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Name: 20210614_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2021
2483 lines.

Jennifer Bridges is a Houston Methodist nurse who has filed a lawsuit against her hospital after being fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. She claims that the hospital forced her and other workers to sign waivers stating they would not hold the hospital liable for adverse reactions from the vaccine. Her case was dismissed, but she plans to appeal it all the way up to the Supreme Court. Bridges encourages others in similar situations to join her fight and invites people to attend a protest rally called "Fight for Our Rights" on June 26th in downtown Houston. She believes that globalists know their vaccine agenda is unpopular and wants to expose the truth about the Nuremberg Code violation of secret experimentation on a mass scale.

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You just become desensitized to learning about all the death and destruction.
Your brain can't handle it, so it starts tuning it out.
And that's really their plan.
Okay, they accepted hundreds of millions of autistic boys from the injections.
Now we'll just kill hundreds of millions with a prion-growing injection that begins farming your body, using your body as a farm to have your cells create deadly crystals That multiply over time and finally kill you in an incredibly debilitating, excruciating fashion.
International Society for Infectious Diseases, conducted by a major institute in Germany, first case post-mortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
And the person was vaccinated but still died of COVID later.
But they called it COVID when their entire body's organs We're filled with prions or mad cow disease.
This isn't mad cow disease that kills you over six months.
This kills you in a matter of days as your brain, heart, and lungs liquefy under the bio attack.
Your body's turned into a farm, it grows crystals, and you die.
Bill Gates wins.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Monday, June 14th transmission.
And the G7 is the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
It is the world government.
It is the forced inoculation.
It is Satan turned loose upon planet Earth.
Here's the latest information.
The G7 was the predictable embarrassment only a Joe Biden could deliver.
I'm going to communicate that there are consequences for violating the sovereignty of democracies.
Complete with moments of raging dementia.
I don't think this is going to work.
There are two halves.
There is a knife there.
There is a knife, it's not there.
I know there is.
I said I shall know.
This is something that is more unusual.
There's our God.
The President launched a project to exterminate us.
[Indistinct chatter]
Replete with cringeworthy pandemic theatrics from the finest crop of globeless twits in human history.
And what did the meeting of social engineers accomplish?
Biden and his UK partner in crime, Boris Johnson, have decided to commit to a 15% global minimum tax amid talks of exemptions for China.
Well, this will affect all multinationals, whether they're U.S.
multinationals, the German multinationals, Swiss multinationals, and so it really is all sectors around the world.
This will cause countries to have to lift tax rates from where they are right now.
There's a lot of tariffs being implemented from a penal perspective that maybe would get eliminated because digital services taxes, which are quite controversial, would go.
That's part of this arrangement as well, part of the communique.
While G7 countries pledged to donate 1 billion vaccine doses globally by the end of 2022, because as the coronavirus continues to dissipate, it's vital that young people are poisoned at a record pace.
My name is Pamela Goodman, and my 32-year-old stepson, Benjamin, was killed by the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on March 14, 2021.
Within 12 hours, he was dead of a cardiac arrest.
Sudden death.
I know you all know, but a lot of people may not know what COVID is.
That is a system whereby they're going to provide funding for states to be able to get access to vaccines.
First Lady Jill Biden, now openly assuming the foreign policy duties of the Executive
Office of the United States, had to get a handle on an adrift Joe Biden aimlessly meandering
the G7 grounds.
While in a regular momentary lapse of coherence, President Biden disrespectfully loathed the
thought of returning back to the country he claims to represent, where until recently
a booming economy had just attained energy independence, only to have that squandered
and delivered back to the globalists and flushed down the Bidenomics toilet.
Okay guys, thank you guys.
Thank you very much.
I'll talk to you guys on Monday.
The Mockingbird media would have us all believe that Biden has returned the United States back to its former glory with his G7 fiasco.
We can work together with Russia, for example, in Libya.
We should be opening up the passes to be able to go through and provide food assistance and vital assistance to a population that's in real trouble.
I think I'm going to try very much hard to it is by the way, there's places where I shouldn't be starting off and negotiating in public here, but let me say it this way.
The rebuilding of Syria, of Libya, of, you know, this is, they're there.
And as long as they're there without the ability to bring about some order in the region, and you can't do that very well without providing for the basic economic needs of Alright, see the rest of the report at G7 pushes mass extermination at freeworldnews.tv.
Back in 60 seconds.
And they come to take your life.
Honor the dead of night.
You see the four horsemen ride.
So choose your fate and die!
Oh, it will be those that brought us into the world government that will be destroyed.
You've been dying since the day you were born.
You need no confession now.
Because now you've got some company.
Paul Joseph Watson will be joining us where they've announced the permanent lockdown as
we told you they would, designed to totally destroy the economy and bring the public to
their knees so they'll be given universal basic incomes that come with forced medical
experimentation, sterilization and death.
Just as I told you 10,000 times at least in the last 27 years was the master plan.
And then Max Keiser has huge world economic news, very smart cookie, on the strategic
on the strategic globalist plan to bankrupt everyone so all the quadrillions of fake currency
globalist plan to bankrupt everyone so all the quadrillions of fake currency they've
they've created can be used to buy everything up. They want to bankrupt you to get rid of the real
created can be used to buy everything up.
They want to bankrupt you to get rid of the real economy, what's left of it.
economy, what's left of it. People are ready to listen to the truth. We'll be breaking it down
People are ready to listen to the truth.
We'll be breaking it down coming up in the second hour.
coming up in the second hour. Then we have a great lady joining us who is the Polish American
And we have a great lady joining us.
Brotherhood.com, one of the main leaders of that organization. She exposed the forced inoculation
centers where if you don't have your inoculation you can't go into the public park now. She's going
to be popping in as well. And then we've got Jennifer Bridges who is leading the fight all
over the country, all over the world for Federal judges ruled against her, but she's going to keep fighting on with the appeal, saying you can be fired if you don't take the experimental Nuremberg Code-violating injection.
She will be joining us from Houston, Texas.
Nurse from Houston Methodist, fighting mandatory vaccines.
Here's the headline about her, out of Texas Monthly.
She's leading the fight against mandatory vaccines in Texas.
She also happens to be a nurse.
So that is all coming up.
And that's the other lady you see on screen that's coming on about New York, what she witnessed as well.
And again, a lot of times of your radio listeners, you will notice that I'm talking about things I see on screen.
That's because we're simulcasting radio show that I've been doing 27 years.
Now for over 20 years, simulcast on television.
The crew does a great job, but I don't really direct them.
So sometimes they'll be pulling something up that I just talked about, and then it'll be lined up
with something that's currently I'm talking about, and that can create confusion.
Not their fault, just part of the weirdness of the show.
So that's why you'll hear occasionally me update what's on screen for a radio listener you're not watching.
And so there's not that little issue or paradox if you're a radio listener versus a TV viewer.
Okay, let me just say this right now.
We're in a war.
There are powerful financial interests that won't control the future.
They believe there's too many people.
They believe people are lazy and stupid.
If they want to get rid of the population, they've developed a plan to do it.
To break up the family, to confuse the population, to dumb us down, to promote mental illness, to drug the population with all forms of antipsychotics that actually make you psychotic and antidepressants that make you mentally ill and Amphetamines of every type that are wrecking civilization.
And now they're coming in with all the breakdown.
They're penalizing workers.
They're creating racism.
They're creating new segregation systems.
They're doing this because they're waging war on civilization.
Because they want to break down the civilization that's free and open and independent compared to the one they're bringing in that is based on draconian censorship, domination, and control.
And so if you don't realize that they're at war with you, using pestilence, disease, using war, using famine, using social control and mental illness, That you haven't read their own writings and their own admissions.
That said, it almost becomes redundant here, and there is a paradoxical issue, that as we reel off the famous people that have died, the actors, the sports people, the models, the leaders, both young and old, that are dying from the vaccines, and then we see a hundred-plus-fold increase in the number of deaths being reported by the adverse vaccine Reaction system, same in Europe, not just here, and India as well.
It becomes paradoxical because you just become desensitized to learning about all the death and destruction.
Your brain can't handle it, so it starts tuning it out.
And that's really their plan.
Okay, they accepted hundreds of millions of autistic boys from the injections.
Now we'll just kill hundreds of millions with a prion growing Injection that begins farming your body, using your body as a farm to have your cells create deadly crystals that multiply over time and finally kill you in an incredibly debilitating, excruciating fashion.
Using your own immune system against yourself and that is the place we're at?
I have a bunch of new prestigious studies.
I have Nobel Prize winners, chief scientists, major pharma companies all saying it.
It is just incredible.
At a certain point, if you just talk about this, what does it do?
It just becomes another article, another story, where it's confirmed.
And obviously the people that took these injections did it because they were afraid.
They did it because they wanted to conform.
They did it because they wanted a virtue signal.
They're the exact type of follower, psychologically, that will not admit to themselves they've really been preyed on.
Because they didn't just buy a fake lottery ticket.
They didn't just buy a lemon car.
They didn't just get ripped off.
They got hurt really, really bad.
And their slow death is going to weigh down civilization and finally cause the collapse of civilization, which the Cloward and Piven program and others call for.
Now, the good news is a lot less people are taking the deadly shots than they're even saying.
They thought they'd have 90% injection by now.
Some of their blue areas of brainwashed fools, they've got about half injected.
But they've been exaggerating the numbers for three or four months saying they're at 50%.
And so, the good news is, is that as many as they wanted to take the soft kill weapon have not done it.
It's still going to be a civilization collapsing event that you're already seeing accelerate right now with defund the police, have homeless everywhere, ship fentanyl in, cover up the identity of murderers everywhere, Democrats, and also in the UK, the Labour Party's calling for legalization of rape, ibbots against white people, all of, I'm not joking, I have the article right here, I'm not joking, All of this is done to just create total disintegration of society.
And then you add to that, when, I mean, Biden's out of his mind now, but so he starts saying what he's been briefed on, they shouldn't be briefing him.
And he's like, you know, the COVID project we're running, the thing we've got taking over everything, and soon all the hospital beds will be full of Alzheimer's patients.
And he's the perfect mascot for the end of America under a biological chemical attack of our brains.
So They've already got the average leftist totally confused, totally shut down, totally manipulated, totally away from God, completely lost.
And now what do you do once you have a lamb lost and blind and deaf and dumb?
Well, you lead it to the wolves.
And so that's where we are now.
So let me just tell you what's here in front of us.
This is a major journal.
It's a major German report, International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
International Society for Infectious Diseases, conducted by a major institute in Germany, first case post-mortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
And the person was vaccinated, but still died of COVID later.
But they called it COVID when their entire body's organs were filled with prions or mad cow disease.
So this isn't Mount Cow disease that kills you over six months, this kills you in a matter of days, as your brain, heart, and lungs liquefy under the bio-attack.
Your body's turned into a farm, it grows crystals, and you die.
Bill Gates wins.
All right, Max Keiser is a former top stockbroker, really smart guy, he's gonna be joining us in the next hour to break down why the globalists are doing all this.
Well, from an economic perspective, they've created thousands of trillions of fake dollars, thousands of trillions of euros,
thousands of trillions of yen and yons.
They admit this.
I mean, they've sold per mortgage 50, 60, 100 times that mortgage out and then used those fake quadrillions,
thousands of trillions, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of more money than is really
in the real world real assets.
But people still have their houses.
They still have their cars.
They still have their airplanes.
They still have their businesses.
They still have their restaurants.
They still have their schools.
They still have their ranches.
They still have their little factories, their auto repair shops.
They still have their dance studios.
They still have their movie theaters.
They still have their bars.
They still have their gyms.
So you tell them lockdown, and you say it's 15 days, and then now they've announced, okay, the internal documents came out.
Boris Johnson said it's true.
It's five years.
We're going to never let you have your small business open for five years.
There's a new variant of COVID, which they just made up.
It's all made up.
And we know that.
The PCR tests tell around the whole thing.
It's a total criminal assault.
But it's done by a bunch of dopey looking people telling you they're politically incorrect, so the left goes along with it.
And now, national study out, 70 plus percent of Democrats, same numbers in Europe, Labour Party, Liberals, say they want forced inoculation and never to open again.
Because they get to stay home and they get welfare for now.
And they feel like they're part of the power structure.
So it's not just that Bill Gates is your doctor now.
The average leftist wants to put a Bill Gates, UN, global government gene therapy in you.
What a cult!
They want to wear their mask forever.
They've turned London into Londonstand.
They've turned New York into New York, stand.
They're turning the whole world into a place where you show your act of submission to their cult.
And where it leads you is total destruction.
So that's how major brokerage firms are paying 50%, 100% more for small, single-family dwellings all across the world.
Because they're taking all that inflationary money they've got first use of and then putting it into pure inflation When every policy of a free and open country is to have cheap housing for families, so you have families.
China subsidizes families now and says, well, they want you to have three children.
But here, they don't want you to have children and all the newspapers are how bad it is to have them.
So when there's this collapse in civilization and so many people sick from the poison inoculations, there'll be no one to take care of all the sick and we'll have to bring in euthanasia and You'll just say, where'd that homeless guy go?
Where'd that criminal go?
They'll all be killed.
But see how they created a self-fulfilling prophecy to establish that benchmark.
And that's really the plan.
And I've read their writings.
Hell, it's all out in the open now.
That's why it's paradoxical.
Make people lazy, dumb them down, give them drugs, give them alcohol, tell them not to work, then bring in a system where if you want that money, though, you gotta take this shot.
That's always been their holy grail.
I didn't just start saying it 16 months ago.
I've been saying they're going to cause a societal collapse with a virus scare.
It'll be the inoculation that actually sterilizes you and or kills you.
And now it's doing both.
So let's just run through these headlines.
I've got Gregory shooting a big report on this right now.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
First case of post-mortem study in patent inpatient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 and describes in the prestigious German publication and put in the International Society for Infectious Diseases that every organ in the body but the liver and the sinus cavity of all places had rotholes all in it and had been basically eaten by the virus.
The lungs, the heart, the arteries, the cardiovascular, the guts, the brain, everything had holes eaten in it by the vaccinated man.
And what did they say he died from?
That's why the Institute got his body and proved it wasn't true?
And everybody I talk to, nurses and doctors now, we got one coming on third hour, says the people they see coming in and dying of COVID, And testing positive, because it shows the mass of protein that's in COVID, because your body produces it.
And they're dying of the COVID inoculation, and they're calling it COVID-19.
But they're not hyping it up.
Incredible information, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's just look at a smattering of other headlines here.
YouTube censors Dr. Norchesm, a retired cardiac surgeon with a PhD in immunology for misinformation, When he said young people should not take these shots, that the proteins in them are causing cardiovascular problems, which most of these vaccines are banned in other countries, because they're causing that, and all the white papers say it, and the literature, but you see, Google says they only take orders from a fact-checking group at the Wuhan Laboratory, run by Peter Daszak on red.
That's right.
So, criminal cover-up, just like U.S.
Senator had experts in the Senate hearing about this.
And oh, talking about the lab origin, you're still not allowed to.
A U.S.
Senator showing us that big tech is the real power, and Congress does nothing.
AstraZeneca COVID jab should be halted for people over 60.
The European Medical Alliance Safety Committee identified another rare blood condition now becoming common after people taking AstraZeneca vaccine said it was examining cases of heart inflammation after inoculation.
And what did Israel say?
All of them have shown the same thing.
But if you try to talk about it, well, Google, Doesn't let you.
This is why Paul Joseph Watson is joining us next segment.
UK already planning to extend lockdowns before first extension even announced.
See how that works?
Suicide attempts rose among adolescent girls during pandemic.
ER admits.
Americans find another point of polarization.
A poll shows 79% of Democrats support employers forcing workers to get COVID-19 jabs.
The liberals are your doctor now and they're in your bedroom.
And they're telling your kids about sex.
They run you.
They are control freaks.
College to charge unvaccinated students $1,500 health and safety fee.
That's fine students.
College to fine students.
That's at EuropeWars.com.
And another big enchilada.
Defector provides evidence that the Chinese military orchestrated the creation of COVID-19 and the lab leak on purpose.
Uh, yeah.
Red State's got a powerful article on that.
Italy halts the use of AstraZeneca vaccine in those under 60 and others after...
They find new data that it's causing heart attacks.
But see, that's even in the precious New York Times.
But Google doesn't allow you to talk about it, or even this, out of a CBS News.
The FDA reportedly forced J&J to scrap 60 million doses of its COVID vaccine.
But that's okay.
Judge dismisses lawsuit filed by Houston hospital employees who refuse COVID-19 vaccines or be fired.
That's all coming up.
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Plus, everybody needs this now more than ever to defend ourselves from the globalists.
Well, Boris Johnson has become quite the globalist, or maybe he always was, the former mayor of London.
But as I said over a year ago, they're never going to turn loose of these lockdowns.
They want a permanent global social credit score.
They want to track you with vaccine passports, and myself and Paul Watson and others all said that 16 months ago.
So when you see what Boris Johnson's doing, that's the UN, that's the IMF, that's the World Bank that want these systems.
Borders wide open, but internal checkpoints.
And so Boris Johnson has basically come out now and said, oh, we were supposed to open up in late June.
Now we may have to postpone that because of a deadly Delta variant that spreads 60% faster and all this made up garbage.
They've exaggerated it all 100 to 1.
But the reason this is important is what you see in Canada, what you see in Australia, what you see in Europe, what you see in the UK is what they want to do here.
And Johnson said six months ago, chillingly, when I am the head, which he was becoming then, of the G7 on the rotating seat for a year, which he is now, just had the G7 there in the UK, beautiful coastline.
He said, I will take directives from Bill Gates on everything medical.
So really, Bill Gates is not just the Prime Minister of the UK right now.
I mean, Johnson said this, it's in the headlines.
He is the medical doctor for Europe, and well, I guess the G7 members, the US is part of it.
So, this is so important to point this out.
Paul Joseph Watson, you're right in the middle of it, you live in London.
Give us the latest on this incredible development.
The latest, Alex, is that despite the fantastic vaccine rollout, which they're calling the greatest in Europe, while other countries in Europe start to lift their restrictions, we're being told now, as we predicted all along, that the June 21st Freedom Day, as it was dubbed by the media, will not be happening.
He's going to give an announcement in about 25 minutes time.
Saying that it will be delayed for another month.
We've already had ministers in the government preparing people, getting out ahead of the narrative, saying that this will just be the first delay and the delays, the lack of lifting of restrictions, is likely to continue into August, into September.
And that's key, because as I point out in the article I wrote earlier, which is UK already planning to extend lockdown before first extension even announced, They've set themselves on this narrative, Alex, that we've got this third wave of Covid despite the fact that literally...
According to the official records, which I'm going to get into later if we have the chance as to why they're completely wrong.
In your article, the UK government admits mind control.
They're using mind control.
Oh yeah, we'll get into that.
So two people over the past 28 days, official records have died of COVID.
We've had days when zero people have died.
The people getting infected with this Indian variant are young people.
They don't even have to go to hospital.
In most cases, it's very mild.
Yeah, they're telling us, Alex, we're in a situation now where we had more freedom in July 2020 than we're going to have in July 2021, despite the fact that we've got this Miraculous vaccine despite the fact that the vast majority of over 50s have been inoculated with this miraculous vaccine.
We have less freedom in July 2021 than we had last year.
So we're going backwards.
The numerous lockdowns that they've imposed upon us have not worked because we have to have more and more again.
Kind of brings you to the point that these lockdowns aren't about controlling the virus, they're about These extremists in government have taken over the British Parliament.
These sage advisors, drunk on power, refusing to ever give up control.
And you mentioned the article there about them admitting using mind control.
This came out in the Telegraph.
We did a story about it.
They literally spoke to the scientists who are responsible for advising the government a couple of months ago now on the first lockdown, and it's all the same people now, by the way.
They admitted using quote, mind control.
This sounds like an endgame conspiracy theory, right?
No, these were their own words.
Mind control, and quote, the weaponization of behavioral psychology to force Brits into total compliance with lockdown.
And it's the same people, Alex, saying the same thing today, justifying this latest lockdown.
So what they're going to do is, I'm going to go back to that in a second, but They want to extend this narrative of the third wave to September, so it brings us to the autumn-winter flu season, so when all those flu deaths come back into play later this year,
They can include those in the official coronavirus death total.
So then they can say, oh, we just need to lockdown again.
We need to protect the NHS because it's becoming overwhelmed because it's winter.
We have the flu deaths.
So we just need to do one more lockdown to save the NHS, to save Christmas, which is exactly the same thing they said last That's the key is they recycle because they know that people have lost their long-term memory and even short-term they recycle the same lies and Schwab is as you know on TV saying this was our plan this is the cut carbon it's a great success
Now we're going to have the fourth industrial revolution.
We've made them so angry.
It's so hard on the public.
They will now accept the universal guaranteed income, which is the total domestication, and then they can completely force these poisonous inoculations.
I mean, this is a diabolical admitted plan by them.
And then why do you think Schwab and others And the Rockefeller protege Bill Gates, why are they so public at the academic level about what they're doing, but then meanwhile lie to us on the news why it's happening?
Because they know the truth only comes out in polls and in private studies and in books published by lockdown sceptics.
And their fear-mongering, Alex, has worked.
Oh, by the way, 29%, nearly a third of this Indian variant, the Delta variant that has occurred in the United Kingdom recently, is from people being infected who have had two doses of the vaccine.
Oh, so the vaccine doesn't quite work correctly.
The agenda that's going to happen Is that they're going to push this into autumn, winter, then there's going to be somewhat of an upswell amongst especially young people.
You know, absolute fury that they're going to blame the unvaccinated saying it's our fault.
They're going to blame the unvaccinated.
That's exactly what Tony Blair advocated last week.
He said we need to create a two-tier society, basically, but not discriminate against anyone.
So it comes to the stage where, oh yes, you've got your freedoms back if you've taken the vaccine.
If you haven't, Well, it's not mandatory.
You just don't get to see your grandparents.
You don't get to socialize.
That's what Blair said.
He said we need to lock people up that don't take it, which the UN has been saying for a year and a half is the end game goal to go into homes and quote, take people out of them that have it.
They just set the PCR computer the size of, I did it at Joe Rogan's for a show.
At the size of a credit card reader, they stick it in your nose.
Now to go to the park in New York City, Paul, open public parks, they have PCR readers.
I mean this is illegal!
This is science fiction dystopia!
And we talk about behavioral manipulation, which is what they admitted to doing.
You know, we had the hottest day of the year in the UK today and slightly under yesterday, but I saw, again, a woman wearing two face masks on the hottest day of the year.
I mean, when are people going to start running into breathing difficulties?
Well, I went to the local grocery store, H-E-B, this weekend to literally get some milk and orange juice.
75% of people are wearing masks.
Most of them were wearing double masks, and I had a woman confront me at the checkout stand.
She was buying her food.
She goes, I wish these people wear their mask.
I wish these people would care about others.
And I just said, lady, it gives you bacterial pneumonia.
It doesn't protect you.
The virus goes right through it.
What you need is your insurance.
Oh, please leave me alone.
And I said, you're the one running off your stupid mouth.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
I mean, they're victims of the cult.
They're victims of psychological weaponization of behavioral psychology, mind control.
Not my words, the words of the very scientists advising the government, to the point now where you've got someone wearing two masks outside.
The cases in Texas plummeted after they got rid of all the mask mandates.
Same in South Dakota.
Then you get Spain, for example.
My parents live in Spain, I talked to them yesterday.
Still the law to wear masks outside, everywhere.
It's like 86, 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Oh, but they've extended the curfew, Alex, past 10pm!
This is all an exercise in martial law to see what we'll put up with.
I want to ask Paul Watson where he sees this going, what we do to stop it.
Thing is, no dancing allowed in the nightclubs.
Like, why do people go to nightclubs?
They're allowing them to sit in tables.
This is all an exercise in martial law to see what we'll put up with.
I want to ask Paul Watson where he sees this going, what we do to stop it.
There is a lot of resistance mounting, even in the UK, for people to become very, very passive.
All right, folks, Paul Joseph Watson joins us from the UK, where he's lived his whole life, born there.
The globalist shot down the steel mills where he and his family worked, moved to London, now that's under martial law for 16 months, and now they're saying it's never going to end and if anybody dies of the flu, in fact it was on KXAN this morning, I caught it.
I meant to go find it on their site and get it on the show, but it's a talking point.
You'll see it everywhere.
And they're announcing, oh, we need permanent masks and lockdowns for the flu and for pneumonia because that kills more than COVID.
So they're just introducing this ninnying insane fear as if masks protect us and just bringing in permanent martial law.
Paul, what do we do about this?
Well, for a start, as Fauci admitted in his emails back near the start of last year, the virus particle is smaller than the holes in the mask.
Completely useless.
And in fact, if you look at European countries, France, Germany, Spain, the cases skyrocketed after they mandated the masks.
So if anything, they're making things worse.
What we do about it in the UK, and which is starting to happen hopefully, one is mass civil disobedience.
Ignore all the mandates.
It's completely totalitarian, as the government advisors themselves admitted.
Business owners and the hospitality industry are threatening to sue the government because hundreds of thousands of restaurants and pubs have closed.
Andrew Lloyd Webber, the theatre director and producer, is saying he's willing to get arrested to open up at full 100% capacity.
There's a rebellion on the Tory backbenches, so they're going to have a vote.
So there are different methods for the government to resist it, the ones who actually believe in freedom.
We resist it by complete, total non-compliance.
And we resist it by calling out these totalitarian mind control behavioral psychologists, these extremists who have literally taken control of the government.
Going back to what we said, there was a poll today, Alex, on the back of this news that the lockdown is going to be extended.
71% of English adults support delaying the lifting of the lockdown for four weeks.
And of course, we know it's not going to be four weeks.
It's going to be months and months on end, if not forever.
That's because The government has set this precedent whereby at the drop of the hat, under any justification, including climate lockdowns, a deadly flu season, new variants, whatever, that they can eviscerate our freedom.
We have total lack of respect for the importance of freedom in this country and in America.
It's become a throwaway concept.
Existing is not living.
We need to push that message.
But also the key is to expose these government advisors.
And I'll give you an example.
And there's a video that I uploaded a couple of hours ago, which maybe you can play later on in the show.
And it was a UK government advisor, not an epidemiologist, not a virus scientist, a behavioral scientist called Susan Michie, who is literally her entire expertise is in manipulating the public through propaganda and public relations into complying with government mandates.
She's part of the Wellcome Institute, the Wellcome Trust, again funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, obviously, vast investments in pharmaceuticals.
That work, for those that don't know, to silence early on anyone criticizing the official COVID narrative.
Yeah, including those Chinese scientists who said it had human-to-human transmission, who were put in prison or killed or mysteriously disappeared, censored by Facebook by the same guy who was overseeing the cover-up at the Wuhan lab.
But this Susan Michie, and I've included a couple of examples of this in the video, she literally gave an interview where she said that these mask mandates, this social distancing, she was asked when it's going to end.
She said, never.
It's going to continue forever.
Vaccines are a really important part of the pandemic control, but it's only one part.
Test, trace and isolate system, border controls are really essential.
And the third thing is people's behaviour.
That is the behaviour of social distancing, of when you're indoors, making sure there's good ventilation or if it's not wearing face masks and hand and surface hygiene.
We'll need to keep these going in the long term.
And that will be good not only for Covid, but also to reduce others at a time when the NHS is doing... Sorry to interrupt Professor Mickey.
When you say long term, what do you mean by that?
How long?
Very quickly.
Um, I think forever, to some extent.
Why didn't you say that?
Oh my gosh, forever.
Professor McKee, sorry, do you really think that people can continue to live the way that you think we potentially might have to live?
Wearing the mask, social distancing, spending more time outside.
Do you think this is something we can really adapt to forever?
I think there's lots of different behaviours that we've changed in our lives.
We now routinely wear seatbelts we didn't used to.
We now routinely pick up dog poo in the parks we didn't used to.
When people see that there is a threat and there's something they can do to reduce that, We've got tissues, we've got a face mask in case we need to use it.
It's not going to be a huge big deal, the kind of behaviors that we're talking about.
And I think we can just begin to adopt routines.
When we go out of the house, we check we've got our phone, we've got our keys, we've got tissues,
we've got a face mask in case we need to use it.
It's not going to be a huge big deal, the kind of behaviors that we're talking about.
And I think we also need to think about the way we plan our cities, our transport, our lifestyles.
Instead of going back to huge long commutes, have more local working hubs
where people don't have to travel so much.
Good not only for health, but for the environment.
You know, the environmental crisis is the next one down the road.
This is a woman who attracted, who garnered the nickname anti-Stalin because she's a communist party member, a communist hardliner.
She's advising the British government.
But what's key about it, and I provide two examples of this because there's another one, after she says the mandates, the lockdowns are going to continue forever, She lets out a little chuckle, a little laugh.
And this is key.
Every time you see one of these government scientists, behavioural scientists, who advise the government on lockdown, advocate for forever permastate biosecurity police state in the West, they laugh after they say it.
Give folks the headlines so my crew can grab it again.
It's not their fault.
We've had like a hundred clips since Friday.
We actually played the clip on Friday and on Saturday.
And she looks like a cartoon character with so much pleasure.
There she is on the left, the old red-headed lady.
And it's just so bizarre to see classic authoritarianism, but so many times it's delivered by like old nerd women.
Yeah, it's like Antwines and Cat Ladies.
Because again, the point has been made.
These people, Alex, literally have no lives.
Their friends all hate them.
They want to stay indoors.
They're the curtain twitchers who want to lecture everyone else and don't want anyone else to live.
There was another one called Dr. Richard Taylor, who was asked When are we going to get back to normal life?
When is this ever going to end?
He said, quote, the virus, this is when we're going to get back to normal, according to him, Dr. Richard Taylor, when the virus is no longer spreading and it's not going around the rest of the world.
That's literally never.
That's never going to be.
Because they picked the coronavirus.
And let's explain all the trendies that went along and said, take your shot, wear your mask.
It'll end this.
You've been the schmucks.
Now it's permanent.
Now it never ends because you submitted.
That's why your job goes away.
That's why going to the bar goes away.
That's why going to the game goes away.
I mean, this is so obvious, Paul.
People need to say no.
People wanted to come to the West because we were against this activity.
And look at all the authoritarian countries like Pakistan and others saying, we're turning your SIM cards off if you haven't had the injections.
Or India making people wear skull and crossbones around their necks.
I mean, this is an orgy for every authoritarian state in the world.
In countries like Malaysia and India, they literally torture people in the street if they're caught not wearing a face mask.
Maybe that's next for us.
But this Dr. Richard Taylor, again, he was asked when it's going to end.
He basically said never.
And then he said, quote, sadly, it can't be forever.
And then he laughed.
So he's literally lamenting the fact that there's a possibility this scientific dictatorship may have to, at some point, relinquish control.
And again, these are all government advisers.
And then you did a new video today that's at Infowars.com, Newswars.com, and your site Summit.News.
Where you explain the rulers versus the slaves.
With the Queen and all of them at G7, they're not wearing masks.
They only wear that when they're out at a public event with us.
And the sign is, you're dirty, you're bad, we're not.
I mean, this is a new caste system, but instead of Islam where the women wear the burqas, we all wear the burqas unless we're royalty.
Well, this is the point.
The people who can afford to be locked down and violate the rules on a whim, by the way.
We did a story about elites, rich elites in Paris, where all these private underground elitist restaurants have been set up where they can still go.
By the way, at the very height of the lockdown in Paris, where they were still going, paying thousands of euros per head to meet with these other elitists while everyone else is locked down.
They can all afford to be in that situation, even to a semi-degree.
The working class, the people who actually have to work and get jobs.
The hospitality industry decimated.
All these other industries decimated.
Domestic abuse spiking massively.
We've had a doubling of suicide attempts amongst people aged 5 and 5 in Australia.
Well, Paul, totally right.
Let's go further.
Talk about the new royalty.
Big tech and these billionaires on average have 20,000, 50,000 acre farms and ranches with sprawling helicopter pads, private airfields, 50 bedroom houses.
They love the lockdown because when they then travel around the world, no one's there.
They were all going to Hawaii.
They were all going to Nepal.
They were traveling everywhere when we were locked down, bragging about it.
Oh yeah, but they've still got their slave class, their imported migrants who will still be made to wear the mask.
Meanwhile, they do their silly photo ops with the cringe elbow greeting.
They do their socially distanced photo op at G7.
Meanwhile, Alex, they're having massive barbecue parties.
They're having massive lobster parties.
Macron is basically, you've seen the clip, he's basically spitting in Joe Biden's mouth.
I would say Biden was probably a vulnerable individual.
They all do it.
They all do it.
Paul, stay there and do five more minutes with us.
Paul Joseph Watson always kicking butt over at summit.news and contributing at infowars.com.
And of course, he has his own page at Band.Video.
You can't share the URL from Band.Video on Twitter or Facebook.
You've got to share the newest URL that gets around all of it and takes you to all the sublinks, and that is FreeWorldNews.TV.
But before we go back to Paul, I want to just invite listeners to go to InfoWarscore.com.
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All right, Alex Jones here, back live.
Max Keiser joins us next segment with the incredible financial news of the Great Reset, what it's really all about and how to fight back.
But Paul, you've got a laundry list of other key issues about the ongoing global lockdown, what it's doing economically, the numbers it's built on being such a fraud.
Yeah, well we've finally got some debate about this in Parliament today and it was on the same subject that I mentioned earlier.
The reason they're pushing it into the summer and beyond the summer is because they know they have more political capital to bring it back again in the winter because you're going to get the flu deaths.
The flu deaths never disappeared, they just started counting them as Covid deaths.
To inflate the total COVID deaths again because they admitted using totalitarian psychological behavioral manipulation fear tactics to force the public into complete compliance without question.
So there was a Freedom of Information Act request in the UK last year and somebody asked the government How many deaths in the UK were recorded on the death certificate as COVID-19 alone without any other comorbidities?
And this is still on the ONS official government website, by the way.
They came back and said that 8.9% of officially recorded COVID deaths We're of people who died from COVID alone.
So the true figure of deaths, and I think it's up to 170,000 something in the UK right now, is literally less than one-tenth that we're being told.
So that's why you get polls today, for example, which show that 71% of English adults still Support the lockdown, because they've been completely brainwashed by completely fake numbers, by people who admitted that it was their role, because they wanted to hang on to power, to indoctrinate and brainwash the people to think that this was far more deadly than it ever was.
Remember right at the start we had the WHO come out with this ridiculous figure of 3.4% fatality from Covid.
We know it's infinitesimally smaller than that now, but that hung in the air for months and months and months.
So it stands to reason that we had polls last summer, and you mentioned this in the intro, where in America, literally the average American, and this is still probably roughly the same, thinks that COVID killed 225 times more Americans than the actual figure.
times more Americans than the actual figure. 225 times. In places like Sweden
and the UK was a bit more conservative but not really because they thought that
coronavirus killed 100 times more people than it actually did.
So they're walking around with their two masks on in the height of summer, the hottest day in the UK, thinking COVID's 100 times more deadly than it is.
And it's not even that we're being told the truth about the numbers.
It's not just as deadly as it is.
It's ten times less deadly than it is.
We have two deaths today in the United Kingdom.
We've had days when we've had zero deaths and yet we're going to remain under some form of lockdown until at least July, probably August, probably September.
Then they're going to bring it into winter and say, oh well, maybe we'll give you some freedoms back But only if you've taken the vaccine.
So they're putting the chains on us and they tell us they're going to loosen the chain sometimes, tighten them up sometimes, but basically they are putting us into a total cage to manipulate and track us.
Completely, and that's what happened in China.
They're tying the Covid domestic passports to the burgeoning social credit score system here in the UK, which is worse than the Chinese one because, you know, even the mainstream media in America will call out the Chinese social credit score, say this is draconian, this is authoritarian.
But when we do it, it's okay.
Then you look at every single study from Germany to Sweden, Lockdowns had no effect whatsoever.
We should have gone for herd immunity from the very start.
The virus numbers were falling in every case before the lockdown was put into place.
So all along the line, the narrative has been completely false.
And these G7 globalists, these Klaus Schwab types who want to put a microchip in your head, it's in his own book, he advocates it.
They can gorge themselves on lobster.
They know this virus is nowhere near deadly as what the public believes.
otherwise they wouldn't behave how they're behaving Alex.
Well Paul we really appreciate you and all the work you've done
and all the things you're doing over at summit.news And I'm just wondering, with 10 seconds left, are you going to have to leave the UK if these lockdowns continue?
If it continues beyond next month, I mean, I'm seriously gonna have to consider doing that.
All right, there goes Paul Joseph Watson.
Man, come on, man.
I ain't finna go Alex Jones level with y'all, man.
Come on, man.
What y'all... Like... Wake up!
I want people to wake up right now.
I want people to listen to me and just come out of your trance.
We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale.
White male!
So Alex Jones' whole brand is based around the idea that he's giving you the real story, not the fake news out there.
Hey listen!
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Humanity is awakening!
This is Alex Jones.
The tyrants did it.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
It's Alex Jones!
Infowars.com I just don't know who you are.
You guys know who he is?
You know Alex Jones has Infowars?
Very popular.
Infowars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
We know we're under attack!
We know it!
We're breaking the conditioning!
We're talking about Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
That's just level one.
What's level two?
I'll tell you.
The animated contest of liberty is waiting for you.
You've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will to accept the truth, buck the system, and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the InfoWar.
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious sh*t.
Tomorrow's news.
Import it into America.
Talk about it non-stop.
Call some governors.
Nod them.
Nod them.
That's your guys.
Put patients into nursing homes.
Tell thousands.
Blame the president.
Keep blaming.
Blame some more.
Lock down small business.
Kill the economy.
Push mail-in voting.
Stoke a race war.
Call for riots.
Pick a candidate.
No, not her.
Yeah, that's more like it.
Lock him in his basement.
Shield him from the press.
Don't cover this.
Keep doing that.
Ignore the economic recovery.
Downplay the world peace.
Pump the polls.
Don't stop pumping.
Install your software and swing states.
That was fast.
Take control of polling stations.
Call off the election when you're losing.
Cheek everyone out.
Pull out all the extra ballots.
Get the software to do its thing.
Get the media to say it's over.
Call the big tech guys.
Ban anyone who notices.
Act like the whole thing never happened.
Stealing the most powerful republic in the world.
It's that easy.
Big news on the election fraud front.
They have just found massive evidence in Arizona.
Seven other states have gone.
They're starting their own audits.
And the corrupt Attorney General is swooping in to try to block it.
It's a lot of fireworks.
And that just goes the same digital fraud we see with the live trading that's going on, the manipulation by the big hedge funds.
Max Keiser, I watched quite a bit of it, did a great job at the big Bitcoin.
summit in Miami a week and a half ago or so.
And I want to get to some of those great clubs and talk to them about Bitcoin and
cryptocurrencies coming up at the bottom of the hour.
But I also first wanted to get him on the area of economic collapse by design
and how these big financial institutions have created quadrillions in derivatives
and fake money that they're then using to try to buy up what's left of the real
economy and that's how they can pay in Texas for example 50% above what a
house's value is.
Because it's all just fiat money.
But for the general public, that's going to cost us because of the inflation.
Now that's part of the larger plan.
That's why they say you will own nothing, you will have nothing, and you will like it under the Great Reset, is because they have hundreds and hundreds of times, and I've had major economists on a decade ago, there was several hundred times more fiat Digital fake money or assets counterfeit stuff that would make Bernie Madoff blush, then there was real currency.
And that's just real currency that itself is inflated.
Now, maybe Max Keiser knows how many quadrillions there are.
When he was on 10, 15 years ago with other well-known names, they were agreeing it was quadrillions.
I mean, this is just so astronomical, it doesn't even connect to reality.
But these big mega banks, They have this, and if they can convince us to sell out to them, instead of them going to jail like Bernie Madoff, they end up taking over the world.
And a great example of this is in Texas, here's Bloomberg, the 10 billion bright spot in the battered world of office real estate and homes, and it just goes on to talk about BlackRock, other investment firms, killing the dream of home ownership, paying up to 50% more For houses sight unseen.
BlackRock wins approval to start China Mutual Fund.
It goes on and on.
So these guys are conquering the world.
They don't want to just conquer governments or armies.
They want to conquer us.
And they're using money as a weapon.
So just like they use money to control third world populations, they're doing it to us now.
We're being colonized by the very IMF and World Bank that destroyed the planet.
So Max Keiser, thank you for joining us, sir.
Hey, Alex, how are you?
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
BlackRock is making a big move into residential real estate and it all comes down to interest rates.
So if you're BlackRock, you can borrow money at 0% and you can use that money to buy up lots and lots of homes and people end up living in homes and paying rent.
So you're going to make money on that purchase because your financing cost is zero.
I'll give you a great example of this, how this happens internationally, because this is a global problem.
It was recently dissected in the financial press, the acquisition of Tiffany, the American fine jeweler, by LVMH, that's Louis Vuitton in France, by now the world's richest man, or in the top two or three world's richest men.
So it turns out that the European Central Bank lent LVMH money, enough money at 0% interest to buy Tiffany's.
So essentially they gifted the richest man in the world, Tiffany's for free.
And that's what we're living in today is a world that I call interest rate apartheid.
If you are living in outside of the Bantustan, you get to borrow money at 0% and you get to make acquisitions like Jeff Bezos and Amazon bought Whole Foods, didn't cost him a penny.
If you're living inside the Bantustan, you're not a friend of the central bank, then your cost of your credit card is 17-18%.
If you're on a payday loan, it's 2,000-3,000%.
That means that every single month you start 18% in the hole.
And another result of having all this money being loaned out at 0% is that it's causing inflation for things like food and energy.
So a lot of people can't really make ends meet at the end of the month.
Their wages don't cover their overhead, so they have to borrow.
They end up borrowing on their credit cards.
They're paying 17 or 18 percent, and it becomes a vicious cycle of debt.
Whereas those people that are friendly with the central banks, they're borrowing money at zero percent.
And there's no economic reason for it.
It's pure politics.
It's what we would see in the Middle Ages, what you'd call a people indulgence.
Remember the papacy in the Middle Ages?
You had to pay the Vatican not to go to hell.
So how do we stop this?
How bad is it going to get?
Well, we have a country right now that has made an incredible move to do battle with the IMF, to do battle with the central banks, and to do battle with fiat money, and that is El Salvador.
El Salvador just last week made Bitcoin legal tender, and the central bank is now buying Bitcoin, and the president is now using the free and eco-friendly energy from the volcanoes in El Salvador to mine Bitcoin.
And the IMF has come out and said, hey, you know what?
We're not sure we like this idea because we want to be in control of your economy.
And I suggested to a lot of people in the Bitcoin space, like Mike Novogratz in New York, to create what I would call volcano bonds.
So simply just create bonds that are backed by future mining output of the of the mining rigs for Bitcoin to pay down the IMF loan right now.
And to get out of the IMF's grip.
Stay there.
This is a major revolution.
A lot of folks are talking about it.
You're right at the tip of the spear.
Max Keiser is our guest, and he's coming to Austin soon.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Max Keiser got quite the hero's welcome when he was in Miami at the Bitcoin Conference.
And I told listeners, when I finally entered, knowing about Bitcoin for over 10 years, Sort of pushing it.
It's because it's revolutionary, because the globalists don't want it, because they're trying to block it.
And now you see all these different countries getting heavily into it, the attempts to drive it down, it starts going back up.
To me, it's about the revolution and decentralization of power.
And it's about the blockchain implemented correctly that will devastate these Bernie Madoff types that run the financial system.
In fact, there's a Big Sky TV host, Corey Bernardi, over in Australia, that in a very short, succinct clip explained this whole Great Reset, forced inoculation, global lockdown, is about this very same group wanting domination and how he believes it's going to be Bitcoin that defeats them.
Here it is.
Well, here's another inconvenient truth.
In other parts of the world, airlines are now advising people who have been vaccinated not to fly.
Yep, you heard me correctly.
Airlines in Spain and Russia are warning people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus not to travel because of the risk of blood clots.
Now, this is a well-known risk of long-haul flights, but it apparently is exacerbated by the potential side effects, the clotting side effects, of the COVID-19 vaccines.
It's just another sign that there really isn't anybody in a position of authority you can truly trust anymore.
And therein lies the problem.
The global push is towards empowering the clearly untrustables with even more authority and control over all of us.
These people are already rewriting history to suit themselves.
They're poisoning our children's minds with harmful and damaging concepts about race and gender fluidity in schools.
They're now insisting we submit to a global medical experiment, even while they've demonstrated they're making little more than educated guesses as to why.
For decades, these totalitarians have been taking baby steps towards their final goal, but now they're sprinting towards the finishing line, sensing that victory is near at hand.
So it's now up to us to put a stop to this madness.
We can't rely on government, I should say, to do it for us, because government are actually a big part of the problem.
We need less of them and we need more of us.
Us individuals who ought to be able to make decisions for ourselves, who can wean ourselves off of government dependency and can pursue a mission of individual autonomy and decentralised authority.
And the decentralisation agenda It's rapidly emerging, mostly through the use of blockchain technology.
It is going to be a game changer, and it's what governments fear most.
It will make the army of paper shufflers who exert power over us entirely redundant.
It will radically change trade and commerce, money and information as we know it.
It will bring immutable trust back into the system while allowing freedom to reign.
So try as they might to resist liberty's bell from ringing, the established powers cannot stop what is coming.
That's why they've redoubled their efforts to advance their own agenda.
But that rush has only exposed their frailty and their hypocrisy.
Slowly but surely, the people will wake up.
And that's what these plutocratic elites fear the most.
I think Cory Bernardi knocked it out of the park and is saying what you're saying, Max.
When the rubber hits the road is with inflation.
The only thing the central banks and the global bureaucrats can do is print more money and for decades the effect of that have been hidden because, for example, labor has been outsourced to China.
Basically slave wages in China.
So in America we haven't seen inflation because we haven't seen wage growth either, but the prices for stuff coming from China has gone down and went down for 20 years or so.
So even though you might not have a job or you're having a poorly paying job, the price of a big screen TV or the clothes that you're wearing, things at Walmart were going down.
So you weren't really aware of the quality of your life diminishing.
But now because of that sink of low wages has been Decimated due to labor price parity and the money printing that's going on and all the trillions of dollars being printed now are ending up right in the consumer price index.
And people are saying, wow, you know, price of groceries are really going up.
Price of energy is really going up.
So that's where people are noticing the breakdown in the global institutions.
I mean, you can talk for years and years about the globalists and about the derivatives and about the various people that are behind the scenes pulling the strings.
But most people, their eyes glaze over and they don't pay much attention.
The only time they really pay attention is if they notice that the prices of stuff that they need,
the food that they need and the energy that they need, the prices are going up in a remarkably fast manner
as they are right now.
That's why the panic is setting in because people are really starting to realize
that they are having an existential crisis.
And historically, whenever the prices really run away in this outrageous manner, you do have incredible social unrest.
And we're seeing that now in the US, but you've already seen this around the world.
That's why countries like El Salvador have come out and publicly said they don't trust the central banks and their money printing, so they made Bitcoin a legal tender in El Salvador and they're saving in Bitcoin because they know that it's their only hope against the central bankers.
And some people will laugh and say, power out of volcanoes.
Many estimates show that geothermal could be bigger than fossil fuels if we just developed the technology.
It's simple.
The Earth has basically unlimited energy with heat being transferred to turn turbines that then produce electricity.
It's basically unlimited, just like the sun.
We just need to do it.
And while the country you talk about is sitting on top of a lot of big magma pools that are very close to the surface, it could very easily do that and are now doing it.
Well you already see a country that's done a remarkable job in capturing geothermal energy and that would be Iceland.
You know Iceland has incredible access to geothermal energy and essentially how they export that energy is they set up aluminum smelting plants.
So there's an incredible aluminum smelting going on in Iceland.
It's a way for them to convert their essentially free geothermal energy into something that
they can export because exporting energy is difficult over cables and wires.
You lose tremendous amount of energy in all the transportation of energy.
So going getting back to El Salvador, the entire GDP of the country is roughly $20 billion.
Given the program they're putting in place right now, we're going to see the GDP of El
Salvador triple in the next five to six years.
Real estate right now is starting to move up sharply.
They are offering people the ability to have permanent residency in El Salvador at a very minimal cost of, I think it's three Bitcoin, versus these other territories like the folks over there in Portugal and other countries where it's between $150,000 and $300,000 to buy a passport.
You can essentially buy your way into El Salvador for three Bitcoin.
And for people that don't know, The third world has been kept poor by the IMF and World Bank.
And so they see this as a real revolutionary way to get out of that.
Well, people have read John Perkins' book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
He used to work for the CIA, going into these Latin American countries and foisting debt from the IMF on them.
And then when they couldn't break it, pay back, you know, they sent these guys back to throw presidents out of airplanes.
You know, the whole history of this region is pockmarked with the machinations of the
IMF and the CIA and they use money as a weapon, they use the dollar as a weapon.
And now those very same tactics they're using against the West.
And that's what, you know, Greg Pallas, BBC, back in 2002, got those documents where they
said next we're going to do what we've done in Latin America and Africa to Americans.
You went to Greece at the time and exposed what they were doing there.
Let's come back and talk about predatory capitalism with Max Keiser and the future of Bitcoin straight ahead.
And Max Keiser is coming to Austin, Texas.
He's on a comedy tour around the country.
He's a very funny guy on top of all of his other exploits.
We'll talk about that with Max Keiser straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Be an ambassador for truth.
Max Keiser joins us right here on the Alex Jones Show.
All right, folks, I got pretty strong nerves.
I mean, I'm ready to die.
It's not some tough guy thing.
I'm just over it.
I don't want to die, but I mean, I'm not afraid of these criminals that run things.
But I am afraid of watching the whole society crumble around me for no damn good reason, because a bunch of crazy bankers have engaged in Fractional reserve banking to infinity and are now saying, oh the Great Reset will distract the public if we say it's a virus, but they're locked in their houses and there's a global currency reorganization and everyone gets a special digital wallet now with special government cryptocurrency on it.
If you take the inoculations but behave the way we want, Show up for work brigades later.
I mean, that's being announced by the UN, by Klaus Schwab, by the Australian Prime Minister.
That's the plan.
They say the exit from all the fraud they've engaged in is a corporate takeover and us happy to stay in our houses from a deadly virus.
They believe that fear We'll distract from how they've screwed us.
I don't see that being successful.
I see the whole COVID exaggeration being exposed.
I see Fauci and Schwab in trouble.
I want to get into Bitcoin, where you see it going, the latest on that, your tour, your criticism of Elon Musk and more.
But in the time we have, you're a smart guy.
I mean, you used to really get into all the details and predicted 20 years ago, 15 years ago.
You've been coming on almost 20 years.
What was going to happen?
How are they going to extricate themselves from the black hole of debt they've created?
They can't.
So they're going to keep printing money.
And it's going to cause ever more alarming inflation.
And people are going to run to safe havens.
And so there's only two choices.
One is gold.
But the far superior choice, the fastest horse in the race, as Paul Tudor Jones calls it, Is Bitcoin.
That is absolute perfect money.
And after 20 years of trying, the Cypherpunks finally figured out perfect money in 2009.
It's like Albert Einstein and physicists were thinking about, you know, relativity and all these other concepts for years and years.
And then finally, Einstein came up with E equals MC squared.
Well, for 20 years, Cypherpunks were thinking about how do we create perfect digital gold?
And then suddenly, in 2008 and 2009, the white paper dropped.
This is the Bitcoin white paper.
And it is, like E equals MC squared, a perfect equation.
It's perfect in every sense.
And there's no way to improve it.
No other coin has improved upon it.
And it's impossible for any other coin to improve upon it.
And that's why it's becoming a multi-trillion dollar asset.
That's why countries like El Salvador, It's not made at their legal tender.
India is thinking about doing it.
Imagine, you know, India is a multi-trillion dollar economy.
El Salvador is a 20 billion dollar economy.
If India does what El Salvador did, then Bitcoin is immediately going to four or five, six hundred thousand dollars a coin.
I agree.
What genius in El Salvador came up with the idea instead of smelting aluminum?
It's a great way to take free energy and then purify aluminum.
That's great.
But I mean, to mine Bitcoin with free energy, that's really smart.
Well, they already in El Salvador use geothermal energy.
It's a part of their energy grid.
And all credits should go to Jack Mollers, who is a native of Chicago.
He has a company called N-Strike, which has developed what are called a second layer Bitcoin payments protocol or system or application.
And this is there's a Town in El Salvador called Bitcoin Beach and now for a
couple years they went completely Bitcoin Bitcoin is Asian and they
everything in their whole life is based on Bitcoin all payments and all value and so the president of the country
saw this and Flew Jack Mahler's in for three months and he they drafted
a law And they passed that law last week making Bitcoin the first
country in the world as I predicted a country would do by the way
On your show many three months ago a month ago. You said it was imminent
yeah, that's right and Um, and.
Into law, Bitcoin becomes legal tender and they are now going to throw out the IMF.
They're going to take the existing geothermal energy grid and they're going to repurpose it to some degree to mine Bitcoin.
That means that this country's GDP is about to skyrocket.
The IMF is about to get kicked in the teeth.
And the presidents and senior economic advisors for Argentina, Paraguay, and Guatemala, and a couple of other countries in the region, have now all voiced similar appreciation for Big One.
Once a country does it like dominoes, others will adopt.
It's game theory.
It's baked into the protocol.
And that's another reason why the price keeps going higher.
Because people say, what if a country outlaws Bitcoin?
And as I've said all along, the more likely scenario is countries will adopt Bitcoin and mine Bitcoin.
And you get involved in what I call the hash war.
And I was the first to coin that phrase three years ago.
And now it's becoming a reality.
Countries are not interested in banning Bitcoin.
They need to be hoarding Bitcoin and mining Bitcoin.
They don't want Argentina to become a huge competitor.
You've got Iran.
Let's expand on that.
You've got the Australian government and others saying, the U.S.
government, Chinese saying, oh, we'll have our new cryptocurrency.
We'll make you have a wallet attached to your vaccine passport.
So now they're being honest that a lot of this whole virus scare was about making us take the government's digital wallet because they'll only accept the vaccine passport on that.
People aren't going to adopt that.
They're going to get pissed off.
Any government crypto is by definition just another fiat money that's centralized.
Bitcoin is the only means of storing value in a medium of exchange that is entirely decentralized, and it's the only time we've ever seen state separated from money.
That's never happened in history.
In medieval days, we saw the state separated from church, and that gave us the Enlightenment, and the Renaissance, and the Declaration of Independence.
So Max, in the time we have, you were on?
A month ago before they started driving it down and I said, Max, I'm not going to stop promoting Bitcoin just because they're probably going to drive it down very soon.
We can put that graph back on screen on some TV viewers.
I said, because they've been doing this for 11 years.
It goes up and then later it gets driven down.
And if you look at the graph of past times it went up and past times it went down, it's always exponentially goes back up later.
And now you already see it going back up, mirroring pretty much the first big time this happened Back in, I'd say, 2017 or so.
So this has been going on over and over and over again.
In fact, it didn't even drop as much per capita as it dropped previous times.
No, no.
I've been in this since 2011 and Max and Stacy have been through 15 of these pullbacks.
This current one is number nine on the scale of those 15 in terms of magnitude.
And it's just an average pullback.
And you're right, it's going to hit a new all-time high very soon.
I still have a $220,000 price target in 2021 for Bitcoin based on everything I've been saying.
And I want to mention on July 8th, I will be in Austin at the Spider House doing a show.
So people in Austin, come on down to the Spider House.
I'm selling tickets right now.
If you come to my Twitter handle, Max Keiser on Twitter, there's a lot of links to how you can buy a ticket to see.
Max Keiser, Stacey Herbert, Adam Curry is going to be there.
A lot of Bitcoin celebrities in Austin will be there.
We're going to have me doing my stand-up rage, which is different than stand-up comedy.
It's stand-up rage that I've been doing for a number of years.
People like it.
Surprise guests, musical guests, food, and special cocktails, special drinks, Alex.
This is going to be the social event of the Social Challenge in Austin.
Sounds great.
I want to get Adam Curry, the inventor of podcasting, back on.
He came on, got a huge listenership, loved it, but then his Patreon people or whatever it was got really mad and said, cancel Coles, you're not allowed to be on Alex Jones.
So I want Adam Curry and you.
We'll do the whole three-hour show that day with you guys in here.
I want you and Adam Curry in studio.
But you've already agreed you're going to be in studio with us right before that big event.
Is it true that Joe Rogan is only 5'3"?
Everybody says Joe's really short.
I don't ever think of myself as short.
I'm like 5'11".
Is that why he doesn't have me on his show?
Because I know I'm an intimidating character.
I didn't know he was so short.
I know he lifts a lot of weight.
But I've got probably the reach.
And I think that's why he doesn't have me on his show.
Because he's intimidated.
Not only by my good looks, but my physical prowess.
I think Joe's probably overwhelmed with all the, you know, the guy's like, does all the UFC hosting, he then does podcasts, he then does comedy like five nights a week.
Yeah, but he missed the Bitcoin revolution.
He missed the Bitcoin revolution.
You've had the Bitcoin revolution.
At least you've talked about it.
I offered to give you 10,000 coins back when I was under $5.
You didn't take me up on that.
But Joe Rogan hasn't even covered it.
I'll tell you what, if you offer Joe 10,000 coins, I think he'll get you on the show.
Hey, Max, we love you and I look forward to you being in town.
You're gonna be in studio, right?
Hell yeah!
All right, we love you.
And get Adam Curry on as well.
All right, God bless you.
A lot of key information with Max Keiser.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
we're here live.
Don't forget, you've got not just the Alex Jones Show you're listening to, but you've got American Journal, Harrison Smith, 8 a.m., weekdays, Central, Owen Shore, The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
Well, Tara Sierpanski is a very impressive lady.
I know she was with us in d_c_ for stop steal i know she's a great independent
reporters a lot of wonderful work
uh... you know so much of the stuff she's done uh... it's has really had a big effect of the fight for tyranny
i would invite her up for a full hour is ever in austin in studio
but a calm on the show will try to get around for a whole hour next week if you
can do it but i just have a little bit of time today i want to talk
about not just exposing you know corruption but actually getting
out there and then warning others about it
So here's a quick clip of her in New York, where I'm going to be very, very soon.
I'll leave it at that.
And for a big podcast, I'll leave it at that.
But I'm going to tell her off here, because maybe we can do some reporting together.
But to actually go out and show what's going on, to actually show what's happening and get it out to people, here's a clip of what's going on at the local parks in New York.
You're vaccinated to go to the public lawn.
It's Bryant Park, so it is public space.
Philharmonic Orchestra is putting on a free event to the public.
But if you are not vaccinated, you can't go in to enjoy the concert.
Sign says vaccinated entrance, unvaccinated, they're taking a PCR test.
What's the rule?
If you have the vaccination, you can enter.
It is probably over in about five or ten minutes.
Okay, so you have to be vaccinated in order to go into the lawn, to the public lawn?
Yes, that's correct.
What a cult!
She's here to tell us more, but again, she's not just someone online being an activist.
She's going out and showing things, something everybody should do.
Don't just count on Alex Jones or Tucker Carlson to do it.
So, Tara, thank you so much for joining us.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you so much for having me on the show.
You bet.
Well, again, I want you to share for a full hour about your political views, the world, what you've witnessed, your organization, Polish-American Brotherhood and more.
But just out of the gates, tell folks a little bit about yourself and then what you witnessed in New York.
Hi everyone, my name is Tara Schepanski and my YouTube program is the Polish American Brotherhood.
So this initially started as a history program and then I pivoted to doing history in the making with last year and actually I'm a former Trump hater turned Trump supporter after I started doing my own independent research and realizing what's really going on in the world.
I started attending rallies for Trump and Stop the Steal, understanding what was going on in the world.
My values never changed, but my understanding, as soon as I started paying attention and questioning things, that's when I started becoming vocal and public on my platform, the Polish American Brotherhood, and started informing others about just what I'm seeing from a regular citizen reporter to showing on my platform, which is something that everybody should be doing.
Whatever voice, big or small, that you have, you should always be reporting the truth.
Well, I don't want to announce when and where I'm coming places, but I'll definitely talk to you off air today.
I'm going to be coming to New York.
Last straw was your video.
I also had some interviews people wanted to do, but I'm going to be coming to New York very, very soon.
And hopefully you can be our tour guide and take us back to that same park.
Where is that park?
And tell us what else you saw there.
That park is Bryant Park.
It's located in front of the New York Public Library.
It is on 42nd Street and 6th Avenue.
And it's actually, they have an ice skating rink.
It's a beautiful public park.
And I was astonished and outraged, really, that day when I came to enjoy an outdoor venue, an outdoor event, free to the public.
And I wasn't able to get in because I'm not vaccinated.
And I was just...
Reading what people said about the rest of some other posts you did, but am I right to say that they were doing a PCR test on the other side?
Yes, they were.
They had a PCR entrance and a vaccinated entrance.
And so, actually, even just the day before, I was going out with a group of friends over in West Village, and we encountered, like, I was denied entrance into two bars, and I had a mixed group of friends who are both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and we were all equally as outraged that we weren't able to go into the same space.
There's so many facets to this tyranny.
Why are you concerned about it?
I'm concerned because I feel like it's going to contribute to the division that we're having in society.
Everybody, like at least I'm trying to promote also like a form of unity because I do, I've lost a lot of friends just by becoming vocal.
And it's unfortunate that we can't, you know, not even agree to disagree, but just try to understand where the other person is coming from.
So I think this, this is going to further divide.
First, we have like a race war that was going on.
And now as things have progressed after the George Floyd like year anniversary, I'm just seeing now a further division coming with vaccinated versus unvaccinated people.
Even in simple things as like, I don't know, Tinder or dating apps.
I see people posting their vaccinated pictures on that on social media, on YouTube, like it's a badge of courage or honor.
And this isn't, this isn't courage.
Like, there are many, there are many reasons people choose not to be vaccinated.
I myself had had COVID before.
And so I don't feel the need to take what I see as an experimental treatment that has not been FDA approved and hasn't had long-term effects studies.
So I'm not going to be injecting something that I'm not comfortable with.
Other people choose for religious reasons, all different kinds of reasons, and people are just assuming they're tying this to morality.
And that's what I mean by further divide.
It's a new virtue signal that, oh, I took an experimental shot that's banned all over the world that Bill Gates wants me to take, so I'm this moral great person, and then now we're going to stick a PCR test up your nose that's 94% false positive, or you can't go into the public park?
I mean, this is big brother.
This is tyranny.
And with Big Brother, my father is a communist refugee coming into the country.
And also that's why I have strong opinions when it comes to legally immigrating into the US.
But growing up with a father who is a communist refugee, I'm aware of the little nuances that we can see in society.
And I have seen such a drastic change when I became more aware and started paying more
attention to what's going on all around us.
And this is like communism being implemented into our society and furthering divide.
Somebody is getting strong from our division.
So we got to ask you and follow that trail.
And then you look at every facet of what we've been told about COVID.
It's been a lie.
And then I see video of New Yorkers particularly.
That's why I want to go to New York.
And so your video was the last straw.
And saying, I want to wear two masks.
I never want to take them off.
I love this.
What the hell's going on?
I heard that even Democrats or Liberals are concerned about, even if they've been vaccinated, so they supposedly can safely take off the mask, they're choosing to still keep the mask on because they don't want to be seen as a Republican or as a conservative.
And so it's just the appearance of it.
So it logically makes no sense.
And like I said, this is just furthering their divide.
It's saying.
I mean, they're saying.
Humans are dirty and bad, and even though if you say I take the vaccine I'm now clean, well people don't know I've had it, so I need to virtue signal.
This is real cult-like programming.
What else are you witnessing in New York?
Because I know you go around and shoot a lot of reports.
Um, you know, I've lived in New York for over 10 years, and to see how it has changed during the pandemic is so sad.
Like, the increase in homelessness, like, it's really unsafe.
It's unsafe.
Like, when I was just taking the subway, the other night, a person was exposing himself literally in front of me and my friends.
And so, Like, this is stuff I never experienced before.
And then the other night when we were going out again around the West Village, we were chased by a guy who was dressed up like a vampire.
And so, like, I miss the days that I felt safe going out in New York.
And now, like, even if it's hot, like, we cover up because we're afraid, as females going out there, we're going to be attacked more.
And also, as an Asian American, like, there has been an increase in in attacks. And so my friends always are joking with me
like, "Oh, don't draw attention to your Asian because you might be randomly punched." I'm like, "These
are the concerns I'm having just in my everyday life going in New York and I don't know
what to make of it."
Well, that's the other issue is they announce it's good to be homeless.
They announce come here if you're homeless like Austin or New York.
And this isn't just the regular drunks or bums.
It's like psychotic crazy people everywhere.
It's like people are going crazy.
In fact they admit mental illness is just skyrocketing particularly in liberals.
Yeah, exactly.
They moved the homeless shelters up into the Upper West Side, and so actually I've had friends who have lived there for years who have left because they don't feel safe in their neighborhoods.
I mean, it's past 11 o'clock, it's unsafe to be going outdoors, and even with everything opening up, I mean, like, there needs to be a re-establishment of law and order in this city, and I really hope that the leadership, like, we can get them out and vote in new leadership so that way we can have a restoration of law and order.
Well, that's the question.
Why do you think your communist mayor or our horrible globalist mayor here in Austin want crime and murder and death?
I mean, I have a friend who was going to go out late night in downtown Austin with his friends.
He didn't go.
They saw the shooting, saw the shooter's race, saw the media cover it up.
They witnessed the shooting.
He's a young black male.
The media won't say, just because it's political correctness.
Then, my friend owns a rent house downtown.
The next night, the next-door neighbor just got shot up 15 bullets in the house for no reason.
That's not even on the news.
So, I mean, this is just an explosion of crime.
Exactly, exactly.
Why do you think they're doing it?
Let's do five more minutes with our guests, because I want to find out Her take on why this is happening and why they want the exploding crime and where they think that goes.
And then we have the lady joining us, Jennifer Bridges, who's leading the fight, the nurse in Houston, against forced inoculations.
Stay with us.
Tara Chepanski is our great guest, investigative reporter, doing a lot of great work going out and showing the craziness around the country.
I want to get her back home with us soon for a full hour to get into her Polish Brotherhood Association, all the things she's witnessing, the whole nine yards.
But just in closing, because you brought this up and I was thinking about asking you about this because you're in New York, I know it has a spiraling crime and out of control homelessness and mental illness.
But I see this pattern now.
Here it is.
I've got Austin, England, and also Minnesota, where they're saying, let women be raped now.
Look at this.
British charity teaches staff that white women who report rape to police are supporting white supremacy and harm of black people.
What does this have to do with that?
It's like bizarre.
Minnesota Attorney General says he doesn't want police officers responding to rape calls.
It's on video on Laird NewsHour.
So there's this new Crazy news!
Austin paper refuses to report police description of black male mass shooting.
Turns out some of my friends, I know them, Pat Riley's one of his best friends, they saw the mass shooting downtown and the black guy and he didn't even get in trouble.
And it's not like it's black people, they're like trying though to say black people don't do crime because only white supremacists engage in crime and the FBI director says that there is a It's an orgy of white on black crime that doesn't even basically exist.
And so you're watching people in vampire outfits running around, black, white, doesn't matter.
There's all sorts of crazy criminals.
But then remember what came out over a year ago, the Joker, where New York is murder, killing, death, insane people.
That's what the globalists are trying to conjure is a defense of crazy people.
What do you think's behind that?
Well, I think they're allowing for this crime to continue because it allows Democrats to stay in power.
As long as there's a problem, they're there to fix it.
Do they truly want to fix the problem?
Because why do you have such high crime rates, such high homelessness rates, mental health issues on all of these Democrat-run cities?
Like what I'm seeing here in New York, why don't they just go and solve the problem?
That's one thing I appreciated about Trump when he came in.
When he said he was going to do something, he was able and just solve it. But it's here that what I'm seeing in
New York with de Blasio and with Cuomo, they just talk about the problems and it perpetuates it,
but they're not actually coming up with a solution. So I see it as a form of keeping
Democrats in power.
Like why is this not an issue when it comes to Republican run cities?
I think you're absolutely right.
You know, we've got a special report we're going to play after you leave us, ahead of our next guest joining us, by John Bowne.
It's titled, Austin City Council Abandons Its Citizens.
And that's what this is.
You pay taxes, and you're abandoned.
They're going to get rid of your police.
Life insurance, you pay car insurance, you pay health insurance, there's a lockdown, now you can't get treatment.
I mean, really, they're just training us that they can turn civilization on and off, but all the rich people, they've still got their bodyguards.
The Minneapolis voted to get rid of the police, but then they hired millions of dollars of private security 24 hours a day for themselves.
So they want our guns, they want to turn criminals loose, but they've got private security.
This is madness!
Absolutely, Alex.
Well, tell me just briefly before you go, Tara, about your organization, Polish American Brotherhood.
Polish American Brotherhood is my channel on YouTube, and actually it's the history of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko, which is a Polish war revolutionary, war general, and General George Washington.
So I started as a history program to promote Polish American history.
And then actually when during the BLM riot that occurred last summer,
the day of Kinshutsu, the statue that's in front of the White House was vandalized.
And so I spoke up in defense of the statue, in defense of history, and I called it as it is.
And I saw that BLM, the organization, is a domestic terrorist organization that's
burn looting and murdering and vandalizing our cities.
And so I called it out. And with that backlash that I had received from the
social justice warriors online, that's what really spun me down my own rabbit hole of
investigating what was going on and then filming what I'm seeing on the street and
bring it forward on my channel, the Polish American Brotherhood.
All right. We look forward to speaking to you again so much.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, folks, and I'm going to be up in New York soon investigating for everybody and putting reports out because I've got to see this for myself.
And yes, then I'm going out to L.A.
and Skid Row and everywhere else.
I've got to show this.
Believe me, I don't want to go there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
She is leading the fight against mandatory vaccines in Texas.
She also happens to be a nurse.
That's coming up in just a moment.
But since I mentioned it, the lawlessness, the crime, the exploding insanity.
There's a John Bowne report up on InfoWars.com.
Austin City Council abandons its citizens.
And this is the blueprint for the rest of the country and the world.
Here it is.
If you hadn't heard, Austin, Texas is infested by liberal parasites.
It has accelerated for six long years.
Of course, the residents of Austin voted for this, but Byers' remorse has become the norm in a country plagued by the empty promises of the disciples of arrogance and corruption.
In a trendy reactionary leftist nod to the Marxist events in Minneapolis, Mayor Adler's City Council impulsively defunded the Austin Police Department.
By 141 million dollars no less, gutting the mounted patrol DWI enforcement auto theft units, reassigning 32 detectives to patrol, and dissolving Lake Patrol, which seems like a minor sacrifice, But in the future, when this occurs on Lake Austin, there won't be anyone there to help.
And when at least 14 people are shot by a black suspect that the local liberal newspaper won't print the description of because it could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes, you know chaos is rapidly unfolding.
Although, we are slowly learning the identity of one of the shooters to be a juvenile from Killeen, Texas.
We of course already know the identity of one of the critically wounded, Douglas John Cantor, who recently died from his injuries.
He had been visiting Austin from New York on vacation.
His brother railed against the Austin City Council to fund the police policies that led to a delayed response by paramedics.
Normally an ambulance with a paramedic would have been on hand for the events on 6th Street, but now Austin is also short by at least 100 paramedics.
Officers did not want to delay care, and they actually began carrying victims from the immediate crime scene, and in some cases, they transported those victims in their police vehicles.
Additionally, at the time of the shooting, there were very few APD units that could respond.
Reportedly, only one unit was available from the North Austin sector.
But in a tweet responding to the death of Doug Cantos, like the hubris-riddled incompetent sociopath Mayor Steve Adler is, he responded by saying, Crowds returning to 6th Street last night because Austin is a safe city.
Austinites will go about their plans today because Austin is a safe city.
It makes anybody wonder just how violent it has to get for Mayor Steve Adler to declare it an unsafe city.
In March 2014, four people died after a car rammed into a crowd on Red River Street in downtown Austin during South by Southwest.
At least 20 others were injured.
In July 2016, a woman who was an innocent bystander on 6th Street was shot and killed when a man had intended to shoot someone else.
Several people were injured.
They are defunding the police, endangering every single person in this community.
But instead of owning up to the mistakes that will inevitably get many more killed in the future, finally destroy Austin's reputation, and reduce Austin into a dangerous taxpayer nightmare, Mayor Adler continues to gaslight the public, blindly leading a city council coming off of a year-long break from their offices due to the pandemic.
A city council who have already left for their six-week summer break, while crime continues to skyrocket And the pressing decision is conveniently ignored to provide the ballooning homeless population somewhere to legally go as a result of the camping ban for the thousands of vagrants now flocking to Adler's homeless industrial complex.
Except for one council member who has chosen to continue to fight through that break, Mackenzie Kelly has been a one-woman city council, going to her office while other council members phoned it in during the pandemic.
I'm a little disappointed in the city manager, to say the least, because his plan's not moving as quickly as the voters would like, but it is what it is right now, and unless council takes additional action and sends direction to the city manager, our hands are tied.
And so when responding units to a mass shooting in Austin's entertainment district are loading victims into pickup
trucks and the back of police cars "400 blocks, on fire, 400 blocks. We definitely have
injured, starting a mess."
And units citywide He's an anti-gunner.
So he has private security.
He lives at the top of the W Hotel.
metropolitan area in the United States are stretched to the point of delayed
response and non-response your government has abandoned you.
John Bowne reporting. And the mayor wants to take the citizens guns he's
an anti-gunner so he has private security he lives at the top of the W Hotel
but he wants to continue to cut the police and is a total leftist.
I mean, these people are destroying civilization.
All right.
The good news is there are a lot of people taking action.
And just like our last guest is a young woman taking action, our next guest is another amazing lady taking action.
Jennifer Bridges.
Here is the Texas Monthly headline.
She's leading the fight against mandatory vaccines in Texas.
She also happens to be a nurse.
And you just had a federal judge, but that's okay, because that's happened to Trump and others.
It'll get overturned.
Judge dismisses lawsuit by Houston Hospital employees over COVID-19.
Over 100 nurses, 117 employees, filed a lawsuit saying, you shouldn't be able to make us take an experimental shot to have our job.
Or the hospital should have liability and say, hey, you're going to make us do a medical procedure, then you're liable.
Oh no, we're not liable either.
And then all the issues that she's reporting on, that medical journals are reporting as well, of the major side effects they're then told to cover up.
So there's not just her whistleblowing and suing and fighting back on this front for all of us, as a warrior of justice, literally.
I mean, that's what we need to do.
But also she's blowing the whistle on them saying, cover up adverse reactions.
So we really appreciate another hero joining us, Jennifer Bridges.
Just search her name and support her because they're trying to fire her right now.
And we're going to have her for the rest of the hour.
I appreciate her getting on with us.
We're only about three minutes from break.
Where do you want to start?
So much information.
Thank you so much for having me.
I'm so honored to be on here.
Are you able to see me OK?
I can.
I see you great.
Thank you so much for being here.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Okay, but no, this has been an amazing battle ever since the beginning.
You know, unfortunately the judge did dismiss it yesterday or the day before, I'm sorry, but we're appealing it and we are taking it all the way up to the Supreme Court.
So this fight is only just the beginning.
This is going to be huge and we need to set the precedence for the rest of the nation.
Well, that's right.
So get into what's happening, what spurred you to do this, and also your other discoveries.
Oh, definitely.
Basically, long story short, they tried to bribe us with a $500 bribe to take this vaccine.
Then pretty quickly after that, they made it mandated that if we didn't take it by the 7th of June, we would be suspended for two weeks unpaid, and then we would be terminated.
So we fought that part, but we didn't win.
So we will be terminated in about a week, but that's completely okay.
None of us on this lawsuit, and a great deal of others, do not want to take this experimental shot right now.
This thing is dangerous.
At first, we were just fighting for, you know, to have more research on board, but now what I've seen with my own eyes is very scary.
This shot has been just making so many severe adverse reactions happen between patients and employees.
I mean, we've seen everything from major blood clotting disorders to hemorrhaging, unfortunately miscarriages, stillbirth, even death.
And like you said, they're not being made to report about it, even talk about it.
They won't even document it.
So the public isn't even aware these things are happening.
So they're not giving the proper informed consent for it.
That is incredible. I want to come back and give you the floor to talk about the beginning,
simply wanting your medical rights. It's experimental, violates Nuremberg Code. You're
a nurse, you know that. It wasn't FDA tested, it was given emergency authorization. I want to walk
through just what happened, what went on, you know, the lawsuit, and then I saw clips of you
on the high wire, but Dale Bigtree and others talking about now.
Now they're saying, hey, don't report this.
So that's where the real criminal activity is going on.
And all we need is district attorneys and others to stand up where the FBI won't.
and start indicting people because if hospitals know they're doing harm and they're saying,
"Hey, don't talk about that seizure. Don't talk about that miscarriage."
That's where we can get them. They can try to give the vaccine makers liability protection.
But at the end of the day, those that are helping cover up what happened have committed crimes and
they need to get in trouble to stop this. So we're going to come right back to you,
an amazing hero, Jennifer Bridges, straight ahead. I'm Alex Jones. Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. Jennifer Bridges is a Houston Methodist nurse fighting against the hospital's
mandatory vaccine policy.
And she's here with us now.
I've got a quote here from ABC News.
Hospital CEO Dr. Mark Boom sent out a letter in April to Stabbers announcing the employees have to be vaccinated by June 7.
Please see the HR policy that outlines the consequences of not being compliant by June 7, which indicates suspension and eventually termination.
The letter, which was included in the lawsuit, stated, So, starve to death if you don't take this experimental shot, but then the nurses, she was just getting to this, she just joined us, before they're like, hey, we just need our rights.
Now they're like, whoa, we're seeing what it's doing, and then we're being told don't talk about it.
So, start wherever you'd like, go over it all, but that is so huge.
Yes, it is.
It's amazing.
It's been so huge this whole time.
I started off basically just trying to fight for the employees' rights because everybody has been terrified of Methodist like this whole time.
No one has wanted to speak up.
And that's what initially made me do this.
And I had a meeting originally back in the middle of April with my own entity from Baytown, my CEO and CNO, just to try to reason with them.
And try to have some kind of compromise, you know, just let us wear N95s, whatnot.
And they wouldn't.
They were so mean in this meeting.
My own CEO even looked at me and he said, 100% vaccination is more important than our individual autonomy, which is huge.
You can't say that to a nurse.
Like that's what our whole job is using our own autonomy and our own skills to take care of patients.
So from the get go, I knew they weren't going to budge, but I contacted the news media.
I made an online petition, everything to try to just make them, you know, just change something, just work with us.
But they wouldn't do anything, so that's when I reached out for legal help.
And luckily, just the word of mouth, you know, the news media, everything has gotten so good to get us all connected.
And right now there's 117 people on board this lawsuit, but we've had so many phone calls.
We're literally about to add another 70 people to this lawsuit.
You're forming a coalition of people, and as this society splits like this, people that are getting pigs, people that aren't, you're going to have hospitals that aren't like this and hospitals that are.
We'll see which ones are more healthy.
I want to get to what you've witnessed, though, with patients and why it's hardened your stance against these forced inoculations.
Tell us what's happening there.
Well, not only the patients, so the patients that come in after receiving the shot, but then also the employees that are forced to get it.
Tell us as a medical professional what you're witnessing.
Oh, yes.
Within just a couple days of that shot, everything from minor stuff, from headaches, ringing of the ears, but then it goes into numbness throughout the body.
Some of these last for months.
We've seen people that they can't even move their hands.
They have to go seek treatment.
It's like a flare-up of like rheumatoid arthritis.
Major blood clots.
I've seen that more than anything.
We're not just one, but someone will have several blood clots in their lungs and in their legs at the same time.
And then we've seen a lot of miscarriages.
Miscarriages, severe hemorrhaging, even death.
And it's so sad because there's even some nurses I work right next to that were pregnant and they didn't know these risk factors and they took the shot and they lost their baby.
They had a miscarriage from this because nobody is being forced to tell these people the risk factors involved.
There's no proper informed consent.
So everybody's just making this false statement that it's so safe just take the shot and it's not.
Well it's funny you just raised that because my producer handed me this article you know five minutes ago out of ABC News that I just quoted where the CEO Mr. Boom He says a lie that this was tested and approved by the FDA.
He says it's unfortunate that a few remaining employees who refuse to get vaccinated put our patients first are responding this way.
He said in a statement to ABC News.
It's legal.
For healthcare institutions to mandate vaccines as we have done with the flu vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine has been proven through rigorous trials to be safe and effective and not experimental.
It was approved as an experimental vaccine officially.
So that is an incredible lie.
Ever since the beginning, he has lied to his staff.
He lies to the public.
It is not safe.
And if it is safe, then he needs to back it.
He needs to put his money where his mouth is.
Because he forces us to sign a waiver saying Methodist is not held liable for adverse reactions before they make us take the shot.
So if it's 100% safe, why do you have to sign a waiver to protect them?
And that's the key to all of this.
They're having everybody sign a waiver because they know you're awake to this coerced damage.
That waiver is not going to stand up.
And then did you notice Fauci a month ago in hearings said that around half of the NIH has accepted the vaccine.
They don't want it either.
So when half the people that designed it don't want it, what does that tell you?
That tells you a lot right there.
And the fact that he admitted that is amazing.
And everything's starting to unravel.
Everything's starting to come out.
And the amount of support that we've gotten throughout the country and across the whole world, so many countries has reached out to me.
So we're basically just trying to get everybody's help and just empower everybody to stand up and fight for their rights.
Because nobody should have to go through this.
And everybody's scared.
And the more people we get across the world to stand up We're going to fight back.
It's power in numbers.
And I love this picture you're showing right now because on the 26th of this month, in two weekends, we're holding an even bigger protest in front of Houston Methodist downtown on Fannin Street just to show Yes, yes, and I wanted to invite you.
I would love for you to come to our protest that day.
Can you make it?
Yes, ma'am.
Everybody should come to this. It's the Fight for Our Rights Rally and that's June 26, 2011, 11am, 6560 Fannin
Street, Houston, Texas.
Everybody better be there. This is the tip of the spear worldwide. The whole world's watching.
Yes, yes. And I wanted to invite you. I would love for you to come to our protest that day. Can you make it?
Yes, ma'am. I just said I'm going to be there.
Ah, I am so excited.
I'm excited to be with you 110% and just listen, as you said, your leadership, no matter what happens in your case, is getting others to look, others to investigate and forcing light on what's happening.
They just want us to like automatons accept what they're doing.
Yes, everybody needs to accept this.
They need to stand up.
We need to make them accountable for it.
That's why we are appealing and going all the way to the Supreme Court right now.
Can you please, when you come, will you bring your vehicle back?
I told you, barring a death in the family, I'm going to be there.
How do people contact you?
How do they get organized with you with just everything you're doing?
Because in the age of big tech censorship, it's key for people to get primary contact points.
What's the best way for people to reach out to you?
Well, right now, there's a few different ways.
I'm working with a production company, and it's cgtvproduction.com.
back forward slash projects and they just we just signed on with them so they're helping out and this week we're actually creating a website to where people can get on board if they want to donate besides the GoFundMe we're gonna have t-shirts we're gonna start managing this website very well but since it's just the beginning that is actually in the works right now And there's also an event coming up July 24th.
It's a worldwide rally where I'm going to be a speaker at that as well.
That'll be in Houston.
That's right.
We need to scare these globalists and show massive financial support for every person that stands up in defense of life and against illegal Nuremberg violating, a secret experimentation on a mass scale that's now public.
This is Joseph Minglelevel.
And when it all comes down to it, we're going to have Nuremberg trials.
The individuals that did this will pay.
They will pay.
The ultimate price, this is under the Nuremberg Code, is execution.
But we're going to let the courts do it once we take the country back.
Jennifer Bridges is fighting back.
We live in incredibly exciting times, very dangerous times.
All right, I've had the crew working on a big subject today that they've been researching and documenting and vetting, and unfortunately, it's coming out as real.
And everything we cover here is heart-stopping at this point.
This is such a surreal situation.
I'm not going to cover this till the start of the next hour, but corporations are now doing actuaries to be replacing their vaccinated employees within three years.
And they're just being told by the corporate bosses, just get rid, we have to get rid of them, off the insurance rolls within three years.
You see, these very vaccines kill rats within six months.
And with a human, they think that's about the equivalent of five years.
There's already an article up on Infowars.com about it, but we've got video and more.
And I've got insurance actuaries that talk about the world population being 5 billion by 2030.
And the U.S.
population being 160 million.
People go, well, why are they?
And the actuaries have been accurate so far.
So why do they have this big decline going on?
And then we've got a nurse on.
It's not just what she's saying.
And I trust her.
She's a good nurse, good background.
They've had the whole leftist media try to find something on her.
They can't.
She's a great lady.
She's seeing it herself.
Like, how do you know a rattlesnake bites you?
It has venom.
You get sick.
People know that's venom.
It's a rattlesnake.
But oh, no, and it's a shot.
We're not supposed to say that.
We don't know.
But I have the studies.
I have the reports.
I have the top scientists.
I have the Nobel Prize winner for virology.
Saying all these, the virus vector shot and the mRNA shots, make your body attack the virus coding.
They've never done a vaccine like that.
Well, the vaccine coding is a common protein.
They're like, what is that going to do?
It's going to attack your body.
And a lot of different ways.
So Jennifer Bridges, this is just, what is it like for you?
I mean, go through the process of They come and say, you gotta take this.
Then they want to give you money to do it.
And then you ask, and now you see all the literature coming out.
But then you don't just see literature like I do.
You're watching it live time.
You said not just with the patients, but the staff at the Methodist Hospital.
Describe what's that.
I mean, watch them losing babies, getting sick, having hemorrhages, what that's like.
Oh, it's horrible.
It is so horrible.
I try to educate my patients.
Well, when I was able to work there, but of course I'm no longer there, but I would educate them.
They would ask me for my advice, but it was hard being there because they were constantly bullying us, pressuring us, trying to get us to stop talking.
The way they treated us there was horrible.
Just the amount of bullying, not just through emails, but in person.
They tried to scare people so hard there.
But when you see this stuff with your own eyes, and then you speak to the patient.
Right before I left, I had this patient literally with five blood clots in her system.
30-something year old, completely healthy, nothing wrong with her, right?
And I asked her and I said, you know, did you take the Pfizer shot?
And she said, yeah, I just took it four days ago.
And my eyes just got huge.
So it confirmed why this poor woman had all these blood clots.
And I told her that, and she had no clue.
These people are getting so sick, almost close to death, if not dying, and they don't even have a clue it's from this vaccine.
They have no idea.
And that is so disheartening.
Because how can you tell people something's safe, make them stick it in their body unknowingly, then when things happen, they don't even have a clue as to why it happened.
Well, because they're so trusting.
I see these videos, like a lady was paralyzed, neck down, she goes, well, they tell me it's the vaccine, but I'd do it again for other people.
And then they admit the vaccine isn't even protecting you because it's such a common virus.
God, this is nuts!
Yes, it is insane.
And that's two of the biggest lies, that it's perfectly safe, which we've proven it is not.
But most doctors and most companies are not reporting this.
So the normal public doesn't even know.
And then they lie to you and they say, this is how you're going to save everybody.
You're going to keep from getting COVID.
And that's a flat out lie too, because I've seen many patients and employees who were fully vaccinated like months ago.
And guess what?
They're coming down with COVID.
So not only is the vaccine potentially dangerous, but it's not even protecting you.
So the risks versus the benefits is just doesn't even add up.
And they've already proven that under 70 years old, that basically you have like a one point something percent chance of even dying from this.
So it's like there's no reason to even take this vaccine for the majority of the public out there.
I was talking to the crew during the break and they were all just marveling as it mounts every day.
It becomes ridiculous how deadly this is.
And I go, what is it?
And the crew goes, it's an IQ test.
It's like a sick game where they get people to opt in to basically maiming themselves.
Yes, no, I would agree with you because I kind of call it people who drink the Kool-Aid.
People who drink the Kool-Aid just listen to whatever the government, whatever the media, whatever people tell them to do and they just jump on board.
But people have to step back and realize, like, all these states now, they're offering lotteries, they're giving incentives.
If people are literally paying you a million dollars or giving you free education, all this stuff to get you to take a shot, That's a little unheard of, like never has that been done before.
So people need to wake up.
I'll tell you what sounds crazy, because you're a nurse, you know more about this than I do, but I read where they stop the AstraZeneca shot in Europe, they stop the Pfizer shot in China, they do all this and then...
They go, oh, you're crazy.
No one's got a problem when it's been banned in hundreds of countries.
And they all say blood clots, heart attacks, strokes from bleed out, hemorrhages.
And the nurses and doctors are all saying the same thing.
And top scientists warned, hey, if you attack the protein of this virus that's in the body, your body's going to attack itself.
We're not rocket scientists.
We're just genetic scientists.
And they still do it.
That's what's weird about this was Wolfgang Wudart, the head advisor of the EU in December, filed an emergency deal saying this will happen.
And it did.
That's what's crazy about this!
Yes, but here I swear it's all about the money.
They are gaining so many billions of dollars off of COVID and off of this vaccine.
And I have the proof, even with Methodist, how much money they've made off of COVID, with this vaccine, their funding, it's insane.
Literally a year ago, Methodist was in a deficit.
And now they have so much money, they can afford to all bribe us with a $500 bonus.
And they even bought new ground and they're building a brand new hospital in Cyprus.
So in one year's time, they have gained a fortune of money.
Well, that's because the hospitals are now going to absorb and kill everybody.
They're the depopulation centers now, so of course they're expanding.
And again, it's like big companies have trillions of buy-up houses at 50% above what they're worth.
and they've got unlimited, because it's all fiat money, you understand?
This is all just made up digital money the banks have that nobody else has.
So they're literally, it's going to cause massive inflation, but they don't care
because they're strategically giving it to intubate people, $50,000,
kill somebody, even more money. Exactly. They're making the economy an economy based on death.
Yes, it definitely seems like it right now. And the fact that the truth is just being hidden from
everybody in the public, when you add everything up to what they're doing,
that's exactly what it sounds like.
I mean, none of it makes any bit of sense.
Well, everybody's getting the paper trail together.
A well-known talk show host, I'll leave it at that, I forgot to send this to my producer, sent me a link that I hadn't even followed, and I looked at this morning for like an hour, and All the homeless groups in Austin are making over $500 million a year catering to the homeless, but the homeless don't even get the money.
So that's why the leftist groups in LA, New York, Austin say, come here, because they sign them all up and get all this grant money.
They're making like $100,000, $200,000 a piece off every homeless person as a mentally ill, at-needs person, and then giving them none of the services.
So they're basically milk cowing, farming these people.
Isn't that nuts?
I mean, the average, even a low-level social worker out of college is making $150,000 a year.
But you're doing it to destroy your own college, your own culture, your own country.
Yes, and I actually go to Austin all the time.
I love Austin.
And after all that started, the amount of homeless people you have there, and just everything going on, and now you're telling me about the money too.
That is just obscene.
Like, why not help them?
Why not get them off the streets instead of all of that?
Well, that's it.
That's what I'm saying.
It's totally, like you said, the hospitals get tax exemption, billions of dollars, $53,000 for every person intubated, and it was the same all over the world.
I mean, that's what they were intubating.
People didn't even need it then.
They were dying because they created a UN incentivized medical directive that we then followed that then made money up into these corporations.
So they made money while they depopulated us.
This is incredible.
Jennifer Bridges, final segment with her.
She's got the rally coming up.
We're going to tell you about that.
She's fighting back.
You should too.
And then I'm going to be hosting some in the fourth hour.
We've got the biggest COVID news yet about to break.
When they're going to hit you, they're going to hit you.
And I've studied this up one side and down the other.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so do we.
Thank you so much for joining us here on the Alex Jones Show.
Jennifer Bridges is our guest.
I'm going to take 15 minutes to the next hour, then the great Gerald Slinda is going to take over.
Here's the headlines that are on InfoWars.com.
We're going to be covering these two dovetail together.
First autopsy of COVID-vaccinated patient found spike proteins in every organ of the body.
And they also did autopsies of people that died of COVID.
It would just be localized to the lungs and the heart.
This was the virus producing protein in the body from the inoculation.
Incredible, major study.
Canadian man loses over six feet of intestine after blood clot caused by COVID vaccine.
Corporate recruiter warns, so this is the big breaking news.
And I checked this, I read this, I went and looked it up.
This lady's a major corporate recruiter.
I went and looked at her whole background.
She's who she says she is.
They're being told actuary and create a list and phase out all employees after three years that have had the shot because they're going to quote be moving on.
And they're telling them not with retirement, they're just moving on.
So they believe within three years, That those people are going to start dying.
Some people will grow the protein right away, it'll kill them in two days.
But most people's going to grow slow.
They tested it already in humans and China and other things.
So this is a really sick system.
It's meant to weigh down the hospitals, bankrupt the rest of the culture.
The hospitals, remember the Rockefellers, they'll suck all the money up while we're collapsing and dying.
Incredibly diabolical plan.
Now they're announcing neurological disorders and all these problems are exploding.
And Jennifer Bridges, you witnessed this for yourself.
You were saying what the shots started what six months ago at first.
You're like, well, we just want to have questions, but I don't put words in your mouth.
You're saying suddenly you saw the carnage and that's when you guys got really concerned.
Yes, yes.
We got even more concerned when that happened.
And it's not just me, but all the other nurses across all of Methodist.
There's eight hospitals.
They're all calling me from different areas, just telling me what they're seeing, what they're witnessing.
And it's just, it's horrible.
I mean, nobody should have to go through this.
I mean, we're just, we're all trying to stand together and we're all trying to fight.
Cause the only place you can go to right now is that VAERS website where you can see the adverse reactions.
But I bet to say that's literally maybe 10 to 20% of what's actually going on because nobody's made to report these.
They need to have a system in play to where anyone who takes that shot, if anything happens to them within the next week or so, it should be reported.
And they're claiming, and most of the time the doctors are like, oh well that had nothing to do with the shot.
And it's so bold because if you just had the shot a couple days ago, why wouldn't it?
Like how can they just assume it doesn't?
It's the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen happen.
I mean I've also seen like the graphs of VAERS.
It's something like, there's more reporting this year than the last 20 years before.
It's just off the chart.
It goes straight up.
Yes, there's more reporting on this vaccine than ever in history.
I mean, they have never had a vaccine.
I don't even like calling this a vaccine because it's really not.
But compared to the flu, compared to every other vaccine out there, they have never had the amount of death rates, the amount of adverse reactions as they are in this one.
And it's still the emergency use authorization.
So it's technically still in the trial experimental phase.
So the fact that they're even mass distributing it is unheard of.
They've never done that in the history ever.
Where do you expect all this to go?
I mean, Bill Gates and others admitted they want to depopulate people and then they're trying to make us take the shots?
Well, that's really scary.
That's what I tell people is use your common sense.
Because this is a medical thing.
Somebody for, like, Bill Gates to be behind it, who has no medical background, knows nothing about medical.
Why would he be funding this?
Why would he be behind this and supporting it?
Well, by the way, that graph looks like what happened at 2 a.m.
after they closed all the polling places for Joe Biden.
I mean, if that isn't fraud, if that isn't death for TV viewers, look at the VAERS reporting since the 80s, and now look where it is right now.
I mean, oh my goodness.
People have to look for the red flags, use their common sense, and start doing their own research.
And you have to dig deeper now, because if you just Google it, you're not going to find the proper research, because everybody's trying to hide it.
They're sticking to this huge agenda right now.
They've got a lot of excuses and tricks how they train reporters to lie, and they'll always have some simple-sounding reason, but then later, they lie about everything.
It's so dangerous.
I completely agree.
I saw you in an interview, again I see so many all blurs, but you and many other nurses I've seen are talking about the fact that they specifically come and try to keep you from reporting it.
How do they do that?
Well, basically Methodist There's no system in play to report this.
And even if we try to talk about it, like I even had an employee take the shot and immediately after she had to be rushed to the ER because her vital signs shot up.
She had a hard time breathing.
And even when she got there, they told her it wasn't an adverse reaction.
They told her it was an intolerance to the medication, which is a complete lie.
So whenever you even bring it up, talk about it, they try to discredit you.
and right away they try to push it to the side, like, "Oh no, it's not an adverse reaction."
And there's nowhere at the hospital for us to even document this, talk about it.
So as nurses, if we're strong enough to stand up, 'cause a lot of them are very scared,
we'll go on the VAERS website ourself just to document what we saw.
But that's the only way we have to do it, 'cause the hospital's not doing anything else about it.
Because they've got a motive to cover it up.
I completely agree. You've got your event coming up on June 26. That's very important. I'm going
to be there. Well, I'll have you back up for a full hour next week. I'd love for you to come
on with Harrison Smith and the American Journal Weekday Mornings. I would love to get you up
on all our shows to keep warning people, Jennifer Bridges.
People should really support you. Gofundme.com just to search Jennifer Bridges in there to support her, to
support others with her real leadership role. So thank you so much for joining us.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Yes, I'm so excited about this protest.
But one more thing, we're actually working on a book right now because everybody's interested how I got in this position, how I got it this far, and what I did.
Because initially, I pretty much... Oh yeah, this is all information warfare.
We've got to get the truth out every way.
Yes, yes.
So we're working on this book right now, and this is going to help me, actually, because I have no source of income right now.
So once this is published and sent out, I would love to send you a copy.
One million percent, when they destroy us for doing the right thing, we don't just go die in a ditch, we build the new economy.
Because the globalists are taking the economy over.
We all have to support each other and build our new economy together.
Thank you so much, and please come on again next week to promote the rally.
Thank you.
I would love to.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
She's taking action.
I know you're taking action.
And speaking of funding, I didn't plug last hour.
I plugged for like one minute first hour.
We will shut down in six months at this rate.
I'm not bitching.
Things are so bad, maybe I'll get killed next week.
I mean, they're coming after us.
I'll never commit suicide like the poor reporter.
Who exposed the tarmac meeting Christopher Sine and said he was being death-threatened and stalked, and now they blew his head off.
They're calling it a suicide.
But I'm serious.
This is total war.
I have things you need, that you need to get, that then fund us and keep us on air.
So, look at those products.
R3 trifecta for your immune system and your whole body.
The vitamin C with the zinc, the vitamin D with the calcium, and the whole food vitamin, all right there.
Then we have BioSeptic Pro, but it's not available at InfoWarsTore.com.
The three new immune system-boosting, super high-end quality products at a very low price are 40% off with free shipping, double Patriot points, but that has to end this weekend.
Now, as for BioSepticPro, TheBiopros.com, TheBiopros.com, I got a big company to let us do this.
It's not my company, but I got the folks to build it, to do it, to make a consumer ready.
This is the famous, not GMO, but bread bacteria that'll eat leather, that'll eat hair, that'll eat paper, that'll eat crude oil, that'll basically eat anything.
100 times better in their own research than enzymes in your septic tank.
It's available right now and it's good for your drains and so many other uses as well, but they don't want us to sell it as that until, you know, they come out with those descriptions with the packaging and the rest of it.
So, other products coming.
I really push to get this on the market.
It's not about me taking credit.
I want you to know these are patriots that own and run this, that had the patent on this with the oil company, that didn't even care about bringing this to market.
It took a long time to get this to happen.
This is consumer to the market.
This is used at the pig farms.
It's used in the oil spills.
It's used everywhere.
And it's, again, available at thebiopros.com.
What are the new sales?
And I've been so busy, I don't have time to cut ads, time to get this out.
These are products you already need, and you need to get them, and we need the money.
Because I am full tilt at war with the New World Order, with the globalists.
I need capital to prosecute a war.
Survival Shield X3 is tri-iodine.
I went to our scientists and I said, if we have deep-earth crystal iodine, how do you make it better?
They said the only way is tri-iodine.
They have the other two types of healthy iodine with it.
It helps absorb it for some people better.
Some people X2 is better, some X3 is better.
We have X2 and X3 running out.
But despite that fact, I'm offering X3, because I really love it, for 60, never done this before, 60% off, 100% reviews, at InfoWarsTour.com.
But that's only running through this weekend.
And BioTru Selenium is back in.
And Ultimate Krill Oil, all back in stock.
Eric Clapton just went public in a big interview that we just learned about, saying he was brainwashed, that it's tyranny, that he's been poisoned, he and his children.
Almost killed him, the poison shot.
And now one of the Queen's kids is fighting for her life after she took it.
I mean, this is like crazy, man.
And it's all in the Crimson Contagion, SPARS 2023-2025 document.
And they even describe how they'll soon be all these neurological disorders, and all these dead people everywhere, and how they're going to use that to collapse society.
But that's the thing.
Once they finally hit you, they're out in the open.
So my brain keeps saying, what are they going to do next?
They're going to kill the leadership.
They're going to kill the patriot leaders, so there's no leadership against it, and then just roll forward the collapse.
You know, I don't just say this stuff to say it.
I think people figure that out now.
I mean, I don't just say something to sound shocking.
I really tell you what I see going on.
And I've never before in my life just had the feeling like, well, I've had a good life and I appreciate God and I'm ready to die.
And I'm sure I got to roll over to somebody tries to come kill me, but I just, I'm actually, I'm at peace.
I love God.
I know God's real.
I know I'll be in Christ's hands, but, uh, I'm really sad that I can't save all these other people that are so gullible and so childlike and just don't know what hit them.
You heard that sweet nurse, so smart.
And she's like, yeah, they come in, they're dying after the vaccine, their blood clots, they're young, they're healthy, they've never had a problem, they're dying, they're having strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, and they don't know what did it.
And I go, sweetheart, did you take the shot?
And they go, yeah, I just got the second one three days ago.
And that's when I had the convulsion.
It's not that.
I mean, I'm a hero.
I took it.
I'm good.
And you just can't believe you're going... You know, when I was a little kid, I'd see movies like The Black Hole.
I re-watched that the other night with my daughter.
It's about a 1979 Disney's attempt to counter Star Wars.
It's actually a very well done film.
And you've got this crazy scientist on this stolen spaceship.
This huge, you know, spaceship was supposed to go to another world and colonize it.
He said he wants to be God.
He takes the spaceship over.
It's an analogy of the devil and Earth.
And he's lobotomizing everybody with laser lobotomies so they can be his robots and his slaves so he can be God.
And that's the thing about Lucifer and these people.
They take your free will and they screw up everything we've got planned to build incredible universes together.
And so it's the same archetype over and over again.
You ask, why is there a crazy guy that hijacked his own ship to enslave his own people?
Because he doesn't want to go build a new world where they've got freedom.
He wants a bunch of brain-dead zombies worshipping him!
What did Jeffrey Dahmer want?
He wanted gay sex slaves, so he kidnapped teenage boys who wanted to have sex with him!
But he wanted the full power over them so he'd drill holes in their heads while they were tied up and inject them with boat cleaning acid and some would live for weeks while he had sex with them.
He actually made zombies!
And if you want to look at Bill Gates or any of them, they're in between Jeffrey Dahmer and I forget the name of the bad guy.
His robot's called Maximilian, his name really is Maximilian Schell, the actor, great actor.
I forget what they call him in the movie, because it was late and I was tired.
But the point is, I hadn't seen this since I was a kid, I wanted to watch it again, because it's the perfect analogy of what they've done.
It's the black hole.
And they're taking us into a black hole.
And he wants to go into the black hole.
And he's kidnapped the ship for 30 years, enslaving them, waiting for the right Time to go into the black hole.
And then right when the research ship comes back by, he decides the time to go into the black hole.
And that's the thing.
They're taking us into a black hole.
Klaus Schwab is taking us into a black hole.
People go, man, you're a real hero fighting this.
I'm a hero fighting people taking us into a black hole.
It's the opposite.
I'm not doing this.
I'm a hero.
I'm doing this because I want to live.
I want my children to live.
I don't want to depopulate and have world war and Satan arrives on earth and all the rest of it.
All right, I'm going to hit this huge news when we come back.
Stay with us.
All right, final segment I'm hosting, but I'll be back today because there's no way I cannot do full reports on everything that's breaking.
It is over-the-top important.
First autopsy of COVID vaccinated patient found spike proteins in every organ of the body.
The human body was turned into, this article's on InfoWars.com, into a farm to grow these toxic programs.
Just absolutely incredible.
Now here's the really big story.
It's on NewsWars.com, it's on InfoWars.com, and we have the video clip.
We're going to play here in just a moment of Carol Byrd.
Corporate recruiter warns energy companies to replace vaccinated employees within three years.
Executives are having their staff go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines.
And they're planning to have to replace them all within three years.
What does that say to you, she asks?
Because they're going to be moving on.
Making the transition to, I guess, taking dirt naps.
A recruiter for oil and gas corporations recently gave an ominous warning, and we looked it up, that's who she is, on TikTok, claiming that these big companies are mysteriously preparing to replace their vaccinated employees within three years.
Well, that's actually what the SPARS report says.
Carol Byrd, it's a three-year program.
Carol Byrd, a recruiter for Rig Boys Employment Network, explained that nearly half of these major companies' workforce will be replaced with fresh workers within a few years due to the fact that they've been vaccinated.
And she's just told to go through and do this process.
She's not told why.
The reason that this is important is because of what I am seeing as an executive in this industry happening right now as a result of the COVID vaccines, and it's something called secession planning.
You know, like, the queen's gonna die, you gotta replace her.
Our dad's about to die, our mom's gonna die, or the company guy's retiring, you gotta take over.
Bird, explain.
Basically, what it is, is companies need to plan for what's going to happen as their staff move on.
Rather, they move up the line.
They retire.
So and so forth.
So and such forth.
And succession planning is something that I help companies with professionally by offering them recruitment services.
But usually, maybe you've got 5-10% of your company retiring every year.
She says it's half.
Burt then described how higher-ups in these companies are categorizing their vaccine employees as soon to be replaced.
What's recently interesting, what's happening right now, and is actually mortifying, not just interesting, is that executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, foremen, and so on, go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines.
And they're planning to have to replace all of them that have taken the shots within three years.
What does that say about you?
Cue Twilight Zone music.
Byrd then claimed that these directives are causing a big stir with her industry because of the implications related to those vaccinated people.
This is something that's not just some of the guys literally in tears as they're going through the company and literally checking off all these individuals that have taken the vaccine, knowing that most likely in the next three years, they're going to have to replace that person.
I mean, see, it's all technocracy.
Everyone, the doctors have to go.
The average doctor learns this.
They go, cover it up.
My God, I can't let people know.
They'll think I'm crazy.
And you're being told to just cover it up.
See, the executive has been told, prepare for them not to be there because they're moving on.
And this is a really big thing in the industry that I'm in, and a lot of talk going around at this moment, like the blood clot talk everywhere that's confirmed, but nobody stops it.
This comes amid the emergence of several studies finding coronavirus spike proteins manufactured within the cells by the mRNA vaccine triggers severe side effects.
Blood clots.
It goes on and on.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's actually see the video.
We looked her up.
She's who she says she is.
Here she is saying it.
Go ahead.
I went back into full-time working in the gas and oil and recruitment sector.
And to this day, I am running a global gas and oil recruitment firm.
And the reason that this is important is because of what I am seeing as an executive in this industry happening right now as a result of the COVID vaccines.
And it's something called succession planning.
And if you don't know what that is, look it up.
But basically what it is, Is companies need to plan for what's going to happen as their staff move on, rather they move up the line, they retire, so on and so forth.
And succession planning is something that I help companies with professionally by offering them recruitment services.
So they'll come to me and say, hey, we're going to need 100 guys to, you know, staff this rig, so on and so forth.
And so we'll provide them that service.
Well, what's really interesting, what's happening right now, and it's actually mortifying, not just interesting, is that executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, foremen, so on and so forth, go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines.
And they're planning to have to replace them all within the next three years.
What does that say to you?
This is something that's, you know, it's got some of these guys literally in tears as they're going through the company and literally checking off all of these individuals that have taken the vaccine, knowing that most likely in the next three years, they're going to have to plan to replace that person.
What does that say to you?
And this is a really big thing in the industry that I'm in and a lot of talk going on around
this at the moment because these massive companies, massive gas and oil companies are looking
to have to replace thousands of personnel and I'm in that line of work that does the
staffing for these large gas and oil companies and they're pretty petrified as for what's
going to happen to their staff but also their businesses because they project that they're
going to lose roughly half of their personnel.
Which the Deagle report we made a big deal about going back years ago predicts more than a half of the U.S.
population will be gone by 2030. So we checked that lady out she is who she
says she has a major company and she's being told we will have to get rid of
the people that have been vaccinated within three years because they're not gonna be able to work.
Because the crystals come to age at that point and then you die.
And You go, how does Klaus Schwab or how does Bill Gates think they're getting away with this?
Well, they got Trump to sign on, they got all those hospitals, they got the big banks, they got the police and military, and people they've learned when you abuse them will actually submit more.
It's Stockholm Syndrome.
And so this is the depopulation.
They think they're heroes.
And the weird thing is they're going, hey, wink wink.
They even told me this.
I've told you the stories.
You know, they're off-record who they were, but they're like, Jones, you're smart.
They don't get it.
Most of the kids used to die without penicillin.
You've got a lot of dumb, weak people.
We just need to kill everybody.
Look, we're real sorry about it, Alex.
But it just has to be done.
You need to be more reliable and just grow up and be with us.
But then I look at them, they're pedophiles, the globalists are into sick stuff.
You know, I mean, I can halfway see the argument if they were trying to build society up, and then just really killing the dumb people.
I'd still not support that.
But I would understand it.
But no, no, no, you go after the smartest people, and you're into pedophilia and devil worship and playing God, and you try to convince us to join you to quote, save the earth, killing people.
And that's the thing, any executive can see this coming and going on.
So that's why they turned off the police, they're turning everything off.
They are pushing us into collapse.
We do a new type of war, and I just need to stay on air.
And all of us need to boost our immune systems to get ready and get prepared.
This is a great headline.
The crews did a great job, but it's not even strong enough.
Corporate recruiter warns energy companies to replace vaccinated employees in three years.
But I guess they're like people make their own inference.
What they're saying is you're going to be invalid or dead within three years.
And that's it.
I mean, look, they tried to recruit my dad.
When he was a senior in high school at Plan 2 UT, he thought he joined NASA.
And they called him in a room when he made the top score and said, no, we're not NASA, we're here to take over and depopulate the planet.
And he got out of it.
But I mean, people need to grow up.
This is a big industrial operation.
So Eric Clapton's fighting for his life.
Said he and his family were brainwashed and poisoned by the deadly vaccines.
Now the media is demonizing him and attacking him.
Well, I'm going to be covering that.
I'm going to be working with Owen Schroeder today on The War Room.
That's coming up.
This is very serious.
I appreciate Joel Celente hosting the rest of the hour.
If I don't hold over and plug, we won't fund ourselves.
We need the funding.
I need your support.
I appreciate your support.
We try to make it easy to support us.
We were sold out of a lot of products for a long time.
Almost all of them were out for the last six, eight months, and that put us in a hole.
Some of the products came back in, but a limited amount because of supply chain breakdowns.
And so we had to take a lot of those products off sale because they were almost sold out.
And then nobody buys them when they're not on sale.
So it's a catch-22.
So I'm just saying, go to InfoWarsTore.com if you want to keep us on air.
There's not really a media organization that reaches as many people as we do that does as much important work.
So we have to end the vitamin D3, vitamin C, whole food, vitamin sale.
This next weekend, but the new sale is here.
Survival Shield X3 with all three good types of iodine.
I want you to experience it yourself.
60% off.
Bio-True Selenium, so good for your whole body.
An essential thing in all your electrochemical activity for your cells.
From the mustard seed, back in stock.
Sold out for a long time.
60% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
Sold out for a long time.
Highest grade of Krill Oil for your heart, your brain, your whole body.
This is what adults and children need.
Everybody needs it.
People take it before they take tests.
It's great when you go to sleep at night to dream better.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
Back in stock.
And again, free shipping.
Double patriot points on all these deals.
But the free shipping Double Patreon points will end this Sunday.
We'll continue on with the three new products on sale next week, but not on the multivitamin and the others.
Gerald Cilente takes over the top trends forecaster.
Gerald, thank you.
Oh, thank you, Alex and everyone listening.
And what Alex said about, you know, supporting InfoWars and buying these products.
You know, it's really important.
You know, we can't do this on our own.
You know, you've got to join the fight, and this isn't a fight that you're joining where you're going to lose, because you're winning by buying the products.
You're helping Infowars and you're helping yourself.
You know, this ultimate krill oil, you know, one after another with 40% off.
The true selenium, and that's selenium, by the way.
You know, one after another, the survival shield, the X3 blowout.
And again, you know, you've got to put your money where your heart is, because, you know, this thing's going down hard on us.
And if we don't fight to win, we're lost.
You know, that little lowlife, piece of garbage, scum, crap, arrogant little boy that's the governor over here of New York, and all the little lowlifes under him called politicians, poly-tics, many tics that suck the blood out of our life.
You know what they did over here?
They passed a law.
That if you give a phony vax card, you just committed a crime.
That's right.
You gotta prove your vax.
They're having concerts here with that Bruce Springsteen.
Bruce Nothingsteen.
Putting on a concert, you're bragging about getting vaccinated.
If we don't fight this, we're finished.
There's no way I'm getting vaccinated.
No way, no how.
Ain't gonna happen.
Oh, and down there in Texas?
You're Foo Fighters.
Got some Fighters.
Little phony Fighters.
Foo Fighters.
F-U Foo.
Disgusting little sellouts.
Art is dead.
Art is dead.
The artists were the ones that were hip to the scene.
Not anymore.
Now they're just hip to making money and bowing down to the big corporations that they work for.
The artists.
The artists, they're gone.
Look at art.
They sell a piece of crap digital junk for what, 63 million dollars?
Anyway, it's very important to stand up and fight.
I want to talk about the economy.
You look at the cover of this week's Trends Journal.
Another great Anthony Frieda cover.
The world.
And what are we hearing from the banksters?
From the banksters we're hearing, ah, it's only temporary, hey, don't worry about it.
And they're saying this because the only way this economy was boosted, think of it, equity markets hitting all-time highs during lockdowns around the world.
What am I, six years old?
Who the hell are you talking to?
The only reason this thing went up is because you pumped in all this cheap money and you're giving it away for nothing.
Zero and negative interest rate policy.
What happens when inflation goes up?
They got to raise interest rates.
The guy running the show over there in Turkey, Erdogan, another megalomaniac, Love to run people's lives, these politicians.
This guy can't get out of the system.
He wants to keep running them.
He fired his third central bankster in two months because the cat raised interest rates because inflation was going over 15%.
So now, when interest rates goes up, the money junkies gotta borrow more to play their gambling game.
The only way the markets went up was with all the cheap dough.
Between the government pumping it in saying, hey, we don't have to pay any interest rates low, we're not worried about borrowing more money.
And the banksters could borrow, the gamblers could borrow money for nothing.
When interest rates goes up, oh, the housing market?
Record low mortgage rates a little while ago, went up a little bit, but they're still very low.
They're all talking it down.
It's only temporary.
This is right off CNBC.
Paul Tudor Jones says, go all in on the inflation trades if Fed keeps ignoring higher prices.
I probably buy commodities, buy crypto and buy gold, the billionaire head fudge manager said.
I guess he reads the Trends Journal.
We've only been saying this number one for how long?
Oh, And then you got the guy that running the criminal bank that rigged the gold and silver markets.
I'm not making that up.
The JPMorgan Chase Gang.
Jamie Dimon says JPMorgan is hoarding cash because, quote, very good chance inflation is here to stay.
All right.
Look at oil prices.
Bring crude over $72 a barrel.
You feel it when you go into shopping.
You feel it all over the place.
They're going to have to raise interest rates.
When interest rates goes up, this economy is going to crash.
The equity markets are going to crash.
What to do?
What's next?
Stay tuned.
I'm going to tell you.
And remember, support InfoWallet.
Hello, hello, hello, great being on the Alex Jones Show!
There it is, inflation.
This is big.
The markets are down today.
Wall Street knows it.
They're money junkies.
They need the cheap fix.
That's all they are.
So here's the deal.
When interest rates go up, we're bringing the number to 1.5%.
When the overnight rate hits that, it's over.
It's already over on Main Street.
I mean, there's so many businesses.
I was down the city yesterday, Sunday and Saturday and Sunday down in New York.
I gotta tell you, man, the vibe, the people on the streets, the young people especially, it reminds me of the 70s and the 80s, up to the mid-80s when, woof!
New York was rocking out, man.
It was wild.
There was a crime going on, but it was a blowing out place.
And there was that kind of vibe out there.
Young people want to break loose.
And boy, I felt it in the city.
The other thing is, there's the positives that happen.
The outdoor dining.
So now you got a lot of outdoor dining around, so it makes the place feel a lot better.
But the traffic is terrible because they closed down so many streets.
On the upside, again, is new opportunities.
The COVID wars created new opportunities.
It's not all down.
And online learning is one of them.
I wrote in my book, Trends 2000, almost 25 years ago, about interactive you, interactive education.
It just began this year, online.
So it's off to a rough start, but it began.
It's new.
Going back to the city, people want a whole new vibe.
They want to feel different.
They're tied to what's going on.
And it's also an opportunity for new sounds, new styles, new products, and new political movements.
But outside the political system that exists.
So anyway, putting it all together, that's the kind of things we look at.
The other aspect of it, as great as the city felt, and you know, I'm a guy who was born in the Bronx, you know, spent a bit of time in the city.
For rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent.
Commercial real estate for rent all over the place.
So what does that mean?
Let's go back to inflation.
Let's go back to what I was talking about online learning.
Let's go back to the numbers where people are saying they don't want to commute back to work.
Let's go back to Facebook last week announcing that their workers don't have to go back to work and others as well.
What's going to happen to commercial real estate if 15 to 20 percent of the people don't go back to work?
And they commute.
They work online.
You think you have for rent signs now?
So what's going to happen to the commercial real estate sector in the big cities?
In the L.A.' 's, in the San Francisco's, in the Atlanta's, in the Boston's, in the Chicago's, in the New York's?
What's going to happen when interest rates go up and they have all this debt?
There's this ugly piece of garbage crap that they built in New York on the west side called Hudson Yards.
And New York is ugly as can be now.
You know, I remember, you know, when the buildings, you looked at the Chrysler building, the Empire State Building, all the buildings had their own class.
And now it's just ugly steel and glass crap.
Anyway, Hudson Yards cost $25 billion with a B to build.
Ghost town!
Now, as trend forecasters, where do you invest your money?
We don't tell people, the magazine, the trends journals, think for yourself.
Commercial real estate with inflation going up?
Prices going up?
Not prices, interest rates rather.
So that's going to go up?
No, because inflation is going to go up.
Inflation goes up, interest rates go up.
Now, interest rates go up while the real estate market commercial is going down.
And all the debt load that these people have.
Oh, you know what happened yesterday?
I'm talking about debt load in commercial real estate.
Prime Group, a major mall owner of more than 100 locations in the United States, File for bankruptcy citing pandemic-related shutdowns.
No, not pandemic-related.
That, that's BS.
That's prostitute language from the Cartoon News Network, CNN.
It's not pandemic-related shutdowns.
It's little low-life pieces of arrogant scum Who have destroyed our Bill of Rights and our Constitution with their executive orders that ruin all of this.
And again, you go back to what we've been writing about the poor law on the mall.
This was long happening.
It made a bad situation worse.
Let's go back to rising inflation.
The public knows it.
The public feels it in their pocketbook.
Inflation goes up, interest rates go up, the economy goes down.
I read Paul Tudor Jones.
He mentioned about cryptocurrencies.
Cryptos are going to keep going up as long as the gamblers keep gambling in them and the central banks and governments don't prohibit them.
When the central banks and governments prohibit them because they're going to be in competition because everything is going digital.
I don't carry a cell phone.
I've been doing research about radio frequency radiation when I worked for the cellular telecommunications industry back in the early 90s, when they had these big boxes in the trunks with aerials.
So I go out the other night, the other day, I'm on Governor's Island out there in New York, and I want to get some beer.
What's the menu?
And they got this little thing where you got to put your phone that tells you everything.
I don't carry a phone.
Everything's going digital, so they know every penny you spent, where you spent it, how you spent it.
So low life pieces of scum crap that never work a day in their life and the bureau craps under the politicians who never work a day in their life know all the money that's coming in so they don't have to keep working because they didn't cut their pay, they didn't cut their salaries as the pandemic, when they closed down everything, going back to cryptos.
When the cryptos, when everybody goes digital and they look at the cryptos as competition, they're going to cut it out.
So that's where we see it.
In the meantime, the prices are going to go up.
And then we're looking at also gold and silver.
Gold and silver prices, we're looking at silver spiking.
But when the money's going into cryptos, it's pulling it out of that market.
But long term, again, I don't give financial advice.
I'm a trend forecaster.
I see precious metals, gold going to well over $2,100 an ounce of silver.
Up to $100,000.
Gold would be $3,000.
Silver would be over $100,000 if there wasn't for the crypto market.
Because you're looking at the trillions of dollars going into that that would have gone to precious metals.
Again, you're hearing a guy like Paul Tudor Jones, a billionaire gambler, talking about inflation going up, gold going up.
Again, think for yourself.
Do what you want to do.
But this inflation is, again, There is people saying it's not going to go up.
It's temporary.
Yeah, okay.
If it comes down, half of what it is, it's still up 50%.
Your wages go up 50%.
Your taxes probably did.
So, prepare for what's ahead.
And again, just like your You know, you do everything you can to support InfoWars.
We need your help with the Trends Journal.
The more subscribers we have, the more we can do.
So support InfoWars, support the truth.
We'll be back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and this is Gerald Selenti.
And Gerald Selenti loves BioTrue Selenium.
Selentium says Selenium.
And it's 50% off.
And it's something you really need to consider, because as Alex said, You know, you need your support to keep InfoWars going.
And it's 50% off at InfoWars.com.
And it's an incredible sale of BioTrue Selenium Supplement.
The 50% off and with free shipping and double Patriot Points.
You can't miss this deal.
It's made from 100% organic mustard seeds and BioTrue Selenium can help you get all the essential Trace Minerals Selenium, or Selenium, you need in one highly potent, all natural supplement.
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And listen, you better do it before it's too late, because this stuff is going to run out.
All right.
So, back in the news.
What do we got going?
Jeffrey Toobin returns as CNN legal analyst.
Apologizes for exposing himself on a Zoom call.
Remember that?
We remember it.
Here's the cover of your Trends Journal.
Toobin, the mascubator, personifies prostitutes.
And you see that stuff on his glasses over there?
The mascuvator.
So this is what this little clown has to say, and this is why, by the way, you subscribe to the Trends Journal and you listen to InfoWars, because we're not prostitutes.
We don't get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
This is from the fat mouth Of Little Jeffy Boy.
I'm trying now to say how sorry I am.
Above all.
I'm sorry to my wife and my family.
But I'm also sorry to the people on the Zoom call.
Yeah, that I got caught, you know, beating off on that two above anyway.
I'm sorry to my former colleagues at the New Yorker.
I'm sorry to my current, fortunately, still colleagues at CNN.
The Cartoon News Network!
Look at that little wack-off!
Look at that little clown!
Hey, little tubing!
Stop jerking around!
Anyway... And I'm sorry to the people who read my work and watched me on CNN, who thought I was a better person than this, but got caught whacking off Whack-off!
Oh, I gotta be proper wanker!
Anyway, better person than this, said Toobin.
I've got a lot to rebuild, but I feel very privileged, I feel very pli-rill-aged, and very lucky that I'm going to be able to try to do that.
What a joke!
I'm sorry.
You know what he's sorry for?
He's sorry he got caught.
That's the only thing he's sorry for.
It's like all of these little clowns, like that little low-life piece of scum crap you got over there as the governor of California, when he gets caught at the French laundry, where it costs like $400 a dinner, a plate.
When he tells everybody to lock down.
I'm sorry.
Like you got that little God son.
It's the mayor over there in Austin, Texas.
When he gets caught telling everybody to stay home, stay safe.
And he's going to Mexico.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
They're only sorry they got caught.
And here's the line to show you it's one big club and you ain't in it.
I've got a lot to rebuild, but I feel very privileged.
All right?
That's the words out of Wackoff's mouth.
It's one big club and you ain't in it.
As George Carlin said.
We're just junk.
Look at this little clown of a guy.
Hey, like those billionaires that don't pay taxes, privilege boy.
Anyway, moving on to some other news and other information.
Here's the way we see it.
The COVID war's gonna wind down a bit, but they're gonna heat it up again.
And they're heating it up because the drug dealers are in charge and they gotta keep selling their drugs.
Before we came on the news today, this came out on Euronews.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Prime Minister!
Prime piece of ignorant looking scum crap!
Moron imbecile!
How could anybody with a brain bigger than a pea look up to that piece of jerk anyway?
Announced, is going to announce whether England's remaining COVID restrictions will be lifted on June 21st as planned.
Guess what?
Frinage First is planned.
Guess what?
You're keeping them going.
Look at that clown.
These are the imbeciles running and ruining our lives.
These clowns, one after another.
Now they're not going to, they're going to keep holding back on the restrictions.
They're going to keep them in place until almost a month later, July 19th.
And you know what they're doing?
New variant.
New variants coming.
CBS News.
Gottlieb says Delta variant likely to become dominant U.S.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said Sunday that a coronavirus strain known as the Delta variant is likely to become the dominant source of new infections in the United States and could lead to new outbreaks in the fall.
You ready?
With unvaccinated Americans, whoa, being at the greatest risk.
Gottlieb, hey, Gottson!
What Gottlieb?
Actually, it's Gottson.
What Gottson fits over here?
This clown boy, that they don't mention in the first paragraph, as they say the former commissioner of the FDA, is now on the board of directors of Pfizer.
All right.
They're gonna keep pushing the drugs.
They're drug dealers.
The drug dealers are in charge.
And all they're doing is selling fear.
France 24.
Thailand struggles to contain new coronavirus wave.
The new strains are out there.
The wave.
The wave.
Madonna's CEO says the world will have to live with COVID, but don't worry about it.
You'll get your yearly vaccination.
And if you don't, you don't get your green passport.
Anyway, Thailand.
So here's a big story, right?
So I look up Thailand.
Thailand has nearly 70 million people.
Over 15 months, 1,466 dead.
What the hell are you telling me?
1,466 people dead out of 70 million for over 15 months.
You know what that comes down to?
0.002% of the population died of the virus.
266 people dead out of 70 million for over 15 months.
You know what that comes down to?
0.002% of the population died of the virus.
Over 15 months, 0.000139%.
They never mention this.
And goes back to the products, the BioTrue Selenium, and all these other great products.
Nobody talks on the media about building up your immune system and getting in better health.
No one says a word about that.
That's what you have to do.
So, we got a lot more.
Trends Journal comes out every week.
I gotta get back to work, getting out the one for tomorrow.
And it's up to you to change the future.
And the way you do it is by uniting.
And we're having another festival on the 4th of July up here in Kingston.
Uniting for freedom, peace and justice.
Gay frog jokes are always worth a good laugh, and I've certainly played along with the mainstream media's attacks on myself and others that have tried to expose the fact that deadly chemicals have been specifically allowed into the water and food supply to lower our fertility, to dumb us down, and to make us more manageable.
And that's just a fact.
And the New World Order is on record setting this up.
It is a scientific dictatorship.
But now it's more important than ever to realize that InfoWars has had so many successes in taking a story that nobody else was covering and pushing it to the forefront where it gets the attention it deserves.
Here's a great example just recently.
We were amongst the first a year and a half ago to expose the fact that COVID-19 was purposely released out of the Wuhan lab and that it was a manufactured virus.
Now that's mainstream news.
So it is you, the incredible audience of this radio slash TV program that is changing the world.
You're the reason these important reports that the system is scared of actually get out.
So now, If we simply have a movement like the left had of Free Tibet for so long, it can have a massive effect.
But instead of Free Tibet, which I also support, we should also have Save the Frogs.
Frogs are a living mascot, an example of how we're all in peril and how these chemicals are giving us cancer, they're sterilizing us, they're lowering our fertility.
And they are also confusing our sexuality.
And that's just a fact.
And the globalists are bombarding us with these chemicals while promoting sexual lifestyles that also reduce population.
This is all being done from a scientific level of reducing human numbers.
It's not because the scientists like gay people.
And this isn't a judgment on people's, quote, sexual preferences.
This is about chemical warfare that is destroying frog populations, fish populations, bird populations, and in every western country, plunging our populations as well.
This is scientific fact.
This is reality.
That's why we've launched the Save the Frogs initiative.
We're building a website with reports and articles and many of the mainline documents and peer-reviewed studies so people can go there and see the facts for themselves.
We have dozens of reports we've cut with top scientists and others that are already posted to Bandot Video.
And your ongoing support of InfoWars allows us to continue this important work that if we're able to expose it We'll stop the globalists and their agenda of depopulation, deadness, and tracts.
So again, we have three different colors.
They're for men and women.
We have black, green, and cream.
Save the Frog shirts at InfoWarStore.com for $17.76.
These are high quality shirts.
They spread the word and they fund the InfoWar.
So, get your Save the Frog shirts, made in America, at InfoWarStore.com today.
That's Save the Frogs.
There are now over a hundred peer-reviewed studies in just the last year documenting that surgical masks do nothing to stop the transmission and the spread of viruses.
It's a hoax.
It's a fraud.
Here's another article on InfoWars.com, a major German study showing exactly the same thing.
But Fauci knew that.
He wrote a study himself, his name's on it, in 2008, saying not only Do masks not work?
But most of the deaths of the Spanish flu back in 1917, 1918 were caused by people wearing masks and it breeding bacterial pneumonia in it.
They're filthy diapers.
Many people dying have died of bacterial pneumonia and they call it COVID-19.
And the criminal Fauci and others knew it all.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep InfoWars on the air.
Our big sale ends this Monday, so you've got three days left.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, and things like DNA Force Plus back in stock, 40% off.
Check it out.