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Name: 20210523_Sun_Alex
Air Date: May 23, 2021
1256 lines.

This passage discusses how Alex Jones, a radio host, talks about various topics such as COVID-19 vaccines, censorship, globalism, Bitcoin, and alternative currencies. He criticizes mainstream media and politicians for spreading misinformation and promoting agendas that are not in the best interest of the public. Jones promotes his website Infowars and encourages listeners to share information about the truth behind vaccines and other issues. He also discusses the benefits of owning Bitcoin, predicts its future growth, and shares tips on how to securely invest in it. Additionally, he highlights the distrust among healthcare workers towards COVID-19 vaccines and warns against their potential complications.

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Facing long tours overseas, injury or death, new recruits entering one of the branches of the U.S.
military could always maintain morale by knowing that they were protecting cherished freedoms, namely the First Amendment.
Many of the protesters expressing the portion of the First Amendment on January 6th Portions the country club in Washington D.C.
wasn't prepared to represent to the angered masses included a Air Force vet who was killed in cold blood.
They had assembled and petitioned the government for a redress of grievances over a presidential election that even today still shows instances of fraud.
I don't know why an audit should be such a subject of concern, but it seems to be absolutely terrifying lefty groups all across the country.
Only to be targeted by commission to further politicize the expanding tyranny on the Hill.
Greatest threat to the American experiment since the Civil War.
What took place on January 6th in the United States Capitol building was an act of domestic terrorism.
Why is One form of political violence equivalent to 9-11, when a blind eye has been turned by this Congress, or at least by the majority in this Congress, to that same phenomenon across this country for a year.
Meanwhile, Biden's new racial justice military... Listen, it's more than 40% of our active duty forces are people of color.
It's long past time that the department's leadership reflects that diversity.
Led by former Raytheon board member, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, is dead set on further eroding what makes the military tick.
The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies.
But we can't do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.
And to rid our ranks of racists and extremists.
We need civilian control in the form of a genuinely civilian defense secretary.
For the Defense Secretary, in a sense, to serve as our agent to try to ensure that the military's understanding of liberty and security aligns with our understanding of liberty and security.
I have serious doubts that he has that appreciation for what Liberty and security mean in the larger sense.
I am very confident that the number of extremists in my forces is zero.
I would tell you right now that we have done everything that Secretary Austin has asked us to do in terms of training and awareness, but in my organization I would say that number is zero.
The Extremism Steering Committee, overseen by Lloyd Austin's senior advisor, Bishop Garrison, is designing a social media program that will continuously monitor soldiers for concerning behavior.
A believer that our founding was in 1619 will now be vetting our armed services, a few of which go back to 1776.
And since we're in the mood for vetting the military, let's check a few of Bishop Garrison's past tweets.
Support for him, meaning Trump, a racist, is support for all his beliefs.
If you support the president, you support extremists and racists.
You support all of his beliefs as we define them.
Crystal clear.
You would think that this would violate the military's First Amendment protections.
However, taking a page from the immunity afforded Silicon Valley with Section 230, the military brass has found a loophole in order to circumvent those God-given rights.
Hiring a private surveillance firm to monitor soldiers who are risking their lives to combat the very totalitarianism they will now have to obey.
Meanwhile, a clandestine army poisoning society makes the CIA look like a dusty old joke.
As Newsweek uncharacteristically revealed, the largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade.
Some 60,000 people now belong to the secret army Many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called Signature Reduction.
The force, more than 10 times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household-named companies.
As privacy becomes a thing of the past, reporting.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
You are about to see footage from 12 years ago that aired on national television to record ratings for the channel that was then taken offline and completely censored.
The network even went into people's DVRs and had it erased off of their own personal servers.
Congress talked about holding hearings concerning the very episode you're about to see.
Ladies and gentlemen, the reason the establishment got so scared was that Dr. Reema Labo is a top medical doctor and she was also the wife of General Stubblebine, the former head of U.S.
Special Forces in the Army who treated heads of states of major governments and royalty
in Europe.
And they told her as their medical doctor the plan to depopulate in the Great Calling
with the WTO, the UN, doing it through the vaccines, how they would claim there wasn't
enough vaccines so they would then add dangerous chemicals to them to make them more powerful,
which is what they've all done now.
So here is the censored report.
We're going to post the full show at Banned.Video.
But here is 4 minutes and 15 seconds of myself and Dr. Labo laying it all out 12 years ago.
How could we do that?
We didn't just make this up and it magically all happened the way we said.
She had the sources.
And I had also done major research on government documents like State Department Memorandum 200 from Henry Kissinger that also laid out plans for depopulation.
So here is the video that has the globalists so scared because it exposed the Great Reset 11 plus years before they launched it.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their foresty population agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to.
Dr. Rima Labo.
But she doesn't live inside the United States because she's so concerned about all the police state developments that are taking place.
As soon as you and I finish, I'm leaving the country again.
Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
This process has already been ongoing.
To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene.
Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.
If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalene.
But then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body.
What does that look like when you meet a person to whom that is happening?
It looks like Gulf War Syndrome.
It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably painful and immobilized.
This is in these shots they're going to give us?
It's in some of them, but the U.S.
government has a trick up their sleeve.
They will induce a pandemic using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus.
That means that if I take it, I can infect you.
You're going to get the flu.
Everybody around us is going to get the flu.
Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic.
Oh my goodness, we don't have enough doses.
So we'll admix squalene at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to.
People lining up, sometimes by the hundreds, for an H1N1 flu shot.
What that means is a holocaust.
A genocidal holocaust.
Men and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile.
Let me tell you a story.
In 2003, I had a patient in my drug-free medical practice who was a head of state.
And one day, she said, you know, it's almost time for the great culling to begin.
The what?
That's what I said.
The what?
She said, the great culling.
When you thin the herd.
I said, what are you talking about?
She said, it's almost time for the useless eaters.
To be cold.
And she said, those are the people who are consuming our non-renewable natural resources.
I said, who are the people who make this decision?
She said, we, the aristocrats.
That report is at band.video.
Sensor 2009 report featured MD Whistleblower leaking plans for staged viral release triggering UN takeover slash depopulation.
It's got 432,000 views.
Needs about 100 million views.
We're going to save this planet.
Expose this operation.
But that is something from the memory hole where I was on Jesse Ventura's television program.
And that was one of two episodes out of three seasons that they deleted and did not re-air.
Of course, those two episodes were the highest rated episodes.
The police state had even more than a population episode.
And they even talked about congressional hearings, about how we needed censorship because of what I and Dr. Labo had said.
Of course, everything she just talked about, you've heard Dr. Francis Boyle on about.
He got Congress to stop forcibly injecting the troops with experimental anthrax shot that had squalene in it that was causing Gulf War syndrome.
That's mainstream news.
But 30 years ago, it was a conspiracy theory.
30 years ago, it was a conspiracy theory.
Just like a year ago, they have Time Magazine, Newsweek articles, Snopes articles, NewsGuard articles, the company that Bill Gates owns, saying that I'm debunked and my guests are debunked, and that there was never any connection to the Wuhan lab, origin, or that the virus was manufactured, even though top scientists 16 months ago scanned it and said it's five different viruses.
Well, now they're having to admit it's man-made, and Fauci now says, looks like it may have come from a lab in China.
Oh, but who ran the program to weaponize COVID virus, coronavirus?
It was Fauci, and that's come out in Congress last week, and the week before.
But everybody's having a field day with USA Today fact-checkers and Snopes fact-checkers saying Jones is full of it a year ago and Senator Rand Paul's full of it.
There's no connection to Wuhan.
Because, why?
We sent a fact-checking team to Wuhan that spent three hours there and it was run by the people that ran the Wuhan operation.
They even wrote the Lancet report saying no connection.
And we even have the emails where they say, cover up the fact that we wrote this.
It's really incredible.
So you don't know something's real until mainstream media has debunked it.
As soon as you see that, you know you should look more into it.
So there's so much to get into.
You notice Dr. Labo, medical doctor who treated royalty and heads of state, you notice that she said an oil in the vaccine.
Squaley at the time.
Now it's SM-102 and others.
You can read the data safety sheet on SM-102.
Now the debunkers tell you it's good for you, just like Monsanto used to say.
Oh, you can drink Roundup!
But if you do, you die.
But they say you can drink it.
But you don't want to drink it or you'll die.
You'll definitely have your kidneys fail.
You'll be on dialysis the rest of your life.
But Monsanto said it's safe.
And hey, they say chemical SM-102 is good for you as well.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
I have thought quite a bit about today's broadcast, and I've thought quite a bit about next week's transmissions coming up, the weekday shows, from 11 a.m.
The front lines of the information war.
It's Alex Jones.
I have thought quite a bit about today's broadcast.
And I've thought quite a bit about next week's transmissions coming up, the weekday shows from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
And the most important thing, realization I've come to is,
either tomorrow or Tuesday, By Tuesday I should be able to do it.
I've got to go back to the last few months of COVID news, because everything they've said has been a pure lie.
The WTO, the UN, Bill Gates, Fauci, the Wuhan lab.
And the revelations that have come out daily have been so big, That I was up here yesterday for a few hours on Saturday, and I just reviewed a couple stacks from not the week I was gone on a work occasion to Florida, but the week before.
I went through a few stacks from a week and a half ago, and I got really freaked out because there were at least 20 huge stories that each one Should bring down Fauci and Gates and the Wuhan lab and the big pharma owners and put them in prison for the rest of their lives.
And then I got home last night and spent hours researching.
And there was so much breaking last night that I was like, how do you cover all this?
And the answer is shut up and cover it.
I do.
In all the other shows we produce and the special reports we put out.
But you really have to get the fact That it's massive.
I mean, here's one example.
The director of the Wuhan operations for Fauci and Gates is on video in 2019 admitting that they've put five viruses together from bats to produce a super vaccine.
And then right as he's saying that, it's being released, all evident shows, out of the Wuhan lab.
And remember, Tucker Carlson covered that two weeks ago.
So I only got into two stacks, because they stack up going back several months, everyday shows, and then they shred it, and it, you know, gets hauled off by the shredder company, but they put it in the shredder machine, and the truck comes and gets it.
I'm not sure why they shred all the articles, but just every piece of paper that leaves here is shredded, so I guess those are shredded too.
And imagine if I just went through, because each day stack's probably about 10 inches tall, 6 to 10 inches tall.
And imagine if we just went through a month of it.
My God, can you imagine a year of it?
I mean, look what's out today.
Fauci went on the Sunday morning shows today and said, oh, I think it probably came out of a lab.
Yesterday, it was, it may have come out of a lab.
See how he's walking that up to the line?
Because he knows he's been caught red-handed, so he knows it's coming out, and he thinks you don't have a memory.
So he wants you to remember, oh, Fauci, he's the authority.
He told me it came from a lab, even though I have dozens of videos.
We can play them right now, if you'd like.
It's preposterous to say it came from a lab.
That's ridiculous.
I'm not connected to the Wuhan lab.
I'm not connected to gain-of-function.
I've never heard of such a thing.
We have old videos of him.
It is good to be the chairman of the gain-of-function committee and our studies on gain-of-function at more than 20 universities.
Including Chapel Hill.
I mean, we have- Trump will be challenged by a major outbreak within two years.
I mean, I could play you the damn clips!
You've all heard them!
That's just one more!
I could do the whole show on that!
I've got, like, 20 bombshells right here!
And then Gregg Reese knocked one out of the park.
Because you all heard how they would do a PCR test at 40 cycles, just the UN said to.
And the inventor of the PCR test said if you get up to 39 or 40 revolutions, you'll find uranium in a test that isn't there.
Because if you just turn it up, it'll find it.
It's like turning the exposure up on a camera.
You can turn it all the way to 100 and it'll be in a dark room, it'll still be blown out.
So, By the way, the inventor conveniently died of a super fast respiratory illness, which they do have weaponized versions of viruses that only kill you with the generation you're given, then they mutate into a non-harmful type right after.
And they just simply spray it into your ventilation systems early in the morning while you're asleep, and then you and your whole family die.
Very enjoyable to be hit by it, I'm told.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
that I'm gonna stop right there. So that's the way this stuff goes. So they've
got real stuff and again it mutates as a very short half-life but it gets in your
body replicates kills you and that's it. So there's there's lots of real stuff
going on and what they made at the lab is a five virus chimera So when people saw it, they'd get scared of it around the world and go, whoa, what is this?
Well, it's a, but, but, but it's only has really good gain of function, meaning it spreads really well.
And it kills people that have low immunity, uh, compromised immune systems, really, really bad, uh, preexisting conditions and are extremely old.
And of course have low, uh, vitamins and minerals that are malnourished.
But that's the other big bombshell today that we'll cover when we come back first and an incredible report filed Friday night.
I tend to file so many important reports on Friday night as well.
You just get busy, it's the end of the week supposedly to get it out.
It's the worst time to release something but Gregory's put it out on Friday night just like I put out our big report on the doctor in 2009 that warned of them using the threat of a virus to bring in a vaccine that's actually the soft kill weapon.
I've already played that for you, but when we come back, we're going to play the new report that is so incredibly important.
And I'm actually looking for my video list here.
I think I brought that into your studio.
I don't have that.
So I'll need to, I'll need to get that video list during the break.
note to self. And it goes to the inventor of the PCR test, dying conveniently last year, or 2019,
right as all this was being released, because he was going around and confronting Fauci and others
and saying to them, I know you're a fraud, I know you're a scammer. Basically, he was also exposing
Theranos that Bill Gates was the main financier of, with the woman claiming they had a test that
that was similar to PCR that would find cancer, everything else.
And then they were doing surgeries on hundreds of thousands of people, they were sucking billions of dollars out of folks, with the Theranos machine that was basically a scam the same way.
Which they now admit to scam, by the way.
The mysterious death of Dr. Fauci's most notable critic, 729,000 views went up Friday.
It needs 100 million views, folks.
Get it, show it to everyone you know, and it will dovetail with the report I have that's on InfoWars.com, an extremely important article on a zero hedge.
Caught red-handed.
CDC changes test thresholds to virtually eliminate new COVID cases among the vaccinated.
It's not just when Biden finally got in on January 20th.
The next day he said, okay, now you do 29 revolutions or 28 revolutions.
My memory said 29, he said 28, even lower, where you almost always get a false negative, even if you're positive or something.
But you cycle it up because it's doubling each time, exponential, to above 38 or so, you always get a false positive.
They already did that to get all the false positives.
Now, they've dialed it back for people that are vaccinated to 28, so they never show that the vaccine doesn't work, which is incredible.
Because, of course, it can't work for something that was already a fraud.
But it gets better.
If you haven't been vaccinated, it's still turned up at 40.
Ha ha ha ha!
To give you false positives.
I mean, just total computer-run fraud in your face.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, more massive COVID-19 news just broke during the break.
Wait till you hear this.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now, if you'll remember, back in January of last year, January 28th, Dr. Boyle, Francis Boyle, who wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law and basically wrote the U.N.
World Treaty and was the top U.N.
war crimes prosecutor, prosecuted a lot of people.
Some good, some bad.
But the point is, is that, I mean, he's high level.
Not like Brad Pitt.
Ooh, it's a movie star.
But I mean, when it comes to government stuff, he's rock star.
And He put a report out saying this was made in a lab, here's the evidence.
I went and checked it.
He was pointing at an Indian Institute and others that have gene scanning equipment that's billions of dollars.
They got the same stuff here, even better.
And they said this is man-made.
And then I had Boyle on in early February about it.
And then in March, the discoverer of HIV, he won a Nobel Prize.
Came out and said, I've looked at the gene scans, the RNA scans, off of the European scan, and it says what the Indians found is accurate.
Well, now a major global medical foundation, the Rayer Foundation, has come out with a statement from the doctor, I'll cover it next segment, saying the vaccine is dangerous, it's not a vaccine, and it will cause spreading of deadly variants.
One of the top virologists in the world says what we've been saying for a year about the spreading and about the shedding.
I'm having it posted on InfoWars.com.
That's what I'm telling you.
The whole house of cards hasn't fallen.
It's exploded.
I mean, wait till I hit... They had this weekend, Bloomberg, USA Today, CNN that I know of, the LA Times and a bunch of others, because they all get a talking point, and they all publish basically the same article.
Just suddenly everywhere, we need to make people take shots!
We need to arrest them!
We need to take their bank accounts!
We need to take their kids!
We need to not let them get on buses or trains!
We need to... Remember all the Snopes and the News Guard run by Bill Gates?
He owns it!
He said that Bill Gates, you know, that he wasn't involved in the Moderna shot, which he was, or he wasn't involved in being banned in India, which he was.
Remember, they were out there saying, oh, it's just preposterous.
You know, there's no shedding of any type.
No one wants to ever have a thing called a vaccine passport.
No one wants you to have a chip.
That's even more preposterous.
And all we had was their own admissions and white papers from the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller Endowment, the Bill and Melinda Gates Endowment.
And you're like, well, who cares about their endowments?
Do you know who runs the CIA right now?
the former director of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.
They have been positioning themselves for this takeover for a long, long time.
And so I don't just, people keep going, how did Jones just guess they'd have a thing called a vaccine passport?
I didn't guess any of it.
And that's why I keep saying, stop giving me credit and understand this is a takeover.
This is all written, what they're going to do.
And I told you, they're going to put the clamp on you a lot longer than they said, then they'll take it off a little bit and then boom, they're going to bring it down even harder.
They've already done that in Australia and the UK and Spain and Canada.
I told you eight, nine months ago, I said, here's the government document.
They're going to have lockdown two, three, and then four will be permanent.
They're already in lockdown three.
They've now announced lockdown four.
On the very dates, the document said, but don't worry, they had a Canadian newspaper debunk the document we had.
The damn document was from the UN.
They just put the Labour Party, Liberal Party's header on it.
And then we had speeches of their regional health department heads reading from the damn thing!
Oh my goodness.
So, we're gonna get to that.
But first this.
Caught red-handed, ladies and gentlemen.
The article is on InfoWars.com, and if you care about your freedom, you better go read it, you better share it.
I need your help to get out of this, you need my help.
We're in deep crap.
But we can beat this if we admit how much trouble we're in.
And it's a detailed article out of ZeroHedge, it's up on InfoWars.com, here it is.
Caught red-handed, CDC changes test thresholds to virtually enhance new COVID cases among VACs.
Virtually eliminate.
So caught red-handed, CDC changes test thresholds to virtually eliminate new COVID cases among the vax.
And then it lays it all out, how they set the PCR test where no one will ever be positive, but they're going to keep it at the fake level for fake positives for everybody else who isn't vaccinated, and then penalize you.
And then later, they're going to turn it up even higher where you can never travel, like Hawaii and other places, and want you to take a PCR test where you can go there.
Well, they just turned the level up where you can't travel.
Here's Greg Reese's report.
Dr. Carey Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize for his invention of the polymer's chain reaction, the PCR.
The PCR is a method of analysis and wasn't designed to test for a virus.
Mullis explains why.
And with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.
It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in
everything else, right?
I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure,
which PCR can do, then there's just very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them in your body,
So that could be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that it's meaningful.
The PCR test can potentially find anything you are looking for, depending on how high you turn it up.
And this is exactly what has been done.
The official protocol given for the PCR testing of COVID-19 created a floodgate of false positives to skew the results.
They call it asymptomatic because it's a lie.
These people don't have symptoms because they don't have COVID-19.
They do it today because they've done it in the past and always gotten away with it.
30 years ago, Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH, made a name for himself by pushing for higher doses of the deadly drug AZT, an old cancer chemotherapy too dangerous for approval, onto AIDS patients.
Kerry Mullis was hired to measure HIV in people's blood samples with his PCR.
He was working under the premise that HIV was the probable cause of AIDS.
But when he went looking for the proof, he found there was none.
They just made it up.
What is that paper?
Who do I go to for that?
And I looked around, I asked a couple of urologists at that company, and they said, no, you don't have to reference that.
I said, I have to reference that, because I don't know where that came from.
How do I know that?
And it turned out that nobody knew it.
And I was getting really freaked about that.
That's when I first started saying, they don't know.
Nobody really knows.
This whole thing is a big sham.
Mullis pointed out how the CDC was losing money, and how the HIV-AIDS connection brought their profits back in the black, and how the men at the highest levels were all in on it.
Kerry Mullis knew these men were dangerous.
They don't want people like me walking up and asking them those kind of questions.
And they're willing to like go to great lengths to prevent that.
They're out on a limb.
I wouldn't want to be there with them.
But he was still outspoken.
When ABC's Nightline approached him about doing a documentary on his work, Mullis convinced them to cover the HIV debate after nearly a decade of ignoring it.
In a 1994 interview with Celia Farber for Spin Magazine, Carey Mullis expressed how he really wanted to expose Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo.
He said that he'd be willing to chase the little bastard from his car to his office.
A Nobel Prize winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people.
It has to be on TV.
I'm not unwilling to do something like that.
Unfortunately, not many people were listening back then.
And on August 7th, 2019, just about three months before the first utterance of COVID-19, Carey Mullis, age 74, a Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the PCR test, a man who was once willing and eager to expose Anthony Fauci, quietly died of pneumonia.
The timing of it all is mysterious to many of us.
It's Alex Jones.
I make my living off the evening news.
Just give me something, something I can use.
♪ People love it when ♪ All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are blasting out on over 200 AM and FM radio stations right now.
Over 100 TV and cable stations, thanks to you.
And of course, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Band.Video, with millions of folks that tune in every day to the live streams, and also the restreams, and all the different posted videos, interviews, and special reports.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
If you try to share InfoWars.com or Band.Video or some of our other main sites on Twitter, on Facebook, the URLs are blocked.
If you put them as a URL, you have to put them up as an image or as a meme.
Or you can put dashes out or spell it out differently and explain you're being censored.
And then people show extra interest in things that are censored and tend to check it out for themselves and that can save them and save others if they understand what's happening.
The people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, the Bible tells us.
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
And so since we launched Banned.Video a few years ago, they began to ban the URL.
And so starting back around six months before the election, I guess about a year ago now, they completely banned sharing Banned.Video on Twitter and other platforms.
We started creating new names that are new URL but goes to the main site and indexes
all the links.
So you can share links from that URL when you go to the new URL because the last one
we had, banthis.tv, it got banned last week.
Well now we have freeworldnews.tv.
The last one lasted for four months.
And let's see them ban.
I'm sure they will.
Maybe today or tomorrow.
Maybe in six months.
I don't know.
We'll be able to say, hey, they banned Free World News.
They're against the free world.
It's a great URL.
In fact, I like it so much, I'm thinking I'm going to create a new website, a new news site with it for some new special podcasts and shows we're about to launch.
Because that might be a better name than even InfoWars.
Free World News.
And so you just go to freeworldnews.com and you share all the Band-Op video videos with that URL and it gets around the censors.
Because again, we've been live for 50 minutes on this Sunday, May 23rd transmission.
And we've already broken the report about Fauci coming out.
We've got the video.
Saying, oh, I think it probably came out of a lab.
Or it may have come out of a lab.
When he said that was preposterous and insane.
When he ran the Wuhan lab program, that was the exact viruses.
I mean, this is insane.
And then of course we have the director of the program under Fauci who got money directly from Fauci and Obama, $3.7
million for gain of function with bat coronaviruses mixed with
humans and HIV.
We have that information breaking today.
And now we have Bloomberg and all these other publications saying let's have forced inoculations!
And a medical ID!
And arrest people that don't have it!
He told you that was coming because Klaus Schwab wrote a book five years ago saying it was and then gave a French TV interview on national TV where he said you will all have a medical ID worldwide run by the UN and after you accept that next will be microchips under your skin.
And now in Texas, the U.S.
Army's out basically intimidating people into taking shots inside convenience stores.
The military is fighting against taking it themselves, but there they are getting the public to take it.
Oh, look, you're not against this young man in uniform.
He has nothing to do with what he's injecting in you.
But the news is like, blacks don't trust the vaccine because they've been experimented on before.
But don't worry, it's a black nurse giving it to you as if she is the one that cooked it up.
This is all an exercise in pure evil.
And then we get all the news, I have more of it today, that they've banned the five vaccines that are now authorized in the U.S.
under emergency use, never tested, in hundreds of countries.
The mRNA vaccines are banned in countries like India and China.
That's right, they won't take it, and they're not talking about making people take shots in Communist China!
I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, making people take injections is a 10.
And then it's a Franken-shot!
And they go, oh, you're just against the science.
Oh, no, I know all about the science of you guys being caught over the years putting syphilis in vaccines, putting steroids in vaccines.
And by the way, I love all God's children, but it's a limited hangout.
Like, oh, yeah, they got caught doing it to black people.
They do it to everybody.
Let's get that straight.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
Luke Montagnier won the Nobel Prize for discovering the HIV virus, and he's won many other awards.
He's one of the top virologists in the world.
There's a big bombshell interview up at InfoWars.com he just gave to U.S.
Nobel Prize winner confirms and reveals that COVID vaccine is creating variants Just as was mainstream news even last year.
Antibody dependent enhancement.
He's also predicting people are going to have horrible autoimmune responses who have had this to the regular cold viruses that are out there.
Story is on InfoWars.com.
And here's even February 10th.
Look at this.
COVID-19 vaccines could add fuel to evolution of coronavirus mutations.
Even NPR is reporting that this year.
We were telling you that a year ago!
Because we read the scientific papers.
That's what's... And he says, by the way, the Nobel Prize winner says that the system knows this.
He says scientists all know this that are involved in virology and they keep silent.
And he says they're not going to get away with it.
No kidding!
This is crazy what Bill Gates did!
You know, I try to come in here and be calm, folks, but this is nuts.
I mean, I got Bloomberg right here, look at this, saying forced inoculations, we need to make them compulsory, look at this crap.
It's always been the plan.
Now they want to get the dumb idiot mobs that took this deadly vaccine, that didn't even protect them, to come after us, saying they're not safe because we won't take it?
I thought you're safe, dumbasses!
You took the magic frankenshot!
Let's go to this report that Max Keiser is coming up on crypto.
Here's the report of me predicting the lockdowns 11 years ago.
The Alex Jones Show.
There is a war on for your mind.
I mean, I'm not even worthy to be bringing you information this powerful.
And I hope that you pay attention to what we cover here minute by minute.
Because I've had chills since last night.
This just confirms everything else we've already researched.
A Rockefeller study envisions future dictatorship controlled by elite, millions being killed, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, the end of the family, everything that's in the other documents.
But this dovetails with all the other Rockefeller Foundation documents about the GMO food to sterilize you and the forced vaccines.
The hell we're already living in that's just going to continue to intensify until we take our governments back from these eugenics madmen.
But that story is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
The question is, will you have the courage to really do the research yourself?
Because I don't want you to just sit here and hear me make these claims.
These people are so arrogant that they write policy papers, so many of them, that they're producing these policy papers and reports and white papers so fast that you could never read them all.
It is an open conspiracy against you and your family.
I pray to God, I pray to my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ every night to give me the strength And the will to be able to face this horror and to give me the strength to carry on because I know why a lot of you don't want to look at this information and just want to comment on the YouTube videos or on message boards that I'm a liar.
I know why.
Because it's scary.
You're not going to be able to go to the ball games anymore.
You're not going to be able to just go out and get drunk with your friends.
You're not going to be able to just You know, go out and enjoy yourself all the time.
The only chance we've got of beating this scientific dictatorship, this creeping death that takes its time to incrementally enslave you, mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, the only way to defeat it is for the rank and file of this planet to realize that you have a choice to make on what your destiny is going to be.
Once you face this information, once you've consciously admitted it to yourself, it will take over your life.
It should take over your life.
I mean, what else?
What else could it do?
We've got to get past the artificial stigma that the controlled corporate media has been putting out for decades, ahead of their open... of unveiling of planetary dictatorship.
They all talk about how we need a police state to carry this out.
Canada and the United States are going to work in lockstep to display the seriousness of our commitment.
We'll be back with Max Keiser.
When lose or draw, you need...
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, I had Max Keiser on, I guess about two and a half months ago, and I said, listen, I'm going to get behind Bitcoin.
And I said, and it's not because I don't think it might go down in the future, that I think it will go back up later.
I'm getting behind it because it's an alternative to these fiat money systems.
It's been around 11, 12 years.
And Max Keiser told me about it 10 years ago and said it's going to end up being the world reserve currency.
And I didn't get into it 10 years ago.
And he came and visited me two and a half years ago, had dinner with my wife and I, he and his partner, Stacey Herbert.
And he said, listen, it's going to double or triple in the next couple of years.
It did exactly what he said.
Now, you've seen Elon Musk come out and say he's behind it, and he says, well, it takes too much electricity for carbon tax, and then it goes down.
But then now, Elon Musk says he supports crypto and battles against fiat money.
What I see happening is speculators driving it down so they can buy more of it.
But I'm not a speculator, and I'm not telling you to go out and get this.
I'm saying, That these systems are here.
They're all speculative.
There's a lot of fly-by-night stuff.
But out of the whole pack, Bitcoin's the best, in my opinion.
And so I started to accrue some, and I have now.
Not a lot, but I've got some.
Because it's something that in the future I should go across borders with.
It's an alternative.
The Chinese are buying it all up feverishly, then coming out and bad-mouthing it, clearly to buy it up.
Our central banks say, oh, we're going to start moving into Bitcoin.
Then they say we're going to ban it so they can buy it up.
I think that's a no-brainer here.
But again, I've been tepid.
I've been timid.
I've waited 10 years.
When Max Keiser tried to give me 10,000 Bitcoin, I couldn't figure out how to make a wallet, you know, put a digital wallet on my On my Apple laptop.
And so that's a big train I missed.
And so again, I would not invest in this money.
You can't lose.
But the dollar is being devalued.
Other currencies are being devalued.
My God, Biden wants to spend four plus trillion dollars.
So Max Keiser joins us, the original Bitcoin guru, to give us his take on what's happening and on what's unfolding.
I just know Paul Krugman has said Bitcoin will never be a success for 10 years.
He also said that the Internet would be No big deal, like the fax machine.
And so I'm not going to listen to the guy that's always wrong.
I'm going to listen to the guy that so far has been right.
You've heard what I said.
Is that accurate or what's really going on here, Max?
You know, you buy your enemies.
And the fact that Paul Krugman is an enemy of this should tell you that it's we're on the right side of history here.
The same thing with a lot of other folks, big names who have been hating on Bitcoin for 10 years.
Because it does separate the state from money, and that's the first time that's ever happened.
We saw something like that in the Middle Ages, the separation of church and state, when the Gutenberg Press came around and it put knowledge into everybody's hands.
And we had an enormous separation in the beginning of the Renaissance.
Now we've got a separation of state and money.
With this technology called Bitcoin, and it's totally upending the Apple Card, it's changing everything around the world, it's changing what the definition of money is, and people are freaking out, understandably.
The amount of energy that Bitcoin uses, you know, it's funny because it's so ludicrous.
There's about 160,000 terawatt hours of energy used on planet Earth a year, and right now Bitcoin uses one-tenth of one percent.
Yeah, that's nonsense.
But Max, that's all the global, I agree, the carbon tax is so the UN and the corporations
can say what energy is bad, what energy is good.
If they can tell you where you can use energy, they control all life on the planet.
That's all that is.
It's pure bull.
Yeah, that's nonsense.
Of that 160,000 terawatt hours of energy, 60% of it is completely wasted.
So this is energy.
You know, energy has very difficult times moving from place to place.
It gets wasted, wasted in transport, etc.
All the natural gas that flares during oil drilling is completely wasted.
Actually, Bitcoin can go and capture that stranded gas.
It's actually a green energy, a green technology.
It captures stranded energy.
It can convert hydro and solar into Bitcoin.
So it's completely nonsense that they are critical of Bitcoin's energy use.
Let's talk about the moves right now we see happening.
We see the central banks and governments and universities and state governments, you name it, City governments move into Bitcoin heavily.
It goes all time high.
You look at the last two big dips in its history.
It's a similar graph.
What do you think is going to happen in the near future?
And what precipitated this historic plunge in Bitcoin?
Well, as you point out, we've been in it for 11 years now.
We started buying it at a dollar.
We've been through 15 of these kinds of corrections over the past 11 years.
This one is, I think, the seventh Biggest it's a garden variety correction and you have to look at it more as a problems in the fiat money world rather than in the Bitcoin world because in the Bitcoin world some things never change.
There's coins issued every 10 minutes the.
The blocks are added every 10 minutes.
It has been for 11 years without interruption.
The technology's never gone down.
And other aspects of the protocol are perfectly intact.
The price itself fluctuates, but I'm willing to take a little fluctuation, a little volatility in exchange for unconfiscatable, immutable, censorship-resistant, outside of any state-controlled money.
Sure, so what drove it down, and what is your next prediction?
You told me ten years ago it would probably replace the dollars of the world currency.
You told me it would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
It was.
But you told me two and a half years ago it was going to triple in value.
It did.
So tell me what's coming next.
So the last week you had China where they decided that they're going to not allow for coal mining to mine Bitcoin.
And there's a lot of mining in China.
And so all that mining is going to move or hash rate as it's called it's going to move out of China into places like the United States where the energy is very cheap.
It's actually quite bullish for Bitcoin.
So you had some sellers come in.
There's a lot of leverage in the market.
The price came down the way it has.
But if you look at all those other projects out there, like Doge, the Elon Musk coin, it got absolutely decimated.
Or Bitcoin Cash, or Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, or XRP.
All those coins got completely obliterated.
Sure, just as you predicted, they all fared worse.
Why is Elon messing around with his Dogecoin then?
He's an egomaniac, and he saw that Michael Saylor over at MicroStrategy got the spotlight shined on him when he bought a lot of Bitcoin.
And he and so Elon went, mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest CEO of all?
And the mirror said, it's Michael Saylor at MicroStrategy.
And the wicked witch Elon's like, oh, no, I'm no longer the hot topic du jour.
So he started messing around with an altcoin called Doge.
And it ran up in price and now it's utterly collapsed because there's no reason for it to exist other than as an ego gratification for Elon Musk.
And he's probably just going to dump it and it'll go down another 90% and he'll end up in Bitcoin.
So he's learning about Bitcoin slowly, very publicly.
He's making a lot of mistakes that people make.
I've made mistakes.
You've made mistakes.
Elon Musk is making the same mistakes very publicly with a lot of money.
But he makes the exact same mistakes.
I always say that you don't change Bitcoin, Bitcoin changes you.
So he came to Bitcoin as a narcissist and an egomaniac thinking, oh, I'm going to fix this thing.
But now it's fixing him.
He's the one that was the problem, not Bitcoin.
Let's expand on that.
Are you using this big dip, this historic dip to buy?
I always buy all the time.
I buy dollar cost averaging.
I'm always buying.
As you know, my cost basis for my stack, my whole stack, is in the hundreds of dollars.
It's way, way, way lower than we are today.
But as a good pleb in this space, I have solidarity with my Bitcoin people and we're out there buying on swanbitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
Alex, you know, that's where we go and we can do dollar cost averaging.
That's right.
It's a good, clean place to do it.
And people can do explain how you put in what you want.
But if you want to set it up, it's just weekly or monthly or whatever, whatever you want, pulls it out so you don't forget about it.
So on days like today, when the price is down sharply, the system automatically buys you Bitcoin at the dollar cost average.
So if you say you set it up for you want to get $10 a week or $100 a week, it just automatically buys the coins at whatever price it is.
And on days when it's cheap, you're going to get more Bitcoin for your dollar.
On days when it's up, you're going to get less Bitcoin for your dollar.
Over time, you end up with a nice average price and it takes all the emotions out of it.
It's easy to set up.
SwannBitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
And, you know, you can just set it and forget it.
And you just accumulate Bitcoin over time.
Let's come back and talk about the other fiat money systems and where they're going and inflation and so much more in the latest and where he thinks Bitcoin is going in the future.
How long will this drop continue?
We'll be right back with Max Keiser.
Stay with us.
[music playing]
All right, folks.
Alex Jones here on this live Sunday transmission coming up from 6 to 8.
Owen Schroer and Sunday Live.
And we cut out all the network ads.
There's only local ads for radio and TV stations.
Six minutes an hour.
A lot of stations picking it up.
And Owen has a lot of guests, a lot of callers, a lot of news that we don't get to that he covers.
That is 6 to 8 p.m.
He joins me every Sunday like I do.
He comes in, of course, 3 to 6 p.m.
with The War Room.
And, of course, there is 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
before I go on live, All Time Central, Harrison Smith and American Journal.
And remember, the globalists want this all censored.
Only way it gets out is you spread the word.
So let's look at this Zero Hedge article.
It's excellent.
In human history, no single asset has come under such coordinated assault by globalist institutions.
And that's by Eric Peters, CIO of OneRiver Asset Management.
I'm going to read just three quotes and then go back to Max Keiser.
But I waited to get into it until I saw it accepted globally.
And we know it has more value than the fiat currencies.
But Paul Krugman and people like Pope Francis are the worst type of globalists on Earth.
So if they are against something, I should be for it.
Here's Krugman, the growth of the internet will be slow drastically and the flaw in McAfee's law becomes apparent.
Most people have nothing to say to each other.
By 2005 it will become clear that the internet impact on the economy has been no greater than that of the fax machine.
That is, talk about a foot in your mouth story.
That is him in the New York Times.
In 1998.
Here he is in 2013.
Bitcoin isn't a new invention.
It's been around since 2009.
And in all that time, nobody seems to have found any good legal use for it.
It's not a convenient medium of exchange.
It's not a stable store of value.
It's definitely not a unit of account.
Paul Krugman tweeting to 4.6 million people that follow him off a cliff on Twitter.
Here's another one by Pope Francis.
I'm going to stop here.
Technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels needs to be replaced without delay.
So anything that gets electricity is now evil.
Because that's what he's saying.
Because it's getting all sorts of electricity.
There is reason to hope that humanity at the dawn of the 21st century will be remembered for having generously shouldered its grave responsibilities.
for having generously shouldered its grave responsibilities.
That's right.
He's telling you, you can't have a new financial system.
You can't have a digital mode of currency or of exchange because you'll basically go to hell and kill the earth.
You know, that's the new Catholic Church is you're an able human, not because you sinned, but because you are a carbon-based life form, period, for existing.
Max Keiser, I'm ranting.
Thanks for joining us.
What in the hell's going on here?
Well, in the case of Paul Krugman, you know, he is what's called a Keynesian.
You know, he believes in money printing to solve every problem.
He doesn't like gold either.
And he's been wrong about Bitcoin.
He's been wrong about technology.
And shockingly, you know, you know the Paul Krugman story.
Three days after 9-11, he wrote a piece in the New York Times saying why this would be great for the economy, which I thought was shocking and disgusting.
But nevertheless, he still kept his job over at the New York Times.
I'm just looking at the Bitcoin market right now.
Somebody just bought $33,000 or $1.2 billion.
And it's heading back up.
It's going to hit new all-time highs, Alex, in the next couple of weeks.
It's going to be over $65,000 in the next couple of weeks.
My target for 2021 is $220,000 per coin.
I've still got that target.
There's no reason why I shouldn't hit that target.
All the short term noise and fluctuations are meaningless.
All of these globalists, as we say, are panicking.
They're trying to stop something that they cannot stop.
It's unstoppable.
There's nothing that any country or group of countries can do to stop Bitcoin from continuing to generate blocks every 10 minutes and to suck all the fiat money in the world into Bitcoin.
And now they're simply panicking and they're coming out with these horrible narratives that make no sense.
Paul Krugman is If you break down the arguments and the Pope and the crew of all these people...
Fact by fact, line by line.
They just don't add up.
They make absolutely no sense.
But the great thing is that people can opt out of the system by owning Bitcoin because you're separating yourself from the system.
We can transact and nobody can stop us.
No state can stop us.
And the transaction is final because the transaction verifies itself.
It's self-verifying.
And it is the greatest store of value ever in history.
And you can simply store it in a way that nobody can access it.
It's unconfiscatable.
And I tell you there's a national security issue involved here because I'm looking around the world and I see countries like Iran now is four and a half percent of the Bitcoin mining is in Iran.
So America has a strategic You know, as a national security issue, if they don't start mining Bitcoin soon, they're going to watch the Iranian Bitcoin stash become the hardest money in the world, and they're going to have the ability to dictate what's going on all over the world in a way that America can no longer do so, because America only has the fiat money.
You see what's happening geopolitically, Alex?
The Nord Stream 2, which is the pipeline from Russia to Germany, that was going to be sanctioned.
Everyone hated it.
We got to stop it.
And then Joe Biden said, actually, you know what?
Let it go because we can't stop it because we have to let Germany get their energy.
And I've been saying that for years.
Of course, they're going to let Germany get their energy.
Germany's not gonna not get their energy from Russia because it's ten times cheaper than trying to get it from
the United States And let's expand on that because what you say is so
important. China for now is attacking Bitcoin I know they're heavily invested in it because they're about
to launch their Huawei based so-called cryptocurrency Which they admit they can turn off at any time if they don't
like you and they say they're gonna put an expiration date on
It where it goes bad, so they're telling you it's a communist Chinese
crony Exactly.
model and so out of all these coins we want Bitcoin to be preeminent because
it's more a libertarian and it's the original OG and all these globalist dirt
bags like Paul Crudman and the Pope and GG Ping don't like it my god this is a
war I mean this is a fight because the Federal Reserve is getting ready to come
out with its own stupid so-called cryptocurrency no I want this one to win
because it's the OG and because it is the freest one.
Exactly that's exactly right and the technology was launched in 2009 after 20
years of the cypherpunks trying to create digital decentralized scarcity on the
Internet As you know, back in 1996, I invented a digital currency.
I have a patent on it, 5950176.
You can look it up.
I know this industry extremely well.
And when I saw the source code for Bitcoin in 2011, I realized this is the game changer that's going to completely alter money and how people trade and store money in the world.
And it's going to have a profound impact.
And now, 11 years later, without the ability to stop it, and they've tried many, many times to stop it, but they can't stop it, now they're just pulling out all the stops, and they've got Elon Musk, who I think is more of a state actor, more than anything else, because his entire fortune is based on carbon credits.
He relies on government carbon credits.
Sure, he's come out and said we need carbon taxes two weeks ago, and so clearly he's saying that because he wants these electric cars.
Yeah, without carbon credits he would be worth nothing.
And so he got into Bitcoin and it started to work on his mind a little bit and hopefully it'll educate him to the point where he fully embraces it and understands that it's the game changer.
You don't think he got into Bitcoin so he can become, quote, the spokesman to wreck it?
Because he's so closely associated with the state, I think that, and that Saturday Night Live NBC show, which is owned by Comcast, is also a state Apparatus for propaganda to be quite frank.
I think he's playing he's he's torn between just being a state puppet relying on carbon credits and being an entrepreneur.
Certainly if you've got I think he's got 200 or 300 billion dollars of net worth.
You get the attention of very powerful people who try to manipulate you.
And he said publicly he's got Asperger's syndrome, etc.
So he's on the spectrum.
Hey, do five more minutes with me because I got a few more questions about the future of Bitcoin.
Stay there.
Max Goss is our guest.
Sunday night.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
All right, it was about two and a half years ago Max Keiser came to visit me and said, listen, you didn't get into Bitcoin when I was trying to give it to you eight years ago, now 10 years ago.
If you get into it now, it's going to triple in the next few years.
My wife's like, yeah, he's a smart guy.
You ought to do it.
I said, yeah, I'm going to do it.
And then I had him on air.
And he predicted what was coming, and it basically was exactly what he said.
And then Peter Schiff, love him to death, great guy, got so mad, it was like tweeting, Jones has obviously been paid off to do this by Kaiser.
Kaiser tried to give me 10,000 Bitcoin 10 years ago.
I didn't know how to take them like an idiot.
We found the laptop, it's not on there.
He was trying to get it on there.
He remembers that it didn't work and we went and checked.
I guess he's right.
He didn't, he tried to give it to me then.
Didn't offer to give me money two years ago.
I wish I had listened to him then.
'Cause I got to fund this whole operation with a $50,000 investment.
Would have brought me millions back to fund this operation.
And he's not paying me now to do it.
I do have an account at swanbitcoin.com/alex 'cause it's the big, clean, best place to go
to do it all above board and totally legal and lawfully.
And they only make like 1% on it.
And I think we get paid like a little micron of that.
We've gotten some money.
A lot of folks have gone there and bought Bitcoin or trading in it.
And that's good, it funds our operation.
But for me, [BLANK_AUDIO]
You know, getting into Bitcoin is something I should have done, but I wanted to be sure about it before I told people.
And by sure, I'm not saying the world might not blow up next week.
You know, Christ might come back.
A nuclear war might start.
What I'm saying is, I wish I'd have got into it 10 years ago.
When somebody's got a track record that good as Max, I'm listening now.
And I expected, my wife was asking me a week ago, she goes, Before this thing started, two weeks ago, she goes, should I invest?
I said, you can do whatever you want, but be ready for it to go down.
I think it's going to go down in the next few months quite a bit.
I think it's going to go back up again.
That's how this works.
And listen, it's up against a bunch of other fiat currencies that are totally worthless, backed by no technology, backed by nothing.
And so to have those very groups criticizing, it has no credibility for me.
All I'm saying is, In the future, we all need to be invested in all sorts of things because we're in a wild speculation atmosphere.
Governments everywhere are in a race to devalue.
They're currency.
So I'm just looking into things to try to have some backup or some protection and personally made the decision to start promoting Bitcoin because I made the decision to get into it.
Doesn't mean I have all the answers.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect.
But what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
And then and I just and I'm ranting.
We have Max on for a few more minutes.
Max, other points on Bitcoin.
I know you've got a lot of points to make.
These currencies, these governments, Biden spending, what's happening with the EU, already inflation exploding, food prices in the Bloomberg index are up 76% by the end of summer.
I'm already seeing that here.
I mean, what the hell is really going on here?
Well, a couple of points there on the Peter Schiff thing.
So the reason he's so bitter about all this is that I, like you, I was at his house in Connecticut.
And I sat down with him for a long time.
I played pool in his basement, talking to him about Bitcoin when it was under $10.
And I was saying, look, Peter, we've known each other for a long time and take a close look at this.
This thing is the real deal.
And then he didn't go for it.
And then I did it again at $100, $500, $1,000.
And then after a while, it just got ludicrous because he started bashing Bitcoin.
And I realized he's just really kicking himself because It would have completely changed his career.
Instead of being in these foreign gold mining stocks priced in currencies other than the dollar, and he's lost his clients 80 and 90 percent.
He would have had this amazing career, but he blew it.
As far as those 10,000 Bitcoin that you talk about that we talked about on your show, it's wrong to say that they are lost.
You know, they're not lost.
You know, I offered to give your audience 10,000 coins back when it was under $5 as a way to spread the love, and it never happened.
But I think it's incorrect to say they are lost.
So, moving along... No, you're right.
Other smart people, other smart people got them, or you gave them away to other people.
We know that, yeah.
They're not lost.
So, let's talk about... Yeah, they're probably right there in your wallet.
Hand... I will now take them.
That's not going to happen.
They're all confiscatable.
I understand.
Which is the beautiful part about Bitcoin.
I'm coming to your house.
Go ahead.
They're not here.
No, I use Multisig, you know, which is a very advanced protection.
Well, that's another question.
What is it like for people?
What is it like for somebody safety-wise that is obviously sitting on top of a pile of Bitcoin that would rival Smog's hoard of gold?
I go to keys.casa, which is another company you should check out.
They offer the best security in the industry.
It's called Multiple Signature.
It's like having keys to a safe deposit box where you need multiple keys to open up the safe deposit box.
It's like launching nuclear weapons.
Yep, exactly.
And so that's where it all is.
Even if you were to kidnap me and put a gun to my head, you still couldn't have access to my coins.
The way that the security is set up over at Keys.Casa, they are the best in the industry, along with Swan.
I only talk really about two companies, Swan and Keys.Casa.
And those are the two outstanding companies.
You get those two together and you've got the maximum security and you've got the easiest, cheapest way to acquire Bitcoin through SWAN.
Those are the two, the path to making it on individually wealthy.
Just do dollar cost averaging.
Let Bitcoin do for you what you can't do for yourself.
Do you think I'm smart?
Do you think I'm smart?
Because my gut level, when I was trying to get you on yesterday, I told my wife, I said, I think now's the time for you to buy some Bitcoin.
She wants to buy a little, and she listens to me.
And I said, I'm going to ask Max Keiser for you on air.
She said, will you ask Max?
Is this a good time for her to probably buy some?
Any day is a good day.
But after we've had this correction, and I've seen 15 corrections over 11 years, and this is the eighth biggest one, it always pays to buy on these pullbacks.
And it always will be.
This is a gift.
That, you know, and I said in a couple of weeks you're going to see new all-time highs, so above 65,000.
I'm going to be in Miami June 4th.
I'm going to be at the Miami Bitcoin Conference, so I can sneak you in if you're interested.
It's going to be the biggest event in America.
It's going to have the biggest names in Bitcoin.
When is it again?
It's going to be huge!
June 4th and 5th.
I think Tim Dillon is going to be there.
Yeah, Tim Dillon is going to be there.
And Tony Hawk is going to be there.
I'm going to be there, of course.
Well, let me say this.
You haven't been wrong yet about the Bitcoin.
You made a lot of predictions that have come true.
You've been really accurate on the Bitcoin.
You've been frighteningly accurate.
So I hope you're right about this.
It's up 300% in one year.
Just if you go back a year, it's up 300%.
So pull back a little, it's meaningless.
It's going to be at $60,000, $70,000 in another few weeks.
It's going to be at $220,000 in 2021.
Here's my last point on this, and I'm just a guy that looks at this just organically, not as a wizard like you, seriously.
All I see is China coming out with a horrible coin that they track control, that they admit they will devalue if they want, or increase value.
They admit it's all rigged.
Yeah, it's garbage!
And then it's going to elapse out and go bad at a certain point.
So if a government or somebody came up with something as good and was backing it, I might say, okay, but clearly there's a hunger for cryptocurrencies.
No, wrong.
Let me tell you something.
By definition, you're wrong because you're saying if a government does dot, dot, dot.
That by definition is a centralized project.
Bitcoin is decentralized.
Nobody controls it.
So what I'm getting at is exactly nothing has the purity of this so far or the long running streak.
Here's all I'm saying is I don't see anything out there that even begins to contend with Bitcoin.
No, nothing.
Everything else is centralized garbage.
Even those hard forks, like Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, have failed to capture any meaningful share.
They're dying on the vine.
I would liken this to aerodynamics.
Like, they have some jets and designs that were built in the 50s, like the S71 Blackbird, that they still, with computers, have trouble making a better fuselage.
And so it's like that first really clean animal, where they tried all these others before, like you said, and finally it was done right, and boom, it's that miracle, and there it is.
And now it can't be duplicated.
That's exactly right.
Great example.
I'll give you another one.
The protocol that runs the Internet.
That came out and it runs the Internet and it's never been surpassed and it never will be because it's entrenched now in our daily lives.
And so Bitcoin is, as you point out, it's perfect when it came out after 20 years of trying.
And now it's changing the global economy and nothing can come along to displace it.
You can only create digital scarcity once.
And that's what happened on January 3rd, 2009.
And you see what's happening with these countries and these people like Paul Krugman panicking.
They're trying to throw out all the propaganda they can to derail this thing, but they simply can't do it.
It's gobbling up all the energy, all the fiat money's pouring into it.
I think it's going to look like a beach ball you hold under when they release it.
It's going to explode.
Max Keiser, thank you, my friend.
Yep, you got it.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schroer is coming up in about 13 minutes at 6 o'clock Central, 7 o'clock Eastern, 5
o'clock Mountain.
That'll be 4 o'clock Pacific.
With Sunday Live, and he is loaded for bear as usual.
He's so hungry to fight the Globals, just like me, he comes in on Sundays, not just five days a week, 3 to 6 p.m.
with the War Room that he hosts on the InfoWars Network.
Didn't take any calls tonight.
I'm going to take a lot of calls this next week.
I kept my promise.
Before last, when I was in town, we took a ton of calls.
Over 300 calls that week.
I intend to break that.
I want to take 500 calls.
500 calls next week.
100 calls a day.
It's going to wear out the folks answering the phones, but we're going to do it.
So, look forward to that.
It was Scott Bronson, one of our weekday producers, that sent me a video that I'd seen many years ago that they pulled off YouTube because, you know, can't have anybody out there disagreeing with big pharma that vaccines have hurt people before.
But this is from 1976.
I was two years old when 60 Minutes did a report And of course, this is really a whitewash.
It turned out tens of thousands died from the swine flu vaccine.
And I just showed you the discoverer of HIV saying that the vaccine's dangerous and that it's going to cause autoimmune disorders and heart attacks.
Oh, oh, and I almost forgot.
That's mainstream news today.
That's mainstream news.
In fact, when we come back after this clip, I'm going to show you some of the articles where they're admitting heart attacks in young people who are totally healthy from the different vaccines.
Scientists warned it would, because they've done similar studies on similar mRNA vaccines and these protein-based vaccines before.
So this is insane, folks.
They knew it would do this, and they're doing it.
And you ask, why?
Well, they're going to commit a massive crime, get so many people signed on to it.
Parents, doctors, lawyers, scientists, Congress.
Trump won't go back now.
He's stubborn.
And then when there's mass death and illness from it that weighs down the whole world, People won't admit that it happened and they'll go get more.
And you see the women on TV, well I'm paralyzed but I'll still get more.
Or well my daughter died but it was good to take it.
Or Ben Stein, well I almost died but I'm glad I took it.
Then they go out and get COVID-19 again.
So oh, let's turn the PCR test down from 40 to 28.
It's just fraud on top of fraud.
So I'll be covering this throughout the week, and I'm going to go back to the last few months of news and just get all the bombshells that have broken, like the one that broke two weeks ago.
There was a blip on the radar screen.
Fauci admits half the CDC and NIH have taken the shot.
And I talked to medical doctors.
They tell me, yeah, about half the nurses and doctors are refusing at regular practices.
My dad's a physician.
No one he knows is a physician is taking it.
The doctors won't take it, but we're supposed to.
And Bloomberg and others are saying, let's force the public to take shots now.
I'll be covering that when we kick the show off tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Oh, and I almost forgot.
Nick Fuentes, I don't want to call him pro-Palestinian.
He just doesn't think we should put Israel first.
He's going to be debating Robert Barnes, who thinks that Israel's doing the right thing over there.
They have a ceasefire, all the rest of it.
We're going to have a debate, 6 to like 9 p.m.
It's going to be an hour and a half debate, but we'll, afterwards, take calls and get your take on it.
But it kicks off at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, live, no commercials, unedited, The Great Debate, Middle Eastern Crisis, Tuesday, May 25th, 2021, 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time, Barnes versus Fuentes.
And they're both smart guys, this should be interesting.
It's greatdebate.news.
Let's go ahead now, ladies and gentlemen, and go to that 16 minutes report from 1976.
Dr. Michael Hatwick directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC.
His job was to find out what possible complications could arise from taking the shot and to report his findings to those in charge.
Did you know ahead of time, Dr. Hatwick, that there had been case reports of neurological disorders, neurological illness, apparently associated with the injection of influenza vaccine?
You did?
How'd you know that?
By review of the literature.
So you told your superiors, the men in charge of the swine flu immunization program, about the possibility of neurological disorders?
What would you say if I told you that your superiors say that you never told them about the possibility of neurological complications?
That's nonsense.
I can't believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination.
That simply is not true.
We did know that.
I've said that Dr. Hatwick never told me of his feelings on this subject.
And he's lying.
I guess you would have to make that assumption.
Then why does this report from your own agency, dated July 1976, list neurological complications
as a possibility?
I think the consensus of the scientific community was that the evidence relating neurologic
disorders to influenza immunization was such that they did not feel that this association
was a real one.
You didn't feel it was necessary to tell the American people that information?
Uh, I think that over the years we have tried to inform the American people as fully as possible.
As part of informing Americans about the swine flu threat, Dr. Sensor's CDC also helped create the advertising to get the public to take the shot.
You're in charge.
Somebody's in charge.
There are... This is your advertising strategy that I have a copy of here.
Who's it signed by?
This one is unsigned.
But you'll acknowledge that it was your baby, so to speak.
Folks, you realize the CDC is a for-profit company with governmental protections.
You do realize they own a controlling interest in all the vaccines ever approved here in the United States.
And similar scams are run worldwide.
You do know Bill Gates brags that he makes 20 to 1 profits off his vaccine investments.
Which then are tax-exempt.
So, again, they have liability protection given to them in 1986, a decade after what you just saw there.
And later, they pulled the swine flu vaccine when it turned out that it killed a bunch of people.
You know, autism wasn't even something 40 years ago.
The term wasn't invented yet.
Kind of like pediatric cancer.
Doctors in the 50s and 60s would get on an airplane and fly across the United States to see a child with cancer.
It was like finding a unicorn.
Now you can't swing a stick and not hit children with cancer.
There's a lot of reasons that's happening, but let's expand on autism.
In 1980, look up the numbers, 1 in 35,000 children had autism.
Today it's 1 in 58.
And some numbers show this by the year 2030, it's going to be 1 in 22.
Hell, in South Korea it's already 1 in 30-something.
Look it up for yourself.
Sudden infant death syndrome.
They know that's vaccines in babies.
Babies have always slept on their faces.
The Australian government did two studies and had to find, okay, it's the vaccines.
Oh, your baby got a shot today.
We don't know why it's dead the next morning.
You know, when a bee stings somebody, and thousands die a year from bee stings, they swell up, die, didn't get an ambulance call, didn't take an EpiPen, didn't know what to do, they go, oh, they died from anaphylactic shock from a bee!
When a cobra bites you or a rattlesnake, and you die, they say, a black widow, a brown recluse, but when it's a vaccine, the very medical system that's pushing it on you says, we don't know what did it.
That is the reality, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, that's a global western average.
Oh, by the way, autism didn't exist in the third world until they started the MMR shots, now it doesn't.
Oh, breast cancer didn't exist, basically, in Brazil.
Now that Roundup's been adopted for 20-something years, they're just as bad as us.
And almost every woman I know above the age of 45 ends up getting breast cancer and their breasts cut off.
But I shouldn't get upset about that, because, well, you know, there's just too many people, aren't there?
All right, look, I'm out of time.
I mentioned this.
Here's the article.
CDC investigating heart problems as teens, as young adults who took second doses of COVID vaccines having heart attacks.
That's a big article.
Canadian government lures children with ice cream to take COVID vaccines without parental consent.
They actually have the documents.
They're like, oh, just come get your ice cream, little children.
Like perverts, like pedophiles and, you know, ice cream trucks.
Same deal.
Same allure.
And it just goes on.
Okay, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
But, Owen's about to take over two hours live.
If your station isn't carrying it, ask them to politely.
And, you can always tune in to band.video and fullwars.com forward slash show and share that link.
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Alright, Owen Schroeder takes over.
Groom Mason is a principal with St.
Joseph Partners, a gold and silver dealer that has helped clients buy, sell, and store precious metals for more than a decade.
For years, St.
Joseph has educated investors about the benefits of diversifying wealth in the metals and other work has been featured by numerous outlets such as Forbes and Fox.
Today, St.
Joseph's website makes two-way markets in over 150 forms of precious metals and prides itself on developing customized solutions to to meet individual client needs. Mason previously worked on
Wall Street for 15 years before leaving equities to pursue a career in precious metals. For
the last seven years, Mason has also been the portfolio manager of the Palos Harbor Fund, a
fund that invests on behalf of accredited investors in physical gold, silver, platinum,
palladium, and rhodium, anticipating a return of inflation. He's been warning of
this for a long time. Now that inflation has reared its ugly head, and he's here with us
for the Balance of the Hour.
Great to have you here, sir.
Praise be Jesus for all our blessings.
Thank you for having me.
It's good to have you here.
Wow, well, I mean, you're an expert on the markets.
You've made a lot of accurate predictions.
What's going on right now?
Right now, the equity markets in the U.S.
are at a valuation that's 40% above The prior bubble in the dot-com era.
It's not to say it can't go higher, but again, as you think about how do you want to allocate, 99% of Americans don't have any physical gold yet.
That is not a well-constructed portfolio, I believe, in this landscape that we have.
One of the things, Alex, you said was, how should people buy it?
My suggestion to you would be to buy small form gold, preferably coins that are minted by a sovereign mint, meaning they're so easily recognizable.
A beautiful thing about gold is that when it comes from a mint like that, it's so easily proven to be real.
That means when you go to sell it, you'll have liquidity.
People will recognize it's real and you won't have any friction as you would with a bigger bar.
The second thing Alex and I had talked about was an allocation.
Some of the smartest people in finance say you want a 5 to 10 percent allocation.
But I'd say to you the key thing is to just get a toe in the water.
Get some, see how it works, take it down, get comfortable with the space requirements, you know, if you're going to store it in insured storage.
But just get some and you can work your way to what you conclude for your situation is the best allocation.
Rule number one for your portfolio construction should be you want to have some asset in your portfolio that does well when the others don't.
Since gold has been allowed to trade freely, it has what's called a negative correlation to real estate, bonds, and stocks.
That is a beautiful attribute for a portfolio.
It's a hedge.
It's a hedge.
I'm buying some today.
No, seriously.
No matter how far you go back in time, it has worked in preserving wealth.
It has sustained wars, it has sustained insurrections, it's sustained foolish government policy.
When things collapse, gold's king out of the whole pantheon of metals.
But having something recognized around the world, something that's...
portable, something that's easy to hide, that's the reason I'm getting back into gold and silver,
is because of that. I mean, to me, that's the real reason.
Just like pirates would bury their treasure, I mean, at the end of the day, you can't trust
any of this in this authoritarian climate other than something you can hide. You know, gold
is the only asset that I see that is supported by financial history, by the laws of
finance, and Alex, bridging into what you kindly just brought up, I believe gold is the only
asset that the Good Book specifically counsels us to buy so that we may grow wealthy.
And triangulating on those three, again, I believe it solidifies the case for having some in a portfolio today.
Infowarsgold.com in partnership with St.
Go to Infowarsgold.com.
It's a full spectrum of all their products right there.
They're great people.
And I only promote what I feel good about.
And it's very, very simple.
And I believe in gold and silver just as important as firearms, just as important as water filtration.
It's horrible food.
So for those of you that have the means gold and silver right now, they have it for small pieces, big pieces.
They have a whole bunch of it ready for you right now.
And I want to thank our guest Drew Mason for joining us.
Drew, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the number one trends on social media lately has been, Alex Jones was right.
And so we now have the t-shirt at Infowarsstore.com, Alex Jones was right.
Make it a viral trend on the streets as well, so that people around you can wake up And tune into the broadcast to understand that we truly are next year's news today.
But I was going through our t-shirts and I just was reminded how many great t-shirts we have.
There are so many and guess what?
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Let me show you some of the new ones we have.
That's right, mask free.
Now you know the left is a little confused right now.
Do they trust the science and take off the mask now?
Or do they continue to make their political statement by wearing the mask?
Well, make your statement that you're not going to be a slave, you're not going to be subject to tyranny, you are mask free.
And really trigger them.
But there's other statements you can make.
Like, the media is the virus.
That will really get people thinking outside of the box to think hmm you know we just had this whole pandemic I was supposed to be scared of but the vaccines aren't working and the masks didn't never work but maybe it was the media that was the virus and then on the back Info Wars is the cure.
But maybe you don't like it in red.
So then get this design in neon green and make an even louder statement.
And as you can see, a little different artwork on this one.
I love the neon green Info Wars patch on the sleeve and once again on the back.
Info Wars is the cure.
We have an entire catalog of t-shirts at Infowarsstore.com.
I implore you to go check them out.
And remember, shopping at Infowarsstore.com is how you support the broadcast.
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