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Name: 20210611_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 11, 2021
2665 lines.

Alex Jones of InfoWars discusses the globalist agenda and forced vaccinations as part of a new world order. The broadcast covers recent news related to COVID-19 mandates and phone access as a control mechanism, including Australia's digital wallet and New York City's vaccine requirements for public events. The speaker promotes BioPros as an eco-friendly alternative solution and encourages natural immune system support through vitamins and nutrients. Callers share concerns about vaccine shedding and the use of COVID-19 as an excuse to implement cell mutation in humans, making it a crime against humanity." Summary: In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the globalist agenda and forced vaccinations as part of a new world order. The show covers recent news related to COVID-19 mandates and phone access as a control mechanism, including Australia's digital wallet and New York City's vaccine requirements for public events. The speaker promotes BioPros as an eco- friendly alternative solution and encourages natural immune system support through vitamins and nutrients. Callers share concerns about vaccine shedding and the use of COVID-19 as an excuse to implement cell mutation in humans, making it a crime against humanity."

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You know where the CIA tunes in, right?
You know where the Russians tune in?
You know where everybody tunes in, right?
You know who Tucker Carlson tunes in to?
And Joe Rogan?
Elon Musk?
You know where they tune in, right?
They tune in right here!
Tomorrow's news.
Tomorrow's News.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work with dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
Thank you for joining us on this Friday, June 11th transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And it's all official.
And it's one thing to know it's coming, but it's another thing when it hits you.
From Australia, to Pakistan, to the United States, all across the world, they are officially saying that they're going to inject children without the parental authorization.
That they are closing city parks in every globalist-controlled city.
I'll tell you now, the globals are in control.
Where you cannot go to the park to play basketball or to listen to a free concert or anything unless you have been injected with the poison shot.
And for now, they have a PCR test that's totally fraudulent where they stick it up your nose And then put you in a database, and of course they're really getting DNA samples, which is their larger plan, and that's all come out as well.
I mean, this is a criminal takeover.
And on a rigor scale, it's a 10.
And you turn on the flame on high, and they put the water on, but it's on high.
It's going to get to boil now very, very quick.
They've got the flame turned all the way up.
I mean, this is biblical stuff, and it's all admitted, and Over 100 corporations came out, headed up by Google and Apple, and called for climate lockdowns.
And it's all being directed by this Fortune 100 group that controls the Davos Group and the UN.
And this is corporate governance.
I was talking to a high-level executive last weekend.
And she's an executive at a major oil company.
And she's basically one of the highest-level women there.
And she was telling me about what they did to them, and how they were locked down, and how if they were caught leaving their house, the petroleum company would fire them.
And then that just goes downhill.
It was all the corporations that locked down first, you see.
Well, Goldman Sachs is saying, basically, if you don't have the injections, you can't work there.
So that's where all this is going.
And then we know that the injections are causing death and sterilization.
You got me!
You got me, New World Order, in your grip.
But I'm gonna get out of your grip.
Thanks for joining us on the Friday Transmission as we broadcast worldwide.
For TV viewers, we put back up on screen what we were just looking at.
The disgusting puppets of the New World Order.
The G7.
Every single one of them stole their way into office.
Every single one of them says they want to be a dictator.
Every single one of them is owned by the New World Order.
Those are the puppets of the Davos Group, the UN, and the big corporations above them.
Merkel and Johnson and Macron and all of them.
So when you look at those sacks of garbage out there, like Biden and Trudeau, Remember, those are your enemies, but they are still just captains, figureheads for the global government.
They are the plague.
They are the traitor.
They are the enemy.
And they will end up in the ash heap of history.
But say a prayer that God bring justice upon them.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.
But they are terrorists.
They are the people carrying out the worldwide medical tyranny against us.
Well, here we are on this June 11th Friday broadcast.
And we have got a lot to cover here today.
What's the big news?
What's the big headline?
It's official!
A medical ID worldwide, Mark of the Beast, is publicly being rolled out all over the globe.
And anywhere the IMF and World Bank have control of your country through debt, Forced inoculations or your phone is turned off.
Next, your children are taken from you under UN directive.
Here it is, RT, New York Times, all of them.
No jab, no phone.
Unvaccinated to have SIM cards blocked, Pakistan's Punjab government says.
That's the next level of the control.
Oh, but you're like, well, that's Pakistan where they're in the test city.
Australia is now announcing similar programs, and it gets worse.
Greece is as well.
Spain, the UK are all announcing pilot programs, and it gets worse.
In New York State and New York City, run by their communist mayor and globalist governor, we have the video we're going to show to you in a moment, people trying to go to the public park where the symphony has played for over a hundred years, free to the public, culture to the public, You can't get in unless you've had the injection that's causing so many serious health issues, not as a side effect, as the main effect.
Doesn't protect you from the cold virus, makes your body attack itself.
I mean, they're really doing it.
They always said they were.
They tested here, tested there, killed millions of people, but they've been in Pakistan and India and areas of Africa and Latin America giving people poison inoculations for a long, long, long time.
But now they are making their move to force all of us into this.
And this is war.
I don't want to have physical confrontations.
I don't want to lead a physical confrontation.
I'm not wanting to be put in a supermax prison or killed.
And I've already done a lot.
My work is getting the news out to warn others to organize against this but you have to understand that it is an act of violence to try to forcibly inoculate people with something that was pushed by Bill Gates and the globalists who say they want to depopulate us and a pharmacist that destroyed or just let them spoil a few thousand vials of poison He was just sentenced to three years in prison.
In fact, reprint me that article from yesterday, I didn't get to it.
Thank you.
I mean, that individual deserves a medal.
In fact, when that person gets out of prison, I hope we're still on air, and I hope we still have the money to be on air.
They've got a job here.
Because they're a better man than me, putting their money where their mouth was.
And that's where we are.
I mean, if you were in Nazi Germany, and you knew that bullets We're going to be using a death camp to shoot innocent people in the head or Cyclone B gas.
Would someone be a hero for spoiling the Cyclone B gas or throwing away the bullets?
Well, no.
In Nazi Germany, you'd get sent to prison for that or killed.
But that's what this is.
This is how they always do it in Pakistan, they always do this in India.
I saw a British psychological warfare report that was actually in a psychology journal, one of the more scholarly ones, that I just picked up at Barnes & Noble like 15 years ago and read it.
And it was a tactic I'd already noticed myself, didn't need to read a psychological warfare manual, but it was an example of the British saying, well, in one operation we killed about 15,000 people in Kenya, mowed them down with machine guns, tanks, and helicopters.
And what we had was a British MI6 report.
We just announced seven were killed by our troops.
That way, when people hear thousands later, it averages it down and the person remembers the lower number and psychologically doesn't believe the larger true number.
And so I told you a year ago, when this vaccine comes out, the so-called vaccine, everything's a lie.
It's not a vaccine.
It's a gene therapy injection.
Very deadly.
When that happens, they'll say, oh, rare cases of death, rare cases of heart attack, rare cases of blood clot, rare cases of the lungs disintegrating, rare cases of being paralyzed, rare cases of narcolepsy, rare cases of epilepsy, rare cases of type 1 diabetes setting in, because it causes, a lot of these things cause an autoimmune response in the pancreas for whatever reason.
And that's even in the literature.
Most vaccines, it says, can give you pancreatitis and then type 1 diabetes.
Had a family friend that his daughter was in great shape and got a vaccine, had pancreatitis and got sick and then was now type 1 diabetic.
So, I mean, this is just anecdotal.
Everyone I know has been damaged.
My mother, my friends, family.
And so, that's why they announced, oh, emergency meeting at the FDA over rare blood clots and heart attacks and in the young taking the Moderna and the Pfizer injections.
Well, that's what happened in Europe.
That's why it got banned all over the world?
That's why China won't take it?
Remember, when you walk up to the park and they say you can't come in unless you've had this injection, and they look at you like you're an idiot, remember, this stuff's banned all over the world.
And you've got medical doctors coming out saying, we're seeing a tenfold increase in our patients, that are regular patients, with their prostates saying they have cancer.
Because the body is acting like it's being It's having bad tissues grow.
Well, they admit, oh, your uterus is going to swell up, and your lymph nodes are going to swell up, and they're going to tell you it's cancer.
Well, when people go in now, they're telling them, I have family, and I've talked to medical doctors, that they're doing massive numbers of cancer surgeries now on people that took the vaccine.
Now, the news is like, oh, just tell your doctor you had the shot.
Well, they go test it.
Most of these are not Not non-aggressive cancers.
They are malignant.
And so, this is a cocktail of death.
Cocktail of total death.
When we come back, I'll play you the clip of New York City.
Absolutely, incredibly outraging.
And people need to demonstrate.
They need to protest against this.
They need to say, no.
Because this is bullying, this is organized crime, this is totally illegal, and how do you make somebody take a PCR test to go in to the supposedly free event?
I mean, this is just all an act of total submission.
And of course, they're still wearing their mask and still engaged in all their fear-mongering and the left saying they want to wear their mask forever.
This is a real cult.
This is a real dystopia.
Imagine if I said in the future of the new world order, you won't just have a Poisonous injection to be able to have a job or those places, but everyone's wearing masks and pedophiles are having story time with your children It's only gonna get crazier from here on out world government mark of the beast mass Satanism and then huge war just break out and these robots slaughtering people everywhere I mean, it's gonna be hell get ready.
It's all gonna unfold now I'm going to Hurt myself on air And I'm not into hurting myself.
But I'll hurt myself real bad if I need to, to stop bad people.
But I'm not going to hurt myself real bad.
In fact, they'll tell you it's no big deal.
But if they take the bait, like they usually do, they'll say, Jones is self-harming on air and all this stuff.
But you see, when I stick this needle in my arm, it's not going to have anything in it.
It's not going to hurt me.
My body's going to heal itself.
You know, my immune system, my skin, my cells.
But when there's a secret compound developed, and we learned later, secretly tested on animals and humans, that actually sterilizes people and causes blood clots all over their body, that's a big deal.
And if I came at you with that, saying you have to do this to have your job, that's slavery, that's medical tyranny, and then if you got sick and died from it, I basically murdered you.
But you see, then it's all okay, isn't it, because we all collectively made the decision, and I liken it to something that happened in every culture, and the globalists have studied human psychology, and the UN talked about this, and I break it down in my film Endgame, and in the extras to Endgame, that they said, we want to bring back tribalism, we want to dumb down the general public, we want to get rid of knowledge, well they're basically getting rid of math now, even advanced prep schools are getting rid of advanced math.
We want a bunch of superstitious, dumb animals that we can then just call out.
And by the time we get rid of humanity, we would have brought back human sacrifice.
That's an official UN Biological Diversity Plan from 1966 that I learned about from Dr. Michael Kaufman, who's now with his creator.
Very blessed to not have to be with us right now, knowing all this was coming.
The point is, is that we'd read what was in those U.N.
documents that he had to go to the U.N.
archives in New York to even find.
The stuff was not online, but it was the big official U.N.
books, and he had color copy scans of the stuff, and we covered that.
And even though I was reading that in a U.N.
document, it was fantastical even in 2007 when I was making that movie.
But this is beyond that.
And so, Here it is, no jab, no phone, unvaccinated to have SIM cards, block Pakistan's Punjab government says.
Punjab government decides to block SIM cards of people refusing vaccines.
I mean, this is not a science fiction horror movie, this is reality.
COVID-19 pandemic, Chile's capital locks down despite mass vaccination, BBC.
So, you got some secret shot.
Causing all these illnesses, all these deaths, world governments pushing, and people that want to depopulate you are pushing.
You can't get in to the park now, to a public park for a public event.
You can take the shot, or you can show us your evidence of that, or you can do a PCR test, we'll get your name, put it in a database, some contact tracers come after you.
This is the beginning of the Clinton Foundation and the UN's global initiative with the contact tracers, that there are going to be 10 million in the US.
They've already got 2 million ready with giant state contracts and federal contracts making billions of dollars for people to do all this.
It's the new economy.
Little handheld robot testers, the size of a credit card machine, that people stick things up your nose and just get you used to people in your bodies doing what they want, raping you.
My body, Bill Gates' choice.
So they, with the COVID shots you notice, they use a bigger needle than even an insulin needle.
I was thinking about doing this a few weeks ago as a stunt, so I had them go out and get me some needles from a local pharmacy, where they're actually injecting people with this poison.
And this is just an empty one, but, you know, people don't think of what's in it.
They seem to think of the size of the needle.
If you've got a little insulin needle, people are not, you know, not that scared of it, even though you could put just a tiny bit of cyanide in this, and you could inject somebody, and it would kill them in a matter of minutes.
So see, it isn't the size of the needle that counts, it's what's in the needle.
So, again, letting a government globalist system force you to put something in your body, that's not shocking, but it'll be shocking when Alex Jones puts a needle in his arm and he's insane, he needs to be locked up.
Just like I prefaced, I'm gonna do a rant on eating my neighbors if society collapses, because the third world's already starving to death and dying.
And so we're murdering them, and so what comes around goes around.
Once society collapses here, when things revert to cannibalism, doesn't the left know they're gonna basically get eaten?
And that's a metaphor, but in some cases it'll actually happen.
So see, to me, it's not crazy to stick a needle in my arm to illustrate this to you, and to save a lot of lives for people to research what's actually in these deadly shots.
But see, it's all in context.
I'm just a man, an average guy, an evil white man, hurting myself.
But when the big corporations tell you, you're going to do this, or we're not going to let you have a job, or go to the park, or any of that, and we're going to cover up all the deaths and illnesses, well then that's normal, and that's a wonderful thing.
So, here we go.
Overhead shot, please.
And again, I'm not injecting this in the fatty tissue.
I know that there's nothing in it, so there's no point in delivering it that.
I'm doing it in the muscle to be a little bit more illustrative.
Still got some poison out of it right there.
But see?
There you go.
Now, this will be all over the news.
Alex Jones hurting someone.
No, I'm not.
It's a scientific illustration here.
Completely in my right mind.
That's not scary to me because I know my body will heal, but if it had something deadly designed to take my body over and reprogram my cells to produce a protein that goes into all the other cells in my body and makes me a toxic factory of prions, what causes mad cow disease, and the Nobel Prize winners are warning about it, and top EU advisors and the former chief scientist at Pfizer, you know, that's really what's crazy, folks, is do that.
So it's a little bit bigger of a stunt, you see.
Big needle.
I'm going to jam my arm.
Again, I love my body.
I don't like doing this one bit.
But you know what?
I don't like watching what the New World Order is doing to the children.
I don't like watching people paralyzed and dying.
I don't like watching all the things that are happening.
So see, this is not a dangerous needle because there's nothing in it.
But what Bill Gates is coming at you with is, and he needs to be held accountable along with the rest of them, they're assaulting us.
This is war.
To take a needle, And to stick it into our arm like that, and to put something deadly in us that they have prepared for us is an act of violence and it's wrong.
So I ask you all, ladies and gentlemen, do you know what time it is now?
Do you realize where we are in this universe?
Because this is nothing but a delivery system for a weapon attacking you and your family.
We're gonna go to break.
I'm going to come back.
I'm going to lay it all out for you, all the video, all of it.
We're going to open the phones up today as well.
It's going to be one hell of a Friday transmission, and you've got my commitment.
I'm going to be back up here tomorrow for you, for myself, my family, because God's watching.
And there's no way I'm rolling over this thing, and I know you're not either, but this is it.
This is the big takeover.
World government, forced inoculation, Margaret the Beast, pedophile takeover.
I mean, it's just every demon on earth turned loose against decent people.
I'm not scared.
I'm scared for those that chose the wrong side.
Because God is going to take his time tearing you to pieces.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
My sweetest friend.
Everyone I know Goes away in the end.
But you could have it all.
My empire of dirt.
We should play that song and show the disgusting, weak, spiritually empty G7 stumbling out on the stage like a bunch of reanimated corpses.
Think about that, long and hard.
We're under literal world government assault.
It doesn't just want to rule over everybody.
They want control of our genetics to kill us because the god they follow promises them immortality once they've depopulated the species, as if they're really going to be given that.
I'm going to open the phones up for the entire second hour.
And then I'm going to host the fourth hour and take calls.
But I really thought that Judge Joe Brown did a great interview with me, an excellent interview with Owen Schroer.
But I thought he said some of the most powerful stuff that he didn't cover on this show in two visits with Harrison Smith on American Journal on Thursday.
So We're going to air a couple segments of that at the end of the fourth hour today.
Not because I don't want to blabber, but because it was really good.
We'll see what they put together for it.
I just said that was a great interview.
You should re-air that.
Yeah, there it is.
Judge Joe Brown unloads on the culture of emasculation.
He explains it's a war on women, a war on men, a war on who we are to control us, to tell us who we are.
And again, his interview with me has got over a million views on Band.Video.
Harrison Smith only has 10,000.
People need to visit and watch that because Harrison does a great job.
And that's a popular show, but people need to click on his channel because there's a lot of big guests, a lot of things that he covers.
He did a great job today putting an hour and a half of his three-hour show on the Alamo.
Now they're trying to shut that down now.
That's evil.
Alright, let me do this right now.
I really was retrospective this morning why I've been so upset and obviously why you're
We know what's going on.
This is really horrible what's happening, but I had some real clarity about what we need to do going forward, and this is the fact that this is the big test, and it's God's plan, and we should actually be happy that everything God said was going to happen is happening, because we know who wins in the end.
But specifically though, we do need to all have exit plans for ourselves.
Because I always feel guilty about something if it's something I need to do.
I never feel guilt about doing something I did for myself or doing something, you know, greedy.
I mean, by that I, I, Never feel like that because I'm never doing that.
Does that make sense?
I never have guilt over being greedy or over doing bad things because I really don't do that much that's greedy or bad.
I mean, I feel guilty for the opposite, that I'm not doing enough.
And so that's confusing at first until you unpack it, because that's why I was having confusion.
Like, why am I so guilty?
That I'm not getting prepared for me and my family when I shouldn't be.
And then the answer was, no, I'm not guilty that I'm getting ready for my family.
I'm guilty that I'm not.
So it's a good thing to do.
Does that make sense?
Because I'm like, why are you guilty that you're getting ready to protect yourself When you actually haven't really been doing that.
You understand, like, I'm so used to, like, you don't want to jam that needle in your arm to show everybody, you know, this is wrong.
Do it.
A little bit of guilt right there before I jam that needle in my arm.
I don't want to do that, go against my own self-preservation, but it's for a greater self-preservation.
So this is all very paradoxical.
That's why, if you just heard what I said, it doesn't make sense when I'm saying it, but that's exactly how it is.
It's like Trump said the deepest thing he ever learned and the deepest thing in his life was learning to be shallow.
Well, that's incredibly deep.
Because your first approximation a woman's first intuition your first view of something is
Trillions of years of our development in God's mind and
however many hundreds of thousands billions thousands whatever you believe about the history of the earth of
on this planet learning here and developing here
You And so when you have that first approximation about
something that's not the first approximation That's not just a half-assed look.
That's why it's so exhausting if you're not a politician, when you shake people's hand.
You actually talk to somebody and measure them and look at them and listen to them.
They are sending to you who they are, what they want, all their anxiety, their concerns.
You're there interfacing with them, trying to send them love.
Cause you gotta get home and, you know, pick up your four-year-old.
That's an exhausting thing to be real.
I know why the Satanists aren't real and are fake and don't care about anybody, and are in their own little world, their own little simulation, their own little bubble, because the spacewalk into eternity, into the universe, and they just open up to everything and go, I'm for real!
That's, that's heavy!
It's also very empowering.
It's like being on fire, but you don't burn up.
You get stronger the longer you're in the fire.
Well, I've been in the fire my whole life.
I've been totally real, legitimate, bonafide, real McCoy, straight shooter since I came out of my mama.
Since I came out of the oven.
I thought everybody was like me.
I thought everybody was just straight up.
Well, a lot of folks aren't.
But we're coming to a time where if you're not straight up, you're going to be dead.
Because the New World Order is going to chew your ass up.
The New World Order respects those of us that fight it.
It doesn't respect those of you that serve it and bow down to it.
But I just went off on this whole rant about... I don't know why I went into the point.
Of that first look is the depth, is everything.
But if I'm knowing that I've got to get prepared, and that if I'm understanding that things are so bad, instead of me sitting there trying to spin that and ask myself why I'm not guilty, Because it's the right thing to do, because us building our own community, our own system, pulling out of the New World Order is the answer to everything.
So, I'm misinterpreting not doing the show as much, running to the country somewhere, getting ready, digging in, growing crops, getting prepared, trying to bring family with me, so we can protect each other.
That's what we should have been doing the whole time, and we wouldn't have gotten to this point of being slaves now!
Because we don't have anybody, we don't have anything, we don't have resources, we're not prepared, we're domesticated!
I'm way more able than most men, but compared to my grandfather, my dad's dad, or my dad or somebody, I don't know how to do anything.
Yeah, I can skin bucks, run trot lines, kick some ass, grow some crops, can't run electrical, don't know how to reprogram a computer, don't know how to do battlefield medicine, but I do know how to communicate.
At least I've been doing that.
But I'm saying we're entering a point now where we gotta keep trying to wake people up, but we gotta move, create our own system wherever it is, and just have nothing to do with the globalists.
And they know that's gonna happen.
They say they know we're gonna go build, quote, ghettos that are outside their control.
But that's where this is.
So they're gonna put us in a ghetto, or we're gonna have to build our own ghetto, just like the Swiss figured out 500 years ago and created the Amish.
By the way, I want to be very clear.
I know exactly why the globalists, the planetary controllers are doing what they're doing.
I understand.
The deals they've cut, I understand.
The different ways they sold out.
Most of them never even realized what hit them.
Most of the names you see up there are powerful globalist controllers.
Aren't even the people that are actually in command.
The real power brokers want control of the future.
They want control of human development.
They want the keys to the universe.
They don't care about the spotlight, any of it.
In fact, they don't put strong leaders up.
When you look at that G7 group of just dumpy, dopey, corrupt bureaucrats.
That's being done by design.
You've got the old pomp and circumstance, and the military regalia, but that is a ceremonial, vestigial trapping.
All of the old human system is being swept away, and on its ashes built the satanic technocracy, which I have seen the designs of.
And I think listeners now realize I don't make this stuff up.
I've seen the Death Star plans.
I've seen different versions of what they're building because I've been offered to join with it.
And those with the system know how you're offered it.
Let's just say it's not done in the customary way people think it's done.
It's done a little bit different.
It's done up on the mountain.
You don't think it was just Jesus Christ that got that visit?
They all got the visit.
My dad got the visit.
I got the visit.
Anybody that has the keys to destiny gets a visit.
And most people get a visit and they get on their knees at the four corners.
Just like Bob Dylan did.
He went down to the crossroads.
He pledged himself to the supreme commander of this world.
You don't think the devil just offers you power, do you?
You read all about that Aleister Crowley stuff?
That the left follows and all the rest of it?
You know what that is, right?
You seen Ghostbusters?
Where he's laying there in the bed and that ghost comes in there and has sex with him?
That's what it's really all about.
And most of these people have an experience like that.
And like a crackhead, they're signed on to it.
Well, not me.
Have I seen the devil?
You're damn right I have.
And I've lived to tell about it.
Most people turn into these zombies.
There's a lot of people do a lot of bad stuff to see the devil.
Not me.
And I didn't like it.
And by the grace of God, I did not succumb to it.
But you see, that was the trick, ladies and gentlemen.
Because the Lord works in mysterious ways, And the sword, while it's being formed, has to go into the fire and has to be beaten by the hammers.
And only once you've done that can you actually be a sword fit to take on Satan.
But when you look at those people on that stage, they didn't even measure up to a visit from the Chief Commander.
Bob Dylan talks about.
By the way, you think I'm joking.
Guys, pull up.
Bob Dylan talks about selling a soul to the devil.
There's two videos.
It's not a joke.
By the way, I'm not dropping names.
Bob Dylan knows what he did.
Bob Dylan's a listener.
Bob Dylan thought he could go make a Faustian deal and get out of it.
And then in the early 1980s, he tried to become a Christian for a while, but he just, like Faust, didn't believe he could get out of it.
And Bob Dylan's a Satanist.
Bob Dylan worships the devil.
And it's not like the trailer park devil where you're killing your dog in the backyard, but it's a lot worse.
So, when the devil comes a-knockin', you need to keep the door shut.
No, I don't normally air a report two days in a row.
I do it maybe once a month and you know I've got a lot I want to say, a lot I
want to do, a lot I want to cover, a lot I want to go over, but I really think
Greg Reese's report on Nuremberg 2.0 is a key to so much of this.
And we're gonna air that to start the next hour, then I'll open the phones up.
Specifically, one-topic callers.
I love you to death.
I don't do this very often, but when I ask for it, can we please do it?
Because I really want to talk about this.
I want to get your view on it and help spur my mind to think about it more.
We can help each other.
And that's... What do you make of being eased in to the Mark of the Beast?
I mean, it's rolling out.
You want a cell phone?
Gotta have an injection.
Want a job?
Gotta have this deadly injection.
Want to go to the park and see a free concert at a public venue, actually legal, in a park?
The taxpayer paid for it.
They're doing it.
They don't care.
It's a revolution!
I'm gonna play that start of the next hour.
The video's on Infowars.com.
It's here, and it's poisoned right away.
I thought they'd just set a precedent and give us a placebo, but they're like, why do that?
Let's just manage how to kill a bunch of people.
So you better believe, if they get away with killing all these people, and having the media just go, oh, rare cases we're studying in every town, every hospital, then they're gonna go big.
So their beta test is so deadly, That I just realized it's, like I said, operational.
And I guess that's it.
I even lied to myself, like, oh, there's still time, it's ten years off, we can hold it back.
No, that's not how it works.
Revelation says Satan wages war against the saints and overcomes them.
But that's only one wave, one assault.
Win the battle, lose the war, devil.
The process of us being destroyed will wake up that whole generation growing up under this That is only under the devil's control for a few years, and the huge total rejection of everything that is Satanism.
I mean, this is a beautiful time to be alive, and to be sacrificed of our own free will to be Christ-like?
That is such a gift from the Creator.
Thank you, God, for that.
Let me say this or we won't be here.
I want to stay on air as long as possible.
This stuff's so heavy, half the time I'm just like, screw it, I'm not going to even plug products.
If they don't want them, whatever, we'll just go off air.
But that's loser talk.
We need money.
We got products you need.
Go to infowarrestore.com and buy the products.
Now, I'm really proud of this.
I don't want to give myself credit, but people don't buy it if I don't say I'm involved with it.
And I am involved.
Folks have a patent that's partially held by a big oil company and some scientists.
And one of the main scientists that's part of the patent is a listener.
And nobody ever brought this in 30 years to the general population.
And it doesn't just do septic tanks.
It does everything.
But they want to come out with a packaging for each one.
So this is for your septic tank.
And it's a hundred times more effective, the scientists are saying, and we've done it and tested it, than enzymes.
And it just keeps growing in your septic tank.
It'll eat leather shoes.
It'll eat people.
I'm not saying you need it for that, but, you know, this eats everything.
And it's not GMO.
It's natural, but bread.
It's like, oh, that pit bull's natural, but it's bread.
It's GMO, the old-fashioned way of breeding.
It'll eat your ass.
You don't want to put this on your body.
But it's safe.
The point is, it's mean, and it's green, and it's at infowarestore.com.
Oops, not yet.
Only place to get it is thebiopros.com.
And you put a little tiny scoop of it in your drains, it'll eat out way better than Drano.
It does so much, but they're asking me not to tell you all the stuff it does, so they make a product for each one with special delivery systems and the rest of it.
But the truth is, it just works on everything.
You dump this in a big hog pond of crap or a slurry pond from chickens, eats the whole damn thing in like a week.
I mean, it's just incredible.
That's what it's actually sold for, is eating oil spills and eating... It's industrially sold by the ton a second to... I mean, what do you think's eating all the crap at the big slurry ponds and stuff?
It's this.
And then separately, you can go to Infowarsstore.com.
And they told me this morning, they said sales are terrible.
I said, why? Well, big sell just ended. Plus, you're not telling them.
We still got free shipping and double pay-through points.
Just not all those other items are on sale.
But what is on sale is our new Trafecta.
Three of these bad boys.
We've got the InfoWars Life Whole Food Multivitamin that's so good, 25% off.
InfoWars Life Vitamin C Plus Zinc, 25% off with Rose Hemps.
And InfoWars Life Vitamin D3 with Calcium Gummies, 25% off.
40% off if you get all three together.
And they're top of the line.
Highest organic quality we could get you.
I am proud of it.
And big brother hopes you don't take it.
So get them today at InfoWarsStore.com!
Come on!
Why do you still do it?
Why are you still out here?
Well, it goes back to the destiny thing.
You know, I made a bargain with it, you know, a long time ago and I'm holding up my hand.
What was your bargain?
To get where, um...
I am now.
Should I ask who you made the bargain with?
With the chief commander.
On this earth?
and this earth and the world we can't see.
Dr. Reiner Fulmik is the public front man for an international team comprised of hundreds
of lawyers and medical experts who have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, the WHO and
the Davos Group for committing crimes against humanity.
The protocol for the PCR test given by the WHO and the CDC was knowingly set to a level that guaranteed 100% false positives or false negatives.
So there is no pandemic.
This is all about getting people to take the shot.
Their argument is that we are at the very least being subjected to an illegal experiment.
And at the worst, global genocide.
Dr. Fulmik points out how the experimental jab is in clear violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes, which carry the penalty of death for those who violate them.
Number one, voluntary consent is absolutely essential.
There should be no intervention or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, or any form of constraint or coercion.
By definition, a vaccine must provide immunity to the virus, protect recipients from getting the virus, reduce deaths, infections, circulation, and transmission of the virus.
We are told the experimental jab does none of these, yet they fraudulently call it a vaccine.
As far as duress, constraint and coercion, it's everywhere.
If you want your life back, get the shot.
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results unprocurable by other methods.
The most fruitful method would be a healthy immune system, which can be achieved through good health and natural supplements such as vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc.
But the people are not being told this.
In fact, those who point it out are being vilified and silenced.
Number 3.
The experiment should be designed and based on the results of animal experimentation.
This experimental jab skipped animal testing.
Number four, the experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
According to official reports, there are already thousands of deaths and over a quarter million injuries from this experiment.
Number 5.
No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.
Past trials have shown a strong possibility that these new spike proteins will cause a body to attack itself.
This is known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement or ADE.
A Nobel Prize winning virologist says the vaccine is creating the variance.
Number six, the risk should never exceed the benefit.
COVID-19 has a 98 to 99% survival rate, less deadly than the seasonal flu.
The experimental jab is already the most dangerous vaccine in VAERS' 30-year history.
Number 7.
Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
There were no preparations made.
There are no facilities.
The subject shows up for their shot and goes home.
Number 8.
The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons.
This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities, and big pharma bureaucrats.
Number nine.
The subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end.
Thousands of medical experts have attempted to end this madness, and their voices continue to be silenced.
Number 10.
The experiment must be brought to an end if resulting in injury or death.
And yet, the experiment pushes on.
Once again, those who violate these international laws are subject to the death penalty.
Legal proceedings are moving forward and evidence is being collected.
Whistleblowers are directed to contact the international team at www.securewhistleblower.com.
This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population.
And the question is, do we still have a judicial system to exact justice?
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
We now take you live.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart.
In the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Stand up and be counted for what you are about to receive.
We are the dealers.
We'll give you everything we need.
Hang on to the good times.
God is the author of success in life, not the devil.
Stand up and be content for what you are about to receive.
We are the dealers. We'll give you everything you need.
Let's get into it right now.
First, I want to say I'm blessed and honored to be live on air with you, and I love you.
I mean it.
God, I love the hell out of every damn one of you.
Even that stupid-ass Klaus Schwab.
He's a little loser, a little tough guy, professor that toadied up and literally got on his knees to Henry Kissinger, and then he sold out to Satan.
That's somebody we lost.
I'm not happy about that.
I don't need to defeat those people to feel big.
But I will defeat them because they're hurting innocent people.
In fact, I pray for their destruction.
But it's got to be done on God's time, in God's way.
And that means we take action, we expose them, we resist them.
They try to physically attack us, we deal with them.
Well just let God do it.
God's always putting the English on that ball like you can't even believe.
Imagine the best pool player you ever saw can like spin that ball and hit one ball and knock another in.
Imagine God just hits it one time and knocks every ball in and then builds a universe on the back side of it.
That's what we're talking about.
Whole universe, just like one trillionth of a second in God's mind.
And then you've got these people trying to play God like Bill Gates.
Hey Bill Gates, you don't look like a God to me.
You sure as hell don't sound one.
And all you do is want to kill people?
That doesn't sound too good.
Because you want to kill yourself, Bill.
And see, Bill, I don't wish any harm upon you, but before you kill any more people, I want to ask Bill Gates here today, since he wants to depopulate the planet, to man up, son.
I actually pledged this in front of God and country.
I'm against suicide.
I'm not suicidal.
I would never kill myself, but you know, those guys at the Battle of Midway, flying that second mission 10 to 1 against those aircraft carriers, it was a suicide mission.
Most of them didn't, 80% didn't come back.
They did it because they signed up for it.
They were men.
So I've got an easy job compared to that, right?
Except the enemy hides themselves.
So, I'm going to issue the Bill Gates challenge.
You've heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge, all the rest of it.
If the Earth is overpopulated, and Bill Gates is right, he's got some points.
If Bill Gates gets a .44 Magnum on air, shoves it in his mouth, and blows his brains out the back of his head, the next day, after it's confirmed he's dead, I will blow my brains out on air.
I'm serious.
If Bill Gates will blow his brains out, I will blow my brains out on air the next day.
And then we'll just do that, let's have a suicide challenge.
I mean, if humanity's so bad, if humanity's so evil, if we're so dirty and we all need to die and let's start with babies and let's kill all those black people and everybody else, well, okay, let's go first then, Bill!
That's my challenge.
It's called the Suicide Challenge.
I don't want veterans to feel bad about themselves and kill themselves.
You don't do that.
You go out and have a great time.
I don't want poor women addicted to drugs to kill themselves.
I want them to realize how much value they've got.
I don't want anybody to kill themselves except for people that say we all need to die.
So you can do another Ice Buck Challenge, Bill, at your house where you dump gasoline on yourself out of a bucket because you want to go out with a bang, right?
And maybe you strap TMT all on yourself, because you back Islam.
And then you dump gasoline on yourself, Bill.
And then you light yourself on fire.
How about that?
Or a thousand-pound guillotine, a giant blade.
You pull that, it cuts you right down the middle in the vivisection.
How about that, Billy boy?
Because I'm sending that love at you right now.
Bill Gates, you want to kill humanity?
Then I say you do it right now.
You called for death, Gates.
Then I call for you in the name of Jesus Christ to show us what you're going to do and show us your commitment.
You want us to die?
Lead the way, Gates!
Do it.
And I will blow my brains out the next day on air for you!
Show us!
Lead the way, Gates!
Blow those brains out right now!
But see, you're a liar.
You don't follow through on your contracts, do you?
They tell us there's too many people, they tell us don't have children, they tell us kill our babies!
And you the viewers that listen to this show, you heard everything I said, the provisos and all of it, you'll see this on the news.
Alex Jones calls for suicide.
Alex Jones calls for Bill Gates' death.
Alex Jones, all that.
No, I didn't do that!
They're the ones in the news saying, don't have babies, kill your baby!
And I'm saying, let's not kill our baby!
Let's kill ourselves.
We're men.
We're big boys, Bill.
Let's show everybody how we do it, you little ugly duckling.
Let's see you do it.
Okay, maybe you don't like 44 Magnums.
I bet I'm tough enough that I can be like an old Roman or a samurai and stick a razor-sharp dagger in my liver on the right side and take it all the way up in one movement and stick it right in my heart.
How about Seppuku?
You want us to die?
You're a human, but you don't like humanity?
Then I say... Die!
Show me the death!
Show me the way, Gates!
Show me what it is you want!
If you do, maybe you'll be given a new body and new troops to command, Gates!
But you didn't sacrifice in war like we did thousands of times!
You gave up on humanity over and over again and it's why you were never sent back.
You've been sent straight to hell!
So no one hold their breath.
Bill Gates isn't gonna blow his brains out on air tomorrow.
Because Bill Gates is a damn coward!
He runs his mouth all day about death, and how he'll deliver the death, and how he is the executor of death.
But if you haven't died, Gates, you don't know anything about death.
You don't even understand the riddles because you can't read it.
Because you don't know our language.
And Bill, you've not been born again.
You've not been given a new body and troops to command.
And that's why you're so pissed!
But let me tell you, humanity will transcend you and all of you scum, and we will survive,
and we will people the stars, and we will follow God's will, and it is going to be beautiful.
You've not been given a new body, Bill.
You won't be giving troops to command because you are a loser.
Everyone hates you.
Everyone hates Kamala Harris.
Everyone knows you're a fake and a fraud.
Everyone knows you're a scam.
Everyone knows you sold out.
Everyone knows you're poisoning Africans with polio where these kids are paralyzed their whole lives.
So it weighs their communities down, their families down.
You don't even have the will to kill them with a hammer.
You just do it while you slink around like a snake.
A long razor blade slide right into hell.
The gates are open now, son.
You've killed enough people that God's coming after you.
And I am only the herald of the destroyer that cometh.
Stay with us.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under a specific condition.
We have to work with dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
You found it!
(upbeat music)
The tip of the spear.
I'll tell you this.
All the candy ass screwing around, making jokes, playing games is over.
Because they're coming for you.
You can lie to yourself and take the injection.
You can lie to yourself and take the government issued wallet.
You can lie to yourself and submit to all the different systems they're bringing out.
But you're gonna wake up in the middle of that and realize it was all a giant setup.
And what they wanted the whole time was your soul.
And believe me, I'm just like you.
I want to Go to the video game arcade and play the basketball game, and I want to go to the beach in the Caribbean and drink margaritas.
I want to go see movies.
I mean, I'm just like you.
But they're going to make us do these things incrementally to get to that place.
By the time we finally get there, we're slaves anyway, so we got to start saying no.
And then we're going to decide how bad this final stretch is going to get.
Because they're making their move.
They're making their world government anti-Christ takeover, whether you think it's real or whether they basically plagiarized Revelation.
It doesn't matter.
It's real.
It's being done.
It's being manifest.
And so, I'm right with God.
I know I'm in the right place.
And I'm very thankful for all of you.
And I'm very thankful for this crew and everybody else.
This is where we're supposed to shine right now, is at this point.
And what's a shine?
Well, you've got Stephen King, and you've got the big director, Stanley Kubrick, and the shining Because, you know, it's a possessed house and it's demon possession.
It's shining.
You know, somebody that's possessed shines.
But we only think of somebody shining with the devil.
How about shining with God?
So there's a shining happening right now.
And we're supposed to shine.
Not the bad guys.
And when you look at the servants of Satan, I don't see any shining right there.
In fact, almost every heavyweight champion, every top quarterback, everybody, the best musicians, they're all actually Christians.
The devils are the losers.
Yeah, there's the stupid-ass witch wife.
I think she's really impressive of that idiot Rothschild puppet over in England, Boris Johnson.
I want to give the number out.
I want to talk to you specifically about what we're about to play.
Worldwide, from Australia to Pakistan to the UK to Chile, you gotta have an ID on your phone, a barcode, saying you've been injected with Bill Gates's poison.
Bill Gates's semen.
His, his, literally, I mean his poison concoction.
Before you go to the grocery store, there's a video, an old lady shows up, she goes, I don't have a cell phone, I'm 85.
They go, no food!
Cop all in his Darth Vader outfit.
So dehumanize an old woman on a cane.
She says in Spanish, I don't have a phone.
Remember that video a month ago?
He just goes, no.
How's his mama gonna get treated?
How's his daughter gonna get treated?
How's he gonna get treated?
I'll go on further.
How's God gonna treat you when you did that?
Old woman walks up and says, I don't have a phone, senor.
Because he's a slave.
He was chosen for that position because he would mindlessly execute the denial of that.
And now New York City, you can't go to the public park at a public free concert unless you have had inoculation and show them this ID.
We're going to play that in a moment, but first, here is the supposed leader of Australia, supposedly a conservative just like Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison, announcing the digital wallet.
Oh, where the government will accept all these currencies and track them all and you're going to have this wallet, you're going to be free as long as you've had the shot.
Here it is.
Vaccination certification, and this has been a topic of some conversation over the past month.
The vaccination certification is already present within the Services Australia system, but it will soon be available through the Medicare app and ultimately in the form of a digital wallet that can be used by citizens.
That will be available in July.
There is already the Medicare Reference that you can get through the Medicare app, which we anticipate to be available this month.
That will be available.
So, oh, they make it available and then the rock concert, the job, the school, the park, the police say you better have it.
Because you have the government going, you got to have a medical ID and take what we say.
But, oh, no, it's just available.
But then they make you have it, whether you're in Pakistan, Australia or New York City.
Here's New York City.
We're vaccinated to go to the public lawn.
It's Bryant Park, so it is public space.
Philharmonic Orchestra is putting on a free event to the public.
But if you are not vaccinated, you can't go in to enjoy the concert.
That is tyranny, boys and girls.
Oh, it's free, it's public.
To go into vaccination, you can enter.
It is probably over in about five or ten minutes.
Okay, so you have to be vaccinated in order to go into the lawn, to the public lawn?
Yes, that's correct.
So you gotta be vaccinated to go in there.
And everyone's getting trained.
And you go, well, we'll stop it.
Well, yeah, we will.
We gotta say no now.
Then it expands to the schools, then to the trains, then to the subways, then to the cars, then to the AI.
You see?
Oh, you can't go to the park.
I mean, you've gotta take Bill Gates's semen into your body.
Bill Gates is, this is all Bill Gates raping us.
Bill Gates is just the front man of this.
This is the genetic raping of the earth.
Your every cell, not just your body, but your cells.
Okay, for two days I meant to cover this, and I forgot to do it, it was in my stack, and then the video board operator, who's got one of the hardest jobs around with that damn trackcaster we got, Kevin brought me in this, and I'd already seen different IMF reports along the same lines, but this is a piece of work.
So I already told my family I'm taking off tomorrow, but this is like, you think Crimson Contagion exposed them and really set them back and humanity's waking up.
Do we want to give up right now?
Because this report, you see this whole stack right here?
Look right here.
This report, they just gave me during the break.
I only had time to read two pages of it.
It's a nightmare.
It's the same stuff over and over again.
Everything we already knew.
Dovetails with this whole report.
And this report, which is incredible footage, incredible audio, incredible, I mean, just, I mean, like horrifying activity.
All of this.
Boom, boom, boom.
Right here is the most important stuff I covered.
And I didn't even cover it.
You see what I mean?
Because this was the first stack right here.
World government, world ID, Mark of the Beast, forced inoculation.
That was stack number one.
We got to that.
And we're an hour and 36 minutes into this broadcast.
Look at the rest of the table.
Like I told you, this is not a prop!
That stack's not a prop!
That stack's not a prop!
That stack!
That stack!
That stack!
That stack!
They're all just as horrible!
I mean, they're on TV saying they're gonna take children at birth and put them with pedophiles, like they do in Germany.
They're on there saying they're gonna put brain chips in you, on TV!
I mean, it's all just... That's what I was thinking about last night.
I was like, why am I getting so upset?
It's just like, at a certain point, do I even come in here and read you another hundred articles about people having Alzheimer's at 25 or brain damage or bleeding lungs or heart attacks and death?
I mean, I got stacks of news about that.
Do I play a Tucker Carlson with how they're having emergency meetings at the CDC about
the death by the vaccines?
It'd be like if a serial killer was waiting at 4 o'clock every day when elementary kids
got off buses and shooting them with a machine gun.
And they'd done this for like six months!
And you even know where he's doing it, when he's doing it, but instead you just go, well, by the way, yesterday another 50 children were killed getting off two school buses.
You'd say, hey, why aren't you doing something about it?
And that's all I'm saying is, I feel guilty every minute Oh, oh, this is it, this is it.
And I'm not calling for violence.
Because I'm not sure that's what's needed right now.
Because they're going to twist that around against us.
But here's where my guilt is.
My guilt is, I'm never an indecision guy, I'm always a decisive person, but this is the big decision.
Do we go to physical war with these people?
Or do we go build our own communities and just withdraw from the enemy?
And then how do you do that?
That's like herding cats.
I just keep getting up here on air and thinking, if I tell you what I think we should do, you're going to fix it.
Not because you're my slave.
I look up to you.
See, they wouldn't have got away with this in my grandfather's time.
And they weren't perfect, but they were not going to go along with this.
They'd seen right through it.
And see, there was always something about those guys, all those guys I knew, was they were all just as happy as a pig and you know what, but if somebody tried to make them do stuff like this, they would never have done it.
And the globalists spiritually knew that if they tried like this to do this, they would get taken out.
And so that's really what this is.
The guardians are gone.
We're all a bunch of sheep, and the wolves are running crazy on everybody.
And I said I'd take calls this whole hour, and I haven't.
But I do have two interesting guys.
I've been on their show.
They do a comedy show.
And I think they're pretty funny.
Some people don't like them here at the office.
I like them.
I know Harrison Smith likes them.
Revenge of the Cis.
I guess that means people that are normal.
We got Royce Lopez and Mike Marsh coming on the show, but I'm sure they'll be okay to take a few calls as well, but I just don't want to load the phones up and then not get to your calls.
But then, how am I going to cover this?
Boom, boom, boom, because that's boom, boom, boom.
I've got three of these babies, and man, this is the rest of our lives.
You know, imagine going to a play.
Listen to me very carefully, because I say a lot of important stuff, but I mean, this is really important.
Imagine going to a play that's got like three acts and you figure out halfway through that the play is about you at
that theater and That at the end of the act you're gonna be killed
And the ushers are looking at you By the last act, they've got their swords out, they're sharpening them.
They got a barbecue spit fired up.
The Satanists are all looking at you.
And you're like, oh, I'm the star of this event.
I'm the BBQ.
And that's what this is.
They've got every damn bit of it lined up for you.
Right here.
Every bit of it.
Every stitch of it.
Every foot of it.
And I'm just asking, what are you going to do about it?
So, I'm going to host the fourth hour.
I intended to air some Harrison Smith stuff, but we'll see what happens.
The point is, is we're going to cover this fourth hour today.
And it's painful to read.
I know you don't want to know.
Neither do I. You think, you think I like all this?
You think I want to keep doing this?
You got the wrong McCoy here, baby.
I'm not looking for a fight.
I'm not looking for war.
I'm a lover.
But if I got to be a killer, I'll do it.
I'm a killer.
I'm not a fighter.
Because if I got to fight you, I'm just going to get you out of the way because I don't got time anymore for your games.
I swear to God, if it's the last thing I do, you people that have done this are going to pay big.
You think you're going to kill a bunch of these average people and get away with it?
That's not how the universe works.
So, we're going to go to break.
Here's the toll-free number.
I should give that out to take calls.
Toll-free number.
What do you make of Bill Gates' declaration of war, and them launching it, and the Mark of the Beast, and you can't go to the park unless you've had a deadly injection?
I wanna know what you think we're supposed to do!
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
Because my ancestors didn't fight this hard, and we didn't come this far, and we didn't do all this.
Dominating the natural elements and all the rest of it to be run by a bunch of vampire bats like ZZ Ping and Klaus Schwab!
I ask God to interdimensionally intercede against ZZ Ping and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
I ask God to metaphysically Intervene.
You know, if I seem wound up, it's because I'm in a death battle.
And I'm exhausted.
So I can't go 10% speed.
All I got is 100% speed.
Thanks for putting up with me.
But I, uh, I've experienced it.
I've faced it.
I know how real it is.
That's why I'm so whacked out.
Because reality is whacked out.
And I just, I don't have low speed anymore.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Like I said, the fourth hour I'm going to hit.
The IMF, World Bank, Banker Takeover of the Planet, how they're going to make people so poor and just take everything away from you and then make you do all these physical things to yourself to become sterile.
They'll just give you the money then to commit suicide.
And how they're going to use Big Pharma to totally destroy everybody.
And they see it as a mopping up operation to, you know, save the planet from a human overbloom, you know, a species out of control.
But the really, you know, the truth is, they're the disease.
And they're the ones that have blocked real technological development that would have fixed all this.
Innovation is the key, not enslavement.
I just need the public to realize that this is real, okay?
Like, I'm real, okay?
This show is real.
What we cover is real.
This is not a joke.
All right?
I'll leave it at that.
This is not a joke, okay?
And the good news is, as I go to your phone calls, you see all these other scientists and doctors everywhere saying the vaccine's a poison.
Everywhere saying no.
So, I'm really proud of humanity, actually, but I'm impressed by big tech.
Able to suppress these thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses and scientists, all the top ones, because they don't run things.
It's the corporate CEOs that are psychotic and don't care.
They're in charge still.
Well, it's pretty easy to deal with them, isn't it?
And we've been doing with Bill Gates.
Destroy them politically, destroy their name, the rest will follow.
But I'll just quote John Paul Jones here and I'll say I've only begun to fight,
but it's the intensity of the enemy attack is just spectacular.
I mean, they're really doing it.
I mean, if you kill one innocent person, God wants to destroy you.
Anybody that's spiritually dialed in knows, man, that's like...
If somebody isn't attacking you and you kill an innocent, God does not.
Like, whoa!
The whole Western military is all about don't kill innocents.
Because you do that, it creates bad.
People just, people that didn't care, like, I'll kill civilians.
All of a sudden, bad stuff happens.
Like, I killed civilians.
Your wife gets cancer, your kid dies in a car accident next week.
The military is learning, like, oh, God.
Where do you think chivalry came from?
Not because these people were perfect.
They figured it out.
If I kill some innocent person, it comes back on me.
I don't want to do that.
And that's where we are right now, is the globalists are committing crimes against the law of the universe.
And we better decide that we're not part of that.
And clearly mark our doorways with blood, like the Israelites did with Ramses II, and say, we're not with this.
So however you mark your house, man, you just better do it.
And since I bring up an Israeli or Jewish angle, Benjamin Netanyahu is pharaoh. I was
everyone against Netanyahu. He's just take the chip, world government, force inoculation.
He's just like Boris Johnson. They're all devils now. No matter who they were, they bowed to Satan.
I don't care.
*choking* I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with Trump right now.
Because it's coming out that the vaccines are killing people.
It's coming out they're poison.
And he's still up there like a big ass rooster telling us how proud he is of it all.
And I get he's getting good Republicans elected and they hate him and I like Trump.
But I got a problem.
All right, let's go to All these callers, Jim, Craig, and Scott, and Zach, and Marty, and Patrick, and Max, and James, and Jack, and Carlos, and so many others.
Let's go to Zach in Idaho first.
You're on the air.
All right, so I've been thinking, I've been listening to you probably for 12, 13 years now, but in order for us to take the neural uplink and merge with machines, our DNA has to be changed to allow The machine into our already neural link.
So people are, I think people are dying because some people's genetics will not allow.
That's it.
I said this last week.
Oh God, I love to take calls.
You, exactly.
They are making the digital plug connection with this prion electrochemical magnetic connection.
They are creating silicon ports for the machine interface.
If that's the first thing that you do when you get a new computer, you have to change the hardware.
That's what they're doing.
They're changing our hardware to allow a biological machine.
And then the 5G communicates with that.
They're not trying to GMO a tomato.
They're not trying to GMO.
No, it's us.
And then the 5G communicates with it.
This is the satanic.
Like the gray aliens, the ones that when they take their micro dosing and step into the DMT world, whatever.
I 100% agree.
That's what it is.
with these people. That's why they say these are biological entities. They're not real,
they're soulless. They're a robot, but they're biologically made and they're telling them
how to do this so that they can create us into them.
I 100% agree. That's what it is. That's it. And what's creepy is I've sat there not just
with the former head of intelligence agencies and others.
I talked to like billionaires straight up and they go, yeah, we know.
And then they're all blocked off.
But definitely the people taking orders are under full alien control, which is Satan.
Show the 100.
They show that everything from the demolish of the earth To the Neural Uplink, to the City of Light, where we're actually in the mainframe of the computer.
It's all on there.
And they show everything from the destruction of the Earth into a nuclear blast, and all the civilizations go up to space, and then their spaceship's gonna die, and they have to go back to Earth.
It's called the 100.
Which is repeated by their main Illuminati transmission, Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood's End.
It's the same message.
It's all of it.
It goes into the satanic takeover of the The blood, how they're coming after our blood.
It's the 100.
All of it.
They tell you.
They have to tell you in order to do it.
I agree.
So where is this show, the 100?
It's on the WB.
It's a super low, not a lot of people watch it.
It started out really good and then I guess they got popular and they switched cameras and director, not director, but you can tell that they kind of... Well, that's how it always works.
They make it good up front and then, yeah, sell it out later.
Yeah, but it shows it all.
The city of light, the neural uplink system, all of it.
Merging with the machines, the lady in the red dress, all of it.
AI, they even call her Allie.
It's AI.
It's the satanic... It's all there.
And everybody from Big Tech to the G7, they've signed on to this.
They think they're winners.
I mean, look at Klaus Schwab.
We're gonna let this dude put chips in our children's heads?
I mean, he says it!
They know that in order for them to live forever, they have to kill us first.
Well, that's it.
You know, it's like they said, oh, HDTV's coming out.
And everybody had to have HDTV's.
But it's like it's like an upgrade.
It's like we're rewriting your hardware.
Great point, Zach.
Thank you.
Carlos, longtime caller from Canada.
Carlos, glad you got in today.
Tell us what you think of all this.
Oh, Alex.
Well, some time back, I reminded you that they were going socialist, communist, And that the Red Terror is coming?
Well, I haven't seen no change in direction and unfortunately I'm very disappointed because I thought President Trump knew that he had a mission, that he saw that he had a plan and unfortunately he was kept from being able to achieve what he wanted to achieve.
I think he had a plan but he was thwarted in the process.
In history, there was a point at which the Church and the State were separated.
It changed the world, okay?
From Jesus Christ running the world to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an individual person, a persona, and then the Republic.
And then there was the French Revolution, etc., etc., etc.
And now we have, you know, the separation from Church and State.
Which wasn't even ever a law.
It was just a comment made by Jefferson on a letter to someone else.
But, you know, those who were interested in the individual power kept pushing the distinction between church and state.
Why am I telling you that?
Because we're now at the crossroads in evolution, in human evolution, where we now have to make another distinction between bank and state.
Financial power cannot run society.
I'm sorry to say, it has proven itself unreliable with the financial crashes that have hurt It's proven itself predatory, but they go, oh, we're going to forgive all the debt with agreements to give up your basic rights.
Stay there.
I'll come back with Carlos and then we'll get there.
Craig and Jim and everybody.
We've got special guests coming up.
I'm going to host into the next hour after that and take your calls and so much more today.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Tomorrow's news today.
Man, come on, man.
I ain't finna go Alex Jones level with y'all, man.
Come on, man.
What y'all like?
Wake up!
I want people to wake up right now.
I want people to listen to me and just come out of your trance.
We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale.
So Alex Jones' whole brand is based around the idea that he's giving you the real story, not the fake news out there.
Hey, listen!
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Humanity is awakening!
This is Alex Jones.
Pirates did it.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
Alex Jones!
Infowars.com I just don't know who you are.
You guys know who he is?
You know who Alex Jones is?
Very popular.
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
We know we're under attack!
We know it!
We're breaking the conditioning!
We're talking about Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
That's just level one.
What's level two?
I'll tell you.
The animated contest of liberty is waiting for you.
You've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will.
Accept the truth, buck the system, and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the info war.
When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious sh*t.
We're doing some serious...
Tomorrow's News Today.
Some serious stuff right now.
Finish up with Carlos in Canada.
Carlos, your view on where humanity is, moving Trump out of the position of whatever.
I mean, world government, lockdowns, forced inoculations, City Park shut down in New York unless you've had the injections.
I mean, total civil rights violations, total Nuremberg violation, just absolute medical tyranny.
Carlos, what's your take on that?
My take on that is that we're witnessing what the Russians must have felt when they were undertaking the Russian Revolution, where, you know, eventually, of course, millions died, but it was like helter-skelter.
We are finding that you turn to your judges, to your lawyers, to your defendants, and so on, to defend you, and you find that, no, the district attorneys have been purchased and they've been bought by financial interests.
There are people with so much money, they're bigger than entire countries.
These people have been created by an attitude which was implemented in 1913 with the Federal
Reserve, but it really was a failure.
That's exactly what I was going to start the show with today, and I'm going to do it in
the fourth hour.
Private banks have created endless currency to buy whatever they want, and now that there's
so much industry and so much production, it actually, before inflation didn't work because
it would run out of goods, but it's actually working to some extent.
And so exactly, they can buy anybody off who is up for sale.
So how do you get people to realize they're up for sale and to say no?
You need to have...
And believe me, you see the G7 when they're standing there?
These are now plant managers with instructions to sell to you what's coming down the pipe.
These people are no longer generating ideas.
They're not defending the individual or the primacy of the spirit.
They're not leaders, they're puppets.
Well, they're just basically going to take orders and they're going to give you what they're told to do.
Listen, Alex, if we're at the crux, we can save ourselves a lot of suffering by simply understanding that there is a period of inversion that we've entered and that we must get out of it.
We must stress to all the leaders, number one... I'll tell you what, stay there, stay there, stay there, stay there.
If you want to come up with 30 minutes tomorrow commercial-free, we're going to air the show 5 p.m.
tomorrow, but I'm gonna tape a two-hour commercial-free show at noon tomorrow.
You wanna come on Carl's for 30 minutes tomorrow?
I'll challenge anyone in the world to challenge me on the things I have to say.
I understand.
You're gonna come on tomorrow, right?
Yes, sir.
Yes sir to you. We'll call you at 1pm Central tomorrow.
We already got Carlos's number, but get his name and number, and we want to get him on tomorrow.
Special show, 5pm airs tomorrow about this.
We got loaded phones, we got special guests, we got it all baby, we're on air!
It's Friday, 1.06 Central Standard Time, broadcasting worldwide.
And tomorrow, 5pm Central.
Central, I will do a special commercial-free transmission.
Then, Lord willing, I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., ahead of the show.
Owen Schroeder, host, Sunday live, 6 to 8 p.m.
All right, well I've known about these guys three or four years, and I've been on their show a couple times, and they're interesting fellows.
They try to have fun in a cynical way about all this, which is a good thing to do.
So they're with us.
We'll take some calls as well this hour from Jack and James and Max and Patrick and Marty and John and Scott, Jim and Craig.
And after our guests are gone, I'll continue on to the fourth hour.
And I haven't hit the big news about the global social credit score that's been announced by Apple.
And by the IMF, that if you don't turn your five-year-old over to a pedophile, literally, at Drag Queen Storytime, I'm not joking, you'll have your bank account taken away.
So they've announced the plan.
We've got it.
Right here from the IMF working paper.
And it ties into all this.
So, you think the social justice warriors just are censoring the internet now?
You think they're just sending pedophiles to your school?
These people mean madness.
And they mean total domination.
They get you to turn your body over.
Parks shut down in New York if you haven't had inoculations.
Just totally legal revolution taking place.
Alright, revenge of the cis.
Not the Sith, the Sith, C-I-S, is Royce Lopez and Mike Marsh, and they're here with us right now to talk about their view of the world, their view of Bill Gates wanting to be our doctor, censorship, all of it.
So guys, good to have you here.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Alright, well just unload on me, because you were saying some great stuff yesterday, both Marsh and both Royce, with what you were talking about.
With just all the craziness that's unfolding and just where this dystopia is going.
Well, can I start by saying that you'll notice here I have this really beautiful big monitor behind me that is now not working because of the latest Windows update.
So the guy that made my screen not work with his non-stop updates also wants to rewrite my RNA.
So I have a problem with that, I think.
But you're not allowed to criticize a UN-approved spokesman, so do not try to say you don't love Bill Gates.
That's not allowed.
You're allowed now.
You're allowed now because something happened.
Bill Gates decided, I'm not going to play ball.
Or maybe they're sending him a message like we talked about yesterday.
But man, did they throw him under the bus quickly.
Well, that's right.
Why do you guys, that's a good discussion.
Why do you think Bill Gates has fallen from grace, which I predicted?
Maybe he tried to roll out his Simpsons Mr. Burns plan to blot out the sun a little too early?
Maybe he jumped the gun on that one?
If that was the point you were making yesterday, Marsh, was he wants to block the sun out, he wants to kill me, he says he does, now he wants to inject me.
I mean, why?
It's like, well, I'm coming to forcibly inject you.
By the way, I think you should die.
I want to block the sun out, by the way.
I mean, this is like, if a James Bond villain was this crazy, no one would buy this.
So do your rant on that, guys.
Well, I mean, yeah, The Simpsons did an episode where Mr. Burns wanted to block out the sun.
That episode of The Simpsons was written to illustrate how evil Mr. Burns was.
And then here we are 20 years later, and they're like, how cool is it?
Bill Gates wants to block out the sun to cool down the planet?
Yeah, the whole thing.
The thing we said yesterday that I think Alex enjoyed was the fact that whether it's Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, you know, the people at YouTube, you know, all these people that are censoring us, every single one of them shares one thing in common.
And that is the fact that, you know, for most of our lives, we would have stuffed people like this into a locker.
And this is their way of stuffing us in a locker.
It's the only way they can, is by owning the public discourse and basically silencing us.
And I don't think I've said anything particularly crazy or dangerous.
I don't think you've said anything particularly crazy or dangerous, nor has Royce.
Everything we've said has been perfectly reasonable.
We've been smeared as Anti-science and science deniers and terrorists and really simply just for being skeptical of injecting fetal tissue and rewriting our RNA based on a year-old vaccine.
I'm sorry.
Again, the guy who was involved in designing the vaccine, imagine if this monitor behind me were my kidneys.
Sorry, I'm not interested.
And then you have, you know, people telling you that whenever Rand Paul says something, who's a doctor by the way, went after Fauci, he's like, you know, I honestly think you're wearing this mask to show.
They go, oh, Rand Paul, what do you know?
But then it's like, hey, this Bill Gates, Mr. Computer Guy, who, by the way, stole all of his stuff.
He just stole all of his stuff from other people.
Let's listen to him because he's going to buy all the farmland and destroy and just, you know, let's kill half the people in Africa because there's so many people on the planet.
But make sure you download the new version of Skype.
So maybe they woke up and said the guy that wants to kill old people and black people maybe shouldn't be the spokesperson for our forced injection.
They need to find some more charismatic people, because Fauci and Gates aren't cutting it.
And I think they just need to find less off-putting people.
Well, that's a fun thing to have in a sick, macabre, black comedy, satire way.
Who should be the spokesperson for Satan for the dehumanization and depopulation of the planet?
Who should it be?
Mr. Rogers is dead, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse.
A real character, a real person.
Who's living?
Who should be the spokesperson for planetary death?
I mean, get somebody more charismatic is what I say.
I got it.
The Rock.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
Dwayne Johnson says kill yourself for Earth.
There you go.
Yeah, exactly.
And then he had this whole campaign like The Rock says only half of your kids need to live.
It'll be perfect.
It's crazy.
Like all my girlfriends are like really obsessed with The Rock.
I was like, what guy would you like more than me?
Well, I like The Rock.
Like, wow, got me and my wife and eight girlfriends, I'm joking.
The point is, is women do like The Rock.
He's got that likable thing about him.
I asked one night, I go, who do you think is the most sexy man alive?
The Rock, The Rock.
It was Sean Connery 30 years ago.
So it was Mel Gibson, maybe.
So yeah, The Rock should be Satan's spokesperson.
Yeah, he could come out and be like, do you smell what The Rock is cooking?
And we can be like, yeah, Bell's palsy.
I don't want it.
Thank you.
That or John Cena, because he's already good at apologizing to China.
I mean, the guy's already set up for it.
I'm not gay, but you know, The Rock could sell me some things.
John Cena just comes off as a guy that'll rape your dog.
Yeah, I don't know, man.
Everybody always talks about this John Cena guy, but I don't see anything.
Okay, see, that's not, you know.
Come on, this is the big time.
No bad jokes.
John Cena.
John Cena is a good example.
But The Rock, you know, we talk about The Rock, but let's be honest, The Rock is positioning himself to run for some sort of public office.
He's been doing it for a while.
Oh, there's no doubt.
So between him and Matthew McConaughey, I'll take The Rock over the coke head any day.
Well, yeah, I mean, mostly because The Rock, like you said, at least he's charismatic and kind of funny.
I can't stand John Cena.
I actually hate John Cena.
Well, that's kind of an odd... That's an odd one.
Like, I can understand not liking him, but hating him is very, uh... I don't know, I just have always kind of just been like... I guess I don't like him now that he's, like, groveling and, like, you know, sucking up to China and, you know, learning Mandarin.
I guess he must have some sort of early warning knowledge of something coming.
Honestly, at least he picked the smart Asian language.
Like, you know, most people learn Japanese, but it's like, you want to be ready for the future.
But I think Mandarin is probably going to be more convenient soon, though.
John Cena does actually have a movie coming out with Jackie Chan, so I read that that was part of the reason he was apologizing so hard.
And Jackie Chan... Boy, that is a spectacular beard!
Oh, thank you so much!
I grew it myself.
Appreciate it.
My wife hates it.
Wait, I'm sorry, but isn't Jackie Chan from Hong Kong?
You mean Hong Kong, one of the city-states of China, Mike?
I don't want you to apologize later to China.
They don't name Hong Kong, Hong Kong be China.
Yeah, they're all China.
Let's get serious.
Let's get serious and stop right now.
I want to talk about the stuff you guys just mentioned.
The World ID, New York, gotta have an injection to go to the park.
That's like a scale of 1 to 10, 10 on the tyranny scale.
I want to ask you guys where you think the world's going and how we fight back.
Married Bill Gates.
Maybe, could I marry him?
Maybe I could be Mrs. Alexandra Bill Gates III?
So, Revenge of the Cis YouTubers, Podcasters are here with us.
It's important to have folks on, that are on YouTube that aren't cowards and actually have me on.
I was on their show yesterday, of course they got Shadowbanned.
But gentlemen, I can ask the questions.
I can make the statements here.
I can talk all day long.
Everybody knows that.
What do you make of this time and place and world we're in?
Everybody keeps saying, oh, it's Alex Jones' timeline now.
No, it's not my timeline.
Anybody can research this and see what's coming next.
What do you make of the world we're in and where is it going?
I mean, what's your predictions?
Well, we talked about it a little bit.
We talked about it a little bit yesterday on the show.
Sorry about that, Mike.
My worry is is that with everything being shut down and everything and nobody able to get any information, the issue is is that we're going to have an entire generation of people that are just going to think, this is just the way it is.
You know, hey, mean words are now violence.
You know, people should not be allowed to make a living because they said something that I don't like.
That's what I see.
And that to me is the scariest part.
It's the tyranny of the left.
No, you're right.
I mean, I have articles here where a woman was cleared in college.
Student who says university investigated her for saying women have vaginas cleared.
So if you say birds fly in the sky and the water is wet and women have vaginas, you get called up on charges.
Yeah, I do have to say too, it's a little unfair to call this the Alex Jones timeline.
That's like, um, that would be like calling OJ's trial the Nicole Brown Simpson trial.
You know what I mean?
It's not, you weren't the one, it's not like you were waving pom-poms and trying to usher in this era.
You've been warning about the era.
I wouldn't exactly pin the name on you.
I mean, I agree, but it's getting crazy.
So what do you see next?
Because it's such a dystopia.
It's like the globalists went, hey, everything that doesn't work, everything evil, let's just do it.
I'll tell you this.
I am known to be a pretty lazy guy who likes to drink and sit on my fat butt and not do much.
I've been going to the gym five days a week now for over a month.
I've been going to the gun range pretty much once, twice a week now.
And I'm not the kind of guy that used to, like, I'm taking first aid classes now.
These are not things I'm ever going to do.
And let me guess, you didn't consciously do that.
Your body's doing it, isn't it?
Yeah, it's just me going like, I don't want to be useless if something bad happens.
I'm not going crazy and I'm not like doomsday prepping or anything, but I'm just like, yeah, I need to be able to run a mile without feeling like I'm going to die.
I need to be able to tourniquet somebody if they're bleeding.
I want to be able to, you know, shoot center mass every time.
So you're psychically picking up and intellectually picking up what's coming soon.
Yeah, I mean, again, if I'm doing these things, then I can't imagine anybody else still just being asleep at this point.
Exactly, I'm the same way.
I'm like putting in solar panels, drilling wells, doing push-ups, not planning anything offensive, but like you can pick it up, it's coming.
I've never been a guy either that would, you know, if you would ask me even 10 years ago, hey, would you be somebody that has a go bag by the front door with MREs in it and stuff?
I'd be like, ah, that's crazy stuff.
Why would I ever do that?
Now I have that.
Now I'm ready.
And, you know, before they'd be like, oh, you're the crazy one.
You're nuts.
But then when you see cities burning down, you know, and you see and you see everything around you crumbling, and when you can't even go on Twitter and go, hey, guys, is anyone else worried?
Without being called the bigot, you start going, you know what?
Forget everybody else.
What are we still people?
Everyone's always fighting online.
But I think a lot of people go take care of your family, take care of the people around you.
And have a plan.
Look, maybe we'll get lucky and nothing bad happens.
Maybe I keep hearing, oh, the pendulum's going to swing the other way.
I don't see it because it looks like they've stopped the clock.
But let's say it doesn't.
You want to be ready to go.
No, I agree.
They've artificially blocked the pendulum swinging back.
People go, oh, don't worry the pendulum.
No, no.
Instead, they actually didn't pause it.
They push it back the other way.
And then if you say, look, the clock's not working, they call you a racist and kick you off of YouTube.
Yeah, I think the situation is just rapidly deteriorating.
And again, I'm not the kind of guy that's going to be paranoid.
I still enjoy my life.
I go out to dinner.
I go out with friends.
Royce is the same way.
I do too.
That's what makes me mad.
I'm like, why are you Klaus Schwab assholes doing this?
Exactly, but if, again, I'm a pretty lazy guy and if I'm now starting to work on myself, that should snap a lot of people out of it and make them say, wow, if Mersh is getting off his ass and he's scared, maybe we should be a little nervous.
So, worst case scenario, what do you guys see happening versus best case?
Well, I mean... Go ahead, Mike, sorry.
A little bit of a delay.
No, I mean, to me, I kind of think a thing.
I'm a little resistant to this because I am a bit of an agnostic, but I was raised Christian and I start to think of this in biblical terms.
There's a very firm belief in almost any religion that the last chapter is not very pleasant for us here on Earth.
So pick any religion.
I mean, every religion has a last chapter.
So I don't know.
It's definitely scary.
I definitely don't want it to be the end.
But if it is, I want to stick around and kind of See how the whole story wraps up.
Well, let's be clear.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates say they're having a final chapter for us.
So whether it is the final chapter, they're trying to play God because they know a final chapter is coming.
They're trying to initiate it now to be in control of it.
Does that make sense?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, absolutely.
And, you know, you know, when you when you when you talk, you know, when I went to Christian school my whole life and be like, at the end of times, it's going to be, you know, these demons and the whole world's going to fall apart.
I think what we're seeing is something that is scarier.
And what I mean by that is, if you would have thought, you know, I'm going to arm myself up and I'm going to physically fight these people.
Sure, you could do that.
But they're winning in a way that you can't fight back because controlling the flow of information is way more devastating.
They make your children mentally ill and give you cancer.
They don't physically fight you.
They just, yeah.
Yeah, when I bring up, hey, maybe we shouldn't be castrating six-year-olds, they say, oh, wow, you bigot.
And you're like, no, but wait a second.
That was a normal opinion that you should be allowed to have, you know?
When I was a kid during the, you know, I used to watch wrestling, right?
And all the wrestlers would take steroids, right?
And they would have all these things like, you know, Hulk Hogan let the kids down because they found out he took steroids.
Now they're giving steroids to five-year-olds and going, this is normal.
Five-year-old girls.
Five-year-old girls.
So it's like Jesus, man.
This is normal.
This is the way life is now.
A total abandonment of everything we know that works and just turning evil loose.
Yeah, like my mother went to church and my mother wouldn't even let me get a tattoo or an eyebrow ring until I was out of her house and I was of age.
And now we're going to talk six-year-old's balls off.
Gentlemen, we're going to come back to you guys and we're going to go in the next hour.
I got a bunch of callers, but how do people find your show in yesterday's interview we did?
Sure, Revenge of the SIS on YouTube is where you can find, we do some patron-only episodes, but the Alex Jones thing is up completely for free on our channel.
It's a lot of fun stuff, Revenge of the SIS, and it's not SIF, it's SIS.
SIS, yeah, we're taking the word back, Royce.
We're taking the word back, we're gonna own it, Alex.
And then Royce does a show called Daywave also on YouTube during the morning.
I do a show called Nightwave Radio as well, and you can find those shows as well.
We're running six hours a day, we're like you, Alex, we don't stop.
We love it!
And the answer is everybody doing a show.
Everybody speaking up.
Because the system doesn't want you to do it.
These guys have reached millions of people.
We'll be back.
We've got loaded phone lines as well.
Stay with us.
We are literally front row seats of the apocalypse and I don't intend to be a spectator.
So how do you get in the arena?
We answer that question straight ahead.
Gonna fly!
Free bird!
Listen, everybody always is calling in, and yesterday they were taking text messages or comments on YouTube about asking me questions about this or that, or I'm controlled by the Masons or the CIA.
I'm not bragging, but let me get something straight to all those couple guys.
I create the original content that people respond to.
I'm not getting orders from anybody.
I don't have these guests on and tell them what to talk about.
I don't tell my reporters what to do.
If I think somebody's interesting, I have them on the show.
I don't say that to defend myself from critics.
I just want critics to get out of their mother's basements and actually realize that there's a whole world out there and most of it's not controlled.
The whole world government, the whole UN takeover, the whole cashless society, medical ID, social credit score is about getting us control.
We're not controlled.
And the good thing is we're not controlled.
That's what I want to promote.
And so I'm not trying to brag or toot my horn or anything.
It's just that the last, like, like it's like, oh, I'll get my orders from the CIA.
Oh, but like, I wouldn't want that.
Like, that's like this higher group.
Let me explain.
The CIA calls up and asks me what I think.
I mean, and it's like the CIA doesn't know anything.
It's like a joke.
It's had all its power transferred to private corporations.
The Carnegie Endowment, the Ford Endowment, the Bill Gates Endowment, that runs the show!
And those people want me off air, so I don't mean to go into a rant, gentlemen, but what do you guys, talking to the Revenge of the Sith co-hosts here, just the rant you want to get out to two million people, because most people brag about their audiences and exaggerate them.
No, I'm not exaggerating.
We got two million people an hour, real people tuning in across the world conservatively, world leaders, intelligence agencies, hell, the Easter Bunny's probably listening with Santa Claus.
But seriously, what do you want to impart to people about the nature of the world and where we're going?
Rice, would you like to go first?
Oh, I will go first.
That's great.
I think that we're going down a very, very dark path.
I mean, look, don't get me wrong.
There's some people that are fighting back.
There is some hope.
Like, you know, we're lucky enough to live in Florida, right?
Where DeSantis has actually been fighting back against vaccine passports and stuff like that.
You know, they shut down the cruising industry here, for example.
And then you find out that a cruise that was 100 percent vaccinated, two people still got COVID, right?
Which I think is one of the funniest things.
So, the lie... I see a lot of people that you wouldn't even call political.
People that I know that don't even follow stuff starting, you know, they'll tell you in private because they have a job.
They'll be like, I don't know what's happening, but I'm starting not to trust these people.
And when you see normies, as we call them, just really start questioning things, there is a ray of hope.
I don't want to put out this message that we're done, right?
Because it's easy to become complacent.
It's easy to just let the fire consume you, right?
Um, but I think that there is some hope, uh, in, in there's certain people fighting back.
Oh, I totally agree.
There's hope.
And so other people should get involved realizing there's not just evil.
That's why I said we have an effect, my show, others do.
There's not just evil in the world.
People need to realize the power they have and use it.
And I mean, I would just add to that, look, you know, Yeah, like Roy said, we're heading down a bad road, but, you know, we only have so much control over it.
You should fight back, but at the same time, it shouldn't dominate your life.
Like, go outside.
Enjoy life while we have it.
Go to a dog park.
Start going to the gym.
By the way, it's in their own documents.
They want us depressed and alone.
Why are they so into that?
Like, what type of jerks want to make people depressed?
Because, yeah, because isolation Has proven time and time again that it's what they do to people in prison.
They put you in the hole, you come out, you're not the same guy.
So they want you to be isolated.
They want us to feel disconnected.
They don't want, you know, I feel entirely different when I go to the, you know, there's a lake where I go jog sometimes.
I feel entirely different there because everybody's doing the same thing.
Everybody's listening to music, enjoying the scenery, getting some fresh air.
There's a communion.
There's a oneness that cleanses the soul.
And it's, yeah, and there's none of this Twitter divisive, angry, negative, like, that's why I'm saying go out and start getting shit.
How do we fight their system while at the same time being part of it?
Because that's my paradox.
I think that less emphasis needs to be put on owning libtards on the internet.
I think people need to stop watching videos from the cut and taking the bait and writing angry reactionary comments to try to give them what they want.
I would say get your own house in order.
No, I agree.
I agree.
That's really heavy.
Start over.
Start over.
I'm going to rub him, that's so huge.
We need to just say, hey, I love you and I'm sorry whatever is happening.
I don't like where we're going.
What should we do?
Because they want that fight.
Explain that.
Well, yeah, just don't take the bait.
I mean, most of these media companies are dropping these little videos or these little incendiary tweets, and people think that it's like, oh, they're pushing this propaganda, and they are, but that's only one side of the coin.
They're also tweeting that kind of stuff, and they're specifically choosing a very crummy tone because they want to get the reaction out of you.
They want to have screenshots of right-wingers and Pepe Frogs and people with, you know, Alex Jones avatars.
No, I agree.
yelling back instead of just don't engage them in that way.
Get your own affairs in order.
Get in shape, save money, learn how to shoot, you know what I mean?
And find time to still enjoy time around the people you enjoy and do that.
Like make yourself a strong individual.
No, I agree.
'Cause that's an affair America plays.
That's your separation from us.
Yeah, America, the original 13 colonies, I mean, was a bunch of strong, rugged individuals
that decided, you know what, I'm really getting sick of these British.
Like, let's get them the hell out of here.
But it was just, and I mean, we were completely overwhelmed by the British, but It was the fact that everybody was so different and diverse and strong and had different ideas about what the future government would be.
But everybody knew how to shoot a musket.
Everybody knew how to, you know, everybody knew how to grow food.
Like people knew how to do stuff.
And the more they pushed us, the more powerful we got.
And now we just eat fast food and now we just order everything on Uber Eats and nobody knows how to grow a carrot and everybody's overweight.
And it's like they were right where they want us.
To add on to what Mike is saying, and I think this is important, a lot of people take the bait.
It's easy to take it.
It's right.
You know, look at these honeypots where they want you to show up and be violent, where they want you to show up and yell.
Look at that person that was speaking at Yale, that psychiatrist that said, I want to shoot white people in the head.
They put that stuff out on purpose.
They put that stuff out not for you to go, oh, look how the left is crazy.
To get us to fight with each other.
And then before you know it, they're writing an article about you and go, see?
This is why we have to take guns away from right-wingers.
This is why these people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
There was that lady that got mad because she was in Long Island and she saw American flags.
A Washington Post reporter.
She was like, oh, I saw American flags and it was so terrible.
My gut reaction and everybody's gut reaction is like, what are you, crazy?
You want to yell at them?
And you go, wait, you start wondering, They're doing this on purpose.
They're doing this because they want you to react.
They want to make you look crazy.
They want to make you look crazier than them because at the end of the day... They want to get us into a war with them instead of we should just... You don't get in a war with dog crap on your shoes, you just clean it off.
And they're trying to turn a class war into a race war.
So, you know, one of my things I always tell people is don't take... Well, that's it.
They know the communist model, like that Chinese lady in Virginia said.
She said, I was a little girl and watched them use class to kill everybody.
Now they're using race to do it.
We just need to reject this.
It's so obvious.
Yeah, and it's unfortunate, but we always tell our audience, despite the fact that the SPLC labeled me and Royce hardcore white supremacists, I'd say our message has been consistent for years, which is that we're never going to fix this problem unless there is a coalition of people surrounding buildings, and it needs to be black, white, Hispanic, gay, straight.
I understand that all these little subgroups have all their differences, but that's kind of what America is.
We're never going to get along.
But we didn't come together against a corporate global takeover.
And it's not like the white man isn't going to do it, the black man isn't going to do it.
It really needs to be a coalition.
That's why, exactly the opposite of what they want is unity.
So they're afraid of us unifying, we need to unify.
Yeah, and that's why they're caught.
That's why the cut is allowed to exist, but me and Royce aren't allowed to exist.
Then you're not allowed to exist.
There's a reason why the more divisive... Shapiro, all of it is bad.
When something's certified and pushed by the system, you know it's bad.
Yeah, exactly.
It just makes me automatically know.
I'm like, okay, well this is BS.
Whenever you see the entire system, there's a select group of neocons that are allowed to play in the playground because they're good little boys and girls.
And like, well, you know, actually all we want is lower taxes.
No, I'm way past lower taxes, you know?
I want a functioning society.
All right, stay there, guys.
We've got calls coming up, too, and some big news.
We'll be right back.
Big news, folks.
It's so big I should have covered it at the start of the show.
Waging war on corruption.
All right, next hour is coming up.
And James and others holding, I'm going to go to your calls.
Along with Rob News asked me during the break, he goes, what's the big news?
What's the big news?
Well, it's big news.
That's why it's big news.
And I'm going to do a special Saturday show tomorrow, 5 p.m.
on the air.
I'm going to tape to air it before that for two hours on this, but I will mention it and talk about it.
But it's like Crimson Contagion, it's like lockstep.
You see all over Fox News now.
We told you about it 11 years ago and again a year ago.
This is big.
This is like, we don't tell you the BS.
By the way, you talk about people like, what magic lottery numbers.
People will pay for like fake lottery numbers that never work.
This is like real lottery numbers.
If you knew all this stuff, you could totally dominate.
And I don't give you inside stuff that just makes money.
That's not my goal.
It's not my, you know, what I do.
People say, well, even if you knew six months before Joe Rogan had done a Spotify contract that was going to double its prices, why didn't you tell us?
Because that'd be insider trading.
And I don't do that.
But this, this is the, knowing the future is important and the damn enemy admits it all.
So let me ask both these guys, Revenge of the Sith co-host here.
I don't know if you saw my Bill Gates suicide challenge earlier, but the Bill Gates suicide challenge is like the ice bucket challenge.
If Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Prince Philip, who's dead now, and his son, Prince Charles, say there's too many people, they want a virus to exterminate us, I don't want anybody to die.
I don't want to commit suicide.
I'm not about to do it myself.
I'm just saying I will, if Bill Gates blows his head off tomorrow or next week, And says, this is the Alex Jones Suicide Challenge.
There's so many people.
He blows his head off.
I'm a man of my word.
I will blow my head off on air, joining Bill Gates.
What do you guys make of that?
I mean, first off, that's one of the best challenges I've ever heard in my life.
And secondly, I would pay good money.
Good money to do for them to do to do the to do the Daffy Duck like I could only do this once.
It just it just ended all because then I'd be like, all right, you put your money where you put your money where your mouth is.
And you did it.
But then, you know, you know what I would do, though, Alex, if that were to happen and let's say they do it, you come on your show and you go, just kidding.
I'm lying to you like you lied to me and you keep going on.
OK, you just gave the plan away.
No, I mean, he wants to kill everybody.
Says, we all need to die.
You go first, asshole!
Yeah, see, I was more worried because I was gonna say, don't fall for the tricks, Alex.
You're too honest.
See, what would happen is Bill Gates would either do a deepfake or he would have a lookalike, like a clone, do it, and then he would just trick you.
So, don't fall for it.
It'd be like the exploding head scanners, exactly.
He would stage it, but he wouldn't be... Because Bill Gates is dead already, so you can't kill a dead... a dead... whatever he is.
I like that.
A little self-editing there.
When we're off the air later, I want you to tell me the three words that came to mind before you settled on whatever he is.
Well, let's just say there's not much of a drug ready.
No, I mean, seriously, he goes around saying, kill everybody, and now he's the guy that wants me to take his injections?
I mean, how... Well, that's been... Yeah, that's been one of my biggest issues from day one, and I've been saying this, like...
It's the same people that want population reduction that have now suddenly come around and been like, here, take the shot.
Here, take it.
Take it real quick.
And I'm like, no.
And they're like, we're going to save you.
And I'm like, you literally just wrote like a million studies over the past five years about how we need to reduce the population.
And now your next thing is you want to save lives.
I feel like this is a weird pivot.
So, yeah, I don't I don't trust it.
I don't trust their their their plans.
And I'm not taking the shot.
Plus, I've already had COVID.
So is Royce.
We're fine.
And I love that the mainline science says, don't take a vaccine for something you've already had.
They've done that for a hundred years.
And they go, no, you're going to take it anyways.
It's like, all be damned, you're going to do it.
I mean, wow, that is crazy.
The same people that have been telling us they hate us for four years are now the ones that are like, please take the shot.
Yeah, it's the same.
It's for the good of all of us.
And I'm like, but you hate me.
You've been saying, you're still saying on Twitter that you hate me.
And in the same breath telling me that I should get the vaccine.
And let's talk about how many new billionaires there are now in these pharma companies because of it, you know?
What is it, like five new billionaires in these pharma companies because of the vaccines that are going out there?
If you make something mandatory and then you sell it to the public and a lot of them say, oh, we're giving it away.
Yeah, sure you are, but you're also getting the name recognition.
You're getting like, oh man, you saw Pfizer saved the world!
And a lot of these people that are injecting these things into them were people that 10 years ago were like, man, Big Pharma is terrible.
Can you believe Big Pharma?
Look what they're doing.
They're putting these pills down your throats.
This is the same industry that has people overdosing in the middle of the country and it's fine.
And they're telling, you know, but this time we're not lying to you.
I'm sorry, but I've seen too many daytime talk shows where the commercials are the lawyers going like, did you take a pill in 2012 and now your brain blew up?
I'm not gonna, I'm not falling for it.
I'm just... Do you have lung cancer from, yeah, it's constant, exactly, you can see this.
So let me ask you about this.
Why do they do something so reckless, so out of control, when the studies show what they're actually doing, because they've tested this stuff before.
They didn't do official tests because they knew the same type of vaccines killed rats, killed pigs, caused blood clots, and now we saw blood clots all over Europe that did it first.
Now it's here, like, oh, blood clots, who heard of that?
I mean, why would they do something so obviously villainous?
There is nothing about the way they have handled this during any phase that tells me that their intentions are altruistic.
Historically, we've had other pandemics, we've had other rushes to get the right medicine and do the right medical tests, and it's never been done like this before.
They have never just said, okay, we're going to give the entire planet this thing now.
Get it now.
That never used to be the way they did it.
Nothing about the way this has been structured tells me that there's anything altruistic behind it.
It's all an exercise to see what we'll put up with.
It's a test.
Why they did it is very simple.
Because there's no consequences.
I mean, imagine if you wanted to have... They didn't get in trouble for spying on Trump?
They didn't get in trouble for funding Al-Qaeda?
They didn't get in trouble for all the autistic kids?
That's the key.
There's no consequences.
So how do consequences come into play for Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates?
Well, I mean, there's going to be no consequences, and there never is, right?
I mean, that's the thing.
When you have the Senate say that you can't sue these companies, right?
Like, for five years, you're not allowed to sue them if your vaccine gives you a blood clot.
You're not allowed to do anything.
That's immunity right there, so no wonder!
I mean, think about it.
These pharma companies would die to have this level of experimentation.
These are companies that want eugenics in the population on record who have immunity to do it.
Yeah, and they're going to get away with it.
I mean, it's not just get away with it.
They're going to do it.
And a lot of people believe, oh, it's a once in a lifetime.
Oh, they're going to be heroes saving us from COVID.
They're going to do it again.
And this is if we let this what I said at the beginning of the beginning, we get a lot of crap because everyone's all scared.
But we're saying if you let them get away with this, you don't even want to know what's coming next, because what's coming next is going to be worse.
Oh, yeah.
Well, let me ask you both in closing.
How do we fight out of this?
What do you think we do?
Because I think the average person in this system being replaced by robots, by AI, even at Google that censors us, don't they get they're being targeted as well?
I agree with what you were saying earlier, Royce, is fighting with these people is fun.
We do it.
It's normal.
But I don't want to fight.
I want them to go, hey, you're getting screwed, too.
And listen to us.
Well, yeah, I mean, I just don't feel good.
It's like that old saying, you know, when you appease the mob, they may eat you last, but they're going to eat you.
Sorry about that.
But right now, they're good little lapdogs.
They're getting pats on the head and they're getting free money.
So why wouldn't you right now in the short term?
It looks great.
All right.
That's right.
Closing comments here, Marsh.
No, just, you know, like you said, yeah, this is the sort of the end game here.
You know, there's a clip of you going around on Twitter.
Somebody posted two days ago of you describing everything that's happening with COVID.
What, 16 years ago, except you were discussing RFID chips.
But all the same, all the same, the incentives, the fads, the shaming, the making it fashionable, all this stuff.
You were literally 16 years ago talking about this with shipping people.
So look, I, you know, I'm starting to sort of transition a little bit spiritually into a place where I don't, I don't think we win here on earth.
And it's, it's unfortunate.
So, I mean, I really just think you should try to enjoy your life as best you can.
Safe, you know, just educate yourself, be smart, look out for your family, enjoy the good days and fight through the bad ones.
It's our soul and our consciousness that matters, exactly.
Yeah, you only have dominion over this here.
So just make sure this here is in tip-top form and fight back, but don't be obnoxious, don't take the bait, and just be somebody that when people see them, or when people see you, they go, that guy really seems to have his shit together.
Don't fight back the way they want, fight back.
The real way.
Be somebody people want to be.
And then when they come to you and go, why are you like this?
You can go, well, I go to church and I do this.
And, you know, this is where I find my strength.
And, you know, maybe, you know, win hearts and minds that way, but just stop taking the cultural toxic Twitter bait.
Beautifully said.
We'll go to a break for two minutes, five more minutes with you guys and say bye.
And then calls, calls, calls.
I'll also mention the big news.
That I'm not just like holding that back as some carrot.
This is so horrible it gives me a headache.
So I don't want to cover this.
It's like getting in a fight.
I don't want to fight, but I'm going to have to.
All my cylinders are firing at full capacity.
On June 11th, 2021 on this Friday transmission.
And we're closing out with our guests and going right to your phone calls.
I'm going to get to every phone caller we've got.
And I just got even more news that adds what I was already going to say.
We're going to talk about that coming up.
But talking to Revenge of the Cis co-host Royce Lopez and Mike Marsh.
Folks can find you guys at Hippo Juice Film.
On Twitter and Gab.
We're Not Sorry and website revengeoftheciss.com and YouTube Revenge of the Cis.
You guys are banned on YouTube.
You're totally in phantom zone, but you still reach a lot of people.
I mean, you can search anything you're doing.
They don't let people see it, but that's okay because human activity can share what your guys are up to.
So I want to get two minute comments from both of you in closing.
Let's finish up here first off with Royce and then get Marcia's take.
Uh, yeah, you know, we were demonetized from YouTube, oh man, almost two years ago.
The reasons they gave us was flimsy.
They said, uh, you could be on here, but you can't make money.
You can't make money doing it, which, you know, we're fine with.
We have other ways of doing it.
You know, when we first started on YouTube, they banned us for 90 days out of our first year.
90 days, we were just doing stuff.
We were just doing guerrilla warfare.
You know, we were doing shows.
No, we had, remember Royce, remember Royce, we had two, six months out of the first year.
That's correct.
Six months and um... And it's all about nerds with a corporation that runs death camps censoring you because they have power.
You're right.
Like, I was never mean to nerds.
So why did nerds beat me up all day?
I was always nice to nerds.
Not only do they beat you up, Alex, but then Susan gives herself a freedom of speech award.
So that's pretty good.
And then they censor people making fun of her.
Imagine if I said the InfoWars award for being Alex Jones!
I would feel like a clown!
What is the tone-deafness of giving yourself a free speech award when you're giving yourself the award and you destroy free speech?
I mean, it's a double, double deal.
It's like going around giving all these kids wedgies and then giving yourself an empathy award.
There it is.
But why do they always make it ridiculous?
Like, I mean, because that's like on purpose if you wanted to be cynical and make yourself look bad that, oh, I'm going to give myself a free speech award when I ban everything and I'll give myself the award.
Like, who's that tone deaf to give themself an award?
Well, I mean, these guys love doing these, like, humiliation rituals.
I mean, look at all the weird things Bill de Blasio's been doing.
He's, like, dressing up in Nets jerseys and, like, eating Shake Shack and, like, doing this wacky, like, he's, like, they just have him going out humiliating himself on a regular basis.
And he looks, like, especially, like, he's never eaten a burger.
He's, I mean, like...
Honestly, I think the oligarchs that control us also control Bill de Blasio.
And I think that just as much as they enjoy crushing us, they also enjoy humiliating the people that think they're in charge.
And that's why you see Bill de Blasio dressed up like a buffoon.
And that's why they hated Trump because he thought he was in charge.
Yeah, and because he kind of was for a while.
And they showed him real quick too, you know.
Uh, they showed him real quick towards the end there when he was going, you know, it was like, hey, are you gonna, are you gonna pardon Snowden?
Are you gonna pardon Assange?
And I guarantee you there was a phone call that was like, look, we're gonna lay off of you and your family, but you better make sure those guys stay where they're at.
Oh, damn right.
As much as I like Trump, because he's not them, still, like, you know, what he did to Assange, it means he would sit there while I was in solitary confinement.
He said Assange released the emails.
He did it, and then he, like, has him in prison.
To be fair, Alex, it was, it came down to him or Lil Wayne.
And, you know, Julian Assange didn't come out with the Carter, so.
Lil Wayne, if Julian Assange rapped better, maybe he'd be a free man right now.
Yeah, if Julian Assange could spit hot fire, maybe he'd be, you know, out in the streets.
Alright, Revenge of the Cis.
Can I just say before we go, Alex, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for having us on.
I've been listening to you for over 20 years now.
Since I had to click the win amp plug-in on a website to open up a separate thing to hear the live 365
Uh, I want to invite you guys to coho sometime because one of our producers is a huge influence of mine, man
We love you guys. Thank you Influence
Yeah Foreign
Foreign Foreign
Diver you've been down to Turn it up!
This is the key part right here.
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean Oh don't you see what I mean?
Gotta run away Gotta get away
Holy diver Turn it up! This is the key part right here
Ah yeah Between the velvet lines
Black tooth, shiny diamonds Between the velvet lines
There's a truth as hard as steel For you
Here's the key part The light
We will pray to rise I
Got a better way Get away
Between the velvet lies There's a truth that's hard as steel
The vision never dies Life's a never ending way
Jump to the tiger!
No need to look so afraid!
Some light can never be seen!
All right, good stuff there, 98.
Good poetry.
All right, let's race through your calls.
And I may just, I was going to air part of Harrison Smith in a great interview with Judge Joe Brown that got some attention on his show but needs to really get bigger.
He said some stuff on that show he didn't say on mine.
It was really powerful.
But man, I'm not, I said this is big news.
I've not been holding off on this to like, you know, make you keep tuning in.
I just don't know if I can do this justice.
I will at least mention this before we end the broadcast today, that I will Be live.
Alright, let's go ahead and take your calls.
Who's been on the longest?
Is it Alex?
Is it James?
Well, James has been on a while.
Is it Jim?
It's James in Pennsylvania.
James, you're a tripper.
We love you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Oh, sure.
Wearing my FOG shirt.
It's great.
Thank you, sir.
That is a new bestseller.
We love it.
Love it.
So I will not be participating in Bill Gates' Fauci Market Abuse System.
I'm going to hold out as long as possible.
I'm not taking that vaccine that I knew was bad.
My wife occasionally has to be around another woman that gets it.
But how surreal is it to see him not letting people in public parks in New York unless you've had Bill Gates' ding-a-ling in you?
No, that's a violation of the Nuremberg Code, a violation of my civil rights as a free human being.
I'm not going to participate.
I agree, but don't just hold out.
Warn others like you're doing now.
It's, uh, you can't warn these people because they've bought into their mass media propaganda system, Obama.
It's their right.
We're being raped by big corporations, by big government, just to like, let me put this in you.
It's experimental.
Yeah, it's killing people.
Let me do it.
Let me do it.
Screw my job.
Screw my future.
By the way, you want war?
You got one.
Ha ha!
Spiritual warfare brought to the physical realm.
You're witnessing it.
The people around you, they're empty shells.
They've bought into the... Spiritual warfare brought to the human realm, exactly.
I mean, I'm hired in a kite fighting this.
I'm so damn high on the Holy Spirit, like, oh, you're such a hero fighting evil.
I'm a hero jacking into, like, the most awesome stuff ever?
You could put a gun to my head, I wouldn't back down.
You see what I'm saying, brother?
Jesus is everything.
You're not going to find God in these churches now.
They're telling you to take the microchip.
You're going to find God at 3 a.m.
asking God to touch you.
You understand what I'm saying?
Christ is King.
The 501c3 church has failed Christianity, unfortunately.
Beautiful said.
I'm going to jump to the next guy.
Scott in Pennsylvania, then Max.
Scott, you're on the air worldwide.
Thank you, Alex, for bringing me on air.
It's such an honor to talk to you and to be in this fight with you over this long period of time.
Welcome, Mechatron.
I am Unicron.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I really honestly think at this point, Project Blue Beam is live.
And I actually had one question.
Do you think C-60 or anything of that nature could put a line of defense against... Nothing will defeat evil but a giant awakening to Christ and repentance.
And I don't say that from a high horse, because I'm a wicked devil, but I know God's in charge.
My allegiance is with Christ, and only Christ can heal me of my forked tail.
And I'm just like, I'm pointed at God right now, and I am just... The only thing is standing up for God.
Yes sir.
All my life I have always stood in God's presence, but I didn't always realize that being in such a position just absolutely blows the socks off me, honestly.
Well that's it, and you can't direct it.
You gotta have the Holy Spirit direct it.
I'm giving myself that speech.
All the time I want to try to direct this, you can't do it.
Today I like felt totally sick.
I didn't want to go on air.
I'm so upset.
I just said, I'm not even getting ready for the show.
I said, God just take me over.
And today has been an incredible broadcast because I literally turned it loose.
And that's what it's all about.
God doesn't possess us like Satan does.
God has free will, and we have to turn ourselves over.
And then God's gonna see how far we can take it.
So that's what it comes down to.
All right, God bless you, brother.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jack in Washington.
Then we'll talk to Max and others.
Go ahead, Jack.
Alex, my man, thank you for letting me on your show.
Appreciate you.
I appreciate everything you do and the world does.
I have created my own show as well to keep sharing out the information.
Tell us about it.
So it's, what I created is, it's not created just for me.
I just started it and I want the world to take over it.
But something just started.
That makes it great.
You called in the plug-in.
Tell me about it.
Tell me what you're doing.
What I'm doing, it's called the Axiom World Alliance, and it's the website, and I'm starting to get things on there, and this is a lot harder than people realize, and I appreciate every single thing you do, man.
I really do.
And what it is, is in the days we used to have a community, a church sense, where We would help one another.
We'd go out and we would fight for one another with our voices.
If someone fell, we'd pick them up.
We don't do that anymore.
So, my goal with my shitty-ass Rumble shows that I do live, because I believe in live, I believe in real emotion, non-fiction, I want everybody to come together, and yeah, I get passionate, and there's reasons for that, and I know I don't have much time, but my main goal is to bring everybody together so we have a community, a network, instead of everybody's egos, and I'm not saying you or the gentlemen that go on the show, but there's a lot of egos out there, and we need to break it down.
We need to create a community, because we are the underground community of free speech.
And so the more we share, the more we educate people.
I agree with you.
Let me say something, because I could do a 10 hour show on this, but I'm going to do 60 seconds on it right now.
You hear about ego and id and psychology and all the schools of psychology, those are just men creating labels for what humanity is.
We have an ego as a mission we're supposed to carry out, and your ego is supposed to be the mission you carry out, not something about you.
And then your family and who you are, what you stand for, and your spiritual connection to everything else.
So forget all these terms.
If you have a mission for justice, you turn your ego over to that.
You don't want to get rid of your ego like John Lennon wanted to do.
No, no, no, no.
Because then somebody else is in control.
The ego is there as the tip of the spear for what your intention is.
And so your ego needs to be empowering people, being strong, and believing To yourself so much, you're ready to take on a hundred people if need be!
And the left hates that.
Oh, don't be a narcissist, don't have an ego, because they're afraid of power that God gave these cells!
Well, I'm going to host the rest of the broadcast today.
And I just saw some incredible footage at Infowars.com.
That is the most cringe-worthy garbage the world's ever seen.
They want control of our social actions, our sexual actions, our interfaces.
Because our interfaces between man and woman, the double helix of DNA is holy.
And they seek to take control of that, but they will not.
They will burn in hell.
The crimes that they are committing against humanity and against God's creation will echo throughout eternity.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
When you look at the pathetic Fauci and the disgusting Macron and the degenerate Merkel
and the pathetic Biden, they are the failures, not us.
All right, let's race through your calls.
I'll hit this big story as I promised to do.
Who's up next holding here?
That would be Max in Kansas.
Max, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
God bless you, brother.
God bless you.
So, I know how to stop it, okay?
Because the New World Order is making their moves.
They're going full throttle.
My high school is pushing this vaccine for goodness sake, too.
But people need to know about it, and understanding their plan is critical to defeating it.
We defeat it by, well, there's two ways.
First way of defeating them with truth and information.
What I mean by it is getting to have conversations with people, inform them, give them the facts mainstream media doesn't.
And letting them know it's fun to resist tyranny.
I mean, can you believe in New York they're cutting off public parks and saying you can't go in them unless you've been injected?
That's criminal!
They should all go to jail!
Yes, they should.
And I've convinced people not to get the vaccine before, and I consider that a pretty big win.
You have done well.
I've shared the endgame with people.
Tell me how you did that.
Tell folks about that.
So, I had a friend who was 18, and he got offered an option to get like an experiment, you know how they test vaccines on people before they release them?
He got offered to do that, and he asked me if I should.
And I told him no, and he's like, why?
And then I showed him the articles from InfoWars and Gateway Planet of people having, I mean, the worst, the worst reactions.
People were dying.
And it was really powerful.
And I convinced him not to.
I convinced my mom not to get it when her whole family was... Well, I say you're saving the world.
Because if the millions of listeners of this show simply do what you did, we would save these people.
None of this is to protect it.
It's all admitted.
Yeah, I've shared in-game with people, I've changed people's minds on topics.
By the way, this isn't a joke.
Just like blacks couldn't use the water fountains, they're saying, you can't come to this restaurant, or you can't go to this water fountain unless you've had a shot.
I mean, they're recreating what they always want, and something Christians have been fighting.
That we're dividing, we need to come together.
And the second way is to be on the attack.
And I don't mean physically, but what I mean is to oppose everything they do.
Push back.
Urge your local sheriffs or politicians to fight the evil.
Get the ball rolling.
Create media pages.
Piss off Zuckerberg and Dorsey.
And repost the articles from InfoWars or Gateway Pond International File, even if it gets you banned.
I totally agree.
We love you, brother.
Call us again.
Thanks for holding.
Let's go to New Jersey and Jim.
Jim in New Jersey.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Thinking with the, you know, taking these vaccines, I'm thinking the only way we're going to get out from under this is that this whole operation of theirs, you know, just goes off the rails really quick, a lot quicker than they expected it to be.
Rather than a prolonged death kill, that it happens more immediate because, you know, until the world starts seeing all the carnage, You know, they're going to move forward with their plan, you know, so to speak.
And they're able to, they're all testing how to have deaths, how to make it no big deal, how to cover, exactly.
It's all a test to see, can we kill people?
And the other thing, too, is that, you know, with Trump, I really want Trump to have another America First challenger, because if he doesn't have anybody else challenging him, he's never... I agree.
If General Flynn challenges him with a good message, Trump will adopt it.
I'm not against Trump, but Trump is, he's not dumb, he's kind of like an idiot, so he means well, but that's what they said, like whoever he talked to last is what he says, and so yeah, that's the truth.
Because if we just put him in office, we could become victims again to another four years of Trump not doing anything, and he never had control of his DOJ.
Biden's in, he doesn't even know what shoe to put on, but he has control of his DOJ.
It's things that Trump needs to do.
I mean, I think he's a great person and I believe in him, but if we don't get him to own up to some of the mistakes and tell us what he's going to do differently in these four years, we're going to get... I totally agree because you make mistakes, I make mistakes, we own up to them.
We've not seen any of that from Trump and I'm not ganging up on Trump.
It's just he needs to know who took him to the dance.
Exactly, because, you know, if he doesn't get a hold, he's got to do what Biden's doing to us conservatives.
He's got to come in and he's got to legally put those people behind bars that he didn't put behind bars.
And by the way, they're all Chinese agents.
Like, they have no reason to arrest us.
The Democrats are a, they're like, half of them are pedophiles.
I mean, the whole group is a group of criminal, crazy people.
Yeah, he's gotta, he's gotta understand it's no more Mr. Nice Guy.
Do it legally!
But, but, yeah, Brown needs to do more!
Hey man, it's Barney.
How you doing tonight?
That's alright, buddy.
I love you.
You love me.
You've never heard that joke.
Let's talk to Marty in the great state of Kentucky.
Go ahead, Barney.
Hey man, it's Barney.
How you doing tonight?
I'm sorry, they said Marty, Barney, but go ahead, Barney.
That's all right, buddy.
I love you, you love me.
You've never heard that joke.
Roger, no.
Yeah, I'm down here in rural Kentucky, and it's just crazy.
Like you'd think people down here would be pushing back, but they're just falling in line.
Like every time I go out, everybody had their mask on until I think they just lifted the mandate either yesterday or today.
But I mean, I don't know.
I think you need to come out with like a five minute red pill video like That I can send the people and, you know, like, have it all condensed down.
Well, I agree that we need to red pill everybody now, you know, because this is pathetic.
I feel like, oh, I'm a hero, I'm helping, I want to help.
No, you're not helping.
You're agreeing to a medical tyranny world government takeover.
I got a guy I work with, he's a leftist, and I call him Little Mal, and he takes it as a compliment.
You know, but he goes out and says, like, he hates big corporations and Bill Gates, and then he comes in.
The next day, you know, showing off his, uh, vaccine that he got, he said, Oh, no, realize that China is like as big corporation as you get.
I mean, it, it didn't dawn on me till recently that, you know, I was thinking China was our enemy, but they're not like, like you always say, they are the model.
Like that's where the, The absolute power goes and does everything they want to do.
China already got eaten.
The Chinese people are our enemy.
They got eaten.
And so we want to try to free what's left of them.
Damn right.
All right.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right.
We got more calls straight ahead here in the fourth hour.
And we are 30 minutes and two minutes out, 30 minutes out from the war room with Owen Schreyer.
Stay with us.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Owen Troyer is set to take over.
In fact, he's going to host the last segment of this hour before he does his own show.
But the article is at InfoWars.com.
G7 world leaders greet each other by bumping elbows.
And again, it's all this anti-human like, oh, shaking hands is bad, cover your face.
They never want to end this.
All their minions keep doing it.
It's all based on fraudulent PCR tests.
I mean, this is pathetic.
They want to intimidate us, make us take shots to go to the park.
Want to tell us we're bad?
Don't bully people wearing masks and doing this.
Just laugh at them and explain to them what idiots they are.
Stop submitting.
By the way, when I go to a restaurant in Austin or I'm downtown and I see this crap, I say something about it, man.
It's all peer pressure and it's up to us to be leaders, not followers.
Explain what a joke this is.
So here's the actual video with the hilarious audio.
Here it is.
Remember Fauci said never shake hands again.
Never have children again.
Just die and give us the earth.
He stole it.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
You dirty, I hate you, die human.
They ask New Yorkers, why do you wear a mask?
And they go, because I like them!
Their nose is sticking out over it.
They know it's a fraud.
It's a sign of, I'm in the in club.
No, you're in the schmuck club.
The amount of bombshell videos we have at InfoWars.com is just mind-boggling.
So remember, whenever you're watching this transmission, you think, oh wow, this is interesting.
Imagine what you're not seeing.
Imagine what's happening now at the vaunted, the banned, the attacked, the scarred, the punished InfoWars, still because of you and your will, alive now.
And then remember, oh, I get vitamins and minerals and t-shirts and books and water filters and films and things that empower me and intellectually awaken me and things that spread the word at infowarestore.com.
So what are you doing?
Are you not at infowarestore.com?
Because it's those of the millions that tune in every hour, that handful, those thousands every day, And every week that go and buy books and buy films and buy t-shirts and buy supplements, you made the party happen.
So when I thank you for your support, that's not just some backhanded support, that is me on my knees thanking you for keeping me in the fight.
Because I won't bow to Satan, and I won't bow to the New World Order, but I will bow to you.
For keeping us in the fight and supporting us, and thank you for what you've done.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
The enemy, the globalists, want their cashless society.
They want their total control.
They want us off air.
They want you sick.
They want you dead.
They want you dumbed down.
They don't want you to go to Infowarstore.com and financially support this transmission.
And by the way, our big sale ended, but we still have free shipping and double Patriot points on the three new products.
This is a big new sale.
The Whole Foods Multivitamin that's so good, the Vitamin D3 and Zinc that's amazing, and then of course the Vitamin C from the Rose Hemps, super concentrated, all of it is there.
InfoWars Life, Whole Foods Vitamin, Vitamin C with Zinc, Vitamin D3 with Calcium.
InfoWarsStore.com, right now.
No reviews on those yet, because, well, one little devil did a fake review,
but if you look at all of our older products, the products that have been there a long time,
they have incredible five-star reviews by the thousands and the thousands and the thousands.
So that's how you fund the operation.
So little click, little purchase, product you get, they want to end the free market system,
they want to set up a monopoly so they can totally collapse this and make us totally poor,
and then dictate through a computer that watches us and controls us.
That's what they're habituating.
Everybody would Zoom and all this so that we do everything they say.
So this is literally the total dystopia they're setting up.
Please support us and yourselves today.
I meant to cover this for two days.
And then as each day went by, more of this information piled up.
And so, I guess three days have piled up and I haven't covered it.
And there's no way for me to do justice to this, so I'm going to cover it tomorrow when I come into the office at like noon.
I'm going to tape a two-hour transmission and then I'm going to put it out on this subject.
But since I said I would cover it, let me just give you the news.
Three stacks right here.
All this is incredible.
BlackRock under fire amid reports private equity firms are snapping up every family house in Texas.
Now why is that so bad?
Because there was a rule with the Bernie Madoff types that just because you created 99% of your
wealth made up, you can't go buy everything up.
So if the big banks have quadrillions of fake currency they made, they can't go out and buy everything up because people would go, where'd you get all that money?
But they're doing it.
And their answer is lockdowns, and you're poor, and, you know, the big banks are tripling their profits.
You don't know what's going on, and you wonder why everything's increasing in price so much.
It's because they've created inflation.
And then now they use all of that liquid, fake money they created to buy you up.
Weaponized economics.
And they can buy your mayor, they can buy your police chief, they can, you know, Soros and almost all the district attorneys, they've owned them.
And so that's what this is.
They implode California, they race all their people over here to Texas, and they start screwing them.
And so this is quite a time to be alive.
We'll be covering this tomorrow.
And it ties in with this big old enchilada.
IMF working paper, Financial Interdimension and Technology.
What's old, what's new.
And they say, if you criticize pedophilia, if you criticize, I mean, it's right here, criticize world government, criticize sex changes for your children, they're gonna social credit score you and lock you down or you can't have a job.
That's the Chinese social credit score.
It's all right there.
I'll cover this tomorrow.
It'll air about 5 p.m.
And in this video, which went and looked up, it's all accurate, this UN group with corporations saying, we're gonna do climate lockdowns all over the planet Earth.
We're going to be covering all that tomorrow.
So, you want to know tomorrow's news today, next year's news today.
It's going to be happening tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Central Standard Time with the Long and the Tooth and Full Horse.
Because man, it's been quite a run and I've enjoyed it.
I love the crew and I'm not trying to curse our operation.
But I know when we're in the valley of the shadow of death, and I know that every day we're here is a blessing because of your prayers, your support, and your word of mouth.
But man, wow.
I mean, it is insane how far we are and how fast it's moving and how insane it's all gotten.
So, please, spread the word about the show.
I'm not being dramatic, but I don't know how long we're going to be here.
It's literally you that empowers us, keeps us on air, and we really, really appreciate you.
But things are so bad now, a lot of stress is off my back.
I tried to keep us from getting to this point.
But, you know, it's all in God's hands now.
All right, that's it for this transmission.
One more segment's left.
Owen Schroeder is about to introduce his show.
He's got a lot for you coming up.
You'll want to stay with us.
I want to thank the crew for the amazing job, and all the listeners and viewers for what you've done as well.
You built this, so thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's the final segment of the Alex Jones Show today on this Friday.
Owen Shroyer gonna take some calls here in the last segment and then...
We'll have a carryover of the Alex Jones Show, if you will, into the War Room, which follows up the Alex Jones Show every day.
It's a live programming lineup every morning.
The American Journal with Harrison Smith, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with yours truly.
So I'm going to take some phone calls right now, and then the phone calls we don't get to, we'll hold over, and we'll take them on the War Room, and then I will get to the rest of the news that I normally plan on covering on the War Room.
And then Roger Stone is going to be joining me on the War Room as well.
And also, by the way, I think I might as well mention the videos that you've been seeing that Alex has been playing of Tara Schapansky.
That is the girl who went to New York and got rejected from going to a public park because she hadn't been vaccinated.
She will be joining me Sunday night.
So you can have her first account, first-hand account on that.
Let's go to the phone lines though now, and we go to John called in from Connecticut.
John, you're on the Alex Jones Show, go ahead.
Hi, hi Owen.
I'm calling so many things I want to talk about, but I want to talk about vaccine shedding today.
Many people are becoming ill just by being around people who have been vaccinated.
And I just want to offer some things to the listeners that may be helpful.
First of all, do not be afraid to contact America's Frontline Doctors.
They are the only ones that really will step up to the plate and help you when you're ill.
Secondly, I want to give recognition to a very great doctor in the state of Texas who's been a great help.
His name is Dr. Richard Neel.
He's in the town of Castroville.
And Dr. Neel has a protocol of high-dose melatonin.
Which I believe saved my life.
Along with the medication from the American Frontline Doctors, Dr. Neal has a very long career in the Army, I believe.
He retired as a colonel.
He was involved in heroic acts.
And what is Dr. Neal saying about COVID and or the vaccine?
Well, I had the privilege of talking to Dr. Neal for about 20 minutes, and he is saying that he has successfully treated hundreds and hundreds, if not maybe thousands, and I can't, it's probably thousands.
I don't remember exactly what he said.
He's successfully treated many, many COVID and COVID shedding patients through his protocol of high-dose melatonin.
Dr. Neal was involved in bioweapons while he was involved in the military, and through his experience in that, he came up with his ability to discern that melatonin is one of the The most powerful antioxidants, even more powerful than vitamin C. Yeah, and of course that's why, you know, it's recommended you get eight hours of sleep.
And because you produce melatonin when you sleep, that's why we have supplements, sleep aid supplements at InfoWarsTore.com that have the melatonin.
And you know, there's other great doctors that I've met here in Texas as well.
I've been to events where they speak.
I've filmed them.
The videos are at Bandai Video on the War Room channel.
And she would say how she treated a bunch of Patients with COVID and hydroxychloroquine was working with the zinc There were there were other things that were working and she also said that she noticed the people that that suffered the most were people that were Overweight or people that had pre-existing conditions So it's so it's everything that's been censored off of the internet and it's those doctors that are getting censored as well because they're telling the truth and Warning people about the vaccine and coming up on the war room.
I'm gonna cover how there was a cruise liner and That was only allowing vaccinated people on the cruise, and it was filled, and they have now had two people test positive for COVID.
So it either proves that the tests are fake, or it proves that the vaccines don't work.
But the media won't cover it either way.
John, thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Jordan in New Jersey.
Jordan, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
We spoke two weeks ago.
I'm a former pharmaceutical and information scientist, and I just want to thank you for taking my call again and also putting up my comments on your site.
I commend you for that.
And I just wanted to reassert, and I didn't get this through last time, that COVID-19 had to be implemented so that they can implement the vaccine that they currently have to achieve A certain cell mutation in all humans.
And I know I said to you that I'm in the process of doing what you told me to set up this site with all this data.
But I wanted to refer to one piece of it that I think everybody should look at in order to understand this and start to get their heads around it.
Because I think the only way we win is to really get to the root of what they're trying to do and why they're doing it from a scientific perspective that's defendable.
Meaning that we can defend it based on scientific principles and so forth.
And what have you.
So, I just wanted to follow up and point everybody's direction to a Department of Pharmacology member, a guy named Fang Li, at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis, and articles that he wrote that are on, you know, PNAS and PubMed and so forth.
The most important of which, and this is why COVID-19 was chosen, so that they could have the particular cell mutation that they wanted in order to have future intrusion
to the cell and access the cells.
It's called structure function and evolution of coronavirus spike proteins.
And most notably, it describes the coronavirus spike protein as a multifunctional molecular
machine that mediates coronavirus entering the host cells.
And this is the mechanism that they wanted to have, and they had to have COVID because
they had to have an excuse for the scientific community, those useful idiots who think that
they're doing everybody a favor to get them to go along with this.
And a lot of the medical community did think that it's okay to mutate the cells like this.
Well, and let's be clear, either the scientists know this, and the virologists and everybody in Fauci knows this, and they're criminally liable, or they don't know this and they're criminally negligent.
So either way, it's a crime being committed against humanity.
And the other thing that they know as well, which just makes it even more sick, is that they're forcing the vaccine on everybody and they're saying, well, we need to have this cap of 80% or whatever of America vaccinated.
They know that the people that have already had COVID that get this vaccine are only going to release more dangerous or different strains, mutant strains, whatever they want to say, of COVID.
So they know all of this.
They know everything you're talking about.
Or they're criminally negligent.
So, I mean, that's why this is so shocking that they're just going through with all of this and anybody who's observing or informed like you are is like, hold on a second, how can this be possible?
Yeah, and it's shocking, and I'm trying to let it out in drips and drabs, and part of why I'm calling, just to let that go, I know, and I'm going to build my site, and I'll get back to you guys on that, but the thing that I want is that the perpetrators, and this is a big point, this is a larger scale point, the perpetrators of World War II actually funded it, got away, and this is a little-known thing, just as background, how did these assholes come back again?
Excuse me, my French, but how did these people come back again?
And essentially what ended up happening was, that there were two Nuremberg trials.
There was one for the generals, where they all hanged.
Okay? They all hanged, except Mengele, of course, or people involved, right?
But, and the second Nuremberg trials were for the people that were involved with the corporate infrastructure.
That's heavily detailed in Joseph Orkin's book about the IG Farben cartel.
Okay? All those people got a slap on the wrist, none of whom were hanged.
They lived in a German villa outside of Berlin, and then they all became heads of major German industries,
including Bayer Pharmaceutical, and some of whom later infiltrated U.S.
pharmaceutical industry, including J.D.
Searle, who brought us the first woman's contraception pill.
as well as Dom Rumsfeld running J.D. Searle, as just an example.
So these people have been lying in wait and slowly unleashing their plan
while improving their technology, which is now improved to the level which they're trying to
do, which is the access of every human cell
and control of the human race, but in the meantime they're also trying to capitalize on...
Well, Jordan, this has been a great call.
Unfortunately, we're at the end of the transmission here.
But, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be beginning the war room as soon as the Alex Jones Show concludes.
But, Jordan, excellent call there to finish off.
And the other aspect, of course, is Operation Paperclip, where the U.S.
hired all these Nazi scientists and, you know, they went on to work at NASA and everything.
So, it just shows there's a new world order, it's a big club, and we ain't in it.
Alright, that does it for the Alex Jones Show.
Remember folks, InfoWarsStore.com.
If you like my t-shirt here, the Tiananmen Square t-shirt, which is probably illegal in China, you can get it exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
That does it for the Alex Jones Show, but the War Room kicks off at Band.Video in 90 seconds.
It's like we've woken up in a nightmare parallel universe.
Where this mummy, this reanimated corpse, this cryptkeeper stumbles around, falls up the stairs, and it hobbles out at Fox News.
Oh look!
He's not walking out with a mask on, which he takes off for the cameras.
It's disgusting.
We've seen Democrats and others behind the scenes walk up, put their mask on, and then go out on the stage and then take it off.
We've heard at Governor Wolf events where they're like, oh, put your mask on for theater.
That's all this is.
It doesn't protect you.
It spreads bacterial pneumonia.
Oh, but they said only part of the time indoors if you've had your vaccine.
So now we've got to have vaccine passports.
To see if you're not wearing a mask and haven't had your shot because then that's a form of assault if you're not wearing your mask.
Then Fauci came out and said, oh, but children need to wear them most of the time in their houses and on the playground.
What a cult!
Fauci ran the Wuhan lab, major programs for gain of function, weaponized coronavirus.
It's in the documents.
They have the receipts.
And he gets up in front of Congress and lies his ass off.
We're getting close to bringing these criminals to justice.
They ran this giant health scare to Yes, it's a real virus they made.
Yes, if you don't have your vitamins and minerals and you're old, it can kill you like any pneumonia.
They manufactured this one so they could create the vaccine for a SARS virus, which is what COVID is, which in the studies they previously did, Fauci did, attacks proteins in the body when you take the vaccine.
And so the vaccine is the real weapon.
And now most of the people in the hospitals, it's in the news, that are dying and sick of COVID were already vaccinated.
This is so insane.
This is so evil.
And what it really all is, is the depopulation endgame.
When you realize Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller and Bill Gates and all of them want to depopulate the world, like Prince Philip said, with a deadly virus and the fear the virus uses of shutting down society and lockdowns that are in the Rockefeller Foundation documents lockstep, then you know how to beat them.
And it's all in my film.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement made 14 years ago.
We launched Operation Endgame about a month and a half ago.
30 plus thousand copies have sold at $3.95 apiece at infowarestore.com.
We're running this through next Monday and the sale is over and the historic film is going back to $9.95 apiece.
And I want you to get it, I want you to make copies, and I want you to share it as a zero country code.
It works everywhere in the world.
Get In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
The film's evergreen.
It's more important than ever.
And let these mass cultists know you're aware of what they're doing.
You see through them and you're not going to submit.
They want to go after the unvaccinated.
They want to track us.
They want to control us.
They want youth brigades run by the Bill Clinton and UN Foundations and AOC to literally come have contact tracers to our houses.
Canada and other areas are still locked down.
This is martial law by the left.
It's their political cover and I show it all in a film I made 14 years ago, Endgame, how
they use medical tyranny as the cover for their world government takeover and lockdowns.
It's all in this film, Infowarsstore.com.
It's historic.
Every library in your area needs them.
Get them and donate them.
Every police department needs it.
Get it and donate it.
Get it.
Oh, no, no, I don't even know what this is.
How did this get here?
I just caught you, American!
You visited Bandar Video!
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you!
Do what CNN says and do not visit Bandar Video, or I have to hurt you!
Kung flu.
It comes from China.
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