.
They're caught.
They're busted.
They've been busted.
But you know what?
The GOP didn't help us because the GOP is a bunch of quizlings.
The people who run the GOP are some of the stupidest, most incompetent people who are
trying to lose on purpose.
We're not losing on purpose anymore.
We're going to protect election integrity.
Lynn Forrester de Rothschild might be able to convene over 100 corporate executives to
try to shut down the election integrity bill in Georgia, but you know what?
They failed.
Brian Kemp is tainted by his association with the Chinese.
There was so much public pressure on him, he still had to pass that bill, even though the Rothschild family didn't want it.
That's how powerful we are.
That's how ascendant we are.
That's why the Independent America First side is rising, and we're going to take over the GOP.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show in the fourth hour.
Owen Schroer and Patrick Cowley with you.
Again, the big story that just went live at nationalfile.com from Patrick Cowley.
Folks, this is a 24-page story.
It's got all the evidence of everything we've just discussed in there.
The receipts, the audio, everything right here.
Headline, Biden campaign oversaw theft of living and dead entities for absentee ballots in the 2020 election.
You've been doing investigative journalism for a long time, and in the last two years, really, you've had a lot of big, breaking news stories that should shift the entire paradigm of the current events and the political Overton window.
So you break a story like this.
When will the investigation into Sheila Jackson Lee begin?
When will the investigation into Gloria Palmer begin?
And Sheree Harris Fisher?
And when will it begin into all the dead people that voted in the 2020 election for Biden?
When does this begin?
Or is this just another Patrick Howley drops the bombshell and nobody's there to hear it?
Well, that happens a lot, and people get frustrated with me.
I talk to people all over the country.
Well, this is a great story!
How come Bill Barr's not doing anything about it?
Well, I'm not Bill Barr, but here's what I can do, okay?
We know that the Election Integrity Bill passed in Georgia despite the fact that the Rothschild family convened a conference call of more than 100 corporate executives to try to oppose it, despite the fact that Brian Kemp is tainted by the fact that he met with the Chinese spy chief And by the way, just so people know, that's what the MLB All-Star game being moved was all about.
It was all about that meeting and saying, how can we punish the state of Georgia for really being a deeply red state?
I mean, it probably voted 70% for Trump.
And so it was all punishment for that.
And it was all punishment to make sure that never can pro-America policy be implemented at a state basis.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I mean, think about how effective we are that the Rothschild family has to call up to try to shut down a bill and they still can't do it, even with a quizzling empty suit like Brian Kemp.
There's so much public pressure, he has to sign it.
We know that Greg Abbott defunded the legislature in Texas.
They're going to come back.
They're going to pass this election integrity bill.
We know that whatever's going to happen in Maricopa County, we're on the process toward a potential decertification there.
Obviously, I have provided with this story, with Dallas Jones from the Biden campaign, okay, implicated, with Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign staffer signing her name on the fraudulent ballots and the people on tape saying that's not me voting, that's not my dead relative voting.
We have the precedent.
To be able to get more audits, now there are rallies all over the country.
Now if we protect election integrity, which I believe that we are going to do on a state-by-state level pretty successfully, then we go into 2022 and we say, hey GOP, hey Rana Romney, okay, Boxwine Karen, Rana Romney, we don't really care who your candidates are because we've found somebody in every single district in this country who's, oh, he's the local hardware guy.
He's the local hero.
He was the local quarterback.
He was the local weatherman.
And you know what?
He knows everybody in the district, and that's how poor people win elections.
Then we form an America First caucus, okay, that has real power, unlike the Freedom Caucus, where we can actually be a wedge, voting lockstep.
Say hey, Paul Gosar, you're the chairman of our America First Caucus.
Okay, you're going to pick the speaker.
Nothing can pass unless it goes through you or you're going to be the driving force behind legislation.
Then we go into 2024.
This is a long process.
Waking people up, exposing all of this, which is part of what I do, is very important.
But it has to be tied to action.
I swear to the people who watch InfoWars, I'm working every single day and everybody here at National Files working every single day to tie this stuff to action to save this country.
And let's just retreat for one second and talk about what do you think went on in the Biden campaign that led up to this?
Because again, we talked about this in the last segment, but we ran out of time.
At some point in time, maybe it was before Biden officially got the nomination, maybe it was after.
At some point in time, the Democrats had to sit down with the Biden campaign and say, look, here's what we have ahead of us.
No chance of winning.
Zero chance.
Zero percent.
So, here's all the tactics we've used in the past to rig elections, but we've still never been able to get up over 65 million votes.
Trump is going to get 70 million at least.
What can we do?
How can we do this?
And so, I mean, they sat in a room.
There was a smoky room, like you see in all the movies, folks.
There was a smoky room, or maybe it wasn't smoky, I don't know.
And they were sitting there, and they were scheming, and we now know a new level of their scheme that Patrick Kelly has in the NationalFile.com, that they were actively searching through the voter rolls for dead people And so maybe they found 100, maybe they found 500,000.
I don't know.
We need the audit.
We need to find out.
And they said, well, here's what we can do, because you can find this.
We have X amount of dead people registered to vote.
They're not going to vote.
So let's send in either an absentee ballot request and or we will do the mail-in ballots that we had because of the fake pandemic.
And so, boom, right there, you've got 510,000, 50,000 people, dead people, all voting for Biden.
They did it in Georgia.
They did it everywhere.
They did it in Pennsylvania.
And this is all easily provable.
So I mean, just talk about the epicness of this.
It's like, you'll have a big movie come out and it'll be, you know, it'll make box office records.
This is real life.
I mean, they actually did this.
They sat in a room and schemed up all these different ways to cheat and win in the 2020 election.
And then they did it!
I mean, seriously, this is like criminal movie.
It would be the top box office seller, but this is real life.
Oh, and not only that, there was a school in Philadelphia where the lunch ladies were handing out absentee ballots to the kids at lunchtime.
I have a teacher on tape admitting that, okay?
An art teacher.
So, here's what was going on.
Joe Biden barely even beat Bernie Sanders in the primary.
He wasn't going anywhere.
He wasn't going to defeat Donald Trump, and he didn't defeat Donald Trump.
So, here's what they did.
Okay, they knew they could only do this through the paper ballots.
Now, we can talk about the machines as a different issue.
We're talking about the machines in Maricopa County.
When we're talking about the paper ballots here, they knew they needed the paper ballots, so they had to play up the RONA.
Okay, you can find the points in Fauci's emails where all of a sudden it becomes very clear that it's about the election effort.
It's about getting the paper ballots.
That's what it's all about.
And so then what you have is the Biden people saying, what are some existing cells of Democrat operatives who do this kind of dirty work?
And then they say, Oh, well, well, uh, Sheila Jackson Lee, wait a second.
Gloria Palmer, the one who is putting the, her signature on the fraudulent Valid applications.
She's worked for Sheila Jackson Lee for a long time.
You can find records of Sheila Jackson Lee's campaign effort paying her last election.
So, these people already had this stuff set up in their own regions, in their own localities.
And just to highlight again, that this Palmer is a known criminal forger.
Like, that's her thing.
She's an expert, master criminal forger.
She's been charged with it.
So the Democrats said, find me the best forger out there!
And they got Gloria Palmer!
Oh yeah, no.
Gloria Palmer's the James Bond of forgery, I guess.
And, you know, they go into nursing homes and in some cases even the old people are denied food unless they participate with this shakedown effort where the Democrats go in and they just, you know, have the old people maybe make an X or not even, or they just do it for them.
But, you know, or they get a headcount inside the nursing home.
This is what they do.
They've set it up for a long time.
It's old acorn tactics.
Biden just patched it all together.
Yeah, like, hey, I need somebody to lure in a politician and, you know, get him sleeping with an underage, you know, individual, a minor.
Oh, you call up Jeffrey Epstein.
You know, you give Jeffrey Epstein the call.
Oh, I need someone to forge these illegal ballot requests.
Give Gloria Palmer, give her a call.
The Democrats have her on speed dial.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is still on air.
So suck on that, globalists.
And Patrick Halley has bombshell news.
We're going to continue to dive into this, including this new development that is just hilarious, ladies and gentlemen.
The Democrats admit everything they deny without even realizing it.
It's really incredible.
I'm gonna explain the latest here with the Arizona audit that's ongoing.
But ladies and gentlemen, Infowarsstore.com has a big sale happening right now.
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I mean, this is...
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We'll be able to run with this special for maybe a week or two, and we'll have to go back up to full price, but 60% off Survival Shield X3.
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That's at InfoWarsStore.com.
Your support there keeps us on air.
So, Patrick, this is hilarious again.
Democrats admit everything they deny without even realizing it.
Here's a perfect example today from the Washington Post.
This is just one headline.
I saw others, but this is the one the crew printed for me.
Arizona's Maricopa County will replace voting equipment, fearful that GOP-backed election review has compromised security.
Wait, what?
I thought that it was impossible to hack the voting machines!
Patrick, what?
This can't be!
They're admitting!
So now they're admitting whoever has control of the voting equipment can compromise it!
Everything we've been saying...
For years, but more importantly, for the last four, five, six, seven months, everything we've been saying, who runs Dominion?
Who's in control of the voting systems?
Why is it connected to the internet and they lied about it?
Why are they rigging up all these files?
Oh, no, no, no, there's nothing to see here, totally fine.
But now they admit, well, now that the Republicans have had their hands on the voting equipment, we can't trust it.
Admitting that the machines can be hacked and rigged!
So again, Patrick, another example of Democrat-Liberal-Progressives admitting what they denied without even realizing it.
I mean, this happens all over the country and, you know, it's hilarious.
They think that, you know, their cult supporters are with the masks on, the idiots are just going to be distracted, you know, talking about white rage or whatever.
And we're not going to be able to put together all these threads and show the hypocrisy and show the lies.
I'm very hopeful about what's going on in Maricopa County.
We know that there, at one point recently, were a couple hundred thousand, over 200,000 missing ballots, and the election folks put Boxes of blank ballots in order to try to replace them because they knew that people would be looking for the missing ballots and so they replaced them with the blank ballots.
Now, what they did, and this is what gives me some pause, is that as this audit went along in Maricopa County, they added establishment people to the team.
They added people like Randy Pullen, who comes from the McCain machine, okay?
The Doug Ducey You know, he was born Douglas Roscoe.
He comes from an organized crime family.
The governor there, the lockdown governor, if you didn't know that, okay, they're getting nervous now.
It's like, ooh, Kelly Ward really showed us up.
Ooh, the Senate president in Arizona really showed us up.
So they're trying to wedge their people in there.
And so the effort by the McCain people is to try to pretend that those blank ballots were real ballots.
And so they were going along with it.
So there's friction within this.
And so we have to make sure that we talk to every single member of the Cyber Ninjas as these results come out.
Instead of just relying, as starting reporters do, as intern-level reporters do, on whoever the media says is a spokesman.
Oh, this is the guy who talks to CBS, or whatever, and just runs the narrative.
We need to talk to people who are actually counting the votes, okay?
Because I know a lot about this process, and I know a lot of stuff has already come out.
We have to make sure that we do not allow them to seize the narrative.
Well, let's highlight a few of those things right now, the one you just brought up.
And this is actually just basic inventory.
I mean, so imagine you've got crates of inventory.
In this case, they're, you know, your votes, your hard paper votes or your mail-in votes, whatever.
But it's just inventory.
So we have all these crates of inventory and it's all in a system.
And so, you know, all right, I've got 10,000 crates here and that's my inventory.
And you say, well, okay, let's go do an inventory check.
And then someone runs the inventory and they say, well, it actually looks like we only have 8,000 crates here.
There's only eight.
We're missing 2,000.
It's, oh, well, what happened to the other 2,000?
Boy, I don't know.
That's where they're at right now, where they just have crates of ballots that supposedly were counted in the 2020 election just missing, just gone, just in inventory.
I mean, that's like, okay, if you were doing a criminal investigation, that's like clue number one.
Yep, there's a crime committed here.
Same thing happened in Philadelphia.
We know that for a fact.
They were hiding votes and this is why they kicked out the election observers.
This is why they boarded up their little Banana Republic kangaroo court fake vote counting there that they were doing.
This is why they pretended there was a burst water pipe in, you know, in Fulton County at State Farm Arena.
We know from emails now from Freedom of Information Act that that's not true.
So that Ruby Tuesday could get her little suitcase out.
I got my suitcase full of votes, right?
So, I mean, this is just nonsense at this point.
Everybody knows what happened.
Everybody knows what happened.
And so, it's up to the Republican Party to have some balls and decertify this election.
Pence betrayed us.
I don't know if you saw Pence tweeting out the rainbow black power fist recently.
Oh yeah, football is gay.
Kind of a sad moment for him.
Football is gay.
So is Mike Pence.
Mike Pence is as gay as a football.
Mike Pence, that's not what you're supposed to do with that football!
No, Mike!
No, that's not where it goes!
But football's gay, Owen!
No, but seriously, I'm sitting here and I'm laughing because it's like in college, I remember there were some classes where you'd have to share a desk with somebody and so you'd be in the classroom Maybe 30 or so people, and you'd be at your desk, and there'd be one other person at your desk, and it's like, it's final exam day, and you're taking your final exam, and the professor notices you're talking to the person at your desk, and you're like, you know, and the...
Professor's like, uh, excuse me, what's going on over there?
Oh, no, no, nothing, nothing.
And then all of a sudden you decide you start stacking textbooks and like stacking folders and like covering yourself up so you can talk to the professor's like, Oh, what's going on back there?
Oh, nothing.
We're not doing anything.
We're not cheating on the exam.
No, nothing to see.
It's like, okay, you're clearly cheating on the exam.
You're kicked out of my class.
You're getting an F.
I mean, that's what they did in Philadelphia.
I mean, this is joke level.
Why do we take Democrats and liberals seriously?
Seriously, they are such clowns, they are such children, they are such stuck in arrested development that they hide and they board up where they're counting the ballots and then they say nothing to see here.
Do they think we're idiots?
You know, you've said it before, they exist to try to subvert everything that is good, and everything that is righteous, and everything that props society up.
The College World Series was finally getting popular, so they had to ruin it in the semifinals, disqualify NC State to send a message because the coach didn't mandate vaccines.
You know, football, you know, you're in Texas, everybody loves football.
Here's the National Football League saying, football is gay!
Football is gay!
Oh my gosh.
Well, that marketing genius should get a raise, but you know, it's effective at what they're trying to do.
What they're trying to do is subvert and destroy everything because through destruction they can bring on anarcho-tyranny.
You can be the most pro-gay person in the world.
I don't think anyone feels good about the fact that the NFL is going around saying that football is gay.
I mean, the ad campaign should be football is football.
Football is what's popular, not what you do in the bedroom.
Good lord!
Alright, wow.
The more you look behind the curtain of our criminal political class, Folks, it is, it is, it really is, we're, I mean, even with all the stuff we cover, it's just the tip of the iceberg.
We are dealing with such crooked criminals, and they are going to such lengths to sabotage this country right now.
You know, election theft is obviously, that's big game stuff, that's big game hunting, and they do that.
But I will just tell you, and it's happened here before, they are now actively either trying to Get people who are in jail right now because of being in DC on January 6th to blame Trump or blame other people.
I'll just leave it at that.
And say, well, just say this person did it.
Say this person said this and we'll let you go.
Totally illegal.
That's what they're doing right now.
And they're also An old tactic, trying to go find old acquaintances of, let's just say, certain people in the media, to get them to lie about who they are and their background and everything, and most people are like, no, I'm not doing that!
But they find a couple, just like they did for Brett Kavanaugh, just like they did for other people that you've seen, so I mean, this is such a diabolical group of criminals that we're dealing with, and then just their They're little minions.
They're little minions that they send around to run all these little tricks and shenanigans like little gremlins or something.
It's just pathetic, the state of this nation right now.
But of course, America is on the rise.
Patrick, let's finish off here talking about what do you think is going to happen in Maricopa.
They're obviously panicked.
They stole the election from Trump.
It's not even close.
Everybody knows it.
How many fake votes do we have to find?
I mean, how many anomalies, statistical impossibilities do we have to show?
So, I mean, where do you think it goes from here?
Because I don't see them overturning this election.
Maybe you disagree.
Maybe you see that happening.
But either way, with everything that's coming out and just the state of the Democrat Party and the media, And they'll cover it all up, but I mean, the average person now knows they stole the election from Trump.
The average person knows that that is the case.
So where does it go from here?
What comes of Maricopa, and just what comes of the fact that they can't hide this forever?
Everybody knows that Biden is a fake president.
The election must be overturned.
My story today, which is already going viral on nationalfile.com, provides the precedent, the link to the Joe Biden campaign, the link to sitting Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, okay?
This is precedent for an audit in every single state in this country.
We already know that people in Georgia are planning right now to decertify their electoral votes.
Based on what happened in Fulton County, we know that Kelly Ward is committed.
Now, you can tell what the different sides are going to be by talking points.
I'm an expert in studying talking points, so you'll see some of these people, you know, in Arizona, some of the mainstream Republican officials be like, well, we're doing this to assure the people that we can run a fair election.
You haven't assured anybody of anything, buddy, okay?
You couldn't even figure out what color highlighter people were supposed to use and you let the Democrats walk all over you, you quizzling Republicans.
So it's time for us.
It's time for people like Alan West.
It's time for people like Kelly Ward.
It's time for the real fighters, the real Tea Party, the real America First people to stand up.
and say we need to overturn this election.
If we can't overturn this election, at the very least, we're gonna hold all you people accountable
and throw out all you McCain empty suits in 2022 after we protect election integrity.
But in the meantime, we have to think about what's going on in this world.
We have to realize that Tony Blinken was running a Biden project
at the University of Pennsylvania that was taking millions of dollars
in anonymous donations from China, okay?
We have to realize that human trafficking slaves, as you guys busted down on the border, are coming into the United States every day.
How can you justify keeping this man, Sleepy Joe, in office one day when you know that all these kids are being tortured?
Okay, when you know that President Trump was leading world history in locking up human traffickers and saving and rescuing kids, doing fed stings to rescue kids all over this country, okay?
How can you sit by and know that one more kid is going to get raped every single day that this farce, this illegitimate fake presidency goes on?
This nightmare where they're still wearing their stupid masks and now they want to say, ooh, the Delta variant.
Okay, experts are already saying it's the same symptoms as the common cold.
Okay, they were already counting the common cold the first time around on the PCR tests, and Carey Mullis, okay, remember, he mysteriously died right before coronavirus, the inventor of the PCR test, who hated Fauci!
Okay, there should be an investigation into Carey Mullis's death!
Oh, let's not stop there!
Because he would have shut this down!
Let's not stop there because I'm going to be getting into this in about 10 minutes here on The War Room.
Where is Dong Weijie?
Where is Dong Weijie?
And I'll cover that, or is it Zhang Wei or Weijie?
I always get it confused.
Either way.
But let's not stop there.
Not only was the inventor of the PCR test mysteriously murdered, I mean mysteriously dead right before this pandemic.
The Chinese scientist and virologist that made the COVID vaccine, also dead.
The Chinese defector, the virologist that came out and said COVID was made in a lab, dead.
Now you have Dong Weijie, who's the Chinese defector from their spy ministry, comes to the West, And the media gets notifications.
Some people put out to the media, hey, this guy's here.
It's kind of a big deal.
I think I know why now.
And then China says, oh, no, he was never in the States.
And then they show what appears to be a Photoshopped picture of him.
John McAfee dead in a cell.
Christopher Sine killed.
Exposed to the Clinton tarmac meeting.
Did they kill a Chinese defector?
So, I mean, there's death all over the origins of this thing.
I mean, seriously, like, Fauci needs to be on a suicide watch, if you know what I'm saying.
Well, you know, there's a couple in Canada that was producing hydroxychloroquine.
They died mysteriously.
And, you know, so there's a lot of death.
And there's a lot of death.
And I should say some names of people like Nancy Schaefer, Linda Collins-Smith, Isaac Cappy, people who have been Not necessarily on coronavirus, but trying to save the kids, trying to expose the cabal, trying to expose the Satanic Luciferians who are running all of this.
When you look at the close connection between Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein, when you know that a Gates Foundation partner was visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology while Fauci was funding the gain-of-function bat coronavirus research project there, When you know that Biden's science advisor is a good friend of Fauci, and Jeffrey Epstein claimed that he was funding that guy, financing him.
There's a picture of Jeffrey Epstein meeting with this guy.
He's the top science advisor now to the White House.
This is all connected, and you've got to look at the links.
The Bronfen family, the Maxwell family, Ghislaine Maxwell's in jail.
There are balls in motion here.
They knew they had to take out Donald Trump.
But what we need to do is we need to look at some of our friends who have passed on.
Chris Sine, for instance, the Tarmac reporter down in Alabama, a great guy.
And we need to say we're going to be inspired by these people, Andrew Breitbart, Seth Rich, and we're going to not forget them and we're going to carry on their work.
Okay, I'm proud to carry on Andrew Breitbart's work.
I'm not as good as Andrew Breitbart was at what he did, specifically, but I can be, you know, somewhat, I can be half as good, and then, you know, if there are two of me, then we're Andrew Breitbart, and then keep growing it, keep growing it, and so that's what we got to do.
We got to just keep this movement forward, because it's about truth.
There's nothing more important than truth.
Alright, what is the next shoe to drop in your investigative reporting on the 2020 election theft by the Democrat Party?
Well, there is so much with the paper ballots, and then you also have the machines.
You have the fact that the U.S.
federal government acknowledged that the machines, and I'm wording this very carefully, that the machines did have the ability to You know, there's going to be more with the machines.
There's going to be more in terms of what these people were doing with the paper ballots.
In Maricopa County, you saw so much rampant corruption in terms of the way that they were counting the votes, in terms of the highlighters that were being used.
I think here's the key too.
This seems to be the key, at least moving forward, that Further investigation needs to be done in this.
The Democrats, obviously very, very good at stealing elections.
The political class is good at that in general, but the Democrats specifically, they clearly...
They clearly, before all this kicked off, said, here's our hot zones.
We're going to target Milwaukee.
We're going to target Atlanta.
We're going to target Philadelphia.
We're going to target Detroit.
And we're going to target Phoenix.
And these are all the different counties, Fulton County, Maricopa County.
Those are the five cities in the five states.
They said, these are the ones we need to steal.
And if we can steal it there, we can steal this election.
And they did it.
Oh, and you know why they messed up, though?
Because they added Houston to that list because they had the chutzpah to think that they could flip Texas.
We got a whole lot of people on the ground in Houston.
We busted them in Houston.
We busted their playbook.
Go to nationalfile.com.
You'll see what they did in Houston.
It is a microcosm of what they did everywhere else.
We were able to get our hooks in in Houston.
That's why we busted this.
And we'll get Patrick Alley back on when that story drops as well.
Patrick Alley from National File, thank you.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show today, ladies and gentlemen.
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