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Name: 20210527_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 27, 2021
2420 lines.

The speaker discusses various topics related to COVID-19 vaccines, including adverse reactions and bullying people into getting vaccinated. They also mention a cousin who is pregnant and wants to protect her unborn child by not getting vaccinated but is seen as selfish by society. The discussion shifts to Fauci, whom the speaker accuses of suppressing good treatments and shutting down scientists who pointed out where the virus came from. They also discuss Operation Lockstep, which they believe is an amalgamation of Event 201, Crimson Contagion, and a plan for planetary world government authoritarianism to save us from the virus. The discussion concludes with a reference to the weird appearance of people celebrating vaccination, likening them to zombies.

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The headline I wrote, right after I sat there in my office for about a minute, staring at the desk, is on screen, Transcendent Transmission.
The scientific dictatorship controlling Earth is preparing to launch the Great Lie.
Or the greatest of lies, and that is to obscure the great truth that is already happening.
And that is our human psyche piercing the veil and connecting in an even stronger way with God and basically mass telekinesis.
And that's what the system's trying to suppress.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
And in Orange County, an x-ray technician has died after getting his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
According to the OC Register, 60-year-old Tim Cook had an adverse reaction within just hours of getting that second shot, and he died within a matter of days.
We're learning more tonight about the mysterious death of a man who died just hours after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
A local woman says her mother died two days ago after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
And now she believes the dose is what caused her mother's sudden death.
State health officials are investigating after an elderly man died shortly after receiving a COVID vaccine.
Last month, a Tennessee woman who was left partially paralyzed after getting her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine is up and walking again.
Only 11 spoke with a local woman who says she lost feeling in much of her body just hours after getting Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
The Orange County Coroner's Office is investigating the death of a woman who passed away several days after getting her second Moderna vaccine.
The family says the mother and grandmother was healthy before she got her shot and that her sudden death came as a shock.
And it was the scariest thing in the world to go to sleep, completely fine, walking, to wake up at 1.30 in the morning and not be able to move at all.
We'll begin the night though with a West Michigan mother's death, 11 days after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
States all around the nation now, including here in the Commonwealth, putting a pause on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
This comes after reports of a possible rare disorder, including blood clots, found in six women.
One died.
And we are following breaking news tonight.
We have just learned the death of a Virginia woman is linked from the Virginia Department of Health.
Concerns around the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been realised here in Australia, with medical experts confirming the death of a Central Coast woman is likely linked to the jab.
The Facebook picture that captured Augusta Turriaco's delight at getting a Covid vaccine.
The 55-year-old Italian posting, fatto, done, on March the 11th.
Despite developing a headache and feeling unwell afterwards, she returned to her work as a music teacher.
Posting again to reassure friends saying everything will be alright.
Sadly, it was not to be.
Her condition worsened.
She fell into a coma and died 19 days after having the AstraZeneca injection.
A national panel to monitor adverse effects following immunization is set to re-examine the cause of deaths reported from individuals who passed away soon after taking the COVID-19 shots amid concerns that educated investigations in these fatalities may not have been carried out.
So far, 10 people have died in India within one to five days after getting the jabs.
The sudden death of a former Detroit anchor and media executive brought loved ones and colleagues together today.
The Detroit media icon was found dead at her home last Tuesday by her husband just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
But the official cause of her death is still unknown.
A volunteer in the trial of the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University has died in Brazil.
Brazil's Health Authority said on Wednesday that although the volunteer had died, the trial would continue.
Right now at 5.30, how safe is the Pfizer COVID vaccine?
We are investigating the death of a South Florida doctor who passed away two weeks after getting his shot.
Well, it made headlines for all the wrong reasons, didn't it?
Authorities in Norway are investigating the deaths of at least 33 elderly Norwegians who received Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
It's dealt a blow to community confidence with concerns raised around the vaccine safety.
We're going to start the main broadcast on the other side, ladies and gentlemen.
The video you just saw was, They Lied and People Died.
Strap yourselves in.
Alright, I have been brainstorming quite a bit and really thinking about how I want to present my knowledge, my understanding to the public and what the most important thing for me to do is.
And a lot of what I'm going to be covering in parts of the broadcast today you've heard before.
A lot of it you're not going to have heard.
And I really just think it's important that I cut right to the chase up front here before I tell you who's coming up today and get to it all.
We do have James O'Keefe with one of those most important reports ever joining us at the bottom of the hour.
And Savannah Hernandez has been out independently kicking a lot of butt and working with The Blaze and others.
But I've seen her in some great interviews she's done on other platforms, so I invited her on.
She'll be joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
We will have open phones in the third and fourth hour today.
But let's just pull back.
I'm looking at the news here.
You've got forced inoculations beginning, not just in Canada, but in the United States.
You've got children being injected without parental consent, and government saying don't tell your parents, on a scale of 1 to 10.
That's a 10 for tyranny.
We've got employers, like Amazon, saying you'll be fired if you don't take the inoculations.
Everyone else is going to have to wear muzzles.
We have the whole Fauci-Bill Gates operation coming out, as we told you it was.
And we have General Flynn coming out saying clearly it was a Chinese attack.
We're working with other groups.
He's dead on the Globalist, the UN Globalist Combine.
We have the new psychotic ATF head set to be confirmed who just hates America, hates guns, hates Christians, wants a war with the American people.
So he'll fit nicely in with General Honore that wants the same thing.
We have USA Today apologizing for pointing out that biological males competing against women is unfair.
They just said biological males that are now women.
That's a lie.
It's an article promoting biological males in women's sports.
You can't even say that they were once male, as if the transition is even real to begin with.
The chromosomes are male.
It's all male.
The hormones may make the male inflect towards femininity, but it's still like putting lipstick on a pig.
It's still a pig.
It's still a man.
Hence the analogy of men being pigs, which I think is a good analogy, a good acronym for us compared to women in many cases.
We do act like pigs sometimes, but that's not where I'm going here today.
Right before we went live, about five minutes before, I just got hit with an extreme clarity of what I was going to go on air and talk about, from all the knowledge and information we have.
You call it a vision, but really it's like a computer program that's been working on a problem, working on a problem, and then suddenly it's completed the problem.
Sometimes it takes longer than the computer thinks it will.
Sometimes it happens quicker.
But it's like completion of the buildings and the answer comes sliding out.
And it was just a whole nother level of exactly what they're going to do, how they're going to do it, how they're operating.
And it's simply amazing.
Let me do my best here.
And again, this is like trying to describe to somebody who's never been to the Grand Canyon and actually stood there and looked five, six miles across the canyon.
And not, you know, had or looked 50 miles down the canyon.
You have to be there to see it.
It's like they say in the Matrix, you can't be told about the Matrix.
You just have to make the decision to want to leave it and see what the real world is.
But remember, all I'm offering is the truth.
The headline I wrote right after I Sat there in my office for about a minute, staring at the desk, is on screen, Transcendent Transmission.
The scientific dictatorship controlling Earth is preparing to launch the great lie, or the greatest of lies, and that is to obscure the great truth that is already happening.
And that is our human psyche piercing the veil and connecting in an even stronger way with God and basically mass telekinesis.
And that's what the system is trying to suppress.
We already have mass telekinesis.
Everybody knows it.
Every woman knows it particularly.
Theirs is even stronger.
And it's here.
And it's not just telekinesis with each other, obviously.
And so the telekinesis is getting a lot stronger, for whatever reason, our genetic development, toxins in the environment, whatever it is.
The globalists know this, they want to control it, and they want to keep the public from understanding it.
Because if you control the future, you control life extension technology, interdimensional technology, propulsion technology, energy systems that are just unbelievable.
And they already have a lot of that.
We've already developed it.
And it comes from the grassroots.
It comes from the commoners.
And so the system is farming the best minds to build its own reality.
You may have heard of that allegory before.
Satan said, I want to create my own universe and have my own reality and my own system.
I don't want to serve in the heavens.
I want to create my own system and I'm going to take you with me.
Come with me.
So, here we are.
There are a lot of great lies that fit into the big lie.
But everything you're being told is to confuse you and to turn you around and make you dizzy, psychically, physically, spiritually, economically, culturally.
So that you don't know what's hitting you when they go to the next level.
I mean, if you think the lockdowns, and they're still ongoing around the world, or you think all the fake numbers and the fake PCR test and counting one COVID test as 15 and all that, and that organized worldwide effort to test and see if they've got millions that'll follow orders, if you think that was the grand finale, that wasn't even the beginning.
That was a test of the tests for a test.
And the different great lies that they're going to launch is going to be Alien transmissions first.
Aliens are going to be communicating with the Earth.
You'll be told these are aliens.
And then, oh, we already had contact and they gave us technology and that's really where all this came from.
And all the upheaval and the Pope will endorse it and say that's our God and this is our group and this is what they want us to do.
And then, oh, there's all these new technologies where you can cure cancer and cure all these things.
You've just got to accept and do what these entities want who aren't ready to reveal themselves yet.
But you just, all these wonders, there'll be this leader who is able to talk to them, and if you just do what he says, well then, everything's gonna be okay.
And then, we'll learn that, this is just one of the scenarios they've got, so they can play different ones at different times or all at once, that there's bad aliens coming, and we've gotta do some certain things to stop them.
That's why you see all the preparation, all the readiness.
And so, this is beyond Blue Beam, it's beyond some of the other documents that have come out, that this stuff's happening.
And they did this in the first Iraq War and the second Iraq War.
They tested giant hologram systems on the Iraqis.
And you go, well, those dumb Iraqis, didn't they know that that was a hologram?
Well, they sprayed stuff that makes LSD look like child's play on them.
These wars are just laboratories.
And now you saw Seattle New Year's with all the swimming jellyfish around the Space Needle.
I mean, that's a hologram.
That's what people were seeing.
And so they've got all of that.
And so they're going to be showing you all of this and freaking you out and scaring you.
But that's just the beginning.
That's just the beginning to all this, and we're going to break it all down here today, including human clones that they're going to be announcing soon are amongst us.
All right, so stay with us.
We're going to break down where this is all headed and how we can transcend it.
Frankenstein, the archetype of the mad scientist chopping different pieces of humans together and running high-powered electricity through it and reanimating a corpse.
Well, now they're actually able to do things very, very similar to that in the real world.
So many times, what humans envisioned hundreds and even thousands of years ago, we are now able to build.
And we're able to build it on a mass scale, but great power comes with all of that.
And so just laying out some basic pieces of this, and I'll drill into it next hour after James O'Keefe joining us, leaves us.
Coming up again here on the Alex Jones Show, It's that everything you see in the PR function of the system, when it's a talking point that's always put out the same way, you know, oh, that's an area where it's agenda-driven by the globalists, by the technocracy.
And that's why every article I've ever seen in any mainstream publication, whether it's out of the UK, China, Australia, the US, Japan, Germany, it doesn't matter, is the same. And just off of that you can learn quite a bit.
Hey, there's a global agenda and a scientific group that can control exactly what you
hear and see about clones just like they can control what you hear about a virus or
what treatments are there or what treatments there aren't.
And they can suppress the doctors of the world, and the scientists, and the top virologists, and they can suppress approved drugs that are 100%?
That's just not control!
They're bad people!
And see, it's like paint-by-numbers.
You ever see those you buy at the art store for like five bucks and it's got the little ink?
Or markers that come with it.
You just fill in the little numbers like it says, then you finally see the big picture.
And so I've just been here on air for 27 years, researching for more than 30.
And I just started painting by the numbers, looking at what they were really doing.
And I really learned that when you got to white paper levels and international discussions, that you'll hear a headline about, oh, stem cells.
A stem cell means a 150 pound humanoid, human chimpanzee clone in a cage.
That's a stem cell.
In the law.
Just like they got a weather control treaty from 1978, and they've got all the world leaders have meetings and admit they add aluminum dioxide, barium, salsage, jet fuel, and it blocks out the sun, and by the time you hear about it, it's, oh, Bill Gates is proposing that, you see.
So people keep asking, how do I know all this?
Here's just a little microcosm.
And then I see the movies and the comic books where they're preparing you and where they're telling you what's coming next, like Children of Men.
1990s movies had similar plots.
Hell, 1960s movies had similar plots.
1920s silent films had similar plots.
But if you look at the 2006 Children of Men, Why there's no more babies, the sperm is all sterile, and the women are all sterile, and why nobody can have babies anymore, and there's a global government, everything's collapsing, and the third world's overrunning everything.
It's all predictive programming.
But when you actually read these headlines, like look at this one out of AP.
Change may allow scientists to grow human embryos longer.
And then it goes on and mentions these international agreements and other things and says, well, China and others aren't listening to this.
So, you know, they're bringing clones to term.
That means, you know, to birth.
Big, big.
They also grow what they call a bio bag.
You see them on the news showing a pod where you grow in your living room a baby.
Of course, that's not real, but it's put out by college students, paid for by the college.
And then it's promoted by media just to learn you're a pod.
You, you're like, A Chia Pet.
You don't really have any value, it's just kind of like something you put in your septic tank, or maybe biscuits that you make from scratch.
You know, you just mix it up in a bowl in your kitchen.
All of it is, you're a commodity, you're replaceable, you're non-essential, and it's all just, oh yeah, we're gonna implant a chip in you, it's not Big Brother, and yeah, we're gonna change your DNA, but it's no big deal.
See how they do it?
And so there's this big article out of AP, and you read the article, and it's like, oh!
And they go on to say, rules on stem cells.
And stem cells are defined as anything that comes from a baby, or you can say stem cells are in fat tissue, and other things like that.
But the point is, we're having a debate about stem cells, and what we're talking about is growing humans or humanoids in labs.
That's the definition here.
And they admit it all right here.
And then it gets better.
There's video of this.
Here's the article.
48 to 49, Senate defeats Braun, Republican Indiana amendment to prohibit certain types of human animal chimeras.
60 votes were needed, but it didn't pass.
So did you hear that?
It's legal right now.
To create human-animal hybrids because there's laws against human clones, but they don't follow them.
So see, what's been going on for 50 years that they admit in the industrial-level papers that I've read on air to you, 25 years ago, I can pull them up.
Hell, it's in this AP article right here.
They cost themselves the clones that they now bring to term.
In China.
And so, gee, we've got to do that ourselves.
We can't let them get ahead of us as if they're ahead of us.
The globalists created the communists.
They created communist Chinese on record.
And so I go on air shows, and Joe Rogan's like, three, four years ago, what's the most important thing?
And I go, well, we're not valuing our humans anymore, and we have dehumanization taking place, and there's human clones that have been mixed with animals so they don't have rights.
Oh, hold on, there's clones?
Come on, man.
And then even his fact checker, Jamie, pulls it up and goes, ah, here's an MIT report about it.
It's true, but still the media would attack me saying it didn't exist because they weren't ready to roll it out to you yet.
But understand, they're 50 years ahead, at least, with energy, with technology, with science.
Again, my dad was at UT in the 60s.
They had CD-ROM computers.
That supposedly weren't around for 15 years later.
Folks, folks, and my dad wasn't even in a top-secret area at UT.
The top-secret areas, I was led into one of them, I'm gonna leave it at that, by somebody that thought it was a pretty big joke.
And I was anti-Bush at the time, and so the guy was a Democrat and thought, well, I must be cool.
And I knew the fellow for a while, he works at MIT, last time I checked.
And he let me into some of the labs.
And you know, that was 24 years ago.
And what I saw there was horrific.
What I saw there was incredibly diabolical.
And I went on air and I told people about it.
So what I'm getting at here is we're not in Kansas anymore.
And the globalists see you going to the football game and going to see your movie and, you know, getting your hamburger down there with your girlfriend, you know, drinking a six pack of beer.
They're like, Hey, you're not needed anymore.
In fact, you get in the way and they don't even want you to know about all this stuff.
And they're figuring out how to lock you down, how to train you to behave so they can kill everybody.
Everybody stay in your houses while that happens while combat robots go up and down the streets.
And so this isn't something that they're.
Just thinking about doing.
This is all set up very, very soon.
You and your family will be killed soon.
Two years?
Five years?
I don't know.
The timeline's moving quick.
But if we don't hold them back, everyone listening is dead.
They're going to kill you.
They're gonna kill me.
They're gonna kill everybody.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, James O'Keefe is scheduled to be on about this huge Facebook story that's so huge.
He's stuck in traffic, I totally get that, so he should be on with this next segment.
And in the next hour, I'm going to really judiciously get into all of this big picture.
But I mean, it's really very simple.
What humans can envision, we can end up building.
And what we've gotten to at this point is free energy, massive life extension, supercomputers way more powerful than what you're currently even aware exist.
And the decisions have been made to basically go ahead and go operational with a system that will make us obsolete.
Obsolete in their words.
These computers won't recognize beauty.
These computers won't have our ancient history.
These computers didn't create the computers like we did.
But there is a dark anti-human force pushing this.
And by the way, I could have opened the whole show up and just made this very Very simple.
And that's...
We're being replaced.
Or I could also make it very, very simple and quantify it down to, hey, did you hear?
Congress can't pass a law to stop human-animal hybrids being grown in the U.S.
because the lobby for it's so powerful, it's the same lobby that owns and controls big tech.
It's the real power.
The scientific global dictatorship.
Senate kills GOP legislation to prohibit certain human-animal chimeras.
That's today.
There's video of it.
Now, again, unpack that for a moment.
Because everything's deception with the media.
What they don't tell you is in the real literature it's been going on for decades here.
And so think about that.
Congress can't even pass a law to prohibit splicing humans with animals because there are special interests so powerful and so entrenched that it's going to remain legal until we say no.
And if you'll put up with that, what else won't you put up with?
So let me drop another big bombshell on you.
You notice every day there are articles that by 2030 almost the entire British Navy will be robot.
They call them ghost ships.
You notice that, oh, by 2030 most of the Marines in the Army will be robots.
Already the Air Force has gotten rid of half its MPs and has robot dogs.
Now they're rolling out combat robots, bipedal.
Also a lot of them just look like a glorified small tractor with a bunch of weapon systems on it.
Complete with arms that come out of the top and zap you and grab you and throw you in a holding tank
it drives around behind it with.
So this is all being built up like roaches behind the walls and then you put out a bunch of food on the table
and leave for a week and the roaches just come out and devour the rotting food and mess up your kitchen
as they defecate all over everything.
That's what the clones and the robots and the GMO and the chemical weapons and the 5G
and the mind control and the cancer.
And it's just all there already tested decades ago, already beta tested, already ready.
And now they're just rolling it out operationally.
And then as we resist, they will try to pivot and compensate and still run their attack.
Only fully admitting the larger plan, having the enforcers that go along with us realize
they're gonna be exterminated as well, all about realizing all these assistants
that you bring into your house are spying on you and are tracking you and are preparing
to steal your identity.
Only by doing this, do you have any future.
And the globalist argument is, if you don't resist this, under survival of the fittest, and social Darwinism, you deserve what happens to you.
And so, it's all about humans being a commodity.
Mass smuggling of children, for sex abuse, for slave labor, but really, it's about Committing crimes in God's eyes, having you do nothing, so that the spiritual hedge of protection can be removed from us, so that everyone can be attacked.
And so, this is very sophisticated interdimensional galactic warfare.
And that's what you face, and you've been given the Holy Spirit, you've been given connection to God, you know what's good, you know what's wholesome, you know what builds good things, you've been given these powers to build a beautiful new future, and to have wonderful things, and do amazing things, but not at the expense of the code that God gave us in our DNA that tells us all of this is wrong, and tells us all of this is bad, and everything the enemy gives us makes us alone, sick, diseased, and dead.
Everything they give us makes us depressed and lonely.
Everything big tech does, everything social media does, everything they offer us destroys us.
I remember telling you when they declassified it in 2001, a Federation of American Scientists document, about how the Marine Corps had bases all over the U.S.
under FEMA, with helicopters with nerve gas in it, ready under orders to nerve gas U.S.
And the military asked that be reclassified, and it was reclassified.
What else was in those documents that were declassified?
A 1976 plan to slowly have us with handheld computers become mesmerized, hypnotized, then taken under the skin chip, then a brain chip, then to opt in to quote, end war, have all babies born into tanks, where your own heat will then power the computers, and then humans will then live in a virtual reality.
You go, oh, that's the Matrix.
Oh, and now you see them on TV going, oh, we're going to grow babies in a pod.
The video's actually in the list today, guys.
Roll some of that.
And, oh, the college students are taught in the future it's abusive for a woman to have a baby.
It's abusive for a woman to have a family.
What'd that New York Times article on Monday say?
It's going to be so great with no more humans being born, now that we're all going to be sterile, because it's abusive for a woman to have a child.
It's a parasite inner.
Now if we decide we'll have a government corporation designed humanoid that you grow in a pod in your house.
You're empowered with the pod.
You bring the home assistant in.
You grow the pod in your house.
Now show them a bio bag.
I was watching Owen the other day and I didn't even know about that.
I knew they had bio bags.
And again, they don't show you that it's actually a cloned uterus.
That is right below the bio bag and then it's just the plastic is the uterus wall.
There's actually a usually a cow human clone in a chamber.
Not usually they have to have it, but they're showing you.
Oh, look, it's a calf or it's a lamb.
I saw growing in a bio bag, isn't it?
But no.
It's another fraud.
Just like a magician reaches down into the hat, and the hat has a hole in it, a trap door, that's why the hat's always on a table, and under the table is a hidden compartment with a rabbit.
Well, it's the same thing.
They show you a sheep.
They actually showed a video on the news.
Look, a sheep's being grown in a bio bag!
No, it's not!
The tubes and everything hooked into it, the placenta, is a cloned creature in another compartment doing it.
They just took it and grew it inside the normal uterus, and then now we're growing it in a bag.
Got it?
And again, they're very crafty.
Oh, it's illegal to clone humans?
So they'll add one one-millionth of the human genetics to something, and they have a UN secret board that declares it legal.
And all you gotta do is sign on and you'll be one of the scientists on the private jets and all the synthetic drugs and all the sex you want and all the little kids you want, because after all, you're transcendent.
You're a god now.
Well, we must transcend them to truly transcend.
This is our great test.
And so this is their big revolution with the lockdowns, the checkpoints, the 5G, the breakdown of the family.
They're launching everything to confuse you and stun you, to tie you up like a big spider does before they feed on you.
All right, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And James O'Keefe is just getting into the studio, putting his sports jacket on, I think.
We're going to get him here on in a moment.
Really big breaking news.
But please don't forget that it's listeners and viewers like you that make this broadcast possible and all the incredible breaking news.
That we bring out is just critical to all of our futures and the future of our species and all our children.
So I thank you for your support.
We have a big Memorial Day special to honor the veterans and folks that have served.
It's going to run through Memorial Day next week.
That is storewide free shipping.
Haven't done this since Christmas.
Double Patriot points at the same time.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points.
Only happens a couple times a year.
And DNA Force Plus got back in stock.
Alpha Power got back in stock.
A bunch of the other Best selling items have come back in.
You guys have been great supporting us, but so many items because of the lockdowns and global supply chain problems.
We've not had, and so InfoWars has been somewhat in the red this year, but thanks to these products coming back in and you supporting us, they were going to get out of the red.
DNA Force Plus, back in stock, 40% off.
Pollen Block, for your seasonal discomfort, allergies, back in stock.
That's 40% off.
Surinol Vitality, 50% off.
Prostagard, 40% off.
Alpha Power, 50% off.
Ultra 12, 50% off.
Vazubi, 50% off.
Alexa Pure Breeze, air filtration, $50 off.
Alexa Pure Pro, highest quality gravity filter, 50% off.
Fifty dollars off.
Ionic Fizzy Magnesium Drink.
That is so good.
It's got two types of magnesium.
A lot of other brands don't.
And it's, Chemist explained to me, that's really good for your body.
And it just, it's essential to your body and it's one of the missing links.
And it gives you a lot of energy but also calms you at the same time.
So that's Ionic Fizzy Magnesium Drink.
Free shipping, store wide.
And double patriot points.
And that allows us to be on air and to operate despite all the globalist attacks and lawsuits and demonization and censorship as well.
Thank you so much again for joining us today here in the final segment of the first hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And James O'Keefe just got back into the office and so he's giving us a quick update on a huge story.
Everything they do is huge, but this one to me is just really important.
Facebook whistleblowers expose leaked internal docs detailing new effort to
secretly censor vaccine concerns on a global scale including medical doctors,
legislative hearings, you name it. This is incredible and they talk about true
events and facts even things they admit are true they are going to block.
Meanwhile Facebook is heavily involved in Big Pharma and the vaccine industry
with Bill Gates.
And so this is, in my view, illegal and just absolutely next level.
Imagine if Big Pharma bought the newspapers and then you had documents where newspapers were covering up there were problems.
There's a lot more here.
James O'Keefe of Project Veritas.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to be with you.
Thank you for having me on again.
I mean, I don't have words to describe how important this is.
Tell us about it.
Well, you know, Alex, these are two whistleblowers inside Facebook have come to us with these documents discussing vaccine hesitancy.
And there's a tiered ranking system inside Facebook.
These are private documents.
And one of the tiers says that even if the facts that you're posting on Facebook are true, even if they're true, they will still demote your comments.
They will still demote your content.
And this is so outrageous that even Facebook itself has responded to us and legitimized these documents, confirmed the documents, Alex, and these guys... Oh wow, that's breaking to my ears!
Wow, this is huge!
Tell us about that!
Well, Facebook has given us a statement, and the statement is that they're going to update their policy to make public what is now private.
They did not want you to see these things.
There it is, the comment, quote, we proactively announced this policy in our blog and updated our help center.
But to our knowledge, Facebook has not actually updated anything.
So they've actually, Alex, responded to me as a journalist, and they've actually told me, they've given me a comment, which is extraordinary.
First time in my career that any of these tech companies have, you know, treated me like a journalist.
And we hope, we have some big news later today, there is a possibility, Alex, in the next few hours, that one of these whistleblowers will be going public.
That's exclusive to you.
They're going to be going public, out of the shadows, on the record, from within Facebook.
You guys at Project Veritas are like the Energizer Bunny.
You just, you are the S-H-T.
Hate to use profanity, but when it fits, it does.
I mean, like you say, I don't have words to describe this.
Saying, we cover up things that are true.
We block medical doctors.
We block, I mean, they've blocked on Facebook, as you know, and YouTube has.
That's right, Alex.
not just COVID-19, but its origins.
And then now Facebook's having to go, okay, probably came from a lab,
but a lot of folks got banned off Facebook for pointing that out.
That's right, Alex.
I mean, this is, this tiered ranking system,
again, tiers one and two, they have beta tested this across 3 billion users,
1.5% of those users globally.
And you know, this is something that even Mark Zuckerberg was commenting or opining on COVID and the vaccine.
Even his own comments would be banned on Facebook.
There you have it, the tier two ranking system, alarmist and critical remarks.
And then this tier two, even if the facts that you're posting on Facebook are true, It is "potentially or actually true events or facts that
would raise safety concerns."
This goes back to the fictional 1984.
Even if 2+2=4, Facebook is admitting in these documents that it will be banned.
This is extraordinary.
It's the first time we've seen something like this stated on the record, Alex.
I think that, again, the heroism of these folks.
One of the individuals said, quote, if I lose my job, that's less of a concern to me, is what this person said.
Less of a concern if he loses his job at Facebook because he wants the public to know these facts.
And also, Tucker Carlson reached out to Facebook.
Facebook did not deny these documents.
These are real.
And the people inside Facebook are very real.
And you'll see that a couple hours from now.
Isn't that the Achilles heel of this type of tyranny?
Is that when you're an insider, seeing that you're covering up truth and that you're blocking, just this week, a legislature hearing with scientists in Florida.
I mean, you know you're the bad guys when you're doing this.
Prestigious doctors, scientists are in testimony.
That's being blocked.
I mean, this is criminal!
I mean, it is it is unprecedented.
If you do anything like directly discourage the vaccine, your comments will be heavily suppressed.
And by the way, I don't think this issue is about the vaccine.
Yes or no.
Everyone's got different opinions about that.
But even as we evolve and as we learn more about about what this even is or what.
It's about totally complete power and control.
It's about controlling the town square, and that's why these whistleblowers come to us, because the fundamental principles here, the town square, the ability to talk about these things, to have a dialogue, they want to shut that down.
This engineer, his name is Amit Ball, A-M-I-T Ball, and we actually confronted this Facebook engineer who wrote this algorithm, and there you have it.
Facebook's public policy does not match the private policy, and that's what's extraordinary.
What is the solution, Alex?
I think even before we get to legislation here, which Congress won't do because it's divided, is it has to be total transparency of the algorithms.
You have to be transparent about what you're censoring, and that's the thing that's so shocking.
They want to keep this private and hidden from public view, and if they do that, you better believe Project Veritas is going to have an army of whistleblowers that will make public what they are keeping private.
And as you know, what came before 1984 was Kafka's book about the trial, where he never got to know what he'd done wrong, and then in 1984, Winston doesn't know what he did.
That is like the highest level of tyranny, is not knowing what you've done, and it's like conservatives being put on no-fly lists now.
Members of Congress, they won't even tell you that!
So this is the highest level of tyranny, in my view.
It is the highest level of tyranny.
George Orwell wrote in 1984 that freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four.
If that is okay, then all else follows.
So these issues, as your audience well knows, this is everything.
As long as you have Facebook coordinating with the CDC, which is clearly what's happening here, they're just in a symbiotic relationship.
Which is basically the WHO, I mean the WTO and Fauci.
Yes, and as long as you have that symbiotic relationship between the tech companies, the oligarchy, and those agencies, you can't make any changes.
There's Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984.
I believe that the last man, so to speak, as George Orwell calls him, or the tyrant of 1984 says to Winston, you are the last man.
These two whistleblowers inside Facebook are the last man.
And in a few hours from now, you're going to see one of them go public.
So stay tuned.
As soon as it goes live, we're going to play it here on my show or on The War Room.
And James, you and your crew and your whole team just keep knocking out of the park.
Thank you so much.
And I want to thank all the whistleblowers.
How do people come to you?
How do they come to the best place out there to whistleblow?
That's VeritasTips at ProtonMail.com and many of your audience are coming to us, so we appreciate that and hope to see you very soon.
James, you're awesome.
It was great having dinner with you and your amazing crew a month ago or so.
We'll be paying very close attention.
Alright, there goes James O'Keefe.
I mean, oh my God!
Everything they do is incredible, but this is just like, wow!
Like, we're going to hide the truth!
We're going to hide congressional testimony!
Fix bayonets, my friends.
It's the Info War.
Close quarters combat.
Your inaction is the enemy's victory.
Your action is our victory.
Alright, I want to play part of the Project Veritas report because it's so huge.
Facebook whistleblowers expose leaked internal docs detailing new effort to secretly censor vaccine concerns on a global scale, including medical doctors, scientists, world leaders, members of the Australian Parliament, saying we shouldn't have forced inoculation.
You can't say that!
You're elected!
You can't have an opinion!
Shut up!
And then it's secret, and they deny it's going on.
So here's a few minutes of that, then I'm going to come back with the big enchilada, where the scientific dictatorship thinks they're taking us, and why they're doing it, and how we can stop them.
But here it is.
We have just obtained multiple leaked documents from inside Facebook, this time detailing a plan to curb, quote, vaccine hesitancy on a global scale.
It was so concerning, it brought us not one, but two whistleblowers from inside Facebook who are ready to speak out on what this means for free speech and public discourse on their own platform.
I have to do something.
When it comes time to standing up for a world I want my children to live in,
I don't want to leave them a world to where they don't have these liberties.
Facebook uses classifiers in their algorithms to determine certain content to be what they call "vaccine hesitant"
or they call it "vaccine hesitancy" and without the user's knowledge,
they assign a score to these comments that's called a "VH score" - vaccine hesitancy score.
And based on that score, we'll demo or leave the comment alone, depending on the content within the comment.
So those are the main document along with all the attachments and stuff that goes with it.
So basically when they write this algorithm it goes through Facebook content
and it looks for certain keywords that are related to vaccination or not getting a vaccine and stuff like that.
And it gives it a score and the VH score means vaccine hesitancy which is defined as being hesitant.
Right, right.
get a vaccine but not just like well I don't know it's it's even well I saw a study that said that
someone died they got the vaccine that's vaccine hesitancy.
This is all a beta test? Right. And how big is this uh beta test? They refer to the test size
as 1.5.
I'm not exactly sure which pool that pulls from, but I think it's comments on authoritative health pages.
Why do we believe they've already rolled this out?
In one slideshow that they have, they call it their weekly progress tracker.
They actually lay all this out in a chart, and you can see, you can look at the slides, they go by date.
So we've got here COVID-19, vaccine safety and efficacy, global, currently global, 13 languages, Facebook plus Instagram.
So this is like a product launch almost?
well 66 languages and the very first thing that brought me to the conclusion that they wanted to do this
globally is they were developing it in like, you know, as many languages as they could get their hands on.
So this is like a product launch almost.
Yes, yeah.
In their last quarterly report they reported 2.79 billion people on earth use some kind of Facebook app.
Who makes these decisions?
Well for this year, Ami Ball.
He's a research scientist for the core data science team at Facebook.
He also works in health integrity.
Everyone who works on this project works in health integrity.
Hendrik Townley, this is the experimental launch post.
As you can see, this is on April 16th.
This is 2021.
That's why there's no year there 'cause it's this year.
And Hendrik Townley is one of the software engineers that worked on this.
I think it was him and two other software engineers.
And then Ami Ball wrote the actual classifier itself.
I'm sure he had like a team of developers, but he is considered the one who wrote it.
So Ami Ball works for UD Weisenberg, who works for Nicholas Stier.
Do I have that correct?
And that person works for Danny Ferrante, and that person works for Javier Olivian, and Javier Olivian reports directly to Mark Zuckerberg.
This kind of censorship sounds similar to shadow banning, when users are unaware their posts can't be seen.
A term one of our own investigations coined when exposing Twitter just a few years ago.
But this time, we're exposing Facebook and Instagram's methods to quash an entire side of a conversation.
Arguably, one of the most pressing issues of the day.
According to these documents, Facebook tiers users 0-5 and a score of 0-1.
Can you talk a little about this tier system?
So basically this is what they're using to structure how they're going to judge this content on a scale to how vaccine hesitant it actually is, or if it's explicitly discouraging.
In my opinion, the main reason why they built this is for the human, what they call raters, so that they can use this as a reference when they, so if the algorithm can't make a decision on a certain post, it'll send it to a human rater.
And then the human rater looks at it and they will make a decision on whether or not it's vaccine hesitant.
All right, let me do this.
You know, I said I was going to get to this this hour, but then James O'Keefe was a segment and a half late because of traffic.
I totally understand.
And so we went ahead and covered a lot of that news last hour.
But I need to get into it this hour.
So thanks for joining us here on the Alex Jones Show.
First off, the speed of the tyranny, the coordinatedness of it, And watching the big mega banks and the big mega box stores and Amazon and Google and Apple double and triple profits while they bankrupt everybody.
And while the general public sits there and thinks, I got a few months off free, I'm getting a free lunch, while a post-human world is being set up.
And this is like the first blow of a wrecking ball bringing down a building.
And we're inside the building and they're like, hey, take off for the day.
Play cards solitaire in there while we knock the building down around you.
And people are like, I wonder why everything costs so much more.
I wonder why my power keeps going off.
Because there's less people working with more money being printed, more money, less items, more scarcity.
And when you get a technocracy with these big AI computers basically running every industry and flash trading and instant trading and all the algorithms that Bloomberg and others have siphoning billions an hour out of the stock market to themselves, they've taken the world over through fractional reserve banking and through all the stock market insider trading and They've had hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars of fake money to buy everybody off.
And what people don't get is they didn't just want control of the planet, so they'd have the biggest 400-foot yacht.
They want to control the planet to be able to act like gods and dictate how we live our lives if we're allowed to live.
And that's their own words.
And so they've gone from this all being in white papers and textbooks and, you know, very low circulation books that these, you know, Zbigniew Brzezinski and people like Klaus Schwab would write in the past and John P. Holdren and the rest of them.
David Rockefeller, Club of Rome documents, secret documents.
I was given a whole bunch of archive secret documents out of the Bilderberg Group, out of the Senate archives.
I pulled up the motorcycle in Virginia when I was covering Bilderberg there and just said, here, have this.
And it was all how in the 60s the Bilderberg Group took over the U.S.
unions for the deindustrialization project and explaining why they were going to deindustrialize the U.S.
And we published them on InfoWars and no one even cared.
Just total smoking gun destruction.
How they were going to deindustrialize the U.S.
so they could control us.
How they'd tell us we were going to be a service economy and then finally take the service economy as well away.
But I mean, who cares about total smoking gun?
It's like if you were jogging down the side of a country road, and you saw a little dog running along, and the dog ran up to you, and you tried to pet the dog.
The dog had a little note tacked on its collar.
You pulled the note off and said, Help me!
I'm being held in a farmhouse near here.
Not sure which one.
My name's Whatever a little girl's name is.
And so you would call the police and say, is there a little girl missing?
Well, yeah, she's been missing a month.
Oh my God!
Dogs, police, helicopters.
Checking all the farmhouses.
How far can a dog go?
And boom!
They find the girl in the basement with the pedophile and they save her, you know.
That's having a smoking gun.
That's like having that emergency letter.
But this isn't even like that.
This is... Yeah, there I am at Bilderberg.
That was...
Bilderberg in the UK, we had like 5,000 people show up protesting and that was crazy.
But just imagine, just imagine that this is all going on and I'm sitting here, upset, telling people.
Because it's not like some little dog had a note pinned on it, you know, hypothetically a little girl.
I just thought up an analogy in my head, it's not from a movie I've seen.
puts a note on the dog and the dog, you know, she gets, somehow the dog gets out and,
you know, a human finds the dog, gets the note.
I'm sitting here watching them roll it all out and say they want to reduce humans down to zero
and say they're going to merge the machines and become gods.
And I'm just asking people whether you're a farmer or a rancher or an auto mechanic
or a police officer or a school teacher or a bureaucrat or a scientist or a nurse or a
chiropractor. Black, white, old, young, all this interesting news.
And boy, I got a lot of interesting news here. It's interesting when you understand
How the globalists are manipulating it, what their agenda is.
You can see their fingerprints on it.
You can understand how they use crises that they didn't create to get more power, how they create crises.
And I mean, it's super interesting to have the overt white supremacy, socially unacceptable stuff written up by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL now being taught in more than 20 states.
This particular one is from Maryland and Virginia.
And it says fathers are a form of covert white supremacy.
It says parental.
Just parental.
Right here, it says parental.
I'm gonna cover that later.
Here, just zoom in on over here, guys.
Right here's the zoom in area.
So, think about that.
And you're like, well, that sounds crazy.
Well, no, it's not crazy.
They're getting rid of who would protect the family.
I mean, parentalism isn't just supporting a father, it's supporting parents.
Parentalism is believing in the nuclear family.
And it says that's racist.
What does Black Lives Matter say?
Set up by Soros.
It says, our main mission is to get rid of the nuclear family, That they say is hateful and bad, and to help black men transition to being women.
That sounds like what your friends would want, doesn't it?
We don't want you to have a family, and we want your men's testicles.
I mean, again, I would expect if aliens landed, and we're gonna let any of us survive, that's what they'd say.
We are here for you!
Now your men will be castrated!
Of course, you know, when the Arabs took over Africa, In different parts of it in the last 3,000 years, there was
a lot of different Arabic expeditions into Africa.
Arabs took over most of North Africa.
That what they did to black men that they didn't kill was chop their testicles off.
So I don't know who first said it, because it's been said so much no one knows who first said it.
Some say Ptolemy first said it, but there's nothing new under the sun.
And if you're going to convince people to not have a father in the home and to have your son's testicles removed, you've got to have it with Fanfare.
And Bruce Jenner.
Yeah, man, it's woo, woo, woo!
Like Ric Flair is like woo, woo.
I'm saying he's actually supporting it.
Might as well have Ric Flair up there, you know.
Or if Ric Flair doesn't support that.
It's like, oh, Swamp, you will eat bugs, you will drink sewage, and Swamp reads, and we will feed the plants with human bodies.
And now, he said that five years ago, in German, but also in English, and you have chip in your brain, I will tell you, I will control you, yes, he says, we the UN will control the brain through chip.
It's a chip.
And then now, Oregon and Washington pass laws This year, while you're busy, on lockdown, next it will be, no one is allowed to burn a body or bury.
Not good.
I'm going in like a Chinese accent from a German one, but it's not good.
You need to, you need to melt the bodies and feed it to the plants.
Silent green.
People will eat the people.
And notice he said it, snap his fingers, now it's the law.
You're going to eat the bugs!
You're going to like it!
You have nothing!
You owe nothing!
Welcome back.
Look, what's happening is very simple.
Humans are incredible, humans are amazing, humans are beautiful, but we're also falling and we can do some really bad things.
And there are breakaway, very arrogant, rich elites that want all the science and technology for themselves, want to use us like guinea pigs, and want to cut us out of the future.
And if they can build a huge Madison Avenue, Times Square, financial, but also visual, diversion system, Well, we're busy watching the Kardashians and our whole civilization sinks, and the worst of the worst steal the future.
And their global government takeover isn't coming.
It's here.
We're deep inside world government.
They just now are siphoning off our work, our ingenuity, our labor to build their breakaway civilization, and now they want to start introducing The fact that we're not essential, that we're locked up and that robots are going to take care of us.
We just lay back and the robots are going to do all the farming, all the ranching, all the medical work, all of the auto parts, all the repairs, all the roofing.
You don't need to know any of those skills anymore, even though we've already lost most of our skills.
But very quickly after robots are ubiquitous, every one of them from the smallest to the largest are already being weaponized.
And it'll just go from there.
And that's the plan.
But before we can be killed, we've got to be made obsolete, stunned, dumbed down, poisoned.
And once that's happened, it's all over.
So I don't want to just mention this and have people go, oh yeah, right.
I put this in the Obama deception, and even the New York Times once attacked me for it, if memory serves.
I know it was one of the big publications.
It said, Jones claims that they want to grind up human bodies and put it in compost.
That's part of Agenda 21.
He's a liar.
Well, here it is, AP.
Oregon could become the second state to permit human composting.
Well, that's what they passed it.
So did Washington.
Washington State officially begins human composting, New York Post.
And then now that everybody did it, oh now dozens of states are now liquefying dead and spraying bio-sludge on crops, parks, and playgrounds.
Teaching us that we are a commodity.
Oh, baby sheep are grown in bio-bags now.
Which is a cloned uterus, heart, and lungs, and liver, and kidneys that doesn't have a body that's in another bag that you feed nutrients into that then produces whatever you want, including human clones.
But what they're really doing is cloning human uteruses, but growing them up really large inside cows.
That was what they already settled on 50 years ago.
You go, really?
How do you know that?
Oh, I was actually in MIT stuff and other papers that I covered, again, 26 years ago.
And boy, did all hell break loose when that happened.
I even had once a engineer who actually held patents on things Who'd work for the National Security Agency, bring me documents about how the scientific Atlantic cable boxes have hidden microphones in them.
This is before, now they all admit that.
Before anybody knew it.
And how AI was listening and it was beta tested.
And later his son came to one of my events about five years later when I was showing a film.
He said, you know, they killed my dad after he gave you that.
Oh, just thought I'd throw that out to you.
So, that's the kind of stuff that goes on when you're not living in La La Land.
That's the real world.
And there's a thousand things times a thousand they can do.
By having the NSA spying on everybody, you're like, why would they want to hide it from a terrorist?
It's not for terrorists.
Is if you start finding out about a child smuggling operation, they can stop you.
Or if another arm of the military police that's compartmentalized finds out, they're always one step ahead of them.
Or if there's a trend in something that nobody else knows about, they discover it, steal it from the small company, and give it to the Chinese.
That's how it all works, and they've got the general public all mesmerized into believing if they go along with this, they'll be promoted in the global corporate structure.
But they won't.
You're building your own destruction.
You're building your own gallows.
Now let's move to this even bigger whopper.
Joe Biden tried to tell the truth, but he's so addled and so evil he can't physically tell the truth, even when he tries.
Giving a speech today, Joe Biden blames black vaccine hesitancy on Tuskegee Airmen, the first blacks since the Civil War allowed in combat who did an excellent job.
So he blamed black men, some of which had their families injected with syphilis that came out and killed or tortured over long periods of time.
It's very painful.
Millions were allowed to be infected overall by the tens of thousands that were injected.
It wasn't just blacks that got it, it was everybody.
And Joe Biden now blames them, the victims, for what happened.
You say, well, he's an old man.
Yeah, he should be, you know, at a nursing home, not molesting children, not molesting our country anymore.
So here he is blaming The very blacks from Alabama, many of them were from there, this is Guy Yerman, who were victimized with a secret government experiment telling them it was a vaccine for polio when it was syphilis, now blaming them for what they did to them.
So even the demon in him just lies so much he can't stop.
Here it is.
I asked one person to do nothing but deal with equity.
To make sure that we were reaching out into minority communities.
Which, by the way, and many of the older members of that community had memories of experimentation on black Americans that were not told about.
Like what happened to the Tuskegee Airmen and all those tests.
I shouldn't laugh, it's just so sick.
Yeah, those Tuskegee Airmen.
Like when their souls were leaving their bodies when they died, like Casper the Friendly Ghost.
They were sure flying high up, you killed them, huh?
I've heard it on NPR, like, blacks need to be convinced it's safe.
It's totally been tested by the FDA.
No one's been hurt.
Oh, it was not tested by the FDA.
In the secret animal trials, it killed most of the animals.
In some cases, all the animals.
I have the actual studies now.
You're a liar.
You're a fraud.
It doesn't protect you.
That's why they turned down the PCR test for people that are sick after they've had the vaccine to where it shows false negative.
But if you haven't had the vaccine, they've heard up to 40 cycles to show false positive.
If people will just grasp that fraud and then realize everything else is a fraud, everything else is a lie, and arrest Fauci and arrest Gates just like the Theranos lady got arrested but is still awaiting trial out on bail.
Arrest them all.
They're liars.
It's open and shut.
I can convince a grand jury in one hour to indict Bill Gates and Fauci.
You can convince them to indict the Theranos lady in one hour.
And she was indicted.
She had a PCR-style test saying it could detect cancer.
It was all a lie!
Like Bernie Madoff!
Then they spin it and they go, Well, Jones, some say there isn't even a virus at all.
Well, you're lied to this much.
I don't blame people for wanting to think that, but...
It's more complex than that.
There is a virus.
Here's an example, and after Savannah Hernandez leaves, I'll explain it.
I was out there picking tomatoes, tomato plants in my backyard.
Didn't notice poison ivy was growing all over it.
And I got poison ivy right here, right here on my wrist.
Well, that's not a virus, but it's a chemical that causes an autoimmune response.
That's real, even though you can't see it.
And viruses are real, too.
I'll explain it all when we come back.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I've been seeing a lot of big interviews.
She's been doing a lot of breaking news.
She's been on traveling around the country.
Our own Savannah Hernandez joins us in the next hour.
I'm opening the phones.
We have huge COVID-19 news that's already broken and even bigger stuff that just broke that I'm gonna wait till next hour to hit.
But it's big and Fauci's not gonna like it.
I like watching the walls close in on him, but we're gonna break it all down next hour.
But Savannah Hernandez is here.
And I just wanted to get her on because, again, she's been doing a lot of great interviews, a lot of great analysis, and she also brought up some points that I wasn't even aware of.
Wow, Atlanta councilman running for mayor who voted for defund the police measure is dragged down the road and almost killed by kids as young as seven who stole his Mercedes during the day.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
We've got more on the BLM leader shot in London.
They blame it on white people.
It was a black gang.
We've got so much more.
Savannah Hernandez.
is joining us.
She also wants to get into vaccines and TikTok and what's happening there.
Savannah, you've been doing a great job.
You're doing a great job here, but a great job with The Blaze and Elijah Shafer and everybody else.
So congratulations.
Thank you so much, Alex, and thank you so much for having me.
It's so great to be back with you here talking about these extremely important subjects.
Overall, what do you think of Joe Biden?
What do you think of the state of the world?
Him blaming Tuskegee Airmen for the reason blacks won't take vaccines.
Alex, I have never been an anti-vaxxer, but as soon as the government tells me that I have to do something, then I'm going to research it and understand and ask why.
And, you know, like you said too with Tuskegee, and I talked to so many people about this, the black community specifically has so much hesitancy towards this vaccine because of the way the government has treated that community specifically with vaccinations.
And now we're seeing too, and just with Joe Biden as a whole, I felt like it was hard for me to give political analysis, but now I do my own show two times a week, just in regards to how badly Joe Biden is doing in regards to our country, in regards to leadership, in regards to the economy, international relations.
Take your pick.
He's doing an awful job.
And more than anything, I think that he's doing an amazing job at red-pilling a lot of people.
I know so many Joe Biden voters are immediately regretting their decision, especially every single time they go to the gas pump.
So it's quite comical.
Unfortunately, we have to live through it too.
But Joe Biden is a complete failure, as we all knew he would be.
He's not a legitimate president.
And this is exactly what I expected and what we have been talking about would happen if he was put into office.
What do you think should end up happening with Biden and Kamala, who's even more unpopular than him with his own voters?
She couldn't get half a point during the primaries.
Yeah, nobody likes Kamala Harris.
She's a complete joke.
She's been lying to us, you know, ever since her failed run for president.
I really don't know what's going to happen at this point.
I know that nobody appreciates either of their leadership.
For example, Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of The open borders crisis that we're currently dealing with, she has still yet to go visit the border.
She is a failed leader, just like Joe Biden.
And more than anything, what is going to happen is the voters who thought that Donald Trump was a dictator, was so bad and, you know, brought this entire country to ruins, they're actually going to realize and have to live through the reality of what bad democratic policy and bad leadership actually looks like.
Because everything they screamed and cried about that Donald Trump was over the past four years is exactly what Joe Biden is.
A racist, a dictator, somebody who is pushing medical tyranny on us, taking away our rights and amendments.
So now all of these dumb people who decided to vote in Joe Biden are going to actually have to live through what they cried about and thought they were living through over the past four years.
Dan Holloway is a former Army Special Operations guy, great talk show host, business guy, and he was on with us yesterday, and he didn't know, and he's very informed, that Biden had said, if I get elected, immediately surge the border.
I was talking to family about a month ago, who's also been in the military and is in business and very informed.
They didn't know.
You know, we're in an echo chamber as newshounds that we know this stuff, but I started asking people last night, just random folks at dinner that were coming up and shaking my hand, Uh, and I said, hey, did you know Joe Biden said immediately surged the border?
They go, no, I didn't know that.
So that's, I mean, again, people think this is just a crisis.
They did this on purpose.
They're, they're, they're completing the smuggling process.
You spent a lot of time in California and Texas as an InfoWars reporter going into very dangerous places on your own accord.
You've got a lot of courage.
Uh, but I mean, knowing what's happening, it scares me that so many well-informed people don't even know this because, because a lot of conservatives aren't talking about it.
Exactly, Alex.
And honestly, I've been really thinking about this a lot lately.
And a lot of times, conservatives like to blame liberals or Democrats for the state of our country.
But I blame soft conservatives, to be quite honest with you.
I blame the conservatives who continue to capitulate to big tech and refuse to talk about issues that are important because they're afraid of angering the wrong person.
We have a complete open border at this point.
And going back to your point too, Alex, about how Joe Biden said he was going to give amnesty to 11 million immigrants when he went into office.
There was also another news story that came out about how cartels were excited that Joe Biden was in office, that they were going to be making millions off of, you know, bringing people across the border illegally.
And we've seen that more and more every single day.
I'm actually going to McAllen this weekend to go do some on-the-ground reporting there at the border because, you know, we're not seeing very much reporting on it.
And if we are seeing it, it's getting censored and stifled by big tech.
So, you know, now is the time more than ever for conservatives to start taking on Controversial topics to start talking about what's actually going on in this country and hold Joe Biden's administration responsible because there are a select few people who are actually going to report on the truth.
Of course, InfoWars is one of those places and I still listen to your show regularly every single day because going to Twitter, going to the mainstream media and seeing what You know, the media decides is news that day.
That's not what's really going on.
And so people need to go to alternative platforms to understand what's actually happening in this country because what Twitter deems newsworthy is not what's actually happening.
And again, here's a clip from eight months ago, right before the election.
We need to air this, I guess, every day so people know and use this clip because they're acting like they're worried about the crisis that they literally called for this to happen.
Here it is.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed, saying women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as a reason for asylum.
80% of the women Amnesty International finds trying to make it up here out of Latin America are raped on the way, Savannah.
Yes, and that's an article that we've covered extensively and you have brought up throughout the years, and it's one that always stuck in my mind because again, being pro-open borders, so many people think that it's this great policy that we're just being loving and we're allowing people to come into the country, but no!
And again, too, you know, it's Black Lives Matter.
They're crying about George Floyd.
Well, guess what?
George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.
Guess what's coming across the border every single day?
Large amounts of fentanyl that are killing Americans.
Women are being raped at the border.
Children are being trafficked.
They're drowning in the Rio Grande every single day, and that is what open borders look like.
That is what Democrats are not only encouraging in this country, but are selling.
Well, that's right.
They're encouraging massive smuggling.
And I see the joke, hey, George Floyd's one year drug-free.
You know, George Floyd is a victim.
He shouldn't have used the drug.
He shouldn't have been a thug.
But that fentanyl being flooded in is totally addicting, and it's a crisis.
And the people that allow that, like Biden, are the ones that are really to blame.
First off, tell us about all the work you're doing.
We're going to come back and get into Black Lives Matter that you want to get into and some crazy stories folks might not have heard about.
But you're doing a lot of work, a lot of interviews, a lot of stuff on the ground.
Tell us about all things Savannah Hernandez.
So right now I'm doing work with Slightly Offensive with Elijah Schafer.
So that show comes out twice a week and then I do my own show twice a week too.
It's called Rapid Fire.
I do it on my YouTube channel where I do a lot of political analysis on everything that's going on every single day.
I'm going to be doing a lot more on the ground coverage as well of just any rallies and protests that I can find.
I'm going to McAllen this weekend to go cover the border and I want to start getting back out and doing Man on the Street specifically on the topic of vaccines because if you actually go and talk to the average American, Well, I knew you got a lot of footage.
they know who got the vaccine.
The story's gonna be very different than the headlines we're all reading.
You guys are playing some of my footage here from January 6th.
That was quite an insane day.
It's crazy getting to witness this history time and time again.
Luckily, there's not too many riots going on around America as of yet,
but if they do pop off, then- - Well, I know you got a lot of footage.
You got the amazing, iconic footage we just showed?
I actually, and you know what Alex, too, we'll come back from this break and I'll tell you, but it was actually crazy because Instagram deleted all of these clips of the Trump supporters being peaceful, citing violence, and my Instagram account will be deleted here shortly because of my footage.
Well, Savannah Hernandez is here, and again, tell folks how they find you, how they follow you.
You can follow me on YouTube and on Odyssey which is YouTube alternative at Sav Says and then you can find me on Gap at Savannah Hernandez.
Savannah spelled S-A-V-A-N-A-H-1-N.
Firecracker, the flamethrower.
We'll be right back with her on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Info War.
The Info War.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, Savannah Hernandez is with us for this segment, a little short segment.
And then I'm going to open the phones up and cover a ton of news, including this huge...
I mean, it just gets bigger and bigger news on COVID-19.
And Savannah Hernandez is here with us.
Before we hit the Black Lives Matter and the Soros developments and the stuff in the UK and the stuff in Georgia that you want to get to, because I want to hear this.
What do you make of what's happened with the lab story and the masks not working and the fake PCR test?
I mean, everything about this was an organized fraud from the beginning.
This wasn't a happenstance accident.
They now admit all run out of the UN, all run out of the NIH, all run by Fauci.
I mean, this guy is a real James Bond supervillain.
And of course, we all know that, you know, the gain of function research has been one of the biggest stories this week.
The fact that COVID did leak out of a lab in Wuhan has been one of the biggest stories this week.
But in regards to my own political analysis on this, I felt really clouded.
And I had to take a step back and understand why.
And it's because We've already known all of this.
The government has known all of this, and the average American citizen who has been paying attention has known this.
And your average person too, who doesn't really care about politics, has known that the government has been lying to them.
So my question overall is, why as a society are we okay with politicians, with corrupt government officials, with these doctors and scientists continuing to lie to us?
How much further How many more times do we need to be lied to as a society for us to stand up and actually make a change and push back?
So in regards to the story, it's not surprising in the slightest, but I'm not even focused in on the politicians or the doctors.
I'm focused in on the average American who has been so coddled by our society that they now depend on other people to think critically for them, aka the media.
The media decided that this was truth this week, even though it was out in November of 2019, and now Americans are deciding, okay, cool.
And the Americans who knew it was a lie are like, oh yeah, well, this was reported previously.
Okay, well, what's the next step here?
When are Americans finally going to get tired of being lied to?
When are they going to stand up?
When are they going to take back their freedoms?
When are they going to take back their information?
You know, Alex, this is called InfoWars, and that's such a perfect name for what we are currently living through.
It's an information war and right now with the regulation of big tech, with the media, with the government and what we are allowed to see and what we're not allowed to see, it's...
It's time for people to get angry and actually stand up for their freedoms and for their freedom of thought more specifically.
I totally agree with you.
You know, I was reviewing footage.
There's 16 hours of it.
I told the guys, I said, hey, get a promo together of us in April and May and June.
You were there, demonstration saying, no mask, arrest Bill Gates, arrest Fauci for the Wuhan lab.
They're like, well, sir, there's 16 hours.
I said, just scan through it, grab a few clips.
We're going to have that soon.
I mean, we were way ahead of this, because you're right, the government knows this is all out in the open, and they're never going to get away with this.
It's going to end up coming out, and it is coming out.
100%, and I'm glad that it is being exposed, and more than anything, I hope that we continue to see more and more Americans wake up.
And we are seeing that right now with the vaccine.
So many of my friends who, again, aren't anti-vax, really were not into politics because the government is forcing them to take this experimental vaccine that is not FDA approved.
Because they're being forced to do this, this in itself has been a big wake up to a lot of people.
And people are getting angry.
They're asking the questions of why are people dying from this?
They're asking the question of why is the government trying to hide information and lie to us?
So many people are waking up and it is good to see.
I'm glad that these things are coming to light.
Savannah, let's get into Black Lives Matter.
Polls show that it's lost, what, 60-70% of its support from its height in the last few years.
But it's a front for the Democrats in Deep State, for the UN worldwide, to create racial division.
So, I mean, it's meant to be destroyed in the end.
They'll just have a new puppet organization.
But boy, the attempts by Black Lives Matter to try to create racial division just are ongoing.
I know you've really been focused on this.
What's the latest?
The latest with Black Lives Matter is, again, just the hilarious hypocrisy of one Patrice Coolers owning, you know, three multi-million dollar mansions while advocating for Marxism.
We had another council member now who was advocating for defunding the police.
He was carjacked in broad daylight.
We had the BLM leader in London who was shot by black men.
So all of the Black Lives Matter leaders who perpetuated this racist movement, these domestic terrorists who are allowed to run rampant and destroy America over the past couple of years, you know, BLM a year later we're really seeing the reality of their ideologies and what they really advocate for and push for.
And that's crime, that's racism, that is, you know, rules for thee but not for me type of mentality and ideology.
So In regards to this, Black Lives Matter is dying off right now.
They're useless right now in regards to the Democratic Party and the political space that we're in.
So they're losing their energy right now.
They're not really doing much.
And it's just funny now to see all these stories come out of how they're being affected by the bad policies that they pushed on everyone else.
And the weirdest part is all the weird, crazy white people trying to lead Black Lives Matter to attack white people.
It's bizarre.
A hundred percent!
There was a White Lives Matter rally here in Fort Worth and it was just one girl holding up a white victims matter sign and of course 20 Black Lives Matter members came up to come attack her and it's just so pathetic because it was white people there too who didn't know I was a conservative so I went up to them and I said will you apologize for the crimes of your past race and they were like yes 100% of course I will and I was like are you ashamed to be white and they're like yes sometimes And then, you know, at the end I ended up bullhorning them and saying that it was pathetic that they were apologizing for their skin color and they got really upset.
But I was like, no, the upsetting thing is that we have conditioned white people in this country now to think that their skin color is bad, and to think that they're racist because of the way that they were born.
So, again, domestic terrorist organization, they're losing energy, Antifa's losing energy as well, and these are just weak people.
I'm sure you've seen this, Savannah, but the overt white supremacy chart being used by at least 20 states, the version I have is from Maryland and Virginia here.
It says lynching is the worst type and it is everywhere, even though lynching is basically non-existent.
Swastikas, hate crimes, KKK, the N-word, racial slurs, racist jokes.
Really, I thought giving people deadly vaccines was the big thing or giving them syphilis, but you'll see Tuskegee Experiment up here with the real racist stuff.
And then down here it says parentalism, which means believing in a family.
Leaving out a mother and father.
That is racism.
And, you know, English only initiatives.
I mean, they just throw all this in there.
Or telling jokes.
Not challenging racists.
White savior complex.
Trying to help people in general.
I mean, what the hell do you make of this?
I mean, so first they define Nazis.
And then they then define everything else in the universe as evil.
So that the leftist cult can control reality.
Yeah Alex, for years you've been talking about the decline of our society and just the decay of the traditional family and traditional values and that's exactly what this is right here.
They know exactly what they're pushing with these ideologies, with calling again just success in the workplace a racist thing.
I get so tired of all of these graphs saying that being successful, that being articulate
is linked to whiteness.
No, why can't minority groups be successful either?
The media is telling all of these minority groups and all of these minority communities
that success or the traditional family or traditional values is linked to whiteness
and is therefore racist.
But what they're really teaching these minority communities is how to not be successful in
life, how to not thrive in life.
I mean, the whole lockdowns being non-essential, handing out Play-Doh of people's feelings are hurt in college and coloring books is about arresting development and keeping people on a plantation.
Exactly, Alex, and that's the craziest thing about all of this.
It's like you've been talking about it for years, and we're seeing it time and time again.
I get so tired of even reporting on the racial news and trying to keep up with it because it's all pointless, useless, and it's a huge distraction from the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are dying from this experimental vaccine.
Like, that's the big picture here.
The media wants us focused on these racially divisive things, and of course it is a key factor in the destruction of our country and the destruction of the nuclear family.
But it's like, the more racial nonsense that I see pushed, the more I realize that they're trying to distract us from the fact that the government is corrupt, that they're printing trillions and trillions of dollars, further inflating our dollar and destroying our economy.
They're pushing this experimental vaccine on people, killing children, killing mothers, killing brothers, killing...
You know, family members, that's what's really going on in society, but they want everyone focused in on racism because it's the easiest way to keep people divided.
And once the government knows that the people come, once the people come together against the corrupt government and they realize that the corrupt government is the greatest threat to all of humanity, once the masses rise up and they push back against that, they're going to have a big problem, which is why they continue to keep us divided with racism.
When you talk about the death, they've got like 5,000 dead in the U.S.
reporting system.
They think maybe 1 out of 50 to 1 out of 100 is being reported, so that's probably, you know, 100,000 or something.
And then the same things in Europe.
It's 10, 15 times any previous reporting level of people dying, and then models are dying, and young people are dying, and now teenagers that are taking it are dying, and they're having heart attacks and strokes, like, the day of or the day after.
I mean, this is serious.
And then we have the studies showing That previous animal studies with SARS or COVID vaccines did cause blood clots because your body attacks protein that's in your arteries.
Alex, I have an uncle who is immunocompromised and he got his second Moderna shot.
He has been on oxygen for the past month and he's now on disability and can no longer go to work because of how badly it affects him.
Savannah, I didn't know that.
Stay there.
We're going to come back in the next hour and have you tell that story.
Wow, Savannah Hernandez here with us.
She's doing a great job out there as an amazing person with all of her reports.
Be sure and follow all that.
We're going to start The third hour right now.
Don't forget we have storewide free shipping that funds our operation at infowarestore.com through Memorial Day.
Storewide free shipping is back with double Patriot points and DNA Force Plus is back.
All right, final segment with the great Savannah Hernandez.
I'm Alex Jones and I've got all that huge breaking news we haven't got to yet but just been broken last hour on COVID in the next segment and then some of the stuff I haven't gotten to with the Rand Paul saying, hey, Fauci's a criminal.
Don't let him investigate himself.
So much happening there.
Savannah, you were getting to your uncle.
I didn't know that.
I've just been, you know, watching all the great reports you're doing and seeing you do big interviews and things.
And I hadn't heard yet because I've been so busy that you invited me on your show last week.
That never got to me.
Not their fault.
I forget a lot of stuff around here.
So much has happened, but I'll be happy to do that.
But in closing, it's great to talk to you, but terrible to hear about your uncle being disabled now.
I know so many people that have died or lost family members or who've been disabled, every race, color and creed, who've taken this so-called vaccine.
It's not a vaccine.
Tell us, tell us more about your uncle.
Yeah, Alex.
So, before I get into this story, I just want to say that, you know, it's been a year and a half since the COVID outbreak and I still don't know somebody who has died from COVID.
It's been a couple of months since the vaccine came out and I already personally know somebody who has been affected negatively and had an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
So, in regards to my uncle, he was immunocompromised.
He was a cancer survivor.
So, he got the vaccine because, you know, he felt it would be safe for him.
The first one kind of knocked him out.
He was recovering from it.
But the second one, he's now on oxygen.
He's been on oxygen for the past month.
He's now been put on disability and can no longer go to work because of how badly it affected him.
And of course, just like with every single vaccine adverse reaction or death, they're going to say, well, it can't be tied to the vaccine.
We can't say for sure that it was because of the vaccine, even though this happened directly after that second, I believe it was a Moderna shot.
So, you know, going back to my original point, They really hyped up COVID and said that people were dying left and right from it.
But when push comes to shove, I still don't know somebody who's died from COVID personally.
But within a couple of months of this experimental vaccine being on the market, I already know somebody who has been, you know, adversely affected and their life has been severely affected because of this experimental injection.
That is such a powerful statement you just made.
One of the most powerful.
I don't know anybody that's died of COVID, even though everybody that dies of a car wreck, alligator eats them, lightning strike, cancer, old age, drowned, they call it COVID.
You don't know anybody that's died of COVID, but you know people that have gotten sick, gotten hurt from the vaccines.
And that's exactly what I'm hearing.
Healthy people, young people, That have been in the hospitals for months and now a lot of people dying, they say of COVID, really died of the COVID vaccine.
That's amazing.
Exactly, and I even have a cousin right now who's pregnant and it's already a high-risk pregnancy and her family is getting so upset with her and they're getting mad at her and they're saying that you're putting our whole family at risk because you don't want to get vaccinated and she's like, I'm not getting vaccinated because my friend got vaccinated and the next day she had a miscarriage.
So I'm not putting my children at risk.
So, again, if you go out on the streets of America and you actually talk to the people who've gotten this vaccine, you will find so many people who either know someone who has been adversely affected by it or just had a bad reaction.
We see the stories come out every single day.
On my last stream, I went and I typed in, man dies from COVID vaccine or woman dies from COVID vaccine.
If you do that search on Google, who we know censors misinformation, You can just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and there's so many articles of people who have died from this and it's just like wake up people what are we doing?
Meanwhile, Bill Gates and others are saying we need a way to suppress all this and even block the stories that are true.
They're all true.
We don't have to stage false flag attacks like all the liberals do, and they do on military bases and fake nooses and all this.
This is real death, real attacks on everybody.
And, you know, as you said, they bully families and go, you need to protect us.
Statistically, COVID super rare.
Meanwhile, top scientists admit the COVID vaccine is causing viral shedding of viruses that are actually dangerous, Savannah.
Exactly, and my cousin right now who's pregnant knows all of this, and she's just trying to protect her family.
She's trying to protect her unborn babies, and she's the one that's the bad guy in society.
She's the one that's selfish.
She's the one that's putting other people's lives at risk.
Savannah, you know, it's like, I'm willing to go to these people's door lovingly with a big file of documents, and maybe we should go knock on your family's door, you and I together, and educate them.
Maybe we should, Alex.
That's what needs to be done in society nowadays.
Go out on the ground where you can't be censored and go expose what's happening in this country.
Well, Savannah, you were always good on air with us, but you're even better.
You're amazing.
Come and see me anytime you want down here in Austin or up in Dallas.
Savannah Hernandez, we salute you and love you.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with huge news.
Stay with us.
Fauci is a suspect and he shouldn't be able to investigate himself.
Wow, what a thought.
You know, if you were going to launch a biological weapon attack that would create incredible fear, so you lock down society and consolidate power and control and kick populist leaders out of office, you'd want to have people involved in the investigation process that work for you.
Or you'd want to be the person in charge of the laboratory that came up with it, the surveillance system that looks for it, and the medical systems that would investigate it and make recommendations about it, Just like his director of the project at Wuhan, the British doctor said, we have the video, we played it many times, Tucker Carlson's covered it.
Remember what he said?
He said, oh, we took five viruses and are combining them to make a vaccine for all five.
And that's what COVID-19 is, is five viruses combined.
It's a real virus, a real program, not that deadly unless you are auto Compromised or already very sick or have low vitamins and minerals and then it can replicate the DNA.
But they did all this to bring out the vaccine.
We have the director of his project saying it.
So of course he's not just the prime suspect.
It's like catching somebody with a dead body that's been hacked up with a hatchet and they've got blood all over them and a bloody hatchet in their hand.
Maybe they didn't do it but probably they did.
They're the main suspect, okay?
Then you see how Fauci suppressed good treatments.
Nutraceuticals suppressed therapeutics.
You see the media shutting down scientists and others that pointed out where it came from.
The whole thing has been Operation Lockstep.
It's all been an amalgamation of Event 201.
Crimson Contagion.
And that's the fact.
And of course then criminals love to brag.
You've got Fauci on TV.
In fact, pull it up guys, please.
President Trump will soon be challenged with a major pandemic of a new virus.
Just watch.
I tells you it's going to be happening.
What does Operation Lockstep say?
A planetary world government authoritarianism to save us from the virus.
Total surveillance, robots controlling your life, world IDs, world medical passports, implantable microchips, and now Klaus Schwab's calling for it.
And now 60 Minutes is calling for it.
And in a show on screen for TV viewers, the sad, there's hundreds of pages of this on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, where the leftist We're all such conformists.
I mean, I don't care if you got green hair or pink hair or blue hair.
You know, back when I was 14, 15, 16, I learned that the girls with the blue and pink hair were a lot of fun.
Let's just say that I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill with girls like that.
I was 12, looked like I was about 16, and everybody in the neighborhood, and those were the girls listening to all the heavy metal and the punk rock.
But they're the folks today that are anti-vaxxing.
I mean, they were real rebels, let's leave it at that.
You know, they were a little older than me.
And the point is, is that now having blue hair means you're probably on methamphetamine, and a devil worshiper, or a child molester.
And if you go look at everybody getting arrested, they look... I mean, you know, if...
Rob Zombie's gonna make a new zombie movie.
He doesn't need makeup.
He doesn't need wardrobe.
He can just go and put ads in for Antifa from Portland and Seattle and places like Oakland.
And man, he'll get the scariest looking army of retard zombies the world ever saw.
Yeah, show some of the photos of the folks that showing off they got vaxxed.
It looks like a freak show of jellyfish.
These aren't good-looking girls with the sides of their heads shaved and a big black mane of hair and, you know, and with a, you know, cool tattoo on their tramp stamp spot.
These are zombos and they've all got the green and the pink hair and the rest of it.
They've all got that weird zombie look of just a desperate slave with that psycho look wanting to prove how freakish they are and they want us to join them in being a zombie army.
They celebrate.
their former human status. They celebrate their new zombie status.
I got the vaccine, you got the vaccine, we got the vaccine.
But I'm about, I got the neurological disorder, I got the blood clot, I got the heart attack,
I got the stroke, I got the...
I got dead.
I got put in the ground.
I got shut down.
I almost died.
I'm Eric Clapton.
I almost died.
I'm Ben Stein.
I almost died.
I died.
I'm a 30-year-old actress in good health.
I just died of a stroke.
I got the vaccine.
You got the vaccine.
You got the vaccine.
We got the vaccine.
And look at these freakazoids.
Just what the hell are we creating?
I mean, we've all got that weird I mean, you can't fake that look.
Pull them back on screen.
All of them.
Oh yeah, pentagrams, devil worship, pink hair, red hair, cause you're clowns!
And you're all looking down crazy like I just did it!
I just put the GMO digital mark on me!
I'm a corporate idiot!
I'm a slob!
I want everything free!
I'm a hero!
I've got blue hair!
And I want to educate your children with Drag Queen Story Time!
I got the vaccine!
We got the vaccine!
You got the vaccine!
It's not even a vaccine, you dodo birds!
Oh my god, is he chopping down the eugenics tree?
I never watched the full video.
Back that up!
Holy Toledo!
That's in my film Endgame!
Oh, they're fighting eugenics by taking the vaccine?
Oh my...
*laughing* Well that's that, what's the name of that major rapper by
the way?
I listened to them in the 80s.
When I told my wife that this rap group had done these pro vaccines, she didn't believe it until she saw it.
Who are they?
What's the name of the rap group?
I forget.
It's super famous.
Run DMC.
They've got a new one where it shows Tuskegee Airmen and Tuskegee folks and says, Yeah, we injected you, but we don't do that anymore.
We don't do experiments anymore.
When it is an experiment!
And it is deadly!
I didn't know they did a new video with Run-DMC!
There's four of them!
Oh my God!
And they show the original eugenics tree that said kill black people and he cuts it down to stop the eugenics when they're targeting black people to... I should laugh.
My God, they throw... It's just the craziest thing I've ever seen.
Okay, I'm speechless at this point.
I said I was going to break major news.
I haven't done it yet.
Let's just start here.
Let's start with General Flynn, the full interview is at InfoWars.com, coming out and pointing out some key factors about the Wuhan leak.
So here's General Flynn, former head of Defense Intelligence of the Great Patriot.
I mean, the damage that has been done because of this one weaponized capability, which I believe, in fact, when we really dig into this, we're going to find out that it was.
It was weaponized for various reasons.
And now we have to learn about it.
So, so, so the people in the state department, the people in the department of justice, the people in the white house,
they have got to come to grips with what is happening and what we need to know, because the American people are now
What is the truth?
And the government must be transparent.
This is not about, you know, all the other things that we've dealt with.
I mean, I got it.
We still want accountability for the persecution of myself and everybody that was persecuted during the Russiagate.
Will we ever get that?
I don't know.
But I want to tell you, you have millions and millions of people, tens of millions, maybe hundreds of men in this country, certainly hundreds of millions around the world that are going to demand what the heck happened with this COVID thing.
Where did it begin?
And who is going to be held accountable?
You're so right about that.
And I was...
He goes on, the full interview is at Infowars.com.
I'm going to behave myself.
I thought that was a joke video.
I saw the first DMC video going, you know, "Don't be racist.
Get the shot.
Show the white man that you got a lot."
I mean, it was just totally stupid reverse psychology.
And then now there's new ones where you fight secret testing on blacks by taking the secret
deadly shot and you destroy the eugenics Nazis, which are running this, by taking it.
It's like, you stop the KKK by putting on a KKK hood and burning down a black person's house.
You stop Nazis by worshipping Hitler.
You fight suicide by blowing your head off.
You fight self-immolation by pouring gasoline on yourself and setting yourself on fire.
What the hell?!
We'll be right back!
Okay folks, thank you so much for joining us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, you talk about next level selling out.
I got a bunch of breaking news here, but I want to talk about Run-DMC.
The crew was running the original Run-DMC video from like six months ago saying blacks need to get vaccines, they're totally safe, take the COVID shot, but it's not even a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, very dangerous, and the literature admits it can kill you.
It's already killed a lot of black folks, killed people, period.
Heart attacks, strokes, you name it, and that's what the literature warns of, that's what's happening.
But I saw them rolling more footage of these cartoons, highly produced cartoons, with a cartoon Run-DMC rap group, And it showed them fighting basically Nazis and saving black people at Tuskegee, and he cuts down the eugenics tree, which again is the globalist plan to take over our bodies and get rid of the subhumans, which, you know, they're saying anybody that's poor, has low IQ, and particularly going after black folks.
So it's a black kid checking out the facts and finding out the FDA loves him, the CDC loves him, and they're fighting Nazis.
And so you, you, uh, You learn from your smartphone how to fight Nazis, and you take the shot to fight the racists.
Because blacks have said, we don't trust the government, we know about secret testing.
And she's like, oh, this isn't secret, it just violates the Nuremberg Code.
They didn't do the animal testing.
They'd already done it previously.
It killed the animal, so they had to cover that up.
And so it's a total inversion.
And if I've ever seen inversion, it's literal.
The Eugenics Society was run by IBM, and Bill Gates' mother and father ran it.
They have awards at the Eugenics Depopulation Summit.
Bill Gates gets the award.
He runs all this, and then Run-DMC gets hired to tell everybody it's safe, fight the Nazis, and take your shot.
I mean, I'm serious.
I mean, I would want, if I saw Run-DMC, any of the members of the group, to just ask him what it feels like to be Judas Iscariot, because this is insane.
This is insane, but it just shows they can't beat us on the truth, so they just turn it around.
Now, I've got a clip of Rand Paul, and I'll get to it here in a moment, but let me tell you about a sponsor that I'm really excited about.
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All right.
I started the show out with the human-animal clones, which Congress tried to pass a law banning.
You're like, wait, animal-human clones aren't banned?
Oh, no, because they didn't exist.
Now they go, oh, they've always existed for 50 years, and they're legal, but you're racist if you don't like your Frankenshot-grown-with-clone cells.
And, oh, we call stem cells a fully-grown human.
And as long as it's artificially made, it doesn't have human rights.
There's a trap involved in that as well down the road.
And there's a wind on down the road.
And we should come back to Stairway to Heaven next segment.
But let me do this.
I am so blown away by this news today and by what Microsoft said and by the other news
coming out on COVID that I haven't broken yet that I'll hit the start of the next segment.
I'm not gonna wait anymore.
But first, let me get to this 'cause it's important.
This is Rand Paul who deserves a lot of support and a lot of prayers.
He's going directly at the enemy.
It's why he's getting death threats.
It's why he's been shot at.
It's why he's been physically attacked twice.
Why he's had his ribs broken, his lungs punctured.
A lot of stuff because he's a good guy.
and he has a good heart.
Very presidential material.
I'd like to see him president in the future.
Maybe him and DeSantis make a nice mix.
But I don't care if they were two black guys or two women.
I don't give a damn.
If there were two black women like those guys, I'd be all for them.
Vote for them in one second.
But yeah, they're two white males.
I mean, who else is there, folks?
I don't give a damn about them being white.
But the point is that, you know, Bolsonaro's white.
He's fighting the world order.
I mean, I'm just saying.
Uh, get some black folks running for office talking like them, I'll vote for them.
Uh, but uh, can't believe we even had to have a discussion about that.
About who cares what color somebody is, it's about getting the job done.
But, I digress.
Here is Rand Paul saying, don't let Fauci run his own investigation of himself.
And again, talk about a white devil.
We got a couple real white devils of Bill Gates and Fauci who are actually coming to come after you, who do actually want to get rid of brown people, everybody else for that matter.
Here it is.
I think the most important thing is that the investigation can't be done by the WHO or an international group, but it also can't be done by Americans who are involved with funding the lab.
So Dr. Fauci and his hand-picked person from EcoHealth They can't investigate themselves because they gave the money to the lab.
They have a conflict of interest and a desire to make sure nothing bad is discovered that could have occurred with NIH money.
So they can't be the investigators either.
And this is very important.
I think Dr. Fauci should be made to testify under oath about the money that was given to the lab.
And the good news is yesterday I passed an amendment on the Senate floor that says no more gain-of-function money can be sent to China.
This is very important because this could happen again.
I mean, they are experimenting with the SARS virus, which is 15 times more deadly than COVID-19.
COVID-19 kills about 1%, but that's been 3 million people, more than 3 million people.
If SARS got out of the lab, that could be 50 million people.
So this is a very important task ahead of us.
We have 11 labs in our country that do this kind of research.
So, let's talk about this.
If you actually got sick and went to the hospital, yeah, 1% die, but it's really 1-10th of 1%.
SARS is way worse, and they've weaponized it, and they've got it.
And they got mousepox that kills 90-plus percent of people.
Yeah, did you hear me right?
I'm gonna tell you more about that when we come back.
But first, the big new breaking COVID news.
The latest news.
It'll blow you away.
But if you don't share it, well, you want the enemy to win.
We discredit these guys, we send them to prison, or they're gonna kill everybody.
It's us or them, okay?
Seriously, I mean every damn word I'm saying.
Stay with us.
Matt Bracken had some technical difficulties today.
He does a great job when he hosts Thursday's 4th Hour.
And he's, uh, can't do it.
So Owen Schroer's coming in in the fourth hour because I've got a bunch of things I'm working on.
I want to host the fourth hour, but I've got big stories we're working on that are huge, very important, behind the scenes.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I'm going to leave it at that.
In fact, it's very hard to do this show, even though I enjoy doing it, with all these delicious irons we have in the fire that are going to really hurt the New World Order politically.
And it is my extreme pleasure to be still on air despite all the attacks and for you keep me in the fight because I was born for this you were born for this and
I don't like these globalists.
I don't like their operations.
I don't like their boss, Satan.
And I am just extremely honored to be in this position, fighting on the world order.
I am just extremely blessed to even have any consciousness and have any connection to God.
And I am just a horrible goblin-like creature.
But I do love God and I know God loves me.
Let's just see.
God has let me look a little behind the curtain.
Just for micron milliseconds.
And I really am glad I'm on that right team.
And I would just suggest all of you get as far away from Satan as possible.
And get behind me, Satan, as we warp into the future with the big kahuna.
So I'm just going to leave it at that.
So as bad as all this is, just the crazy people running stuff are nuts because they chose the wrong side.
They're throwing a fit because they know they did.
They've been promised all this immortality and all this other stuff that they already had if they just went with God, and they're throwing a huge fit.
So that's where we are on that front.
How to hit all this?
I got a bunch of other huge COVID news as well.
And some really scary stuff that makes me really mad, and also the abomination stuff, all this cloning.
Because our cells are designed, and the ancients said this, but now they've mathematically, scientifically proven it, to resonate with the universe that God made.
Like, we're a musical instrument.
And the atmosphere is a musical instrument, and trees are a musical instrument, is the best way to describe it.
Energetically, through the dimensions, it's like a sound wave is the easiest way to describe it.
It's not what it is, but with our limited senses.
It's like trying to teach Helen Keller how to read, write, and talk, which she couldn't hear and couldn't see, but she finally could figure it out because it was innately in her.
The archetypes were there.
She ended up being a very passionate, very well-spoken person through communication.
But it could only, you know, it took years to get through to her, but it was there.
And so, trying to describe this in third-dimensional terms is, let's just say, it's limiting, but this is a very primitive level of God's creation, as fantastic as it is.
This, when it comes to creational matter, very thin.
This dimension's very, very thin.
And if you call it below that, that's a human term, but in the lower dimensions, which again exists and have been proven, it's even more empty.
So we tend to think of interfacing with other things and like, oh, it must be advanced.
Anything that would actually try to interface with us without our free will is low.
Other than Lucifer, who does come from one dimension higher, down to our dimension, to try to then ally with all the other dark energy, or dark's not even the right word, fallen energy.
I mean, to a human brain seeing it, it means there's no creation.
Darkness just means devoid of light.
Well, that's not like a black road sign, that's just absorbing light.
So it's not the proper term, but we have to create our own terms to even understand and interface with the cosmos, which itself, again, is just an expression of God.
And I'm not an animist.
I'm not saying to these troglodyte preachers that aren't really Christians but think they are, they're Pharisees, that I worship the creation.
No, no, no, I don't worship the creation.
I'm saying God made all this, and if I've created a piece of art, that is an expression of who I am.
I made that.
And that is a very primitive form of imagine God making us, but imagine making something that has consciousness and free will.
Well, guess what?
God gives you a little taste of that.
It's why the Old Testament tells you quite a few times, we're made in the image of God.
We're not God, but we're little g.
And Satan goes all the way and goes, oh, no, no, you're even better than God!
You act, well, no, you're fallen!
But that's what they tell you in things like 2001 Space Odyssey, that after you go through this process, you come back as a star child, reincarnated to, like a sperm, implant the egg that is Earth and create the new Lucifer race.
Well, that's just satanic poppycock, ladies and gentlemen.
But I am Explain that the devil creates facsimiles or counterfeits of what God has actually created.
And I can tell you, the stuff that came out with the 2001 Space Odyssey, with the primitive special effects, is very close to actually what's going on.
And I'll just leave it at that.
But I want to hit all this news.
Let me try to explain it this way.
Everybody already knows this.
This is all just a big test here.
And so when you see Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, I mean, you look at them and you go, how the hell is this little monster running things?
Well, in Revelation, at the very end of Revelation, for a thousand years, Satan is locked up in a cage for everybody to look at him.
And everybody looks at him and says, this is who we were following instead of this?
And still, even after that time, people rebel again.
One more big rebellion.
And you know what?
It's all going to come to pass.
It's all going to happen exactly like it says.
Because it is an interdimensional warning and a transmission to us because God gave us free will.
Because God wanted children, just like you have a son or you have a daughter.
And you know, to give someone life, when you decide to get your wife pregnant, you and your wife decide you want to have children, or it happens by accident, and you're like, oh my gosh, we're about to have a child, this child will grow up, will live, we hope live to be 100 years old, will have their own children, and someday will die, giving someone life is giving someone death.
You could say that life is death.
You could say that life is a disease that ends in death.
I'm not saying that.
That's a way to look at it.
Life is a disease that ends in death.
Well, no.
Life is only an experience of free will that God created.
Because the only thing God can create, separate from God's all-knowing, all-powerful, all-controlling, omnipotent, omnipresent, beyond twelfth-dimensional total completeness, is creatures with free will that create other creatures with free will and the capacity to interface with this time-space continuum galacticus beyond!
That is the secret to all of it!
That we have been made by a all-powerful sentient creature that created everything!
And doesn't want to be alone.
And so put us on this planet, away from other things so we don't kill everything while we run around inside our nursery.
And what does God put in the nursery to test its creation?
Puts a lot of nasty stuff.
Because we'll go to the next level, those of us that are blessed enough, and see that the monsters we were fighting were inconceivably Less than what we'll face at the next level, because that's the way of the universe and the universe and the multiverse and the mind of God.
Endless, fathomless, complete, total, absolute perfection.
Total completion.
Total satisfaction.
Total timelessness.
Endlessly replicating.
Endlessly expanding.
Endlessly contracting.
Endlessly permeating.
Versus what the Satanists offer us.
wanting to rape and torture children because it is a potential for a new universe, the seed of the universe,
and they wish to destroy God, so they attack that spore.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I think about how far we've come, and I was thinking this morning, The way God has held all of us up together brings tears to my eyes.
Absolutely brings tears to my eyes.
Because we're all fallen, we're all weak, but we can also reach the stars, we can also do incredible things together.
The art, the literature, the culture, the love, the passion.
Just seeing a sunset and getting tears in your eyes is worship of God because God made that for you.
God painted that for you.
God made all of that so you could see the love.
That is interfacing with God.
And if you can handle it, God will interface with you a lot more.
You see, people that start serving evil by increment, they start serving with something bad.
And it makes them do terrible things to make sure they're so far gone, God will never take them back.
That's why they commit these crimes against children.
Because that is the coin of Satan's realm, is attacking God's image, which is the child.
The cherub.
Now, let me just show you the big news.
Because if I covered this last hour, no one would care.
So I built it up for an hour, so that you would care.
And I'm not mad at you, I'm the same way.
Here it is.
Petition broke about an hour ago, or at least that's when I learned about it.
Major study of the University of Louisville.
Masks don't show any signs or any evidence that they helped stop the spread of COVID.
There it is.
Masks didn't slow COVID spread.
New study finds.
Now, you know, Fauci did a big study and showed a bunch of studies in 2008 saying the same damn thing.
I mean, he knows all this.
He funds most of the big studies that go through the top labs of the NIH, but he actually was on the study.
He was part of the study.
He wrote that study.
That makes it a better joke for him to then say you gotta do it.
But later he said, oh, it's about respect.
He means fear.
You wear it to create fear.
New findings report Tuesday in a University of Louisville study challenge that has been the prevailing belief that mask mandates are necessary to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.
The study notes that 80% of the U.S.
states mandate masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, and while mandates induce greater mask compliance, they did not predict lower growth rates when the community spread was low.
In fact, those states were actually higher.
Or high, maximal, among other things.
The study conducted using data from the CDC covering multiple seasons reports that mask mandates and use are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among states.
And I say this study's BS, because I'm no mathematician or statistician, but we've hired them.
Oh yeah, we've hired them.
And, just to confirm the numbers I saw, does Florida have three times lower than COVID cases in New York?
Oh, yeah.
Did Texas have way lower than, say, California?
Oh, it did, didn't it?
Funny how the states with less control, South Dakota, had way lower rates of two, three times lower.
So, this just says no effect.
No, locking people up in their houses, making them breathe their bacteria all day, in Fauci's own study in 2008, actually did cause more deaths, more deaths.
There's a big study out on the ventilators.
In New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, where all these Democrat scumbags run things, and almost all the deaths were the ventilators.
Almost all the deaths Fauci.
And here's the study.
Mass mandates and the use of a seat in state-level COVID-19 confinement, containment.
But it's a sign, you know, that you're doing something.
It's a sign to keep the fear going.
So now, oh, we don't have masks.
You've got to have a sign that you've taken.
The deadly inoculation, the deadly injection, and that takes us to this situation here.
Oh, let's set aside the Senate couldn't pass a law barring human animal clones, and then they admit it's going on all over the U.S.
Let's just move that aside.
Oh, just, oh, the, oh, oh, oh, just a huge, giant issue that's been 50 hours on, just a minor footnote.
And then let's look at this.
Biden orders U.S.
Intel to analyze information on possible Wuhan lab leak.
That means cover it up.
Have his hand pick stooges.
Now have a 90-day research, which he ordered it, by the way, killed, but now he can organize a new team to lie to everybody.
That's the translation there.
You don't need me to tell you that.
You already know that.
China blasts lab leak hypothesis as conspiracy theory.
Let me explain this again.
They have CRISPR gene editing systems, they have electron microscopes that can show atoms now.
Yes, they have microscopes now that can look at single atoms.
So, a chimera manufactured virus that's been sliced and put together, they use gene guns to do it?
Is like, you know, the size of the Earth compared to a baseball.
Use that analogy.
Compare an atom to, you know, the size of a virus.
I mean, a virus is like probably the size of the universe.
Who knows?
I mean, it's way bigger.
And so they go, they can even see where, oh, you see where they injected the P shuttle gene.
You see where they did that?
They can see the injection marks like a woman that's had a breast implant on the virus.
It's right there.
It's got Stitches on it like Frankenstein's got stitches across the top of his head and on his arms and legs.
He got sewed together.
Raggedy Ann is a doll sewed together.
Like Saki, the other Raggedy Ann creature.
So we've got all of this going on and it gets crazy.
Facebook reverses ban on claims COVID was man-made months after asserting it was debunked.
But all those folks that got banned, ah-ha!
Boris Johnson refused to close borders to stop COVID because he thought it would be racist.
No, because they wanted to have as much death as they could.
That's why they had to do the ventilator murders.
It's all run by the UN.
And then it goes on from there.
And then the really big news, up on Infowars.com, Melbourne COVID residents flee Victoria and head to Sydney ahead of imminent five-day lockdown.
See, now the lockdowns are on, off.
Smartphones control it, and it's all training to live under martial law.
Very, very sick, needs to end, it's all a fraud.
But when members of parliament say that, they get banned on Facebook in that area.
And then of course, here's the other big one.
Amazon employees must brand themselves with special vaccine stickers.
It's on National File.
Guys, show the article if you can from National File.
Amazon employees must brand themselves with special vaccine sticker to stop wearing face mask leaked photos.
And they already announced this months ago.
It's a true article.
And, oh, you've had it.
You don't have to wear a mask.
Everyone else is a slave.
They've got to wear their little Darth Vader mask.
Resistance to vaccine mandates building a powerful network.
And it goes into all the evil people, a big MSM.com article about, there's all these lawyers and groups saying it's illegal to make you take an experimental shot and they're suing people and employers are scared and we've got to shut them down.
I mean, we've got to make everybody take the shots.
Oh, I thought you weren't going to make us.
Now Bloomberg and everybody else is, we need to make everyone take the shots.
You're killing us not taking the shots.
No, you're dying taking them.
And then they don't call it COVID when you die from the vaccine.
Just because all you dumbasses want to get experimented on, I'm talking to the leftists, doesn't mean we are.
We're not in a suicide pact with you jackasses.
You signed on to the liberal death code, it just gets worse and worse, and you've been taught, submit to it, grovel to it, and you'll finally get to be in charge of something.
You're going to be in charge of nothing but your own funeral.
You're killing yourselves.
God Almighty.
I just spilled a big glass of water in here, so when Owen comes in here, I'll probably need to clean that up.
I'm flailing around because I'm so alive.
And then the war room comes up with Owen, 3 to 6 p.m.
Remember, the globalists are counting on you not to take action.
They're counting on you to be lazy.
They're counting on you to realize that...
They're censoring you.
They're counting on you submitting.
Don't submit to the New World Order.
Stand against them and take the live feeds of InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and share them.
But you can't on Facebook and Twitter places.
So we have a new URL for you to do it.
They'll ban that too, but for a while it's working and it's there.
FreeWorldNews.tv Freeworldnews.tv, and be sure and share the videos at freeworldnews.tv, which is man.video, with a little share button at the bottom.
Share, share, share, share on your Twitter, on your Facebook, on your YouTube.
But if they censor that, it's okay.
On your email, on your text message, on your word of mouth.
That's the victory.
Big interview yesterday confirming the child smuggling by O'Biden and the group that's doing it.
That video goes viral because of you.
It all goes viral because of you.
You can fight back.
You can say no.
You can speak out against the globalists, but you've got to get charged up.
You've got to get angry.
You've got to decide.
You're not going to lay down and die!
But instead, the New World Order will die!
We're rocking and rolling here.
Into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer now, sitting in studio.
That last Alex Jones rant was so epic.
A water bottle exploded.
He didn't even have to touch it.
The water bottle, just out of respect for the rant, just blew up here.
So I'm in a little bit of a rant water spill here, but no worries.
Here's what I'm gonna do, as again, we had Matt Bracken cancel.
So I was scheduling the normal war room routine today, and then got called in to do the fourth hour, which is always an honor.
But so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open up the phone lines for the Alex Jones audience today and I'll take your phone calls in this hour and then we're going to carry over any phone calls we don't get to and I'll take phone calls for the first hour of the war room today.
So we'll do a little cross Broadcast transmission today with your calls on the final hour of the Alex Jones Show in the first hour of the War Room.
Then I've got an announcement to make that I'll do or we here at InfoWars, I guess I should say, have an announcement to make in the second hour of the InfoWars War Room.
I'll do that right out of the gates.
Take care of that.
And then I'm going to do all the news coverage.
And then I've got Joe Hoff from the Gateway Pundit coming up at 5.
So there you go, that's just a programming note.
The number to call in is 877-789-2539.
And anything you want to discuss that was discussed on the Alex Jones Show today, a wide variety of topics, so anything is fair to discuss.
And again, even though we only have one hour of the Alex Jones Show left, if you're still on the line, we're going to carry you over and we will take phone calls on the War Room for the first hour as well.
So, The Biden administration has been a complete failure, but it's almost irrelevant other than the fact that it's part of the bigger global scheme to weaken the United States of America and strengthen China.
But what we're really dealing with now is the global medical tyranny.
You know, I was just told right before I came on air The individuals involved don't want to go public yet, so I'll keep it rather vague, but I'll just tell you, the NFL is forcing their coaches, I can't say anything else, I think that there's a battle right now with the players, but the NFL is forcing their coaches to take vaccines.
And so that's hundreds of NFL coaches.
Now obviously they're not all going to want to take the vaccine.
So it may change from team to team or the league is going to have to release a statement soon because I know the players are pushing back and I will tell you though, coaches are pushing back.
They don't have near the leverage of the players but they don't know what to do because they're saying they'll lose their jobs if they don't take the vaccine.
So that's medical tyranny.
That should be illegal.
It's an untested, unproven vaccine.
You have known on record thousands of deaths from the vaccine.
The first person to get the vaccine has died, and they won't even say why.
I think we all know why.
And yeah, of course you have all these viral videos of Healthcare workers and nurses that get the vaccine, and then they do a press conference afterwards to celebrate how great it is, and they collapse.
There's Hank Aaron, murdered, right there.
There's the murderer Hank Aaron, on film.
Imagine that!
So, I just want to open up to your phone calls today, and then there's a bunch of developments right now.
There was a dangerous development in Washington, D.C.
today that just shows you how the Democrats are going for totalitarianism.
And they really want this January 6th commission badly.
They want subpoena power.
They want to be able to come to your front door and lock you up, throw you away, and throw away the key.
No questions asked.
We've got an incredible video.
At InfoWars.com, honestly there's so much news and I just have my stack of news sitting on the war room desk.
I'm not even planning on getting into my news here until the war room comes up, but I mean I'm just looking at all the news that we have on the Alex Jones desk and this video at InfoWars.com.
Mob of Indian villagers chase COVID vaccine team out of village.
So this is like almost coming full circle in a way where It used to be, whether it was India, but more specifically Africa, you'd have the white coats, you know, the doctors, the Bill Gates doctors show up with the needles and the vaccines and they'd run to them because it'd be like, medicine, good, we're sick, we need medicine, and they came and they think they'd do a great thing.
And most doctors that travel the world do do great work.
And so they had that notion.
But then they saw a bunch of people dropping dead that were getting the vaccines when these people showed up, specifically the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And so then they would show up and they would go hide.
They would run and hide.
They'd avoid these people.
So now I guess it's come all the way around where they show up and they chase them out of town.
Yeah, they're starting to get it.
By the way, a third new mask study, fourth new mask study, fifth new mask study comes out.
Masks totally ineffective against COVID, did not stop the spread of anything.
You've got European medical experts coming out and saying, actually our response to COVID caused tens of thousands more to die.
Oh, well, yeah, that's...
The New World Order.
That's the One World Government eugenics program.
That's the population control.
You're in a global government.
You didn't vote for it.
They don't ask for your permission on anything.
They just own you, is how they see it.
But they're noble owners, you know.
They give you some freedoms and they give you Netflix and ball games and everything.
They just ask that You're a part of their eugenics program, but of course they don't ask.
You're just in it.
So that's what it is.
You're in a global government.
At the core of it is eugenics, with a fundamental philosophy that the world is overpopulated by parasites, aka you the human.
And then there's all these other offshoots like Can you live forever and upload your consciousness to a machine, or merge with silicon, or are there ways for humans to exist in the future to not be like this?
All this weird form of trying to play God, but really just trying to play the devil.
And it's really, it's almost eerie Especially on a day like today in Austin, we've had horrible weather in Texas.
And I've got friends in Dallas who say the same thing.
Like, we haven't seen the sun all May.
In Austin.
It's really odd, actually.
Probably part of Bill Gates, you know, block out the sun.
They're already doing that here.
But you know, you have a beautiful day like today, sun's out, birds chirping, perfect weather, everything.
They're like, wow, the world is good.
Creation is good.
Life is good.
And then you see, though, what the future holds for humanity if we don't change course.
And it won't be about appreciating a beautiful day like this.
You'll be drooling out of your mouth, you know, hooked up to some machine or after some vaccine.
But don't worry, you'll reduce your carbon footprint, because Al Gore, who now they have news, they just published these new, breaking news studies!
You watch, you'll have Democrats like AOC go in front of Congress, you know, slamming these papers down.
News studies!
The world is going to end in five years if we don't stop man-made global... Oh, five years!
Now they're saying we have five years!
It doesn't matter since the 20s!
Since the 20s we've been told all these different man-made weather things that are gonna kill all of us and somehow we're still here.
We have some callers on the line.
We're gonna take calls the rest of this hour on the Alex Jones Show and then carry your calls over to the first hour of the War Room and then I got an announcement and a great guest coming on.
Let's start with Alan in New York.
Alan, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Oh, and what's up, buddy?
It's Alan, the guy from Texas with the dog.
Hey, what's up, dude?
Long time, man.
Long time.
Listen, there's three things I can either talk to you about.
First of all, the debate was terrible because the kid didn't even have enough knowledge of the correct history that Barnes was giving.
That kid was an idiot.
And I think the people who are calling were all of his friends.
Oh, he did a, you know, he did a good.
That was terrible.
He wasn't even up to his par.
Listen, you know how the reputation that the left and the right have between each other?
They're kind of doing that with Israel.
They're like lying.
But don't you think that's part of the problem though?
Why should Israel even be getting in between Americans?
Good question.
Let me just think for a couple seconds.
Well let me just respond to what you said, because, well let me just respond to what you said, since you took the pause, because I, I mean...
If I had to pick a winner, I would say it was Nick Fuentes, simply because I agree more with his fundamental stance on the issue, and I don't think it is a binary of you have to support Israel or not.
And so, I'm not saying I agreed with everything Nick said, and I'm not saying I necessarily disagreed with things Barnes said, but I don't think it's fair to criticize Nick and say that he didn't have his facts straight or he wasn't prepared.
I thought he held his ground very well.
And I mean, if you could even really declare a winner or a loser in the thing, the only place you could really look is the internet.
Obviously, Nick Fuentes is going to have a lot more fans there than Robert Barnes, and specifically on Twitter, so it's kind of hard to really say who got more, but people have put polls together and say Fuentes won, so... I can't tell.
Can you hear me if I interrupt you or no?
No, I can hear you.
Okay, cool.
Let me ask you a question.
You know how there's CNN, the fake news and stuff, right?
How they made Trump look like that, right?
How do you know, how do you know that they're not portraying the wrong person?
Don't you know it's, like, can't you see, like, what they say, it's always the opposite.
They're making, they're, I'm not, I'll give you, I'll give you an instance.
I'll give you an instance.
I don't think no Jewish people or Israelis are even in Gaza.
I don't, you know, you don't know these things.
Do you even, I mean, I'm not.
But let me just ask you this, like, why is this relevant?
Why should I even be thinking about this?
It's a sprinkle that's gonna create World War III, man!
Do you even know that Russia, like, was, like, doing, like, NATO flights of seeing who they can bomb as a testing, and they wanted to show the... It happened today!
Here's what I think the problem that...
People are having, and I think, quite frankly, I think you're having it right now.
It's getting harder and harder to defend U.S., the relationship with the U.S.
and Israel because it's a one-way relationship.
And so that's why it's getting harder to defend.
And again, I'm not anti-Israel.
I'm not saying Israel shouldn't exist.
I think it should exist.
I do believe it's its own sovereign nation.
And it's great that Americans can go there and travel in peace.
But this whole notion of somehow America's interests are in Israel, and it's World War III, or all Jews will be wiped off the map, or all of this stuff.
I mean, when that's the only intellectual point you can fall back on, it's just, you're not really going to convince many people in this debate.
Who cares?
I don't care.
I just wanted to say I didn't like the debate because I didn't believe the kid.
I believe more Barnes.
But I didn't even call for that reason.
Listen, listen.
When we were in Texas, I told you.
Now, right now, if they shoot the grid down, not the grid, the Internet grid, I have no way to hear exactly who's going to like where you guys are and all that stuff and everything and whatever.
It'd be impossible because we don't have Internet after that or the phone.
Now, listen.
You know how like on Google you see like companies and they have that list and the blue next to it with the phone number and stuff?
Make a couple of them in different states if you can.
Open up companies so at least we know where to hang out.
Yeah, I think you've actually called in on that before, haven't you?
But I never got through.
The phone got disconnected when we were in Texas.
Yeah, that's kind of a complex thing and I understand what you're saying but it's just like another thing where And I'm not saying you could do this or couldn't, but it's like, folks, we've already got our irons and all these things, we've got our fishing rods in a hundred different lakes, and that's like a huge endeavor.
And I get it, it's a great idea, maybe we should do it.
We're already maxed out, brother.
Thank you for the call, Alan.
But you notice how, and this kind of encapsulates the whole thing, he brought up Israel before he brought up his main point.
It's like, why is this Israel blockade in our way intellectually?
And we're taking your phone calls for the rest of this transmission, and then we're going to carry over the remaining callers into the first hour of the war room as well.
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We go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to Corey calling in from Missouri.
Corey, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on?
Owen, can you hear me?
Yep, loud and clear.
Alright, so you guys have done some awesome reporting on the ingredients in the vaccines and I did some research as well and there's a couple videos out showing two other ingredients that's in the Pfizer and the Moderna and also the J&J.
The J&J has hydrochloric acid in it. And the Moderna has something
called 2-dim-erystyl-rac-glycerol, which is highly toxic. And then the Pfizer has something
called N-ditetra. I can't really say it, but there's two videos I wanted to share with you
guys. And if you go to kingdomreport.biz, there's two videos there that I think you guys will find
Okay, we can find out and maybe the crew can pull those up.
Yeah, the ingredient, there's a lot of ingredients that I think are questionable and this is why Facebook and YouTube and others are censoring videos like this because they've been told that you're not allowed to engage in vaccine hesitancy for whatever reason or promoting vaccine hesitancy when it's like, yeah, you show the Side effects of vaccines that might create hesitancy.
It's kind of like you have... When I was younger, I had to go as part of a court sentencing for DUI, I had to go to a Mothers Against Drunk Driving I don't know what you want to call it, presentation.
And what do they show you?
They show you pictures of their kids dead.
They show you pictures of dead bodies in cars hit by drunk drivers to try to make you not
do it again, hesitate from doing it again.
Oh, OK, you're showing me the negative sides of drunk driving so I don't do it again.
That makes sense.
Oh, you're showing some people the negative side effects of vaccines and maybe now they
won't get it.
That makes sense.
So, uh-oh, nope, don't show them the negative side effects.
We need them to get the vaccine.
I mean, if people can't see through that, you know, I guess then you show them the ingredients.
But I mean, that alone you'd think would be enough to make people wake up.
One of the things in here is something called a crass variant.
It's a modified substance that is a rat carcinogen and they're putting it in this nanolipid.
I'm not a scientist but it's to transfer cancer basically into the brain from the way I Investigate it, and I'd love to hear you guys talk about this because it's like the most deadly carcinogen they could possibly find.
They put a little Fauci carcinogen in there, huh?
A little Fauci rat carcinogen.
Yeah, and then you got the SM-102, and it even talks about the Luciferase.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Stay away from it.
Yeah, so I mean, are you sharing that with friends and family?
I mean, what are they saying in response?
Yeah, everyone's been freaking out.
I've messaged you guys, messaged everybody, trying to get more light on this one, because the one ingredient you guys share is one of them, but there's a couple more that are even more deadly, like the J&J has hydrochloric acid.
That melts gold.
Hydrochloric acid is what gangsters use to dissolve bodies.
They're putting that in the shots.
AstraZeneca as well as a precursor to hydrochloric acid.
So it turns into hydrochloric acid in your body.
That's why people are getting rashes and organs.
Yeah, I feel like their insides are being burned out.
Hydrochloric acid.
It's unbelievable, man.
Yeah, they used to put mercuries in the vaccine.
They said, mercury is good for you.
One of the most well-researched heavy metals known as a neurotoxin.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
They admit now, they even came out with some new study the other day.
I can't, I mean, it's like our head is spinning trying to keep up.
Another study confirming fluoride is a neurotoxin.
And when kids ingest fluoride, their cognition goes down and IQ drops.
It's like, hey, the last thing we need was another study telling us this, but thanks.
Keep putting it in the water.
Corey, thank you for the phone call.
Great, great information there.
Let's go to Andy in Idaho.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Andy, go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
Always a pleasure to be on your show, buddy.
Thanks for calling.
I know that you get a lot of this every day, and I just don't want you to give up.
Never get jaded because you guys are doing a wonderful thing by promoting the What is out there that the truth is being hidden.
And because of that, I started my website and I started going out and interviewing people because these people didn't know what they were walking into.
Some of them didn't.
And it's a horrible thing.
Wait, so you're saying you were doing this at the Mass Vaccination Center?
Yeah, oh yeah.
I was out screaming like you with a blowhorn.
Okay, got you.
I was out there standing, so I created a website called the World Axiom Alliance, where everybody can go, they can share, you guys are overwhelmed.
World Axiom Alliance.
World Axiom Alliance.
The Truth Alliance.
It's out there, it's being, I'm working on it, I'm putting group sites up so people can have their voice.
You can go to the conspiracyaxiomalliance.com.
As well, but I'm creating a voice.
You guys are so overwhelmed.
I want to keep pushing out there.
I want to keep sharing.
Oh, and you have no idea the relief like it's not even That's just like adding.
I don't know how to explain it like the last caller that one of the callers that called in He's called him before he has this idea of basically like setting up outposts You know just like low rent outposts in major cities as just like a backup transmission hub or like a meetup point or something and it's great and there's something maybe you could work but it's like we're just so overwhelmed.
So there's your website right there.
We want other people to do the work folks like we will promote people that build it and get other people to come.
I can't even keep up honestly it's so great.
There's all these organic websites popping up Of people that are just documenting the negative side effects.
And each one is unique to its own creator, but each one is very well documented, very well sourced, very well laid out, and I can't even remember all of them.
And so Andy's got another one here.
What is it?
World Alliance, what is it?
World Axiom Alliance.
The Conspiracy Axiom Alliance as well.
But my main subject, what I wanted to get into and bounce off your theory, off the theory, is so we already have a global enslavement and a theory is sometime in our existence, we already had been enslaved.
And so, let's talk a little David Icke here.
I know this stuff sounds crazy to some listeners, but we have this giant matrix, and we have these different dimensions that are created.
And so, during some point in time, we were enslaved.
And now, this is where the globalists want to enslave our energy, so our consciousness.
So, When the time comes, when the sky opens up, I've been talking about this stuff for 20 years, and all of a sudden I'm getting messages that I never expected to.
Everybody thought I was crazy.
Well, there's no doubt, there's a lot of mystery to this world that we are, we can't even comprehend.
Tell you what, in the world that the left wants to create, these technocrat, kleptocrats, you're not going to hear music like that.
You can't make music like that with a big, fat, giant ass.
And ten inch long fingernails that you'd... Oh boy, you made sure... Do the math on that deal.
Boy, that's an ordeal right there.
Good night.
No, you won't be hearing music like this.
You'll just be hearing death.
Wails of death.
Silence at that point will be almost as pleasant as this.
Let's go back out to your phone calls.
Let's go.
Everybody's talking vaccines, man.
I mean, we got some other issues on the board here, but vaccines, every time we open up the phone lines, it's right up there.
And it's always people, most people even have, you know, testimony from friends or family, negative side effects.
We go to Paul, who's called in from Los Angeles.
Paul, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Mr. Troyer?
Can I call you on one?
I'm a first-time caller and a long-time listener.
Right on.
In fact, I remember when Endgame was a premiere.
Boy, oh boy, how true that documentary came.
Still on sale at Infowarsstore.com.
Yeah, no kidding, that too.
Anyways, I'm working in the movie business for a long time, and sometimes I'm going a little off script here, but sometimes I see you get that thousand-yard stare, Owen, and I know that stare.
But keep winding your sails, sir, because all of us on the other side of that hole in the wall that you are, the Infowars, I need that hole, because that's where I get my troops from.
So, don't give up, man.
I'm there.
Anyways, what I wanted to call you about was that there's a lot of talk about how the dark side is coming for us, and they're gonna kill us all, and, uh, I acknowledge that the vaccine is killing people, certainly, but I don't think they want to, they don't want us to see bodies in the streets.
I think this is going to be far more insidious.
They may even have reached their critical mass, which could explain why Fauci's coming clean and Facebook is saying, yeah, we do ban the truth, you know, but it's going to be a generational thing where men's sterility and women infertility.
Already, these spontaneous abortions... Yeah, yeah, in fact, let's kind of just crystallize what you're saying.
There's a long-term plan, there's a long-term agenda, even for their short-term propaganda, short-term operations.
So yeah, yeah, there'll probably be a lot of death with this vaccine, but as you're saying, it's really going to hit a generation down the road or when Say people my age or young kids are getting vaccinated and they can't have kids because they're infertile, they're sterile, whatever.
So yeah, I mean, again, it's like, hey, you know, we'll put these chemicals in the food and the water.
And it'll have the immediate effect of dumbing people down, making them more docile, easier to control, but will also make them less fertile and sterile over time, too.
So that always seems to be the long-term plan.
It's just, in general, a try to stop the human ability just organically to be able to reproduce.
Well, I think the vaccine that they're really pushing on us, they may have already reached critical mass.
You know?
Because they've got, what, half of America already... Well, they... I think they're lying about that.
They're still pushing hard for these vaccines.
I mean, they're call... I'll tell you, they're calling, I guess, local health officials are calling every church that they can and recommending they set up for a mass vaccination site.
So, I mean, they're still pushing.
They want every priest, every pastor, every principal, Every professor and they're reaching out to all of them
saying please set up at your church set up at your school set up at
Your library a mass vaccination center. We need this. It's good. So they're still pushing the gas
I agree that you know Fauci's you know I don't know if they're he's getting buried or he's getting
burned or if he's just having to accept that everybody knows the truth now
But I don't know how he gets away with it Go away, and we'll see that in census reports and maybe
whoever compiles those numbers annually and they're gonna say
Oh, it's so sad women aren't having enough children But it's a good thing, because it's good for the Mother Earth.
Oh, and yeah, and human carbon footprint is down now.
Yeah, but it's gonna hit us over the next three generations, I believe, Owen, and that's what's really scary.
Because how do we stop that?
I guess we gotta stop the backs, period.
And on the front lines, obviously it's for, you know, just don't get it and try to stop other people from getting the vaccine.
And you're not going to be able to save everybody from getting it and you'll just have to live with that.
But at least you can say you tried.
Paul, thank you so much for the call.
And that's what it is, too.
Again, I hope InfoWars is wrong about everything, but that's never the case.
I mean, imagine that.
It's like, we've been proven right so many times, like, I'm up here hoping I'm wrong.
But I don't just make this stuff up.
Like, I'm sitting here talking about something, and the crew's just pulling in all the articles, just like, yeah, here it is.
But at least you'll be able to say, when your grandkids can't have children anymore, and you have to get permission from the government, It'll be like in the movie Starship Troopers where if you want to have a kid, you have to, you know, serve in the military or go through all of this stuff.
You won't just be able to have a kid.
That'll be illegal.
And you'll have to get a pod to grow the kid in because you won't have a functioning reproductive system.
And your grandkids will look you in the eye and they'll say, what did you do to stop this?
Now I can't have a kid.
Let's go to Mark in San Antonio.
Mark, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, Shroyer.
Hey, so I had one quick thing, or a couple quick things I was going to say just regarding, you know, we're just in some crazy times.
You know, I feel like our, my local pastor here in San Antonio, he just started a series on Revelation, and he's going to start going through the entire book of Revelation.
You know, and when I have people call in about, you know, a lot of people have called in lately saying, you know, the church I've been going to for years is now pushing the vaccine.
I can't go anymore.
And one of the things I always hear is that the pastors never preach revelations.
So this is the time to be doing it.
I guess that the leader of your church understands that.
It's a big deal.
And I'm glad that he's going to take the time to actually go through it all because people need to hear it.
And I guess the other thing I was going to say was, you know, the intro music, I know it's a little thing, right?
It's not a big deal, but I think it really sets the tone for a lot of the listeners, for a lot of the people.
And I know you guys have been playing the music from the movie The First Man, right?
Well, there's another movie that just came out a few months ago, has phenomenal undertones, phenomenal music that goes along with the movie.
You can look up the soundtrack to it, but it's The Gentleman, the new Guy Ritchie film.
And there's some music And that movie that is just dark and ominous and just very... It just kind of gets you going as far as like... Did you say The Gentleman?
Yeah, The Gentleman.
That's the Matthew McConaughey film, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Such a good movie.
It's really funny, but it's also dark, you know?
And it's just, it's got some... The soundtrack to it is Chris Benstead and he does like orchestral music for movies and it's... Well, I will tell you that is one of the things and people don't really...
Even people professionally in the movie industry don't get it.
A soundtrack can make or break a movie.
Now, I'm not saying that makes or breaks a radio show, but, you know, hey, look, we just like music.
We're just red-blooded Americans.
We like rock and roll, you know, we like heavy metal, so we just play what we like on air, and it, you know, for the most part, we try to keep the same energy with the music that we have on air, but...
You won't be hearing.
You notice, though, as just another kind of side issue, I suppose, but just a sign of the trend of humanity, you notice how music just slowly degenerates like everything else.
Yeah, man, I can't, you know, I'm 35 years old and I can't even understand half the stuff that's new.
For me, my favorite music is like 1500s, 1600s, like classical music.
And then I like classic rock.
And certain stuff like that, but there's new stuff that you just listen to it and you feel like you're losing brain cells.
It's like, it's like it's designed to kill your brain.
Hey, don't worry, Cardi B is gonna smash her rubber breasts against the keyboard and some noises will be made and it'll be, it'll top the charts, brother.
It's gonna be a chart topper.
Don't you, don't you worry.
So, we're joking about the degeneration of humanity and art and culture and everything.
And so Rob Dew comes in here and says, don't forget about the fashion industry.
No, not the weird dresses they have men wearing and like the alien costume like bubble things that they wear to these fashion shoots that nobody would ever actually wear in real life ever.
But you know, that's a fashion shoot.
Now they have jeans.
What is it called?
Wet denim jeans?
This has to be a joke.
Wet look, dry feel.
Own the aesthetic without the discomfort.
Jeans that look like you pissed yourself.
If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis!
I mean, I'm just waiting for the commercial, so... I guess I get it though, because...
If you want to be such a lazy sad sack that can't even make it to the bathroom to urinate, just have the pre-urination pants and then you just pee your pants all day, nobody knows the difference!
Absolute genius.
So you'll see Biden walking around in these pants in no time, I'm sure.
If pissing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis!
Alright, that's enough fun for one segment.
Let's go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to Christian in Denmark.
Christian, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Oh, hello, Owen.
I just want to talk about the vaccines.
I have an ex-wife who was taking the AstraZeneca, and two days after, it was banned here in Denmark.
She's fine still.
But she wants my son to take it.
And we have joint custody.
So right now I just have a message also to all of your listeners.
And that is that you can do something about that.
You can take legal action, legal steps.
You can write emails to your child's doctor.
You can write emails to the school.
You can call the school.
And that's what I'm doing.
So, yeah.
And this is a major thing that's going to be, I think, more of an issue than it's ever been before, sadly, in divorces and stuff.
But yeah, I mean, what do you do when a parent wants to get your, you know, the vaccines and one parent doesn't?
That's going to be, I think, more of an issue than it's ever been in the past.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And that's going to be horrible because I have to, I can say because of your show, I've woken up and I've talked about this and shown my mother all of this.
She's a nurse.
And you know, that's all it is.
two of my cousins and they won't take the vaccine now.
So I feel like I've saved three people.
And you know, that's all it is.
And part of it's, look, I'm proud.
Like, I'm proud to work for InfoWars.
The crew is proud to work for InfoWars.
It's not that.
It's that we just understand that some people won't look at information if it comes from InfoWars.
Now, it's sad that that's the case.
But so it's like, we just want the information out there.
So whether they share an InfoWars link or a NewsWars link or, you know, Banned.Video or FreeWorldNews.TV or other people just take our stuff and put it on your own website, brand it on your own thing.
We just want the information out there.
Yeah, I just want to say that your show is great, Owen, and I've been following you for about 10 years, and may God be with everybody, and that's it.
I just want to say that your show is great Owen and I've been following you for about 10 years.
And may God be with everybody and that's it.
Thank you so much.
Calling from Denmark today. That's always fun.
Go international. Over the pond.
Let's go to Ken in Massachusetts.
Ken, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, what's up?
You got me there bud?
Yes, loud and clear.
Alright, good.
Listen, I'm glad that call had called in before.
I know you got me on the vaccine thing.
We can get to that.
But I don't know if a lot of people are familiar with this.
I believe I watched one of your shows previously and you said you were from Minnesota.
So then you would be familiar with the Duluth model.
My producer Scott, one of the producers here, he does multiple shows.
Scott is from Minnesota.
I'm from St.
Louis, Missouri, so Scott may have said something, or I may have been referencing Scott.
He may know what you're talking about.
I'm not too familiar.
Okay, basically it's a men's right activist.
There's a movie called The Red Pill.
Casey... I can't think of her last name.
But it's basically about the Duluth model.
There was a big men's right activist where men didn't have rights, basically, to their own kid.
It was part of that, you know, the nuclear family, how to destroy the nuclear family.
It started in Duluth, Minnesota by some lawmakers and it's like a basically a chart In a circle, and it's... Oh, we had it on air.
Yeah, yeah, the crew already had it on air.
All right, beautiful.
And that's basically what it is.
It's just to take our rights away.
Where men are not men and demasculating me.
I just had one of my, basically one of my property, I'm not gonna say too much, but basically somebody that I'm an intimidating male, so I shouldn't be videotaping you.
You see the mindset we're in?
You know what I mean?
Ah, yes.
Just your existence is a crime.
Yes, God forbid I'm an alpha male, you know, like we all ought to and aspire to be, you know what I mean?
But in saying that, Owen, I mean, I got a lot of information.
They actually, one of these ex-mayors around here wanted me to run for mayor in my area.
I don't know.
I'm politic in that.
But let me get back to the vaccine.
There's obviously a delay.
I used to work in radio, so now I see it up on the Duluth model.
But getting back to the vaccine, like you said, there's other news going on.
A lot of people are not reporting this from India about all the certain black plague outbreaks and the black fungus.
And this has also to do with the low solar minimum, which I had researched.
And I've been following you guys, like I said, for 20 years, the Club of Rome and other people that also have been researching this stuff, too.
And it's like all how we're all in sync.
And there's got to be a way we've got to come together like I watch rappers like Papa Duck and New Breed on YouTube.
And these guys are talking about how we've been programmed, conditioned at the 4.4 megahertz level and all these frequencies and colors and advertisements.
I took a little bit of courses in mass media, too.
That's why I was in.
Communications for a while.
But, I mean, this is the information we try to get out.
And you know they censored me?
They censored me and my old boss at the radio station would say, no conspiracy theories, no conspiracy theories.
And everything that I've researched from you guys, I pass the information on, not for monetary reasons, because I'm not in it.
I'm doing God's work.
As you see it, as you guys see it, that's why I say God bless you guys.
And I just pass the information, no conspiracy theories.
Four years later, guess what?
Three years later, I was proven to be right.
You guys were proven to be right.
And now we have validity.
And now people are waking up and listening.
But they were calling us crazy, Owen.
In the early 2000s, when Jones was making them films, The Endgame.
Do a plug in on that.
I've watched that movie several times.
I passed that information on to other people.
I'd like to get some stickers from your store and start slapping them around over here.
We keep people up because there is a resistance going on and we're done.
I'll just tell you too and by the way we do we do give out free stickers in every order box
But we do sell the stickers to at Infowarsstore.com and let me just tell you this I got to take another call here Ken
But but thanks for the call. I Remember I was at a when I started working in radio and I
had my first opportunity to have my show on my own Most people thought I would take in the direction of sports
I ended up going conspiracy theories.
I really just stuck on conspiracy theories, just all kinds of different ones.
Every once in a while I'd get into something serious and rant and rave and stuff.
Some of the people at the time were like, hey, we'll let you have this time slot, but it's probably not going to work and all this stuff.
And by a month in, I had the number one online ratings.
Every other host of the network was talking about this, thinking I was crazy, but it didn't matter.
People want this information.
They're searching for it and they don't even know they're looking for it.
It's a hard thing to explain.
And then as soon as they hit that zeitgeist, as soon as they've made that Yes.
This is C.D.
How you doing today?
they've linked up with this information, whether it's here or somewhere else.
It's like all of a sudden, they're clicked in, they're in gear with the rest of us,
and the machine of freedom for human liberty and prosperity starts working again.
Let's take CD in Las Vegas quickly.
I've got 90 seconds for the end of this transmission.
CD, go ahead.
This is CD.
How you doing today?
Good, good.
Listen, man.
Christ is the living word.
Jesus Christ is the living word, man.
The living word is Jesus.
So, uh, you know, that's what all the strongest good people out there have had the strongest mind and the strongest soul as well as the strongest will to take care of what you guys are doing.
Now, I want to make a comment on, uh, DMC, uh, the guy that, uh, who got black people want to take these shots, man.
He evidently must've made a deal to get The master disease people trying to come in to give those poison shots to black people.
Oh, he got a deal.
You know, he got paid to make that.
And he gave it to the media and the media got the lion eyes, man.
The lion eyes of the world is the media and they're the biggest liars in the world right now.
And to maintain Uh, I think her name was Lee.
Well, imagine though, using the Tuskegee experiment as your point to go take a vaccine.
I mean, that's such reverse reality, it's almost unbelievable.
CD, thank you for the call.
That does it for today's Alex Jones Show, but here's the deal.
If you're on the phone line, I'm gonna take phone calls for the first hour of The War Room that kicks off right now at band.video after this transmission concludes in five seconds.
So I'm gonna hop over to the other studio and host The War Room.
Stay on the line.
And that's because magnesium is critical, it's essential in the body, it's all about your heart, it's all about your cardiovascular, it's all about your lungs, but it's about every cell in the body has to have it.
And it's not something that makes you calm when you're tired.
It makes you relaxed and confident.
And when I forget to take magnesium, I really feel it.
Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen?
I told the crew years ago I wanted this.
We finally have it.
I worked with the top developer to do it.
And it is Ionic Fizzy Magnesium Formula, fueled by the power of ionization.
We take two types of magnesium.
All the other competitors have one.
We have an even better formula of it.
And then it is basically electrified, ionized, for better absorption into the cells.
We are extremely proud of InfoWars Live Fizzy Magnesium orange natural flavored mix.
It's great for adults, great for children, great for everybody.
You're gonna be blown away by this.
Our supplements are popular 'cause I find out whatever's the best selling, whatever's the most popular,
whatever has the best ratings, whatever helps people the most.
And I go out and most big companies will clone their best selling product.
So half of our products are clones of best sellers.
Or I'll say make it even better.
And, just since this came in a few weeks ago, just the samples of it I've been taking in.
People are like, man, Jones, you look better, you've lost some weight, with all the stress you've been under, what's going on?
And a big part of it is the magnesium.
One little scoop, take it once or twice a day.
There's a lot of stuff at the end caps at grocery stores, people are buying it.
I used to take that stuff, it works fine.
This blows it away, because again, it costs more.
A little more money!
To ionize it and use the two types is one of the types of magnesium.
It's a lot more expensive.
So what?
It cost me a few dollars more per canister.
Have it done the best way.
We found we found like nobody else is doing it.
It's just ridiculous.
So here it is.
Bon Appetit.
When you buy an extra one, it's $14.95, not $19.95.
Go read all the things it does.
Helps convert food to energy.
Helps replace and repair RNA and DNA.
It goes on and on.
Look, I don't really need to take vitamin D3 even during the winter because I get so much sun.
I'll travel to closer to the equator if I have to, to soak it up for a few days.
That's why I hardly ever get sick.
But for most people, especially if you've got dark skin, you need vitamin D3 and you need vitamin K. If you don't have it, any virus can go in to your mitochondria and it can replicate and kill you.
That's on the NIH website.
But the system, even though it knows those facts, doesn't want the public to know that.
The sun is the main driver of light on this planet.
And not only plants need light, but our skin, our body, needs it for vitamin D3.
Most people can't absorb a lot of vitamin D3 in their gut.
That's why our product, Winter Sun, is taken under the tongue for maximum absorption, other than through the skin, by the sun, where your body then produces it at a cellular level.
So again, Winter Sun, It helps your body, it empowers you, it feeds your DNA, your mitochondria, and it funds the InfoWarp.
That's the highest grade of vitamin D3.
So whether it's in the dead of winter or whether it's in the summer.
Get to selling your face and arms is not enough.
You need to get 30-40 minutes of the summer a week.
And in the winter, most areas of the climes of the world, if you're up higher, away from the equator, hours of it a week does absolutely nothing.
Winner, sign.
Funds the info war at the same time.
Talk about magic.
It is the natural compound that the body creates from the sun.
It's something that's absolutely essential, and when you buy it from fullwrestore.com, it funds our operations.
That is a 360 win.
So, we thank God for the sun.
We thank God for creation.
We thank God for the great honor of being conscious, sentient beings, to share this incredible creation, and of course to worship the Creator who made it all.
I'm very, very thankful to be alive and conscious, and I'm very, very blessed to be in This body able to talk to you and be able to interface with you, that is truly another gift from God.