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Name: 20210607_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 7, 2021
2438 lines.

In his discussion on InfoWars, Alex Jones explores the implications of human-animal cloning and transhumanism being normalized by mainstream media. He raises concerns about the possibility of there already being human clones among us, corporations using human genetics in animals to create new classes without rights, and the UN's stance on these creatures having limited rights and following their orders. Jones emphasizes the importance of questioning everything and being aware of government actions and corporate intentions. Jones also discusses his family's history in an underground civilization with cures for every cancer and cloning capabilities. He mentions a new trailer for Pushing It, vaccines with contaminated vaccines, lab-grown vaginas, designer babies, and animal-human hybrids being created for military purposes. A narrator describes a dinner he had with someone high up in the elite who explained their plans to create sexbots that will control procreation. Jason Jones discusses the role of the Catholic Church in addressing global issues, including standing up for marginalized communities and advocating for change. The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting InfoWars, recognizing free will, and having faith in God's plan for us. Alex Jones shares his testimony of becoming a Christian, discusses the value of human life and dignity, and mentions evidence that COVID-19 was created in a lab.

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Dr. Fauci briefed world leaders on coronavirus and that it escaped from the Wuhan lab last spring over a year ago.
He briefed the head of the FDA and now the rat is leaving the sinking ship, Scott Gottlieb.
And remember, Fauci lied about all that to Congress.
So they're having to come out and admit all of this.
But oh, look who got banned.
Naomi Wolf, one of the most respected liberal women, best-selling author, celebrated by the left.
She said there's a lockdown, it's illegal.
She says the worldwide COVID passport is a tyranny.
She said it's dangerous.
She said the vaccines are hurting people.
She linked to evidence of that.
She's been banned on Twitter after being warned not to talk about it.
In fact, one of the times she got suspended a few months ago was because she talked about it being made in a lab.
Well, now we know it was, and we know they covered it up.
But that's one of the suspensions.
Well, she was suspended the third time.
Bye-bye, you're banned, Naomi Wolf.
With all her platforms and TV shows, she built up her Twitter following, brought them the advertising, and now they just took it away because she was exposing the criminal activity.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Facebook would ordinarily say, we're a private company, we're not liable.
Well, you know what?
When they act at the behest of the government, when they contact Fauci, when they say, should we censor this?
And Fauci says yes, and they censor it for the federal government.
And then magically, when the government changes his mind and said, oh, all those facts that were there a year ago, now you're allowed to talk about it.
They stop censoring it with a flip of a switch.
That lays a very strong argument that Facebook is operating as a state agency and that opens very significant legal liability.
Dr. Fauci's emails reveal a pattern of arrogance we have all come to expect from the minions of globalism destroying Western civilization with the aid of the power mad inhabiting our nation's capital.
Except that unlike the classified information of Hillary Clinton's emails, or the disgusting, occultic rabbit hole of the Podesta Brothers, or the blatant, nepotistic, impeachable corruption on the Hunter Biden laptop, Anthony Fauci's 800 pages of emails will eventually tell the tale of a sociopathic, treasonous fool who made fools out of all of us, a template Fauci had workshopped with his response during the AIDS crisis.
But rather than sitting the international emergency out based on his previous failure, the Chinese Century was ushered in with Fauci as its main co-conspirator in the United States, spinning tales of the mysterious origins of a coronavirus, knowing full well that his gain-of-function research cat had been let out of the bag just as the October 2019 Event 201 had war-gamed.
Countries are reacting in different ways as to how best to manage the overwhelming amounts of dis- and misinformation circulating over the internet.
In some cases, limited internet shutdowns are being implemented to quell panic.
We could be looking at double the number of cases in one week and 16 times as many in a month if we are not able to stop the spread.
That would be on the order of half a million cases and it would continue to rise exponentially.
Christian wrote, the unusual features of the virus, that's the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, make up a really small part of the genome, just less than 0.1%.
So one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features potentially look engineered.
I know which that refers to.
That's that P-R-R-A, polybasic furin, inserted cleavage site in there.
That's the thing that makes this thing really sing as a virus and enables it to really attack the cells.
So even though they say, oh, it's just less than 0.1%, that's irrelevant.
All you would need is just Just those 12 nucleotides or those four amino acids to be inserted in and you've got an engineered virus at that point.
And he himself had been vaguely but steadily predicting.
There will be a surprise outbreak.
Any normal person, much less a doctor who is the highest paid federal employee out of four million employees of the U.S.
government Would have left no stone unturned to get the American people the best medication possible to combat the Frankenvirus.
But not Fauci.
Emails show, as Breitbart reported, Dr. Anthony Fauci was advised by Eric Nielsen, a physicist and CEO of BioSignal Technologies, in March 2020 that two drugs could possibly help battle the coronavirus pandemic.
But Fauci ignored it, claiming that the email was too long for him to read.
Nielsen said he had instructed members of his own family to get alvesco for emergency use only.
Nielsen also claimed that there was a second drug that could possibly be used, which he advised his family to get.
He wrote to Fauci the drug is called hydroxychloroquine, which he said also seemed to be effective and safe.
Fauci was asked about hydroxychloroquine and responded, hydroxychloroquine is not effective.
We're just beginning to digest the massive national security risk our own government displayed under Fauci's guidance, as the Pentagon reportedly gave $39 million to Dr. Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, the charity that funded research at the Wuhan lab between 2013 and 2020.
Fauci's own hubris and marching orders took us all on a completely different course that led to an mRNA vaccine goldmine that was hastily administered in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Crippling and killing as yet untold numbers as we live through this present moment that will one day be looked upon as the greatest attack on humanity in world history.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Monday, June 7th, the year is 2021.
I am your host Alex Jones, and this is going to be an extremely revealing broadcast, even compared to our other incredibly pertinent historic transmissions.
It's all coming up.
The New World Order, depopulation out in the open and humanity's choice to accept it or stand up and reject it.
We have entered the point of no return.
First, a powerful report from John Bowne here on the Alex Jones Show.
Crime has become law.
As Western culture is turned upside down and the public is gaslit on every issue.
The federal judge in San Diego has overturned California's three decades old ban on assault weapons.
I just have to say that it's incredibly insulting for an activist judge to gaslight me and other survivors and minimize the hell that we've been through.
As you noted, the courts have ruled over and over again that the Second Amendment is not unlimited.
Law and order transforms into crime and chaos where the criminal has become the victim and the victim has become a statistic.
Thousands of California prison inmates suddenly found their prison sentences shortened this weekend thanks to a change in good behavior credits.
This change includes nearly 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole.
At the At the peak of the pandemic, the city released thousands of inmates from Rikers Island over COVID-19 fears.
250 inmates released have been re-arrested and some more than once.
On March 16th, Martinez was released early from Rikers because of COVID-19 concerns.
Police say just seven days later he leaned into a parked car in lower Manhattan with a box cutter and stole the passenger's cell phone.
He was arrested and released.
On April 6th, Martinez was arrested and released again after allegedly stealing from the gourmet garage on the same block.
And again on June 3rd for throwing a rock through the storefront of this clothing and jewelry boutique called Lawn on Greenwich Avenue.
There were some that were typically we would not want to release.
There were people who had been involved in some assaults and assaults with deadly weapons.
The recidivism rate among Orange County inmates released early due to the pandemic is up 44%.
In essence, this judge is a court-ordered crime spree that he has issued through this order, knowing that these are very serious offenders.
97 of the medically vulnerable are in for murder or attempted murder, 94 for child molestation, and that's not including the rest of the population that we'd have to consider for release.
Dina Love once again having to relive the murder of her brother, Kevin John Ruska, who was kidnapped and eventually died at the hands of Tariba Williams, who only served a quarter of her 84 years to life sentence for first-degree murder.
She should have spent the rest of her life behind bars.
Williams walking free after she was deemed at a high medical risk for the virus.
The Yolo County District Attorney's Office was told she suffers a heart condition.
Bail reform, which began in California and has spread to other states including Illinois, Nebraska, Indiana, and New York, has reduced the jail populations by at least 40% by eliminating cash bail for as much as 90% of arrests, turning the streets into one gigantic holding cell.
The blood of the children being shot by out-of-control gang members in our city is on your hands and on the hands of every person who does not make public safety a priority.
The police commissioner is making these comments in response to what's been a year saturated in violence.
On Monday alone, there were nine shooting incidents on city streets.
And when police do make arrests, the commissioner says, there's often one common denominator.
The suspects have been arrested several times before.
We're arresting somebody for pushing a woman down the stairs, and then we release them back into the streets?
I mean, this is craziness.
The Mockingbird Media's decision to ignore stories threatening the FBI's white supremacist
narrative, promoted by the President of the United States no less, has emboldened a rising
epidemic of heinous crimes.
For instance, the mass murder by black hoodlums in Miami recently that garnered no national
outrage and quickly disappeared.
"You killed a good kid for no reason.
They got a burn.
Miami Gardens, Opa Locka, got a burn.
And do you find out who killed my son?"
While Chicago's new rule on foot pursuits tells you all you need to know about the dangerous
restraint forced on an already vulnerable public.
The new policy basically says that to start a foot chase, officers must use tactics to try to reduce the possibility of the foot chase in the first place.
Make sure body cameras are on and recording.
Only pursue when there's probable cause for an arrest.
And never pursue someone for minor traffic offenses.
And even the economy has succumbed to the infiltration of policies protecting the radical left's precious zombie hordes.
So look at burglaries.
We compiled data from police and found they rose in nearly every neighborhood in the past year.
That's compared to the same time period the year before.
Some of the biggest spikes happen in some of the wealthier neighborhoods.
Surveillance videos and pictures of prowling predators lurking, breaking, and entering garages and homes.
Burglaries across the city catapulted more than 62% from mid-March, the onset of the pandemic, until the end of last year.
When you see an activity like that go up that much, you are either talking about more active burglars Or more burglars.
Is it any wonder that gun sales are now up 64%?
John Bowne reporting.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice.
Just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death of insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying I hate you, I hate you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy mother fuckers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, those are very important reports.
So the transmission out with them today.
And I have an example of what John Bell was talking about in that report.
This is in Austin.
How would anyone want to live in Austin anymore after what the Travis County DA just did?
A felon had a 200-mile car chase with the police at over 100 miles an hour from Houston to Austin, had a huge criminal record.
They let him out.
He's being chased for armed robbery.
And he did 10 more armed robberies.
That's just one example.
And the new DA was put in, 90% was funding by George Soros, and admits he works directly for George Soros.
And if you're white and you get a DWI, you get the book thrown at you.
If you're brown, you don't.
And he says he's repaying racism.
What the hell does that mean?
I mean, they throw the book at everybody.
But now they throw the book at white people only, and he says he does.
I'm going to be getting to that later.
This is how the globalists are taking over.
Just incredible.
And Soros is really our president right now.
He's taken over almost all the major cities and counties.
He's put his people in.
He's got over 800 district attorneys.
Hundreds and hundreds of county attorneys.
He's got over 20 attorney generals over states, like Letitia James in New York.
It's just amazing.
Now, listen.
I always say this is true, but as things get crazier, each show gets more important than the last, but this is an order of magnitude.
I played those special reports because they're important, but also I was sitting here not able to even go on air because I don't know what the top story is.
It's all too insane, too smoking gun, and too painful.
I mean, we can't just talk about this at a certain point.
I mean, wait till I cover what just broke when we come back, okay?
Believe me, you don't want to miss this.
Everybody needs to tune in right now.
Tell everybody you need to tune in now.
Everybody's got to tune in now.
However you're listening, send folks the link or tell them right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, the quickening is here.
Thank you for joining us on this live, original, teleprompter-free edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It is Monday, June 7th, 2021.
For TV viewers, overhead shot please.
Here it is, Daily Mail.
It's also in Wall Street Journal, everywhere.
Dr. Fauci briefed world leaders secretly that coronavirus escaped from a Wuhan lab in the spring.
And we already know this, but now...
Top scientists that worked with him to cover their butts, like Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner, has gone public.
And I told you about a month ago when all this started that they were already quietly blowing the whistle because they didn't want to get the death penalty, like other people will probably end up actually getting when this comes out in Nuremberg too.
And so they're now releasing the information.
Do you realize the magnitude of what I just said?
While they're blocking hydroxychloroquine and rendezvous here, while they're saying keep the airports open from China to the US, while all this is going on, he'd run the lab, run the program, created the viruses, had it released, had it gestate in Chinese, brought it over here, and then use it for fear and control and vaccine patents he and Bill Gates own to make hundreds of billions of dollars for their companies.
And ran big tech and censored everyone so they couldn't respond to any of it.
So let's go to the headlines.
Dr. Fauci briefed world leaders in secret that coronavirus escape from the Wuhan lab in the spring, says the head of the FDA at the time.
Kind of a big deal.
Here's another one.
Genome sequencing top scientist with CRISPR systems said that it almost certainly is man-made from the Wuhan lab, just as folks already knew 16 months ago.
That's another huge article.
And then this mega bombshell.
It's worse than we thought.
Well, we actually knew this.
Fauci and top U.S.
doctors caught.
They conspired to disqualify hydroxychloroquine as COVID treatment.
Millions dead as a result when it was 99%.
And aerosolized steroids are 99%.
If you're too far gone, they can't help you, but it's 100% if they get it early.
Same thing with remdesivir.
And they knew, and they blocked it, and they still do.
The UN is blocking India getting remdesivir that any Indian can afford.
It's $20 for the whole regiment.
Take it prophylactically, people around you have a really bad cold, knocks it out.
But you don't get that.
You get to die, and it gets worse.
There have been a plethora of nurses and doctors going public on this show and others, and in the news, that they're ordered when people have blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, or bleeding on the lungs, after they've had the vaccines that aren't vaccines.
Remember that, that's gene therapy, that was emergency authorized, was not tested.
That's another lie.
And it's in the older studies of similar vaccines, gene therapies, that it causes these problems.
And top scientists warned it would attack the proteins in the body because the virus is made up of the same thing.
It attacks the carrier, the shell of the virus, the body, the exoskeleton, basically.
And they're ordering the nurses and others Not to put it in a report, so it's gotta go on the VAERS, so the hospital administration can cover it up.
Nurse, Houston Hospital instructs employees not to list vaccine adverse reactions.
She works there, she's going public, putting it all on the line, because she's not a murderer.
She had a Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
We got that interview coming up, and folks, it just goes on from there.
But the answer to this tyranny, the answer to 1984 is this.
Right here, ladies and gentlemen.
Dr. Jill, Dr. Fauci in Harlem greeted with a chorus of boos and chants.
Fire Fauci!
Articles are up at GatewayPundit.com, InfoWars.com, NationalFile.com.
You need to share these videos because this is the answer.
There's a lot of these videos.
They're all amazing.
But that's what has to happen.
But not just fire Fauci.
I was saying fire Fauci in April of last year in speeches around the country.
Now I've been saying arrest Fauci for at least, that was a year and four months ago, I've been saying arrest Fauci For a year at least.
He needs to be arrested.
That's the response.
Instead it's, will he even be fired?
He briefed the UN and he briefed the head of the FDA that this was going on and that it came out of the lab and he knew that and then said that it was preposterous to Congress and preposterous to Senator Paul And then said he never thought he'd gain a function when he was the granddaddy of it.
Again, it's like saying Chuck Berry was not the founder of rock and roll, or Elvis wasn't the king of rock and roll, or Roger Stolbeck didn't play for the Dallas Cowboys, or go down the list.
I mean, it's, or... Or the sky isn't blue.
I mean, the level of the gaslighting is absolutely insane.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
But here's how you respond to it.
Fauci's in Harlem, and hundreds and hundreds of people show up, thousands, millions need to show up, and not just say, fire Fauci, Nuremberg Code!
They launched it on purpose, they made the virus, they lied about it, they controlled it, and his own chief scientist that ran the program for Fauci Said they were combining five viruses together to create a vaccine, but to create the fear they had to release it to then give you the so-called vaccine that is a gene therapy to have this whole revolution, this whole takeover.
Again, a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, they tried to pass a law to ban human animal clones that are already being made, and the Senate said, no, it's legal.
Now they got TV shows that condition you to accept it that are fiction shows.
It's not fiction.
It's old news.
We don't have time with the learning curve here to play games anymore.
We're in a lot of trouble.
This is a scientific lunatic takeover.
They're preparing us for total depopulation of the earth and saying only the animal humans will be alive in the future.
Exactly as I told you their plan is.
It's all conditioning, all their sick dystopic plan.
And they're doing nothing but conditioning you to get ready for it.
We're the clones of the victims that are being hunted down.
I told you that was coming next.
That's the transhumanist move.
They make these synthetic creatures and then they demand we all bow down to them and give them all these rights.
That's why you have to say a man's a woman.
If they get you to accept a man with a foot-long penis is a woman, then you will accept anything.
Alright, let's go to some of Fauci being surrounded by villagers with pitchforks.
work service.
I mean, he goes down the road, there were hundreds more.
Yeah, this is what we need to see.
And then he goes down the road, there were hundreds more.
There's a bunch of these videos.
Fire Fauci, fire Fauci, fire Fauci, fire Fauci.
Look at that big farm of criminals.
Taking over our media.
They're censoring everybody.
They're getting away with murder.
Literal murder.
Suppressing all the real treatments.
And then a bunch of jerks in their sunglasses all acting tough and bowing themselves up like they're great.
They'll all be dying too from the poison.
My God, this is disgusting.
That little maggot Fauci.
He needs to be tried for crimes against humanity.
Go ahead and stick that GMO Big Pharma needle in your arm, designed and created by a man that says he wants to depopulate the earth.
Bill Gates.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what is coming up today here in the rest of the transmission, because there is so much, truly so much Amazing stuff that we're going to be breaking down.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is going to be coming on to talk about a whole raft of big developments.
that have been, sorry my headset is going out here, I love these headsets because they're
portable but the wires that go into them after a while start going out and it can become an issue.
Excuse me because I'm not really getting any sound unless they're playing music or playing clips but
when it starts going out it's going like and so I had to like get it out and wiggle it there.
No, folks aren't telling me what to say or what to do through this.
That's another conspiracy online that Jones is being told what to say.
I wish sometimes somebody would tell me what to say.
I'm trying to figure all this out.
It's driving me crazy!
So, getting back to what I was saying there.
I don't need a new one.
I'm great.
I'm going to go to rebroadcast for a while.
I'm going to relax.
I'm going to chill.
Just going to have a nice, calm, happy day.
I almost didn't do the show today, and I'm not complaining.
It's just that I am really genuinely freaked out, and I have a lot that I need to cover and a lot I need to say.
I have just gotten to the point where I look at all this and then I don't want to look at it anymore.
And so I'm really trying right now to make myself cover this news.
And it's just why are we even letting all this happen?
I mean, I'm going to say this again.
They have been cloning humans for 50 years in the medical literature.
It's not debated.
It's not something that's even questioned.
And what they do is, they admit the cloning, and then when there's pushback, they go, we're not cloning.
Then they admit the cloning, when there's pushback, they go, we're not cloning.
And then to move the uprigin window, they go, oh, we're cloning animals and humans for decades, no big deal.
And then, okay, well, we think that's a bad idea.
No, no, no, it doesn't exist.
And they play these games.
And then now, They are all over the news on the cover of major newspapers telling you that not only are we making human animal clones, we're going to put them on the streets and you're going to accept it.
People say, well, that'll never happen.
20 years ago, in places like Hong Kong and China, where anything goes, they had rhesus monkeys That are part jellyfish that produce
A glow-in-the-dark effect.
And last time I checked an article, they were saying thousands of people a year were buying these from these unlicensed genetic markets.
So that's already Blade Runner-level stuff.
And then you tell people that here, and you go, hey, it's in the Hong Kong news, they're selling these monkeys.
And then there's video of it 20 years ago.
And I sit there and have arguments with people that'll walk up to me in a grocery store and say, you're full of crap, Jones.
There's no animal-human hybrids.
So it just, it just gets old, okay?
The naivete and like the pre-programming here.
So here's what I'm gonna do.
Barnes is joining us in the second hour.
Yeah, there's glow-in-the-dark mice.
It just goes on and on.
Glow-in-the-dark pigs, everything else.
A lot of radio listeners go, what's Jones talking about?
While I'm on air, they'll be putting things up on screen.
Videos and things like that.
Just backing up what I'm saying and I tend to kind of riff off of that.
But see, all of this is interesting, but where it's leading us and what the design of the new world order is, is what's really bad.
Because they've said in all of their official statements, the policy of world government is the total eradication of every human on earth.
And last week I probably read a hundred or more articles on air that had just come out that week saying humans are bad, we've got to get rid of ourselves, no humans should be allowed to exist, we must all kill ourselves, don't have children, especially if you're a white woman, white people are bad, and then all these weird white women going, yes, whites are bad, I'm not having children.
I mean, this is the dystopic hell that they're selling.
They're not pushing this on every channel because they don't plan to put human animal clones on the streets.
You know, I've told you that there are human clones walking around.
You think I just pulled that out of my rear end?
You think I just pulled it out of my nose, maybe?
Or maybe out of the air?
That Gates was doing a human cloning program with the pimp?
you know that didn't hang himself in that New York jail cell?
Mad scientists run the planet.
They're ready to go fully operational with their whole takeover.
And I'm explaining this real slow.
They don't want you to resist them and they want to normalize it.
And so they're using propaganda and media to desensitize you to see this everywhere.
As fiction, so that as the real thing happens, you don't differentiate the difference between that.
And that's why the general public is so enslaved, for so many reasons, but one of the big ones is, the general public does not differentiate entertainment, and movies, and horror, and torture, and death, with the real world.
So what they do is they blur it all together, and now people Psychologically, don't get upset or threatened by things that should really threaten you.
People have had their life force taken, their survival instinct nullified or basically dialed back or turned off.
And my survival instinct is not dialed back or not turned off.
But still, it's all just normal and everyone's going on about their business like all this is normal.
So I'm gonna settle down here for a moment and try to... The crew's the best ever.
Everybody's wonderful.
This little thing right here, I want to just turn the whole desk over and start smashing everything.
That's how I feel right now.
Because, you know, it's not normal as a man that knows all this to just sit here and talk about it.
You know the people protesting Fauci get that in New York.
But you know, we all really know that's not enough, is it?
He's assaulting us.
He got caught doing the whole thing with Bill Gates.
They're murdering us.
And I'm not calling for violence, because they'd use that against us and turn that little monster into a victim.
But I physically cannot sit here and watch them do this anymore!
But you know what?
I don't say this as hyperbole.
I don't say this as...
Something that I'm even joking about.
I'm serious.
That we have to logically look at this and say, maybe we're the bad people.
Maybe Bill Gates is the good guy.
He cares.
He has passion.
He works hard.
He believes to save the earth and create a new science and help his people live forever.
He believes he can become a god.
Now I'm not defending that idea and my gut tells me it's satanic.
My spirit tells me it's bad.
Bill Gates is a little demonic Maybe the general public doesn't care about their own children and know all this and decide not to care.
Maybe Bill Gates serves a purpose in God's plan and maybe you do deserve to die.
Maybe your children deserve to die these horrible cancer ridden deaths.
So, maybe Bill Gates is good.
Maybe that's what it is because I keep coming to this point of like they're killing everybody and they're doing all
this and they're And then they're just overriding nature and all of its
poisonous and horrible and they're all involved in a satanic Experiment against us and we don't do anything
But I don't like them playing God on me and I do not consent to the geo
Engineering and the 5g and the poisonous gene therapy and all this crap
And I tell you though, this planet is a madhouse!
It's a damn madhouse!
People better get serious!
This isn't a game!
It isn't a joke!
There are going to be hundreds of millions of people dying.
Within a year to two years, there's already hundreds of thousands dying of these poison shots.
And the general public has no idea.
Shortest straw.
Shortest straw has been pulled for you.
Pulled for you!
Alright, so.
The global depopulation program has gone into high gear.
It's a UN takeover.
The UN is in charge of what you can say, what you can do.
Naomi Wolf, one of the biggest liberal feminists in the world, probably the number one feminist, but she actually does care about women.
That means she cares about humanity, even though she's been misled.
She now admits she's been misled about the left, basically the whole deal.
And we need guns, and there's a global government, a depopulation program that wants to kill us, and a total medical worldwide tyranny.
So, see, she's a real person.
I mean, because, listen, you either wake up and fight the New World Order, or you roll over and die.
And so right-wingers better wake up, left-wingers better wake up, black people better wake up, white people better wake up, because we're all under attack!
No amount of money and no amount of power is going to get you out of this.
This is a mad cult racing to try to be God.
And I read to you these incredible headlines earlier.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
They get just as bad as these bombshells.
Fauci briefs world leaders secretly.
Last year, in the spring, about it being lab-made, says the former head of the Food and Drug Administration, Scott Gottlieb.
Well, I think they're all resigning last year and this year, and as soon as new ones sign up, they resign in like two weeks to a month.
Why have there been so many resignations in every one of those agencies?
CDC, NIH, all of it.
Because they get in there and they find out what Fauci and Bill Gates did, and they said, are you crazy?
And I told you all this.
I said big whistleblowers from federal agencies are leaving the sinking ship a month ago and they're all going to come out against Fauci and admit that he was behind it with Bill Gates.
And now it's out there.
Redfield, Gottlieb, the current head of the UN vaccine program, she's come out and said the vaccines are killing people on a cover-up.
And then the response was to launch COVID-19 right around that time.
She said that on December 2nd, 2019.
It was already released right around that time.
That's covering your ass.
I mean, they look like when you'd see our fighter pilots shot down over North Vietnam and they'd been held for a few years and they'd wheel them out on camera.
And they had that look like a gun was to their head?
All these people have a look like they have a gun to their head except for Bill Gates and Fauci look like they just won the lottery.
They look like they're at a kid in a candy shop.
A dog in a butcher shop.
Because they're taking the damn world over.
These are megalomaniacs.
You go, why would they try something so, so bold, so crazy?
That's what megalomaniacs do!
Think Bill Gates spent hundreds of billions of dollars and all this crap, generationally, to get control of all the health services?
Because he likes you?
He says he wants to kill you!
He can't even shut up his ugly looking mouth.
That's a killer!
Think this is a damn game?
It isn't a game, people.
And you can just feel the death.
I mean, I've got nurses around the country going public and doctors saying from Florida to Texas, from New York to California, from Michigan, it's happening in the UK, Germany, everywhere, that they're being ordered to cover up the deaths and illnesses.
And guess what they do in Germany?
Germany, they come arrest the doctors and put them in mental institutions for a month or so, and then put them on house arrest.
And then one of them went back on TV and they arrest him again.
They're arresting doctors that work in major hospitals for telling you they're killing people.
You're like, well, if this was going on, someone would warn us.
They are!
They are!
And see, Naomi Wolf's smart enough for the average liberal out there watching or making fun of us on Twitter or Facebook because they play clips and laugh about it.
They think it's all funny.
You got your blue hair, you got your three or four degrees that aren't going to be worth anything.
You got all this, you know, intersectionalism and all your little pronouns and all your crap.
That's all just to make you a loser that doesn't know how to function in society.
In the real world, there's a world government depopulation plan taking over.
And you can go, well, I know that, there are too many people.
And you can pretend you're part of the power structure, but you're not.
In fact, Fauci and Gates can pretend they're in charge of all this.
They're the biggest idiots of all.
Can you imagine what comes around, goes around, karma, you reap what you sow, whatever you want to call it, it's a law of the universe.
Can you imagine the checks they've been writing on the universe that they don't have any right to be writing?
Playing God.
Imagine what The universe thinks about that.
So there we are.
I'm going to control myself.
I'm going to get Barnes on here.
But we should be mourning.
It's like you watch a kid murdered.
You're freaked out.
You got to go cry for two days or you watch a train wreck or grandma dies.
You get upset.
I'm not why I'm not a victim, but I really take all this on.
I know how real all this is.
I'm having my guts torn out right now.
And I know other people don't want to believe all this because it is it's painful.
This is crazy.
This is nuts.
That he's briefing people that he knew had gone out of the lab while lying to the world.
That's executable right there.
That he cooked it up and knowingly released it.
You know that's coming out.
And then they blocked treatments that were 100% so they could have some deaths and then get their emergency authorization for a deadly vaccine that's really going to kill all the people.
And when folks die of that now, whether they're the CEOs of companies or anything, it comes out in the news they died of COVID.
But they'll always say, well, they did take their second shot a few days before their liver liquefied or their lungs liquefied or their brains liquefied.
I'm gonna go on a break, I'm gonna come back, control myself, we're gonna get into all of it today, but there is
just so much to get to, so much to cover on this Live Monday broadcast.
I have an exciting announcement that I want to make to everybody.
We have come out with three brand new mega immune support supplements.
And they're 40% off when you get all three of them together.
But there's not a lot of markup in these, so I can't ever go above 40%.
They're 25% off individually.
It's vitamin C and zinc.
Huge dosage of it of high quality.
This isn't the crappy type, it's the good type of both.
Vitamin C and zinc to turbocharge your immune system, your body, for everything that's going on.
You needed this before all this crap went on.
This is incredible.
Everybody wants a really strong dose of something?
Take yourself to the next level?
This is a...
1,000 plus percent more vitamin C than your daily alliance.
And 182 percent of the daily allowance of zinc, because you don't want to go too high on zinc.
You can basically take as much vitamin C as you want.
But this is 1,111 times the vitamin C you need.
And the Nobel Prizes from Linus Pauling and all that were found that it's the vitamin C plant-derived that you want.
And that, again, 1,000 percent dose is what he said was the bare minimum he would take daily.
And it's just incredible what it does.
So here it is.
Zinc and vitamin C from m4warestore.com and then we have these gummies that are for adults and children.
Vitamin D3 with calcium, natural lemon flavor, like lemon drops, they're delicious.
You have that as well and then...
A multivitamin.
Whole food multivitamin.
This is all organic, all natural, not synthetic.
You can go buy synthetic vitamins that do nothing for you, in fact, hurt your liver.
You'll see studies out like, oh, multivitamin hurts livers.
Because it's not, it's synthetic.
And that's how they sell you these big name brands for like $10 for a bottle of a multivitamin that has everything in it you supposedly need.
And it does, because it's synthetic.
It's not real.
It's crap.
Well, that's not what this is.
This is a Whole Foods multivitamin.
They sell this exact vitamin at the biggest food store in the world.
You know their name, Whole Foods.
We got it private labeled.
It retails there for $50.
We've got it for you, $29.95.
But there is a lot of money goes into this.
So we have the new Whole Foods multivitamin.
All the essentials.
We have the Vitamin D with Calcium Booster Gummy Bear.
And then we've got the Vitamin C and Zinc, and also Rose Hemp is in there.
There's so much great stuff for you.
So those are there, 40% off when you get all three, and the Trifecta, 25% off when you get them individually, and that's still an amazing deal.
And we look, I've been trying to get a multivitamins like this, Vitamin Mineral Fusion is great, that's all in one powder, it's wonderful, but that keeps selling out as well.
To get high quality stuff that's high end, it's all broken down.
I put in the orders for this, Fourteen months ago, these products.
Fourteen months ago.
And we just now got them made a month ago, and they just now came in last week.
Fourteen months ago.
So that shows the breakdown of society.
We've got a good supply of them, but that'll still be limited.
I would stock up on this while you can, because the breakdown is ongoing and very serious.
Stock up on all the essentials.
And prices are going up, so lock in your savings now at InfoWarsTore.com.
So Cyrus Jones!
Man, I tell ya, Willie Nelson is a big ol' slice of real Texas.
He comes from right around the same area as my dad.
And that is what a lot of those people are like.
My dad's kinda like a Willie Nelson type.
He's a good guy.
A lot more calm than I am.
Wasn't always, though.
Wonder if I'll get like my dad someday, just totally calm.
I'm certainly not calm right now, man.
Alright, let me do this.
We got Robert Barnes coming up, and we're going to cover the waterfront with him, and then I'm going to plow in third hour to this monstrosity.
Senate kills GOP legislation to prohibit certain human-animal hybrids, chimeras, and that happened two weeks ago.
It'll be two weeks ago tomorrow.
And then right on time, they've got a Netflix show produced, of course, about human-animal hybrids and how cute they are and how much we need to love them and take care of them.
And, you know, it's our fault that the Earth has collapsed and all the humans have died.
So now all that's left is animal-human hybrids and a few people.
The perfect show to sell them from the beginning is our babies that we've got to take care of.
When they are corporately produced humanoids, That are going to be built and designed the way the globalists want.
So this is one of the big issues, if you want to understand the future and how to stop the New World Order, that I will break down for you, coming up in the third hour today.
And it ties into a whole host of other issues, but if you want tomorrow's news today, we will give it to you.
And the whole PSYOP of USA Today and other papers, putting a whole fake cover on them, For the ad for the show and not telling people that it's not real.
Fake date, fake everything for last weekend.
Says right there on the cover that it's the 4th through the 6th.
And people got their USA Today.
And it says hybrid babies born across the U.S.
World reacts to new generation of half-humans.
Half-animal children with both awe and concern.
It's never like, is Drag Queen Storytime good or bad?
We're just going to have it.
Or, oh, we're running a fake news article to condition you that there are hybrids and that people react with awe but also concern.
Not like, how did this happen?
Because it's really going on.
But see, now your brain will see that, be tricked the first time that, wow, did you read this?
Then it'll follow away as a joke that it's a movie, a TV show, so that later in your synapses, when the real animal human clones are rolled out, which is now happening, you'll just go, oh, that's part of that show!
You're being conditioned.
You're being seduced.
You're being prepared.
I mean, like, China's already gene-edited 86 people with CRISPR.
Oh, yeah, you think they're the first to do it and it just happened?
So, this is their coming out.
This is their revolution.
Like, when you fire a starting gun for a swimmer's race, or for a horse race or whatever, that's politically incorrect.
So now they don't fire a little cap gun.
They have a beep.
Red light goes on.
It makes a microwave sound.
Because all tradition's got to be gotten rid of, because you know, in tradition, you'd know, oh, it's end times when you start splicing humans and animals, and that's when God comes back.
The Antichrist will create a one-world system with a cashless society.
Oh, and it's all here now, but now it's like, oh, well, the churches are like, that's the old quaint Bible.
Sure, it predicted it, but we don't listen to it.
We watch Netflix, and we have our QR code that you scan to come in the church to prove you're vaccinated.
It's of the Lord.
Major churches are saying, take your shots.
It's from Jesus.
Those same churches will be where you're implanted with your microchips.
You won't be allowed in the church unless you have the chip, Klaus Schwab said, and major denominations are now saying, you know, the chip is not of the devil.
In fact, they're going to tell you Christ is on the earth soon and has returned, and it's going to heal everyone.
We just have to deny Jesus, though.
Stay with us.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, as we broadcast worldwide on this Monday, June 7th transmission.
Here's the best thing I can do, because I got started on the COVID world government takeover news, and I've got all this other news.
Let me do this in this segment as we get Robert Barnes on the line.
Let me just run through headlines for you.
I think that's probably the best thing to do here.
I think this is all self-explanatory.
Genome sequencing almost certainly proves COVID was deliberately made in a lab, U.S.
experts, top scientists say.
It's worse than we thought.
Fauci and top U.S.
doctors caught.
They conspired to disqualify hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment.
Millions died as a result, so they could get their experimental vaccines approved, because you can't approve experimental stuff if there's a known treatment that even has any efficacy, instead of like 100% like hydroxychloroquine and rendezivir.
They should all go to prison, bare minimum, for that.
I mean, that is evil.
New video, this is coming up.
Houston Hospital instructs employees not to list vaccine adverse reactions.
Cover up the death.
We'll play that here in a few minutes.
Dr. Jill, Dr. Fauci in Harlem greeted with a chorus of boos and chants.
Fire Fauci!
But of course, the biggest news of the day is that Dr. Fauci briefed world leaders on coronavirus and that it escaped from the Wuhan lab last spring over a year ago.
He briefed the head of the FDA and now the rat is leaving the sinking ship, Scott Gottlieb.
And remember, Fauci lied about all that to Congress.
So they're having to come out and admit all of this.
But oh, look who got banned.
Naomi Wolf, one of the most respected liberal women, best-selling author, celebrated by the left.
She said there's a lockdown, it's illegal.
She says the worldwide COVID passport is a tyranny.
She said it's dangerous.
She said the vaccines are hurting people.
She linked to evidence of that.
She's been banned on Twitter after being warned not to talk about it.
In fact, one of the times she got suspended a few months ago was because she talked about it being made in a lab.
Well, now we know it was, and we know they covered it up, but that's one of the suspensions.
Well, she was suspended the third time.
Bye-bye, you're banned, Naomi Wolf.
With all her platforms and TV shows, she built up her Twitter following, brought them the advertising, and now they just took it away because she was exposing the criminal activities.
Scientist who told Fauci COVID potentially engineered deletes Twitter account are being paid millions of dollars by Fauci.
Video, Rand Paul says he's getting daily death threats for questioning Fauci.
Malaysian police use heat drones to check temperatures from above.
Oh, the robot says you're guilty of being hot.
Well, now we're going to disappear you.
Yet another scientific study concludes COVID is likely lab engineered.
And it goes on from there.
Now let's add this to the pile.
Dating apps allow users to reject the unvaccinated.
Since when do you put your medical status out in the world?
Since when can companies demand it?
Since when can your boss say you've got to have it?
Since when does HIPAA go out the window?
Since when is implied consent gone?
In the UK, in Canada, and now in California, they're giving children Vaccines out of ice cream trucks.
We have video without parental consent and lawyers are delivering them cease and desist saying, who are you?
Some guy with a mask on.
See, that's the symbol of the takeover.
Mask men with a secret so-called vaccine that's really a drug and nurses saying everywhere there's massive cover-ups taking place.
We'll get to that next segment.
With Robert Barnes.
We're also going to look at Trump's cryptic statements about Biden will be out of the White House sooner than you think with all the election fraud news coming out.
Trump saying it's been a coup, who's running things, Biden's a puppet.
That's strong signals from Trump.
Trump now signaling and telling people he may run for Congress and then get into the House of Representatives that would have a majority if he leads that move to get Other conservative Trumpites elected, he would then be the speaker in a year and a half.
There's major discussion of that.
I mean, this is quite a time to be alive.
We'll cover that with Robert Barnes coming up.
Next segment.
But this is just an amazing time to be alive.
And after he leaves us, I'm going to get into the legalization of cloning and animal-human creations and the real implications of that.
And of course, the subsequent TV shows and full-page ads telling you just accept clones on the streets, accept spliced humans and animals.
This is the real agenda.
This is the transhumanist revolution.
And now the transhumanists are saying that.
This is our revolution.
Type in transhumanists, say our revolution is here.
And so the biggest circulation paper in the U.S., on the cover, said hybrid babies born across the U.S., world reacts to new generation of half-human, half-animal children with both awe and concern.
The minute I saw that, I said, it's fake news, it's the condition you accept it, and it's a fake news stunt.
And of course it was to promote a TV show.
The minute I saw it before I went out and got one, which I forgot and left at home, some USA Todays are still on the shelves.
Ask my assistant or somebody to get me an actual copy of that USA Today.
Some hotels around here will still have one as well.
The weekend edition.
So this is a mass move.
I told you when they legalized human animal cloning two weeks ago in the Senate, By not prohibiting it, they said it's already going on, that now that's the real damn breaking.
And now it's full page headlines that you will accept the clones.
Which is corporations allowed to make artificial life on the earth and then give it rights.
Just like big tech gets governmental power, spies on you for the government.
And the government censors out its illegal spying by having you sign a waiver, but still they give all the data to the government, and at the behest of the government, suppress the people, which makes it totally illegal.
And finally, people are listening to me.
Senator Ted Cruz came out and said, the way to attack this is how they're illegally surveilling their users, how they're lifetime censoring them, and how they're doing it at the direction of federal agencies that haven't even been authorized by law to do so.
There's a thousand ways to skin this cat, instead of Section 230.
Robert Barnes will give us his take on that as well when we come back.
Now, this is the last day.
Everybody's been busy.
A lot of stuff's gone on.
We've not come out with new ads or promos or banners for the new product we just came out with that I'm very excited about.
Vitamin D3 and Zinc.
Highest quality gummies for adults and for children.
A whole food Multivitamin, meaning it's totally from the concentrate of vegetables and of other plants.
Very strong, very powerful, very high-end.
That is in brand new product.
And of course, vitamin C and zinc with rose hemps.
All of this for just for your life, your skin, your eyes, your body.
Everything you need.
It's all essential.
This is all great with our regular multivitamin, vitamin refusion.
But this is if you want to boost and go even above that.
This is high-end at low price.
Okay, high-end at low price, as most folks mark these up four or five times.
The way we have it marked up, we can never do 50% off on these.
25% out of the gates, get all three together, 40% off.
And that's introductory.
Now, there's kind of a sweet spot right now because we haven't gotten the ads up yet for that.
You can still see that the old thing from this weekend, and I asked the guys, and I love them, I said, please have the new banners for Monday.
I really want to have it in Monday.
We haven't done that.
That's okay.
You got till four o'clock today, and then I promise, it has to end.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot Points, Ultra 12, Vazzo Beats, DNA Force Plus, Pollen Block, all of it, 40 to 50% off, with free shipping, with double Patriot Points, our biggest sale of the year.
It ends at four o'clock today, and our new sale is The trifecta, mega immune system health boost from M4 Wars Life, those three new products that we're very excited about.
And it'll fund the operation and make your life healthier and better.
It'll literally save your life.
I mean, this is all essential stuff.
But the trifecta of the old sales ending, still here for like three, four more hours, and then...
The new sale that's also going as well.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
All right.
I'm very excited about people fighting back against the forced inoculations.
Barnes has filed lawsuits on that front.
Very excited about Trump's statements.
We'll talk to him straight ahead.
We now take you to the front lines of the information war.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
This is the big takeaway if we want to turn this around and stop this.
We have to recognize what the globalists are doing.
We have to recognize there's a transhumanist revolution happening that'll set them up to totally control the planet.
And we have to realize that from the beginning they've used a Artificially created virus and exaggerated claims and fear and suppression of 100% remedies and treatments like hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir and aerosolized steroid inhalers and other things.
And it's all been an exercise in censorship and fraud and control.
And I have all the articles right here we'll go over where mainline science says, yes, we're going to start cloning humans.
We're going to start having genetically engineered babies.
China's already doing it.
And that They're sweeping away all the old checks and balances.
But those laws are still there.
You can't give children that are 12 years old in San Francisco at a playground an injection without their parents knowing.
That is total Nuremberg violation.
That is like punishable by serious, serious prison time.
I mean, and they're all using drug dealer tactics at the playgrounds all over the world.
I mean, this is the takeover.
This is the precedent-setting event.
I wanted to get Robert Barnes on, a very smart fellow historian, really, a constitutional lawyer, follow a lot of suits against what's happening, he can tell us the latest on the struggle against this, but what do you make just in general of, as I said a month ago, as I had sources, that the major whistleblowers will be the heads of agencies who don't want to go to prison.
That's how bad this is.
The former head of the FDA, who was the FDA head last year, Gottlieb sang Fauci briefed them that it did come out of the lab.
I mean, just the level of that one story alone, and then nurses confirming and showing documents that they've been ordered to not say vaccines are hurting and killing people.
I mean, we've got a real criminal conspiracy from the UN, from Fauci and Gates, that set up world policy and big tech censorship, working with them and government to suppress everybody.
I mean, it is a total criminal conspiracy.
This is open and shut.
The dumbest jury would convict them, Robert Barnes.
What would you call this time we're in right here?
I just can't believe it.
Well, I mean, what's sort of unexpected is that they got caught.
I mean, what you were talking about a year ago.
Uh, and you know, Francis Boyle has been talking about for a year, uh, has been that this is a lab-created virus, that it had the early, early indicia of being a lab-created virus.
Everything about it spoke to that.
And look at who profited from this.
I mean, not only did China profit by being able to get rid of Trump, that was only possible because of this pandemic virus, but on top of that, they were able to economically profit.
The only country that grew dramatically economically in the last year was China, and China profited immensely.
Now, they weren't the only ones, because big tech also profited immensely.
So you follow the money and it tracks back to the drug makers, it tracks back to Bill Gates connected people, it tracks back to big tech, and it tracks back to China.
So it shouldn't come as a full surprise, though it is still shocking that it's actually coming out in the public record, that you have that this was an open conspiracy.
I mean from the moment that Fauci knew this was going to become public, he engaged in a year-long conspiracy to suppress the information And the only reason why it was successfully suppressed for the length of time that it was, was because of big tech censorship.
I mean, the only person talking about this early on was you.
That was it.
And that's why the reasons why they went to great lengths to suppress people's access to information and to smear the reputation of you and InfoWars is so that people wouldn't pay attention to what was clear from the get-go.
But the people who listen to the institutional media for the last year have been lied to.
And even Thomas Frank, a liberal, writing in The Guardian, a liberal publication, wrote last week that if this is true, it completely takes apart everything he believes about institutional confidence and trust.
But that's what happened.
This was an extensive, expansive conspiracy to create a bioweapon, to use that bioweapon for politicized purposes, to enrich a small group of people, to empower China at the expense of the rest of the world, and to take out Trump.
And, you know, some of us told Trump back then that if Trump had pursued this, when we told him to pursue it, Trump would still be in the White House today.
Sure, and without bragging, we both told him, without bragging, we both advised Trump on this, and he would agree but never did anything with it, because his advisors would tell him we were wrong.
But now he knows that, so let's expand on that, and we'll get into Trump later, because he's starting to get that now, and if he does get that and goes public with it, that will destroy them, so he still holds the cards like the phoenix arrives from the ashes.
What do you think they're going to do now?
Because if you have the heads of federal agencies, Redfield and now Gottlieb, saying, no Fauci knew, and basically he covered it up, they're scared.
They are blowing the whistle on themselves, hoping they don't get indicted.
I mean, you're a big criminal lawyer as well.
Am I reading the tea leaves wrong here?
No, I think what happened is because of the extensive FOIA requests that they knew that Fauci was going to get outed.
And so everybody who could be implicated started running for cover.
I think they started this off, these email leaks, as a cover-up campaign to see as sort of a soft balloon to see how people would respond.
And unfortunately, Fauci is dead in the water for them.
They thought maybe they could survive this.
Fauci could survive this.
He can't.
And so you're starting to see people pile on.
Other scientists who signed on to that bogus letter that intimidated people from investigating this.
More and more of them are retracting their signature.
Others are trying to hide the paper trail, deleting their entire Twitter account.
Well, that's because the head of the Wuhan Lab Project for Fauci is the one that wrote the damn paper.
Absolutely, and this is something you've been talking about for the better part of a year.
From the very beginning, it was clear that these people were in cover-up mode.
But the institutional media went along with it.
The powerful institutions went along with it.
And what they did is they now are self-discredited.
And anybody connected to Fauci or connected to this scandal needs to come clean sooner rather than later,
or they don't have any credibility or reputational integrity yet left.
Now, if I were Fauci, I would be looking for some nice condos in Rio right about now.
Yeah, I'd be looking for countries that don't have extradition treaties
'cause that'd be the smart move.
Now, whether our government ever has the courage to put people like Fauci behind bars
is still a very open question.
But there's no doubt what the email trail proves is a criminal cover-up
to cover up a worse criminal conspiracy underneath it.
Which this all goes back to something you've been talking about now for many years, which is the illicit funding by Fauci and other people of these gain-of-function biosafety labs.
That's not really biosafety, it's bioterrorism.
That's where all this comes from.
And if people have been paying attention to what you were talking about six years ago, we might never have been here.
Because that's when this funding was taking place.
That's when these bad acts were first put in motion.
And by the way, not to toot our horn, but I had Frances Boyle on 15 years ago warning When I remember George Herbert Walker Bush started this stuff and his son expanded it, then Obama expanded it, all these level four bioweapons labs all over the United States that are doing like serious weapons development under the guise of quote finding cures, but they're making new diseases to find a cure for.
Exactly, and what it was is most of America still didn't know about it.
The InfoWars audience knew about it, but most Americans didn't know about it.
So most of them are now shocked to discover this research even exists, and that we were funding it, that we were supporting it, that we were laundering it through NGOs to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because the Wuhan Institute of Virology just let it out of the bag.
So it's a big wake-up call to America, what's going on, and I think people that have the best intentions Absolutely.
Let's talk about all the forced inoculation talk we see, and what the legal parameters of that are, and how we legally stand up and say no to this biological, big tech, big pharma rape.
We are certainly riders on the storm.
Into this world we're born, into this house we're thrown.
And there is a complete revolution taking place of election fraud, of corporate governance, of all of it.
That's what the whole COVID lockdown was, was corporations worldwide ordering their employees to stay home, then governments followed suit, and all of it based on a giant, exaggerated, epic lie.
Robert Barnes, a great constitutional lawyer, one of the smartest guys I know, joins us to cover the waterfront.
Robert, I want to get back into All of the attempts to inoculate children without parental consent that's actually taking place.
Just this mass criminal movement happening and the actions you and others are involved in getting lawyers to serve these ice cream trucks injecting children and all these schools doing it without parental consent to let them know Uh, that they're on notice of their criminal activity.
But again, uh, analyze this for us and what you think the general public can do to say no to this, not just individually to their employers and others, but explain to others how important it is to stand up against this and say no.
Well, I mean, basically we're back to the 1920s all over again.
We're back to human experimentation in the open in the public.
While different forms of that experimentation has been taking place in secret, For decades, this open, overt nature of it is something that the governments claim not to be doing since the Nuremberg Code of 1947 was put in after the Nazi experimentation was outed to the world.
And the Nuremberg Code of 1947 is very clear that nobody can be the subject of human experimentation without informed consent.
And that Nuremberg Code of 1947 is recognized as part of American law.
Multiple courts have said that Nuremberg Code of 1947 is governing, guiding law that enforces constitutional rights in the United States.
This not only includes the right to privacy, but the right to informed consent.
The right to decide what goes in your body before the government can force it or coerce it or inject it into you.
Now they have violated that routinely over the many decades.
I mean, people forget what happened in 1957 in San Francisco where they were experimenting over the city, dumping chemicals, killed one person, lied about it for decades after that.
Then, of course, we had MKUltra all the way through the 60s and 70s, which also, which included injecting LSD, giving people LSD unwittingly and unknowingly, following up the mustard gas experiments of World War I, other experiments of World War II.
This was all supposed to be illegal, but they were doing it anyway.
One of those early MKUltra individuals that was subject to mental psychological torture at a vulnerable age would go on to be Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
So there's been this, and then they went to great lengths to cover that up at his criminal trial, having his criminal defense counsel compromise by trying to undermine him rather than expose this to the world, and thus he cut a plea deal rather than go through the public exposure of trial of how the government was implicated in that event.
And there's been variations of that, you know, cancer treatment, a wide range of things where they've used human beings as guinea pigs, but it's not supposed to be legal, it's not supposed to be constitutional.
Indeed, the Emergency Use Authorization Statute governing vaccines specifically codifies this principle in the statute itself.
And there were two components about that, and this is another one that's also worth exploring now.
Emergency Use Authorized Vaccine cannot be compelled without informed consent, period.
That's written right into federal law.
But the other part is an Emergency Use Authorized Vaccine cannot even happen if there's alternative therapeutics that may work.
They have to rule those out.
Well, Brett Weinstein, the great scientist, on his Dark Horse podcast had some prominent doctors going through the various therapeutics that may have in fact be equally effective alternatives to the vaccine.
And that this information was suppressed.
Information concerning it was suppressed.
People who talked about it and discussed it were blacklisted and blackballed.
And we now have the emails of Fauci saying, let's suppress these treatments so we get emergency authorization.
I mean, that right there is a long prison sentence.
That's illegal as hell.
I mean, this goes back to the core principle of informed consent that the Nuremberg Code was designed to do.
The words that came out of Nuremberg were, never again.
And yet we're right back here with Nazi-style human experimentation, treating even kids as guinea pigs.
Now, one of the leaders, if there's anybody out there that has a concern about a child, anyone under 18 with a vaccine, with some attempt to force it upon them to give it to them without informed consent or anything like that, the leading legal organization in the nation and the leading legal organization, frankly, in the world on this is Children's Health Defense.
Bobby Kennedy Jr.
is the leader of it.
He's bringing suit in the District of Columbia because the District of Columbia tried to pass a law to authorize forced vaccines, COVID vaccines, on kids without any informed consent.
I mean, and this goes with judges who are trying to do this.
There's a judge in Texas who's, you know what some of the judges like, well... Oh, there's a judge outside Houston ordered both parents to take it or they take the child away.
Completely, which is a complete misuse and abuse of the authority of a judge.
The parental rights to govern what a child gets and what a parent gets is governed by
the Constitution of the United States.
And let's be clear, if it was an authorized, tested vaccine, it would still be illegal
and out of control.
This is a gene therapy, this is literally a 100% violation of the Nuremberg Code, and
it's the same thing in Europe, the US, Canada.
This is all being called by the UN.
They're calling the shots, and then when Naomi Wolf or me or you or anybody goes on the internet
and challenges this, we get censored, that's even more criminal.
Same with Bobby Kennedy, kicked off of Instagram, for simply reporting what the government's own database, the VAERS database, was reporting.
And people can go and look at that as part of informed consent.
If you look at, you should be informed.
I'm all for people making their own decision.
You like the vaccine?
Take it.
You don't like it?
You should have the right to say no.
This is your right.
This is your choice.
Not my prerogative.
Not the government's prerogative.
And if you look at what's being reported, we're seeing record levels of reporting.
But for people who don't know, the VAERS reporting system, if you lie to it, it's a federal crime.
So people aren't going to just make up stories.
In fact, they estimate that there are 10 times more incidents per vaccine than are ever reported in the VAERS.
Oh, that's a very conservative number.
Some estimates are 100, yeah.
Some leftists put up an incredible halt statement to try to discredit it.
Well, just because they filed a false report doesn't mean that it's one of the most credible reporting systems out there.
And what do you make of nurses and doctors coming forward, showing the documents, where they're being told, suppress this.
So, the hospital administrators are going along with the crime to suppress it.
Well, and if you were a nurse or doctor, wouldn't you?
You just saw the last year one of the biggest cover-ups get almost every nurse and doctor in the country and scientist in the world shut their mouths about what was obvious to everybody.
So that's my next question.
Mark Twain said, a lie goes halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on, but once the truth puts its pants on, it starts kicking some ass.
Here we are, the wheels are coming off, what do you expect to happen next?
Because the big, bold, megalomaniac takeover plan, we got big tech, we can censor them, we'll make trillions, we'll have a world ID, we'll have a global social credit score, this is our plan.
I mean, I think they're going to continue to accelerate.
on purpose to save the earth from evil humans and now everyone's waking up and resisting
them and the censorship's not working Robert Barnes, what do they pull next?
I mean I think they're going to continue to accelerate.
I think the, I think some of the people that are complicit in these actions were people
who intended to do another variant and another virus because this worked really well for
the, until now.
They got mass compliance around the world.
Almost every government capitulated.
Almost every person capitulated.
All kinds of people forfeited their rights eagerly and so when they saw this, this was
more successful than the Cold War, more successful than any war we've ever fought, more successful
than any crime wave at getting people to completely be docile to the government.
And now more and more people are waking up, and I think their desire to do a second wave, the sequel, COVID-19 the sequel, I think they have to put the brakes on that.
And you're seeing more and more information come out about Bill Gates, more and more information come out about Fauci, and more and more information come out about the Chinese Communist Party, and more and more information come out about Big Tech.
And these were the four architects, the four horsemen of the COVID-19 public policy disaster and debacle.
And Trump, as you mentioned, is now also starting to fight back in ways that he wanted to but held back on last year because he's getting better advice now.
So I think that the people are waking up, and as always, the people's public consciousness is the greatest tool to resist evil of any kind.
I one trillion percent agree.
When we come back, let's get into Trump and how him using this information to bring down the deep state is a must.
And then what you make of his statements about Biden will be gone soon and the recounts and everything coming up.
Well, one hell of a time to be alive.
I'm Alex Jones, Robert Barnes with us straight ahead.
The global government, the Chai Com Alliance, was in trouble.
Trump was winning.
We were winning.
So they launched a big health scare.
But now it's unraveling, and they've got to get in trouble for what they've done.
Big articles that are breaking at Infowars.com.
Trump just came out and said he would seriously consider DeSantis for his running mate in 2024.
Also, Trump-connected individuals have been saying that he is seriously considering running for the House of Representatives.
They look like they can retake the House, which looks clear is going to happen.
Anybody Trump endorses is winning.
He would then be voted in as the Speaker of the House, pretty much as important and powerful as the President.
You've got a strong leader.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, and also he's been a Trump advisor, is here with us to give us his take on Trump land, and him taking the gloves off with Fauci, Bill Gates, and more.
What would you advise the President to do, and what do you think he's really up to right now?
Well, I think the biggest thing is he now realizes even more so.
He's realized this at different stages.
But that the advice he'd been getting while he was in the White House was almost all bad advice.
He got bad advice about how to handle the elections.
He got bad advice about how to handle the lockdown.
He got bad advice about how to handle the COVID-19 lab leak source.
And so the his initial instincts, I mean, we were on, you know, about a year ago where he publicly retweeted my comments that he wasn't going to go along with the Fauci plan, wasn't going to go along with the lockdown, wasn't was going to expose the the Chinese Communist Party source of this virus and pandemic.
And he got talked out of it by a bunch of bad advisors.
And I think the biggest development in all of this is Trump is now clearly waking up to how many bad advisors he had, and that he regrets not listening to those of us who were giving him the good advice, and he regrets listening to those who gave him bad advice.
And the best thing for Trump moving forward is to fully appreciate who gave him good information and who gave him bad information.
And I hope he starts the process of purging Trump world of bad sources and not rely on those sources anymore.
Because those sources told him to stay quiet about the lab leak source.
Those sources told him to go along with the lockdowns.
Those sources told him to take a different kind of tactic on the elections than the one that he needed to take.
So I think he is and you're seeing that reflected in his speech.
He's being more and more critical of Fauci, more and more critical of the entire of the Chinese and their involvement in all of this in the Chinese Communist Party.
And you're seeing him demand reparations from CCP.
You're seeing him demand remedy in that respect.
You're seeing him exposed?
Let me ask you this then.
What do you make of a presidential run?
More and more it looks like he is going to do it.
He's lost a lot of weight.
He's gotten his energy back.
And the word is, he's been saying, I probably will run if my health is good.
I think Trump's being truthful.
That means they're going to try to indict him obviously in New York City or in New York State with that pincer attack they've got going.
What's your intel on that?
So it's high risk gamble for them to try to bring a prosecution against him in New York.
It's one thing to keep him under the... There is no... I mean, I do a whole lot of tax cases.
So there's no chance of them securing a conviction, even with the New York jury trial in New York.
And that will only make Trump look stronger.
I mean, he has full reliance defense, full good faith defense.
All of his returns were done by accounting professionals and legal professionals.
They're all consistent with the way real estate law works.
So there's just no legal claim there at all.
So if they bring a bogus indictment, a made-up fictitious indictment on those grounds, they're just going to get embarrassed and humiliated.
But they did that twice with the fake impeachments.
That's the problem is, if you look at their past activity, the word is they are intending to indict him.
I think that they're trying to say they are, but I'll believe that when I see it.
Because it's big, particularly on the tax charges, a big gamble.
They could try to bring state charges on tax charges, but the same defenses all apply.
So, I know the people at the tax division, there's almost no chance they'll green light this case because it's got massive red tape.
Oh, we know the lower level folks are saying there's no case, but the idiot Leticia James and others, they want to.
Well, Letitia James wants to be well-known, wants to be well-loved, wants to be a future governor.
That's why she's partially behind taking out Cuomo and leaking all the stories about Cuomo.
But she's also generally risk-averse.
If you look at her history, she talks big, but name the big party she's actually indicted.
She hasn't indicted any big party yet.
So, we'll see if she has the guts to do this.
The problem is, if she does it, And then loses, it's the end of her career.
So this is a high-risk gamble that knowing a lot of these prosecutors, they tend to talk a big, big game, but then they tend to fold real quickly, real easily.
I think they were leaking that they were going to indict him in order to try to get people around him to flip and make false stories again.
I totally agree with that.
So you think Roger Stone is wrong?
Because I mean, they're certainly shooting their mouths off in New York that he's going to be indicted.
Oh, no doubt.
I think Roger's sources are getting accurate information.
I have no doubt.
But it's a strategy, a tactical strategy.
Preet Bharara, a long-time federal prosecutor from the Southern District of New York, a lot of his protégés still run the federal side of the operation.
Cy Vance runs the state operation.
I mean, I've defended people against both.
The idea that I know a lot of their personnel well, they tend to bluff a lot.
So they want to create the perception that they're going to come in with this big death prosecution that's going to be the end of Trump.
And what they're hoping is it shakes loose somebody who has information or intel or is worried about what that means and they'll come and give them a case.
But unless that happens, they don't actually have a case.
And these are people that are more terrified of losing than of anything else.
So, they will not go after Trump unless they get new evidence that they don't have currently.
They will pretend to everybody and they will leak stories that they're right about to indict him to try to shake somebody else loose.
I totally agree with what you're saying because, I mean, I've looked at what they claim the case is.
If a bank gives you the money, they're saying, oh, it's bad, he overvalued a property.
Well, that's the bank's prerogative.
If they want to give somebody a loan, then that's not illegal.
And not only that, if they were to try to indict Trump for some of that stuff, every single real estate developer in New York is going to get the hell out of New York.
Because they all do various of these activities.
Involvement of tax credits, different valuations of property based on future projections versus real property, local tax appraisals.
Everybody does that.
Nobody's tax appraisal is their best valuation, their highest valuation of their property.
Everybody's bank valuation is the highest possible valuation.
So they would have to indict everybody in New York.
And if you're a real estate developer in New York and you think, hey, Trump can get indicted for this kind of thing, why be in New York?
The New York real estate market would crash.
It's already in trouble over what they did during the lockdown.
They can't afford the whole market to crash.
Trump is on the high end of ethics and legal compliance.
So let's go further here.
Why are they still doing lockdowns in Canada and Europe?
Why, when it's turning everyone against the governments, it's like not even one death in the UK and it's still locked down, what is their problem?
And I know it's making big tech money and consolidating control, but or is it just pure megalomania by the left that they just enjoy seeing people wearing masks and submitting?
I think it's a combination of events.
So partially, it's like the Milgram experiment and the Stanford experiment combined, that once they got this power, they don't want to give up the power.
It's too easy to misuse and abuse the power.
They love it.
You know, for people like Newsom in California, it's intoxicating.
Even though he's facing a recall because of doing all this, what does he do?
He says, no, I'm going to keep some aspects of the lockdown rolling when it's deeply unpopular, increasingly enlarged segments of the state.
So, and it's hurting the economy and it's hurting the society.
So I think that's part of it.
The other part of it is, they wanted to terrify people so that they felt relieved when they had the opportunity to take the vaccine.
So I think that they, unless they made light of it.
Exactly, they're keeping that in place, they admit to forced compliance.
I see that as backfiring and the carnival atmosphere of these vax lotteries and all of it is really waking people up.
Yes, I agree.
I mean, think about it.
Two years ago, you had maybe 2-5% of the country that was knowledgeable about vaccine risks.
Now you have 40-50% of the country that's knowledgeable about vaccine risks.
So the response was not what they thought would happen.
No doubt.
You go back to Event 201 and Bill Gates' pre-planning of all of this.
Oh, they admit that.
I agree.
I agree.
But like you said, they're going to strike back.
And you're saying they backed off Pandemic 2 because things backfired.
I agree, but I think they're going to cook up something even worse.
They've got something else up their sleeve.
Oh, I mean, there's always going to be another wave of something.
But I would expect some sort of terror risk somewhere around the world.
I agree.
Staged cyber attacks.
They blame on a group of the Deep State runs to consolidate power.
I see cyber attacks run by the Deep State.
That's what I see.
And an attempt to start a race war.
I mean, those are both realistic possibilities that are at risk.
What else do you see?
Well, I think originally the goal was to make domestic terrorism and foreign pandemics the mechanism for control, but both of those are falling apart.
The January 6th narrative isn't flying with anybody, and the pandemic, now people are seeing it was government-engineered from the get-go.
And so that they're going to have to adjust.
But also remember, these people are not the brightest bulbs on the block.
So some of them are not as smart and sophisticated as the old conspirators used to be.
And ordinary people are getting smarter every single day.
And that's the key source of resistance.
All right, Barnes, we've got 20 seconds.
How do folks find the show you host?
VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com is where people can find all the links to everything.
All right, buddy.
Talk to you soon.
All right.
I'll cover all the cloning news when we come back.
All right.
I want to play a few clips here of people resisting tyranny.
We already played earlier folks protesting Fauci coming to Harlem.
I've got a bunch of these clips, but here's just two of them.
School principal and VACS squad school bus supervisor served with notice of liability.
That's the second clip.
First clip I want to play is lawyer serves supermarket manager with cease and desist order regarding stores unconstitutional mask requirements.
This is what we need to see because what's happening is classical tyranny, medical tyranny, and a takeover.
Here are the two clips back to back, and we'll be back with the huge news, the public rollout of human animal clones.
I'm not interested in property.
I'm not interested.
You're asking me to leave the property.
A grocery store.
And you don't want it to be recorded.
Why is that, Joe?
It's a private property.
A private property?
I thought we could shop here.
Okay, well we'll leave, but I need you to get back to your CEO, and I will be back in seven days to see that all these fines are removed.
And looking ahead, Hawaii Pacific Health is bringing COVID vaccinations to schools across Oahu.
Its VaxSquad bus held its first mobile clinic at Waipahu High School on Thursday.
The bus will be heading to 11 more schools in the coming weeks.
The clinics are open to staff, teachers, students, and faculty members who are 16 and older.
For a complete schedule, you can head over to our website, KH12.com.
Do you have any kind of pamphlets that you're giving out to let the kids know the risks of everything going on?
Like the amount of deaths going on with the kids, the amount of actual deaths from COVID with the kids?
Why do you ask?
Because we want to know that you're keeping them informed of what the risks are that they're taking right now.
Who are you with?
of actual debts from older kids.
Why do you ask?
Because we want to know that you're keeping them informed of what the risks
are that they're taking right now.
Who are you with?
I'm with the Council for Restorative Justice International.
Okay, so I'm going to go over there and go get the principal.
The principal, no, I want to talk directly to you.
No, no, you're on full property, right there.
I'm on public house property right now.
This is your whole property, sir.
Okay, put your hand up to the side.
Thank you.
Yeah, yeah, just... No!
Just out of hate for traffic.
We don't want any cops here for nothing.
No, I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
So, this bus is protected.
Hold on for a second.
I'm the principal of the school.
Oh, you're the principal.
No, I actually wanted to talk to him about the bus.
That has nothing to do with the school.
Okay, how can I help you?
Well, it kind of does have to do with the school.
How can I help you?
So, we just wanted to make sure that all of these kids know what exactly is going on and the risk of the death and all of the data, the real data, of how many kids actually died of COVID versus of suicide by the lockdowns versus of the shot because they're getting blood clots.
Are you aware of that?
Not my business right now, but this is a good site for them.
So, how can I help you guys?
All right, that's good.
And the full videos again are on Infowars.com.
There's hundreds of these out there now.
And you've got a public school vaccinating people without telling the parents.
And in San Francisco, they're doing it to 12-year-olds.
In Toronto, they're doing it to 12-year-olds.
That's 16 and older there.
It's still illegal.
And these monsters get everybody to cast themselves as heroes.
And you're a hero.
Get them vaccinated.
It's not a vaccine.
And you will be held accountable for the people that get sick and die.
Doesn't matter if the globalists claim they've got immunity.
They don't have immunity from reality.
And every one of you that are involved in this are going to face God for it.
Make no mistake, you will not escape God's judgment.
Doesn't matter if the dumbass UN gives you liability protection.
They did a lockdown, they did martial law, and then later forced inoculations.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're into hour number three on this June 7th Monday transmission.
And humanity is definitely in the danger zone.
Whether you believe in the Bible or not, it's certainly coming true.
And what we see at the beginning of the Bible, and what we see at the end of the Bible, is the same story.
Scientists were splicing humans and animals.
Scientists were changing the genetics of humans.
And none of the line of humans left on the planet We're human anymore, so God destroyed almost all the people on the earth.
And then we have a Jewish history or legend written into the Torah, or the original Old Testament, telling us what happened.
But if you go into the different ancient Babylonian and Egyptian texts and others, they say basically the same thing happened.
So there was some big cataclysmic event, and Plato, who was the top Greek philosopher who held the Greek archives and who launched really modern civilization, he said that there was also a giant explosion in the Atlantic Ocean that then caused the seas to rise and kill most of the people all over the world.
And of course that explosion was the destruction and fall of Atlantis, which reportedly had a giant white beam of light that powered the city island and that they had ships that flew in the air.
Now, whether that was true then, and Plato said it had happened thousands of years before, it sure is true now.
You can pull up China Creates Artificial Sun for Longest Period of Time.
They went for days with an artificial sun that was giving them enough power to run all of China while it was on.
Yeah, and it took a lot of power to get it going, but once they got it going, it created basically unlimited free energy.
That was just last week.
And that's just a footnote.
Just type in China creates longest active artificial sun.
China turns on nuclear-powered artificial sun.
See, that's the kind of stuff I'm into.
And so if you're sitting around having cocktails, you go, hey, you know, China created artificial sun last week.
People go, uh-huh, Alex Jones, sure they did.
You dumbass.
Hey, I was reading, like, 25 years ago that they had animal-human hybrids.
Oh, where'd you see that?
You know, in a comic book?
And I'm like, oh, no, it was an MIT report.
I was sent it by a concerned scientist.
Would you like to see it?
It's in my car.
Uh, no.
We don't want to see about the animals and humans being spliced.
It doesn't exist.
I'll never forget, because my ex-wife broke her water that night, this place called Conan's Pizza, delicious deep dish pizza, and we live right down the street in South Austin from it.
And it was like 10 o'clock at night and I was editing Masters of Terror, a film I made, and I was like 9.30 and I wanted a pizza.
So I order it, I go in to get it, because they don't deliver, and a guy goes, pushes, like hits me in the back kind of pretty hard, but I was tired, and I wanted my pizza, and I turned around like, whoa!
And he goes, I used to watch you for a long time, but you're a liar.
You can't put insect genes into plants.
There's no such thing as cross-species.
I went to UT, and I used to think you were a great guy, but now I know you're an effing liar.
And I told him, I said, number one, back up, or I'm going to beat the living hell out of you if you touch me again.
And he started running his mouth.
I said, listen, you don't look too tough, Jack.
You want to get your GD neck broken?
He goes, oh, I'm sorry.
I just didn't know you were a liar.
And I said, you were never a listener.
You're a punk.
And you came in here to poke me in the back, to sit there and try to dominate me.
Well, guess what?
It ain't happening.
Now, I don't tell that story to act tough.
That's a real story happen.
And I got so mad five minutes later at home, I actually bit into a fork while I was eating the pizza with a fork and knife.
That's how I like to eat it, or I'll start just eating each piece.
I'll eat with a knife and fork, take my time, right?
You know, eat the whole damn pizza in five minutes.
So like an hour.
The reason I tell that story is, I don't know why the guy poked me in the back, but it's something about animal-human hybrids, people just can't handle the truth, and they get very upset.
It was a few months ago, I had somebody in a grocery store go, The standard stuff.
You know what they say.
It's the standard stuff.
You're a Russian agent.
I'm like, no, I'm not.
Oh, yeah?
What about the Sandy Hook families?
I'm like, hey, it's okay to question things, but I haven't said it happened in years.
Oh, yeah?
And then, oh, yeah, and they're making animal-human hybrids, right?
That's what I get challenged with.
And it just shows these people's ignorance.
Because governments do stage things.
We have a right to question everything.
And there are human-animal hybrids.
Take these salmon they just approved.
They had those same genetically engineered salmon 10 years ago, and they couldn't get FDA authorization.
Because they're part asparagus and walking stick.
And when you ask the company, why is there asparagus and walking stick in it?
And they go, We don't know why we just, with a gene gun, randomly were splicing stuff, you know, with the genetics and then injecting it into a salmon egg.
And we don't know.
We just know it makes them twice as big.
And real mean, too.
They kill regular salmon.
Not normally carnivorous.
Now they are of their own species.
So, we don't know.
Makes them twice as big.
They're really mean.
Now again, we don't know why asparagus, and again, I get why listeners hear that, they go, Jones is saying they got salmon that are part asparagus and walking stick.
Hey, you know, it's like the Pfizer mRNA shot.
It says there's the full genome of a colony creature, a jellyfish, and the full genome of a dead boy that they've been cloning since 1966.
And by the way, when you're reading the literature it says the human genome clone of his entire genome was, and it gives all the data, and then like by 1987 he was successfully cloned in the laboratory, and they're cloning the damn embryo for whatever reason.
Of this one boy.
And who knows why they're doing it?
Because it's all proprietary.
They won't tell you why there's a jellyfish genome in there.
They won't tell you why there's the whole genome of a dead boy.
I'm sorry this sounds so crazy.
I'm not the one coming up with this stuff.
So, that's where all this is.
Now there it is.
How can we still use a fetal cell line from 1960 to make vaccines today?
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Go read it!
It's a dead boy from 66, and then they're also using the genes of some dead black woman died in 1954.
I mean, a cancer ater in like a week.
And that's the reason they said, we got to check what ate her.
Because the cancer like literally like a blob just like ate half her body in a week.
Like it was moving so fast, like every hour it would eat a few more inches of her.
They were like, what the hell's this?
And the Pentagon flies in and they grab her.
They go, let's find out.
It's like some super cell, not even the planet, eats everything.
And they have just been busy with whatever they found on this dead white kid and whatever they got from this dead black woman and then walking sticks and asparagus.
I don't know what's going on.
I just know we're in a lot of trouble.
Because if you study what all this stuff does, when you start splicing insects and animals, it then allows whatever infects those insects to get into humans and vice versa.
And that's the real problem with zoological creations.
Plus, God!
Plus, I mean, are they going to have rights?
Who made them?
What's going on?
You think they put Trojan horses in your cell phone?
You think they've got dual use for all... Folks!
When we come back, I'm going to be judicious and I'm going to play you the new trailer for the new TV show that magically came out in a major PSYOP, accompanied by fake news and everything, this week, one week after the Senate legalized human-animal clones.
So we are not in Kansas anymore.
Here's a powerful rat from 1983.
Crank it up.
Some good guitar right there.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I would love to say this was some grand, incredible psychic moment that I've been telling you about human-animal clones for 25 years plus.
But no, it's in all the literature.
And then I've interviewed scientists and talked to others and talked to security people that have been in secret parts of the government that said they saw human-animal clones.
And what they described was so nightmarish, I've never really even told you on air.
I've told parts of it.
And once you understand the psychology of these people, that they're mad scientists, you understand everything.
So guys, pull up the footage we showed last week of the bio bag.
A quote, bag that grows a lamb in it.
Now, that's not really a lamb that's being grown in that bag.
They have a brain-dead mother sheep or mother pig, depending on the system, in another bag that's put in a permanent coma that then sends the Nutrients to the blood into the sheep or the pig.
And all this stuff you're seeing with all the real stuff and all the Hollywood stuff is to condition you to just accept it like it's background noise, like it's ambient.
Like, oh, you're just checking your internet while you're growing a baby in a pod 10 feet away.
And it's just no big deal.
So let's move from the fake pod they show you, that they show university students to condition them, to the real pod, the biobag.
And the biobag is simply a bag, an artificial uterus, with hoses and things hooked up to a real creature that is, in another bag, supplying its essence And then what you do is, you want to get human organs grown up to a large size, because most people get transplants are adult.
And so you create a human clone that's part human, but also part cow is the main one they're using.
So that you can then implant into the cow's uterus and grow up a 40 or 50 pound humanoid So that the liver and organs that you want to be getting are a little bit bigger.
So when they show you all these horrors, that's just them introducing 50 year old stuff. They've been doing
Yeah, this is mad scientist stuff on PCP the next video.
So, see, that's just an introduction to this.
But the big issue with it is you're allowing corporations to take human genetics and put them into animals and then create whole new classes that don't have rights and that they own.
And then if you can patent life and control life, you can release life at an industrial farming level.
That you can troll and that you can chip.
Oh, so the general public won't take a chip?
That's okay.
We've got a million clones we just grew that are part animal, so they have no rights.
And now though, the UN says they do have rights, but rights to follow orders of the UN.
So you don't have a right to say no to them.
You don't have a right to not let one date your daughter.
Oh, think about that.
It's got rights under the UN, but it's owned by the corporations and controlled, and will have a genetic matrix programmed into it, but also an artificial silicon control system.
And again, this is all biomechanical.
And this was already, as I've told you before, so big in like 1982, 83, that every well-known American-born implant doctor my dad knew in Dallas and other areas in Texas, they were being approached by the CIA and by DARPA to go to work in human Splicing programs with machines.
And my dad said, no.
My mom said, we're not moving to Maryland.
You're not going to be two months or whatever it was underground and then a month out.
We're not doing it.
My mom never threatened divorce, but I remember around the corner, listen, she goes, David, I'll divorce you.
We're not moving to Maryland and you're not working in a damn underground base.
Now that's when I'm like, 10 years old, I'm hearing this.
And I'm just giving you an example of how nobody's... It's not like, oh, my dad got offered to go to the Mars mission or something.
No, no.
It's like, I heard my dad got offered a job driving 18 wheelers.
I mean, they were hiring tens of thousands of dentists who knew how to do implant surgery, and all they told him is, it's cyborgs.
And my dad said, I'm not taking the job.
Even though it was like four times what he was making.
That's how big this is.
1983, most of the dentists he knew were offered it, a bunch of them disappeared.
I asked my dad a few years ago, did you ever hear from those guys?
He said, I never heard from those people again, no.
I mean, you heard from other dentists, right?
Yeah, I heard from them all the time.
Yeah, he never heard from them again.
What the hell's going on?
He knew a bunch of dentists that got sucked into a black hole.
So see, while we're all up here watching TV and the ball game and going out and having a beer and laughing with our buddies and everything else, there's literally an underground civilization that is super advanced.
It's already got cures for every cancer, they can grow whole clones, and they can pretty much transfer data into another brain.
The spirit's not there, but it can fool somebody.
So they've got it.
They've got it.
And they're like sitting back going, um, are we going to share this with the public?
But let's test on the public all sorts of things and get cures to this and cures that for ourselves.
And let's set the precedent to get rid of the general public and have them dine to your left and dine to your right.
And it's to see if the doctors and scientists and nurses will just go along with the coverups.
And so far they've been doing it.
And so this is Elysium meets 1984.
And there's all these selfish people that have even reached out to me and they're like, Jones, you're one of us, you understand all this, you should just join us.
From the beginning, you based it on basically a fake pandemic and blocking regular medicines that people would get for regular colds and the flu so they'd die.
And this is what I'm supposed to sign on with you?
Oh, because I'll get some advanced treatment and live longer?
You dumbasses think you're the only thing in the universe.
If you had any spiritual connection, you know this pisses our maker off big time.
This is the ultimate sin, what you're doing.
And I will not change my genetic code, and I will not be involved in sucking off baby clones, and I will not be involved taking their organs, and I...
Warn everybody to stay completely clear of this and not be part of it.
But here's the revolution.
It's all coming out in the open now.
So when we come back, we'll play the new trailer for the show, Pushing It, and the giant PSYOP they just launched.
We got Jason Jones, who had to leave Hawaii.
It's basically under martial law.
Now he's a fellow Texan.
He needs to deal with us to cover the waterfront next hour.
Yeah, we got to break out of the globalist spell.
They put us under a spell.
Now we realize how much trouble we're in.
So, there's a scientific revolution happening that makes cruelty to animals and cruelty to humans on a scale of one to ten look like a one.
This is like a hundred.
This is so bad, so evil, so abusive, so twisted.
And it's all basically now happening.
It's like the salmon's the perfect microcosm.
They've had it for over a decade.
Twice the size.
Kills natural salmon.
Super vicious.
Part insect.
Part vegetable.
And they just say, hey, we're going to put it in restaurants that don't label what you're eating.
And they admit we're keeping it a secret from you.
But the FDA said you can do it.
So the FDA is supposedly going to protect you from all these bad things out there, but they're not.
They're letting you take an experimental shot.
They're letting you eat a GMO fish because the decision has been made.
Just go ahead with all of this.
Yeah, Judge ordered the FDA to analyze the risk of escaped by genetically insured salmon, but they're not really doing it.
So that's what's going on here.
And then comes this show that premiered Friday on Netflix with its whole anti-human agenda one week after the U.S.
Senate Had a well-written law in front of it pointing out that we're doing animal, human, chimeras, human cloning all over the U.S., which is all confirmed.
And they said, we're going to keep doing it.
And they said, we're not passing a law against it, meaning there is no law.
It's wild, wild west.
I'm going to explain this right now.
Listen to me very carefully.
There's thousands of applications, but this is one of the worst.
The Holy Grail at MIT of Artificial Intelligence, the thing that their top scientists are tasked with working on, because I had dinner with one of their top people, I'll leave it at that, a few months ago.
I was invited to a little special dinner, I'll leave it at that.
And they said, yeah, our main mission is to create sex bots.
That will take control of procreation and that's just the main goal we've been given.
There's a lot of reasons for that, obviously.
Because if you can get men away from women and vice versa, you can control procreation and it will make the act of creating new humans a pure laboratory function and then the globalists are God, basically, in their view.
But what's it really about?
Well, it's about turning humans into a commodity.
So, pedophilia is illegal.
The globalists are obsessed with it, because they vampirically draw energy off the child, and Satan likes to see a child's innocence destroyed.
It's a metaphysical, interdimensional act of violence, of vandalism against God.
It's like banging a gong.
It's like nails on a chalkboard to God to see innocent children having their potential destiny destroyed, having their innocence sucked off of them.
Did you know there is no law that you can create a child that is 1 1 billionth human?
Or 1 1 billionth insect?
Or 1 1 billionth chimpanzee?
So that child can be 99.9999999% human, or it can look like a human, but it's not really human.
The point is, is that that's the future.
You're not going to go buy a fleshlight that's an artificial vagina to have sex with.
Talk about gross.
You will Get in the mail a box with a physical vagina that's been grown and made, that you eat little food packets, you feed to it, and it's a self-contained vagina you have sex with.
And I'm not trying to be gross here.
We'll hear about another thousand uses for this, because this is what they're in active development of.
UT was studying lab-grown vaginas when I was let into their secret complex 20 years ago for just like an hour.
I was just, oh, that's where they're creating artificial vaginas over there.
Because above all, these are perverts.
Do you get where I'm going with this?
Because I could go for thousands of hours on this.
Let's go to the next place.
You can have a child that's a human, 99.9%, but by changing its genetics, it's no longer a human.
Or you can splice two men, two women, put a 1%, whatever you want in there, and now the Senate says that, and China and the UN agree, that is not a human.
You can have sex with it.
So, they can produce lab-made babies, or even lab-made women, up to, you know, looks like a 20-year-old woman, and then it's a person, it has the same genetics as a person, it's got everything, all it needs is social programming to be able to interact with you, but it's a humanoid for sex.
Now there it is, lab-grown vaginas.
Implanted in four girls.
So it's already going on.
So it's not like you get like a Chia Pet and you put water on it and it grows, you know, hair on it or whatever, grows the plant.
This is, you know, you get your synthetic vagina and it's right there and you feed it, take care of it, you know, it's right there.
I mean, that's what they've developed, okay?
And that's just stuff that's 20, 30 years old.
China, everybody's coming out with designer babies, where the parents go, Oh, we don't want brown eyes.
We want our baby to have blue eyes, or we want whatever.
And that's done.
That's already happening.
That's already going on.
So I'm not trying to be gross here.
This is inherently gross.
So to tell you about all this, to tell you about all this is going to be a gross process.
I mean, at least 30 years ago, they created animal Marine mammal cross-species creatures.
They implanted the embryos in dolphins and belugas and other re-entrants.
And that way, when the dolphin actually had the baby, it would try to take care of it.
And of course, for every hundred failures, they'd have a success of little humanoid dolphins.
And then humans can interact with it.
It had a, you know, it was like half human is the word I got.
So they could then train, the military could train it to go do more.
So, you know, the military doesn't just train dolphins.
The general military doesn't even know about this.
They have animal, human splices.
And then those are projects that they've been running.
So, you know, they make jokes about all this.
You think human life's already cheap?
They're producing life forms that are alien, that have never existed on this planet.
And they have these gene guns that are randomly splicing trillions of different types of creatures together.
And then they They put them into an egg to feed it.
It grows.
They get a salmon and they go, man, this salmon's twice as big.
And just like a horror movie, God, if you put it in another thing with another fish, it just tears it apart and kills it.
It's like psychotic.
We don't know why, because they'll just get like, well, let's try insect genes on the fish.
Let's try plant genes.
Let's just see.
Then they put it in an egg.
They put it in the warm water.
They see what hatches.
And they go, look, we ran this on it and we got really big, a lot of meat.
And they go, okay, well let's keep doing that then.
And then they get the fish and they start breeding a fish that'll breed with each other and produce eggs for another Frankenfish that's part insect and part asparagus.
They don't know why.
They just know it works.
What could go wrong?
So when we come back, how are they trying to get us to accept it?
Well, you see it, full page USA Today ads, full promotion everywhere with fake news telling you that, oh, look at the paper, the clones are on the street, the clones are on the street.
Well, they are on the street, but they're waiting to announce that to you.
So first they put the fake report out so that your synapses are conditioned to accept it when it actually unfolds.
Yeah, we'll be right back.
So imagine this globalist system where they can do anything they want, whenever they want, because there's all these new, potentially billions of new life forms, whatever they want to splice and make, that have no rights, that are owned by these big corporations.
But the big corporations need to get us to accept that, need to get us to accept giving our resources to the deep state, to the mega corporations, to carry all this out. They need to get us to accept it so
that we start buying into it and give up our humanity. Because the end goal isn't to
turn a tomato into a GMO or organism, it's to turn us into that and to corporately override us
with a synthetic vaccine that goes in and literally changes our body and to get us to accept
that even though it's toxic and poisonous and bad and doesn't protect us because it needs
to be deadly up front to see if they can cover it up because everything they're giving us is deadly.
Their plan is the end of humanity.
Their plan is forced sterilization.
Their plan is they believe out of us is going to rise this new creature.
This is like a nightmare science fiction film.
But it's happening and they're just telling us get over it.
So, this is such a key story, because if you understand this, you understand it all.
The minute I saw this Saturday morning, or whatever it was, Friday night, I forget now.
We can put on screen that USA Today headline.
It was a whole fake cover on the real USA Today, and it could have said, aliens land in Central Park, shocking the world.
Boy, that'd be a big issue, but it's more than just selling the magazine, or selling the newspaper.
Imagine if they ran a headline next week, aliens land in Central Park.
They are hitting your mind at the first time that you're learning about this and you're reading the article and you're seeing people are fighting back.
People don't like it.
They say it's immoral.
They're having a fake debate about this to set the parameters of the debate.
So that it's accepted before they actually announce what's going on.
So they do it in a fiction vehicle so they control the parameters of the discussion.
Yeah, this isn't news of the world saying bat child found in a cave.
This is USA Today telling us hybrid babies born across the U.S., world reacts to new generation of half human, half animal children with both awe and concern.
So there's all but concern.
Oh, so who did it?
Why is it legal?
Why is it going on?
Because it's really going on, but to introduce it to you, they tell you in a fake headline with fake news, so that when you warn somebody at your church and say, hey, we should organize, they go, oh, that was fake!
That's that show!
And then now, it's adopted.
And you've got to go to your church up front and hold this up and show the PSYOP and tell people about the mind control.
And then if they see it from the beginning, they'll always be in opposition to it and understand the propaganda.
But if they get fooled by the first propaganda and get convinced it's just entertainment, that area of their brain will be manipulated where they see it as non-threatening.
They're having you imprint on accepting this.
This is mind control.
So Senate kills GOP legislation to prohibit certain human-animal chimeras.
That is May 27th.
That's a week and a half ago.
We have the video of the bill failing by 10 votes.
Because it's already going on.
It's been going on.
Animal-human hybrids.
Senator Lankford said we should not need to clarify in law that creating animal-human hybrids is ethically unthinkable.
But the Democrats voted it down with some Republicans joining them.
The measure failed by 10 votes.
The measure to federalize elections and hand over to the Democrats only failed by one vote.
So, you see, right when this is happening, oh, the show's produced!
It's all ready!
It's theater, it's not real!
Here's the bill, H.R.
6131, Human Animal Chimera Prohibition Act.
This happened five years ago, they brought it back, it failed again, H.R. 6131.
But USA Today wrapped its newspaper with a fake cover about hybrid babies with antlers to advertise the new Netflix show.
But that's not why they did this.
Everything Netflix does is pedophilia, dehumanization, confusing you to accept this.
This is, again, aliens land in Central Park.
President Biden meets with them.
You read it.
It's a whole fake paper.
It's all real and never tells you it's fake.
Later you find out that, okay, you've been conned.
So you've been thinking, oh my gosh, this is going on.
And then you learn, oh, it wasn't real.
so you have a sense of relief.
You have a sense of relief that it wasn't real, but it was real.
So now every time you hear that news, you have a sense of relief because your first contact with something to shock you and blow you away was then said, oh, it's just fake, it's okay.
That's not just acclimating you, that's manipulating your brain at a very deep level.
And that's everything these people do.
And in the movie, I've told you they've stolen black people's identity.
Whether it's genetic engineering or open borders or mass death or forced inoculation, every corporate ad now is black people.
That's not empowering black people.
And I've talked to major producers.
And major managers, agents, and they say, yeah, we're told only get black people now for corporate jobs.
And in the whole movie is black people protecting white animal human hybrids who are being attacked by other evil humans.
So black guardians are protecting the new GMO humans.
But really, the black man is protecting Satan.
He's protecting the horned one.
The Horned God in Satanism, the male counterpart.
So all of the... See, no hybrids.
But notice the black man, he's been discriminated against.
Yeah, three crosses on the hill, that's the Rosicrucians, all of it.
And he's there to tell you that he's been discriminated against, he's gonna protect this.
Just like they have the new ads with Run-DMC saying, take the vaccine, fight racists, fight eugenicists that want to kill black people, fight secret experimentation.
They're experimenting on you, they're killing you, and they say, fight what we're doing to you as they say it.
This is their big move.
And here's another one.
Town Hall!
Tied to scandal involving human-animal hybrid experiments with aborted fetal parts, grafting live parts of babies onto animals.
Beyond Joseph Mingala.
But it's okay.
Creation of human-monkey embryos sparks concern from... So, here's the TV ad for the new show with its sickening Sickening little name.
Can we talk about how cute the new hybrid babies on Sweet Tooth are for a second?
This is them introducing their genetic takeover, their Satanism, and the new babies they're going to produce that aren't human, that they can have sex with, that are owned by the corporations.
But then there'll be an outcry, then there'll be laws protecting them, and now the programmed creatures, the abominations they've created that'll be possessed, you know, by demons, literally, that will enter the avatar of these, they will have the highest rights and will be protected.
Go ahead and roll the trailer.
Some stories start at the beginning.
Ours begins here.
What the... No one knew which came first.
The hybrids or the virus.
But that question would become the biggest mystery of our lifetime.
This is a story about a very special boy.
A boy we come to know as Sweet Tooth.
Some bad people are still out there.
(intense music)
They don't like you because you're different.
It's not just about you and me anymore.
You have to be brave.
The word all be killed.
And the new life form is to be released.
They're even telling you, they will murder you and your family.
But don't worry, you're racist if you don't let them do it.
Ha ha ha ha!
The word chimera no longer refers to an ancient mythological creature having the head of a lion, the torso of a goat, and a serpent tail.
It is a scientific reality of the world today.
plant hybrids like GMO tomatoes with fish scale skin, hybrid viruses spliced
together in a bio lab like COVID-19, and even human-animal hybrids where human
stem cells are inserted into animal eggs to fertilize a mutant embryo.
Supposedly technological advances announced in the 1970s enable
scientists today to mix the genes of different animals and the genes of
animals and plants. But how long have these types of experiments been carried
out covertly across the world? And what human-animal chimeras have been created?
In Russia in 1926 biologist Ilya Ivanov attempted to artificially inseminate
women with chimp sperm, artificially inseminate a transplanted woman's ovary
inside a female chimp, and he even grafted slices of ape testes onto rich
ageing men in an attempt to rejuvenate their vigor.
It would be naive to believe this type of experimentation ever stopped, or ceased to advance through its practice.
Who knows what monsters have been spawned behind closed doors in the 20th century, but in the 21st century, human-animal hybridization is finally creeping out into the open.
In 2003, Chinese scientists successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs.
And that same year, Dr. Pan Xavos claimed to have created human-cow embryos that could have been implanted into a woman and successfully come to term.
In 2005, human fetal stem cells were transplanted by injection into the fetal cells of a sheep and succeeded in growing tissue of human origin.
In 2006, human embryonic stem cells were successfully inserted into mouse blastocysts, basically an egg, where it grew into a human-mouse embryo in vitro that could then be implanted into a foster mouse uterus.
In 2017, scientists created a human pig chimera, over 2,000 of them, that were transferred to surrogate sows.
More than 150 of the embryos developed into chimeras that could have come to term.
In 2018, human sheep chimeras were successfully developed and were allowed to grow as embryos for 28 days before being terminated.
In April of 2021, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California participated in a China-led research experiment that successfully grew human cells in monkey embryos.
The long-tailed macaque human creation was allowed to survive and multiply.
Growing for 19 days before terminating it.
All to, quote, aid the study of embryonic development.
So why not just study embryos of the same species?
Why create a chimera?
The research team at the Salk Institute in California, led by Professor Juan Carlos Belmont, wrote, quote, these results may help to develop effective strategies to improve human chimerism in evolutionary distant species.
In other words, they're just practicing creating human-animal hybrids so they can get better at it.
Some U.S.
lawmakers seek to outlaw human-animal hybrids, but when it came to a vote in the Senate at the end of May 2021, the ban on creating chimeras failed 48 to 49 along party lines.
Why is this a divisive issue?
Isn't the ethical question and answer clear here?
One researcher from the Salk Institute oversaw a study funded by the NIH, which led to a report titled, Emerging Field of Human Neural Organoids, Transplants and Chimeras, Science, Ethics, and Governance.
In reference to the title of the report, researchers said, quote, the term chimera is used because it is scientifically accurate and the committee believes that its connection with the monsters of ancient myths is too remote to warrant avoiding its use.
They genuinely believe mythical monsters like the half-man, half-bull Minotaur, the half-man,
half-horse Centaur, or the half-woman, half-fish Mermaids will not come to mind in the public
discourse when human-animal hybrids are announced?
The report also says some studies of human-animal hybrids...
Alright folks, the full report is a banned on video.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Alright, well, you know, I know a lot of great people of the Christian faith, Catholic, Protestant,
you name it, but I judge a tree by its fruits, as Christ said.
But I know people like you, Jason Jones, and Owen Schroer, and George Willey, that I've
known for 30 years, protesting abortion clinics.
Most of the Catholics I know are really hard-working, smart, engaged people that genuinely lead good lives and care.
And so I've judged Tree by its fruits, and I like seeing, you know, John Paul II against abortion, the communists, all that.
But now with this new pope, I wouldn't even call him a pope, but I say the guy acts like You know, Satan's little helper.
And some Catholics send me emails that get called, oh, Jones is bashing Catholics.
Well, if that is what a Catholic is, then yeah, I'm definitely not for it.
But Jason Jones is a great American, a Christian, also, of course, he's a Catholic.
He's a father.
seven and a grandfather of two and he's a very famous filmmaker makes some of
the biggest Christian films for the biggest stars out there and he's also
lived in Hawaii had to move to Texas because Hawaii's under martial law
that's part two of our discussion he's I've been wanting him on for about a month
he's been all over the country making two movies right now so too busy to come
on we understand he's here now and I wanted him on about Hawaii because it's
a model of the lockdowns coming to the mainland and we need to free Hawaii
There are great people there.
They're doing really violations of the Nuremberg Code.
We'll talk about that.
But he wanted to get into the Catholic reset.
That's a great way to define it, and to really walk through this.
And you write a lot of eloquent articles, too, challenging the church.
Uh, and, you know, really waking a lot of people up, not just Catholics, because it's all the major institutions are now showing who they're with.
The New World Order has really made its move.
The mainline Protestant churches are, you know, oh, take the vaccine.
It's of God.
And don't question the world government and the national ID.
And, you know, just let's not talk about abortion.
So it doesn't matter what major Christian church it is, they're all being taken over right now.
We can debate the history of the past all day long, but it's a serious situation.
So, thank you for joining us, Jason Jones.
What's the best website, just up front, for folks to find all your great material?
Well, they go to CatholicReset.com to talk about where we're talking about this.
MovietoMovement.com to find all of our movies.
Say it again, Catholic?
Okay, so you've got the floor.
You know, I'll jump in a lot, but just try to big picture the same stuff you told me on the phone and just before we went live.
It really resonates with me.
Well Alex, first of all, when I first appeared on your show, I would get emails from Catholics.
How could you go on Alex Jones' show?
He's anti-Catholic.
I'm like, he's anti-Catholic?
My Pope is silent on the genocide of Christians in Iraq.
And Alex Jones and his audience have mobilized to speak up for Christians in Iraq.
Catholics in Iraq.
The oldest Catholic community in the world from the first century was in Iraq.
Alex Jones, Infowars, his audience was on it.
So if that's anti-Catholic, I'm with Alex Jones.
When I needed to go somewhere to talk about what was happening in the Uyghur, nobody in the world was talking about three million ethnic minorities in concentration camps.
My Pope, silent.
Never a word from Pope Francis on the Uyghur.
Who did I come to?
Alex Jones.
You have the floor.
Talk about the Uyghur.
Then, two weeks ago, A bishop in China, his seminarians and his priests, arrested by the Communist Party of China, and sent off to a gulag, a concentration camp, to be re-educated.
That's when I pinged you.
Alex, can we please talk about this?
Because our bishops in the United States are silent about one of their brother bishops In a concentration camp!
Would St.
John Paul the Great, would he have been silent on this?
In the 80's when I was a young boy, and I would go to synagogues for my friends' bar mitzvahs, we would always pray for and talk about the Jews behind the Iron Curtain.
Catholics were praying and fighting for Catholics behind the Iron Curtain.
Pope John Paul II helped end communism.
Yeah, he helped.
Of course he came back later, but that, yeah.
I play to keep hard.
So where do I come?
Now we're talking to your huge audience for the first time they're finding out, wait what?
A bishop of the Catholic Church was arrested last week with his priests and all of his seminarians and sent to a concentration camp.
And tell folks his name, we'll pull it up.
You know, I knew you were going to ask me that.
I didn't write his name down right now.
There's quite a bit.
I know they arrested the whole church, basically.
Yeah, they arrested his seminarians.
So it's not just... It's in your article.
You listen to your article.
Give people the article.
I'm going to get to this.
But yeah, if you go to thestream.org, you can find my most... A couple articles ago where I have the bishop's name.
My most recent article is where I interviewed John Gravino, who has a new book out called Confronting the Pope of Suspicion.
It should be a bestseller.
This is the guy that... John Gravino, who was like, listen, they're going to reset the church.
Because in the Joy of Love, a new letter from the Pope, an epistolic exhortation, Pope Francis said that we need to look to science, science, not the traditions and history and scripture to find our teachings.
We also need to look to science.
So where is this going to lead?
That's a direct leftist attack, always trying to create a scientific debate, when we know the real religion is this new transhumanism.
It's transhuman.
This is what scares me, especially when I know you covered it in detail.
You had basically the Bilderberger group met at the Vatican.
You had Chelsea Clinton in Rome at the Vatican say that we need to censor anti-vax propaganda, which is the truth about the abortion act.
That's incredible that the Vatican say that.
You're coming out of the Vatican, and so if you're Catholic and you're watching this and it upsets you, you cannot be upset with the messenger.
You have to ask yourself, how in the world could this possibly be happening?
The day after this bishop and his seminarians are arrested, the day after this happens, the biggest bishop, a celebrity bishop, he's on all the big shows, his name is Bishop Robert Barron out of Los Angeles, the day after, a huge scandal, a bishop is arrested by the Communist Party of China, What happens?
Bishop Aaron takes to YouTube his channel with all these subscribers that he uses donor money to go out and cultivate and he sings a song to Bob Dylan for his birthday.
It sounds like I'm kidding.
A joke.
It sounds like a joke.
This is exactly what happens.
So now what we're having, Alex, is there's the anti-church that lives within the church.
There's the world, there's the church, there's the anti-church.
If you believe in the end times and what we as Christians believe about the end times... Well, there's always a counterfeit.
Yeah, and there's going to be a great apostasy.
To have a great apostasy, you have to have a church to apostatize.
As Catholics, we believe that's the Catholic Church.
What we're seeing now is this anti-church That the Vatican did not say a peep when our embassy in the Vatican last week flew the pride flag.
Well, would they do that in Saudi Arabia?
Would they do that in Turkey?
And if you're not Catholic you can say, well I support that, but this is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church.
It goes in direct alignment against that.
Yeah, direct alignment.
So this is what John Gravano is writing about.
We interviewed him today at the stream, John Zmirak and I, that we as Catholics, and all Christians need to be concerned about this, because where the Catholic Church goes, you'll see so many denominations go.
You used to see this with the Anglican Church.
It's the biggest domino.
I mean, if it goes for the New World Order and goes for homosexuality being taught in schools and everything, I mean, it's over.
We have to protect our children.
And this is what it's about, you know, the last segment.
And in my book with Johns Merrick, The Race to Save Our Century, we say the first thing we can do to defeat all ideologies of evil, all cabals, all conspiracies, the first thing we need to do, all of us, is promote the truth about the human person, that each and every one of us has an inviolable dignity and beauty and worth, and incomparable to every human person, That's what's under assault is the sanctity of life and the sovereignty of humans built by God in the image of the Creator.
If we don't accept that and have respect for ourselves, everything collapses.
Everything collapses.
So they've got two games.
They're destroying human dignity by coming up with a million genders and you can choose your identity and all of this thing.
What they're really doing is they're undermining our dignity.
Because we all are equal in dignity.
Because our identity is what?
That we're made in the image of God.
So they're undermining the image of God with all of this subhumanist, disgusting nonsense.
Then the second thing they're doing is they're obliterating the idea of authentic solidarity.
What is authentic solidarity?
You see it on InfoWars all the time.
It's standing It's standing up for people who are being bullied by very powerful interests.
It's standing up for the Uyghur.
It's standing up for the Chaldeans, the Christians, the Yazidis, the child in the womb, the unwed teen mother, standing with our neighbors without homes, people with drug addiction, going to prison ministry.
This is difficult stuff.
It's authentic solidarity.
But what they do is they have woke ideology, where we're all guilty, and where everyone is guilty, nobody's responsible.
So, none of us are responsible because we're all guilty, and there's structural racism.
So, what that does is, and Hannah Arendt, in 1945, before World War II was even over, the great Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt wrote, they're trying to say all Germans are guilty for the crimes of the Nazis.
Well, if all Germans are guilty, That Hitler is no more or less guilty than any other German, even the anti-fascists.
Well, that's what the left says, like all whites are bad.
And then what you do there is you actually create what you claim you're opposing.
Yeah, what you're doing is you're exempting from responsibility people who are actually racist, people who are actually guilty.
And when you obliterate solidarity, which you see with Pope Francis, Pope Francis had billionaire NBA owners.
A million NBA players, sponsored by Nike.
Nike uses Uyghur slaves to make their shoes.
You brought them to the Vatican to talk about structural racism in America.
Well, when you're talking about structural racism again, everyone's responsible.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
All right, Jason Jones is with us.
She's got a big voice out there.
We're talking about what's going on.
One of the most powerful institutions in the world, and really one of the oldest Christian institutions, and that's the Catholic Church.
And look, you can criticize it and problems and a lot of big stuff.
We've been critical of things that go on there.
But when you got this new so-called Pope and this Jesuit Pope, it was like the leftist press worldwide went from being anti-Catholic, anti-Catholic church to being just worshipful.
I mean, the only other guy they will love more is like Fauci.
And so you were telling me during the break when he slapped that Chinese lady's hand, it was her bringing up the Uyghur.
That's what we're told, that she was bringing up the Uyghur, and there's this secret deal between the Vatican and China we know nothing about.
I've heard from people in the hierarchy that it's a billion dollar a year cash transfer.
I don't know that, but people I trust in the hierarchy have told me that that's in fact what the deal is.
We do know that Pope Francis has not said a single word about the Uyghur publicly, and in one of his encyclicals he included the Uyghur in a list of about 150 50 other issues, he put them in there, but he's never said
anything about 3 million ethnic minorities in concentration camps having their organs
harvested, being forced to pick cotton, yes, pick cotton, and stitch together shoes.
Absolutely silent.
Silent on the thousands of Catholic human rights freedom activists in Hong Kong who've
And those people are there praying to God, and I believe it's the same God.
They're praying to God to save them It's our job that God has to work through us to bring attention to this to stop it Yeah prior to the election of President Trump I went to Iraq and I did a documentary on the genocide and it was a documentary we made just for the new administration Private documentary while we were there we went to a camp where Chaldean Christians were being held and they are Catholics They're the Chaldean rights and they're in the Catholic Church And a priest with tears in his eyes as we were looking at children play in the camp, he said, why is our Pope beaming images of wild animals onto the walls of St.
Peter's and not beaming those children, not a word from our Pope on what's happening here?
Of course, years and years after President Trump, through his leadership and the use of our military, destroyed for a time the caliphate, Because Trump made Iraq safer, Francis was able to go to Iraq.
And I don't know if my article played a role in this, but I published an article that was in Arabic, Alex.
It was all over Iraq in the week leading up to his visit.
It said, his first words out of his mouth better be, I'm sorry.
And when Francis landed, the first words out of his mouth were, I'm sorry.
Well, there's no evidence of any sort of contrition because he has still been silent on the Uyghur.
You know, it says in Scripture, we should love our enemy.
Grace builds upon nature.
It is natural.
You don't need to be a Christian.
You don't need grace to love your own.
He's been silent on the Uyghur.
Okay, that's not your own.
He has been silent on prominent Catholic laymen arrested in Hong Kong, and now a bishop arrested.
Bishop, you asked the name, it's Bishop Joseph Waiju.
My wife is Chinese, but I know I butchered the name, and I apologize for that.
It's natural to fight for your own, right?
We all fight for our own.
This is his own.
Alex, what would you do if one of your employees was doing a report in Charlotte?
I would be going crazy.
To a concentration camp, what would you do?
If Ellen Schreyer or anybody was in a concentration camp, or you're not even an employee, if you were in there, I'd be talking about it every day.
Every day.
Francis is their shepherd.
Absolute silence.
Absolute silence.
So what does this mean for us as Christians?
I love the Catholic Church.
I am a Catholic, but I don't want people to confuse certain individuals, even in the hierarchy, for what is the Church.
You have to go all the way back and look at Scripture, look at the first century, look at apostolic succession going back from every pope and every bishop till today.
You can trace them all the way back to the first century.
You can look at all of the beautiful fruit that our civilization has that has come from the Catholic Church.
You know, it was for 1,500 years of monks writing the Gospel out by hand, writing out the entire Old and New Testament by hand.
That's how we have Scripture today.
It's hospitals, and the free market, and all these wonderful inventions that were invented actually by priests.
The ending of serfdom, the ending of slavery, even our Declaration of Independence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
All men are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights to the vision of the human person.
The Founding Fathers thought it was self-evident.
They thought it was self-evident.
It is not self-evident.
That vision of the human person that our founding father saw as self-evident was the Christian vision of the human person.
That's right.
The left's telling us we're just animals.
It's not self-evident.
We can be made into corporate commodities and clones.
We have to say, no, I am.
It is self-evident.
I'm sovereign because God made me.
I am not your slave because I belong to God.
Yeah, we're all, I wish, my biggest, what I love about doing so much pro-life work and all my pro-life movies is the one thing I wish everyone on earth could understand is how incomparably beautiful they are.
How unimaginably beautiful they are.
I woke up this morning, I was reading, first thing in the morning, the sun was rising, I'm watching deer.
The deer were beautiful and I was just in awe.
Then I went into the house, got some coffee, did a few chores, and I came out.
And then now my daughter and her friends were playing in the very same place those deer were.
And I thought, the chasm in beauty between my daughter and her friends and those deer is unbelievable.
It's infinite, that chasm in beauty.
Because as beautiful as those deer were, They're not made in the image of God.
My daughter and her friends, they're that precious.
And what accounts for that?
The only explanation that we can find that in any revealed religion or any philosophy is what the Christian faith teaches.
Because we are made in the image of God.
That's a fact.
And look what we can build and do.
We're pretty amazing.
We're amazing.
That's why they tell us we're crap all day.
No, we're only crap because we're fallen and forgotten.
Our powers are God.
Yeah, no, I mean, come on.
Your friend wants to go to Mars?
He's gotta go to Mars!
You know, we have a battle going on right now in the world.
I say there's two visions of the world.
This might strike you as funny.
Now we're gonna leave the Catholic faith for a second.
There's Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is a boy who said he wants everyone to have a big family.
But how can that happen?
We have limited resources on that planet.
He goes, we have to colonize space!
Bill Gates said, There's too many people.
We need to force people to have abortions, force them to have contraception, treat them like animals.
Human beings, and that's why these chimeras and stuff, people go, that'll never happen.
How many times?
No, we as Christians, whenever you hear of anything that we can imagine, never say that can never happen.
Because we're made in the image of God.
And we'll do it!
And it's scary.
And we're builders, big builders.
Yeah, we fell.
But we're made in the image of God, so anything you read in a science fiction novel, or anything that you see on InfoWars, a friend of mine said about you last night at a dinner party, I said I was gonna come on, he said, the only problem with Alex Jones is 2020 proved he didn't go far enough!
He, you know, he didn't see what was coming.
None of us did.
That what they said were conspiracy theories, I saw a meme.
What's a conspiracy theory?
The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth.
Four months, right?
We read these things in science fiction novels a hundred years ago and it's like history to us already.
And by the way, the Deep Illuminati, they know this.
That's why they said that they created science fiction to pre-program so they could put out ideas knowing that we would then manifest it and basically follow their plan.
So it's like they write the plan and then we follow it, but it's a very satanic plan.
So, you know, in the Catholic Church there's this prophecy, it's something called Fatima, where they talk about the heirs of Russia will spread around the whole world.
And this is where I want to talk about the difference between the anti-church and the world.
The anti-church is what you said is the Illuminati.
These aren't people who don't believe in God or secular humanists.
Those are very honest people.
By the way, if I didn't believe in God and I was a secular humanist, I would be a transhumanist because I would want us to live forever.
I would want all of this.
No, but these people you're talking about They are anti-church, anti-Logos, dark Logos.
They are rejecting God, rejecting truth, rejecting beauty.
Because they want to be God.
They don't deny that it's real.
No, they know.
They know.
Well, let's talk about that when we come back, because that is really the key to all this.
And the question to listeners is, do you want to be putty in their hands?
Because, you know, God's the great clay maker.
God's the person that formed us.
They want to go, no, get out of the way, God, we're going to form things.
I say you don't have a right to do that.
You've got a platform.
This is before I was even on air, though.
Pretty crazy.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Jason Jones is here with us, major filmmaker.
Got a lot of stuff going on, a lot of irons in the fire, but you've been on fire talking about God's plan and how we just have to simply accept it and be aware of the choice, but they try to keep us where we don't even know there's a free will choice that we've got to make.
So much of getting people to realize there is a spiritual realm, it's been mathematically proven, it's there, it's happening, we've got to make a choice and choose Christ.
Yeah, the great evangelical theologian and thinker Francis Schaeffer said, in our age we need to do what he called pre-evangelization, that people don't even know they're worthy of mercy, worthy of love.
And so that's kind of, I just think, where we are now.
And I saw Owen, I was at this, Abby Johnson and I and 20 students from Students for Life of America went.
To do a counter-protest to the abortion industry's event at the Capitol.
You said it was depressing.
20,000 people were there.
And as I was there and I gave my speech, and I looked out at the crowd, there was one girl, her face was tattooed like a leopard.
Her whole face.
And I went to take a picture of her, and I was going to say something snarky, but I looked at her and her shoulders were rolled forward and she was just slunched over and alone with her sign.
And I just said, you're beautiful.
And I took the picture.
And in my speech, I said, you know, I was an atheist until I was 30.
But if I was an atheist right now and I was talking to all the probors, and looked at you, I'd have to believe in God, because you're magnificent!
Look at her, look around, look at yourself!
You're so beautiful!
You're so unique, each one of you is different!
The only ones that didn't have that kind of beauty and sadness, we talked about it off-air, all these guys, men, grown men, white men, fit men, they were wearing shirts that said Hail Satan.
I think you see it in Owen's video.
Hail Satan.
Shirts, I mean signs that said Hail Satan.
They came over and threatened Owen.
And exactly, they see a bunch of sheep, leaderless women, who are captured by the Satanic force and they're there to feed on them.
Yeah, it was gross.
You're right.
When you had mentioned, offline, how beautiful and unique so many of the marchers were on the pro-abortion side, but not the guys with the signs.
There were two types of folks there.
Those that just seemed furious and angry and cruel.
And then others that were just kind of lonely and broken.
The woman with her face tattooed, she had no friends.
She had her sign.
She was by herself.
And I bet that that day I was the only person that looked her in the eyes and talked to her.
And you know, people think I have a lot of irons in the fire because I'm a columnist, I have a podcast, I make movies, but I have one iron.
One iron.
Since I was 17 and my high school girlfriend was forced to have an abortion, I said, I just want to protect the vulnerable.
I just want to tell people how beautiful they were.
I was an atheist until I was an Ayn Rand objectivist.
And I knew humans had this dignity, didn't know where it came from and just self-evident axiomatic until I finally by God's grace became a Christian.
I just want everyone to know the source of their dignity and their beauty and there's nothing more wonderful without a God even.
Really, what are we?
Yeah, if we don't believe we're incredible and have goals, we're nothing.
That's why people commit suicide.
They're taught, I don't have a place, I feel alone, people are being mean to me.
Well, once the system, the TV and the culture can program you to be depressed, then that resonates and others don't want to be around you.
Just reach out to God and say, I'm weak but you're strong.
Energize me and God will do it and suddenly everyone's going to be coming at you.
It's literally, you just have to reach out to God and say, help me, and it will happen.
But then when it starts to happen, you've got to be ready.
Because you're going to feel this spiritual force comes in and says, you're going to have problems, don't do this, don't accept it.
It's literally satanic force.
You've got to just keep reaching through, and the more, it's like electrical, the more you get a hold of God and the Holy Spirit, it gets more and more powerful until you're on fire.
Yeah, and it's not that you become perfect.
Oh no, far from it, but you can at least see a part of God's incredible plan and now you're part of the plan.
Yeah, and in fact I said to a priest in a confession, I said, Father, I keep struggling with this sin.
He said, well, by God's grace you'll become humble.
By God's grace, you'll have empathy.
By God's grace, you'll know other people struggle with other things that they can't overcome.
And that's the beauty and dignity.
That's where we become like our Creator, who has mercy on us, who's kind to us, who's loving to us, even when we don't merit it.
We learn to be that way.
I was the most judgmental, harsh person as an atheist.
And, you know, and I was, I was an Iron Man, I was right-wing, I was conservative.
How did you wake up?
Was it the Holy Spirit?
Was it overnight or a process?
It was, it was, it was really, I wanted to know the source of what was our dignity.
Where did it come from?
So you were asking?
Oh, I, yeah.
I actually said a prayer, I'll tell you.
I was director of Hawaii Right to Life.
And I thought we were going to get partial birth abortion banned.
And I had a bill, and the state representative... So you were already doing God's work.
Yeah, I was super pro-life.
because of what had happened to me. And I tried to get this bill passed and it
got held up in committee. The state rep wouldn't hear it.
So I canvassed her district. I got her parents to sign my petition, her staff,
90% of her district, took the petition there and nobody would sign it. I called
Ambassador Alan Keyes.
He'd come to give a speech for us and I said, "Ambassador Keyes, you know, I'm
chairman of the Young Republicans."
I'm chief of staff for a state representative.
I'm director of Hawaii Rights to Life.
I have a radio show.
I can't get one bill out of committee that would simply ban one procedure in the third trimester.
I'm wasting my life.
He said the darker the world becomes, the further your light will shine.
Say a prayer.
I went to my little office in Hawaii in Manoa, Pucks Alley, and this was my prayer, Alex.
Promise to God, I sat in this office, cluttered, dirty with books, to Tommy Mac, because I slept on the floor and showered at the beach because we had no money.
And I said, God, if you exist, and I don't believe you're real, and if you're real, I don't believe you're good.
Or powerful, because I'm not good or powerful and I'm fighting abortion with a bunch of old ladies in a little island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you're nowhere to be found.
If you want me to acknowledge you exist, give me rich people, famous people, and powerful people.
And if I were to track my career from that day, it was six years later I made Bella, a year later I went to Washington D.C.
and I was in meetings at the Oval Office.
And I became a Christian.
Because God's all about free will.
You opened up the channel to receive the support.
And I asked for certain things, and he gave them to me.
I mean, I made a movie with Patty Millett, Justin Bieber's mother.
That's because you were already doing it, and you meant to use the power for good.
And you were already doing God's work.
You just, you like almost started backwards than most people.
Most people would find God, then do the good work.
You were already doing the good work.
That's why it came so quick.
I mean, I was fighting abortion.
Well, I mean, God, killing babies and not valuing, but see, that's the thing is, you know, you were an atheist, but you still have value for babies.
So that's, that's, that's, that's really, that's unusual.
Well, when I tell people, fighting abortion is like two things I think we could all agree on.
We don't kill babies, our own babies, and we don't eat human beings.
What was your story?
Did you have a girlfriend and you didn't want to kill the baby?
No, so I was in high school and my high school girlfriend got pregnant, joined the army, dropped out of high school and joined the army.
She was hiding she was pregnant, trying to keep it a secret until I got back from basic training.
While I was in basic training, her father forced her to have a third trimester abortion at Chicago Masonic Hospital.
Her dad's best friend was Cardinal Bernadine.
Very prominent Catholic.
Yeah, he's famous.
I never went to church a day in my life.
So I didn't know abortion was legal until I heard from my girlfriend, high school girlfriend, crying on the phone like her soul was crying.
She couldn't even talk.
Her father said, we know your secret.
Your secret's gone.
You can come home now.
So it was at that moment... Well, see, that's so epic that literally the Satan, the devil, killed your child.
So even though you weren't with God yet, you knew you'd been attacked by evil.
You were fighting back.
And then you finally asked for God.
Well you know what happened Alex, my mom had me as a teenager and was married a couple times, divorced a couple times, kids came along, my dad went off to the army.
My daydream as a boy was to be a father and to be a strong man to protect my children.
That's what I would daydream about, 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old, what kind of father I would be and how protective and strong I would be.
Here I was at 17, felt I failed to protect my own child to birth.
It was startling to me.
I'm a failure.
I'm a loser as a man.
How could I?
And I said, I'm never, ever going to let this go.
So as a 17-year-old boy, I said, until the day I die.
And I thought no one knew either.
I didn't know.
Well, that brings tears to my eyes, because my story is very similar, except I was very worldly, not a Satanist, but very aggressive and hateful and power strong in the world.
And I would let girlfriends have abortions, and I'd do it.
And finally, my dad came to me when I was about like 18, about 17.
He said, you know, you've been killing my grandchildren for a while.
I know you're doing it.
And he goes, you know, that's really evil.
You should stop that.
And it really touched my heart.
I said a prayer to God and God would forgive me.
And then literally it was like I almost had this whole vision of things.
And it all came out of that was repenting for the abortions that then me asking God, what do I do?
And then it was like everything was then just by increments like set what I was supposed to do at that point.
And look at you now, reaching the entire world.
And not just for the child in the womb, but for all of us who have become vulnerable by a powerful oligarchy.
You know, oligarchies hide behind democracies.
To rule the masses.
And so, in many ways, all of us this year has become vulnerable.
I just came from a funeral from a friend of mine who adored you.
We lost.
I want to talk about suicide when we come back.
They don't want to just abort us, they want to abort us after.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Jason Jones is in studio with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
My story begins with abortion, and I've said this on air.
People ask me, like, why do you tell the horrible story that you paid for, you know, quite a few, several abortions when I was a teenager?
And, you know, they're telling you it's not a human.
And the girl comes and says, I want 300 bucks.
Or do you want to have a child?
And then I went over to one girlfriend's house and her parents are like, you don't want to have a kid with her.
You know, you need to have an abortion.
So you go through that process.
You make an excuse.
But then each time it happened, I got more depressed, more upset, more cut off from God,
my life, and as soon as I realized and repented of it, it was like God totally forgave me
and all of that guilt and pain was taken away, but instead was this drive to stop abortion,
and it wasn't even driven by guilt, it was that I had a mission,
and that's why I went and protested a lot of places and saw that, before I was ever on AXS TV,
and you got on there when I was like 18, 19, 19, 20, I was protesting at abortion clinics,
it was Catholics out there doing it mainly, and I was not even going to a church, but I was there,
just because I realized I had to warn other people that this is really a human,
you're gonna feel bad about this later, blah, blah, it was a drive, and it's interesting,
your story comes from the same place, but you didn't want to have an abortion,
but it was still forced on your girlfriend.
Yeah, and our story's very common, right?
This is most of our generation, probably most of our friends.
It's not, and it's tragic.
You know, I didn't, because I was so ignorant.
I was last in my class out of 565 kids before I dropped out.
And I was kind of clueless, obviously.
I didn't really know that abortion existed until my high school girlfriend called me.
Her soul was crying.
And I think back in retrospect, what would I have done if she called me and said, hey, You know, it's just a grain of sand and a teaspoon of blood, and we're too young, and it's my right, and it's no big deal.
I would have probably been pro-choice.
That's exactly the speech.
I would have been pro-choice, but it's how she told me, which she didn't.
Her dad told me.
She just cried.
My captain gave me a roll of quarters.
A drill sergeant hung up the phone.
I punched him.
Another drill sergeant grabbed me into my captain's office.
He gave me a roll of quarters, and I walked to the PX and threw an entire roll of quarters.
She just cried.
I remember thinking, just comfort her, just comfort her, just comfort her.
I would say something here, say something there, and for two hours, an entire roll of quarters, I just listened to her cry.
And it was that two hours on that phone call that revealed to me the truth about what abortion is.
But in a strange way, because I was an atheist, the magnitude of the crime, that was at that moment I also learned the truth about the beauty of the human person.
In a strange way, because I didn't know, I didn't know anything about anything.
But at that moment, I discovered how beautiful the human person was when I discovered in our country you could kill a child in the womb.
That sent me on my journey to end abortion, which eventually led me to becoming a Christian.
And so notice the left doesn't want to execute a serial killer that raped and murdered little kids, but then it's happy to chop up the most innocent, defenseless form we've got.
If we'll do that to our weakest, we've just allowed Satan to go to God and say, hey, they're bad, lift the veil of protection.
And that's what's happening.
You can feel the veil of protection, that the hedge is being removed.
And people are going to find out.
You can't just go around and kill kids.
You can't just go around and pull this crap and not have God remove his protection.
And that's what I believe is happening.
Well, in my latest movie, Divided Hearts of America, with the football player Benjamin Watson, we looked at that.
And I really don't believe that, first of all, that abortion, like slavery and segregation, is a brutal denial of our founding principles.
So just naturally, our republic is going to collapse.
But God is going to remove his grace.
Just like you would have if slavery would have continued on much longer, if segregation would have continued on much longer, if abortion, which is rooted in that, the Supreme Court found the right to abortion in the amendment that made slave citizens.
If we don't value babies, and if we kill old people, notice our old and our young, none of us have any value anyways.
We're idiots!
No, yeah.
And what's sad is they internalize that.
So you go to these abortion rallies, and you see people who have internalized that they don't have worth, because they know the bio there, but they began.
The most beautiful pro-life speech I ever heard was by... That's right, when you kill your child, you kill yourself.
And you deny their dignity?
You deny your dignity.
And Ricardo Montalban from the old Fantasy Island was asked, when did I become I?
Did I become I?
The night my... Oh, I love that speech.
In fact, this is live, but in post, Ricardo Montalban's incredible pro-life speech.
Add this.
Add that actually to the front of the whole four-hour show today.
I want Ricardo Montalbanz.
I meant to air that a year ago.
That's powerful.
It's the best speech, right?
So I don't need to say it because you're going to see it.
You've got to come back and see it.
I love how he begins, when did I become I?
The night my mother said, not tonight dear, I have a headache.
No, not that night.
It was the night she said, hey baby, let's go.
And the moment a part of my dad met the part of my mom.
And they became one, is when I became I. The way he does it, it's just so beautiful.
And he was a wild guy, womanizing, Hollywood guy, but I think he paid for some abortions, I think.
But at one moment, he considered himself pro-choice, but at one moment, he had that realization.
And that's when he changed, and that's when it changes!
When you know who you are, who your neighbors are.
Sometimes I do a spiritual exercise, I walk through the airport, and I look at everyone, everyone, and go, made in the image of God, made in incomparable beauty, dignity, worth.
It's almost, you get in this like ecstasy.
I do that same thing.
I literally look and realize these are all Here for a reason.
And we're surrounded by them, you know?
And it becomes overwhelming.
We know that.
We know that.
That's a grace that I pray.
Also, when you recognize people as real, you get a better connection with them.
Yeah, and special and unique and irrepeatable.
That everyone is irrepeatable.
That everyone, I believe like every culture, every person, they're here to bring something that only they're here to bring.
Well that's what's so satanic about a human-animal clone, which they admit they've been doing and they've actually brought the term from my sources.
Imagine, does that have a spirit?
Does that have a soul?
That's why the Bible says that's an abomination.
I mean, what is that thing?
I don't hate it, but they're now going to try to use that and say, oh, you're against abortion?
How about this?
This thing has rights.
Yeah, that will have rights.
Splicing a human with literally an animal.
That's totally the lower way.
You know, people will hear this and they go, that's crazy.
Yeah, so is partial birth abortion.
Crazy things happen.
Just because it sounds crazy.
They're running front page ads with that.
Which is a show, but the point is, there's the Senate.
Rejects ban on human-animal hybrids.
Yeah, I remember Ambassador Brownback, who's the former Governor Brownback and Senator Brownback, before that, he introduced a bill trying to ban this.
He said, this is coming.
He said this 20 years ago.
There's a bill five years ago, same thing.
The same bill was brought forward, it failed.
Yeah, Brownback said, let's ban it before people realize it's a thing.
And there it is.
So, I mean, I even get, like, you're busy making films, you hear me say this, it sounds crazy.
No, no, I know this is, I know it's real.
I'm just saying.
No, I can't believe it's real.
What I'm saying is, in closing, suicide.
It's an epidemic, it's getting worse and worse, and I run into these people, I know people, that just say, well, I don't have it worth, the world's too bad, they kill themselves.
And I think it's because they're not realizing they need to go out and serve others, even if they're in a terrible position, and realize there's a mission to save Innocence, and I'm not saying they're wimps, it's terrible.
A lot of them are taking drugs, it puts them in that mindset, but once you actually try to save others, then you're not worried about yourself.
That's what I personally found makes me never have any depression or any problems, is I realize, hey, are you going to let all these other innocent people get destroyed?
It's like you've got a mission.
Yeah, I love when I get depression, actually, when I get struck with it, because I sit there and I say to myself, this is how a lot of people feel all the time.
I'm glad I feel this.
It gives me empathy.
In our home state of Hawaii, we were talking offline, there's a suicide epidemic because people have been locked in.
Your good friend, you said.
Yeah, we were afraid.
It fell 16 stories.
We're trying to get to the bottom of what happened.
Definitely suffering from depression.
Then when I was in Hawaii, friends of mine at HBD said, Jason, you do not understand the epidemic of suicides hitting the state.
I knew the year before they reported.
In one week, more suicides than the previous year.
You know, when you're depressed, Feel that, and know that other people are feeling just like you are.
When you think about taking your own life, you take your own life.
For suicidal ideation, no, I'm feeling this, thinking this, so many people are too.
No, I agree.
Instead of fighting it, just own it completely and then come out of it.
Like Mel Gibson said, you take that cactus, you hug the cactus, and you say, other people are feeling like this, I'm going to get through it, because suicide becomes an epidemic.
People hear what happened to you, and they do it.
When you can say to them, I feel everything you have felt, I've been in all these dark places, I get it, brother.
I get it, sister.
But don't let Satan win.
Do not do this.
God wants us to live.
Satan wants us to kill the image of God.
And wear these masks.
And these cover up God's image.
These masks are the worst because it robs us of our personality.
It robs us of our dignity and our worth and our beauty.
How many times, you know, you want to smile at someone and you've got the mask on.
You look at someone, you know they need a smile.
Now they're off almost everywhere in Austin.
It's so wonderful to see faces now.
Austin's on fire.
I was in Austin two nights ago for a meeting and it was like ecstatic.
The waitresses, the waiters, the homeless guys.
I was talking to the... Hey Jason, I know you're busy.
Anytime you want to host an hour, or come in and co-host, we love it.
You're on fire.
Thank you so much.
I gotta do a plug because I forgot last hour.
Not a gimmick that the sale was supposed to end.
Actually, it didn't end today because I got too busy, didn't do the next sale.
So free shipping ends at 4 o'clock today, in about an hour and three minutes.
And 40% off on DNA Force Plus, 50% off on a bunch of other products.
Pollen Block, X2, Winter Sun, Ultra 12.
That's what funds our operation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to tell the crew, great job today, as always.
And Owen Troyer is coming up with The War Room in T-minus.
120 seconds.
Mr. Jones, one more time, what's the best website for folks to visit?
Movie2Movement.com and find out all my movies.
Alright, and we covered the Catholic Reset today.
Gay frog jokes are always worth a good laugh, and I've certainly played along with the mainstream media's attacks on myself and others that have tried to expose the fact that deadly chemicals have been specifically allowed into the water and food supply to lower our fertility, to dumb us down, and to make us more manageable.
And that's just a fact, and the New World Order is on record setting this up.
It is a scientific dictatorship.
But now it's more important than ever to realize that InfoWars has had so many successes in taking a story that nobody else was covering and pushing it to the forefront where it gets the attention it deserves.
Here's a great example just recently.
We were amongst the first a year and a half ago to expose the fact that COVID-19 was purposely released out of the Wuhan lab and that it was a manufactured virus.
Now that's mainstream news.
So it is you, the incredible audience of this radio slash TV program that is changing the world.
You're the reason these important reports that the system is scared of actually get out.
So now, If we simply have a movement like the left had of Free Tibet for so long, it can have a massive effect.
But instead of Free Tibet, which I also support, we should also have Save the Frogs.
Frogs are a living mascot, an example of how we're all in peril and how these chemicals are giving us cancer.
They're sterilizing us, they're lowering our fertility, and they are also confusing our sexuality.
And that's just a fact.
And the globalists are bombarding us with these chemicals while promoting sexual lifestyles that also reduce population.
This is all being done from a scientific level of reducing human numbers.
It's not because the scientists like gay people.
And this isn't a judgment on people's, quote, sexual preferences.
This is about chemical warfare that is destroying frog populations, fish populations, bird populations, and in every western country, plunging our populations as well.
This is scientific fact.
This is reality.
That's why we've launched the Save the Frogs initiative.
We're building a website with reports and articles and many of the mainline documents and peer-reviewed studies so people can go there and see the facts themselves.
We have dozens of reports we've cut with top scientists and others that are already posted to Bandot Video.
And your ongoing support of InfoWars allows us to continue this important work.
That if we're able to expose it, we'll stop the globalists and their agenda of depopulation, deadness, and tracks.
So again, we have three different colors.
They're for men and women.
We have black, green, and cream.
Save the frog shirts at InfoWarsStore.com for $17.76.
These are high quality shirts.
They spread the word and they fund the InfoWars.
So, get your Save the Frog shirts, made in America, at InfoWarStore.com today.
That's Save the Frogs, InfoWarStore.com.
There are now over a hundred peer-reviewed studies in just the last year documenting that surgical masks do nothing to stop transmission and the spread of viruses.
It's a hoax.
It's a fraud.
Here's another article on InfoWars.com, a major German study showing exactly the same thing.
But Fauci knew that.
He wrote a study himself, his name's on it, in 2008 saying not only Do masks not work?
But most of the deaths of the Spanish flu back in 1917, 1918 were caused by people wearing masks and it breeding bacterial pneumonia in it.
They're filthy diapers.
Many people dying have died of bacterial pneumonia and they call it COVID-19.
And the criminal Fauci and others knew it all.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep InfoWars on the air.
Our big sale ends this Monday, so you've got three days left.
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